religion is a synonym of reliġjon.
ċavetta is related to key.
elettriċità is related to elettriku.
dgħajsa is related to klein.
emozzjonali is related to emozzjoni.
gregorian calendar is a synonym of kalendarju gregorjan.
muntanji is a form of muntanja.
sider has context of anatomy.
tħaddem is related to employed.
jum is etymologically derived from يوم.
ħajt is related to ħjata.
nejka is related to sexual intercourse.
edukazzjoni is related to eduka.
ras ir randan is derived from randan.
tlitt is a synonym of tlieta.
pjaneti is a form of pjaneta.
wera is related to show.
penetrazzjoni is related to ippenetra.
anġlu is related to überirdisch.
ċirku is etymologically derived from circu.
gallju is related to gallium.
néon is a synonym of neon.
disgħa is similar to disat.
hemm is related to there is.
tirma is related to backside.
clock is a synonym of arloġġ.
vokali is related to vuċi.
may is a synonym of mejju.
erbat is similar to tlitt.
eklissi lunari is derived from eklissi.
arab is a synonym of għarbi.
it tielet is related to third.
hospital is a synonym of sptar.
impressjona is related to impressjonanti.
tliet is similar to erba.
kiser is etymologically derived from كسر.
guitar is a synonym of kitarra.
tmintax il is a synonym of tmintax.
snake is a synonym of serp.
januaro is a synonym of jannar.
qasir is etymologically related to قصير.
kompożizzjonijiet is a form of kompożizzjoni.
manifestazzjonijiet is a form of manifestazzjoni.
trabi is a form of tarbija.
toqba is etymologically related to ثقبة.
tnax is similar to tnax il.
see is a synonym of ra.
omosesswalità is related to homosexuality.
dragun is etymologically derived from draco.
jiskomoda is related to komdu.
xkupilja tas snien is a type of xkupilja.
chlore is a synonym of kloru.
illusion is a synonym of illużjoni.
interazzjonijiet is a form of interazzjoni.
maandag is a synonym of it tnejn.
kamra is related to room.
bewsa is related to bies.
demgħa is a synonym of qatra.
ħaddiem is related to bestimmt.
essenzjali is related to essenzjalment.
ħanaq is a form of ħonoq.
cerise is a synonym of cirasa.
lexikon is a synonym of dizzjunarju.
ikoll is related to kell.
sptarijiet is a form of sptar.
għasfur tal bejt is etymologically related to bejt.
lil is related to to.
februar is a synonym of frar.
tirma is related to anus.
win is a synonym of rebaħ.
lejn is etymologically related to għajnejja.
żokra has context of anatomy.
maltese is a synonym of malti.
popolazzjoni is related to population.
anno domini is a synonym of wara kristu.
pronunzja is related to pronunciation.
veloċità is etymologically derived from velocità.
iben is related to son.
xahar is related to month.
bénir is a synonym of bierek.
x is etymologically derived from شيء.
ħamest is related to five.
bisesswali is related to bisesswalità.
għaxar is similar to disa.
torċa is a synonym of fackel.
punent is related to point cardinal.
berquqa is etymologically related to πραικοκιον.
demanderesse is a synonym of attriċi.
gidi is related to mogħża.
pronunzji is a form of pronunzja.
pubblikazzjonijiet is a form of pubblikazzjoni.
pjaċiri is a form of pjaċir.
rêve is a synonym of ħolma.
disgħin is related to ninety.
tala is related to climb.
pingveno is a synonym of pengwin.
barkiet is a form of barka.
logħba is related to lagħab.
kokka is related to kokk.
għarajjes is a form of għarus.