niżel is the opposite of tela.
lifgħa is etymologically related to افعى.
machine is a synonym of magna.
vjola is a synonym of veilchenfarben.
mexa is etymologically related to مشى.
midneb is etymologically derived from مذنب.
kull is etymologically related to כל.
hekk is related to so.
tfixkil is derived from fixkel.
ħu is related to oħt.
awrina is etymologically related to urina.
anġlu is etymologically related to angelus.
gwerra is a synonym of krieg.
dubbiena is etymologically related to ذبابة.
belt ta monako has context of city.
nsara is a form of nisrani.
eżerċizzju is related to eżerċita.
yellow is a synonym of isfar.
xebb is etymologically related to شاب.
lukanda is etymologically derived from lucanda.
h is etymologically derived from ه.
acquis is related to acquis communautaire.
gerżuma is etymologically related to قرجومة.
platinu is related to platinum.
farfett il lejl is derived from farfett.
sena is etymologically related to سنة.
xkupilja tax xagħar is derived from xkupilja.
dnub is a synonym of sünde.
ħello is related to merħba.
lion is a synonym of dorbies.
français is a synonym of franċiż.
saqqu is related to gefüllt.
qmis is related to shirt.
tfajjel is related to boy.
dream is a synonym of ħolma.
għattuqa is related to pullet.
ħuttaf is a form of ħuttafa.
kalendarju is a synonym of kalender.
tornavit is related to anziehen.
fotografu is related to fotografija.
zucker is a synonym of zokkor.
venus is a synonym of venere.
uffiċjali is related to uffiċjalment.
ċittadin is related to citizen.
dentifriċju is a synonym of zahncreme.
roża is related to rose.
ċerva is related to deer.
rock is a synonym of ġebla.
ilma is etymologically related to ال.
legislation is a synonym of leġiżlazzjoni.
żiemel is related to horse.
wiesa is related to broad.
tala is related to ascend.
niżel is related to niżżel.
psychologie is a synonym of psikoloġija.
duda is a form of dudu.
naqqas is related to decrease.
בכה is etymologically related to beka.
madame is a synonym of sinjura.
spiżjar is related to spiżjara.
ftiehem is related to agree.
karab is related to groan.
qaqoċċa is etymologically related to kaboċċa.
omeru is etymologically related to ομηροσ.
dnub is a form of demb.
erbgħa is etymologically related to اربعة.
ijiet is related to in.
tiġieġa is etymologically derived from دجاجة.
xufftejn is a form of xoffa.
nominazzjonijiet is a form of nominazzjoni.
urinary bladder is a synonym of bużżieqa tal awrina.
ġnejna is etymologically related to ġnien.
tlettax is etymologically related to تلاتاشر.
qal is etymologically related to قال.
mużikali is related to musical.
kaptani is a form of kaptan.
katina is related to getragen.
kullimkien is related to flimkien.
elettriku is etymologically derived from elettrico.
goudjarati is a synonym of guġarati.
karab is etymologically related to كرب.
astronomiċi is a form of astronomiku.
ilma is etymologically related to ماء.
scoiattolo is a synonym of skojjatlu.
in is related to i.
eżami is related to examination.
love is a synonym of imħabba.
prostata is etymologically derived from προστατησ.
knot is a synonym of għoqda.
anġlu is related to angel.
tgħallem is related to learn.
azzjoni is etymologically derived from azzioni.
raġel is etymologically related to راجل.
riċetti is a form of riċetta.
tier is a synonym of annimal.
woche is a synonym of ġimgħa.
sigurtajiet is a form of sigurtà.
inibizzjoni is related to inibixxa.
żagħfran is related to saffron.
bidla is related to change.