संयुक्त राष्ट्र खाद्य एवं कृषि संगठन is a synonym of food and agriculture organization of united nations.
जुत्ता is related to chaussure.
👨‍🎓 is a symbol of विद्यार्थी.
shiva is a synonym of शिव.
🏂 is a symbol of हिउँ.
च्याउ is a synonym of mushroom.
सलाद is a synonym of salad.
अन्डा is a form of अण्डा.
जावा is a synonym of java.
प्लेग is a synonym of plague.
schiwa is a synonym of शिव.
उ is related to it.
मन is related to mood.
इलिनोइ is a synonym of illinois.
परिकल्पना is a synonym of hypothesis.
कस्को is related to whose.
ब्‍ल्याकबोर्ड is related to blackboard.
हाइपरक्यालेमिया is a synonym of hyperkalemia.
उस्तै is related to pareil.
बोउभेट टापु is a synonym of bouvet island.
पत्र is related to fold.
पीर is related to angoisse.
लगाउनु is related to use.
वेद is a synonym of vedas.
बेलारुस is a synonym of belarus.
🍻 is a symbol of बार.
☹ is a symbol of रिसाएको.
मोजा is related to chaussette.
🙀 is a symbol of बिरालो.
किसमिस is a synonym of raisin.
सुनामी is a synonym of tsunami.
📘 is a symbol of पुस्तक.
रावण is a synonym of ravana.
रूप is related to form.
स्काण्डियम is a synonym of scandium.
कुरा गर्नु is related to parler.
अठाह्र has context of cardinal.
काँसो is etymologically related to कांस्य.
👵 is a symbol of महिला.
डोरिस लेसिङ्ग is a synonym of doris lessing.
सर्वदा फूल is a synonym of canna.
अल्बानिया is a synonym of albania.
काठमांडू is etymologically derived from काठमाडौं.
âge du bronze is a synonym of कांस्य युग.
👶 is a symbol of शिशु.
disease is a synonym of रोग.
पृथ्वी is related to world.
अकास is related to air.
बर्खा is related to season.
परेवा is a synonym of domestic pigeon.
🚵‍♀ is a symbol of साइकल.
हाप्सिलो is a synonym of eurasian eagle owl.
अ is related to negate.
सेरियम is a synonym of cerium.
कस्मोलोजी is a synonym of cosmology.
सीरिया is a synonym of syria.
तारापुञ्ज is a synonym of galaxy.
🅾 is a symbol of रगत.
🖤 is a symbol of मुटु.
सतिसाल is a synonym of dalbergia latifolia.
आइतबार is related to obstacle.
हाम्रो is a form of हामी.
uruguay is a synonym of उरुग्वे.
hand translations is a synonym of हात.
पानी is a synonym of aqua.
friend is a synonym of मित्र.
भिज्नु is related to se mouiller.
कालो चील is a synonym of black kite.
मोडणे is etymologically related to मोड्नु.
देश is related to nation.
रूप is related to symptom.
मन पर्नु is related to aimer.
प्रजनन is a synonym of reproduction.
उलरू is a synonym of uluru.
मधुपत्र is a synonym of stevia.
जिल्ला is related to district.
बाथ is related to arthritis.
📛 is a symbol of नाम.
पुरानो करार is a synonym of old testament.
सुजि is related to semoule.
ऊ is related to she.
किताबहरू is a form of किताब.
🛍 is a symbol of किनमेल.
चेतना is related to conscience.
छान्नु is related to strain.
छोरी is related to woman.
👚 is a symbol of महिला.
सब is related to everyone.
टोनी ब्लेयर is a synonym of tony blair.
yes is a synonym of सही.
दांत किट्नु is related to grincer.
तिघ्रा is a synonym of thigh.
बकुल्लो is a synonym of heron.
रेनडियर is a synonym of reindeer.
🏆 is a symbol of पुरस्कार.
sedimentary rock is a synonym of पत्रे चट्टान.
copenhague is a synonym of कोपनहेगन.
बिपना is related to reality.
🐗 is a symbol of सुँगुर.
सह सेनानी is a synonym of captain.