Control lora segmentation

by nxaqan - opened

Are you planning release segmentation control lora model as well?

I found one from community but it doesnt work. It would be great if released by stability ai control lora seg model or Tencent t2i segmentation adapter compatible with ADE20k semantic segmentation dataset

I'm more interesten in coco format, for my cases it works beter for some reason

I'm more interesten in coco format, for my cases it works beter for some reason

Do you know such control model compatible with SDXL?

Do you know such control model compatible with SDXL?

Unfortunately no
If you find any segmentation controlnet model fo SDXL, please write a comment here

Do you know such control model compatible with SDXL?

Unfortunately no
If you find any segmentation controlnet model fo SDXL, please write a comment here I found this one but doesnt work well

Yes, I've seen this one too
It's not what I needed

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