stringlengths 5
| owner
stringlengths 2
| repo_id
int64 1.49M
| is_fork
bool 2
classes | languages_distribution
stringlengths 16
⌀ | content
stringlengths 446
| issues
float64 0
| main_language
stringclasses 37
values | forks
int64 0
| stars
int64 0
| commit_sha
stringlengths 40
| size
int64 446
| name
stringlengths 2
| license
stringclasses 15
values |
src/main/kotlin/com/kylecorry/sol/math/optimization/IterativeSimpleExtremaFinder.kt | kylecorry31 | 294,668,785 | false | {"Kotlin": 714099, "Java": 18119, "Python": 298} | package com.kylecorry.sol.math.optimization
import com.kylecorry.sol.math.Range
import com.kylecorry.sol.math.Vector2
import kotlin.math.sqrt
class IterativeSimpleExtremaFinder(
initialStep: Double,
finalStep: Double,
levels: Int = 2
) : IExtremaFinder {
private val stepSizes = (1..levels).map {
initialStep + (finalStep - initialStep) * (it - 1) / (levels - 1).toDouble()
private val initialFinder = SimpleExtremaFinder(initialStep)
override fun find(range: Range<Double>, fn: (x: Double) -> Double): List<Extremum> {
// Get the initial extremas
var extremas = initialFinder.find(range, fn)
// Fine tune the extremas
for (level in 1..<stepSizes.size) {
extremas = fineTune(extremas, fn, level)
return extremas
private fun fineTune(
extremas: List<Extremum>,
fn: (x: Double) -> Double,
level: Int
): List<Extremum> {
val nextExtremas = mutableListOf<Extremum>()
for (extrema in extremas) {
val nextRange = createRange(extrema, stepSizes[level - 1])
return nextExtremas
private fun createRange(extremum: Extremum, stepSize: Double): Range<Double> {
val start = extremum.point.x - stepSize
val end = extremum.point.x + stepSize
return Range(start, end)
private fun findLevel(
range: Range<Double>,
fn: (x: Double) -> Double,
level: Int,
isHigh: Boolean
): Extremum {
val step = stepSizes[level]
var targetX = range.start
var targetY = fn(targetX)
var currentX = range.start + step
while (currentX <= range.end) {
val currentY = fn(currentX)
if (isHigh && currentY > targetY) {
targetX = currentX
targetY = currentY
} else if (!isHigh && currentY < targetY) {
targetX = currentX
targetY = currentY
// Always check the last
if (currentX != range.end && currentX + step > range.end) {
currentX = range.end
currentX += step
return Extremum(
Vector2(targetX.toFloat(), targetY.toFloat()),
} | 11 | Kotlin | 4 | 8 | ac1e4f9b3635e7b50a9668f74c9303c0152c94ce | 2,578 | sol | MIT License |
src/test/kotlin/io/github/aarjavp/aoc/day04/Day04Test.kt | AarjavP | 433,672,017 | false | {"Kotlin": 73104} | package io.github.aarjavp.aoc.day04
import io.kotest.assertions.withClue
import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldContain
import io.kotest.matchers.ints.shouldBeExactly
import io.kotest.matchers.maps.shouldContainExactly
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
internal class Day04Test {
fun parseBoard() {
val testBoard = """
11 2 3
4 55 6
7 8 99
val actual = Day04.BingoBoard.parseBoard(testBoard.lines())
actual.mapping shouldContainExactly mapOf(
11 to Day04.Location(0, 0), 2 to Day04.Location(1, 0), 3 to Day04.Location(2, 0),
4 to Day04.Location(0, 1), 55 to Day04.Location(1, 1), 6 to Day04.Location(2, 1),
7 to Day04.Location(0, 2), 8 to Day04.Location(1, 2), 99 to Day04.Location(2, 2),
actual.gridSize shouldBeExactly 3
fun sampleBoard(): Day04.BingoBoard {
val raw = """
22 13 17 11 0
8 2 23 4 24
21 9 14 16 7
6 10 3 18 5
1 12 20 15 19
return Day04.BingoBoard.parseBoard(raw.lines())
fun testMarking() {
val board = sampleBoard()
data class MarkCase(val n: Int, val expectedLocation: Day04.Location?)
val cases = listOf<MarkCase>(
MarkCase(2, Day04.Location(1, 1)), MarkCase(4, Day04.Location(3, 1)),
MarkCase(36, null), MarkCase(24, Day04.Location(4, 1)),
MarkCase(10, Day04.Location(1, 3)), MarkCase(19, Day04.Location(4, 4)),
for (case in cases) {
val actualLocation = board.mark(case.n)
withClue("marking ${case.n}") {
actualLocation shouldBe case.expectedLocation
if (actualLocation != null) board.markedLocations shouldContain case.expectedLocation
fun checkXWin() {
val board = sampleBoard()
val numbersToMark = listOf(22, 2, 14, 21, 12, 9, 7, 24, 18) // marking 16 will win on center row
for (n in numbersToMark) {
withClue("marked $n") {
board.hasWon() shouldBe false
board.hasWon() shouldBe true
fun checkYWin() {
val board = sampleBoard()
val numbersToMark = listOf(22, 2, 14, 21, 12, 19, 8, 16, 1) // marking 6 will win on first col
for (n in numbersToMark) {
withClue("marked $n") {
board.hasWon() shouldBe false
board.hasWon() shouldBe true
val solution = Day04()
val testInput = """
22 13 17 11 0
8 2 23 4 24
21 9 14 16 7
6 10 3 18 5
1 12 20 15 19
3 15 0 2 22
9 18 13 17 5
19 8 7 25 23
20 11 10 24 4
14 21 16 12 6
14 21 17 24 4
10 16 15 9 19
18 8 23 26 20
22 11 13 6 5
2 0 12 3 7
fun part1() {
val (numbers, boards) = solution.parseSetup(testInput.lineSequence())
val score = solution.part1(numbers, boards)
score shouldBeExactly 4512
fun part2() {
val (numbers, boards) = solution.parseSetup(testInput.lineSequence())
val score = solution.part2(numbers, boards)
score shouldBeExactly 1924
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 3f5908fa4991f9b21bb7e3428a359b218fad2a35 | 3,676 | advent-of-code-2021 | MIT License |
app/src/main/java/com/github/oheger/locationteller/map/TimeDeltaAlphaCalculator.kt | oheger | 192,119,380 | false | null | /*
* Copyright 2019-2022 The Developers.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* An interface for a component that calculates an alpha value for a marker with a specific age.
* The idea is that position markers should be rendered more and more transparently the older they become. By having
* different implementations of this interface, the fading out of old positions can be configured.
interface TimeDeltaAlphaCalculator {
* Calculate the alpha value for a marker with the given [age in milliseconds][ageMillis].
fun calculateAlpha(ageMillis: Long): Float
* A trivial implementation of [TimeDeltaAlphaCalculator], which does not apply any fading. Instead, it always returns
* the alpha value of 1.0f. This implementation is used if old markers should not fade out.
object DisabledFadeOutAlphaCalculator : TimeDeltaAlphaCalculator {
override fun calculateAlpha(ageMillis: Long): Float = 1.0f
* A data class defining a range for an alpha calculation.
* The meaning of the properties of this class is that in a time range between the maximum time of the previous range
* and the maximum time of this range, the alpha value decreases from [alphaMax] to [alphaMin].
data class AlphaRange(
/** The maximum alpha value (at the beginning of the time range). */
val alphaMax: Float,
/** The minimum alpha value (at the end of the time range). */
val alphaMin: Float,
/** The end time of this range. */
val timeMax: Long
* An implementation of [TimeDeltaAlphaCalculator] that calculates an alpha value based on a list of [AlphaRange]
* objects.
* The calculator determines the first element in its ranges list, for which the maximum time is larger than the time
* delta passed in. Then the properties of this range are used to determine the alpha value. With this approach, alpha
* values can decrease with different speeds in different, non-linear intervals.
class RangeTimeDeltaAlphaCalculator(
/** The ranges to be used by this calculator (must be sorted). */
val ranges: List<AlphaRange>,
* The minimum alpha value. This value is returned if the time delta
* exceeds the last range defined for this object.
val alphaMin: Float
) : TimeDeltaAlphaCalculator {
override fun calculateAlpha(ageMillis: Long): Float {
val rangeIdx = ranges.indexOfFirst { it.timeMax > ageMillis }
return rangeIdx.takeIf { it >= 0 }?.let { idx ->
val range = ranges[idx]
val timeMin = if (idx > 0) ranges[idx - 1].timeMax
else 0
with(range) {
(alphaMax - alphaMin) / (timeMin - timeMax) * (ageMillis - timeMin) + alphaMax
} ?: alphaMin
| 0 | Kotlin | 1 | 1 | b5ab4bc3a65a48d4fff7dbb9c72d7ff8f79db424 | 3,350 | LocationTeller | Apache License 2.0 |
Fraction_reduction/Kotlin/src/Fraction.kt | ncoe | 108,064,933 | false | {"D": 425100, "Java": 399306, "Visual Basic .NET": 343987, "C++": 328611, "C#": 289790, "C": 216950, "Kotlin": 162468, "Modula-2": 148295, "Groovy": 146721, "Lua": 139015, "Ruby": 84703, "LLVM": 58530, "Python": 46744, "Scala": 43213, "F#": 21133, "Perl": 13407, "JavaScript": 6729, "CSS": 453, "HTML": 409} | fun indexOf(n: Int, s: IntArray): Int {
for (i_j in s.withIndex()) {
if (n == i_j.value) {
return i_j.index
return -1
fun getDigits(n: Int, le: Int, digits: IntArray): Boolean {
var mn = n
var mle = le
while (mn > 0) {
val r = mn % 10
if (r == 0 || indexOf(r, digits) >= 0) {
return false
digits[mle] = r
mn /= 10
return true
val pows = intArrayOf(1, 10, 100, 1_000, 10_000)
fun removeDigit(digits: IntArray, le: Int, idx: Int): Int {
var sum = 0
var pow = pows[le - 2]
for (i in 0 until le) {
if (i == idx) {
sum += digits[i] * pow
pow /= 10
return sum
fun main() {
val lims = listOf(
Pair(12, 97),
Pair(123, 986),
Pair(1234, 9875),
Pair(12345, 98764)
val count = IntArray(5)
var omitted = arrayOf<Array<Int>>()
for (i in 0 until 5) {
var array = arrayOf<Int>()
for (j in 0 until 10) {
array += 0
omitted += array
for (i_lim in lims.withIndex()) {
val i = i_lim.index
val lim = i_lim.value
val nDigits = IntArray(i + 2)
val dDigits = IntArray(i + 2)
val blank = IntArray(i + 2) { 0 }
for (n in lim.first..lim.second) {
val nOk = getDigits(n, i + 2, nDigits)
if (!nOk) {
for (d in n + 1..lim.second + 1) {
val dOk = getDigits(d, i + 2, dDigits)
if (!dOk) {
for (nix_digit in nDigits.withIndex()) {
val dix = indexOf(nix_digit.value, dDigits)
if (dix >= 0) {
val rn = removeDigit(nDigits, i + 2, nix_digit.index)
val rd = removeDigit(dDigits, i + 2, dix)
if (n.toDouble() / d.toDouble() == rn.toDouble() / rd.toDouble()) {
if (count[i] <= 12) {
println("$n/$d = $rn/$rd by omitting ${nix_digit.value}'s")
for (i in 2..5) {
println("There are ${count[i - 2]} $i-digit fractions of which:")
for (j in 1..9) {
if (omitted[i - 2][j] == 0) {
println("%6d have %d's omitted".format(omitted[i - 2][j], j))
| 0 | D | 0 | 4 | c2a9f154a5ae77eea2b34bbe5e0cc2248333e421 | 2,857 | rosetta | MIT License |
src/ch02/iterations.kt | nickaigi | 191,916,746 | false | null | package ch02
import java.util.*
/* fizzbuzz:
* - if any number is divisible by 3 = Fizz
* - if any number is divisible by 5 = Buzz
* - if number is divisible by both 3 and 5 = FizzBuzz */
fun fizzBuzz(i: Int) = when {
i % 15 == 0 -> "FizzBuzz "
i % 3 == 0 -> "Fizz "
i % 5 == 0 -> "Buzz "
else -> "$i "
fun exampleOne() {
/* kotlin doesn't bring anything new to the 'while' and 'do while' loops
* Kotlin has the 'for-each' loop
var count = 1
while (count < 10) {
println("count $count")
count += 1
do {
println("count $count")
count -= 1
} while (count > 0)
fun exampleTwo() {
/* to define a range in kotlin, use the .. operator
* start..stop
* stop is always part of the range
* */
for (i in 1..100) {
fun exampleThree() {
/* for loop with a step */
for (i in 100 downTo 1 step 2) {
fun exampleFour() {
/* you can use 'until'
* for (x in number until size)
* Key difference between 1..10 and 1 until 10 is that
* - 1..10 includes the stop number
* - 1 until 10 does not include the stop number
* */
for (i in 1 until 30) {
fun exampleFive() {
/* iterating over maps */
val binaryReps = TreeMap<Char, String>()
/* the .. syntax for creating ranges works not only for numbers by for
* characters as well
for (c in 'A'..'F') {
val binary = Integer.toBinaryString(c.toInt())
binaryReps[c] = binary
for ((letter, binary) in binaryReps) {
println("$letter = $binary")
fun exampleSix(){
val list = arrayListOf("10", "11", "1001")
for ((index, element) in list.withIndex()) {
println("$index: $element")
fun isLetter(c: Char) = c in 'a'..'z' || c in 'A'..'Z'
fun isNotDigt(c: Char) = c !in '0'..'9'
fun exampleSeven() {
fun recognize(c: Char): String {
var s = when (c) {
in '0'..'9' -> "It's a digit!"
in 'a'..'z' -> "It's a lowercase letter!"
in 'A'..'Z' -> "It's a uppercase letter!"
else -> "I don't know ..."
return s
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | bc2a547b47fb9531399110c15a60a14c606a419a | 2,380 | kotlin-in-action | The Unlicense |
melif/src/main/kotlin/ru/ifmo/ctddev/isaev/dataset.kt | siviae | 53,358,845 | false | {"Kotlin": 152748, "Java": 152582} | package ru.ifmo.ctddev.isaev
import java.util.*
* @author iisaev
abstract class DataSet(val name: String) {
abstract fun getFeatureCount(): Int
abstract fun getInstanceCount(): Int
abstract fun toFeatureSet(): FeatureDataSet
abstract fun toInstanceSet(): InstanceDataSet
class DataInstance(val name: String,
val clazz: Int,
val values: List<Int>) {
constructor(clazz: Int, values: List<Int>) : this("", clazz, values)
override fun toString() = name + ": " + clazz
class DataSetPair(val trainSet: DataSet, val testSet: DataSet)
open class Feature(val name: String,
val values: List<Int>) {
constructor(values: List<Int>) : this("", values)
override fun toString() = name
class FeatureDataSet(unSortedFeatures: List<Feature>,
val classes: List<Int>,
name: String) : DataSet(name) {
val features = unSortedFeatures.sortedBy { }
init {
if (! { i -> i == 0 || i == 1 }) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("All classes values should be 0 or 1")
features.forEach { f ->
if (f.values.size != classes.size) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("ru.ifmo.ctddev.isaev.Feature ${} has wrong number of values")
override fun toFeatureSet() = this
override fun toInstanceSet(): InstanceDataSet {
val instances = (0 until classes.size)
.map {
val values = ArrayList<Int>()
features.forEach { feature -> values.add(feature.values[it]) }
DataInstance("instance ${it + 1}", classes[it], values)
return InstanceDataSet(instances)
fun take(size: Int): FeatureDataSet {
return FeatureDataSet(features.take(size), classes, name)
fun drop(size: Int): FeatureDataSet {
return FeatureDataSet(features.drop(size), classes, name)
override fun getFeatureCount(): Int {
return features.size
override fun getInstanceCount(): Int {
return classes.size
class InstanceDataSet(val instances: List<DataInstance>) : DataSet("") {
override fun toFeatureSet(): FeatureDataSet {
val classes = { it.clazz }
val features = (0 until instances[0].values.size)
.map { Feature( { inst -> inst.values[it] }) }
return FeatureDataSet(features, classes, name)
override fun toInstanceSet(): InstanceDataSet {
return this
override fun getFeatureCount(): Int {
return instances[0].values.size
override fun getInstanceCount(): Int {
return instances.size
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 2a3300ea32dda160d400258f2400c03ad84cb713 | 2,841 | parallel-feature-selection | MIT License |
year2023/src/main/kotlin/net/olegg/aoc/year2023/day23/Day23.kt | 0legg | 110,665,187 | false | {"Kotlin": 511989} | package net.olegg.aoc.year2023.day23
import net.olegg.aoc.someday.SomeDay
import net.olegg.aoc.utils.Directions
import net.olegg.aoc.utils.Directions.Companion.NEXT_4
import net.olegg.aoc.utils.Directions.D
import net.olegg.aoc.utils.Directions.L
import net.olegg.aoc.utils.Directions.R
import net.olegg.aoc.utils.Directions.U
import net.olegg.aoc.utils.Vector2D
import net.olegg.aoc.utils.get
import net.olegg.aoc.year2023.DayOf2023
import java.util.PriorityQueue
* See [Year 2023, Day 23](
object Day23 : DayOf2023(23) {
private val WALL = setOf(null, '#')
private val SLOPE = mapOf('^' to U, '<' to L, '>' to R, 'v' to D)
override fun first(): Any? {
val start = Vector2D(x = matrix.first().indexOf('.'), y = 0)
val end = Vector2D(x = matrix.last().indexOf('.'), y = matrix.lastIndex)
val nodes = buildList {
matrix.forEachIndexed { y, row ->
row.forEachIndexed { x, c ->
val curr = Vector2D(x, y)
if (c !in WALL && NEXT_4.count { matrix[curr + it.step] !in WALL } > 2) {
val edges = { nodeStart ->
buildMap(4) {
val queue = ArrayDeque(listOf(nodeStart to setOf(nodeStart)))
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val (curr, visited) = queue.removeFirst()
if (curr != nodeStart && curr in nodes) {
this[nodes.indexOf(curr)] = visited.size - 1
} else {
queue += Directions.NEXT_4
.map { curr + it.step }
.filter { it !in visited }
.filter { matrix[it] !in WALL }
.mapNotNull {
when (val char = matrix[it]) {
'.' -> it to visited + it
in SLOPE -> {
val slide = it + SLOPE[char]!!.step
if (slide !in visited && matrix[slide] !in WALL) {
slide to visited + setOf(it, slide)
} else {
else -> null
var best = 0
val seen = mutableSetOf<List<Int>>()
val queue = PriorityQueue<List<Int>>(
compareBy { -it.size },
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val path = queue.remove()
if (!seen.add(path)) {
val curr = path.last()
if (curr == nodes.lastIndex) {
val size = path.zipWithNext { a, b -> edges[a][b]!! }.sum()
if (best < size) {
best = size
queue += edges[curr]
.filter { it.key !in path }
.map { path + it.key }
.filter { it !in seen }
return best
override fun second(): Any? {
val start = Vector2D(x = matrix.first().indexOf('.'), y = 0)
val end = Vector2D(x = matrix.last().indexOf('.'), y = matrix.lastIndex)
val nodes = buildList {
matrix.forEachIndexed { y, row ->
row.forEachIndexed { x, c ->
val curr = Vector2D(x, y)
if (c !in WALL && NEXT_4.count { matrix[curr + it.step] !in WALL } > 2) {
val edges = { nodeStart ->
buildMap(4) {
val queue = ArrayDeque(listOf(nodeStart to setOf(nodeStart)))
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val (curr, visited) = queue.removeFirst()
if (curr != nodeStart && curr in nodes) {
this[nodes.indexOf(curr)] = visited.size - 1
} else {
queue += Directions.NEXT_4
.map { curr + it.step }
.filter { it !in visited }
.filter { matrix[it] !in WALL }
.map { it to visited + it }
var best = 0
val seen = mutableSetOf<List<Int>>()
val queue = PriorityQueue<List<Int>>(
compareBy { -it.size },
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val path = queue.remove()
if (!seen.add(path)) {
val curr = path.last()
if (curr == nodes.lastIndex) {
val size = path.zipWithNext { a, b -> edges[a][b]!! }.sum()
if (best < size) {
best = size
queue += edges[curr]
.filter { it.key !in path }
.map { path + it.key }
.filter { it !in seen }
return best
fun main() = SomeDay.mainify(Day23)
| 0 | Kotlin | 1 | 7 | e4a356079eb3a7f616f4c710fe1dfe781fc78b1a | 4,615 | adventofcode | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/aoc2020/ex12.kt | noamfree | 433,962,392 | false | {"Kotlin": 93533} | import kotlin.math.abs
fun main() {
val input = readInputFile("aoc2020/input12")
// val input = """
// F10
// N3
// F7
// R90
// F11
// """.trimIndent()
val sea = Sea(Ship(pos = Vector.ZERO, faceDir = Dir.E), Vector(s = -1, w = -10))
val lines = input.lines()
val endSea = sea.transformIndexed(lines.size) { i ->
val line = lines[i]
.also { println(it) }
private fun Sea.operateInstruction(line: String): Sea {
val command = SeaCommand.fromChar(line[0])
val amount = line.drop(1).toInt()
//return copy(ship = ship.operateCommand(Command.fromChar(command), amount))
return operateCommand(command, amount)
private fun Sea.operateCommand(command: SeaCommand, amount: Int) : Sea {
return when (command) {
SeaCommand.N -> copy(waypoint = waypoint + Dir.N.v * amount)
SeaCommand.W -> copy(waypoint = waypoint + Dir.W.v * amount)
SeaCommand.S -> copy(waypoint = waypoint + Dir.S.v * amount)
SeaCommand.E -> copy(waypoint = waypoint + Dir.E.v * amount)
SeaCommand.L -> copy(waypoint = waypoint.rotate(-amount))
SeaCommand.R -> copy(waypoint = waypoint.rotate(amount))
SeaCommand.F -> moveShipForward(amount)
private fun Sea.moveShipForward(amount: Int): Sea {
val dir = waypoint
val movement = dir * amount
return copy(ship = ship.move(movement), waypoint = waypoint)
private fun Ship.operateCommand(command: SeaCommand, amount: Int): Ship {
return when (command) {
SeaCommand.N -> move(Dir.N, amount)
SeaCommand.W -> move(Dir.W, amount)
SeaCommand.S -> move(Dir.S, amount)
SeaCommand.E -> move(Dir.E, amount)
SeaCommand.L -> rotate(-amount)
SeaCommand.R -> rotate(amount)
SeaCommand.F -> forward(amount)
data class Sea(val ship: Ship, val waypoint: Vector)
//fun Sea.operateCommand(command: Command, amount: Int) {
// return when (command) {
// Command.N -> this.copy(ship.operateCommand(move(Dir.N, amount)
// Command.W -> move(Dir.W, amount)
// Command.S -> move(Dir.S, amount)
// Command.E -> move(Dir.E, amount)
// Command.L -> rotate(-amount)
// Command.R -> rotate(amount)
// Command.F -> forward(amount)
// }
data class Ship(val pos: Vector, val faceDir: Vector) {
constructor(pos: Vector, faceDir: Dir): this(pos, faceDir.v)
init {
require(faceDir.isDir()) { "$faceDir is not unit"}
fun move(dir: Dir, amount: Int) = move(dir.v * amount)
fun move(d: Vector) = copy(pos = pos + d)
fun rotate(deg: Int) = copy(faceDir = faceDir.rotate(deg))
fun forward(units: Int) = copy(pos = pos + faceDir * units)
data class Vector(val s: Int, val w: Int) {
operator fun plus(v: Vector) = copy(s = s + v.s, w = w + v.w)
operator fun minus(v: Vector) = copy(s = s - v.s, w = w - v.w)
operator fun times(i: Int) = copy(s = s * i, w = w * i)
operator fun div(i: Int) = copy(s = s / i, w = w / i)
fun isDir() = l1() == 1
fun l1() = abs(w) + abs(s)
private fun rotate90(): Vector = copy(s = -w, w = s)
private fun rotate270() = transform(3) { rotate90() }
fun rotate(deg: Int): Vector {
require(deg % 90 == 0) { "$deg is not mod 90" }
val rotations = deg / 90
return if (rotations >= 0) {
transform(rotations) { rotate90() }
} else {
transform(-rotations) { rotate270() }
companion object {
val ZERO = Vector(0, 0)
enum class Dir(val v: Vector) {
S(Vector(1, 0)),
N(Vector(-1, 0)),
W(Vector(0, 1)),
E(Vector(0, -1));
private enum class SeaCommand {
N, W, S, E, L, R, F;
companion object {
fun fromChar(char: Char): SeaCommand = when (char) {
'N' -> N
'W' -> W
'S' -> S
'E' -> E
'L' -> L
'R' -> R
'F' -> F
else -> error("cant")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 566cbb2ef2caaf77c349822f42153badc36565b7 | 4,147 | AOC-2021 | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/kgp/tree/Tree.kt | JedS6391 | 90,571,337 | false | null | package kgp.tree
import java.util.*
* Represents the different types of tree generation methods.
* [Grow] mode will generate trees with nodes chosen randomly from
* the union of the function and terminal sets, allowing trees that are
* smaller than the max depth to be created. This method generally produces
* asymmetric trees.
* [Full] mode will generates tree with nodes chosen from the function set,
* until the maximum depth is reached when it will start choosing from the
* terminal set. This tends to grow "bushy" symmetrical trees.
* [HalfAndHalf] mode will use a 50/50 combination of the full and grow modes,
* meaning the trees in the initial population will have a mix of shapes.
enum class TreeGenerationMode {
* Options that control tree generation by a [TreeGenerator].
* @property maxDepth The maximum depth of trees generated.
* @property numFeatures The number of features available to trees generated.
* @property mode The method to use for generating tress.
* @property constants A set of constants available to trees generated.
data class TreeGeneratorOptions(
val maxDepth: Int,
val numFeatures: Int,
val mode: TreeGenerationMode,
val constants: List<Double>
* Generates [Tree]s using a given function set and options.
* @property functions A function set made available to the trees generated.
* @property options Controls the operation of the tree generator.
class TreeGenerator(val functions: List<Function>, val options: TreeGeneratorOptions) {
private val random = Random()
* Generates a random tree using the functions and options of this generator.
* @returns A tree that represents some program.
fun generateTree(): Tree {
// Start the tree with a function to prevent degenerate trees.
val root = this.random.choice(this.functions)
val tree = Tree(mutableListOf(root), this)
// Delegate to the appropriate tree generation mode.
return when (this.options.mode) {
TreeGenerationMode.Grow -> this.grow(tree)
TreeGenerationMode.Full -> this.full(tree)
TreeGenerationMode.HalfAndHalf -> this.rampedHalfAndHalf(tree)
private fun grow(tree: Tree): Tree {
val terminals = mutableListOf(tree.nodes.first().arity)
while (terminals.isNotEmpty()) {
val depth = terminals.size
// Pick a random node from the union of the function and terminal set.
val choice = this.random.nextInt(this.options.numFeatures + this.functions.size)
if (depth < this.options.maxDepth && choice <= this.functions.size) {
// Adding a function node.
val node = this.random.choice(this.functions)
} else {
// Adding a terminal node either because we've reached maximum
// depth or that was the randomly chosen node.
// Add 1 to number of features to determine when to use constant.
val idx = this.random.nextInt(this.options.numFeatures + 1)
val node = if (idx == this.options.numFeatures) {
} else {
terminals[terminals.lastIndex] -= 1
while (terminals.last() == 0) {
if (terminals.isEmpty()) {
return tree
terminals[terminals.lastIndex] -= 1
// Shouldn't get here
throw Exception("Error during tree construction.")
private fun full(tree: Tree): Tree {
val terminals = mutableListOf(tree.nodes.first().arity)
while (terminals.isNotEmpty()) {
val depth = terminals.size
if (depth < this.options.maxDepth) {
// Adding a function node.
val node = this.random.choice(this.functions)
} else {
// Adding a terminal node either because we've reached maximum
// depth or that was the randomly chosen node.
// Add 1 to number of features to determine when to use constant.
val idx = this.random.nextInt(this.options.numFeatures + 1)
val node = if (idx == this.options.numFeatures) {
} else {
terminals[terminals.lastIndex] -= 1
while (terminals.last() == 0) {
if (terminals.isEmpty()) {
return tree
terminals[terminals.lastIndex] -= 1
// Shouldn't get here
throw Exception("Error during tree construction.")
private fun rampedHalfAndHalf(tree: Tree): Tree {
if (this.random.nextDouble() < 0.5) {
return this.grow(tree)
} else {
return this.full(tree)
* Represents a program as a tree of nodes.
* Internally, we keep a simple list of nodes that is the "program".
* @property nodes A collection of nodes that make up this tree.
* @property treeGenerator The tree generator used to create this tree (or its parent tree)
class Tree(var nodes: MutableList<Node>, val treeGenerator: TreeGenerator) {
* The fitness of this tree as based on some data set.
* Initially, the value will be set to a high constant (1e9) to penalise programs
* that haven't had their fitness evaluated yet.
var fitness = 1e9
* Executes the trees program on a set of inputs.
* @param case A collection of inputs to make available to the program.
* @returns The output of the program for the given inputs.
fun execute(case: List<Double>): Double {
val node = this.nodes.first()
when (node) {
is Constant -> return node.value
is Input -> return case[node.index]
val stack = mutableListOf<MutableList<Node>>()
for (node in this.nodes) {
if (node is Function) {
} else {
while (stack.last().size == stack.last()[0].arity + 1) {
val function = stack.last()[0]
val range = 1..stack.last().lastIndex
val terminals = stack.last().slice(range).map { term ->
when (term) {
is Constant -> term.value
is Input -> case[term.index]
else -> throw Exception("Unexpected terminal type.")
val result = function.evaluate(terminals)
if (stack.size != 1) {
} else {
return result
throw Exception("Failed to execute tree.")
* Creates a copy of this tree. All nodes are copied too.
fun copy(): Tree {
return Tree( { n -> n }.toMutableList(), this.treeGenerator)
internal fun getRandomSubtree(program: List<Node> = this.nodes): Pair<Int, Int> {
val random = Random()
val probs = { n ->
when (n) {
is Function -> 0.9
else -> 0.1
val normalised = { p ->
p / probs.sum()
var stack = 1
val start = normalised.insertionPoint(random.nextDouble())
var end = start
while (stack > (end - start)) {
val node = program[end]
stack += (node as? Function)?.arity ?: 0
end += 1
return Pair(start, end)
* Performs the crossover operation on this tree and the tree given.
* Note that this operation directly modifies the tree that initiates the operation.
* @param other The tree to perform crossover with.
fun crossover(other: Tree) {
// Subtree from ourselves
val (start, end) = this.getRandomSubtree()
// Subtree from other
val (otherStart, otherEnd) = other.getRandomSubtree()
// Transfer genetic material from other tree.
this.nodes = (
this.nodes.subList(0, start) +
other.nodes.subList(otherStart, otherEnd) +
this.nodes.subList(end, this.nodes.size)
* Performs the point mutation operation on this tree.
* Point mutation works by choosing a collection of random nodes in the
* tree to be replaced and then replacing each with another random node.
* Note that this operation directly modifies the tree that initiates the operation.
* @param replacementRate The frequency with which replacements should occur.
fun pointMutation(replacementRate: Double) {
val nodes = this.copy().nodes
val random = Random()
val options = this.treeGenerator.options
// Get nodes to modify
val mutate = (0..nodes.size - 1).map { idx ->
val replace = random.nextDouble() < replacementRate
Pair(idx, replace)
}.filter { (_, replace) ->
}.map { (idx, _) ->
} { node ->
when (this.nodes[node]) {
is Function -> {
// Find another function with the same arity
val arity = this.nodes[node].arity
val replacements = this.treeGenerator.functions.filter { func ->
func.arity == arity
val replacement = random.choice(replacements)
this.nodes[node] = replacement
else -> {
// Terminal
val idx = random.nextInt(options.numFeatures + 1)
val term = if (idx == options.numFeatures) {
// Add small amount of noise to a constant
Constant(random.choice(options.constants) + random.nextGaussian())
} else {
this.nodes[node] = term
* Performs the subtree mutation operation on this tree.
* This is achieved by creating a new randomly generated tree and performing crossover
* with that new randomly generated tree.
* Note that this operation directly modifies the tree that initiates the operation.
fun subtreeMutation() {
val other = this.treeGenerator.generateTree()
* Performs the hoist mutation operation on this tree.
* Operates by choosing a random subtree of this tree, and then a random subtree
* within that subtree and replacing the first subtree by the second. This effectively
* "hoists" the subtree's subtree further up in the original tree.
* Note that this operation directly modifies the tree that initiates the operation.
fun hoistMutation() {
// Find a subtree to replace
val (start, end) = this.getRandomSubtree()
val subtree = this.nodes.subList(start, end)
// Get a subtree of the subtree to hoist
val (subStart, subEnd) = this.getRandomSubtree(subtree)
val hoist = subtree.subList(subStart, subEnd)
this.nodes = (
this.nodes.subList(0, start) +
hoist +
this.nodes.subList(end, this.nodes.size)
* Prints the tree as an S-expression.
* @returns A string representation of this tree as an S-expression.
override fun toString(): String {
val terminals = mutableListOf(0)
val sb = StringBuilder()
this.nodes.forEachIndexed { idx, node ->
if (node is Function) {
sb.append(" ")
} else {
when (node) {
is Constant -> sb.append(node.value)
is Input -> {
terminals[terminals.lastIndex] -= 1
while (terminals[terminals.lastIndex] == 0) {
terminals[terminals.lastIndex] -= 1
if (idx != this.nodes.size - 1) {
sb.append(" ")
return sb.toString()
* @suppress
fun <T> Random.choice(list: List<T>): T {
return list[(this.nextDouble() * list.size).toInt()]
* @suppress
fun List<Double>.cumulativeSum(): List<Double> {
var total = 0.0
return { v ->
total += v
* @suppress
fun List<Double>.insertionPoint(value: Double): Int {
var low = 0
var high = this.size
while (low < high) {
// Use bit-shift instead of divide by 2.
val middle = (low + high) ushr 1
when {
value <= this[middle] -> high = middle
else -> low = middle + 1
return low
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 045fd23e0fac9ea31c20489ae459bd168846d30b | 14,621 | KGP | MIT License |
sandbox/src/main/kotlin/tomasvolker/numeriko/sandbox/co2/Regression.kt | TomasVolker | 114,266,369 | false | null | package tomasvolker.numeriko.sandbox.co2
import koma.extensions.get
import koma.fill
import koma.matrix.Matrix
import kotlin.math.pow
fun regressionMatrix(evaluationPoints: Matrix<Double>, basisFunctions: List<(Double)->Double>) =
fill(evaluationPoints.numRows(), basisFunctions.size) { row, col -> basisFunctions[col](evaluationPoints[row]) }
fun polynomialRegressionMatrix(evaluationPoints: Matrix<Double>, order: Int = 1) =
evaluationPoints = evaluationPoints,
basisFunctions = buildPolynomialBasisFunctions(order)
fun buildPolynomialBasisFunctions(order: Int): List<(Double)->Double> =
List(order + 1) { i -> { x: Double -> x.pow(i) } }
fun linearRegressionMatrix(evaluationPoints: Matrix<Double>) =
polynomialRegressionMatrix(evaluationPoints, 1)
fun regression(
x: List<Number>,
y: List<Number>,
basisFunctions: List<(Double)->Double>
): (Double)->Double {
val xMat = x.toColMatrix()
val yMat = y.toColMatrix()
val X = regressionMatrix(xMat, basisFunctions)
val weights = (X.transpose() * X).solve(X.transpose() * yMat).toList()
return { input: Double ->
val basisFunctionSequence = basisFunctions.asSequence()
val weightSequence = weights.asSequence() { it(input) }
sumByDouble { it.first * it.second }
fun polynomialRegression(
x: List<Number>,
y: List<Number>,
order: Int
) =
x = x,
y = y,
basisFunctions = buildPolynomialBasisFunctions(order)
fun linearRegression(
x: List<Number>,
y: List<Number>
) =
x = x,
y = y,
order = 1
) | 8 | Kotlin | 1 | 3 | 1e9d64140ec70b692b1b64ecdcd8b63cf41f97af | 1,762 | numeriko | Apache License 2.0 |
2020/src/main/kotlin/de/skyrising/aoc2020/day3/solution.kt | skyrising | 317,830,992 | false | {"Kotlin": 411565} | package de.skyrising.aoc2020.day3
import de.skyrising.aoc.*
@PuzzleName("Toboggan Trajectory")
fun PuzzleInput.part1v0(): Any {
var trees = 0
var x = 0
for (line in lines) {
val tree = line[x % line.length] == '#'
if (tree )trees++
x += 3
return trees
@PuzzleName("Toboggan Trajectory")
fun PuzzleInput.part1v1(): Any {
var trees = 0
var x = 0
val len = byteLines[0].remaining()
for (line in byteLines) {
val tree = line[x] == '#'.code.toByte()
if (tree) trees++
x = wrap(x + 3, len)
return trees
fun PuzzleInput.part2v0(): Any {
val slopes = intArrayOf(1, 3, 5, 7, 1)
val step = intArrayOf(1, 1, 1, 1, 2)
val trees = LongArray(5)
val x = intArrayOf(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
for ((lineCount, line) in lines.withIndex()) {
for (i in 0..4) {
if (lineCount % step[i] == 0) {
val tree = line[x[i] % line.length] == '#'
if (tree) trees[i]++
x[i] += slopes[i]
return trees.reduce {a, b -> a * b}
fun PuzzleInput.part2v1(): Any {
var t0 = 0
var t1 = 0
var t2 = 0
var t3 = 0
var t4 = 0
var x0 = 0
var x1 = 0
var x2 = 0
var x3 = 0
var x4 = 0
val len = byteLines[0].remaining()
for ((lineCount, line) in byteLines.withIndex()) {
t0 += if (line[x0] == '#'.code.toByte()) 1 else 0
x0 = wrap(x0 + 1, len)
if (x0 >= len) x0 -= len
t1 += if (line[x1] == '#'.code.toByte()) 1 else 0
x1 = wrap(x1 + 3, len)
if (x1 >= len) x1 -= len
t2 += if (line[x2] == '#'.code.toByte()) 1 else 0
x2 = wrap(x2 + 5, len)
if (x2 >= len) x2 -= len
t3 += if (line[x3] == '#'.code.toByte()) 1 else 0
x3 = wrap(x3 + 7, len)
if (x3 >= len) x3 -= len
if (lineCount % 2 == 0) {
t4 += if (line[x4] == '#'.code.toByte()) 1 else 0
x4 = wrap(x4 + 1, len)
if (x4 >= len) x4 -= len
return t0.toLong() * t1 * t2 * t3 * t4
inline fun wrap(x: Int, len: Int) = x - if (x >= len) len else 0 | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 19599c1204f6994226d31bce27d8f01440322f39 | 2,198 | aoc | MIT License |
src/day25/Day25.kt | crmitchelmore | 576,065,911 | false | {"Kotlin": 115199} | package day25
import helpers.ReadFile
import java.math.BigInteger
class Day25 {
fun parseSnafu(string: String) : Long {
val chars = string.split("").filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.reversed()
var mult = 1L
var total = 0L
for (char in chars) {
if (char.toCharArray().first().isDigit()) {
total += char.toLong() * mult
} else if (char == "-") {
total -= mult
} else {
total -= 2 * mult
mult *= 5
return total
fun toSnafu(long: Long) : String {
println("Long: $long Base 5: ${BigInteger.valueOf(long).toString(5)} Back: ${BigInteger.valueOf(long).toString(5).toBigInteger(5).toString(10)}")
var base5 = BigInteger.valueOf(long).toString(5).split("").filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.map{ it.toInt() }.reversed().toMutableList()
var result = ""
for (i in base5.indices) {
if (base5[i] > 4) {
base5[i] -= 5
if (i+1 == base5.size) {
} else {
base5[i + 1] += 1
if (base5[i] < 3) {
result = base5[i].toString() + result
} else {
if (i+1 == base5.size) {
base5[i+1] += 1
result = (if (base5[i] == 4) "-" else "=") + result
return result
val lines = ReadFile.named("src/day25/input.txt")
fun result1() {
val nums = { BigInteger.valueOf(parseSnafu(it)) }
val total = nums.fold(BigInteger.valueOf(0L)) { a, b ->
a + b
// println(toSnafu(total.toLong()))
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | fd644d442b5ff0d2f05fbf6317c61ee9ce7b4470 | 2,089 | adventofcode2022 | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/net/dilius/daily/coding/problem/n00x/001.kt | diliuskh | 298,020,928 | false | null | package net.dilius.daily.coding.problem.n00x
import net.dilius.daily.coding.problem.Problem
Given a list of numbers and a number k, return whether any two numbers from the list add up to k.
For example, given [10, 15, 3, 7] and k of 17, return true since 10 + 7 is 17.
Bonus: Can you do this in one pass?
data class Input(val nums: List<Int>, val k: Int)
class AddsUpToNum : Problem<Input, Boolean> {
override fun solve(input: Input): Boolean {
val (nums, k) = input
for (i in nums.indices) {
if (nums[i] > k) continue
for (j in i+1 until nums.size) {
if (nums[j] > k) continue
if (nums[i] + nums[j] == k) return true
return false
class AddsUpToNumFast : Problem<Input, Boolean> {
override fun solve(input: Input): Boolean {
val checked = mutableSetOf<Int>()
val (nums, k) = input
for (i in nums.indices) {
if (nums[i] > k) continue
if (checked.contains(k - nums[i])) return true
return false
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 7e5739f87dbce2b56d24e7bab63b6cee6bbc54bc | 1,131 | dailyCodingProblem | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/ValidParenthese.kt | mececeli | 553,346,819 | false | {"Kotlin": 9018} | import java.util.*
//Valid Parentheses
//Given a string s containing just the characters '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']', determine if the input string is valid.
//An input string is valid if:
//Open brackets must be closed by the same type of brackets.
//Open brackets must be closed in the correct order.
//Every close bracket has a corresponding open bracket of the same type.
//Example 1:
//Input: s = "()"
//Output: true
//Example 2:
//Input: s = "()[]{}"
//Output: true
//Example 3:
//Input: s = "(]"
//Output: false
//1 <= s.length <= 104
//s consists of parentheses only '()[]{}'.
fun isValidParentheses(s: String): Boolean {
if (s.length % 2 == 1) return false
val openingBrackets: MutableList<Char> = mutableListOf()
val closingBrackets: MutableList<Char> = mutableListOf()
s.forEach { char ->
if (isOpeningBracket(char)) {
} else {
if (openingBrackets.size == closingBrackets.size) {
openingBrackets.forEachIndexed { index, char ->
if (isSameTypeBracket(openingChar = char, closingChar = closingBrackets[index]).not()) {
return false
return true
} else {
return false
return false
fun isOpeningBracket(char: Char): Boolean = when (char) {
'(', '[', '{' -> true
else -> false
fun isSameTypeBracket(openingChar: Char, closingChar: Char): Boolean {
if (openingChar == '(' && closingChar == ')') return true
if (openingChar == '[' && closingChar == ']') return true
if (openingChar == '{' && closingChar == '}') return true
return false
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stack Solution
fun isValidParenthesesStack(s: String): Boolean {
if (s.length % 2 != 0) return false
val map = mapOf('}' to '{', ')' to '(', ']' to '[')
val stack = Stack<Char>()
s.forEach {
if (it == '}' || it == ')' || it == ']') {
if (stack.isEmpty() || stack.peek() != map[it]) return false
} else stack.push(it)
return stack.isEmpty()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d05ee9d32c42d11e71e136f4138bb0335114f360 | 2,283 | Kotlin_Exercises | Apache License 2.0 |
ArrayTools.kt | chynerdu | 650,674,895 | false | null |
fun main() {
println("Hello World")
println(averageArray(arrayOf(1, 2, 2, 4, 4)))
println(averageArray(arrayOf(1, -2, -2, 4, 4)))
println(checkValueExistence(arrayOf(1, 2, 2, 4, 4), 8))
println(reverseArray(arrayOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 34, 28)))
val ciphertext = caesarCipherFunc()
println(findMaxValue(arrayOf(-1, -2, -3, -4, -5)))
* Find the average of an array
* @param inputArray contains the array to be averaged
* @return the average of type Double
fun averageArray(inputArray: Array<Int>): Double {
var listSum = 0.0
for (datax in inputArray) {
listSum += datax
return listSum / inputArray.size
* Check if a value exist in an array
* @param valueList contains an array of string
* @param value is the value to check if it exist in the array
* @return A boolean value if the value exists or not
fun checkValueExistence(valueList: Array<Int>, value: Int): Boolean {
for (x in valueList) {
if (x == value) {
return true
return false
* Reverse an array
* @param inputArray contains the array to be reversed
* @return A mutable list of the reversed array
fun reverseArray(inputArray: Array<Int>): MutableList<Int> {
var reversedList = MutableList<Int>(inputArray.size) { 0 }
var index = inputArray.size - 1
for (num in inputArray) {
reversedList[index] = num
return reversedList
* Caeser Cipher function encrypts the string entered by the user by a specific shift value
* @return An encrypted string
fun caesarCipherFunc(): String {
try {
val shiftedText = StringBuilder()
println("Enter input string to encrypt")
val stringValue = readLine()
println("Enter the shift value")
val shift = readLine()?.toInt()
if (!stringValue.isNullOrEmpty() && shift != null) {
for (char in stringValue) {
if (char.isLetter()) {
val startOffset = if (char.isUpperCase()) 'A' else 'a'
val shiftedChar = (((char.toInt() - startOffset.toInt()) + shift) % 26 + startOffset.toInt()).toChar()
} else {
return shiftedText.toString()
} catch (e: NumberFormatException) {
return "Invalid input entered"
fun findMaxValue(inputList: Array<Int>): Int {
var maxValue = Int.MIN_VALUE
for (value in inputList) {
if (value > maxValue) {
maxValue = value
return maxValue
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 74926900639459e3ad2b939c6916ea5d5f81e1e8 | 2,743 | JAV1001-Lab2 | MIT License |
src/Day06.kt | risboo6909 | 572,912,116 | false | {"Kotlin": 66075} | fun main() {
fun findUniq(line: String, windowSize: Int): Int? {
val window = ArrayDeque<Char>(windowSize+1)
for ((i, s) in line.withIndex()) {
if (window.size == windowSize+1) {
if (window.size == windowSize) {
if (window.toSet().size == windowSize) {
return i + 1
return null
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int? {
return findUniq(input.last(), 4)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int? {
return findUniq(input.last(), 14)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day06_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 7)
check(part2(testInput) == 19)
val input = readInput("Day06")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | bd6f9b46d109a34978e92ab56287e94cc3e1c945 | 957 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
plugin/src/main/kotlin/nl/tudelft/hyperion/plugin/metric/APIMetric.kt | SERG-Delft | 254,399,628 | false | null | package nl.tudelft.hyperion.plugin.metric
* Represents an element as the result of an /api/v1/metrics API call.
* Contains the aggregated log counts over the specified interval, i.e.
* an interval of 60 represents the logs that happened in the last minute.
data class APIMetricsResult(
val interval: Int,
* A mapping of version to a List of Metrics (all metrics relative to this version).
* The version is represented by a String.
val versions: Map<String, List<APIMetric>>
* Represents the response from an /api/v1/metrics/period API call.
* @param T signifies if this is project wide or file specific bin metrics.
* @property interval the time in seconds between each [APIBinMetricsResult].
* @property results a list of metrics for each interval which contains a map
* of versions and corresponding line metrics.
data class APIBinMetricsResponse<T : BaseAPIMetric>(
val interval: Int,
val results: List<APIBinMetricsResult<T>>
) {
fun filterVersion(version: String, lineNumber: Int) = { it.filterVersion(version, lineNumber) }
* Represents an element as the result of an /api/v1/metrics/period API call.
* The API call returns a list of bins where each bin is the aggregated log
* counts starting from the given start time.
* @param T signifies if this is project wide or file specific bin metrics.
* @property startTime unix epoch time in seconds of the starting time of this
* bin.
* @property versions map of version identifier with metrics.
data class APIBinMetricsResult<T : BaseAPIMetric>(
val startTime: Int,
val versions: MutableMap<String, List<T>>
) {
fun filterVersion(version: String, lineNumber: Int) {
if (version in versions) {
versions[version] = versions[version]?.filter { it.line == lineNumber }!!
* The base class for all metrics.
* @property line the log line for which this metrics was triggered.
* @property severity the log severity of this log line.
* @property count the number of times this line has been triggered.
sealed class BaseAPIMetric(
open val line: Int,
open val severity: String,
open val count: Int
* Represents a single grouped metric of a (project, file, line, version,
* severity) tuple. Contains the line for which it was triggered, the
* severity of the log and the amount of times that specific log was
* triggered.
data class APIMetric(
override val line: Int,
override val severity: String,
override val count: Int
) : BaseAPIMetric(line, severity, count)
* Represents a single grouped metric of a (project, file, line, version,
* severity) tuple. Contains the line for which it was triggered, the
* severity of the log and the amount of times that specific log was
* triggered.
data class FileAPIMetric(
override val line: Int,
override val severity: String,
override val count: Int,
val file: String
) : BaseAPIMetric(line, severity, count)
| 0 | Kotlin | 1 | 13 | a010d1b6e59592231a2ed29a6d11af38644f2834 | 3,047 | hyperion | Apache License 2.0 |
kotlin/126.Word Ladder II(单词接龙 II).kt | learningtheory | 141,790,045 | false | {"Python": 4025652, "C++": 1999023, "Java": 1995266, "JavaScript": 1990554, "C": 1979022, "Ruby": 1970980, "Scala": 1925110, "Kotlin": 1917691, "Go": 1898079, "Swift": 1827809, "HTML": 124958, "Shell": 7944} | /**
<p>Given two words (<em>beginWord</em> and <em>endWord</em>), and a dictionary's word list, find all shortest transformation sequence(s) from <em>beginWord</em> to <em>endWord</em>, such that:</p>
<li>Only one letter can be changed at a time</li>
<li>Each transformed word must exist in the word list. Note that <em>beginWord</em> is <em>not</em> a transformed word.</li>
<li>Return an empty list if there is no such transformation sequence.</li>
<li>All words have the same length.</li>
<li>All words contain only lowercase alphabetic characters.</li>
<li>You may assume no duplicates in the word list.</li>
<li>You may assume <em>beginWord</em> and <em>endWord</em> are non-empty and are not the same.</li>
<p><strong>Example 1:</strong></p>
beginWord = "hit",
endWord = "cog",
wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log","cog"]
<p><strong>Example 2:</strong></p>
beginWord = "hit"
endWord = "cog"
wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log"]
<strong>Output: </strong>[]
<strong>Explanation:</strong> The endWord "cog" is not in wordList, therefore no possible<strong> </strong>transformation.
<p>给定两个单词(<em>beginWord</em> 和 <em>endWord</em>)和一个字典 <em>wordList</em>,找出所有从 <em>beginWord </em>到 <em>endWord </em>的最短转换序列。转换需遵循如下规则:</p>
<li>你可以假设 <em>beginWord</em> 和 <em>endWord </em>是非空的,且二者不相同。</li>
<p><strong>示例 1:</strong></p>
beginWord = "hit",
endWord = "cog",
wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log","cog"]
<p><strong>示例 2:</strong></p>
beginWord = "hit"
endWord = "cog"
wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log"]
<strong>输出: </strong>[]
<strong>解释:</strong> <em>endWord</em> "cog" 不在字典中,所以不存在符合要求的转换序列。</pre>
<p>给定两个单词(<em>beginWord</em> 和 <em>endWord</em>)和一个字典 <em>wordList</em>,找出所有从 <em>beginWord </em>到 <em>endWord </em>的最短转换序列。转换需遵循如下规则:</p>
<li>你可以假设 <em>beginWord</em> 和 <em>endWord </em>是非空的,且二者不相同。</li>
<p><strong>示例 1:</strong></p>
beginWord = "hit",
endWord = "cog",
wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log","cog"]
<p><strong>示例 2:</strong></p>
beginWord = "hit"
endWord = "cog"
wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log"]
<strong>输出: </strong>[]
<strong>解释:</strong> <em>endWord</em> "cog" 不在字典中,所以不存在符合要求的转换序列。</pre>
class Solution {
fun findLadders(beginWord: String, endWord: String, wordList: List<String>): List<List<String>> {
} | 0 | Python | 1 | 3 | 6731e128be0fd3c0bdfe885c1a409ac54b929597 | 4,837 | leetcode | MIT License |
src/day17/d17_2.kt | svorcmar | 720,683,913 | false | {"Kotlin": 49110} | fun main() {
val input = ""
val jugs = input.lines().map { it.toInt() }
// dynamic programming array
// dp[n][r][c] = number of ways to fill capacity "c" when using exactly "r" of the first "n" jugs
val dp = Array(jugs.size + 1) { Array(jugs.size + 1) { Array(150 + 1) { 0 } } }
(1 until dp.size).forEach { n ->
(1 until dp[n].size).forEach { r ->
(1 until dp[n][r].size).forEach { c ->
dp[n][r][c] = dp[n - 1][r][c] +
if (jugs[n - 1] > c)
else if (jugs[n - 1] < c)
dp[n - 1][r - 1][c - jugs[n - 1]]
println(dp.last().map { it.last() }.find { it > 0 })
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | cb097b59295b2ec76cc0845ee6674f1683c3c91f | 682 | aoc2015 | MIT License |
src/main/java/challenges/leetcode/PalindromeNumber.kt | ShabanKamell | 342,007,920 | false | null | package challenges.leetcode
import java.util.*
Given an integer x, return true if x is palindrome integer.
An integer is a palindrome when it reads the same backward as forward.
For example, 121 is a palindrome while 123 is not.
Example 1:
Input: x = 121
Output: true
Explanation: 121 reads as 121 from left to right and from right to left.
Example 2:
Input: x = -121
Output: false
Explanation: From left to right, it reads -121. From right to left, it becomes 121-. Therefore it is not a palindrome.
Example 3:
Input: x = 10
Output: false
Explanation: Reads 01 from right to left. Therefore it is not a palindrome.
-231 <= x <= 231 - 1
Follow up: Could you solve it without converting the integer to a string?
object PalindromeNumber {
private fun isPalindrome(x: Int): Boolean {
if (x < 0) return false
return isPalindrome(x.toString())
private fun isPalindrome(s: String): Boolean {
val length = s.length
val chars = s.toCharArray()
for (i in s.indices) {
if (chars[i] != chars[length - i - 1]) return false
return true
private fun isPalindrome2(s: String): Boolean {
val length = s.length
val chars = s.toCharArray()
var fast = 0
var slow = 0
val stack = Stack<Char>()
while (fast < length - 1) {
fast += 2
// Skip the middle
while (stack.isNotEmpty()) {
val item = stack.pop()
if (chars[slow] != item) return false
return true
fun isPalindrome3(_num: Int): Boolean {
var num = _num
if (num < 0) return false
var reversed = 0
var remainder: Int
val original = num
while (num != 0) {
// reversed integer is stored in variable
remainder = num % 10
// multiply reversed by 10 then add the remainder, so it gets stored at next decimal place.
reversed = reversed * 10 + remainder
// the last digit is removed from num after division by 10.
num /= 10
// palindrome if original and reversed are equal
return original == reversed
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var x = 13231
println("$x: ${isPalindrome(x)}")
println("$x: ${isPalindrome2(x.toString())}")
println("$x: ${isPalindrome3(x)}")
x = 132311
println("$x: ${isPalindrome(x)}")
println("$x: ${isPalindrome2(x.toString())}")
println("$x: ${isPalindrome3(x)}")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | ee06bebe0d3a7cd411d9ec7b7e317b48fe8c6d70 | 2,720 | CodingChallenges | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/ctci/chapterten/SearchInRotatedArray.kt | amykv | 538,632,477 | false | {"Kotlin": 169929} | package ctci.chapterten
// 10.3 - page 150
// Given a sorted array of n integers that has been rotated an unknown number of times, write Kotlin code to
// find an element in the array. You may assume that the array was originally sorted in increasing order.
fun main() {
val arr = intArrayOf(15, 16, 19, 20, 25, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 14)
val target = 5
val index = binarySearch(arr, 0, arr.size - 1, target)
if (index != -1) {
println("Element found at index: $index")
} else {
println("Element not found")
//use binary search to find the target element in the sorted and rotated array. We compare the middle element of the
// array with the target element, and depending on which half of the array is sorted, we either continue the search in
// the left half or the right half of the array. If the target is not found, the function returns -1.
fun binarySearch(arr: IntArray, low: Int, high: Int, target: Int): Int {
if (low > high) return -1
val mid = (low + high) / 2
if (arr[mid] == target) return mid
// If left side of mid is sorted
if (arr[low] <= arr[mid]) {
if (target >= arr[low] && target <= arr[mid]) {
return binarySearch(arr, low, mid - 1, target)
} else {
return binarySearch(arr, mid + 1, high, target)
} else {
if (target >= arr[mid] && target <= arr[high]) {
return binarySearch(arr, mid + 1, high, target)
} else {
return binarySearch(arr, low, mid - 1, target)
//The time complexity of this algorithm is O(log n), because it uses binary search to search for the element in the
// array. The space complexity is O(1), because the algorithm only uses a few variables to store intermediate results,
// and does not require any additional data structures. | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 2 | 93365cddc95a2f5c8f2c136e5c18b438b38d915f | 1,850 | dsa-kotlin | MIT License |
archive/src/main/kotlin/com/grappenmaker/aoc/year18/Day04.kt | 770grappenmaker | 434,645,245 | false | {"Kotlin": 409647, "Python": 647} | package com.grappenmaker.aoc.year18
import com.grappenmaker.aoc.PuzzleSet
import com.grappenmaker.aoc.mostFrequent
import com.grappenmaker.aoc.splitInts
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.time.ZoneOffset
fun PuzzleSet.day4() = puzzle {
// Wacky way to do this stuff
val format = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm")
val events = inputLines.sorted().map { l ->
val timePart = l.substringAfter('[').substringBefore(']')
val minute = format.parse(timePart).toInstant().atZone(ZoneOffset.UTC).minute
when {
"begins shift" in l -> GuardStartShift(minute, l.splitInts().last())
"falls asleep" in l -> GuardSleep(minute)
"wakes up" in l -> GuardWakeUp(minute)
else -> error("Invalid guard message $l")
// Double parsing, prob should've avoided
val shifts = buildList {
var current = events.first() as GuardStartShift
var sleepTime = current.minute
for (event in events) {
when (event) {
is GuardStartShift -> current = event
is GuardSleep -> sleepTime = event.minute
is GuardWakeUp -> add(GuardShift(, current.minute, sleepTime, event.minute))
}.groupBy { }
// Actual solution, lol
val sleepIndex = shifts.mapValues { (_, t) -> t.flatMap { (it.sleep..<it.wake).toList() } }
val (p1ID, targetMinutes) = sleepIndex.maxBy { (_, v) -> v.size }
val bestMinute = targetMinutes.mostFrequent()
partOne = (p1ID * bestMinute).s()
val (p2ID, globalBestMinute) = sleepIndex.flatMap { (k, v) -> { t -> k to t } }.mostFrequent()
partTwo = (p2ID * globalBestMinute).s()
sealed interface GuardEvent {
val minute: Int
data class GuardStartShift(override val minute: Int, val id: Int) : GuardEvent
data class GuardWakeUp(override val minute: Int) : GuardEvent
data class GuardSleep(override val minute: Int) : GuardEvent
data class GuardShift(val id: Int, val start: Int, val sleep: Int, val wake: Int) | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 7 | 92ef1b5ecc3cbe76d2ccd0303a73fddda82ba585 | 2,074 | advent-of-code | The Unlicense |
src/main/kotlin/bk66/Problem3.kt | yvelianyk | 405,919,452 | false | {"Kotlin": 147854, "Java": 610} | package bk66
fun main() {
val result = Problem3().minCost(intArrayOf(0, 3), intArrayOf(2, 3), intArrayOf(5, 4, 3), intArrayOf(8, 2, 6, 7))
class Problem3 {
fun minCost(startPos: IntArray, homePos: IntArray, rowCosts: IntArray, colCosts: IntArray): Int {
val startI = startPos[0]
val startJ = startPos[1]
val homeI = homePos[0]
val homeJ = homePos[1]
if (startI == homeI && startJ == homeJ) return 0
var result = 0
if (startJ < homeJ) {
for (i in startJ + 1..homeJ) result += colCosts[i]
} else {
for (i in startJ - 1 downTo homeJ) result += colCosts[i]
if (startI < homeI) {
for (i in startI + 1..homeI) result += rowCosts[i]
} else {
for (i in startI - 1 downTo homeI) result += rowCosts[i]
return result
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 780d6597d0f29154b3c2fb7850a8b1b8c7ee4bcd | 904 | leetcode-kotlin | MIT License |
src/Day07.kt | luiscobo | 574,302,765 | false | {"Kotlin": 19047} | enum class FileType {
data class Node(val fileName: String, val fileType: FileType, var size: Int, var parent: Node? = null) {
private val children: MutableList<Node> = mutableListOf()
fun getChildByName(dirName: String): Node? {
return children.firstOrNull {
it.fileName == dirName
fun getChild(position: Int) = children[position]
operator fun get(i: Int) = children[i]
val indices: IntRange
get() = IntRange(0, children.size - 1)
val isDir get() = this.fileType == FileType.DIRECTORY
fun addChild(node: Node) {
val length: Int
get() = children.size
// La estructura de directorios
var root: Node? = null
const val TOTAL_DISK_SPACE_AVAILABLE = 70_000_000
const val UNUSED_SPACE_NEEDED = 30_000_000
fun calculateTotalSize(node: Node): Int {
var total = 0
for (i in node.indices) {
val n = node[i]
total += if (n.fileType == FileType.PLAIN_FILE) {
else {
node.size = total
return total
fun printNode(node: Node, spaces: String = "") {
println("$spaces ${node.fileName} : ${node.size}")
if (node.fileType == FileType.DIRECTORY) {
for (i in node.indices) {
val child = node[i]
if (child.fileType == FileType.DIRECTORY) {
printNode(child, "$spaces ")
fun main() {
fun getCommandParts(line: String): Pair<Boolean, String> {
val arguments = line.split(" ")
return if (arguments[1] == "ls") {
false to ""
else if (arguments[1] == "cd") {
true to arguments[2]
else {
false to "ERROR"
fun getFileInfo(line: String): Node {
val arguments = line.split(" ")
if (arguments[0] == "dir") {
return Node(arguments[1], FileType.DIRECTORY, 0)
return Node(arguments[1], FileType.PLAIN_FILE, arguments[0].toInt())
fun getTotalSizeDirectoriesAtMost100K(node: Node): Int {
var total = 0
if (node.fileType == FileType.DIRECTORY) {
if (node.size <= 100_000) {
total += node.size
for (i in node.indices) {
val child = node[i]
if (child.isDir) {
total += getTotalSizeDirectoriesAtMost100K(child)
return total
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
var workingDir: Node? = null
for (command in input) {
if (command[0] == '$') {
val (isCD, directory) = getCommandParts(command)
if (isCD) {
when (directory) {
"/" -> {
if (root == null) {
root = Node("/", FileType.DIRECTORY, 0)
workingDir = root!!
".." -> workingDir = workingDir!!.parent
else -> workingDir = workingDir?.getChildByName(directory)
else {
val node = getFileInfo(command)
node.parent = workingDir
return getTotalSizeDirectoriesAtMost100K(root!!)
fun totalSizeDirectoryToDelete(node: Node, needed: Int): Int {
var menor = 0
if (node.isDir) {
menor = if (node.size >= needed) node.size else Int.MAX_VALUE
for (i in node.indices) {
val child = node[i]
if (child.isDir) {
val total = totalSizeDirectoryToDelete(child, needed)
if (total in needed until menor) {
menor = total
return menor
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
root = null
val unused = TOTAL_DISK_SPACE_AVAILABLE - root!!.size
if (unused >= UNUSED_SPACE_NEEDED) {
return 0
val needed = UNUSED_SPACE_NEEDED - unused
println("Needed $needed")
return totalSizeDirectoryToDelete(root!!, needed)
fun part3(lines: List<String>) {
val pattern = """[$] cd (.*)|(\d+).*""".toRegex()
for (line in lines) {
val match = pattern.matchEntire(line) ?: continue
if (match.groups[1] != null) {
println("Line $line => Group 1 = ${match.groups[1]!!.value}")
if (match.groups[2] != null) {
println("Line $line => Group 2 = ${match.groups[2]!!.value}")
val input = readInput("day07_test")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | c764e5abca0ea40bca0b434bdf1ee2ded6458087 | 5,136 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
core/model/src/main/java/online/partyrun/partyrunapplication/core/model/util/RunningRecordCalculation.kt | SWM-KAWAI-MANS | 649,352,661 | false | {"Kotlin": 806784} | package online.partyrun.partyrunapplication.core.model.util
import online.partyrun.partyrunapplication.core.model.running_result.common.RunnerRecord
import online.partyrun.partyrunapplication.core.model.running_result.common.RunnerStatus
import java.time.Duration
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
fun formatPace(pace: Double): String {
val minutesPart = (pace / 60).toInt()
val secondsPart = (pace % 60).toInt()
// %02d는 정수를 두 자리로 표현하는데, 만약 한 자리수면 앞에 0 추가
return "${minutesPart}'${String.format("%02d", secondsPart)}''"
fun formatDurationToTimeString(duration: Duration): String {
val hours = duration.toHours()
val minutes = duration.toMinutes() % 60
val seconds = duration.seconds % 60
return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds)
fun calculateAveragePace(runnerStatus: RunnerStatus): String {
val seconds = runnerStatus.secondsElapsedTime.toDouble()
val lastRecordDistance = runnerStatus.records.lastOrNull()?.distance ?: 0.0
val distanceInKm = lastRecordDistance / 1000.0
val pace = if (distanceInKm > 0) seconds / distanceInKm else 0.0
return formatPace(pace)
fun calculatePaceInMinPerKm(speedInMetersPerSec: Double): String {
if (speedInMetersPerSec == 0.0) {
return "0'00''"
val paceInMinPerKm = (1 / speedInMetersPerSec) * (1000 / 60)
val minutes = paceInMinPerKm.toInt()
val seconds = ((paceInMinPerKm - minutes) * 60).roundToInt()
// %02d는 정수를 두 자리로 표현하는데, 만약 한 자리수면 앞에 0 추가
return "${minutes}'${String.format("%02d", seconds)}''"
fun calculateAverageAltitude(runnerStatus: RunnerStatus): Double {
return if (runnerStatus.records.isNotEmpty()) {
(runnerStatus.records.sumOf { it.altitude } / runnerStatus.records.size)
} else {
fun calculateCumulativePacePerMinute(records: List<RunnerRecord>): List<Pair<String, Double>> {
if (records.isEmpty()) return emptyList()
val startTime = records.first().time
return records.drop(1).mapNotNull { record ->
val timeElapsed = Duration.between(startTime, record.time)
val currentDistanceInKm = record.distance / 1000.0
if (!timeElapsed.isZero && currentDistanceInKm != 0.0) {
val rawPaceInSeconds = timeElapsed.toSeconds().toDouble() / currentDistanceInKm
val minutesPart = (rawPaceInSeconds / 60).toInt()
val secondsPart = (rawPaceInSeconds % 60).toInt()
val formattedPace = "$minutesPart.${secondsPart}"
Pair(formatDurationToTimeString(timeElapsed), formattedPace.toDouble())
} else {
fun calculateDistanceOverTime(records: List<RunnerRecord>): List<Pair<String, Double>> {
if (records.isEmpty()) return emptyList()
val startTime = records.first().time
return { record ->
val timeElapsed = Duration.between(startTime, record.time)
Pair(formatDurationToTimeString(timeElapsed), record.distance)
fun calculateAltitudeOverTime(records: List<RunnerRecord>): List<Pair<String, Double>> {
if (records.isEmpty()) return emptyList()
val startTime = records.first().time
return { record ->
val timeElapsed = Duration.between(startTime, record.time)
Pair(formatDurationToTimeString(timeElapsed), record.altitude.roundToInt().toDouble())
| 0 | Kotlin | 1 | 13 | c1a613d5632726a579a35cc0f534e5607c3d6d74 | 3,518 | party-run-application | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/g0101_0200/s0130_surrounded_regions/Solution.kt | javadev | 190,711,550 | false | {"Kotlin": 4420233, "TypeScript": 50437, "Python": 3646, "Shell": 994} | package g0101_0200.s0130_surrounded_regions
// #Medium #Top_Interview_Questions #Array #Depth_First_Search #Breadth_First_Search #Matrix
// #Union_Find #Algorithm_II_Day_8_Breadth_First_Search_Depth_First_Search
// #2022_10_08_Time_355_ms_(84.42%)_Space_51.2_MB_(68.83%)
class Solution {
fun solve(board: Array<CharArray>) {
// Edge case, empty grid
if (board.size == 0) {
// Traverse first and last rows ( boundaries)
for (i in board[0].indices) {
// first row
if (board[0][i] == 'O') {
// It will covert O and all it's touching O's to #
dfs(board, 0, i)
// last row
if (board[board.size - 1][i] == 'O') {
// Coverts O's to #'s (same thing as above)
dfs(board, board.size - 1, i)
// Traverse first and last Column (boundaries)
for (i in board.indices) {
// first Column
if (board[i][0] == 'O') {
// Converts O's to #'s
dfs(board, i, 0)
// last Column
if (board[i][board[0].size - 1] == 'O') {
// Coverts O's to #'s
dfs(board, i, board[0].size - 1)
// Traverse through entire matrix
for (i in board.indices) {
for (j in board[0].indices) {
if (board[i][j] == 'O') {
// Convert O's to X's
board[i][j] = 'X'
if (board[i][j] == '#') {
// Convert #'s to O's
board[i][j] = 'O'
fun dfs(board: Array<CharArray>, row: Int, column: Int) {
if (row < 0 || row >= board.size || column < 0 || column >= board[0].size || board[row][column] != 'O') {
board[row][column] = '#'
dfs(board, row + 1, column)
dfs(board, row - 1, column)
dfs(board, row, column + 1)
dfs(board, row, column - 1)
| 0 | Kotlin | 14 | 24 | fc95a0f4e1d629b71574909754ca216e7e1110d2 | 2,152 | LeetCode-in-Kotlin | MIT License |
src/Day08.kt | Misano9699 | 572,108,457 | false | null | fun main() {
fun determineGrid(input: List<String>): List<List<Int>> {
val grid = mutableListOf<List<Int>>()
input.forEach { line ->
grid.add(line.toCharArray().map { it.toString().toInt() }.toList())
return grid
fun addToVisibleTrees(visibleTrees: MutableMap<Pair<Int, Int>, Int>, pair: Pair<Int, Int>, size: Int) {
if (!visibleTrees.containsKey(pair)) {
visibleTrees[pair] = size
fun determineVisibleTrees(grid: List<List<Int>>): Map<Pair<Int, Int>, Int> {
val visibleTrees =mutableMapOf<Pair<Int, Int>, Int>()
(grid.indices).forEach { x ->
var previousSize = -1
(grid[x].indices).forEach { y ->
val size = grid[x][y]
if (size > previousSize ) {
previousSize = size
addToVisibleTrees(visibleTrees, Pair(x, y), size)
(grid[0].indices).forEach { y ->
var previousSize = -1
(grid.indices).forEach { x ->
val size = grid[x][y]
if (size > previousSize ) {
previousSize = size
addToVisibleTrees(visibleTrees, Pair(x, y), size)
(grid.indices).reversed().forEach { x ->
var previousSize = -1
(grid[x].indices).reversed().forEach { y ->
val size = grid[x][y]
if (size > previousSize ) {
previousSize = size
addToVisibleTrees(visibleTrees, Pair(x, y), size)
(grid[0].indices).reversed().forEach { y ->
var previousSize = -1
(grid.indices).reversed().forEach { x ->
val size = grid[x][y]
if (size > previousSize ) {
previousSize = size
addToVisibleTrees(visibleTrees, Pair(x, y), size)
return visibleTrees
fun left(x: Int, y: Int, grid: List<List<Int>>): Int {
val size = grid[x][y]
var i = x - 1
var count = 0
var stop = false
while (i >= 0 && !stop) {
if (grid[i][y] >= size) stop = true
return count
fun right(x: Int, y: Int, grid: List<List<Int>>): Int {
val size = grid[x][y]
var i = x + 1
var count = 0
var stop = false
while (i < grid.size && !stop) {
if (grid[i][y] >= size) stop = true
return count
fun up(x: Int, y: Int, grid: List<List<Int>>): Int {
val size = grid[x][y]
var j = y - 1
var count = 0
var stop = false
while (j >= 0 && !stop) {
if (grid[x][j] >= size ) stop = true
return count
fun down(x: Int, y: Int, grid: List<List<Int>>): Int {
val size = grid[x][y]
var j = y + 1
var count = 0
var stop = false
while (j < grid[x].size && !stop) {
if (grid[x][j] >= size) stop = true
return count
fun determineScenicTrees(grid: List<List<Int>>): Map<Pair<Int, Int>, Int> {
val scenicTrees = mutableMapOf<Pair<Int, Int>, Int>()
(grid.indices).forEach { x ->
(grid[x].indices).forEach { y ->
val treesLeft = left(x, y, grid)
val treesRight = right(x, y, grid)
val treesUp = up(x, y, grid)
val treesDown = down(x, y, grid)
scenicTrees[Pair(x,y)]=treesLeft * treesRight * treesUp * treesDown
return scenicTrees
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val grid: List<List<Int>> = determineGrid(input)
val visibleTrees = determineVisibleTrees(grid)
return visibleTrees.count()
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val grid: List<List<Int>> = determineGrid(input)
val scenicTrees = determineScenicTrees(grid)
return scenicTrees.maxOf { it.value }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
val input = readInput("Day08")
println("---- PART 1 ----")
check(part1(testInput).also { println("Answer test input part1: $it") } == 21)
println("Answer part1: " + part1(input))
println("---- PART 2 ----")
check(part2(testInput).also { println("Answer test input part2: $it") } == 8)
println("Answer part2: " + part2(input))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | adb8c5e5098fde01a4438eb2a437840922fb8ae6 | 4,921 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
year2018/src/main/kotlin/net/olegg/aoc/year2018/day14/Day14.kt | 0legg | 110,665,187 | false | {"Kotlin": 511989} | package net.olegg.aoc.year2018.day14
import net.olegg.aoc.someday.SomeDay
import net.olegg.aoc.year2018.DayOf2018
* See [Year 2018, Day 14](
object Day14 : DayOf2018(14) {
override fun first(): Any? {
val rounds = data.toInt()
val recipes = mutableListOf(3, 7)
(1..rounds).fold(0 to 1) { (first, second), _ ->
val next = recipes[first] + recipes[second]
if (next > 9) {
recipes += (next / 10)
recipes += (next % 10)
val (newFirst, newSecond) =
(first + recipes[first] + 1) % recipes.size to (second + recipes[second] + 1) % recipes.size
return@fold (newFirst to newSecond)
return recipes.subList(rounds, rounds + 10).joinToString(separator = "")
override fun second(): Any? {
val tail = data
val recipes = mutableListOf(3, 7)
val builder = StringBuilder("37")
(1..1_000_000_000).fold(0 to 1) { (first, second), _ ->
val next = recipes[first] + recipes[second]
if (next > 9) {
recipes += (next / 10)
builder.append(next / 10)
if (builder.endsWith(tail)) {
return builder.length - tail.length
recipes += (next % 10)
builder.append(next % 10)
if (builder.endsWith(tail)) {
return builder.length - tail.length
val (newFirst, newSecond) =
(first + recipes[first] + 1) % recipes.size to (second + recipes[second] + 1) % recipes.size
return@fold (newFirst to newSecond)
return null
fun main() = SomeDay.mainify(Day14)
| 0 | Kotlin | 1 | 7 | e4a356079eb3a7f616f4c710fe1dfe781fc78b1a | 1,600 | adventofcode | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/ru/amai/study/hackerrank/practice/interviewPreparationKit/strings/special/SubstrCount.kt | slobanov | 200,526,003 | false | null | package
import java.lang.Integer.max
import java.util.*
fun subStrCount(string: String): Long =
cntSubstringsWithSameChars(string) + cntSubstringsWithSameCharsExceptMiddle(string)
private fun cntSubstringsWithSameCharsExceptMiddle(string: String): Long {
fun withinBounds(index: Int, offset: Int): Boolean =
((index - offset) >= 0) && ((index + offset) < string.length)
fun substringIsValid(currChar: Char, index: Int, offset: Int): Boolean =
if (withinBounds(index, offset)) {
val lChar = string[index - offset]
val rChar = string[index + offset]
(lChar == currChar) && (rChar == currChar)
} else false
var substringCnt = 0L
var index = 1
while (index < string.length - 1) {
val currChar = string[index - 1]
if (string[index] == currChar) {
val offset = generateSequence(1) { it + 1 }
.takeWhile { offset -> substringIsValid(currChar, index, offset) }
substringCnt += offset
index += max(offset, 1)
return substringCnt
private fun cntSubstringsWithSameChars(string: String): Long =
string.drop(1).fold(CharCounterHolder(string.first())) { counter, char ->
if (char == counter.char) counter.increment()
else counter.switchChar(char)
private data class CharCounterHolder(
val char: Char,
val currentCount: Long = 1L,
val partialResult: Long = 0
) {
fun increment(): CharCounterHolder =
copy(currentCount = currentCount + 1)
fun switchChar(char: Char) =
CharCounterHolder(char = char, partialResult = countValue())
fun countValue() = partialResult + (currentCount * (currentCount + 1) / 2)
fun main() {
val scan = Scanner(System.`in`)
val s = scan.nextLine()
val result = subStrCount(s)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 2cfdf851e1a635b811af82d599681b316b5bde7c | 2,032 | kotlin-hackerrank | MIT License |
core/src/main/kotlin/grammar/classification.kt | SalHe | 471,474,974 | false | {"Kotlin": 74974, "C": 281} | package com.github.salhe.compiler.grammar
import com.github.salhe.compiler.filterComment
import com.github.salhe.compiler.grammar.GrammarClassification.*
import com.github.salhe.compiler.token.*
import com.github.salhe.compiler.token.scanner.Scanner
enum class GrammarClassification {
* 无限制文法
* 上下文相关文法
* 上下文无关文法
* 正规文法
sealed class Letter(val exp: String) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "<${}, $exp>"
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return other is Letter // 得是字母
&& other.javaClass == this.javaClass // 是同类(都是终结符火非终结符)
&& other.exp == this.exp // 是同样的表达式
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return "${this.javaClass.simpleName}:${exp}".hashCode()
class Terminal(exp: String) : Letter(exp)
class NonTerminal(exp: String) : Letter(exp)
data class Producer(
val left: List<Letter>,
val right: List<Letter>
data class Grammar(
val nonTerminals: List<Letter.NonTerminal>,
val terminals: List<Letter.Terminal>,
val producers: List<Producer>,
val start: Letter
* 分析语法
* TODO 本来想做成先分析成语法树的,但是暂时先不考虑了。
* @param grammar
* @return
fun analyseGrammar(grammar: String): Grammar {
val tokens = Scanner(ByteArrayInputStream(grammar.toByteArray()).reader()).scan()
return analyseGrammar(tokens)
fun analyseGrammar(tokens: List<Token>): Grammar {
val iterator = tokens.filterComment().iterator()
if (!iterator.hasNext() || != Punctuation.LBracket) throw MissingBracketException("左括号", "(")
val nonTerminals = listLetterSet(iterator) { Letter.NonTerminal(it) }
if (!iterator.hasNext() || != Punctuation.Comma) throw MissingCommaException("分隔两集合")
val terminals = listLetterSet(iterator) { Letter.Terminal(it) }
val letters = nonTerminals + terminals
fun findLetter(exp: String) = letters.find { it.exp == exp } ?: throw UndefinedLetterException(exp)
if (!iterator.hasNext() || != Punctuation.Comma) throw MissingCommaException("分隔两集合")
val producers = listProducers(iterator, ::findLetter)
if (!iterator.hasNext() || != Punctuation.Comma) throw MissingCommaException("分隔产生式集合与起始产生式")
val start = findLetter(( as Identifier).id)
return Grammar(nonTerminals, terminals, producers, start)
fun classifyGrammar(grammar: Grammar): GrammarClassification {
for (p in grammar.producers) {
// 如果任何一个产生式左部长度为0或只包含终结符(不含非终结符),则产生式错误
if (p.left.isEmpty() || p.left.all { it is Letter.Terminal }) {
throw NoNonTerminalException(p)
// 产生式左部长度为1,则左部只包含一个非终结符(前面已经保证至少含有一个非终结符)
// 可能是上下文相关文法、正规文法
val isCsgOrRg = grammar.producers.all { it.left.size == 1 }
if (isCsgOrRg) {
return if (grammar.producers.all { it.right.size == 1 || (it.right.size == 2 && it.right[0] is Letter.Terminal) }) {
RG // 左线性正规文法
} else if (grammar.producers.all { it.right.size == 1 || (it.right.size == 2 && it.right[1] is Letter.Terminal) }) {
RG // 右线性正则文法
} else {
CFG // 上下文相关文法
} else {
// 右部长度至少为1
if (grammar.producers.all { it.right.isNotEmpty() })
return CSG
return PSG
private fun Token.toLetterExp(): String {
if (this is Identifier) return
if (this is Literal.StringLiteral) return "\"${this.string}\""
if (this is Literal.NumberLiteral<*>) return "" + this.value
throw IllegalStateException("此处不应该出现其他类型的Token: $this")
* 解析产生式集合。
* @param iterator [Token]迭代器。
* @param findLetter [Letter]提供者,用于根据符号名提供对应的符号。
* @return
private fun listProducers(iterator: Iterator<Token>, findLetter: (String) -> Letter) = buildList {
// 缺少左花括号
if (!iterator.hasNext() || != Punctuation.LCurlyBracket) throw GrammarException("字母集是一个花括号包裹、逗号分隔的集合")
if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw GrammarException("字母集合描述不完整")
var next =
while (next != Punctuation.RCurlyBracket) {
val left = buildList {
while (next != Operator.Greater) {
next =
next =
val right = buildList {
while (next != Punctuation.Comma && next != Punctuation.RCurlyBracket) {
next =
add(Producer(left, right))
if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw GrammarException("不完整的集合")
if (next == Punctuation.RCurlyBracket) break
if (next != Punctuation.Comma) throw IllegalStateException("请用逗号','分隔字母")
next =
* 解析符号集合
* @param R 符号类型,参见[Letter]。
* @param iterator [Token]的迭代器。
* @param builder 符号构建者,接受一个参数:符号名。
* @return
private fun <R> listLetterSet(iterator: Iterator<Token>, builder: (exp: String) -> R) = buildList {
// 缺少左花括号
if (!iterator.hasNext() || != Punctuation.LCurlyBracket) throw GrammarException("字母集是一个花括号包裹、逗号分隔的集合")
if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw GrammarException("字母集合描述不完整")
var next =
while (next != Punctuation.RCurlyBracket) {
if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw GrammarException("不完整的集合")
next =
if (next == Punctuation.RCurlyBracket) break
if (next != Punctuation.Comma) throw GrammarException("请用逗号','分隔字母")
next =
} | 1 | Kotlin | 1 | 0 | 2347899312fc18dba2543746927fa8594cf0288a | 6,663 | compiler | MIT License |
src/leetcode/aprilChallenge2020/weekthree/LeftmostColumnWithAtLeastOne.kt | adnaan1703 | 268,060,522 | false | null | package leetcode.aprilChallenge2020.weekthree
private class BinaryMatrix(val grid: Array<IntArray>) {
fun get(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
return grid[x][y]
fun dimensions(): List<Int> {
return listOf(grid.size, grid[0].size)
fun main() {
var grid = arrayOf(
intArrayOf(0, 0),
intArrayOf(1, 1)
println(leftMostColumnWithOne(BinaryMatrix(grid))) // ans: 0
grid = arrayOf(
intArrayOf(0, 0),
intArrayOf(0, 0)
println(leftMostColumnWithOne(BinaryMatrix(grid))) // ans: -1
grid = arrayOf(
intArrayOf(0, 0, 0, 1),
intArrayOf(0, 0, 1, 1),
intArrayOf(0, 1, 1, 1)
println(leftMostColumnWithOne(BinaryMatrix(grid))) // ans: 1
grid = arrayOf(
intArrayOf(0, 0, 1, 1),
intArrayOf(0, 1, 1, 1),
intArrayOf(0, 0, 0, 1),
intArrayOf(0, 0, 0, 0)
println(leftMostColumnWithOne(BinaryMatrix(grid))) // ans: 1
private fun leftMostColumnWithOne(binaryMatrix: BinaryMatrix): Int {
var ans = -1
val dimens: List<Int> = binaryMatrix.dimensions()
var row = 0
var col = dimens[1] - 1
while (col in 0 until dimens[1] && row in 0 until dimens[0]) {
row = binaryMatrix.goDown(row, col, dimens[0] - 1)
col = binaryMatrix.goLeft(row, col)
ans = if (col != -1) col else ans
return ans
private fun BinaryMatrix.safeGet(row: Int, col: Int): Int {
if (row >= 0 && col >= 0)
return this.get(row, col)
return 0
private fun BinaryMatrix.goDown(row: Int, col: Int, n: Int): Int {
var ans = row
while (ans <= n) {
if (this.get(ans, col) == 1)
return ans
return -1
private fun BinaryMatrix.goLeft(row: Int, col: Int): Int {
if (row == -1 || col == -1)
return -1
var low = 0
var high = col
while (low in 0..high && high >= 0) {
val mid = (low + high) shr 1
val curr = this.safeGet(row, mid)
val prev = this.safeGet(row, mid - 1)
if (curr == 1 && prev == 0)
return mid
if (curr == 1)
high = mid - 1
low = mid + 1
return -1
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e81915db469551342e78e4b3f431859157471229 | 2,260 | KotlinCodes | The Unlicense |
src/utils/Math.kt | jrmacgill | 573,065,109 | false | {"Kotlin": 76362} | @file:Suppress("unused")
package utils
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.pow
* Euclid's algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor of a and b.
fun gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = if (b == 0) a.absoluteValue else gcd(b, a % b)
fun gcd(f: Int, vararg n: Int): Int = n.fold(f, ::gcd)
fun Iterable<Int>.gcd(): Int = reduce(::gcd)
* Euclid's algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor of a and b.
fun gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = if (b == 0L) a.absoluteValue else gcd(b, a % b)
fun gcd(f: Long, vararg n: Long): Long = n.fold(f, ::gcd)
fun Iterable<Long>.gcd(): Long = reduce(::gcd)
* Find the least common multiple of a and b using the gcd of a and b.
fun lcm(a: Int, b: Int) = (a safeTimes b) / gcd(a, b)
fun lcm(f: Int, vararg n: Int): Long = { it.toLong() }.fold(f.toLong(), ::lcm)
fun Iterable<Int>.lcm(): Long = map { it.toLong() }.reduce(::lcm)
* Find the least common multiple of a and b using the gcd of a and b.
fun lcm(a: Long, b: Long) = (a safeTimes b) / gcd(a, b)
fun lcm(f: Long, vararg n: Long): Long = n.fold(f, ::lcm)
fun Iterable<Long>.lcm(): Long = reduce(::lcm)
* Simple algorithm to find the primes of the given Int.
fun Int.primes(): Sequence<Int> = sequence {
var n = this@primes
var j = 2
while (j * j <= n) {
while (n % j == 0) {
n /= j
if (n > 1)
* Simple algorithm to find the primes of the given Long.
fun Long.primes(): Sequence<Long> = sequence {
var n = this@primes
var j = 2L
while (j * j <= n) {
while (n % j == 0L) {
n /= j
if (n > 1)
infix fun Number.pow(power: Number): Double =
infix fun Int.pow(power: Int): Int =
this.toDouble().pow(power.toDouble()).toInt() | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 3dcd590f971b6e9c064b444139d6442df034355b | 1,967 | aoc-2022-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
shared/impl/src/main/kotlin/dev/eduayuso/cgkotlin/shared/impl/algorithms/AlgorithmUtil.kt | eduayuso | 353,986,267 | false | {"Kotlin": 84337} | package dev.eduayuso.cgkotlin.shared.impl.algorithms
import dev.eduayuso.cgkotlin.shared.domain.entities.PointEntity
import dev.eduayuso.cgkotlin.shared.domain.entities.PointSetEntity
import dev.eduayuso.cgkotlin.shared.domain.entities.SegmentEntity
object AlgorithmUtil {
* Checks if point s is at left of vector p->q
fun toLeft(p: PointEntity, q: PointEntity, s: PointEntity) =
(p.x * q.y - p.y * q.x +
q.x * s.y - q.y * s.x +
s.x * p.y - s.y * p.x) > 0
fun toLeft(points: PointSetEntity, p: Int, q: Int, s: Int) =
toLeft(points.list[p], points.list[q], points.list[s])
* Returns the lower and left most point index of the set
fun lowerThenLeftMost(points: PointSetEntity): Int {
val n = points.list.size
var ltl = 0
for (s in 0 until n) {
val ltlp = points.list[ltl]
val sp = points.list[s]
if (sp.y < ltlp.y || sp.y == ltlp.y && sp.x <= ltlp.x) {
ltl = s
return ltl
* Returns 1 if polar angle between p0 and a is greater than between p0 and b, else -1
fun polarAngleComparator(p0: PointEntity, a: PointEntity, b: PointEntity): Int {
/* val deltaY = kotlin.math.abs(a.y - b.y)
val deltaX = kotlin.math.abs(a.x - b.x)
return Math.toDegrees(kotlin.math.atan2(deltaY.toDouble(), deltaX.toDouble()))*/
val cotanA = -(a.x - p0.x) / (a.y - p0.y)
val cotanB = -(b.x - p0.x) / (b.y - p0.y)
return if (cotanA - cotanB < 0) 1
else -1
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* First we find the lines intersection according to the formula:
* LineP => y1 = m1*x1 + c1
* LineQ => y2 = m2*x2 + c2
* The point x,y where intersects is the one who assert this:
* y1 = y2 and x1 = x2
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Second, we check if the intersection point is inside the two segments
fun findIntersection(p: SegmentEntity, q: SegmentEntity): PointEntity? {
* First we find the lines intersection
val lineP = p.toLine()
val lineQ = q.toLine()
val x = (lineQ.yIntercept - lineP.yIntercept) / (lineP.slope - lineQ.slope)
val y = lineP.slope * x + lineP.yIntercept
* Second, we check if the intersection point is inside the two segments
val i = PointEntity(x, y)
if (p.isPointInsideBox(i) && q.isPointInsideBox(i)) {
return i
} else {
return null
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 4e1b5272088b77353a87073255dddbb6487318f7 | 2,764 | compose-computational-geometry | Apache License 2.0 |
kotlin/dp/ShortestHamiltonianCycle.kt | polydisc | 281,633,906 | true | {"Java": 540473, "Kotlin": 515759, "C++": 265630, "CMake": 571} | package dp
import java.util.Arrays
object ShortestHamiltonianCycle {
fun getShortestHamiltonianCycle(dist: Array<IntArray>): Int {
val n = dist.size
val dp = Array(1 shl n) { IntArray(n) }
for (d in dp) Arrays.fill(d, Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2)
dp[1][0] = 0
var mask = 1
while (mask < 1 shl n) {
for (i in 1 until n) {
if (mask and 1 shl i != 0) {
for (j in 0 until n) {
if (mask and 1 shl j != 0) {
dp[mask][i] = Math.min(dp[mask][i], dp[mask xor (1 shl i)][j] + dist[j][i])
mask += 2
var res: Int = Integer.MAX_VALUE
for (i in 1 until n) {
res = Math.min(res, dp[(1 shl n) - 1][i] + dist[i][0])
// reconstruct path
var cur = (1 shl n) - 1
val order = IntArray(n)
var last = 0
for (i in n - 1 downTo 1) {
var bj = -1
for (j in 1 until n) {
if (cur and 1 shl j != 0 && (bj == -1 || dp[cur][bj] + dist[bj][last] > dp[cur][j] + dist[j][last])) {
bj = j
order[i] = bj
cur = cur xor (1 shl bj)
last = bj
return res
// Usage example
fun main(args: Array<String?>?) {
val dist = arrayOf(
intArrayOf(0, 1, 10, 1, 10),
intArrayOf(1, 0, 10, 10, 1),
intArrayOf(10, 10, 0, 1, 1),
intArrayOf(1, 10, 1, 0, 10),
intArrayOf(10, 1, 1, 10, 0)
System.out.println(5 == getShortestHamiltonianCycle(dist))
| 1 | Java | 0 | 0 | 4566f3145be72827d72cb93abca8bfd93f1c58df | 1,822 | codelibrary | The Unlicense |
src/main/kotlin/org/maspitzner/presencesimulation/evaluation/NeedlemanWunschAlgorithm.kt | MASpitzner | 374,770,623 | false | null | package org.maspitzner.presencesimulation.evaluation
import java.lang.Double.min
* Class abstraction to implement the needleman wunsch algorithm.
* This is used to calculate a global alignment between two label sequences
* (at least in this context).
class NeedlemanWunschAlgorithm {
//Since this is a dynamic programming algorithm it calculates the final result
// via this table
private lateinit var scoringMatrix: Array<Array<Double>>
/**The [WeightMatrix] object which is used to calculate the score between two labels
private val weightMatrix = WeightMatrix()
* Computes the scoring Matrix or DP-Table between two label lists.
* The alignment score between the to label sequences can be found in the [scoringMatrix] at
* position scoringMatrix[scoringMatrix.size - 1][scoringMatrix[0].size - 1]
* This executes the needleman wunsch algorithm
* @param firstSequence the first label sequence
* @param secondSequence the other label sequence
private fun computeScoringMatrix(firstSequence: List<String>, secondSequence: List<String>) {
scoringMatrix =
Array((firstSequence.size + 1)) {
Array(secondSequence.size + 1) { 0.0 }
for (i in scoringMatrix.indices) {
for (j in 0 until scoringMatrix[i].size) {
if (i == 0 || j == 0) {
scoringMatrix[i][j] = i.or(j) * weightMatrix.gapCost
val cost = weightMatrix.getCost(firstSequence[i - 1], secondSequence[j - 1])
val diagonalPredecessorCost = cost + scoringMatrix[i - 1][j - 1]
val leftPredecessorCost = scoringMatrix[i][j - 1] + weightMatrix.gapCost
val topPredecessorCost = scoringMatrix[i - 1][j] + weightMatrix.gapCost
scoringMatrix[i][j] = min(
* Calculates and returns the alignment quality between two label sequences.
* @param firstSequence the first label sequence
* @param secondSequence the other label sequence
* @return the alignment quality as Double
fun align(firstSequence: List<String>, secondSequence: List<String>): Double {
computeScoringMatrix(firstSequence, secondSequence)
return scoringMatrix[scoringMatrix.size - 1][scoringMatrix[0].size - 1]
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 9d2cf33f987e7e509c62a299ae747df15031e116 | 2,644 | PresenceSimulation | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/com/github/solairerove/algs4/leprosorium/linked_list/FlattenAMultilevelDoublyLinkedList.kt | solairerove | 282,922,172 | false | {"Kotlin": 251919} | package com.github.solairerove.algs4.leprosorium.linked_list
* You are given a doubly linked list,
* which contains nodes that have a next pointer, a previous pointer, and an additional child pointer.
* This child pointer may or may not point to a separate doubly linked list,
* also containing these special nodes.
* These child lists may have one or more children of their own, and so on,
* to produce a multilevel data structure as shown in the example below.
* Given the head of the first level of the list,
* flatten the list so that all the nodes appear in a single-level, doubly linked list.
* Let curr be a node with a child list.
* The nodes in the child list should appear after curr and before in the flattened list.
* Return the head of the flattened list. The nodes in the list must have all of their child pointers set to null.
* Input: head = [1,2,3,4,5,6,null,null,null,7,8,9,10,null,null,11,12]
* Output: [1,2,3,7,8,11,12,9,10,4,5,6]
* Explanation: The multilevel linked list in the input is shown.
// O(n) time | O(n) space
fun flatten(head: DListNode?): DListNode? {
if (head == null) return null
val sentinel = DListNode(-1) = head
var prev: DListNode? = sentinel
val lifo = ArrayDeque(listOf(head))
while (lifo.isNotEmpty()) {
val curr = lifo.removeFirst()
prev?.next = curr
curr.prev = prev
if ( != null) lifo.addFirst(!!)
if (curr.child != null) {
curr.child = null
prev = curr
} = null // bullshit
// O(n) time | O(n) space
fun flattenRecursive(head: DListNode?): DListNode? {
if (head == null) return null
val sentinel = DListNode(-1) = head
flattenDFS(sentinel, head) = null
private fun flattenDFS(prev: DListNode?, curr: DListNode?): DListNode? {
if (curr == null) return prev
curr.prev = prev
prev?.next = curr
val next =
val tail = flattenDFS(curr, curr.child)
curr.child = null
return flattenDFS(tail, next)
| 1 | Kotlin | 0 | 3 | 64c1acb0c0d54b031e4b2e539b3bc70710137578 | 2,238 | algs4-leprosorium | MIT License |
2023/src/main/kotlin/de/skyrising/aoc2023/day16/solution.kt | skyrising | 317,830,992 | false | {"Kotlin": 411565} | package de.skyrising.aoc2023.day16
import de.skyrising.aoc.*
import java.util.*
value class State(val intValue: Int) {
constructor(x: Int, y: Int, dir: Direction): this(((x and 0x7fff) shl 15) or (y and 0x7fff) or (dir.ordinal shl 30))
val x inline get() = intValue shl 2 shr 17
val y inline get() = intValue shl 17 shr 17
val dir inline get() = Direction(intValue ushr 30)
inline operator fun component1() = x
inline operator fun component2() = y
inline operator fun component3() = dir
fun CharGrid.traverseBeam(state: State, beam: BitSet, positions: BitSet, deque: IntArrayDeque) {
while (!deque.isEmpty) {
var (x, y, dir) = State(deque.dequeueLastInt())
while (true) {
if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height) {
val beamIndex = localIndex(x, y) shl 2 or dir.ordinal
val seen = beam.get(beamIndex)
if (seen) break
x += dir.x
y += dir.y
if (!contains(x, y)) break
positions.set(localIndex(x, y))
dir = when (this[x, y]) {
'.' -> dir
'/' -> Direction(dir.ordinal xor 1)
'\\' -> Direction(dir.ordinal.inv() and 3)
'-' -> if (dir == Direction.N || dir == Direction.S) {
deque.enqueue(State(x, y, Direction.W).intValue)
} else {
'|' -> if (dir == Direction.E || dir == Direction.W) {
deque.enqueue(State(x, y, Direction.N).intValue)
} else {
else -> error("Invalid character: ${this[x, y]}")
inline fun CharGrid.maxBeam(posX: Int, posY: Int, dir: Direction, beam: BitSet, positions: BitSet, deque: IntArrayDeque): Int {
traverseBeam(State(posX, posY, dir), beam, positions, deque)
return positions.cardinality()
val test = TestInput("""
@PuzzleName("The Floor Will Be Lava")
fun PuzzleInput.part1(): Any {
val grid = charGrid
return grid.maxBeam(
BitSet(grid.width * grid.height * 4),
BitSet(grid.width * grid.height),
fun PuzzleInput.part2(): Any {
val grid = charGrid
var max = 0
val beam = BitSet(grid.width * grid.height * 4)
val positions = BitSet(grid.width * grid.height)
val deque = IntArrayDeque(128)
for (x in 0 until grid.width) {
max = maxOf(max, grid.maxBeam(x, -1, Direction.S, beam, positions, deque))
max = maxOf(max, grid.maxBeam(x, grid.height, Direction.N, beam, positions, deque))
for (y in 0 until grid.height) {
max = maxOf(max, grid.maxBeam(-1, y, Direction.E, beam, positions, deque))
max = maxOf(max, grid.maxBeam(grid.width, y, Direction.W, beam, positions, deque))
return max
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 19599c1204f6994226d31bce27d8f01440322f39 | 3,332 | aoc | MIT License |
src/chapter5/section1/MSD.kt | w1374720640 | 265,536,015 | false | {"Kotlin": 1373556} | package chapter5.section1
import chapter2.swap
* 高位优先的字符串排序
object MSD {
private const val R = 256
private const val M = 10
fun sort(array: Array<String>) {
val aux = Array(array.size) { "" }
sort(array, aux, 0, array.size - 1, 0)
private fun sort(array: Array<String>, aux: Array<String>, low: Int, high: Int, d: Int) {
if (high - low < M) {
// 切换插入排序
insertionSort(array, low, high, d)
} else {
// 因为字符索引从0开始,所以R需要加2而不是1(LSD针对特定字符串排序,索引不会为0)
val count = IntArray(R + 2)
for (i in low..high) {
count[charAt(array[i], d) + 2]++
for (i in 1..R + 1) {
count[i] += count[i - 1]
for (i in low..high) {
val index = charAt(array[i], d) + 1
aux[count[index]] = array[i]
for (i in low..high) {
// 注意这里aux的索引要减去low的值
array[i] = aux[i - low]
// 递归对R个子区间排序
for (i in 0 until R) {
// count[0]表示已经到达结尾的字符串数量,不需要继续排序,所以从low+count[i]开始排序
sort(array, aux, low + count[i], low + count[i + 1] - 1, d + 1)
private fun charAt(string: String, d: Int): Int {
return if (d < string.length) string[d].toInt() else -1
private fun insertionSort(array: Array<String>, low: Int, high: Int, d: Int) {
for (i in low + 1..high) {
for (j in i downTo low + 1) {
if (less(array, j, j - 1, d)) {
array.swap(j, j - 1)
} else break
* 比较字符串指定位置之后字符的大小,Java中substring()方法时间复杂度为常数
private fun less(array: Array<String>, i: Int, j: Int, d: Int): Boolean {
if (i == j) return false
return array[i].substring(d) < array[j].substring(d)
fun getMSDData() = arrayOf(
fun main() {
val array = getMSDData()
println(array.joinToString(separator = "\n"))
} | 0 | Kotlin | 1 | 6 | 879885b82ef51d58efe578c9391f04bc54c2531d | 2,627 | Algorithms-4th-Edition-in-Kotlin | MIT License |
src/Day14.kt | StephenVinouze | 572,377,941 | false | {"Kotlin": 55719} | fun main() {
fun List<String>.toRocks(): Set<Coordinates> {
val rocksCoordinates = {
it.split(" -> ").map { coordinates ->
coordinates.split(",").let { point ->
Coordinates(x = point.first().toInt(), y = point.last().toInt())
val allRocksCoordinates = mutableSetOf<Coordinates>()
rocksCoordinates.forEach { rocksLineCoordinates ->
.forEach {
val startRock = it.first()
val endRock = it.last()
allRocksCoordinates += when {
startRock.x == endRock.x ->
IntRange(minOf(startRock.y, endRock.y), maxOf(startRock.y, endRock.y))
.map { y -> Coordinates(startRock.x, y) }
startRock.y == endRock.y ->
IntRange(minOf(startRock.x, endRock.x), maxOf(startRock.x, endRock.x))
.map { x -> Coordinates(x, startRock.y) }
else -> throw IllegalStateException("Cannot draw line if x or y don't match!")
return allRocksCoordinates
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val startSandCoordinates = Coordinates(x = 500, y = 0)
var currentSandCoordinates = startSandCoordinates
var restingSandCount = 0
val rocks = input.toRocks()
val sands = mutableSetOf<Coordinates>()
val depth = rocks.maxOf { it.y }
while (true) {
val straightDownSandCoordinates = currentSandCoordinates.copy(y = currentSandCoordinates.y + 1)
val leftDownSandCoordinates = currentSandCoordinates.copy(x = currentSandCoordinates.x - 1, y = currentSandCoordinates.y + 1)
val rightDownSandCoordinates = currentSandCoordinates.copy(x = currentSandCoordinates.x + 1, y = currentSandCoordinates.y + 1)
val filledCoordinates = rocks + sands
currentSandCoordinates = when {
straightDownSandCoordinates !in filledCoordinates -> straightDownSandCoordinates
leftDownSandCoordinates !in filledCoordinates -> leftDownSandCoordinates
rightDownSandCoordinates !in filledCoordinates -> rightDownSandCoordinates
else -> {
sands += currentSandCoordinates
if (currentSandCoordinates.y >= depth) break
return restingSandCount
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val startSandCoordinates = Coordinates(x = 500, y = 0)
var currentSandCoordinates = startSandCoordinates
var restingSandCount = 0
val rocks = input.toRocks()
val sands = mutableSetOf<Coordinates>()
val depth = rocks.maxOf { it.y } + 2
while (true) {
val straightDownSandCoordinates = currentSandCoordinates.copy(y = currentSandCoordinates.y + 1)
val leftDownSandCoordinates = currentSandCoordinates.copy(x = currentSandCoordinates.x - 1, y = currentSandCoordinates.y + 1)
val rightDownSandCoordinates = currentSandCoordinates.copy(x = currentSandCoordinates.x + 1, y = currentSandCoordinates.y + 1)
val filledCoordinates = rocks + sands
val hasReachedBottom = straightDownSandCoordinates.y == depth
currentSandCoordinates = when {
!hasReachedBottom && straightDownSandCoordinates !in filledCoordinates -> straightDownSandCoordinates
!hasReachedBottom && leftDownSandCoordinates !in filledCoordinates -> leftDownSandCoordinates
!hasReachedBottom && rightDownSandCoordinates !in filledCoordinates -> rightDownSandCoordinates
else -> {
sands += currentSandCoordinates
if (currentSandCoordinates == startSandCoordinates) break
return restingSandCount
check(part1(readInput("Day14_test")) == 24)
check(part2(readInput("Day14_test")) == 93)
val input = readInput("Day14")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 11b9c8816ded366aed1a5282a0eb30af20fff0c5 | 4,484 | AdventOfCode2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day03/Day03.kt | robin-schoch | 572,718,550 | false | {"Kotlin": 26220} | package day03
import AdventOfCodeSolution
fun main() {
fun splittIntoCompartments(content: String) = with(content.length / 2) {
content.take(this).toSet() to content.takeLast(this).toSet()
fun Char.calculatePriority() = when {
isLowerCase() -> this - 'a' + 1
isUpperCase() -> this - 'A' + 27
else -> throw IllegalStateException("item must be letter")
fun findBadges(rucksack: List<String>) = rucksack
.map { it.toSet() }
.reduce { items, sack -> items intersect sack }
object Day03 : AdventOfCodeSolution<Int, Int> {
override val testSolution1 = 157
override val testSolution2 = 70
override fun part1(input: List<String>) = input
.map { splittIntoCompartments(it) }
.flatMap { (sack1, sack2) -> sack1 intersect sack2 }
.sumOf { it.calculatePriority() }
override fun part2(input: List<String>) = input
.windowed(3, 3)
.flatMap { findBadges(it) }
.sumOf { it.calculatePriority() }
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | fa993787cbeee21ab103d2ce7a02033561e3fac3 | 999 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/aoc2019/Day20.kt | nibarius | 154,152,607 | false | {"Kotlin": 963896} | package aoc2019
import org.magicwerk.brownies.collections.GapList
class Day20(input: List<String>) {
data class Bounds(val u: Int, val iu: Int, val id: Int, val d: Int, val l: Int, val il: Int, val ir: Int, val r: Int)
val parsedInput = parseInput(input)
private val bounds = findBounds(parsedInput)
private fun Map<Pos, Char>.maxY() = keys.maxByOrNull { it.y }!!.y
private fun Map<Pos, Char>.maxX() = keys.maxByOrNull { it.x }!!.x
private fun parseInput(input: List<String>): Map<Pos, Char> {
val ret = mutableMapOf<Pos, Char>()
for (y in input.indices) {
for (x in input[y].indices) {
ret[Pos(x, y)] = input[y][x]
return ret
private fun findBounds(map: Map<Pos, Char>): Bounds {
val bounds = mutableListOf(2)
val fixedX = map.maxY() / 2
for (y in {
if (bounds.size == 1 && !listOf('.', '#').contains(map[Pos(fixedX, y)])) {
bounds.add(y - 1)
if (bounds.size == 2 && listOf('.', '#').contains(map[Pos(fixedX, y)])) {
if (bounds.size == 3 && !listOf('.', '#').contains(map[Pos(fixedX, y)])) {
bounds.add(y - 1)
val fixedY = map.maxX() / 2
for (x in {
if (bounds.size == 5 && !listOf('.', '#').contains(map[Pos(x, fixedY)])) {
bounds.add(x - 1)
if (bounds.size == 6 && listOf('.', '#').contains(map[Pos(x, fixedY)])) {
if (bounds.size == 7 && !listOf('.', '#').contains(map[Pos(x, fixedY)])) {
bounds.add(x - 1)
return Bounds(bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3], bounds[4], bounds[5], bounds[6], bounds[7])
private fun findPortals(map: Map<Pos, Char>): Pair<MutableMap<Pos, Pos>, MutableMap<String, MutableSet<Pos>>> {
val portals = map.filter { listOf('.').contains(it.value) }.keys
.filter {
it.y in listOf(bounds.u, bounds.d) || // Outer top or bottom
it.x in listOf(bounds.l, bounds.r) || // Outer left or right
(it.y in listOf(bounds.iu, && it.x in || // inner top/bottom
(it.x in listOf(, && it.y in // inner left/right
val labels = mutableMapOf<String, MutableSet<Pos>>()
portals.forEach {
val label = labelForPortal(map, it)
if (!labels.containsKey(label)) {
labels[label] = mutableSetOf()
val portalMap = mutableMapOf<Pos, Pos>()
labels.values.forEach { coordinates ->
if (coordinates.size > 1) { // Ignore entry and exit
portalMap[coordinates.first()] = coordinates.last()
portalMap[coordinates.last()] = coordinates.first()
return Pair(portalMap, labels)
private fun labelForPortal(map: Map<Pos, Char>, portal: Pos): String = when {
portal.y in listOf(bounds.u, ->
"${map[Pos(portal.x, portal.y - 2)]}${map[Pos(portal.x, portal.y - 1)]}"
portal.y in listOf(bounds.iu, bounds.d) ->
"${map[Pos(portal.x, portal.y + 1)]}${map[Pos(portal.x, portal.y + 2)]}"
portal.x in listOf(bounds.l, ->
"${map[Pos(portal.x - 2, portal.y)]}${map[Pos(portal.x - 1, portal.y)]}"
portal.x in listOf(, bounds.r) ->
"${map[Pos(portal.x + 1, portal.y)]}${map[Pos(portal.x + 2, portal.y)]}"
else -> throw IllegalStateException("Not a portal: $portal")
private fun shortestPath(withFloors: Boolean): Int {
val (portals, labels) = findPortals(parsedInput)
val start = labels["AA"]!!.first()
val end = labels["ZZ"]!!.first()
return find(parsedInput, start, end, portals, withFloors).size
fun solvePart1(): Int {
return shortestPath(false)
fun solvePart2(): Int {
return shortestPath(true)
private fun portalDirection(portal: Pos) =
when {
portal.x in listOf(bounds.l, bounds.r) || portal.y in listOf(bounds.u, bounds.d) -> -1
else -> 1
data class Pos(val x: Int, val y: Int, val z: Int = 0) {
override fun toString() = "($x, $y, $z)"
fun flatten() = Pos(x, y, 0)
// Order of directions specifies which is preferred when several paths is shortest
private enum class Dir(val dx: Int, val dy: Int) {
UP(0, -1),
LEFT(-1, 0),
RIGHT(1, 0),
DOWN(0, 1);
fun from(pos: Pos) = Pos(pos.x + dx, pos.y + dy, pos.z)
private fun availableNeighbours(map: Map<Pos, Char>, pos: Pos, portals: Map<Pos, Pos>, withFloors: Boolean): List<Pos> {
return { dir -> dir.from(pos) }
.filter { newPos -> map.containsKey(newPos.flatten()) && map[newPos.flatten()] == '.' }
.apply {
portals[pos.flatten()]?.let {
val newFloor = if (withFloors) pos.z + portalDirection(pos) else 0
if (newFloor >= 0 && newFloor < portals.size / 2) {
// heuristic for speed improvement, don't go trough portals too many times
// on average max once per portal should be enough
add(Pos(it.x, it.y, newFloor))
fun find(map: Map<Pos, Char>, from: Pos, to: Pos, portals: Map<Pos, Pos>, withFloors: Boolean = false): List<Pos> {
val toCheck = GapList<List<Pos>>()
availableNeighbours(map, from, portals, withFloors).forEach { toCheck.add(listOf(it)) }
val alreadyChecked = mutableSetOf<Pos>()
while (toCheck.isNotEmpty()) {
val pathSoFar = toCheck.remove()
if (pathSoFar.last() == to) {
return pathSoFar
availableNeighbours(map, pathSoFar.last(), portals, withFloors)
.forEach {
if (it !in alreadyChecked) {
toCheck.add(pathSoFar + it)
return emptyList()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 6 | f2ca41fba7f7ccf4e37a7a9f2283b74e67db9f22 | 6,777 | aoc | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/nl/jackploeg/aoc/_2023/calendar/day11/Day11.kt | jackploeg | 736,755,380 | false | {"Kotlin": 318734} | package nl.jackploeg.aoc._2023.calendar.day11
import nl.jackploeg.aoc.generators.InputGenerator.InputGeneratorFactory
import nl.jackploeg.aoc.utilities.readStringFile
import java.util.*
import javax.inject.Inject
import kotlin.math.abs
class Day11 @Inject constructor(
private val generatorFactory: InputGeneratorFactory
) {
// find shortest paths
fun findShortestPaths(fileName: String, expansionFactor: Long): Long
val lines = readStringFile(fileName)
val (universe, galaxies) = expandUniverse(lines, expansionFactor)
val shortestPaths: MutableMap<Path, Int> = mutableMapOf()
(1..galaxies.size).forEach { first ->
((first + 1)..galaxies.size).forEach { second ->
shortestPaths[Path(galaxies[first]!!, galaxies[second]!!)] = Int.MAX_VALUE
(1..galaxies.size).forEach { findShortestPathsFromGalaxy(it, galaxies.size - it, universe, galaxies, shortestPaths) }
return { it.value + abs(it.key.galaxy2.emptyRowsAbove-it.key.galaxy1.emptyRowsAbove) + abs(it.key.galaxy2.emptyColumnsLeft-it.key.galaxy1.emptyColumnsLeft) }.sum()
fun findShortestPathsFromGalaxy(
start: Int,
numberOfPaths: Int,
universe: List<List<Int>>,
galaxies: Map<Int, Galaxy>,
shortestPaths: MutableMap<Path, Int>
var startState = State(Cell(-1, -1), Int.MAX_VALUE)
val pathsDetermined: MutableSet<Int> = mutableSetOf()
val universeHeight = universe.size
val universeWidth = universe[0].size
val stateUniverse: MutableList<MutableList<State>> = mutableListOf()
universe.forEachIndexed { row, line ->
run {
val stateLine: MutableList<State> = mutableListOf()
line.forEachIndexed { column, cell ->
if (cell == start)
startState = State(Cell(row, column), 0)
} else
stateLine.add(State(Cell(row, column), Int.MAX_VALUE))
while (pathsDetermined.size < numberOfPaths)
val todo: Deque<State> = ArrayDeque()
fun checkCell(cell: Cell, distance: Int)
val cellToCheck = stateUniverse[cell.row][cell.column]
cellToCheck.seen = true
if (universe[cell.row][cell.column] != 0)
if (cellToCheck.distance > distance)
cellToCheck.distance = distance
fun checkNeighbours(current: State)
with(current.cell) {
if (row > 0)
checkCell(Cell(row - 1, column), current.distance + 1)
if (row < universeHeight - 1)
checkCell(Cell(row + 1, column), current.distance + 1)
if (column > 0)
checkCell(Cell(row, column - 1), current.distance + 1)
if (column < universeWidth - 1)
checkCell(Cell(row, column + 1), current.distance + 1)
while (!todo.isEmpty())
val current = todo.removeFirst()
stateUniverse.forEachIndexed { row, line ->
run {
line.forEachIndexed { column, cell ->
if (universe[row][column] != 0 && universe[row][column] > start)
shortestPaths[Path(galaxies[start]!!, galaxies[universe[row][column]]!!)] = cell.distance
fun expandUniverse(lines: List<String>, expansionFactor: Long): Pair<List<List<Int>>, Map<Int, Galaxy>>
var galaxyCounter = 1
val universe: MutableList<MutableList<Int>> = mutableListOf()
val emptyRows: MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf()
lines.forEachIndexed { index, it ->
val galaxyLine = { if (it == '.') 0 else galaxyCounter++ }
// expand empty rows
if (!it.contains('#'))
// expand empty columns
val emptyColumns: MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf()
for (i in 0 until universe[0].size)
val column = { it[i] }
if (column.all { it == 0 })
val galaxies: MutableMap<Int, Galaxy> = mutableMapOf()
universe.forEachIndexed { row, line ->
line.forEachIndexed { column, cell -> if(cell!=0) galaxies[cell] = Galaxy(cell, row,column) }
for (galaxy in galaxies.values) {
galaxy.emptyColumnsLeft = (expansionFactor-1) * (emptyColumns.count { it < galaxy.column })
galaxy.emptyRowsAbove = (expansionFactor-1) * (emptyRows.count { it < galaxy.row })
return Pair(universe, galaxies)
data class Galaxy(val number: Int, val row: Int, val column: Int, var emptyColumnsLeft: Long = 0L, var emptyRowsAbove: Long= 0L)
data class Path(val galaxy1: Galaxy, val galaxy2: Galaxy)
data class Cell(val row: Int, val column: Int)
data class State(val cell: Cell, var distance: Int, var seen: Boolean = false)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f2b873b6cf24bf95a4ba3d0e4f6e007b96423b76 | 5,252 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
implementation/src/main/kotlin/io/github/tomplum/aoc/engine/Engine.kt | TomPlum | 724,225,748 | false | {"Kotlin": 141244} | package io.github.tomplum.aoc.engine
import io.github.tomplum.libs.extensions.product
import io.github.tomplum.libs.math.point.Point2D
import kotlin.math.abs
class Engine(private val schematic: List<String>) : AdventMap2D<EnginePart>() {
private var groups: List<List<Pair<Point2D, EnginePart>>>
init {
var x = 0
var y = 0
schematic.forEach { row ->
row.forEach { column ->
val tile = EnginePart(column)
val position = Point2D(x, y)
addTile(position, tile)
x = 0
groups = findPartNumberGroups()
* Determines the part number of the engine from
* the values in the [schematic].
* A part number is a numerical value in an [EnginePart]
* that is adjacent to a symbol.
* @return The sum of the part numbers.
fun determinePartNumbers(): Int = groups
.filter {
val adjacent = { (pos, _) -> pos }.flatMap { pos -> pos.adjacent() }
adjacent.any { position -> getTile(position, EnginePart('.')).isSymbol() }
.map { entries -> { (_, part) -> part.value.toString() } }
.map { numbers -> numbers.joinToString("") }
.map { numberString -> numberString.toInt() }
* Determines the ratio of every gear in the engine.
* A gear is denoted by a '*' symbol in the [schematic]
* that is adjacent to exactly two part numbers.
* @return The sum of the gear ratios.
fun determineGearRatio(): Long {
val numbers = { group -> { (_, part) -> part.value.toString().toInt() }
.let { partNumber -> Pair( { (pos) -> pos }, partNumber) }
return filterTiles { part -> part.isGearCandidate() }
.mapNotNull { gearCandidatePos ->
val adjacentPartNumbers = mutableMapOf<List<Point2D>, Long>()
numbers.filterNot { (pos) ->
// If the number is more than 1 row away, it can't be adjacent
pos.any { (_, y) -> abs(gearCandidatePos.y - y) > 1 }
.forEach { (points, number) -> gearCandidatePos.adjacent().forEach { adjPoint ->
if (!adjacentPartNumbers.containsKey(points) && adjPoint in points) {
adjacentPartNumbers[points] = number
if (adjacentPartNumbers.size == 2) {
} else null
private fun findPartNumberGroups(): List<List<Pair<Point2D, EnginePart>>> {
var index = 0
val groups = mutableListOf<List<Pair<Point2D, EnginePart>>>()
var currentGroup = mutableListOf<Pair<Point2D, EnginePart>>()
getDataMap().entries.forEach { (pos, part) ->
if (part.isIntegerValue()) {
currentGroup.add(Pair(pos, part))
} else {
currentGroup = mutableListOf()
return groups.filter { group -> group.isNotEmpty() }
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | d1f941a3c5bacd126177ace6b9f576c9af07fed6 | 3,542 | advent-of-code-2023 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/com/leetcode/random_problems/easy/best_buy_sell_stock/Main.kt | frikit | 254,842,734 | false | null | package com.leetcode.random_problems.easy.best_buy_sell_stock
fun main() {
println("Test case 1:")
println(Solution().maxProfit(intArrayOf(7, 1, 5, 3, 6, 4))) // 5
println("Test case 2:")
println(Solution().maxProfit(intArrayOf(7, 6, 4, 3, 1))) // 0
println("Test case 3:")
println(Solution().maxProfit(intArrayOf(2, 4, 1))) // 2
println("Test case 4:")
println(Solution().maxProfit(intArrayOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))) // 4
class Solution {
fun maxProfit(prices: IntArray): Int {
if (prices.isEmpty()) return 0
var min = prices.first()
var max = Short.MIN_VALUE.toInt()
var maxProfit = 0
prices.forEach {
if (it < min) {
min = Math.min(min, it)
max = Short.MIN_VALUE.toInt()
} else {
max = Math.max(max, it)
maxProfit = Math.max(maxProfit, max - min)
return maxProfit
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | dda68313ba468163386239ab07f4d993f80783c7 | 1,027 | leet-code-problems | Apache License 2.0 |
src/kickstart2022/g/CuteLittleButterfly.kt | vubogovich | 256,984,714 | false | null | package kickstart2022.g
fun main() {
val inputFileName = "src/kickstart2022/g/" { it.exists() }?.also { System.setIn(it.inputStream()) }
for (case in 1..readLine()!!.toInt()) {
val (n, e) = readLine()!!.split(' ').map { it.toInt() }
val f = Array(n) {
val (x, y, c) = readLine()!!.split(' ').map { it.toInt() }
Flower(x, y, c)
val res = findBestWay(0, 500, 1, f, e)
println("Case #$case: $res")
data class Flower(val x: Int, val y: Int, val c: Int)
fun findBestWay(x: Int, y: Int, d: Int, f: List<Flower>, e: Int): Int {
val g = f.filter { it.y <= y }
return g.mapIndexed { i, it ->
when {
g.size == 1 && it.x * d >= x * d -> it.c
g.size == 1 && it.x * d <= x * d && it.c > e -> it.c - e
g.size > 1 && it.x * d >= x * d -> it.c + findBestWay(it.x, it.y, d, g.filterIndexed { j, _ -> i != j }, e)
g.size > 1 && it.x * d <= x * d && it.c > e -> it.c - e + findBestWay(it.x, it.y, -d, g.filterIndexed { j, _ -> i != j }, e)
else -> 0
}.maxOrNull() ?: 0
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | fc694f84bd313cc9e8fcaa629bafa1d16ca570fb | 1,210 | kickstart | MIT License |
src/iii_conventions/MyDate.kt | agpopikov | 79,062,354 | false | null | package iii_conventions
data class MyDate(val year: Int, val month: Int, val dayOfMonth: Int) : Comparable<MyDate> {
override fun compareTo(other: MyDate): Int {
if (year.compareTo(other.year) != 0) {
return year.compareTo(other.year)
} else if (month.compareTo(other.month) != 0) {
return month.compareTo(other.month)
} else if (dayOfMonth.compareTo(other.dayOfMonth) != 0) {
return dayOfMonth.compareTo(other.dayOfMonth)
} else {
return 0
operator fun plus(interval: TimeInterval): MyDate = addTimeIntervals(interval, 1)
operator fun plus(intervals: TimeIntervals): MyDate = addTimeIntervals(intervals.interval, intervals.count)
operator fun MyDate.rangeTo(other: MyDate): DateRange = DateRange(this, other)
data class TimeIntervals(val interval: TimeInterval, val count: Int)
enum class TimeInterval {
operator fun times(n: Int): TimeIntervals {
return TimeIntervals(this, n)
class DateRange(override val start: MyDate, override val endInclusive: MyDate) : ClosedRange<MyDate>, Iterator<MyDate> {
private var current = start
override fun contains(value: MyDate): Boolean {
return start <= value && value <= endInclusive
override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
return current <= endInclusive
override fun next(): MyDate {
val result = current;
current = current.copy(year = current.year, month = current.month, dayOfMonth = current.dayOfMonth + 1)
return result
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 9ff8f0b38e04623bc99d098e20d6a90deb85587b | 1,606 | kotlin-koans | MIT License |
src/Day09.kt | trosendo | 572,903,458 | false | {"Kotlin": 26100} | import java.lang.Exception
enum class Direction(val code: Char) {
UP('U'), DOWN('D'), LEFT('L'), RIGHT('R')
data class Position(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
fun move(direction: Direction) = this.move(direction.code)
fun move(direction: Char): Position = when (Direction.values().find { it.code == direction }) {
Direction.UP -> this.x to this.y - 1
Direction.DOWN -> this.x to this.y + 1
Direction.LEFT -> this.x - 1 to this.y
Direction.RIGHT -> this.x + 1 to this.y
else -> {
println("Unknown direction: $direction")
this.x to this.y
fun Pair<Int, Int>.toPosition(): Position = Position(this.first, this.second)
fun isTouching(position: Position) =
(this.x == position.x && this.y == position.y) ||
(this.x == position.x && (this.y == position.y - 1 || this.y == position.y + 1)) ||
(this.y == position.y && (this.x == position.x - 1 || this.x == position.x + 1)) ||
(this.x == position.x - 1 && this.y == position.y - 1) ||
(this.x == position.x + 1 && this.y == position.y - 1) ||
(this.x == position.x - 1 && this.y == position.y + 1) ||
(this.x == position.x + 1 && this.y == position.y + 1)
fun moveToBeTouching(position: Position): Position {
val xDiff = this.x - position.x
val yDiff = this.y - position.y
return when {
xDiff == 0 && yDiff > 0 -> this.move(Direction.UP)
xDiff == 0 && yDiff < 0 -> this.move(Direction.DOWN)
xDiff > 0 && yDiff == 0 -> this.move(Direction.LEFT)
xDiff < 0 && yDiff == 0 -> this.move(Direction.RIGHT)
xDiff > 0 && yDiff > 0 -> this.move(Direction.LEFT).move(Direction.UP)
xDiff < 0 && yDiff > 0 -> this.move(Direction.RIGHT).move(Direction.UP)
xDiff > 0 && yDiff < 0 -> this.move(Direction.LEFT).move(Direction.DOWN)
xDiff < 0 && yDiff < 0 -> this.move(Direction.RIGHT).move(Direction.DOWN)
else -> {
throw Exception("This should not happen")
fun main() {
fun checkTailIsTouchingHead(currentTailPosition: Position, nextHeadPosition: Position): Position {
return if (!currentTailPosition.isTouching(nextHeadPosition)) {
} else {
fun moveHeadAndTail(
headPositions: List<Position>,
tailPositions: List<Position>,
direction: String
): Pair<List<Position>, List<Position>> {
val currentHeadPosition = headPositions.last()
val currentTailPosition = tailPositions.last()
val nextHeadPosition = currentHeadPosition.move(direction.first())
val nextTailPosition = checkTailIsTouchingHead(currentTailPosition, nextHeadPosition)
return headPositions + nextHeadPosition to tailPositions + nextTailPosition
fun processMoves(input: List<String>) = input.fold(
listOf(Position(0, 0)) to listOf(Position(0, 0))
) { (headPositions, tailPositions), s ->
val (direction, amount) = s.split(" ")
(0 until amount.toInt()).fold(
headPositions to tailPositions
) { (headPositions, tailPositions), _ ->
moveHeadAndTail(headPositions, tailPositions, direction)
}.let { newPositions ->
headPositions + newPositions.first.takeLast(amount.toInt()) to
tailPositions + newPositions.second.takeLast(amount.toInt())
fun processMovesV2(input: List<String>, numberOfKnots: Int): Int {
val listOfPositionsOfKnots = MutableList(numberOfKnots) { mutableListOf(Position(0, 0)) }
for(s in input) {
val (direction, amount) = s.split(" ")
for (i in 0 until amount.toInt()) {
val (newHeadPositions, newTailPositions) = moveHeadAndTail(listOfPositionsOfKnots[0], listOfPositionsOfKnots[1], direction)
listOfPositionsOfKnots[0] = newHeadPositions.toMutableList()
listOfPositionsOfKnots[1] = newTailPositions.toMutableList()
for(knot in 1 until listOfPositionsOfKnots.size - 1) {
val headPositions = listOfPositionsOfKnots[knot]
val tailPositions = listOfPositionsOfKnots[knot + 1]
val nextTailPosition = checkTailIsTouchingHead(tailPositions.last(), headPositions.last())
listOfPositionsOfKnots[knot + 1] += nextTailPosition
return listOfPositionsOfKnots.last().distinct().size
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val positions = processMoves(input)
return positions.second.distinct().size
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return processMovesV2(input, 10)
println("Result of Part01 (test): " + part1(readInputAsList("Day09_test")))
println("Result of Part02 (test): " + part2(readInputAsList("Day09_test")))
println("Result of Part01: " + part1(readInputAsList("Day09")))
println("Result of Part02: " + part2(readInputAsList("Day09")))
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | ea66a6f6179dc131a73f884c10acf3eef8e66a43 | 5,248 | AoC-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/nativeMain/kotlin/com.qiaoyuang.algorithm/special/Questions1.kt | qiaoyuang | 100,944,213 | false | {"Kotlin": 338134} | package com.qiaoyuang.algorithm.special
fun test1() {
printlnResult(15, 2)
printlnResult(100, 4)
printlnResult(101, 4)
printlnResult(3, 4)
printlnResult(96, 7)
* Questions 1: Implement a integer divide function, don't allow use '/', '*' and '%'
private infix fun Int.divide(divisor: Int): Int {
val dividend = this
if (dividend == Int.MIN_VALUE && divisor == -1)
return Int.MAX_VALUE
var negative = 2
val calculateDividend = if (dividend > 0) {
} else dividend
val calculateDivisor = if (divisor > 0) {
} else divisor
val result = divideCore(calculateDividend, calculateDivisor)
return if (negative == 1) -result else result
private fun divideCore(dividend: Int, divisor: Int): Int {
var result = 0
var newDividend = dividend
while (newDividend <= divisor) {
var value = divisor
var quotient = 1
while (value >= 0xc0000000 && newDividend <= value + value) {
quotient += quotient
value += value
result += quotient
newDividend -= value
return result
private fun printlnResult(dividend: Int, divisor: Int) =
println("The $dividend divide the $divisor equals (${dividend divide divisor})") | 0 | Kotlin | 3 | 6 | 66d94b4a8fa307020d515d4d5d54a77c0bab6c4f | 1,344 | Algorithm | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/com/hj/leetcode/kotlin/problem1143/Solution.kt | hj-core | 534,054,064 | false | {"Kotlin": 619841} | package com.hj.leetcode.kotlin.problem1143
import kotlin.math.max
* LeetCode page: [1143. Longest Common Subsequence](;
class Solution {
/* Complexity:
* Time O(MN) and Space O(MN) where M and N are the length of text1 and
* text2, respectively;
fun longestCommonSubsequence(text1: String, text2: String): Int {
// dp[i][j]::= the length of LCS(text1[i:], text2[j:])
val dp = Array(text1.length + 1) { IntArray(text2.length + 1) }
for (i in text1.indices.reversed()) {
for (j in text2.indices.reversed()) {
dp[i][j] = if (text1[i] == text2[j]) {
1 + dp[i + 1][j + 1]
} else {
max(dp[i + 1][j], dp[i][j + 1])
return dp[0][0]
} | 1 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 14c033f2bf43d1c4148633a222c133d76986029c | 884 | hj-leetcode-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/day01/Day1.kt | limelier | 725,979,709 | false | {"Kotlin": 48112} | package day01
import common.InputReader
private fun String.asDigit(): Int = when(this) {
"one", "1" -> 1
"two", "2" -> 2
"three", "3" -> 3
"four", "4" -> 4
"five", "5" -> 5
"six", "6" -> 6
"seven", "7" -> 7
"eight", "8" -> 8
"nine", "9" -> 9
"zero", "0" -> 0
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Expected string '$this' to be a digit or the name of a digit")
* Find the number made up of the first and last digits in the string, identified by the last group of the [regex] match.
* Overlaps are possible.
private fun String.lineNumber(regex: Regex = """\d""".toRegex()): Int {
val matches = regex.findAll(this).toList()
val first = matches.first().groupValues.last().asDigit()
val last = matches.last().groupValues.last().asDigit()
return first * 10 + last
public fun main() {
val lines = InputReader("day01/input.txt").lines()
var sum1 = 0
var sum2 = 0
lines.forEach { line ->
sum1 += line.lineNumber()
sum2 += line.lineNumber("""(?=(one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|zero|\d))""".toRegex())
println("Part 1: $sum1")
println("Part 2: $sum2")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 0edcde7c96440b0a59e23ec25677f44ae2cfd20c | 1,189 | advent-of-code-2023-kotlin | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/dev/shtanko/algorithms/leetcode/MultiplyStrings.kt | ashtanko | 203,993,092 | false | {"Kotlin": 5856223, "Shell": 1168, "Makefile": 917} | /*
* Copyright 2021 <NAME>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dev.shtanko.algorithms.leetcode
import dev.shtanko.algorithms.DECIMAL
* Multiply Strings.
* @see <a href="">Source</a>
object MultiplyStrings {
operator fun invoke(num1: String, num2: String): String {
val m: Int = num1.length
val n: Int = num2.length
val pos = IntArray(m + n)
for (i in m - 1 downTo 0) {
for (j in n - 1 downTo 0) {
val mul: Int = (num1[i] - '0') * (num2[j] - '0')
val p1 = i + j
val p2 = i + j + 1
val sum = mul + pos[p2]
pos[p1] += sum / DECIMAL
pos[p2] = sum % DECIMAL
val sb = StringBuilder()
for (p in pos) if (!(sb.isEmpty() && p == 0)) sb.append(p)
return if (sb.isEmpty()) "0" else sb.toString()
| 4 | Kotlin | 0 | 19 | 776159de0b80f0bdc92a9d057c852b8b80147c11 | 1,492 | kotlab | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/java/Exercise21.kt | cortinico | 317,667,457 | false | null | fun main() {
val food =
object {}
.map { it.replace("(", "").replace(")", "").replace(",", "") }
.map { it.split(" contains ") }
.map { it[0].trim().split(" ").toMutableSet() to it[1].trim().split(" ").toSet() }
val allergenes =
.flatMap { it.second }
.associateWith { allergene ->
food.filter { allergene in it.second }.map { it.first }.reduce { acc, next ->
(acc intersect next).toMutableSet()
while (allergenes.isNotEmpty()) {
val entryToRemove = allergenes.filter { it.value.size == 1 }.entries.first()
val keyToRemove = entryToRemove.key
val valueToRemove = entryToRemove.value.first()
food.forEach { (ingredients, _) -> ingredients.remove(valueToRemove) }
allergenes.forEach { (_, value) -> value.remove(valueToRemove) }
food.sumBy { it.first.size }.also(::println)
| 1 | Kotlin | 0 | 4 | a0d980a6253ec210433e2688cfc6df35104aa9df | 1,191 | adventofcode-2020 | MIT License |
leetcode/src/daily/Interview0108.kt | zhangweizhe | 387,808,774 | false | null | package daily
fun main() {
// 面试题 01.08. 零矩阵
val matrix = arrayOf(arrayOf(0,1,2,0).toIntArray(), arrayOf(3,4,5,2).toIntArray(), arrayOf(1,3,1,5).toIntArray())
fun setZeroes(matrix: Array<IntArray>): Unit {
if (matrix.isEmpty()) {
val rowSet = HashSet<Int>()
val columnSet = HashSet<Int>()
for (i in matrix.indices) {
for (j in matrix[0].indices) {
if (matrix[i][j] == 0) {
for (rowIndex in rowSet) {
for (j in matrix[0].indices) {
matrix[rowIndex][j] = 0
for (columnIndex in columnSet) {
for (i in matrix.indices) {
matrix[i][columnIndex] = 0
fun setZeroes1(matrix: Array<IntArray>): Unit {
if (matrix.isEmpty()) {
var firstRowContains0 = false
var firstColumnContains0 = false
for (rowIndex in matrix.indices) {
for (columnIndex in matrix[rowIndex].indices) {
if (matrix[rowIndex][columnIndex] == 0) {
if (rowIndex == 0) {
// 第一行包含0
firstRowContains0 = true
if (columnIndex == 0) {
// 第一列包含0
firstColumnContains0 = true
// 用第一行、第一列作为标识位
matrix[0][columnIndex] = 0
matrix[rowIndex][0] = 0
for (rowIndex in 1 until matrix.size) {
if (matrix[rowIndex][0] == 0) {
for (columnIndex in 1 until matrix[rowIndex].size) {
matrix[rowIndex][columnIndex] = 0
for (columnIndex in 1 until matrix[0].size) {
if (matrix[0][columnIndex] == 0) {
for (rowIndex in 1 until matrix.size) {
matrix[rowIndex][columnIndex] = 0
if (firstColumnContains0) {
for (rowIndex in matrix.indices) {
matrix[rowIndex][0] = 0
if (firstRowContains0) {
for (columnIndex in matrix[0].indices) {
matrix[0][columnIndex] = 0
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 1d213b6162dd8b065d6ca06ac961c7873c65bcdc | 2,418 | kotlin-study | MIT License |
Kotlin/EdmondsKarp/EdmondsKarp.kt | 19-2-SKKU-OSS | 223,087,912 | true | {"C++": 154443, "Java": 104625, "JavaScript": 78282, "Python": 75943, "HTML": 72298, "CSS": 45256, "C": 45238, "Swift": 22186, "C#": 20216, "Go": 17191, "Kotlin": 16813, "Ruby": 14089, "Haskell": 5956, "Shell": 4379, "Scala": 4198, "Rust": 3485, "Perl": 1926, "Crystal": 812, "Smalltalk": 793, "Makefile": 727, "Racket": 406, "Brainfuck": 308} | import java.util.Scanner
import java.util.*
fun main(args: Array<String>){
var capacity = Array<IntArray>(51, {IntArray(51)})
var flow = Array<IntArray>(51, {IntArray(51)})
var visited = IntArray(51){0}
val V = 5;
//V : number of vertices
//E : number of edges
capacity[1][2] = 3;
//There is pipe between 1 and 2 that has 2 unit of capcity.
capacity[2][3] = 3;
capacity[3][4] = 5;
capacity[4][5] = 4;
capacity[2][5] = 6;
capacity[2][1] = 3;
capacity[3][2] = 3;
capacity[4][3] = 5;
capacity[5][4] = 4;
capacity[5][2] = 6;
val start: Int = 1;
val end: Int = 5;
var q: Queue<Int> = LinkedList();
var maxflow: Int = 0;
for(i in 1..V){
visited[i] = 0
val front = q.poll();
for(i in 1..V){
if(front != i && capacity[front][i] != 0){
if(capacity[front][i] - flow[front][i] > 0 && visited[i] == 0){
visited[i] = front;
if(i == end){
}//end of while(q empty)
if(visited[end] == 0)
break; //there is no possible way anymore
//find minimum of capacity on the way
var allowable_flow: Int = 99999999
var prev = end;
if(allowable_flow > (capacity[visited[prev]][prev] - flow[visited[prev]][prev])){
allowable_flow = capacity[visited[prev]][prev] - flow[visited[prev]][prev];
prev = visited[prev]
if(prev == start)
prev = end;
//update the flow (current flowing amount)
flow[visited[prev]][prev] += allowable_flow
flow[prev][visited[prev]] += allowable_flow
prev = visited[prev]
if(prev == start)
maxflow = maxflow + allowable_flow
| 0 | C++ | 1 | 0 | 2b55676c1bcd5d327fc9e304925a05cb70e25904 | 2,147 | 2019-2-OSS-L5 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/codeforces/problem1B/Main.kt | arnavb | 241,486,069 | false | null | package codeforces.problem1B
fun convertToExcelFormat(coord: String, alphabet: CharArray): String {
val row = coord.substring(1, coord.indexOf('C'))
var column = coord.substring(coord.indexOf('C') + 1).toInt()
// Convert column number to letters
val resultingColumn = StringBuilder()
while (column > 26) {
var remainder = column % 26
if (remainder == 0) { // 0 is represented by Z with one less letter
remainder = 26
column -= remainder
column /= 26
return "${resultingColumn.reverse()}$row"
fun convertToNumericalFormat(coord: String, alphabet: CharArray): String {
val firstDigitPos = coord.indexOfFirst { it.isDigit() }
val row = coord.substring(firstDigitPos)
val column = coord.substring(0, firstDigitPos)
var convertedColumn = 0
var powerOf26 = 1
for (i in column.length - 1 downTo 0) {
convertedColumn += powerOf26 * alphabet.binarySearch(column[i])
powerOf26 *= 26
return "R${row}C$convertedColumn"
fun main() {
val numLines = readLine()!!.toInt()
val alphabet = "#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".toCharArray()
val outputs = mutableListOf<String>()
for (i in 0 until numLines) {
val currentLine = readLine()!!
val positionOfC = currentLine.indexOf('C')
if (positionOfC > 0 && currentLine[positionOfC - 1].isDigit()) {
// Input is in Row Column format
outputs.add(convertToExcelFormat(currentLine, alphabet))
} else {
// Input is in Letter Row format
outputs.add(convertToNumericalFormat(currentLine, alphabet))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 5b805ce90f10192d4499d9abead8b2c109ff59ea | 1,815 | competitive-programming-kotlin | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/days/Day19.kt | andilau | 429,557,457 | false | {"Kotlin": 103829} | package days
import java.util.*
name = "<NAME>",
url = "",
date = Date(day = 19, year = 2015)
class Day19(input: List<String>) : Puzzle {
private val replacements = parseReplacements(input)
private val medicine = parseMedicin(input)
override fun partOne(): Int = medicine.moleculesFusion().distinct().count()
override fun partTwo(): Int {
var minimumSteps = Int.MAX_VALUE
val queue = PriorityQueue(compareBy<IndexedValue<Molecule>> { it.value.value.length })
queue.add(IndexedValue(0, medicine))
val seen = mutableSetOf<Molecule>()
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val poll = queue.poll()
val (steps, molecule) = poll
if (molecule in seen) continue
seen += molecule
if (steps > minimumSteps) continue
if (molecule == Molecule.SINGLE_ELECTRON) {
minimumSteps = steps
molecule.moleculesFission().forEach {
queue += IndexedValue(steps + 1, it)
return minimumSteps
private fun parseReplacements(input: List<String>) = input
.map { line -> line.split(" => ").let { it.first() to it.last() } }
private fun parseMedicin(input: List<String>) = input
.let { Molecule(it) }
private fun Molecule.moleculesFusion(): Sequence<Molecule> = replacements
.flatMap { (from, to) -> this.replace(from, to) }
private fun Molecule.moleculesFission(): Sequence<Molecule> = replacements
.flatMap { (from, to) -> this.replace(to, from) }
value class Molecule(val value: String) {
companion object {
val SINGLE_ELECTRON = Molecule("e")
private fun Molecule.replace(from: String, to: String) = sequence {
var index = 0
val molecule = this@replace
while (true) {
index = molecule.value.indexOf(from, index)
if (index == -1) return@sequence
molecule.value.substring(0, index) + to + molecule.value.substring(
index + from.length,
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 55932fb63d6a13a1aa8c8df127593d38b760a34c | 2,549 | advent-of-code-2015 | Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal |
src/main/kotlin/g0301_0400/s0315_count_of_smaller_numbers_after_self/Solution.kt | javadev | 190,711,550 | false | {"Kotlin": 4420233, "TypeScript": 50437, "Python": 3646, "Shell": 994} | package g0301_0400.s0315_count_of_smaller_numbers_after_self
// #Hard #Top_Interview_Questions #Array #Binary_Search #Ordered_Set #Divide_and_Conquer
// #Segment_Tree #Binary_Indexed_Tree #Merge_Sort
// #2022_11_10_Time_1282_ms_(88.46%)_Space_109.8_MB_(46.15%)
import java.util.LinkedList
class Solution {
fun countSmaller(nums: IntArray): List<Int> {
var minVal = 10001
var maxVal = -10001
for (a in nums) {
minVal = Math.min(minVal, a)
maxVal = Math.max(maxVal, a)
val range = maxVal - (minVal - 1) + 1
val offset = -(minVal - 1)
val bit = FenwickTree(range)
val ans = LinkedList<Int>()
val n = nums.size
var i = n - 1
while (i >= 0) {
bit.update(offset + nums[i], 1)
ans.addFirst( + nums[i] - 1))
return ans
private class FenwickTree(n: Int) {
// binary index tree, index 0 is not used
var bit: IntArray
var n: Int
init {
this.n = n + 1
bit = IntArray(this.n)
fun update(i: Int, v: Int) {
var i = i
while (i < n) {
bit[i] += v
i += Integer.lowestOneBit(i)
// prefix sum query
fun ps(j: Int): Int {
var j = j
var ps = 0
while (j != 0) {
ps += bit[j]
j -= Integer.lowestOneBit(j)
return ps
| 0 | Kotlin | 14 | 24 | fc95a0f4e1d629b71574909754ca216e7e1110d2 | 1,607 | LeetCode-in-Kotlin | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/abc/315-e.kt | kirimin | 197,707,422 | false | null | package abc
import utilities.debugLog
import java.util.*
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val sc = Scanner(System.`in`)
val n = sc.nextInt()
val p = (0 until n).map {
val c =
(0 until c).map { }
println(problem315e(n, p))
fun problem315e(n: Int, p: List<List<Int>>): String {
fun topologicalSort(graph: List<List<Int>>): List<Int>? {
val n = graph.size
val inDegree = IntArray(n)
val result = mutableListOf<Int>()
graph.forEach { edges ->
edges.forEach { node ->
val queue = ArrayDeque<Int>()
for (i in 0 until n) {
if (inDegree[i] == 0) {
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val current = queue.removeFirst()
graph[current].forEach { neighbor ->
if (--inDegree[neighbor] == 0) {
return if (result.size == n) result else null
val routes = Array(n + 1) { mutableListOf<Int>() }
for (i in 0 until n) {
val pi = p[i]
for (j in 0 until pi.size) {
routes[i + 1].add(pi[j])
val distances = IntArray(n + 1) { -1 }
val queue = ArrayDeque<Int>()
distances[1] = 0
while(!queue.isEmpty()) {
val current = queue.poll()
for (i in 0 until routes[current].size) {
val next = routes[current][i]
if (distances[next] != -1) continue
distances[next] = distances[current] + 1
val ans = mutableListOf<Int>()
val sorted = topologicalSort(routes.toList())!!
for (i in 0 until sorted.size) {
val current = sorted[i]
if (distances[current] == -1) continue
return ans.drop(1).reversed().joinToString(" ")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 1 | 5 | 23c9b35da486d98ab80cc56fad9adf609c41a446 | 2,070 | AtCoderLog | The Unlicense |
src/main/kotlin/com/github/ferinagy/adventOfCode/aoc2017/2017-13.kt | ferinagy | 432,170,488 | false | {"Kotlin": 787586} | package com.github.ferinagy.adventOfCode.aoc2017
fun main() {
private fun part1(input: String): Int {
val setup = parse(input)
return setup.sumOf { (layer, depth) -> if (isCaught(layer, depth)) layer * depth else 0 }
private fun part2(input: String): Int {
val setup = parse(input)
var delay = 0
while (true) {
if (setup.none { (layer, depth) -> isCaught(layer + delay, depth) }) return delay
private fun isCaught(time: Int, depth: Int) = time % ((depth - 1) * 2) == 0
private fun parse(input: String): List<Pair<Int, Int>> {
val initial = input.lines().map {
val (l, r) = it.split(": ")
l.toInt() to r.toInt()
return initial
private const val testInput1 = """0: 3
1: 2
4: 4
6: 4"""
private const val input = """0: 3
1: 2
2: 5
4: 4
6: 6
8: 4
10: 8
12: 8
14: 6
16: 8
18: 6
20: 6
22: 8
24: 12
26: 12
28: 8
30: 12
32: 12
34: 8
36: 10
38: 9
40: 12
42: 10
44: 12
46: 14
48: 14
50: 12
52: 14
56: 12
58: 12
60: 14
62: 14
64: 12
66: 14
68: 14
70: 14
74: 24
76: 14
80: 18
82: 14
84: 14
90: 14
94: 17"""
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | f4890c25841c78784b308db0c814d88cf2de384b | 1,265 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
app/src/main/kotlin/kotlinadventofcode/2015/2015-15.kt | pragmaticpandy | 356,481,847 | false | {"Kotlin": 1003522, "Shell": 219} | // Originally generated by the template in CodeDAO
package kotlinadventofcode.`2015`
import com.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.combinators.*
import com.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.grammar.Grammar
import com.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.grammar.parseToEnd
import com.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.lexer.literalToken
import com.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.lexer.regexToken
import kotlinadventofcode.Day
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
import kotlin.random.Random
import kotlin.random.nextInt
const val targetCalories = 500
const val bestScoreExcludingCalories = 21367368
const val totalIngredientAmount = 100
class `2015-15` : Day {
data class Ingredient(
val name: String,
val capacity: Int,
val durability: Int,
val flavor: Int,
val texture: Int,
val calories: Int
data class Recipe(val ingredients: Set<Pair<Ingredient, Int>>) {
val score: Int by lazy {
max(0, ingredients.sumOf { it.first.capacity * it.second }) *
max(0, ingredients.sumOf { it.first.durability * it.second }) *
max(0, ingredients.sumOf { it.first.flavor * it.second }) *
max(0, ingredients.sumOf { it.first.texture * it.second })
val tweaks: Collection<Recipe> by lazy {
val ingredientsList = ingredients.toList()
var result: MutableSet<Recipe> = mutableSetOf()
for (indexToGive in ingredientsList.indices) {
if (ingredientsList[indexToGive].second == 0) continue
for (indexToTake in ingredientsList.indices.minus(indexToGive)) {
.map {
when (it) {
indexToGive -> ingredientsList[it].first to ingredientsList[it].second - 1
indexToTake -> ingredientsList[it].first to ingredientsList[it].second + 1
else -> ingredientsList[it]
fun parse(input: String): List<Ingredient> {
val grammar = object: Grammar<List<Ingredient>>() {
// match literals first
val newline by literalToken("\n")
val capacity by literalToken(": capacity ")
val durability by literalToken(", durability ")
val flavor by literalToken(", flavor ")
val texture by literalToken(", texture ")
val calories by literalToken(", calories ")
// then match expressions
val numberToken by regexToken("""-?\d+""")
val name by regexToken("""[A-Z][a-z]+""")
val number by numberToken use { text.toInt() }
val line by (name use { text }) and
skip(capacity) and
number and
skip(durability) and
number and
skip(flavor) and
number and
skip(texture) and
number and
skip(calories) and
val ingredient by { Ingredient(it.t1, it.t2, it.t3, it.t4, it.t5, it.t6) }
override val rootParser by separatedTerms(ingredient, newline)
return grammar.parseToEnd(input)
* After verifying your solution on the AoC site, run `./ka continue` to add a test for it.
override fun runPartOneNoUI(input: String): String {
val totalIngredientAmount = 100
* Let's see if we can hill climb well enough to not get trapped by local maxes.
* Edit: the below as implemented works, but may not work if there were local maxes. Instead
* of sampling up front, this should be changed to take one sample, run the algorithm, then
* repeat.
val ingredients = parse(input)
val numStartingRecipes = 3
val startingRecipes = (1..numStartingRecipes).map {
val ingredientAmounts = { 0 }.toMutableList()
(1..totalIngredientAmount).forEach { ingredientAmounts[Random.nextInt(ingredients.indices)]++ }
val queue = ArrayDeque(startingRecipes)
val recipesPreviouslyAddedToQueue: MutableSet<Recipe> = mutableSetOf()
var bestRecipe: Recipe? = null
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val recipe = queue.removeFirst()
if (bestRecipe == null || recipe.score > bestRecipe.score) bestRecipe = recipe
for (tweak in recipe.tweaks) {
if (tweak !in recipesPreviouslyAddedToQueue && tweak.score >= bestRecipe.score) {
return bestRecipe?.score.toString()
* This was fun in that the part 1 hill climbing approach doesn't work at all. Instead, I had
* to use the calorie and teaspoon targets to limit the search space.
override fun runPartTwoNoUI(input: String): String {
* gets all recipes that exactly match the number of teaspoons and number of calories
fun getAllRecipes(ingredients: Set<Ingredient>, teaspoons: Int, calories: Int): Set<Recipe> {
// If we need no more ingredients nor calories, there is one valid recipe which matches that.
if (teaspoons == 0 && calories == 0) return setOf(Recipe(setOf()))
* Some conditions that make any valid recipes impossible:
* * one of teaspoons or calories is 0 but the other isn't
* * teaspoons or calories are negative
* * teaspoons and calories are non-zero, but there are no ingredients
if (teaspoons < 1 || calories < 1 || ingredients.isEmpty()) return setOf()
val result = mutableSetOf<Recipe>()
val currentIngredient = ingredients.first()
val otherIngredients = ingredients.minus(currentIngredient)
for (currentIngredientAmount in 0..min(teaspoons, calories / currentIngredient.calories)) {
for (recipe in
teaspoons - currentIngredientAmount,
calories - (currentIngredient.calories * currentIngredientAmount))) {
result.add(Recipe(recipe.ingredients + (currentIngredient to currentIngredientAmount)))
return result
return getAllRecipes(parse(input).toSet(), totalIngredientAmount, targetCalories)
.maxOf { it.score }
override val defaultInput = """Sprinkles: capacity 2, durability 0, flavor -2, texture 0, calories 3
Butterscotch: capacity 0, durability 5, flavor -3, texture 0, calories 3
Chocolate: capacity 0, durability 0, flavor 5, texture -1, calories 8
Candy: capacity 0, durability -1, flavor 0, texture 5, calories 8"""
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 3 | 26ef6b194f3e22783cbbaf1489fc125d9aff9566 | 7,415 | kotlinadventofcode | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/org/nield/kotlinstatistics/Random.kt | thomasnield | 84,361,977 | false | null | package org.nield.kotlinstatistics
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom
* Samples a single random element `T` from a `List<T>`, and throws an error if no elements exist
fun <T> List<T>.randomFirst() = randomFirstOrNull()?: throw Exception("No elements found!")
* Samples a single random element `T` from a `List<T>`, and returns `null` if no elements exist
fun <T> List<T>.randomFirstOrNull(): T? {
if (size == 0) return null
val random = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0,size)
return this[random]
* Samples a single random element `T` from a `Sequence<T>`, and throws an error if no elements exist
fun <T> Sequence<T>.randomFirst() = toList().randomFirst()
* Samples a single random element `T` from a `Sequence<T>`, and returns `null` if no elements exist
fun <T> Sequence<T>.randomFirstOrNull() = toList().randomFirstOrNull()
* Samples a single random element `T` from a `Sequence<T>`, and throws an error if no elements exist
fun <T> Iterable<T>.randomFirst() = toList().randomFirst()
* Samples a single random element `T` from an `Iterable<T>`, and returns `null` if no elements exist
fun <T> Iterable<T>.randomFirstOrNull() = toList().randomFirstOrNull()
* Samples `n` distinct random elements `T` from a `Sequence<T>`
fun <T> Sequence<T>.randomDistinct(sampleSize: Int) = toList().randomDistinct(sampleSize)
* Samples `n` distinct random elements `T` from an `Iterable<T>`
fun <T> List<T>.randomDistinct(sampleSize: Int): List<T> {
val cappedSampleSize = if (sampleSize > size) size else sampleSize
return (0..Int.MAX_VALUE).asSequence().map {
.map { this[it] }
* Samples `n` random elements `T` from a `Sequence<T>`
fun <T> Sequence<T>.random(sampleSize: Int) = toList().random(sampleSize)
* Samples `n` random elements `T` from an `Iterable<T>`
fun <T> List<T>.random(sampleSize: Int): List<T> {
val cappedSampleSize = if (sampleSize > size) size else sampleSize
return (0..Int.MAX_VALUE).asSequence().map {
.map { this[it] }
* Simulates a weighted TRUE/FALSE coin flip, with a percentage of probability towards TRUE
* In other words, this is a Probability Density Function (PDF) for discrete TRUE/FALSE values
class WeightedCoin(val trueProbability: Double) {
fun flip() = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(0.0,1.0) <= trueProbability
* Simulates a weighted TRUE/FALSE coin flip, with a percentage of probability towards TRUE
* In other words, this is a Probability Density Function (PDF) for discrete TRUE/FALSE values
fun weightedCoinFlip(trueProbability: Double) =
ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(0.0,1.0) <= trueProbability
* Assigns a probabilty to each distinct `T` item, and randomly selects `T` values given those probabilities.
* In other words, this is a Probability Density Function (PDF) for discrete `T` values
class WeightedDice<T>(val probabilities: Map<T,Double>) {
constructor(vararg values: Pair<T, Double>): this(
private val sum = probabilities.values.sum()
val rangedDistribution = probabilities.let {
var binStart = 0.0
it.asSequence().sortedBy { it.value }
.map { it.key to OpenDoubleRange(binStart, it.value + binStart) }
.onEach { binStart = it.second.endExclusive }
* Randomly selects a `T` value with probability
fun roll() = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(0.0, sum).let {
rangedDistribution.asIterable().first { rng -> it in rng.value }.key
| 15 | Kotlin | 48 | 840 | 17f64bae2a3cea2e85f05c08172d19a290561e3b | 3,911 | kotlin-statistics | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day04.kt | jorgecastrejon | 573,097,701 | false | {"Kotlin": 33669} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int = { pairs -> pairs.getAssignments() }
.count { (a, b, c, d) -> a in c..d && b in c..d || c in a..b && d in a..b }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int = { pairs -> pairs.getAssignments() }
.count { (a, b, c, d) -> (a..b).intersect(c..d).isNotEmpty() }
val input = readInput("Day04")
fun String.getAssignments(): Assignment =
replace(",", "-").split("-")
.let { elements ->
Assignment(elements[0].toInt(), elements[1].toInt(), elements[2].toInt(), elements[3].toInt())
data class Assignment(val a: Int, val b: Int, val c: Int, val d: Int) | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d83b6cea997bd18956141fa10e9188a82c138035 | 752 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/test/kotlin/amb/aoc2020/day18.kt | andreasmuellerbluemlein | 318,221,589 | false | null | package amb.aoc2020
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class Day18 : TestBase() {
class Number(var number: String) : Operand {
override fun getValue(): Long {
return number.toLong()
interface Operand {
fun getValue(): Long
class CalcOperation(
operand1: Operand,
operand2: Operand,
var operation: Char
) : Operation(operand1, operand2) {
override fun getValue(): Long {
return if (operation == '+') operand1.getValue() + operand2.getValue() else operand1.getValue() * operand2.getValue()
abstract class Operation(
var operand1: Operand,
var operand2: Operand,
) : Operand
fun parse(input: String): Operand {
if (input.contains('(')) {
val regex = """\(([0-9\s+*]*)\)""".toRegex()
val match = regex.find(input)!!
return parse(input.replace(match.value, parse(match.value.drop(1).dropLast(1)).getValue().toString()))
if (input.last().isDigit()) {
val numberString = input.takeLastWhile { it.isDigit() }
if (input.count() > numberString.count()) {
val operator = input.dropLast(numberString.count() + 1).last()
return CalcOperation(parse(input.dropLast(numberString.count() + 3)), Number(numberString), operator)
} else (
return Number(numberString)
throw NotImplementedError()
fun parse2(input: String): Operand {
//find opening brackets, calc inner result and textreplace result into original
if (input.contains('(')) {
val regex = """\(([0-9\s+*]*)\)""".toRegex()
val match = regex.find(input)!!
return parse2(input.replace(match.value, parse2(match.value.drop(1).dropLast(1)).getValue().toString()))
//find simple sum equation, calc result and textreplace into original
var regex = """([0-9]+\s[+]\s[0-9]+)""".toRegex()
var match = regex.find(input)
if(match != null) {
val operands = match.value.split(" + ")
val result = operands[0].toLong() + operands[1].toLong()
return parse2(input.replace(match.value, result.toString()))
//find simple multiply equation, calc result and textreplace into original
regex = """([0-9]+\s[*]\s[0-9]+)""".toRegex()
match = regex.find(input)
if(match != null) {
val operands = match.value.split(" * ")
val result = operands[0].toLong() * operands[1].toLong()
return parse2(input.replace(match.value, result.toString()))
return Number(input)
fun task1() {
var sum = getTestData("input18")
.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
.map { line ->
}.sum() { "sum is $sum" }
fun task2() {
var sum = getTestData("input18")
.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
.map { line ->
val result = parse2(line).getValue() { "$line = $result" }
}.sum() { "sum is $sum" }
fun subTest(){
assertEquals(51L, parse2("1 + (2 * 3) + (4 * (5 + 6))").getValue())
assertEquals(46L, parse2("2 * 3 + (4 * 5)").getValue())
assertEquals(1445L, parse2("5 + (8 * 3 + 9 + 3 * 4 * 3)").getValue())
assertEquals(669060L, parse2("5 * 9 * (7 * 3 * 3 + 9 * 3 + (8 + 6 * 4))").getValue())
assertEquals(23340L, parse2("((2 + 4 * 9) * (6 + 9 * 8 + 6) + 6) + 2 + 4 * 2").getValue())
| 1 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | dad1fa57c2b11bf05a51e5fa183775206cf055cf | 3,825 | aoc2020 | MIT License |
src/2023/Day04.kt | nagyjani | 572,361,168 | false | {"Kotlin": 369497} | package `2023`
import java.util.*
fun main() {
class Day04 {
val input1 = """
Card 1: 41 48 83 86 17 | 83 86 6 31 17 9 48 53
Card 2: 13 32 20 16 61 | 61 30 68 82 17 32 24 19
Card 3: 1 21 53 59 44 | 69 82 63 72 16 21 14 1
Card 4: 41 92 73 84 69 | 59 84 76 51 58 5 54 83
Card 5: 87 83 26 28 32 | 88 30 70 12 93 22 82 36
Card 6: 31 18 13 56 72 | 74 77 10 23 35 67 36 11
val input2 = """
fun solve() {
val f = File("src/2023/inputs/")
val s = Scanner(f)
// val s = Scanner(input1)
// val s = Scanner(input2)
var sum = 0
var sum1 = 0
var lineix = 0
val winnums = mutableListOf<Int>()
while (s.hasNextLine()) {
val line = s.nextLine().trim()
if (line.isEmpty()) {
val s1 = line.split(Regex("[:|]"))
val numbers = s1[1].trim().split(Regex("[ ]+")).map { it.toInt() }.toSet()
val winners = s1[2].trim().split(Regex("[ ]+")).map { it.toInt() }.toSet()
val winningNumbers = numbers.intersect(winners)
val p =
if (winningNumbers.size > 0) {
var p1 = 1
winningNumbers.forEach { p1 *= 2 }
} else {0}
sum += p
val cards = { 1 }.toMutableList()
for (i in 0 until lineix) {
for (j in 1 .. winnums[i]) {
if (i + j < cards.size) {
cards[i + j] += cards[i]
} else {
sum1 += cards[i]
print("$sum $sum1\n")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f0c61c787e4f0b83b69ed0cde3117aed3ae918a5 | 1,906 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
keywordsearch/src/main/kotlin/com/ikbalabki/keywordsearch/model/TernarySearchTrie.kt | ikbalkaya | 655,813,368 | false | null | package com.ikbalabki.keywordsearch.model
This class implements ternary search tree
Which is similar to a binary tree with exception of nodes having 3 child nodes instead of one
This data structure is memory efficient and can be used for large data sets.
* */
internal class TernarySearchTrie<T : Searchable>(private val caseSensitive: Boolean) {
private var root: Node<T>? = null
private var size = 0L
* Add an object to be searchable for later.
* @param searchable object to be searchable
* **/
fun add(searchable: T) {
//recursively add node using ternary object and character index
root = add(root, searchable, 0)
* Number of searchable objects in the tree.
* */
fun size() = size
private fun add(givenNode: Node<T>?, searchable: T, charIndex: Int): Node<T>? {
val char = if (caseSensitive) searchable.text[charIndex] else searchable.text[charIndex].lowercaseChar()
var node = givenNode
//if deos not already exist create it
if (givenNode == null) {
//only add the object to the tree if it's the terminal character reached
var searchableObject: T? = null
if (searchable.text.length == (charIndex + 1)) {
searchableObject = searchable
node = Node(
char = char,
left = null,
middle = null,
right = null
if (root == null) root = node
//recursively add left/ right nodes, right and left nodes in ternary tree
//if given char exist in mid node continue with middle link and finish middle link when
// terminal character is reached
node?.let { tNode ->
when {
char < tNode.char -> {
tNode.left = add(tNode.left, searchable, charIndex)
char > tNode.char -> {
tNode.right = add(tNode.right, searchable, charIndex)
charIndex < searchable.text.length - 1 -> {
//follow with next middle node
tNode.middle = add(node.middle, searchable, charIndex + 1)
else -> tNode.searchable = searchable
return node
* Find objects that matches the start of the keyword.
* @param prefix prefix to be searched
* @return list of objects that matches the prefix
* */
fun itemsWithPrefix(prefix: String): List<T> {
val items = mutableListOf<T>()
findItemsWithPrefix(root, if (caseSensitive) prefix else prefix.lowercase(), items)
return items
private fun findItemsWithPrefix(node: Node<T>?, prefix: String, foundObjects: MutableList<T>) {
if (node == null) return
when {
prefix.first() < node.char -> {
findItemsWithPrefix(node.left, prefix, foundObjects)
prefix.first() > node.char -> {
findItemsWithPrefix(node.right, prefix, foundObjects)
prefix.first() == node.char -> {
if (prefix.length > 1) {
//last character not reached yet
//if keyword is 'lon' - and 'l' is found, remove first char from keyword and
// continue search for 'on'
val newKeyword = prefix.substring(1, prefix.length)
findItemsWithPrefix(node.middle, newKeyword, foundObjects)
} else {
//we have reached to the end of keyword, now we should add
// remaining objects sorted using pre-order traversal to get items
// sorted
//add the keyword itself if it's also a ternary object
node.searchable?.let {
//add all objects traversing from the middle node
traverseAdd(node.middle, foundObjects)
private fun traverseAdd(node: Node<T>?, objectList: MutableList<T>) {
if (node == null) {
traverseAdd(node.left, objectList)
node.searchable?.let {
traverseAdd(node.middle, objectList)
traverseAdd(node.right, objectList)
* Check if the tree contains the searchable object.
* @param searchable object to be searched
* @return true if the object is found, false otherwise
* */
fun contains(searchable: T): Boolean {
itemsWithPrefix(searchable.text).let {
return it.contains(searchable)
data class Node<T : Searchable>(
var searchable: T?,
var char: Char,
var left: Node<T>?,
var middle: Node<T>?,
var right: Node<T>?
) | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 99bb35ca5f73d2775b395cb2ae9e9221329f6178 | 5,211 | KeywordSearch | Apache License 2.0 |
src/questions/PascalTriangle.kt | realpacific | 234,499,820 | false | null | package questions
import _utils.UseCommentAsDocumentation
import utils.shouldBe
* Given an integer numRows, return the first numRows of Pascal's triangle.
* In Pascal's triangle, each number is the sum of the two numbers directly above it as shown:
* <img src="" height="150" width="150"/>
* [Source](
private fun pascalTriangle(numRows: Int): List<List<Int>> {
if (numRows == 1) {
return listOf(listOf(1))
val result = mutableListOf<List<Int>>()
generateTriangle(1, maxRows = numRows, previous = listOf(1), result = result)
return result
private fun generateTriangle(current: Int, maxRows: Int, previous: List<Int>, result: MutableList<List<Int>>) {
if (current == maxRows) {
val currentRow = MutableList(current + 1) { 1 }
for (i in 1..current) { // 0 and lastIndex is always 1
// sum of the two numbers directly above it
currentRow[i] = (previous.getOrNull(i - 1) ?: 0) + (previous.getOrNull(i) ?: 0)
generateTriangle(current + 1, maxRows, currentRow, result)
fun main() {
pascalTriangle(numRows = 5) shouldBe listOf(
listOf(1, 1),
listOf(1, 2, 1),
listOf(1, 3, 3, 1),
listOf(1, 4, 6, 4, 1)
pascalTriangle(numRows = 1) shouldBe listOf(
pascalTriangle(numRows = 2) shouldBe listOf(
listOf(1, 1),
pascalTriangle(numRows = 3) shouldBe listOf(
listOf(1, 1),
listOf(1, 2, 1),
} | 4 | Kotlin | 5 | 93 | 22eef528ef1bea9b9831178b64ff2f5b1f61a51f | 1,774 | algorithms | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/com/kishor/kotlin/algo/algorithms/graph/AdjacencyMatrixWeightedGraph.kt | kishorsutar | 276,212,164 | false | null | package com.kishor.kotlin.algo.algorithms.graph
import java.util.*
fun main() {
val adjacencyMatrixWeightedGraph = AdjacencyMatrixWeightedGraph(6)
class AdjacencyMatrixWeightedGraph(val vertCount: Int) {
var matrix = Array(vertCount) { Array(vertCount) { Int.MAX_VALUE } }
fun accept(sc: Scanner) {
println("Enter the edge count:")
val edgeCount = sc.nextInt()
println("Enter number of " + edgeCount + "src - - dst --- weight")
for (i in 0..edgeCount) {
val src = sc.nextInt()
val dst = sc.nextInt()
val weight = sc.nextInt()
matrix[src][dst] = weight
matrix[dst][src] = weight
fun display() {
for ((i, element) in matrix.withIndex()) {
for (j in element.indices) {
if (matrix[i][j] == Int.MAX_VALUE) {
} else {
0 1 7
0 2 4
0 3 8
1 2 9
1 4 5
3 4 6
3 5 2
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 6672d7738b035202ece6f148fde05867f6d4d94c | 1,227 | DS_Algo_Kotlin | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/g1201_1300/s1203_sort_items_by_groups_respecting_dependencies/Solution.kt | javadev | 190,711,550 | false | {"Kotlin": 4420233, "TypeScript": 50437, "Python": 3646, "Shell": 994} | package g1201_1300.s1203_sort_items_by_groups_respecting_dependencies
// #Hard #Depth_First_Search #Breadth_First_Search #Graph #Topological_Sort
// #2023_06_09_Time_503_ms_(100.00%)_Space_56.8_MB_(100.00%)
import java.util.LinkedList
import java.util.Queue
class Solution {
fun sortItems(n: Int, m: Int, group: IntArray, beforeItems: List<List<Int>>): IntArray {
var totalGroups = m
val indexGroupMap: MutableMap<Int, MutableList<Int>> = HashMap()
for (i in 0 until n) {
if (group[i] == -1) {
group[i] = totalGroups
indexGroupMap[totalGroups] = ArrayList()
} else {
indexGroupMap.putIfAbsent(group[i], ArrayList())
val externalInMap = IntArray(totalGroups)
val internalInMap = IntArray(n)
val externalGraph: MutableMap<Int, MutableList<Int>> = HashMap()
val internalGraph: MutableMap<Int, MutableList<Int>> = HashMap()
for (i in beforeItems.indices) {
if (beforeItems[i].isNotEmpty()) {
val groupNumber = group[i]
for (j in beforeItems[i].indices) {
val prevItem = beforeItems[i][j]
val prevGroupNumber = group[prevItem]
if (groupNumber == prevGroupNumber) {
internalGraph.putIfAbsent(prevItem, ArrayList())
} else {
externalGraph.putIfAbsent(prevGroupNumber, ArrayList())
val externalQueue: Queue<Int> = LinkedList()
for (i in 0 until totalGroups) {
if (externalInMap[i] == 0) {
val res = IntArray(n)
var resIndex = 0
while (externalQueue.isNotEmpty()) {
val curGroup = externalQueue.poll()
val internalQueue: Queue<Int> = LinkedList()
if (indexGroupMap.containsKey(curGroup)) {
for (item in indexGroupMap[curGroup]!!) {
if (internalInMap[item] == 0) {
while (internalQueue.isNotEmpty()) {
val curItem = internalQueue.poll()
res[resIndex] = curItem
if (internalGraph.containsKey(curItem)) {
for (nextItemInGroup in internalGraph[curItem]!!) {
if (internalInMap[nextItemInGroup] == 0) {
if (externalGraph.containsKey(curGroup)) {
for (nextGroup in externalGraph[curGroup]!!) {
if (externalInMap[nextGroup] == 0) {
return if (resIndex == n) res else intArrayOf()
| 0 | Kotlin | 14 | 24 | fc95a0f4e1d629b71574909754ca216e7e1110d2 | 3,578 | LeetCode-in-Kotlin | MIT License |
src/org/mjurisic/aoc2020/day12/Day12.kt | mjurisic | 318,555,615 | false | null | package org.mjurisic.aoc2020.day12
import kotlin.math.abs
class Day12 {
companion object {
fun main(args: Array<String>) = try {
val ship = Ship(0, 0)
val waypoint = Waypoint(10, -1)
File(ClassLoader.getSystemResource("resources/input12.txt").file).forEachLine {
val command = it.first()
val value = it.substring(1, it.length).toInt()
moveWaypointInDirection(command, waypoint, value)
if (command == 'F') {
moveShipForward(ship, waypoint, value)
} else if (command == 'R' || command == 'L') {
rotateWaypoint(command, ship, waypoint, value)
val manhattan = abs(ship.x) + abs(ship.y)
} catch (e: Exception) {
private fun moveShipForward(ship: Ship, waypoint: Waypoint, value: Int) {
val dx = waypoint.x - ship.x
val dy = waypoint.y - ship.y
repeat(value) {
ship.x += dx
ship.y += dy
waypoint.x = ship.x + dx
waypoint.y = ship.y + dy
private fun rotateWaypoint(direction: Char, ship: Ship, waypoint: Waypoint, value: Int) {
val dx = waypoint.x - ship.x
val dy = waypoint.y - ship.y
if (direction == 'L' && value == 90 || direction == 'R' && value == 270) {
waypoint.y = ship.y - dx
waypoint.x = ship.x + dy
} else if (direction == 'R' && value == 90 || direction == 'L' && value == 270) {
waypoint.y = ship.y + dx
waypoint.x = ship.x - dy
} else if (value == 180) {
waypoint.y = ship.y - dy
waypoint.x = ship.x - dx
private fun moveWaypointInDirection(dir: Char, waypoint: Waypoint, value: Int) {
when (dir) {
'N' -> waypoint.y = waypoint.y - value
'S' -> waypoint.y = waypoint.y + value
'E' -> waypoint.x = waypoint.x + value
'W' -> waypoint.x = waypoint.x - value
class Ship(var x: Int, var y: Int) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "Ship(x=$x, y=$y)"
class Waypoint(var x: Int, var y: Int) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "Waypoint(x=$x, y=$y)"
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 9fabcd6f1daa35198aaf91084de3b5240e31b968 | 2,583 | advent-of-code-2020 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/aoc2022/Day10.kt | j4velin | 572,870,735 | false | {"Kotlin": 285016, "Python": 1446} | package aoc2022
import readInput
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
var register = 1
var cycle = 1
var signalStrenght = 0
val calculateSignalStrengh = {
if ((cycle - 20) % 40 == 0) {
signalStrenght += register * cycle
input.forEach {
if (it != "noop") {
val delta = it.split(" ").last().toInt()
register += delta
return signalStrenght
fun part2(input: List<String>) {
var spritePosition = 0..2
var cycle = 1
var register = 1
val lines = Array((input.size * 2) / 40) { Array(40) { '.' } }
val drawPixel = {
val row = cycle / 40
val pixelPosition = (cycle - 1) % 40
if (pixelPosition in spritePosition) {
lines[row][pixelPosition] = '#'
input.forEach {
if (it != "noop") {
val delta = it.split(" ").last().toInt()
register += delta
spritePosition = register - 1..register + 1
for (line in lines) {
println(line.joinToString("") { it.toString() })
val testInput = readInput("Day10_test", 2022)
check(part1(testInput) == 13140)
val input = readInput("Day10", 2022)
part2(input) // FZBPBFZF
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f67b4d11ef6a02cba5b206aba340df1e9631b42b | 1,713 | adventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/days/Day04.kt | poqueque | 430,806,840 | false | {"Kotlin": 101024} | package days
import util.Coor
class Day04 : Day(4) {
override fun partOne(): Any {
val data = inputList[0].split(",").map { it.toInt() }.toList()
var i = 2
val boards = mutableListOf<MutableMap<Coor,Int>>()
while (i<inputList.size) {
val map = mutableMapOf<Coor,Int>()
for (j in 0..4){
val n = inputList[i].split("[\\s]+".toRegex()).filter { it != ""}
val nums ={ it.toInt() }.toList()
map[Coor(j,0)] = nums[0]
map[Coor(j,1)] = nums[1]
map[Coor(j,2)] = nums[2]
map[Coor(j,3)] = nums[3]
map[Coor(j,4)] = nums[4]
val appeared = mutableListOf<Int>()
for (k in data.indices) {
for (b in boards) {
for (row in 0..4) {
var a = 0
for (col in 0..4) {
if (appeared.contains(b[Coor(row,col)])) a++
if (a == 5) {
var sum = 0
for (d in b.values)
if (!appeared.contains(d)) sum += d
println("Column found in $k steps")
for (col in 0..4)
print("${b[Coor(row,col)]} ")
return sum * appeared.last()
for (col in 0..4) {
var a = 0
for (row in 0..4) {
if (appeared.contains(b[Coor(row,col)])) a++
if (a == 5) {
var sum = 0
for (d in b.values)
if (!appeared.contains(d)) sum += d
println("Row found in $k steps")
for (row in 0..4)
print("${b[Coor(row,col)]} ")
return sum * appeared.last()
return 0
override fun partTwo(): Any {
val data = inputList[0].split(",").map { it.toInt() }.toList()
var i = 2
val boards = mutableListOf<MutableMap<Coor,Int>>()
while (i<inputList.size) {
val map = mutableMapOf<Coor,Int>()
for (j in 0..4){
val n = inputList[i].split("[\\s]+".toRegex()).filter { it != ""}
val nums ={ it.toInt() }.toList()
map[Coor(j,0)] = nums[0]
map[Coor(j,1)] = nums[1]
map[Coor(j,2)] = nums[2]
map[Coor(j,3)] = nums[3]
map[Coor(j,4)] = nums[4]
val appeared = mutableListOf<Int>()
var score = 0
for (k in data.indices) {
for (b in boards.toList()) {
for (row in 0..4) {
var a = 0
for (col in 0..4) {
if (appeared.contains(b[Coor(row,col)])) a++
if (a == 5) {
var sum = 0
for (d in b.values)
if (!appeared.contains(d)) sum += d
println("Column found in $k steps")
for (col in 0..4)
print("${b[Coor(row,col)]} ")
score = sum * appeared.last()
for (col in 0..4) {
var a = 0
for (row in 0..4) {
if (appeared.contains(b[Coor(row,col)])) a++
if (a == 5) {
var sum = 0
for (d in b.values)
if (!appeared.contains(d)) sum += d
println("Row found in $k steps")
for (row in 0..4)
print("${b[Coor(row,col)]} ")
score = sum * appeared.last()
return score
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 4fa363be46ca5cfcfb271a37564af15233f2a141 | 5,008 | adventofcode2021 | MIT License |
src/day22/d22_1.kt | svorcmar | 720,683,913 | false | {"Kotlin": 49110} | import java.util.TreeSet
val initMana = 500
val initHp = 50
val missileMana = 53
val missileDmg = 4
val drainMana = 73
val drainDelta = 2
val shieldMana = 113
val shieldTurns = 6
val shieldArmor = 7
val poisonMana = 173
val poisonTurns = 6
val poisonDmg = 3
val rechargeMana = 229
val rechargeTurns = 5
val rechargeRegen = 101
fun main() {
val input = ""
val bossStats = input.lines().map { it.split(" ").last().toInt() }.let { it[0] to it[1] }
val initState = State(initHp, initMana, bossStats.first, bossStats.second, 0, 0, 0).also { it.label = "Initial state" }
val queue = TreeSet<State>()
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
val state = queue.pollFirst()
if (state.bossHp <= 0) {
if (state.mana >= missileMana) {
enqueue(state.action("Magic Missile",
manaD = -missileMana,
bossHpD = -missileDmg), queue)
if (state.mana >= drainMana) {
hpD = drainDelta,
manaD = -drainMana,
bossHpD = -drainDelta), queue)
if (state.shieldTimer == 0 && state.mana >= shieldMana) {
manaD = -shieldMana,
shieldTimerD = shieldTurns), queue)
if (state.poisonTimer == 0 && state.mana >= poisonMana) {
manaD = -poisonMana,
poisonTimerD = poisonTurns), queue)
if (state.rechargeTimer == 0 && state.mana >= rechargeMana) {
manaD = -rechargeMana,
rechargeTimerD = rechargeTurns), queue)
fun enqueue(newState: State?, queue: TreeSet<State>) {
if (newState != null) {
val prevQueued = queue.lower(newState)
if (prevQueued == null || prevQueued != newState || prevQueued.manaSpent > newState.manaSpent) {
data class State(val hp: Int, val mana: Int,
val bossHp: Int, val bossDmg: Int,
val shieldTimer: Int, val poisonTimer: Int, val rechargeTimer: Int): Comparable<State> {
var manaSpent = 0
var label: String = ""
var parent: State? = null
override fun compareTo(other: State): Int = manaSpent.compareTo(other.manaSpent)
fun action(label: String, hpD: Int = 0, manaD: Int = 0, bossHpD: Int = 0,
shieldTimerD: Int = 0, poisonTimerD: Int = 0, rechargeTimerD: Int = 0): State? {
// apply action
var newHp = hp + hpD
if (newHp <= 0)
return null
var newMana = mana + manaD
var newBossHp = bossHp + bossHpD
if (newBossHp <= 0)
return copy(bossHp = 0).initialize(label, manaD, this)
// apply effects
var newShieldTimer = shieldTimer + shieldTimerD
val shield = if (newShieldTimer-- > 0) shieldArmor else 0
var newPoisonTimer = poisonTimer + poisonTimerD
newBossHp -= if (newPoisonTimer-- > 0) poisonDmg else 0
if (newBossHp <= 0)
return copy(bossHp = 0).initialize(label, manaD, this)
var newRechargeTimer = rechargeTimer + rechargeTimerD
newMana += if (newRechargeTimer-- > 0) rechargeRegen else 0
// apply boss move
newHp -= Math.max(bossDmg - shield, 0)
if (newHp <= 0)
return null
// apply effects
newBossHp -= if (newPoisonTimer-- > 0) poisonDmg else 0
if (newBossHp <= 0)
return copy(bossHp = 0).initialize(label, manaD, this)
newMana += if (newRechargeTimer-- > 0) rechargeRegen else 0
return State(newHp, newMana, newBossHp, bossDmg,
Math.max(newShieldTimer, 0), Math.max(newPoisonTimer, 0), Math.max(newRechargeTimer, 0)).initialize(label, manaD, this)
fun initialize(label: String, manaDelta: Int, parent: State): State {
this.label = label
this.manaSpent = parent.manaSpent - manaDelta
this.parent = parent
return this
fun toStringWithMetadata(): String = "[$label @$manaSpent] ${toString()}"
fun formatPath(): String = parent.let { if (it == null) toStringWithMetadata() else it.formatPath() + " -> " + toStringWithMetadata() }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | cb097b59295b2ec76cc0845ee6674f1683c3c91f | 4,385 | aoc2015 | MIT License |
kotlinLeetCode/src/main/kotlin/leetcode/editor/cn/[387]字符串中的第一个唯一字符.kt | maoqitian | 175,940,000 | false | {"Kotlin": 354268, "Java": 297740, "C++": 634} | //给定一个字符串,找到它的第一个不重复的字符,并返回它的索引。如果不存在,则返回 -1。
// 示例:
// s = "leetcode"
//返回 0
//s = "loveleetcode"
//返回 2
// 提示:你可以假定该字符串只包含小写字母。
// Related Topics 哈希表 字符串
// 👍 332 👎 0
//leetcode submit region begin(Prohibit modification and deletion)
class Solution {
fun firstUniqChar(s: String): Int {
if(s.isEmpty()) return -1
//使用 HashMap 保存每个字符个数
val map = HashMap<Char,Int>()
for (i in s.indices){
if (map.containsKey(s[i])){
map[s[i]] = map[s[i]]!!+1
map[s[i]] = 1
var res = -1
for (i in s.indices){
if (map[s[i]]!! < 2){
res = i
return res
//leetcode submit region end(Prohibit modification and deletion)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 8a85996352a88bb9a8a6a2712dce3eac2e1c3463 | 1,041 | MyLeetCode | Apache License 2.0 |
Lab 5/src/main/kotlin/QuickHull.kt | knu-3-tochanenko | 273,874,096 | false | null | import kotlin.math.PI
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.atan2
class QuickHull {
companion object {
private var result = mutableListOf<Dot>()
fun calculate(dots: List<Dot>): List<Dot> {
assert(dots.size > 2)
var minX = 0
var maxX = 0
// Find most left and right dots
for (i in dots.indices) {
if (dots[i].x < dots[minX].x)
minX = i
if (dots[i].x > dots[maxX].x)
maxX = i
quickHull(dots, Line(dots[minX], dots[maxX]), 1)
quickHull(dots, Line(dots[minX], dots[maxX]), -1)
return result
private fun quickHull(dots: List<Dot>, line: Line, side: Int) {
val furthest = furthestDotIndex(dots, line, side)
if (furthest == -1) {
Line(dots[furthest], line.start),
-side(Line(dots[furthest], line.start), line.end)
Line(dots[furthest], line.end),
-side(Line(dots[furthest], line.end), line.start)
private fun furthestDotIndex(dots: List<Dot>, line: Line, side: Int): Int {
var furthest = -1
var maxDistance = 0.0
for (i in dots.indices) {
val temp = dotToLineDistance(line, dots[i])
if (side(line, dots[i]) == side && temp > maxDistance) {
furthest = i
maxDistance = temp
return furthest
private fun side(line: Line, dot: Dot): Int {
val sub = (dot.y - line.start.y) * (line.end.x - line.start.x) -
(line.end.y - line.start.y) * (dot.x - line.start.x)
return when {
sub == 0.0 -> 0
sub > 0 -> 1
else -> -1
private fun dotToLineDistance(line: Line, dot: Dot): Double {
return abs(
(dot.y - line.start.y) * (line.end.x - line.start.x) -
(line.end.y - line.start.y) * (dot.x - line.start.x)
private fun sortByAngle() {
val center = Dot(0.0, 0.0)
for (dot in result) {
center.x += dot.x / result.size
center.y += dot.y / result.size
} { it.angle = atan2(it.y - center.y, it.x - center.x) * 180 / PI }
result.sortBy { it.angle }
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d33c5e03ccec496ffa6400c7824780886a46b1ba | 2,855 | ComputerGraphics | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/io/github/carlomicieli/data/Fraction.kt | CarloMicieli | 92,217,015 | false | null | /*
* Copyright 2017 <NAME>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* A number that can be represented in the form a/b, where a and b are
* both Int and b is not zero.
* @author <NAME>
* @since 1.0.0
class Fraction(n: Int, d: Int) {
* The numerator value
val numerator: Int
* The denominator value
val denominator: Int
init {
require (d != 0) { "Denominator must be != 0" }
val g = gcd(n, d)
this.numerator = Math.abs(n / g) * sign(n, d)
this.denominator = Math.abs(d / g)
private fun sign(n: Int, d: Int) = if (n < 0 || d < 0) -1 else 1
* A new [Fraction] for a whole number.
* @param n the numerator value
constructor(n: Int) : this(n, 1)
* Sum two [Fraction] values
* @param that the second fraction value
* @return their sum
operator fun plus(that: Fraction): Fraction {
val (a, b) = this
val (c, d) = that
return Fraction(a * d + c * b, b * d)
operator fun unaryMinus(): Fraction = Fraction(-numerator, denominator)
* Difference between two fractions
operator fun minus(that: Fraction): Fraction = this + (-that)
operator fun times(that: Fraction): Fraction {
val (a, b) = this
val (c, d) = that
return Fraction(a * c, b * d)
operator fun div(that: Fraction): Fraction {
require (that.numerator != 0) { "Numerator for the second fraction must be != 0" }
val (a, b) = this
val (c, d) = that
return Fraction(a * d, b * c)
infix fun max(other: Fraction) = if (this > other) this else other
infix fun min(other: Fraction) = if (this > other) other else this
operator fun component1(): Int = numerator
operator fun component2(): Int = denominator
operator fun compareTo(that: Fraction): Int {
if (this == that)
return 0
val (a, b) = this
val (c, d) = that
if (a * d > c * b)
return 1
return -1
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = when (other) {
is Fraction -> areEquals(this, other)
else -> false
override fun toString(): String {
return "$numerator/$denominator"
private fun areEquals(f1: Fraction, f2: Fraction) =
f1.numerator == f2.numerator && f1.denominator == f2.denominator
// Greatest common divisor (
tailrec fun gcd(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
if (y == 0)
return x
else {
return gcd(y, Math.floorMod(x, y))
val Fraction
get() = Fraction(this, 1)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 339d19062be2ea7b062b76e9a14ba63badd56413 | 3,327 | the-wrath-of-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
fd-applet-server/src/main/kotlin/io/github/haruhisa_enomoto/backend/utils/ListWithLeq.kt | haruhisa-enomoto | 628,298,470 | false | null | package io.github.haruhisa_enomoto.backend.utils
import io.github.haruhisa_enomoto.backend.quiver.Arrow
import io.github.haruhisa_enomoto.backend.quiver.Quiver
* A data class representing a list of elements and a binary relation [leqs], denoted as `<=`.
* @param T The type for elements.
* @property elements The list of elements.
* @property leqs The binary relation represented as `Set<Pair<T, T>>`.
* For example, if `a to b in leq`, it is interpreted as `a <= b`.
data class ListWithLeq<T>(
val elements: List<T>,
val leqs: Set<Pair<T, T>>,
val alwaysPoset: Boolean = true
) : List<T> by elements {
fun leq(x: T, y: T): Boolean {
return x to y in leqs
fun geq(x: T, y: T): Boolean {
return y to x in leqs
* Returns the set of elements <= [x].
fun down(x: T): List<T> {
require(x in elements)
return elements.filter { leq(it, x) }
* Returns the set of elements <= [x].
fun up(x: T): List<T> {
require(x in elements)
return elements.filter { geq(it, x) }
* Returns whether this order gives a poset structure:
* reflexive, transitive, and antisymmetric.
fun isPoset(): Boolean {
for (x in elements) {
if (!leq(x, x)) return false
for (y in down(x)) {// y <= x
if (leq(x, y) && x != y) return false
for (z in down(y)) {// z <= y
if (!leq(z, x)) {
return false
return true
* Returns the Hasse quiver of the order:
* Vertices are [elements],
* and draw `x -> y` if x > y and there is no z with x > z > y.
* This method does not check that the order is a poset if [alwaysPoset] is true.
fun hasseQuiver(): Quiver<T, Nothing> {
require(alwaysPoset || isPoset()) { "This is not a poset!" }
val arrows = mutableListOf<Arrow<T, Nothing>>()
for (x in elements) {
for (y in down(x)) {// y <= x
if (x === y) continue // y < x
val mid = elements.filter { leq(y, it) && leq(it, x) }
if (mid.size != 2) continue
arrows.add(Arrow(null, x, y))
return Quiver(elements, arrows)
fun <T, U : Collection<T>> List<U>.toListWithLeq(): ListWithLeq<U> {
val leqs = this.flatMap { c1 ->
this.filter { c2 -> c2.containsAll(c1) }.map { c2 -> c1 to c2 }
return ListWithLeq(this, leqs)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 8ec1afe14e9f0d6330d02652c1cd782a68fca5db | 2,652 | fd-applet | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/dev/shtanko/algorithms/leetcode/GetDescentPeriods.kt | ashtanko | 203,993,092 | false | {"Kotlin": 5856223, "Shell": 1168, "Makefile": 917} | /*
* Copyright 2023 <NAME>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dev.shtanko.algorithms.leetcode
* 2110. Number of Smooth Descent Periods of a Stock
* @see <a href="">Source</a>
fun interface GetDescentPeriods {
operator fun invoke(prices: IntArray): Long
* O(N) Space
class GetDescentPeriodsOnePass : GetDescentPeriods {
override operator fun invoke(prices: IntArray): Long {
val dp = LongArray(prices.size)
dp[0] = 1
var ans: Long = 1
for (i in 1 until prices.size) {
if (prices[i] == prices[i - 1] - 1) {
dp[i] = dp[i - 1] + 1
} else {
dp[i] = 1
ans += dp[i]
return ans
* O(1) Space
class GetDescentPeriodsSimple : GetDescentPeriods {
override operator fun invoke(prices: IntArray): Long {
var dp: Long = 1
var ans: Long = 1
for (i in 1 until prices.size) {
if (prices[i] == prices[i - 1] - 1) {
} else {
dp = 1
ans += dp
return ans
| 4 | Kotlin | 0 | 19 | 776159de0b80f0bdc92a9d057c852b8b80147c11 | 1,776 | kotlab | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day09.kt | JohannaGudmandsen | 573,090,573 | false | {"Kotlin": 19316} | import
import kotlin.collections.*
class Position(var X:Int, var Y:Int)
fun moveTail(head:Position, tail:Position){
if (head.X > tail.X + 1){
if (head.Y > tail.Y){
else if (head.Y < tail.Y){
else if (head.X < tail.X - 1){
if (head.Y > tail.Y){
else if (head.Y < tail.Y){
else if (head.Y > tail.Y + 1){
if (head.X > tail.X){
else if (head.X < tail.X){
else if (head.Y < tail.Y - 1 ){
if (head.X > tail.X){
else if (head.X < tail.X){
fun Day09() {
val input = File("src/input/day09.txt").readLines()
var head = Position(500,500)
var tailTask1 = Position(500,500)
var tailsTask2 = ArrayList<Position>()
tailsTask2.add(Position(500, 500))
tailsTask2.add(Position(500, 500))
tailsTask2.add(Position(500, 500))
tailsTask2.add(Position(500, 500))
tailsTask2.add(Position(500, 500))
tailsTask2.add(Position(500, 500))
tailsTask2.add(Position(500, 500))
tailsTask2.add(Position(500, 500))
tailsTask2.add(Position(500, 500))
var visitedPositionsTask1 = ArrayList<String>()
var visitedPositionsTask2 = ArrayList<String>()
for(line in input){
var instruction = line.split(" ")
var direction = instruction[0]
var times = instruction[1].toInt()
for(i in 0..times-1 step 1){
if (direction == "R"){
else if (direction == "L"){
else if (direction == "U"){
else { // "D"
moveTail(head, tailTask1)
visitedPositionsTask1.add(tailTask1.X.toString() + tailTask1.Y.toString())
var prevTail = head
for(tailTask2 in tailsTask2){
moveTail(prevTail, tailTask2)
prevTail = tailTask2
visitedPositionsTask2.add(tailsTask2.last().X.toString() + tailsTask2.last().Y.toString())
var task1 = visitedPositionsTask1.distinct().count()
var task2 = visitedPositionsTask2.distinct().count()
println("Day 9 Task 1: $task1") // 6563
println("Day 9 Task 2: $task2") // 2653
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 21daaa4415bd20c14d67132e615971519211ab16 | 2,723 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
year2020/src/main/kotlin/net/olegg/aoc/year2020/day8/Day8.kt | 0legg | 110,665,187 | false | {"Kotlin": 511989} | package net.olegg.aoc.year2020.day8
import net.olegg.aoc.someday.SomeDay
import net.olegg.aoc.utils.toPair
import net.olegg.aoc.year2020.DayOf2020
* See [Year 2020, Day 8](
object Day8 : DayOf2020(8) {
override fun first(): Any? {
val program = lines
.map { it.split(" ").toPair() }
.map { it.first to it.second.toInt() }
var position = 0
var acc = 0
val visited = mutableSetOf<Int>()
while (position !in visited) {
visited += position
val (op, add) = program[position]
when (op) {
"nop" -> position++
"acc" -> {
acc += add
"jmp" -> position += add
return acc
override fun second(): Any? {
val program = lines
.map { it.split(" ").toPair() }
.map { it.first to it.second.toInt() }
program.forEachIndexed { line, (op, add) ->
if (op != "acc") {
val newOp = if (op == "jmp") "nop" else "jmp"
val newPair = newOp to add
val newProgram = program.mapIndexed { index, pair -> if (index == line) newPair else pair }
var position = 0
var acc = 0
val visited = mutableSetOf<Int>()
while (position !in visited && position in newProgram.indices) {
visited += position
val (currOp, currAdd) = newProgram[position]
when (currOp) {
"nop" -> position++
"acc" -> {
acc += currAdd
"jmp" -> position += currAdd
if (position !in newProgram.indices) {
return acc
return 0
fun main() = SomeDay.mainify(Day8)
| 0 | Kotlin | 1 | 7 | e4a356079eb3a7f616f4c710fe1dfe781fc78b1a | 1,758 | adventofcode | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/Problem19.kt | jimmymorales | 496,703,114 | false | {"Kotlin": 67323} | /**
* You are given the following information, but you may prefer to do some research for yourself.
* - 1 Jan 1900 was a Monday.
* - Thirty days has September,
* April, June and November.
* All the rest have thirty-one,
* Saving February alone,
* Which has twenty-eight, rain or shine.
* And on leap years, twenty-nine.
* - A leap year occurs on any year evenly divisible by 4, but not on a century unless it is divisible by 400.
* How many Sundays fell on the first of the month during the twentieth century (1 Jan 1901 to 31 Dec 2000)?
fun main() {
MyDate(day = 1, month = 1, year = 1901),
MyDate(day = 31, month = 12, year = 2000)
fun countMondaysFirstOfMonth(from: MyDate, to: MyDate): Int {
var date = MyDate(day = 31, month = 12, year = 1899)
var count = 0
while (date <= to) {
if (date >= from && == 1) {
date = date.nextSunday()
return count
private fun MyDate.nextSunday(): MyDate {
var nextDay = day + 7
var nextMonth = month
var nextYear = year
if (nextDay > daysOfMonth[month]) {
nextDay %= daysOfMonth[month]
if (nextMonth > 12) {
nextMonth = 1
return MyDate(nextDay, nextMonth, nextYear)
private fun updateLeapYear(year: Int) {
val days = when {
year % 400 == 0 -> 29
year % 100 == 0 -> 28
year % 4 == 0 -> 29
else -> 28
daysOfMonth[2] = days
data class MyDate(val day: Int, val month: Int, val year: Int)
private operator fun MyDate.compareTo(other: MyDate): Int {
val y = year.compareTo(other.year)
if (y != 0) {
return y
val m = month.compareTo(other.month)
if (m != 0) {
return m
return day.compareTo(
private val daysOfMonth = arrayOf(
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e881cadf85377374e544af0a75cb073c6b496998 | 2,155 | project-euler | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/kr/co/programmers/P67256.kt | antop-dev | 229,558,170 | false | {"Kotlin": 695315, "Java": 213000} | package
import kotlin.math.abs
class P67256 {
fun solution(numbers: IntArray, hand: String): String {
var answer = ""
val prev = arrayOf(intArrayOf(3, 0), intArrayOf(3, 2)) // 초기 위치
for (n in numbers) {
// 키패드 -> 인덱스
var idx = n - 1
if (idx == -1) idx = 10
// 인덱스 -> 2차원 배열
val p = intArrayOf(idx / 3, idx % 3)
if (p[1] == 0) { // 왼손
answer += "L"
prev[0] = p
} else if (p[1] == 2) { // 오른손
answer += "R"
prev[1] = p
} else {
// 왼손으로부터의 거리
val diffLeft = abs(prev[0][0] - p[0]) + abs(prev[0][1] - p[1])
// 오른손으로부터의 거리
val diffRight = abs(prev[1][0] - p[0]) + abs(prev[1][1] - p[1])
if (diffLeft < diffRight) {
answer += "L"
prev[0] = p
} else if (diffLeft > diffRight) {
answer += "R"
prev[1] = p
} else {
if (hand == "left") {
answer += "L"
prev[0] = p
} else {
answer += "R"
prev[1] = p
return answer
| 1 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 9a3e762af93b078a2abd0d97543123a06e327164 | 1,561 | algorithm | MIT License |
src/test/kotlin/org/nield/kotlinstatistics/DoubleStatisticsTest.kt | thomasnield | 84,361,977 | false | null | package org.nield.kotlinstatistics
import org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Test
class DoubleStatisticsTest {
val doubleVector = sequenceOf(0.0, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 11.0)
val groups = sequenceOf("A", "B","B","C", "C")
fun sumBy() {
val r = mapOf("A" to 0.0, "B" to 4.0, "C" to 16.0) { Assert.assertTrue(it["A"] == r["A"] && it["B"] == r["B"] && it["C"] == r["C"]) }
keySelector = {it.first},
doubleSelector = {it.second}
).let { Assert.assertTrue(it["A"] == r["A"] && it["B"] == r["B"]) }
fun averageBy() {
val r = mapOf("A" to 0.0, "B" to 2.0, "C" to 8.0)
keySelector = {it.first},
doubleSelector = {it.second}
).let { Assert.assertTrue(it == r ) }
fun binTest() {
val binned = sequenceOf(
doubleVector, { it + 100.0 }, { it + 200.0 }
).flatMap { it }
binSize = 100.0,
valueSelector = {it.first},
rangeStart = 0.0
Assert.assertTrue(binned.bins.size == 3)
Assert.assertTrue(binned[5.0]!!.range.let { it.lowerBound == 0.0 && it.upperBound == 100.0 })
Assert.assertTrue(binned[105.0]!!.range.let { it.lowerBound == 100.0 && it.upperBound == 200.0 })
Assert.assertTrue(binned[205.0]!!.range.let { it.lowerBound == 200.0 && it.upperBound == 300.0 })
private fun <T> Sequence<T>.repeat() : Sequence<T> = sequence {
while(true) yieldAll(this@repeat)
} | 15 | Kotlin | 48 | 840 | 17f64bae2a3cea2e85f05c08172d19a290561e3b | 1,879 | kotlin-statistics | Apache License 2.0 |
code/day_12/src/jvm8Main/kotlin/task2.kt | dhakehurst | 725,945,024 | false | {"Kotlin": 105846} | package day_12
import kotlin.math.min
class BitString(
val value: ULong
) : Iterable<Boolean> {
val groups: List<Int> by lazy {
val g = mutableListOf<Int>()
var grp = 0
for (b in this.reversed()) {
if (b) {
} else {
if (0 != grp) g.add(grp)
grp = 0
if (0 != grp) g.add(grp)
fun setBit(n: Int): BitString = BitString(value or 2UL.pow(n))
fun get(n: Int): Boolean = (value and 2UL.pow(n)) != 0UL
fun matchesOr(other: BitString) = (this.value or other.value) == this.value
fun matchesInvOr(other: BitString) = (this.value.inv() or other.value) == this.value.inv()
override fun iterator(): Iterator<Boolean> = object : AbstractIterator<Boolean>() {
var v = value
override fun computeNext() {
when {
0UL == v -> done()
else -> {
setNext((v and 1UL) == 1UL)
v = v.shr(1)
override fun hashCode(): Int = value.hashCode()
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = when {
other !is BitString -> false
this.value != other.value -> false
else -> true
override fun toString(): String = value.toString(2)
val List<Int>.toBitString
get() = BitString(this.foldIndexed(0UL) { x, a, i ->
when (i) {
0 -> a.shl(1)
else -> a.shl(1).inc()
fun genStr(opt: List<Int>, groups: List<Int>): String {
var str = ".".repeat(opt[0])
for (i in 0 until groups.size - 1) {
val grpLen = groups[i]
val optLen = opt[i + 1]
str += "#".repeat(grpLen) + ".".repeat(optLen + 1)
return str + "#".repeat(groups.last()) + ".".repeat(opt.last())
fun genLong(opt: List<Int>, groups: List<Int>): ULong {
var v = 0UL//".".repeat(opt[0])
for (i in 0 until groups.size - 1) {
val grpLen = groups[i]
val optLen = opt[i + 1]
val grpVal = 2UL.pow(grpLen) - 1u //"#".repeat(groups[i])
val shGrpVal = grpVal.shl(optLen + 1) //".".repeat(opt[i + 1]+1)
v = v.shl(grpLen + optLen + 1)
v += shGrpVal
v = v.shl(groups.last())
v += 2UL.pow(groups.last()) - 1u
v = v.shl(opt.last())
return v
fun distribute(balls: Int, boxes: Int, distribution: List<Int> = emptyList()): List<List<Int>> {
return if (boxes == 1) {
println((distribution + balls).joinToString())
listOf(distribution + balls)
} else {
val result = mutableListOf<List<Int>>()
for (i in 0..min(1, balls)) {
result += distribute(balls - i, boxes - 1, distribution + i)
data class PatternAsLongs(
val str: String,
val groups: List<Int>,
val expect: Expect
) {
val hashes = BitString(str.asBinaryULong("#"))
val dots = BitString(str.asBinaryULong("."))
val blanks = BitString(str.asBinaryULong("?"))
fun matches(other: BitString) =
other.matchesOr(hashes) && other.matchesInvOr(dots) && other.groups == groups
fun fillBlanksWith(dist: BitString): BitString {
var filled = BitString(hashes.value)
var d = 0
blanks.forEachIndexed { x, i ->
if (i) {
if (dist.get(d)) {
filled = BitString(filled.value or 2UL.pow(x))
} else {
} else {
return filled
data class CacheKey(
val c1: String,
val c2: List<Int>,
val c3:Expect
val cache3 = mutableMapOf<CacheKey, Long>()
fun submatch(str: String, wanted: List<Int>): Long {
val curGrps = BitString(str.asBinaryULong("#")).groups
return if (curGrps == wanted) 1 else 0
fun dgroupDiff(gMain: List<Int>, grp: Int?): List<Int> {
return when {
gMain.isEmpty() -> gMain
0 == gMain.first() -> gMain.drop(1)
else -> gMain
fun hgroupDiff(gMain: List<Int>, grp: Int?): List<Int> {
return when {
null == grp -> gMain
gMain.isEmpty() -> gMain
//grp == gMain.first() -> gMain.drop(1)
else -> {
val gf = gMain.first()
listOf(gf - 1) + gMain.drop(1)
fun countMatchDistribute3(start: Int, pattern: PatternAsLongs, balls: Int, boxes: Int): Long {
val key = CacheKey(pattern.str, pattern.groups, pattern.expect)
val cached = cache3[key]
return if (null == cached) {
val v = when {
pattern.str.length == 0 -> when {
0 == pattern.groups.sum() -> 1L
else -> 0L
0 == boxes -> {
val ch = pattern.str[0]
val ng = when (ch) {
'.' -> dgroupDiff(pattern.groups, 1)
'#' -> pattern.groups
else -> error("")
submatch(pattern.str, ng)
pattern.groups.isEmpty() -> {
submatch(pattern.str, emptyList())
// 0 == balls -> when {
// 0 == pattern.groups.sum() -> 1L
// else -> 0L
// }
else -> {
val ch = pattern.str[0]
val rhs = pattern.str.substr(1)
when (ch) {
'.' -> when {
pattern.expect == Expect.HASH -> 0L
else -> {
val ng = dgroupDiff(pattern.groups, 1)
val nx = when {
else -> Expect.ANY
countMatchDistribute3(start + 1, PatternAsLongs(rhs, ng, nx), balls, boxes)
'#' -> when {
pattern.expect == Expect.DOT -> 0L
pattern.groups.first() == 0 -> 0L //end of group should be a'.'
else -> {
val ng = hgroupDiff(pattern.groups, 1)
val nx = when {
pattern.groups.first()==1 -> Expect.DOT
else -> Expect.HASH
countMatchDistribute3(start + 1, PatternAsLongs(rhs, ng, nx), balls, boxes)
'?' -> {
var count = 0L
// first try '.'
val dc = when {
pattern.expect == Expect.HASH -> 0L
else -> {
val dgroupsDiff = dgroupDiff(pattern.groups, 1)
val nx = when {
else -> Expect.ANY
countMatchDistribute3(start + 1, PatternAsLongs(rhs, dgroupsDiff, nx), balls, boxes - 1)
count += dc
// then '#'
val hc = when {
pattern.expect == Expect.DOT -> 0L
pattern.groups.first() == 0 -> 0L
else -> {
val ng = hgroupDiff(pattern.groups, 1)
val nx = when {
pattern.groups.first()==1 -> Expect.DOT
else -> Expect.HASH
countMatchDistribute3(start + 1, PatternAsLongs(rhs, ng, nx), balls - 1, boxes - 1)
count += hc
else -> error("")
cache3[key] = v
} else {
enum class Expect { ANY, DOT, HASH }
fun countMatchesHashesIntoGaps(groups: List<Int>, record: String): Long {
val gaps = record.count { it == '?' }
val neededHashes = groups.sum() - record.count { it == '#' }
// println("$record, $groups")
// println("len: ${record.length}")
// println("groups: ${groups.size}")
// println("neededHashes: $neededHashes into: $gaps")
val p = PatternAsLongs(record, groups, Expect.ANY)
//distribute( neededHashes, gaps)
val count = countMatchDistribute3(0, p, neededHashes, gaps)
return count
val memo = mutableMapOf<Pair<Int, Int>, ULong>()
fun combination(n: Int, m: Int): ULong {
if (m == 0 || m == n) return 1u
if (m == 1) return n.toULong()
if (memo.containsKey(Pair(n, m))) {
return memo[Pair(n, m)]!!
val result = combination(n - 1, m - 1) + combination(n - 1, m)
memo[Pair(n, m)] = result
return result
fun task2(lines: List<String>): Long {
var total = 0L
for (line in lines) {
val record = line.substringBefore(" ")
val record2 = "$record?$record?$record?$record?$record"
val groupSizes = line.substringAfter(" ").split(",").map { it.trim().toInt() }
val groupSizes2 = groupSizes + groupSizes + groupSizes + groupSizes + groupSizes
//val regEx = toRegEx(groupSizes2)
//val alternativeCount = countMatchesOptionsFromGroups(groupSizes2, record2)
val alternativeCount = countMatchesHashesIntoGaps(groupSizes2, record2)
//println("ways: $alternativeCount")
total += alternativeCount
return total
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | be416bd89ac375d49649e7fce68c074f8c4e912e | 9,909 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
kotlinLeetCode/src/main/kotlin/leetcode/editor/cn/[628]三个数的最大乘积.kt | maoqitian | 175,940,000 | false | {"Kotlin": 354268, "Java": 297740, "C++": 634} | import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.max
// 示例 1:
//输入: [1,2,3]
//输出: 6
// 示例 2:
//输入: [1,2,3,4]
//输出: 24
// 注意:
// 给定的整型数组长度范围是[3,104],数组中所有的元素范围是[-1000, 1000]。
// 输入的数组中任意三个数的乘积不会超出32位有符号整数的范围。
// Related Topics 数组 数学
// 👍 261 👎 0
//leetcode submit region begin(Prohibit modification and deletion)
class Solution {
fun maximumProduct(nums: IntArray): Int {
//线性扫描得出最大 第二段 第三大 最小 第二小的数
// //排序 时间复杂度 O(nlogn)
// Arrays.sort(nums)
// val len = nums.size
// return Math.max(nums[len-1]*nums[len-2]*nums[len-3],nums[0]*nums[1]*nums[len-1])
//方法二 线性扫描
// 最小的和第二小的
var min1 = Int.MAX_VALUE
var min2 = Int.MAX_VALUE
// 最大的、第二大的和第三大的
var max1 = Int.MIN_VALUE
var max2 = Int.MIN_VALUE
var max3 = Int.MIN_VALUE
nums.forEach {
if(it < min1){
min2 = min1
min1 = it
}else if(it < min2){
min2 = it
if(it > max1){
max3 = max2
max2 = max1
max1 = it
}else if (it > max2){
max3 = max2
max2 = it
}else if(it > max3){
max3 = it
return Math.max(max1*max2*max3,min1*min2*max1)
//leetcode submit region end(Prohibit modification and deletion)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 8a85996352a88bb9a8a6a2712dce3eac2e1c3463 | 2,222 | MyLeetCode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day01.kt | woainikk | 572,944,262 | false | {"Kotlin": 1515} | fun main() {
fun calculateSnacks(input: List<String>): MutableList<Int>{
val reindeers: MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf()
var sum = 0
for (i in input) {
sum = 0
sum += i.toInt()
return reindeers
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return calculateSnacks(input).max()
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return calculateSnacks(input).sortedDescending().take(3).sum()
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day01_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 24000)
val input = readInput("Day01")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | dc06fb37a78d929308d61f562e2003696cad0305 | 874 | adventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/java/it/smartphonecombo/uecapabilityparser/query/ComboValue.kt | HandyMenny | 539,436,833 | false | {"Kotlin": 572976, "Dockerfile": 1718, "CSS": 45, "JavaScript": 19} | package it.smartphonecombo.uecapabilityparser.query
import it.smartphonecombo.uecapabilityparser.model.combo.ICombo
import it.smartphonecombo.uecapabilityparser.model.component.IComponent
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
sealed interface IComboValue {
fun matches(combo: ICombo): Boolean
fun matchesAny(list: List<ICombo>): Boolean = list.any { matches(it) }
data class ComboValue(
@SerialName("dl") val dlComponents: List<IComponentValue>,
@SerialName("ul") val ulComponents: List<IComponentValue>
) : IComboValue {
override fun matches(combo: ICombo): Boolean {
val components = combo.masterComponents
val res = componentsCheck(components, dlComponents, ulComponents)
if (res) echoSafe("Matched: " + combo.toCompactStr())
return res
data class ComboMrDcValue(
@SerialName("dlMaster") val dlMasterComponents: List<IComponentValue>,
@SerialName("ulMaster") val ulMasterComponents: List<IComponentValue>,
@SerialName("dlSecondary") val dlSecondaryComponents: List<IComponentValue>,
@SerialName("ulSecondary") val ulSecondaryComponents: List<IComponentValue>
) : IComboValue {
override fun matches(combo: ICombo): Boolean {
val masterComponents = combo.masterComponents
val secondaryComponents = combo.secondaryComponents
val res =
componentsCheck(masterComponents, dlMasterComponents, ulMasterComponents) &&
componentsCheck(secondaryComponents, dlSecondaryComponents, ulSecondaryComponents)
if (res) echoSafe("Matched: " + combo.toCompactStr())
return res
internal fun componentsCheck(
components: List<IComponent>,
dlCriteria: List<IComponentValue>,
ulCriteria: List<IComponentValue>
): Boolean {
return if (components.size < ulCriteria.size || components.size < dlCriteria.size) {
} else {
meetsCriteriaReduced(ulCriteria, components) && meetsCriteriaReduced(dlCriteria, components)
internal fun meetsCriteriaReduced(
criteria: List<IComponentValue>,
components: List<IComponent>
): Boolean {
val indexes = {
val res = it.allIndexes(components)
if (res.isEmpty()) return false
return reducedResult(indexes)
// Return true if all sublist have at least one unique value.
// To maximize lists that have unique values, this function eliminates duplicates (values that
// appears in
// multiple sub-lists) using a greedy-like algorithm.
internal fun reducedResult(list: List<List<Int>>): Boolean {
val allValues = list.flatten()
val distinctValues = allValues.distinct()
// Simple case
val simpleCase =
when {
// Empty input
list.isEmpty() -> true
// At least one sublist is empty
list.any { it.isEmpty() } -> false
// No duplicate case
allValues.size == distinctValues.size -> distinctValues.size >= list.size
// Not enough distinct values case
distinctValues.size < list.size -> false
else -> null
if (simpleCase != null) return simpleCase
// - General -- expensive -- case
// Add a weight to each value. weight = number of sub-lists containing that value
val valueWeights = distinctValues.associateWith { index -> list.count { it.contains(index) } }
// List sorted by sum of all weights
val sortedList = list.sortedBy { subList -> subList.sumOf { value -> valueWeights[value]!! } }
// store values already taken
val valuesTaken = mutableSetOf<Int>()
for (subList in sortedList) {
val int = subList.subtract(valuesTaken).minByOrNull { valueWeights[it]!! }
// found an empty sublist
if (int == null) break
return valuesTaken.size == list.size
| 2 | Kotlin | 8 | 13 | 30c02e3eb8c36beb5aca6c6683286170caf33841 | 4,095 | uecapabilityparser | MIT License |
src/leetcodeProblem/leetcode/editor/en/ReverseLinkedList.kt | faniabdullah | 382,893,751 | false | null | //Given the head of a singly linked list, reverse the list, and return the
//reversed list.
// Example 1:
//Input: head = [1,2,3,4,5]
//Output: [5,4,3,2,1]
// Example 2:
//Input: head = [1,2]
//Output: [2,1]
// Example 3:
//Input: head = []
//Output: []
// Constraints:
// The number of nodes in the list is the range [0, 5000].
// -5000 <= Node.val <= 5000
// Follow up: A linked list can be reversed either iteratively or recursively.
//Could you implement both?
// Related Topics Linked List Recursion 👍 8776 👎 153
package leetcodeProblem.leetcode.editor.en
import leetcode_study_badge.data_structure.ListNode
class ReverseLinkedList {
fun solution() {
//below code is used to auto submit to (using ide plugin)
//leetcode submit region begin(Prohibit modification and deletion)
* Example:
* var li = ListNode(5)
* var v = li.`val`
* Definition for singly-linked list.
* class ListNode(var `val`: Int) {
* var next: ListNode? = null
* }
class Solution {
fun reverseList(head: ListNode?): ListNode? {
if (head == null) return head
return recurReverseList(head, null)
private fun recurReverseList(p: ListNode?, l: ListNode?): ListNode? {
if (p == null) return l
val n = = l
return recurReverseList(n, p)
//leetcode submit region end(Prohibit modification and deletion)
fun main() {}
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 6 | ecf14fe132824e944818fda1123f1c7796c30532 | 1,603 | dsa-kotlin | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/me/peckb/aoc/_2017/calendar/day24/Day24.kt | peckb1 | 433,943,215 | false | {"Kotlin": 956135} | package me.peckb.aoc._2017.calendar.day24
import javax.inject.Inject
import me.peckb.aoc.generators.InputGenerator.InputGeneratorFactory
class Day24 @Inject constructor(private val generatorFactory: InputGeneratorFactory) {
fun partOne(filename: String) = generatorFactory.forFile(filename).readAs(::day24) { input ->
val components = input.mapIndexed { index, component -> component.apply { id = index } }.toList()
buildBridges(components).maxOf { it.second }
fun partTwo(filename: String) = generatorFactory.forFile(filename).readAs(::day24) { input ->
val components = input.mapIndexed { index, component -> component.apply { id = index } }.toList()
buildBridges(components).groupBy { it.first }.maxByOrNull { it.key }?.value?.maxOf { it.second }
private fun buildBridges(components: List<Component>): List<Pair<Int, Int>> {
return buildBridges(0, mutableSetOf(), components)
private fun buildBridges(endValue: Int, currentBridgeComponents: MutableSet<Component>, allComponents: List<Component>): List<Pair<Int, Int>> {
val nextPieces = allComponents.filter { (it.a == endValue || it.b == endValue) && !currentBridgeComponents.contains(it) }
if (nextPieces.isEmpty()) return listOf(currentBridgeComponents.size to currentBridgeComponents.strength())
return nextPieces.flatMap { component ->
(if (component.b == endValue) {
buildBridges(component.a, currentBridgeComponents, allComponents)
} else {
buildBridges(component.b, currentBridgeComponents, allComponents)
}).also {
private fun day24(line: String): Component {
val (a, b) = line.split("/").map { it.toInt() }
return Component(null, a, b)
data class Component(var id: Int?, val a: Int, val b: Int) {
val strength = a + b
private fun Set<Component>.strength() = sumOf { it.strength }
| 0 | Kotlin | 1 | 3 | 2625719b657eb22c83af95abfb25eb275dbfee6a | 1,983 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/me/alejandrorm/klosure/sparql/algebra/operators/LeftJoin.kt | alejandrorm | 512,041,126 | false | {"Kotlin": 196720, "Ruby": 28544, "HTML": 25737} | package me.alejandrorm.klosure.sparql.algebra.operators
import me.alejandrorm.klosure.model.Graph
import me.alejandrorm.klosure.model.Graphs
import me.alejandrorm.klosure.sparql.SolutionMapping
import me.alejandrorm.klosure.sparql.algebra.filters.Expression
import me.alejandrorm.klosure.sparql.algebra.filters.getEffectiveBooleanValue
import me.alejandrorm.klosure.sparql.algebra.filters.operators.AndExpression
class FakeLeftJoin(val operator: AlgebraOperator) : AlgebraOperator {
override fun eval(
solutions: Sequence<SolutionMapping>,
activeGraph: Graph,
graphs: Graphs
): Sequence<SolutionMapping> {
throw IllegalStateException("This operator should not be actually called, create a LeftJoin instead")
override fun hasFilter(): Boolean {
throw IllegalStateException("This operator should not be actually called, create a LeftJoin instead")
class LeftJoin(val left: AlgebraOperator, val right: AlgebraOperator) : AlgebraOperator {
private val nonFilterOperator: AlgebraOperator
private val filterExpression: Expression?
init {
when (right) {
is Join -> {
val nonFilterOperations = right.operators.filter { it !is Filter }
nonFilterOperator =
when (nonFilterOperations.size) {
0 -> Identity()
1 -> nonFilterOperations[0]
else -> Join(nonFilterOperations)
val filters = right.operators.filterIsInstance<Filter>()
filterExpression = when (filters.size) {
0 -> null
1 -> filters[0].expression
else -> { it.expression }.reduce { acc, filter ->
AndExpression(acc, filter)
is Filter -> {
nonFilterOperator = Identity()
filterExpression = right.expression
else -> {
nonFilterOperator = right
filterExpression = null
override fun toString(): String =
"LeftJoin($left, $nonFilterOperator, ${filterExpression ?: "true"})"
override fun eval(
solutions: Sequence<SolutionMapping>,
activeGraph: Graph,
graphs: Graphs
): Sequence<SolutionMapping> {
return join(solutions, activeGraph, graphs)
private fun join(
solutions: Sequence<SolutionMapping>,
activeGraph: Graph,
graphs: Graphs
): Sequence<SolutionMapping> = sequence {
val l1 = left.eval(solutions, activeGraph, graphs)
val l2 =
if (nonFilterOperator is GraphGraphPattern) {
} else {
nonFilterOperator.eval(sequenceOf(SolutionMapping.EmptySolutionMapping), activeGraph, graphs).toList()
for (solution1 in l1) {
var yielded = false
for (solution2 in l2) {
if (solution1.isCompatible(solution2)) {
val mergedSolution = solution1.merge(solution2)
if (filterExpression == null || getEffectiveBooleanValue(
) == true
) {
yielded = true
if (!yielded) {
override fun hasFilter(): Boolean {
return filterExpression != null
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 14abf426f3cad162c021ffae750038e25b8cb271 | 4,105 | klosure | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/com/hj/leetcode/kotlin/problem1160/Solution.kt | hj-core | 534,054,064 | false | {"Kotlin": 619841} | package com.hj.leetcode.kotlin.problem1160
* LeetCode page: [1160. Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters](;
class Solution {
/* Complexity:
* Time O(N+M) and Space O(1) where N is the flattened length of words
* and N is the length of chars;
fun countCharacters(words: Array<String>, chars: String): Int {
val availableChars = chars.eachCount()
return words.sumOf { word ->
if (word.canBeFormedBy(availableChars)) {
} else {
private fun String.eachCount(): List<Int> {
return this.fold(MutableList(26) { 0 }) { acc, c ->
acc[c - 'a']++
private fun String.canBeFormedBy(availableChars: List<Int>): Boolean {
val remainingChars = availableChars.toMutableList()
for (c in this) {
remainingChars[c - 'a']--
if (remainingChars[c - 'a'] < 0) {
return false
return true
} | 1 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 14c033f2bf43d1c4148633a222c133d76986029c | 1,154 | hj-leetcode-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/me/peckb/aoc/_2021/calendar/day22/Day22.kt | peckb1 | 433,943,215 | false | {"Kotlin": 956135} | package me.peckb.aoc._2021.calendar.day22
import me.peckb.aoc.generators.InputGenerator.InputGeneratorFactory
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.threed.Bounds3D
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D
import javax.inject.Inject
class Day22 @Inject constructor(private val generatorFactory: InputGeneratorFactory) {
fun initializationArea(fileName: String) = generatorFactory.forFile(fileName).readAs(::instruction) { input ->
fun fullReactorArea(fileName: String) = generatorFactory.forFile(fileName).readAs(::instruction) { input ->
private fun calculateOverlappingCuboidArea(instructions: Sequence<Instruction>): Double {
val everyOverlapInstruction = mutableListOf<Instruction>()
instructions.forEach { instruction ->
val newOverlapInstructions = mutableListOf(instruction)
val (_, newCube) = instruction
everyOverlapInstruction.forEach { (overlapActivation, overlapCube) ->
val intersectionCube: Bounds3D? = newCube.intersection(overlapCube)
intersectionCube?.let {
newOverlapInstructions.add(Instruction(overlapActivation.invert(), it))
return everyOverlapInstruction.sumOf { it.cube.area() * it.activation.areaModifier }
private fun Bounds3D.area() = (max.x - min.x + 1) * (max.y - min.y + 1) * (max.z - min.z + 1)
private fun instruction(line: String): Instruction {
val activation = Activation.from(line.split(" ").first())
val (xData, yData, zData) =
line.split(",").map { it
val minVector = Vector3D.of(xData.first(), yData.first(), zData.first())
val maxVector = Vector3D.of(xData.last(), yData.last(), zData.last())
return Instruction(activation, Bounds3D.from(minVector, maxVector))
data class Instruction(val activation: Activation, val cube: Bounds3D)
enum class Activation(var areaModifier: Int) {
fun invert() = when (this) {
companion object {
fun from(activationString: String) = if (activationString == "on") ENABLE else DISABLE
| 0 | Kotlin | 1 | 3 | 2625719b657eb22c83af95abfb25eb275dbfee6a | 2,464 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/commonMain/kotlin/urbanistic.transform/AnyToXY.kt | Monkey-Maestro | 363,166,892 | false | {"Kotlin": 334900} | package urbanistic.transform
import kotlin.math.sqrt
class Point3(var x: Double = 0.0, var y: Double = 0.0, var z: Double = 0.0) {
fun set(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.z = z
operator fun minus(v2: Point3): Point3 {
return Point3(x - v2.x, y - v2.y, z - v2.z)
operator fun plus(v2: Point3): Point3 {
return Point3(v2.x + x, v2.y + y, v2.z + z)
operator fun times(sc: Double): Point3 {
return Point3(x * sc, y * sc, z * sc)
operator fun div(sc: Double): Point3 {
return Point3(x / sc, y / sc, z / sc)
fun normalize() {
val d = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
if (d != 0.0) {
x /= d
y /= d
z /= d
fun cross(b: Point3): Point3 {
return Point3(
y * b.z - b.y * z,
z * b.x - b.z * x,
x * b.y - b.x * y
fun normal(vertices: DoubleArray): DoubleArray {
val ccw = true // counterclockwise normal direction
val points = arrayListOf<Point3>()
for (i in 0 until (vertices.size / 3)) {
points.add(Point3(vertices[i * 3], vertices[i * 3 + 1], vertices[i * 3 + 2]))
var m3: Point3 = points[points.size - 2]
var m2 = points[points.size - 1]
var c123 = Point3()
var v32: Point3
var v12: Point3
for (i in points.indices) {
val m1 = points[i]
v32 = m3 - m2
v12 = m1 - m2
c123 = if (!ccw) {
c123 + v32.cross(v12)
} else {
c123 + v12.cross(v32)
m3 = m2
m2 = m1
return doubleArrayOf(c123.x, c123.y, c123.z)
class AnyToXYTransform(nx: Double, ny: Double, nz: Double) {
protected var m00 = 0.0
protected var m01 = 0.0
protected var m02 = 0.0
protected var m10 = 0.0
protected var m11 = 0.0
protected var m12 = 0.0
protected var m20 = 0.0
protected var m21 = 0.0
protected var m22 = 0.0
* normal must be normalized
* @param nx
* @param ny
* @param nz
fun setSourceNormal(nx: Double, ny: Double, nz: Double) {
val h: Double
val f: Double
val hvx: Double
val vx: Double = -ny
val vy: Double = nx
val c: Double = nz
h = (1 - c) / (1 - c * c)
hvx = h * vx
f = if (c < 0) -c else c
if (f < 1.0 - 1.0E-4) {
m00 = c + hvx * vx
m01 = hvx * vy
m02 = -vy
m10 = hvx * vy
m11 = c + h * vy * vy
m12 = vx
m20 = vy
m21 = -vx
m22 = c
} else {
// if "from" and "to" vectors are nearly parallel
m00 = 1.0
m01 = 0.0
m02 = 0.0
m10 = 0.0
m11 = 1.0
m12 = 0.0
m20 = 0.0
m21 = 0.0
m22 = if (c > 0) {
} else {
* Assumes source normal is normalized
init {
setSourceNormal(nx, ny, nz)
fun transform(p: Point3) {
val px: Double = p.x
val py: Double = p.y
val pz: Double = p.z
m00 * px + m01 * py + m02 * pz,
m10 * px + m11 * py + m12 * pz,
m20 * px + m21 * py + m22 * pz
fun transform(data: DoubleArray) {
for (i in 0 until (data.size / 3)) {
val point = Point3(data[i * 3], data[i * 3 + 1], data[i * 3 + 2])
data[i * 3] = point.x
data[i * 3 + 1] = point.y
data[i * 3 + 2] = point.z
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 51396cdd4557480232f42a5649de42caa29d963c | 3,823 | earcut-kotlin-multiplatform | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/day21.kt | Gitvert | 725,292,325 | false | {"Kotlin": 97000} | fun day21 (lines: List<String>) {
fun part1(lines: List<String>) {
val start = findStartPosition(lines)
val currentPositions = mutableSetOf(start)
val maxX = lines[0].indices.last
val maxY = lines.indices.last
for (i in 1..64) {
takeAllPossibleSteps(lines, currentPositions, maxX, maxY)
println("Day 21 part 1: ${currentPositions.size}")
fun part2(lines: List<String>) {
val extendedMap = extendMap(lines)
//printGarden(extendedMap, mutableSetOf())
val start = findStartPosition(extendedMap)
val currentPositions = mutableSetOf(start)
val maxX = extendedMap[0].indices.last
val maxY = extendedMap.indices.last
//Repeats at 65 + 131 * n
for (i in 1..65) {
takeAllPossibleSteps(extendedMap, currentPositions, maxX, maxY)
//No of clustered rocks contained can be given by formula: (4 * n * n) - (4 * n) + 1
printGarden(extendedMap, currentPositions)
println("Day 21 part 2: ${currentPositions.size}")
fun takeAllPossibleSteps(lines: List<String>, currentPositions: MutableSet<Pos>, maxX: Int, maxY: Int) {
val newPositions = mutableSetOf<Pos>()
while (currentPositions.isNotEmpty()) {
val position = currentPositions.first()
addPositionIfValid(Pos(position.x + 1, position.y), lines, newPositions, maxX, maxY)
addPositionIfValid(Pos(position.x - 1, position.y), lines, newPositions, maxX, maxY)
addPositionIfValid(Pos(position.x, position.y + 1), lines, newPositions, maxX, maxY)
addPositionIfValid(Pos(position.x, position.y - 1), lines, newPositions, maxX, maxY)
fun addPositionIfValid(position: Pos, lines: List<String>, newPositions: MutableSet<Pos>, maxX: Int, maxY: Int) {
if (position.x in 0..maxX && position.y in 0..maxY/* && lines[position.y][position.x] != '#'*/) {
fun printGarden(lines: List<String>, currentPositions: MutableSet<Pos>) {
for (y in lines.indices) {
for (x in lines[0].indices) {
if (currentPositions.contains(Pos(x, y))) {
} else {
fun extendMap(lines: List<String>): List<String> {
val newMap = mutableListOf<String>()
var newLine = ""
for (i in 1..9) {
lines.forEach { line ->
for (j in 1..9) {
line.forEach{ cell ->
newLine += if (cell == 'S' && (i != 5 || j != 5)) {
} else {
newLine = ""
return newMap
fun findStartPosition(lines: List<String>): Pos {
lines.forEachIndexed { y, line ->
line.forEachIndexed { x, cell ->
if (cell == 'S') {
return Pos(x, y)
return Pos(0, 0)
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f204f09c94528f5cd83ce0149a254c4b0ca3bc91 | 3,247 | advent_of_code_2023 | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/g0701_0800/s0792_number_of_matching_subsequences/Solution.kt | javadev | 190,711,550 | false | {"Kotlin": 4420233, "TypeScript": 50437, "Python": 3646, "Shell": 994} | package g0701_0800.s0792_number_of_matching_subsequences
// #Medium #String #Hash_Table #Sorting #Trie
// #2023_03_13_Time_346_ms_(100.00%)_Space_41.7_MB_(40.00%)
class Solution {
fun numMatchingSubseq(s: String, words: Array<String>): Int {
val buckets: Array<MutableList<Node>?> = arrayOfNulls(26)
for (i in buckets.indices) {
buckets[i] = ArrayList()
for (word in words) {
val start = word[0]
buckets[start.code - 'a'.code]?.add(Node(word, 0))
var result = 0
for (c in s.toCharArray()) {
val currBucket: MutableList<Node>? = buckets[c.code - 'a'.code]
buckets[c.code - 'a'.code] = ArrayList()
for (node in currBucket!!) {
if (node.index == node.word.length) {
} else {
val start = node.word[node.index]
buckets[start.code - 'a'.code]?.add(node)
return result
private class Node(var word: String, var index: Int)
| 0 | Kotlin | 14 | 24 | fc95a0f4e1d629b71574909754ca216e7e1110d2 | 1,146 | LeetCode-in-Kotlin | MIT License |
bot/engine/src/main/kotlin/admin/bot/ArtifactVersion.kt | theopenconversationkit | 84,538,053 | false | {"Kotlin": 5672130, "TypeScript": 1097149, "HTML": 464445, "CSS": 143185, "SCSS": 74060, "Shell": 10923, "JavaScript": 5496} | /*
* Copyright (C) 2017/2021 e-voyageurs technologies
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import kotlin.math.abs
* An artifact version number.
data class ArtifactVersion(
val major: String,
val minor: String,
val iteration: String
) {
companion object {
* The "unknown" artifact version number.
val UNKNOWN: ArtifactVersion = ArtifactVersion("NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
private fun distance(v1: String, v2: String): Long {
return if (v1 == v2) {
} else if (v1.toLongOrNull() != null && v2.toLongOrNull() != null) {
abs(v1.toLong() - v2.toLong())
} else {
levenshtein(v1, v2).toLong()
private fun levenshtein(
s: String,
t: String,
charScore: (Char, Char) -> Int = { c1, c2 -> if (c1 == c2) 0 else 1 }
): Int {
// Special cases
if (s == t) return 0
if (s == "") return t.length
if (t == "") return s.length
val initialRow: List<Int> = (0 until t.length + 1).map { it }.toList()
return (0 until s.length).fold(
{ previous, u ->
(0 until t.length).fold(
mutableListOf(u + 1),
{ row, v ->
row.last() + 1,
previous[v + 1] + 1,
previous[v] + charScore(s[u], t[v])
internal fun distanceFrom(version: ArtifactVersion): Long {
return distance(major, version.major) * 100 + distance(minor, version.minor) * 10 + distance(iteration, version.iteration)
| 147 | Kotlin | 119 | 435 | aa697c247870de83ada91b342164cc1a525fdfa7 | 2,637 | tock | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day11.kt | erwinw | 572,913,172 | false | {"Kotlin": 87621} | @file:Suppress("MagicNumber")
private const val DAY = "11"
private const val PART1_CHECK = 10605L
private const val PART2_CHECK = 2713310158L
fun main() {
data class Monkey(
val id: Int,
var items: MutableList<Long>,
val operation: (Long) -> Long,
val divisor: Long,
val trueTargetMonkey: Int,
val falseTargetMonkey: Int,
var inspectedCount: Long = 0L,
) {
fun inspectAndThrowAll(monkeys: List<Monkey>, relief: Int, commonDivisor: Long = 1) {
inspectedCount += items.size
// println(" Items: ${items.size}")
items.removeAll { item ->
true.also {
val inspectionResult = operation(item)
val postRelief = if (relief != 1) {
inspectionResult / relief
} else {
inspectionResult % commonDivisor
val targetMonkeyId =
if (postRelief % divisor == 0L) trueTargetMonkey else falseTargetMonkey
// println(" Item: $item -> $inspectionResult -> $postRelief; thrown to $targetMonkeyId")
val targetMonkey = monkeys[targetMonkeyId]
fun parseOperation(opString: String): (Long) -> Long =
when {
opString == "* old" -> ({ it * it })
opString.first() == '*' -> {
val operand = opString.drop(2).toLong()
({ it * operand })
opString.first() == '+' -> {
val operand = opString.drop(2).toLong()
({ it + operand })
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported opString: $opString")
fun parseMonkey(input: List<String>) =
id = input[0].drop(7).dropLast(1).toInt(),
items = input[1].drop(18).split(", ").map(String::toLong).toMutableList(),
operation = parseOperation(input[2].drop(23)),
divisor = input[3].drop(21).toLong(),
trueTargetMonkey = input[4].drop(29).toInt(),
falseTargetMonkey = input[5].drop(30).toInt(),
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
val monkeys = input.chunked(7).map(::parseMonkey)
val commonDivisor = { it.divisor }.reduce { acc, i -> acc * i }
repeat(20) { round ->
println("\nStarting round $round\n========")
monkeys.forEach { monkey ->
// println("Monkey ${}:")
monkey.inspectAndThrowAll(monkeys, 3)
println("After round ${round + 1}, the monkeys are holding items with these worry levels:")
monkeys.forEach { println("Monkey ${}: ${it.items.joinToString()}") }
monkeys.forEach { println("Monkey ${} inspected items ${it.inspectedCount} times.") }
return { it.inspectedCount }.sortedDescending().take(2).reduce { acc, i -> acc * i }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val monkeys = input.chunked(7).map(::parseMonkey)
val commonDivisor = { it.divisor }.reduce { acc, i -> acc * i }
val printIf = listOf(
repeat(10_000) { round ->
// if (round % 100 == 0) {
// println("Round: $round")
// }
// println("\nStarting round $round\n========")
monkeys.forEach { monkey ->
// println("Monkey ${}:")
monkey.inspectAndThrowAll(monkeys, 1, commonDivisor)
if (round in printIf) {
println("After round ${round + 1}, the monkeys are holding items with these worry levels:")
monkeys.forEach { println("Monkey ${}: ${it.items.joinToString()}") }
monkeys.forEach { println("Monkey ${} inspected items ${it.inspectedCount} times.") }
monkeys.forEach { println("Monkey ${} inspected items ${it.inspectedCount} times.") }
return { it.inspectedCount }.sortedDescending().take(2).reduce { acc, i -> acc * i }
println("Day $DAY")
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day${DAY}_test")
check(part1(testInput).also { println("Part1 output: $it") } == PART1_CHECK)
check(part2(testInput).also { println("Part2 output: $it") } == PART2_CHECK)
val input = readInput("Day$DAY")
println("Part1 final output: ${part1(input)}")
println("Part2 final output: ${part2(input)}")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 57cba37265a3c63dea741c187095eff24d0b5381 | 5,097 | adventofcode2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/y2023/day10/Day10.kt | niedrist | 726,105,019 | false | {"Kotlin": 19919} | package y2023.day10
import BasicDay
import util.FileReader
val d = FileReader.asStrings("2023/day10.txt").map { it.toCharArray() }.toCoordinates().toMutableList()
fun main() =
object Day09 : BasicDay() {
override fun part1(): Int {
val start = d.first { it.pipe == 'S' }
val updatedStartPipe = start.copy(pipe = getStartDirection(start))
var currentPipe = updatedStartPipe
val visited = mutableSetOf<Coordinate>()
while (currentPipe != updatedStartPipe || visited.isEmpty()) {
val surroundings = currentPipe.surroundings()
for (it in surroundings) {
if (currentPipe.isConnectedWith(it, 0) && (it !in visited || it == updatedStartPipe)) {
currentPipe = it
return visited.size / 2
override fun part2() = 2 // TODO
private fun getStartDirection(start: Coordinate): Char {
val surroundings = start.surroundings()
for (tryPipe in listOf('|', '-', 'L', 'J', '7', 'F')) {
val countConnected = surroundings.count { start.copy(pipe = tryPipe).isConnectedWith(it, 0) }
if (countConnected == 2)
return tryPipe
throw IllegalStateException("Start pipe is not properly connected")
private fun Coordinate.surroundings(): List<Coordinate> =
buildList {
d.forEach {
if ([email protected] - it.x in listOf(-1, 0, 1) &&
[email protected] - it.y in listOf(-1, 0, 1) &&
this@surroundings != it
) {
private fun Coordinate.isConnectedWith(other: Coordinate, countTries: Int): Boolean {
if (this.x - other.x !in listOf(-1, 0, 1) || this.y - other.y !in listOf(-1, 0, 1) || countTries > 1)
return false
return when (this.pipe) {
'|' -> when {
other.pipe == '|' && this.x == other.x && this.y - other.y in listOf(-1, 1) -> true
other.pipe == 'L' && this.x == other.x && this.y == other.y - 1 -> true
other.pipe == 'J' && this.x == other.x && this.y == other.y - 1 -> true
other.pipe == '7' && this.x == other.x && this.y == other.y + 1 -> true
other.pipe == 'F' && this.x == other.x && this.y == other.y + 1 -> true
else -> other.isConnectedWith(this, countTries + 1)
'-' -> when {
other.pipe == '-' && this.y == other.y && this.x - other.x in listOf(-1, 1) -> true
other.pipe == 'J' && this.y == other.y && this.x == other.x - 1 -> true
other.pipe == '7' && this.y == other.y && this.x == other.x - 1 -> true
other.pipe == 'L' && this.y == other.y && this.x == other.x + 1 -> true
other.pipe == 'F' && this.y == other.y && this.x == other.x + 1 -> true
else -> other.isConnectedWith(this, countTries + 1)
'L' -> when {
other.pipe == 'J' && this.y == other.y && this.x == other.x - 1 -> true
other.pipe == '7' && (
(this.y == other.y && this.x == other.x - 1) || (this.x == other.x && this.y == other.y + 1)
) -> true
other.pipe == 'F' && this.x == other.x && this.y == other.y + 1 -> true
else -> other.isConnectedWith(this, countTries + 1)
'J' -> when {
other.pipe == 'F' && (
(this.y == other.y && this.x == other.x + 1) || (this.x == other.x && this.y == other.y + 1)
) -> true
other.pipe == '7' && this.x == other.x && this.y == other.y + 1 -> true
else -> other.isConnectedWith(this, countTries + 1)
'F' -> when {
other.pipe == '7' && this.y == other.y && this.x == other.x - 1 -> true
else -> other.isConnectedWith(this, countTries + 1)
'.' -> false
else -> other.isConnectedWith(this, countTries + 1)
data class Coordinate(val x: Int, val y: Int, val pipe: Char)
fun List<CharArray>.toCoordinates() = buildList {
[email protected] { y, chars ->
chars.forEachIndexed { x, c ->
add(Coordinate(x, y, c))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 37e38176d0ee52bef05f093b73b74e47b9011e24 | 4,395 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/com/ginsberg/advent2017/Day06.kt | tginsberg | 112,672,087 | false | null | /*
* Copyright (c) 2017 by <NAME>
package com.ginsberg.advent2017
* AoC 2017, Day 6
* Problem Description:
* Blog Post/Commentary:
typealias AnswerFunction = (Map<String, Int>, String) -> Int
class Day06(stringInput: String) {
private val input: IntArray = stringInput.split(Constants.WHITESPACE).map { it.toInt() }.toIntArray()
fun solvePart1(): Int =
reallocate(input) { map, _ ->
fun solvePart2(): Int =
reallocate(input) { map, key ->
(map.size) - map.getValue(key)
tailrec private fun reallocate(memory: IntArray,
seen: Map<String, Int> = mutableMapOf(),
answer: AnswerFunction): Int {
val hash = memory.joinToString()
return if (hash in seen) answer(seen, hash)
else {
val (index, amount) = memory.withIndex().maxBy { it.value }!!
memory[index] = 0
repeat(amount) { i ->
val idx = (index + i + 1) % memory.size
memory[idx] += 1
reallocate(memory, seen + (hash to seen.size), answer)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 15 | a57219e75ff9412292319b71827b35023f709036 | 1,306 | advent-2017-kotlin | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/probability/independence.kt | jpgagnebmc | 625,129,199 | false | null | package probability
import bayesian.Markov
import bayesian.Node
import logic.braced
interface I {
val X: List<Node>
val Z: List<Node>
val Y: List<Node>
fun I(X: List<Node>, Z: List<Node>, Y: List<Node>): I = IImpl(X, Z, Y)
val I.iString: String
get() = "I(${X.s}, ${Z.s}, ${Y.s})"
private val List<Node>.s: String
get() = when {
size > 1 -> sortedBy { it.letter }.joinToString(", ") { it.letter }.braced
size == 1 -> first().letter
else -> "∅"
data class IImpl(override val X: List<Node>, override val Z: List<Node>, override val Y: List<Node>) : I {
override fun toString(): String = iString
fun List<I>.conditionallyIndependent(I: I): Boolean = I.Z.none { z -> allParents(I.X).contains(z) }
fun List<I>.allParents(nodes: List<Node>): List<Node> = nodes.flatMap { allParents(it) }
fun List<I>.allParents(node: Node): List<Node> = filter { it.X.contains(node) }.flatMap { it.Z + it.Z.flatMap { allParents(it) } }
fun List<I>.marginallyIndependent(I: I): Boolean = I.Z.none { z -> any { it.X.contains(z) } }
fun Probability.removeIndependencies(markov: List<Markov>) = copy(
given = given.filterNot { g ->
g in query.flatMap { n -> markov.first { it.node == n }.nonDescendants }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 087bcc0f908fb71da2e3f0e03fe8066f44797643 | 1,269 | homework | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/days/day7/Day7.kt | Stenz123 | 694,797,878 | false | {"Kotlin": 27460} | package days.day7
import days.Day
class Day7:Day() {
override fun partOne(): Any {
return getValidBagCunt("shiny gold", readInput()).count()
fun getValidBagCunt(bag: String, input: List<String>): Set<String> {
val validBags = input.filter{it.substringAfter(" ").contains(bag)}
if (validBags.isEmpty()) {
return setOf()
val result ={it.substringBefore(" bags")}.toSet().toMutableSet()
for (validBag in validBags) {
result += getValidBagCunt(validBag.substringBefore(" bags"), input)
return result
fun countBagsInGOldBag(bag: String , input: List<String>): Int{
val validBags = input.filter{it.substringBefore(" contain").contains(bag)}
val containedBags = { it.substringAfter("contain ").split(", ").map{it.replace(".","")} }.flatten()
var result = 1
for (containedBag in containedBags) {
val numberOfBags = containedBag.substringBefore(" ").toIntOrNull() ?: return 1
result += numberOfBags * countBagsInGOldBag(containedBag.substringAfter(" "), input)
return result
override fun partTwo(): Any {
return countBagsInGOldBag("shiny gold", readInput())-1
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 3e5ee86cd723c293ec44b1be314697ccf5cdaab7 | 1,301 | advent-of-code-2020 | The Unlicense |
Subsets and Splits