- zw网站:http://www.ziwang.com
- meta-font原字库:http://www.meta-font.vip,短域名 m-f.vip
- @ps,因为智王AI开源组正在转型,网站在调整升级。
- 建议大家使用github项目网站,支持留言、发帖,互动更加方便。
- 智王Git网址:https://github.com/ziwang-com/
- zwai-lab项目网址:https://github.com/ziwang-com/zwai-lab
ziwang AI Open Source Group - Online Community
- ZW website: http://www.ziwang.com
- Meta font Original Font Library: http://www.meta-font.vip , short domain m-f.vip
- @ ps, as the Zhiwang AI open source team is undergoing transformation, the website is undergoing adjustments and upgrades.
- It is recommended that everyone use the GitHub project website, which supports commenting and posting, making interaction more convenient.
- Zhiwang Git website: https://github.com/ziwang-com/
- ZWAI Lab project website: https://github.com/ziwang-com/zwai-lab
- Github项目网址:https://github.com/ziwang-com/zwai-lab
- 百度网盘-链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1EH19ablXVLYQP1f-IaPS-Q?pwd=hiks 提取码:hiks
- 阿里云盘-链接: https://www.alipan.com/s/pZ5qewjCec8 提取码: fs64
- QQ社群,都是千人大群,欢迎加入,共同学习。
- QQ群文件,和网盘,有海量AI资源/模型/文档,提供免费下载。
- 微信群请先+管理员微信:zwpython,注明:加群。
【ziwang AI Resource Library】
Baidu Cloud Drive - Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1EH19ablXVLYQP1f-IaPS-Q?pwd=hiks Extract code: hiks
Alibaba Cloud Drive - Link: https://www.alipan.com/s/pZ5qewjCec8 Extract code: fs64
QQ community is a large group of thousands of people, welcome to join and learn together.
QQ group files, online disks/official account, and massive AI resources/models/documents are available for free download. Scan to join for free.
WeChat group, please first add the administrator's WeChat: zwpython, Note: Add to group.
因为模型文件都是10G左右,正在寻找合作发布通道,欢迎网友提供。 We are looking for other publishing channels, and welcome netizens to provide them 管理员微信:zwpython
- 《workflow智能工作流:AI变现飞天马》 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/jqNHuwVtLVMQ5_3dlhmcIQ?token=1948053569&lang=zh_CN
- 《zwai-lab全球首个AI搞钱-工业母机》 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/qzVo5xafXegAavKmwywGuQ?token=1948053569&lang=zh_CN
- 《comfyUI+vscode,两大神器首次跨界融合》 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/cd5EL8koaCnGTDft02YoGw?token=1948053569&lang=zh_CN
- 全球三大/目前唯一,集成式AI开发平台。
- GPT时代,AIGC、LLM大模型调参,AGI快速开发神器。
- 行业首个AI-workflow工作流导向的智能IDE。
- 根正苗红,源自zwPython,十年老牌开源Python项目。
[ps: official account related blog], just scan the QR code of official account in the above figure.
Workflow Intelligent Workflow: AI Monetization Pegasus https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/jqNHuwVtLVMQ5_3dlhmcIQ?token=1948053569&lang=zh_CN
ZWAI Lab is the world's first AI powered money maker - industrial mother machine https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/qzVo5xafXegAavKmwywGuQ?token=1948053569&lang=zh_CN
ComfyUI+VSCode, the first cross-border integration of two major artifacts https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/cd5EL8koaCnGTDft02YoGw?token=1948053569&lang=zh_CN
The world's top three/currently the only integrated AI development platform.
In the era of GPT, AIGC and LLM large model tuning, AGI rapidly developed artifacts.
The industry's first AI workflow oriented intelligent IDE.
Root positive seedling red, derived from zwPython, a decade old open-source Python project.
- 内置vscode,以及多种高效python、AI编程插件。
- 百分百兼容comfy,可同步升级更新。
- 内置数十组AIGC、3D、短视频插件。
- 内置各种热门大模型,支持:FLUX,SANA,GPT,PIXART。
- 内置多套AI-3D、VIDEO短视频nodes节点插件.
- 社区提供海量json格式工作流。
- 大量开源案例,涵盖comfy官方网站全套学习课件.
- 。。。。。。
- 采用苹果OOTB“开箱即用”模式(out-of-the-box),无需安装,解压即用。
- 默认安装在D盘根目录:
- d:\zwai-lab
- 只有一级zwai-lab目录,以下模式:
- d:\zwai-lab\zwai-lab\zw.bat
- 有两层子目录,是解压错误,把二级目录zwai-lab,移动到D盘根目录,合并覆盖即可。
- 解压后,直接运行:
- d:\zwai-lab\zw.bat
- 即可运行comfy,进入AIGC系统。
- comfy升级维护,请参看comfy文档,运行以下目录升级命令即可。
- d:\zwai-lab\update
- 解压后,直接运行:
- d:\zwai-lab\vscode\code.exe
- 即可进入python开发编程环境。
- vscode升级,请下载便携版,直接解压覆盖即可。
- 安装、更新python模块库,运行批命令:
- d:\zwai-lab\xpip.bat
- 例如,安装升级padans,在zwai-lab目录,进入dos命令行,键入以下命令即可:
- zwai-lab>>xpip pandas
- D:\zwai-lab.cache,hf模型下载目录,python模块库安装缓冲目录。
- D:\zwai-lab\ComfyUI,工作流、AIGC-comfyUI主目录
- D:\zwai-lab\doc,用户文档
- D:\zwai-lab\python_embeded,python运行环境目录
- D:\zwai-lab\update,comfy升级维护目录
- D:\zwai-lab\VSCode,python编程ide程序。
- D:\zwai-lab\zout,默认用户输出目录
- D:\zwai-lab\zw.bat,运行comfy
- D:\zwai-lab\xpip.bat,安装升级pyhton模块库
- D:\zwai-lab\vscode\code.exe,运行python编程ide。
- windows 10,11, cuda-12.4+, python-3.12+
- 运行前,请确保系统已经安装好cuda运行环境,部分模块和维护,可能需要安装相关软件。
- ffmpeg、Git、graphviz。
- python模块库,需要c编译软件,请下载:vc2022,或c语言v17版本,选择desktop桌面开发模式。
- 以上cuda运行库,以及相关软件,均可在zwai社区【资源中心】免费下载。
- 扫描QQ群二维码,即可免费加入下载。
- 超过一万套国标二级个性化中文字库IP版权。
- 全球首套个性化中文字体:字王拙体(1988,是剪纸体母版,idea源自毕加索立体派风格。)
- 多套个性化中文字库:《中华大字库》、metafont元字库,大藏经开源字体,gif动态中文气球体、。。。
- AGM阿格姆:AI基因图谱模型,从token-weight权重微粒角度,探索AI模型,GPT\LLM大模型的内在运作机制。
- https://github.com/ziwang-com/AGM
- 。。。。。。
- zw网站:http://www.ziwang.com
- meta-font原字库:http://www.meta-font.vip,短域名 m-f.vip
- @ps,因为智王AI开源组正在转型,网站在调整升级。
- 建议大家使用github项目网站,支持留言、发帖,互动更加方便。
- 智王Git网址:https://github.com/ziwang-com/
- zwai-lab项目网址:https://github.com/ziwang-com/zwai-lab
ziwang AI Open Source Group - Online Community
- ZW website: http://www.ziwang.com
- Meta font Original Font Library: http://www.meta-font.vip , short domain m-f.vip
- @ ps, as the Zhiwang AI open source team is undergoing transformation, the website is undergoing adjustments and upgrades.
- It is recommended that everyone use the GitHub project website, which supports commenting and posting, making interaction more convenient.
- Zhiwang Git website: https://github.com/ziwang-com/
- ZWAI Lab project website: https://github.com/ziwang-com/zwai-lab
- Github项目网址:https://github.com/ziwang-com/zwai-lab
- 百度网盘-链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1EH19ablXVLYQP1f-IaPS-Q?pwd=hiks 提取码:hiks
- 阿里云盘-链接: https://www.alipan.com/s/pZ5qewjCec8 提取码: fs64
- QQ社群,都是千人大群,欢迎加入,共同学习。
- QQ群文件,和网盘,有海量AI资源/模型/文档,提供免费下载。
- 微信群请先+管理员微信:zwpython,注明:加群。
【ziwang AI Resource Library】
Baidu Cloud Drive - Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1EH19ablXVLYQP1f-IaPS-Q?pwd=hiks Extract code: hiks
Alibaba Cloud Drive - Link: https://www.alipan.com/s/pZ5qewjCec8 Extract code: fs64
QQ community is a large group of thousands of people, welcome to join and learn together.
QQ group files, online disks/official account, and massive AI resources/models/documents are available for free download. Scan to join for free.
WeChat group, please first add the administrator's WeChat: zwpython, Note: Add to group.
因为模型文件都是10G左右,正在寻找合作发布通道,欢迎网友提供。 We are looking for other publishing channels, and welcome netizens to provide them 管理员微信:zwpython
- zw网站:http://www.ziwang.com
- meta-font原字库:http://www.meta-font.vip,短域名 m-f.vip
- @ps,因为智王AI开源组正在转型,网站在调整升级。
- 建议大家使用github项目网站,支持留言、发帖,互动更加方便。
- 智王Git网址:https://github.com/ziwang-com/
- zwai-lab项目网址:https://github.com/ziwang-com/zwai-lab
ziwang AI Open Source Group - Online Community
- ZW website: http://www.ziwang.com
- Meta font Original Font Library: http://www.meta-font.vip , short domain m-f.vip
- @ ps, as the Zhiwang AI open source team is undergoing transformation, the website is undergoing adjustments and upgrades.
- It is recommended that everyone use the GitHub project website, which supports commenting and posting, making interaction more convenient.
- Zhiwang Git website: https://github.com/ziwang-com/
- ZWAI Lab project website: https://github.com/ziwang-com/zwai-lab
- Github项目网址:https://github.com/ziwang-com/zwai-lab
- 百度网盘-链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1EH19ablXVLYQP1f-IaPS-Q?pwd=hiks 提取码:hiks
- 阿里云盘-链接: https://www.alipan.com/s/pZ5qewjCec8 提取码: fs64
- QQ社群,都是千人大群,欢迎加入,共同学习。
- QQ群文件,和网盘,有海量AI资源/模型/文档,提供免费下载。
- 微信群请先+管理员微信:zwpython,注明:加群。
【ziwang AI Resource Library】
Baidu Cloud Drive - Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1EH19ablXVLYQP1f-IaPS-Q?pwd=hiks Extract code: hiks
Alibaba Cloud Drive - Link: https://www.alipan.com/s/pZ5qewjCec8 Extract code: fs64
QQ community is a large group of thousands of people, welcome to join and learn together.
QQ group files, online disks/official account, and massive AI resources/models/documents are available for free download. Scan to join for free.
WeChat group, please first add the administrator's WeChat: zwpython, Note: Add to group.
因为模型文件都是10G左右,正在寻找合作发布通道,欢迎网友提供。 We are looking for other publishing channels, and welcome netizens to provide them 管理员微信:zwpython
- 《workflow智能工作流:AI变现飞天马》 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/jqNHuwVtLVMQ5_3dlhmcIQ?token=1948053569&lang=zh_CN
- 《zwai-lab全球首个AI搞钱-工业母机》 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/qzVo5xafXegAavKmwywGuQ?token=1948053569&lang=zh_CN
- 《comfyUI+vscode,两大神器首次跨界融合》 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/cd5EL8koaCnGTDft02YoGw?token=1948053569&lang=zh_CN
- 全球三大/目前唯一,集成式AI开发平台。
- GPT时代,AIGC、LLM大模型调参,AGI快速开发神器。
- 行业首个AI-workflow工作流导向的智能IDE。
- 根正苗红,源自zwPython,十年老牌开源Python项目。
[ps: official account related blog], just scan the QR code of official account in the above figure.
Workflow Intelligent Workflow: AI Monetization Pegasus https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/jqNHuwVtLVMQ5_3dlhmcIQ?token=1948053569&lang=zh_CN
ZWAI Lab is the world's first AI powered money maker - industrial mother machine https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/qzVo5xafXegAavKmwywGuQ?token=1948053569&lang=zh_CN
ComfyUI+VSCode, the first cross-border integration of two major artifacts https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/cd5EL8koaCnGTDft02YoGw?token=1948053569&lang=zh_CN
The world's top three/currently the only integrated AI development platform.
In the era of GPT, AIGC and LLM large model tuning, AGI rapidly developed artifacts.
The industry's first AI workflow oriented intelligent IDE.
Root positive seedling red, derived from zwPython, a decade old open-source Python project.
- 内置vscode,以及多种高效python、AI编程插件。
- 百分百兼容comfy,可同步升级更新。
- 内置数十组AIGC、3D、短视频插件。
- 内置各种热门大模型,支持:FLUX,SANA,GPT,PIXART。
- 内置多套AI-3D、VIDEO短视频nodes节点插件.
- 社区提供海量json格式工作流。
- 大量开源案例,涵盖comfy官方网站全套学习课件.
- 。。。。。。
- 采用苹果OOTB“开箱即用”模式(out-of-the-box),无需安装,解压即用。
- 默认安装在D盘根目录:
- d:\zwai-lab
- 只有一级zwai-lab目录,以下模式:
- d:\zwai-lab\zwai-lab\zw.bat
- 有两层子目录,是解压错误,把二级目录zwai-lab,移动到D盘根目录,合并覆盖即可。
- 解压后,直接运行:
- d:\zwai-lab\zw.bat
- 即可运行comfy,进入AIGC系统。
- comfy升级维护,请参看comfy文档,运行以下目录升级命令即可。
- d:\zwai-lab\update
- 解压后,直接运行:
- d:\zwai-lab\vscode\code.exe
- 即可进入python开发编程环境。
- vscode升级,请下载便携版,直接解压覆盖即可。
- 安装、更新python模块库,运行批命令:
- d:\zwai-lab\xpip.bat
- 例如,安装升级padans,在zwai-lab目录,进入dos命令行,键入以下命令即可:
- zwai-lab>>xpip pandas
- D:\zwai-lab.cache,hf模型下载目录,python模块库安装缓冲目录。
- D:\zwai-lab\ComfyUI,工作流、AIGC-comfyUI主目录
- D:\zwai-lab\doc,用户文档
- D:\zwai-lab\python_embeded,python运行环境目录
- D:\zwai-lab\update,comfy升级维护目录
- D:\zwai-lab\VSCode,python编程ide程序。
- D:\zwai-lab\zout,默认用户输出目录
- D:\zwai-lab\zw.bat,运行comfy
- D:\zwai-lab\xpip.bat,安装升级pyhton模块库
- D:\zwai-lab\vscode\code.exe,运行python编程ide。
- windows 10,11, cuda-12.4+, python-3.12+
- 运行前,请确保系统已经安装好cuda运行环境,部分模块和维护,可能需要安装相关软件。
- ffmpeg、Git、graphviz。
- python模块库,需要c编译软件,请下载:vc2022,或c语言v17版本,选择desktop桌面开发模式。
- 以上cuda运行库,以及相关软件,均可在zwai社区【资源中心】免费下载。
- 扫描QQ群二维码,即可免费加入下载。
- 超过一万套国标二级个性化中文字库IP版权。
- 全球首套个性化中文字体:字王拙体(1988,是剪纸体母版,idea源自毕加索立体派风格。)
- 多套个性化中文字库:《中华大字库》、metafont元字库,大藏经开源字体,gif动态中文气球体、。。。
- AGM阿格姆:AI基因图谱模型,从token-weight权重微粒角度,探索AI模型,GPT\LLM大模型的内在运作机制。
- https://github.com/ziwang-com/AGM
- 。。。。。。
- zw网站:http://www.ziwang.com
- meta-font原字库:http://www.meta-font.vip,短域名 m-f.vip
- @ps,因为智王AI开源组正在转型,网站在调整升级。
- 建议大家使用github项目网站,支持留言、发帖,互动更加方便。
- 智王Git网址:https://github.com/ziwang-com/
- zwai-lab项目网址:https://github.com/ziwang-com/zwai-lab
ziwang AI Open Source Group - Online Community
- ZW website: http://www.ziwang.com
- Meta font Original Font Library: http://www.meta-font.vip , short domain m-f.vip
- @ ps, as the Zhiwang AI open source team is undergoing transformation, the website is undergoing adjustments and upgrades.
- It is recommended that everyone use the GitHub project website, which supports commenting and posting, making interaction more convenient.
- Zhiwang Git website: https://github.com/ziwang-com/
- ZWAI Lab project website: https://github.com/ziwang-com/zwai-lab
- Github项目网址:https://github.com/ziwang-com/zwai-lab
- 百度网盘-链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1EH19ablXVLYQP1f-IaPS-Q?pwd=hiks 提取码:hiks
- 阿里云盘-链接: https://www.alipan.com/s/pZ5qewjCec8 提取码: fs64
- QQ社群,都是千人大群,欢迎加入,共同学习。
- QQ群文件,和网盘,有海量AI资源/模型/文档,提供免费下载。
- 微信群请先+管理员微信:zwpython,注明:加群。
【ziwang AI Resource Library】
Baidu Cloud Drive - Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1EH19ablXVLYQP1f-IaPS-Q?pwd=hiks Extract code: hiks
Alibaba Cloud Drive - Link: https://www.alipan.com/s/pZ5qewjCec8 Extract code: fs64
QQ community is a large group of thousands of people, welcome to join and learn together.
QQ group files, online disks/official account, and massive AI resources/models/documents are available for free download. Scan to join for free.
WeChat group, please first add the administrator's WeChat: zwpython, Note: Add to group.
因为模型文件都是10G左右,正在寻找合作发布通道,欢迎网友提供。 We are looking for other publishing channels, and welcome netizens to provide them 管理员微信:zwpython
For reference on model card metadata, see the spec: https://github.com/huggingface/hub-docs/blob/main/modelcard.md?plain=1
Doc / guide: https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/model-cards
Model Card for Model ID
This modelcard aims to be a base template for new models. It has been generated using this raw template.
Model Details
Model Description
- Developed by: [More Information Needed]
- Funded by [optional]: [More Information Needed]
- Shared by [optional]: [More Information Needed]
- Model type: [More Information Needed]
- Language(s) (NLP): [More Information Needed]
- License: [More Information Needed]
- Finetuned from model [optional]: [More Information Needed]
Model Sources [optional]
- Repository: [More Information Needed]
- Paper [optional]: [More Information Needed]
- Demo [optional]: [More Information Needed]
Direct Use
[More Information Needed]
Downstream Use [optional]
[More Information Needed]
Out-of-Scope Use
[More Information Needed]
Bias, Risks, and Limitations
[More Information Needed]
Users (both direct and downstream) should be made aware of the risks, biases and limitations of the model. More information needed for further recommendations.
How to Get Started with the Model
Use the code below to get started with the model.
[More Information Needed]
Training Details
Training Data
[More Information Needed]
Training Procedure
Preprocessing [optional]
[More Information Needed]
Training Hyperparameters
- Training regime: [More Information Needed]
Speeds, Sizes, Times [optional]
[More Information Needed]
Testing Data, Factors & Metrics
Testing Data
[More Information Needed]
[More Information Needed]
[More Information Needed]
[More Information Needed]
Model Examination [optional]
[More Information Needed]
Environmental Impact
Carbon emissions can be estimated using the Machine Learning Impact calculator presented in Lacoste et al. (2019).
- Hardware Type: [More Information Needed]
- Hours used: [More Information Needed]
- Cloud Provider: [More Information Needed]
- Compute Region: [More Information Needed]
- Carbon Emitted: [More Information Needed]
Technical Specifications [optional]
Model Architecture and Objective
[More Information Needed]
Compute Infrastructure
[More Information Needed]
[More Information Needed]
[More Information Needed]
Citation [optional]
[More Information Needed]
[More Information Needed]
Glossary [optional]
[More Information Needed]
More Information [optional]
[More Information Needed]
Model Card Authors [optional]
[More Information Needed]
Model Card Contact
[More Information Needed]