1 value
=8804978 Trước Bài viết trước: A Animal Shelter That Does Not Put Dogs To Rest Reintroducing a Poorly Socialized Dog to Society Trang sau Bài tiếp theo: A Animal That Look Like A Cat And A Rat Animal Farm – George Orwell – Review Summary Notes Home » Science » Aliens Might Have Filled Space With Junk Like We Fill Our Oceans and Orbit Aliens Might Have Filled Space With Junk Like We Fill Our Oceans and Orbit December 4, 2018 by Brian Wang If there are technological aliens in our galaxy, then it is possible that their space junk could be part of the Interstellar material that makes it to our solar system. How much depends upon how many technological alien civilizations there are and how much junk is made from what they are doing. It will be decades to centuries before we can go to another solar system or even very far beyond Pluto. We are able to take improving looks at what is in our solar system and what happens to drift into our solar system for evidence of Aliens. A Lot of Interstellar Space Junk Seems Inevitable If Aliens are Making Spaceships or Probes
=8804978 Trước Bài viết trước: A Animal Shelter That Does Not Put Dogs To Rest Reintroducing a Poorly Socialized Dog to Society Trang sau Bài tiếp theo: A Animal That Look Like A Cat And A Rat Animal Farm – George Orwell – Review Summary Notes Home » Science » Aliens Might Have Filled Space With Junk Like We Fill Our Oceans and Orbit Aliens Might Have Filled Space With Junk Like We Fill Our Oceans and Orbit December 4, 2018 by Brian Wang If there are technological aliens in our galaxy, then it is possible that their space junk could be part of the Interstellar material that makes it to our solar system. How much depends upon how many technological alien civilizations there are and how much junk is made from what they are doing. It will be decades to centuries before we can go to another solar system or even very far beyond Pluto. We are able to take improving looks at what is in our solar system and what happens to drift into our solar system for evidence of Aliens. A Lot of Interstellar Space Junk Seems Inevitable If Aliens are Making Spaceships or Probes
Space is huge so we and aliens will probably have to move at very high speeds like 20 to 99% of the speed of light if they want travel times to be as economically short as possible. If they are using various kinds of spaceships and probes and they are moving at high speeds then parts could break off intentionally or unintentionally. The spaceships and probes would move at high speeds between solar systems almost all the time. They would not be able to stop and gather any part that broke off. Voyager 1 will run out of power and stop working in 2025. It will then be mainly inert and will be unable to communicate with Earth. Eventually it could run into something. If Aliens were not making round trips or were not moving between two alien habitats then probes and spaceships will eventually wear out. All fly-by missions end up with something that all becomes space junk. The world has about 5 to 13 million tons of plastic waste every year in our rivers, lakes and oceans. This is tens of billions of pieces of man-made junk that mixes in with plants, fish and debris from nature. Our manmade ocean junk is mainly parts of fishing nets and fishing related material. Natural stuff ranges from bits of seaweed to icebergs. If you were
[ 28, 41655, 2920, 3695, 198, 2898, 130, 108, 157, 119, 249, 66, 347, 24247, 72, 25357, 157, 118, 123, 83, 491, 130, 108, 157, 119, 249, 66, 25, 317, 13792, 36507, 1320, 8314, 1892, 5930, 21367, 1675, 8324, 797, 27427, 2259, 257, 23676, 306, 5483, 1143, 8532, 284, 7023, 198, 2898, 648, 473, 84, 347, 24247, 72, 46668, 157, 118, 123, 79, 262, 78, 25, 317, 13792, 1320, 6803, 4525, 317, 5181, 843, 317, 11738, 13792, 11272, 784, 4502, 32226, 784, 6602, 21293, 11822, 5995, 13355, 5800, 13355, 39301, 24213, 8192, 376, 2967, 4687, 2080, 34980, 4525, 775, 27845, 3954, 440, 19961, 290, 38161, 198, 2348, 10465, 24213, 8192, 376, 2967, 4687, 2080, 34980, 4525, 775, 27845, 3954, 440, 19961, 290, 38161, 198, 20588, 604, 11, 2864, 416, 8403, 15233, 198, 1532, 612, 389, 14614, 16269, 287, 674, 16161, 11, 788, 340, 318, 1744, 326, 511, 2272, 18556, 714, 307, 636, 286, 262, 49041, 2587, 326, 1838, 340, 284, 674, 6591, 1080, 13, 1374, 881, 8338, 2402, 703, 867, 14614, 8756, 35928, 612, 389, 290, 703, 881, 18556, 318, 925, 422, 644, 484, 389, 1804, 13, 198, 1026, 481, 307, 4647, 284, 10675, 878, 356, 460, 467, 284, 1194, 6591, 1080, 393, 772, 845, 1290, 3675, 32217, 13, 775, 389, 1498, 284, 1011, 10068, 3073, 379, 644, 318, 287, 674, 6591, 1080, 290, 644, 4325, 284, 24260, 656, 674, 6591, 1080, 329, 2370, 286, 39301, 13, 198, 32, 15099, 286, 49041, 4687, 34980, 37614, 554, 1990, 4674, 1002, 39301, 389, 16427, 48086, 5748, 393, 1041, 12636 ]
[ 28, 19272, 22640, 23, 198, 1305, 100494, 122780, 105717, 102259, 25, 362, 21995, 75921, 3011, 12838, 2876, 10435, 39525, 2057, 9240, 1050, 396, 60637, 264, 45773, 398, 9983, 1534, 14588, 311, 13581, 198, 1305, 526, 33254, 122780, 101959, 101036, 25, 362, 21995, 3011, 9372, 9086, 362, 17810, 1628, 362, 41677, 21995, 18945, 1389, 10058, 83853, 1389, 10506, 22241, 18559, 5492, 8345, 10170, 8345, 14925, 729, 34351, 12522, 435, 4473, 11746, 3161, 67652, 9086, 1226, 22748, 5751, 507, 43320, 323, 85557, 198, 18129, 729, 34351, 12522, 435, 4473, 11746, 3161, 67652, 9086, 1226, 22748, 5751, 507, 43320, 323, 85557, 198, 33246, 220, 19, 11, 220, 679, 23, 555, 17520, 29346, 198, 2746, 1070, 527, 30116, 37219, 304, 1057, 34261, 11, 1243, 433, 374, 3284, 430, 872, 3634, 30774, 1436, 387, 961, 315, 279, 5783, 78393, 3769, 430, 3727, 433, 311, 1057, 13238, 1887, 13, 2650, 1790, 14117, 5304, 1268, 1690, 30116, 20167, 86569, 1070, 527, 323, 1268, 1790, 30774, 374, 1903, 505, 1148, 814, 527, 3815, 627, 2181, 690, 387, 11026, 311, 24552, 1603, 584, 649, 733, 311, 2500, 13238, 1887, 477, 1524, 1633, 3117, 7953, 78681, 13, 1226, 527, 3025, 311, 1935, 18899, 5992, 520, 1148, 374, 304, 1057, 13238, 1887, 323, 1148, 8741, 311, 34738, 1139, 1057, 13238, 1887, 369, 6029, 315, 14925, 729, 627, 32, 22503, 315, 5783, 78393, 11746, 67652, 65057, 763, 5230, 15729, 1442, 14925, 729, 527, 25274, 69156, 34322, 477, 1322, 9620 ]
[ 198, 10115, 374, 6908, 779, 584, 323, 37219, 690, 4762, 617, 311, 3351, 520, 1633, 1579, 25753, 1093, 220, 508, 311, 220, 1484, 4, 315, 279, 4732, 315, 3177, 422, 814, 1390, 5944, 3115, 311, 387, 439, 47379, 2875, 439, 3284, 627, 2746, 814, 527, 1701, 5370, 13124, 315, 12908, 34322, 323, 63610, 323, 814, 527, 7366, 520, 1579, 25753, 1243, 5596, 1436, 1464, 1022, 37304, 477, 70576, 750, 13, 578, 12908, 34322, 323, 63610, 1053, 3351, 520, 1579, 25753, 1990, 13238, 6067, 4661, 682, 279, 892, 13, 2435, 1053, 539, 387, 3025, 311, 3009, 323, 9762, 904, 961, 430, 14760, 1022, 13, 86260, 220, 16, 690, 1629, 704, 315, 2410, 323, 3009, 3318, 304, 220, 2366, 20, 13, 1102, 690, 1243, 387, 14918, 81073, 323, 690, 387, 12153, 311, 19570, 449, 9420, 13, 38274, 433, 1436, 1629, 1139, 2555, 627, 2746, 14925, 729, 1051, 539, 3339, 4883, 23277, 477, 1051, 539, 7366, 1990, 1403, 20167, 71699, 1243, 63610, 323, 12908, 34322, 690, 9778, 10051, 704, 627, 2460, 11722, 14656, 25664, 842, 709, 449, 2555, 430, 682, 9221, 3634, 30774, 627, 791, 1917, 706, 922, 220, 20, 311, 220, 1032, 3610, 20181, 315, 12466, 12571, 1475, 1060, 304, 1057, 36617, 11, 44236, 323, 54280, 13, 1115, 374, 22781, 315, 33151, 315, 9863, 315, 893, 27975, 30774, 430, 63526, 304, 449, 11012, 11, 7795, 323, 35098, 505, 7138, 13, 5751, 893, 28010, 18435, 30774, 374, 14918, 5596, 315, 20543, 53557, 323, 20543, 5552, 3769, 13, 18955, 6392, 21986, 505, 9660, 315, 67329, 12320, 311, 10054, 655, 5981, 13, 1442, 499, 1051 ]
A: I’m an older guy in the league and I’m expected to do better. I was brought in to be a leader on this team and hopefully I can bring it to the playoffs and some good things come out of it. Q: You were drafted by Chicago last year, what did you work on with them? A: I was at their camp for a couple weeks and their main camp in September. I worked hard this summer, working out five days a week and did everything I could to get bigger and stronger. I thought I had a pretty good camp and was pretty close to making the team, and hopefully next year I’ll play there. Q: What is your contact with Chicago like right now? A: I talk with them all the time, once a week at least. They just want to see how things are going and how I’m handling everything – just in general, as friends. Q: Does Chicago want you to work on any particulars with your game? A: They’ve been awesome; they haven’t really told me to work on anything specific. They just said to keep maturing into a better player and work on my all-around skill.
A: I’m an older guy in the league and I’m expected to do better. I was brought in to be a leader on this team and hopefully I can bring it to the playoffs and some good things come out of it. Q: You were drafted by Chicago last year, what did you work on with them? A: I was at their camp for a couple weeks and their main camp in September. I worked hard this summer, working out five days a week and did everything I could to get bigger and stronger. I thought I had a pretty good camp and was pretty close to making the team, and hopefully next year I’ll play there. Q: What is your contact with Chicago like right now? A: I talk with them all the time, once a week at least. They just want to see how things are going and how I’m handling everything – just in general, as friends. Q: Does Chicago want you to work on any particulars with your game? A: They’ve been awesome; they haven’t really told me to work on anything specific. They just said to keep maturing into a better player and work on my all-around skill.
Q: You played two games with Rockford (AHL) last season, what was that like? A: It’s not even close; the guys are a lot bigger, stronger, and faster. I didn’t really get much ice time there but it was a great experience and it was really nice to see what things are like at the pro level. Q: How did you like playing in London (OHL) earlier this season? A: For me, the biggest thing is comfort level. I’m not really worried about how good a team is, for me it’s how comfortable I feel and I feel comfortable with Mike [Foligno] – he’s the best coach I’ve had. He’s an unbelievable person; he understands and listens and he’s really easy to talk to. With London, they didn’t really have the biggest open-door policy and I didn’t really get along with them. I’m definitely having more fun here. Q: What do you bring to Sudbury? A: I’m just coming in here and trying to play an all around game to help the team win.
[ 198, 32, 25, 314, 447, 247, 76, 281, 4697, 3516, 287, 262, 4652, 290, 314, 447, 247, 76, 2938, 284, 466, 1365, 13, 314, 373, 3181, 287, 284, 307, 257, 3554, 319, 428, 1074, 290, 11481, 314, 460, 2222, 340, 284, 262, 12980, 290, 617, 922, 1243, 1282, 503, 286, 340, 13, 198, 48, 25, 921, 547, 15937, 416, 4842, 938, 614, 11, 644, 750, 345, 670, 319, 351, 606, 30, 198, 32, 25, 314, 373, 379, 511, 1413, 329, 257, 3155, 2745, 290, 511, 1388, 1413, 287, 2693, 13, 314, 3111, 1327, 428, 3931, 11, 1762, 503, 1936, 1528, 257, 1285, 290, 750, 2279, 314, 714, 284, 651, 5749, 290, 7387, 13, 314, 1807, 314, 550, 257, 2495, 922, 1413, 290, 373, 2495, 1969, 284, 1642, 262, 1074, 11, 290, 11481, 1306, 614, 314, 447, 247, 297, 711, 612, 13, 198, 48, 25, 1867, 318, 534, 2800, 351, 4842, 588, 826, 783, 30, 198, 32, 25, 314, 1561, 351, 606, 477, 262, 640, 11, 1752, 257, 1285, 379, 1551, 13, 1119, 655, 765, 284, 766, 703, 1243, 389, 1016, 290, 703, 314, 447, 247, 76, 9041, 2279, 784, 655, 287, 2276, 11, 355, 2460, 13, 198, 48, 25, 8314, 4842, 765, 345, 284, 670, 319, 597, 45596, 351, 534, 983, 30, 198, 32, 25, 1119, 447, 247, 303, 587, 7427, 26, 484, 4398, 447, 247, 83, 1107, 1297, 502, 284, 670, 319, 1997, 2176, 13, 1119, 655, 531, 284, 1394, 2603, 870, 656, 257, 1365, 2137, 290, 670, 319, 616, 477, 12, 14145, 5032, 13 ]
[ 198, 32, 25, 358, 4344, 459, 9191, 7564, 304, 279, 10966, 323, 358, 4344, 3685, 311, 656, 2731, 13, 358, 574, 7263, 304, 311, 387, 264, 7808, 389, 420, 2128, 323, 23127, 358, 649, 4546, 433, 311, 279, 31855, 323, 1063, 1695, 2574, 2586, 704, 315, 433, 627, 48, 25, 1472, 1051, 39056, 555, 10780, 1566, 1060, 11, 1148, 1550, 499, 990, 389, 449, 1124, 5380, 32, 25, 358, 574, 520, 872, 3190, 369, 264, 5743, 5672, 323, 872, 1925, 3190, 304, 6250, 13, 358, 6575, 2653, 420, 7474, 11, 3318, 704, 4330, 2919, 264, 2046, 323, 1550, 4395, 358, 1436, 311, 636, 11493, 323, 16643, 13, 358, 3463, 358, 1047, 264, 5128, 1695, 3190, 323, 574, 5128, 3345, 311, 3339, 279, 2128, 11, 323, 23127, 1828, 1060, 358, 4805, 1514, 1070, 627, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 701, 3729, 449, 10780, 1093, 1314, 1457, 5380, 32, 25, 358, 3137, 449, 1124, 682, 279, 892, 11, 3131, 264, 2046, 520, 3325, 13, 2435, 1120, 1390, 311, 1518, 1268, 2574, 527, 2133, 323, 1268, 358, 4344, 11850, 4395, 1389, 1120, 304, 4689, 11, 439, 4885, 627, 48, 25, 12838, 10780, 1390, 499, 311, 990, 389, 904, 86974, 449, 701, 1847, 5380, 32, 25, 2435, 4070, 1027, 12738, 26, 814, 9167, 1431, 2216, 3309, 757, 311, 990, 389, 4205, 3230, 13, 2435, 1120, 1071, 311, 2567, 5634, 1711, 1139, 264, 2731, 2851, 323, 990, 389, 856, 682, 46716, 10151, 13 ]
[ 198, 48, 25, 1472, 6476, 1403, 3953, 449, 9305, 8350, 320, 32, 13793, 8, 1566, 3280, 11, 1148, 574, 430, 1093, 5380, 32, 25, 1102, 753, 539, 1524, 3345, 26, 279, 7752, 527, 264, 2763, 11493, 11, 16643, 11, 323, 10819, 13, 358, 3287, 1431, 2216, 636, 1790, 10054, 892, 1070, 719, 433, 574, 264, 2294, 3217, 323, 433, 574, 2216, 6555, 311, 1518, 1148, 2574, 527, 1093, 520, 279, 463, 2237, 627, 48, 25, 2650, 1550, 499, 1093, 5737, 304, 7295, 320, 46, 13793, 8, 6931, 420, 3280, 5380, 32, 25, 1789, 757, 11, 279, 8706, 3245, 374, 6981, 2237, 13, 358, 4344, 539, 2216, 18290, 922, 1268, 1695, 264, 2128, 374, 11, 369, 757, 433, 753, 1268, 10882, 358, 2733, 323, 358, 2733, 10882, 449, 11519, 510, 37, 337, 625, 78, 60, 1389, 568, 753, 279, 1888, 7395, 358, 4070, 1047, 13, 1283, 753, 459, 52229, 1732, 26, 568, 31869, 323, 64748, 323, 568, 753, 2216, 4228, 311, 3137, 311, 13, 3161, 7295, 11, 814, 3287, 1431, 2216, 617, 279, 8706, 1825, 58190, 4947, 323, 358, 3287, 1431, 2216, 636, 3235, 449, 1124, 13, 358, 4344, 8659, 3515, 810, 2523, 1618, 627, 48, 25, 3639, 656, 499, 4546, 311, 27430, 20176, 5380, 32, 25, 358, 4344, 1120, 5108, 304, 1618, 323, 4560, 311, 1514, 459, 682, 2212, 1847, 311, 1520, 279, 2128, 3243, 13 ]
I like that positive way of looking at it, Robert! I too hope the trend continues. Neil K. Johnson says: Great info, as always, Jamey. John Sallay says: Jamey, are you more concerned about the demographics of those who buy or those who play your games? Your questions were definitely skewed towards buy rather than play. As others have said I purchase most all of the games for my family, and in general, I look for games that will speak to my young daughters. Charterstone appeals to me for many reasons, but it helps that I think my family will enjoy it. Does it change how you view things, if I am a man that primarily plays with women. One more thing to consider is the stage in life that people are at. I used to play with friends all the time. Now I’m in my 30s with young kids, as are most of my friends. My wife, who is currently pregnant, has no interest in playing games. She used to and I imagine that she will again, but right now she has no interest. Many of our friends are in the same position. I frequently invite women who are young mothers to play when I play with friends,
I like that positive way of looking at it, Robert! I too hope the trend continues. Neil K. Johnson says: Great info, as always, Jamey. John Sallay says: Jamey, are you more concerned about the demographics of those who buy or those who play your games? Your questions were definitely skewed towards buy rather than play. As others have said I purchase most all of the games for my family, and in general, I look for games that will speak to my young daughters. Charterstone appeals to me for many reasons, but it helps that I think my family will enjoy it. Does it change how you view things, if I am a man that primarily plays with women. One more thing to consider is the stage in life that people are at. I used to play with friends all the time. Now I’m in my 30s with young kids, as are most of my friends. My wife, who is currently pregnant, has no interest in playing games. She used to and I imagine that she will again, but right now she has no interest. Many of our friends are in the same position. I frequently invite women who are young mothers to play when I play with friends,
but they are rarely interested. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that and I imagine that it will change over time. John: It’s true that 2 out of the 5 questions I mention here refer to buying games (those were the only 2 out of the 12 total questions on the survey). I wouldn’t say I’m more concerned with those demographics, though as a company that either succeeds or fails based on whether or not people buy our games, it’s certainly an element of demographics that I’m interested in. “Does it change how you view things, if I am a man that primarily plays with women?” –I don’t think so. Regardless of who is actually playing our games, it concerns me that I’ve only been able to attract a small number of women to subscribe to our e-newsletter. That direct communication is highly important to our brand, and it says to me that I need to do a better job of including women in the Stonemaier family. Sorry Jamey, I should have been more clear. I meant that all of the questions were from the point of view of a subscriber to your newsletter (which is
[ 198, 40, 588, 326, 3967, 835, 286, 2045, 379, 340, 11, 5199, 0, 314, 1165, 2911, 262, 5182, 4477, 13, 198, 29354, 509, 13, 5030, 1139, 25, 198, 13681, 7508, 11, 355, 1464, 11, 449, 480, 88, 13, 198, 7554, 311, 439, 323, 1139, 25, 198, 41, 480, 88, 11, 389, 345, 517, 5213, 546, 262, 30084, 286, 883, 508, 2822, 393, 883, 508, 711, 534, 1830, 30, 3406, 2683, 547, 4753, 37543, 3371, 2822, 2138, 621, 711, 13, 1081, 1854, 423, 531, 314, 5001, 749, 477, 286, 262, 1830, 329, 616, 1641, 11, 290, 287, 2276, 11, 314, 804, 329, 1830, 326, 481, 2740, 284, 616, 1862, 14850, 13, 23006, 6440, 15192, 284, 502, 329, 867, 3840, 11, 475, 340, 5419, 326, 314, 892, 616, 1641, 481, 2883, 340, 13, 8314, 340, 1487, 703, 345, 1570, 1243, 11, 611, 314, 716, 257, 582, 326, 7525, 5341, 351, 1466, 13, 198, 3198, 517, 1517, 284, 2074, 318, 262, 3800, 287, 1204, 326, 661, 389, 379, 13, 314, 973, 284, 711, 351, 2460, 477, 262, 640, 13, 2735, 314, 447, 247, 76, 287, 616, 1542, 82, 351, 1862, 3988, 11, 355, 389, 749, 286, 616, 2460, 13, 2011, 3656, 11, 508, 318, 3058, 10423, 11, 468, 645, 1393, 287, 2712, 1830, 13, 1375, 973, 284, 290, 314, 5967, 326, 673, 481, 757, 11, 475, 826, 783, 673, 468, 645, 1393, 13, 4650, 286, 674, 2460, 389, 287, 262, 976, 2292, 13, 314, 6777, 14037, 1466, 508, 389, 1862, 12289, 284, 711, 618, 314, 711, 351, 2460, 11 ]
[ 198, 40, 1093, 430, 6928, 1648, 315, 3411, 520, 433, 11, 8563, 0, 358, 2288, 3987, 279, 9327, 9731, 627, 63040, 735, 13, 11605, 2795, 512, 22111, 3630, 11, 439, 2744, 11, 93188, 88, 627, 13379, 328, 543, 352, 2795, 512, 41, 373, 88, 11, 527, 499, 810, 11920, 922, 279, 63334, 315, 1884, 889, 3780, 477, 1884, 889, 1514, 701, 3953, 30, 4718, 4860, 1051, 8659, 87572, 7119, 3780, 4856, 1109, 1514, 13, 1666, 3885, 617, 1071, 358, 7782, 1455, 682, 315, 279, 3953, 369, 856, 3070, 11, 323, 304, 4689, 11, 358, 1427, 369, 3953, 430, 690, 6604, 311, 856, 3995, 30968, 13, 49705, 11046, 35730, 311, 757, 369, 1690, 8125, 11, 719, 433, 8779, 430, 358, 1781, 856, 3070, 690, 4774, 433, 13, 12838, 433, 2349, 1268, 499, 1684, 2574, 11, 422, 358, 1097, 264, 893, 430, 15871, 11335, 449, 3278, 627, 4054, 810, 3245, 311, 2980, 374, 279, 6566, 304, 2324, 430, 1274, 527, 520, 13, 358, 1511, 311, 1514, 449, 4885, 682, 279, 892, 13, 4800, 358, 4344, 304, 856, 220, 966, 82, 449, 3995, 6980, 11, 439, 527, 1455, 315, 856, 4885, 13, 3092, 7555, 11, 889, 374, 5131, 20895, 11, 706, 912, 2802, 304, 5737, 3953, 13, 3005, 1511, 311, 323, 358, 13085, 430, 1364, 690, 1578, 11, 719, 1314, 1457, 1364, 706, 912, 2802, 13, 9176, 315, 1057, 4885, 527, 304, 279, 1890, 2361, 13, 358, 14134, 22114, 3278, 889, 527, 3995, 27698, 311, 1514, 994, 358, 1514, 449, 4885, 11 ]
[ 719, 814, 527, 19029, 8173, 13, 358, 1541, 1431, 1781, 1070, 374, 4205, 5076, 449, 430, 323, 358, 13085, 430, 433, 690, 2349, 927, 892, 627, 13379, 25, 1102, 753, 837, 430, 220, 17, 704, 315, 279, 220, 20, 4860, 358, 6420, 1618, 8464, 311, 12096, 3953, 320, 54719, 1051, 279, 1193, 220, 17, 704, 315, 279, 220, 717, 2860, 4860, 389, 279, 10795, 570, 358, 8434, 1431, 2019, 358, 4344, 810, 11920, 449, 1884, 63334, 11, 3582, 439, 264, 2883, 430, 3060, 51181, 477, 14865, 3196, 389, 3508, 477, 539, 1274, 3780, 1057, 3953, 11, 433, 753, 7995, 459, 2449, 315, 63334, 430, 358, 4344, 8173, 304, 627, 2118, 22186, 433, 2349, 1268, 499, 1684, 2574, 11, 422, 358, 1097, 264, 893, 430, 15871, 11335, 449, 3278, 12671, 1389, 40, 1541, 1431, 1781, 779, 13, 44840, 315, 889, 374, 3604, 5737, 1057, 3953, 11, 433, 10742, 757, 430, 358, 4070, 1193, 1027, 3025, 311, 9504, 264, 2678, 1396, 315, 3278, 311, 18447, 311, 1057, 384, 46351, 9638, 13, 3011, 2167, 10758, 374, 7701, 3062, 311, 1057, 6883, 11, 323, 433, 2795, 311, 757, 430, 358, 1205, 311, 656, 264, 2731, 2683, 315, 2737, 3278, 304, 279, 36219, 9355, 1291, 3070, 627, 19701, 93188, 88, 11, 358, 1288, 617, 1027, 810, 2867, 13, 358, 8967, 430, 682, 315, 279, 4860, 1051, 505, 279, 1486, 315, 1684, 315, 264, 33215, 311, 701, 20846, 320, 8370, 374 ]
into the mare’s stirrup and throw a shapely leg over. Mounted, the thieves galloped past him, kicking up clouds of dust. Coughing, he brushed the soil from his shoulders. We shall meet again, One-Eyed Jack—or Jacqueline. And when we do, you shall either dance to my tune or at the end of the hangman’s rope. If you'd like to hear more, you can visit Hope online at www.HopeTarr.com or find her on Twitter and Facebook. Hope has also generously offered to give away a copy of her Victorian-set novel, Vanquished, to one person who comments on this post. Thanks for joining us, Hope! posted by Lauren Willig | 6:45 AM | 12 comments Another Take on Pride and Prejudice: Queer Theory in Brussels I posted last time about the fun we had on our trip to Brussels and Amsterdam, not to speak of our misadventures getting there and getting up in the morning of the day I was supposed to deliver my paper (called "The Queer Theory of Eve Sedgwick at the Edges of the Popular Romance Genre") at the second International Conference on Popular Romance
into the mare’s stirrup and throw a shapely leg over. Mounted, the thieves galloped past him, kicking up clouds of dust. Coughing, he brushed the soil from his shoulders. We shall meet again, One-Eyed Jack—or Jacqueline. And when we do, you shall either dance to my tune or at the end of the hangman’s rope. If you'd like to hear more, you can visit Hope online at www.HopeTarr.com or find her on Twitter and Facebook. Hope has also generously offered to give away a copy of her Victorian-set novel, Vanquished, to one person who comments on this post. Thanks for joining us, Hope! posted by Lauren Willig | 6:45 AM | 12 comments Another Take on Pride and Prejudice: Queer Theory in Brussels I posted last time about the fun we had on our trip to Brussels and Amsterdam, not to speak of our misadventures getting there and getting up in the morning of the day I was supposed to deliver my paper (called "The Queer Theory of Eve Sedgwick at the Edges of the Popular Romance Genre") at the second International Conference on Popular Romance
in Brussels. While as to why I spent countless hours preparing this presentation -- well, sometimes I find myself so fascinated to be writing in the popular romance genre (such a huge market! so little respect from the outside world! such amazing women writing! about what's so incredibly important!) that I have to take a big bite of literary theory, season it for romance, and chew on it for a while. But if I don't commit to having something to share with a roomful of people (particularly in an attractive conference venue), it's a lot less likely I'll take that first bite. So Brussels sounded like a great opportunity to think hard about something I've been wanting to understand better for a while now: the hot new trend of male/male or male/male/female romance -- written by women for women. I'm hardly saying this is a majority taste in the genre. But -- hyper-hetero clinch covers notwithstanding -- it is remarkable to contemplate the speed (not to speak of the general humaneness) with which popular romance fiction has come to include same-sex love as a viable and sympathetic theme (and see also Romance Writers of America's "genre overview": the main plot centers around two individuals falling in love...). My aim
[ 656, 262, 285, 533, 447, 247, 82, 11240, 12618, 290, 3714, 257, 5485, 306, 1232, 625, 13, 5628, 276, 11, 262, 26655, 7976, 19458, 1613, 683, 11, 17997, 510, 15114, 286, 8977, 13, 327, 619, 278, 11, 339, 31782, 262, 9260, 422, 465, 12450, 13, 775, 2236, 1826, 757, 11, 1881, 12, 36287, 276, 3619, 960, 273, 44726, 4470, 13, 843, 618, 356, 466, 11, 345, 2236, 2035, 9280, 284, 616, 14009, 393, 379, 262, 886, 286, 262, 8181, 805, 447, 247, 82, 17182, 13, 198, 1532, 345, 1549, 588, 284, 3285, 517, 11, 345, 460, 3187, 13408, 2691, 379, 7324, 13, 34456, 51, 3258, 13, 785, 393, 1064, 607, 319, 3009, 290, 3203, 13, 13408, 468, 635, 42088, 4438, 284, 1577, 1497, 257, 4866, 286, 607, 24569, 12, 2617, 5337, 11, 6656, 39737, 11, 284, 530, 1048, 508, 3651, 319, 428, 1281, 13, 198, 9690, 329, 9679, 514, 11, 13408, 0, 198, 40578, 416, 25672, 2561, 328, 930, 718, 25, 2231, 3001, 930, 1105, 3651, 198, 6610, 7214, 319, 21735, 290, 3771, 10456, 501, 25, 4670, 263, 17003, 287, 16445, 198, 40, 4481, 938, 640, 546, 262, 1257, 356, 550, 319, 674, 5296, 284, 16445, 290, 24377, 11, 407, 284, 2740, 286, 674, 2984, 324, 10065, 1972, 612, 290, 1972, 510, 287, 262, 3329, 286, 262, 1110, 314, 373, 4385, 284, 5203, 616, 3348, 357, 7174, 366, 464, 4670, 263, 17003, 286, 12882, 22710, 70, 16239, 379, 262, 1717, 3212, 286, 262, 22623, 36555, 5215, 260, 4943, 379, 262, 1218, 4037, 8785, 319, 22623, 36555 ]
[ 1139, 279, 55318, 753, 23935, 31722, 323, 2571, 264, 559, 391, 989, 2531, 927, 13, 93841, 11, 279, 61667, 15730, 385, 7018, 3347, 1461, 11, 40294, 709, 30614, 315, 16174, 13, 356, 1409, 287, 11, 568, 62639, 279, 17614, 505, 813, 28004, 13, 1226, 4985, 3449, 1578, 11, 3861, 13737, 88, 291, 7762, 51749, 99764, 13, 1628, 994, 584, 656, 11, 499, 4985, 3060, 15612, 311, 856, 26306, 477, 520, 279, 842, 315, 279, 15020, 1543, 753, 34520, 627, 2746, 499, 4265, 1093, 311, 6865, 810, 11, 499, 649, 4034, 18231, 2930, 520, 8604, 3924, 2862, 51, 1138, 916, 477, 1505, 1077, 389, 6405, 323, 5690, 13, 18231, 706, 1101, 80220, 9076, 311, 3041, 3201, 264, 3048, 315, 1077, 44277, 25063, 11775, 11, 13000, 447, 3384, 11, 311, 832, 1732, 889, 6170, 389, 420, 1772, 627, 12947, 369, 18667, 603, 11, 18231, 4999, 44182, 555, 43460, 4946, 343, 765, 220, 21, 25, 1774, 6912, 765, 220, 717, 6170, 198, 14364, 12040, 389, 43246, 323, 5075, 18631, 560, 25, 9605, 261, 31535, 304, 38269, 198, 40, 8621, 1566, 892, 922, 279, 2523, 584, 1047, 389, 1057, 8577, 311, 38269, 323, 38841, 11, 539, 311, 6604, 315, 1057, 5906, 329, 688, 1439, 3794, 1070, 323, 3794, 709, 304, 279, 6693, 315, 279, 1938, 358, 574, 10171, 311, 6493, 856, 5684, 320, 44982, 330, 791, 9605, 261, 31535, 315, 32460, 36378, 70, 21878, 520, 279, 3279, 4282, 315, 279, 32495, 52256, 41395, 909, 520, 279, 2132, 7327, 15217, 389, 32495, 52256 ]
[ 304, 38269, 627, 8142, 439, 311, 3249, 358, 7543, 28701, 4207, 20646, 420, 15864, 1198, 1664, 11, 7170, 358, 1505, 7182, 779, 61914, 311, 387, 4477, 304, 279, 5526, 30363, 17779, 320, 21470, 264, 6908, 3157, 0, 779, 2697, 5201, 505, 279, 4994, 1917, 0, 1778, 8056, 3278, 4477, 0, 922, 1148, 596, 779, 17235, 3062, 16715, 430, 358, 617, 311, 1935, 264, 2466, 23556, 315, 32465, 10334, 11, 3280, 433, 369, 30363, 11, 323, 37433, 389, 433, 369, 264, 1418, 13, 2030, 422, 358, 1541, 956, 5379, 311, 3515, 2555, 311, 4430, 449, 264, 3130, 1285, 315, 1274, 320, 74039, 304, 459, 19411, 10017, 22150, 705, 433, 596, 264, 2763, 2753, 4461, 358, 3358, 1935, 430, 1176, 23556, 627, 4516, 38269, 35408, 1093, 264, 2294, 6776, 311, 1781, 2653, 922, 2555, 358, 3077, 1027, 19762, 311, 3619, 2731, 369, 264, 1418, 1457, 25, 279, 4106, 502, 9327, 315, 8762, 3262, 1604, 477, 8762, 3262, 1604, 6801, 12011, 30363, 1198, 5439, 555, 3278, 369, 3278, 627, 40, 2846, 20781, 5605, 420, 374, 264, 8857, 12945, 304, 279, 17779, 13, 2030, 1198, 17508, 2902, 1430, 78, 9400, 331, 14861, 72665, 1198, 433, 374, 23649, 311, 80907, 279, 4732, 320, 1962, 311, 6604, 315, 279, 4689, 3823, 24639, 8, 449, 902, 5526, 30363, 17422, 706, 2586, 311, 2997, 1890, 27119, 3021, 439, 264, 31528, 323, 53464, 7057, 320, 438, 1518, 1101, 52256, 59798, 315, 5270, 596, 330, 34713, 24131, 794, 279, 1925, 7234, 19169, 2212, 1403, 7931, 16054, 304, 3021, 1131, 4390, 5159, 9395 ]
purpose of appointment as special public prosecutor. The judge said the accused Rakesh Kumar Awasthi deserve no leniency on the ground that grave allegations were levied against him. Madras High Court directed the home secretary and director General of Police to ensure Google, Facebook and YouTube block access to around 12 videos in which its former judge C.S Karnan could be seen abusing some supreme court as well as High Court Judges. Justice M.Satyanarayana and R. Hemalatha pass the interim order on a writ petition filed by Bar council of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry seeking in action of criminal as well as other legal action against the former judge on the basis of several complaints lodge with police. U.S. Aviation authority’s decision to allow Boeing 737 Max fly again was slammed by families of Lion Air crash victims. They said the move came too soon. A flight ban on Boeing’s 737 MAX was imposed after two fatal crashes which killed 346 people within 5 months. The ban was lifted on by U.S. Federal Aviation Administration this Wednesday. FAA’s decision has left the Ethiopian crash victims in sheer disappointment and renewed grief. Families of the victims claim that the clearance has
purpose of appointment as special public prosecutor. The judge said the accused Rakesh Kumar Awasthi deserve no leniency on the ground that grave allegations were levied against him. Madras High Court directed the home secretary and director General of Police to ensure Google, Facebook and YouTube block access to around 12 videos in which its former judge C.S Karnan could be seen abusing some supreme court as well as High Court Judges. Justice M.Satyanarayana and R. Hemalatha pass the interim order on a writ petition filed by Bar council of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry seeking in action of criminal as well as other legal action against the former judge on the basis of several complaints lodge with police. U.S. Aviation authority’s decision to allow Boeing 737 Max fly again was slammed by families of Lion Air crash victims. They said the move came too soon. A flight ban on Boeing’s 737 MAX was imposed after two fatal crashes which killed 346 people within 5 months. The ban was lifted on by U.S. Federal Aviation Administration this Wednesday. FAA’s decision has left the Ethiopian crash victims in sheer disappointment and renewed grief. Families of the victims claim that the clearance has
been granted faster than the compensation. The mid-stage trails revealed that a strong immune response has been produced by a potential Covid-19 vaccine developed by AstraZeneca Plc and Oxford University. The strong immune response gives hope that it may protect some of the most vulnerable to the disease. Two doses of the vaccine are given to the volunteers and no serios side effects related to AZD1222 vaccine were reported. As AstraZeneca gets closer to reporting its Phase III or Late-stage trials, it has signed several supply and manufacturing deals with companies and governments around the world. Evidence relating to unlawfully killing 39 Afghans by Elite Australian troops is found by an Australian military report. Those who got killed included farmers, prisoners and civilians. The illegal killings began in 2009 and ‘a self-centred, warrior culture’ was encouraged by some members of the elite Special Air Services. The report revealed that none of the 39 killings was committed during the heat of the battle. In the next four years, the defence budget of Britain is set to increase by 16.5 billion pounds. This is done in order to deal with perilous international situation and to bolster Britain’s global influence. The threat from country
[ 4007, 286, 12557, 355, 2041, 1171, 13683, 13, 198, 464, 5052, 531, 262, 5371, 371, 1124, 71, 26105, 5851, 292, 400, 72, 10925, 645, 18896, 6160, 319, 262, 2323, 326, 12296, 7636, 547, 43383, 1028, 683, 13, 198, 18454, 8847, 3334, 3078, 7924, 262, 1363, 7705, 290, 3437, 3611, 286, 4287, 284, 4155, 3012, 11, 3203, 290, 7444, 2512, 1895, 284, 1088, 1105, 5861, 287, 543, 663, 1966, 5052, 327, 13, 50, 31625, 272, 714, 307, 1775, 29170, 617, 17700, 2184, 355, 880, 355, 3334, 3078, 42495, 13, 198, 28447, 337, 13, 20245, 4121, 283, 323, 2271, 290, 371, 13, 15617, 282, 30921, 1208, 262, 19303, 1502, 319, 257, 1991, 8853, 5717, 416, 2409, 6745, 286, 32519, 46917, 290, 41598, 291, 13372, 6095, 287, 2223, 286, 4301, 355, 880, 355, 584, 2742, 2223, 1028, 262, 1966, 5052, 319, 262, 4308, 286, 1811, 9687, 35362, 351, 1644, 13, 198, 52, 13, 50, 13, 25186, 4934, 447, 247, 82, 2551, 284, 1249, 17880, 37517, 5436, 6129, 757, 373, 21376, 416, 4172, 286, 15218, 3701, 7014, 4970, 13, 1119, 531, 262, 1445, 1625, 1165, 2582, 13, 198, 32, 5474, 3958, 319, 17880, 447, 247, 82, 37517, 25882, 373, 10893, 706, 734, 10800, 17616, 543, 2923, 44729, 661, 1626, 642, 1933, 13, 383, 3958, 373, 13663, 319, 416, 471, 13, 50, 13, 5618, 25186, 8694, 428, 3583, 13, 198, 37, 3838, 447, 247, 82, 2551, 468, 1364, 262, 47689, 7014, 4970, 287, 15163, 18641, 290, 16434, 18522, 13, 198, 37, 321, 3922, 286, 262, 4970, 1624, 326, 262, 19745, 468 ]
[ 7580, 315, 18101, 439, 3361, 586, 36151, 627, 791, 11913, 1071, 279, 13487, 432, 2094, 71, 41240, 18371, 561, 6151, 23528, 912, 2479, 72, 2301, 389, 279, 5015, 430, 25165, 18873, 1051, 23464, 1142, 2403, 1461, 627, 38136, 13075, 5234, 7301, 15910, 279, 2162, 19607, 323, 7690, 3331, 315, 10289, 311, 6106, 5195, 11, 5690, 323, 13674, 2565, 2680, 311, 2212, 220, 717, 6946, 304, 902, 1202, 4846, 11913, 356, 815, 61323, 276, 1436, 387, 3970, 69579, 1063, 44222, 5590, 439, 1664, 439, 5234, 7301, 86955, 627, 70786, 386, 815, 266, 8503, 277, 352, 3444, 323, 432, 13, 33924, 278, 66826, 1522, 279, 41653, 2015, 389, 264, 2155, 20984, 13019, 555, 4821, 15177, 315, 44883, 75905, 323, 71965, 718, 5515, 11125, 304, 1957, 315, 9337, 439, 1664, 439, 1023, 5897, 1957, 2403, 279, 4846, 11913, 389, 279, 8197, 315, 3892, 21859, 60891, 449, 4379, 627, 52, 815, 13, 50047, 11447, 753, 5597, 311, 2187, 42959, 220, 22039, 7639, 11722, 1578, 574, 50365, 555, 8689, 315, 33199, 6690, 10121, 12697, 13, 2435, 1071, 279, 3351, 3782, 2288, 5246, 627, 32, 11213, 9120, 389, 42959, 753, 220, 22039, 8498, 574, 27070, 1306, 1403, 19094, 37237, 902, 7577, 220, 18061, 1274, 2949, 220, 20, 4038, 13, 578, 9120, 574, 30831, 389, 555, 549, 815, 13, 12411, 50047, 17128, 420, 8079, 627, 3711, 32, 753, 5597, 706, 2163, 279, 96634, 10121, 12697, 304, 33638, 41698, 323, 36646, 38384, 627, 37, 60004, 315, 279, 12697, 3802, 430, 279, 36654, 706 ]
[ 1027, 11938, 10819, 1109, 279, 20448, 627, 791, 5209, 51256, 33965, 10675, 430, 264, 3831, 22852, 2077, 706, 1027, 9124, 555, 264, 4754, 38074, 12, 777, 25474, 8040, 555, 362, 13645, 86792, 23637, 1856, 66, 323, 26275, 3907, 627, 791, 3831, 22852, 2077, 6835, 3987, 430, 433, 1253, 6144, 1063, 315, 279, 1455, 20134, 311, 279, 8624, 627, 11874, 35130, 315, 279, 25474, 527, 2728, 311, 279, 23872, 323, 912, 1446, 3614, 3185, 6372, 5552, 311, 31976, 35, 8259, 17, 25474, 1051, 5068, 627, 2170, 362, 13645, 86792, 23637, 5334, 12401, 311, 13122, 1202, 28673, 14767, 477, 36931, 51256, 19622, 11, 433, 706, 8667, 3892, 8312, 323, 15266, 12789, 449, 5220, 323, 17047, 2212, 279, 1917, 627, 93702, 23343, 311, 39957, 3725, 13419, 220, 2137, 13203, 876, 598, 555, 34864, 13673, 17312, 374, 1766, 555, 459, 13673, 6411, 1934, 627, 23025, 889, 2751, 7577, 5343, 20957, 11, 28240, 323, 29536, 627, 791, 12079, 48133, 6137, 304, 220, 1049, 24, 323, 3451, 64, 659, 21911, 1171, 11, 38490, 7829, 529, 574, 21190, 555, 1063, 3697, 315, 279, 21342, 9984, 6690, 8471, 627, 791, 1934, 10675, 430, 7000, 315, 279, 220, 2137, 48133, 574, 11411, 2391, 279, 8798, 315, 279, 8209, 627, 644, 279, 1828, 3116, 1667, 11, 279, 23682, 8199, 315, 13527, 374, 743, 311, 5376, 555, 220, 845, 13, 20, 7239, 16701, 13, 1115, 374, 2884, 304, 2015, 311, 3568, 449, 60392, 788, 6625, 6671, 323, 311, 48227, 13527, 753, 3728, 10383, 627, 791, 6023, 505, 3224 ]
a lyricist with the famed Bombay Talkies. During this time, Devika Rani’s best team had disbanded. Kavi Pradeep, the foremost lyricist of Bombay Talkies had already had his differences and left the studio. Bhagwati Charan Varma, who wrote ‘Pratima’ for Bombay Talkies, suggested Narendra Sharma’s name to Devika Rani. Pandit Narendra Sharma’s first film as a lyricist was for Raj Kapoor and Devika Rani starrer ‘Hamaari Baat’ (1943). Under the maestro, Anil Biswas, he found a composer who understood the tone and the temperament of his classical lyrics. Sharma’s next film was the debut of a young, handsome man named Yusuf Khan. The only problem was that the young man did not wish to be featured under his own name. So, the writers of Bombay Talkies were tasked with the job of coming up with a name for their hero. It was Pandit Narendra Sharma who suggested the name ‘Dilip Kumar’. It would go on to become one of Indian cinema’s most recognized and influential names for the next century. The
a lyricist with the famed Bombay Talkies. During this time, Devika Rani’s best team had disbanded. Kavi Pradeep, the foremost lyricist of Bombay Talkies had already had his differences and left the studio. Bhagwati Charan Varma, who wrote ‘Pratima’ for Bombay Talkies, suggested Narendra Sharma’s name to Devika Rani. Pandit Narendra Sharma’s first film as a lyricist was for Raj Kapoor and Devika Rani starrer ‘Hamaari Baat’ (1943). Under the maestro, Anil Biswas, he found a composer who understood the tone and the temperament of his classical lyrics. Sharma’s next film was the debut of a young, handsome man named Yusuf Khan. The only problem was that the young man did not wish to be featured under his own name. So, the writers of Bombay Talkies were tasked with the job of coming up with a name for their hero. It was Pandit Narendra Sharma who suggested the name ‘Dilip Kumar’. It would go on to become one of Indian cinema’s most recognized and influential names for the next century. The
classical lyrics of his songs found the ideal singer in Lata Mangeshkar. Her rendition of ‘Jyoti kalash challke’ and ‘Satyam shivam sundaram’ remain the most memorable. Another very popular number is ‘Naach mayura’ in the melodious voice of Manna Dey. Films were not the only benchmark by which Pandit Narendra Sharma’s contribution to Indian cinema can be measured. In 1952, he was invited by Prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru to manage the new branch of All India Radio. They named it ‘Vividh Bharati’. Under Pandit Narendra Sharma, Vividh Bharati grew to become one of the main public media in India. Its listenership grew to a record 97% by the year 1970. Some of the most important radio programmes like Binaca Geetmala took the country by a storm. This programme was vital to regenerating interest in Hindi film songs and its lyrics. He remained with ‘Vividh Bharati’ until his retirement. After attending the age of retirement he went back to his lyrical world. Pandit Narendra Sharma also did write many non-filmy b
[ 257, 43086, 396, 351, 262, 28331, 48918, 12167, 444, 13, 198, 7191, 428, 640, 11, 6245, 9232, 371, 3216, 447, 247, 82, 1266, 1074, 550, 47302, 13, 509, 15820, 1736, 671, 538, 11, 262, 20976, 43086, 396, 286, 48918, 12167, 444, 550, 1541, 550, 465, 5400, 290, 1364, 262, 8034, 13, 16581, 363, 86, 7246, 3178, 272, 569, 10961, 11, 508, 2630, 564, 246, 6836, 265, 8083, 447, 247, 329, 48918, 12167, 444, 11, 5220, 28113, 40196, 447, 247, 82, 1438, 284, 6245, 9232, 371, 3216, 13, 16492, 270, 28113, 40196, 447, 247, 82, 717, 2646, 355, 257, 43086, 396, 373, 329, 13308, 27344, 2675, 290, 6245, 9232, 371, 3216, 3491, 11751, 564, 246, 39, 1689, 2743, 8999, 265, 447, 247, 357, 1129, 3559, 737, 4698, 262, 17266, 47692, 11, 1052, 346, 38045, 9776, 11, 339, 1043, 257, 26777, 508, 7247, 262, 8216, 290, 262, 36140, 286, 465, 15993, 15844, 13, 40196, 447, 247, 82, 1306, 2646, 373, 262, 8886, 286, 257, 1862, 11, 22665, 582, 3706, 41749, 3046, 11356, 13, 383, 691, 1917, 373, 326, 262, 1862, 582, 750, 407, 4601, 284, 307, 8096, 739, 465, 898, 1438, 13, 1406, 11, 262, 8786, 286, 48918, 12167, 444, 547, 23052, 351, 262, 1693, 286, 2406, 510, 351, 257, 1438, 329, 511, 4293, 13, 632, 373, 16492, 270, 28113, 40196, 508, 5220, 262, 1438, 564, 246, 35, 346, 541, 26105, 447, 247, 13, 632, 561, 467, 319, 284, 1716, 530, 286, 3942, 22041, 447, 247, 82, 749, 8018, 290, 14212, 3891, 329, 262, 1306, 4289, 13, 383 ]
[ 264, 69435, 380, 449, 279, 61403, 97713, 19513, 552, 627, 16397, 420, 892, 11, 6168, 11755, 432, 5676, 753, 1888, 2128, 1047, 94544, 6601, 13, 735, 6321, 2394, 1037, 752, 11, 279, 43780, 69435, 380, 315, 97713, 19513, 552, 1047, 2736, 1047, 813, 12062, 323, 2163, 279, 14356, 13, 31930, 351, 86, 9491, 4969, 276, 8909, 1764, 11, 889, 6267, 3451, 3617, 266, 7675, 529, 369, 97713, 19513, 552, 11, 12090, 67432, 61115, 753, 836, 311, 6168, 11755, 432, 5676, 13, 34606, 275, 67432, 61115, 753, 1176, 4632, 439, 264, 69435, 380, 574, 369, 26291, 82469, 323, 6168, 11755, 432, 5676, 357, 1138, 261, 3451, 39, 3105, 2850, 14659, 266, 529, 320, 6393, 18, 570, 9636, 279, 7643, 55656, 11, 1556, 321, 43684, 16514, 11, 568, 1766, 264, 40550, 889, 16365, 279, 16630, 323, 279, 79964, 315, 813, 29924, 24142, 13, 61115, 753, 1828, 4632, 574, 279, 17755, 315, 264, 3995, 11, 44877, 893, 7086, 94448, 1739, 25273, 13, 578, 1193, 3575, 574, 430, 279, 3995, 893, 1550, 539, 6562, 311, 387, 15109, 1234, 813, 1866, 836, 13, 2100, 11, 279, 16483, 315, 97713, 19513, 552, 1051, 51920, 449, 279, 2683, 315, 5108, 709, 449, 264, 836, 369, 872, 12084, 13, 1102, 574, 34606, 275, 67432, 61115, 889, 12090, 279, 836, 3451, 35, 106928, 41240, 24535, 1102, 1053, 733, 389, 311, 3719, 832, 315, 7904, 34292, 753, 1455, 15324, 323, 32549, 5144, 369, 279, 1828, 9478, 13, 578 ]
[ 29924, 24142, 315, 813, 11936, 1766, 279, 10728, 23597, 304, 445, 460, 60148, 4385, 29234, 13, 6385, 83965, 315, 3451, 41, 88, 89392, 36454, 1003, 4904, 441, 529, 323, 3451, 35982, 88, 309, 559, 344, 309, 51682, 640, 529, 7293, 279, 1455, 33596, 13, 13596, 1633, 5526, 1396, 374, 3451, 16589, 613, 1253, 5808, 529, 304, 279, 97374, 1245, 7899, 315, 386, 12930, 423, 1216, 627, 51240, 1026, 1051, 539, 279, 1193, 29531, 555, 902, 34606, 275, 67432, 61115, 753, 19035, 311, 7904, 34292, 649, 387, 17303, 13, 763, 220, 6280, 17, 11, 568, 574, 18719, 555, 12801, 13015, 34294, 1494, 49358, 278, 73536, 2739, 311, 10299, 279, 502, 9046, 315, 2052, 6890, 13792, 13, 2435, 7086, 433, 3451, 53, 65023, 71, 67692, 9491, 24535, 9636, 34606, 275, 67432, 61115, 11, 42136, 307, 71, 67692, 9491, 14264, 311, 3719, 832, 315, 279, 1925, 586, 3772, 304, 6890, 13, 11699, 24475, 2200, 14264, 311, 264, 3335, 220, 3534, 4, 555, 279, 1060, 220, 4468, 15, 13, 4427, 315, 279, 1455, 3062, 9063, 38737, 1093, 30444, 17544, 4323, 295, 76, 6181, 3952, 279, 3224, 555, 264, 13766, 13, 1115, 18629, 574, 16595, 311, 1239, 94207, 2802, 304, 45080, 4632, 11936, 323, 1202, 24142, 13, 1283, 14958, 449, 3451, 53, 65023, 71, 67692, 9491, 529, 3156, 813, 21624, 13, 4740, 24096, 279, 4325, 315, 21624, 568, 4024, 1203, 311, 813, 86337, 950, 1917, 627, 47, 438, 275, 67432, 61115, 1101, 1550, 3350, 1690, 2536, 2269, 321, 2465, 293 ]
This makes the principle amount from Presitge Lending Corporation $162,500. The parameters of the deal dictate a 8% note for 18 months. They also stipulate a 2 point origination fee, which will also need to be paid when the property closes. The borrower must bring a total of $32,400 up front to cover the $87,500 down payment in addition to the $3,250 origination fee. Once the deal is executed and April takes on the property, she will need to begin making payments each month of $1,083 to the lender ($162,500 principle x 8% / 12 months). If April sells the house for $362,500 after 18 months, she would then realize a total profit of $89,750 after deducting the principle amount of $162,500, the cash paid at the close of $87,500, the origination points of $3,250, and the aggregate interest payments of $19,500. This profit does not account for rehab costs. The Louisiana Governor's Office of Elderly Affairs (GOEA) was created in 1956 as the Commission on Aging by the Louisiana Legislature to act as the state's visible advocate and focal point for all matters pertaining to the aging population.
This makes the principle amount from Presitge Lending Corporation $162,500. The parameters of the deal dictate a 8% note for 18 months. They also stipulate a 2 point origination fee, which will also need to be paid when the property closes. The borrower must bring a total of $32,400 up front to cover the $87,500 down payment in addition to the $3,250 origination fee. Once the deal is executed and April takes on the property, she will need to begin making payments each month of $1,083 to the lender ($162,500 principle x 8% / 12 months). If April sells the house for $362,500 after 18 months, she would then realize a total profit of $89,750 after deducting the principle amount of $162,500, the cash paid at the close of $87,500, the origination points of $3,250, and the aggregate interest payments of $19,500. This profit does not account for rehab costs. The Louisiana Governor's Office of Elderly Affairs (GOEA) was created in 1956 as the Commission on Aging by the Louisiana Legislature to act as the state's visible advocate and focal point for all matters pertaining to the aging population.
Legislation enacted in 1995 mandated that as far as practical and consistent with the efficient administration of state government, programs and services for the elderly population of Louisiana would eventually be consolidated within the GOEA. Further, it was the intent of the Legislature that the GOEA administer all federal funds appropriated, allocated, or otherwise made available to the state for services to the elderly. Since 1964, GOEA developed an extensive network of quasi-governmental agencies recognized as the Aging Service Network. This network consists of the 64 Parish Councils on Aging (COA), 36 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA), 139 Senior Centers, University Centers, Advocacy and Service Organizations, the Senior Corps (Foster Grandparents, Senior Companion, Retired Senior Volunteer Program), the state Senior Employment Program (Title V). GOEA also networks with local community service organizations, volunteers, and a wide variety, programs and services dedicated to supporting its mission. GOEA is the administrator of the Older Americans Act (OAA) program services: Congregate Meals, Home Delivered Meals, Nutrition Counseling Nutrition Education, Assisted Transportation, Information & Assistance, Outreach, Medical Transportation, Adult Day Health Care, Case Management, Group Respite, In-Home Respite, Individual Counseling, Material Aid
[ 770, 1838, 262, 7989, 2033, 422, 1763, 270, 469, 406, 1571, 10501, 720, 25061, 11, 4059, 13, 383, 10007, 286, 262, 1730, 27861, 257, 807, 4, 3465, 329, 1248, 1933, 13, 1119, 635, 22111, 5039, 257, 362, 966, 1796, 1883, 6838, 11, 543, 481, 635, 761, 284, 307, 3432, 618, 262, 3119, 20612, 13, 198, 464, 39740, 1276, 2222, 257, 2472, 286, 720, 2624, 11, 7029, 510, 2166, 284, 3002, 262, 720, 5774, 11, 4059, 866, 6074, 287, 3090, 284, 262, 720, 18, 11, 9031, 1796, 1883, 6838, 13, 4874, 262, 1730, 318, 10945, 290, 3035, 2753, 319, 262, 3119, 11, 673, 481, 761, 284, 2221, 1642, 7524, 1123, 1227, 286, 720, 16, 11, 48290, 284, 262, 35747, 7198, 25061, 11, 4059, 7989, 2124, 807, 4, 1220, 1105, 1933, 737, 1002, 3035, 16015, 262, 2156, 329, 720, 35667, 11, 4059, 706, 1248, 1933, 11, 673, 561, 788, 6537, 257, 2472, 7630, 286, 720, 4531, 11, 15426, 706, 18777, 278, 262, 7989, 2033, 286, 720, 25061, 11, 4059, 11, 262, 5003, 3432, 379, 262, 1969, 286, 720, 5774, 11, 4059, 11, 262, 1796, 1883, 2173, 286, 720, 18, 11, 9031, 11, 290, 262, 19406, 1393, 7524, 286, 720, 1129, 11, 4059, 13, 770, 7630, 857, 407, 1848, 329, 14321, 3484, 13, 383, 13340, 10807, 338, 4452, 286, 15624, 306, 10665, 357, 11230, 16412, 8, 373, 2727, 287, 25190, 355, 262, 4513, 319, 44581, 416, 262, 13340, 20815, 284, 719, 355, 262, 1181, 338, 7424, 12811, 290, 25397, 966, 329, 477, 6067, 27113, 284, 262, 14736, 3265, 13 ]
[ 1115, 3727, 279, 17966, 3392, 505, 4203, 275, 713, 445, 2518, 13332, 400, 10674, 11, 2636, 13, 578, 5137, 315, 279, 3568, 62974, 264, 220, 23, 4, 5296, 369, 220, 972, 4038, 13, 2435, 1101, 43773, 6468, 264, 220, 17, 1486, 2780, 2617, 11307, 11, 902, 690, 1101, 1205, 311, 387, 7318, 994, 279, 3424, 34350, 627, 791, 70719, 2011, 4546, 264, 2860, 315, 400, 843, 11, 3443, 709, 4156, 311, 3504, 279, 400, 4044, 11, 2636, 1523, 8323, 304, 5369, 311, 279, 400, 18, 11, 5154, 2780, 2617, 11307, 13, 9843, 279, 3568, 374, 16070, 323, 5936, 5097, 389, 279, 3424, 11, 1364, 690, 1205, 311, 3240, 3339, 14507, 1855, 2305, 315, 400, 16, 11, 25077, 311, 279, 48575, 1746, 10674, 11, 2636, 17966, 865, 220, 23, 4, 611, 220, 717, 4038, 570, 1442, 5936, 31878, 279, 3838, 369, 400, 18509, 11, 2636, 1306, 220, 972, 4038, 11, 1364, 1053, 1243, 13383, 264, 2860, 11626, 315, 400, 4578, 11, 11711, 1306, 37910, 287, 279, 17966, 3392, 315, 400, 10674, 11, 2636, 11, 279, 8515, 7318, 520, 279, 3345, 315, 400, 4044, 11, 2636, 11, 279, 2780, 2617, 3585, 315, 400, 18, 11, 5154, 11, 323, 279, 24069, 2802, 14507, 315, 400, 777, 11, 2636, 13, 1115, 11626, 1587, 539, 2759, 369, 27876, 7194, 13, 578, 29974, 24245, 596, 8410, 315, 39669, 398, 23298, 320, 15881, 19657, 8, 574, 3549, 304, 220, 6280, 21, 439, 279, 9849, 389, 77188, 555, 279, 29974, 47126, 311, 1180, 439, 279, 1614, 596, 9621, 29115, 323, 42199, 1486, 369, 682, 13146, 47031, 311, 279, 30084, 7187, 13 ]
[ 73067, 44977, 304, 220, 2550, 20, 65509, 430, 439, 3117, 439, 15325, 323, 13263, 449, 279, 11297, 8735, 315, 1614, 3109, 11, 7620, 323, 3600, 369, 279, 29920, 7187, 315, 29974, 1053, 9778, 387, 60391, 2949, 279, 12890, 19657, 13, 15903, 11, 433, 574, 279, 7537, 315, 279, 47126, 430, 279, 12890, 19657, 27185, 682, 6918, 10736, 87513, 11, 20816, 11, 477, 6062, 1903, 2561, 311, 279, 1614, 369, 3600, 311, 279, 29920, 13, 8876, 220, 5162, 19, 11, 12890, 19657, 8040, 459, 16781, 4009, 315, 48844, 46704, 278, 13607, 15324, 439, 279, 77188, 5475, 8304, 13, 1115, 4009, 17610, 315, 279, 220, 1227, 60347, 9251, 82, 389, 77188, 320, 8445, 32, 705, 220, 1927, 12299, 91286, 389, 77188, 320, 51207, 705, 220, 10125, 19903, 41991, 11, 3907, 41991, 11, 48359, 2826, 323, 5475, 67792, 11, 279, 19903, 31242, 320, 37, 11975, 10517, 26534, 11, 19903, 70075, 11, 10608, 2757, 19903, 65535, 6826, 705, 279, 1614, 19903, 41952, 6826, 320, 3936, 650, 570, 12890, 19657, 1101, 14488, 449, 2254, 4029, 2532, 11351, 11, 23872, 11, 323, 264, 7029, 8205, 11, 7620, 323, 3600, 12514, 311, 12899, 1202, 9131, 627, 15881, 19657, 374, 279, 29193, 315, 279, 55025, 9053, 3298, 320, 46, 6157, 8, 2068, 3600, 25, 7409, 1610, 349, 96350, 11, 5492, 7462, 44156, 96350, 11, 39700, 89549, 39700, 11930, 11, 2755, 13539, 30978, 11, 8245, 612, 46865, 11, 97550, 11, 13235, 30978, 11, 22919, 6187, 6401, 10852, 11, 11799, 9744, 11, 5856, 1838, 6100, 11, 763, 12, 7778, 1838, 6100, 11, 30440, 89549, 11, 10441, 38505 ]
let yourself fade into the background; actively reach out to your manager and colleagues. Ask questions, offer to help with projects and make it known that you’re a team player – even if you’re virtual. And ask for what you deserve! If you have a clear record of doing your job well, there’s no reason a company should treat you differently in terms of salary and benefits than an in-office worker. 2. Flex Work Is a Necessity, Not a Perk Q: Currently, many employers view flex work as a perk. Do you think this attitude towards flex work will change in the future? A: It absolutely needs to change. We need to stop thinking about work flexibility as a perk, and start focusing on it as being central to our standing in the global economy. In order to stay competitive, companies need to embrace flexible work options as standard operating procedure because they support productivity, attract the best talent and help the bottom line. I believe the attitude is already shifting away from “perk” and towards “necessity” and will continue to shift in the future. 3. Flex Work Is for Everyone (Even Creative Teams) Q: Do you feel flex work empowers
let yourself fade into the background; actively reach out to your manager and colleagues. Ask questions, offer to help with projects and make it known that you’re a team player – even if you’re virtual. And ask for what you deserve! If you have a clear record of doing your job well, there’s no reason a company should treat you differently in terms of salary and benefits than an in-office worker. 2. Flex Work Is a Necessity, Not a Perk Q: Currently, many employers view flex work as a perk. Do you think this attitude towards flex work will change in the future? A: It absolutely needs to change. We need to stop thinking about work flexibility as a perk, and start focusing on it as being central to our standing in the global economy. In order to stay competitive, companies need to embrace flexible work options as standard operating procedure because they support productivity, attract the best talent and help the bottom line. I believe the attitude is already shifting away from “perk” and towards “necessity” and will continue to shift in the future. 3. Flex Work Is for Everyone (Even Creative Teams) Q: Do you feel flex work empowers
women, as primary caretakers, in the work force? A: I do recognize the benefits of flexible work for working mothers, but I don’t think flexible work options should focus on any particular gender, age or parental status. Flexible work also empowers working dads, people without kids, people with disabilities, anyone acting as a caregiver, students and anyone seeking better work-life balance. Flexible work has the unique ability to impact all workers, and that’s why it’s such a driving force in the employment sector. Q: Productivity is often extolled a major benefit of flex work, but what about creativity? Can telecommuting be supplemental to creativity at innovative companies? A: Creativity doesn’t need to be lost if people are working from home. In fact, a recent study found that employees who work from home are 11-20 percent more productive on creative tasks. I think a lot of this has to do with the less distracting environment of a home office. It’s also a space that each employee can build to suit their own needs, and they can make it more conducive to creative work than a traditional cubicle. And if collaboration is important to creativity, there are
[ 1309, 3511, 22100, 656, 262, 4469, 26, 10630, 3151, 503, 284, 534, 4706, 290, 7810, 13, 16981, 2683, 11, 2897, 284, 1037, 351, 4493, 290, 787, 340, 1900, 326, 345, 447, 247, 260, 257, 1074, 2137, 784, 772, 611, 345, 447, 247, 260, 7166, 13, 843, 1265, 329, 644, 345, 10925, 0, 1002, 345, 423, 257, 1598, 1700, 286, 1804, 534, 1693, 880, 11, 612, 447, 247, 82, 645, 1738, 257, 1664, 815, 2190, 345, 10338, 287, 2846, 286, 9588, 290, 4034, 621, 281, 287, 12, 31810, 8383, 13, 198, 17, 13, 26719, 5521, 1148, 257, 19652, 408, 414, 11, 1892, 257, 2448, 74, 198, 48, 25, 16888, 11, 867, 11390, 1570, 7059, 670, 355, 257, 34407, 13, 2141, 345, 892, 428, 9408, 3371, 7059, 670, 481, 1487, 287, 262, 2003, 30, 198, 32, 25, 632, 5543, 2476, 284, 1487, 13, 775, 761, 284, 2245, 3612, 546, 670, 13688, 355, 257, 34407, 11, 290, 923, 10759, 319, 340, 355, 852, 4318, 284, 674, 5055, 287, 262, 3298, 3773, 13, 554, 1502, 284, 2652, 7606, 11, 2706, 761, 284, 12553, 12846, 670, 3689, 355, 3210, 5361, 8771, 780, 484, 1104, 13714, 11, 4729, 262, 1266, 7401, 290, 1037, 262, 4220, 1627, 13, 314, 1975, 262, 9408, 318, 1541, 15852, 1497, 422, 564, 250, 525, 74, 447, 251, 290, 3371, 564, 250, 10789, 414, 447, 251, 290, 481, 2555, 284, 6482, 287, 262, 2003, 13, 198, 18, 13, 26719, 5521, 1148, 329, 11075, 357, 6104, 17404, 24690, 8, 198, 48, 25, 2141, 345, 1254, 7059, 670, 795, 30132 ]
[ 1095, 6261, 15366, 1139, 279, 4092, 26, 22815, 5662, 704, 311, 701, 6783, 323, 18105, 13, 21069, 4860, 11, 3085, 311, 1520, 449, 7224, 323, 1304, 433, 3967, 430, 499, 3207, 264, 2128, 2851, 1389, 1524, 422, 499, 3207, 4200, 13, 1628, 2610, 369, 1148, 499, 23528, 0, 1442, 499, 617, 264, 2867, 3335, 315, 3815, 701, 2683, 1664, 11, 1070, 753, 912, 2944, 264, 2883, 1288, 4322, 499, 22009, 304, 3878, 315, 16498, 323, 7720, 1109, 459, 304, 82227, 12128, 627, 17, 13, 27233, 5664, 2209, 264, 452, 4093, 488, 11, 2876, 264, 3700, 74, 198, 48, 25, 25122, 11, 1690, 23234, 1684, 5882, 990, 439, 264, 66193, 13, 3234, 499, 1781, 420, 19451, 7119, 5882, 990, 690, 2349, 304, 279, 3938, 5380, 32, 25, 1102, 11112, 3966, 311, 2349, 13, 1226, 1205, 311, 3009, 7422, 922, 990, 25152, 439, 264, 66193, 11, 323, 1212, 21760, 389, 433, 439, 1694, 8792, 311, 1057, 11509, 304, 279, 3728, 8752, 13, 763, 2015, 311, 4822, 15022, 11, 5220, 1205, 311, 27830, 19303, 990, 2671, 439, 5410, 10565, 10537, 1606, 814, 1862, 26206, 11, 9504, 279, 1888, 11005, 323, 1520, 279, 5740, 1584, 13, 358, 4510, 279, 19451, 374, 2736, 32931, 3201, 505, 1054, 716, 74, 863, 323, 7119, 1054, 77, 4093, 488, 863, 323, 690, 3136, 311, 6541, 304, 279, 3938, 627, 18, 13, 27233, 5664, 2209, 369, 22172, 320, 13461, 25248, 40713, 340, 48, 25, 3234, 499, 2733, 5882, 990, 8654, 16345 ]
[ 3278, 11, 439, 6156, 53401, 8476, 11, 304, 279, 990, 5457, 5380, 32, 25, 358, 656, 15641, 279, 7720, 315, 19303, 990, 369, 3318, 27698, 11, 719, 358, 1541, 1431, 1781, 19303, 990, 2671, 1288, 5357, 389, 904, 4040, 10026, 11, 4325, 477, 46679, 2704, 13, 53411, 990, 1101, 8654, 16345, 3318, 89861, 11, 1274, 2085, 6980, 11, 1274, 449, 36801, 11, 5606, 15718, 439, 264, 93561, 11, 4236, 323, 5606, 11125, 2731, 990, 26928, 8335, 13, 53411, 990, 706, 279, 5016, 5845, 311, 5536, 682, 7487, 11, 323, 430, 753, 3249, 433, 753, 1778, 264, 10043, 5457, 304, 279, 14740, 10706, 627, 48, 25, 5761, 1968, 374, 3629, 1327, 337, 839, 264, 3682, 8935, 315, 5882, 990, 11, 719, 1148, 922, 28697, 30, 3053, 8122, 3705, 10831, 387, 69051, 311, 28697, 520, 18699, 5220, 5380, 32, 25, 18134, 1968, 3250, 1431, 1205, 311, 387, 5675, 422, 1274, 527, 3318, 505, 2162, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 264, 3293, 4007, 1766, 430, 8420, 889, 990, 505, 2162, 527, 220, 806, 12, 508, 3346, 810, 27331, 389, 11782, 9256, 13, 358, 1781, 264, 2763, 315, 420, 706, 311, 656, 449, 279, 2753, 82398, 4676, 315, 264, 2162, 5274, 13, 1102, 753, 1101, 264, 3634, 430, 1855, 9548, 649, 1977, 311, 7937, 872, 1866, 3966, 11, 323, 814, 649, 1304, 433, 810, 95561, 311, 11782, 990, 1109, 264, 8776, 19250, 2045, 13, 1628, 422, 20632, 374, 3062, 311, 28697, 11, 1070, 527 ]
prayer intervene on her behalf but will it be enough? http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/24-hours-till-grace-cc-wills/1120326174?ean=2940046152623 "Shawnee Wildcat Gold" is about two old timers deciding they want to try their hand at looking for gold in the Shawnee Hills. What they find may surprise you. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/shawnee-wildcat-gold-cc-wills/1120315486?ean=2940046141160 "Mama's Fried Chicken" is about two teen boys who go to their church picnic but then decide to spend the day exploring the woods that surround the church. What kind of trouble do you think they can get into? http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/mamas-fried-chicken-cc-wills/1120326096?ean=2940046151671 "Murder in Pounds Hollow" is a murder mystery that takes place in a small campground in a state park in southern Illinois. A man
prayer intervene on her behalf but will it be enough? http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/24-hours-till-grace-cc-wills/1120326174?ean=2940046152623 "Shawnee Wildcat Gold" is about two old timers deciding they want to try their hand at looking for gold in the Shawnee Hills. What they find may surprise you. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/shawnee-wildcat-gold-cc-wills/1120315486?ean=2940046141160 "Mama's Fried Chicken" is about two teen boys who go to their church picnic but then decide to spend the day exploring the woods that surround the church. What kind of trouble do you think they can get into? http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/mamas-fried-chicken-cc-wills/1120326096?ean=2940046151671 "Murder in Pounds Hollow" is a murder mystery that takes place in a small campground in a state park in southern Illinois. A man
's throat is cut and he is left by the lake to be found by a fellow camper. Who killed him and why? http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/murder-in-pounds-hollow-cc-wills/1120360045?ean=2940046168891 "Through the Eye and Beyond" is a sci-fi that begins in 2054. A young man living in the destroyed remains of earth goes back in time to try and reverse Earth's destruction. His goal is to prevent the assassination of the first woman President who just happens to be his Grandmother. Can he do it? http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/through-the-eye-and-beyond-cc-wills/1120360127?ean=2940046169911 "The Lottery Ticket" is a general fiction story about a rich lawyer heading back home from a successful business trip. He purchases a winning lottery ticket but before he can cash it in he has a serious car accident. Check it out and see what happen to the money, it may just surprise you. "His First Love"
[ 11443, 22432, 319, 607, 8378, 475, 481, 340, 307, 1576, 30, 198, 4023, 1378, 2503, 13, 65, 1501, 274, 392, 34952, 293, 13, 785, 14, 86, 14, 1731, 12, 24425, 12, 83, 359, 12, 2164, 558, 12, 535, 12, 86, 2171, 14, 14686, 3070, 2075, 22985, 30, 11025, 28, 1959, 7029, 3510, 1314, 2075, 1954, 198, 1, 2484, 3832, 1453, 6183, 9246, 3561, 1, 318, 546, 734, 1468, 48085, 14615, 484, 765, 284, 1949, 511, 1021, 379, 2045, 329, 3869, 287, 262, 25225, 1453, 14379, 13, 1867, 484, 1064, 743, 5975, 345, 13, 198, 4023, 1378, 2503, 13, 65, 1501, 274, 392, 34952, 293, 13, 785, 14, 86, 14, 1477, 3832, 1453, 12, 21992, 9246, 12, 24267, 12, 535, 12, 86, 2171, 14, 14686, 3070, 1314, 34251, 30, 11025, 28, 1959, 7029, 3510, 1415, 1157, 1899, 198, 1, 44, 1689, 338, 15442, 16405, 1, 318, 546, 734, 6036, 6510, 508, 467, 284, 511, 4928, 35715, 475, 788, 5409, 284, 4341, 262, 1110, 13504, 262, 16479, 326, 4573, 262, 4928, 13, 1867, 1611, 286, 5876, 466, 345, 892, 484, 460, 651, 656, 30, 198, 4023, 1378, 2503, 13, 65, 1501, 274, 392, 34952, 293, 13, 785, 14, 86, 14, 76, 17485, 12, 25520, 12, 354, 5973, 12, 535, 12, 86, 2171, 14, 16, 10232, 2624, 1899, 4846, 30, 11025, 28, 1959, 7029, 3510, 1314, 1433, 4869, 198, 1, 23830, 1082, 287, 350, 3733, 18710, 1, 318, 257, 5123, 10715, 326, 2753, 1295, 287, 257, 1402, 1413, 2833, 287, 257, 1181, 3952, 287, 8372, 9486, 13, 317, 582 ]
[ 23788, 55579, 389, 1077, 17981, 719, 690, 433, 387, 3403, 5380, 1277, 1129, 2185, 960, 1923, 288, 438, 77, 51093, 916, 6458, 14, 1187, 77105, 2442, 484, 25313, 580, 12, 641, 2695, 3385, 14, 7261, 21040, 21717, 19, 30, 5420, 28, 17168, 8759, 21385, 14274, 18, 198, 1, 2059, 675, 34191, 13944, 4719, 7573, 1, 374, 922, 1403, 2362, 45622, 30230, 814, 1390, 311, 1456, 872, 1450, 520, 3411, 369, 6761, 304, 279, 36285, 34191, 25964, 13, 3639, 814, 1505, 1253, 13051, 499, 627, 1277, 1129, 2185, 960, 1923, 288, 438, 77, 51093, 916, 6458, 15030, 675, 34191, 2695, 699, 4719, 2427, 820, 12, 641, 2695, 3385, 14, 7261, 18887, 22287, 21, 30, 5420, 28, 17168, 8759, 22638, 8027, 15, 198, 74627, 3105, 596, 31351, 34619, 1, 374, 922, 1403, 9562, 13305, 889, 733, 311, 872, 8993, 55562, 719, 1243, 10491, 311, 8493, 279, 1938, 24919, 279, 33633, 430, 9172, 279, 8993, 13, 3639, 3169, 315, 12544, 656, 499, 1781, 814, 649, 636, 1139, 5380, 1277, 1129, 2185, 960, 1923, 288, 438, 77, 51093, 916, 6458, 3262, 29189, 2269, 4588, 11843, 9890, 12, 641, 2695, 3385, 14, 7261, 21040, 21138, 21, 30, 5420, 28, 17168, 8759, 21385, 11515, 16, 198, 1, 60978, 1126, 304, 393, 3171, 49793, 1, 374, 264, 10102, 23347, 430, 5097, 2035, 304, 264, 2678, 90235, 304, 264, 1614, 6246, 304, 18561, 19174, 13, 362, 893 ]
[ 596, 28691, 374, 4018, 323, 568, 374, 2163, 555, 279, 22553, 311, 387, 1766, 555, 264, 12637, 92153, 13, 10699, 7577, 1461, 323, 3249, 5380, 1277, 1129, 2185, 960, 1923, 288, 438, 77, 51093, 916, 6458, 3262, 324, 1126, 3502, 2320, 3171, 2902, 1573, 12, 641, 2695, 3385, 14, 7261, 23110, 8759, 20, 30, 5420, 28, 17168, 8759, 21379, 25354, 16, 198, 1, 24798, 279, 28929, 323, 31886, 1, 374, 264, 39074, 37731, 430, 12302, 304, 220, 10866, 19, 13, 362, 3995, 893, 5496, 304, 279, 14763, 8625, 315, 9578, 5900, 1203, 304, 892, 311, 1456, 323, 10134, 9420, 596, 19814, 13, 5414, 5915, 374, 311, 5471, 279, 49417, 315, 279, 1176, 5333, 4900, 889, 1120, 8741, 311, 387, 813, 10517, 27510, 13, 3053, 568, 656, 433, 5380, 1277, 1129, 2185, 960, 1923, 288, 438, 77, 51093, 916, 6458, 14, 20322, 10826, 47797, 9976, 1481, 23478, 12, 641, 2695, 3385, 14, 7261, 23110, 11531, 22, 30, 5420, 28, 17168, 8759, 21379, 24606, 16, 198, 3305, 1, 791, 73337, 29497, 1, 374, 264, 4689, 17422, 3446, 922, 264, 9257, 15779, 14836, 1203, 2162, 505, 264, 6992, 2626, 8577, 13, 1283, 24393, 264, 11230, 39339, 11989, 719, 1603, 568, 649, 8515, 433, 304, 568, 706, 264, 6129, 1841, 11677, 13, 4343, 433, 704, 323, 1518, 1148, 3621, 311, 279, 3300, 11, 433, 1253, 1120, 13051, 499, 627, 1, 16366, 5629, 10919, 1 ]
the disconnect between science and investor action on climate change. The World Economic Forum’s 2018 risk report highlights the failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation as one of the most impactful and probable issues facing the global economy[1] and the Financial Stability Board asserts that climate is “the most significant” risk investors face.[2] So why is it that in the 2017 CFA Society ESG survey only 50% of respondents admitted incorporating environmental issues into their investment process, and the main reason cited was immateriality?[3] The big green elephant in the room is the pervasive belief that investing in a way that considers climate requires financial sacrifice. While this can partially be explained by limited knowledge about climate impacts on asset valuations and how environmental issues can be integrated into portfolio construction, behavioral finance provides insights into additional factors at play. The “no free lunch” heuristic is at the root of our automatic response that “green” or sustainable finance requires a returns sacrifice. To lose weight, you must diet, to pass your CFA, you must sacrifice your social life; there is no reward without risk and “good” things (like “green” products) require sacrifice. Even when there is abundant evidence to
the disconnect between science and investor action on climate change. The World Economic Forum’s 2018 risk report highlights the failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation as one of the most impactful and probable issues facing the global economy[1] and the Financial Stability Board asserts that climate is “the most significant” risk investors face.[2] So why is it that in the 2017 CFA Society ESG survey only 50% of respondents admitted incorporating environmental issues into their investment process, and the main reason cited was immateriality?[3] The big green elephant in the room is the pervasive belief that investing in a way that considers climate requires financial sacrifice. While this can partially be explained by limited knowledge about climate impacts on asset valuations and how environmental issues can be integrated into portfolio construction, behavioral finance provides insights into additional factors at play. The “no free lunch” heuristic is at the root of our automatic response that “green” or sustainable finance requires a returns sacrifice. To lose weight, you must diet, to pass your CFA, you must sacrifice your social life; there is no reward without risk and “good” things (like “green” products) require sacrifice. Even when there is abundant evidence to
the contrary, we are less likely to take it into account because of confirmation bias, which is the tendency to prioritize or interpret new information in a way that confirms our existing beliefs. Confirmation bias is stronger for more emotive and deeply entrenched beliefs, which could explain the slower adoption[4] of sustainable finance in markets where issues like climate change are politically polarized, such as the U.S.[5] Listening to our reflective systems may lead us to a more logical judgement. We are entering an era of unprecedented population growth, placing huge pressure on the finite resource base for food, water, and energy. At the same time, more volatile weather and increasing pollution is depleting our “natural capital” base and governments globally are working to change the cost-benefit dynamics of polluting industries. Against this macroeconomic backdrop, it is logical that more resource-efficient companies and ones more responsive to changing consumer demand for greener products should do better. Indeed, to make the case more powerfully, try reversing the argument—do we believe more resource-inefficient, polluting companies will outperform going forward? A meta-study by Oxford University seems to confirm the thesis. It found that in 90% of cases, environmentally efficient companies have lower costs of capital
[ 262, 22837, 1022, 3783, 290, 15811, 2223, 319, 4258, 1487, 13, 383, 2159, 11279, 14867, 447, 247, 82, 2864, 2526, 989, 11330, 262, 5287, 286, 4258, 1487, 33585, 290, 16711, 355, 530, 286, 262, 749, 2928, 913, 290, 17939, 2428, 6476, 262, 3298, 3773, 58, 16, 60, 290, 262, 11302, 47865, 5926, 29348, 326, 4258, 318, 564, 250, 1169, 749, 2383, 447, 251, 2526, 7713, 1986, 3693, 17, 60, 1406, 1521, 318, 340, 326, 287, 262, 2177, 327, 7708, 7023, 13380, 38, 5526, 691, 2026, 4, 286, 14502, 6848, 29927, 6142, 2428, 656, 511, 4896, 1429, 11, 290, 262, 1388, 1738, 9181, 373, 2296, 2273, 414, 30, 58, 18, 60, 198, 464, 1263, 4077, 20950, 287, 262, 2119, 318, 262, 29280, 4901, 326, 14771, 287, 257, 835, 326, 14358, 4258, 4433, 3176, 11728, 13, 2893, 428, 460, 12387, 307, 4893, 416, 3614, 3725, 546, 4258, 12751, 319, 11171, 1188, 6055, 290, 703, 6142, 2428, 460, 307, 11521, 656, 15320, 5103, 11, 17211, 9604, 3769, 17218, 656, 3224, 5087, 379, 711, 13, 383, 564, 250, 3919, 1479, 9965, 447, 251, 339, 27915, 318, 379, 262, 6808, 286, 674, 11353, 2882, 326, 564, 250, 14809, 447, 251, 393, 13347, 9604, 4433, 257, 5860, 11728, 13, 1675, 4425, 3463, 11, 345, 1276, 5496, 11, 284, 1208, 534, 327, 7708, 11, 345, 1276, 11728, 534, 1919, 1204, 26, 612, 318, 645, 6721, 1231, 2526, 290, 564, 250, 11274, 447, 251, 1243, 357, 2339, 564, 250, 14809, 447, 251, 3186, 8, 2421, 11728, 13, 3412, 618, 612, 318, 23263, 2370, 284 ]
[ 279, 30069, 1990, 8198, 323, 30693, 1957, 389, 10182, 2349, 13, 578, 4435, 23362, 17997, 753, 220, 679, 23, 5326, 1934, 22020, 279, 8060, 315, 10182, 2349, 66860, 323, 34185, 439, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 98990, 323, 35977, 4819, 13176, 279, 3728, 8752, 58, 16, 60, 323, 279, 17961, 81238, 8925, 57876, 430, 10182, 374, 1054, 1820, 1455, 5199, 863, 5326, 15167, 3663, 8032, 17, 60, 2100, 3249, 374, 433, 430, 304, 279, 220, 679, 22, 356, 3711, 13581, 469, 7939, 10795, 1193, 220, 1135, 4, 315, 34281, 16584, 52913, 12434, 4819, 1139, 872, 9341, 1920, 11, 323, 279, 1925, 2944, 22628, 574, 4998, 2229, 488, 61864, 18, 933, 791, 2466, 6307, 46840, 304, 279, 3130, 374, 279, 71867, 16801, 430, 26012, 304, 264, 1648, 430, 32238, 10182, 7612, 6020, 28235, 13, 6104, 420, 649, 26310, 387, 11497, 555, 7347, 6677, 922, 10182, 25949, 389, 9513, 1062, 38170, 323, 1268, 12434, 4819, 649, 387, 18751, 1139, 20136, 8246, 11, 36695, 17452, 5825, 26793, 1139, 5217, 9547, 520, 1514, 13, 578, 1054, 2201, 1949, 16163, 863, 67709, 374, 520, 279, 3789, 315, 1057, 17392, 2077, 430, 1054, 13553, 863, 477, 22556, 17452, 7612, 264, 4780, 28235, 13, 2057, 9229, 4785, 11, 499, 2011, 10173, 11, 311, 1522, 701, 356, 3711, 11, 499, 2011, 28235, 701, 3674, 2324, 26, 1070, 374, 912, 11565, 2085, 5326, 323, 1054, 19045, 863, 2574, 320, 4908, 1054, 13553, 863, 3956, 8, 1397, 28235, 13, 7570, 994, 1070, 374, 44611, 6029, 311 ]
[ 279, 26102, 11, 584, 527, 2753, 4461, 311, 1935, 433, 1139, 2759, 1606, 315, 20109, 15837, 11, 902, 374, 279, 31954, 311, 63652, 477, 14532, 502, 2038, 304, 264, 1648, 430, 43496, 1057, 6484, 21463, 13, 69409, 15837, 374, 16643, 369, 810, 10382, 535, 323, 17693, 82144, 21463, 11, 902, 1436, 10552, 279, 29493, 25375, 58, 19, 60, 315, 22556, 17452, 304, 11987, 1405, 4819, 1093, 10182, 2349, 527, 31205, 25685, 1534, 11, 1778, 439, 279, 549, 815, 8032, 20, 933, 56031, 311, 1057, 52828, 6067, 1253, 3063, 603, 311, 264, 810, 20406, 48919, 13, 1226, 527, 16661, 459, 11639, 315, 31069, 7187, 6650, 11, 25012, 6908, 7410, 389, 279, 35326, 5211, 2385, 369, 3691, 11, 3090, 11, 323, 4907, 13, 2468, 279, 1890, 892, 11, 810, 17509, 9282, 323, 7859, 25793, 374, 409, 698, 1303, 1057, 1054, 53980, 6864, 863, 2385, 323, 17047, 31550, 527, 3318, 311, 2349, 279, 2853, 1481, 89729, 30295, 315, 7230, 10831, 19647, 13, 30241, 420, 18563, 49944, 39577, 11, 433, 374, 20406, 430, 810, 5211, 73916, 5220, 323, 6305, 810, 27078, 311, 10223, 11761, 7631, 369, 2886, 804, 3956, 1288, 656, 2731, 13, 23150, 11, 311, 1304, 279, 1162, 810, 2410, 3725, 11, 1456, 76283, 279, 5811, 2345, 3055, 584, 4510, 810, 5211, 12, 483, 544, 5499, 11, 7230, 10831, 5220, 690, 704, 29588, 2133, 4741, 30, 362, 8999, 5594, 18339, 555, 26275, 3907, 5084, 311, 7838, 279, 17850, 13, 1102, 1766, 430, 304, 220, 1954, 4, 315, 5157, 11, 57340, 11297, 5220, 617, 4827, 7194, 315, 6864 ]
powerful’. But powerful how? What kinds of power might a work of fiction be able to exert over its readers? Does a novel have the power to change us – to improve us, or to harm us? The theme of dangerous novels is as old as the novel itself, and there is a long list of fictional readers damaged by their taste in books – Don Quixote and Emma Bovary being only the most famous cases. As literary works are often imagined to be morally improving and civilizing, the question of harm rarely seems to arise. Though some critics and philosophers have argued (unencumbered by evidence) that good books have made us better people, none has spent much time worrying about what bad books might do to us. But when a reader encounters a work like the 120 Days, the question no longer seems quite so abstract or irrelevant. If ever there was a powerful text, then surely it’s this one. Few readers can be left unruffled or undisturbed by the tales told and deeds done in the Castle of Silling – even if critics working on Sade have largely avoided talking about their own responses to these. That said, most readers will read the 120 Days only once, and leave it behind. The sense of shock
powerful’. But powerful how? What kinds of power might a work of fiction be able to exert over its readers? Does a novel have the power to change us – to improve us, or to harm us? The theme of dangerous novels is as old as the novel itself, and there is a long list of fictional readers damaged by their taste in books – Don Quixote and Emma Bovary being only the most famous cases. As literary works are often imagined to be morally improving and civilizing, the question of harm rarely seems to arise. Though some critics and philosophers have argued (unencumbered by evidence) that good books have made us better people, none has spent much time worrying about what bad books might do to us. But when a reader encounters a work like the 120 Days, the question no longer seems quite so abstract or irrelevant. If ever there was a powerful text, then surely it’s this one. Few readers can be left unruffled or undisturbed by the tales told and deeds done in the Castle of Silling – even if critics working on Sade have largely avoided talking about their own responses to these. That said, most readers will read the 120 Days only once, and leave it behind. The sense of shock
will fade, and normal life will resume. Every now and again a mental image of a particular scene may resurface uninvited, but only fleetingly – life is too short to dwell on such things. Not so for the translator, however. Translation requires an intimacy with source material that may be one of the reasons why some of Sade’s works – such as the New Justine – remain untranslated, while other major works such as the History of Juliette, and, until now, the 120 Days, have only been translated once, back in the 1950s. Why would anyone choose to live with these texts for the days, months, years it takes to translate them? For me there were many reasons – the challenge of translating Sade’s most extreme work, the poor quality of the existing translation (which was a bar to being able to teach this text in translation), and a curiosity about how the novel would be received in a country where Sade had been banned until quite recently. But though I had read the text closely before, and, indeed written about it, I don’t think I realised the scale of the task that was ahead of us, and the time I would have to spend in the company of S
[ 44548, 447, 247, 13, 887, 3665, 703, 30, 1867, 6982, 286, 1176, 1244, 257, 670, 286, 10165, 307, 1498, 284, 17596, 625, 663, 7183, 30, 8314, 257, 5337, 423, 262, 1176, 284, 1487, 514, 784, 284, 2987, 514, 11, 393, 284, 4419, 514, 30, 383, 7505, 286, 4923, 16122, 318, 355, 1468, 355, 262, 5337, 2346, 11, 290, 612, 318, 257, 890, 1351, 286, 19812, 7183, 9694, 416, 511, 6938, 287, 3835, 784, 2094, 2264, 844, 1258, 290, 18966, 347, 709, 560, 852, 691, 262, 749, 5863, 2663, 13, 1081, 16716, 2499, 389, 1690, 15758, 284, 307, 22388, 10068, 290, 3026, 2890, 11, 262, 1808, 286, 4419, 8365, 2331, 284, 15058, 13, 7486, 617, 9188, 290, 24858, 423, 7189, 357, 403, 12685, 26584, 416, 2370, 8, 326, 922, 3835, 423, 925, 514, 1365, 661, 11, 4844, 468, 3377, 881, 640, 18916, 546, 644, 2089, 3835, 1244, 466, 284, 514, 13, 887, 618, 257, 9173, 16925, 257, 670, 588, 262, 7982, 12579, 11, 262, 1808, 645, 2392, 2331, 2407, 523, 12531, 393, 18046, 13, 1002, 1683, 612, 373, 257, 3665, 2420, 11, 788, 10403, 340, 447, 247, 82, 428, 530, 13, 20463, 7183, 460, 307, 1364, 555, 30622, 992, 393, 3318, 396, 37694, 416, 262, 19490, 1297, 290, 23777, 1760, 287, 262, 11312, 286, 311, 4509, 784, 772, 611, 9188, 1762, 319, 311, 671, 423, 5688, 13941, 3375, 546, 511, 898, 9109, 284, 777, 13, 1320, 531, 11, 749, 7183, 481, 1100, 262, 7982, 12579, 691, 1752, 11, 290, 2666, 340, 2157, 13, 383, 2565, 286, 6380 ]
[ 13477, 1285, 24535, 2030, 8147, 1268, 30, 3639, 13124, 315, 2410, 2643, 264, 990, 315, 17422, 387, 3025, 311, 43844, 927, 1202, 13016, 30, 12838, 264, 11775, 617, 279, 2410, 311, 2349, 603, 1389, 311, 7417, 603, 11, 477, 311, 11682, 603, 30, 578, 7057, 315, 11660, 32963, 374, 439, 2362, 439, 279, 11775, 5196, 11, 323, 1070, 374, 264, 1317, 1160, 315, 44682, 13016, 20727, 555, 872, 12945, 304, 6603, 1389, 4418, 3489, 953, 1295, 323, 36035, 426, 869, 661, 1694, 1193, 279, 1455, 11495, 5157, 13, 1666, 32465, 4375, 527, 3629, 35706, 311, 387, 57323, 18899, 323, 8431, 4954, 11, 279, 3488, 315, 11682, 19029, 5084, 311, 31889, 13, 18056, 1063, 23531, 323, 61787, 617, 18784, 320, 359, 967, 900, 291, 555, 6029, 8, 430, 1695, 6603, 617, 1903, 603, 2731, 1274, 11, 7000, 706, 7543, 1790, 892, 40876, 922, 1148, 3958, 6603, 2643, 656, 311, 603, 13, 2030, 994, 264, 6742, 35006, 264, 990, 1093, 279, 220, 4364, 21882, 11, 279, 3488, 912, 5129, 5084, 5115, 779, 8278, 477, 40815, 13, 1442, 3596, 1070, 574, 264, 8147, 1495, 11, 1243, 22225, 433, 753, 420, 832, 13, 44015, 13016, 649, 387, 2163, 41480, 43435, 477, 2073, 380, 75325, 555, 279, 37565, 3309, 323, 54811, 2884, 304, 279, 27987, 315, 328, 9585, 1389, 1524, 422, 23531, 3318, 389, 328, 1037, 617, 14090, 31890, 7556, 922, 872, 1866, 14847, 311, 1521, 13, 3011, 1071, 11, 1455, 13016, 690, 1373, 279, 220, 4364, 21882, 1193, 3131, 11, 323, 5387, 433, 4920, 13, 578, 5647, 315, 10988 ]
[ 690, 15366, 11, 323, 4725, 2324, 690, 16063, 13, 7357, 1457, 323, 1578, 264, 10723, 2217, 315, 264, 4040, 6237, 1253, 594, 10730, 653, 14386, 1639, 11, 719, 1193, 26155, 11559, 1389, 2324, 374, 2288, 2875, 311, 44935, 389, 1778, 2574, 627, 2688, 779, 369, 279, 46588, 11, 4869, 13, 39141, 7612, 459, 66264, 449, 2592, 3769, 430, 1253, 387, 832, 315, 279, 8125, 3249, 1063, 315, 328, 1037, 753, 4375, 1389, 1778, 439, 279, 1561, 4702, 483, 1389, 7293, 91448, 11, 1418, 1023, 3682, 4375, 1778, 439, 279, 11346, 315, 72124, 668, 11, 323, 11, 3156, 1457, 11, 279, 220, 4364, 21882, 11, 617, 1193, 1027, 25548, 3131, 11, 1203, 304, 279, 220, 6280, 15, 82, 13, 8595, 1053, 5606, 5268, 311, 3974, 449, 1521, 22755, 369, 279, 2919, 11, 4038, 11, 1667, 433, 5097, 311, 15025, 1124, 30, 1789, 757, 1070, 1051, 1690, 8125, 1389, 279, 8815, 315, 67371, 328, 1037, 753, 1455, 14560, 990, 11, 279, 8009, 4367, 315, 279, 6484, 14807, 320, 8370, 574, 264, 3703, 311, 1694, 3025, 311, 4639, 420, 1495, 304, 14807, 705, 323, 264, 41328, 922, 1268, 279, 11775, 1053, 387, 4036, 304, 264, 3224, 1405, 328, 1037, 1047, 1027, 21501, 3156, 5115, 6051, 13, 2030, 3582, 358, 1047, 1373, 279, 1495, 15499, 1603, 11, 323, 11, 13118, 5439, 922, 433, 11, 358, 1541, 1431, 1781, 358, 41193, 279, 5569, 315, 279, 3465, 430, 574, 8469, 315, 603, 11, 323, 279, 892, 358, 1053, 617, 311, 8493, 304, 279, 2883, 315, 328 ]
ous space under St Pancras Church built in1822, the haunting tunnels compliment the images and offer the viewers space to consider the work. Often I’m so caught up in my vision or my story that I stray from rigorously telling myself (and others) the full truth. Whether it be your personal or professional history, or having, as the Buddhist sages say “a rigorous regard for reality,” being able to actualize a compelling future vision is dependent on first telling the truth about our past and current lives. One of the ways I assist myself in personal and professional development, is to work hard to “live in the question;” to ask myself if my version of reality is …. real! Another great tool is to have a friend or a support group test your version of reality. Of course, ideally they would know of your deeper purpose, vision and values so they would have a filter, a context within which to evaluate your statement. Even more importantly, you’ll need to actually LISTEN, free of judgment, blame or excuses. This level of attention to self-directed honesty is rare … and powerful. To those who just celebrated the Western New Year and to those anticipating Chinese New Year in February
ous space under St Pancras Church built in1822, the haunting tunnels compliment the images and offer the viewers space to consider the work. Often I’m so caught up in my vision or my story that I stray from rigorously telling myself (and others) the full truth. Whether it be your personal or professional history, or having, as the Buddhist sages say “a rigorous regard for reality,” being able to actualize a compelling future vision is dependent on first telling the truth about our past and current lives. One of the ways I assist myself in personal and professional development, is to work hard to “live in the question;” to ask myself if my version of reality is …. real! Another great tool is to have a friend or a support group test your version of reality. Of course, ideally they would know of your deeper purpose, vision and values so they would have a filter, a context within which to evaluate your statement. Even more importantly, you’ll need to actually LISTEN, free of judgment, blame or excuses. This level of attention to self-directed honesty is rare … and powerful. To those who just celebrated the Western New Year and to those anticipating Chinese New Year in February
, please accept my very best wishes that you enjoy every possible success, joy and satisfaction during the New Year and always. Movie: Failed architect, engineer and vicious murderer Jack narrates the details of some of his most elaborately orchestrated crimes, each of them a towering piece of art that defines his life's work as a serial killer for twelve years. Another film by Lars von Trier done very much in the flavor of his previous picture, Nymphomaniac. It is, in my opinion, much less uneven and messy, but still too undisciplined to feel fully realized and satisfying. It ranges from brilliant to dubious constantly, while Nymphomaniac, despite also containing brilliant segments, sinks to cringe-worthy more than once. Similarly to Nymphomaniac, where our main character is exploring a central part of her personality, in the case of that film her sexuality, by confessing her history to another character, all intertwined with commentary from philos... read the rest. The Horsemen Book 9 – kindle edition. Free until 11/14/16 only. Worldwide on Amazon. And the author of The Art of the Deal. That you can’t possibly believe yourself. And is really just a normal moat.
[ 516, 2272, 739, 520, 49957, 8847, 4564, 3170, 287, 1507, 1828, 11, 262, 36660, 22642, 19370, 262, 4263, 290, 2897, 262, 10209, 2272, 284, 2074, 262, 670, 13, 18023, 314, 447, 247, 76, 523, 4978, 510, 287, 616, 5761, 393, 616, 1621, 326, 314, 28583, 422, 7805, 24882, 5149, 3589, 357, 392, 1854, 8, 262, 1336, 3872, 13, 10127, 340, 307, 534, 2614, 393, 4708, 2106, 11, 393, 1719, 11, 355, 262, 20838, 264, 1095, 910, 564, 250, 64, 22888, 2754, 329, 3950, 11, 447, 251, 852, 1498, 284, 4036, 1096, 257, 13206, 2003, 5761, 318, 10795, 319, 717, 5149, 262, 3872, 546, 674, 1613, 290, 1459, 3160, 13, 198, 3198, 286, 262, 2842, 314, 3342, 3589, 287, 2614, 290, 4708, 2478, 11, 318, 284, 670, 1327, 284, 564, 250, 12583, 287, 262, 1808, 26, 447, 251, 284, 1265, 3589, 611, 616, 2196, 286, 3950, 318, 3926, 13, 1103, 0, 198, 6610, 1049, 2891, 318, 284, 423, 257, 1545, 393, 257, 1104, 1448, 1332, 534, 2196, 286, 3950, 13, 3226, 1781, 11, 30274, 484, 561, 760, 286, 534, 9211, 4007, 11, 5761, 290, 3815, 523, 484, 561, 423, 257, 8106, 11, 257, 4732, 1626, 543, 284, 13446, 534, 2643, 13, 3412, 517, 11003, 11, 345, 447, 247, 297, 761, 284, 1682, 39498, 1677, 11, 1479, 286, 8492, 11, 8138, 393, 25893, 13, 198, 1212, 1241, 286, 3241, 284, 2116, 12, 34762, 24345, 318, 4071, 3926, 290, 3665, 13, 1675, 883, 508, 655, 13943, 262, 4885, 968, 6280, 290, 284, 883, 40807, 3999, 968, 6280, 287, 3945 ]
[ 788, 3634, 1234, 800, 97314, 13075, 9441, 5918, 304, 10828, 17, 11, 279, 77754, 53827, 32241, 279, 5448, 323, 3085, 279, 22511, 3634, 311, 2980, 279, 990, 13, 36016, 358, 4344, 779, 10791, 709, 304, 856, 11376, 477, 856, 3446, 430, 358, 62490, 505, 78477, 7162, 11890, 7182, 320, 438, 3885, 8, 279, 2539, 8206, 13, 13440, 433, 387, 701, 4443, 477, 6721, 3925, 11, 477, 3515, 11, 439, 279, 47841, 274, 1154, 2019, 1054, 64, 47999, 5363, 369, 8903, 2476, 1694, 3025, 311, 5150, 553, 264, 29722, 3938, 11376, 374, 18222, 389, 1176, 11890, 279, 8206, 922, 1057, 3347, 323, 1510, 6439, 627, 4054, 315, 279, 5627, 358, 7945, 7182, 304, 4443, 323, 6721, 4500, 11, 374, 311, 990, 2653, 311, 1054, 25859, 304, 279, 3488, 26, 863, 311, 2610, 7182, 422, 856, 2373, 315, 8903, 374, 66621, 1972, 4999, 14364, 2294, 5507, 374, 311, 617, 264, 4333, 477, 264, 1862, 1912, 1296, 701, 2373, 315, 8903, 13, 5046, 3388, 11, 50663, 814, 1053, 1440, 315, 701, 19662, 7580, 11, 11376, 323, 2819, 779, 814, 1053, 617, 264, 4141, 11, 264, 2317, 2949, 902, 311, 15806, 701, 5224, 13, 7570, 810, 23659, 11, 499, 4805, 1205, 311, 3604, 28064, 965, 11, 1949, 315, 19971, 11, 19065, 477, 55586, 627, 2028, 2237, 315, 6666, 311, 659, 86855, 48948, 374, 9024, 4696, 323, 8147, 13, 2057, 1884, 889, 1120, 28284, 279, 11104, 1561, 9941, 323, 311, 1884, 86359, 8620, 1561, 9941, 304, 7552 ]
[ 11, 4587, 4287, 856, 1633, 1888, 25223, 430, 499, 4774, 1475, 3284, 2450, 11, 16267, 323, 24617, 2391, 279, 1561, 9941, 323, 2744, 13, 14270, 25, 22092, 11726, 11, 24490, 323, 43510, 69066, 7762, 13713, 988, 279, 3649, 315, 1063, 315, 813, 1455, 25985, 2718, 93167, 17073, 11, 1855, 315, 1124, 264, 87794, 6710, 315, 1989, 430, 19170, 813, 2324, 596, 990, 439, 264, 6275, 25534, 369, 30335, 1667, 627, 14364, 4632, 555, 59276, 6675, 350, 7401, 2884, 1633, 1790, 304, 279, 17615, 315, 813, 3766, 6945, 11, 452, 32800, 316, 5676, 582, 13, 1102, 374, 11, 304, 856, 9647, 11, 1790, 2753, 61437, 323, 46946, 11, 719, 2103, 2288, 2073, 3510, 10567, 1619, 311, 2733, 7373, 15393, 323, 37154, 13, 1102, 21986, 505, 20333, 311, 63189, 15320, 11, 1418, 452, 32800, 316, 5676, 582, 11, 8994, 1101, 8649, 20333, 21282, 11, 58052, 311, 1589, 18177, 97767, 810, 1109, 3131, 13, 35339, 311, 452, 32800, 316, 5676, 582, 11, 1405, 1057, 1925, 3752, 374, 24919, 264, 8792, 961, 315, 1077, 17743, 11, 304, 279, 1162, 315, 430, 4632, 1077, 39275, 11, 555, 48466, 287, 1077, 3925, 311, 2500, 3752, 11, 682, 99892, 449, 31710, 505, 10891, 437, 1131, 1373, 279, 2800, 13, 578, 34392, 5794, 6017, 220, 24, 1389, 3169, 273, 14002, 627, 11180, 3156, 220, 806, 14, 975, 14, 845, 1193, 13, 53035, 389, 8339, 13, 1628, 279, 3229, 315, 578, 5277, 315, 279, 27359, 627, 4897, 499, 649, 1431, 11000, 4510, 6261, 627, 3112, 374, 2216, 1120, 264, 4725, 4647, 266, 13 ]
few more. From the gaming genre there are also a few games that have that feeling. 'Diablo' and the 'Doom' series are something on the edge of Gore and Fear. 'Alone in the Dark' series is a great example, as is an old cRPG 'Elvira' (but it's also gore). More examples 'Gabriel Knight', 'BloodNet', and even 'System Shock'. Oh, and another great example : 'Legacy'. Stephen King writes this way. The most ambitious genre-face of them all. This type of horror, in my humble opinion, is almost unattainable in a computer game. It's not just the story, the monster, the setting. It's something BEYOND. Just as H.P.Lovecraft wrote in "Supernatural in Literature", you need something more than just a monster, an old tower, blood and fear. You need the shadow of a real horror, beyond the scene, just looming over the players feelings. Just a hint of a horror so unspeakable a human mind can't even imagine. This is a very serious play on the human psyche, and can be achieved only by hard work. It's the something that tingles at
few more. From the gaming genre there are also a few games that have that feeling. 'Diablo' and the 'Doom' series are something on the edge of Gore and Fear. 'Alone in the Dark' series is a great example, as is an old cRPG 'Elvira' (but it's also gore). More examples 'Gabriel Knight', 'BloodNet', and even 'System Shock'. Oh, and another great example : 'Legacy'. Stephen King writes this way. The most ambitious genre-face of them all. This type of horror, in my humble opinion, is almost unattainable in a computer game. It's not just the story, the monster, the setting. It's something BEYOND. Just as H.P.Lovecraft wrote in "Supernatural in Literature", you need something more than just a monster, an old tower, blood and fear. You need the shadow of a real horror, beyond the scene, just looming over the players feelings. Just a hint of a horror so unspeakable a human mind can't even imagine. This is a very serious play on the human psyche, and can be achieved only by hard work. It's the something that tingles at
the edge of our imagination, in our worst nightmares. You have to make the player believe, that it's not only the '@' sign that he's saving. You have to make him believe that it is him, who struggles against the odds. You have to _scare_ him. Impossible. But doable. I recommend reading the quote at the beginning again. I don't know whether roguelike is a possible genre for true horror. To be absolutely honest, I've never played any 'true horror' game. The closest I could get, were a few moments in 'Alone in the Dark'. On the other hand, Permadeath is a really important factor that could contribute to the horror. I can't show you a receipt for true horror in a roguelike. What I can do, is give you a few hints. First of all, forget about combat. Make the player die each time he tries to fight, what he can't understand. Let information be _very_ sparse. Never allow the play to know more than 'just a little'. Leave always a huge area for the imagination. The Players imagination, by the way, is your greatest ally. Leave it room to produce it's own horrors. Never
[ 1178, 517, 13, 198, 4863, 262, 7776, 12121, 612, 389, 635, 257, 1178, 1830, 326, 423, 326, 4203, 13, 705, 18683, 18817, 6, 290, 262, 705, 35, 4207, 6, 2168, 389, 1223, 319, 262, 5743, 286, 17557, 290, 16132, 13, 705, 2348, 505, 287, 262, 3801, 6, 2168, 318, 257, 1049, 1672, 11, 355, 318, 281, 1468, 269, 46954, 705, 36, 6780, 8704, 6, 357, 4360, 340, 338, 635, 46835, 737, 3125, 6096, 705, 46079, 11719, 6700, 3256, 705, 21659, 7934, 3256, 290, 772, 705, 11964, 22763, 4458, 3966, 11, 290, 1194, 1049, 1672, 1058, 705, 11484, 1590, 4458, 7970, 2677, 6797, 428, 835, 13, 198, 464, 749, 14742, 12121, 12, 2550, 286, 606, 477, 13, 770, 2099, 286, 9961, 11, 287, 616, 19695, 4459, 11, 318, 2048, 29327, 391, 540, 287, 257, 3644, 983, 13, 632, 338, 407, 655, 262, 1621, 11, 262, 9234, 11, 262, 4634, 13, 632, 338, 1223, 9348, 56, 18672, 13, 2329, 355, 367, 13, 47, 13, 18565, 3323, 2630, 287, 366, 12442, 11802, 287, 33818, 1600, 345, 761, 1223, 517, 621, 655, 257, 9234, 11, 281, 1468, 10580, 11, 2910, 290, 3252, 13, 921, 761, 262, 9082, 286, 257, 1103, 9961, 11, 3675, 262, 3715, 11, 655, 28236, 625, 262, 1938, 7666, 13, 2329, 257, 9254, 286, 257, 9961, 523, 555, 4125, 29033, 257, 1692, 2000, 460, 470, 772, 5967, 13, 770, 318, 257, 845, 2726, 711, 319, 262, 1692, 39006, 11, 290, 460, 307, 8793, 691, 416, 1327, 670, 13, 632, 338, 262, 1223, 326, 256, 278, 829, 379 ]
[ 2478, 810, 627, 3915, 279, 16211, 17779, 1070, 527, 1101, 264, 2478, 3953, 430, 617, 430, 8430, 13, 364, 22427, 32560, 6, 323, 279, 364, 35, 4285, 6, 4101, 527, 2555, 389, 279, 6964, 315, 49625, 323, 43067, 13, 364, 2149, 606, 304, 279, 12538, 6, 4101, 374, 264, 2294, 3187, 11, 439, 374, 459, 2362, 272, 49, 11637, 364, 6719, 85, 9008, 6, 320, 8248, 433, 596, 1101, 91532, 570, 4497, 10507, 364, 75739, 22811, 23844, 518, 364, 52586, 7099, 518, 323, 1524, 364, 2374, 48083, 4527, 8840, 11, 323, 2500, 2294, 3187, 551, 364, 78515, 4527, 18587, 6342, 14238, 420, 1648, 627, 791, 1455, 32855, 17779, 30188, 315, 1124, 682, 13, 1115, 955, 315, 22169, 11, 304, 856, 39612, 9647, 11, 374, 4661, 653, 1617, 467, 481, 304, 264, 6500, 1847, 13, 1102, 596, 539, 1120, 279, 3446, 11, 279, 18118, 11, 279, 6376, 13, 1102, 596, 2555, 7354, 56, 38539, 13, 4702, 439, 473, 1087, 1236, 1009, 7868, 6267, 304, 330, 10254, 944, 4688, 304, 47470, 498, 499, 1205, 2555, 810, 1109, 1120, 264, 18118, 11, 459, 2362, 21970, 11, 6680, 323, 8850, 13, 1472, 1205, 279, 12737, 315, 264, 1972, 22169, 11, 7953, 279, 6237, 11, 1120, 65564, 927, 279, 4311, 16024, 13, 4702, 264, 13310, 315, 264, 22169, 779, 7120, 23635, 481, 264, 3823, 4059, 649, 956, 1524, 13085, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 1633, 6129, 1514, 389, 279, 3823, 88909, 11, 323, 649, 387, 17427, 1193, 555, 2653, 990, 13, 1102, 596, 279, 2555, 430, 43327, 645, 520 ]
[ 279, 6964, 315, 1057, 28899, 11, 304, 1057, 12047, 75362, 13, 1472, 617, 311, 1304, 279, 2851, 4510, 11, 430, 433, 596, 539, 1193, 279, 3542, 6, 1879, 430, 568, 596, 14324, 13, 1472, 617, 311, 1304, 1461, 4510, 430, 433, 374, 1461, 11, 889, 28970, 2403, 279, 21448, 13, 1472, 617, 311, 721, 2445, 548, 62, 1461, 13, 83752, 13, 2030, 656, 481, 627, 40, 7079, 5403, 279, 12929, 520, 279, 7314, 1578, 627, 40, 1541, 956, 1440, 3508, 95256, 4088, 3043, 374, 264, 3284, 17779, 369, 837, 22169, 13, 2057, 387, 11112, 10978, 11, 358, 3077, 2646, 6476, 904, 364, 1904, 22169, 6, 1847, 13, 578, 18585, 358, 1436, 636, 11, 1051, 264, 2478, 14269, 304, 364, 2149, 606, 304, 279, 12538, 4527, 1952, 279, 1023, 1450, 11, 3700, 28010, 589, 374, 264, 2216, 3062, 8331, 430, 1436, 17210, 311, 279, 22169, 627, 40, 649, 956, 1501, 499, 264, 23383, 369, 837, 22169, 304, 264, 95256, 4088, 3043, 13, 3639, 358, 649, 656, 11, 374, 3041, 499, 264, 2478, 31743, 13, 5629, 315, 682, 11, 10894, 922, 12896, 13, 7557, 279, 2851, 2815, 1855, 892, 568, 16696, 311, 4465, 11, 1148, 568, 649, 956, 3619, 13, 6914, 2038, 387, 721, 1225, 62, 34544, 13, 15037, 2187, 279, 1514, 311, 1440, 810, 1109, 364, 4345, 264, 2697, 4527, 26257, 2744, 264, 6908, 3158, 369, 279, 28899, 13, 578, 25640, 28899, 11, 555, 279, 1648, 11, 374, 701, 12474, 31953, 13, 26257, 433, 3130, 311, 8356, 433, 596, 1866, 70618, 13, 15037 ]
start standing up for yourself, you don’t swing too far toward the “Take” side . If you become a grade A jerk, you will effectively turn your partner into a doormat and your marriage will be right back to the miserable state it was in before you started to speak up. As any recovering doormat will tell you, life after standing up for yourself is great! When you begin to voice your opinions, and advocate for what you want, you will be happier. Standing up for yourself means you are acknowledging and validating your hobbies, friends and life choices. Being more assertive will help the romantic side of your marriage. Life can be easier with a partner who goes along with everything you suggest, but it’s not healthy or satisfying. From time to time, each of us needs to be reminded that the world does not revolve around us. A marriage is a partnership. If you can stand up to your wife, man up and make yourself seen and heard, she will respect you for it. Take a stand and stop being a doormat today. Are you always the one giving? Ready to stop acting like a doormat? Tell us how you get what you want in the
start standing up for yourself, you don’t swing too far toward the “Take” side . If you become a grade A jerk, you will effectively turn your partner into a doormat and your marriage will be right back to the miserable state it was in before you started to speak up. As any recovering doormat will tell you, life after standing up for yourself is great! When you begin to voice your opinions, and advocate for what you want, you will be happier. Standing up for yourself means you are acknowledging and validating your hobbies, friends and life choices. Being more assertive will help the romantic side of your marriage. Life can be easier with a partner who goes along with everything you suggest, but it’s not healthy or satisfying. From time to time, each of us needs to be reminded that the world does not revolve around us. A marriage is a partnership. If you can stand up to your wife, man up and make yourself seen and heard, she will respect you for it. Take a stand and stop being a doormat today. Are you always the one giving? Ready to stop acting like a doormat? Tell us how you get what you want in the
comments below. Dealing with the other extreme? Hurry and read 7 Reasons To Keep Your Mouth Shut When You Are Angry! Need help negotiating a no-doormat marriage? A. Baker explains how Counseling Can Save Your Marriage. Please share Guyvorce on your fave social media! Daphne is looking for help over her recent confusion with the National Theatre? Yes it’s time for your regular date with Daphne! And remember, popcorn only pops when it’s hot! Which probably means our popping days are over for yet another year – as winter is definitely coming. Now a few weeks ago, when we were all still hot and popping, I was at the DaDaFest 300 where lots of you all seemed to be living together very happily. I think it’s amazing, that Arts Centres have started to open their doors to you people of difference. And not just open their doors – but roll out their ramps, lay out their loops, and welcome you in to stay. It’s true, that I didn’t get to see the dormitories, but I was assured that the Arts Centre is where everyone wanted to be and where they planned to
[ 923, 5055, 510, 329, 3511, 11, 345, 836, 447, 247, 83, 9628, 1165, 1290, 3812, 262, 564, 250, 12322, 447, 251, 1735, 764, 198, 1532, 345, 1716, 257, 9559, 317, 29757, 11, 345, 481, 6840, 1210, 534, 5212, 656, 257, 466, 579, 265, 290, 534, 4845, 481, 307, 826, 736, 284, 262, 22444, 1181, 340, 373, 287, 878, 345, 2067, 284, 2740, 510, 13, 198, 1722, 597, 20222, 466, 579, 265, 481, 1560, 345, 11, 1204, 706, 5055, 510, 329, 3511, 318, 1049, 0, 1649, 345, 2221, 284, 3809, 534, 9317, 11, 290, 12811, 329, 644, 345, 765, 11, 345, 481, 307, 23030, 13, 22493, 510, 329, 3511, 1724, 345, 389, 25937, 290, 4938, 803, 534, 45578, 11, 2460, 290, 1204, 7747, 13, 198, 18357, 517, 6818, 425, 481, 1037, 262, 14348, 1735, 286, 534, 4845, 13, 5155, 460, 307, 4577, 351, 257, 5212, 508, 2925, 1863, 351, 2279, 345, 1950, 11, 475, 340, 447, 247, 82, 407, 5448, 393, 19201, 13, 3574, 640, 284, 640, 11, 1123, 286, 514, 2476, 284, 307, 14516, 326, 262, 995, 857, 407, 2710, 6442, 1088, 514, 13, 317, 4845, 318, 257, 10413, 13, 1002, 345, 460, 1302, 510, 284, 534, 3656, 11, 582, 510, 290, 787, 3511, 1775, 290, 2982, 11, 673, 481, 2461, 345, 329, 340, 13, 198, 12322, 257, 1302, 290, 2245, 852, 257, 466, 579, 265, 1909, 13, 198, 8491, 345, 1464, 262, 530, 3501, 30, 23432, 284, 2245, 7205, 588, 257, 466, 579, 265, 30, 14026, 514, 703, 345, 651, 644, 345, 765, 287, 262 ]
[ 1212, 11509, 709, 369, 6261, 11, 499, 1541, 1431, 19336, 2288, 3117, 9017, 279, 1054, 18293, 863, 3185, 16853, 2746, 499, 3719, 264, 12239, 362, 54524, 11, 499, 690, 13750, 2543, 701, 8427, 1139, 264, 656, 494, 266, 323, 701, 11103, 690, 387, 1314, 1203, 311, 279, 50739, 1614, 433, 574, 304, 1603, 499, 3940, 311, 6604, 709, 627, 2170, 904, 42386, 656, 494, 266, 690, 3371, 499, 11, 2324, 1306, 11509, 709, 369, 6261, 374, 2294, 0, 3277, 499, 3240, 311, 7899, 701, 18463, 11, 323, 29115, 369, 1148, 499, 1390, 11, 499, 690, 387, 44467, 13, 46327, 709, 369, 6261, 3445, 499, 527, 61708, 323, 69772, 701, 64405, 11, 4885, 323, 2324, 11709, 627, 34242, 810, 2105, 535, 690, 1520, 279, 24364, 3185, 315, 701, 11103, 13, 9601, 649, 387, 8831, 449, 264, 8427, 889, 5900, 3235, 449, 4395, 499, 4284, 11, 719, 433, 753, 539, 9498, 477, 37154, 13, 5659, 892, 311, 892, 11, 1855, 315, 603, 3966, 311, 387, 31256, 430, 279, 1917, 1587, 539, 5891, 4035, 2212, 603, 13, 362, 11103, 374, 264, 15664, 13, 1442, 499, 649, 2559, 709, 311, 701, 7555, 11, 893, 709, 323, 1304, 6261, 3970, 323, 6755, 11, 1364, 690, 5201, 499, 369, 433, 627, 18293, 264, 2559, 323, 3009, 1694, 264, 656, 494, 266, 3432, 627, 11787, 499, 2744, 279, 832, 7231, 30, 32082, 311, 3009, 15718, 1093, 264, 656, 494, 266, 30, 25672, 603, 1268, 499, 636, 1148, 499, 1390, 304, 279 ]
[ 6170, 3770, 627, 1951, 6260, 449, 279, 1023, 14560, 30, 21670, 894, 323, 1373, 220, 22, 66131, 2057, 13969, 4718, 66255, 49374, 3277, 1472, 8886, 78918, 0, 14998, 1520, 44725, 264, 912, 30659, 494, 266, 11103, 30, 362, 13, 29492, 15100, 1268, 89549, 3053, 10467, 4718, 47199, 627, 5618, 4430, 26340, 85, 16716, 389, 701, 282, 525, 3674, 3772, 0, 423, 1366, 818, 374, 3411, 369, 1520, 927, 1077, 3293, 22047, 449, 279, 5165, 27315, 5380, 9642, 433, 753, 892, 369, 701, 5912, 2457, 449, 423, 1366, 818, 4999, 3112, 6227, 11, 70805, 1193, 48700, 994, 433, 753, 4106, 4999, 23956, 4762, 3445, 1057, 50949, 2919, 527, 927, 369, 3686, 2500, 1060, 1389, 439, 12688, 374, 8659, 5108, 627, 7184, 264, 2478, 5672, 4227, 11, 994, 584, 1051, 682, 2103, 4106, 323, 50949, 11, 358, 574, 520, 279, 14569, 31516, 37, 478, 220, 3101, 1405, 10283, 315, 499, 682, 9508, 311, 387, 5496, 3871, 1633, 37875, 627, 40, 1781, 433, 753, 8056, 11, 430, 17979, 5838, 417, 617, 3940, 311, 1825, 872, 14365, 311, 499, 1274, 315, 6811, 13, 1628, 539, 1120, 1825, 872, 14365, 1389, 719, 6638, 704, 872, 87216, 11, 11203, 704, 872, 30853, 11, 323, 10788, 499, 304, 311, 4822, 627, 2181, 753, 837, 11, 430, 358, 3287, 1431, 636, 311, 1518, 279, 30209, 13733, 11, 719, 358, 574, 28478, 430, 279, 17979, 14821, 374, 1405, 5127, 4934, 311, 387, 323, 1405, 814, 13205, 311 ]
compiled by Ralph Flenley, a specialist in German history and sometime chair of the Department of History: examination questions, student mark books, and drafts of an unpublished manuscript on Anglo-German relations. Spencer, Robert Allan Hart House fonds 1870s - 2018 This fonds contains 72 accessions of records from Hart House, including the records of various clubs and groups. See accession-level descriptions for details. University of Toronto. Hart House University of Toronto. Office of the Vice-President and Provost fonds This fonds contains 56 accessions of records from the Office of the Vice-President and Provost and its various vice-provostial and vice-presidential offices, including defunct or dissolved offices, as well as the Office of the Vice-President, University Operations. See accession-level description for details. University of Toronto. Office of the Vice-President and Provost J.M.S Careless fonds 1852-1997, pre-dominant 1964-1997 B1998-0034: This accession consists of the professional records of James Maurice Stockford Careless and documents his career as a student, teacher, writer, and historian at the University of Toronto
compiled by Ralph Flenley, a specialist in German history and sometime chair of the Department of History: examination questions, student mark books, and drafts of an unpublished manuscript on Anglo-German relations. Spencer, Robert Allan Hart House fonds 1870s - 2018 This fonds contains 72 accessions of records from Hart House, including the records of various clubs and groups. See accession-level descriptions for details. University of Toronto. Hart House University of Toronto. Office of the Vice-President and Provost fonds This fonds contains 56 accessions of records from the Office of the Vice-President and Provost and its various vice-provostial and vice-presidential offices, including defunct or dissolved offices, as well as the Office of the Vice-President, University Operations. See accession-level description for details. University of Toronto. Office of the Vice-President and Provost J.M.S Careless fonds 1852-1997, pre-dominant 1964-1997 B1998-0034: This accession consists of the professional records of James Maurice Stockford Careless and documents his career as a student, teacher, writer, and historian at the University of Toronto
. Unfortunately, many of Professor Careless’ early records were destroyed or damaged in a flood at Sidney Smith Hall in 1958. As a result, this accession mainly documents Dr. Career’s later career. Most of this accession pertains to his research and writing, most notably, his work on Brown of the Globe. However, Professor Careless’ student, teaching, administrative, and professional activities are also documented. Types of records include student notes, professional correspondence, research notes, and draft manuscripts. No personal family records are contained herein. (15 boxes, 1852-1997) B2001-0020: Typescripts for various publications written by J.M.S. Careless including 'Canadian Heritage', 'Ontario Frontier and Metropolis', 'Toronto to 1918', and 'Brown of the Globe'. [Found in series 6: Writings and research] (3 boxes, 1959-1989) Careless, J.M.S (James Maurice Stockford) Black (Davidson) Family fonds Personal records of the Davidson Black family, covering three generations, with particular reference to Davidson Black, the discoverer of Peking Man. Included are his diaries, extensive family correspondence and a few professional
[ 14102, 416, 20993, 1610, 268, 1636, 11, 257, 15670, 287, 2679, 2106, 290, 17291, 5118, 286, 262, 2732, 286, 7443, 25, 12452, 2683, 11, 3710, 1317, 3835, 11, 290, 30247, 286, 281, 42686, 17116, 319, 27525, 12, 16010, 2316, 13, 198, 50, 3617, 2189, 11, 5199, 31908, 198, 44719, 2097, 16245, 82, 198, 1507, 2154, 82, 532, 2864, 198, 1212, 16245, 82, 4909, 7724, 1895, 507, 286, 4406, 422, 11345, 2097, 11, 1390, 262, 4406, 286, 2972, 9784, 290, 2628, 13, 4091, 1895, 295, 12, 5715, 16969, 329, 3307, 13, 198, 21009, 286, 6586, 13, 11345, 2097, 198, 21009, 286, 6586, 13, 4452, 286, 262, 11079, 12, 10364, 290, 7518, 455, 16245, 82, 198, 1212, 16245, 82, 4909, 7265, 1895, 507, 286, 4406, 422, 262, 4452, 286, 262, 11079, 12, 10364, 290, 7518, 455, 290, 663, 2972, 7927, 12, 15234, 455, 498, 290, 7927, 12, 22540, 498, 9730, 11, 1390, 49119, 393, 26306, 9730, 11, 355, 880, 355, 262, 4452, 286, 262, 11079, 12, 10364, 11, 2059, 16205, 13, 4091, 1895, 295, 12, 5715, 6764, 329, 3307, 13, 198, 21009, 286, 6586, 13, 4452, 286, 262, 11079, 12, 10364, 290, 7518, 455, 198, 41, 13, 44, 13, 50, 7276, 1203, 16245, 82, 198, 1507, 4309, 12, 21498, 11, 662, 12, 3438, 42483, 17575, 12, 21498, 198, 33, 21113, 12, 405, 2682, 25, 770, 1895, 295, 10874, 286, 262, 4708, 4406, 286, 3700, 32839, 10500, 3841, 7276, 1203, 290, 4963, 465, 3451, 355, 257, 3710, 11, 4701, 11, 6260, 11, 290, 18026, 379, 262, 2059, 286, 6586 ]
[ 20276, 555, 40904, 435, 2963, 3258, 11, 264, 24687, 304, 6063, 3925, 323, 36113, 10716, 315, 279, 6011, 315, 11346, 25, 24481, 4860, 11, 5575, 1906, 6603, 11, 323, 64692, 315, 459, 85317, 47913, 389, 60259, 12279, 4858, 4398, 627, 6540, 20099, 11, 8563, 61325, 198, 39, 472, 4783, 21901, 82, 198, 9674, 15, 82, 482, 220, 679, 23, 198, 2028, 21901, 82, 5727, 220, 5332, 2680, 919, 315, 7576, 505, 23750, 4783, 11, 2737, 279, 7576, 315, 5370, 19424, 323, 5315, 13, 3580, 85045, 11852, 28887, 369, 3649, 627, 31272, 315, 14974, 13, 23750, 4783, 198, 31272, 315, 14974, 13, 8410, 315, 279, 23270, 86481, 323, 59429, 537, 21901, 82, 198, 2028, 21901, 82, 5727, 220, 3487, 2680, 919, 315, 7576, 505, 279, 8410, 315, 279, 23270, 86481, 323, 59429, 537, 323, 1202, 5370, 17192, 10039, 85, 537, 532, 323, 17192, 80876, 11484, 19672, 11, 2737, 711, 20526, 477, 56767, 19672, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 8410, 315, 279, 23270, 86481, 11, 3907, 25927, 13, 3580, 85045, 11852, 4096, 369, 3649, 627, 31272, 315, 14974, 13, 8410, 315, 279, 23270, 86481, 323, 59429, 537, 198, 41, 1345, 815, 10852, 1752, 21901, 82, 198, 9741, 17, 12, 2550, 22, 11, 864, 1773, 8129, 519, 220, 5162, 19, 12, 2550, 22, 198, 33, 2550, 23, 12, 6268, 19, 25, 1115, 85045, 17610, 315, 279, 6721, 7576, 315, 7957, 68529, 12937, 8350, 10852, 1752, 323, 9477, 813, 7076, 439, 264, 5575, 11, 11326, 11, 7061, 11, 323, 44068, 520, 279, 3907, 315, 14974 ]
[ 13, 19173, 11, 1690, 315, 17054, 10852, 1752, 529, 4216, 7576, 1051, 14763, 477, 20727, 304, 264, 18197, 520, 76996, 9259, 11166, 304, 220, 6280, 23, 13, 1666, 264, 1121, 11, 420, 85045, 14918, 9477, 2999, 13, 41576, 753, 3010, 7076, 13, 7648, 315, 420, 85045, 18713, 1771, 311, 813, 3495, 323, 4477, 11, 1455, 35146, 11, 813, 990, 389, 10690, 315, 279, 41910, 13, 4452, 11, 17054, 10852, 1752, 529, 5575, 11, 12917, 11, 23541, 11, 323, 6721, 7640, 527, 1101, 27470, 13, 21431, 315, 7576, 2997, 5575, 8554, 11, 6721, 44818, 11, 3495, 8554, 11, 323, 10165, 79688, 13, 2360, 4443, 3070, 7576, 527, 13282, 36881, 13, 320, 868, 15039, 11, 220, 9741, 17, 12, 2550, 22, 340, 33, 1049, 16, 12, 6726, 15, 25, 21431, 25207, 369, 5370, 29085, 5439, 555, 622, 1345, 815, 13, 10852, 1752, 2737, 364, 60674, 34243, 518, 364, 67403, 3370, 58418, 323, 6344, 55422, 518, 364, 72437, 311, 220, 7529, 23, 518, 323, 364, 49488, 315, 279, 41910, 4527, 510, 6788, 304, 4101, 220, 21, 25, 468, 1018, 826, 323, 3495, 60, 320, 18, 15039, 11, 220, 6280, 24, 12, 3753, 24, 340, 33099, 1752, 11, 622, 1345, 815, 320, 29184, 68529, 12937, 8350, 340, 14755, 320, 23083, 942, 8, 12517, 21901, 82, 198, 35127, 7576, 315, 279, 54345, 5348, 3070, 11, 18702, 2380, 22540, 11, 449, 4040, 5905, 311, 54345, 5348, 11, 279, 7142, 261, 315, 393, 59952, 2418, 13, 47064, 527, 813, 1891, 5548, 11, 16781, 3070, 44818, 323, 264, 2478, 6721 ]
ED SERVICES COMMITTEE ON F-35 PROGRAM UPDATE: SUSTAINMENT, PRODUCTION AND AFFORDABILITY CHALLENGES IV. Modernization Update The F-35 is designed to incorporate both software and hardware upgrades throughout its 50+ year life cycle and efforts to modernize the aircraft are already underway. We’ll deliver F-35 modernization through the Department’s Continuous Capability, Development and Delivery (C2D2) framework for timely, affordable, incremental warfighting capability improvements. This approach will deliver more agile, continuous modernization on shorter timelines while aligning and synchronizing capability delivery across the entire F-35 Air System. In order to maximize the investment in the F-35 fleet, it’s imperative that Congress continues to fund the F-35 modernization plan to leverage the full potential of the weapon system. Additionally, it’s important to note that many of the partner countries have made investments in modernization activities as part of their national defense policies and have established the industrial base to support these activities. From Electronic Warfare, increased computing power, sensor capability, weapons capacity and more, we are actively enhancing all aspects of the F-35 to ensure it exceeds warfighter demands and outpaces evolving threats.
ED SERVICES COMMITTEE ON F-35 PROGRAM UPDATE: SUSTAINMENT, PRODUCTION AND AFFORDABILITY CHALLENGES IV. Modernization Update The F-35 is designed to incorporate both software and hardware upgrades throughout its 50+ year life cycle and efforts to modernize the aircraft are already underway. We’ll deliver F-35 modernization through the Department’s Continuous Capability, Development and Delivery (C2D2) framework for timely, affordable, incremental warfighting capability improvements. This approach will deliver more agile, continuous modernization on shorter timelines while aligning and synchronizing capability delivery across the entire F-35 Air System. In order to maximize the investment in the F-35 fleet, it’s imperative that Congress continues to fund the F-35 modernization plan to leverage the full potential of the weapon system. Additionally, it’s important to note that many of the partner countries have made investments in modernization activities as part of their national defense policies and have established the industrial base to support these activities. From Electronic Warfare, increased computing power, sensor capability, weapons capacity and more, we are actively enhancing all aspects of the F-35 to ensure it exceeds warfighter demands and outpaces evolving threats.
Some key upgrades planned include: • Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System (AutoGCAS): AutoGCAS uses terrain mapping, geolocation and automation to detect and avoid potential ground collisions. When the program recognizes imminent impact, it will prompt the pilot to take action. If the pilot is unresponsive, AutoGCAS assumes temporary control to divert the aircraft out of harm’s way, and then returns control of the aircraft to the pilot once on a safe trajectory. Leveraging a rapid, agile development, test and contracting approach, the joint government and industry team successfully fielded the life-saving technology seven years earlier than previously planned. • Technology Refresh 3 Upgrades: Technology Refresh 3 takes advantage of fast evolving computing power and adds an Open Systems Architecture that will enable the flexibility for Lockheed Martin and our customers to add, upgrade and update future capabilities rapidly. In addition to the Next Generation Distributed Aperture System discussed previously, the F-35’s Integrated Core Processor, Panoramic Cockpit Display and the Aircraft Memory System will all be upgraded beginning in Lot 15. • Multi-Domain Operations (MDO): To increase the F-35’s role in MDO, we’re upgrading sensor fusion capability in Lot 13 and
[ 1961, 49254, 22240, 22470, 6500, 6177, 376, 12, 2327, 46805, 35717, 25, 311, 7759, 29833, 10979, 11, 41458, 2849, 5357, 317, 5777, 1581, 5631, 25382, 5870, 7036, 26808, 1546, 198, 3824, 13, 12495, 1634, 10133, 198, 464, 376, 12, 2327, 318, 3562, 284, 19330, 1111, 3788, 290, 6890, 16608, 3690, 663, 2026, 10, 614, 1204, 6772, 290, 4040, 284, 3660, 1096, 262, 6215, 389, 1541, 17715, 13, 775, 447, 247, 297, 5203, 376, 12, 2327, 49400, 832, 262, 2732, 447, 247, 82, 45012, 4476, 1799, 11, 7712, 290, 28682, 357, 34, 17, 35, 17, 8, 9355, 329, 19376, 11, 10935, 11, 29497, 1175, 26594, 12971, 8561, 13, 770, 3164, 481, 5203, 517, 36710, 11, 12948, 49400, 319, 12238, 46881, 981, 10548, 278, 290, 18305, 2890, 12971, 7585, 1973, 262, 2104, 376, 12, 2327, 3701, 4482, 13, 198, 818, 1502, 284, 20487, 262, 4896, 287, 262, 376, 12, 2327, 11026, 11, 340, 447, 247, 82, 23602, 326, 3162, 4477, 284, 1814, 262, 376, 12, 2327, 49400, 1410, 284, 16094, 262, 1336, 2785, 286, 262, 4282, 1080, 13, 12032, 11, 340, 447, 247, 82, 1593, 284, 3465, 326, 867, 286, 262, 5212, 2678, 423, 925, 11115, 287, 49400, 4568, 355, 636, 286, 511, 2260, 3761, 4788, 290, 423, 4920, 262, 7593, 2779, 284, 1104, 777, 4568, 13, 198, 4863, 19508, 20745, 11, 3220, 14492, 1176, 11, 12694, 12971, 11, 3777, 5339, 290, 517, 11, 356, 389, 10630, 27496, 477, 7612, 286, 262, 376, 12, 2327, 284, 4155, 340, 21695, 1175, 24733, 8665, 290, 38701, 2114, 21568, 7432, 13 ]
[ 1507, 26715, 84330, 60079, 6328, 435, 12, 1758, 46761, 23743, 25, 328, 8721, 6979, 5441, 11, 5421, 48646, 3651, 70038, 4373, 5854, 6969, 89174, 1600, 198, 3166, 13, 18766, 2065, 5666, 198, 791, 435, 12, 1758, 374, 6319, 311, 33435, 2225, 3241, 323, 12035, 32714, 6957, 1202, 220, 1135, 10, 1060, 2324, 11008, 323, 9045, 311, 6617, 553, 279, 14467, 527, 2736, 38199, 13, 1226, 4805, 6493, 435, 12, 1758, 6617, 2065, 1555, 279, 6011, 753, 70067, 99651, 11, 11050, 323, 27303, 320, 34, 17, 35, 17, 8, 12914, 369, 32100, 11, 17049, 11, 53399, 4208, 21828, 287, 23099, 18637, 13, 1115, 5603, 690, 6493, 810, 62565, 11, 19815, 6617, 2065, 389, 24210, 88244, 1418, 5398, 287, 323, 14453, 4954, 23099, 9889, 4028, 279, 4553, 435, 12, 1758, 6690, 744, 627, 644, 2015, 311, 35608, 279, 9341, 304, 279, 435, 12, 1758, 26155, 11, 433, 753, 48696, 430, 8151, 9731, 311, 3887, 279, 435, 12, 1758, 6617, 2065, 3197, 311, 33164, 279, 2539, 4754, 315, 279, 10500, 1887, 13, 23212, 11, 433, 753, 3062, 311, 5296, 430, 1690, 315, 279, 8427, 5961, 617, 1903, 22538, 304, 6617, 2065, 7640, 439, 961, 315, 872, 5426, 9232, 10396, 323, 617, 9749, 279, 13076, 2385, 311, 1862, 1521, 7640, 627, 3915, 35269, 67694, 11, 7319, 25213, 2410, 11, 12271, 23099, 11, 10094, 8824, 323, 810, 11, 584, 527, 22815, 47594, 682, 13878, 315, 279, 435, 12, 1758, 311, 6106, 433, 36375, 4208, 73431, 18651, 323, 704, 28438, 42028, 18208, 13 ]
[ 4427, 1401, 32714, 13205, 2997, 512, 6806, 35081, 26486, 52648, 35106, 685, 744, 320, 13556, 23710, 1950, 1680, 9156, 23710, 1950, 5829, 25911, 13021, 11, 3980, 44306, 323, 33762, 311, 11388, 323, 5766, 4754, 5015, 48453, 13, 3277, 279, 2068, 45799, 51551, 5536, 11, 433, 690, 10137, 279, 18178, 311, 1935, 1957, 13, 1442, 279, 18178, 374, 653, 52397, 11, 9156, 23710, 1950, 22204, 13643, 2585, 311, 37098, 279, 14467, 704, 315, 11682, 753, 1648, 11, 323, 1243, 4780, 2585, 315, 279, 14467, 311, 279, 18178, 3131, 389, 264, 6220, 35782, 13, 79679, 4210, 264, 11295, 11, 62565, 4500, 11, 1296, 323, 60506, 5603, 11, 279, 10496, 3109, 323, 5064, 2128, 7946, 2115, 291, 279, 2324, 59085, 5557, 8254, 1667, 6931, 1109, 8767, 13205, 627, 6806, 12053, 30107, 220, 18, 3216, 23142, 25, 12053, 30107, 220, 18, 5097, 9610, 315, 5043, 42028, 25213, 2410, 323, 11621, 459, 5377, 15264, 38943, 430, 690, 7431, 279, 25152, 369, 85236, 11826, 323, 1057, 6444, 311, 923, 11, 14234, 323, 2713, 3938, 17357, 19019, 13, 763, 5369, 311, 279, 9479, 24367, 45055, 5345, 42947, 744, 14407, 8767, 11, 279, 435, 12, 1758, 753, 50521, 9708, 44477, 11, 11233, 269, 4079, 35027, 33686, 10848, 323, 279, 59945, 14171, 744, 690, 682, 387, 33624, 7314, 304, 22503, 220, 868, 627, 6806, 17896, 9607, 3199, 25927, 320, 44, 5989, 1680, 2057, 5376, 279, 435, 12, 1758, 753, 3560, 304, 386, 5989, 11, 584, 3207, 47035, 12271, 37608, 23099, 304, 22503, 220, 1032, 323 ]
.Y.) The Item. (Chappaqua, N.Y.) Ithaca daily journal. (Ithaca, N.Y.) Ithaca journal & general advertiser. (Ithaca, County of Tompkins, N.Y.) Ithaca journal and advertiser. (Ithaca [N.Y.]) Ithaca journal, literary gazette, and general advertiser. (Ithaca, County of Tompkins, N.Y.) The Ithaca journal. (Ithaca, N.Y.) Ithaca journal. (Ithaca, County of Tompkins, N.Y.) Ithaca weekly journal. (Ithaca, N.Y.) Jamaica farmer. (Jamaica, N.Y.) Jamestown daily journal. (Jamestown, N.Y.) Jamestown evening journal. (Jamestown, N.Y.) Jamestown journal. (Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., N.Y.) Jefferson Chronicle. (Watertown, N.Y.) Jefferson Community News. (Watertown, N.Y.) Johnson City-Endicott record. ([Johnson City, N.Y.) The Johnstown
.Y.) The Item. (Chappaqua, N.Y.) Ithaca daily journal. (Ithaca, N.Y.) Ithaca journal & general advertiser. (Ithaca, County of Tompkins, N.Y.) Ithaca journal and advertiser. (Ithaca [N.Y.]) Ithaca journal, literary gazette, and general advertiser. (Ithaca, County of Tompkins, N.Y.) The Ithaca journal. (Ithaca, N.Y.) Ithaca journal. (Ithaca, County of Tompkins, N.Y.) Ithaca weekly journal. (Ithaca, N.Y.) Jamaica farmer. (Jamaica, N.Y.) Jamestown daily journal. (Jamestown, N.Y.) Jamestown evening journal. (Jamestown, N.Y.) Jamestown journal. (Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., N.Y.) Jefferson Chronicle. (Watertown, N.Y.) Jefferson Community News. (Watertown, N.Y.) Johnson City-Endicott record. ([Johnson City, N.Y.) The Johnstown
daily Republican. (Johnstown, N.Y.) The Journal and Republican and Lowville times. (Lowville, N.Y.) The journal and Republican. (Lowville, N.Y.) The journal and Republican. (Lowville, N.Y.) The journal-news. (Nyack, N.Y.) The Journal-press. (Greenwich, N.Y.) The journal-register. (Medina, N.Y.) The journal-register. (Medina, N.Y.) The journal. (Ogdensburg, N.Y.) The journal. ([Lackawanna, N.Y.]) Katonah record. (Katonah, N.Y.) The Katonah times. (Katonah, N.Y.) Kinderhook herald. (Kinderhook, N.Y.) Kingston daily chronicle. (Kingston, N.Y.) The Kingston journal and weekly freeman. (Kingston, N.Y.) The Kingston weekly freeman and journal. (Kingston, N.Y.) Knowersville enterprise. (Knowersville, N.Y.) Lackawanna herald. (Lackawanna, N.Y.) Lackawanna leader. (
[ 13, 56, 2014, 383, 9097, 13, 357, 1925, 20975, 39566, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 314, 400, 22260, 4445, 3989, 13, 357, 40, 400, 22260, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 314, 400, 22260, 3989, 1222, 2276, 23789, 263, 13, 357, 40, 400, 22260, 11, 3418, 286, 309, 3361, 5331, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 314, 400, 22260, 3989, 290, 23789, 263, 13, 357, 40, 400, 22260, 685, 45, 13, 56, 8183, 8, 314, 400, 22260, 3989, 11, 16716, 308, 1031, 5857, 11, 290, 2276, 23789, 263, 13, 357, 40, 400, 22260, 11, 3418, 286, 309, 3361, 5331, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 383, 314, 400, 22260, 3989, 13, 357, 40, 400, 22260, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 314, 400, 22260, 3989, 13, 357, 40, 400, 22260, 11, 3418, 286, 309, 3361, 5331, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 314, 400, 22260, 10273, 3989, 13, 357, 40, 400, 22260, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 31620, 18739, 13, 357, 41, 1689, 3970, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 9986, 395, 593, 4445, 3989, 13, 357, 30380, 395, 593, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 9986, 395, 593, 6180, 3989, 13, 357, 30380, 395, 593, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 9986, 395, 593, 3989, 13, 357, 30380, 395, 593, 11, 609, 2306, 559, 39566, 1766, 1539, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 15375, 14160, 13, 357, 19184, 12735, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 15375, 8108, 3000, 13, 357, 19184, 12735, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 5030, 2254, 12, 12915, 291, 1252, 1700, 13, 29565, 25378, 2254, 11, 399, 13, 56, 2014, 383, 1757, 27928 ]
[ 7659, 6266, 578, 5858, 13, 320, 1163, 28279, 44932, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 358, 339, 17544, 7446, 8486, 13, 320, 40, 339, 17544, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 358, 339, 17544, 8486, 612, 4689, 87386, 13, 320, 40, 339, 17544, 11, 6406, 315, 8529, 79, 11966, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 358, 339, 17544, 8486, 323, 87386, 13, 320, 40, 339, 17544, 510, 45, 7659, 13, 2526, 358, 339, 17544, 8486, 11, 32465, 56086, 6672, 11, 323, 4689, 87386, 13, 320, 40, 339, 17544, 11, 6406, 315, 8529, 79, 11966, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 358, 339, 17544, 8486, 13, 320, 40, 339, 17544, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 358, 339, 17544, 8486, 13, 320, 40, 339, 17544, 11, 6406, 315, 8529, 79, 11966, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 358, 339, 17544, 17496, 8486, 13, 320, 40, 339, 17544, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 57275, 37500, 13, 320, 41, 3105, 3074, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 93188, 44058, 7446, 8486, 13, 320, 41, 373, 44058, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 93188, 44058, 11714, 8486, 13, 320, 41, 373, 44058, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 93188, 44058, 8486, 13, 320, 41, 373, 44058, 11, 921, 2784, 2933, 44932, 3623, 2637, 452, 7659, 6266, 34644, 42159, 13, 320, 77604, 531, 785, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 34644, 12332, 5513, 13, 320, 77604, 531, 785, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 11605, 4409, 12, 3812, 292, 1751, 3335, 13, 12005, 63760, 4409, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 3842, 44058 ]
[ 7446, 9540, 13, 320, 13379, 44058, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 10139, 323, 9540, 323, 12310, 8078, 3115, 13, 320, 25162, 8078, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 8486, 323, 9540, 13, 320, 25162, 8078, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 8486, 323, 9540, 13, 320, 25162, 8078, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 8486, 46351, 13, 320, 99192, 474, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 10139, 12, 1911, 13, 320, 20147, 17316, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 8486, 64118, 13, 320, 13613, 2259, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 8486, 64118, 13, 320, 13613, 2259, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 8486, 13, 320, 46, 29684, 78029, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 8486, 13, 12005, 43, 474, 675, 12930, 11, 452, 7659, 13, 2526, 17816, 263, 1494, 3335, 13, 320, 42, 24444, 1494, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 17816, 263, 1494, 3115, 13, 320, 42, 24444, 1494, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 45099, 21543, 65206, 13, 320, 42, 5863, 21543, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 63569, 7446, 27076, 2045, 13, 320, 34655, 7876, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 63569, 8486, 323, 17496, 3541, 16357, 13, 320, 34655, 7876, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 578, 63569, 17496, 3541, 16357, 323, 8486, 13, 320, 34655, 7876, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 14521, 388, 8078, 20790, 13, 320, 39512, 388, 8078, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 68502, 675, 12930, 65206, 13, 320, 43, 474, 675, 12930, 11, 452, 7659, 6266, 68502, 675, 12930, 7808, 13, 320 ]
hotel but ... no way she was prepared to see the reality . Opening the door Ana froze, her eyes were open like two huge plates and her mouth looked like a hole and ... somehow ... it was. Sukkie: ... "Here's your dinner with a clear surprise" ... smiling as was already part of his modus operandi with her. Ana: ... "Bu ... but ... what ... that's ... that" ... she said with difficulty. He definitely saw that Ana was not able to properly react, gently took her by the shoulders making entering and indicating to others that enter the table and then retire. Sukkie: ... "I have to admit that you really are very easy to surprise, right?" ... beginning to prepare everything to sit and eat. Ana: ... "Ehm ... may be ... especially when you're not used to this kind of situation" ... said coming to herself suddenly. Ana: ... "What are you doing here ... and your... friend, were not going to visit her?" ... said watching while really could not understand how he made himself comfortable without any qualms. Sukkie: ... "That's exactly what I do or ... we're not friends?" ... and gave
hotel but ... no way she was prepared to see the reality . Opening the door Ana froze, her eyes were open like two huge plates and her mouth looked like a hole and ... somehow ... it was. Sukkie: ... "Here's your dinner with a clear surprise" ... smiling as was already part of his modus operandi with her. Ana: ... "Bu ... but ... what ... that's ... that" ... she said with difficulty. He definitely saw that Ana was not able to properly react, gently took her by the shoulders making entering and indicating to others that enter the table and then retire. Sukkie: ... "I have to admit that you really are very easy to surprise, right?" ... beginning to prepare everything to sit and eat. Ana: ... "Ehm ... may be ... especially when you're not used to this kind of situation" ... said coming to herself suddenly. Ana: ... "What are you doing here ... and your... friend, were not going to visit her?" ... said watching while really could not understand how he made himself comfortable without any qualms. Sukkie: ... "That's exactly what I do or ... we're not friends?" ... and gave
a subtle wink though closely and hoped so she responded the same way. She was silent for a brief moment before answering his sayings. Sukkie: ... "That unless there is something or someone to hold you here," he said, trying to sound casual ... but in his heart really expected it to be so but could not understand why. Ana: ... "But let us stop talking about this, have dinner once after all that is why you came, is not it?" she said smiling too ... trying to sound casual. Ana: ... "Thanks for this, it was a nice surprise by the way, I did not realize your plan at all" ... and smiled shyly. Sukkie: ... "There was nothing ... just ... I felt the need to do so coz... did not want to leave you ..." ... replied without looking. Ana could not avoid dropping the cup in her hand to hear those words then, Sukkie looked startled and cross their eyes could not avoid observed in silence, both felt totally "puzzled" and there was nothing they could do with that. Hello and thank you so much for your new news about prince JKS. I have a question ... How can I be in
[ 7541, 475, 2644, 645, 835, 673, 373, 5597, 284, 766, 262, 3950, 764, 25522, 262, 3420, 17639, 37785, 11, 607, 2951, 547, 1280, 588, 734, 3236, 13375, 290, 607, 5422, 3114, 588, 257, 7604, 290, 2644, 7599, 2644, 340, 373, 13, 198, 50, 2724, 49375, 25, 2644, 366, 4342, 338, 534, 8073, 351, 257, 1598, 5975, 1, 2644, 16755, 355, 373, 1541, 636, 286, 465, 953, 385, 1515, 26800, 351, 607, 13, 198, 2025, 64, 25, 2644, 366, 38374, 2644, 475, 2644, 644, 2644, 326, 338, 2644, 326, 1, 2644, 673, 531, 351, 8722, 13, 198, 1544, 4753, 2497, 326, 17639, 373, 407, 1498, 284, 6105, 6324, 11, 15165, 1718, 607, 416, 262, 12450, 1642, 8218, 290, 12739, 284, 1854, 326, 3802, 262, 3084, 290, 788, 8058, 13, 198, 50, 2724, 49375, 25, 2644, 366, 40, 423, 284, 9159, 326, 345, 1107, 389, 845, 2562, 284, 5975, 11, 826, 1701, 2644, 3726, 284, 8335, 2279, 284, 1650, 290, 4483, 13, 198, 2025, 64, 25, 2644, 366, 36, 23940, 2644, 743, 307, 2644, 2592, 618, 345, 821, 407, 973, 284, 428, 1611, 286, 3074, 1, 2644, 531, 2406, 284, 5223, 6451, 13, 198, 2025, 64, 25, 2644, 366, 2061, 389, 345, 1804, 994, 2644, 290, 534, 986, 1545, 11, 547, 407, 1016, 284, 3187, 607, 1701, 2644, 531, 4964, 981, 1107, 714, 407, 1833, 703, 339, 925, 2241, 6792, 1231, 597, 4140, 907, 13, 198, 50, 2724, 49375, 25, 2644, 366, 2504, 338, 3446, 644, 314, 466, 393, 2644, 356, 821, 407, 2460, 1701, 2644, 290, 2921 ]
[ 9689, 719, 2564, 912, 1648, 1364, 574, 10235, 311, 1518, 279, 8903, 662, 41137, 279, 6134, 33238, 90109, 11, 1077, 6548, 1051, 1825, 1093, 1403, 6908, 25485, 323, 1077, 11013, 7111, 1093, 264, 14512, 323, 2564, 17354, 2564, 433, 574, 627, 50, 3178, 31422, 25, 2564, 330, 8586, 596, 701, 14177, 449, 264, 2867, 13051, 1, 2564, 37163, 439, 574, 2736, 961, 315, 813, 1491, 355, 28312, 72, 449, 1077, 627, 81686, 25, 2564, 330, 60908, 2564, 719, 2564, 1148, 2564, 430, 596, 2564, 430, 1, 2564, 1364, 1071, 449, 17250, 627, 1548, 8659, 5602, 430, 33238, 574, 539, 3025, 311, 10489, 14085, 11, 30373, 3952, 1077, 555, 279, 28004, 3339, 16661, 323, 19392, 311, 3885, 430, 3810, 279, 2007, 323, 1243, 16177, 627, 50, 3178, 31422, 25, 2564, 330, 40, 617, 311, 17113, 430, 499, 2216, 527, 1633, 4228, 311, 13051, 11, 1314, 7673, 2564, 7314, 311, 10772, 4395, 311, 2503, 323, 8343, 627, 81686, 25, 2564, 330, 36, 35401, 2564, 1253, 387, 2564, 5423, 994, 499, 2351, 539, 1511, 311, 420, 3169, 315, 6671, 1, 2564, 1071, 5108, 311, 11937, 15187, 627, 81686, 25, 2564, 330, 3923, 527, 499, 3815, 1618, 2564, 323, 701, 1131, 4333, 11, 1051, 539, 2133, 311, 4034, 1077, 7673, 2564, 1071, 10307, 1418, 2216, 1436, 539, 3619, 1268, 568, 1903, 5678, 10882, 2085, 904, 5965, 1026, 627, 50, 3178, 31422, 25, 2564, 330, 4897, 596, 7041, 1148, 358, 656, 477, 2564, 584, 2351, 539, 4885, 7673, 2564, 323, 6688 ]
[ 264, 27545, 69439, 3582, 15499, 323, 26253, 779, 1364, 16846, 279, 1890, 1648, 13, 3005, 574, 21737, 369, 264, 10015, 4545, 1603, 36864, 813, 2019, 826, 627, 50, 3178, 31422, 25, 2564, 330, 4897, 7389, 1070, 374, 2555, 477, 4423, 311, 3412, 499, 1618, 1359, 568, 1071, 11, 4560, 311, 5222, 16736, 2564, 719, 304, 813, 4851, 2216, 3685, 433, 311, 387, 779, 719, 1436, 539, 3619, 3249, 627, 81686, 25, 2564, 330, 4071, 1095, 603, 3009, 7556, 922, 420, 11, 617, 14177, 3131, 1306, 682, 430, 374, 3249, 499, 3782, 11, 374, 539, 433, 7673, 1364, 1071, 37163, 2288, 2564, 4560, 311, 5222, 16736, 627, 81686, 25, 2564, 330, 12947, 369, 420, 11, 433, 574, 264, 6555, 13051, 555, 279, 1648, 11, 358, 1550, 539, 13383, 701, 3197, 520, 682, 1, 2564, 323, 31645, 33394, 398, 627, 50, 3178, 31422, 25, 2564, 330, 3947, 574, 4400, 2564, 1120, 2564, 358, 6612, 279, 1205, 311, 656, 779, 85920, 1131, 1550, 539, 1390, 311, 5387, 499, 79310, 2564, 20592, 2085, 3411, 627, 81686, 1436, 539, 5766, 26156, 279, 10747, 304, 1077, 1450, 311, 6865, 1884, 4339, 1243, 11, 74874, 31422, 7111, 89815, 323, 5425, 872, 6548, 1436, 539, 5766, 13468, 304, 21847, 11, 2225, 6612, 12756, 330, 79, 9065, 839, 1, 323, 1070, 574, 4400, 814, 1436, 656, 449, 430, 627, 9906, 323, 9901, 499, 779, 1790, 369, 701, 502, 3754, 922, 42826, 622, 41549, 13, 358, 617, 264, 3488, 2564, 2650, 649, 358, 387, 304 ]
bandanna put on the left side which represents that the Haitian flag is. com The Insane Gangster Disciples are a crime gang that arose in Birmingham, Ala. Members and associates will roll their left pant leg up, wear their hat turned/tilted to the left and “flag” to the left. Displaying your flag, wearing your gang colors, or standing in such a way as to identify your gang. "Growth&Developm ent":. They are also represented by a black flag (bandana). The Church in the Hood "Here (in Christ) there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian Scythian, slave or free (and we might add, no Latin Kings or Maniac Latin Disciples, no Vice Lords or Gangster. Basically, there are two major gang alliances in the United States: Folk Nation and People Nation. Inside the Black Gangster Disciple Nation Crack Cocaine Gang-Corporation. Gmail is email that's intuitive, efficient, and useful. From the Southwest to the South Side of Chicago, the Maniac Latin Disciples hoard Minny. The gang hand sign is thrown toward the right shoulder. When Hoover was locked up in '74 he first went to States
bandanna put on the left side which represents that the Haitian flag is. com The Insane Gangster Disciples are a crime gang that arose in Birmingham, Ala. Members and associates will roll their left pant leg up, wear their hat turned/tilted to the left and “flag” to the left. Displaying your flag, wearing your gang colors, or standing in such a way as to identify your gang. "Growth&Developm ent":. They are also represented by a black flag (bandana). The Church in the Hood "Here (in Christ) there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian Scythian, slave or free (and we might add, no Latin Kings or Maniac Latin Disciples, no Vice Lords or Gangster. Basically, there are two major gang alliances in the United States: Folk Nation and People Nation. Inside the Black Gangster Disciple Nation Crack Cocaine Gang-Corporation. Gmail is email that's intuitive, efficient, and useful. From the Southwest to the South Side of Chicago, the Maniac Latin Disciples hoard Minny. The gang hand sign is thrown toward the right shoulder. When Hoover was locked up in '74 he first went to States
ville( keep in mind there were already hundreds of Disciples locked behind bars), Hoover then was transferred to Pontiac were it is suspected that he caused the riot there. The gang typically wears the colors blue and white, which is the color of the El Salvadoran flag. Wade and his friends associated with the Gangster Disciples, in a faction they called the Evans Mob, after a neighborhood street. Those associated with the Folk nation, such as the Gangster Disciples, do the same toward the right side. See more ideas about Cholo style, Chicano and Chicano art. And indeed to what purpose would it be singly to recount the commonalty and rabble of mankind, who beyond all question are entirely on my side? and for a token of their vassalage do wear my livery in so many older shapes, and more newly invented modes of Folly, that the lungs of a thousand Democrituses would never hold out to such a laughter as. Gangster Disciples, Shirt Sketch, Sketch Ideas, Bandana Design Cool Logo Flag Logo Logo graphic design gold zombie west side Vector frankenstein west coast. TO ALL G'S UNDER FOLK'S NATION. Folk Nation:. When Hoover was locked up in '
[ 4097, 7697, 1234, 319, 262, 1364, 1735, 543, 6870, 326, 262, 48723, 6056, 318, 13, 401, 383, 7088, 1531, 19228, 1706, 3167, 6418, 389, 257, 4065, 7706, 326, 21172, 287, 18899, 11, 42682, 13, 12688, 290, 20093, 481, 4836, 511, 1364, 15857, 1232, 510, 11, 5806, 511, 6877, 2900, 14, 47163, 1513, 284, 262, 1364, 290, 564, 250, 32109, 447, 251, 284, 262, 1364, 13, 16531, 278, 534, 6056, 11, 5762, 534, 7706, 7577, 11, 393, 5055, 287, 884, 257, 835, 355, 284, 5911, 534, 7706, 13, 366, 38, 13046, 5, 19246, 76, 920, 1298, 13, 1119, 389, 635, 7997, 416, 257, 2042, 6056, 357, 3903, 2271, 737, 383, 4564, 287, 262, 17233, 366, 4342, 357, 259, 1951, 8, 612, 318, 645, 8312, 393, 3370, 11, 45522, 393, 4591, 1980, 388, 37168, 11, 42577, 3699, 32252, 400, 666, 11, 11778, 393, 1479, 357, 392, 356, 1244, 751, 11, 645, 9133, 10578, 393, 1869, 9607, 9133, 3167, 6418, 11, 645, 11079, 18651, 393, 19228, 1706, 13, 20759, 11, 612, 389, 734, 1688, 7706, 29614, 287, 262, 1578, 1829, 25, 36111, 8741, 290, 4380, 8741, 13, 14384, 262, 2619, 19228, 1706, 48472, 8741, 46180, 18490, 5718, 19228, 12, 10606, 1819, 341, 13, 33662, 318, 3053, 326, 338, 19933, 11, 6942, 11, 290, 4465, 13, 3574, 262, 24320, 284, 262, 2520, 12075, 286, 4842, 11, 262, 1869, 9607, 9133, 3167, 6418, 46960, 1855, 3281, 13, 383, 7706, 1021, 1051, 318, 8754, 3812, 262, 826, 8163, 13, 1649, 31865, 373, 8970, 510, 287, 705, 4524, 339, 717, 1816, 284, 1829 ]
[ 7200, 12930, 2231, 389, 279, 2163, 3185, 902, 11105, 430, 279, 43502, 1122, 5292, 374, 13, 470, 578, 9925, 2194, 35517, 3751, 11997, 38558, 527, 264, 9977, 13481, 430, 51063, 304, 36937, 11, 89762, 13, 17384, 323, 40531, 690, 6638, 872, 2163, 26346, 2531, 709, 11, 10051, 872, 9072, 6656, 14, 1678, 6702, 311, 279, 2163, 323, 1054, 10104, 863, 311, 279, 2163, 13, 10848, 287, 701, 5292, 11, 12512, 701, 13481, 8146, 11, 477, 11509, 304, 1778, 264, 1648, 439, 311, 10765, 701, 13481, 13, 330, 38, 19632, 5, 21076, 76, 1218, 794, 13, 2435, 527, 1101, 15609, 555, 264, 3776, 5292, 320, 7198, 3444, 570, 578, 9441, 304, 279, 36443, 330, 8586, 320, 258, 3771, 8, 1070, 374, 912, 18341, 477, 8117, 11, 10408, 66, 4147, 477, 21482, 2496, 372, 66, 4147, 11, 54490, 1122, 2522, 77996, 1122, 11, 20985, 477, 1949, 320, 438, 584, 2643, 923, 11, 912, 20023, 24980, 477, 2418, 18029, 20023, 11997, 38558, 11, 912, 23270, 57148, 477, 35517, 3751, 13, 41812, 11, 1070, 527, 1403, 3682, 13481, 70800, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 25, 65337, 17671, 323, 9029, 17671, 13, 28468, 279, 5348, 35517, 3751, 11997, 3863, 17671, 56045, 77488, 8511, 35517, 7813, 39382, 367, 13, 62046, 374, 2613, 430, 596, 42779, 11, 11297, 11, 323, 5505, 13, 5659, 279, 46785, 311, 279, 4987, 17072, 315, 10780, 11, 279, 2418, 18029, 20023, 11997, 38558, 11640, 569, 3468, 3919, 13, 578, 13481, 1450, 1879, 374, 15338, 9017, 279, 1314, 17308, 13, 3277, 73409, 574, 16447, 709, 304, 364, 5728, 568, 1176, 4024, 311, 4273 ]
[ 8078, 7, 2567, 304, 4059, 1070, 1051, 2736, 11758, 315, 11997, 38558, 16447, 4920, 16283, 705, 73409, 1243, 574, 23217, 311, 40870, 18029, 1051, 433, 374, 24740, 430, 568, 9057, 279, 42597, 1070, 13, 578, 13481, 11383, 38400, 279, 8146, 6437, 323, 4251, 11, 902, 374, 279, 1933, 315, 279, 4072, 49459, 276, 5292, 13, 43982, 323, 813, 4885, 5938, 449, 279, 35517, 3751, 11997, 38558, 11, 304, 264, 37480, 814, 2663, 279, 30563, 36006, 11, 1306, 264, 12818, 8761, 13, 13266, 5938, 449, 279, 65337, 7140, 11, 1778, 439, 279, 35517, 3751, 11997, 38558, 11, 656, 279, 1890, 9017, 279, 1314, 3185, 13, 3580, 810, 6848, 922, 921, 10216, 1742, 11, 71820, 5770, 323, 71820, 5770, 1989, 13, 1628, 13118, 311, 1148, 7580, 1053, 433, 387, 86599, 311, 41286, 279, 4279, 10231, 323, 31674, 901, 315, 43384, 11, 889, 7953, 682, 3488, 527, 11622, 389, 856, 3185, 30, 323, 369, 264, 4037, 315, 872, 348, 395, 278, 425, 656, 10051, 856, 326, 6633, 304, 779, 1690, 9191, 21483, 11, 323, 810, 13945, 36592, 20362, 315, 435, 8788, 11, 430, 279, 45274, 315, 264, 16579, 4829, 511, 1018, 4881, 1053, 2646, 3412, 704, 311, 1778, 264, 43214, 439, 13, 35517, 3751, 11997, 38558, 11, 55807, 39501, 11, 39501, 23748, 11, 17366, 3444, 7127, 24882, 31152, 23497, 31152, 31152, 21154, 2955, 6761, 38836, 9909, 3185, 4290, 26875, 62756, 9909, 13962, 13, 5257, 13398, 480, 13575, 57318, 435, 1971, 42, 13575, 452, 3579, 13, 65337, 17671, 17406, 3277, 73409, 574, 16447, 709, 304, 364 ]
something sliding down fast over the ice. Van de Gevel looked up and saw, twenty to thirty feet to his left, a body plunging headfirst down the Bottleneck. There was no scream or shout. The climber still had his headlamp switched on. The body fell too fast for Cas to see his face in the light from his own headlamp, but Van de Gevel saw clearly that the climber was dressed in a dark yellow suit. The body disappeared into the night. Lack of oxygen may trigger a complex physiological reaction inside the human body, one whose severity varies considerably from person to person. As oxygen levels decrease, the tiny arteries that feed the brain dilate. High-pressure blood floods the network of fragile cerebral capillaries, which begin to leak fluid. The fluid causes swelling in the surrounding tissue. The brain swells, displacing the cushion of cerebrospinal fluid inside the head until the brain starts to squash up against the inside of the skull. When the compression begins to affect the area of the brain responsible for balance and coordination—the cerebellum—it causes ataxia, or stumbling and severe lack of coordination. As the compression progresses, the optic disk swells,
something sliding down fast over the ice. Van de Gevel looked up and saw, twenty to thirty feet to his left, a body plunging headfirst down the Bottleneck. There was no scream or shout. The climber still had his headlamp switched on. The body fell too fast for Cas to see his face in the light from his own headlamp, but Van de Gevel saw clearly that the climber was dressed in a dark yellow suit. The body disappeared into the night. Lack of oxygen may trigger a complex physiological reaction inside the human body, one whose severity varies considerably from person to person. As oxygen levels decrease, the tiny arteries that feed the brain dilate. High-pressure blood floods the network of fragile cerebral capillaries, which begin to leak fluid. The fluid causes swelling in the surrounding tissue. The brain swells, displacing the cushion of cerebrospinal fluid inside the head until the brain starts to squash up against the inside of the skull. When the compression begins to affect the area of the brain responsible for balance and coordination—the cerebellum—it causes ataxia, or stumbling and severe lack of coordination. As the compression progresses, the optic disk swells,
causing blurring of vision. As well as affecting the brain, lack of oxygen can lead to a surge in blood pressure in the arteries in the lungs, and cause more leakage. Fluid floods into the alveoli, the tiny thin-walled air sacs deep within the lungs where oxygen diffuses into the blood. An X ray of a climber suffering from this sort of high-altitude condition reveals a patchy image of fluid in areas of the lung normally filled with air. Among the first ominous signs are shortness of breath and fatigue, a persistent cough, then a gurgle and a coughing up of pink-tinged fluid. Eventually the climber drowns. The effects of these fluid shifts can set in rapidly before a climber realizes anything is seriously wrong. Much like a drunk, judgment is impaired well before it is apparent to the climber. To help acclimatization or relieve the symptoms, some high-altitude mountaineers use drugs. For example, Viagra is sometimes used to drain fluid from the lungs. Many climbers circumvent the risk by carrying oxygen with them in tanks, but the effects can be disastrous if the supplementary oxygen runs out. When that happens, the climber abruptly enters a new
[ 1223, 22292, 866, 3049, 625, 262, 4771, 13, 6656, 390, 2269, 626, 3114, 510, 290, 2497, 11, 8208, 284, 12277, 3625, 284, 465, 1364, 11, 257, 1767, 41904, 278, 1182, 11085, 866, 262, 14835, 43163, 13, 198, 198, 1858, 373, 645, 8196, 393, 9191, 13, 383, 5424, 527, 991, 550, 465, 1182, 75, 696, 15293, 319, 13, 383, 1767, 3214, 1165, 3049, 329, 11294, 284, 766, 465, 1986, 287, 262, 1657, 422, 465, 898, 1182, 75, 696, 11, 475, 6656, 390, 2269, 626, 2497, 4084, 326, 262, 5424, 527, 373, 12049, 287, 257, 3223, 7872, 6050, 13, 383, 1767, 12120, 656, 262, 1755, 13, 198, 198, 43, 441, 286, 11863, 743, 7616, 257, 3716, 25033, 6317, 2641, 262, 1692, 1767, 11, 530, 3025, 19440, 17806, 15394, 422, 1048, 284, 1048, 13, 1081, 11863, 2974, 10070, 11, 262, 7009, 45894, 326, 3745, 262, 3632, 11844, 378, 13, 3334, 12, 36151, 2910, 27283, 262, 3127, 286, 21049, 31169, 1451, 359, 3166, 11, 543, 2221, 284, 13044, 11711, 13, 198, 198, 464, 11711, 5640, 29844, 287, 262, 7346, 10712, 13, 383, 3632, 1509, 19187, 11, 7845, 4092, 262, 33579, 286, 6736, 7957, 2777, 1292, 11711, 2641, 262, 1182, 1566, 262, 3632, 4940, 284, 34613, 510, 1028, 262, 2641, 286, 262, 14511, 13, 1649, 262, 19794, 6140, 284, 2689, 262, 1989, 286, 262, 3632, 4497, 329, 5236, 290, 19877, 960, 1169, 6736, 7923, 388, 960, 270, 5640, 379, 897, 544, 11, 393, 37829, 290, 6049, 3092, 286, 19877, 13, 1081, 262, 19794, 33226, 11, 262, 43151, 11898, 1509, 19187, 11 ]
[ 2555, 34932, 1523, 5043, 927, 279, 10054, 13, 13000, 409, 4323, 899, 7111, 709, 323, 5602, 11, 17510, 311, 27219, 7693, 311, 813, 2163, 11, 264, 2547, 53872, 287, 2010, 3983, 1523, 279, 37330, 60113, 382, 3947, 574, 912, 46789, 477, 42223, 13, 578, 11323, 655, 2103, 1047, 813, 2010, 95857, 30975, 389, 13, 578, 2547, 11299, 2288, 5043, 369, 11301, 311, 1518, 813, 3663, 304, 279, 3177, 505, 813, 1866, 2010, 95857, 11, 719, 13000, 409, 4323, 899, 5602, 9539, 430, 279, 11323, 655, 574, 26435, 304, 264, 6453, 14071, 7937, 13, 578, 2547, 29496, 1139, 279, 3814, 382, 43, 474, 315, 24463, 1253, 8346, 264, 6485, 53194, 13010, 4871, 279, 3823, 2547, 11, 832, 6832, 31020, 35327, 33452, 505, 1732, 311, 1732, 13, 1666, 24463, 5990, 18979, 11, 279, 13987, 85648, 430, 5510, 279, 8271, 19371, 349, 13, 5234, 89561, 6680, 61272, 279, 4009, 315, 45350, 60745, 2107, 484, 5548, 11, 902, 3240, 311, 24237, 15962, 382, 791, 15962, 11384, 55307, 304, 279, 14932, 20438, 13, 578, 8271, 2064, 6572, 11, 13770, 4628, 279, 45738, 315, 28091, 15222, 2203, 992, 15962, 4871, 279, 2010, 3156, 279, 8271, 8638, 311, 59576, 709, 2403, 279, 4871, 315, 279, 35113, 13, 3277, 279, 26168, 12302, 311, 7958, 279, 3158, 315, 279, 8271, 8647, 369, 8335, 323, 38793, 22416, 28091, 17696, 372, 44603, 11384, 520, 710, 689, 11, 477, 88455, 323, 15748, 6996, 315, 38793, 13, 1666, 279, 26168, 68711, 11, 279, 81209, 13668, 2064, 6572, 11 ]
[ 14718, 1529, 21081, 315, 11376, 382, 2170, 1664, 439, 28987, 279, 8271, 11, 6996, 315, 24463, 649, 3063, 311, 264, 22531, 304, 6680, 7410, 304, 279, 85648, 304, 279, 45274, 11, 323, 5353, 810, 81373, 13, 60696, 61272, 1139, 279, 453, 588, 14559, 11, 279, 13987, 15792, 2695, 4841, 3805, 11347, 82, 5655, 2949, 279, 45274, 1405, 24463, 3722, 4881, 1139, 279, 6680, 13, 1556, 1630, 18803, 315, 264, 11323, 655, 16066, 505, 420, 3460, 315, 1579, 34450, 3993, 3044, 21667, 264, 11140, 88, 2217, 315, 15962, 304, 5789, 315, 279, 21271, 14614, 10409, 449, 3805, 13, 22395, 279, 1176, 86596, 12195, 527, 2875, 2136, 315, 11745, 323, 36709, 11, 264, 26048, 40700, 11, 1243, 264, 342, 324, 3491, 323, 264, 40700, 287, 709, 315, 18718, 12, 1303, 291, 15962, 13, 38274, 279, 11323, 655, 294, 654, 4511, 382, 791, 6372, 315, 1521, 15962, 29735, 649, 743, 304, 19019, 1603, 264, 11323, 655, 52694, 4205, 374, 14243, 5076, 13, 24191, 1093, 264, 29850, 11, 19971, 374, 50160, 1664, 1603, 433, 374, 10186, 311, 279, 11323, 655, 13, 2057, 1520, 1645, 566, 78432, 2065, 477, 48839, 279, 13803, 11, 1063, 1579, 34450, 3993, 6606, 8511, 388, 1005, 11217, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 31578, 374, 7170, 1511, 311, 24659, 15962, 505, 279, 45274, 13, 9176, 94751, 10408, 688, 279, 5326, 555, 15691, 24463, 449, 1124, 304, 26951, 11, 719, 279, 6372, 649, 387, 53057, 422, 279, 80506, 24463, 8640, 704, 13, 3277, 430, 8741, 11, 279, 11323, 655, 60845, 29933, 264, 502 ]
euros hit the first pages of newspapers. Migration feels like our only salvation. It’s not the first time us Greeks had to migrate. It is part of our heritage, coming from ancient times when the Greeks were nautical people who relied on sea commerce. After the Great War, many Greeks immigrated to the States and Canada since those countries were open and building a new workforce. History seems to be repeating itself, with a brand new wave of emigration. Just last year, 23,800 Greeks immigrated to Germany in search of a better future. I am one of them. After five years of working in Athens, I am leaving it all behind and writing “Perth, Australia” on the side of my suitcase. The choice is not uncommon; currently more than 40,000 Greeks are thinking of moving to Australia (or already made it there). We don't care about what we are going to do there, as long as it is a job that gives us sufficient funds to survive. The Australian Embassy has thrown numerous events about job opportunities, and Greeks literally besieged the halls at those events. Getting a work permit outside the EU is difficult, though, and requires an actual invite from the desired country. The other option is spicing
euros hit the first pages of newspapers. Migration feels like our only salvation. It’s not the first time us Greeks had to migrate. It is part of our heritage, coming from ancient times when the Greeks were nautical people who relied on sea commerce. After the Great War, many Greeks immigrated to the States and Canada since those countries were open and building a new workforce. History seems to be repeating itself, with a brand new wave of emigration. Just last year, 23,800 Greeks immigrated to Germany in search of a better future. I am one of them. After five years of working in Athens, I am leaving it all behind and writing “Perth, Australia” on the side of my suitcase. The choice is not uncommon; currently more than 40,000 Greeks are thinking of moving to Australia (or already made it there). We don't care about what we are going to do there, as long as it is a job that gives us sufficient funds to survive. The Australian Embassy has thrown numerous events about job opportunities, and Greeks literally besieged the halls at those events. Getting a work permit outside the EU is difficult, though, and requires an actual invite from the desired country. The other option is spicing
up your knowledge with another master's degree. After some applications, samples of my writing and tests, I was accepted to Murdoch University with an international scholarship — an incentive that made my decision to migrate Down Under much easier. But what did I leave behind? Karren Brady Knows How To Enhance Your Career 5 Alternative Careers For Guys Who Can't Deal With An Office Work And Business And Rock And Roll The Real Definition Of "Success" 7 Ways To Survive A Job Loss And Bounce Back COVID-19 death toll includes patients who were never tested by: Mark Maxwell and Lyndsay Jones ILLINOIS (NEXSTAR) — As Illinois Public Health Department officials work to remove any inaccuracies from the state’s COVID-19 death count, the local departments compiling such data for IDPH are doing so without a uniform set of guidelines, a Target 3 investigation has found. Emails and documents obtained via Freedom of Information Act requests by WCIA show coroners and medical examiners across the state have raised questions about the processes of classifying COVID-19’s role in an individual’s death, citing, in some cases, the difficulty of determining whether the novel coronavirus played a “pro
[ 21138, 2277, 262, 717, 5468, 286, 14741, 13, 36991, 5300, 588, 674, 691, 21005, 13, 198, 1026, 447, 247, 82, 407, 262, 717, 640, 514, 25059, 550, 284, 32492, 13, 632, 318, 636, 286, 674, 15012, 11, 2406, 422, 6156, 1661, 618, 262, 25059, 547, 299, 37073, 661, 508, 17498, 319, 5417, 19497, 13, 2293, 262, 3878, 1810, 11, 867, 25059, 2296, 38769, 284, 262, 1829, 290, 3340, 1201, 883, 2678, 547, 1280, 290, 2615, 257, 649, 16433, 13, 7443, 2331, 284, 307, 20394, 2346, 11, 351, 257, 4508, 649, 6769, 286, 795, 4254, 13, 2329, 938, 614, 11, 2242, 11, 7410, 25059, 2296, 38769, 284, 4486, 287, 2989, 286, 257, 1365, 2003, 13, 198, 40, 716, 530, 286, 606, 13, 2293, 1936, 812, 286, 1762, 287, 21891, 11, 314, 716, 4305, 340, 477, 2157, 290, 3597, 564, 250, 5990, 400, 11, 4505, 447, 251, 319, 262, 1735, 286, 616, 45391, 13, 383, 3572, 318, 407, 19185, 26, 3058, 517, 621, 2319, 11, 830, 25059, 389, 3612, 286, 3867, 284, 4505, 357, 273, 1541, 925, 340, 612, 737, 775, 836, 470, 1337, 546, 644, 356, 389, 1016, 284, 466, 612, 11, 355, 890, 355, 340, 318, 257, 1693, 326, 3607, 514, 6751, 5153, 284, 7866, 13, 383, 6638, 23233, 468, 8754, 6409, 2995, 546, 1693, 6443, 11, 290, 25059, 7360, 41680, 262, 24350, 379, 883, 2995, 13, 18067, 257, 670, 8749, 2354, 262, 4576, 318, 2408, 11, 996, 11, 290, 4433, 281, 4036, 14037, 422, 262, 10348, 1499, 13, 198, 464, 584, 3038, 318, 599, 6345 ]
[ 33588, 4295, 279, 1176, 6959, 315, 32594, 13, 21943, 11321, 1093, 1057, 1193, 46035, 627, 2181, 753, 539, 279, 1176, 892, 603, 61780, 1047, 311, 45666, 13, 1102, 374, 961, 315, 1057, 28948, 11, 5108, 505, 14154, 3115, 994, 279, 61780, 1051, 308, 68267, 1274, 889, 41013, 389, 9581, 36754, 13, 4740, 279, 8681, 5111, 11, 1690, 61780, 15644, 660, 311, 279, 4273, 323, 7008, 2533, 1884, 5961, 1051, 1825, 323, 4857, 264, 502, 32027, 13, 11346, 5084, 311, 387, 40916, 5196, 11, 449, 264, 6883, 502, 12330, 315, 991, 5141, 13, 4702, 1566, 1060, 11, 220, 1419, 11, 4728, 61780, 15644, 660, 311, 10057, 304, 2778, 315, 264, 2731, 3938, 627, 40, 1097, 832, 315, 1124, 13, 4740, 4330, 1667, 315, 3318, 304, 46926, 11, 358, 1097, 9564, 433, 682, 4920, 323, 4477, 1054, 3976, 339, 11, 8494, 863, 389, 279, 3185, 315, 856, 88949, 13, 578, 5873, 374, 539, 41296, 26, 5131, 810, 1109, 220, 1272, 11, 931, 61780, 527, 7422, 315, 7366, 311, 8494, 320, 269, 2736, 1903, 433, 1070, 570, 1226, 1541, 956, 2512, 922, 1148, 584, 527, 2133, 311, 656, 1070, 11, 439, 1317, 439, 433, 374, 264, 2683, 430, 6835, 603, 14343, 10736, 311, 18167, 13, 578, 13673, 53527, 706, 15338, 12387, 4455, 922, 2683, 10708, 11, 323, 61780, 16280, 92728, 3640, 279, 52473, 520, 1884, 4455, 13, 25531, 264, 990, 11810, 4994, 279, 10013, 374, 5107, 11, 3582, 11, 323, 7612, 459, 5150, 22114, 505, 279, 12974, 3224, 627, 791, 1023, 3072, 374, 993, 10332 ]
[ 709, 701, 6677, 449, 2500, 7491, 596, 8547, 13, 4740, 1063, 8522, 11, 10688, 315, 856, 4477, 323, 7177, 11, 358, 574, 11928, 311, 79709, 3907, 449, 459, 6625, 34225, 2001, 459, 36210, 430, 1903, 856, 5597, 311, 45666, 6419, 9636, 1790, 8831, 13, 2030, 1148, 1550, 358, 5387, 4920, 5380, 77489, 1466, 36470, 14521, 82, 2650, 2057, 29757, 685, 4718, 41576, 198, 20, 42209, 99455, 1789, 51300, 10699, 3053, 956, 27359, 3161, 1556, 8410, 198, 6919, 1628, 8184, 1628, 9305, 1628, 15028, 198, 791, 8976, 20288, 5046, 330, 7336, 702, 22, 42419, 2057, 29878, 535, 362, 12280, 25733, 1628, 426, 9933, 6984, 20562, 12, 777, 4648, 26936, 5764, 6978, 889, 1051, 2646, 12793, 198, 1729, 25, 4488, 59497, 323, 16333, 303, 37890, 12201, 198, 9410, 49075, 1669, 320, 45, 3337, 68161, 8, 2001, 1666, 19174, 3142, 6401, 6011, 7510, 990, 311, 4148, 904, 42025, 27121, 505, 279, 1614, 753, 20562, 12, 777, 4648, 1797, 11, 279, 2254, 26280, 55320, 1778, 828, 369, 3110, 11079, 527, 3815, 779, 2085, 264, 14113, 743, 315, 17959, 11, 264, 13791, 220, 18, 8990, 706, 1766, 627, 4886, 82, 323, 9477, 12457, 4669, 25320, 315, 8245, 3298, 7540, 555, 37746, 5987, 1501, 22760, 388, 323, 6593, 7151, 40799, 4028, 279, 1614, 617, 9408, 4860, 922, 279, 11618, 315, 538, 7922, 20562, 12, 777, 753, 3560, 304, 459, 3927, 753, 4648, 11, 33264, 11, 304, 1063, 5157, 11, 279, 17250, 315, 26679, 3508, 279, 11775, 33333, 6476, 264, 1054, 782 ]
we have this threat? Your dive is going to be ruined by a lionfish sting? Yeah, that’s beautiful alright! Dylan Freberg on at 1:14 PM Is the United States Federal Government currently hunting them? If so, can you site any resources? David Andress on at 3:53 PM Spotted a lionfish in the snorkeling cove at Disney’s Castaway Cay in November. Reported it to the lifeguard who seemed oblivious to its potential reef threat. Learned about them on the islandgirl boat trip to Trunk Bay, st. John, USVI, for snorkeling there. Jeff Jones @jwjonez on at 12:33 PM Mr. Harrell, When hunting a territorial animal, the mostly likely scenario is decoy that mimics a rival to lure the out to trap or kill it. If lion fish fight other lion fish consider a “tarbaby” engagment strategy that bogs/bibds a lionfish in a death grip with the decoy. This mitigation scheme may well be in the realm of a expert marine biologist, US fish & wildlife, or NOAA level org to trap to lure and kill
we have this threat? Your dive is going to be ruined by a lionfish sting? Yeah, that’s beautiful alright! Dylan Freberg on at 1:14 PM Is the United States Federal Government currently hunting them? If so, can you site any resources? David Andress on at 3:53 PM Spotted a lionfish in the snorkeling cove at Disney’s Castaway Cay in November. Reported it to the lifeguard who seemed oblivious to its potential reef threat. Learned about them on the islandgirl boat trip to Trunk Bay, st. John, USVI, for snorkeling there. Jeff Jones @jwjonez on at 12:33 PM Mr. Harrell, When hunting a territorial animal, the mostly likely scenario is decoy that mimics a rival to lure the out to trap or kill it. If lion fish fight other lion fish consider a “tarbaby” engagment strategy that bogs/bibds a lionfish in a death grip with the decoy. This mitigation scheme may well be in the realm of a expert marine biologist, US fish & wildlife, or NOAA level org to trap to lure and kill
the animals with emphasis on minimal impact to non-invasives. @jwjonez on Twitter selena on at 6:00 PM When was this website last updated Andy Lowe on at 8:29 AM Hi Selena, this website is being constantly updated. We frequently write new articles about the lionfish invasion and relevant information which you’ll find on our homepage. We maintain and continuously update pages on where to eat lionfish, lionfish hunting friendly dive centers, and more. As well as constantly maintaining this website, our team also provides steady updates to lionfish related issues via social media such as our Facebook page. We are proud to provide people with not only the most comprehensive website of information on lionfish, but also the most up to date. Betty on at 3:19 PM This website is very helpful Its simple. Kill them when you see them. It will save reefs. Marcie Anderson on at 1:04 PM Barefoot Cay in Roatan, Honduras is hosting a LionFish Hunting Week! Sept. 9-16 2017 You can become a licensed lion fisher Heidi Peterson on at 10:37 PM Develop a deadly communicable virus
[ 356, 423, 428, 2372, 30, 3406, 15647, 318, 1016, 284, 307, 20484, 416, 257, 18744, 11084, 24276, 30, 9425, 11, 326, 447, 247, 82, 4950, 23036, 0, 198, 35, 18554, 4848, 3900, 197, 261, 379, 352, 25, 1415, 3122, 198, 3792, 262, 1578, 1829, 5618, 5070, 3058, 10988, 606, 30, 1002, 523, 11, 460, 345, 2524, 597, 4133, 30, 198, 11006, 843, 601, 197, 261, 379, 513, 25, 4310, 3122, 198, 4561, 8426, 257, 18744, 11084, 287, 262, 3013, 273, 365, 1359, 25746, 379, 8519, 447, 247, 82, 5833, 8272, 28335, 287, 3389, 13, 30588, 340, 284, 262, 1204, 14864, 508, 3947, 38603, 284, 663, 2785, 25088, 2372, 13, 38514, 546, 606, 319, 262, 7022, 15219, 8848, 5296, 284, 833, 2954, 4696, 11, 336, 13, 1757, 11, 1294, 12861, 11, 329, 3013, 273, 365, 1359, 612, 13, 198, 19139, 5437, 2488, 73, 86, 73, 505, 89, 197, 261, 379, 1105, 25, 2091, 3122, 198, 5246, 13, 2113, 11252, 11, 198, 2215, 10988, 257, 22414, 5044, 11, 262, 4632, 1884, 8883, 318, 875, 726, 326, 17007, 873, 257, 8976, 284, 26166, 262, 503, 284, 12840, 393, 1494, 340, 13, 1002, 18744, 5916, 1907, 584, 18744, 5916, 2074, 257, 564, 250, 18870, 40252, 447, 251, 1786, 363, 434, 4811, 326, 275, 18463, 14, 65, 571, 9310, 257, 18744, 11084, 287, 257, 1918, 11762, 351, 262, 875, 726, 13, 770, 33585, 7791, 743, 880, 307, 287, 262, 13360, 286, 257, 5887, 16050, 35261, 11, 1294, 5916, 1222, 15599, 11, 393, 36184, 1241, 8745, 284, 12840, 284, 26166, 290, 1494 ]
[ 584, 617, 420, 6023, 30, 4718, 30963, 374, 2133, 311, 387, 47168, 555, 264, 40132, 18668, 55413, 30, 22335, 11, 430, 753, 6366, 51217, 4999, 35, 37578, 7730, 7881, 25653, 520, 220, 16, 25, 975, 5975, 198, 3957, 279, 3723, 4273, 12411, 10423, 5131, 23330, 1124, 30, 1442, 779, 11, 649, 499, 2816, 904, 5070, 5380, 23083, 1628, 676, 25653, 520, 220, 18, 25, 4331, 5975, 198, 6540, 15889, 264, 40132, 18668, 304, 279, 97806, 20659, 272, 1009, 520, 16795, 753, 11514, 14075, 53883, 304, 6841, 13, 79711, 433, 311, 279, 10345, 82971, 889, 9508, 94370, 311, 1202, 4754, 71145, 6023, 13, 90496, 922, 1124, 389, 279, 13218, 29652, 15688, 8577, 311, 1183, 3200, 9332, 11, 357, 13, 3842, 11, 2326, 26376, 11, 369, 97806, 20659, 1070, 627, 39727, 12201, 571, 73, 68054, 606, 89, 25653, 520, 220, 717, 25, 1644, 5975, 198, 12555, 13, 5340, 16684, 345, 4599, 23330, 264, 52482, 10065, 11, 279, 10213, 4461, 15398, 374, 68652, 88, 430, 28003, 1233, 264, 21425, 311, 57683, 279, 704, 311, 23709, 477, 5622, 433, 13, 1442, 40132, 7795, 4465, 1023, 40132, 7795, 2980, 264, 1054, 27835, 79064, 863, 2995, 15974, 8446, 430, 293, 27403, 3554, 581, 5469, 264, 40132, 18668, 304, 264, 4648, 25703, 449, 279, 68652, 88, 13, 1115, 66860, 13155, 1253, 1664, 387, 304, 279, 22651, 315, 264, 6335, 29691, 88704, 11, 2326, 7795, 612, 30405, 11, 477, 86748, 2237, 1262, 311, 23709, 311, 57683, 323, 5622 ]
[ 279, 10099, 449, 25679, 389, 17832, 5536, 311, 2536, 3502, 4378, 1924, 627, 31, 73, 68054, 606, 89, 389, 6405, 198, 9697, 7304, 25653, 520, 220, 21, 25, 410, 5975, 198, 4599, 574, 420, 3997, 1566, 6177, 198, 68517, 65687, 25653, 520, 220, 23, 25, 1682, 6912, 198, 13347, 24082, 7304, 11, 420, 3997, 374, 1694, 15320, 6177, 13, 1226, 14134, 3350, 502, 9908, 922, 279, 40132, 18668, 30215, 323, 9959, 2038, 902, 499, 4805, 1505, 389, 1057, 35689, 13, 1226, 10519, 323, 31978, 2713, 6959, 389, 1405, 311, 8343, 40132, 18668, 11, 40132, 18668, 23330, 11919, 30963, 19169, 11, 323, 810, 13, 1666, 1664, 439, 15320, 20958, 420, 3997, 11, 1057, 2128, 1101, 5825, 24981, 9013, 311, 40132, 18668, 5552, 4819, 4669, 3674, 3772, 1778, 439, 1057, 5690, 2199, 13, 1226, 527, 12691, 311, 3493, 1274, 449, 539, 1193, 279, 1455, 16195, 3997, 315, 2038, 389, 40132, 18668, 11, 719, 1101, 279, 1455, 709, 311, 2457, 627, 57299, 1919, 25653, 520, 220, 18, 25, 777, 5975, 198, 2028, 3997, 374, 1633, 11190, 198, 37220, 4382, 13, 27933, 1124, 994, 499, 1518, 1124, 13, 1102, 690, 3665, 92822, 627, 48741, 648, 21293, 25653, 520, 220, 16, 25, 2371, 5975, 198, 33, 548, 5447, 53883, 304, 12093, 16623, 11, 71415, 374, 20256, 264, 33199, 65641, 45354, 10563, 0, 5488, 13, 220, 24, 12, 845, 220, 679, 22, 198, 2675, 649, 3719, 264, 16383, 40132, 7795, 261, 198, 1548, 12558, 40891, 25653, 520, 220, 605, 25, 1806, 5975, 198, 21076, 264, 25114, 6057, 481, 17188 ]
play. The results state that the beloved Bard is most likely the author of Henry VIII, with a certainty of 88%. Collaboration with another writer was also ruled out. Thus, Shakespeare has scored a moral victory and a PR coup. However, no morning show appearances are planned for the present. Give Back Every donation matters. The Chairs of NELC TA Office Hours Course Petitions Pre-Approved Courses Contract Courses Departmental Scholars Humanities Career Panel Series TAships Conference Travel Reimbursement Doctoral Hooding Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations Armenian Studies Assyriology Iranian Studies Levantine Studies Near Eastern Archaeology Semitics Turkic Studies Placement Exams Armenian Studies Colloquia Home > Faculty > Luke Yarbrough Luke Yarbrough Office: 394 Kaplan Hall Luke Yarbrough (Ph.D. 2012, Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University) is a historian of pre-modern Islamic societies. His work deals primarily with relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in their historical and legal aspects, and extends to the study of hadith, polemical literature, and
play. The results state that the beloved Bard is most likely the author of Henry VIII, with a certainty of 88%. Collaboration with another writer was also ruled out. Thus, Shakespeare has scored a moral victory and a PR coup. However, no morning show appearances are planned for the present. Give Back Every donation matters. The Chairs of NELC TA Office Hours Course Petitions Pre-Approved Courses Contract Courses Departmental Scholars Humanities Career Panel Series TAships Conference Travel Reimbursement Doctoral Hooding Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations Armenian Studies Assyriology Iranian Studies Levantine Studies Near Eastern Archaeology Semitics Turkic Studies Placement Exams Armenian Studies Colloquia Home > Faculty > Luke Yarbrough Luke Yarbrough Office: 394 Kaplan Hall Luke Yarbrough (Ph.D. 2012, Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University) is a historian of pre-modern Islamic societies. His work deals primarily with relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in their historical and legal aspects, and extends to the study of hadith, polemical literature, and
administrative practice, among other topics. Yarbrough has held post-doctoral fellowships at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Judaic Studies of the University of Pennsylvania (2012) and the New York University Abu Dhabi Institute, where he was a Humanities Research Fellow in 2016-17. Since 2013 he has served as Assistant Professor of History at Saint Louis University, where he received a university-wide graduate-mentorship award (2014) and the annual Helen I. Mandeville Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in the Humanities (2018). His critical edition and translation of a thirteenth-century Arabic polemic by a disgruntled Egyptian bureaucrat, entitled The Sword of Ambition, was published in 2016 with the Library of Arabic Literature series of New York University Press, and his articles have appeared in journals such as Islamic Law and Society, the Journal of the American Oriental Society, and Der Islam. His forthcoming monograph—Friends of the Emir, Enemies of God—excavates prescriptive discourses surrounding non-Muslim officials in pre-modern Islamic states. Yarbrough earned his A.B. (History, 2004) as well as his Ph.D. at Princeton, and has studied and traveled widely in the Middle East and North Africa,
[ 711, 13, 383, 2482, 1181, 326, 262, 14142, 25654, 318, 749, 1884, 262, 1772, 286, 8616, 25197, 11, 351, 257, 18979, 286, 9193, 7225, 37322, 341, 351, 1194, 6260, 373, 635, 8879, 503, 13, 198, 19093, 11, 22197, 468, 7781, 257, 6573, 5373, 290, 257, 4810, 12092, 13, 2102, 11, 645, 3329, 905, 11057, 389, 6027, 329, 262, 1944, 13, 13786, 5157, 3887, 13784, 6067, 13, 198, 464, 609, 3468, 286, 399, 3698, 34, 198, 5603, 4452, 19347, 198, 49046, 4767, 1756, 198, 6719, 12, 4677, 305, 1079, 2734, 8448, 198, 45845, 2734, 8448, 198, 36261, 282, 26381, 198, 20490, 871, 32619, 18810, 7171, 198, 51, 1722, 5748, 198, 3103, 4288, 13524, 797, 320, 21780, 434, 198, 37564, 282, 17233, 278, 198, 44974, 20173, 8345, 7511, 4582, 198, 3163, 3653, 666, 10422, 198, 8021, 88, 380, 1435, 198, 23798, 666, 10422, 198, 32163, 29003, 10422, 198, 40640, 8345, 32187, 1435, 198, 13900, 270, 873, 198, 17483, 74, 291, 10422, 198, 3646, 5592, 1475, 4105, 198, 3163, 3653, 666, 10422, 7778, 22696, 544, 198, 16060, 1875, 35262, 1875, 11336, 575, 38039, 740, 198, 30730, 575, 38039, 740, 198, 27743, 25, 5014, 19, 37105, 4789, 198, 30730, 575, 38039, 740, 357, 2725, 13, 35, 13, 2321, 11, 20173, 8345, 10422, 11, 23173, 2059, 8, 318, 257, 18026, 286, 662, 12, 23922, 5533, 14515, 13, 2399, 670, 7529, 7525, 351, 2316, 1022, 7045, 290, 1729, 12, 36452, 287, 511, 6754, 290, 2742, 7612, 11, 290, 14582, 284, 262, 2050, 286, 550, 342, 11, 745, 10671, 605, 9285, 11, 290 ]
[ 1514, 13, 578, 3135, 1614, 430, 279, 28530, 64304, 374, 1455, 4461, 279, 3229, 315, 18063, 58333, 11, 449, 264, 44743, 315, 220, 2421, 14697, 87687, 449, 2500, 7061, 574, 1101, 21989, 704, 627, 45600, 11, 42482, 706, 16957, 264, 16033, 12845, 323, 264, 8743, 16081, 13, 4452, 11, 912, 6693, 1501, 27351, 527, 13205, 369, 279, 3118, 13, 21335, 6984, 7357, 25968, 13146, 627, 791, 69224, 315, 452, 2818, 34, 198, 15559, 8410, 30192, 198, 24225, 11586, 6055, 198, 4808, 12, 60751, 48778, 198, 14396, 48778, 198, 27725, 278, 99394, 198, 35075, 1385, 41576, 19482, 11378, 198, 15559, 18143, 198, 92348, 18589, 1050, 318, 52173, 198, 43824, 278, 36443, 287, 198, 89167, 1188, 31494, 18516, 16803, 8200, 198, 7098, 5794, 1122, 19241, 198, 5733, 88, 462, 2508, 198, 62819, 1122, 19241, 198, 2356, 85, 39457, 19241, 198, 53062, 18516, 66102, 2508, 198, 50, 19233, 1233, 198, 38062, 74, 292, 19241, 198, 29337, 1398, 4214, 198, 7098, 5794, 1122, 19241, 4349, 385, 84722, 198, 7778, 871, 42904, 871, 25459, 816, 76370, 1458, 198, 59447, 816, 76370, 1458, 198, 24861, 25, 220, 20077, 81237, 11166, 198, 59447, 816, 76370, 1458, 320, 3438, 920, 13, 220, 679, 17, 11, 31494, 18516, 19241, 11, 50421, 3907, 8, 374, 264, 44068, 315, 864, 17515, 944, 15558, 34775, 13, 5414, 990, 12789, 15871, 449, 4398, 1990, 20071, 323, 2536, 62505, 82, 304, 872, 13970, 323, 5897, 13878, 11, 323, 2289, 311, 279, 4007, 315, 1047, 411, 11, 26078, 76, 950, 17649, 11, 323 ]
[ 23541, 6725, 11, 4315, 1023, 13650, 13, 816, 76370, 1458, 706, 5762, 1772, 30659, 5009, 278, 12637, 18143, 520, 279, 58463, 423, 13, 78209, 5955, 369, 58561, 292, 19241, 315, 279, 3907, 315, 20355, 320, 679, 17, 8, 323, 279, 1561, 4356, 3907, 31229, 73879, 10181, 11, 1405, 568, 574, 264, 87345, 8483, 37946, 304, 220, 679, 21, 12, 1114, 13, 8876, 220, 679, 18, 568, 706, 10434, 439, 22103, 17054, 315, 11346, 520, 14539, 12140, 3907, 11, 1405, 568, 4036, 264, 12374, 25480, 19560, 12, 98745, 5383, 10292, 320, 679, 19, 8, 323, 279, 9974, 43881, 358, 13, 24789, 5230, 4618, 17768, 369, 58240, 304, 9636, 28770, 45377, 304, 279, 87345, 320, 679, 23, 570, 5414, 9200, 14002, 323, 14807, 315, 264, 270, 404, 46487, 34457, 35217, 26078, 21914, 555, 264, 45286, 3935, 839, 33589, 34846, 18071, 11, 20458, 578, 36751, 315, 20423, 684, 11, 574, 4756, 304, 220, 679, 21, 449, 279, 11896, 315, 35217, 47470, 4101, 315, 1561, 4356, 3907, 8612, 11, 323, 813, 9908, 617, 9922, 304, 42780, 1778, 439, 15558, 7658, 323, 13581, 11, 279, 10139, 315, 279, 3778, 72051, 13581, 11, 323, 13031, 15256, 13, 5414, 45764, 1647, 3257, 2345, 45443, 315, 279, 5867, 404, 11, 61581, 315, 4359, 2345, 40541, 402, 988, 1685, 41419, 2624, 16753, 14932, 2536, 62505, 7510, 304, 864, 17515, 944, 15558, 5415, 13, 816, 76370, 1458, 15662, 813, 362, 1823, 13, 320, 13730, 11, 220, 1049, 19, 8, 439, 1664, 439, 813, 2405, 920, 13, 520, 50421, 11, 323, 706, 20041, 323, 31796, 13882, 304, 279, 12877, 6460, 323, 4892, 10384, 11 ]
"yes", but ranking at as their 11th most important issue, does not indicate anything like the same level of political support as having 20% of the population answering "no" and ranking it as their most important, or in many cases, their only issue. Similarly, when people tell pollsters they support stricter gun laws, what do they mean? Do they mean increased restrictions on law-abiding gun owners, or harsher penalties on criminal use of guns? The polls that ask these questions indicate that most of those who say they support stricter gun laws support the latter, not the former. Which means they agree with the NRA, not with the Brady Bunch. Why have previous attempts at mandating background checks failed? Because they seemed designed more to shut down the shows, than to actually deal with the purported problem. If you're going to accomplish anything, you're going to have to learn from past mistakes. There are polls that show very specifically which gun laws the majority of responders would support. I will deal with that when I have time to respond. To respond to the above comment about polls- here is one link showing varying results that don't support the statements above- http://www.pollingreport.com/guns.htm.. This
"yes", but ranking at as their 11th most important issue, does not indicate anything like the same level of political support as having 20% of the population answering "no" and ranking it as their most important, or in many cases, their only issue. Similarly, when people tell pollsters they support stricter gun laws, what do they mean? Do they mean increased restrictions on law-abiding gun owners, or harsher penalties on criminal use of guns? The polls that ask these questions indicate that most of those who say they support stricter gun laws support the latter, not the former. Which means they agree with the NRA, not with the Brady Bunch. Why have previous attempts at mandating background checks failed? Because they seemed designed more to shut down the shows, than to actually deal with the purported problem. If you're going to accomplish anything, you're going to have to learn from past mistakes. There are polls that show very specifically which gun laws the majority of responders would support. I will deal with that when I have time to respond. To respond to the above comment about polls- here is one link showing varying results that don't support the statements above- http://www.pollingreport.com/guns.htm.. This
is a compilation of various polls. You can see that support for "gun control" has erroded recently and, in my opinion, it is because nothing has been done to change anything and the gun lobby has won some skirmishes. When asked specific questions, however, such as in the Frank Luntz polling, most people agree with the measures I am in favor of: http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/downloads/pdf/luntz_poll_questionnaire_and_responses.pdf I understand that the NRA and the gun rights folks hate this poll for some reason. But the questions were asked of NRA members, non NRA members, gun owners and non gun owners. It is a representative sampling as a poll should be. 69% of NRA members favor background checks on sales of guns at gun shows and 85% of non NRA members supported this. The numbers of those who do not support this is quite small. And this from a Washington Post article: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/thefix/parsing-the-polls/parsing-the-polls-gun-control.html A quote from the article: " Given the fairly entrenched views about gun control
[ 366, 8505, 1600, 475, 12759, 379, 355, 511, 1367, 400, 749, 1593, 2071, 11, 857, 407, 7603, 1997, 588, 262, 976, 1241, 286, 1964, 1104, 355, 1719, 1160, 4, 286, 262, 3265, 18877, 366, 3919, 1, 290, 12759, 340, 355, 511, 749, 1593, 11, 393, 287, 867, 2663, 11, 511, 691, 2071, 13, 198, 28039, 11, 618, 661, 1560, 3278, 5937, 484, 1104, 36602, 2485, 3657, 11, 644, 466, 484, 1612, 30, 2141, 484, 1612, 3220, 8733, 319, 1099, 12, 43056, 2485, 4393, 11, 393, 50243, 12970, 319, 4301, 779, 286, 6541, 30, 383, 9231, 326, 1265, 777, 2683, 7603, 326, 749, 286, 883, 508, 910, 484, 1104, 36602, 2485, 3657, 1104, 262, 6846, 11, 407, 262, 1966, 13, 9022, 1724, 484, 4236, 351, 262, 23962, 11, 407, 351, 262, 15260, 347, 3316, 13, 198, 5195, 423, 2180, 6370, 379, 6855, 803, 4469, 8794, 4054, 30, 4362, 484, 3947, 3562, 517, 284, 4423, 866, 262, 2523, 11, 621, 284, 1682, 1730, 351, 262, 23236, 1917, 13, 198, 1532, 345, 821, 1016, 284, 9989, 1997, 11, 345, 821, 1016, 284, 423, 284, 2193, 422, 1613, 10135, 13, 198, 1858, 389, 9231, 326, 905, 845, 5734, 543, 2485, 3657, 262, 3741, 286, 33339, 561, 1104, 13, 314, 481, 1730, 351, 326, 618, 314, 423, 640, 284, 3031, 13, 198, 2514, 3031, 284, 262, 2029, 2912, 546, 9231, 12, 994, 318, 530, 2792, 4478, 15874, 2482, 326, 836, 470, 1104, 262, 6299, 2029, 12, 2638, 1378, 2503, 13, 30393, 278, 13116, 13, 785, 14, 44265, 13, 19211, 492, 770 ]
[ 330, 9891, 498, 719, 23862, 520, 439, 872, 220, 806, 339, 1455, 3062, 4360, 11, 1587, 539, 13519, 4205, 1093, 279, 1890, 2237, 315, 5054, 1862, 439, 3515, 220, 508, 4, 315, 279, 7187, 36864, 330, 2201, 1, 323, 23862, 433, 439, 872, 1455, 3062, 11, 477, 304, 1690, 5157, 11, 872, 1193, 4360, 627, 68791, 11, 994, 1274, 3371, 7230, 12855, 814, 1862, 84818, 6166, 7016, 11, 1148, 656, 814, 3152, 30, 3234, 814, 3152, 7319, 17294, 389, 2383, 39130, 6714, 6166, 7980, 11, 477, 25984, 261, 31086, 389, 9337, 1005, 315, 16766, 30, 578, 23925, 430, 2610, 1521, 4860, 13519, 430, 1455, 315, 1884, 889, 2019, 814, 1862, 84818, 6166, 7016, 1862, 279, 15629, 11, 539, 279, 4846, 13, 16299, 3445, 814, 7655, 449, 279, 53509, 11, 539, 449, 279, 36470, 426, 3265, 627, 10445, 617, 3766, 13865, 520, 11837, 1113, 4092, 12621, 4745, 30, 9393, 814, 9508, 6319, 810, 311, 9495, 1523, 279, 5039, 11, 1109, 311, 3604, 3568, 449, 279, 59860, 3575, 627, 2746, 499, 2351, 2133, 311, 22829, 4205, 11, 499, 2351, 2133, 311, 617, 311, 4048, 505, 3347, 21294, 627, 3947, 527, 23925, 430, 1501, 1633, 11951, 902, 6166, 7016, 279, 8857, 315, 70639, 1053, 1862, 13, 358, 690, 3568, 449, 430, 994, 358, 617, 892, 311, 6013, 627, 1271, 6013, 311, 279, 3485, 4068, 922, 23925, 12, 1618, 374, 832, 2723, 9204, 29865, 3135, 430, 1541, 956, 1862, 279, 12518, 3485, 12, 1795, 1129, 2185, 42577, 287, 11998, 916, 4951, 11099, 24165, 497, 1115 ]
[ 374, 264, 29772, 315, 5370, 23925, 13, 1472, 649, 1518, 430, 1862, 369, 330, 13562, 2585, 1, 706, 37410, 9988, 6051, 323, 11, 304, 856, 9647, 11, 433, 374, 1606, 4400, 706, 1027, 2884, 311, 2349, 4205, 323, 279, 6166, 19865, 706, 2834, 1063, 96380, 21168, 13, 3277, 4691, 3230, 4860, 11, 4869, 11, 1778, 439, 304, 279, 9454, 445, 3935, 89, 31744, 11, 1455, 1274, 7655, 449, 279, 11193, 358, 1097, 304, 4799, 315, 25, 1795, 1129, 2185, 749, 352, 1105, 69849, 77098, 52921, 2726, 90285, 48851, 13631, 3935, 89, 41102, 30015, 29583, 8543, 82392, 16378, 358, 3619, 430, 279, 53509, 323, 279, 6166, 3268, 15687, 12491, 420, 7230, 369, 1063, 2944, 13, 2030, 279, 4860, 1051, 4691, 315, 53509, 3697, 11, 2536, 53509, 3697, 11, 6166, 7980, 323, 2536, 6166, 7980, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 18740, 25936, 439, 264, 7230, 1288, 387, 13, 220, 3076, 4, 315, 53509, 3697, 4799, 4092, 12621, 389, 6763, 315, 16766, 520, 6166, 5039, 323, 220, 5313, 4, 315, 2536, 53509, 3697, 7396, 420, 13, 578, 5219, 315, 1884, 889, 656, 539, 1862, 420, 374, 5115, 2678, 627, 3112, 420, 505, 264, 6652, 3962, 4652, 25, 1795, 1129, 41783, 1444, 32799, 2252, 916, 21071, 830, 953, 4420, 29698, 10826, 2320, 68978, 4420, 29698, 10826, 2320, 68978, 76335, 4565, 2628, 362, 12929, 505, 279, 4652, 25, 330, 16644, 279, 14470, 82144, 6325, 922, 6166, 2585 ]
hate, there is no need to add to it. So you don’t like the movie. Then don’t watch it. But there is no need to spew your hatefulness, to add to the toxicity that already exists or to bash the people who do like this quirky, silly movie about love. Unless you are a professional movie critic, please keep your negative, bitter, smug comments to yourself. No one needs to (or even wants to) hear your rantings. I agree that the movie is a certifiable overstuffed holiday buffet – but for me, that means there is something for everyone. The movie includes just about every kind of love: romantic, sexual, platonic, tarnished, dreary, reciprocated, intoxicating, neglected, unrequited, habitual, anomalous, parental, familial, friendly, true. If you can’t find something to love from that list, then I question your ability to love at all. So I just don’t get how a movie about love could be so polarizing. I’ve got the idea of home on the brain again. It’s probably not surprising, given the time of year. Well-meaning friends and neighbors casually ask
hate, there is no need to add to it. So you don’t like the movie. Then don’t watch it. But there is no need to spew your hatefulness, to add to the toxicity that already exists or to bash the people who do like this quirky, silly movie about love. Unless you are a professional movie critic, please keep your negative, bitter, smug comments to yourself. No one needs to (or even wants to) hear your rantings. I agree that the movie is a certifiable overstuffed holiday buffet – but for me, that means there is something for everyone. The movie includes just about every kind of love: romantic, sexual, platonic, tarnished, dreary, reciprocated, intoxicating, neglected, unrequited, habitual, anomalous, parental, familial, friendly, true. If you can’t find something to love from that list, then I question your ability to love at all. So I just don’t get how a movie about love could be so polarizing. I’ve got the idea of home on the brain again. It’s probably not surprising, given the time of year. Well-meaning friends and neighbors casually ask
“are you going home for the holidays?” to which I can only reply “no, we are staying right here.” But it is actually fitting because, for all intents and purposes, this is home now. It’s the place I’ve lived the longest. It’s the only home my boys have ever known. Yet this idea of “home” seems to elude me, and gnaw at me, a kind of still unresolved story line. My wife and I often play the “where should we move to” game? I actually get unnerved when we do this because we just seem to talk in circles, feeling more unsettled each time we take up the discussion. “If you don’t like where you are, just picture where you want to be” extols August “Auggie” Pullman in the movie version of Wonder. It sounds easy enough, but this particular vision seems impossible to see. Earlier this year we flirted with packing it all up and moving somewhere else, a kind of “anywhere but here” mission. But in the end, the stars just didn’t align. Job offers never material
[ 5465, 11, 612, 318, 645, 761, 284, 751, 284, 340, 13, 1406, 345, 836, 447, 247, 83, 588, 262, 3807, 13, 3244, 836, 447, 247, 83, 2342, 340, 13, 887, 612, 318, 645, 761, 284, 38645, 534, 5465, 15538, 11, 284, 751, 284, 262, 28152, 326, 1541, 7160, 393, 284, 27334, 262, 661, 508, 466, 588, 428, 37276, 11, 14397, 3807, 546, 1842, 13, 17486, 345, 389, 257, 4708, 3807, 4014, 11, 3387, 1394, 534, 4633, 11, 12922, 11, 27590, 3651, 284, 3511, 13, 1400, 530, 2476, 284, 357, 273, 772, 3382, 284, 8, 3285, 534, 30993, 654, 13, 198, 40, 4236, 326, 262, 3807, 318, 257, 5051, 16823, 625, 301, 18339, 9912, 44703, 784, 475, 329, 502, 11, 326, 1724, 612, 318, 1223, 329, 2506, 13, 383, 3807, 3407, 655, 546, 790, 1611, 286, 1842, 25, 14348, 11, 3206, 11, 40315, 9229, 11, 40851, 1348, 11, 288, 260, 560, 11, 36564, 515, 11, 21275, 12364, 11, 24007, 11, 555, 8897, 863, 11, 46020, 11, 26921, 516, 11, 21694, 11, 48376, 11, 8030, 11, 2081, 13, 1002, 345, 460, 447, 247, 83, 1064, 1223, 284, 1842, 422, 326, 1351, 11, 788, 314, 1808, 534, 2694, 284, 1842, 379, 477, 13, 1406, 314, 655, 836, 447, 247, 83, 651, 703, 257, 3807, 546, 1842, 714, 307, 523, 13559, 2890, 13, 198, 40, 447, 247, 303, 1392, 262, 2126, 286, 1363, 319, 262, 3632, 757, 13, 632, 447, 247, 82, 2192, 407, 6452, 11, 1813, 262, 640, 286, 614, 13, 3894, 12, 24815, 2460, 290, 12020, 27793, 1265 ]
[ 12491, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 1205, 311, 923, 311, 433, 13, 2100, 499, 1541, 1431, 1093, 279, 5818, 13, 5112, 1541, 1431, 3821, 433, 13, 2030, 1070, 374, 912, 1205, 311, 993, 365, 701, 12491, 31514, 11, 311, 923, 311, 279, 58011, 430, 2736, 6866, 477, 311, 28121, 279, 1274, 889, 656, 1093, 420, 68232, 11, 30571, 5818, 922, 3021, 13, 11115, 499, 527, 264, 6721, 5818, 9940, 11, 4587, 2567, 701, 8389, 11, 26242, 11, 1554, 773, 6170, 311, 6261, 13, 2360, 832, 3966, 311, 320, 269, 1524, 6944, 311, 8, 6865, 701, 57943, 826, 627, 40, 7655, 430, 279, 5818, 374, 264, 2847, 23444, 83509, 41673, 13560, 61886, 1389, 719, 369, 757, 11, 430, 3445, 1070, 374, 2555, 369, 5127, 13, 578, 5818, 5764, 1120, 922, 1475, 3169, 315, 3021, 25, 24364, 11, 7392, 11, 46089, 14338, 11, 87580, 3384, 11, 33201, 661, 11, 25455, 28787, 660, 11, 72815, 1113, 11, 51533, 11, 653, 11265, 1639, 11, 84820, 11, 37782, 30543, 11, 46679, 11, 98304, 11, 11919, 11, 837, 13, 1442, 499, 649, 1431, 1505, 2555, 311, 3021, 505, 430, 1160, 11, 1243, 358, 3488, 701, 5845, 311, 3021, 520, 682, 13, 2100, 358, 1120, 1541, 1431, 636, 1268, 264, 5818, 922, 3021, 1436, 387, 779, 25685, 4954, 627, 40, 4070, 2751, 279, 4623, 315, 2162, 389, 279, 8271, 1578, 13, 1102, 753, 4762, 539, 15206, 11, 2728, 279, 892, 315, 1060, 13, 8489, 84096, 287, 4885, 323, 19228, 65714, 2610 ]
[ 1054, 548, 499, 2133, 2162, 369, 279, 25425, 12671, 311, 902, 358, 649, 1193, 10052, 1054, 2201, 11, 584, 527, 19994, 1314, 1618, 2029, 2030, 433, 374, 3604, 27442, 1606, 11, 369, 682, 94615, 323, 10096, 11, 420, 374, 2162, 1457, 13, 1102, 753, 279, 2035, 358, 4070, 12439, 279, 22807, 13, 1102, 753, 279, 1193, 2162, 856, 13305, 617, 3596, 3967, 13, 14968, 420, 4623, 315, 1054, 5227, 863, 5084, 311, 658, 799, 757, 11, 323, 39719, 675, 520, 757, 11, 264, 3169, 315, 2103, 81261, 3446, 1584, 627, 5159, 7555, 323, 358, 3629, 1514, 279, 1054, 2940, 1288, 584, 3351, 311, 863, 1847, 30, 358, 3604, 636, 17380, 2841, 994, 584, 656, 420, 1606, 584, 1120, 2873, 311, 3137, 304, 26432, 11, 8430, 810, 68770, 839, 1855, 892, 584, 1935, 709, 279, 10430, 13, 1054, 2746, 499, 1541, 1431, 1093, 1405, 499, 527, 11, 1120, 6945, 1405, 499, 1390, 311, 387, 863, 1327, 3145, 6287, 1054, 32, 2661, 648, 863, 32928, 1543, 304, 279, 5818, 2373, 315, 27205, 13, 1102, 10578, 4228, 3403, 11, 719, 420, 4040, 11376, 5084, 12266, 311, 1518, 13, 47993, 420, 1060, 584, 53730, 291, 449, 36813, 433, 682, 709, 323, 7366, 15038, 775, 11, 264, 3169, 315, 1054, 3852, 2940, 719, 1618, 863, 9131, 13, 2030, 304, 279, 842, 11, 279, 9958, 1120, 3287, 1431, 5398, 13, 12280, 6209, 2646, 3769 ]
★ Robert De Niro, Anne Hathaway. Dissatisfied with retirement, a 70-year-old widower becomes an intern at an online fashion site and develops a special bond with his young boss. (PG-13) 2 hrs. 1 mins. TNT Sun. 1 p.m. Into the Wild (2007) ★★★ Emile Hirsch, Marcia Gay Harden. Following his graduation from college, Christopher McCandless gives up his savings and possessions and makes an ill-fated trek to the Alaskan wilderness. (R) 2 hrs. 27 mins. TMC Sun. 1:35 p.m. TMC Wed. 2 p.m. TMC Sat. 12:40 p.m. Invincible (2006) ★★ Mark Wahlberg, Greg Kinnear. At 30 years old, bartender Vince Papale sees his wildest dreams come true when he becomes a member of the Philadelphia Eagles football team. (PG) 1 hr. 44 mins. Showtime Thur. 3 a.m. It’s Christmas, Eve (2018) LeAnn Rimes, Tyler Hynes. A school superintendent with a knack for turning around schools meets a single father who works as the head of the school
★ Robert De Niro, Anne Hathaway. Dissatisfied with retirement, a 70-year-old widower becomes an intern at an online fashion site and develops a special bond with his young boss. (PG-13) 2 hrs. 1 mins. TNT Sun. 1 p.m. Into the Wild (2007) ★★★ Emile Hirsch, Marcia Gay Harden. Following his graduation from college, Christopher McCandless gives up his savings and possessions and makes an ill-fated trek to the Alaskan wilderness. (R) 2 hrs. 27 mins. TMC Sun. 1:35 p.m. TMC Wed. 2 p.m. TMC Sat. 12:40 p.m. Invincible (2006) ★★ Mark Wahlberg, Greg Kinnear. At 30 years old, bartender Vince Papale sees his wildest dreams come true when he becomes a member of the Philadelphia Eagles football team. (PG) 1 hr. 44 mins. Showtime Thur. 3 a.m. It’s Christmas, Eve (2018) LeAnn Rimes, Tyler Hynes. A school superintendent with a knack for turning around schools meets a single father who works as the head of the school
’s bankrupt music department. As she rediscovers her passion for music, she works to save the dreams of the kids who love music. (NR) 2 hrs. Hallmark Sun. 8 a.m. Hallmark Fri. Noon Jail Busters (1955) ★★ Bowery Boys, Percy Helton. Slip and Sach go to prison to help a reporter with a story. (NR) 1 hr. 1 mins. TCM Sat. 7:07 a.m. Jarhead (2005) ★★★ Jake Gyllenhaal, Peter Sarsgaard. A Marine and his comrades form brotherly bonds while patrolling the Iraqi desert during the Gulf War. (R) 2 hrs. 3 mins. Showtime Fri. 10 p.m. Jason Bourne (2016) ★★ Matt Damon, Tommy Lee Jones. Living off the grid for 10 years, former CIA operative Jason Bourne finds himself back in action battling a sinister network that utilizes terror and technology to maintain unchecked power. (PG-13) 2 hrs. 3 mins. FXX Wed. 2:30 p.m. FXX Thur. 9:30 a.m. Jeepers Creepers (2001) ★★ Gina Philips,
[ 15583, 5199, 1024, 399, 7058, 11, 15397, 36556, 8272, 13, 35305, 17403, 798, 351, 10737, 11, 257, 4317, 12, 1941, 12, 727, 9214, 789, 4329, 281, 1788, 379, 281, 2691, 6977, 2524, 290, 21126, 257, 2041, 6314, 351, 465, 1862, 6478, 13, 357, 6968, 12, 1485, 8, 362, 36201, 13, 352, 23550, 13, 42490, 3825, 13, 352, 279, 13, 76, 13, 198, 5317, 78, 262, 6183, 357, 12726, 8, 23883, 28353, 2295, 576, 367, 47108, 11, 13067, 544, 16013, 35017, 13, 14207, 465, 21571, 422, 4152, 11, 12803, 5108, 392, 1203, 3607, 510, 465, 10653, 290, 23309, 290, 1838, 281, 2801, 12, 69, 515, 30784, 284, 262, 978, 2093, 272, 22775, 13, 357, 49, 8, 362, 36201, 13, 2681, 23550, 13, 309, 9655, 3825, 13, 352, 25, 2327, 279, 13, 76, 13, 309, 9655, 3300, 13, 362, 279, 13, 76, 13, 309, 9655, 7031, 13, 1105, 25, 1821, 279, 13, 76, 13, 198, 19904, 33494, 357, 13330, 8, 23883, 15583, 2940, 370, 15668, 3900, 11, 8547, 33304, 451, 13, 1629, 1542, 812, 1468, 11, 41118, 22376, 14185, 1000, 7224, 465, 4295, 395, 10625, 1282, 2081, 618, 339, 4329, 257, 2888, 286, 262, 8857, 13785, 4346, 1074, 13, 357, 6968, 8, 352, 39436, 13, 5846, 23550, 13, 47908, 36975, 13, 513, 257, 13, 76, 13, 198, 1026, 447, 247, 82, 6786, 11, 12882, 357, 7908, 8, 1004, 18858, 371, 999, 11, 14886, 367, 25337, 13, 317, 1524, 32958, 351, 257, 47868, 329, 6225, 1088, 4266, 11185, 257, 2060, 2988, 508, 2499, 355, 262, 1182, 286, 262, 1524 ]
[ 27347, 8563, 1611, 452, 8869, 11, 29026, 91668, 14075, 13, 52132, 47365, 449, 21624, 11, 264, 220, 2031, 4771, 6418, 9923, 1223, 9221, 459, 2655, 520, 459, 2930, 11401, 2816, 323, 39671, 264, 3361, 11049, 449, 813, 3995, 13697, 13, 320, 11637, 12, 1032, 8, 220, 17, 41140, 13, 220, 16, 25876, 13, 89231, 8219, 13, 220, 16, 281, 749, 627, 27689, 279, 13944, 320, 1049, 22, 8, 38334, 49617, 5867, 458, 473, 82965, 11, 19412, 689, 21334, 90893, 13, 23548, 813, 39554, 505, 7926, 11, 26035, 14583, 438, 1752, 6835, 709, 813, 19523, 323, 53635, 323, 3727, 459, 5986, 2269, 660, 45688, 311, 279, 1708, 79451, 49362, 13, 320, 49, 8, 220, 17, 41140, 13, 220, 1544, 25876, 13, 350, 11865, 8219, 13, 220, 16, 25, 1758, 281, 749, 13, 350, 11865, 6658, 13, 220, 17, 281, 749, 13, 350, 11865, 13479, 13, 220, 717, 25, 1272, 281, 749, 627, 15527, 77972, 320, 1049, 21, 8, 38334, 27347, 4488, 75957, 7881, 11, 16431, 735, 6258, 686, 13, 2468, 220, 966, 1667, 2362, 11, 91505, 56232, 32743, 1604, 16008, 813, 31331, 5086, 19226, 2586, 837, 994, 568, 9221, 264, 4562, 315, 279, 19895, 32709, 9141, 2128, 13, 320, 11637, 8, 220, 16, 18514, 13, 220, 2096, 25876, 13, 7073, 1712, 76155, 13, 220, 18, 264, 749, 627, 2181, 753, 10280, 11, 32460, 320, 679, 23, 8, 2009, 28192, 432, 1769, 11, 32320, 473, 84267, 13, 362, 2978, 74133, 449, 264, 94350, 369, 13353, 2212, 8853, 20628, 264, 3254, 7126, 889, 4375, 439, 279, 2010, 315, 279, 2978 ]
[ 753, 29320, 4731, 9476, 13, 1666, 1364, 2579, 3510, 9146, 1077, 11939, 369, 4731, 11, 1364, 4375, 311, 3665, 279, 19226, 315, 279, 6980, 889, 3021, 4731, 13, 320, 27416, 8, 220, 17, 41140, 13, 11166, 4075, 8219, 13, 220, 23, 264, 749, 13, 11166, 4075, 31502, 13, 83956, 198, 41, 607, 426, 14947, 320, 6280, 20, 8, 38334, 27347, 18943, 727, 30857, 11, 75786, 16183, 783, 13, 59632, 323, 38437, 733, 311, 9527, 311, 1520, 264, 19496, 449, 264, 3446, 13, 320, 27416, 8, 220, 16, 18514, 13, 220, 16, 25876, 13, 350, 10190, 13479, 13, 220, 22, 25, 2589, 264, 749, 627, 72835, 2025, 320, 1049, 20, 8, 38334, 49617, 33172, 480, 25734, 63126, 278, 11, 11291, 328, 1590, 95589, 13, 362, 23820, 323, 813, 67128, 1376, 10868, 398, 27460, 1418, 3352, 16608, 279, 31334, 24521, 2391, 279, 27945, 5111, 13, 320, 49, 8, 220, 17, 41140, 13, 220, 18, 25876, 13, 7073, 1712, 31502, 13, 220, 605, 281, 749, 627, 54013, 39475, 818, 320, 679, 21, 8, 38334, 27347, 13678, 73349, 11, 40139, 12336, 12201, 13, 19048, 1022, 279, 5950, 369, 220, 605, 1667, 11, 4846, 22193, 64885, 18984, 39475, 818, 14035, 5678, 1203, 304, 1957, 47336, 264, 63667, 4009, 430, 60880, 8818, 323, 5557, 311, 10519, 54291, 2410, 13, 320, 11637, 12, 1032, 8, 220, 17, 41140, 13, 220, 18, 25876, 13, 435, 6277, 6658, 13, 220, 17, 25, 966, 281, 749, 13, 435, 6277, 76155, 13, 220, 24, 25, 966, 264, 749, 627, 30854, 752, 388, 7948, 752, 388, 320, 1049, 16, 8, 38334, 27347, 77312, 74603, 11 ]
of extraordinary dexterity and physicality and a lovely man. He was a stalwart of the Liverpool Empires Panto season and as a result, was invited by The Beatles, who had seen him as children, to join them on the ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ bus. I recently saw ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ on TV and realised that, apart from Nat Jackley, I had met two other members of the cast too. Derek Royle who was an actor that I remember from my childhood but I remember him as an adult as the dead body that John Cleese had to hide and keep moving about in Fawlty Towers. I was at Drama School with his daughter Carol and I remember being introduced to him after a show. The other cast member I had a brief encounter with, was Vivian Stanshall of the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band. Even before I worked in Theatre, celebrity was something I’d already started to get used to. We lived in Epsom and one of the boys I went to school with was Andy Secombe, son of Harry [Later,we both went to Central School of Speech and Drama at the same time]. He sometimes came to pick up Andy from school and would join in whatever
of extraordinary dexterity and physicality and a lovely man. He was a stalwart of the Liverpool Empires Panto season and as a result, was invited by The Beatles, who had seen him as children, to join them on the ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ bus. I recently saw ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ on TV and realised that, apart from Nat Jackley, I had met two other members of the cast too. Derek Royle who was an actor that I remember from my childhood but I remember him as an adult as the dead body that John Cleese had to hide and keep moving about in Fawlty Towers. I was at Drama School with his daughter Carol and I remember being introduced to him after a show. The other cast member I had a brief encounter with, was Vivian Stanshall of the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band. Even before I worked in Theatre, celebrity was something I’d already started to get used to. We lived in Epsom and one of the boys I went to school with was Andy Secombe, son of Harry [Later,we both went to Central School of Speech and Drama at the same time]. He sometimes came to pick up Andy from school and would join in whatever
was going on in the playground, much to everyone’s delight. I also have a memory of going to his house in Cheam, to see his sister who was a producer about some work and being warned that ‘Uncle Spike’ was visiting and that we should avoid contact because he was having a bad day. I glimpsed him through a doorway but never actually met him. Uncle Spike was of course Spike Milligan. Some years later I was in a production of ‘Ubu Roi’ that had been adapted by him with Charlie Drake, another iconic comedian of the 60’s, in the lead but it was a disaster and bombed at the box office. Another actor/comedian in that production was Roy Barraclough who became famous as Les Dawson’s sidekick and later as Alec Gilroy in ‘Coronation Street’. Understandably Spike Milligan disowned the production and never came to see it, choosing to remain in Australia. Many years later I was making a film with a friend of mine and had to step into the breach when the actor Danny Mitchell backed out. He was the son of Warren Mitchell, who was most famous as Alf Garnet in ‘Till Death Us Do
[ 286, 11359, 50003, 290, 3518, 414, 290, 257, 14081, 582, 13, 679, 373, 257, 29049, 24657, 286, 262, 11761, 35102, 11427, 78, 1622, 290, 355, 257, 1255, 11, 373, 9392, 416, 383, 27330, 11, 508, 550, 1775, 683, 355, 1751, 11, 284, 4654, 606, 319, 262, 564, 246, 13436, 605, 18208, 9852, 447, 247, 1323, 13, 314, 2904, 2497, 564, 246, 13436, 605, 18208, 9852, 447, 247, 319, 3195, 290, 19169, 326, 11, 5475, 422, 14393, 3619, 1636, 11, 314, 550, 1138, 734, 584, 1866, 286, 262, 3350, 1165, 13, 20893, 9817, 293, 508, 373, 281, 8674, 326, 314, 3505, 422, 616, 9963, 475, 314, 3505, 683, 355, 281, 4044, 355, 262, 2636, 1767, 326, 1757, 3779, 2771, 550, 284, 7808, 290, 1394, 3867, 546, 287, 46081, 75, 774, 29031, 13, 314, 373, 379, 30647, 3961, 351, 465, 4957, 5074, 290, 314, 3505, 852, 5495, 284, 683, 706, 257, 905, 13, 383, 584, 3350, 2888, 314, 550, 257, 4506, 8791, 351, 11, 373, 25313, 666, 520, 504, 18323, 286, 262, 7979, 10872, 8532, 2141, 78, 44864, 10243, 13, 198, 6104, 878, 314, 3111, 287, 15752, 11, 16527, 373, 1223, 314, 447, 247, 67, 1541, 2067, 284, 651, 973, 284, 13, 775, 5615, 287, 43427, 296, 290, 530, 286, 262, 6510, 314, 1816, 284, 1524, 351, 373, 12382, 1882, 296, 1350, 11, 3367, 286, 5850, 685, 18602, 11, 732, 1111, 1816, 284, 5694, 3961, 286, 24709, 290, 30647, 379, 262, 976, 640, 4083, 679, 3360, 1625, 284, 2298, 510, 12382, 422, 1524, 290, 561, 4654, 287, 4232 ]
[ 315, 24674, 294, 59916, 323, 7106, 488, 323, 264, 17104, 893, 13, 1283, 574, 264, 80576, 36708, 315, 279, 25715, 13714, 3946, 393, 13873, 3280, 323, 439, 264, 1121, 11, 574, 18719, 555, 578, 55957, 11, 889, 1047, 3970, 1461, 439, 2911, 11, 311, 5249, 1124, 389, 279, 3451, 34015, 950, 49105, 14986, 529, 5951, 13, 358, 6051, 5602, 3451, 34015, 950, 49105, 14986, 529, 389, 6007, 323, 41193, 430, 11, 10980, 505, 24772, 7762, 3258, 11, 358, 1047, 2322, 1403, 1023, 3697, 315, 279, 6445, 2288, 13, 43423, 12093, 982, 889, 574, 459, 12360, 430, 358, 6227, 505, 856, 20587, 719, 358, 6227, 1461, 439, 459, 6822, 439, 279, 5710, 2547, 430, 3842, 37102, 2423, 1047, 311, 10477, 323, 2567, 7366, 922, 304, 435, 88548, 1919, 68457, 13, 358, 574, 520, 47569, 6150, 449, 813, 10003, 10463, 323, 358, 6227, 1694, 11784, 311, 1461, 1306, 264, 1501, 13, 578, 1023, 6445, 4562, 358, 1047, 264, 10015, 13123, 449, 11, 574, 42136, 1122, 800, 598, 43341, 315, 279, 13789, 13028, 14588, 423, 2689, 76391, 17366, 627, 13461, 1603, 358, 6575, 304, 27315, 11, 31544, 574, 2555, 358, 7070, 2736, 3940, 311, 636, 1511, 311, 13, 1226, 12439, 304, 469, 1725, 316, 323, 832, 315, 279, 13305, 358, 4024, 311, 2978, 449, 574, 25871, 4621, 316, 1395, 11, 4538, 315, 14253, 510, 31082, 11, 906, 2225, 4024, 311, 10913, 6150, 315, 39841, 323, 47569, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 948, 1283, 7170, 3782, 311, 3820, 709, 25871, 505, 2978, 323, 1053, 5249, 304, 8996 ]
[ 574, 2133, 389, 304, 279, 42715, 11, 1790, 311, 5127, 753, 18454, 13, 358, 1101, 617, 264, 5044, 315, 2133, 311, 813, 3838, 304, 8602, 309, 11, 311, 1518, 813, 13219, 889, 574, 264, 17276, 922, 1063, 990, 323, 1694, 19201, 430, 3451, 64818, 273, 61352, 529, 574, 17136, 323, 430, 584, 1288, 5766, 3729, 1606, 568, 574, 3515, 264, 3958, 1938, 13, 358, 94162, 291, 1461, 1555, 264, 70458, 719, 2646, 3604, 2322, 1461, 13, 51521, 61352, 574, 315, 3388, 61352, 8384, 11118, 13, 4427, 1667, 3010, 358, 574, 304, 264, 5788, 315, 3451, 52, 20218, 432, 6870, 529, 430, 1047, 1027, 30464, 555, 1461, 449, 25972, 42865, 11, 2500, 27373, 51912, 315, 279, 220, 1399, 753, 11, 304, 279, 3063, 719, 433, 574, 264, 21426, 323, 89938, 520, 279, 3830, 5274, 13, 13596, 12360, 26149, 29667, 304, 430, 5788, 574, 11284, 4821, 969, 566, 1409, 889, 6244, 11495, 439, 11876, 67312, 753, 3185, 56893, 323, 3010, 439, 86116, 21456, 3433, 304, 3451, 10803, 91983, 6825, 24535, 71994, 2915, 61352, 8384, 11118, 834, 18838, 279, 5788, 323, 2646, 3782, 311, 1518, 433, 11, 19301, 311, 7293, 304, 8494, 13, 9176, 1667, 3010, 358, 574, 3339, 264, 4632, 449, 264, 4333, 315, 10705, 323, 1047, 311, 3094, 1139, 279, 31471, 994, 279, 12360, 33699, 31038, 22126, 704, 13, 1283, 574, 279, 4538, 315, 26713, 31038, 11, 889, 574, 1455, 11495, 439, 66868, 65132, 295, 304, 3451, 51, 484, 16290, 4073, 3234 ]
. The following excerpts from the Law360 article tell the story. A D.C. federal judge refused to forestall the U.S. Department of State’s policy of counting foreign investors’ family members toward the EB-5 visa cap, dealing an early blow to a lawsuit levied by a group of Chinese investors who claim that the policy creates a lengthy visa backlog and conflicts with Congress’ intent. U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan on Thursday denied the provisional class’ motion for a preliminary injunction against the government’s counting policy for the EB-5 visa program, which provides a path to permanent residency for foreign citizens who invest in U.S. enterprises, reasoning that language in the Immigration and Nationality Act does in fact support that policy. …Ira J. Kurzban of Kurzban Kurzban Weinger Tetzeli & Pratt PA, who is representing the Chinese investors and the regional center, told Law360 that the plaintiffs will continue to pursue their claims in the district court, and “if necessary,” in the appeals courts. “We recognize the issues in this case are difficult and the judge resolved them against our clients on a preliminary basis. We
. The following excerpts from the Law360 article tell the story. A D.C. federal judge refused to forestall the U.S. Department of State’s policy of counting foreign investors’ family members toward the EB-5 visa cap, dealing an early blow to a lawsuit levied by a group of Chinese investors who claim that the policy creates a lengthy visa backlog and conflicts with Congress’ intent. U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan on Thursday denied the provisional class’ motion for a preliminary injunction against the government’s counting policy for the EB-5 visa program, which provides a path to permanent residency for foreign citizens who invest in U.S. enterprises, reasoning that language in the Immigration and Nationality Act does in fact support that policy. …Ira J. Kurzban of Kurzban Kurzban Weinger Tetzeli & Pratt PA, who is representing the Chinese investors and the regional center, told Law360 that the plaintiffs will continue to pursue their claims in the district court, and “if necessary,” in the appeals courts. “We recognize the issues in this case are difficult and the judge resolved them against our clients on a preliminary basis. We
know that the court will take a fresh look at the matter when we seek summary judgment,” Kurzban told Law360 in an email. “We believe, that despite the longevity of the current method in counting visas, the process is simply wrong. [State’s] current counting policy is contrary to the law and the legislative history of the EB-5 program.” The busiest people in EB-5 now may be ambulance chasers looking to exploit the disappointment of backlogged EB-5 investors from China. Chinese investors – don’t get burned twice! If you wish now that you’d known more before putting money in a project, take the lesson to know more before putting money into litigation. Examine (1) does my counsel know EB-5 well enough to make accurate claims that could possibly win my case, and (2) what’s the best I could get out of the case, if I win? The hot button retrogression/redeployment issue has a particularly complex history and factors, so be smart. Otherwise money gets spent on claims like this “Defendants were fully aware when they solicited investments from plaintiffs in 2014 and 2015 that plaintiffs’ capital would need to be
[ 13, 383, 1708, 39146, 422, 262, 3854, 15277, 2708, 1560, 262, 1621, 13, 198, 32, 360, 13, 34, 13, 2717, 5052, 6520, 284, 8222, 439, 262, 471, 13, 50, 13, 2732, 286, 1812, 447, 247, 82, 2450, 286, 14143, 3215, 7713, 447, 247, 1641, 1866, 3812, 262, 43374, 12, 20, 14552, 1451, 11, 7219, 281, 1903, 6611, 284, 257, 8087, 43383, 416, 257, 1448, 286, 3999, 7713, 508, 1624, 326, 262, 2450, 8075, 257, 16452, 14552, 38780, 290, 12333, 351, 3162, 447, 247, 6824, 13, 198, 52, 13, 50, 13, 5665, 8974, 309, 34183, 311, 13, 609, 315, 27541, 319, 3635, 6699, 262, 37042, 1398, 447, 247, 6268, 329, 257, 15223, 27439, 1028, 262, 1230, 447, 247, 82, 14143, 2450, 329, 262, 43374, 12, 20, 14552, 1430, 11, 543, 3769, 257, 3108, 284, 7748, 27308, 329, 3215, 4290, 508, 1325, 287, 471, 13, 50, 13, 23941, 11, 14607, 326, 3303, 287, 262, 18204, 290, 2351, 414, 2191, 857, 287, 1109, 1104, 326, 2450, 13, 198, 1399, 40, 430, 449, 13, 18132, 89, 3820, 286, 18132, 89, 3820, 18132, 89, 3820, 775, 3889, 27351, 17396, 72, 1222, 34780, 8147, 11, 508, 318, 10200, 262, 3999, 7713, 290, 262, 7915, 3641, 11, 1297, 3854, 15277, 326, 262, 21880, 481, 2555, 284, 10660, 511, 3667, 287, 262, 4783, 2184, 11, 290, 564, 250, 361, 3306, 11, 447, 251, 287, 262, 15192, 8028, 13, 198, 447, 250, 1135, 7564, 262, 2428, 287, 428, 1339, 389, 2408, 290, 262, 5052, 12939, 606, 1028, 674, 7534, 319, 257, 15223, 4308, 13, 775 ]
[ 13, 578, 2768, 84490, 505, 279, 7658, 6843, 4652, 3371, 279, 3446, 627, 32, 423, 732, 13, 6918, 11913, 16436, 311, 13952, 543, 279, 549, 815, 13, 6011, 315, 3314, 753, 4947, 315, 26060, 7362, 15167, 529, 3070, 3697, 9017, 279, 50242, 12, 20, 27753, 2107, 11, 14892, 459, 4216, 12523, 311, 264, 19831, 23464, 1142, 555, 264, 1912, 315, 8620, 15167, 889, 3802, 430, 279, 4947, 11705, 264, 35306, 27753, 71822, 323, 26885, 449, 8151, 529, 7537, 627, 52, 815, 13, 11182, 20819, 350, 25041, 328, 13, 921, 332, 8826, 389, 7950, 15164, 279, 78090, 538, 529, 11633, 369, 264, 33269, 61529, 2403, 279, 3109, 753, 26060, 4947, 369, 279, 50242, 12, 20, 27753, 2068, 11, 902, 5825, 264, 1853, 311, 15690, 53966, 369, 7362, 10495, 889, 2793, 304, 549, 815, 13, 40919, 11, 33811, 430, 4221, 304, 279, 40782, 323, 5165, 488, 3298, 1587, 304, 2144, 1862, 430, 4947, 627, 55080, 969, 622, 13, 32375, 89, 6993, 315, 32375, 89, 6993, 32375, 89, 6993, 1226, 5248, 350, 43289, 12574, 612, 75087, 13174, 11, 889, 374, 14393, 279, 8620, 15167, 323, 279, 15481, 4219, 11, 3309, 7658, 6843, 430, 279, 51664, 690, 3136, 311, 23564, 872, 8349, 304, 279, 9474, 5590, 11, 323, 1054, 333, 5995, 2476, 304, 279, 35730, 19359, 627, 15085, 15641, 279, 4819, 304, 420, 1162, 527, 5107, 323, 279, 11913, 20250, 1124, 2403, 1057, 8403, 389, 264, 33269, 8197, 13, 1226 ]
[ 1440, 430, 279, 5590, 690, 1935, 264, 7878, 1427, 520, 279, 5030, 994, 584, 6056, 12399, 19971, 2476, 32375, 89, 6993, 3309, 7658, 6843, 304, 459, 2613, 13, 1054, 1687, 4510, 11, 430, 8994, 279, 58219, 315, 279, 1510, 1749, 304, 26060, 56777, 11, 279, 1920, 374, 5042, 5076, 13, 510, 1423, 753, 60, 1510, 26060, 4947, 374, 26102, 311, 279, 2383, 323, 279, 27743, 3925, 315, 279, 50242, 12, 20, 2068, 49216, 791, 84608, 1274, 304, 50242, 12, 20, 1457, 1253, 387, 51632, 523, 60830, 3411, 311, 33294, 279, 41698, 315, 1203, 25909, 50242, 12, 20, 15167, 505, 5734, 13, 8620, 15167, 1389, 1541, 1431, 636, 27724, 11157, 0, 1442, 499, 6562, 1457, 430, 499, 7070, 3967, 810, 1603, 10917, 3300, 304, 264, 2447, 11, 1935, 279, 18228, 311, 1440, 810, 1603, 10917, 3300, 1139, 39725, 13, 1398, 20588, 320, 16, 8, 1587, 856, 16467, 1440, 50242, 12, 20, 1664, 3403, 311, 1304, 13687, 8349, 430, 1436, 11000, 3243, 856, 1162, 11, 323, 320, 17, 8, 1148, 753, 279, 1888, 358, 1436, 636, 704, 315, 279, 1162, 11, 422, 358, 3243, 30, 578, 4106, 3215, 17189, 30840, 10991, 83313, 4360, 706, 264, 8104, 6485, 3925, 323, 9547, 11, 779, 387, 7941, 13, 18715, 3300, 5334, 7543, 389, 8349, 1093, 420, 1054, 2685, 29410, 1051, 7373, 8010, 994, 814, 30844, 1639, 22538, 505, 51664, 304, 220, 679, 19, 323, 220, 679, 20, 430, 51664, 529, 6864, 1053, 1205, 311, 387 ]
as the one-year Sept. 11 anniversary approaches, Ridge said, is to find the most effective way to manage risk and focus resources. Ridge said he's confident that the $38 billion President Bush is seeking for homeland security in his fiscal 2003 budget will make a vital difference. But he added that states and cities must be given wide latitude on how to use the money. Ridge noted that he got a personal lesson recently how stringent airport security has become when he tried to pass through a metal-detector checkpoint at a Houston terminal. I've been patiently waiting for November before reaching for my coats and it has finally happened! Last weekend was the first time I had left my house wearing a biker jacket and felt like I needed a coat to keep me warm which was both exciting (I'm all for coat weather) but also a bit sad as that means the end of warm weather for a long while. I'm honestly so excited for coat weather! I think I've bought 2 winter coats so far but I'm sure I'll be picking up more - which I definitely don't need but will inevitably happen. There's something so soothing about coat weather for me, I love wrapping up in the mornings. I think I've mentioned before that when it
as the one-year Sept. 11 anniversary approaches, Ridge said, is to find the most effective way to manage risk and focus resources. Ridge said he's confident that the $38 billion President Bush is seeking for homeland security in his fiscal 2003 budget will make a vital difference. But he added that states and cities must be given wide latitude on how to use the money. Ridge noted that he got a personal lesson recently how stringent airport security has become when he tried to pass through a metal-detector checkpoint at a Houston terminal. I've been patiently waiting for November before reaching for my coats and it has finally happened! Last weekend was the first time I had left my house wearing a biker jacket and felt like I needed a coat to keep me warm which was both exciting (I'm all for coat weather) but also a bit sad as that means the end of warm weather for a long while. I'm honestly so excited for coat weather! I think I've bought 2 winter coats so far but I'm sure I'll be picking up more - which I definitely don't need but will inevitably happen. There's something so soothing about coat weather for me, I love wrapping up in the mornings. I think I've mentioned before that when it
comes to winter accessories, so that's like footwear and coats, I'm quite daring. I would much rather have a wardrobe filled with basics like plain jumpers and high waisted jeans and then make everything look better with a statement coat and boots. Which, come to think of it, is quite weird considering outerwear is what you see the most of and so making bold footwear and coat choices probably isn't the most rational. With that said, I often love my statement pieces the most. I picked up this checked coat from New Look a few weeks ago (maybe even as early as September because I was scared of it selling out!) but I refrained from wearing it up until this month because I set a ban on wearing coats until the start of November. Since buying this coat I've spotted loads more, the checked coat trend is definitely taking over! I didn't tuck in my jumper for these particular photos and that's just so unlike me, as I look over these photos I don't think I look like myself! I really think that tucking in jumpers is just what I do, it's very rare that I won't which I think is why I think these photos look so weird to me. Personally, I don't find a slouch
[ 355, 262, 530, 12, 1941, 2362, 13, 1367, 11162, 10581, 11, 20614, 531, 11, 318, 284, 1064, 262, 749, 4050, 835, 284, 6687, 2526, 290, 2962, 4133, 13, 198, 49, 3130, 531, 339, 338, 6563, 326, 262, 720, 2548, 2997, 1992, 5511, 318, 6095, 329, 23184, 2324, 287, 465, 9068, 5816, 4466, 481, 787, 257, 9204, 3580, 13, 887, 339, 2087, 326, 2585, 290, 4736, 1276, 307, 1813, 3094, 32477, 319, 703, 284, 779, 262, 1637, 13, 198, 49, 3130, 4367, 326, 339, 1392, 257, 2614, 11483, 2904, 703, 32791, 9003, 2324, 468, 1716, 618, 339, 3088, 284, 1208, 832, 257, 6147, 12, 15255, 9250, 26954, 379, 257, 6995, 12094, 13, 314, 1053, 587, 37220, 4953, 329, 3389, 878, 8978, 329, 616, 30720, 290, 340, 468, 3443, 3022, 0, 4586, 5041, 373, 262, 717, 640, 314, 550, 1364, 616, 2156, 5762, 257, 275, 18320, 15224, 290, 2936, 588, 314, 2622, 257, 13209, 284, 1394, 502, 5814, 543, 373, 1111, 7895, 357, 40, 1101, 477, 329, 13209, 6193, 8, 475, 635, 257, 1643, 6507, 355, 326, 1724, 262, 886, 286, 5814, 6193, 329, 257, 890, 981, 13, 198, 40, 1101, 12698, 523, 6568, 329, 13209, 6193, 0, 314, 892, 314, 1053, 5839, 362, 7374, 30720, 523, 1290, 475, 314, 1101, 1654, 314, 1183, 307, 10868, 510, 517, 532, 543, 314, 4753, 836, 470, 761, 475, 481, 16857, 1645, 13, 1318, 338, 1223, 523, 40836, 546, 13209, 6193, 329, 502, 11, 314, 1842, 27074, 510, 287, 262, 31143, 13, 314, 892, 314, 1053, 4750, 878, 326, 618, 340 ]
[ 439, 279, 832, 4771, 5488, 13, 220, 806, 22310, 20414, 11, 35305, 1071, 11, 374, 311, 1505, 279, 1455, 7524, 1648, 311, 10299, 5326, 323, 5357, 5070, 627, 49, 6614, 1071, 568, 596, 16913, 430, 279, 400, 1987, 7239, 4900, 14409, 374, 11125, 369, 56336, 4868, 304, 813, 20323, 220, 1049, 18, 8199, 690, 1304, 264, 16595, 6811, 13, 2030, 568, 3779, 430, 5415, 323, 9919, 2011, 387, 2728, 7029, 21518, 389, 1268, 311, 1005, 279, 3300, 627, 49, 6614, 10555, 430, 568, 2751, 264, 4443, 18228, 6051, 1268, 70099, 17149, 4868, 706, 3719, 994, 568, 6818, 311, 1522, 1555, 264, 9501, 92004, 1279, 30395, 520, 264, 16386, 15372, 13, 358, 3077, 1027, 79261, 8748, 369, 6841, 1603, 19261, 369, 856, 56737, 323, 433, 706, 5616, 7077, 0, 8155, 9178, 574, 279, 1176, 892, 358, 1047, 2163, 856, 3838, 12512, 264, 293, 25840, 27300, 323, 6612, 1093, 358, 4460, 264, 23724, 311, 2567, 757, 8369, 902, 574, 2225, 13548, 320, 40, 2846, 682, 369, 23724, 9282, 8, 719, 1101, 264, 2766, 12703, 439, 430, 3445, 279, 842, 315, 8369, 9282, 369, 264, 1317, 1418, 627, 40, 2846, 27136, 779, 12304, 369, 23724, 9282, 0, 358, 1781, 358, 3077, 11021, 220, 17, 12688, 56737, 779, 3117, 719, 358, 2846, 2771, 358, 3358, 387, 21816, 709, 810, 482, 902, 358, 8659, 1541, 956, 1205, 719, 690, 40605, 3621, 13, 2684, 596, 2555, 779, 65464, 922, 23724, 9282, 369, 757, 11, 358, 3021, 42295, 709, 304, 279, 58302, 13, 358, 1781, 358, 3077, 9932, 1603, 430, 994, 433 ]
[ 4131, 311, 12688, 23090, 11, 779, 430, 596, 1093, 68172, 323, 56737, 11, 358, 2846, 5115, 59772, 13, 358, 1053, 1790, 4856, 617, 264, 46846, 10409, 449, 32874, 1093, 14733, 7940, 388, 323, 1579, 10667, 13539, 34389, 323, 1243, 1304, 4395, 1427, 2731, 449, 264, 5224, 23724, 323, 26302, 13, 16299, 11, 2586, 311, 1781, 315, 433, 11, 374, 5115, 16682, 13126, 16335, 23581, 374, 1148, 499, 1518, 279, 1455, 315, 323, 779, 3339, 14265, 68172, 323, 23724, 11709, 4762, 4536, 956, 279, 1455, 25442, 627, 2409, 430, 1071, 11, 358, 3629, 3021, 856, 5224, 9863, 279, 1455, 13, 358, 13061, 709, 420, 10273, 23724, 505, 1561, 9372, 264, 2478, 5672, 4227, 320, 37860, 1524, 439, 4216, 439, 6250, 1606, 358, 574, 27207, 315, 433, 11486, 704, 16715, 719, 358, 19914, 2692, 505, 12512, 433, 709, 3156, 420, 2305, 1606, 358, 743, 264, 9120, 389, 12512, 56737, 3156, 279, 1212, 315, 6841, 13, 8876, 12096, 420, 23724, 358, 3077, 30652, 21577, 810, 11, 279, 10273, 23724, 9327, 374, 8659, 4737, 927, 4999, 40, 3287, 956, 259, 1983, 304, 856, 70084, 369, 1521, 4040, 7397, 323, 430, 596, 1120, 779, 20426, 757, 11, 439, 358, 1427, 927, 1521, 7397, 358, 1541, 956, 1781, 358, 1427, 1093, 7182, 0, 358, 2216, 1781, 430, 259, 47270, 304, 7940, 388, 374, 1120, 1148, 358, 656, 11, 433, 596, 1633, 9024, 430, 358, 2834, 956, 902, 358, 1781, 374, 3249, 358, 1781, 1521, 7397, 1427, 779, 16682, 311, 757, 13, 63647, 11, 358, 1541, 956, 1505, 264, 1776, 3102 ]
Cavalier LeBron James' entourage. Les Figues Press Home / Projects / Q.E.D. Taking its title from a novel by Gertrude Stein, Q.E.D. (Quod Erat Demonstrandum, or Things as They Are) was a short series of long conversations curated by Les Figues Press co-directors Teresa Carmody and Vanessa Place. Each conversation engaged three individuals—a writer, an artist, and a critic—with questions about contemporary issues and conditions of queer art and literature. Moderated by Vanessa Place, the topics and questions posed drew from the participants’ work, contexts, and philosophies to achieve not conclusion but insight. Q.E.D. was held at the MAK Center for Art & Architecture at the Schindler House and supported through a Cultural Resource Development Grant from the City of West Hollywood. The June event was also part of the City of West Hollywood’s One City, One Pride Festival. Video of Q.E.D. is available at PennSound. Part 1 | Things Unsaid | 11 April 2012 How do we articulate without articulating? What are the negative spaces that form and inform your work? Participants: Melissa Buz
Cavalier LeBron James' entourage. Les Figues Press Home / Projects / Q.E.D. Taking its title from a novel by Gertrude Stein, Q.E.D. (Quod Erat Demonstrandum, or Things as They Are) was a short series of long conversations curated by Les Figues Press co-directors Teresa Carmody and Vanessa Place. Each conversation engaged three individuals—a writer, an artist, and a critic—with questions about contemporary issues and conditions of queer art and literature. Moderated by Vanessa Place, the topics and questions posed drew from the participants’ work, contexts, and philosophies to achieve not conclusion but insight. Q.E.D. was held at the MAK Center for Art & Architecture at the Schindler House and supported through a Cultural Resource Development Grant from the City of West Hollywood. The June event was also part of the City of West Hollywood’s One City, One Pride Festival. Video of Q.E.D. is available at PennSound. Part 1 | Things Unsaid | 11 April 2012 How do we articulate without articulating? What are the negative spaces that form and inform your work? Participants: Melissa Buz
zeo, Patrick Greaney, and Simon Leung. Review: “Selection from Q.E.D. Part 1,” guest review/post by Chris Hershey-Van Horn, on HTMLGIANT. Part 2 | What Matters | 9 May 2012 How does materiality matter to you? How is what matters made material? Participants: Michael du Plessis, Brian Teare, Lincoln Tobier. Review: “QED Part 2 – What Matters, What’s Matter,” guest review/post by Samual Soloman on HTMLGIANT. Part 3 | Authentic Objects | 13 June 2012 Does an object need a form? Does an objection? Does anything speak for itself? Participants: Judie Bamber, Dodie Bellamy, Terry Castle. Review: “QED Part 3 – An evening of Authentic Objects,” guest review/post by Andrea Lambert on HTMLGIANT. About Q.E.D. Participants: Melissa Buzzeo is the author of three full length books: What Began Us (Leon Works 2007), Face (Bookthug 2009) and the forthcoming For Want and Sound
[ 21753, 959, 24712, 3700, 6, 920, 32885, 13, 11732, 12138, 947, 4332, 5995, 1220, 29898, 1220, 1195, 13, 36, 13, 35, 13, 198, 26556, 663, 3670, 422, 257, 5337, 416, 402, 861, 81, 2507, 15215, 11, 1195, 13, 36, 13, 35, 13, 357, 4507, 375, 5256, 265, 7814, 2536, 25933, 11, 393, 11597, 355, 1119, 4231, 8, 373, 257, 1790, 2168, 286, 890, 10275, 36768, 416, 11732, 12138, 947, 4332, 763, 12, 12942, 669, 34405, 17998, 1118, 290, 42100, 8474, 13, 198, 10871, 5273, 7953, 1115, 3925, 960, 64, 6260, 11, 281, 6802, 11, 290, 257, 4014, 960, 4480, 2683, 546, 11811, 2428, 290, 3403, 286, 24506, 1242, 290, 9285, 13, 35926, 515, 416, 42100, 8474, 11, 262, 10233, 290, 2683, 15459, 9859, 422, 262, 6809, 447, 247, 670, 11, 26307, 11, 290, 45500, 284, 4620, 407, 7664, 475, 11281, 13, 198, 48, 13, 36, 13, 35, 13, 373, 2714, 379, 262, 8779, 42, 3337, 329, 3683, 1222, 29778, 379, 262, 3059, 521, 1754, 2097, 290, 4855, 832, 257, 23897, 20857, 7712, 12181, 422, 262, 2254, 286, 2688, 8502, 13, 383, 2795, 1785, 373, 635, 636, 286, 262, 2254, 286, 2688, 8502, 447, 247, 82, 1881, 2254, 11, 1881, 21735, 11117, 13, 7623, 286, 1195, 13, 36, 13, 35, 13, 318, 1695, 379, 6595, 21369, 13, 198, 7841, 352, 930, 11597, 791, 30079, 930, 1367, 3035, 2321, 198, 2437, 466, 356, 32154, 1231, 17251, 8306, 30, 198, 2061, 389, 262, 4633, 9029, 326, 1296, 290, 4175, 534, 670, 30, 198, 34363, 1187, 25, 24164, 9842, 89 ]
[ 50230, 1291, 58335, 7957, 6, 1218, 61140, 13, 11876, 23966, 1157, 8612, 5492, 611, 32323, 611, 1229, 5253, 920, 627, 51197, 1202, 2316, 505, 264, 11775, 555, 20524, 376, 799, 35606, 11, 1229, 5253, 920, 13, 320, 2232, 347, 9939, 266, 86501, 58385, 11, 477, 20695, 439, 2435, 8886, 8, 574, 264, 2875, 4101, 315, 1317, 21633, 58732, 555, 11876, 23966, 1157, 8612, 1080, 44624, 1105, 64540, 35552, 1094, 323, 71619, 11004, 627, 4959, 10652, 17045, 2380, 7931, 29096, 7061, 11, 459, 10255, 11, 323, 264, 9940, 81902, 4860, 922, 19225, 4819, 323, 4787, 315, 55641, 1989, 323, 17649, 13, 44527, 660, 555, 71619, 11004, 11, 279, 13650, 323, 4860, 37260, 24465, 505, 279, 13324, 529, 990, 11, 38697, 11, 323, 13868, 552, 311, 11322, 539, 17102, 719, 20616, 627, 48, 5253, 920, 13, 574, 5762, 520, 279, 72511, 5955, 369, 5277, 612, 38943, 520, 279, 5124, 485, 1565, 4783, 323, 7396, 1555, 264, 41333, 12027, 11050, 24668, 505, 279, 4409, 315, 4410, 17681, 13, 578, 5651, 1567, 574, 1101, 961, 315, 279, 4409, 315, 4410, 17681, 753, 3861, 4409, 11, 3861, 43246, 17772, 13, 8519, 315, 1229, 5253, 920, 13, 374, 2561, 520, 13813, 16493, 627, 5920, 220, 16, 765, 20695, 62143, 3864, 765, 220, 806, 5936, 220, 679, 17, 198, 4438, 656, 584, 69318, 2085, 28664, 15853, 5380, 3923, 527, 279, 8389, 12908, 430, 1376, 323, 6179, 701, 990, 5380, 78646, 25, 48148, 426, 5308 ]
[ 3059, 78, 11, 20199, 13842, 82286, 11, 323, 22021, 2009, 2234, 627, 19997, 25, 1054, 11425, 505, 1229, 5253, 920, 13, 3744, 220, 16, 2476, 8810, 3477, 31096, 555, 11517, 65466, 36661, 20198, 276, 27206, 11, 389, 9492, 29134, 2891, 627, 5920, 220, 17, 765, 3639, 58364, 765, 220, 24, 3297, 220, 679, 17, 198, 4438, 1587, 3769, 488, 5030, 311, 499, 5380, 4438, 374, 1148, 13146, 1903, 3769, 5380, 78646, 25, 8096, 3930, 393, 1752, 285, 11, 17520, 2722, 548, 11, 25379, 32856, 1291, 627, 19997, 25, 1054, 48, 1507, 3744, 220, 17, 1389, 3639, 58364, 11, 3639, 753, 34464, 2476, 8810, 3477, 31096, 555, 8388, 940, 11730, 7053, 389, 9492, 29134, 2891, 627, 5920, 220, 18, 765, 47467, 25083, 765, 220, 1032, 5651, 220, 679, 17, 198, 22186, 459, 1665, 1205, 264, 1376, 5380, 22186, 459, 46655, 5380, 22186, 4205, 6604, 369, 5196, 5380, 78646, 25, 11462, 648, 426, 15578, 11, 36968, 648, 18366, 27322, 11, 32618, 27987, 627, 19997, 25, 1054, 48, 1507, 3744, 220, 18, 1389, 1556, 11714, 315, 47467, 25083, 2476, 8810, 3477, 31096, 555, 41184, 70643, 389, 9492, 29134, 2891, 627, 10714, 1229, 5253, 920, 13, 52878, 512, 40249, 22144, 426, 5308, 3059, 78, 374, 279, 3229, 315, 2380, 2539, 3160, 6603, 25, 3639, 426, 16133, 4073, 320, 73004, 21785, 220, 1049, 22, 705, 19109, 320, 7280, 339, 773, 220, 1049, 24, 8, 323, 279, 45764, 1789, 24133, 323, 14936 ]
last emperor was never found after the end of the siege in 1453. This was explained by the theory that he was not in fact killed in the battle but that an angel turned him to marble and hid him in a cave close to the Golden Gate of Constantinople. And there he would remain until that time when the angel would return and restore his body to human form. Constantine would then enter the City through the Golden Gate, the entrance that previous emperors had always used when they returned to celebrate a victory in war, and he would drive the Turks as far as the Red Apple Tree. In one account: O emperor Constantine, what happened to you? Some say that you died with your sword in your hand. I heard others say that you were drawn out By the all-holy right hand of God. May you be alive and unburied. The fall of Constantinople made an enormous impression on all the people of the “East” and similar prophecies circulated, interestingly enough, among the Arabs and the Turks, not to speak of the Slavic Orthodox Christians. According to a Russian version of the story, a “blond people” would join with the survivors of the Byzantines to defeat the Turks. These “blond people�
last emperor was never found after the end of the siege in 1453. This was explained by the theory that he was not in fact killed in the battle but that an angel turned him to marble and hid him in a cave close to the Golden Gate of Constantinople. And there he would remain until that time when the angel would return and restore his body to human form. Constantine would then enter the City through the Golden Gate, the entrance that previous emperors had always used when they returned to celebrate a victory in war, and he would drive the Turks as far as the Red Apple Tree. In one account: O emperor Constantine, what happened to you? Some say that you died with your sword in your hand. I heard others say that you were drawn out By the all-holy right hand of God. May you be alive and unburied. The fall of Constantinople made an enormous impression on all the people of the “East” and similar prophecies circulated, interestingly enough, among the Arabs and the Turks, not to speak of the Slavic Orthodox Christians. According to a Russian version of the story, a “blond people” would join with the survivors of the Byzantines to defeat the Turks. These “blond people�
� were originally probably thought to be the western Europeans, but from at least the beginning of the sixteenth century, they were normally identified with the Russians. Other details were commonly provided that focused on a kind of “stoppage of time” when the city fell, but a restoration of the rightful state eventuates at the proper moment. Thus, one very well-known story told about the priests of Hagia Sophia, who melted into the core of the building when the Turks broke into the sanctuary, from which they will emerge once more, still singing the words of the interrupted liturgy. Similarly, another story told of a monk who was frying a fish when the city fell and that the cooking of the fish will be completed only at the moment that the Christians again take control of Constantinople. Such stories, of course, provided hope to the defeated people of Byzantium and their descendants, but they also may have engendered false hopes and dangerous military adventures over the centuries. In any case, it is clear that not everyone believed in these prophecies. Thus, in 1618 Matthew Myreon could write, sarcastically: We hope in the “blond people” to save us, To come from Moscow to free us. We put our hope in
[ 938, 23129, 373, 1239, 1043, 706, 262, 886, 286, 262, 20690, 287, 1478, 4310, 13, 770, 373, 4893, 416, 262, 4583, 326, 339, 373, 407, 287, 1109, 2923, 287, 262, 3344, 475, 326, 281, 18304, 2900, 683, 284, 30623, 290, 24519, 683, 287, 257, 11527, 1969, 284, 262, 8407, 12816, 286, 46369, 13, 843, 612, 339, 561, 3520, 1566, 326, 640, 618, 262, 18304, 561, 1441, 290, 11169, 465, 1767, 284, 1692, 1296, 13, 44665, 561, 788, 3802, 262, 2254, 832, 262, 8407, 12816, 11, 262, 10384, 326, 2180, 795, 49406, 550, 1464, 973, 618, 484, 4504, 284, 10648, 257, 5373, 287, 1175, 11, 290, 339, 561, 3708, 262, 28448, 355, 1290, 355, 262, 2297, 4196, 12200, 13, 554, 530, 1848, 25, 440, 23129, 44665, 11, 644, 3022, 284, 345, 30, 2773, 910, 326, 345, 3724, 351, 534, 8429, 287, 534, 1021, 13, 314, 2982, 1854, 910, 326, 345, 547, 7428, 503, 2750, 262, 477, 12, 44287, 826, 1021, 286, 1793, 13, 1737, 345, 307, 6776, 290, 555, 6236, 798, 13, 383, 2121, 286, 46369, 925, 281, 9812, 10647, 319, 477, 262, 661, 286, 262, 564, 250, 25234, 447, 251, 290, 2092, 16951, 3171, 26772, 11, 50226, 1576, 11, 1871, 262, 22457, 290, 198, 1169, 28448, 11, 407, 284, 2740, 286, 262, 34314, 291, 17650, 9316, 13, 4784, 284, 257, 3394, 2196, 286, 262, 1621, 11, 257, 564, 250, 2436, 623, 661, 447, 251, 561, 4654, 351, 262, 13644, 286, 262, 36655, 415, 1127, 284, 7433, 262, 28448, 13, 2312, 564, 250, 2436, 623, 661, 4210 ]
[ 1566, 57883, 574, 2646, 1766, 1306, 279, 842, 315, 279, 52791, 304, 220, 9591, 18, 13, 1115, 574, 11497, 555, 279, 10334, 430, 568, 574, 539, 304, 2144, 7577, 304, 279, 8209, 719, 430, 459, 34426, 6656, 1461, 311, 42390, 323, 31894, 1461, 304, 264, 26457, 3345, 311, 279, 18288, 30343, 315, 92287, 1184, 13, 1628, 1070, 568, 1053, 7293, 3156, 430, 892, 994, 279, 34426, 1053, 471, 323, 15301, 813, 2547, 311, 3823, 1376, 13, 19863, 483, 1053, 1243, 3810, 279, 4409, 1555, 279, 18288, 30343, 11, 279, 20396, 430, 3766, 991, 716, 1105, 1047, 2744, 1511, 994, 814, 6052, 311, 18890, 264, 12845, 304, 4208, 11, 323, 568, 1053, 6678, 279, 72857, 439, 3117, 439, 279, 3816, 8325, 9119, 13, 763, 832, 2759, 25, 507, 57883, 19863, 483, 11, 1148, 7077, 311, 499, 30, 4427, 2019, 430, 499, 8636, 449, 701, 20827, 304, 701, 1450, 13, 358, 6755, 3885, 2019, 430, 499, 1051, 15107, 704, 3296, 279, 682, 2902, 5849, 1314, 1450, 315, 4359, 13, 3297, 499, 387, 13989, 323, 653, 11490, 1142, 13, 578, 4498, 315, 92287, 1184, 1903, 459, 23205, 21455, 389, 682, 279, 1274, 315, 279, 1054, 37440, 863, 323, 4528, 2047, 42750, 552, 63973, 11, 7185, 398, 3403, 11, 4315, 279, 58709, 323, 198, 1820, 72857, 11, 539, 311, 6604, 315, 279, 6995, 89545, 46273, 22125, 13, 10771, 311, 264, 8690, 2373, 315, 279, 3446, 11, 264, 1054, 2067, 2159, 1274, 863, 1053, 5249, 449, 279, 32696, 315, 279, 82760, 519, 1572, 311, 18506, 279, 72857, 13, 4314, 1054, 2067, 2159, 1274, 5809 ]
[ 5809, 1051, 13517, 4762, 3463, 311, 387, 279, 19001, 51607, 11, 719, 505, 520, 3325, 279, 7314, 315, 279, 4848, 46487, 9478, 11, 814, 1051, 14614, 11054, 449, 279, 35066, 13, 7089, 3649, 1051, 17037, 3984, 430, 10968, 389, 264, 3169, 315, 1054, 9684, 2964, 315, 892, 863, 994, 279, 3363, 11299, 11, 719, 264, 35093, 315, 279, 99044, 1614, 1567, 52085, 520, 279, 6300, 4545, 13, 14636, 11, 832, 1633, 1664, 22015, 3446, 3309, 922, 279, 42963, 315, 67639, 689, 71471, 11, 889, 50459, 1139, 279, 6332, 315, 279, 4857, 994, 279, 72857, 14760, 1139, 279, 51639, 11, 505, 902, 814, 690, 34044, 3131, 810, 11, 2103, 26139, 279, 4339, 315, 279, 37883, 13318, 62629, 13, 35339, 11, 2500, 3446, 3309, 315, 264, 63772, 889, 574, 87196, 264, 7795, 994, 279, 3363, 11299, 323, 430, 279, 17677, 315, 279, 7795, 690, 387, 8308, 1193, 520, 279, 4545, 430, 279, 22125, 1578, 1935, 2585, 315, 92287, 1184, 13, 15483, 7493, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 3984, 3987, 311, 279, 24164, 1274, 315, 82760, 99025, 323, 872, 49446, 11, 719, 814, 1101, 1253, 617, 2995, 1693, 291, 905, 16388, 323, 11660, 6411, 32078, 927, 279, 24552, 13, 763, 904, 1162, 11, 433, 374, 2867, 430, 539, 5127, 11846, 304, 1521, 2047, 42750, 552, 13, 14636, 11, 304, 220, 10718, 23, 19475, 3092, 50890, 1436, 3350, 11, 83367, 2740, 25, 1226, 3987, 304, 279, 1054, 2067, 2159, 1274, 863, 311, 3665, 603, 11, 2057, 2586, 505, 23223, 311, 1949, 603, 13, 1226, 2231, 1057, 3987, 304 ]
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[ 13, 2483, 26666, 12, 38, 5143, 89, 290, 311, 13, 47508, 11, 564, 250, 47231, 6418, 286, 21504, 27204, 12, 76, 27204, 12213, 25, 3675, 8379, 16829, 6806, 11, 447, 251, 50072, 290, 38275, 5155, 13473, 11, 2322, 13, 7724, 11, 645, 13, 1467, 11, 9788, 13, 513, 16799, 1906, 18, 23756, 11, 1853, 13, 198, 55, 13, 18027, 11, 337, 13, 18258, 11, 367, 13, 33144, 2123, 435, 1539, 564, 250, 36609, 1557, 270, 259, 12, 11423, 5915, 589, 513, 21068, 2685, 13472, 290, 11796, 416, 24986, 351, 290, 390, 549, 1557, 270, 6010, 13558, 57, 1065, 287, 21956, 1173, 4890, 11, 447, 251, 4913, 286, 32286, 1222, 21234, 15523, 4992, 11, 2322, 13, 4353, 11, 645, 13, 352, 11, 279, 13, 38703, 11, 13130, 13, 198, 48, 13, 32222, 11, 1168, 13, 28249, 11, 371, 13, 32222, 2123, 435, 1539, 564, 250, 36609, 1557, 270, 259, 12, 11423, 5915, 589, 513, 6670, 29125, 37, 21, 329, 390, 549, 1557, 270, 1883, 290, 802, 16746, 14639, 12, 16, 26638, 18268, 442, 623, 305, 948, 660, 46554, 5958, 11, 447, 251, 8436, 32864, 290, 8436, 41789, 4992, 14620, 11, 2322, 13, 642, 1415, 11, 645, 13, 362, 11, 9788, 13, 4764, 17, 1906, 35890, 11, 13130, 13, 198, 40, 13, 327, 1636, 38572, 11, 412, 13, 569, 6201, 8270, 11, 337, 13, 3683, 798, 64, 2123, 435, 1539, 564, 250, 13746, 5139, 290, 36603, 5087, 953, 8306, 262, 23861, 270, 259, 5915, 292, 462, 1080, 287, 23760, 35711, 4369, 11, 447, 251, 27549, 11, 2322, 13 ]
[ 13, 13203, 62867, 12279, 6236, 89, 323, 328, 13, 52627, 261, 11, 1054, 3617, 5824, 645, 315, 9686, 31820, 1474, 31820, 22639, 25, 7953, 8668, 23606, 10981, 2476, 88207, 323, 60825, 9601, 23199, 11, 4499, 13, 220, 5332, 11, 912, 13, 220, 845, 11, 12086, 13, 220, 13384, 22, 4235, 16104, 16, 11, 220, 679, 20, 627, 55, 13, 37230, 11, 386, 13, 38805, 11, 473, 13, 68844, 1880, 453, 2637, 1054, 50668, 5118, 85986, 19440, 5541, 521, 220, 18, 39990, 2849, 12172, 323, 30215, 555, 45830, 449, 323, 409, 392, 5118, 275, 16252, 15857, 57, 717, 304, 89385, 9572, 2476, 10139, 315, 57708, 612, 33135, 26211, 8483, 11, 4499, 13, 220, 1987, 11, 912, 13, 220, 16, 11, 281, 13, 220, 16367, 11, 220, 679, 24, 627, 48, 13, 67927, 11, 1901, 13, 66690, 11, 432, 13, 67927, 1880, 453, 2637, 1054, 50668, 5118, 85986, 19440, 5541, 521, 220, 18, 11811, 5091, 8440, 21, 369, 409, 392, 5118, 275, 2617, 323, 28321, 288, 11598, 12, 16, 52355, 36572, 523, 2159, 299, 11377, 668, 95874, 2476, 24432, 32056, 323, 12371, 91004, 8483, 26545, 11, 4499, 13, 220, 20998, 11, 912, 13, 220, 17, 11, 12086, 13, 220, 21984, 4235, 22418, 11, 220, 679, 24, 627, 40, 13, 37102, 1910, 268, 11, 469, 13, 650, 10033, 4618, 11, 386, 13, 5277, 1142, 64, 1880, 453, 2637, 1054, 10172, 5411, 323, 75418, 9547, 1491, 15853, 279, 53336, 85986, 5541, 300, 638, 1887, 304, 47288, 66358, 8624, 2476, 52683, 11, 4499, 13 ]
[ 220, 5495, 11, 912, 13, 220, 23, 11, 12086, 13, 220, 9390, 20, 4235, 6804, 19, 11, 220, 679, 19, 627, 34, 13, 445, 13, 59027, 11, 356, 13, 356, 13, 8732, 11, 473, 13, 735, 13, 25507, 1880, 453, 2637, 1054, 50668, 5118, 85986, 19440, 5541, 521, 220, 18, 927, 29199, 39990, 89385, 52788, 52379, 323, 374, 60336, 315, 8009, 8893, 95350, 2476, 26211, 10170, 11, 4499, 13, 220, 7743, 11, 912, 13, 220, 806, 11, 12086, 13, 220, 16522, 23, 4235, 17451, 24, 11, 220, 679, 23, 627, 45, 13, 480, 8115, 4558, 11, 445, 13, 83026, 11, 386, 13, 87469, 716, 1880, 453, 2637, 1054, 99654, 315, 6978, 449, 76949, 12104, 13795, 70524, 80935, 63308, 449, 43746, 306, 276, 320, 21176, 9109, 4007, 1680, 264, 2033, 95449, 11, 4288, 4147, 14400, 9269, 2476, 39634, 295, 11, 4499, 13, 220, 18650, 11, 912, 13, 220, 26087, 15, 11, 12086, 13, 220, 12652, 18, 4235, 8848, 15, 11, 220, 1049, 23, 627, 45, 13, 480, 8115, 4558, 11, 386, 13, 88409, 531, 11, 622, 13, 445, 13, 650, 31464, 727, 1880, 453, 2637, 1054, 679, 20, 44374, 14, 4419, 17959, 369, 279, 23842, 323, 6514, 315, 70524, 63308, 25, 279, 10496, 3465, 5457, 369, 279, 23842, 323, 6514, 315, 70524, 63308, 315, 279, 7665, 13581, 315, 6938, 31226, 320, 54814, 8, 323, 279, 7665, 77934, 5382, 13581, 320, 4419, 1680, 40728, 555, 25, 10229, 369, 7665, 16056, 291, 23336, 323, 7409, 268, 2223, 6938, 31226, 320, 13983, 4977, 705, 7327, 13581 ]
: undefined, project: [] }] }); setManager(prevState => ({ data: prevState.data.map((item, index) => ({ ...item, ...res.data[index] })) })); However, if you're just storing an array of "items", then your state should look more like: const [manager, setManager] = useState([{ name: undefined, project: [] }]); setManager(prevState => prevState.data.map((item, index) => ({ ...item, ...res.data[index] })) ); Also, the way how you're gonna merge prev and incoming data depends on many things and maybe you need some more sophisticated way of storing state. A: You inited your state with an Array, not an Object, that's the reason for the behavior. Change this from useState({data : [{name : undefined , project : []}] }); to useState({data : {name : undefined , project : []} }); Q: postgres ERROR: relation "routine_privileges" does not exist I am trying to put together a
: undefined, project: [] }] }); setManager(prevState => ({ data: prevState.data.map((item, index) => ({ ...item, ...res.data[index] })) })); However, if you're just storing an array of "items", then your state should look more like: const [manager, setManager] = useState([{ name: undefined, project: [] }]); setManager(prevState => prevState.data.map((item, index) => ({ ...item, ...res.data[index] })) ); Also, the way how you're gonna merge prev and incoming data depends on many things and maybe you need some more sophisticated way of storing state. A: You inited your state with an Array, not an Object, that's the reason for the behavior. Change this from useState({data : [{name : undefined , project : []}] }); to useState({data : {name : undefined , project : []} }); Q: postgres ERROR: relation "routine_privileges" does not exist I am trying to put together a
query to find unused indexes in a postgres database: SELECT indexrelname, pg_relation_size(quote_ident(indexrelname)), idx_scan FROM pg_stat_all_indexes WHERE idx_scan=0 AND indexrelname NOT LIKE 'pg_toast_%'; The above seems to work all right, but I want to concentrate on the big indexes, so I added an extra condition: SELECT indexrelname, pg_relation_size(quote_ident(indexrelname)), idx_scan FROM pg_stat_all_indexes WHERE idx_scan=0 AND indexrelname NOT LIKE 'pg_toast_%' AND pg_relation_size(quote_ident(indexrelname)) > 1000000 ; Which resulted in ERROR: relation "routine_privileges" does not exist Could someone tell me why the second query is wrong and how to fix it? Q: *ngIf is adding elements instead of replaceing them My Code <i *ngIf="!isFollowing
[ 25, 28721, 11, 1628, 25, 17635, 1782, 60, 198, 22133, 198, 198, 2617, 13511, 7, 47050, 9012, 5218, 37913, 198, 220, 1366, 25, 8654, 9012, 13, 7890, 13, 8899, 19510, 9186, 11, 6376, 8, 5218, 37913, 2644, 9186, 11, 2644, 411, 13, 7890, 58, 9630, 60, 1782, 4008, 198, 92, 18125, 198, 198, 4864, 11, 611, 345, 821, 655, 23069, 281, 7177, 286, 366, 23814, 1600, 788, 534, 1181, 815, 804, 517, 588, 25, 198, 9979, 685, 37153, 11, 900, 13511, 60, 796, 779, 9012, 26933, 90, 1438, 25, 28721, 11, 1628, 25, 17635, 1782, 36563, 198, 198, 2617, 13511, 7, 47050, 9012, 5218, 198, 220, 8654, 9012, 13, 7890, 13, 8899, 19510, 9186, 11, 6376, 8, 5218, 37913, 2644, 9186, 11, 2644, 411, 13, 7890, 58, 9630, 60, 1782, 4008, 198, 1776, 198, 198, 7583, 11, 262, 835, 703, 345, 821, 8066, 20121, 8654, 290, 15619, 1366, 8338, 319, 867, 1243, 290, 3863, 345, 761, 617, 517, 13767, 835, 286, 23069, 1181, 13, 198, 198, 32, 25, 921, 287, 863, 534, 1181, 351, 281, 15690, 11, 407, 281, 9515, 11, 326, 338, 262, 1738, 329, 262, 4069, 13, 198, 19400, 428, 422, 198, 1904, 9012, 15090, 7890, 1058, 685, 90, 3672, 1058, 28721, 837, 1628, 1058, 17635, 92, 60, 14980, 198, 198, 1462, 198, 1904, 9012, 15090, 7890, 1058, 1391, 3672, 1058, 28721, 837, 1628, 1058, 17635, 92, 14980, 628, 1195, 25, 1281, 34239, 33854, 25, 8695, 366, 81, 28399, 62, 13776, 576, 3212, 1, 857, 407, 2152, 314, 716, 2111, 284, 1234, 1978, 257 ]
[ 25, 5732, 11, 2447, 25, 3132, 29494, 4649, 751, 2087, 32881, 1423, 591, 14182, 220, 828, 25, 76046, 2245, 4875, 1209, 1224, 11, 1963, 8, 591, 9657, 2564, 1224, 11, 2564, 417, 2245, 6042, 60, 29812, 45416, 11458, 11, 422, 499, 2351, 1120, 28672, 459, 1358, 315, 330, 3699, 498, 1243, 701, 1614, 1288, 1427, 810, 1093, 512, 1040, 510, 13600, 11, 743, 2087, 60, 284, 8264, 75083, 836, 25, 5732, 11, 2447, 25, 3132, 335, 10359, 751, 2087, 32881, 1423, 6408, 220, 76046, 2245, 4875, 1209, 1224, 11, 1963, 8, 591, 9657, 2564, 1224, 11, 2564, 417, 2245, 6042, 60, 29812, 629, 13699, 11, 279, 1648, 1268, 499, 2351, 16926, 11117, 8031, 323, 19957, 828, 14117, 389, 1690, 2574, 323, 7344, 499, 1205, 1063, 810, 27877, 1648, 315, 28672, 1614, 382, 32, 25, 1472, 304, 1639, 701, 1614, 449, 459, 2982, 11, 539, 459, 3075, 11, 430, 596, 279, 2944, 369, 279, 7865, 627, 4164, 420, 505, 198, 56770, 2358, 695, 551, 18973, 609, 551, 5732, 1174, 2447, 551, 3132, 26516, 3086, 998, 198, 56770, 2358, 695, 551, 314, 609, 551, 5732, 1174, 2447, 551, 3132, 92, 3086, 1229, 25, 60926, 13170, 25, 12976, 330, 54080, 25757, 71938, 1, 1587, 539, 3073, 358, 1097, 4560, 311, 2231, 3871, 264 ]
[ 3319, 311, 1505, 20604, 25998, 304, 264, 60926, 4729, 512, 4963, 1963, 3833, 609, 11, 17953, 48084, 2424, 7, 3022, 39499, 7343, 3833, 609, 5850, 7335, 29957, 720, 31193, 17953, 16670, 5823, 51261, 720, 27611, 7335, 29957, 28, 15, 720, 262, 3651, 1963, 3833, 609, 4276, 21170, 364, 3601, 2401, 561, 19213, 2412, 791, 3485, 5084, 311, 990, 682, 1314, 11, 719, 358, 1390, 311, 37455, 389, 279, 2466, 25998, 11, 779, 358, 3779, 459, 5066, 3044, 512, 4963, 1963, 3833, 609, 11, 17953, 48084, 2424, 7, 3022, 39499, 7343, 3833, 609, 5850, 7335, 29957, 720, 31193, 17953, 16670, 5823, 51261, 720, 27611, 7335, 29957, 28, 15, 720, 262, 3651, 1963, 3833, 609, 4276, 21170, 364, 3601, 2401, 561, 19213, 6, 720, 262, 3651, 17953, 48084, 2424, 7, 3022, 39499, 7343, 3833, 609, 595, 871, 220, 1041, 931, 15, 9658, 23956, 19543, 304, 198, 3767, 25, 220, 12976, 330, 54080, 25757, 71938, 1, 1587, 539, 3073, 271, 13191, 4423, 3371, 757, 3249, 279, 2132, 3319, 374, 5076, 323, 1268, 311, 5155, 433, 5380, 1229, 25, 353, 983, 2746, 374, 7999, 5540, 4619, 315, 8454, 287, 1124, 3092, 6247, 720, 22659, 353, 983, 2746, 429, 0, 285, 28055 ]
Griffon Vulture, have wingspans of at least seven and a half feet or more. some others, such as the Griffon Vulture, have wingspans of at least seven and a half feet or more the Griffon Vulture, like some others, has wingspans of at least seven and a half feet or more some others, such as the Griffon Vulture, have wingspans of at least seven and a half feet the Griffon Vulture has a wingspan of at least seven and a half feet or more, greater than some others some others, such as the Griffon Vulture, has a wingspan of at least seven and a half feet Here's How to Crack It The underlined portion of the sentence does not contain any of the major errors, so look for minor errors such as redundancy. The underlined portion of the sentence contains the construction _at least...or more._ This phrase is redundant as _at least_ implies that the wingspan could also be _or more_. Eliminate (A) and look for obvious repeaters. Choices (B) and (D) both use the construction _at least...or more_ so eliminate
Griffon Vulture, have wingspans of at least seven and a half feet or more. some others, such as the Griffon Vulture, have wingspans of at least seven and a half feet or more the Griffon Vulture, like some others, has wingspans of at least seven and a half feet or more some others, such as the Griffon Vulture, have wingspans of at least seven and a half feet the Griffon Vulture has a wingspan of at least seven and a half feet or more, greater than some others some others, such as the Griffon Vulture, has a wingspan of at least seven and a half feet Here's How to Crack It The underlined portion of the sentence does not contain any of the major errors, so look for minor errors such as redundancy. The underlined portion of the sentence contains the construction _at least...or more._ This phrase is redundant as _at least_ implies that the wingspan could also be _or more_. Eliminate (A) and look for obvious repeaters. Choices (B) and (D) both use the construction _at least...or more_ so eliminate
(B) and (D). Evaluate the remaining answer choices individually. Choice (C) fixes the original errors and makes no new errors, so keep (C). Choice (E) fixes the original error but creates a subject-verb agreement error as the plural noun _some others_ is paired with the singular verb _has_. Eliminate (E). The correct answer is (C). ### **10. Subjunctive** Occasionally, the GMAT tests your ability to use the subjunctive mood. On the GMAT, the subjunctive mood is tested in two ways: sentences that convey either a hypothetical idea or an idea that is contrary to fact, and sentences that issue commands, orders, or requests. Sentences that convey hypotheticals typically use a construction such as: > _I **wouldn't** do that if I **were** you._ > > _If the game **were** to end in a tie, the home team **would** become the champion._ When using the subjunctive mood, the verb _were_ is used in the _if_ clause whether the subject is singular or plural. The verb _would_ is used in the _then
[ 12222, 261, 569, 6456, 11, 423, 12098, 79, 504, 286, 379, 1551, 3598, 290, 257, 2063, 3625, 393, 517, 13, 628, 220, 617, 1854, 11, 884, 355, 262, 12222, 261, 569, 6456, 11, 423, 12098, 79, 504, 286, 379, 1551, 3598, 290, 257, 2063, 3625, 393, 517, 628, 220, 262, 12222, 261, 569, 6456, 11, 588, 617, 1854, 11, 468, 12098, 79, 504, 286, 379, 1551, 3598, 290, 257, 2063, 3625, 393, 517, 628, 220, 617, 1854, 11, 884, 355, 262, 12222, 261, 569, 6456, 11, 423, 12098, 79, 504, 286, 379, 1551, 3598, 290, 257, 2063, 3625, 628, 220, 262, 12222, 261, 569, 6456, 468, 257, 12098, 6839, 286, 379, 1551, 3598, 290, 257, 2063, 3625, 393, 517, 11, 3744, 621, 617, 1854, 628, 220, 617, 1854, 11, 884, 355, 262, 12222, 261, 569, 6456, 11, 468, 257, 12098, 6839, 286, 379, 1551, 3598, 290, 257, 2063, 3625, 198, 198, 4342, 338, 1374, 284, 46180, 632, 198, 198, 464, 739, 10837, 6903, 286, 262, 6827, 857, 407, 3994, 597, 286, 262, 1688, 8563, 11, 523, 804, 329, 4159, 8563, 884, 355, 49052, 13, 383, 739, 10837, 6903, 286, 262, 6827, 4909, 262, 5103, 4808, 265, 1551, 986, 273, 517, 13557, 770, 9546, 318, 30806, 355, 4808, 265, 1551, 62, 15565, 326, 262, 12098, 6839, 714, 635, 307, 4808, 273, 517, 44807, 27405, 4559, 357, 32, 8, 290, 804, 329, 3489, 3172, 8605, 13, 10031, 1063, 357, 33, 8, 290, 357, 35, 8, 1111, 779, 262, 5103, 4808, 265, 1551, 986, 273, 517, 62, 523, 11005 ]
[ 28894, 263, 650, 10745, 11, 617, 27296, 79, 598, 315, 520, 3325, 8254, 323, 264, 4376, 7693, 477, 810, 382, 220, 1063, 3885, 11, 1778, 439, 279, 28894, 263, 650, 10745, 11, 617, 27296, 79, 598, 315, 520, 3325, 8254, 323, 264, 4376, 7693, 477, 810, 271, 220, 279, 28894, 263, 650, 10745, 11, 1093, 1063, 3885, 11, 706, 27296, 79, 598, 315, 520, 3325, 8254, 323, 264, 4376, 7693, 477, 810, 271, 220, 1063, 3885, 11, 1778, 439, 279, 28894, 263, 650, 10745, 11, 617, 27296, 79, 598, 315, 520, 3325, 8254, 323, 264, 4376, 7693, 271, 220, 279, 28894, 263, 650, 10745, 706, 264, 27296, 857, 315, 520, 3325, 8254, 323, 264, 4376, 7693, 477, 810, 11, 7191, 1109, 1063, 3885, 271, 220, 1063, 3885, 11, 1778, 439, 279, 28894, 263, 650, 10745, 11, 706, 264, 27296, 857, 315, 520, 3325, 8254, 323, 264, 4376, 7693, 271, 8586, 596, 2650, 311, 56045, 1102, 271, 791, 1234, 15472, 13651, 315, 279, 11914, 1587, 539, 6782, 904, 315, 279, 3682, 6103, 11, 779, 1427, 369, 9099, 6103, 1778, 439, 90473, 13, 578, 1234, 15472, 13651, 315, 279, 11914, 5727, 279, 8246, 721, 266, 3325, 1131, 269, 810, 1462, 1115, 17571, 374, 48832, 439, 721, 266, 3325, 62, 24897, 430, 279, 27296, 857, 1436, 1101, 387, 721, 269, 810, 5056, 43420, 3357, 320, 32, 8, 323, 1427, 369, 8196, 6351, 11796, 13, 79291, 320, 33, 8, 323, 320, 35, 8, 2225, 1005, 279, 8246, 721, 266, 3325, 1131, 269, 810, 62, 779, 22472 ]
[ 320, 33, 8, 323, 320, 35, 570, 55215, 279, 9861, 4320, 11709, 32399, 382, 25759, 320, 34, 8, 27635, 279, 4113, 6103, 323, 3727, 912, 502, 6103, 11, 779, 2567, 320, 34, 570, 28206, 320, 36, 8, 27635, 279, 4113, 1493, 719, 11705, 264, 3917, 12, 23129, 9306, 1493, 439, 279, 39598, 38021, 721, 15031, 3885, 62, 374, 35526, 449, 279, 35044, 19120, 721, 4752, 5056, 43420, 3357, 320, 36, 570, 578, 4495, 4320, 374, 320, 34, 3677, 14711, 3146, 605, 13, 3804, 73, 20526, 535, 57277, 22513, 69491, 11, 279, 19722, 835, 7177, 701, 5845, 311, 1005, 279, 81417, 20526, 535, 20247, 13, 1952, 279, 19722, 835, 11, 279, 81417, 20526, 535, 20247, 374, 12793, 304, 1403, 5627, 25, 23719, 430, 20599, 3060, 264, 59159, 4623, 477, 459, 4623, 430, 374, 26102, 311, 2144, 11, 323, 23719, 430, 4360, 11545, 11, 10373, 11, 477, 7540, 13, 24248, 2436, 430, 20599, 59159, 82, 11383, 1005, 264, 8246, 1778, 439, 1473, 29, 721, 40, 3146, 41450, 77, 956, 334, 656, 430, 422, 358, 3146, 52898, 334, 499, 26546, 29, 720, 29, 721, 2746, 279, 1847, 3146, 52898, 334, 311, 842, 304, 264, 18623, 11, 279, 2162, 2128, 3146, 41450, 334, 3719, 279, 18824, 35873, 4599, 1701, 279, 81417, 20526, 535, 20247, 11, 279, 19120, 721, 52898, 62, 374, 1511, 304, 279, 721, 333, 62, 22381, 3508, 279, 3917, 374, 35044, 477, 39598, 13, 578, 19120, 721, 41450, 62, 374, 1511, 304, 279, 721, 3473 ]
the same parliamentary session that approved the “slave law”, another contentious law, allowing the government to establish new administrative courts, was passed. These new courts will oversee sensitive issues such as electoral law, protests and corruption. As expected, Justice Minister László Trócsányi, a close Orbán ally, will oversee the courts. This is as yet another authoritarian measure by Orban to concentrate power in his own hands and those of his closest allies, just like he has been doing up until now through the suppression and buying out of opposition media outlets and the replacing of all political and judicial positions with oligarchs and Fidesz party members. Since 2010, Orbán has manoeuvred and cemented his power. Everything has been rewritten, from land reform, banking reforms and the creation of an unelected, unaccountable media council, which acts as a mouthpiece for the government. He has replaced all political opposition that formerly occupied positions of power, as well as the looting of state assets. He also wrote a highly reactionary constitution, which was codified in 2011. The establishment of these new “administrative courts” marks yet another addition to the series of laws cementing Orbán’s authoritarian rule over the country. As
the same parliamentary session that approved the “slave law”, another contentious law, allowing the government to establish new administrative courts, was passed. These new courts will oversee sensitive issues such as electoral law, protests and corruption. As expected, Justice Minister László Trócsányi, a close Orbán ally, will oversee the courts. This is as yet another authoritarian measure by Orban to concentrate power in his own hands and those of his closest allies, just like he has been doing up until now through the suppression and buying out of opposition media outlets and the replacing of all political and judicial positions with oligarchs and Fidesz party members. Since 2010, Orbán has manoeuvred and cemented his power. Everything has been rewritten, from land reform, banking reforms and the creation of an unelected, unaccountable media council, which acts as a mouthpiece for the government. He has replaced all political opposition that formerly occupied positions of power, as well as the looting of state assets. He also wrote a highly reactionary constitution, which was codified in 2011. The establishment of these new “administrative courts” marks yet another addition to the series of laws cementing Orbán’s authoritarian rule over the country. As
expected, these new laws have been incredibly unpopular. The new “slave law” especially so. It has acted as a focal point for the general anger, disenfranchisement and frustration in the country, particularly in the capital Budapest. There has been real backlash and resentment, even from previous government supporters. The Republikon Institute, a liberal think-tank in the country, released a poll showing that even 63 percent of Orbán’s supporters disapprove of this new slave law, as do 95 percent of his critics. Another think-tank (Policy Agenda) provided similar findings: they claim that 83 percent of Hungarians oppose the law. In an immediate response to the law passing, a small group of roughly 200 protesters came out onto the streets of Budapest. Within the parliamentary chamber itself, there were scenes of chaos, as opposition MPs sounded sirens, blew whistles and angrily confronted government ministers. But this just shows their desperation as a powerless minority. They even resorted to singing the national anthem in an attempt to delay the vote, but it passed: 30 to 52 with only one abstention. As evidenced by the pathetic results of the previous two elections, the opposition in Hungary has been completely impotent and fragmented over the past eight years. The
[ 262, 976, 17521, 6246, 326, 6325, 262, 564, 250, 36341, 1099, 447, 251, 11, 1194, 27154, 1099, 11, 5086, 262, 1230, 284, 4474, 649, 11553, 8028, 11, 373, 3804, 13, 2312, 649, 8028, 481, 19158, 8564, 2428, 884, 355, 13901, 1099, 11, 8536, 290, 9253, 13, 1081, 2938, 11, 4796, 4139, 406, 40138, 48274, 10205, 833, 10205, 6359, 6557, 3281, 72, 11, 257, 1969, 15839, 21162, 12525, 11, 481, 19158, 262, 8028, 13, 198, 1212, 318, 355, 1865, 1194, 22612, 3953, 416, 1471, 3820, 284, 20062, 1176, 287, 465, 898, 2832, 290, 883, 286, 465, 11706, 7681, 11, 655, 588, 339, 468, 587, 1804, 510, 1566, 783, 832, 262, 22711, 290, 7067, 503, 286, 5471, 2056, 12527, 290, 262, 13586, 286, 477, 1964, 290, 13657, 6116, 351, 24869, 34592, 290, 376, 1460, 89, 2151, 1866, 13, 4619, 3050, 11, 15839, 21162, 468, 42618, 445, 290, 20534, 276, 465, 1176, 13, 11391, 468, 587, 30101, 11, 422, 1956, 4975, 11, 11754, 12506, 290, 262, 6282, 286, 281, 555, 28604, 11, 48422, 540, 2056, 6745, 11, 543, 6529, 355, 257, 5422, 12239, 329, 262, 1230, 13, 679, 468, 6928, 477, 1964, 5471, 326, 15734, 12030, 6116, 286, 1176, 11, 355, 880, 355, 262, 39473, 286, 1181, 6798, 13, 679, 635, 2630, 257, 4047, 35578, 11784, 11, 543, 373, 14873, 1431, 287, 2813, 13, 383, 9323, 286, 777, 649, 564, 250, 39081, 13260, 8028, 447, 251, 8849, 1865, 1194, 3090, 284, 262, 2168, 286, 3657, 20534, 278, 15839, 21162, 447, 247, 82, 22612, 3896, 625, 262, 1499, 13, 1081 ]
[ 279, 1890, 44250, 3882, 430, 12054, 279, 1054, 53605, 2383, 9520, 2500, 67600, 2383, 11, 10923, 279, 3109, 311, 5813, 502, 23541, 19359, 11, 574, 5946, 13, 4314, 502, 19359, 690, 42003, 16614, 4819, 1778, 439, 34941, 2383, 11, 22670, 323, 21948, 13, 1666, 3685, 11, 12007, 9675, 445, 7206, 69057, 1832, 1183, 1832, 4942, 76453, 72, 11, 264, 3345, 44088, 11644, 31953, 11, 690, 42003, 279, 19359, 627, 2028, 374, 439, 3686, 2500, 59021, 6767, 555, 2582, 6993, 311, 37455, 2410, 304, 813, 1866, 6206, 323, 1884, 315, 813, 18585, 20724, 11, 1120, 1093, 568, 706, 1027, 3815, 709, 3156, 1457, 1555, 279, 46735, 323, 12096, 704, 315, 14076, 3772, 28183, 323, 279, 25935, 315, 682, 5054, 323, 31752, 10093, 449, 55984, 87150, 323, 435, 3422, 89, 4717, 3697, 13, 8876, 220, 679, 15, 11, 44088, 11644, 706, 99781, 12328, 1171, 323, 24532, 291, 813, 2410, 13, 20696, 706, 1027, 59624, 11, 505, 4363, 15180, 11, 23641, 31343, 323, 279, 9886, 315, 459, 6316, 2258, 11, 653, 4711, 481, 3772, 15177, 11, 902, 14385, 439, 264, 11013, 23164, 369, 279, 3109, 13, 1283, 706, 12860, 682, 5054, 14076, 430, 34833, 25366, 10093, 315, 2410, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 781, 11780, 315, 1614, 12032, 13, 1283, 1101, 6267, 264, 7701, 96238, 16812, 11, 902, 574, 20950, 1908, 304, 220, 679, 16, 13, 578, 21967, 315, 1521, 502, 1054, 69949, 1413, 19359, 863, 15785, 3686, 2500, 5369, 311, 279, 4101, 315, 7016, 24532, 287, 44088, 11644, 753, 59021, 6037, 927, 279, 3224, 13, 1666 ]
[ 3685, 11, 1521, 502, 7016, 617, 1027, 17235, 66858, 13, 578, 502, 1054, 53605, 2383, 863, 5423, 779, 13, 1102, 706, 31532, 439, 264, 42199, 1486, 369, 279, 4689, 19788, 11, 91910, 1658, 3581, 285, 1133, 323, 33086, 304, 279, 3224, 11, 8104, 304, 279, 6864, 70695, 13, 2684, 706, 1027, 1972, 48156, 323, 71654, 11, 1524, 505, 3766, 3109, 15879, 13, 578, 3402, 105273, 263, 10181, 11, 264, 18250, 1781, 96128, 304, 279, 3224, 11, 6004, 264, 7230, 9204, 430, 1524, 220, 5495, 3346, 315, 44088, 11644, 753, 15879, 834, 50321, 315, 420, 502, 20985, 2383, 11, 439, 656, 220, 2721, 3346, 315, 813, 23531, 13, 13596, 1781, 96128, 320, 14145, 58662, 8, 3984, 4528, 14955, 25, 814, 3802, 430, 220, 6069, 3346, 315, 26604, 30627, 34134, 279, 2383, 627, 644, 459, 14247, 2077, 311, 279, 2383, 12579, 11, 264, 2678, 1912, 315, 17715, 220, 1049, 26827, 3782, 704, 8800, 279, 14708, 315, 70695, 13, 25218, 279, 44250, 25199, 5196, 11, 1070, 1051, 16451, 315, 28013, 11, 439, 14076, 37761, 35408, 87011, 4511, 11, 42423, 421, 67043, 323, 87625, 41782, 3109, 35050, 13, 2030, 420, 1120, 5039, 872, 74424, 439, 264, 85452, 23413, 13, 2435, 1524, 594, 13909, 311, 26139, 279, 5426, 56664, 304, 459, 4879, 311, 7781, 279, 7055, 11, 719, 433, 5946, 25, 220, 966, 311, 220, 4103, 449, 1193, 832, 63944, 3012, 627, 2170, 69457, 555, 279, 67163, 3135, 315, 279, 3766, 1403, 16374, 11, 279, 14076, 304, 43876, 706, 1027, 6724, 3242, 64632, 323, 87195, 927, 279, 3347, 8223, 1667, 13, 578 ]
legends.[1] This was confirmed in the supplementary material preceding the 2011 release of the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic, in which the planet plays a prominent role in the early gaming experience for players who chose the path of the Jedi Consular or Jedi Knight. Appearances[] Another view of Tython "Eruption"—Star Wars Insider 141 Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void audiobook The Adventures of Lanoree Brock, Je'daii Ranger (Mentioned only) Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi: Force Storm Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi: The Prisoner of Bogan Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi: Force War "Shadows and Light"—Star Wars Tales 23 (Mentioned only) Timeline 1: Treaty of Coruscant on The Old Republic's official website (article) (backup link) The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance (Mentioned only) The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance audiobook (Mentioned only) Star Wars: The Old Republic Cartel Market The Old Republic—The Lost Suns 5 The Old Republic: Annihilation (Mentioned only
legends.[1] This was confirmed in the supplementary material preceding the 2011 release of the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic, in which the planet plays a prominent role in the early gaming experience for players who chose the path of the Jedi Consular or Jedi Knight. Appearances[] Another view of Tython "Eruption"—Star Wars Insider 141 Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void audiobook The Adventures of Lanoree Brock, Je'daii Ranger (Mentioned only) Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi: Force Storm Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi: The Prisoner of Bogan Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi: Force War "Shadows and Light"—Star Wars Tales 23 (Mentioned only) Timeline 1: Treaty of Coruscant on The Old Republic's official website (article) (backup link) The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance (Mentioned only) The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance audiobook (Mentioned only) Star Wars: The Old Republic Cartel Market The Old Republic—The Lost Suns 5 The Old Republic: Annihilation (Mentioned only
) The Old Republic: Annihilation audiobook (Mentioned only) Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel (Mentioned only) Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Strongholds (Picture only) Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan (Mentioned only) Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire (Mentioned only) Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne (Mentioned only) Star Wars: The Old Republic: Onslaught (Vision) Darth Bane: Rule of Two (First appearance) Darth Bane: Rule of Two audiobook Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil (Mentioned only) Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil audiobook (Mentioned only) Coruscant Nights III: Patterns of Force (Mentioned only) Power of the Jedi Sourcebook The New Essential Chronology The New Essential Guide to Droids Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia Tython on The Old Republic Holonet (backup link) (original version) The Essential Atlas "Class Wars!"
[ 24901, 3693, 16, 60, 770, 373, 4999, 287, 262, 43871, 2587, 18148, 262, 2813, 2650, 286, 262, 28161, 16913, 2691, 2597, 12, 17916, 983, 2907, 6176, 25, 383, 5706, 2066, 11, 287, 543, 262, 5440, 5341, 257, 9208, 2597, 287, 262, 1903, 7776, 1998, 329, 1938, 508, 7690, 262, 3108, 286, 262, 16147, 3515, 934, 393, 16147, 6700, 13, 198, 47569, 21737, 198, 6610, 1570, 286, 309, 7535, 198, 1, 36, 6417, 15327, 8248, 6176, 22167, 25500, 198, 35, 3832, 286, 262, 16147, 25, 20008, 262, 18331, 198, 35, 3832, 286, 262, 16147, 25, 20008, 262, 18331, 40504, 49776, 198, 464, 15640, 286, 14730, 382, 68, 20501, 11, 3852, 1549, 42648, 21888, 357, 44, 1463, 276, 691, 8, 198, 8248, 6176, 25, 12258, 286, 262, 16147, 25, 5221, 8865, 198, 8248, 6176, 25, 12258, 286, 262, 16147, 25, 383, 16999, 263, 286, 347, 9632, 198, 8248, 6176, 25, 12258, 286, 262, 16147, 25, 5221, 1810, 198, 1, 2484, 9797, 290, 4401, 15327, 8248, 6176, 15214, 2242, 357, 44, 1463, 276, 691, 8, 198, 14967, 4470, 352, 25, 21345, 286, 2744, 16241, 415, 319, 383, 5706, 2066, 338, 1743, 3052, 357, 20205, 8, 357, 1891, 929, 2792, 8, 198, 464, 5706, 2066, 25, 41815, 10302, 357, 44, 1463, 276, 691, 8, 198, 464, 5706, 2066, 25, 41815, 10302, 40504, 49776, 357, 44, 1463, 276, 691, 8, 198, 8248, 6176, 25, 383, 5706, 2066, 13690, 417, 5991, 198, 464, 5706, 2066, 960, 464, 9164, 29139, 642, 198, 464, 5706, 2066, 25, 5506, 33299, 357, 44, 1463, 276, 691 ]
[ 49428, 8032, 16, 60, 1115, 574, 11007, 304, 279, 80506, 3769, 38846, 279, 220, 679, 16, 4984, 315, 279, 64807, 39828, 2930, 3560, 73185, 1847, 7834, 15317, 25, 578, 10846, 5545, 11, 304, 902, 279, 11841, 11335, 264, 21102, 3560, 304, 279, 4216, 16211, 3217, 369, 4311, 889, 14896, 279, 1853, 315, 279, 41495, 7440, 1299, 477, 41495, 23844, 627, 30047, 3095, 20106, 14364, 1684, 315, 14221, 4690, 198, 78299, 14455, 66101, 12988, 15317, 46099, 220, 9335, 198, 35, 6513, 315, 279, 41495, 25, 32745, 279, 19743, 198, 35, 6513, 315, 279, 41495, 25, 32745, 279, 19743, 47468, 74428, 198, 791, 51679, 315, 35882, 461, 68, 48677, 11, 14465, 4265, 2192, 72, 49422, 320, 44, 3012, 291, 1193, 340, 12988, 15317, 25, 35607, 315, 279, 41495, 25, 11994, 22620, 198, 12988, 15317, 25, 35607, 315, 279, 41495, 25, 578, 42618, 261, 315, 426, 30636, 198, 12988, 15317, 25, 35607, 315, 279, 41495, 25, 11994, 5111, 198, 1, 2059, 21738, 323, 8828, 66101, 12988, 15317, 54955, 220, 1419, 320, 44, 3012, 291, 1193, 340, 60741, 220, 16, 25, 52131, 315, 4563, 26089, 519, 389, 578, 10846, 5545, 596, 4033, 3997, 320, 7203, 8, 320, 32471, 2723, 340, 791, 10846, 5545, 25, 66729, 23590, 320, 44, 3012, 291, 1193, 340, 791, 10846, 5545, 25, 66729, 23590, 47468, 74428, 320, 44, 3012, 291, 1193, 340, 12988, 15317, 25, 578, 10846, 5545, 13416, 301, 8152, 198, 791, 10846, 5545, 2345, 791, 28351, 74068, 220, 20, 198, 791, 10846, 5545, 25, 9489, 92341, 320, 44, 3012, 291, 1193 ]
[ 340, 791, 10846, 5545, 25, 9489, 92341, 47468, 74428, 320, 44, 3012, 291, 1193, 340, 12988, 15317, 25, 578, 10846, 5545, 25, 43777, 315, 279, 473, 21493, 13416, 301, 320, 44, 3012, 291, 1193, 340, 12988, 15317, 25, 578, 10846, 5545, 25, 76317, 27191, 54219, 320, 25696, 1193, 340, 12988, 15317, 25, 578, 10846, 5545, 25, 25284, 315, 10315, 276, 320, 44, 3012, 291, 1193, 340, 12988, 15317, 25, 578, 10846, 5545, 25, 40676, 315, 279, 84088, 21080, 320, 44, 3012, 291, 1193, 340, 12988, 15317, 25, 578, 10846, 5545, 25, 40676, 315, 279, 67872, 91701, 320, 44, 3012, 291, 1193, 340, 12988, 15317, 25, 578, 10846, 5545, 25, 1952, 78168, 320, 69162, 340, 35, 47601, 426, 2194, 25, 18592, 315, 9220, 320, 5451, 11341, 340, 35, 47601, 426, 2194, 25, 18592, 315, 9220, 47468, 74428, 198, 35, 47601, 426, 2194, 25, 74495, 315, 34819, 320, 44, 3012, 291, 1193, 340, 35, 47601, 426, 2194, 25, 74495, 315, 34819, 47468, 74428, 320, 44, 3012, 291, 1193, 340, 10803, 26089, 519, 64643, 14767, 25, 63823, 315, 11994, 320, 44, 3012, 291, 1193, 340, 15335, 315, 279, 41495, 8922, 2239, 198, 791, 1561, 48833, 26560, 2508, 198, 791, 1561, 48833, 13002, 311, 423, 41194, 198, 41, 19586, 6296, 13, 72592, 25, 578, 48833, 13002, 311, 279, 11994, 198, 791, 19121, 7834, 15317, 68198, 198, 51, 27993, 389, 578, 10846, 5545, 16071, 69786, 320, 32471, 2723, 8, 320, 10090, 2373, 340, 791, 48833, 43443, 198, 1, 1999, 15317, 9135 ]
, when they were all gifted them and put on the rings without particularly questioning these so-called gifts. The rings hold within them champions, but their true power is being blocked from being unleashed. He wished Michael to simultaneously cast a vision with one from a Dark Seer, to understand the ring's true nature, so Sylar obliged. It was my subsequent understanding that each of the rings is bound to a different Sphere, including the Necromantic Sphere. Unfortunately for Michael, his ring is bound to the Evil Sphere. Unleashing the potential of these champions is necessary to prevent a fourth ascension of the Evil Sphere, which could lead to the annihilation of life upon Orin Rakatha. In order to stop this utter catastrophe, the Axian informed Michael that he would need to call upon the ring's power. Michael seemed somewhat upset by this news. Being able to make no further progress in other matters of security, we then needed to undertake the Pact of Neutrality as taught to us by the Keepers. We were required to perform four rituals: one of a physical nature, one of a magical nature, another of a spiritual nature, and lastly one "other" which we were given to understand should represent our people in some way. As
, when they were all gifted them and put on the rings without particularly questioning these so-called gifts. The rings hold within them champions, but their true power is being blocked from being unleashed. He wished Michael to simultaneously cast a vision with one from a Dark Seer, to understand the ring's true nature, so Sylar obliged. It was my subsequent understanding that each of the rings is bound to a different Sphere, including the Necromantic Sphere. Unfortunately for Michael, his ring is bound to the Evil Sphere. Unleashing the potential of these champions is necessary to prevent a fourth ascension of the Evil Sphere, which could lead to the annihilation of life upon Orin Rakatha. In order to stop this utter catastrophe, the Axian informed Michael that he would need to call upon the ring's power. Michael seemed somewhat upset by this news. Being able to make no further progress in other matters of security, we then needed to undertake the Pact of Neutrality as taught to us by the Keepers. We were required to perform four rituals: one of a physical nature, one of a magical nature, another of a spiritual nature, and lastly one "other" which we were given to understand should represent our people in some way. As
circles are a powerful symbol within rituals, we formed a circle ourselves and appointed one member of the group to intone the call to the Mystics. It is the passion and heart that are put into the rituals that make them powerful. A repetitive chant in unison from a group assembled can also add weight to the ritual, and so Quicksilver directed us to repeat some of the choice phrases he made. For our first ritual, we had Kyle and Hak stand within our circle and start fighting each other. After they start putting some physical effort into it (perhaps initially being mindful of Valley Law), the call was heeded and a number of mist creatures (hordelings) came and attacked us with physical blows. For our second ritual, Quicksilver cast every colour of Magic into the ritual circle, while I armed all those who wished a magical blade as part of the ritual. More mist creatures (of the more magical mist-goblin variety) came to attack us, although their strength seemed significantly weaker than the large hordelings of the previous fight. For our third ritual, Teppic (good), myself - Kevralyn (evil) and Lupus (neutral) invoked our Spheres within the ritual circle, while others invoked on
[ 11, 618, 484, 547, 477, 22527, 606, 290, 1234, 319, 262, 13917, 1231, 3573, 14085, 777, 523, 12, 7174, 13201, 13, 383, 13917, 1745, 1626, 606, 7827, 11, 475, 511, 2081, 1176, 318, 852, 10226, 422, 852, 28136, 13, 679, 16555, 3899, 284, 11640, 3350, 257, 5761, 351, 530, 422, 257, 3801, 1001, 263, 11, 284, 1833, 262, 5858, 338, 2081, 3450, 11, 523, 1632, 21681, 23278, 13, 198, 1026, 373, 616, 8840, 4547, 326, 1123, 286, 262, 13917, 318, 5421, 284, 257, 1180, 31798, 11, 1390, 262, 19652, 398, 5109, 31798, 13, 8989, 329, 3899, 11, 465, 5858, 318, 5421, 284, 262, 10461, 31798, 13, 36471, 2140, 262, 2785, 286, 777, 7827, 318, 3306, 284, 2948, 257, 5544, 10570, 3004, 286, 262, 10461, 31798, 11, 543, 714, 1085, 284, 262, 49972, 286, 1204, 2402, 1471, 259, 34299, 30921, 13, 554, 1502, 284, 2245, 428, 10517, 27767, 11, 262, 12176, 666, 7981, 3899, 326, 339, 561, 761, 284, 869, 2402, 262, 5858, 338, 1176, 13, 3899, 3947, 6454, 9247, 416, 428, 1705, 13, 198, 18357, 1498, 284, 787, 645, 2252, 4371, 287, 584, 6067, 286, 2324, 11, 356, 788, 2622, 284, 25340, 262, 41460, 286, 25627, 414, 355, 7817, 284, 514, 416, 262, 9175, 364, 13, 198, 1135, 547, 2672, 284, 1620, 1440, 25797, 25, 530, 286, 257, 3518, 3450, 11, 530, 286, 257, 10883, 3450, 11, 1194, 286, 257, 8557, 3450, 11, 290, 938, 306, 530, 366, 847, 1, 543, 356, 547, 1813, 284, 1833, 815, 2380, 674, 661, 287, 617, 835, 13, 198, 1722 ]
[ 11, 994, 814, 1051, 682, 47880, 1124, 323, 2231, 389, 279, 25562, 2085, 8104, 34685, 1521, 779, 19434, 21258, 13, 578, 25562, 3412, 2949, 1124, 34838, 11, 719, 872, 837, 2410, 374, 1694, 19857, 505, 1694, 69364, 13, 1283, 37287, 8096, 311, 25291, 6445, 264, 11376, 449, 832, 505, 264, 12538, 1369, 261, 11, 311, 3619, 279, 10264, 596, 837, 7138, 11, 779, 328, 4010, 277, 54117, 627, 2181, 574, 856, 17876, 8830, 430, 1855, 315, 279, 25562, 374, 6965, 311, 264, 2204, 55599, 11, 2737, 279, 64224, 442, 8322, 55599, 13, 19173, 369, 8096, 11, 813, 10264, 374, 6965, 311, 279, 34819, 55599, 13, 1252, 273, 19587, 279, 4754, 315, 1521, 34838, 374, 5995, 311, 5471, 264, 11999, 14943, 2711, 315, 279, 34819, 55599, 11, 902, 1436, 3063, 311, 279, 3008, 92341, 315, 2324, 5304, 2582, 258, 69892, 66826, 13, 763, 2015, 311, 3009, 420, 22256, 65396, 11, 279, 26232, 1122, 16369, 8096, 430, 568, 1053, 1205, 311, 1650, 5304, 279, 10264, 596, 2410, 13, 8096, 9508, 14738, 23268, 555, 420, 3754, 627, 34242, 3025, 311, 1304, 912, 4726, 5208, 304, 1023, 13146, 315, 4868, 11, 584, 1243, 4460, 311, 49643, 279, 99473, 315, 4275, 80381, 2786, 439, 15972, 311, 603, 555, 279, 13969, 388, 627, 1687, 1051, 2631, 311, 2804, 3116, 57679, 25, 832, 315, 264, 7106, 7138, 11, 832, 315, 264, 24632, 7138, 11, 2500, 315, 264, 18330, 7138, 11, 323, 1566, 398, 832, 330, 1605, 1, 902, 584, 1051, 2728, 311, 3619, 1288, 4097, 1057, 1274, 304, 1063, 1648, 627, 2170 ]
[ 26432, 527, 264, 8147, 7891, 2949, 57679, 11, 584, 14454, 264, 12960, 13520, 323, 21489, 832, 4562, 315, 279, 1912, 311, 528, 606, 279, 1650, 311, 279, 30727, 1233, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 11939, 323, 4851, 430, 527, 2231, 1139, 279, 57679, 430, 1304, 1124, 8147, 13, 362, 59177, 44453, 304, 653, 3416, 505, 264, 1912, 35105, 649, 1101, 923, 4785, 311, 279, 28278, 11, 323, 779, 3489, 5908, 48130, 15910, 603, 311, 13454, 1063, 315, 279, 5873, 32847, 568, 1903, 627, 2520, 1057, 1176, 28278, 11, 584, 1047, 31359, 323, 72398, 2559, 2949, 1057, 12960, 323, 1212, 11039, 1855, 1023, 13, 4740, 814, 1212, 10917, 1063, 7106, 5149, 1139, 433, 320, 66372, 15453, 1694, 63442, 315, 13345, 7658, 705, 279, 1650, 574, 568, 31035, 323, 264, 1396, 315, 8770, 20566, 320, 71, 541, 301, 826, 8, 3782, 323, 18855, 603, 449, 7106, 46303, 627, 2520, 1057, 2132, 28278, 11, 3489, 5908, 48130, 6445, 1475, 12745, 315, 15852, 1139, 279, 28278, 12960, 11, 1418, 358, 17903, 682, 1884, 889, 37287, 264, 24632, 25879, 439, 961, 315, 279, 28278, 13, 4497, 8770, 20566, 320, 1073, 279, 810, 24632, 8770, 2427, 48161, 8205, 8, 3782, 311, 3440, 603, 11, 8051, 872, 8333, 9508, 12207, 43383, 1109, 279, 3544, 305, 541, 301, 826, 315, 279, 3766, 4465, 627, 2520, 1057, 4948, 28278, 11, 2722, 604, 292, 320, 19045, 705, 7182, 482, 735, 5230, 3545, 1910, 320, 59967, 8, 323, 79803, 355, 320, 60668, 8, 27979, 1057, 328, 65733, 2949, 279, 28278, 12960, 11, 1418, 3885, 27979, 389 ]
. For fuller development of the issues raised: Bertho A. Le temps des émeutes, Paris, Bayard, 2009. Body-Gendrot S. These thoughts are part of a larger project (S. Body-Gendrot 'Uneven Landscapes' in R. Burdett and D. Sudjic The Endless City II, London Phaidon, 2011). - (also forthcoming) Globalization and Insecurity. The challenges of cities North and South, Palgrave. Sassen, Saskia 2010. “When the City Itself Becomes a Technology of War” Theory,Culture&Society, Vol. 27(6): 33-50. () Wilkinson R., Pickett K. 2010 The Spirit Level, Penguin. Had enough of ‘alternative facts’? openDemocracy is different Join the conversation: get our weekly email Saskia Sassen & Richard Sennett - guest editors 14 February 2011 Pendo Systems Releases Version 4.0 Published August 1, 2018 Comments 0 Designed to better support the needs of the business user; significantly reduce the reliance on IT; enhance overall business productivity MONTCLAIR,
. For fuller development of the issues raised: Bertho A. Le temps des émeutes, Paris, Bayard, 2009. Body-Gendrot S. These thoughts are part of a larger project (S. Body-Gendrot 'Uneven Landscapes' in R. Burdett and D. Sudjic The Endless City II, London Phaidon, 2011). - (also forthcoming) Globalization and Insecurity. The challenges of cities North and South, Palgrave. Sassen, Saskia 2010. “When the City Itself Becomes a Technology of War” Theory,Culture&Society, Vol. 27(6): 33-50. () Wilkinson R., Pickett K. 2010 The Spirit Level, Penguin. Had enough of ‘alternative facts’? openDemocracy is different Join the conversation: get our weekly email Saskia Sassen & Richard Sennett - guest editors 14 February 2011 Pendo Systems Releases Version 4.0 Published August 1, 2018 Comments 0 Designed to better support the needs of the business user; significantly reduce the reliance on IT; enhance overall business productivity MONTCLAIR,
N.J., February 26, 2018 (Newswire.com) – Pendo Systems is delighted to announce the release of Version 4.0 of the highly successful Pendo Machine Learning Platform (PMLP). The new release enables firms to significantly enhance overall productivity and improve business performance, whilst always keeping the core business user requirements front and center. Version 4.0 incorporates a number of new capabilities including a significantly improved Machine Learning toolset which accelerates time to implementation as well as offering the ability to tackle more complex Machine Learning processing challenges. Other key features include the capacity to create training data via an enhanced UI which streamlines the complex management, classification and processing of all documents and enables users to train models against it. New connectivity options with CMIS (Content Management Interoperability Services) support and web crawling have also been added. The upgraded solution now includes new plugins that integrate seamlessly with other systems to provide access to a range of Machine Learning algorithms. Phillip Dodds, Pendo Systems CTO, commented, “Version 4.0 is a significant step forward for the firm because it has been specifically designed to be even more ‘business user’ friendly. By enabling onsite training of models that are less IT-dependent
[ 13, 198, 1890, 44757, 2478, 286, 262, 2428, 4376, 25, 198, 24814, 400, 78, 317, 13, 1004, 2169, 862, 748, 38251, 1326, 1769, 11, 6342, 11, 4696, 446, 11, 3717, 13, 198, 25842, 12, 38, 437, 10599, 311, 13, 2312, 6066, 389, 636, 286, 257, 4025, 1628, 357, 50, 13, 12290, 12, 38, 437, 10599, 705, 52, 710, 574, 6379, 1416, 7916, 6, 287, 371, 13, 347, 2799, 3087, 290, 360, 13, 14818, 73, 291, 383, 26480, 2254, 2873, 11, 3576, 1380, 1698, 261, 11, 2813, 737, 198, 12, 357, 14508, 21220, 8, 8060, 1634, 290, 554, 12961, 13, 383, 6459, 286, 4736, 2258, 290, 2520, 11, 3175, 41711, 13, 198, 50, 562, 268, 11, 23541, 544, 3050, 13, 564, 250, 2215, 262, 2254, 632, 944, 15780, 2586, 257, 8987, 286, 1810, 447, 251, 17003, 11, 34, 6456, 5, 37949, 1905, 11, 4709, 13, 2681, 7, 21, 2599, 4747, 12, 1120, 13, 7499, 198, 22327, 26030, 371, 1539, 12346, 3087, 509, 13, 3050, 383, 7710, 5684, 11, 34424, 13, 198, 25383, 1576, 286, 564, 246, 33645, 876, 6419, 447, 247, 30, 1280, 11522, 17818, 318, 1180, 15251, 262, 5273, 25, 651, 674, 10273, 3053, 198, 50, 2093, 544, 48572, 268, 1222, 6219, 311, 48151, 532, 8319, 15719, 1478, 3945, 2813, 350, 31110, 11998, 48691, 10628, 604, 13, 15, 198, 24492, 2932, 352, 11, 2864, 19502, 657, 198, 5960, 3916, 284, 1365, 1104, 262, 2476, 286, 262, 1597, 2836, 26, 5566, 4646, 262, 24126, 319, 7283, 26, 9494, 4045, 1597, 13714, 198, 27857, 4825, 13534, 4663, 11 ]
[ 627, 2520, 88018, 4500, 315, 279, 4819, 9408, 512, 39379, 339, 78, 362, 13, 2009, 27138, 951, 4046, 2727, 2142, 11, 12366, 11, 9332, 569, 11, 220, 1049, 24, 627, 5561, 12279, 408, 4744, 328, 13, 4314, 11555, 527, 961, 315, 264, 8294, 2447, 320, 50, 13, 14285, 12279, 408, 4744, 364, 56948, 1055, 11680, 2445, 9521, 6, 304, 432, 13, 12649, 67, 7211, 323, 423, 13, 27430, 73, 292, 578, 4060, 1752, 4409, 8105, 11, 7295, 2405, 3864, 263, 11, 220, 679, 16, 4390, 12, 320, 19171, 45764, 8, 8121, 2065, 323, 763, 17476, 13, 578, 11774, 315, 9919, 4892, 323, 4987, 11, 11165, 77731, 627, 50, 28376, 11, 49746, 689, 220, 679, 15, 13, 1054, 4599, 279, 4409, 1102, 726, 32146, 20969, 264, 12053, 315, 5111, 863, 31535, 11541, 10745, 90385, 6180, 11, 11119, 13, 220, 1544, 7, 21, 1680, 220, 1644, 12, 1135, 13, 12957, 53477, 51547, 432, 2637, 393, 6021, 83, 735, 13, 220, 679, 15, 578, 17326, 9580, 11, 71244, 627, 56568, 3403, 315, 3451, 78095, 13363, 529, 30, 1825, 33103, 46360, 374, 2204, 16877, 279, 10652, 25, 636, 1057, 17496, 2613, 198, 50, 1091, 689, 328, 28376, 612, 12131, 328, 2734, 7211, 482, 8810, 29846, 220, 975, 7552, 220, 679, 16, 393, 8862, 15264, 62115, 6207, 220, 19, 13, 15, 198, 29986, 6287, 220, 16, 11, 220, 679, 23, 18149, 220, 15, 198, 78233, 311, 2731, 1862, 279, 3966, 315, 279, 2626, 1217, 26, 12207, 8108, 279, 54180, 389, 8871, 26, 18885, 8244, 2626, 26206, 198, 44, 10443, 42235, 2871, 11 ]
[ 452, 3587, 39188, 33877, 220, 1627, 11, 220, 679, 23, 197, 36163, 80825, 916, 8, 115972, 47, 8862, 15264, 374, 35072, 311, 22203, 279, 4984, 315, 6207, 220, 19, 13, 15, 315, 279, 7701, 6992, 393, 8862, 13257, 21579, 17916, 320, 47, 2735, 47, 570, 578, 502, 4984, 20682, 19339, 311, 12207, 18885, 8244, 26206, 323, 7417, 2626, 5178, 11, 24797, 2744, 10494, 279, 6332, 2626, 1217, 8670, 4156, 323, 4219, 13, 6207, 220, 19, 13, 15, 52924, 264, 1396, 315, 502, 17357, 2737, 264, 12207, 13241, 13257, 21579, 5507, 751, 902, 14511, 988, 892, 311, 8292, 439, 1664, 439, 10209, 279, 5845, 311, 22118, 810, 6485, 13257, 21579, 8863, 11774, 627, 11663, 1401, 4519, 2997, 279, 8824, 311, 1893, 4967, 828, 4669, 459, 24872, 3774, 902, 4365, 8128, 279, 6485, 6373, 11, 24790, 323, 8863, 315, 682, 9477, 323, 20682, 3932, 311, 5542, 4211, 2403, 433, 13, 1561, 31357, 2671, 449, 18582, 1669, 320, 2831, 9744, 5783, 3376, 2968, 8471, 8, 1862, 323, 3566, 72179, 617, 1101, 1027, 3779, 13, 578, 33624, 6425, 1457, 5764, 502, 17658, 430, 32172, 61440, 449, 1023, 6067, 311, 3493, 2680, 311, 264, 2134, 315, 13257, 21579, 26249, 627, 92777, 575, 36968, 5469, 11, 393, 8862, 15264, 356, 5319, 11, 29786, 11, 1054, 5755, 220, 19, 13, 15, 374, 264, 5199, 3094, 4741, 369, 279, 7626, 1606, 433, 706, 1027, 11951, 6319, 311, 387, 1524, 810, 3451, 27243, 1217, 529, 11919, 13, 3296, 28462, 84969, 4967, 315, 4211, 430, 527, 2753, 8871, 43918 ]
, Multitouch 720 x 1600 Pixels (~269 PPI) 64GB Built-in, 4GB RAM Triple Camera: 13 MP, (wide), AF + 2 MP, (macro) + 2 MP, (depth), LED Flash Phase detection, Geo-tagging, touch focus, face detection, panorama, HDR, Video (1080p@30fps) 8 MP, (wide), Video (1080p@30fps) v5.0 with A2DP, LE Yes + A-GPS support, BDS GPRS, EDGE, 3G (HSPA 42.2/5.76 Mbps), 4G (LTE Cat4 150/50 Mbps) Accelerometer, Fingerprint (side mounted), Proximity 3.5mm Audio Jack, MP4/H.264 player, MP3/WAV/eAAC+/FLAC player, Speaker Phone SMS(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Mail, IM Built-in + Downloadable Splash protection, Active noise cancellation with dedicated mic, Document viewer/editor, Photo/video editor (Li-Po Non removable), 5050 mAh
, Multitouch 720 x 1600 Pixels (~269 PPI) 64GB Built-in, 4GB RAM Triple Camera: 13 MP, (wide), AF + 2 MP, (macro) + 2 MP, (depth), LED Flash Phase detection, Geo-tagging, touch focus, face detection, panorama, HDR, Video (1080p@30fps) 8 MP, (wide), Video (1080p@30fps) v5.0 with A2DP, LE Yes + A-GPS support, BDS GPRS, EDGE, 3G (HSPA 42.2/5.76 Mbps), 4G (LTE Cat4 150/50 Mbps) Accelerometer, Fingerprint (side mounted), Proximity 3.5mm Audio Jack, MP4/H.264 player, MP3/WAV/eAAC+/FLAC player, Speaker Phone SMS(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Mail, IM Built-in + Downloadable Splash protection, Active noise cancellation with dedicated mic, Document viewer/editor, Photo/video editor (Li-Po Non removable), 5050 mAh
– Charging 10W Ever wondered where did the name Nokia come from? Nokia was named after the town Nokia and the river of Nokianvirta which was right beside the factory in which the productions first began. Pretty original, right? A question, related to Nokia that arises in everyone’s minds is about its origins because we have all utilized the use of Nokia phones quite extensively in the past. Nokia was originally founded in Finland, back in 1865, by Fredrick Idestam, Leo Mechelin, and Eduard Polon. The journey of Nokia has been quite steady in the past and also had the largest market share in the mobile industry. However, around 2007, Nokia faced issues to compete with the rising competition against other growing brands such as Apple, etc. The main reason behind this difficulty was their use of inferior technology in comparison to the innovative technologies used by the other brands, and there due to their lack of acceptance towards the growing revolutions that the consumers were slowly getting used to. However, Nokia has been able to successfully re-enter the market with equally competitive phones of modern times and has victoriously re-captured the attention of the consumers. Their strong comeback has impressed consumers and has attracted them to once again actively
[ 11, 7854, 270, 7673, 198, 23906, 2124, 26143, 350, 14810, 31034, 26276, 350, 11901, 8, 198, 2414, 4579, 28477, 12, 259, 11, 604, 4579, 13931, 198, 14824, 1154, 20432, 25, 1511, 4904, 11, 357, 4421, 828, 12341, 1343, 362, 4904, 11, 357, 20285, 305, 8, 1343, 362, 4904, 11, 357, 18053, 828, 12365, 9973, 198, 35645, 13326, 11, 32960, 12, 12985, 2667, 11, 3638, 2962, 11, 1986, 13326, 11, 3425, 36161, 11, 33675, 11, 7623, 357, 24045, 79, 31, 1270, 29647, 8, 198, 23, 4904, 11, 357, 4421, 828, 7623, 357, 24045, 79, 31, 1270, 29647, 8, 198, 85, 20, 13, 15, 351, 317, 17, 6322, 11, 12509, 198, 5297, 1343, 317, 12, 38, 3705, 1104, 11, 33741, 198, 38, 4805, 50, 11, 8392, 8264, 11, 513, 38, 357, 39, 50087, 5433, 13, 17, 14, 20, 13, 4304, 41022, 828, 604, 38, 357, 43, 9328, 5181, 19, 6640, 14, 1120, 41022, 8, 198, 12832, 7015, 15635, 11, 39454, 4798, 357, 1589, 12623, 828, 1041, 87, 18853, 198, 18, 13, 20, 3020, 13491, 3619, 11, 4904, 19, 14, 39, 13, 18897, 2137, 11, 4904, 18, 14, 54, 10116, 14, 68, 32, 2246, 10, 14, 3697, 2246, 2137, 11, 14931, 14484, 198, 50, 5653, 7, 16663, 276, 1570, 828, 337, 5653, 11, 9570, 11, 23691, 11099, 11, 8959, 198, 39582, 12, 259, 1343, 10472, 540, 198, 26568, 1077, 4800, 11, 14199, 7838, 25395, 351, 7256, 12314, 11, 16854, 19091, 14, 35352, 11, 5555, 14, 15588, 5464, 198, 7, 32304, 12, 18833, 8504, 35973, 828, 2026, 1120, 285, 10910 ]
[ 11, 22950, 275, 3102, 198, 13104, 865, 220, 6330, 15, 86546, 31857, 16955, 393, 1932, 340, 1227, 5494, 34154, 3502, 11, 220, 19, 5494, 22813, 198, 83926, 14669, 25, 220, 1032, 9599, 11, 320, 9328, 705, 20479, 489, 220, 17, 9599, 11, 320, 33706, 8, 489, 220, 17, 9599, 11, 320, 18021, 705, 13414, 17710, 198, 31833, 18468, 11, 33010, 39304, 3252, 11, 5916, 5357, 11, 3663, 18468, 11, 92778, 11, 55491, 11, 8519, 320, 6640, 15, 79, 31, 966, 44528, 340, 23, 9599, 11, 320, 9328, 705, 8519, 320, 6640, 15, 79, 31, 966, 44528, 340, 85, 20, 13, 15, 449, 362, 17, 10510, 11, 11396, 198, 9642, 489, 362, 12279, 5119, 1862, 11, 60927, 198, 38, 91206, 11, 83906, 11, 220, 18, 38, 320, 39, 88292, 220, 2983, 13, 17, 14, 20, 13, 4767, 80575, 705, 220, 19, 38, 320, 59833, 17810, 19, 220, 3965, 14, 1135, 80575, 340, 59282, 21037, 11, 435, 49018, 320, 3002, 22563, 705, 1322, 92828, 198, 18, 13, 20, 3906, 12632, 7762, 11, 9599, 19, 24240, 13, 12815, 2851, 11, 9599, 18, 22964, 8253, 16954, 97810, 41731, 6254, 1741, 2851, 11, 30173, 14642, 198, 66665, 35107, 291, 1684, 705, 386, 4931, 11, 8463, 11, 23804, 15219, 11, 6654, 198, 55400, 3502, 489, 8745, 481, 198, 93758, 9313, 11, 10106, 12248, 36935, 449, 12514, 19748, 11, 12051, 26792, 76906, 11, 11064, 42403, 6576, 198, 5063, 72, 9483, 78, 11842, 54891, 705, 220, 17786, 15, 296, 25797 ]
[ 198, 4235, 90898, 220, 605, 54, 198, 44587, 31156, 1405, 1550, 279, 836, 36806, 2586, 505, 30, 36806, 574, 7086, 1306, 279, 6424, 36806, 323, 279, 15140, 315, 452, 564, 1122, 48481, 64, 902, 574, 1314, 30488, 279, 8803, 304, 902, 279, 54248, 1176, 6137, 13, 36416, 4113, 11, 1314, 30, 362, 3488, 11, 5552, 311, 36806, 430, 48282, 304, 5127, 753, 20663, 374, 922, 1202, 33472, 1606, 584, 617, 682, 34716, 279, 1005, 315, 36806, 18084, 5115, 42817, 304, 279, 3347, 13, 36806, 574, 13517, 18538, 304, 37355, 11, 1203, 304, 220, 9714, 20, 11, 555, 28588, 12938, 358, 5086, 309, 11, 37848, 91598, 33830, 11, 323, 47373, 569, 3735, 263, 13, 578, 11879, 315, 36806, 706, 1027, 5115, 24981, 304, 279, 3347, 323, 1101, 1047, 279, 7928, 3157, 4430, 304, 279, 6505, 5064, 13, 4452, 11, 2212, 220, 1049, 22, 11, 36806, 17011, 4819, 311, 20874, 449, 279, 16448, 10937, 2403, 1023, 7982, 16097, 1778, 439, 8325, 11, 5099, 13, 578, 1925, 2944, 4920, 420, 17250, 574, 872, 1005, 315, 38279, 5557, 304, 12593, 311, 279, 18699, 14645, 1511, 555, 279, 1023, 16097, 11, 323, 1070, 4245, 311, 872, 6996, 315, 26586, 7119, 279, 7982, 93574, 430, 279, 13723, 1051, 14297, 3794, 1511, 311, 13, 4452, 11, 36806, 706, 1027, 3025, 311, 7946, 312, 49315, 279, 3157, 449, 18813, 15022, 18084, 315, 6617, 3115, 323, 706, 5310, 70124, 312, 1824, 81328, 279, 6666, 315, 279, 13723, 13, 11205, 3831, 47637, 706, 25408, 13723, 323, 706, 29123, 1124, 311, 3131, 1578, 22815 ]
place, Open Strictly, bluesSHOUT 2019 (Chicago, IL) 1st place, Open Jack & Jill, Mile High Blues 2012 (Denver, CO) 1st place, Open Jack & Jill, bluesSHOUT 2010 (Austin, TX) 1st place, Strictly Jook Joint, bluesSHOUT 2010 (Austin, TX) 1st place, Strictly Ballroomin’, bluesSHOUT 2010 (Austin, TX) 1st place, Champions Division, bluesSHOUT 2010 (Austin, TX) 1st place, Invitational Jack & Jill, Emerald City Blues Festival 2008 (Seattle, WA) 1st place, Strictly Ballroomin’, Down Home BluesSHOUT 2008 (San Francisco, CA) 1st place, Invitational Jack & Jill Champions Division, Down Home BluesSHOUT 2008 (San Francisco, CA) 1st place, Open Jack & Jill, Enter The Blues 2008 (Atlanta, GA) 1st place, Strictly Ballroomin’, bluesSHOUT 2007 (St. Louis, MO) *Inset photo courtesy of David Tom Bioinsecticides Biofungicides Agricultural biostim
place, Open Strictly, bluesSHOUT 2019 (Chicago, IL) 1st place, Open Jack & Jill, Mile High Blues 2012 (Denver, CO) 1st place, Open Jack & Jill, bluesSHOUT 2010 (Austin, TX) 1st place, Strictly Jook Joint, bluesSHOUT 2010 (Austin, TX) 1st place, Strictly Ballroomin’, bluesSHOUT 2010 (Austin, TX) 1st place, Champions Division, bluesSHOUT 2010 (Austin, TX) 1st place, Invitational Jack & Jill, Emerald City Blues Festival 2008 (Seattle, WA) 1st place, Strictly Ballroomin’, Down Home BluesSHOUT 2008 (San Francisco, CA) 1st place, Invitational Jack & Jill Champions Division, Down Home BluesSHOUT 2008 (San Francisco, CA) 1st place, Open Jack & Jill, Enter The Blues 2008 (Atlanta, GA) 1st place, Strictly Ballroomin’, bluesSHOUT 2007 (St. Louis, MO) *Inset photo courtesy of David Tom Bioinsecticides Biofungicides Agricultural biostim
ulants About Seipasa Phytosanitary registrations Partner synergies Seipasa launches a campaign that pays tribute to farmers and thanks them for all their work... Seipasa launches a campaign that pays tribute to farmers and thanks them for all their work during the pandemic Frame from one of the central parts of the campaign video. Seipasa, the Spanish company specialised in the development and formulation of bioinsecticides, biofungicides and biostimulants, presents its campaign that pays tribute to farmers and thanks them for their effort and sacrifice during the pandemic. Under the title ‘Together we are going to nurture 2021’, this initiative launches a call for optimism and hope for the new year that is about to begin. The centrepiece of the campaign is a video that features a moving story about a farming family and their effort to send a message of encouragement and gratitude to all of their colleagues and to recall those who have passed during the pandemic. The campaign will be launched in the mass media and on social media, as well as on Seipasa's website and Youtube channel. For Seipasa's Communications Manager, Carlos Muñoz, the campaign slogan, '
[ 1295, 11, 4946, 520, 2012, 306, 11, 25570, 9693, 12425, 13130, 357, 25705, 11, 14639, 8, 198, 16, 301, 1295, 11, 4946, 3619, 1222, 22772, 11, 26004, 3334, 15261, 2321, 357, 49818, 11, 7375, 8, 198, 16, 301, 1295, 11, 4946, 3619, 1222, 22772, 11, 25570, 9693, 12425, 3050, 357, 40245, 11, 15326, 8, 198, 16, 301, 1295, 11, 520, 2012, 306, 449, 566, 16798, 11, 25570, 9693, 12425, 3050, 357, 40245, 11, 15326, 8, 198, 16, 301, 1295, 11, 520, 2012, 306, 6932, 3823, 259, 447, 247, 11, 25570, 9693, 12425, 3050, 357, 40245, 11, 15326, 8, 198, 16, 301, 1295, 11, 6662, 7458, 11, 25570, 9693, 12425, 3050, 357, 40245, 11, 15326, 8, 198, 16, 301, 1295, 11, 10001, 22181, 3619, 1222, 22772, 11, 28909, 2254, 15261, 11117, 3648, 357, 34007, 11, 16400, 8, 198, 16, 301, 1295, 11, 520, 2012, 306, 6932, 3823, 259, 447, 247, 11, 5588, 5995, 15261, 9693, 12425, 3648, 357, 15017, 6033, 11, 7257, 8, 198, 16, 301, 1295, 11, 10001, 22181, 3619, 1222, 22772, 6662, 7458, 11, 5588, 5995, 15261, 9693, 12425, 3648, 357, 15017, 6033, 11, 7257, 8, 198, 16, 301, 1295, 11, 4946, 3619, 1222, 22772, 11, 6062, 383, 15261, 3648, 357, 43482, 11, 14545, 8, 198, 16, 301, 1295, 11, 520, 2012, 306, 6932, 3823, 259, 447, 247, 11, 25570, 9693, 12425, 4343, 357, 1273, 13, 5593, 11, 13070, 8, 198, 9, 818, 2617, 4590, 12537, 286, 3271, 4186, 16024, 259, 8831, 16751, 198, 42787, 69, 2150, 16751, 198, 10262, 1173, 8596, 3182, 455, 320 ]
[ 2035, 11, 5377, 53981, 398, 11, 44695, 8758, 3740, 220, 679, 24, 320, 47275, 11, 11598, 340, 16, 267, 2035, 11, 5377, 7762, 612, 48311, 11, 39697, 5234, 33425, 220, 679, 17, 320, 96301, 11, 7432, 340, 16, 267, 2035, 11, 5377, 7762, 612, 48311, 11, 44695, 8758, 3740, 220, 679, 15, 320, 83489, 11, 17467, 340, 16, 267, 2035, 11, 53981, 398, 622, 1982, 30833, 11, 44695, 8758, 3740, 220, 679, 15, 320, 83489, 11, 17467, 340, 16, 267, 2035, 11, 53981, 398, 13131, 3039, 258, 20182, 44695, 8758, 3740, 220, 679, 15, 320, 83489, 11, 17467, 340, 16, 267, 2035, 11, 29908, 14829, 11, 44695, 8758, 3740, 220, 679, 15, 320, 83489, 11, 17467, 340, 16, 267, 2035, 11, 19337, 50924, 7762, 612, 48311, 11, 64196, 4409, 33425, 17772, 220, 1049, 23, 320, 72772, 11, 29666, 340, 16, 267, 2035, 11, 53981, 398, 13131, 3039, 258, 20182, 6419, 5492, 33425, 8758, 3740, 220, 1049, 23, 320, 24661, 13175, 11, 9362, 340, 16, 267, 2035, 11, 19337, 50924, 7762, 612, 48311, 29908, 14829, 11, 6419, 5492, 33425, 8758, 3740, 220, 1049, 23, 320, 24661, 13175, 11, 9362, 340, 16, 267, 2035, 11, 5377, 7762, 612, 48311, 11, 11502, 578, 33425, 220, 1049, 23, 320, 86234, 11, 27438, 340, 16, 267, 2035, 11, 53981, 398, 13131, 3039, 258, 20182, 44695, 8758, 3740, 220, 1049, 22, 320, 626, 13, 12140, 11, 11672, 340, 9, 59010, 6685, 27104, 315, 6941, 8529, 24432, 258, 9885, 76195, 198, 60360, 79706, 76195, 198, 32, 13130, 4269, 6160, 537, 318 ]
[ 360, 1821, 198, 10714, 1369, 575, 15790, 198, 3438, 16820, 437, 276, 45906, 70590, 198, 61234, 80526, 552, 198, 1542, 575, 15790, 38175, 264, 4901, 430, 21935, 35491, 311, 20957, 323, 9523, 1124, 369, 682, 872, 990, 9522, 1542, 575, 15790, 38175, 264, 4901, 430, 21935, 35491, 311, 20957, 323, 9523, 1124, 369, 682, 872, 990, 2391, 279, 28522, 198, 4467, 505, 832, 315, 279, 8792, 5596, 315, 279, 4901, 2835, 627, 1542, 575, 15790, 11, 279, 15506, 2883, 89004, 304, 279, 4500, 323, 55986, 315, 17332, 258, 9885, 76195, 11, 17332, 79706, 76195, 323, 6160, 537, 318, 360, 1821, 11, 18911, 1202, 4901, 430, 21935, 35491, 311, 20957, 323, 9523, 1124, 369, 872, 5149, 323, 28235, 2391, 279, 28522, 627, 16648, 279, 2316, 3451, 82087, 584, 527, 2133, 311, 79530, 220, 2366, 16, 20182, 420, 20770, 38175, 264, 1650, 369, 54508, 323, 3987, 369, 279, 502, 1060, 430, 374, 922, 311, 3240, 13, 578, 2960, 10200, 9286, 315, 279, 4901, 374, 264, 2835, 430, 4519, 264, 7366, 3446, 922, 264, 33489, 3070, 323, 872, 5149, 311, 3708, 264, 1984, 315, 51475, 323, 46135, 311, 682, 315, 872, 18105, 323, 311, 19635, 1884, 889, 617, 5946, 2391, 279, 28522, 627, 791, 4901, 690, 387, 11887, 304, 279, 3148, 3772, 323, 389, 3674, 3772, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 389, 1369, 575, 15790, 596, 3997, 323, 38403, 5613, 627, 2520, 1369, 575, 15790, 596, 26545, 10790, 11, 30397, 15130, 5771, 9700, 11, 279, 4901, 52637, 11, 364 ]
month in continental Europe, but it is in the Canary Islands. Just like during the rest of the year, the weather in the Canary Islands in April is usually sunny and warm, ideal for outdoor activities like sunbathing, walking or hiking. Lanzarote Weather in March - How Warm and Sunny Is It? March marks the transition from winter to spring in Lanzarote and the weather gets warmer and warmer as the month progresses. So the island is the perfect escape place for people seeking to escape the bitter cold back home. Tenerife Weather in March - How Hot is the South? March is still a cold month pretty much all over Europe, so we understand that you're looking for a warm place to holiday at this time of year. And Tenerife is one of those great places where the weather is comfortably warm and the days are sunny, allowing for sunbathing during the month of March. Fuerteventura Weather in March - What Should You Expect? Although even the winter season is warm in Fuerteventura, the month of March marks the beginning of spring, and so the weather can be sometimes tricky and moody (just like people are when they are going through some big changes). La G
month in continental Europe, but it is in the Canary Islands. Just like during the rest of the year, the weather in the Canary Islands in April is usually sunny and warm, ideal for outdoor activities like sunbathing, walking or hiking. Lanzarote Weather in March - How Warm and Sunny Is It? March marks the transition from winter to spring in Lanzarote and the weather gets warmer and warmer as the month progresses. So the island is the perfect escape place for people seeking to escape the bitter cold back home. Tenerife Weather in March - How Hot is the South? March is still a cold month pretty much all over Europe, so we understand that you're looking for a warm place to holiday at this time of year. And Tenerife is one of those great places where the weather is comfortably warm and the days are sunny, allowing for sunbathing during the month of March. Fuerteventura Weather in March - What Should You Expect? Although even the winter season is warm in Fuerteventura, the month of March marks the beginning of spring, and so the weather can be sometimes tricky and moody (just like people are when they are going through some big changes). La G
omera Weather in April - Ideal Time For Hiking April is usually a quiet month in the Canaries, although the weather is warm and pleasant, with temperatures ideal for long walks and hikes around the mountains and the coast. La Gomera Weather in March - Warm Spring Temperatures The first month of spring is usually still cold in most countries on the European continent, but in the Canaries, it's much warmer and better, since the winters are also milder and characterized by pleasant temperatures. La Gomera Weather in February - Looking For A Sunny Holiday? While Europe is still struggling with the harsh winter weather, La Gomera and the rest of the Canary Islands are usually basking in the sun, enjoying one of the best climates in the Northern Hemisphere at this time of the year. La Gomera Weather in January - Is It a Good Time To Visit? The Canary Islands are, in our opinion, the best destination for a warm winter holiday in Europe, and La Gomera is a laid back island, where you can escape the noise and crowds which are typical for the larger islands like Tenerife or Gran Canaria. La Gomera Weather in December - What Temperatures To Expect La G
[ 1227, 287, 29843, 2031, 11, 475, 340, 318, 287, 262, 50206, 12010, 13, 2329, 588, 1141, 262, 1334, 286, 262, 614, 11, 262, 6193, 287, 262, 50206, 12010, 287, 3035, 318, 3221, 27737, 290, 5814, 11, 7306, 329, 15162, 4568, 588, 4252, 8664, 722, 11, 6155, 393, 24522, 13, 198, 43, 35410, 283, 1258, 15615, 287, 2805, 532, 1374, 25692, 290, 32241, 1148, 632, 30, 198, 16192, 8849, 262, 6801, 422, 7374, 284, 6076, 287, 14730, 41046, 1258, 290, 262, 6193, 3011, 23254, 290, 23254, 355, 262, 1227, 33226, 13, 1406, 262, 7022, 318, 262, 2818, 6654, 1295, 329, 661, 6095, 284, 6654, 262, 12922, 4692, 736, 1363, 13, 198, 51, 877, 901, 15615, 287, 2805, 532, 1374, 6964, 318, 262, 2520, 30, 198, 16192, 318, 991, 257, 4692, 1227, 2495, 881, 477, 625, 2031, 11, 523, 356, 1833, 326, 345, 821, 2045, 329, 257, 5814, 1295, 284, 9912, 379, 428, 640, 286, 614, 13, 843, 309, 877, 901, 318, 530, 286, 883, 1049, 4113, 810, 262, 6193, 318, 24341, 5814, 290, 262, 1528, 389, 27737, 11, 5086, 329, 4252, 8664, 722, 1141, 262, 1227, 286, 2805, 13, 198, 37, 15573, 660, 1151, 5330, 15615, 287, 2805, 532, 1867, 10358, 921, 23600, 30, 198, 7003, 772, 262, 7374, 1622, 318, 5814, 287, 13333, 263, 660, 1151, 5330, 11, 262, 1227, 286, 2805, 8849, 262, 3726, 286, 6076, 11, 290, 523, 262, 6193, 460, 307, 3360, 17198, 290, 10038, 88, 357, 3137, 588, 661, 389, 618, 484, 389, 1016, 832, 617, 1263, 2458, 737, 198, 14772, 402 ]
[ 2305, 304, 58636, 4606, 11, 719, 433, 374, 304, 279, 100056, 23028, 13, 4702, 1093, 2391, 279, 2800, 315, 279, 1060, 11, 279, 9282, 304, 279, 100056, 23028, 304, 5936, 374, 6118, 40798, 323, 8369, 11, 10728, 369, 16166, 7640, 1093, 7160, 65, 44661, 11, 11689, 477, 38464, 627, 43, 12341, 277, 1295, 23454, 304, 5587, 482, 2650, 46863, 323, 56138, 2209, 1102, 5380, 28623, 15785, 279, 9320, 505, 12688, 311, 10683, 304, 445, 12341, 277, 1295, 323, 279, 9282, 5334, 46039, 323, 46039, 439, 279, 2305, 68711, 13, 2100, 279, 13218, 374, 279, 4832, 12731, 2035, 369, 1274, 11125, 311, 12731, 279, 26242, 9439, 1203, 2162, 627, 51, 804, 1643, 23454, 304, 5587, 482, 2650, 8166, 374, 279, 4987, 5380, 28623, 374, 2103, 264, 9439, 2305, 5128, 1790, 682, 927, 4606, 11, 779, 584, 3619, 430, 499, 2351, 3411, 369, 264, 8369, 2035, 311, 13560, 520, 420, 892, 315, 1060, 13, 1628, 350, 804, 1643, 374, 832, 315, 1884, 2294, 7634, 1405, 279, 9282, 374, 45769, 8369, 323, 279, 2919, 527, 40798, 11, 10923, 369, 7160, 65, 44661, 2391, 279, 2305, 315, 5587, 627, 77845, 531, 3163, 5808, 23454, 304, 5587, 482, 3639, 12540, 1472, 33185, 5380, 16179, 1524, 279, 12688, 3280, 374, 8369, 304, 30353, 531, 3163, 5808, 11, 279, 2305, 315, 5587, 15785, 279, 7314, 315, 10683, 11, 323, 779, 279, 9282, 649, 387, 7170, 34553, 323, 4647, 1094, 320, 4345, 1093, 1274, 527, 994, 814, 527, 2133, 1555, 1063, 2466, 4442, 4390, 8921, 480 ]
[ 316, 2473, 23454, 304, 5936, 482, 49527, 4212, 1789, 473, 19787, 198, 29146, 374, 6118, 264, 11594, 2305, 304, 279, 3053, 5548, 11, 8051, 279, 9282, 374, 8369, 323, 24729, 11, 449, 20472, 10728, 369, 1317, 23291, 323, 68585, 2212, 279, 24405, 323, 279, 13962, 627, 8921, 480, 316, 2473, 23454, 304, 5587, 482, 46863, 12531, 75783, 2859, 198, 791, 1176, 2305, 315, 10683, 374, 6118, 2103, 9439, 304, 1455, 5961, 389, 279, 7665, 32843, 11, 719, 304, 279, 3053, 5548, 11, 433, 596, 1790, 46039, 323, 2731, 11, 2533, 279, 86082, 527, 1101, 296, 21439, 323, 32971, 555, 24729, 20472, 627, 8921, 480, 316, 2473, 23454, 304, 7552, 482, 21815, 1789, 362, 56138, 32769, 5380, 8142, 4606, 374, 2103, 20558, 449, 279, 25984, 12688, 9282, 11, 5034, 480, 316, 2473, 323, 279, 2800, 315, 279, 100056, 23028, 527, 6118, 293, 71805, 304, 279, 7160, 11, 22128, 832, 315, 279, 1888, 92399, 304, 279, 17355, 96878, 520, 420, 892, 315, 279, 1060, 627, 8921, 480, 316, 2473, 23454, 304, 6186, 482, 2209, 1102, 264, 7839, 4212, 2057, 19545, 5380, 791, 100056, 23028, 527, 11, 304, 1057, 9647, 11, 279, 1888, 9284, 369, 264, 8369, 12688, 13560, 304, 4606, 11, 323, 5034, 480, 316, 2473, 374, 264, 17551, 1203, 13218, 11, 1405, 499, 649, 12731, 279, 12248, 323, 35851, 902, 527, 14595, 369, 279, 8294, 30100, 1093, 350, 804, 1643, 477, 27622, 3053, 10649, 627, 8921, 480, 316, 2473, 23454, 304, 6790, 482, 3639, 75783, 2859, 2057, 33185, 198, 8921, 480 ]
trash it. If your community participates in single-stream recycling—where everything from bottles to cans to cardboard boxes get placed in one curbside bin—it might be tempting to err on the side of tossing your mysteryitem into that bin as well. It’s all going to get sorted out in the end, right? But there’s an argument to be made that single-stream recycling actually requires more diligence from consumers—contamination rates often rise dramatically in these programs, so anything you can do to keep unwanted items out of the mix will make the system more efficient. Mr. Laarman's journey has been an awesome one traveling around country experiencing some amazing places and meeting inspiring people along the way. Starting out at WMU, then heading through Detroit for a few years on his way to Salt Lake City, UT and Kansas City, MO for several years before making it back to West Michigan. Mr. Laarman's family is where he takes all his pride and joy out of life from. Continuing on an amazing journey with his wife of 13 years, AJ and Rachel are super excited to bring their kids Ty, Vivian, and Georgia. He loves to tinker around with various projects including drones, bikes, and various MAKE projects
trash it. If your community participates in single-stream recycling—where everything from bottles to cans to cardboard boxes get placed in one curbside bin—it might be tempting to err on the side of tossing your mysteryitem into that bin as well. It’s all going to get sorted out in the end, right? But there’s an argument to be made that single-stream recycling actually requires more diligence from consumers—contamination rates often rise dramatically in these programs, so anything you can do to keep unwanted items out of the mix will make the system more efficient. Mr. Laarman's journey has been an awesome one traveling around country experiencing some amazing places and meeting inspiring people along the way. Starting out at WMU, then heading through Detroit for a few years on his way to Salt Lake City, UT and Kansas City, MO for several years before making it back to West Michigan. Mr. Laarman's family is where he takes all his pride and joy out of life from. Continuing on an amazing journey with his wife of 13 years, AJ and Rachel are super excited to bring their kids Ty, Vivian, and Georgia. He loves to tinker around with various projects including drones, bikes, and various MAKE projects
. You may also find Mr. Laarman riding around town on his bike with his kids in tow in their "chariot". Mr. Laarman started his teaching career in Salt Lake City by starting out teaching Electronics for High School students. Continuing on to the Salt Lake Center for Science Education is where Mr. Laarman really started to gain traction with Robotics programs, starting an FRC team. On to Barry School in KC, MO, Mr. Laarman was able to take several VEX Robotics teams to the National and Worlds' tournaments. Simply fill in this form to contact us and we'll be in touch as soon as we can. Alternatively email us or call us on the details below. We'd love to hear from you! Looking to send us a more detailed enquiry? Click the button below to add the CGD 218 Week 1 Assignment Why is Visual Literacy Important to your wish list. 1. Compare and contrast Kennedy’s definition of visual literacy with the textbook’s definition. 2. Explain how visual literacy can be considered a universal language. 3. Examine how visual literacy can impact communication and global understanding. Your paper should be 1-2 pages in length, excluding title and reference
[ 13913, 340, 13, 198, 1532, 534, 2055, 49567, 287, 2060, 12, 5532, 25914, 960, 3003, 2279, 422, 14096, 284, 23916, 284, 26819, 10559, 651, 4624, 287, 530, 1090, 1443, 485, 9874, 960, 270, 1244, 307, 29850, 284, 11454, 319, 262, 1735, 286, 37432, 534, 10715, 9186, 656, 326, 9874, 355, 880, 13, 632, 447, 247, 82, 477, 1016, 284, 651, 23243, 503, 287, 262, 886, 11, 826, 30, 887, 612, 447, 247, 82, 281, 4578, 284, 307, 925, 326, 2060, 12, 5532, 25914, 1682, 4433, 517, 34136, 422, 7008, 960, 3642, 24979, 3965, 1690, 4485, 12034, 287, 777, 4056, 11, 523, 1997, 345, 460, 466, 284, 1394, 19125, 3709, 503, 286, 262, 5022, 481, 787, 262, 1080, 517, 6942, 13, 1770, 13, 4689, 283, 805, 338, 7002, 468, 587, 281, 7427, 530, 11300, 1088, 1499, 13456, 617, 4998, 4113, 290, 3249, 20886, 661, 1863, 262, 835, 13, 17962, 503, 379, 30376, 52, 11, 788, 9087, 832, 8488, 329, 257, 1178, 812, 319, 465, 835, 284, 13754, 6233, 2254, 11, 19255, 290, 9470, 2254, 11, 13070, 329, 1811, 812, 878, 1642, 340, 736, 284, 2688, 7055, 13, 198, 5246, 13, 4689, 283, 805, 338, 1641, 318, 810, 339, 2753, 477, 465, 11293, 290, 8716, 503, 286, 1204, 422, 13, 48516, 319, 281, 4998, 7002, 351, 465, 3656, 286, 1511, 812, 11, 25347, 290, 15984, 389, 2208, 6568, 284, 2222, 511, 3988, 7039, 11, 25313, 666, 11, 290, 7859, 13, 679, 10408, 284, 256, 24275, 1088, 351, 2972, 4493, 1390, 15382, 11, 16715, 11, 290, 2972, 39134, 4493 ]
[ 23701, 433, 627, 2746, 701, 4029, 91287, 304, 3254, 39823, 34978, 2345, 2940, 4395, 505, 27474, 311, 43732, 311, 55043, 15039, 636, 9277, 304, 832, 2917, 1302, 579, 9736, 44603, 2643, 387, 61299, 311, 1886, 389, 279, 3185, 315, 85151, 701, 23347, 1224, 1139, 430, 9736, 439, 1664, 13, 1102, 753, 682, 2133, 311, 636, 10839, 704, 304, 279, 842, 11, 1314, 30, 2030, 1070, 753, 459, 5811, 311, 387, 1903, 430, 3254, 39823, 34978, 3604, 7612, 810, 63582, 505, 13723, 2345, 778, 27935, 7969, 3629, 10205, 29057, 304, 1521, 7620, 11, 779, 4205, 499, 649, 656, 311, 2567, 36021, 3673, 704, 315, 279, 6651, 690, 1304, 279, 1887, 810, 11297, 13, 4491, 13, 5034, 277, 1543, 596, 11879, 706, 1027, 459, 12738, 832, 21646, 2212, 3224, 25051, 1063, 8056, 7634, 323, 6574, 34147, 1274, 3235, 279, 1648, 13, 28757, 704, 520, 24030, 52, 11, 1243, 14836, 1555, 20344, 369, 264, 2478, 1667, 389, 813, 1648, 311, 28138, 11940, 4409, 11, 26639, 323, 20754, 4409, 11, 11672, 369, 3892, 1667, 1603, 3339, 433, 1203, 311, 4410, 14972, 627, 12555, 13, 5034, 277, 1543, 596, 3070, 374, 1405, 568, 5097, 682, 813, 22519, 323, 16267, 704, 315, 2324, 505, 13, 82117, 389, 459, 8056, 11879, 449, 813, 7555, 315, 220, 1032, 1667, 11, 34050, 323, 32532, 527, 2307, 12304, 311, 4546, 872, 6980, 14221, 11, 42136, 1122, 11, 323, 16272, 13, 1283, 16180, 311, 259, 42212, 2212, 449, 5370, 7224, 2737, 38332, 11, 31553, 11, 323, 5370, 37921, 7224 ]
[ 13, 1472, 1253, 1101, 1505, 4491, 13, 5034, 277, 1543, 20427, 2212, 6424, 389, 813, 13260, 449, 813, 6980, 304, 16190, 304, 872, 330, 1799, 11345, 23811, 12555, 13, 5034, 277, 1543, 3940, 813, 12917, 7076, 304, 28138, 11940, 4409, 555, 6041, 704, 12917, 38784, 369, 5234, 6150, 4236, 13, 82117, 389, 311, 279, 28138, 11940, 5955, 369, 10170, 11930, 374, 1405, 4491, 13, 5034, 277, 1543, 2216, 3940, 311, 8895, 47955, 449, 77564, 7620, 11, 6041, 459, 435, 7532, 2128, 13, 1952, 311, 31858, 6150, 304, 21764, 11, 11672, 11, 4491, 13, 5034, 277, 1543, 574, 3025, 311, 1935, 3892, 650, 3337, 77564, 7411, 311, 279, 5165, 323, 52947, 6, 40161, 13, 29524, 5266, 304, 420, 1376, 311, 3729, 603, 323, 584, 3358, 387, 304, 5916, 439, 5246, 439, 584, 649, 13, 39578, 2613, 603, 477, 1650, 603, 389, 279, 3649, 3770, 13, 1226, 4265, 3021, 311, 6865, 505, 499, 4999, 23274, 311, 3708, 603, 264, 810, 11944, 77612, 30, 9369, 279, 3215, 3770, 311, 923, 279, 6290, 35, 220, 13302, 10563, 220, 16, 35527, 8595, 374, 20796, 26550, 2826, 44921, 311, 701, 6562, 1160, 627, 16, 13, 24702, 323, 13168, 24573, 753, 7419, 315, 9302, 53082, 449, 279, 56185, 753, 7419, 627, 17, 13, 83017, 1268, 9302, 53082, 649, 387, 6646, 264, 20789, 4221, 627, 18, 13, 1398, 20588, 1268, 9302, 53082, 649, 5536, 10758, 323, 3728, 8830, 627, 7927, 5684, 1288, 387, 220, 16, 12, 17, 6959, 304, 3160, 11, 44878, 2316, 323, 5905 ]
This is rather odd. Those patterns are English as well. Maybe those web.xml files were processed, overwrittem, broken by some tool? Note that server.xml was processed correctly, otherwise the server wouldn't start. Though a difference is that server.xml uses attributes to configure values, while web.xml uses plain text content wrapped by elements. VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.class.path=. Where the first incorrect value of "-Djava.class.path" argument comes from? Note that such questions are normally asked on the users mailing list. You need help from fellow users to help find the root cause here. Both versions (8.0.33 and 7.0.67) were deployed as-is without any changes, using the same JAVA_HOME. 7.0.67 runs OK without any problem. z/OS shell is EBCDIC-based but it can support ASCII shell scripts (e.g., Tomcat's startup.sh, etc.). Below is my "init" script to set up the automatic conversion. Unless you are able to provide a committer with access to a suitable test system, you are
This is rather odd. Those patterns are English as well. Maybe those web.xml files were processed, overwrittem, broken by some tool? Note that server.xml was processed correctly, otherwise the server wouldn't start. Though a difference is that server.xml uses attributes to configure values, while web.xml uses plain text content wrapped by elements. VersionLoggerListener.log Command line argument: -Djava.class.path=. Where the first incorrect value of "-Djava.class.path" argument comes from? Note that such questions are normally asked on the users mailing list. You need help from fellow users to help find the root cause here. Both versions (8.0.33 and 7.0.67) were deployed as-is without any changes, using the same JAVA_HOME. 7.0.67 runs OK without any problem. z/OS shell is EBCDIC-based but it can support ASCII shell scripts (e.g., Tomcat's startup.sh, etc.). Below is my "init" script to set up the automatic conversion. Unless you are able to provide a committer with access to a suitable test system, you are
going to have to debug this yourself. We might be able to provide access to z/OS shell. Meanwhile, what kind of diagnostic data I can collect for debugging purpose? Anything that narrows down what is going on is useful. My sugegstion is to try the following but keep in mind that you may have to modify this as you go as you find out more information. Strip Tomcat down to a single webapp that exhibits the problem (e.g ROOT). Try different charsets in the XML prolog for conf/web.xml. UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1 as a minimum. Remove content from conf/web.xml until you have the smallest possible file that triggers the error. Try writing a simple Java program to parse that file. Does that work? > diagnostic data I can collect for debugging purpose? Can you perform an MD5 signature of the conf/web.xml file so we can be sure it's identical to the stock web.xml? Is it possible to get a byte-for-byte copy of the file off that system somewhere we can see it? Do you have any other XML-related utilities on that system that can be run
[ 770, 318, 2138, 5629, 13, 5845, 7572, 389, 3594, 355, 880, 13, 198, 13300, 883, 3992, 13, 19875, 3696, 547, 13686, 11, 6993, 81, 715, 368, 11, 5445, 416, 617, 2891, 30, 198, 6425, 326, 4382, 13, 19875, 373, 13686, 9380, 11, 4306, 262, 4382, 3636, 470, 923, 13, 7486, 257, 3580, 318, 326, 4382, 13, 19875, 3544, 12608, 284, 17425, 3815, 11, 981, 3992, 13, 19875, 3544, 8631, 2420, 2695, 12908, 416, 4847, 13, 198, 14815, 11187, 1362, 33252, 13, 6404, 9455, 1627, 4578, 25, 532, 35, 12355, 13, 4871, 13, 6978, 28, 13, 198, 8496, 262, 717, 11491, 1988, 286, 27444, 35, 12355, 13, 4871, 13, 6978, 1, 4578, 2058, 422, 30, 198, 6425, 326, 884, 2683, 389, 7685, 1965, 319, 262, 2985, 21898, 1351, 13, 921, 761, 1037, 422, 5891, 2985, 284, 1037, 1064, 262, 6808, 2728, 994, 13, 198, 10265, 6300, 357, 23, 13, 15, 13, 2091, 290, 767, 13, 15, 13, 3134, 8, 547, 12380, 355, 12, 271, 1231, 597, 2458, 11, 1262, 262, 976, 449, 10116, 32, 62, 39069, 13, 220, 767, 13, 15, 13, 3134, 4539, 7477, 1231, 597, 1917, 13, 198, 89, 14, 2640, 7582, 318, 412, 2749, 35, 2149, 12, 3106, 475, 340, 460, 1104, 37101, 7582, 14750, 357, 68, 13, 70, 1539, 4186, 9246, 338, 13693, 13, 1477, 11, 3503, 15729, 220, 10383, 318, 616, 366, 15003, 1, 4226, 284, 900, 510, 262, 11353, 11315, 13, 198, 28042, 345, 389, 1498, 284, 2148, 257, 725, 1967, 351, 1895, 284, 257, 11080, 1332, 1080, 11, 345, 389 ]
[ 1115, 374, 4856, 10535, 13, 13266, 12912, 527, 6498, 439, 1664, 627, 22105, 1884, 3566, 9205, 3626, 1051, 15590, 11, 927, 86, 1018, 880, 11, 11102, 555, 1063, 5507, 5380, 9290, 430, 3622, 9205, 574, 15590, 12722, 11, 6062, 279, 3622, 8434, 956, 1212, 13, 18056, 264, 6811, 374, 430, 3622, 9205, 5829, 8365, 311, 14749, 2819, 11, 1418, 3566, 9205, 5829, 14733, 1495, 2262, 20037, 555, 5540, 627, 5755, 7547, 2811, 1699, 7498, 1584, 5811, 25, 482, 35, 10248, 3150, 3960, 28, 627, 9241, 279, 1176, 15465, 907, 315, 6660, 35, 10248, 3150, 3960, 1, 5811, 4131, 505, 5380, 9290, 430, 1778, 4860, 527, 14614, 4691, 389, 279, 3932, 33859, 1160, 13, 1472, 1205, 1520, 505, 12637, 3932, 311, 1520, 1505, 279, 3789, 5353, 1618, 627, 21279, 11028, 320, 23, 13, 15, 13, 1644, 323, 220, 22, 13, 15, 13, 3080, 8, 1051, 27167, 439, 31530, 2085, 904, 4442, 11, 1701, 279, 1890, 86660, 29566, 13, 220, 220, 22, 13, 15, 13, 3080, 8640, 10619, 2085, 904, 3575, 627, 89, 14, 3204, 12811, 374, 469, 5002, 94261, 6108, 719, 433, 649, 1862, 40416, 12811, 20070, 320, 68, 1326, 2637, 8529, 4719, 596, 21210, 2452, 11, 5099, 36434, 220, 21883, 374, 856, 330, 2381, 1, 5429, 311, 743, 709, 279, 17392, 14747, 627, 36687, 499, 527, 3025, 311, 3493, 264, 1081, 3328, 449, 2680, 311, 264, 14791, 1296, 1887, 11, 499, 527 ]
[ 2133, 311, 617, 311, 7542, 420, 6261, 627, 1687, 2643, 387, 3025, 311, 3493, 2680, 311, 1167, 14, 3204, 12811, 13, 220, 26982, 11, 1148, 3169, 315, 15439, 828, 358, 649, 6667, 369, 28803, 7580, 5380, 78403, 430, 44669, 1849, 1523, 1148, 374, 2133, 389, 374, 5505, 627, 5159, 924, 713, 64305, 290, 374, 311, 1456, 279, 2768, 719, 2567, 304, 4059, 430, 499, 1253, 617, 311, 5719, 420, 439, 499, 733, 439, 499, 1505, 704, 810, 2038, 627, 6025, 8529, 4719, 1523, 311, 264, 3254, 3566, 680, 430, 50829, 279, 3575, 320, 68, 1326, 36836, 4390, 22170, 2204, 1181, 5022, 304, 279, 12138, 463, 848, 369, 2389, 22561, 9205, 13, 20677, 12, 23, 323, 22705, 12, 19445, 24, 12, 16, 439, 264, 8187, 627, 13319, 2262, 505, 2389, 22561, 9205, 3156, 499, 617, 279, 25655, 3284, 1052, 430, 31854, 279, 1493, 627, 22170, 4477, 264, 4382, 8102, 2068, 311, 4820, 430, 1052, 13, 12838, 430, 990, 5380, 29, 15439, 828, 358, 649, 6667, 369, 28803, 7580, 5380, 6854, 499, 2804, 459, 14306, 20, 12223, 315, 279, 2389, 22561, 9205, 1052, 779, 584, 649, 387, 2771, 433, 596, 20086, 311, 279, 5708, 3566, 9205, 30, 2209, 433, 3284, 311, 636, 264, 5027, 15548, 55052, 3048, 315, 279, 1052, 1022, 430, 1887, 15038, 584, 649, 1518, 433, 5380, 5519, 499, 617, 904, 1023, 12138, 14228, 30519, 389, 430, 1887, 430, 649, 387, 1629 ]
Colour in 2010 in Padova, Italy, which focused on work based in minerals and organic and artificial matter (a looser interpretation and more interesting attempt, in my opinion). More recent shows include Emaille Enamel at Galerie Pilartz in Cologne, Germany, and GR-20’s current 30th-anniversary show featuring contemporary works in glass. Collective, material-based shows rarely let their visitors appreciate the importance of this material choice relative to a maker’s oeuvre. While the material choice is imperative to the success of Ted Noten’s Wearable Gold (2000), the artist only rarely works in porcelain. That this is a departure from the norm for Noten, whereas it is not for Peter Hoogeboom, for instance, is not always made apparent. My point is this—to unite both makers under the umbrella of porcelain jewelry making involves a misrepresentation of actual studio practice. For all their limitations and for the tenuous conceptual articulation that often characterizes them, material-based shows remain ubiquitous and even banal when they could be purposefully comprehensive and even educational. Why not offer artists a space to outline how they might have rationalized their respective material choice and how that choice may
Colour in 2010 in Padova, Italy, which focused on work based in minerals and organic and artificial matter (a looser interpretation and more interesting attempt, in my opinion). More recent shows include Emaille Enamel at Galerie Pilartz in Cologne, Germany, and GR-20’s current 30th-anniversary show featuring contemporary works in glass. Collective, material-based shows rarely let their visitors appreciate the importance of this material choice relative to a maker’s oeuvre. While the material choice is imperative to the success of Ted Noten’s Wearable Gold (2000), the artist only rarely works in porcelain. That this is a departure from the norm for Noten, whereas it is not for Peter Hoogeboom, for instance, is not always made apparent. My point is this—to unite both makers under the umbrella of porcelain jewelry making involves a misrepresentation of actual studio practice. For all their limitations and for the tenuous conceptual articulation that often characterizes them, material-based shows remain ubiquitous and even banal when they could be purposefully comprehensive and even educational. Why not offer artists a space to outline how they might have rationalized their respective material choice and how that choice may
have added to the concept of their work? Surely these choices were not arbitrary. Quite frankly, a lack of adequate framework risks dumbing down the work, especially among the company of many, many others. 2. All of Us in this Show Live in and/or Came from the Same Place Or simply, location. Working as the field’s tool to gauge who is doing what where, the geographically organized exhibition also functions on a historical level to track the evolution of a region’s aesthetic over time. This in turn allows for the comparison of the work of different international scenes. These types of shows can also function on a local level by informing the general public that jewelers in their area value cultural ties. A good example would be Padua’s annual Pensieri Preziosi exhibition. Last year was its seventh iteration and featured 15 working Italian jewelers, while this year Estonian artists were represented. 4 Padovani e un Torinese presented by Maurer Zilioli Contemporary Arts in Brescia, Italy, (the gallery is also a cultural organization) is another good example. Even though both of these exhibitions were educational on many levels, location is not very helpful in defining creative categories or subgenres of contemporary jewelry
[ 38773, 287, 3050, 287, 15744, 10071, 11, 8031, 11, 543, 5670, 319, 670, 1912, 287, 21622, 290, 10469, 290, 11666, 2300, 357, 64, 2376, 13416, 10794, 290, 517, 3499, 2230, 11, 287, 616, 4459, 737, 3125, 2274, 2523, 2291, 9570, 293, 2039, 17983, 379, 5027, 18287, 12693, 13636, 287, 34923, 11, 4486, 11, 290, 10863, 12, 1238, 447, 247, 82, 1459, 1542, 400, 12, 1236, 9023, 905, 9593, 11811, 2499, 287, 5405, 13, 198, 31337, 425, 11, 2587, 12, 3106, 2523, 8365, 1309, 511, 9692, 9144, 262, 6817, 286, 428, 2587, 3572, 3585, 284, 257, 16009, 447, 247, 82, 267, 12496, 43933, 13, 2893, 262, 2587, 3572, 318, 23602, 284, 262, 1943, 286, 11396, 1892, 268, 447, 247, 82, 27539, 540, 3561, 357, 11024, 828, 262, 6802, 691, 8365, 2499, 287, 16964, 5276, 391, 13, 1320, 428, 318, 257, 12928, 422, 262, 2593, 329, 1892, 268, 11, 9472, 340, 318, 407, 329, 5613, 26859, 469, 2127, 296, 11, 329, 4554, 11, 318, 407, 1464, 925, 4156, 13, 2011, 966, 318, 428, 960, 1462, 24558, 1111, 14429, 739, 262, 25510, 286, 16964, 5276, 391, 22634, 1642, 9018, 257, 26521, 341, 286, 4036, 8034, 3357, 13, 198, 1890, 477, 511, 11247, 290, 329, 262, 3478, 5623, 23355, 17251, 1741, 326, 1690, 2095, 4340, 606, 11, 2587, 12, 3106, 2523, 3520, 27888, 290, 772, 3958, 282, 618, 484, 714, 307, 45136, 9815, 290, 772, 9856, 13, 4162, 407, 2897, 7912, 257, 2272, 284, 19001, 703, 484, 1244, 423, 9377, 1143, 511, 11756, 2587, 3572, 290, 703, 326, 3572, 743 ]
[ 41962, 304, 220, 679, 15, 304, 26367, 12949, 11, 15704, 11, 902, 10968, 389, 990, 3196, 304, 34072, 323, 17808, 323, 21075, 5030, 320, 64, 781, 24332, 23692, 323, 810, 7185, 4879, 11, 304, 856, 9647, 570, 4497, 3293, 5039, 2997, 8463, 273, 2998, 36662, 520, 10845, 27197, 37451, 22321, 304, 79158, 11, 10057, 11, 323, 15116, 12, 508, 753, 1510, 220, 966, 339, 12, 1036, 18037, 1501, 16850, 19225, 4375, 304, 9168, 627, 48604, 535, 11, 3769, 6108, 5039, 19029, 1095, 872, 15613, 15763, 279, 12939, 315, 420, 3769, 5873, 8844, 311, 264, 25214, 753, 69483, 61480, 13, 6104, 279, 3769, 5873, 374, 48696, 311, 279, 2450, 315, 23989, 2876, 268, 753, 42162, 481, 7573, 320, 1049, 15, 705, 279, 10255, 1193, 19029, 4375, 304, 78742, 13, 3011, 420, 374, 264, 25959, 505, 279, 7617, 369, 2876, 268, 11, 20444, 433, 374, 539, 369, 11291, 17723, 41632, 96416, 11, 369, 2937, 11, 374, 539, 2744, 1903, 10186, 13, 3092, 1486, 374, 420, 50617, 52696, 2225, 29414, 1234, 279, 48998, 315, 78742, 31817, 3339, 18065, 264, 5906, 84216, 315, 5150, 14356, 6725, 627, 2520, 682, 872, 9669, 323, 369, 279, 259, 83122, 44901, 28664, 2987, 430, 3629, 3752, 4861, 1124, 11, 3769, 6108, 5039, 7293, 64564, 323, 1524, 9120, 278, 994, 814, 1436, 387, 7580, 3725, 16195, 323, 1524, 16627, 13, 8595, 539, 3085, 13820, 264, 3634, 311, 21782, 1268, 814, 2643, 617, 25442, 1534, 872, 20081, 3769, 5873, 323, 1268, 430, 5873, 1253 ]
[ 617, 3779, 311, 279, 7434, 315, 872, 990, 30, 65288, 1521, 11709, 1051, 539, 25142, 13, 58795, 42762, 11, 264, 6996, 315, 26613, 12914, 15635, 30355, 287, 1523, 279, 990, 11, 5423, 4315, 279, 2883, 315, 1690, 11, 1690, 3885, 627, 17, 13, 2052, 315, 4073, 304, 420, 7073, 11406, 304, 323, 5255, 76278, 505, 279, 26823, 11004, 198, 2244, 5042, 11, 3813, 13, 22938, 439, 279, 2115, 753, 5507, 311, 31990, 889, 374, 3815, 1148, 1405, 11, 279, 3980, 65031, 17057, 28099, 1101, 5865, 389, 264, 13970, 2237, 311, 3839, 279, 15740, 315, 264, 5654, 753, 37637, 927, 892, 13, 1115, 304, 2543, 6276, 369, 279, 12593, 315, 279, 990, 315, 2204, 6625, 16451, 13, 4314, 4595, 315, 5039, 649, 1101, 734, 389, 264, 2254, 2237, 555, 63025, 279, 4689, 586, 430, 66941, 388, 304, 872, 3158, 907, 13042, 20405, 13, 362, 1695, 3187, 1053, 387, 26367, 4381, 753, 9974, 64480, 55039, 5075, 89, 3614, 72, 28099, 13, 8155, 1060, 574, 1202, 31487, 20140, 323, 15109, 220, 868, 3318, 15155, 66941, 388, 11, 1418, 420, 1060, 54423, 1122, 13820, 1051, 15609, 13, 220, 19, 26367, 869, 5676, 384, 653, 8611, 7496, 10666, 555, 34492, 261, 1901, 4008, 14559, 48302, 17979, 304, 426, 98612, 11, 15704, 11, 320, 1820, 18537, 374, 1101, 264, 13042, 7471, 8, 374, 2500, 1695, 3187, 13, 7570, 3582, 2225, 315, 1521, 70864, 1051, 16627, 389, 1690, 5990, 11, 3813, 374, 539, 1633, 11190, 304, 27409, 11782, 11306, 477, 1207, 65011, 315, 19225, 31817 ]
historical document in its own right. Q: You write of South Vietnamese leader Ngo Dinh Diem that his "prospects after 1954...were never as hopeless as most early histories claimed," and that "it was Diem, not the United States, who possessed the dominant voice in South Vietnamese politics. Washington never had as much influence over Vietnamese affairs after 1954 as France had had before." Why, in your opinion, was that the case? A: As historians we’ve too often failed to give Diem his due. He had important limitations as a leader, to be sure, limitations that would ultimately be his undoing. But he also brought important attributes to the table, including strong credentials as a nationalist and his own vision for his country’s future. He was personally courageous, and intelligent. Ultimately, it’s hard to see the “Diem experiment” succeeding over the long term, but as recent work by Philip Catton, Ed Miller, and Jessica Chapman has also shown, we need to take his leadership and his years in power in Saigon seriously. And we also need to see that U.S. leverage over Diem, never great to begin with—he knew that America needed him at
historical document in its own right. Q: You write of South Vietnamese leader Ngo Dinh Diem that his "prospects after 1954...were never as hopeless as most early histories claimed," and that "it was Diem, not the United States, who possessed the dominant voice in South Vietnamese politics. Washington never had as much influence over Vietnamese affairs after 1954 as France had had before." Why, in your opinion, was that the case? A: As historians we’ve too often failed to give Diem his due. He had important limitations as a leader, to be sure, limitations that would ultimately be his undoing. But he also brought important attributes to the table, including strong credentials as a nationalist and his own vision for his country’s future. He was personally courageous, and intelligent. Ultimately, it’s hard to see the “Diem experiment” succeeding over the long term, but as recent work by Philip Catton, Ed Miller, and Jessica Chapman has also shown, we need to take his leadership and his years in power in Saigon seriously. And we also need to see that U.S. leverage over Diem, never great to begin with—he knew that America needed him at
least as much as he needed America—dissipated over time, despite his regime’s utter dependence on U.S. aid. Q: Ho Chi Minh, you write, "would lead his people into total war against not one but two Western powers, first France and then the United States, in a struggle lasting three decades and costing millions of lives." How would you compare Ho's attitude toward France with his view of the United States? A: He had complicated views of both Western powers. It’s clear he possessed deep affection for the French language, for example, and for the city of Paris, and for French poetry and literature. But at the same time he hated France as colonial overlord, and he determined from an early age that he would do all in his power to liberate his country from French imperial control. With respect to the United States, it seems clear that, as A.J. Langguth has put it, Ho had a lifelong admiration for Americans. He believed until well into 1947 that the U.S. could be his ally in his quest for independence, and he retained faith in the principles of the Atlantic Charter—to a naïve degree, arguably. Yet one should not take this argument too
[ 6754, 3188, 287, 663, 898, 826, 13, 198, 48, 25, 921, 3551, 286, 2520, 23618, 3554, 399, 2188, 23448, 71, 6031, 368, 326, 465, 366, 1676, 4443, 82, 706, 24718, 986, 22474, 1239, 355, 23292, 355, 749, 1903, 25985, 4752, 553, 290, 326, 366, 270, 373, 6031, 368, 11, 407, 262, 1578, 1829, 11, 508, 17273, 262, 11410, 3809, 287, 2520, 23618, 4819, 13, 2669, 1239, 550, 355, 881, 4588, 625, 23618, 9674, 706, 24718, 355, 4881, 550, 550, 878, 526, 4162, 11, 287, 534, 4459, 11, 373, 326, 262, 1339, 30, 198, 32, 25, 1081, 21262, 356, 447, 247, 303, 1165, 1690, 4054, 284, 1577, 6031, 368, 465, 2233, 13, 679, 550, 1593, 11247, 355, 257, 3554, 11, 284, 307, 1654, 11, 11247, 326, 561, 6165, 307, 465, 23981, 278, 13, 887, 339, 635, 3181, 1593, 12608, 284, 262, 3084, 11, 1390, 1913, 18031, 355, 257, 19848, 290, 465, 898, 5761, 329, 465, 1499, 447, 247, 82, 2003, 13, 679, 373, 7620, 34010, 11, 290, 12661, 13, 198, 27212, 11, 340, 447, 247, 82, 1327, 284, 766, 262, 564, 250, 18683, 368, 6306, 447, 251, 34195, 625, 262, 890, 3381, 11, 475, 355, 2274, 670, 416, 14576, 327, 38680, 11, 1717, 7920, 11, 290, 17352, 29045, 468, 635, 3402, 11, 356, 761, 284, 1011, 465, 5531, 290, 465, 812, 287, 1176, 287, 10318, 37107, 6411, 13, 843, 356, 635, 761, 284, 766, 326, 471, 13, 50, 13, 16094, 625, 6031, 368, 11, 1239, 1049, 284, 2221, 351, 960, 258, 2993, 326, 2253, 2622, 683, 379 ]
[ 13970, 2246, 304, 1202, 1866, 1314, 627, 48, 25, 1472, 3350, 315, 4987, 49577, 7808, 452, 3427, 423, 21538, 7923, 336, 430, 813, 330, 782, 82, 8132, 1306, 220, 6280, 19, 1131, 52898, 2646, 439, 75323, 439, 1455, 4216, 53210, 11922, 1359, 323, 430, 330, 275, 574, 7923, 336, 11, 539, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 889, 43890, 279, 25462, 7899, 304, 4987, 49577, 11759, 13, 6652, 2646, 1047, 439, 1790, 10383, 927, 49577, 22747, 1306, 220, 6280, 19, 439, 9822, 1047, 1047, 1603, 1210, 8595, 11, 304, 701, 9647, 11, 574, 430, 279, 1162, 5380, 32, 25, 1666, 51801, 584, 4070, 2288, 3629, 4745, 311, 3041, 7923, 336, 813, 4245, 13, 1283, 1047, 3062, 9669, 439, 264, 7808, 11, 311, 387, 2771, 11, 9669, 430, 1053, 13967, 387, 813, 29821, 287, 13, 2030, 568, 1101, 7263, 3062, 8365, 311, 279, 2007, 11, 2737, 3831, 16792, 439, 264, 52994, 323, 813, 1866, 11376, 369, 813, 3224, 753, 3938, 13, 1283, 574, 16102, 75748, 11, 323, 25530, 627, 67343, 11, 433, 753, 2653, 311, 1518, 279, 1054, 22427, 336, 9526, 863, 73820, 927, 279, 1317, 4751, 11, 719, 439, 3293, 990, 555, 26241, 17810, 783, 11, 3279, 17472, 11, 323, 33467, 60914, 706, 1101, 6982, 11, 584, 1205, 311, 1935, 813, 11692, 323, 813, 1667, 304, 2410, 304, 16233, 74981, 14243, 13, 1628, 584, 1101, 1205, 311, 1518, 430, 549, 815, 13, 33164, 927, 7923, 336, 11, 2646, 2294, 311, 3240, 449, 76929, 7020, 430, 5270, 4460, 1461, 520 ]
[ 3325, 439, 1790, 439, 568, 4460, 5270, 2345, 67, 1056, 63332, 927, 892, 11, 8994, 813, 17942, 753, 22256, 44393, 389, 549, 815, 13, 12576, 627, 48, 25, 17723, 34382, 93255, 11, 499, 3350, 11, 330, 41450, 3063, 813, 1274, 1139, 2860, 4208, 2403, 539, 832, 719, 1403, 11104, 13736, 11, 1176, 9822, 323, 1243, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 304, 264, 14993, 29869, 2380, 11026, 323, 54824, 11990, 315, 6439, 1210, 2650, 1053, 499, 9616, 17723, 596, 19451, 9017, 9822, 449, 813, 1684, 315, 279, 3723, 4273, 5380, 32, 25, 1283, 1047, 17395, 6325, 315, 2225, 11104, 13736, 13, 1102, 753, 2867, 568, 43890, 5655, 37805, 369, 279, 8753, 4221, 11, 369, 3187, 11, 323, 369, 279, 3363, 315, 12366, 11, 323, 369, 8753, 32349, 323, 17649, 13, 2030, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 568, 38674, 9822, 439, 37683, 927, 26680, 11, 323, 568, 11075, 505, 459, 4216, 4325, 430, 568, 1053, 656, 682, 304, 813, 2410, 311, 34929, 349, 813, 3224, 505, 8753, 35379, 2585, 627, 2409, 5201, 311, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 433, 5084, 2867, 430, 11, 439, 362, 3587, 13, 23272, 70, 952, 706, 2231, 433, 11, 17723, 1047, 264, 51263, 66939, 369, 9053, 13, 1283, 11846, 3156, 1664, 1139, 220, 6393, 22, 430, 279, 549, 815, 13, 1436, 387, 813, 31953, 304, 813, 2271, 369, 24589, 11, 323, 568, 35363, 10082, 304, 279, 16565, 315, 279, 23179, 49705, 50617, 264, 95980, 588, 8547, 11, 36659, 13, 14968, 832, 1288, 539, 1935, 420, 5811, 2288 ]
further from noisy Farmville Road. Barn from old homestead Soon you reach the preserve’s northern boundary, where a right turn is required to begin paralleling Farmville Rd. At 0.75 miles, you reach an old rustic barn, all that remains of a homestead that predates the preserve. The homestead was owned by Jacob Bartow Cooper before it burned down in the early 1940’s. Pass in front of the barn, then angle right to pick up the Barn Trace, which descends on a gradual to moderate grade. Turtle Pond 0.9 miles into the hike, the Barn Trace ends at the north shore of Turtle Pond, which did indeed contain a few turtles on logs when I came here on a seasonally warm winter afternoon. The Pond Way goes right to head directly back to the pavilion, but this route turns left to trace the north and east banks of the pond. Rather than walking across the earthen dam that forms the pond, angle left to begin following the yellow loop, which climbs slightly around an old parking area. Look for a yellow marker on a large magnolia tree that marks where the trail reenters the woods. Large magnolia tree Upon reaching the unsigned Northeast
further from noisy Farmville Road. Barn from old homestead Soon you reach the preserve’s northern boundary, where a right turn is required to begin paralleling Farmville Rd. At 0.75 miles, you reach an old rustic barn, all that remains of a homestead that predates the preserve. The homestead was owned by Jacob Bartow Cooper before it burned down in the early 1940’s. Pass in front of the barn, then angle right to pick up the Barn Trace, which descends on a gradual to moderate grade. Turtle Pond 0.9 miles into the hike, the Barn Trace ends at the north shore of Turtle Pond, which did indeed contain a few turtles on logs when I came here on a seasonally warm winter afternoon. The Pond Way goes right to head directly back to the pavilion, but this route turns left to trace the north and east banks of the pond. Rather than walking across the earthen dam that forms the pond, angle left to begin following the yellow loop, which climbs slightly around an old parking area. Look for a yellow marker on a large magnolia tree that marks where the trail reenters the woods. Large magnolia tree Upon reaching the unsigned Northeast
Pass Trail, turn right to begin heading south along the preserve’s eastern boundary. After passing back under the power line, you reach an area known as Azalea Place at 1.3 miles. Continue straight to begin a trail called Tree Walk. A housing development appears to the left as the Tree Walk heads due south. Upon reaching the southeast corner of the preserve, the trail curves right just before it splits. Either option will take you to the Rill & Dell Trail, the final segment of our hike, so the choice is yours. I prefer the Fern View Trail going left because it passes a nice creekside area with lots of ferns. Upon reaching the Rill & Dell Trail, turn left. A final rolling segment returns you to the parking lot to complete the hike. Location: Auburn, AL, USA Blackwater River State Forest: Bear Lake Loop Trai... Conecuh National Forest: Conecuh Trail, Blue Sprin... Kreher Preserve and Nature Center (Blog Hike #613)... ReviewsAlbums Young Guns: Bones Alicia Fiorletta In the alternative rock/post-hardcore genre, most acts teeter on the fine line between
[ 2252, 422, 31210, 11272, 4244, 5567, 13, 198, 47359, 422, 1468, 3488, 37897, 198, 28093, 345, 3151, 262, 12201, 447, 247, 82, 7840, 18645, 11, 810, 257, 826, 1210, 318, 2672, 284, 2221, 9315, 1359, 11272, 4244, 20769, 13, 1629, 657, 13, 2425, 4608, 11, 345, 3151, 281, 1468, 17000, 291, 25203, 11, 477, 326, 3793, 286, 257, 3488, 37897, 326, 2747, 689, 262, 12201, 13, 383, 3488, 37897, 373, 6898, 416, 12806, 13167, 322, 10382, 878, 340, 11544, 866, 287, 262, 1903, 16236, 447, 247, 82, 13, 6251, 287, 2166, 286, 262, 25203, 11, 788, 9848, 826, 284, 2298, 510, 262, 11842, 34912, 11, 543, 1715, 2412, 319, 257, 24972, 284, 10768, 9559, 13, 198, 51, 17964, 41598, 198, 15, 13, 24, 4608, 656, 262, 18390, 11, 262, 11842, 34912, 5645, 379, 262, 5093, 15191, 286, 33137, 41598, 11, 543, 750, 5600, 3994, 257, 1178, 36288, 319, 17259, 618, 314, 1625, 994, 319, 257, 1622, 453, 5814, 7374, 6672, 13, 383, 41598, 6378, 2925, 826, 284, 1182, 3264, 736, 284, 262, 45549, 29935, 11, 475, 428, 6339, 4962, 1364, 284, 12854, 262, 5093, 290, 7627, 6341, 286, 262, 16723, 13, 11317, 621, 6155, 1973, 262, 304, 433, 831, 1801, 326, 5107, 262, 16723, 11, 9848, 1364, 284, 2221, 1708, 262, 7872, 9052, 11, 543, 34332, 4622, 1088, 281, 1468, 7647, 1989, 13, 6803, 329, 257, 7872, 18364, 319, 257, 1588, 7842, 22703, 5509, 326, 8849, 810, 262, 8025, 302, 298, 364, 262, 16479, 13, 198, 21968, 7842, 22703, 5509, 198, 23792, 8978, 262, 22165, 26315 ]
[ 4726, 505, 50380, 18945, 8078, 9728, 627, 33, 1923, 505, 2362, 5105, 73437, 198, 67196, 499, 5662, 279, 21813, 753, 18671, 19254, 11, 1405, 264, 1314, 2543, 374, 2631, 311, 3240, 58130, 2785, 18945, 8078, 28567, 13, 2468, 220, 15, 13, 2075, 8931, 11, 499, 5662, 459, 2362, 58372, 33419, 11, 682, 430, 8625, 315, 264, 5105, 73437, 430, 4255, 988, 279, 21813, 13, 578, 5105, 73437, 574, 13234, 555, 25537, 29627, 363, 24421, 1603, 433, 27724, 1523, 304, 279, 4216, 220, 6393, 15, 753, 13, 10175, 304, 4156, 315, 279, 33419, 11, 1243, 9392, 1314, 311, 3820, 709, 279, 23229, 28262, 11, 902, 6697, 1438, 389, 264, 53722, 311, 24070, 12239, 627, 51, 22492, 71965, 198, 15, 13, 24, 8931, 1139, 279, 35331, 11, 279, 23229, 28262, 10548, 520, 279, 10411, 31284, 315, 67906, 71965, 11, 902, 1550, 13118, 6782, 264, 2478, 72503, 389, 18929, 994, 358, 3782, 1618, 389, 264, 3280, 750, 8369, 12688, 13658, 13, 578, 71965, 12424, 5900, 1314, 311, 2010, 6089, 1203, 311, 279, 40216, 50012, 11, 719, 420, 6149, 10800, 2163, 311, 11917, 279, 10411, 323, 11226, 14286, 315, 279, 36670, 13, 26848, 1109, 11689, 4028, 279, 2487, 3473, 3824, 430, 7739, 279, 36670, 11, 9392, 2163, 311, 3240, 2768, 279, 14071, 6471, 11, 902, 77511, 10284, 2212, 459, 2362, 13217, 3158, 13, 9372, 369, 264, 14071, 11381, 389, 264, 3544, 8622, 39260, 5021, 430, 15785, 1405, 279, 9025, 312, 306, 388, 279, 33633, 627, 35353, 8622, 39260, 5021, 198, 50384, 19261, 279, 3859, 45680 ]
[ 10175, 19177, 11, 2543, 1314, 311, 3240, 14836, 10007, 3235, 279, 21813, 753, 24024, 19254, 13, 4740, 12579, 1203, 1234, 279, 2410, 1584, 11, 499, 5662, 459, 3158, 3967, 439, 15757, 1604, 64, 11004, 520, 220, 16, 13, 18, 8931, 13, 15353, 7833, 311, 3240, 264, 9025, 2663, 9119, 12839, 627, 32, 11983, 4500, 8111, 311, 279, 2163, 439, 279, 9119, 12839, 14971, 4245, 10007, 13, 30538, 19261, 279, 42552, 9309, 315, 279, 21813, 11, 279, 9025, 37033, 1314, 1120, 1603, 433, 41567, 13, 21663, 3072, 690, 1935, 499, 311, 279, 432, 484, 612, 39424, 19177, 11, 279, 1620, 10449, 315, 1057, 35331, 11, 779, 279, 5873, 374, 18821, 13, 358, 10932, 279, 27077, 2806, 19177, 2133, 2163, 1606, 433, 16609, 264, 6555, 87539, 2857, 579, 3158, 449, 10283, 315, 88124, 82, 13, 30538, 19261, 279, 432, 484, 612, 39424, 19177, 11, 2543, 2163, 13, 362, 1620, 20700, 10449, 4780, 499, 311, 279, 13217, 2763, 311, 4686, 279, 35331, 627, 4812, 25, 53449, 11, 8927, 11, 7427, 198, 14755, 13284, 11188, 3314, 20585, 25, 24941, 11940, 22070, 17747, 72, 9522, 34, 111501, 12825, 5165, 20585, 25, 47512, 66, 12825, 19177, 11, 8868, 15883, 258, 9522, 42, 265, 1964, 82406, 323, 22037, 5955, 320, 27798, 473, 3043, 674, 22922, 40125, 19832, 33478, 82, 198, 41672, 60565, 25, 72399, 198, 32, 416, 689, 100103, 1169, 2629, 198, 644, 279, 10778, 7091, 31096, 71845, 2202, 17779, 11, 1455, 14385, 1028, 1430, 389, 279, 7060, 1584, 1990 ]
sharks, and sea slugs. We also talk about how to do rockpooling and how to find marine Tardigrades! About Kita Williams (Marine Biologist) Perpetually fascinated by the sea since she was young, Kita is a marine biologist in Australia. In her spare time, she also plays the piano and continues to explore to find the elusive Marine Tardigrade! Follow Kita on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeaSpongeCake Subscribe to Kita on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZAkVVV4SF1kdml16wfKP8g/videos Topics and Timestamps Introduction and background (0:00:40) Perception of marine biologists (0:02:16) Sea grass! (0:02:56) Colours in the ocean (0:05:11) Kita’s research on sponges (0:05:30) A sponge is an animal! (0:07:03) How do sponges reproduce? (0:10:25) Is it safe to hold a sponge in your hands? (0
sharks, and sea slugs. We also talk about how to do rockpooling and how to find marine Tardigrades! About Kita Williams (Marine Biologist) Perpetually fascinated by the sea since she was young, Kita is a marine biologist in Australia. In her spare time, she also plays the piano and continues to explore to find the elusive Marine Tardigrade! Follow Kita on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeaSpongeCake Subscribe to Kita on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZAkVVV4SF1kdml16wfKP8g/videos Topics and Timestamps Introduction and background (0:00:40) Perception of marine biologists (0:02:16) Sea grass! (0:02:56) Colours in the ocean (0:05:11) Kita’s research on sponges (0:05:30) A sponge is an animal! (0:07:03) How do sponges reproduce? (0:10:25) Is it safe to hold a sponge in your hands? (0
:12:20) Sponges are in every ocean (0:13:00) Jellyfish: friend or foe? (0:15:08) Blue dragon and borrowing from other creatures (0:18:56) Research from marine animals (0:20:30) Venomous creatures in the ocean (0:22:38) What is ‘rockpooling’? (0:25:20) Go to iNaturalist to find out what species are in your area (0:27:30) Creating salt-water pond jars? (0:29:00) Being cautious when handling sea animals (0:31:08) What creatures Kita hopes to find next! (0:32:14) Sharks! (0:33:52) Scuba diving (0:34:41) The curiosity of wild animals (0:36:39) The coral reefs (0:38:30) Environmental concerns about the marine environment (0:41:55) Marine Tardigrades (0:43:10) Kita’s Youtube channel (0:47:00) Tard
[ 27476, 11, 290, 5417, 1017, 10339, 13, 775, 635, 1561, 546, 703, 284, 466, 3881, 7742, 278, 290, 703, 284, 1064, 16050, 309, 446, 3692, 2367, 0, 198, 8585, 509, 5350, 6484, 357, 7676, 500, 8436, 7451, 8, 198, 5990, 6449, 935, 30103, 416, 262, 5417, 1201, 673, 373, 1862, 11, 509, 5350, 318, 257, 16050, 35261, 287, 4505, 13, 554, 607, 13952, 640, 11, 673, 635, 5341, 262, 19132, 290, 4477, 284, 7301, 284, 1064, 262, 29885, 11000, 309, 446, 3692, 671, 0, 198, 7155, 509, 5350, 319, 3009, 25, 3740, 1378, 6956, 13, 785, 14, 37567, 4561, 14220, 34, 539, 198, 27125, 284, 509, 5350, 319, 7444, 25, 3740, 1378, 2503, 13, 11604, 13, 785, 14, 17620, 14, 9598, 57, 33901, 53, 53, 53, 19, 20802, 16, 74, 67, 4029, 1433, 86, 69, 42, 47, 23, 70, 14, 32861, 198, 25902, 290, 5045, 395, 9430, 198, 21906, 290, 4469, 357, 15, 25, 405, 25, 1821, 8, 198, 5990, 4516, 286, 16050, 43149, 357, 15, 25, 2999, 25, 1433, 8, 198, 37567, 8701, 0, 357, 15, 25, 2999, 25, 3980, 8, 198, 5216, 4662, 287, 262, 9151, 357, 15, 25, 2713, 25, 1157, 8, 198, 42, 5350, 447, 247, 82, 2267, 319, 599, 506, 274, 357, 15, 25, 2713, 25, 1270, 8, 198, 32, 40206, 318, 281, 5044, 0, 357, 15, 25, 2998, 25, 3070, 8, 198, 2437, 466, 599, 506, 274, 22919, 30, 357, 15, 25, 940, 25, 1495, 8, 198, 3792, 340, 3338, 284, 1745, 257, 40206, 287, 534, 2832, 30, 357, 15 ]
[ 61535, 11, 323, 9581, 1776, 13602, 13, 1226, 1101, 3137, 922, 1268, 311, 656, 7091, 10497, 287, 323, 1268, 311, 1505, 29691, 350, 569, 5346, 3536, 4999, 10714, 735, 6388, 13926, 320, 12331, 483, 12371, 16549, 340, 3976, 7005, 1870, 61914, 555, 279, 9581, 2533, 1364, 574, 3995, 11, 735, 6388, 374, 264, 29691, 88704, 304, 8494, 13, 763, 1077, 24804, 892, 11, 1364, 1101, 11335, 279, 27374, 323, 9731, 311, 13488, 311, 1505, 279, 66684, 23820, 350, 569, 5346, 1037, 4999, 12763, 735, 6388, 389, 6405, 25, 3788, 1129, 15021, 916, 14, 60261, 50, 37354, 62190, 198, 29673, 311, 735, 6388, 389, 13674, 25, 3788, 1129, 2185, 20751, 916, 74221, 14, 5576, 53436, 74, 68807, 53, 19, 29767, 16, 38844, 1029, 845, 44183, 66136, 23, 70, 74045, 198, 46103, 323, 33858, 82, 198, 38255, 323, 4092, 320, 15, 25, 410, 25, 1272, 340, 3976, 1010, 315, 29691, 6160, 22012, 320, 15, 25, 2437, 25, 845, 340, 60261, 16763, 0, 320, 15, 25, 2437, 25, 3487, 340, 6255, 2530, 304, 279, 18435, 320, 15, 25, 2304, 25, 806, 340, 42, 6388, 753, 3495, 389, 274, 621, 4282, 320, 15, 25, 2304, 25, 966, 340, 32, 69448, 374, 459, 10065, 0, 320, 15, 25, 2589, 25, 2839, 340, 4438, 656, 274, 621, 4282, 23645, 30, 320, 15, 25, 605, 25, 914, 340, 3957, 433, 6220, 311, 3412, 264, 69448, 304, 701, 6206, 30, 320, 15 ]
[ 25, 717, 25, 508, 340, 50, 621, 4282, 527, 304, 1475, 18435, 320, 15, 25, 1032, 25, 410, 340, 41, 12160, 18668, 25, 4333, 477, 53077, 30, 320, 15, 25, 868, 25, 2318, 340, 10544, 26161, 323, 53675, 505, 1023, 20566, 320, 15, 25, 972, 25, 3487, 340, 28528, 505, 29691, 10099, 320, 15, 25, 508, 25, 966, 340, 60029, 316, 788, 20566, 304, 279, 18435, 320, 15, 25, 1313, 25, 1987, 340, 3923, 374, 3451, 21161, 10497, 287, 529, 30, 320, 15, 25, 914, 25, 508, 340, 11087, 311, 602, 55381, 380, 311, 1505, 704, 1148, 9606, 527, 304, 701, 3158, 320, 15, 25, 1544, 25, 966, 340, 26021, 12290, 55051, 36670, 61111, 30, 320, 15, 25, 1682, 25, 410, 340, 34242, 46878, 994, 11850, 9581, 10099, 320, 15, 25, 2148, 25, 2318, 340, 3923, 20566, 735, 6388, 16388, 311, 1505, 1828, 0, 320, 15, 25, 843, 25, 975, 340, 2059, 7341, 0, 320, 15, 25, 1644, 25, 4103, 340, 3407, 31529, 43515, 320, 15, 25, 1958, 25, 3174, 340, 791, 41328, 315, 8545, 10099, 320, 15, 25, 1927, 25, 2137, 340, 791, 53103, 92822, 320, 15, 25, 1987, 25, 966, 340, 83166, 10742, 922, 279, 29691, 4676, 320, 15, 25, 3174, 25, 2131, 340, 12331, 483, 350, 569, 5346, 3536, 320, 15, 25, 3391, 25, 605, 340, 42, 6388, 753, 38403, 5613, 320, 15, 25, 2618, 25, 410, 340, 51, 569 ]
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[ 198, 1639, 743, 635, 423, 262, 3038, 286, 7373, 3224, 1321, 351, 262, 5834, 832, 3406, 10467, 12, 33553, 5483, 6343, 4809, 338, 1848, 13, 1002, 921, 3853, 284, 2148, 884, 1321, 290, 15644, 6060, 11, 1141, 9352, 393, 4306, 11, 921, 389, 3501, 262, 5834, 7170, 284, 779, 11, 2648, 11, 290, 3650, 340, 287, 257, 5642, 6414, 351, 428, 16777, 7820, 13, 198, 21918, 9745, 276, 981, 8554, 262, 15678, 198, 3633, 1262, 3954, 15678, 11, 287, 1502, 284, 2148, 3033, 286, 3954, 15678, 11, 775, 743, 2824, 11, 351, 534, 3161, 7170, 25, 198, 21918, 5115, 534, 4067, 198, 21300, 942, 290, 584, 1321, 422, 534, 16232, 338, 4676, 290, 4590, 5888, 198, 1135, 779, 428, 1321, 284, 2148, 3033, 286, 3954, 4809, 11, 284, 2987, 290, 24184, 3954, 4809, 13, 383, 1321, 743, 307, 19144, 284, 262, 5834, 338, 9597, 290, 14, 273, 257, 4809, 32549, 338, 4382, 393, 340, 307, 2391, 8574, 319, 3406, 3335, 13, 198, 1639, 460, 7139, 393, 15560, 1895, 284, 428, 1321, 379, 597, 640, 11, 832, 3406, 16232, 6460, 13, 198, 3152, 4809, 7518, 4157, 25, 775, 743, 2648, 3406, 2614, 1321, 351, 4809, 7518, 4157, 284, 5671, 290, 16602, 262, 779, 286, 674, 4809, 11, 329, 6074, 7587, 11, 284, 2800, 921, 13, 198, 3152, 584, 2985, 25, 618, 921, 2648, 2614, 1321, 393, 4306, 9427, 287, 262, 1171, 3006, 351, 584, 2985, 11, 884, 1321, 743, 307, 9569, 416, 477, 2985, 290, 743, 307, 7271, 9387, 2354, 13, 1002, 921, 9427, 351, 584, 2985 ]
[ 198, 2675, 1253, 1101, 617, 279, 3072, 315, 11821, 5217, 2038, 449, 279, 8351, 1555, 4718, 21530, 12, 38461, 9983, 7972, 5475, 596, 2759, 13, 1442, 1472, 5268, 311, 3493, 1778, 2038, 323, 19758, 2956, 11, 2391, 12506, 477, 6062, 11, 1472, 527, 7231, 279, 8351, 8041, 311, 1005, 11, 4430, 11, 323, 3637, 433, 304, 264, 11827, 13263, 449, 420, 19406, 11216, 627, 15218, 4349, 2258, 1418, 12362, 279, 7473, 198, 8142, 1701, 5751, 7473, 11, 304, 2015, 311, 3493, 4519, 315, 5751, 7473, 11, 1226, 1253, 6667, 11, 449, 701, 4972, 8041, 512, 15218, 9002, 701, 3813, 198, 77746, 323, 1023, 2038, 505, 701, 14227, 596, 6382, 323, 6685, 6875, 198, 1687, 1005, 420, 2038, 311, 3493, 4519, 315, 5751, 5475, 11, 311, 7417, 323, 32187, 5751, 5475, 13, 578, 2038, 1253, 387, 23700, 311, 279, 8351, 596, 16692, 323, 5255, 264, 5475, 23766, 596, 3622, 477, 433, 387, 5042, 9967, 389, 4718, 3756, 627, 2675, 649, 7431, 477, 11404, 2680, 311, 420, 2038, 520, 904, 892, 11, 1555, 4718, 14227, 5110, 627, 2409, 5475, 71029, 25, 1226, 1253, 4430, 4718, 4443, 2038, 449, 5475, 71029, 311, 8891, 323, 24564, 279, 1005, 315, 1057, 5475, 11, 369, 8323, 8863, 11, 311, 3729, 1472, 627, 2409, 1023, 3932, 25, 994, 1472, 4430, 4443, 2038, 477, 6062, 16681, 304, 279, 586, 5789, 449, 1023, 3932, 11, 1778, 2038, 1253, 387, 19894, 555, 682, 3932, 323, 1253, 387, 17880, 4332, 4994, 13, 1442, 1472, 16681, 449, 1023, 3932 ]
[ 477, 4254, 1555, 264, 21530, 12, 38461, 9983, 7972, 5475, 11, 4718, 19015, 389, 279, 21530, 12, 38461, 9983, 7972, 5475, 1253, 1518, 4718, 836, 11, 5643, 11, 9364, 323, 4096, 315, 4718, 5820, 13, 35339, 11, 1023, 3932, 690, 387, 3025, 311, 1684, 28887, 315, 4718, 5820, 11, 19570, 449, 1472, 323, 1684, 4718, 5643, 627, 102470, 64584, 8245, 389, 279, 29225, 315, 4718, 19758, 2956, 198, 102470, 1898, 71029, 617, 2680, 311, 4718, 19758, 2956, 1193, 311, 2804, 872, 9256, 389, 5751, 17981, 323, 527, 67976, 539, 311, 36333, 477, 1005, 433, 369, 904, 1023, 7580, 627, 102470, 14783, 33527, 198, 2675, 1253, 3469, 9994, 315, 3738, 5195, 33527, 4519, 1555, 701, 6505, 3756, 5110, 11, 1778, 439, 701, 3756, 13172, 5110, 477, 555, 2768, 279, 11470, 3984, 555, 5195, 304, 872, 19406, 11216, 25, 3788, 1129, 79, 43138, 5831, 916, 14, 47921, 30, 18442, 62857, 198, 2520, 810, 2038, 389, 279, 12625, 12659, 315, 5195, 11, 4587, 4034, 279, 5195, 19406, 20163, 3566, 2199, 25, 3788, 1129, 79, 43138, 5831, 916, 14, 47921, 30, 18442, 62857, 198, 64440, 374, 459, 28975, 2532, 3984, 555, 5195, 4953, 627, 2675, 1253, 3469, 9994, 315, 3738, 20261, 4519, 1555, 701, 6505, 3756, 5110, 11, 1778, 439, 701, 3756, 13172, 5110, 477, 555, 2768, 279, 11470, 3984, 555, 5195, 304, 872, 19406, 11216, 25, 3788, 1129, 79, 43138, 5831, 916, 14, 47921 ]
chart project back in April, which attempted to break out the entire U.S. population by type of healthcare coverage (or the lack thereof, in the case of the uninsured). Yesterday, Kaiser published a completely updated version of their analysis. In addition to having more recent data to work with (including the increased number of ACA exchange enrollees, the increased number of people covered by Medicaid thanks to ongoing ACA expansion progress, etc), they also made some changes in their methodology. The most obvious change is that their estimate of the total uninsured (non-elderly only; you'd have to bump the number up by perhaps 1 million more if seniors were included) has dropped from 32.3 million to 27.2 million nationally. In addition, however, the proportion of people falling into different categories has shifted as well. Here's how they break it out: Read more about Kaiser Family Foundation: 24% of remaining uninsured could be covered RIGHT NOW. THE GRAPH IS BACK, BABY!! OK, now that both HHS and I agree that the ACA exchange target for the 2017 Open Enrollment Period is around 13.8 million QHP selections, it's time to dust off The Graph and reset it for 2017. It was fairly easy
chart project back in April, which attempted to break out the entire U.S. population by type of healthcare coverage (or the lack thereof, in the case of the uninsured). Yesterday, Kaiser published a completely updated version of their analysis. In addition to having more recent data to work with (including the increased number of ACA exchange enrollees, the increased number of people covered by Medicaid thanks to ongoing ACA expansion progress, etc), they also made some changes in their methodology. The most obvious change is that their estimate of the total uninsured (non-elderly only; you'd have to bump the number up by perhaps 1 million more if seniors were included) has dropped from 32.3 million to 27.2 million nationally. In addition, however, the proportion of people falling into different categories has shifted as well. Here's how they break it out: Read more about Kaiser Family Foundation: 24% of remaining uninsured could be covered RIGHT NOW. THE GRAPH IS BACK, BABY!! OK, now that both HHS and I agree that the ACA exchange target for the 2017 Open Enrollment Period is around 13.8 million QHP selections, it's time to dust off The Graph and reset it for 2017. It was fairly easy
to do so this time because this is the first year that the starting and ending dates match (November 1st to January 31st). All I really had to do was bump up the 1/31/17 projection from 12.7 million to 13.8 million, and the rest of the projection line adjusted accordingly. With that in mind, here's how I expect things to play out for Year 4 (click below for a higher-res version): Some important notes to keep in mind: Read more about THE GRAPH IS BACK, BABY!! My expectations: 13.5 - 14.0 million QHP selections for OE4 (UPDATE: So does HHS) Unfortunately, due to an ongoing side project of mine, I haven't had a chance to write up a full analysis/projection for OE4 as I usually do around this time. However, I've been informed that the HHS Dept. plans on issuing their 2017 Open Enrollment projections in the near future, so I'm throwing this out there quickly: I expect somewhere between 13.5 - 14.0 million people are likely to select QHPs via the ACA exchanges during the 2017 Open Enrollment Period (which runs from 11/01/16
[ 8262, 1628, 736, 287, 3035, 11, 543, 7482, 284, 2270, 503, 262, 2104, 471, 13, 50, 13, 3265, 416, 2099, 286, 11409, 5197, 357, 273, 262, 3092, 15370, 11, 287, 262, 1339, 286, 262, 32736, 737, 198, 28065, 11, 32670, 3199, 257, 3190, 6153, 2196, 286, 511, 3781, 13, 554, 3090, 284, 1719, 517, 2274, 1366, 284, 670, 351, 357, 8201, 262, 3220, 1271, 286, 27628, 5163, 34311, 49410, 11, 262, 3220, 1271, 286, 661, 5017, 416, 13594, 5176, 284, 7044, 27628, 7118, 4371, 11, 3503, 828, 484, 635, 925, 617, 2458, 287, 511, 20411, 13, 383, 749, 3489, 1487, 318, 326, 511, 8636, 286, 262, 2472, 32736, 357, 13159, 12, 68, 6499, 306, 691, 26, 345, 1549, 423, 284, 13852, 262, 1271, 510, 416, 3737, 352, 1510, 517, 611, 23481, 547, 3017, 8, 468, 5710, 422, 3933, 13, 18, 1510, 284, 2681, 13, 17, 1510, 18845, 13, 198, 818, 3090, 11, 2158, 11, 262, 9823, 286, 661, 7463, 656, 1180, 9376, 468, 14869, 355, 880, 13, 3423, 338, 703, 484, 2270, 340, 503, 25, 198, 5569, 517, 546, 32670, 7884, 5693, 25, 1987, 4, 286, 5637, 32736, 714, 307, 5017, 33621, 20229, 13, 198, 10970, 10863, 31300, 3180, 28767, 11, 347, 6242, 56, 3228, 198, 11380, 11, 783, 326, 1111, 45497, 290, 314, 4236, 326, 262, 27628, 5163, 2496, 329, 262, 2177, 4946, 2039, 48108, 18581, 318, 1088, 1511, 13, 23, 1510, 1195, 14082, 28224, 11, 340, 338, 640, 284, 8977, 572, 383, 29681, 290, 13259, 340, 329, 2177, 13, 198, 1026, 373, 6547, 2562 ]
[ 9676, 2447, 1203, 304, 5936, 11, 902, 17644, 311, 1464, 704, 279, 4553, 549, 815, 13, 7187, 555, 955, 315, 18985, 10401, 320, 269, 279, 6996, 34366, 11, 304, 279, 1162, 315, 279, 82707, 4390, 51377, 11, 68065, 4756, 264, 6724, 6177, 2373, 315, 872, 6492, 13, 763, 5369, 311, 3515, 810, 3293, 828, 311, 990, 449, 320, 16564, 279, 7319, 1396, 315, 66038, 9473, 66466, 273, 288, 11, 279, 7319, 1396, 315, 1274, 9960, 555, 34129, 9523, 311, 14529, 66038, 14800, 5208, 11, 5099, 705, 814, 1101, 1903, 1063, 4442, 304, 872, 38152, 13, 578, 1455, 8196, 2349, 374, 430, 872, 16430, 315, 279, 2860, 82707, 320, 6414, 12, 68076, 398, 1193, 26, 499, 4265, 617, 311, 28675, 279, 1396, 709, 555, 8530, 220, 16, 3610, 810, 422, 38349, 1051, 5343, 8, 706, 12504, 505, 220, 843, 13, 18, 3610, 311, 220, 1544, 13, 17, 3610, 40343, 627, 644, 5369, 11, 4869, 11, 279, 21801, 315, 1274, 16054, 1139, 2204, 11306, 706, 30073, 439, 1664, 13, 5810, 596, 1268, 814, 1464, 433, 704, 512, 4518, 810, 922, 68065, 12517, 5114, 25, 220, 1187, 4, 315, 9861, 82707, 1436, 387, 9960, 28577, 23214, 627, 17673, 69736, 3507, 33182, 11, 60411, 56, 51447, 4012, 11, 1457, 430, 2225, 473, 12228, 323, 358, 7655, 430, 279, 66038, 9473, 2218, 369, 279, 220, 679, 22, 5377, 89084, 26572, 374, 2212, 220, 1032, 13, 23, 3610, 1229, 6748, 38499, 11, 433, 596, 892, 311, 16174, 1022, 578, 12441, 323, 7738, 433, 369, 220, 679, 22, 627, 2181, 574, 14470, 4228 ]
[ 311, 656, 779, 420, 892, 1606, 420, 374, 279, 1176, 1060, 430, 279, 6041, 323, 13696, 13003, 2489, 320, 34827, 220, 16, 267, 311, 6186, 220, 2148, 267, 570, 2052, 358, 2216, 1047, 311, 656, 574, 28675, 709, 279, 220, 16, 14, 2148, 14, 1114, 22343, 505, 220, 717, 13, 22, 3610, 311, 220, 1032, 13, 23, 3610, 11, 323, 279, 2800, 315, 279, 22343, 1584, 24257, 28178, 627, 2409, 430, 304, 4059, 11, 1618, 596, 1268, 358, 1755, 2574, 311, 1514, 704, 369, 9941, 220, 19, 320, 3763, 3770, 369, 264, 5190, 11849, 2373, 997, 8538, 3062, 8554, 311, 2567, 304, 4059, 512, 4518, 810, 922, 3247, 69736, 3507, 33182, 11, 60411, 56, 51447, 5159, 17078, 25, 220, 1032, 13, 20, 482, 220, 975, 13, 15, 3610, 1229, 6748, 38499, 369, 56630, 19, 320, 9422, 25, 2100, 1587, 473, 12228, 340, 31140, 11, 4245, 311, 459, 14529, 3185, 2447, 315, 10705, 11, 358, 9167, 956, 1047, 264, 6140, 311, 3350, 709, 264, 2539, 6492, 18493, 7761, 369, 56630, 19, 439, 358, 6118, 656, 2212, 420, 892, 627, 11458, 11, 358, 3077, 1027, 16369, 430, 279, 473, 12228, 51321, 13, 6787, 389, 43221, 872, 220, 679, 22, 5377, 89084, 41579, 304, 279, 3221, 3938, 11, 779, 358, 2846, 21939, 420, 704, 1070, 6288, 512, 40, 1755, 15038, 1990, 220, 1032, 13, 20, 482, 220, 975, 13, 15, 3610, 1274, 527, 4461, 311, 3373, 1229, 6748, 82, 4669, 279, 66038, 30098, 2391, 279, 220, 679, 22, 5377, 89084, 26572, 320, 8370, 8640, 505, 220, 806, 14, 1721, 14, 845 ]
] EWHC 1084; [2003] 2 C.L.C. 152; [2004] Lloyd's Rep. I.R. 426 QBD (Comm)| [6–027, 6–048 Phillips & Co v Bath Housing Co-operative Ltd 2012] EWCA Civ 1591; [2013] 1 W.L.R. 1479; [2013] 2 All E.R. 475; [2013] C.P. Rep. 12; [2013] 1 Costs L.R. 163; [2013] B.P.I.R. 102; [2013] 1 E.G. 48 (C.S.)| [3–022 Phillips Petroleum Co (UK) Ltd v Enron (Europe) Ltd 1997] C.L.C. 329 CA (Civ Div)| [2–100 Phillips Products v Hyland 1987] 1 W.L.R. 659; [1987] 2 All E.R. 620 CA (Civ Div)| [7–055, 7–058, 7–071, 7–082 Phillipson v Hayter (1870–71) L.R.
] EWHC 1084; [2003] 2 C.L.C. 152; [2004] Lloyd's Rep. I.R. 426 QBD (Comm)| [6–027, 6–048 Phillips & Co v Bath Housing Co-operative Ltd 2012] EWCA Civ 1591; [2013] 1 W.L.R. 1479; [2013] 2 All E.R. 475; [2013] C.P. Rep. 12; [2013] 1 Costs L.R. 163; [2013] B.P.I.R. 102; [2013] 1 E.G. 48 (C.S.)| [3–022 Phillips Petroleum Co (UK) Ltd v Enron (Europe) Ltd 1997] C.L.C. 329 CA (Civ Div)| [2–100 Phillips Products v Hyland 1987] 1 W.L.R. 659; [1987] 2 All E.R. 620 CA (Civ Div)| [7–055, 7–058, 7–071, 7–082 Phillipson v Hayter (1870–71) L.R.
6 C.P. 38 CCP| 16–018 Phillipson v Kerry (1863) 32 Beav 628| 8–078 Philpot v Gruninger (1872) 14 Wall 570| 3–009 Phipps v Orthodox Unit Trusts 1958] 1 Q.B. 314; [1957] 3 W.L.R. 856 CA| [20–066 Phoebus D Kypriamou Co v Wm H Pim Jr & Co 1977] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 570 QBD (Comm)| [20–070 Phoenix General Insurance Co of Greece SA v Halvanon Insurance Co Ltd; sub nom Phoenix General Insurance Co of Greece SA v Administratia Asigurarilor de Stat 1988] Q.B. 216; [1987] 2 W.L.R. 512 CA (Civ Div)| [11–020, 11–111, 11–115, 11–119, 11–122, 21–003 Phonogram Ltd v Lane 1982] Q.B. 938; [1981] 3 W.L.R. 736; [1981] 3 All E
[ 60, 412, 12418, 34, 838, 5705, 26, 685, 16088, 60, 362, 327, 13, 43, 13, 34, 13, 24848, 26, 685, 15724, 60, 22361, 338, 1432, 13, 314, 13, 49, 13, 48065, 1195, 14529, 357, 6935, 14726, 685, 21, 1906, 44698, 11, 718, 1906, 47202, 220, 220, 198, 41970, 2419, 1222, 1766, 410, 24967, 16797, 1766, 12, 27173, 12052, 2321, 60, 43255, 8141, 47909, 1315, 6420, 26, 685, 6390, 60, 352, 370, 13, 43, 13, 49, 13, 1478, 3720, 26, 685, 6390, 60, 362, 1439, 412, 13, 49, 13, 45881, 26, 685, 6390, 60, 327, 13, 47, 13, 1432, 13, 1105, 26, 685, 6390, 60, 352, 36845, 406, 13, 49, 13, 26826, 26, 685, 6390, 60, 347, 13, 47, 13, 40, 13, 49, 13, 15143, 26, 685, 6390, 60, 352, 412, 13, 38, 13, 4764, 357, 34, 13, 50, 2014, 91, 685, 18, 1906, 44087, 220, 220, 198, 41970, 2419, 39970, 1766, 357, 15039, 8, 12052, 410, 2039, 1313, 357, 16112, 8, 12052, 8309, 60, 327, 13, 43, 13, 34, 13, 42141, 7257, 357, 34, 452, 4777, 14726, 685, 17, 1906, 3064, 220, 220, 198, 41970, 2419, 18675, 410, 6707, 1044, 12923, 60, 352, 370, 13, 43, 13, 49, 13, 718, 3270, 26, 685, 27301, 60, 362, 1439, 412, 13, 49, 13, 45469, 7257, 357, 34, 452, 4777, 14726, 685, 22, 1906, 47838, 11, 767, 1906, 2713, 23, 11, 767, 1906, 2998, 16, 11, 767, 1906, 2919, 17, 220, 220, 198, 41970, 541, 1559, 410, 9075, 353, 357, 1507, 2154, 1906, 4869, 8, 406, 13, 49, 13 ]
[ 60, 469, 20484, 34, 220, 6640, 19, 26, 510, 1049, 18, 60, 220, 17, 356, 1236, 732, 13, 220, 9756, 26, 510, 1049, 19, 60, 46296, 596, 3402, 13, 358, 2056, 13, 220, 20363, 1229, 9740, 320, 18461, 18419, 510, 21, 4235, 21360, 11, 220, 21, 4235, 23904, 2355, 92777, 3153, 612, 3623, 348, 19710, 31433, 3623, 90093, 12604, 220, 679, 17, 60, 64095, 5158, 80235, 220, 11068, 16, 26, 510, 679, 18, 60, 220, 16, 468, 1236, 2056, 13, 220, 10288, 24, 26, 510, 679, 18, 60, 220, 17, 2052, 469, 2056, 13, 220, 19799, 26, 510, 679, 18, 60, 356, 1087, 13, 3402, 13, 220, 717, 26, 510, 679, 18, 60, 220, 16, 64141, 445, 2056, 13, 220, 9892, 26, 510, 679, 18, 60, 426, 1087, 2506, 2056, 13, 220, 4278, 26, 510, 679, 18, 60, 220, 16, 469, 1246, 13, 220, 2166, 320, 34, 815, 6266, 91, 510, 18, 4235, 18642, 2355, 92777, 3153, 73026, 3623, 320, 25554, 8, 12604, 348, 2998, 2298, 320, 31880, 8, 12604, 220, 2550, 22, 60, 356, 1236, 732, 13, 220, 18196, 9362, 320, 34, 344, 8940, 18419, 510, 17, 4235, 1041, 2355, 92777, 3153, 15899, 348, 10320, 1974, 220, 3753, 22, 60, 220, 16, 468, 1236, 2056, 13, 220, 25090, 26, 510, 3753, 22, 60, 220, 17, 2052, 469, 2056, 13, 220, 17416, 9362, 320, 34, 344, 8940, 18419, 510, 22, 4235, 22913, 11, 220, 22, 4235, 24824, 11, 220, 22, 4235, 24508, 11, 220, 22, 4235, 24996, 2355, 92777, 575, 942, 348, 18276, 466, 320, 9674, 15, 4235, 6028, 8, 445, 2056, 13 ]
[ 220, 21, 356, 1087, 13, 220, 1987, 77021, 91, 220, 845, 4235, 16745, 2355, 92777, 575, 942, 348, 40340, 320, 9714, 18, 8, 220, 843, 2893, 402, 220, 23574, 91, 220, 23, 4235, 24850, 2355, 30690, 19644, 348, 2895, 359, 5248, 320, 9674, 17, 8, 220, 975, 9935, 220, 18712, 91, 220, 18, 4235, 13858, 2355, 47, 2200, 1725, 348, 46273, 8113, 17236, 82, 220, 6280, 23, 60, 220, 16, 1229, 1823, 13, 220, 16104, 26, 510, 6280, 22, 60, 220, 18, 468, 1236, 2056, 13, 220, 25505, 9362, 91, 510, 508, 4235, 23835, 2355, 3438, 78, 3141, 355, 423, 735, 1100, 462, 309, 283, 3623, 348, 468, 76, 473, 393, 318, 16014, 612, 3623, 220, 4468, 22, 60, 220, 17, 46296, 596, 3402, 13, 220, 18712, 1229, 9740, 320, 18461, 18419, 510, 508, 4235, 17819, 2355, 79925, 3331, 22413, 3623, 315, 25431, 16998, 348, 20442, 16023, 263, 22413, 3623, 12604, 26, 1207, 9859, 23503, 3331, 22413, 3623, 315, 25431, 16998, 348, 33951, 266, 689, 1666, 343, 76959, 50638, 409, 12442, 220, 3753, 23, 60, 1229, 1823, 13, 220, 12463, 26, 510, 3753, 22, 60, 220, 17, 468, 1236, 2056, 13, 220, 8358, 9362, 320, 34, 344, 8940, 18419, 510, 806, 4235, 11139, 11, 220, 806, 4235, 5037, 11, 220, 806, 4235, 7322, 11, 220, 806, 4235, 9079, 11, 220, 806, 4235, 8259, 11, 220, 1691, 4235, 6268, 2355, 3438, 263, 13255, 12604, 348, 27109, 220, 3753, 17, 60, 1229, 1823, 13, 220, 25454, 26, 510, 3753, 16, 60, 220, 18, 468, 1236, 2056, 13, 220, 23969, 26, 510, 3753, 16, 60, 220, 18, 2052, 469 ]
. Glad you're having fun with the camera and that it's finally raining! Yay! Rain! We got a downpour here yesterday, which means no dragging six hoses and a tripod sprinkler out to the corn garden. I am glad that you finally got your much anticipated, long awaited, rain! Kudos to you for being able to read directions and actually figure out ANYTHING at all!!! I am NOT good at reading or following directions to anything...I blame it on my ADD (lol!). The much-awaited rain is preventing me from playing outside with the new camera. 24 hours of drizzle, if you can believe it. It hasn't amounted to much - not quite two-tenths of an inch - but beggars can't be choosy. Cindy, Smooch does look like a basenji but her parentage remains a mystery. She's just proud to be an all-New Mexican mutt. That dog is spooking me out! Smooch looks like she can see through your soul. Such wisdom in those eyes. That camera makes her look so soft, too. Your blog made be chuckle! Of course, that made me realize that I should
. Glad you're having fun with the camera and that it's finally raining! Yay! Rain! We got a downpour here yesterday, which means no dragging six hoses and a tripod sprinkler out to the corn garden. I am glad that you finally got your much anticipated, long awaited, rain! Kudos to you for being able to read directions and actually figure out ANYTHING at all!!! I am NOT good at reading or following directions to anything...I blame it on my ADD (lol!). The much-awaited rain is preventing me from playing outside with the new camera. 24 hours of drizzle, if you can believe it. It hasn't amounted to much - not quite two-tenths of an inch - but beggars can't be choosy. Cindy, Smooch does look like a basenji but her parentage remains a mystery. She's just proud to be an all-New Mexican mutt. That dog is spooking me out! Smooch looks like she can see through your soul. Such wisdom in those eyes. That camera makes her look so soft, too. Your blog made be chuckle! Of course, that made me realize that I should
subscribe so I did. Can't wait to hear more about your adventures in the outback of NM. Made a similar, although less drastic change, when I moved from urban Florida to rural Oregon. Can't believe how lucky I am to have discovered this piece of paradise. OK, pictures do lie, Twinville. When you meet Smooch, and I hope you will someday soon, you will realize she is just a total goober. If she sees through your soul, it's only because your soul is made of either jackrabbits or treats. Oregonella, I'm headed your way now. I've never heard my place called "the outback of NM" but it certainly has a ring to it! Expected 10th December - available as a limited edition Fan Box which comes with !Tre!, a collectable Green Day sticker and space for !Uno! & !Dos! The third in the new Green Day album trilogy! Billie Joe says the band are progressing their sound and certainly not going backwards "..there are so many bands who make the mistake – "We're going back, old-school." Well, that's all you're doing. You already did it. So we're changing the
[ 13, 28442, 345, 821, 1719, 1257, 351, 262, 4676, 290, 326, 340, 338, 3443, 43079, 0, 198, 56, 323, 0, 10301, 0, 775, 1392, 257, 866, 48681, 994, 7415, 11, 543, 1724, 645, 25046, 2237, 289, 4629, 290, 257, 47439, 27562, 1754, 503, 284, 262, 11676, 11376, 13, 198, 40, 716, 9675, 326, 345, 3443, 1392, 534, 881, 14486, 11, 890, 39576, 11, 6290, 0, 198, 42, 42418, 284, 345, 329, 852, 1498, 284, 1100, 11678, 290, 1682, 3785, 503, 15529, 39356, 379, 477, 10185, 314, 716, 5626, 922, 379, 3555, 393, 1708, 11678, 284, 1997, 986, 40, 8138, 340, 319, 616, 27841, 357, 47288, 19588, 198, 464, 881, 12, 41742, 6290, 318, 12174, 502, 422, 2712, 2354, 351, 262, 649, 4676, 13, 1987, 2250, 286, 1454, 26413, 11, 611, 345, 460, 1975, 340, 13, 632, 5818, 470, 30008, 284, 881, 532, 407, 2407, 734, 12, 83, 7944, 82, 286, 281, 11111, 532, 475, 44887, 945, 460, 470, 307, 1727, 418, 88, 13, 198, 34, 521, 88, 11, 2439, 2238, 354, 857, 804, 588, 257, 1615, 268, 7285, 475, 607, 2560, 496, 3793, 257, 10715, 13, 1375, 338, 655, 6613, 284, 307, 281, 477, 12, 3791, 10816, 4517, 83, 13, 198, 2504, 3290, 318, 599, 566, 278, 502, 503, 0, 2439, 2238, 354, 3073, 588, 673, 460, 766, 832, 534, 5848, 13, 8013, 11501, 287, 883, 2951, 13, 198, 2504, 4676, 1838, 607, 804, 523, 2705, 11, 1165, 13, 198, 7120, 4130, 925, 307, 43355, 0, 3226, 1781, 11, 326, 925, 502, 6537, 326, 314, 815 ]
[ 13, 52741, 499, 2351, 3515, 2523, 449, 279, 6382, 323, 430, 433, 596, 5616, 84353, 4999, 56, 352, 0, 22674, 0, 1226, 2751, 264, 1523, 55619, 1618, 13985, 11, 902, 3445, 912, 43476, 4848, 96936, 323, 264, 92154, 51798, 1565, 704, 311, 279, 14095, 13863, 627, 40, 1097, 16089, 430, 499, 5616, 2751, 701, 1790, 30199, 11, 1317, 79578, 11, 11422, 4999, 42, 46179, 311, 499, 369, 1694, 3025, 311, 1373, 18445, 323, 3604, 7216, 704, 4230, 57764, 520, 682, 12340, 358, 1097, 4276, 1695, 520, 5403, 477, 2768, 18445, 311, 4205, 1131, 40, 19065, 433, 389, 856, 16191, 320, 60419, 0, 4390, 791, 1790, 90350, 11422, 374, 27252, 757, 505, 5737, 4994, 449, 279, 502, 6382, 13, 220, 1187, 4207, 315, 1377, 44237, 11, 422, 499, 649, 4510, 433, 13, 1102, 12775, 956, 74319, 311, 1790, 482, 539, 5115, 1403, 2442, 306, 5104, 315, 459, 17560, 482, 719, 2197, 64502, 649, 956, 387, 2665, 124791, 627, 34, 50090, 11, 4487, 2689, 331, 1587, 1427, 1093, 264, 3122, 268, 7910, 719, 1077, 2748, 425, 8625, 264, 23347, 13, 3005, 596, 1120, 12691, 311, 387, 459, 682, 90837, 24160, 5318, 83, 627, 4897, 5679, 374, 993, 1982, 287, 757, 704, 0, 4487, 2689, 331, 5992, 1093, 1364, 649, 1518, 1555, 701, 13836, 13, 15483, 24278, 304, 1884, 6548, 627, 4897, 6382, 3727, 1077, 1427, 779, 8579, 11, 2288, 627, 7927, 5117, 1903, 387, 43560, 273, 0, 5046, 3388, 11, 430, 1903, 757, 13383, 430, 358, 1288 ]
[ 18447, 779, 358, 1550, 13, 3053, 956, 3868, 311, 6865, 810, 922, 701, 32078, 304, 279, 704, 1445, 315, 40814, 13, 19332, 264, 4528, 11, 8051, 2753, 60883, 2349, 11, 994, 358, 7882, 505, 16036, 9784, 311, 19624, 19313, 13, 3053, 956, 4510, 1268, 18069, 358, 1097, 311, 617, 11352, 420, 6710, 315, 50852, 627, 4012, 11, 9364, 656, 10457, 11, 36047, 8078, 13, 3277, 499, 3449, 4487, 2689, 331, 11, 323, 358, 3987, 499, 690, 54108, 5246, 11, 499, 690, 13383, 1364, 374, 1120, 264, 2860, 733, 6048, 13, 1442, 1364, 16008, 1555, 701, 13836, 11, 433, 596, 1193, 1606, 701, 13836, 374, 1903, 315, 3060, 26128, 51205, 11777, 477, 32839, 627, 93183, 6985, 11, 358, 2846, 19946, 701, 1648, 1457, 13, 358, 3077, 2646, 6755, 856, 2035, 2663, 330, 1820, 704, 1445, 315, 40814, 1, 719, 433, 7995, 706, 264, 10264, 311, 433, 0, 32121, 220, 605, 339, 6790, 482, 2561, 439, 264, 7347, 14002, 25744, 8425, 902, 4131, 449, 758, 66875, 17581, 264, 6667, 481, 7997, 6187, 47277, 323, 3634, 369, 758, 48037, 0, 612, 758, 85443, 4999, 791, 4948, 304, 279, 502, 7997, 6187, 8176, 57886, 4999, 28576, 648, 13142, 2795, 279, 7200, 527, 76722, 872, 5222, 323, 7995, 539, 2133, 29512, 33313, 19041, 527, 779, 1690, 21562, 889, 1304, 279, 16930, 1389, 330, 1687, 2351, 2133, 1203, 11, 2362, 35789, 1210, 8489, 11, 430, 596, 682, 499, 2351, 3815, 13, 1472, 2736, 1550, 433, 13, 2100, 584, 2351, 10223, 279 ]
aged concerts, skits, and film screenings in the 1930s and presenting Gurdjieff-inspired physical movements in the 1950s, the Fellowship’s performances by the 1960s culminated in original dance dramas, written and choreographed by Wright’s daughter, Iovanna Lloyd Wright. Taking inspiration from Gurdjieff’s philosophy and from her father’s architectural concepts, Iovanna’s work, though created in isolation, echoes aspects of the physical culture movement and connects with twentieth-century expressive dance. Taken together, the performing arts activities that occurred at Taliesin and Taliesin West from the 1930s to the 1970s asserted the Fellowship’s role in decentralizing the American cultural landscape. The Fellowship’s performances cultivated spectators who appreciated locally developed productions, the same audiences who by the 1960s in Arizona and the 1980s in Wisconsin were receptive to the regional theatre movement. By translating spiritual ideas onto the stage through her choreography, Iovanna Lloyd Wright in particular laid the foundation for local spectators to appreciate experimental work that was created nearby, rather than imported from New York. Frank Lloyd Wright started his apprenticeship program in the fall of 1932 with twenty-three students.[1
aged concerts, skits, and film screenings in the 1930s and presenting Gurdjieff-inspired physical movements in the 1950s, the Fellowship’s performances by the 1960s culminated in original dance dramas, written and choreographed by Wright’s daughter, Iovanna Lloyd Wright. Taking inspiration from Gurdjieff’s philosophy and from her father’s architectural concepts, Iovanna’s work, though created in isolation, echoes aspects of the physical culture movement and connects with twentieth-century expressive dance. Taken together, the performing arts activities that occurred at Taliesin and Taliesin West from the 1930s to the 1970s asserted the Fellowship’s role in decentralizing the American cultural landscape. The Fellowship’s performances cultivated spectators who appreciated locally developed productions, the same audiences who by the 1960s in Arizona and the 1980s in Wisconsin were receptive to the regional theatre movement. By translating spiritual ideas onto the stage through her choreography, Iovanna Lloyd Wright in particular laid the foundation for local spectators to appreciate experimental work that was created nearby, rather than imported from New York. Frank Lloyd Wright started his apprenticeship program in the fall of 1932 with twenty-three students.[1
] An early prospectus describes the Fellowship as a structured experience: “The way of life is simple: meals in common, fixed hours for all work, recreation and sleep. Rooms for individual study and rest. Imaginative entertainment is a feature of the home life. Music, drama, literature, the cinema of our own and other countries. Evening conferences with musicians, writers, artists and scientists who visit the Fellowship or are invited to sojourn.”[2] There were no formal classes, textbooks, or exams; as former apprentice Edgar Tafel notes, students “learned by doing — the Taliesin way — and by listening.”[3] Daily tasks included assisting Wright with architectural drawings and models, carrying out construction, maintenance, and farm work, preparing meals for the Fellowship community, and, under the guidance of Wright and his third wife Olgivanna, organizing cultural events and performances. As one of their first construction projects, apprentices remodeled the old gymnasium of the Hillside Home School into the Taliesin Playhouse, and later built additional theatres at Taliesin West. Fulfilling Wright’s plan to incorporate the performing arts into the Fellowship, the Taliesin community used
[ 1886, 28565, 11, 1341, 896, 11, 290, 2646, 41377, 287, 262, 15533, 82, 290, 17728, 402, 2799, 73, 494, 487, 12, 24194, 3518, 8650, 287, 262, 11445, 82, 11, 262, 36293, 447, 247, 82, 13289, 416, 262, 9507, 82, 45200, 287, 2656, 9280, 43972, 11, 3194, 290, 30569, 39620, 416, 12206, 447, 247, 82, 4957, 11, 314, 709, 7697, 22361, 12206, 13, 20879, 12141, 422, 402, 2799, 73, 494, 487, 447, 247, 82, 8876, 290, 422, 607, 2988, 447, 247, 82, 27070, 10838, 11, 314, 709, 7697, 447, 247, 82, 670, 11, 996, 2727, 287, 15133, 11, 30346, 7612, 286, 262, 3518, 3968, 3356, 290, 20417, 351, 29112, 12, 14792, 38084, 9280, 13, 198, 51, 1685, 1978, 11, 262, 9489, 10848, 4568, 326, 5091, 379, 7193, 444, 259, 290, 7193, 444, 259, 2688, 422, 262, 15533, 82, 284, 262, 8069, 82, 21635, 262, 36293, 447, 247, 82, 2597, 287, 20649, 2890, 262, 1605, 6467, 10747, 13, 383, 36293, 447, 247, 82, 13289, 30499, 31704, 508, 16373, 15726, 4166, 32260, 11, 262, 976, 15579, 508, 416, 262, 9507, 82, 287, 7943, 290, 262, 7169, 82, 287, 9279, 547, 41062, 284, 262, 7915, 21421, 3356, 13, 2750, 34665, 8557, 4213, 4291, 262, 3800, 832, 607, 30569, 4867, 11, 314, 709, 7697, 22361, 12206, 287, 1948, 8104, 262, 8489, 329, 1957, 31704, 284, 9144, 11992, 670, 326, 373, 2727, 6716, 11, 2138, 621, 17392, 422, 968, 1971, 13, 198, 17439, 22361, 12206, 2067, 465, 38523, 1056, 1430, 287, 262, 2121, 286, 32471, 351, 8208, 12, 15542, 2444, 3693, 16 ]
[ 3359, 47679, 11, 1940, 1220, 11, 323, 4632, 84606, 304, 279, 220, 7285, 15, 82, 323, 32644, 480, 16468, 97337, 544, 53161, 7106, 19567, 304, 279, 220, 6280, 15, 82, 11, 279, 65742, 753, 24601, 555, 279, 220, 5162, 15, 82, 11957, 52299, 304, 4113, 15612, 88826, 11, 5439, 323, 50671, 91673, 555, 27839, 753, 10003, 11, 358, 869, 12930, 46296, 27839, 13, 36925, 20343, 505, 480, 16468, 97337, 544, 753, 19675, 323, 505, 1077, 7126, 753, 43563, 19476, 11, 358, 869, 12930, 753, 990, 11, 3582, 3549, 304, 31398, 11, 71057, 13878, 315, 279, 7106, 7829, 7351, 323, 34161, 449, 62520, 34457, 78223, 15612, 627, 66769, 3871, 11, 279, 16785, 19071, 7640, 430, 10222, 520, 18051, 552, 258, 323, 18051, 552, 258, 4410, 505, 279, 220, 7285, 15, 82, 311, 279, 220, 4468, 15, 82, 50697, 279, 65742, 753, 3560, 304, 39205, 4954, 279, 3778, 13042, 18921, 13, 578, 65742, 753, 24601, 67166, 70402, 889, 26893, 24392, 8040, 54248, 11, 279, 1890, 30994, 889, 555, 279, 220, 5162, 15, 82, 304, 17368, 323, 279, 220, 3753, 15, 82, 304, 21073, 1051, 88651, 311, 279, 15481, 34596, 7351, 13, 3296, 67371, 18330, 6848, 8800, 279, 6566, 1555, 1077, 50671, 5814, 11, 358, 869, 12930, 46296, 27839, 304, 4040, 17551, 279, 16665, 369, 2254, 70402, 311, 15763, 22772, 990, 430, 574, 3549, 14373, 11, 4856, 1109, 25973, 505, 1561, 4356, 627, 38426, 46296, 27839, 3940, 813, 72351, 2200, 2068, 304, 279, 4498, 315, 220, 7285, 17, 449, 17510, 49493, 4236, 8032, 16 ]
[ 60, 1556, 4216, 22199, 355, 16964, 279, 65742, 439, 264, 34030, 3217, 25, 1054, 791, 1648, 315, 2324, 374, 4382, 25, 21644, 304, 4279, 11, 8521, 4207, 369, 682, 990, 11, 47044, 323, 6212, 13, 48403, 369, 3927, 4007, 323, 2800, 13, 77533, 258, 1413, 16924, 374, 264, 4668, 315, 279, 2162, 2324, 13, 10948, 11, 20156, 11, 17649, 11, 279, 34292, 315, 1057, 1866, 323, 1023, 5961, 13, 57202, 38614, 449, 32629, 11, 16483, 11, 13820, 323, 14248, 889, 4034, 279, 65742, 477, 527, 18719, 311, 779, 73, 3514, 2029, 58, 17, 60, 2684, 1051, 912, 16287, 6989, 11, 65303, 11, 477, 40786, 26, 439, 4846, 83299, 60091, 350, 2642, 301, 8554, 11, 4236, 1054, 12964, 291, 555, 3815, 2001, 279, 18051, 552, 258, 1648, 2001, 323, 555, 14624, 2029, 58, 18, 60, 13690, 9256, 5343, 46927, 27839, 449, 43563, 38940, 323, 4211, 11, 15691, 704, 8246, 11, 13709, 11, 323, 8961, 990, 11, 20646, 21644, 369, 279, 65742, 4029, 11, 323, 11, 1234, 279, 19351, 315, 27839, 323, 813, 4948, 7555, 507, 12082, 344, 12930, 11, 35821, 13042, 4455, 323, 24601, 627, 2170, 832, 315, 872, 1176, 8246, 7224, 11, 72351, 1323, 97579, 279, 2362, 19343, 46523, 2411, 315, 279, 8270, 3002, 5492, 6150, 1139, 279, 18051, 552, 258, 7199, 7830, 11, 323, 3010, 5918, 5217, 47213, 417, 520, 18051, 552, 258, 4410, 13, 48550, 7712, 287, 27839, 753, 3197, 311, 33435, 279, 16785, 19071, 1139, 279, 65742, 11, 279, 18051, 552, 258, 4029, 1511 ]
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[ 262, 3825, 8141, 6089, 11, 2826, 287, 465, 13669, 290, 3513, 13, 198, 25460, 14344, 46267, 287, 262, 3837, 198, 44893, 379, 14417, 2986, 9500, 5053, 862, 23782, 39626, 28298, 286, 262, 2905, 11318, 3399, 198, 18165, 447, 247, 82, 13325, 267, 2044, 6164, 5071, 287, 33405, 2271, 371, 2238, 198, 10260, 422, 262, 7663, 25, 11140, 329, 38083, 447, 247, 82, 9164, 48892, 284, 10054, 329, 12168, 33259, 198, 24274, 2097, 14882, 10604, 12033, 287, 23897, 18518, 198, 9203, 17680, 12481, 23897, 18518, 5856, 10216, 2445, 26313, 198, 34, 8596, 18518, 3337, 379, 14417, 2986, 9500, 28921, 689, 642, 400, 21967, 198, 46181, 9503, 5136, 447, 247, 82, 20899, 3998, 353, 24423, 4225, 40625, 4992, 11289, 198, 25606, 287, 28537, 41401, 968, 26658, 284, 11140, 329, 9164, 38083, 337, 1523, 198, 6601, 7929, 17003, 319, 13397, 286, 9164, 38083, 12379, 11820, 979, 48892, 198, 19895, 3609, 1435, 2735, 784, 20443, 31209, 495, 25, 15595, 8798, 284, 262, 6663, 7129, 784, 1583, 13, 11817, 2350, 371, 747, 14057, 198, 35, 1412, 329, 262, 31823, 286, 262, 6663, 7129, 198, 6601, 329, 360, 1191, 25, 10816, 5905, 28089, 1514, 10231, 284, 22086, 34686, 41976, 26041, 198, 464, 10442, 326, 447, 247, 82, 34689, 2744, 874, 198, 24675, 24469, 15595, 22520, 379, 14417, 2986, 9500, 33687, 26685, 284, 6755, 21986, 19946, 198, 34, 6557, 76, 3301, 390, 1103, 32482, 7166, 38762, 15339, 257, 1193, 5799, 28381, 6862, 662, 10034, 10205, 30997, 551, 43579, 87, 3713, 198, 3237, 22237, 319, 20961, 784, 2864, 2351, 10692, 36806, 14867, 379, 17168 ]
[ 279, 8219, 5158, 4592, 11, 6476, 304, 813, 23842, 323, 6514, 627, 14704, 20073, 55612, 304, 279, 8847, 198, 63507, 520, 31613, 5960, 18842, 89616, 57116, 58530, 30727, 4804, 315, 279, 6952, 24013, 9053, 198, 32132, 753, 24417, 297, 9211, 10705, 11352, 304, 51799, 3444, 67814, 198, 4387, 505, 279, 8771, 25, 7694, 369, 66486, 753, 28351, 55143, 311, 15353, 369, 26778, 64137, 198, 34746, 4783, 20783, 17855, 25074, 304, 41333, 34243, 198, 16648, 28770, 19723, 41333, 34243, 12220, 19367, 4514, 18143, 198, 34, 44547, 34243, 5955, 520, 31613, 5960, 18842, 33292, 988, 220, 20, 339, 47898, 198, 32129, 3705, 10181, 753, 38218, 58223, 261, 49544, 5783, 71200, 8483, 17768, 198, 60210, 304, 48606, 45152, 1561, 42419, 311, 7694, 369, 28351, 66486, 386, 4269, 198, 1061, 9365, 31535, 389, 10067, 315, 28351, 66486, 3067, 97866, 55143, 198, 19249, 6043, 2508, 4800, 1389, 49074, 68072, 25, 21382, 9742, 311, 279, 20534, 13381, 1389, 2999, 13, 23286, 2428, 432, 1056, 10216, 198, 35, 2299, 369, 279, 72399, 315, 279, 20534, 13381, 198, 1061, 369, 423, 1986, 25, 24160, 18491, 269, 388, 6122, 14434, 311, 21964, 51768, 26919, 51444, 198, 791, 4476, 430, 753, 49538, 4563, 1147, 198, 1453, 23621, 535, 21382, 44874, 520, 31613, 5960, 18842, 38707, 59250, 311, 13759, 42581, 52947, 198, 34, 85101, 409, 81604, 4200, 74759, 264, 3327, 6347, 50498, 6723, 864, 21843, 1832, 62796, 665, 63271, 198, 2460, 43396, 389, 29516, 1389, 220, 679, 23, 5165, 22302, 76022, 17997, 520, 15210 ]
[ 7972, 11868, 198, 791, 35342, 72658, 21023, 315, 279, 38050, 51444, 198, 63507, 374, 51269, 2650, 57116, 19723, 64916, 1050, 45062, 198, 14428, 1912, 311, 24583, 3804, 85543, 449, 1520, 315, 62502, 10181, 16607, 198, 12331, 483, 31242, 50727, 71422, 74938, 58334, 311, 31613, 5960, 18842, 59250, 369, 98669, 53389, 323, 12053, 198, 83609, 5513, 31354, 20289, 31613, 5960, 18842, 76251, 82, 91366, 220, 1041, 26323, 198, 7469, 69102, 4418, 988, 400, 11057, 42, 369, 31613, 5960, 18842, 31122, 371, 311, 12051, 38050, 9636, 13284, 50492, 198, 16834, 10170, 323, 87345, 311, 15166, 6984, 304, 4212, 198, 16834, 264, 21382, 9362, 4592, 311, 45152, 264, 8976, 3861, 198, 48, 40, 59250, 11, 12053, 51319, 304, 1561, 5165, 66542, 99887, 389, 51444, 3451, 44, 62421, 28765, 285, 123956, 86174, 83322, 21304, 19796, 811, 9356, 12103, 2461, 315, 4060, 97409, 64916, 1050, 45062, 198, 5576, 5960, 18842, 74581, 8483, 38707, 27675, 198, 48, 40, 59250, 11736, 76780, 60643, 57116, 12051, 323, 5008, 64916, 1050, 45062, 369, 220, 1041, 10951, 26323, 198, 51, 474, 2785, 3451, 97283, 76022, 304, 264, 15379, 315, 2956, 529, 520, 279, 5165, 22302, 76022, 17997, 20238, 328, 24, 2209, 17737, 478, 8682, 18374, 11, 2030, 12443, 1630, 2209, 85586, 198, 1383, 26241, 87856, 4756, 220, 23, 5587, 220, 972, 198, 8142, 279, 83155, 220, 24650, 4871, 279, 20238, 328, 24, 6209, 5178, 20192, 927, 3766, 8682, 5292, 18143, 11, 433, 596, 2103, 912, 2489, 369, 279, 12443, 1630, 627, 15724, 596, 1888, 18907 ]
Finish) Wednesday, 26 July 2017 - Reviewed by Richard Brinck-Johnsen Shadow Planet by AK Benedict World Apart by Scott Handcock Cast:Sylvester McCoy(The Doctor), Sophie Aldred (Ace), Philip Olivier (Hex), Belinda Lang (Mrs Wheeler), Sarah Thom (Sandy/Captain Karren), Nickolas Grace(Professor Grove), Ben Mansfield (Loglan/Shadow Loglan) Big Finish Productions - Released June 2017 The final instalment of this unlinked trilogy of double bill releases sees the welcome return to Big Finish’s Doctor Who range of long-running audio companion Staff Nurse Thomas Hector Schofield otherwise known as Hex, played once again byPhilip Olivier. After a decade of regular appearances alongside Sylvester McCoy’s Doctor and Sophie Aldred as Ace, Hex was finally written out of the range in 2014’s Signs and Wonders. He returns alongside his two regular co-stars for two very enjoyable stories set during the early days of his travels before he started to become wise to the Seventh Doctor’s manipulative persona and the beginning of the story arc featuring the black and white TARDISes. Shadow Planet by AK Benedict finds Ace and Hex
Finish) Wednesday, 26 July 2017 - Reviewed by Richard Brinck-Johnsen Shadow Planet by AK Benedict World Apart by Scott Handcock Cast:Sylvester McCoy(The Doctor), Sophie Aldred (Ace), Philip Olivier (Hex), Belinda Lang (Mrs Wheeler), Sarah Thom (Sandy/Captain Karren), Nickolas Grace(Professor Grove), Ben Mansfield (Loglan/Shadow Loglan) Big Finish Productions - Released June 2017 The final instalment of this unlinked trilogy of double bill releases sees the welcome return to Big Finish’s Doctor Who range of long-running audio companion Staff Nurse Thomas Hector Schofield otherwise known as Hex, played once again byPhilip Olivier. After a decade of regular appearances alongside Sylvester McCoy’s Doctor and Sophie Aldred as Ace, Hex was finally written out of the range in 2014’s Signs and Wonders. He returns alongside his two regular co-stars for two very enjoyable stories set during the early days of his travels before he started to become wise to the Seventh Doctor’s manipulative persona and the beginning of the story arc featuring the black and white TARDISes. Shadow Planet by AK Benedict finds Ace and Hex
ignore the Doctor’s warning about visiting a seemingly innocent planet called Unity which they soon discover has recently been opened to visitors by a group of colonists who have developed psychic technology to separate shadows into separate personas. The Unity corporation is headed by Mrs Wheeler, played a great sinister edge by Belinda Lang. The supporting cast also includes the always excellent Nickolas Grace as Professor Grove and a well-judged performance from Sarah Thom as Mrs Wheeler’s long suffering PA Sandy who is also a central character to the plot as the revelations as to how the planet Unity was colonised are revealed. Aldred and Olivier also get to have fun by playing twisted shadow versions of themselves. Overall a very enjoyable opening two-parter which, in a similar fashion to Alien Heart / Dalek Soul, ends on a neat cliff-hanger which segues directly into the second story. World Apart by Scott Handcock continues directly from the end of the previous story with the TARDIS encountering a mysterious planet in the middle of the vortex. After landing and discovering that there is no else alive on the planet there is a nice two-hander scene between the Doctor and Ace which culminates in a shock for the Doctor when he learns that they are on a planet called Nirvana.
[ 32585, 8, 198, 27150, 11, 2608, 2901, 2177, 532, 6602, 276, 416, 6219, 1709, 259, 694, 12, 7554, 6248, 198, 27447, 11397, 416, 15837, 28697, 198, 10603, 22596, 416, 4746, 7157, 21517, 198, 19248, 25, 50, 2645, 1158, 353, 28901, 7, 464, 9356, 828, 35331, 15586, 445, 357, 32, 344, 828, 14576, 45674, 357, 39, 1069, 828, 3944, 22261, 16332, 357, 27034, 27512, 828, 10490, 4323, 357, 50, 10757, 14, 27898, 9375, 918, 828, 8047, 12456, 16156, 7, 25031, 24144, 828, 3932, 18580, 3245, 357, 11187, 9620, 14, 27447, 5972, 9620, 8, 198, 12804, 32585, 25315, 532, 28728, 2795, 2177, 198, 464, 2457, 916, 282, 434, 286, 428, 555, 25614, 26298, 286, 4274, 2855, 10050, 7224, 262, 7062, 1441, 284, 4403, 32585, 447, 247, 82, 9356, 5338, 2837, 286, 890, 12, 20270, 6597, 15185, 9983, 42724, 5658, 42621, 3059, 1659, 1164, 4306, 1900, 355, 22212, 11, 2826, 1752, 757, 416, 18673, 541, 45674, 13, 2293, 257, 5707, 286, 3218, 11057, 7848, 1632, 31018, 353, 28901, 447, 247, 82, 9356, 290, 35331, 15586, 445, 355, 17102, 11, 22212, 373, 3443, 3194, 503, 286, 262, 2837, 287, 1946, 447, 247, 82, 37027, 290, 47497, 13, 679, 5860, 7848, 465, 734, 3218, 763, 12, 30783, 329, 734, 845, 20050, 3923, 900, 1141, 262, 1903, 1528, 286, 465, 17781, 878, 339, 2067, 284, 1716, 10787, 284, 262, 31848, 9356, 447, 247, 82, 47859, 27822, 290, 262, 3726, 286, 262, 1621, 10389, 9593, 262, 2042, 290, 2330, 309, 49608, 274, 13, 198, 27447, 11397, 416, 15837, 28697, 7228, 17102, 290, 22212 ]
[ 36633, 340, 41619, 11, 220, 1627, 5887, 220, 679, 22, 482, 78851, 555, 12131, 3320, 258, 377, 12278, 3180, 12021, 198, 24591, 29935, 555, 31672, 62245, 198, 10343, 35802, 555, 10016, 8704, 38253, 198, 19235, 76469, 15095, 5302, 71732, 83696, 19150, 705, 60410, 31447, 1171, 320, 79795, 705, 26241, 78118, 320, 20956, 705, 7984, 17872, 23272, 320, 50329, 61446, 705, 21077, 8888, 320, 50, 13634, 11547, 2756, 467, 13528, 1466, 705, 15341, 19736, 32171, 7, 48120, 41234, 705, 7505, 44235, 2630, 320, 2250, 10946, 14, 24591, 2905, 10946, 340, 16010, 36633, 52964, 482, 45894, 5651, 220, 679, 22, 198, 791, 1620, 46698, 479, 315, 420, 653, 44233, 57886, 315, 2033, 4121, 19786, 16008, 279, 10788, 471, 311, 6295, 36633, 753, 19150, 10699, 2134, 315, 1317, 54589, 7855, 22489, 17381, 49876, 11355, 89140, 57284, 2630, 6062, 3967, 439, 28327, 11, 6476, 3131, 1578, 555, 79744, 78118, 13, 4740, 264, 13515, 315, 5912, 27351, 16662, 47137, 5302, 71732, 753, 19150, 323, 60410, 31447, 1171, 439, 38807, 11, 28327, 574, 5616, 5439, 704, 315, 279, 2134, 304, 220, 679, 19, 753, 59124, 323, 468, 28413, 13, 1283, 4780, 16662, 813, 1403, 5912, 1080, 98006, 369, 1403, 1633, 32180, 7493, 743, 2391, 279, 4216, 2919, 315, 813, 35292, 1603, 568, 3940, 311, 3719, 24219, 311, 279, 75725, 19150, 753, 14951, 22948, 29055, 323, 279, 7314, 315, 279, 3446, 15952, 16850, 279, 3776, 323, 4251, 350, 7527, 1669, 288, 627, 24591, 29935, 555, 31672, 62245, 14035, 38807, 323, 28327 ]
[ 10240, 279, 19150, 753, 10163, 922, 17136, 264, 23490, 25226, 11841, 2663, 22462, 902, 814, 5246, 7142, 706, 6051, 1027, 9107, 311, 15613, 555, 264, 1912, 315, 15235, 1705, 889, 617, 8040, 50217, 5557, 311, 8821, 35612, 1139, 8821, 32525, 13, 578, 22462, 27767, 374, 19946, 555, 18083, 61446, 11, 6476, 264, 2294, 63667, 6964, 555, 7984, 17872, 23272, 13, 578, 12899, 6445, 1101, 5764, 279, 2744, 9250, 15341, 19736, 32171, 439, 17054, 41234, 323, 264, 1664, 13636, 664, 3640, 5178, 505, 21077, 8888, 439, 18083, 61446, 753, 1317, 16066, 13174, 39485, 889, 374, 1101, 264, 8792, 3752, 311, 279, 7234, 439, 279, 50908, 439, 311, 1268, 279, 11841, 22462, 574, 15235, 4147, 527, 10675, 13, 31447, 1171, 323, 78118, 1101, 636, 311, 617, 2523, 555, 5737, 38817, 12737, 11028, 315, 5694, 13, 28993, 264, 1633, 32180, 8736, 1403, 58098, 466, 902, 11, 304, 264, 4528, 11401, 311, 47847, 18449, 611, 37828, 74, 30242, 11, 10548, 389, 264, 29585, 44106, 2902, 4091, 902, 4915, 1157, 6089, 1139, 279, 2132, 3446, 627, 10343, 35802, 555, 10016, 8704, 38253, 9731, 6089, 505, 279, 842, 315, 279, 3766, 3446, 449, 279, 350, 7527, 1669, 92372, 264, 26454, 11841, 304, 279, 6278, 315, 279, 87627, 13, 4740, 20948, 323, 42687, 430, 1070, 374, 912, 775, 13989, 389, 279, 11841, 1070, 374, 264, 6555, 1403, 2902, 8363, 6237, 1990, 279, 19150, 323, 38807, 902, 11957, 1083, 988, 304, 264, 10988, 369, 279, 19150, 994, 568, 47310, 430, 814, 527, 389, 264, 11841, 2663, 78843, 68559, 13 ]
-square (χ2) test showed that the 3-SNP haplotype system was not associated with schizophrenia although the 1-df test for individual haplotypes showed that the rs1548359(C)-rs10314(G)-rs739371(C) haplotype was excessively non-transmitted (χ2 = 5.32, P = 0.02). Because the claudin proteins are a major component for barrier-forming tight junctions that could play a crucial role in response to changing natural, physiological and pathological conditions, the CLDN5 association with schizophrenia may be an important clue leading to look into a meeting point of genetic and environmental factors. Dysmetabolic features of the overweight patients receiving antipsychotic drugs: A comparison with normal weight and obese subjects P. Manu, C.-U. Correll, M. Wampers, R. van Winkel, W. Yu, D. Shiffeldrim, M. De Hert Journal: European Psychiatry / Volume 29 / Issue 3 / March 2014 Extensive research indicates that obesity, defined by a body mass index (BMI) greater or equal to 30, is common in patients treated with antipsychotic drugs and is frequently associated with carbohydrate
-square (χ2) test showed that the 3-SNP haplotype system was not associated with schizophrenia although the 1-df test for individual haplotypes showed that the rs1548359(C)-rs10314(G)-rs739371(C) haplotype was excessively non-transmitted (χ2 = 5.32, P = 0.02). Because the claudin proteins are a major component for barrier-forming tight junctions that could play a crucial role in response to changing natural, physiological and pathological conditions, the CLDN5 association with schizophrenia may be an important clue leading to look into a meeting point of genetic and environmental factors. Dysmetabolic features of the overweight patients receiving antipsychotic drugs: A comparison with normal weight and obese subjects P. Manu, C.-U. Correll, M. Wampers, R. van Winkel, W. Yu, D. Shiffeldrim, M. De Hert Journal: European Psychiatry / Volume 29 / Issue 3 / March 2014 Extensive research indicates that obesity, defined by a body mass index (BMI) greater or equal to 30, is common in patients treated with antipsychotic drugs and is frequently associated with carbohydrate
and lipid abnormalities leading to metabolic syndrome and diabetes. In contrast, the metabolic health of overweight patients (BMI = 25–29.9) without metabolic syndrome or diabetes has not been thoroughly investigated. To assess the metabolic health of overweight patients receiving antipsychotic drugs. We compared standard metabolic parameters (BMI; waist circumference; hemoglobin A1c; fasting lipids; and fasting and post-challenge glucose and insulin) of normal weight, overweight and obese individuals from a consecutive cohort of antipsychotic-treated patients without metabolic syndrome and/or diabetes. Compared with the normal weight subjects (n = 286), overweight patients (n = 212) had higher fasting insulin resistance as assessed with the homeostatic model (P = 0.023), insulin secretion during the oral glucose tolerance test (P = 0.0037), triglycerides (P = 0.0004) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (P = 0.0089), and lower levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (P = 0.0014). The obese (n = 50) were different from the overweight subjects only with respect to higher post-challenge insulin levels (P = 0.0002). The average fasting glucose, post-challenge
[ 12, 23415, 357, 139, 229, 17, 8, 1332, 3751, 326, 262, 513, 12, 15571, 47, 42519, 8690, 1080, 373, 407, 3917, 351, 22794, 3584, 262, 352, 12, 7568, 1332, 329, 1981, 42519, 13567, 3751, 326, 262, 44608, 1314, 2780, 30743, 7, 34, 13219, 3808, 15197, 1415, 7, 38, 13219, 3808, 22, 2670, 38056, 7, 34, 8, 42519, 8690, 373, 40437, 1729, 12, 7645, 3291, 357, 139, 229, 17, 796, 642, 13, 2624, 11, 350, 796, 657, 13, 2999, 737, 4362, 262, 537, 3885, 259, 15568, 389, 257, 1688, 7515, 329, 13054, 12, 15464, 5381, 10891, 2733, 326, 714, 711, 257, 8780, 2597, 287, 2882, 284, 5609, 3288, 11, 25033, 290, 42306, 3403, 11, 262, 7852, 35504, 20, 8112, 351, 22794, 743, 307, 281, 1593, 18437, 3756, 284, 804, 656, 257, 3249, 966, 286, 8513, 290, 6142, 5087, 13, 198, 35, 893, 4164, 29304, 3033, 286, 262, 22652, 3871, 6464, 32867, 2924, 6210, 5010, 25, 317, 7208, 351, 3487, 3463, 290, 20779, 7481, 198, 47, 13, 1869, 84, 11, 327, 7874, 52, 13, 2744, 11252, 11, 337, 13, 370, 696, 364, 11, 371, 13, 5719, 7178, 7750, 11, 370, 13, 10605, 11, 360, 13, 911, 22391, 335, 3036, 11, 337, 13, 1024, 40030, 198, 25296, 25, 3427, 28897, 1220, 14701, 2808, 1220, 18232, 513, 1220, 2805, 1946, 198, 11627, 2021, 2267, 9217, 326, 13825, 11, 5447, 416, 257, 1767, 2347, 6376, 357, 33, 8895, 8, 3744, 393, 4961, 284, 1542, 11, 318, 2219, 287, 3871, 5716, 351, 32867, 2924, 6210, 5010, 290, 318, 6777, 3917, 351, 28205 ]
[ 34047, 320, 90202, 17, 8, 1296, 8710, 430, 279, 220, 18, 6354, 27321, 46900, 75, 4249, 1887, 574, 539, 5938, 449, 58533, 8051, 279, 220, 16, 1773, 69, 1296, 369, 3927, 46900, 9363, 1842, 8710, 430, 279, 10242, 10559, 23424, 24, 3100, 7435, 5544, 6889, 975, 6838, 7435, 5544, 25809, 18650, 3100, 8, 46900, 75, 4249, 574, 87146, 2536, 39160, 5600, 320, 90202, 17, 284, 220, 20, 13, 843, 11, 393, 284, 220, 15, 13, 2437, 570, 9393, 279, 1206, 8039, 258, 28896, 527, 264, 3682, 3777, 369, 22881, 8627, 287, 10508, 49341, 82, 430, 1436, 1514, 264, 16996, 3560, 304, 2077, 311, 10223, 5933, 11, 53194, 323, 89961, 4787, 11, 279, 7121, 32364, 20, 15360, 449, 58533, 1253, 387, 459, 3062, 31089, 6522, 311, 1427, 1139, 264, 6574, 1486, 315, 19465, 323, 12434, 9547, 627, 35, 1065, 4150, 57565, 4519, 315, 279, 50254, 6978, 12588, 3276, 3153, 5759, 14546, 11217, 25, 362, 12593, 449, 4725, 4785, 323, 50320, 15223, 198, 47, 13, 2418, 84, 11, 356, 12898, 52, 13, 4563, 16684, 11, 386, 13, 468, 1141, 388, 11, 432, 13, 5355, 468, 82276, 11, 468, 13, 28372, 11, 423, 13, 1443, 3168, 789, 6417, 11, 386, 13, 1611, 473, 531, 198, 44594, 25, 7665, 69244, 611, 20880, 220, 1682, 611, 26292, 220, 18, 611, 5587, 220, 679, 19, 198, 6899, 4114, 3495, 15151, 430, 33048, 11, 4613, 555, 264, 2547, 3148, 1963, 320, 96626, 8, 7191, 477, 6273, 311, 220, 966, 11, 374, 4279, 304, 6978, 12020, 449, 3276, 3153, 5759, 14546, 11217, 323, 374, 14134, 5938, 449, 67732 ]
[ 323, 68700, 75815, 6522, 311, 41861, 28439, 323, 20335, 13, 763, 13168, 11, 279, 41861, 2890, 315, 50254, 6978, 320, 96626, 284, 220, 914, 4235, 1682, 13, 24, 8, 2085, 41861, 28439, 477, 20335, 706, 539, 1027, 27461, 27313, 627, 1271, 8720, 279, 41861, 2890, 315, 50254, 6978, 12588, 3276, 3153, 5759, 14546, 11217, 627, 1687, 7863, 5410, 41861, 5137, 320, 96626, 26, 29142, 76026, 26, 17728, 94855, 362, 16, 66, 26, 54560, 19588, 3447, 26, 323, 54560, 323, 1772, 11843, 16210, 34323, 323, 32152, 8, 315, 4725, 4785, 11, 50254, 323, 50320, 7931, 505, 264, 24871, 41944, 315, 3276, 3153, 5759, 14546, 88186, 6978, 2085, 41861, 28439, 323, 5255, 20335, 627, 1110, 7360, 449, 279, 4725, 4785, 15223, 320, 77, 284, 220, 17361, 705, 50254, 6978, 320, 77, 284, 220, 11227, 8, 1047, 5190, 54560, 32152, 13957, 439, 32448, 449, 279, 2162, 537, 780, 1646, 320, 47, 284, 220, 15, 13, 20063, 705, 32152, 87067, 2391, 279, 21308, 34323, 25065, 1296, 320, 47, 284, 220, 15, 13, 6268, 22, 705, 54033, 68590, 3422, 320, 47, 284, 220, 15, 13, 931, 19, 8, 323, 3428, 89131, 19588, 454, 91748, 39086, 320, 47, 284, 220, 15, 13, 11436, 24, 705, 323, 4827, 5990, 315, 1579, 89131, 19588, 454, 91748, 39086, 320, 47, 284, 220, 15, 13, 4119, 19, 570, 578, 50320, 320, 77, 284, 220, 1135, 8, 1051, 2204, 505, 279, 50254, 15223, 1193, 449, 5201, 311, 5190, 1772, 11843, 16210, 32152, 5990, 320, 47, 284, 220, 15, 13, 931, 17, 570, 578, 5578, 54560, 34323, 11, 1772, 11843, 16210 ]
When people interact with the artwork it is the first step towards loving these animals and if people can love these endangered animals they can begin to care for them and act now to stop their extinction. About Gillie and Marc Gillie and Marc have been called “the most successful and prolific creators of public art in New York’s History” by the New York Times. Creating some of the world’s most innovative public sculptures, Gillie and Marc are re-defining what public art should be, spreading messages of love, equality, and conservation around the world. Gillie and Marc believe art is a powerful platform for change. Their art is multi-disciplinary, paying homage to the importance of togetherness, as well as the magnificence of the natural world, and the necessity of preserving it – for we are it, and it is us. For more information about the press release, please get in touch with: Instagram: https://instagram.com/gillieandmarcart Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/gillieandmarc/_created/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ3eRVJeOxo9Z5
When people interact with the artwork it is the first step towards loving these animals and if people can love these endangered animals they can begin to care for them and act now to stop their extinction. About Gillie and Marc Gillie and Marc have been called “the most successful and prolific creators of public art in New York’s History” by the New York Times. Creating some of the world’s most innovative public sculptures, Gillie and Marc are re-defining what public art should be, spreading messages of love, equality, and conservation around the world. Gillie and Marc believe art is a powerful platform for change. Their art is multi-disciplinary, paying homage to the importance of togetherness, as well as the magnificence of the natural world, and the necessity of preserving it – for we are it, and it is us. For more information about the press release, please get in touch with: Instagram: https://instagram.com/gillieandmarcart Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/gillieandmarc/_created/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ3eRVJeOxo9Z5
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[ 1649, 661, 9427, 351, 262, 16257, 340, 318, 262, 717, 2239, 3371, 14442, 777, 4695, 290, 611, 661, 460, 1842, 777, 22700, 4695, 484, 460, 2221, 284, 1337, 329, 606, 290, 719, 783, 284, 2245, 511, 21935, 13, 198, 8585, 12981, 494, 290, 13067, 198, 38, 359, 494, 290, 13067, 423, 587, 1444, 564, 250, 1169, 749, 4388, 290, 28892, 16294, 286, 1171, 1242, 287, 968, 1971, 447, 247, 82, 7443, 447, 251, 416, 262, 968, 1971, 3782, 13, 30481, 617, 286, 262, 995, 447, 247, 82, 749, 13097, 1171, 42645, 11, 12981, 494, 290, 13067, 389, 302, 12, 4299, 3191, 644, 1171, 1242, 815, 307, 11, 14342, 6218, 286, 1842, 11, 10537, 11, 290, 14903, 1088, 262, 995, 13, 12981, 494, 290, 13067, 1975, 1242, 318, 257, 3665, 3859, 329, 1487, 13, 5334, 1242, 318, 5021, 12, 40625, 11, 5989, 31044, 284, 262, 6817, 286, 1978, 1108, 11, 355, 880, 355, 262, 7842, 811, 594, 286, 262, 3288, 995, 11, 290, 262, 14564, 286, 23934, 340, 784, 329, 356, 389, 340, 11, 290, 340, 318, 514, 13, 198, 1890, 517, 1321, 546, 262, 1803, 2650, 11, 3387, 651, 287, 3638, 351, 25, 198, 6310, 6713, 25, 3740, 1378, 8625, 6713, 13, 785, 14, 70, 359, 494, 392, 3876, 26674, 198, 35767, 25, 3740, 1378, 2503, 13, 79, 9446, 13, 785, 14, 70, 359, 494, 392, 3876, 66, 47835, 25598, 14, 198, 33869, 25, 3740, 1378, 2503, 13, 11604, 13, 785, 14, 17620, 14, 9598, 57, 18, 68, 49, 53, 40932, 38208, 78, 24, 57, 20 ]
[ 3277, 1274, 16681, 449, 279, 29409, 433, 374, 279, 1176, 3094, 7119, 21955, 1521, 10099, 323, 422, 1274, 649, 3021, 1521, 52356, 10099, 814, 649, 3240, 311, 2512, 369, 1124, 323, 1180, 1457, 311, 3009, 872, 52609, 627, 10714, 33826, 648, 323, 19412, 198, 38, 484, 648, 323, 19412, 617, 1027, 2663, 1054, 1820, 1455, 6992, 323, 63100, 34899, 315, 586, 1989, 304, 1561, 4356, 753, 11346, 863, 555, 279, 1561, 4356, 8691, 13, 32406, 1063, 315, 279, 1917, 753, 1455, 18699, 586, 75973, 11, 33826, 648, 323, 19412, 527, 312, 29899, 5859, 1148, 586, 1989, 1288, 387, 11, 31135, 6743, 315, 3021, 11, 22526, 11, 323, 29711, 2212, 279, 1917, 13, 33826, 648, 323, 19412, 4510, 1989, 374, 264, 8147, 5452, 369, 2349, 13, 11205, 1989, 374, 7447, 52765, 44550, 11, 12798, 68089, 311, 279, 12939, 315, 311, 456, 71, 29668, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 8622, 1104, 768, 315, 279, 5933, 1917, 11, 323, 279, 32961, 315, 47995, 433, 1389, 369, 584, 527, 433, 11, 323, 433, 374, 603, 627, 2520, 810, 2038, 922, 279, 3577, 4984, 11, 4587, 636, 304, 5916, 449, 512, 50444, 25, 3788, 1129, 47366, 916, 4951, 484, 648, 438, 5730, 11707, 198, 77686, 25, 3788, 1129, 2185, 558, 13014, 916, 4951, 484, 648, 438, 5730, 66, 20205, 7266, 6018, 54846, 25, 3788, 1129, 2185, 20751, 916, 74221, 14, 5576, 57, 18, 68, 36381, 30854, 46, 41922, 24, 57, 20 ]
[ 22365, 5494, 19, 41, 66, 17, 86, 198, 25904, 25, 3788, 1129, 15021, 916, 16169, 484, 648, 438, 48741, 198, 21124, 25, 3788, 1129, 2185, 20172, 916, 4951, 484, 648, 438, 5730, 66, 198, 44098, 25, 33826, 648, 323, 19412, 198, 791, 4652, 374, 3984, 555, 264, 4948, 24993, 2262, 9287, 13, 5161, 2599, 49, 38945, 320, 8604, 4624, 391, 32868, 556, 916, 883, 3727, 912, 61913, 477, 44713, 304, 3717, 9139, 98909, 13, 5884, 4860, 11, 4587, 3729, 10755, 81830, 14, 937, 2599, 49, 38945, 916, 198, 50, 10829, 25, 7054, 15457, 11, 13690, 5513, 198, 93052, 8743, 38945, 25, 8743, 8141, 304, 36664, 13936, 320, 1451, 57772, 11, 30567, 11, 23315, 11, 21181, 11, 28796, 11, 26363, 612, 19730, 18711, 1763, 3692, 25, 2485, 1129, 93797, 943, 80825, 916, 14, 4278, 1272, 32214, 944, 30154, 94109, 18838, 38921, 1705, 2427, 484, 648, 9976, 1474, 8362, 12, 548, 15825, 10826, 404, 70511, 7114, 1355, 3395, 418, 554, 12, 5065, 27578, 588, 198, 14831, 4076, 25, 33826, 648, 323, 19412, 198, 8906, 7508, 25, 80217, 5124, 1617, 1215, 11, 5907, 10783, 198, 31151, 23687, 25, 3788, 1129, 70, 484, 648, 438, 5730, 66, 47986, 198, 21994, 13659, 4723, 367, 38945, 8612, 17836, 25, 37179, 269, 72071, 29140, 389, 3451, 6334, 50730, 389, 6344, 23247, 323, 14434, 23334, 8771, 220, 2366, 17, 123956, 5971, 13659, 19721, 30241, 33093, 65776, 1389, 7252 ]
retire at the end of his term. That would make Harris the immediate frontrunner in any 2024 Democratic presidential primary. Early in the vice-presidential vetting process, her potential presidential ambitions gave some Biden allies pause. But since her selection, Harris has proven a loyal partner to Biden, rarely if ever contradicting him publicly. Still, California Rep. Barbara Lee, who was the first Congressional Black Caucus member to endorse in the primary when she backed Harris, said the vice-president-elect isn’t afraid to speak her mind. “She’s no shrinking violet," Lee said. "If she believes that one decision should be made versus another she’s gonna weigh in and give her thoughts and opinions.” Biden has a personal affection for the work of diplomacy and deep relationships with global leaders that Harris can't match. But aides say she'll be deeply involved in the administration's diplomatic priorities simply because of the sheer amount of issues that will take up Biden's time. She may also be given a particular aspect of the administration's coronavirus response to oversee. One of her main priorities early on is certain to be the passage of the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill that Biden announced Thursday. Those working with Harris on the transition
retire at the end of his term. That would make Harris the immediate frontrunner in any 2024 Democratic presidential primary. Early in the vice-presidential vetting process, her potential presidential ambitions gave some Biden allies pause. But since her selection, Harris has proven a loyal partner to Biden, rarely if ever contradicting him publicly. Still, California Rep. Barbara Lee, who was the first Congressional Black Caucus member to endorse in the primary when she backed Harris, said the vice-president-elect isn’t afraid to speak her mind. “She’s no shrinking violet," Lee said. "If she believes that one decision should be made versus another she’s gonna weigh in and give her thoughts and opinions.” Biden has a personal affection for the work of diplomacy and deep relationships with global leaders that Harris can't match. But aides say she'll be deeply involved in the administration's diplomatic priorities simply because of the sheer amount of issues that will take up Biden's time. She may also be given a particular aspect of the administration's coronavirus response to oversee. One of her main priorities early on is certain to be the passage of the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill that Biden announced Thursday. Those working with Harris on the transition
say that while Biden will be intimately involved with ushering the package through the Senate because of his longstanding relationships with longer-serving lawmakers, Harris knows the newer members and can help build fresh relationships in Congress. The first few months of the Biden administration will be focused on COVID-19 and the economy. But Harris is certain to face scrutiny — and pressure — from advocates to ensure the perspectives of Black and brown Americans are reflected in those policies and the Biden White House's priorities. Leah Daughtry, a former chief of staff at the Democratic National Committee, said Harris will make a difference simply by being in the room. “The fact that Kamala Harris is a Black woman, is a woman of Indian ancestry, is a woman, automatically makes her different from every other vice-president this country has ever seen,” she said. “That combination of experiences brings a set of values and lived experiences into a room where they have not previously existed. And that can only be good for this American democracy.” But as South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn put it, “There will be a lot of weight on those shoulders.” “Those of us who come to these positions, we come to them knowing full well that we have a
[ 8058, 379, 262, 886, 286, 465, 3381, 13, 1320, 561, 787, 10026, 262, 7103, 49981, 287, 597, 48609, 4390, 4787, 4165, 13, 12556, 287, 262, 7927, 12, 22540, 498, 39822, 1429, 11, 607, 2785, 4787, 22455, 2921, 617, 21010, 7681, 14985, 13, 887, 1201, 607, 6356, 11, 10026, 468, 9157, 257, 9112, 5212, 284, 21010, 11, 8365, 611, 1683, 18372, 278, 683, 7271, 13, 7831, 11, 3442, 1432, 13, 16685, 5741, 11, 508, 373, 262, 717, 15757, 2619, 31787, 2888, 284, 11438, 287, 262, 4165, 618, 673, 9763, 10026, 11, 531, 262, 7927, 12, 22540, 12, 9509, 2125, 447, 247, 83, 7787, 284, 2740, 607, 2000, 13, 564, 250, 3347, 447, 247, 82, 645, 27382, 45725, 553, 5741, 531, 13, 366, 1532, 673, 5804, 326, 530, 2551, 815, 307, 925, 9051, 1194, 673, 447, 247, 82, 8066, 10164, 287, 290, 1577, 607, 6066, 290, 9317, 13, 447, 251, 21010, 468, 257, 2614, 17696, 329, 262, 670, 286, 25482, 290, 2769, 6958, 351, 3298, 2766, 326, 10026, 460, 470, 2872, 13, 887, 20163, 910, 673, 1183, 307, 7744, 2950, 287, 262, 3662, 338, 13093, 15369, 2391, 780, 286, 262, 15163, 2033, 286, 2428, 326, 481, 1011, 510, 21010, 338, 640, 13, 1375, 743, 635, 307, 1813, 257, 1948, 4843, 286, 262, 3662, 338, 26920, 615, 19397, 2882, 284, 19158, 13, 1881, 286, 607, 1388, 15369, 1903, 319, 318, 1728, 284, 307, 262, 10066, 286, 262, 720, 16, 13, 24, 12989, 26920, 615, 19397, 8259, 2855, 326, 21010, 3414, 3635, 13, 5845, 1762, 351, 10026, 319, 262, 6801 ]
[ 16177, 520, 279, 842, 315, 813, 4751, 13, 3011, 1053, 1304, 21750, 279, 14247, 79052, 376, 55515, 304, 904, 220, 2366, 19, 11650, 13621, 6156, 13, 23591, 304, 279, 17192, 80876, 11484, 24195, 1303, 1920, 11, 1077, 4754, 13621, 51566, 6688, 1063, 38180, 20724, 18579, 13, 2030, 2533, 1077, 6727, 11, 21750, 706, 17033, 264, 29947, 8427, 311, 38180, 11, 19029, 422, 3596, 43561, 287, 1461, 17880, 13, 16782, 11, 7188, 3402, 13, 32207, 12336, 11, 889, 574, 279, 1176, 39473, 5348, 80117, 4562, 311, 19507, 304, 279, 6156, 994, 1364, 22126, 21750, 11, 1071, 279, 17192, 67088, 37081, 4536, 1431, 16984, 311, 6604, 1077, 4059, 13, 1054, 8100, 753, 912, 63185, 80836, 1359, 12336, 1071, 13, 330, 2746, 1364, 13919, 430, 832, 5597, 1288, 387, 1903, 19579, 2500, 1364, 753, 16926, 17988, 304, 323, 3041, 1077, 11555, 323, 18463, 2029, 38180, 706, 264, 4443, 37805, 369, 279, 990, 315, 62340, 323, 5655, 12135, 449, 3728, 6164, 430, 21750, 649, 956, 2489, 13, 2030, 53989, 2019, 1364, 3358, 387, 17693, 6532, 304, 279, 8735, 596, 34616, 30601, 5042, 1606, 315, 279, 33638, 3392, 315, 4819, 430, 690, 1935, 709, 38180, 596, 892, 13, 3005, 1253, 1101, 387, 2728, 264, 4040, 13189, 315, 279, 8735, 596, 33333, 2077, 311, 42003, 13, 3861, 315, 1077, 1925, 30601, 4216, 389, 374, 3738, 311, 387, 279, 21765, 315, 279, 400, 16, 13, 24, 32610, 33333, 16337, 4121, 430, 38180, 7376, 7950, 13, 13266, 3318, 449, 21750, 389, 279, 9320 ]
[ 2019, 430, 1418, 38180, 690, 387, 96752, 6532, 449, 64260, 287, 279, 6462, 1555, 279, 10092, 1606, 315, 813, 74229, 12135, 449, 5129, 87086, 26137, 11, 21750, 8964, 279, 26627, 3697, 323, 649, 1520, 1977, 7878, 12135, 304, 8151, 13, 578, 1176, 2478, 4038, 315, 279, 38180, 8735, 690, 387, 10968, 389, 20562, 12, 777, 323, 279, 8752, 13, 2030, 21750, 374, 3738, 311, 3663, 36752, 2001, 323, 7410, 2001, 505, 28424, 311, 6106, 279, 39555, 315, 5348, 323, 14198, 9053, 527, 27000, 304, 1884, 10396, 323, 279, 38180, 5929, 4783, 596, 30601, 13, 67961, 14569, 7595, 1568, 11, 264, 4846, 10388, 315, 5687, 520, 279, 11650, 5165, 10554, 11, 1071, 21750, 690, 1304, 264, 6811, 5042, 555, 1694, 304, 279, 3130, 13, 1054, 791, 2144, 430, 29549, 6181, 21750, 374, 264, 5348, 5333, 11, 374, 264, 5333, 315, 7904, 66004, 11, 374, 264, 5333, 11, 9651, 3727, 1077, 2204, 505, 1475, 1023, 17192, 67088, 420, 3224, 706, 3596, 3970, 2476, 1364, 1071, 13, 1054, 4897, 10824, 315, 11704, 12716, 264, 743, 315, 2819, 323, 12439, 11704, 1139, 264, 3130, 1405, 814, 617, 539, 8767, 25281, 13, 1628, 430, 649, 1193, 387, 1695, 369, 420, 3778, 20095, 2029, 2030, 439, 4987, 13030, 3402, 13, 11641, 69388, 22464, 2231, 433, 11, 1054, 3947, 690, 387, 264, 2763, 315, 4785, 389, 1884, 28004, 2029, 1054, 23025, 315, 603, 889, 2586, 311, 1521, 10093, 11, 584, 2586, 311, 1124, 14392, 2539, 1664, 430, 584, 617, 264 ]
Pleasant Pheasant A t-shirt design for Australian designer James Cameron for a collection exploring themes of escaping the city for a piece of the quiet life. Pleasant Pheasant James Cameron » A t-shirt design for Australian designer James Cameron for a collection exploring themes of escaping the city for a piece of the quiet life. New Zealand Educates Korean Golfers HOME News Lifestyle By sara The Hon. Steven Joyce, New Zealand’s Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment, announces the names of 4 winners of Game On English scholarship on Oct. 19 at the Embassy of New Zealand in Seoul. Hon. Steven Joyce, New Zealand’s Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment, awards a trophy to Jeong Thae-yang, a recipient of Game On English scholarship, on Oct. 19 at the Embassy of New Zealand in Seoul. Lim Hee Jeong (15), a recipient of the Game On English-Golf scholarship, says, “I will learn and train very hard at New Zealand’s best golf coaching institute, where Lydia Goh trained...” on Oct. 19 at the Embassy of New Zealand in Seoul. Three
Pleasant Pheasant A t-shirt design for Australian designer James Cameron for a collection exploring themes of escaping the city for a piece of the quiet life. Pleasant Pheasant James Cameron » A t-shirt design for Australian designer James Cameron for a collection exploring themes of escaping the city for a piece of the quiet life. New Zealand Educates Korean Golfers HOME News Lifestyle By sara The Hon. Steven Joyce, New Zealand’s Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment, announces the names of 4 winners of Game On English scholarship on Oct. 19 at the Embassy of New Zealand in Seoul. Hon. Steven Joyce, New Zealand’s Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment, awards a trophy to Jeong Thae-yang, a recipient of Game On English scholarship, on Oct. 19 at the Embassy of New Zealand in Seoul. Lim Hee Jeong (15), a recipient of the Game On English-Golf scholarship, says, “I will learn and train very hard at New Zealand’s best golf coaching institute, where Lydia Goh trained...” on Oct. 19 at the Embassy of New Zealand in Seoul. Three
recipients of the Game On English-Golf scholarship take a golf swing for a photo shoot on Oct. 19 at the Embassy of New Zealand in Seoul. Golf scholarship recipients will participate in a new edu-sport program combining golf and English. THE CLUE SAGA Season 1 > Case File (Spoilers) The Weapons The Locations Episode 20 - "The Curtain Will Rise" Part 4 Seaview Terrace In Hotel Room #1710, Miss Vivienne Scarlet sits alone in her bedroom. The sound of the afternoon thunderstorm rumbles behind the tightly closed curtains. It is another, gray, rainy summer afternoon in New England. Not since the party on Friday night has a day gone by without so much as a forty minute downpour. Miss Scarlet is wearing only a sheet and one of Edward’s dark red sweaters. She sits up in the middle of the large bed and reaches for her cigarette box. She takes one out and puts it to her lips. In a swift move, she snatches her gold-plated lighter and lights the cigarette. She pushes the bed sheets off of her bare legs as she inhales the tobacco and nicotine. She exhales and watches the smoke curl
[ 198, 47, 293, 8775, 350, 258, 8775, 317, 256, 12, 15600, 1486, 329, 6638, 11915, 3700, 10821, 329, 257, 4947, 13504, 13460, 286, 25071, 262, 1748, 329, 257, 3704, 286, 262, 5897, 1204, 13, 198, 47, 293, 8775, 350, 258, 8775, 198, 14731, 10821, 13355, 198, 32, 256, 12, 15600, 1486, 329, 6638, 11915, 3700, 10821, 329, 257, 4947, 13504, 13460, 286, 25071, 262, 1748, 329, 257, 3704, 286, 262, 5897, 1204, 13, 968, 8936, 7005, 689, 6983, 19709, 364, 198, 39069, 3000, 406, 42004, 198, 3886, 264, 3301, 198, 464, 8835, 13, 8239, 25936, 11, 968, 8936, 447, 247, 82, 4139, 329, 309, 861, 8042, 7868, 11, 20389, 290, 24656, 11, 26459, 262, 3891, 286, 604, 14591, 286, 3776, 1550, 3594, 18652, 319, 2556, 13, 678, 379, 262, 23233, 286, 968, 8936, 287, 22372, 13, 198, 29478, 13, 8239, 25936, 11, 968, 8936, 447, 247, 82, 4139, 329, 309, 861, 8042, 7868, 11, 20389, 290, 24656, 11, 13304, 257, 16383, 284, 3852, 506, 536, 3609, 12, 17859, 11, 257, 17800, 286, 3776, 1550, 3594, 18652, 11, 319, 2556, 13, 678, 379, 262, 23233, 286, 968, 8936, 287, 22372, 13, 198, 19352, 679, 68, 3852, 506, 357, 1314, 828, 257, 17800, 286, 262, 3776, 1550, 3594, 12, 38, 4024, 18652, 11, 1139, 11, 564, 250, 40, 481, 2193, 290, 4512, 845, 1327, 379, 968, 8936, 447, 247, 82, 1266, 13126, 13101, 24224, 11, 810, 47766, 402, 1219, 8776, 986, 447, 251, 319, 2556, 13, 678, 379, 262, 23233, 286, 968, 8936, 287, 22372, 13, 198, 12510 ]
[ 198, 47, 273, 15969, 393, 383, 15969, 362, 259, 34768, 2955, 369, 13673, 15034, 7957, 27524, 369, 264, 4526, 24919, 22100, 315, 53754, 279, 3363, 369, 264, 6710, 315, 279, 11594, 2324, 627, 47, 273, 15969, 393, 383, 15969, 198, 29184, 27524, 125341, 32, 259, 34768, 2955, 369, 13673, 15034, 7957, 27524, 369, 264, 4526, 24919, 22100, 315, 53754, 279, 3363, 369, 264, 6710, 315, 279, 11594, 2324, 13, 1561, 17340, 10355, 988, 16526, 28131, 388, 198, 28646, 5513, 69256, 198, 1383, 274, 5169, 198, 791, 16958, 13, 24565, 54726, 11, 1561, 17340, 753, 9675, 369, 350, 67630, 11930, 11, 31340, 323, 41952, 11, 48782, 279, 5144, 315, 220, 19, 26526, 315, 4140, 1952, 6498, 34225, 389, 5020, 13, 220, 777, 520, 279, 53527, 315, 1561, 17340, 304, 51289, 627, 71907, 13, 24565, 54726, 11, 1561, 17340, 753, 9675, 369, 350, 67630, 11930, 11, 31340, 323, 41952, 11, 23146, 264, 38782, 311, 14465, 647, 666, 6043, 12303, 526, 11, 264, 22458, 315, 4140, 1952, 6498, 34225, 11, 389, 5020, 13, 220, 777, 520, 279, 53527, 315, 1561, 17340, 304, 51289, 627, 53038, 1283, 68, 14465, 647, 320, 868, 705, 264, 22458, 315, 279, 4140, 1952, 6498, 12279, 8255, 34225, 11, 2795, 11, 1054, 40, 690, 4048, 323, 5542, 1633, 2653, 520, 1561, 17340, 753, 1888, 19665, 24826, 44798, 11, 1405, 92306, 480, 2319, 16572, 1131, 863, 389, 5020, 13, 220, 777, 520, 279, 53527, 315, 1561, 17340, 304, 51289, 627, 20215 ]
[ 34876, 315, 279, 4140, 1952, 6498, 12279, 8255, 34225, 1935, 264, 19665, 19336, 369, 264, 6685, 6230, 389, 5020, 13, 220, 777, 520, 279, 53527, 315, 1561, 17340, 304, 51289, 13, 28131, 34225, 34876, 690, 16136, 304, 264, 502, 22160, 1355, 403, 2068, 35271, 19665, 323, 6498, 13, 3247, 7121, 2279, 328, 1929, 32, 198, 35960, 220, 16, 6235, 4301, 2958, 320, 69780, 28257, 340, 791, 47664, 198, 791, 42569, 198, 44324, 220, 508, 482, 330, 791, 84657, 4946, 43777, 1, 3744, 220, 19, 198, 1542, 402, 572, 80270, 198, 644, 14894, 10637, 674, 11123, 15, 11, 9083, 42136, 26584, 81818, 23874, 7636, 304, 1077, 14150, 13, 578, 5222, 315, 279, 13658, 37943, 27511, 436, 58199, 4920, 279, 40069, 8036, 54499, 627, 2181, 374, 2500, 11, 18004, 11, 63857, 7474, 13658, 304, 1561, 9635, 13, 2876, 2533, 279, 4717, 389, 6740, 3814, 706, 264, 1938, 8208, 555, 2085, 779, 1790, 439, 264, 36498, 9568, 1523, 55619, 627, 36412, 81818, 374, 12512, 1193, 264, 11071, 323, 832, 315, 22653, 753, 6453, 2579, 10769, 11796, 13, 3005, 23874, 709, 304, 279, 6278, 315, 279, 3544, 4950, 323, 25501, 369, 1077, 36213, 3830, 13, 3005, 5097, 832, 704, 323, 9711, 433, 311, 1077, 23726, 13, 763, 264, 30462, 3351, 11, 1364, 4224, 9296, 1077, 6761, 33207, 660, 30673, 323, 13001, 279, 36213, 13, 3005, 41802, 279, 4950, 25112, 1022, 315, 1077, 12743, 14535, 439, 1364, 60537, 3916, 279, 27531, 323, 50011, 13, 3005, 57759, 3916, 323, 32860, 279, 16603, 14284 ]
with artificial poppies and short inscriptions. As we were leaving the site, I couldn’t help noticing this WW1 enthusiast’s legs! Now I enjoy a discreet tattoo as much as the next man but this is really something… Anyway, this concludes part 3 of 5 in my WW1 centenary series. Join me and Prince Charles next year as we remember the Third battle of Ypres or “Passchendaele” as it is commonly referred to… If you missed any of my earlier posts: Start here with my 2014 visit to Sarajevo In 2015 I was in Gallipoli Gallipoli – ANZAC day 2015 Welcome to the second instalment of my WW1 centenary travel blog – slightly less than a year after my first post in Sarajevo. This time I am visiting the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey with Neil, Bahar, Mark, Bahar & Clare. It is the 25th of April 1915, exactly 100 years after the first landings here by soldiers from Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand. As a reminder, by early 1915 most of Europe is at war. The British and French are entrenched on the Western Front and
with artificial poppies and short inscriptions. As we were leaving the site, I couldn’t help noticing this WW1 enthusiast’s legs! Now I enjoy a discreet tattoo as much as the next man but this is really something… Anyway, this concludes part 3 of 5 in my WW1 centenary series. Join me and Prince Charles next year as we remember the Third battle of Ypres or “Passchendaele” as it is commonly referred to… If you missed any of my earlier posts: Start here with my 2014 visit to Sarajevo In 2015 I was in Gallipoli Gallipoli – ANZAC day 2015 Welcome to the second instalment of my WW1 centenary travel blog – slightly less than a year after my first post in Sarajevo. This time I am visiting the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey with Neil, Bahar, Mark, Bahar & Clare. It is the 25th of April 1915, exactly 100 years after the first landings here by soldiers from Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand. As a reminder, by early 1915 most of Europe is at war. The British and French are entrenched on the Western Front and
are finding it impossible to make significant advances against the Germans. Thousands of kilometers away in the eastern Mediterranean, the British and French navies attempt to force their way through the Dardanelles to take Constantinople and secure the Bosporus and access to the Black Sea. Their ships got no further than the heavily fortified straights at Canakkale where only a kilometre or so of water separates Europe from Asia. The decision was taken to land troops on the peninsula to neutralise the Turkish forts and to ensure safe passage for the navy. The landings started just before dawn but, we are not early risers. We managed to catch the ferry to Kilitbahir at about 10:00am, dodging Valletta registered freighters heading for the Sea of Marmara. An enormous sign on the hillside warns “Traveller halt! The soil you tread once witnessed the end of an era”. Turkish flags on the shoreline reminded us that, although Turkey was on the losing side in the war, the events at Gallipoli played an important part in Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s rise to power, the end of the Ottoman Empire, and the birth of the modern Turkish nation.
[ 351, 11666, 745, 381, 444, 290, 1790, 1035, 24370, 13, 198, 1722, 356, 547, 4305, 262, 2524, 11, 314, 3521, 447, 247, 83, 1037, 28107, 428, 13505, 16, 33471, 447, 247, 82, 7405, 0, 2735, 314, 2883, 257, 38724, 18785, 355, 881, 355, 262, 1306, 582, 475, 428, 318, 1107, 1223, 1399, 198, 23795, 11, 428, 18978, 636, 513, 286, 642, 287, 616, 13505, 16, 1247, 21629, 2168, 13, 15251, 502, 290, 9005, 7516, 1306, 614, 355, 356, 3505, 262, 10467, 3344, 286, 575, 18302, 393, 564, 250, 14478, 2395, 358, 3609, 293, 447, 251, 355, 340, 318, 8811, 6412, 284, 1399, 198, 1532, 345, 6825, 597, 286, 616, 2961, 6851, 25, 198, 10434, 994, 351, 616, 1946, 3187, 284, 6866, 1228, 1990, 78, 198, 818, 1853, 314, 373, 287, 7096, 541, 11106, 198, 37122, 541, 11106, 784, 3537, 57, 2246, 1110, 1853, 198, 14618, 284, 262, 1218, 916, 282, 434, 286, 616, 13505, 16, 1247, 21629, 3067, 4130, 784, 4622, 1342, 621, 257, 614, 706, 616, 717, 1281, 287, 6866, 1228, 1990, 78, 13, 770, 640, 314, 716, 10013, 262, 7096, 541, 11106, 28080, 287, 7137, 351, 15929, 11, 13081, 283, 11, 2940, 11, 13081, 283, 1222, 22736, 13, 632, 318, 262, 1679, 400, 286, 3035, 32062, 11, 3446, 1802, 812, 706, 262, 717, 1956, 654, 994, 416, 5795, 422, 5491, 11, 4881, 11, 4505, 11, 968, 8936, 13, 198, 1722, 257, 15438, 11, 416, 1903, 32062, 749, 286, 2031, 318, 379, 1175, 13, 383, 3517, 290, 4141, 389, 32472, 319, 262, 4885, 8880, 290 ]
[ 449, 21075, 2477, 45752, 323, 2875, 1672, 25712, 627, 2170, 584, 1051, 9564, 279, 2816, 11, 358, 7846, 1431, 1520, 62464, 420, 29144, 16, 61912, 753, 14535, 0, 4800, 358, 4774, 264, 62504, 32894, 439, 1790, 439, 279, 1828, 893, 719, 420, 374, 2216, 2555, 90578, 49388, 11, 420, 45537, 961, 220, 18, 315, 220, 20, 304, 856, 29144, 16, 2960, 47228, 4101, 13, 16877, 757, 323, 19912, 15274, 1828, 1060, 439, 584, 6227, 279, 21530, 8209, 315, 816, 24544, 477, 1054, 12465, 331, 408, 6043, 273, 863, 439, 433, 374, 17037, 14183, 311, 90578, 2746, 499, 13942, 904, 315, 856, 6931, 8158, 512, 3563, 1618, 449, 856, 220, 679, 19, 4034, 311, 13951, 11305, 3415, 198, 644, 220, 679, 20, 358, 574, 304, 25919, 575, 14559, 198, 38, 543, 575, 14559, 1389, 2147, 57, 1741, 1938, 220, 679, 20, 198, 14262, 311, 279, 2132, 46698, 479, 315, 856, 29144, 16, 2960, 47228, 5944, 5117, 1389, 10284, 2753, 1109, 264, 1060, 1306, 856, 1176, 1772, 304, 13951, 11305, 3415, 13, 1115, 892, 358, 1097, 17136, 279, 25919, 575, 14559, 66495, 304, 17442, 449, 34221, 11, 32429, 277, 11, 4488, 11, 32429, 277, 612, 62140, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 220, 914, 339, 315, 5936, 220, 7529, 20, 11, 7041, 220, 1041, 1667, 1306, 279, 1176, 4363, 826, 1618, 555, 15201, 505, 13527, 11, 9822, 11, 8494, 11, 1561, 17340, 627, 2170, 264, 27626, 11, 555, 4216, 220, 7529, 20, 1455, 315, 4606, 374, 520, 4208, 13, 578, 8013, 323, 8753, 527, 82144, 389, 279, 11104, 15248, 323 ]
[ 527, 9455, 433, 12266, 311, 1304, 5199, 31003, 2403, 279, 42037, 13, 63294, 315, 41668, 3201, 304, 279, 24024, 38785, 11, 279, 8013, 323, 8753, 8235, 552, 4879, 311, 5457, 872, 1648, 1555, 279, 423, 569, 2444, 645, 311, 1935, 92287, 1184, 323, 9966, 279, 29071, 4406, 355, 323, 2680, 311, 279, 5348, 15379, 13, 11205, 18198, 2751, 912, 4726, 1109, 279, 17345, 95536, 114118, 2866, 520, 3053, 31141, 1604, 1405, 1193, 264, 44987, 265, 477, 779, 315, 3090, 62849, 4606, 505, 13936, 13, 578, 5597, 574, 4529, 311, 4363, 17312, 389, 279, 66495, 311, 21277, 1082, 279, 24666, 75652, 323, 311, 6106, 6220, 21765, 369, 279, 45874, 627, 791, 4363, 826, 3940, 1120, 1603, 39493, 719, 11, 584, 527, 539, 4216, 10025, 388, 13, 1226, 9152, 311, 2339, 279, 52650, 311, 735, 3748, 65, 52098, 520, 922, 220, 605, 25, 410, 309, 11, 32189, 3252, 4196, 1169, 2629, 9879, 46217, 388, 14836, 369, 279, 15379, 315, 386, 2227, 5169, 13, 1556, 23205, 1879, 389, 279, 24898, 3002, 49140, 1054, 1305, 402, 7218, 27365, 0, 578, 17614, 499, 48814, 3131, 32126, 279, 842, 315, 459, 11639, 113068, 38062, 74720, 8202, 389, 279, 99164, 31256, 603, 430, 11, 8051, 17442, 574, 389, 279, 13490, 3185, 304, 279, 4208, 11, 279, 4455, 520, 25919, 575, 14559, 6476, 459, 3062, 961, 304, 116785, 121051, 124212, 753, 10205, 311, 2410, 11, 279, 842, 315, 279, 70110, 21080, 11, 323, 279, 7342, 315, 279, 6617, 24666, 7140, 627 ]
the next generation of electric vehicles. We are not only talking about the cost of development here, but the actual cost of parts and labor versus the actual sale price. An important reason for the loss is that GM has little control over almost all of the more costly components of the Bolt EV. LG is an incredibly important supplier to GM’s Bolt EV program. In fact, the Bolt is almost as much an LG product as it is a GM product. LG Chem supplies the battery cells, but between its other divisions, the South Korean giant supplies all the main powertrain components, the HVAC system, and the instrument/infotainment cluster, among other things. It’s interesting to see that GM is ready to move away from compliance electric cars and looking at electric vehicle programs that can be profitable on their own. As we understand it, the Bolt EV would qualify for something “people can afford” since GM has been advertising it as “the first long-range electric car that people can afford”, but it doesn’t make a profit. Tesla’s Model S and X have been profitable, as in they have positive gross margins, but starting at $70,000, they are competitive
the next generation of electric vehicles. We are not only talking about the cost of development here, but the actual cost of parts and labor versus the actual sale price. An important reason for the loss is that GM has little control over almost all of the more costly components of the Bolt EV. LG is an incredibly important supplier to GM’s Bolt EV program. In fact, the Bolt is almost as much an LG product as it is a GM product. LG Chem supplies the battery cells, but between its other divisions, the South Korean giant supplies all the main powertrain components, the HVAC system, and the instrument/infotainment cluster, among other things. It’s interesting to see that GM is ready to move away from compliance electric cars and looking at electric vehicle programs that can be profitable on their own. As we understand it, the Bolt EV would qualify for something “people can afford” since GM has been advertising it as “the first long-range electric car that people can afford”, but it doesn’t make a profit. Tesla’s Model S and X have been profitable, as in they have positive gross margins, but starting at $70,000, they are competitive
with the cars in their segments – just not affordable for the masses. That’s why the Model 3 – and especially Tesla making a profit on the Model 3 – is the most important step for the electric vehicle market. It would show the automotive industry that electric vehicles are not just coming because of regulations, but that they are an inevitable transition for the industry to become sustainable. Now GM says that it could beat Tesla to it. Let’s see what happens. Why Mr. Keener, why did you allow this ??? LLWS has always been free, now the Disney Corporation is profiting at the fan's expense. Spatially explicit knowledge of recent and past soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in forests will improve our understanding of the effect of human- and non-human-induced changes on forest C fluxes. For SOC accounting, a minimum detectable difference must be defined in order to adequately determine temporal changes and spatial differences in SOC. This requires sufficiently detailed data to predict SOC stocks at appropriate scales within the required accuracy so that only significant changes are accounted for. When designing sampling campaigns, taking into account factors influencing SOC spatial and temporal distribution (such as soil type, topography, climate and vegetation) are needed to optimise sampling depths
[ 262, 1306, 5270, 286, 5186, 5672, 13, 198, 1135, 389, 407, 691, 3375, 546, 262, 1575, 286, 2478, 994, 11, 475, 262, 4036, 1575, 286, 3354, 290, 4827, 9051, 262, 4036, 5466, 2756, 13, 198, 2025, 1593, 1738, 329, 262, 2994, 318, 326, 6951, 468, 1310, 1630, 625, 2048, 477, 286, 262, 517, 16378, 6805, 286, 262, 21764, 8696, 13, 17370, 318, 281, 8131, 1593, 22693, 284, 6951, 447, 247, 82, 21764, 8696, 1430, 13, 554, 1109, 11, 262, 21764, 318, 2048, 355, 881, 281, 17370, 1720, 355, 340, 318, 257, 6951, 1720, 13, 17370, 12870, 9416, 262, 6555, 4778, 11, 475, 1022, 663, 584, 17397, 11, 262, 2520, 6983, 6175, 9416, 477, 262, 1388, 1176, 27432, 6805, 11, 262, 367, 53, 2246, 1080, 11, 290, 262, 8875, 14, 10745, 313, 37091, 13946, 11, 1871, 584, 1243, 13, 198, 1026, 447, 247, 82, 3499, 284, 766, 326, 6951, 318, 3492, 284, 1445, 1497, 422, 11846, 5186, 5006, 290, 2045, 379, 5186, 4038, 4056, 326, 460, 307, 17967, 319, 511, 898, 13, 198, 1722, 356, 1833, 340, 11, 262, 21764, 8696, 561, 12780, 329, 1223, 564, 250, 15332, 460, 5368, 447, 251, 1201, 6951, 468, 587, 8560, 340, 355, 564, 250, 1169, 717, 890, 12, 9521, 5186, 1097, 326, 661, 460, 5368, 447, 251, 11, 475, 340, 1595, 447, 247, 83, 787, 257, 7630, 13, 198, 41351, 447, 247, 82, 9104, 311, 290, 1395, 423, 587, 17967, 11, 355, 287, 484, 423, 3967, 10319, 20241, 11, 475, 3599, 379, 720, 2154, 11, 830, 11, 484, 389, 7606 ]
[ 279, 1828, 9659, 315, 9249, 11731, 627, 1687, 527, 539, 1193, 7556, 922, 279, 2853, 315, 4500, 1618, 11, 719, 279, 5150, 2853, 315, 5596, 323, 9511, 19579, 279, 5150, 6412, 3430, 627, 2127, 3062, 2944, 369, 279, 4814, 374, 430, 19722, 706, 2697, 2585, 927, 4661, 682, 315, 279, 810, 34348, 6956, 315, 279, 47047, 15238, 13, 24294, 374, 459, 17235, 3062, 19353, 311, 19722, 753, 47047, 15238, 2068, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 279, 47047, 374, 4661, 439, 1790, 459, 24294, 2027, 439, 433, 374, 264, 19722, 2027, 13, 24294, 19531, 17135, 279, 11863, 7917, 11, 719, 1990, 1202, 1023, 37601, 11, 279, 4987, 16526, 14880, 17135, 682, 279, 1925, 2410, 10613, 6956, 11, 279, 66433, 1887, 11, 323, 279, 14473, 14, 13885, 354, 73712, 10879, 11, 4315, 1023, 2574, 627, 2181, 753, 7185, 311, 1518, 430, 19722, 374, 5644, 311, 3351, 3201, 505, 8907, 9249, 9515, 323, 3411, 520, 9249, 7458, 7620, 430, 649, 387, 34235, 389, 872, 1866, 627, 2170, 584, 3619, 433, 11, 279, 47047, 15238, 1053, 26456, 369, 2555, 1054, 16455, 649, 10150, 863, 2533, 19722, 706, 1027, 13172, 433, 439, 1054, 1820, 1176, 1317, 31608, 9249, 1841, 430, 1274, 649, 10150, 9520, 719, 433, 3250, 1431, 1304, 264, 11626, 627, 90541, 753, 5008, 328, 323, 1630, 617, 1027, 34235, 11, 439, 304, 814, 617, 6928, 20547, 37682, 11, 719, 6041, 520, 400, 2031, 11, 931, 11, 814, 527, 15022 ]
[ 449, 279, 9515, 304, 872, 21282, 1389, 1120, 539, 17049, 369, 279, 32738, 627, 4897, 753, 3249, 279, 5008, 220, 18, 1389, 323, 5423, 28298, 3339, 264, 11626, 389, 279, 5008, 220, 18, 1389, 374, 279, 1455, 3062, 3094, 369, 279, 9249, 7458, 3157, 13, 1102, 1053, 1501, 279, 40508, 5064, 430, 9249, 11731, 527, 539, 1120, 5108, 1606, 315, 14640, 11, 719, 430, 814, 527, 459, 31352, 9320, 369, 279, 5064, 311, 3719, 22556, 627, 7184, 19722, 2795, 430, 433, 1436, 9567, 28298, 311, 433, 13, 6914, 753, 1518, 1148, 8741, 13, 8595, 4491, 13, 6706, 804, 11, 3249, 1550, 499, 2187, 420, 9602, 5380, 4178, 7585, 706, 2744, 1027, 1949, 11, 1457, 279, 16795, 13332, 374, 2848, 5977, 520, 279, 8571, 596, 20900, 13, 75797, 398, 11720, 6677, 315, 3293, 323, 3347, 17614, 17808, 12782, 320, 80168, 8, 23301, 304, 36658, 690, 7417, 1057, 8830, 315, 279, 2515, 315, 3823, 12, 323, 2536, 70095, 38973, 4442, 389, 13952, 356, 31405, 288, 13, 1789, 38750, 24043, 11, 264, 8187, 11388, 481, 6811, 2011, 387, 4613, 304, 2015, 311, 49672, 8417, 37015, 4442, 323, 29079, 12062, 304, 38750, 13, 1115, 7612, 40044, 11944, 828, 311, 7168, 38750, 23301, 520, 8475, 29505, 2949, 279, 2631, 13708, 779, 430, 1193, 5199, 4442, 527, 41853, 369, 13, 3277, 30829, 25936, 21343, 11, 4737, 1139, 2759, 9547, 66700, 38750, 29079, 323, 37015, 8141, 320, 21470, 439, 17614, 955, 11, 1948, 5814, 11, 10182, 323, 54832, 8, 527, 4460, 311, 7706, 1082, 25936, 43957 ]
the measured time period. At the time of writing, Six Flags Entertainment Corporation (NYSE:SIX) has a Piotroski F-Score of 5. The F-Score may help discover companies with strengthening balance sheets. The score may also be used to spot the weak performers. Joseph Piotroski developed the F-Score which employs nine different variables based on the company financial statement. A single point is assigned to each test that a stock passes. Typically, a stock scoring an 8 or 9 would be seen as strong. On the other end, a stock with a score from 0-2 would be viewed as weak. Investors may be interested in viewing the Gross Margin score on shares of Six Flags Entertainment Corporation (NYSE:SIX). The name currently has a score of 10.00000. This score is derived from the Gross Margin (Marx) stability and growth over the previous eight years. The Gross Margin score lands on a scale from 1 to 100 where a score of 1 would be considered positive, and a score of 100 would be seen as negative. The Q.i. Value of Six Flags Entertainment Corporation is 29.00000. The Q.i. Value is a helpful tool in determining if a company is undervalued or
the measured time period. At the time of writing, Six Flags Entertainment Corporation (NYSE:SIX) has a Piotroski F-Score of 5. The F-Score may help discover companies with strengthening balance sheets. The score may also be used to spot the weak performers. Joseph Piotroski developed the F-Score which employs nine different variables based on the company financial statement. A single point is assigned to each test that a stock passes. Typically, a stock scoring an 8 or 9 would be seen as strong. On the other end, a stock with a score from 0-2 would be viewed as weak. Investors may be interested in viewing the Gross Margin score on shares of Six Flags Entertainment Corporation (NYSE:SIX). The name currently has a score of 10.00000. This score is derived from the Gross Margin (Marx) stability and growth over the previous eight years. The Gross Margin score lands on a scale from 1 to 100 where a score of 1 would be considered positive, and a score of 100 would be seen as negative. The Q.i. Value of Six Flags Entertainment Corporation is 29.00000. The Q.i. Value is a helpful tool in determining if a company is undervalued or
not. The Q.i. Value is calculated using the following ratios: EBITDA Yield, Earnings Yield, FCF Yield, and Liquidity. The lower the Q.i. value, the more undervalued the company is thought to be. The MF Rank (aka the Magic Formula) is a formula that pinpoints a valuable company trading at a good price. The formula is calculated by looking at companies that have a high earnings yield as well as a high return on invested capital. The MF Rank of Six Flags Entertainment Corporation (NYSE:SIX) is 2168. A company with a low rank is considered a good company to invest in. The Magic Formula was introduced in a book written by Joel Greenblatt, entitled, “The Little Book that Beats the Market”. The ERP5 Rank is an investment tool that analysts use to discover undervalued companies. The ERP5 looks at the Price to Book ratio, Earnings Yield, ROIC and 5 year average ROIC. The ERP5 of Six Flags Entertainment Corporation (NYSE:SIX) is 6116. The lower the ERP5 rank, the more undervalued a company is thought to be. Some of the best financial predictions are
[ 262, 8630, 640, 2278, 13, 198, 2953, 262, 640, 286, 3597, 11, 9699, 34771, 11058, 10501, 357, 49430, 25, 50, 10426, 8, 468, 257, 350, 5151, 4951, 4106, 376, 12, 26595, 286, 642, 13, 383, 376, 12, 26595, 743, 1037, 7073, 2706, 351, 24175, 5236, 15747, 13, 383, 4776, 743, 635, 307, 973, 284, 4136, 262, 4939, 23827, 13, 7212, 350, 5151, 4951, 4106, 4166, 262, 376, 12, 26595, 543, 24803, 5193, 1180, 9633, 1912, 319, 262, 1664, 3176, 2643, 13, 317, 2060, 966, 318, 8686, 284, 1123, 1332, 326, 257, 4283, 8318, 13, 27095, 11, 257, 4283, 9689, 281, 807, 393, 860, 561, 307, 1775, 355, 1913, 13, 1550, 262, 584, 886, 11, 257, 4283, 351, 257, 4776, 422, 657, 12, 17, 561, 307, 9569, 355, 4939, 13, 198, 19070, 669, 743, 307, 4609, 287, 11681, 262, 21796, 11899, 259, 4776, 319, 7303, 286, 9699, 34771, 11058, 10501, 357, 49430, 25, 50, 10426, 737, 383, 1438, 3058, 468, 257, 4776, 286, 838, 13, 20483, 13, 770, 4776, 318, 10944, 422, 262, 21796, 11899, 259, 357, 45258, 8, 10159, 290, 3349, 625, 262, 2180, 3624, 812, 13, 383, 21796, 11899, 259, 4776, 8604, 319, 257, 5046, 422, 352, 284, 1802, 810, 257, 4776, 286, 352, 561, 307, 3177, 3967, 11, 290, 257, 4776, 286, 1802, 561, 307, 1775, 355, 4633, 13, 383, 1195, 13, 72, 13, 11052, 286, 9699, 34771, 11058, 10501, 318, 2808, 13, 20483, 13, 383, 1195, 13, 72, 13, 11052, 318, 257, 7613, 2891, 287, 13213, 611, 257, 1664, 318, 739, 39728, 393 ]
[ 279, 17303, 892, 4261, 627, 1688, 279, 892, 315, 4477, 11, 19198, 34305, 23334, 13332, 320, 68445, 76469, 5511, 8, 706, 264, 393, 11345, 3714, 6780, 435, 6354, 2202, 315, 220, 20, 13, 578, 435, 6354, 2202, 1253, 1520, 7142, 5220, 449, 48513, 8335, 25112, 13, 578, 5573, 1253, 1101, 387, 1511, 311, 7858, 279, 7621, 45518, 13, 15466, 393, 11345, 3714, 6780, 8040, 279, 435, 6354, 2202, 902, 51242, 11888, 2204, 7482, 3196, 389, 279, 2883, 6020, 5224, 13, 362, 3254, 1486, 374, 12893, 311, 1855, 1296, 430, 264, 5708, 16609, 13, 46402, 11, 264, 5708, 20413, 459, 220, 23, 477, 220, 24, 1053, 387, 3970, 439, 3831, 13, 1952, 279, 1023, 842, 11, 264, 5708, 449, 264, 5573, 505, 220, 15, 12, 17, 1053, 387, 19894, 439, 7621, 627, 34976, 1105, 1253, 387, 8173, 304, 20705, 279, 43907, 72224, 5573, 389, 13551, 315, 19198, 34305, 23334, 13332, 320, 68445, 76469, 5511, 570, 578, 836, 5131, 706, 264, 5573, 315, 220, 605, 13, 931, 410, 13, 1115, 5573, 374, 14592, 505, 279, 43907, 72224, 320, 12331, 87, 8, 20334, 323, 6650, 927, 279, 3766, 8223, 1667, 13, 578, 43907, 72224, 5573, 12098, 389, 264, 5569, 505, 220, 16, 311, 220, 1041, 1405, 264, 5573, 315, 220, 16, 1053, 387, 6646, 6928, 11, 323, 264, 5573, 315, 220, 1041, 1053, 387, 3970, 439, 8389, 13, 578, 1229, 8777, 13, 5273, 315, 19198, 34305, 23334, 13332, 374, 220, 1682, 13, 931, 410, 13, 578, 1229, 8777, 13, 5273, 374, 264, 11190, 5507, 304, 26679, 422, 264, 2883, 374, 2073, 6283, 3340, 477 ]
[ 539, 13, 578, 1229, 8777, 13, 5273, 374, 16997, 1701, 279, 2768, 42338, 25, 469, 21587, 6486, 78478, 11, 469, 15202, 78478, 11, 435, 9847, 78478, 11, 323, 69618, 19025, 13, 578, 4827, 279, 1229, 8777, 13, 907, 11, 279, 810, 2073, 6283, 3340, 279, 2883, 374, 3463, 311, 387, 627, 791, 39354, 19856, 320, 13637, 279, 15852, 31922, 8, 374, 264, 15150, 430, 9160, 7862, 264, 15525, 2883, 11380, 520, 264, 1695, 3430, 13, 578, 15150, 374, 16997, 555, 3411, 520, 5220, 430, 617, 264, 1579, 24608, 7692, 439, 1664, 439, 264, 1579, 471, 389, 29091, 6864, 13, 578, 39354, 19856, 315, 19198, 34305, 23334, 13332, 320, 68445, 76469, 5511, 8, 374, 220, 12463, 23, 13, 362, 2883, 449, 264, 3428, 7222, 374, 6646, 264, 1695, 2883, 311, 2793, 304, 13, 578, 15852, 31922, 574, 11784, 304, 264, 2363, 5439, 555, 39447, 7997, 2067, 1617, 11, 20458, 11, 1054, 791, 15013, 6017, 430, 85620, 279, 8152, 11453, 578, 66279, 20, 19856, 374, 459, 9341, 5507, 430, 31499, 1005, 311, 7142, 2073, 6283, 3340, 5220, 13, 578, 66279, 20, 5992, 520, 279, 8650, 311, 6017, 11595, 11, 469, 15202, 78478, 11, 12076, 1341, 323, 220, 20, 1060, 5578, 12076, 1341, 13, 578, 66279, 20, 315, 19198, 34305, 23334, 13332, 320, 68445, 76469, 5511, 8, 374, 220, 20973, 21, 13, 578, 4827, 279, 66279, 20, 7222, 11, 279, 810, 2073, 6283, 3340, 264, 2883, 374, 3463, 311, 387, 627, 8538, 315, 279, 1888, 6020, 20492, 527 ]
.~Lodato\Irefn{org53}\And P.I.~Loenne\Irefn{org17}\And V.R.~Loggins\Irefn{org129}\And V.~Loginov\Irefn{org72}\And D.~Lohner\Irefn{org89}\And C.~Loizides\Irefn{org70}\And X.~Lopez\Irefn{org66}\And E.~L\'{o}pez~Torres\Irefn{org9}\And X.-G.~Lu\Irefn{org89}\And P.~Luettig\Irefn{org49}\And M.~Lunardon\Irefn{org28}\And G.~Luparello\Irefn{org53}\textsuperscript{,}\Irefn{org24}\And R.~Ma\Irefn{org131}\And A.~Maevskaya\Irefn{org52}\And M.~Mager\Irefn{org
.~Lodato\Irefn{org53}\And P.I.~Loenne\Irefn{org17}\And V.R.~Loggins\Irefn{org129}\And V.~Loginov\Irefn{org72}\And D.~Lohner\Irefn{org89}\And C.~Loizides\Irefn{org70}\And X.~Lopez\Irefn{org66}\And E.~L\'{o}pez~Torres\Irefn{org9}\And X.-G.~Lu\Irefn{org89}\And P.~Luettig\Irefn{org49}\And M.~Lunardon\Irefn{org28}\And G.~Luparello\Irefn{org53}\textsuperscript{,}\Irefn{org24}\And R.~Ma\Irefn{org131}\And A.~Maevskaya\Irefn{org52}\And M.~Mager\Irefn{org
34}\And D.P.~Mahapatra\Irefn{org57}\And S.M.~Mahmood\Irefn{org21}\And A.~Maire\Irefn{org51}\textsuperscript{,}\Irefn{org89}\And R.D.~Majka\Irefn{org131}\And M.~Malaev\Irefn{org81}\And I.~Maldonado~Cervantes\Irefn{org59}\And L.~Malinina\Aref{idp3724256}\textsuperscript{,}\Irefn{org62}\And D.~Mal'Kevich\Irefn{org54}\And P.~Malzacher\Irefn{org93}\And A.~Mamonov\Irefn{org95}\And L.~Manceau\Irefn{org107}\And V.~Manko\Irefn{org96}\And F.~Manso\Irefn{org66}\And V.
[ 13, 93, 43, 375, 5549, 59, 40, 5420, 77, 90, 2398, 4310, 32239, 1870, 198, 47, 13, 40, 13, 93, 43, 6571, 710, 59, 40, 5420, 77, 90, 2398, 1558, 32239, 1870, 198, 53, 13, 49, 13, 93, 43, 10332, 1040, 59, 40, 5420, 77, 90, 2398, 18741, 32239, 1870, 198, 53, 13, 93, 47790, 709, 59, 40, 5420, 77, 90, 2398, 4761, 32239, 1870, 198, 35, 13, 93, 43, 1219, 1008, 59, 40, 5420, 77, 90, 2398, 4531, 32239, 1870, 198, 34, 13, 93, 27654, 528, 1460, 59, 40, 5420, 77, 90, 2398, 2154, 32239, 1870, 198, 55, 13, 93, 43, 20808, 59, 40, 5420, 77, 90, 2398, 2791, 32239, 1870, 198, 36, 13, 93, 43, 43054, 90, 78, 92, 46057, 93, 15884, 411, 59, 40, 5420, 77, 90, 2398, 24, 32239, 1870, 198, 55, 7874, 38, 13, 93, 25596, 59, 40, 5420, 77, 90, 2398, 4531, 32239, 1870, 198, 47, 13, 93, 25596, 3087, 328, 59, 40, 5420, 77, 90, 2398, 2920, 32239, 1870, 198, 44, 13, 93, 43, 403, 19917, 59, 40, 5420, 77, 90, 2398, 2078, 32239, 1870, 198, 38, 13, 93, 43, 929, 533, 18798, 59, 40, 5420, 77, 90, 2398, 4310, 32239, 5239, 37330, 364, 6519, 90, 11, 32239, 40, 5420, 77, 90, 2398, 1731, 32239, 1870, 198, 49, 13, 93, 21467, 59, 40, 5420, 77, 90, 2398, 22042, 32239, 1870, 198, 32, 13, 93, 21467, 1990, 82, 35372, 59, 40, 5420, 77, 90, 2398, 4309, 32239, 1870, 198, 44, 13, 93, 44, 3536, 59, 40, 5420, 77, 90, 2398 ]
[ 13, 93, 43, 347, 4428, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 4331, 11281, 3112, 198, 47, 2506, 13, 93, 4357, 26193, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 1114, 11281, 3112, 198, 53, 2056, 13, 93, 2250, 70, 1354, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 9748, 11281, 3112, 198, 53, 13, 93, 6363, 869, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 5332, 11281, 3112, 198, 35, 13, 93, 43, 2319, 1215, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 4578, 11281, 3112, 198, 34, 13, 93, 4357, 450, 3422, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 2031, 11281, 3112, 198, 55, 13, 93, 43, 42359, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 2287, 11281, 3112, 198, 36, 13, 93, 43, 10379, 90, 78, 92, 41059, 93, 33450, 417, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 24, 11281, 3112, 198, 55, 12898, 38, 13, 93, 50302, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 4578, 11281, 3112, 198, 47, 13, 93, 50302, 7211, 343, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 2491, 11281, 3112, 198, 44, 13, 93, 43, 359, 46396, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 1591, 11281, 3112, 198, 38, 13, 93, 43, 455, 31531, 385, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 4331, 11281, 1342, 13066, 388, 1250, 90, 11, 11281, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 1187, 11281, 3112, 198, 49, 13, 93, 30635, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 9263, 11281, 3112, 198, 32, 13, 93, 30635, 5230, 4991, 12874, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 4103, 11281, 3112, 198, 44, 13, 93, 44, 1435, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813 ]
[ 1958, 11281, 3112, 198, 35, 1087, 13, 93, 47308, 26844, 969, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 3226, 11281, 3112, 198, 50, 1345, 13, 93, 47308, 76, 1411, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 1691, 11281, 3112, 198, 32, 13, 93, 44, 12267, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 3971, 11281, 1342, 13066, 388, 1250, 90, 11, 11281, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 4578, 11281, 3112, 198, 49, 920, 13, 93, 44, 1662, 4657, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 9263, 11281, 3112, 198, 44, 13, 93, 44, 6181, 5230, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 5932, 11281, 3112, 198, 40, 13, 93, 44, 4852, 263, 2172, 93, 34, 651, 15844, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 2946, 11281, 3112, 198, 43, 13, 93, 30700, 258, 2259, 59, 32, 1116, 62861, 79, 17662, 17837, 21, 11281, 1342, 13066, 388, 1250, 90, 11, 11281, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 5538, 11281, 3112, 198, 35, 13, 93, 30700, 6, 42, 5230, 718, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 4370, 11281, 3112, 198, 47, 13, 93, 30700, 89, 11252, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 6365, 11281, 3112, 198, 32, 13, 93, 44, 31936, 869, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 2721, 11281, 3112, 198, 43, 13, 93, 44, 685, 2933, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 7699, 11281, 3112, 198, 53, 13, 93, 44, 93952, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 4161, 11281, 3112, 198, 37, 13, 93, 44, 598, 78, 59, 40, 1116, 77, 90, 1813, 2287, 11281, 3112, 198, 53, 13 ]
on TV's Ghost Hunters. Topstone Mill Claremont, New Hampshire Topstone Mill, a former shoe and furniture manufacturing plant, was empty for years until new residents turned the bottom floors into an eatery. But the new people have been bitten by invisible teeth, had objects thrown at them, heard footsteps and seen apparitions through the windows. The site has been ... The Spalding Inn Whitefield, New Hampshire The Spalding Inn, formerly the Cherry Hill House, is owned by Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, stars of TV's Ghost Hunters. The 1860s inn is believed to be haunted, proven by apparitions, shadowy figures, odd noises, whispers, and hot spots. Room #38, the kitchen and the Carriage House are said ... Blaser's Fireside Tavern Hopkinton, New Hampshire Blaser's Fireside Tavern's ghosts may cause your car battery to fail just so you will stop at the tavern. The owners say it happens on a regular basis. When they leave the tavern, the car starts up just fine. A ghost called Frank makes footsteps and likes to shake things ... Marianne O'Connor Ghost Quest: New Hampshire's Paranormal Research Society Beckah
on TV's Ghost Hunters. Topstone Mill Claremont, New Hampshire Topstone Mill, a former shoe and furniture manufacturing plant, was empty for years until new residents turned the bottom floors into an eatery. But the new people have been bitten by invisible teeth, had objects thrown at them, heard footsteps and seen apparitions through the windows. The site has been ... The Spalding Inn Whitefield, New Hampshire The Spalding Inn, formerly the Cherry Hill House, is owned by Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, stars of TV's Ghost Hunters. The 1860s inn is believed to be haunted, proven by apparitions, shadowy figures, odd noises, whispers, and hot spots. Room #38, the kitchen and the Carriage House are said ... Blaser's Fireside Tavern Hopkinton, New Hampshire Blaser's Fireside Tavern's ghosts may cause your car battery to fail just so you will stop at the tavern. The owners say it happens on a regular basis. When they leave the tavern, the car starts up just fine. A ghost called Frank makes footsteps and likes to shake things ... Marianne O'Connor Ghost Quest: New Hampshire's Paranormal Research Society Beckah
Tolley Haunting Experiences: Ghosts in Contemporary Folklore Diane Goldstein Siam Orchid At this Thai restaurant, witnesses have seen glasses moving across the tables and heard phantom voices in the dining room and kitchen. Residents who live above the restaurant say strange noises can be heard coming from the restaurant late at night when no one is there. Parsonsfield Seminary Parsonsfield, Maine Sounds are heard in both buildings. The dorm is 46 rooms. Doors are open and closed, footsteps, talking, and children are heard day or night. 3 rd floor you can feel touching and they will play with long hair. EVPs and photos are caught on a regular basis. ... Admiral Peary Inn Fryeburg, Maine A 7- or 8-year-old girl's ghost is said to haunt the Admiral Peary House. The apparition is called Annabelle, because a visiting psychic claimed this was the child's name. Goddard College Plainfield, Vermont The manor house is believed to be haunted. A tale is told about a prospective student who walked in and asked a man who was playing a piano for directions, but the man just kept on playing
[ 319, 3195, 338, 9897, 31196, 13, 198, 9126, 6440, 9212, 198, 2601, 533, 8691, 11, 968, 13910, 198, 9126, 6440, 9212, 11, 257, 1966, 17292, 290, 13091, 9138, 4618, 11, 373, 6565, 329, 812, 1566, 649, 5085, 2900, 262, 4220, 18570, 656, 281, 38338, 88, 13, 887, 262, 649, 661, 423, 587, 38854, 416, 14836, 9941, 11, 550, 5563, 8754, 379, 606, 11, 2982, 27146, 290, 1775, 17956, 1756, 832, 262, 9168, 13, 383, 2524, 468, 587, 2644, 198, 464, 1338, 1940, 278, 10849, 198, 12256, 3245, 11, 968, 13910, 198, 464, 1338, 1940, 278, 10849, 11, 15734, 262, 23165, 3327, 2097, 11, 318, 6898, 416, 8982, 6091, 274, 290, 12181, 8127, 11, 5788, 286, 3195, 338, 9897, 31196, 13, 383, 37637, 82, 3527, 318, 4762, 284, 307, 26688, 11, 9157, 416, 17956, 1756, 11, 40175, 5538, 11, 5629, 26782, 11, 37806, 11, 290, 3024, 10222, 13, 10096, 1303, 2548, 11, 262, 9592, 290, 262, 1879, 4087, 2097, 389, 531, 2644, 198, 3629, 6005, 338, 47702, 485, 32693, 198, 23483, 74, 2371, 11, 968, 13910, 198, 3629, 6005, 338, 47702, 485, 32693, 338, 25899, 743, 2728, 534, 1097, 6555, 284, 2038, 655, 523, 345, 481, 2245, 379, 262, 42488, 13, 383, 4393, 910, 340, 4325, 319, 257, 3218, 4308, 13, 1649, 484, 2666, 262, 42488, 11, 262, 1097, 4940, 510, 655, 3734, 13, 317, 10905, 1444, 5278, 1838, 27146, 290, 7832, 284, 13279, 1243, 2644, 198, 44, 3699, 710, 440, 6, 27136, 198, 32001, 6785, 25, 968, 13910, 338, 42561, 6636, 4992, 7023, 198, 43454, 993 ]
[ 389, 6007, 596, 26099, 82988, 627, 5479, 11046, 8384, 198, 5176, 548, 21047, 11, 1561, 31997, 198, 5479, 11046, 8384, 11, 264, 4846, 30077, 323, 14891, 15266, 6136, 11, 574, 4384, 369, 1667, 3156, 502, 11062, 6656, 279, 5740, 27035, 1139, 459, 8343, 727, 13, 2030, 279, 502, 1274, 617, 1027, 78549, 555, 30547, 18311, 11, 1047, 6302, 15338, 520, 1124, 11, 6755, 60802, 323, 3970, 34388, 6055, 1555, 279, 11276, 13, 578, 2816, 706, 1027, 12515, 791, 3165, 4852, 287, 17382, 198, 14404, 2630, 11, 1561, 31997, 198, 791, 3165, 4852, 287, 17382, 11, 34833, 279, 45805, 8270, 4783, 11, 374, 13234, 555, 18984, 12897, 288, 323, 24668, 17882, 11, 9958, 315, 6007, 596, 26099, 82988, 13, 578, 220, 9714, 15, 82, 6301, 374, 11846, 311, 387, 57775, 11, 17033, 555, 34388, 6055, 11, 12737, 88, 12678, 11, 10535, 58448, 11, 89248, 11, 323, 4106, 19300, 13, 10637, 674, 1987, 11, 279, 9979, 323, 279, 3341, 8950, 4783, 527, 1071, 12515, 5028, 12351, 596, 83930, 579, 81400, 198, 88373, 74, 7454, 11, 1561, 31997, 198, 5028, 12351, 596, 83930, 579, 81400, 596, 54940, 1253, 5353, 701, 1841, 11863, 311, 3775, 1120, 779, 499, 690, 3009, 520, 279, 91235, 13, 578, 7980, 2019, 433, 8741, 389, 264, 5912, 8197, 13, 3277, 814, 5387, 279, 91235, 11, 279, 1841, 8638, 709, 1120, 7060, 13, 362, 20457, 2663, 9454, 3727, 60802, 323, 13452, 311, 27116, 2574, 12515, 44, 8997, 818, 507, 86265, 198, 65786, 15403, 25, 1561, 31997, 596, 98384, 2553, 8483, 13581, 198, 3513, 377, 1494 ]
[ 350, 35619, 198, 34042, 27421, 1398, 69597, 25, 26099, 82, 304, 48302, 65337, 20763, 198, 35, 36135, 7573, 12711, 198, 50, 5038, 55405, 307, 198, 1688, 420, 27490, 10960, 11, 28823, 617, 3970, 29247, 7366, 4028, 279, 12920, 323, 6755, 70808, 24196, 304, 279, 18397, 3130, 323, 9979, 13, 64348, 889, 3974, 3485, 279, 10960, 2019, 15234, 58448, 649, 387, 6755, 5108, 505, 279, 10960, 3389, 520, 3814, 994, 912, 832, 374, 1070, 627, 4368, 38448, 2630, 14582, 3367, 198, 4368, 38448, 2630, 11, 30890, 198, 59150, 527, 6755, 304, 2225, 14016, 13, 578, 30209, 374, 220, 2790, 12295, 13, 50717, 527, 1825, 323, 8036, 11, 60802, 11, 7556, 11, 323, 2911, 527, 6755, 1938, 477, 3814, 13, 220, 18, 23527, 6558, 499, 649, 2733, 31687, 323, 814, 690, 1514, 449, 1317, 7013, 13, 73858, 82, 323, 7397, 527, 10791, 389, 264, 5912, 8197, 13, 12515, 2654, 20531, 278, 5250, 661, 17382, 198, 37, 894, 3141, 5673, 11, 30890, 198, 32, 220, 22, 12, 477, 220, 23, 4771, 6418, 3828, 596, 20457, 374, 1071, 311, 84758, 279, 59094, 5250, 661, 4783, 13, 578, 34388, 684, 374, 2663, 9489, 55267, 11, 1606, 264, 17136, 50217, 11922, 420, 574, 279, 1716, 596, 836, 627, 38, 14898, 569, 9304, 198, 28080, 2630, 11, 35739, 198, 791, 893, 269, 3838, 374, 11846, 311, 387, 57775, 13, 362, 24162, 374, 3309, 922, 264, 33547, 5575, 889, 15203, 304, 323, 4691, 264, 893, 889, 574, 5737, 264, 27374, 369, 18445, 11, 719, 279, 893, 1120, 8774, 389, 5737 ]
illuminated by red, blue and white floodlights, the colors of the Cambodian flag. It is the site of celebrations and services on holidays such as Independence Day and Constitution Day. Listening back to Fórn’s debut, self-titled EP, it was pleasantly surprising to see a band that could encompass so well all the different aspects of doom metal. The dirt and weight of sludge, the old-school doom mentality, the funeral pace at parts and even a blackened aura hovering over their music were all spot on in that instance. The band from Boston remained very active, releasing just one year after their debut full-length, The Departure of Consciousness, establishing their stature in the scene. The sludge and doom aspects alone are giving the album this weary feeling, but Fórn are still able to stretch this dread even further. There are tendencies towards a more blackened sound with the eerie parts rising through mournful guitar phrases in “Saudade 2,” while parts of “Dolor 1” are able to reach a horrific quality when the ghostly leads collide with the mysterious tonality. Still, Fórn do not step there. They further push “Dolor 1” towards
illuminated by red, blue and white floodlights, the colors of the Cambodian flag. It is the site of celebrations and services on holidays such as Independence Day and Constitution Day. Listening back to Fórn’s debut, self-titled EP, it was pleasantly surprising to see a band that could encompass so well all the different aspects of doom metal. The dirt and weight of sludge, the old-school doom mentality, the funeral pace at parts and even a blackened aura hovering over their music were all spot on in that instance. The band from Boston remained very active, releasing just one year after their debut full-length, The Departure of Consciousness, establishing their stature in the scene. The sludge and doom aspects alone are giving the album this weary feeling, but Fórn are still able to stretch this dread even further. There are tendencies towards a more blackened sound with the eerie parts rising through mournful guitar phrases in “Saudade 2,” while parts of “Dolor 1” are able to reach a horrific quality when the ghostly leads collide with the mysterious tonality. Still, Fórn do not step there. They further push “Dolor 1” towards
extreme doom/sludge and within funeral territory. The fluency with which this is achieved is magnificent, retaining the dark veil over the track and enhancing its bleakness. There are even parts where Fórn undertake a minimalistic approach. The opening track features such a moment amidst the sludge chaos, focusing on the reverb-drenched guitars leading the way. “Dolor 2” is another instance of that mentality from Fórn as the feedback and effects take over creating soundscapes, different from what we were used to this far, mainly more volatile and unstable. However, as dark and damned all these might feel, Fórn do still contain a degree of solace within their concepts. It is as if once you have accepted the futility of it all, you are in turn rewarded. The music of Fórn is heavily built on its ambiance, which is in big part built through the guitars. The melodies at the opening of “Saudade 1” and the acoustic guitar parts fill the soundscapes with sweet phrases, exploring the space and awakening emotion with each passing note. In a similar motto, the solitary guitars are able to construct the atmosphere of “Saudade 2” with the melodies
[ 35162, 416, 2266, 11, 4171, 290, 2330, 6947, 8091, 11, 262, 7577, 286, 262, 25960, 666, 6056, 13, 632, 318, 262, 2524, 286, 22861, 290, 2594, 319, 17122, 884, 355, 20153, 3596, 290, 7965, 3596, 13, 7343, 3101, 736, 284, 376, 10205, 35906, 447, 247, 82, 8886, 11, 2116, 12, 83, 7803, 14724, 11, 340, 373, 42683, 6452, 284, 766, 257, 4097, 326, 714, 44006, 523, 880, 477, 262, 1180, 7612, 286, 27666, 6147, 13, 383, 13647, 290, 3463, 286, 1017, 12587, 11, 262, 1468, 12, 14347, 27666, 21332, 11, 262, 14825, 8761, 379, 3354, 290, 772, 257, 2042, 2945, 22491, 33627, 625, 511, 2647, 547, 477, 4136, 319, 287, 326, 4554, 13, 383, 4097, 422, 6182, 6150, 845, 4075, 11, 13011, 655, 530, 614, 706, 511, 8886, 1336, 12, 13664, 11, 383, 2129, 433, 495, 286, 45595, 1108, 11, 15010, 511, 32600, 287, 262, 3715, 13, 198, 464, 1017, 12587, 290, 27666, 7612, 3436, 389, 3501, 262, 5062, 428, 34730, 4203, 11, 475, 376, 10205, 35906, 389, 991, 1498, 284, 7539, 428, 15157, 772, 2252, 13, 1318, 389, 25671, 3371, 257, 517, 2042, 2945, 2128, 351, 262, 41128, 3354, 7396, 832, 25722, 913, 10047, 20144, 287, 564, 250, 50, 3885, 671, 362, 11, 447, 251, 981, 3354, 286, 564, 250, 35, 45621, 352, 447, 251, 389, 1498, 284, 3151, 257, 19447, 3081, 618, 262, 10905, 306, 5983, 46592, 351, 262, 11428, 5680, 1483, 13, 7831, 11, 376, 10205, 35906, 466, 407, 2239, 612, 13, 1119, 2252, 4574, 564, 250, 35, 45621, 352, 447, 251, 3371 ]
[ 75648, 555, 2579, 11, 6437, 323, 4251, 18197, 14146, 11, 279, 8146, 315, 279, 34896, 64949, 5292, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 2816, 315, 47674, 323, 3600, 389, 25425, 1778, 439, 44177, 6187, 323, 18039, 6187, 13, 77797, 1203, 311, 435, 1832, 36722, 753, 17755, 11, 659, 2442, 15621, 19613, 11, 433, 574, 82374, 15206, 311, 1518, 264, 7200, 430, 1436, 38632, 779, 1664, 682, 279, 2204, 13878, 315, 59714, 9501, 13, 578, 26351, 323, 4785, 315, 1776, 20132, 11, 279, 2362, 35789, 59714, 49395, 11, 279, 32079, 18338, 520, 5596, 323, 1524, 264, 3776, 6901, 40142, 69707, 927, 872, 4731, 1051, 682, 7858, 389, 304, 430, 2937, 13, 578, 7200, 505, 10406, 14958, 1633, 4642, 11, 28965, 1120, 832, 1060, 1306, 872, 17755, 2539, 30425, 11, 578, 40855, 554, 315, 92752, 2136, 11, 31692, 872, 77723, 304, 279, 6237, 627, 791, 1776, 20132, 323, 59714, 13878, 7636, 527, 7231, 279, 8176, 420, 76656, 8430, 11, 719, 435, 1832, 36722, 527, 2103, 3025, 311, 14841, 420, 36075, 1524, 4726, 13, 2684, 527, 61555, 7119, 264, 810, 3776, 6901, 5222, 449, 279, 97383, 5596, 16448, 1555, 60234, 1285, 17418, 32847, 304, 1054, 50, 8039, 1037, 220, 17, 2476, 1418, 5596, 315, 1054, 35, 795, 220, 16, 863, 527, 3025, 311, 5662, 264, 47322, 4367, 994, 279, 20457, 398, 11767, 67190, 449, 279, 26454, 8941, 2786, 13, 16782, 11, 435, 1832, 36722, 656, 539, 3094, 1070, 13, 2435, 4726, 4585, 1054, 35, 795, 220, 16, 863, 7119 ]
[ 14560, 59714, 83677, 20132, 323, 2949, 32079, 18455, 13, 578, 20236, 2301, 449, 902, 420, 374, 17427, 374, 41792, 11, 51110, 279, 6453, 59355, 927, 279, 3839, 323, 47594, 1202, 76367, 2136, 13, 2684, 527, 1524, 5596, 1405, 435, 1832, 36722, 49643, 264, 17832, 4633, 5603, 13, 578, 8736, 3839, 4519, 1778, 264, 4545, 65904, 279, 1776, 20132, 28013, 11, 21760, 389, 279, 312, 23129, 1773, 55071, 60594, 6522, 279, 1648, 13, 1054, 35, 795, 220, 17, 863, 374, 2500, 2937, 315, 430, 49395, 505, 435, 1832, 36722, 439, 279, 11302, 323, 6372, 1935, 927, 6968, 5222, 2445, 9521, 11, 2204, 505, 1148, 584, 1051, 1511, 311, 420, 3117, 11, 14918, 810, 17509, 323, 45311, 627, 11458, 11, 439, 6453, 323, 68465, 682, 1521, 2643, 2733, 11, 435, 1832, 36722, 656, 2103, 6782, 264, 8547, 315, 2092, 580, 2949, 872, 19476, 13, 1102, 374, 439, 422, 3131, 499, 617, 11928, 279, 282, 32000, 315, 433, 682, 11, 499, 527, 304, 2543, 44937, 13, 578, 4731, 315, 435, 1832, 36722, 374, 17345, 5918, 389, 1202, 95673, 11, 902, 374, 304, 2466, 961, 5918, 1555, 279, 60594, 13, 578, 90113, 520, 279, 8736, 315, 1054, 50, 8039, 1037, 220, 16, 863, 323, 279, 45166, 17418, 5596, 5266, 279, 5222, 2445, 9521, 449, 10437, 32847, 11, 24919, 279, 3634, 323, 75149, 20356, 449, 1855, 12579, 5296, 13, 763, 264, 4528, 63426, 11, 279, 58229, 60594, 527, 3025, 311, 9429, 279, 16975, 315, 1054, 50, 8039, 1037, 220, 17, 863, 449, 279, 90113 ]
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[ 262, 1366, 2426, 11, 788, 339, 393, 673, 460, 2948, 428, 416, 18931, 572, 422, 511, 10767, 1848, 878, 257, 869, 12, 929, 284, 674, 3052, 318, 925, 13, 198, 13518, 1321, 290, 262, 9723, 1366, 4800, 8617, 286, 10767, 743, 307, 29517, 739, 3740, 1378, 16794, 13, 8625, 6713, 13, 785, 14, 1314, 3365, 2091, 2154, 3720, 405, 30460, 290, 3740, 1378, 2503, 13, 8625, 6713, 13, 785, 14, 10755, 14, 18011, 14, 13776, 1590, 11757, 198, 1433, 13, 6060, 4800, 8617, 546, 262, 3586, 290, 779, 286, 19013, 8002, 329, 22477, 198, 2202, 428, 3052, 11, 262, 10444, 468, 11521, 19013, 8002, 13, 19013, 8002, 318, 257, 22477, 6107, 12, 259, 11, 543, 3769, 3224, 3033, 284, 262, 10088, 286, 257, 3052, 1912, 319, 22477, 13, 19013, 8002, 3578, 262, 4455, 2524, 10088, 11, 987, 435, 544, 11, 281, 16700, 286, 262, 9692, 286, 262, 2524, 13, 2750, 19407, 3519, 6851, 290, 16125, 11, 393, 262, 2694, 284, 2648, 2695, 319, 262, 2443, 11, 340, 318, 635, 1744, 284, 2620, 21493, 3146, 13, 554, 3090, 11, 2324, 3033, 389, 11521, 656, 19013, 8002, 11, 523, 257, 19013, 8002, 12, 3500, 2524, 318, 1365, 6861, 1028, 33908, 12, 3174, 3434, 13, 19013, 8002, 635, 6436, 4340, 290, 8320, 689, 262, 11046, 286, 4263, 319, 262, 3052, 13, 198, 464, 5361, 1664, 286, 19013, 8002, 22689, 12, 20376, 329, 22477, 318, 262, 17406, 1078, 291, 3457, 1539, 21761, 41457, 8553, 3530, 11, 2986, 6033, 11, 7257, 10048, 15982, 11, 49668, 47023, 13, 383, 5361, 13953, 3544 ]
[ 279, 828, 3917, 11, 1243, 568, 477, 1364, 649, 5471, 420, 555, 8558, 1022, 505, 872, 14318, 2759, 1603, 264, 1650, 5352, 311, 1057, 3997, 374, 1903, 627, 31428, 2038, 323, 279, 8581, 828, 9313, 19705, 315, 14318, 1253, 387, 31503, 1234, 3788, 1129, 8823, 57927, 916, 14, 9992, 22904, 18770, 7467, 19081, 323, 3788, 1129, 2185, 57927, 916, 43616, 48136, 14, 47921, 76969, 845, 13, 2956, 9313, 19705, 922, 279, 3851, 323, 1005, 315, 25365, 4853, 369, 20394, 198, 1966, 420, 3997, 11, 279, 6597, 706, 18751, 25365, 4853, 13, 25365, 4853, 374, 264, 20394, 20206, 3502, 11, 902, 5825, 5217, 4519, 311, 279, 5793, 315, 264, 3997, 3196, 389, 20394, 13, 25365, 4853, 6276, 279, 8191, 2816, 5793, 11, 958, 453, 689, 11, 459, 24131, 315, 279, 15613, 315, 279, 2816, 13, 3296, 29040, 5552, 8158, 323, 29085, 11, 477, 279, 5845, 311, 4430, 2262, 389, 279, 2199, 11, 433, 374, 1101, 3284, 311, 5376, 20792, 5219, 13, 763, 5369, 11, 4868, 4519, 527, 18751, 1139, 25365, 4853, 11, 779, 264, 25365, 4853, 93875, 2816, 374, 2731, 2682, 2403, 65198, 81149, 8951, 13, 25365, 4853, 1101, 7706, 4861, 323, 14511, 988, 279, 8441, 315, 5448, 389, 279, 3997, 627, 791, 10565, 2883, 315, 25365, 4853, 53909, 12, 15841, 369, 20394, 374, 279, 20319, 1617, 292, 4953, 2637, 220, 9413, 86883, 17334, 6825, 11, 5960, 13175, 11, 9362, 220, 21322, 2589, 11, 85610, 74000, 13, 578, 10565, 20790, 5829 ]
[ 279, 15194, 5557, 3549, 555, 32541, 3914, 4953, 2637, 220, 679, 21530, 6825, 11, 5960, 13175, 11, 9362, 220, 21322, 2839, 11, 85610, 74000, 627, 36741, 4853, 7437, 264, 12829, 389, 279, 2038, 5557, 1887, 1511, 555, 279, 828, 3917, 13, 578, 7419, 315, 8443, 374, 11497, 3485, 13, 3161, 1855, 1650, 5352, 311, 832, 315, 279, 3927, 6959, 315, 420, 8191, 2816, 11, 902, 374, 24026, 555, 279, 6597, 323, 389, 902, 264, 25365, 4853, 3777, 574, 18751, 11, 279, 8191, 7074, 389, 279, 2038, 5557, 1887, 315, 279, 828, 3917, 374, 9651, 29746, 311, 9502, 828, 1555, 279, 25365, 4853, 3777, 369, 6492, 10096, 311, 20319, 1617, 292, 13, 12220, 279, 3388, 315, 420, 11156, 10537, 20319, 1617, 292, 21879, 828, 430, 374, 1511, 311, 1893, 459, 24131, 315, 3997, 21728, 13, 578, 828, 12457, 304, 420, 1648, 17482, 279, 6492, 315, 279, 17432, 315, 279, 828, 3917, 11, 902, 706, 2680, 311, 279, 8191, 2199, 315, 279, 6597, 323, 374, 30239, 449, 279, 9395, 311, 30536, 279, 3997, 13, 578, 828, 14890, 1555, 279, 25365, 4853, 3777, 374, 539, 1511, 311, 10765, 279, 828, 3917, 2085, 264, 4972, 19546, 315, 264, 8821, 3237, 14771, 315, 279, 828, 3917, 13, 578, 828, 4131, 1101, 311, 279, 5406, 315, 32541, 3914, 13, 32541, 3914, 5829, 279, 828, 369, 279, 1890, 10096, 439, 20319, 1617, 292, 627, 791, 828, 3917, 649, 11, 439, 11224, 3485, 11, 5471, 279, 6376, 315, 8443, 1555, 1057, 3997, 520, 904, 892, 555, 3445, 315, 264, 12435, 28174, 315, 279 ]
Alan Spenner (Bassgitarre) nahm die Gruppe 1970 noch das erfolgreiche Album The Last Puff auf, das unter anderem zwei Cover-Versionen enthält: I Am the Walrus von den Beatles und Son of Your Father von Elton John. Nach dem Erscheinen dieses Albums löste sich die Band auf, weil sich die Bandmitglieder Soloprojekten widmen wollten. 1972 formierte sich die Gruppe neu, die meisten Originalmitglieder (Harrison, Wright und Kellie, der inzwischen in Peter Bardens Band Camel gespielt hatte) waren 1973 wieder zurückgekehrt. Statt Grosvenor, der zu Stealers Wheel und dann zu Mott the Hoople gegangen war, kam Mick Jones, der später mit Foreigner bekannt wurde. 1974 zerfiel die Gruppe wieder. Auf der vorläufig letzten Platte The Mirror war ke
Alan Spenner (Bassgitarre) nahm die Gruppe 1970 noch das erfolgreiche Album The Last Puff auf, das unter anderem zwei Cover-Versionen enthält: I Am the Walrus von den Beatles und Son of Your Father von Elton John. Nach dem Erscheinen dieses Albums löste sich die Band auf, weil sich die Bandmitglieder Soloprojekten widmen wollten. 1972 formierte sich die Gruppe neu, die meisten Originalmitglieder (Harrison, Wright und Kellie, der inzwischen in Peter Bardens Band Camel gespielt hatte) waren 1973 wieder zurückgekehrt. Statt Grosvenor, der zu Stealers Wheel und dann zu Mott the Hoople gegangen war, kam Mick Jones, der später mit Foreigner bekannt wurde. 1974 zerfiel die Gruppe wieder. Auf der vorläufig letzten Platte The Mirror war ke
ines der früheren Art-Mitglieder mehr dabei. Neben Wright und Jones spielten Bryson Graham (Schlagzeug), Mike Patto (Gesang, Keyboards, Schlagzeug) und Val Burke (Bassgitarre, Gesang). 1998 gab es jedoch ein Album von Spooky Tooth in der Originalbesetzung von Art. Im November 2004 spielte die Gruppe noch einmal zusammen mit Humble Pie beim Greg-Ridley-Memorial-Konzert, unter anderem mit Grosvenor and Kellie. Im Jahre 2004 nahmen Spooky Tooth in Deutschland außerdem die Live-CD Nomad Poets auf, die sie ausdrücklich dem kurz zuvor gestorbenen Gründungsmitglied Greg Ridley widmeten. (Besetzung ist wie nachstehend mit den Gastmusikern Joey Albrecht (Gitarre, Gesang) und Michael „Bexi“ Becker (Bass, Gesang.))
[ 12246, 1338, 268, 1008, 357, 33, 562, 70, 7940, 260, 8, 299, 993, 76, 4656, 25665, 27768, 8069, 645, 354, 288, 292, 1931, 9062, 16694, 14234, 23999, 383, 4586, 350, 1648, 257, 3046, 11, 288, 292, 555, 353, 290, 567, 76, 1976, 42990, 17546, 12, 14815, 268, 920, 71, 11033, 2528, 25, 314, 1703, 262, 6445, 14932, 18042, 2853, 27330, 3318, 6295, 286, 3406, 9190, 18042, 2574, 1122, 1757, 13, 399, 620, 1357, 5256, 15952, 42326, 10564, 274, 23999, 82, 300, 9101, 4169, 264, 488, 4656, 10243, 257, 3046, 11, 356, 346, 264, 488, 4656, 10243, 2781, 4743, 798, 263, 4294, 404, 305, 73, 988, 1452, 9214, 3653, 266, 692, 1452, 13, 198, 198, 41023, 1296, 959, 660, 264, 488, 4656, 25665, 27768, 497, 84, 11, 4656, 502, 396, 268, 13745, 2781, 4743, 798, 263, 357, 39, 22472, 11, 12206, 3318, 25043, 494, 11, 4587, 287, 89, 86, 2304, 831, 287, 5613, 25654, 641, 10243, 43281, 308, 9774, 72, 2120, 6877, 660, 8, 266, 5757, 15674, 266, 798, 263, 1976, 333, 9116, 694, 469, 365, 11840, 83, 13, 520, 1078, 402, 4951, 574, 273, 11, 4587, 1976, 84, 47242, 364, 15810, 3318, 288, 1236, 1976, 84, 337, 1252, 262, 9544, 643, 308, 1533, 648, 268, 1175, 11, 479, 321, 32722, 5437, 11, 4587, 599, 11033, 353, 10255, 8708, 263, 307, 27541, 429, 266, 2799, 68, 13, 16489, 1976, 263, 69, 8207, 4656, 25665, 27768, 266, 798, 263, 13, 317, 3046, 4587, 410, 273, 75, 11033, 3046, 328, 1309, 89, 1452, 32715, 660, 383, 17918, 1175, 885 ]
[ 26349, 328, 2821, 1215, 320, 33, 395, 70, 12635, 265, 8, 70017, 76, 2815, 2895, 59598, 220, 4468, 15, 18268, 6754, 74896, 12333, 26749, 578, 8155, 393, 1386, 7367, 11, 6754, 22229, 62905, 336, 41562, 18230, 85002, 268, 65308, 42303, 25, 358, 3383, 279, 14916, 20962, 6675, 3453, 55957, 2073, 12103, 315, 4718, 20941, 6675, 4072, 783, 3842, 13, 29375, 2486, 469, 5544, 1557, 17090, 47768, 87823, 77233, 5455, 9267, 2815, 17366, 7367, 11, 53607, 9267, 2815, 17366, 1800, 46388, 7442, 11730, 47026, 73, 106918, 9923, 5794, 74284, 2002, 382, 4468, 17, 1376, 66261, 9267, 2815, 2895, 59598, 21143, 11, 2815, 85801, 17674, 1800, 46388, 7442, 320, 39, 51103, 11, 27839, 2073, 735, 616, 648, 11, 2761, 304, 31881, 18211, 304, 11291, 64304, 729, 17366, 69254, 14748, 2554, 3903, 43768, 8, 44403, 220, 4468, 18, 27348, 50603, 713, 71717, 3423, 13, 800, 1617, 70952, 1055, 269, 11, 2761, 6529, 3441, 56885, 33442, 2073, 25974, 6529, 386, 1751, 279, 17723, 1184, 98441, 60241, 4208, 11, 34761, 60333, 12201, 11, 2761, 88891, 5568, 19620, 261, 82431, 27201, 13, 220, 4468, 19, 77278, 10188, 301, 2815, 2895, 59598, 27348, 13, 26798, 2761, 14230, 44283, 82648, 68068, 1856, 63734, 578, 34954, 4208, 2004 ]
[ 1572, 2761, 99977, 1964, 268, 5277, 5364, 275, 46388, 7442, 19028, 50636, 13, 52809, 268, 27839, 2073, 12201, 79252, 2002, 19803, 942, 26181, 320, 31224, 13667, 38500, 705, 11519, 7281, 998, 320, 38, 288, 526, 11, 5422, 19826, 11, 5124, 13667, 38500, 8, 2073, 4196, 50723, 320, 33, 395, 70, 12635, 265, 11, 21031, 526, 3677, 2550, 23, 56979, 1560, 61737, 4466, 26749, 6675, 3165, 67824, 83499, 304, 2761, 17674, 9620, 295, 39232, 6675, 5277, 13, 2417, 6841, 220, 1049, 19, 79252, 668, 2815, 2895, 59598, 18268, 55559, 54483, 5568, 20449, 901, 41097, 29889, 16431, 11151, 307, 3258, 5364, 336, 22676, 16222, 28143, 531, 11, 22229, 62905, 336, 5568, 70952, 1055, 269, 323, 735, 616, 648, 382, 1453, 49115, 220, 1049, 19, 70017, 5794, 3165, 67824, 83499, 304, 46079, 8065, 89760, 2815, 11406, 12, 6620, 38000, 329, 14128, 1441, 7367, 11, 2815, 10112, 9608, 3696, 19919, 6915, 2486, 72084, 6529, 37215, 13033, 269, 8123, 268, 2895, 35371, 29222, 1800, 46388, 291, 16431, 93401, 9923, 4150, 268, 13, 320, 40826, 295, 39232, 6127, 13672, 14375, 267, 2701, 408, 220, 5568, 3453, 63742, 38827, 1609, 944, 55835, 1708, 21152, 14244, 320, 38, 12635, 265, 11, 21031, 526, 8, 2073, 8096, 15179, 33, 327, 72, 2118, 78484, 320, 33, 395, 11, 21031, 526, 13, 1192 ]
creating a permanent NGO advisory body because I don't think NGOs should have instituted relationships in this fashion that will inevitably privilege the NGOs and GONGOs with a softer touch that states would like to snuggle with and provide yet another technical means of blocking the more critical and vocal voices. In that sense I share Oliver's concern about "outsourcing" to NGOs -- there is a lot of that in the world, and not always beneficial. But that's exactly why I would welcome a credible NGO think-tank that sets up a kind of observatory and serious discussion group outside of OSCE, not formally related to it, to try to bring about some reforms in this body long resistant to reforms (in part due to deliberate sabotage by Russia and its allies, in part due to Western neglect and loss of will in the face of the concerted Russian barrage). THE IPI'S CREDIBILITY Now, if the body doing this discussing is funded by the U.S. State Department, does that make it less than credible? Does this make it unable to credibly respond to Putin's Munich speech? I think the IPI stands on its own over the years as an independent body, and has presided over many a meeting where participants have been free
creating a permanent NGO advisory body because I don't think NGOs should have instituted relationships in this fashion that will inevitably privilege the NGOs and GONGOs with a softer touch that states would like to snuggle with and provide yet another technical means of blocking the more critical and vocal voices. In that sense I share Oliver's concern about "outsourcing" to NGOs -- there is a lot of that in the world, and not always beneficial. But that's exactly why I would welcome a credible NGO think-tank that sets up a kind of observatory and serious discussion group outside of OSCE, not formally related to it, to try to bring about some reforms in this body long resistant to reforms (in part due to deliberate sabotage by Russia and its allies, in part due to Western neglect and loss of will in the face of the concerted Russian barrage). THE IPI'S CREDIBILITY Now, if the body doing this discussing is funded by the U.S. State Department, does that make it less than credible? Does this make it unable to credibly respond to Putin's Munich speech? I think the IPI stands on its own over the years as an independent body, and has presided over many a meeting where participants have been free
to be critical of the U.S. at the UN and in the world in general. So I don't think that's a fair issue -- and it's really an abstract issue as there are no funders today likely to be willing to put substantial amounts of funding into OSCE-watching (as distinct from watching the individual state members). Furthermore, the distinguished Vienna Advisory Council created by IPI recently has significant pro-Kremlin Russian presence -- so it's not like this job is being run by, oh, the Chechen-Russian Friendship Society. Kemp was taken to task by Conservative Canadian Senator Consiglio Di Nino, for saying, in this paper that OSCE PA parachutes in and reads attention-grabbing statements that undercuts long-term monitoring. Was this a reference to Moldova's elections? This could also have referenced the old long-simmering OSCE PA/ODIHR wrangle, whereby those delegations with the CIS parliamentarians on them, not democratically elected, begin to pronounce on situations where the ODIHR has already decided to call as "flawed" -- and among their tools for doing this is not sending a full-fledged monitoring delegation at all from ODIHR. I would differ from
[ 4441, 257, 7748, 22142, 20852, 1767, 780, 314, 836, 470, 892, 32507, 815, 423, 32954, 6958, 287, 428, 6977, 326, 481, 16857, 11941, 262, 32507, 290, 402, 1340, 11230, 82, 351, 257, 32359, 3638, 326, 2585, 561, 588, 284, 3013, 33498, 351, 290, 2148, 1865, 1194, 6276, 1724, 286, 12013, 262, 517, 4688, 290, 12435, 10839, 13, 198, 818, 326, 2565, 314, 2648, 15416, 338, 2328, 546, 366, 5269, 29985, 1, 284, 32507, 1377, 612, 318, 257, 1256, 286, 326, 287, 262, 995, 11, 290, 407, 1464, 13205, 13, 198, 1537, 326, 338, 3446, 1521, 314, 561, 7062, 257, 18409, 22142, 892, 12, 28451, 326, 5621, 510, 257, 1611, 286, 3799, 2870, 290, 2726, 5114, 1448, 2354, 286, 7294, 5222, 11, 407, 15832, 3519, 284, 340, 11, 284, 1949, 284, 2222, 546, 617, 12506, 287, 428, 1767, 890, 18290, 284, 12506, 357, 259, 636, 2233, 284, 18988, 31983, 416, 3284, 290, 663, 7681, 11, 287, 636, 2233, 284, 4885, 17985, 290, 2994, 286, 481, 287, 262, 1986, 286, 262, 39074, 3394, 33633, 737, 198, 10970, 6101, 40, 6, 50, 8740, 1961, 40, 25382, 198, 3844, 11, 611, 262, 1767, 1804, 428, 11142, 318, 10588, 416, 262, 471, 13, 50, 13, 1812, 2732, 11, 857, 326, 787, 340, 1342, 621, 18409, 30, 8314, 428, 787, 340, 5906, 284, 2600, 3193, 3031, 284, 8144, 338, 22418, 4046, 30, 198, 40, 892, 262, 6101, 40, 6296, 319, 663, 898, 625, 262, 812, 355, 281, 4795, 1767, 11, 290, 468, 45022, 625, 867, 257, 3249, 810, 6809, 423, 587, 1479 ]
[ 6968, 264, 15690, 47886, 41537, 2547, 1606, 358, 1541, 956, 1781, 72614, 1288, 617, 81099, 12135, 304, 420, 11401, 430, 690, 40605, 26632, 279, 72614, 323, 480, 7691, 29967, 449, 264, 64230, 5916, 430, 5415, 1053, 1093, 311, 4224, 50428, 449, 323, 3493, 3686, 2500, 11156, 3445, 315, 22978, 279, 810, 9200, 323, 26480, 24196, 627, 644, 430, 5647, 358, 4430, 31346, 596, 4747, 922, 330, 11934, 43662, 1, 311, 72614, 1198, 1070, 374, 264, 2763, 315, 430, 304, 279, 1917, 11, 323, 539, 2744, 24629, 627, 4071, 430, 596, 7041, 3249, 358, 1053, 10788, 264, 43010, 47886, 1781, 96128, 430, 7437, 709, 264, 3169, 315, 9466, 5382, 323, 6129, 10430, 1912, 4994, 315, 10293, 2152, 11, 539, 37402, 5552, 311, 433, 11, 311, 1456, 311, 4546, 922, 1063, 31343, 304, 420, 2547, 1317, 31785, 311, 31343, 320, 258, 961, 4245, 311, 46072, 80753, 555, 8524, 323, 1202, 20724, 11, 304, 961, 4245, 311, 11104, 39332, 323, 4814, 315, 690, 304, 279, 3663, 315, 279, 97666, 8690, 81690, 4390, 17673, 358, 1932, 13575, 356, 6641, 24505, 198, 7184, 11, 422, 279, 2547, 3815, 420, 25394, 374, 24853, 555, 279, 549, 815, 13, 3314, 6011, 11, 1587, 430, 1304, 433, 2753, 1109, 43010, 30, 12838, 420, 1304, 433, 12153, 311, 4281, 6623, 6013, 311, 21810, 596, 47304, 8982, 5380, 40, 1781, 279, 358, 1932, 13656, 389, 1202, 1866, 927, 279, 1667, 439, 459, 9678, 2547, 11, 323, 706, 1685, 4591, 927, 1690, 264, 6574, 1405, 13324, 617, 1027, 1949 ]
[ 311, 387, 9200, 315, 279, 549, 815, 13, 520, 279, 6781, 323, 304, 279, 1917, 304, 4689, 13, 2100, 358, 1541, 956, 1781, 430, 596, 264, 6762, 4360, 1198, 323, 433, 596, 2216, 459, 8278, 4360, 439, 1070, 527, 912, 3887, 388, 3432, 4461, 311, 387, 10032, 311, 2231, 12190, 15055, 315, 11006, 1139, 10293, 2152, 2695, 33024, 320, 300, 12742, 505, 10307, 279, 3927, 1614, 3697, 4390, 57417, 11, 279, 39575, 47387, 45013, 9251, 3549, 555, 358, 1932, 6051, 706, 5199, 463, 16222, 265, 42026, 8690, 9546, 1198, 779, 433, 596, 539, 1093, 420, 2683, 374, 1694, 1629, 555, 11, 14346, 11, 279, 8602, 7674, 85135, 73169, 13581, 627, 42, 3342, 574, 4529, 311, 3465, 555, 30071, 12152, 23072, 7440, 343, 26205, 7923, 452, 3394, 11, 369, 5605, 11, 304, 420, 5684, 430, 10293, 2152, 13174, 75045, 2142, 304, 323, 16181, 6666, 25313, 370, 7278, 12518, 430, 1234, 23312, 1317, 9860, 16967, 13, 15148, 420, 264, 5905, 311, 55263, 12949, 596, 16374, 30, 1115, 1436, 1101, 617, 25819, 279, 2362, 1317, 1355, 19519, 287, 10293, 2152, 13174, 14, 2114, 40, 17526, 3189, 4134, 11, 49001, 1884, 20445, 811, 449, 279, 75880, 21814, 30627, 389, 1124, 11, 539, 12345, 7167, 16689, 11, 3240, 311, 89082, 389, 15082, 1405, 279, 507, 18091, 17526, 706, 2736, 6773, 311, 1650, 439, 330, 1517, 675, 291, 1, 1198, 323, 4315, 872, 7526, 369, 3815, 420, 374, 539, 11889, 264, 2539, 2269, 93724, 16967, 46361, 520, 682, 505, 507, 18091, 17526, 627, 40, 1053, 1782, 505 ]
died, and opened it as a museum in 1964. Mr. Marowski is pondering whether to appeal to the Supreme Court. In his view, the tale of the Hemingway cats is nothing more than federal regulation run roughshod over the myriad local and state laws that govern domesticated animals. The cats, most of which bear the names of famous people, have long received weekly veterinarian visits, and a vast majority are spayed or neutered. The cats eat well, are free to lounge on Hemingway’s furniture (because it is also their house), and even have their own cemetery near the garden, where Frank Sinatra lies buried within arms’ reach of Zsa Zsa Gabor and where Marilyn Monroe is one sultry glance from Mr. Bette Davis (it is Key West, after all). The appellate court agreed that “the museum has always kept, fed and provided weekly veterinary care for the Hemingway cats.” In their ruling, the three judges even injected a dose of understanding. The Biostatistics Center of the George Washington Milken Institute School of Public Health is recruiting for a full-time open-rank tenure-track or tenured faculty. The successful candidate will develop
died, and opened it as a museum in 1964. Mr. Marowski is pondering whether to appeal to the Supreme Court. In his view, the tale of the Hemingway cats is nothing more than federal regulation run roughshod over the myriad local and state laws that govern domesticated animals. The cats, most of which bear the names of famous people, have long received weekly veterinarian visits, and a vast majority are spayed or neutered. The cats eat well, are free to lounge on Hemingway’s furniture (because it is also their house), and even have their own cemetery near the garden, where Frank Sinatra lies buried within arms’ reach of Zsa Zsa Gabor and where Marilyn Monroe is one sultry glance from Mr. Bette Davis (it is Key West, after all). The appellate court agreed that “the museum has always kept, fed and provided weekly veterinary care for the Hemingway cats.” In their ruling, the three judges even injected a dose of understanding. The Biostatistics Center of the George Washington Milken Institute School of Public Health is recruiting for a full-time open-rank tenure-track or tenured faculty. The successful candidate will develop
a program of sponsored research at the Center with an academic appointment in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the Milken Institute School of Public Health. Academic rank and salary are competitive and will be commensurate with experience, qualifications, and self-funding support. GW has a strong commitment to achieving diversity among faculty and staff, and accordingly we encourage applications from members of underrepresented populations. The successful candidate will establish an externally funded, internationally recognized, and interdisciplinary research portfolio in clinical trials, epidemiological, diagnostic studies, controlled trials in educational research, or may extend to other areas of research such as forensic statistics. The portfolio may include development of expertise and leadership in the design, conduct, analysis, and reporting of collaborative research in areas such as oncology, cardiovascular disease, infectious disease, neurology, drug addiction, or other areas of medicine. The successful candidate will also contribute to the development of statistical or clinical trial/diagnostic study methodologies. Areas of interest may include but are not limited to: pragmatic trials, SMART trials, and multi-arm multi-stage designs. The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the academic mission of the Center and DEB through teaching, mentoring students, or departmental service. Published 04/
[ 3724, 11, 290, 4721, 340, 355, 257, 13257, 287, 17575, 13, 198, 5246, 13, 1526, 12079, 318, 16723, 1586, 1771, 284, 5198, 284, 262, 5617, 3078, 13, 198, 818, 465, 1570, 11, 262, 12838, 286, 262, 15617, 278, 1014, 11875, 318, 2147, 517, 621, 2717, 9001, 1057, 5210, 1477, 375, 625, 262, 24862, 1957, 290, 1181, 3657, 326, 1089, 26026, 3474, 4695, 13, 383, 11875, 11, 749, 286, 543, 6842, 262, 3891, 286, 5863, 661, 11, 423, 890, 2722, 10273, 41404, 11864, 11, 290, 257, 5909, 3741, 389, 599, 16548, 393, 22190, 1068, 13, 198, 464, 11875, 4483, 880, 11, 389, 1479, 284, 31893, 319, 15617, 278, 1014, 447, 247, 82, 13091, 357, 13893, 340, 318, 635, 511, 2156, 828, 290, 772, 423, 511, 898, 27316, 1474, 262, 11376, 11, 810, 5278, 10884, 26066, 7363, 11694, 1626, 5101, 447, 247, 3151, 286, 1168, 11400, 1168, 11400, 402, 4820, 290, 810, 40769, 26249, 318, 530, 264, 586, 563, 16086, 422, 1770, 13, 5147, 660, 7802, 357, 270, 318, 7383, 2688, 11, 706, 477, 737, 198, 464, 43175, 2184, 4987, 326, 564, 250, 1169, 13257, 468, 1464, 4030, 11, 11672, 290, 2810, 10273, 38435, 1337, 329, 262, 15617, 278, 1014, 11875, 13, 447, 251, 554, 511, 6922, 11, 262, 1115, 10266, 772, 25077, 257, 10742, 286, 4547, 13, 383, 8436, 455, 265, 3969, 3337, 286, 262, 4502, 2669, 4460, 3464, 5136, 3961, 286, 5094, 3893, 318, 16517, 329, 257, 1336, 12, 2435, 1280, 12, 43027, 17081, 12, 11659, 393, 3478, 1522, 12829, 13, 383, 4388, 4540, 481, 1205 ]
[ 8636, 11, 323, 9107, 433, 439, 264, 24925, 304, 220, 5162, 19, 627, 12555, 13, 2947, 29384, 374, 48883, 287, 3508, 311, 14638, 311, 279, 13814, 7301, 627, 644, 813, 1684, 11, 279, 24162, 315, 279, 33924, 287, 3195, 19987, 374, 4400, 810, 1109, 6918, 19812, 1629, 11413, 939, 347, 927, 279, 52909, 2254, 323, 1614, 7016, 430, 2633, 13018, 660, 10099, 13, 578, 19987, 11, 1455, 315, 902, 11984, 279, 5144, 315, 11495, 1274, 11, 617, 1317, 4036, 17496, 82340, 21728, 11, 323, 264, 13057, 8857, 527, 993, 43995, 477, 26878, 12616, 627, 791, 19987, 8343, 1664, 11, 527, 1949, 311, 39032, 389, 33924, 287, 3195, 753, 14891, 320, 28753, 433, 374, 1101, 872, 3838, 705, 323, 1524, 617, 872, 1866, 59404, 3221, 279, 13863, 11, 1405, 9454, 93839, 15812, 28016, 2949, 11977, 529, 5662, 315, 1901, 9258, 1901, 9258, 480, 4422, 323, 1405, 77460, 50887, 374, 832, 26858, 1568, 34522, 505, 4491, 13, 426, 6672, 17200, 320, 275, 374, 5422, 4410, 11, 1306, 682, 4390, 791, 98587, 5590, 7378, 430, 1054, 1820, 24925, 706, 2744, 8774, 11, 23114, 323, 3984, 17496, 69340, 2512, 369, 279, 33924, 287, 3195, 19987, 2029, 763, 872, 17864, 11, 279, 2380, 24958, 1524, 41772, 264, 19660, 315, 8830, 13, 578, 12371, 109524, 5706, 5955, 315, 279, 10058, 6652, 10357, 2779, 10181, 6150, 315, 3142, 6401, 374, 32959, 369, 264, 2539, 7394, 1825, 3880, 1201, 40061, 54566, 477, 5899, 3149, 22291, 13, 578, 6992, 9322, 690, 2274 ]
[ 264, 2068, 315, 30638, 3495, 520, 279, 5955, 449, 459, 14584, 18101, 304, 279, 6011, 315, 88953, 2508, 323, 12371, 109524, 5706, 304, 279, 10357, 2779, 10181, 6150, 315, 3142, 6401, 13, 42170, 7222, 323, 16498, 527, 15022, 323, 690, 387, 1081, 729, 62259, 449, 3217, 11, 43784, 11, 323, 659, 2269, 38289, 1862, 13, 42353, 706, 264, 3831, 15507, 311, 32145, 20057, 4315, 22291, 323, 5687, 11, 323, 28178, 584, 15253, 8522, 505, 3697, 315, 1234, 53859, 22673, 627, 791, 6992, 9322, 690, 5813, 459, 69442, 24853, 11, 37545, 15324, 11, 323, 88419, 3495, 20136, 304, 14830, 19622, 11, 62057, 5848, 11, 15439, 7978, 11, 14400, 19622, 304, 16627, 3495, 11, 477, 1253, 13334, 311, 1023, 5789, 315, 3495, 1778, 439, 55321, 13443, 13, 578, 20136, 1253, 2997, 4500, 315, 19248, 323, 11692, 304, 279, 2955, 11, 6929, 11, 6492, 11, 323, 13122, 315, 40806, 3495, 304, 5789, 1778, 439, 78970, 2508, 11, 41713, 8624, 11, 50600, 8624, 11, 18247, 36781, 11, 5623, 27471, 11, 477, 1023, 5789, 315, 16088, 13, 578, 6992, 9322, 690, 1101, 17210, 311, 279, 4500, 315, 29564, 477, 14830, 9269, 3529, 72, 12219, 4007, 81898, 13, 56816, 315, 2802, 1253, 2997, 719, 527, 539, 7347, 311, 25, 75336, 19622, 11, 80708, 19622, 11, 323, 7447, 67918, 7447, 51256, 14769, 13, 578, 6992, 9322, 374, 3685, 311, 17210, 311, 279, 14584, 9131, 315, 279, 5955, 323, 3467, 33, 1555, 12917, 11, 76579, 4236, 11, 477, 9476, 278, 2532, 13, 30114, 220, 2371, 14 ]
ated Regulation 2016/161 20 Recitals 1, 11, 12 and 15 of Delegated Regulation 2016/161 state: ‘(1) Directive [2001/83] provides for measures to prevent the entry into the legal supply chain of falsified medicinal products by requiring the placing of safety features consisting of a unique identifier and an anti-tampering device on the packaging of certain medicinal products for human use for the purposes of allowing their identification and authentication. (11) To facilitate the verification of the authenticity and decommissioning of a unique identifier by wholesalers and persons authorised or entitled to supply medicinal products to the public, it is necessary to ensure that the structure and printing quality of the two-dimensional barcode encoding the unique identifier allow for high-speed reading and minimisation of reading errors. (12) The data elements of the unique identifier should be printed on the packaging in human-readable format so [as] to allow the verification of the authenticity of the unique identifier and its decommissioning in case the two-dimensional barcode is unreadable. (15) The verification of both safety features is necessary to ensure the authenticity of a medicinal product in an end-to-end verification system. The verification of the authenticity of
ated Regulation 2016/161 20 Recitals 1, 11, 12 and 15 of Delegated Regulation 2016/161 state: ‘(1) Directive [2001/83] provides for measures to prevent the entry into the legal supply chain of falsified medicinal products by requiring the placing of safety features consisting of a unique identifier and an anti-tampering device on the packaging of certain medicinal products for human use for the purposes of allowing their identification and authentication. (11) To facilitate the verification of the authenticity and decommissioning of a unique identifier by wholesalers and persons authorised or entitled to supply medicinal products to the public, it is necessary to ensure that the structure and printing quality of the two-dimensional barcode encoding the unique identifier allow for high-speed reading and minimisation of reading errors. (12) The data elements of the unique identifier should be printed on the packaging in human-readable format so [as] to allow the verification of the authenticity of the unique identifier and its decommissioning in case the two-dimensional barcode is unreadable. (15) The verification of both safety features is necessary to ensure the authenticity of a medicinal product in an end-to-end verification system. The verification of the authenticity of
the unique identifier aims at ensuring that the medicinal product originates from the legitimate manufacturer. The verification of the integrity of the anti-tampering device shows whether the packaging has been opened or altered since it left the manufacturer, thereby ensuring that the content of the packaging is authentic.’ 21 Under Article 3(2) of Delegated Regulation 2016/161: ‘The following definitions shall apply: (a) “unique identifier” means the safety feature enabling the verification of the authenticity and the identification of an individual pack of a medicinal product; (b) “anti-tampering device” means the safety feature allowing the verification of whether the packaging of a medicinal product has been tampered with; 22 Article 10 of that delegated regulation, entitled ‘Verification of the safety features’, is worded as follows: ‘When verifying the safety features, manufacturers, wholesalers and persons authorised or entitled to supply medicinal products to the public shall verify the following: (a) the authenticity of the unique identifier; (b) the integrity of the anti-tampering device.’ 23 Article 16(1) of that delegated regulation provides: Before removing or covering,
[ 515, 26472, 1584, 14, 25948, 198, 1238, 3311, 8321, 352, 11, 1367, 11, 1105, 290, 1315, 286, 1024, 1455, 515, 26472, 1584, 14, 25948, 1181, 25, 198, 447, 246, 7, 16, 8, 34736, 685, 14585, 14, 5999, 60, 3769, 329, 5260, 284, 2948, 262, 5726, 656, 262, 2742, 5127, 6333, 286, 27807, 1431, 30381, 3186, 416, 10616, 262, 12560, 286, 3747, 3033, 17747, 286, 257, 3748, 27421, 290, 281, 3098, 12, 83, 321, 21255, 3335, 319, 262, 16846, 286, 1728, 30381, 3186, 329, 1692, 779, 329, 262, 4959, 286, 5086, 511, 11795, 290, 18239, 13, 198, 7, 1157, 8, 1675, 15570, 262, 19637, 286, 262, 26275, 290, 26969, 3411, 278, 286, 257, 3748, 27421, 416, 17950, 282, 364, 290, 6506, 39019, 393, 9080, 284, 5127, 30381, 3186, 284, 262, 1171, 11, 340, 318, 3306, 284, 4155, 326, 262, 4645, 290, 13570, 3081, 286, 262, 734, 12, 19577, 2318, 8189, 21004, 262, 3748, 27421, 1249, 329, 1029, 12, 12287, 3555, 290, 10356, 5612, 286, 3555, 8563, 13, 198, 7, 1065, 8, 383, 1366, 4847, 286, 262, 3748, 27421, 815, 307, 10398, 319, 262, 16846, 287, 1692, 12, 46155, 5794, 523, 685, 292, 60, 284, 1249, 262, 19637, 286, 262, 26275, 286, 262, 3748, 27421, 290, 663, 26969, 3411, 278, 287, 1339, 262, 734, 12, 19577, 2318, 8189, 318, 555, 46155, 13, 198, 7, 1314, 8, 383, 19637, 286, 1111, 3747, 3033, 318, 3306, 284, 4155, 262, 26275, 286, 257, 30381, 1720, 287, 281, 886, 12, 1462, 12, 437, 19637, 1080, 13, 383, 19637, 286, 262, 26275, 286 ]
[ 660, 48338, 220, 679, 21, 14, 10718, 198, 508, 4158, 16664, 220, 16, 11, 220, 806, 11, 220, 717, 323, 220, 868, 315, 1611, 1978, 660, 48338, 220, 679, 21, 14, 10718, 1614, 512, 14336, 7, 16, 8, 57852, 510, 1049, 16, 14, 6069, 60, 5825, 369, 11193, 311, 5471, 279, 4441, 1139, 279, 5897, 8312, 8957, 315, 33032, 1908, 58041, 3956, 555, 23537, 279, 25012, 315, 7296, 4519, 31706, 315, 264, 5016, 13110, 323, 459, 7294, 2442, 309, 61818, 3756, 389, 279, 24066, 315, 3738, 58041, 3956, 369, 3823, 1005, 369, 279, 10096, 315, 10923, 872, 22654, 323, 17066, 627, 7, 806, 8, 2057, 28696, 279, 23751, 315, 279, 54348, 323, 29602, 2796, 287, 315, 264, 5016, 13110, 555, 90997, 323, 11434, 70484, 477, 20458, 311, 8312, 58041, 3956, 311, 279, 586, 11, 433, 374, 5995, 311, 6106, 430, 279, 6070, 323, 18991, 4367, 315, 279, 1403, 33520, 50507, 11418, 279, 5016, 13110, 2187, 369, 1579, 30699, 5403, 323, 21877, 8082, 315, 5403, 6103, 627, 7, 717, 8, 578, 828, 5540, 315, 279, 5016, 13110, 1288, 387, 17124, 389, 279, 24066, 304, 3823, 84318, 3645, 779, 510, 300, 60, 311, 2187, 279, 23751, 315, 279, 54348, 315, 279, 5016, 13110, 323, 1202, 29602, 2796, 287, 304, 1162, 279, 1403, 33520, 50507, 374, 61391, 481, 627, 7, 868, 8, 578, 23751, 315, 2225, 7296, 4519, 374, 5995, 311, 6106, 279, 54348, 315, 264, 58041, 2027, 304, 459, 842, 4791, 13368, 23751, 1887, 13, 578, 23751, 315, 279, 54348, 315 ]
[ 279, 5016, 13110, 22262, 520, 23391, 430, 279, 58041, 2027, 99970, 505, 279, 23583, 14290, 13, 578, 23751, 315, 279, 17025, 315, 279, 7294, 2442, 309, 61818, 3756, 5039, 3508, 279, 24066, 706, 1027, 9107, 477, 29852, 2533, 433, 2163, 279, 14290, 11, 28592, 23391, 430, 279, 2262, 315, 279, 24066, 374, 13513, 14639, 198, 1691, 9636, 13659, 220, 18, 7, 17, 8, 315, 1611, 1978, 660, 48338, 220, 679, 21, 14, 10718, 512, 14336, 791, 2768, 17931, 4985, 3881, 512, 2948, 8, 1054, 9782, 13110, 863, 3445, 279, 7296, 4668, 28462, 279, 23751, 315, 279, 54348, 323, 279, 22654, 315, 459, 3927, 3854, 315, 264, 58041, 2027, 280, 1921, 8, 1054, 15719, 2442, 309, 61818, 3756, 863, 3445, 279, 7296, 4668, 10923, 279, 23751, 315, 3508, 279, 24066, 315, 264, 58041, 2027, 706, 1027, 26555, 43868, 449, 280, 1313, 13659, 220, 605, 315, 430, 91757, 19812, 11, 20458, 3451, 63439, 315, 279, 7296, 4519, 20182, 374, 3492, 291, 439, 11263, 512, 14336, 4599, 69963, 279, 7296, 4519, 11, 17032, 11, 90997, 323, 11434, 70484, 477, 20458, 311, 8312, 58041, 3956, 311, 279, 586, 4985, 10356, 279, 2768, 512, 2948, 8, 279, 54348, 315, 279, 5016, 13110, 280, 1921, 8, 279, 17025, 315, 279, 7294, 2442, 309, 61818, 3756, 14639, 198, 1419, 13659, 220, 845, 7, 16, 8, 315, 430, 91757, 19812, 5825, 512, 10438, 18054, 477, 18702, 11 ]
flayed alive. Happy thought, indeed. St. Bartholomew also became the patron-saint of bee-keepers and honey-makers.* In 1572, the feast of St. Bartholomew became inextricably linked to the religious wars in France (and, indeed, throughout Europe). Francis Walsingham, one of Queen Elizabeth's advisors, encouraged Charles IX of France to support a Huguenot (French protestant) raid in the Spanish Netherlands in July 1572. It was a disaster and caused Charles to turn from his Huguenot admiral, Gaspard de Coligny, to Henri de Guise, founder of the Catholic League. On St. Bartholomew's Day 1572, Charles allowed the massacre of protestants gathered in Paris for the marriage of Charles's sister, Marguerite, to Henri de Navarre, a powerful protestant leader. The brutal act solidified English protestant support for Elizabeth, due to fears of what could happen to them should Mary Stuart become queen of England.** As a result of the massacre and continuing religious tensions in France throughout the early-modern period, tens of thousands of Huguenots emigrated from France, often settling in England or the English colonies in
flayed alive. Happy thought, indeed. St. Bartholomew also became the patron-saint of bee-keepers and honey-makers.* In 1572, the feast of St. Bartholomew became inextricably linked to the religious wars in France (and, indeed, throughout Europe). Francis Walsingham, one of Queen Elizabeth's advisors, encouraged Charles IX of France to support a Huguenot (French protestant) raid in the Spanish Netherlands in July 1572. It was a disaster and caused Charles to turn from his Huguenot admiral, Gaspard de Coligny, to Henri de Guise, founder of the Catholic League. On St. Bartholomew's Day 1572, Charles allowed the massacre of protestants gathered in Paris for the marriage of Charles's sister, Marguerite, to Henri de Navarre, a powerful protestant leader. The brutal act solidified English protestant support for Elizabeth, due to fears of what could happen to them should Mary Stuart become queen of England.** As a result of the massacre and continuing religious tensions in France throughout the early-modern period, tens of thousands of Huguenots emigrated from France, often settling in England or the English colonies in
America.*** In honor of St. Bartholomew's Day, I made Honey Toffee Apples, adapted from the recipe in Cattern Cakes and Lace. Here's where I'm going to give you the opportunity to learn from my experience: taste the honey you're going to use before you try this recipe. Please. Not that the taste of the toffee was unpleasant, it was just weird. I usually buy local honey, but it doesn't usually taste like this! So, I believe that the problem I had with the recipe was my funky honey (It had a strong and savory taste when I tried it, which was, naturally after I'd made toffee...) and not the method, so I've included the recipe if you feel brave enough to attempt it! I really love the burnished sheen of the toffee and the juxtaposition between the crisp crackly candy shell and the sweet-tart apple. I think next time I'll either try a different honey or use golden syrup instead. The honey toffee (leftovers from making the apples) isn't bad; I think it would do really well as a cough remedy and thus may start selling it as a patent medicine. Any takers? Honey To
[ 781, 16548, 6776, 13, 14628, 1807, 11, 5600, 13, 520, 13, 44414, 349, 28030, 635, 2627, 262, 19686, 12, 82, 2913, 286, 20697, 12, 24952, 290, 12498, 12, 6620, 15885, 198, 818, 1315, 4761, 11, 262, 26951, 286, 520, 13, 44414, 349, 28030, 2627, 287, 2302, 1173, 1346, 6692, 284, 262, 4158, 9976, 287, 4881, 357, 392, 11, 5600, 11, 3690, 2031, 737, 12155, 370, 874, 25875, 11, 530, 286, 7542, 10674, 338, 32456, 11, 10085, 7516, 22631, 286, 4881, 284, 1104, 257, 12905, 84, 268, 313, 357, 24111, 5402, 415, 8, 9513, 287, 262, 7897, 12671, 287, 2901, 1315, 4761, 13, 632, 373, 257, 9336, 290, 4073, 7516, 284, 1210, 422, 465, 12905, 84, 268, 313, 6178, 21093, 11, 402, 5126, 446, 390, 1623, 570, 88, 11, 284, 44485, 390, 1962, 786, 11, 9119, 286, 262, 7835, 4041, 13, 1550, 520, 13, 44414, 349, 28030, 338, 3596, 1315, 4761, 11, 7516, 3142, 262, 19050, 286, 5402, 1187, 9272, 287, 6342, 329, 262, 4845, 286, 7516, 338, 6621, 11, 11899, 15573, 578, 11, 284, 44485, 390, 13244, 9624, 11, 257, 3665, 5402, 415, 3554, 13, 383, 12399, 719, 4735, 1431, 3594, 5402, 415, 1104, 329, 10674, 11, 2233, 284, 10251, 286, 644, 714, 1645, 284, 606, 815, 5335, 22559, 1716, 16599, 286, 4492, 13, 1174, 1081, 257, 1255, 286, 262, 19050, 290, 8282, 4158, 15733, 287, 4881, 3690, 262, 1903, 12, 23922, 2278, 11, 11192, 286, 4138, 286, 12905, 84, 268, 1747, 795, 38769, 422, 4881, 11, 1690, 25446, 287, 4492, 393, 262, 3594, 20848, 287 ]
[ 1344, 43995, 13989, 13, 24241, 3463, 11, 13118, 13, 800, 13, 89764, 337, 316, 365, 1101, 6244, 279, 36380, 1355, 1673, 315, 38328, 12, 56638, 323, 26828, 76170, 31795, 644, 220, 10895, 17, 11, 279, 53268, 315, 800, 13, 89764, 337, 316, 365, 6244, 304, 39749, 292, 2915, 10815, 311, 279, 10597, 25981, 304, 9822, 320, 438, 11, 13118, 11, 6957, 4606, 570, 26184, 468, 1147, 24125, 11, 832, 315, 16657, 21393, 596, 58784, 11, 21190, 15274, 40812, 315, 9822, 311, 1862, 264, 473, 773, 10529, 354, 320, 44297, 8835, 519, 8, 25834, 304, 279, 15506, 26746, 304, 5887, 220, 10895, 17, 13, 1102, 574, 264, 21426, 323, 9057, 15274, 311, 2543, 505, 813, 473, 773, 10529, 354, 14933, 37478, 11, 480, 13671, 569, 409, 4349, 625, 88, 11, 311, 74310, 409, 4673, 1082, 11, 19533, 315, 279, 16879, 9130, 13, 1952, 800, 13, 89764, 337, 316, 365, 596, 6187, 220, 10895, 17, 11, 15274, 5535, 279, 49352, 315, 8835, 1821, 20802, 304, 12366, 369, 279, 11103, 315, 15274, 596, 13219, 11, 24079, 8977, 635, 11, 311, 74310, 409, 12233, 277, 265, 11, 264, 8147, 8835, 519, 7808, 13, 578, 28860, 1180, 6573, 1908, 6498, 8835, 519, 1862, 369, 21393, 11, 4245, 311, 24087, 315, 1148, 1436, 3621, 311, 1124, 1288, 10455, 44632, 3719, 29006, 315, 9635, 13, 334, 1666, 264, 1121, 315, 279, 49352, 323, 14691, 10597, 39510, 304, 9822, 6957, 279, 4216, 17515, 944, 4261, 11, 22781, 315, 9214, 315, 473, 773, 10529, 2469, 991, 95930, 505, 9822, 11, 3629, 52945, 304, 9635, 477, 279, 6498, 49028, 304 ]
[ 5270, 13, 34184, 644, 16044, 315, 800, 13, 89764, 337, 316, 365, 596, 6187, 11, 358, 1903, 40715, 350, 21869, 1883, 645, 11, 30464, 505, 279, 11363, 304, 356, 3307, 356, 2094, 323, 75239, 13, 5810, 596, 1405, 358, 2846, 2133, 311, 3041, 499, 279, 6776, 311, 4048, 505, 856, 3217, 25, 12945, 279, 26828, 499, 2351, 2133, 311, 1005, 1603, 499, 1456, 420, 11363, 13, 5321, 13, 2876, 430, 279, 12945, 315, 279, 311, 54225, 574, 47989, 11, 433, 574, 1120, 16682, 13, 358, 6118, 3780, 2254, 26828, 11, 719, 433, 3250, 956, 6118, 12945, 1093, 420, 0, 2100, 11, 358, 4510, 430, 279, 3575, 358, 1047, 449, 279, 11363, 574, 856, 74988, 26828, 320, 2181, 1047, 264, 3831, 323, 94760, 12945, 994, 358, 6818, 433, 11, 902, 574, 11, 18182, 1306, 358, 4265, 1903, 311, 54225, 33674, 323, 539, 279, 1749, 11, 779, 358, 3077, 5343, 279, 11363, 422, 499, 2733, 34300, 3403, 311, 4879, 433, 4999, 40, 2216, 3021, 279, 8395, 3384, 1364, 268, 315, 279, 311, 54225, 323, 279, 98953, 2161, 1990, 279, 42954, 17944, 398, 32656, 12811, 323, 279, 10437, 2442, 472, 24149, 13, 358, 1781, 1828, 892, 358, 3358, 3060, 1456, 264, 2204, 26828, 477, 1005, 21411, 45322, 4619, 13, 578, 26828, 311, 54225, 320, 2414, 9146, 505, 3339, 279, 41776, 8, 4536, 956, 3958, 26, 358, 1781, 433, 1053, 656, 2216, 1664, 439, 264, 40700, 40239, 323, 8617, 1253, 1212, 11486, 433, 439, 264, 25589, 16088, 13, 5884, 259, 8476, 5380, 39, 2596, 2057 ]
1: The first in a two-course sequence designed to develop pre-service elementary teachers’ conceptual understanding of mathematics. Topics include problem solving, set theory, number theory, rational and real numbers, and algebraic concepts. Emphasis is placed on learning through problem solving. Open only to prospective elementary teachers. Prerequisites: MATH 115 with a grade of C- or better or placement. (3 cr.) MATH 219 Math for Elementary Teachers 2: The second in a two-course sequence designed to develop pre-service elementary teachers' conceptual understanding of mathematics. Topics include elementary probability and statistics, geometric concepts, and measurement concepts. Emphasis is placed on learning through problem solving. Open only to prospective elementary teachers. Prerequisites: MATH 218 with a grade of C or better or placement. (3 cr.) MATH 220 Calculus 1: The first of a three-semester sequence in analytical geometry and calculus. Topics include: the limit, the derivative, differentiation of algebraic and transcendental functions, and definite and indefinite integration. Prerequisites: MATH 126 or MATH 130 with grade of C- or better, or 26 on ACT, or 620 on SAT. (4 cr.) MATH 226 Fourier Series-App
1: The first in a two-course sequence designed to develop pre-service elementary teachers’ conceptual understanding of mathematics. Topics include problem solving, set theory, number theory, rational and real numbers, and algebraic concepts. Emphasis is placed on learning through problem solving. Open only to prospective elementary teachers. Prerequisites: MATH 115 with a grade of C- or better or placement. (3 cr.) MATH 219 Math for Elementary Teachers 2: The second in a two-course sequence designed to develop pre-service elementary teachers' conceptual understanding of mathematics. Topics include elementary probability and statistics, geometric concepts, and measurement concepts. Emphasis is placed on learning through problem solving. Open only to prospective elementary teachers. Prerequisites: MATH 218 with a grade of C or better or placement. (3 cr.) MATH 220 Calculus 1: The first of a three-semester sequence in analytical geometry and calculus. Topics include: the limit, the derivative, differentiation of algebraic and transcendental functions, and definite and indefinite integration. Prerequisites: MATH 126 or MATH 130 with grade of C- or better, or 26 on ACT, or 620 on SAT. (4 cr.) MATH 226 Fourier Series-App
lied Diff Equat: Solving first- and second-order differential equations, Laplace Transforms, Electrical applications and numerical solutions of first and second order differential equations. Convergence and divergence of infinite series, Maclaurin and Taylor series. Operations with Power Series, Fourier series, waveform symmetries and waveforms with period of 2L. Fourier Transforms, Fourier Integral and Discrete Fourier Transforms. Pre-Requisites: MATH 216 with a grade of C- or better. (4 cr.) MATH 230 Calculus 2: The second of a three-semester sequence in analytical geometry and calculus. Topics include: applications of integration, integration techniques, infinite series, conic sections, parametric equations and polar coordinates. Prerequisite: MATH 220 with a C- or better. (4 cr.) MATH 251 Statistics for the Life Sciences: A first course in statistics, including a broad range of applications from science. Topics include: Data display, descriptive statistics, probability, estimation, inference and regression. Pre-Requisites: MATH 130 with a grade of C- or better, or 26 on ACT, or 620 on SAT. (3 cr.) MATH 317 Geometry for
[ 352, 25, 383, 717, 287, 257, 734, 12, 17319, 8379, 3562, 284, 1205, 662, 12, 15271, 19823, 7799, 447, 247, 23355, 4547, 286, 19473, 13, 34440, 2291, 1917, 18120, 11, 900, 4583, 11, 1271, 4583, 11, 9377, 290, 1103, 3146, 11, 290, 37139, 291, 10838, 13, 2295, 28432, 318, 4624, 319, 4673, 832, 1917, 18120, 13, 4946, 691, 284, 17530, 19823, 7799, 13, 3771, 34075, 25, 337, 12599, 12279, 351, 257, 9559, 286, 327, 12, 393, 1365, 393, 13127, 13, 357, 18, 1067, 2014, 198, 44, 12599, 30453, 16320, 329, 25335, 32426, 362, 25, 383, 1218, 287, 257, 734, 12, 17319, 8379, 3562, 284, 1205, 662, 12, 15271, 19823, 7799, 6, 23355, 4547, 286, 19473, 13, 34440, 2291, 19823, 12867, 290, 7869, 11, 38445, 10838, 11, 290, 15558, 10838, 13, 2295, 28432, 318, 4624, 319, 4673, 832, 1917, 18120, 13, 4946, 691, 284, 17530, 19823, 7799, 13, 3771, 34075, 25, 337, 12599, 29217, 351, 257, 9559, 286, 327, 393, 1365, 393, 13127, 13, 357, 18, 1067, 2014, 198, 44, 12599, 15629, 2199, 17576, 352, 25, 383, 717, 286, 257, 1115, 12, 325, 6880, 353, 8379, 287, 30063, 22939, 290, 41443, 13, 34440, 2291, 25, 262, 4179, 11, 262, 27255, 11, 32488, 286, 37139, 291, 290, 26231, 2470, 5499, 11, 290, 21892, 290, 35639, 11812, 13, 3771, 34075, 25, 337, 12599, 19710, 393, 337, 12599, 11323, 351, 9559, 286, 327, 12, 393, 1365, 11, 393, 2608, 319, 11741, 11, 393, 45469, 319, 29020, 13, 357, 19, 1067, 2014, 198, 44, 12599, 31510, 34296, 5277, 7171, 12, 4677 ]
[ 220, 16, 25, 578, 1176, 304, 264, 1403, 69529, 8668, 6319, 311, 2274, 864, 24358, 36256, 13639, 529, 44901, 8830, 315, 38696, 13, 41994, 2997, 3575, 22581, 11, 743, 10334, 11, 1396, 10334, 11, 25442, 323, 1972, 5219, 11, 323, 47976, 292, 19476, 13, 5867, 55249, 374, 9277, 389, 6975, 1555, 3575, 22581, 13, 5377, 1193, 311, 33547, 36256, 13639, 13, 2394, 83401, 25, 386, 4932, 220, 7322, 449, 264, 12239, 315, 356, 12, 477, 2731, 477, 22165, 13, 320, 18, 1589, 29275, 44, 4932, 220, 13762, 4242, 369, 41763, 47802, 220, 17, 25, 578, 2132, 304, 264, 1403, 69529, 8668, 6319, 311, 2274, 864, 24358, 36256, 13639, 6, 44901, 8830, 315, 38696, 13, 41994, 2997, 36256, 19463, 323, 13443, 11, 53584, 19476, 11, 323, 19179, 19476, 13, 5867, 55249, 374, 9277, 389, 6975, 1555, 3575, 22581, 13, 5377, 1193, 311, 33547, 36256, 13639, 13, 2394, 83401, 25, 386, 4932, 220, 13302, 449, 264, 12239, 315, 356, 477, 2731, 477, 22165, 13, 320, 18, 1589, 29275, 44, 4932, 220, 8610, 32459, 355, 220, 16, 25, 578, 1176, 315, 264, 2380, 12, 62636, 8668, 304, 44064, 17484, 323, 83768, 13, 41994, 2997, 25, 279, 4017, 11, 279, 32905, 11, 60038, 315, 47976, 292, 323, 74809, 6430, 5865, 11, 323, 44870, 323, 81956, 18052, 13, 2394, 83401, 25, 386, 4932, 220, 9390, 477, 386, 4932, 220, 5894, 449, 12239, 315, 356, 12, 477, 2731, 11, 477, 220, 1627, 389, 21800, 11, 477, 220, 17416, 389, 43354, 13, 320, 19, 1589, 29275, 44, 4932, 220, 14057, 90054, 11378, 12, 2213 ]
[ 124680, 29469, 11964, 266, 25, 11730, 4504, 1176, 12, 323, 2132, 24747, 41264, 39006, 11, 50155, 27634, 4149, 10008, 11, 45034, 8522, 323, 35876, 10105, 315, 1176, 323, 2132, 2015, 41264, 39006, 13, 1221, 81848, 323, 82258, 315, 24746, 4101, 11, 11583, 566, 4202, 258, 323, 16844, 4101, 13, 25927, 449, 7572, 11378, 11, 90054, 4101, 11, 73464, 8045, 4150, 4108, 323, 12330, 10008, 449, 4261, 315, 220, 17, 43, 13, 90054, 4149, 10008, 11, 90054, 92760, 323, 4185, 9537, 90054, 4149, 10008, 13, 5075, 69060, 49350, 25, 386, 4932, 220, 12463, 449, 264, 12239, 315, 356, 12, 477, 2731, 13, 320, 19, 1589, 29275, 44, 4932, 220, 9870, 32459, 355, 220, 17, 25, 578, 2132, 315, 264, 2380, 12, 62636, 8668, 304, 44064, 17484, 323, 83768, 13, 41994, 2997, 25, 8522, 315, 18052, 11, 18052, 12823, 11, 24746, 4101, 11, 390, 292, 14491, 11, 1719, 16743, 39006, 323, 25685, 14259, 13, 2394, 91475, 25, 386, 4932, 220, 8610, 449, 264, 356, 12, 477, 2731, 13, 320, 19, 1589, 29275, 44, 4932, 220, 13860, 25647, 369, 279, 9601, 23199, 25, 362, 1176, 3388, 304, 13443, 11, 2737, 264, 7353, 2134, 315, 8522, 505, 8198, 13, 41994, 2997, 25, 2956, 3113, 11, 53944, 13443, 11, 19463, 11, 42304, 11, 45478, 323, 31649, 13, 5075, 69060, 49350, 25, 386, 4932, 220, 5894, 449, 264, 12239, 315, 356, 12, 477, 2731, 11, 477, 220, 1627, 389, 21800, 11, 477, 220, 17416, 389, 43354, 13, 320, 18, 1589, 29275, 44, 4932, 220, 16718, 40018, 369 ]
and paranoia. A page from the Lienzo de Tlaxcala, a Tlaxcalan document, showing a Spanish conquistador, three Tlaxcalan soldiers, and a native porter entering Chalco during the colonial conquest. Public Domain People of all genders drank chocolate, but women prepared it. Traditionally, cooks dried, roasted, and ground cacao beans, mixed the powder with water and spices such as vanilla and red-tinted annatto, and shaped and stored the thick paste in blocks. To prepare the beverage, they combined this paste with water and beat the drink until it foamed. Indigenous Mesoamericans associated chocolate with vitality, the warm crimson liquid representing the blood of life itself. Aztec Emperor Moctezuma drank chocolate, in one Spanish eyewitness account, “for success with the women.” Mayan women, writes Few, consumed it to strengthen themselves during menopause and childbirth. The association between chocolate and health carried over into the colonial era. After their defeat of the Aztec and Maya, the Spanish prohibited the use of several ritual Aztec plants, such as psychotropic mushrooms, writes Manuel Aguilar-Moreno in his history of chocolate in colonial Mexico.
and paranoia. A page from the Lienzo de Tlaxcala, a Tlaxcalan document, showing a Spanish conquistador, three Tlaxcalan soldiers, and a native porter entering Chalco during the colonial conquest. Public Domain People of all genders drank chocolate, but women prepared it. Traditionally, cooks dried, roasted, and ground cacao beans, mixed the powder with water and spices such as vanilla and red-tinted annatto, and shaped and stored the thick paste in blocks. To prepare the beverage, they combined this paste with water and beat the drink until it foamed. Indigenous Mesoamericans associated chocolate with vitality, the warm crimson liquid representing the blood of life itself. Aztec Emperor Moctezuma drank chocolate, in one Spanish eyewitness account, “for success with the women.” Mayan women, writes Few, consumed it to strengthen themselves during menopause and childbirth. The association between chocolate and health carried over into the colonial era. After their defeat of the Aztec and Maya, the Spanish prohibited the use of several ritual Aztec plants, such as psychotropic mushrooms, writes Manuel Aguilar-Moreno in his history of chocolate in colonial Mexico.
But the Spanish adopted the practice of chocolate drinking, and its ritual connotations lingered. In Mexico City, according to Aguilar-Moreno, newly converted populations left offerings of cacao in front of images of Christ. In Santiago de Guatemala, current-day Antigua Guatemala, the site of Few’s study, people of native, Spanish, African, and mixed ancestry regularly consumed the beverage, made by women who learned to prepare it from indigenous servants or neighbors. “By the late 17th century, it’s for sale in the market,” says Few. “People are drinking it every day.” Priests drank chocolate while meeting the faithful, colonial hospitals stocked chocolate to fortify the sick, and husbands expected a morning cup from dutiful wives. Chocolate was one of the hallmarks of the new, composite culture emerging in colonial Latin America, one that was heavily African and indigenous. By the 1600s, says Few, Santiago de Guatemala’s mixed-race people had outstripped Europeans, who were only about 15 percent of the population. Fearing that they were outnumbered, European elites imposed a series of repressive laws against non-whites, including curfew and laws prohibiting people of African descent
[ 290, 34370, 13, 198, 32, 2443, 422, 262, 406, 2013, 10872, 390, 309, 75, 897, 66, 6081, 11, 257, 309, 75, 897, 9948, 272, 3188, 11, 4478, 257, 7897, 20277, 396, 7079, 11, 1115, 309, 75, 897, 9948, 272, 5795, 11, 290, 257, 6868, 279, 4337, 8218, 30529, 1073, 1141, 262, 17091, 29179, 13, 5094, 20021, 198, 8061, 286, 477, 38054, 24070, 11311, 11, 475, 1466, 5597, 340, 13, 8397, 8736, 11, 38383, 16577, 11, 30490, 11, 290, 2323, 40428, 5488, 16567, 11, 7668, 262, 11913, 351, 1660, 290, 27952, 884, 355, 16858, 290, 2266, 12, 83, 600, 276, 1529, 45807, 11, 290, 14292, 290, 8574, 262, 6546, 17008, 287, 7021, 13, 1675, 8335, 262, 24968, 11, 484, 5929, 428, 17008, 351, 1660, 290, 4405, 262, 4144, 1566, 340, 11511, 2434, 13, 24033, 14937, 78, 2382, 22398, 3917, 11311, 351, 41687, 11, 262, 5814, 46153, 8122, 10200, 262, 2910, 286, 1204, 2346, 13, 7578, 36281, 10851, 4270, 310, 8471, 7487, 24070, 11311, 11, 287, 530, 7897, 34316, 1848, 11, 564, 250, 1640, 1943, 351, 262, 1466, 13, 447, 251, 1737, 272, 1466, 11, 6797, 20463, 11, 13529, 340, 284, 12160, 2405, 1141, 1450, 404, 682, 290, 43886, 13, 198, 464, 8112, 1022, 11311, 290, 1535, 5281, 625, 656, 262, 17091, 6980, 13, 2293, 511, 7433, 286, 262, 7578, 36281, 290, 26041, 11, 262, 7897, 12244, 262, 779, 286, 1811, 12146, 7578, 36281, 6134, 11, 884, 355, 3795, 46084, 23452, 11, 6797, 25995, 33118, 1794, 12, 5167, 3919, 287, 465, 2106, 286, 11311, 287, 17091, 5828, 13 ]
[ 323, 83544, 627, 32, 2199, 505, 279, 445, 3675, 13028, 409, 350, 75, 710, 94480, 11, 264, 350, 75, 710, 5531, 276, 2246, 11, 9204, 264, 15506, 39879, 380, 5477, 11, 2380, 350, 75, 710, 5531, 276, 15201, 11, 323, 264, 10068, 88286, 16661, 921, 278, 1030, 2391, 279, 37683, 62366, 13, 3142, 21749, 198, 16298, 315, 682, 82428, 54244, 18414, 11, 719, 3278, 10235, 433, 13, 15415, 17868, 11, 73527, 32720, 11, 54662, 11, 323, 5015, 272, 15459, 27994, 11, 9709, 279, 17138, 449, 3090, 323, 49659, 1778, 439, 33165, 323, 2579, 2442, 396, 291, 3008, 17173, 11, 323, 27367, 323, 9967, 279, 12314, 25982, 304, 10215, 13, 2057, 10772, 279, 43450, 11, 814, 11093, 420, 25982, 449, 3090, 323, 9567, 279, 7172, 3156, 433, 12018, 3690, 13, 47103, 386, 29930, 309, 11893, 598, 5938, 18414, 449, 75716, 11, 279, 8369, 97119, 14812, 14393, 279, 6680, 315, 2324, 5196, 13, 15757, 55300, 35414, 6178, 302, 10333, 13722, 54244, 18414, 11, 304, 832, 15506, 90010, 2759, 11, 1054, 2000, 2450, 449, 279, 3278, 2029, 3297, 276, 3278, 11, 14238, 44015, 11, 27073, 433, 311, 20259, 5694, 2391, 3026, 84110, 323, 97294, 627, 791, 15360, 1990, 18414, 323, 2890, 11953, 927, 1139, 279, 37683, 11639, 13, 4740, 872, 18506, 315, 279, 15757, 55300, 323, 51444, 11, 279, 15506, 27010, 279, 1005, 315, 3892, 28278, 15757, 55300, 11012, 11, 1778, 439, 8841, 79432, 48251, 11, 14238, 44681, 77408, 3653, 5364, 461, 2201, 304, 813, 3925, 315, 18414, 304, 37683, 12550, 13 ]
[ 2030, 279, 15506, 18306, 279, 6725, 315, 18414, 16558, 11, 323, 1202, 28278, 390, 14632, 40609, 291, 13, 763, 12550, 4409, 11, 4184, 311, 77408, 3653, 5364, 461, 2201, 11, 13945, 16489, 22673, 2163, 33935, 315, 272, 15459, 304, 4156, 315, 5448, 315, 3771, 13, 763, 55678, 409, 63078, 11, 1510, 11477, 6898, 91846, 63078, 11, 279, 2816, 315, 44015, 753, 4007, 11, 1274, 315, 10068, 11, 15506, 11, 11904, 11, 323, 9709, 66004, 15870, 27073, 279, 43450, 11, 1903, 555, 3278, 889, 9687, 311, 10772, 433, 505, 39678, 42832, 477, 19228, 13, 1054, 1383, 279, 3389, 220, 1114, 339, 9478, 11, 433, 753, 369, 6412, 304, 279, 3157, 2476, 2795, 44015, 13, 1054, 16298, 527, 16558, 433, 1475, 1938, 2029, 28885, 18450, 54244, 18414, 1418, 6574, 279, 37513, 11, 37683, 24461, 71116, 18414, 311, 12108, 1463, 279, 14363, 11, 323, 61954, 3685, 264, 6693, 10747, 505, 10249, 5092, 39720, 627, 94064, 574, 832, 315, 279, 14321, 15914, 315, 279, 502, 11, 28814, 7829, 24084, 304, 37683, 20023, 5270, 11, 832, 430, 574, 17345, 11904, 323, 39678, 13, 3296, 279, 220, 6330, 15, 82, 11, 2795, 44015, 11, 55678, 409, 63078, 753, 9709, 3880, 580, 1274, 1047, 704, 30972, 7069, 51607, 11, 889, 1051, 1193, 922, 220, 868, 3346, 315, 279, 7187, 13, 435, 13992, 430, 814, 1051, 85692, 291, 11, 7665, 56803, 27070, 264, 4101, 315, 312, 69563, 7016, 2403, 2536, 56432, 3695, 11, 2737, 2917, 71830, 323, 7016, 79466, 1274, 315, 11904, 38052 ]
peer-beating performance last year.The top five performers are trading at an average valuation of more than 50 times earnings estimates for 2020, compared with about 14 times for the MSCI Asia excluding-Japan Index. All have net cash on their balance sheets.While only about 1% of the portfolio is allocated to Southeast Asia due to expensive valuations, its Asean revenue exposure is higher thanks to investments in key regional Internet stocks Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., Tencent Holdings Ltd. and Naver Corp.“Alibaba owns Southeast Asia’s largest e-commerce platform Lazada, Tencent is the largest gaming company in this region, and Naver owns Line which is popular among Southeast Asian mobile Internet users,” Heugh said.(Updates with MSCI AC Asia ex Japan Index performance in fifth paragraph. An earlier version of the story corrected the name of the fund)To contact the reporter on this story: Ishika Mookerjee in Singapore at [email protected] contact the editors responsible for this story: Lianting Tu at [email protected], Kurt SchusslerFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.comSubscribe now to stay ahead
peer-beating performance last year.The top five performers are trading at an average valuation of more than 50 times earnings estimates for 2020, compared with about 14 times for the MSCI Asia excluding-Japan Index. All have net cash on their balance sheets.While only about 1% of the portfolio is allocated to Southeast Asia due to expensive valuations, its Asean revenue exposure is higher thanks to investments in key regional Internet stocks Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., Tencent Holdings Ltd. and Naver Corp.“Alibaba owns Southeast Asia’s largest e-commerce platform Lazada, Tencent is the largest gaming company in this region, and Naver owns Line which is popular among Southeast Asian mobile Internet users,” Heugh said.(Updates with MSCI AC Asia ex Japan Index performance in fifth paragraph. An earlier version of the story corrected the name of the fund)To contact the reporter on this story: Ishika Mookerjee in Singapore at [email protected] contact the editors responsible for this story: Lianting Tu at [email protected], Kurt SchusslerFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.comSubscribe now to stay ahead
with the most trusted business news source.©2020 Bloomberg L.P. ByteDance Readying Assault on Tencent’s Mobile Gaming Kingdom (Bloomberg) -- ByteDance Inc. is preparing a major push into the mobile arena’s most lucrative market, a realm Tencent Holdings Ltd. has dominated for over a decade: games.Sign up for Next China, a weekly email on where the nation stands now and where it's going next.The world’s most valuable startup has rapidly built a full-fledged gaming division to spearhead its maiden foray into hardcore or non-casual games, according to people familiar with the matter. Over the past few months, ByteDance has quietly bought up gaming studios and exclusive title distribution rights. It’s embarked on a hiring spree and poached top talent from rivals, building a team of more than 1,000. Its first two games from the venture will be released this spring, targeting both local and overseas players, one person said.Commonly compared to Facebook Inc. because of its billion-plus users and sway over American teens via social media phenom TikTok, ByteDance is looking to expand its horizons. It started as a popular news aggregator with the T
[ 12720, 12, 1350, 803, 2854, 938, 614, 13, 464, 1353, 1936, 23827, 389, 7313, 379, 281, 2811, 29115, 286, 517, 621, 2026, 1661, 12042, 7746, 329, 12131, 11, 3688, 351, 546, 1478, 1661, 329, 262, 337, 6173, 40, 7229, 23494, 12, 16504, 12901, 13, 1439, 423, 2010, 5003, 319, 511, 5236, 15747, 13, 3633, 691, 546, 352, 4, 286, 262, 15320, 318, 19171, 284, 21199, 7229, 2233, 284, 5789, 1188, 6055, 11, 663, 317, 325, 272, 6426, 7111, 318, 2440, 5176, 284, 11115, 287, 1994, 7915, 4455, 14420, 41992, 4912, 31703, 12052, 1539, 9368, 1087, 31681, 12052, 13, 290, 399, 8770, 11421, 13, 447, 250, 2348, 37541, 12216, 21199, 7229, 447, 247, 82, 4387, 304, 12, 27061, 3859, 22807, 4763, 11, 9368, 1087, 318, 262, 4387, 7776, 1664, 287, 428, 3814, 11, 290, 399, 8770, 12216, 6910, 543, 318, 2968, 1871, 21199, 7740, 5175, 4455, 2985, 11, 447, 251, 679, 6724, 531, 12195, 4933, 19581, 351, 337, 6173, 40, 7125, 7229, 409, 2869, 12901, 2854, 287, 8150, 7322, 13, 1052, 2961, 2196, 286, 262, 1621, 19267, 262, 1438, 286, 262, 1814, 8, 2514, 2800, 262, 9095, 319, 428, 1621, 25, 24303, 9232, 337, 566, 263, 34589, 287, 12551, 379, 545, 566, 263, 34589, 31, 2436, 4207, 3900, 13, 3262, 2514, 2800, 262, 15719, 4497, 329, 428, 1621, 25, 406, 3014, 278, 16749, 379, 300, 28047, 19, 31, 2436, 4207, 3900, 13, 3262, 11, 20642, 3059, 1046, 1754, 1890, 517, 6685, 588, 428, 11, 3387, 3187, 514, 379, 29955, 3900, 13, 785, 27125, 783, 284, 2652, 4058 ]
[ 14734, 15502, 1113, 5178, 1566, 1060, 11829, 1948, 4330, 45518, 527, 11380, 520, 459, 5578, 51262, 315, 810, 1109, 220, 1135, 3115, 24608, 17989, 369, 220, 2366, 15, 11, 7863, 449, 922, 220, 975, 3115, 369, 279, 386, 71679, 13936, 44878, 12278, 5472, 8167, 13, 2052, 617, 4272, 8515, 389, 872, 8335, 25112, 95386, 1193, 922, 220, 16, 4, 315, 279, 20136, 374, 20816, 311, 36664, 13936, 4245, 311, 11646, 1062, 38170, 11, 1202, 362, 325, 276, 13254, 14675, 374, 5190, 9523, 311, 22538, 304, 1401, 15481, 8191, 23301, 55464, 5856, 55777, 12604, 2637, 71021, 54642, 12604, 13, 323, 452, 7403, 22621, 35147, 2149, 29360, 25241, 36664, 13936, 753, 7928, 384, 42685, 5452, 98903, 2649, 11, 71021, 374, 279, 7928, 16211, 2883, 304, 420, 5654, 11, 323, 452, 7403, 25241, 7228, 902, 374, 5526, 4315, 36664, 14875, 6505, 8191, 3932, 2476, 1283, 7595, 1071, 13127, 38191, 449, 386, 71679, 10807, 13936, 506, 6457, 8167, 5178, 304, 18172, 14646, 13, 1556, 6931, 2373, 315, 279, 3446, 37065, 279, 836, 315, 279, 3887, 8, 1271, 3729, 279, 19496, 389, 420, 3446, 25, 57704, 11755, 386, 1982, 261, 68996, 304, 21181, 520, 737, 1982, 261, 68996, 31, 65, 91172, 5181, 1271, 3729, 279, 29846, 8647, 369, 420, 3446, 25, 445, 5485, 287, 29749, 520, 326, 25506, 19, 31, 65, 91172, 5181, 11, 44023, 5124, 1892, 1565, 2520, 810, 9908, 1093, 420, 11, 4587, 4034, 603, 520, 52554, 7881, 916, 29673, 1457, 311, 4822, 8469 ]
[ 449, 279, 1455, 22542, 2626, 3754, 2592, 13, 20644, 2366, 15, 37653, 445, 1087, 627, 7300, 35, 685, 4557, 7169, 50071, 389, 71021, 753, 13716, 31562, 15422, 198, 5462, 91172, 8, 1198, 11146, 35, 685, 4953, 13, 374, 20646, 264, 3682, 4585, 1139, 279, 6505, 25946, 753, 1455, 51306, 3157, 11, 264, 22651, 71021, 54642, 12604, 13, 706, 30801, 369, 927, 264, 13515, 25, 3953, 42252, 709, 369, 9479, 5734, 11, 264, 17496, 2613, 389, 1405, 279, 7140, 13656, 1457, 323, 1405, 433, 596, 2133, 1828, 11829, 1917, 753, 1455, 15525, 21210, 706, 19019, 5918, 264, 2539, 2269, 93724, 16211, 13096, 311, 41963, 2025, 1202, 74322, 369, 352, 1139, 27702, 477, 2536, 1824, 300, 940, 3953, 11, 4184, 311, 1274, 11537, 449, 279, 5030, 13, 6193, 279, 3347, 2478, 4038, 11, 11146, 35, 685, 706, 30666, 11021, 709, 16211, 42795, 323, 14079, 2316, 8141, 3268, 13, 1102, 753, 79120, 389, 264, 24009, 79728, 323, 3273, 3939, 1948, 11005, 505, 35938, 11, 4857, 264, 2128, 315, 810, 1109, 220, 16, 11, 931, 13, 11699, 1176, 1403, 3953, 505, 279, 26255, 690, 387, 6004, 420, 10683, 11, 25103, 2225, 2254, 323, 25355, 4311, 11, 832, 1732, 1071, 16393, 398, 7863, 311, 5690, 4953, 13, 1606, 315, 1202, 7239, 23786, 3932, 323, 61229, 927, 3778, 27294, 4669, 3674, 3772, 14345, 316, 73842, 53954, 11, 11146, 35, 685, 374, 3411, 311, 9407, 1202, 4917, 64947, 13, 1102, 3940, 439, 264, 5526, 3754, 97780, 449, 279, 350 ]
such a way as to blind persons in control of ships, vehicles, or aircraft being illuminated. Rule 63 A 63 B 63 C 63 D Illumination is prohibited. Illumination of (SPECIFY) by (SPECIFY equipment) is permitted. Use of laser designators in (SPECIFY circumstances) is permitted. Use of laser range finders in (SPECIFY circumstances) is permitted. Note: It is unlawful to use laser targeting systems to deliberately cause blindness. 63 E Energizing fire-control radars in the direction of (SPECIFY) permitted. Use of all illuminants and illumination systems is permitted. Use of active sensors is prohibited. Use of active sensors is permitted. Unrestricted use of sensors is permitted. Spare. 63 F 63 G 63 H 63 I 63 J-Z Series 64-69 Spare GROUP 70-79: CARRYING OF WEAPONS Series 70 Purpose: Authority to Carry Weapons To regulate carrying of weapons. Rule 70 A 70 B Carrying of weapons by members of the Force is prohibited. Carrying of weapons by members of the Force in (SPECIFY location) is prohibited. Carrying of weapons by members of the Force in (SPECIFY area) is permitted
such a way as to blind persons in control of ships, vehicles, or aircraft being illuminated. Rule 63 A 63 B 63 C 63 D Illumination is prohibited. Illumination of (SPECIFY) by (SPECIFY equipment) is permitted. Use of laser designators in (SPECIFY circumstances) is permitted. Use of laser range finders in (SPECIFY circumstances) is permitted. Note: It is unlawful to use laser targeting systems to deliberately cause blindness. 63 E Energizing fire-control radars in the direction of (SPECIFY) permitted. Use of all illuminants and illumination systems is permitted. Use of active sensors is prohibited. Use of active sensors is permitted. Unrestricted use of sensors is permitted. Spare. 63 F 63 G 63 H 63 I 63 J-Z Series 64-69 Spare GROUP 70-79: CARRYING OF WEAPONS Series 70 Purpose: Authority to Carry Weapons To regulate carrying of weapons. Rule 70 A 70 B Carrying of weapons by members of the Force is prohibited. Carrying of weapons by members of the Force in (SPECIFY location) is prohibited. Carrying of weapons by members of the Force in (SPECIFY area) is permitted
. Carrying of (SPECIFY type of weapons, e.g. crew served weapons) by members of the Force in (SPECIFY area) is permitted. Carrying of weapons except in (SPECIFY location) is permitted. Note: Measure 70E is to be used when Force members are permitted to carry weapons in the area of operations, but are restricted from carrying weapons in places such as in the vicinity of cities, in host nation government buildings, etc. 70 F 70 G-Z Carrying of weapons by members of the Force is permitted. Spare. Series 71 79 GROUP 80-89: LAND MINES, CLUSTER MUNITIONS AND BOOBY TRAPS Note: Treaty law and national policies, which go beyond the requirements of customary international law, have placed limitations on the use of these weapon systems by some nations. Series 80 Purpose: Use of Land Mines To regulate the use of land mines (including anti-personnel mines). Rule 80 A 80 B 80 C Use of land mines (including anti-personnel mines) is prohibited. Use of anti-personnel mines is prohibited. Use of surface laid anti-vehicle mines in (SPECIFY area) is permitted. Use of concealed anti
[ 884, 257, 835, 355, 284, 7770, 6506, 287, 1630, 286, 7937, 11, 5672, 11, 393, 6215, 852, 35162, 13, 14330, 8093, 317, 8093, 347, 8093, 327, 8093, 360, 39256, 1883, 318, 12244, 13, 39256, 1883, 286, 357, 48451, 5064, 56, 8, 416, 357, 48451, 5064, 56, 5112, 8, 318, 10431, 13, 5765, 286, 12855, 1486, 2024, 287, 357, 48451, 5064, 56, 5917, 8, 318, 10431, 13, 5765, 286, 12855, 2837, 1064, 364, 287, 357, 48451, 5064, 56, 5917, 8, 318, 10431, 13, 198, 6425, 25, 632, 318, 18236, 284, 779, 12855, 10822, 3341, 284, 14593, 2728, 37673, 13, 8093, 412, 412, 25649, 2890, 2046, 12, 13716, 2511, 945, 287, 262, 4571, 286, 357, 48451, 5064, 56, 8, 10431, 13, 5765, 286, 477, 2801, 7230, 1187, 290, 40951, 3341, 318, 10431, 13, 5765, 286, 4075, 15736, 318, 12244, 13, 5765, 286, 4075, 15736, 318, 10431, 13, 791, 49343, 779, 286, 15736, 318, 10431, 13, 1338, 533, 13, 198, 5066, 376, 8093, 402, 8093, 367, 8093, 314, 8093, 449, 12, 57, 7171, 5598, 12, 3388, 1338, 533, 198, 46846, 4317, 12, 3720, 25, 17368, 18276, 2751, 3963, 12887, 2969, 19213, 7171, 4317, 32039, 25, 11416, 284, 36366, 18944, 1675, 16697, 6872, 286, 3777, 13, 14330, 4317, 317, 4317, 347, 1879, 14992, 286, 3777, 416, 1866, 286, 262, 5221, 318, 12244, 13, 1879, 14992, 286, 3777, 416, 1866, 286, 262, 5221, 287, 357, 48451, 5064, 56, 4067, 8, 318, 12244, 13, 1879, 14992, 286, 3777, 416, 1866, 286, 262, 5221, 287, 357, 48451, 5064, 56, 1989, 8, 318, 10431 ]
[ 1778, 264, 1648, 439, 311, 18507, 11434, 304, 2585, 315, 18198, 11, 11731, 11, 477, 14467, 1694, 75648, 13, 18592, 220, 5495, 362, 220, 5495, 426, 220, 5495, 356, 220, 5495, 423, 61720, 2617, 374, 27010, 13, 61720, 2617, 315, 320, 57581, 15544, 8, 555, 320, 57581, 15544, 7241, 8, 374, 15480, 13, 5560, 315, 21120, 2955, 3046, 304, 320, 57581, 15544, 13463, 8, 374, 15480, 13, 5560, 315, 21120, 2134, 1505, 388, 304, 320, 57581, 15544, 13463, 8, 374, 15480, 627, 9290, 25, 1102, 374, 45522, 311, 1005, 21120, 25103, 6067, 311, 36192, 5353, 85515, 13, 220, 5495, 469, 75101, 4954, 4027, 4565, 9038, 1590, 304, 279, 5216, 315, 320, 57581, 15544, 8, 15480, 13, 5560, 315, 682, 44087, 1821, 323, 77052, 6067, 374, 15480, 13, 5560, 315, 4642, 26148, 374, 27010, 13, 5560, 315, 4642, 26148, 374, 15480, 13, 1252, 51897, 1005, 315, 26148, 374, 15480, 13, 96305, 627, 5495, 435, 220, 5495, 480, 220, 5495, 473, 220, 5495, 358, 220, 5495, 622, 11419, 11378, 220, 1227, 12, 3076, 96305, 198, 42580, 220, 2031, 12, 4643, 25, 356, 77964, 1753, 3083, 20255, 2599, 30626, 11378, 220, 2031, 30145, 25, 22677, 311, 63842, 47664, 2057, 37377, 15691, 315, 10094, 13, 18592, 220, 2031, 362, 220, 2031, 426, 3341, 28609, 315, 10094, 555, 3697, 315, 279, 11994, 374, 27010, 13, 3341, 28609, 315, 10094, 555, 3697, 315, 279, 11994, 304, 320, 57581, 15544, 3813, 8, 374, 27010, 13, 3341, 28609, 315, 10094, 555, 3697, 315, 279, 11994, 304, 320, 57581, 15544, 3158, 8, 374, 15480 ]
[ 13, 3341, 28609, 315, 320, 57581, 15544, 955, 315, 10094, 11, 384, 1326, 13, 13941, 10434, 10094, 8, 555, 3697, 315, 279, 11994, 304, 320, 57581, 15544, 3158, 8, 374, 15480, 13, 3341, 28609, 315, 10094, 3734, 304, 320, 57581, 15544, 3813, 8, 374, 15480, 13, 7181, 25, 35204, 220, 2031, 36, 374, 311, 387, 1511, 994, 11994, 3697, 527, 15480, 311, 6920, 10094, 304, 279, 3158, 315, 7677, 11, 719, 527, 22486, 505, 15691, 10094, 304, 7634, 1778, 439, 304, 279, 53851, 315, 9919, 11, 304, 3552, 7140, 3109, 14016, 11, 5099, 13, 220, 2031, 435, 220, 2031, 480, 11419, 3341, 28609, 315, 10094, 555, 3697, 315, 279, 11994, 374, 15480, 13, 96305, 627, 26625, 220, 6028, 220, 4643, 198, 42580, 220, 1490, 12, 4578, 25, 92956, 17116, 1600, 11, 7121, 47109, 386, 1899, 68861, 3651, 7967, 46, 20507, 5091, 49045, 7181, 25, 52131, 2383, 323, 5426, 10396, 11, 902, 733, 7953, 279, 8670, 315, 73348, 6625, 2383, 11, 617, 9277, 9669, 389, 279, 1005, 315, 1521, 10500, 6067, 555, 1063, 17089, 13, 11378, 220, 1490, 30145, 25, 5560, 315, 11680, 66882, 2057, 37377, 279, 1005, 315, 4363, 34757, 320, 16564, 7294, 29145, 8301, 34757, 570, 18592, 220, 1490, 362, 220, 1490, 426, 220, 1490, 356, 5560, 315, 4363, 34757, 320, 16564, 7294, 29145, 8301, 34757, 8, 374, 27010, 13, 5560, 315, 7294, 29145, 8301, 34757, 374, 27010, 13, 5560, 315, 7479, 17551, 7294, 12, 20347, 34757, 304, 320, 57581, 15544, 3158, 8, 374, 15480, 13, 5560, 315, 44133, 7294 ]
new drugs and provide earlier safety decisions, greatly reducing the number of animals used to test compounds that would ultimately fail in development and speeding up the drug development pathway. “Cardiovascular disease is still a major cause of death in the UK but much of the new research is being funded by charities. The support Heart Research UK provided to my lab meant I could leverage seven times more funding from government and industry. This enabled new collaborations throughout Europe and the USA, which will accelerate our efforts to produce better drugs that relying less on animal use” Researcher Perspective Experience gained during Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland funded trial of robotic therapy in stroke survivors contributed to a successful bid to NIHR HTA to fund a £3 million randomised controlled trial and developed capacity to deliver clinical trials of novel rehabilitation interventions. Stroke occurs approximately 152,000 times a year in the UK; that is one every 3 minutes 27 seconds. Stroke is a major cause of disability and approximately half of all stroke survivors have long-term disability and impairment of the upper limb. Recently developed robotic therapy systems can improve arm movements in patients with weakness many years after stroke and may be cost-effective compared to ‘traditional’ one-to-one physiotherapy. It is believed that
new drugs and provide earlier safety decisions, greatly reducing the number of animals used to test compounds that would ultimately fail in development and speeding up the drug development pathway. “Cardiovascular disease is still a major cause of death in the UK but much of the new research is being funded by charities. The support Heart Research UK provided to my lab meant I could leverage seven times more funding from government and industry. This enabled new collaborations throughout Europe and the USA, which will accelerate our efforts to produce better drugs that relying less on animal use” Researcher Perspective Experience gained during Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland funded trial of robotic therapy in stroke survivors contributed to a successful bid to NIHR HTA to fund a £3 million randomised controlled trial and developed capacity to deliver clinical trials of novel rehabilitation interventions. Stroke occurs approximately 152,000 times a year in the UK; that is one every 3 minutes 27 seconds. Stroke is a major cause of disability and approximately half of all stroke survivors have long-term disability and impairment of the upper limb. Recently developed robotic therapy systems can improve arm movements in patients with weakness many years after stroke and may be cost-effective compared to ‘traditional’ one-to-one physiotherapy. It is believed that
in order to maximise recovery that therapeutic interventions should be started as soon as possible after a stroke but there is no evidence yet for use of robotic therapy in the first weeks after stroke. With the support of Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland, a team led by Dr Jesse Dawson at the Western Infirmary and Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow, is testing robotic therapy systems, in the early post stroke period. The robots were developed by scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Patients were recruited within seven days of their stroke and had three one hour-long sessions per week, for four weeks. Tasks included circle drawing, reaching targets, and holding / moving against moderate resistance. Patients’ limb function and wider functional capacity were assessed after one and three months. Final results are under analysis and the outcome will demonstrate whether robotic therapy is effective, and tolerated by patients, in the early stage after stroke. If successful, this will not only improve patients’ functional capacity, but should also prevent weaknesses becoming chronic, and more difficult to treat later on. As a result of their position in the field and the experience and knowledge gained from the small scale trial funded by CHSS Dr Dawson’s team were chosen to be one of several countrywide centres collaborating on
[ 649, 5010, 290, 2148, 2961, 3747, 5370, 11, 9257, 8868, 262, 1271, 286, 4695, 973, 284, 1332, 16439, 326, 561, 6165, 2038, 287, 2478, 290, 26347, 510, 262, 2563, 2478, 21182, 13, 198, 447, 250, 16962, 19381, 4369, 318, 991, 257, 1688, 2728, 286, 1918, 287, 262, 3482, 475, 881, 286, 262, 649, 2267, 318, 852, 10588, 416, 23980, 13, 383, 1104, 8894, 4992, 3482, 2810, 284, 616, 2248, 4001, 314, 714, 16094, 3598, 1661, 517, 4918, 422, 1230, 290, 2831, 13, 770, 9343, 649, 48421, 3690, 2031, 290, 262, 4916, 11, 543, 481, 22636, 674, 4040, 284, 4439, 1365, 5010, 326, 17965, 1342, 319, 5044, 779, 447, 251, 1874, 50194, 42051, 198, 44901, 8618, 1141, 25544, 8894, 290, 30183, 365, 8838, 10588, 4473, 286, 25810, 9102, 287, 14000, 13644, 8639, 284, 257, 4388, 8406, 284, 24947, 17184, 367, 5603, 284, 1814, 257, 4248, 18, 1510, 4738, 1417, 6856, 4473, 290, 4166, 5339, 284, 5203, 8668, 9867, 286, 5337, 23668, 19901, 13, 198, 1273, 305, 365, 8833, 6702, 24848, 11, 830, 1661, 257, 614, 287, 262, 3482, 26, 326, 318, 530, 790, 513, 2431, 2681, 4201, 13, 30183, 365, 318, 257, 1688, 2728, 286, 14013, 290, 6702, 2063, 286, 477, 14000, 13644, 423, 890, 12, 4354, 14013, 290, 23992, 286, 262, 6727, 25035, 13, 23413, 4166, 25810, 9102, 3341, 460, 2987, 3211, 8650, 287, 3871, 351, 10453, 867, 812, 706, 14000, 290, 743, 307, 1575, 12, 16803, 3688, 284, 564, 246, 36380, 447, 247, 530, 12, 1462, 12, 505, 42087, 18952, 13, 632, 318, 4762, 326 ]
[ 502, 11217, 323, 3493, 6931, 7296, 11429, 11, 19407, 18189, 279, 1396, 315, 10099, 1511, 311, 1296, 32246, 430, 1053, 13967, 3775, 304, 4500, 323, 58675, 709, 279, 5623, 4500, 38970, 627, 2118, 5889, 822, 33945, 8624, 374, 2103, 264, 3682, 5353, 315, 4648, 304, 279, 6560, 719, 1790, 315, 279, 502, 3495, 374, 1694, 24853, 555, 51371, 13, 578, 1862, 18449, 8483, 6560, 3984, 311, 856, 10278, 8967, 358, 1436, 33164, 8254, 3115, 810, 11006, 505, 3109, 323, 5064, 13, 1115, 9147, 502, 83663, 6957, 4606, 323, 279, 7427, 11, 902, 690, 43880, 1057, 9045, 311, 8356, 2731, 11217, 430, 39661, 2753, 389, 10065, 1005, 863, 8483, 261, 70288, 198, 35215, 18661, 2391, 42871, 18449, 323, 70034, 19627, 24853, 9269, 315, 59101, 15419, 304, 12943, 32696, 20162, 311, 264, 6992, 14435, 311, 42601, 17526, 5373, 32, 311, 3887, 264, 7083, 18, 3610, 4288, 4147, 14400, 9269, 323, 8040, 8824, 311, 6493, 14830, 19622, 315, 11775, 44438, 39455, 627, 32657, 13980, 13489, 220, 9756, 11, 931, 3115, 264, 1060, 304, 279, 6560, 26, 430, 374, 832, 1475, 220, 18, 4520, 220, 1544, 6622, 13, 70034, 374, 264, 3682, 5353, 315, 28353, 323, 13489, 4376, 315, 682, 12943, 32696, 617, 1317, 9860, 28353, 323, 53317, 315, 279, 8582, 48694, 13, 42096, 8040, 59101, 15419, 6067, 649, 7417, 6916, 19567, 304, 6978, 449, 23948, 1690, 1667, 1306, 12943, 323, 1253, 387, 2853, 53421, 7863, 311, 3451, 88008, 529, 832, 4791, 19101, 4571, 822, 46755, 13, 1102, 374, 11846, 430 ]
[ 304, 2015, 311, 31127, 1082, 13654, 430, 37471, 39455, 1288, 387, 3940, 439, 5246, 439, 3284, 1306, 264, 12943, 719, 1070, 374, 912, 6029, 3686, 369, 1005, 315, 59101, 15419, 304, 279, 1176, 5672, 1306, 12943, 627, 2409, 279, 1862, 315, 42871, 18449, 323, 70034, 19627, 11, 264, 2128, 6197, 555, 2999, 40271, 67312, 520, 279, 11104, 15268, 404, 1563, 323, 16657, 21393, 3907, 15429, 304, 43997, 11, 374, 7649, 59101, 15419, 6067, 11, 304, 279, 4216, 1772, 12943, 4261, 13, 578, 29807, 1051, 8040, 555, 14248, 520, 22108, 10181, 315, 12053, 320, 18836, 570, 44430, 1051, 45425, 2949, 8254, 2919, 315, 872, 12943, 323, 1047, 2380, 832, 6596, 24725, 16079, 824, 2046, 11, 369, 3116, 5672, 13, 47571, 5343, 12960, 13633, 11, 19261, 11811, 11, 323, 10168, 611, 7366, 2403, 24070, 13957, 13, 44430, 529, 48694, 734, 323, 22622, 16003, 8824, 1051, 32448, 1306, 832, 323, 2380, 4038, 13, 13321, 3135, 527, 1234, 6492, 323, 279, 15632, 690, 20461, 3508, 59101, 15419, 374, 7524, 11, 323, 66441, 555, 6978, 11, 304, 279, 4216, 6566, 1306, 12943, 13, 1442, 6992, 11, 420, 690, 539, 1193, 7417, 6978, 529, 16003, 8824, 11, 719, 1288, 1101, 5471, 44667, 10671, 21249, 11, 323, 810, 5107, 311, 4322, 3010, 389, 627, 2170, 264, 1121, 315, 872, 2361, 304, 279, 2115, 323, 279, 3217, 323, 6677, 18661, 505, 279, 2678, 5569, 9269, 24853, 555, 6969, 1242, 2999, 67312, 753, 2128, 1051, 12146, 311, 387, 832, 315, 3892, 3224, 9328, 36282, 73301, 389 ]
by new windows & sliding glass doors. Floorplan is ideal for entertaining w/focus on the open designer kitchen w/ample space feat. New cabinets, Quartz Counter tops, eat at island, & large pantry. Living room & den are separated by large dining area which flows perfectly, accented by a beautiful fireplace while overlooking the park-like backyard. Master suite has large En-suite w/designer finishes & access to sitting area & pool. 2nd En-suite in rear bedroom while the 3rd room shares guest bath in main hall, all have been beautifully updated. The key lifestyle focus: a beautiful backyard w/a large refinished Pebble tech pool w/LED lighting, new heater & equipment, surrounded by expansive patio & lawn, entertaining/dining area w/modern lush landscaping allowing for privacy. Curb appeal of this masterpiece is accented by stunning neighboring homes. Upgrades too numerous to mention include but not limited to: LED lighting, new interior doors, baseboards, custom paint, white-washed laminate wood floors, new carpet, motorized shades at entry & kitchen, security system, in/out door surround sound, updated electrical & plumbing & more! This attractive home is walking distance to award-winning schools,
by new windows & sliding glass doors. Floorplan is ideal for entertaining w/focus on the open designer kitchen w/ample space feat. New cabinets, Quartz Counter tops, eat at island, & large pantry. Living room & den are separated by large dining area which flows perfectly, accented by a beautiful fireplace while overlooking the park-like backyard. Master suite has large En-suite w/designer finishes & access to sitting area & pool. 2nd En-suite in rear bedroom while the 3rd room shares guest bath in main hall, all have been beautifully updated. The key lifestyle focus: a beautiful backyard w/a large refinished Pebble tech pool w/LED lighting, new heater & equipment, surrounded by expansive patio & lawn, entertaining/dining area w/modern lush landscaping allowing for privacy. Curb appeal of this masterpiece is accented by stunning neighboring homes. Upgrades too numerous to mention include but not limited to: LED lighting, new interior doors, baseboards, custom paint, white-washed laminate wood floors, new carpet, motorized shades at entry & kitchen, security system, in/out door surround sound, updated electrical & plumbing & more! This attractive home is walking distance to award-winning schools,
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[ 416, 649, 9168, 1222, 22292, 5405, 8215, 13, 22343, 11578, 318, 7306, 329, 17774, 266, 14, 37635, 319, 262, 1280, 11915, 9592, 266, 14, 1403, 2272, 2218, 13, 968, 43064, 11, 45976, 15034, 21246, 11, 4483, 379, 7022, 11, 1222, 1588, 15857, 563, 13, 13728, 2119, 1222, 2853, 389, 11266, 416, 1588, 17423, 1989, 543, 15623, 7138, 11, 697, 4714, 416, 257, 4950, 44250, 981, 34603, 262, 3952, 12, 2339, 24296, 13, 5599, 18389, 468, 1588, 2039, 12, 2385, 578, 266, 14, 26124, 263, 20271, 1222, 1895, 284, 5586, 1989, 1222, 5933, 13, 362, 358, 2039, 12, 2385, 578, 287, 8286, 14043, 981, 262, 513, 4372, 2119, 7303, 8319, 7837, 287, 1388, 6899, 11, 477, 423, 587, 21104, 6153, 13, 383, 1994, 12263, 2962, 25, 257, 4950, 24296, 266, 14, 64, 1588, 1006, 30603, 46041, 7261, 5933, 266, 14, 30465, 12019, 11, 649, 39844, 1222, 5112, 11, 11191, 416, 31316, 39660, 1222, 21133, 11, 17774, 14, 67, 3191, 1989, 266, 14, 23922, 37408, 25227, 9269, 5086, 329, 6782, 13, 4424, 65, 5198, 286, 428, 30669, 318, 697, 4714, 416, 13393, 19651, 5682, 13, 3205, 31177, 1165, 6409, 284, 3068, 2291, 475, 407, 3614, 284, 25, 12365, 12019, 11, 649, 11087, 8215, 11, 2779, 12821, 11, 2183, 7521, 11, 2330, 12, 45462, 30592, 4559, 4898, 18570, 11, 649, 20710, 11, 5584, 1143, 23787, 379, 5726, 1222, 9592, 11, 2324, 1080, 11, 287, 14, 448, 3420, 4573, 2128, 11, 6153, 12278, 1222, 40199, 1222, 517, 0, 770, 10966, 1363, 318, 6155, 5253, 284, 5764, 12, 14463, 4266, 11 ]
[ 555, 502, 11276, 612, 34932, 9168, 14365, 13, 16990, 10609, 374, 10728, 369, 30311, 289, 6801, 3466, 389, 279, 1825, 15034, 9979, 289, 14, 1545, 3634, 12627, 13, 1561, 37328, 11, 66188, 20315, 33522, 11, 8343, 520, 13218, 11, 612, 3544, 69357, 13, 19048, 3130, 612, 3453, 527, 19180, 555, 3544, 18397, 3158, 902, 28555, 14268, 11, 1046, 16243, 555, 264, 6366, 40511, 1418, 53324, 279, 6246, 12970, 36760, 13, 11060, 16578, 706, 3544, 2998, 92674, 289, 84257, 261, 34136, 612, 2680, 311, 11961, 3158, 612, 7463, 13, 220, 17, 303, 2998, 92674, 304, 14981, 14150, 1418, 279, 220, 18, 6634, 3130, 13551, 8810, 9061, 304, 1925, 14321, 11, 682, 617, 1027, 32719, 6177, 13, 578, 1401, 19433, 5357, 25, 264, 6366, 36760, 289, 14520, 3544, 2098, 25682, 90005, 901, 13312, 7463, 289, 14, 13953, 18186, 11, 502, 43338, 612, 7241, 11, 23712, 555, 61838, 32278, 612, 37125, 11, 30311, 3529, 5859, 3158, 289, 39579, 944, 58367, 65118, 10923, 369, 12625, 13, 356, 9225, 14638, 315, 420, 59831, 374, 1046, 16243, 555, 20441, 42617, 10632, 13, 3216, 23142, 2288, 12387, 311, 6420, 2997, 719, 539, 7347, 311, 25, 13414, 18186, 11, 502, 15135, 14365, 11, 2385, 19826, 11, 2587, 6308, 11, 4251, 2695, 13883, 85934, 7732, 27035, 11, 502, 28954, 11, 9048, 1534, 37199, 520, 4441, 612, 9979, 11, 4868, 1887, 11, 304, 49416, 6134, 9172, 5222, 11, 6177, 20314, 612, 44288, 612, 810, 0, 1115, 19411, 2162, 374, 11689, 6138, 311, 10292, 27875, 8853, 11 ]
[ 9615, 264, 2011, 1518, 0, 67828, 8952, 28036, 527, 1579, 304, 7631, 3432, 4245, 311, 279, 22934, 3984, 555, 1124, 13, 1102, 753, 4228, 311, 4933, 279, 8893, 21078, 389, 279, 37030, 28036, 627, 2746, 499, 527, 1101, 3411, 369, 279, 28807, 37030, 28036, 1243, 3729, 279, 15749, 2930, 889, 8312, 279, 28036, 315, 682, 13124, 449, 2204, 21483, 323, 12562, 13, 578, 28036, 3984, 555, 1124, 527, 7701, 33647, 555, 279, 1274, 1457, 421, 28246, 2099, 7782, 433, 369, 872, 8893, 753, 1005, 627, 644, 1162, 315, 279, 20684, 37030, 28036, 11, 499, 7070, 2631, 311, 1005, 279, 6206, 779, 439, 311, 4495, 279, 5789, 315, 279, 4950, 20444, 11, 304, 279, 1162, 315, 9249, 750, 37030, 28036, 7509, 283, 617, 311, 4585, 279, 3215, 369, 82475, 279, 33326, 18222, 389, 279, 3927, 753, 8670, 627, 38195, 10932, 311, 7782, 279, 58386, 6432, 28036, 529, 320, 5391, 439, 3451, 11860, 300, 409, 21036, 275, 3916, 529, 304, 279, 15506, 11688, 8, 315, 1579, 4367, 430, 40758, 369, 5129, 323, 1101, 5825, 6300, 6981, 430, 374, 4460, 555, 279, 28593, 15687, 627, 3947, 753, 1101, 459, 2680, 311, 279, 529, 2419, 16771, 292, 15653, 529, 320, 19171, 2663, 3451, 57, 391, 14357, 64609, 16771, 17038, 14336, 304, 279, 15506, 4221, 8, 902, 527, 24629, 369, 1884, 92268, 555, 279, 4579, 4819, 627, 17940, 279, 37030, 28036, 505, 279, 21390, 430, 5809 ]
its future is "premature." Germany's big banks, Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank, stayed clear of Iran after the US fined them hugely in 2015 for violating previous sanctions. Regional banks Helaba and DZ Bank pulled out of Iran after the US announced it was reimposing sanctions. Siemens returned to Iran in 2016 seeking to sell gas turbines and generators for electricity stations and has won a contract to sell compressors for a natural gas processor. "The mega contracts hoped for when sanctions were lifted were never realized," KPMG advisor Kaveh Taghizadeh was recently quoted as saying in Stern magazine. "Siemens will continue to ensure it remains in strict compliance with relevant international export control restrictions and all other applicable laws and regulations, including US secondary sanctions," Siemens spokesman Yashar Azad told AFP. He added Siemens "will take appropriate actions to align its business with the changing multilateral framework regarding Iran." French industrial gas group Air Liquide says it will "cease all commercial activity" in the country although a spokesperson says the firm has "no investments" there. Aviation saw beefy contracts drawn up following the nuclear accord as Iran targets modernization of an ageing fleet.
its future is "premature." Germany's big banks, Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank, stayed clear of Iran after the US fined them hugely in 2015 for violating previous sanctions. Regional banks Helaba and DZ Bank pulled out of Iran after the US announced it was reimposing sanctions. Siemens returned to Iran in 2016 seeking to sell gas turbines and generators for electricity stations and has won a contract to sell compressors for a natural gas processor. "The mega contracts hoped for when sanctions were lifted were never realized," KPMG advisor Kaveh Taghizadeh was recently quoted as saying in Stern magazine. "Siemens will continue to ensure it remains in strict compliance with relevant international export control restrictions and all other applicable laws and regulations, including US secondary sanctions," Siemens spokesman Yashar Azad told AFP. He added Siemens "will take appropriate actions to align its business with the changing multilateral framework regarding Iran." French industrial gas group Air Liquide says it will "cease all commercial activity" in the country although a spokesperson says the firm has "no investments" there. Aviation saw beefy contracts drawn up following the nuclear accord as Iran targets modernization of an ageing fleet.
Airbus booked deals for 100 jets although to date only three have been delivered after having US licences bestowed upon them -- a necessity given some parts are US-made. The potential loss of business in Iran would not weigh overly heavily on Airbus as overall orders on its books at the end of June stood at 7,168 planes. Franco-Italian planemaker ATR was fretting on the fate of 20 planes earmarked for Iranian delivery -- though Iran Air said Saturday five ATR-72600 aircraft would arrive Sunday, creeping under the deadline to add to eight already delivered. French energy giant Total has moved away from a contract to develop an offshore gas field at South Pars in what would have been the first project of its kind since the 2015 nuclear deal. Because Total's investment in the field had barely just begun, the company is avoiding incurring significant losses on a $5 billion project which Iran says Chinese group CNPC will now take up. After a 30 percent jump in 2016 in exports of Italian-made goods to Iran, Italian exports grew 12.5 percent last year to 1.7 billion euros, according to official data. But energy giant Eni has held back on returning to Iran, preferring to wait on the impact of the latest
[ 663, 2003, 318, 366, 31605, 1300, 526, 198, 27079, 338, 1263, 6341, 11, 36763, 5018, 290, 955, 647, 14969, 962, 11, 9658, 1598, 286, 4068, 706, 262, 1294, 22643, 606, 22641, 287, 1853, 329, 18134, 2180, 9388, 13, 198, 8081, 1538, 6341, 5053, 15498, 290, 360, 57, 5018, 5954, 503, 286, 4068, 706, 262, 1294, 3414, 340, 373, 21123, 32927, 9388, 13, 198, 50, 26597, 641, 4504, 284, 4068, 287, 1584, 6095, 284, 3677, 3623, 35658, 290, 27298, 329, 8744, 8985, 290, 468, 1839, 257, 2775, 284, 3677, 27413, 669, 329, 257, 3288, 3623, 12649, 13, 198, 1, 464, 23465, 8592, 10719, 329, 618, 9388, 547, 13663, 547, 1239, 6939, 553, 509, 5868, 38, 20685, 509, 1015, 71, 309, 10471, 528, 671, 71, 373, 2904, 10947, 355, 2282, 287, 22990, 7093, 13, 198, 1, 50, 26597, 641, 481, 2555, 284, 4155, 340, 3793, 287, 7646, 11846, 351, 5981, 3230, 10784, 1630, 8733, 290, 477, 584, 9723, 3657, 290, 6647, 11, 1390, 1294, 9233, 9388, 553, 45196, 641, 6523, 575, 1077, 283, 7578, 324, 1297, 8916, 13, 198, 1544, 2087, 45196, 641, 366, 10594, 1011, 5035, 4028, 284, 10548, 663, 1597, 351, 262, 5609, 1963, 14796, 9355, 5115, 4068, 526, 198, 24111, 7593, 3623, 1448, 3701, 35515, 485, 1139, 340, 481, 366, 344, 589, 477, 5068, 3842, 1, 287, 262, 1499, 3584, 257, 11821, 1139, 262, 4081, 468, 366, 3919, 11115, 1, 612, 13, 198, 7355, 3920, 2497, 12023, 88, 8592, 7428, 510, 1708, 262, 4523, 8178, 355, 4068, 6670, 49400, 286, 281, 41310, 11026, 13, 198 ]
[ 1202, 3938, 374, 330, 1762, 76, 1598, 10246, 51270, 596, 2466, 14286, 11, 58771, 8715, 323, 1219, 1195, 89, 17469, 11, 20186, 2867, 315, 10471, 1306, 279, 2326, 54981, 1124, 49737, 304, 220, 679, 20, 369, 45462, 3766, 24679, 627, 90907, 14286, 16183, 12273, 323, 423, 57, 8715, 13541, 704, 315, 10471, 1306, 279, 2326, 7376, 433, 574, 45087, 8478, 24679, 627, 22771, 73837, 6052, 311, 10471, 304, 220, 679, 21, 11125, 311, 4662, 6962, 76775, 323, 44163, 369, 18200, 17789, 323, 706, 2834, 264, 5226, 311, 4662, 25633, 1105, 369, 264, 5933, 6962, 18121, 627, 10227, 40487, 17517, 26253, 369, 994, 24679, 1051, 30831, 1051, 2646, 15393, 1359, 735, 8971, 38, 37713, 735, 525, 71, 12633, 71, 450, 1037, 71, 574, 6051, 24116, 439, 5605, 304, 51850, 14756, 627, 1, 22771, 73837, 690, 3136, 311, 6106, 433, 8625, 304, 7452, 8907, 449, 9959, 6625, 7637, 2585, 17294, 323, 682, 1023, 8581, 7016, 323, 14640, 11, 2737, 2326, 14580, 24679, 1359, 91324, 18367, 816, 1003, 277, 15757, 329, 3309, 27746, 627, 1548, 3779, 91324, 330, 14724, 1935, 8475, 6299, 311, 5398, 1202, 2626, 449, 279, 10223, 2814, 44039, 12914, 9002, 10471, 10246, 44297, 13076, 6962, 1912, 6690, 69618, 579, 2795, 433, 690, 330, 346, 521, 682, 8518, 5820, 1, 304, 279, 3224, 8051, 264, 29003, 2795, 279, 7626, 706, 330, 2201, 22538, 1, 1070, 627, 10066, 7246, 5602, 25309, 88, 17517, 15107, 709, 2768, 279, 11499, 14902, 439, 10471, 11811, 6617, 2065, 315, 459, 80043, 26155, 627 ]
[ 26777, 10551, 34070, 12789, 369, 220, 1041, 44305, 8051, 311, 2457, 1193, 2380, 617, 1027, 12886, 1306, 3515, 2326, 93084, 95829, 5304, 1124, 1198, 264, 32961, 2728, 1063, 5596, 527, 2326, 27975, 627, 791, 4754, 4814, 315, 2626, 304, 10471, 1053, 539, 17988, 39532, 17345, 389, 81474, 439, 8244, 10373, 389, 1202, 6603, 520, 279, 842, 315, 5651, 14980, 520, 220, 22, 11, 8953, 25761, 627, 76431, 1030, 12, 70211, 3197, 59775, 362, 2434, 574, 54164, 1303, 389, 279, 25382, 315, 220, 508, 25761, 96208, 43161, 369, 28501, 9889, 1198, 3582, 10471, 6690, 1071, 7884, 4330, 362, 2434, 12, 24430, 410, 14467, 1053, 17782, 7418, 11, 88692, 1234, 279, 22143, 311, 923, 311, 8223, 2736, 12886, 627, 44297, 4907, 14880, 10884, 706, 7882, 3201, 505, 264, 5226, 311, 2274, 459, 39500, 6962, 2115, 520, 4987, 53811, 304, 1148, 1053, 617, 1027, 279, 1176, 2447, 315, 1202, 3169, 2533, 279, 220, 679, 20, 11499, 3568, 627, 18433, 10884, 596, 9341, 304, 279, 2115, 1047, 20025, 1120, 22088, 11, 279, 2883, 374, 31526, 304, 46839, 5199, 18151, 389, 264, 400, 20, 7239, 2447, 902, 10471, 2795, 8620, 1912, 25914, 4977, 690, 1457, 1935, 709, 627, 6153, 264, 220, 966, 3346, 7940, 304, 220, 679, 21, 304, 13086, 315, 15155, 27975, 11822, 311, 10471, 11, 15155, 13086, 14264, 220, 717, 13, 20, 3346, 1566, 1060, 311, 220, 16, 13, 22, 7239, 33588, 11, 4184, 311, 4033, 828, 627, 4071, 4907, 14880, 2998, 72, 706, 5762, 1203, 389, 13758, 311, 10471, 11, 98717, 311, 3868, 389, 279, 5536, 315, 279, 5652 ]
Bailey and James McVay. 9 Build the pulse chokes. New 220V 200W 0. CHAPTER 10 Solid-State Tesla Coil Overview This solid-state Tesla coil (Fig. In 1998 he build one of the world's first solid state Tesla coils. Shop with confidence. This was collaboration between Mueller, Bedini et al. I decided to have a play with an SSTC, Having not prepaired anything or ordered anything, it had to be. A Brief History. (Ludic Science) just released this tutorial video on how to make it. Choosing a vacuum tube coil as my first serious Tesla coil project was very rewarding because it worked the first time I turned it on, provided me with more control than a standard spark gap coil, and served as an excellent stepping stone for my later solid state Tesla coil projects. Tesla Coils are always a blast to see and are relativity simple to build. The Secondary: The secondary is the long, orange cylinder. How to Wind a Wire Coil with a Power Drill. [Dual Resonant Solid State Tesla coils] Mads Barnkob June 27, 2019, 02:43:57 PM Re: Building of my first tesla coil [Dual Resonant Solid State Tesla coils] Skylex
Bailey and James McVay. 9 Build the pulse chokes. New 220V 200W 0. CHAPTER 10 Solid-State Tesla Coil Overview This solid-state Tesla coil (Fig. In 1998 he build one of the world's first solid state Tesla coils. Shop with confidence. This was collaboration between Mueller, Bedini et al. I decided to have a play with an SSTC, Having not prepaired anything or ordered anything, it had to be. A Brief History. (Ludic Science) just released this tutorial video on how to make it. Choosing a vacuum tube coil as my first serious Tesla coil project was very rewarding because it worked the first time I turned it on, provided me with more control than a standard spark gap coil, and served as an excellent stepping stone for my later solid state Tesla coil projects. Tesla Coils are always a blast to see and are relativity simple to build. The Secondary: The secondary is the long, orange cylinder. How to Wind a Wire Coil with a Power Drill. [Dual Resonant Solid State Tesla coils] Mads Barnkob June 27, 2019, 02:43:57 PM Re: Building of my first tesla coil [Dual Resonant Solid State Tesla coils] Skylex
86 June 27, 2019, 10:40:48 AM Re: Testing the driver board [Dual Resonant Solid State Tesla coils] Mads Barnkob. It was later improved and upgraded during the winter and spring of my sophomore year (2010 – 2011). 0 Store: H-king Technology Co. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Solid State Tesla Coil 1. The audio modulator is also improved. Steve Ward's Solid State Tesla Coils RayeR's Solid State Tesla Coils Derek Woodroffe's Solid State Tesla Coils Steve Conner's Solid State Tesla Coils Jimmy Hynes' Solid State Tesla Coils Dan McCauley's Solid State Tesla Coils Solid State Tesla Coil by Gary Johnson Solid-State Tesla Coil WebRing The Double Resonant Solid State Tesla Coil (DRSSTC. They're loosely-coupled air-core transformers where the world is your output load. But apart from Tesla's Gigafactory, those plants are mostly in Asia. The Tesla coil adopts half bridge driver maximum power less than 600 watts, According to the principle of the series resonant let voltage rise to hundreds of thousands of volts,This arc is more like a flame because of its high frequency characteristics, when 220 v can optional
[ 20330, 290, 3700, 1982, 53, 323, 13, 860, 10934, 262, 19445, 442, 3369, 13, 968, 15629, 53, 939, 54, 657, 13, 5870, 29485, 838, 15831, 12, 9012, 11938, 46639, 28578, 770, 4735, 12, 5219, 11938, 25661, 357, 14989, 13, 554, 7795, 339, 1382, 530, 286, 262, 995, 338, 717, 4735, 1181, 11938, 41331, 13, 13705, 351, 6628, 13, 770, 373, 12438, 1022, 17768, 11, 15585, 5362, 2123, 435, 13, 314, 3066, 284, 423, 257, 711, 351, 281, 311, 2257, 34, 11, 11136, 407, 3143, 9820, 1997, 393, 6149, 1997, 11, 340, 550, 284, 307, 13, 317, 22821, 7443, 13, 357, 43, 28673, 5800, 8, 655, 2716, 428, 11808, 2008, 319, 703, 284, 787, 340, 13, 10031, 2752, 257, 17076, 12403, 25661, 355, 616, 717, 2726, 11938, 25661, 1628, 373, 845, 23404, 780, 340, 3111, 262, 717, 640, 314, 2900, 340, 319, 11, 2810, 502, 351, 517, 1630, 621, 257, 3210, 9009, 7625, 25661, 11, 290, 4983, 355, 281, 6275, 17413, 7815, 329, 616, 1568, 4735, 1181, 11938, 25661, 4493, 13, 11938, 1766, 4487, 389, 1464, 257, 11975, 284, 766, 290, 389, 44449, 2829, 284, 1382, 13, 383, 29521, 25, 383, 9233, 318, 262, 890, 11, 10912, 24911, 13, 1374, 284, 3086, 257, 14712, 46639, 351, 257, 4333, 46350, 13, 685, 36248, 44783, 415, 15831, 1812, 11938, 41331, 60, 4627, 82, 11842, 74, 672, 2795, 2681, 11, 13130, 11, 7816, 25, 3559, 25, 3553, 3122, 797, 25, 11819, 286, 616, 717, 256, 274, 5031, 25661, 685, 36248, 44783, 415, 15831, 1812, 11938, 41331, 60, 3661, 2349, 87 ]
[ 43314, 323, 7957, 4584, 53, 352, 13, 220, 24, 8012, 279, 28334, 523, 8099, 13, 1561, 220, 8610, 53, 220, 1049, 54, 220, 15, 13, 96424, 220, 605, 22925, 87615, 28298, 68765, 35907, 1115, 6573, 21395, 28298, 40760, 320, 30035, 13, 763, 220, 2550, 23, 568, 1977, 832, 315, 279, 1917, 596, 1176, 6573, 1614, 28298, 71860, 13, 14355, 449, 12410, 13, 1115, 574, 20632, 1990, 32767, 11, 13394, 6729, 1880, 453, 13, 358, 6773, 311, 617, 264, 1514, 449, 459, 92516, 34, 11, 20636, 539, 864, 77267, 4205, 477, 11713, 4205, 11, 433, 1047, 311, 387, 13, 362, 37618, 11346, 13, 320, 43, 121687, 10170, 8, 1120, 6004, 420, 22237, 2835, 389, 1268, 311, 1304, 433, 13, 77351, 264, 29302, 14019, 40760, 439, 856, 1176, 6129, 28298, 40760, 2447, 574, 1633, 42093, 1606, 433, 6575, 279, 1176, 892, 358, 6656, 433, 389, 11, 3984, 757, 449, 810, 2585, 1109, 264, 5410, 15541, 13225, 40760, 11, 323, 10434, 439, 459, 9250, 36567, 9998, 369, 856, 3010, 6573, 1614, 28298, 40760, 7224, 13, 28298, 3623, 8839, 527, 2744, 264, 21327, 311, 1518, 323, 527, 1375, 44515, 4382, 311, 1977, 13, 578, 44634, 25, 578, 14580, 374, 279, 1317, 11, 19087, 35664, 13, 2650, 311, 22862, 264, 19940, 68765, 449, 264, 7572, 77974, 13, 510, 86174, 1838, 263, 519, 22925, 3314, 28298, 71860, 60, 386, 7819, 23229, 74, 677, 5651, 220, 1544, 11, 220, 679, 24, 11, 220, 2437, 25, 3391, 25, 3226, 5975, 1050, 25, 17283, 315, 856, 1176, 51309, 4355, 40760, 510, 86174, 1838, 263, 519, 22925, 3314, 28298, 71860, 60, 4923, 982, 87 ]
[ 4218, 5651, 220, 1544, 11, 220, 679, 24, 11, 220, 605, 25, 1272, 25, 2166, 6912, 1050, 25, 27866, 279, 5696, 4580, 510, 86174, 1838, 263, 519, 22925, 3314, 28298, 71860, 60, 386, 7819, 23229, 74, 677, 13, 1102, 574, 3010, 13241, 323, 33624, 2391, 279, 12688, 323, 10683, 315, 856, 51498, 1060, 320, 679, 15, 1389, 220, 679, 16, 570, 220, 15, 9307, 25, 473, 12, 10789, 12053, 3623, 13, 7531, 11190, 6130, 8544, 323, 3477, 18594, 369, 22925, 3314, 28298, 68765, 220, 16, 13, 578, 7855, 1491, 10733, 374, 1101, 13241, 13, 14129, 27738, 596, 22925, 3314, 28298, 3623, 8839, 13558, 68, 49, 596, 22925, 3314, 28298, 3623, 8839, 43423, 12404, 299, 29069, 596, 22925, 3314, 28298, 3623, 8839, 14129, 1221, 1215, 596, 22925, 3314, 28298, 3623, 8839, 28933, 473, 84267, 6, 22925, 3314, 28298, 3623, 8839, 11824, 14583, 64, 1130, 88, 596, 22925, 3314, 28298, 3623, 8839, 22925, 3314, 28298, 68765, 555, 24765, 11605, 22925, 87615, 28298, 68765, 5000, 44566, 578, 7238, 1838, 263, 519, 22925, 3314, 28298, 68765, 320, 7842, 50, 790, 34, 13, 2435, 2351, 63557, 1824, 283, 50185, 3805, 24357, 87970, 1405, 279, 1917, 374, 701, 2612, 2865, 13, 2030, 10980, 505, 28298, 596, 45234, 2642, 2992, 11, 1884, 11012, 527, 10213, 304, 13936, 13, 578, 28298, 40760, 87057, 4376, 14497, 5696, 7340, 2410, 2753, 1109, 220, 5067, 72122, 11, 10771, 311, 279, 17966, 315, 279, 4101, 29280, 519, 1095, 22465, 10205, 311, 11758, 315, 9214, 315, 87167, 11, 2028, 15952, 374, 810, 1093, 264, 35678, 1606, 315, 1202, 1579, 11900, 17910, 11, 994, 220, 8610, 348, 649, 10309 ]
morning (November 12) at Los Angeles’ Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Stan Lee and Mark Hamill Team Up for New Marvel Series 'Star Wars' legend Mark Hamill joined forces with Marvel Comics icon Stan Lee to become a cast member in the next chapter of the animated 'Avengers' series on Disney XD. Big Ag Testing grounds for monsanto, other seed corporations a strain on nearby residents in Puerto Rico By Eliván Martínez Mercado | Center for Investigative Journalism | March 29, 2017 More on Big Ag Subscribe to Big Ag Photo by Abimael Medina | Centro de Periodismo Investigativo Arús in Juana Díaz is right in the middle of the farms used by Monsanto, Illinois Crop Improvement and Syngenta Seeds for their work on GMOs. The blades of the windmills revolve over crops of genetically modified plantations of soybean and corn, plantain and farms that have been crushed by the extended use of concrete. The Caribbean Sea appears, with green areas to the left, and to the right an exit leading to an occupied territory: multinational seed corporations, such as Monsanto, control 31% of the land with the greatest potential for
morning (November 12) at Los Angeles’ Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Stan Lee and Mark Hamill Team Up for New Marvel Series 'Star Wars' legend Mark Hamill joined forces with Marvel Comics icon Stan Lee to become a cast member in the next chapter of the animated 'Avengers' series on Disney XD. Big Ag Testing grounds for monsanto, other seed corporations a strain on nearby residents in Puerto Rico By Eliván Martínez Mercado | Center for Investigative Journalism | March 29, 2017 More on Big Ag Subscribe to Big Ag Photo by Abimael Medina | Centro de Periodismo Investigativo Arús in Juana Díaz is right in the middle of the farms used by Monsanto, Illinois Crop Improvement and Syngenta Seeds for their work on GMOs. The blades of the windmills revolve over crops of genetically modified plantations of soybean and corn, plantain and farms that have been crushed by the extended use of concrete. The Caribbean Sea appears, with green areas to the left, and to the right an exit leading to an occupied territory: multinational seed corporations, such as Monsanto, control 31% of the land with the greatest potential for
agriculture in the municipality of Juana Díaz. It is the transgenic epicenter of Puerto Rico. From north to south, from east to west, seed corporations already dominate about 9,712 public and private acres in the island. The area controlled by these corporations is equivalent to the area destined in 2016 for the cultivation of plantains, which the territory’s Department of Agriculture identifies as the most important crop in the country, economically speaking. No one knew of the silent boom of agrochemical and transgenic corporations on the island’s finest farms, until the Center for Investigative Journalism (CPI, for its Spanish acronym) completed an inventory of the properties after field visits and consultations with public documents, and then analyzed the area with digital geographic information provided by the Planning Board. With the advance of seed corporations in Puerto Rico, the Island became, between 2006 and 2015, the locality with more permits to do experiments with transgenics in the United States and its territories. In Juana Díaz, khaki-colored military trucks appear behind the fences of Fort Allen in the US Army Reserve, and taking a turn right, in the Capitanejo neighborhood, employees of the seed corporations walk by wearing white protective gear from head to
[ 3329, 357, 21159, 1105, 8, 379, 5401, 5652, 447, 247, 25789, 945, 12, 50, 1437, 72, 8366, 3337, 13, 198, 32140, 5741, 290, 2940, 4345, 359, 4816, 3205, 329, 968, 9923, 7171, 198, 6, 8248, 6176, 6, 8177, 2940, 4345, 359, 5399, 3386, 351, 9923, 15650, 7196, 7299, 5741, 284, 1716, 257, 3350, 2888, 287, 262, 1306, 6843, 286, 262, 15108, 705, 32, 574, 5355, 6, 2168, 319, 8519, 46537, 13, 4403, 2449, 198, 44154, 9384, 329, 285, 684, 14723, 11, 584, 9403, 10225, 257, 14022, 319, 6716, 5085, 287, 15295, 16707, 198, 3886, 2574, 452, 21162, 3981, 8836, 710, 89, 12185, 4533, 930, 3337, 329, 43965, 37406, 930, 2805, 2808, 11, 2177, 198, 5167, 319, 4403, 2449, 198, 27125, 284, 4403, 2449, 198, 6191, 416, 2275, 320, 3010, 41946, 930, 1979, 305, 390, 18581, 44126, 16203, 265, 23593, 198, 3163, 21356, 82, 287, 449, 5020, 360, 8836, 1031, 318, 826, 287, 262, 3504, 286, 262, 15893, 973, 416, 25769, 11, 9486, 327, 1773, 33764, 290, 1632, 782, 29188, 41833, 329, 511, 670, 319, 46135, 13, 198, 464, 20784, 286, 262, 2344, 76, 2171, 2710, 6442, 625, 14450, 286, 20807, 9518, 49441, 286, 17797, 14289, 290, 11676, 11, 4618, 391, 290, 15893, 326, 423, 587, 18577, 416, 262, 7083, 779, 286, 10017, 13, 383, 18020, 6896, 3568, 11, 351, 4077, 3006, 284, 262, 1364, 11, 290, 284, 262, 826, 281, 8420, 3756, 284, 281, 12030, 7674, 25, 28061, 9403, 10225, 11, 884, 355, 25769, 11, 1630, 3261, 4, 286, 262, 1956, 351, 262, 6000, 2785, 329 ]
[ 6693, 320, 34827, 220, 717, 8, 520, 9853, 12167, 529, 79613, 1590, 6354, 258, 2192, 13235, 5955, 627, 52059, 12336, 323, 4488, 9777, 484, 8068, 3216, 369, 1561, 22883, 11378, 198, 13575, 27835, 15317, 6, 13314, 4488, 9777, 484, 11096, 8603, 449, 22883, 35156, 4706, 15560, 12336, 311, 3719, 264, 6445, 4562, 304, 279, 1828, 12735, 315, 279, 11625, 364, 10066, 15232, 6, 4101, 389, 16795, 72290, 13, 6295, 4701, 198, 16856, 21319, 369, 1647, 82, 13873, 11, 1023, 10533, 25341, 264, 26800, 389, 14373, 11062, 304, 31319, 34248, 198, 1383, 4072, 344, 11644, 8290, 2483, 55506, 25145, 2172, 765, 5955, 369, 33180, 1413, 69653, 765, 5587, 220, 1682, 11, 220, 679, 22, 198, 7816, 389, 6295, 4701, 198, 29673, 311, 6295, 4701, 198, 10682, 555, 3765, 318, 6015, 85266, 765, 57674, 409, 26572, 17434, 33180, 29350, 198, 7098, 34862, 304, 22410, 3444, 423, 2483, 1394, 374, 1314, 304, 279, 6278, 315, 279, 34324, 1511, 555, 74026, 11, 19174, 68420, 53751, 323, 5837, 983, 16985, 74089, 369, 872, 990, 389, 67320, 82, 627, 791, 42742, 315, 279, 10160, 76, 3385, 5891, 4035, 927, 31665, 315, 52033, 11041, 6136, 811, 315, 29839, 17937, 323, 14095, 11, 6136, 467, 323, 34324, 430, 617, 1027, 33745, 555, 279, 11838, 1005, 315, 14509, 13, 578, 35374, 15379, 8111, 11, 449, 6307, 5789, 311, 279, 2163, 11, 323, 311, 279, 1314, 459, 4974, 6522, 311, 459, 25366, 18455, 25, 69026, 10533, 25341, 11, 1778, 439, 74026, 11, 2585, 220, 2148, 4, 315, 279, 4363, 449, 279, 12474, 4754, 369 ]
[ 30029, 304, 279, 57918, 315, 22410, 3444, 423, 2483, 1394, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 1380, 89305, 25706, 1992, 315, 31319, 34248, 627, 3915, 10411, 311, 10007, 11, 505, 11226, 311, 9909, 11, 10533, 25341, 2736, 41836, 922, 220, 24, 11, 22708, 586, 323, 879, 27464, 304, 279, 13218, 13, 578, 3158, 14400, 555, 1521, 25341, 374, 13890, 311, 279, 3158, 51687, 304, 220, 679, 21, 369, 279, 52129, 315, 6136, 1771, 11, 902, 279, 18455, 753, 6011, 315, 37963, 36611, 439, 279, 1455, 3062, 19641, 304, 279, 3224, 11, 47379, 12365, 627, 2822, 832, 7020, 315, 279, 21737, 30845, 315, 945, 299, 32056, 323, 1380, 89305, 25341, 389, 279, 13218, 753, 28807, 34324, 11, 3156, 279, 5955, 369, 33180, 1413, 69653, 320, 34, 1932, 11, 369, 1202, 15506, 75614, 8, 8308, 459, 15808, 315, 279, 6012, 1306, 2115, 21728, 323, 75537, 449, 586, 9477, 11, 323, 1243, 30239, 279, 3158, 449, 7528, 46139, 2038, 3984, 555, 279, 28780, 8925, 13, 3161, 279, 12178, 315, 10533, 25341, 304, 31319, 34248, 11, 279, 10951, 6244, 11, 1990, 220, 1049, 21, 323, 220, 679, 20, 11, 279, 69187, 449, 810, 29790, 311, 656, 21896, 449, 1380, 4469, 1233, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 323, 1202, 39543, 627, 644, 22410, 3444, 423, 2483, 1394, 11, 24040, 14966, 58822, 6411, 27861, 5101, 4920, 279, 70255, 315, 11246, 20661, 304, 279, 2326, 13309, 25820, 11, 323, 4737, 264, 2543, 1314, 11, 304, 279, 8171, 275, 2194, 7453, 12818, 11, 8420, 315, 279, 10533, 25341, 4321, 555, 12512, 4251, 29219, 14787, 505, 2010, 311 ]
oho Tribal Black and White Cotton Dhurrie Runner rug. 100 percent cotton. Made in India. Perfect for entry ways, hallways, or galley kitchens. With Father’s Day approaching, I’ve been reminiscing on all the great times I spent outdoors with my father growing up. There were the camping trips at Meadow Creek, tubing adventures down the Gila River, picnics at the City of Rocks and long days of fishing at Lake Roberts. What I remember most about these trips with my dad was his determination to make everything perfect. Whereas most people always seem to forget at least one thing when camping, my dad was so prepared he was often the guy loaning out his extra lantern, matches, hammer, etc to the people camping one site over. It wasn’t until I went on my first camping trip as an adult that I realized how much effort my dad had put into these trips. He worked hard to make sure we had the best time possible. I probably have never told him this, but I am truly grateful to him for taking such great care of us on these trips. When I was little, we went camping and fishing at the Russian River in Alaska almost every summer. There were fast moving streams that we
oho Tribal Black and White Cotton Dhurrie Runner rug. 100 percent cotton. Made in India. Perfect for entry ways, hallways, or galley kitchens. With Father’s Day approaching, I’ve been reminiscing on all the great times I spent outdoors with my father growing up. There were the camping trips at Meadow Creek, tubing adventures down the Gila River, picnics at the City of Rocks and long days of fishing at Lake Roberts. What I remember most about these trips with my dad was his determination to make everything perfect. Whereas most people always seem to forget at least one thing when camping, my dad was so prepared he was often the guy loaning out his extra lantern, matches, hammer, etc to the people camping one site over. It wasn’t until I went on my first camping trip as an adult that I realized how much effort my dad had put into these trips. He worked hard to make sure we had the best time possible. I probably have never told him this, but I am truly grateful to him for taking such great care of us on these trips. When I was little, we went camping and fishing at the Russian River in Alaska almost every summer. There were fast moving streams that we
had to cross in order to get to our fishing spots and my sister and I were too small and too scared to cross them by ourselves. My dad would take our gear across then come back, put one of us on his back at a time, and carry us across the stream. I would be terrified up until I was on my dad’s back, then all the fear would go away. My family has always been very outdoorsy. Growing up, we went canoeing, camping, hiking and fishing on a regular basis. When I was an adult, my father started inviting me on weeklong backpacking trips to Baxter State Park located in the middle of Maine, which he used to only go on with his work friends. The first year I went along, my father showed me all the secrets the park had to offer, like the very nearly extinct Lady Slippers that lined the part of a soggy trail. He even taught me how to fly fish. This yearly trip is something I’ve come to look forward to. When I was very young, my father used to put me on his shoulders and we would enter a different world together. We called our walks through nature “explores” and I’d make him
[ 40950, 40980, 2619, 290, 2635, 23915, 20529, 333, 5034, 21529, 14477, 13, 1802, 1411, 15985, 13, 14446, 287, 3794, 13, 16374, 329, 5726, 2842, 11, 6899, 1322, 11, 393, 9426, 1636, 48184, 13, 2080, 9190, 447, 247, 82, 3596, 13885, 11, 314, 447, 247, 303, 587, 21484, 2259, 319, 477, 262, 1049, 1661, 314, 3377, 24349, 351, 616, 2988, 3957, 510, 13, 1318, 547, 262, 22498, 13229, 379, 43868, 13509, 11, 43128, 17545, 866, 262, 402, 10102, 5866, 11, 8301, 77, 873, 379, 262, 2254, 286, 34243, 290, 890, 1528, 286, 12478, 379, 6233, 10918, 13, 198, 2061, 314, 3505, 749, 546, 777, 13229, 351, 616, 9955, 373, 465, 12123, 284, 787, 2279, 2818, 13, 28016, 749, 661, 1464, 1283, 284, 6044, 379, 1551, 530, 1517, 618, 22498, 11, 616, 9955, 373, 523, 5597, 339, 373, 1690, 262, 3516, 2376, 7574, 503, 465, 3131, 41207, 11, 7466, 11, 15554, 11, 3503, 284, 262, 661, 22498, 530, 2524, 625, 13, 632, 2492, 447, 247, 83, 1566, 314, 1816, 319, 616, 717, 22498, 5296, 355, 281, 4044, 326, 314, 6939, 703, 881, 3626, 616, 9955, 550, 1234, 656, 777, 13229, 13, 679, 3111, 1327, 284, 787, 1654, 356, 550, 262, 1266, 640, 1744, 13, 314, 2192, 423, 1239, 1297, 683, 428, 11, 475, 314, 716, 4988, 14066, 284, 683, 329, 2263, 884, 1049, 1337, 286, 514, 319, 777, 13229, 13, 198, 2215, 314, 373, 1310, 11, 356, 1816, 22498, 290, 12478, 379, 262, 3394, 5866, 287, 12926, 2048, 790, 3931, 13, 1318, 547, 3049, 3867, 15190, 326, 356 ]
[ 96386, 91212, 5348, 323, 5929, 38796, 44327, 324, 7379, 46046, 29742, 13, 220, 1041, 3346, 24428, 13, 19332, 304, 6890, 13, 24118, 369, 4441, 5627, 11, 14321, 2336, 11, 477, 15730, 3258, 66438, 13, 3161, 20941, 753, 6187, 31047, 11, 358, 4070, 1027, 43650, 53854, 389, 682, 279, 2294, 3115, 358, 7543, 34632, 449, 856, 7126, 7982, 709, 13, 2684, 1051, 279, 33873, 23277, 520, 89842, 24076, 11, 75002, 32078, 1523, 279, 480, 10746, 11188, 11, 10532, 77, 1233, 520, 279, 4409, 315, 69131, 323, 1317, 2919, 315, 20543, 520, 11940, 31248, 627, 3923, 358, 6227, 1455, 922, 1521, 23277, 449, 856, 18233, 574, 813, 26314, 311, 1304, 4395, 4832, 13, 61695, 1455, 1274, 2744, 2873, 311, 10894, 520, 3325, 832, 3245, 994, 33873, 11, 856, 18233, 574, 779, 10235, 568, 574, 3629, 279, 7564, 11941, 287, 704, 813, 5066, 74265, 11, 9248, 11, 24354, 11, 5099, 311, 279, 1274, 33873, 832, 2816, 927, 13, 1102, 5828, 1431, 3156, 358, 4024, 389, 856, 1176, 33873, 8577, 439, 459, 6822, 430, 358, 15393, 1268, 1790, 5149, 856, 18233, 1047, 2231, 1139, 1521, 23277, 13, 1283, 6575, 2653, 311, 1304, 2771, 584, 1047, 279, 1888, 892, 3284, 13, 358, 4762, 617, 2646, 3309, 1461, 420, 11, 719, 358, 1097, 9615, 26259, 311, 1461, 369, 4737, 1778, 2294, 2512, 315, 603, 389, 1521, 23277, 627, 4599, 358, 574, 2697, 11, 584, 4024, 33873, 323, 20543, 520, 279, 8690, 11188, 304, 28366, 4661, 1475, 7474, 13, 2684, 1051, 5043, 7366, 23914, 430, 584 ]
[ 1047, 311, 5425, 304, 2015, 311, 636, 311, 1057, 20543, 19300, 323, 856, 13219, 323, 358, 1051, 2288, 2678, 323, 2288, 27207, 311, 5425, 1124, 555, 13520, 13, 3092, 18233, 1053, 1935, 1057, 14787, 4028, 1243, 2586, 1203, 11, 2231, 832, 315, 603, 389, 813, 1203, 520, 264, 892, 11, 323, 6920, 603, 4028, 279, 4365, 13, 358, 1053, 387, 53731, 709, 3156, 358, 574, 389, 856, 18233, 753, 1203, 11, 1243, 682, 279, 8850, 1053, 733, 3201, 627, 5159, 3070, 706, 2744, 1027, 1633, 34632, 88, 13, 60780, 709, 11, 584, 4024, 84589, 287, 11, 33873, 11, 38464, 323, 20543, 389, 264, 5912, 8197, 13, 3277, 358, 574, 459, 6822, 11, 856, 7126, 3940, 42292, 757, 389, 2046, 4930, 34236, 287, 23277, 311, 92847, 3314, 5657, 7559, 304, 279, 6278, 315, 30890, 11, 902, 568, 1511, 311, 1193, 733, 389, 449, 813, 990, 4885, 13, 578, 1176, 1060, 358, 4024, 3235, 11, 856, 7126, 8710, 757, 682, 279, 24511, 279, 6246, 1047, 311, 3085, 11, 1093, 279, 1633, 7154, 69918, 21270, 6995, 32997, 430, 32393, 279, 961, 315, 264, 45942, 4680, 9025, 13, 1283, 1524, 15972, 757, 1268, 311, 11722, 7795, 13, 1115, 45370, 8577, 374, 2555, 358, 4070, 2586, 311, 1427, 4741, 311, 627, 4599, 358, 574, 1633, 3995, 11, 856, 7126, 1511, 311, 2231, 757, 389, 813, 28004, 323, 584, 1053, 3810, 264, 2204, 1917, 3871, 13, 1226, 2663, 1057, 23291, 1555, 7138, 1054, 69331, 417, 863, 323, 358, 7070, 1304, 1461 ]
's Favorite Houseguest prize, to take home $25,000, in addition to his earnings from completing Team America missions this season. But more than that, he now has the eternal love and admiration of everyone in the world, including the all-important Twitterverse. Where would any of us be without our supporters? That's certainly the case with the America's Favorite Houseguest vote, where Big Brother fans got the chance to vote for the player they wanted to snag $25,000 on finale night, just for being them, with very little skill required. So it's no surprise then that tweeps were pretty stoked to see Donny finally get his much-deserved love after being pretty much robbed of the chance to take home the title of Big Brother champion. As much as we wished it so, Donny never really stood a chance at winning with the whole house not trusting him throughout much of the season. Tonight, all of Donny's supporters were finally vindicated. Some people were understandably peeved that Zach didn't earn the title. I mean, this is Zach we're talking about here. But we can all agree that Frankie not even being in the running as part of the top three houseguests with the most America
's Favorite Houseguest prize, to take home $25,000, in addition to his earnings from completing Team America missions this season. But more than that, he now has the eternal love and admiration of everyone in the world, including the all-important Twitterverse. Where would any of us be without our supporters? That's certainly the case with the America's Favorite Houseguest vote, where Big Brother fans got the chance to vote for the player they wanted to snag $25,000 on finale night, just for being them, with very little skill required. So it's no surprise then that tweeps were pretty stoked to see Donny finally get his much-deserved love after being pretty much robbed of the chance to take home the title of Big Brother champion. As much as we wished it so, Donny never really stood a chance at winning with the whole house not trusting him throughout much of the season. Tonight, all of Donny's supporters were finally vindicated. Some people were understandably peeved that Zach didn't earn the title. I mean, this is Zach we're talking about here. But we can all agree that Frankie not even being in the running as part of the top three houseguests with the most America
's Favorite Houseguest votes is a win for all of us. I can’t quite decide what I feel about this yet other than vaguely apprehensive. Is this going to be a self-improvement comedy? A tragedy about holding a family together? Where do these people get all this time to self-improve? Don’t they work? And is this what it really feels like to be 40? I sort of thought 40 was going to be awesome. A teetering toddler who had climbed out on a ledge 15 feet above the ground drew a terrified crowd as he edged along the parapet on Saturday. The three-year-old boy - wearing a T shirt and nappy - had climbed out of the window to a flat above a parade of shops in Oxford Road and traversed the length of two shops before he was rescued. Traffic warden Craig Weston was on duty when he was alerted to the toddler&apos;s adventure by a member of the public on the other side of the road. He said: "They were pointing and I could see the panic in their eyes." Mr Weston immediately called the police and then positioned himself under the little boy just in case he fell off. "There was a
[ 338, 33992, 2097, 5162, 395, 11596, 11, 284, 1011, 1363, 720, 1495, 11, 830, 11, 287, 3090, 284, 465, 12042, 422, 14339, 4816, 2253, 10566, 428, 1622, 13, 887, 517, 621, 326, 11, 339, 783, 468, 262, 15851, 1842, 290, 28506, 286, 2506, 287, 262, 995, 11, 1390, 262, 477, 12, 18049, 3009, 4399, 13, 198, 8496, 561, 597, 286, 514, 307, 1231, 674, 5941, 30, 1320, 338, 3729, 262, 1339, 351, 262, 2253, 338, 33992, 2097, 5162, 395, 3015, 11, 810, 4403, 8402, 3296, 1392, 262, 2863, 284, 3015, 329, 262, 2137, 484, 2227, 284, 48456, 720, 1495, 11, 830, 319, 19523, 1755, 11, 655, 329, 852, 606, 11, 351, 845, 1310, 5032, 2672, 13, 198, 2396, 340, 338, 645, 5975, 788, 326, 4184, 25386, 547, 2495, 49019, 284, 766, 2094, 3281, 3443, 651, 465, 881, 12, 8906, 8520, 1842, 706, 852, 2495, 881, 26773, 286, 262, 2863, 284, 1011, 1363, 262, 3670, 286, 4403, 8402, 8783, 13, 1081, 881, 355, 356, 16555, 340, 523, 11, 2094, 3281, 1239, 1107, 6204, 257, 2863, 379, 5442, 351, 262, 2187, 2156, 407, 33914, 683, 3690, 881, 286, 262, 1622, 13, 27117, 11, 477, 286, 2094, 3281, 338, 5941, 547, 3443, 29178, 3474, 13, 198, 4366, 661, 547, 36250, 32638, 1079, 326, 18825, 1422, 470, 5160, 262, 3670, 13, 314, 1612, 11, 428, 318, 18825, 356, 821, 3375, 546, 994, 13, 198, 1537, 356, 460, 477, 4236, 326, 48535, 407, 772, 852, 287, 262, 2491, 355, 636, 286, 262, 1353, 1115, 2156, 5162, 3558, 351, 262, 749, 2253 ]
[ 596, 40822, 4783, 31277, 22643, 11, 311, 1935, 2162, 400, 914, 11, 931, 11, 304, 5369, 311, 813, 24608, 505, 27666, 8068, 5270, 25664, 420, 3280, 13, 2030, 810, 1109, 430, 11, 568, 1457, 706, 279, 35825, 3021, 323, 66939, 315, 5127, 304, 279, 1917, 11, 2737, 279, 682, 98473, 6405, 4550, 627, 9241, 1053, 904, 315, 603, 387, 2085, 1057, 15879, 30, 3011, 596, 7995, 279, 1162, 449, 279, 5270, 596, 40822, 4783, 31277, 7055, 11, 1405, 6295, 27445, 7359, 2751, 279, 6140, 311, 7055, 369, 279, 2851, 814, 4934, 311, 72902, 400, 914, 11, 931, 389, 37398, 3814, 11, 1120, 369, 1694, 1124, 11, 449, 1633, 2697, 10151, 2631, 627, 4516, 433, 596, 912, 13051, 1243, 430, 14887, 7270, 1051, 5128, 357, 11059, 311, 1518, 4418, 3919, 5616, 636, 813, 1790, 25520, 2841, 3021, 1306, 1694, 5128, 1790, 63354, 315, 279, 6140, 311, 1935, 2162, 279, 2316, 315, 6295, 27445, 18824, 13, 1666, 1790, 439, 584, 37287, 433, 779, 11, 4418, 3919, 2646, 2216, 14980, 264, 6140, 520, 11230, 449, 279, 4459, 3838, 539, 69344, 1461, 6957, 1790, 315, 279, 3280, 13, 55314, 11, 682, 315, 4418, 3919, 596, 15879, 1051, 5616, 38905, 10297, 627, 8538, 1274, 1051, 88098, 65238, 2111, 430, 39315, 3287, 956, 7380, 279, 2316, 13, 358, 3152, 11, 420, 374, 39315, 584, 2351, 7556, 922, 1618, 627, 4071, 584, 649, 682, 7655, 430, 94545, 539, 1524, 1694, 304, 279, 4401, 439, 961, 315, 279, 1948, 2380, 3838, 31277, 82, 449, 279, 1455, 5270 ]
[ 596, 40822, 4783, 31277, 12973, 374, 264, 3243, 369, 682, 315, 603, 13, 358, 649, 1431, 5115, 10491, 1148, 358, 2733, 922, 420, 3686, 1023, 1109, 73059, 47291, 4114, 13, 2209, 420, 2133, 311, 387, 264, 659, 38025, 782, 7986, 23160, 30, 362, 31926, 922, 10168, 264, 3070, 3871, 30, 11208, 656, 1521, 1274, 636, 682, 420, 892, 311, 659, 38025, 35563, 30, 4418, 1431, 814, 990, 30, 1628, 374, 420, 1148, 433, 2216, 11321, 1093, 311, 387, 220, 1272, 30, 358, 3460, 315, 3463, 220, 1272, 574, 2133, 311, 387, 12738, 13, 362, 1028, 1430, 287, 52335, 889, 1047, 45519, 704, 389, 264, 86933, 220, 868, 7693, 3485, 279, 5015, 24465, 264, 53731, 13734, 439, 568, 90663, 3235, 279, 1370, 391, 295, 389, 7884, 627, 791, 2380, 4771, 6418, 8334, 482, 12512, 264, 350, 15845, 323, 308, 11392, 482, 1047, 45519, 704, 315, 279, 3321, 311, 264, 10269, 3485, 264, 37604, 315, 20021, 304, 26275, 9728, 323, 30517, 291, 279, 3160, 315, 1403, 20021, 1603, 568, 574, 45433, 627, 88329, 289, 8506, 29517, 91119, 574, 389, 14523, 994, 568, 574, 67769, 311, 279, 52335, 46249, 40514, 18427, 555, 264, 4562, 315, 279, 586, 389, 279, 1023, 3185, 315, 279, 5754, 627, 1548, 1071, 25, 330, 7009, 1051, 22364, 323, 358, 1436, 1518, 279, 22743, 304, 872, 6548, 10246, 12555, 91119, 7214, 2663, 279, 4379, 323, 1243, 35328, 5678, 1234, 279, 2697, 8334, 1120, 304, 1162, 568, 11299, 1022, 627, 25938, 574, 264 ]
made available yet. It will also only be available to models with at least 256GB storage, since the files created by it will be so large. Slo-Mo mode is pretty self-explanatory - you can use it to create slow motion videos at either 240fps (full HD) or 120fps (720p). You can use any of the three lenses in slow-mo mode, and activate the flash if you’re in a dark area, as well as adjust exposure compensation. Time-Lapse is another fairly straightforward mode, giving you the option to record several stills in succession and merge them together in a time-lapse movie. Again, any of the three lenses can be used, and exposure can be adjusted. To use the mode, tap the record button, tapping it again when you’ve recorded as many images as you’d like to use. You can leave the mode running for as long as you like, but a steady surface or a tripod will result in the best finished video. Going back to the Stills modes, there’s Portrait mode, which you can use to create shallow depth of field effects. This is a mode that’s been around for a while,
made available yet. It will also only be available to models with at least 256GB storage, since the files created by it will be so large. Slo-Mo mode is pretty self-explanatory - you can use it to create slow motion videos at either 240fps (full HD) or 120fps (720p). You can use any of the three lenses in slow-mo mode, and activate the flash if you’re in a dark area, as well as adjust exposure compensation. Time-Lapse is another fairly straightforward mode, giving you the option to record several stills in succession and merge them together in a time-lapse movie. Again, any of the three lenses can be used, and exposure can be adjusted. To use the mode, tap the record button, tapping it again when you’ve recorded as many images as you’d like to use. You can leave the mode running for as long as you like, but a steady surface or a tripod will result in the best finished video. Going back to the Stills modes, there’s Portrait mode, which you can use to create shallow depth of field effects. This is a mode that’s been around for a while,
and it can be used with a number of different subjects - not just for people. Again though, it will work best - or most convincingly - for subjects with a very defined outline. In this mode you can adjust the simulated aperture, while there are also a number of different lighting options which can be selected at the bottom of the screen. These are Natural Light (the default option), Studio Light, Contour Light, Stage Light, Stage Light Mono and High Key Light Mono. Although these lighting effects are created at the point of capture, you can also add or remove them after the fact in playback too if you would like. In Portrait mode you can also adjust exposure, add a timer, add a digital filter and switch on the flash. With the iPhone 13 Pro - as opposed to the iPhone 13 - you’ve also got the option to create environmental shots (where more of the surrounding scene is in view), or to tap the 3x button to create closer, more traditional style portraits. Pano mode can be used by sweeping the camera across a scene after pressing the shutter release button, the resulting image will be merged together by the phone automatically. Although most of the adjustments you need to make will be carried out via the native camera app
[ 925, 1695, 1865, 13, 632, 481, 635, 691, 307, 1695, 284, 4981, 351, 379, 1551, 17759, 4579, 6143, 11, 1201, 262, 3696, 2727, 416, 340, 481, 307, 523, 1588, 13, 198, 50, 5439, 12, 16632, 4235, 318, 2495, 2116, 12, 1069, 11578, 2870, 532, 345, 460, 779, 340, 284, 2251, 3105, 6268, 5861, 379, 2035, 14956, 29647, 357, 12853, 5572, 8, 393, 7982, 29647, 357, 23906, 79, 737, 921, 460, 779, 597, 286, 262, 1115, 18405, 287, 3105, 12, 5908, 4235, 11, 290, 15155, 262, 7644, 611, 345, 447, 247, 260, 287, 257, 3223, 1989, 11, 355, 880, 355, 4532, 7111, 9836, 13, 198, 7575, 12, 43, 7512, 318, 1194, 6547, 15836, 4235, 11, 3501, 345, 262, 3038, 284, 1700, 1811, 991, 82, 287, 22435, 290, 20121, 606, 1978, 287, 257, 640, 12, 75, 7512, 3807, 13, 6521, 11, 597, 286, 262, 1115, 18405, 460, 307, 973, 11, 290, 7111, 460, 307, 12328, 13, 1675, 779, 262, 4235, 11, 9814, 262, 1700, 4936, 11, 24435, 340, 757, 618, 345, 447, 247, 303, 6264, 355, 867, 4263, 355, 345, 447, 247, 67, 588, 284, 779, 13, 921, 460, 2666, 262, 4235, 2491, 329, 355, 890, 355, 345, 588, 11, 475, 257, 11831, 4417, 393, 257, 47439, 481, 1255, 287, 262, 1266, 5201, 2008, 13, 198, 27404, 736, 284, 262, 520, 2171, 12881, 11, 612, 447, 247, 82, 4347, 12907, 4235, 11, 543, 345, 460, 779, 284, 2251, 19337, 6795, 286, 2214, 3048, 13, 770, 318, 257, 4235, 326, 447, 247, 82, 587, 1088, 329, 257, 981, 11 ]
[ 1903, 2561, 3686, 13, 1102, 690, 1101, 1193, 387, 2561, 311, 4211, 449, 520, 3325, 220, 4146, 5494, 5942, 11, 2533, 279, 3626, 3549, 555, 433, 690, 387, 779, 3544, 627, 50, 385, 5364, 78, 3941, 374, 5128, 659, 10397, 10609, 5382, 482, 499, 649, 1005, 433, 311, 1893, 6435, 11633, 6946, 520, 3060, 220, 8273, 44528, 320, 9054, 12445, 8, 477, 220, 4364, 44528, 320, 13104, 79, 570, 1472, 649, 1005, 904, 315, 279, 2380, 36057, 304, 6435, 1474, 78, 3941, 11, 323, 20891, 279, 8381, 422, 499, 3207, 304, 264, 6453, 3158, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 7652, 14675, 20448, 627, 1489, 8288, 7629, 374, 2500, 14470, 31439, 3941, 11, 7231, 499, 279, 3072, 311, 3335, 3892, 2103, 82, 304, 50787, 323, 11117, 1124, 3871, 304, 264, 892, 2922, 7629, 5818, 13, 14077, 11, 904, 315, 279, 2380, 36057, 649, 387, 1511, 11, 323, 14675, 649, 387, 24257, 13, 2057, 1005, 279, 3941, 11, 15596, 279, 3335, 3215, 11, 53728, 433, 1578, 994, 499, 4070, 12715, 439, 1690, 5448, 439, 499, 7070, 1093, 311, 1005, 13, 1472, 649, 5387, 279, 3941, 4401, 369, 439, 1317, 439, 499, 1093, 11, 719, 264, 24981, 7479, 477, 264, 92154, 690, 1121, 304, 279, 1888, 8220, 2835, 627, 47439, 1203, 311, 279, 800, 3385, 20362, 11, 1070, 753, 79682, 3941, 11, 902, 499, 649, 1005, 311, 1893, 26682, 8149, 315, 2115, 6372, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 3941, 430, 753, 1027, 2212, 369, 264, 1418, 11 ]
[ 323, 433, 649, 387, 1511, 449, 264, 1396, 315, 2204, 15223, 482, 539, 1120, 369, 1274, 13, 14077, 3582, 11, 433, 690, 990, 1888, 482, 477, 1455, 36961, 11559, 482, 369, 15223, 449, 264, 1633, 4613, 21782, 13, 763, 420, 3941, 499, 649, 7652, 279, 46836, 58101, 11, 1418, 1070, 527, 1101, 264, 1396, 315, 2204, 18186, 2671, 902, 649, 387, 4183, 520, 279, 5740, 315, 279, 4264, 627, 9673, 527, 18955, 8828, 320, 1820, 1670, 3072, 705, 19074, 8828, 11, 2140, 414, 8828, 11, 22891, 8828, 11, 22891, 8828, 12980, 323, 5234, 5422, 8828, 12980, 13, 10541, 1521, 18186, 6372, 527, 3549, 520, 279, 1486, 315, 12602, 11, 499, 649, 1101, 923, 477, 4148, 1124, 1306, 279, 2144, 304, 33059, 2288, 422, 499, 1053, 1093, 13, 763, 79682, 3941, 499, 649, 1101, 7652, 14675, 11, 923, 264, 9198, 11, 923, 264, 7528, 4141, 323, 3480, 389, 279, 8381, 13, 3161, 279, 12443, 220, 1032, 1322, 482, 439, 16475, 311, 279, 12443, 220, 1032, 482, 499, 4070, 1101, 2751, 279, 3072, 311, 1893, 12434, 15300, 320, 2940, 810, 315, 279, 14932, 6237, 374, 304, 1684, 705, 477, 311, 15596, 279, 220, 18, 87, 3215, 311, 1893, 12401, 11, 810, 8776, 1742, 59234, 627, 47, 5770, 3941, 649, 387, 1511, 555, 42071, 279, 6382, 4028, 264, 6237, 1306, 26422, 279, 49056, 4984, 3215, 11, 279, 13239, 2217, 690, 387, 27092, 3871, 555, 279, 4641, 9651, 627, 16179, 1455, 315, 279, 34074, 499, 1205, 311, 1304, 690, 387, 11953, 704, 4669, 279, 10068, 6382, 917 ]
alyses Data were statistically analysed by an ANOVA with post hoc analysis, and values less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. All data are representative of at least three repeated experiments. 3.1. Calcitriol Inhibits HCV RNA Replication Huh7.5 cells harboring subgenomic HCV replicons (HCV Con1b) or Huh7.5.1 cells infected with HCVcc were exposed to increasing concentrations (0–0.4 μM) of calcitriol for 48 h and HCV RNAs were quantified by quantitative RT-PCR. Firstly, we excluded the influence of ethanol on HCV replication at the same concentration used in dissolving calcitriol in this study (see supplementary Figure 1 in Supplementary Material available online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/508989). As shown in Figure 1, calcitriol inhibited HCV RNA replication both in Con1b replicon and in HCVcc systems. The inhibitory effect was increased as the concentration of calcitriol was below 0.1 μM and then fluctuated with the increase of calcitriol concentration. 0.1 μM of
alyses Data were statistically analysed by an ANOVA with post hoc analysis, and values less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. All data are representative of at least three repeated experiments. 3.1. Calcitriol Inhibits HCV RNA Replication Huh7.5 cells harboring subgenomic HCV replicons (HCV Con1b) or Huh7.5.1 cells infected with HCVcc were exposed to increasing concentrations (0–0.4 μM) of calcitriol for 48 h and HCV RNAs were quantified by quantitative RT-PCR. Firstly, we excluded the influence of ethanol on HCV replication at the same concentration used in dissolving calcitriol in this study (see supplementary Figure 1 in Supplementary Material available online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/508989). As shown in Figure 1, calcitriol inhibited HCV RNA replication both in Con1b replicon and in HCVcc systems. The inhibitory effect was increased as the concentration of calcitriol was below 0.1 μM and then fluctuated with the increase of calcitriol concentration. 0.1 μM of
calcitriol resulted in a significant inhibition in HCV RNA replication compared with the control (). HCV RNA replication was inhibited ~33% in Con1b replicon and ~52% in HCVcc, respectively. As such 0.1 μM of calcitriol was used in the following assays. Calcitriol inhibits HCV RNA replication both in Con1b replicon and in J6/JFH1 HCVcc. Huh7.5-Con1b replicon cells (a) or J6/JFH1 infected HCVcc (b) were treated with 0–0.4 μM calcitriol for 48 h, after which cells were harvested and total RNA was extracted. The levels of HCV RNA and GAPDH mRNA were measured by quantitative RT-PCR as described in Section 2. Data are presented as , . versus 0 μM (untreated control). 3.2. Calcitriol Enhanced the Antiviral Effect of miR-130a In our previous study, we found overexpression of miR-130a upregulated the expression of IFNα and IFNβ [12]. Interestingly, it was reported that calc
[ 43710, 198, 6601, 547, 19941, 34763, 416, 281, 3537, 41576, 351, 1281, 39158, 3781, 11, 290, 3815, 1342, 621, 657, 13, 2713, 547, 3177, 19941, 2383, 13, 1439, 1366, 389, 8852, 286, 379, 1551, 1115, 5100, 10256, 13, 198, 18, 13, 16, 13, 2199, 47992, 380, 349, 554, 3145, 896, 27327, 53, 25897, 18407, 3299, 198, 46010, 22, 13, 20, 4778, 25451, 278, 850, 5235, 10179, 27327, 53, 2186, 34280, 357, 16045, 53, 1482, 16, 65, 8, 393, 45412, 22, 13, 20, 13, 16, 4778, 14112, 351, 27327, 53, 535, 547, 7362, 284, 3649, 14587, 357, 15, 1906, 15, 13, 19, 447, 231, 34703, 44, 8, 286, 42302, 49510, 349, 329, 4764, 447, 231, 71, 290, 27327, 53, 43112, 1722, 547, 5554, 1431, 416, 26610, 11923, 12, 5662, 49, 13, 41039, 11, 356, 15009, 262, 4588, 286, 28829, 319, 27327, 53, 30330, 379, 262, 976, 10368, 973, 287, 6249, 10890, 42302, 49510, 349, 287, 428, 2050, 357, 3826, 43871, 11291, 352, 287, 43008, 14633, 1695, 2691, 379, 2638, 1378, 34350, 13, 34023, 13, 2398, 14, 940, 13, 1157, 2816, 14, 4626, 14, 33042, 42520, 737, 1081, 3402, 287, 11291, 352, 11, 42302, 49510, 349, 48582, 27327, 53, 25897, 30330, 1111, 287, 1482, 16, 65, 2186, 4749, 290, 287, 27327, 53, 535, 3341, 13, 383, 26776, 652, 1245, 373, 3220, 355, 262, 10368, 286, 42302, 49510, 349, 373, 2174, 657, 13, 16, 447, 231, 34703, 44, 290, 788, 19180, 6605, 351, 262, 2620, 286, 42302, 49510, 349, 10368, 13, 657, 13, 16, 447, 231, 34703, 44, 286 ]
[ 278, 73279, 198, 1061, 1051, 47952, 67458, 555, 459, 2147, 46, 13114, 449, 1772, 67490, 6492, 11, 323, 2819, 2753, 1109, 220, 15, 13, 2304, 1051, 6646, 47952, 5199, 13, 2052, 828, 527, 18740, 315, 520, 3325, 2380, 11763, 21896, 627, 18, 13, 16, 13, 35315, 275, 462, 337, 763, 5923, 1220, 473, 20161, 41214, 3402, 1728, 198, 39, 12825, 22, 13, 20, 7917, 69566, 5620, 1207, 4469, 3151, 473, 20161, 29641, 2439, 320, 39, 20161, 1221, 16, 65, 8, 477, 473, 12825, 22, 13, 20, 13, 16, 7917, 29374, 449, 473, 20161, 641, 1051, 15246, 311, 7859, 32466, 320, 15, 4235, 15, 13, 19, 105584, 44223, 44, 8, 315, 10241, 275, 462, 337, 369, 220, 2166, 105584, 71, 323, 473, 20161, 46916, 2170, 1051, 10484, 1908, 555, 47616, 10860, 12, 74256, 13, 77795, 11, 584, 28544, 279, 10383, 315, 62772, 389, 473, 20161, 48891, 520, 279, 1890, 20545, 1511, 304, 14091, 20222, 10241, 275, 462, 337, 304, 420, 4007, 320, 4151, 80506, 19575, 220, 16, 304, 99371, 10441, 2561, 2930, 520, 1795, 1129, 13009, 962, 6870, 2726, 14, 605, 13, 7322, 20, 14, 679, 20, 14, 19869, 25350, 570, 1666, 6982, 304, 19575, 220, 16, 11, 10241, 275, 462, 337, 99669, 473, 20161, 41214, 48891, 2225, 304, 1221, 16, 65, 29641, 263, 323, 304, 473, 20161, 641, 6067, 13, 578, 20747, 10843, 2515, 574, 7319, 439, 279, 20545, 315, 10241, 275, 462, 337, 574, 3770, 220, 15, 13, 16, 105584, 44223, 44, 323, 1243, 39388, 13148, 449, 279, 5376, 315, 10241, 275, 462, 337, 20545, 13, 220, 15, 13, 16, 105584, 44223, 44, 315 ]
[ 10241, 275, 462, 337, 19543, 304, 264, 5199, 61478, 304, 473, 20161, 41214, 48891, 7863, 449, 279, 2585, 34811, 473, 20161, 41214, 48891, 574, 99669, 4056, 1644, 4, 304, 1221, 16, 65, 29641, 263, 323, 4056, 4103, 4, 304, 473, 20161, 641, 11, 15947, 13, 1666, 1778, 220, 15, 13, 16, 105584, 44223, 44, 315, 10241, 275, 462, 337, 574, 1511, 304, 279, 2768, 99592, 627, 48268, 275, 462, 337, 20747, 1220, 473, 20161, 41214, 48891, 2225, 304, 1221, 16, 65, 29641, 263, 323, 304, 622, 21, 32801, 84414, 16, 473, 20161, 641, 13, 473, 12825, 22, 13, 20, 58848, 16, 65, 29641, 263, 7917, 320, 64, 8, 477, 622, 21, 32801, 84414, 16, 29374, 473, 20161, 641, 320, 65, 8, 1051, 12020, 449, 220, 15, 4235, 15, 13, 19, 105584, 44223, 44, 10241, 275, 462, 337, 369, 220, 2166, 105584, 71, 11, 1306, 902, 7917, 1051, 67572, 323, 2860, 41214, 574, 28532, 13, 578, 5990, 315, 473, 20161, 41214, 323, 90987, 52426, 78872, 1051, 17303, 555, 47616, 10860, 12, 74256, 439, 7633, 304, 11360, 220, 17, 13, 2956, 527, 10666, 439, 1174, 662, 19579, 220, 15, 105584, 44223, 44, 320, 3935, 2920, 2585, 4390, 18, 13, 17, 13, 35315, 275, 462, 337, 62549, 279, 6898, 344, 37478, 13756, 315, 9686, 49, 12, 5894, 64, 198, 644, 1057, 3766, 4007, 11, 584, 1766, 927, 29199, 315, 9686, 49, 12, 5894, 64, 709, 81722, 279, 7645, 315, 11812, 45, 19481, 323, 11812, 45, 52355, 510, 717, 948, 58603, 11, 433, 574, 5068, 430, 10241 ]
-mail the name, age, postal address, phone number and email address of the Entrant. There is no fee to enter the Contest; however, there is a maximum of 3 Entries per Entrant. Read the Official Rules before submitting entries; in case of any confusion or discrepancies, the Official Rules govern the contest. Entry Deadline The deadline for Entries is midnight (one minute after 23:59) on May 31st, 2009, Pacific Daylight Time. (That is 07:00 June 1 UTC.) We will attempt to acknowledge all entries within one week of receipt; however, we cannot be responsible for entries or responses lost in e-mail. Entries will be evaluated by a panel of judges consisting of: Irene Gallo (Art Director at Tor Books and Tor.com) Neil Gaiman (3 time Hugo Award winning writer) Chip Kidd (Graphic Designer/Writer/Editor) Geri Sullivan (Fan & Graphic Design pro) The judges have been appointed by the World Science Fiction Society’s Hugo Awards Marketing Committee, and the final decision on a winning logo design will be made by the Committee after consultation with the Judging Panel. See the full list of Official Rules for all conditions
-mail the name, age, postal address, phone number and email address of the Entrant. There is no fee to enter the Contest; however, there is a maximum of 3 Entries per Entrant. Read the Official Rules before submitting entries; in case of any confusion or discrepancies, the Official Rules govern the contest. Entry Deadline The deadline for Entries is midnight (one minute after 23:59) on May 31st, 2009, Pacific Daylight Time. (That is 07:00 June 1 UTC.) We will attempt to acknowledge all entries within one week of receipt; however, we cannot be responsible for entries or responses lost in e-mail. Entries will be evaluated by a panel of judges consisting of: Irene Gallo (Art Director at Tor Books and Tor.com) Neil Gaiman (3 time Hugo Award winning writer) Chip Kidd (Graphic Designer/Writer/Editor) Geri Sullivan (Fan & Graphic Design pro) The judges have been appointed by the World Science Fiction Society’s Hugo Awards Marketing Committee, and the final decision on a winning logo design will be made by the Committee after consultation with the Judging Panel. See the full list of Official Rules for all conditions
and disclaimers. If you have questions about the rules or other aspects of the contest, leave them as comments below or write to [email protected]. Although we will attempt to answer all questions, we cannot guarantee a reply. 33 Responses to Hugo Awards Logo Contest Pingback: Cheryl’s Mewsings » Blog Archive » Hugo Logo Contest Pingback: Science Fiction Awards Watch » Blog Archive » Hugo Award Logo Contest Pingback: Todd’s Blog » Blog Archive » Hugo Award Logo Contest John Hornor Jacobs says: Hi, my name is John Hornor Jacobs and I’ve tried sending in my entry files to the [email protected] email address, but I keep getting this error. (reason: 550 sorry, mail to that recipient is not accepted (#5.7.1)) —– Transcript of session follows —– … while talking to smtp.secureserver.net.: >>> DATA <<< 550 sorry, mail to that recipient is not accepted (#5.7.1) 550 5.1.1 … User unknown 451 4.4.1 reply: read
[ 12, 4529, 262, 1438, 11, 2479, 11, 30793, 2209, 11, 3072, 1271, 290, 3053, 2209, 286, 262, 7232, 5250, 13, 198, 1858, 318, 645, 6838, 284, 3802, 262, 27297, 26, 2158, 11, 612, 318, 257, 5415, 286, 513, 7232, 1678, 583, 7232, 5250, 13, 198, 5569, 262, 15934, 14252, 878, 24353, 12784, 26, 287, 1339, 286, 597, 10802, 393, 42420, 11, 262, 15934, 14252, 1089, 262, 8414, 13, 198, 30150, 35954, 198, 464, 12508, 329, 7232, 1678, 318, 15896, 357, 505, 5664, 706, 2242, 25, 3270, 8, 319, 1737, 3261, 301, 11, 3717, 11, 8211, 47743, 3862, 13, 357, 2504, 318, 8753, 25, 405, 2795, 352, 18119, 2014, 198, 1135, 481, 2230, 284, 12127, 477, 12784, 1626, 530, 1285, 286, 14507, 26, 2158, 11, 356, 2314, 307, 4497, 329, 12784, 393, 9109, 2626, 287, 304, 12, 4529, 13, 198, 14539, 1678, 481, 307, 16726, 416, 257, 6103, 286, 10266, 17747, 286, 25, 198, 40, 25924, 7096, 78, 357, 8001, 5890, 379, 4022, 13661, 290, 4022, 13, 785, 8, 198, 29354, 402, 47840, 357, 18, 640, 25930, 11289, 5442, 6260, 8, 198, 49985, 40144, 357, 38, 22262, 31716, 14, 34379, 14, 17171, 8, 198, 38, 33442, 18501, 357, 22480, 1222, 43029, 8495, 386, 8, 198, 464, 10266, 423, 587, 9899, 416, 262, 2159, 5800, 26756, 7023, 447, 247, 82, 25930, 15434, 22137, 4606, 11, 290, 262, 2457, 2551, 319, 257, 5442, 11112, 1486, 481, 307, 925, 416, 262, 4606, 706, 18103, 351, 262, 47024, 18810, 13, 198, 6214, 262, 1336, 1351, 286, 15934, 14252, 329, 477, 3403 ]
[ 11724, 279, 836, 11, 4325, 11, 40854, 2686, 11, 4641, 1396, 323, 2613, 2686, 315, 279, 48241, 519, 627, 3947, 374, 912, 11307, 311, 3810, 279, 47633, 26, 4869, 11, 1070, 374, 264, 7340, 315, 220, 18, 66293, 824, 48241, 519, 627, 4518, 279, 23479, 23694, 1603, 34194, 10925, 26, 304, 1162, 315, 904, 22047, 477, 91367, 11, 279, 23479, 23694, 2633, 279, 14130, 627, 5998, 63056, 198, 791, 22143, 369, 66293, 374, 33433, 320, 606, 9568, 1306, 220, 1419, 25, 2946, 8, 389, 3297, 220, 2148, 267, 11, 220, 1049, 24, 11, 16867, 6187, 4238, 4212, 13, 320, 4897, 374, 220, 2589, 25, 410, 5651, 220, 16, 28503, 29275, 1687, 690, 4879, 311, 25670, 682, 10925, 2949, 832, 2046, 315, 23383, 26, 4869, 11, 584, 4250, 387, 8647, 369, 10925, 477, 14847, 5675, 304, 384, 11724, 627, 25550, 690, 387, 26126, 555, 264, 7090, 315, 24958, 31706, 315, 512, 40, 48009, 10845, 385, 320, 9470, 10783, 520, 8611, 18312, 323, 8611, 916, 340, 63040, 480, 2706, 276, 320, 18, 892, 52194, 17768, 11230, 7061, 340, 57517, 98238, 320, 54608, 15940, 14, 6628, 14, 9597, 340, 38, 31803, 43089, 320, 59377, 612, 45051, 7127, 463, 340, 791, 24958, 617, 1027, 21489, 555, 279, 4435, 10170, 43754, 13581, 753, 52194, 23488, 18729, 10554, 11, 323, 279, 1620, 5597, 389, 264, 11230, 12708, 2955, 690, 387, 1903, 555, 279, 10554, 1306, 29173, 449, 279, 11462, 3252, 19482, 627, 10031, 279, 2539, 1160, 315, 23479, 23694, 369, 682, 4787 ]
[ 323, 834, 8017, 388, 627, 2746, 499, 617, 4860, 922, 279, 5718, 477, 1023, 13878, 315, 279, 14130, 11, 5387, 1124, 439, 6170, 3770, 477, 3350, 311, 12708, 66817, 31, 1820, 71, 34601, 675, 2402, 2726, 13, 10541, 584, 690, 4879, 311, 4320, 682, 4860, 11, 584, 4250, 15803, 264, 10052, 627, 1644, 81567, 311, 52194, 23488, 31152, 47633, 198, 70983, 1445, 25, 80937, 753, 386, 28844, 826, 8345, 14496, 30802, 8345, 52194, 31152, 47633, 198, 70983, 1445, 25, 10170, 43754, 23488, 10573, 8345, 14496, 30802, 8345, 52194, 17768, 31152, 47633, 198, 70983, 1445, 25, 30534, 753, 14496, 8345, 14496, 30802, 8345, 52194, 17768, 31152, 47633, 198, 13379, 27206, 269, 52756, 2795, 512, 13347, 11, 856, 836, 374, 3842, 27206, 269, 52756, 323, 358, 4070, 6818, 11889, 304, 856, 4441, 3626, 311, 279, 12708, 66817, 31, 1820, 71, 34601, 675, 2402, 916, 2613, 2686, 11, 719, 358, 2567, 3794, 420, 1493, 627, 62970, 25, 220, 13506, 14931, 11, 8232, 311, 430, 22458, 374, 539, 11928, 30183, 20, 13, 22, 13, 16, 1192, 2345, 4235, 91403, 315, 3882, 11263, 2001, 4235, 198, 1981, 1418, 7556, 311, 55497, 55794, 1439, 2906, 5181, 13, 512, 20761, 14444, 198, 12889, 220, 13506, 14931, 11, 8232, 311, 430, 22458, 374, 539, 11928, 30183, 20, 13, 22, 13, 16, 340, 13506, 220, 20, 13, 16, 13, 16, 4696, 2724, 9987, 198, 20360, 220, 19, 13, 19, 13, 16, 10052, 25, 1373 ]
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[ 5059, 287, 3936, 2691, 1781, 13, 198, 1858, 389, 867, 13391, 284, 2263, 674, 2691, 6110, 5059, 287, 3936, 1781, 13, 632, 318, 1812, 20010, 1079, 416, 477, 3936, 32631, 11, 290, 13769, 37514, 534, 4979, 7846, 11, 345, 460, 635, 2793, 534, 5096, 2494, 416, 510, 284, 838, 7225, 23762, 513, 14043, 32119, 319, 262, 4696, 287, 262, 2612, 286, 8437, 338, 3683, 338, 4783, 13, 14161, 318, 6155, 5253, 284, 262, 943, 20601, 83, 3337, 11, 290, 257, 1178, 7021, 422, 262, 1486, 4783, 290, 3095, 12735, 13, 770, 4326, 318, 2818, 329, 3701, 33, 77, 33, 13, 4765, 318, 5381, 290, 262, 4326, 318, 845, 2839, 351, 257, 3236, 29780, 13, 4619, 12923, 13380, 2767, 7461, 468, 587, 5922, 2324, 3788, 326, 13536, 625, 1802, 1510, 4297, 284, 18179, 6895, 263, 8987, 13, 6363, 3154, 2324, 1720, 15320, 8698, 477, 2968, 9554, 290, 3769, 5692, 290, 7008, 1088, 262, 995, 351, 262, 2818, 5236, 286, 2854, 290, 4800, 13, 13380, 2767, 399, 3727, 2624, 7, 49, 8, 3738, 452, 19397, 11, 13380, 2767, 10880, 4765, 11, 13380, 2767, 15101, 4765, 357, 82, 2122, 329, 4100, 828, 290, 13380, 2767, 12173, 4765, 329, 5565, 7294, 389, 1871, 262, 749, 7151, 2324, 8136, 287, 262, 995, 13, 198, 464, 33875, 286, 13380, 2767, 3128, 736, 284, 12923, 618, 734, 1862, 8300, 23099, 11, 5613, 11243, 32790, 7204, 290, 13756, 4951, 18809, 833, 77, 4914, 11, 5071, 530, 286, 262, 995, 447, 247, 82, 717, 3644, 20547, 13, 1119, 17494, 340, 564, 250, 38432, 13713, 4210 ]
[ 10043, 304, 8421, 2930, 3388, 627, 3947, 527, 1690, 22934, 311, 4737, 1057, 2930, 16399, 10043, 304, 8421, 3388, 13, 1102, 374, 3314, 52175, 555, 682, 8421, 66563, 11, 323, 28858, 92595, 701, 9629, 11989, 11, 499, 649, 1101, 4827, 701, 8276, 4478, 555, 709, 311, 220, 605, 14697, 20055, 220, 18, 14150, 44200, 389, 279, 9332, 304, 279, 4851, 315, 18045, 596, 5277, 596, 9474, 13, 8825, 374, 11689, 6138, 311, 279, 73938, 14244, 5955, 11, 323, 264, 2478, 10215, 505, 279, 2955, 9474, 323, 5209, 28931, 13, 1115, 5089, 374, 4832, 369, 6690, 33, 77, 33, 13, 8398, 374, 10508, 323, 279, 5089, 374, 1633, 879, 449, 264, 6908, 44952, 13, 8876, 220, 3753, 22, 469, 6008, 12175, 706, 1027, 11469, 4868, 3241, 430, 20682, 927, 220, 1041, 3610, 6444, 311, 23485, 16233, 809, 12053, 13, 11699, 7353, 4868, 2027, 20136, 14861, 682, 5526, 15771, 323, 5825, 9873, 323, 13723, 2212, 279, 1917, 449, 279, 4832, 8335, 315, 5178, 323, 9313, 13, 469, 6008, 452, 2114, 843, 2855, 8, 6898, 59013, 11, 469, 6008, 16147, 8398, 11, 469, 6008, 34711, 8398, 320, 50560, 369, 7553, 705, 323, 469, 6008, 13716, 8398, 369, 8682, 10293, 527, 4315, 279, 1455, 11349, 4868, 10105, 304, 279, 1917, 627, 791, 67482, 315, 469, 6008, 2457, 1203, 311, 220, 3753, 22, 994, 1403, 3995, 15840, 43448, 11, 11291, 16056, 11906, 9509, 323, 386, 8869, 3306, 402, 1183, 77, 4657, 11, 11352, 832, 315, 279, 1917, 753, 1176, 6500, 42068, 13, 2435, 42160, 433, 1054, 36644, 15299, 5809 ]
[ 5809, 323, 6267, 264, 2068, 369, 1202, 18468, 13, 9176, 1023, 17188, 54098, 6288, 8272, 11, 902, 41544, 279, 4623, 311, 53165, 264, 20789, 3241, 6425, 311, 5663, 1521, 1243, 12309, 9987, 6500, 18208, 13, 3639, 3940, 439, 279, 8271, 3124, 315, 264, 2478, 4885, 706, 28995, 1139, 459, 80649, 2068, 6646, 311, 387, 832, 315, 279, 26731, 323, 1455, 7524, 304, 279, 1917, 13, 8364, 12616, 369, 4732, 323, 20334, 11, 433, 5716, 67267, 279, 48727, 529, 11376, 311, 2231, 11084, 5557, 520, 279, 72148, 315, 279, 5578, 6812, 1217, 627, 60105, 279, 2883, 753, 14800, 11, 469, 6008, 20186, 837, 311, 279, 16565, 1234, 13576, 1251, 279, 2883, 43741, 19675, 2001, 12014, 11, 31638, 323, 48948, 13, 4314, 11, 34356, 449, 19297, 11, 3136, 311, 387, 279, 10043, 5457, 4920, 279, 2883, 43741, 2450, 323, 6650, 627, 15724, 469, 6008, 706, 810, 1109, 220, 7467, 8420, 15603, 323, 3728, 26097, 304, 3320, 3689, 111941, 320, 50, 87210, 689, 705, 449, 15481, 8141, 19169, 304, 5960, 18842, 11, 69173, 65717, 11, 323, 21181, 13, 469, 6008, 19672, 527, 7559, 304, 90972, 38026, 320, 68299, 8, 323, 68389, 320, 34, 26835, 5545, 705, 622, 7304, 320, 51270, 8, 323, 21972, 320, 49137, 570, 469, 6008, 706, 9749, 459, 16781, 4009, 315, 40831, 3495, 19169, 304, 3320, 3689, 111941, 11, 68389, 11, 30417, 11906, 560, 320, 50, 87210, 689, 705, 4656, 582, 363, 320, 15000, 438, 705, 30613, 320, 37031, 8, 323, 4009, 315, 8717, 56886, 810 ]
places. Both are close to restaurants, shops and all four theatres. I stayed in the Mercer Hotel and loved being able to pop downstairs to shop on Ontario Street’s many unique boutiques. The Common’s uncommonly delicious green Thai curry. One dinner to remember was at The Common with Chef Tim Otsuki, a Stratford Chefs School alumnus. The menu was a fustion of Asian, Caribbean and North American dishes featuring many local ingredients. My meal in a bowl was a green Thai curry that had subtle flavours of lemongrass and just the right nip of hot spice. Chef Eli demonstrates the proper way to dice an onion. Getting my shallot chop down. Voila! The perfect French omelette. At the Stratford Chefs School Open Kitchen you can take a one-off cooking class and our group opted for a champagne breakfast. Latkes with smoked trout, French omelette, and puffed pastry with rhubarb and strawberries was a decadent way to start the day. My biggest takeaway was learning how to make a French omelette. Now I need to practice at home! Thankfully, chef Eli Silverthorne was an excellent and patient instructor
places. Both are close to restaurants, shops and all four theatres. I stayed in the Mercer Hotel and loved being able to pop downstairs to shop on Ontario Street’s many unique boutiques. The Common’s uncommonly delicious green Thai curry. One dinner to remember was at The Common with Chef Tim Otsuki, a Stratford Chefs School alumnus. The menu was a fustion of Asian, Caribbean and North American dishes featuring many local ingredients. My meal in a bowl was a green Thai curry that had subtle flavours of lemongrass and just the right nip of hot spice. Chef Eli demonstrates the proper way to dice an onion. Getting my shallot chop down. Voila! The perfect French omelette. At the Stratford Chefs School Open Kitchen you can take a one-off cooking class and our group opted for a champagne breakfast. Latkes with smoked trout, French omelette, and puffed pastry with rhubarb and strawberries was a decadent way to start the day. My biggest takeaway was learning how to make a French omelette. Now I need to practice at home! Thankfully, chef Eli Silverthorne was an excellent and patient instructor
. On the chocolate line at Rheo Thompson Candies. Mint Smoothie madness – ice cream, coffee, liqueur and tea! At Rheo Thompson they understand the importance of the giddy up. The sweetest part of my adventure was a visit to Rheo Thompson Candies. Traditional recipes dating back to the 1930s have made this spot a favourite for locals and visitors alike. The Mint Smoothies were to die for — I especially liked the dark chocolate version with a dark chocolate peppermint center. The company is 50 years old and was bought from original candymaker Rheo Thompson in 1992 by Christine and Mark Steed. Christine was born and raised in Stratford and is adamant about keeping her customers happy. “We don’t monkey with the traditional recipes Rheo Thompson used, especially the Mint Smoothies which we are famous for.” They also make around 150 other confections including pecan patties, humbugs and fruit jellies. Plus, now you can get Mint Smoothie coffee, ice cream and liqueur. Phil Buhler demonstrates a flight of beer fantasy. A working man’s kind of place, Jobsite Brewery, is
[ 23625, 13, 5747, 389, 1969, 284, 10808, 11, 12437, 290, 477, 1440, 23776, 411, 13, 314, 9658, 287, 262, 38146, 12696, 290, 6151, 852, 1498, 284, 1461, 34624, 284, 6128, 319, 10553, 3530, 447, 247, 82, 867, 3748, 18222, 6368, 13, 198, 464, 8070, 447, 247, 82, 19185, 306, 12625, 4077, 18933, 34611, 13, 198, 3198, 8073, 284, 3505, 373, 379, 383, 8070, 351, 26383, 5045, 440, 912, 11308, 11, 257, 29186, 3841, 2580, 9501, 3961, 435, 4182, 385, 13, 383, 6859, 373, 257, 277, 436, 295, 286, 7740, 11, 18020, 290, 2258, 1605, 16759, 9593, 867, 1957, 9391, 13, 2011, 9799, 287, 257, 9396, 373, 257, 4077, 18933, 34611, 326, 550, 11800, 46946, 286, 443, 31059, 81, 562, 290, 655, 262, 826, 299, 541, 286, 3024, 25721, 13, 198, 7376, 69, 25204, 15687, 262, 1774, 835, 284, 17963, 281, 21670, 13, 198, 20570, 616, 2236, 313, 30506, 866, 13, 198, 53, 9437, 64, 0, 383, 2818, 4141, 267, 1326, 21348, 13, 198, 2953, 262, 29186, 3841, 2580, 9501, 3961, 4946, 22541, 345, 460, 1011, 257, 530, 12, 2364, 10801, 1398, 290, 674, 1448, 18524, 329, 257, 37392, 12607, 13, 5476, 5209, 351, 21603, 49411, 11, 4141, 267, 1326, 21348, 11, 290, 279, 18339, 41738, 351, 9529, 549, 38039, 290, 36973, 373, 257, 46734, 298, 835, 284, 923, 262, 1110, 13, 2011, 4094, 43678, 373, 4673, 703, 284, 787, 257, 4141, 267, 1326, 21348, 13, 2735, 314, 761, 284, 3357, 379, 1363, 0, 31251, 11, 21221, 25204, 7698, 400, 8553, 373, 281, 6275, 290, 5827, 21187 ]
[ 27170, 13, 11995, 527, 3345, 311, 15926, 11, 20021, 323, 682, 3116, 47213, 417, 13, 358, 20186, 304, 279, 81111, 14894, 323, 10456, 1694, 3025, 311, 2477, 63891, 311, 8221, 389, 21193, 6825, 753, 1690, 5016, 25646, 8467, 627, 791, 7874, 753, 41296, 398, 18406, 6307, 27490, 55178, 627, 4054, 14177, 311, 6227, 574, 520, 578, 7874, 449, 37075, 9538, 507, 2641, 22227, 11, 264, 54035, 8350, 8602, 3933, 6150, 453, 22082, 355, 13, 578, 5130, 574, 264, 282, 592, 290, 315, 14875, 11, 35374, 323, 4892, 3778, 26863, 16850, 1690, 2254, 14293, 13, 3092, 15496, 304, 264, 19763, 574, 264, 6307, 27490, 55178, 430, 1047, 27545, 71182, 315, 514, 72255, 81, 395, 323, 1120, 279, 1314, 99570, 315, 4106, 42786, 627, 95003, 34362, 32216, 279, 6300, 1648, 311, 22901, 459, 38427, 627, 29755, 856, 4985, 354, 48094, 1523, 627, 28615, 10746, 0, 578, 4832, 8753, 297, 2727, 10010, 627, 1688, 279, 54035, 8350, 8602, 3933, 6150, 5377, 19915, 499, 649, 1935, 264, 832, 12744, 17677, 538, 323, 1057, 1912, 41867, 369, 264, 65393, 17954, 13, 10128, 12841, 449, 48637, 80827, 11, 8753, 297, 2727, 10010, 11, 323, 281, 41673, 74155, 449, 22408, 45597, 65, 323, 76203, 574, 264, 88133, 306, 1648, 311, 1212, 279, 1938, 13, 3092, 8706, 89474, 574, 6975, 1268, 311, 1304, 264, 8753, 297, 2727, 10010, 13, 4800, 358, 1205, 311, 6725, 520, 2162, 0, 63554, 11, 30806, 34362, 15347, 339, 17334, 574, 459, 9250, 323, 8893, 33315 ]
[ 627, 1966, 279, 18414, 1584, 520, 71636, 78, 26224, 70654, 552, 627, 44, 396, 51825, 648, 52819, 1389, 10054, 12932, 11, 11033, 11, 93542, 324, 323, 15600, 4999, 1688, 71636, 78, 26224, 814, 3619, 279, 12939, 315, 279, 342, 76670, 709, 627, 791, 10437, 478, 961, 315, 856, 18427, 574, 264, 4034, 311, 71636, 78, 26224, 70654, 552, 13, 46560, 19141, 5029, 1203, 311, 279, 220, 7285, 15, 82, 617, 1903, 420, 7858, 264, 19214, 369, 25958, 323, 15613, 27083, 13, 578, 42410, 51825, 552, 1051, 311, 2815, 369, 2001, 358, 5423, 15262, 279, 6453, 18414, 2373, 449, 264, 6453, 18414, 83804, 94932, 4219, 13, 578, 2883, 374, 220, 1135, 1667, 2362, 323, 574, 11021, 505, 4113, 39738, 1631, 4506, 71636, 78, 26224, 304, 220, 2550, 17, 555, 46993, 323, 4488, 3441, 291, 13, 46993, 574, 9405, 323, 9408, 304, 54035, 8350, 323, 374, 84388, 922, 10494, 1077, 6444, 6380, 13, 1054, 1687, 1541, 1431, 39803, 449, 279, 8776, 19141, 71636, 78, 26224, 1511, 11, 5423, 279, 42410, 51825, 552, 902, 584, 527, 11495, 369, 2029, 2435, 1101, 1304, 2212, 220, 3965, 1023, 390, 25384, 2737, 31100, 276, 84167, 552, 11, 2854, 57276, 323, 14098, 503, 616, 552, 13, 12623, 11, 1457, 499, 649, 636, 42410, 51825, 648, 11033, 11, 10054, 12932, 323, 93542, 324, 627, 30690, 426, 12825, 1565, 32216, 264, 11213, 315, 13179, 18884, 627, 32, 3318, 893, 753, 3169, 315, 2035, 11, 23946, 635, 66727, 11, 374 ]
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cultural landscapes of the Northern Mexican region Spatial Stories The Mexico - St. Louis Special Josh Conrad International & Great Northern (I&GN) Railroad International & Great Northern Railroad. I&GN International Route : The Mexico-St. Louis Special, 1906. (Portal to Texas History) Page eight of the International & Great Northern (I&GN) Railroad Company's 1906 train schedule lists the time table for the Mexico - St. Louis Special, an American luxury passenger train line that ran between St. Louis and Mexico City twice a week between January 1906 and October 1908. The train featured high-end Pullman sleeper cars and advertised the opportunity to see "the most gorgeous scenery on the continent" during the two-night trip through the Southern U.S, Texas, and Northern Mexico. However, in October 1908, the general superintendent of the I&GN abruptly announced the end of the deluxe route in the Daily Herald of Palestine, Texas, a major hub of the railroad company, noting that “on account of conditions not being back to normal [in Mexico], we will not run a Mexico - St Louis ‘special’ this year.”[1] The article did not characterize the "conditions" any
[ 25517, 12, 1236, 45982, 12, 1169, 12, 40867, 12, 1462, 12, 918, 480, 12, 392, 12, 11201, 392, 12, 896, 12, 30350, 12, 11125, 12, 25076, 12, 35681, 12, 3605, 12, 21016, 12, 41603, 723, 12, 24553, 82, 12, 25076, 12, 25811, 12, 392, 12, 15883, 12, 36653, 12, 1462, 12, 39239, 12, 21016, 12, 41603, 723, 12, 24553, 82, 198, 5450, 1378, 1186, 557, 34191, 13, 6888, 14, 21973, 723, 12, 10990, 82, 12, 1640, 12, 19774, 14, 198, 5450, 1378, 2503, 13, 282, 5162, 2013, 13, 4598, 14, 81, 80, 24, 76, 1065, 14, 8671, 12, 8424, 306, 12, 12519, 12, 10990, 12, 19023, 12, 66, 7012, 14656, 198, 5450, 1378, 88, 354, 5889, 13, 785, 14, 21973, 723, 62, 10990, 82, 14, 44, 25, 51, 11012, 21, 1828, 13, 10468, 198, 19184, 26658, 21852, 25, 281, 25268, 1780, 10500, 329, 33160, 198, 12468, 3574, 5995, 19161, 3340, 198, 13014, 3779, 415, 3055, 520, 3320, 3340, 198, 13014, 1400, 10504, 6822, 33063, 3340, 198, 2437, 1675, 3497, 3232, 12911, 3340, 198, 13014, 9363, 10504, 5172, 3340, 198, 13014, 3334, 12, 35, 1699, 437, 48807, 34068, 1222, 31112, 82, 198, 24704, 12, 20564, 1075, 5231, 38175, 21501, 520, 3320, 3340, 198, 9787, 3806, 1439, 3226, 3954, 22698, 25, 198, 15269, 10673, 33160, 12911, 11, 31480, 30, 198, 9, 1890, 1321, 4959, 691, 11, 407, 3176, 5608, 11, 3387, 1100, 674, 3167, 17111, 13, 198, 3855, 1895, 284, 4445, 11103, 11, 1705, 290, 2648, 287, 674, 4075, 10275, 0, 317, 7743, 12, 34033, 1628, 16855, 262 ]
[ 40345, 12, 1036, 31044, 10826, 20653, 3012, 4791, 5621, 609, 9976, 50193, 12, 1220, 1824, 1003, 62413, 57432, 86406, 23065, 9469, 35, 5364, 332, 940, 7424, 44050, 57432, 40833, 9976, 95319, 11843, 5637, 4791, 1824, 7770, 9469, 35, 5364, 332, 940, 7424, 44050, 198, 2485, 1129, 2171, 556, 57621, 25109, 3262, 332, 940, 2269, 44050, 15548, 58798, 6018, 2485, 1129, 2185, 12444, 19654, 268, 16928, 7534, 80, 24, 76, 717, 14, 1320, 23086, 398, 32197, 2269, 1263, 46821, 1824, 4749, 8953, 198, 2485, 1129, 5759, 7183, 916, 3262, 332, 940, 766, 44050, 10482, 69761, 3590, 19808, 94265, 198, 29353, 42419, 25579, 25, 459, 39995, 5977, 12937, 369, 220, 2366, 17, 198, 6919, 5659, 5492, 23946, 7008, 198, 14809, 37102, 519, 4842, 80336, 7008, 198, 14809, 2360, 16666, 4343, 48615, 7008, 198, 4438, 2057, 2175, 3658, 18099, 7008, 198, 14809, 9307, 16666, 6938, 7008, 198, 14809, 5234, 9607, 65023, 408, 75142, 61288, 612, 54163, 82, 198, 12363, 12, 94936, 97548, 25736, 80336, 7008, 198, 4061, 4470, 2052, 5046, 5751, 29461, 512, 13857, 7388, 220, 2366, 17, 18099, 11, 61651, 5380, 9, 2520, 2038, 10096, 1193, 11, 539, 6020, 9650, 11, 4587, 1373, 1057, 67929, 627, 1991, 2680, 311, 7446, 22657, 11, 3754, 323, 4430, 304, 1057, 4642, 21633, 0, 362, 12917, 5621, 1874, 2447, 13021, 279 ]
[ 13042, 55890, 315, 279, 17355, 24160, 5654, 198, 91718, 30129, 198, 791, 12550, 482, 800, 13, 12140, 9984, 198, 51844, 77089, 198, 34746, 612, 8681, 17355, 320, 40, 5, 26228, 8, 70117, 198, 34746, 612, 8681, 17355, 70117, 13, 358, 5, 26228, 7327, 9767, 551, 578, 12550, 40720, 13, 12140, 9984, 11, 220, 7028, 21, 13, 320, 50140, 311, 8421, 11346, 340, 2732, 8223, 315, 279, 7327, 612, 8681, 17355, 320, 40, 5, 26228, 8, 70117, 8351, 596, 220, 7028, 21, 5542, 9899, 11725, 279, 892, 2007, 369, 279, 12550, 482, 800, 13, 12140, 9984, 11, 459, 3778, 19913, 24023, 5542, 1584, 430, 10837, 1990, 800, 13, 12140, 323, 12550, 4409, 11157, 264, 2046, 1990, 6186, 220, 7028, 21, 323, 6664, 220, 7028, 23, 13, 578, 5542, 15109, 1579, 13368, 32928, 1543, 83647, 9515, 323, 46841, 279, 6776, 311, 1518, 330, 1820, 1455, 24415, 51331, 389, 279, 32843, 1, 2391, 279, 1403, 45427, 8577, 1555, 279, 16642, 549, 815, 11, 8421, 11, 323, 17355, 12550, 13, 4452, 11, 304, 6664, 220, 7028, 23, 11, 279, 4689, 74133, 315, 279, 358, 5, 26228, 60845, 7376, 279, 842, 315, 279, 79524, 6149, 304, 279, 13690, 42769, 315, 42034, 11, 8421, 11, 264, 3682, 19240, 315, 279, 51576, 2883, 11, 27401, 430, 1054, 263, 2759, 315, 4787, 539, 1694, 1203, 311, 4725, 510, 258, 12550, 1145, 584, 690, 539, 1629, 264, 12550, 482, 800, 12140, 3451, 15495, 529, 420, 1060, 2029, 58, 16, 933, 791, 4652, 1550, 539, 70755, 279, 330, 16902, 1, 904 ]
undivided national capital – a Gantz premiership would at least mark a fresh start for Israel. In fact, no mainstream Zionist political parties from left to right support the Palestinian right of return. This includes the Labor party and even the staunchly left-wing Democratic Union (formerly Meretz). The right of return effectively means the destruction of Israel as a Jewish state. Is The Independent seriously suggesting that Israel is not liberal or pluralistic because it rejects a policy that would bring about its own destruction? At least we now know that The Independent believes national suicide is a liberal value. Labels: anti-Israel media bias, Israeli elections, media distortion, The Independent Anyone surprised? Stopping foreign interference in Israel’s elections - by Douglas Altabef The left’s hypocrisy regarding foreign interference in elections aside, such interference is both dangerous and illegal. Douglas Altabef.. The 2016 U.S. presidential election was inflamed by, among other issues, accusations that Russia had interfered with the electoral process in the hope of getting Donald Trump elected. The outraged claim was that elections were an internal matter and that foreign interference was a threat to American sovereignty, not to mention the integrity of a sacrosan
undivided national capital – a Gantz premiership would at least mark a fresh start for Israel. In fact, no mainstream Zionist political parties from left to right support the Palestinian right of return. This includes the Labor party and even the staunchly left-wing Democratic Union (formerly Meretz). The right of return effectively means the destruction of Israel as a Jewish state. Is The Independent seriously suggesting that Israel is not liberal or pluralistic because it rejects a policy that would bring about its own destruction? At least we now know that The Independent believes national suicide is a liberal value. Labels: anti-Israel media bias, Israeli elections, media distortion, The Independent Anyone surprised? Stopping foreign interference in Israel’s elections - by Douglas Altabef The left’s hypocrisy regarding foreign interference in elections aside, such interference is both dangerous and illegal. Douglas Altabef.. The 2016 U.S. presidential election was inflamed by, among other issues, accusations that Russia had interfered with the electoral process in the hope of getting Donald Trump elected. The outraged claim was that elections were an internal matter and that foreign interference was a threat to American sovereignty, not to mention the integrity of a sacrosan
ct aspect of citizenship, namely the right to vote. Most of the outcry came from the left; the sense was that whatever interference might have taken place was meant to hurt Hillary Clinton. But this partisan anger was nevertheless couched in righteous indignation concerning the need to maintain national elections as just that—national, and free of foreign interference. In Israel, the issue of foreign interference has been proven, not just alleged. In 2015, the V15 organization spent significant funds, including some $350,000 that came indirectly from the U.S. State Department, in a failed effort to unseat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. V15 was found to have connections with the Obama administration, and all of its funding was American. So blatant was this attempt that in 2017, legislation, widely known as the V15 Law, was passed by the Knesset to prevent foreign and foreign-funded non-political party actors from interfering in Israel’s elections. Well, as they say in show biz, “feet gotta dance.” The left couldn’t care less about the law, let alone the principles behind it. All that matters to the left is that they get their way. Labels: Israeli elections Fugitive
[ 3318, 452, 1384, 2260, 3139, 784, 257, 402, 46269, 4199, 36689, 561, 379, 1551, 1317, 257, 4713, 923, 329, 2692, 13, 198, 818, 1109, 11, 645, 8661, 29390, 1964, 4671, 422, 1364, 284, 826, 1104, 262, 8501, 826, 286, 1441, 13, 770, 3407, 262, 7882, 2151, 290, 772, 262, 34700, 306, 1364, 12, 5469, 4390, 4479, 357, 36234, 337, 567, 22877, 737, 198, 464, 826, 286, 1441, 6840, 1724, 262, 8166, 286, 2692, 355, 257, 5582, 1181, 13, 1148, 383, 13362, 6411, 9524, 326, 2692, 318, 407, 7270, 393, 22801, 2569, 780, 340, 28317, 257, 2450, 326, 561, 2222, 546, 663, 898, 8166, 30, 198, 2953, 1551, 356, 783, 760, 326, 383, 13362, 5804, 2260, 7341, 318, 257, 7270, 1988, 13, 198, 17822, 1424, 25, 3098, 12, 14040, 2056, 10690, 11, 6085, 7024, 11, 2056, 25100, 11, 383, 13362, 198, 21129, 6655, 30, 22025, 2105, 3215, 14517, 287, 2692, 447, 247, 82, 7024, 532, 416, 15796, 978, 8658, 891, 198, 464, 1364, 447, 247, 82, 29442, 5115, 3215, 14517, 287, 7024, 7263, 11, 884, 14517, 318, 1111, 4923, 290, 5293, 13, 198, 40287, 14391, 978, 8658, 891, 492, 198, 464, 1584, 471, 13, 50, 13, 4787, 3071, 373, 28472, 2434, 416, 11, 1871, 584, 2428, 11, 14227, 326, 3284, 550, 46414, 351, 262, 13901, 1429, 287, 262, 2911, 286, 1972, 3759, 1301, 7018, 13, 198, 464, 27697, 1624, 373, 326, 7024, 547, 281, 5387, 2300, 290, 326, 3215, 14517, 373, 257, 2372, 284, 1605, 18582, 11, 407, 284, 3068, 262, 11540, 286, 257, 5360, 4951, 272 ]
[ 2073, 344, 4591, 5426, 6864, 1389, 264, 480, 90597, 6954, 77178, 1053, 520, 3325, 1906, 264, 7878, 1212, 369, 6921, 627, 644, 2144, 11, 912, 21391, 78573, 5054, 9875, 505, 2163, 311, 1314, 1862, 279, 22596, 1314, 315, 471, 13, 1115, 5764, 279, 15277, 4717, 323, 1524, 279, 82721, 398, 2163, 29480, 11650, 9323, 320, 70614, 8930, 43289, 4390, 791, 1314, 315, 471, 13750, 3445, 279, 19814, 315, 6921, 439, 264, 13653, 1614, 13, 2209, 578, 22765, 14243, 23377, 430, 6921, 374, 539, 18250, 477, 39598, 4633, 1606, 433, 60515, 264, 4947, 430, 1053, 4546, 922, 1202, 1866, 19814, 5380, 1688, 3325, 584, 1457, 1440, 430, 578, 22765, 13919, 5426, 18639, 374, 264, 18250, 907, 627, 24600, 25, 7294, 72090, 3772, 15837, 11, 16286, 16374, 11, 3772, 50971, 11, 578, 22765, 198, 41795, 14792, 30, 800, 7153, 7362, 32317, 304, 6921, 753, 16374, 482, 555, 31164, 1708, 6323, 830, 198, 791, 2163, 753, 72806, 9002, 7362, 32317, 304, 16374, 16038, 11, 1778, 32317, 374, 2225, 11660, 323, 12079, 627, 92741, 27481, 1708, 6323, 830, 35047, 791, 220, 679, 21, 549, 815, 13, 13621, 6355, 574, 4704, 3690, 555, 11, 4315, 1023, 4819, 11, 36569, 430, 8524, 1047, 41305, 291, 449, 279, 34941, 1920, 304, 279, 3987, 315, 3794, 9641, 3420, 16689, 627, 791, 72364, 3802, 574, 430, 16374, 1051, 459, 5419, 5030, 323, 430, 7362, 32317, 574, 264, 6023, 311, 3778, 47059, 11, 539, 311, 6420, 279, 17025, 315, 264, 11347, 3714, 276 ]
[ 302, 13189, 315, 33779, 11, 32125, 279, 1314, 311, 7055, 13, 7648, 315, 279, 88963, 3782, 505, 279, 2163, 26, 279, 5647, 574, 430, 8996, 32317, 2643, 617, 4529, 2035, 574, 8967, 311, 13194, 15383, 8283, 627, 4071, 420, 49638, 19788, 574, 38330, 4020, 2454, 304, 42805, 83001, 367, 18815, 279, 1205, 311, 10519, 5426, 16374, 439, 1120, 430, 2345, 42240, 11, 323, 1949, 315, 7362, 32317, 627, 644, 6921, 11, 279, 4360, 315, 7362, 32317, 706, 1027, 17033, 11, 539, 1120, 10711, 13, 763, 220, 679, 20, 11, 279, 650, 868, 7471, 7543, 5199, 10736, 11, 2737, 1063, 400, 8652, 11, 931, 430, 3782, 46345, 505, 279, 549, 815, 13, 3314, 6011, 11, 304, 264, 4745, 5149, 311, 653, 44158, 16286, 12801, 9675, 30411, 45742, 13, 650, 868, 574, 1766, 311, 617, 13537, 449, 279, 7250, 8735, 11, 323, 682, 315, 1202, 11006, 574, 3778, 627, 4516, 72547, 574, 420, 4879, 430, 304, 220, 679, 22, 11, 13543, 11, 13882, 3967, 439, 279, 650, 868, 7658, 11, 574, 5946, 555, 279, 735, 2136, 295, 311, 5471, 7362, 323, 7362, 50701, 2536, 55096, 32360, 4717, 20142, 505, 75387, 304, 6921, 753, 16374, 627, 11649, 11, 439, 814, 2019, 304, 1501, 43478, 11, 1054, 1897, 295, 38023, 15612, 2029, 578, 2163, 7846, 1431, 2512, 2753, 922, 279, 2383, 11, 1095, 7636, 279, 16565, 4920, 433, 13, 2052, 430, 13146, 311, 279, 2163, 374, 430, 814, 636, 872, 1648, 627, 24600, 25, 16286, 16374, 198, 37, 773, 3486 ]
se réfère en fait à deux devinettes, la première étant l'identific… *#654253 - 0.57MB, 21 pp. 4 Ultimately, only you can answer that question, and I started this journey with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion, only to be disarmed by a remarkable debut. 76 by Edward Elgar. 2 (-) - V/V/V - 2×⇩ - P0mbal, Trumpet 1, 2/3 (B♭) Dmitri’s cello concertos will massively develop your impression of his style. 2 *#657019 - 1.11MB, 3 pp. 10 4 - Why would you want to listen to a performance of Elgar’s Cello Concerto arranged for the viola?! The first movement is light and untroubled in mood, while the second movement is among the slowest movements Haydn wrote. 62 - Cello piano Partition - Violoncelle et Piano NOVELLO 14.20 € ELGAR Concerto pour Violoncelle op. (-) - V/V/V - 7×⇩ - P0mbal, Violins II 10 To
se réfère en fait à deux devinettes, la première étant l'identific… *#654253 - 0.57MB, 21 pp. 4 Ultimately, only you can answer that question, and I started this journey with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion, only to be disarmed by a remarkable debut. 76 by Edward Elgar. 2 (-) - V/V/V - 2×⇩ - P0mbal, Trumpet 1, 2/3 (B♭) Dmitri’s cello concertos will massively develop your impression of his style. 2 *#657019 - 1.11MB, 3 pp. 10 4 - Why would you want to listen to a performance of Elgar’s Cello Concerto arranged for the viola?! The first movement is light and untroubled in mood, while the second movement is among the slowest movements Haydn wrote. 62 - Cello piano Partition - Violoncelle et Piano NOVELLO 14.20 € ELGAR Concerto pour Violoncelle op. (-) - V/V/V - 7×⇩ - P0mbal, Violins II 10 To
generate automatically updated lists see "Browse by Work genre" in the sidebar. 0.0/10 0.0/10 No. 0.0/10 • Violins I • Violins II • Violas • Cellos • Basses ... Orchestra, Edward Elgar (conductor) First Pub lication. Poor dear A. has had a bad cold, better now … I want to finish or rather commence the Piano Concerto which must be windflowerish so I hope you will come but somehow I know you will not. 0.0/10 Edward Gardner en cellist Truls Mørk spelen Elgars 'Celloconcert'. 6 4 One of the greatest of all concertos, Dvorak wrote his cello concerto in 1894-95. 4 10 0.0/10 It was premiered on 23 April 1860, four years after his death, in Oldenburg, with Ludwig Ebert as soloist. Cello Concerto in E minor Alt ernative. Cello Concerto in B Minor, 104, B. 2 Details . 229 Joseph Haydn Cello Concerto 1765 Play. Elgar E /Vesper Voluntaries Op.14 Organ Faber Music Limited. (-) - V
[ 384, 40560, 69, 35979, 551, 277, 4548, 28141, 390, 2821, 1614, 259, 23014, 11, 8591, 4199, 72, 35979, 220, 25125, 415, 300, 6, 738, 811, 1399, 1635, 2, 39111, 28592, 532, 657, 13, 3553, 10744, 11, 2310, 9788, 13, 604, 24199, 11, 691, 345, 460, 3280, 326, 1808, 11, 290, 314, 2067, 428, 7002, 351, 257, 11710, 286, 20136, 290, 15123, 11, 691, 284, 307, 595, 12026, 416, 257, 11004, 8886, 13, 8684, 416, 10443, 2574, 4563, 13, 362, 13841, 8, 532, 569, 14, 53, 14, 53, 532, 362, 12906, 158, 229, 102, 532, 350, 15, 2022, 282, 11, 1301, 316, 352, 11, 362, 14, 18, 357, 33, 17992, 255, 8, 35438, 380, 447, 247, 82, 2685, 78, 10010, 418, 481, 28161, 1205, 534, 10647, 286, 465, 3918, 13, 362, 1635, 2, 37680, 30484, 532, 352, 13, 1157, 10744, 11, 513, 9788, 13, 838, 604, 532, 4162, 561, 345, 765, 284, 6004, 284, 257, 2854, 286, 2574, 4563, 447, 247, 82, 327, 11109, 13223, 13806, 14921, 329, 262, 1935, 64, 12248, 383, 717, 3356, 318, 1657, 290, 1418, 472, 9342, 287, 10038, 11, 981, 262, 1218, 3356, 318, 1871, 262, 3105, 395, 8650, 9075, 32656, 2630, 13, 8190, 532, 327, 11109, 19132, 2142, 653, 532, 13085, 261, 5276, 293, 2123, 46605, 8005, 6089, 3069, 46, 1478, 13, 1238, 10432, 17852, 38, 1503, 13223, 13806, 12797, 13085, 261, 5276, 293, 1034, 13, 13841, 8, 532, 569, 14, 53, 14, 53, 532, 767, 12906, 158, 229, 102, 532, 350, 15, 2022, 282, 11, 13085, 1040, 2873, 838, 1675 ]
[ 513, 9517, 69, 12339, 665, 20272, 3869, 26633, 3567, 30976, 2392, 11, 1208, 55133, 14240, 519, 326, 6, 1748, 1104, 1981, 353, 2, 21969, 14022, 482, 220, 15, 13, 3226, 8578, 11, 220, 1691, 12086, 13, 220, 19, 55106, 11, 1193, 499, 649, 4320, 430, 3488, 11, 323, 358, 3940, 420, 11879, 449, 264, 21655, 315, 41328, 323, 38141, 11, 1193, 311, 387, 834, 31372, 555, 264, 23649, 17755, 13, 220, 4767, 555, 22653, 4072, 12440, 13, 220, 17, 10505, 8, 482, 650, 28332, 28332, 482, 220, 17, 18028, 127587, 102, 482, 393, 15, 3172, 278, 11, 3420, 295, 220, 16, 11, 220, 17, 14, 18, 320, 33, 17245, 255, 8, 67221, 462, 753, 272, 4896, 21497, 437, 690, 64807, 2274, 701, 21455, 315, 813, 1742, 13, 220, 17, 353, 2, 23480, 18089, 482, 220, 16, 13, 806, 8578, 11, 220, 18, 12086, 13, 220, 605, 220, 19, 482, 8595, 1053, 499, 1390, 311, 9020, 311, 264, 5178, 315, 4072, 12440, 753, 356, 4896, 47784, 78, 28902, 369, 279, 4738, 64, 27074, 578, 1176, 7351, 374, 3177, 323, 653, 376, 5599, 839, 304, 20247, 11, 1418, 279, 2132, 7351, 374, 4315, 279, 6435, 478, 19567, 18276, 17851, 6267, 13, 220, 5538, 482, 356, 4896, 27374, 55726, 482, 30555, 263, 3757, 273, 1880, 56491, 5782, 12073, 1623, 220, 975, 13, 508, 13281, 17705, 38, 946, 47784, 78, 5019, 30555, 263, 3757, 273, 1200, 13, 10505, 8, 482, 650, 28332, 28332, 482, 220, 22, 18028, 127587, 102, 482, 393, 15, 3172, 278, 11, 30555, 1354, 8105, 220, 605, 2057 ]
[ 7068, 9651, 6177, 11725, 1518, 330, 47532, 555, 5664, 17779, 1, 304, 279, 28325, 13, 220, 15, 13, 15, 14, 605, 220, 15, 13, 15, 14, 605, 2360, 13, 220, 15, 13, 15, 14, 605, 7436, 30555, 1354, 358, 7436, 30555, 1354, 8105, 7436, 11655, 19736, 7436, 47643, 2353, 7436, 37053, 288, 2564, 54617, 11, 22653, 4072, 12440, 320, 444, 36869, 8, 5629, 23435, 12553, 367, 13, 45773, 25237, 362, 13, 706, 1047, 264, 3958, 9439, 11, 2731, 1457, 4696, 358, 1390, 311, 6381, 477, 4856, 56445, 279, 56491, 47784, 78, 902, 2011, 387, 10160, 39853, 819, 779, 358, 3987, 499, 690, 2586, 719, 17354, 358, 1440, 499, 690, 539, 13, 220, 15, 13, 15, 14, 605, 22653, 57729, 665, 2849, 380, 1183, 14630, 386, 17545, 74, 993, 8564, 4072, 64502, 364, 34, 4896, 89405, 4527, 220, 21, 220, 19, 3861, 315, 279, 12474, 315, 682, 21497, 437, 11, 423, 37215, 587, 6267, 813, 272, 4896, 3613, 14200, 304, 220, 9378, 19, 12, 2721, 13, 220, 19, 220, 605, 220, 15, 13, 15, 14, 605, 1102, 574, 85170, 389, 220, 1419, 5936, 220, 9714, 15, 11, 3116, 1667, 1306, 813, 4648, 11, 304, 10846, 55485, 11, 449, 85550, 469, 9339, 439, 13839, 380, 13, 356, 4896, 47784, 78, 304, 469, 9099, 24610, 93029, 1413, 13, 356, 4896, 47784, 78, 304, 426, 30893, 11, 220, 6849, 11, 426, 13, 220, 17, 12589, 662, 220, 14378, 15466, 18276, 17851, 356, 4896, 47784, 78, 220, 10967, 20, 7199, 13, 4072, 12440, 469, 611, 53, 70138, 11119, 3935, 5548, 10901, 13, 975, 10995, 19797, 261, 10948, 19439, 13, 10505, 8, 482, 650 ]
glute region is the sacroiliac joint, where the sacrum meets the pelvis. Those suffering from sciatica experience shooting, sharp, burning pains down the back of their leg. It is not very common to experience this pain in both legs simultaneously. At Olive Me Chiropractic, we will properly treat this problem without surgery. We will also resolve the issue rather than mask the pain with medication. Fibromyalgia is defined as chronic, widespread pain and affects almost 6 million Americans. Today there is not a lot of knowledge as to what causes it but the symptoms include pain throughout the body, especially the joints. People suffering from fibromyalgia describe the pain as mild or severe burning, aching, sharp, shooting and radiating. Because of this widespread, chronic pain it is common for the condition to bring on headaches, depression and/or anxiety. Today there is not a known cure but research is showing that chiropractic adjustments have provided relief for those suffering from fibromyalgia. At Olive Me Chiropractic we perform a thorough exam and provide care the strengthens the entire body by relieving stress on the nervous system. Pinched nerves have been found to be the culprit behind many different conditions from headaches to heart attacks,
glute region is the sacroiliac joint, where the sacrum meets the pelvis. Those suffering from sciatica experience shooting, sharp, burning pains down the back of their leg. It is not very common to experience this pain in both legs simultaneously. At Olive Me Chiropractic, we will properly treat this problem without surgery. We will also resolve the issue rather than mask the pain with medication. Fibromyalgia is defined as chronic, widespread pain and affects almost 6 million Americans. Today there is not a lot of knowledge as to what causes it but the symptoms include pain throughout the body, especially the joints. People suffering from fibromyalgia describe the pain as mild or severe burning, aching, sharp, shooting and radiating. Because of this widespread, chronic pain it is common for the condition to bring on headaches, depression and/or anxiety. Today there is not a known cure but research is showing that chiropractic adjustments have provided relief for those suffering from fibromyalgia. At Olive Me Chiropractic we perform a thorough exam and provide care the strengthens the entire body by relieving stress on the nervous system. Pinched nerves have been found to be the culprit behind many different conditions from headaches to heart attacks,
from infertility to widespread pain. This happens because there are structural misalignments that compress the nerves that extend off the spinal cord. This compression not only affects the direct area but it can extend further than that. A misalignment in the pelvis can create migraines. That is why at Olive Me Chiropractic we perform a complete examination. Call us today at Olive Me Chiropractic in Shoreview & Shoreview & Arden Hills MN for your no obligation consultation and get your body functioning at its max potential! Imagine the possibilities! This page is going to be something very cool, it will just take ALOT OF TIME!!! So, in the mean time, you get this amazing creation. If you want to send me e-Mail, and give me suggestions (good or bad), then click below. This is for Christina from Canada... if you read this, then give me an e-mail address that works!! please.. Get in the festive spirit with these playful pyjamas, featuring a seasonal Fairisle print on the bottoms. The tapered shape is sleek and flattering, perfect for lazy mornings. The long-sleeved top is plain with a ribbed texture and has a stylish round neck with buttons.
[ 1278, 1133, 3814, 318, 262, 5360, 305, 2403, 330, 6466, 11, 810, 262, 5360, 6582, 11185, 262, 16176, 4703, 13, 5845, 7195, 422, 20681, 1512, 64, 1998, 4395, 11, 7786, 11, 9482, 24985, 866, 262, 736, 286, 511, 1232, 13, 632, 318, 407, 845, 2219, 284, 1998, 428, 2356, 287, 1111, 7405, 11640, 13, 1629, 30012, 2185, 21380, 1773, 974, 291, 11, 356, 481, 6105, 2190, 428, 1917, 1231, 8185, 13, 775, 481, 635, 10568, 262, 2071, 2138, 621, 9335, 262, 2356, 351, 14103, 13, 198, 37, 571, 50228, 47111, 318, 5447, 355, 10726, 11, 10095, 2356, 290, 10975, 2048, 718, 1510, 3399, 13, 6288, 612, 318, 407, 257, 1256, 286, 3725, 355, 284, 644, 5640, 340, 475, 262, 7460, 2291, 2356, 3690, 262, 1767, 11, 2592, 262, 24039, 13, 4380, 7195, 422, 12900, 50228, 47111, 6901, 262, 2356, 355, 11607, 393, 6049, 9482, 11, 257, 10813, 11, 7786, 11, 4395, 290, 19772, 803, 13, 4362, 286, 428, 10095, 11, 10726, 2356, 340, 318, 2219, 329, 262, 4006, 284, 2222, 319, 29432, 11, 8862, 290, 14, 273, 9751, 13, 6288, 612, 318, 407, 257, 1900, 13996, 475, 2267, 318, 4478, 326, 47544, 974, 291, 16895, 423, 2810, 8259, 329, 883, 7195, 422, 12900, 50228, 47111, 13, 1629, 30012, 2185, 21380, 1773, 974, 291, 356, 1620, 257, 9321, 2814, 290, 2148, 1337, 262, 49286, 262, 2104, 1767, 416, 15705, 1075, 5503, 319, 262, 10927, 1080, 13, 198, 28348, 1740, 25377, 423, 587, 1043, 284, 307, 262, 26581, 2157, 867, 1180, 3403, 422, 29432, 284, 2612, 3434, 11 ]
[ 2840, 1088, 5654, 374, 279, 11347, 299, 4008, 582, 10496, 11, 1405, 279, 11347, 10952, 20628, 279, 12077, 2749, 13, 13266, 16066, 505, 39074, 54397, 3217, 10658, 11, 17676, 11, 20252, 51266, 1523, 279, 1203, 315, 872, 2531, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 1633, 4279, 311, 3217, 420, 6784, 304, 2225, 14535, 25291, 13, 2468, 47814, 2206, 921, 56087, 24045, 11, 584, 690, 10489, 4322, 420, 3575, 2085, 15173, 13, 1226, 690, 1101, 9006, 279, 4360, 4856, 1109, 7056, 279, 6784, 449, 24099, 627, 37, 581, 442, 16858, 55901, 374, 4613, 439, 21249, 11, 24716, 6784, 323, 22223, 4661, 220, 21, 3610, 9053, 13, 11450, 1070, 374, 539, 264, 2763, 315, 6677, 439, 311, 1148, 11384, 433, 719, 279, 13803, 2997, 6784, 6957, 279, 2547, 11, 5423, 279, 35358, 13, 9029, 16066, 505, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 7664, 279, 6784, 439, 23900, 477, 15748, 20252, 11, 264, 28075, 11, 17676, 11, 10658, 323, 12164, 1113, 13, 9393, 315, 420, 24716, 11, 21249, 6784, 433, 374, 4279, 369, 279, 3044, 311, 4546, 389, 55403, 11, 18710, 323, 5255, 18547, 13, 11450, 1070, 374, 539, 264, 3967, 27208, 719, 3495, 374, 9204, 430, 77301, 24045, 34074, 617, 3984, 16337, 369, 1884, 16066, 505, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 13, 2468, 47814, 2206, 921, 56087, 24045, 584, 2804, 264, 17879, 7151, 323, 3493, 2512, 279, 96931, 279, 4553, 2547, 555, 59644, 4504, 8631, 389, 279, 23418, 1887, 627, 20452, 2454, 50581, 617, 1027, 1766, 311, 387, 279, 75283, 4920, 1690, 2204, 4787, 505, 55403, 311, 4851, 8951, 11 ]
[ 505, 95643, 311, 24716, 6784, 13, 1115, 8741, 1606, 1070, 527, 24693, 5906, 6750, 1392, 430, 25633, 279, 50581, 430, 13334, 1022, 279, 50112, 23125, 13, 1115, 26168, 539, 1193, 22223, 279, 2167, 3158, 719, 433, 649, 13334, 4726, 1109, 430, 13, 362, 5906, 45698, 304, 279, 12077, 2749, 649, 1893, 9971, 33903, 13, 3011, 374, 3249, 520, 47814, 2206, 921, 56087, 24045, 584, 2804, 264, 4686, 24481, 627, 7368, 603, 3432, 520, 47814, 2206, 921, 56087, 24045, 304, 45819, 1068, 612, 45819, 1068, 612, 1676, 5294, 25964, 36095, 369, 701, 912, 29672, 29173, 323, 636, 701, 2547, 31301, 520, 1202, 1973, 4754, 0, 38891, 279, 24525, 0, 1115, 2199, 374, 2133, 311, 387, 2555, 1633, 7155, 11, 433, 690, 1120, 1935, 362, 16122, 3083, 23029, 80395, 4516, 11, 304, 279, 3152, 892, 11, 499, 636, 420, 8056, 9886, 627, 2746, 499, 1390, 311, 3708, 757, 384, 38613, 11, 323, 3041, 757, 18726, 320, 19045, 477, 3958, 705, 1243, 4299, 3770, 627, 2028, 374, 369, 60771, 505, 7008, 1131, 422, 499, 1373, 420, 11, 1243, 3041, 757, 459, 384, 11724, 2686, 430, 4375, 3001, 4587, 497, 2175, 304, 279, 59937, 9090, 449, 1521, 57169, 4611, 73, 29189, 11, 16850, 264, 36899, 14930, 41205, 1194, 389, 279, 93650, 13, 578, 95155, 6211, 374, 48494, 323, 84208, 11, 4832, 369, 16053, 58302, 13, 578, 1317, 1355, 8669, 2111, 1948, 374, 14733, 449, 264, 20735, 2788, 10651, 323, 706, 264, 32461, 4883, 13272, 449, 12706, 13 ]
ók and Kurtág (Resonus, 2016) by violinist Simon Smith. It’s also on the cover of a book: Poetics in a New Key — essays by, and interviews with, poet Marjorie Perloff. It’s hard for me to resist a connection like this, so later, I got curious about Kurtág’s Signs and started listening to samples of Simon’s interpretation. I didn’t recognize the music, but after a while, I began to remember I already owned something else of Kurtág’s. I riffled through my digital collection and found Kim Kashkashian’s viola version of Signs. That’s when I remembered. I don’t like Signs. Several listens to Kashkashian’s version left me cold — which I hate to say, because I’m a fan of hers, and because Kurtág is still living and, charmingly, records and performs piano duets with his wife. How can you not love that? Still, Signs doesn’t click with me. It’s a set of miniatures — an evolving set that Kurtág
ók and Kurtág (Resonus, 2016) by violinist Simon Smith. It’s also on the cover of a book: Poetics in a New Key — essays by, and interviews with, poet Marjorie Perloff. It’s hard for me to resist a connection like this, so later, I got curious about Kurtág’s Signs and started listening to samples of Simon’s interpretation. I didn’t recognize the music, but after a while, I began to remember I already owned something else of Kurtág’s. I riffled through my digital collection and found Kim Kashkashian’s viola version of Signs. That’s when I remembered. I don’t like Signs. Several listens to Kashkashian’s version left me cold — which I hate to say, because I’m a fan of hers, and because Kurtág is still living and, charmingly, records and performs piano duets with his wife. How can you not love that? Still, Signs doesn’t click with me. It’s a set of miniatures — an evolving set that Kurtág
is still adding to, so recordings vary depending on which handful of pieces the soloist picks. That aspect is intriguing. But the miniatures themselves feel like incomplete doodles. I’m not able to channel them together into a “story.” Maybe it’s just that Kurtág and I just aren’t on the same wavelength. My dislike of Signs matters to me, though. In a 2009 essay for The Guardian, Christopher Fox makes an interesting point about Schoenberg’s legacy. The Second string quartet was powered by Schoenberg’s emotional state, as his marriage was falling apart. That doesn’t mean every geometric arrangement of 12 tones is going to produce something great, as Fox writes: The subsequent institutionalisation of the techniques he developed in those decisive months has produced hour upon hour of greyness … Atonal harmony and fragmented melody are still powerful expressive tools, as film composers demonstrate whenever their directors need a musical equivalent for psychological distress, but as the habitual texture of contemporary classical music their routine use has stripped them of meaning. Gringolts Quartet. Even though he has a point, I can honestly say I enjoy some of those gray expanses
[ 10205, 74, 290, 20642, 6557, 70, 357, 4965, 261, 385, 11, 1584, 8, 416, 38283, 396, 11288, 4176, 13, 198, 1026, 447, 247, 82, 635, 319, 262, 3002, 286, 257, 1492, 25, 7695, 14596, 287, 257, 968, 7383, 851, 27126, 416, 11, 290, 9299, 351, 11, 21810, 1526, 73, 19257, 24316, 2364, 13, 198, 1026, 447, 247, 82, 1327, 329, 502, 284, 4180, 257, 4637, 588, 428, 11, 523, 1568, 11, 314, 1392, 11040, 546, 20642, 6557, 70, 447, 247, 82, 37027, 290, 2067, 8680, 284, 8405, 286, 11288, 447, 247, 82, 10794, 13, 314, 1422, 447, 247, 83, 7564, 262, 2647, 11, 475, 706, 257, 981, 11, 314, 2540, 284, 3505, 314, 1541, 6898, 1223, 2073, 286, 20642, 6557, 70, 447, 247, 82, 13, 314, 36738, 992, 832, 616, 4875, 4947, 290, 1043, 6502, 20578, 74, 1077, 666, 447, 247, 82, 1935, 64, 2196, 286, 37027, 13, 198, 2504, 447, 247, 82, 618, 314, 12086, 13, 314, 836, 447, 247, 83, 588, 37027, 13, 198, 14945, 35019, 284, 20578, 74, 1077, 666, 447, 247, 82, 2196, 1364, 502, 4692, 851, 543, 314, 5465, 284, 910, 11, 780, 314, 447, 247, 76, 257, 4336, 286, 25144, 11, 290, 780, 20642, 6557, 70, 318, 991, 2877, 290, 11, 23332, 306, 11, 4406, 290, 17706, 19132, 7043, 1039, 351, 465, 3656, 13, 1374, 460, 345, 407, 1842, 326, 30, 198, 9590, 11, 37027, 1595, 447, 247, 83, 3904, 351, 502, 13, 632, 447, 247, 82, 257, 900, 286, 949, 42711, 851, 281, 21568, 900, 326, 20642, 6557, 70 ]
[ 1832, 74, 323, 44023, 28793, 320, 1079, 28798, 11, 220, 679, 21, 8, 555, 63137, 380, 22021, 9259, 627, 2181, 753, 1101, 389, 279, 3504, 315, 264, 2363, 25, 14128, 25265, 304, 264, 1561, 5422, 2001, 23691, 555, 11, 323, 19905, 449, 11, 40360, 2947, 73, 30303, 3700, 94138, 627, 2181, 753, 2653, 369, 757, 311, 22884, 264, 3717, 1093, 420, 11, 779, 3010, 11, 358, 2751, 22999, 922, 44023, 28793, 753, 59124, 323, 3940, 14624, 311, 10688, 315, 22021, 753, 23692, 13, 358, 3287, 1431, 15641, 279, 4731, 11, 719, 1306, 264, 1418, 11, 358, 6137, 311, 6227, 358, 2736, 13234, 2555, 775, 315, 44023, 28793, 753, 13, 358, 81350, 839, 1555, 856, 7528, 4526, 323, 1766, 13818, 42708, 74, 1003, 1122, 753, 4738, 64, 2373, 315, 59124, 627, 4897, 753, 994, 358, 27569, 13, 358, 1541, 1431, 1093, 59124, 627, 35862, 64748, 311, 42708, 74, 1003, 1122, 753, 2373, 2163, 757, 9439, 2001, 902, 358, 12491, 311, 2019, 11, 1606, 358, 4344, 264, 8571, 315, 11074, 11, 323, 1606, 44023, 28793, 374, 2103, 5496, 323, 11, 35509, 398, 11, 7576, 323, 27772, 27374, 3930, 1441, 449, 813, 7555, 13, 2650, 649, 499, 539, 3021, 430, 5380, 24205, 11, 59124, 3250, 1431, 4299, 449, 757, 13, 1102, 753, 264, 743, 315, 13726, 2859, 2001, 459, 42028, 743, 430, 44023, 28793 ]
[ 374, 2103, 7999, 311, 11, 779, 38140, 13592, 11911, 389, 902, 23810, 315, 9863, 279, 13839, 380, 22657, 13, 3011, 13189, 374, 41765, 13, 2030, 279, 13726, 2859, 5694, 2733, 1093, 33243, 88808, 645, 13, 358, 4344, 539, 3025, 311, 5613, 1124, 3871, 1139, 264, 1054, 27583, 2029, 10926, 433, 753, 1120, 430, 44023, 28793, 323, 358, 1120, 7784, 1431, 389, 279, 1890, 46406, 627, 5159, 48969, 315, 59124, 13146, 311, 757, 11, 3582, 627, 644, 264, 220, 1049, 24, 9071, 369, 578, 25460, 11, 26035, 13585, 3727, 459, 7185, 1486, 922, 57284, 56936, 753, 20160, 13, 578, 10657, 925, 41376, 295, 574, 23134, 555, 57284, 56936, 753, 14604, 1614, 11, 439, 813, 11103, 574, 16054, 10980, 13, 3011, 3250, 1431, 3152, 1475, 53584, 27204, 315, 220, 717, 43076, 374, 2133, 311, 8356, 2555, 2294, 11, 439, 13585, 14238, 512, 791, 17876, 33232, 8082, 315, 279, 12823, 568, 8040, 304, 1884, 51391, 4038, 706, 9124, 6596, 5304, 6596, 315, 2886, 1910, 434, 4696, 362, 783, 278, 26348, 323, 87195, 62684, 527, 2103, 8147, 78223, 7526, 11, 439, 4632, 95835, 20461, 15716, 872, 28454, 1205, 264, 18273, 13890, 369, 24064, 35104, 11, 719, 439, 279, 84820, 10651, 315, 19225, 29924, 4731, 872, 14348, 1005, 706, 37779, 1124, 315, 7438, 627, 6600, 287, 337, 2641, 70184, 295, 627, 13461, 3582, 568, 706, 264, 1486, 11, 358, 649, 27136, 2019, 358, 4774, 1063, 315, 1884, 18004, 40014, 288 ]
ative grammar), logical (modality relations, etc.), and intercommunicational (those that Searle called "speech acts" seen as bestowers of meaning). But they may also be related to historical linguistic changes, thereby joining diachrony with synchrony. In this way, through the subject who "means," linguistics is opened up to all possible categories and thus to philosophy, which linguistics had thought it would be able to escape. In a similar perspective, certain linguists, interested in explaining semantic constraints, distinguish between different types of _styles_ depending on the speaking subject's position vis-à-vis the utterance. Even when such research thereby introduces stylistics into semantics, its aim is to study the workings of signification, taking into account the subject of enunciation, which always proves to be the phenomenological subject. Some linguistic research goes even further: starting from the subject of enunciation/transcendental ego and prompted by the opening of linguistics onto semantics and logic, it views signification as an ideological and therefore historical production. We shall not be able to discuss the various advantages and drawbacks of this second trend in modern linguistics except to say that it is still evolving and that, although its conclusions
ative grammar), logical (modality relations, etc.), and intercommunicational (those that Searle called "speech acts" seen as bestowers of meaning). But they may also be related to historical linguistic changes, thereby joining diachrony with synchrony. In this way, through the subject who "means," linguistics is opened up to all possible categories and thus to philosophy, which linguistics had thought it would be able to escape. In a similar perspective, certain linguists, interested in explaining semantic constraints, distinguish between different types of _styles_ depending on the speaking subject's position vis-à-vis the utterance. Even when such research thereby introduces stylistics into semantics, its aim is to study the workings of signification, taking into account the subject of enunciation, which always proves to be the phenomenological subject. Some linguistic research goes even further: starting from the subject of enunciation/transcendental ego and prompted by the opening of linguistics onto semantics and logic, it views signification as an ideological and therefore historical production. We shall not be able to discuss the various advantages and drawbacks of this second trend in modern linguistics except to say that it is still evolving and that, although its conclusions
are only tentative, its epistemological bases lead us to the heart of the debate on phenomenology which we can only touch on here—and only insofar as the specific research we are at present undertaking allows. To summarize briefly what we shall elucidate later, the two trends just mentioned designate _two modalities_ of what is, for us, the same signifying process. We shall call the first _the semiotic_ and the second _the symbolic_. These two modalities are inseparable within the _signifying process_ that constitutes language, and the dialectic between them determines the type of discourse (narrative, metalanguage, theory, poetry, etc.) involved; in other words, so-called natural language allows for different modes of articulation of the semiotic and the symbolic. On the other hand, there are nonverbal signifying systems that are constructed exclusively on the basis of the semiotic (music, for example). But, as we shall see, this exclusivity is relative, precisely because of the necessary dialectic between the two modalities of the signifying process, which is constitutive of the subject. Because the subject is always _both_ semiotic _and_ symbolic, no signifying system he produces can be either
[ 876, 23491, 828, 12219, 357, 4666, 1483, 2316, 11, 3503, 12179, 290, 987, 10709, 291, 864, 357, 25591, 326, 42016, 293, 1444, 366, 45862, 6529, 1, 1775, 355, 1266, 3618, 286, 3616, 737, 887, 484, 743, 635, 307, 3519, 284, 6754, 29929, 2458, 11, 12839, 9679, 2566, 620, 1313, 88, 351, 18305, 88, 13, 554, 428, 835, 11, 832, 262, 2426, 508, 366, 1326, 504, 553, 20280, 3969, 318, 4721, 510, 284, 477, 1744, 9376, 290, 4145, 284, 8876, 11, 543, 20280, 3969, 550, 1807, 340, 561, 307, 1498, 284, 6654, 13, 198, 198, 818, 257, 2092, 6650, 11, 1728, 20280, 1023, 11, 4609, 287, 11170, 37865, 17778, 11, 15714, 1022, 1180, 3858, 286, 4808, 47720, 62, 6906, 319, 262, 5486, 2426, 338, 2292, 1490, 12, 24247, 12, 4703, 262, 10517, 590, 13, 3412, 618, 884, 2267, 12839, 20718, 22152, 3969, 656, 33815, 11, 663, 4031, 318, 284, 2050, 262, 35084, 286, 2216, 341, 11, 2263, 656, 1848, 262, 2426, 286, 551, 24978, 11, 543, 1464, 17021, 284, 307, 262, 7581, 2770, 2426, 13, 198, 198, 4366, 29929, 2267, 2925, 772, 2252, 25, 3599, 422, 262, 2426, 286, 551, 24978, 14, 7645, 15695, 2470, 19225, 290, 12053, 416, 262, 4756, 286, 20280, 3969, 4291, 33815, 290, 9156, 11, 340, 5009, 2216, 341, 355, 281, 15735, 290, 4361, 6754, 3227, 13, 198, 198, 1135, 2236, 407, 307, 1498, 284, 2112, 262, 2972, 13391, 290, 42763, 286, 428, 1218, 5182, 287, 3660, 20280, 3969, 2845, 284, 910, 326, 340, 318, 991, 21568, 290, 326, 11, 3584, 663, 13242 ]
[ 1413, 32528, 705, 20406, 320, 2658, 2786, 4398, 11, 5099, 25390, 323, 958, 26660, 1697, 320, 54719, 430, 328, 686, 273, 2663, 330, 89325, 14385, 1, 3970, 439, 1888, 16345, 315, 7438, 570, 2030, 814, 1253, 1101, 387, 5552, 311, 13970, 65767, 4442, 11, 28592, 18667, 1891, 613, 2298, 88, 449, 14453, 88, 13, 763, 420, 1648, 11, 1555, 279, 3917, 889, 330, 47321, 1359, 39603, 5706, 374, 9107, 709, 311, 682, 3284, 11306, 323, 8617, 311, 19675, 11, 902, 39603, 5706, 1047, 3463, 433, 1053, 387, 3025, 311, 12731, 382, 644, 264, 4528, 13356, 11, 3738, 39603, 1705, 11, 8173, 304, 26073, 42833, 17413, 11, 33137, 1990, 2204, 4595, 315, 721, 4041, 62, 11911, 389, 279, 12365, 3917, 596, 2361, 2145, 12, 6496, 82489, 279, 22256, 685, 13, 7570, 994, 1778, 3495, 28592, 40019, 67473, 1233, 1139, 53794, 11, 1202, 9395, 374, 311, 4007, 279, 79236, 315, 1879, 2461, 11, 4737, 1139, 2759, 279, 3917, 315, 665, 47410, 11, 902, 2744, 36862, 311, 387, 279, 17151, 5848, 3917, 382, 8538, 65767, 3495, 5900, 1524, 4726, 25, 6041, 505, 279, 3917, 315, 665, 47410, 81221, 66, 408, 6430, 37374, 323, 29746, 555, 279, 8736, 315, 39603, 5706, 8800, 53794, 323, 12496, 11, 433, 6325, 1879, 2461, 439, 459, 42933, 323, 9093, 13970, 5788, 382, 1687, 4985, 539, 387, 3025, 311, 4358, 279, 5370, 22934, 323, 89173, 315, 420, 2132, 9327, 304, 6617, 39603, 5706, 3734, 311, 2019, 430, 433, 374, 2103, 42028, 323, 430, 11, 8051, 1202, 31342 ]
[ 527, 1193, 76220, 11, 1202, 4248, 67521, 5848, 23963, 3063, 603, 311, 279, 4851, 315, 279, 11249, 389, 17151, 2508, 902, 584, 649, 1193, 5916, 389, 1618, 17223, 1193, 304, 94671, 439, 279, 3230, 3495, 584, 527, 520, 3118, 49326, 6276, 382, 1271, 63179, 27851, 1148, 584, 4985, 97298, 349, 3010, 11, 279, 1403, 18845, 1120, 9932, 75224, 721, 20375, 13531, 1385, 62, 315, 1148, 374, 11, 369, 603, 11, 279, 1890, 1879, 7922, 1920, 13, 1226, 4985, 1650, 279, 1176, 721, 1820, 5347, 62114, 62, 323, 279, 2132, 721, 1820, 36396, 5056, 4314, 1403, 13531, 1385, 527, 54682, 50256, 2949, 279, 721, 7908, 7922, 1920, 62, 430, 42675, 4221, 11, 323, 279, 43379, 292, 1990, 1124, 27667, 279, 955, 315, 41602, 320, 77, 1138, 1413, 11, 9501, 2681, 11, 10334, 11, 32349, 11, 5099, 6266, 6532, 26, 304, 1023, 4339, 11, 779, 19434, 5933, 4221, 6276, 369, 2204, 20362, 315, 28664, 2987, 315, 279, 5347, 62114, 323, 279, 36396, 13, 1952, 279, 1023, 1450, 11, 1070, 527, 2536, 424, 13616, 1879, 7922, 6067, 430, 527, 20968, 24121, 389, 279, 8197, 315, 279, 5347, 62114, 320, 32261, 11, 369, 3187, 570, 2030, 11, 439, 584, 4985, 1518, 11, 420, 18525, 1968, 374, 8844, 11, 24559, 1606, 315, 279, 5995, 43379, 292, 1990, 279, 1403, 13531, 1385, 315, 279, 1879, 7922, 1920, 11, 902, 374, 9129, 6844, 315, 279, 3917, 13, 9393, 279, 3917, 374, 2744, 721, 21704, 62, 5347, 62114, 721, 438, 62, 36396, 11, 912, 1879, 7922, 1887, 568, 19159, 649, 387, 3060 ]
the Hunter's Hammer yields Clock Parts. 11 August 2009: The Clockapult of Time was released with the introduction of the Jungle of Dread. The "nearly 88 miles per hour" and the "clock tower" portions of the description are references to the Back to the Future! movie series. 29 July, 2015: The point requirement for the Clockapult of Time was lowered from 20,000,000 to 12,500,000. This page was last edited on 21 February 2019, at 16:37. Image Title: Gallery Quality Bunk Beds Longfabu Within Decorations 2. Post Title: Quality Bunk Beds. Filename: gallery-quality-bunk-beds-longfabu-within-decorations-2.jpg. Image Dimension: 800 x 532 pixels. Images Format: jpg/jpeg. Publisher/Author: Jerome Mayer. Uploaded Date: Saturday - October 20th. 2018 05:55:10 AM. Category: Design. Image Source: archdaily.com. Happy Beds Bunk Bed Atlantis Pinewood White Triple Sleeper Quality Within Inspirations 18. Quality Bunk Beds Brackenfell Gumtree Classifieds South Africa Intended For
the Hunter's Hammer yields Clock Parts. 11 August 2009: The Clockapult of Time was released with the introduction of the Jungle of Dread. The "nearly 88 miles per hour" and the "clock tower" portions of the description are references to the Back to the Future! movie series. 29 July, 2015: The point requirement for the Clockapult of Time was lowered from 20,000,000 to 12,500,000. This page was last edited on 21 February 2019, at 16:37. Image Title: Gallery Quality Bunk Beds Longfabu Within Decorations 2. Post Title: Quality Bunk Beds. Filename: gallery-quality-bunk-beds-longfabu-within-decorations-2.jpg. Image Dimension: 800 x 532 pixels. Images Format: jpg/jpeg. Publisher/Author: Jerome Mayer. Uploaded Date: Saturday - October 20th. 2018 05:55:10 AM. Category: Design. Image Source: archdaily.com. Happy Beds Bunk Bed Atlantis Pinewood White Triple Sleeper Quality Within Inspirations 18. Quality Bunk Beds Brackenfell Gumtree Classifieds South Africa Intended For
Plan 19. The Quality Behind Wooden Bunk Beds Elites Home Decor In Inspirations 17. Single Bunk Bed Australia Get Bunky For Quality Beds Decor 6. Cloudseller 3FT SOLID WHITE BUNK BED IN FINISH SPLIT INTO TWO For Quality Bunk Beds Remodel 0. Kids Bunk Beds Intended For Quality Design 3. MAINE BUNK BEDS Sturdy Bunk Beds Handcrafted Quality Within Prepare 16. Glacier Bunk Beds Built To Last Children S Quality Throughout Design 4. 70 Quality Bunk Beds Master Bedroom Interior Design Ideas Check With Plans 5. Top Quality Handmade Childrens Products Bunk Beds Kids Regarding Plans 8. A special constable has told a panel at a gross misconduct hearing he felt “threatened” by an officer after pulling his daughter over for driving while on her phone. Special constable Stephen Jones and his colleague pulled over the woman after seeing her using her phone while driving down Park Street, Bristol, around midnight on October 28 last year. After recording the crime, the woman called her father – known only as ‘PC B’ - and handed special constable Jones the phone. According to Mr Jones
[ 262, 9055, 338, 18278, 19299, 21328, 22349, 13, 198, 1157, 2932, 3717, 25, 383, 21328, 41387, 286, 3862, 373, 2716, 351, 262, 9793, 286, 262, 26411, 286, 27005, 13, 198, 464, 366, 77, 11458, 9193, 4608, 583, 1711, 1, 290, 262, 366, 15750, 10580, 1, 16690, 286, 262, 6764, 389, 10288, 284, 262, 5157, 284, 262, 10898, 0, 3807, 2168, 13, 198, 1959, 2901, 11, 1853, 25, 383, 966, 9079, 329, 262, 21328, 41387, 286, 3862, 373, 17788, 422, 1160, 11, 830, 11, 830, 284, 1105, 11, 4059, 11, 830, 13, 198, 1212, 2443, 373, 938, 13012, 319, 2310, 3945, 13130, 11, 379, 1467, 25, 2718, 13, 7412, 11851, 25, 12917, 14156, 347, 2954, 347, 5379, 5882, 36434, 84, 12511, 4280, 273, 602, 362, 13, 2947, 11851, 25, 14156, 347, 2954, 347, 5379, 13, 7066, 12453, 25, 15604, 12, 13237, 12, 65, 2954, 12, 3077, 82, 12, 6511, 36434, 84, 12, 33479, 12, 12501, 273, 602, 12, 17, 13, 9479, 13, 7412, 34024, 25, 10460, 2124, 642, 2624, 17848, 13, 5382, 18980, 25, 474, 6024, 14, 73, 22071, 13, 28045, 14, 13838, 25, 33617, 33996, 13, 36803, 276, 7536, 25, 3909, 532, 3267, 1160, 400, 13, 2864, 8870, 25, 2816, 25, 940, 3001, 13, 21743, 25, 8495, 13, 7412, 8090, 25, 3934, 29468, 13, 785, 13, 14628, 347, 5379, 347, 2954, 15585, 34779, 13727, 413, 702, 2635, 19817, 19498, 5723, 14156, 12511, 25300, 343, 602, 1248, 13, 14156, 347, 2954, 347, 5379, 1709, 441, 268, 23299, 34587, 21048, 5016, 1431, 82, 2520, 5478, 2558, 1631, 1114 ]
[ 279, 24008, 596, 37994, 36508, 27234, 27399, 627, 806, 6287, 220, 1049, 24, 25, 578, 27234, 73906, 315, 4212, 574, 6004, 449, 279, 17219, 315, 279, 60763, 315, 82304, 627, 791, 330, 77, 22928, 220, 2421, 8931, 824, 6596, 1, 323, 279, 330, 21321, 21970, 1, 19885, 315, 279, 4096, 527, 15407, 311, 279, 6984, 311, 279, 12781, 0, 5818, 4101, 627, 1682, 5887, 11, 220, 679, 20, 25, 578, 1486, 16686, 369, 279, 27234, 73906, 315, 4212, 574, 39920, 505, 220, 508, 11, 931, 11, 931, 311, 220, 717, 11, 2636, 11, 931, 627, 2028, 2199, 574, 1566, 19685, 389, 220, 1691, 7552, 220, 679, 24, 11, 520, 220, 845, 25, 1806, 13, 4758, 11106, 25, 19853, 18410, 426, 3200, 67354, 5843, 37955, 84, 25218, 28069, 811, 220, 17, 13, 3962, 11106, 25, 18410, 426, 3200, 67354, 13, 50911, 25, 18537, 22867, 1481, 3200, 1481, 6910, 24725, 37955, 84, 27281, 258, 6953, 6133, 811, 12, 17, 4924, 13, 4758, 29023, 25, 220, 4728, 865, 220, 20711, 16128, 13, 12041, 15392, 25, 72285, 52918, 13, 40233, 14, 7279, 25, 70874, 74811, 13, 69304, 2696, 25, 7884, 482, 6664, 220, 508, 339, 13, 220, 679, 23, 220, 2304, 25, 2131, 25, 605, 6912, 13, 10260, 25, 7127, 13, 4758, 8922, 25, 5438, 49174, 916, 13, 24241, 67354, 426, 3200, 13394, 88035, 17929, 76365, 5929, 37749, 47563, 716, 18410, 25218, 89957, 811, 220, 972, 13, 18410, 426, 3200, 67354, 3320, 474, 268, 67643, 75589, 9528, 80536, 82, 4987, 10384, 1357, 2954, 1789 ]
[ 9878, 220, 777, 13, 578, 18410, 43474, 63592, 426, 3200, 67354, 4072, 3695, 5492, 28069, 763, 89957, 811, 220, 1114, 13, 11579, 426, 3200, 13394, 8494, 2175, 426, 70305, 1789, 18410, 67354, 28069, 220, 21, 13, 15161, 35199, 220, 18, 4082, 37023, 926, 43867, 426, 32983, 83364, 2006, 25338, 16849, 328, 52697, 12779, 47358, 1789, 18410, 426, 3200, 67354, 5031, 725, 220, 15, 13, 23338, 426, 3200, 67354, 1357, 2954, 1789, 18410, 7127, 220, 18, 13, 9917, 4069, 426, 32983, 83364, 50, 800, 40218, 426, 3200, 67354, 8704, 80894, 18410, 25218, 32266, 220, 845, 13, 96486, 426, 3200, 67354, 34154, 2057, 8155, 15394, 328, 18410, 46982, 7127, 220, 19, 13, 220, 2031, 18410, 426, 3200, 67354, 11060, 33955, 29958, 7127, 23748, 4343, 3161, 35695, 220, 20, 13, 7054, 18410, 8704, 28010, 15394, 82, 15899, 426, 3200, 67354, 23338, 73773, 35695, 220, 23, 13, 362, 3361, 738, 481, 706, 3309, 264, 7090, 520, 264, 20547, 41094, 11011, 568, 6612, 1054, 97229, 6901, 863, 555, 459, 9640, 1306, 23062, 813, 10003, 927, 369, 10043, 1418, 389, 1077, 4641, 627, 20989, 738, 481, 18587, 12201, 323, 813, 37444, 13541, 927, 279, 5333, 1306, 9298, 1077, 1701, 1077, 4641, 1418, 10043, 1523, 5657, 6825, 11, 45039, 11, 2212, 33433, 389, 6664, 220, 1591, 1566, 1060, 627, 6153, 14975, 279, 9977, 11, 279, 5333, 2663, 1077, 7126, 1389, 3967, 1193, 439, 3451, 4977, 426, 529, 482, 323, 23415, 3361, 738, 481, 12201, 279, 4641, 627, 11439, 311, 4491, 12201 ]
Retailers had reported robust sales in the first half of the holiday season. But consumers grew more cautious when a political standoff over border wall funding temporarily shuttered parts of the federal government just before Christmas. This followed a roller-coaster ride on Wall Street, as investors worried that trade tensions between the U.S. and China would cut into corporate profits. "The combination of financial market volatility, the government shutdown and trade tensions created a trifecta of anxiety and uncertainty impacting spending," said National Retail Federation chief economist Jack Kleinhenz. The 35-day government shutdown delayed the release of the retail figures. But the Commerce Department said the shutdown did not compromise the quality of the survey. Retailers were not so certain. "This is an incomplete story," Kleinhenz said. "We will be in a better position to judge the reliability of the results when the government revises its 2018 data in the coming months." White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow shrugged off the downbeat numbers. "The overall economy is very strong," he told Fox News. "Investment is strong. Consumption is strong despite this number, which has so many glitches in it." While Kudlow maintained an outward show of confidence, he also
Retailers had reported robust sales in the first half of the holiday season. But consumers grew more cautious when a political standoff over border wall funding temporarily shuttered parts of the federal government just before Christmas. This followed a roller-coaster ride on Wall Street, as investors worried that trade tensions between the U.S. and China would cut into corporate profits. "The combination of financial market volatility, the government shutdown and trade tensions created a trifecta of anxiety and uncertainty impacting spending," said National Retail Federation chief economist Jack Kleinhenz. The 35-day government shutdown delayed the release of the retail figures. But the Commerce Department said the shutdown did not compromise the quality of the survey. Retailers were not so certain. "This is an incomplete story," Kleinhenz said. "We will be in a better position to judge the reliability of the results when the government revises its 2018 data in the coming months." White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow shrugged off the downbeat numbers. "The overall economy is very strong," he told Fox News. "Investment is strong. Consumption is strong despite this number, which has so many glitches in it." While Kudlow maintained an outward show of confidence, he also
said he's pleased that the Federal Reserve has stopped raising interest rates for the time being. The sharp drop in December's retail sales is likely to reinforce the Fed's more cautious approach. Boosting economic growth has been a top priority for the Trump administration. Growth accelerated to 4.2 percent in the spring of last year, thanks in part to the GOP tax cut and increased government spending. While the White House argues faster growth can be sustained, many observers believe the effects are a temporary "sugar high" that will soon wear off. Growth in the third quarter slowed to 3.4 percent. A preliminary estimate of fourth-quarter growth will be released on Feb. 28. NPR News npr news Home»ADOT Blog»Watch out for this Sasquatch along US 60 Watch out for this Sasquatch along US 60 This was a name that got us all wondering: Sasquatch. Sasquatch? Isn’t that another name for Bigfoot, the mythical hairy man-like ape creature said to exist in the Pacific Northwest? So when we heard that a highway mile had been named in reference to Bigfoot, we had to learn more. To start with, yes, we have a mile of US 60 named
[ 9781, 603, 364, 550, 2098, 12373, 4200, 287, 262, 717, 2063, 286, 262, 9912, 1622, 13, 887, 7008, 6348, 517, 21205, 618, 257, 1964, 33379, 625, 4865, 3355, 4918, 13413, 4423, 4400, 3354, 286, 262, 2717, 1230, 655, 878, 6786, 13, 770, 3940, 257, 24471, 12, 1073, 1603, 6594, 319, 5007, 3530, 11, 355, 7713, 7960, 326, 3292, 15733, 1022, 262, 471, 13, 50, 13, 290, 2807, 561, 2005, 656, 6355, 10177, 13, 198, 1, 464, 6087, 286, 3176, 1910, 30772, 11, 262, 1230, 18325, 290, 3292, 15733, 2727, 257, 491, 361, 478, 64, 286, 9751, 290, 13479, 40288, 4581, 553, 531, 2351, 26702, 11937, 4039, 17646, 3619, 22864, 831, 89, 13, 198, 464, 3439, 12, 820, 1230, 18325, 11038, 262, 2650, 286, 262, 6308, 5538, 13, 887, 262, 16127, 2732, 531, 262, 18325, 750, 407, 13110, 262, 3081, 286, 262, 5526, 13, 26702, 364, 547, 407, 523, 1728, 13, 198, 1, 1212, 318, 281, 17503, 1621, 553, 22864, 831, 89, 531, 13, 366, 1135, 481, 307, 287, 257, 1365, 2292, 284, 5052, 262, 17843, 286, 262, 2482, 618, 262, 1230, 2710, 2696, 663, 2864, 1366, 287, 262, 2406, 1933, 526, 198, 12256, 2097, 3034, 12534, 13633, 509, 463, 9319, 28271, 572, 262, 866, 12945, 3146, 13, 198, 1, 464, 4045, 3773, 318, 845, 1913, 553, 339, 1297, 5426, 3000, 13, 366, 19070, 434, 318, 1913, 13, 42158, 318, 1913, 3805, 428, 1271, 11, 543, 468, 523, 867, 43705, 287, 340, 526, 198, 3633, 509, 463, 9319, 9456, 281, 23537, 905, 286, 6628, 11, 339, 635 ]
[ 78006, 388, 1047, 5068, 22514, 6763, 304, 279, 1176, 4376, 315, 279, 13560, 3280, 13, 2030, 13723, 14264, 810, 46878, 994, 264, 5054, 85427, 927, 3973, 7147, 11006, 28191, 49056, 291, 5596, 315, 279, 6918, 3109, 1120, 1603, 10280, 13, 1115, 8272, 264, 29551, 23283, 2352, 12141, 389, 9935, 6825, 11, 439, 15167, 18290, 430, 6696, 39510, 1990, 279, 549, 815, 13, 323, 5734, 1053, 4018, 1139, 13166, 22613, 627, 10227, 10824, 315, 6020, 3157, 53838, 11, 279, 3109, 24700, 323, 6696, 39510, 3549, 264, 90203, 113588, 315, 18547, 323, 27924, 74055, 10374, 1359, 1071, 5165, 35139, 28331, 10388, 46215, 7762, 43241, 12301, 89, 627, 791, 220, 1758, 11477, 3109, 24700, 23540, 279, 4984, 315, 279, 11040, 12678, 13, 2030, 279, 31480, 6011, 1071, 279, 24700, 1550, 539, 30485, 279, 4367, 315, 279, 10795, 13, 35139, 388, 1051, 539, 779, 3738, 627, 22244, 374, 459, 33243, 3446, 1359, 43241, 12301, 89, 1071, 13, 330, 1687, 690, 387, 304, 264, 2731, 2361, 311, 11913, 279, 31638, 315, 279, 3135, 994, 279, 3109, 17951, 288, 1202, 220, 679, 23, 828, 304, 279, 5108, 4038, 10246, 14404, 4783, 7100, 32853, 30390, 735, 664, 10516, 70756, 1022, 279, 1523, 23019, 5219, 627, 10227, 8244, 8752, 374, 1633, 3831, 1359, 568, 3309, 13585, 5513, 13, 330, 34976, 479, 374, 3831, 13, 87266, 374, 3831, 8994, 420, 1396, 11, 902, 706, 779, 1690, 97480, 304, 433, 10246, 8142, 735, 664, 10516, 18908, 459, 52046, 1501, 315, 12410, 11, 568, 1101 ]
[ 1071, 568, 596, 18949, 430, 279, 12411, 25820, 706, 10717, 19054, 2802, 7969, 369, 279, 892, 1694, 13, 578, 17676, 6068, 304, 6790, 596, 11040, 6763, 374, 4461, 311, 55414, 279, 24526, 596, 810, 46878, 5603, 627, 53463, 287, 7100, 6650, 706, 1027, 264, 1948, 10844, 369, 279, 3420, 8735, 13, 34871, 49858, 311, 220, 19, 13, 17, 3346, 304, 279, 10683, 315, 1566, 1060, 11, 9523, 304, 961, 311, 279, 18598, 3827, 4018, 323, 7319, 3109, 10374, 627, 8142, 279, 5929, 4783, 29633, 10819, 6650, 649, 387, 29759, 11, 1690, 37643, 4510, 279, 6372, 527, 264, 13643, 330, 82, 8734, 1579, 1, 430, 690, 5246, 10051, 1022, 13, 34871, 304, 279, 4948, 8502, 48946, 311, 220, 18, 13, 19, 3346, 13, 362, 33269, 16430, 315, 11999, 58414, 6650, 690, 387, 6004, 389, 13806, 13, 220, 1591, 627, 45, 6616, 5513, 308, 652, 3754, 5492, 13289, 1846, 1831, 14496, 13289, 14581, 704, 369, 420, 62189, 447, 759, 3235, 2326, 220, 1399, 198, 14581, 704, 369, 420, 62189, 447, 759, 3235, 2326, 220, 1399, 198, 2028, 574, 264, 836, 430, 2751, 603, 682, 20910, 25, 62189, 447, 759, 627, 50, 300, 447, 759, 30, 53296, 1431, 430, 2500, 836, 369, 6295, 5447, 11, 279, 84219, 51133, 893, 12970, 85980, 17661, 1071, 311, 3073, 304, 279, 16867, 40505, 5380, 4516, 994, 584, 6755, 430, 264, 27834, 14929, 1047, 1027, 7086, 304, 5905, 311, 6295, 5447, 11, 584, 1047, 311, 4048, 810, 627, 1271, 1212, 449, 11, 10035, 11, 584, 617, 264, 14929, 315, 2326, 220, 1399, 7086 ]
and hearts of millions of people. This is still a shapeless feeling, primordial for some aspects, but precisely for this reason, potentially disruptive. What can we say for sure - it has clearly manifested in this intense election campaign - is that it is developing a new political request, that of a true political and social alternative. 3. A class vote Both the direct experience that the specialist research tell us that of December 4 was a class vote. The No's landslide victory in the factories, among the unemployed, in the most impoverished groups of self-employment among young people. The extraordinary result of the South (72.2% in Sardinia, 71.6% in Sicily, 68.5% in Campania, 67% in Calabria, 67.2% in Puglia) to report as the vote has followed a social divide, which has deepened during the crisis. A fracture from which emerge clearly two social blocks: those who are still doing well, and choose preservation of the status quo; and the majority, who is having a hard time, and it’s pushing for a reversal of the current situation. 4. The NO to the Europe Among the many reasons for the NO, stands the desire to win back
and hearts of millions of people. This is still a shapeless feeling, primordial for some aspects, but precisely for this reason, potentially disruptive. What can we say for sure - it has clearly manifested in this intense election campaign - is that it is developing a new political request, that of a true political and social alternative. 3. A class vote Both the direct experience that the specialist research tell us that of December 4 was a class vote. The No's landslide victory in the factories, among the unemployed, in the most impoverished groups of self-employment among young people. The extraordinary result of the South (72.2% in Sardinia, 71.6% in Sicily, 68.5% in Campania, 67% in Calabria, 67.2% in Puglia) to report as the vote has followed a social divide, which has deepened during the crisis. A fracture from which emerge clearly two social blocks: those who are still doing well, and choose preservation of the status quo; and the majority, who is having a hard time, and it’s pushing for a reversal of the current situation. 4. The NO to the Europe Among the many reasons for the NO, stands the desire to win back
sovereignty. The desire to free ourselves from passivity in the face of monstrosity of capitalist globalization cannot evade the central theme of sovereignty. Which, in this phase of Italian situation, means first of all breaking with the European Union, the reconquering of political and monetary sovereignty as the basis for a new political sovereignty, both popular and democratic. Truly, the referendum was also on Europe. Not only for the content of constitutional changes, but also to the clear pronouncement EU in support of Renzi. That of the Italians was therefore a no directed not only to the government of Rome, but also to the oligarchies Pro-UE 5. The B of the ruling classes plan In front of the earthquake of December 4, the centers of political power, as well as those of economic power, now have a single plan: to take time, to postpone the elections as long as possible. All the moves made until now points in that direction. Those of Republic’s President Mattarella, the ongoing maneuvers inside the Democratic Party, the pressure exerted by the media. This plan is both strong and weak at the same time. It is strong, because it relies on the mentioned above powers, on a clear, even if mixed, parliamentary majority, on the
[ 290, 11954, 286, 5242, 286, 661, 13, 770, 318, 991, 257, 427, 499, 5321, 4203, 11, 2684, 31223, 329, 617, 7612, 11, 475, 10582, 329, 428, 1738, 11, 6196, 28094, 13, 1867, 460, 356, 910, 329, 1654, 532, 340, 468, 4084, 34300, 287, 428, 8157, 3071, 1923, 532, 318, 326, 340, 318, 5922, 257, 649, 1964, 2581, 11, 326, 286, 257, 2081, 1964, 290, 1919, 5559, 13, 198, 18, 13, 317, 1398, 3015, 198, 10265, 262, 1277, 1998, 326, 262, 15670, 2267, 1560, 514, 326, 286, 3426, 604, 373, 257, 1398, 3015, 13, 383, 1400, 338, 36348, 5373, 287, 262, 17590, 11, 1871, 262, 21021, 11, 287, 262, 749, 35014, 2628, 286, 2116, 12, 28812, 1871, 1862, 661, 13, 383, 11359, 1255, 286, 262, 2520, 357, 4761, 13, 17, 4, 287, 46997, 43168, 11, 9166, 13, 21, 4, 287, 49301, 11, 8257, 13, 20, 4, 287, 5425, 5411, 11, 8275, 4, 287, 2199, 397, 7496, 11, 8275, 13, 17, 4, 287, 33260, 24660, 8, 284, 989, 355, 262, 3015, 468, 3940, 257, 1919, 14083, 11, 543, 468, 2769, 2945, 1141, 262, 4902, 13, 317, 31846, 422, 543, 14740, 4084, 734, 1919, 7021, 25, 883, 508, 389, 991, 1804, 880, 11, 290, 3853, 22459, 286, 262, 3722, 18658, 26, 290, 262, 3741, 11, 508, 318, 1719, 257, 1327, 640, 11, 290, 340, 447, 247, 82, 7796, 329, 257, 27138, 286, 262, 1459, 3074, 13, 198, 19, 13, 383, 8005, 284, 262, 2031, 198, 14311, 262, 867, 3840, 329, 262, 8005, 11, 6296, 262, 6227, 284, 1592, 736 ]
[ 323, 23492, 315, 11990, 315, 1274, 13, 1115, 374, 2103, 264, 6211, 1752, 8430, 11, 9036, 93773, 369, 1063, 13878, 11, 719, 24559, 369, 420, 2944, 11, 13893, 62642, 13, 3639, 649, 584, 2019, 369, 2771, 482, 433, 706, 9539, 79754, 304, 420, 19428, 6355, 4901, 482, 374, 430, 433, 374, 11469, 264, 502, 5054, 1715, 11, 430, 315, 264, 837, 5054, 323, 3674, 10778, 627, 18, 13, 362, 538, 7055, 198, 21279, 279, 2167, 3217, 430, 279, 24687, 3495, 3371, 603, 430, 315, 6790, 220, 19, 574, 264, 538, 7055, 13, 578, 2360, 596, 96802, 12845, 304, 279, 35159, 11, 4315, 279, 49989, 11, 304, 279, 1455, 88398, 5315, 315, 659, 12, 21093, 4315, 3995, 1274, 13, 578, 24674, 1121, 315, 279, 4987, 320, 5332, 13, 17, 4, 304, 328, 54890, 689, 11, 220, 6028, 13, 21, 4, 304, 56954, 1570, 11, 220, 2614, 13, 20, 4, 304, 8215, 857, 689, 11, 220, 3080, 4, 304, 3400, 370, 4298, 11, 220, 3080, 13, 17, 4, 304, 393, 773, 24235, 8, 311, 1934, 439, 279, 7055, 706, 8272, 264, 3674, 22497, 11, 902, 706, 5655, 6901, 2391, 279, 11501, 13, 362, 59904, 505, 902, 34044, 9539, 1403, 3674, 10215, 25, 1884, 889, 527, 2103, 3815, 1664, 11, 323, 5268, 46643, 315, 279, 2704, 41608, 26, 323, 279, 8857, 11, 889, 374, 3515, 264, 2653, 892, 11, 323, 433, 753, 17919, 369, 264, 59214, 315, 279, 1510, 6671, 627, 19, 13, 578, 5782, 311, 279, 4606, 198, 34710, 279, 1690, 8125, 369, 279, 5782, 11, 13656, 279, 12876, 311, 3243, 1203 ]
[ 47059, 13, 578, 12876, 311, 1949, 13520, 505, 1522, 1968, 304, 279, 3663, 315, 1647, 267, 3714, 488, 315, 41067, 81069, 4250, 77753, 279, 8792, 7057, 315, 47059, 13, 16299, 11, 304, 420, 10474, 315, 15155, 6671, 11, 3445, 1176, 315, 682, 15061, 449, 279, 7665, 9323, 11, 279, 16456, 447, 4776, 315, 5054, 323, 33384, 47059, 439, 279, 8197, 369, 264, 502, 5054, 47059, 11, 2225, 5526, 323, 26623, 13, 88248, 11, 279, 30798, 574, 1101, 389, 4606, 13, 2876, 1193, 369, 279, 2262, 315, 25543, 4442, 11, 719, 1101, 311, 279, 2867, 19126, 41271, 10013, 304, 1862, 315, 14094, 8510, 13, 3011, 315, 279, 97333, 574, 9093, 264, 912, 15910, 539, 1193, 311, 279, 3109, 315, 22463, 11, 719, 1101, 311, 279, 55984, 1132, 552, 1322, 12, 2279, 198, 20, 13, 578, 426, 315, 279, 17864, 6989, 3197, 198, 644, 4156, 315, 279, 38413, 315, 6790, 220, 19, 11, 279, 19169, 315, 5054, 2410, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 1884, 315, 7100, 2410, 11, 1457, 617, 264, 3254, 3197, 25, 311, 1935, 892, 11, 311, 95758, 279, 16374, 439, 1317, 439, 3284, 13, 2052, 279, 11031, 1903, 3156, 1457, 3585, 304, 430, 5216, 13, 13266, 315, 5545, 753, 4900, 13678, 76031, 11, 279, 14529, 96891, 4871, 279, 11650, 8722, 11, 279, 7410, 43844, 291, 555, 279, 3772, 13, 1115, 3197, 374, 2225, 3831, 323, 7621, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 13, 1102, 374, 3831, 11, 1606, 433, 34744, 389, 279, 9932, 3485, 13736, 11, 389, 264, 2867, 11, 1524, 422, 9709, 11, 44250, 8857, 11, 389, 279 ]
? Talking to us about Ankita Raina’s journey into tennis, her mother Lalita Raina ji, told us that she began playing from the age of four in an academy (AGETA) close to their house in Ahmedabad. Her first inspiration, elder brother Ankur Raina, was already into tennis. Lalitaji used to take both her children to the academy from a very young age. She was of the belief that both the kids should be involved in some sort of physical activity. She says, “Ankita was thoroughly enjoying it. Her school used to start at 8am, but before that early in the morning, I used to take her to the Academy. She used to play till 7:30am, and then get ready for her school”. Ankita Raina with her mother Lalita Raina ji. This went on for 3-4 years. Then she started playing local, district and state-level tournaments at U8, U10 and U12, and she was already performing at a very good level. Ankita was selected for the National School Games while she was still in 2nd std, where she competed against fourteen year old girls. She won a Silver Medal at
? Talking to us about Ankita Raina’s journey into tennis, her mother Lalita Raina ji, told us that she began playing from the age of four in an academy (AGETA) close to their house in Ahmedabad. Her first inspiration, elder brother Ankur Raina, was already into tennis. Lalitaji used to take both her children to the academy from a very young age. She was of the belief that both the kids should be involved in some sort of physical activity. She says, “Ankita was thoroughly enjoying it. Her school used to start at 8am, but before that early in the morning, I used to take her to the Academy. She used to play till 7:30am, and then get ready for her school”. Ankita Raina with her mother Lalita Raina ji. This went on for 3-4 years. Then she started playing local, district and state-level tournaments at U8, U10 and U12, and she was already performing at a very good level. Ankita was selected for the National School Games while she was still in 2nd std, where she competed against fourteen year old girls. She won a Silver Medal at
the event! Her brother also played competitive tennis till his 10th but later as he took up science stream, his schedule was extremely busy and so he further pursued studies. But he always looked out for his younger sister and supported her as he had been through those challenges so prepared her for it. This is the first in a series of articles going in-depth into the journey of Ankita Raina, the Indian no.1 in singles and doubles on the WTA Rankings. The article will also be available for read on http://www.scroll.in – a popular Indian news website Ankita’s foundation in tennis Her initial pillars of support were her brother, parents and coach from Ahmedabad. While she was still very young, she could play only a few tournaments, as Lalitaji was working under LIC and it was only possible whenever she could get her office leaves sanctioned. But then, since the age of 14 – Ankita started travelling alone – in India and abroad, chiefly because of personal and financial limitations. Be it Chennai, Bengaluru or Jordan, Syria – it was very tough but there was no other solution available to them. “God helped her. I firmly surmise so. That is why, having
[ 30, 198, 45904, 284, 514, 546, 24792, 5350, 10301, 64, 447, 247, 82, 7002, 656, 20790, 11, 607, 2802, 36683, 5350, 10301, 64, 474, 72, 11, 1297, 514, 326, 673, 2540, 2712, 422, 262, 2479, 286, 1440, 287, 281, 21531, 357, 4760, 20892, 8, 1969, 284, 511, 2156, 287, 21157, 17325, 13, 2332, 717, 12141, 11, 10550, 3956, 24792, 333, 10301, 64, 11, 373, 1541, 656, 20790, 13, 36683, 270, 26436, 973, 284, 1011, 1111, 607, 1751, 284, 262, 21531, 422, 257, 845, 1862, 2479, 13, 1375, 373, 286, 262, 4901, 326, 1111, 262, 3988, 815, 307, 2950, 287, 617, 3297, 286, 3518, 3842, 13, 1375, 1139, 11, 564, 250, 2025, 74, 5350, 373, 13770, 13226, 340, 13, 2332, 1524, 973, 284, 923, 379, 807, 321, 11, 475, 878, 326, 1903, 287, 262, 3329, 11, 314, 973, 284, 1011, 607, 284, 262, 8581, 13, 1375, 973, 284, 711, 10597, 767, 25, 1270, 321, 11, 290, 788, 651, 3492, 329, 607, 1524, 447, 251, 13, 198, 2025, 74, 5350, 10301, 64, 351, 607, 2802, 36683, 5350, 10301, 64, 474, 72, 13, 198, 1212, 1816, 319, 329, 513, 12, 19, 812, 13, 3244, 673, 2067, 2712, 1957, 11, 4783, 290, 1181, 12, 5715, 18130, 379, 471, 23, 11, 471, 940, 290, 471, 1065, 11, 290, 673, 373, 1541, 9489, 379, 257, 845, 922, 1241, 13, 24792, 5350, 373, 6163, 329, 262, 2351, 3961, 5776, 981, 673, 373, 991, 287, 362, 358, 14367, 11, 810, 673, 32440, 1028, 29167, 614, 1468, 4813, 13, 1375, 1839, 257, 7698, 9064, 379 ]
[ 5380, 91057, 311, 603, 922, 57915, 6388, 22674, 64, 753, 11879, 1139, 32515, 11, 1077, 6691, 84883, 6388, 22674, 64, 74985, 11, 3309, 603, 430, 1364, 6137, 5737, 505, 279, 4325, 315, 3116, 304, 459, 44445, 320, 1929, 21352, 8, 3345, 311, 872, 3838, 304, 41769, 28447, 13, 6385, 1176, 20343, 11, 22916, 10868, 57915, 324, 22674, 64, 11, 574, 2736, 1139, 32515, 13, 84883, 275, 42888, 1511, 311, 1935, 2225, 1077, 2911, 311, 279, 44445, 505, 264, 1633, 3995, 4325, 13, 3005, 574, 315, 279, 16801, 430, 2225, 279, 6980, 1288, 387, 6532, 304, 1063, 3460, 315, 7106, 5820, 13, 3005, 2795, 11, 1054, 2127, 74, 6388, 574, 27461, 22128, 433, 13, 6385, 2978, 1511, 311, 1212, 520, 220, 23, 309, 11, 719, 1603, 430, 4216, 304, 279, 6693, 11, 358, 1511, 311, 1935, 1077, 311, 279, 16192, 13, 3005, 1511, 311, 1514, 12222, 220, 22, 25, 966, 309, 11, 323, 1243, 636, 5644, 369, 1077, 2978, 113068, 2127, 74, 6388, 22674, 64, 449, 1077, 6691, 84883, 6388, 22674, 64, 74985, 627, 2028, 4024, 389, 369, 220, 18, 12, 19, 1667, 13, 5112, 1364, 3940, 5737, 2254, 11, 9474, 323, 1614, 11852, 40161, 520, 549, 23, 11, 549, 605, 323, 549, 717, 11, 323, 1364, 574, 2736, 16785, 520, 264, 1633, 1695, 2237, 13, 57915, 6388, 574, 4183, 369, 279, 5165, 6150, 11871, 1418, 1364, 574, 2103, 304, 220, 17, 303, 1487, 11, 1405, 1364, 67235, 2403, 63360, 1060, 2362, 7724, 13, 3005, 2834, 264, 15347, 17867, 520 ]
[ 279, 1567, 0, 6385, 10868, 1101, 6476, 15022, 32515, 12222, 813, 220, 605, 339, 719, 3010, 439, 568, 3952, 709, 8198, 4365, 11, 813, 9899, 574, 9193, 13326, 323, 779, 568, 4726, 46531, 7978, 13, 2030, 568, 2744, 7111, 704, 369, 813, 14992, 13219, 323, 7396, 1077, 439, 568, 1047, 1027, 1555, 1884, 11774, 779, 10235, 1077, 369, 433, 627, 2028, 374, 279, 1176, 304, 264, 4101, 315, 9908, 2133, 304, 31410, 1139, 279, 11879, 315, 57915, 6388, 22674, 64, 11, 279, 7904, 912, 13, 16, 304, 17845, 323, 40396, 389, 279, 468, 15559, 83899, 627, 791, 4652, 690, 1101, 387, 2561, 369, 1373, 389, 1795, 1129, 2185, 16883, 1896, 1389, 264, 5526, 7904, 3754, 3997, 198, 2127, 74, 6388, 753, 16665, 304, 32515, 198, 21364, 2926, 64982, 315, 1862, 1051, 1077, 10868, 11, 6699, 323, 7395, 505, 41769, 28447, 13, 6104, 1364, 574, 2103, 1633, 3995, 11, 1364, 1436, 1514, 1193, 264, 2478, 40161, 11, 439, 84883, 275, 42888, 574, 3318, 1234, 84338, 323, 433, 574, 1193, 3284, 15716, 1364, 1436, 636, 1077, 5274, 11141, 74344, 13, 2030, 1243, 11, 2533, 279, 4325, 315, 220, 975, 1389, 57915, 6388, 3940, 31829, 7636, 1389, 304, 6890, 323, 22917, 11, 89382, 1606, 315, 4443, 323, 6020, 9669, 13, 2893, 433, 64921, 11, 50120, 21585, 477, 17527, 11, 12911, 1389, 433, 574, 1633, 11292, 719, 1070, 574, 912, 1023, 6425, 2561, 311, 1124, 13, 1054, 28622, 9087, 1077, 13, 358, 32620, 1765, 74306, 779, 13, 3011, 374, 3249, 11, 3515 ]
tpsC): Somehow, the CBS Radio blog did re-arrange the comments section, yesterday. It seems to have been corrected, now. I believe my first comment was this: "lilady R.N. • 4 days ago Unfortunately, Dr. Gordon's 4 month old patient is not eligible for a measles vaccine, but a young infant under 6 months of age, with a measles exposure to a close household contact may be given an IM dose of immune globulin, in lieu of the MMR vaccine. One has to wonder if Dr. Gordon's 4 month patient has slightly older siblings and the parents are following Dr. Gordon's advice and they too, are unprotected? What more can we expect from Dr. Gordon, who refuses to abide by the AAP Standards of Care to provide timely and complete immunizations, according to the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations?" pgp: Please stop! You've have told repeatedly on this blog, that your animus directed to men in general and male doctors in particular, is inappropriate and vile. Jake has a new post up on his blog. He links to Bolen's new post, as well: http://www.autisminvestigated.com/age-of
tpsC): Somehow, the CBS Radio blog did re-arrange the comments section, yesterday. It seems to have been corrected, now. I believe my first comment was this: "lilady R.N. • 4 days ago Unfortunately, Dr. Gordon's 4 month old patient is not eligible for a measles vaccine, but a young infant under 6 months of age, with a measles exposure to a close household contact may be given an IM dose of immune globulin, in lieu of the MMR vaccine. One has to wonder if Dr. Gordon's 4 month patient has slightly older siblings and the parents are following Dr. Gordon's advice and they too, are unprotected? What more can we expect from Dr. Gordon, who refuses to abide by the AAP Standards of Care to provide timely and complete immunizations, according to the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations?" pgp: Please stop! You've have told repeatedly on this blog, that your animus directed to men in general and male doctors in particular, is inappropriate and vile. Jake has a new post up on his blog. He links to Bolen's new post, as well: http://www.autisminvestigated.com/age-of
-autism-condemned/ We know who Bolen's new lapdog is, now. Fair enough. I missed the comment where you acknowledged saying something about "look at the comment I posted..." Pointing that out on my part was unnecessary, and I apologize for harping on it. I do feel that most of Bob G's comments (and yes, I also went back and looked at the history) weren't purposefully offensive, but I can understand some people are more sensitive about things than others and don't fault anyone for retaliating to such language. I do have a question about this particular statement, however... I tried to explain to Bob that “brain damaged” infers that infants were born “perfectly” neuro-typical and that “something” caused that brain damage…a favorite trope of the anti-vaxxers and their targeting of vaccines being the cause of their kids’ “brain damage”. What literature is this inferred from? I agree it's a favorite trope of the anti-vaccine crowd, but I can't see it's a inappropriate term to use. I'm not trolling about this. Any mental illness, be it genetic or post-birth
[ 83, 862, 34, 2599, 36651, 11, 262, 11133, 8829, 4130, 750, 302, 12, 3258, 858, 262, 3651, 2665, 11, 7415, 13, 632, 2331, 284, 423, 587, 19267, 11, 783, 13, 314, 1975, 616, 717, 2912, 373, 428, 25, 198, 1, 75, 346, 4597, 371, 13, 45, 13, 5595, 604, 1528, 2084, 198, 13898, 11, 1583, 13, 11646, 338, 604, 1227, 1468, 5827, 318, 407, 8867, 329, 257, 30862, 12319, 11, 475, 257, 1862, 11212, 739, 718, 1933, 286, 2479, 11, 351, 257, 30862, 7111, 284, 257, 1969, 6641, 2800, 743, 307, 1813, 281, 8959, 10742, 286, 10900, 15095, 11599, 11, 287, 32267, 286, 262, 41362, 12319, 13, 198, 3198, 468, 284, 4240, 611, 1583, 13, 11646, 338, 604, 1227, 5827, 468, 4622, 4697, 20569, 290, 262, 3397, 389, 1708, 1583, 13, 11646, 338, 5608, 290, 484, 1165, 11, 389, 42069, 30, 198, 2061, 517, 460, 356, 1607, 422, 1583, 13, 11646, 11, 508, 17567, 284, 27851, 416, 262, 31518, 20130, 286, 7276, 284, 2148, 19376, 290, 1844, 16217, 4582, 11, 1864, 284, 262, 20434, 290, 262, 1605, 8581, 286, 46776, 10763, 1701, 198, 6024, 79, 25, 4222, 2245, 0, 921, 1053, 423, 1297, 7830, 319, 428, 4130, 11, 326, 534, 2355, 385, 7924, 284, 1450, 287, 2276, 290, 4257, 7519, 287, 1948, 11, 318, 15679, 290, 34942, 13, 198, 43930, 468, 257, 649, 1281, 510, 319, 465, 4130, 13, 679, 6117, 284, 347, 8622, 338, 649, 1281, 11, 355, 880, 25, 198, 4023, 1378, 2503, 13, 2306, 1042, 24859, 26963, 13, 785, 14, 496, 12, 1659 ]
[ 97131, 34, 1680, 80147, 11, 279, 24991, 13792, 5117, 1550, 312, 12, 1138, 853, 279, 6170, 3857, 11, 13985, 13, 1102, 5084, 311, 617, 1027, 37065, 11, 1457, 13, 358, 4510, 856, 1176, 4068, 574, 420, 512, 1, 125312, 7759, 432, 2112, 13, 7436, 220, 19, 2919, 4227, 198, 31140, 11, 2999, 13, 26952, 596, 220, 19, 2305, 2362, 8893, 374, 539, 17446, 369, 264, 80337, 25474, 11, 719, 264, 3995, 31383, 1234, 220, 21, 4038, 315, 4325, 11, 449, 264, 80337, 14675, 311, 264, 3345, 14048, 3729, 1253, 387, 2728, 459, 6654, 19660, 315, 22852, 13509, 24292, 11, 304, 39381, 315, 279, 386, 18953, 25474, 627, 4054, 706, 311, 5895, 422, 2999, 13, 26952, 596, 220, 19, 2305, 8893, 706, 10284, 9191, 37783, 323, 279, 6699, 527, 2768, 2999, 13, 26952, 596, 9650, 323, 814, 2288, 11, 527, 94451, 5380, 3923, 810, 649, 584, 1755, 505, 2999, 13, 26952, 11, 889, 41716, 311, 58299, 555, 279, 75852, 35653, 315, 10852, 311, 3493, 32100, 323, 4686, 33119, 8200, 11, 4184, 311, 279, 40409, 323, 279, 3778, 16192, 315, 99871, 19075, 48469, 3601, 79, 25, 5321, 3009, 0, 1472, 3077, 617, 3309, 19352, 389, 420, 5117, 11, 430, 701, 4039, 355, 15910, 311, 3026, 304, 4689, 323, 8762, 16410, 304, 4040, 11, 374, 33781, 323, 81314, 627, 95336, 706, 264, 502, 1772, 709, 389, 813, 5117, 13, 1283, 7902, 311, 426, 17648, 596, 502, 1772, 11, 439, 1664, 512, 1277, 1129, 2185, 32155, 285, 1083, 7164, 83341, 916, 14, 425, 8838 ]
[ 46223, 2191, 84476, 336, 19212, 6018, 1687, 1440, 889, 426, 17648, 596, 502, 24301, 18964, 374, 11, 1457, 627, 61895, 3403, 13, 358, 13942, 279, 4068, 1405, 499, 26579, 5605, 2555, 922, 330, 7349, 520, 279, 4068, 358, 8621, 21908, 5236, 287, 430, 704, 389, 856, 961, 574, 26225, 11, 323, 358, 37979, 369, 4960, 10194, 389, 433, 13, 358, 656, 2733, 430, 1455, 315, 14596, 480, 596, 6170, 320, 438, 10035, 11, 358, 1101, 4024, 1203, 323, 7111, 520, 279, 3925, 8, 15058, 956, 7580, 3725, 15538, 11, 719, 358, 649, 3619, 1063, 1274, 527, 810, 16614, 922, 2574, 1109, 3885, 323, 1541, 956, 14867, 5606, 369, 91155, 1113, 311, 1778, 4221, 13, 358, 656, 617, 264, 3488, 922, 420, 4040, 5224, 11, 4869, 9522, 40, 6818, 311, 10552, 311, 14596, 430, 1054, 54160, 20727, 863, 4225, 388, 430, 42534, 1051, 9405, 1054, 64185, 398, 863, 18247, 2442, 89215, 323, 430, 1054, 34431, 863, 9057, 430, 8271, 5674, 1981, 64, 7075, 85248, 315, 279, 7294, 8437, 710, 87, 388, 323, 872, 25103, 315, 40300, 1694, 279, 5353, 315, 872, 6980, 529, 1054, 54160, 5674, 113068, 3923, 17649, 374, 420, 68695, 505, 30, 358, 7655, 433, 596, 264, 7075, 85248, 315, 279, 7294, 8437, 89121, 13734, 11, 719, 358, 649, 956, 1518, 433, 596, 264, 33781, 4751, 311, 1005, 13, 358, 2846, 539, 90610, 922, 420, 13, 5884, 10723, 17563, 11, 387, 433, 19465, 477, 1772, 1481, 4914 ]
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[ 260, 3926, 2123, 275, 2013, 5556, 2207, 382, 564, 247, 264, 18181, 1538, 24946, 7124, 3859, 11, 262, 15406, 3327, 29189, 492, 968, 4492, 11, 3442, 290, 262, 31867, 2907, 422, 262, 2260, 12917, 13748, 7982, 1411, 286, 262, 3327, 986, 7298, 8270, 350, 747, 34852, 3601, 286, 428, 4950, 2520, 3576, 10016, 3715, 287, 2972, 20271, 11, 10620, 11, 290, 784, 1109, 13, 8621, 30748, 2423, 290, 7546, 481, 307, 29450, 329, 355, 881, 1280, 2272, 290, 9566, 355, 0, 3125, 621, 720, 1478, 1510, 373, 4376, 625, 262, 1781, 286, 2237, 492, 357, 1248, 5705, 12, 40454, 1267, 532, 2631, 600, 495, 21566, 694, 705, 82, 45549, 346, 952, 1399, 1002, 416, 16693, 75, 2926, 710, 6656, 373, 986, 2034, 695, 298, 5187, 6656, 19740, 353, 29680, 4329, 649, 8900, 11, 290, 784, 287, 1109, 784, 484, 910, 466, 986, 2488, 13342, 13, 785, 691, 3407, 661, 508, 423, 5094, 11140, 7343, 654, 1695, 319, 3926, 5426, 3327, 20390, 13, 2547, 256, 516, 10287, 990, 896, 5187, 10671, 6656, 19740, 353, 29680, 422, 3741, 29378, 4746, 1338, 49910, 350, 592, 12, 15522, 685, 352, 2361, 10571, 535, 11231, 2488, 13342, 13, 785, 25759, 13, 5991, 329, 13126, 12, 17319, 5627, 481, 7765, 510, 373, 26843, 572, 284, 257, 6903, 286, 262, 35592, 12, 12345, 3327, 0, 6462, 3891, 24377, 9594, 42252, 287, 47177, 11451, 5085, 2883, 262, 8713, 287, 7964, 12263, 290, 8033, 12, 26103, 5009, 11, 617, 13, 12892, 287, 1502, 286, 6282, 11, 3599, 422, 1088, 1467, 2231, 618, 12806, 2540, 12036 ]
[ 265, 4696, 1880, 14707, 5636, 35597, 18217, 274, 4204, 278, 12094, 8661, 5452, 11, 279, 34131, 8270, 66549, 497, 1561, 9635, 11, 7188, 323, 279, 57202, 7834, 505, 279, 5426, 19853, 28744, 220, 4364, 3346, 315, 279, 8270, 1131, 8215, 4618, 393, 1056, 82301, 1194, 315, 420, 6366, 4987, 7295, 19624, 6237, 304, 5370, 34136, 11, 12562, 11, 323, 1389, 2144, 13, 77240, 3477, 323, 14765, 690, 387, 61149, 369, 439, 1790, 1825, 3634, 323, 18526, 439, 0, 4497, 1109, 400, 220, 975, 3610, 574, 9408, 927, 279, 3388, 315, 4848, 497, 320, 220, 9367, 19, 12, 5926, 15, 883, 482, 5250, 396, 554, 44511, 377, 364, 82, 40216, 34429, 1981, 1442, 555, 17816, 301, 3251, 818, 13000, 574, 1131, 1883, 616, 306, 10785, 13000, 31676, 466, 48233, 9221, 502, 21892, 11, 323, 1389, 304, 2144, 1389, 814, 2019, 656, 1131, 571, 24867, 916, 1193, 5764, 1274, 889, 617, 3142, 7694, 84984, 2561, 389, 4696, 13585, 8270, 31714, 13, 4366, 26725, 3625, 54021, 10785, 3516, 13000, 31676, 466, 48233, 505, 8857, 63342, 10016, 3165, 66648, 94708, 7826, 300, 510, 220, 16, 2331, 13437, 641, 8393, 571, 24867, 916, 45819, 13, 8152, 369, 19665, 69529, 11983, 690, 15508, 709, 574, 57585, 1022, 311, 264, 13651, 315, 279, 220, 15134, 64434, 8270, 0, 8797, 5144, 38841, 16730, 84075, 304, 90062, 17316, 11062, 4774, 279, 17139, 304, 12675, 19433, 323, 11745, 80671, 6325, 11, 1063, 13, 9865, 304, 2015, 315, 9886, 11, 6041, 505, 2212, 220, 10513, 20, 994, 25537, 6137, 19354 ]
[ 389, 813, 1866, 2024, 13, 3161, 279, 7626, 11, 374, 8647, 369, 304, 2470, 28057, 7224, 6957, 279, 7191, 10406, 3158, 323, 7953, 927, 0, 92700, 304, 90062, 17316, 19433, 323, 11745, 80671, 6325, 11, 449, 10309, 1206, 84, 8176, 482, 423, 461, 8318, 482, 17154, 220, 1049, 24, 665, 348, 11178, 324, 13, 21834, 420, 2955, 690, 990, 2731, 11, 18217, 18217, 1234, 9306, 23369, 8070, 7216, 1457, 8842, 41896, 288, 1790, 810, 3300, 311, 9341, 6783, 44511, 74, 13000, 31676, 466, 48233, 9221, 502, 21892, 11, 323, 459, 71257, 2237, 315, 323, 0, 7462, 1228, 261, 323, 813, 2128, 4546, 927, 220, 966, 1667, 315, 3217, 323, 3495, 311, 1520, 8356, 10632, 1131, 24969, 3647, 268, 11, 15277, 388, 323, 51859, 279, 4500, 1139, 264, 2678, 3158, 13, 18217, 18217, 32828, 7491, 77902, 11519, 328, 1572, 72, 11, 10195, 11726, 449, 279, 7626, 11, 374, 8647, 369, 682, 43563, 2955, 369, 279, 83249, 527, 13, 13207, 527, 539, 961, 315, 872, 6787, 387, 21830, 1523, 9341, 7626, 67320, 15620, 11, 1436, 539, 8813, 13, 36281, 389, 279, 8270, 220, 5495, 323, 814, 617, 3309, 872, 3116, 2911, 430, 814, 690, 24683, 0, 1561, 9635, 11, 7188, 323, 279, 57202, 7834, 505, 279, 5426, 19853, 400, 220, 2421, 11, 1041, 4184, 0, 62354, 459, 6484, 2759, 499, 690, 5371, 459, 2613, 449, 11470, 311, 17622, 21592, 30645, 34131, 1975, 2057, 5590, 16064, 5384, 13327, 13000, 31676, 466, 48233, 574, 9405, 7552, 220, 717, 11, 220, 6393, 19, 304, 58486, 11, 21357, 220, 4468, 17, 1131, 1054, 439, 584 ]
pilot” wheels which guided the engine, eight drivers, another set of eight drivers, and four wheels following which supported the rear of the locomotive. The massive engines normally operated between Ogden, Utah, and Cheyenne, Wyo. There are seven Big Boys on public display in various cities around the country. They can be found in St. Louis, Missouri; Dallas, Texas; Omaha, Nebraska; Denver, Colorado; Scranton, Pennsylvania; Green Bay, Wisconsin; and Cheyenne, Wyoming. Source Union Pacific Railroad WARTIME ERA VERSION FEATURES: Full cab interior with boiler backhead with printed gauges Individually applied piping, valves, generators, etc. Operating eccentric cranks on both sides operating in correct direction Headlights and indicator number boxes (number boards) with directional light change Five pole, skewed armature motor with dual flywheels for smooth operation Pivoting front and rear engines for negotiating 22” radius curves See-through running boards Smoke unit ready with no soldering required Chuff, whistle, and bell sounds work in DC The Union Pacific’s Overland Route, the eastern portion of the Transcontinental Railroad, was built
pilot” wheels which guided the engine, eight drivers, another set of eight drivers, and four wheels following which supported the rear of the locomotive. The massive engines normally operated between Ogden, Utah, and Cheyenne, Wyo. There are seven Big Boys on public display in various cities around the country. They can be found in St. Louis, Missouri; Dallas, Texas; Omaha, Nebraska; Denver, Colorado; Scranton, Pennsylvania; Green Bay, Wisconsin; and Cheyenne, Wyoming. Source Union Pacific Railroad WARTIME ERA VERSION FEATURES: Full cab interior with boiler backhead with printed gauges Individually applied piping, valves, generators, etc. Operating eccentric cranks on both sides operating in correct direction Headlights and indicator number boxes (number boards) with directional light change Five pole, skewed armature motor with dual flywheels for smooth operation Pivoting front and rear engines for negotiating 22” radius curves See-through running boards Smoke unit ready with no soldering required Chuff, whistle, and bell sounds work in DC The Union Pacific’s Overland Route, the eastern portion of the Transcontinental Railroad, was built
west from Omaha, across Nebraska and Wyoming, and on into Utah. The steepest grade was the eastbound climb on the Echo Canyon line through the Wahsatch Mountains just east of Ogden, Utah. Forty 4-6-6-4 Challenger locomotives were acquired in 1936 and 1937 to move fast freight over the grades in Utah and Wyoming. They were rated at 4,290 tons across Wyoming, but were limited to 3,100 tons eastbound through Echo Canyon. Union Pacific wanted something that could make the same speeds as the Challengers but could carry the entire 4,290-ton train over the Wahsatch Mountains without a helper. The easiest solution was to scale up the successful Challenger design by adding another pair of drivers to each half of the locomotive thus making a 4-8-8-4. In 1941 UP placed an order for twenty 4-8-8-4’s, numbered 4000 through 4019, with the American Locomotive Works. Each engine cost $265,174. According to legend an unidentified machinist at the ALCO plant is responsible for the name “Big Boy”, having scrawled the name in chalk on a partially completed locomotive. The Big Boys were exactly
[ 79, 23439, 447, 251, 13666, 543, 17455, 262, 3113, 11, 3624, 6643, 11, 1194, 900, 286, 3624, 6643, 11, 290, 1440, 13666, 1708, 543, 4855, 262, 8286, 286, 262, 33334, 19138, 13, 383, 4858, 11874, 7685, 12228, 1022, 25686, 6559, 11, 10202, 11, 290, 2580, 88, 29727, 11, 370, 8226, 13, 198, 1858, 389, 3598, 4403, 17528, 319, 1171, 3359, 287, 2972, 4736, 1088, 262, 1499, 13, 1119, 460, 307, 1043, 287, 520, 13, 5593, 11, 11565, 26, 8533, 11, 3936, 26, 37053, 11, 18329, 26, 10656, 11, 7492, 26, 1446, 5250, 261, 11, 9589, 26, 3469, 4696, 11, 9279, 26, 290, 2580, 88, 29727, 11, 24533, 13, 198, 7416, 4479, 8211, 36289, 198, 54, 7227, 12789, 18802, 44156, 2849, 18630, 47471, 25, 198, 13295, 16212, 11087, 351, 36741, 736, 2256, 351, 10398, 14885, 3212, 198, 5497, 16335, 5625, 48426, 11, 41843, 11, 27298, 11, 3503, 13, 198, 18843, 803, 29303, 1067, 2283, 319, 1111, 5389, 5361, 287, 3376, 4571, 198, 13847, 8091, 290, 16916, 1271, 10559, 357, 17618, 11490, 8, 351, 47424, 1657, 1487, 198, 20029, 16825, 11, 37543, 3211, 1300, 5584, 351, 10668, 6129, 12491, 1424, 329, 7209, 4905, 198, 47, 452, 10720, 2166, 290, 8286, 11874, 329, 19025, 2534, 447, 251, 16874, 23759, 198, 6214, 12, 9579, 2491, 11490, 198, 7556, 2088, 4326, 3492, 351, 645, 2702, 1586, 2672, 198, 1925, 1648, 11, 16121, 11, 290, 8966, 5238, 670, 287, 6257, 198, 464, 4479, 8211, 447, 247, 82, 3827, 1044, 18956, 11, 262, 10183, 6903, 286, 262, 3602, 35415, 36289, 11, 373, 3170 ]
[ 79, 24911, 863, 23529, 902, 33687, 279, 4817, 11, 8223, 12050, 11, 2500, 743, 315, 8223, 12050, 11, 323, 3116, 23529, 2768, 902, 7396, 279, 14981, 315, 279, 63907, 24766, 13, 578, 11191, 21787, 14614, 24026, 1990, 41937, 5294, 11, 23195, 11, 323, 8602, 88, 26193, 11, 468, 16417, 627, 3947, 527, 8254, 6295, 30857, 389, 586, 3113, 304, 5370, 9919, 2212, 279, 3224, 13, 2435, 649, 387, 1766, 304, 800, 13, 12140, 11, 25378, 26, 19051, 11, 8421, 26, 68305, 11, 38379, 26, 22898, 11, 15745, 26, 33234, 32054, 11, 20355, 26, 7997, 9332, 11, 21073, 26, 323, 8602, 88, 26193, 11, 49832, 627, 3692, 9323, 16867, 70117, 198, 54, 3065, 5778, 45120, 34892, 94362, 512, 9619, 22239, 15135, 449, 28725, 1203, 2025, 449, 17124, 13819, 51259, 198, 1451, 65023, 1870, 9435, 77579, 11, 64100, 11, 44163, 11, 5099, 627, 59247, 55920, 1589, 4129, 389, 2225, 11314, 10565, 304, 4495, 5216, 198, 12626, 14146, 323, 21070, 1396, 15039, 320, 4174, 21126, 8, 449, 73945, 3177, 2349, 198, 38120, 26078, 11, 87572, 6916, 1598, 9048, 449, 19091, 11722, 86, 73610, 369, 11113, 5784, 198, 47, 344, 11780, 4156, 323, 14981, 21787, 369, 44725, 220, 1313, 863, 10801, 37033, 198, 10031, 43847, 4401, 21126, 198, 77980, 5089, 5644, 449, 912, 60877, 287, 2631, 198, 1163, 1386, 11, 40649, 11, 323, 29519, 10578, 990, 304, 11162, 198, 791, 9323, 16867, 753, 6193, 1974, 9767, 11, 279, 24024, 13651, 315, 279, 4149, 83951, 70117, 11, 574, 5918 ]
[ 9909, 505, 68305, 11, 4028, 38379, 323, 49832, 11, 323, 389, 1139, 23195, 13, 578, 357, 2176, 30223, 12239, 574, 279, 11226, 11130, 26438, 389, 279, 38906, 41560, 1584, 1555, 279, 70690, 82, 759, 41114, 1120, 11226, 315, 41937, 5294, 11, 23195, 13, 86043, 220, 19, 12, 21, 12, 21, 12, 19, 87583, 63907, 354, 1924, 1051, 19426, 304, 220, 7285, 21, 323, 220, 7285, 22, 311, 3351, 5043, 46217, 927, 279, 28711, 304, 23195, 323, 49832, 13, 2435, 1051, 22359, 520, 220, 19, 11, 13754, 20181, 4028, 49832, 11, 719, 1051, 7347, 311, 220, 18, 11, 1041, 20181, 11226, 11130, 1555, 38906, 41560, 627, 33758, 16867, 4934, 2555, 430, 1436, 1304, 279, 1890, 25753, 439, 279, 70485, 15232, 719, 1436, 6920, 279, 4553, 220, 19, 11, 13754, 75735, 5542, 927, 279, 70690, 82, 759, 41114, 2085, 264, 13438, 13, 578, 30689, 6425, 574, 311, 5569, 709, 279, 6992, 87583, 2955, 555, 7999, 2500, 6857, 315, 12050, 311, 1855, 4376, 315, 279, 63907, 24766, 8617, 3339, 264, 220, 19, 12, 23, 12, 23, 12, 19, 627, 644, 220, 6393, 16, 12250, 9277, 459, 2015, 369, 17510, 220, 19, 12, 23, 12, 23, 12, 19, 753, 11, 49926, 220, 3443, 15, 1555, 220, 10841, 24, 11, 449, 279, 3778, 445, 12255, 24766, 21785, 13, 9062, 4817, 2853, 400, 14374, 11, 11771, 13, 10771, 311, 13314, 459, 65578, 8002, 258, 380, 520, 279, 8927, 8445, 6136, 374, 8647, 369, 279, 836, 1054, 16010, 16576, 9520, 3515, 1156, 1059, 839, 279, 836, 304, 43459, 389, 264, 26310, 8308, 63907, 24766, 627, 791, 6295, 30857, 1051, 7041 ]
/37 - $50.00 gold / 37/38 - $50.00 gold / 38/39 - $50.00 gold / 39/40 - $50.00 gold / 40/41 - $50.00 Freedom Moses women in cobra sand / 36/37 - $50.00 sand / 37/38 - $50.00 sand / 38/39 - $50.00 sand / 39/40 - $50.00 sand / 40/41 - $50.00 sand / 42/43 - $50.00 Freedom Moses women in Acid acid / 37/38 - $50.00 acid / 38/39 - $50.00 acid / 39/40 - $50.00 acid / 40/41 - $50.00 Freedom Moses women in toffee toffee / 35/36 - $50.00 toffee / 36/37 - $50.00 toffee / 37/38 - $50.00 toffee / 38/39 - $50.00 toffee / 39/40 - $50.00 toffee / 40/41 - $50.00 toffee / 42/43 - $50.00 Freedom Moses women in memphis white
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[ 14, 2718, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 3869, 1220, 5214, 14, 2548, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 3869, 1220, 4353, 14, 2670, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 3869, 1220, 5014, 14, 1821, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 3869, 1220, 2319, 14, 3901, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 198, 38885, 19010, 1466, 287, 22843, 430, 198, 38142, 1220, 4570, 14, 2718, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 6450, 1220, 5214, 14, 2548, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 6450, 1220, 4353, 14, 2670, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 6450, 1220, 5014, 14, 1821, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 6450, 1220, 2319, 14, 3901, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 6450, 1220, 5433, 14, 3559, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 198, 38885, 19010, 1466, 287, 27066, 198, 46309, 1220, 5214, 14, 2548, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 7408, 1220, 4353, 14, 2670, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 7408, 1220, 5014, 14, 1821, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 7408, 1220, 2319, 14, 3901, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 198, 38885, 19010, 1466, 287, 284, 5853, 198, 1462, 5853, 1220, 3439, 14, 2623, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 284, 5853, 1220, 4570, 14, 2718, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 284, 5853, 1220, 5214, 14, 2548, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 284, 5853, 1220, 4353, 14, 2670, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 284, 5853, 1220, 5014, 14, 1821, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 284, 5853, 1220, 2319, 14, 3901, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 284, 5853, 1220, 5433, 14, 3559, 532, 720, 1120, 13, 405, 198, 38885, 19010, 1466, 287, 1066, 18691, 2330, 198 ]
[ 14, 1806, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 6761, 611, 220, 1806, 14, 1987, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 6761, 611, 220, 1987, 14, 2137, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 6761, 611, 220, 2137, 14, 1272, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 6761, 611, 220, 1272, 14, 3174, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 198, 86872, 42048, 3278, 304, 272, 29956, 198, 92346, 611, 220, 1927, 14, 1806, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 9462, 611, 220, 1806, 14, 1987, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 9462, 611, 220, 1987, 14, 2137, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 9462, 611, 220, 2137, 14, 1272, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 9462, 611, 220, 1272, 14, 3174, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 9462, 611, 220, 2983, 14, 3391, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 198, 86872, 42048, 3278, 304, 50234, 198, 58156, 611, 220, 1806, 14, 1987, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 13935, 611, 220, 1987, 14, 2137, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 13935, 611, 220, 2137, 14, 1272, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 13935, 611, 220, 1272, 14, 3174, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 198, 86872, 42048, 3278, 304, 311, 54225, 198, 998, 54225, 611, 220, 1758, 14, 1927, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 311, 54225, 611, 220, 1927, 14, 1806, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 311, 54225, 611, 220, 1806, 14, 1987, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 311, 54225, 611, 220, 1987, 14, 2137, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 311, 54225, 611, 220, 2137, 14, 1272, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 311, 54225, 611, 220, 1272, 14, 3174, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 311, 54225, 611, 220, 2983, 14, 3391, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 198, 86872, 42048, 3278, 304, 1871, 37889, 4251, 198 ]
[ 10759, 37889, 4251, 611, 220, 1927, 14, 1806, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 1871, 37889, 4251, 611, 220, 1806, 14, 1987, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 1871, 37889, 4251, 611, 220, 1987, 14, 2137, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 1871, 37889, 4251, 611, 220, 2137, 14, 1272, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 1871, 37889, 4251, 611, 220, 1272, 14, 3174, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 198, 86872, 42048, 3278, 304, 3776, 198, 11708, 611, 220, 1927, 14, 1806, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 3776, 611, 220, 1806, 14, 1987, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 3776, 611, 220, 1987, 14, 2137, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 3776, 611, 220, 2137, 14, 1272, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 3776, 611, 220, 1272, 14, 3174, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 3776, 611, 220, 2983, 14, 3391, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 198, 86872, 42048, 3278, 304, 4251, 198, 5902, 611, 220, 1927, 14, 1806, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 4251, 611, 220, 1806, 14, 1987, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 4251, 611, 220, 1987, 14, 2137, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 4251, 611, 220, 2137, 14, 1272, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 4251, 611, 220, 1272, 14, 3174, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 4251, 611, 220, 2983, 14, 3391, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 198, 86872, 42048, 3278, 304, 24040, 14966, 198, 31764, 14966, 611, 220, 1758, 14, 1927, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 24040, 14966, 611, 220, 1927, 14, 1806, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 24040, 14966, 611, 220, 1806, 14, 1987, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 24040, 14966, 611, 220, 1987, 14, 2137, 482, 400, 1135, 13, 410, 24040, 14966, 611, 220, 2137, 14, 1272, 482, 400, 1135, 13 ]