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### Human: Having a backup. | ### Assistant: --there's a big thing about schooling amongst our stuff now in football. So Calder Cannons encourage us to do well at school, and at the moment, with how much stuff I'm doing, there's only a few days I get where I can come home and do homework and all that sort of stuff. I do say to my teachers, "Look, I've only got this amount of days," and i go down to two. Probably, it'll only go down to three, and probably down to two at the moment if Thursday does become AFL training. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. Because then it's Monday and Saturday. Yeah. And what are the teachers like around supporting you? | ### Assistant: They say, "Do as much as you can on those days after school, or if you need, do it at lunchtime," which, yeah, I've got to find time during lunchtime and that sort of stuff to balance out school and sport. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Would that be helpful for next time to sit down and do a bit of a timetable to see what it looks like for you, where you fit everything in? | ### Assistant: Yeah. Well, at the moment-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Just as a thought. You can say, "No. I'm not thinking that all could be helpful." | ### Assistant: And there are a few things that I'm behind on. A few assignments that I haven't been able to get done because of football. I guess it's hard when you do sport, especially the amount of sport I'm doing. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And how many hours do you do? Just for me to get my head around. | ### Assistant: So Calder Cannons goes from 5:00 till 6:30. And club football goes 5:00 till 6:30. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: 5:00 till 6:30. Yeah. | ### Assistant: NFL one, I'm not sure about. And the other club football on Friday is the same time. And Sunday, normally games. I'm not 100% sure. I'm pretty sure about four quarters, I think. The last time it was 20-minute quarters. So probably looking at an hour and something. What? | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So if they're 20-minute quarters-- | ### Assistant: There's 20-minute quarters and there's four of them. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So 80-minute duration. | ### Assistant: That's 80 minutes. Yeah. So that's probably about an hour and 20. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So at least an hour and a half. | ### Assistant: Yeah. Almost. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: 80 minutes. | ### Assistant: I think that gets up-- I'm not sure how many minutes we have. No. Because I've gone down. So we have the exact same. Yeah. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. 80 minutes. | ### Assistant: I think. I know last year because I've stayed-- so last year I was under 15s, and this year I'm playing under 15s again. So I'm pretty sure it stays like that. I think the older you get the more changes you get on the ball and all that sort of stuff. So more times you come on the bench and that sort of stuff, and the higher it gets, I think they're looking at 25-minutes or something like that. So when you get older, they get-- I think when you get to about 18 it's 30-minute quarters and all | ### Assistant: |
### Human: That's a much longer game. | ### Assistant: Yeah. And that's, I think, what AFL-- I think AFL is close to that as well, so. But yeah, they get pretty long, but you get changed a lot more and that sort of stuff. So yeah, I think it's probably about an hour and a half almost you're looking at. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. With the break and what. So 90 minutes. And then when you finish at 6:30, what time do you get home? | ### Assistant: Normally the time we get home-- how long would it take you? By the time you leave , it's about-- I'm not sure. I'm not sure how far the football stadium is because that's where we play, and that's where they play TAC cups and all that sort of stuff. I think it's around about 7:00ish. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: 7:00ish. Minutes to get home? | ### Assistant: It might be about-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Take about an hour to get home. | ### Assistant: Around about 6:50, 7 o'clock I'm pretty sure. So around about 7 o'clock we get home most of the time. And then straight after that, Mom makes tea, which we're looking at about-- normally Mom has stuff made. So it's probably about 20 minutes. So we start probably eating around about 7:30 each football night. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. And then what happens after you eat, like the rest of the night? | ### Assistant: Normally either we watch TV or-- we either go to bed, depending on how tired I am. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: What time's bed? I'm pretty sure we spoke about it, but I don't remember. | ### Assistant: Normally, most times bed's around about 9:30, depending on how tired I am. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So looking at that, there really isn't that much time to even fit in homework if you wanted to. | ### Assistant: And yeah, so it's really hard, especially because most of my people at the school I go to now, they-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Most of my people. I like the wording. | ### Assistant: Yeah. Most of my classmates, they only do two days of sport a week, and because I'm doing so much, it's really hard to catch up on homework and all that sort of stuff, and assignments and all that sort of stuff normally take an hour max. Some of them you have to do two or three pages of work and all that sort of stuff. So it does take a while to do stuff, and by the time you have tea, and you go to bed again. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So sometimes you'll do assignments on the football nights. Is that what you're saying? | ### Assistant: Not really. I normally do it around about Monday or Thursday-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Which makes sense. Yeah. | ### Assistant: --depending on due date. So that sort of limits time as well. If a due date's on a Thursday, then I've got Saturday, Sunday, Monday. That's really about it. But if it's two or three weeks, I get the allowed time to do it. I'm sort of looking at enough time to get stuff done. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. You work it around. | ### Assistant: So a bit on-- when I get home, a bit on Monday, a bit on Thursday, a bit on Saturday, a bit on Sunday, and keep doing it, and I normally get to around about finishing assignments, but at the moment, yeah, it's hard, especially the fact that there's so much homework to do normally. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And how much is there to fitting it in? How do you find how much they give you to realistically how much you can do? | ### Assistant: Most teachers, knowing that I do do a lot of football, they normally give me a bit more time. So they'll extend it out, but it's a bit hard with the weekends because I'm not 100% sure if we're going to go out for the day or we do something else on the weekends. It doesn't help that some weekends-- so every second weekend we're at Dad's. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. Is it the same arrangement as you said last time, or is that four days at Dad's, the rest at Mom's, and then it alternated? | ### Assistant: It was Wednesday-- yeah. So there's Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday morning. That's what it is at the moment. So at Dad's, don't have any internet to do all the research and that sort of stuff. So that limits how much I can do. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So there's no internet at Dad's at the moment. | ### Assistant: No. And we only get the mobile data on my phone, and I normally only get two or three bars when I work. So it's a bit hard to do research and all that sort of stuff, especially on the little screen and-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. Is there an option of having the internet, or that's not happening at the moment at Dad's? | ### Assistant: At the moment, yeah, it doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon, but hopefully, it does. I know that most definitely internet at Mom's. So I can do it most weekends. Obviously, it limits if we go out or not. So sometimes we'll go out for the weekend to eat, and we'll go out on a Friday night or something after school-- I'm sorry. After training. And then we'll go out for the weekend and come home around about Sunday night. So that really-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And where do you go? | ### Assistant: --takes out my-- normally, sometimes we go out and see cousins or something. That normally happens. So we go out sometimes on a Friday. Now, having football, we'd go out Friday after school. Sometimes you go out on a Saturday, Sunday. And then yeah, you'd get home around about after tea. So probably about 7:00 sometimes, depending on where we go to. Some days we might go to school. Sometimes we might go up to school. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: min. | ### Assistant: Yeah. So yeah, it's just because we go up to cousins and see family. Not every weekend, but some weekends we arrange to go up and that sort of stuff. So that does take out weekends, but normally the teachers are pretty lenient of how far they go. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And are they similar from this school to the last school with supporting you? | ### Assistant: The last school, they didn't really bother about homework. Even-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So that's been a bit different. | ### Assistant: Even going into year 12, they didn't really worry about homework and all that sort of stuff. You don't really learn a lot during class, but here, you do a lot of homework, and you do a lot of learning during class. So it's going from-- because I had two years and primary school. I didn't even get homework and all that sort of stuff. So having two years of not doing work at school and having no homework, going to now, I'm looking at my second year at this school. Doing a lot of homework. It's | ### Assistant: |
### Human: That routine. | ### Assistant: Then to do whatever you want, then come home again, do some little bit of homework. But back then, I wasn't doing as much football. So I'd only do club football on a Wednesday and a Friday. So that opened up a bit more days if I was to do homework to do homework, but now, yeah, it's yeah, really hard. So yeah, I will find time to do it. It's just at the moment it's a bit hard when-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: To get used to it too. | ### Assistant: Yeah. When club football comes around, that'll free up Tuesday. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. When club football-- | ### Assistant: So when club football starts up, Calder Cannons will say, "All right. I'll see you." | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yes. That's Tuesday. Yeah. Because that's a Wednesday. | ### Assistant: So they don't like clashing up with club football. So they go, "We will stop Tuesday." And then most likely, you come back around about-- oh, when do we finish club football? Close to the end of winter. When would that be? | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So club football's not on at the moment. | ### Assistant: We're only doing training. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. And that's when the games are on backwards. Yeah. That makes sense. | ### Assistant: At the moment we're doing what they call preseason. So we're doing training before. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. Preseason. So currently, it's preseason. | ### Assistant: Yeah. And then we'll start getting into training. So start getting more kids to turn up to training and all that sort of stuff. So it starts to get into the season. And then after you finish club football, and then Calder Cannons starts back up. So basically, when club football starts up, Tuesday's free. And then when Calder Cannons starts up, club football finishes. So that frees up Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. But at the moment, the days I've got free is Monday, Thursdays-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. Depending on-- | ### Assistant: --- or-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. We'll put a question mark. | ### Assistant: And Saturday and Sunday at the moment are all free. But yeah, coming into winter, days do get pretty full, and not knowing when NFL is on and all that sort of stuff. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: When will you find out about that NFL? | ### Assistant: I do see Dad Wednesday. We go back to his place after football training. So I'd ask him about what's happening with that. I don't even know if he does know what's happening at the moment. So we've just got to play it by ear and see what happens. Who knows. It might be on a Friday, or it might be on a Wednesday. I don't know. It might even be on a Saturday. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. You'll find out what it is. | ### Assistant: Yeah. We'll eventually find out when it starts up. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Does it start up-- is it March or is it later? | ### Assistant: All I know is that I'm in. Dad thought it would be Thursday that we'd train. He's not 100% sure though. So yeah, we're not 100% sure. So all we know is we've gotten in, but yeah, that's it at the moment, so. But yeah. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Has it been helpful talking about football and explaining it? | ### Assistant: Yeah. Yeah. It's a lot easier to know what days I've got free because sometimes I go home and go, "All right. Have I got football training or something?" | ### Assistant: |
### Human: yeah. Yeah. | ### Assistant: And normally, every time a teacher gives me an assignment or something, I will say, "Look, how long is it?" And they'll go, "Oh, it's, let's say, three weeks," or something. And I'll go, "All right. Well, these days I can't do it because of football. These days I'm only looking at doing them." So at the moment, it's the weekends and Monday and Thursday. It will soon fill up a bit. So yeah, I can't guarantee that I might get it very detailed and all that sort of stuff. I try to do it-- if I'm | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Is that-- | ### Assistant: --year 11 and 12, I know at this school they do a lot of homework. So you do like-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: min. | ### Assistant: --four or five nights a week of homework, which if football still does continue, it will get harder and harder because that means I've got to do four or five nights of homework. If I don't do stuff in class, I've got to catch up on it and that sort of stuff, so. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Is that something you'd like to focus on next time? | ### Assistant: Yeah. Yeah. Figuring out what days, what times I can do homework and all that sort of stuff. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So I can print out some-- would you rather a three or a four? Sorry. Double? | ### Assistant: Maybe even a four. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: A four. This size of it. Some young people prefer bigger sheets. We're just checking it and printing out either. | ### Assistant: Yeah. Yeah. It'd be good to know that sort of stuff because I wouldn't say I'm very organized. I'm sort of organized. I do know what days I have this, what days I can do that, and all that sort of stuff, but it's got to do with habit because I haven't had that habit. I sort of go, "Oh, I've got homework there. No. I'll leave it for a while." And then I get caught up in something else, and be like, "Oh, you know what? There's homework there, and I'll do it another day." And then I get to the | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And getting used to it. | ### Assistant: Getting into a habit and all that sort of stuff, so, but it helps to have done it at the start of high school, but it was all at the other school at home. You'd get to school, and you'd hardly do any work. And then you'd come home, and you'd have no homework at all. So it was-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: So it was very different to me. | ### Assistant: Yeah. Very different. So yeah, there's just a difference between, and most of the kids, they get to year 12 at school, and they go, "Oh, I haven't to do all of this homework." And then they get overwhelmed and all that sort of stuff, but these kids at school go, "Oh, we've got homework in year 12. We've got a lot of it. I know I can set this out and do all that sort of stuff. I can tell which days I'm going to do this." But yeah, it's a bit hard when most of these kids aren't very sp | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. It's very difficult. | ### Assistant: Most of them are very academic and all that sort of stuff. So there's only a few really sporty people. So because I'm doing so much football, it's-- and they go, "Why do you do that much of sport? How can you do that all the time?" And they sort of go, "Oh yeah. I did it. Did you?" And I go, "No. I haven't had time," or I lost track of what I was doing, or I got too unorganized, and I forgot to bring it home, or I decided I'd do it later, but I end up didn't. Yeah. Yeah. I've just got to get | ### Assistant: |
### Human: You know what you need to do. It's just getting all those bits and pieces together to get there. Yeah. | ### Assistant: Yeah. So I do remember that I've got homework. It's just at the end of the day, I'm tired. I want to go home, or I've-- full of energy and I need to get home for football training, and I've got to prepare and that sort of stuff. So I sort of get caught up in other things, and because I haven't had that habit of doing homework all the time, I get caught up in, "Oh, this homework, I'll leave it in my locker. I'll do it another day." Or I'll bring it home, and it'll sit in my room, which happen | ### Assistant: |
### Human: All that in effect. | ### Assistant: Yeah. I don't have to do more work for doing just that little bit. So yeah, all I've got to do is plan out what days I have this, what days I have that, what days I can do homework, and yeah, I'll eventually get the hang of it. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And is that something you'd like to do together, plan it out? We can do that next time. Good plan because it seems like just getting into that routine at the moment's tricky because with school holidays not that long ago, and just adjusting to year 10. Your sport commitments, and fitting in school. | ### Assistant: Yeah. Because straightaway I got to school, and then we started up February 10th. We started up Calder Cannons. So we go back to school on the 31st of January, and then all of a sudden, bang. I'm back into exercising. So my body was physically drained because my muscles hadn't been running and all that sort of stuff because I didn't do a lot over the holidays, and my body was getting used to running and all that sort of stuff. And then coming back to Calder Cannons, it was even more sport. S | ### Assistant: |
### Human: It's great you've got that insight. This is what's gone on, and then what you can do to change it. That's really good. | ### Assistant: Yeah. Because I know I've spent a lot of last year worrying about Calder Cannons because Calder Cannons was really big. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. A huge thing for you. Yeah. | ### Assistant: I know it's big-- I know it's big for me now still, but it was really big. It was like, "Oh, I need to focus on this because this is what's going to take me to AFL if I do well," and that sort of stuff. And then I sort of went, "No. School. I'll go to it every day. I come home," and that sort of stuff, but sport was like, "I come home from school, and I've got to do this. I've got to well," and that sort of stuff. So I sort of left school behind. But this year, with even more sport commitmen | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And so your stress doesn't go up either. | ### Assistant: Yeah. But this year I'm sort of getting more into football. I'm more into football. Sort of getting closer and closer to football, but I've sort of got to find the middle, where I can focus on school and focus on sport, which I haven't found at the moment. I'm leaning more towards sport, which most of the time I think about it, "Well, when do I have football training?" Or when I'm doing my sport electives at school and all that sort of stuff, I go, "All right. I've got sport now. I've got to | ### Assistant: |
### Human: We can-- | ### Assistant: --football is then higher. So I sort of leave the ones that I go, "No. That doesn't matter. I think I won't need it in the future." I go, "No. I won't need you. I won't need you," and I put it down at the bottom, and I go, "Oh yeah. I like you. I'll bring you up." And then I bring that other one up. And then I have football, which is on top, and then it goes down in the-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: That hierarchy you have. And we can talk more about it next time because we're going to have to finish up in a moment. Is there anything else you really wanted to talk about that was pressing? | ### Assistant: Not really. No. It's just all to do with school and sport. I've got to find out-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: School. Yeah. That makes total sense it would be. | ### Assistant: --what I can do to help. I thought that I had it under control but looking at all the sport that I've got now, when I went over it a few weeks ago, I went, "Jeez. I've got a lot of sport. Haven't got a lot of time for school." | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Well, let's work together to try to fit both in because it sounds like that's something you do need to do. Fit them both in. When's the next time that works for you to come in, or should we check with Mom? | ### Assistant: I've got another appointment with you. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. She was telling me-- | ### Assistant: With my sessions, I'm pretty sure it was. Yeah. I've got Thursday the 2nd of March at 4:15, and Tuesday the 7th of March at 9:00 in the morning. So that's so far with me. So yeah, those days I'm 100% sure, but I think Mom was going to give headspace a call to organize another session for this. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. We can do that. | ### Assistant: But I know that these sessions we do, and I think after that, we don't go back for another six months or something. I'm not 100% sure. I think that's what Mom said for these appointments with me, and the doctor as well. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yes. Yeah. And then we're weekly to fortnightly, depending on what you're feeling we would need. So if you'd like it to be next week or the week after, totally up to you. | ### Assistant: Yeah. I'll speak to Mom about it and that sort of stuff. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. Is Mom here, or is Mom gone? | ### Assistant: Mom was just going to-- Mom's dropped us off and is going to pick us back up again. At what time? Yeah. She is. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Pop out. | ### Assistant: m. We've still got school to go back to. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. So we'll-- | ### Assistant: Which I don't particularly want to go back, but I know I have to. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: We'll finish up with-- | ### Assistant: Relax, and then go back into football, but once again I'm just doing what. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: I need to. | ### Assistant: I think that is on. So there we are. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: I think that is on. So there we are. | ### Assistant: Sweet. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: How you've been since last time? | ### Assistant: Good. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Good? | ### Assistant: Yeah. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: School holidays next week? | ### Assistant: Coming up. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yep. | ### Assistant: Done at the end of this week, and that's it. We've got-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Any plans? | ### Assistant: I think Dad was planning to go away with us on his week. Otherwise, nothing much. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Nothing much? Yeah. And you've had the core thingy. What was that about? | ### Assistant: Had that two weeks ago, I'm pretty sure, on a Friday. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: The week we saw each other it was going to be the Friday, yeah? | ### Assistant: It was Friday. I'm pretty sure. Yeah. It might have-- maybe, or--, yeah. It was a Tuesday. It might've been that Friday. Might have. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. some last week. Some Friday not too long ago. | ### Assistant: Yeah. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And how did that go? | ### Assistant: It went well. Got to say what I wanted to say and, yeah, the main thing about it was to say what-- yeah, to say what you wanted to say. So, yeah, working out well. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And has anything changed with the arrangement or is that in the--? | ### Assistant: The weeks that we have Mum and Dad where we're going to get week on/week off so a week with Mum, a week with Dad. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. That's what you were saying. Yeah. | ### Assistant: That hasn't happened yet, and I don't know when that will happen though, but hopefully, soon. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Because that's what you were saying. I was wanting to check is it week on/week off because at the moment it almost is but it's a little bit like a midweek swap over and-- | ### Assistant: Yeah. Yeah. It swaps over during the middle of week and then we go back and then we go back again, and then we go back. It's all confusing. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. Because I remember-- | ### Assistant: We're going back and forth, back and forth. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: --the first time that we met and we wrote it down, and it was, "And in midweek, I change to Dad, and then I'm at Mum's for a few days and then it swaps, and then--" | ### Assistant: Yeah. It's confusing. But-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Even trying to do this, just to get which day am I at Mum's and Dad's. | ### Assistant: Yeah. Anyway, eventually, yeah, once we get week on/week off, it'll be a lot easier-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. Much easier. | ### Assistant: --because we'll make sure we know that we've got this week, what we can do there, and then we've got the other week, what we can do there. Sort of just that makes it a lot easier, I guess. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: I agree, just so you know exactly it's this and that day. | ### Assistant: Yeah. See where I'm going ? back, and then we're going to go back and then we go back again, and after a day, we switch back. Confusing. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And then if you have your stuff here and there, and at least week for week, you can-- | ### Assistant: Yeah. And what do I bring to here and what do I bring there, like here? It gets really confusing a lot of the time. But, yeah, getting the week on/week off will make it a lot less confusing-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Definitely, when you know. | ### Assistant: --a lot easier as well. So, yeah, hopefully that-- I doubt it won't, but hopefully, it does end up being that, and just that it makes your space a lot easier, just having to spend more time with Mum than Dad's, but getting equal with each and having a week and so it's sort of like you're not jumping back between days constantly-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And that's-- | ### Assistant: --and you'd have two days with Mum, then you have a day with Dad, then you go back and have to go back again, and it's just confusing. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And that's what you were wanting, a week on/week off? | ### Assistant: Yeah, I think, but it's easier, and I want that because it was going to make it easier, and we were speaking-- we're speaking. We're spending equal time with both Mum and Dad so, yeah, it just makes it a hell of a lot easier-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yeah. Makes it-- | ### Assistant: --instead of this time and trouble just trying to work it out. So-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Yep. Yeah. And you were, "This day, that, and then we'll get a second page for when it's Dad's." | ### Assistant: At least now, --- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: This'll be easier to-- | ### Assistant: When we get week on/week off, you just have that and then you have them other things which, yeah, just makes it a lot easier. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And you're not sure when that's coming about, the week on/week off? | ### Assistant: Not sure yet. Might be next time we go to court, maybe. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And do you know when that is? If you don't, that's all good. | ### Assistant: I'd be able to ask Dad. Dad might not know. I know Mum doesn't, but Dad might know. That-- | ### Assistant: |
### Human: We can always stick with how it is now and then swap it to a week about week then. | ### Assistant: Yeah. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: And you saw it last week or the week before? When was it? | ### Assistant: I think it was the week before. | ### Assistant: |
### Human: Week before? | ### Assistant: Yeah. | ### Assistant: |