Advice needed please: what I can do to decrease the likelihood of it chopping people's heads off so often ?

by Twinwaffle - opened

Hi folks,

Is there anything I can do to decrease the likelihood of it chopping people's heads off so often? Objects too, anything.. Is there some magic keyword? :)


See the following Reddit post where this has been discussed. I personally try using "head and shoulders portrait" or "full body portrait", which helps. They suggest possibly describing the head in more detail.

apart from the mentioned in the Reddit post above, you can use

types of shots--like eg -- close up shot, portrait shot, head & shoulders, full body as mentioned by @Crescent1967 , wide angle, ultra wide angle depending on the scene

lenses -- eg 85mm, 105mm, 24mm - depending on the scene you want to create

Composition-- mention Rule of thirds, golden ratio composition, or perfect composition

i hardly get any Top cut Heads anymore using one or combinations of the above parameters

Helpful answer!

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