The landing in front of the outside door shall be at least 1,500 millimetres wide and at least 1,500 millimetres long.
The landing in front of the outside door shall be at least 1,500 millimetres wide and at least 1,500 millimetres long .
O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O B-value I-value B-property O O O B-value I-value B-property O
{'ID': '16_Finnish_Accessibility'}
Foundations: wherever possible, blocks below the damp-proof course should be the same as those specified in the design for the above-ground main wall element (in masonry construction).
Foundations : wherever possible , blocks below the damp-proof course should be the same as those specified in the design for the above-ground main wall element ( in masonry construction ) .
B-object O O O O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '159_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
Extract ventilators in sanitary accommodation should be capable of continuous operation if required.
Extract ventilators in sanitary accommodation should be capable of continuous operation if required .
B-object I-object O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '48_UK_DocF_V2_Ventilation'}
The building fabric should be constructed so that the insulation is reasonably continuous across newly built elements.
The building fabric should be constructed so that the insulation is reasonably continuous across newly built elements .
O B-object I-object O O B-quality O O O B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '132_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
Parapets in categories A to E and panel parts of walls acting as parapets, as well as their fasteners, shall be designed to the concentrated load Qk = 0.3 kN acting on a random spot.
Parapets in categories A to E and panel parts of walls acting as parapets , as well as their fasteners , shall be designed to the concentrated load Qk = 0.3 kN acting on a random spot .
B-object O B-property B-value O B-value O B-object I-object O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O B-object O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '30_Finnish_StabilityOfStructures'}
Where a separate-sex toilet washroom can be accessed by wheelchair users, it should be possible for them to use both a urinal, where appropriate, and a washbasin at a lower height than is provided for other users.
Where a separate-sex toilet washroom can be accessed by wheelchair users , it should be possible for them to use both a urinal , where appropriate , and a washbasin at a lower height than is provided for other users .
O O B-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '171_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Consideration should be given to the power requirements of essential (e.g. life safety) systems.
Consideration should be given to the power requirements of essential ( e.g . life safety ) systems .
B-object O O O O O B-property I-property O B-quality O O O B-object I-object O B-object O
{'ID': '323_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Insulated cavity closers should be used for all construction types.
Insulated cavity closers should be used for all construction types .
B-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '165_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
In a new building, the crawl space height must be 0.8 metres on average at the minimum.
In a new building , the crawl space height must be 0.8 metres on average at the minimum .
O O B-quality B-object O O B-object I-object B-property O O B-value I-value O O O O O O
{'ID': '83_Finnish_Health-Humidity'}
When the lift serves more than three storeys, it provides visual and audible indicators to identify the floor reached.
When the lift serves more than three storeys , it provides visual and audible indicators to identify the floor reached .
O O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-object I-object I-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '25_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The loading area must be safe and appropriate.
The loading area must be safe and appropriate .
O B-object I-object O O B-quality O B-quality O
{'ID': '135_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'}
Refreshment facilities, such as restaurants and bars, should be designed so that they can be reached and used by all people independently or with companions.
Refreshment facilities , such as restaurants and bars , should be designed so that they can be reached and used by all people independently or with companions .
B-object I-object O O O B-object O B-object O O O B-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '137_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
There must be an automatic fire-extinguishing system that is suitable for its purpose and connected to the emergency centre.
There must be an automatic fire-extinguishing system that is suitable for its purpose and connected to the emergency centre .
O O O O B-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O B-object I-object O
{'ID': '232_Finnish_FireSafety'}
Drains shall convey foundation drainage water via drainage wells to a collection well.
Drains shall convey foundation drainage water via drainage wells to a collection well .
B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '172_Finnish_Health-WaterAndSewerage'}
The building envelope should be insulated to a degree that is reasonable in the particular case.
The building envelope should be insulated to a degree that is reasonable in the particular case .
O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '105_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
On-site electricity generation systems must be commissioned to ensure that they produce as much electricity as is reasonable in the circumstances.
On-site electricity generation systems must be commissioned to ensure that they produce as much electricity as is reasonable in the circumstances .
B-quality B-object I-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '372_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
Uplighters mounted at low or floor level can disorientate some visually impaired people and should be avoided.
Uplighters mounted at low or floor level can disorientate some visually impaired people and should be avoided .
B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-quality O
{'ID': '153_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
If a fire door is kept open in normal use, it shall be equipped with devices that will close the door in the event of fire.
If a fire door is kept open in normal use , it shall be equipped with devices that will close the door in the event of fire .
O O B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-object O O O O B-object I-object I-object I-object I-object I-object I-object I-object I-object I-object I-object O
{'ID': '120_Finnish_FireSafety'}
Reasonable provision shall be made for the conservation of fuel and power in buildings by: (a) limiting heat gains and losses (i) through thermal elements and other parts of the building fabric; and (ii) from pipes, ducts and vessels used for space heating, space cooling and hot water services; (b) providing fixed building services which (i) are energy efficient to a reasonable standard; (ii) have effective controls; and (iii) are commissioned by testing and adjusting as necessary to ensure they use no more fuel and power than is reasonable in the circumstances.
Reasonable provision shall be made for the conservation of fuel and power in buildings by : ( a ) limiting heat gains and losses ( i ) through thermal elements and other parts of the building fabric ; and ( ii ) from pipes , ducts and vessels used for space heating , space cooling and hot water services ; ( b ) providing fixed building services which ( i ) are energy efficient to a reasonable standard ; ( ii ) have effective controls ; and ( iii ) are commissioned by testing and adjusting as necessary to ensure they use no more fuel and power than is reasonable in the circumstances .
B-quality B-object O O O O O B-object I-object I-object I-object I-object O B-object O O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O B-quality I-quality O O O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '431_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Mechanical ventilation systems, including both continuous and intermittent mechanical ventilation, should be designed and installed to minimise noise.
Mechanical ventilation systems , including both continuous and intermittent mechanical ventilation , should be designed and installed to minimise noise .
B-quality B-object I-object O O O B-quality O B-quality B-property I-property O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '21_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'}
The protective part of the barrier must extend to a height of at least 0.7 metres from the surface of the landing or step.
The protective part of the barrier must extend to a height of at least 0.7 metres from the surface of the landing or step .
O B-property I-property O O B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '40_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'}
Wheelchair users should be able to reach all the facilities available within the building.
Wheelchair users should be able to reach all the facilities available within the building .
B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '141_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
If the height of the building does not exceed 28 metres, access to the attic fire compartments from the outside shall be required.
If the height of the building does not exceed 28 metres , access to the attic fire compartments from the outside shall be required .
O O B-property O O B-object O O O B-value I-value O B-quality O O B-object B-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O
{'ID': '241_Finnish_FireSafety'}
Appliances capable of burning both biomass fuel and fossil fuel the CO2 emission factor and primary energy factor for dua-lfuel appliances should be used, except where the building is in a smoke control area, when the anthracite figure should be used.
Appliances capable of burning both biomass fuel and fossil fuel the CO2 emission factor and primary energy factor for dua-lfuel appliances should be used , except where the building is in a smoke control area , when the anthracite figure should be used .
B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-property I-property I-property O B-property I-property I-property B-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O O O B-object O O O B-object I-object I-object O O O B-property I-property O O O O
{'ID': '63_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The basement should be treated separately as a single-storey dwelling above ground level.
The basement should be treated separately as a single-storey dwelling above ground level .
O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '72_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'}
For continuing horizontal structures the loaded area shall be calculated span by span.
For continuing horizontal structures the loaded area shall be calculated span by span .
O B-quality B-quality B-object O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '12_Finnish_StabilityOfStructures'}
The information should be provided in a clear manner, for a non-technical audience.
The information should be provided in a clear manner , for a non-technical audience .
O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '93_UK_DocO_Overheating'}
When calculating the reference heat loss of a building, the value of 2.0 m3/(h m2) shall be used as the reference value for the air leakage rate figure for the building envelope.
When calculating the reference heat loss of a building , the value of 2.0 m3/ ( h m2 ) shall be used as the reference value for the air leakage rate figure for the building envelope .
O O O O O O O O O O O O O B-value I-value I-value I-value I-value I-value O O O O O B-property I-property O O B-property I-property I-property I-property O O B-object B-object O
{'ID': '136_Finnish_EnergyEfficiency'}
A dwelling that is only a basement should be treated as a single-storey dwelling above ground level.
A dwelling that is only a basement should be treated as a single-storey dwelling above ground level .
O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '74_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'}
The area of windows and roof windows (but excluding display windows) within the area served exceeds 40 of the facade area.
The area of windows and roof windows ( but excluding display windows ) within the area served exceeds 40 of the facade area .
O B-property O B-object O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-value O O B-property I-property O
{'ID': '495_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Whenever the building is moved to a new location, in which its intended time of use is less than two years, these calculations can be provided as evidence that the energy efficiency requirements are met.
Whenever the building is moved to a new location , in which its intended time of use is less than two years , these calculations can be provided as evidence that the energy efficiency requirements are met .
O O B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '87_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The impact of the ground and crawl space on heat loss shall be taken into account in heat loss calculations.
The impact of the ground and crawl space on heat loss shall be taken into account in heat loss calculations .
O B-property O O B-object O B-object I-object O B-property I-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '91_Finnish_EnergyEfficiency'}
Standing areas must be terraced so that it is safe to move in the rows.
Standing areas must be terraced so that it is safe to move in the rows .
B-object I-object O O B-quality O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '110_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'}
The ventilation openings or slots leading to the ventilation space or gap of a structure equipped with a ventilation space or gap must be positioned so that the ventilation space or gap is fully usable as a ventilation air flow path and that the ventilation space or gap is free of enclosed, non-ventilated areas.
The ventilation openings or slots leading to the ventilation space or gap of a structure equipped with a ventilation space or gap must be positioned so that the ventilation space or gap is fully usable as a ventilation air flow path and that the ventilation space or gap is free of enclosed , non-ventilated areas .
O B-object B-object O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality O O O B-object I-object I-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-object I-object I-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '40_Finnish_Health-Humidity'}
The building fabric should be constructed so that thermal bridging, including at the party wall, is reasonably limited.
The building fabric should be constructed so that thermal bridging , including at the party wall , is reasonably limited .
O B-object I-object O O B-quality O O B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '152_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
For absorption chillers used in conjunction with onsite CHP or a district heat network or community heating system, the CO2 emissions and primary energy should be calculated in the same way as when using CHP for heating.
For absorption chillers used in conjunction with onsite CHP or a district heat network or community heating system , the CO2 emissions and primary energy should be calculated in the same way as when using CHP for heating .
O B-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-property I-property O B-property I-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '284_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Where a system for onsite electricity generation is installed (a) reasonable provision must be made to ensure that (i) the system and its electrical output are appropriately sized for the site and available infrastructure; (ii) the system has effective controls; and (b) it must be commissioned by testing and adjusting as necessary to ensure that it produces the maximum electricity that is reasonable in the circumstances.
Where a system for onsite electricity generation is installed ( a ) reasonable provision must be made to ensure that ( i ) the system and its electrical output are appropriately sized for the site and available infrastructure ; ( ii ) the system has effective controls ; and ( b ) it must be commissioned by testing and adjusting as necessary to ensure that it produces the maximum electricity that is reasonable in the circumstances .
O O B-object I-object I-object I-object I-object O B-quality O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O B-object O O B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O B-object O B-quality B-object O O O O O B-object O O B-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '214_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
In buildings more than 9 metres and at most 28 metres in height, the attic and roof must be accessible via the interior and exterior of the building; in buildings more than 28 metres in height, these must be accessible via the interior.
In buildings more than 9 metres and at most 28 metres in height , the attic and roof must be accessible via the interior and exterior of the building ; in buildings more than 28 metres in height , these must be accessible via the interior .
O B-object O O B-value I-value O O O B-value I-value O B-property O O B-object O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-object O O B-value I-value O B-property O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '126_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'}
If sand, sludge, grease, petrol, oil or other detrimental physical or chemical substances may end up in the sewerage system or network or in the environment, the sewerage system shall be equipped with a separator or treatment device.
If sand , sludge , grease , petrol , oil or other detrimental physical or chemical substances may end up in the sewerage system or network or in the environment , the sewerage system shall be equipped with a separator or treatment device .
O B-object O B-object O B-object O B-object O B-object O O B-object I-object I-object I-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality B-object I-object I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O O O O O B-object I-object I-object I-object O
{'ID': '152_Finnish_Health-WaterAndSewerage'}
Rigid ducts should be used wherever possible.
Rigid ducts should be used wherever possible .
B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '111_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'}
U-values for rooflights or rooflight-and-kerb assemblies should be based on the developed surface area of the rooflight (U-values), which is often greater than the area of the roof opening.
U-values for rooflights or rooflight-and-kerb assemblies should be based on the developed surface area of the rooflight ( U-values ) , which is often greater than the area of the roof opening .
B-property O B-object O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '114_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
The methodology for determining costs should be consistent between all elements of the calculation to allow a fair comparison between the cost of the major renovation and the cost of electric vehicle charge point infrastructure.
The methodology for determining costs should be consistent between all elements of the calculation to allow a fair comparison between the cost of the major renovation and the cost of electric vehicle charge point infrastructure .
O B-object O B-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '54_UK_DocS_InfrastructureForChargingOfElectricalVehicles'}
Ventilation should be controllable.
Ventilation should be controllable .
B-property O O B-quality O
{'ID': '63_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'}
A commissioning notice must be given to the building control body.
A commissioning notice must be given to the building control body .
O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '181_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'}
Any walls, doors and windows should be insulated and draught-proofed to at least the same extent as in the existing dwelling.
Any walls , doors and windows should be insulated and draught-proofed to at least the same extent as in the existing dwelling .
O B-object O B-object O B-object O O B-quality O B-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '433_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
The pumping station shall be equipped with a malfunction detector.
The pumping station shall be equipped with a malfunction detector .
O B-object I-object O O O O O B-object I-object O
{'ID': '131_Finnish_Health-WaterAndSewerage'}
Both before and after a newly constructed dwelling is built, a notice must be given to the building control body of the calculations.
Both before and after a newly constructed dwelling is built , a notice must be given to the building control body of the calculations .
O O O O O B-quality I-quality B-object O B-quality O O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '44_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
The number of appliances should not exceed one per 100m2 of dwelling floor area.
The number of appliances should not exceed one per 100m2 of dwelling floor area .
O B-property I-property I-property O O O B-value I-value I-value O B-object B-property I-property O
{'ID': '273_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
NOTE: All boilers should be used in the calculation, including any that are identical.
NOTE : All boilers should be used in the calculation , including any that are identical .
O O B-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '249_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Systems should be designed so that they can be commissioned to suitable ventilation rates so that spaces are not significantly over-ventilated.
Systems should be designed so that they can be commissioned to suitable ventilation rates so that spaces are not significantly over-ventilated .
B-object O O B-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '335_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
The building primary energy rate and building emission rate calculated using the measured air permeability must not be higher than the target primary energy rate and target emission rate, respectively.
The building primary energy rate and building emission rate calculated using the measured air permeability must not be higher than the target primary energy rate and target emission rate , respectively .
O B-property I-property I-property I-property O B-property I-property I-property B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O O B-property I-property I-property I-property O B-property I-property I-property O O O
{'ID': '357_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Consideration should be given to providing a low level urinal for children in male washrooms.
Consideration should be given to providing a low level urinal for children in male washrooms .
B-object O O O O O O B-quality I-quality B-object B-quality I-quality O B-object I-object O
{'ID': '174_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Public Health Englands Indoor Air Quality Guidelines for Selected Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the UK should be used.
Public Health Englands Indoor Air Quality Guidelines for Selected Volatile Organic Compounds ( VOCs ) in the UK should be used .
B-object I-object I-object I-object I-object I-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality O
{'ID': '118_UK_DocF_V2_Ventilation'}
The outdoor air flow used in the calculations for buildings other than those in intended use categories 1 and 2 outside the occupancy period shall be at least 0.15 dm3/s per m2.
The outdoor air flow used in the calculations for buildings other than those in intended use categories 1 and 2 outside the occupancy period shall be at least 0.15 dm3/s per m2 .
O B-quality B-property I-property B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O B-value I-value I-value I-value O
{'ID': '67_Finnish_EnergyEfficiency'}
Entrances and passageways to playgrounds and recreation areas used in the wintertime, as well as street areas surrounding the building and other public areas, must be protected from snow and ice falling from the roof of the building using snow barriers, taking into account the pitch of the roof.
Entrances and passageways to playgrounds and recreation areas used in the wintertime , as well as street areas surrounding the building and other public areas , must be protected from snow and ice falling from the roof of the building using snow barriers , taking into account the pitch of the roof .
B-object O B-object O B-object O B-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O B-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '96_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'}
Any radiator or towel rail should be clear of all access zones.
Any radiator or towel rail should be clear of all access zones .
O B-object O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '56_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The results should be recorded and given to the building owner.
The results should be recorded and given to the building owner .
O B-object O O B-quality O O O O B-object I-object O
{'ID': '399_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Barriers on loading docks must not impede loading and unloading.
Barriers on loading docks must not impede loading and unloading .
B-object O B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '136_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'}
Additionally, a sign identifying the floor reached should be provided on each landing in a location that can be easily seen from the lifting device and is designed so that it contrasts visually with its surrounding.
Additionally , a sign identifying the floor reached should be provided on each landing in a location that can be easily seen from the lifting device and is designed so that it contrasts visually with its surrounding .
O O O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '105_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
If performance requires thicker glass to be used, an equivalent window unit with standard thickness (6mm) glazing should be shown to meet the required standard.
If performance requires thicker glass to be used , an equivalent window unit with standard thickness ( 6mm ) glazing should be shown to meet the required standard .
O B-property O B-quality B-object O O O O O B-quality B-object I-object O B-property I-property O B-value O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '113_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
The insulant should be chosen to achieve the lowest practicable U-value.
The insulant should be chosen to achieve the lowest practicable U-value .
O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '129_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
A building shall be provided with a permanently installed dry riser that is suitable for its purpose for transporting water for fire extinguishing: 1) in the premises above the entry level of the building, when the distance of the uppermost floor level from the entry level exceeds 24 metres; 2) in the premises below the entry level of the building, when the distance of the basement storey floor from the entry level exceeds 14 metres.
A building shall be provided with a permanently installed dry riser that is suitable for its purpose for transporting water for fire extinguishing : 1 ) in the premises above the entry level of the building , when the distance of the uppermost floor level from the entry level exceeds 24 metres ; 2 ) in the premises below the entry level of the building , when the distance of the basement storey floor from the entry level exceeds 14 metres .
O B-object O O O O O B-quality I-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property O B-value I-value O O O O O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property O B-value I-value O
{'ID': '254_Finnish_FireSafety'}
All technically, functionally and economically feasible measures to improve the fabric of the building served by the service should be implemented.
All technically , functionally and economically feasible measures to improve the fabric of the building served by the service should be implemented .
O B-object I-object I-object I-object I-object I-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality O
{'ID': '455_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Windows, skylights and ventilators which can be opened by people in or about the building shall be so constructed or equipped that they may be opened, closed or adjusted safely.
Windows , skylights and ventilators which can be opened by people in or about the building shall be so constructed or equipped that they may be opened , closed or adjusted safely .
B-object I-object I-object I-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '107_UK_DocK_ProtectionFromFalling'}
Intermittent extract fans should be fitted in all wet rooms.
Intermittent extract fans should be fitted in all wet rooms .
B-object I-object I-object O O O O O B-object I-object O
{'ID': '82_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'}
A natural ventilation system, a mechanical extract ventilation system or a mechanical supply and extract ventilation system shall not be designed to be combined in such a way that the directions of air flow between the rooms and in the ductworks may change when the air flows are being controlled.
A natural ventilation system , a mechanical extract ventilation system or a mechanical supply and extract ventilation system shall not be designed to be combined in such a way that the directions of air flow between the rooms and in the ductworks may change when the air flows are being controlled .
O B-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality B-object I-object I-object O O B-quality B-object I-object I-object I-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '91_Finnish_Health-IndoorClimateAndVentilation'}
If there are not enough associated parking spaces outside of the covered car park to meet the requirement to install electric vehicle charge points, then cable routes should be installed for associated parking spaces within the covered car park.
If there are not enough associated parking spaces outside of the covered car park to meet the requirement to install electric vehicle charge points , then cable routes should be installed for associated parking spaces within the covered car park .
O O O B-quality I-quality B-quality B-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-object I-object O O O O B-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality B-object I-object O
{'ID': '58_UK_DocS_InfrastructureForChargingOfElectricalVehicles'}
The fire compartmenting requirement for the balcony slab of a glazed balcony of a building exceeding two storeys is EI 30; however, minor sealing parts and penetrations may be class E 15.
The fire compartmenting requirement for the balcony slab of a glazed balcony of a building exceeding two storeys is EI 30 ; however , minor sealing parts and penetrations may be class E 15 .
O B-property I-property I-property O O B-object I-object O O B-quality B-object O O B-object O B-value B-object O B-value I-value O O O B-quality B-object I-object O B-object O O B-property B-value I-value O
{'ID': '134_Finnish_FireSafety'}
The outputs of any renewable systems should be separately monitored.
The outputs of any renewable systems should be separately monitored .
O B-property O O B-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '228_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The non-primary doors for entering a dwelling (for example, back door or garage inter-connecting doors) should be fitted with a multipoint locking system that meets the requirements of: PAS 3621 (key locking on both sides), or PAS 8621 (non-key locking on the internal face), or PAS 10621 (non-key locking on the internal face, but with an external locking override facility).
The non-primary doors for entering a dwelling ( for example , back door or garage inter-connecting doors ) should be fitted with a multipoint locking system that meets the requirements of : PAS 3621 ( key locking on both sides ) , or PAS 8621 ( non-key locking on the internal face ) , or PAS 10621 ( non-key locking on the internal face , but with an external locking override facility ) .
O B-quality B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O B-object I-object I-object O O O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '37_UK_DocQ_Security_Dwellings'}
In principle, suitable sanitary accommodation should be available to everybody, including sanitary accommodation designed for wheelchair users, ambulant disabled people, people of either sex with babies and small children or people encumbered by luggage.
In principle , suitable sanitary accommodation should be available to everybody , including sanitary accommodation designed for wheelchair users , ambulant disabled people , people of either sex with babies and small children or people encumbered by luggage .
O O O B-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '155_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The heat pump along with its accompanying pipework should be flushed and purged as a separate system while isolated from the ground array system.
The heat pump along with its accompanying pipework should be flushed and purged as a separate system while isolated from the ground array system .
O B-object I-object O O O O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '387_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
The total height of the barrier must be one metre if the drop is no more than six metres.
The total height of the barrier must be one metre if the drop is no more than six metres .
O B-quality B-property O O B-object O O B-value I-value O O B-property O O O O B-value I-value O
{'ID': '43_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'}
lifting platform controls are located between 800mm and 1100mm from the floor of the lifting platform and at least 400mm from any return wall.
lifting platform controls are located between 800mm and 1100mm from the floor of the lifting platform and at least 400mm from any return wall .
B-object I-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '184_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Manual reset should be possible if there is an over-temperature trip.
Manual reset should be possible if there is an over-temperature trip .
B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '269_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
If fans and background ventilators are fitted in the same room, they should be at least 500mm apart.
If fans and background ventilators are fitted in the same room , they should be at least 500mm apart .
O B-object O B-object I-object O O O O B-quality B-object O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '88_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'}
NOTE: Ventilation through infiltration should be considered to be part of the ventilation provision of a dwelling.
NOTE : Ventilation through infiltration should be considered to be part of the ventilation provision of a dwelling .
O O B-object B-quality I-quality O O O O O O O O B-property I-property O O B-object O
{'ID': '131_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'}
The dwelling primary energy rate, dwelling emission rate and dwelling fabric energy efficiency rate, all calculated using the measured air permeability, must not be higher than the target primary energy rate, target emission rate and target fabric energy efficiency rate, respectively.
The dwelling primary energy rate , dwelling emission rate and dwelling fabric energy efficiency rate , all calculated using the measured air permeability , must not be higher than the target primary energy rate , target emission rate and target fabric energy efficiency rate , respectively .
O B-property I-property I-property I-property O B-property I-property I-property O B-property I-property I-property I-property I-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O O O B-property I-property I-property I-property O B-property I-property I-property O B-property I-property I-property I-property I-property O O O
{'ID': '356_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
In hard water areas, suitable measures should be taken to treat the feed water to water heaters and the hot water circuit of combination boilers to reduce limescale accumulation.
In hard water areas , suitable measures should be taken to treat the feed water to water heaters and the hot water circuit of combination boilers to reduce limescale accumulation .
O B-object I-object I-object O B-quality B-object O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '218_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The use of recirculation, transfer or secondary air shall not cause any harmful spread of impurities, in particular odours.
The use of recirculation , transfer or secondary air shall not cause any harmful spread of impurities , in particular odours .
O O O B-quality O B-quality O B-quality B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '72_Finnish_Health-IndoorClimateAndVentilation'}
A building with a height exceeding 9 metres must be equipped with anchoring structures for safety lines.
A building with a height exceeding 9 metres must be equipped with anchoring structures for safety lines .
O B-object O O B-property O B-value I-value O O O O B-object I-object O B-object I-object O
{'ID': '127_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'}
The index terminal flow rate should be set with the terminal fully open and all other terminals should be adjusted to achieve the required flow rates at each terminal.
The index terminal flow rate should be set with the terminal fully open and all other terminals should be adjusted to achieve the required flow rates at each terminal .
O B-object I-object B-property I-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '206_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'}
The annual energy savings should be estimated using the Standard Assessment Procedure.
The annual energy savings should be estimated using the Standard Assessment Procedure .
O B-quality B-property I-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '464_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
The actual equivalent area and location of installed background ventilators should be recorded.
The actual equivalent area and location of installed background ventilators should be recorded .
O B-quality B-property I-property O B-property O B-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality O
{'ID': '189_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'}
Ladders and other structural elements at emergency exits and service routes must be designed and constructed so that they can also be used in an emergency situation.
Ladders and other structural elements at emergency exits and service routes must be designed and constructed so that they can also be used in an emergency situation .
B-object O O B-object I-object O B-object I-object O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '82_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'}
Where controls are external to the heater, the system should be provided with a time switch/programmer and room thermostat, or programmable room thermostat.
Where controls are external to the heater , the system should be provided with a time switch/programmer and room thermostat , or programmable room thermostat .
O B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-object O O O O O B-object I-object O B-object I-object O O B-quality B-object I-object O
{'ID': '265_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
On-site electricity generation should be provided with automated controls that support the design of the system and the intended use.
On-site electricity generation should be provided with automated controls that support the design of the system and the intended use .
B-quality B-object I-object O O O O B-quality B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '335_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
For windows and roof windows, U-values should be calculated based on a vertical position.
For windows and roof windows , U-values should be calculated based on a vertical position .
O B-object O B-object I-object O B-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '110_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
The value of the consequential improvement works should not be less than 10 of the value of the principal works.
The value of the consequential improvement works should not be less than 10 of the value of the principal works .
O B-property O O B-quality B-object I-object O O O O O B-value O O B-property O O B-object I-object O
{'ID': '452_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
All space alongside the cable duct should be backfilled in a way that avoids damage to the duct.
All space alongside the cable duct should be backfilled in a way that avoids damage to the duct .
O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '112_UK_DocS_InfrastructureForChargingOfElectricalVehicles'}
Seats must be fixed to a base if the floor of the seating area is sloped or if there are level differences between the floors of the respective rows of seats.
Seats must be fixed to a base if the floor of the seating area is sloped or if there are level differences between the floors of the respective rows of seats .
B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-object O O B-object I-object O B-quality O O O O B-property I-property B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '105_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'}
Where on-site electricity generation and storage is installed, such as photovoltaic panels or battery storage, systems should be an appropriate size for the site, available infrastructure and on-site energy demand.
Where on-site electricity generation and storage is installed , such as photovoltaic panels or battery storage , systems should be an appropriate size for the site , available infrastructure and on-site energy demand .
O B-object I-object I-object O B-object O O O O O B-object I-object O B-object I-object O B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '331_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Fixings: care should be taken to ensure that fixings do not damage the airtightness barrier.
Fixings : care should be taken to ensure that fixings do not damage the airtightness barrier .
B-object O O O O O O O O B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '187_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
The same approved calculation tool must be used to calculate the target primary energy rate, the target emission rate, the building primary energy rate and the building emission rate.
The same approved calculation tool must be used to calculate the target primary energy rate , the target emission rate , the building primary energy rate and the building emission rate .
O B-quality B-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O B-property I-property I-property I-property O O B-property I-property I-property O O B-property I-property I-property I-property O O B-property I-property I-property O
{'ID': '51_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Wheelchair users should be able to manoeuvre around and use the facilities in the room, and operate switches and controls.
Wheelchair users should be able to manoeuvre around and use the facilities in the room , and operate switches and controls .
B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '145_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
NOTE: A system for purge ventilation should be provided in each habitable room to demonstrate compliance with Part F of the Building Regulations.
NOTE : A system for purge ventilation should be provided in each habitable room to demonstrate compliance with Part F of the Building Regulations .
O O O B-object I-object I-object I-object O O O O O B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '67_UK_DocO_Overheating'}
The cleanouts shall be located so that the entire pipeline may be cleansed.
The cleanouts shall be located so that the entire pipeline may be cleansed .
O B-object O O B-quality O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '158_Finnish_Health-WaterAndSewerage'}
Ventilation systems that provide supply and extract ventilation should be fitted with a heat recovery system where technically feasible.
Ventilation systems that provide supply and extract ventilation should be fitted with a heat recovery system where technically feasible .
B-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '309_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The floor area of the extension does not exceed 30m2.
The floor area of the extension does not exceed 30m2 .
O B-property I-property O O B-object O O O B-value O
{'ID': '13_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
Where illuminance on surfaces is greater than 200 lux, a difference in light reflectance value should be a minimum of 20 points.
Where illuminance on surfaces is greater than 200 lux , a difference in light reflectance value should be a minimum of 20 points .
O B-property O B-property O O O B-value I-value O O B-property I-property I-property I-property I-property O O O O O B-value I-value O
{'ID': '29_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}