सम्झनु is related to se rappeler.
kshetri is etymologically derived from क्षेत्री.
घोडा is related to horse.
गाजर is a synonym of daucus carota.
साई is a synonym of psy.
देख्नु is related to observe.
मोहम्मद अली जिन्ना is a synonym of muhammad ali jinnah.
कपाल is a synonym of hair.
बोत्स्वाना is a synonym of botswana.
प्रयोग is related to trial.
lion is a synonym of सिंह.
🔪 is a symbol of होचो.
खस्नु is related to fall off.
सन यात सेन is a synonym of sun yat sen.
शोलापुर is a synonym of solapur.
पूर्णिमा is a synonym of full moon.
🚡 is a symbol of कार.
चीम is related to ampoule.
जनावर is a synonym of animal.
🍻 is a symbol of मग.
मुर्ख is related to idiot.
कैलो जुरेबाज is a synonym of jerdon's baza.
नारद is a synonym of narada.
तितो is related to amer.
हिमाली मलसाँप्रो is a synonym of beech marten.
चाट्नु is related to lécher.
उपचार is related to traitement.
पागलपन is a synonym of psychosis.
नाउर is a synonym of bharal.
ब्रह्मा is a synonym of brahma.
scorpion is a synonym of बिच्छी.
भिटामिन ए is a synonym of vitamin.
न्यूट्रोन is a synonym of neutron.
यो is related to she.
जुत्ता is related to shoe.
आकासबेली is a synonym of cuscuta.
🚳 is a symbol of साइकल.
ज्वाला is related to flamme.
तातो is related to warm.
धूलो is related to poussière.
कुन is related to which.
చంద్రుడు is etymologically related to चन्द्रमा.
मदत् is etymologically related to मदद.
छत्तीस is related to thirty six.
हिउँ is related to neige.
अब is etymologically derived from अ.
चरेस is a synonym of bronze.
देखाउनु is related to show.
घाउ is related to injury.
क्यापासिटर is a synonym of capacitor.
🤩 is a symbol of तारा.
रस is related to juice.
क्यान्सर is a synonym of cancer.
अर्थविज्ञान is a synonym of semantics.
लाग्नु is related to hit.
झोला is related to haversack.
👷 is a symbol of कर्मचारी.
🤦 is a symbol of चिन्तित.
घरबेटी is related to propriétaire.
तँ has context of low intimacy level.
इक्वेडर is a synonym of ecuador.
भुइँस्याउ is a synonym of pachyrhizus erosus.
लुटेटियम is a synonym of lutetium.
भित्र आउनु is related to entrer.
मेच is related to chaise.
अजिङ्गर is a synonym of python.
चालणे is etymologically related to चल्नु.
सम्बन्धी is related to family.
sous continent indien is a synonym of भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप.
💿 is a symbol of कम्प्युटर.
धर्का is related to ligne.
flag is a synonym of झण्डा.
butter is a synonym of नौनी.
खरलाहाँचे is a synonym of eurasian wryneck.
चाख लगाउनु is related to intéresser.
philippines is a synonym of फिलिपिन्स.
psychiatry is a synonym of मनोरोग विज्ञान.
bus is a synonym of बस.
ती is related to those.
जनसंख्या is related to population.
व्याकरण is a synonym of grammar.
लट्टे is a synonym of amaranthus caudatus.
हवाई जहाज is related to avion.
mars is a synonym of मंगलग्रह.
🥑 is a symbol of फल.
घचघच्याउनु is related to frapper.
बिगार्नु is related to abîmer.
शहर is a synonym of city.
कमिज is related to shirt.
पार्खिनु is related to attendre.
सिपी चरा is a synonym of eurasian oystercatcher.
बगर is related to rive.
भैँसी is related to bufflonne.
बुन्डेसलिगा is a synonym of bundesliga.
महत्वपूर्ण is related to important.
नाइट्रोजन is a synonym of nitrogen.
कामजोर is related to faible.
अन्तरिक्ष is a synonym of outer space.
काबुल is a synonym of kabul.
🥌 is a symbol of चट्टान.