3v324v23's picture
history blame
49.6 kB
import os
import torch
import numpy as np
import math
from torchvision import transforms
from torchvision.ops import masks_to_boxes
import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF
import torch.nn.functional as torchfn
import subprocess
import sys
cached_clipseg_model = None
VERY_BIG_SIZE = 1024 * 1024
package_list = None
def update_package_list():
import sys
import subprocess
global package_list
package_list = [r.decode().split('==')[0] for r in subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'freeze']).split()]
def ensure_package(package_name, import_path=None):
global package_list
if import_path == None:
import_path = package_name
if package_list == None:
if package_name not in package_list:
print("(First Run) Installing missing package %s" % package_name)
subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', '-q', 'install', import_path])
def tensor2mask(t: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
size = t.size()
if (len(size) < 4):
return t
if size[3] == 1:
return t[:,:,:,0]
elif size[3] == 4:
# Not sure what the right thing to do here is. Going to try to be a little smart and use alpha unless all alpha is 1 in case we'll fallback to RGB behavior
if torch.min(t[:, :, :, 3]).item() != 1.:
return t[:,:,:,3]
return TF.rgb_to_grayscale(tensor2rgb(t).permute(0,3,1,2), num_output_channels=1)[:,0,:,:]
def tensor2rgb(t: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
size = t.size()
if (len(size) < 4):
return t.unsqueeze(3).repeat(1, 1, 1, 3)
if size[3] == 1:
return t.repeat(1, 1, 1, 3)
elif size[3] == 4:
return t[:, :, :, :3]
return t
def tensor2rgba(t: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
size = t.size()
if (len(size) < 4):
return t.unsqueeze(3).repeat(1, 1, 1, 4)
elif size[3] == 1:
return t.repeat(1, 1, 1, 4)
elif size[3] == 3:
alpha_tensor = torch.ones((size[0], size[1], size[2], 1))
return torch.cat((t, alpha_tensor), dim=3)
return t
def tensor2batch(t: torch.Tensor, bs: torch.Size) -> torch.Tensor:
if len(t.size()) < len(bs):
t = t.unsqueeze(3)
if t.size()[0] < bs[0]:
t.repeat(bs[0], 1, 1, 1)
dim = bs[3]
if dim == 1:
return tensor2mask(t)
elif dim == 3:
return tensor2rgb(t)
elif dim == 4:
return tensor2rgba(t)
def tensors2common(t1: torch.Tensor, t2: torch.Tensor) -> (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor):
t1s = t1.size()
t2s = t2.size()
if len(t1s) < len(t2s):
t1 = t1.unsqueeze(3)
elif len(t1s) > len(t2s):
t2 = t2.unsqueeze(3)
if len(t1.size()) == 3:
if t1s[0] < t2s[0]:
t1 = t1.repeat(t2s[0], 1, 1)
elif t1s[0] > t2s[0]:
t2 = t2.repeat(t1s[0], 1, 1)
if t1s[0] < t2s[0]:
t1 = t1.repeat(t2s[0], 1, 1, 1)
elif t1s[0] > t2s[0]:
t2 = t2.repeat(t1s[0], 1, 1, 1)
t1s = t1.size()
t2s = t2.size()
if len(t1s) > 3 and t1s[3] < t2s[3]:
return tensor2batch(t1, t2s), t2
elif len(t1s) > 3 and t1s[3] > t2s[3]:
return t1, tensor2batch(t2, t1s)
return t1, t2
class ClipSegNode:
Automatically calculates a mask based on the text prompt
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"image": ("IMAGE",),
"prompt": ("STRING", {"multiline": True}),
"negative_prompt": ("STRING", {"multiline": True}),
"precision": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.5, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.01}),
"normalize": (["no", "yes"],),
RETURN_NAMES = ("thresholded_mask", "raw_mask",)
FUNCTION = "get_mask"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def get_mask(self, image, prompt, negative_prompt, precision, normalize):
model = self.load_model()
image = tensor2rgb(image)
B, H, W, _ = image.shape
# clipseg only works on square images, so we'll just use the larger dimension
# TODO - Should we pad instead of resize?
used_dim = max(W, H)
transform = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]),
transforms.Resize((used_dim, used_dim), antialias=True) ])
img = transform(image.permute(0, 3, 1, 2))
prompts = prompt.split(DELIMITER)
negative_prompts = negative_prompt.split(DELIMITER) if negative_prompt != '' else []
with torch.no_grad():
# Optimize me: Could do positive and negative prompts as part of one batch
dup_prompts = [item for item in prompts for _ in range(B)]
preds = model(img.repeat(len(prompts), 1, 1, 1), dup_prompts)[0]
dup_neg_prompts = [item for item in negative_prompts for _ in range(B)]
negative_preds = model(img.repeat(len(negative_prompts), 1, 1, 1), dup_neg_prompts)[0] if len(negative_prompts) > 0 else None
preds = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(preds, size=(H, W), mode='nearest')
preds = torch.sigmoid(preds)
preds = preds.reshape(len(prompts), B, H, W)
mask = torch.max(preds, dim=0).values
if len(negative_prompts) > 0:
negative_preds = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(negative_preds, size=(H, W), mode='nearest')
negative_preds = torch.sigmoid(negative_preds)
negative_preds = negative_preds.reshape(len(negative_prompts), B, H, W)
mask_neg = torch.max(negative_preds, dim=0).values
mask = torch.min(mask, 1. - mask_neg)
if normalize == "yes":
mask_min = torch.min(mask)
mask_max = torch.max(mask)
mask_range = mask_max - mask_min
mask = (mask - mask_min) / mask_range
thresholded = torch.where(mask >= precision, 1., 0.)
# import code
# code.interact(local=locals())
return (thresholded.to(device=image.device), mask.to(device=image.device),)
def load_model(self):
global cached_clipseg_model
if cached_clipseg_model == None:
ensure_package("clipseg", "clipseg@git+https://github.com/timojl/clipseg.git@bbc86cfbb7e6a47fb6dae47ba01d3e1c2d6158b0")
from clipseg.clipseg import CLIPDensePredT
model = CLIPDensePredT(version='ViT-B/16', reduce_dim=64, complex_trans_conv=True)
d64_file = self.download_and_cache('rd64-uni-refined.pth', 'https://owncloud.gwdg.de/index.php/s/ioHbRzFx6th32hn/download?path=%2F&files=rd64-uni-refined.pth')
d16_file = self.download_and_cache('rd16-uni.pth', 'https://owncloud.gwdg.de/index.php/s/ioHbRzFx6th32hn/download?path=%2F&files=rd16-uni.pth')
# Use CUDA if it's available
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(d64_file, map_location=device), strict=False)
model = model.eval().to(device=device)
cached_clipseg_model = model
return cached_clipseg_model
def download_and_cache(self, cache_name, url):
cache_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'download_cache')
os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True)
file_name = os.path.join(cache_dir, cache_name)
if not os.path.exists(file_name):
print(f'Downloading and caching file: {cache_name}')
with open(file_name, 'wb') as file:
import requests
r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
for block in r.iter_content(4096):
print('Finished downloading.')
return file_name
class MaskMorphologyNode:
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"image": ("IMAGE",),
"distance": ("INT", {"default": 5, "min": 0, "max": 128, "step": 1}),
"op": (["dilate", "erode", "open", "close"],),
FUNCTION = "morph"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def morph(self, image, distance, op):
image = tensor2mask(image)
if op == "dilate":
image = self.dilate(image, distance)
elif op == "erode":
image = self.erode(image, distance)
elif op == "open":
image = self.erode(image, distance)
image = self.dilate(image, distance)
elif op == "close":
image = self.dilate(image, distance)
image = self.erode(image, distance)
return (image,)
def erode(self, image, distance):
return 1. - self.dilate(1. - image, distance)
def dilate(self, image, distance):
kernel_size = 1 + distance * 2
# Add the channels dimension
image = image.unsqueeze(1)
out = torchfn.max_pool2d(image, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=1, padding=kernel_size // 2).squeeze(1)
return out
class MaskCombineOp:
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"image1": ("IMAGE",),
"image2": ("IMAGE",),
"op": (["union (max)", "intersection (min)", "difference", "multiply", "multiply_alpha", "add", "greater_or_equal", "greater"],),
"clamp_result": (["yes", "no"],),
"round_result": (["no", "yes"],),
FUNCTION = "combine"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def combine(self, image1, image2, op, clamp_result, round_result):
image1, image2 = tensors2common(image1, image2)
if op == "union (max)":
result = torch.max(image1, image2)
elif op == "intersection (min)":
result = torch.min(image1, image2)
elif op == "difference":
result = image1 - image2
elif op == "multiply":
result = image1 * image2
elif op == "multiply_alpha":
image1 = tensor2rgba(image1)
image2 = tensor2mask(image2)
result = torch.cat((image1[:, :, :, :3], (image1[:, :, :, 3] * image2).unsqueeze(3)), dim=3)
elif op == "add":
result = image1 + image2
elif op == "greater_or_equal":
result = torch.where(image1 >= image2, 1., 0.)
elif op == "greater":
result = torch.where(image1 > image2, 1., 0.)
if clamp_result == "yes":
result = torch.min(torch.max(result, torch.tensor(0.)), torch.tensor(1.))
if round_result == "yes":
result = torch.round(result)
return (result,)
class UnaryMaskOp:
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"image": ("IMAGE",),
"op": (["invert", "average", "round", "clamp", "abs"],),
FUNCTION = "op_mask"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def op_mask(self, image, op):
image = tensor2mask(image)
if op == "invert":
return (1. - image,)
elif op == "average":
mean = torch.mean(torch.mean(image,dim=2),dim=1)
return (mean.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, image.shape[1], image.shape[2]),)
elif op == "round":
return (torch.round(image),)
elif op == "clamp":
return (torch.min(torch.max(image, torch.tensor(0.)), torch.tensor(1.)),)
elif op == "abs":
return (torch.abs(image),)
class UnaryImageOp:
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"image": ("IMAGE",),
"op": (["invert", "average", "round", "clamp", "abs"],),
FUNCTION = "op_image"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def op_image(self, image, op):
image = tensor2rgb(image)
if op == "invert":
return (1. - image,)
elif op == "average":
mean = torch.mean(torch.mean(image,dim=2),dim=1)
return (mean.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, image.shape[1], image.shape[2], 1),)
elif op == "round":
return (torch.round(image),)
elif op == "clamp":
return (torch.min(torch.max(image, torch.tensor(0.)), torch.tensor(1.)),)
elif op == "abs":
return (torch.abs(image),)
class BlurNode:
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"image": ("IMAGE",),
"radius": ("INT", {"default": 10, "min": 0, "max": 48, "step": 1}),
"sigma_factor": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.01, "max": 3., "step": 0.01}),
def gaussian_blur(self, image, kernel_size, sigma):
# I'll be honest, I'm not sure this calculation is actually correct for a Gaussian blur, but it looks close enough
kernel = torch.Tensor(kernel_size, kernel_size).to(device=image.device)
center = kernel_size // 2
variance = sigma**2
for i in range(kernel_size):
for j in range(kernel_size):
x = i - center
y = j - center
kernel[i, j] = math.exp(-(x**2 + y**2)/(2*variance))
kernel /= kernel.sum()
# Pad the input tensor
padding = (kernel_size - 1) // 2
input_pad = torch.nn.functional.pad(image, (padding, padding, padding, padding), mode='reflect')
# Reshape the padded input tensor for batched convolution
batch_size, num_channels, height, width = image.shape
input_reshaped = input_pad.reshape(batch_size*num_channels, 1, height+padding*2, width+padding*2)
# Perform batched convolution with the Gaussian kernel
output_reshaped = torch.nn.functional.conv2d(input_reshaped, kernel.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0))
# Reshape the output tensor to its original shape
output_tensor = output_reshaped.reshape(batch_size, num_channels, height, width)
return output_tensor
FUNCTION = "blur"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def blur(self, image, radius, sigma_factor):
if len(image.size()) == 3:
image = image.unsqueeze(3)
image = image.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
kernel_size = radius * 2 + 1
sigma = sigma_factor * (0.6 * radius - 0.3)
result = self.gaussian_blur(image, kernel_size, sigma).permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
if result.size()[3] == 1:
result = result[:, :, :, 0]
return (result,)
class ImageToMask:
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"image": ("IMAGE",),
"method": (["intensity", "alpha"],),
FUNCTION = "convert"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def convert(self, image, method):
if method == "intensity":
if len(image.shape) > 3 and image.shape[3] == 4:
image = tensor2rgb(image)
return (tensor2mask(image),)
return (tensor2rgba(image)[:,:,:,0],)
class MixByMask:
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"image1": ("IMAGE",),
"image2": ("IMAGE",),
"mask": ("IMAGE",),
FUNCTION = "mix"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def mix(self, image1, image2, mask):
image1, image2 = tensors2common(image1, image2)
mask = tensor2batch(mask, image1.size())
return (image1 * (1. - mask) + image2 * mask,)
class MixColorByMask:
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"image": ("IMAGE",),
"r": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 255, "step": 1}),
"g": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 255, "step": 1}),
"b": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 255, "step": 1}),
"mask": ("IMAGE",),
FUNCTION = "mix"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def mix(self, image, r, g, b, mask):
r, g, b = r / 255., g / 255., b / 255.
image_size = image.size()
image2 = torch.tensor([r, g, b]).to(device=image.device).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).repeat(image_size[0], image_size[1], image_size[2], 1)
image, image2 = tensors2common(image, image2)
mask = tensor2batch(tensor2mask(mask), image.size())
return (image * (1. - mask) + image2 * mask,)
class CreateRectMask:
Creates a rectangle mask. If copy_image_size is provided, the image_width and image_height parameters are ignored and the size of the given images will be used instead.
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"mode": (["percent", "pixels"],),
"origin": (["topleft", "bottomleft", "topright", "bottomright"],),
"x": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": VERY_BIG_SIZE, "step": 1}),
"y": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": VERY_BIG_SIZE, "step": 1}),
"width": ("FLOAT", {"default": 50, "min": 0, "max": VERY_BIG_SIZE, "step": 1}),
"height": ("FLOAT", {"default": 50, "min": 0, "max": VERY_BIG_SIZE, "step": 1}),
"image_width": ("INT", {"default": 512, "min": 64, "max": VERY_BIG_SIZE, "step": 64}),
"image_height": ("INT", {"default": 512, "min": 64, "max": VERY_BIG_SIZE, "step": 64}),
"optional": {
"copy_image_size": ("IMAGE",),
FUNCTION = "create_mask"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def create_mask(self, mode, origin, x, y, width, height, image_width, image_height, copy_image_size = None):
min_x = x
min_y = y
max_x = min_x + width
max_y = min_y + height
if copy_image_size is not None:
size = copy_image_size.size()
image_width = size[2]
image_height = size[1]
if mode == "percent":
min_x = min_x / 100.0 * image_width
max_x = max_x / 100.0 * image_width
min_y = min_y / 100.0 * image_height
max_y = max_y / 100.0 * image_height
if origin == "bottomleft" or origin == "bottomright":
min_y, max_y = image_height - max_y, image_height - min_y
if origin == "topright" or origin == "bottomright":
min_x, max_x = image_width - max_x, image_width - min_x
mask = torch.zeros((image_height, image_width))
mask[int(min_y):int(max_y)+1, int(min_x):int(max_x)+1] = 1
return (mask.unsqueeze(0),)
class MaskToRegion:
Given a mask, returns a rectangular region that fits the mask with the given constraints
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"mask": ("IMAGE",),
"padding": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": VERY_BIG_SIZE, "step": 1}),
"constraints": (["keep_ratio", "keep_ratio_divisible", "multiple_of", "ignore"],),
"constraint_x": ("INT", {"default": 64, "min": 2, "max": VERY_BIG_SIZE, "step": 1}),
"constraint_y": ("INT", {"default": 64, "min": 2, "max": VERY_BIG_SIZE, "step": 1}),
"min_width": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": VERY_BIG_SIZE, "step": 1}),
"min_height": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": VERY_BIG_SIZE, "step": 1}),
"batch_behavior": (["match_ratio", "match_size"],),
FUNCTION = "get_region"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def get_region(self, mask, padding, constraints, constraint_x, constraint_y, min_width, min_height, batch_behavior):
mask = tensor2mask(mask)
mask_size = mask.size()
mask_width = int(mask_size[2])
mask_height = int(mask_size[1])
# masks_to_boxes errors if the tensor is all zeros, so we'll add a single pixel and zero it out at the end
is_empty = ~torch.gt(torch.max(torch.reshape(mask,[mask_size[0], mask_width * mask_height]), dim=1).values, 0.)
mask[is_empty,0,0] = 1.
boxes = masks_to_boxes(mask)
mask[is_empty,0,0] = 0.
# Account for padding
min_x = torch.max(boxes[:,0] - padding, torch.tensor(0.))
min_y = torch.max(boxes[:,1] - padding, torch.tensor(0.))
max_x = torch.min(boxes[:,2] + padding, torch.tensor(mask_width))
max_y = torch.min(boxes[:,3] + padding, torch.tensor(mask_height))
width = max_x - min_x
height = max_y - min_y
# Make sure the width and height are big enough
target_width = torch.max(width, torch.tensor(min_width))
target_height = torch.max(height, torch.tensor(min_height))
if constraints == "keep_ratio":
target_width = torch.max(target_width, target_height * constraint_x // constraint_y)
target_height = torch.max(target_height, target_width * constraint_y // constraint_x)
elif constraints == "keep_ratio_divisible":
# Probably a more efficient way to do this, but given the bounds it's not too bad
max_factors = torch.min(constraint_x // target_width, constraint_y // target_height)
max_factor = int(torch.max(max_factors).item())
for i in range(1, max_factor+1):
divisible = constraint_x % i == 0 and constraint_y % i == 0
if divisible:
big_enough = ~torch.lt(target_width, constraint_x // i) * ~torch.lt(target_height, constraint_y // i)
target_width[big_enough] = constraint_x // i
target_height[big_enough] = constraint_y // i
elif constraints == "multiple_of":
target_width[torch.gt(target_width % constraint_x, 0)] = (target_width // constraint_x + 1) * constraint_x
target_height[torch.gt(target_height % constraint_y, 0)] = (target_height // constraint_y + 1) * constraint_y
if batch_behavior == "match_size":
target_width[:] = torch.max(target_width)
target_height[:] = torch.max(target_height)
elif batch_behavior == "match_ratio":
# We'll target the ratio that's closest to 1:1, but don't want to take into account empty masks
ratios = torch.abs(target_width / target_height - 1)
ratios[is_empty] = 10000
match_ratio = torch.min(ratios,dim=0).indices.item()
target_width = torch.max(target_width, target_height * target_width[match_ratio] // target_height[match_ratio])
target_height = torch.max(target_height, target_width * target_height[match_ratio] // target_width[match_ratio])
missing = target_width - width
min_x = min_x - missing // 2
max_x = max_x + (missing - missing // 2)
missing = target_height - height
min_y = min_y - missing // 2
max_y = max_y + (missing - missing // 2)
# Move the region into range if needed
bad = torch.lt(min_x,0)
max_x[bad] -= min_x[bad]
min_x[bad] = 0
bad = torch.lt(min_y,0)
max_y[bad] -= min_y[bad]
min_y[bad] = 0
bad = torch.gt(max_x, mask_width)
min_x[bad] -= (max_x[bad] - mask_width)
max_x[bad] = mask_width
bad = torch.gt(max_y, mask_height)
min_y[bad] -= (max_y[bad] - mask_height)
max_y[bad] = mask_height
region = torch.zeros((mask_size[0], mask_height, mask_width))
for i in range(0, mask_size[0]):
if not is_empty[i]:
ymin = int(min_y[i].item())
ymax = int(max_y[i].item())
xmin = int(min_x[i].item())
xmax = int(max_x[i].item())
region[i, ymin:ymax+1, xmin:xmax+1] = 1
return (region,)
class CutByMask:
Cuts the image to the bounding box of the mask. If force_resize_width or force_resize_height are provided, the image will be resized to those dimensions. The `mask_mapping_optional` input can be provided from a 'Separate Mask Components' node to cut multiple pieces out of a single image in a batch.
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"image": ("IMAGE",),
"mask": ("IMAGE",),
"force_resize_width": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": VERY_BIG_SIZE, "step": 1}),
"force_resize_height": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": VERY_BIG_SIZE, "step": 1}),
"optional": {
"mask_mapping_optional": ("MASK_MAPPING",),
FUNCTION = "cut"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def cut(self, image, mask, force_resize_width, force_resize_height, mask_mapping_optional = None):
if len(image.shape) < 4:
C = 1
C = image.shape[3]
# We operate on RGBA to keep the code clean and then convert back after
image = tensor2rgba(image)
mask = tensor2mask(mask)
if mask_mapping_optional is not None:
image = image[mask_mapping_optional]
# Scale the mask to be a matching size if it isn't
B, H, W, _ = image.shape
mask = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(mask.unsqueeze(1), size=(H, W), mode='nearest')[:,0,:,:]
MB, _, _ = mask.shape
if MB < B:
assert(B % MB == 0)
mask = mask.repeat(B // MB, 1, 1)
# masks_to_boxes errors if the tensor is all zeros, so we'll add a single pixel and zero it out at the end
is_empty = ~torch.gt(torch.max(torch.reshape(mask,[MB, H * W]), dim=1).values, 0.)
mask[is_empty,0,0] = 1.
boxes = masks_to_boxes(mask)
mask[is_empty,0,0] = 0.
min_x = boxes[:,0]
min_y = boxes[:,1]
max_x = boxes[:,2]
max_y = boxes[:,3]
width = max_x - min_x + 1
height = max_y - min_y + 1
use_width = int(torch.max(width).item())
use_height = int(torch.max(height).item())
if force_resize_width > 0:
use_width = force_resize_width
if force_resize_height > 0:
use_height = force_resize_height
alpha_mask = torch.ones((B, H, W, 4))
alpha_mask[:,:,:,3] = mask
image = image * alpha_mask
result = torch.zeros((B, use_height, use_width, 4))
for i in range(0, B):
if not is_empty[i]:
ymin = int(min_y[i].item())
ymax = int(max_y[i].item())
xmin = int(min_x[i].item())
xmax = int(max_x[i].item())
single = (image[i, ymin:ymax+1, xmin:xmax+1,:]).unsqueeze(0)
resized = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(single.permute(0, 3, 1, 2), size=(use_height, use_width), mode='bicubic').permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
result[i] = resized[0]
# Preserve our type unless we were previously RGB and added non-opaque alpha due to the mask size
if C == 1:
return (tensor2mask(result),)
elif C == 3 and torch.min(result[:,:,:,3]) == 1:
return (tensor2rgb(result),)
return (result,)
class SeparateMaskComponents:
Separates a mask into multiple contiguous components. Returns the individual masks created as well as a MASK_MAPPING which can be used in other nodes when dealing with batches.
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"mask": ("IMAGE",),
RETURN_NAMES = ("mask", "mask_mappings")
FUNCTION = "separate"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def separate(self, mask):
mask = tensor2mask(mask)
thresholded = torch.gt(mask,0).unsqueeze(1)
B, H, W = mask.shape
components = torch.arange(B * H * W, device=mask.device, dtype=mask.dtype).reshape(B, 1, H, W) + 1
components[~thresholded] = 0
while True:
previous_components = components
components = torch.nn.functional.max_pool2d(components, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
components[~thresholded] = 0
if torch.equal(previous_components, components):
components = components.reshape(B, H, W)
segments = torch.unique(components)
result = torch.zeros([len(segments) - 1, H, W])
index = 0
mapping = torch.zeros([len(segments) - 1], device=mask.device, dtype=torch.int)
for i in range(len(segments)):
segment = segments[i].item()
if segment == 0:
image_index = int((segment - 1) // (H * W))
segment_mask = (components[image_index,:,:] == segment)
result[index][segment_mask] = mask[image_index][segment_mask]
mapping[index] = image_index
index += 1
return (result,mapping,)
class PasteByMask:
Pastes `image_to_paste` onto `image_base` using `mask` to determine the location. The `resize_behavior` parameter determines how the image to paste is resized to fit the mask. If `mask_mapping_optional` obtained from a 'Separate Mask Components' node is used, it will control which image gets pasted onto which base image.
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"image_base": ("IMAGE",),
"image_to_paste": ("IMAGE",),
"mask": ("IMAGE",),
"resize_behavior": (["resize", "keep_ratio_fill", "keep_ratio_fit", "source_size", "source_size_unmasked"],)
"optional": {
"mask_mapping_optional": ("MASK_MAPPING",),
FUNCTION = "paste"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def paste(self, image_base, image_to_paste, mask, resize_behavior, mask_mapping_optional = None):
image_base = tensor2rgba(image_base)
image_to_paste = tensor2rgba(image_to_paste)
mask = tensor2mask(mask)
# Scale the mask to be a matching size if it isn't
B, H, W, C = image_base.shape
MB = mask.shape[0]
PB = image_to_paste.shape[0]
if mask_mapping_optional is None:
if B < PB:
assert(PB % B == 0)
image_base = image_base.repeat(PB // B, 1, 1, 1)
B, H, W, C = image_base.shape
if MB < B:
assert(B % MB == 0)
mask = mask.repeat(B // MB, 1, 1)
elif B < MB:
assert(MB % B == 0)
image_base = image_base.repeat(MB // B, 1, 1, 1)
if PB < B:
assert(B % PB == 0)
image_to_paste = image_to_paste.repeat(B // PB, 1, 1, 1)
mask = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(mask.unsqueeze(1), size=(H, W), mode='nearest')[:,0,:,:]
MB, MH, MW = mask.shape
# masks_to_boxes errors if the tensor is all zeros, so we'll add a single pixel and zero it out at the end
is_empty = ~torch.gt(torch.max(torch.reshape(mask,[MB, MH * MW]), dim=1).values, 0.)
mask[is_empty,0,0] = 1.
boxes = masks_to_boxes(mask)
mask[is_empty,0,0] = 0.
min_x = boxes[:,0]
min_y = boxes[:,1]
max_x = boxes[:,2]
max_y = boxes[:,3]
mid_x = (min_x + max_x) / 2
mid_y = (min_y + max_y) / 2
target_width = max_x - min_x + 1
target_height = max_y - min_y + 1
result = image_base.detach().clone()
for i in range(0, MB):
if is_empty[i]:
image_index = i
if mask_mapping_optional is not None:
image_index = mask_mapping_optional[i].item()
source_size = image_to_paste.size()
SB, SH, SW, _ = image_to_paste.shape
# Figure out the desired size
width = int(target_width[i].item())
height = int(target_height[i].item())
if resize_behavior == "keep_ratio_fill":
target_ratio = width / height
actual_ratio = SW / SH
if actual_ratio > target_ratio:
width = int(height * actual_ratio)
elif actual_ratio < target_ratio:
height = int(width / actual_ratio)
elif resize_behavior == "keep_ratio_fit":
target_ratio = width / height
actual_ratio = SW / SH
if actual_ratio > target_ratio:
height = int(width / actual_ratio)
elif actual_ratio < target_ratio:
width = int(height * actual_ratio)
elif resize_behavior == "source_size" or resize_behavior == "source_size_unmasked":
width = SW
height = SH
# Resize the image we're pasting if needed
resized_image = image_to_paste[i].unsqueeze(0)
if SH != height or SW != width:
resized_image = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(resized_image.permute(0, 3, 1, 2), size=(height,width), mode='bicubic').permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
pasting = torch.ones([H, W, C])
ymid = float(mid_y[i].item())
ymin = int(math.floor(ymid - height / 2)) + 1
ymax = int(math.floor(ymid + height / 2)) + 1
xmid = float(mid_x[i].item())
xmin = int(math.floor(xmid - width / 2)) + 1
xmax = int(math.floor(xmid + width / 2)) + 1
_, source_ymax, source_xmax, _ = resized_image.shape
source_ymin, source_xmin = 0, 0
if xmin < 0:
source_xmin = abs(xmin)
xmin = 0
if ymin < 0:
source_ymin = abs(ymin)
ymin = 0
if xmax > W:
source_xmax -= (xmax - W)
xmax = W
if ymax > H:
source_ymax -= (ymax - H)
ymax = H
pasting[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax, :] = resized_image[0, source_ymin:source_ymax, source_xmin:source_xmax, :]
pasting[:, :, 3] = 1.
pasting_alpha = torch.zeros([H, W])
pasting_alpha[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] = resized_image[0, source_ymin:source_ymax, source_xmin:source_xmax, 3]
if resize_behavior == "keep_ratio_fill" or resize_behavior == "source_size_unmasked":
# If we explicitly want to fill the area, we are ok with extending outside
paste_mask = pasting_alpha.unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, 4)
paste_mask = torch.min(pasting_alpha, mask[i]).unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, 4)
result[image_index] = pasting * paste_mask + result[image_index] * (1. - paste_mask)
return (result,)
class GetImageSize:
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"image": ("IMAGE",),
RETURN_NAMES = ("width", "height")
FUNCTION = "get_size"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def get_size(self, image):
image_size = image.size()
image_width = int(image_size[2])
image_height = int(image_size[1])
return (image_width, image_height,)
class ChangeChannelCount:
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"image": ("IMAGE",),
"kind": (["mask", "RGB", "RGBA"],),
FUNCTION = "change_channels"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def change_channels(self, image, kind):
image_size = image.size()
if kind == "mask":
return (tensor2mask(image),)
elif kind == "RGBA":
return (tensor2rgba(image),)
else: # RGB
return (tensor2rgb(image),)
class ConstantMask:
Creates a mask filled with a constant value. If copy_image_size is provided, the explicit_height and explicit_width parameters are ignored and the size of the given images will be used instead.
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"value": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.0, "min": -8.0, "max": 8.0, "step": 0.01}),
"explicit_height": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": VERY_BIG_SIZE, "step": 1}),
"explicit_width": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": VERY_BIG_SIZE, "step": 1}),
"optional": {
"copy_image_size": ("IMAGE",),
FUNCTION = "constant_mask"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def constant_mask(self, value, explicit_height, explicit_width, copy_image_size = None):
height = explicit_height
width = explicit_width
if copy_image_size is not None:
size = copy_image_size.size()
height = size[1]
width = size[2]
elif explicit_height == 0 or explicit_width == 0:
# We'll just make a tiny mask and let it get resized by nodes further downstream
height = 16
width = 16
result = torch.zeros([1, height, width])
result[:,:,:] = value
return (result,)
class PruneByMask:
Filters out the images in a batch that don't have an associated mask with an average pixel value of at least 0.5.
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"image": ("IMAGE",),
"mask": ("IMAGE",),
FUNCTION = "prune"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def prune(self, image, mask):
mask = tensor2mask(mask)
mean = torch.mean(torch.mean(mask,dim=2),dim=1)
return (image[mean >= 0.5],)
class MakeImageBatch:
Creates a batch of images from multiple individual images or batches.
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"image1": ("IMAGE",),
"optional": {
"image2": ("IMAGE",),
"image3": ("IMAGE",),
"image4": ("IMAGE",),
"image5": ("IMAGE",),
"image6": ("IMAGE",),
FUNCTION = "append"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def append(self, image1, image2 = None, image3 = None, image4 = None, image5 = None, image6 = None):
result = image1
if image2 is not None:
result = torch.cat((result, image2), 0)
if image3 is not None:
result = torch.cat((result, image3), 0)
if image4 is not None:
result = torch.cat((result, image4), 0)
if image5 is not None:
result = torch.cat((result, image5), 0)
if image6 is not None:
result = torch.cat((result, image6), 0)
return (result,)
class CreateQRCodeNode:
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"text": ("STRING", {"multiline": True}),
"size": ("INT", {"default": 512, "min": 64, "max": 4096, "step": 64}),
"qr_version": ("INT", {"default": 1, "min": 1, "max": 40, "step": 1}),
"error_correction": (["L", "M", "Q", "H"], {"default": "H"}),
"box_size": ("INT", {"default": 10, "min": 1, "max": 100, "step": 1}),
"border": ("INT", {"default": 4, "min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 1}),
FUNCTION = "create_qr_code"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def create_qr_code(self, text, size, qr_version, error_correction, box_size, border):
import qrcode
if error_correction =="L":
error_level = qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L
elif error_correction =="M":
error_level = qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_M
elif error_correction =="Q":
error_level = qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_Q
error_level = qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_H
qr = qrcode.QRCode(
img = qr.make_image(fill_color="black", back_color="white")
img = img.resize((size,size))
# Convert img (a PIL Image) into a torch tensor
tensor = torch.from_numpy(np.array(img))
return (tensor2rgb(tensor.unsqueeze(0)),)
def rgb2hsv(rgb):
# rgb is a tensor in the form [B, H, W, C]
r = rgb[...,0]
g = rgb[...,1]
b = rgb[...,2]
hsv = torch.zeros_like(rgb)
hsv_h = hsv[...,0]
hsv_s = hsv[...,1]
hsv_v = hsv[...,2]
# Value
hsv_v[:], max_idx = torch.max(rgb, dim=3)
chroma = hsv_v - torch.min(rgb, dim=3).values
# Hue
sixth = 1.0 / 6.0
hsv_h[max_idx == 0] = (sixth * ((g - b) / chroma % 6))[max_idx == 0]
hsv_h[max_idx == 1] = (sixth * ((b - r) / chroma + 2))[max_idx == 1]
hsv_h[max_idx == 2] = (sixth * ((r - g) / chroma + 4))[max_idx == 2]
hsv_h[chroma == 0] = 0
# Saturation
hsv_s[chroma != 0] = chroma[chroma != 0] / hsv_v[chroma != 0]
return hsv
def hsv2rgb(hsv):
# hsv is a tensor in the form [B, H, W, C] where C is (h,s,v)
h = hsv[...,0]
h = h % 1.0
s = hsv[...,1]
v = hsv[...,2]
rgb = torch.zeros_like(hsv)
chroma = v * s
hp = (h * 6.0).type(torch.uint8)
x = chroma * (1 - torch.abs((h * 6.0) % 2 - 1))
zeros = torch.zeros_like(x)
rgb[hp == 0] = torch.stack([chroma, x, zeros], dim=3)[hp == 0]
rgb[hp == 1] = torch.stack([x, chroma, zeros], dim=3)[hp == 1]
rgb[hp == 2] = torch.stack([zeros, chroma, x], dim=3)[hp == 2]
rgb[hp == 3] = torch.stack([zeros, x, chroma], dim=3)[hp == 3]
rgb[hp == 4] = torch.stack([x, zeros, chroma], dim=3)[hp == 4]
rgb[hp == 5] = torch.stack([chroma, zeros, x], dim=3)[hp == 5]
rgb += (v - chroma).unsqueeze(3).repeat(1,1,1,3)
return rgb
def hsv2hsl(hsv):
hsl = torch.zeros_like(hsv)
h = hsv[...,0]
s = hsv[...,1]
v = hsv[...,2]
hsl[...,0] = h
hsl[...,2] = v * (1. - s / 2.)
l = hsl[...,2]
defined = (l != 0) & (l != 1)
hsl[...,1][defined] = ((v - l) / torch.min(l, 1. - l))[defined]
return hsl
def hsl2hsv(hsl):
hsv = torch.zeros_like(hsl)
h = hsl[...,0]
s = hsl[...,1]
l = hsl[...,2]
hsv[...,0] = h
hsv[...,2] = l + s * torch.min(l, 1. - l)
v = hsv[...,2]
defined = (v != 0)
hsv[...,1][defined] = (2. * (1. - l / v))[defined]
return hsv
class ConvertColorSpace:
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"in_space": (["RGB", "HSV", "HSL"],),
"out_space": (["RGB", "HSV", "HSL"],),
"image": ("IMAGE",),
FUNCTION = "convert_color_space"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def convert_color_space(self, in_space, out_space, image):
if in_space == out_space:
return (image,)
image = tensor2rgb(image)
if in_space == "HSV":
hsv = image
if in_space == "RGB":
hsv = rgb2hsv(image)
elif in_space == "HSL":
hsv = hsl2hsv(image)
# We are now in RGB or HSV
if out_space == "HSV":
return (hsv,)
elif out_space == "RGB":
return (hsv2rgb(hsv),)
assert out_space == "HSL"
return (hsv2hsl(hsv),)
class MaqueradeIncrementerNode:
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(cls):
return {
"required": {
"seed": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": -1, "max": 0xffffffffffffffff, "step": 1}),
"max_value": ("INT", {"default": 1, "min": 1, "max": 0xffffffffffffffff, "step": 1}),
FUNCTION = "increment"
CATEGORY = "Masquerade Nodes"
def increment(self, seed, max_value):
return (seed % max_value,)
"Mask By Text": ClipSegNode,
"Mask Morphology": MaskMorphologyNode,
"Combine Masks": MaskCombineOp,
"Unary Mask Op": UnaryMaskOp,
"Unary Image Op": UnaryImageOp,
"Blur": BlurNode,
"Image To Mask": ImageToMask,
"Mix Images By Mask": MixByMask,
"Mix Color By Mask": MixColorByMask,
"Mask To Region": MaskToRegion,
"Cut By Mask": CutByMask,
"Paste By Mask": PasteByMask,
"Get Image Size": GetImageSize,
"Change Channel Count": ChangeChannelCount,
"Constant Mask": ConstantMask,
"Prune By Mask": PruneByMask,
"Separate Mask Components": SeparateMaskComponents,
"Create Rect Mask": CreateRectMask,
"Make Image Batch": MakeImageBatch,
"Create QR Code": CreateQRCodeNode,
"Convert Color Space": ConvertColorSpace,
"MasqueradeIncrementer": MaqueradeIncrementerNode,
"Mask By Text": "Mask By Text",
"Mask Morphology": "Mask Morphology",
"Combine Masks": "Combine Masks",
"Unary Mask Op": "Unary Mask Op",
"Unary Image Op": "Unary Image Op",
"Blur": "Blur",
"Image To Mask": "Image To Mask",
"Mix Images By Mask": "Mix Images By Mask",
"Mix Color By Mask": "Mix Color By Mask",
"Mask To Region": "Mask To Region",
"Cut By Mask": "Cut By Mask",
"Paste By Mask": "Paste By Mask",
"Get Image Size": "Get Image Size",
"Change Channel Count": "Change Channel Count",
"Constant Mask": "Constant Mask",
"Prune By Mask": "Prune By Mask",
"Separate Mask Components": "Separate Mask Components",
"Create Rect Mask": "Create Rect Mask",
"Make Image Batch": "Make Image Batch",
"Create QR Code": "Create QR Code",
"Convert Color Space": "Convert Color Space",
"MasqueradeIncrementer": "Incrementer",