Performance Requirements.—As always, the range performance ofthe radar was the principal initial requirement. The following ranges (innautical miles) onvarious targets were taken asbeing comfortably over theminimum necessary fornavigation even ofahigh-speed airplane. Ground painting ....................25 t030 Cities ............................30 t050 Storm clouds ...................
This usually sets anupper limit tothe number ofturns that can beused within the bounds ofa reasonable power supply voltage. These and other matters pertaining tocoil design are discussed at length inVol. 22oftheseries.
61. E. M.
Based 186. Sensors 2019 ,19, 2161 on the law of large number, the scintillation phase error tends to follow the Gaussian distribution. Thus, the Gaussian approximation can be used to simplify the TFTPCF, which is expressed as follows.
Jerinic and M. Borkowski, “Microwave module packaging,” in IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Symposium Digest , 1992, pp. 1503–1506.
Major airports employ an Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) for observing the air traffic in the vicinity of the airport. Such radars also provide information about nearby weather so aircraft can be routed around uncomfortable weather. Major airports also have a radar called Airport Surface Detection Equipment (ASDE) for observing ch01.indd 21 11/30/07 4:34:08 PMDownloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
- &)'52% 4IME
1, 1958, pp. 202–211. ch03.indd 33 12/15/07 6:03:35 PMDownloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
The output of the matched filter will be a spike of width r with an amplitude N times greater than that of the long pulse. The pulse-compression ratio is N = T/r = BT, where B = llr = bandwidth. The output waveform extends a distance T to either side of the peak response, or central spike.
.4.Waveguide 1*X3 ixli *X1 ix% B.Rigid coaxial lines, stub- Csupported Outer l; Inner ~ Outer ~ Inner ~ Outer + Inner & Flexible coaxial cable, RG- 9/U, polyethylene dielec- tric Dielectric OD0.280 in. Inner conductor 7strands #21.4VVG, Outer conductor double braidWall, i:,. .0.080 0.06!! 0.050 0,040 0.049 0.035 0.032 0.03” 0.032 0.032Wave- mgth, crr 10.0 3,2 3.2 1.25 10.0 10.0 3.2 ‘IO.O ,3.2,faximur power, * MW 10.5 1.77 0.99 0,22 4.2 1.3 0.36 0.31$ 0.31$attenua- tion, t db/ra 0.039 0.15 0.24 o.5~ 0.08 0.15 0.49 0.56 1.12)Wave- length rrrnge, cm 7.6-11,8 3,+4.7 2.4-3,7 1.1–1.7 9.3-11,7 9.1–11.7 3.1-3.5 3.o-@ ●Comnuted formaximum gradient of30kv/cm.
Hommel and H. Feldle, “Current status of airborne active phased array (AESA) radar systems and future trends,” in 2005 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, June 12–17, 2005, pp. 1449–1452.
I I'----1' ---._'_+_~......1 -i-1 ITIi: !IrI;r I:: I:! " -1.6..',,'.. ,I,! I, --J i 'I',' J!. 11;' FPS'~'6 .-.f---'----'-[' I+---...,...T-;----1---+-1-1--- -~4--i'-'- --....-.--.'-It._ ---~ _.~.-' AZIMUTH tOEGREES) '-.......:32.547' .:''30.684 .
(b) Sum-delta monopulse sensitivity factor. Antenna height = 2 x aperture height; monopulse beams boresighted at H0 = 0.5; reflection coefficient = - 1. (c) Squinted-sum low-angle bias error.
Alabarrta, Teci~r~ical Rt~port RR-77-3, November. 1976. (Distribution unlimited.) 88.
All rights reserved. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Radar Cross Section. 14.46 RADAR HANDBOOK 6x9 Handbook / Radar Handbook / Skolnik / 148547-3 / Chapter 14 65.
Goodrich, and K. M. Siegel: A Theoretical Method for the Calctrlariori of tile Radar Cross Sections of Aircraft and Missiles, Utlirl.
a peak value of N9 where N is the number of subpulses in the sequence and T is the time duration of each subpulse. Hence the peak-sidelobe-voltage ratio is AT1. For the aperiodic case, the average sidelobe level along the time axis is -1A.
Dashed curve gives onsct of grating lobe for tl = 0.5A0; dot-dash curve for d = 0.6A0. travel down the transmission line. The finite time implies a finite bandwidth.
34-37, April, 1976. 69. Acker, A.
November. 1976. 55.Clapp,R.E.:ATheoretical andExperimental StudyofRadarGround Return.,\fITRadialioll Laboratory Rept.1024,April.1946.
Figure 4.27. Radar operator ’s compartment in a Sunderland Mk. III.
However, such an assumption applied blindly to computations involving inverse probability can sometimes lead to erroneous and contradictory conclusions. 29 This difficulty in specifying the a priori probability was recognized by Woodward and Davies.27 They suggest, however, that the a priori factor be omitted from the inverse-probability specification when it is doubt­ ful, and in practice it may be supplied subjectively by the human observer. This merely begs the question, for it has not been proved that an operator can supply the necessary a priori probability, and in addition, there are many applications where no operator is involved in making the detection decision.
K. Barton, private communication, June 2006. 32.
This multiplexed transmission scheme implies that the radar’s PRF must be doubled to satisfy the minimum Nyquist sampling rate simultaneously for each pair of transmissions. Doubled PRF implies that the average radiated power must be doubled and the unambiguous range swath is halved, both in comparison to the standard case of transmitting only one polarization. Note that the average data rate is the same as the dual-polarized case, since twice as much data are collected by a quad-pol mode for each resolved point in the scene, but the swath width is smaller by a factor of two.
A parallel-line configuration with 16 lengths of line provides a phase quantization of 22.5" ( + 1 1.25"), assum- ing the rrth line is of length tt,I/16. A suitable form of switch is the semiconductor diode. The diodes attached to the ends of the particular line selected are operated with forward bias to present a low impedance.
ANE-11, pp. 218–223, December 1964. 11.
This graph shows the signal-to-clutter ratio improvement against clutter at zero doppler as a function of target doppler frequency. Only the response of the filter providing the greatest improvement is plotted at each target doppler. For comparison the optimum curve from Figure 2.25 is shown by a broken line and thus provides a direct assessment of how well the Chebyshev filter design performs against a given clutter model.
With proper radar design and manage- ment it should be possible to achieve a propagation path reliability comparable to that of a microwave radar. This requires a large frequency range of operation, high power to overcome propagation losses, and diagnostics of the ionospheric conditions to determine proper radar parameters. Example capabilities.
0ALMER  2$: : FOR.EXRAD732
This type of closed-loop adaptive MTI must, therefore, be operated for a finite set (batch) of pulses to ensure that this will not happen. Such batch-mode operation is also required if a combination of MTI operation and frequency agility is desired. If a bimodal clutter situation is caused by the simultaneous presence of returns from land clutter and weather or chaff, an adaptive MTI can be implemented following a fixed-clutter-notch MTI section, as illustrated in Figure 2.86.
£ä°£{ 2!$!2(!.$"//+ £ä°ÎÊ 
ByOctober, 1939, orderswereplacedforamanufactured versioncalledtheCXAM. Nineteen oftheseradars wereinstalled onmajorshipsofthefleetby1941. TheUnitedStatesArmySignalCorpsalsomaintained aninterestinradarduringthe early1930s.7Thebeginning ofseriousSignalCorpsworkinpulseradarapparently resulted fromavisittoNRLinJanuary, 1936.ByDecember ofthatyeartheArmytesteditsfirstpulse radar,obtaining arangeof7miles.Thefirstoperational radarusedforantiaircraft firecontrol wastheSCR-268, available in1938!8TheSCR-268 wasusedinconjunction withsearchlights forradarfirecontrol.Thiswasnecessary becauseofitspoorangularaccuracy.
7'1ie two-axis rnount of Fig. 7.31h, sometimes called an az-el mount, enables the beam to he rnairitairied at the horizontal or at any angle above or below the horizon (line-of-sight stabili7ation). The beam can be directed to any point by the proper combination of azimutli (train) and elevation angles.
42, p. 1189, July, 1954. 13.
This noise power, in turn, can be expressed in terms of a receiving-system noise temperature Ts\ Pn = kTsBn (2.4) where k is Boltzmann's constant (1.38 x 10~23 Ws/K) and Bn is the noise band- width of the receiver predetection filter, hertz. (These quantities are defined more completely in Sees. 2.3 and 2.5.17) Therefore, Pr = (SIN) KT8Bn (2.5) This expression can now be substituted for Pr in Eq.
R. W. Bogle.
51-67. 79. Kriittel, G.
For both sum and difference patterns, the sidelobes are referenced to the peak of the sum pattern. The beamwidth factor provides the beamwidth, in degrees, of an aperture with length a. Figure 13.17 gives the approximate loss in gain and the beamwidth factor for the Taylor illumination as the sidelobes change.
For all practical purposes, an image placed on a storage tube will remain indefinitely until erased. Table 9.1 Radar CRT phosphor characteristics (after erg^^) Phosphor Fluorescent color Phosphorescent color Persistence* P 1 Yellowish green Yellowish green Medium P7 Blue Yellowish green Blue, medium short; yellow, long PI2 Orange Orange Long P13 Reddish orange Reddish orange Medium P14 Purplish blxe Yellowish orange Blue, medium short; yellowish orange, medium P 17 Blue Yellow Blue, short; yellow, long PI9 Orange Orange Long P2 1 Reddish orange Reddish orange Medium P25 Orange Orange Medium P26 Orange Orange Very long P28 Yellowish green Yellowish green Long P3 2 Purplish blue Yellowish green Long P3 3 Orange Orange Very long P34 Bluish green Yellowish green Very long P38 Orange Orange Very long P39 Yellowish green Yellowish green Long * Persistence to 10 percent level: short = 1 to 10 ps; medium short = 10 ps to I ms; medium = 1 to 100 ms; long = 100 ms to 1 s; very long = > 1 s. 356INTRODUCTION TORADAR SYSTEMS persistence required inacathode-ray-tube screendepends upontheapplication.
Ulaby150) ch16.indd 45 12/19/07 4:56:12 PMDownloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Ground Echo.
Comparison of Theoretical and Estimated Chirp Relative Bandwidth. V alue Theoretical Relative Bandwidth 0.8178 Estimate of the Relative Bandwidth 0.8164 Figure 9. Range Doppler algorithm.
An 0TH radar designed for the detection of aircraft at ranges out to 4000 km might have, for example, an average power of several hundreds of kilowatts or more, antenna gains from about 20 to 30 dB, and operating frequencies from several megahertz to several tens of megahertz. Antennas must be large in order to obtain reasonably narrow beamwidths. The antenna horizontal length might be 300 m or greater.
against the residue from strong clutter. This CFAR is provided in the typical MTI system by IF limiting or, in the MTD implementation, through the use of high- resolution clutter maps. Filter Mismatch Loss.
There does not appear to be a satisfactory model of the available data. However, general trends are apparent for all polarizations. First, aB° usually ap- proaches a minimum as <|> approaches 90°, with values 10 to 20 dB below the monostatic value (0, = 0^, <j> = 180°).
Skolnik. — 2nd ed. p.
476 4XI. Fchruary, 1958. 67.
The amplitudes of the samples on the leading and lagging halves of the pulse are compared for range-error sensing similar to the comparison of amplitudes in the early-late-gates range tracker . ch09.indd 21 12/15/07 6:07:23 PMDownloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved.
Note, however, that sufficient pulses must be transmitted to ini- tialize the filter before useful outputs may be obtained. For example, with a three-pulse binomial-weight canceler, the first two transmitted pulses initialize the canceler, and useful output is not available until after the third pulse has been transmitted. Feedback or infinite impulse response (IIR) filters would not be used with a step-scan system because of the long transient settling time of the filters.
AP-24, pp. 269 276, May. 1976.
1456-1459, October, 1956. 45. Monaghan, S.
The electrons emitted from the cathode. under the action of the crossed electric and magnetic fields, form into rotating electron (space-charge) bunches, or spokes. These bunches <lrift along the slow-wave circuit in phase with the RF signal and transfer energy to the RF wave to provide amplification.
Smith, and A. J. Kramer: Prediction of HF Noise Directivity from Thunderstorm Probabilities, GTE Sylvania Rept.
4nother important factor that must be considered in the radai equation is the statistical or unpredictable nature of several of the parameters. The minimum detectable signal S,,, and the target cross section cr are both statistical in nature and must be expressed in statistical terms. (2.1)CHAPTER TWO THERADAR EQUATION 2.1PREDICTION OFRANGE PERFORMANCE i Thesimpleformoftheradarequation derivedinSec.1.2expressed themaximum radarrange Rmu.intermsofradarandtargetparameters: Rmu.=[r'~2Ae(J] 1/4 41tSmln wherePt=transmitted power,watts G=antenna gain Ar=antennaeffective aperture, m2 (J=radarcrosssection,m2 Smln=minimum detectable signal,watts Alltheparameters aretosomeextentunderthecontroloftheradardesigner, exceptforthe targetcrosssection(J.Theradarequation statesthatiflongrangesaredesired,thetransmitted powermustbelarge,theradiated energymustbeconcentrated intoanarrowbeam(high transmitting antenna gain),thereceived echoenergymustbecollected withalargeantenna aperture (alsosynonymous withhighgain),andthereceivermustbesensitive toweaksignals.
The particles are arranged in some particular configuration in a three-dimensional lattice. The dimension of the particles in the direction parallel to the electric field as well as the spacing between particles should be small compared with a wavelength. H these conditions are met, the lens will be insensitive to frequency.
T able 1. The parameters of four SAR images. Image Image01 Image02 Image03 Image04 Product TerraSAR-X Gaofeng-3 Gaofeng-3 Airborne Mode Strip UFS UFS Strip Resolution (M) 3 3 3 0.5 PRF (Hz) 3472.134984 2014.078491 1977.984863 500.0000 Band (MHz) 120.00 80.00 80.00 150.00 Polarization VV HH HH HH Wave Length (m) 0.031040 0.055517 0.055517 0.056564 Slant-Range (km) 629.17 7127.22 7137.52 4.62 Velocity (m/s) 7088.636524 7563.162316 7568.372931 55.599743 The SAR image perform ships detection with software [ 36] and sub-images containing defocused ship are selected in advance.
Chen, H.; Wang, Z.; Liu, J.; Yi, X.; Sun, H.; Mu, H.; Li, M.; Lu, Y. Knowledge-Aided Doppler Beam Sharpening Super-Resolution Imaging by Exploiting the Spatial Continuity Information. Sensors 2019 ,19, 1920.
1976. 71. Skolnik.
Harris and D. Lynch, “Digital signal processing and digital filtering with applications,” Evolving Technology Institute Short Course Notes, 1971–1983, pp. 366, 744–748, February 1978.
Like lightwaves of much higher frequency, radar waves tend to travel in straight linesor rays at speeds approximating that of light. Also, like light waves, radarwaves are subject to refraction or bending in the atmosphere. Radio-frequency energy travels at the speed of light, approximately 162,000 nauticalmiles persecond; therefore,the time requiredfor apulse totravel to the target and return to its source is a measure of the distance to thetarget.
However, since this particular oscillation depends on electron velocity, which in turn depends on beam voltage, the problem is avoided by the use of mod-anode or grid pulsing (Section 10.7). In this case, it is only necessary to be sure not to let the modulator begin pulsing the beam current during turn-on of the high-voltage power supply until the voltage is safely above the oscillation range, which is typically somewhere between 60 and 80% of full operating voltage. A modification of the helix slow-wave structure is the ring-bar circuit, which can be used if the peak power is less than 100 to 200 kW.
The computational aspects to obtain good-quality focused images are also important: recently some studies about efficiency have been presented [ 22] exploiting the multicore-based architectures of modern processors. Also, this aspect needs further research, as the proposed approach pays the cost of no information available for the SAR sensor with an increase of computational complexity. Also, the possibility of blind focusing SAR raw data, here addressed only in the presence of a point scatterer (e.g., a corner reflector or a transponder), in the general case of SAR strip map data-focusing represents the field of application for future work.
However, the errors of the estimation results of ˆedr2based on the IMAM method and the EMAM 61. Sensors 2019 ,19, 213 method are relatively large. The reason is that the phase error caused by this term is very small and has little effect on the image focus based on the specific geometry in Figure 5.
R. Schlolter, “Digital realtime SAR processor for C & X band applications,” in IGARSS 1986 , Zurich, vol. 3, p.
82. J. Katzman, Defence Industry Daily , http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/2005/12/elec- tricks-turning-aesa-radars-into-broadband-comlinks/index.php.
The echo signal from an unambiguous rarige target will appear at the same place on the A-scope on each sweep no matter whether the prf is modulated or not. However, echoes from multiple-time-around targets will be spread over a finite range as shown in Fig. 2.26~.
The proposed algorithm, developed in MATLAB, is distributed under the Noncommercial—Share Alike 4.0—International Creative Common license by the authors. Author Contributions: Conceptualization, C.G.; Methodology, C.G.; Software, C.G. and T.D.; Validation, C.G.
306-310 paraboloid. 236 Fences.radar.175.497498 Ferrimagnetic phaseshifters, 291-297 Ferritelimiter.264 Ferrite pl~seshiftas. 291-297 Ferroelectric phaseshifter.297 Field-intensity pattern.
The higher the number oft he harmonic, the higher will be the order of the Bessel function and the less will be the amount of rnicrophonism-leakage feedthrough. This results from the property that J n(x) be­ haves as x" for small x. Although higher-order Bessel functions may reduce the zero-range response, they may also reduce the response at the desired target range if the target happens to fall at or near a range corresponding to a zero of the Bessel function.
15 Radar Range Equation (Example given) ................................ ................................ ...............................
Howard Consultant to ITT Industries, Inc. (CHAPTER 9) R. Jeffrey Keeler National Center for Atmospheric Research (CHAPTER 19) Eugene F.
The raised portion of the Parasitic reflector J (a (61 (c) Figure 7.9 Examples of the placement of the feeds in parabolic reflectors. (a) Rear feed using half-wave dipole; (b) rear feed using horn; (c) front feed using horn. 238INTRODUCTION TORADAR SYSTEMS radiated towardtheedgeofthereflector shouldusuallybeaboutone-tenth themaximum intensity.
19.Wright,J.W.:ANewModelforSeaClutter,IEEETrans.,vol.AP-16,pp.217-223, March,1968. 20.Guinard, N.W.,andJ.C.Daley:AnExperimental StudyofaSeaClutterModel,Proc.IEEE,vol.58, pp.543-550, April,1970. 21.Croney, J.:CivilMarineRadar,chap.31of"RadarHandbook," M.I.Skolnik (ed.),McGraw-Hili BookCompany, NewYork,1970.
If the target is an aircraft, its position can .then be converted into cartesian coordinates for smoothing and extrapolation of its trajectory. A constant-velocity target flying a straight line, nonra<lial course would have radial acceleration in the spherical coordinates of the radar, which is av~ided with cartesian coordinates. Figure 8.3 I.
/Ê /
The synthetic aperture radar may be considered as a vector summa­ tion of synthetic-array elements (which is the model generally taken in this section), or it may be considered in terms of doppler filtering. In fact, it was originally conceived by Carl Wiley of Goodyear Aircraft Corporation in 1951 as a doppler-filtering process rather than as a syn­ thetic antenna. The two models are sometimes used interchangeably, depending upon which describes more clearly a particular effect.
Geosat was a U.S. Navy military satellite whose primary mission was to map the Earth’s marine geoid to then-unprecedented accuracy, for which a non- repeat orbit was required. Since its public release in 1995, the data set from the first 18-month geodetic mission has become the backbone of the global bathymetric chart that is the industry standard.72,73 Geosat’s secondary mission was to observe dynamic mesoscale oceano - graphic phenomena, for which it was maneuvered into an exact repeat orbit (period 17.05 days).74 Geosat’s geo - detic mission and exact-repeat mis - sion are known as GM and ERM, respectively.
575-584, Septemher, 1976. 53. Lamb, J.
Coleman, “A direction-sensitive model of atmospheric noise and its application to the analysis of HF receiving antennas,” Radio Science , vol. 37, pp. 3.1–3.10, 2002.