6.26 6.5 Reflector Antenna Analysis .................................... 6.27 6.6 Shaped-Beam An tennas ........................................ 6.30 Gain Estimation .................................................
adding Stepwisegate control tilggu Modulatw pulse I I T!mingpulaa III1IIIIIII1IIII Internalsel~~ngpulse~ Pulsesalacting gata n n Delayed-sweep trigger I I Delayedsweep Interpolation marker I 1 FIG. 13.40.—Discrete sweep delay. problem isthat ofselecting theproper pulse.
The processes that constitute on-axis tracking include ( 1) the use of adaptive tracking whose output updates a stored prediction of the target trajectory rather than control the antenna servo directly, (2) the removal by prior calibration of static and dynamic system biases and errors, and (3) the use of appropriate coordinate systems for filteriqg (smoothing) the target data. The radar's angle-error signals are smoothed and compared to a predicted measurement based on a target-trajectory model updated by ·the results of previous measurements. (Prior knowledge of the characteristics of the trajectory can be incorporated in the model, as, ror example, when the trajectory is known to be ballistic.) If the difkrence between the prediction and the measurement is zero, no adjustment is made and the antenna mount is pointed according to the stored prediction.
If the maximum target velocity to be observed is ±Vrmax, then the minimum value of PRF, fRmin, which is unambiguous in velocity (both magnitude and doppler sense, i.e., positive and negative), is /Jlmin = 4VTmBX/X. (17.1) However, some pulse doppler radars employ a PRF which is unambiguous in velocity magnitude only, i.e.,fRmin = 2Vrmax/X, and rely on detections in multi- ple PRFs during the time on target to resolve the ambiguity in doppler sense. These types of radars can be considered to be in the high-PRF category if the older definition of high PRF (no velocity ambiguity) is extended to allow one ve- locity ambiguity, that of doppler sense.
Sensors 2019 ,19, 1154 Image entropy and IC value are the two criteria to assess the image quality. The convergences of the two criteria versus the number of iterations are depicted in Figure 8. As the number of iterations increases, there has been decrease in entropy and increase in IC.
AP-8, pp. 490-495, September, 1960. 86.
All rights reserved. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. The Propagation Factor, Fp, in the Radar Equation.
46. Hagler, T.: Building Large Structures in Space, Astronaut. Aeronaut., vol.
For instance, the changing frequency of a linearly frequency-modulated pulse is distributed along the pulse and thus identifies each segment of the pulse. By passing this modulated pulse through a delay line whose delay time is a function of the frequency, each part of the pulse experiences a different time delay so that it is possible to have the trailing edge of the pulse speeded up and the leading edge slowed down so as to effect a time compression of the pulse. The pttlse co~npres.sion rario is a measure of the degree to which the pulse is co.mpressed.
does not sharply divide the regions of propagation and no propagation, so that radiation whose wavelength is several times the "cutoff wavelength" may be affected by tile dirct. A duct is produced when the index of refraction decreases with altitude at a rapid rate. if file index of refraction [Eq.
A 1-iterature Survc). Georgia I~lsritlrtr 01' Tc~ch~~oloy!~ Rutlar a11rl I~l.srrir~~rrnrario~~ Lahoruror~: Atlanta, Ga., sponsored by Western Collon Research Laboratory, 1J.S. Dcpt.
BP result is used as the reference. It is shown that the result of LS-CS-Residual is highly overlapped with the results of BP . The intensities of CS and debiased-CS are less than BP and LS-CS-Residual.
6. Steinberg, B. D.: High Angular Microwave Resolution from Distorted Arrays, Proc.
R. Gladman: Further Observation on the Detection of Small Targets in Sea Clutter, The Radio and Electronic E11gi11ecr, vol. 45, pp.
After maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio in the IF amplifier, the pulse modulation is extracted by the second detector and amplified by the video amplifier to a level where it can be Antenna Transmitter Low-noise RF amplifier Pulse modulator IF amplifier (matched filter) Figure 1.2 Block diagram of a pulse radar. 2d detector Video amplifier Display . 6 INTRODUCTION TO RADAR SYSTEMS , -~ (al (I.) -0 -~ a.
Noise figure of networks in cascade. Consider two networks in cascade, each with the same noise bandwidtt~ B, but with dimerent noise figures and available gain (Fig. 9.1).
59. Kalmus. H.
15, pp. 815–826, 1980. 41.
But in many cases the value will betoo large for this system tobeuseful, Specifically, the maximum beat frequency may bewritten asfr(r/6r) so that, for example, 1per cent range accuracy and f,=10cps gives ~~=1000 CPS, wfich may becompared with adoppler frequency of 894 cpsfor10cmand 100 mph. 6.10. Alternative F-m Ranging System .—Another scheme ofthe f-mtype which isdesigned towork onmultiple targets and inthepresence ofclutter may beunderstood byreference toFig.
The passive TR-limiter or the diode limiter has replaced the protector TR. Such devices are known as receiver protectors. Receiver protectors also serve to protect against power reflected by mismatches at the antenna.
Such coherent change detection is a standard technique in the field of space-based SAR interferometry, reviewed in the following section. Exact- repeat orbits are standard for most radar altimeters, but for geophysical reasons, not for mutual coherency. Sun-synchronicity presents its own problems for ocean-sensing altimeters.
The FM-CW radar principle is used in the aircraft radio altimeter to measure height above the surface of the earth. The large backscatter cross section and the relatively short ranges required of altimeters permit low transmitter power and low antenna gain. Since the relative motion between the aircraft and ground is small, the effect of the doppler frequency shift may usually be neglected.
28.VonAulock,W.H..andCE.Fay:"LinearFerriteDevicesforMicrowave Application." Academic Press,NewYork,1968. 29.Clarricoats, P.J.8.:"Microwave Ferrites," JohnWileyandSons,NewYork,1961. 30.Ince,W.J.,andD.H.Temme: PhasersandTimeDelayElements.
L., and A. W. Rudge: Adaptive Control of a Flexible Linear Array.
The results show that the curve of the top-hat is smooth because it is isotropic. Since the dihedral and trihedral are both anisotropic, the high scatterings are concentrated in a limited 250. Sensors 2019 ,19, 346 range.
W. Shrader: lnterclutter Visibility in MTI Systems, IEEE EASCON '69 Cm1re11tio11 Record. pp.
P4 62K COSC2
8.4. The other is a receive-only method that uses a receiving array with mixers and local oscillators ( LOs), arranged so as lo provide N separate receiving beams fixed in space (Fig. 8.29).
In practice this is only an approxima- rir)ll. Electroniagnetic radiation doesn't always respect such an assul~lption. C'irrretlt ill orle element will affect the phase and amplitude of the currents in neighboring elements.
It should be given consideration, along with other possible radar techniques, in those applications where some inherent characteristic may he a desirable attribute or when the application does not require complete target information. But as a means for the general detection and location of targets, it is overshadowed hy)its offspring, the monostatic radar. ·· 14.7 MILLIMETER WAVES AND BEYOND Radar has been applied primarily in the microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, with Ka band (35 GHz) representing the nominal upper limit for traditional radar applica­ tions.
The defocusing of SAR image causes the larger phase error, which has the impact on the accuracy of the DEM and further affects the imaging quality. The defocusing can cause two types of phase error. The first is the random phase error due to the decrease of the SAR image’s signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
The helix has been operated at high average power by passing cooling fluid through a helix constructed of copper tubing.43 The bandwidth of this type of fluid-cooled helix TWT can he almost an octave, and it is capable of several tens of kilowatts average power at L band with a duty cycle suita hie for radar applications. t\ popular form of slow-wave structure for high-power TWTs is the coupled-cat'ity circuit. 7· 11 ft is not derived from the helix as are the ring-bar or ring-loop circuits.
Carrara, L. Joyce, and D. Franczak, “Moving target algorithms for SAR data,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems , vol.
not,itmaybenecessary toprovide additional filtering toattenuate undesired cross­ modulation frequency components. Automatic gaincontrol.9- 1 ITheecho-signal amplitude atthetracking-radar receiver will notbeconstant butwillvarywithtime.Thethreemajorcausesofvariation inamplitude are (1)theinverse-fourth-power relationship between theechosignalandrange,(2)theconical­ scanmodulation (angle-error signal), and(3)amplitude fluctuations inthetargetcross section. Thefunction oftheautomatic gaincontrol(AGC)istomaintain thed-clevelofthe receiver outputconstant andtosmooth oreliminate asmuchofthenoiselike amplitude fiuctuations aspossible without disturbing theextraction -ofthedesirederrorsignalatthe conical-scan frequency.
The extremely high PSLR and ISLR indicate that the scintillation effect will lead to serious expand of the azimuth mainlobe and further not only degenerate the azimuth resolution but also induce the peak loss. Compared with the azimuth imaging result, the distortion in range is not as serious as that in azimuth. The asymmetric sidelobe can be seen in Figure 11b mainly due to the power leakage of azimuth mainlobe.
This can be seen (Figure 13.30 a) to amount to 211 42 222π λπ λf r fr fr f+ −( )= −  +    … With a sufficiently large focal length, the spherical phase front may be approxi - mated by that of two crossed cylinders, permitting the correction to be applied simply with row-and-column steering commands. Correction of a spherical phase front with the phase shifters reduces peak phase- quantization lobes (Section 13.6). Space problems may be encountered in assembling an actual system, especially at higher frequencies, because all control circuits have to be brought out at the side of the aperture of the lens array.
This detector can be divided into three parts: a ranker, an integrator (in this case a two-pole filter), and a threshold (decision pro- cess). A target is declared when the integrated output exceeds two thresholds. The first threshold is fixed (equals JJL + T}IK in Fig.
15. Anand, Y., and W. J.
Sidelobes can severely limit resolution when the relative magnitudes of received signals are large. Paired Echoes and Weighting. A description of the weighting process is facilitated by the application of paired-echo theory.36"39 The first seven entries in Table 10.7 provide a step-by-step development of Fourier transforms useful in frequency and time weighting, starting with a basic transform pair.
A rectangular display in which a target appears as a centralized blip when the radar antenna is aimed at it. Horizontal and vertical aiming errors are respectively indicated by the horizontal and vertical displacement of the blip. G-Scope.
1.32 138. April. 1956.
Phys. ZAMP 1958 ,9, 543–553. [ CrossRef ] 22.
The effect of a filter response on range or time sidelobes can be seen by taking the filter impulse response h(t) and adding to this a delayed impulse response 20log10(a) dB below the main response to produce the modified response h'(t), which is given by h'(t) = h(t) + a h(t−T0) (6.18) Using the property of time shifting of the Fourier transform, the resultant frequency response is given by ′ = +−H H e Hj T( ) ( ) ( ) w w a ww0 (6.19) Thus, for small values of a, the resulting magnitude and phase response is that of the original filter modified by a sinusoidal phase and amplitude modulation as given here: | ( ) || ( ) |( c os( ) ) ′ = + H H T w w w 10 α (6.20) ∠′ = ∠ − H H T ( ) ( ) sin( ) w w a w0 (6.21) Therefore, if there are n ripples across the filter bandwidth B, the range sidelobe occurs at time T0 given by T0 = n/B (6.22) Assuming a compressed pulse width of 1/B, values of n < 1 will put the range sidelobe within the main lobe of the target return, resulting in a distortion of the mainlobe response. Channel Matching Requirements. Radar receivers with more than one receiver channel typically require some degree of phase and amplitude matching or tracking between channels.

V . Ryzhkov, and J. Straka, “Cloud micro - physics retrieval using S-band dual polarization radar measurements,” Bull.
Sci. Researclt, sec. B, vol.
Allen, “Interferometric synthetic aperture radar,” IEEE GRS Society Newsletter , pp. 6–13, November 1995. 43.
Beam shaping may also be employed to increase the target-to-clutter ratio in some cases. A target at high elevation angles competes with surface clutter at low angles. Increasing the antenna gain at high angles but not At low angles will therefore improve the target echo with respect to the Figttre 7.27 Antcnrla clcvatiorl pattern for a long-range air-search radar lo achieve high-angle coverage when S'TC is employed.
Antenna Beam Scanning. For most radar applications, the trade or choice between a reflector antenna and a direct radiating phased array is typically driven by factors relating to scan rate, scan volume, and cost. Reflector antennas are typically employed in a radar when (1) slower scan rates are sufficient and mechanical scan - ning suffices, and/or (2) a very high gain (electrically large) aperture is required and a phased array, i.e., an electronic scanning array (ESA), is cost prohibitive, and/or (3) the required scan volume is limited and can be satisfied via use of an array-fed reflector.
One of tile nletliods sometimes suggested for increasing the first blind speed is to transmit two carrier freqileticies ,lo and l;, + A/'and extract the difference frequency At for MTI processing. TIle resulting blind speeds will be tlie same as if the radar transmitted the difference frequency rather than tlie carrier. For example, if Af = O.lfo, the first blind speed corresponding to the difference frequency is 10 times that of an MTI radar at the carrier frequencyfo :Thus, it would seern that the advantages of a VHF or UHF MTI might be obtained with radars operating at the higher microwave frequencies.
When this isthecase, therange indicated isthat ofthestrongest target. Thk difficulty may bereduced asdesired byreducing thelength ofthe transmitted puJse, bycorrespondingly increasing the number of filter bands, and soincreasing the complexity. Since the general objects ofthis system aremuch the same asthose ofthe MTI system described inChap.
59-64, September, 1972. 35. Whicker, L.: Selecting Ferrite Phasers for Phased Arrays, Micro\\~ti~.es, vol.
Narrow beam widths are impor­ tant for high-resolution imaging radar and to avoid multipath effects when tracking low­ altitude targets. The short wavelengths of millimeter waves are also useful when exploring scattering objects whose dimensions are comparable to the millimeter wavelengths, such as insects and cloud particles. These are examples of scatterers whose radar cross sections are greater at millimeter wavelengths than at microwaves since they are generally in the resonance region (Fig.
With wind shear, the doppler spectrum from chaff can have a wide spectral width (unless the eleva - tion beamwidth is very narrow as might occur with tri-dimensional radar with stacked beams in elevation38) so that it is difficult to cancel moving chaff echoes. A pulse dop - pler radar has a better chance, but it has problems of its own because of the foldover of the clutter that might occupy a large range extent. Coherent doppler processors might require relatively large amounts of pulses (e.g., more than 10), which must be transmitted at a stable frequency and PRF.
A similar design concept is used for the electro-optical (EO) sensors, stores management, FIGURE 5.3 MFAR merged with other sensors ( adapted2) ch05.indd 3 12/17/07 1:26:30 PMDownloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Multifunctional Radar Systems for Fighter Aircraft.
J. Earth Syst. Sci.
Character ofOTHradar.Thefactorsaffecting thedesignofanHFOTHradarareslightly different thanthoseaffecting conventional microwave radar.Thisisillustrated bythesimple radarequation commonly usedinOTHradaranalysis, whichis 4PavG,G,i2(JF;TcR=------- (4n)3No(SjN)Ls whereR=range Pav=average power G,=transmitting antenna gain. 6, = receiving antenna gait1 A - wavelength o = larget cross section F, = factor to account for the one-way propagation effects T, = coherent processing time No = receiver noise power per unit bandwidth (SIN) = signal-to-noise (power) ratio L, = system losses The transmitting and receiving antenna gains are shown separately in Eq. (14.22) since it is sorrletinles convenient in OTH radar to have separate antennas for these two functions.
1.Radar.I.Title.II.Series. TK6575.s477 1980621.3848 79-15354 ISBN0-07-057909-1 Whenordering thistitleuseISBN 0-07-066572~ 9 PrintedinSingapore. CONTENTS Preface 1 The Nature of Radar 1.1 lntroductiorl 1.2 *l'lle Sirnple Fortn of the Kadar Equatiorl 1.3 Radar Hlock Diagram and Operation 1.4 Radar Frequencies 1.5 Radar Dcvcloprnent Prior to World War I1 1.6 Applications of Kadar References The Radar Equation Prediction of Range Performance Mirlimurn Detectable Signal Receiver Noise Probability-density Functions Signal-to-noise Ratio Integration of Radar Pulses Radar Cross Sectiorl of Targets Cross-section Fluctuations Transmitter Power Pulse Repetition Frequency and Range Ambiguities Antenna ~aramete'rs System Losses Propagation Effects Other Consideratiorls Refererlces 3 CW and Frequency-Modulated Radar 2.1 Tile Iloppler Effect 3.2 CW Radar 3.3 Frequency-modulated CW Radar CONTENTS Preface IX 1TheNatureofRadar 1 1.1Introduction 1 1.2TheSimpleFormoftheRadarEquation 3 1.3RadarBlockDiagram andOperation 5 1.4RadarFrequencies 7 1.5RadarDevelopment PriortoWorldWarII 8 1.6Applications ofRadar 12 References 14 2TheRadarEquation 15 2.1Prediction ofRangePerformance 15 2.2Minimum Detectable Signal 16 2.3Receiver Noise 18 2.4Probability-density Functions 20 2.5Signal-to-noise Ratio 23 2.6Integration ofRadarPulses 29 2.7RadarCrossSectionofTargets 33 2.8Cross-section Fluctuations 46 2.9Transmitter Power 52 2.10PulseRepetition Frequency andRangeAmbiguities 53 2.11Antenna Parameters 54 2.12System Losses 56 2.1JPropagation Effects 62 2.14OtherConsiderations 62 References 65 3CWandFrequency-Modulated Radar 68 3.tTheDoppler ElTect 68 3.2CWRadar 70 3.3Frequency-modulated CWRadar 81.
Interactions. Relatively strong echoes can occur when a pair of target surfaces are oriented for a favorable bounce from one surface to another and then back to the radar, as in the interaction between the fuselage and the trailing edge of the right wing shown ch14.indd 3 12/17/07 2:46:44 PMDownloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved.
Interpolating target angles within the beam is accomplished, as shown in Fig. 18.17, by comparing the phase of the signals from the antennas (for simplicity a single-coordinate tracker is described). If the target were on the antenna boresight axis, the outputs of each individual aperture would be in phase.
Provision forversatility, unless ingeniously made, may cost heavily inincreased complexity, size, orweight; further, theutility ofthesetfor 588. SEC. 151] INTRODCCTIO,\- 589 theprincipal application may suffer.
Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. MTI Radar. MTI RADAR 2.336x9 Handbook / Radar Handbook / Skolnik / 148547-3 / Chapter 2 In Figure 2.30, the improvement factor of an MTI using the optimum weights is compared with the binomial coefficient MTI for different values of the relative clutter spectral spread and shown as a function of the number of pulses in the CPI. These results again assume a gaussian-shaped clutter spectrum.
When energy is incident normal to the array, each element receives the same phase independent of frequency. When energy is incident from some angle other than normal, the phase difference from the planar phase front to each element is a function of frequency and most phased arrays with phase shifters become frequency-dependent. This same phenomenon can be viewed in the time domain.
If there is a minimum target range, the response is also cut off at the low-frequency end, to further reduce the extraneous noise entering the receiver. Another method of processing the range or height information from an altimcter so as to reduce the noise output from the receiver and improve the sensitivity uses a narrow-bandwidth low-frequency amplifier with a feedback loop to maintain the beat frequency constant. 30·34 When a fixed-frequency excursion (or deviation) is used, as in the usual altimeter, the heat frequency can vary over a considerable range of values.
7. 12 can reduce aperture blocking. The subreflector consists of a horizontal grating of wires, called a transrejlector, which passes vertically polarized waves with negligible attenuation but rctlects the horizontally polarized wave radiated by the feed.
,#%  +  +" -( +" -( +" 
antennaReference signal Figure3.11Blockdiagram ofFM-CW radar. Ideally.theisolation between transmitting andreceiving antennas ismadesufficiently largeso astoreducetoanegligible levelthetransmitter leakagesignalwhicharrivesatthereceivervia thecoupling between antennas. Thebeatfrequency isamplified andlimitedtoremoveany amplitude fluctuations.
422–427, July 1966. 82. C.
In antenna design, aperture taper is used to lower sidelobes. The modest resultant loss and increased beamwidth is the price and one is usually willing to pay to obtain the desired sidelobe level. The loss associated with aperture taper is accounted for in the taper efficiency.
The radar engineer should not simply compare the particular differences between a solid-state transmitter and a vacuum tube transmitter when determining what type of RF power source to use in any particular application. The choice between the two should be made by comparing a radar system designed to effectively use solid state and a radar system designed to effectively use vacuum tubes. Assuming the solid state and vacuum tube radars are designed to provide identical performance for the desired application, then the choice should be based on comparing cost, size, weight, reliabil - ity, maintainability, and any other system requirement that is important for decision making.
Thecomparison hetween thetwoisshowninFig.2.29asafunction ofthecollapsing ratio (111+II)ill.Thedifference betweenthetwocasescanbelarge.Asthenumberofhits"increases, thedifference hecomes smaller.. Figure 2.29 Collapsing loss versus collapsing ratio (m + 11)/11, for a false alarm probability of and a detection probability of 0.5. (From Trlr~lk," colrrtesy Proc.
I). D.: The Measurement and lriterpretation of Antenna Scattering, Proc. IRE, vol.
Since about 10°ofthe 90°arelust in switching, wecan think oftheparallel-plate region aseffecting an8-to-l optical reduction from the 80° scan ofthe broad-beamed primary horn tothe 10°scan ofthevery sharp antenna beam. The transformation ofthe moving feed horn into thescanning beam ismade bymeans oftwo double-curved bends CCand DDintheparallel plates (Fig. 9.26).
Itmust bepossible toobtain two tothree times the mixer current that will actually beused. When restarting acorrectly tuned oscillator, itmaybe necessary tovary thereflector voltage slightly upand down tocause the echo box tolock in. Amicrowave discriminator circuit developed byR.V.Pound’ gives promise ofovercoming many ofthe difficulties ofthe simple echo-box stabilizing arrangement.
The extent of the sea returns (sea clutter) were also recorded for the ‘optimum gain and contrast settings ’. Table 7.4shows the minimum (downwind) and maximum (upwind) extents of the clutter reported from the trials. Again, thereresults were quite subjective but show a clear variation between upwind and downwind directions and the increase in sea return with aircraft height and sea roughness.
Bertsekas, “The auction algorithm for assignment and other network flow problems: A tuto - rial,” Interfaces , vol. 20, pp. 133–149, 1990.
The second advantage of shorter wavelengths is that even a relatively smooth sea, such as sea state 1, has wave heights of many wavelengths and appears rough, resulting in a smaller reflection coefficient. This is observed in Figure 9.28 to give small multipath errors. The 8-mm-wavelength monopulse capability may be effec - tively combined with a lower microwave band as described in Section 9.6 to take advantage of the complementary features of both bands.
53. Harrington, J. V.: An Analysis of the Detection of Repeated Signals in Noise by Binary Integration, IRE Trans., vol.
The spotlighted scene is a parking lot in an urban environment. The scene consists of numerous civilian vehicles and reflectors. In this experiment, the HH polarization data are used.