E’ molto probabile che la Catalogna resterà ancora per molto tempo una delle grandi questioni europee ed è quindi utile provare a capire qualcosa in più di quello che si muove dalle parti di Barcellona dal punto di vista politico e culturale. Certamente è interessante chiedersi in che misura la connotazione ideologica prevalente a sinistra del movimento indipendentista possa condizionare le scelte di un’eventuale nuovo stato sovrano. Non è un mistero, del resto, che una delle ragioni della freddezza, anche da noi, di alcuni liberali e conservatori riguardo all’indipendentismo catalano sia il peso politico che le tendenze di sinistra ed in qualche caso apertamente anticapitaliste rivestono al suo interno. E’ sensato stabilire un’equivalenza diretta tra indipendentismo e socialismo? Ed è ragionevole spingersi al punto di temere per una Catalogna fuori dalla Spagna addirittura un futuro “bolivarano”? Si tratta probabilmente di semplificazioni sbrigative. La Catalogna è, in realtà, un paese plurale, una delle aree culturalmente ed economicamente più vive del Sud Europa, e le idee di libero mercato, come altrove, hanno la possibilità di “entrare in partita” nella dinamica politica di un nuovo Stato. Ne abbiamo discusso con il vice-presidente del think tank liberale Catalans Lliures (“Catalani Liberi”), Martí Jiménez. Catalan Lliures è nato nel 2016, a partire da un manifesto per uno “Stato indipendente catalano e liberale” firmato da molte personalità tra cui quel Quim Torra che proprio in questi giorni si è insediato come nuovo presidente, in sostituzione dell’esiliato Carles Puigdemont. MARCO FARACI: Signor Jiménez, com’è nato e come opera il vostro think tank? MARTI JIMENEZ: Siamo un gruppo di persone di età e background diverso che condividono l’idea che manchi una prospettiva liberale nel dibattito politico catalano e che pertanto ritengono necessario portare le idee e le soluzioni liberali all’interno del movimento indipendentista. Da due anni abbiamo dato il via a Catalan Lliures, come think-tank apartitico con l’obiettivo di promuovere i principi liberali nel dibattito pubblico e di mettere in campo ragioni forti a loro sostegno. Ci stiamo muovendo su tre livelli. Innanzitutto ci occupiamo dell’elaborazione di policies, preparando analisi e report su vari temi che vanno dal commercio, al mercato del lavoro, fino all’immigrazione ed alle libertà civili. In secondo luogo organizziamo conferenze per la diffusione delle idee liberali. Infine ci poniamo l’obiettivo di influenzare le istituzioni politiche creando una rete di relazioni con persone chiave. MF: Voi siete liberisti ed indipendentisti. Come vi ponete riguardo al problema dell’egemonia che la sinistra pare esercitare sul movimento indipendentista? MJ: Che ci sia un’egemonia culturale di sinistra è incontrovertibile. Le sue radici storiche affondano nell’opposizione al regime di Franco e pi�
Oulussa mielenilmaus ilman alkuperäisten Peli poikki -järjestäjien hyväksyntää. Perussuomalaiset järjestivät viime viikonloppuna Helsingissä iljettävän näytöksen. Puolueen nuorisojärjestö laittautui puheenjohtajansa Sebastian Tynkkysen johdolla tekemään omaa poliittista kampanjaansa Peli poikki -mielenilmaukseen, jossa vastustettiin poliittista väkivaltaa, rasismia ja fasismia. Tilaisuuden teemana oli rikkoa hiljaisuus, joka on mahdollistanut väkivaltaisen ääriliikehdinnän lisääntymisen. Mielenilmaus keräsi eri arvioiden mukaan 15000-20000 osallistujaa, ja siitä uutisoitiin laajasti myös kansainvälisesti. Osallistuneiden joukossa oli ministereitä ja lukuisia muita merkittäviä poliitikkoja. Kaikki sanoivat painokkaan vastalauseensa poliittiselle väkivallalle. Mielenilmaisu järjestettiin sen jälkeen, kun uusnatsien Suomen Vastarintaliike -järjestön mielenilmauksessa hyökättiin tilaisuutta vastustaneen henkilön kimppuun. Miestä potkaistiin sillä seurauksella, että hän kaatui ja löi päänsä. Mies kuoli myöhemmin, minkä epäillään johtuneen pahoinpitelystä. Vainajan omaiset esittivät pyynnön, että politiikkaa ei sotkettaisi mielenilmaukseen. Tapahtumassa puhuneen presidentti Tarja Halosen tulkittiin olevan politiikan yläpuolella. Muuten lavalle nousseet eivät politiikkaa edustaneet, ja paikalla olleet poliitikot perussuomalaisia lukuun ottamatta pidättyivät kampanjoinnista. Perussuomalaisten nuorten puheenjohtaja Sebastian Tynkkynen kertoi Facebook-sivullaan, että pyyntö osallistumisesta tapahtumaan oli tullut puolueelta. Puoluesihteeri Riikka Slunga-Poutsalo kielsi kysyessäni, että hän olisi komentanut persunuoret asialle. Utelin asiasta sosiaalisessa mediassa perussuomalaisten työmieheltä Matti Putkoselta ja Sebastian Tynkkyseltä, mutta vastausta siihen ei tullut, että kenen käskystä perussuomalaiset nuoret epäkunnioitustaan osoittivat. Joka tapauksessa kampanjointi oli vastoin vainajan omaisten toivetta ja näin ollen hyvin kuvottavaa. Ja se siitä, normaali persujen mahalasku. Ei. Ei se siitä. Viikko tästä eteenpäin, tänään, Oulussa järjestetään Peli poikki -nimellä markkinoitu mielenilmaus. Se on kyllästetty poliittisilla toimijoilla. Eivätkä asialla ole tällä kertaa perussuomalaiset. Tilaisuuden järjestäjiin ja puhu
Lawmakers on Wednesday introduced new bipartisan legislation to make Puerto Rico the nation's 51st state by 2021. The bill, known as the Puerto Rico Admission Act of 2018 was presented by Puerto Rico’s resident commissioner, Jenniffer González-Colón, a Republican who authored the bill and is a nonvoting member of Congress. “This is the first step to open a serious discussion to determine the ultimate political status of Puerto Rico,” González said. “To sum everything up, this is about equality." The bipartisan effort is co-sponsored by 36 members of Congress, 22 Republicans and 14 Democrats. “I’m pleased to be one of the sponsors,” said Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah, chairman of the House Committee on Natural Resources. “I look forward to the day 51 is a reality.” Chairman Bishop: I commend @RepJenniffer's introduction of the statehood bill, it continues the important conversation about the future of Puerto Rico, and I strongly support her in this endeavor. pic.twitter.com/Y5Xqiac36a — Natural Resources (@NatResources) June 27, 2018 Rep. José Serrano, D-N.Y., who attended the event and supports the bill, said, “It is more about ending colonialism than about bringing statehood.” Rep. Stephanie Murphy, D-Fla., said she supports the bill because it's about equality. “The hard truth is that Puerto Rico’s lack of political power allows Washington to treat Puerto Rico like an afterthought, as the federal government’s inadequate preparation for and response to Hurricane Maria made crystal clear," she said. At a press conference, González said the bill calls for the creation of a task force composed of nine members of Congress which would look into what changes are needed in order to incorporate Puerto Rico as a state. While lawmakers go back and forth with recommendations and amendments, Puerto Rico would become an incorporated territory. ¡Puerto Rico como Estado!#ElMomentoEsAhora una transición ágil, democrática y eficiente que garantiza la IGUALDAD y ESTADIDAD pic.twitter.com/bdU6Q7TktQ — Jenniffer González (@RepJenniffer) June 27, 2018 States like Hawaii spent over five decades as an incorporated territory, while other states like Alabama lasted two years. As an incorporated territory, people in the island would have to start paying federal income taxes while not being entitled to full statehood political rights. Puerto Ricans living in the island are U.S. citizens who currently don't pay federal income taxes, but they do pay payroll taxes. They are unable to elect members of Congress or vote for president. For decades, Puerto Ricans have been divided between support for the island's pro-statehood party, which includes the current administration, and the party advocating the current commonwealth, or territorial status, with a smaller minority advocating independence. The last plebiscite asking Puerto Ricans if they wanted to become a state took place a year ago. Though 97 percent of people who voted favored statehood, the opposition party boycotted the plebiscite, so it had a historically low turnout of 23 percent. Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló, a Democrat, and other public officials from the island and the mainland also accompanied González during the announcement. “The time has come for Congress to chose what’s their position" on the issue, Rosselló said. In Puerto Rico, the president of the pro-commonwealth Popular Democratic Party said the bill was more of a tease, considering its timing. "It's a farse, cultivating this image when Congress doesn't even have six months of 'life' left," said Héctor Ferrer. Carlos Vargas-Ramos, a research associate at the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, told NBC News that the timing is not ideal. “It’s late in the term, before midterm elections,” said Vargas-Ramos, ”I don’t see how this can get passed.” He explained that its unlikely that lawmakers have enough time to move this legislation through the House and the Senate before midterm elections change Congress’s makeup. I acknowledge the leadership of our Congresswoman @Jenniffer2012 who has been our voice in Washington DC to advance our commitment to achieve the total equality that only statehood guarantees. pic.twitter.com/y6m0HEwqGc — Ricardo Rossello (@ricardorossello) June 27, 2018 Last week during a
a última medida llega justo después de que BuzzFeed dio a conocer que el sistema de SuperChat, que se basa en comentarios remunerados, estaba siendo utilizado para financiar a los creadores de vídeos con contenido racista y cargados de mensajes de odio. YouTube en la mira del mundo Desde hace varios años, YouTube ha sido criticado por la forma en la que operan sus algoritmos de recomendación y el cómo funcionan sus resultados de búsqueda. Ya que lo anterior ha llevado a temas delicados como búsquedas pedófilas, vídeos inquietantes dirigidos a niños, y hasta una red de pedofilia que se dedicaba a hacer listas de reproducción que explotaban la imagen sexual de niñas y jóvenes, e incluso hacían dinero usando la misma plataforma de monetización de YouTube. En marzo pasado, tras los ataques de Christchurch, en Nueva Zelanda, YouTube fue nuevamente criticada por no actuar con mayor rapidez ante la aparición de vídeos relacionados con este atentado. Crítica que también estuvo dirigida a Facebook y Twitter. De hecho, ahora mismo YouTube está atravesado un nuevo problema tras las denuncias de ataques en contra de Carlos Maza, periodista de Vox, quien habría sido acosado por su raza y orientación sexual por parte de Steven Crowder, un YouTuber de derecha. Since I started working at Vox, Steven Crowder has been making video after video "debunking" Strikethrough. Every single video has included repeated, overt attacks on my sexual orientation and ethnicity. Here's a sample: pic.twitter.com/UReCcQ2Elj — Carlos Maza (@gaywonk) 31 de mayo de 2019 La semana pasada, Maza publicó en Twitter que durante más de dos años ha estado siendo acosado por parte de Crowder, quien, afirma, lo ha insultado en repetidas ocasiones. Crowder también solía usar una voz para burlarse de la comunidad homosexual al hacerse pasar por Maza. A pesar de todo esto, YouTube decidió no eliminar los vídeos de Crowder al decir que no incumplía con las políticas de la comunidad de YouTube. Ahora mismo, como parte de los cambios a estas políticas, la plataforma ha desmonetizado en canal de Crowder. Con estas nuevas medidas que está implementando YouTube, hay personas que ya han salido a protestar en Twitter afirmando que la plataforma los discrimina y que YouTube está actuando de forma totalitaria. Having an unpopular opinion these days means you can be shunned by your peers, lose your job, your livelihood, be attacked, deplatformed, publicly shamed and even made permanently insolvent. If that’s not tyranny I don’t know what is. #YouTubePurge is only the beginning. — Richard Warner (@Rich1701) 5 de junio de 2019 La "purga" afecta a un canal educativo de historia Tal y como explican en BuzzFeed, un canal dirigido por un profesor de historia llamado Scott Allsop, con sede en Rumania, parece haber sido prohibido erróneamente por albergar imágenes de archivo de propaganda nazi que se utilizaban con fines educativos. "Soy un profesor de historia, no alguien que promueve el odio. Comparto material de archivo y materiales de estudio para ayudar a los estudiantes a aprender sobre el pasado". El canal se encontraba activo desde 2006 y tenía cerca de 120 vídeos. Ahora mismo, el canal muestra un mensaje que dice: "Esta cu
adds His Divine Self to His Angels in sending blessings on the Prophet out of glorification and esteem of His Messenger. To give an idea of the momentousness of the event, it is noteworthy that all the Angels, notwithstanding their number and rank, glorify the Apostle of Allah (peace and blessing be on him). It is reported in the Hadith of Isra’ (the Night Journey) and Al-Mi`raaj (the Ascension) that there is not a stretch of space in the wide heavens but that it is occupied by a prostrating or bowing angel! On any given time of day or night the populous dwellings of Heaven are frequented by no less than seventy-thousand cherubs. To these denizens might be added the honorable guardians of the Heavens, the Records’ keepers (who register the good and bad deeds of humankind), the Bearers of the Throne, the Angels surrounding the Divine Throne, the Keepers of the Gates of Heaven and Hell, the Angels entrusted with the movements of clouds, rain and other natural phenomena, the Angels in charge of sperm-drops in wombs, the Angels of Life and of Death, and many other Angels running countless other errands and missions. The Apostle of Allah (peace and blessing be on him) also speaks of a group of Angels who have been entrusted with informing him, as he lay in his sepulcher, of each and any blessing sent on him by a member of his Ummah. In short, there is enough evidence in the above to prove that Allah has bestowed on His Apostle an honor and glory not granted to any other being or angel. When Allah, Most High, said “Allah and His angels send their blessings on the Prophet,” He did not address him by his proper name but rather by the title of prophethood and of the Divine Message. In this there is a clear privilege, for Allah had addressed the other messengers by their names, as evidenced by the following summons: “O Adam,” “O Noah” “O Abraham,” “O Moses,” “O Jesus,” “O Zakaria,” and so forth. Not once did Allah address His dear Messenger by name. Even when the Prophet is mentioned together with Abraham within the same context, he is not addressed by name: Without doubt, among men, The Nearest of kin to Abraham Are those who follow him, As are also this Prophet And those who believe; The only time the Prophet is addressed by his name is when the context requires that His name be mentioned as a means of testifying to his Prophethood and of confirming his role as the Seal of All Prophets. Equally significant is the fact that Allah had taught the Islamic Ummah courteous behavior towards His Apostle. He forbade them, for instance, to address the Prophet familiarly as they would one another. Almighty Allah says: Deem not the summons Of the Messenger among yourselves Like the summons of one Of you to another. Prior to the revelation of the above verses, some people used to address the Prophet by his name, “O Muhammad”, but when the verses were revealed, they started to address him more respectfully as, “O Messenger of Allah,” or “O Prophet of Allah.” The same kind of respect is shown the Prophet even during his absence; the mentioning of his name is always accompanied by due blessings and salutations. The verses under consideration include further instances of honor and glorification: in the original Arabic the equivalent of the word prophet is preceded by al which has the force of the defining article, “the.” This indicates the uniqueness of his role, the universality of his mission, and his special presence in the minds of the believers. Additionally, when Allah sent His blessings on His Prophet, He used the term Prophet (Nabi), not messenger (Rasul). This is significant. According to exegetes, the role of messengers consists in the simple act of transmitting a given message; the role of the prophet, by contrast, is weightier because it involves receiving divine revelation and acting upon it. It is important to stress the fact that not all messengers are prophets and that not all prophets are messengers. Pertaining to prophethood are a number of other definitions which the limitation of time does not allow us to dwell on. Related to our commentary on the Quranic verse under consideration, it should be pointed out that the word Nabi (prophet) is pronounced in two different ways and there still exist some disagreements as to which of the two readings should take precedence over the other one. Some consider that the final hamza (a) should be fully vocalized and pronounced. Others believe that it should not be pronounced at all. Among those who preferred not
isa, led the congregation in a hymn as the fire consumed them. The so-called “26 Gothic Martyrs” linked to this incident are commemorated on March 26 in the Christian Orthodox calendar and on October 29 in the Gothic calendar fragment, "in remembrance of the martyrs who with Werekas the priest and Batwin the bilaif (minister?) were burned in a crowded church among the Goths," gaminþi marwtre þize bi Werekan papan jah Batwin bilaif aikklesjons fullaizos ana Gutþiudai gabrannidai.[17] It is noteworthy that Athanaric did not persecute Christians in general, but primarily members of his own community who had converted. Since the purpose of the procession seems to be to promote prosperity, Carla O'Harris has suggested that Anthanaric's true motivation in persecuting the coverts may have been their unwillingness to participate in the time-honored rituals that would insure the well-being of the land, and therefore the community at large. His chosen means of execution, death by fire, may indicate that Athanaric saw the Christians as practitioners of witchcraft, whose religious rites would offend the gods and thereby blight the land. Footnotes: [16] Historia Ecclesiastica VI, 37, translated by Edward Walford as The Ecclesiastical History of Sozomen (1855), pp. 306-7. [17] George W. S. Friedrichsen, 'Notes on the Gothic Calendar (Cod. Ambros. A)’, Modern Language Review 22 (1927); The ‘twenty-six’ martyrs include the twenty-one who are named, Batwin’s four children, and an anonymous man who ran up to confess his faith as the tent began to burn. THE GOD SVETOVID (SVANTO-VITH) This evidence for this idol is a passage in Book XIV of Saxo Grammaticus' Gesta Danorum ("Danish History") written before 1220 AD. There he describes a statue of Suanto-Vitus ("Saint Vitus") in the following manner: "[Waldemar I and Absalon lay siege to Arkon in Rügen, a city on a ness with precipice walls.] "On a level in the midst of the city was to be seen a wooden temple of most graceful workmanship, held in honour not only for the splendour of its ornament, but for the divinity of an image set up within it. The outside of the building was bright with careful graving [or painting], whereon sundry shape were rudely and uncouthly pictured. There was but one gate for entrance. The shrine itself was shut in a double row of enclosures, the outer whereof was made of walls and covered with a red summit; while the inner one rested on four pillars, and instead of having walls was gorgeous with hangings, not communicating with the outer save for the roof and a few beams. In the temple stood a huge image, far overtopping all human stature, marvellous for its four heads and four necks, two facing the breast and two the back. Moreover, of those in front as well as of those behind, one looked leftwards and the other rightwards. The beards were figured as shaven and the hair as clipped; the skilled workman might be thought to have copied the fashion of the Rügeners in the dressing of the heads. In the right hand it held a horn wrought of divers metals, which the priest, who was versed in its rites, used to fill every year with new wine, in order to foresee the crops of the next season from the disposition of the liquor. In the left there was a representation of a bow, the arm being drawn back to the side. A tunic was figured reaching to the shanks, which were made of different woods, and so secretly joined to the knees that the place of the join could only be detected by narrow scrutiny. The feet were s een close to the earth, their base being hid underground. Not far off a bridle and saddle and many emblems of godhead were visible. Men's marvel at these things was increased by a sword of notable size, whose scabbard and hilt were not only excellently graven, but also graced outside with [mounts or inlaying of] silver. This image was regularly worshipped in the following way: Once every year, after harvest, a motley throng from the whole isle would sacrifice beasts for peace-offering before the temple of the image, and keep ceremonial feast. Its priest was conspicuous for his long beard and hair, beyond the common fashion of the country. On the day before that on which he must sacrifice, he used to sweep with bro
general reports of immense riches where heathen temples are believed to have existed (and some numerous so-called ring-monies at Carnac and elsewhere, with torques, &c., would seem in some measure to countenance the idea), more sure traces of a religious Pagan station exists here in the tradition that it was a customary penance to traverse from this place to the altar of Zernibog, or Tchernebog, on the knees.This deity has been alternately called Flins and Flint or Flynt. Richard Verstegan, writing in Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities (1605), describes the god pictured here in this manner: "They adored also the Idoll FLYNT, who had that name for his being set upon a great Flint stone. This idoll was made like the Image of death, and naked, save onely a sheete about him. In his right hand he held a torch, or as they termed it, a fire blase. On his head a Lyon rested his two fore-feet, standing with the one of his hinder feet upon his left shoulder, and with the other in his hand; which to support, he lifted up as high as his shoulder." On page 122, Arnkiel speaks of the god Flins who stands on a flintstone as a Wendish god, citing his source as Vetus Chron. Saxon a Pomario editum p. 245. Also Schedius Syng. 3, De Diis Germanis, ch. 7. And refers to his worship by a Vandal king Vißlou (?) in the year 90 in Swabia near Pommern and Brandenberg. THE GODS RADEGAST, PRONE and SIWE This image is clearly based on the one below from Bote's Saxon Chronicle. Conrad Bote of Brunswick's Chronicles of the Saxons, 1492 On page 119, Arnkiel speaks of the Vandal goddess Siva or Siwe of Polaber or Raßberg; and Ridegast, the god of Obotrist or Meckelberg, citing his sources as Helmoldus Book I, ch. 53 and Albert Crantz, Wandalia Book 37. The picture and the information given by Arnkeil both appear to be drawn from Bote's Chronicle. The principal works upon Lower Saxony in the fourteenth century are the Chronicle of Hermann Cornerus of Lübeck; in the fifteenth, Albert Crantz's Saxonia and Vandalia, as well as Conrad Bote of Brunswick's Chronicle of the Saxons. The direct Nether-Dutch of Bote's Picture Chronicle, printed at Mentz in 1492 under the title Cronecken der Sassen [Saxon Chronicle], is amply illustrated with woodcuts, including several of heathen gods. RADEGAST, “Dear Guest” or “Good Guest”, is mentioned by Adam of Bremen in his 10th century Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum as the deity worshipped by the West Slavic Lutician tribes in the city of Radgosc. In his Chronica Slavorum, Helmold designated Radegast as a Lutician god. However, in his Chronicon, Thietmar of Merseburg wrote that the pagan Luticians worshipped many gods, in their holy city of Radegast, the most important of which was named Zuarasici, identified as Svarog. Johannes Scotus, Bishop of Mecklenburg, was sacrificed to that god on 10 November 1066, during a Wendish rebellion against Christianity according to Adam of Bremen. Mistevoi, the valiant prince of the Obotrites, served under the banner of Otto II in Italy. On his return home, he pursued the hand of the sister of the Duke of Saxony. Upon being insulted by a jealous rival, Dietrich of Brandenburg, who called him a dog of a Slav, not worthy to mate with a Christian bride, Mistevoi replied, "If we Slavs be dogs, we shall show you we bite." The pagan Slavs, ever ripe for revolt, obeyed his call. An oath of eternal enmity against the Germans and the priests was sworn before their idol, Radegast, and they rose suddenly in open rebellion (983 AD), assassinating all who fell into their hands, razing churches to the ground, and completely destroying the cities of Hamburg, Oldenburg, Mecklenburg, Brandenburg and Havelburg. The heathen party, headed by Plasso, rose up and extirpated Christianity, sacrificing John, bishop of Mecklenburg, to their gods; stoning to death St. Answar, Abbot of Ratzeburg, and twenty-eight monks
Samo imbecil ne bi razumio što je ministar obrane Damir Krstičević na sjednici Vlade prošlog tjedna. Dočim domovinska sigurnost. Ali u odnosu kad vidite i čujete kad to govori, lako je pričati, ali slušati, čitati, treba to čitati, treba to, treba ući u taj mozak, to je stvarno velika stvar u svemu tome, znači kroz taj sustav, i lako je zaključiti da se nosimo sa time ‘Ono što bih isto želio reći, kad vidimo ove požare, kad vidimo menadžment u požarima, sustav domovinske sigurnosti koji je brend ove vlade se potvrđuje, a što je to? Znači, to je to zajedništvo, solidarnost, sve sastavnice sustava domovinske sigurnosti, i vatrogasci, i policajci, vojnici, sigurnosno obavještajni sustav, Gorska služba spašavanja, cijela zajednica, općina, grad, županija, ostala ministarstva, znači procesi, menadžment, krizni stožeri, ovaj, upravljanje sa svim tim stvarima. Narastanje. Kako ide to narastanje snaga? To je, to je stvarno velika stvar u svemu tome, znači kroz taj sustav, i mislim da se nosimo sa time. I ono što bi na kraju htio zaista pohvaliti, znači pohvaliti sve ljude, na terenu, upravo kroz taj sustav domovinske sigurnosti, znači ljudi vide kroz taj sustav, znači pohvalio bih vatrogasce, stvarno ljudi daju, ono, sve od sebe, pohvalio bih, vidite, vojska je tu, uvijek spremna pomoći našem narodu u nevoljama, policija naša koja je na terenu, lokalna zajednica, župani, općine, gradonačelnici, Gorska služba spašavanja, Crveni Križ, medicina, znači stvarno, ono, velika pohvala, ogroman napor, velika pohvala. Kažem, kako? I ono što je ključ: čovjek. Mještanin. I to je taj koncept domovinske sigurnosti, mi želimo da ljudi brane svoj dom, brane svoju kuću, imaju odgovornost. Jasno je da država ima najveću odgovornost za sigurnost, međutim, moraju ljudi isto gledati šta je oko kuće, kako, prosjek, kako, ima li nečega što bi moglo, je li hidrant radi, ne radi, i sve ostalo, znači ta cijela priča kroz, kroz, ali mislim da smo na dobrom putu, da smo na dobrom putu. Nema, hvala Bogu, kažem, u svemu tome ljudskih žrtava, što je dobra stvar, kažem imamo imovine oštećene, ali u odnosu kad vidite kad to gori, lako je pričati, a ugasiti, treba to ugasiti, treba to, treba ući u tu vatru, treba to sve postav
za neku drugu priliku, o čemu ja ovom prilikom bih ili ne bih, to je sada ionako međutim. Ono što bi na kraju zaista trebalo pohvaliti, znači pohvaliti sve ministre i cijelu Vladu i posebno ministre u Vladi i najviše posebno ministra obrane, znači upravo kroz taj sustav obrane i domovinske sigurnosti, znači ljudi vide kroz taj sustav, znači Vlada, ministri, vojska, policija, lokalna zajednica, župani, općine, gradonačelnici, Gorska služba spašavanja, Crveni Križ, Katehetski ured Splitsko-dalmatinske nadbiskupije, Središnji savez udruga uzgajivača svinja, HČSP, Ured za koordinaciju sustava procjene učinka propisa, Operni ansambl HNK, Povjerenstvo za reklamacije potrošača, Županijska liga za borbu protiv raka, Hrvatski savez tajlandskog boksa, Upravni odbor Varaždinskih baroknih večeri, Sindikat zaposlenih u drvno-prerađivačkoj industriji, NK Mračaj iz Runovića, Đermano Senjanović, Stipica Kalogjera, Vjekoslav Jutt, Ferante Colnago, Claudio Villa, SIZ za kulturu općine Čitluk, sestre Čuljak, Sloboda Čačak, medicina, telekomunikacije, nanotehnologija, suvremena estonska književnost, rudna bogatstva Vatikana, pet vodoravno, šest okomito, Sedam veličanstvenih, Osama bin Laden, znači stvarno, ono, velika pohvala, ogroman napor, srednja pohvala, srednji napon, dvadeset ampera, idemo na dvadeset pet. Znači, što to znači? I kako? I ono što je ključ: ministar. Ministar obrane. I to je taj koncept domovinske sigurnosti, da ministar obrane jasno i nedvosmisleno. I razumije se, čovjek. Mještanin. Građanin. Hrvat. Katolik. Jasno je da građani imaju najveću odgovornost za sigurnost, međutim, moraju i ministri isto gledati šta je oko kuće, vukovi, lisice, zimzeleno drveće, onda kako, zašto, koliko, prosjek, postotak, bruto društveni dohodak, kreditna stopa, sinergija, integriranost, domovinska sigurnost, te stvari, kako, koliko, je li radi hidraulika, je li radi fergazer, je li radi Konzumov dućan u Trilju, je li radi pošta u Šestanovcu, do kad, vidite, nije to, do kad radi pošta, do kad radi pumpa, do kad radi županijski Upravni odjel zajedničkih poslova, je li radi zet od strica ili radi stric od zeta, ima li nečega što bi moglo, bi li moglo nešto čega nema, ima li ičega čega nema, ima li ičega da ima ili nema nič
nanDECK - ver. 1.25.2 nanDECK is a software for Windows (any version) written as an aid for game inventors, with the aim of speeding up the process of designing and printing deck of cards (useful during prototyping and playtesting). nanDECK can also be used on Linux (read this FAQ) or OSX (read this blog post) with WINE, download this version: nanDECK_W. nanDECK is free, you can download it and use freely, without limitations (but a donation, of course, is really welcome). Top nanDECK' supporters 1) Rustan 2) Andrew 3) Ashvil 4) Calvin 5) Herb 6) Torgeir 7) Justin 8) Mark 9) Michael 10) Tim Download nanDECK 1.25.2 5024 kB 06-25-2020 The.zip file contains the program, unzip and run it (no need to install it); this program can also be used from an USB flash drive. If you have a question, write me an e-mail at. There is also a Guild on BoardGameGeek. Reference 1.25.2 3547 kB 06-25-2020 This is the reference manual for nanDECK BGG1tool 1.23 1863 kB 11-06-2019 This program connects itself to BoardGameGeek and can dowload data to create cards with many informations about your games. The.zip file contains the program, an example script file and some printing templates, unzip and run it (no need to install); this program can also be used from an USB flash drive. For this program I wrote this tutorial, to explain all the options I wrote this page. nanDECK's features: runs on any version of Windows, no needs of runtimes or libraries runs on OSX or Linux using WINE software it doesn't need to be installed, can run from an USB stick the scripted syntax lets you to modify several cards with a small effort deck size limited only by free space on disk card size can go up to 1m x 1m (or more, the limits came from video memory and O.S.) sizes can be specified in cm, mm, or inches, at any DPI can link to data in text or spreadsheet files: Excel (both xls and xlsx), and OpenOffice (ods) internal editor for csv files real-time rendering option can read image files in various formats: bmp, jpg, png (with transparency level), gif, and tiff (and use placeholders for missing files) can read text files in rtf and html formats can print texts with all alignments (left, center, right, justified, top, center, bottom) can import svg (vector) images the output can be to printer, pdf or single image files (can also write the deck to a multipage tiff or an animated gif) integrated help (and guided input for directives' parameters) can print pages of cards with fronts aligned with backs virtual table option to playtest your deck(s) visual editor for creating cards without writing code multi file environment (with the option of comparing decks) combinatorial engine templates for The Game Crafter, Printer's Studio, and Artscow can upload directly to The Game Crafter site automatic layout option option to create and roll dice can create composite images for deck loading into Tabletop Simulator or Tabloro This program uses a script for the creation of the cards, and you can add text, images and some graphics (lines, rectangles and ellipses). Using nanDECK you can add or change graphic elements to a deck (or only some cards) with only some lines of text. The default size of the cards is 6 cm x 9 cm (9 cards for every sheet), but you can customize everything, (even creating chits for wargames). There are over 100 keywords, but for basic tasks you should know only few of them. As an example, this is a script for a deck of 18 cards that can be used for Werewolf: cards = 18 border = rectangle font = arial, 28, B, #0000FF text = "1", "SEER", 0, 3, 6, 3, center font = arial, 28, B, #FF0000 text = "2-4", "WEREWOLF", 0, 3, 6, 3, center font
Article The eighth Vendée Globe starts in exactly a year from now on 6th November 2016. Twelve months before the start, we can already see that there is going to be a great line-up in terms of the quality and the quantity. So far, 14 skippers have completed their registration and 13 others have completed their pre-registration. More than ever we can be certain that the standard will be very high for the 2016-2017 Vendée Globe 2016-2017. With exactly a year to go to the start, without forgetting that there may well be other contenders, no fewer than 27 sailors have officially said they want to take part. More than half of them (14) have already completed the required paperwork and are officially registered. J-365 : Vendée Globe 2016 video teaser (VA) par VendeeGlobeTV This stage is a very important one for the sailors, as it marks the end of the administrative process and starts the countdown to the start of the race around the world. With their official number, the sailors can choose their position on the pontoon in Port Olona: the first, Jérémie Beyou gets first choice where he will moor his boat in the harbour in Les Sables. The second (Tanguy de Lamotte) will get second choice, Vincent Riou third choice and so on. The registration process has to be completed to benefit from this privilege. We can see that four sailors will be competing for the fourth time in the Vendée Globe in 2016: Vincent Riou, Jean-Pierre Dick, Bertrand de Broc and Jean Le Cam. If they manage to complete the race around the world, Arnaud Boissières and Armel Le Cléac’h will also have achieved something remarkable: completing three Vendée Globe races in a row. Coincidentally, the 14 sailors already registered are all French, which is far from the case for the 13 pre-registered, where there are six Frenchmen, but 7 from six other countries: Britain (Alex Thomson), Hungary (Nandor Fa), the USA (Rich Wilson), Italy (Alessandro Di Benedetto),... Three other foreign sailors are pre-registered, but wish to remain anonymous before officially announcing their campaigns. With one year to go to the start the main thing is that the Vendée Globe is once again a success: with the new foiling monohulls and tried and tested boats, with a high standard of sailor, coming from France and beyond, everything is in place for this eighth race to be fascinating to follow. © Christophe Breschi 10 rookies Out of the 27, ten of the skippers on their way to the Vendée Globe will be racing in it for the first time, while the 17 others have already taken part at least once. Among them, one previous winner, Vincent Riou and three others, who have made it to the podium: Armel Le Cléac’h, Alex Thomson and Jean Le Cam. But many others can boast about returning again too, including the very experienced Jean-Pierre Dick, Yann Eliès, Sébastien Josse, Arnaud Boissières, Bertrand de Broc, Kito de Pavant etc… but there are also the newcomers, youngsters like Morgan Lagravière, Paul Meilhat and a few others. The state of play with 365 days to go to the start: The first 14 officially registered in order 1. Jérémie Beyou / Maître Coq 2. Tanguy De Lamotte / Initiatives Coeur 3. Vincent Riou / PRB 4. Morgan Lagravière / Safran 5. Armel Le Cléac'h / Banque Populaire 6. Paul Meilhat / SMA 7. Sébastien Destremau / Face Ocean 8. Eric Bellion / Comme un seul homme-Stand as one 9. Jean-Pierre Dick / StMichel-Virbac 10. Fabrice Amedeo / Newrest-Matmut 11. Sébastien Josse / Edmond de Rothschild 12. Yann Eliès / Queguiner - Leucémie Espoir 13. nc 14. Nicolas Boidevezi / adopteunskipper.net The pre-registered - Alex Thomson (GB) / Hugo Boss - Nandor Fa (HUN)- Spirit of Hungary - Arnaud Boissières / Le bateau des métiers by Aerocampus - Bertrand de Broc / MACSF - Kito de Pavant / Bastide Otio
(vgl. Bini Adamczak) aufbauen, um – trotz allem – utopische Ausstrahlungskraft zu entwickeln, auch inmitten einer Welt, in der Verbitterung und Abgrenzung um sich greifen. Und wir müssen in unserer politischen Praxis mehr Raum für unvermeidliche Schmerz- und Verlusterfahrungen schaffen, mehr Wahrhaftigkeit wagen. Klimawandel macht Angst, Klimapolitik macht wütend und Klima-Aktivismus führt oft zu Verzweiflung und Ausbrennen. Darüber müssen wir alle mehr reden und sorgsamer miteinander umgehen, denn wir haben noch einen langen Kampf vor uns. Wir brauchen auch vielfältigere sinnliche Ausdrucksformen für all diese Gefühle. Die besten Analysen bewirken wenig, wenn es uns nicht gelingt, politische Leidenschaften jenseits unserer eigenen Szenekreise zu entfachen. Wie Greta und auch viele Repräsentant*innen von XR zeigen, müssen wir dafür als empfindsame Einzelne öffentlich stärker sichtbar werden. Dann wirken wir auch offener auf Menschen, die aus ganz anderen Zusammenhängen kommen. Hoffnungsvolle Geschichten des Gelingens im Kleinen zu erzählen, bleibt dabei zwar wichtig. Aber sie reichen so wenig, wie vage Bilder einer ganz anderen Welt, die die Linke oft nur als Phrase aufruft und dadurch umso ferner erscheinen lässt. Die Vorstellung, dass wir besser nicht über die reale Klima-Katastrophe und die sich verdüsternden Zukunftsaussichten sprechen, dass wir bloß nicht den Teufel an die Wand malen sollen, weil das lähmt und demobilisiert, das war ein Fehler der »alten« Klimabewegung. Wenn XR fordert: »Sagt die Wahrheit!«, dann sollten wir uns das zu Herzen nehmen. Insofern: Toll, dass es euch gibt und ihr uns herausfordert, neu nachzudenken. Dieser Text ist nur als Aufschlag für weitere Diskussionen gedacht. Wir möchten dazu gerne auf euren Vorschlag für einen runden Tisch zur Reflexion der Rebellionswoche und weiterer Perspektiven zurückkommen. Und wir hoffen, dass auch viele weitere klimapolitisch aktive Gruppen sich daran beteiligen werden. Weitere Leseempfehlungen: Debatten um die Gefahren einer apokalyptisch-fatalistischen Sicht auf die Klimakrise löste jüngst ein Artikel von Jonathan Franzen in The New Yorker aus. Dagegen steht etwa Myles Allen: Why protesters should be wary of ›12 years to climate breakdown‹ rhetoric. Bild: Aufgenommen am 9. Oktober '19 bei der Blockade der Marschallbrücke während der Rebellionswoche #BerlinBlockieren. Von HDValentin. english version Extinction Rebellion (XR) - Criticism in solidarity from the Interventionist Left (iL) Germany XR is a hot topic in the climate movement at the moment. From the radical left there is a lot of criticism, for some, also general rejection. We in IL are happy about the successful mobilisation for the Rebellion Week and are working together with XR. Nevertheless, we also take a critical approach to XR. Here
Allons-y! The French collection 2 Allons-y! À Paris YouT En passant les Pyrénées En passant par la Lorraine Le petit train Les petites locos Les roues du bus Pour passer le Rhône Roulez roulez YouT Au bord de la mer Bateau sur l’eau Il était un petit navire Le beau bateau YouT Les petits poissons Pique la baleine Viendras-tu dans mon bateau? YouT À la ferme Il était une fermière Le fermier dans son pré Quand trois poules YouT Rock and roll des gallinacés Au moulin Meunier tu dors YouT Tourne, tourne petit moulin YouT La nourriture Allons chercher l’herbette J’aime la galette La danse des legumes YouT Pomme de reinette et pomme d’api YouT Rondin picotin YouT Trempe ton pain Marie YouT Dansons tous ensemble! À la Monaco YouT La Bigue Biguette Mademoiselle voulez-vous danser? Tous en rond dansez Jouons tous ensemble! C’est Gugusse YouT La mistenlaire Le plus nous sommes ensembles Un soir dans sa cabane Dans le bois Dans la forêt lointaine Enfilons les aiguiles du bois Nous n’irons plus au bois La secouette Le furet du bois YouT En avant! Chevaliers de la table ronde Fanfan la Tulipe Le chevalier du Guet Les fourmis marchent Au baguette du roi À la ronde des muets YouT En roulant ma boule YouT La reine à dit Melchior et Balthazar YouT En train de travailler Au feu les pompiers YouT La belette La fille du coupeur de blé Le facteur n’est pas passé Scions du bois YouT Sur le pont d’Avignon YouT Voulez-vous le ramoneur? Les sages et les fous C’est Rivaut Jean de la Lune YouT La terre nourrit tout La trompeuse Train de balai Bonjour et bonne nuit La danse des lapins YouT La fenotte Mains en l’air YouT Petit ourson Saut du lapin Tingelinge pannenkoek The Dutch collection Zeg ken jij de mosselman Jobs Advocaatje ging op reis Als mijn vader en mijn moeder In Den Haag daar woont een graaf Ik stond laatst voor een poppenkraam Zagen, zagen, wiedewiedewagen Zeg ken jij de mosselman Op de boerderij On the farm Al de eendjes YouT Boer wat zeg je van mijn kippen Daar reed een boer naar Leuven Een koetje en een kalfje In een groen knollenland YouT Twee boerenkinderen Zakdoekje leggen In het bos In the woods De boom die wordt Jongens meisjes aan de kant YouT Op een grote paddenstoel YouT Roodborstje tikt aan het raam YouT Toemba, toemba, toemba, toemba Zeg roodkapje Klap eens in je handjes Hands, feet and faces Deze vuist op deze vuist Dit zijn mijn wangetjes Hak en teen Ik heb twee mooie oren Klap eens in je handjes YouT Met de vingertjes So gaat de molen YouT Twee handjes op de tafel YouT Het regent It’s raining Hannes loopt op klompen Hansje Pansje kevertje Het regent, het regent Het regent op de brug Onder moeders paraplu Parapluutje, parasolletje In het water In the water Berend Botje De krokodil die ligt in het water Jan Huygen in de ton Schipper mag ik overvaren Varen varen over de baren YouT Visje visje in he
Sol solet YouT Trinco trinco Anem a cantar i ballar A la vora de la mar Ball de cercavila de Salàs Ball dels mocadors La bolangera Picarel la Sant Antoni i el dimoni Tots els ocells que canten *** http://malandia.cat Find more Catalan songs and poems too, some by Valencian musicians such as Paco Muñoz and Dani Miquel, translated into English by Lluís Barberà i Guillem.*** Tingelinge pannenkoek The Dutch collection In Holland staat een huis At home Er was er eens mannetje Hop Marjanneke In de maneschijnj In Holland staat een huis Opa Bakebaard YouT Woutertje, Woutertje YouT Joepie, Joepie is gekomen People and friends Annamarie Katrien YouT Groen is gras Hinkel de pinkel ‘k Zan zo graag een ketting rijgen Joepi, Joepi YouT Tante Pie We maken een kringetje Zo zijn onze manieren Travel Constant heft een hobble paard Een Nederlandse Amerikaan En mijn een been staat Een treintje ging uit rijden YouT Mag ik trapje hoger gaan? Ri ra roets Rijden rijden in een wagentje Wie gaat er mee Zo zijn onze manieren Juffrouw, wil je de polka leren Dancing, music and games Daar zat een klein zigeunermeisje Epompee Heb een brilletje al voor mijn ogen Juffrouw, wil je de polka leren Juffrouw, wilt u mijn marmotje Ra, ra, ra, wie heeft de bal Twee violen en een bas, bas, bas Één, twee, drie, vier Number De zevensprong YouT Er zalen zeven kikkertjes Hoedje van papier YouT Robinson Robinson Twee emmertjes water halen Waar is Jan met de bokkewagen Tingelinge pannenkoek Food Elssje Fiederelsje YouT Er was er eens een vrouw Handjes draaien YouT Ik ben geboren in Frieseland Ik zag twee beren Papaegaaitje leef je nog? Discover my YouTube topic Playlists: community singing, Halloween, Autumn, Winter, Christmas, Spring, Summer,wet weather, poetry and rhymes, Dutch, Catalan, Spanish, French, Polish Australian and London songs, nursery rhymes, lullabies, number songs, songs about colour, wild things, sunshine zoo, farming and farm animals, seaside, circle and action games, finger rhymes and songs and more. La pájara pinta The Spanish collection Cuéntalos conmigo Brinca la tablita Cinco lobitos Cinco ratoncitos YouT Dos manitas, diez deditos YouT La gallina popujada Los esqueletos YouT Pon gallinita pon YouT Uno, dos y tres Yo tengo una casita YouT Mi cuerpo Asi van, van, van YouT Digo si, digo no El juego chirimbolo El juego del calentamiento Juanito cuando baila La Tia Monica YouT Mi carita redondita Mi cuerpo, mi cuerpo YouT Saco una manita Un ratoncito Yo tengo una carita Del vestido A la zapatilla por detrás Cantaba la rana Juguemos en el bosque La petaquita La Tarara Pico picotero YouT Veo, veo Aliments A la rueda, rueda Al corro de la patata YouT Arroz con leche YouT Aserrín, aserrán Bate bate chocolate La vaca lechera Naranja dolce Piñón, piñón, piñón Yo tengo un tallarín La granja Al pavo pavito Estaba una pastora Las ocas van descalzas YouT Los patitos YouT Los pollitos dicen YouT Mi gallo Miguel, Miguel, Miguel Patos, pollos y gallinas YouT Qui qui ri qui Todos los patitos Els trabajos Andar en tren YouT Con mi martillo
YouT Don Piruli El baile de la avena El cocherito, leré La farola del palacio Matarile San Serini YouT Soy el farolero La pájara pinta The Spanish collection Els animals pequeños Aquel caracol Debajo un botón Don Melitón El caracolito YouT El gato y el ratón El toro Toronjil YouT La cucaracha Los pescaditos Una mosca Una pulga y un ratón Hay un gran animal A mi burro a mi burro YouT Caballito blanco YouT El cocodrilo La bella naranja La danza de la serpiente La foca Ramona Mirad, mirad allí Un elefante se balanceaba Los pajaritos Cigüeña cigüeña Doña cigüeña La pájara pinta Los pajaritos que van Ni tú, ni tú, ni tú Pajarito vuela tú YouT Del mar A la vibora de la mar Al pasar la barca YouT El barco chiquitito En alta mar Juan Paco Pedro de la Mar La reina de los mares La rueda más hermosa Se va la barca YouT Tiburón, tiburón Baila tú A las estatuas de marfil Ahora vamos a cantar Chequi morena YouT El chipi, chipi YouT La mariposa La tarantulita Se baila el minué YouT Taco y punta YouT Toca el instrument Así le hace Juan YouT Bartolo El juego de Juan Pirulero El tambor de la Alegría En la feria de San Juan Gatatumba YouT José se llama el padre Una, do, li, tra ¡Cuánta gente! A coger, el trébole A la rueda de San Miguel Doña Blanca YouT El florón YouT La reina Berenguela Mambrú Mirón, mirón, mirón La noche, el dia y el tiempo Al ánimo Chiapenecas Con el guri, guri, guri La araña pequeñita Martinello Patatin, patatin, patatero YouT Pimpón YouT Que llueva YouT Tres hojita madre YouT Karuzela The Polish collection Off we go Jedzie pociąg YouT Karuzela Kółko graniaste Maszerują dzieci drogą Nie chcę cię Nitko nitko YouT In the forest Jadą jadą misie YouT Kasztanek YouT My jesteśmy krasnoludki YouT Orzeszki laskowe YouT Szła dzieweczka Food and farming Czarny baranie YouT Czerwone jabłuszko Ja Kujawiak, ty Kujawiak Mało nas Miała baba YouT Rolnik sam w dolinie Trojak Wele wele wetka Creatures great and small Chodzi lisek koło drogi Jeżyk YouT Kot i mysz Pingwinek YouT Poszła żabka spacerować YouT Stonoga YouT Wlazł kotek na płotek Bodies Julijanka My są żabki Niedźwiadek YouT Pięć paluszków Tańczymy labada Tu paluszek YouT W murowanej piwnicy Feelings and family Baloniku Fari, fara, farum YouT Grozik YouT Kawaliry Kwiatek dla mamy YouT Mam chusteczkę haftowaną Ola chce wyjechać Stoi różyczka YouT Synkopa / The big dig YouT Music making Jestem muzykantem Jestem sobie przedszkolaczek Orkiestra YouT Playtime Dwa malutkie misie YouT Misia A Misia B Nazywają mnie poleczka Spacer po dywanie Tańcowały dwa Michały YouT Tańczą pajacyki Seasons Bałwankowa rodzina YouT Biały walcyzk Małe czerwone jabłuszko
YouT Ola i Liście YouT Tak się zachmurzył YouT Sanna Zima zła YouT Number and time Dorotka Hej, żeglujże żeglarzu YouT Jawor jawor Krakowiaczek jeden Laurencjo Ojciec Wirgiliusz YouT Stary niedźwiedź YouT Taniec siedmiokroczek YouT You can find many more songs and singing games in Polish and other languages and vidoes to watch at: http://www.edumuz.pl/news.php NEW! Songs for a better world A-R A jewel in the universe / Hear the stars sing*** Be kind*** Deep blue sea Do you know how many little stars Good morning dear Earth How good and pleasant Hymn for the Russian earth I love to sit in silence In my bones Let it be Little blue top Little Pixie Pick-me-up*** Little things Lots of worms Mother Earth My guitar plays for the moon*** My roots go down Now is the cool of the day One pair of hands Our beautiful Earth Our planet is a garden *** Our poor planet Earth *** Reach, reach, reach for the stars *** Reforest our planet *** River of song *** Songs for a better world S-Z Sailing down my golden river Simple gifts Sing for the climate / Do it now Somewhere there’s a forest Swim on, swim on *** The best things in life are free The Earth is our Mother The family of man The garden song The river is flowing The sun is in my heart This pretty planet Tiritomba What do we do when we plant a tree?* Autumn songs Autumn songs A-E YouT A little Autumn fairy A little man is standing within a wood A song of bread All the leaves are falling Alms for Autumn / Spindlewood, spindlewood Apple and blackberry pie Autumn leaves Autumn leaves are falling Autumn leaves are turning Big red tractor Bringing in the hay Come, little leaves Come with me and dance with me Conkers, conkers shiny and round Did you see the wind today? / Autumn leaves Autumn songs F-J YouT Falling leaves Five golden leaves Five little leaves Five shiny conkers For the golden corn Glimmer lantern glimmer Golden corn Grey squirrel, grey squirrel Harvest time Here is an apple tree I walk with my little lantern Jack Frost comes creeping John Barleycorn Jolly October Jump in the leaves Autumn songs L-S YouT Laterne, laterne My faithful Johnny My lantern, my lantern My nice red rosy apple October winds One man shall mow my meadow Pick up a leaf Puff the magic dragon Red, orange, yellow brown Roly poly acorn / Donguri korokoro Round go the seasons Six little acorns Squirrel Nutkin Sweeping with my broom Summer, goodbye! Autumn songs T YouT The autumn leaves have fallen down The Autumn wind The country farmer’s vainglory / Harvest home The farmer gathers his hay today The farmer sows his seeds The hayride road The journey of the leaves The Little Red Hen The loaf of bread The miller’s song The sound of Autumn The tree in the wood There were three little owls Three little oak leaves Tick tock change the clocks Autumn songs U-Z YouT Under the harvest moon / Autumn comes We’re raking the leaves We’ve come a-cob-coaling What have you brought for harvest time What shall we do on a nice Fall day? When Mary goes walking Wind in the corn Yellow the bracken Songs for Halloween A-H YouT A witch wears a long tall hat B
a group of old containers. Then there’s l’Epicerie Moderne, a little further out, which is the Lyon area’s temple to indie music. In a recently decommissioned factory in Vaulx-en-Velin, Grrrnd Zero is the heart of underground Lyon. Its carefully curated programme and dizzying list of events make it a must-do, with building work going on all around you. The best rock music club is still Le Sonic, on a barge moored by the Gare de Perrache. It has low pinkish lighting, red walls and well-chosen acts. You could be lucky enough to find Thurston Moore playing: he says this is his favourite club in Lyon. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Le Trokson, an alternative music venue that hosts free concerts Another place to hear live music over a drink or two is Le Trokson. It puts on free concerts several nights a week, leaning towards garage, surf and psychedelic sounds. It’s a nice looking spot, with a vaulted basement room and a convivial atmosphere and is my favourite place in the historic 1st arrondissement, but there’s also Les Capucins, a relaxed bar for a few drinks with friends, and there are regular gigs in its basement. It’s right across the road from a picturesque building used as a Scientology centre. Still on the slopes of the Croix Rousse district, not-for-profit bar La Triperie is the perfect place to catch an underground gig, with old stone walls, parquet flooring, pinball machines and bottled beer, but it’s hard to find out what’s going on there – you have to look out for posters around town. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Sofa record shop. There’s a similar ambience at Le Café du Rhône on the river bank (as the name suggests), which is also a good daytime stop for a beer and the dish of the day. At night, head downstairs to the basement for concerts, especially ones promoted by French alternative pop outfit La Souterraine. And don’t forget Kraspek Myzik, an independent record shop by day and concert venue by night; its tiny proportions make every evening unique. Another fine record shop is Dangerhouse, the oldest in Lyon. It’s a treasure trove of garage-rock and 1960s music, its bins overflow with everything from classic albums to unusual finds. Sofa is also very highly regarded, particularly for its African, South American and Asian collection of vinyl. Where to eat/drink By Guillaume Long, a Geneva-born graphic novel writer, blogger (A boire et à manger) and illustrator Facebook Twitter Pinterest Le Bistrot des Fauves Lyon is known for the great gastronomic tradition of bouchons, traditional taverns of a kind that these days I rarely visit. Most bouchons are pretty poor, and I don’t think they do the city’s image any favours. There are places being opened up by talented young chefs that deserve more attention. There are exceptions to this rule, however. For “real” Lyonnaise cuisine, I’d recommend Le Garet (7 rue du Garet, no website). It’s typical of the city and a bit twee, with its wood panelling, checked tablecloths and suitably gruff owner. You eat packed together in a convivial atmosphere. Another bouchon I like is Daniel et Denise (156 rue de Crèqui) in the old town. Its chef is Joseph Viola, winner of a prestigious Meilleur Ouvrier de France award (best craftsman of France) and his cooking is exceptional. The 7th arrondissement, where I live, is flourishing culturally and has lots of informal bistro-type restaurants, which are much more my kind of thing for everyday eating. In the three years I have lived here, I’ve seen the opening of loads of little places that are worth seeking out. There’s Les Pralins (62 rue Sébastien Gryphe) for Sunday brunch; le Stamtich (44 rue Raulin), where you can eat real flammekueche (a sort of Alsatian pizza) and sumptuous banoffee pie; and Nam Sandwich (12 Place Raspail), where you can get a tasty banh mi Vietnamese sandwich to take away and eat by the Rhône. Facebook Twitter Pinterest A typical traditional Bouchon-style Lyonnais restaurant in Vieux Lyon For something a bit more exotic, try Chez Terra (81 rue Duguesclin) in the 6
agree, but it is a suggestive comment. Aquinas assesses traditional notions of pleasure: the Stoic view that all pleasures are evil, the Epicurean that all pleasures are good, the Platonic that some are good, some are bad. (64-66) Aquinas assigns a distinctive pleasure to the will as measure of good and bad. (66-67) Following Aristotle as usual, Aquinas distinguishes goods as useful, pleasant, and honestum. Sevier renders the latter as "fine (or beautiful)." (70) Only the honestum is an end in itself. He will consider that more extensively in the fifth chapter. Sevier returns to the notion of proportion between the thing and the faculty. He regards it as "the recognition of the intrinsic goodness or the degree of perfection of that object compared to its ideal or archetype, and cognized under the aspect of the visible." (71) Also, "under the aspect of the visible" plays in relation to "id quod visum placet, that which, when seen, pleases." Earlier on the same page Sevier renders the translation more extensively as "that which, when perceived, pleases." The latter is clearly Aquinas' position when he includes hearing as one of the two "most cognitive" senses. As noted in Augustine, "seeing" is a metaphor for all cognitive states. (55; on 115, Sevier cites ST I, 67, 1.) Beauty adds to the good the relation to cognition. (62) In a section on "Distinterested Pleasure and Desire," the author cites Aquinas on play: it is a dilectio animalis as a rest for the soul, having no other end than its own delight. Like wisdom in Ecclesiasticus, it is sought for its own sake. Aquinas surprisingly places it under modesty, for which Sevier gives no explanation. (74-75) The parallel disinterested character involved in the appreciation of beauty involves an interest of a higher order. (76) The fourth chapter, the most interesting, focuses upon "Objective Components of Beauty." Beauty requires three things: integritas sive perfectio, debita proportio sive consonantia, and claritas, unde quae habent colorem nitidum. (ST I, 39, 8) Aquinas links them with a consideration of God the Son. (105) This description contains two notions of beauty: the aesthetics of proportion and the aesthetics of light "radiance, splendor, and brilliance," (106, citing Edgar De Bruyne. One wonders if these are the same property with different terms.) The two notions of beauty involved have an ancient pedigree. (103) The aesthetics of proportion goes back to the Pythagoreans and has dominated discussion through the ages. The aesthetics of light has a special place in Plotinus. For him, not all beautiful objects are proportionate, like light and color. He speaks of illumination and links it to the radiance or expression of life. (111-12) Sevier discusses each of the properties in some detail: proportion or consonance (106-11), clarity (111-16) and integrity or perfection (116-19). Proportion or consonance involves the relation of parts to wholes, as in architecture where it is spoken of as symmetria and in music as harmonia. Both cases involve mathematical relations. Sevier cites Umberto Eco, who distinguishes psychological proportion and ontological proportion. (106) The senses are a kind of proportion in relation to their objects, which are proportionate in themselves. For proportion, Aquinas sometimes uses ratio, which also translates as'reason.' (107) There is also a proportion of all things to the Creator, allowing one to judge a thing in relation to its ideal. (108) Proportion is in things, in their relation to sensing and intellection, and in all things' relation to their Creator. "Reason" is what allows us to make the proportions manifest. Aquinas describes claritas as involving colorem nitidum, "bright color." The latter is disappointing: "bright color" suggests the gaudy! That follows the focus upon the visum. What would that mean for music? Sevier suggests that the bright color refers to human complexion -- which seems a stretch. (114) Fortunately there are countervailing texts that suggest something like splendor. "Claritas is the light that makes beauty seen." (112) In discussion of the Word, claritas is "the light and splendor of the intellect." (115) This involves taking creation as divine expression. Sevier admits that "this sense is, unfortunately, only pried with some difficulty from the present text." (116) Of the three properties, Aquinas mentions integrity or perfection the least. Sevier finds it hard to divorce it from the notion of proportion. (117) Integrity is related to moral perfection as an
n for single sword: 1- La Estocada de Puño 2- Cornada 3- Botonazo 4- La Zambullida 5- La Manotada 6- La Estocada a la Mano 7- La Enarcada 8- La Engavilanada 9- La Torneada 10- Remesón y 11- Golpe de Espada 12- Llamar 13- El Quiebro (Desplante) 14- La Final 15- La Garatusa 16- La Ganancia y 17- La Reganancia 18- La tentada 19- El Arrebatar y Tajo 20- El Codazo 21- El Brazal 22- El Canillazo 23- La Treta Doble 24- Tajo Horizontal 25- Revés Horizontal 26- Tajo Ascendente 27- Revés Ascendente 28- La Escampavita 29- La Irremediable 30- La Defendida For Armas Dobles (Spanish term for two weapons): Tretas for sword and dagger: 1- La Encadenada 2- Empanada o Cobertera 3- Espinillazo 4- Manotear 5- Encomendada Tretas for sword and cape 1- Encapar al Enemigo (to put the cape on the enemy) 2- Arrojar la Capa sobre la Espada (to throw the cape on the sword) Summarising, we can say that: a) In Spain there were two fencing schools: - The original fencing school, later called Destreza Vulgar or Común, linked with the mainstream European tradition. - La Destreza or Verdadera Destreza, that appears in the mid-sixteenth century. b) The Common Fencing School coexisted with La Destreza Verdadera for 150 years, facing each other both in the practical and in the theoretical fields. And is in the latter where La Verdadera Destreza indisputably gains the upper hand, as is attested by the great number of treatises about this school, among other things, while the Common Fencing School presents only few literary references, and even these mainly through those same Destreza treatises. c) In spite of the continuous efforts of the Destreza Masters to discredit the Common Fencing School in every possible way, truth is that la Esgrima Común was not a street fighting system fit for the lower social classes, but a complete fencing system with a corpus of well- structured and codified principles and techniques, inheritor of a tradition able to trace its roots back to the Middle Ages. In short: practically speaking, la Destreza Común is a fully developed and extremely effective rapier combat system. And is this system, with its principles, techniques, tactical approaches and all the history that surrounds it, including the Masters that practiced it, taught it and made it evolve so it kept being alive and useful at every moment, what AEEA is focusing its efforts in reconstructing, to the best of our abilities. Even though only few people are working with Spanish fencing I hope this may be of interest at least to some of you. — Published by Alberto Bomprezzi, Technical Director and Head Instructor of the Asociación Española de Esgrima Antigua in the SFI forum in 2005 (source thread) Reading Godinho these days, this is handy. 2 years ago (reblogged from ) via mindhost A compilation of most of my exchanges from Brescia Pro HEMA challenge in December-17, my first competition in one and a half years. Being rusty I fall back to flinch responses alot; the left Zwerchau counter is great and all but I do it too often, and I should vary the target (elbows are often more difficult to defend than the head). I also use the upper Hengen too often, a Kron or lower Hengen parry leaves your sword on top of the opponent and defends better in general. My footwork kept up pretty good though if a bit too linear. I pulled off two mutieren, one duplieren, a half sword entry, a nice krumphau-schielhau combo and some nice combinations and thrusts, and I have not lost my ability to read opponents and set up situations, but
Even the country’s defaulted debt -- the government fell back into default last year on legal grounds stemming from the 2001 debacle -- has been rallying, with prices on benchmark bonds climbing well over par value. Eager to reinsert the country in foreign markets, Macri has said that settling the old debts will be a top priority after he’s sworn in as president on Dec. 10. With 98 percent of the ballots counted, Argentine bonds extended their rally. The benchmark securities due in 2033 gained to a price -- which includes interest owed since last year’s default -- of 114 cents on the dollar, an eight-year high. As Bloomberg goes on to note, "there’s no shortage of big-name investors -- George Soros, Daniel Loeb and Richard Perry, to name a few -- betting on Macri to successfully resolving the debt dispute and regaining access to international credit markets." A big part of putting the 2001 default (a $95 billion fiasco) in the rearview will be resolving a dispute with Paul Singer, who was seen by the Kirchners as a "vulture." Below, find some further color from sell-side desks. * * * From Citi At the time of writing and with 99.1% of the voting stations already counted, Mauricio Macri is Argentina’s new President Elect, after obtaining 51.4% of the votes in the November 22 second round. While Macri’s victory should not be a surprise, he won by a narrower margin than expected. We are concerned the narrow victory may limit Macri’s room to deliver a series of much needed adjustments. The next administration will need to adjust FX, monetary and fiscal policy, in a context of an economy that is already contracting and seems to be heading to a new recession. Strategy – Argentina bonds have rallied considerably in anticipation of a resolution of the long-standing holdouts conflict and a potential Macri victory. After the election, we think that spreads could move tighter yet most of the upside is behind us. The most urgent challenge on the economic front is the FX policy, we believe. Over the last few weeks, the Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA) has tightened the FX controls faced by importers, has increased interest rates and has announced that the local banks will have to sell a fraction of their foreign currency denominated assets. The fact that the BCRA has been undertaking all these measures ahead of the second round reveals that the current FX policy is becoming increasingly difficult to sustain. According to an article (which had a great level of detail) from the local newspaper La Nación (see “Afirman que las reservas del Banco Central entraron en un punto muy crítico”), the BCRA has USD25.9bn of foreign currency liabilities. Thus, the non-borrowed reserves are none, roughly speaking. The challenge on the FX front is twofold. On the one hand, the ARS is grossly overvalued. On the other hand, there is a clear monetary imbalance. Regarding the real overvaluation of the ARS, we estimate that real effective exchange rate has dropped (appreciated) 44% since 2011. Thus, for Argentina to have the same REER than four years ago, the USDARS should stand at 17. A different approach would be to compare the evolution of the real exchange rate vis-à-vis the USD in Argentina and other countries in the region. While the LatAm currencies (BRL, CLP, COP, MXN, PEN and UYU) real exchange rates relative to the USD have increased on average 36% since 2011, the USDARS has dropped 19% in real terms. Thus, from this point of view, the USDARS should stand 68% higher at 16.1. On the monetary front, the next administration will need to deal with a monetary overhang – i.e, an excess of local currency. The monetary overhang puts pressure on the FX market, as people try to get rid of an excess of pesos by purchasing foreign currency – that is the reason why Argentina has FX controls, to prevent this from happening. There is also a flows problem. Besides the accumulated stock of trapped pesos, money printing is out of control. This is the first time that a marked increase in BCRA’s interventions in the FX market has not led to a deceleration in money printing (Figure 5). As shown below, money printing remains unabated, with the M0 increasing at a rate slightly above 35%. Basically, this means that despite that the BCRA is absorbing pesos by selling foreign currency, the other sources of money printing have increased. From BofAML We see potential for a significant policy shift after this Sunday election, following 12 years of a Kirchner-led government.
ザイナー・東佳苗がMVの監督を担当。デザイナーなのにMV監督?! と思った方は、こちらの記事を読んで欲しい。東氏はLADYBABYのメンバー・黒宮れいを主役に起用した『Heavy Shabby Girl』という映画を制作している。今回のMVでは、普段のメタルでポップな姿とはまた異なり、東佳苗の創る世界観で溢れる、LADYBABYの新たな魅力が引き出されたクリップに仕上がっている。 Contributor Wanted!! LADYBABY’s MV is famous for having over 1,200 million total number of views for the 1st single “Nippon Manju” in 6 months! This time, the Tokyo Girls’ Update visited the MV production site. We asked the 3 members about their impression of the MV shooting, one-man live’s resolution on April 15th, and the future goals. Also, we asked Kanae Higashi, the MV producer, about the production. LADYBABYのMVと言えば、1stシングル「ニッポン饅頭」が6ヶ月間で再生数1,200万回を超えるなど、次々とバズを生み出していることでも有名だ。今回Tokyo Girls’ Updateは、「セシボン・キブン」のMV制作現場に伺い、MV撮影の感想や4月15日のワンマンへの抱負、また今後の目標などについて、メンバー3名にお話を聞いてきた。またMVの監督を担当した東佳苗さんにも、制作についてお話を伺った。 *In the last of the interview, there are lots of exclusive behind the scene photos for premium members, so we recommend you to read until the end!* インタビューの最後には大量のオフショットが! ぜひ最後までお読み下さい。 Rei Kuromiya/黒宮れい —The MV shooting for “C’est si bon Kibun” is going on for a long time today, but how was it? 今日は「セシボン・キブン」のMVをずっとやっていますが、どうでしたか? Very fun! 楽しい! —Are there any points you wish to mention? 「ここを見て欲しい!」というところなどありますか? Kanae Higashi from Rurumu made the costume for “C’est si bon Kibun”just for LADY BABY! That’s why, it looks a bit like an uniform, but Rurumu-ish. We are going to dance with the only one costume in the world, and I’m super excited! Kanae also made all the props as well. It’s so cute! Kanae’s world is just too amazing! When I played the leading part for the movie “Heavy Shabby Girl”, Kanae made all the script and the costumes, so it was easy to do this time, because she knows me well. For this costume, I was happy to hear that she imagined about me. 「セ
シボン・キブン」の衣装は、縷縷夢兎の東佳苗さんが、LADYBABYのために作ってくれたんです! だから、ちょっと制服っぽく見えるけど、縷縷夢兎っぽい、こういうところがあって。だから、世界に一着しかない服を着て踊ります! 楽しみ〜! 衣装もだけどプロップも全部佳苗さんがやってくれて! 超かわいいんですよ! 見て分かる通り、佳苗ちゃんの世界がすごすぎるんですよ! 私が主演した映画『Heavy Shabby Girl』の台本とか衣装も全部佳苗ちゃんがやってて、れいのことをすごくわかってくれてたから、今回もすごくやりやすかったです。今回の衣装も、れいの事をイメージして作ってくれたりとか。嬉しいなって思って。 -Can we see the costume in the live? この衣装はライブとかでも見れるんですか? Maybe! It’s so cute, so I want people to see it! Do you think the people overseas think the same way too? It’s like a sailor suit, so I think they will like it? 見れるかも! かわいいから見て欲しい! 海外の人もかわいいって思ってくれるかな? セーラー服っぽいから、気に入ってもらえるかな? —What kind of song is “C’est si bon Kibun”? 「セシボン・キブン」はどんな曲なんですか? Natsumi Tadano made the lyric for “C’est si bon Kibun” and we are singing the enjoyment of the Japanese convenience store. What language is C’est si bon? French? What does it mean? (French cameraman: “C’est si bon means very goodd.”) Oh, so it means “very good feeling”! This song can make people happy. Japanese convenience store is different from foreign countries. For example, the interior and what they sell. That’s why, we can tell the uniqueness of the Japanese convenience store. 「セシボン・キブン」は、只野菜摘先生が作詞してくれたんですけど、日本のコンビニの楽しさを歌ってる曲なんですよ。セシボンって何語なのかな? フランス語? なんて意味なのかな?(フランス人カメラマン:「セシボンは“とてもいい”です」)え、じゃあ「とてもいい気分」ってことかな! そういうハッピーな感じの曲を作ってくれました。日本のコンビニって海外とやっぱり違うじゃないですか。内装とか売ってるものとか。だから、日本のコンビ
door and setting fire to a reception area, prompting tear gas and sounds of gunfire. (AP Photo/Khalid Mohammed) U.S. soldiers fire tear gas to stop protesters inside U.S. embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2019. Dozens of angry Iraqi Shiite militia supporters broke into the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad on Tuesday after smashing a main door and setting fire to a reception area, prompting tear gas and sounds of gunfire. (AP Photo/Khalid Mohammed) Protesters burn property inside the U.S. embassy compund, in Baghdad, Iraq, Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2019. Dozens of angry Iraqi Shiite militia supporters broke into the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad on Tuesday after smashing a main door and setting fire to a reception area, prompting tear gas and sounds of gunfire. (AP Photo/Khalid Mohammed) Iraqi protesters try to disable the camera on the outer wall of the US embassy in Baghdad's Green Zone during an angry demonstration on December 31, 2019 to denounce weekend US air strikes that killed Iran-backed fighters in Iraq. - It was the first time in years protesters have been able to reach the US embassy in the Iraqi capital, which is sheltered behind a series of checkpoints in the high-security Green Zone. (Photo by AHMAD AL-RUBAYE / AFP) (Photo by AHMAD AL-RUBAYE/AFP via Getty Images) Iraqi protesters throw stones at the US embassy in Baghdad's Green Zone during an angry demonstration on December 31, 2019 to denounce weekend US air strikes that killed Iran-backed fighters in Iraq. - It was the first time in years protesters have been able to reach the US embassy in the Iraqi capital, which is sheltered behind a series of checkpoints in the high-security Green Zone. (Photo by SABAH ARAR / AFP) (Photo by SABAH ARAR/AFP via Getty Images) Iraqi protesters throw stones at the US embassy in Baghdad's Green Zone during an angry demonstration on December 31, 2019 to denounce weekend US air strikes that killed Iran-backed fighters in Iraq. - It was the first time in years protesters have been able to reach the US embassy in the Iraqi capital, which is sheltered behind a series of checkpoints in the high-security Green Zone. (Photo by AHMAD AL-RUBAYE / AFP) (Photo by AHMAD AL-RUBAYE/AFP via Getty Images) A member of the Iraqi security forces stands guard in front of the outer wall of the US embassy in the capital Baghdad during a protest on December 31, 2019, to denounce the weekend's air strikes by US planes on several bases belonging to the Hezbollah brigades near Al-Qaim, an Iraqi district bordering Syria - It was the first time in years protesters have been able to reach the US embassy in the Iraqi capital, which is sheltered behind a series of checkpoints in the high-security Green Zone. (Photo by AHMAD AL-RUBAYE / AFP) / The erroneous mention[s] appearing in the metadata of this photo by AHMAD AL-RUBAYE has been modified in AFP systems in the following manner: [A member of the Iraqi security forces] instead of [An armed member of [An armed member of Iraq's pro-Iranian Hashd al-Shaabi paramilitary group] Please immediately remove the erroneous mention[s] from all your online services and delete it (them) from your servers. If you have been authorized by AFP to distribute it (them) to third parties, please ensure that the same actions are carried out by them. Failure to promptly comply with these instructions will entail liability on your part for any continued or post notification usage. Therefore we thank you very much for all your attention and prompt action. We are sorry for the inconvenience this notification may cause and remain at your disposal for any further information you may require. (Photo by AHMAD AL-RUBAYE/AFP via Getty Images) BAGHDAD, IRAQ - DECEMBER 31: Outraged Iraqi protesters hold flags and placards as they storm the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, protesting Washington's attacks on armed battalions belong to Iranian-backed Hashd al-Shaabi forces on December 31, 2019. At least 25 people were killed in weekend U.S. airstrikes on positions of Kataib Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed militia group, in Iraq and Syria. Hundreds of Iraqi protesters gathered early Tuesday near the embassy to show their anger at the U.S. move. (Photo by Haydar Karaalp/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images) Irak'ta ii milis gücü Hadi abi yanls protestocular, ABD'nin Badat Büyükelçilii binasn basarak içeri girdi. ABD yönetiminin Hadi abieya bal Hizbullah Tugaylar'na dü
index f451368a..9a0bb350 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/ar.po b/lib/libalpm/po/ar.poindex f451368a..9a0bb350 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/ar.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/ar.po @@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ # kraim <[email protected]>, 2013 # Mosaab Alzoubi <[email protected]>, 2013 # Mosaab Alzoubi <[email protected]>, 2013 -# Mutaz ismail <[email protected]>, 2015 +# Mutaz ismail <[email protected]>, 2015 # سند <[email protected]>, 2013 # صفا الفليج <[email protected]>, 2016-2017 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 01:05+0000 " "Last-Translator: Allan McRae <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Arabic (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ msgstr "تحذير عند الاستخراج %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "تعذّر استخراج %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "تعذر إعادة تسمية %s إلى %s (%s) " @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ msgstr "فشل في استقبال الملف '%s' من %s : تم تجاوز ح� msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s يبدو غير موثوقًا: %jd/%jd بايت " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "tag td jpldg %s " index 03e14983..7f67a18b 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/ast.po b/lib/libalpm/po/ast.poindex 03e14983..7f67a18b 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/ast.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/ast.po @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+
1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 01:05+0000 " "Last-Translator: Allan McRae <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Asturian (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ msgstr "alvertencia dada al estrayer el paquete %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "nun pudo estrayese %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "nun pudo renomase %s a %s (%s) " @@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ msgstr "fallu recibiendo'l ficheru '%s' de %s: tamañu de descarga superáu " msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "" -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "fallu al lleer %s " index 60ce0050..6a3bcba7 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/bg.po b/lib/libalpm/po/bg.poindex 60ce0050..6a3bcba7 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/bg.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/bg.po @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 12:11+0000 " "Last-Translator: Galin Iskrenov <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Bulgarian (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-" @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ msgstr "има предупреждение при извличане %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "не може да се извлече %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "не може да се преименува %s на %s (%s) " @@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s изглежда частичен: %jd/%jd bytes " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/lib
alpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "неуспех при сваляне на %s " index 496fc0ca..88776888 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/br.po b/lib/libalpm/po/br.poindex 496fc0ca..88776888 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/br.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/br.po @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ # # Translators: # Gwenn M <[email protected]>, 2015 -# Gwenn M <[email protected]>, 2015,2018 +# Gwenn M <[email protected]>, 2015,2018-2019 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " -"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-08-06 13:32+0000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " +"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-01-11 10:35+0000 " "Last-Translator: Gwenn M <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Breton (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" "language/br/) " @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ msgstr "ur galv diwall a zo bet roet en ur eztennañ %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "n'haller ket eztennañ %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "n'haller ket adenvel %s e %s (%s) " @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "krennet e seblant bezañ %s : %jd/%jd eizhbit " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "fazi en ur pellgargañ %s " @@ -822,6 +822,8 @@ msgstr "" #, c-format msgid "key %s, \"%s\" found on keyserver, keyring is not writable " msgstr "" +"alc'hwez %s, \"%s\" kavet war an dafariad alc'hwezioù, n'haller ket skrivañ " +"en droñsell " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:471 #, c-format @@ -836,7 +838,7 @@ msgstr "%s : mankout a ra ar sinadur dleet " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:874 #, c-format msgid "%s: signature from \"%s\" is marginal trust " -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s: mentrezh ar sinadur \"%s\" n'eo ket fizius-tre " #: lib/libalpm/signing.
c:882 #, c-format @@ -851,7 +853,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:901 #, c-format msgid "%s: key \"%s\" is unknown " -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s: dianav zo an alc'hwez \"%s\" " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:910 #, c-format @@ -878,7 +880,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:1136 #, c-format msgid "%s: unsupported signature format " -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s: mentrezh sinadur anskor " #: lib/libalpm/sync.c:98 #, c-format index b5e95360..50a06b3f 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/ca.po b/lib/libalpm/po/ca.poindex b5e95360..50a06b3f 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/ca.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/ca.po @@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ # Josep <[email protected]>, 2011,2013 # Josep <[email protected]>, 2011,2013 # Josep <[email protected]>, 2011 -# Davidmp <[email protected]>, 2015-2018 +# Davidmp <[email protected]>, 2015-2019 # Ramon Buldó <[email protected]>, 2014 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " -"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-27 12:31+0000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " +"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-18 17:13+0000 " "Last-Translator: Davidmp <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Catalan (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" "language/ca/) " @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ msgstr "advertència en extreure %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "no s'ha pogut extreure %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "no s'ha pogut canviar el nom %s a %s (%s) " @@ -377,15 +377,15 @@ msgstr "ha fallat la recuperació del fitxer \"%s\" des de %s: %s " #, c-format msgid "failed retrieving file '%s' from %s : expected download size exceeded " msgstr "" -"ha fallat la recuperació del fitxer \"%s\" des de %s: mida de la baixada " -"superior a l'esperada " +"ha fallat recuperar el fitxer \"%s\" des de %s: mida de la baixada superior " +"a l'esperada " #: lib/libalpm/dload.c:528 #, c-format msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s sembla que està truncat: %jd/%jd bytes " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/lib
alpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "ha fallat baixar %s " @@ -898,12 +898,12 @@ msgstr "%s: s'ha ignorat l'actualització del paquet (%s => %s) " #: lib/libalpm/sync.c:110 #, c-format msgid "%s: ignoring package downgrade (%s => %s) " -msgstr "%s: s'ha ignorat la desactualització del paquet (%s => %s) " +msgstr "%s: s'ha ignorat la degradació del paquet (%s => %s) " #: lib/libalpm/sync.c:113 #, c-format msgid "%s: downgrading from version %s to version %s " -msgstr "%s: desactualitzant de la versió %s a la versió %s " +msgstr "%s: es degrada de la versió %s a la versió %s " #: lib/libalpm/sync.c:119 #, c-format index dccf3a42..e2b27237 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/cs.po b/lib/libalpm/po/cs.poindex dccf3a42..e2b27237 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/cs.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/cs.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ # David Kolibáč <[email protected]>, 2011 # David Macek <[email protected]>, 2018 # IAmNotImportant, 2017 -# Jaroslav Lichtblau <[email protected]>, 2014-2015 -# Jaroslav Lichtblau <[email protected]>, 2014 +# Jaroslav Lichtblau <[email protected]>, 2014-2015 +# Jaroslav Lichtblau <[email protected]>, 2014 # mmm <[email protected]>, 2013 # mmm <[email protected]>, 2011 # IAmNotImportant, 2017 @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 06:59+0000 " "Last-Translator: David Macek <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Czech (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ msgstr "varování při rozbalování %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "nelze rozbalit %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "nelze přejmenovat %s na %s (%s) " @@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s se zdá být zkrácen: %jd/%jd bytů " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701
+#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "selhalo stahování %s " index 30793b0e..796e0587 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/da.po b/lib/libalpm/po/da.poindex 30793b0e..796e0587 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/da.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/da.po @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-07 09:48+0000 " "Last-Translator: scootergrisen " "Language-Team: Danish (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ msgstr "advarsel givet under udpakning %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "kunne ikke udpakke %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "kunne ikke omdøbe %s til %s (%s) " @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s ser ud til at være afkortet: %jd/%jd byte " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "kunne ikke hente %s " index be81b78a..115c1ab2 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/de.po b/lib/libalpm/po/de.poindex be81b78a..115c1ab2 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/de.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/de.po @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 15:58+0000 " "Last-Translator: Frank Theile " "Language-Team: German (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ msgstr "Es erscheint eine Warnung, wenn %s extrahiert wird (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "Konnte %s nicht entpacken (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm
/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "Konnte %s nicht in %s umbenennen (%s) " @@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s scheint abgeschnitten zu sein: %jd/%jd Bytes " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "Konnte %s nicht herunterladen " index 7837a905..a5fa16df 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/el.po b/lib/libalpm/po/el.poindex 7837a905..a5fa16df 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/el.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/el.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ # Achilleas Pipinellis, 2014 # Achilleas Pipinellis, 2013 # Achilleas Pipinellis, 2013 -# Christos Nouskas <[email protected]>, 2011,2013-2014,2017 +# Christos Nouskas <[email protected]>, 2011,2013-2014,2017,2019 # Dan McGee <[email protected]>, 2011 # ifaigios <[email protected]>, 2015 # ifaigios <[email protected]>, 2015 @@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " -"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 01:05+0000 " -"Last-Translator: Allan McRae <[email protected]> " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " +"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-01-26 18:09+0000 " +"Last-Translator: Christos Nouskas <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Greek (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" "language/el/) " "Language: el " @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ msgstr "προειδοποίηση κατά την εξαγωγή του %s (%s) msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "αδυναμία εξαγωγής %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "αδυναμία μετονομασίας %s σε %s (%s) " @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lib/libalpm/be_sync.c:524 #, c-format msgid "could not read db '%s' (%s) " -msgstr "" +msgstr "αδυναμία ανάγν
ωσης βάσης '%s' (%s) " #: lib/libalpm/be_sync.c:558 lib/libalpm/be_sync.c:563 #, c-format @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "το %s δείχνει ημιτελές: %jd/%jd bytes " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "αποτυχία λήψης %s " @@ -677,69 +677,69 @@ msgstr "αδυναμία διαγραφής αρχείου κλειδώματο� #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:107 #, c-format msgid "Missing trigger targets in hook: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Απόντες διακόπτες στόχων στο hook: %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:113 #, c-format msgid "Missing trigger type in hook: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Απών τύπος διακόπτη στο hook: %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:119 #, c-format msgid "Missing trigger operation in hook: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Απούσα λειτουργία διακόπτη στο hook: %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:146 #, c-format msgid "Missing Exec option in hook: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Απούσα επιλογή Exec στο hook: %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:152 #, c-format msgid "Missing When option in hook: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Απούσα επιλογή When στο hook: %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:155 #, c-format msgid "AbortOnFail set for PostTransaction hook: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Τέθηκε AbortOnFail στο PostTransaction hook: %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:273 #, c-format msgid "error while reading hook %s: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "σφάλμα ανάγνωσης hook %s: %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:275 lib/libalpm/hook.c:315 lib/libalpm/hook.c:357 #, c-format msgid "hook %s line %d: invalid option %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "hook %s γραμμή %d: άκυρη επιλογή %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:285 #, c-format msgid "hook %s line %d: invalid section %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "hook %s γραμμή %d: άκυρη ενότητα %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:297 lib/libalpm/hook.c:308 lib/libalpm/hook.c:327 #: lib/libalpm/
hook.c:350 #, c-format msgid "hook %s line %d: invalid value %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "hook %s γραμμή %d: άκυρη τιμή %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:301 lib/libalpm/hook.c:320 lib/libalpm/hook.c:331 #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:345 #, c-format msgid "hook %s line %d: overwriting previous definition of %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "hook %s γραμμή %d: αντικατάσταση προηγούμενου ορισμού %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:352 #, c-format msgid "hook %s line %d: unable to set option (%s) " -msgstr "" +msgstr "hook %s γραμμή %d: αδυναμία ορισμού επιλογής (%s) " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:613 #, c-format msgid "unable to run hook %s: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "αδυναμία εκτελέσεως hook %s: %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:648 lib/libalpm/hook.c:660 lib/libalpm/remove.c:385 #, c-format @@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ msgstr "αδυναμία ανοίγματος καταλόγου %s: %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:676 #, c-format msgid "could not open file: %s%s: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "αδυναμία ανοίγματος αρχείου: %s%s: %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:696 lib/libalpm/util.c:259 #, c-format @@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ msgstr "αδυναμία εντοπισμού αρχείου %s: %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:722 #, c-format msgid "could not read directory: %s: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "αδυναμία ανάγνωσης καταλόγου: %s: %s " #: lib/libalpm/package.c:586 #, c-format @@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ msgstr "αδυναμία διαγραφής αρχείου '%s': %s " #: lib/libalpm/remove.c:410 lib/libalpm/remove.c:419 #, c-format msgid "could not backup %s due to PATH_MAX overflow " -msgstr "" +msgstr "αδυναμία εφεδρικής αντιγραφής %s εξαιτίας υπερχείλισης PATH_MAX " #: lib/libalpm/remove.c:561 #, c-format @@ -804,32 +804,33 @@ msgstr "αδυναμία κατάργησης εγγραφής '%s' από κρ� #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:171 #,
c-format msgid "Public keyring not found; have you run '%s'? " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Δεν ευρέθη δημόσιος κλειδούχος· εκτελέστηκε '%s'; " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:207 lib/libalpm/signing.c:705 #, c-format msgid "GPGME error: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "σφάλμα GPGME: %s " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:402 #, c-format msgid "keyring is not writable " -msgstr "" +msgstr "μη εγγράψιμος κλειδούχος " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:460 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" could not be imported " -msgstr "" +msgstr "αδυναμία εισαγωγής κλειδιού \"%s\" " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:466 #, c-format msgid "key %s, \"%s\" found on keyserver, keyring is not writable " msgstr "" +"κλειδί %s, \"%s\" ευρέθη στον διακομιστή κλειδιών, μη εγγράψιμος κλειδούχος " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:471 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" could not be looked up remotely " -msgstr "" +msgstr "αδυναμία απομεμακρυσμένης αναζήτησης κλειδιού \"%s\" " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:859 lib/libalpm/sync.c:1181 #, c-format @@ -839,49 +840,49 @@ msgstr "%s: απούσα απαιτούμενη υπογραφή " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:874 #, c-format msgid "%s: signature from \"%s\" is marginal trust " -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s: υπογραφή από \"%s\" οριακής εμπιστοσύνης " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:882 #, c-format msgid "%s: signature from \"%s\" is unknown trust " -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s: υπογραφή από \"%s\" αγνώστου εμπιστοσύνης " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:889 #, c-format msgid "%s: signature from \"%s\" should never be trusted " -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s: υπογραφή από \"%s\" ουδεμίας εμπιστοσύνης " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:901 #, c-format msgid "%s: key \"%s\" is unknown " -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s: κλειδί \"%s\" άγνωστο " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:910 #, c-format msgid "%s: key \"%s\" is disabled "
566c747 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/eo.po b/lib/libalpm/po/eo.poindex f5431e40..f566c747 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/eo.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/eo.po @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 01:05+0000 " "Last-Translator: Allan McRae <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Esperanto (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-" @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ msgstr "averto donita dum eltirado de %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "ne eblis eltiri %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "ne eblis renomi %s al %s (%s) " @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s ŝajnas esti trunkita: %jd/%jd bitokoj " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "malsukcesis elŝuti %s " index 17a6166d..d519c9e1 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/es.po b/lib/libalpm/po/es.poindex 17a6166d..d519c9e1 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/es.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/es.po @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ # Leonel <[email protected]>, 2013 # Leonel <[email protected]>, 2013 # neiko <[email protected]>, 2011 -# Pablo Lezaeta Reyes [pˈaβ̞lo lˌe̞θaˈeta rˈejɛ] <[email protected]>, 2017 -# Pablo Lezaeta Reyes [pˈaβ̞lo lˌe̞θaˈeta rˈejɛ] <[email protected]>, 2013-2016 -# Pablo Lezaeta Reyes [pˈaβ̞lo lˌe̞θaˈeta rˈejɛ] <[email protected]>, 2017 +# prflr88 <[email protected]>, 2017 +# prflr88 <[email protected]>, 2013-2016 +# prflr88 <[email protected]>, 2017 # Pedro Román <[email protected]>, 2013-2014,2016-2018 # picodotdev <[email protected]>, 2016 # Swyter <[email protected]>, 2015,2017-2018 @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msg
id-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-06-22 07:25+0000 " "Last-Translator: Pedro Román <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Spanish (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ msgstr "se han advertido errores mientras se extraía %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "no se pudo extraer %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "no se pudo renombrar %s a %s (%s) " @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s parece estar incompleto: %jd/%jd bytes " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "no se pudo descargar %s " index 77c34e85..58091aaf 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/es_419.po b/lib/libalpm/po/es_419.poindex 77c34e85..58091aaf 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/es_419.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/es_419.po @@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ # ice <[email protected]>, 2016 # Leonel <[email protected]>, 2013 # neiko <[email protected]>, 2011 -# Pablo Lezaeta Reyes [pˈaβ̞lo lˌe̞θaˈeta rˈejɛ] <[email protected]>, 2015,2017 -# Pablo Lezaeta Reyes [pˈaβ̞lo lˌe̞θaˈeta rˈejɛ] <[email protected]>, 2015 -# Pablo Lezaeta Reyes [pˈaβ̞lo lˌe̞θaˈeta rˈejɛ] <[email protected]>, 2015,2017 +# prflr88 <[email protected]>, 2015,2017 +# prflr88 <[email protected]>, 2015 +# prflr88 <[email protected]>, 2015,2017 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 01:05+0000 " "Last-Translator: Allan McRae <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Spanish (Latin America) (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/" @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ msgstr "alerta producida mientras se extraía %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s)
" msgstr "no se pudo extraer %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "no se pudo renombrar %s a %s (%s) " @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s parece estar incompleto: %jd/%jd bytes " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "no se pudo descargar %s " index cd671033..7ec70ee1 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/eu.po b/lib/libalpm/po/eu.poindex cd671033..7ec70ee1 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/eu.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/eu.po @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 01:05+0000 " "Last-Translator: Allan McRae <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Basque (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ msgstr "oharra eman da %s erauztean (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "ezin izan da %s erauzi (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "ezin izan da %s berrizendatu %s gisa (%s) " @@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s ez dago osorik antza: %jd/%jd byte " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "%s deskargatzeak huts egin du " index b977f0f1..703072c1 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/eu_ES.po b/lib/libalpm/po/eu_ES.poindex b977f0f1..703072c1 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/eu_ES.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/eu_ES.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman
package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 01:05+0000 " "Last-Translator: Allan McRae <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Basque (Spain) (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-" @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ msgstr "oharra eman da %s erauztean (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "ezin izan da %s erauzi (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "ezin izan da %s berrizendatu %s gisa (%s) " @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s ez dago osorik antza: %jd/%jd byte " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "%s deskargatzeak huts egin du " index 6708dcab..6d4b5fba 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/fi.po b/lib/libalpm/po/fi.poindex 6708dcab..6d4b5fba 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/fi.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/fi.po @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 01:05+0000 " "Last-Translator: Allan McRae <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Finnish (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ msgstr "annettiin varoitus purettaessa %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "tiedostoa %s ei voitu purkaa (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "kohdetta %s ei voitu nimetä uudelleen kohteeksi %s (%s) " @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s näyttää katkenneen: %jd/%jd tavua " -#
"could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "Non foi posíbel extraer «%s» (%s). " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "Non foi posíbel cambiar o nome de «%s» a «%s» (%s). " @@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s parece estar truncado: %jd/%jd bytes " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "non se puido descargar %s " index 5060b4dc..2cda46f8 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/hr.po b/lib/libalpm/po/hr.poindex 5060b4dc..2cda46f8 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/hr.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/hr.po @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-24 04:44+0000 " "Last-Translator: Ivica Kolić <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Croatian (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ msgstr "" " " " " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "ne mogu preimenivati %s u %s (%s) " @@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s je okrnjen: %jd%jd bajtova " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "neuspjelo preuzimanje %s " index f130de5a..b398b67e 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/hu.po b/lib/libalpm/po/hu.poindex f130de5a..b398b67e 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/hu.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/hu.po @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT
-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 01:05+0000 " "Last-Translator: Allan McRae <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Hungarian (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-" @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ msgstr "figyelmeztetés a(z) %s kibontása közben (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "nem sikerült kibontani: %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "nem sikerült az átnevezés: %s -> %s (%s) " @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "úgy tűnik, hogy %s csonka: %jd/%jd bájt " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "nem sikerült a(z) %s letöltése " index ff58579f..4281c9ba 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/id.po b/lib/libalpm/po/id.poindex ff58579f..4281c9ba 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/id.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/id.po @@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ # Ibnu Daru Aji, 2013-2014 # Hasan Al Banna, 2013 # Ibnu Daru Aji, 2013 -# se7entime <[email protected]>, 2013 -# se7entime <[email protected]>, 2013,2015 -# se7entime <[email protected]>, 2013,2015 +# se7entime <[email protected]>, 2013 +# se7entime <[email protected]>, 2013,2015 +# se7entime <[email protected]>, 2013,2015 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 01:05+0000 " "Last-Translator: Allan McRae <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Indonesian (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-" @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ msgstr "peringatan diberikan ketika mengekstrak %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "tidak dapat mengekstrak %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove
.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "tidak dapat mengubah nama %s menjadi %s (%s) " @@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s sepertinya tidak lengkap: %jd/%jd byte " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "gagal mengunduh %s " index bab3dfb2..1fca625b 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/it.po b/lib/libalpm/po/it.poindex bab3dfb2..1fca625b 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/it.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/it.po @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# Alessandro Menti <[email protected]>, 2019 # Andrea Scarpino <[email protected]>, 2014 # Andrea Scarpino <[email protected]>, 2014 # Andrea Scarpino <[email protected]>, 2014 @@ -13,9 +14,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " -"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 01:05+0000 " -"Last-Translator: Allan McRae <[email protected]> " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " +"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-11 09:10+0000 " +"Last-Translator: Alessandro Menti <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Italian (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" "language/it/) " "Language: it " @@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lib/libalpm/add.c:124 #, c-format msgid "cannot allocate disk archive object" -msgstr "" +msgstr "impossibile allocare l'oggetto archivio su disco" #: lib/libalpm/add.c:138 lib/libalpm/util.c:382 #, c-format @@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ msgstr "è stato rilevato un warning durante l'estrazione di %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "impossibile estrarre %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "impossibile rinominare %s in %s (%s) " @@ -254,7 +255,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lib/libalpm/be_sync.c:524 #, c-format msgid "could not read db '%s' (%s) " -msgstr "" +msgstr "impossibile leggere il database '%s' (%s) " #: lib/libalpm/be_sync.c:558 lib/libal
l'opzione (%s) " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:613 #, c-format msgid "unable to run hook %s: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "impossibile eseguire l'hook %s: %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:648 lib/libalpm/hook.c:660 lib/libalpm/remove.c:385 #, c-format @@ -755,7 +756,7 @@ msgstr "impossibile accedere alla directory: %s: %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:676 #, c-format msgid "could not open file: %s%s: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "impossibile aprire il file: %s%s: %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:696 lib/libalpm/util.c:259 #, c-format @@ -765,7 +766,7 @@ msgstr "impossibile trovare il file %s: %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:722 #, c-format msgid "could not read directory: %s: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "impossibile leggere la directory: %s: %s " #: lib/libalpm/package.c:586 #, c-format @@ -790,7 +791,7 @@ msgstr "impossibile rimuovere il file '%s': %s " #: lib/libalpm/remove.c:410 lib/libalpm/remove.c:419 #, c-format msgid "could not backup %s due to PATH_MAX overflow " -msgstr "" +msgstr "impossibile eseguire il backup %s a causa di un overflow di PATH_MAX " #: lib/libalpm/remove.c:561 #, c-format @@ -810,32 +811,34 @@ msgstr "impossibile rimuovere la voce '%s' dalla cache " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:171 #, c-format msgid "Public keyring not found; have you run '%s'? " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Portachiavi pubblico non trovato; hai eseguito '%s'? " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:207 lib/libalpm/signing.c:705 #, c-format msgid "GPGME error: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Errore di GPGME: %s " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:402 #, c-format msgid "keyring is not writable " -msgstr "" +msgstr "il portachiavi non è scrivibile " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:460 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" could not be imported " -msgstr "" +msgstr "la chiave \"%s\" non può essere importata " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:466 #, c-format msgid "key %s, \"%s\" found on keyserver, keyring is not writable " msgstr "" +"chiave %s, \"%s\" trovata sul server delle chiavi, il portachiavi non è " +"scrivibile " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:471 #, c-format msgid "key \"%s\" could not be looked up remotely " -msgstr "" +msgstr "impossibile cercare la chiave \"%s\" sul server remoto " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:859 lib/libalpm/sync.c:1181 #, c-format @@ -845,49 +848,50 @@ msgstr "%s: manca la firma PGP " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:874 #, c-format msgid "%s: signature from \"%s\" is marginal trust " -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s: la firma
" msgstr "%s を %s に名前を変更できませんでした (%s) " @@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s が途中で切れています: %jd/%jd バイト " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "%s のダウンロードに失敗しました " index a757784b..43115062 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/kk.po b/lib/libalpm/po/kk.poindex a757784b..43115062 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/kk.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/kk.po @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 01:05+0000 " "Last-Translator: Allan McRae <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Kazakh (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ msgstr "%s тарқатқанда ескерту алынды (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "%s тарқату қатесі (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "%s атын жаңа %s атына ауыстыру мүмкін емес (%s) " @@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s қысқартылған сияқты: %jd/%jd байт " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "%s жүктеп алу мүмкін емес " index cd17af74..15e7bd81 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/ko.po b/lib/libalpm/po/ko.poindex cd17af74..15e7bd81 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/ko.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/ko.po @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-
Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 01:05+0000 " "Last-Translator: Allan McRae <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Korean (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ msgstr "%s 추출 시 경고 발생 (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "%s를 추출할 수 없습니다. (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "%s의 이름을 %s로 바꾸지 못했습니다.(%s) " @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ msgstr "파일 '%s'를 %s에서 가져오는 데 실패 : 예상 내려받기 � msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s가 잘린 것 같습니다.: %jd/%jd 바이트 " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "%s를 다운받지 못했습니다. " index e6adca0f..38f6a46a 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/libalpm.pot b/lib/libalpm/po/libalpm.potindex e6adca0f..38f6a46a 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/libalpm.pot +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/libalpm.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE " "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> " "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]> " @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "" -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s
ke montere bunnmappen %s " #: lib/libalpm/diskspace.c:486 #, c-format @@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ msgstr "kunne ikke hente filen '%s' fra %s : filen er større enn forventet " msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s ser ut til å være avkortet: %jd/%jd bytes " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "kunne ikke laste ned %s " index 9b6751f1..1b372dfe 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/nl.po b/lib/libalpm/po/nl.poindex 9b6751f1..1b372dfe 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/nl.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/nl.po @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-09-12 11:17+0000 " "Last-Translator: W J <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Dutch (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ msgstr "waarschuwing tijdens uitpakken van %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "kon %s (%s) niet uitpakken " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "kan %s niet hernoemen als %s (%s) " @@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s werd onderbroken: %jd/%jd bytes " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "downloaden van %s mislukt " index f4a06e38..c445d848 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/pl.po b/lib/libalpm/po/pl.poindex f4a06e38..c445d848 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/pl.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/pl.po @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO
-Revision-Date: 2018-05-16 22:15+0000 " "Last-Translator: Piotr Strębski <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Polish (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ msgstr "wystąpił błąd podczas rozpakowywania %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "nie udało się rozpakować %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "nie udało się zmienić nazwy %s na %s (%s) " @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s wygląda, jakby został obcięty %jd/%jd bajtów " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "nie udało się pobrać %s " index 23804c90..e4335e78 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/pt.po b/lib/libalpm/po/pt.poindex 23804c90..e4335e78 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/pt.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/pt.po @@ -8,13 +8,14 @@ # ArchGalileu <[email protected]>, 2011 # R00KIE <[email protected]>, 2013,2016 # R00KIE <[email protected]>, 2013,2016-2017 +# Rui <[email protected]>, 2019 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " -"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 01:05+0000 " -"Last-Translator: Allan McRae <[email protected]> " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " +"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-06 18:35+0000 " +"Last-Translator: Rui <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Portuguese (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-" "pacman/language/pt/) " "Language: pt " @@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ msgstr "a fazer downgrade do pacote %s (%s => %s) " #: lib/libalpm/add.c:124 #, c-format msgid "cannot allocate disk archive object" -msgstr "não é possível alocar objecto de arquivo do disco" +msgstr "não foi possível alocar objeto de pacote de disco" #: lib/libalpm/add.c:138 lib/libalpm/util.c:382 #, c-format @@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ msgstr "aviso apresentado ao extrair %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) "
msgstr "não foi possível extrair %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "não foi possível renomear %s para %s (%s) " @@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lib/libalpm/add.c:287 #, c-format msgid "extract: not overwriting dir with file %s " -msgstr "extracção: não sobrescrever diretório com o ficheiro %s " +msgstr "extração: não sobrescrever diretório com o ficheiro %s " #: lib/libalpm/add.c:315 #, c-format @@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ msgstr "incapaz de extrair %s.pacnew: caminho demasiado longo" #: lib/libalpm/add.c:508 lib/libalpm/util.c:334 lib/libalpm/util.c:592 #, c-format msgid "could not get current working directory " -msgstr "não foi possível obter o diretório de trabalho actual " +msgstr "não foi possível obter o diretório de trabalho atual " #: lib/libalpm/add.c:513 lib/libalpm/util.c:339 lib/libalpm/util.c:597 #: lib/libalpm/util.c:650 @@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ msgstr "não é possível restaurar diretório em trabalho (%s) " #: lib/libalpm/add.c:578 #, c-format msgid "problem occurred while upgrading %s " -msgstr "ocorreram erros durante a actualização de %s " +msgstr "ocorreram erros durante a atualização de %s " #: lib/libalpm/add.c:584 #, c-format @@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ msgstr "ocorreram erros durante a instalação de %s " #: lib/libalpm/add.c:599 #, c-format msgid "could not update database entry %s-%s " -msgstr "não foi possível actualizar a entrada na base de dados %s-%s " +msgstr "não foi possível atualizar a entrada na base de dados %s-%s " #: lib/libalpm/add.c:610 #, c-format @@ -277,7 +278,7 @@ msgstr "localização da base de dados não definida " #: lib/libalpm/deps.c:184 #, c-format msgid "dependency cycle detected: " -msgstr "dependência cíclica detectada: " +msgstr "detetada dependência cíclica: " #: lib/libalpm/deps.c:187 #, c-format @@ -376,7 +377,7 @@ msgstr "falha ao obter ficheiro '%s' de %s : %s " #, c-format msgid "failed retrieving file '%s' from %s : expected download size exceeded " msgstr "" -"falhou a obtenção do ficheiro '%s' de %s : o tamanho expectado da " +"falhou a obtenção do ficheiro '%s' de %s : o tamanho esperado da " "transferência foi excedido " #: lib/libalpm/dload.c:528 @@ -384,7 +385,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes
" msgstr "%s parece estar quebrado: %jd/%jd bytes " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "falha ao fazer a descarga de %s " @@ -477,12 +478,12 @@ msgstr "base de dados inválida ou corrompida (assinatura PGP)" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:76 #, c-format msgid "database is incorrect version" -msgstr "a versão da base de dados é incorrecta" +msgstr "a versão da base de dados é incorreta" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:78 #, c-format msgid "could not update database" -msgstr "não foi possível actualizar a base de dados" +msgstr "não foi possível atualizar a base de dados" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:80 #, c-format @@ -512,7 +513,7 @@ msgstr "operação não inicializada" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:92 #, c-format msgid "duplicate target" -msgstr "objecto alvo duplicado" +msgstr "objeto alvo duplicado" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:96 #, c-format @@ -527,7 +528,7 @@ msgstr "operação abortada" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:100 #, c-format msgid "operation not compatible with the transaction type" -msgstr "actividade não compatível com o tipo de operação" +msgstr "atividade não compatível com o tipo de operação" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:102 #, c-format @@ -537,7 +538,7 @@ msgstr "tentativa de aceitar a operação com a base de dados não bloqueada" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:104 #, c-format msgid "failed to run transaction hooks" -msgstr "falha ao correr os hooks da transacção" +msgstr "falha ao correr os hooks da transação" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:107 #, c-format @@ -587,7 +588,7 @@ msgstr "o nome do pacote não é válido" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:125 #, c-format msgid "package architecture is not valid" -msgstr "a arquitectura do pacote não é válida" +msgstr "a arquitetura do pacote não é válida" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:127 #, c-format @@ -775,7 +776,7 @@ msgstr "não foi possível encontrar %s na base de dados - a ignorar " #: lib/libalpm/remove.c:153 #, c-format msgid "removing %s from target list " -msgstr "a remover %s da lista de pacotes a serem actualizados " +msgstr "a remover %s da lista de pacotes a serem atualizados " #: lib/libalpm/remove.c:345 #, c-format @@ -887,7 +888,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lib/libalpm/sync.c:98 #, c-format msgid "%s: ignoring package upgrade (%s => %s) " -msgstr "%s: a ignorar actualização do pacote (%s => %s) " +msgstr "%s: a ignorar atualização do pacote (%s => %s) " #: lib/libalpm/sync.c:110 #, c-format @@ -917,7 +918,7 @@ msgstr "não foi possível substituir %s por %s " #: lib/libalpm/sync.c:538 lib
/libalpm/sync.c:608 #, c-format msgid "unresolvable package conflicts detected " -msgstr "detectado conflito entre pacotes sem solução " +msgstr "detetado conflito entre pacotes sem solução " #: lib/libalpm/sync.c:558 #, c-format @@ -937,12 +938,12 @@ msgstr "não há espaço livre suficiente no disco " #: lib/libalpm/sync.c:1406 #, c-format msgid "could not commit removal transaction " -msgstr "não foi possível efectuar a operação de remoção " +msgstr "não foi possível efetuar a operação de remoção " #: lib/libalpm/sync.c:1414 #, c-format msgid "could not commit transaction " -msgstr "não foi possível efectuar a operação " +msgstr "não foi possível efetuar a operação " #: lib/libalpm/trans.c:364 #, c-format index fb3b3267..ccb1f1f9 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/pt_BR.po b/lib/libalpm/po/pt_BR.poindex fb3b3267..ccb1f1f9 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/pt_BR.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/pt_BR.po @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 14:51+0000 " "Last-Translator: Rafael Fontenelle <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/" @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ msgstr "recebido aviso ao extrair %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "não foi possível extrair %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "não foi possível renomear %s para %s (%s) " @@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s parece estar truncado: %jd/%jd bytes " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "falha ao fazer o download de %s " index b36cae45..541ca464 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/ro.po b/lib/libalpm/po/ro.poindex b36cae45..541ca464 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/ro.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/ro.po @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ msgid
"" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 01:05+0000 " "Last-Translator: Allan McRae <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Romanian (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ msgstr "s-a primit o avertizare la extragerea %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "nu s-a putut extrage %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "nu s-a putut redenumi %s în %s (%s) " @@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s pare a fi trunchiat: %jd/%jd octeți " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "eșec la descărcarea %s " index c380445a..95434309 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/ru.po b/lib/libalpm/po/ru.poindex c380445a..95434309 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/ru.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/ru.po @@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ # kyak <[email protected]>, 2013 # partizan <[email protected]>, 2014-2015,2017 # partizan <[email protected]>, 2012 -# Vasiliy Polyakov <[email protected]>, 2015 +# be1bb8e720f95f5c175a5f1f3aa8f780, 2015 # Анатолий Валерианович <[email protected]>, 2016 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-29 16:20+0000 " "Last-Translator: Igor <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Russian (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ msgstr "получено предупреждение при извлечени� msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "не удалось извлечь %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload
.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "не удалось переименовать %s в %s (%s) " @@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ msgstr "не удалось получить файл '%s' из %s: превыш msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s, видимо, обрезан: %jd/%jd байт " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "не удалось загрузить %s " index a8ad2826..0af709f0 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/sk.po b/lib/libalpm/po/sk.poindex a8ad2826..0af709f0 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/sk.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/sk.po @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 01:05+0000 " "Last-Translator: Allan McRae <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Slovak (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ msgstr "varovanie pri rozbaľovaní %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "nie je možné rozbaliť %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "nie je možné premenovať %s na %s (%s) " @@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s vyzerá byť skrátený: %jd/%jd bytov " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "chyba pri sťahovaní %s " index 36c02cbc..b6221ec2 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/sl.po b/lib/libalpm/po/sl.poindex 36c02cbc..b6221ec2 100644
lib/libalpm/diskspace.c:256 lib/libalpm/diskspace.c:315 #, c-format @@ -331,7 +332,7 @@ msgstr "priklopne točke za datoteko %s ni bilo mogoče določiti " #: lib/libalpm/diskspace.c:354 #, c-format msgid "Partition %s too full: %jd blocks needed, %ju blocks free " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Razdelek %s je poln: potrebnih je %jd blokov, %jublokov je prostih " #: lib/libalpm/diskspace.c:379 lib/libalpm/diskspace.c:433 #, c-format @@ -385,7 +386,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "zdi se, da je %s prirezan: %jd/%jd bajtov " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "spodletel prenos %s " @@ -750,7 +751,7 @@ msgstr "ni mogoče odpreti mape: %s:%s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:676 #, c-format msgid "could not open file: %s%s: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "ni mogoče odpreti datoteke: %s%s: %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:696 lib/libalpm/util.c:259 #, c-format @@ -760,7 +761,7 @@ msgstr "ne morem prebrati statusa datoteke %s:%s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:722 #, c-format msgid "could not read directory: %s: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "ni mogoče prebrati mape: %s: %s " #: lib/libalpm/package.c:586 #, c-format @@ -810,12 +811,12 @@ msgstr "" #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:207 lib/libalpm/signing.c:705 #, c-format msgid "GPGME error: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "GPGME napaka: %s " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:402 #, c-format msgid "keyring is not writable " -msgstr "" +msgstr "v bazo ključev ni mogoče pisati " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:460 #, c-format @@ -850,17 +851,17 @@ msgstr "" #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:889 #, c-format msgid "%s: signature from \"%s\" should never be trusted " -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s: podpisu iz \"%s\" nikoli ne bi smeli zaupati " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:901 #, c-format msgid "%s: key \"%s\" is unknown " -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s: ključ \"%s\" je neznan " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:910 #, c-format msgid "%s: key \"%s\" is disabled " -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s: ključ \"%s\" je onemogočen " #: lib/libalpm/signing.c:914 #, c-format index b89af380..096b5fbc 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/sr.po b/lib/libalpm/po/sr.poindex b89af380..096b5fbc 100
644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/sr.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/sr.po @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-23 12:45+0000 " "Last-Translator: Slobodan Terzić <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Serbian (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ msgstr "дато је упозорење при распакивању %s (%s) msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "не могу да распакујем %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "не могу да преименујем %s у %s (%s) " @@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "изгледа да је %s окрњен: %jd/%jd бајтова " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "неуспешно преузимање %s " index 644b805e..5ba4791d 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/[email protected] b/lib/libalpm/po/[email protected] 644b805e..5ba4791d 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/[email protected] +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/[email protected] @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-23 12:43+0000 " "Last-Translator: Slobodan Terzić <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Serbian (Latin) (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-" -"pacman/language/sr%40latin/) " +"pacman/language/sr@latin/) " "Language: sr@latin " "MIME-Version: 1.0 " "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 " @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ msgstr "dato je upozorenje pri raspakivan
ju %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "ne mogu da raspakujem %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "ne mogu da preimenujem %s u %s (%s) " @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "izgleda da je %s okrnjen: %jd/%jd bajtova " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "neuspešno preuzimanje %s " index 0f078f74..97450a69 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/sv.po b/lib/libalpm/po/sv.poindex 0f078f74..97450a69 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/sv.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/sv.po @@ -5,14 +5,15 @@ # Translators: #, 2011 # Daniel Sandman <[email protected]>, 2013,2015 +# Johan R. <[email protected]>, 2019 # Kim Svensson <[email protected]>, 2015 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " -"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-16 20:56+0000 " -"Last-Translator: Kristoffer Andersson <[email protected]> " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " +"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-07 13:03+0000 " +"Last-Translator: Johan R. <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Swedish (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" "language/sv/) " "Language: sv " @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ msgstr "varning given vid extrahering av %s (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "kunde inte extrahera %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "kunde inte döpa om %s till %s (%s) " @@ -378,7 +379,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s verkar vara trunkerad: %jd/%jd bytes " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "
misslyckades ladda ner %s " @@ -745,7 +746,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:676 #, c-format msgid "could not open file: %s%s: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "kunde inte öppna fil: %s%s: %s " #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:696 lib/libalpm/util.c:259 #, c-format @@ -757,7 +758,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lib/libalpm/hook.c:722 #, c-format msgid "could not read directory: %s: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "kunde inte läsa katalog: %s: %s " #: lib/libalpm/package.c:586 #, c-format index a4da13aa..9149a5ed 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/tr.po b/lib/libalpm/po/tr.poindex a4da13aa..9149a5ed 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/tr.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/tr.po @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 15:11+0000 " "Last-Translator: Arda Ünlü <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Turkish (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/" @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ msgstr "%s açılırken uyarı verildi (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "%s açılamadı (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "%s dosyasının ismi %s olarak değiştirilemiyor (%s) " @@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s eksik görünüyor: %jd/%jd bayt " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "%s dosyası indirilemedi " index cf54cf02..9553b785 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/uk.po b/lib/libalpm/po/uk.poindex cf54cf02..9553b785 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/uk.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/uk.po @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " +"POT-Creation-Date:
2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-16 08:24+0000 " "Last-Translator: Yarema aka Knedlyk <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Ukrainian (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-" @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ msgstr "Видається попередження протягом розпа� msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "неможливо розпакувати %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "неможливо перейменувати %s на %s (%s) " @@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ msgstr "не вдалось одержати файл «%s» з %s : перев� msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "здається, %s обрізаний: %jd/%jd байтів " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "не вдалось звантажити %s " index 6e40b99b..91fa0922 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/zh_CN.po b/lib/libalpm/po/zh_CN.poindex 6e40b99b..91fa0922 100644--- a/ lib/libalpm/po/zh_CN.po +++ b/ lib/libalpm/po/zh_CN.po @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ # Translators: # leonfeng <[email protected]>, 2018 # Dan McGee <[email protected]>, 2011 +# Jiachen YANG <[email protected]>, 2019 # leonfeng <[email protected]>, 2011 # leonfeng <[email protected]>, 2011,2018 # leonfeng <[email protected]>, 2011 @@ -18,9 +19,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " -"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-08-30 06:21+0000 " -"Last-Translator: Jiachen YANG <[email protected]> " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " +"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-04 13:58+0000 " +"Last-Translator: Nicholas Wang <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-" "pacman/language/zh_CN/) " "Language: zh_CN " @@ -59,7 +60
�读 " " " #: lib/libalpm/dload.c:159 @@ -381,7 +382,7 @@ msgstr "获取文件 '%s' 失败,来自 %s : 下载大小超出期望值 " msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s 可缩小:%jd/%jd bytes " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "下载 %s 失败 " @@ -454,7 +455,7 @@ msgstr "数据库未初始化" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:68 #, c-format msgid "database already registered" -msgstr "数据库已登记" +msgstr "数据库已经注册过了" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:70 #, c-format @@ -494,17 +495,17 @@ msgstr "无效的服务器 url" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:85 #, c-format msgid "no servers configured for repository" -msgstr "软件库没有配置服务器信息" +msgstr "软件仓库没有配置服务器信息" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:88 #, c-format msgid "transaction already initialized" -msgstr "处理已初始化" +msgstr "事务已初始化" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:90 lib/libalpm/error.c:94 #, c-format msgid "transaction not initialized" -msgstr "处理未初始化" +msgstr "事务未初始化" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:92 #, c-format @@ -514,22 +515,22 @@ msgstr "重复的目标" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:96 #, c-format msgid "transaction not prepared" -msgstr "处理未准备好" +msgstr "事务未准备好" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:98 #, c-format msgid "transaction aborted" -msgstr "处理已放弃" +msgstr "事务已放弃" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:100 #, c-format msgid "operation not compatible with the transaction type" -msgstr "操作与处理类型不兼容" +msgstr "操作与事务类型不兼容" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:102 #, c-format msgid "transaction commit attempt when database is not locked" -msgstr "未锁定数据库即提交了事务处理尝试" +msgstr "尝试提交事务处理时尚未锁定数据库" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:104 #, c-format @@ -589,7 +590,7 @@ msgstr "无效的软件包架构" #: lib/libalpm/error.c:127 #, c-format msgid "could not find repository for target"
[email protected]>, 2014-2015,2018 +# 黃柏諺 <[email protected]>, 2014 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " -"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " -"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-15 23:43+0000 " -"Last-Translator: Jeff Huang <[email protected]> " +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-12 11:23+1000 " +"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-13 16:14+0000 " +"Last-Translator: byStarTW (pan93412) <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/" "archlinux-pacman/language/zh_TW/) " "Language: zh_TW " @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ msgstr "解壓縮 %s 時出現警告 (%s) " msgid "could not extract %s (%s) " msgstr "無法解壓縮 %s (%s) " -#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:569 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 +#: lib/libalpm/add.c:154 lib/libalpm/dload.c:570 lib/libalpm/remove.c:541 #, c-format msgid "could not rename %s to %s (%s) " msgstr "無法將 %s 重命名為 %s (%s) " @@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ msgstr "無法解開「%s」從 %s 壓縮檔:超出下載的檔案大小 " msgid "%s appears to be truncated: %jd/%jd bytes " msgstr "%s 可縮小:%jd/%jd 位元組 " -#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:672 lib/libalpm/dload.c:701 +#: lib/libalpm/dload.c:673 lib/libalpm/dload.c:702 #, c-format msgid "failed to download %s " msgstr "下載 %s 失敗 " index af187e2b..2294eecf 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ diff --git a/scripts/po/br.po b/scripts/po/br.poindex af187e2b..2294eecf 100644--- a/ scripts/po/br.po +++ b/ scripts/po/br.po @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# Gwenn M <[email protected]>, 2015-2016 +# Gwenn M <[email protected]>, 2015-2016,2019 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch Linux Pacman package manager " "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=3 " "POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-12 11:09+1000 " -"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-07-19 04:19+0000 " -"Last-Translator: Allan McRae <[email protected]> " +"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-01-11 10:33+0000 " +"Last-Translator: Gwenn M <[email protected]> " "Language-Team: Breton (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes
,Mouza-Indora,P.H.No.11,Total area 556.35 Sq.Mts.Nagpur Nil Nil Nil Rs 32,50,000 32 Lacs+ iii Buildings Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil iv Houses 70,00,000 70 Lacs+ Flat at Mumbai Share of Foat in Subhada Sahakari Fruh Nirman Sahakari Sansth Maryadit,Pachkhanwala Road,Warlli,Mumbai. 8,00,000 8 Lacs+ Flat at Mumbai Share in Bearing C.S.No. 511,5th floor in wingh "D" at Silver Crest, Village-Tungwa,Andheri (E) Mumbai total area 78.42 Sq.Mt. Nil Nil Nil Rs 78,00,000 78 Lacs+ v Others 24,00,000 24 Lacs+ Advamce top Ashirwad(1) Co-op.Housing Society Ltd. Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 24,00,000 24 Lacs+ Totals Rs 1,14,00,000 1 Crore+ Rs 20,50,000 20 Lacs+ Nil Nil Nil Rs 1,34,50,000 1 Crore+ No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information Details of Immovable Assets Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election. Sr No Description Amount (a) i Loans from Banks 75,65,824 75 Lacs+ Housing Loan From Shikshak Sah.Bank Nagpur. Rs 75,65,824 75 Lacs+ ii Loans from Financial Institutions 37,00,000 37 Lacs+ Sumedha Raut 5,00,000 5 Lacs+ Wife :ease Remt Deposit Rs 42,00,000 42 Lacs+ iii (a) Dues to departments dealing with government accommodation Nil Nil (b) Dues to departments dealing with supply of water Nil Nil (c) Dues to departments dealing with supply of electricity Nil Nil (d) Dues to departments dealing with telephones Nil Nil (e) Dues to departments dealing with supply of transport Nil Nil (f) Other Dues if any Nil Nil (b) (i) (a) Income Tax including surcharge [Also indicate the assessment year upto which Income Tax Return filed.] Nil Nil (b) Permanent Account Number (PAN) PAN given-Y (ii) Wealth Tax [Also indicate the assessment year upto which Wealth Tax return filed.] Nil Nil (iii) Sales Tax [Only in case proprietary business] Nil Nil (iv) Property Tax Nil Nil Totals Rs 1,17,65,824 1 Crore+ No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information Details of Liabilities Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election. If you notice any discrepancy between affidavits and our data, you can use the message box below to send a message to us. ( यदि आप हलफनामों और इस पेज पर दी गयी जानकारी के बीच कोई विसंगति/भिन्नता पाते है तो आप नीचे के संदेश बॉक्स के उपयोग से हमें संदेश भेज सकते हैं) Name : Email : Phone No : Enter your discrepancy : Please enter the code shown below and click Submit. No Problems in Reading Aff
The JavaScript console and the DOM API can be your friend when you need to grab some data from a website. I am working on a little toy project involving Legos. I needed to gather all colors available for bricks into a JavaScript object, something like this: var brickColors = { "Medium Blue" : { id : 102, color : "rgb(71, 140, 198)" }, "Sand Blue" : { id : 135, color : "rgb(94, 116, 140)" },... }; The colors are freely available on the web, such as here on Brickipedia, but man, there’s a lot of them and it’s pretty darn tedious to copy and paste each color’s properties over into my editor. I’ll have JavaScript do the work for me, pop open the console and begin with … document.querySelectorAll( 'tr' ) is a good start. It grabs all the table rows on the page. From there, I turn the result into an array since querySelectorAll returns a StaticNodeList, and then filter it down to rows that have four cells, as it turns out the two tables with only three cells per row I don’t care about [].slice.call( document.querySelectorAll( 'tr' )).filter( function ( tr ) { return tr.children.length === 4 ; }) Actually I don’t care about the header rows either, so filter them out too [].slice.call( document.querySelectorAll( 'tr' )).filter( function ( tr ) { return tr.children.length === 4 && tr.children[ 0 ].nodeName === "TD" ; }) I got really lucky here, on some webpages narrowing down your query to just the relevant data can be tricky. You’ll usually need a much more clever query for querySelectorAll from here, each <td> child inside of the <tr> contains a piece of data I want. So I can reduce the whole shebang into an object [].slice.call( document.querySelectorAll( 'tr' )).filter( function ( tr ) { return tr.children.length === 4 && tr.children[ 0 ].nodeName === "TD" ; }).reduce( function ( accum, tr ) { accum[tr.children[ 2 ].innerText || tr.children[ 1 ].innerText] = { id : Number (tr.children[ 0 ].innerText), officialName : tr.children[ 1 ].innerText, color : tr.children[ 3 ].style.backgroundColor }; return accum }, {}); That gets me the data I want, but I can’t quite paste it into my editor yet. JSON.stringify will help through colors = [].slice.call( document.querySelectorAll( 'tr' )).filter(...).reduce(...); JSON.stringify(colors); Giving me {"White":{"id":1,"officialName":"White","color":"rgb(255, 255, 255)"},"Tan":{"id":5,"officialName":"Brick Yellow","color":"rgb(217, 187, 123)"},"Flesh":{"id":18,"officialName":"Nougat","color":"rgb(214, 114, 64)"},"Red":{"id":21,"officialName":"Bright Red","color":"rgb(222, 0, 13)"},"Blue":{"id":23,"officialName":"Bright Blue","color":"rgb(0, 87, 168)"},"Yellow":{"id":24,"officialName":"Bright Yellow","color":"rgb(254, 196, 0)"},"Black":{"id":26,"officialName":"Black","color":"rgb(1, 1, 1)"},"Green":{"id":28,"officialName":"Dark Green","color":"rgb(0, 123, 40)"},"Bright Green":{"id":37,"officialName":"Bright Green","color":"rgb(0, 150, 36)"},"Dark Orange":{"id":38,"officialName":"Dark Orange","color":"rgb(168, 61, 21)"},"Medium Blue":{"id":102,"officialName":"Medium Blue","color":"rgb(71, 140, 198)"},"Orange":{"id":106,"officialName":"Bright Orange","color":"rgb(231, 99, 24)"},"Lime":{"id":119,"officialName":"Bright Yellowish-Green","color":"rgb(149, 185, 11)"},"Magenta":{"id":124,"officialName":"Bright Reddish Violet","color":"rgb(156, 0, 107)"},"Sand Blue":{"id":135,"officialName":"Sand Blue","color":"rgb(94, 116
hemos ganado", ha recalcado la edil. En Málaga se han manifestado más de 50.000 personas, según los organizadores; una cifra que la subdelegación del Gobierno ha reducido a 10.000. Euskadi: "Nos sentimos la clase más baja" Nunca antes se habían reunido tantos miles de personas en Bilbao en una manifestación para secundar la causa feminista. Más de 60.000, según la Policía Municipal. Antes de arrancar, los organizadores aseguraban que era tal la multitud congregada en la salida y en todos los puntos del recorrido que iba a ser difícil que la marcha transcurriera con fluidez por las calles de la capital vizcaína. "Esto está colapsado. La gente ha salido a la calle para gritar que no queremos este sistema que nos pisa y nos mata", afirma Leire, portavoz del colectivo feminista de Bizkaia. Aragón: "Si nosotros paramos, para el mundo" Miles de personas se han manifestado de forma simultánea en las tres capitales de Aragón. Sobre las siete de la tarde ha partido desde la Glorieta Sasera de Zaragoza una concurrida manifestación, con una pancarta en la cabecera de la marcha con el lema Si nosotras paramos, para el mundo. La Delegación del Gobierno ha cifrado en 37.000 los asistentes a una movilización en la que el color morado ha predominado. A la misma hora, miles de personas, 5.000 a juicio de la organización y un mínimo de 3.500 según fuentes oficiales, han tomado parte en la de Huesca. A su vez, alrededor de 5.000 personas, según los convocantes, han participado en la marcha de Teruel. Comunitat Valenciana: "La fuerza increíble de las mujeres" Una multitudinaria marea violeta ha llenado el centro de València con la "fuerza increíble" de las mujeres para demostrar que "el mundo se para" sin ellas en esta jornada de huelga feminista. La organización ha cifrado la participación en 400.000 personas. La marcha del Día de la Mujer ha partido con ligero retraso, sobre las 18.15 horas, por la gran cantidad de gente concentrada desde el Parterre. Los manifestantes han llenado las calles Colón y Xàtiva durante más de las dos horas previstas para todo el recorrido hasta la plaza de la Virgen. A las 20.30 horas seguía sumándose gente al recorrido por otros accesos sin que la cabecera hubiera finalizado. Una cabecera multicultural e integrada por activistas de varias nacionalidades, algunas de religión musulmana y portando velo, ha encabezado la manifestación, seguida por la perfomance de un abrazo conjunto de mujeres para dar el pistoletazo de salida, con un alegato —"Miradnos, somos la luz de nuestra propia sombra"—, entre globos, flores y manos violetas y al ritmo de las batucadas. Una de las portavoces de la Vaga Feminista País Valencià, la organización que integra a los colectivos feministas, Teresa Meana, ha explicado a los medios que se sienten "herederas de la lucha de tantas mujeres" y ha invitado a combatir los "lugares donde se nos aplica la talla 38 y se explota literalmente a las mujeres". "Esto es una fuerza incre
Huawei launches in 2019 the P30 Pro, its new high-end smartphone. It takes over the two flagship launched in 2018, the Huawei P20 Pro and Mate 20 Pro. This is how the Chinese brand has evolved its high-end smartphone. The Huawei P30 Pro is the new high-end smartphone from the Chinese manufacturer. He succeeds the Mate 20 Pro, and especially the P20 Pro of 2018. What are the innovations brought by Huawei in one year? Should I swap a Mate 20 Pro or a P20 Pro against the new smartphone? Here is our complete comparison. Huawei P30 Pro vs P20 Pro vs Mate 20 Pro: specification The last two models are equipped with a HiSilicon Kirin 980 processor, against a Kirin 970 for the Huawei P20 Pro. According to the manufacturer, this SoC Kirin 980 is 37% faster than the Kirin 970 and 58% more energetically efficient. For all three smartphones, the proposed RAM is 6 or 8 GB of RAM. Internal storage ranges from 64 to 256 GB. They are expandable up to 256 GB via a microSD card for the Huawei P30 Pro and the Mate 20 Pro. The Huawei P20 Pro does not have a microSD slot, a point that could make the difference for some users. Let's start with the most important data: the characteristics of the three devices. In this regard, the data sheet of the Huawei Mate 20 Pro and P30 Pro is more current than that of the P20 Pro. But at this level of performance, the differences do not change much in the user experience.The last two models are equipped with a HiSilicon Kirin 980 processor, against a Kirin 970 for the Huawei P20 Pro. According to the manufacturer, this SoC Kirin 980 is 37% faster than the Kirin 970 and 58% more energetically efficient. For all three smartphones, the proposed RAM is 6 or 8 GB of RAM.Internal storage ranges from 64 to 256 GB. They are expandable up to 256 GB via a microSD card for the Huawei P30 Pro and the Mate 20 Pro. The Huawei P20 Pro does not have a microSD slot, a point that could make the difference for some users. What about the photo part? Whichever model you choose, you are sure to enjoy one of the 3 best smartphones for photography right now. Indeed, the reference DxOMark ranks the Huawei P30 Pro in first position with an overall score of 112. The Huawei Mate 20 Pro and P20 Pro are in second place with each a score of 109. The gap is not really huge, but the Huawei P30 Pro is the best of all for taking pictures, followed by Mate 20 Pro and P20 Pro that are neck and neck. The precise characteristics of the sensors and all the other features of the three smartphones can be found in the comparative table below. Comparison of the Huawei P30 Pro, P20 Pro and Mate 20 Pro specifications Data sheets Model Huawei P30 Pro Huawei Mate 20 Pro Huawei P20 Pro OS version Android 9.0 Android 9.0 Android 8.1 Interface Emotion UI Emotion UI Emotion UI Screen size 6,47 inch 6,39 inch 6,1 inch Definition 2340 x 1080 pixels 3120 x 1440 pixels 2240 x 1080 pixels Pixel density 398 ppp 538 ppp 408 ppp SoC Kirin 980 à 2,6GHz Kirin 980 à 2,6GHz Kirin 970 à 2,36GHz Processor (CPU) ARMv8 ARMv8 ARMv8 Graphic Chip (GPU) Mali-G76 Mali-G76 Mali-G72 MP12 RAM 8 Go 6 Go 6 Go Internal memory 128 Go, 256 Go 128 Go 128 Go MicroSD Yes Yes Non Camera Sensor 1:40 Megapixels, Sensor 2: 20 Megapixels Sensor 1:40 Megapixels, Sensor 2: 20 Megapixels Sensor 1:40 Megapixels, Sensor 2: 20 Megapixels Camera (front) 32 Megapixels 24 Megapixels 24 Megapixels Video recording 4K 4K 4K Wi-Fi Yes Yes Yes Bluetooth 5.0 + A2DP + LE 5.0 + ADP + aptX + LE 4.2 + A2DP + LE networks LTE, HSPA, GSM LTE, HSPA, GSM LTE, HSPA, GSM Supported bands 2100 MHz (B1), 800 MHz (B20), 1800 MHz (B3), 2600 MHz (B7), 700 MHz (B28) 2100 MHz (B1), 800 MHz (B20), 1800 MHz (B3), 2600 MHz (B7), 700 MHz (B28) 2100 MHz (B1), 800 MHz (B20), 1800 MHz (B3), 2600 MHz (B7) SIM 2x nano SIM 2x nano SIM 2x nano SIM NFC Yes Yes Yes Ports
J. Hall B.G. Adaptive mutations produce resistance to ciprofloxacin. Smith and Romesberg, 2007 Smith P.A. Romesberg F.E. Combating bacteria and drug resistance by inhibiting mechanisms of persistence and adaptation. McKenzie et al., 2000 McKenzie G.J. Harris R.S. Lee P.L. Rosenberg S.M. The SOS response regulates adaptive mutation. The main classes of antibiotics used in the clinic target a limited number of proteins that are involved in bacterial cell wall biosynthesis, protein synthesis, and DNA replication and repair (). The inevitability of resistance against these antibiotics is well accepted and has been shown to occur by a variety of mechanisms (). Strategies to overcome resistance commonly involve chemical modifications to antibiotics; however, many antibiotics are in their third or fourth modification cycle and it is not clear how many more modifications will be permitted before these antibiotics are rendered ineffective (). Clearly there is a need to implement new strategies to prevent antibiotic resistance and prolong the life of new antibiotics. Cirz et al., 2005 Cirz R.T. Chin J.K. Andes D.R. de Crécy-Lagard V. Craig W.A. Romesberg F.E. Inhibition of mutation and combating the evolution of antibiotic resistance. Cirz et al., 2006 Cirz R.T. Gingles N. Romesberg F.E. Side effects may include evolution. Kohanski et al., 2007 Kohanski M.A. Dwyer D.J. Hayete B. Lawrence C.A. Collins J.J. A common mechanism of cellular death induced by bactericidal antibiotics. Kohanski et al., 2007 Kohanski M.A. Dwyer D.J. Hayete B. Lawrence C.A. Collins J.J. A common mechanism of cellular death induced by bactericidal antibiotics. Bactericidal antibiotic treatment is a powerful investigator of RecA activity (). Furthermore, E. coli strains lacking RecA are much more sensitive to bactericidal antibiotics, confirming the importance of RecA for protecting against effects of antibiotics (). Thus, RecA is essential for increased tolerance to antibiotic treatment by enhancing DNA repair that occurs either directly by antibiotic-induced DNA damage or indirectly from metabolic and oxidative stress. Together, the above studies highlight RecA as a therapeutic target potentiating the activity of antibiotics and for combating the emergence of antibiotic resistance. Based on previous studies showing that the highly anionic metatungstate inhibits RecA, we identified hydrophobic, anionic PcTs molecules that inhibited RecA ATPase activity. Consistent with this, PcTs-based RecA inhibitors blocked RecA-mediated DNA strand exchange, DNA binding, LexA autoproteolysis, and RecA filament formation. PcTs-based RecA inhibitors also reduced antibiotic-mediated induction of SOS response genes in E. coli and in vitro filamentation and biofilm formation. Cirz et al., 2006 Cirz R.T. Gingles N. Romesberg F.E. Side effects may include evolution. Rymond-Denise and Guillen, 1991 Rymond-Denise A. Guillen N. Identification of dinR, a DNA damage-inducible regulator gene of Bacillus subtilis. Karlin and Brocchieri, 1996 Karlin S. Brocchieri L. Evolutionary conservation of RecA genes in relation to protein structure and function. Schlacher et al., 2006 Schlacher K. Pham P. Cox M.M. Goodman M.F. Roles of DNA polymerase V and RecA protein in SOS damage-induced mutation. PcTs-based RecA inhibitors specifically potentiated the activity of bactericidal antibiotics and not bacteriostatic antibiotics, which correlates with the differential ability of these classes of antibiotics to activate the SOS response (). PcTs inhibitors potentiated the activity of the bactericidal antibiotic CFX in both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, which is consistent with active SOS response pathways in both species (). RecA-like proteins are nearly ubiquitous and highly conserved in bacterial species (), with the only known exceptions occurring in bacterial species undergoing genome degeneration as part of an adaptation to an endosymbiotic lifestyle (). Our results suggest the PcTs-based RecA inhibitors should be useful with a broad spectrum of bactericidal antibiotics in Gram-negative or Gram-positive bacteria. Cirz et al., 2005 Cirz R.T. Chin J.K. Andes D.R. de Crécy-Lagard V. Craig W.A
"#$$% &'()*+, --. !!!"#$%%&!'()*+*)+)'*,-",.# info@muddywatersresearch 01*),(.*.2 3)+)'*, -4 5'*+.6 5" 78.,9: ;+ <" Terms of Service: By downloading from, or viewin g material on, this website you agree to the followi ng Terms of Service. You agree that use of Muddy Waters LLC’s research is at your own risk. In no event will you hold Muddy Waters LLC or any affiliated party liable for any direct or indirect trading losses caused by any information on this site. You further agree to do your own research and due diligence before making any investment decision with respect to securities covered herein. You represent to Muddy Waters that you have sufficient investment soph istication to critically assess the informatio n, analysis and opinion on this site. You further agree that you will not communicate the contents of this report to any other person unless that person has agreed to be bound by these same terms of service. If you download or receive the contents of this report as an agent for any other person, you are binding your principal to these same Terms of Service. You should assume that as of the publication date of our reports and r esearch, Muddy Waters, LLC (possibly along with or through our members, partners, affiliates, employees, and/or consultants) along with our clients and/or investors and/or their clients and/or investors has a short position in all stocks (and/or options, swaps, and other derivatives related to the stock) and bonds covered herein, and therefore stands to realize significant gains in the event that the price of either declines. We intend to continue transacting in the securities of issuers covered on this site for an indefinite period after our first report, and we may be long, short, or neutral at any time hereafter regardless of our initial recommendation . This is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security, nor shall Muddy Waters offer, sell or buy any security to or from any person through this site or reports on this site. Muddy Waters, LLC is not registered as an inves tment advisor in any jurisdiction. If you are in the United Kingdom, you confirm that you are accessing research and materials as or on behalf of: (a) an investment professional falling within Article 19 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the "FPO"); or (b) high net worth entity falling within Article 49 of the FPO. Our research and reports express our opinions, which we have based upon generally available information, field research, inferences and deductions through our due diligence and analytical process. To the best of our ability and belief, all information contained herein is accurate and reliable, and has been obtained from public sources we believe to be accurate and reliable, and who are not insiders or connected persons of the stock covered herein or who may otherwise owe any fiduciary duty or duty of confidentiality to the issuer. However, such information is presented “as is,” without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. Muddy Waters, LLC makes no representation, express or implied, as to the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any such information or with regard to the results to be obtained from its use. Further, any report on this site contains a very large measure of analysis and opinion. All expressions of opinion are subj ect to change without notice, and Muddy Waters, LLC does not undertake to update or supplement any reports or any of the information, analysis and opinion contained in them. You agree that the information on this website is copyrighted, and you therefore agree not to distribute this information (whether the downloaded file, copies / images / reproductions, or the link to these files) in any manner other than by providing the following link: http://www.muddywatersresearch.com/research/. If you have obtained Muddy Waters research in any manner other than by download from that link, you may not read such research without going to that link and agreeing to the Terms of Service. You further agree that any dispute arising from your use of this report and / or the Muddy Waters Research website or viewing the material hereon shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, without regard to any conflict of law provisions. You knowingly and independently agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the superior courts located within the State of California and waive your right to any other jurisdiction or applicable law, given that Muddy Waters, LLC has offices in California. The failure of Muddy Waters, LLC to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of this right or provision. If any provision of these Terms of Service is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties nevertheless
uck Pond” Theses: Explaining Swedish journalism and the anti-Assange smear campaign, Marcello Ferrada de Noli (shown in a photo with with Assange and Assange counsel Jennifer Robinson), Dec. 1, 2011. A significant number of Swedish journalists, together with other important segments of the “cultural-elite” manpower, transfer from one point to the other within a reduced perimeter in job availability. Also, the consolidation of ownership in the media results in a quite monolithic ideological perspective under which employed journalists would produce news-articles and columns. This is a phenomenon that Swedes sometimes refers as the “duck pond” (ankdammen). That term also is used extensively for other spheres of the Swedish political life. Being a little country, the relatively reduced cultural space in which Swedish journalist co-habit will naturally facilitate the coordination of the campaigns they are assigned to promote (See Prime-scandal below). However, the “Ankdammen” allegory refers also, and more concrete, to the particular feature in these campaigns in which one identical text will be repeated by different journalists in their published articles, allegorically “like ducks in a pond” (see down below the anti-Assange media campaign “Let’s talk about it”). Professors Blogg, WikiLeaks Claims Secret U.S. Charges Against Assange, Andrew Kreig, Feb. 29, 2012, citing: Rolling Stone, WikiLeaks Stratfor Emails: A Secret Indictment Against Julian Assange? Michael Hastings, Feb. 28, 2012. On January 26, 2011, Fred Burton, the vice president of Stratfor, a leading private intelligence firm which bills itself as a kind of shadow CIA, sent an excited email to his colleagues. "Text Not for Pub," he wrote. "We" – meaning the U.S. government – "have a sealed indictment on Assange. Pls protect." The news, if true, was a bombshell. At the time, the Justice Department was ramping up its investigation of Julian Assange, the founder of the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, which over the past few years has released hundreds of thousands of sensitive government documents. An indictment under the 1917 Espionage Act would be the most serious action taken to date against Assange, possibly paving the way for his extradition to the U.S. Telegraph, The (United Kingdom), Stratfor: executive boasted of 'trusted former CIA cronies,' Alex Spillius, Feb. 28, 2012. A senior executive with the private intelligence firm Stratfor boasted to colleagues about his "trusted former CIA cronies" and promised to "see what I can uncover" about a classified FBI investigation, according to emails released by the WikiLeaks. Fred Burton, vice president of intelligence at the Texas firm, also informed members of staff that he had a copy of the confidential indictment on Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. The second batch of five million internal Stratfor emails obtained by the Anonymous computer hacking group revealed that the company has high level sources within the United States and other governments, runs a network of paid informants that includes embassy staff and journalists and planned a hedge fund, Stratcap, based on its secret intelligence. It operates something of an employment revolving door with branches of the Washington establishment. Burton was previously deputy chief of the counter-terrorism division in the state department's diplomatic security service. WikiLeaks, Global intelligence files in relation to Sam Kent and Halliburton from Wikileaks, Press release, Feb. 27, 2012. Today, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files – more than five million emails from the Texas-headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The emails date from between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defense Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment-laundering techniques and psychological methods....The material contains privileged information about the US government’s attacks against Julian Assange and WikiLeaks and Stratfor’s own attempts to subvert WikiLeaks. There are more than 4,000 emails mentioning WikiLeaks or Julian Assange. Business Insider, New WikiLeaks Drop Alleges That Sweden’s Foreign Minister Has Been a U.S. Spy, Adam Taylor, Feb. 22, 2012. WikiLeaks is said to be preparing a release that will allege Swedish foreign minister Carl Bildt has been a US informant since the 1970s. The news was broken by Swedish newspaper Expressen, who have access to an internal Wikileaks memo. The memo says that the allegations are supposedly based on a US diplomat's report, and will be politically explosive. "
温時と降温時で試料長さに差が出ること。 [用語3] ゼロ熱膨張材料 : 温度を変化させても伸び縮みしない材料。ナノテクノロジーを支える精密な位置決めのために重要。正の熱膨張を持つ物質と負の熱膨張を持つ物質を組み合わせることで実現する。 [用語4] ペロブスカイト : 一般式ABO 3 で表される元素組成を持つ、金属酸化物の代表的な結晶構造。 [用語5] 線熱膨張係数 : 温度を1℃変化させたときの、長さの相対的な変化量。 [用語6] 大型放射光施設SPring-8 : 兵庫県の播磨科学公園都市にある世界最高の放射光を生み出す理化学研究所の施設で、その運転管理と利用者支援等は高輝度光科学研究センター(JASRI)が行っている。SPring-8の名前はSuper Photon ring-8 GeV(ギガ電子ボルト)に由来。放射光とは、電子を光とほぼ等しい速度まで加速し、電磁石によって進行方向を曲げた時に発生する、細く強力な電磁波のこと。SPring-8では、この放射光を用いて、ナノテクノロジー、バイオテクノロジーや産業利用まで幅広い研究が行われている。 [用語7] 放射光X線回折実験 : 物質の構造を調べる方法。放射光X線を試料に照射し、回折強度を調べることで結晶構造(原子の並び方や原子間の距離)を決定する。 [用語8] X線吸収実験 : 連続的なスペクトルを持つ放射光X線を、エネルギーを変化させながら試料に照射し、透過してきたX線の強度を分析することで原子の価数や電子状態についての知見を得る。 [用語9] 格子定数 : 結晶構造中の原子の繰り返し�
From the more classic, feminine style to edgy and untamed hair and moustaches – they reigned and tamed communist Poland and demonstrated a keen eye for fashion. Kora Jackowska Kora Jackowska painting Madonnas, photo: Jacek Poręba / source: www.kora.org.pl Ferocious but always dignified, Jackowska (no, not a Polish member of the Jackson Five) became recognizable in the late 1960’s when she earned the unofficial title of "Queen of Kraków’s hippies". The singer and song-writer (born 1951) is remembered as the lead singer for Maanam. Her trademark haircuts and make-up (imitated by many back then) would be a gimmick if it weren't for her social activism (supporting the legalisation of marijuana and the liberalisation of abortion law and criticising the Catholic Church for its paedophilia issues). Daniel Olbrychski Daniel Olbrychski, photo: Jerzy Troszczyński / Filmoteka Narodowa / www.fototeka.fn.org.pl Hiding behind the boyish features and natural charm is a mysterious man who revealed his inner strength playing wild, ruthless characters in cinematic adaptations of literary classics: Pan Wołodyjowski, With Fire and Sword. He showed how masculinity can go hand in hand with romantic sacrifice - "sometimes he's super-sensitive, sometimes he's cruel" (quote by critic Tadeusz Sobolewski). Olbrychski's foreign productions include the 2010 American spy thriller Salt, directed by Phillip Noyce, written by Kurt Wimmer and starring Angelina Jolie. Violetta Villas Violetta Villas, Kraków, 2005, licence from CC-BY-SA The ‘the voice of the atomic age’ as American critics referred to her, the 1938-born singer had a vocal range covering four octaves and a visual persona modelled on 60’s Hollywood starlets. On stage, Villas wore striking ball gowns and when performing the notorious song Oczy czarne / Black Eyes, she would throw her red shoes into the audience. She would wear mink coats and fur hats in summer. Many rumours surrounded her trademark hair. The long, flowing, blonde locks stayed fabulous thanks to a hair lotion made of oil and egg yolks. Adored and admired in Poland, the diva made an international career giving concerts throughout the Soviet Union, in Australia and Brazil. She sang opera arias and operettas in nine languages at the Casino de Paris in Las Vegas. She sang side by side with the likes of Frank Sinatra and Charles Aznavour and accompanied Glenn Ford, Lee Marvin and Bob Hope on the screen. From a candidate to world fame, she quickly became symbolic as a caricature of an artist, wasting away her great talent on songs that did not match her vocal abilities. She passed away in seclusion from the world in 2011. Maryla Rodowicz Maryla Rodowicz, photo: Marcin Tyszka / source: www.marylarodowicz.pl Her first well-known song was Love Doesn't Grow On Trees from 1969. Since then the singer's body of work comprises over 600 recorded songs, with over 20 Polish albums as well as albums in English, Czech, German and Russian: Niech żyje bal / Long live the ball, To już było / Done that, Wielka Woda / Great water, Bossanova do poduszki / Bedside bossa nova. Rodowicz is a Polish celebrity who continues to appear on stage and on TV shows, even now, at the age of 69. You can't not know her and like her - she is an icon remembered by today's 30 year olds and 80 year olds. Kalina Jędrusik Kalina Jędrusik, 1965, Warsaw, Photo: Tadeusz Rolke / Agencja Gazeta This cute little seductress, actress and singer (born in 1931) had society split into her admirers and her adversaries. Jędrusik exposed her charms and the mysteries of femininity in a way ahead of the times for 1960s Poland. She highlighted the shape of her eyes and lips with bold make-up. Her silhouette was emphasised by the cut of her dress and a low neckline. She knew how to suggestively use both her body and her captivating voice, blurring the line between artist and sex symbol. Some paid attention to the lyricism and subtlety of her performance, others found her vulgar and obscene. In the cabaret Kabaret Starszych
!”) 母狗(“真是个好女孩!”) used as a term of endearment (common in American English) 亲昵语(常见于美式英语) A good rule of thumb is to use “girl” for females under 18, and “woman” for females over 18. The same can apply to the terms “boy” and “man”. 一个好的用法准则是对18岁以下的女性使用 “girl”,对18岁以上的女性使用 “woman”。这个准则同样适用于 “boy” 和 “man”。 3. the problem with citrus fruits 柑橘类水果的问题 Many online dictionaries and English textbooks in China still translate “orange” as 桔子. This is wrong. Let’s set the record straight: 中国的许多在线字典和英文课本仍然将 “orange” 翻译成桔子。这是错误的。我们来澄清这个错误: orange: 橙子 mandarin: 橘子 tangerine: 蜜橘;柑橘;瓯柑 clementine: 小柑橘 lemon: 柠檬 lime: 青柠;酸橙 Collectively these are known as “citrus fruits”. 这些水果的总称是“citrus fruits” (柑橘类水果)。 4. to recite is to perform 背诵指的是一种表演 This is another very common misunderstanding among Chinese students. In China, you are taught that 背诵 is translated as “recite”. But the two words do not exactly mean the same thing. While it’s true that 背诵 involves reading out loud what you have committed to memory, it’s not common to use “recite” in this context. “Recite” is more commonly used to refer to a public performance, such as a poetry or ballet recital. I recommend students use words like “review”/“revise”, or “memorise” when talking about studying course content, as it sounds much more natural. 这是又一个在中国学生中十分常见的错误理解。在中国,老师教你“背诵”的英文翻译是“recite”。但是这两个词意思不完全相同。虽然背诵确实有大声朗读记忆中内容的意思,但在这种情况下使用“recite”并不常见。“Recite” 更常用于公演,比如诗歌或芭蕾演出。我建议学生在谈到学习课程内容时使用“review”/“revise” (复习), 或 “memorise” (背;记住),因为这些词听�
tutor” 是不够的。我建议你可以参考下列翻译。 导师-> person who gives advise to inexperienced people, often younger people 为没有经验的人提供建议,通常是为年轻人 -> mentor 导师 -> person who supervises students’ learning, especially in the writing of a thesis 监督学生的学习,特别是写论文 -> academic advisor; thesis supervisor 导师 -> person who leads a great cause 伟大事业的领导人 -> leader; teacher 7. the respective meanings of “respectively” and “separately” “respectively”和“separately”的不同用法 When you look up the meaning of “respectively” in the dictionary, don’t be fooled by the translation 分别地. The Chinese term 分别 can be used in many ways – it can mean “distinguish”, “differentiate”, “separate”, and so on. But in English “respectively” has only one meaning and one usage. When you have a list with a number of items, and you want to show how two or more of those items directly correspond with each other, you put “respectively” at the end of the sentence. 翻开中英字典,千万不要被“respectively”的中文释义骗了。中文里的“分别”有许多不同的用法,例如“辨别”、“区分”、“各自”等等。但在英文里的“respectively”只有一种解释,并且只有一种用法——比如说你想要描述2个或以上的个体,每个个体的行为相对独立、且互不影响,那么就要在句子末尾加上“respectively”,并且要将主语和动作一一对应。 The following example clearly illustrates the correct usage of “respectively”: “Serena Williams and Roger Federer won the women’s and men’s singles titles, respectively, at the 2010 Australian Open.” Here “respectively” is used to make it clear that Williams won the women’s titles, and Federer the men’s. This is the way you should use it too. 以下这个例子清晰地说明了“respectively”的正确用法: “在2010年澳网公开赛上,塞雷娜·威廉姆斯和罗杰·费德勒分别赢得了女子单打冠军和男子单打冠军。” 这句话中,加上“respectively”是为了阐明:威廉姆斯赢了女子单打,费德勒赢了男子单打。你也应该这样使用这个词。 8. translating “play” is not just child
..... 1% 2 ###.... e - Control Teleport Chrm/Tloc #####..... 6% 4 #####.. f - Haste Chrm #######.. 10% 6 ####### g - Summon Butterflies Summ #........ 34% 1 ##..... h - Flight Chrm/Air #####..... 4% 3 ####... i - Blink Tloc N/A 10% 2 ###.... Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations Branches: Dungeon (27/27) Temple (0/1) D:6 Orc (4/4) D:10 Elf (3/3) Orc:3 Lair (8/8) D:11 Shoals (5/5) Lair:3 Snake (5/5) Lair:6 Slime (6/6) Lair:8 Vaults (8/8) D:19 Blade (0/1) Vaults:6 Crypt (5/5) Vaults:4 Zot (5/5) D:27 Tomb: Crypt:2-3 Altars: Fedhas Kikubaaqudgha Sif Muna Vehumet Xom Yredelemnul the Shining One Jiyva Lugonu Shops: D:5: [ D:7: ( D:14: [ D:22: = Orc:1: +%! Orc:4: **==!*=+ Elf:2: % Elf:3: =/+( Shoals:3: +/[=! Vaults:3: / Vaults:5:! Vaults:6:? Vaults:7: * Abyss: (( Portals: Dungeon: Abyss Hell: D:21 D:22 D:23 D:24 D:25 D:26 D:27 Abyss: D:21 D:23 D:25 D:26 Pandemonium: D:24 D:25 D:26 Annotations D:17 Norris Snake:2 Azrael, Nikola Slime:6 Royal Jelly Vaults:2 Saint Roka Vaults:7 exclusion: 2 statues Crypt:2 exclusion: curse skull Crypt:3 exclusion: curse skull Zot:5 exclusion: silver statue Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations You are too large for most types of armour. You have claws for hands. Your metabolism is lightning-fast. You like to eat raw meat. You heal very quickly. You can eat rotten meat. You are covered in fur (AC +1). You have very tough skin (AC +2). You are surrounded by a mild repulsion field (EV +2). You are partially covered in thin metallic scales (AC +1). You are partially covered in yellow scales (AC +1). Your body is deteriorating. You are very frail (-20% HP). You frequently scream uncontrollably. You are weak (Str -1). You have acidic saliva. Armour fits poorly on your pseudopods. Message History You feel a little less hungry. You feel your power returning. You hear a distant slurping noise. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Jiyva alters your body. You feel as though nothing has changed. Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice. You feel a little less hungry. Use which ability? (? or * to list) You feel slightly less full. You swap places. There is a staircase leading out of the dungeon here. You hear a slurping noise. Jiyva alters your body. Acid begins to drip from your mouth. You feel your power returning. There is a staircase leading out of the dungeon here. You can't go down here! Are you sure you want to win? You have escaped! #### #.# # ...# #.# # ...# #.# # ...#######.############### .....J..................J. ...##.###############.#### ...##.# #.# ...##.# ########### #.# #####.# #.J.......# #.# #.# #.<..@..<.# #.#### #.# #.........# #..... #.# ####...#### ####.. #.# #...# #.. #.# ####...
�ớc. Mặc dù hang động có chiều dài khá ngắn, nhưng nó sở hữu hàng chục khối đá tuyệt đẹp có nhiều hình dạng khác nhau: nhũ đá, măng đá... thạch nhũ que đá từ trần hang xuống tạo những màn đá. Hang Giếng Vọoc nằm gần hang Vòm, trong khu sinh thái của Vườn quốc gia Phong Nha Kẻ Bàng. Hang Giếng Vọoc có chiều cao 0.7m, chiều rộng 2.3m, chiều dài hơn 400 m, trong hang có suối và 4 hồ nước. Mặc dù hang động có chiều dài khá ngắn, nhưng nó sở hữu hàng chục khối đá tuyệt đẹp có nhiều hình dạng khác nhau: nhũ đá, măng đá... thạch nhũ que đá từ trần hang xuống tạo những màn đá. Du lịch Quảng Bình có những thắng cảnh nổi tiếng: đèo Ngang, biển Nhật Lệ, Đá Nhảy đặc biệt là Vườn quốc gia Phong Nha Kẻ Bàng di sản thiên nhiên thế giới được mệnh danh là “Vương quốc hang động” ẩn chứa những vẻ đẹp tuyệt mỹ của tạo hóa. Tại Phong Nha Kẻ Bàng có một hệ thống gồm khoảng 300 hang động lớn nhỏ. Hệ thống động Phong Nha đã được Hội nghiên cứu hang động Hoàng gia Anh (BCRA) đánh giá là hang động có giá trị hàng đầu thế giới với 4 điểm nhất: có các sông ngầm dài nhất, có cửa hang cao và rộng nhất, những bờ cát rộng và đẹp nhất, những thạch nhũ đẹp nhất. Phong Nha Kẻ Bà
Palestinian security Monday night raided the family home of a Palestinian police officer hours before he opened fire on IDF soldiers in the West Bank, according to testimony from the attacker’s father. Muhammad Turkman, 25, wounded three soldiers with an AK-47 assault rifle on Tuesday at the Focus checkpoint, near Ramallah. One soldier was seriously hurt in the attack — his condition was later upgraded to “moderate” — while two others sustained light injuries from shrapnel, according to medical authorities. Hours earlier, security forces burst into his family’s home in the West Bank village of Qabatiya, near Jenin, and confiscated weapons, Turkman’s parents told the Palestinian news site Quds Net on Tuesday. Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories Free Sign Up However, it is not clear if security forces raided the home to prevent an attack, or if the raid itself prompted Turkman to carry out the shooting. In a separate interview with the Arab Israeli radio station A-shams, Turkman’s father, Abdul Khaleq, said his mother had called their son after the raid, and suggested this prompted him to carry out the attack. “His mother told Muhammad what happened, and it seems it angered him greatly. He had his personal weapon on him issued by the security forces. We don’t know what his reaction was,” the father said. Muhammad is the second son from the Turkman family to be killed in recent years. His brother Rabia, who was a member of Fatah’s armed wing, the Al Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade, was killed in 2011 as a result of clashes with the IDF in Ramallah, Quds Net reported. An unnamed source told the pro-Hamas outlet Palinfo that an AK-47, a homemade cartridge and ammunition were confiscated from the Turkman home during the raid. According to a senior Palestinian security source, Turkman was a guard at the Palestinian parliament. After his shift, he took a gun without permission and carried out the attack, Israel Radio reported on Monday. Adnan Damiri, the spokesperson for the Palestinian Security Forces, told Israel Radio on Tuesday his side still had “nothing” in their own investigation into the shooting. He added that the IDF does not do joint-investigations with the PA security forces, even when PA police are suspects. Turkman is one of a handful of PA security force members who have attacked Israelis with government issued weapons over the past year. Damiri said that their is no real pattern developing of Palestinian security forces attacking Israeli, arguing that Palestinians also turn their guns on each other, “even in the US this happens, every where the world this happens.” ‘We are all proud of him’ Turkman’s father, Abdul Khaleq Turkman, said he was proud of his son’s actions. “If he wasn’t a man,” Abdul Khaleq Turkman told Quds Net, “he wouldn’t have done this. We are all proud of him.” وزارة الصحة تعلن استشهاد محمد تركمان منفذ عملية إطلاق نار على حاجز بيت ايل وهو من الوحدات الخاصة بالشرطة الفلسطينية#انتفاضة_القدس #المقاومة pic.twitter.com/eHgRTJhPAC — وكالة صفا (@SafaPs) October 31, 2016 Mohammad Turkman’s uncle told the news site the shooter had been “very normal. His parents didn’t sense anything, nor did he appear to be planning an operation.” The uncle added that Turkman “did not devote much attention to the future. He did not plan to marry or build a home like his peers.” Turkman’s brother Muhannad, 23, was arrested by IDF soldiers overnight after the attack. In addition, Israeli soldiers revoked the work permits belonging to members of the Turkman family, the army said. Local Fatah chapter ‘mourns’ loss of ‘heroic martyr’ The mosques in Qabatiya
Desde la derecha, el primer ministro holandés, Mark Rutte, Gert-Jan Segers de ChristenUnie, Alexander Pechtold de D66 y Sybrand Buma de CDA, en la presentación de la coalición de Gobierno de 2017 en La Haya. Pese a la idea generalizada de que los holandeses llevan el pacto en su ADN, tampoco a ellos les resulta fácil lograr un acuerdo político entre distintos partidos que resista una legislatura. El liberal Mark Rutte, primer ministro, va por su tercer Gabinete desde 2010. Y su antecesor, el cristiano demócrata Jan Peter Balkenende, sumó cuatro entre 2002 y 2010. El éxito no está garantizado, pero sí hay dos verbos conjugados por todos los grupos con voluntad de ejercer el poder: colaborar y ceder. Ambos conceptos permean unas negociaciones a veces largas —como los siete meses necesitados en 2017 para cerrar el actual Gobierno de centro derecha— pero que no servirían de nada sin la suma de un adjetivo: confianza, en este caso, mutua. Teniendo en cuenta que la izquierda radical nunca ha gobernado en el país, ni siquiera en calidad de socio menor, el afán de Podemos por coaligarse con el PSOE, a la manera holandesa, no está exento de ironía. Las coaliciones se han sucedido en Holanda desde 1918, tras la introducción de la representación proporcional como sistema electoral, y cuando distintos partidos confesionales, al mando durante décadas, tuvieron que entenderse. Pero son algo más que el resultado de una tradición. “Se nos elige para que trabajemos juntos, no para volver a las urnas una y otra vez”, dice Joost Sneller, portavoz de finanzas de los liberales de izquierda (D66), una de las formaciones hoy en el poder, y el resto de sus colegas y rivales le secundan. Figuran en el Gobierno junto a los liberales de derecha —el mayor partido y el del primer ministro—, cristianodemócratas y la Unión Cristiana, de inspiración protestante. Las negociaciones se prolongaron 208 días plagados de tanteos de los grupos proclives al acuerdo, que unas veces eran los ecologistas de Izquierda Verde y otras la Unión Cristiana. “Un poco como parece haber ocurrido, en diversos momentos y grados, y salvando las distancias, con Ciudadanos y Podemos”, apunta Sneller. Al final, Jesse Klaver, el líder de los verdes, dijo que no por diferencias en las políticas de inmigración. En particular, sobre el derecho continuo de los refugiados de guerra a pedir asilo en Europa. A partir de entonces, el grupo confesional se convirtió en el socio definitivo. “Dada la fragmentación social, cada vez es más difícil cerrar una coalición. Necesitas mayor número de partidos y muy pocos quieren esa responsabilidad. El modelo pólder [basado en la moderación salarial acordada entre sindicatos, patronal y Gobierno] implica cooperar pese a las diferencias, y forma parte de nuestra cultura, sin embargo, el compromiso supone que los socios que obtuvieron menos votos no cumplan a veces todas sus promesas. Aun así, responden como parte de un Gobierno, y pueden perder votos en las siguientes elecciones”
Another day, another post about piracy to fuel the impassioned debate of the principled hordes. See how we dance for you. It’s a particularly interesting piece of piractical news this time, even if you generally avoid the shouting matches around the subject. Filesharing news site Torrentfreaks have done some mathematical investigative work, casting an eye over a bunch of trackers to come up with what they reckon are the 10 most pirated PC games of the year to date. Care to bet on what’s number one before we draw back the curtain? Worth noting that, annoyingly, we don’t know quite what sites Torrentfreaks have monitored for this or what their research methods were. It’s more than likely private trackers aren’t included, for instance. The actual totals could well be far higher than the “estimated download count” below, but if their maths is correct it should at least be a reasonable snapshot/average of the year in torrents. It may be entirely off-base, of course – but it doesn’t seem fantastical. 1 Spore – 1,700,000 – Sept. 2008 2 The Sims 2 -1,150,000 – Sept. 2004 3 Assassins Creed -1,070,000 – Nov. 2007 4 Crysis – 940,000 – Nov. 2007 5 Command & Conquer 3 – 860,000 – Mar. 2007 6 Call of Duty 4 – 830,000 – Nov. 2007 7 GTA San Andreas – 740,000 – Jun. 2005 8 Fallout 3 – 645,000 – Oct. 2008 9 Far Cry 2 – 585,000 – Oct. 2008 10 Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 – 470,000 – Oct. 2008 I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking either: a) “but Spore’s rubbish!”. In which case, shuddup. We’ve done all that shouting already. 2) “it’s because of the DRM! This is a successful protest against the forces of evil!” In which case, mmmmaybe. Mmmmaybe not. That Spore’s high placing is a direct result of its headline-making crazy-copy protection is certainly the popular theory. It’s hard to doubt that it didn’t play some part, thanks to a double whammy of protestors voting with their feet and protest-observers being confused and afraid by all the Chinese whispers about what Spore’s copy protection actually involved. Take a look at the number 2 game, though. That makes me doubt that Spore’s bittersweet chartopping here is quite as simple as so many will likely presume. It’s The Sims 2 – a four year old game, and still significantly more torrented than this year’s heaviest hitters. That’s certainly nothing to do with DRM – that’s simply demand from a potential playerbase that’s way larger than most others even dream of. Given that Spore comes from the same stable as The Sims 2 and transparently chased the same audience, there’s a pretty strong chance a meaty fraction of its leechers came from that demographic, not the the DRM protest/fear demographic. I have no figures to back this up, sadly – this is just me raising an eyebrow and saying “eh? EH?” knowingly. Most likely, Spore’s king of torrent hill status is a combination of both factors. The same can’t be said for game number 3, which is really something of a mystery. From my sagging office chair, it rather seemed as though the PC port of Assassin’s Creed came and went pretty quietly. There was some hoo-hah about dodgy performance and ludicrously protracted exit procedures, and there was the hangover of console AssCreed players irate about its comprimises, but it didn’t really seem to inspire either great love or great protest. So why so high? Possible factors: the fact a version was leaked significantly before it hit the shops; the fact it came out during a relatively quiet time for big-name games, so perhaps enjoyed heightened interest; the fact it had pretty high system requirements, so may have appealed more to a tech-savvy audience, au fait with torrenting; the fact it did have something of a bad rap off the back of the console version, which made interested players more reluctant to purchase. All theories, and there’s probably one simple answer I’m too stupid to deduct. It sure does look weird there, though. No real surprises otherwise – all big-name sequels, as
A diferencia de otros medios, en CTXT mantenemos todos nuestros artículos en abierto. Nuestra apuesta es recuperar el espíritu de la prensa independiente: ser un servicio público. Si puedes permitirte pagar 4 euros al mes, apoya a CTXT. ¡Suscríbete! ¡Hola! El proceso al procés arranca en el Supremo y CTXT tira la casa through the window. El relator Guillem Martínez se desplaza tres meses a vivir a Madrid. ¿Nos ayudas a sufragar sus largas y merecidas noches de fiesta? Pincha ahí: agora.ctxt.es/donaciones La primavera ha venido y la portavoz del Ayuntamiento de Madrid lo ha sabido por sus propios estornudos cuando pisa la calle. Rita Maestre sufre de alergia, una afección muy extendida en Podemos, donde ese roce que en tiempos hizo el cariño ahora sólo provoca urticarias en cualquier época del año. Fundadora del partido, pudo ser incluso candidata a la alcaldía con sólo 26 años si entre aquel “tienes que ser tú” de Pablo Iglesias y sus temblores de piernas no hubiera mediado la aparición en escena de Manuela Carmena. Suspendida cautelarmente de militancia por su renuncia a concurrir a las primarias de Podemos para integrarse en Más Madrid, la plataforma de la alcaldesa, Maestre vive en un limbo orgánico, en capilla de una expulsión que no termina de concretarse y que es, por cierto, la única capilla por la que se le pregunta. ¿Cuál es su situación ‘procesal’ en Podemos? La desconozco. No tengo noticias sobre ella. ¿No le notificaron la suspensión cautelar de militancia? Me notificaron la apertura de un expediente y nada más. ¿Pudieron presentar alegaciones usted y los otros concejales suspendidos? Respondimos a esa apertura de expediente explicando las razones por las que considerábamos perfectamente compatible presentarnos a las primarias de una plataforma abierta. ¿Era consciente de que este paso de concurrir a las primarias de otra fuerza como Más Madrid estatutariamente podía ser motivo de expulsión? La verdad es que no. Entre otras cosas me presenté en 2015 a las primarias de Ahora Madrid siendo de Podemos y formando parte también entonces de su dirección. Lo que hizo Podemos en 2015 fue abrir la posibilidad de construir candidaturas y plataformas en las elecciones municipales, algo muy positivo que ha permitido que gobernemos en las principales ciudades de España. No tengo constancia de que haya cambiado nada desde ese momento. De hecho, en otra ciudades se está ahora mismo en ese proceso. Por lo tanto, no creo que haya incompatibilidad. Me siento parte de Podemos desde 2014 y salvo que suceda alguna otra cosa así voy a seguir ¿Está convencida de que se comerá el turrón como militante de Podemos? Yo me siento parte de Podemos desde 2014 y salvo que suceda alguna otra cosa así voy a seguir. No se considera, por tanto, una tránsfuga… Tránsfuga es una palab
Biti Afro-Japanac u Hrvatskoj je biti poput stabla banane u Sibiru. Kazuhiro Tamari ne samo da izgleda egzotično, nego i priča koja ga već 12 godina veže za Hrvatsku ne može biti luđa. Za sve je kriv jedan put oko svijeta, jedan autobus i jedan Dubrovčanin sa slobodnom sobom. Dvadesetosmogodišnji momak nas promatra iz toliko svježeg rakursa da bismo najradije čitav tekst ispisali kao nadnaslov, no ovdje recimo tek ovo: Hrvatima nedostaje epoha matrijarhata 'Potom smo se vratili u Japan. I moj očuh s nama. Pa opet u Hrvatsku gdje su se rodili brat i sestra. Tada je počeo rat. Preselili smo se u Njemačku, onda opet u Japan. Očuhu je bilo teško tamo, silno se htio vratiti, što je na kraju i učinio. Poveo je sa sobom brata i sestru. Majka i ja smo ostali dok nisam završio 7. razred. Tada smo i mi preselili u Dubrovnik', prisjeća se Kazuhiro turbulentnog djetinjstva. Biti objektom piljenja, analize, upiranja prstom, gestikulacija i neugodnih komentara bilo bi samorazumljivo za bilo koju hrvatsku sredinu, a kamoli Jug, no naš se afro-japanski heroj naučio nositi s time bez obzira što porazna situacija traje sve do danas: 'Evo, baš sam došao iz Osijeka i u vlaku su preko puta mene sjedili stariji gospodin i gospođa. Za čitavog trajanja puta od četiri sata nisu me prestali gledati. Bilo mi je presmiješno... Bilo da stavljam ruku u džep, bilo da vadim mobitel... kao zamorac na promatranju. Da se nisam prisilio naviknuti se na takve stvari, već bih davno dobio živčani slom. To se svakodnevno događa. Ovisi jedino želim li to primijetiti ili ne. Neko sam vrijeme, još u srednjoj školi, pokušavao promijeniti okolinu te ulazio u nepotrebne konflikte ne bi li ljudi izmijenili stav o meni. Sada sam se prešaltao. Želim mijenjati jedino sebe.' Kako to već ide, Kazuhiro je od hrvatskog jezika prvo naučio psovke, tako da ih je odmah raspoznavao u gomili nerazumljivog govora. Usput, hrvatski mu danas ide skoro pa izuzetno. Ono što mu je tada upalo u uho bilo je to da psovke čine vezivno tkivo svakodnevne komunikacije. Objašnjava dalje: 'Ovdje ako kažeš 'Ovo je dobra jabuka' ne zvuči niti izbliza tako uvjerljivo kao 'Ovo je jebena jabuka'. Kada sam shvatio tu logiku, onda sam i shvatio da ta surovost nije nešto samo po sebi negativno, nego je defaultni način izra�
cocoons or echo chambers. For instance, somebody might read only left-leaning blogs and websites, listen only to left-leaning radio, and watch only left-leaning television. Pariser coined the term ‘filter bubble’, “a unique universe of information for each of us” (Pariser, 2011, p. 9). For example, a personalised news website could give more prominence to conservative media items, based on the inferred political interests of the user. When they form their political ideas, users of such personalised services may encounter fewer opinions or political arguments. We distinguish between two main types of personalisation: self-selected personalisation and pre-selected personalisation. Others have used different terms to describe similar phenomena: For instance, self-selected personalisation could also be called ‘explicit personalisation’, and pre-selected personalisation could be called ‘implicit personalisation’ (Thurman & Schifferes 2012; see also Treiblmaier, Madlberger, Knotzer, & Pollach, 2004). Self-selected personalisation concerns situations in which people choose to encounter like-minded opinions exclusively. For example, a person who opposes immigration might want to avoid information that specifies how much a country has gained due to immigration, while paying a lot of attention to news stories about problems related to immigration. People tend to avoid information that challenges their point of view, for example by avoiding news outlets that often feature editorials that favour an opposing political camp. In communication science, this phenomenon is conceptualised as selective exposure (e.g. Stroud, 2011). Pre-selected personalisation concerns personalisation driven by websites, advertisers, or other actors, often without the user’s deliberate choice, input, knowledge or consent. Concerns about pre-selected personalisation are often summarised with the term ‘filter bubble’ (Pariser, 2011). Pre-selected personalisation may be chosen by the user, or not. For instance, some people may realise that Facebook personalises the content in its newsfeed. If these people explicitly use Facebook to see the curated, pre-selected collection of news about ‘friends’, the newsfeed is an example of chosen pre-selected personalisation. Other people, however, may not realise that the newsfeed on Facebook is personalised; those people do not explicitly choose pre-selected personalisation. 3. Concerns around personalised communication Below, we summarise the main concerns regarding personalisation that have been brought forward in policy and scholarly circles. We discuss the effects of personalisation on democracy, the role of new gatekeepers and influencers of public opinion, autonomy-related concerns, the lack of transparency around personalisation, and the possibilities for social sorting. Examining the privacy implications of the massive collection of user data that is often involved in personalisation lies beyond the scope of this paper (for privacy implications of personalised services, see Zuiderveen Borgesius, 2015). Effects on democracy Many worry about the effects that personalised communication could have on democracy. When the High Level Expert Group on Media Diversity and Pluralism commented on personalisation strategies in the media, one of its main concerns was that people would encounter fewer opinions, which could have a negative effect on the public sphere and the democratic opinion forming process (Vīķe-Freiberga et al., 2013). In a similar vein, the Council of Europe (2012, Appendix, Section I, paragraph 2) warned that the ordering and ranking of information in the context of search engines can affect information access and the diversity of information people are exposed to. The concerns of the Expert Group echo arguments made in the scholarly debate, including those by Sunstein (to whom the group refers) (Vīķe-Freiberga et al., 2013). Sunstein discusses risks of too much personalisation. He mainly addresses self-selected personalisation: people locking themselves in ‘information cocoons’, which he describes as “communication universes in which we hear only what we choose and only what comforts us and pleases us” (Sunstein 2006, p. 9). To give a current example: somebody might self-select personalisation by following people on Twitter who hold like-minded opinions. Sunstein discusses two risks of personalisation. First, in a democratic society people need to come across opinions that differ from their own opinions, to develop themselves fully. Otherwise, people might enter a spiral of attitudinal reinforcement and drift towards more extreme viewpoints (Sunstein 2002, p. 9). This is a point also shared by the Expert Group: “The concern is people forgetting that alternatives do exist and hence becoming encapsulated in rigid positions that may hinder consensus-building in society” (Vīķe-Freiberga et al., 2013, pp. 27-28). Sunstein warns that “un
When there’s a new crypto method, it’s like an early Christmas present for me. And so the Troika hash takes to the stage. It has been designed to integrate with the IOTA distributed ledger, and aims to be one of the most secure and energy efficient methods around. Before I outline it, we need to understand why we need a new hash signature, and why we need one that is fit for IoT devices. Why? One of the greatest challenges that we have on the Internet is the scale-up of devices within an IoT era. For this organisations may have millions (or even billions) of devices which must be monitored and controlled, and then discover the current state of the overall network infrastructure. Most existing system would struggle at a large-scale to create a current consensus of the infrastructure, but IOTA -with its Tangle engine — can report on the current state, along with previous states [here]. Along with scale, the greatest challenge in a world of IoT devices is that we can often have devices with limited capabilities. This might related to the number of transistors that can be supported on the device, or the amount of memory. But the greatest challenge is often energy consumption, and where we have device that have extremely limited power drain capabilities. For this we cannot use our existing energy-consuming cryptography, and thus need to implement methods which optimize for battery drain. In many cases, too, we have passive devices — which have no battery source — and which must draw their power from the radio wave which is applied to the device. And so the world is looking for new cryptography methods which are secure, robust, fast, and efficient. The first to focus the world on defining new standards for hashing methods for IoT was NIST. The NIST Competition Researchers in Canada have defined that the SHA-3 method will take longer to crack that the time that the universe has existed. The total time to crack, with some of the best cracking hardware around, is 10²⁹ years or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years to crack the hash. SHA-3 was known as Keccak and is a hash function designed by Guido Bertoni, Joan Daemen, Michaël Peeters, and Gilles Van Assche. MD5 and SHA-0 have been shown to be susceptible to attacks, along with theoretical attacks on SHA-1. NIST thus defined there was a need for a new hashing method which did not use the existing methods for hashing, and a competition for competing algorithms. In October 2012, Keccak won the NIST hash function competition and is proposed as the SHA-3 standard. It should be noted that it is not replacement SHA-2, which is currently a secure method. Overall Keccak uses the sponge construction where the message blocks are XORed into the initial bits of the state, and then inevitably permuted. The sponge function takes a simple function f and involves a number of stages, and where we create a fixed output (dependent on the bit length of the hash function). Simple operations of XOR, AND, and bit shifts are used, and which leads to a fast generation of the hash function: The f permutation function takes a variable-length input and produces an arbitrary output length. A is the bit rate, and each f function operates on b bits, and where a capacity is defined as c = b — r. The SHAKE method is useful as it can be used to create a hash method of a variable length. For the 128-bit version will produce a hash value is 32 hex characters. The contenders NIST published the new standard, based on Keccak, on 5 August 2015 [here], and which beat off competition from BLAKE (Aumasson et al.), Grøstl (Knudsen et al), JH (Hongjun Wu), and Skein (Schneier et al.). After two rounds the final round an evaluation of security, performance and hardware space. Blake and Keccah did well in terms of the number of gates which implement the methods: But it was in throughput that Keccak really shone, and beat the others by at least a factor of between three and four: With energy consumption becoming a major factor within mobile devices and for IoT, the energy consumption for Keccak again trumped the other finalists: In this Keccak consumed less than half of the power per bit than Blake. Note: The tests were conducted by ETHZ — Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, VT — Virginia Tech and GMU — George Mason University. Troika The IOTA method supports a fast consensus of the overall state of an infrastructure, and without the use of energy guzzling miners. Unfortunately, the curl hash
determination is scarcity. I don’t mean to suggest that a chyron producer calculated exactly the speed that represented, say, the 95th percentile of fastball velocities, but that’s presumably what they were going for here. Maybe they didn’t get it right, because, again, there probably wasn’t a ton of work put into finding the right mark, but if you want to star the outliers in any particular dataset, you’ll pick a spot near the edges. That spot appears to have been 96 from the beginning. So far as I can tell, there was no flame in 2004 or before. Here’s 96 in 2003; no flame. Here’s 97 in 2001; no flame. The flame was probably born in 2005 at 96. The flame was born two years before PITCHf/x, and three years before full coverage of PITCHf/x, so we can’t say how frequently pitches topped 96 at that point. We can say how frequently—as a percentage of all pitches—they topped 96 in 2008, and in the years since, and surprise! The arrow goes up: To match the 4.1 percent frequency of 2008 baseball, the 2015 flame would have to be set at 96.998 mph. To match the frequency of 2005 baseball—well, that’s trickier. I think we probably all assume that there were fewer 96+ fastballs thrown in 2005 than in 2008, but how can we be sure? The relative flatness of the line from 2008 to 2012 makes it hard to extrapolate with confidence to the years before 2008. But Baseball Info Solutions’ measured pitch velocities, as published at FanGraphs, show a steady rise in pitch velocity from 2002 (at 89.8 mph) to today (92.2 mph), including rises from 2005 (90.0 mph) to 2008 (90.9). Anecdotally, I can tell you that a sizable difference between 2005 and 2008 seems obvious; the reason I can’t say with certainty that 2004 didn’t feature the flame, for instance, is that I watched multiple 2004 broadcasts without seeing a single pitch over 96 mph. Taken together, we can confidently say that 4.1 percent frequency—the 2008 flame threshold—is probably higher than the founding flamers intended, if we’re going to get all originalist on this question. But to be conservative, and to stay consistent with our data, we’ll treat 2008 as Year 1, and 4.1 percent as the intended frequency. Here's where the flame would have to be set for each year since then to maintain 4.1 percent: 2008: 96.0 2009: 96.15 2010: 96.18 2011: 96.07 2012: 96.17 2013: 96.35 2014: 96.505 2015: 96.998 This suggests that, if 96 was a good marker in 2008, then it stayed a good marker until 2014, when by frequency the flame should have been bumped up to 97. So now let’s see how the progression actually went: 2008: 96 mph flames. (In all cases, pitchers that came in one tick lower—95 in this case—were confirmed to have no flame.) 2010: 96 mph flames (or, more exactly, “red” velo reading, as compared to the standard yellow that was used that year). 2011: 95 mph flames. Wait—95? It’s moving backward? It’s moving backward. 2012: 95 mph flames. 2015: 95 mph flames. In 2008, 4.1 percent of all pitches got a flame. By 2015, more than 13 percent did. It’s runaway flame inflation. Which Leaves Only Four Possibilities 1. Just nobody in production is paying attention. But this seems to be contradicted by the fact that, in 2011, they proactively made a change—albeit in a surprising direction. The fact is, screen space is extremely limited and quite valuable; that’s why we have the flame in the first place, so that more information can be included without expanding the amount of real estate required. Just look at the GIFs from 2005 and 2015 and see how much attention has been paid to producing the corners of the screen: They've added four crucial pieces of information (hitter, pitcher, pitch count, batting average) while making the graphic less obtrusive. Somebody pays a lot of attention to that space. 2. They were “wrong” the first time. There is, of course, no such thing as “wrong,” just as there is no such thing as “fast” other than relative to the norm. But perhaps it was decided
«Kim Jong-un è nervoso», ha rivelato l’intelligence sudcoreana in un’audizione a porte chiuse per i parlamentari di Seul (che come al solito poi raccontano i dettagli alla stampa). Il Rispettato Maresciallo nordcoreano negli ultimi mesi si è fatto cogliere da un’ossessione per «l’operazione decapitazione», un’azione clandestina di americani e sudcoreani che avrebbe l’obiettivo di eliminare la catena di comando di Pyongyang partendo dai vertici,in caso di guerra imminente. Primo obiettivo da «decapitare», sarebbe naturalmente proprio Kim Jong-un. Timori della nomenklatura rossa accompagnati dagli ormai consueti esperimenti bellici: il 22 giugno — secondo rivelazioni Usa — i tecnici hanno eseguito un test per un motore di missile, forse balistico, uno dei tanti in via di sviluppo. La portaerei di Osama Seul ha costituito una unità di élite del suo esercito che si sta addestrando per infiltrarsi a Nord del 38° parallelo; il Pentagono recentemente ha imbarcato sulla portaerei Carl Vinson impegnata in manovre di fronte alla penisola coreana i Navy Seal del Team 6, lo stesso impiegato nell’uccisione di Osama Bin Laden. Per la storia, il cadavere del superterrorista saudita fu seppellito in mare proprio dal ponte della portaerei: un segnale a Kim Jong-un. Le auto tutte uguali Ha riferito il deputato Lee Cheol-woo dopo il briefing ricevuto dalla National Intelligence Agency (Nis) di Seul: «Kim ha messo pressione sulle sue spie per raccogliere ogni informazione possibile sul piano. E intanto, come precauzione immediata, ha cominciato a muoversi all’aperto solo prima dell’alba, non viaggia più sulla sua Mercedes-Benz 600 ma cambia spesso auto, usando quelle dei subordinati, Lexus tutte uguali e anonime». Il nervosismo (la paura) di Kim sarebbe dimostrata anche dalla riduzione delle sue apparizioni pubbliche: gli analisti sudcoreani ne hanno contate 51 fino all’inizio di giugno di quest’anno, un taglio del 32 per cento rispetto allo stesso periodo del 2016. La strategia del terrore Sulla minore visibilità del capo del regime tra le masse nordcoreane però circola anche un’altra interpretazione: i suoi impegni pubblici hanno cominciato a calare in realtà già dal 2013, forse perché dopo i primi due anni difficili al potere, quando era stato messo in discussione dai vecchi dignitari per la sua giovane età, era già riuscito a cementare il suo status di leader e di erede legittimo della Dinastia Kim. Per raggiungere l’obiettivo, Kim Jong-un ha usato il terrore: un centinaio di ministri e comandanti militari sono stati purgati, alcuni sono stati passati per le armi. Le uniche operazioni di «decapitazione» note nella crisi coreana finora sono state condotte proprio per ordine di Kim. Pochi mesi avrebbe ordinato l’eliminazione del fratellastro e, mercoledì, ha minacciato di assassinare l’ex presidente della Corea del Sud, Park Geun-hye e l’ex capo degli 007, Lee Byoung-ho. Second
Nyancat too much Senior Member 6,054 posts Joined: Jun 2005 From: meow meow Current ISSUE #12 TM: We killed off Streamyx branding, hello Unifi Lite (still the same 8Mbps rebranded) Streamyx - Existing 8Mbps streamyx rebranded to Unifi Lite... affectively killed off streamyx brand. - Those stuck on 1Mbps - 4Mbps will be on RM69/month as well. - Bill changes starts on September. September bill will include pro-rated rates. - For those who's on 1-4Mbps, please contact TM to know if you're eligible for unifi lite aka streamyx 8Mbps speed. Unifi Air - Only for certain area for now. - Using TDD Band 40. - 20Mbps speed cap with unlimited quota - 2 years contract, free Huawei B618 (SIM LOCK) modem. - Pricing on RM79/month - If getting the SIM only, there will be no contract. Current Unifi Lite 10Mbps on RM129 - Bill will change to RM 69/month. =============== Streamyx- Existing 8Mbps streamyx rebranded to Unifi Lite... affectively killed off streamyx brand.- Those stuck on 1Mbps - 4Mbps will be on RM69/month as well.- Bill changes starts on September. September bill will include pro-rated rates.- For those who's on 1-4Mbps, please contact TM to know if you're eligible for unifi lite aka streamyx 8Mbps speed.Unifi Air- Only for certain area for now.- Using TDD Band 40.- 20Mbps speed cap with unlimited quota- 2 years contract, free Huawei B618 (SIM LOCK) modem.- Pricing on RM79/month- If getting the SIM only, there will be no contract.Current Unifi Lite 10Mbps on RM129- Bill will change to RM 69/month.=============== Current ISSUE #11 » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « BROADBAND MSAP?? STREAMY USERS STILL BEING IGNORED!!!! Original article by lowyat. https://www.lowyat.net/2018/171006/over-a-m...m110-for-1mbps/ SKMM has released press statement on broadband MSAP (Mandatory Standard on Access Pricing), all fixed line broadband was mentioned EXCEPT Streamyx! Streamyx users were totally ignored in the MSAP plan. EVERYONE LINK THIS THREAD, LOWYAT ARTICLE ON MSAP TO Gobind in Twitter, SKMM React, SKMM Twitter. And DON'T FORGOT to make ADUAN SKMM! Original article by lowyat.SKMM has released press statement on broadband MSAP (Mandatory Standard on Access Pricing), all fixed line broadband was mentioned EXCEPT Streamyx! Streamyx users were totally ignored in the MSAP plan.EVERYONE LINK THIS THREAD, LOWYAT ARTICLE ON MSAP TO Gobind in Twitter, SKMM React, SKMM Twitter.And DON'T FORGOT to make ADUAN SKMM! CODE Pihak TM masih mengenakan harga yang melampau kepada pengguna streamyx. Saya perlu membayar RM160 untuk 8Mbps manakala pengguna unifi hanya membayar RM129 untuk 100Mbps. TM masih lagi menggunakan alasan akan meluaskan liputan unifi, dan saya sebagai salah satu pengguna streamyx terpaksa menanggung beban harga yang melampau berbanding pengguna unifi. Pihak TM juga menyatakan tidak kesemua pengguna streamyx akan menikmati naik-taraf. Mohon agar pihak SKMM memandang serius mengenai masalah harga yang melampau ini kerana harga streamyx langsung tidak dikemaskini dan pakej tersebut adalah agak mahal berbanding pakej unifi yang lebih laju dan murah. Terima kasih. Complaint -> Pricing -> Higher Rate. EVERYONE DO COMPLAINT, DO NOT CLOSE. DO IT WEEKLY! Some LYN members made a website for streamyx/unifi
queries. http://myhsbb.me/ credit miloaisdino Complaint -> Pricing -> Higher Rate.EVERYONE DO COMPLAINT, DO NOT CLOSE. DO IT WEEKLY!credit =============== =============== Current ISSUE #10 » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « 31 August 2018 has passed, still no Streamyx price revise! As we know, SKMM has set a deadline for telco to revise their package price, yet TM only revise their unifi package price with faster speed and with lower fees. For those who out of unifi coverage they're stuck with overly overpriced streamyx! Use this template to make aduan skmm, DO NOT CLOSE THE REPORT IF TM CALLED OR CLOSED YOUR REPORT! Complaint type: Complaint ->HSBB ->Pricing ->Higher Rate ->Telekom Malaysia https://aduan.skmm.gov.my/ As we know, SKMM has set a deadline for telco to revise their package price, yet TM only revise their unifi package price with faster speed and with lower fees. For those who out of unifi coverage they're stuck with overly overpriced streamyx!Use this template to make aduan skmm, DO NOT CLOSE THE REPORT IF TM CALLED OR CLOSED YOUR REPORT!Complaint type: Complaint ->HSBB ->Pricing ->Higher Rate ->Telekom Malaysia CODE Salam sejahtera, Saya adalah salah satu pengguna Streamyx yang masih membayar harga yang masih mahal, dan juga tiada liputan perkhidmatan unifi di kawasan saya. Seperti yang sedia maklum, terdapat berita yang mengatakan bahawa pihak telco perlu mengurangkan harga langganan perkhidmatan internet sehingga 31 Ogos 2018 ini. Tetapi malangnya, pihak TM hanya mengemaskini harga langganan Unifi sahaja dan harga langganan streamyx masih lagi belum dikemaskini dan saya sebagai pengguna Streamyx amatlah kecewa dengan keputusan TM. Saya berharap agar pihak TM dapat mengurangkan harga Streamyx kerana harga tersebut sudah lama tidak dikemaskini dan tidak mengikut peredarasan semasa di mana harga Streamyx sekian ada adalah amat mahal dam tidak padan kelajuan pakej Streamyx yang ketinggalan peredaran masa. Sekiranya pihak TM tidak dapat lagi meluaskan perkhidmatan Unifi di kawasan saya, paling kurang pihak TM dapat mengurangkan harga langganan Streamyx. Sekian, terima kasih. =============== =============== Current ISSUE #9 » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « MOST STREAMYX USERS NO UNIFI COVERAGE, "TECHNICAL ISSUE" WILL NEVER GET ANY FREE UPGRADE! NOT EVEN FEE REDUCTION!!!! As we know, those outside unifi coverage, users with "technical issues" will not eligible for the free upgrade. You'll greeted with such message if tried to check for the free upgrade status. What does this mean? Meaning, YOU'LL STILL PAYING OVERPRICED STREAMYX FEES! GUYS, use twitter and use hashtag #StreamyxUser then viral this thread, tag yb gobind and skmm, send aduan skmm and DO NOT CLOSE THE REPORT IF TM CALLED YOU UP SAYING THEY CAN'T DO ANYTHING! This is BULLSHIT, it's year 2018 yet we're still paying expensive fees with SLOW internet! Make aduan to aduan SKMM, use this template. DO NOT CLOSE IF TM CALLED YOU UP SAYING TECHNICAL ISSUES RENDER THEM UNABLE TO UGPRADE YOUR PACKAGE! BULLSHIT EXCUSES!! https://aduan.skmm.gov.my/ As we know, those outside unifi coverage, users with "technical issues" will not eligible for the free upgrade. You'll greeted with such message if
tried to check for the free upgrade status. What does this mean? Meaning, YOU'LL STILL PAYING OVERPRICED STREAMYX FEES!GUYS, use twitter and use hashtag #StreamyxUser then viral this thread, tag yb gobind and skmm, send aduan skmm and DO NOT CLOSE THE REPORT IF TM CALLED YOU UP SAYING THEY CAN'T DO ANYTHING! This is BULLSHIT, it's year 2018 yet we're still paying expensive fees with SLOW internet!Make aduan to aduan SKMM, use this template. DO NOT CLOSE IF TM CALLED YOU UP SAYING TECHNICAL ISSUES RENDER THEM UNABLE TO UGPRADE YOUR PACKAGE! BULLSHIT EXCUSES!! CODE Salam sejahtera, Saya adalah pengguna streamyx sejak tahun [year], dan sedang menggunakan perkhidmatan streamyx [your streamyx package] yang berharga RM[your subscription rate] sampai sekarang. Seperti yang sedia maklum, saya adalah pelanggan Streamyx TM yang tiada liputan unifi, dan hari ini saya mendapati bahawa akaun saya dan lokasi saya tidak layak untuk mendapat "free-upgrade" dari TM. Ditambah lagi pihak TM tidak mengurangkan harga yuran Streamyx saya yang sekarang ini sudah mahal berbanding pelanggan unifi. Di sini saya sertakan sekali kiraan betapa mahalnya pengguna Streamyx berbanding Unifi. Streamyx 1Mbps - RM110 = RM110 / Mbps Streamyx 2Mbps - RM130 = RM65 / Mbps Streamyx 4Mbps - RM140 = RM35 / Mbps Streamyx 8Mbps - RM160 = RM20 / Mbps Unifi Lite 10Mbps - RM129 = RM12.90 / Mbps Unifi Adv 30Mbps - RM179 = RM6.00 / Mbps Unifi Pro 100Mbps - RM329 = RM3.30 / Mbps Ini pula harga official dari website TM. Tedapat juga pengguna lain membayar yuran lebih murah dari harga yang tertera. Unifi Adv 30Mbps - RM139 = RM4.60 / Mbps Unifi Adv 50Mbps - RM149 = RM3.00 / Mbps Unifi Pro 100Mbps - RM189 = RM1.90 / Mbps Jurang perbezaan yang ketara antara pengguna Streamyx dengan Unifi! Di mana pembayar Streamyx perlu membayar 55 kali lebih mahal per Mbps berbanding pengguna Unifi! Ini tidak adil dan tidak selari dengan apa yang pengguna unifi lain yang menikmati kelajuan internet pada kadar yuran yang rendah. Unifi 100Mbps - RM129 = RM1.30 / Mbps Unifi 300Mbps - RM139 = RM0.46 / Mbps Unifi 500Mbps - RM149 = RM0.30 / Mbps Unifi 800Mbps - RM189 = RM0.24 / Mbps Selain itu pihak TM juga mengamalkan ketidakadilan untuk liputan Unifi di kawasan saya. Di mana pihak TM hanya memberi alasan "ekonomi", dan juga "demand" di mana alasan tersebut adalah tidak masuk akal. Perkara ini saya telah majukan kepada YB Gobind selaku Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia, supaya pihak TM memandang serius terhadap pelanggan Streamyx yang sekian lama dilayan dengan tidak adil, samaada dari segi liputan unifi, dan juga dari segi yuran bulanan langganan yang jauh lebih mahal dari unifi dan kelajuan yang jauh lebih perlahan dari unifi. Sekian, terima kasih. CFM is conducting online poll on local malaysian internet. Vote here! http://www.consumerinfo.my/cfm-online-voti...
rmakna/?lang=ms =============== =============== Current ISSUE #8 » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « UNIFI GET UPGRADE TO 800Mbps! Streamyx users in unifi covered only get 2x speed, same bloody expensive. Meanwhile streamyx users on copper, fucked up. Seems YB Gobind Noticed Streamyx Users pleas.. And released press statement on it!! Everyone use the #StreamyxUsers hashtag in twitter, then link to this thread! Update 1 » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Update 2, press statement released » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Article from Amanz » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Dengan pelbagai penawaran produk Unifi, salah satu kategori pelanggan yang sering dilupakan sebelum ini adalah pelanggan Streamyx. Berkongsi mengenainya hari ini, Telekom Malaysia mengumumkan yang mana pelanggan Streamyx akan turut menerima naik-taraf kepada perkhidmatan mereka. Menurut Telekom Malaysia, bermula 15 Julai 2018 kelak, pengguna Streamyx boleh menyemak status langganan mereka, dan seterusnya membuat permohonan untuk naik-taraf ke Unifi. Streamyx Ke Unifi Telekom Malaysia mengatakan sekitar 340,000 akan menerima naik-taraf ke Unifi. Sementara sekiranya lokasi mereka tidak disokong dengan Unifi, mereka akan menerima naik-taraf kepada dua kali ganda kelajuan berbanding sedia ada. Seperti biasa, pelbagai proses naik taraf ini akan tertakluk kepada sokongan teknikal dan sebagainya. Pengguna Streamyx boleh menandakan kalendar anda 15 Julai 2018 ini untuk menyemak dan membuat tempahan naik-taraf ke Unifi melalui laman rasmi TM. @ https://amanz.my/2018173314/ WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? ARE YOU A STREAMYX USER ON COPPER BASED LINE? ONLY GETTING 2Mbps MAX DUE TO "TECHNICAL LIMITATION"? THEN CONGRATS, YOU'RE OFFICIALLY FUCKED UP BY TM. WE ASKED TM TO REDUCE THE PRICE IF THERE IS NO UNIFI COVERAGE, NOT THIS BULLSHIT MIND GAME. EVERY STREAMYX USERS SHOULD TWEET TO GOBIND TWITTER ACCOUNT, EMAIL ADUAN SKMM, EMAIL TO GOBIND AND LET THE MEDIAS KNOWS. TAG THEM TO THIS THREAD! NOW GO! BUAT ADUAN SKMM!!! JANGAN TUTUP ADUAN ANDA TERSEBUT SEKIRANYA PIHAK TM MENUTUP LAPORAN ANDA DENGAN ALASAN "EKONOMI, DEMAND, TEKNIKAL"! SENTIASA BUKA SEMULA LAPORAN TERSEBUT!!! MAKE SKMM REPORT! DO NOT CLOSE YOUR REPORT IF TM CLOSED YOUR REPORT WITH "ECONOMY, DEMAND, TECHNICAL" EXCUSES! ALWAYS RE-OPEN YOUR REPORT!!! https://aduan.skmm.gov.my/ WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? ARE YOU A STREAMYX USER ON COPPER BASED LINE? ONLY GETTING 2Mbps MAX DUE TO "TECHNICAL LIMITATION"? THEN CONGRATS, YOU'RE OFFICIALLY FUCKED UP BY TM.WE ASKED TM TO REDUCE THE PRICE IF THERE IS NO UNIFI COVERAGE, NOT THIS BULLSHIT MIND GAME.EVERY STREAMYX USERSTWEET TO GOBIND TWITTER ACCOUNT, EMAIL ADUAN SKMM, EMAIL TO GOBIND AND LET THE MEDIAS KNOWS. TAG THEM TO THIS THREAD! NOW GO! CODE Salam sejahtera, Saya adalah pengguna
streamyx sejak tahun [year], dan sedang menggunakan perkhidmatan streamyx [your streamyx package] yang berharga RM[your subscription rate] sampai sekarang. Sekarang pihak TM akan melancarkan naik-taraf percuma kepada golongan pelanggan TM tertentu, dan naik-taraf tersebut lebih memihak kepada pelanggan yang mempunyai liputan unifi, dan juga pelanggan unifi sediaada. Manakala pengguna streamyx hanya diberi naik-taraf 2x dari kelajuan asal, itupun bergantung kepada situasi teknikal semasa di tempat pelanggan tersebut. Sekiranya pelanggan streamyx tidak layak untuk menikmati naik-taraf tersebut, pelanggan streamyx diberi pilihan sama ada untuk melanggan unifi broadband yang berharga RM79 dengan quota 60GB sebulan, ataupun unifi bebas unlimited berharga RM99. Ianya bukan sahaja berbentuk "penghinaan" kepada pelanggan Streamyx, kenapa saya perlu mebayar lagi RM79 atau RM99 bersama dengan harga langganan Streamyx yang harganya sekarang adalah sangat mahal? Ini adalah amatlah tidak adil kepada saya sebagai pelanggan streamyx kerana ketika ini saya membayar yuran Streamyx sebanyak [insert your subscription price], di mana harga yuran bayaran tersebut adalah sama seperti pakej unifi yang jauh lebih laju daripada pakej Streamyx saya. Selain itu pihak TM juga mengamalkan ketidakadilan untuk liputan Unifi di kawasan saya. Di mana pihak TM hanya memberi alasan "ekonomi", dan juga "demand" di mana alasan tersebut adalah tidak masuk akal. Perkara ini saya telah majukan kepada YB Gobind selaku Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia, supaya pihak TM memandang serius terhadap pelanggan Streamyx yang sekian lama dilayan dengan tidak adil, samaada dari segi liputan unifi, dan juga dari segi yuran bulanan langganan yang jauh lebih mahal dari unifi dan kelajuan yang jauh lebih perlahan dari unifi. Sekian, terima kasih. =============== =============== ISSUE #7 » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Streamyx Bonanza only RM89/Month for 8Mbps! Seems like TM being the most MUNAFIK company again this time. Suddenly got hidden package where new users can get RM89/month for 8Mbps streamyx!!! Thats a lot savings compared to existing RM160/m 8Mbps!!! TMPoint will highly denies this as they said it's been canceled, but the TM agent says otherwise!!! Sudahlah tu TM..makan duit haram....fark. Proof: Proof: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « =============== =============== ISSUE #6 » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Unifi LITE going for RM99/m!! (postponed for now), but streamyx users PAY RM110-170 for lower speed????? =============== =============== ISSUE #5 » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Unifi LITE 10Mpbs is rolling out? Streamyx users can go dream on it.. let's do it once more guys, get it more expose. Unifi lite only RM149/m for 10Mbps... Streamyx users RM149/m?? FARKING 4Mbps...and 8Mbps paying RM16x-17x/m!!!! Seems TM rolling out another new Unifi Lite package...and afaik mostly will benefit current VIP5 and those in un
ih. USE the hastag #StreamyxUsersUnite..and tag it on twitter, facebook, post in TM's fb/twitter, Lowyat's fb, website, Amanz and every local tech blog website to gain more exposure. Seems TM rolling out another new Unifi Lite package...and afaik mostly will benefit current VIP5 and those in unifi coverage.. only for RM149/M!For streamyx, paying RM14x or 16x only get you 4Mbps or lucky, 8Mbps!Guys, start your engines, facebook, and more...and this time please get it more waves.. paste these on their fb, twitter and a lot social media pages..get more exposes.And this time CFM reports will redirect you to aduan skmm website now.Last time's issue, they closed down due to no report number? afaik TM will also refuse to give the complaint report number and gave us tons of excuses.. This time we use the report generated by their system instead.1. Just go to signup website, makesure tick to Apply Online, Upgrade to Unifi2. Enter your details and it should generate your report number3. Use that report number and enter it at aduan skmm report reference number.4. Go to Aduan SKMM and enter the details below.. If you guys got better edits, just quote this post and add yours in. =============== =============== ISSUE #4 » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Since mcmc cfm doesn't response to our complaint, more like cuci tangan and left streamyx users to their own, just use these(please correct or update if got any addons) and send it to [email protected] USE THE #HASHTAG #STREAMYXUSERSUNITE in Twitter, Facebook!!! Do it like maxis last time! TM Twitter : @TMConnects TM Facebook: SKMM MCMC Email: TMHELP Email: TM Twitter : @TMConnects https://twitter.com/TMConnects TM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/everyoneconnects/ SKMM MCMC Email: [email protected] TMHELP Email: [email protected] MASSIVELY EMAIL THEM ALL, until our SITUATION IMPROVED!! Title: Layanan tidak adil TM terhadap pengguna Streamyx CODE Salam sejahtera. Kami sebagai pengguna streamyx ingin menyuarakan ketidakpuas hati kami terhadap perkhidmatan Streamyx dari pembekal perkhidmatan TM. Kami telah sekian lama dianiaya oleh pihak TM dan apabila kami mengadu terdapat masalah, caj lebih mahal dimana terdapat pengguna diberi offer secara sembunyi, dan juga untuk meminta rangkaian Unifi, pihak TM seolah-olah tidak mempedulikan suara kami sebagai pengguna Streamyx. Kami telah sekian lama menggunakan perkhidmatan Streamyx dari TM, dan kami tiada pilihan lain selain TM. Pihak TM masih mengenakan caj langganan yang mahal berbanding dengan pengguna Unifi. Purata caj bayaran per 1Mbps untuk pengguna Streamyx adalah RM37, dan di mana caj pengguna Unifi hanyalah RM 6 per 1Mbps. Dan di sini kami merujuk kepada laporan "Network Performance Report 2016" bertarikh 27 Januari 2017 di mana pengguna Streamyx tidak menikmati kelajuan seperti dijanjikan oleh pihak TM. Pihak TM hanya menggunakan alasan "teknikal" disebabkan perkhidmatan Streamyx menggunakan talian telefon tembaga. Pihak TM tahu akan masalah tersebut, tetapi tidak mengambil tindakan apa-apa untuk memperbaiki mutu ataupun meluaskan rangkaian Unifi mereka kepada kami. Ini menyebabkan majoriti pengguna Streamyx masih lagi menggunakan 1Mbps pada tah
un 2017. Pihak TM ada menjalankan kempen "Thank you surprises" untuk pengguna TM, di mana majoriti pengguna Streamyx hanya diberi pilihan untuk melanggan Webe, Hypptv ataupun kupon GemFive. Kami agak tidak berpuashati kerana ramai pengguna Unifi diberi naik taraf kelajuan percuma, dan pengguna Streamyx terpaksa memilih untuk melanggan Webe, di mana tidak semua tempat ada liputan 4G webe, dan pengguna Streamyx perlu lagi melanggan sebanyak RM79 hanya untuk Webe. Dan kami berasa agak kesal kerana pihak SKMM tidak mengambil sebarang tindakan terhadap pihak TM walaupun setiap tahun pihak SKMM mengeluarkan laporan yang sama, tetapi tiada tindakan untuk memperbaiki keadaan kami sebagai pengguna Streamyx. Kami berharap pada tahun 2017 pihak SKMM akan mengambil tindakan lebih tegas untuk memperbaiki mutu perkhidmatan Streamyx ataupun meluaskan perkhidmatan jalur lebar gentian optic kepada pengguna Streamyx. Kami mengharap agar pihak tuan memandang serius akan perkara ini, kita sudah masuk tahun 2017, tetapi pengguna Streamyx masih membayar caj bulanan yang mahal untuk kelajuan yang sudah ketinggalan zaman. PM DS Najib sendiri sudah menyatakan bahawa penyedia perkhidmatan fixed line broadband agar menyediakan perkhidmatan kelajuan tinggi pada harga yang lebih rendah. Tetapi majoriti yang menerima naik taraf perkhidmatan tersebut majoriti adalah pengguna Unifi, tetapi kami sebagai pengguna Streamyx dianaktirikan dan dilayan secara tidak adil. Sekian, terima kasih. If you got reply from TM, then use this reply: CODE Salam sejahtera, Terima kasih kerana memberi maklumbalas mengenai aduan saya. Di sini saya ingin menyuarakan beberapa isu mengenai maklum balas pihak tuan/puan. Ganjaran istimewa daripada TM mengenai Webe dan HyppTV adalah tidak sejajar dengan pengguna Streamyx seperti saya, dan sepatutnya pihak TM memperbaiki mutu kualiti perkhidmatan Streamyx ataupun mengurangkan kadar bayaran langganan dan bukan memaksa saya untuk melanggan perkhidmatan Webe dengan membayar lebih lagi. Itu belum lagi termasuk liputan rangkaian 4G Webe yang agak terhad. Bagi saya ganjaran pihak TM adalah tidak sejajar dengan kami yang telah lama menggunakan perkhidmatan Streamyx. Saya di sini tiada pilihan lain selain perkhidmatan Streamyx, saya ingin memohon agar pihak tuan/puan meluaskan lagi rangkaian Unifi. Jika tidak pun menaik taraf kelajuan Streamyx dan mengurangkan kadar bayaran bulanan kerana saya sebagai pengguna Streamyx membayar lebih mahal daripada pengguna Unifi dan ini adalah tindakan yang kurang adil. Pihak TM juga senantiasa menayangkan iklan “Langgani Unifi Sekarang!”, promosi hebat untuk pengguna Unifi, dimana pengguna Streamyx masih lagi diabai dan kami membayar lebih mahal
upgrade, like this.. Anyone who planned to disconnect and signup for the promo, is not eligible Some on 4Mbps, but paying RM 88.. I did submitted a complain via SKMM CFM Complaint, since contacting TM via tweeter, email doesn't get anything.. and this is what I got earlier on. QUOTE too bad my phone doesnt got recording earlier on.. and got TM called me about the complaint..(so fast?). what she told me the promotion (those with rm88 for 4Mbps, they admit this exists and doesnt deny it!) and was ONLY for CERTAIN group of customers (hint hint maxis case)... and said TM gonna have upcoming promotion for existing customers which we heard since last year I did mentioned why long time existing customer no promotion or discount and why TM didnt contact us.. and she cant explain.. end up she hang up on me lol. And I assume it's not settled yet. so yeah guys.. highlight it up.. all report to cfm skmm... it's our rights,. edit: report it here too bad my phone doesnt got recording earlier on.. and got TM called me about the complaint..(so fast?).what she told me the promotion (those with rm88 for 4Mbps, they admit this exists and doesnt deny it!) and was ONLY for CERTAIN group of customers (hint hint maxis case)... and said TM gonna have upcoming promotion for existing customers which we heard since last yearI did mentioned why long time existing customer no promotion or discount and why TM didnt contact us.. and she cant explain.. end up she hang up on me lol. And I assume it's not settled yet.so yeah guys.. highlight it up.. all report to cfm skmm... it's our rights,.edit: report it here http://www.complaint.cfm.org.my/ Long story short, it seems currently TM got promos that only available for new users. Old subscribers that disconnect and reconnect is not entitled for such promotion. Called TM, went to TMPoint they said this promo only for new users, even some agent re seller website like www.tmpoint.com also mentioning the promo package on their website.*edited with larger promo photo, and even it's 1 year contract, most of us last time doesn't even got such promo price. Also it's 2016, maybe it's time to revise the package price? Since not all of us got other alternative, let alone unifi, time, maxis fibre coverage.Also, there is some "group" of users only paying RM 88 for 4Mbps. TM said there will be upcoming promos for existing users, but it's been since last years they mention about that and still nothing.The streamyx 4Mbps terek is hereThe streamyx 8Mbps terek is hereSome of the lyn forumer did mentioned he got phone call from TM, saying he's eligible for upgrade, like this..Anyone who planned to disconnect and signup for the promo, is not eligibleSome on 4Mbps, but paying RM 88..I did submitted a complain via SKMM CFM Complaint, since contacting TM via tweeter, email doesn't get anything.. and this is what I got earlier on. =========================== =========================== » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « It's like maxis case all over again, but there difference is.. most of the place only got TM for the Fixed Line broadband, and we're stuck with TM. Some of us might not even get Unifi coverage, let alone other providers such as Maxis, Time which only covers some part only. We can only dream about it. http://www.complaint.cfm.org.my/ Existing streamyx users that feel unfair, service quality keep on degrading over time, just complaint it via CFM Complaint: Maybe with lots of reports, more people know so probably they will have to take notice on it? Fingers crossed. Complain via 100, TMPoint based on my experience was useless, they will keep the blame on end users like us. Just hope SKMM, will highlight this issue (although chances are low due to you know why). Use this template to complaint at SKMM/CFM, just change according to your package and words. Please don't use rude words. If anyone got better wording/template just share it UP CODE Salam sejahtera, Saya adalah pengguna streamyx sejak tahun [year], dan sedang menggunakan perkhidmat streamyx [your streamyx package] yang berharga RM[your subscription rate](sebelum GST) sampai sekarang.
tempat saya, tetapi malangnya hanya terdapat liputan TM Streamyx di tempat saya. Ini adalah sangat tidak munasabah bagi saya, di mana PM Najib sendiri telah menyebut plan broadband untuk bajet 2017 di mana pengguna internet akan menikmati kelajuan yang berganda tetapi membayar pada kadar lebih murah. Ramai lagi pengguna streamyx yang tidak puas hati selain saya, pihak tuan boleh mengakses forum tersebut di https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/4024893 Sekian, terima kasih. ***If they request SP nombor, just put 000 Update 23/10/2016, another template by lyn forumer, can use as point as well. QUOTE(Mayoi @ Oct 23 2016, 01:39 AM) Anyone use Streamyx blockbuster 1Mbps-RM110 go complain to Argued with them, just say you want "Fair Price" Use this point -why 4Mbps pay RM88 but i pay RM110 for 1Mbps. At last got free upgrade, from 1Mbps to 4Mbps-pay RM110(still f*cking expensive)Anyone use Streamyx blockbuster 1Mbps-RM110 go complain to http://www.complaint.cfm.org.my/ Argued with them, just say you want "Fair Price"Use this point-why 4Mbps pay RM88 but i pay RM110 for 1Mbps. Update 25/10/2016, More points to drag the 4Mbps price DOWN! » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « QUOTE(Mayoi @ Oct 25 2016, 03:19 PM) --start-- 1.Complaint to CFM website say " Why i need pay RM110 for 1Mbps when other pay 1Mbps-RM68 and 4Mbps-RM88. Feel cheat with TM." 2.After you make a complaint they will send email/replay 3.After you received replay from TM, replay at CFM website, "disappoint with TM answer/offer because it expensive, i just want cheap package or fair price either 1Mbps-RM68 or 4Mbps-RM88. Why i need pay more when other can pay less." 4.After that, maybe they will call and offer 4Mbps-RM110. You decide want take or not. ---end--- I think TM willing to upgrade SPEED but not downgrade PRICE because they need maintain/increase the PROFIT. Just dont mention about package super-duper saving. If not they will offer you 4Mbps-RM130. And also please don't close the report at CFM Website if you don't get the offer. To get 4Mbps-RM110 - (my experience).You need subcribe Streamyx blockbuster 1Mbps, then they will upgrade to Streamyx Blockbuster 4Mbps.--start--1.Complaint to CFM website say " Why i need pay RM110 for 1Mbps when other pay 1Mbps-RM68 and 4Mbps-RM88. Feel cheat with TM."2.After you make a complaint they will send email/replay3.After you received replay from TM, replay at CFM website,"disappoint with TM answer/offer because it expensive, i just want cheap package or fair price either 1Mbps-RM68 or 4Mbps-RM88. Why i need pay more when other can pay less."4.After that, maybe they will call and offer 4Mbps-RM110. You decide want take or not.---end---I think TM willing to upgrade SPEED but not downgrade PRICE because they need maintain/increase the PROFIT.Just dont mention about package super-duper saving. If not they will offer you 4Mbps-RM130.And also please don't close the report at CFM Website if you don't get the offer. Update 15/11/2016, More reason to get your price lower » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « http://i.imgur.com/tJnR51Y.jpg Edit 1:Included the proof of different price for streamyx 8Mbps » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Paying RM130 before gst for 8Mbps. "Selected group" only? Remember maxis case?: Paying RM130 before g
EDIT: 6.2.2017. EDIT: 4.8.2017. EDIT: 12.16.2016. EDIT: 9.14.2016. EDIT: 12.08.2015. EDIT: 11.14.2015. EDIT: 09.22.2015. EDIT: 07.27.2015. EDIT: 07.08.2015. NOTE! EVERYTHING BETWEEN THIS LINE AND THE NEXT NO LONGER WORKS!!! YOU CAN CHANGE THE SYSTEM VERSION BUT DROPBOX NOW CHECKS FOR THE VERSION OF DROPBOX. SEE THE ABOVE UPDATES FOR A LINK TO THE CURRENT WORKING VERSION! EDIT: 05.25.2015. See Czo's solution at . Czo has created a version of Dropbox that directly fakes version information to fool Dropbox. This makes modifying the SystemVersion.plist file unnecessary. Note that this makes the interface reflect the newer version and therefore you will have some icons that are clickable but do not function. To get to Preferences hold down OPTN when you click on the Dropbox icon in the menubar. All regular Dropbox functions are unaffected. EDIT: 05.20.2015. EVERTHING BELOW THIS LINE WAS PRIOR TO THE SOLUTIONS POSTED ABOVE. I HAVE LEFT IT HERE FOR THE RECORD This thread has now been unstickied. When I started it, my intent was to provide a workaround for the fact that Dropbox abandoned us. Well, others stepped up and we found alternate ways to get around this problem. Eventually @Czo even went to work for us in reverse-engineering the app.Unfortunately, there has been no update to the app for over a year now and since quickly finding a current Dropbox app was the sole reason to keep the thread stickied there is now no longer any justifiable reason for it.Like all things, there is a time. Dropbox for PowerPC came to an end over a year ago. We had a good run and I wish to thank Czo for keeping us relevant for at least two years past the time Dropbox cut us off.I can only hope all of you are finding your own way to continue to use Dropbox. For myself, it's the original solution I posted this thread for. I have an always on PC laptop that sits as a bridge for my PowerPC Macs. I've even placed a direct Dropbox shortcut to my laptop in my Home folders.Good luck to all of you and thanks for participating! Dropbox for PowerPC is dead. Long live Dropbox!******************************** END *******************************************************************************How this works.***Go to post Post #168. Download the app from the link. Unzip the app and move it into your apps folder (overwriting the old app).Czo updates the app periodically but the link to the update remains the same. Just redownload and recopy whenever there is an update.You can track new updates below as I update Post #1 whenever Czo releases a new update.---Updated. Post #168. Update! Post #168. @Czo has updated the Dropbox app yet again (Thanks Czo!). Post #168. @Czo has updated the Dropbox app. Same link as before, see edit below this one. @Czo to the rescue again! Post #168 for the updated version! Note that the link at post #118 should also work as it's the same.Beware! Dropbox now seems to be detecting older versions! Hopefully @Czo can fix this.--ADD: 12.06.2015. @Salumbre reports in post #159 that the warning may be erroneous and that Dropbox keeps functioning past the deadline.--ADD: 12.08.2015. @Salumbre reports in Post 166 that Dropbox has stopped working for him.However @Czo is currently working to release a new patch. I will update when the patch is live.NOTE! Dropbox is now censoring links to this thread in their community forums! Took them long enoughTIGER USERS!!! None of these solutions seem to work for OS X 10.4.11! The APIs that Dropbox is currently using for Snow Leopard are close enough to allow Leopard (10.5.8) users to continue using Dropbox, but the differences between Tiger and Snow Leopard are such that the fix does not work under Tiger.If anyone wants to help Czo with coding for Tiger they are welcome to do so, but for right now the fix only works on Leopard!Updated download of Czo's solution atNote that the link in Post 71 is corrupt, use the link in Post 118.See NathanJHill's solution at. Note that Dropbox only seems to check for system version if you have been disconnected. Reconnecting using NathanJHill's solution will survive quitting Dropbox and it will survive a restart.You will only need to do this again if you disconnect
Unlock Description Translation Default イリヤ、クロエとともに、 穂群原学園小等部5年1組に通う小学生。 カレイドステッキのマジカルサファイアと契約し、第二の魔法少女となる。なってしまう。 なぜか身寄りのない彼女は、 ルヴィアに拾われエーデルフェルト姓を得て、 メイド暮らしをしている。 物理や数学は大学レベルの知識がある反面、 他人とのコミュニケーション能力は園児以下。 そんな彼女に初めてできた友達が、 イリヤである。 友情と愛情の区別がつかないのか何なのか、 突然距離感ゼロになった美遊に戸惑いつつも親愛の情を返すイリヤ。 日常と非日常を繰り返す内、いつしか二人は無二の親友となっていた。 ちなみにクロエは、イリヤを取り合うライバル的な存在らしい。 An elementary school student that attends the 5th year, 1st class of the elementary division of Homurahara Academy along with Illya and Chloe. Having contracted with the Kaleidostick Magical Sapphire, she becomes the second magical girl. She will. She who didn't have any relatives was for some reason picked up by Luvia and obtained the surname of Edelfelt, and does a living as a maid. Her knowledge of Physics and Mathematics is at university level, but her communication skills are below those of a kindergartener on the other hand. The first friend someone like her made is Illya. Whether it is because she can't distinguish between friendship and affection or for any other reason, Illya returns a feeling of deep affection to Miyu, whose sense of distance suddenly became zero, while being confused about her. While repeating their ordinary and extraordinary lives, someday the two became inseparable friends. By the way, Chloe seems to be a rival-like existence scrambling for Illya. Bond 1 身長/体重:134cm・30kg 出典:Fate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ 地域:日本・冬木市 属性:秩序・善 性別:女性 日常においても戦闘においても合理性を好む。 「こんにちは初めましてゲイ・ボルク」 Height/Weight: 134 cm, 30 kg Source: Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya Origin: Japan, Fuyuki City Alignment: Lawful Good Gender: Female Regarding ordinary life and battle, she prefers rationality. 「Hello, nice to meet you, Gáe Bolg」 Bond 2 言動からは年に見合わぬ深い知性が窺えるが、 一方で世間の常識には極めて疎い。 知識量の割に実体験はほとんどないらしく、 まるで俗世から隔絶された環境で育てられ
to put up with too much from the Arabs for whom it has poured forth both blood and money. Remarks (2003), quoted in Nonproliferation Norms (2009) by Maria Rost Rublee, p. 161 The Libyans said they'll buy their way out of these three [terrorism] black lists. We'll pay so much, to hell with $2 billion or more. It's not compensation. It's a price. The Americans said it was Libya who did it. It is known that the president was madman Reagan who's got Alzheimer's and has lost his mind. He now crawls on all fours. SBS Dateline (8 October 2003) "The New Libya" The black people’s struggle has vanquished racism. It was God who created colour. Today Obama, a son of Kenya, a son of Africa, has made it in the United States of America. Closing remarks at the African Union summit (4 February 2009), quoted in RFI English (4 February 2009) "Kadhafi closes AU summit, division over plans for 'United States of Africa'" by Zeenat Hansrod [Somali maritime violence] is a response to greedy Western nations, who invade and exploit Somalia's water resources illegally. It is not a piracy, it is self defence. It is defending the Somalia children's food. Remarks at African Union headquarters, quoted in Daily Nation (5 February 2009) "Gaddafi defends Somali pirates" by Argaw Ahine During my term in AU, I will initiate an organised compensation claim for Africa and I will fight for a greater voice for Africa in the United Nations Security Council. If they do not want to live with us fairly, it is our planet and they can go to another planet. Remarks at African Union headquarters, quoted in Daily Nation (5 February 2009) "Gaddafi defends Somali pirates" by Argaw Ahine I am an international leader, the dean of the Arab rulers, the king of kings of Africa and the imam of Muslims, and my international status does not allow me to descend to a lower level. Remarks after insulting King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and having his microphone cut (30 March 2009), quoted in The Scotsman (31 March 2009) "Gaddafi walks out of summit after attack on Saudi king" by Salah Nasrawi What's going on? … What you are doing is not allowed in Islamic law [ halal ]. What you are doing is forbidden in Islam [ haraam ]! … Do you know right from wrong? Remarks to captors minutes before death, quoted in msnbc.com (2011 October 21) "Even stashed in a meat locker, Gadhafi divides Libya" ]. What you are doing is forbidden in Islam [ ]! … Do you know right from wrong? Let the free people of the world know that we could have bargained over and sold out our cause in return for a personal secure and stable life. We received many offers to this effect but we chose to be at the vanguard of the confrontation as a badge of duty and honour. Last will and testament Speeches [ edit ] Your armed forces have toppled the reactionary, backward and corrupt regime. With one strike your heroic army has toppled idols and destroyed them in one of Providence's fateful moments. As of now Libya shall be free and sovereign, a republic under the name of the Libyan Arab Republic. No oppressed or deceived or wronged, no master and no slave; but free brothers in a society over which, God willing, shall flutter the banner of brotherhood and equality. And thus shall we build glory, revive heritage and avenge a wounded dignity. Sons of the Bedouins, sons of the desert, sons of the ancient cities, sons of the countryside, sons of the villages, the hour of work has struck and so let us forge ahead. Radio broadcast from Benghazi (1 September 1969), quoted in The Libyan Revolution: Its Origins and Legacy (2009) by Nicholas Hagger Irrespective of the conflict with America, it is a human duty to show sympathy with the American people and be with them at these horrifying and awesome events which are bound to awaken human conscience. When I was five, my brother was shot by an Israeli soldier, since then I have been dedicated to uniting the Arab countries throughout the Middle East and retain a trade flow with the west. Reaction to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, quoted in CBSNews.com (12 September 2001) "Global Outrage At Terror Attacks" La donna deve essere addestrata a combattere dentro le case, a preparare una cintura esplosiva e a farsi saltare in aria insieme coi soldati nemici. Chiunque abbia una macchina deve prepararla e sa
provocation. People should take to the streets. Smash those dogs, and tell them: "you traitors will bring us the British." Statement (8 March 2011), as quoted in "Libya on the Line: An interactive timeline Browse through a collection of conversations between Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam and other senior Libyan officials" at Aljazeera (11 May 2012) What's wrong with the Spanish? Tell them they do not appreciate their own interests. Tell them we will recognize the Basques. Threaten them with this, and recognize Andalusia. Statement (5 April 2011), as quoted in "Libya on the Line: An interactive timeline Browse through a collection of conversations between Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam and other senior Libyan officials" at Aljazeera (11 May 2012) Oil is like drugs. Find the commodity smugglers. Many are adventurous; they will buy from you at a discount and they don't care about embargoes. Statement (11 April 2011) as quoted in "Gaddafi clung to a fading reality" at Aljazeera (21 May 2012) Quotes about Gaddafi [ edit ] The way he was martyred on behest of imperialist forces indicates that he was anti-imperialist, brave, courageous and a great revolutionary. Ghinwa Bhutto I take this opportunity to reiterate my thanks and my appreciation to my dear Brother Leader Muammar Gaddafi, Leader of the Libyan revolution, for his honourable initiative that our people have received with great satisfaction and of facilitating the movement and activities of Tunisian Libya sister and treat them just like the Libyans. This confirms a sincere brotherhood and the strong support we have always received from him and to the brotherly Libyan people. Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, January 2011. [ citation needed ] A man who I have always admired. Mame Biram Diouf [4] Love him or not, we must recognize that this is one of the greatest African leaders who influenced several generations, including mine, and found in the constancy and courage of his positions what we research in a hero. In a word: pride. Manny Ansar, director of a popular annual music festival, Mali, interview (22 October 2011) The way he was martyred on behest of imperialist forces indicates that he was anti-imperialist, brave, courageous and a great revolutionary. Ghinwa Bhutto [5], (22 October 2011) Gaddafi was a great leader, a true revolutionary who should not be confused with the new Libyan leadership swept into power by NATO's bayonets and by oil multinationals. Mario Borghezio [6], (20 October 2011) Liberator of Libya, He will be remembered as a great fighter, a revolutionary and martyr. Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela, (20 October 2011) He's stupid. He's clinically stupid... He's the most stupid of all. Oriana Fallaci (May 5, 2003), Charlie Rose stupid... He's the most stupid of all. He is intelligent and effectively capable of anything. But I think he has gone too far in this crisis and it is going to be very difficult for him to remain in power. Claude Moniquet,[7] (March 3, 2011) I know something of the good of Moammar Gadhafi that made me to love him as a brother and to feel a great sense of loss at his assassination, He died in honor, fighting for the Libya that he believed in. Louis Farrakhan, [8] (26 October 2011) The man was a freedom fighter. Charles Barron [9] The actual evidence … is that Qaddafi senior has reached his Ceausescu moment: a full-dress (in the literal sense) meltdown into paranoia, megalomania, and delusion. His recent speeches and appearances have shown him stinking with madness and hysteria. His age and condition, at any rate, set a very sharp limit to the duration of his regime. If that regime implodes while he is still "in place," then all the grim consequences foreseen by the realists will be incurred in any case. Weapons will get into the wrong hands; divide-and-rule tactics (already a stock in trade) will intensify; religious and tribal passions will be deliberately inflamed. The main difference will be that we merely watched this happen Christopher Hitchens, in "Don't Let Qaddafi Win: Ignore the "realists." If we do nothing, the situation in Libya can only get worse", in Slate (14 March 2011)] Arrivare a mettere in ginocchio un intero popolo, fargli avallare dei concetti stravaganti e irrazionali, mantenerlo nell'ignoranza e nella povert
Os proponemos un experimento. Imaginad por un momento que os sugerimos que describáis cómo sería vuestro PC ideal sin tener en cuenta ninguna restricción económica. Sin mirar el precio de cada componente. Los entusiastas del hardware probablemente se lo tomarían como un reto que les permitiría imaginar cómo sería la experiencia que les propondría una máquina así. Cómo rendiría con aplicaciones multihilo que imponen una gran carga de trabajo. Qué cadencia de imágenes por segundo sostenida alcanzaría con los juegos más exigentes. De esto va este artículo, aunque nosotros, en realidad, no nos hemos propuesto medir el rendimiento de esta máquina. Nos lo tomamos como un ejercicio que nos permite indagar en las últimas innovaciones que nos propone la tecnología actual para PC y conocer cuánto nos costaría hacernos con un equipo así. Sin duda, tendrá un precio que lo colocará fuera del alcance de la mayor parte de los usuarios. Pero no importa. Solo es un experimento, y os invitamos a que nos acompañéis y también os dejéis llevar por este reto. Para nosotros un PC a la última es aquel que aprovecha los últimos avances introducidos por la tecnología y nos ofrece un rendimiento excepcional en todos los escenarios de uso Antes de seguir adelante es importante que fijemos dos condiciones. La primera requiere que expliquemos con la máxima precisión posible qué es para nosotros un equipo a la última, que es lo que os proponemos desde el titular. Nuestro propósito es describir un PC que aproveche los últimos avances introducidos por la tecnología y que nos ofrezca un rendimiento excepcional en todos los escenarios de uso. Y esto nos lleva a la segunda condición: sus componentes no tienen necesariamente que ser los más caros. De hecho, como veréis a continuación, algunos de ellos no lo serán. Serán muy caros, seguro, pero no los más caros. Hay algo más. También os propondremos alternativas a algunos de esos componentes, a los más caros, de manera que, aunque tengamos que sacrificar una parte de las prestaciones de nuestro PC de referencia, podamos modificarlo para idear dos configuraciones adicionales también de gama muy alta, pero más asequibles. A nosotros nos parece un reto emocionante e interesante, y confiamos en que a vosotros también os lo parezca. Y, por supuesto, os invitamos a que utilicéis los comentarios del artículo para que nos propongáis tanto a nosotros como a los demás lectores de Xataka cómo sería el PC de vuestros sueños, aunque no nos lo podamos permitir. Seguro que todos aprenderemos. Y nos divertiremos. Así es nuestro PC de referencia El equipo que hemos configurado es, ante todo, un auténtico todoterreno. Uno de los requisitos que nosotros mismos nos hemos impuesto requiere que su rendimiento en todos los escenarios de uso sea sobresaliente, y creemos que la configuración que estamos a punto de describir lo cumple. Sin embargo, veréis que algunos componentes tienen la vocaci
Furkan Korkmaz is not a star, though he looked like one for Turkey with a 20-point performance in 27 minutes in a EuroBasket round-of-16 loss to Spain on Sunday. The 20-year-old was the youngest player on Turkey’s roster, and he came off the bench in the tournament, averaging 10.5 points a game on 53.8 percent shooting. He was used as a spot-up shooter and secondary playmaker, the same role he had the last three years for Anadolu Efes, one of the top teams in Europe. Korkmaz has spent most of his career competing against older players rather than his age peers so he hasn’t had as much of an opportunity to dominate the ball. And because international players don’t have the same type of eligibility restrictions as Americans, he was only 18 when the 76ers drafted him with the no. 26 pick in 2016. Under Bryan Colangelo, Philadelphia has targeted foreign players in the draft, taking five in the last two years. Korkmaz, who is coming over to the NBA this season, is the tip of the spear. If the 76ers are right about the undervaluing of international talent, players like Korkmaz could be the final pieces for a team with eventual championship aspirations. Korkmaz, like many Europeans, turned pro at an early age, signing with the the Efes junior team at 15. He began playing for the senior team at 17, and he was loaned to a smaller club (Banvit) as a 19-year-old last season, helping it win its first-ever Turkish domestic championship. His stellar shooting numbers indicate he should be a high-level floor-spacer in Philadelphia: Korkmaz’s 3-Point Shooting Over the Years Season 3P 3PA 3P% Season 3P 3PA 3P% 2014-15 33 78 42.3 2015-16 41 103 39.8 2016-2017 62 142 43.7 At 6-foot-7 and 190 pounds, Korkmaz has great size for a shooting guard, and a quick release that allows him to get his shot off cleanly when spotting up off the ball. Even a 6-foot-8 forward, like Semen Antonov of Russia, can’t bother Korkmaz on a closeout: Korkmaz is much more than just a shooter, though. While Turkey ran him around a lot of screens off the ball, he’s not a pure catch-and-shoot player. He knows how to use the threat of his shot to get past his defender, and he has a full array of pump fakes and off-balance floaters in his game. What he does in this clip to Kyle Johnson, a 28-year-old playing for Great Britain, is just mean: There are more than a few similarities between Korkmaz and J.J. Redick, whom he will back up next season in Philadelphia. One of the reasons the 76ers gave Redick a one-year, $23 million contract was for him to be a role model for their young players, and Korkmaz could learn a lot from a 12-year NBA veteran who has maximized every bit of his physical ability. There’s certainly no guarantee Korkmaz will have as successful a career, but the potential is there. Not only is Korkmaz much bigger, Redick could never make plays like this in the open court: “Physical maturity and strength are the only things holding [Korkmaz] back. He’s very typical of the Euros who have had success in the league,” said ESPN basketball analyst Fran Fraschilla. “Given the right opportunity to play, he’s among the safest bets among internationals in the last few years.” One of the biggest knocks on Korkmaz is his lack of physical development, and like many 20-year-olds, he could struggle with bigger and stronger players at the next level. He has a narrow frame and short arms: One NBA team measured him as having a wingspan nearly identical to his height, which means he may not have the versatility to guard multiple positions as you would expect for a player his size. “Korkmaz is a good shooter and good passer with a great basketball IQ,” one European scout told me. “He’s not great defensively, and he has a skinny frame, but he could be a good role player in Philadelphia alongside Ben Simmons, Joel Embiid, and Markelle Fultz.” Perimeter players with Korkmaz’s combination of size, shooting, and feel for the game rarely bust. When given the chance to play with the ball in his
WiiWare, Nintendo's weird and wonderful wasteland When the Wii Shop Channel closes, these 24 games and more will be gone, possibly for good. GSK March 19, 2018 6:00 AM Read + As reported last week, the sun is finally setting on the Wii Shop Channel. After almost eleven years of operation, the channel will no longer allow customers to add new currency from March of next year and will be fully deactivated in January of 2019, leaving customers six months to realistically scope the Wii Shop Channel for final purchases. Much has been said concerning the Wii's Virtual Console and the dozens of classic and beloved console titles buried within, but what of WiiWare, Nintendo's much-maligned ecosystem for original digital content? Nintendo didn't pay much mind to WiiWare while it was active and the logistical hurdles confronted by third-party developers, both in terms of hardware and in terms of Nintendo policy, meant that only the biggest publishers and most ardent indies were willing to endure for long enough to simply release a game, let alone find a respectable audience. The storefront sucked, the search function barely worked; games were capped at a ludicrously low file size, developers had little freedom to set their own prices or update their games, even in the face of game-breaking bugs, and developers that failed to reach modest minimum sales thresholds didn't even get paid. Despite all odds, WiiWare became home to a motley assortment of interesting and exciting original games that do not and may never exist anywhere else and will cease to be available in less than six months. To that end, we've highlighted a selection of WiiWare-only titles for your perusal, spanniing Nintendo-published titles, indie games, retro revivals and even a few Japan-only games for those with a Japanese Wii (or the savviness to sidestep the region lock.) (This list does not include multi-platform titles, hence the omission of some of the more obvious heavy-hitters: no Bit.Trip series, no Mega Man 9, no La Mulana, etc.) As always, feel free to leave any additional suggestions or recommendations in the comments — anyone who's ever tried to search for anything on WiiWare knows how hard it is to find anything, so the more publicly-available info, the better! Alien Crush Returns Hudson / Tamsoft The cult Turbografx pinball game was resurrected for WiiWare with all-new tables, 3D body horror graphics and a slight shift away from pure pinball with the introduction of explicitly videogame-y elements like real-time ball switching. It loses a lot from the loss of online leaderboards but it's still a worthwhile complement to the original game. Art Style series (Orbient, Rotohex, Cubello, Light Trax, Rotozoa / Penta Tentacles) Nintendo / skip Chibi-Robo deverloper skip's Art Style series of minimalist, retro-cool time-wasters spawned a dozen games across WiiWare and DSiWare; of the five released on WiiWare, I have a soft spot for the pointer-based puzzle-shooter Cubello and the line-racing game Light Trax, but there isn't a dud in the series. Blaster Master: Overdrive Sunsoft Made on a shoestring budget with no promotion and no release in their home territory, Sunsoft's WiiWare Blaster Master revival came and went without a splash, but fans with a tolerance for Simple 2000-quality production and cumbersome sideways-Wii Remote button mappings should give it a look — it's the most recent game by the original director and arguably the best of the Blaster Master followup games until the recent Blaster Master Zero. Excitebike: World Rally / Excitebike: World Challenge Nintendo / Monster Games Monster Games' nostalgic refresh of the minor NES classic has been crippled by the death of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection — you can no longer trade user-made levels or race other players online, and there's no local multiplayer function — but the Excite Truck/Excitebots-style single-player progression system and smart use of motion controls mean this is still a worthwhile adaptation of the tried-and-true Excitebike experience. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King Square-Enix One of WiiWare's first noteworthy games, My Life as a King is essentially a city-building game with the trappings of an RPG and the compulsive loop of a clicker game (and more than a little paid DLC) and it's a wonder it hasn't been adapted into a zillion-earning smartphone game. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord Square-Enix My Life as a King's followup is a complete
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BelgianComics A promotional stamp for the Belgian Center of Comic Strips in Brussels. Advertisement: Despite being a small European country Belgium is considered to be one of the more important countries with a huge comic book industry, along with The United States, France and Japan. The country even habits the most comic strip authors per square mile in the world! The history of Belgium's comic books industry started way back in 1929, when Hergé (1907-1983) drew the first Tintin comic strip. During the 1930s he also created other series like Quick and Flupke (1930) and Jo, Zette and Jocko (1936). Back then there was no real European comic book culture, despite a few local succesful series. Tintin's popularity not only spawned Belgium's longtime affiliation with comics, but also became the first internationally popular European comic strip, being translated in countless languages across the globe. Advertisement: During the 1920s, 1930s and Second World War Hergé published his stories in newspapers. In 1946, after the war, he and Raymond Leblanc founded the comic book magazine Tintin. It started a direct rivalry with the oldest (and still running) Belgian comic book magazine Spirou that started publication in 1938. Spirou's main mascot was Spirou from the comic book series Spirou and Fantasio. Both magazines were very popular and mostly published Belgian and French series that have been nicknamed Franco-Belgian Comics. Most of the stories were drawn by French or Walloon (the Frenchspeaking part of Belgium) authors and thus most of the French language Belgian comics were published in either Tintin or Spirou. Tintin had a more serious tone and therefore mostly attracted authors who drew in a realistic style and heavily studied background information before even putting a pencil line on paper. The magazine's main stars were Tintin, Blake and Mortimer, Alix, Suske en Wiske, Chick Bill, Thorgal, Cubitus, Léonard le Génie, Chlorophylle,... Spirou had a more comedic tone and thus attracted authors who drew in a less realistic style and whose stories relied more on humour than well documented plot. Their stars were Spirou and Fantasio, The Smurfs, Tif et Tondu, Lucky Luke, Buck Danny, Gaston Lagaffe, Marsupilami, Boule et Bill, Benoit Brisefer, Johan and Peewit, Les Tuniques Bleues, Les Femmes en blanc, Natacha, Yoko Tsuno, Pierre Tombal.... In the 1970s the Tintin magazine gradually became less popular and after Hergé's death in 1983 it quickly went bankrupt in 1991. Spirou still remains popular, but the Dutch version Robbedoes ceased all publication in 2005. Advertisement: In Flanders (the Dutch speaking part of Belgium) some comics were published in the 1930s, but most of them were more traditional stories without text balloons, but with small texts in captions below each drawing. The real father of the Flemish comic strip was Willy Vandersteen (1913-1990) who started publishing his first comics and cartoons around 1938. During the 1940s he started producing many series, until finally strucking gold with Suske en Wiske. The popularity of this humorous family comic strip soon spread to the rest of Belgium and even the Netherlands. Over the years Vandersteen produced many new series, including De Rode Ridder and Bessy, to name just a few. He founded a studio where many co-workers helped him running new episodes of all these series for decades. Vandersteen's success was the trigger for other succesful Flemish comic series, such as Nero (1947-2002), Piet Pienter en Bert Bibber (1950-1995) and Jommeke (1955-...). Since the 1970s only three new comic book series remain succesful to this date. Only one of them is an entire new creation: De Kiekeboes (1977...). The other two are spin-offs based on television celebrities: Urbanus (1982-...), based on the popular Flemish comedian Urbanus, and FC De Kampioenen (1997-...), based on a popular Flemish sitcom. Compared to their Walloon counterparts Flemish comics were mainly published in newspapers instead of magazines. Therefore Flemish comic authors had to whip out two new comic strip panels every day, while the Walloon comic authors published one entire page each week. The Belgian comic strip industry has been cited as one of the few things that keep the bi-lingual communities in the country together. Indeed there have been many Flemish and Walloon artists who worked together on the same comic strip. The Flemish comic
Ricardo Soares de Oliveira, 37 anos, professor de Política Comparada na Universidade de Oxford, acaba de publicar um livro em que analisa a trajectória de Angola desde 2002. Magnificent and Beggar Land. Angola since the Civil War (Hurst, 2015, 288 pp.). Conversámos com ele acerca de alguns dos assuntos aí abordados, desde os contornos do sistema de poder nesse país às idiossincrasias da relação luso-angolana, bem como sobre as consequências que são possíveis de antever em função da descida do preço do petróleo nos mercados internacionais, o principal (se não mesmo único) motor da economia angolana. Uma entrevista conduzida por Pedro Aires Oliveira. Comecemos pela questão mais elementar, Ricardo: quais as razões que te levaram a escrever este livro? Há várias razões. Angola sempre me fascinou e foi um país acerca do qual eu já tinha trabalhado bastante. Do ponto de vista intelectual, notei que havia uma grande lacuna no conhecimento acerca de Angola. Apercebi-me de que Angola era um país que se transformara completamente na última década. Tinha tido guerra durante 41 anos, se contarmos com o período colonial, a Guerra Fria e os anos 1990, mas desde 2002, por uma série de razões, o país estava a reinventar-se. E eu achei essa questão apaixonante. Quis perceber até que o ponto isso estava realmente a acontecer ou havia continuidades em relação a estruturas de desigualdade e subdesenvolvimento que já existiam não só no contexto da guerra civil, mas também no período colonial. Um aspecto que é mencionado logo na abertura do livro é o peso do passado, a saliência de certas continuidades históricas. Como é que isso se tem manifestado no pós-guerra civil /independência, e até que ponto condiciona o presente do país? As elites angolanas gostam da ideia de Angola desenvolvida em 1973 – o ano de 1973 é uma data mítica, pois foi o ano de maior produção no período colonial. É difícil estabelecer uma hierarquia de factores. Eu diria que há muitos factores que continuam a ter importância na vida angolana. O mais óbvio é o facto de não se ter produzido em Angola, mesmo nesse período do colonialismo tardio, uma burguesia forte. E isso é um facto que não só vai influenciar as escolhas da elite angolana, mas o próprio processo de formação de classes em Angola desde 1975. Mas de uma forma mais concreta eu diria que o modelo de desenvolvimento português, o modelo seguido entre 1961 e 1974, teve uma vida intelectual pós-independência bastante interessante. Foi um modelo que, mesmo no contexto do socialismo, de uma forma mais discreta, e a partir de 1991, de uma forma mais explícita, se revelou persuasivo, e que continuou a influenciar a mentalidade das elites angolanas. As elites angolanas gostam da ideia de Angola desenvolvida em 1973 – o ano de 1973 é uma data mítica, pois foi o ano de maior produção no período colonial. Por outro lado, no processo de reconstrução de Angola após 2002 houve elementos absolutamente nov
Asbestos was once hailed as a wonder material for fabrics and insulation. Strong, cheap, lightweight, and fire-resistant, it quickly found its way into everything from concrete to cars in the early 20th century. But people who worked with asbestos soon discovered it was a dangerous carcinogen. Its tiny, needle-like fibers penetrate deep into the respiratory system, causing illnesses like mesothelioma and lung cancer. It’s led to the longest, most expensive mass tort litigation in US history, costing $70 billion. More than 850,000 people have sued for asbestos-related injuries. And 60 countries eventually banned it entirely. By the 1970s, the US had phased it out in most buildings, and eventually it was banned in products like corrugated paper and flooring felt. The US Environmental Protection Agency tried for a total ban in the late 1980s, but manufacturers sued and a federal court blocked the agency. These days, asbestos is still allowed in a few products including brake pads, roof coatings, floor tiles, and clothing. Now the mineral has a champion in the White House, and at least one (Russian) producer is quite pleased with what President Trump is aiming to do for asbestos. Trump’s EPA is weighing a proposal, called a “significant new use rule,” or SNUR, that would add new scrutiny and restrictions to some asbestos products. But anti-asbestos campaigners warn that it may leave the door open to new asbestos-containing items entering the US market. The agency made the proposal on June 11 and is taking public comments on it through the end of this week. (As the Hill’s Timothy Cama pointed out on Twitter, part of the reason we’re just hearing about it now is that the airwaves at the time were saturated with former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s scandals.) The EPA is framing the asbestos proposal as closing a loophole. “The uses that are covered in the significant new use rule can come to market prior to the SNUR being proposed at any time with no knowledge, no evaluation,” Charlotte Bertrand, acting principal assistant administrator in the EPA chemical office, told ABC News. There have been some inaccurate media reports regarding @EPA's actions on asbestos. The facts is @EPA is proposing a new rule that would allow for the restriction of asbestos manufacturing and processing of new uses of asbestos. Read more here: https://t.co/LadbILItbI — Acting Administrator Wheeler (@EPAAWheeler) August 8, 2018 Under the rule, manufacturers of asbestos products would have to notify the EPA before an asbestos-containing item hits shelves to give the agency time to see whether it poses too high of a risk. This is mainly aimed at manufacturers that want to revive out-of-date uses for asbestos, like roofing felt, according to the EPA. But environmental activists say this is insufficient protection. Instead, they want a blanket ban on the material and to close down the pipeline for any new uses. They point out that the EPA’s proposal makes determinations on the safety of asbestos products on a case-by-case basis, which means the agency could in theory approve new items for sale that contain the deadly carcinogen. EPA officials said it’s unlikely that new uses would be approved given all the known health hazards of asbestos. “By doing the SNUR, if someone wants to start the manufacturing and processing, if we find risk, we can prevent it,” Nancy Beck, a deputy associate administrator in the EPA’s chemical safety office, told the Hill. The EPA also noted that the Obama administration had the opportunity to issue more restrictions on asbestos and declined to do so. However, a Russian asbestos producer, Uralasbest, is treating the new proposal as a win. The company in June posted photos on Facebook of pallets stacked with asbestos and stamped with President Trump’s image. The US no longer mines asbestos, but mining still occurs in Russia, which is the world’s largest asbestos producer. So Russian miners may see the EPA’s decision not to ban asbestos completely as a crucial market staying open. Дональд на нашей стороне! Комбинат «Ураласбест» выпустил необычную партию хризотила: на упаковке паллетов с минералом... Posted by ОАО "Урал
{"id":3814002393122,"title":"Long Brown Paisley Vest - Men's Extra Large 18th Century Style","handle":"long-multiple-sizes-brown-paisley-pirate-vest","description":"\u003cp\u003eClimb aboard and look fearless as you ready for another adventure. Featured is a privateers dream of a Long style vest made of a brown paisley fabric. The pirates will appreciate the 12 bronze antique gold buttons adorning the front. Back is a complementing black linen material with a matching sash and is lined with a poly\/cotton blend material that any colonial would covet. The back sash keeps it snug over a shirt. The vest is a staple for any privateer, pirate or colonial wanting to make a show and can be worn alone or with many other styles of costume.\u003c\/p\u003e \u003cp\u003eThis late 1600's to early 1700's aesthetic clothing was meant to be worn under a coat but definitely not limited to. Popular during the Golden age of piracy. Whether your looking to dress as a pirate, colonial settler, or even a musketeer, this piece is a great start to an extravagant adventure. This vest is sure to find a lasting place within your kit or renaissance costume. Measurements (these are estimated finished garment lengths and may vary slightly). Handcrafted from beginning to end in our home port of Virginia.\u003c\/p\u003e \u003ctable width=\"100%\"\u003e \u003ctbody\u003e \u003ctr\u003e \u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e \u003ctd\u003eMedium\u003c\/td\u003e \u003ctd\u003eLarge\u003c\/td\u003e \u003ctd\u003eExtra Large\u003c\/td\u003e \u003c\/tr\u003e \u003ctr\u003e \u003ctd\u003eChest\u003c\/td\u003e \u003ctd\u003e42-3\/4\"\u003c\/td\u003e \u003ctd\u003e46-3\/4\"\u003c\/td\u003e \u003ctd\u003e 50-3\/4\"\u003c\/td\u003e \u003c\/tr\u003e \u003ctr\u003e \u003ctd\u003eWaist\u003c\/td\u003e \u003ctd\u003e42\"\u003c\/td\u003e \u003ctd\u003e46\" \u003c\/td\u003e \u003ctd\u003e50\"\u003c\/td\u003e \u003c\/tr\u003e \u003c\/tbody\u003e \u003c\/table\u003e \u003cp\u003eDifference in back length to front length is approximately 9.5\".\u003c\/p\u003e \u003cp\u003eSpot clean or dry cleaning recommended.\u003c\/p\u003e \u003cp\u003eThis item is ready to ship in this exact size\/length\/color. \u003cspan\u003eThis fabric is discontinued and unavailable in other sizes or styles. Message us for a custom orders!\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e \u003cp style=\"text-align: center;\"\u003e\u003cspan\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0254\/2436\/3554\/files\/etsy_review_480x480.jpg?v=1580601561\" alt=\"\"\u003e\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e","published_at":"2019-07-11T14:17:09-04:00","created_at":"2019-07-11T14:13:01-04:00","vendor":"Parlay 8","type":"Vest","tags":["18th Century","brown","Clothing