1 value
=8804978 Trước Bài viết trước: A Animal Shelter That Does Not Put Dogs To Rest Reintroducing a Poorly Socialized Dog to Society Trang sau Bài tiếp theo: A Animal That Look Like A Cat And A Rat Animal Farm – George Orwell – Review Summary Notes Home » Science » Aliens Might Have Filled Space With Junk Like We Fill Our Oceans and Orbit Aliens Might Have Filled Space With Junk Like We Fill Our Oceans and Orbit December 4, 2018 by Brian Wang If there are technological aliens in our galaxy, then it is possible that their space junk could be part of the Interstellar material that makes it to our solar system. How much depends upon how many technological alien civilizations there are and how much junk is made from what they are doing. It will be decades to centuries before we can go to another solar system or even very far beyond Pluto. We are able to take improving looks at what is in our solar system and what happens to drift into our solar system for evidence of Aliens. A Lot of Interstellar Space Junk Seems Inevitable If Aliens are Making Spaceships or Probes
=8804978 Trước Bài viết trước: A Animal Shelter That Does Not Put Dogs To Rest Reintroducing a Poorly Socialized Dog to Society Trang sau Bài tiếp theo: A Animal That Look Like A Cat And A Rat Animal Farm – George Orwell – Review Summary Notes Home » Science » Aliens Might Have Filled Space With Junk Like We Fill Our Oceans and Orbit Aliens Might Have Filled Space With Junk Like We Fill Our Oceans and Orbit December 4, 2018 by Brian Wang If there are technological aliens in our galaxy, then it is possible that their space junk could be part of the Interstellar material that makes it to our solar system. How much depends upon how many technological alien civilizations there are and how much junk is made from what they are doing. It will be decades to centuries before we can go to another solar system or even very far beyond Pluto. We are able to take improving looks at what is in our solar system and what happens to drift into our solar system for evidence of Aliens. A Lot of Interstellar Space Junk Seems Inevitable If Aliens are Making Spaceships or Probes
Space is huge so we and aliens will probably have to move at very high speeds like 20 to 99% of the speed of light if they want travel times to be as economically short as possible. If they are using various kinds of spaceships and probes and they are moving at high speeds then parts could break off intentionally or unintentionally. The spaceships and probes would move at high speeds between solar systems almost all the time. They would not be able to stop and gather any part that broke off. Voyager 1 will run out of power and stop working in 2025. It will then be mainly inert and will be unable to communicate with Earth. Eventually it could run into something. If Aliens were not making round trips or were not moving between two alien habitats then probes and spaceships will eventually wear out. All fly-by missions end up with something that all becomes space junk. The world has about 5 to 13 million tons of plastic waste every year in our rivers, lakes and oceans. This is tens of billions of pieces of man-made junk that mixes in with plants, fish and debris from nature. Our manmade ocean junk is mainly parts of fishing nets and fishing related material. Natural stuff ranges from bits of seaweed to icebergs. If you were
[ 28, 41655, 2920, 3695, 198, 2898, 130, 108, 157, 119, 249, 66, 347, 24247, 72, 25357, 157, 118, 123, 83, 491, 130, 108, 157, 119, 249, 66, 25, 317, 13792, 36507, 1320, 8314, 1892, 5930, 21367, 1675, 8324, 797, 27427, 2259, 257, 23676, 306, 5483, 1143, 8532, 284, 7023, 198, 2898, 648, 473, 84, 347, 24247, 72, 46668, 157, 118, 123, 79, 262, 78, 25, 317, 13792, 1320, 6803, 4525, 317, 5181, 843, 317, 11738, 13792, 11272, 784, 4502, 32226, 784, 6602, 21293, 11822, 5995, 13355, 5800, 13355, 39301, 24213, 8192, 376, 2967, 4687, 2080, 34980, 4525, 775, 27845, 3954, 440, 19961, 290, 38161, 198, 2348, 10465, 24213, 8192, 376, 2967, 4687, 2080, 34980, 4525, 775, 27845, 3954, 440, 19961, 290, 38161, 198, 20588, 604, 11, 2864, 416, 8403, 15233, 198, 1532, 612, 389, 14614, 16269, 287, 674, 16161, 11, 788, 340, 318, 1744, 326, 511, 2272, 18556, 714, 307, 636, 286, 262, 49041, 2587, 326, 1838, 340, 284, 674, 6591, 1080, 13, 1374, 881, 8338, 2402, 703, 867, 14614, 8756, 35928, 612, 389, 290, 703, 881, 18556, 318, 925, 422, 644, 484, 389, 1804, 13, 198, 1026, 481, 307, 4647, 284, 10675, 878, 356, 460, 467, 284, 1194, 6591, 1080, 393, 772, 845, 1290, 3675, 32217, 13, 775, 389, 1498, 284, 1011, 10068, 3073, 379, 644, 318, 287, 674, 6591, 1080, 290, 644, 4325, 284, 24260, 656, 674, 6591, 1080, 329, 2370, 286, 39301, 13, 198, 32, 15099, 286, 49041, 4687, 34980, 37614, 554, 1990, 4674, 1002, 39301, 389, 16427, 48086, 5748, 393, 1041, 12636 ]
[ 28, 19272, 22640, 23, 198, 1305, 100494, 122780, 105717, 102259, 25, 362, 21995, 75921, 3011, 12838, 2876, 10435, 39525, 2057, 9240, 1050, 396, 60637, 264, 45773, 398, 9983, 1534, 14588, 311, 13581, 198, 1305, 526, 33254, 122780, 101959, 101036, 25, 362, 21995, 3011, 9372, 9086, 362, 17810, 1628, 362, 41677, 21995, 18945, 1389, 10058, 83853, 1389, 10506, 22241, 18559, 5492, 8345, 10170, 8345, 14925, 729, 34351, 12522, 435, 4473, 11746, 3161, 67652, 9086, 1226, 22748, 5751, 507, 43320, 323, 85557, 198, 18129, 729, 34351, 12522, 435, 4473, 11746, 3161, 67652, 9086, 1226, 22748, 5751, 507, 43320, 323, 85557, 198, 33246, 220, 19, 11, 220, 679, 23, 555, 17520, 29346, 198, 2746, 1070, 527, 30116, 37219, 304, 1057, 34261, 11, 1243, 433, 374, 3284, 430, 872, 3634, 30774, 1436, 387, 961, 315, 279, 5783, 78393, 3769, 430, 3727, 433, 311, 1057, 13238, 1887, 13, 2650, 1790, 14117, 5304, 1268, 1690, 30116, 20167, 86569, 1070, 527, 323, 1268, 1790, 30774, 374, 1903, 505, 1148, 814, 527, 3815, 627, 2181, 690, 387, 11026, 311, 24552, 1603, 584, 649, 733, 311, 2500, 13238, 1887, 477, 1524, 1633, 3117, 7953, 78681, 13, 1226, 527, 3025, 311, 1935, 18899, 5992, 520, 1148, 374, 304, 1057, 13238, 1887, 323, 1148, 8741, 311, 34738, 1139, 1057, 13238, 1887, 369, 6029, 315, 14925, 729, 627, 32, 22503, 315, 5783, 78393, 11746, 67652, 65057, 763, 5230, 15729, 1442, 14925, 729, 527, 25274, 69156, 34322, 477, 1322, 9620 ]
[ 198, 10115, 374, 6908, 779, 584, 323, 37219, 690, 4762, 617, 311, 3351, 520, 1633, 1579, 25753, 1093, 220, 508, 311, 220, 1484, 4, 315, 279, 4732, 315, 3177, 422, 814, 1390, 5944, 3115, 311, 387, 439, 47379, 2875, 439, 3284, 627, 2746, 814, 527, 1701, 5370, 13124, 315, 12908, 34322, 323, 63610, 323, 814, 527, 7366, 520, 1579, 25753, 1243, 5596, 1436, 1464, 1022, 37304, 477, 70576, 750, 13, 578, 12908, 34322, 323, 63610, 1053, 3351, 520, 1579, 25753, 1990, 13238, 6067, 4661, 682, 279, 892, 13, 2435, 1053, 539, 387, 3025, 311, 3009, 323, 9762, 904, 961, 430, 14760, 1022, 13, 86260, 220, 16, 690, 1629, 704, 315, 2410, 323, 3009, 3318, 304, 220, 2366, 20, 13, 1102, 690, 1243, 387, 14918, 81073, 323, 690, 387, 12153, 311, 19570, 449, 9420, 13, 38274, 433, 1436, 1629, 1139, 2555, 627, 2746, 14925, 729, 1051, 539, 3339, 4883, 23277, 477, 1051, 539, 7366, 1990, 1403, 20167, 71699, 1243, 63610, 323, 12908, 34322, 690, 9778, 10051, 704, 627, 2460, 11722, 14656, 25664, 842, 709, 449, 2555, 430, 682, 9221, 3634, 30774, 627, 791, 1917, 706, 922, 220, 20, 311, 220, 1032, 3610, 20181, 315, 12466, 12571, 1475, 1060, 304, 1057, 36617, 11, 44236, 323, 54280, 13, 1115, 374, 22781, 315, 33151, 315, 9863, 315, 893, 27975, 30774, 430, 63526, 304, 449, 11012, 11, 7795, 323, 35098, 505, 7138, 13, 5751, 893, 28010, 18435, 30774, 374, 14918, 5596, 315, 20543, 53557, 323, 20543, 5552, 3769, 13, 18955, 6392, 21986, 505, 9660, 315, 67329, 12320, 311, 10054, 655, 5981, 13, 1442, 499, 1051 ]
A: I’m an older guy in the league and I’m expected to do better. I was brought in to be a leader on this team and hopefully I can bring it to the playoffs and some good things come out of it. Q: You were drafted by Chicago last year, what did you work on with them? A: I was at their camp for a couple weeks and their main camp in September. I worked hard this summer, working out five days a week and did everything I could to get bigger and stronger. I thought I had a pretty good camp and was pretty close to making the team, and hopefully next year I’ll play there. Q: What is your contact with Chicago like right now? A: I talk with them all the time, once a week at least. They just want to see how things are going and how I’m handling everything – just in general, as friends. Q: Does Chicago want you to work on any particulars with your game? A: They’ve been awesome; they haven’t really told me to work on anything specific. They just said to keep maturing into a better player and work on my all-around skill.
A: I’m an older guy in the league and I’m expected to do better. I was brought in to be a leader on this team and hopefully I can bring it to the playoffs and some good things come out of it. Q: You were drafted by Chicago last year, what did you work on with them? A: I was at their camp for a couple weeks and their main camp in September. I worked hard this summer, working out five days a week and did everything I could to get bigger and stronger. I thought I had a pretty good camp and was pretty close to making the team, and hopefully next year I’ll play there. Q: What is your contact with Chicago like right now? A: I talk with them all the time, once a week at least. They just want to see how things are going and how I’m handling everything – just in general, as friends. Q: Does Chicago want you to work on any particulars with your game? A: They’ve been awesome; they haven’t really told me to work on anything specific. They just said to keep maturing into a better player and work on my all-around skill.
Q: You played two games with Rockford (AHL) last season, what was that like? A: It’s not even close; the guys are a lot bigger, stronger, and faster. I didn’t really get much ice time there but it was a great experience and it was really nice to see what things are like at the pro level. Q: How did you like playing in London (OHL) earlier this season? A: For me, the biggest thing is comfort level. I’m not really worried about how good a team is, for me it’s how comfortable I feel and I feel comfortable with Mike [Foligno] – he’s the best coach I’ve had. He’s an unbelievable person; he understands and listens and he’s really easy to talk to. With London, they didn’t really have the biggest open-door policy and I didn’t really get along with them. I’m definitely having more fun here. Q: What do you bring to Sudbury? A: I’m just coming in here and trying to play an all around game to help the team win.
[ 198, 32, 25, 314, 447, 247, 76, 281, 4697, 3516, 287, 262, 4652, 290, 314, 447, 247, 76, 2938, 284, 466, 1365, 13, 314, 373, 3181, 287, 284, 307, 257, 3554, 319, 428, 1074, 290, 11481, 314, 460, 2222, 340, 284, 262, 12980, 290, 617, 922, 1243, 1282, 503, 286, 340, 13, 198, 48, 25, 921, 547, 15937, 416, 4842, 938, 614, 11, 644, 750, 345, 670, 319, 351, 606, 30, 198, 32, 25, 314, 373, 379, 511, 1413, 329, 257, 3155, 2745, 290, 511, 1388, 1413, 287, 2693, 13, 314, 3111, 1327, 428, 3931, 11, 1762, 503, 1936, 1528, 257, 1285, 290, 750, 2279, 314, 714, 284, 651, 5749, 290, 7387, 13, 314, 1807, 314, 550, 257, 2495, 922, 1413, 290, 373, 2495, 1969, 284, 1642, 262, 1074, 11, 290, 11481, 1306, 614, 314, 447, 247, 297, 711, 612, 13, 198, 48, 25, 1867, 318, 534, 2800, 351, 4842, 588, 826, 783, 30, 198, 32, 25, 314, 1561, 351, 606, 477, 262, 640, 11, 1752, 257, 1285, 379, 1551, 13, 1119, 655, 765, 284, 766, 703, 1243, 389, 1016, 290, 703, 314, 447, 247, 76, 9041, 2279, 784, 655, 287, 2276, 11, 355, 2460, 13, 198, 48, 25, 8314, 4842, 765, 345, 284, 670, 319, 597, 45596, 351, 534, 983, 30, 198, 32, 25, 1119, 447, 247, 303, 587, 7427, 26, 484, 4398, 447, 247, 83, 1107, 1297, 502, 284, 670, 319, 1997, 2176, 13, 1119, 655, 531, 284, 1394, 2603, 870, 656, 257, 1365, 2137, 290, 670, 319, 616, 477, 12, 14145, 5032, 13 ]
[ 198, 32, 25, 358, 4344, 459, 9191, 7564, 304, 279, 10966, 323, 358, 4344, 3685, 311, 656, 2731, 13, 358, 574, 7263, 304, 311, 387, 264, 7808, 389, 420, 2128, 323, 23127, 358, 649, 4546, 433, 311, 279, 31855, 323, 1063, 1695, 2574, 2586, 704, 315, 433, 627, 48, 25, 1472, 1051, 39056, 555, 10780, 1566, 1060, 11, 1148, 1550, 499, 990, 389, 449, 1124, 5380, 32, 25, 358, 574, 520, 872, 3190, 369, 264, 5743, 5672, 323, 872, 1925, 3190, 304, 6250, 13, 358, 6575, 2653, 420, 7474, 11, 3318, 704, 4330, 2919, 264, 2046, 323, 1550, 4395, 358, 1436, 311, 636, 11493, 323, 16643, 13, 358, 3463, 358, 1047, 264, 5128, 1695, 3190, 323, 574, 5128, 3345, 311, 3339, 279, 2128, 11, 323, 23127, 1828, 1060, 358, 4805, 1514, 1070, 627, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 701, 3729, 449, 10780, 1093, 1314, 1457, 5380, 32, 25, 358, 3137, 449, 1124, 682, 279, 892, 11, 3131, 264, 2046, 520, 3325, 13, 2435, 1120, 1390, 311, 1518, 1268, 2574, 527, 2133, 323, 1268, 358, 4344, 11850, 4395, 1389, 1120, 304, 4689, 11, 439, 4885, 627, 48, 25, 12838, 10780, 1390, 499, 311, 990, 389, 904, 86974, 449, 701, 1847, 5380, 32, 25, 2435, 4070, 1027, 12738, 26, 814, 9167, 1431, 2216, 3309, 757, 311, 990, 389, 4205, 3230, 13, 2435, 1120, 1071, 311, 2567, 5634, 1711, 1139, 264, 2731, 2851, 323, 990, 389, 856, 682, 46716, 10151, 13 ]
[ 198, 48, 25, 1472, 6476, 1403, 3953, 449, 9305, 8350, 320, 32, 13793, 8, 1566, 3280, 11, 1148, 574, 430, 1093, 5380, 32, 25, 1102, 753, 539, 1524, 3345, 26, 279, 7752, 527, 264, 2763, 11493, 11, 16643, 11, 323, 10819, 13, 358, 3287, 1431, 2216, 636, 1790, 10054, 892, 1070, 719, 433, 574, 264, 2294, 3217, 323, 433, 574, 2216, 6555, 311, 1518, 1148, 2574, 527, 1093, 520, 279, 463, 2237, 627, 48, 25, 2650, 1550, 499, 1093, 5737, 304, 7295, 320, 46, 13793, 8, 6931, 420, 3280, 5380, 32, 25, 1789, 757, 11, 279, 8706, 3245, 374, 6981, 2237, 13, 358, 4344, 539, 2216, 18290, 922, 1268, 1695, 264, 2128, 374, 11, 369, 757, 433, 753, 1268, 10882, 358, 2733, 323, 358, 2733, 10882, 449, 11519, 510, 37, 337, 625, 78, 60, 1389, 568, 753, 279, 1888, 7395, 358, 4070, 1047, 13, 1283, 753, 459, 52229, 1732, 26, 568, 31869, 323, 64748, 323, 568, 753, 2216, 4228, 311, 3137, 311, 13, 3161, 7295, 11, 814, 3287, 1431, 2216, 617, 279, 8706, 1825, 58190, 4947, 323, 358, 3287, 1431, 2216, 636, 3235, 449, 1124, 13, 358, 4344, 8659, 3515, 810, 2523, 1618, 627, 48, 25, 3639, 656, 499, 4546, 311, 27430, 20176, 5380, 32, 25, 358, 4344, 1120, 5108, 304, 1618, 323, 4560, 311, 1514, 459, 682, 2212, 1847, 311, 1520, 279, 2128, 3243, 13 ]
I like that positive way of looking at it, Robert! I too hope the trend continues. Neil K. Johnson says: Great info, as always, Jamey. John Sallay says: Jamey, are you more concerned about the demographics of those who buy or those who play your games? Your questions were definitely skewed towards buy rather than play. As others have said I purchase most all of the games for my family, and in general, I look for games that will speak to my young daughters. Charterstone appeals to me for many reasons, but it helps that I think my family will enjoy it. Does it change how you view things, if I am a man that primarily plays with women. One more thing to consider is the stage in life that people are at. I used to play with friends all the time. Now I’m in my 30s with young kids, as are most of my friends. My wife, who is currently pregnant, has no interest in playing games. She used to and I imagine that she will again, but right now she has no interest. Many of our friends are in the same position. I frequently invite women who are young mothers to play when I play with friends,
I like that positive way of looking at it, Robert! I too hope the trend continues. Neil K. Johnson says: Great info, as always, Jamey. John Sallay says: Jamey, are you more concerned about the demographics of those who buy or those who play your games? Your questions were definitely skewed towards buy rather than play. As others have said I purchase most all of the games for my family, and in general, I look for games that will speak to my young daughters. Charterstone appeals to me for many reasons, but it helps that I think my family will enjoy it. Does it change how you view things, if I am a man that primarily plays with women. One more thing to consider is the stage in life that people are at. I used to play with friends all the time. Now I’m in my 30s with young kids, as are most of my friends. My wife, who is currently pregnant, has no interest in playing games. She used to and I imagine that she will again, but right now she has no interest. Many of our friends are in the same position. I frequently invite women who are young mothers to play when I play with friends,
but they are rarely interested. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that and I imagine that it will change over time. John: It’s true that 2 out of the 5 questions I mention here refer to buying games (those were the only 2 out of the 12 total questions on the survey). I wouldn’t say I’m more concerned with those demographics, though as a company that either succeeds or fails based on whether or not people buy our games, it’s certainly an element of demographics that I’m interested in. “Does it change how you view things, if I am a man that primarily plays with women?” –I don’t think so. Regardless of who is actually playing our games, it concerns me that I’ve only been able to attract a small number of women to subscribe to our e-newsletter. That direct communication is highly important to our brand, and it says to me that I need to do a better job of including women in the Stonemaier family. Sorry Jamey, I should have been more clear. I meant that all of the questions were from the point of view of a subscriber to your newsletter (which is
[ 198, 40, 588, 326, 3967, 835, 286, 2045, 379, 340, 11, 5199, 0, 314, 1165, 2911, 262, 5182, 4477, 13, 198, 29354, 509, 13, 5030, 1139, 25, 198, 13681, 7508, 11, 355, 1464, 11, 449, 480, 88, 13, 198, 7554, 311, 439, 323, 1139, 25, 198, 41, 480, 88, 11, 389, 345, 517, 5213, 546, 262, 30084, 286, 883, 508, 2822, 393, 883, 508, 711, 534, 1830, 30, 3406, 2683, 547, 4753, 37543, 3371, 2822, 2138, 621, 711, 13, 1081, 1854, 423, 531, 314, 5001, 749, 477, 286, 262, 1830, 329, 616, 1641, 11, 290, 287, 2276, 11, 314, 804, 329, 1830, 326, 481, 2740, 284, 616, 1862, 14850, 13, 23006, 6440, 15192, 284, 502, 329, 867, 3840, 11, 475, 340, 5419, 326, 314, 892, 616, 1641, 481, 2883, 340, 13, 8314, 340, 1487, 703, 345, 1570, 1243, 11, 611, 314, 716, 257, 582, 326, 7525, 5341, 351, 1466, 13, 198, 3198, 517, 1517, 284, 2074, 318, 262, 3800, 287, 1204, 326, 661, 389, 379, 13, 314, 973, 284, 711, 351, 2460, 477, 262, 640, 13, 2735, 314, 447, 247, 76, 287, 616, 1542, 82, 351, 1862, 3988, 11, 355, 389, 749, 286, 616, 2460, 13, 2011, 3656, 11, 508, 318, 3058, 10423, 11, 468, 645, 1393, 287, 2712, 1830, 13, 1375, 973, 284, 290, 314, 5967, 326, 673, 481, 757, 11, 475, 826, 783, 673, 468, 645, 1393, 13, 4650, 286, 674, 2460, 389, 287, 262, 976, 2292, 13, 314, 6777, 14037, 1466, 508, 389, 1862, 12289, 284, 711, 618, 314, 711, 351, 2460, 11 ]
[ 198, 40, 1093, 430, 6928, 1648, 315, 3411, 520, 433, 11, 8563, 0, 358, 2288, 3987, 279, 9327, 9731, 627, 63040, 735, 13, 11605, 2795, 512, 22111, 3630, 11, 439, 2744, 11, 93188, 88, 627, 13379, 328, 543, 352, 2795, 512, 41, 373, 88, 11, 527, 499, 810, 11920, 922, 279, 63334, 315, 1884, 889, 3780, 477, 1884, 889, 1514, 701, 3953, 30, 4718, 4860, 1051, 8659, 87572, 7119, 3780, 4856, 1109, 1514, 13, 1666, 3885, 617, 1071, 358, 7782, 1455, 682, 315, 279, 3953, 369, 856, 3070, 11, 323, 304, 4689, 11, 358, 1427, 369, 3953, 430, 690, 6604, 311, 856, 3995, 30968, 13, 49705, 11046, 35730, 311, 757, 369, 1690, 8125, 11, 719, 433, 8779, 430, 358, 1781, 856, 3070, 690, 4774, 433, 13, 12838, 433, 2349, 1268, 499, 1684, 2574, 11, 422, 358, 1097, 264, 893, 430, 15871, 11335, 449, 3278, 627, 4054, 810, 3245, 311, 2980, 374, 279, 6566, 304, 2324, 430, 1274, 527, 520, 13, 358, 1511, 311, 1514, 449, 4885, 682, 279, 892, 13, 4800, 358, 4344, 304, 856, 220, 966, 82, 449, 3995, 6980, 11, 439, 527, 1455, 315, 856, 4885, 13, 3092, 7555, 11, 889, 374, 5131, 20895, 11, 706, 912, 2802, 304, 5737, 3953, 13, 3005, 1511, 311, 323, 358, 13085, 430, 1364, 690, 1578, 11, 719, 1314, 1457, 1364, 706, 912, 2802, 13, 9176, 315, 1057, 4885, 527, 304, 279, 1890, 2361, 13, 358, 14134, 22114, 3278, 889, 527, 3995, 27698, 311, 1514, 994, 358, 1514, 449, 4885, 11 ]
[ 719, 814, 527, 19029, 8173, 13, 358, 1541, 1431, 1781, 1070, 374, 4205, 5076, 449, 430, 323, 358, 13085, 430, 433, 690, 2349, 927, 892, 627, 13379, 25, 1102, 753, 837, 430, 220, 17, 704, 315, 279, 220, 20, 4860, 358, 6420, 1618, 8464, 311, 12096, 3953, 320, 54719, 1051, 279, 1193, 220, 17, 704, 315, 279, 220, 717, 2860, 4860, 389, 279, 10795, 570, 358, 8434, 1431, 2019, 358, 4344, 810, 11920, 449, 1884, 63334, 11, 3582, 439, 264, 2883, 430, 3060, 51181, 477, 14865, 3196, 389, 3508, 477, 539, 1274, 3780, 1057, 3953, 11, 433, 753, 7995, 459, 2449, 315, 63334, 430, 358, 4344, 8173, 304, 627, 2118, 22186, 433, 2349, 1268, 499, 1684, 2574, 11, 422, 358, 1097, 264, 893, 430, 15871, 11335, 449, 3278, 12671, 1389, 40, 1541, 1431, 1781, 779, 13, 44840, 315, 889, 374, 3604, 5737, 1057, 3953, 11, 433, 10742, 757, 430, 358, 4070, 1193, 1027, 3025, 311, 9504, 264, 2678, 1396, 315, 3278, 311, 18447, 311, 1057, 384, 46351, 9638, 13, 3011, 2167, 10758, 374, 7701, 3062, 311, 1057, 6883, 11, 323, 433, 2795, 311, 757, 430, 358, 1205, 311, 656, 264, 2731, 2683, 315, 2737, 3278, 304, 279, 36219, 9355, 1291, 3070, 627, 19701, 93188, 88, 11, 358, 1288, 617, 1027, 810, 2867, 13, 358, 8967, 430, 682, 315, 279, 4860, 1051, 505, 279, 1486, 315, 1684, 315, 264, 33215, 311, 701, 20846, 320, 8370, 374 ]
into the mare’s stirrup and throw a shapely leg over. Mounted, the thieves galloped past him, kicking up clouds of dust. Coughing, he brushed the soil from his shoulders. We shall meet again, One-Eyed Jack—or Jacqueline. And when we do, you shall either dance to my tune or at the end of the hangman’s rope. If you'd like to hear more, you can visit Hope online at www.HopeTarr.com or find her on Twitter and Facebook. Hope has also generously offered to give away a copy of her Victorian-set novel, Vanquished, to one person who comments on this post. Thanks for joining us, Hope! posted by Lauren Willig | 6:45 AM | 12 comments Another Take on Pride and Prejudice: Queer Theory in Brussels I posted last time about the fun we had on our trip to Brussels and Amsterdam, not to speak of our misadventures getting there and getting up in the morning of the day I was supposed to deliver my paper (called "The Queer Theory of Eve Sedgwick at the Edges of the Popular Romance Genre") at the second International Conference on Popular Romance
into the mare’s stirrup and throw a shapely leg over. Mounted, the thieves galloped past him, kicking up clouds of dust. Coughing, he brushed the soil from his shoulders. We shall meet again, One-Eyed Jack—or Jacqueline. And when we do, you shall either dance to my tune or at the end of the hangman’s rope. If you'd like to hear more, you can visit Hope online at www.HopeTarr.com or find her on Twitter and Facebook. Hope has also generously offered to give away a copy of her Victorian-set novel, Vanquished, to one person who comments on this post. Thanks for joining us, Hope! posted by Lauren Willig | 6:45 AM | 12 comments Another Take on Pride and Prejudice: Queer Theory in Brussels I posted last time about the fun we had on our trip to Brussels and Amsterdam, not to speak of our misadventures getting there and getting up in the morning of the day I was supposed to deliver my paper (called "The Queer Theory of Eve Sedgwick at the Edges of the Popular Romance Genre") at the second International Conference on Popular Romance
in Brussels. While as to why I spent countless hours preparing this presentation -- well, sometimes I find myself so fascinated to be writing in the popular romance genre (such a huge market! so little respect from the outside world! such amazing women writing! about what's so incredibly important!) that I have to take a big bite of literary theory, season it for romance, and chew on it for a while. But if I don't commit to having something to share with a roomful of people (particularly in an attractive conference venue), it's a lot less likely I'll take that first bite. So Brussels sounded like a great opportunity to think hard about something I've been wanting to understand better for a while now: the hot new trend of male/male or male/male/female romance -- written by women for women. I'm hardly saying this is a majority taste in the genre. But -- hyper-hetero clinch covers notwithstanding -- it is remarkable to contemplate the speed (not to speak of the general humaneness) with which popular romance fiction has come to include same-sex love as a viable and sympathetic theme (and see also Romance Writers of America's "genre overview": the main plot centers around two individuals falling in love...). My aim
[ 656, 262, 285, 533, 447, 247, 82, 11240, 12618, 290, 3714, 257, 5485, 306, 1232, 625, 13, 5628, 276, 11, 262, 26655, 7976, 19458, 1613, 683, 11, 17997, 510, 15114, 286, 8977, 13, 327, 619, 278, 11, 339, 31782, 262, 9260, 422, 465, 12450, 13, 775, 2236, 1826, 757, 11, 1881, 12, 36287, 276, 3619, 960, 273, 44726, 4470, 13, 843, 618, 356, 466, 11, 345, 2236, 2035, 9280, 284, 616, 14009, 393, 379, 262, 886, 286, 262, 8181, 805, 447, 247, 82, 17182, 13, 198, 1532, 345, 1549, 588, 284, 3285, 517, 11, 345, 460, 3187, 13408, 2691, 379, 7324, 13, 34456, 51, 3258, 13, 785, 393, 1064, 607, 319, 3009, 290, 3203, 13, 13408, 468, 635, 42088, 4438, 284, 1577, 1497, 257, 4866, 286, 607, 24569, 12, 2617, 5337, 11, 6656, 39737, 11, 284, 530, 1048, 508, 3651, 319, 428, 1281, 13, 198, 9690, 329, 9679, 514, 11, 13408, 0, 198, 40578, 416, 25672, 2561, 328, 930, 718, 25, 2231, 3001, 930, 1105, 3651, 198, 6610, 7214, 319, 21735, 290, 3771, 10456, 501, 25, 4670, 263, 17003, 287, 16445, 198, 40, 4481, 938, 640, 546, 262, 1257, 356, 550, 319, 674, 5296, 284, 16445, 290, 24377, 11, 407, 284, 2740, 286, 674, 2984, 324, 10065, 1972, 612, 290, 1972, 510, 287, 262, 3329, 286, 262, 1110, 314, 373, 4385, 284, 5203, 616, 3348, 357, 7174, 366, 464, 4670, 263, 17003, 286, 12882, 22710, 70, 16239, 379, 262, 1717, 3212, 286, 262, 22623, 36555, 5215, 260, 4943, 379, 262, 1218, 4037, 8785, 319, 22623, 36555 ]
[ 1139, 279, 55318, 753, 23935, 31722, 323, 2571, 264, 559, 391, 989, 2531, 927, 13, 93841, 11, 279, 61667, 15730, 385, 7018, 3347, 1461, 11, 40294, 709, 30614, 315, 16174, 13, 356, 1409, 287, 11, 568, 62639, 279, 17614, 505, 813, 28004, 13, 1226, 4985, 3449, 1578, 11, 3861, 13737, 88, 291, 7762, 51749, 99764, 13, 1628, 994, 584, 656, 11, 499, 4985, 3060, 15612, 311, 856, 26306, 477, 520, 279, 842, 315, 279, 15020, 1543, 753, 34520, 627, 2746, 499, 4265, 1093, 311, 6865, 810, 11, 499, 649, 4034, 18231, 2930, 520, 8604, 3924, 2862, 51, 1138, 916, 477, 1505, 1077, 389, 6405, 323, 5690, 13, 18231, 706, 1101, 80220, 9076, 311, 3041, 3201, 264, 3048, 315, 1077, 44277, 25063, 11775, 11, 13000, 447, 3384, 11, 311, 832, 1732, 889, 6170, 389, 420, 1772, 627, 12947, 369, 18667, 603, 11, 18231, 4999, 44182, 555, 43460, 4946, 343, 765, 220, 21, 25, 1774, 6912, 765, 220, 717, 6170, 198, 14364, 12040, 389, 43246, 323, 5075, 18631, 560, 25, 9605, 261, 31535, 304, 38269, 198, 40, 8621, 1566, 892, 922, 279, 2523, 584, 1047, 389, 1057, 8577, 311, 38269, 323, 38841, 11, 539, 311, 6604, 315, 1057, 5906, 329, 688, 1439, 3794, 1070, 323, 3794, 709, 304, 279, 6693, 315, 279, 1938, 358, 574, 10171, 311, 6493, 856, 5684, 320, 44982, 330, 791, 9605, 261, 31535, 315, 32460, 36378, 70, 21878, 520, 279, 3279, 4282, 315, 279, 32495, 52256, 41395, 909, 520, 279, 2132, 7327, 15217, 389, 32495, 52256 ]
[ 304, 38269, 627, 8142, 439, 311, 3249, 358, 7543, 28701, 4207, 20646, 420, 15864, 1198, 1664, 11, 7170, 358, 1505, 7182, 779, 61914, 311, 387, 4477, 304, 279, 5526, 30363, 17779, 320, 21470, 264, 6908, 3157, 0, 779, 2697, 5201, 505, 279, 4994, 1917, 0, 1778, 8056, 3278, 4477, 0, 922, 1148, 596, 779, 17235, 3062, 16715, 430, 358, 617, 311, 1935, 264, 2466, 23556, 315, 32465, 10334, 11, 3280, 433, 369, 30363, 11, 323, 37433, 389, 433, 369, 264, 1418, 13, 2030, 422, 358, 1541, 956, 5379, 311, 3515, 2555, 311, 4430, 449, 264, 3130, 1285, 315, 1274, 320, 74039, 304, 459, 19411, 10017, 22150, 705, 433, 596, 264, 2763, 2753, 4461, 358, 3358, 1935, 430, 1176, 23556, 627, 4516, 38269, 35408, 1093, 264, 2294, 6776, 311, 1781, 2653, 922, 2555, 358, 3077, 1027, 19762, 311, 3619, 2731, 369, 264, 1418, 1457, 25, 279, 4106, 502, 9327, 315, 8762, 3262, 1604, 477, 8762, 3262, 1604, 6801, 12011, 30363, 1198, 5439, 555, 3278, 369, 3278, 627, 40, 2846, 20781, 5605, 420, 374, 264, 8857, 12945, 304, 279, 17779, 13, 2030, 1198, 17508, 2902, 1430, 78, 9400, 331, 14861, 72665, 1198, 433, 374, 23649, 311, 80907, 279, 4732, 320, 1962, 311, 6604, 315, 279, 4689, 3823, 24639, 8, 449, 902, 5526, 30363, 17422, 706, 2586, 311, 2997, 1890, 27119, 3021, 439, 264, 31528, 323, 53464, 7057, 320, 438, 1518, 1101, 52256, 59798, 315, 5270, 596, 330, 34713, 24131, 794, 279, 1925, 7234, 19169, 2212, 1403, 7931, 16054, 304, 3021, 1131, 4390, 5159, 9395 ]
purpose of appointment as special public prosecutor. The judge said the accused Rakesh Kumar Awasthi deserve no leniency on the ground that grave allegations were levied against him. Madras High Court directed the home secretary and director General of Police to ensure Google, Facebook and YouTube block access to around 12 videos in which its former judge C.S Karnan could be seen abusing some supreme court as well as High Court Judges. Justice M.Satyanarayana and R. Hemalatha pass the interim order on a writ petition filed by Bar council of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry seeking in action of criminal as well as other legal action against the former judge on the basis of several complaints lodge with police. U.S. Aviation authority’s decision to allow Boeing 737 Max fly again was slammed by families of Lion Air crash victims. They said the move came too soon. A flight ban on Boeing’s 737 MAX was imposed after two fatal crashes which killed 346 people within 5 months. The ban was lifted on by U.S. Federal Aviation Administration this Wednesday. FAA’s decision has left the Ethiopian crash victims in sheer disappointment and renewed grief. Families of the victims claim that the clearance has
purpose of appointment as special public prosecutor. The judge said the accused Rakesh Kumar Awasthi deserve no leniency on the ground that grave allegations were levied against him. Madras High Court directed the home secretary and director General of Police to ensure Google, Facebook and YouTube block access to around 12 videos in which its former judge C.S Karnan could be seen abusing some supreme court as well as High Court Judges. Justice M.Satyanarayana and R. Hemalatha pass the interim order on a writ petition filed by Bar council of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry seeking in action of criminal as well as other legal action against the former judge on the basis of several complaints lodge with police. U.S. Aviation authority’s decision to allow Boeing 737 Max fly again was slammed by families of Lion Air crash victims. They said the move came too soon. A flight ban on Boeing’s 737 MAX was imposed after two fatal crashes which killed 346 people within 5 months. The ban was lifted on by U.S. Federal Aviation Administration this Wednesday. FAA’s decision has left the Ethiopian crash victims in sheer disappointment and renewed grief. Families of the victims claim that the clearance has
been granted faster than the compensation. The mid-stage trails revealed that a strong immune response has been produced by a potential Covid-19 vaccine developed by AstraZeneca Plc and Oxford University. The strong immune response gives hope that it may protect some of the most vulnerable to the disease. Two doses of the vaccine are given to the volunteers and no serios side effects related to AZD1222 vaccine were reported. As AstraZeneca gets closer to reporting its Phase III or Late-stage trials, it has signed several supply and manufacturing deals with companies and governments around the world. Evidence relating to unlawfully killing 39 Afghans by Elite Australian troops is found by an Australian military report. Those who got killed included farmers, prisoners and civilians. The illegal killings began in 2009 and ‘a self-centred, warrior culture’ was encouraged by some members of the elite Special Air Services. The report revealed that none of the 39 killings was committed during the heat of the battle. In the next four years, the defence budget of Britain is set to increase by 16.5 billion pounds. This is done in order to deal with perilous international situation and to bolster Britain’s global influence. The threat from country
[ 4007, 286, 12557, 355, 2041, 1171, 13683, 13, 198, 464, 5052, 531, 262, 5371, 371, 1124, 71, 26105, 5851, 292, 400, 72, 10925, 645, 18896, 6160, 319, 262, 2323, 326, 12296, 7636, 547, 43383, 1028, 683, 13, 198, 18454, 8847, 3334, 3078, 7924, 262, 1363, 7705, 290, 3437, 3611, 286, 4287, 284, 4155, 3012, 11, 3203, 290, 7444, 2512, 1895, 284, 1088, 1105, 5861, 287, 543, 663, 1966, 5052, 327, 13, 50, 31625, 272, 714, 307, 1775, 29170, 617, 17700, 2184, 355, 880, 355, 3334, 3078, 42495, 13, 198, 28447, 337, 13, 20245, 4121, 283, 323, 2271, 290, 371, 13, 15617, 282, 30921, 1208, 262, 19303, 1502, 319, 257, 1991, 8853, 5717, 416, 2409, 6745, 286, 32519, 46917, 290, 41598, 291, 13372, 6095, 287, 2223, 286, 4301, 355, 880, 355, 584, 2742, 2223, 1028, 262, 1966, 5052, 319, 262, 4308, 286, 1811, 9687, 35362, 351, 1644, 13, 198, 52, 13, 50, 13, 25186, 4934, 447, 247, 82, 2551, 284, 1249, 17880, 37517, 5436, 6129, 757, 373, 21376, 416, 4172, 286, 15218, 3701, 7014, 4970, 13, 1119, 531, 262, 1445, 1625, 1165, 2582, 13, 198, 32, 5474, 3958, 319, 17880, 447, 247, 82, 37517, 25882, 373, 10893, 706, 734, 10800, 17616, 543, 2923, 44729, 661, 1626, 642, 1933, 13, 383, 3958, 373, 13663, 319, 416, 471, 13, 50, 13, 5618, 25186, 8694, 428, 3583, 13, 198, 37, 3838, 447, 247, 82, 2551, 468, 1364, 262, 47689, 7014, 4970, 287, 15163, 18641, 290, 16434, 18522, 13, 198, 37, 321, 3922, 286, 262, 4970, 1624, 326, 262, 19745, 468 ]
[ 7580, 315, 18101, 439, 3361, 586, 36151, 627, 791, 11913, 1071, 279, 13487, 432, 2094, 71, 41240, 18371, 561, 6151, 23528, 912, 2479, 72, 2301, 389, 279, 5015, 430, 25165, 18873, 1051, 23464, 1142, 2403, 1461, 627, 38136, 13075, 5234, 7301, 15910, 279, 2162, 19607, 323, 7690, 3331, 315, 10289, 311, 6106, 5195, 11, 5690, 323, 13674, 2565, 2680, 311, 2212, 220, 717, 6946, 304, 902, 1202, 4846, 11913, 356, 815, 61323, 276, 1436, 387, 3970, 69579, 1063, 44222, 5590, 439, 1664, 439, 5234, 7301, 86955, 627, 70786, 386, 815, 266, 8503, 277, 352, 3444, 323, 432, 13, 33924, 278, 66826, 1522, 279, 41653, 2015, 389, 264, 2155, 20984, 13019, 555, 4821, 15177, 315, 44883, 75905, 323, 71965, 718, 5515, 11125, 304, 1957, 315, 9337, 439, 1664, 439, 1023, 5897, 1957, 2403, 279, 4846, 11913, 389, 279, 8197, 315, 3892, 21859, 60891, 449, 4379, 627, 52, 815, 13, 50047, 11447, 753, 5597, 311, 2187, 42959, 220, 22039, 7639, 11722, 1578, 574, 50365, 555, 8689, 315, 33199, 6690, 10121, 12697, 13, 2435, 1071, 279, 3351, 3782, 2288, 5246, 627, 32, 11213, 9120, 389, 42959, 753, 220, 22039, 8498, 574, 27070, 1306, 1403, 19094, 37237, 902, 7577, 220, 18061, 1274, 2949, 220, 20, 4038, 13, 578, 9120, 574, 30831, 389, 555, 549, 815, 13, 12411, 50047, 17128, 420, 8079, 627, 3711, 32, 753, 5597, 706, 2163, 279, 96634, 10121, 12697, 304, 33638, 41698, 323, 36646, 38384, 627, 37, 60004, 315, 279, 12697, 3802, 430, 279, 36654, 706 ]
[ 1027, 11938, 10819, 1109, 279, 20448, 627, 791, 5209, 51256, 33965, 10675, 430, 264, 3831, 22852, 2077, 706, 1027, 9124, 555, 264, 4754, 38074, 12, 777, 25474, 8040, 555, 362, 13645, 86792, 23637, 1856, 66, 323, 26275, 3907, 627, 791, 3831, 22852, 2077, 6835, 3987, 430, 433, 1253, 6144, 1063, 315, 279, 1455, 20134, 311, 279, 8624, 627, 11874, 35130, 315, 279, 25474, 527, 2728, 311, 279, 23872, 323, 912, 1446, 3614, 3185, 6372, 5552, 311, 31976, 35, 8259, 17, 25474, 1051, 5068, 627, 2170, 362, 13645, 86792, 23637, 5334, 12401, 311, 13122, 1202, 28673, 14767, 477, 36931, 51256, 19622, 11, 433, 706, 8667, 3892, 8312, 323, 15266, 12789, 449, 5220, 323, 17047, 2212, 279, 1917, 627, 93702, 23343, 311, 39957, 3725, 13419, 220, 2137, 13203, 876, 598, 555, 34864, 13673, 17312, 374, 1766, 555, 459, 13673, 6411, 1934, 627, 23025, 889, 2751, 7577, 5343, 20957, 11, 28240, 323, 29536, 627, 791, 12079, 48133, 6137, 304, 220, 1049, 24, 323, 3451, 64, 659, 21911, 1171, 11, 38490, 7829, 529, 574, 21190, 555, 1063, 3697, 315, 279, 21342, 9984, 6690, 8471, 627, 791, 1934, 10675, 430, 7000, 315, 279, 220, 2137, 48133, 574, 11411, 2391, 279, 8798, 315, 279, 8209, 627, 644, 279, 1828, 3116, 1667, 11, 279, 23682, 8199, 315, 13527, 374, 743, 311, 5376, 555, 220, 845, 13, 20, 7239, 16701, 13, 1115, 374, 2884, 304, 2015, 311, 3568, 449, 60392, 788, 6625, 6671, 323, 311, 48227, 13527, 753, 3728, 10383, 627, 791, 6023, 505, 3224 ]
a lyricist with the famed Bombay Talkies. During this time, Devika Rani’s best team had disbanded. Kavi Pradeep, the foremost lyricist of Bombay Talkies had already had his differences and left the studio. Bhagwati Charan Varma, who wrote ‘Pratima’ for Bombay Talkies, suggested Narendra Sharma’s name to Devika Rani. Pandit Narendra Sharma’s first film as a lyricist was for Raj Kapoor and Devika Rani starrer ‘Hamaari Baat’ (1943). Under the maestro, Anil Biswas, he found a composer who understood the tone and the temperament of his classical lyrics. Sharma’s next film was the debut of a young, handsome man named Yusuf Khan. The only problem was that the young man did not wish to be featured under his own name. So, the writers of Bombay Talkies were tasked with the job of coming up with a name for their hero. It was Pandit Narendra Sharma who suggested the name ‘Dilip Kumar’. It would go on to become one of Indian cinema’s most recognized and influential names for the next century. The
a lyricist with the famed Bombay Talkies. During this time, Devika Rani’s best team had disbanded. Kavi Pradeep, the foremost lyricist of Bombay Talkies had already had his differences and left the studio. Bhagwati Charan Varma, who wrote ‘Pratima’ for Bombay Talkies, suggested Narendra Sharma’s name to Devika Rani. Pandit Narendra Sharma’s first film as a lyricist was for Raj Kapoor and Devika Rani starrer ‘Hamaari Baat’ (1943). Under the maestro, Anil Biswas, he found a composer who understood the tone and the temperament of his classical lyrics. Sharma’s next film was the debut of a young, handsome man named Yusuf Khan. The only problem was that the young man did not wish to be featured under his own name. So, the writers of Bombay Talkies were tasked with the job of coming up with a name for their hero. It was Pandit Narendra Sharma who suggested the name ‘Dilip Kumar’. It would go on to become one of Indian cinema’s most recognized and influential names for the next century. The
classical lyrics of his songs found the ideal singer in Lata Mangeshkar. Her rendition of ‘Jyoti kalash challke’ and ‘Satyam shivam sundaram’ remain the most memorable. Another very popular number is ‘Naach mayura’ in the melodious voice of Manna Dey. Films were not the only benchmark by which Pandit Narendra Sharma’s contribution to Indian cinema can be measured. In 1952, he was invited by Prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru to manage the new branch of All India Radio. They named it ‘Vividh Bharati’. Under Pandit Narendra Sharma, Vividh Bharati grew to become one of the main public media in India. Its listenership grew to a record 97% by the year 1970. Some of the most important radio programmes like Binaca Geetmala took the country by a storm. This programme was vital to regenerating interest in Hindi film songs and its lyrics. He remained with ‘Vividh Bharati’ until his retirement. After attending the age of retirement he went back to his lyrical world. Pandit Narendra Sharma also did write many non-filmy b
[ 257, 43086, 396, 351, 262, 28331, 48918, 12167, 444, 13, 198, 7191, 428, 640, 11, 6245, 9232, 371, 3216, 447, 247, 82, 1266, 1074, 550, 47302, 13, 509, 15820, 1736, 671, 538, 11, 262, 20976, 43086, 396, 286, 48918, 12167, 444, 550, 1541, 550, 465, 5400, 290, 1364, 262, 8034, 13, 16581, 363, 86, 7246, 3178, 272, 569, 10961, 11, 508, 2630, 564, 246, 6836, 265, 8083, 447, 247, 329, 48918, 12167, 444, 11, 5220, 28113, 40196, 447, 247, 82, 1438, 284, 6245, 9232, 371, 3216, 13, 16492, 270, 28113, 40196, 447, 247, 82, 717, 2646, 355, 257, 43086, 396, 373, 329, 13308, 27344, 2675, 290, 6245, 9232, 371, 3216, 3491, 11751, 564, 246, 39, 1689, 2743, 8999, 265, 447, 247, 357, 1129, 3559, 737, 4698, 262, 17266, 47692, 11, 1052, 346, 38045, 9776, 11, 339, 1043, 257, 26777, 508, 7247, 262, 8216, 290, 262, 36140, 286, 465, 15993, 15844, 13, 40196, 447, 247, 82, 1306, 2646, 373, 262, 8886, 286, 257, 1862, 11, 22665, 582, 3706, 41749, 3046, 11356, 13, 383, 691, 1917, 373, 326, 262, 1862, 582, 750, 407, 4601, 284, 307, 8096, 739, 465, 898, 1438, 13, 1406, 11, 262, 8786, 286, 48918, 12167, 444, 547, 23052, 351, 262, 1693, 286, 2406, 510, 351, 257, 1438, 329, 511, 4293, 13, 632, 373, 16492, 270, 28113, 40196, 508, 5220, 262, 1438, 564, 246, 35, 346, 541, 26105, 447, 247, 13, 632, 561, 467, 319, 284, 1716, 530, 286, 3942, 22041, 447, 247, 82, 749, 8018, 290, 14212, 3891, 329, 262, 1306, 4289, 13, 383 ]
[ 264, 69435, 380, 449, 279, 61403, 97713, 19513, 552, 627, 16397, 420, 892, 11, 6168, 11755, 432, 5676, 753, 1888, 2128, 1047, 94544, 6601, 13, 735, 6321, 2394, 1037, 752, 11, 279, 43780, 69435, 380, 315, 97713, 19513, 552, 1047, 2736, 1047, 813, 12062, 323, 2163, 279, 14356, 13, 31930, 351, 86, 9491, 4969, 276, 8909, 1764, 11, 889, 6267, 3451, 3617, 266, 7675, 529, 369, 97713, 19513, 552, 11, 12090, 67432, 61115, 753, 836, 311, 6168, 11755, 432, 5676, 13, 34606, 275, 67432, 61115, 753, 1176, 4632, 439, 264, 69435, 380, 574, 369, 26291, 82469, 323, 6168, 11755, 432, 5676, 357, 1138, 261, 3451, 39, 3105, 2850, 14659, 266, 529, 320, 6393, 18, 570, 9636, 279, 7643, 55656, 11, 1556, 321, 43684, 16514, 11, 568, 1766, 264, 40550, 889, 16365, 279, 16630, 323, 279, 79964, 315, 813, 29924, 24142, 13, 61115, 753, 1828, 4632, 574, 279, 17755, 315, 264, 3995, 11, 44877, 893, 7086, 94448, 1739, 25273, 13, 578, 1193, 3575, 574, 430, 279, 3995, 893, 1550, 539, 6562, 311, 387, 15109, 1234, 813, 1866, 836, 13, 2100, 11, 279, 16483, 315, 97713, 19513, 552, 1051, 51920, 449, 279, 2683, 315, 5108, 709, 449, 264, 836, 369, 872, 12084, 13, 1102, 574, 34606, 275, 67432, 61115, 889, 12090, 279, 836, 3451, 35, 106928, 41240, 24535, 1102, 1053, 733, 389, 311, 3719, 832, 315, 7904, 34292, 753, 1455, 15324, 323, 32549, 5144, 369, 279, 1828, 9478, 13, 578 ]
[ 29924, 24142, 315, 813, 11936, 1766, 279, 10728, 23597, 304, 445, 460, 60148, 4385, 29234, 13, 6385, 83965, 315, 3451, 41, 88, 89392, 36454, 1003, 4904, 441, 529, 323, 3451, 35982, 88, 309, 559, 344, 309, 51682, 640, 529, 7293, 279, 1455, 33596, 13, 13596, 1633, 5526, 1396, 374, 3451, 16589, 613, 1253, 5808, 529, 304, 279, 97374, 1245, 7899, 315, 386, 12930, 423, 1216, 627, 51240, 1026, 1051, 539, 279, 1193, 29531, 555, 902, 34606, 275, 67432, 61115, 753, 19035, 311, 7904, 34292, 649, 387, 17303, 13, 763, 220, 6280, 17, 11, 568, 574, 18719, 555, 12801, 13015, 34294, 1494, 49358, 278, 73536, 2739, 311, 10299, 279, 502, 9046, 315, 2052, 6890, 13792, 13, 2435, 7086, 433, 3451, 53, 65023, 71, 67692, 9491, 24535, 9636, 34606, 275, 67432, 61115, 11, 42136, 307, 71, 67692, 9491, 14264, 311, 3719, 832, 315, 279, 1925, 586, 3772, 304, 6890, 13, 11699, 24475, 2200, 14264, 311, 264, 3335, 220, 3534, 4, 555, 279, 1060, 220, 4468, 15, 13, 4427, 315, 279, 1455, 3062, 9063, 38737, 1093, 30444, 17544, 4323, 295, 76, 6181, 3952, 279, 3224, 555, 264, 13766, 13, 1115, 18629, 574, 16595, 311, 1239, 94207, 2802, 304, 45080, 4632, 11936, 323, 1202, 24142, 13, 1283, 14958, 449, 3451, 53, 65023, 71, 67692, 9491, 529, 3156, 813, 21624, 13, 4740, 24096, 279, 4325, 315, 21624, 568, 4024, 1203, 311, 813, 86337, 950, 1917, 627, 47, 438, 275, 67432, 61115, 1101, 1550, 3350, 1690, 2536, 2269, 321, 2465, 293 ]
This makes the principle amount from Presitge Lending Corporation $162,500. The parameters of the deal dictate a 8% note for 18 months. They also stipulate a 2 point origination fee, which will also need to be paid when the property closes. The borrower must bring a total of $32,400 up front to cover the $87,500 down payment in addition to the $3,250 origination fee. Once the deal is executed and April takes on the property, she will need to begin making payments each month of $1,083 to the lender ($162,500 principle x 8% / 12 months). If April sells the house for $362,500 after 18 months, she would then realize a total profit of $89,750 after deducting the principle amount of $162,500, the cash paid at the close of $87,500, the origination points of $3,250, and the aggregate interest payments of $19,500. This profit does not account for rehab costs. The Louisiana Governor's Office of Elderly Affairs (GOEA) was created in 1956 as the Commission on Aging by the Louisiana Legislature to act as the state's visible advocate and focal point for all matters pertaining to the aging population.
This makes the principle amount from Presitge Lending Corporation $162,500. The parameters of the deal dictate a 8% note for 18 months. They also stipulate a 2 point origination fee, which will also need to be paid when the property closes. The borrower must bring a total of $32,400 up front to cover the $87,500 down payment in addition to the $3,250 origination fee. Once the deal is executed and April takes on the property, she will need to begin making payments each month of $1,083 to the lender ($162,500 principle x 8% / 12 months). If April sells the house for $362,500 after 18 months, she would then realize a total profit of $89,750 after deducting the principle amount of $162,500, the cash paid at the close of $87,500, the origination points of $3,250, and the aggregate interest payments of $19,500. This profit does not account for rehab costs. The Louisiana Governor's Office of Elderly Affairs (GOEA) was created in 1956 as the Commission on Aging by the Louisiana Legislature to act as the state's visible advocate and focal point for all matters pertaining to the aging population.
Legislation enacted in 1995 mandated that as far as practical and consistent with the efficient administration of state government, programs and services for the elderly population of Louisiana would eventually be consolidated within the GOEA. Further, it was the intent of the Legislature that the GOEA administer all federal funds appropriated, allocated, or otherwise made available to the state for services to the elderly. Since 1964, GOEA developed an extensive network of quasi-governmental agencies recognized as the Aging Service Network. This network consists of the 64 Parish Councils on Aging (COA), 36 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA), 139 Senior Centers, University Centers, Advocacy and Service Organizations, the Senior Corps (Foster Grandparents, Senior Companion, Retired Senior Volunteer Program), the state Senior Employment Program (Title V). GOEA also networks with local community service organizations, volunteers, and a wide variety, programs and services dedicated to supporting its mission. GOEA is the administrator of the Older Americans Act (OAA) program services: Congregate Meals, Home Delivered Meals, Nutrition Counseling Nutrition Education, Assisted Transportation, Information & Assistance, Outreach, Medical Transportation, Adult Day Health Care, Case Management, Group Respite, In-Home Respite, Individual Counseling, Material Aid
[ 770, 1838, 262, 7989, 2033, 422, 1763, 270, 469, 406, 1571, 10501, 720, 25061, 11, 4059, 13, 383, 10007, 286, 262, 1730, 27861, 257, 807, 4, 3465, 329, 1248, 1933, 13, 1119, 635, 22111, 5039, 257, 362, 966, 1796, 1883, 6838, 11, 543, 481, 635, 761, 284, 307, 3432, 618, 262, 3119, 20612, 13, 198, 464, 39740, 1276, 2222, 257, 2472, 286, 720, 2624, 11, 7029, 510, 2166, 284, 3002, 262, 720, 5774, 11, 4059, 866, 6074, 287, 3090, 284, 262, 720, 18, 11, 9031, 1796, 1883, 6838, 13, 4874, 262, 1730, 318, 10945, 290, 3035, 2753, 319, 262, 3119, 11, 673, 481, 761, 284, 2221, 1642, 7524, 1123, 1227, 286, 720, 16, 11, 48290, 284, 262, 35747, 7198, 25061, 11, 4059, 7989, 2124, 807, 4, 1220, 1105, 1933, 737, 1002, 3035, 16015, 262, 2156, 329, 720, 35667, 11, 4059, 706, 1248, 1933, 11, 673, 561, 788, 6537, 257, 2472, 7630, 286, 720, 4531, 11, 15426, 706, 18777, 278, 262, 7989, 2033, 286, 720, 25061, 11, 4059, 11, 262, 5003, 3432, 379, 262, 1969, 286, 720, 5774, 11, 4059, 11, 262, 1796, 1883, 2173, 286, 720, 18, 11, 9031, 11, 290, 262, 19406, 1393, 7524, 286, 720, 1129, 11, 4059, 13, 770, 7630, 857, 407, 1848, 329, 14321, 3484, 13, 383, 13340, 10807, 338, 4452, 286, 15624, 306, 10665, 357, 11230, 16412, 8, 373, 2727, 287, 25190, 355, 262, 4513, 319, 44581, 416, 262, 13340, 20815, 284, 719, 355, 262, 1181, 338, 7424, 12811, 290, 25397, 966, 329, 477, 6067, 27113, 284, 262, 14736, 3265, 13 ]
[ 1115, 3727, 279, 17966, 3392, 505, 4203, 275, 713, 445, 2518, 13332, 400, 10674, 11, 2636, 13, 578, 5137, 315, 279, 3568, 62974, 264, 220, 23, 4, 5296, 369, 220, 972, 4038, 13, 2435, 1101, 43773, 6468, 264, 220, 17, 1486, 2780, 2617, 11307, 11, 902, 690, 1101, 1205, 311, 387, 7318, 994, 279, 3424, 34350, 627, 791, 70719, 2011, 4546, 264, 2860, 315, 400, 843, 11, 3443, 709, 4156, 311, 3504, 279, 400, 4044, 11, 2636, 1523, 8323, 304, 5369, 311, 279, 400, 18, 11, 5154, 2780, 2617, 11307, 13, 9843, 279, 3568, 374, 16070, 323, 5936, 5097, 389, 279, 3424, 11, 1364, 690, 1205, 311, 3240, 3339, 14507, 1855, 2305, 315, 400, 16, 11, 25077, 311, 279, 48575, 1746, 10674, 11, 2636, 17966, 865, 220, 23, 4, 611, 220, 717, 4038, 570, 1442, 5936, 31878, 279, 3838, 369, 400, 18509, 11, 2636, 1306, 220, 972, 4038, 11, 1364, 1053, 1243, 13383, 264, 2860, 11626, 315, 400, 4578, 11, 11711, 1306, 37910, 287, 279, 17966, 3392, 315, 400, 10674, 11, 2636, 11, 279, 8515, 7318, 520, 279, 3345, 315, 400, 4044, 11, 2636, 11, 279, 2780, 2617, 3585, 315, 400, 18, 11, 5154, 11, 323, 279, 24069, 2802, 14507, 315, 400, 777, 11, 2636, 13, 1115, 11626, 1587, 539, 2759, 369, 27876, 7194, 13, 578, 29974, 24245, 596, 8410, 315, 39669, 398, 23298, 320, 15881, 19657, 8, 574, 3549, 304, 220, 6280, 21, 439, 279, 9849, 389, 77188, 555, 279, 29974, 47126, 311, 1180, 439, 279, 1614, 596, 9621, 29115, 323, 42199, 1486, 369, 682, 13146, 47031, 311, 279, 30084, 7187, 13 ]
[ 73067, 44977, 304, 220, 2550, 20, 65509, 430, 439, 3117, 439, 15325, 323, 13263, 449, 279, 11297, 8735, 315, 1614, 3109, 11, 7620, 323, 3600, 369, 279, 29920, 7187, 315, 29974, 1053, 9778, 387, 60391, 2949, 279, 12890, 19657, 13, 15903, 11, 433, 574, 279, 7537, 315, 279, 47126, 430, 279, 12890, 19657, 27185, 682, 6918, 10736, 87513, 11, 20816, 11, 477, 6062, 1903, 2561, 311, 279, 1614, 369, 3600, 311, 279, 29920, 13, 8876, 220, 5162, 19, 11, 12890, 19657, 8040, 459, 16781, 4009, 315, 48844, 46704, 278, 13607, 15324, 439, 279, 77188, 5475, 8304, 13, 1115, 4009, 17610, 315, 279, 220, 1227, 60347, 9251, 82, 389, 77188, 320, 8445, 32, 705, 220, 1927, 12299, 91286, 389, 77188, 320, 51207, 705, 220, 10125, 19903, 41991, 11, 3907, 41991, 11, 48359, 2826, 323, 5475, 67792, 11, 279, 19903, 31242, 320, 37, 11975, 10517, 26534, 11, 19903, 70075, 11, 10608, 2757, 19903, 65535, 6826, 705, 279, 1614, 19903, 41952, 6826, 320, 3936, 650, 570, 12890, 19657, 1101, 14488, 449, 2254, 4029, 2532, 11351, 11, 23872, 11, 323, 264, 7029, 8205, 11, 7620, 323, 3600, 12514, 311, 12899, 1202, 9131, 627, 15881, 19657, 374, 279, 29193, 315, 279, 55025, 9053, 3298, 320, 46, 6157, 8, 2068, 3600, 25, 7409, 1610, 349, 96350, 11, 5492, 7462, 44156, 96350, 11, 39700, 89549, 39700, 11930, 11, 2755, 13539, 30978, 11, 8245, 612, 46865, 11, 97550, 11, 13235, 30978, 11, 22919, 6187, 6401, 10852, 11, 11799, 9744, 11, 5856, 1838, 6100, 11, 763, 12, 7778, 1838, 6100, 11, 30440, 89549, 11, 10441, 38505 ]
let yourself fade into the background; actively reach out to your manager and colleagues. Ask questions, offer to help with projects and make it known that you’re a team player – even if you’re virtual. And ask for what you deserve! If you have a clear record of doing your job well, there’s no reason a company should treat you differently in terms of salary and benefits than an in-office worker. 2. Flex Work Is a Necessity, Not a Perk Q: Currently, many employers view flex work as a perk. Do you think this attitude towards flex work will change in the future? A: It absolutely needs to change. We need to stop thinking about work flexibility as a perk, and start focusing on it as being central to our standing in the global economy. In order to stay competitive, companies need to embrace flexible work options as standard operating procedure because they support productivity, attract the best talent and help the bottom line. I believe the attitude is already shifting away from “perk” and towards “necessity” and will continue to shift in the future. 3. Flex Work Is for Everyone (Even Creative Teams) Q: Do you feel flex work empowers
let yourself fade into the background; actively reach out to your manager and colleagues. Ask questions, offer to help with projects and make it known that you’re a team player – even if you’re virtual. And ask for what you deserve! If you have a clear record of doing your job well, there’s no reason a company should treat you differently in terms of salary and benefits than an in-office worker. 2. Flex Work Is a Necessity, Not a Perk Q: Currently, many employers view flex work as a perk. Do you think this attitude towards flex work will change in the future? A: It absolutely needs to change. We need to stop thinking about work flexibility as a perk, and start focusing on it as being central to our standing in the global economy. In order to stay competitive, companies need to embrace flexible work options as standard operating procedure because they support productivity, attract the best talent and help the bottom line. I believe the attitude is already shifting away from “perk” and towards “necessity” and will continue to shift in the future. 3. Flex Work Is for Everyone (Even Creative Teams) Q: Do you feel flex work empowers
women, as primary caretakers, in the work force? A: I do recognize the benefits of flexible work for working mothers, but I don’t think flexible work options should focus on any particular gender, age or parental status. Flexible work also empowers working dads, people without kids, people with disabilities, anyone acting as a caregiver, students and anyone seeking better work-life balance. Flexible work has the unique ability to impact all workers, and that’s why it’s such a driving force in the employment sector. Q: Productivity is often extolled a major benefit of flex work, but what about creativity? Can telecommuting be supplemental to creativity at innovative companies? A: Creativity doesn’t need to be lost if people are working from home. In fact, a recent study found that employees who work from home are 11-20 percent more productive on creative tasks. I think a lot of this has to do with the less distracting environment of a home office. It’s also a space that each employee can build to suit their own needs, and they can make it more conducive to creative work than a traditional cubicle. And if collaboration is important to creativity, there are
[ 1309, 3511, 22100, 656, 262, 4469, 26, 10630, 3151, 503, 284, 534, 4706, 290, 7810, 13, 16981, 2683, 11, 2897, 284, 1037, 351, 4493, 290, 787, 340, 1900, 326, 345, 447, 247, 260, 257, 1074, 2137, 784, 772, 611, 345, 447, 247, 260, 7166, 13, 843, 1265, 329, 644, 345, 10925, 0, 1002, 345, 423, 257, 1598, 1700, 286, 1804, 534, 1693, 880, 11, 612, 447, 247, 82, 645, 1738, 257, 1664, 815, 2190, 345, 10338, 287, 2846, 286, 9588, 290, 4034, 621, 281, 287, 12, 31810, 8383, 13, 198, 17, 13, 26719, 5521, 1148, 257, 19652, 408, 414, 11, 1892, 257, 2448, 74, 198, 48, 25, 16888, 11, 867, 11390, 1570, 7059, 670, 355, 257, 34407, 13, 2141, 345, 892, 428, 9408, 3371, 7059, 670, 481, 1487, 287, 262, 2003, 30, 198, 32, 25, 632, 5543, 2476, 284, 1487, 13, 775, 761, 284, 2245, 3612, 546, 670, 13688, 355, 257, 34407, 11, 290, 923, 10759, 319, 340, 355, 852, 4318, 284, 674, 5055, 287, 262, 3298, 3773, 13, 554, 1502, 284, 2652, 7606, 11, 2706, 761, 284, 12553, 12846, 670, 3689, 355, 3210, 5361, 8771, 780, 484, 1104, 13714, 11, 4729, 262, 1266, 7401, 290, 1037, 262, 4220, 1627, 13, 314, 1975, 262, 9408, 318, 1541, 15852, 1497, 422, 564, 250, 525, 74, 447, 251, 290, 3371, 564, 250, 10789, 414, 447, 251, 290, 481, 2555, 284, 6482, 287, 262, 2003, 13, 198, 18, 13, 26719, 5521, 1148, 329, 11075, 357, 6104, 17404, 24690, 8, 198, 48, 25, 2141, 345, 1254, 7059, 670, 795, 30132 ]
[ 1095, 6261, 15366, 1139, 279, 4092, 26, 22815, 5662, 704, 311, 701, 6783, 323, 18105, 13, 21069, 4860, 11, 3085, 311, 1520, 449, 7224, 323, 1304, 433, 3967, 430, 499, 3207, 264, 2128, 2851, 1389, 1524, 422, 499, 3207, 4200, 13, 1628, 2610, 369, 1148, 499, 23528, 0, 1442, 499, 617, 264, 2867, 3335, 315, 3815, 701, 2683, 1664, 11, 1070, 753, 912, 2944, 264, 2883, 1288, 4322, 499, 22009, 304, 3878, 315, 16498, 323, 7720, 1109, 459, 304, 82227, 12128, 627, 17, 13, 27233, 5664, 2209, 264, 452, 4093, 488, 11, 2876, 264, 3700, 74, 198, 48, 25, 25122, 11, 1690, 23234, 1684, 5882, 990, 439, 264, 66193, 13, 3234, 499, 1781, 420, 19451, 7119, 5882, 990, 690, 2349, 304, 279, 3938, 5380, 32, 25, 1102, 11112, 3966, 311, 2349, 13, 1226, 1205, 311, 3009, 7422, 922, 990, 25152, 439, 264, 66193, 11, 323, 1212, 21760, 389, 433, 439, 1694, 8792, 311, 1057, 11509, 304, 279, 3728, 8752, 13, 763, 2015, 311, 4822, 15022, 11, 5220, 1205, 311, 27830, 19303, 990, 2671, 439, 5410, 10565, 10537, 1606, 814, 1862, 26206, 11, 9504, 279, 1888, 11005, 323, 1520, 279, 5740, 1584, 13, 358, 4510, 279, 19451, 374, 2736, 32931, 3201, 505, 1054, 716, 74, 863, 323, 7119, 1054, 77, 4093, 488, 863, 323, 690, 3136, 311, 6541, 304, 279, 3938, 627, 18, 13, 27233, 5664, 2209, 369, 22172, 320, 13461, 25248, 40713, 340, 48, 25, 3234, 499, 2733, 5882, 990, 8654, 16345 ]
[ 3278, 11, 439, 6156, 53401, 8476, 11, 304, 279, 990, 5457, 5380, 32, 25, 358, 656, 15641, 279, 7720, 315, 19303, 990, 369, 3318, 27698, 11, 719, 358, 1541, 1431, 1781, 19303, 990, 2671, 1288, 5357, 389, 904, 4040, 10026, 11, 4325, 477, 46679, 2704, 13, 53411, 990, 1101, 8654, 16345, 3318, 89861, 11, 1274, 2085, 6980, 11, 1274, 449, 36801, 11, 5606, 15718, 439, 264, 93561, 11, 4236, 323, 5606, 11125, 2731, 990, 26928, 8335, 13, 53411, 990, 706, 279, 5016, 5845, 311, 5536, 682, 7487, 11, 323, 430, 753, 3249, 433, 753, 1778, 264, 10043, 5457, 304, 279, 14740, 10706, 627, 48, 25, 5761, 1968, 374, 3629, 1327, 337, 839, 264, 3682, 8935, 315, 5882, 990, 11, 719, 1148, 922, 28697, 30, 3053, 8122, 3705, 10831, 387, 69051, 311, 28697, 520, 18699, 5220, 5380, 32, 25, 18134, 1968, 3250, 1431, 1205, 311, 387, 5675, 422, 1274, 527, 3318, 505, 2162, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 264, 3293, 4007, 1766, 430, 8420, 889, 990, 505, 2162, 527, 220, 806, 12, 508, 3346, 810, 27331, 389, 11782, 9256, 13, 358, 1781, 264, 2763, 315, 420, 706, 311, 656, 449, 279, 2753, 82398, 4676, 315, 264, 2162, 5274, 13, 1102, 753, 1101, 264, 3634, 430, 1855, 9548, 649, 1977, 311, 7937, 872, 1866, 3966, 11, 323, 814, 649, 1304, 433, 810, 95561, 311, 11782, 990, 1109, 264, 8776, 19250, 2045, 13, 1628, 422, 20632, 374, 3062, 311, 28697, 11, 1070, 527 ]
prayer intervene on her behalf but will it be enough? http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/24-hours-till-grace-cc-wills/1120326174?ean=2940046152623 "Shawnee Wildcat Gold" is about two old timers deciding they want to try their hand at looking for gold in the Shawnee Hills. What they find may surprise you. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/shawnee-wildcat-gold-cc-wills/1120315486?ean=2940046141160 "Mama's Fried Chicken" is about two teen boys who go to their church picnic but then decide to spend the day exploring the woods that surround the church. What kind of trouble do you think they can get into? http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/mamas-fried-chicken-cc-wills/1120326096?ean=2940046151671 "Murder in Pounds Hollow" is a murder mystery that takes place in a small campground in a state park in southern Illinois. A man
prayer intervene on her behalf but will it be enough? http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/24-hours-till-grace-cc-wills/1120326174?ean=2940046152623 "Shawnee Wildcat Gold" is about two old timers deciding they want to try their hand at looking for gold in the Shawnee Hills. What they find may surprise you. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/shawnee-wildcat-gold-cc-wills/1120315486?ean=2940046141160 "Mama's Fried Chicken" is about two teen boys who go to their church picnic but then decide to spend the day exploring the woods that surround the church. What kind of trouble do you think they can get into? http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/mamas-fried-chicken-cc-wills/1120326096?ean=2940046151671 "Murder in Pounds Hollow" is a murder mystery that takes place in a small campground in a state park in southern Illinois. A man
's throat is cut and he is left by the lake to be found by a fellow camper. Who killed him and why? http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/murder-in-pounds-hollow-cc-wills/1120360045?ean=2940046168891 "Through the Eye and Beyond" is a sci-fi that begins in 2054. A young man living in the destroyed remains of earth goes back in time to try and reverse Earth's destruction. His goal is to prevent the assassination of the first woman President who just happens to be his Grandmother. Can he do it? http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/through-the-eye-and-beyond-cc-wills/1120360127?ean=2940046169911 "The Lottery Ticket" is a general fiction story about a rich lawyer heading back home from a successful business trip. He purchases a winning lottery ticket but before he can cash it in he has a serious car accident. Check it out and see what happen to the money, it may just surprise you. "His First Love"
[ 11443, 22432, 319, 607, 8378, 475, 481, 340, 307, 1576, 30, 198, 4023, 1378, 2503, 13, 65, 1501, 274, 392, 34952, 293, 13, 785, 14, 86, 14, 1731, 12, 24425, 12, 83, 359, 12, 2164, 558, 12, 535, 12, 86, 2171, 14, 14686, 3070, 2075, 22985, 30, 11025, 28, 1959, 7029, 3510, 1314, 2075, 1954, 198, 1, 2484, 3832, 1453, 6183, 9246, 3561, 1, 318, 546, 734, 1468, 48085, 14615, 484, 765, 284, 1949, 511, 1021, 379, 2045, 329, 3869, 287, 262, 25225, 1453, 14379, 13, 1867, 484, 1064, 743, 5975, 345, 13, 198, 4023, 1378, 2503, 13, 65, 1501, 274, 392, 34952, 293, 13, 785, 14, 86, 14, 1477, 3832, 1453, 12, 21992, 9246, 12, 24267, 12, 535, 12, 86, 2171, 14, 14686, 3070, 1314, 34251, 30, 11025, 28, 1959, 7029, 3510, 1415, 1157, 1899, 198, 1, 44, 1689, 338, 15442, 16405, 1, 318, 546, 734, 6036, 6510, 508, 467, 284, 511, 4928, 35715, 475, 788, 5409, 284, 4341, 262, 1110, 13504, 262, 16479, 326, 4573, 262, 4928, 13, 1867, 1611, 286, 5876, 466, 345, 892, 484, 460, 651, 656, 30, 198, 4023, 1378, 2503, 13, 65, 1501, 274, 392, 34952, 293, 13, 785, 14, 86, 14, 76, 17485, 12, 25520, 12, 354, 5973, 12, 535, 12, 86, 2171, 14, 16, 10232, 2624, 1899, 4846, 30, 11025, 28, 1959, 7029, 3510, 1314, 1433, 4869, 198, 1, 23830, 1082, 287, 350, 3733, 18710, 1, 318, 257, 5123, 10715, 326, 2753, 1295, 287, 257, 1402, 1413, 2833, 287, 257, 1181, 3952, 287, 8372, 9486, 13, 317, 582 ]
[ 23788, 55579, 389, 1077, 17981, 719, 690, 433, 387, 3403, 5380, 1277, 1129, 2185, 960, 1923, 288, 438, 77, 51093, 916, 6458, 14, 1187, 77105, 2442, 484, 25313, 580, 12, 641, 2695, 3385, 14, 7261, 21040, 21717, 19, 30, 5420, 28, 17168, 8759, 21385, 14274, 18, 198, 1, 2059, 675, 34191, 13944, 4719, 7573, 1, 374, 922, 1403, 2362, 45622, 30230, 814, 1390, 311, 1456, 872, 1450, 520, 3411, 369, 6761, 304, 279, 36285, 34191, 25964, 13, 3639, 814, 1505, 1253, 13051, 499, 627, 1277, 1129, 2185, 960, 1923, 288, 438, 77, 51093, 916, 6458, 15030, 675, 34191, 2695, 699, 4719, 2427, 820, 12, 641, 2695, 3385, 14, 7261, 18887, 22287, 21, 30, 5420, 28, 17168, 8759, 22638, 8027, 15, 198, 74627, 3105, 596, 31351, 34619, 1, 374, 922, 1403, 9562, 13305, 889, 733, 311, 872, 8993, 55562, 719, 1243, 10491, 311, 8493, 279, 1938, 24919, 279, 33633, 430, 9172, 279, 8993, 13, 3639, 3169, 315, 12544, 656, 499, 1781, 814, 649, 636, 1139, 5380, 1277, 1129, 2185, 960, 1923, 288, 438, 77, 51093, 916, 6458, 3262, 29189, 2269, 4588, 11843, 9890, 12, 641, 2695, 3385, 14, 7261, 21040, 21138, 21, 30, 5420, 28, 17168, 8759, 21385, 11515, 16, 198, 1, 60978, 1126, 304, 393, 3171, 49793, 1, 374, 264, 10102, 23347, 430, 5097, 2035, 304, 264, 2678, 90235, 304, 264, 1614, 6246, 304, 18561, 19174, 13, 362, 893 ]
[ 596, 28691, 374, 4018, 323, 568, 374, 2163, 555, 279, 22553, 311, 387, 1766, 555, 264, 12637, 92153, 13, 10699, 7577, 1461, 323, 3249, 5380, 1277, 1129, 2185, 960, 1923, 288, 438, 77, 51093, 916, 6458, 3262, 324, 1126, 3502, 2320, 3171, 2902, 1573, 12, 641, 2695, 3385, 14, 7261, 23110, 8759, 20, 30, 5420, 28, 17168, 8759, 21379, 25354, 16, 198, 1, 24798, 279, 28929, 323, 31886, 1, 374, 264, 39074, 37731, 430, 12302, 304, 220, 10866, 19, 13, 362, 3995, 893, 5496, 304, 279, 14763, 8625, 315, 9578, 5900, 1203, 304, 892, 311, 1456, 323, 10134, 9420, 596, 19814, 13, 5414, 5915, 374, 311, 5471, 279, 49417, 315, 279, 1176, 5333, 4900, 889, 1120, 8741, 311, 387, 813, 10517, 27510, 13, 3053, 568, 656, 433, 5380, 1277, 1129, 2185, 960, 1923, 288, 438, 77, 51093, 916, 6458, 14, 20322, 10826, 47797, 9976, 1481, 23478, 12, 641, 2695, 3385, 14, 7261, 23110, 11531, 22, 30, 5420, 28, 17168, 8759, 21379, 24606, 16, 198, 3305, 1, 791, 73337, 29497, 1, 374, 264, 4689, 17422, 3446, 922, 264, 9257, 15779, 14836, 1203, 2162, 505, 264, 6992, 2626, 8577, 13, 1283, 24393, 264, 11230, 39339, 11989, 719, 1603, 568, 649, 8515, 433, 304, 568, 706, 264, 6129, 1841, 11677, 13, 4343, 433, 704, 323, 1518, 1148, 3621, 311, 279, 3300, 11, 433, 1253, 1120, 13051, 499, 627, 1, 16366, 5629, 10919, 1 ]
the disconnect between science and investor action on climate change. The World Economic Forum’s 2018 risk report highlights the failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation as one of the most impactful and probable issues facing the global economy[1] and the Financial Stability Board asserts that climate is “the most significant” risk investors face.[2] So why is it that in the 2017 CFA Society ESG survey only 50% of respondents admitted incorporating environmental issues into their investment process, and the main reason cited was immateriality?[3] The big green elephant in the room is the pervasive belief that investing in a way that considers climate requires financial sacrifice. While this can partially be explained by limited knowledge about climate impacts on asset valuations and how environmental issues can be integrated into portfolio construction, behavioral finance provides insights into additional factors at play. The “no free lunch” heuristic is at the root of our automatic response that “green” or sustainable finance requires a returns sacrifice. To lose weight, you must diet, to pass your CFA, you must sacrifice your social life; there is no reward without risk and “good” things (like “green” products) require sacrifice. Even when there is abundant evidence to
the disconnect between science and investor action on climate change. The World Economic Forum’s 2018 risk report highlights the failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation as one of the most impactful and probable issues facing the global economy[1] and the Financial Stability Board asserts that climate is “the most significant” risk investors face.[2] So why is it that in the 2017 CFA Society ESG survey only 50% of respondents admitted incorporating environmental issues into their investment process, and the main reason cited was immateriality?[3] The big green elephant in the room is the pervasive belief that investing in a way that considers climate requires financial sacrifice. While this can partially be explained by limited knowledge about climate impacts on asset valuations and how environmental issues can be integrated into portfolio construction, behavioral finance provides insights into additional factors at play. The “no free lunch” heuristic is at the root of our automatic response that “green” or sustainable finance requires a returns sacrifice. To lose weight, you must diet, to pass your CFA, you must sacrifice your social life; there is no reward without risk and “good” things (like “green” products) require sacrifice. Even when there is abundant evidence to
the contrary, we are less likely to take it into account because of confirmation bias, which is the tendency to prioritize or interpret new information in a way that confirms our existing beliefs. Confirmation bias is stronger for more emotive and deeply entrenched beliefs, which could explain the slower adoption[4] of sustainable finance in markets where issues like climate change are politically polarized, such as the U.S.[5] Listening to our reflective systems may lead us to a more logical judgement. We are entering an era of unprecedented population growth, placing huge pressure on the finite resource base for food, water, and energy. At the same time, more volatile weather and increasing pollution is depleting our “natural capital” base and governments globally are working to change the cost-benefit dynamics of polluting industries. Against this macroeconomic backdrop, it is logical that more resource-efficient companies and ones more responsive to changing consumer demand for greener products should do better. Indeed, to make the case more powerfully, try reversing the argument—do we believe more resource-inefficient, polluting companies will outperform going forward? A meta-study by Oxford University seems to confirm the thesis. It found that in 90% of cases, environmentally efficient companies have lower costs of capital
[ 262, 22837, 1022, 3783, 290, 15811, 2223, 319, 4258, 1487, 13, 383, 2159, 11279, 14867, 447, 247, 82, 2864, 2526, 989, 11330, 262, 5287, 286, 4258, 1487, 33585, 290, 16711, 355, 530, 286, 262, 749, 2928, 913, 290, 17939, 2428, 6476, 262, 3298, 3773, 58, 16, 60, 290, 262, 11302, 47865, 5926, 29348, 326, 4258, 318, 564, 250, 1169, 749, 2383, 447, 251, 2526, 7713, 1986, 3693, 17, 60, 1406, 1521, 318, 340, 326, 287, 262, 2177, 327, 7708, 7023, 13380, 38, 5526, 691, 2026, 4, 286, 14502, 6848, 29927, 6142, 2428, 656, 511, 4896, 1429, 11, 290, 262, 1388, 1738, 9181, 373, 2296, 2273, 414, 30, 58, 18, 60, 198, 464, 1263, 4077, 20950, 287, 262, 2119, 318, 262, 29280, 4901, 326, 14771, 287, 257, 835, 326, 14358, 4258, 4433, 3176, 11728, 13, 2893, 428, 460, 12387, 307, 4893, 416, 3614, 3725, 546, 4258, 12751, 319, 11171, 1188, 6055, 290, 703, 6142, 2428, 460, 307, 11521, 656, 15320, 5103, 11, 17211, 9604, 3769, 17218, 656, 3224, 5087, 379, 711, 13, 383, 564, 250, 3919, 1479, 9965, 447, 251, 339, 27915, 318, 379, 262, 6808, 286, 674, 11353, 2882, 326, 564, 250, 14809, 447, 251, 393, 13347, 9604, 4433, 257, 5860, 11728, 13, 1675, 4425, 3463, 11, 345, 1276, 5496, 11, 284, 1208, 534, 327, 7708, 11, 345, 1276, 11728, 534, 1919, 1204, 26, 612, 318, 645, 6721, 1231, 2526, 290, 564, 250, 11274, 447, 251, 1243, 357, 2339, 564, 250, 14809, 447, 251, 3186, 8, 2421, 11728, 13, 3412, 618, 612, 318, 23263, 2370, 284 ]
[ 279, 30069, 1990, 8198, 323, 30693, 1957, 389, 10182, 2349, 13, 578, 4435, 23362, 17997, 753, 220, 679, 23, 5326, 1934, 22020, 279, 8060, 315, 10182, 2349, 66860, 323, 34185, 439, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 98990, 323, 35977, 4819, 13176, 279, 3728, 8752, 58, 16, 60, 323, 279, 17961, 81238, 8925, 57876, 430, 10182, 374, 1054, 1820, 1455, 5199, 863, 5326, 15167, 3663, 8032, 17, 60, 2100, 3249, 374, 433, 430, 304, 279, 220, 679, 22, 356, 3711, 13581, 469, 7939, 10795, 1193, 220, 1135, 4, 315, 34281, 16584, 52913, 12434, 4819, 1139, 872, 9341, 1920, 11, 323, 279, 1925, 2944, 22628, 574, 4998, 2229, 488, 61864, 18, 933, 791, 2466, 6307, 46840, 304, 279, 3130, 374, 279, 71867, 16801, 430, 26012, 304, 264, 1648, 430, 32238, 10182, 7612, 6020, 28235, 13, 6104, 420, 649, 26310, 387, 11497, 555, 7347, 6677, 922, 10182, 25949, 389, 9513, 1062, 38170, 323, 1268, 12434, 4819, 649, 387, 18751, 1139, 20136, 8246, 11, 36695, 17452, 5825, 26793, 1139, 5217, 9547, 520, 1514, 13, 578, 1054, 2201, 1949, 16163, 863, 67709, 374, 520, 279, 3789, 315, 1057, 17392, 2077, 430, 1054, 13553, 863, 477, 22556, 17452, 7612, 264, 4780, 28235, 13, 2057, 9229, 4785, 11, 499, 2011, 10173, 11, 311, 1522, 701, 356, 3711, 11, 499, 2011, 28235, 701, 3674, 2324, 26, 1070, 374, 912, 11565, 2085, 5326, 323, 1054, 19045, 863, 2574, 320, 4908, 1054, 13553, 863, 3956, 8, 1397, 28235, 13, 7570, 994, 1070, 374, 44611, 6029, 311 ]
[ 279, 26102, 11, 584, 527, 2753, 4461, 311, 1935, 433, 1139, 2759, 1606, 315, 20109, 15837, 11, 902, 374, 279, 31954, 311, 63652, 477, 14532, 502, 2038, 304, 264, 1648, 430, 43496, 1057, 6484, 21463, 13, 69409, 15837, 374, 16643, 369, 810, 10382, 535, 323, 17693, 82144, 21463, 11, 902, 1436, 10552, 279, 29493, 25375, 58, 19, 60, 315, 22556, 17452, 304, 11987, 1405, 4819, 1093, 10182, 2349, 527, 31205, 25685, 1534, 11, 1778, 439, 279, 549, 815, 8032, 20, 933, 56031, 311, 1057, 52828, 6067, 1253, 3063, 603, 311, 264, 810, 20406, 48919, 13, 1226, 527, 16661, 459, 11639, 315, 31069, 7187, 6650, 11, 25012, 6908, 7410, 389, 279, 35326, 5211, 2385, 369, 3691, 11, 3090, 11, 323, 4907, 13, 2468, 279, 1890, 892, 11, 810, 17509, 9282, 323, 7859, 25793, 374, 409, 698, 1303, 1057, 1054, 53980, 6864, 863, 2385, 323, 17047, 31550, 527, 3318, 311, 2349, 279, 2853, 1481, 89729, 30295, 315, 7230, 10831, 19647, 13, 30241, 420, 18563, 49944, 39577, 11, 433, 374, 20406, 430, 810, 5211, 73916, 5220, 323, 6305, 810, 27078, 311, 10223, 11761, 7631, 369, 2886, 804, 3956, 1288, 656, 2731, 13, 23150, 11, 311, 1304, 279, 1162, 810, 2410, 3725, 11, 1456, 76283, 279, 5811, 2345, 3055, 584, 4510, 810, 5211, 12, 483, 544, 5499, 11, 7230, 10831, 5220, 690, 704, 29588, 2133, 4741, 30, 362, 8999, 5594, 18339, 555, 26275, 3907, 5084, 311, 7838, 279, 17850, 13, 1102, 1766, 430, 304, 220, 1954, 4, 315, 5157, 11, 57340, 11297, 5220, 617, 4827, 7194, 315, 6864 ]
powerful’. But powerful how? What kinds of power might a work of fiction be able to exert over its readers? Does a novel have the power to change us – to improve us, or to harm us? The theme of dangerous novels is as old as the novel itself, and there is a long list of fictional readers damaged by their taste in books – Don Quixote and Emma Bovary being only the most famous cases. As literary works are often imagined to be morally improving and civilizing, the question of harm rarely seems to arise. Though some critics and philosophers have argued (unencumbered by evidence) that good books have made us better people, none has spent much time worrying about what bad books might do to us. But when a reader encounters a work like the 120 Days, the question no longer seems quite so abstract or irrelevant. If ever there was a powerful text, then surely it’s this one. Few readers can be left unruffled or undisturbed by the tales told and deeds done in the Castle of Silling – even if critics working on Sade have largely avoided talking about their own responses to these. That said, most readers will read the 120 Days only once, and leave it behind. The sense of shock
powerful’. But powerful how? What kinds of power might a work of fiction be able to exert over its readers? Does a novel have the power to change us – to improve us, or to harm us? The theme of dangerous novels is as old as the novel itself, and there is a long list of fictional readers damaged by their taste in books – Don Quixote and Emma Bovary being only the most famous cases. As literary works are often imagined to be morally improving and civilizing, the question of harm rarely seems to arise. Though some critics and philosophers have argued (unencumbered by evidence) that good books have made us better people, none has spent much time worrying about what bad books might do to us. But when a reader encounters a work like the 120 Days, the question no longer seems quite so abstract or irrelevant. If ever there was a powerful text, then surely it’s this one. Few readers can be left unruffled or undisturbed by the tales told and deeds done in the Castle of Silling – even if critics working on Sade have largely avoided talking about their own responses to these. That said, most readers will read the 120 Days only once, and leave it behind. The sense of shock
will fade, and normal life will resume. Every now and again a mental image of a particular scene may resurface uninvited, but only fleetingly – life is too short to dwell on such things. Not so for the translator, however. Translation requires an intimacy with source material that may be one of the reasons why some of Sade’s works – such as the New Justine – remain untranslated, while other major works such as the History of Juliette, and, until now, the 120 Days, have only been translated once, back in the 1950s. Why would anyone choose to live with these texts for the days, months, years it takes to translate them? For me there were many reasons – the challenge of translating Sade’s most extreme work, the poor quality of the existing translation (which was a bar to being able to teach this text in translation), and a curiosity about how the novel would be received in a country where Sade had been banned until quite recently. But though I had read the text closely before, and, indeed written about it, I don’t think I realised the scale of the task that was ahead of us, and the time I would have to spend in the company of S
[ 44548, 447, 247, 13, 887, 3665, 703, 30, 1867, 6982, 286, 1176, 1244, 257, 670, 286, 10165, 307, 1498, 284, 17596, 625, 663, 7183, 30, 8314, 257, 5337, 423, 262, 1176, 284, 1487, 514, 784, 284, 2987, 514, 11, 393, 284, 4419, 514, 30, 383, 7505, 286, 4923, 16122, 318, 355, 1468, 355, 262, 5337, 2346, 11, 290, 612, 318, 257, 890, 1351, 286, 19812, 7183, 9694, 416, 511, 6938, 287, 3835, 784, 2094, 2264, 844, 1258, 290, 18966, 347, 709, 560, 852, 691, 262, 749, 5863, 2663, 13, 1081, 16716, 2499, 389, 1690, 15758, 284, 307, 22388, 10068, 290, 3026, 2890, 11, 262, 1808, 286, 4419, 8365, 2331, 284, 15058, 13, 7486, 617, 9188, 290, 24858, 423, 7189, 357, 403, 12685, 26584, 416, 2370, 8, 326, 922, 3835, 423, 925, 514, 1365, 661, 11, 4844, 468, 3377, 881, 640, 18916, 546, 644, 2089, 3835, 1244, 466, 284, 514, 13, 887, 618, 257, 9173, 16925, 257, 670, 588, 262, 7982, 12579, 11, 262, 1808, 645, 2392, 2331, 2407, 523, 12531, 393, 18046, 13, 1002, 1683, 612, 373, 257, 3665, 2420, 11, 788, 10403, 340, 447, 247, 82, 428, 530, 13, 20463, 7183, 460, 307, 1364, 555, 30622, 992, 393, 3318, 396, 37694, 416, 262, 19490, 1297, 290, 23777, 1760, 287, 262, 11312, 286, 311, 4509, 784, 772, 611, 9188, 1762, 319, 311, 671, 423, 5688, 13941, 3375, 546, 511, 898, 9109, 284, 777, 13, 1320, 531, 11, 749, 7183, 481, 1100, 262, 7982, 12579, 691, 1752, 11, 290, 2666, 340, 2157, 13, 383, 2565, 286, 6380 ]
[ 13477, 1285, 24535, 2030, 8147, 1268, 30, 3639, 13124, 315, 2410, 2643, 264, 990, 315, 17422, 387, 3025, 311, 43844, 927, 1202, 13016, 30, 12838, 264, 11775, 617, 279, 2410, 311, 2349, 603, 1389, 311, 7417, 603, 11, 477, 311, 11682, 603, 30, 578, 7057, 315, 11660, 32963, 374, 439, 2362, 439, 279, 11775, 5196, 11, 323, 1070, 374, 264, 1317, 1160, 315, 44682, 13016, 20727, 555, 872, 12945, 304, 6603, 1389, 4418, 3489, 953, 1295, 323, 36035, 426, 869, 661, 1694, 1193, 279, 1455, 11495, 5157, 13, 1666, 32465, 4375, 527, 3629, 35706, 311, 387, 57323, 18899, 323, 8431, 4954, 11, 279, 3488, 315, 11682, 19029, 5084, 311, 31889, 13, 18056, 1063, 23531, 323, 61787, 617, 18784, 320, 359, 967, 900, 291, 555, 6029, 8, 430, 1695, 6603, 617, 1903, 603, 2731, 1274, 11, 7000, 706, 7543, 1790, 892, 40876, 922, 1148, 3958, 6603, 2643, 656, 311, 603, 13, 2030, 994, 264, 6742, 35006, 264, 990, 1093, 279, 220, 4364, 21882, 11, 279, 3488, 912, 5129, 5084, 5115, 779, 8278, 477, 40815, 13, 1442, 3596, 1070, 574, 264, 8147, 1495, 11, 1243, 22225, 433, 753, 420, 832, 13, 44015, 13016, 649, 387, 2163, 41480, 43435, 477, 2073, 380, 75325, 555, 279, 37565, 3309, 323, 54811, 2884, 304, 279, 27987, 315, 328, 9585, 1389, 1524, 422, 23531, 3318, 389, 328, 1037, 617, 14090, 31890, 7556, 922, 872, 1866, 14847, 311, 1521, 13, 3011, 1071, 11, 1455, 13016, 690, 1373, 279, 220, 4364, 21882, 1193, 3131, 11, 323, 5387, 433, 4920, 13, 578, 5647, 315, 10988 ]
[ 690, 15366, 11, 323, 4725, 2324, 690, 16063, 13, 7357, 1457, 323, 1578, 264, 10723, 2217, 315, 264, 4040, 6237, 1253, 594, 10730, 653, 14386, 1639, 11, 719, 1193, 26155, 11559, 1389, 2324, 374, 2288, 2875, 311, 44935, 389, 1778, 2574, 627, 2688, 779, 369, 279, 46588, 11, 4869, 13, 39141, 7612, 459, 66264, 449, 2592, 3769, 430, 1253, 387, 832, 315, 279, 8125, 3249, 1063, 315, 328, 1037, 753, 4375, 1389, 1778, 439, 279, 1561, 4702, 483, 1389, 7293, 91448, 11, 1418, 1023, 3682, 4375, 1778, 439, 279, 11346, 315, 72124, 668, 11, 323, 11, 3156, 1457, 11, 279, 220, 4364, 21882, 11, 617, 1193, 1027, 25548, 3131, 11, 1203, 304, 279, 220, 6280, 15, 82, 13, 8595, 1053, 5606, 5268, 311, 3974, 449, 1521, 22755, 369, 279, 2919, 11, 4038, 11, 1667, 433, 5097, 311, 15025, 1124, 30, 1789, 757, 1070, 1051, 1690, 8125, 1389, 279, 8815, 315, 67371, 328, 1037, 753, 1455, 14560, 990, 11, 279, 8009, 4367, 315, 279, 6484, 14807, 320, 8370, 574, 264, 3703, 311, 1694, 3025, 311, 4639, 420, 1495, 304, 14807, 705, 323, 264, 41328, 922, 1268, 279, 11775, 1053, 387, 4036, 304, 264, 3224, 1405, 328, 1037, 1047, 1027, 21501, 3156, 5115, 6051, 13, 2030, 3582, 358, 1047, 1373, 279, 1495, 15499, 1603, 11, 323, 11, 13118, 5439, 922, 433, 11, 358, 1541, 1431, 1781, 358, 41193, 279, 5569, 315, 279, 3465, 430, 574, 8469, 315, 603, 11, 323, 279, 892, 358, 1053, 617, 311, 8493, 304, 279, 2883, 315, 328 ]
ous space under St Pancras Church built in1822, the haunting tunnels compliment the images and offer the viewers space to consider the work. Often I’m so caught up in my vision or my story that I stray from rigorously telling myself (and others) the full truth. Whether it be your personal or professional history, or having, as the Buddhist sages say “a rigorous regard for reality,” being able to actualize a compelling future vision is dependent on first telling the truth about our past and current lives. One of the ways I assist myself in personal and professional development, is to work hard to “live in the question;” to ask myself if my version of reality is …. real! Another great tool is to have a friend or a support group test your version of reality. Of course, ideally they would know of your deeper purpose, vision and values so they would have a filter, a context within which to evaluate your statement. Even more importantly, you’ll need to actually LISTEN, free of judgment, blame or excuses. This level of attention to self-directed honesty is rare … and powerful. To those who just celebrated the Western New Year and to those anticipating Chinese New Year in February
ous space under St Pancras Church built in1822, the haunting tunnels compliment the images and offer the viewers space to consider the work. Often I’m so caught up in my vision or my story that I stray from rigorously telling myself (and others) the full truth. Whether it be your personal or professional history, or having, as the Buddhist sages say “a rigorous regard for reality,” being able to actualize a compelling future vision is dependent on first telling the truth about our past and current lives. One of the ways I assist myself in personal and professional development, is to work hard to “live in the question;” to ask myself if my version of reality is …. real! Another great tool is to have a friend or a support group test your version of reality. Of course, ideally they would know of your deeper purpose, vision and values so they would have a filter, a context within which to evaluate your statement. Even more importantly, you’ll need to actually LISTEN, free of judgment, blame or excuses. This level of attention to self-directed honesty is rare … and powerful. To those who just celebrated the Western New Year and to those anticipating Chinese New Year in February
, please accept my very best wishes that you enjoy every possible success, joy and satisfaction during the New Year and always. Movie: Failed architect, engineer and vicious murderer Jack narrates the details of some of his most elaborately orchestrated crimes, each of them a towering piece of art that defines his life's work as a serial killer for twelve years. Another film by Lars von Trier done very much in the flavor of his previous picture, Nymphomaniac. It is, in my opinion, much less uneven and messy, but still too undisciplined to feel fully realized and satisfying. It ranges from brilliant to dubious constantly, while Nymphomaniac, despite also containing brilliant segments, sinks to cringe-worthy more than once. Similarly to Nymphomaniac, where our main character is exploring a central part of her personality, in the case of that film her sexuality, by confessing her history to another character, all intertwined with commentary from philos... read the rest. The Horsemen Book 9 – kindle edition. Free until 11/14/16 only. Worldwide on Amazon. And the author of The Art of the Deal. That you can’t possibly believe yourself. And is really just a normal moat.
[ 516, 2272, 739, 520, 49957, 8847, 4564, 3170, 287, 1507, 1828, 11, 262, 36660, 22642, 19370, 262, 4263, 290, 2897, 262, 10209, 2272, 284, 2074, 262, 670, 13, 18023, 314, 447, 247, 76, 523, 4978, 510, 287, 616, 5761, 393, 616, 1621, 326, 314, 28583, 422, 7805, 24882, 5149, 3589, 357, 392, 1854, 8, 262, 1336, 3872, 13, 10127, 340, 307, 534, 2614, 393, 4708, 2106, 11, 393, 1719, 11, 355, 262, 20838, 264, 1095, 910, 564, 250, 64, 22888, 2754, 329, 3950, 11, 447, 251, 852, 1498, 284, 4036, 1096, 257, 13206, 2003, 5761, 318, 10795, 319, 717, 5149, 262, 3872, 546, 674, 1613, 290, 1459, 3160, 13, 198, 3198, 286, 262, 2842, 314, 3342, 3589, 287, 2614, 290, 4708, 2478, 11, 318, 284, 670, 1327, 284, 564, 250, 12583, 287, 262, 1808, 26, 447, 251, 284, 1265, 3589, 611, 616, 2196, 286, 3950, 318, 3926, 13, 1103, 0, 198, 6610, 1049, 2891, 318, 284, 423, 257, 1545, 393, 257, 1104, 1448, 1332, 534, 2196, 286, 3950, 13, 3226, 1781, 11, 30274, 484, 561, 760, 286, 534, 9211, 4007, 11, 5761, 290, 3815, 523, 484, 561, 423, 257, 8106, 11, 257, 4732, 1626, 543, 284, 13446, 534, 2643, 13, 3412, 517, 11003, 11, 345, 447, 247, 297, 761, 284, 1682, 39498, 1677, 11, 1479, 286, 8492, 11, 8138, 393, 25893, 13, 198, 1212, 1241, 286, 3241, 284, 2116, 12, 34762, 24345, 318, 4071, 3926, 290, 3665, 13, 1675, 883, 508, 655, 13943, 262, 4885, 968, 6280, 290, 284, 883, 40807, 3999, 968, 6280, 287, 3945 ]
[ 788, 3634, 1234, 800, 97314, 13075, 9441, 5918, 304, 10828, 17, 11, 279, 77754, 53827, 32241, 279, 5448, 323, 3085, 279, 22511, 3634, 311, 2980, 279, 990, 13, 36016, 358, 4344, 779, 10791, 709, 304, 856, 11376, 477, 856, 3446, 430, 358, 62490, 505, 78477, 7162, 11890, 7182, 320, 438, 3885, 8, 279, 2539, 8206, 13, 13440, 433, 387, 701, 4443, 477, 6721, 3925, 11, 477, 3515, 11, 439, 279, 47841, 274, 1154, 2019, 1054, 64, 47999, 5363, 369, 8903, 2476, 1694, 3025, 311, 5150, 553, 264, 29722, 3938, 11376, 374, 18222, 389, 1176, 11890, 279, 8206, 922, 1057, 3347, 323, 1510, 6439, 627, 4054, 315, 279, 5627, 358, 7945, 7182, 304, 4443, 323, 6721, 4500, 11, 374, 311, 990, 2653, 311, 1054, 25859, 304, 279, 3488, 26, 863, 311, 2610, 7182, 422, 856, 2373, 315, 8903, 374, 66621, 1972, 4999, 14364, 2294, 5507, 374, 311, 617, 264, 4333, 477, 264, 1862, 1912, 1296, 701, 2373, 315, 8903, 13, 5046, 3388, 11, 50663, 814, 1053, 1440, 315, 701, 19662, 7580, 11, 11376, 323, 2819, 779, 814, 1053, 617, 264, 4141, 11, 264, 2317, 2949, 902, 311, 15806, 701, 5224, 13, 7570, 810, 23659, 11, 499, 4805, 1205, 311, 3604, 28064, 965, 11, 1949, 315, 19971, 11, 19065, 477, 55586, 627, 2028, 2237, 315, 6666, 311, 659, 86855, 48948, 374, 9024, 4696, 323, 8147, 13, 2057, 1884, 889, 1120, 28284, 279, 11104, 1561, 9941, 323, 311, 1884, 86359, 8620, 1561, 9941, 304, 7552 ]
[ 11, 4587, 4287, 856, 1633, 1888, 25223, 430, 499, 4774, 1475, 3284, 2450, 11, 16267, 323, 24617, 2391, 279, 1561, 9941, 323, 2744, 13, 14270, 25, 22092, 11726, 11, 24490, 323, 43510, 69066, 7762, 13713, 988, 279, 3649, 315, 1063, 315, 813, 1455, 25985, 2718, 93167, 17073, 11, 1855, 315, 1124, 264, 87794, 6710, 315, 1989, 430, 19170, 813, 2324, 596, 990, 439, 264, 6275, 25534, 369, 30335, 1667, 627, 14364, 4632, 555, 59276, 6675, 350, 7401, 2884, 1633, 1790, 304, 279, 17615, 315, 813, 3766, 6945, 11, 452, 32800, 316, 5676, 582, 13, 1102, 374, 11, 304, 856, 9647, 11, 1790, 2753, 61437, 323, 46946, 11, 719, 2103, 2288, 2073, 3510, 10567, 1619, 311, 2733, 7373, 15393, 323, 37154, 13, 1102, 21986, 505, 20333, 311, 63189, 15320, 11, 1418, 452, 32800, 316, 5676, 582, 11, 8994, 1101, 8649, 20333, 21282, 11, 58052, 311, 1589, 18177, 97767, 810, 1109, 3131, 13, 35339, 311, 452, 32800, 316, 5676, 582, 11, 1405, 1057, 1925, 3752, 374, 24919, 264, 8792, 961, 315, 1077, 17743, 11, 304, 279, 1162, 315, 430, 4632, 1077, 39275, 11, 555, 48466, 287, 1077, 3925, 311, 2500, 3752, 11, 682, 99892, 449, 31710, 505, 10891, 437, 1131, 1373, 279, 2800, 13, 578, 34392, 5794, 6017, 220, 24, 1389, 3169, 273, 14002, 627, 11180, 3156, 220, 806, 14, 975, 14, 845, 1193, 13, 53035, 389, 8339, 13, 1628, 279, 3229, 315, 578, 5277, 315, 279, 27359, 627, 4897, 499, 649, 1431, 11000, 4510, 6261, 627, 3112, 374, 2216, 1120, 264, 4725, 4647, 266, 13 ]
few more. From the gaming genre there are also a few games that have that feeling. 'Diablo' and the 'Doom' series are something on the edge of Gore and Fear. 'Alone in the Dark' series is a great example, as is an old cRPG 'Elvira' (but it's also gore). More examples 'Gabriel Knight', 'BloodNet', and even 'System Shock'. Oh, and another great example : 'Legacy'. Stephen King writes this way. The most ambitious genre-face of them all. This type of horror, in my humble opinion, is almost unattainable in a computer game. It's not just the story, the monster, the setting. It's something BEYOND. Just as H.P.Lovecraft wrote in "Supernatural in Literature", you need something more than just a monster, an old tower, blood and fear. You need the shadow of a real horror, beyond the scene, just looming over the players feelings. Just a hint of a horror so unspeakable a human mind can't even imagine. This is a very serious play on the human psyche, and can be achieved only by hard work. It's the something that tingles at
few more. From the gaming genre there are also a few games that have that feeling. 'Diablo' and the 'Doom' series are something on the edge of Gore and Fear. 'Alone in the Dark' series is a great example, as is an old cRPG 'Elvira' (but it's also gore). More examples 'Gabriel Knight', 'BloodNet', and even 'System Shock'. Oh, and another great example : 'Legacy'. Stephen King writes this way. The most ambitious genre-face of them all. This type of horror, in my humble opinion, is almost unattainable in a computer game. It's not just the story, the monster, the setting. It's something BEYOND. Just as H.P.Lovecraft wrote in "Supernatural in Literature", you need something more than just a monster, an old tower, blood and fear. You need the shadow of a real horror, beyond the scene, just looming over the players feelings. Just a hint of a horror so unspeakable a human mind can't even imagine. This is a very serious play on the human psyche, and can be achieved only by hard work. It's the something that tingles at
the edge of our imagination, in our worst nightmares. You have to make the player believe, that it's not only the '@' sign that he's saving. You have to make him believe that it is him, who struggles against the odds. You have to _scare_ him. Impossible. But doable. I recommend reading the quote at the beginning again. I don't know whether roguelike is a possible genre for true horror. To be absolutely honest, I've never played any 'true horror' game. The closest I could get, were a few moments in 'Alone in the Dark'. On the other hand, Permadeath is a really important factor that could contribute to the horror. I can't show you a receipt for true horror in a roguelike. What I can do, is give you a few hints. First of all, forget about combat. Make the player die each time he tries to fight, what he can't understand. Let information be _very_ sparse. Never allow the play to know more than 'just a little'. Leave always a huge area for the imagination. The Players imagination, by the way, is your greatest ally. Leave it room to produce it's own horrors. Never
[ 1178, 517, 13, 198, 4863, 262, 7776, 12121, 612, 389, 635, 257, 1178, 1830, 326, 423, 326, 4203, 13, 705, 18683, 18817, 6, 290, 262, 705, 35, 4207, 6, 2168, 389, 1223, 319, 262, 5743, 286, 17557, 290, 16132, 13, 705, 2348, 505, 287, 262, 3801, 6, 2168, 318, 257, 1049, 1672, 11, 355, 318, 281, 1468, 269, 46954, 705, 36, 6780, 8704, 6, 357, 4360, 340, 338, 635, 46835, 737, 3125, 6096, 705, 46079, 11719, 6700, 3256, 705, 21659, 7934, 3256, 290, 772, 705, 11964, 22763, 4458, 3966, 11, 290, 1194, 1049, 1672, 1058, 705, 11484, 1590, 4458, 7970, 2677, 6797, 428, 835, 13, 198, 464, 749, 14742, 12121, 12, 2550, 286, 606, 477, 13, 770, 2099, 286, 9961, 11, 287, 616, 19695, 4459, 11, 318, 2048, 29327, 391, 540, 287, 257, 3644, 983, 13, 632, 338, 407, 655, 262, 1621, 11, 262, 9234, 11, 262, 4634, 13, 632, 338, 1223, 9348, 56, 18672, 13, 2329, 355, 367, 13, 47, 13, 18565, 3323, 2630, 287, 366, 12442, 11802, 287, 33818, 1600, 345, 761, 1223, 517, 621, 655, 257, 9234, 11, 281, 1468, 10580, 11, 2910, 290, 3252, 13, 921, 761, 262, 9082, 286, 257, 1103, 9961, 11, 3675, 262, 3715, 11, 655, 28236, 625, 262, 1938, 7666, 13, 2329, 257, 9254, 286, 257, 9961, 523, 555, 4125, 29033, 257, 1692, 2000, 460, 470, 772, 5967, 13, 770, 318, 257, 845, 2726, 711, 319, 262, 1692, 39006, 11, 290, 460, 307, 8793, 691, 416, 1327, 670, 13, 632, 338, 262, 1223, 326, 256, 278, 829, 379 ]
[ 2478, 810, 627, 3915, 279, 16211, 17779, 1070, 527, 1101, 264, 2478, 3953, 430, 617, 430, 8430, 13, 364, 22427, 32560, 6, 323, 279, 364, 35, 4285, 6, 4101, 527, 2555, 389, 279, 6964, 315, 49625, 323, 43067, 13, 364, 2149, 606, 304, 279, 12538, 6, 4101, 374, 264, 2294, 3187, 11, 439, 374, 459, 2362, 272, 49, 11637, 364, 6719, 85, 9008, 6, 320, 8248, 433, 596, 1101, 91532, 570, 4497, 10507, 364, 75739, 22811, 23844, 518, 364, 52586, 7099, 518, 323, 1524, 364, 2374, 48083, 4527, 8840, 11, 323, 2500, 2294, 3187, 551, 364, 78515, 4527, 18587, 6342, 14238, 420, 1648, 627, 791, 1455, 32855, 17779, 30188, 315, 1124, 682, 13, 1115, 955, 315, 22169, 11, 304, 856, 39612, 9647, 11, 374, 4661, 653, 1617, 467, 481, 304, 264, 6500, 1847, 13, 1102, 596, 539, 1120, 279, 3446, 11, 279, 18118, 11, 279, 6376, 13, 1102, 596, 2555, 7354, 56, 38539, 13, 4702, 439, 473, 1087, 1236, 1009, 7868, 6267, 304, 330, 10254, 944, 4688, 304, 47470, 498, 499, 1205, 2555, 810, 1109, 1120, 264, 18118, 11, 459, 2362, 21970, 11, 6680, 323, 8850, 13, 1472, 1205, 279, 12737, 315, 264, 1972, 22169, 11, 7953, 279, 6237, 11, 1120, 65564, 927, 279, 4311, 16024, 13, 4702, 264, 13310, 315, 264, 22169, 779, 7120, 23635, 481, 264, 3823, 4059, 649, 956, 1524, 13085, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 1633, 6129, 1514, 389, 279, 3823, 88909, 11, 323, 649, 387, 17427, 1193, 555, 2653, 990, 13, 1102, 596, 279, 2555, 430, 43327, 645, 520 ]
[ 279, 6964, 315, 1057, 28899, 11, 304, 1057, 12047, 75362, 13, 1472, 617, 311, 1304, 279, 2851, 4510, 11, 430, 433, 596, 539, 1193, 279, 3542, 6, 1879, 430, 568, 596, 14324, 13, 1472, 617, 311, 1304, 1461, 4510, 430, 433, 374, 1461, 11, 889, 28970, 2403, 279, 21448, 13, 1472, 617, 311, 721, 2445, 548, 62, 1461, 13, 83752, 13, 2030, 656, 481, 627, 40, 7079, 5403, 279, 12929, 520, 279, 7314, 1578, 627, 40, 1541, 956, 1440, 3508, 95256, 4088, 3043, 374, 264, 3284, 17779, 369, 837, 22169, 13, 2057, 387, 11112, 10978, 11, 358, 3077, 2646, 6476, 904, 364, 1904, 22169, 6, 1847, 13, 578, 18585, 358, 1436, 636, 11, 1051, 264, 2478, 14269, 304, 364, 2149, 606, 304, 279, 12538, 4527, 1952, 279, 1023, 1450, 11, 3700, 28010, 589, 374, 264, 2216, 3062, 8331, 430, 1436, 17210, 311, 279, 22169, 627, 40, 649, 956, 1501, 499, 264, 23383, 369, 837, 22169, 304, 264, 95256, 4088, 3043, 13, 3639, 358, 649, 656, 11, 374, 3041, 499, 264, 2478, 31743, 13, 5629, 315, 682, 11, 10894, 922, 12896, 13, 7557, 279, 2851, 2815, 1855, 892, 568, 16696, 311, 4465, 11, 1148, 568, 649, 956, 3619, 13, 6914, 2038, 387, 721, 1225, 62, 34544, 13, 15037, 2187, 279, 1514, 311, 1440, 810, 1109, 364, 4345, 264, 2697, 4527, 26257, 2744, 264, 6908, 3158, 369, 279, 28899, 13, 578, 25640, 28899, 11, 555, 279, 1648, 11, 374, 701, 12474, 31953, 13, 26257, 433, 3130, 311, 8356, 433, 596, 1866, 70618, 13, 15037 ]
start standing up for yourself, you don’t swing too far toward the “Take” side . If you become a grade A jerk, you will effectively turn your partner into a doormat and your marriage will be right back to the miserable state it was in before you started to speak up. As any recovering doormat will tell you, life after standing up for yourself is great! When you begin to voice your opinions, and advocate for what you want, you will be happier. Standing up for yourself means you are acknowledging and validating your hobbies, friends and life choices. Being more assertive will help the romantic side of your marriage. Life can be easier with a partner who goes along with everything you suggest, but it’s not healthy or satisfying. From time to time, each of us needs to be reminded that the world does not revolve around us. A marriage is a partnership. If you can stand up to your wife, man up and make yourself seen and heard, she will respect you for it. Take a stand and stop being a doormat today. Are you always the one giving? Ready to stop acting like a doormat? Tell us how you get what you want in the
start standing up for yourself, you don’t swing too far toward the “Take” side . If you become a grade A jerk, you will effectively turn your partner into a doormat and your marriage will be right back to the miserable state it was in before you started to speak up. As any recovering doormat will tell you, life after standing up for yourself is great! When you begin to voice your opinions, and advocate for what you want, you will be happier. Standing up for yourself means you are acknowledging and validating your hobbies, friends and life choices. Being more assertive will help the romantic side of your marriage. Life can be easier with a partner who goes along with everything you suggest, but it’s not healthy or satisfying. From time to time, each of us needs to be reminded that the world does not revolve around us. A marriage is a partnership. If you can stand up to your wife, man up and make yourself seen and heard, she will respect you for it. Take a stand and stop being a doormat today. Are you always the one giving? Ready to stop acting like a doormat? Tell us how you get what you want in the
comments below. Dealing with the other extreme? Hurry and read 7 Reasons To Keep Your Mouth Shut When You Are Angry! Need help negotiating a no-doormat marriage? A. Baker explains how Counseling Can Save Your Marriage. Please share Guyvorce on your fave social media! Daphne is looking for help over her recent confusion with the National Theatre? Yes it’s time for your regular date with Daphne! And remember, popcorn only pops when it’s hot! Which probably means our popping days are over for yet another year – as winter is definitely coming. Now a few weeks ago, when we were all still hot and popping, I was at the DaDaFest 300 where lots of you all seemed to be living together very happily. I think it’s amazing, that Arts Centres have started to open their doors to you people of difference. And not just open their doors – but roll out their ramps, lay out their loops, and welcome you in to stay. It’s true, that I didn’t get to see the dormitories, but I was assured that the Arts Centre is where everyone wanted to be and where they planned to
[ 923, 5055, 510, 329, 3511, 11, 345, 836, 447, 247, 83, 9628, 1165, 1290, 3812, 262, 564, 250, 12322, 447, 251, 1735, 764, 198, 1532, 345, 1716, 257, 9559, 317, 29757, 11, 345, 481, 6840, 1210, 534, 5212, 656, 257, 466, 579, 265, 290, 534, 4845, 481, 307, 826, 736, 284, 262, 22444, 1181, 340, 373, 287, 878, 345, 2067, 284, 2740, 510, 13, 198, 1722, 597, 20222, 466, 579, 265, 481, 1560, 345, 11, 1204, 706, 5055, 510, 329, 3511, 318, 1049, 0, 1649, 345, 2221, 284, 3809, 534, 9317, 11, 290, 12811, 329, 644, 345, 765, 11, 345, 481, 307, 23030, 13, 22493, 510, 329, 3511, 1724, 345, 389, 25937, 290, 4938, 803, 534, 45578, 11, 2460, 290, 1204, 7747, 13, 198, 18357, 517, 6818, 425, 481, 1037, 262, 14348, 1735, 286, 534, 4845, 13, 5155, 460, 307, 4577, 351, 257, 5212, 508, 2925, 1863, 351, 2279, 345, 1950, 11, 475, 340, 447, 247, 82, 407, 5448, 393, 19201, 13, 3574, 640, 284, 640, 11, 1123, 286, 514, 2476, 284, 307, 14516, 326, 262, 995, 857, 407, 2710, 6442, 1088, 514, 13, 317, 4845, 318, 257, 10413, 13, 1002, 345, 460, 1302, 510, 284, 534, 3656, 11, 582, 510, 290, 787, 3511, 1775, 290, 2982, 11, 673, 481, 2461, 345, 329, 340, 13, 198, 12322, 257, 1302, 290, 2245, 852, 257, 466, 579, 265, 1909, 13, 198, 8491, 345, 1464, 262, 530, 3501, 30, 23432, 284, 2245, 7205, 588, 257, 466, 579, 265, 30, 14026, 514, 703, 345, 651, 644, 345, 765, 287, 262 ]
[ 1212, 11509, 709, 369, 6261, 11, 499, 1541, 1431, 19336, 2288, 3117, 9017, 279, 1054, 18293, 863, 3185, 16853, 2746, 499, 3719, 264, 12239, 362, 54524, 11, 499, 690, 13750, 2543, 701, 8427, 1139, 264, 656, 494, 266, 323, 701, 11103, 690, 387, 1314, 1203, 311, 279, 50739, 1614, 433, 574, 304, 1603, 499, 3940, 311, 6604, 709, 627, 2170, 904, 42386, 656, 494, 266, 690, 3371, 499, 11, 2324, 1306, 11509, 709, 369, 6261, 374, 2294, 0, 3277, 499, 3240, 311, 7899, 701, 18463, 11, 323, 29115, 369, 1148, 499, 1390, 11, 499, 690, 387, 44467, 13, 46327, 709, 369, 6261, 3445, 499, 527, 61708, 323, 69772, 701, 64405, 11, 4885, 323, 2324, 11709, 627, 34242, 810, 2105, 535, 690, 1520, 279, 24364, 3185, 315, 701, 11103, 13, 9601, 649, 387, 8831, 449, 264, 8427, 889, 5900, 3235, 449, 4395, 499, 4284, 11, 719, 433, 753, 539, 9498, 477, 37154, 13, 5659, 892, 311, 892, 11, 1855, 315, 603, 3966, 311, 387, 31256, 430, 279, 1917, 1587, 539, 5891, 4035, 2212, 603, 13, 362, 11103, 374, 264, 15664, 13, 1442, 499, 649, 2559, 709, 311, 701, 7555, 11, 893, 709, 323, 1304, 6261, 3970, 323, 6755, 11, 1364, 690, 5201, 499, 369, 433, 627, 18293, 264, 2559, 323, 3009, 1694, 264, 656, 494, 266, 3432, 627, 11787, 499, 2744, 279, 832, 7231, 30, 32082, 311, 3009, 15718, 1093, 264, 656, 494, 266, 30, 25672, 603, 1268, 499, 636, 1148, 499, 1390, 304, 279 ]
[ 6170, 3770, 627, 1951, 6260, 449, 279, 1023, 14560, 30, 21670, 894, 323, 1373, 220, 22, 66131, 2057, 13969, 4718, 66255, 49374, 3277, 1472, 8886, 78918, 0, 14998, 1520, 44725, 264, 912, 30659, 494, 266, 11103, 30, 362, 13, 29492, 15100, 1268, 89549, 3053, 10467, 4718, 47199, 627, 5618, 4430, 26340, 85, 16716, 389, 701, 282, 525, 3674, 3772, 0, 423, 1366, 818, 374, 3411, 369, 1520, 927, 1077, 3293, 22047, 449, 279, 5165, 27315, 5380, 9642, 433, 753, 892, 369, 701, 5912, 2457, 449, 423, 1366, 818, 4999, 3112, 6227, 11, 70805, 1193, 48700, 994, 433, 753, 4106, 4999, 23956, 4762, 3445, 1057, 50949, 2919, 527, 927, 369, 3686, 2500, 1060, 1389, 439, 12688, 374, 8659, 5108, 627, 7184, 264, 2478, 5672, 4227, 11, 994, 584, 1051, 682, 2103, 4106, 323, 50949, 11, 358, 574, 520, 279, 14569, 31516, 37, 478, 220, 3101, 1405, 10283, 315, 499, 682, 9508, 311, 387, 5496, 3871, 1633, 37875, 627, 40, 1781, 433, 753, 8056, 11, 430, 17979, 5838, 417, 617, 3940, 311, 1825, 872, 14365, 311, 499, 1274, 315, 6811, 13, 1628, 539, 1120, 1825, 872, 14365, 1389, 719, 6638, 704, 872, 87216, 11, 11203, 704, 872, 30853, 11, 323, 10788, 499, 304, 311, 4822, 627, 2181, 753, 837, 11, 430, 358, 3287, 1431, 636, 311, 1518, 279, 30209, 13733, 11, 719, 358, 574, 28478, 430, 279, 17979, 14821, 374, 1405, 5127, 4934, 311, 387, 323, 1405, 814, 13205, 311 ]
compiled by Ralph Flenley, a specialist in German history and sometime chair of the Department of History: examination questions, student mark books, and drafts of an unpublished manuscript on Anglo-German relations. Spencer, Robert Allan Hart House fonds 1870s - 2018 This fonds contains 72 accessions of records from Hart House, including the records of various clubs and groups. See accession-level descriptions for details. University of Toronto. Hart House University of Toronto. Office of the Vice-President and Provost fonds This fonds contains 56 accessions of records from the Office of the Vice-President and Provost and its various vice-provostial and vice-presidential offices, including defunct or dissolved offices, as well as the Office of the Vice-President, University Operations. See accession-level description for details. University of Toronto. Office of the Vice-President and Provost J.M.S Careless fonds 1852-1997, pre-dominant 1964-1997 B1998-0034: This accession consists of the professional records of James Maurice Stockford Careless and documents his career as a student, teacher, writer, and historian at the University of Toronto
compiled by Ralph Flenley, a specialist in German history and sometime chair of the Department of History: examination questions, student mark books, and drafts of an unpublished manuscript on Anglo-German relations. Spencer, Robert Allan Hart House fonds 1870s - 2018 This fonds contains 72 accessions of records from Hart House, including the records of various clubs and groups. See accession-level descriptions for details. University of Toronto. Hart House University of Toronto. Office of the Vice-President and Provost fonds This fonds contains 56 accessions of records from the Office of the Vice-President and Provost and its various vice-provostial and vice-presidential offices, including defunct or dissolved offices, as well as the Office of the Vice-President, University Operations. See accession-level description for details. University of Toronto. Office of the Vice-President and Provost J.M.S Careless fonds 1852-1997, pre-dominant 1964-1997 B1998-0034: This accession consists of the professional records of James Maurice Stockford Careless and documents his career as a student, teacher, writer, and historian at the University of Toronto
. Unfortunately, many of Professor Careless’ early records were destroyed or damaged in a flood at Sidney Smith Hall in 1958. As a result, this accession mainly documents Dr. Career’s later career. Most of this accession pertains to his research and writing, most notably, his work on Brown of the Globe. However, Professor Careless’ student, teaching, administrative, and professional activities are also documented. Types of records include student notes, professional correspondence, research notes, and draft manuscripts. No personal family records are contained herein. (15 boxes, 1852-1997) B2001-0020: Typescripts for various publications written by J.M.S. Careless including 'Canadian Heritage', 'Ontario Frontier and Metropolis', 'Toronto to 1918', and 'Brown of the Globe'. [Found in series 6: Writings and research] (3 boxes, 1959-1989) Careless, J.M.S (James Maurice Stockford) Black (Davidson) Family fonds Personal records of the Davidson Black family, covering three generations, with particular reference to Davidson Black, the discoverer of Peking Man. Included are his diaries, extensive family correspondence and a few professional
[ 14102, 416, 20993, 1610, 268, 1636, 11, 257, 15670, 287, 2679, 2106, 290, 17291, 5118, 286, 262, 2732, 286, 7443, 25, 12452, 2683, 11, 3710, 1317, 3835, 11, 290, 30247, 286, 281, 42686, 17116, 319, 27525, 12, 16010, 2316, 13, 198, 50, 3617, 2189, 11, 5199, 31908, 198, 44719, 2097, 16245, 82, 198, 1507, 2154, 82, 532, 2864, 198, 1212, 16245, 82, 4909, 7724, 1895, 507, 286, 4406, 422, 11345, 2097, 11, 1390, 262, 4406, 286, 2972, 9784, 290, 2628, 13, 4091, 1895, 295, 12, 5715, 16969, 329, 3307, 13, 198, 21009, 286, 6586, 13, 11345, 2097, 198, 21009, 286, 6586, 13, 4452, 286, 262, 11079, 12, 10364, 290, 7518, 455, 16245, 82, 198, 1212, 16245, 82, 4909, 7265, 1895, 507, 286, 4406, 422, 262, 4452, 286, 262, 11079, 12, 10364, 290, 7518, 455, 290, 663, 2972, 7927, 12, 15234, 455, 498, 290, 7927, 12, 22540, 498, 9730, 11, 1390, 49119, 393, 26306, 9730, 11, 355, 880, 355, 262, 4452, 286, 262, 11079, 12, 10364, 11, 2059, 16205, 13, 4091, 1895, 295, 12, 5715, 6764, 329, 3307, 13, 198, 21009, 286, 6586, 13, 4452, 286, 262, 11079, 12, 10364, 290, 7518, 455, 198, 41, 13, 44, 13, 50, 7276, 1203, 16245, 82, 198, 1507, 4309, 12, 21498, 11, 662, 12, 3438, 42483, 17575, 12, 21498, 198, 33, 21113, 12, 405, 2682, 25, 770, 1895, 295, 10874, 286, 262, 4708, 4406, 286, 3700, 32839, 10500, 3841, 7276, 1203, 290, 4963, 465, 3451, 355, 257, 3710, 11, 4701, 11, 6260, 11, 290, 18026, 379, 262, 2059, 286, 6586 ]
[ 20276, 555, 40904, 435, 2963, 3258, 11, 264, 24687, 304, 6063, 3925, 323, 36113, 10716, 315, 279, 6011, 315, 11346, 25, 24481, 4860, 11, 5575, 1906, 6603, 11, 323, 64692, 315, 459, 85317, 47913, 389, 60259, 12279, 4858, 4398, 627, 6540, 20099, 11, 8563, 61325, 198, 39, 472, 4783, 21901, 82, 198, 9674, 15, 82, 482, 220, 679, 23, 198, 2028, 21901, 82, 5727, 220, 5332, 2680, 919, 315, 7576, 505, 23750, 4783, 11, 2737, 279, 7576, 315, 5370, 19424, 323, 5315, 13, 3580, 85045, 11852, 28887, 369, 3649, 627, 31272, 315, 14974, 13, 23750, 4783, 198, 31272, 315, 14974, 13, 8410, 315, 279, 23270, 86481, 323, 59429, 537, 21901, 82, 198, 2028, 21901, 82, 5727, 220, 3487, 2680, 919, 315, 7576, 505, 279, 8410, 315, 279, 23270, 86481, 323, 59429, 537, 323, 1202, 5370, 17192, 10039, 85, 537, 532, 323, 17192, 80876, 11484, 19672, 11, 2737, 711, 20526, 477, 56767, 19672, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 8410, 315, 279, 23270, 86481, 11, 3907, 25927, 13, 3580, 85045, 11852, 4096, 369, 3649, 627, 31272, 315, 14974, 13, 8410, 315, 279, 23270, 86481, 323, 59429, 537, 198, 41, 1345, 815, 10852, 1752, 21901, 82, 198, 9741, 17, 12, 2550, 22, 11, 864, 1773, 8129, 519, 220, 5162, 19, 12, 2550, 22, 198, 33, 2550, 23, 12, 6268, 19, 25, 1115, 85045, 17610, 315, 279, 6721, 7576, 315, 7957, 68529, 12937, 8350, 10852, 1752, 323, 9477, 813, 7076, 439, 264, 5575, 11, 11326, 11, 7061, 11, 323, 44068, 520, 279, 3907, 315, 14974 ]
[ 13, 19173, 11, 1690, 315, 17054, 10852, 1752, 529, 4216, 7576, 1051, 14763, 477, 20727, 304, 264, 18197, 520, 76996, 9259, 11166, 304, 220, 6280, 23, 13, 1666, 264, 1121, 11, 420, 85045, 14918, 9477, 2999, 13, 41576, 753, 3010, 7076, 13, 7648, 315, 420, 85045, 18713, 1771, 311, 813, 3495, 323, 4477, 11, 1455, 35146, 11, 813, 990, 389, 10690, 315, 279, 41910, 13, 4452, 11, 17054, 10852, 1752, 529, 5575, 11, 12917, 11, 23541, 11, 323, 6721, 7640, 527, 1101, 27470, 13, 21431, 315, 7576, 2997, 5575, 8554, 11, 6721, 44818, 11, 3495, 8554, 11, 323, 10165, 79688, 13, 2360, 4443, 3070, 7576, 527, 13282, 36881, 13, 320, 868, 15039, 11, 220, 9741, 17, 12, 2550, 22, 340, 33, 1049, 16, 12, 6726, 15, 25, 21431, 25207, 369, 5370, 29085, 5439, 555, 622, 1345, 815, 13, 10852, 1752, 2737, 364, 60674, 34243, 518, 364, 67403, 3370, 58418, 323, 6344, 55422, 518, 364, 72437, 311, 220, 7529, 23, 518, 323, 364, 49488, 315, 279, 41910, 4527, 510, 6788, 304, 4101, 220, 21, 25, 468, 1018, 826, 323, 3495, 60, 320, 18, 15039, 11, 220, 6280, 24, 12, 3753, 24, 340, 33099, 1752, 11, 622, 1345, 815, 320, 29184, 68529, 12937, 8350, 340, 14755, 320, 23083, 942, 8, 12517, 21901, 82, 198, 35127, 7576, 315, 279, 54345, 5348, 3070, 11, 18702, 2380, 22540, 11, 449, 4040, 5905, 311, 54345, 5348, 11, 279, 7142, 261, 315, 393, 59952, 2418, 13, 47064, 527, 813, 1891, 5548, 11, 16781, 3070, 44818, 323, 264, 2478, 6721 ]
ED SERVICES COMMITTEE ON F-35 PROGRAM UPDATE: SUSTAINMENT, PRODUCTION AND AFFORDABILITY CHALLENGES IV. Modernization Update The F-35 is designed to incorporate both software and hardware upgrades throughout its 50+ year life cycle and efforts to modernize the aircraft are already underway. We’ll deliver F-35 modernization through the Department’s Continuous Capability, Development and Delivery (C2D2) framework for timely, affordable, incremental warfighting capability improvements. This approach will deliver more agile, continuous modernization on shorter timelines while aligning and synchronizing capability delivery across the entire F-35 Air System. In order to maximize the investment in the F-35 fleet, it’s imperative that Congress continues to fund the F-35 modernization plan to leverage the full potential of the weapon system. Additionally, it’s important to note that many of the partner countries have made investments in modernization activities as part of their national defense policies and have established the industrial base to support these activities. From Electronic Warfare, increased computing power, sensor capability, weapons capacity and more, we are actively enhancing all aspects of the F-35 to ensure it exceeds warfighter demands and outpaces evolving threats.
ED SERVICES COMMITTEE ON F-35 PROGRAM UPDATE: SUSTAINMENT, PRODUCTION AND AFFORDABILITY CHALLENGES IV. Modernization Update The F-35 is designed to incorporate both software and hardware upgrades throughout its 50+ year life cycle and efforts to modernize the aircraft are already underway. We’ll deliver F-35 modernization through the Department’s Continuous Capability, Development and Delivery (C2D2) framework for timely, affordable, incremental warfighting capability improvements. This approach will deliver more agile, continuous modernization on shorter timelines while aligning and synchronizing capability delivery across the entire F-35 Air System. In order to maximize the investment in the F-35 fleet, it’s imperative that Congress continues to fund the F-35 modernization plan to leverage the full potential of the weapon system. Additionally, it’s important to note that many of the partner countries have made investments in modernization activities as part of their national defense policies and have established the industrial base to support these activities. From Electronic Warfare, increased computing power, sensor capability, weapons capacity and more, we are actively enhancing all aspects of the F-35 to ensure it exceeds warfighter demands and outpaces evolving threats.
Some key upgrades planned include: • Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System (AutoGCAS): AutoGCAS uses terrain mapping, geolocation and automation to detect and avoid potential ground collisions. When the program recognizes imminent impact, it will prompt the pilot to take action. If the pilot is unresponsive, AutoGCAS assumes temporary control to divert the aircraft out of harm’s way, and then returns control of the aircraft to the pilot once on a safe trajectory. Leveraging a rapid, agile development, test and contracting approach, the joint government and industry team successfully fielded the life-saving technology seven years earlier than previously planned. • Technology Refresh 3 Upgrades: Technology Refresh 3 takes advantage of fast evolving computing power and adds an Open Systems Architecture that will enable the flexibility for Lockheed Martin and our customers to add, upgrade and update future capabilities rapidly. In addition to the Next Generation Distributed Aperture System discussed previously, the F-35’s Integrated Core Processor, Panoramic Cockpit Display and the Aircraft Memory System will all be upgraded beginning in Lot 15. • Multi-Domain Operations (MDO): To increase the F-35’s role in MDO, we’re upgrading sensor fusion capability in Lot 13 and
[ 1961, 49254, 22240, 22470, 6500, 6177, 376, 12, 2327, 46805, 35717, 25, 311, 7759, 29833, 10979, 11, 41458, 2849, 5357, 317, 5777, 1581, 5631, 25382, 5870, 7036, 26808, 1546, 198, 3824, 13, 12495, 1634, 10133, 198, 464, 376, 12, 2327, 318, 3562, 284, 19330, 1111, 3788, 290, 6890, 16608, 3690, 663, 2026, 10, 614, 1204, 6772, 290, 4040, 284, 3660, 1096, 262, 6215, 389, 1541, 17715, 13, 775, 447, 247, 297, 5203, 376, 12, 2327, 49400, 832, 262, 2732, 447, 247, 82, 45012, 4476, 1799, 11, 7712, 290, 28682, 357, 34, 17, 35, 17, 8, 9355, 329, 19376, 11, 10935, 11, 29497, 1175, 26594, 12971, 8561, 13, 770, 3164, 481, 5203, 517, 36710, 11, 12948, 49400, 319, 12238, 46881, 981, 10548, 278, 290, 18305, 2890, 12971, 7585, 1973, 262, 2104, 376, 12, 2327, 3701, 4482, 13, 198, 818, 1502, 284, 20487, 262, 4896, 287, 262, 376, 12, 2327, 11026, 11, 340, 447, 247, 82, 23602, 326, 3162, 4477, 284, 1814, 262, 376, 12, 2327, 49400, 1410, 284, 16094, 262, 1336, 2785, 286, 262, 4282, 1080, 13, 12032, 11, 340, 447, 247, 82, 1593, 284, 3465, 326, 867, 286, 262, 5212, 2678, 423, 925, 11115, 287, 49400, 4568, 355, 636, 286, 511, 2260, 3761, 4788, 290, 423, 4920, 262, 7593, 2779, 284, 1104, 777, 4568, 13, 198, 4863, 19508, 20745, 11, 3220, 14492, 1176, 11, 12694, 12971, 11, 3777, 5339, 290, 517, 11, 356, 389, 10630, 27496, 477, 7612, 286, 262, 376, 12, 2327, 284, 4155, 340, 21695, 1175, 24733, 8665, 290, 38701, 2114, 21568, 7432, 13 ]
[ 1507, 26715, 84330, 60079, 6328, 435, 12, 1758, 46761, 23743, 25, 328, 8721, 6979, 5441, 11, 5421, 48646, 3651, 70038, 4373, 5854, 6969, 89174, 1600, 198, 3166, 13, 18766, 2065, 5666, 198, 791, 435, 12, 1758, 374, 6319, 311, 33435, 2225, 3241, 323, 12035, 32714, 6957, 1202, 220, 1135, 10, 1060, 2324, 11008, 323, 9045, 311, 6617, 553, 279, 14467, 527, 2736, 38199, 13, 1226, 4805, 6493, 435, 12, 1758, 6617, 2065, 1555, 279, 6011, 753, 70067, 99651, 11, 11050, 323, 27303, 320, 34, 17, 35, 17, 8, 12914, 369, 32100, 11, 17049, 11, 53399, 4208, 21828, 287, 23099, 18637, 13, 1115, 5603, 690, 6493, 810, 62565, 11, 19815, 6617, 2065, 389, 24210, 88244, 1418, 5398, 287, 323, 14453, 4954, 23099, 9889, 4028, 279, 4553, 435, 12, 1758, 6690, 744, 627, 644, 2015, 311, 35608, 279, 9341, 304, 279, 435, 12, 1758, 26155, 11, 433, 753, 48696, 430, 8151, 9731, 311, 3887, 279, 435, 12, 1758, 6617, 2065, 3197, 311, 33164, 279, 2539, 4754, 315, 279, 10500, 1887, 13, 23212, 11, 433, 753, 3062, 311, 5296, 430, 1690, 315, 279, 8427, 5961, 617, 1903, 22538, 304, 6617, 2065, 7640, 439, 961, 315, 872, 5426, 9232, 10396, 323, 617, 9749, 279, 13076, 2385, 311, 1862, 1521, 7640, 627, 3915, 35269, 67694, 11, 7319, 25213, 2410, 11, 12271, 23099, 11, 10094, 8824, 323, 810, 11, 584, 527, 22815, 47594, 682, 13878, 315, 279, 435, 12, 1758, 311, 6106, 433, 36375, 4208, 73431, 18651, 323, 704, 28438, 42028, 18208, 13 ]
[ 4427, 1401, 32714, 13205, 2997, 512, 6806, 35081, 26486, 52648, 35106, 685, 744, 320, 13556, 23710, 1950, 1680, 9156, 23710, 1950, 5829, 25911, 13021, 11, 3980, 44306, 323, 33762, 311, 11388, 323, 5766, 4754, 5015, 48453, 13, 3277, 279, 2068, 45799, 51551, 5536, 11, 433, 690, 10137, 279, 18178, 311, 1935, 1957, 13, 1442, 279, 18178, 374, 653, 52397, 11, 9156, 23710, 1950, 22204, 13643, 2585, 311, 37098, 279, 14467, 704, 315, 11682, 753, 1648, 11, 323, 1243, 4780, 2585, 315, 279, 14467, 311, 279, 18178, 3131, 389, 264, 6220, 35782, 13, 79679, 4210, 264, 11295, 11, 62565, 4500, 11, 1296, 323, 60506, 5603, 11, 279, 10496, 3109, 323, 5064, 2128, 7946, 2115, 291, 279, 2324, 59085, 5557, 8254, 1667, 6931, 1109, 8767, 13205, 627, 6806, 12053, 30107, 220, 18, 3216, 23142, 25, 12053, 30107, 220, 18, 5097, 9610, 315, 5043, 42028, 25213, 2410, 323, 11621, 459, 5377, 15264, 38943, 430, 690, 7431, 279, 25152, 369, 85236, 11826, 323, 1057, 6444, 311, 923, 11, 14234, 323, 2713, 3938, 17357, 19019, 13, 763, 5369, 311, 279, 9479, 24367, 45055, 5345, 42947, 744, 14407, 8767, 11, 279, 435, 12, 1758, 753, 50521, 9708, 44477, 11, 11233, 269, 4079, 35027, 33686, 10848, 323, 279, 59945, 14171, 744, 690, 682, 387, 33624, 7314, 304, 22503, 220, 868, 627, 6806, 17896, 9607, 3199, 25927, 320, 44, 5989, 1680, 2057, 5376, 279, 435, 12, 1758, 753, 3560, 304, 386, 5989, 11, 584, 3207, 47035, 12271, 37608, 23099, 304, 22503, 220, 1032, 323 ]
.Y.) The Item. (Chappaqua, N.Y.) Ithaca daily journal. (Ithaca, N.Y.) Ithaca journal & general advertiser. (Ithaca, County of Tompkins, N.Y.) Ithaca journal and advertiser. (Ithaca [N.Y.]) Ithaca journal, literary gazette, and general advertiser. (Ithaca, County of Tompkins, N.Y.) The Ithaca journal. (Ithaca, N.Y.) Ithaca journal. (Ithaca, County of Tompkins, N.Y.) Ithaca weekly journal. (Ithaca, N.Y.) Jamaica farmer. (Jamaica, N.Y.) Jamestown daily journal. (Jamestown, N.Y.) Jamestown evening journal. (Jamestown, N.Y.) Jamestown journal. (Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., N.Y.) Jefferson Chronicle. (Watertown, N.Y.) Jefferson Community News. (Watertown, N.Y.) Johnson City-Endicott record. ([Johnson City, N.Y.) The Johnstown
.Y.) The Item. (Chappaqua, N.Y.) Ithaca daily journal. (Ithaca, N.Y.) Ithaca journal & general advertiser. (Ithaca, County of Tompkins, N.Y.) Ithaca journal and advertiser. (Ithaca [N.Y.]) Ithaca journal, literary gazette, and general advertiser. (Ithaca, County of Tompkins, N.Y.) The Ithaca journal. (Ithaca, N.Y.) Ithaca journal. (Ithaca, County of Tompkins, N.Y.) Ithaca weekly journal. (Ithaca, N.Y.) Jamaica farmer. (Jamaica, N.Y.) Jamestown daily journal. (Jamestown, N.Y.) Jamestown evening journal. (Jamestown, N.Y.) Jamestown journal. (Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., N.Y.) Jefferson Chronicle. (Watertown, N.Y.) Jefferson Community News. (Watertown, N.Y.) Johnson City-Endicott record. ([Johnson City, N.Y.) The Johnstown
daily Republican. (Johnstown, N.Y.) The Journal and Republican and Lowville times. (Lowville, N.Y.) The journal and Republican. (Lowville, N.Y.) The journal and Republican. (Lowville, N.Y.) The journal-news. (Nyack, N.Y.) The Journal-press. (Greenwich, N.Y.) The journal-register. (Medina, N.Y.) The journal-register. (Medina, N.Y.) The journal. (Ogdensburg, N.Y.) The journal. ([Lackawanna, N.Y.]) Katonah record. (Katonah, N.Y.) The Katonah times. (Katonah, N.Y.) Kinderhook herald. (Kinderhook, N.Y.) Kingston daily chronicle. (Kingston, N.Y.) The Kingston journal and weekly freeman. (Kingston, N.Y.) The Kingston weekly freeman and journal. (Kingston, N.Y.) Knowersville enterprise. (Knowersville, N.Y.) Lackawanna herald. (Lackawanna, N.Y.) Lackawanna leader. (
[ 13, 56, 2014, 383, 9097, 13, 357, 1925, 20975, 39566, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 314, 400, 22260, 4445, 3989, 13, 357, 40, 400, 22260, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 314, 400, 22260, 3989, 1222, 2276, 23789, 263, 13, 357, 40, 400, 22260, 11, 3418, 286, 309, 3361, 5331, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 314, 400, 22260, 3989, 290, 23789, 263, 13, 357, 40, 400, 22260, 685, 45, 13, 56, 8183, 8, 314, 400, 22260, 3989, 11, 16716, 308, 1031, 5857, 11, 290, 2276, 23789, 263, 13, 357, 40, 400, 22260, 11, 3418, 286, 309, 3361, 5331, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 383, 314, 400, 22260, 3989, 13, 357, 40, 400, 22260, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 314, 400, 22260, 3989, 13, 357, 40, 400, 22260, 11, 3418, 286, 309, 3361, 5331, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 314, 400, 22260, 10273, 3989, 13, 357, 40, 400, 22260, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 31620, 18739, 13, 357, 41, 1689, 3970, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 9986, 395, 593, 4445, 3989, 13, 357, 30380, 395, 593, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 9986, 395, 593, 6180, 3989, 13, 357, 30380, 395, 593, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 9986, 395, 593, 3989, 13, 357, 30380, 395, 593, 11, 609, 2306, 559, 39566, 1766, 1539, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 15375, 14160, 13, 357, 19184, 12735, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 15375, 8108, 3000, 13, 357, 19184, 12735, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 5030, 2254, 12, 12915, 291, 1252, 1700, 13, 29565, 25378, 2254, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 383, 1757, 27928 ]
[ 7659, 6266, 578, 5858, 13, 320, 1163, 28279, 44932, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 358, 339, 17544, 7446, 8486, 13, 320, 40, 339, 17544, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 358, 339, 17544, 8486, 612, 4689, 87386, 13, 320, 40, 339, 17544, 11, 6406, 315, 8529, 79, 11966, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 358, 339, 17544, 8486, 323, 87386, 13, 320, 40, 339, 17544, 510, 45, 7659, 13, 2526, 358, 339, 17544, 8486, 11, 32465, 56086, 6672, 11, 323, 4689, 87386, 13, 320, 40, 339, 17544, 11, 6406, 315, 8529, 79, 11966, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 358, 339, 17544, 8486, 13, 320, 40, 339, 17544, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 358, 339, 17544, 8486, 13, 320, 40, 339, 17544, 11, 6406, 315, 8529, 79, 11966, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 358, 339, 17544, 17496, 8486, 13, 320, 40, 339, 17544, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 57275, 37500, 13, 320, 41, 3105, 3074, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 93188, 44058, 7446, 8486, 13, 320, 41, 373, 44058, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 93188, 44058, 11714, 8486, 13, 320, 41, 373, 44058, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 93188, 44058, 8486, 13, 320, 41, 373, 44058, 11, 921, 2784, 2933, 44932, 3623, 2637, 452, 7659, 6266, 34644, 42159, 13, 320, 77604, 531, 785, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 34644, 12332, 5513, 13, 320, 77604, 531, 785, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 11605, 4409, 12, 3812, 292, 1751, 3335, 13, 12005, 63760, 4409, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 3842, 44058 ]
[ 7446, 9540, 13, 320, 13379, 44058, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 10139, 323, 9540, 323, 12310, 8078, 3115, 13, 320, 25162, 8078, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 8486, 323, 9540, 13, 320, 25162, 8078, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 8486, 323, 9540, 13, 320, 25162, 8078, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 8486, 46351, 13, 320, 99192, 474, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 10139, 12, 1911, 13, 320, 20147, 17316, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 8486, 64118, 13, 320, 13613, 2259, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 8486, 64118, 13, 320, 13613, 2259, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 8486, 13, 320, 46, 29684, 78029, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 8486, 13, 12005, 43, 474, 675, 12930, 11, 452, 7659, 13, 2526, 17816, 263, 1494, 3335, 13, 320, 42, 24444, 1494, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 17816, 263, 1494, 3115, 13, 320, 42, 24444, 1494, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 45099, 21543, 65206, 13, 320, 42, 5863, 21543, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 63569, 7446, 27076, 2045, 13, 320, 34655, 7876, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 63569, 8486, 323, 17496, 3541, 16357, 13, 320, 34655, 7876, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 63569, 17496, 3541, 16357, 323, 8486, 13, 320, 34655, 7876, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 14521, 388, 8078, 20790, 13, 320, 39512, 388, 8078, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 68502, 675, 12930, 65206, 13, 320, 43, 474, 675, 12930, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 68502, 675, 12930, 7808, 13, 320 ]
hotel but ... no way she was prepared to see the reality . Opening the door Ana froze, her eyes were open like two huge plates and her mouth looked like a hole and ... somehow ... it was. Sukkie: ... "Here's your dinner with a clear surprise" ... smiling as was already part of his modus operandi with her. Ana: ... "Bu ... but ... what ... that's ... that" ... she said with difficulty. He definitely saw that Ana was not able to properly react, gently took her by the shoulders making entering and indicating to others that enter the table and then retire. Sukkie: ... "I have to admit that you really are very easy to surprise, right?" ... beginning to prepare everything to sit and eat. Ana: ... "Ehm ... may be ... especially when you're not used to this kind of situation" ... said coming to herself suddenly. Ana: ... "What are you doing here ... and your... friend, were not going to visit her?" ... said watching while really could not understand how he made himself comfortable without any qualms. Sukkie: ... "That's exactly what I do or ... we're not friends?" ... and gave
hotel but ... no way she was prepared to see the reality . Opening the door Ana froze, her eyes were open like two huge plates and her mouth looked like a hole and ... somehow ... it was. Sukkie: ... "Here's your dinner with a clear surprise" ... smiling as was already part of his modus operandi with her. Ana: ... "Bu ... but ... what ... that's ... that" ... she said with difficulty. He definitely saw that Ana was not able to properly react, gently took her by the shoulders making entering and indicating to others that enter the table and then retire. Sukkie: ... "I have to admit that you really are very easy to surprise, right?" ... beginning to prepare everything to sit and eat. Ana: ... "Ehm ... may be ... especially when you're not used to this kind of situation" ... said coming to herself suddenly. Ana: ... "What are you doing here ... and your... friend, were not going to visit her?" ... said watching while really could not understand how he made himself comfortable without any qualms. Sukkie: ... "That's exactly what I do or ... we're not friends?" ... and gave
a subtle wink though closely and hoped so she responded the same way. She was silent for a brief moment before answering his sayings. Sukkie: ... "That unless there is something or someone to hold you here," he said, trying to sound casual ... but in his heart really expected it to be so but could not understand why. Ana: ... "But let us stop talking about this, have dinner once after all that is why you came, is not it?" she said smiling too ... trying to sound casual. Ana: ... "Thanks for this, it was a nice surprise by the way, I did not realize your plan at all" ... and smiled shyly. Sukkie: ... "There was nothing ... just ... I felt the need to do so coz... did not want to leave you ..." ... replied without looking. Ana could not avoid dropping the cup in her hand to hear those words then, Sukkie looked startled and cross their eyes could not avoid observed in silence, both felt totally "puzzled" and there was nothing they could do with that. Hello and thank you so much for your new news about prince JKS. I have a question ... How can I be in
[ 7541, 475, 2644, 645, 835, 673, 373, 5597, 284, 766, 262, 3950, 764, 25522, 262, 3420, 17639, 37785, 11, 607, 2951, 547, 1280, 588, 734, 3236, 13375, 290, 607, 5422, 3114, 588, 257, 7604, 290, 2644, 7599, 2644, 340, 373, 13, 198, 50, 2724, 49375, 25, 2644, 366, 4342, 338, 534, 8073, 351, 257, 1598, 5975, 1, 2644, 16755, 355, 373, 1541, 636, 286, 465, 953, 385, 1515, 26800, 351, 607, 13, 198, 2025, 64, 25, 2644, 366, 38374, 2644, 475, 2644, 644, 2644, 326, 338, 2644, 326, 1, 2644, 673, 531, 351, 8722, 13, 198, 1544, 4753, 2497, 326, 17639, 373, 407, 1498, 284, 6105, 6324, 11, 15165, 1718, 607, 416, 262, 12450, 1642, 8218, 290, 12739, 284, 1854, 326, 3802, 262, 3084, 290, 788, 8058, 13, 198, 50, 2724, 49375, 25, 2644, 366, 40, 423, 284, 9159, 326, 345, 1107, 389, 845, 2562, 284, 5975, 11, 826, 1701, 2644, 3726, 284, 8335, 2279, 284, 1650, 290, 4483, 13, 198, 2025, 64, 25, 2644, 366, 36, 23940, 2644, 743, 307, 2644, 2592, 618, 345, 821, 407, 973, 284, 428, 1611, 286, 3074, 1, 2644, 531, 2406, 284, 5223, 6451, 13, 198, 2025, 64, 25, 2644, 366, 2061, 389, 345, 1804, 994, 2644, 290, 534, 986, 1545, 11, 547, 407, 1016, 284, 3187, 607, 1701, 2644, 531, 4964, 981, 1107, 714, 407, 1833, 703, 339, 925, 2241, 6792, 1231, 597, 4140, 907, 13, 198, 50, 2724, 49375, 25, 2644, 366, 2504, 338, 3446, 644, 314, 466, 393, 2644, 356, 821, 407, 2460, 1701, 2644, 290, 2921 ]
[ 9689, 719, 2564, 912, 1648, 1364, 574, 10235, 311, 1518, 279, 8903, 662, 41137, 279, 6134, 33238, 90109, 11, 1077, 6548, 1051, 1825, 1093, 1403, 6908, 25485, 323, 1077, 11013, 7111, 1093, 264, 14512, 323, 2564, 17354, 2564, 433, 574, 627, 50, 3178, 31422, 25, 2564, 330, 8586, 596, 701, 14177, 449, 264, 2867, 13051, 1, 2564, 37163, 439, 574, 2736, 961, 315, 813, 1491, 355, 28312, 72, 449, 1077, 627, 81686, 25, 2564, 330, 60908, 2564, 719, 2564, 1148, 2564, 430, 596, 2564, 430, 1, 2564, 1364, 1071, 449, 17250, 627, 1548, 8659, 5602, 430, 33238, 574, 539, 3025, 311, 10489, 14085, 11, 30373, 3952, 1077, 555, 279, 28004, 3339, 16661, 323, 19392, 311, 3885, 430, 3810, 279, 2007, 323, 1243, 16177, 627, 50, 3178, 31422, 25, 2564, 330, 40, 617, 311, 17113, 430, 499, 2216, 527, 1633, 4228, 311, 13051, 11, 1314, 7673, 2564, 7314, 311, 10772, 4395, 311, 2503, 323, 8343, 627, 81686, 25, 2564, 330, 36, 35401, 2564, 1253, 387, 2564, 5423, 994, 499, 2351, 539, 1511, 311, 420, 3169, 315, 6671, 1, 2564, 1071, 5108, 311, 11937, 15187, 627, 81686, 25, 2564, 330, 3923, 527, 499, 3815, 1618, 2564, 323, 701, 1131, 4333, 11, 1051, 539, 2133, 311, 4034, 1077, 7673, 2564, 1071, 10307, 1418, 2216, 1436, 539, 3619, 1268, 568, 1903, 5678, 10882, 2085, 904, 5965, 1026, 627, 50, 3178, 31422, 25, 2564, 330, 4897, 596, 7041, 1148, 358, 656, 477, 2564, 584, 2351, 539, 4885, 7673, 2564, 323, 6688 ]
[ 264, 27545, 69439, 3582, 15499, 323, 26253, 779, 1364, 16846, 279, 1890, 1648, 13, 3005, 574, 21737, 369, 264, 10015, 4545, 1603, 36864, 813, 2019, 826, 627, 50, 3178, 31422, 25, 2564, 330, 4897, 7389, 1070, 374, 2555, 477, 4423, 311, 3412, 499, 1618, 1359, 568, 1071, 11, 4560, 311, 5222, 16736, 2564, 719, 304, 813, 4851, 2216, 3685, 433, 311, 387, 779, 719, 1436, 539, 3619, 3249, 627, 81686, 25, 2564, 330, 4071, 1095, 603, 3009, 7556, 922, 420, 11, 617, 14177, 3131, 1306, 682, 430, 374, 3249, 499, 3782, 11, 374, 539, 433, 7673, 1364, 1071, 37163, 2288, 2564, 4560, 311, 5222, 16736, 627, 81686, 25, 2564, 330, 12947, 369, 420, 11, 433, 574, 264, 6555, 13051, 555, 279, 1648, 11, 358, 1550, 539, 13383, 701, 3197, 520, 682, 1, 2564, 323, 31645, 33394, 398, 627, 50, 3178, 31422, 25, 2564, 330, 3947, 574, 4400, 2564, 1120, 2564, 358, 6612, 279, 1205, 311, 656, 779, 85920, 1131, 1550, 539, 1390, 311, 5387, 499, 79310, 2564, 20592, 2085, 3411, 627, 81686, 1436, 539, 5766, 26156, 279, 10747, 304, 1077, 1450, 311, 6865, 1884, 4339, 1243, 11, 74874, 31422, 7111, 89815, 323, 5425, 872, 6548, 1436, 539, 5766, 13468, 304, 21847, 11, 2225, 6612, 12756, 330, 79, 9065, 839, 1, 323, 1070, 574, 4400, 814, 1436, 656, 449, 430, 627, 9906, 323, 9901, 499, 779, 1790, 369, 701, 502, 3754, 922, 42826, 622, 41549, 13, 358, 617, 264, 3488, 2564, 2650, 649, 358, 387, 304 ]
bandanna put on the left side which represents that the Haitian flag is. com The Insane Gangster Disciples are a crime gang that arose in Birmingham, Ala. Members and associates will roll their left pant leg up, wear their hat turned/tilted to the left and “flag” to the left. Displaying your flag, wearing your gang colors, or standing in such a way as to identify your gang. "Growth&Developm ent":. They are also represented by a black flag (bandana). The Church in the Hood "Here (in Christ) there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian Scythian, slave or free (and we might add, no Latin Kings or Maniac Latin Disciples, no Vice Lords or Gangster. Basically, there are two major gang alliances in the United States: Folk Nation and People Nation. Inside the Black Gangster Disciple Nation Crack Cocaine Gang-Corporation. Gmail is email that's intuitive, efficient, and useful. From the Southwest to the South Side of Chicago, the Maniac Latin Disciples hoard Minny. The gang hand sign is thrown toward the right shoulder. When Hoover was locked up in '74 he first went to States
bandanna put on the left side which represents that the Haitian flag is. com The Insane Gangster Disciples are a crime gang that arose in Birmingham, Ala. Members and associates will roll their left pant leg up, wear their hat turned/tilted to the left and “flag” to the left. Displaying your flag, wearing your gang colors, or standing in such a way as to identify your gang. "Growth&Developm ent":. They are also represented by a black flag (bandana). The Church in the Hood "Here (in Christ) there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian Scythian, slave or free (and we might add, no Latin Kings or Maniac Latin Disciples, no Vice Lords or Gangster. Basically, there are two major gang alliances in the United States: Folk Nation and People Nation. Inside the Black Gangster Disciple Nation Crack Cocaine Gang-Corporation. Gmail is email that's intuitive, efficient, and useful. From the Southwest to the South Side of Chicago, the Maniac Latin Disciples hoard Minny. The gang hand sign is thrown toward the right shoulder. When Hoover was locked up in '74 he first went to States
ville( keep in mind there were already hundreds of Disciples locked behind bars), Hoover then was transferred to Pontiac were it is suspected that he caused the riot there. The gang typically wears the colors blue and white, which is the color of the El Salvadoran flag. Wade and his friends associated with the Gangster Disciples, in a faction they called the Evans Mob, after a neighborhood street. Those associated with the Folk nation, such as the Gangster Disciples, do the same toward the right side. See more ideas about Cholo style, Chicano and Chicano art. And indeed to what purpose would it be singly to recount the commonalty and rabble of mankind, who beyond all question are entirely on my side? and for a token of their vassalage do wear my livery in so many older shapes, and more newly invented modes of Folly, that the lungs of a thousand Democrituses would never hold out to such a laughter as. Gangster Disciples, Shirt Sketch, Sketch Ideas, Bandana Design Cool Logo Flag Logo Logo graphic design gold zombie west side Vector frankenstein west coast. TO ALL G'S UNDER FOLK'S NATION. Folk Nation:. When Hoover was locked up in '
[ 4097, 7697, 1234, 319, 262, 1364, 1735, 543, 6870, 326, 262, 48723, 6056, 318, 13, 401, 383, 7088, 1531, 19228, 1706, 3167, 6418, 389, 257, 4065, 7706, 326, 21172, 287, 18899, 11, 42682, 13, 12688, 290, 20093, 481, 4836, 511, 1364, 15857, 1232, 510, 11, 5806, 511, 6877, 2900, 14, 47163, 1513, 284, 262, 1364, 290, 564, 250, 32109, 447, 251, 284, 262, 1364, 13, 16531, 278, 534, 6056, 11, 5762, 534, 7706, 7577, 11, 393, 5055, 287, 884, 257, 835, 355, 284, 5911, 534, 7706, 13, 366, 38, 13046, 5, 19246, 76, 920, 1298, 13, 1119, 389, 635, 7997, 416, 257, 2042, 6056, 357, 3903, 2271, 737, 383, 4564, 287, 262, 17233, 366, 4342, 357, 259, 1951, 8, 612, 318, 645, 8312, 393, 3370, 11, 45522, 393, 4591, 1980, 388, 37168, 11, 42577, 3699, 32252, 400, 666, 11, 11778, 393, 1479, 357, 392, 356, 1244, 751, 11, 645, 9133, 10578, 393, 1869, 9607, 9133, 3167, 6418, 11, 645, 11079, 18651, 393, 19228, 1706, 13, 20759, 11, 612, 389, 734, 1688, 7706, 29614, 287, 262, 1578, 1829, 25, 36111, 8741, 290, 4380, 8741, 13, 14384, 262, 2619, 19228, 1706, 48472, 8741, 46180, 18490, 5718, 19228, 12, 10606, 1819, 341, 13, 33662, 318, 3053, 326, 338, 19933, 11, 6942, 11, 290, 4465, 13, 3574, 262, 24320, 284, 262, 2520, 12075, 286, 4842, 11, 262, 1869, 9607, 9133, 3167, 6418, 46960, 1855, 3281, 13, 383, 7706, 1021, 1051, 318, 8754, 3812, 262, 826, 8163, 13, 1649, 31865, 373, 8970, 510, 287, 705, 4524, 339, 717, 1816, 284, 1829 ]
[ 7200, 12930, 2231, 389, 279, 2163, 3185, 902, 11105, 430, 279, 43502, 1122, 5292, 374, 13, 470, 578, 9925, 2194, 35517, 3751, 11997, 38558, 527, 264, 9977, 13481, 430, 51063, 304, 36937, 11, 89762, 13, 17384, 323, 40531, 690, 6638, 872, 2163, 26346, 2531, 709, 11, 10051, 872, 9072, 6656, 14, 1678, 6702, 311, 279, 2163, 323, 1054, 10104, 863, 311, 279, 2163, 13, 10848, 287, 701, 5292, 11, 12512, 701, 13481, 8146, 11, 477, 11509, 304, 1778, 264, 1648, 439, 311, 10765, 701, 13481, 13, 330, 38, 19632, 5, 21076, 76, 1218, 794, 13, 2435, 527, 1101, 15609, 555, 264, 3776, 5292, 320, 7198, 3444, 570, 578, 9441, 304, 279, 36443, 330, 8586, 320, 258, 3771, 8, 1070, 374, 912, 18341, 477, 8117, 11, 10408, 66, 4147, 477, 21482, 2496, 372, 66, 4147, 11, 54490, 1122, 2522, 77996, 1122, 11, 20985, 477, 1949, 320, 438, 584, 2643, 923, 11, 912, 20023, 24980, 477, 2418, 18029, 20023, 11997, 38558, 11, 912, 23270, 57148, 477, 35517, 3751, 13, 41812, 11, 1070, 527, 1403, 3682, 13481, 70800, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 25, 65337, 17671, 323, 9029, 17671, 13, 28468, 279, 5348, 35517, 3751, 11997, 3863, 17671, 56045, 77488, 8511, 35517, 7813, 39382, 367, 13, 62046, 374, 2613, 430, 596, 42779, 11, 11297, 11, 323, 5505, 13, 5659, 279, 46785, 311, 279, 4987, 17072, 315, 10780, 11, 279, 2418, 18029, 20023, 11997, 38558, 11640, 569, 3468, 3919, 13, 578, 13481, 1450, 1879, 374, 15338, 9017, 279, 1314, 17308, 13, 3277, 73409, 574, 16447, 709, 304, 364, 5728, 568, 1176, 4024, 311, 4273 ]
[ 8078, 7, 2567, 304, 4059, 1070, 1051, 2736, 11758, 315, 11997, 38558, 16447, 4920, 16283, 705, 73409, 1243, 574, 23217, 311, 40870, 18029, 1051, 433, 374, 24740, 430, 568, 9057, 279, 42597, 1070, 13, 578, 13481, 11383, 38400, 279, 8146, 6437, 323, 4251, 11, 902, 374, 279, 1933, 315, 279, 4072, 49459, 276, 5292, 13, 43982, 323, 813, 4885, 5938, 449, 279, 35517, 3751, 11997, 38558, 11, 304, 264, 37480, 814, 2663, 279, 30563, 36006, 11, 1306, 264, 12818, 8761, 13, 13266, 5938, 449, 279, 65337, 7140, 11, 1778, 439, 279, 35517, 3751, 11997, 38558, 11, 656, 279, 1890, 9017, 279, 1314, 3185, 13, 3580, 810, 6848, 922, 921, 10216, 1742, 11, 71820, 5770, 323, 71820, 5770, 1989, 13, 1628, 13118, 311, 1148, 7580, 1053, 433, 387, 86599, 311, 41286, 279, 4279, 10231, 323, 31674, 901, 315, 43384, 11, 889, 7953, 682, 3488, 527, 11622, 389, 856, 3185, 30, 323, 369, 264, 4037, 315, 872, 348, 395, 278, 425, 656, 10051, 856, 326, 6633, 304, 779, 1690, 9191, 21483, 11, 323, 810, 13945, 36592, 20362, 315, 435, 8788, 11, 430, 279, 45274, 315, 264, 16579, 4829, 511, 1018, 4881, 1053, 2646, 3412, 704, 311, 1778, 264, 43214, 439, 13, 35517, 3751, 11997, 38558, 11, 55807, 39501, 11, 39501, 23748, 11, 17366, 3444, 7127, 24882, 31152, 23497, 31152, 31152, 21154, 2955, 6761, 38836, 9909, 3185, 4290, 26875, 62756, 9909, 13962, 13, 5257, 13398, 480, 13575, 57318, 435, 1971, 42, 13575, 452, 3579, 13, 65337, 17671, 17406, 3277, 73409, 574, 16447, 709, 304, 364 ]
something sliding down fast over the ice. Van de Gevel looked up and saw, twenty to thirty feet to his left, a body plunging headfirst down the Bottleneck. There was no scream or shout. The climber still had his headlamp switched on. The body fell too fast for Cas to see his face in the light from his own headlamp, but Van de Gevel saw clearly that the climber was dressed in a dark yellow suit. The body disappeared into the night. Lack of oxygen may trigger a complex physiological reaction inside the human body, one whose severity varies considerably from person to person. As oxygen levels decrease, the tiny arteries that feed the brain dilate. High-pressure blood floods the network of fragile cerebral capillaries, which begin to leak fluid. The fluid causes swelling in the surrounding tissue. The brain swells, displacing the cushion of cerebrospinal fluid inside the head until the brain starts to squash up against the inside of the skull. When the compression begins to affect the area of the brain responsible for balance and coordination—the cerebellum—it causes ataxia, or stumbling and severe lack of coordination. As the compression progresses, the optic disk swells,
something sliding down fast over the ice. Van de Gevel looked up and saw, twenty to thirty feet to his left, a body plunging headfirst down the Bottleneck. There was no scream or shout. The climber still had his headlamp switched on. The body fell too fast for Cas to see his face in the light from his own headlamp, but Van de Gevel saw clearly that the climber was dressed in a dark yellow suit. The body disappeared into the night. Lack of oxygen may trigger a complex physiological reaction inside the human body, one whose severity varies considerably from person to person. As oxygen levels decrease, the tiny arteries that feed the brain dilate. High-pressure blood floods the network of fragile cerebral capillaries, which begin to leak fluid. The fluid causes swelling in the surrounding tissue. The brain swells, displacing the cushion of cerebrospinal fluid inside the head until the brain starts to squash up against the inside of the skull. When the compression begins to affect the area of the brain responsible for balance and coordination—the cerebellum—it causes ataxia, or stumbling and severe lack of coordination. As the compression progresses, the optic disk swells,
causing blurring of vision. As well as affecting the brain, lack of oxygen can lead to a surge in blood pressure in the arteries in the lungs, and cause more leakage. Fluid floods into the alveoli, the tiny thin-walled air sacs deep within the lungs where oxygen diffuses into the blood. An X ray of a climber suffering from this sort of high-altitude condition reveals a patchy image of fluid in areas of the lung normally filled with air. Among the first ominous signs are shortness of breath and fatigue, a persistent cough, then a gurgle and a coughing up of pink-tinged fluid. Eventually the climber drowns. The effects of these fluid shifts can set in rapidly before a climber realizes anything is seriously wrong. Much like a drunk, judgment is impaired well before it is apparent to the climber. To help acclimatization or relieve the symptoms, some high-altitude mountaineers use drugs. For example, Viagra is sometimes used to drain fluid from the lungs. Many climbers circumvent the risk by carrying oxygen with them in tanks, but the effects can be disastrous if the supplementary oxygen runs out. When that happens, the climber abruptly enters a new
[ 1223, 22292, 866, 3049, 625, 262, 4771, 13, 6656, 390, 2269, 626, 3114, 510, 290, 2497, 11, 8208, 284, 12277, 3625, 284, 465, 1364, 11, 257, 1767, 41904, 278, 1182, 11085, 866, 262, 14835, 43163, 13, 198, 198, 1858, 373, 645, 8196, 393, 9191, 13, 383, 5424, 527, 991, 550, 465, 1182, 75, 696, 15293, 319, 13, 383, 1767, 3214, 1165, 3049, 329, 11294, 284, 766, 465, 1986, 287, 262, 1657, 422, 465, 898, 1182, 75, 696, 11, 475, 6656, 390, 2269, 626, 2497, 4084, 326, 262, 5424, 527, 373, 12049, 287, 257, 3223, 7872, 6050, 13, 383, 1767, 12120, 656, 262, 1755, 13, 198, 198, 43, 441, 286, 11863, 743, 7616, 257, 3716, 25033, 6317, 2641, 262, 1692, 1767, 11, 530, 3025, 19440, 17806, 15394, 422, 1048, 284, 1048, 13, 1081, 11863, 2974, 10070, 11, 262, 7009, 45894, 326, 3745, 262, 3632, 11844, 378, 13, 3334, 12, 36151, 2910, 27283, 262, 3127, 286, 21049, 31169, 1451, 359, 3166, 11, 543, 2221, 284, 13044, 11711, 13, 198, 198, 464, 11711, 5640, 29844, 287, 262, 7346, 10712, 13, 383, 3632, 1509, 19187, 11, 7845, 4092, 262, 33579, 286, 6736, 7957, 2777, 1292, 11711, 2641, 262, 1182, 1566, 262, 3632, 4940, 284, 34613, 510, 1028, 262, 2641, 286, 262, 14511, 13, 1649, 262, 19794, 6140, 284, 2689, 262, 1989, 286, 262, 3632, 4497, 329, 5236, 290, 19877, 960, 1169, 6736, 7923, 388, 960, 270, 5640, 379, 897, 544, 11, 393, 37829, 290, 6049, 3092, 286, 19877, 13, 1081, 262, 19794, 33226, 11, 262, 43151, 11898, 1509, 19187, 11 ]
[ 2555, 34932, 1523, 5043, 927, 279, 10054, 13, 13000, 409, 4323, 899, 7111, 709, 323, 5602, 11, 17510, 311, 27219, 7693, 311, 813, 2163, 11, 264, 2547, 53872, 287, 2010, 3983, 1523, 279, 37330, 60113, 382, 3947, 574, 912, 46789, 477, 42223, 13, 578, 11323, 655, 2103, 1047, 813, 2010, 95857, 30975, 389, 13, 578, 2547, 11299, 2288, 5043, 369, 11301, 311, 1518, 813, 3663, 304, 279, 3177, 505, 813, 1866, 2010, 95857, 11, 719, 13000, 409, 4323, 899, 5602, 9539, 430, 279, 11323, 655, 574, 26435, 304, 264, 6453, 14071, 7937, 13, 578, 2547, 29496, 1139, 279, 3814, 382, 43, 474, 315, 24463, 1253, 8346, 264, 6485, 53194, 13010, 4871, 279, 3823, 2547, 11, 832, 6832, 31020, 35327, 33452, 505, 1732, 311, 1732, 13, 1666, 24463, 5990, 18979, 11, 279, 13987, 85648, 430, 5510, 279, 8271, 19371, 349, 13, 5234, 89561, 6680, 61272, 279, 4009, 315, 45350, 60745, 2107, 484, 5548, 11, 902, 3240, 311, 24237, 15962, 382, 791, 15962, 11384, 55307, 304, 279, 14932, 20438, 13, 578, 8271, 2064, 6572, 11, 13770, 4628, 279, 45738, 315, 28091, 15222, 2203, 992, 15962, 4871, 279, 2010, 3156, 279, 8271, 8638, 311, 59576, 709, 2403, 279, 4871, 315, 279, 35113, 13, 3277, 279, 26168, 12302, 311, 7958, 279, 3158, 315, 279, 8271, 8647, 369, 8335, 323, 38793, 22416, 28091, 17696, 372, 44603, 11384, 520, 710, 689, 11, 477, 88455, 323, 15748, 6996, 315, 38793, 13, 1666, 279, 26168, 68711, 11, 279, 81209, 13668, 2064, 6572, 11 ]
[ 14718, 1529, 21081, 315, 11376, 382, 2170, 1664, 439, 28987, 279, 8271, 11, 6996, 315, 24463, 649, 3063, 311, 264, 22531, 304, 6680, 7410, 304, 279, 85648, 304, 279, 45274, 11, 323, 5353, 810, 81373, 13, 60696, 61272, 1139, 279, 453, 588, 14559, 11, 279, 13987, 15792, 2695, 4841, 3805, 11347, 82, 5655, 2949, 279, 45274, 1405, 24463, 3722, 4881, 1139, 279, 6680, 13, 1556, 1630, 18803, 315, 264, 11323, 655, 16066, 505, 420, 3460, 315, 1579, 34450, 3993, 3044, 21667, 264, 11140, 88, 2217, 315, 15962, 304, 5789, 315, 279, 21271, 14614, 10409, 449, 3805, 13, 22395, 279, 1176, 86596, 12195, 527, 2875, 2136, 315, 11745, 323, 36709, 11, 264, 26048, 40700, 11, 1243, 264, 342, 324, 3491, 323, 264, 40700, 287, 709, 315, 18718, 12, 1303, 291, 15962, 13, 38274, 279, 11323, 655, 294, 654, 4511, 382, 791, 6372, 315, 1521, 15962, 29735, 649, 743, 304, 19019, 1603, 264, 11323, 655, 52694, 4205, 374, 14243, 5076, 13, 24191, 1093, 264, 29850, 11, 19971, 374, 50160, 1664, 1603, 433, 374, 10186, 311, 279, 11323, 655, 13, 2057, 1520, 1645, 566, 78432, 2065, 477, 48839, 279, 13803, 11, 1063, 1579, 34450, 3993, 6606, 8511, 388, 1005, 11217, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 31578, 374, 7170, 1511, 311, 24659, 15962, 505, 279, 45274, 13, 9176, 94751, 10408, 688, 279, 5326, 555, 15691, 24463, 449, 1124, 304, 26951, 11, 719, 279, 6372, 649, 387, 53057, 422, 279, 80506, 24463, 8640, 704, 13, 3277, 430, 8741, 11, 279, 11323, 655, 60845, 29933, 264, 502 ]
euros hit the first pages of newspapers. Migration feels like our only salvation. It’s not the first time us Greeks had to migrate. It is part of our heritage, coming from ancient times when the Greeks were nautical people who relied on sea commerce. After the Great War, many Greeks immigrated to the States and Canada since those countries were open and building a new workforce. History seems to be repeating itself, with a brand new wave of emigration. Just last year, 23,800 Greeks immigrated to Germany in search of a better future. I am one of them. After five years of working in Athens, I am leaving it all behind and writing “Perth, Australia” on the side of my suitcase. The choice is not uncommon; currently more than 40,000 Greeks are thinking of moving to Australia (or already made it there). We don't care about what we are going to do there, as long as it is a job that gives us sufficient funds to survive. The Australian Embassy has thrown numerous events about job opportunities, and Greeks literally besieged the halls at those events. Getting a work permit outside the EU is difficult, though, and requires an actual invite from the desired country. The other option is spicing
euros hit the first pages of newspapers. Migration feels like our only salvation. It’s not the first time us Greeks had to migrate. It is part of our heritage, coming from ancient times when the Greeks were nautical people who relied on sea commerce. After the Great War, many Greeks immigrated to the States and Canada since those countries were open and building a new workforce. History seems to be repeating itself, with a brand new wave of emigration. Just last year, 23,800 Greeks immigrated to Germany in search of a better future. I am one of them. After five years of working in Athens, I am leaving it all behind and writing “Perth, Australia” on the side of my suitcase. The choice is not uncommon; currently more than 40,000 Greeks are thinking of moving to Australia (or already made it there). We don't care about what we are going to do there, as long as it is a job that gives us sufficient funds to survive. The Australian Embassy has thrown numerous events about job opportunities, and Greeks literally besieged the halls at those events. Getting a work permit outside the EU is difficult, though, and requires an actual invite from the desired country. The other option is spicing
up your knowledge with another master's degree. After some applications, samples of my writing and tests, I was accepted to Murdoch University with an international scholarship — an incentive that made my decision to migrate Down Under much easier. But what did I leave behind? Karren Brady Knows How To Enhance Your Career 5 Alternative Careers For Guys Who Can't Deal With An Office Work And Business And Rock And Roll The Real Definition Of "Success" 7 Ways To Survive A Job Loss And Bounce Back COVID-19 death toll includes patients who were never tested by: Mark Maxwell and Lyndsay Jones ILLINOIS (NEXSTAR) — As Illinois Public Health Department officials work to remove any inaccuracies from the state’s COVID-19 death count, the local departments compiling such data for IDPH are doing so without a uniform set of guidelines, a Target 3 investigation has found. Emails and documents obtained via Freedom of Information Act requests by WCIA show coroners and medical examiners across the state have raised questions about the processes of classifying COVID-19’s role in an individual’s death, citing, in some cases, the difficulty of determining whether the novel coronavirus played a “pro
[ 21138, 2277, 262, 717, 5468, 286, 14741, 13, 36991, 5300, 588, 674, 691, 21005, 13, 198, 1026, 447, 247, 82, 407, 262, 717, 640, 514, 25059, 550, 284, 32492, 13, 632, 318, 636, 286, 674, 15012, 11, 2406, 422, 6156, 1661, 618, 262, 25059, 547, 299, 37073, 661, 508, 17498, 319, 5417, 19497, 13, 2293, 262, 3878, 1810, 11, 867, 25059, 2296, 38769, 284, 262, 1829, 290, 3340, 1201, 883, 2678, 547, 1280, 290, 2615, 257, 649, 16433, 13, 7443, 2331, 284, 307, 20394, 2346, 11, 351, 257, 4508, 649, 6769, 286, 795, 4254, 13, 2329, 938, 614, 11, 2242, 11, 7410, 25059, 2296, 38769, 284, 4486, 287, 2989, 286, 257, 1365, 2003, 13, 198, 40, 716, 530, 286, 606, 13, 2293, 1936, 812, 286, 1762, 287, 21891, 11, 314, 716, 4305, 340, 477, 2157, 290, 3597, 564, 250, 5990, 400, 11, 4505, 447, 251, 319, 262, 1735, 286, 616, 45391, 13, 383, 3572, 318, 407, 19185, 26, 3058, 517, 621, 2319, 11, 830, 25059, 389, 3612, 286, 3867, 284, 4505, 357, 273, 1541, 925, 340, 612, 737, 775, 836, 470, 1337, 546, 644, 356, 389, 1016, 284, 466, 612, 11, 355, 890, 355, 340, 318, 257, 1693, 326, 3607, 514, 6751, 5153, 284, 7866, 13, 383, 6638, 23233, 468, 8754, 6409, 2995, 546, 1693, 6443, 11, 290, 25059, 7360, 41680, 262, 24350, 379, 883, 2995, 13, 18067, 257, 670, 8749, 2354, 262, 4576, 318, 2408, 11, 996, 11, 290, 4433, 281, 4036, 14037, 422, 262, 10348, 1499, 13, 198, 464, 584, 3038, 318, 599, 6345 ]
[ 33588, 4295, 279, 1176, 6959, 315, 32594, 13, 21943, 11321, 1093, 1057, 1193, 46035, 627, 2181, 753, 539, 279, 1176, 892, 603, 61780, 1047, 311, 45666, 13, 1102, 374, 961, 315, 1057, 28948, 11, 5108, 505, 14154, 3115, 994, 279, 61780, 1051, 308, 68267, 1274, 889, 41013, 389, 9581, 36754, 13, 4740, 279, 8681, 5111, 11, 1690, 61780, 15644, 660, 311, 279, 4273, 323, 7008, 2533, 1884, 5961, 1051, 1825, 323, 4857, 264, 502, 32027, 13, 11346, 5084, 311, 387, 40916, 5196, 11, 449, 264, 6883, 502, 12330, 315, 991, 5141, 13, 4702, 1566, 1060, 11, 220, 1419, 11, 4728, 61780, 15644, 660, 311, 10057, 304, 2778, 315, 264, 2731, 3938, 627, 40, 1097, 832, 315, 1124, 13, 4740, 4330, 1667, 315, 3318, 304, 46926, 11, 358, 1097, 9564, 433, 682, 4920, 323, 4477, 1054, 3976, 339, 11, 8494, 863, 389, 279, 3185, 315, 856, 88949, 13, 578, 5873, 374, 539, 41296, 26, 5131, 810, 1109, 220, 1272, 11, 931, 61780, 527, 7422, 315, 7366, 311, 8494, 320, 269, 2736, 1903, 433, 1070, 570, 1226, 1541, 956, 2512, 922, 1148, 584, 527, 2133, 311, 656, 1070, 11, 439, 1317, 439, 433, 374, 264, 2683, 430, 6835, 603, 14343, 10736, 311, 18167, 13, 578, 13673, 53527, 706, 15338, 12387, 4455, 922, 2683, 10708, 11, 323, 61780, 16280, 92728, 3640, 279, 52473, 520, 1884, 4455, 13, 25531, 264, 990, 11810, 4994, 279, 10013, 374, 5107, 11, 3582, 11, 323, 7612, 459, 5150, 22114, 505, 279, 12974, 3224, 627, 791, 1023, 3072, 374, 993, 10332 ]
[ 709, 701, 6677, 449, 2500, 7491, 596, 8547, 13, 4740, 1063, 8522, 11, 10688, 315, 856, 4477, 323, 7177, 11, 358, 574, 11928, 311, 79709, 3907, 449, 459, 6625, 34225, 2001, 459, 36210, 430, 1903, 856, 5597, 311, 45666, 6419, 9636, 1790, 8831, 13, 2030, 1148, 1550, 358, 5387, 4920, 5380, 77489, 1466, 36470, 14521, 82, 2650, 2057, 29757, 685, 4718, 41576, 198, 20, 42209, 99455, 1789, 51300, 10699, 3053, 956, 27359, 3161, 1556, 8410, 198, 6919, 1628, 8184, 1628, 9305, 1628, 15028, 198, 791, 8976, 20288, 5046, 330, 7336, 702, 22, 42419, 2057, 29878, 535, 362, 12280, 25733, 1628, 426, 9933, 6984, 20562, 12, 777, 4648, 26936, 5764, 6978, 889, 1051, 2646, 12793, 198, 1729, 25, 4488, 59497, 323, 16333, 303, 37890, 12201, 198, 9410, 49075, 1669, 320, 45, 3337, 68161, 8, 2001, 1666, 19174, 3142, 6401, 6011, 7510, 990, 311, 4148, 904, 42025, 27121, 505, 279, 1614, 753, 20562, 12, 777, 4648, 1797, 11, 279, 2254, 26280, 55320, 1778, 828, 369, 3110, 11079, 527, 3815, 779, 2085, 264, 14113, 743, 315, 17959, 11, 264, 13791, 220, 18, 8990, 706, 1766, 627, 4886, 82, 323, 9477, 12457, 4669, 25320, 315, 8245, 3298, 7540, 555, 37746, 5987, 1501, 22760, 388, 323, 6593, 7151, 40799, 4028, 279, 1614, 617, 9408, 4860, 922, 279, 11618, 315, 538, 7922, 20562, 12, 777, 753, 3560, 304, 459, 3927, 753, 4648, 11, 33264, 11, 304, 1063, 5157, 11, 279, 17250, 315, 26679, 3508, 279, 11775, 33333, 6476, 264, 1054, 782 ]
we have this threat? Your dive is going to be ruined by a lionfish sting? Yeah, that’s beautiful alright! Dylan Freberg on at 1:14 PM Is the United States Federal Government currently hunting them? If so, can you site any resources? David Andress on at 3:53 PM Spotted a lionfish in the snorkeling cove at Disney’s Castaway Cay in November. Reported it to the lifeguard who seemed oblivious to its potential reef threat. Learned about them on the islandgirl boat trip to Trunk Bay, st. John, USVI, for snorkeling there. Jeff Jones @jwjonez on at 12:33 PM Mr. Harrell, When hunting a territorial animal, the mostly likely scenario is decoy that mimics a rival to lure the out to trap or kill it. If lion fish fight other lion fish consider a “tarbaby” engagment strategy that bogs/bibds a lionfish in a death grip with the decoy. This mitigation scheme may well be in the realm of a expert marine biologist, US fish & wildlife, or NOAA level org to trap to lure and kill
we have this threat? Your dive is going to be ruined by a lionfish sting? Yeah, that’s beautiful alright! Dylan Freberg on at 1:14 PM Is the United States Federal Government currently hunting them? If so, can you site any resources? David Andress on at 3:53 PM Spotted a lionfish in the snorkeling cove at Disney’s Castaway Cay in November. Reported it to the lifeguard who seemed oblivious to its potential reef threat. Learned about them on the islandgirl boat trip to Trunk Bay, st. John, USVI, for snorkeling there. Jeff Jones @jwjonez on at 12:33 PM Mr. Harrell, When hunting a territorial animal, the mostly likely scenario is decoy that mimics a rival to lure the out to trap or kill it. If lion fish fight other lion fish consider a “tarbaby” engagment strategy that bogs/bibds a lionfish in a death grip with the decoy. This mitigation scheme may well be in the realm of a expert marine biologist, US fish & wildlife, or NOAA level org to trap to lure and kill
the animals with emphasis on minimal impact to non-invasives. @jwjonez on Twitter selena on at 6:00 PM When was this website last updated Andy Lowe on at 8:29 AM Hi Selena, this website is being constantly updated. We frequently write new articles about the lionfish invasion and relevant information which you’ll find on our homepage. We maintain and continuously update pages on where to eat lionfish, lionfish hunting friendly dive centers, and more. As well as constantly maintaining this website, our team also provides steady updates to lionfish related issues via social media such as our Facebook page. We are proud to provide people with not only the most comprehensive website of information on lionfish, but also the most up to date. Betty on at 3:19 PM This website is very helpful Its simple. Kill them when you see them. It will save reefs. Marcie Anderson on at 1:04 PM Barefoot Cay in Roatan, Honduras is hosting a LionFish Hunting Week! Sept. 9-16 2017 You can become a licensed lion fisher Heidi Peterson on at 10:37 PM Develop a deadly communicable virus
[ 356, 423, 428, 2372, 30, 3406, 15647, 318, 1016, 284, 307, 20484, 416, 257, 18744, 11084, 24276, 30, 9425, 11, 326, 447, 247, 82, 4950, 23036, 0, 198, 35, 18554, 4848, 3900, 197, 261, 379, 352, 25, 1415, 3122, 198, 3792, 262, 1578, 1829, 5618, 5070, 3058, 10988, 606, 30, 1002, 523, 11, 460, 345, 2524, 597, 4133, 30, 198, 11006, 843, 601, 197, 261, 379, 513, 25, 4310, 3122, 198, 4561, 8426, 257, 18744, 11084, 287, 262, 3013, 273, 365, 1359, 25746, 379, 8519, 447, 247, 82, 5833, 8272, 28335, 287, 3389, 13, 30588, 340, 284, 262, 1204, 14864, 508, 3947, 38603, 284, 663, 2785, 25088, 2372, 13, 38514, 546, 606, 319, 262, 7022, 15219, 8848, 5296, 284, 833, 2954, 4696, 11, 336, 13, 1757, 11, 1294, 12861, 11, 329, 3013, 273, 365, 1359, 612, 13, 198, 19139, 5437, 2488, 73, 86, 73, 505, 89, 197, 261, 379, 1105, 25, 2091, 3122, 198, 5246, 13, 2113, 11252, 11, 198, 2215, 10988, 257, 22414, 5044, 11, 262, 4632, 1884, 8883, 318, 875, 726, 326, 17007, 873, 257, 8976, 284, 26166, 262, 503, 284, 12840, 393, 1494, 340, 13, 1002, 18744, 5916, 1907, 584, 18744, 5916, 2074, 257, 564, 250, 18870, 40252, 447, 251, 1786, 363, 434, 4811, 326, 275, 18463, 14, 65, 571, 9310, 257, 18744, 11084, 287, 257, 1918, 11762, 351, 262, 875, 726, 13, 770, 33585, 7791, 743, 880, 307, 287, 262, 13360, 286, 257, 5887, 16050, 35261, 11, 1294, 5916, 1222, 15599, 11, 393, 36184, 1241, 8745, 284, 12840, 284, 26166, 290, 1494 ]
[ 584, 617, 420, 6023, 30, 4718, 30963, 374, 2133, 311, 387, 47168, 555, 264, 40132, 18668, 55413, 30, 22335, 11, 430, 753, 6366, 51217, 4999, 35, 37578, 7730, 7881, 25653, 520, 220, 16, 25, 975, 5975, 198, 3957, 279, 3723, 4273, 12411, 10423, 5131, 23330, 1124, 30, 1442, 779, 11, 649, 499, 2816, 904, 5070, 5380, 23083, 1628, 676, 25653, 520, 220, 18, 25, 4331, 5975, 198, 6540, 15889, 264, 40132, 18668, 304, 279, 97806, 20659, 272, 1009, 520, 16795, 753, 11514, 14075, 53883, 304, 6841, 13, 79711, 433, 311, 279, 10345, 82971, 889, 9508, 94370, 311, 1202, 4754, 71145, 6023, 13, 90496, 922, 1124, 389, 279, 13218, 29652, 15688, 8577, 311, 1183, 3200, 9332, 11, 357, 13, 3842, 11, 2326, 26376, 11, 369, 97806, 20659, 1070, 627, 39727, 12201, 571, 73, 68054, 606, 89, 25653, 520, 220, 717, 25, 1644, 5975, 198, 12555, 13, 5340, 16684, 345, 4599, 23330, 264, 52482, 10065, 11, 279, 10213, 4461, 15398, 374, 68652, 88, 430, 28003, 1233, 264, 21425, 311, 57683, 279, 704, 311, 23709, 477, 5622, 433, 13, 1442, 40132, 7795, 4465, 1023, 40132, 7795, 2980, 264, 1054, 27835, 79064, 863, 2995, 15974, 8446, 430, 293, 27403, 3554, 581, 5469, 264, 40132, 18668, 304, 264, 4648, 25703, 449, 279, 68652, 88, 13, 1115, 66860, 13155, 1253, 1664, 387, 304, 279, 22651, 315, 264, 6335, 29691, 88704, 11, 2326, 7795, 612, 30405, 11, 477, 86748, 2237, 1262, 311, 23709, 311, 57683, 323, 5622 ]
[ 279, 10099, 449, 25679, 389, 17832, 5536, 311, 2536, 3502, 4378, 1924, 627, 31, 73, 68054, 606, 89, 389, 6405, 198, 9697, 7304, 25653, 520, 220, 21, 25, 410, 5975, 198, 4599, 574, 420, 3997, 1566, 6177, 198, 68517, 65687, 25653, 520, 220, 23, 25, 1682, 6912, 198, 13347, 24082, 7304, 11, 420, 3997, 374, 1694, 15320, 6177, 13, 1226, 14134, 3350, 502, 9908, 922, 279, 40132, 18668, 30215, 323, 9959, 2038, 902, 499, 4805, 1505, 389, 1057, 35689, 13, 1226, 10519, 323, 31978, 2713, 6959, 389, 1405, 311, 8343, 40132, 18668, 11, 40132, 18668, 23330, 11919, 30963, 19169, 11, 323, 810, 13, 1666, 1664, 439, 15320, 20958, 420, 3997, 11, 1057, 2128, 1101, 5825, 24981, 9013, 311, 40132, 18668, 5552, 4819, 4669, 3674, 3772, 1778, 439, 1057, 5690, 2199, 13, 1226, 527, 12691, 311, 3493, 1274, 449, 539, 1193, 279, 1455, 16195, 3997, 315, 2038, 389, 40132, 18668, 11, 719, 1101, 279, 1455, 709, 311, 2457, 627, 57299, 1919, 25653, 520, 220, 18, 25, 777, 5975, 198, 2028, 3997, 374, 1633, 11190, 198, 37220, 4382, 13, 27933, 1124, 994, 499, 1518, 1124, 13, 1102, 690, 3665, 92822, 627, 48741, 648, 21293, 25653, 520, 220, 16, 25, 2371, 5975, 198, 33, 548, 5447, 53883, 304, 12093, 16623, 11, 71415, 374, 20256, 264, 33199, 65641, 45354, 10563, 0, 5488, 13, 220, 24, 12, 845, 220, 679, 22, 198, 2675, 649, 3719, 264, 16383, 40132, 7795, 261, 198, 1548, 12558, 40891, 25653, 520, 220, 605, 25, 1806, 5975, 198, 21076, 264, 25114, 6057, 481, 17188 ]
play. The results state that the beloved Bard is most likely the author of Henry VIII, with a certainty of 88%. Collaboration with another writer was also ruled out. Thus, Shakespeare has scored a moral victory and a PR coup. However, no morning show appearances are planned for the present. Give Back Every donation matters. The Chairs of NELC TA Office Hours Course Petitions Pre-Approved Courses Contract Courses Departmental Scholars Humanities Career Panel Series TAships Conference Travel Reimbursement Doctoral Hooding Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations Armenian Studies Assyriology Iranian Studies Levantine Studies Near Eastern Archaeology Semitics Turkic Studies Placement Exams Armenian Studies Colloquia Home > Faculty > Luke Yarbrough Luke Yarbrough Office: 394 Kaplan Hall Luke Yarbrough (Ph.D. 2012, Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University) is a historian of pre-modern Islamic societies. His work deals primarily with relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in their historical and legal aspects, and extends to the study of hadith, polemical literature, and
play. The results state that the beloved Bard is most likely the author of Henry VIII, with a certainty of 88%. Collaboration with another writer was also ruled out. Thus, Shakespeare has scored a moral victory and a PR coup. However, no morning show appearances are planned for the present. Give Back Every donation matters. The Chairs of NELC TA Office Hours Course Petitions Pre-Approved Courses Contract Courses Departmental Scholars Humanities Career Panel Series TAships Conference Travel Reimbursement Doctoral Hooding Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations Armenian Studies Assyriology Iranian Studies Levantine Studies Near Eastern Archaeology Semitics Turkic Studies Placement Exams Armenian Studies Colloquia Home > Faculty > Luke Yarbrough Luke Yarbrough Office: 394 Kaplan Hall Luke Yarbrough (Ph.D. 2012, Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University) is a historian of pre-modern Islamic societies. His work deals primarily with relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in their historical and legal aspects, and extends to the study of hadith, polemical literature, and
administrative practice, among other topics. Yarbrough has held post-doctoral fellowships at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Judaic Studies of the University of Pennsylvania (2012) and the New York University Abu Dhabi Institute, where he was a Humanities Research Fellow in 2016-17. Since 2013 he has served as Assistant Professor of History at Saint Louis University, where he received a university-wide graduate-mentorship award (2014) and the annual Helen I. Mandeville Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in the Humanities (2018). His critical edition and translation of a thirteenth-century Arabic polemic by a disgruntled Egyptian bureaucrat, entitled The Sword of Ambition, was published in 2016 with the Library of Arabic Literature series of New York University Press, and his articles have appeared in journals such as Islamic Law and Society, the Journal of the American Oriental Society, and Der Islam. His forthcoming monograph—Friends of the Emir, Enemies of God—excavates prescriptive discourses surrounding non-Muslim officials in pre-modern Islamic states. Yarbrough earned his A.B. (History, 2004) as well as his Ph.D. at Princeton, and has studied and traveled widely in the Middle East and North Africa,
[ 711, 13, 383, 2482, 1181, 326, 262, 14142, 25654, 318, 749, 1884, 262, 1772, 286, 8616, 25197, 11, 351, 257, 18979, 286, 9193, 7225, 37322, 341, 351, 1194, 6260, 373, 635, 8879, 503, 13, 198, 19093, 11, 22197, 468, 7781, 257, 6573, 5373, 290, 257, 4810, 12092, 13, 2102, 11, 645, 3329, 905, 11057, 389, 6027, 329, 262, 1944, 13, 13786, 5157, 3887, 13784, 6067, 13, 198, 464, 609, 3468, 286, 399, 3698, 34, 198, 5603, 4452, 19347, 198, 49046, 4767, 1756, 198, 6719, 12, 4677, 305, 1079, 2734, 8448, 198, 45845, 2734, 8448, 198, 36261, 282, 26381, 198, 20490, 871, 32619, 18810, 7171, 198, 51, 1722, 5748, 198, 3103, 4288, 13524, 797, 320, 21780, 434, 198, 37564, 282, 17233, 278, 198, 44974, 20173, 8345, 7511, 4582, 198, 3163, 3653, 666, 10422, 198, 8021, 88, 380, 1435, 198, 23798, 666, 10422, 198, 32163, 29003, 10422, 198, 40640, 8345, 32187, 1435, 198, 13900, 270, 873, 198, 17483, 74, 291, 10422, 198, 3646, 5592, 1475, 4105, 198, 3163, 3653, 666, 10422, 7778, 22696, 544, 198, 16060, 1875, 35262, 1875, 11336, 575, 38039, 740, 198, 30730, 575, 38039, 740, 198, 27743, 25, 5014, 19, 37105, 4789, 198, 30730, 575, 38039, 740, 357, 2725, 13, 35, 13, 2321, 11, 20173, 8345, 10422, 11, 23173, 2059, 8, 318, 257, 18026, 286, 662, 12, 23922, 5533, 14515, 13, 2399, 670, 7529, 7525, 351, 2316, 1022, 7045, 290, 1729, 12, 36452, 287, 511, 6754, 290, 2742, 7612, 11, 290, 14582, 284, 262, 2050, 286, 550, 342, 11, 745, 10671, 605, 9285, 11, 290 ]
[ 1514, 13, 578, 3135, 1614, 430, 279, 28530, 64304, 374, 1455, 4461, 279, 3229, 315, 18063, 58333, 11, 449, 264, 44743, 315, 220, 2421, 14697, 87687, 449, 2500, 7061, 574, 1101, 21989, 704, 627, 45600, 11, 42482, 706, 16957, 264, 16033, 12845, 323, 264, 8743, 16081, 13, 4452, 11, 912, 6693, 1501, 27351, 527, 13205, 369, 279, 3118, 13, 21335, 6984, 7357, 25968, 13146, 627, 791, 69224, 315, 452, 2818, 34, 198, 15559, 8410, 30192, 198, 24225, 11586, 6055, 198, 4808, 12, 60751, 48778, 198, 14396, 48778, 198, 27725, 278, 99394, 198, 35075, 1385, 41576, 19482, 11378, 198, 15559, 18143, 198, 92348, 18589, 1050, 318, 52173, 198, 43824, 278, 36443, 287, 198, 89167, 1188, 31494, 18516, 16803, 8200, 198, 7098, 5794, 1122, 19241, 198, 5733, 88, 462, 2508, 198, 62819, 1122, 19241, 198, 2356, 85, 39457, 19241, 198, 53062, 18516, 66102, 2508, 198, 50, 19233, 1233, 198, 38062, 74, 292, 19241, 198, 29337, 1398, 4214, 198, 7098, 5794, 1122, 19241, 4349, 385, 84722, 198, 7778, 871, 42904, 871, 25459, 816, 76370, 1458, 198, 59447, 816, 76370, 1458, 198, 24861, 25, 220, 20077, 81237, 11166, 198, 59447, 816, 76370, 1458, 320, 3438, 920, 13, 220, 679, 17, 11, 31494, 18516, 19241, 11, 50421, 3907, 8, 374, 264, 44068, 315, 864, 17515, 944, 15558, 34775, 13, 5414, 990, 12789, 15871, 449, 4398, 1990, 20071, 323, 2536, 62505, 82, 304, 872, 13970, 323, 5897, 13878, 11, 323, 2289, 311, 279, 4007, 315, 1047, 411, 11, 26078, 76, 950, 17649, 11, 323 ]
[ 23541, 6725, 11, 4315, 1023, 13650, 13, 816, 76370, 1458, 706, 5762, 1772, 30659, 5009, 278, 12637, 18143, 520, 279, 58463, 423, 13, 78209, 5955, 369, 58561, 292, 19241, 315, 279, 3907, 315, 20355, 320, 679, 17, 8, 323, 279, 1561, 4356, 3907, 31229, 73879, 10181, 11, 1405, 568, 574, 264, 87345, 8483, 37946, 304, 220, 679, 21, 12, 1114, 13, 8876, 220, 679, 18, 568, 706, 10434, 439, 22103, 17054, 315, 11346, 520, 14539, 12140, 3907, 11, 1405, 568, 4036, 264, 12374, 25480, 19560, 12, 98745, 5383, 10292, 320, 679, 19, 8, 323, 279, 9974, 43881, 358, 13, 24789, 5230, 4618, 17768, 369, 58240, 304, 9636, 28770, 45377, 304, 279, 87345, 320, 679, 23, 570, 5414, 9200, 14002, 323, 14807, 315, 264, 270, 404, 46487, 34457, 35217, 26078, 21914, 555, 264, 45286, 3935, 839, 33589, 34846, 18071, 11, 20458, 578, 36751, 315, 20423, 684, 11, 574, 4756, 304, 220, 679, 21, 449, 279, 11896, 315, 35217, 47470, 4101, 315, 1561, 4356, 3907, 8612, 11, 323, 813, 9908, 617, 9922, 304, 42780, 1778, 439, 15558, 7658, 323, 13581, 11, 279, 10139, 315, 279, 3778, 72051, 13581, 11, 323, 13031, 15256, 13, 5414, 45764, 1647, 3257, 2345, 45443, 315, 279, 5867, 404, 11, 61581, 315, 4359, 2345, 40541, 402, 988, 1685, 41419, 2624, 16753, 14932, 2536, 62505, 7510, 304, 864, 17515, 944, 15558, 5415, 13, 816, 76370, 1458, 15662, 813, 362, 1823, 13, 320, 13730, 11, 220, 1049, 19, 8, 439, 1664, 439, 813, 2405, 920, 13, 520, 50421, 11, 323, 706, 20041, 323, 31796, 13882, 304, 279, 12877, 6460, 323, 4892, 10384, 11 ]
"yes", but ranking at as their 11th most important issue, does not indicate anything like the same level of political support as having 20% of the population answering "no" and ranking it as their most important, or in many cases, their only issue. Similarly, when people tell pollsters they support stricter gun laws, what do they mean? Do they mean increased restrictions on law-abiding gun owners, or harsher penalties on criminal use of guns? The polls that ask these questions indicate that most of those who say they support stricter gun laws support the latter, not the former. Which means they agree with the NRA, not with the Brady Bunch. Why have previous attempts at mandating background checks failed? Because they seemed designed more to shut down the shows, than to actually deal with the purported problem. If you're going to accomplish anything, you're going to have to learn from past mistakes. There are polls that show very specifically which gun laws the majority of responders would support. I will deal with that when I have time to respond. To respond to the above comment about polls- here is one link showing varying results that don't support the statements above- http://www.pollingreport.com/guns.htm.. This
"yes", but ranking at as their 11th most important issue, does not indicate anything like the same level of political support as having 20% of the population answering "no" and ranking it as their most important, or in many cases, their only issue. Similarly, when people tell pollsters they support stricter gun laws, what do they mean? Do they mean increased restrictions on law-abiding gun owners, or harsher penalties on criminal use of guns? The polls that ask these questions indicate that most of those who say they support stricter gun laws support the latter, not the former. Which means they agree with the NRA, not with the Brady Bunch. Why have previous attempts at mandating background checks failed? Because they seemed designed more to shut down the shows, than to actually deal with the purported problem. If you're going to accomplish anything, you're going to have to learn from past mistakes. There are polls that show very specifically which gun laws the majority of responders would support. I will deal with that when I have time to respond. To respond to the above comment about polls- here is one link showing varying results that don't support the statements above- http://www.pollingreport.com/guns.htm.. This
is a compilation of various polls. You can see that support for "gun control" has erroded recently and, in my opinion, it is because nothing has been done to change anything and the gun lobby has won some skirmishes. When asked specific questions, however, such as in the Frank Luntz polling, most people agree with the measures I am in favor of: http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/downloads/pdf/luntz_poll_questionnaire_and_responses.pdf I understand that the NRA and the gun rights folks hate this poll for some reason. But the questions were asked of NRA members, non NRA members, gun owners and non gun owners. It is a representative sampling as a poll should be. 69% of NRA members favor background checks on sales of guns at gun shows and 85% of non NRA members supported this. The numbers of those who do not support this is quite small. And this from a Washington Post article: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/thefix/parsing-the-polls/parsing-the-polls-gun-control.html A quote from the article: " Given the fairly entrenched views about gun control
[ 366, 8505, 1600, 475, 12759, 379, 355, 511, 1367, 400, 749, 1593, 2071, 11, 857, 407, 7603, 1997, 588, 262, 976, 1241, 286, 1964, 1104, 355, 1719, 1160, 4, 286, 262, 3265, 18877, 366, 3919, 1, 290, 12759, 340, 355, 511, 749, 1593, 11, 393, 287, 867, 2663, 11, 511, 691, 2071, 13, 198, 28039, 11, 618, 661, 1560, 3278, 5937, 484, 1104, 36602, 2485, 3657, 11, 644, 466, 484, 1612, 30, 2141, 484, 1612, 3220, 8733, 319, 1099, 12, 43056, 2485, 4393, 11, 393, 50243, 12970, 319, 4301, 779, 286, 6541, 30, 383, 9231, 326, 1265, 777, 2683, 7603, 326, 749, 286, 883, 508, 910, 484, 1104, 36602, 2485, 3657, 1104, 262, 6846, 11, 407, 262, 1966, 13, 9022, 1724, 484, 4236, 351, 262, 23962, 11, 407, 351, 262, 15260, 347, 3316, 13, 198, 5195, 423, 2180, 6370, 379, 6855, 803, 4469, 8794, 4054, 30, 4362, 484, 3947, 3562, 517, 284, 4423, 866, 262, 2523, 11, 621, 284, 1682, 1730, 351, 262, 23236, 1917, 13, 198, 1532, 345, 821, 1016, 284, 9989, 1997, 11, 345, 821, 1016, 284, 423, 284, 2193, 422, 1613, 10135, 13, 198, 1858, 389, 9231, 326, 905, 845, 5734, 543, 2485, 3657, 262, 3741, 286, 33339, 561, 1104, 13, 314, 481, 1730, 351, 326, 618, 314, 423, 640, 284, 3031, 13, 198, 2514, 3031, 284, 262, 2029, 2912, 546, 9231, 12, 994, 318, 530, 2792, 4478, 15874, 2482, 326, 836, 470, 1104, 262, 6299, 2029, 12, 2638, 1378, 2503, 13, 30393, 278, 13116, 13, 785, 14, 44265, 13, 19211, 492, 770 ]
[ 330, 9891, 498, 719, 23862, 520, 439, 872, 220, 806, 339, 1455, 3062, 4360, 11, 1587, 539, 13519, 4205, 1093, 279, 1890, 2237, 315, 5054, 1862, 439, 3515, 220, 508, 4, 315, 279, 7187, 36864, 330, 2201, 1, 323, 23862, 433, 439, 872, 1455, 3062, 11, 477, 304, 1690, 5157, 11, 872, 1193, 4360, 627, 68791, 11, 994, 1274, 3371, 7230, 12855, 814, 1862, 84818, 6166, 7016, 11, 1148, 656, 814, 3152, 30, 3234, 814, 3152, 7319, 17294, 389, 2383, 39130, 6714, 6166, 7980, 11, 477, 25984, 261, 31086, 389, 9337, 1005, 315, 16766, 30, 578, 23925, 430, 2610, 1521, 4860, 13519, 430, 1455, 315, 1884, 889, 2019, 814, 1862, 84818, 6166, 7016, 1862, 279, 15629, 11, 539, 279, 4846, 13, 16299, 3445, 814, 7655, 449, 279, 53509, 11, 539, 449, 279, 36470, 426, 3265, 627, 10445, 617, 3766, 13865, 520, 11837, 1113, 4092, 12621, 4745, 30, 9393, 814, 9508, 6319, 810, 311, 9495, 1523, 279, 5039, 11, 1109, 311, 3604, 3568, 449, 279, 59860, 3575, 627, 2746, 499, 2351, 2133, 311, 22829, 4205, 11, 499, 2351, 2133, 311, 617, 311, 4048, 505, 3347, 21294, 627, 3947, 527, 23925, 430, 1501, 1633, 11951, 902, 6166, 7016, 279, 8857, 315, 70639, 1053, 1862, 13, 358, 690, 3568, 449, 430, 994, 358, 617, 892, 311, 6013, 627, 1271, 6013, 311, 279, 3485, 4068, 922, 23925, 12, 1618, 374, 832, 2723, 9204, 29865, 3135, 430, 1541, 956, 1862, 279, 12518, 3485, 12, 1795, 1129, 2185, 42577, 287, 11998, 916, 4951, 11099, 24165, 497, 1115 ]
[ 374, 264, 29772, 315, 5370, 23925, 13, 1472, 649, 1518, 430, 1862, 369, 330, 13562, 2585, 1, 706, 37410, 9988, 6051, 323, 11, 304, 856, 9647, 11, 433, 374, 1606, 4400, 706, 1027, 2884, 311, 2349, 4205, 323, 279, 6166, 19865, 706, 2834, 1063, 96380, 21168, 13, 3277, 4691, 3230, 4860, 11, 4869, 11, 1778, 439, 304, 279, 9454, 445, 3935, 89, 31744, 11, 1455, 1274, 7655, 449, 279, 11193, 358, 1097, 304, 4799, 315, 25, 1795, 1129, 2185, 749, 352, 1105, 69849, 77098, 52921, 2726, 90285, 48851, 13631, 3935, 89, 41102, 30015, 29583, 8543, 82392, 16378, 358, 3619, 430, 279, 53509, 323, 279, 6166, 3268, 15687, 12491, 420, 7230, 369, 1063, 2944, 13, 2030, 279, 4860, 1051, 4691, 315, 53509, 3697, 11, 2536, 53509, 3697, 11, 6166, 7980, 323, 2536, 6166, 7980, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 18740, 25936, 439, 264, 7230, 1288, 387, 13, 220, 3076, 4, 315, 53509, 3697, 4799, 4092, 12621, 389, 6763, 315, 16766, 520, 6166, 5039, 323, 220, 5313, 4, 315, 2536, 53509, 3697, 7396, 420, 13, 578, 5219, 315, 1884, 889, 656, 539, 1862, 420, 374, 5115, 2678, 627, 3112, 420, 505, 264, 6652, 3962, 4652, 25, 1795, 1129, 41783, 1444, 32799, 2252, 916, 21071, 830, 953, 4420, 29698, 10826, 2320, 68978, 4420, 29698, 10826, 2320, 68978, 76335, 4565, 2628, 362, 12929, 505, 279, 4652, 25, 330, 16644, 279, 14470, 82144, 6325, 922, 6166, 2585 ]
hate, there is no need to add to it. So you don’t like the movie. Then don’t watch it. But there is no need to spew your hatefulness, to add to the toxicity that already exists or to bash the people who do like this quirky, silly movie about love. Unless you are a professional movie critic, please keep your negative, bitter, smug comments to yourself. No one needs to (or even wants to) hear your rantings. I agree that the movie is a certifiable overstuffed holiday buffet – but for me, that means there is something for everyone. The movie includes just about every kind of love: romantic, sexual, platonic, tarnished, dreary, reciprocated, intoxicating, neglected, unrequited, habitual, anomalous, parental, familial, friendly, true. If you can’t find something to love from that list, then I question your ability to love at all. So I just don’t get how a movie about love could be so polarizing. I’ve got the idea of home on the brain again. It’s probably not surprising, given the time of year. Well-meaning friends and neighbors casually ask
hate, there is no need to add to it. So you don’t like the movie. Then don’t watch it. But there is no need to spew your hatefulness, to add to the toxicity that already exists or to bash the people who do like this quirky, silly movie about love. Unless you are a professional movie critic, please keep your negative, bitter, smug comments to yourself. No one needs to (or even wants to) hear your rantings. I agree that the movie is a certifiable overstuffed holiday buffet – but for me, that means there is something for everyone. The movie includes just about every kind of love: romantic, sexual, platonic, tarnished, dreary, reciprocated, intoxicating, neglected, unrequited, habitual, anomalous, parental, familial, friendly, true. If you can’t find something to love from that list, then I question your ability to love at all. So I just don’t get how a movie about love could be so polarizing. I’ve got the idea of home on the brain again. It’s probably not surprising, given the time of year. Well-meaning friends and neighbors casually ask
“are you going home for the holidays?” to which I can only reply “no, we are staying right here.” But it is actually fitting because, for all intents and purposes, this is home now. It’s the place I’ve lived the longest. It’s the only home my boys have ever known. Yet this idea of “home” seems to elude me, and gnaw at me, a kind of still unresolved story line. My wife and I often play the “where should we move to” game? I actually get unnerved when we do this because we just seem to talk in circles, feeling more unsettled each time we take up the discussion. “If you don’t like where you are, just picture where you want to be” extols August “Auggie” Pullman in the movie version of Wonder. It sounds easy enough, but this particular vision seems impossible to see. Earlier this year we flirted with packing it all up and moving somewhere else, a kind of “anywhere but here” mission. But in the end, the stars just didn’t align. Job offers never material
[ 5465, 11, 612, 318, 645, 761, 284, 751, 284, 340, 13, 1406, 345, 836, 447, 247, 83, 588, 262, 3807, 13, 3244, 836, 447, 247, 83, 2342, 340, 13, 887, 612, 318, 645, 761, 284, 38645, 534, 5465, 15538, 11, 284, 751, 284, 262, 28152, 326, 1541, 7160, 393, 284, 27334, 262, 661, 508, 466, 588, 428, 37276, 11, 14397, 3807, 546, 1842, 13, 17486, 345, 389, 257, 4708, 3807, 4014, 11, 3387, 1394, 534, 4633, 11, 12922, 11, 27590, 3651, 284, 3511, 13, 1400, 530, 2476, 284, 357, 273, 772, 3382, 284, 8, 3285, 534, 30993, 654, 13, 198, 40, 4236, 326, 262, 3807, 318, 257, 5051, 16823, 625, 301, 18339, 9912, 44703, 784, 475, 329, 502, 11, 326, 1724, 612, 318, 1223, 329, 2506, 13, 383, 3807, 3407, 655, 546, 790, 1611, 286, 1842, 25, 14348, 11, 3206, 11, 40315, 9229, 11, 40851, 1348, 11, 288, 260, 560, 11, 36564, 515, 11, 21275, 12364, 11, 24007, 11, 555, 8897, 863, 11, 46020, 11, 26921, 516, 11, 21694, 11, 48376, 11, 8030, 11, 2081, 13, 1002, 345, 460, 447, 247, 83, 1064, 1223, 284, 1842, 422, 326, 1351, 11, 788, 314, 1808, 534, 2694, 284, 1842, 379, 477, 13, 1406, 314, 655, 836, 447, 247, 83, 651, 703, 257, 3807, 546, 1842, 714, 307, 523, 13559, 2890, 13, 198, 40, 447, 247, 303, 1392, 262, 2126, 286, 1363, 319, 262, 3632, 757, 13, 632, 447, 247, 82, 2192, 407, 6452, 11, 1813, 262, 640, 286, 614, 13, 3894, 12, 24815, 2460, 290, 12020, 27793, 1265 ]
[ 12491, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 1205, 311, 923, 311, 433, 13, 2100, 499, 1541, 1431, 1093, 279, 5818, 13, 5112, 1541, 1431, 3821, 433, 13, 2030, 1070, 374, 912, 1205, 311, 993, 365, 701, 12491, 31514, 11, 311, 923, 311, 279, 58011, 430, 2736, 6866, 477, 311, 28121, 279, 1274, 889, 656, 1093, 420, 68232, 11, 30571, 5818, 922, 3021, 13, 11115, 499, 527, 264, 6721, 5818, 9940, 11, 4587, 2567, 701, 8389, 11, 26242, 11, 1554, 773, 6170, 311, 6261, 13, 2360, 832, 3966, 311, 320, 269, 1524, 6944, 311, 8, 6865, 701, 57943, 826, 627, 40, 7655, 430, 279, 5818, 374, 264, 2847, 23444, 83509, 41673, 13560, 61886, 1389, 719, 369, 757, 11, 430, 3445, 1070, 374, 2555, 369, 5127, 13, 578, 5818, 5764, 1120, 922, 1475, 3169, 315, 3021, 25, 24364, 11, 7392, 11, 46089, 14338, 11, 87580, 3384, 11, 33201, 661, 11, 25455, 28787, 660, 11, 72815, 1113, 11, 51533, 11, 653, 11265, 1639, 11, 84820, 11, 37782, 30543, 11, 46679, 11, 98304, 11, 11919, 11, 837, 13, 1442, 499, 649, 1431, 1505, 2555, 311, 3021, 505, 430, 1160, 11, 1243, 358, 3488, 701, 5845, 311, 3021, 520, 682, 13, 2100, 358, 1120, 1541, 1431, 636, 1268, 264, 5818, 922, 3021, 1436, 387, 779, 25685, 4954, 627, 40, 4070, 2751, 279, 4623, 315, 2162, 389, 279, 8271, 1578, 13, 1102, 753, 4762, 539, 15206, 11, 2728, 279, 892, 315, 1060, 13, 8489, 84096, 287, 4885, 323, 19228, 65714, 2610 ]
[ 1054, 548, 499, 2133, 2162, 369, 279, 25425, 12671, 311, 902, 358, 649, 1193, 10052, 1054, 2201, 11, 584, 527, 19994, 1314, 1618, 2029, 2030, 433, 374, 3604, 27442, 1606, 11, 369, 682, 94615, 323, 10096, 11, 420, 374, 2162, 1457, 13, 1102, 753, 279, 2035, 358, 4070, 12439, 279, 22807, 13, 1102, 753, 279, 1193, 2162, 856, 13305, 617, 3596, 3967, 13, 14968, 420, 4623, 315, 1054, 5227, 863, 5084, 311, 658, 799, 757, 11, 323, 39719, 675, 520, 757, 11, 264, 3169, 315, 2103, 81261, 3446, 1584, 627, 5159, 7555, 323, 358, 3629, 1514, 279, 1054, 2940, 1288, 584, 3351, 311, 863, 1847, 30, 358, 3604, 636, 17380, 2841, 994, 584, 656, 420, 1606, 584, 1120, 2873, 311, 3137, 304, 26432, 11, 8430, 810, 68770, 839, 1855, 892, 584, 1935, 709, 279, 10430, 13, 1054, 2746, 499, 1541, 1431, 1093, 1405, 499, 527, 11, 1120, 6945, 1405, 499, 1390, 311, 387, 863, 1327, 3145, 6287, 1054, 32, 2661, 648, 863, 32928, 1543, 304, 279, 5818, 2373, 315, 27205, 13, 1102, 10578, 4228, 3403, 11, 719, 420, 4040, 11376, 5084, 12266, 311, 1518, 13, 47993, 420, 1060, 584, 53730, 291, 449, 36813, 433, 682, 709, 323, 7366, 15038, 775, 11, 264, 3169, 315, 1054, 3852, 2940, 719, 1618, 863, 9131, 13, 2030, 304, 279, 842, 11, 279, 9958, 1120, 3287, 1431, 5398, 13, 12280, 6209, 2646, 3769 ]
★ Robert De Niro, Anne Hathaway. Dissatisfied with retirement, a 70-year-old widower becomes an intern at an online fashion site and develops a special bond with his young boss. (PG-13) 2 hrs. 1 mins. TNT Sun. 1 p.m. Into the Wild (2007) ★★★ Emile Hirsch, Marcia Gay Harden. Following his graduation from college, Christopher McCandless gives up his savings and possessions and makes an ill-fated trek to the Alaskan wilderness. (R) 2 hrs. 27 mins. TMC Sun. 1:35 p.m. TMC Wed. 2 p.m. TMC Sat. 12:40 p.m. Invincible (2006) ★★ Mark Wahlberg, Greg Kinnear. At 30 years old, bartender Vince Papale sees his wildest dreams come true when he becomes a member of the Philadelphia Eagles football team. (PG) 1 hr. 44 mins. Showtime Thur. 3 a.m. It’s Christmas, Eve (2018) LeAnn Rimes, Tyler Hynes. A school superintendent with a knack for turning around schools meets a single father who works as the head of the school
★ Robert De Niro, Anne Hathaway. Dissatisfied with retirement, a 70-year-old widower becomes an intern at an online fashion site and develops a special bond with his young boss. (PG-13) 2 hrs. 1 mins. TNT Sun. 1 p.m. Into the Wild (2007) ★★★ Emile Hirsch, Marcia Gay Harden. Following his graduation from college, Christopher McCandless gives up his savings and possessions and makes an ill-fated trek to the Alaskan wilderness. (R) 2 hrs. 27 mins. TMC Sun. 1:35 p.m. TMC Wed. 2 p.m. TMC Sat. 12:40 p.m. Invincible (2006) ★★ Mark Wahlberg, Greg Kinnear. At 30 years old, bartender Vince Papale sees his wildest dreams come true when he becomes a member of the Philadelphia Eagles football team. (PG) 1 hr. 44 mins. Showtime Thur. 3 a.m. It’s Christmas, Eve (2018) LeAnn Rimes, Tyler Hynes. A school superintendent with a knack for turning around schools meets a single father who works as the head of the school
’s bankrupt music department. As she rediscovers her passion for music, she works to save the dreams of the kids who love music. (NR) 2 hrs. Hallmark Sun. 8 a.m. Hallmark Fri. Noon Jail Busters (1955) ★★ Bowery Boys, Percy Helton. Slip and Sach go to prison to help a reporter with a story. (NR) 1 hr. 1 mins. TCM Sat. 7:07 a.m. Jarhead (2005) ★★★ Jake Gyllenhaal, Peter Sarsgaard. A Marine and his comrades form brotherly bonds while patrolling the Iraqi desert during the Gulf War. (R) 2 hrs. 3 mins. Showtime Fri. 10 p.m. Jason Bourne (2016) ★★ Matt Damon, Tommy Lee Jones. Living off the grid for 10 years, former CIA operative Jason Bourne finds himself back in action battling a sinister network that utilizes terror and technology to maintain unchecked power. (PG-13) 2 hrs. 3 mins. FXX Wed. 2:30 p.m. FXX Thur. 9:30 a.m. Jeepers Creepers (2001) ★★ Gina Philips,
[ 15583, 5199, 1024, 399, 7058, 11, 15397, 36556, 8272, 13, 35305, 17403, 798, 351, 10737, 11, 257, 4317, 12, 1941, 12, 727, 9214, 789, 4329, 281, 1788, 379, 281, 2691, 6977, 2524, 290, 21126, 257, 2041, 6314, 351, 465, 1862, 6478, 13, 357, 6968, 12, 1485, 8, 362, 36201, 13, 352, 23550, 13, 42490, 3825, 13, 352, 279, 13, 76, 13, 198, 5317, 78, 262, 6183, 357, 12726, 8, 23883, 28353, 2295, 576, 367, 47108, 11, 13067, 544, 16013, 35017, 13, 14207, 465, 21571, 422, 4152, 11, 12803, 5108, 392, 1203, 3607, 510, 465, 10653, 290, 23309, 290, 1838, 281, 2801, 12, 69, 515, 30784, 284, 262, 978, 2093, 272, 22775, 13, 357, 49, 8, 362, 36201, 13, 2681, 23550, 13, 309, 9655, 3825, 13, 352, 25, 2327, 279, 13, 76, 13, 309, 9655, 3300, 13, 362, 279, 13, 76, 13, 309, 9655, 7031, 13, 1105, 25, 1821, 279, 13, 76, 13, 198, 19904, 33494, 357, 13330, 8, 23883, 15583, 2940, 370, 15668, 3900, 11, 8547, 33304, 451, 13, 1629, 1542, 812, 1468, 11, 41118, 22376, 14185, 1000, 7224, 465, 4295, 395, 10625, 1282, 2081, 618, 339, 4329, 257, 2888, 286, 262, 8857, 13785, 4346, 1074, 13, 357, 6968, 8, 352, 39436, 13, 5846, 23550, 13, 47908, 36975, 13, 513, 257, 13, 76, 13, 198, 1026, 447, 247, 82, 6786, 11, 12882, 357, 7908, 8, 1004, 18858, 371, 999, 11, 14886, 367, 25337, 13, 317, 1524, 32958, 351, 257, 47868, 329, 6225, 1088, 4266, 11185, 257, 2060, 2988, 508, 2499, 355, 262, 1182, 286, 262, 1524 ]
[ 27347, 8563, 1611, 452, 8869, 11, 29026, 91668, 14075, 13, 52132, 47365, 449, 21624, 11, 264, 220, 2031, 4771, 6418, 9923, 1223, 9221, 459, 2655, 520, 459, 2930, 11401, 2816, 323, 39671, 264, 3361, 11049, 449, 813, 3995, 13697, 13, 320, 11637, 12, 1032, 8, 220, 17, 41140, 13, 220, 16, 25876, 13, 89231, 8219, 13, 220, 16, 281, 749, 627, 27689, 279, 13944, 320, 1049, 22, 8, 38334, 49617, 5867, 458, 473, 82965, 11, 19412, 689, 21334, 90893, 13, 23548, 813, 39554, 505, 7926, 11, 26035, 14583, 438, 1752, 6835, 709, 813, 19523, 323, 53635, 323, 3727, 459, 5986, 2269, 660, 45688, 311, 279, 1708, 79451, 49362, 13, 320, 49, 8, 220, 17, 41140, 13, 220, 1544, 25876, 13, 350, 11865, 8219, 13, 220, 16, 25, 1758, 281, 749, 13, 350, 11865, 6658, 13, 220, 17, 281, 749, 13, 350, 11865, 13479, 13, 220, 717, 25, 1272, 281, 749, 627, 15527, 77972, 320, 1049, 21, 8, 38334, 27347, 4488, 75957, 7881, 11, 16431, 735, 6258, 686, 13, 2468, 220, 966, 1667, 2362, 11, 91505, 56232, 32743, 1604, 16008, 813, 31331, 5086, 19226, 2586, 837, 994, 568, 9221, 264, 4562, 315, 279, 19895, 32709, 9141, 2128, 13, 320, 11637, 8, 220, 16, 18514, 13, 220, 2096, 25876, 13, 7073, 1712, 76155, 13, 220, 18, 264, 749, 627, 2181, 753, 10280, 11, 32460, 320, 679, 23, 8, 2009, 28192, 432, 1769, 11, 32320, 473, 84267, 13, 362, 2978, 74133, 449, 264, 94350, 369, 13353, 2212, 8853, 20628, 264, 3254, 7126, 889, 4375, 439, 279, 2010, 315, 279, 2978 ]
[ 753, 29320, 4731, 9476, 13, 1666, 1364, 2579, 3510, 9146, 1077, 11939, 369, 4731, 11, 1364, 4375, 311, 3665, 279, 19226, 315, 279, 6980, 889, 3021, 4731, 13, 320, 27416, 8, 220, 17, 41140, 13, 11166, 4075, 8219, 13, 220, 23, 264, 749, 13, 11166, 4075, 31502, 13, 83956, 198, 41, 607, 426, 14947, 320, 6280, 20, 8, 38334, 27347, 18943, 727, 30857, 11, 75786, 16183, 783, 13, 59632, 323, 38437, 733, 311, 9527, 311, 1520, 264, 19496, 449, 264, 3446, 13, 320, 27416, 8, 220, 16, 18514, 13, 220, 16, 25876, 13, 350, 10190, 13479, 13, 220, 22, 25, 2589, 264, 749, 627, 72835, 2025, 320, 1049, 20, 8, 38334, 49617, 33172, 480, 25734, 63126, 278, 11, 11291, 328, 1590, 95589, 13, 362, 23820, 323, 813, 67128, 1376, 10868, 398, 27460, 1418, 3352, 16608, 279, 31334, 24521, 2391, 279, 27945, 5111, 13, 320, 49, 8, 220, 17, 41140, 13, 220, 18, 25876, 13, 7073, 1712, 31502, 13, 220, 605, 281, 749, 627, 54013, 39475, 818, 320, 679, 21, 8, 38334, 27347, 13678, 73349, 11, 40139, 12336, 12201, 13, 19048, 1022, 279, 5950, 369, 220, 605, 1667, 11, 4846, 22193, 64885, 18984, 39475, 818, 14035, 5678, 1203, 304, 1957, 47336, 264, 63667, 4009, 430, 60880, 8818, 323, 5557, 311, 10519, 54291, 2410, 13, 320, 11637, 12, 1032, 8, 220, 17, 41140, 13, 220, 18, 25876, 13, 435, 6277, 6658, 13, 220, 17, 25, 966, 281, 749, 13, 435, 6277, 76155, 13, 220, 24, 25, 966, 264, 749, 627, 30854, 752, 388, 7948, 752, 388, 320, 1049, 16, 8, 38334, 27347, 77312, 74603, 11 ]
of extraordinary dexterity and physicality and a lovely man. He was a stalwart of the Liverpool Empires Panto season and as a result, was invited by The Beatles, who had seen him as children, to join them on the ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ bus. I recently saw ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ on TV and realised that, apart from Nat Jackley, I had met two other members of the cast too. Derek Royle who was an actor that I remember from my childhood but I remember him as an adult as the dead body that John Cleese had to hide and keep moving about in Fawlty Towers. I was at Drama School with his daughter Carol and I remember being introduced to him after a show. The other cast member I had a brief encounter with, was Vivian Stanshall of the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band. Even before I worked in Theatre, celebrity was something I’d already started to get used to. We lived in Epsom and one of the boys I went to school with was Andy Secombe, son of Harry [Later,we both went to Central School of Speech and Drama at the same time]. He sometimes came to pick up Andy from school and would join in whatever
of extraordinary dexterity and physicality and a lovely man. He was a stalwart of the Liverpool Empires Panto season and as a result, was invited by The Beatles, who had seen him as children, to join them on the ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ bus. I recently saw ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ on TV and realised that, apart from Nat Jackley, I had met two other members of the cast too. Derek Royle who was an actor that I remember from my childhood but I remember him as an adult as the dead body that John Cleese had to hide and keep moving about in Fawlty Towers. I was at Drama School with his daughter Carol and I remember being introduced to him after a show. The other cast member I had a brief encounter with, was Vivian Stanshall of the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band. Even before I worked in Theatre, celebrity was something I’d already started to get used to. We lived in Epsom and one of the boys I went to school with was Andy Secombe, son of Harry [Later,we both went to Central School of Speech and Drama at the same time]. He sometimes came to pick up Andy from school and would join in whatever
was going on in the playground, much to everyone’s delight. I also have a memory of going to his house in Cheam, to see his sister who was a producer about some work and being warned that ‘Uncle Spike’ was visiting and that we should avoid contact because he was having a bad day. I glimpsed him through a doorway but never actually met him. Uncle Spike was of course Spike Milligan. Some years later I was in a production of ‘Ubu Roi’ that had been adapted by him with Charlie Drake, another iconic comedian of the 60’s, in the lead but it was a disaster and bombed at the box office. Another actor/comedian in that production was Roy Barraclough who became famous as Les Dawson’s sidekick and later as Alec Gilroy in ‘Coronation Street’. Understandably Spike Milligan disowned the production and never came to see it, choosing to remain in Australia. Many years later I was making a film with a friend of mine and had to step into the breach when the actor Danny Mitchell backed out. He was the son of Warren Mitchell, who was most famous as Alf Garnet in ‘Till Death Us Do
[ 286, 11359, 50003, 290, 3518, 414, 290, 257, 14081, 582, 13, 679, 373, 257, 29049, 24657, 286, 262, 11761, 35102, 11427, 78, 1622, 290, 355, 257, 1255, 11, 373, 9392, 416, 383, 27330, 11, 508, 550, 1775, 683, 355, 1751, 11, 284, 4654, 606, 319, 262, 564, 246, 13436, 605, 18208, 9852, 447, 247, 1323, 13, 314, 2904, 2497, 564, 246, 13436, 605, 18208, 9852, 447, 247, 319, 3195, 290, 19169, 326, 11, 5475, 422, 14393, 3619, 1636, 11, 314, 550, 1138, 734, 584, 1866, 286, 262, 3350, 1165, 13, 20893, 9817, 293, 508, 373, 281, 8674, 326, 314, 3505, 422, 616, 9963, 475, 314, 3505, 683, 355, 281, 4044, 355, 262, 2636, 1767, 326, 1757, 3779, 2771, 550, 284, 7808, 290, 1394, 3867, 546, 287, 46081, 75, 774, 29031, 13, 314, 373, 379, 30647, 3961, 351, 465, 4957, 5074, 290, 314, 3505, 852, 5495, 284, 683, 706, 257, 905, 13, 383, 584, 3350, 2888, 314, 550, 257, 4506, 8791, 351, 11, 373, 25313, 666, 520, 504, 18323, 286, 262, 7979, 10872, 8532, 2141, 78, 44864, 10243, 13, 198, 6104, 878, 314, 3111, 287, 15752, 11, 16527, 373, 1223, 314, 447, 247, 67, 1541, 2067, 284, 651, 973, 284, 13, 775, 5615, 287, 43427, 296, 290, 530, 286, 262, 6510, 314, 1816, 284, 1524, 351, 373, 12382, 1882, 296, 1350, 11, 3367, 286, 5850, 685, 18602, 11, 732, 1111, 1816, 284, 5694, 3961, 286, 24709, 290, 30647, 379, 262, 976, 640, 4083, 679, 3360, 1625, 284, 2298, 510, 12382, 422, 1524, 290, 561, 4654, 287, 4232 ]
[ 315, 24674, 294, 59916, 323, 7106, 488, 323, 264, 17104, 893, 13, 1283, 574, 264, 80576, 36708, 315, 279, 25715, 13714, 3946, 393, 13873, 3280, 323, 439, 264, 1121, 11, 574, 18719, 555, 578, 55957, 11, 889, 1047, 3970, 1461, 439, 2911, 11, 311, 5249, 1124, 389, 279, 3451, 34015, 950, 49105, 14986, 529, 5951, 13, 358, 6051, 5602, 3451, 34015, 950, 49105, 14986, 529, 389, 6007, 323, 41193, 430, 11, 10980, 505, 24772, 7762, 3258, 11, 358, 1047, 2322, 1403, 1023, 3697, 315, 279, 6445, 2288, 13, 43423, 12093, 982, 889, 574, 459, 12360, 430, 358, 6227, 505, 856, 20587, 719, 358, 6227, 1461, 439, 459, 6822, 439, 279, 5710, 2547, 430, 3842, 37102, 2423, 1047, 311, 10477, 323, 2567, 7366, 922, 304, 435, 88548, 1919, 68457, 13, 358, 574, 520, 47569, 6150, 449, 813, 10003, 10463, 323, 358, 6227, 1694, 11784, 311, 1461, 1306, 264, 1501, 13, 578, 1023, 6445, 4562, 358, 1047, 264, 10015, 13123, 449, 11, 574, 42136, 1122, 800, 598, 43341, 315, 279, 13789, 13028, 14588, 423, 2689, 76391, 17366, 627, 13461, 1603, 358, 6575, 304, 27315, 11, 31544, 574, 2555, 358, 7070, 2736, 3940, 311, 636, 1511, 311, 13, 1226, 12439, 304, 469, 1725, 316, 323, 832, 315, 279, 13305, 358, 4024, 311, 2978, 449, 574, 25871, 4621, 316, 1395, 11, 4538, 315, 14253, 510, 31082, 11, 906, 2225, 4024, 311, 10913, 6150, 315, 39841, 323, 47569, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 948, 1283, 7170, 3782, 311, 3820, 709, 25871, 505, 2978, 323, 1053, 5249, 304, 8996 ]
[ 574, 2133, 389, 304, 279, 42715, 11, 1790, 311, 5127, 753, 18454, 13, 358, 1101, 617, 264, 5044, 315, 2133, 311, 813, 3838, 304, 8602, 309, 11, 311, 1518, 813, 13219, 889, 574, 264, 17276, 922, 1063, 990, 323, 1694, 19201, 430, 3451, 64818, 273, 61352, 529, 574, 17136, 323, 430, 584, 1288, 5766, 3729, 1606, 568, 574, 3515, 264, 3958, 1938, 13, 358, 94162, 291, 1461, 1555, 264, 70458, 719, 2646, 3604, 2322, 1461, 13, 51521, 61352, 574, 315, 3388, 61352, 8384, 11118, 13, 4427, 1667, 3010, 358, 574, 304, 264, 5788, 315, 3451, 52, 20218, 432, 6870, 529, 430, 1047, 1027, 30464, 555, 1461, 449, 25972, 42865, 11, 2500, 27373, 51912, 315, 279, 220, 1399, 753, 11, 304, 279, 3063, 719, 433, 574, 264, 21426, 323, 89938, 520, 279, 3830, 5274, 13, 13596, 12360, 26149, 29667, 304, 430, 5788, 574, 11284, 4821, 969, 566, 1409, 889, 6244, 11495, 439, 11876, 67312, 753, 3185, 56893, 323, 3010, 439, 86116, 21456, 3433, 304, 3451, 10803, 91983, 6825, 24535, 71994, 2915, 61352, 8384, 11118, 834, 18838, 279, 5788, 323, 2646, 3782, 311, 1518, 433, 11, 19301, 311, 7293, 304, 8494, 13, 9176, 1667, 3010, 358, 574, 3339, 264, 4632, 449, 264, 4333, 315, 10705, 323, 1047, 311, 3094, 1139, 279, 31471, 994, 279, 12360, 33699, 31038, 22126, 704, 13, 1283, 574, 279, 4538, 315, 26713, 31038, 11, 889, 574, 1455, 11495, 439, 66868, 65132, 295, 304, 3451, 51, 484, 16290, 4073, 3234 ]
. The following excerpts from the Law360 article tell the story. A D.C. federal judge refused to forestall the U.S. Department of State’s policy of counting foreign investors’ family members toward the EB-5 visa cap, dealing an early blow to a lawsuit levied by a group of Chinese investors who claim that the policy creates a lengthy visa backlog and conflicts with Congress’ intent. U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan on Thursday denied the provisional class’ motion for a preliminary injunction against the government’s counting policy for the EB-5 visa program, which provides a path to permanent residency for foreign citizens who invest in U.S. enterprises, reasoning that language in the Immigration and Nationality Act does in fact support that policy. …Ira J. Kurzban of Kurzban Kurzban Weinger Tetzeli & Pratt PA, who is representing the Chinese investors and the regional center, told Law360 that the plaintiffs will continue to pursue their claims in the district court, and “if necessary,” in the appeals courts. “We recognize the issues in this case are difficult and the judge resolved them against our clients on a preliminary basis. We
. The following excerpts from the Law360 article tell the story. A D.C. federal judge refused to forestall the U.S. Department of State’s policy of counting foreign investors’ family members toward the EB-5 visa cap, dealing an early blow to a lawsuit levied by a group of Chinese investors who claim that the policy creates a lengthy visa backlog and conflicts with Congress’ intent. U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan on Thursday denied the provisional class’ motion for a preliminary injunction against the government’s counting policy for the EB-5 visa program, which provides a path to permanent residency for foreign citizens who invest in U.S. enterprises, reasoning that language in the Immigration and Nationality Act does in fact support that policy. …Ira J. Kurzban of Kurzban Kurzban Weinger Tetzeli & Pratt PA, who is representing the Chinese investors and the regional center, told Law360 that the plaintiffs will continue to pursue their claims in the district court, and “if necessary,” in the appeals courts. “We recognize the issues in this case are difficult and the judge resolved them against our clients on a preliminary basis. We
know that the court will take a fresh look at the matter when we seek summary judgment,” Kurzban told Law360 in an email. “We believe, that despite the longevity of the current method in counting visas, the process is simply wrong. [State’s] current counting policy is contrary to the law and the legislative history of the EB-5 program.” The busiest people in EB-5 now may be ambulance chasers looking to exploit the disappointment of backlogged EB-5 investors from China. Chinese investors – don’t get burned twice! If you wish now that you’d known more before putting money in a project, take the lesson to know more before putting money into litigation. Examine (1) does my counsel know EB-5 well enough to make accurate claims that could possibly win my case, and (2) what’s the best I could get out of the case, if I win? The hot button retrogression/redeployment issue has a particularly complex history and factors, so be smart. Otherwise money gets spent on claims like this “Defendants were fully aware when they solicited investments from plaintiffs in 2014 and 2015 that plaintiffs’ capital would need to be
[ 13, 383, 1708, 39146, 422, 262, 3854, 15277, 2708, 1560, 262, 1621, 13, 198, 32, 360, 13, 34, 13, 2717, 5052, 6520, 284, 8222, 439, 262, 471, 13, 50, 13, 2732, 286, 1812, 447, 247, 82, 2450, 286, 14143, 3215, 7713, 447, 247, 1641, 1866, 3812, 262, 43374, 12, 20, 14552, 1451, 11, 7219, 281, 1903, 6611, 284, 257, 8087, 43383, 416, 257, 1448, 286, 3999, 7713, 508, 1624, 326, 262, 2450, 8075, 257, 16452, 14552, 38780, 290, 12333, 351, 3162, 447, 247, 6824, 13, 198, 52, 13, 50, 13, 5665, 8974, 309, 34183, 311, 13, 609, 315, 27541, 319, 3635, 6699, 262, 37042, 1398, 447, 247, 6268, 329, 257, 15223, 27439, 1028, 262, 1230, 447, 247, 82, 14143, 2450, 329, 262, 43374, 12, 20, 14552, 1430, 11, 543, 3769, 257, 3108, 284, 7748, 27308, 329, 3215, 4290, 508, 1325, 287, 471, 13, 50, 13, 23941, 11, 14607, 326, 3303, 287, 262, 18204, 290, 2351, 414, 2191, 857, 287, 1109, 1104, 326, 2450, 13, 198, 1399, 40, 430, 449, 13, 18132, 89, 3820, 286, 18132, 89, 3820, 18132, 89, 3820, 775, 3889, 27351, 17396, 72, 1222, 34780, 8147, 11, 508, 318, 10200, 262, 3999, 7713, 290, 262, 7915, 3641, 11, 1297, 3854, 15277, 326, 262, 21880, 481, 2555, 284, 10660, 511, 3667, 287, 262, 4783, 2184, 11, 290, 564, 250, 361, 3306, 11, 447, 251, 287, 262, 15192, 8028, 13, 198, 447, 250, 1135, 7564, 262, 2428, 287, 428, 1339, 389, 2408, 290, 262, 5052, 12939, 606, 1028, 674, 7534, 319, 257, 15223, 4308, 13, 775 ]
[ 13, 578, 2768, 84490, 505, 279, 7658, 6843, 4652, 3371, 279, 3446, 627, 32, 423, 732, 13, 6918, 11913, 16436, 311, 13952, 543, 279, 549, 815, 13, 6011, 315, 3314, 753, 4947, 315, 26060, 7362, 15167, 529, 3070, 3697, 9017, 279, 50242, 12, 20, 27753, 2107, 11, 14892, 459, 4216, 12523, 311, 264, 19831, 23464, 1142, 555, 264, 1912, 315, 8620, 15167, 889, 3802, 430, 279, 4947, 11705, 264, 35306, 27753, 71822, 323, 26885, 449, 8151, 529, 7537, 627, 52, 815, 13, 11182, 20819, 350, 25041, 328, 13, 921, 332, 8826, 389, 7950, 15164, 279, 78090, 538, 529, 11633, 369, 264, 33269, 61529, 2403, 279, 3109, 753, 26060, 4947, 369, 279, 50242, 12, 20, 27753, 2068, 11, 902, 5825, 264, 1853, 311, 15690, 53966, 369, 7362, 10495, 889, 2793, 304, 549, 815, 13, 40919, 11, 33811, 430, 4221, 304, 279, 40782, 323, 5165, 488, 3298, 1587, 304, 2144, 1862, 430, 4947, 627, 55080, 969, 622, 13, 32375, 89, 6993, 315, 32375, 89, 6993, 32375, 89, 6993, 1226, 5248, 350, 43289, 12574, 612, 75087, 13174, 11, 889, 374, 14393, 279, 8620, 15167, 323, 279, 15481, 4219, 11, 3309, 7658, 6843, 430, 279, 51664, 690, 3136, 311, 23564, 872, 8349, 304, 279, 9474, 5590, 11, 323, 1054, 333, 5995, 2476, 304, 279, 35730, 19359, 627, 15085, 15641, 279, 4819, 304, 420, 1162, 527, 5107, 323, 279, 11913, 20250, 1124, 2403, 1057, 8403, 389, 264, 33269, 8197, 13, 1226 ]
[ 1440, 430, 279, 5590, 690, 1935, 264, 7878, 1427, 520, 279, 5030, 994, 584, 6056, 12399, 19971, 2476, 32375, 89, 6993, 3309, 7658, 6843, 304, 459, 2613, 13, 1054, 1687, 4510, 11, 430, 8994, 279, 58219, 315, 279, 1510, 1749, 304, 26060, 56777, 11, 279, 1920, 374, 5042, 5076, 13, 510, 1423, 753, 60, 1510, 26060, 4947, 374, 26102, 311, 279, 2383, 323, 279, 27743, 3925, 315, 279, 50242, 12, 20, 2068, 49216, 791, 84608, 1274, 304, 50242, 12, 20, 1457, 1253, 387, 51632, 523, 60830, 3411, 311, 33294, 279, 41698, 315, 1203, 25909, 50242, 12, 20, 15167, 505, 5734, 13, 8620, 15167, 1389, 1541, 1431, 636, 27724, 11157, 0, 1442, 499, 6562, 1457, 430, 499, 7070, 3967, 810, 1603, 10917, 3300, 304, 264, 2447, 11, 1935, 279, 18228, 311, 1440, 810, 1603, 10917, 3300, 1139, 39725, 13, 1398, 20588, 320, 16, 8, 1587, 856, 16467, 1440, 50242, 12, 20, 1664, 3403, 311, 1304, 13687, 8349, 430, 1436, 11000, 3243, 856, 1162, 11, 323, 320, 17, 8, 1148, 753, 279, 1888, 358, 1436, 636, 704, 315, 279, 1162, 11, 422, 358, 3243, 30, 578, 4106, 3215, 17189, 30840, 10991, 83313, 4360, 706, 264, 8104, 6485, 3925, 323, 9547, 11, 779, 387, 7941, 13, 18715, 3300, 5334, 7543, 389, 8349, 1093, 420, 1054, 2685, 29410, 1051, 7373, 8010, 994, 814, 30844, 1639, 22538, 505, 51664, 304, 220, 679, 19, 323, 220, 679, 20, 430, 51664, 529, 6864, 1053, 1205, 311, 387 ]
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