stringlengths 5
| owner
stringlengths 2
| repo_id
int64 1.49M
| is_fork
bool 2
classes | languages_distribution
stringlengths 16
⌀ | content
stringlengths 446
| issues
float64 0
| main_language
stringclasses 37
values | forks
int64 0
| stars
int64 0
| commit_sha
stringlengths 40
| size
int64 446
| name
stringlengths 2
| license
stringclasses 15
values |
src/main/kotlin/net/colors_wind/particleswarmoptimization/Particles.kt | ColorsWind | 351,369,022 | false | null | package net.colors_wind.particleswarmoptimization
import net.colors_wind.particleswarmoptimization.Vector.Companion.times
import kotlin.random.Random
class Particles(val question: Question) {
var iterations: Int = 0
val particles: Array<Particle> = Array(question.N){ Particle(this, it) }
/** attribute **/
var gBest = ParticleValue(particles.maxByOrNull { }!!)
fun iterate() {
particles.sortedBy { }.forEachIndexed{index,particle ->
particle.rank = index + 1}
particles.forEach { particle ->
operator fun get(index: Int) = particles[(index + question.N) % question.N]
data class Particle(private val particles: Particles, private val index: Int) {
/** attribute **/
var velocity = Vector(DoubleArray(particles.question.dimension){
val bound = particles.question.bounds[it]
Random.nextDouble(bound.lowerBound * 0.12, bound.upperBound * 0.12)
}, particles.question.bounds)
var location = Vector(particles.question.bounds)
var fitness: Double =
/** pBest **/
private var pBest = ParticleValue(this)
/** rank **/
var rank = 0
fun update() {
velocity = ( * velocity
+ particles.question.c1 * Random.nextDouble() * (pBest.location - location)
+ particles.question.c2 * Random.nextDouble() * (particles.gBest.location - location))
//print("$location ${location + velocity}")
location = location + velocity
//println(" $location")
fitness =
if (fitness < {
pBest = ParticleValue(this)
if ( < {
particles.gBest = pBest
//if (Random.nextDouble() < (1-particles.iterations / particles.question.Gmax) * 0.01) pBest = particles[Random.nextInt(particles.question.N)].pBest
data class ParticleValue(val location: Vector, val velocity: Vector, val fitness: Double) {
constructor(particle: Particle) : this(particle.location.copy(), particle.velocity.copy(), {}
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 54f289a61436be27758a21a5581dd478c1d9f840 | 2,274 | ParticleSwarmOptimization | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/kt/kotlinalgs/app/sorting/ | sjaindl | 384,471,324 | false | null | package
array: (2, 6, 4)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
counts bei max 10: (0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0 )
accumulated: (0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,3 )
adj.: (0,0,0,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,3 )
for value array[0] = 2:
index = counts[2] - 1 = 1 - 1 = 0
output[index] = value -> output[0] = 2
counts[value]-= 1 -> counts[2]-- = 0
val array1 = intArrayOf(2, 6, 4)
val array2 = intArrayOf(15, 13, 1, 10, 17, 0, 2, 2, 7)
val array3 = array1.clone()
val array4 = array2.clone()
val array5 = intArrayOf(-2, 0, 2)
CountingSort().sort(array1, 10)
CountingSort().sort(array2, 20)
// runtime: O(N + K), for finite ranges where N = array size & K = value range (max - min + 1)
// space: O(N + K), aux arrays counts (K) + output (N)
// stable when 3rd pass backwards
println( { it })
println( { it })
println( { it })
println( { it })
println( { it })
class CountingSort {
fun sort(array: IntArray, maxValue: Int) {
if (array.size <= 1) return
// 1. pass: Calculate counts
val counts = IntArray(maxValue + 1)
array.forEach {
counts[it] += 1
// 2. pass: Cumulate counts
for (index in 1 until counts.size) {
counts[index] += counts[index - 1]
// 3. pass: put back in original array (count = index!)
// stable, if we iterate backwards (because we are decreasing indices):
val output = IntArray(array.size)
for (index in array.size - 1 downTo 0) {
val value = array[index]
val finalPos = counts[value] - 1
output[finalPos] = value
output.forEachIndexed { index, value ->
array[index] = value
fun sortWithFlexMinMax(array: IntArray) {
if (array.size <= 1) return
val min = array.min() ?: return //minOrNull() ?: return
val max = array.max() ?: return //maxOrNull() ?: return
val range = max - min + 1
// 1. pass: Calculate counts
val counts = IntArray(range)
array.forEach {
counts[it - min] += 1
// 2. pass: Cumulate counts
for (index in 1 until counts.size) {
counts[index] += counts[index - 1]
// 3. pass: put back in original array (count = index!)
// stable, if we iterate backwards (because we are decreasing indices):
val output = IntArray(array.size)
for (index in array.size - 1 downTo 0) {
val value = array[index]
val finalPos = counts[value - min] - 1
output[finalPos] = value
counts[value - min]--
output.forEachIndexed { index, value ->
array[index] = value
| 0 | Java | 0 | 0 | e7ae2fcd1ce8dffabecfedb893cb04ccd9bf8ba0 | 3,382 | KotlinAlgs | MIT License |
src/Day10.kt | marosseleng | 573,498,695 | false | {"Kotlin": 32754} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return countSignals(input, draw = false)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return countSignals(input, draw = true)
val testInput = readInput("Day10_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 13140)
// check(part2(testInput) == 13140)
val input = readInput("Day10")
fun countSignals(instructions: List<String>, draw: Boolean): Int {
var cycleCount = 0
var registerXValue = 1
val remainingInstructions = instructions.toMutableList()
val desiredCycles = listOf(20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220)
var sum = 0
val drawingResult = mutableListOf<Char>()
var currentInstruction: String? = null
var currentInstructionStartCycle: Int = 0
fun cycleStart(): Boolean {
if (currentInstruction != null) {
println("--START->performing other instruction.")
return true
val instruction = remainingInstructions.removeFirstOrNull() ?: return false
currentInstruction = instruction
currentInstructionStartCycle = cycleCount
println("--START->Starting [$instruction] @ $cycleCount.")
return true
fun draw() {
val drawingPosition = cycleCount - 1 // 0-239
val normalizedPosition = drawingPosition % 40
val character = if (normalizedPosition in ((registerXValue - 1)..(registerXValue + 1))) {// val character = if (drawingPosition in ((registerXValue - 1)..(registerXValue + 1))) {
} else {
println("Adding '$character' to drawing result[$drawingPosition].")
drawingResult.add(drawingPosition, character)
fun cycleEnd() {
val instruction = currentInstruction ?: return
var shouldResetInstruction = false
when {
instruction == "noop" -> {
println("--END->Ending [$instruction].")
shouldResetInstruction = true
instruction.startsWith("addx") -> {
if (cycleCount - currentInstructionStartCycle == 1) {
registerXValue += instruction.split(" ")[1].toInt()
println("--END->Ending [$instruction]->registerXValue=$registerXValue.")
shouldResetInstruction = true
} else {
println("--END->Processing [$instruction].")
shouldResetInstruction = false
if (shouldResetInstruction) {
println("--END->Resetting instruction.")
currentInstruction = null
currentInstructionStartCycle = 0
while (true) {
println("*** TICK: $cycleCount ***")
if (!cycleStart()) {
println("!!! NO INSTRUCTION.")
if (draw) {
if (cycleCount in desiredCycles) {
sum += cycleCount * registerXValue
println("!!! Updating sum = $sum.")
return sum.also {
if (draw) {
.joinToString(separator = "\n") {
it.joinToString(separator = "")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f13773d349b65ae2305029017490405ed5111814 | 3,476 | advent-of-code-2022-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/com/frankandrobot/rapier/parse/getMatchedFillers.kt | frankandrobot | 62,833,944 | false | null | /*
* Copyright 2016 <NAME>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.frankandrobot.rapier.parse
import com.frankandrobot.rapier.meta.Example
import com.frankandrobot.rapier.meta.Examples
import com.frankandrobot.rapier.meta.SlotFiller
import com.frankandrobot.rapier.nlp.Token
import com.frankandrobot.rapier.rule.IRule
import org.funktionale.memoization.memoize
import java.util.*
data class FillerMatchResults(val positives : List<SlotFiller>,
val negatives : List<SlotFiller>)
* Matches the rule against the example. If a filler occurs in the Example
* enabledSlotFiller, then it is a positive match. Otherwise, it is a negative match.
private val _getMatchedFillers = { rule: IRule, example: Example ->
val slot = example[rule.slotName]
if (slot.enabled) {
val doc = example.document()
val matchResults = rule.exactMatch(doc).distinctBy { it.fillerMatch.index }
val fillerMatchResults =
.map { it.fillerMatch }
.filter { it().isDefined() }
// put the match results in a SlotFiller
val slotFillers =
.map { it().get().map(Token::dropTagAndSemanticProperties) }
.map { SlotFiller(tokens = it as ArrayList) }
val positives = slotFillers.filter { slot.slotFillers.contains(it) }
val negatives = slotFillers.filter { !slot.slotFillers.contains(it) }
FillerMatchResults(positives = positives, negatives = negatives)
else {
FillerMatchResults(positives = emptyList(), negatives = emptyList())
internal fun getMatchedFillers(rule : IRule, example : Example) : FillerMatchResults
= _getMatchedFillers(rule, example)
private val _ruleGetMatchedFillers = { rule : IRule, examples : Examples ->
.map{ example -> getMatchedFillers(rule, example) }
.fold(FillerMatchResults(emptyList(), emptyList())) { total, cur ->
positives = total.positives + cur.positives,
negatives = total.negatives + cur.negatives
* Matches the rule against the examples. If a filler occurs in an Example
* enabledSlotFiller, then it is a positive match. Otherwise, it is a negative match.
* Note that the results may contain duplicates. This corresponds to the (valid) case
* where the rule matches the same filler in two or more examples.
fun IRule.getMatchedFillers(examples : Examples) : FillerMatchResults
= _ruleGetMatchedFillers(this, examples)
| 1 | Kotlin | 1 | 1 | ddbc0dab60ca595e63a701e2f8cd6694ff009adc | 3,092 | rapier | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/org/hildan/ipm/helper/galaxy/money/Money.kt | joffrey-bion | 226,177,839 | false | null | package
import org.hildan.ipm.helper.utils.formatWithSuffix
import kotlin.time.Duration
import kotlin.time.seconds
fun min(p1: Price, p2: Price) = if (p1 < p2) p1 else p2
fun List<Price>.sum() = fold(Price.ZERO) { p1, p2 -> p1 + p2}
fun List<ValueRate>.sumRates() = fold(ValueRate.ZERO) { vr1, vr2 -> vr1 + vr2}
operator fun Int.div(rate: Rate): Duration = (this / rate.timesPerSecond).seconds
inline class Rate(val timesPerSecond: Double): Comparable<Rate> {
operator fun plus(other: Rate): Rate = Rate(timesPerSecond + other.timesPerSecond)
operator fun minus(other: Rate): Rate = Rate(timesPerSecond - other.timesPerSecond)
operator fun times(factor: Double): Rate = Rate(timesPerSecond * factor)
operator fun div(factor: Double): Rate = Rate(timesPerSecond / factor)
override fun compareTo(other: Rate): Int = timesPerSecond.compareTo(other.timesPerSecond)
override fun toString(): String = String.format("%.2f/s", timesPerSecond)
inline class ValueRate(val amountPerSec: Double) : Comparable<ValueRate> {
operator fun plus(other: ValueRate) = ValueRate(amountPerSec + other.amountPerSec)
operator fun minus(other: ValueRate) = ValueRate(amountPerSec - other.amountPerSec)
override fun compareTo(other: ValueRate): Int = amountPerSec.compareTo(other.amountPerSec)
fun formatPerMinute(): String = String.format("\$%s/min", (amountPerSec * 60).formatWithSuffix())
override fun toString(): String = String.format("\$%.2f/s", amountPerSec)
companion object {
val ZERO = ValueRate(0.0)
inline class Price(private val amount: Double) : Comparable<Price> {
constructor(amount: Int) : this(amount.toDouble())
constructor(amount: Long) : this(amount.toDouble())
operator fun plus(other: Price): Price = Price(amount + other.amount)
operator fun minus(other: Price): Price = Price(amount - other.amount)
operator fun div(other: Price): Double = amount / other.amount
operator fun div(time: Duration): ValueRate = ValueRate(amount / time.inSeconds)
operator fun div(rate: ValueRate): Duration = (amount / rate.amountPerSec).seconds
operator fun times(factor: Double): Price = Price(amount * factor)
operator fun times(factor: Int): Price = Price(amount * factor)
operator fun times(rate: Rate): ValueRate = ValueRate(amount * rate.timesPerSecond)
override fun compareTo(other: Price): Int = amount.compareTo(other.amount)
override fun toString(): String = "\$${amount.formatWithSuffix()}"
companion object {
val ZERO = Price(0.0)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 0458e397d5ccdc48015628c79c69fde47e2d4f22 | 2,626 | idle-planet-miner-helper | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/com/github/shmvanhouten/adventofcode/day3/ValidTriangleCounter.kt | SHMvanHouten | 109,886,692 | false | {"Kotlin": 616528} | package com.github.shmvanhouten.adventofcode.day3
class ValidTriangleCounter(private val validTriangleChecker: ValidTriangleChecker = ValidTriangleChecker()) {
fun countValidTriangles(inputTrianglesString: String): Int {
val trianglesList = formatInputStringToList(inputTrianglesString)
return trianglesList.filter { validTriangleChecker.isTriangleValid(formatToTriangleWithDescendingValues(it)) }.size
fun countValidTrianglesFromVerticalInput(inputTrianglesString: String): Int {
val inputLines = formatInputStringToList(inputTrianglesString)
var validTriangleCount = 0
val tempTriangles = listOf<MutableList<Int>>(mutableListOf(), mutableListOf(), mutableListOf())
for (inputLine in inputLines) {
inputLine.trimStart().split(" ").mapIndexed { index, side -> tempTriangles[index].add(side.toInt()) }
if (tempTriangles[2].size == 3) {
validTriangleCount += tempTriangles.filter { validTriangleChecker.isTriangleValid(it.sortedDescending()) }.size { it.clear() }
return validTriangleCount
private fun formatInputStringToList(triangles: String): List<String> =
triangles.replace(" ", " ").replace(" ", " ").split("\n")
private fun formatToTriangleWithDescendingValues(triangleString: String) =
triangleString.trimStart().split(" ").map { it.toInt() }.sortedDescending()
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | a8abc74816edf7cd63aae81cb856feb776452786 | 1,496 | adventOfCode2016 | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/utilities/TaxBracketGenerator.kt | daniel-rusu | 669,564,782 | false | {"Kotlin": 70755} | package utilities
import dataModel.base.Money.Companion.dollars
import dataModel.base.Percent
import dataModel.base.Percent.Companion.percent
import dataModel.base.TaxBracket
import kotlin.random.Random
private val maxPercentBps = 100.percent.amountBps
object TaxBracketGenerator {
* The current data model can support a maximum of 10,000 brackets due to the following reasons:
* 1. In a progressive income tax system, the tax rate must be strictly increasing as you advance to the next
* bracket. This results in an ordered list of brackets starting with the lowest tax rate and ending in the
* highest tax rate.
* 2. Consecutive brackets cannot have the same tax rate otherwise they would be part of a single larger tax
* bracket.
* 3. All brackets need a different tax rate in order to fulfill the previous 2 requirements so the maximum number
* of brackets is limited by the maximum number of unique tax rates.
* 4. All regions in the world limit tax bracket percentages to at most 2 decimal places so using basis points is
* the granularity limit.
* 5. Each percent is split into 100bps so there are up to 100% X 100bps = 10,000 unique tax rates possible.
val maxNumTaxBrackets = maxPercentBps.toInt()
fun generateTaxBrackets(
numBrackets: Int,
lowerBoundDollarsOfHighestBracket: Int = numBrackets * 100,
random: Random = Random,
): List<TaxBracket> {
require(numBrackets > 0) { "The number of tax brackets must be positive" }
require(numBrackets <= maxNumTaxBrackets) { "Cannot create more than $maxNumTaxBrackets tax brackets" }
if (numBrackets == 1) {
require(lowerBoundDollarsOfHighestBracket == 0) {
"The lower bound of the highest bracket must be 0 when creating a single bracket"
require(lowerBoundDollarsOfHighestBracket + 1 >= numBrackets) {
"Cannot create $numBrackets brackets if the highest bracket starts at $lowerBoundDollarsOfHighestBracket"
// Divide the range into numBrackets distinct lower-bound values including 0
val lowerBounds = hashSetOf(0.dollars)
lowerBounds += lowerBoundDollarsOfHighestBracket.dollars
while (lowerBounds.size < numBrackets) {
lowerBounds += random.nextInt(until = lowerBoundDollarsOfHighestBracket).dollars
// generate a unique percentage for each bracket up to 100.00% (exclusive)
val percentages = hashSetOf<Percent>()
while (percentages.size < numBrackets) {
percentages += Percent.ofBasisPoints(random.nextLong(until = maxPercentBps))
val sortedPercentages = percentages.sortedBy { it.amountBps }
val sortedLowerBounds = lowerBounds.sortedBy { it.cents }
val result = ArrayList<TaxBracket>(numBrackets)
for (i in 0..<numBrackets) {
result += TaxBracket(
taxRate = sortedPercentages[i],
from = sortedLowerBounds[i],
to = sortedLowerBounds.getOrNull(i + 1)
return result
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 166d8bc05c355929ffc5b216755702a77bb05c54 | 3,211 | tax-calculator | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/solutions/CHK/CheckoutSolution.kt | DPNT-Sourcecode | 749,456,768 | false | {"Kotlin": 13106, "Shell": 2184} | package solutions.CHK
//| Item | Price | Special offers |
//| H | 10 | 5H for 45, 10H for 80 |
//| K | 80 | 2K for 150 |
//| N | 40 | 3N get one M free |
//| P | 50 | 5P for 200 |
//| Q | 30 | 3Q for 80 |
//| R | 50 | 3R get one Q free |
//| U | 40 | 3U get one U free |
//| V | 50 | 2V for 90, 3V for 130 |
object CheckoutSolution {
private val valid = listOf('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z')
fun checkout(skus: String): Int {
if (skus.count { it !in valid } != 0) return -1
return Skus(totalSoFar = 0, skus = skus.toMutableList())
// SKUs without a deal involved
data class Skus(var totalSoFar: Int, val skus: MutableList<Char>) {
val simpleSkusToPrice = mapOf(
'C' to 20,
'D' to 15,
'G' to 20,
'I' to 35,
'J' to 60,
'L' to 90,
'M' to 15,
'O' to 10,
'S' to 30,
'T' to 20,
'W' to 20,
'X' to 90,
'Y' to 10,
'Z' to 50
fun consumeA(): Skus {
val aCount = countSku('A')
val firstDealCount = aCount / 5
val secondDealCount = (aCount - (firstDealCount * 5)) / 3
val leftOver = (aCount - (firstDealCount * 5) - secondDealCount * 3)
skus.removeIf { it == 'A' }
totalSoFar += (firstDealCount * 200) + (secondDealCount * 130) + (leftOver * 50)
return this
fun consumeB(): Skus {
val value = specialDeal(2, 45, 30, countSku('B'))
skus.removeIf { it == 'B' }
totalSoFar += value
return this
fun consumeE(): Skus {
val eCost = countSku('E') * 40
totalSoFar += eCost
val freeBs = countSku('E') / 2
skus.removeIf { it == 'E' }
for (i in 0 until freeBs ) {
return this
fun consumeF(): Skus {
totalSoFar += freeSelfDeal('F', 3, 10)
skus.removeIf { it == 'F' }
return this
fun consumeSimpleItems(): Skus {
simpleSkusToPrice.forEach { (sku, price) ->
val count = skus.count { it == sku }
totalSoFar += count * price
skus.removeIf { it == sku }
return this
private fun countSku(char: Char) = this.skus.count { it == char }
private fun freeSelfDeal(sku: Char, countForFree: Int, usualPrice: Int): Int {
val count = countSku(sku)
val free = count / countForFree
return (count - free) * usualPrice
private fun specialDeal(dealCount: Int, forMoney: Int, usualPrice: Int, itemCount: Int): Int {
var total = 0
var items = itemCount
while (items >= dealCount) {
total += forMoney
items -= dealCount
total += items * usualPrice
return total
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | cb056a981f511e8c887ce03317b94c28e62d4318 | 3,328 | CHK-gply01 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/dev/shtanko/algorithms/leetcode/FindGoodStrings.kt | ashtanko | 203,993,092 | false | {"Kotlin": 5856223, "Shell": 1168, "Makefile": 917} | /*
* Copyright 2022 <NAME>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dev.shtanko.algorithms.leetcode
import dev.shtanko.algorithms.MOD
* 1397. Find All Good Strings
* @see <a href="">Source</a>
fun interface FindGoodStrings {
operator fun invoke(n: Int, s1: String, s2: String, evil: String): Int
class FindGoodStringsDFS : FindGoodStrings {
data class DfsParams(
val i: Int,
val evilMatched: Int,
val leftBound: Boolean,
val rightBound: Boolean,
val n: Int,
val s1: CharArray,
val s2: CharArray,
val evil: CharArray,
val lps: IntArray,
val dp: IntArray,
) {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false
other as DfsParams
if (i != other.i) return false
if (evilMatched != other.evilMatched) return false
if (leftBound != other.leftBound) return false
if (rightBound != other.rightBound) return false
if (n != other.n) return false
if (!s1.contentEquals(other.s1)) return false
if (!s2.contentEquals(other.s2)) return false
if (!evil.contentEquals(other.evil)) return false
if (!lps.contentEquals(other.lps)) return false
if (!dp.contentEquals(other.dp)) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = i
result = 31 * result + evilMatched
result = 31 * result + leftBound.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + rightBound.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + n
result = 31 * result + s1.contentHashCode()
result = 31 * result + s2.contentHashCode()
result = 31 * result + evil.contentHashCode()
result = 31 * result + lps.contentHashCode()
result = 31 * result + dp.contentHashCode()
return result
override operator fun invoke(n: Int, s1: String, s2: String, evil: String): Int {
val dp = IntArray(1 shl BITS)
return dfs(
private fun dfs(params: DfsParams): Int {
with(params) {
if (evilMatched == evil.size) return 0
if (i == n) return 1
val key = getKey(i, evilMatched, leftBound, rightBound)
if (dp[key] != 0) return dp[key]
val from = if (leftBound) s1[i] else 'a'
val to = if (rightBound) s2[i] else 'z'
var res = 0
var c = from
while (c <= to) {
val nextMatch = computeNextMatch(evil, c, lps, evilMatched)
res += dfs(
i + 1,
leftBound && c == from,
rightBound && c == to,
res %= MOD
return res.also { dp[key] = it }
private fun computeNextMatch(evil: CharArray, c: Char, lps: IntArray, evilMatched: Int): Int {
var j = evilMatched
while (j > 0 && evil[j] != c) {
j = lps[j - 1]
return if (c == evil[j]) j + 1 else 0
private fun getKey(n: Int, m: Int, b1: Boolean, b2: Boolean): Int {
return n shl 8 or (m shl 2) or ((if (b1) 1 else 0) shl 1) or if (b2) 1 else 0
private fun computeLPS(str: CharArray): IntArray {
val n = str.size
val lps = IntArray(n)
var i = 1
var j = 0
while (i < n) {
j = updateJ(str, i, j, lps)
return lps
private fun updateJ(str: CharArray, i: Int, j: Int, lps: IntArray): Int {
var updatedJ = j
while (updatedJ > 0 && str[i] != str[updatedJ]) {
updatedJ = lps[updatedJ - 1]
if (str[i] == str[updatedJ]) {
lps[i] = ++updatedJ
return updatedJ
companion object {
private const val BITS = 17
| 4 | Kotlin | 0 | 19 | 776159de0b80f0bdc92a9d057c852b8b80147c11 | 5,265 | kotlab | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/org/gnit/cpsd/GeoCalculation.kt | nehemiaharchives | 325,581,086 | false | null | package org.gnit.cpsd
import kotlin.math.*
* [Reference](
* Calculate distance between two points in latitude and longitude taking
* into account height difference. If you are not interested in height
* difference pass 0.0. Uses Haversine method as its base.
* lat1, lon1 Start point lat2, lon2 End point el1 Start altitude in meters
* el2 End altitude in meters
* @returns Distance in Meters
fun distanceOf(
lat1: Double, lat2: Double, lng1: Double,
lng2: Double, el1: Double, el2: Double
): Double {
val R = 6371 // Radius of the earth
val latDistance = Math.toRadians(lat2 - lat1)
val lonDistance = Math.toRadians(lng2 - lng1)
val a = (sin(latDistance / 2) * sin(latDistance / 2)
+ (cos(Math.toRadians(lat1)) * cos(Math.toRadians(lat2))
* sin(lonDistance / 2) * sin(lonDistance / 2)))
val c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a))
var distance = R * c * 1000 // convert to meters
val height = el1 - el2
distance = distance.pow(2.0) + height.pow(2.0)
return sqrt(distance)
* [Reference](
* @param lat latitude of center coordinate for square polygon
* @param lng longitude of center coordinate for square polygon
* @param side length of the side of square in meters
* @return array of 5 coordinates to draw square polygon with GeoJson, order of corner is SW->SE->NE->NW->SW
fun squareOf(lat: Double, lng: Double, side: Double): Array<Array<Double>> {
val dLat = side / (111 * 1000) // Latitudinal or north-south distance in degrees
val dLng = dLat / cos(Math.toRadians(lat)) // Longitudinal or east-west distance in degrees
val nLat = dLat / 2
val nLng = dLng / 2
val lat1 = lat - nLat
val lng1 = lng - nLng
val lat2 = lat - nLat
val lng2 = lng + nLng
val lat3 = lat + nLat
val lng3 = lng + nLng
val lat4 = lat + nLat
val lng4 = lng - nLng
return arrayOf(
arrayOf(lng1, lat1),
arrayOf(lng2, lat2),
arrayOf(lng3, lat3),
arrayOf(lng4, lat4),
arrayOf(lng1, lat1)
* @param latNE latitude of first geo polygon coordinate which is north-east corner
* @param lngNE longitude of first geo polygon coordinate which is north-east corner
* @param latSW latitude of third geo polygon coordinate which is south-west corner
* @param lngSW longitude of third geo polygon coordinate which is south-west corner
* @return array of Double representing (latitude, longitude) of center of the square
fun centerOf(latNE: Double, lngNE: Double, latSW: Double, lngSW: Double): Array<Double> = arrayOf(
(latNE + latSW) * 0.5, (lngNE + lngSW) * 0.5
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 055a7baf597e25ae48b6f4b5421cf249a1fb3dbe | 2,868 | cpsd | MIT License |
src/main/java/com/booknara/problem/string/LongestPalindromicSubstringKt.kt | booknara | 226,968,158 | false | {"Java": 1128390, "Kotlin": 177761} | package com.booknara.problem.string
* 5. Longest Palindromic Substring (Medium)
class LongestPalindromicSubstringKt {
// T:O(n^2), S:O(1)
fun longestPalindrome(s: String): String {
// input check, s.length >= 1
if (s.length == 1) return s
var res: String = ""
var max = 0
// "cbbd"
for (i in s.indices) {
// odd (e.g. aba)
var l = i - 1
var r = i + 1
while (l >= 0 && r < s.length) {
if (s[l] != s[r]) break
// l ~ r : Palindrome
if (max < r - l - 1) {
max = r - l - 1
res = s.substring(l + 1, r) // inclusive ~ exclusive
// even (e.g. aabbaa)
l = i - 1
r = i
while (l >= 0 && r < s.length) {
if (s[l] != s[r]) break
// l ~ r : Palindrome
if (max < r - l - 1) {
max = r - l - 1
res = s.substring(l + 1, r) // inclusive ~ exclusive
return res
} | 0 | Java | 1 | 1 | 04dcf500ee9789cf10c488a25647f25359b37a53 | 1,065 | playground | MIT License |
src/Day01.kt | Sagolbah | 573,032,320 | false | {"Kotlin": 14528} | import kotlin.math.max
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
var ans: Long = -1
var curr: Long = 0
for (line in input) {
if (line.isEmpty()) {
ans = max(ans, curr)
curr = 0
} else {
curr += line.toLong()
ans = max(ans, curr)
return ans
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val elves = mutableListOf<Long>()
var curr: Long = 0 // assume all input is > 0
for (line in input) {
if (line.isEmpty()) {
curr = 0
} else {
curr += line.toLong()
if (curr != 0L) {
return elves.sortedDescending().take(3).sum()
val input = readInput("Day01")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 893c1797f3995c14e094b3baca66e23014e37d92 | 956 | advent-of-code-kt | Apache License 2.0 |
kotlin/src/main/kotlin/com/ximedes/aoc/day04/PassportProcessing.kt | rolfchess | 314,041,772 | false | null | package com.ximedes.aoc.day04
import com.ximedes.aoc.util.assertTrue
import com.ximedes.aoc.util.getClasspathFile
// :warning: *Day 4: Toboggan Trajectory* solution thread - here be spoilers! :warning:
fun main() {
val sw = Stopwatch("Day 4", "load input")
val file = getClasspathFile("/input-4.txt")
sw.aboutTo("solve part 1")
val passports = file.readText().getPassports().filter { it.containsRequiredFields() }
println("Day 04 part 1 solution: ${passports.count()}")
assertTrue(passports.count() == 192)
sw.aboutTo("solve part 2")
val validPassports = passports.filter { it.isValidPassport() }
println("Day 04 part 2 solution: ${validPassports.size}")
assertTrue(validPassports.count() == 101)
fun String.getPassports() = split("\n\n").map { it.toPassport() }
data class Passport(val fields: Map<String, String>) {
fun containsRequiredFields() =
fields.keys.containsAll(listOf("byr", "iyr", "eyr", "hgt", "hcl", "ecl", "pid"))
fun isValidPassport() =
// Fastest assert first
fields["byr"]!!.toInt() in 1920..2002
&& fields["iyr"]!!.toInt() in 2010..2020
&& fields["eyr"]!!.toInt() in 2020..2030
&& fields["hcl"]!!.matches("""#[0-9a-f]{6}""".toRegex())
&& fields["ecl"]!!.matches("""amb|blu|brn|gry|grn|hzl|oth""".toRegex())
&& fields["pid"]!!.matches("""[0-9]{9}""".toRegex())
&& validHeight()
fun validHeight(): Boolean {
val matches = """(\d+)(cm|in)""".toRegex().matchEntire(fields["hgt"]!!)
return matches != null && matches.groupValues.isNotEmpty() && when (matches.groupValues[2]) {
"cm" -> matches.groupValues[1].toInt() in 150..193
"in" -> matches.groupValues[1].toInt() in 59..96
else -> error("Do not know how to handle ${fields["hgt"]}")
fun String.toPassport() = Passport(
split("""[\n| ]""".toRegex())
.map {
val keyvalue = it.split(":")
Pair(keyvalue.first(), keyvalue.last())
) | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e666ef0358980656e1c52a3ec08482dd7f86e8a3 | 2,252 | aoc-2020 | The Unlicense |
src/main/kotlin/g2401_2500/s2407_longest_increasing_subsequence_ii/Solution.kt | javadev | 190,711,550 | false | {"Kotlin": 4420233, "TypeScript": 50437, "Python": 3646, "Shell": 994} | package g2401_2500.s2407_longest_increasing_subsequence_ii
// #Hard #Array #Dynamic_Programming #Divide_and_Conquer #Queue #Segment_Tree #Binary_Indexed_Tree
// #Monotonic_Queue #2023_07_03_Time_518_ms_(100.00%)_Space_56.7_MB_(100.00%)
class Solution {
private class SegTree(private val n: Int) {
private val arr: IntArray = IntArray(2 * n)
fun query(l: Int, r: Int): Int {
var l = l
var r = r
l += n
r += n
var ans = 0
while (l < r) {
if (l and 1 == 1) {
ans = ans.coerceAtLeast(arr[l])
l += 1
if (r and 1 == 1) {
r -= 1
ans = ans.coerceAtLeast(arr[r])
l = l shr 1
r = r shr 1
return ans
fun update(i: Int, `val`: Int) {
var i = i
i += n
arr[i] = `val`
while (i > 0) {
i = i shr 1
arr[i] = arr[2 * i].coerceAtLeast(arr[2 * i + 1])
fun lengthOfLIS(nums: IntArray, k: Int): Int {
var max = 0
for (n in nums) {
max = max.coerceAtLeast(n)
val seg = SegTree(max)
var ans = 0
var i = 0
while (i < nums.size) {
var n = nums[i]
n -= 1
val temp = seg.query(0.coerceAtLeast(n - k), n) + 1
ans = ans.coerceAtLeast(temp)
seg.update(n, temp)
return ans
| 0 | Kotlin | 14 | 24 | fc95a0f4e1d629b71574909754ca216e7e1110d2 | 1,676 | LeetCode-in-Kotlin | MIT License |
src/shmp/simulation/culture/group/centers/RelationCenter.kt | ShMPMat | 212,499,539 | false | null | package
import shmp.utils.getTruncated
import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.max
class RelationCenter(internal val hostilityCalculator: (Relation) -> Double) {
private val relationsMap: MutableMap<Group, Relation> = HashMap()
private val evaluationFactor = 10_000
val relatedGroups: Set<Group>
get() = relationsMap.keys
val relations: Collection<Relation>
get() = relationsMap.values
fun getConglomerateGroups(conglomerate: GroupConglomerate) =
relations.filter { it.other.parentGroup == conglomerate }
fun getAvgConglomerateRelation(conglomerate: GroupConglomerate): Double {
val result = max(
getConglomerateGroups(conglomerate).map { it.normalized }.average(),
return if (result.isNaN()) 1.0
else result
fun getMinConglomerateRelation(conglomerate: GroupConglomerate) =
getConglomerateGroups(conglomerate).map { it.normalized }.min() ?: 1.0
fun getMaxConglomerateRelation(conglomerate: GroupConglomerate) =
getConglomerateGroups(conglomerate).map { it.normalized }.max() ?: 1.0
fun getNormalizedRelation(group: Group) = relationsMap[group]?.normalized ?: 0.5
fun getRelation(group: Group) = relationsMap[group]
fun evaluateTile(tile: Tile) = {
(it.positive * evaluationFactor / getDistance(tile,
}.fold(0, Int::plus)
internal fun updateRelations(groups: Collection<Group>, owner: Group) {
updateNewConnections(groups, owner)
private fun updateNewConnections(groups: Collection<Group>, owner: Group) {
if ( { it.owner }.any { it != owner })
throw GroupError("Incoherent owner for relations")
for (group in groups)
if (!relationsMap.containsKey(group)) {
val relation = Relation(owner, group)
relation.pair = group.relationCenter.addMirrorRelation(relation)
relationsMap[relation.other] = relation
private fun updateRelations() {
val dead: MutableList<Group> = ArrayList()
for (relation in relationsMap.values) {
if (relation.other.state == Group.State.Dead)
relation.positive = hostilityCalculator(relation)
dead.forEach { relationsMap.remove(it) }
private fun addMirrorRelation(relation: Relation): Relation {
val newRelation = Relation(relation.other, relation.owner)
newRelation.pair = relation
relationsMap[relation.owner] = newRelation
return newRelation
override fun toString() = relations
.map { it.other.parentGroup }
.joinToString("\n") {
"${} average - ${getTruncated(getAvgConglomerateRelation(it), 4)}, " +
"min - ${getTruncated(getMinConglomerateRelation(it), 4)}, " +
"max - ${getTruncated(getMaxConglomerateRelation(it), 4)}\n"
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 9fc6faafa1dbd9737dac71dc8a77960accdae81f | 3,472 | CulturesSim | MIT License |
src/codility/NumberOfDiscIntersections.kt | faniabdullah | 382,893,751 | false | null | package codility
We draw N discs on a plane. The discs are numbered from 0 to N − 1. An array A of N non-negative integers, specifying the radiuses of the discs, is given. The J-th disc is drawn with its center at (J, 0) and radius A[J].
We say that the J-th disc and K-th disc intersect if J ≠ K and the J-th and K-th discs have at least one common point (assuming that the discs contain their borders).
The figure below shows discs drawn for N = 6 and A as follows:
A[0] = 1
A[1] = 5
A[2] = 2
A[3] = 1
A[4] = 4
A[5] = 0
There are eleven (unordered) pairs of discs that intersect, namely:
discs 1 and 4 intersect, and both intersect with all the other discs;
disc 2 also intersects with discs 0 and 3.
Write a function:
class Solution { public int solution(int[] A); }
that, given an array A describing N discs as explained above, returns the number of (unordered) pairs of intersecting discs. The function should return −1 if the number of intersecting pairs exceeds 10,000,000.
Given array A shown above, the function should return 11, as explained above.
Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions:
N is an integer within the range [0..100,000];
each element of array A is an integer within the range [0..2,147,483,647].
import kotlin.math.abs
class NumberOfDiscIntersections {
fun solution(A: IntArray): Int {
val n = A.size
val starts = IntArray(n + 1)
val ends = IntArray(n + 1)
for (i in 0 until n) {
val discRadius = abs(A[i])
val indexOfBeginning = i.toLong() - discRadius.toLong()
starts[(if (indexOfBeginning < 0) 0 else indexOfBeginning).toInt()]++
val indexOfEnd: Long = i.toLong() + discRadius.toLong()
val result = if (indexOfEnd > n) n else indexOfEnd
var numberOfIntersections = 0
var numberOfActiveCircles = 0
for (i in 0 until n + 1) {
val numberOfNewCircles = starts[i]
if (numberOfNewCircles > 0) {
numberOfIntersections += (numberOfActiveCircles * numberOfNewCircles
+ (numberOfNewCircles - 1) * numberOfNewCircles / 2)
numberOfActiveCircles += numberOfNewCircles
if (numberOfIntersections > 10000000) {
return -1
if (ends[i] > 0) {
numberOfActiveCircles -= ends[i]
return numberOfIntersections
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 6 | ecf14fe132824e944818fda1123f1c7796c30532 | 2,570 | dsa-kotlin | MIT License |
LR6/src/main/kotlin/Task2V1.kt | Kirchberg | 602,987,232 | false | null | // Списки (стеки, очереди) I(1..n) и U(1..n) содержат результаты n измерений тока и напряжения на неизвестном
// сопротивлении R. Найти приближенное число R методом наименьших квадратов.
import kotlin.math.pow
// Create a class LeastSquaresR that takes two lists of measurements, currents, and voltages
class LeastSquaresR(private val currents: List<Double>, private val voltages: List<Double>) {
// Check if the input lists have the same size
init {
require(currents.size == voltages.size) { "Currents and voltages lists must have the same size" }
// Implement a method that calculates the least squares approximation of R based on the input data
fun calculateR(): Double {
// Calculate the sum of the product of each current and voltage measurement
val sumIU = { i, u -> i * u }.sum()
// Calculate the sum of the square of each current measurement
val sumISquared = { it.pow(2) }.sum()
// Calculate the number of measurements
val n = currents.size
// Calculate the approximate value of the unknown resistance R using the least squares method
val r = sumIU / sumISquared
return r
fun task2V1() {
// Provide sample data: two lists of current and voltage measurements
val currents = listOf(0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5)
val voltages = listOf(1.0, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.0)
// Create a LeastSquaresR object with the sample data
val leastSquaresR = LeastSquaresR(currents, voltages)
// Calculate the approximate value of the unknown resistance R
val r = leastSquaresR.calculateR()
// Print the result
println("The approximate value of the unknown resistance R is: $r Ω")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | b6a459a30ef20b0f38c4869d0949e22f4239183e | 1,888 | BigDataPL | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/com/colinodell/advent2023/Day06.kt | colinodell | 726,073,391 | false | {"Kotlin": 114923} | package com.colinodell.advent2023
class Day06(private val input: List<String>) {
private fun countWaysToWin(time: Long, recordDistance: Long) = 0.rangeTo(time)
.takeWhile { holdTime -> ((time - holdTime) * holdTime) <= recordDistance }
.let { time - (it * 2) + 1 }
fun solvePart1() = run {
val times = input.first().split(":").last().trim().split(Regex("""\s+""")).map { it.toLong() }
val recordDistances = input.last().split(":").last().trim().split(Regex("""\s+""")).map { it.toLong() }
.productOf { countWaysToWin(it.first, it.second) }
fun solvePart2() = run {
val time = input.first().replace(" ", "").split(":").last().toLong()
val recordDistance = input.last().replace(" ", "").split(":").last().toLong()
countWaysToWin(time, recordDistance)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 97e36330a24b30ef750b16f3887d30c92f3a0e83 | 913 | advent-2023 | MIT License |
app/src/test/java/com/terencepeh/leetcodepractice/IntersectionArrays.kt | tieren1 | 560,012,707 | false | {"Kotlin": 26346} | package com.terencepeh.leetcodepractice
fun intersection(nums1: IntArray, nums2: IntArray): IntArray {
return nums1.intersect(nums2.toHashSet()).toIntArray()
fun intersection2(nums1: IntArray, nums2: IntArray): IntArray {
val set1 = nums1.toHashSet()
val set2 = nums2.toHashSet()
return if (set1.size > set2.size) {
setIntersection(set1, set2)
} else {
setIntersection(set2, set1)
fun setIntersection(set1: HashSet<Int>, set2: HashSet<Int>): IntArray {
val output = mutableListOf<Int>()
set2.forEach { s ->
if (set1.contains(s)) {
return output.toIntArray()
fun main() {
val nums1 = intArrayOf(4, 9, 5, 1)
val nums2 = intArrayOf(9, 4, 9, 8, 4)
println("intersection: ${intersection(nums1, nums2).contentToString()}")
println("intersection: ${intersection2(nums1, nums2).contentToString()}")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 427fa2855c01fbc1e85a840d0be381cbb4eec858 | 927 | LeetCodePractice | MIT License |
src/day13/result.kt | davidcurrie | 437,645,413 | false | {"Kotlin": 37294} | package day13
import kotlin.math.abs
fun main() {
val input = File("src/day13/input.txt").readText()
val coords = Regex("([0-9]*),([0-9]*)").findAll(input)
.map { Pair(it.groupValues[1].toInt(), it.groupValues[2].toInt()) }
val folds = Regex("fold along ([xy])=([0-9]*)").findAll(input)
.map { Pair(it.groupValues[1], it.groupValues[2].toInt()) }
println( { p -> p.fold(folds[0]) }.toSet().size)
folds.fold(coords) { c, f -> { p -> p.fold(f) }.toSet() }.output()
fun Pair<Int, Int>.fold(fold: Pair<String, Int>) = Pair(
if (fold.first == "x") fold.second - abs(first - fold.second) else first,
if (fold.first == "y") fold.second - abs(second - fold.second) else second
fun Set<Pair<Int, Int>>.output() {
(0..maxOf { it.second }).forEach { y ->
(0..maxOf { it.first }).forEach { x ->
print(if (contains(Pair(x, y))) "#" else ".")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | dd37372420dc4b80066efd7250dd3711bc677f4c | 1,027 | advent-of-code-2021 | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/algorithms/sorting/quick_sort/QuickSort.kt | AANikolaev | 273,465,105 | false | {"Java": 179737, "Kotlin": 13961} | package algorithms.sorting.quick_sort
import algorithms.sorting.InplaceSort
class QuickSort : InplaceSort {
override fun sort(values: IntArray) {
private fun quickSort(ar: IntArray?) {
if (ar == null) return
quickSort(ar, 0, ar.size - 1)
// Sort interval [lo, hi] inplace recursively
private fun quickSort(ar: IntArray, lo: Int, hi: Int) {
if (lo < hi) {
val splitPoint: Int = partition(ar, lo, hi)
quickSort(ar, lo, splitPoint)
quickSort(ar, splitPoint + 1, hi)
// Performs Hoare partition algorithm for quicksort
private fun partition(ar: IntArray, lo: Int, hi: Int): Int {
val pivot = ar[lo]
var i = lo - 1
var j = hi + 1
while (true) {
do {
} while (ar[i] < pivot)
do {
} while (ar[j] > pivot)
if (i < j) swap(ar, i, j) else return j
// Swap two elements
private fun swap(ar: IntArray, i: Int, j: Int) {
val tmp = ar[i]
ar[i] = ar[j]
ar[j] = tmp
} | 0 | Java | 0 | 0 | f9f0a14a5c450bd9efb712b28c95df9a0d7d589b | 1,182 | Algorithms | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/aoc05/Solution05.kt | rainer-gepardec | 573,386,353 | false | {"Kotlin": 13070} | package aoc05
import java.nio.file.Paths
[N] [C]
[Z] [M] [P]
1 2 3
[J] [Z] [G]
[Z] [T] [S] [P] [R]
[R] [Q] [V] [B] [G] [J]
[W] [W] [N] [L] [V] [W] [C]
[F] [Q] [T] [G] [C] [T] [T] [W]
[H] [D] [W] [W] [H] [T] [R] [M] [B]
[T] [G] [T] [R] [B] [P] [B] [G] [G]
[S] [S] [B] [D] [F] [L] [Z] [N] [L]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
fun createStorage(): Map<Int, ArrayDeque<String>> {
val storage = mutableMapOf<Int, ArrayDeque<String>>()
storage[1] = ArrayDeque(listOf("S", "T","H","F","W","R"))
storage[2] = ArrayDeque(listOf("S", "G", "D","Q","W"))
storage[3] = ArrayDeque(listOf("B","T","W"))
storage[4] = ArrayDeque(listOf("D","R","W","T","N","Q","Z","J"))
storage[5] = ArrayDeque(listOf("F","B","H","G","L","V","T","Z"))
storage[6] = ArrayDeque(listOf("L","P","T","C","V","B","S","G"))
storage[7] = ArrayDeque(listOf("Z","B","R","T","W","G","P"))
storage[8] = ArrayDeque(listOf("N","G","M","T","C","J","R"))
storage[9] = ArrayDeque(listOf("L","G","B","W"))
return storage
fun main() {
val lines = Paths.get("src/main/resources/aoc_05.txt").toFile().useLines { it.toList() }
val operations = { it.split(" ") }
.map { tokens -> { token -> token.toIntOrNull() }.mapNotNull { it }
.map {
Triple(it[0], it[1], it[2])
println(solution1(createStorage(), operations))
println(solution2(createStorage(), operations))
fun solution1(storage: Map<Int, ArrayDeque<String>>, operations: List<Triple<Int, Int, Int>>): String {
operations.forEach {
for (i in 0 until it.first) storage[it.third]!!.addLast(storage[it.second]!!.removeLast())
return {it.value.removeLast() }.joinToString(separator = "")
fun solution2(storage: Map<Int, ArrayDeque<String>>, operations: List<Triple<Int, Int, Int>>): String {
operations.forEach { movement ->
val tmpDeque = ArrayDeque<String>();
for (i in 0 until movement.first) {
tmpDeque.forEach {
return {it.value.removeLast() }.joinToString(separator = "")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | c920692d23e8c414a996e8c1f5faeee07d0f18f2 | 2,324 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
Generics/Generic functions/src/Task.kt | margalis | 393,934,017 | false | null | import java.util.*
public fun <T, C : MutableCollection<in T>> Collection<T>.partitionTo(col1: C, col2: C, predicate: (T)-> Boolean): Pair<C,C> {
//T-n itemi tesak, C-n` Collectioni mejini
//greladzevy` toCollectioni pes
for( item in this){
return Pair(col1,col2) // qanzi partition()-y sl-um pair er veradardznum
fun partitionWordsAndLines() {
val (words, lines) = listOf("a", "a b", "c", "d e")
.partitionTo(ArrayList(), ArrayList()) { s -> !s.contains(" ") }
check(words == listOf("a", "c"))
check(lines == listOf("a b", "d e"))
fun partitionLettersAndOtherSymbols() {
val (letters, other) = setOf('a', '%', 'r', '}')
.partitionTo(HashSet(), HashSet()) { c -> c in 'a'..'z' || c in 'A'..'Z' }
check(letters == setOf('a', 'r'))
check(other == setOf('%', '}'))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | faf2034dcc4e0c90cd39b6c059de7aae4faade73 | 957 | Kotlin_Koans_mg | MIT License |
kotlin/2020/round-1b/expogo/src/main/kotlin/bfs/Solution.kt | ShreckYe | 345,946,821 | false | null | package bfs
fun main() {
val T = readLine()!!.toInt()
repeat(T) { t ->
val (X, Y) = readLine()!!.splitToSequence(' ').map(String::toInt).toList()
val zero = Point(0, 0)
val goal = Point(X, Y)
val bfsPoints = bfsPointsWithin(sequenceOf(zero to emptySequence()), 0, 9)
val jumps = bfsPoints.firstOrNull { it.first == goal && it.second.any() }?.run { second.joinToString("") }
println("Case #${t + 1}: ${jumps ?: "IMPOSSIBLE"}")
data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int)
typealias History = Sequence<Char>
typealias PointWithHis = Pair<Point, History>
fun bfsPointsWithin(from: Sequence<PointWithHis>, i: Int, nSteps: Int): Sequence<PointWithHis> =
if (nSteps == 0) from
else bfsPointsWithin(from + from.flatMap {
}, i + 1, nSteps - 1)
// i means i + 1 here
fun nextPointsFrom(from: Point, i: Int, history: Sequence<Char>): Sequence<PointWithHis> {
val (x, y) = from
val jump = 1 shl i
return {
when (it) {
'N' -> Point(x, y + jump)
'S' -> Point(x, y - jump)
'E' -> Point(x + jump, y)
'W' -> Point(x - jump, y)
else -> throw AssertionError()
} to history + it
val directions = sequenceOf('N', 'S', 'E', 'W') | 0 | Kotlin | 1 | 1 | 743540a46ec157a6f2ddb4de806a69e5126f10ad | 1,389 | google-code-jam | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/wtf/log/xmas2021/day/day05/Day05.kt | damianw | 434,043,459 | false | {"Kotlin": 62890} | package
import wtf.log.xmas2021.Day
import wtf.log.xmas2021.util.math.Line
import wtf.log.xmas2021.util.math.Point
import wtf.log.xmas2021.util.math.points
object Day05 : Day<List<Line>, Int, Int> {
private val REGEX = Regex("""(\d+),(\d+) -> (\d+),(\d+)""")
override fun parseInput(reader: BufferedReader): List<Line> = reader
.map { line ->
val (x1, y1, x2, y2) = requireNotNull(REGEX.matchEntire(line)).destructured
start = Point(x1.toInt(), y1.toInt()),
end = Point(x2.toInt(), y2.toInt()),
override fun part1(input: List<Line>): Int {
return solve(input) { it.isVertical || it.isHorizontal }
override fun part2(input: List<Line>): Int {
return solve(input) { true }
private inline fun solve(input: List<Line>, predicate: (Line) -> Boolean): Int {
val pointCounts: Multiset<Point> = HashMultiset.create()
for (line in input) {
if (predicate(line)) {
val dangerousPoints = pointCounts
.filter { it.count >= 2 }
.map { it.element }
return dangerousPoints.size
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 1c4c12546ea3de0e7298c2771dc93e578f11a9c6 | 1,483 | AdventOfKotlin2021 | BSD Source Code Attribution |
leetcode/src/array/Q73.kt | zhangweizhe | 387,808,774 | false | null | package array
fun main() {
// 73. 矩阵置零
val mat = Array<IntArray>(3) {
when(it) {
// 0 -> intArrayOf(0,1,2,0)
// 1 -> intArrayOf(3,4,5,2)
// 2 -> intArrayOf(1,3,1,5)
// else -> intArrayOf()
0 -> intArrayOf(0)
1 -> intArrayOf(0)
2 -> intArrayOf(1)
else -> intArrayOf()
for (m in mat) {
fun setZeroes(matrix: Array<IntArray>): Unit {
val xy = ArrayList<Pair<Int, Int>>()
for (row in matrix.indices) {
for (col in matrix[row].indices) {
if (matrix[row][col] == 0) {
xy.add(Pair(row, col))
val rCount = matrix.size
val cCount = matrix[0].size
for (pair in xy) {
for (x in 1..rCount) {
matrix[x-1][pair.second] = 0
for (y in 1..cCount) {
matrix[pair.first][y-1] = 0
* 用第一行和第一列作为标记数组
fun setZeroes1(matrix: Array<IntArray>): Unit {
var col0Flag = false
var row0Flag = false
val rCount = matrix.size //3
val cCount = matrix[0].size //4
for (x in 0 until rCount) {
if (matrix[x][0] == 0) {
col0Flag = true
for (y in 0 until cCount) {
if (matrix[0][y] == 0) {
row0Flag = true
for (x in 0 until rCount) {
for (y in 0 until cCount) {
if (matrix[x][y] == 0) {
matrix[x][0] = 0
matrix[0][y] = 0
for (x in 1 until rCount) {
for (y in 1 until cCount) {
if (matrix[0][y] == 0) {
matrix[x][y] = 0
if (matrix[x][0] == 0) {
matrix[x][y] = 0
if (row0Flag) {
for (y in 0 until cCount) {
matrix[0][y] = 0
if (col0Flag) {
for (x in 0 until rCount) {
matrix[x][0] = 0
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 1d213b6162dd8b065d6ca06ac961c7873c65bcdc | 2,220 | kotlin-study | MIT License |
grokking-algorithms/06 - Breadth-first Search/01_BFS_Person.kt | arturschaefer | 427,090,600 | false | {"C": 48055, "Kotlin": 24446, "C++": 16696, "Dart": 3630, "QMake": 168} | import java.util.Deque
import java.util.LinkedList
import kotlin.collections.last
fun main() {
val valuesList = listOf(
Person("you") to listOf(Person("alice"), Person("bob"), Person("claire")),
Person("bob") to listOf(Person("anuj"), Person("peggy")),
Person("alice") to listOf(Person("peggy")),
Person("claire") to listOf(Person("thom", true), Person("jonny")),
Person("anuj") to emptyList(),
Person("peggy") to emptyList(),
Person("thom", true) to emptyList(),
Person("jonny") to emptyList(),
val graph = Graph<Person>(valuesList)
val result = graph.breadthFirstSearch(Person("you"), Person::isMangoSeller)
result?.let {
println("${it.last().name} is a Mango Seller")
println("Searched graph -> ${result.toString()}")
} ?: println("There is no Mango seller")
data class Person(val name: String, val isMangoSeller: Boolean = false) {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = if (other is Person) == name else false
class Graph<V>(val values: List<Pair<V, List<V>>>){
// O(V+E) (V for number of vertices, E for number of edges)
fun breadthFirstSearch(key: V, searchFunction: (V) -> Boolean): List<V>?{
val graph = hashMapOf<V, List<V>>()
var searchQueue: Deque<V> = LinkedList()
graph[key]?.let {
searchQueue += it
val searched = LinkedHashSet<V>()
while (searchQueue.isNotEmpty()){
val current = searchQueue.pop()
if (!searched.contains(current)){
if (searchFunction(current)){
return searched.toList()
} else {
graph[current]?.let {
searchQueue += it
return null
| 0 | C | 0 | 0 | 04c34298739cab13b5cd755b4c6786fc1fe236cd | 1,999 | computer-science-studies | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/me/grison/aoc/Extensions.kt | agrison | 315,292,447 | false | {"Kotlin": 267552} | /**
* This file contains useful Kotlin extensions to deal with
* various problems that we need to solve during Advent Of Code
* Including String, Ints, Longs, Iterable & Collections, Ranges, Pairs, Complex, ...
* These extensions are used in all the different years solutions.
package me.grison.aoc
import space.kscience.kmath.complex.Complex
import util.CYAN
import util.RESET
import java.lang.Integer.max
import java.lang.Integer.min
import java.math.BigInteger
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.ceil
// core types
// Strings
{(0,0)=2, (0,1)=1, (0,2)=9
(1,0)=3, (1,1)=9, (1,2)=8}
typealias Grid<T> = MutableMap<Position, T>
fun List<String>.intGrid(default: Int, size: Int): Grid<Int> {
val grid = HashMap<Position, Int>(size).withDefault { default }
var height = 0
forEach { line ->
var width = 0
line.normalSplit("").ints().forEach { n ->
grid[p(height, width++)] = n
return grid
fun List<String>.intGrid(default: Int): Grid<Int> {
val grid = mutableMapOf<Position, Int>().withDefault { default }
var height = 0
forEach { line ->
var width = 0
line.normalSplit("").ints().forEach { n ->
grid[p(height, width++)] = n
return grid
fun List<String>.stringGrid(default: String): Grid<String> {
val grid = mutableMapOf<Position, String>().withDefault { default }
var height = 0
forEach { line ->
var width = 0
line.normalSplit("").forEach { n ->
grid[p(height, width++)] = n
return grid
fun <T> MutableList<T>.append(t: T): MutableList<T> {
return this
// Integers & Long
/** Returns whether this is divisible by `other`. */
fun Int.divisible(other: Int) = this % other == 0
/** Returns whether this is in the given range. */
fun Int.`in`(i: IntRange) = (i.first..(i.last + 1)).contains(this)
/** Returns whether this is divisible by `other`. */
fun Long.divisible(other: Long) = this % other == 0L
fun Int.odd() = this % 2 == 1
fun Int.even() = this % 2 == 0
fun = this == 0
fun Int.pos() = this >= 0
fun Int.neg() = this < 0
// Complex
/** Returns the manhattan distance of this Complex. */
fun Complex.manhattan() = (abs( + abs(
val Double.j: Complex
get() = Complex(0, this)
val Int.j: Complex
get() = Complex(0, this)
val Double.r: Complex
get() = Complex(this, 0)
val Int.r: Complex
get() = Complex(this, 0)
operator fun Complex.times(c: Complex) =
Complex( * - *, * + *
operator fun Complex) =
Complex( +, +
// Booleans
/** Returns `1` if `true`, `0` otherwise. */
fun Boolean.toInt() = if (this) 1 else 0
/** Returns `1` if `true`, `0` otherwise. */
fun Boolean.toLong() = if (this) 1L else 0L
fun Int.sign() = kotlin.math.sign(this.toDouble()).toInt()
// Characters
/** `+` operator for characters. */
operator fun Char) = toString() + c
/** Returns whether this equals `c`. */
fun Char.eq(c: Char) = this == c
/** Returns whether this range includes all the given `ints`. */
fun IntRange.includes(vararg ints: Int) = ints.all(this::contains)
// Sequence
fun <T : Any> cycle(vararg xs: T): Sequence<T> {
var i = 0
return generateSequence { xs[i++ % xs.size] }
fun <T : Any> cycle(xs: List<T>): Sequence<T> {
var i = 0
return generateSequence { xs[i++ % xs.size] }
// Pairs
/** Difference between an ordered Pair. */
fun Pair<Int, Int>.difference() = second - first
/** Whether the difference between an ordered Pair is `i`. */
fun Pair<Int, Int>.differenceIs(i: Int) = difference() == i
/** Difference between an ordered Pair. */
fun Pair<Long, Long>.difference() = (second - first).absoluteValue
/** Whether the difference between an ordered Pair is `i`. */
fun Pair<Long, Long>.differenceIs(i: Long) = difference() == i
/** Returns the sum of the elements in this Pair. */
fun Pair<Int, Int>.sum() = first + second
/** Returns the product of the elements in this Pair. */
fun Pair<Int, Int>.multiply() = first * second
/** Returns the product of the elements in this Pair. */
fun Pair<Int, Int>.product() = first * second
/** `+` operator for Pairs. */
operator fun Pair<Int, Int>.plus(p: Pair<Int, Int>): Pair<Int, Int> = Pair(first + p.first, second + p.second)
//operator fun Pair<Long, Long>.plus(p: Pair<Long, Long>): Pair<Long, Long> = Pair(first + p.first, second + p.second)
fun Pair<Int, Int>.plus(a: Int, b: Int): Pair<Int, Int> = Pair(first + a, second + b)
/** `-` operator for Pairs. */
operator fun Pair<Int, Int>.minus(p: Pair<Int, Int>): Pair<Int, Int> = Pair(first - p.first, second - p.second)
/** `*` operator for Pairs. */
operator fun Pair<Int, Int>.times(p: Pair<Int, Int>): Pair<Int, Int> = Pair(first * p.first, second * p.second)/** `*` operator for Pairs. */
//operator fun Pair<Long, Long>.times(p: Pair<Long, Long>): Pair<Long, Long> = Pair(first * p.first, second * p.second)
fun bools() = mutableListOf<Boolean>()
fun ints() = mutableListOf<Int>()
fun directions() = listOf(p(-1, 0), p(1, 0), p(0, -1), p(0, 1))
fun Pair<Int, Int>.above() =, -1))
fun Pair<Int, Int>.below() =, 1))
fun Pair<Int, Int>.left() =, 0))
fun Pair<Int, Int>.right() =, 0))
fun Pair<Int, Int>.up(i: Int) =, -i))
fun Pair<Int, Int>.down(i: Int) =, i))
fun Pair<Int, Int>.forward(i: Int) =, 0))
fun Pair<Int, Int>.forward(i: Int, aim: Int) =, aim))
fun Pair<Int, Int>.backward(i: Int) =, 0))
fun Pair<Int, Int>.within(minx: Int, miny: Int, maxx: Int, maxy: Int) = first in minx..maxx && second in miny..maxy
fun Pair<Int, Int>.directions() = listOf(above(), below(), left(), right())
fun Pair<Int, Int>.neighbors(self: Boolean = false): List<Position> {
val neighbors = listOf(
plus(-1, -1), plus(-1, 0), plus(-1, 1),
plus(0, -1), this, plus(0, 1),
plus(1, -1), plus(1, 0), plus(1, 1)
return if (self) neighbors else neighbors.reject { it == this }
fun Pair<Int, Int>.abs() = p(abs(first), abs(second))
fun Pair<Int, Int>.max() = kotlin.math.max(first, second)
fun Pair<Int, Int>.min() = kotlin.math.min(first, second)
fun <T, U> Pair<T, U>.first(t: T) = p(t, second)
fun <T, U> Pair<T, U>.second(u: U) = p(first, u)
fun movements() = mapOf("R" to p(0, 1), "L" to p(0, -1), "D" to p(1, 0), "U" to p(-1, 0))
// return an increasing range
fun Pair<Int, Int>.range() = min(first, second)..max(first, second)
// compute the slope of a pair representing two X or two Y (derivative)
fun Pair<Int, Int>.slope() = when {
first == second -> 0
first > second -> -1
else -> 1
fun Pair<Int, Int>.pivotSecond(loc: Int) = if (second < loc) this else p(first, loc - (second - loc))
fun Pair<Int, Int>.pivotFirst(loc: Int) = if (first < loc) this else p(loc - (first - loc), second)
fun Pair<Long, Long>.pivotSecond(loc: Long) = if (second < loc) this else Pair(first, loc - (second - loc))
fun Pair<Long, Long>.pivotFirst(loc: Long) = if (first < loc) this else Pair(loc - (first - loc), second)
fun Triple<Int, Int, Int>.sum() = first + second + third
fun Triple<Long, Long, Long>.sum() = first + second + third
// works with MutableMap.withDefault()
fun <T> MutableMap<T, Int>.increase(key: T, amount: Int = 1): MutableMap<T, Int> {
this[key] = this.getOrDefault(key, 0) + amount
return this
fun <T> MutableMap<T, Long>.increase(key: T, amount: Long = 1L): MutableMap<T, Long> {
this[key] = this.getOrDefault(key, 0L) + amount
return this
fun <T> MutableMap<T, BigInteger>.increase(key: T, amount: BigInteger = BigInteger.ONE): MutableMap<T, BigInteger> {
this[key] = this.getOrDefault(key, BigInteger.ZERO).add(amount)
return this
fun <T> List<T>.copy() = this.toMutableList()
fun <T> List<T>.update(i: Int, value: T): List<T> {
val copy = this.toMutableList()
copy[i] = value
return copy
fun <T> List<T>.combinations(k: Int) = io.vavr.collection.Vector.ofAll(this)
.combinations(k).map {
it.toJavaList() as List<T>
}.toJavaList() as List<List<T>>
fun <T> List<T>.uniqueCombinations(k: Int) = this.combinations(k).toSet()
fun combinations2(lo: Int, hi: Int) = sequence {
for (i in lo..hi)
for (j in lo..hi)
yield(Pair(i, j))
fun combinations3(lo: Int, hi: Int) = sequence {
for (i in lo..hi)
for (j in lo..hi)
for (k in lo..hi)
yield(Triple(i, j, k))
/** Returns the sum of the elements in this Pair. */
fun Pair<Long, Long>.sum() = first + second
/** Returns the product of the elements in this Pair. */
fun Pair<Long, Long>.multiply() = first * second
/** Shortcut for creating a Pair. */
fun <T, U> p(t: T, u: U): Pair<T, U> = Pair(t, u)
fun pd(t: Double, u: Double): Pair<Double, Double> = Pair(t, u)
/** Returns the manhattan distance for this Pair. */
fun Pair<Int, Int>.manhattan() = first.absoluteValue + second.absoluteValue
/** Swap a Pair. */
fun <T, U> Pair<T, U>.swap() = p(second, first)
fun Pair<Double, Double>.distance() = ceil(abs(first) + kotlin.math.max(0.0, abs(second) - abs(first) / 2))
// ArrowKt
fun arrow.core.Tuple2<Int, Int>.sum(): Int = a + b
fun arrow.core.Tuple2<Int, Int>.mul(): Int = a * b
fun arrow.core.Tuple3<Int, Int, Int>.sum(): Int = a + b + c
fun arrow.core.Tuple3<Int, Int, Int>.mul(): Int = a * b * c
class Memoize1<in T, out R>(val f: (T) -> R) : (T) -> R {
private val values = mutableMapOf<T, R>()
override fun invoke(x: T): R {
return values.getOrPut(x, { f(x) })
fun <T, R> ((T) -> R).memoize(): (T) -> R = Memoize1(this)
fun <T> List<List<T>>.swapRowCols() = flatMap { it.withIndex() }
.groupBy({ (i, _) -> i }, { (_, v) -> v })
.map { (_, v) -> v.reversed() }
fun List<List<List<Boolean>>>.flattenGrid() = flatMap { it.mapIndexed { i, list -> IndexedValue(i, list) } }
.groupBy({ (i, _) -> i }, { (_, v) -> v })
.map { (_, v) -> v.reduce { acc, list -> acc + list } }
fun intSeq() = generateSequence(1) { it + 1 }
fun intSeq(x: Int) = generateSequence(x) { it + 1 }
typealias HashBag<T> = MutableMap<T, Int>
fun <T> hashBag() = mutableMapOf<T, Int>().withDefault { 0 }
typealias LongHashBag<T> = MutableMap<T, Int>
fun <T> longHashBag() = mutableMapOf<T, Long>().withDefault { 0L }
fun <T> bigIntHashBag() = mutableMapOf<T, BigInteger>().withDefault { BigInteger.ZERO }
typealias Position = Pair<Int, Int>
typealias LPosition = Pair<Long, Long>
fun Position.manhattan(other: Position) = abs(first - other.first) + abs(second - other.second)
fun LPosition.manhattan(other: LPosition) = abs(first - other.first) + abs(second - other.second)
fun <T> makeList(size: Int, t: T): MutableList<T> {
val list = mutableListOf<T>()
for (i in 0.until(size)) {
return list
fun Iterable<Int>.sumLong(): Long = this.fold(0L, Long::plus)
fun Array<Long>.increase(i: Int, amount: Long = 1): Array<Long> {
this[i] += amount
return this
fun gridPositions(dimensions: Pair<Int, Int>) = gridPositions(dimensions.first, dimensions.second)
fun gridPositions(height: Int, width: Int) = (0.until(height)).flatMap { y -> (0.until(width)).map { x -> p(y, x) } }
fun Iterable<Position>.pointsDisplay(empty: String = " "): String {
val (maxX, maxY) = p(maxOf { it.first }, maxOf { it.second })
val display = arrayListOf<List<String>>()
for (y in 0..maxY) {
display.add((0..maxX).map { x -> if (p(x, y) in this) "$CYAN#$RESET" else empty })
return display.joinToString("\n") { it.joinToString("") }
//fun Iterable<Pair<Long, Long>>.pointsDisplay(empty: String = " "): String {
// val (maxX, maxY) = p(maxOf { it.first }, maxOf { it.second })
// val display = arrayListOf<List<String>>()
// for (y in 0..maxY) {
// display.add((0..maxX).map { x -> if (p(x, y) in this) "$CYAN#$RESET" else empty })
// }
// return display.joinToString("\n") { it.joinToString("") }
fun Collection<Int>.toRange() = IntRange(this.first(), this.last())
fun Collection<Long>.toRange() = LongRange(this.first(), this.last())
fun Pair<Int, Int>.toRange() = IntRange(this.first, this.second)
fun Pair<Long, Long>.toRange() = LongRange(this.first, this.second)
operator fun IntRange.contains(range: IntRange) = this.first <= range.first && this.last >= range.last
fun IntRange.overlap(range: IntRange) = range.first in this || this.first in range
fun Collection<Int>.range() = maxOrNull()!! - minOrNull()!!
fun Collection<Long>.range() = maxOrNull()!! - minOrNull()!!
fun Collection<BigInteger>.range() = maxOrNull()!!.minus(minOrNull()!!)
fun <T> Map<T, Long>.frequency() = longHashBag<T>().let { hash ->
this.forEach { (k, v) -> hash.increase(k, v) }
fun <T, U> Map<T, Long>.frequency(selector: (T) -> U) = longHashBag<U>().let { hash ->
this.forEach { (k, v) -> hash.increase(selector(k), v) }
fun <T> Collection<T>.frequency() = bigIntHashBag<T>().let { hash ->
this.forEach { c -> hash.increase(c) }
fun Int.toBinary(length: Int? = null): String {
return if (length == null) this.toString(2)
else Integer.toBinaryString((1 shl length) or this).substring(1)
fun Int.padLeft(length: Int, value: Char): String {
return this.toString().padStart(length, value)
fun = this.toString().toInt()
fun <T,U,V> t(t: T, u: U, v: V) = Triple(t, u, v)
fun Position.sign() = p(first.sign(), second.sign())
fun Position.x() = first
fun Position.y() = second
fun List<Int>.min() = minByOrNull { it }!!
fun Iterable<Position>.minX() = map {it.first}.min()
fun Iterable<Position>.minY() = map {it.second}.min()
fun List<Int>.max() = maxByOrNull { it }!!
fun Iterable<Position>.maxX() = map {it.first}.max()
fun Iterable<Position>.maxY() = map {it.second}.max()
fun List<Long>.max() = maxByOrNull { it }!!
fun <T> List<T>.peek(index: Int, sideEffect: (T) -> Unit) : List<T> {
return this;
| 0 | Kotlin | 3 | 18 | ea6899817458f7ee76d4ba24d36d33f8b58ce9e8 | 14,264 | advent-of-code | Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal |
app/src/y2021/day24/Day24.kt | henningBunk | 432,858,990 | false | {"Kotlin": 124495} | package y2021.day24
import common.*
import common.annotations.AoCPuzzle
import y2021.day24.Variable.*
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
import kotlin.time.Duration
import kotlin.time.ExperimentalTime
import kotlin.time.milliseconds
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
Day24().solveThem(ignoreSamples = true)
@AoCPuzzle(2021, 24)
class Day24 : AocSolution {
override val answers = Answers(samplePart1 = -1, samplePart2 = -1)
// val lower = 11_111_111_111_111
// val upper = 99_999_999_999_999
val lower = 44_444_444_444_444
val upper = 55360782312113
// 44444444444444 is too low
// 55393888877939 is too high
// 55555555555555 is too high
override fun solvePart1(input: List<String>): Any {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
var percent = 0.0
for (candidate in (lower..upper).reversed()) {
// for (candidate in (lower..upper).step(10000)) {
val result = monad(candidate)
// if(result != -1) {
// println("$candidate;$result")
// File("monad_in_order.csv").appendText("$candidate,$result\n")
// }
if (result == 0) {
println("Valid monad found: $candidate")
return candidate
val newPercent = ((upper.toDouble() - candidate) / (upper - lower) * 100 * 1000).roundToInt() / 1000.0
if (newPercent != percent) {
val passed = Duration.milliseconds(System.currentTimeMillis() - start)
println("$newPercent % / time passed: $passed / currently at $candidate")
percent = newPercent
return -100
override fun solvePart2(input: List<String>): Any {
class ALU() {
var w: Int = 0
private set
var x: Int = 0
private set
var y: Int = 0
private set
var z: Int = 0
private set
// inp a - Read an input value and write it to variable a.
fun inp(a: Variable, value: Int) {
when (a) {
W -> w = value
X -> x = value
Y -> y = value
Z -> z = value
// add a b - Add the value of a to the value of b, then store the result in variable a.
fun add(a: Variable, value: Int) {
when (a) {
W -> w += value
X -> x += value
Y -> y += value
Z -> z += value
fun add(a: Variable, b: Variable) {
when (b) {
W -> add(a, w)
X -> add(a, x)
Y -> add(a, y)
Z -> add(a, z)
// mul a b - Multiply the value of a by the value of b, then store the result in variable a.
fun mul(a: Variable, value: Int) {
when (a) {
W -> w *= value
X -> x *= value
Y -> y *= value
Z -> z *= value
fun mul(a: Variable, b: Variable) {
when (b) {
W -> mul(a, w)
X -> mul(a, x)
Y -> mul(a, y)
Z -> mul(a, z)
// div a b - Divide the value of a by the value of b, truncate the result to an integer, then store the result in variable a. (Here, "truncate" means to round the value toward zero.)
fun div(a: Variable, value: Int) {
when (a) {
W -> w /= value
X -> x /= value
Y -> y /= value
Z -> z /= value
fun div(a: Variable, b: Variable) {
when (b) {
W -> div(a, w)
X -> div(a, x)
Y -> div(a, y)
Z -> div(a, z)
// mod a b - Divide the value of a by the value of b, then store the remainder in variable a. (This is also called the modulo operation.)
fun mod(a: Variable, value: Int) {
when (a) {
W -> w %= value
X -> x %= value
Y -> y %= value
Z -> z %= value
fun mod(a: Variable, b: Variable) {
when (b) {
W -> mod(a, w)
X -> mod(a, x)
Y -> mod(a, y)
Z -> mod(a, z)
// eql a b - If the value of a and b are equal, then store the value 1 in variable a. Otherwise, store the value 0 in variable a.
fun eql(a: Variable, value: Int) {
when (a) {
W -> w = if (w == value) 1 else 0
X -> x = if (x == value) 1 else 0
Y -> y = if (y == value) 1 else 0
Z -> z = if (z == value) 1 else 0
fun eql(a: Variable, b: Variable) {
when (b) {
W -> eql(a, w)
X -> eql(a, x)
Y -> eql(a, y)
Z -> eql(a, z)
enum class Variable {
X, Y, Z, W
fun monad(input: Long): Int {
val alu = ALU()
val digits = input.toString().map(Character::getNumericValue).toMutableList()
if (digits.contains(0)) return -1
alu.inp(W, digits.removeFirst())
alu.mul(X, 0)
alu.add(X, Z)
alu.mod(X, 26)
alu.div(Z, 1)
alu.add(X, 10)
alu.eql(X, W)
alu.eql(X, 0)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, 25)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Y, 1)
alu.mul(Z, Y)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, W)
alu.add(Y, 15)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Z, Y)
alu.inp(W, digits.removeFirst())
alu.mul(X, 0)
alu.add(X, Z)
alu.mod(X, 26)
alu.div(Z, 1)
alu.add(X, 12)
alu.eql(X, W)
alu.eql(X, 0)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, 25)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Y, 1)
alu.mul(Z, Y)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, W)
alu.add(Y, 8)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Z, Y)
alu.inp(W, digits.removeFirst())
alu.mul(X, 0)
alu.add(X, Z)
alu.mod(X, 26)
alu.div(Z, 1)
alu.add(X, 15)
alu.eql(X, W)
alu.eql(X, 0)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, 25)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Y, 1)
alu.mul(Z, Y)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, W)
alu.add(Y, 2)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Z, Y)
alu.inp(W, digits.removeFirst())
alu.mul(X, 0)
alu.add(X, Z)
alu.mod(X, 26)
alu.div(Z, 26)
alu.add(X, -9)
alu.eql(X, W)
alu.eql(X, 0)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, 25)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Y, 1)
alu.mul(Z, Y)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, W)
alu.add(Y, 6)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Z, Y)
alu.inp(W, digits.removeFirst())
alu.mul(X, 0)
alu.add(X, Z)
alu.mod(X, 26)
alu.div(Z, 1)
alu.add(X, 15)
alu.eql(X, W)
alu.eql(X, 0)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, 25)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Y, 1)
alu.mul(Z, Y)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, W)
alu.add(Y, 13)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Z, Y)
alu.inp(W, digits.removeFirst())
alu.mul(X, 0)
alu.add(X, Z)
alu.mod(X, 26)
alu.div(Z, 1)
alu.add(X, 10)
alu.eql(X, W)
alu.eql(X, 0)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, 25)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Y, 1)
alu.mul(Z, Y)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, W)
alu.add(Y, 4)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Z, Y)
alu.inp(W, digits.removeFirst())
alu.mul(X, 0)
alu.add(X, Z)
alu.mod(X, 26)
alu.div(Z, 1)
alu.add(X, 14)
alu.eql(X, W)
alu.eql(X, 0)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, 25)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Y, 1)
alu.mul(Z, Y)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, W)
alu.add(Y, 1)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Z, Y)
alu.inp(W, digits.removeFirst())
alu.mul(X, 0)
alu.add(X, Z)
alu.mod(X, 26)
alu.div(Z, 26)
alu.add(X, -5)
alu.eql(X, W)
alu.eql(X, 0)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, 25)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Y, 1)
alu.mul(Z, Y)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, W)
alu.add(Y, 9)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Z, Y)
alu.inp(W, digits.removeFirst())
alu.mul(X, 0)
alu.add(X, Z)
alu.mod(X, 26)
alu.div(Z, 1)
alu.add(X, 14)
alu.eql(X, W)
alu.eql(X, 0)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, 25)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Y, 1)
alu.mul(Z, Y)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, W)
alu.add(Y, 5)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Z, Y)
alu.inp(W, digits.removeFirst())
alu.mul(X, 0)
alu.add(X, Z)
alu.mod(X, 26)
alu.div(Z, 26)
alu.add(X, -7)
alu.eql(X, W)
alu.eql(X, 0)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, 25)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Y, 1)
alu.mul(Z, Y)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, W)
alu.add(Y, 13)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Z, Y)
alu.inp(W, digits.removeFirst())
alu.mul(X, 0)
alu.add(X, Z)
alu.mod(X, 26)
alu.div(Z, 26)
alu.add(X, -12)
alu.eql(X, W)
alu.eql(X, 0)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, 25)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Y, 1)
alu.mul(Z, Y)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, W)
alu.add(Y, 9)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Z, Y)
alu.inp(W, digits.removeFirst())
alu.mul(X, 0)
alu.add(X, Z)
alu.mod(X, 26)
alu.div(Z, 26)
alu.add(X, -10)
alu.eql(X, W)
alu.eql(X, 0)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, 25)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Y, 1)
alu.mul(Z, Y)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, W)
alu.add(Y, 6)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Z, Y)
alu.inp(W, digits.removeFirst())
alu.mul(X, 0)
alu.add(X, Z)
alu.mod(X, 26)
alu.div(Z, 26)
alu.add(X, -1)
alu.eql(X, W)
alu.eql(X, 0)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, 25)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Y, 1)
alu.mul(Z, Y)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, W)
alu.add(Y, 2)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Z, Y)
alu.inp(W, digits.removeFirst())
alu.mul(X, 0)
alu.add(X, Z)
alu.mod(X, 26)
alu.div(Z, 26)
alu.add(X, -11)
alu.eql(X, W)
alu.eql(X, 0)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, 25)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Y, 1)
alu.mul(Z, Y)
alu.mul(Y, 0)
alu.add(Y, W)
alu.add(Y, 2)
alu.mul(Y, X)
alu.add(Z, Y)
return alu.z
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 94235f97c436f434561a09272642911c5588560d | 10,027 | advent-of-code-2021 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day02.kt | greeshmaramya | 514,310,903 | false | {"Kotlin": 8307} | data class Day2(
val password: String,
val l: Int,
val r: Int,
val c: Char
fun main() {
fun String.modifyInput(): Day2 {
val s = split(':')
val s1 = s.first().split(' ')
val s2 = s1.first().split('-')
return Day2(password = <PASSWORD>(), l = s2.first().toInt(), r = s2[1].toInt(), c = s1.last().last())
fun part1(data: List<Day2>):Int {
var count = 0
data.forEach { db ->
val num = db.password.count { it == db.c }
if (db.l <= num && num <= db.r) {
return count
fun part2(data: List<Day2>):Int {
var count = 0
data.forEach {
if( (it.password[it.l] == it.c) xor (it.password[it.r] == it.c)) count++
return count
val testInput = readInput("Day02Test").map { it.modifyInput() }
val input = readInput("Day02").map { it.modifyInput() }
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 9e1128ee084145f5a70fe3ad4e71b05944260d6e | 1,079 | aoc2020 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/kotlin2022/Day02.kt | egnbjork | 571,981,366 | false | {"Kotlin": 18156} | package kotlin2022
import readInput
//rock A X
//paper B Y
//scissors C Z
val winningPairs = mapOf(
"A" to "Y",
"B" to "Z",
"C" to "X"
val loosingPairs = mapOf(
"A" to "Z",
"B" to "X",
"C" to "Y"
val drawPairs = mapOf(
"A" to "X",
"B" to "Y",
"C" to "Z"
fun main() {
val gameInput = readInput("Day02_test")
println(gameInput.sumOf { getRoundScore(it) })
fun getRoundScore(round: String): Int {
val roundPair = Pair(round.split(" ")[0], round.split(" ")[1])
return when (roundPair.second) {
"Y" -> drawPairs[roundPair.first]?.let { getItemScore(it) + 3 }
"Z" -> winningPairs[roundPair.first]?.let{ getItemScore(it) + 6}
else -> loosingPairs[roundPair.first]?.let{ getItemScore(it) }
} ?: 0
fun getItemScore(item: String): Int {
return when(item) {
"X" -> 1
"Y" -> 2
else -> 3
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 1294afde171a64b1a2dfad2d30ff495d52f227f5 | 909 | advent-of-code-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/test/kotlin/com/igorwojda/string/reverse/Solution.kt | igorwojda | 159,511,104 | false | {"Kotlin": 254856} | package com.igorwojda.string.reverse
// Kotlin idiomatic way
private object Solution1 {
private fun reverse(str: String): String {
return str.reversed()
// Iterative approach
private object Solution2 {
private fun reverse(str: String): String {
var reversed = ""
str.forEach {
reversed = it + reversed
return reversed
// Recursive approach
private object Solution3 {
private fun reverse(str: String): String {
if (str.isEmpty()) {
return str
return reverse(str.drop(1)) + str.first()
// Kotlin fold
private object Solution4 {
private fun reverse(str: String): String {
return str.foldRight("") { char, reversed -> reversed + char }
// Time complexity: O(n)
// Space complexity: O(1)
// Reverse in place
private object Solution5 {
private fun reverse(str: String): String {
val chars = str.toMutableList()
var leftIndex = 0
var rightIndex = chars.lastIndex
while (leftIndex <= rightIndex) {
val temp = chars[leftIndex]
chars[leftIndex] = chars[rightIndex]
chars[rightIndex] = temp
return chars.joinToString(transform = { it.toString() }, separator = "")
| 9 | Kotlin | 225 | 895 | b09b738846e9f30ad2e9716e4e1401e2724aeaec | 1,358 | kotlin-coding-challenges | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/at/mpichler/aoc/solutions/year2021/Day15.kt | mpichler94 | 656,873,940 | false | {"Kotlin": 196457} | package
import at.mpichler.aoc.lib.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.multik.api.ndarray
open class Part15A : PartSolution() {
lateinit var cave: D2Array<Int>
lateinit var end: Vector2i
lateinit var limits: Pair<Vector2i, Vector2i>
private val moves = moves()
override fun parseInput(text: String) {
cave = mk.ndarray(text.split("\n").map { { c -> c.digitToInt() } })
limits = Vector2i() to Vector2i(cave.shape[0] - 1, cave.shape[1] - 1)
end = limits.second
open fun getRisk(pos: Vector2i) = cave[pos]
override fun compute(): Int {
val traversal = AStar(this::nextEdges, this::heuristic)
return traversal.distance
private fun nextEdges(pos: Vector2i, traversal: AStar<Vector2i>): Sequence<Pair<Vector2i, Int>> {
return sequence {
for (neighbor in pos.neighbors(moves, limits)) {
yield(neighbor to getRisk(neighbor))
private fun heuristic(pos: Vector2i) = (end - pos).norm(Order.L1)
override fun getExampleAnswer() = 40
class Part15B : Part15A() {
override fun config() {
limits = Vector2i() to Vector2i(cave.shape[0] * 5 - 1, cave.shape[1] * 5 - 1)
end = limits.second
override fun getRisk(pos: Vector2i): Int {
val blockX = pos.x / cave.shape[0]
val x = pos.x % cave.shape[0]
val blockY = pos.y / cave.shape[1]
val y = pos.y % cave.shape[1]
return (cave[x, y] + blockX + blockY - 1) % 9 + 1
override fun getExampleAnswer() = 315
fun main() {
Day(2021, 15, Part15A(), Part15B())
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 69a0748ed640cf80301d8d93f25fb23cc367819c | 1,880 | advent-of-code-kotlin | MIT License |
src/Day10.kt | cypressious | 572,898,685 | false | {"Kotlin": 77610} | import java.lang.StringBuilder
fun main() {
class Cpu(val input: List<String>) {
var cycle = 0
var instructionPointer = 0
var instruction: String? = null
var register = 1
var cyclesToExecute = 0
fun beforeCycle(): Boolean {
if (instruction == null) {
if (instructionPointer in input.indices) {
instruction = input[instructionPointer++]
cyclesToExecute = if (instruction!!.startsWith("addx")) {
} else {
} else {
return false
return true
fun afterCycle() {
if (--cyclesToExecute == 0) {
if (instruction!!.startsWith("addx")) {
register += instruction!!.substringAfter(" ").toInt()
instruction = null
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val cpu = Cpu(input)
var sum = 0
while (cpu.beforeCycle()) {
if (cpu.cycle % 40 == 20) {
sum += cpu.cycle * cpu.register
return sum
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val cpu = Cpu(input)
val image = StringBuilder()
var x = 0
while (cpu.beforeCycle()) {
if (x++ in cpu.register - 1..cpu.register + 1) {
} else {
if (x >= 40) {
x = 0
return 0
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day10_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 13140)
check(part2(testInput) == 0)
val input = readInput("Day10")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 7b4c3ee33efdb5850cca24f1baa7e7df887b019a | 2,136 | AdventOfCode2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/Day10.kt | alex859 | 573,174,372 | false | {"Kotlin": 80552} | fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day10_test.txt")
check(testInput.day10Part1() == 13140)
check(testInput.day10Part2() == """
val input = readInput("Day10.txt")
internal fun String.day10Part1(): Int {
val cycles = cycles()
return cycles.signalStrength(20) +
cycles.signalStrength(60) +
cycles.signalStrength(100) +
cycles.signalStrength(140) +
cycles.signalStrength(180) +
internal fun String.day10Part2() = cycles().draw()
internal fun Int.pixel(index: Int): String {
val sprite = listOf(this - 1, this, this + 1)
return if (sprite.contains(index)) "#" else "."
internal fun List<Int>.draw(): String {
return chunked(40).joinToString("\n") { it.drawLine() }
private fun List<Int>.drawLine() = mapIndexed { i, register ->
}.joinToString(separator = "")
internal fun List<Int>.signalStrength(cycle: Int): Int {
return this[cycle - 1] * cycle
internal fun String.cycles(): List<Int> {
var register = 1
return lines()
.map { it.toCpuInstruction() }
.flatMap { instruction ->
when (instruction) {
is NoOp -> listOf(register)
is Add -> listOf(register, register).also { register += instruction.addend }
private fun String.toCpuInstruction() = when (this) {
"noop" -> NoOp
else -> split(" ").let { (_, addend) -> Add(addend.toInt()) }
private sealed interface CpuInstruction
object NoOp : CpuInstruction
data class Add(val addend: Int) : CpuInstruction | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | fbbd1543b5c5d57885e620ede296b9103477f61d | 2,008 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day06.kt | brigittb | 572,958,287 | false | {"Kotlin": 46744} | fun main() {
fun indexOfMarker(input: String, length: Int): Int {
val unique = input
.map { it.toSet() }
.first { it.size == length }
return input.indexOf(unique) + length
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int =
indexOfMarker(input = input.first(), length = 4)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int =
indexOfMarker(input = input.first(), length = 14)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day06_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 11)
check(part2(testInput) == 26)
val input = readInput("Day06")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 470f026f2632d1a5147919c25dbd4eb4c08091d6 | 760 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
app/src/main/kotlin/com/bloidonia/advent2020/Day_09.kt | timyates | 317,965,519 | false | null | package com.bloidonia.advent2020
import com.bloidonia.longsFromResource
class Day_09 {
// Given a list of T, return a sequence of every combination of pairs
fun <T> combinationPairs(input: List<T>): Sequence<Pair<T, T>> = sequence {
for (i in 0 until input.size - 1)
for (j in i + 1 until input.size)
yield(input[i] to input[j])
fun part1(input: List<Long>, preamble: Int): Long {
for (start in 0 until input.size - preamble) {
input.drop(start).take(preamble + 1).let { chunk ->
if (combinationPairs(chunk.take(preamble)).none { it.first + it.second == chunk.last() }) {
return chunk.last()
return -1
fun part2(input: List<Long>, invalidNumber: Long): Long {
for (idx in input.indices) {
for (span in idx + 1 until input.size) {
val block = input.drop(idx).take(span - idx)
val sum = block.sum()
if (sum == invalidNumber) {
return block.maxOrNull()!! + block.minOrNull()!!
} else if (sum > invalidNumber) {
return -1
fun main() {
val day09 = Day_09()
val input = longsFromResource("/9.txt")
val invalidNumber = day09.part1(input, 25)
println(day09.part2(input, invalidNumber))
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | cab3c65ac33ac61aab63a1081c31a16ac54e4fcd | 1,489 | advent-of-code-2020-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
03/part_one.kt | ivanilos | 433,620,308 | false | {"Kotlin": 97993} | import
fun readInput() : List<String> {
return File("input.txt")
fun getRates(report : List<String>) : Pair<Int, Int> {
var lineFreq = Array(report[0].length) { Array(2) {0} }
for (line in report) {
for ((idx, char) in line.withIndex()) {
lineFreq[idx][char - '0']++;
return calcRatesFrom(lineFreq)
fun calcRatesFrom(lineFreq : Array<Array<Int>>) : Pair<Int, Int> {
var gammaRate = 0
var epsRate = 0
for (column in lineFreq.indices) {
gammaRate *= 2
epsRate *= 2
if (lineFreq[column][1] > lineFreq[column][0]) {
} else {
return Pair(gammaRate, epsRate)
fun solve(gammaRate : Int, epsRate : Int) : Int {
return gammaRate * epsRate;
fun main() {
val report = readInput()
val (gammaRate, epsRate) = getRates(report)
val ans = solve(gammaRate, epsRate)
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 3 | a24b6f7e8968e513767dfd7e21b935f9fdfb6d72 | 999 | advent-of-code-2021 | MIT License |
Problems/Algorithms/1856. Maximum Subarray Min-Product/MaxMinProduct.kt | xuedong | 189,745,542 | false | {"Kotlin": 332182, "Java": 294218, "Python": 237866, "C++": 97190, "Rust": 82753, "Go": 37320, "JavaScript": 12030, "Ruby": 3367, "C": 3121, "C#": 3117, "Swift": 2876, "Scala": 2868, "TypeScript": 2134, "Shell": 149, "Elixir": 130, "Racket": 107, "Erlang": 96, "Dart": 65} | class Solution {
fun maxSumMinProduct(nums: IntArray): Int {
val n = nums.size
val stack = Stack<Int>()
val nextSmaller = IntArray(n) { n }
val prevSmaller = IntArray(n) { -1 }
for (i in 0..n-1) {
while (!stack.isEmpty() && nums[i] < nums[stack.peek()]) {
nextSmaller[stack.peek()] = i
while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
for (i in n-1 downTo 0) {
while (!stack.isEmpty() && nums[i] < nums[stack.peek()]) {
prevSmaller[stack.peek()] = i
var prefix: Long = 0
val prefixes = LongArray(n+1) { 0 }
for (i in 1..n) {
prefix += nums[i-1]
prefixes[i] = prefix
var ans: Long = 0
for (i in 0..n-1) {
val right = nextSmaller[i]
val left = prevSmaller[i]
val sum: Long = prefixes[right] - prefixes[left+1]
ans = maxOf(ans, sum * nums[i])
return (ans % 1000000007).toInt()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 5e919965b43917eeee15e4bff12a0b6bea4fd0e7 | 1,267 | leet-code | MIT License |
kotlin/1254-number-of-closed-islands.kt | neetcode-gh | 331,360,188 | false | {"JavaScript": 473974, "Kotlin": 418778, "Java": 372274, "C++": 353616, "C": 254169, "Python": 207536, "C#": 188620, "Rust": 155910, "TypeScript": 144641, "Go": 131749, "Swift": 111061, "Ruby": 44099, "Scala": 26287, "Dart": 9750} | class Solution {
fun closedIsland(grid: Array<IntArray>): Int {
val rows = grid.size
val cols = grid[0].size
val visited = Array(rows){BooleanArray(cols)}
fun isValid(r: Int, c: Int) = r in (0 until rows) && c in (0 until cols)
fun dfs(r: Int, c: Int): Int {
if(!isValid(r, c))
return 0
if(grid[r][c] == 1 || visited[r][c] == true)
return 1
visited[r][c] = true
return minOf(
dfs(r + 1, c),
dfs(r - 1, c)
dfs(r, c + 1),
dfs(r, c - 1)
var islands = 0
for (r in 0 until rows) {
for (c in 0 until cols) {
if (grid[r][c] == 0 && visited[r][c] == false) {
if (dfs(r, c) != 0)
return islands
| 337 | JavaScript | 2,004 | 4,367 | 0cf38f0d05cd76f9e96f08da22e063353af86224 | 1,071 | leetcode | MIT License |
src/test/kotlin/Day7Test.kt | FredrikFolkesson | 320,692,155 | false | null | import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class Day7Test {
fun test_demo_input() {
4, numberOfBagColorsThatCanContainGoldBag(
("light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags.\n" +
"dark orange bags contain 3 bright white bags, 4 muted yellow bags.\n" +
"bright white bags contain 1 shiny gold bag.\n" +
"muted yellow bags contain 2 shiny gold bags, 9 faded blue bags.\n" +
"shiny gold bags contain 1 dark olive bag, 2 vibrant plum bags.\n" +
"dark olive bags contain 3 faded blue bags, 4 dotted black bags.\n" +
"vibrant plum bags contain 5 faded blue bags, 6 dotted black bags.\n" +
"faded blue bags contain no other bags.\n" +
"dotted black bags contain no other bags.").lines()
fun `test real input`() {
fun `test real input part 2`() {
fun `test_demo_input part 2`() {
126, numberOfBagsInsideGoldBag(
("shiny gold bags contain 2 dark red bags.\n" +
"dark red bags contain 2 dark orange bags.\n" +
"dark orange bags contain 2 dark yellow bags.\n" +
"dark yellow bags contain 2 dark green bags.\n" +
"dark green bags contain 2 dark blue bags.\n" +
"dark blue bags contain 2 dark violet bags.\n" +
"dark violet bags contain no other bags.").lines()
private fun numberOfBagsInsideGoldBag(bagRulesList: List<String>): Int {
val bagRules = { getBagRuleWithNumberOfBagsDirectlyInside(it) }.toMap()
return getNumberOfBagsInside("shiny gold", bagRules)
fun `test getBagRuleWithNumberOfBagsDirectlyInside`() {
Pair("faded blue", listOf<Pair<Int, String>>()),
getBagRuleWithNumberOfBagsDirectlyInside("faded blue bags contain no other bags.")
Pair("bright white", listOf<Pair<Int, String>>(Pair(1, "shiny gold"))),
getBagRuleWithNumberOfBagsDirectlyInside("bright white bags contain 1 shiny gold bag.")
Pair("muted yellow", listOf<Pair<Int, String>>(Pair(2, "shiny gold"), Pair(9, "faded blue"))),
getBagRuleWithNumberOfBagsDirectlyInside("muted yellow bags contain 2 shiny gold bags, 9 faded blue bags.")
private fun getBagRuleWithNumberOfBagsDirectlyInside(bagRuleString: String): Pair<String, List<Pair<Int, String>>> {
return bagRuleString.split(" bags contain ").let {
val containedBags = if (it[1].equals("no other bags.")) listOf() else it[1].split(", ")
.map { it.split(" ")[0].toInt() to it.split(" ")[1] + " " + it.split(" ")[2] }
Pair(it[0], containedBags)
private fun getBagRule(bagRuleString: String): Pair<String, List<String>> {
return bagRuleString.split(" bags contain ").let {
val containedBags = if (it[1].equals("no other bags.")) listOf() else it[1].split(", ")
.map { it.split(" ")[1] + " " + it.split(" ")[2] }
Pair(it[0], containedBags)
fun `test_demo_input part 3`() {
32, numberOfBagsInsideGoldBag(
("flight red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags.\n" +
"dark orange bags contain 3 bright white bags, 4 muted yellow bags.\n" +
"bright white bags contain 1 shiny gold bag.\n" +
"muted yellow bags contain 2 shiny gold bags, 9 faded blue bags.\n" +
"shiny gold bags contain 1 dark olive bag, 2 vibrant plum bags.\n" +
"dark olive bags contain 3 faded blue bags, 4 dotted black bags.\n" +
"vibrant plum bags contain 5 faded blue bags, 6 dotted black bags.\n" +
"faded blue bags contain no other bags.\n" +
"dotted black bags contain no other bags.").lines()
private fun getNumberOfBagsInside(bagType: String, bagRules: Map<String, List<Pair<Int, String>>>): Int {
val containedBags = bagRules.getOrElse(bagType) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("No bag of type $bagType found in map")
// val get:List<Pair<Int, String>> = bagRules[bagType] ?: listOf()
return if (containedBags.isEmpty()) 0 else containedBags.sumOf {
it.first + (it.first * getNumberOfBagsInside(
private fun numberOfBagColorsThatCanContainGoldBag(bagRulesList: List<String>): Int {
val bagRules = { getBagRule(it) }.toMap()
return bagRules.keys.count { containsGoldBag(it, bagRules) }
fun `test get bag rule`() {
Pair("light red", listOf("bright white", "muted yellow")),
getBagRule("light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags.")
assertEquals(Pair("faded blue", listOf()), getBagRule("faded blue bags contain no other bags."))
Pair("bright white", listOf("shiny gold")),
getBagRule("bright white bags contain 1 shiny gold bag.")
fun `test containsGoldBag`() {
true, containsGoldBag(
"light red", mapOf(
Pair("light red", listOf<String>("bright white", "muted yellow")),
Pair("bright white", listOf<String>("shiny gold")),
Pair("muted yellow", listOf<String>("shiny gold", "faded blue"))
true, containsGoldBag(
"dark orange", mapOf(
Pair("dark orange", listOf<String>("bright white", "muted yellow")),
Pair("light red", listOf<String>("bright white", "muted yellow")),
Pair("bright white", listOf<String>("shiny gold")),
Pair("muted yellow", listOf<String>("shiny gold", "faded blue"))
assertEquals(true, containsGoldBag("bright white", mapOf(Pair("bright white", listOf<String>("shiny gold")))))
containsGoldBag("muted yellow", mapOf(Pair("muted yellow", listOf<String>("shiny gold", "faded blue"))))
false, containsGoldBag(
"shiny gold", mapOf(
Pair("shiny gold", listOf<String>("dark olive", "vibrant plum")),
Pair("dark olive", listOf<String>("faded blue", "dotted black")),
Pair("vibrant plum", listOf<String>("faded blue", "dotted black")),
Pair("muted yellow", listOf<String>("shiny gold", "faded blue")),
Pair("dotted black", listOf<String>()),
Pair("faded blue", listOf<String>())
false, containsGoldBag(
"dark olive", mapOf(
Pair("dark olive", listOf<String>("faded blue", "dotted black")),
Pair("dotted black", listOf<String>()),
Pair("faded blue", listOf<String>())
false, containsGoldBag(
"vibrant plum", mapOf(
Pair("vibrant plum", listOf<String>("faded blue", "dotted black")),
Pair("dotted black", listOf<String>()),
Pair("faded blue", listOf<String>())
assertEquals(false, containsGoldBag("dotted black", mapOf(Pair("dotted black", listOf<String>()))))
assertEquals(false, containsGoldBag("faded blue", mapOf(Pair("faded blue", listOf<String>()))))
private fun containsGoldBag(bagType: String, bagRules: Map<String, List<String>>): Boolean {
val containedBagTypes = bagRules.getOrElse(bagType) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("No bag of type $bagType found in map")
return when {
containedBagTypes.contains("shiny gold") -> true
containedBagTypes.isEmpty() -> false
else -> containedBagTypes.any { containsGoldBag(it, bagRules) }
private fun numberOfBagsInsideGoldBag2(bagRulesList: List<String>): Int {
val bagRules = { getBagRuleWithNumberOfBagsDirectlyInside(it) }.toMap()
return getNumberOfBagsInside2("shiny gold", bagRules)
private fun getNumberOfBagsInside2(bagType: String, bagRules: Map<String, List<Pair<Int, String>>>): Int {
val containedBags = bagRules.getOrElse(bagType) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("No bag of type $bagType found in map")
return if (containedBags.isEmpty()) 0 else containedBags.sumOf {
it.first + (it.first * getNumberOfBagsInside2(
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 79a67f88e1fcf950e77459a4f3343353cfc1d48a | 9,951 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/g0901_1000/s0939_minimum_area_rectangle/Solution.kt | javadev | 190,711,550 | false | {"Kotlin": 4420233, "TypeScript": 50437, "Python": 3646, "Shell": 994} | package g0901_1000.s0939_minimum_area_rectangle
// #Medium #Array #Hash_Table #Math #Sorting #Geometry
// #2023_04_29_Time_461_ms_(100.00%)_Space_74.8_MB_(20.00%)
import java.util.Arrays
import kotlin.math.abs
class Solution {
fun minAreaRect(points: Array<IntArray>): Int {
if (points.size < 4) {
return 0
val map: MutableMap<Int, MutableSet<Int>> = HashMap()
for (p in points) {
map.putIfAbsent(p[0], HashSet())
) { a: IntArray, b: IntArray ->
if (a[0] == b[0])
) else[0], b[0])
var min = Int.MAX_VALUE
for (i in 0 until points.size - 2) {
for (j in i + 1 until points.size - 1) {
val p1 = points[i]
val p2 = points[j]
val area = abs((p1[0] - p2[0]) * (p1[1] - p2[1]))
if (area >= min || area == 0) {
if (map.getValue(p1[0]).contains(p2[1]) && map.getValue(p2[0]).contains(p1[1])) {
min = area
return if (min == Int.MAX_VALUE) 0 else min
| 0 | Kotlin | 14 | 24 | fc95a0f4e1d629b71574909754ca216e7e1110d2 | 1,349 | LeetCode-in-Kotlin | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/cloud/dqn/leetcode/self/IslandFinder.kt | aviuswen | 112,305,062 | false | null | package cloud.dqn.leetcode.self
* Nov 12, 2017
* Self generated problem
* Find the islands in a (0,1)
* Island is defined as a 1 surrounded by 0's
* - ?? Are pairs found on edges considered Islands (Peninsula)
* Planned improvements:
* Handle easily convertable resutl
* Handle non NxN array
* Handle island of not a single 1 case
* Handle islands made up of 0's or 1's
Algo 0:
val map = CoordinateMap()
fun isIsland(x: Int, y: Int, map: CoordinateMap): Boolean
map.forEach {
if (isIsland(x, y) {
Add to result
class IslandFinder: Iterable<Pair<Int, Int>> {
var map: Array<IntArray>
var countPeninsulas: Boolean
var islandValueIsValid: (Int) -> Boolean
map: Array<IntArray>,
islandValueIsValid: (Int) -> Boolean = { true },
countPeninsulas: Boolean = false) { = map
this.countPeninsulas = countPeninsulas
this.islandValueIsValid = islandValueIsValid
fun mapToString(): String {
val s = StringBuilder(map.size * map.size)
map.forEach {
it.forEach { s.append(it) }
return s.toString()
fun findAllIslands(): Answer {
val answer = Answer()
this.forEach { (rowIndex, colIndex) ->
val pointValue = PointValue(rowIndex, colIndex, map[rowIndex][colIndex])
if (isIsland(pointValue) && islandValueIsValid(pointValue.value)) {
return answer
override fun iterator(): Iterator<Pair<Int, Int>> {
return IslandFinderIterator(this)
class IslandFinderIterator: Iterator<Pair<Int, Int>> {
private val islandFinder: IslandFinder
private var rowIndex: Int
private var colIndex: Int
constructor(islandFinder: IslandFinder) {
this.islandFinder = islandFinder
this.rowIndex = 0
this.colIndex = 0
override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
return islandFinder.onMap(rowIndex, colIndex)
override fun next(): Pair<Int, Int> {
val pair = Pair(rowIndex, colIndex)
val row =[rowIndex]
if (colIndex >= row.size) {
colIndex = 0
return pair
private fun isIsland(p: PointValue): Boolean {
if (!countPeninsulas && isOnBoarder(p)) {
return false
var itsAnIsland = true
iterateAroundPoint(p, body = { pointValue ->
itsAnIsland = itsAnIsland && (p.value != pointValue.value)
} )
return itsAnIsland
inline private fun iterateAroundPoint(p: PointValue, body: (PointValue) -> Unit) {
p.getBoarderPoints().forEach { point ->
pointValueFactory(point)?.let { body(it) }
private fun pointValueFactory(row: Int, col: Int): PointValue? {
return getValue(row, col)?.let { PointValue(row, col, it) }
private fun pointValueFactory(p: Point): PointValue? {
return pointValueFactory(p.row, p.col)
private fun getValue(p: Point): Int? {
return getValue(p.row, p.col)
private fun getValue(row: Int, col: Int): Int? {
if (onMap(row, col)) {
return map[row][col]
return null
private fun onMap(row: Int, col: Int): Boolean {
if (row >= 0 && row < map.size) {
val r = map[row]
if (col >= 0 && col < r.size) {
return true
return false
private fun isOnBoarder(p: PointValue): Boolean {
if (onMap(p.row, p.col)) {
val row = map[p.row]
return p.row == 0
|| p.row == map.size - 1
|| p.col == 0
|| p.col == row.size - 1
return false
* Sub Classes (Usually to be devided into it's own file)
Class for storing an answer to get all answers
Used to convert answer to that required by program
class Answer {
val pairs = HashSet<PointValue>()
fun toFormat() {
data class Point (
val row: Int,
val col: Int
) {
fun toPair(): Pair<Int, Int> = Pair(row, col)
class PointValue {
val row: Int
val col: Int
var value: Int
constructor(row: Int, col: Int, value: Int) {
this.row = row
this.col = col
this.value = value
private constructor(p: Point, value: Int) {
this.row = p.row
this.col = p.col
this.value = value
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return other is PointValue
&& other.row == row
&& other.col == col
&& other.value == value
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return "r${row}c$col{$}v${value}".hashCode()
// topLeft, topCenter, topRight
private fun topLeft(): Point = Point(row - 1, col - 1)
private fun topCenter(): Point = Point( row -1, col)
private fun topRight(): Point = Point( row -1, col + 1)
// middleLeft, middleRight
private fun middleLeft(): Point = Point(row, col - 1)
private fun middleRight(): Point = Point(row, col + 1)
// bottomLeft, bottomCenter, bottomRight
private fun bottomLeft(): Point = Point(row + 1, col - 1)
private fun bottomMiddle(): Point = Point(row + 1, col)
private fun bottomRight(): Point = Point(row + 1, col + 1)
fun getBoarderPoints(): Array<Point> {
return arrayOf(
topLeft(), topCenter(), topRight(),
middleLeft(), middleRight(),
bottomLeft(), bottomMiddle(), bottomRight()
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 23458b98104fa5d32efe811c3d2d4c1578b67f4b | 6,375 | cloud-dqn-leetcode | No Limit Public License |
jvm/word-finder/src/test/kotlin/net/maelbrancke/filip/service/SolverDataTest.kt | filipmaelbrancke | 597,192,385 | false | {"Rust": 268793, "Kotlin": 38872, "Shell": 17239, "Dockerfile": 478, "PLpgSQL": 238} | package net.maelbrancke.filip.service
import net.maelbrancke.filip.KotestProject
import io.kotest.assertions.arrow.core.shouldBeLeft
import io.kotest.assertions.arrow.core.shouldBeRight
import io.kotest.datatest.WithDataTestName
import io.kotest.datatest.withData
import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldContainExactlyInAnyOrder
import net.maelbrancke.filip.WordCombination
class SolverDataTest : FunSpec({
suspend fun solverService(): SolverService = KotestProject.dependencies.get().solver
context("test inputs that should have valid combinations") {
input = TestInput("foobar", "foob", "ar"),
solutions = TestSolutions(WordCombination(output = "foobar", inputWords = listOf("foob", "ar")))
input = TestInput("narrow", "narro", "w"),
solutions = TestSolutions(WordCombination(output = "narrow", inputWords = listOf("narro", "w")))
input = TestInput("eens", "qu", "w", "qu", "queens"),
solutions = TestSolutions(WordCombination(output = "queens", inputWords = listOf("qu", "eens")))
input = TestInput("s", "ignal", "shabby", "habby", "signal"),
solutions = TestSolutions(
WordCombination(output = "shabby", inputWords = listOf("s", "habby")),
WordCombination(output = "signal", inputWords = listOf("s", "ignal"))
input = TestInput("s", "skiing", "hower", "qu", "eens", "shower", "w", "teamy",
"iver", "kiing", "quiver"),
solutions = TestSolutions(
WordCombination(output = "skiing", inputWords = listOf("s", "kiing")),
WordCombination(output = "shower", inputWords = listOf("s", "hower")),
WordCombination(output = "quiver", inputWords = listOf("qu", "iver"))
) {
val result = solverService().findSolutions(CreateSolution(it.input.words))
context("test inputs that should have no solution") {
TestInput("foo", "bar"),
TestInput("osine", "them", "narro", "es", "awler", "plex", "qu", "rrow", "iny")
) {
val result = solverService().findSolutions(CreateSolution(it.words))
data class TestInput(val words: List<String>) : WithDataTestName {
companion object {
operator fun invoke(vararg inputWords: String): TestInput {
return TestInput(inputWords.asList())
override fun dataTestName() = "testing $words"
data class TestSolutions(val wordCombinations: List<WordCombination>) {
companion object {
operator fun invoke(vararg solutions: WordCombination): TestSolutions {
return TestSolutions(solutions.asList())
data class TestCombination(val input: TestInput, val solutions: TestSolutions) : WithDataTestName {
override fun dataTestName() = "solving for ${solutions.wordCombinations.joinToString { it.output } }"
| 0 | Rust | 0 | 0 | ce407259666c3908f2f2c3a79659f0a16c68efd0 | 3,472 | playground | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/dev/shtanko/algorithms/leetcode/RepeatedSubstringPattern.kt | ashtanko | 203,993,092 | false | {"Kotlin": 5856223, "Shell": 1168, "Makefile": 917} | /*
* Copyright 2023 <NAME>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dev.shtanko.algorithms.leetcode
* 459. Repeated Substring Pattern
* @see <a href="">Source</a>
fun interface RepeatedSubstringPattern {
operator fun invoke(s: String): Boolean
* Approach 1: Using Divisors
class RepeatedSubstringPatternDivisors : RepeatedSubstringPattern {
override operator fun invoke(s: String): Boolean {
val n: Int = s.length
for (i in 1..n / 2) {
if (n % i == 0) {
val pattern = StringBuilder()
for (j in 0 until n / i) {
pattern.append(s.substring(0, i))
if (s == pattern.toString()) {
return true
return false
* Approach 2: String Concatenation
class RepeatedSubstringPatternConcat : RepeatedSubstringPattern {
override operator fun invoke(s: String): Boolean {
val combined =
return combined.substring(1, combined.length - 1).contains(s)
| 4 | Kotlin | 0 | 19 | 776159de0b80f0bdc92a9d057c852b8b80147c11 | 1,699 | kotlab | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/dev/shtanko/algorithms/leetcode/FindBall.kt | ashtanko | 203,993,092 | false | {"Kotlin": 5856223, "Shell": 1168, "Makefile": 917} | /*
* Copyright 2022 <NAME>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dev.shtanko.algorithms.leetcode
* 1706. Where Will the Ball Fall
* @see <a href="">Source</a>
fun interface FindBall {
operator fun invoke(grid: Array<IntArray>): IntArray
* Approach 1: Depth First Search (DFS)
class FindBallDFS : FindBall {
override operator fun invoke(grid: Array<IntArray>): IntArray {
if (grid.isEmpty()) return intArrayOf()
if (grid.first().isEmpty()) return intArrayOf()
val result = IntArray(grid.first().size)
for (i in 0 until grid.first().size) {
result[i] = findBallDropColumn(0, i, grid)
return result
private fun findBallDropColumn(row: Int, col: Int, grid: Array<IntArray>): Int {
// base case; ball reached the last row
if (row == grid.size) return col
val nextColumn = col + grid[row][col]
return if (nextColumn < 0 || nextColumn > grid[0].size - 1 || grid[row][col] != grid[row][nextColumn]
) {
} else {
findBallDropColumn(row + 1, nextColumn, grid)
* Approach 2: Dynamic Programming Approach
class FindBallDP : FindBall {
override operator fun invoke(grid: Array<IntArray>): IntArray {
if (grid.isEmpty()) return intArrayOf()
if (grid.first().isEmpty()) return intArrayOf()
val result = IntArray(grid[0].size)
val memo = Array<Array<Int>>(grid.size + 1) {
Array(grid[0].size) { 0 }
for (row in grid.size downTo 0) {
for (col in 0 until grid[0].size) {
if (row == grid.size) {
memo[row][col] = col
val nextColumn = col + grid[row][col]
if (nextColumn < 0 || nextColumn > grid[0].size - 1 || grid[row][col] != grid[row][nextColumn]) {
memo[row][col] = -1
} else {
memo[row][col] = memo[row + 1][nextColumn]
if (row == 0) {
result[col] = memo[row][col]
return result
* Approach 3: Iterative Approach, Simulation
class FindBallIterative : FindBall {
override operator fun invoke(grid: Array<IntArray>): IntArray {
if (grid.isEmpty()) return intArrayOf()
if (grid.first().isEmpty()) return intArrayOf()
val result = IntArray(grid[0].size)
for (col in 0 until grid[0].size) {
var currentCol = col
for (row in grid.indices) {
val nextColumn = currentCol + grid[row][currentCol]
if (nextColumn < 0 || nextColumn > grid[0].size - 1 || grid[row][currentCol] != grid[row][nextColumn]) {
result[col] = -1
result[col] = nextColumn
currentCol = nextColumn
return result
| 4 | Kotlin | 0 | 19 | 776159de0b80f0bdc92a9d057c852b8b80147c11 | 3,663 | kotlab | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/Grid2D.kt | MatteoMartinelli97 | 403,882,570 | false | {"Kotlin": 39512} | import kotlin.random.Random
* 2D grid container as a graph
* This class builds a graph from a 2D grid of squares, where each square is a node, and the length of each edge
* is 1.0.
* 2 adjacent squares are considered also adjacent nodes.
* Since [Graph] works with node IDs, also [Grid2D] does, but provides to the user a simplified interface,
* with rows and cols indices, as one would expect on a grid.
* IDs are assigned from left to right, top to bottom increasingly.
* Same applies for rows and cols. (0, 0) is the top-left square, ([nSquares]-1, [nSquares]-1) is the bottom-right one.
* Some nodes may be considered as blocks, meaning there cannot be any edge with them. This is meant to apply
* some difficulties in the finding of the shortest path.
* It is also possible to create a grid where blocks are randomly positioned, with the [Boolean] flag [randomBlocks].
* If true, each node has 10% of probability of becoming a block. This is compatible also with giving deterministic
* blocks.
* Class properties are:
* - [nSquares]: Number of squares per side in the grid. (Sets the dimension of the grid)
* - [blocks]: List of the position
* - [randomBlocks]: Boolean for creating a random grid.
* - [graph]: The [Graph] representing the grid
* - [freeV]: The nodes that are not blocks
* @see Graph
class Grid2D(
val nSquares: Int,
val blocks: MutableList<Pair<Int, Int>> = mutableListOf(),
val randomBlocks: Boolean = false
) {
private val V = (0 until nSquares * nSquares).toMutableList()
val graph = Graph(V, directed = false)
val freeV: MutableList<Pair<Int, Int>> = mutableListOf()
private val rand = Random.Default
* Initialization of graph. Edges between nodes are built, considering if there are blocks or not.
* If [randomBlocks] is true a random generators decides whether each square may become a block
init {
if (randomBlocks) {
for (i in 0 until nSquares * nSquares) {
if (rand.nextFloat() < 0.1) {
val row = i / nSquares
val col = i % nSquares
addBlock(row, col)
for (i in 0 until nSquares * nSquares) {
val row = i / nSquares
val col = i % nSquares
//If block, no neighbour
if (Pair(row, col) in blocks) continue
if (row != nSquares - 1) {
//If not in last (bottom) row --> add the neighbour under it
//if not a block
if (Pair(row + 1, col) !in blocks) graph.addEdge(i, i + nSquares, 1f)
if (col != nSquares - 1) {
//If not in last (right) col --> add the neighbour to the right
//if not a block
if (Pair(row, col + 1) !in blocks) graph.addEdge(i, i + 1, 1f)
freeV.add(Pair(row, col))
* Adds a block in position ([row], [col]). Each edge with this node as an end is removed, the node is
* added to [blocks] and it is removed from [freeV]
fun addBlock(row: Int, col: Int) {
blocks.add(Pair(row, col))
val id = nSquares * row + col
freeV.remove(Pair(row, col))
* Returns the ID value of the square, given the coordinates as (row, col)
fun getId(row: Int, col: Int): Int {
return nSquares * row + col
* Returns the ID value of the square, given the coordinates as Pair(row, col)
fun getId(coor: Pair<Int, Int>): Int {
return nSquares * coor.first + coor.second
* Returns the coordinates value as a [Pair] = (row, col), given the ID value of the square.
fun getCoordinates(id: Int): Pair<Int, Int> {
val row = id / nSquares
val col = id % nSquares
return Pair(row, col)
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f14d4ba7058be629b407e06eebe09fae63aa35c1 | 3,999 | Dijkstra-and-AStar | Apache License 2.0 |
Rare_numbers/Kotlin/src/RareNumbers.kt | ncoe | 108,064,933 | false | {"D": 425100, "Java": 399306, "Visual Basic .NET": 343987, "C++": 328611, "C#": 289790, "C": 216950, "Kotlin": 162468, "Modula-2": 148295, "Groovy": 146721, "Lua": 139015, "Ruby": 84703, "LLVM": 58530, "Python": 46744, "Scala": 43213, "F#": 21133, "Perl": 13407, "JavaScript": 6729, "CSS": 453, "HTML": 409} | import java.time.Duration
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import kotlin.math.sqrt
class Term(var coeff: Long, var ix1: Byte, var ix2: Byte)
const val maxDigits = 16
fun toLong(digits: List<Byte>, reverse: Boolean): Long {
var sum: Long = 0
if (reverse) {
var i = digits.size - 1
while (i >= 0) {
sum = sum * 10 + digits[i]
} else {
var i = 0
while (i < digits.size) {
sum = sum * 10 + digits[i]
return sum
fun isSquare(n: Long): Boolean {
val root = sqrt(n.toDouble()).toLong()
return root * root == n
fun seq(from: Byte, to: Byte, step: Byte): List<Byte> {
val res = mutableListOf<Byte>()
var i = from
while (i <= to) {
i = (i + step).toByte()
return res
fun commatize(n: Long): String {
var s = n.toString()
val le = s.length
var i = le - 3
while (i >= 1) {
s = s.slice(0 until i) + "," + s.substring(i)
i -= 3
return s
fun main() {
val startTime =
var pow = 1L
println("Aggregate timings to process all numbers up to:")
// terms of (n-r) expression for number of digits from 2 to maxDigits
val allTerms = mutableListOf<MutableList<Term>>()
for (i in 0 until maxDigits - 1) {
for (r in 2..maxDigits) {
val terms = mutableListOf<Term>()
pow *= 10
var pow1 = pow
var pow2 = 1L
var i1: Byte = 0
var i2 = (r - 1).toByte()
while (i1 < i2) {
terms.add(Term(pow1 - pow2, i1, i2))
pow1 /= 10
pow2 *= 10
allTerms[r - 2] = terms
// map of first minus last digits for 'n' to pairs giving this value
val fml = mapOf(
0.toByte() to listOf(listOf<Byte>(2, 2), listOf<Byte>(8, 8)),
1.toByte() to listOf(listOf<Byte>(6, 5), listOf<Byte>(8, 7)),
4.toByte() to listOf(listOf<Byte>(4, 0)),
6.toByte() to listOf(listOf<Byte>(6, 0), listOf<Byte>(8, 2))
// map of other digit differences for 'n' to pairs giving this value
val dmd = mutableMapOf<Byte, MutableList<List<Byte>>>()
for (i in 0 until 100) {
val a = listOf((i / 10).toByte(), (i % 10).toByte())
val d = a[0] - a[1]
dmd.getOrPut(d.toByte(), { mutableListOf() }).add(a)
val fl = listOf<Byte>(0, 1, 4, 6)
val dl = seq(-9, 9, 1) // all differences
val zl = listOf<Byte>(0) // zero differences only
val el = seq(-8, 8, 2) // even differences only
val ol = seq(-9, 9, 2) // odd differences only
val il = seq(0, 9, 1)
val rares = mutableListOf<Long>()
val lists = mutableListOf<MutableList<List<Byte>>>()
for (i in 0 until 4) {
for (i_f in fl.withIndex()) {
lists[i_f.index] = mutableListOf(listOf(i_f.value))
var digits = mutableListOf<Byte>()
var count = 0
// Recursive closure to generate (n+r) candidates from (n-r) candidates
// and hence find Rare numbers with a given number of digits.
fun fnpr(
cand: List<Byte>,
di: MutableList<Byte>,
dis: List<List<Byte>>,
indicies: List<List<Byte>>,
nmr: Long,
nd: Int,
level: Int
) {
if (level == dis.size) {
digits[indicies[0][0].toInt()] = fml[cand[0]]?.get(di[0].toInt())?.get(0)!!
digits[indicies[0][1].toInt()] = fml[cand[0]]?.get(di[0].toInt())?.get(1)!!
var le = di.size
if (nd % 2 == 1) {
digits[nd / 2] = di[le]
for (i_d in di.slice(1 until le).withIndex()) {
digits[indicies[i_d.index + 1][0].toInt()] = dmd[cand[i_d.index + 1]]?.get(i_d.value.toInt())?.get(0)!!
digits[indicies[i_d.index + 1][1].toInt()] = dmd[cand[i_d.index + 1]]?.get(i_d.value.toInt())?.get(1)!!
val r = toLong(digits, true)
val npr = nmr + 2 * r
if (!isSquare(npr)) {
print(" R/N %2d:".format(count))
val checkPoint =
val elapsed = Duration.between(startTime, checkPoint).toMillis()
print(" %9sms".format(elapsed))
val n = toLong(digits, false)
println(" (${commatize(n)})")
} else {
for (num in dis[level]) {
di[level] = num
fnpr(cand, di, dis, indicies, nmr, nd, level + 1)
// Recursive closure to generate (n-r) candidates with a given number of digits.
fun fnmr(cand: MutableList<Byte>, list: List<List<Byte>>, indicies: List<List<Byte>>, nd: Int, level: Int) {
if (level == list.size) {
var nmr = 0L
var nmr2 = 0L
for (i_t in allTerms[nd - 2].withIndex()) {
if (cand[i_t.index] >= 0) {
nmr += i_t.value.coeff * cand[i_t.index]
} else {
nmr2 += i_t.value.coeff * -cand[i_t.index]
if (nmr >= nmr2) {
nmr -= nmr2
nmr2 = 0
} else {
nmr2 -= nmr
nmr = 0
if (nmr2 >= nmr) {
nmr -= nmr2
if (!isSquare(nmr)) {
val dis = mutableListOf<List<Byte>>()
dis.add(seq(0, ((fml[cand[0]] ?: error("oops")).size - 1).toByte(), 1))
for (i in 1 until cand.size) {
dis.add(seq(0, (dmd[cand[i]]!!.size - 1).toByte(), 1))
if (nd % 2 == 1) {
val di = mutableListOf<Byte>()
for (i in 0 until dis.size) {
fnpr(cand, di, dis, indicies, nmr, nd, 0)
} else {
for (num in list[level]) {
cand[level] = num
fnmr(cand, list, indicies, nd, level + 1)
for (nd in 2..maxDigits) {
digits = mutableListOf()
for (i in 0 until nd) {
if (nd == 4) {
} else if (allTerms[nd - 2].size > lists[0].size) {
for (i in 0 until 4) {
val indicies = mutableListOf<List<Byte>>()
for (t in allTerms[nd - 2]) {
indicies.add(listOf(t.ix1, t.ix2))
for (list in lists) {
val cand = mutableListOf<Byte>()
for (i in 0 until list.size) {
fnmr(cand, list, indicies, nd, 0)
val checkPoint =
val elapsed = Duration.between(startTime, checkPoint).toMillis()
println(" %2d digits: %9sms".format(nd, elapsed))
println("\nThe rare numbers with up to $maxDigits digits are:")
for (i_rare in rares.withIndex()) {
println(" %2d: %25s".format(i_rare.index + 1, commatize(i_rare.value)))
| 0 | D | 0 | 4 | c2a9f154a5ae77eea2b34bbe5e0cc2248333e421 | 7,606 | rosetta | MIT License |
android/app/src/main/java/com/thepyprogrammer/ktlib/signalProcessing/SignalProcessing.kt | terminalai | 312,471,067 | false | null | package com.thepyprogrammer.ktlib.signalProcessing
import div
import normalise
import slice
import sum
import timesConj
import toComplex
import transpose
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
const val SR = 64.0
const val stepSize = 1
const val windowLength = 256
private val f_nr_LBs: Int = (0.5 * windowLength / SR).roundToInt()
private val f_nr_LBe: Int = (3 * windowLength / SR).roundToInt()
private val f_nr_FBs: Int = (3 * windowLength / SR).roundToInt()
private val f_nr_FBe: Int = (8 * windowLength / SR).roundToInt()
val powerTH = 2.0.pow(11.5)
* Do numerical integration of x
fun numIntegration(x: Array<Double>): Double {
val term1: Double = x.slice(1, x.size).sum()
val term2: Double = x.slice(0, -1).sum()
return (term1 + term2) / (SR * 2)
* Moore's Algorithm
* Compute the Freeze Index for a certain axis
fun freeze(data: Array<Double>): Array<Double> {
var jPos: Int
val iMax: Int = (data.size / stepSize)
val freezeIndex = mutableListOf<Double>()
for (i in 0..iMax) {
// Time (sample nr) of this window
val jStart = i * stepSize
jPos = jStart + windowLength
// compute com.thepyprogrammer.gaitanalyzer.model.signalProcessing.FFT (Fast Fourier Transform)
val y = FFT.fft(
// get the signal in the window
data.slice(jStart, jPos)
// make signal zero-mean (mean normalization)
val pyy: Array<Double> = y.timesConj() / windowLength
//--- calculate sumLocoFreeze and com.thepyprogrammer.gaitanalyzer.model.signalProcessing.freezeIndex ---
val areaLocoBand = numIntegration(pyy.slice(f_nr_LBs, f_nr_LBe, 1))
val areaFreezeBand = numIntegration(pyy.slice(f_nr_FBs, f_nr_FBe, 1))
// Extension of Baechlin to handle low-energy situations (e.g. standing)
if (areaFreezeBand + areaLocoBand >= powerTH)
areaFreezeBand / areaLocoBand
else 0.0
return freezeIndex.toTypedArray()
* Computes the Freeze Index for all 3 axes
fun freezeIndex(data: Array<Array<Double>>): Array<Array<Double>> {
val fis = mutableListOf<Array<Double>>()
val dat = data.transpose()
for (axis in 1..5) {
return fis.toTypedArray()
| 1 | Jupyter Notebook | 4 | 10 | 2064375ddc36bf38f3ff65f09e776328b8b4612a | 2,430 | GaitMonitoringForParkinsonsDiseasePatients | MIT License |
src/commonMain/kotlin/model/model.kt | chausknecht | 544,439,666 | false | null | package model
import dev.fritz2.core.Lenses
import kotlin.random.Random
data class Coordinate(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
companion object {
fun of(index: Int) = Coordinate(index % World.MAX_X, index / World.MAX_X)
val index: Int = y * World.MAX_X + x
operator fun plus(move: Move) = Coordinate(x + move.x, y + move.y)
* ```
* 01234567
* 1........
* 2....x...
* 3........
* 4........
* ```
enum class Move(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
Stay(0, 0),
Up(0, -1),
UpRight(1, -1),
UpLeft(-1, -1),
Down(0, 1),
DownRight(1, 1),
DownLeft(-1, 1),
Right(1, 0),
Left(-1, 0);
fun reverse(): Move = when (this) {
Stay -> Stay
Up -> Down
Down -> Up
Left -> Right
Right -> Left
else -> Stay
fun orthogonal(): List<Move> = when (this) {
Up, Down -> listOf(Right, Left)
Right, Left -> listOf(Up, Down)
else -> listOf(Stay)
val neighbours: List<Move> = Move.values().filterNot { it == Move.Stay }.toList()
val neighboursFour: List<Move> = listOf(Move.Up, Move.Down, Move.Right, Move.Left)
enum class Tile(
val symbol: String,
) {
interface Movement {
fun next(world: World, current: Coordinate): Coordinate
class Bouncing(private var last: Move) : Movement {
private val priorities: Map<Move, List<List<Move>>> = mapOf(
Move.Up to (
listOf(Move.Up, Move.Right, Move.Left, Move.Down),
listOf(Move.Up, Move.Left, Move.Right, Move.Down)
Move.Down to (
listOf(Move.Down, Move.Right, Move.Left, Move.Up),
listOf(Move.Down, Move.Left, Move.Right, Move.Up)
Move.Right to (
listOf(Move.Right, Move.Up, Move.Down, Move.Left),
listOf(Move.Right, Move.Down, Move.Up, Move.Left)
Move.Left to (
listOf(Move.Left, Move.Up, Move.Down, Move.Right),
listOf(Move.Left, Move.Down, Move.Up, Move.Right)
Move.Stay to (
listOf(Move.Up, Move.Down, Move.Right, Move.Left)
override fun next(world: World, current: Coordinate): Coordinate =
priorities[last]!!.random().fold(false to last) { (possible, result), move ->
if (possible) {
true to result
} else {
if (world.isPassable(current + move)) true to move
else possible to result
}.let { (possible, move) -> if (possible) move else Move.Stay }
.also { last = it }
.let { current + it }
class KeepOn(private var last: Move) : Movement {
private val priorities = mapOf(
Move.Up to buildList {
add(listOf(Move.Up, Move.UpLeft, Move.UpRight))
add(listOf(Move.Left, Move.Right))
add(listOf(Move.Down, Move.DownLeft, Move.DownRight))
Move.Down to buildList {
add(listOf(Move.Down, Move.DownLeft, Move.DownRight))
add(listOf(Move.Left, Move.Right))
add(listOf(Move.Up, Move.UpLeft, Move.UpRight))
Move.Right to buildList {
add(listOf(Move.Right, Move.UpRight, Move.DownRight))
add(listOf(Move.Up, Move.Down))
add(listOf(Move.Left, Move.UpLeft, Move.DownLeft))
Move.Left to buildList {
add(listOf(Move.Left, Move.UpLeft, Move.DownLeft))
add(listOf(Move.Up, Move.Down))
add(listOf(Move.Right, Move.UpRight, Move.DownRight))
Move.UpRight to buildList {
add(listOf(Move.Up, Move.UpRight, Move.Right))
add(listOf(Move.UpLeft, Move.DownRight))
add(listOf(Move.Down, Move.DownLeft, Move.Left))
Move.DownLeft to buildList {
add(listOf(Move.Down, Move.DownLeft, Move.Left))
add(listOf(Move.UpLeft, Move.DownRight))
add(listOf(Move.Up, Move.UpRight, Move.Right))
Move.UpLeft to buildList {
add(listOf(Move.Up, Move.UpLeft, Move.Left))
add(listOf(Move.UpRight, Move.DownLeft))
add(listOf(Move.Down, Move.DownRight, Move.Right))
Move.DownRight to buildList {
add(listOf(Move.Down, Move.DownRight, Move.Right))
add(listOf(Move.UpRight, Move.DownLeft))
add(listOf(Move.Up, Move.UpLeft, Move.Left))
Move.Stay to listOf(Move.values().filter { it != Move.Stay })
private fun prioritiesFor(move: Move) = priorities[move]!!.flatMap { it.shuffled() }
override fun next(world: World, current: Coordinate): Coordinate =
prioritiesFor(last).fold(false to last) { (possible, result), move ->
if (possible) {
true to result
} else {
if (world.isPassable(current + move)) true to move
else possible to result
}.let { (possible, move) -> if (possible) move else Move.Stay }
.also { last = it }
.let { current + it }
class SurroundObject(private var lastMove: Move, private var lastWallDirection: Move) : Movement {
private val initialMovement: Movement = Bouncing(lastMove)
private enum class State {
private var state = State.Searching
override fun next(world: World, current: Coordinate): Coordinate = if (state == State.Searching) {
val nextPosition =, current)
if (current + lastMove == nextPosition) nextPosition
else {
lastWallDirection = lastMove
lastMove = lastWallDirection.orthogonal().shuffled().first()
state = State.Surrounding
nextBySurrounding(world, current)
} else {
nextBySurrounding(world, current)
private fun nextBySurrounding(world: World, current: Coordinate): Coordinate =
if (world.isPassable(current + lastMove) && !world.isPassable(current + lastWallDirection)) {
current + lastMove
} else if (world.isPassable(current + lastWallDirection)) {
lastWallDirection = lastMove.reverse()
lastMove = lastWallDirection
current + lastWallDirection
} else if (!world.isPassable(current + lastMove) && world.isPassable(current + lastWallDirection.reverse())) {
lastWallDirection = lastMove
lastMove = lastWallDirection.reverse()
current + lastWallDirection.reverse()
} else {
lastMove = lastMove.reverse()
lastWallDirection = lastWallDirection.reverse()
current + lastMove.reverse()
data class ActingState(
val ticks: Int,
val current: Int = 1
) {
val canAct: Boolean = ticks == current
fun tick() = ActingState(ticks, if (current < ticks) current + 1 else 1)
data class Entity(
val id: String,
val tile: Tile,
val coordinate: Coordinate,
val state: ActingState,
val movement: Movement
data class Field(
val ground: Tile,
val base: Tile,
) {
companion object {
fun of(tile: Tile) = Field(ground = tile, base = Tile.Empty)
fun ofSymbols(symbols: String): List<Field> = {
when (it) {
'.' -> Tile.Grass
'#' -> Tile.Stone
'*' -> Tile.Tree
else -> Tile.Empty
data class World(
val fields: List<Field>
) {
companion object {
const val MAX_X: Int = 40
const val MAX_Y: Int = 25
const val size: Int = MAX_X * MAX_Y
fun getStartCoordinate(): Coordinate =
Coordinate.of(fields.withIndex().filter { (_, field) -> field.base == Tile.Empty && field.ground.ordinal < 3 }
fun inBounds(coordinate: Coordinate) =
coordinate.x >= 0 && coordinate.x < MAX_X && coordinate.y >= 0 && coordinate.y < MAX_Y
fun isPassable(coordinate: Coordinate) = if (inBounds(coordinate)) {
fields[coordinate.index].let {
it.base == Tile.Empty && (it.ground == Tile.Empty || it.ground == Tile.Grass || it.ground == Tile.StompedGrass)
//it.base == Tile.Empty && (it.ground == Tile.Empty || it.ground == Tile.Grass)
} else false
fun update(old: Entity, new: Entity): World = World(fields.mapIndexed { index, field ->
if (new.coordinate.index == index) field.copy(base = new.tile)
else if (old.coordinate.index == index) field.copy(
ground = if (field.ground == Tile.Grass) Tile.StompedGrass else field.ground,
base = Tile.Empty
else field
fun clearEntities() =
World( { it.copy(if (it.ground == Tile.StompedGrass) Tile.Grass else it.ground, Tile.Empty) })
data class GameState(
val world: World,
val entities: List<Entity>,
) {
companion object
fun generateWorld(): World {
val fields = generateSequence {
when (Random.nextInt(0, 32)) {
5, 6, 7, 8 -> Tile.Tree
14 -> Tile.Stone
else -> Tile.Grass
}.take(World.MAX_Y * World.MAX_X).map { Field.of(it) }.toList()
return World(fields)
fun generateGrassWorld(): World =
World(generateSequence { Tile.Grass }.take(World.MAX_Y * World.MAX_X).map { Field.of(it) }.toList())
fun neighboursOf(index: Int): List<Int> = with(Coordinate.of(index)) {
.map { this + it }
.filter { it.x >= 0 && it.x < World.MAX_X && it.y >= 0 && it.y < World.MAX_Y }
.map { it.index }
fun neighboursFourOf(index: Int): List<Int> = with(Coordinate.of(index)) {
.map { this + it }
.filter { it.x >= 0 && it.x < World.MAX_X && it.y >= 0 && it.y < World.MAX_Y }
.map { it.index }
fun blockedNeighboursOf(index: Int, fields: List<Field>): Int =
neighboursOf(index).let {
(neighbours.size - it.size) + it
.map { fields[it] }
.filter { it.ground != Tile.Grass }
fun applyCellularAutomata(world: World): World = world.copy(fields = world.fields.mapIndexed { index, _ ->
Field.of(if (blockedNeighboursOf(index, world.fields) > 4) Tile.Stone else Tile.Grass)
fun generateInitialWorld(): World {
val indexOfStones = (0 until World.size).shuffled().take((World.size * 0.55).toInt()).toHashSet()
return generateGrassWorld().let {
it.copy(fields = it.fields.withIndex().map { (index, field) ->
if (indexOfStones.contains(index)) Field.of(Tile.Stone) else field
fun generateCellularWorld(times: Int): World {
val initial = generateInitialWorld()
return (0 until times).fold(initial) { world, _ ->
fun erosion(world: World): World {
return world.copy(fields = world.fields.withIndex().map { (index, field) ->
if(field.ground != Tile.Grass && neighboursOf(index).any { world.fields[it].ground == Tile.Grass }) Field.of(Tile.Grass) else field
fun dilattation(world: World): World {
return world.copy(fields = world.fields.withIndex().map { (index, field) ->
if(field.ground == Tile.Grass && neighboursOf(index).any { world.fields[it].ground != Tile.Grass }) Field.of(Tile.Stone) else field
fun removeGnubbels(world: World): World {
return world.copy(fields = world.fields.withIndex().map { (index, field) ->
if(field.ground != Tile.Grass && neighboursFourOf(index).filter { world.fields[it].ground == Tile.Grass }.count() > 2) Field.of(Tile.Grass) else field
// 16 x 16
fun getDemoWorld() = World(
buildList {
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 6850193ca4902c55b4d4bcaea71f8c63bffa89fe | 13,101 | wimmel-fritz | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/wk269/Problem3.kt | yvelianyk | 405,919,452 | false | {"Kotlin": 147854, "Java": 610} | package wk269
import kotlin.math.min
fun main() {
val result = Problem3().minimumDeletions(intArrayOf(1, 2))
class Problem3 {
fun minimumDeletions(nums: IntArray): Int {
// Find indices of min and max elements
var minIndex = 0
var maxIndex = 0
for ((index, num) in nums.withIndex()) {
if (num > nums[maxIndex]) maxIndex = index
if (num < nums[minIndex]) minIndex = index
// Find in what order min and max elements appear in the array
val first = if (minIndex < maxIndex) minIndex else maxIndex
val second = if (minIndex > maxIndex) minIndex else maxIndex
// There are 3 cases when we can remove 2 elements:
// 1. Remove all elements from the first appeared element to the right.
// It will include both elements in any case:
// _ _
// 2,1,3,6,5
// |_______
val removeLessToTheLeft = first + 1
// 2. Remove all elements from the second appeared element to the left.
// It will include both elements in any case:
// _ _
// 2,1,3,6,5
// _______|
val removeLessToTheRight = nums.size - first
// 3. Remove all elements from the first to the left
// and from the second to the right
// _ _
// 2,1,3,6,5
// ___| |___
val removeBiggerToTheLeft = second + 1
val removeBiggerToTheRight = nums.size - second
// Then just find the minimum between all 3 cases:
return min(
removeLessToTheLeft + removeBiggerToTheRight,
min(removeLessToTheRight, removeBiggerToTheLeft)
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 780d6597d0f29154b3c2fb7850a8b1b8c7ee4bcd | 1,714 | leetcode-kotlin | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/g2601_2700/s2654_minimum_number_of_operations_to_make_all_array_elements_equal_to_1/Solution.kt | javadev | 190,711,550 | false | {"Kotlin": 4420233, "TypeScript": 50437, "Python": 3646, "Shell": 994} | package g2601_2700.s2654_minimum_number_of_operations_to_make_all_array_elements_equal_to_1
// #Medium #Array #Math #Number_Theory #2023_07_20_Time_172_ms_(100.00%)_Space_35.3_MB_(100.00%)
class Solution {
fun minOperations(nums: IntArray): Int {
var g = nums[0]
var list = mutableListOf<Int>()
var padding = 0
var result = nums.size
for (i in 0 until nums.size) {
val n = nums[i]
if (n == 1) {
g = gcd(g, n)
if (i == nums.size - 1) continue
val m = nums[i + 1]
list.add(gcd(m, n))
if (g > 1) return -1
while (!list.any { it == 1 }) {
val nlist = mutableListOf<Int>()
for (i in 0 until list.size - 1) {
val n = list[i]
val m = list[i + 1]
nlist.add(gcd(m, n))
list = nlist
return result + padding
private fun gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = if (b != 0) gcd(b, a % b) else a
| 0 | Kotlin | 14 | 24 | fc95a0f4e1d629b71574909754ca216e7e1110d2 | 1,103 | LeetCode-in-Kotlin | MIT License |
src/Day22.kt | EdoFanuel | 575,561,680 | false | {"Kotlin": 80963} | import utils.Coord2DInt
import kotlin.math.max
class Day22 {
enum class Direction(val movement: Coord2DInt, val value: Int) {
RIGHT(Coord2DInt(0, 1), 0),
DOWN(Coord2DInt(1, 0), 1),
LEFT(Coord2DInt(0, -1), 2),
UP(Coord2DInt(-1, 0), 3)
companion object {
val part1 = Part1()
val part2 = Part2()
private fun rotate(direction: Direction, rotate: Int): Direction {
return Direction.values()[(direction.value + rotate + Direction.values().size) % Direction.values().size]
class Part1 {
data class Stage2D(
val rowRange: List<Pair<Int, Int>>,
val colRange: List<Pair<Int, Int>>,
val grid: List<String>
fun buildStage2D(grid: List<String>): Stage2D {
val rowRange = { row ->
row.indexOfFirst { it == '.' || it == '#' } to row.indexOfLast { it == '.' || it == '#' }
val colRange = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
for (i in 0 until grid.maxOf { it.length }) {
val col = { if (i >= it.length) ' ' else it[i] }
colRange += col.indexOfFirst { it == '.' || it == '#' } to col.indexOfLast { it == '.' || it == '#' }
return Stage2D(rowRange, colRange, grid)
fun traverse2D(stage: Stage2D, steps: List<Int>, rotations: List<Int>): Pair<Coord2DInt, Direction> {
var position = Coord2DInt(0, stage.rowRange[0].first)
var direction = Direction.RIGHT
var i = 0
while (i < max(steps.size, rotations.size)) {
if (i < steps.size) {
val step = steps[i]
for (j in 0 until step) {
val newPos = move2D(position, direction, stage)
if (newPos != position) {
position = newPos
if (i < rotations.size) {
direction = rotate(direction, rotations[i])
return position to direction
private fun move2D(position: Coord2DInt, direction: Direction, stage: Stage2D): Coord2DInt {
val newPos = position + direction.movement
if (direction == Direction.UP || direction == Direction.DOWN) {
if (newPos.x < stage.colRange[newPos.y].first) newPos.x =
stage.colRange[newPos.y].second // loop from top to bottom
if (newPos.x > stage.colRange[newPos.y].second) newPos.x =
stage.colRange[newPos.y].first // loop from bottom to top
if (direction == Direction.LEFT || direction == Direction.RIGHT) {
if (newPos.y < stage.rowRange[newPos.x].first) newPos.y =
stage.rowRange[newPos.x].second // loop from left to right
if (newPos.y > stage.rowRange[newPos.x].second) newPos.y =
stage.rowRange[newPos.x].first // loop from right to left
return if (stage.grid[newPos.x][newPos.y] == '#') position else newPos // can't move if there's a wall
class Part2 {
data class Stage3D(val faces: Map<Char, Array<CharArray>>)
data class Position3D(val face: Char, val coord: Coord2DInt, val direction: Direction)
fun buildStage3D(grid: List<String>, net: List<String>, size: Int): Stage3D {
val result = mutableMapOf<Char, Array<CharArray>>()
for(i in net.indices) {
for (j in net[i].indices) {
if (net[i][j] == ' ') continue
val face = Array(size) { CharArray(size) }
for (x in 0 until size) {
for (y in 0 until size) {
face[x][y] = grid[i * size + x][j * size + y]
result += net[i][j] to face
return Stage3D(result)
fun traverse3D(stage: Stage3D, size: Int, steps: List<Int>, rotations: List<Int>): Position3D {
var position = Position3D(
Coord2DInt(0, 0),
var i = 0
while (i < max(steps.size, rotations.size)) {
if (i < steps.size) {
val step = steps[i]
for (j in 0 until step) {
val newPos = move3D(position, size, stage)
if (newPos != position) {
position = newPos
if (i < rotations.size) {
position = Position3D(
rotate(position.direction, rotations[i])
return position
private fun move3D(position: Position3D, size: Int, stage3D: Stage3D): Position3D {
val newPos = position.coord + position.direction.movement
if (newPos.x in 0 until size && newPos.y in 0 until size) {
// not moving to adjacent face
return Position3D(
if (stage3D.faces[position.face]!![newPos.x][newPos.y] == '#') position.coord else newPos,
return faceTransition(position, size - 1, stage3D)
// Only works
private fun faceTransition(position: Position3D, lastIndex: Int, stage3D: Stage3D): Position3D {
val newFace = when (position.direction) {
Direction.UP -> when(position.face) {
'B' -> 'L'
in listOf('L', 'D') -> 'F'
'F' -> 'U'
in listOf('U', 'R') -> 'B'
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot parse ${position.face} next face")
Direction.DOWN -> when(position.face){
'B' -> 'R'
in listOf('L', 'D') -> 'B'
'F' -> 'D'
in listOf('U', 'R') -> 'F'
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot parse ${position.face} next face")
Direction.LEFT -> when(position.face) {
in listOf('U', 'F', 'D') -> 'L'
in listOf('L', 'B', 'R') -> 'U'
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot parse ${position.face} next face")
Direction.RIGHT -> when(position.face) {
in listOf('U', 'F', 'D') -> 'R'
in listOf('L', 'B', 'R') -> 'D'
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot parse ${position.face} next face")
val faceRotation = faceRotation(position.face, newFace)
val newPos = when(position.direction) {
Direction.UP -> when(faceRotation) {
0 -> Coord2DInt(
1 -> Coord2DInt(
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot parse ${position.face} going ${position.direction}")
Direction.DOWN -> when (faceRotation) {
0 -> Coord2DInt(
1 -> Coord2DInt(
lastIndex - position.coord.y,
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot parse ${position.face} going ${position.direction}")
Direction.LEFT -> when (faceRotation) {
0 -> Coord2DInt(
-1 -> Coord2DInt(
2 -> Coord2DInt(
lastIndex - position.coord.x,
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot parse ${position.face} going ${position.direction}")
Direction.RIGHT -> when (faceRotation) {
0 -> Coord2DInt(
-1 -> Coord2DInt(
2 -> Coord2DInt(
lastIndex - position.coord.x,
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot parse ${position.face}")
return if (stage3D.faces[newFace]!![newPos.x][newPos.y] == '#') position else Position3D(
rotate(position.direction, faceRotation)
private fun faceRotation(from: Char, to: Char): Int {
val map = mapOf(
('U' to 'L') to 2,
('D' to 'R') to 2,
('L' to 'U') to 2,
('R' to 'D') to 2,
('U' to 'B') to 1,
('D' to 'B') to 1,
('L' to 'F') to 1,
('R' to 'F') to 1,
('B' to 'U') to -1,
('B' to 'D') to -1,
('F' to 'L') to -1,
('F' to 'R') to -1
return map[from to to] ?: 0
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val grid = input.filter { it.contains(Regex("[.#]")) }
val path = input.first { it.contains(Regex("[\\d\\w]")) }
val (coord, direction) = Day22.part1.traverse2D(
Regex("\\d+").findAll(path).map { it.value.toInt() }.toList(),
Regex("[LR]").findAll(path).map { if (it.value == "L") -1 else 1 }.toList()
println("$direction, (${coord.x + 1}, ${coord.y + 1}")
return 1000 * (coord.x + 1) + 4 * (coord.y + 1) + direction.value
fun part2(input: List<String>, net: List<String>, size: Int): Int {
val grid = input.filter { it.contains(Regex("[.#]")) }
val path = input.first { it.contains(Regex("[\\d\\w]")) }
val stage = Day22.part2.buildStage3D(grid, net, size)
val (face, position, direction) = Day22.part2.traverse3D(
Regex("\\d+").findAll(path).map { it.value.toInt() }.toList(),
Regex("[LR]").findAll(path).map { if (it.value == "L") -1 else 1 }.toList()
for (i in net.indices) {
for (j in net[i].indices) {
if (net[i][j] == face) {
val row = i * size + position.x + 1
val col = j * size + position.y + 1
println("$direction ($row, $col)")
return row * 1000 + col * 4 + direction.value
return 0
val test = readInput("Day22_test")
println("=== Part 1 (test) ===")
val testNet = readInput("Day22_test_net")
println("=== Part 2 (test) ===")
println(part2(test, testNet, 4))
val input = readInput("Day22")
val net = readInput("Day22_net")
println("=== Part 1 (puzzle) ===")
println("=== Part 2 (puzzle) ===")
println(part2(input, net, 50))
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 46a776181e5c9ade0b5e88aa3c918f29b1659b4c | 12,274 | Advent-Of-Code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/dev/shtanko/algorithms/leetcode/CountGoodNumbers.kt | ashtanko | 203,993,092 | false | {"Kotlin": 5856223, "Shell": 1168, "Makefile": 917} | /*
* Copyright 2023 <NAME>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dev.shtanko.algorithms.leetcode
import dev.shtanko.algorithms.MOD
* 1922. Count Good Numbers
* @see <a href="">Source</a>
fun interface CountGoodNumbers {
operator fun invoke(n: Long): Int
class CountGoodNumbersImpl : CountGoodNumbers {
override fun invoke(n: Long): Int {
return powerMod(5,, MOD).times(
powerMod(4, n / 2, MOD),
private fun powerMod(a: Int, b: Long, mod: Int): Long {
if (b == 0L) {
return 1
val x = powerMod(a, b / 2, mod)
return if (b % 2 == 0L) {
} else {
| 4 | Kotlin | 0 | 19 | 776159de0b80f0bdc92a9d057c852b8b80147c11 | 1,397 | kotlab | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day09.kt | szymon-kaczorowski | 572,839,642 | false | {"Kotlin": 45324} | import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.sign
fun main() {
data class Coords(
val column: Int,
val row: Int,
) {
fun distance(other: Coords): Int {
return max(abs(column - other.column), abs(row - other.row))
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
data class Visits(
val head: Int = 0,
val tail: Int = 0,
operator fun Visits?.plus(other: Visits): Visits {
return this?.let {
it.copy(it.head + other.head, it.tail + other.tail)
} ?: other
val startpath = mutableMapOf<Coords, Visits>()
var coords = Coords(0, 0)
var tailCoords = Coords(0, 0)
startpath[coords] = Visits(1, 1)
for (line in input) {
val line = line.split(" ")
val command = line[0]
val amount = line[1].toInt()
when (command) {
"U" -> {
var target = coords.copy(column = coords.column + amount)
for (i in 1..amount) {
coords = coords.copy(column = coords.column + 1)
startpath[coords] = startpath[coords] + Visits(head = 1)
if (coords.distance(tailCoords) >= 2) {
if (tailCoords.row == coords.row) {
tailCoords = tailCoords.copy(column = tailCoords.column + 1)
} else {
tailCoords = tailCoords.copy(column = tailCoords.column + 1, row = coords.row)
startpath[tailCoords] = startpath[tailCoords] + Visits(tail = 1)
"L" -> {
var target = coords.copy(row = coords.row - amount)
for (i in 1..amount) {
coords = coords.copy(row = coords.row - 1)
startpath[coords] = startpath[coords] + Visits(head = 1)
if (coords.distance(tailCoords) >= 2) {
if (tailCoords.column == coords.column) {
tailCoords = tailCoords.copy(row = tailCoords.row - 1)
} else {
tailCoords = tailCoords.copy(column = coords.column, row = tailCoords.row - 1)
startpath[tailCoords] = startpath[tailCoords] + Visits(tail = 1)
"R" -> {
var target = coords.copy(row = coords.row + amount)
for (i in 1..amount) {
coords = coords.copy(row = coords.row + 1)
startpath[coords] = startpath[coords] + Visits(head = 1)
if (coords.distance(tailCoords) >= 2) {
if (tailCoords.column == coords.column) {
tailCoords = tailCoords.copy(row = tailCoords.row + 1)
} else {
tailCoords = tailCoords.copy(column = coords.column, row = tailCoords.row + 1)
startpath[tailCoords] = startpath[tailCoords] + Visits(tail = 1)
"D" -> {
var target = coords.copy(column = coords.column - amount)
for (i in 1..amount) {
coords = coords.copy(column = coords.column - 1)
startpath[coords] = startpath[coords] + Visits(head = 1)
if (coords.distance(tailCoords) >= 2) {
if (tailCoords.row == coords.row) {
tailCoords = tailCoords.copy(column = tailCoords.column - 1)
} else {
tailCoords = tailCoords.copy(column = tailCoords.column - 1, row = coords.row)
startpath[tailCoords] = startpath[tailCoords] + Visits(tail = 1)
return startpath.values.filter { it.tail > 0 }.count()
fun moveTail(coords: MutableList<Coords>, tail: Int) {
val previousKnot = coords[tail - 1]
val current = coords[tail]
val difference = Coords(column = previousKnot.column - current.column, row = previousKnot.row - current.row)
coords[tail] = coords[tail].copy(
column = current.column + difference.column.sign,
row = current.row + difference.row.sign
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
data class Visits(
val head: Int = 0,
val tail: Int = 0,
operator fun Visits?.plus(other: Visits): Visits {
return this?.let {
it.copy(it.head + other.head, it.tail + other.tail)
} ?: other
val startpath = mutableMapOf<Coords, Visits>()
var coords = (1..10).map { Coords(0, 0) }.toMutableList()
startpath[coords[9]] = Visits(1, 1)
for (line in input) {
val line = line.split(" ")
val command = line[0]
val amount = line[1].toInt()
when (command) {
"U" -> {
for (i in 1..amount) {
coords[0] = coords[0].copy(column = coords[0].column + 1)
for (tail in 1..9) {
if (coords[tail - 1].distance(coords[tail]) >= 2) {
moveTail(coords, tail)
startpath[coords[9]] = startpath[coords[9]] + Visits(tail = 1)
"L" -> {
for (i in 1..amount) {
coords[0] = coords[0].copy(row = coords[0].row - 1)
for (tail in 1..9) {
if (coords[tail - 1].distance(coords[tail]) >= 2) {
moveTail(coords, tail)
startpath[coords[9]] = startpath[coords[9]] + Visits(tail = 1)
"R" -> {
for (i in 1..amount) {
coords[0] = coords[0].copy(row = coords[0].row + 1)
for (tail in 1..9) {
if (coords[tail - 1].distance(coords[tail]) >= 2) {
moveTail(coords, tail)
startpath[coords[9]] = startpath[coords[9]] + Visits(tail = 1)
"D" -> {
for (i in 1..amount) {
coords[0] = coords[0].copy(column = coords[0].column - 1)
for (tail in 1..9) {
if (coords[tail - 1].distance(coords[tail]) >= 2) {
moveTail(coords, tail)
startpath[coords[9]] = startpath[coords[9]] + Visits(tail = 1)
return startpath.values.filter { it.tail > 0 }.count().also { println(it) }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day09_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 13)
check(part2(testInput) == 1)
val input = readInput("Day09")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 1d7ab334f38a9e260c72725d3f583228acb6aa0e | 8,067 | advent-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/Day-7.kt | joebutler2 | 577,057,170 | false | {"Kotlin": 5432} | import java.util.Stack
interface IOObject {
fun getBaseName(): String
fun calculateSize(): Int
// Composite
class Dir : IOObject {
private var children: MutableList<IOObject> = mutableListOf()
var name: String
constructor(name: String) { = name
override fun getBaseName(): String = name
override fun calculateSize(): Int = children.sumOf { it.calculateSize() }
fun addChild(child: IOObject) = children.add(child)
fun findChild(dirName: String): Dir =
children.filterIsInstance<Dir>().first { == dirName }
fun allDirsUnder(size: Int): List<Dir> =
allDirsUnder(mutableListOf(), size)
fun allDirsUnder(matches: MutableList<Dir>, size: Int): List<Dir> {
children.forEach {
if (it is Dir) {
if(it.calculateSize() < 100000) {
it.allDirsUnder(matches, size)
return matches
// Leaf
class File : IOObject {
var size: Int = 0
var name: String
constructor(name: String) { = name
override fun getBaseName(): String = name
override fun calculateSize(): Int = size
val root = Dir("root")
val pathToWorkingDirectory: Stack<Dir> = Stack()
fun main() {
val input = object {}.javaClass.getResourceAsStream("day-7.txt")?.bufferedReader()?.readLines()!!.iterator() // skip first line since we already start at the root
while (input.hasNext()) {
val line =
println("Processing line: $line")
val segments = line.split(" ")
if (line.startsWith("$")) {
if (line.contains("cd")) {
} else {
val matchingDirs = root.allDirsUnder(100000)
val totalSize = matchingDirs.sumOf { it.calculateSize() }
println("And the total is... ${totalSize}")
fun parseListedDirectory(line: String) {
println("Processing listed dir: $line")
val (label, name: String) = line.split(" ")
if (label.startsWith("d")) {
val dir = Dir(name)
} else if (label[0].isDigit()) {
val file = File(name)
file.size = label.toInt()
private fun changeDirectory(path: String) {
if (path == "..") {
} else {
val newDir = pathToWorkingDirectory.peek().findChild(path)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 7abdecbc4a4397f917c84bd8d8b9f05fb7079c75 | 2,714 | advent-of-code-kotlin | MIT License |
src/Day08.kt | an4 | 575,331,225 | false | {"Kotlin": 117105} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val matrix = Array(input.size) { IntArray(input[0].length) }
for (row in input.indices) {
val charArr = input[row].toCharArray()
for (column in charArr.indices) {
matrix[row][column] = charArr[column].digitToInt()
val seen = Array(input.size) { BooleanArray(input[0].length) }
// N
for (c in matrix[0].indices) {
var maxHeight = -1
for (r in matrix.indices) {
if (matrix[r][c] > maxHeight) {
seen[r][c] = true
maxHeight = matrix[r][c]
// W
for (r in matrix.indices) {
var maxHeight = -1
for (c in matrix[r].indices) {
if (matrix[r][c] > maxHeight) {
seen[r][c] = true
maxHeight = matrix[r][c]
// S
for (c in matrix[0].indices) {
var maxHeight = -1
for (r in matrix.indices.reversed()) {
if (matrix[r][c] > maxHeight) {
seen[r][c] = true
maxHeight = matrix[r][c]
// E
for (r in matrix.indices) {
var maxHeight = -1
for (c in matrix[r].indices.reversed()) {
if (matrix[r][c] > maxHeight) {
seen[r][c] = true
maxHeight = matrix[r][c]
var seenCount = 0
for(r in seen.indices) {
for (c in seen[r].indices) {
if (seen[r][c]) {
// for (r in matrix.indices) {
// for (c in matrix[r].indices) {
// print(matrix[r][c])
// }
// println()
// }
// println()
// for (r in seen.indices) {
// for (c in seen[r].indices) {
// print(if (seen[r][c]) 1 else 0)
// }
// println()
// }
return seenCount
fun computeViewingDistance(r: Int, c: Int, matrix: Array<IntArray>): Int {
val height = matrix[r][c]
// N
var northViewingDistance = 0
var i = r-1
while (i >= 0 && matrix[i][c] < height) {
if (i != -1) {
// W
var westViewingDistance = 0
i = c-1
while (i >= 0 && matrix[r][i] < height) {
if (i != -1) {
// S
var southViewingDistance = 0
i = r+1
while (i <= matrix.size-1 && matrix[i][c] < height) {
if (i != matrix.size) {
// E
var eastViewingDistance = 0
i = c+1
while (i <= matrix[r].size-1 && matrix[r][i] < height) {
if (i != matrix[r].size) {
return northViewingDistance * westViewingDistance * southViewingDistance * eastViewingDistance
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val matrix = Array(input.size) { IntArray(input[0].length) }
for (row in input.indices) {
val charArr = input[row].toCharArray()
for (column in charArr.indices) {
matrix[row][column] = charArr[column].digitToInt()
var maxViewingDistance = 0
var tempViewingDistance: Int
for (r in matrix.indices) {
for (c in matrix[r].indices) {
tempViewingDistance = computeViewingDistance(r, c, matrix)
if (maxViewingDistance < tempViewingDistance) {
maxViewingDistance = tempViewingDistance
return maxViewingDistance
val rawInput = "200210101302123001201232003214413304042424024222111455334421333412020113121332322101331130101222121,120100002010203210130421301201404231101254535242322112224524254031333224202413331320010302202022220,001200100200133300103241144403033124133341435524324143423341133252144040000423121430200100022211211,000012321202320024030320421230202213131514345325422513145221212451233202023402411040301113132131121,111103022312211340103042313022513413532253114352113252432213335135141552003023313142423321320321212,012112331020102411442404102132241553154421513555415233312432515445154422402444314033003303323320102,200110201230142322043222345241215442224221523534521123322555135454422121142320102300340211100120310,120012121330311223132012342543213553334431544155643463443115441515143121132442433102420433301221030,232202001121031432403445341332243414414443326545556526423425612114153351234111432130314202330220010,133033302004430221300431213144135422424546344243432363665246244341243432352514332142044434023131003,323030003440212122341123551231453352464334362343245665335563565343421512431425213111441304340011231,003000034413321402514254435224115366533425244663634336625232232553226312522142535212414040004113221,203203234020411021411532552144456644553434362455342664624546642245543563524451523133334201141411113,103032442424101341214421543433253563535422262333555222632224462463423526635422354541113034433423000,020133314440123532124351233325245665424345546323747756264656566346366665333444354252523314300303020,303102341103425544443131253325266522334544545666744335557473366256323634266213415324324341134211112,023044020203451414535535625633224445223364357435363343536455577666362444542245113553311434011140201,130031020304324235255516652533544625454347643363434554557436654343442356543323225524232341230421320,220403302205252431242554332553635575345744474647573376655365465333365246645632425211423335322131241,214400202003451322143346242334324356456753434655775663756755654555657245563342333124515412311131042,144333342021131124452334346355653767663565565443573444757577736363654665266666525633314514341134041,111433243134224443344522523636635556736633645434676475377437457745566744646666544632522235344014021,421102342525325521256266235434736567476654664744455647574564433767653357626264235361354533341223334,030103204353142134336562363447366767454375766855756788856466566674566447433523254456444314525331002,410404421315115456635435323737634573668554668666466474777667486334467637567356564452622223212300033,012140231351312622653242266664756743747655464548677545754787855754646777456542663563451151125130001,122202541435443225443523376367336378575474446665666578564485767586653557636553243543226514123433024,322341213145516625463356665437453687675788656768568586885644456856643777435654242663525154214512210,140223342343464363346556333753354858857777544686557677466886555488585473373334765233552623543312200,422403124152143243445554363655577858878487546898958587796787475657654747656366532662626445424424410,321231255223524234247766447646866656646454795565859795788557647554485844673466335434256341522445230,434145334313623446664556646655886667557495589675986998765976684664875654474437775454342445551523513,433432522546645452345446344376857768848989787655576756768988889768856644743374354326655353222112422,420512322415655344574666457745755754768778785979569655887679799664764746786677655366663463434125353,124155335466242262756735466446866676986698997576575557966855895697587767454454543472442666623435524,415345153363443642766655644464854747967899588766957797576697788779586574578644737774624632644545113,441333524323362443745375688445665755769658789797769878578585579797547585786676677364322333511241423,434241414244556353633455448684455597576765697869997689879755769799778646786856633667554436244553435,245314523664342366643466667485888767568897999988699997889967759988686546445685776346654553265354523,321432211425653366363657657447568665877957979987786779697868577888595675855456734636524456425431142,033422313632342655364345567644755898785796699996888776886796657757797857688876376354363532536232314,052242355542323647576334458576689579586968867996689878797799969587659875547656644765646363224253444,234434342653226546436658855775896968867876797997996768779677667699889796745768337366436634632245213,445222213235346735753667755676669878598898697986687998696976996987769858656476757667332332625351514,435355546442363575345376588657989988589877788898987788998987888969858697674677876744344654353312151,133553556352633665357787686775799577779997878787787897797699998878965787455885663557545355624324115,545233354544544435573376578458655587598789677877787899897869896658788766588656837747764363655341521,211555453542466735366787685658866856979676887788987997989769978968996968546685834576542622243213155,144113123264426777463777488587699869767977889987787997788887696979756858576885677473635653233543243,311313235543366635754558457576795998769778679778889889889987668888968988774448543757733325643231422,443355342254425446767468656476595865887986787897998879979969967775865587546587644777655235234324344,442443355324564334365767887885668589686866989997898887797879967668978575855866836656334552623632351,413433144665547465436464847768768777996977968777788977797977679895685768676556634643436422334442455,453142566345254453333444885587565578677688779977889999789888796877778557847675867477652535546215422,151332265265444777364585745778956687969888787989789897978868788787686655764465553577745632625231455,445223254646322766445774546689887968566967668798798897976876999668956869458456654344465452425345523,354122314463434747436654644484979696677686898978887878797976779669677694454485555635752664656513133,012232355266625635373378685656767767887668769986988989987778777769685698467858437754343553255322444,024555213224464774353435485656687879797989768686778867676969798596899575656786466333455553355345234,132432444233664544676735848585667856997869777886887797667989767578765688576686457343436442546533142,444143435624244477333448558448667577665667766788798979786987858959699677748784665774745235262414311,231541231646652273467743578658756967656599897986666898787998598868878558884847373763743436333442222,452115141256244235637554556584849575796768969699769887767797597866989785545764765437552564345131455,425244513366263336575446588857846976888767658868676696667958899568857767458773744637333452423533532,105131435443626324576435676555478786567757999689999668897789599599856875674774656477364623225123151,032315232453426453465765574644575446896598678899586759777588775565758668474745575344566425615355433,414341314426235264647543645746457657967695558965975769898785985654576867658657635475666624352134144,100323311242236242255347744575476776858879688698797878579969975874748675444573747344653555211352221,014311441544336355454575445686757688689666888758996965685596966444845578855576543546465554243154142,342254542123656656546356366778675574845697675569556687688586558646447667434456665352633422255244414,211453143353434566563465675745864885674687588998996685977676784567474566434544466522533343353114231,313022332133466332336477634667465867888785648576775865668487487544484845366535575442326624351431012,114211155121535434243656644454647447848458486648876856858767458446765544736737656643222525432544232,010122525344156263354227756636434587458665676586887787858748554686666673755577552352343354534152040,412321535231542523462334653374657358685586488785485678564864446878734675557735423665442154552342011,104424333415333444626345536643374555557465464777678466847574454875666744474766234464241242553110441,124112314331255362622446225633636335345644866876474848854678487634655646573245644334324331251444400,312000445323443215433555564337345455776744675674478888474578745344363573744242633426233313351422233,430022234512251423424326264637465355355746637447648757857473743746654776525262553642221524414041323,233102134414232412332356226435465646465443546335436365365755446655434343246552323324433143130002111,111404313153153442123666355224747746356376564475444457353545546774737575424345446353354342244313412,234334440424325351212523232526466575445565545647676363335445774536647332224524363441415351434423203,123130340344441323432464644565445455655737653455763575457374566467753266262333355253144434121341413,032133414041244541233153446223224334665566654364436733465455436362242424353334354423444542342323120,331120000421342243325115456255364522626457536537755343436545747263466663636524533235411311121411332,332230404213303353133111256254363655255434744674474754434646343454354433433515513135334442222004010,202121313223222511453512322255566444565544643556454452443454524223535655434354335552444042314134332,213300030010040331541141441242645424354334635234565662362526354224246533454523242512414430303043302,303300002321212004244535244451242654252646636554662636263664646235263231315331142352102120130122303,331101014024440131342122251123415223633335635453354263636226636262256541131443215354304023243302102,331202033431032221244232125455313233642635432336534464333635335635423524411525215033323313120333013,033030202002100313111523432311242321352266332543436322536365535415434245433251242122313014031212313,222211100333332310242343252221251543414443226355325632364262625135251521332232522230244440201332023,000203310213011213412344315255131512335223453552465335425413252322422253334440310223340313231332020,011332231323130141310431031222132533232453353124412341254122255424331153344341340113311310010033130,010021033100310312123242131122524221555411455523421253253142545515323423322444300142424333201332021,110101220202201114310003401420513324334525253112533435355244442344311112421320024234333132222021000,020011123333222200003244032430305123255531342321413242534522552125444313014002424233330331130222200,100220000312023302114114440201033304323431155212155522541415515211123243000444221343002001121202102"
// val rawInput = "30373,25512,65332,33549,35390"
val input = rawInput.split((","))
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | df64adcc5d1ccab370acef01a7ed4d480ffbe2be | 14,340 | aoc22 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/java/dev/haenara/mailprogramming/solution/y2020/m01/d26/Solution200126.kt | HaenaraShin | 226,032,186 | false | null | package dev.haenara.mailprogramming.solution.y2020.m01.d26
import dev.haenara.mailprogramming.solution.Solution
* 매일프로그래밍 2020. 01. 26
* 정수 배열이 주어졌을 때, 오른쪽 원소가 왼쪽 원소보다 더 큰 경우 중 두 원소의 차가 최대가 되는 값을 찾으시오.
* Input: [2, 7, 9, 5, 1, 3, 5]
* Output: 7 (원소 2와 9)
* 풀이
* 문제의 조건대로 만약 두 원소의 차가 최대가 되는 경우는 둘중의 하나의 원소가 최소값 또는 최대값일 수밖에 없다.
* 따라서 최소값이 나오는 경우와 최댓값이 나오는 경우를 찾아서 차이값을 갱신해나가면서
* 결과적으로 최대 차이값이 결정되는 순간을 찾는다.
* 단 최소값이 좌측에 있어야 하므로, 새로운 최소값이 나오는 경우부터 새로 비교하면 된다.
class Solution200126 : Solution<Array<Int>, Int>{
override fun solution(input: Array<Int>): Int {
var currentMin = input[0]
var currentMax = input[0]
var currntDiff = currentMax - currentMin
var maxDiff = currntDiff
for (element in input) {
if (currentMax < element) {
currentMax = element
currntDiff = currentMax - currentMin
maxDiff = maxOf(currntDiff, maxDiff)
else if (currentMin > element) {
currentMin = element
currentMax = element
currntDiff = 0
return maxDiff
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 7 | b5e50907b8a7af5db2055a99461bff9cc0268293 | 1,558 | MailProgramming | MIT License |
src/Day01.kt | 0nko | 573,144,534 | false | {"Kotlin": 1263} | fun getSums(input: List<String>): List<Int> {
val sums = mutableListOf(0)
input.forEach {
if (it.isBlank()) {
sums += 0
} else {
sums[sums.lastIndex] += it.toInt()
return sums
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return getSums(input).max()
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return getSums(input).sorted().reversed().subList(0, 3).sum()
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val input = readInput("Day01")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 4cd45703107377a05ee582ef7ed876c43b64f1ed | 627 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/aoc2021/Day11.kt | dayanruben | 433,250,590 | false | {"Kotlin": 79134} | package aoc2021
import readInput
fun main() {
val (year, day) = "2021" to "Day11"
fun navigate(input: List<String>, maxStep: Int = 0): Int {
val energy = input.flatMap { line -> { c -> c - '0' } }.toMutableList()
var flashes = 0
var step = 0
while (true) {
val toFlash = ArrayDeque<Int>()
energy.forEachIndexed { i, e ->
energy[i] = e + 1
if (energy[i] == 10) {
val flashed = mutableSetOf<Int>()
fun flash(index: Int) {
flashed += index
for (dx in -1..1) {
for (dy in -1..1) {
val x = index % 10 + dx
val y = index / 10 + dy
if (x in 0..9 && y in 0..9) {
val p = y * 10 + x
if (p !in flashed) {
energy[p] += 1
if (energy[p] == 10) {
while (toFlash.isNotEmpty()) {
val index = toFlash.removeFirst()
energy[index] = 0
if (index !in flashed) {
flashes += flashed.size
if (maxStep > 0 && step == maxStep) {
return flashes
if (maxStep == 0 && flashed.size == 100) {
return step
return 0
fun part1(input: List<String>) = navigate(input, maxStep = 100)
fun part2(input: List<String>) = navigate(input)
val testInput = readInput(name = "${day}_test", year = year)
val input = readInput(name = day, year = year)
check(part1(testInput) == 1656)
check(part2(testInput) == 195)
} | 1 | Kotlin | 2 | 30 | df1f04b90e81fbb9078a30f528d52295689f7de7 | 2,163 | aoc-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/g0701_0800/s0719_find_k_th_smallest_pair_distance/Solution.kt | javadev | 190,711,550 | false | {"Kotlin": 4420233, "TypeScript": 50437, "Python": 3646, "Shell": 994} | package g0701_0800.s0719_find_k_th_smallest_pair_distance
// #Hard #Array #Sorting #Binary_Search #Two_Pointers
// #2023_02_27_Time_172_ms_(100.00%)_Space_37.2_MB_(100.00%)
class Solution {
fun smallestDistancePair(nums: IntArray, k: Int): Int {
val length = nums.size
val maxDiff = nums[length - 1] - nums[0]
var start = 0
var end = maxDiff
while (start < end) {
val mid = start + (end - start) / 2
if (isPair(nums, mid, k)) {
end = mid
} else {
start = mid + 1
return start
private fun isPair(nums: IntArray, mid: Int, k: Int): Boolean {
var count = 0
var i = 0
for (j in 1 until nums.size) {
while (nums[j] - nums[i] > mid) {
count += j - i
return count >= k
| 0 | Kotlin | 14 | 24 | fc95a0f4e1d629b71574909754ca216e7e1110d2 | 947 | LeetCode-in-Kotlin | MIT License |
day21/kotlin/RJPlog/day2121_1_2.kts | razziel89 | 433,724,464 | true | {"Rust": 368326, "Python": 219109, "Go": 200337, "Kotlin": 80185, "Groovy": 67858, "JavaScript": 45619, "TypeScript": 43504, "CSS": 35030, "Shell": 18611, "C": 5260, "Ruby": 2359, "Dockerfile": 2285, "HTML": 227, "C++": 153} | import
// tag::standardDice[]
fun standardDice(in1: Int, in2: Int): Int {
var play1 = in1
var play2 = in2
var play1Score: Int = 0
var play2Score: Int = 0
var dice: Int = 1
var diceCount = 0
while (play1Score < 1000 && play2Score < 1000) {
// three turns player 1
for (i in 0..2) {
play1 = ((play1 + dice - 1) % 10) + 1
dice = (dice) % 100 + 1
diceCount += 3
play1Score = play1Score + play1
if (play1Score >= 1000) {
return (play2Score * diceCount)
// three turns player 2
for (i in 0..2) {
play2 = (play2 + dice - 1) % 10 + 1
dice = (dice) % 100 + 1
diceCount += 3
play2Score = play2Score + play2
if (play2Score >= 1000) {
return (play1Score * diceCount)
return 1
// end::standardDice[]
// tag::diracDice[]
fun diracDice(in1: Int, in2: Int, in3: List<Int>): Pair<Int, Long> {
var play1 = in1
var play2 = in2
var play1Score: Int = 0
var play2Score: Int = 0
var dice = in3
var diceCount = 0
var numOfVars: Long = 1
var mapTable = mutableMapOf<Int, Int>()
mapTable.put(3, 1)
mapTable.put(4, 3)
mapTable.put(5, 6)
mapTable.put(6, 7)
mapTable.put(7, 6)
mapTable.put(8, 3)
mapTable.put(9, 1)
var i: Int = 0
while (true) {
play1 = ((play1 + dice[i] - 1) % 10) + 1
numOfVars = numOfVars * mapTable.getValue(dice[i])
i += 1
diceCount += 3
play1Score = play1Score + play1
if (play1Score >= 21) {
return Pair(1, numOfVars)
} else if (i > dice.size - 1) {
return Pair(0, 0)
play2 = (play2 + dice[i] - 1) % 10 + 1
numOfVars = numOfVars * mapTable.getValue(dice[i])
i += 1
diceCount += 3
play2Score = play2Score + play2
if (play2Score >= 21) {
return Pair(2, numOfVars)
} else if (i > dice.size - 1) {
return Pair(0, 0)
// end::diracDice[]
//fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
// tag::read_puzzle_input[]
var startingSpace = mutableListOf<Int>()
File("day2121_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
var play1 = startingSpace[0]
var play2 = startingSpace[1]
// end::read_puzzle_input[]
// tag::part1[]
var solution1 = standardDice(play1, play2)
// end::part1[]
// tag::part2[]
var play1Wins: Long = 0
var play2Wins: Long = 0
var diceVarOverall = MutableList(0) { mutableListOf<Int>() }
var diceVarOverallNew = MutableList(0) { mutableListOf<Int>() }
var diceVariation = mutableListOf<Int>()
for (ii in 3..9) {
for (iii in 3..9) {
println("-- next turn --")
print(" diceVarOverall: ")
while (diceVarOverall.isNotEmpty()) {
diceVarOverall.forEach {
var result = diracDice(play1, play2, it)
if (result.first == 1) {
play1Wins = play1Wins + result.second
} else if (result.first == 2) {
play2Wins = play2Wins + result.second
} else if (result.first == 0) {
for (i in 3..9) {
var diceVariationNew = it.toMutableList()
// diceVariationNew.clear()
} // end While (diceVarOverall.isNotEmpty())
var solution2 = maxOf(play1Wins, play2Wins)
// end::part2[]
// tag::output[]
// print solution for part 1
println("--- Day 21: <NAME> ---")
println("Solution for part1")
println(" $solution1 you get if you multiply the score of the losing player by the number of times the die was rolled during the game")
// print solution for part 2
println("Solution for part2")
println(" $solution2 are the most wins in all universes")
// end::output[]
t1 = System.currentTimeMillis() - t1
println("puzzle solved in ${t1} ms")
| 1 | Rust | 0 | 0 | 0042891cfcecdc2b65ee32882bd04de80ecd7e1c | 4,170 | aoc-2021 | MIT License |
src/commonMain/kotlin/io/schlawiner/game/Score.kt | schl4win3r | 658,803,928 | false | {"Kotlin": 74826} | package
// use String instead of Term here, since the 'term' could also be "skipped" or "timeout"
data class Score(val term: String, val difference: Int) {
override fun toString(): String = "$term Δ $difference"
companion object {
val EMPTY: Score = Score("", -1)
* Represents one row of the [score board](Scoreboard) with the numbers as rows and the players as columns.
* | | Player 1 | Player 2 |
* |---:|---------:|---------:|
* | 12 | 3 | 1 |
* | 34 | 1 | 2 |
* | 4 | 1 | 2 |
* | 52 | 1 | 2 |
* | 57 | 1 | 2 |
* | 80 | 1 | 2 |
class NumberScore(val number: Int, players: Players) {
private val scores: MutableMap<Player, Score> =
players.associateWith { Score.EMPTY }.toMutableMap()
val complete: Boolean
get() = scores.values.all { it != EMPTY }
operator fun get(player: Player) = scores[player] ?: Score.EMPTY
operator fun set(player: Player, score: Score) {
scores[player] = score
override fun toString(): String = "NumberScore($number, $scores)"
* Represents one row of the [score board](Scoreboard) with the players as rows and the numbers as columns.
* | | 12 | 34 | 4 | 52 | 57 | 80 |
* |----------|---:|---:|---:|---:|---:|---:|
* | Player 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 4 |
* | Player 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 |
class PlayerScore(val player: Player, numbers: Numbers) {
private val scores: MutableMap<Int, Score> =
numbers.associateWith { Score.EMPTY }.toMutableMap()
val complete: Boolean
get() = scores.values.all { it != EMPTY }
operator fun get(number: Int) = scores[number] ?: Score.EMPTY
operator fun set(number: Int, score: Score) {
scores[number] = score
override fun toString(): String = "PlayerScore($player, $scores)"
class Scoreboard(players: Players, numbers: Numbers) {
val numberScores: List<NumberScore> = { NumberScore(it, players) }
val playerScores: List<PlayerScore> = { PlayerScore(it, numbers) }
val complete: Boolean
get() = numberScores.all { it.complete } && playerScores.all { it.complete }
private val _playerSums: MutableMap<Player, Int> = players.associateWith { 0 }.toMutableMap()
val playerSums: Map<Player, Int>
get() = _playerSums
operator fun get(player: Player, number: Int): Score =
numberScores.find { it.number == number }?.get(player) ?: Score.EMPTY
operator fun set(player: Player, number: Int, score: Score) {
numberScores.find { it.number == number }?.let { numberScore ->
numberScore[player] = score
playerScores.find { it.player == player }?.let { playerScore ->
playerScore[number] = score
_playerSums[player]?.let { current ->
_playerSums[player] = current + score.difference
fun winners(): List<Player> {
val min = playerSums.values.min()
return playerSums.filterValues { it == min }.keys.toList()
override fun toString(): String = "Scoreboard(playerSums: $playerSums)"
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 124cf417ef4247aa6080d47fbef016a988a098e0 | 3,294 | schlawiner-engine-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
sort/src/main/kotlin/com/lillicoder/algorithms/sort/Quicksort.kt | lillicoder | 754,271,079 | false | {"Kotlin": 16213} | package com.lillicoder.algorithms.sort
import com.lillicoder.algorithms.collections.swap
* Implementation of [Quicksort](
class Quicksort : Sort {
override fun <T : Comparable<T>> sort(list: List<T>) = list.toMutableList().apply { sort(this) }
* Sorts the given [MutableList] using Quicksort.
* @param list List to sort.
private fun <T : Comparable<T>> sort(list: MutableList<T>) {
if (list.isEmpty()) return
val pivot = partition(list)
sort(list.subList(0, pivot))
sort(list.subList(pivot + 1, list.size))
* Partitions the given [MutableList] and returns the pivot index.
* @param list List to partition.
* @return Pivot index.
private fun <T : Comparable<T>> partition(list: MutableList<T>): Int {
val pivot = list.last()
var pivotIndex = -1
list.forEachIndexed { index, element ->
if (element < pivot) {
list.swap(pivotIndex, index)
// Move pivot to final position
list.swap(pivotIndex, list.size - 1)
return pivotIndex
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 8f96def65d07f646facaa3007cee6c8c99e71320 | 1,291 | algorithms-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day06.kt | rafael-ribeiro1 | 572,657,838 | false | {"Kotlin": 15675} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: String): Int {
return input.detectMarkerFinalPosition(4)
fun part2(input: String): Int {
return input.detectMarkerFinalPosition(14)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day06_test")[0]
check(part1(testInput) == 7)
check(part2(testInput) == 19)
val input = readInput("Day06")[0]
fun String.detectMarkerFinalPosition(size: Int): Int {
return 1 + this.withIndex()
.filter { it.index >= size }
.first {
val marker = this.substring(it.index - size + 1, it.index + 1)
marker.length == marker.toSet().size
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 5cae94a637567e8a1e911316e2adcc1b2a1ee4af | 764 | aoc-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/2022/Day24.kt | nagyjani | 572,361,168 | false | {"Kotlin": 369497} | package `2022`
import common.Linearizer
import common.Offset
import common.around
import java.util.*
fun main() {
class Day24 {
val maxTime = 10000
val input1 = """
val input2 = """
enum class Dir {
fun turn(d: String): Dir {
if (d == "R") {
return Dir.values()[(ordinal+1)%4]
return Dir.values()[(ordinal+3)%4]
fun toChar(): Char {
return when (this) {
LEFT -> '<'
UP -> '^'
RIGHT -> '>'
DOWN -> 'v'
fun Char.toDir(): Dir {
var r = Dir.RIGHT
for (d in Dir.values()) {
if (d.toChar() == this) {
r = d
return r
data class Blizzard(val ix: Int, val dir: Dir)
class Valley(val walls: Set<Int>, val blizzards: Map<Int, Set<Blizzard>>, val l: Linearizer) {
val blizzardMoves =
Dir.LEFT to l.offset(-1, 0),
Dir.RIGHT to l.offset(1, 0),
Dir.UP to l.offset(0, -1),
Dir.DOWN to l.offset(0, 1)
val personMoves =
l.offset(-1, 0),
l.offset(1, 0),
l.offset(0, -1),
l.offset(0, 1),
l.offset(0, 0)
fun next(): Valley {
val nextBlizzards = mutableMapOf<Int, MutableSet<Blizzard>>()
for (b0 in blizzards) {
for (b1 in b0.value) {
val b2 = move(b1)
if (!nextBlizzards.containsKey(b2.ix)) {
nextBlizzards[b2.ix] = mutableSetOf()
return Valley(walls, nextBlizzards, l)
fun move(b: Blizzard): Blizzard {
val ix1 = blizzardMoves[b.dir]!!.apply(b.ix)!!
if (walls.contains(ix1)) {
val xy = l.toCoordinates(ix1)
if (xy[0] == 0) {
return Blizzard(l.toIndex(l.dimensions[0]-2, xy[1]), b.dir)
if (xy[0] == l.dimensions[0]-1) {
return Blizzard(l.toIndex(1, xy[1]), b.dir)
if (xy[1] == 0) {
return Blizzard(l.toIndex(xy[0], l.dimensions[1]-2), b.dir)
if (xy[1] == l.dimensions[1]-1) {
return Blizzard(l.toIndex(xy[0], 1), b.dir)
println("${xy[0]} ${xy[1]}")
throw RuntimeException()
return Blizzard(ix1, b.dir)
fun toString(p: Int?): String {
val sb = StringBuilder()
for (j in 0 until l.dimensions[1]) {
for (i in 0 until l.dimensions[0]) {
val ix = l.toIndex(i, j)
if (p == ix) {
} else if (walls.contains(ix)) {
} else if (blizzards.containsKey(ix)) {
val n = blizzards[ix]?.size
when (n) {
null -> throw RuntimeException()
0 -> throw RuntimeException()
1 -> sb.append(blizzards[ix]?.first()!!.dir.toChar())
in 2..9 -> sb.append(n.toString())
else -> sb.append('+')
} else {
return sb.toString()
fun next(p: Int): List<Int> {
return personMoves.around(p).filter { open(it) }
fun open(p: Int): Boolean {
return !walls.contains(p) && !blizzards.containsKey(p)
override fun toString(): String {
return toString(null)
class Valleys(valley: Valley) {
val valleys: MutableList<Valley> = mutableListOf(valley)
val l = valley.l
val frequency = (l.dimensions[0]-2) * (l.dimensions[1]-2) // FIXME: LCM
operator fun get(i0: Int): Valley {
val i = i0%frequency
while (i > valleys.size-1) {
return valleys[i]
fun code(valley: Int, ix: Int): Int {
val c = valley * l.size + ix
if (valley(c) != valley || ix(c) != ix) {
throw RuntimeException()
return c
fun valley(c: Int): Int {
return c/l.size
fun ix(c: Int): Int {
return c % l.size
class Minimums {
val codeToMin = mutableMapOf<Int, Int>()
val minToCode = mutableMapOf<Int, MutableSet<Int>>()
val finished = mutableMapOf<Int, Int>()
fun add(c: Int, v: Int) {
var oldMin: Int? = null
var newMin: Int? = null
if (finished.containsKey(c)) {
if (v < finished[c]!!) {
throw RuntimeException()
if (codeToMin.containsKey(c)) {
if (v < codeToMin[c]!!) {
oldMin = codeToMin[c]
codeToMin[c] = v
newMin = v
} else {
codeToMin[c] = v
newMin = v
if (oldMin != null) {
if (newMin != null) {
if (!minToCode.containsKey(newMin)) {
minToCode[newMin] = mutableSetOf()
fun getFinished(c: Int): Int {
return finished[c]!!
fun minOrNull(): Int? {
val m = minToCode.keys.minOrNull()
if (m != null) {
return minToCode[m]!!.first()
return null
fun finish(c: Int) {
val m = codeToMin[c]!!
if (minToCode[m]!!.isEmpty()) {
finished[c] = m
fun findMin(t0: Int, startIx: Int, endIx: Int, valleys: Valleys): Int {
val mins = Minimums()
// val v0 = t0 % valleys.frequency
val v0 = t0
mins.add(valleys.code(v0, startIx), 0)
var next = mins.minOrNull()
while (next != null) {
val minSteps = mins.getFinished(next)
val valley0 = valleys.valley(next)
val ix0 = valleys.ix(next)
// println("finish $valley0 ${l.toCoordinates(ix0)[0]} ${l.toCoordinates(ix0)[1]} $minSteps")
// println("${valleys[valley0].toString(ix0)}")
// println("${valleys[valley0+1].next(ix0)}")
// println("${valleys[valley0+1].toString()}")
if (ix0 == endIx) {
return minSteps
for (ix in valleys[valley0+1].next(ix0)) {
// println("add $valley0 ${l.toCoordinates(ix0)[0]} ${l.toCoordinates(ix0)[1]} $minSteps")
// println("${valleys[valley0+1].toString(ix)}")
mins.add(valleys.code(valley0+1, ix), minSteps+1)
next = mins.minOrNull()
throw RuntimeException()
fun solve() {
val f = File("src/2022/inputs/")
val s = Scanner(f)
// val s = Scanner(input1)
// val s = Scanner(input2)
val walls = mutableSetOf<Int>()
val blizzards = mutableMapOf<Int, Set<Blizzard>>()
val lines = mutableListOf<String>()
while (s.hasNextLine()) {
val line = s.nextLine().trim()
if (!line.isEmpty()) {
val x = lines.first().length
val y = lines.size
val l = Linearizer(x, y)
for (j in 0 until y) {
for (i in 0 until x) {
val c = lines[j][i]
val ix = l.toIndex(i, j)
when (c) {
'.' ->
'#' ->
else ->
blizzards[ix] = setOf(Blizzard(ix, c.toDir()))
val valley = Valley(walls, blizzards, l)
val valleys = Valleys(valley)
val startPos = l.toIndex(1, 0)
val endPos = l.toIndex(l.dimensions[0]-2, l.dimensions[1]-1)
for (i in 0..0) {
// val mins = Minimums()
// mins.add(valleys.code(0, startPos), 0)
// var next = mins.minOrNull()
// while (next != null) {
// mins.finish(next)
// val minSteps = mins.getFinished(next)
// val valley0 = valleys.valley(next)
// val ix0 = valleys.ix(next)
//// println("finish $valley0 ${l.toCoordinates(ix0)[0]} ${l.toCoordinates(ix0)[1]} $minSteps")
//// println("${valleys[valley0].toString(ix0)}")
//// println("${valleys[valley0+1].next(ix0)}")
//// println("${valleys[valley0+1].toString()}")
// if (ix0 == endPos) {
// println("${minSteps}")
// break
// }
// for (ix in valleys[valley0+1].next(ix0)) {
//// println("add $valley0 ${l.toCoordinates(ix0)[0]} ${l.toCoordinates(ix0)[1]} $minSteps")
//// println("${valleys[valley0+1].toString(ix)}")
// mins.add(valleys.code(valley0+1, ix), minSteps+1)
// }
// next = mins.minOrNull()
// }
println("${findMin(0, startPos, endPos, valleys)}")
val t1 = findMin(0, startPos, endPos, valleys)
val t2 = findMin(t1, endPos, startPos, valleys)
val t3 = findMin(t2+t1, startPos, endPos, valleys)
println("$t1 $t2 $t3 ${t1 + t2 + t3}")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f0c61c787e4f0b83b69ed0cde3117aed3ae918a5 | 10,973 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/SparseMerkleTree.kt | avoloshko | 122,376,429 | false | null | import kotlin.math.pow
class SparseMerkleTree(input: Map<Int, ByteArray>,
val depth: Int = 256,
val hash: (ByteArray) -> ByteArray = { data -> SHA256Digest.digest(data) }) {
val root: ByteArray
private val defaultNodes: Array<ByteArray>
private val tree: Array<Map<Int, ByteArray>>
init {
// validate data
val max = 2.0.pow(depth - 1).toInt()
if (input.size > max) {
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("There are too many leaves for the tree to build")
for (idx in input.keys) {
if (idx < 0 || idx >= max) {
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException()
defaultNodes = defaultNodes(depth)
if (input.isNotEmpty()) {
tree = createTree(input, depth)
root = tree.last().values.last()
} else {
tree = emptyArray()
root = defaultNodes.last()
private fun defaultNodes(depth: Int): Array<ByteArray> {
val res = mutableListOf(ByteArray(32))
for (level in 1 until depth) {
val prev = res[level - 1]
res += hash(prev + prev)
return res.toTypedArray()
private fun createTree(input: Map<Int, ByteArray>, depth: Int): Array<Map<Int, ByteArray>> {
val tree = mutableListOf(input)
var treeLevel = input.toSortedMap()
for (level in 0 until (depth - 1)) {
val nextLevel = mutableMapOf<Int, ByteArray>()
var prevIndex = -1
for ((index, value) in treeLevel) {
if (index % 2 == 0) {
nextLevel[index / 2] = hash(value + defaultNodes[level])
} else {
if (index == prevIndex + 1) {
nextLevel[index / 2] = hash(treeLevel[prevIndex]!! + value)
} else {
nextLevel[index / 2] = hash(defaultNodes[level] + value)
prevIndex = index
treeLevel = nextLevel.toSortedMap()
return tree.toTypedArray()
fun proofForIndex(idx: Int): List<ByteArray> {
var index = idx
val proof = mutableListOf<ByteArray>()
for (level in 0 until (depth - 1)) {
val siblingIndex = if (index % 2 == 0) index + 1 else index - 1
index /= 2
if (tree[level].containsKey(siblingIndex)) {
proof += tree[level][siblingIndex]!!
} else {
proof += defaultNodes[level]
return proof
fun verifyProof(proof: List<ByteArray>, root: ByteArray, leaf: ByteArray, idx: Int): Boolean {
var computedHash = leaf
var i = idx
for (proofElement in proof) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
computedHash = hash(computedHash + proofElement)
} else {
computedHash = hash(proofElement + computedHash)
i /= 2;
return, root) == 0
companion object {
private val byteArrayComparator = Comparator<ByteArray> { a, b ->
var res = 0
for (i in 0 until a.size) {
val cmp = a[i].toChar().compareTo(b[i].toChar())
if (cmp != 0) {
res = cmp
} | 1 | Kotlin | 4 | 11 | ff8dd711bdb113c5932d54d682574886a568deb3 | 3,588 | merkle-tree | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/com/ComplexCalculator/MeanValueCalculatorClassInterval.kt | tamalbag117 | 430,126,002 | false | {"Kotlin": 36650} | package com.ComplexCalculator
import java.util.*
class MeanValueCalculatorClassInterval {
fun meanValueCalculatorClassInterval() {
val sc = Scanner(System.`in`)
val obj = Summation()
"\n\n\t\tMeasures of Central Tendency\t\n\nTopic:\tClass interval and Mean Value calculation\n\n"
println("Total number of class interval present in the equation:")
val s: Int = sc.nextInt()
val a = DoubleArray(s)
val b = DoubleArray(s)
val c = DoubleArray(s)
val d = DoubleArray(s)
val e = DoubleArray(s)
val f = DoubleArray(s)
println("Enter the Class Interval :one by one ")
for (i in 0 until s) {
println("The value of Class interval for column no." + (i + 1))
a[i] = sc.nextDouble()
b[i] = sc.nextDouble()
println("The frequency of The :" + a[i] + "-" + b[i] + " interval class is")
f[i] = sc.nextDouble()
println("\n\nlet's find out the minvalue")
for (i in 0 until s) {
" in column no." + (i + 1) + "The mid value (X)of " + a[i] + "-" + b[i] + " interval class is"
c[i] = (b[i] + a[i]) / 2
val cc = c[s / 2]
val dd = b[1] - a[1]
println("Calculate the y for the table \t∵y=(x-c)/d\t")
for (i in 0 until s) {
" in column no." + (i + 1) + "The value y in " + a[i] + "-" + b[i] + " interval class is"
d[i] = (c[i] - cc) / dd
for (i in 0 until s) {
" in column no." + (i + 1) + "Fy=frequency*y in " + a[i] + "-" + b[i] + " interval class is"
e[i] = d[i] * f[i]
println("\n\n\nso the table is:\n\n\n")
println("\t\t\t\tclass interval\t\t\tfrequency\t\tmid value\t\ty\t\tfrequency*y\t\t")
for (i in 0 until s) {
" in column no." + (i + 1) + "\t" + a[i] + "\t-\t" + b[i] + "\t\t" + f[i] + "\t\t" + c[i]
+ "\t\t" + d[i] + "\t\t" + e[i] + "\t\t\t\n\n"
println("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t∑f=" + obj.Sum1(f, s) + "\t\t\t∑Fy=\t" + obj.Sum1(e, s))
println("\n\nsum of frequency is ∑f=\t" + obj.Sum1(f, s))
println("\n\nsum of x is frequency*y=\t∑Fy=\t" + obj.Sum1(e, s))
println("\n\ncalculation\n\n x bar =$cc\t+$dd*y bar")
println("the value of y bar is:" + obj.Sum1(e, s) / obj.Sum1(f, s))
println("x bar=" + cc + "+\t" + dd + "(" + (obj.Sum1(e, s) / obj.Sum1(f, s)) + ")")
val x = cc + dd * obj.Sum1(e, s) / obj.Sum1(f, s)
println("\n\n The answer is:\n\t\t\t$x")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 82b987343250624cfdedec4d59d3a35d85393345 | 3,072 | ArithmaticComplexCalculator | MIT License |
grokking-algorithms/07 - Dijkstra’s/01_dijkstras.kt | arturschaefer | 427,090,600 | false | {"C": 48055, "Kotlin": 24446, "C++": 16696, "Dart": 3630, "QMake": 168} | import java.util.Deque
import java.util.LinkedList
import kotlin.collections.last
import kotlin.math.cos
private const val START = "start"
private const val A = "A"
private const val B = "B"
private const val FIN = "FIN"
private const val NONE = "none"
fun main() {
val graph = hashMapOf(
START to hashMapOf<String, Int>(),
A to hashMapOf<String, Int>(),
B to hashMapOf<String, Int>(),
FIN to hashMapOf<String, Int>(),
val costs = hashMapOf<String, Int>()
val parents = hashMapOf<String, String>()
val processed = hashSetOf<String>()
graph[START]?.put(A, 6)
graph[START]?.put(B, 2)
graph[A]?.put(FIN, 1)
graph[B]?.put(A, 3)
graph[B]?.put(FIN, 5)
costs[A] = 6
costs[B] = 2
costs[FIN] = Int.MAX_VALUE
parents[A] = START
parents[B] = START
parents[NONE] = NONE
var node = findLowestCostNode(costs, processed)
var totalCost = costs[node] ?: 0
while (node != NONE){
val cost = costs[node] ?: 0
val neighbors = graph[node]
for (n in neighbors?.keys!!){
val newCost = cost + (neighbors[n] ?: 0)
costs[n] = newCost
parents[n] = node
node = findLowestCostNode(costs, processed)
totalCost += costs[node] ?: 0
fun findLowestCostNode(costs: HashMap<String, Int>, processed: Set<String>): String {
var lowestCost = Int.MAX_VALUE
var lowestCostNode = NONE
for (node in costs) {
val cost = node.value
if (cost < lowestCost && !processed.contains(node.key)) {
lowestCost = cost
lowestCostNode = node.key
return lowestCostNode
} | 0 | C | 0 | 0 | 04c34298739cab13b5cd755b4c6786fc1fe236cd | 1,794 | computer-science-studies | Apache License 2.0 |
kotlin/src/com/leetcode/17_LetterCombinationsOfAPhoneNumber.kt | programmerr47 | 248,502,040 | false | null | package com.leetcode
private class Solution17 {
private val letterDict = arrayOf(
arrayOf('a', 'b', 'c'),
arrayOf('d', 'e', 'f'),
arrayOf('g', 'h', 'i'),
arrayOf('j', 'k', 'l'),
arrayOf('m', 'n', 'o'),
arrayOf('p', 'q', 'r', 's'),
arrayOf('t', 'u', 'v'),
arrayOf('w', 'x', 'y', 'z')
fun letterCombinations(digits: String): List<String> {
if (digits.isEmpty()) return emptyList()
val bucketArr = IntArray(digits.length)
digits.forEachIndexed { i, c ->
val index: Int = c - '2'
bucketArr[i] = index
val letterArr = CharArray(digits.length)
val result = ArrayList<String>(bucketArr.reduce { acc, item -> acc * item })
combine(result, letterArr, bucketArr, 0)
return result
private fun combine(result: MutableList<String>, letterArr: CharArray, bucketArr: IntArray, bucketI: Int) {
if (bucketI == bucketArr.size) {
result += letterArr.joinToString(separator = "")
letterDict[bucketArr[bucketI]].forEach { bucketLetter ->
letterArr[bucketI] = bucketLetter
combine(result, letterArr, bucketArr, bucketI + 1)
fun main() {
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 0b5fbb3143ece02bb60d7c61fea56021fcc0f069 | 1,384 | problemsolving | Apache License 2.0 |
ion-schema/src/main/kotlin/com/amazon/ionschema/model/ContinuousRange.kt | amazon-ion | 148,685,964 | false | {"Kotlin": 802107, "Inno Setup": 15625, "Java": 795, "Shell": 631} | package
interface IContinuousRange<T> where T : Comparable<T>, T : Any {
val start: Limit<T>
val end: Limit<T>
operator fun contains(value: T): Boolean
fun intersect(that: ContinuousRange<T>): Pair<Limit<T>, Limit<T>>?
* A range over a type that is an uncountably infinite set.
* A `ContinuousRange` is a _bounded interval_ when both limits are non-null, and it is a _half-bounded interval_
* when one of the limits is `null`. At least one of [start] and [end] must be non-null.
* A `ContinuousRange` can be _open_, _half-open_, or _closed_ depending on [Limit.exclusive] of the limits.
* A `ContinuousRange` is allowed to be a _degenerate interval_ (i.e. `start == end` when both limits are closed),
* but it may not be an empty interval (i.e. `start == end` when either limit is open, or `start > end`).
open class ContinuousRange<T : Comparable<T>> internal constructor(final override val start: Limit<T>, final override val end: Limit<T>) : IContinuousRange<T> {
private constructor(value: Limit.Closed<T>) : this(value, value)
internal constructor(value: T) : this(Limit.Closed(value))
sealed class Limit<out T> {
abstract val value: T?
interface Bounded<T> { val value: T }
data class Closed<T : Comparable<T>>(override val value: T) : Limit<T>(), Bounded<T>
data class Open<T : Comparable<T>>(override val value: T) : Limit<T>(), Bounded<T>
object Unbounded : Limit<Nothing>() {
override val value: Nothing? get() = null
override fun equals(other: Any?) = other is Unbounded
override fun hashCode() = 0
init {
require(start is Limit.Bounded<*> || end is Limit.Bounded<*>) { "range may not be unbounded both above and below" }
require(!isEmpty(start, end)) { "range may not be empty" }
* Returns the intersection of `this` `DiscreteRange` with [other].
* If the two ranges do not intersect, returns `null`.
final override fun intersect(that: ContinuousRange<T>): Pair<Limit<T>, Limit<T>>? {
val newStart = when {
this.start is Limit.Unbounded -> that.start
that.start is Limit.Unbounded -> this.start
this.start.value!! > that.start.value!! -> this.start
that.start.value!! > this.start.value!! -> that.start
this.start is Limit.Open -> this.start
that.start is Limit.Open -> that.start
else -> this.start // They are both closed and equal
val newEnd = when {
this.end is Limit.Unbounded -> that.end
that.end is Limit.Unbounded -> this.end
this.end.value!! < that.end.value!! -> this.end
that.end.value!! < this.end.value!! -> that.end
this.end is Limit.Open -> this.end
that.end is Limit.Open -> that.end
else -> this.end // They are both closed and equal
return if (isEmpty(newStart, newEnd)) null else newStart to newEnd
* Checks whether the given value is contained within this range.
final override operator fun contains(value: T): Boolean = start.isBelow(value) && end.isAbove(value)
private fun Limit<T>.isAbove(other: T) = when (this) {
is Limit.Closed -> value >= other
is Limit.Open -> value > other
is Limit.Unbounded -> true
private fun Limit<T>.isBelow(other: T) = when (this) {
is Limit.Closed -> value <= other
is Limit.Open -> value < other
is Limit.Unbounded -> true
* Checks whether the range is empty. The range is empty if its start value is greater than the end value for
* non-exclusive endpoints, or if the start value equals the end value when either endpoint is exclusive.
private fun isEmpty(start: Limit<T>, end: Limit<T>): Boolean {
if (start is Limit.Unbounded || end is Limit.Unbounded) return false
val exclusive = start is Limit.Open || end is Limit.Open
return if (exclusive) start.value!! >= end.value!! else start.value!! > end.value!!
final override fun toString(): String {
val lowerBrace = if (start is Limit.Closed) '[' else '('
val lowerValue = start.value ?: " "
val upperValue = end.value ?: " "
val upperBrace = if (end is Limit.Closed) ']' else ')'
return "$lowerBrace$lowerValue,$upperValue$upperBrace"
final override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return other is ContinuousRange<*> &&
other.start == start &&
other.end == end
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = start.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + end.hashCode()
return result
| 38 | Kotlin | 14 | 26 | bbab678c12fdd07bcb9b5d632fb7364a04541a73 | 4,897 | ion-schema-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
aoc21/day_02/main.kt | viktormalik | 436,281,279 | false | {"Rust": 227300, "Go": 86273, "OCaml": 82410, "Kotlin": 78968, "Makefile": 13967, "Roff": 9981, "Shell": 2796} | import
fun = this.split(" ")[0]
fun String.x() = this.split(" ")[1].toInt()
data class Pos(val horiz: Int, val depth: Int, val aim: Int) {
fun nextFirst(cmd: String, x: Int) = when (cmd) {
"forward" -> Pos(horiz + x, depth, aim)
"down" -> Pos(horiz, depth + x, aim)
"up" -> Pos(horiz, depth - x, aim)
else -> this
fun nextSecond(cmd: String, x: Int) = when (cmd) {
"forward" -> Pos(horiz + x, depth + aim * x, aim)
"down" -> Pos(horiz, depth, aim + x)
"up" -> Pos(horiz, depth, aim - x)
else -> this
fun main() {
val insts = File("input").readLines()
val first = insts.fold(Pos(0, 0, 0)) { pos, cmd -> pos.nextFirst(, cmd.x()) }
println("First: ${first.horiz * first.depth}")
val second = insts.fold(Pos(0, 0, 0)) { pos, cmd -> pos.nextSecond(, cmd.x()) }
println("Second: ${second.horiz * second.depth}")
| 0 | Rust | 1 | 0 | f47ef85393d395710ce113708117fd33082bab30 | 967 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
kotlin/src/Day09.kt | ekureina | 433,709,362 | false | {"Kotlin": 65477, "C": 12591, "Rust": 7560, "Makefile": 386} | import java.lang.IllegalStateException
import java.lang.Integer.parseInt
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val heightMap = { line ->
return heightMap.flatMapIndexed { lineIndex, line ->
line.filterIndexed { rowIndex, height ->
when (lineIndex) {
0 -> {
when (rowIndex) {
0 -> {
height < heightMap[1][0] &&
height < heightMap[0][1]
heightMap[0].size - 1 -> {
height < heightMap[1][rowIndex] &&
height < heightMap[0][rowIndex - 1]
else -> {
height < heightMap[1][rowIndex] &&
height < heightMap[0][rowIndex - 1] &&
height < heightMap[0][rowIndex + 1]
heightMap.size - 1 -> {
when (rowIndex) {
0 -> {
height < heightMap[lineIndex - 1][0] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex][1]
heightMap[0].size - 1 -> {
height < heightMap[lineIndex - 1][rowIndex] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex][rowIndex - 1]
else -> {
height < heightMap[lineIndex - 1][rowIndex] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex][rowIndex - 1] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex][rowIndex + 1]
else -> {
when (rowIndex) {
0 -> {
height < heightMap[lineIndex - 1][0] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex][1] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex + 1][0]
heightMap[0].size - 1 -> {
height < heightMap[lineIndex - 1][rowIndex] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex][rowIndex - 1] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex + 1][rowIndex]
else -> {
height < heightMap[lineIndex - 1][rowIndex] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex][rowIndex - 1] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex][rowIndex + 1] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex + 1][rowIndex]
}.sumOf { height -> height + 1 }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val heightMap = { line ->
val lowPointIndexes = heightMap.flatMapIndexed { index, line ->
line.mapIndexed { rowIndex, height ->
index to rowIndex to height
}.filter { (indexes, height) ->
val rowIndex = indexes.second
when (val lineIndex = indexes.first) {
0 -> {
when (rowIndex) {
0 -> {
height < heightMap[1][0] &&
height < heightMap[0][1]
heightMap[0].size - 1 -> {
height < heightMap[1][rowIndex] &&
height < heightMap[0][rowIndex - 1]
else -> {
height < heightMap[1][rowIndex] &&
height < heightMap[0][rowIndex - 1] &&
height < heightMap[0][rowIndex + 1]
heightMap.size - 1 -> {
when (rowIndex) {
0 -> {
height < heightMap[lineIndex - 1][0] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex][1]
heightMap[0].size - 1 -> {
height < heightMap[lineIndex - 1][rowIndex] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex][rowIndex - 1]
else -> {
height < heightMap[lineIndex - 1][rowIndex] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex][rowIndex - 1] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex][rowIndex + 1]
else -> {
when (rowIndex) {
0 -> {
height < heightMap[lineIndex - 1][0] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex][1] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex + 1][0]
heightMap[0].size - 1 -> {
height < heightMap[lineIndex - 1][rowIndex] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex][rowIndex - 1] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex + 1][rowIndex]
else -> {
height < heightMap[lineIndex - 1][rowIndex] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex][rowIndex - 1] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex][rowIndex + 1] &&
height < heightMap[lineIndex + 1][rowIndex]
}.map { (indexes, _) ->
val largeBasinSizes = { lowPosition ->
var basinSize = 0
val visited = Array(heightMap.size) { Array(heightMap[0].size) { false } }
val stack = arrayListOf(lowPosition)
while (stack.isNotEmpty()) {
val nextPosition = stack.removeAt(stack.size - 1)
if (nextPosition.first in visited.indices && nextPosition.second in visited[0].indices) {
if (!visited[nextPosition.first][nextPosition.second]) {
visited[nextPosition.first][nextPosition.second] = true
if (heightMap[nextPosition.first][nextPosition.second] != 9) {
nextPosition.first to nextPosition.second - 1,
nextPosition.first to nextPosition.second + 1,
nextPosition.first + 1 to nextPosition.second,
nextPosition.first - 1 to nextPosition.second
return largeBasinSizes[0] * largeBasinSizes[1] * largeBasinSizes[2]
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day09_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 15) { "${part1(testInput)}" }
check(part2(testInput) == 1134) { "${part2(testInput)}" }
val input = readInput("Day09")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 391d0017ba9c2494092d27d22d5fd9f73d0c8ded | 8,552 | aoc-2021 | MIT License |
2019/04 - Secure Container/kotlin/src/app.kt | Adriel-M | 225,250,242 | false | null | import kotlin.math.pow
data class DedupeDigitEntry(val digit: Int, var repeats: Int)
open class NumberValidator(private val number: Int) {
val encodedNumber = encodeNumber()
private fun getPowValue(position: Int): Int {
val base = 10.toDouble()
val exponent = (5 - position).toDouble()
return base.pow(exponent).toInt()
private fun getDigit(position: Int): Int {
val powValue = getPowValue(position)
return (number / powValue) % 10
private fun encodeNumber(): List<DedupeDigitEntry> {
val firstDigit = getDigit(0)
val encodedNumber = mutableListOf(DedupeDigitEntry(firstDigit, 1))
for (i in 1 until 6) {
val currentDigit = getDigit(i)
val previousEntry = encodedNumber.last()
if (currentDigit == previousEntry.digit) {
previousEntry.repeats += 1
} else {
encodedNumber.add(DedupeDigitEntry(currentDigit, 1))
return encodedNumber.toList()
private fun isWithinRange(): Boolean {
return number in 100000..999999
private fun isIncreasing(): Boolean {
for (i in 1 until encodedNumber.size) {
if (encodedNumber[i].digit < encodedNumber[i - 1].digit) {
return false
return true
open fun containsPair(): Boolean {
for (entry in encodedNumber) {
if (entry.repeats >= 2) {
return true
return false
fun isValid(): Boolean {
if (!isWithinRange()) {
return false
if (!isIncreasing()) {
return false
if (!containsPair()) {
return false
return true
class NumberValidatorStrict(number: Int): NumberValidator(number) {
override fun containsPair(): Boolean {
for (entry in encodedNumber) {
if (entry.repeats == 2) {
return true
return false
fun part1(): Int {
var numberOfValidPasswords = 0
for (i in 246515..739105) {
if (NumberValidator(i).isValid()) {
numberOfValidPasswords += 1
return numberOfValidPasswords
fun part2(): Int {
var numberOfValidPasswords = 0
for (i in 246515..739105) {
if (NumberValidatorStrict(i).isValid()) {
numberOfValidPasswords += 1
return numberOfValidPasswords
fun main() {
println("===== Part 1 =====")
println("===== Part 2 =====")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | ceb1f27013835f13d99dd44b1cd8d073eade8d67 | 2,685 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/problems/OutOfBoundary.kt | amartya-maveriq | 510,824,460 | false | {"Kotlin": 42296} | package problems
* Leetcode : medium
* There is an m x n grid with a ball. The ball is initially at the position [startRow, startColumn].
* You are allowed to move the ball to one of the four adjacent cells in the grid (possibly out of the
* grid crossing the grid boundary). You can apply at most maxMove moves to the ball.
* Given the five integers m, n, maxMove, startRow, startColumn, return the number of paths
* to move the ball out of the grid boundary.
* Since the answer can be very large, return it modulo 109 + 7.
object OutOfBoundary {
private val memoized: Array<Array<IntArray>> by lazy {
Array(51) {
Array(51) {
IntArray(51) { -1 }
fun findPaths(m: Int, n: Int, maxMove: Int, startRow: Int, startColumn: Int): Int {
return findPathsHelper(m, n, maxMove, startRow, startColumn)
private fun findPathsHelper(m: Int, n: Int, maxMove: Int, i: Int, j: Int): Int {
if (i >= m || i < 0 || j >= n || j < 0) {
return 1
if (maxMove <= 0) {
return 0
if (memoized[i][j][maxMove] != -1) {
return memoized[i][j][maxMove]
var res = 0L
res += findPathsHelper(m, n, maxMove - 1, i + 1, j)
res += findPathsHelper(m, n, maxMove - 1, i, j + 1)
res += findPathsHelper(m, n, maxMove - 1, i - 1, j)
res += findPathsHelper(m, n, maxMove - 1, i, j - 1)
memoized[i][j][maxMove] = (res % 1000000007).toInt()
return memoized[i][j][maxMove]
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 2f12e7d7510516de9fbab866a59f7d00e603188b | 1,647 | data-structures | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/com/ichipsea/kotlin/matrix/NumberMatrix.kt | mouEsam | 143,008,487 | true | {"Kotlin": 19119} | package com.ichipsea.kotlin.matrix
import kotlin.math.*
operator fun <M : Number, N : Number> Matrix<M>.plus(other: Matrix<N>): Matrix<Double> {
if (rows != other.rows || cols != other.cols)
throw IllegalArgumentException("Matrices not match")
return mapIndexed { x, y, value -> value.toDouble() + other[x, y].toDouble() }
operator fun <N : Number> Matrix<N>.unaryMinus(): Matrix<Double> {
return map { -it.toDouble() }
operator fun <M : Number, N : Number> Matrix<M>.minus(other: Matrix<N>): Matrix<Double> {
return this + (-other)
operator fun <M : Number, N : Number> Matrix<M>.times(other: Matrix<N>): Matrix<Double> {
if (rows != other.rows || cols != other.cols)
throw IllegalArgumentException("Matrices not match")
return mapIndexed { x, y, value -> value.toDouble() * other[x, y].toDouble() }
operator fun <M : Number> Matrix<M>.times(other: Number): Matrix<Double> {
return map { it.toDouble() * other.toDouble() }
operator fun <M : Number> Number.times(other: Matrix<M>): Matrix<Double> {
return other * this
operator fun <M : Number, N : Number> Matrix<M>.div(other: Matrix<N>): Matrix<Double> {
if (rows != other.rows || cols != other.cols)
throw IllegalArgumentException("Matrices not match")
return mapIndexed { x, y, value -> value.toDouble() / other[x, y].toDouble() }
operator fun <M : Number> Matrix<M>.div(other: Number): Matrix<Double> {
assert(other.toDouble() != 0.0) { println("Cannot divide by zero") }
return map { it.toDouble() / other.toDouble() }
infix fun <M : Number, N : Number> Matrix<M>.x(other: Matrix<N>): Matrix<Double> {
if (other.rows != cols)
throw IllegalArgumentException("Matrices not match first ${this.rows}x${this.cols} second ${other.rows}x${other.cols}")
return createMatrix(other.cols, rows) { x, y ->
var value = .0
for (i in 0 until cols)
value += this[i, y].toDouble() * other[x, i].toDouble()
infix fun <M: Number, N: Number> Matrix<M>.xReverse(other: Matrix<N>): Matrix<Double> {
if (rows !== other.cols)
throw IllegalArgumentException("Matrices not match")
return createMatrix(cols, other.rows) { x, y ->
var value = .0
for (i in 0..rows-1)
value += this[x, i].toDouble() * other[i, y].toDouble()
fun <M : Number> Matrix<M>.sum(): Double {
var sum = 0.0
forEach { sum += it.toDouble() }
return sum
fun <M : Number> Matrix<M>.cofactor(): Matrix<Double> {
return createMatrix(cols, rows) { x, y ->
var value = determinantOfSubMatrix(x, y)
value = if ((x + y)%2!=0) -value else value
fun <M : Number> Matrix<M>.adjugate(): Matrix<Double> {
return cofactor().asTransposed()
fun <M : Number> Matrix<M>.inverse(): Matrix<Double> {
val det = determinant()
assert(det != 0.0) { throw IllegalArgumentException("cannot calculate an inverse of a zero-determined matrix") }
return adjugate() / det
fun <M : Number> Matrix<M>.rightInverse(): Matrix<Double> {
return asTransposed() x (this x asTransposed()).inverse()
fun <M : Number> Matrix<M>.leftInverse(): Matrix<Double> {
return (asTransposed() x this).inverse() x asTransposed()
fun <M : Number> Matrix<M>.determinant(): Double {
assert(this.cols == this.rows) { println("Can't calculate determinant for a non-cubic matrix") }
return if (this.cols == 1 && this.rows == 1) {
this[0, 0].toDouble()
else if (this.cols == 2 && this.rows == 2) {
this[0, 0].toDouble() * this[1, 1].toDouble() - (this[1, 0].toDouble() * this[0, 1].toDouble())
else if (this.cols > 2 && this.rows > 2) {
var mvalue = 0.0
var negative: Boolean = false
for (i in 0 until this.cols) {
val posValue = this[i, 0].toDouble() * determinantOfSubMatrix(i, 0)
mvalue += if (negative) -posValue else posValue
negative = !negative
else Double.NaN
private fun <M : Number> Matrix<M>.determinantOfSubMatrix(col: Int, row: Int): Double {
val list: MutableList<Double> = mutableListOf()
mapIndexed { x, y, value ->
if (x != col && y != row) list.add(value.toDouble())
return matrixOf(cols - 1, rows - 1, *list.toTypedArray()).determinant()
fun <M : Number> log(matrix: Matrix<M>, sub: M): Matrix<Double> = { log(it.toDouble(), sub.toDouble()) }
fun <M : Number> loge(matrix: Matrix<M>): Matrix<Double> = { log(it.toDouble(), exp(1.0)) }
fun <M : Number> log10(matrix: Matrix<M>): Matrix<Double> = { log10(it.toDouble()) }
fun <M : Number> Matrix<M>.pow(sup: M): Matrix<Double> = map { it.toDouble().pow(sup.toDouble()) }
fun <M : Number> Matrix<M>.pow(sup: Matrix<M>): Matrix<Double> = mapIndexed { x, y, value ->
value.toDouble().pow(sup[x, y].toDouble())
fun <M : Number> round(matrix: Matrix<M>, decimalPlaces: Int = 3): Matrix<Double> = { round(x = it.toDouble() * 10.0.pow(decimalPlaces)) / 10.0.pow(decimalPlaces) }
fun <M : Number> ceil(matrix: Matrix<M>): Matrix<Double> = { ceil(it.toDouble()) }
fun <M : Number> sin(matrix: Matrix<M>): Matrix<Double> = { sin(it.toDouble()) }
fun <M : Number> tan(matrix: Matrix<M>): Matrix<Double> = { tan(it.toDouble()) }
fun <M : Number> floor(matrix: Matrix<M>): Matrix<Double> = { floor(it.toDouble()) }
fun <M : Number> sqrt(matrix: Matrix<M>): Matrix<Double> = { sqrt(it.toDouble()) }
fun <M : Number> solveEquations(coefs: Matrix<M>, cons: Matrix<M>): Matrix<Double> = coefs.inverse() x cons
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 137b9e93dbd34821210484081730448d8709ec15 | 5,738 | kotlin-matrix | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/be/tabs_spaces/advent2021/days/Day02.kt | janvryck | 433,393,768 | false | {"Kotlin": 58803} | package be.tabs_spaces.advent2021.days
import be.tabs_spaces.advent2021.days.Day02.Position.ReferenceFrame.ABSOLUTE
import be.tabs_spaces.advent2021.days.Day02.Position.ReferenceFrame.AIMED
class Day02 : Day(2) {
override fun partOne(): Any {
val submarine = Submarine.absolutelyPositioned()
return submarine.position.product
override fun partTwo(): Any {
val submarine = Submarine.aimed()
return submarine.position.product
private fun move(submarine: Submarine) {
submarine.executeManoeuvres( { Instruction.from(it) })
private class Submarine private constructor(
val position: Position
) {
companion object {
fun absolutelyPositioned() = Submarine(Position())
fun aimed() = Submarine(Position(referenceFrame = AIMED))
fun executeManoeuvres(instructions: List<Instruction>) = instructions.forEach {
when (it.direction) {
Instruction.Direction.FORWARD -> position.forward(it.units)
Instruction.Direction.DOWN -> position.down(it.units)
Instruction.Direction.UP -> position.up(it.units)
private data class Position(
private val referenceFrame: ReferenceFrame = ABSOLUTE,
private var horizontal: Int = 0,
private var depth: Int = 0,
private var aim: Int = 0,
) {
val product
get() = horizontal * depth
fun forward(units: Int) {
if (referenceFrame == AIMED) {
depth += aim * units
horizontal += units
fun down(units: Int) {
when (referenceFrame) {
AIMED -> aim += units
ABSOLUTE -> depth += units
fun up(units: Int) {
down(-1 * units)
enum class ReferenceFrame { ABSOLUTE, AIMED }
private data class Instruction private constructor(
val direction: Direction,
val units: Int
) {
companion object {
fun from(textualInstruction: String): Instruction {
val (direction, units) = textualInstruction.split(" ")
return Instruction(Direction.valueOf(direction.uppercase()), units.toInt())
enum class Direction {
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f6c8dc0cf28abfa7f610ffb69ffe837ba14bafa9 | 2,535 | advent-2021 | Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal |
src/main/kotlin/dev/shtanko/algorithms/leetcode/FindNumOfLIS.kt | ashtanko | 203,993,092 | false | {"Kotlin": 5856223, "Shell": 1168, "Makefile": 917} | /*
* Copyright 2023 <NAME>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dev.shtanko.algorithms.leetcode
import kotlin.math.max
* 673. Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence
* @see <a href="">Source</a>
fun interface FindNumOfLIS {
operator fun invoke(nums: IntArray): Int
* Approach 1: Bottom-up Dynamic Programming
class FindNumOfLISBottomUp : FindNumOfLIS {
override operator fun invoke(nums: IntArray): Int {
val n: Int = nums.size
val length = IntArray(n) { 1 }
val count = IntArray(n) { 1 }
for (i in 0 until n) {
for (j in 0 until i) {
if (nums[j] < nums[i]) {
if (length[j] + 1 > length[i]) {
length[i] = length[j] + 1
count[i] = 0
if (length[j] + 1 == length[i]) {
count[i] += count[j]
var maxLength = 0
var result = 0
for (len in length) {
maxLength = max(maxLength, len)
for (i in 0 until n) {
if (length[i] == maxLength) {
result += count[i]
return result
* Approach 2: Top-down Dynamic Programming (Memoization)
class FindNumOfLISTopDown : FindNumOfLIS {
override operator fun invoke(nums: IntArray): Int {
val n: Int = nums.size
val length = IntArray(n)
val count = IntArray(n)
var maxLength = 0
var result = 0
for (i in 0 until n) {
calculateDP(i, nums, length, count)
maxLength = max(maxLength, length[i])
for (i in 0 until n) {
if (length[i] == maxLength) {
result += count[i]
return result
private fun calculateDP(i: Int, nums: IntArray, length: IntArray, count: IntArray) {
if (length[i] != 0) {
length[i] = 1
count[i] = 1
for (j in 0 until i) {
if (nums[j] < nums[i]) {
calculateDP(j, nums, length, count)
if (length[j] + 1 > length[i]) {
length[i] = length[j] + 1
count[i] = 0
if (length[j] + 1 == length[i]) {
count[i] += count[j]
| 4 | Kotlin | 0 | 19 | 776159de0b80f0bdc92a9d057c852b8b80147c11 | 3,105 | kotlab | Apache License 2.0 |
kotlinLeetCode/src/main/kotlin/leetcode/editor/cn/[330]按要求补齐数组.kt | maoqitian | 175,940,000 | false | {"Kotlin": 354268, "Java": 297740, "C++": 634} | //给定一个已排序的正整数数组 nums,和一个正整数 n 。从 [1, n] 区间内选取任意个数字补充到 nums 中,使得 [1, n] 区间内的任何数字都
//可以用 nums 中某几个数字的和来表示。请输出满足上述要求的最少需要补充的数字个数。
// 示例 1:
// 输入: nums = [1,3], n = 6
//输出: 1
//根据 nums 里现有的组合 [1], [3], [1,3],可以得出 1, 3, 4。
//现在如果我们将 2 添加到 nums 中, 组合变为: [1], [2], [3], [1,3], [2,3], [1,2,3]。
//其和可以表示数字 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,能够覆盖 [1, 6] 区间里所有的数。
// 示例 2:
// 输入: nums = [1,5,10], n = 20
//输出: 2
//解释: 我们需要添加 [2, 4]。
// 示例 3:
// 输入: nums = [1,2,2], n = 5
//输出: 0
// Related Topics 贪心算法
// 👍 195 👎 0
//leetcode submit region begin(Prohibit modification and deletion)
class Solution {
fun minPatches(nums: IntArray, n: Int): Int {
//假设数组元素现在可构成的和的区间为[1, total]
//插入元素number后,可构成的区间为[1,total] U [1+number, total+number] U [number], 等价于[1,total] U [number, total+number]
//如果 total>= number-1, 区间可合并为[1, total+number] // [1,4] U [5,7] --> 4>=5-1 即可合并
//否则,区间无法合并。可通过插入 total+1, 把区间扩展为 [1, 2total+1]
//注意:插入元素的范围为[1,n], 若total<n, 则total+1属于[1,n]之间
// 时间复杂度 O(n)
var count = 0; //插入元素数目
var total:Long = 0;
//遍历 index
var index =0;
while(total < n){
if(index < nums.size && total >= nums[index]-1){
total += nums[index]
total += total+1
return count
//leetcode submit region end(Prohibit modification and deletion)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 8a85996352a88bb9a8a6a2712dce3eac2e1c3463 | 2,064 | MyLeetCode | Apache License 2.0 |
codeforces/kotlinheroes6/c.kt | mikhail-dvorkin | 93,438,157 | false | {"Java": 2219540, "Kotlin": 615766, "Haskell": 393104, "Python": 103162, "Shell": 4295, "Batchfile": 408} | package codeforces.kotlinheroes6
import kotlin.math.abs
private fun solve() {
val (n, xIn, yIn) = readInts()
val (x, y) = listOf(xIn, yIn).sorted().map { it - 1 }
val ans = List(n) { m ->
maxOf(solve(0, m, x), solve(m, n, y))
private fun solve(from: Int, to: Int, x: Int): Int {
if (from == to) return 0
return minOf(dist(x, from), dist(x, to - 1)) + to - from - 1
private fun dist(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
return abs(x - y)
fun main() = repeat(readInt()) { solve() }
private fun readLn() = readLine()!!
private fun readInt() = readLn().toInt()
private fun readStrings() = readLn().split(" ")
private fun readInts() = readStrings().map { it.toInt() }
| 0 | Java | 1 | 9 | 30953122834fcaee817fe21fb108a374946f8c7c | 698 | competitions | The Unlicense |
src/easy/Math/744-CountPrimes.kt | diov | 170,882,024 | false | null | import kotlin.math.sqrt
fun main() {
val n = 10
// [Sieve of Eratosthenes](
fun countPrimes1(n: Int): Int {
if (n < 3) return 0
val array = IntArray(n) { 1 }
array[0] = 0
for (i in 2..sqrt(n.toFloat()).toInt()) {
if (array[i - 1] == 0) continue
for (j in i*i..n step i) {
array[j - 1] = 0
return array.sum() - array[array.count() - 1]
fun countPrimes2(n: Int): Int {
if (n < 3) return 0
val array = BooleanArray(n) { true }
for (i in 2..sqrt(n.toFloat()).toInt()) {
if (!array[i]) continue
for (j in i*i until n step i) {
array[j] = false
var result = 0
for (i in 2 until n) {
if (array[i]) result++
return result
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 668ef7d6d1296ab4df2654d5a913a0edabc72a3c | 856 | leetcode | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/days/Day5.kt | tcrawford-figure | 435,911,433 | false | {"Kotlin": 23558} | package days
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.sign
* Taken with advice from:
class Day5 : Day(5) {
private data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
infix fun sharesAxisWith(that: Point): Boolean = x == that.x || y == that.y
// Builds list of coordinates along a line from point a to b
infix fun lineTo(that: Point): List<Point> {
val dx = that.x - x
val dy = that.y - y
val dxSign = dx.sign
val dySign = dy.sign
val steps = maxOf(dx.absoluteValue, dy.absoluteValue)
return (1..steps).scan(this) { last, _ -> Point(last.x + dxSign, last.y + dySign) }
private val instructions = { parseLine(it) }
override fun partOne(): Int = solve { it.first sharesAxisWith it.second }
override fun partTwo(): Int = solve { true }
private fun solve(lineFilter: (Pair<Point, Point>) -> Boolean) =
.filter { lineFilter(it) }
.flatMap { it.first lineTo it.second } // Creates a flat list of "highlighted"/"selected" coordinates
.groupingBy { it } // Creates a map of coordinates associated to a count
.count { it.value > 1 }
private fun parseLine(line: String): Pair<Point, Point> =
line.substringBefore(" ").split(",").map { it.toInt() }.let { Point(it.first(), it.last()) },
line.substringAfterLast(" ").split(",").map { it.toInt() }.let { Point(it.first(), it.last()) }
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 87f689c4315e2f8eaca587b2f20fc245958efec8 | 1,684 | aoc | Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal |
kotlin/roman-numerals/src/main/kotlin/RomanNumeral.kt | ikr | 147,076,927 | false | {"C++": 22451113, "Kotlin": 136005, "CMake": 90716, "Java": 30028} | object RomanNumeral {
fun value(x: Int): String {
val result = StringBuilder()
var remainder = x
while (remainder > 0) {
val next = firstNotExceeding(remainder)
remainder -= next.value
return result.toString()
private fun firstNotExceeding(x: Int): Term {
for (i in 0 until atoms.size - 1) {
val candidates = if (i % 2 == 0)
atoms[i] - atoms[i + 2]
atoms[i] + atoms[i + 1] + atoms[i + 1] + atoms[i + 1],
atoms[i] + atoms[i + 1] + atoms[i + 1],
atoms[i] + atoms[i + 1],
atoms[i] - atoms[i + 1]
val result = candidates.find {it.value <= x}
if (result != null) return result
return atoms.last()
private val atoms = listOf(
Term(1000, "M"),
Term(500, "D"),
Term(100, "C"),
Term(50, "L"),
Term(10, "X"),
Term(5, "V"),
Term(1, "I")
private data class Term(val value: Int, val literal: String) {
operator fun plus(other: Term): Term {
return Term(value + other.value, literal + other.literal)
operator fun minus(other: Term): Term {
return Term(value - other.value, other.literal + literal)
| 0 | C++ | 0 | 0 | 37f505476ae13dd003c1de24b5113a0d7e94aaf2 | 1,431 | exercism | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/days/Day18.kt | felix-ebert | 317,592,241 | false | null | package days
class Day18 : Day(18) {
// source:
// own try was based on substrings + recursion
// keep this solution because of the simplicity and understandability
override fun partOne(): Any {
return { it.replace(" ", "") }.sumOf { evaluateRuleOne(it.iterator()) }
override fun partTwo(): Any {
return { it.replace(" ", "") }.sumOf { evaluateRuleTwo(it.iterator()) }
private fun evaluateRuleOne(expression: CharIterator): Long {
val numbers = mutableListOf<Long>()
var operator = Char.MIN_VALUE // empty char is not allowed in Kotlin
while (expression.hasNext()) {
when (val next = expression.nextChar()) {
'(' -> numbers += evaluateRuleOne(expression)
')' -> break
in setOf('+', '*') -> operator = next
else -> numbers += next.toString().toLong()
if (numbers.size == 2) {
val a = numbers.removeLast()
val b = numbers.removeLast()
numbers += if (operator == '+') a + b else a * b
return numbers.first()
private fun evaluateRuleTwo(expression: CharIterator): Long {
val numbers = mutableListOf<Long>()
var added = 0L
while (expression.hasNext()) {
val next = expression.nextChar()
when {
next == '(' -> added += evaluateRuleTwo(expression)
next == ')' -> break
next == '*' -> {
numbers += added
added = 0L
next.isDigit() -> added += next.toString().toLong()
return (numbers + added).reduce { a, b -> a * b }
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 4 | dba66bc2aba639bdc34463ec4e3ad5d301266cb1 | 1,877 | advent-of-code-2020 | Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal |
src/main/kotlin/dev/schlaubi/aoc/Utils.kt | DRSchlaubi | 573,014,474 | false | {"Kotlin": 21541} | package dev.schlaubi.aoc
* Splits a list each time [delimiter] occurs.
fun <T> List<T>.splitBy(delimiter: T): List<List<T>> = splitWhen { it == delimiter }
* Splits a list of Strings each time a blank entry occurs.
fun <T : CharSequence> List<T>.splitByBlank(): List<List<T>> = splitWhen(CharSequence::isBlank)
* Splits a list each time [predicate] returns `true`.
inline fun <T> List<T>.splitWhen(crossinline predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<List<T>> {
return asSequence()
.filter { (index, value) -> predicate(value) || index == 0 || index == size - 1 } // Just getting the delimiters with their index; Include 0 and last -- so to not ignore it while pairing later on
.zipWithNext() // zip the IndexValue with the adjacent one so to later remove continuous delimiters; Example: Indices : 0,1,2,5,7 -> (0,1),(1,2),(2,5),(5,7)
.filter { pair -> pair.first.index + 1 != pair.second.index } // Getting rid of continuous delimiters; Example: (".",".") will be removed, where "." is the delimiter
.map { pair ->
val startIndex = if (predicate(pair.first.value)) pair.first.index + 1 else pair.first.index // Trying to not consider delimiters
val endIndex = if (!predicate(pair.second.value) && pair.second.index == size - 1) pair.second.index + 1 else pair.second.index // subList() endIndex is exclusive
subList(startIndex, endIndex) // Adding the relevant sub-list
* Skips the next [n] elements of the iterator.
fun Iterator<*>.skip(n: Int = 1) = repeat(n) { if (hasNext()) next() }
| 1 | Kotlin | 0 | 4 | 4514e4ac86dd3ed480afa907d907e3ae26457bba | 1,671 | aoc-2022 | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/day4/Day4.kt | tomaszobac | 726,163,227 | false | {"Kotlin": 15292} | package day4
fun part1(file: File): List<Int> {
val pilePoints: MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf()
val part2AmountOfNumbers: MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf()
var index = 0
file.bufferedReader().useLines { readLines -> readLines.forEach { line ->
val sets = (line.split(Regex(": +"))[1]).split(Regex(" +\\| +"))
val winNumbers = (sets[0].split(Regex(" +")).map { it.toInt() }).toSet()
val myNumbers = (sets[1].split(Regex(" +")).map { it.toInt() }).toSet()
var points = 0
for (number in myNumbers) {
if (winNumbers.contains(number)) {
points = if (points == 0) 1 else points * 2
part2AmountOfNumbers[index] += 1
pilePoints += points
return part2AmountOfNumbers.toList()
fun part2(file: File) {
val amountOfNumbers: List<Int> = part1(file)
val numberOfCopies: MutableList<Int> = MutableList(amountOfNumbers.size) { 1 }
for ((card, amount) in amountOfNumbers.withIndex()) {
if (amount == 0) continue
for (repeat in 1..numberOfCopies[card]) {
for (index in card + 1..card + amount) {
fun main() {
val file = File("src/main/kotlin/day4/input.txt")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e0ce68fcf11e126c4680cff75ba959e46c5863aa | 1,480 | aoc2023 | MIT License |
src/Day11.kt | JohannaGudmandsen | 573,090,573 | false | {"Kotlin": 19316} | import
import kotlin.collections.*
class Test(var divisibleBy:Int, var trueThrowsToMonkey:Int, var falseThrowsToMonkey:Int)
class Operation(var type:String, var rightValue:String, var leftValue:String)
class Monkey(var id:Int, var items:ArrayList<Long>, var op:Operation, var test:Test, var inspect:Long)
fun doOneRound(monkeys:ArrayList<Monkey>, divideWorryLevelBy3:Boolean, modWorryLevelWith:Int){
for (monkey in monkeys){
for (item in monkey.items){
var left:Long
var right:Long
if (monkey.op.rightValue.all { it -> it.isDigit() }){
right = monkey.op.rightValue.toLong()
else {
right = item
if (monkey.op.leftValue.all { it -> it.isDigit() }){
left = monkey.op.leftValue.toLong()
else {
left = item
var worryLevel:Long
if (monkey.op.type == "+"){
worryLevel = (left + right)
else {
worryLevel = (left * right)
if (divideWorryLevelBy3){
worryLevel /= 3
else {
worryLevel = worryLevel % modWorryLevelWith
if (worryLevel.mod(monkey.test.divisibleBy.toLong()) == 0.toLong()){
var throwToMonkey = monkeys.filter { it -> == monkey.test.trueThrowsToMonkey }.first()
else {
var throwToMonkey = monkeys.filter { it -> == monkey.test.falseThrowsToMonkey }.first()
monkey.items = ArrayList<Long>()
fun Day11() {
val input = File("src/input/day11.txt").readLines()
var monkeysTask1 = ArrayList<Monkey>()
var monkeysTask2 = ArrayList<Monkey>()
var modWorryLevelWith = 1
for(i in 0..input.size-1 step 7){
var monkeyId = input[i].filter { it.isDigit() }.toInt()
var startingItems = input[i+1].split(":")[1].split(",").map { it.filter { it.isDigit() }.toLong() }
var op = input[i+2].split("=")[1].split(" ")
var divisibleBy = input[i+3].filter { it.isDigit() }.toInt()
modWorryLevelWith = modWorryLevelWith * divisibleBy
var ifTrueThrowToMonkey = input[i+4].filter { it.isDigit() }.toInt()
var ifFalseThrowToMonkey = input[i+5].filter { it.isDigit() }.toInt()
var monkeyTask1 = Monkey(
Operation(op[2], op[1], op[3]),
Test(divisibleBy, ifTrueThrowToMonkey, ifFalseThrowToMonkey),
var monkeyTask2 = Monkey(
Operation(op[2], op[1], op[3]),
Test(divisibleBy, ifTrueThrowToMonkey, ifFalseThrowToMonkey),
for (i in 0..19 step 1){
doOneRound(monkeysTask1, true, modWorryLevelWith)
for (i in 0..9999 step 1){
doOneRound(monkeysTask2, false, modWorryLevelWith)
var inspectList = { it -> it.inspect }.sortedDescending()
var task1 = inspectList[0] * inspectList[1]
var inspectListTask2 = { it -> it.inspect }.sortedDescending()
var task2:Long = inspectListTask2[0].toLong() * inspectListTask2[1].toLong()
println("Day 11 Task 1: $task1") // 55216
println("Day 11 Task 2: $task2") // 12848882750
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 21daaa4415bd20c14d67132e615971519211ab16 | 3,847 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
Algorithms/src/main/kotlin/PermutationInString.kt | ILIYANGERMANOV | 557,496,216 | false | {"Kotlin": 74485} | /**
* # 567. Permutation in String
* Problem:
* WARNING: This solution is not optimal!
class PermutationInString {
fun checkInclusion(target: String, source: String): Boolean {
if (target.length > source.length) return false
return permuteFind(target) {
private fun permuteFind(
arr: String,
n: Int = arr.length,
k: Int = 0,
find: (String) -> Boolean
): Boolean {
if (k == n - 1) {
return find(arr)
for (i in k until n) {
val newArr = arr.swap(k, i)
if (i != k && arr == newArr) continue
if (permuteFind(arr = newArr, n = n, k = k + 1, find = find)) {
return true
return false
private fun String.swap(i: Int, j: Int): String {
if (i == j) return this
val arr = this.toCharArray()
val temp = arr[i]
arr[i] = arr[j]
arr[j] = temp
return arr.concatToString()
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 4abe4b50b61c9d5fed252c40d361238de74e6f48 | 1,120 | algorithms | MIT License |
src/Day17.kt | illarionov | 572,508,428 | false | {"Kotlin": 108577} | import CHAMBER_UNIT.*
fun main() {
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day17_test")
val part1TestResult = part1(testInput)
println("Result on test input: $part1TestResult")
check(part1TestResult == 3068L)
val input = readInput("Day17")
val part1Result = part1(input)
check(part1Result == 3161L)
val part2TestResult = part2(testInput)
check(part2TestResult == 1514285714288)
//check(part2TestResult == 3068L)
val part2Result = part2(input)
const val CHAMBER_WIDTH = 7
private enum class ACTION {
private class Chamber {
val chamber: ArrayDeque<MutableList<CHAMBER_UNIT>> = ArrayDeque()
var x: Int = 0
var y: Int = 0
var removedBottom = 0L
fun startShape(shape: Shape) {
repeat(3 + shape.height) {
chamber.addFirst(MutableList(CHAMBER_WIDTH) { E })
x = 2
y = 0
fun drawShape(shape: Shape, x: Int, y: Int, u: CHAMBER_UNIT = R) {
shape.mask.forEachIndexed { dy, chamberUnits ->
chamberUnits.forEachIndexed { dx, chamberUnit ->
if (chamberUnit == R) {
chamber[y + dy][x + dx] = u
fun isShapeCanBeMovedToPosition(shape: Shape, x: Int, y: Int): Boolean {
if (x < 0 || x + shape.width > CHAMBER_WIDTH) {
return false
if (y < 0 || y + shape.height > chamber.size) {
return false
for (dy in shape.mask.indices) {
for (dx in shape.mask[dy].indices) {
if (shape.mask[dy][dx] == R
&& chamber[y + dy][x + dx] == REST_ROCK
) {
return false
return true
fun getOutline(): List<Int> {
return (0 until CHAMBER_WIDTH).map { x ->
val depth = (0 until chamber.size).takeWhile { y ->
chamber[y][x] == E
private fun Chamber.draw() {
this.chamber.forEach { u ->
println(u.joinToString("") { c ->
when (c) {
E -> "."
REST_ROCK -> "#"
R -> "@"
private fun generateChamber(input: List<Mov>, rocksCount: Long = 2022): Chamber {
val chamber = Chamber()
var inputPos = 0
val shapes = Shape.values()
var action = ACTION.GAS_PUSH
for (rockNo in 0 until rocksCount) {
val shape = shapes[(rockNo % shapes.size.toLong()).toInt()]
while (true) {
when (action) {
val testY = chamber.y + 1
if (chamber.isShapeCanBeMovedToPosition(shape, chamber.x, testY)) {
chamber.y = testY
} else {
val testX = chamber.x + input[inputPos].dx
inputPos = (inputPos + 1) % input.size
if (chamber.isShapeCanBeMovedToPosition(shape, testX, chamber.y)) {
chamber.x = testX
chamber.drawShape(shape, chamber.x, chamber.y, REST_ROCK)
while (chamber.chamber[0].all { it == E }) {
chamber.y -= 1
return chamber
private fun part1(input: List<Mov>, rocksCount: Long = 2022): Long {
val chamber = generateChamber(input, rocksCount)
return chamber.chamber.size.toLong() + chamber.removedBottom
private fun part2(input: List<Mov>, rocksCount: Long = 1000000000000): Long {
data class CacheKey(
val currentShape: Shape,
val inputPos: Int,
val outline: List<Int>
data class CacheValue(
val rockNo: Long,
val height: Long
val seenOutlines: MutableMap<CacheKey, CacheValue> = mutableMapOf()
val chamber = Chamber()
var inputPos = 0
val shapes = Shape.values()
var action = ACTION.GAS_PUSH
var rockNo = 0L
var totalHeight = 0L
var lastChamberSize = 0
while (rockNo < rocksCount) {
val shape = shapes[(rockNo % shapes.size.toLong()).toInt()]
val currentPos = inputPos
while (true) {
when (action) {
val testY = chamber.y + 1
if (chamber.isShapeCanBeMovedToPosition(shape, chamber.x, testY)) {
chamber.y = testY
} else {
val testX = chamber.x + input[inputPos].dx
inputPos = (inputPos + 1) % input.size
if (chamber.isShapeCanBeMovedToPosition(shape, testX, chamber.y)) {
chamber.x = testX
chamber.drawShape(shape, chamber.x, chamber.y, REST_ROCK)
while (chamber.chamber[0].all { it == E }) {
chamber.y -= 1
rockNo += 1
totalHeight += (chamber.chamber.size - lastChamberSize)
lastChamberSize = chamber.chamber.size
val outline = chamber.getOutline()
val cacheKey = CacheKey(
currentShape = shape,
inputPos = currentPos,
outline = outline
if (cacheKey in seenOutlines) {
val startCycle = seenOutlines[cacheKey]!!
val rocksPerCycle = rockNo - startCycle.rockNo
val heightPerCycle = chamber.chamber.size - startCycle.height
val rocksLeft = rocksCount - rockNo
val fullCyclesLeft = rocksLeft / rocksPerCycle
if (fullCyclesLeft > 0) {
"Found cycle. Old height: $startCycle, current height: $totalHeight\n"
+ "rocks per cycle: $rocksPerCycle heightPerCycle: $heightPerCycle rocksLeft: $rocksLeft "
+ "full cycles left: $fullCyclesLeft"
rockNo += fullCyclesLeft * rocksPerCycle
totalHeight += fullCyclesLeft * heightPerCycle
} else {
seenOutlines[cacheKey] = CacheValue(rockNo = rockNo, height = totalHeight)
return totalHeight
private enum class Mov(val dx: Int) {
LEFT(-1), RIGHT(1)
private enum class Shape(val mask: List<List<CHAMBER_UNIT>>) {
listOf(R, R, R, R)
listOf(E, R, E),
listOf(R, R, R),
listOf(E, R, E),
listOf(E, E, R),
listOf(E, E, R),
listOf(R, R, R)
listOf(R, R),
listOf(R, R),
val width
get() = this.mask[0].size
val height
get() = this.mask.size
private enum class CHAMBER_UNIT {
private fun String.parseMovs(): List<Mov> {
return {
when (it) {
'<' -> Mov.LEFT
'>' -> Mov.RIGHT
else -> error("Unknown symbol $it")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 3c6bffd9ac60729f7e26c50f504fb4e08a395a97 | 8,140 | aoc22-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
2021/kotlin/src/main/kotlin/aoc/days/day4/Day4Input.kt | tupini07 | 76,610,908 | false | {"Haskell": 35857, "Elixir": 22701, "Clojure": 20266, "Kotlin": 12288, "F#": 4426, "HTML": 4256, "CSS": 4163, "Dockerfile": 1374, "Shell": 963, "C#": 489, "TypeScript": 320, "Emacs Lisp": 299, "Makefile": 182} | package aoc.days.day4
import aoc.entities.Vector2d
import kotlin.math.pow
class Day4Input(val orderOfDraws: List<Int>, val boards: MutableList<BingoBoard>)
class BingoBoard(boardRep: String) {
private val boardNumbers: List<Int>
private val numbersSet: MutableList<Boolean>
private val boardSize: Int
private var lastDrawnNumber = -1
init {
22 13 17 11 0
8 2 23 4 24
21 9 14 16 7
6 10 3 18 5
1 12 20 15 19
* */
val rows =
boardRep.split("\n").map { row ->
row.split(" ").map { it.trim() }.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.map(Integer::parseInt)
// we assume the shape of the board is a square
boardSize = rows[0].size
boardNumbers = rows.flatten()
numbersSet =
generateSequence { false }.take(boardSize.toDouble().pow(2.0).toInt()).toMutableList()
private fun cordsToLocalIndex(cords: Vector2d): Int = cords.y * boardSize + cords.x.toInt()
private fun localIndexToCords(idx: Int): Vector2d = Vector2d(idx % boardSize, idx / boardSize)
private fun isNumberAtCordsSet(cords: Vector2d): Boolean =
fun setDrawnNumber(drawnNumber: Int) {
lastDrawnNumber = drawnNumber
this.boardNumbers.mapIndexed { index, i ->
if (drawnNumber == i) {
this.numbersSet[index] = true
fun getBoardScore(): Int {
// sum all unmarked numbers
var sumOfUnmarked = 0
for (x in 0 until this.boardSize) {
for (y in 0 until this.boardSize) {
val cords = Vector2d(x, y)
if (!isNumberAtCordsSet(cords)) {
sumOfUnmarked += this.boardNumbers[cordsToLocalIndex(cords)]
return sumOfUnmarked * this.lastDrawnNumber
fun isBoardComplete(): Boolean {
// for every row
for (y in 0 until this.boardSize) {
var isRowComplete = true
for (x in 0 until this.boardSize) {
isRowComplete = isRowComplete && isNumberAtCordsSet(Vector2d(x, y))
if (!isRowComplete) break
if (isRowComplete) return true
// for every column
for (x in 0 until this.boardSize) {
var isColumnComplete = true
for (y in 0 until this.boardSize) {
isColumnComplete = isColumnComplete && isNumberAtCordsSet(Vector2d(x, y))
if (!isColumnComplete) break
if (isColumnComplete) return true
return false
| 0 | Haskell | 0 | 0 | 4aee7ef03880e3cec9467347dc817b1db8a5fc0f | 2,735 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/day03/part1/main.kt | TheMrMilchmann | 225,375,010 | false | null | /*
* Copyright (c) 2019 <NAME>
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package day03.part1
import utils.*
import kotlin.math.*
fun main() {
val input = readInputText("/day03/input.txt")
val data = input.lineSequence().map { it.split(',') }.toList()
private fun run(data: List<List<String>>): Int {
data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int)
fun String.toPoints(origin: Point): List<Point> {
val op: (Point) -> Point = when (val dir = this[0]) {
'U' -> { it -> it.copy(y = it.y + 1) }
'D' -> { it -> it.copy(y = it.y - 1) }
'R' -> { it -> it.copy(x = it.x + 1) }
'L' -> { it -> it.copy(x = it.x - 1) }
else -> error("Encountered unexpected direction: $dir")
val res = mutableListOf<Point>()
var tail = origin
for (i in 0 until substring(1).toInt()) {
op(tail).also {
tail = it
return res
fun <T> Iterable<Iterable<T>>.intersectAll(): Iterable<T> {
val itr = iterator()
var res = if (itr.hasNext()) else emptySet()
while (itr.hasNext()) res = res.intersect(
return res
return { path ->
var tail = Point(0, 0)
path.flatMap { segment -> segment.toPoints(tail).also { tail = it.last() } }
.filter { it != Point(0, 0) }
.map { abs(it.x) + abs(it.y) }
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 9d6e2adbb25a057bffc993dfaedabefcdd52e168 | 2,593 | AdventOfCode2019 | MIT License |
pulsar-skeleton/src/test/kotlin/ai/platon/pulsar/crawl/common/TestSuffixStringMatcher.kt | platonai | 124,882,400 | false | null | /**
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package ai.platon.pulsar.crawl.common
import ai.platon.pulsar.common.SuffixStringMatcher
import org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Test
* Unit tests for SuffixStringMatcher.
class TestSuffixStringMatcher {
private fun makeRandString(minLen: Int, maxLen: Int): String {
val len = minLen + (Math.random() * (maxLen - minLen)).toInt()
val chars = CharArray(len)
for (pos in 0 until len) {
chars[pos] = alphabet[(Math.random() * alphabet.size).toInt()]
return String(chars)
fun testSuffixMatcher() {
var numMatches = 0
var numInputsTested = 0
for (round in 0 until NUM_TEST_ROUNDS) { // build list of suffixes
val numSuffixes = (Math.random() * MAX_TEST_SUFFIXES).toInt()
val suffixes = arrayOfNulls<String>(numSuffixes)
for (i in 0 until numSuffixes) {
suffixes[i] = makeRandString(0, MAX_SUFFIX_LEN)
val sufmatcher = SuffixStringMatcher(suffixes)
// test random strings for suffix matches
for (i in 0 until NUM_TEST_INPUTS_PER_ROUND) {
val input = makeRandString(0, MAX_INPUT_LEN)
var matches = false
var longestMatch = -1
var shortestMatch = -1
for (j in suffixes.indices) {
if (suffixes[j]!!.length > 0 && input.endsWith(suffixes[j]!!)) {
matches = true
val matchSize = suffixes[j]!!.length
if (matchSize > longestMatch) longestMatch = matchSize
if (matchSize < shortestMatch || shortestMatch == -1) shortestMatch = matchSize
if (matches) numMatches++
Assert.assertTrue("'" + input + "' should " + (if (matches) "" else "not ")
+ "match!", matches == sufmatcher.matches(input))
if (matches) {
Assert.assertTrue(shortestMatch == sufmatcher.shortestMatch(input).length)
Assert.assertTrue(input.substring(input.length - shortestMatch) ==
Assert.assertTrue(longestMatch == sufmatcher.longestMatch(input).length)
Assert.assertTrue(input.substring(input.length - longestMatch) ==
println("got " + numMatches + " matches out of "
+ numInputsTested + " tests")
companion object {
private const val NUM_TEST_ROUNDS = 20
private const val MAX_TEST_SUFFIXES = 100
private const val MAX_SUFFIX_LEN = 10
private const val NUM_TEST_INPUTS_PER_ROUND = 100
private const val MAX_INPUT_LEN = 20
private val alphabet = charArrayOf('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
} | 1 | HTML | 32 | 110 | f93bccf5075009dc7766442d3a23b5268c721f54 | 3,828 | pulsar | GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 |
kotlinLeetCode/src/main/kotlin/leetcode/editor/cn/[19]删除链表的倒数第 N 个结点.kt | maoqitian | 175,940,000 | false | {"Kotlin": 354268, "Java": 297740, "C++": 634} | //给你一个链表,删除链表的倒数第 n 个结点,并且返回链表的头结点。
// 进阶:你能尝试使用一趟扫描实现吗?
// 示例 1:
//输入:head = [1,2,3,4,5], n = 2
// 示例 2:
//输入:head = [1], n = 1
// 示例 3:
//输入:head = [1,2], n = 1
// 提示:
// 链表中结点的数目为 sz
// 1 <= sz <= 30
// 0 <= Node.val <= 100
// 1 <= n <= sz
// Related Topics 链表 双指针
// 👍 1382 👎 0
//leetcode submit region begin(Prohibit modification and deletion)
* Example:
* var li = ListNode(5)
* var v = li.`val`
* Definition for singly-linked list.
* class ListNode(var `val`: Int) {
* var next: ListNode? = null
* }
class Solution {
fun removeNthFromEnd(head: ListNode?, n: Int): ListNode? {
// 这是当前一个人到达末尾时,后一个人刚好是倒数第N的位置
//时间复杂度 O(n)
val pre = ListNode(0) = head
var p: ListNode? = pre
var q: ListNode? = pre
var count = n
while (count > 0) {
q = q?.next
count -= 1
while (q?.next != null) {
p = p?.next
q =
p?.next = p?.next?.next
//leetcode submit region end(Prohibit modification and deletion)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 8a85996352a88bb9a8a6a2712dce3eac2e1c3463 | 1,604 | MyLeetCode | Apache License 2.0 |
test/com/zypus/SLIP/algorithms/genetic/UnitTest.kt | zypus | 213,665,750 | false | null | package com.zypus.SLIP.algorithms.genetic
import com.zypus.Maze.algorithms.RnnMazeEvolution
import com.zypus.Maze.controller.ARobotController
import com.zypus.Maze.models.Maze
import com.zypus.utilities.squared
import org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Test
import org.knowm.xchart.Histogram
import java.util.*
* TODO Add description
* @author fabian <<EMAIL>>
* @created 29/10/2016
class UnitTest {
fun testSelection() {
val random = Random(1L)
val population = Array(10) {
Entity<Double, Double, Double, Double>(it.toDouble(), it.toDouble().squared, "test") {
val difs = {
e ->
val sum = e.behaviour!!
val x = population.filter { it != e }.minBy { Math.abs(it.behaviour!! - sum) }
Math.abs(x!!.behaviour!! - sum)
Assert.assertArrayEquals(arrayOf(1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 11.0, 13.0, 15.0, 17.0), difs.toTypedArray())
Assert.assertArrayEquals(arrayOf(17.0, 15.0, 13.0, 11.0, 9.0, 7.0, 5.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0), difs.sortedDescending().toTypedArray())
val rankedPopulation = population.sortedByDescending { e ->
val sum = e.behaviour!!
val x = population.filter { it != e }.minBy { Math.abs(it.behaviour!! - sum) }
Math.abs(x!!.behaviour!! - sum)
val selections = (1..100000).map {
Selection(1, arrayListOf(rankedPopulation.linearSelection(1.5, random) to rankedPopulation.linearSelection(1.5, random)))
val dist = selections.foldRight((1..10).map { 0 } as MutableList) {
s, f ->
// selections.forEach{
// val parent = it.parents[0]
// println("${parent.first.genotype} -> ${parent.second.genotype}")
// }
fun testLinearSelection() {
val populationSize = 100
val bias = 1.999
val selects = (1..1000).map {
val random = it / 1000.0
(populationSize * (bias - Math.sqrt(bias * bias - 4.0 * (bias - 1) * random)) / 2.0 / (bias - 1)).toInt()
val hist = Histogram(selects, 100)
fun testReproduction() {
fun solutionSort(population: List<Entity<List<Double>, ARobotController, Double, MutableList<Double>>>): List<Entity<List<Double>, ARobotController, Double, MutableList<Double>>> {
return population.sortedByDescending {
e ->
val sum = e.behaviour!!.sum()
val x = population.filter { it != e }.minBy { Math.abs(it.behaviour!!.sum() - sum) }
Math.abs(x!!.behaviour!!.sum() - sum)
fun problemSort(population: List<Entity<List<Double>, Maze, Double, MutableList<Double>>>): List<Entity<List<Double>, Maze, Double, MutableList<Double>>> {
return population.sortedByDescending {
e ->
val sum = e.behaviour!!.sum()
val x = population.filter { it != e }.minBy { Math.abs(it.behaviour!!.sum() - sum) }
Math.abs(x!!.behaviour!!.sum() - sum)
val rule = RnnMazeEvolution.rule(RnnMazeEvolution.Selectors(::solutionSort,::problemSort))
val state = rule.initialize(10, 1)
Assert.assertEquals(1, state.problems.size)
val hashs = { it.hashCode() } {
Assert.assertEquals(0, it.behaviour!!.size)
rule.matchAndEvaluate(state) {
Assert.assertEquals(20, it.behaviour!!.size)
val afterEval = {
it.hashCode() in hashs
Assert.assertEquals(10, afterEval)
val nextState = rule.selectAndReproduce(state)
rule.matchAndEvaluate(nextState) {
Assert.assertEquals(20, it.behaviour!!.size)
} { }.zip( { }).forEach {
val (e1, e2) = it
val b1 = e1.behaviour!!.sum()
val b2 = e2.behaviour!!.sum()
Assert.assertEquals(b1, b2,0.0)
val nextNextState = rule.selectAndReproduce(nextState)
val afterEval2 = {
it.hashCode() in hashs
Assert.assertTrue(afterEval2 == 10 || afterEval2 == 9)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 418ee8837752143194fd769e86fac85e15136929 | 4,220 | SLIP | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/algorithms/LongestSubsequence.kt | jimandreas | 377,843,697 | false | null | @file:Suppress(
"SameParameterValue", "UnnecessaryVariable", "UNUSED_VARIABLE", "ControlFlowWithEmptyBody", "unused",
package algorithms
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.multik.api.d1array
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.multik.ndarray.operations.max
* rosalind:
* Longest Increasing Subsequence (and Decreasing)
* See also:
* Longest Increasing Subsequence
* <NAME> - Coding Made Simple
class LongestSubsequence {
* Problem
A subsequence of a permutation is a collection of elements of the permutation
in the order that they appear. For example, (5, 3, 4) is a subsequence of (5, 1, 3, 4, 2).
A subsequence is increasing if the elements of the subsequence increase,
and decreasing if the elements decrease. For example, given the permutation
(8, 2, 1, 6, 5, 7, 4, 3, 9), an increasing subsequence is (2, 6, 7, 9),
and a decreasing subsequence is (8, 6, 5, 4, 3). You may verify that
these two subsequences are as long as possible.
Given: A positive integer n≤10000 followed by a permutation π of length n
Return: A longest increasing subsequence of π, followed by a longest decreasing
subsequence of π.
* this algorithm follows what I call the "voting" mechanism
* where each number in the list has a corresponding
* vote in the 1D array. The votes are tabulated by
* comparing a value with previously voted components
* where the previous value is less than the current value.
* The votes are then scanned in reverse order to build
* the subsequence.
* See the youtube video referenced above for a walk through of
* this technique.
fun findLongestIncreasingSubsequence(l: List<Int>): List<Int> {
val voteArray = mk.d1array(l.size) { 1 }
for (i in 1 until l.size) {
var maxVote = Int.MIN_VALUE
for (j in 0 until i) {
if (l[j] < l[i]) {
if (voteArray[j] > maxVote) {
maxVote = voteArray[j]
voteArray[i] = maxVote + 1
* the voting for ascending array entries is completed.
* Now walk the list backwards and pick the highest
* first arrives of each vote for the list
var maxVote = voteArray.max()
val outList: MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf()
for (i in l.size - 1 downTo 0) {
if (voteArray[i] == maxVote) {
outList.add(0, l[i])
if (--maxVote == 0) {
return outList
* for a list [l] determine the longest
* increasing and decreasing subsequences and then
* @return these two lists
fun longestSequences(l: List<Int>): List<List<Int>> {
val increasingSeq = findLongestIncreasingSubsequence(l)
// for the descending list - invert the list, find the increasing list
// using negative numbers, then re-invert and sort descending
val invertedList = { it * -1 }
val invertedListIncreasing = findLongestIncreasingSubsequence(invertedList)
val decreasingSeq = { it * -1 }.sortedDescending()
return listOf(increasingSeq, decreasingSeq)
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | fa92b10ceca125dbe47e8961fa50242d33b2bb34 | 3,691 | stepikBioinformaticsCourse | Apache License 2.0 |
2017/src/main/kotlin/Day12.kt | dlew | 498,498,097 | false | {"Kotlin": 331659, "TypeScript": 60083, "JavaScript": 262} | import utils.splitCommas
import utils.splitNewlines
import utils.toIntList
import java.util.regex.Pattern
object Day12 {
fun part1(input: String): Int {
val map = parse(input)
return visit(map, 0).numConnected
fun part2(input: String): Int {
val map = parse(input)
val allIds = map.keys.toMutableSet()
var numGroups = 0
while (allIds.isNotEmpty()) {
val start = allIds.toList()[0]
val visitInfo = visit(map, start)
return numGroups
private val PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(\\d+) <-> (.+)")
private fun parse(input: String): Map<Int, Set<Int>> {
val map = mutableMapOf<Int, MutableSet<Int>>()
for (line in input.splitNewlines()) {
val matcher = PATTERN.matcher(line)
val a =
for (b in {
connect(map, a, b)
connect(map, b, a)
return map
private fun connect(map: MutableMap<Int, MutableSet<Int>>, a: Int, b: Int) {
map.getOrPut(a, { mutableSetOf() }).add(b)
private fun visit(map: Map<Int, Set<Int>>, start: Int): VisitInfo {
var numConnected = 0
var visited = mutableSetOf<Int>()
var queue = mutableListOf(start)
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val a = queue.removeAt(0)
if (a in visited) {
return VisitInfo(numConnected, visited)
data class VisitInfo(val numConnected: Int, val visited: Set<Int>)
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 6972f6e3addae03ec1090b64fa1dcecac3bc275c | 1,644 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/com/github/davio/aoc/y2021/Day7.kt | Davio | 317,510,947 | false | {"Kotlin": 405939} | package com.github.davio.aoc.y2021
import com.github.davio.aoc.general.Day
import com.github.davio.aoc.general.getInputAsList
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis
fun main() {
measureTimeMillis {
}.let { println("Took $it ms") }
object Day7 : Day() {
--- Day 7: The Treachery of Whales ---
A giant whale has decided your submarine is its next meal, and it's much faster than you are. There's nowhere to run!
Suddenly, a swarm of crabs (each in its own tiny submarine - it's too deep for them otherwise) zooms in to rescue you! They seem to be preparing to blast a hole in the ocean floor; sensors indicate a massive underground cave system just beyond where they're aiming!
The crab submarines all need to be aligned before they'll have enough power to blast a large enough hole for your submarine to get through. However, it doesn't look like they'll be aligned before the whale catches you! Maybe you can help?
There's one major catch - crab submarines can only move horizontally.
You quickly make a list of the horizontal position of each crab (your puzzle input). Crab submarines have limited fuel, so you need to find a way to make all of their horizontal positions match while requiring them to spend as little fuel as possible.
For example, consider the following horizontal positions:
This means there's a crab with horizontal position 16, a crab with horizontal position 1, and so on.
Each change of 1 step in horizontal position of a single crab costs 1 fuel. You could choose any horizontal position to align them all on, but the one that costs the least fuel is horizontal position 2:
Move from 16 to 2: 14 fuel
Move from 1 to 2: 1 fuel
Move from 2 to 2: 0 fuel
Move from 0 to 2: 2 fuel
Move from 4 to 2: 2 fuel
Move from 2 to 2: 0 fuel
Move from 7 to 2: 5 fuel
Move from 1 to 2: 1 fuel
Move from 2 to 2: 0 fuel
Move from 14 to 2: 12 fuel
This costs a total of 37 fuel. This is the cheapest possible outcome; more expensive outcomes include aligning at position 1 (41 fuel), position 3 (39 fuel), or position 10 (71 fuel).
Determine the horizontal position that the crabs can align to using the least fuel possible. How much fuel must they spend to align to that position?
fun getResultPart1() {
val crabsByPosition = getCrabs()
val minimumFuelSpent = (0..crabsByPosition.keys.maxOrNull()!!).minOf { target ->
crabsByPosition.entries.sumOf {
val crabsPosition = it.key
val numberOfCrabsAtPosition = it.value
val distance = abs(crabsPosition - target)
distance * numberOfCrabsAtPosition
--- Part Two ---
The crabs don't seem interested in your proposed solution. Perhaps you misunderstand crab engineering?
As it turns out, crab submarine engines don't burn fuel at a constant rate. Instead, each change of 1 step in horizontal position costs 1 more unit of fuel than the last: the first step costs 1, the second step costs 2, the third step costs 3, and so on.
As each crab moves, moving further becomes more expensive. This changes the best horizontal position to align them all on; in the example above, this becomes 5:
Move from 16 to 5: 66 fuel
Move from 1 to 5: 10 fuel
Move from 2 to 5: 6 fuel
Move from 0 to 5: 15 fuel
Move from 4 to 5: 1 fuel
Move from 2 to 5: 6 fuel
Move from 7 to 5: 3 fuel
Move from 1 to 5: 10 fuel
Move from 2 to 5: 6 fuel
Move from 14 to 5: 45 fuel
This costs a total of 168 fuel. This is the new cheapest possible outcome; the old alignment position (2) now costs 206 fuel instead.
Determine the horizontal position that the crabs can align to using the least fuel possible so they can make you an escape route! How much fuel must they spend to align to that position?
fun getResultPart2() {
val crabsByPosition = getCrabs()
var currentMinimumFuel = Int.MAX_VALUE
(0..crabsByPosition.keys.maxOrNull()!!).forEach { target ->
var fuelSpent = 0
for (entry in crabsByPosition.entries) {
val position = entry.key
val numberOfCrabsAtPosition = entry.value
val distance = abs(position - target)
val fuel = (.5 * distance.toDouble().pow(2) + .5 * distance).roundToInt()
fuelSpent += fuel * numberOfCrabsAtPosition
if (fuelSpent > currentMinimumFuel) {
if (fuelSpent < currentMinimumFuel) {
currentMinimumFuel = fuelSpent
private fun getCrabs(): Map<Int, Int> {
return getInputAsList()[0].split(",").map { it.toInt() }.groupBy { it }.mapValues { it.value.size }
| 1 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 4fafd2b0a88f2f54aa478570301ed55f9649d8f3 | 5,081 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/com/colinodell/advent2016/Day02.kt | colinodell | 495,627,767 | false | {"Kotlin": 80872} | package com.colinodell.advent2016
class Day02(private val instructions: List<String>) {
fun solvePart1(): String = getCode(instructions, partA)
fun solvePart2(): String = getCode(instructions, partB)
private val movements = mapOf(
'U' to Vector2(0, -1),
'D' to Vector2(0, 1),
'L' to Vector2(-1, 0),
'R' to Vector2(1, 0),
private val partA: Grid<Char> = mapOf(
Vector2(0, 0) to '1',
Vector2(1, 0) to '2',
Vector2(2, 0) to '3',
Vector2(0, 1) to '4',
Vector2(1, 1) to '5',
Vector2(2, 1) to '6',
Vector2(0, 2) to '7',
Vector2(1, 2) to '8',
Vector2(2, 2) to '9',
private val partB: Grid<Char> = mapOf(
Vector2(2, 0) to '1',
Vector2(1, 1) to '2',
Vector2(2, 1) to '3',
Vector2(3, 1) to '4',
Vector2(0, 2) to '5',
Vector2(1, 2) to '6',
Vector2(2, 2) to '7',
Vector2(3, 2) to '8',
Vector2(4, 2) to '9',
Vector2(1, 3) to 'A',
Vector2(2, 3) to 'B',
Vector2(3, 3) to 'C',
Vector2(2, 4) to 'D',
private fun getCode(instructions: List<String>, keypad: Grid<Char>): String {
var pos = keypad.entries.find { it.value == '5' }!!.key
var code = ""
instructions.forEach { line ->
line.forEach { char ->
val nextPosition = pos + movements[char]!!
if (keypad.containsKey(nextPosition)) {
pos = nextPosition
code += keypad[pos]
return code
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 8a387ddc60025a74ace8d4bc874310f4fbee1b65 | 1,634 | advent-2016 | Apache License 2.0 |
app/src/main/kotlin/com/resurtm/aoc2023/day08/Solution.kt | resurtm | 726,078,755 | false | {"Kotlin": 119665} | package com.resurtm.aoc2023.day08
import com.resurtm.aoc2023.utils.findListLCM
fun launchDay08(testCase: String) {
val input = readInput(testCase)
println("Day 08, part 1: ${calculate(input)}")
println("Day 08, part 2: ${calculateV2(input)}")
private fun calculateV2(inp: Input): Long =
findListLCM(inp.points.keys.filter { it.last() == 'A' }.map { calculate(inp, start = it, end = "Z") })
private fun calculate(inp: Input, start: String = "AAA", end: String = "ZZZ"): Long {
var currTurn = 0
var steps = 0L
var point = start
do {
if (currTurn == inp.turns.length) currTurn = 0
val nextPoint = inp.points[point] ?: continue
if (inp.turns[currTurn] == 'L') point = nextPoint.first
else if (inp.turns[currTurn] == 'R') point = nextPoint.second
} while (!point.endsWith(end))
return steps
private fun readInput(testCase: String): Input {
val ex = Exception("Cannot read the input")
val rawReader = object {}.javaClass.getResourceAsStream(testCase)?.bufferedReader()
val reader = rawReader ?: throw ex
val turns = reader.readLine() ?: throw ex
val points = mutableMapOf<String, Pair<String, String>>()
while (true) {
val line = reader.readLine() ?: break
if (line.indexOfAny(charArrayOf('=', ',')) == -1) continue
val temp1 = line.split('=')
val temp2 = temp1[1].split(',')
val key = temp1[0].trim()
val value = Pair(temp2[0].trim().trim('('), temp2[1].trim().trim(')'))
points[key] = value
return Input(turns = turns, points = points)
private data class Input(val turns: String, val points: MutableMap<String, Pair<String, String>>)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | fb8da6c246b0e2ffadb046401502f945a82cfed9 | 1,748 | advent-of-code-2023 | MIT License |
day20/Part1.kt | anthaas | 317,622,929 | false | null | import
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val tiles = File("input.txt").bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }.split("\n\n")
.map { it.split("\n").let { it[0].replace(":", "").split(" ")[1].toLong() to it.subList(1, it.size) } }
val result = { tile1 ->
var count = 0 { tile2 ->
if (tile1.first != tile2.first) {
getTileEdges(tile1.second).map { if (it in getTileEdges(tile2.second)) count++ }
getTileEdges(tile1.second).map { if (it in getTileEdges(tile2.second).map { it.reversed() }) count++ }
tile1.first to count
}.filter { it.second == 2 }.map { it.first }.reduce { acc, l -> acc * l }
private fun getTileEdges(tile: List<String>): List<String> = listOf(
tile[0], { it.takeLast(1) }.joinToString(""),
tile.last(), { it[0] }.joinToString("")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | aba452e0f6dd207e34d17b29e2c91ee21c1f3e41 | 950 | Advent-of-Code-2020 | MIT License |
Subsets and Splits