tts / vietTTS /nat /
tobiccino's picture
history blame
No virus
6.45 kB
import haiku as hk
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.numpy import ndarray
from .config import FLAGS, AcousticInput, DurationInput
class TokenEncoder(hk.Module):
"""Encode phonemes/text to vector"""
def __init__(self, vocab_size, lstm_dim, dropout_rate, is_training=True):
self.is_training = is_training
self.embed = hk.Embed(vocab_size, lstm_dim)
self.conv1 = hk.Conv1D(lstm_dim, 3, padding="SAME")
self.conv2 = hk.Conv1D(lstm_dim, 3, padding="SAME")
self.conv3 = hk.Conv1D(lstm_dim, 3, padding="SAME")
self.bn1 = hk.BatchNorm(True, True, 0.9)
self.bn2 = hk.BatchNorm(True, True, 0.9)
self.bn3 = hk.BatchNorm(True, True, 0.9)
self.lstm_fwd = hk.LSTM(lstm_dim)
self.lstm_bwd = hk.ResetCore(hk.LSTM(lstm_dim))
self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate
def __call__(self, x, lengths):
x = self.embed(x)
x = jax.nn.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x), is_training=self.is_training))
if self.is_training:
x = hk.dropout(hk.next_rng_key(), self.dropout_rate, x)
x = jax.nn.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x), is_training=self.is_training))
if self.is_training:
x = hk.dropout(hk.next_rng_key(), self.dropout_rate, x)
x = jax.nn.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x), is_training=self.is_training))
if self.is_training:
x = hk.dropout(hk.next_rng_key(), self.dropout_rate, x)
B, L, _ = x.shape
mask = jnp.arange(0, L)[None, :] >= (lengths[:, None] - 1)
h0c0_fwd = self.lstm_fwd.initial_state(B)
new_hx_fwd, _ = hk.dynamic_unroll(self.lstm_fwd, x, h0c0_fwd, time_major=False)
x_bwd, mask_bwd = jax.tree_map(lambda x: jnp.flip(x, axis=1), (x, mask))
h0c0_bwd = self.lstm_bwd.initial_state(B)
new_hx_bwd, _ = hk.dynamic_unroll(
self.lstm_bwd, (x_bwd, mask_bwd), h0c0_bwd, time_major=False
x = jnp.concatenate((new_hx_fwd, jnp.flip(new_hx_bwd, axis=1)), axis=-1)
return x
class DurationModel(hk.Module):
"""Duration model of phonemes."""
def __init__(self, is_training=True):
self.is_training = is_training
self.encoder = TokenEncoder(
self.projection = hk.Sequential(
[hk.Linear(FLAGS.duration_lstm_dim), jax.nn.gelu, hk.Linear(1)]
def __call__(self, inputs: DurationInput):
x = self.encoder(inputs.phonemes, inputs.lengths)
x = jnp.squeeze(self.projection(x), axis=-1)
x = jax.nn.softplus(x)
return x
class AcousticModel(hk.Module):
"""Predict melspectrogram from aligned phonemes"""
def __init__(self, is_training=True):
self.is_training = is_training
self.encoder = TokenEncoder(
FLAGS.vocab_size, FLAGS.acoustic_encoder_dim, 0.5, is_training
self.decoder = hk.deep_rnn_with_skip_connections(
[hk.LSTM(FLAGS.acoustic_decoder_dim), hk.LSTM(FLAGS.acoustic_decoder_dim)]
self.projection = hk.Linear(FLAGS.mel_dim)
# prenet
self.prenet_fc1 = hk.Linear(256, with_bias=False)
self.prenet_fc2 = hk.Linear(256, with_bias=False)
# posnet
self.postnet_convs = [hk.Conv1D(FLAGS.postnet_dim, 5) for _ in range(4)]
self.postnet_convs.append(hk.Conv1D(FLAGS.mel_dim, 5))
self.postnet_bns = [hk.BatchNorm(True, True, 0.9) for _ in range(4)] + [None]
def prenet(self, x, dropout=0.5):
x = jax.nn.relu(self.prenet_fc1(x))
x = hk.dropout(hk.next_rng_key(), dropout, x)
x = jax.nn.relu(self.prenet_fc2(x))
x = hk.dropout(hk.next_rng_key(), dropout, x)
return x
def upsample(self, x, durations, L):
ruler = jnp.arange(0, L)[None, :] # B, L
end_pos = jnp.cumsum(durations, axis=1)
mid_pos = end_pos - durations / 2 # B, T
d2 = jnp.square((mid_pos[:, None, :] - ruler[:, :, None])) / 10.0
w = jax.nn.softmax(-d2, axis=-1)
hk.set_state("attn", w[0])
x = jnp.einsum("BLT,BTD->BLD", w, x)
return x
def postnet(self, mel: ndarray) -> ndarray:
x = mel
for conv, bn in zip(self.postnet_convs, self.postnet_bns):
x = conv(x)
if bn is not None:
x = bn(x, is_training=self.is_training)
x = jnp.tanh(x)
x = hk.dropout(hk.next_rng_key(), 0.5, x) if self.is_training else x
return x
def inference(self, tokens, durations, n_frames):
B, L = tokens.shape
lengths = jnp.array([L], dtype=jnp.int32)
x = self.encoder(tokens, lengths)
x = self.upsample(x, durations, n_frames)
def loop_fn(inputs, state):
cond = inputs
prev_mel, hxcx = state
prev_mel = self.prenet(prev_mel)
x = jnp.concatenate((cond, prev_mel), axis=-1)
x, new_hxcx = self.decoder(x, hxcx)
x = self.projection(x)
return x, (x, new_hxcx)
state = (
jnp.zeros((B, FLAGS.mel_dim), dtype=jnp.float32),
x, _ = hk.dynamic_unroll(loop_fn, x, state, time_major=False)
residual = self.postnet(x)
return x + residual
def __call__(self, inputs: AcousticInput):
x = self.encoder(inputs.phonemes, inputs.lengths)
x = self.upsample(x, inputs.durations, inputs.mels.shape[1])
mels = self.prenet(inputs.mels)
x = jnp.concatenate((x, mels), axis=-1)
B, L, _ = x.shape
hx = self.decoder.initial_state(B)
def zoneout_decoder(inputs, prev_state):
x, mask = inputs
x, state = self.decoder(x, prev_state)
state = jax.tree_map(
lambda m, s1, s2: s1 * m + s2 * (1 - m), mask, prev_state, state
return x, state
mask = jax.tree_map(
lambda x: jax.random.bernoulli(hk.next_rng_key(), 0.1, (B, L, x.shape[-1])),
x, _ = hk.dynamic_unroll(zoneout_decoder, (x, mask), hx, time_major=False)
x = self.projection(x)
residual = self.postnet(x)
return x, x + residual