If other performance (e.g. wind load, safety, security or acoustic attenuation) requires thicker glass to be used, an equivalent window unit with standard thickness glazing should be shown to meet the required standard.
If other performance ( e.g . wind load , safety , security or acoustic attenuation ) requires thicker glass to be used , an equivalent window unit with standard thickness glazing should be shown to meet the required standard .
O B-quality B-property O O O O O O O O O O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O B-quality B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '137_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Waste water shall be conveyed to the sewer of the water supply plant or for purification property-specifically or to a cesspit.
Waste water shall be conveyed to the sewer of the water supply plant or for purification property-specifically or to a cesspit .
B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '122_Finnish_Health-WaterAndSewerage'}
Corridors and passageways should be wide enough to allow people with buggies, people carrying cases or people on crutches to pass others on the access route.
Corridors and passageways should be wide enough to allow people with buggies , people carrying cases or people on crutches to pass others on the access route .
B-object O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '96_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
If efficiencies at below 30% are required and unavailable, the boiler efficiency may be taken as equal to that at 30% load.
If efficiencies at below 30 % are required and unavailable , the boiler efficiency may be taken as equal to that at 30 % load .
O B-property O O B-value I-value O O O O O O B-property I-property O O O O O O O O B-value I-value I-value O
{'ID': '246_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The water system shall incorporate: 1) a pressure gauge; 2) thermometers in the water pipe of mixed domestic hot water from the water heater and in the domestic hot water ring duct to measure the temperature of return water; 3) throttling valves.
The water system shall incorporate : 1 ) a pressure gauge ; 2 ) thermometers in the water pipe of mixed domestic hot water from the water heater and in the domestic hot water ring duct to measure the temperature of return water ; 3 ) throttling valves .
O B-object I-object O O O O O O B-object I-object O O O B-object O O B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-object I-object O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-object I-object O
{'ID': '97_Finnish_Health-WaterAndSewerage'}
replacing a heating system including the heating appliance, pipework and heat emitters), the energy performance of the whole system should be assessed, and the results documented and handed over to the building owner with the manufacturers supporting literature.
replacing a heating system including the heating appliance , pipework and heat emitters ) , the energy performance of the whole system should be assessed , and the results documented and handed over to the building owner with the manufacturers supporting literature .
B-quality O B-object I-object O O B-object I-object O B-object O B-object I-object O O O B-property I-property O O B-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '397_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The joint between waterproofing and the floor drain must be tight.
The joint between waterproofing and the floor drain must be tight .
O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality O
{'ID': '119_Finnish_Health-Humidity'}
Every flight has a minimum clear width of 900mm.
Every flight has a minimum clear width of 900mm .
O B-object O O O B-property I-property O B-value O
{'ID': '20_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
If parking spaces are provided for a building, an adequate number of them, but at least one, shall be intended for the use of a person with mobility and functional impairment.
If parking spaces are provided for a building , an adequate number of them , but at least one , shall be intended for the use of a person with mobility and functional impairment .
O B-object I-object O O O O B-object O O O O O B-object O O O O B-value O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '12_Finnish_Accessibility'}
In rooms used for sleeping or rest, the one-hour A-weighted equivalent continuous sound level of impulsive, narrow-band or low-frequency noise may not exceed 25 decibels.
In rooms used for sleeping or rest , the one-hour A-weighted equivalent continuous sound level of impulsive , narrow-band or low-frequency noise may not exceed 25 decibels .
O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property O O O B-value I-value O
{'ID': '17_Finnish_AcousticEnvironment'}
Reasonable provision should be made for people to (a) gain access to; and (b) use, the dwelling and its facilities.
Reasonable provision should be made for people to ( a ) gain access to ; and ( b ) use , the dwelling and its facilities .
B-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '9_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
If the planned time of use of a modular or portable building in a single location is less than two years, the only practical heating technology may be electric resistance heating.
If the planned time of use of a modular or portable building in a single location is less than two years , the only practical heating technology may be electric resistance heating .
O O B-property I-property I-property I-property O O B-quality O B-quality B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-value I-value O O O B-quality B-object I-object O O B-object I-object I-object O
{'ID': '89_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
the rated speed of the platform does not exceed 0.15m/s.
the rated speed of the platform does not exceed 0.15m/s .
O B-property I-property O O B-object O O O B-value O
{'ID': '183_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Any future connection locations should be clearly identified and labelled.
Any future connection locations should be clearly identified and labelled .
O B-object I-object B-property O O B-quality I-quality O B-quality O
{'ID': '116_UK_DocS_InfrastructureForChargingOfElectricalVehicles'}
The outdoor air flow of a dwelling unit, however, shall be designed to be a minimum of 18 dm3/s.
The outdoor air flow of a dwelling unit , however , shall be designed to be a minimum of 18 dm3/s .
O B-quality B-property I-property O O B-object I-object O O O O O O O O O O O B-value I-value O
{'ID': '54_Finnish_Health-IndoorClimateAndVentilation'}
Modular and portable buildings with a planned service life of more than two years but with an intended time of use in a single location of less than two years should be shown to comply with the energy efficiency requirements.
Modular and portable buildings with a planned service life of more than two years but with an intended time of use in a single location of less than two years should be shown to comply with the energy efficiency requirements .
B-quality O B-quality B-object O O B-quality B-property I-property O O O B-value I-value O O O B-property I-property I-property I-property B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-value I-value O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '83_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
A guardrail must be used at points with a level difference of over 0.7 metres, if these can be accessed by children.
A guardrail must be used at points with a level difference of over 0.7 metres , if these can be accessed by children .
O B-object O O O O O O O B-property I-property O O B-value I-value O O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '39_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'}
When calculating the energy consumption of a buildings cooling system, the energy consumption of cooling energy production and the electrical energy consumption of auxiliary units shall be taken into account where the use of the systems is required for indoor temperature control.
When calculating the energy consumption of a buildings cooling system , the energy consumption of cooling energy production and the electrical energy consumption of auxiliary units shall be taken into account where the use of the systems is required for indoor temperature control .
O O O O O O O O O O O O B-property I-property O B-object I-object I-object O O B-quality B-property I-property O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '111_Finnish_EnergyEfficiency'}
The results of all pressure tests on buildings, including any test failures, should be reported to the building control body.
The results of all pressure tests on buildings , including any test failures , should be reported to the building control body .
O B-property O O B-object I-object O B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '360_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The approach route should be level, gently sloping, or, where necessary, ramped.
The approach route should be level , gently sloping , or , where necessary , ramped .
O B-object I-object O O B-quality O B-quality I-quality O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '15_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Humus soil, organic substances decomposing or rotting from moisture or building waste must not be left under new buildings, in their crawl spaces and in their gravel backfills functioning as a drainage layer.
Humus soil , organic substances decomposing or rotting from moisture or building waste must not be left under new buildings , in their crawl spaces and in their gravel backfills functioning as a drainage layer .
B-object I-object O B-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-object B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '45_Finnish_Health-Humidity'}
Any panel within the doorset should be at least 15mm thick.
Any panel within the doorset should be at least 15mm thick .
O B-object O O B-object O O O O B-value B-property O
{'ID': '30_UK_DocQ_Security_Dwellings'}
Manual controls for powered entrance doors should be clearly distinguishable against the background and not located so that a person, having used the control, needs to move to avoid contact with the door as it opens.
Manual controls for powered entrance doors should be clearly distinguishable against the background and not located so that a person , having used the control , needs to move to avoid contact with the door as it opens .
B-object I-object O B-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '74_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The sink is not more than 150mm deep with insulation to the underside to prevent scalding of a wheelchair users legs.
The sink is not more than 150mm deep with insulation to the underside to prevent scalding of a wheelchair users legs .
O B-object O O O O B-value B-property O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '96_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
There should be a supply rate, in the absence of tobacco smoke or other excessive pollutants, of 10 litres per second per person.
There should be a supply rate , in the absence of tobacco smoke or other excessive pollutants , of 10 litres per second per person .
O O O O B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-value I-value I-value I-value I-value I-value O
{'ID': '114_UK_DocF_V2_Ventilation'}
People with mobility impairments who arrive as passengers should be able to alight from a vehicle close to the principal entrance, or alternative accessible entrance, of the building in a way that is convenient for entry into the building.
People with mobility impairments who arrive as passengers should be able to alight from a vehicle close to the principal entrance , or alternative accessible entrance , of the building in a way that is convenient for entry into the building .
B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '47_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Other ventilation systems may be acceptable if they can be shown to meet an equal level of performance.
Other ventilation systems may be acceptable if they can be shown to meet an equal level of performance .
O B-object I-object O O B-quality O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '30_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'}
For rooflights, U-values should be calculated based on a horizontal position.
For rooflights , U-values should be calculated based on a horizontal position .
O B-object O B-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '130_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The area of openings in the newly created dwelling should not be more than 25 of the total floor area.
The area of openings in the newly created dwelling should not be more than 25 of the total floor area .
O B-property O B-object O O B-quality I-quality B-object O O O O O B-value O O B-property I-property I-property O
{'ID': '490_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
For mechanical ventilation systems, fan units should be appropriately sized so that fans operating in normal background ventilation mode are not overly noisy.
For mechanical ventilation systems , fan units should be appropriately sized so that fans operating in normal background ventilation mode are not overly noisy .
O B-quality B-object I-object O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality O O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '23_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'}
If the number of occupants exceeds 120, the total minimum width of the exits shall be calculated by increasing the original 1,200 millimetres by 400 millimetres for each additional group of 60 people.
If the number of occupants exceeds 120 , the total minimum width of the exits shall be calculated by increasing the original 1,200 millimetres by 400 millimetres for each additional group of 60 people .
O O B-property I-property I-property O B-value O O B-property I-property I-property O O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '219_Finnish_FireSafety'}
The size of a fire compartment must be limited so that a fire igniting in the compartment does not cause unreasonably vast damages (compartmentation by area).
The size of a fire compartment must be limited so that a fire igniting in the compartment does not cause unreasonably vast damages ( compartmentation by area ) .
O B-property O O B-object I-object O O B-quality O O O B-property I-property O O B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '104_Finnish_FireSafety'}
Systems should be commissioned to optimise the use of energy for pumping.
Systems should be commissioned to optimise the use of energy for pumping .
B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '393_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
When a building undergoes a major renovation, the technical, environmental and economic feasibility of installing high-efficiency alternative systems should be considered.
When a building undergoes a major renovation , the technical , environmental and economic feasibility of installing high-efficiency alternative systems should be considered .
O O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality O B-quality O B-quality B-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property O O O O
{'ID': '117_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The supports and fastening points of water pipes shall be such that neither heat expansion nor forces generated by water flow cause the pipes to shift, loosen, break or make disturbing noises.
The supports and fastening points of water pipes shall be such that neither heat expansion nor forces generated by water flow cause the pipes to shift , loosen , break or make disturbing noises .
O B-property O B-property I-property O B-object I-object O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '89_Finnish_Health-WaterAndSewerage'}
Gasfired boilers and multi-stage oilfired boilers with an output of more than 500kW should have fully modulating burner controls.
Gasfired boilers and multi-stage oilfired boilers with an output of more than 500kW should have fully modulating burner controls .
B-object I-object O B-object I-object I-object O O B-property O O O B-value O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '252_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The materials and fittings shall be compatible.
The materials and fittings shall be compatible .
O B-object O B-object O O B-quality O
{'ID': '149_Finnish_Health-WaterAndSewerage'}
The handle to at least one window in the principal living area is located between 450mm and 1200mm above floor level, unless the window is fitted with a remote opening device that is within this height range.
The handle to at least one window in the principal living area is located between 450mm and 1200mm above floor level , unless the window is fitted with a remote opening device that is within this height range .
O B-object O O O B-value B-object O O B-object I-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '57_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Air handling units should be made and assembled so as to be reasonably airtight.
Air handling units should be made and assembled so as to be reasonably airtight .
B-object I-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '300_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
If renewable technology such as a wind turbine or photovoltaic array is replaced, the new system should have an electrical output that is at least the same as that of the original installation.
If renewable technology such as a wind turbine or photovoltaic array is replaced , the new system should have an electrical output that is at least the same as that of the original installation .
O B-object I-object O O O B-object I-object O B-object I-object O B-quality O O B-quality B-object O O O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '231_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
When installing controlled fittings, the controlled fitting should be well fitted and reasonably draught-proof.
When installing controlled fittings , the controlled fitting should be well fitted and reasonably draught-proof .
O B-quality B-object I-object O O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '162_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
An air pressure test should be carried out on every dwelling.
An air pressure test should be carried out on every dwelling .
O B-object I-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '354_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery systems should be designed to avoid the moist air from the wet rooms recirculating to the habitable rooms.
Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery systems should be designed to avoid the moist air from the wet rooms recirculating to the habitable rooms .
B-quality B-object O B-object I-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '107_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'}
If all the terminals have to be set to a significantly closed position to achieve the required air flow rate, then the fan speed should be reduced and the terminals rebalanced.
If all the terminals have to be set to a significantly closed position to achieve the required air flow rate , then the fan speed should be reduced and the terminals rebalanced .
O O O B-object O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-object B-property O O B-quality O O B-object B-quality O
{'ID': '200_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'}
The water system shall be designed so as to prevent detrimental cross-flow of water from the hot water pipe to the cold water pipe or vice versa.
The water system shall be designed so as to prevent detrimental cross-flow of water from the hot water pipe to the cold water pipe or vice versa .
O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '63_Finnish_Health-WaterAndSewerage'}
Staircases must be safe, sufficiently spacious and suitable for their purpose.
Staircases must be safe , sufficiently spacious and suitable for their purpose .
B-object O O B-quality O B-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '13_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'}
If an exhaust air terminal is located on a facade that is exposed to the prevailing wind, measures should be taken to minimise likely wind effects.
If an exhaust air terminal is located on a facade that is exposed to the prevailing wind , measures should be taken to minimise likely wind effects .
O O B-object I-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '100_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'}
Provision shall be made to prevent people moving in or about the building from colliding with open windows, skylights or ventilators.
Provision shall be made to prevent people moving in or about the building from colliding with open windows , skylights or ventilators .
B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '98_UK_DocK_ProtectionFromFalling'}
Where membranes are penetrated, careful detailing should be used to achieve a robust and durable seal at these penetrations.
Where membranes are penetrated , careful detailing should be used to achieve a robust and durable seal at these penetrations .
O B-object O B-quality O B-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '182_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
Where a gas combination boiler is used, the boiler type should be selected to modulate down to the typical heating load of the dwelling.
Where a gas combination boiler is used , the boiler type should be selected to modulate down to the typical heating load of the dwelling .
O O B-object I-object I-object O B-quality O O B-property I-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O
{'ID': '237_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
The total number of associated parking spaces which have access to either: a. cable routes; b. an electric vehicle charge point should be the greater of the following: a. the number of dwellings in the residential building; b. the number of associated parking spaces.
The total number of associated parking spaces which have access to either : a . cable routes ; b . an electric vehicle charge point should be the greater of the following : a . the number of dwellings in the residential building ; b . the number of associated parking spaces .
O B-property I-property O B-quality B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O O O O O O O B-property O B-object O O B-object I-object O O O O B-property O B-quality B-object I-object O
{'ID': '59_UK_DocS_InfrastructureForChargingOfElectricalVehicles'}
Partitioning doors in accommodation premises shall be equipped with closing devices.
Partitioning doors in accommodation premises shall be equipped with closing devices .
B-quality B-object O B-object I-object O O O O B-object I-object O
{'ID': '121_Finnish_FireSafety'}
If the protective part of the barrier contains only vertical structures, a cube with edges of no more than 100 millimetres may pass through its openings.
If the protective part of the barrier contains only vertical structures , a cube with edges of no more than 100 millimetres may pass through its openings .
O O B-property I-property O O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-object O B-property O O O O B-value I-value O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '48_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'}
If a water pump is used on a closed loop circuit and the motor is rated at more than 750W, then it should be fitted with or controlled by an appropriate variable speed controller on any variable volume system.
If a water pump is used on a closed loop circuit and the motor is rated at more than 750W , then it should be fitted with or controlled by an appropriate variable speed controller on any variable volume system .
O O B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '290_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
For mixed-use buildings which have parking spaces within a covered car park, any requirements to install electric vehicle charge points or cable routes must first be applied to those parking spaces outside the covered car park.
For mixed-use buildings which have parking spaces within a covered car park , any requirements to install electric vehicle charge points or cable routes must first be applied to those parking spaces outside the covered car park .
O B-quality B-object O O B-object I-object O O B-quality B-object I-object O O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '95_UK_DocS_InfrastructureForChargingOfElectricalVehicles'}
The fire compartment shall be partitioned by accommodation room.
The fire compartment shall be partitioned by accommodation room .
O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '258_Finnish_FireSafety'}
Lift door systems should be designed to allow adequate time for people, and any assistance dogs, to enter or leave the lift without coming into contact with closing doors.
Lift door systems should be designed to allow adequate time for people , and any assistance dogs , to enter or leave the lift without coming into contact with closing doors .
B-object I-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '111_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Controls should be provided for ventilators so that the ventilation in each room can be adjusted.
Controls should be provided for ventilators so that the ventilation in each room can be adjusted .
B-object O O O O B-object O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '58_UK_DocF_V2_Ventilation'}
The water meter of a property shall be located in a place where it is easy to install, read and service and where it cannot freeze.
The water meter of a property shall be located in a place where it is easy to install , read and service and where it can not freeze .
O B-object I-object O O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '73_Finnish_Health-WaterAndSewerage'}
Any flexible ducts should be installed so that the full internal diameter is maintained and flow resistance is minimised.
Any flexible ducts should be installed so that the full internal diameter is maintained and flow resistance is minimised .
O B-quality B-object O O B-quality O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '113_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'}
Handrails should be set at heights that are convenient for all users of the building and should extend safely beyond the top and bottom of a flight of steps, or a ramp, to give both stability and warning of the presence of a change in level.
Handrails should be set at heights that are convenient for all users of the building and should extend safely beyond the top and bottom of a flight of steps , or a ramp , to give both stability and warning of the presence of a change in level .
B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '58_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Windows and doors: to ensure continuity of the air barrier, window and door units should connect to the primary air barrier and window and door frames should be taped to surrounding structural openings, using air sealing tape.
Windows and doors : to ensure continuity of the air barrier , window and door units should connect to the primary air barrier and window and door frames should be taped to surrounding structural openings , using air sealing tape .
B-object O B-object O O O B-property O O B-object I-object O B-object I-object I-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-object I-object I-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '188_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
NOTE: A floor level with a gradient of 1:20 or steeper should be designed as a ramp.
NOTE : A floor level with a gradient of 1:20 or steeper should be designed as a ramp .
O O O B-object I-object O O B-property O B-value O B-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '54_UK_DocK_ProtectionFromFalling'}
The side edges of stairs and landings must be fitted with a raised camber to prevent slipping over the edge if a cube measuring more than 50 millimetres in width is able to pass through the opening between the plane level and the handrail or wall.
The side edges of stairs and landings must be fitted with a raised camber to prevent slipping over the edge if a cube measuring more than 50 millimetres in width is able to pass through the opening between the plane level and the handrail or wall .
O B-property I-property O B-object O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-object O O O B-value I-value O B-property O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '32_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'}
NOTE: The surface area of the whole building must be included when assessing whether the works constitute a major renovation, even if the building is mixed use.
NOTE : The surface area of the whole building must be included when assessing whether the works constitute a major renovation , even if the building is mixed use .
O O O B-property I-property O O B-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O B-object O B-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '124_UK_DocS_InfrastructureForChargingOfElectricalVehicles'}
The relevant parts of Part 2 and 3 should be signed by a person who is competent to design the residential building.
The relevant parts of Part 2 and 3 should be signed by a person who is competent to design the residential building .
O B-quality B-object O B-object I-object I-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '109_UK_DocO_Overheating'}
Level differences of over 500 millimetres must be equipped with an appropriate safety barrier, railing or handrail.
Level differences of over 500 millimetres must be equipped with an appropriate safety barrier , railing or handrail .
B-property I-property O O B-value I-value O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '109_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'}
Each letter should be 25mm high.
Each letter should be 25mm high .
B-quality B-object O O B-value B-property O
{'ID': '117_UK_DocS_InfrastructureForChargingOfElectricalVehicles'}
The handle to at least one window in the principal living area is 700-1000mm above floor level, unless fitted with a remote opening device that is within this height range.
The handle to at least one window in the principal living area is 700-1000mm above floor level , unless fitted with a remote opening device that is within this height range .
O B-object O O O B-value B-object O O B-quality B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O B-object I-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '127_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The shutoff valves shall be located: 1) at each house; 2) at each apartment; 3) in vertical service pipes; 4) on both sides of devices installed in the service pipes; 5) before a device or fixture that is connected to the connector pipe; 6) on both sides of the water meters.
The shutoff valves shall be located : 1 ) at each house ; 2 ) at each apartment ; 3 ) in vertical service pipes ; 4 ) on both sides of devices installed in the service pipes ; 5 ) before a device or fixture that is connected to the connector pipe ; 6 ) on both sides of the water meters .
O B-object I-object O O O O O O O O B-object O O O O O B-object O O O O B-quality B-object I-object O O O O B-property I-property O B-object O O O B-object I-object O O O O O B-object O B-object O O O O O B-object I-object O O O O B-property I-property O O B-object I-object O
{'ID': '93_Finnish_Health-WaterAndSewerage'}
Drawings should be reviewed by the designer and installer and should include specifications for key materials.
Drawings should be reviewed by the designer and installer and should include specifications for key materials .
B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '177_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
Insulated cavity closers should be installed where appropriate.
Insulated cavity closers should be installed where appropriate .
B-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '419_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
Extensive voids must be partitioned in order to restrict the spread of fire.
Extensive voids must be partitioned in order to restrict the spread of fire .
B-quality B-object O O B-quality O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '129_Finnish_FireSafety'}
When installing windows, roof windows, rooflights or doors (all of which are controlled fittings), the controlled fitting should be well fitted and reasonably draught-proof.
When installing windows , roof windows , rooflights or doors ( all of which are controlled fittings ) , the controlled fitting should be well fitted and reasonably draught-proof .
O B-quality B-object O B-object I-object O B-object O B-object O O O O O O O O O O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '195_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
The flooring and wall covering must provide waterproofing, or separate waterproofing must be installed under the flooring and behind the wall covering.
The flooring and wall covering must provide waterproofing , or separate waterproofing must be installed under the flooring and behind the wall covering .
O B-object O B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality O O O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '111_Finnish_Health-Humidity'}
The building primary energy rate and building emission rate submission should be accompanied by a report, signed by a suitably qualified person, detailing how the CO2 emission factors and primary energy factors have been derived.
The building primary energy rate and building emission rate submission should be accompanied by a report , signed by a suitably qualified person , detailing how the CO2 emission factors and primary energy factors have been derived .
O B-property I-property I-property I-property O B-property I-property I-property B-object O O O O O B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '70_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
There must be safe and easily accessible, uninterrupted access routes to any chimneys, ventilation equipment and other building equipment and structural elements that are located on the roof of the building and that must be accessed regularly.
There must be safe and easily accessible , uninterrupted access routes to any chimneys , ventilation equipment and other building equipment and structural elements that are located on the roof of the building and that must be accessed regularly .
O O O B-quality O B-quality I-quality O B-quality B-object I-object O O B-object O B-object I-object O O B-object B-object O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O B-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '124_Finnish_SafetyOfUse'}
Fire must not spread in a roof or in its underlay in a way that causes a hazard.
Fire must not spread in a roof or in its underlay in a way that causes a hazard .
B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '179_Finnish_FireSafety'}
It should be recognised that there is the danger where adjacent spaces each have an induction loop system that the signals may overlap.
It should be recognised that there is the danger where adjacent spaces each have an induction loop system that the signals may overlap .
O O O O O O O O B-object O B-quality B-object O O O B-object I-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '154_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The wall ties should have a horizontal spacing of 900mm and a vertical spacing of 450mm, or alternatively should be spaced such that the number of wall ties per square metre is not less than 2.5 ties/m2.
The wall ties should have a horizontal spacing of 900mm and a vertical spacing of 450mm , or alternatively should be spaced such that the number of wall ties per square metre is not less than 2.5 ties/m2 .
O B-object I-object O O O B-property I-property O B-value O O B-property I-property O B-value O O O O O B-quality O O O B-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property I-property O O O O B-value I-value O
{'ID': '36_UK_DocA_Structure'}
Taps should be lever operated and capable of easy operation.
Taps should be lever operated and capable of easy operation .
B-object O O B-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '97_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The seasonal energy efficiency ratio of an air conditioner working in cooling mode should be a minimum of 4.0.
The seasonal energy efficiency ratio of an air conditioner working in cooling mode should be a minimum of 4.0 .
O B-property I-property I-property I-property O O B-object I-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O B-value O
{'ID': '332_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
Exits of parts of the building separated by a fire wall must be constructed separately so that in the event of a fire there is no need to use any door that may be in the fire wall.
Exits of parts of the building separated by a fire wall must be constructed separately so that in the event of a fire there is no need to use any door that may be in the fire wall .
B-object O B-object O O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '209_Finnish_FireSafety'}
Where a kitchen and living room accommodation are not separate rooms (i.e. open plan), no fewer than three ventilators of the same equivalent area as for other habitable rooms should be provided within the open-plan space.
Where a kitchen and living room accommodation are not separate rooms ( i.e . open plan ) , no fewer than three ventilators of the same equivalent area as for other habitable rooms should be provided within the open-plan space .
O O B-object O B-object I-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O O O O O O B-value B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O B-object I-object O
{'ID': '94_UK_DocF_V1_Ventilation'}
The flooring functioning as waterproofing or waterproofing located underneath the flooring in wet rooms must have a watertight connection with the waterproofing of the wall.
The flooring functioning as waterproofing or waterproofing located underneath the flooring in wet rooms must have a watertight connection with the waterproofing of the wall .
O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality O B-object B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-object I-object O O B-object O O B-object O
{'ID': '114_Finnish_Health-Humidity'}
Provision shall be made for any windows, skylights, or any transparent or translucent walls, ceilings or roofs to be safely accessible for cleaning.
Provision shall be made for any windows , skylights , or any transparent or translucent walls , ceilings or roofs to be safely accessible for cleaning .
B-object O O B-quality O B-quality B-object O B-object O O B-quality B-quality O B-quality B-object O B-object O B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '109_UK_DocK_ProtectionFromFalling'}
A passenger lift is the most suitable means of vertical access and should be provided wherever possible.
A passenger lift is the most suitable means of vertical access and should be provided wherever possible .
O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '103_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
For heating and cooling systems in a new non-domestic building, or when a heat generator such as a boiler is replaced in an existing non-domestic building, each room should be provided with thermostatic room controls.
For heating and cooling systems in a new non-domestic building , or when a heat generator such as a boiler is replaced in an existing non-domestic building , each room should be provided with thermostatic room controls .
O B-object I-object I-object I-object O O B-quality B-object I-object O O O O B-object I-object O O O B-object O B-quality O O B-quality B-object I-object O O B-object O O O O B-object I-object I-object O
{'ID': '220_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
CO2 emissions and primary energy associated with the thermal energy streams of a trigeneration scheme should be attributed in proportion to the output energy streams.
CO2 emissions and primary energy associated with the thermal energy streams of a trigeneration scheme should be attributed in proportion to the output energy streams .
B-property I-property O B-property I-property O O O B-object I-object I-object O O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '67_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Main distribution routes should be through vertical risers to minimise heat gains into common spaces.
Main distribution routes should be through vertical risers to minimise heat gains into common spaces .
B-quality B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '44_UK_DocO_Overheating'}
In a natural ventilation system, the ventilation valves shall be easy to close.
In a natural ventilation system , the ventilation valves shall be easy to close .
O O B-quality B-object I-object O O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '49_Finnish_Health-IndoorClimateAndVentilation'}
A step-free approach route should be provided to all private entrances.
A step-free approach route should be provided to all private entrances .
O B-quality B-object I-object O O O O O B-quality B-object O
{'ID': '71_UK_DocM_V1_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
The water heater is close to the draw-off points and has a storage capacity no greater than 100 litres.
The water heater is close to the draw-off points and has a storage capacity no greater than 100 litres .
O B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-property I-property O O O B-value I-value O
{'ID': '463_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
NOTE: For example, if the total system output is made up of three equally sized boilers, at 15% of system output the lead boiler will be operating at 45% of its rated output with the other two boilers switched off.
NOTE : For example , if the total system output is made up of three equally sized boilers , at 15 % of system output the lead boiler will be operating at 45 % of its rated output with the other two boilers switched off .
O O O O O O O B-quality B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-value I-value O B-object I-object O B-object I-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '244_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
For a building that contains more than one dwelling for example a block of flats or a terrace of houses an average target primary energy rate, target emission rate and target fabric energy efficiency rate may be calculated as an alternative to individual target rates for each dwelling.
For a building that contains more than one dwelling for example a block of flats or a terrace of houses an average target primary energy rate , target emission rate and target fabric energy efficiency rate may be calculated as an alternative to individual target rates for each dwelling .
O O B-object O O O O B-value B-object O O O B-object I-object I-object O O B-object I-object I-object O B-quality B-property I-property I-property I-property O B-property I-property I-property O B-property I-property I-property I-property I-property O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '50_UK_DocL_V1_ConsrvationOfFuelAndPower'}
Whatever lifting device is chosen, internal stairs should always be provided as an alternative means of vertical access, and designed to suit ambulant disabled people and those with impaired sight.
Whatever lifting device is chosen , internal stairs should always be provided as an alternative means of vertical access , and designed to suit ambulant disabled people and those with impaired sight .
O B-object I-object O B-quality O B-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '106_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
Where a system for on-site electricity generation is installed (a) reasonable provision must be made to ensure that (i) the system and its electrical output are appropriately sized for the site and available infrastructure; (ii) the system has effective controls; and (b) it must be commissioned by testing and adjusting as necessary to ensure that it produces the maximum electricity that is reasonable in the circumstances.
Where a system for on-site electricity generation is installed ( a ) reasonable provision must be made to ensure that ( i ) the system and its electrical output are appropriately sized for the site and available infrastructure ; ( ii ) the system has effective controls ; and ( b ) it must be commissioned by testing and adjusting as necessary to ensure that it produces the maximum electricity that is reasonable in the circumstances .
O O B-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O B-quality B-object O O O O O O O O O O B-object I-object I-object I-object I-object O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O B-object O B-quality I-quality O O O O O B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '370_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}
If the internal ties must be centred on the supporting line, the minimum value of the tie force, 10 kN, will also be applied to internal ties.
If the internal ties must be centred on the supporting line , the minimum value of the tie force , 10 kN , will also be applied to internal ties .
O O B-quality B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O O B-property I-property O B-value I-value O O O O O O B-quality B-object O
{'ID': '180_Finnish_StabilityOfStructures'}
The reference value for a building's total combined window area is 15 of the sum total of the floor plate areas of the buildings storeys that are fully or in part above the ground but, however, at most 50 of the building's facade area.
The reference value for a building 's total combined window area is 15 of the sum total of the floor plate areas of the buildings storeys that are fully or in part above the ground but , however , at most 50 of the building 's facade area .
O B-property I-property O O B-object I-object B-property I-property I-property I-property O B-value O O B-property I-property O O B-property I-property I-property O O B-object B-object O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O O O O O O B-value O O B-object I-object B-property I-property O
{'ID': '124_Finnish_EnergyEfficiency'}
It would be beneficial if entrance doors to wheelchair-accessible bedrooms were powered opening, as this could avoid the need for the 300mm access space adjacent to the leading edge of the door.
It would be beneficial if entrance doors to wheelchair-accessible bedrooms were powered opening , as this could avoid the need for the 300mm access space adjacent to the leading edge of the door .
O O O O O B-object I-object O B-quality B-object O B-quality I-quality O O O O B-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality I-quality O
{'ID': '143_UK_DocM_V2_AccessAndUseOfBuildings'}