lua is etymologically related to luah.
tali is a synonym of line.
pengumpil is a synonym of pengungkil.
chandelle is a synonym of lilin.
nenek is related to datuk.
perasmian is a synonym of opening.
memakai is a synonym of wear.
istimewa is a synonym of extraordinary.
memecahkan is a synonym of separate.
merosakkan is a synonym of dash.
anggaran is a synonym of guess.
membidas is a synonym of permeate.
rasa is a synonym of feel.
mengecam is a synonym of deprecate.
kesakitan is a synonym of suffer.
awak is a synonym of engkau.
melahirkan is a synonym of breed.
siasatan is a synonym of inquiry.
bung is a synonym of nana.
gaya is a synonym of artistic style.
lebihan is a synonym of glut.
tegas is a synonym of decisive.
secocok is a synonym of suit.
sampai di ke is a synonym of drive in.
menahan is a synonym of suppress.
تنڤا is a synonym of tidak ada.
melambatkan is a synonym of retard.
bosnia and herzegovina is a synonym of bosnia dan herzegovina.
najis kecil is a synonym of urin.
yang mana is related to ke mana.
keputusan is a synonym of result.
bermukim is a synonym of harp.
penakut is a synonym of cowardly.
menghabisi is a synonym of complete.
memikul is a synonym of bear.
bengkarung is a synonym of newt.
mesin hitung is a synonym of calculator.
tepat is a synonym of straight.
menghubungkan is a synonym of connect.
ruang is a synonym of bay.
🕞 is a symbol of tiga puluh.
bersandar is a synonym of dependent.
simpan is a synonym of save.
cuma is etymologically derived from சும்மா.
carolina utara is a synonym of north carolina.
berjalan dgn incang incut is a synonym of limp.
meletakkan is a synonym of put.
melejit is a synonym of jump off.
menganyam is a synonym of weave.
sumir is a synonym of short.
ketua is a synonym of master.
👓 is a symbol of cermin mata.
pengadil is a synonym of referee.
penting is a synonym of life sustaining.
menyekat is a synonym of restrain.
lubang is a synonym of trap.
meronai is derived from rona.
membenamkan is a synonym of suppress.
serigala is a synonym of lupus.
tajam is a synonym of needlelike.
kurnia is a synonym of rahmat.
polis is a synonym of mickey.
nakhoda is a synonym of sea captain.
nutrisi is a synonym of nutrition.
structural is a synonym of struktur.
pemberian is a synonym of bounty.
tandus is a synonym of desolate.
tangga is a synonym of doorsill.
memanggil is a synonym of diagnose.
puluh is a synonym of sepuluh.
mengikat is a synonym of binding.
bakat is a synonym of ability.
alergi is a synonym of urtication.
saluran is a synonym of canal.
membubuh is a synonym of apply.
tersimpan is a synonym of stay.
garis lurus is a synonym of line.
air seni is a synonym of najis kecil.
khianat is a synonym of betray.
بندر سري بڬاوان is related to bandar seri begawan.
memberi kuasa is a synonym of permit.
menyerahkan is a synonym of accord.
kaula is a synonym of aku.
مڠناءي is a synonym of berkenaan dengan.
rompakan is a synonym of loot.
anak pandak is related to fifth.
ديوي is a synonym of hiang.
jelas is a synonym of unquestionably.
suis is a synonym of control.
merembes is a synonym of interpenetrate.
ular danu is a synonym of bangun bangun.
bung is related to brother.
penutupan is a synonym of conclusion.
gaji is a synonym of salaris.
menggelisahkan is a synonym of agitate.
bahlul is a synonym of mindless.
memperoleh is a synonym of get.
bayangan is a synonym of light.
uji is a synonym of test.
candle is a synonym of lilin.