Furthermore, we are expanding these supplier diversity principles to our international locations.
There is a tangible energy and collaborative openness that stimulates growth in others.
The world is constantly changing, creating an environment where we can always learn something new or hone our skills.
Programming converted to ad hoc training to support leaders in the virtual environment.
For example, we support “Lean In Circles,” identified by our Women at Illumina Network (WIN) employee resource group as an effective initiative for female employees.
Mentoring Programs The Horizons ERG hosts the Jedi-Padawan buddy program, connecting early career professionals with seasoned employees, while the WIN employee resource group offers a mentor program called iMentor.
Precautionary ApproachThe precautionary approach is embedded in our risk assessments, our environmental aspects/impacts, our EHS Policy, Product Stewardship, and the engagement of our people.
to our EHS policy Compact Principle 15 state in order to protect the environment, the precautionary approach shall be applied.
In response to racial equity, the Board discussed our philanthropic engagements and ongoing diversity and inclusion programs.
A: The Illumina Corporate Foundation is one element of our holistic giving approach that impacts our CSR focus areas.
By exercising strong corporate governance and ethical leadership, we aim to inspire confidence in our company’s future, and create a safe and supportive work environment for our employees.
These guidelines, together with the Code of Conduct and Board Committee Charters, provide the framework for corporate governance at Illumina. Board Diversity As specified in the Corporate Governance Guidelines, our company seeks to achieve a Board mix that represents a diversity of backgrounds and experience.
Key topics include fraud prevention, bribery and corruption, anti-discrimination, anti-harassment, human rights, diversity and inclusion, employee safety, corporate social responsibility, marketing and sales claims, and government interaction.
Safe Workplace Our Injury and Illness Prevention Program and Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Management System Policy enable us to proactively manage risk and engage employees.
We are committed to creating a work environment free from violence and harassment of any kind that threatens, intimidates, or coerces another person.
and the Illumina Human Rights Policy • Ensure a safe and healthy workplace • Demonstrate social and environmental responsibility • Conduct business in an ethical manner Supplier Diversity Program Illumina is committed to establishing collaborative partnerships with qualified small and diverse suppliers and recognizes the importance of ensuring our supply base reflects the diversity of the communities in which we live, work, and serve.
spend Strategic Supplier Sustainability Through our supplier scorecard program, we have assessed our strategic suppliers for commitments to reduce their environmental footprint. Verification and Due Diligence We perform due diligence on new business partners to verify that they meet our standards.
ESG AppendixIntegrity Supplier Quality Vision and Values The aim of the Illumina Supplier Quality Vision is to construct and foster a leading supplier base that ensures safe and quality products every time.
completed in Assurance Limited assurance has been provided in accordance with ISAE 3000 and ISAE 3410 on the energy usage and greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions data.
• We have updated our GHG emission boundary definition.
• We have updated our baseline year for GHG inventory from identifying that 2019 is the earliest accurate, reliable and representative data set for our portfolio.
This section contains key performance indicators for select economic, social, environmental, and governance metrics.
• Within the boundary, data reported for energy and emission comes from direct utility sources.
Where direct data was unavailable, (shared tenant spaces, etc.), industry standards (CBECS) were applied as estimates to capture total impact.
• Energy emission factor for fuel based on 2018 Climate Registry Default Emission Factors.
Notes: 1 Water intensity based on total water consumption at main sites normalized by square feet of rentable space at main site locations.
Water data includes main site locations (San Diego HQ, i UK Cambridge Illumina Centre, and Singapore Woodlands).
All data points that have been adjusted are called out with †. Governance Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations Significant fines and non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and/or regulations 0 0 # of FDA recalls/total units recalled 0 0 Number of substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data 0 0 Anti-corruption 0 0 Anti-competitive1 2 0 Nature and total number of critical concerns communicated to highest governance body regarding CSR topics 0 0 Total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements 0 0 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken During the past 11 years, neither the EEOC nor any court or administrative agency has issued a finding against Illumina in a claim involving discrimination.
AdvaMed $San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce $15,300 US-China Business Council $15,000 US-UAE Business Council $10,775 MIPI Alliance $8,240 Industrial Environmental Association (IEA) $6,000 Healthcare Businesswomen's Association (HBA) $5,000 International memberships of potential equivalent scope to trade association and industry memberships above $5,000 annually All.
Therefore, we have chosen to add relevant sections from the industry category of Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals Industry as well as the Software & IT Services Industry to capture employee engagement and diversity topics.
We are committed to supporting improvements on the effectiveness and comparability of corporate disclosure on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors.
Focus on Illumina, TCFD Details Strategy: Disclose the actual and potential impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organization’s businesses, strategy, and financial planning where such information is material.
Governance The Board of Directors (Board) provides oversight to the CSR program covering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) topics, including climate-related issues.
Climate-related issues and projects associated with the reduction of our environmental footprint are escalated to the Board through the Illumina CEO and their direct reports.
Strategy Environmental sustainability was identified as one of our CSR core focus areas following our first materiality assessment and stakeholder engagement exercises.
We recognize that climate-related risks and opportunities span both physical risk (extreme weather) and transition risks (energy pricing, customer expectations, regulations, and technology).
Examples of incorporation include: targets to align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and utilize the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) methodology for a well below throughout the life cycle; incorporation of Design for Environment into our new product design; and addition of a new logistics location to our network on the east coast resulting in cost savings, improved supply chain planning, and a reduction of air emissions.
Investment in energy-reduction projects that require capital expenditures are evaluated through the Capital Committee planning process.
Climate Scenario Analysis In climate scenarios linked to global warming by 2100.
Climate scenario analysis was completed using three plausible narrative future representations of our operating environment respectively aligned to a well below warming.
Climate Trajectory SSP Scenarios RCP Variables Assessed carbon price; physical impacts including temperature change, drought likelihood, heat wave probability, and maximum rainfall.
Well below Under the 4°C scenario, global warming reaches 4°C by 2100, relative to pre-industrial temperatures.
Limited action on climate policy will be taken and a doubling down on fossil-based energy sources will result.
This scenario utilizes data from RCP and adaptation).
Society is slow to react to climate impacts, distracted by larger economic concerns.
Carbon emissions have started to decline slightly: energy efficiency and renewable gains are easily offset by increased use of energy-intensive tech.
This scenario causes some physical climate impacts by 2030.
This model utilizes data from RCP mitigation, high challenges to adaptation).
Some severe climate impacts felt spur coordinated risk-containment efforts.
While some physical impacts are already locked in, the pace of change slows and by world is on a well below 2°C trajectory.
This model utilizes data from RCP challenges to mitigation/adaptation).
Risk Management To identify and manage climate-related issues we are integrating climate impact into our existing risk management structure using the Environment, Health & Safety team management system, the CSR materiality assessment, business continuity program management, supply chain risk reviews, and internal audit risk program.
Metrics and Targets In and waste at our facilities.
We created targets on engaging our strategic suppliers in our supply chain, and incorporating Design for Environment into our products and packaging.
In we will assess our Scope 3 footprint and initiate planning for addressing our more holistic environmental footprint.
We remain committed to aligning our business practices to the rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.
GRI 8 Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
ISOS Group, Inc., to provide limited assurance engagement in accordance with ISAE and ISAE 3410 on our energy usage and GHG emission data.
(“ISOS” or “we”) were engaged by Illumina, Inc. (“Illumina” or “Company”) to undertake a limited assurance engagement in accordance with ISAE and ISAE 3410 to report the energy usage and greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions of Illumina for the period beginning January 1, 2020 and ending December 31, 2020 (“FY20”).
Several smaller Scope sources (i.e., refrigerant releases, mobile combustion sources, emergency generators) and Scope 3 GHG emissions have been excluded from this review.
the measurement of the gases • Measurement uncertainty, arising from limitations in measurement techniques and the use of estimations.
Criteria The greenhouse gas data was prepared in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, a Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (revised edition, 2004).
The testing conducted at company facilities across reporting varied based upon the proportion of energy consumption and corresponding emissions relating to Scope 1 and 2.
Testing focused on two facilities which accounted for a significant proportion of the Illumina energy consumption and emissions and were individually material.
In providing this limited assurance report, it is important to note that the procedures performed in a limited assurance engagement vary in nature from, and are less in extent than for, a reasonable assurance engagement.
We: • Carried out interviews with key personnel to understand the systems and controls in place during the reporting period • Assessed the systems, processes, and controls to collate, aggregate, validate and report the data • Checked the relevant conversion factors and GHG emission calculations • Reviewed any matters showing significant variations from prior years • Reviewed the appropriateness of the GHG emissions and other environmental data provided by Illumina and their third-party data management system service provider • Tested a sample of records against underlying records The relative effectiveness and significance of specific control procedures at Illumina and their effect on assessment of control risk at a facility level are dependent on their interaction with the controls and other factors present at individual facilities.
Inherent limitations Given the characteristics of the subject matter and the methods used for determining such information, greenhouse gas emission information is subject to inherent limitations.
Greenhouse gas quantification is unavoidably subject to inherent uncertainty because of both scientific and estimation uncertainty and for other non-financial performance information the precision of different measurement techniques may also vary.
We have a duty of care towards patients, communities, our people and the environment.
During focus on environmental, social and governance issues.
I am proud to say that we have maintained our constituency in the FTSEand remain members of the United Nations Global Compact where we are committed to upholding their ten principles centered around human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.
We continued to measure our impact on the environment and made progress in developing our strategy to operate more sustainably.
We also focused on promoting diversity across our business.
During the year, we established a Diversity, Equity and Belonging Task Force, as well as an employee-led Black Employees Advisory Board in the US, to facilitate greater inclusivity in how we recruit, retain and promote our people.
We recognise the value of integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into our business.
Gender equality Hikma celebrates diversity and prides itself on a culture of inclusion.
A key part of our commitment to employees is to strengthen our approach to diversity, equity and belonging.
Our commitment to maintaining state of the art facilities and employing highly skilled workers contributes to sustainable industrialisation and innovation across our footprint.
Climate action We continue to achieve progress with our environmental performance.
We are improving the way we monitor our impacts, pursuing projects that reduce our footprint and working to align our activities with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
Our goals for · Increasing the input of third-party details on our RiskRate system to capture all third parties (new and existing) by the end of Q1 2022; · Reviewing and updating the Code of Conduct and training, including modern slavery training, ahead of rolling out annual compliance refresher training for all Hikma employees globally in the summer of 2021; and · Taking proactive steps to consider which parts of Hikma’s business and supply chains may be most at risk, to ensure that such risks can be managed efficiently.
Diversity, equity and belonging Hikma celebrates diversity and prides itself on a culture of inclusion.
We established an employee-led initiative – the Black Employees Advisory Board in the US – and a Diversity, Equity and Belonging Task Force to direct a more inclusive approach to employee recruitment, retention and promotion.
demonstrate strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices as measured against globally recognised standards.
such as human rights, anti-corruption, environmental performance, health and safety, and community engagement.
Distributed personal protective equipment to all employees and implemented screening measures including daily health checks and temperature monitoring.
Monitoring and minimising our environmental impact We are committed to making our operations more energy efficient and environmentally responsible.
We continue to achieve progress with our environmental performance.
We are improving the way we monitor our impact, pursuing projects that reduce our footprint and working towards aligning with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
the UK government’s policy on Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting.
We continue to invest in energy efficiency projects and renewable energy systems at multiple sites, and are adopting hybrid and electric vehicles where feasible.
— We quantify and report our organisational GHG emissions in alignment with the World Resources Institute’s Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard and in alignment with the Scope 2 Guidance.
— Emissions from the consumption of electricity are reported in tCO2e.
Renewable energy purchased and generated Our renewable energy capacity We continue to invest in renewable energy infrastructure to reduce our footprint and long-term overhead costs.
We currently have solar photovoltaic systems in four locations – three in Jordan and one in Portugal.
This year, we introduced measurements of our environmental impact that derive from various indirect emissions sources (scope 3), including water consumption, water treatment and waste management.
CREC reviews our progress on sustainability including environmental considerations.
Strategy Hikma aims to manage its impact on the environment in a responsible manner, to adapt our organisation to climate change and to avoid adverse impacts.
In order to achieve this, we are assessing our impact on the environment and the potential impact of climate change scenarios on our organisation.