berbagai bagai is a synonym of multiplex.
menghabiskan is a synonym of devour.
mengakibatkan is a synonym of cause.
menghasilkan is a synonym of raise.
lembik is a synonym of pulpy.
sawah has context of wet land where rice grows.
menyentuhkan is a synonym of partake.
🌺 is a symbol of bunga raya.
reti is a synonym of understand.
menghalang is a synonym of hamper.
athena is a synonym of pallas athena.
aïeule is a synonym of nenek.
penjuru is a synonym of corner.
sekeliling is a synonym of vicinity.
pesakit is related to patient.
berguna is a synonym of beneficial.
perut is related to estomac.
menegaskan is a synonym of amplify.
berbintik is a synonym of blot.
menunjukkan is a synonym of reveal.
balik is a synonym of let.
mulut is a synonym of tongue.
portugal is related to portugis.
cermin is a synonym of crystal.
zinc is a synonym of ayan.
seni bina is a synonym of architectural.
pekerjaan is a synonym of vocational.
merosot is a synonym of slump.
jerit is a synonym of shout.
perawan is a synonym of virginal.
pemikiran is a synonym of mentality.
menyampaikan is a synonym of conduct.
ستوا is a synonym of haiwan.
neptun is related to système solaire.
himpunan is a synonym of set.
kawalan is a synonym of command.
pernyataan is a synonym of testimony.
orang is a synonym of guy.
kekal is a synonym of permanent.
terlalu is a synonym of surpassingly.
licin is related to bare.
menyerahkan is a synonym of assign.
menimbulkan minat is a synonym of interest.
مچ is distinct from جولاي.
melampaui is a synonym of pass over.
armée de l’ air is a synonym of tentera udara.
keguguran is a synonym of loss.
menyumbat is a synonym of break.
seketika is a synonym of moment.
menindas is a synonym of snap.
king is a synonym of datu.
donate is a synonym of derma.
ustaz is related to mister.
kau is derived from engkau.
lebih suka is a synonym of prefer.
lantai is related to plancher.
berayun is a synonym of swing.
lekuk is related to suit.
leher is a synonym of neck.
long live is a synonym of dirgahayu.
🤷‍♀ is a symbol of tidak peduli.
penerimaan is a synonym of reception.
kecerahan is a synonym of purity.
kuda is a synonym of horse.
memeranjatkan is a synonym of startle.
mengalah is a synonym of succumb.
pakaian dalam is a synonym of undies.
coat of arms is a synonym of jata.
henti is a synonym of catch.
aku is a synonym of maine.
تيمبل is a synonym of plumbum.
dahulu is a synonym of earlier.
memberontak is a synonym of mutiny.
ayat is related to sentence.
sumpah is a synonym of vow.
berkipas is a synonym of brandish.
bubble is a synonym of buih.
lubang is a synonym of cavity.
dua puluh tujuh is a synonym of dua puluh pitu.
peperangan is a synonym of war.
mematuhi is a synonym of follow.
pengungkil is a synonym of lever.
am is a synonym of general.
klasik is a synonym of typical.
sampai di ke is a synonym of come.
william seward burroughs is a synonym of william s burroughs.
cap is a synonym of stamp.
pembahagian is a synonym of distribution.
menjajah is a synonym of take.
perempat is related to quarter.
semak is a synonym of instruction.
ڤلاڠي is a synonym of benang raja.
pelatih is a synonym of trainee.
pertempuran is a synonym of combat.
tak is etymologically related to dak.
pengabaian is a synonym of omission.
tersembunyi is a synonym of hidden.
babun is a synonym of baboon.
menopang is a synonym of shore.
penolong is a synonym of assistant.