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  - zh-tw-llm-dv/zh-tw-pythia-ta8000-v1-e1-tr_sg-001-c512


This model is a part of the zh-tw-llm project.

  • Base model: EleutherAI/pythia-1b
  • Tokenizer: zh-tw-pythia-tokenizer-a8000-v1
  • Vocab size: 58113
  • Train: b_1_embeddings_and_attention
  • Dataset used: zh-tw-pythia-ta8000-v1-e1-tr_sg-001-c512
  • Full config:
    {"project_name": "zh-tw-llm", "group_name": "ta01", "hf_user_or_org_name": "zh-tw-llm-dv", "base_tokenizer_name": "EleutherAI/pythia-70m", "base_model_name": "EleutherAI/pythia-1b", "tokenizer_name": "zh-tw-pythia-tokenizer-a8000-v1", "tokenizer": {"build_with": "word_frequency_list", "tokens_to_add": 8000, "word_frequency_list_settings": {"word_frequency_list_name": "zetavg/tw-sinica-corpus-word-frequency", "include_words": ["。", ",", "、", "?", "!", ";", ":", "……", "~", "「", "」", "『", "』", "【", "】", "〖", "〗", "(", ")", "〔", "〕", "[", "]", "{", "}", "《", "》", "〈", "〉", "——", "──", "-", "−", "_", "・", ".", "·", "/", "\", "|", "<", ">"], "replace_rules": [{"match": {"regex": "�"}, "replace": null}, {"match": {"pos": ["Nb", "FW", null]}, "replace": null, "except": ["奧運", "中共", "國民黨", "民進黨", "新黨", "共產黨", "媽祖", "耶穌"]}, {"match": {"regex": ["^[A-Za-z0-9﹒• ]+$", "^[零一二兩三四五六七八九十廿卅百千萬億兆壹貳參肆伍陸柒捌玖拾佰仟0-9﹒•]{2,}$", "^([零一二兩三四五六七八九十廿卅百千萬億兆壹貳參肆伍陸柒捌玖拾佰仟0-9﹒•]+)$", "^[第數][零一二兩三四五六七八九十百千萬億兆0-9﹒•]+$", "^[零一二兩三四五六七八九十廿卅百千萬億兆0-9﹒•]+分之[零一二兩三四五六七八九十廿卅百千萬億兆0-9﹒•]+$", "^[零一二兩三四五六七八九十廿卅百千萬億兆0-9﹒•]+[多餘來幾成次年月日天時分點世代歲起段樓%]$", "^[零一二三四五六七八九十廿卅0-9]+(月份|年代?|世紀|學?年度|年級)$", "^(星期|週|周)[一二三四五六日]$"]}, "replace": null, "except": ["十分", "一起", "一點", "一時", "千萬", "兩三", "百分之百"]}, {"match": {"pos": "VHC", "regex": "^(.{2,})化$"}, "sub": "\\1"}, {"match": "高爾夫球場", "replace": "高爾夫"}, {"match": {"regex": "^(.+球)場$"}, "sub": "\\1"}, {"match": {"pos": "Nc", "regex": "^(.{2,})園區$"}, "sub": "\\1"}, {"match": {"pos": "Nc", "regex": "^(.{2,})[鄉鎮縣市區]$"}, "sub": "\\1"}, {"match": {"pos": "Nc", "regex": "^(.{2,})[界院部會署局館系所]$"}, "sub": "\\1", "except": ["委員會", "研究所", "中研院", "國科會", "資策會", "經建會", "工研院", "電信總局", "鎮公所", "事務所", "交易所", "農委會", "鄉公所", "地檢署", "警分局", "派出所", "托兒所", "消基會", "文建會", "兩廳院", "陸委會", "市議會"]}, {"match": {"pos": "Na", "regex": "^(.{2,})人$"}, "sub": "\\1", "except": ["年輕人", "負責人", "投資人", "候選人", "一家人", "當地人", "製作人"]}, {"match": {"pos": "Na", "regex": "^(.{2,3})學?家$"}, "sub": 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"train_on_inputs": false, "languages": [{"en": 0.4}, "zh_Hant"], "rows_limit": 8000, "test_size": 0.02, "test_split_seed": 42, "test_rows_limit": 100}}, "only_train_parameters_matching": ["embed"], "training_arguments": {"num_train_epochs": 1, "auto_find_batch_size": true, "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1, "optim": "adamw_torch", "learning_rate": 5e-05, "lr_scheduler_type": "constant", "warmup_steps": 100, "logging_steps": 10, "eval_steps": 500, "save_steps": 5000, "save_total_limit": 3}}, "b_1_embeddings_and_attention": {"run_name_suffix": "a100-t02", "dataset": {"same_as": "a_1_embeddings"}, "only_train_parameters_matching": ["embed", "attention"], "training_arguments": {"num_train_epochs": 1, "auto_find_batch_size": true, "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1, "optim": "adamw_torch", "learning_rate": 5e-05, "lr_scheduler_type": "constant", "warmup_steps": 100, "logging_steps": 10, "eval_steps": 500, "save_steps": 5000, "save_total_limit": 3}}, "c_1_all_params": {"run_name_suffix": "a100-t02", "dataset": {"same_as": "a_1_embeddings"}, "training_arguments": {"num_train_epochs": 1, "auto_find_batch_size": true, "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1, "optim": "adamw_torch", "learning_rate": 5e-05, "lr_scheduler_type": "constant", "warmup_steps": 100, "logging_steps": 10, "eval_steps": 500, "save_steps": 5000, "save_total_limit": 3}}}, "push_outputs_to_hf": true, "report_to_wandb": true, "wandb_project": "zh-tw-llm", "wandb_group": "ta01"}