making only minor adjustments to its existing Quirks, and will continue to observe the performance of this chassis as more data becomes available from the recently-released variants. If things do not 'level out', more Quirk adjustments will be considered for the future. Night Gyr • NTG-PRIME/NTG-PRIME[S] Night Gyr Design Notes: Although the Prime variant is seeing only a minor adjustment, we want to stress that the Set of 8 Quirks are primarily intended to offset inherent drawbacks, or provide more reward for placing weapons in less optimal locations. With the Prime Loadout, we've been seeing players take only the Prime OmniPods to boost what was already an optimal Loadout, which goes against what the Set of 8 is intended to accommodate. Timber Wolf • TBR-A • TBR-C • TBR-D • TBR-S • TBR-PRIME/TBR-PRIME[I] Timber Wolf Design Notes: A very strong performer with minimal location-based Quirks in place. As with the Stormcrow and Dire Wolf, in this pass the Timber Wolf is only receiving Set of 8 Quirk adjustments. Warhawk • WHK-A • WHK-B • WHK-C • WHK-PRIME/WHK-PRIME[I] Warhawk Design Notes: Overall, the Warhawk is performing on target, but there are a handful of OmniPods being tuned in this pass. Dire Wolf • DWF-A • DWF-B • DWF-S • DWF-W • DWF-PRIME/DWF-PRIME[I] Dire Wolf Design Notes: A very strong performer with (almost) no location-based Quirks. As with the Stormcrow and Timber Wolf, in this pass the Dire Wolf is only receiving Set of 8 Quirk adjustments. Kodiak • KDK-1/KDK-1[S] • KDK-2 • KDK-3 • KDK-4 • KDK-5 • KDK-SB Kodiak Design Notes: While the tuning of the KDK-3 will come as little surprise to most, this does not mean the other variants are free from similar tuning. All the data indicates that the KDK chassis as a whole is currently over-performing against the majority of other 100 tonne 'Mechs. That said, at this time we are only adjusting the Torso Yaw Angles on the non-KDK-3 variants to bring them in line with the Dire Wolf. However, we are going to continue monitoring the performance of the Kodiak against the weapon changes, and compared against the introduction of Set of 8 Quirks for the Dire Wolf. If the Kodiak continues to out-perform its counterparts, we will continue to tune them appropriately. • Banshee (all variants): Can now equip all Inner Sphere Faction Camo Patterns. • Banshee BNC-LM (Hero): Can now equip all Standard Patterns. • Kintaro (all variants): Can now equip all Inner Sphere Faction Camo Patterns. • Kintaro KTO-GB (Hero): Can now equip all Standard Patterns. • Locust (all variants): Can now equip all Inner Sphere Faction Camo Patterns. • Locust LCT-PB (Hero): Can now equip all Standard Patterns. • Locust LCT-1V[P] (Phoenix): Can now equip all Standard Patterns. • Orion (all variants): Can now equip all Inner Sphere Faction Camo Patterns. • Orion ON1-P (Hero): Can now equip all Standard Patterns. • Shadow Hawk (all variants): Can now equip all Inner Sphere Faction Camo Patterns. • Shadow Hawk SHD-GD (Hero): Can now equip all Standard Patterns. • Shadow Hawk SHD-2H [P] (Phoenix): Can now equip all Standard Patterns. • BlackJack (BJ-2): Fixed an issue where LRM10s would appear as only six tubes on the 'Mech, and would cause the LRM10 to fire in two volleys. • Night Gyr (all variants): Fixed a symmetry issue with the Jade Falcon Pattern. • Stalker (all variants): Fixed remaining issues where certain Cockpit Items would obstruct the Weapon Door Indicator. • Stalker (STK-3fb): Fixed an issue where the Side Torso's erroneously had Missile Hardpoints. • Fixed an issue where 'Mech heat would spike when first entering Testing Grounds. • Fixed an issue where the Chat box would read 'undefined' when all Chat modes are disabled. It will now read 'disabled'. • Fixed an issue where the first Throttle step would not always be
On June 1, 2009, Air France Flight 447 crashed into the Atlantic, killing all 228 people on board. The following article originally ran in December 2011, months after AF447's black box recordings surfaced and spurred new revelations. On the 11th anniversary of the crash, we're looking back at the mysterious tragedy and republishing the article in full. For more than two years, the disappearance of Air France Flight 447 over the mid-Atlantic in the early hours of June 1, 2009, remained one of aviation's great mysteries. How could a technologically state-of-the art airliner simply vanish? With the wreckage and flight-data recorders lost beneath 2 miles of ocean, experts were forced to speculate using the only data available: a cryptic set of communications beamed automatically from the aircraft to the airline's maintenance center in France. As Popular Mechanics found in our cover story about the crash, published in December 2009, the data implied that the plane had fallen afoul of a technical problem—the icing up of air-speed sensors—which in conjunction with severe weather led to a complex "error chain" that ended in a crash and the loss of 228 lives. The matter might have rested there, were it not for the remarkable recovery of AF447's black boxes in April 2011. Upon the analysis of their contents, the French accident investigation authority, the BEA, released a report in July 2011 that to a large extent verified the initial suppositions. An even fuller picture emerged with the publication of a book in French entitled (volume 5), by pilot and aviation writer Jean-Pierre Otelli, which includes the full transcript of the pilots' conversation. We now understand that, indeed, AF447 passed into clouds associated with a large system of thunderstorms, its speed sensors became iced over, and the autopilot disengaged. In the ensuing confusion, the pilots lost control of the airplane because they reacted incorrectly to the loss of instrumentation and then seemed unable to comprehend the nature of the problems they had caused. Neither weather nor malfunction doomed AF447, nor a complex chain of error, but a simple but persistent mistake on the part of one of the pilots. Human judgments, of course, are never made in a vacuum. Pilots are part of a complex system that can either increase or reduce the probability that they will make a mistake. After this accident, the million-dollar question is whether training, instrumentation, and cockpit procedures can be modified all around the world so that no one will ever make this mistake again—or whether the inclusion of the human element will always entail the possibility of a catastrophic outcome. A picture taken on June 2, 2010 at the Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris shows a funerary stela in tribute to the victims of the Air France Flight 447 Rio-Paris plane crash. BERTRAND LANGLOIS Getty Images After all, the men who crashed AF447 were three highly trained pilots flying for one of the most prestigious fleets in the world. If they could fly a perfectly good plane into the ocean, then what airline could plausibly say, "Our pilots would never do that"? Here is a synopsis of what occurred during the course of the doomed airliner's final few minutes. At 1h 36m, the flight enters the outer extremities of a tropical storm system. Unlike other planes' crews flying through the region, AF447's flight crew has not changed the route to avoid the worst of the storms. The outside temperature is much warmer than forecast, preventing the still fuel-heavy aircraft from flying higher to avoid the effects of the weather. Instead, it ploughs into a layer of clouds. At 1h51m, the cockpit becomes illuminated by a strange electrical phenomenon. The co-pilot in the right-hand seat, an inexperienced 32-year-old named Pierre-Cédric Bonin, asks, "What's that?" The captain, Marc Dubois, a veteran with more than 11,000 hours of flight time, tells him it is St. Elmo's fire, a phenomenon often found with thunderstorms at these latitudes. At approximately 2 am, the other co-pilot, David Robert, returns to the cockpit after a rest break. At 37, Robert is both older and more experienced than Bonin, with more than double his colleague's total flight hours. The head pilot gets up and gives him the left-hand seat. Despite the gap in seniority and experience, the captain leaves Bonin in charge of the controls. At 2:02 am, the captain leaves the flight deck to take a nap. Within 15 minutes, everyone aboard the plane will be dead. 02:03:44 (Bonin) La convergence inter tropicale… voilà, là on est dedans, entre 'Salpu' et 'Tasil.' Et puis, voilà, on est
SVEĆENIKA Josipa Štefančića, koji je prije bio u službi u Cvitoviću kod Slunja, potom u mjestu Plitvice u Lici, a prije par godina preselio je u Ogulin, konobarica iz lokalnog kafića optužila je za napad i uvrede koje joj je pijan uputio na njenom radnom mjestu. Svećenik već pijančevao, tukao se, gađao konobaricu pepeljarom, pijan autom udario stablo... Ogulinka Ana Stipetić požalila se biskupu Zdenku Križiću, a potom i medijima s tvrdnjom da ju je Štefančić u kafiću u kojem radi kao konobarica u vidno alkoholiziranom stanju verbalno napao i izvrijeđao, javlja KAportal. Kako pišu, isti je svećenik pijančevao i potukao se u jednom kafiću, konobaricu koja ga je odbila poslužiti gađao je pepeljarom, šakom u glavu udario je jednog slunjskog vozača, ali to nije bilo sve. U automobilu je na nepropisan način vozio lovačku pušku, a vrhunac je bio njegov sudar sa stablom ispred crkve u Cvitoviću u koje je udario također u alkoholiziranom stanju. Sada je suočen s novim teškim optužbama konobarice koja se pismom obratila biskupu i medijima. Brutalno izvrijeđao konobaricu “Sukladno nemilom događaju u subotu, dana 16. siječnja 2019., u Ogulinu, u ugostiteljskom objektu kojeg ne želim imenovati iz osobnih razloga, prisiljena sam napisati prigovor na našeg župnika, svećenika Josipa Štefančića. U telefonskom razgovoru s Gospićko – senjskom biskupijom upućena sam na pismeni prigovor na ovu adresu. Naime, gore navedenog dana i datuma, navedeni svećenik u vidno alkoholiziranom stanju nacionalno je vrijeđao mog pokojnog svekra, rekavši, citiram : 'On je Srbin!' Isprovocirana njegovom izjavom reagirala sam na način da sam mu rekla da je za jednog svećenika jako plitak. Nakon toga svećenik Josip dolazi za šank i govori mi: “Ti si ku***tina, p***a ti m***rina!”. Između ostalog me optužio da kradem i ne kucam račune. Želim naglasiti da imam završenu ugostiteljsku školu, pa samim time i niz godina radnog staža i nikada to nisam doživjela ni od koga, pa me njegov postupak jako iznenadio”, napisala je Ana Stipetić Bulić u svom pismu te se požalila da ovo nije prvi ispad svećenika Štefančića otkad je po službi došao u
A major fire has engulfed the famed Medieval Notre-Dame cathedral in central Paris, destroying the ancient timber roof, bringing down the central spire, and threatening the bell towers. The cathedral was in the process of a period of restoration, and in the past couple of days has had sixteen bronze statues removed from the roof area in recent days to facilitate work. The fire appears to have started in the roof where work is taking place. This livewire has now closed. Get the latest at Breitbart London. UPDATE 1200 — Treasures saved by hero chaplain Treasures including the crown of thorns relic and important works of art were saves thanks in part, at least, to the work of the chaplain of the Parisian fire brigade. Get more on this at Breitbart London: Notre-Dame Treasures, Relics Saved After Firefighter-Priest Led Human Chain Inside Burning Cathedral https://t.co/kfhsidde5x — Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) April 16, 2019 UPDATE 0900 — Fire totally extinguished Finally, and nearly 15 hours after the fire began, all flames have now been put out. Speaking at just before 0900 BST, Paris’s fire department confirmed “the whole fire is extinguished”, reports Le Parisien. Now the recovery begins. A selection of the latest pictures from Paris Tuesday morning as the fire was put out for good: Une nouvelle photo publiée sur Twitter montre la rosace de Notre-Dame : l'un des symboles de l'édifice semble avoir tenu le choc malgré l'incendie >> https://t.co/aVRO6mTExE #NotreDame #Paris pic.twitter.com/EefjXnhnPS — Le Point (@LePoint) April 16, 2019 UPDATE 0337 — Some social media users mock and laugh at the tragedy Breitbart London’s Chris Tomlinson reports on some social media users mocking the tragedy: Social media has seen a variety of reactions following the tragic fire at Paris’ iconic Notre-Dame cathedral Monday, but some users chose to mock and laugh at those expressing sorrow. Several accounts on Twitter expressed mockery over the loss of the 850 plus year-old cathedral, which has become an icon of the city of Paris since the Medieval era. Twitter user @SarahSahim, a writer for Rolling Stone magazine, Teen Vogue and the Independent newspaper wrote, “Notre-Dame burning is cosmic karma for all the historical sites and artefacts France destroyed and stole when being colonialist scum.” Read the rest here. UPDATE 0319 — Devastated art world wept and watched as Notre-Dame burned (AP) — Notre Dame, a survivor of wars and revolutions, has stood for centuries as not merely the greatest of the Gothic cathedrals and a towering jewel of Western architecture. It has stood, in the words of one shell-shocked art expert, as “one of the great monuments to the best of civilization.” And so it was that across the globe Monday, a stunned and helpless art world wept alongside the people of France as a massive fire ravaged the beloved cathedral. “Civilization is just so fragile,” said Barbara Drake Boehm, senior curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s medieval Cloisters branch in New York, her voice shaking as she tried to put into words what the cathedral meant. “This great hulking monument of stone has been there since 1163. It’s come through so many trials.” “It’s not one relic, not one piece of glass — it’s the totality,” she said, struggling to find words expansive enough to describe the cathedral’s significance. “It’s the very soul of Paris, but it’s not just for French people. For all humanity, it’s one of the great monuments to the best of civilization.” More on the art world reaction, including photos of Notre-Dame’s artistry throughout the ages, read here. UPDATE 0242 — “The fire is completely under control” (AFP) — A huge fire that devastated Notre-Dame Cathedral is “under control”, the Paris fire brigade said early Tuesday after firefighters spent hours battling the flames. “The fire is completely under control. It is partially extinguished, there are residual fires to put out,” said spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Gabriel Plus. UPDATE 0120 — Photos from inside the fire-damaged cathedral Some photos of the cathedral’s interior show it is damaged,
On Sunday, voters will return to the polls to decide between former Guatemalan first lady Sandra Torres and Alejandro Giammattei, a former head of the country's prison system. And it's an election that's proven to be nothing short of fascinating for many reasons. The winner will lead not only Central America's most populous country, but also the nation which has become the leading source of migrants traveling to the US-Mexico border. This means Guatemala's next president may find themselves on the receiving end of immense pressure from the US president and his administration. Limiting the number of migrants making it to the United States has been the centerpiece of Trump's policy agenda. Guatemala's next president will be tasked with overseeing the final implementation of a controversial agreement reached between Trump and his Guatemalan counterpart, outgoing President Jimmy Morales, in late July. The deal has not yet been ratified by Guatemala. Labeled as a "safe third agreement" by the White House, the deal would commit Guatemala to extending asylum to migrants who seek it when moving through the country. It would also make some asylum-seekers who pass through Guatemala ineligible for protection in the US. (Read the deal itself here.) Critics say the preliminary arrangement endangers asylum seekers and may violate a court ruling stipulating that Morales cannot enter any "safe third" agreement without congressional approval. When pressed Thursday on a time frame for the deal's implementation, US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) commissioner Mark Morgan said: "We're still waiting on the government of Guatemala to ratify that. We're hoping anytime." Donald Trump with the Guatemalan Interior Minister Enrique Degenhart and acting US Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan after signing the "Safe Third Country" deal in the Oval Office. Just days before the deal was signed, Trump appeared to threaten Guatemala, saying: "We're looking at something very severe with respect to Guatemala." This, along with other disparaging statements from Trump directed at the Guatemalan government, could be a sign that the biggest critic of the incoming administration may be nearly 3,000 miles away in Washington. Former first lady vs. the "Eternal Candidate" Both candidates for the Guatemalan presidency met with acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan last week to discuss the deal, according to the Washington Post. McAleenan has been visiting Guatemala in recent months as the two countries sought to reach an asylum agreement. Torres and Giammattei have each questioned Morales' authority to sign the deal in the first place, with Torres, 63, tweeting the hashtag "NoAl3erPaisSeguro" (No to Safe Third Country). Exijo @jimmymoralesgt que NO firme acuerdo con @POTUS que lesiona la soberanía que decía defender, ya que impone obligaciones económicas que no podemos asumir y desataría una crisis humanitaria. ¡Rotundamente nos oponemos a ser un 3er país seguro! #NoAl3erPaísSeguro — Sandra Torres (@SandraTorresGUA) July 13, 2019 "We ask President Morales to abstain from signing that agreement because we do not have many resources for our own people, much less can we keep foreigners here and give them attention," she wrote Torres, from the center-left Unidad Nacional de Esperanza party (UNE), won 25% of the first vote in early June, nearly double the votes of her second-round rival. If elected, she would become the country's first female president -- but she brings political baggage with her. Between 2008 and 2012, she served as Guatemala's first lady during the presidency of her husband, Alvaro Colom. She often acted beyond the remit of her ceremonial duties by assuming control of many of the country's social programs, says Marielos Chang, political scientist at the Universidad Francisco Marroquin in Guatemala City. She also attracted criticism due to a lack of transparency over funding. Guatemala's former first lady Sandra Torres won the first round of presidential elections in June. Giammattei, who won 14% of the primary vote, is a candidate for the center-right's Vamos party. He has been dubbed the "eternal candidate" because of his four attempts at the presidency, and is not without controversy himself. He notably faced accusations of being involved in the extrajudicial killing of a prisoner during his time as director of the prison service, according to Reuters. He was later absolved of any charges He has described the outgoing Morales as irresponsible, but has not ruled out the asylum deal himself. "It should be the duty of the next government to conduct this negotiation," he said in a series of tweets criticizing the government and the terms of
Andrew was chosen is the tradition that he went to the North and preached in Scythia, Epirus and Thrace. No one now takes this first line of Byzantine bishops seriously. Their names are interesting as one more attempt to connect what afterwards became a great see with an apostle. Before the ninth century one of the commonest charges brought against the growing patriarchate was that it is not an apostolic see (e.g. Leo I. Ep. 104, ad Marcianum), and its defenders never think of denying the charge; they rather bring the question quite candidly to its real issue by answering that it is at any rate an imperial one. So the first historical predecessor of the oecumenical patriarch was Metrophanes I. And he was by no means an oecumenical patriarch. He was not even a metropolitan. His city at the time of the first Nicene synod was a place of no sort of importance, and he was the smallest of local bishops who obeyed the metropolitan of Herakleia. The council recognized as an ‘ancient use’ the rights of three chief sees only—Rome, Alexandria and Antioch (Can. 6). The title ‘patriarch’ (taken, of course, from the Old Testament as ‘Levite’ for deacon) only gradually became a technical one. It is the case of nearly all ecclesiastical titles. As late as the sixth century we still find any specially venerable bishop called a patriarch (Greg. Naz. Orat. 42, 43, Acta SS. Febr. III. 742, where Celidonius of Besançon is called ‘the venerable patriarch’). But the thing itself was there, if not the special name. At the time of Nicaea I. there were only three and only three bishops who stood above other metropolitans and ruled over vast provinces, the bishops first of Rome, then of Alexandria and thirdly of Antioch. It should be noticed that conservative people, and especially the Western Church, for centuries resented the addition of the two new patriarchates—Jerusalem and Constantinople—to these three, and still clung to the ideal of the three chief Churches only. Constantinople eventually displaced Alexandria and Antioch to the third and fourth places: they both refused to accept that position for a long time. Alexandria constantly in the fifth and sixth centuries asserts her right as the ‘second throne,’ and Antioch demands to be recognized as third. The Roman Church especially maintained the older theory; she did not formally recognize Constantinople as a patriarchate at all till the ninth century, when she accepted the 21st Canon of Constantinople IV. (869) that establishes the order of five patriarchates, with Constantinople as the second and Jerusalem as the last. Dioscur of Alexandria (444-451) bitterly resented the lowered place given to his see. St Leo I. of Rome (440-461) writes: ‘Let the great Churches keep their dignity according to the Canons, that is Alexandria and Antioch’ (Ep. ad Rufin. Thess., Le Quien, Or. Christ. I. 18), and he constantly appeals to the sixth Canon of Nicaea against later innovations (Ep. 104, ad Marc.). He says, ‘The dignity of the Alexandrine see must not perish’ and ‘the Antiochene Church should remain in the order arranged by the Fathers, so that having been put in the third place it should never be reduced to a lowered one’ (Ep. 106, ad Anatolium). St Gregory I. (590-604) still cherished the older ideal of the three patriarchates, and as late as the eleventh century St Leo IX. (1045-1054) writes to Peter III. of Antioch that ‘Antioch must keep the third place’ (Will, Acta et scripta de controversiis eccl. graecae et latinae, Leipig, 1861, p. 168). However, in spite of all opposition the bishops of Constantinople succeeded, first in being recognized as patriarchs and eventually taking the second place, after Rome but before Alexandria. It was purely an accident of secular politics that made this possible. The first general council had not even mentioned the insignificant little diocese of Byzantium. But by the time the second council met (Constantinople I., 381) a great change had happened. Constantine in 330 dedicated his new capital ‘amid the nakedness of almost all other cities’ (St Jerome Ckron. A.D. 332). He moved the seat of his government thither, stripped Old Rome and ransacked the Empire to adorn it, and built up what became the most gorgeous city of the world. So the bishop of Byzantium found himself in a sense the special bishop of Caesar. He at once obtained an honored place at court, he had the ear of the emperor
Usually, organ donations are welcomed. But even Henk de Boer would admit he didn't donate all those organs out of the kindness of his heart. The Dutch artist lives in the region of Leeuwarden, which was chosen by the EU as the European Capital of Culture for 2018, but de Boer says he and other local artists were excluded from the festivities. Het is <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/kletterdei?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#kletterdei</a>! <br>De opening begint in de elf steden om 15.30. Wie er niet bij kan zijn, kan alles vanaf 16.00 live volgen via de link op deze pagina:<a href="https://t.co/KF9frJgJLl">https://t.co/KF9frJgJLl</a><br>Of via <a href="https://twitter.com/OmropFryslan?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@OmropFryslan</a> natuurlijk.<a href="https://twitter.com/LF2018?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@LF2018</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/provfryslan?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@provfryslan</a> —@11Fountains Those festivities include the unveiling of 11 fountains in cities across the region — the majority of which were designed by artists from elsewhere. So, in response, Henk de Boer has supplied his own, crowd-funded phallic-themed fountain. As It Happens host Carol Off spoke to de Boer about his rebellious installation. Here is part of their conversation. Henk, can you describe your work? Well, we made a public toilet and it's in the middle of a whole bunch of penises. We thought a penis is the oldest form of something spraying. And also "Jan Lul" — "lul" is the word in Dutch for penis. The common people we call "Jan Lul." The man in the street who doesn't have anything to say and is never asked for something. We call it "Jan Lul" and that's the fountain. What does it translate to? Well, "John Willy," "John Dick." So, you say a bunch of penises, how many penises are we talking here? There are 240 around it. [With] 34 up above the toilet, the fountain, on the upper side. And around the toilet, those ones are funding by the crowd, members, and there are over 200. And does it actually squirt water? Yeah, when somebody takes a leak then the fountain will spray. So he has to go inside. She has to go inside. It's gender neutral. Henk de Boer used a crowdfunding page to help pay for the installation. (Submitted by Henk de Boer) How are people responding to your unofficial entry into the fountain project? Everybody recognizes their feelings about the other fountains. It's a top-down project. The important people said, "There has to be 11 fountains. You can decide with us." But it never happened. They never asked us about the designs. You know, the motto of Capital Culture is "community." Everybody should join. But the 11 fountains is an example where nobody is joining except the people who rule things. They want to have names. When you've got no name, you have to prove yourself twice, thrice, a hundred times, before it should become art. The fountain functions as a toilet and even sprays when someone flushes. (Submitted by Henk de Boer) I have to say, this is not easy to ignore. People are paying attention. Do you think by virtue of this you have proven yourself? That's for sure. But the elite will always say, "What's Henk de Boer? What are the paupers?" But the thing is though, as I understand, the creators of the 11 Fountains project now have said that your fountain, because it has become so popular with the public, it's now listed on the official program. So it seems like you have made an impact? Yeah, because we got so many respond for crowdfunding and people who wanted to join with us. Then the board of the Capital of Culture thought, probably, "If you can't beat them, join them!" Written by Chloe Shantz-Hilkes
Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez speaks during a news conference after taking part in a conference call with European leaders at the Moncloa Palace in Madrid, Spain, March 10, 2020. REUTERS/Sergio Perez El presidente del Gobierno español, Pedro Sánchez, anunció este sábado la paralización de todas las actividades no esenciales desde el lunes 30 de marzo y hasta el jueves 9 de abril, ambos inclusive. En una comparecencia desde La Moncloa, Sánchez explicó que esta “medida excepcional” supondrá que todos los trabajadores de actividades no esenciales “deberán quedarse en casa” a partir de este lunes para lo que tendrán un permiso retribuido “recuperable” durante todo el tiempo y recibirán su salario “con normalidad”. Sánchez ha explicado que será después, cuando pase este período de cese de actividad, cuando deberán recuperar las horas “de manera paulatina”. Ha advertido de que quedan “días muy duros” por la pandemia del coronavirus y es necesario “intensificar la lucha” El ministerio español de Sanidad anunció este sábado que 832 personas murieron en las últimas 24 horas por coronavirus, un nuevo récord diario en el país que eleva el total de muertos a 5.690, el segundo más alto del mundo. No obstante, el país continúa estabilizando el aumento de contagios. Los nuevos casos confirmados aumentaron en 8.189, un incremento del 12,7%. El dato es menor al de ayer, cuando fue de un 14%, y al de anteayer (18%). Los casos oficialmente diagnosticados llegan a 72.248. El número de pacientes en cuidados intensivos es de 4.575 (un 9,84 por ciento más, otra cifra que tiende a la estabilización), mientras que los sanados siguieron aumentando con fuerza (un 31,3% en 24 horas) y son ya 12.285, según los datos del ministerio. España es actualmente el segundo país del mundo con el mayor número de fallecidos por coronavirus, sólo por detrás de Italia, que el viernes informó de un total de 9.134 muertos. Las regiones más golpeadas son la de Madrid, con 2.757 muertos, casi la mitad del total, y Cataluña, con 1.070 víctimas mortales. La mortalidad en Madrid es tal que a partir del lunes se habilitará una segunda morgue en una instalación pública hasta ahora inutilizada. Se sumará así a la ya instalada en la pista de patinaje de un centro comercial. Igualmente, el ejército y las autoridades locales tuvieron que habilitar en Madrid un hospital de campaña con capacidad para un máximo de 5.500 camas en Ifema, un enorme pabellón de congresos. Un mensaje a Europa Sánchez le exigió a la Unión Europea pruebas de “compromiso real” para acabar con la pandemia del coronavirus, especialmente con países que están sufriendo mucho como España. Asimismo, ha advertido que la UE se la juega en esta crisis. El plan de choque preparado por los países más afectados por el coronavirus se encontró con la resistencia de Holanda y Alemania. Por ello, Sánchez ha vuelto a apelar al propósito de unidad
NETWORK FINALS: DATELINE and the rerun of BLUE BLOODS gained 0.1 in final numbers, while the reruns of both THE ORIGINALS and REIGN lost the same. Broadcast Official Nationals Program Ratings Chart CABLE HIGHLIGHTS: The NBA PLAYOFFS were again at the top of cable, with Friday’s games on ESPN at 1.47/1.00, led by Houston vs. Oklahoma City. A&E’s LIVE PD rose 0.03 to 0.43. VH1’s RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE climbed 0.03 to 0.34, with lead-out FIRE ISLAND at 0.09. On HBO, REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER returned at 0.33, and ANIMALS was at 0.06. Nickelodeon’s noon PAW PATROL stayed in the Top 10, but dropped 0.06 to 0.33, with lead-out BLAZE & THE MONSTER down 0.03 to 0.27. On Lifetime, BRING IT was steady at 0.32, and THE POP GAME ticked up to 0.18. Food Network’s DINERS, DRIVE-INS & DIVES was at 0.30. Disney Channel’s 10:30AM LION GUARD was at 0.25. Spike’s BELLATOR gained 0.07 to 0.24. Discovery’s YUKON MEN, at 0.22, was around half the level of last week’s GOLD RUSH special. MTV’s RIDICULOUSNESS jumped 0.08 to 0.22. Top 50 Original Cable Telecasts with Demographic Detail Top 150 Original Cable Telecasts To search for a show: type Ctrl-F and type your show title in the search box. Top 150 Original Cable Telecasts: Friday April 21, 2017 P18-49 P2+ Rank Program Net Start Mins Rating (000s) 1 NBA PLAYOFFS-1ST RD L: HOUSTON/OKLAHOMA CITY ESPN 9:33 PM 157 1.47 3,439 2 NBA PLAYOFFS-1ST RD L: BOSTON/CHICAGO ESPN 7:00 PM 153 1.00 2,502 3 SPORTSCENTER 12AM L ESPN 12:10 AM 70 0.58 1,264 4 LIVE PD: 33 LIVE PD A&E NETWORK 9:00 PM 180 0.43 1,265 5 NBA PLAYOFFS-1ST RD L: TBA ESPN2 10:00 PM 169 0.39 994 6 SPORTSCENTER 1AM L ESPN 1:20 AM 60 0.36 769 7 RUPAULS DRAG RACE 9 VH1 8:00 PM 59 0.34 693 8 REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER HBO PRIME 10:00 PM 57 0.33 1,511 9 PAW PATROL NICKELODEON 12:00 PM 30 0.33 1,444 10 BRING IT! LIFETIME TELEVISION 9:00 PM 62 0.32 816 11 DINERS, DRIVE INS & DIVES FOOD NETWORK 9:00 PM 30 0.30 1,056 12 BLAZE & THE MONSTER MCHNS NICKELODEON 12:30 PM 30 0.27 1,194 13 LION GUARD DISNEY CHANNEL 11:30 AM 25 0.25 1,022 14 NHL QTR FINALS L: TORONTO/WASHINGTON NBC SPORTS NETWORK 7:04 PM 190 0.25 642 15 BELLATOR MMA LIVE SPIKE TV 9:00 PM 113 0.24 674 16 PARDON THE INTERRUPTION ESPN 5:30 PM 30 0.24 572 17 SPORTSCENTER EARLY L ESPN 6:00 PM 60 0.24 509 18 PUPPY DOG PALS DISNEY CHANNEL 10:55 AM 25 0.24 1,047 19 RACHEL MADDOW SHOW MSNBC 9:00 PM 60 0.23 2,025 20 PUPPY DOG PALS DISNEY CHANNEL 10:30 AM 25 0.23 985 21 YUKON MEN DISCOVERY CHANNEL 9:00 PM 61 0.22 1,444 22 NHL LIVE POST QTR FINALS USA NETWORK 11:49 PM 11 0.22 535 23 RIDICULOUSNESS SSN9 MTV 8:00 PM 31 0.22 433 24 NHL QTR FINALS L: BOSTON/OTTAWA USA NETWORK 7:30 PM 259 0.22 525 25 FIVE, THE FOX NEWS CHANNEL 5:00 PM 60 0.22 2,574 26 TEEN TITANS GO THE CARTOON NETWORK 6:00 PM 30 0.
Infecting computers and smartphones and collecting different information from them such as Skype traffic, various chat applications (Facebook, WhatsApp, Line, Viber, etc.); recording keyboards; localization of the target, files, screenshots; tapping microphones and cameras, and the many other possibilities of Galileo – the last product of Hacking Team – have impressed the boss of the State Agency “Technical Operations” (DATO), Tsvetan Kitov. In 2013, he visited the stand of the Italian company at a specialized exhibition and left his contact details. At that time Kitov was still Deputy Chairman of Bulgaria’s State Agency for National Security (DANS/SANS). What followed was a proposal for a meeting and presentation of the software, as revealed by the hacked correspondence of Hacking Team, already available in the search engine of WikiLeaks. Kitov, himself, did not maintain the correspondence with the Italians since at the end of October 2013 he became chief of DATO, but his colleagues from DANS continued the contact through June 2014. Miroslav Tsvetkov and Assen Kumanov arranged with Hacking Team a live demonstration in Sofia in November 2014. “We are primarily interested in targeting PCs running Windows and smartphones with Android and iOS. We would like to get better acquaintance with Galileo capabilities, starting from infection, going through data collection, system remote control and ending with destruction of the infection,” Bulgaria’s own spies wrote to the hacker company which is considered an enemy of information by Reporters Without Borders. Hacking Team has sold such technology to authoritarian regimes that have used it for hunting and crackdown on dissidents, the leaked correspondence reveals. Bulgaria, however, was not able to obtain it until now, the correspondence with DANS reveals. The spies from DANS invited the Italians to make a demonstration with real devices and agreed that to happen on November 26 and 27, 2014. During the demonstration itself the technical team sent infected Word files and Exploit for Android. Our readers are advised not to open attachments just in case! After the demonstration, DANS received an offer from Hacking Team, but unfortunately the files with the specific financial parameters have not survived during the exporting of the emails. Several reminders by Hacking Team followed, until April 3, 2015, when Milko Milenov replied that unfortunately budgetary constraints did not allow the Agency to buy the software. He wrote to Massimiliano Luppi that he sincerely hoped to have a good occasion to correspond next year. DANS was not able to deal with the PGP keys and exchanged secrets in an encrypted RAR file The correspondence between DANS and Hacking Team includes some funny moments. Bulgarian counterintelligence officers do not seem able to deal with keys for asymmetric PGP encryption and gave the Italians instructions on how to send them encrypted messages – the text files and images are archived with WinRar or 7zip and there is an agreed in advance password. *** If you find this article useful, support our work with a small donation. Pay a Bivol Tax! We will highly appreciate if you decide to support us with monthly donations keeping the option Make this donation monthly. Donation Amount: € 5.00 € 10.00 € 20.00 € 50.00 € 100.00 € Друга сума Would you like to help cover the processing fees? Искам да платя и таксите за транзакцията за моя данъкъ / I'd like to cover the transaction fees of 0 Включвам се Select Payment Method Debit or Credit Card Cards on Stripe PayPal Personal Info First Name * Last Name Email Address * Make this an anonymous donation. Create an account Already have an account? Login Искам да се абонирам за новини от Биволъ / I want to subscribe to Bivol newsletter Donation Total: 5.00€ {amount} donation plus {fee_amount} to help cover fees. Извършвайки плащане Вие се съгласявате с Общите условия, които предварително сте проч
+ © dpa A Transportation Security Administration (TSA) employee looks at an image from a new full-body scanner during a demonstration for members of the media at Logan Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, USA on 05 March 2010. © dpa Dortmund/NRW - Es sollte das Abenteuer seines Lebens werden: Nach seinem Abitur wollte Benedikt Schäfer aus Bövinghausen für drei Monate in die USA. Doch am Flughafen lief alles anders als geplant: Weil er keinen Rückflug gebucht hatte, bezichtigte ihn die Grenzkontrolle als illegalen Arbeitsmigranten und steckte ihn ins Gefängnis. Es sollte das Abenteuer seines Lebens werden: Nach seinem Abitur wollte Benedikt Schäfer aus Bövinghausen für drei Monate in die USA. Doch am Flughafen lief alles anders als geplant: Weil er keinen Rückflug gebucht hatte, bezichtigte ihn die Grenzkontrolle als illegalen Arbeitsmigranten und steckte den 18-Jährigen ins Gefängnis. Für ein paar Monate ins Ausland, rumreisen und etwas vom Land sehen: Viele Abiturienten zieht es nach der Schule für einige Zeit weg von zuhause. Auch Benedikt Schäfer aus Bövinghausen hatte ein großes Abenteuer geplant: Für drei Monate will der 18-Jährige Abiturient in die USA. Die elektronische Reisegenehmigung ESTA hatte Benedikt bereits ordnungsgemäß beantragt. Doch soweit sollte es gar nicht erst kommen: Denn weiter als bis auf das Flughafengelände hat Benedikt es nie geschafft. Als der Abiturient am 17. August am Flughafen in Boston bei der Grenzkontrollbehörde US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) seine Fingerabdrücke abgeben muss, ziehen ihn die Beamten plötzlich raus. Seine Fingerabdrücke "seien zu gut": Er habe schwitzige Hände, die Beamten fragen Benedikt, ob er nervös sei. Stundenlange Verhöre: "Es grenzte an psychische Folter" Dann geht plötzlich alles ganz schnell: Benedikt wird verdächtigt, illegal in den USA arbeiten zu wollen. Für Benedikt der Anfang eines Alptraums: "Sie verhörten mich stundenlang, immer wieder haben sie mir vorgeworfen, dass ich lügen würde", erzählt der Abiturient. "Natürlich war das nicht Guantanamo. Aber es grenzte an psychische Folter." Benedikt Schäfer versucht, seine Pläne zu erklären: Dass er einem befreundeten Professor beim Umzug helfen wolle und dann auf einer Farm ehrenamtlich aushelfen. Einen Rückflug hat er zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht: "Meine letzten zwei Wochen in den USA wollte ich offen halten, eventuell noch reisen oder so." Beamten haben Bankkonten und Mailverkehr durchsucht Für die Beamten der Sicherheitsbehörde ist das ein Dorn im Auge: Er sei verdächtig, weil er keinen Rückflug habe. Was dann folgt, ist für Benedikt ein schwerer Eingriff in seine Privatsphäre: "Ich musste meine Bankdaten offen legen, um zu zeigen, dass ich mir einen R
tra America latina e Libia o Iran o altri paesi con regimi in tutto o parzialmente esecrabili non è la sintonia politica. Nulla è comparabile, per esempio, dal punto di vista della democraticità, del rispetto dei diritti umani, del ruolo della donna. Tuttavia, che piaccia o no, vi sono convergenze e interessi concreti che vanno ben oltre l’assonanza di una certa retorica antimperialista. Chiunque sia al governo in America Latina o in Libia o in Iran o nel Medio oriente in senso più amplio, gli interessi delle due regioni hanno molteplici convergenze, nell’esperienza storica coloniale, nella persistente aggressività occidentale nei loro confronti, nei modelli economici basati sull’estrazione e l’esportazione di combustibili, nell’interesse ad un mondo multipolare, nell’alternativa rappresentata da sempre più intense relazioni Sud-Sud. Inoltre se i paesi occidentali hanno in genere innegabili responsabilità dirette nel sostentare regimi autoritari in tutto il mondo è difficile sostenere che un solo regime si regga per l’eventuale sostegno brasiliano o venezuelano o boliviano. La verità è che ancora una dozzina di anni fa i paesi latinoamericani si sarebbero fatti dettare da Washington con chi avere relazioni economiche e politiche (e quindi per esempio non avevano relazioni con Cuba). Durante tutto il XX secolo, a comando, in molteplici casi, tutti o quasi i paesi latinoamericani hanno riconosciuto o disconosciuto governi agendo come una claque per le decisioni e gli interessi di Washington. Oggi non è più così. I governi latinoamericani ragionano con la loro testa e sanno sbagliare per conto loro. Uno dei fattori principali di cambiamento in America Latina è proprio il fatto che rispetto agli anni ’80-’90, quando l’unico partner strategico del continente erano gli Stati Uniti, è che adesso l’economia latinoamericana può servirsi ad un numero molteplice di forni. C’è quello cinese che è oggi un mercato fondamentale, le relazioni con l’India si approfondiscono giorno per giorno, si è ricostruito un mercato interno regionale che era crollato ai minimi storici negli anni ’90, e in generale le relazioni sud-sud sono in crescita, dall’Africa al Medio Oriente. Poter scegliere, avere finalmente il diritto di scegliere ed avere un mondo intero e non un mondo unipolare come partner, a poter in qualche caso esercitare una certa realpolitik è il principale fattore di consolidamento dei processi sociali e politici che stanno cambiando l’America latina e il pianeta. Tutto ciò non verrà mai spiegato dai giornali che strumentalizzano quelle relazioni svuotandole del loro senso liberatorio. Resta, nonostante tutto, il senso di disagio per le photo opportunity, gli abbracci, tra Lula o Evo o Chávez e un Ahmedinejad o un Gheddafi. Forse è anche espressione di trasparenza ma con la testa si capiscono, con il cuore c’è più difficolt
Diego Rodríguez, el hermano de la ministra de Seguridad, María Cecilia Rodríguez, aparece en una escucha telefónica ordenada por la Justicia, en la que le ofrecen entrar en un negocio para lavar hasta 300 millones de dólares de Austral Construcciones, de Lázaro Báez. La charla se registró en una investigación, sin conexión aparente con el caso Báez, en la que el suspendido fiscal José María Campagnoli pidió la detención de Rodríguez, ex vocal de la comisión directiva de River Plate, del ex presidente del club Daniel Passarella, de otras autoridades de la entidad deportiva y de la cúpula de la barra brava local por un fraude con la venta de entradas. También reclamó allanar la Oficina de Observaciones Judiciales de la SIDE, ante la sospecha de que el organismo no informó de otras escuchas para no perjudicar a Báez ni a la ministra de Seguridad. El juez de instrucción Fernando Caunedo, tras conocer esta información, los pedidos de detención y de allanamientos, le envió a su colega federal Sebastián Casanello copia de las escuchas telefónicas porque entendió que se relacionan con la causa por lavado de dinero que tramita en su juzgado, donde Báez está imputado, junto con Leonardo Fariña y Federico Elaskar. Además, Caunedo, con severas críticas a la investigación de Campagnoli, rechazó los pedidos de detención y allanamientos, suspendió las escuchas porque dijo que ya no tenían sentido, pues el caso es público, y denunció la violación del secreto del sumario, que levantó. Casanello y el fiscal Guillermo Marijuan analizarán los datos y decidirán si merecen atención, aunque la claridad en la descripción de la maniobra de lavado y el modo lineal en que está detallada levantaron sospechas entre los investigadores acerca de que la conversación pudo haber sido simulada o plantada adrede, dijo una fuente judicial. La información sobre las escuchas surge de constancias judiciales a las que accedió LA NACION, donde está transcripta la conversación del hermano de la ministra con un tal Fabio Penna, alias "el Mudo", que le propone un negocio con Báez. También se registraron dos comunicaciones más entre Diego Rodríguez y su hermana ministra. En una de ellas la mujer le pide una entrada para que su papá pueda ingresar a la cancha de River y en otra Rodríguez le dice, sugestivo: "Queremos empezar a vivir un poco mejor, nada más. No queremos hacernos ricos", aunque no precisa a qué se refiere. La charla que motivó el envío de parte del caso a Casanello se registró el 15 de octubre, a las 11.15, entre Penna y Rodríguez. Allí Fabio dice: "Hay una empresa que necesita facturar y encima darte la factura blanca. Vos le tenés que hacer el cheque, ellos te dan la plata y por ahí te dan quince arriba. Ponele: te facturan dos palos y te dan tres gambas... no la escuchaste nunca ¿no?". Y continúa: "Es de Báez". Después agrega: "Necesitan lavar 300 palos verdes". Diego Rodríguez contesta con evasivas: "Mmmm"
olichnaya bottles hide miniature Russian orchestras and joints are tiny magic trombones. (continue on back) On the back: [A crudely rendered smiley face, adorned on its edges with giant flower petals, and the word RRRROGERRRRRR underneath.] Roger steps out into the SCDP lobby, full of light and joy for the first time in recent memory. “I have an announcement to make: It’s going to be a beautiful day!” 4. Peggy Olson (last week: 4) This was another big week for the Pegster, though not in the giddy, I-can-do-anything, pantsing-Roger-for-the-sport-of-it way we saw a mere two episodes ago. (Are we being patronizing by calling her “Pegster”? Would we call Don “Donster”? Actually, we kind of like that. But we digress.) Like Megan, she finally stood up to an inscrutable man who was thwarting her work with his maddeningly domineering attitude. So she unleashed on Raymond Geiger after he seemed to get lost in reverie during their “campfire tales” pitch, then quickly shot it down, demanding that they somehow read his beans-addled mind: “You’re right, we don’t understand you. Do you know how often people come in here and look at work and feel something? Almost never. You have to run with this. It’s young and it’s beautiful and no one else is gonna figure out how to say that about beans.” This display of spine, of course, completely backfires; Raymond intimates that he would’ve given her one right across the chops if she weren’t just a girl, Kenny Cosgrove has to throw himself on the Heinz grenade, and Pete Campbell gets to break the news that she’s been summarily removed from the business. Not her greatest day in the office. So she has a cigarette and a glass of whiskey, gathers her things, and steps out for a movie. And we all know what happened in the movie theater. Peggy Olson Hand Job Threat Level: Manual Alanis Peggy gives some dude a hand job in the movie theater! Holy shit! CUT TO: Peggy washing her hands. CUT TO: 3 million people staring slack-jawed at their televisions. CUT TO: This. 5. Jane Sterling (last week: not ranked) Meine Liebe. Dies ist nicht einfach für mich zu sagen, aber jetzt, dass wir endlich allein sind in unsere Wahrheit, unser Verstand und unsere Herzen wurden mit dem LSD geöffnet worden ist, ist es schmerzhaft klar, dass unsere Ehe eine logische Schlussfolgerung hat. Ich finde mich bei dem Gedanken über etwas anderes als Dinge, obwohl ich mit nichts mehr als einem abgebrochenen Kuss kommen. Und wir alle wissen, dass Sie Ihren Penis legte in zahllosen anderen Frauen. Ich kann nicht wirklich die Schuld für Sie, dass, Sie sind ein Produkt Ihrer Generation. Lassen Sie uns unsere Gewerkschaft auflösen, ohne Schuld und Bitterkeit. Es ist Zeit für uns, unsere eigenen Wege zu gehen. Aber schnallen Sie sich an, Liebling. Diese Scheiße ist zu teuer. Wow, hast Abraham Lincoln nur erbrechen einen Regenbogen von Teddybären auf deine Schuhe? Alles ist so schön ich es kaum aushalten kann. 6. Michael Ginsberg (last week: not ranked) Michael Ginsberg is: A. An aspiring ad-man in the Don Draper mold B. A concentration camp survivor C. An orphan tended by the Swedish child protection system D. A full-blooded Martian E. An embarrassed son F. A wearer of loud jackets G. Well, really more of a metaphorical Martian H. All of the above 7. Raymond Geiger of Heinz (last week: not ranked) Oh, how things would have been different if only
MANILA - The Philippine National Police-Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (PNP-CIDG) has arrested a couple believed to be leaders of an investment scam using bitcoin to lure investors. Arnel Ordonio, 27, and his wife Leonady Ordonio are the registered owners of NewG, a company allegedly soliciting investments from unsuspecting investors. Rotskie Bautista said he was enticed by his friend to invest money last October. “Mas malaki investment mas malaki pasok ng income kasi parang almost umaabot ng 100 percent a month ang kita,” Bautista said. At first, Bautista said he was happy with the return on investment. Later on, he noticed the payment stopped coming in. “October to November good siya, kasi as in minsan advance pa. Walang delay, advance pa so buti nga nung time ng December, bago ma-delay ang sahod or mawala ang sahod nakapag-pullout pa kami kahit papaano,” Bautista said.. Atty. Maggie Abraham, legal counsel of the 20 victims, said 11 have filed a complaint at the Marikina City Prosecutor’s Office. Among the respondents listed in the complaint are Arnel Ordonio, Leonady Ordonio, Angelo Ordonio, Jowell Ordonio Aujero and Gerald Manalang. “Bitcoin is being used to get investment parang yun yung way of enticement through the investors. So, for 16 days, iba-iba ang clients, iba-iba ang amounts eh. Yung parang P25,000 mo is magiging P50,000 in 16 days. Kumbaga ang laki nung returns mo parang half makukuha mo kaagad so in just 1 month may ROI ka na kaagad,” she said. Since investing in bitcoin is the new trend, many of the victims were excited to put in money. “Maganda ‘yung way of enticement tapos parang 1 year. Kasi June nag-start yung client ko. More or less 1 year, naka-comply itong Arnel tapos ipapadala mo yung pera through coins.ph. May tinatawag na coins wallet, so doon naka-attach sa complaint namin yung screenshot na pinadala kay Arnel doon sa wallet id nya sa coins.ph,” Abraham said. Abraham said Ordonio acted deceitfully since his company was only registered as a computer shop and not as an investment company. “We only found out na computer shop ang nature ng business pero all the while he has been inviting investors through online na mag-invest sa company niya, 16-day investment,” she said. “Makikita kung paano ginagamit yung bitcoin or online scamming sa isang crime. They used parang a wallet id sa isang online application which is coins.ph. The problem is, number 1, iyung company niya is not engaged in the business of accepting investments from the public,” she added. Abraham said the investors did not know for sure if Ordonio invested their money on bitcoins. “Actually that is a question kung ininvest niya o hindi kasi wala namang proof,” she said. The suspect’s scheme was to employ upline and downlines in the so-called bitcoin investments, which covers the entire country. “Yung upline mo yung downlines niya isipin natin kung merong 20 downlines yung 50 o andami nun, ilan na kaagad yun. Hindi lang taga-Luzon yan, may mga taga-Visayas at Mindanao. There was even one upline na meron siyang downlines sa Davao, so ibig sabihin buong Pilipinas iyan,” Abraham said. “Yung iba, may mga upline na nagsend ng demand letters, merong mga P300 million kasi nag-ro-rollover sila ng investments. Sa roll-over parang hindi muna nila kinukuha investments nila as capital para mas malaki yung profit na nakuha nila so naging malaki yung capital,” Abraham added. Bautista said he and his friends joined and pooled in money so their investment will grow faster. “Kasi
encourage you to do your own testing to see which technology delivers the smoothest animation in your particular project(s). Don’t buy the myth that CSS animations are always faster, and also don’t assume that the speed test above reflects what you’d see in your apps. Test, test, test. Runtime controls and events Some browsers allow you to pause/resume a CSS keyframes animation, but that’s about it. You cannot seek to a particular spot in the animation, nor can you smoothly reverse part-way through or alter the time scale or add callbacks at certain spots or bind them to a rich set of playback events. JavaScript provides great control, as seen in the demo below. See the Pen Impossible with CSS: controls by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen Modern animation is very much tied to interactivity, so it’s incredibly useful to be able to animate from variable starting values to variable ending ones (maybe based on where the user clicks, for example), or change things on-the-fly but declarative CSS-based animation can’t do that. Workflow For simple transitions between two states (i.e. rollovers or expanding menus, etc.), CSS Transitions are great. For sequencing things, however, you generally need to use CSS keyframe animations which force you to define things in percentages, like: @keyframes myAnimation { 0% { opacity: 0; transform: translate(0, 0); } 30% { opacity: 1; transform: translate(0, 0); } 60% { transform: translate(100px, 0); } 100% { transform: translate(100px, 100px); } } #box { animation: myAnimation 2.75s; } But when you’re animating, don’t you think in terms of time rather than percentages? Like “fade up the opacity for 1 second, then slide to the right for 0.75 seconds, and bounce down to a rest 1 second later”. What happens if you spend hours crafting a complicated sequence in percentages, and then the client says “make that part in the middle 3 seconds longer”? Ouch. You’d need to recalculate ALL of the percentages! Usually building animations involves a lot of experimentation, especially with timing and eases. This is actually where a seek() method would be quite useful. Imagine building out a 60-second animation piece-by-piece and then finessing the final 5 seconds; you would need to sit through the first 55 seconds every time you want to see the results of your edits to the last parts. Yuck. With a seek() method, you could just drop that into place during production to skip to the part you’re working on, and then remove it when you’re done. Big time-saver. It is becoming increasingly common to animate canvas-based objects and other 3rd-party library objects but unfortunately CSS animations can only target DOM elements. That means that if you invest a lot of time and energy in CSS animations, it won’t translate to those other types of projects. You’ll have to switch animation tool sets. There are a few more workflow-related conveniences that are missing in CSS Animations: Relative values. Like “animate the rotation 30 degrees more” or “move the element down 100px from where it is when the animation starts”. . Like “animate the rotation 30 degrees more” or “move the element down 100px from where it is when the animation starts”. Nesting. Imagine being able to create animations that can get nested into another animation which itself can be nested, etc. Imagine controlling that master animation while everything remains perfectly synchronized. This structure would promote modularized code that is much easier to produce and maintain. . Imagine being able to create animations that can get nested into another animation which itself can be nested, etc. Imagine controlling that master animation while everything remains perfectly synchronized. This structure would promote modularized code that is much easier to produce and maintain. Progress reporting. Is a particular animation finished? If not, exactly where is it at in terms of its progress? . Is a particular animation finished? If not, exactly where is it at in terms of its progress? Targeted kills. Sometimes it’s incredibly useful to kill all animations that are affecting the “scale” of an element (or whatever properties you want), while allowing the rest to continue. . Sometimes it’s incredibly useful to kill all animations that are affecting the “scale” of an element (or whatever properties you want), while allowing the rest to continue. Concise code. CSS keyframe animations are verbose even if you don’t factor
A new way of blogging about javascript This blog post is about to show a new way of blogging about javascript. Look at a typical blog post about javascript : The post usually presents a couple of code snippets. As I see it, there are two pains with code snippets: they contain the input and the output but not the actual evaluation of the input it’s impossible for the reader to modify the output We have great tools to evaluate javascript code snippets: jsfiddle, codepen, plnkr and many more… But all of this tools deal are very cumbersome to embed into a blog post about javascript. Try to embed a jsfiddle that evaluates 2 + 3 and you will understand that cumbersome is actually an understatement… Alan Kay’s vision For Alan Kay, evaluation an interactivity should be available everywhere in the web: Question: Well, look at Wikipedia — it’s a tremendous collaboration. Alan Kay: It is, but go to the article on Logo, can you write and execute Logo programs? Are there examples? No. The Wikipedia people didn’t even imagine that, in spite of the fact that they’re on a computer. Here is the full interview of Alan Kay. (Thanks @fasihsignal for bringing this quote to our awareness.) The klipse plugin The klipse plugin is a small step toward Alan Kay’s vision: it is a javascript tag that transforms static javascript code snippets of an html page to live and interactive snippets: Live: The code is executed in your browser Interactive: You can modify the code and it is evaluated as you type Klipse is written in clojurescript, and uses CodeMirror for text editing. Klipsify a javascript code snippet Let’s have on this page a static code snippet with [1,2,3].map(function(x){ return x + 1;}) : [ 1, 2, 3 ]. map ( function ( x ){ return x + 1 ;}) //2,3,4 (This blog is written with jekyll : the kramdown plugin helps a lot in beautifying the code snippets.) And now, we are going to klipsify this code snippet: [1,2,3].map(function(x){ return x + 1;}) Feel free to edit the code above: it’s interactive => it evaluates as you type. All I had to do in order to klipsify my code snippet, was to set the language-klipse-eval-js class (configurable) to the appropriate html element. See it by yourself: here is the source of this page: <p> And now, we are going to <strong> klipsify </strong> this code snippet: </p> <pre><code class= "language-klipse-eval-js" > [1,2,3].map(function(x){ return x + 1;}) </code></pre> Live demo Before dealing about integration of the klipse plugin on a web page, let’s enjoy another klipse snippet for an Hello World in EcmaScript 6 : var hi = name => "hello " + name; hi("klipse") Go ahead! modify the klipse snippet above, and it will evaluate as you type… Loading external libraries You can specify the external libraries that your klipse snippet needs by setting the data-external-libs attribute of the DOM element. For instance, let’s use reduce from underscore.js: _.reduce([1, 2, 3], function(memo, num){ return memo + num; }, 0); Again, enjoy the interactivity and modify the code… Look at the page source to see the details of data-external-libs … Evaluating a gist We can also evaluate code from a gist. For instance, let’s klipsify this gist that returns the cartesian product of [1, 2], [3, 4], ['a', 'b'] : Again, enjoy the interactivity and modify the code… If you look at the page source, you’ll see that I don’t need to load underscore.js again because it was already loaded by a previous klipse snippet. Klipse plugin integration All you need to do in order to integrate the klipse plugin to your blog (or any other web page), is to add this javascript tag to your web page: <link rel= "stylesheet" type
Get Lonely Japanese liner notes These are all of the liner notes to the Japanese issue of Get Lonely. Thanks tremendously to Andrew Fazzari for transcribing and translating it! Some of the text blocks break mid-sentence due to flowing onto the next page, but I felt they were important to preserve to make it easier to line up which translations go with which block of Japanese. Translations are indented. The lyrics were more or less literal translations from the English, so they haven't been re-translated. The few exceptions where the Japanese said something different or need clarification are explicitly noted. In the booklet, the original English lyrics were next to each Japanese translation. Various Japanese words (in parentheses) are annotated in the booklet within with small phonetic characters called furigana that help the reader identify obscure kanji or suggest alternate pronunciations. Table of contents Obi strip 「ゲット・ロンリー」~それは孤独と付き合うためのテキスト~ アメリカのベスト・リリシスト&”今世紀のベスト・ソング・ライター”(ローリングストーン誌) マウンテン・ゴーツ ゲット・ロンリー 歌詞・対訳付 解説:赤尾美香 日本盤 ボーナストラック収録 マウンテン・ゴーツ ゲット・ロンリー 米各誌に”ベスト・リリシスト”に選ばれるほど説得力のある歌詞が最大の魅力のジョン・ダニエルが率いるマウンテン・ゴーツ。精神病院の看護土として働いていたという希有な経験の持ち主でもあるジョン・ダニエルが作り出すレイド・バックなオルタナティヴの世界には、不思議な魅力があり独特の癒しを与えてくれる。 Get Lonely ~ This is a textbook for keeping company with loneliness ~ America's best lyricist and “this generation's best songwriter” (Rolling Stone Magazine) Mountain Goats – Get Lonely Includes side-by-side translation of lyrics Commentary by Akao Mika Japanese version. Includes bonus tracks Mountain Goats – Get Lonely Various U.S. magazines naming John Darnielle "best lyricist" is a convincing testament to the great appeal of The Mountain Goats. Having rare experience working as a nurse in a mental hospital, the laid-back alternative world that John Darnielle creates has a unique, comforting charm. Track listing マウンテン・ゴーツ ゲット・ロンリー wild sage · ワイルド・セージ new monster avenue · ニュー・モンスター・アヴェニュー half dead · ハーフ・デッド get lonely · ゲット・ロンリー maybe sprout wings · メイビー・スプラウト・ウィングス moon over goldsboro · ムーン・オーヴァー・ゴールズボロ in the hidden places · イン・ザ・ヒドゥン・プレイシズ song for lonely giants · ソング・フォー・ロンリー・ジャイアンツ woke up new · ウォーク・アップ・ニュー if you see light · イフ・ユー・シー・ライト cobra tattoo · コブラ・タトゥー in corolla · イン・カローラ BONUS TRACKS naming day · ネーミング・デイ they are stone swallowers · ゼイ・アー・ストーン・スワロワーズ keeping house · キーピング・ハウス Introduction アルバムに「Get Lonely」とタイトルをつける�
よって、それぞれの要素のインパクトが引き立つと思うんだ。もし3つの楽器音しかなかったとしたら、ヴォーカルをちゃんと聴くことができる。そして、そこには、詩的な要素がある。僕が好きなのはソネットーーー14行詩ーーーなんだ。ある程度の決まりごと(短くすること、楽器を最小限におさえること)がある方が、音楽の空間をより面白く遊び心あふれたものに出来ると思っている」という彼に、特にサウンド面において影響を受けた人物を尋ねてみた。 「「ゲット・ロンリー」にある間合いや静寂にかんしては、プロデューサーのスコット・ソルターに一番影響を受けたね。彼は、その静寂を聴き取れるだけではなく、同じ沈黙でもポーズのテンポだったり、何もない空間のリズムを聴き分けられる能力を持っているんだ。あと、武満徹のソロ・ピアノ作品集を時間をかけて聴いていたこともあるよ。彼は、ピアニッシモや空間や静寂をうまく使いこなしている。僕はクラシック音楽の作曲家ではないけれど、クラシックを聴いて自分が求めるムードみたいなものを探すこともあるんだ」 Mountain Goats. Though it was a name (yama yagi; if written it in kanji, it would be 山山羊!) I often heard in my social circles, I overlooked this band or unit led by John Darnielle. Although his musical career began in 1991 and has lasted over 15 years, the fame he currently enjoys probably dates from the 2004 release of "We Shall All Be Healed." Darnielle, who up to this point had a philosophy of mainly telling stories, sang autobiographical songs for the first time on "We Shall All Be Healed." Following the 2005 announcement of "The Sunset Tree," he continued to confront his dark past. "For many years, trying to squeeze art from my trauma only made me sick, so I avoided writing songs about personal events," he had always said, so why did he start then? This was not unrelated to the passing away of his stepfather, who had been abusive to him in early childhood; John Darnielle is the type to respond honestly to his inspiration and feelings, and shows that he is able to keep a cool gaze when dealing with matters of the self. "It was just following my intuition," Darnielle says, looking back at that time. "I didn't want to make it a confessional album. Because those kinds of confessional songs sound haughty to everyone, don't they? But anyway, while I'm writing songs, I trust the flow. I figured, if it's terrible, I can always just keep it to myself. So I showed the finished work to Peter (Hughes: Darnielle's partner in the Mountain Goats), and after I let him listen to it, he said he really liked it, and we both thought the work was "honest." I continued writing like that, with pushing from Peter, and by the summer of 2004, I had written
る。 蛇足ながら、カリフォルニアを後にしアイオワで6~7年暮らしたダーニエル、現在は奥様の故郷ノース・カロライナ州ダーラムに居を構えて3年になるという。 2006年10月 赤尾美香 Mountain Goats Born in Indiana, raised in California, John Darnielle loved records from a very young age. His biological father (when he was five, his parents divorced. After that, the man his mother remarried was abusive toward him growing up) recommended he take piano lessons. At the age of 10, he liked listening to Sisters of Mercy, Birthday Party, Christian Death, etc; as the man himself says, "modern music with dark themes" or "I loved what might be lumped together as goth music," plus classical artists like Mahler, Brahms, Chopin, etc. At the same time, his interest was aroused in heavy metal and "a wide range of unusual, enigmatic, or mysterious music." He started writing his own music at age 11, and was a member of various high school bands. After graduating from California's prestigious Pitzer College, he worked as a nurse at a mental hospital while spending his free time alone playing guitar, singing, and beginning to record, developing these activities into The Mountain Goats. Most of the work was initially recorded on a radio cassette with an internal condenser mike, and published on 7-inch. "At the time, the 7-inch format had the most charm for me. There was a worldwide 7-inch fan community, it played visually, and various ideas could be realized," says Darnielle. The 7-inch works have been included on various compilations, and in The Mountain Goats' 15-year career, the number of songs released worldwide has exceeded 500. In 2002, after The Mountain Goats' release of what should be called a culmination of their lo-fi style, "All Hail West Texas," they signed a contract with the label 4AD. After that, they shifted to working in a recording studio, recording "Tallahassee" (2003), "We Shall All Be Healed" (2004), "The Sunset Tree" (2005), constantly receiving such high praise of their work as "this generations' best songwriter" (Rolling Stone Magazine) and "America's best non-hip-hop lyricist" (New Yorker Magazine). To top it off, after living 6-7 years in California and then Iowa, Darnielle has now been settled in his wife's hometown of Durham, North Carolina for 3 years. October, 2006. Akao Mika. Bonus tracks ボーナス・トラックについて Naming Day アルバム「ゲット・ロンリー」用にこの曲をレコーディングしてみたものの、この曲の本質が非常に闘争的で、半分狂っていて手に負えない感じだった為、他の収録曲としっくり馴染まなかった。おそらく、この曲の主人公が経験がしている孤独というのは、結果的にそこまで独りぼっちというわけではないと思う。なぜなら、彼の頭の中には想像上の敵といった、たくさんの人々が生きているから。 They Are Stone Swallowers ジョン・ヴァンダ―スライスと初めて会った時、彼に「4トラックで全部レコーディングしてるって本当?」と聞かれた。僕が「いや。4トラックなんて持ったこともない」と言うと、彼は「�
2012) of the first million MS deals, using three permanent freecells and one ephemeral one. Besides the eight deals known to be impossible with four freecells, there are only four more which cannot be solved if one of the freecells is ephemeral: 255317, 412030, 707659, and 888541. I have done some more runs of a million deals of various scenarios using his solver. In the scenario with two permanent and two ephemeral freecells, there are only 30 additional impossibles. One permanent and three ephemeral is a little harder: 58 of the first 32,000 and 1932 of the first million are impossible. What if all of four of the freecells are ephemeral? This is somewhat harder work for Danny's solver: it took 16 hours to process the first 32,000 deals, and 272 of them were intractable. 25484 of the deals, just under 80%, were solved, with 6244 definitely impossible. So four ephemeral freecells is just a hair easier than two real freecells, but there's surprisingly little correlation between the impossible lists for 8x2 and 8x0e4: quite a few deals are solvable one way but not the other. The first four 8x2 impossibles (1, 6, 21, 25) are all solvable as 8x0e4; the reverse is true of 4, 9, and 12. 32 is the first deal impossible both ways. We can also look at the deals impossible with four freecells. Danny determined that all eight of the 8x4 impossibles in the first million MS deals can be solved as 8x4e1. Below is a screenshot of 11982 about to be played using 3 real (orange) and 2 ephemeral (pink) freecells. A full solution is: 11982 8x3e2 2d 2a 2b 2c 2e 78 28 4h 32 43 23 12 42 a4 1a 14 c4 12 b8 32 1b 17 35 b1 3b 31 35 a1 74 7a 73 71 d3 84 8h 87 82 e2 b2 83 85 8b 86 b8 68 6b 68 b6 38 58 56 51 51 63 61 61 43 42 4b * Can I play with a different number of columns? Yes (this can also be done, of course, in a hand-dealt game with real cards). Playing with various numbers of tableau columns goes back to Paul Alfille's original version of FreeCell on PLATO, which allowed for every combination from 4 to 10 columns and 1 to 10 freecells (some of these are either virtually impossible or ridiculously trivial, though many players like the easy games either for relaxation, or as variants to be played very fast). We will use NetCELL's notation MxN to indicate a game played with M columns and N freecells (e.g. 10x2 is ten columns of 5 or 6 cards and two freecells). Several other computer versions allow for changing the number of columns, including Marc L. Allen's 1992 version, which allows between 6 and 10 columns. NetCELL has a large assortment of variant games from 4 to 13 columns wide, with as many as 10 freecells for the extremely narrow games: freecells columns 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 * * * * 12 * * * * * 11 * * * * * * 10 * * * * * * * 9 * * * * * * * * 8 * * * * * * * * * 7 * * * * * * * * * 6 * * * * * * * * * 5 * * * * * * * * 4 * * * * * * * The game is much easier with nine or more columns: Danny A. Jones has analyzed games with nine columns or more and found that all 32,000 of the standard Microsoft deals are solvable with nine columns, even with only three freecells (in the first million deals, there are 19 impossible deals with three freecells and none with four freecells). With ten or eleven columns, most games are solvable with one freecell and almost all with two. With twelve or thirteen columns, most games are solvable with zero freecells and almost all with one. There are no impossibles in the first million deals at 10x3, 11x3, 12x2, or 13x2. We now have some results for Ephemeral FreeCell. The thirteen-column game is winnable almost 95% of the time with no freecells (there are 51,531 impossibles in the
cells, but invariably they are playing with Microsoft FreeCell and are using the freecells temporarily for moving sequences. If you really want to play without freecells, you can do so with FreeCell Pro. Danny A. Jones says that the hardest deal he has ever encountered is the zero-freecell FCPro deal 1003256. He says, "It's guaranteed to quickly age manual solvers and turn computer solvers into memory hogs. It goes against almost every optimization technique employed in my normal solver. Think of your worst case of reordering cards to align suits... and then multiply it by 100+ for this deal! None of the solvers in FcPro could find a solution -- not even after I helped by providing the first 40 moves!" He also suggests playing 896777 without making any manual moves to homecells (65 of the first million deals are solvable this way; 8 more if autoplay takes effect before moving any cards). With fewer than eight columns, zero-freecell wins become even rarer. Only one deal, 16110, out of the first 32,000 is winnable with seven columns and zero freecells (2,780 are blocked at the start, and 87,323 out of the first million). The overall win rate appears to be about 1 in 100,000; there are 30 winnable 7x0 deals in the first three million FCPro-numbered deals. With six columns and zero freecells, no winnable deals have been found in the first ten million FCPro deals. Adding one ephemeral freecell to the eight-column game makes 902 of the first million deals solvable (a few of these are 58, 104, 105, 116, 150, and 163). * Why is it required to use freecells or empty columns to move sequences? Because the way the game, and most of its relatives (Penguin is a notable exception), were designed, is that cards can only be moved one at a time. A variation where a sequence of cards can be moved as a unit, regardless of the number of freecells available (though freecells can still hold only one card at a time), is sometimes called Relaxed FreeCell. Danny A. Jones has analyzed the 320 deals out of the first 25 million FreeCell Pro deals which are impossible under standard rules. Amazingly, all but four of them can be solved in Relaxed FreeCell, including 11982. The deals which are still impossible are 2607073, 12421023, 18667482, and 24121426. Since the win rate of the standard game is already extremely high, it does not seem necessary to make the rules any easier (although solving the impossibles like 11982 using relaxed rules is sometimes quite challenging). Here is a solution to 11982 using relaxed rules; moves followed by asterisks are sequence moves for which there are not enough freecells in standard rules: 11982 (solved with 4 freecells but relaxed rules) 4a 4b 41 4c a4 54 3a 3d b3 d3 8b 82 83 53 c5 8c 8d 81 31* 31 43* 48 24* 25 ch 7h 72 87 d8 18* 1c 17 15 16 1d 12 b5 25 21 24 2h 72 7a 72 34 d7 37 c3 63 51 5h 56 52 52 65 61 67 Many people enjoy playing Relaxed FreeCell with zero freecells (most are unaware that they are not following the standard rules, resulting in many false reports to us of additions to the zero-freecell list (previous question)). Danny has also analyzed the first 32,000 deals using zero freecells and relaxed rules. There are 1785 deals solvable under these conditions (the first few are 11, 38, 54, 56, and 58). * Is it possible to get all 52 cards to the homecells at once? Yes. While I was participating in Dave Ring's project, I noted that some deals ended with 40 or more cards going to the homecells at the end of the game (called a flourish, cascade, or sweep -- the latter term coming from peg solitaire). The best I managed was 47 cards. George W. Edman discovered a number of deals on which he could end with a 50-card flourish: 7329, 7851, 15824, 23600, 26963, 31126 (found by Carol Philo), and 31637. Edman's solution to 7851, remarkably short at 35 moves, is found in the solution catalog. Since the standard version of FreeCell plays aces automatically to the homecells as soon as they are available, these deals depend on having two aces buried at the bottom of the same column, and arranging the remaining cards into sequence before uncovering the last two a
James E. Novy Eradication of the screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel), using the sterile-male technique, depends on routine, accurate and spaced release of sexually sterilized screwworm flies in adequate numbers to overwhelm the native populations. Variables affecting eradication are biology of the insect, weather and climate, soil type and terrain, husbandry practices and wound-causing pests. Operational variables affecting eradication are political and industrial cooperation and support, efficiency and quality of production and distribution, logistics and attitude. Screwworm eradication has an impact on livestock management practices, wildlife and the economy. Dr Novy is Assistant Chief of Program Evaluations and Planning of Veterinary Services, United States Department of Agriculture, 6505 Belcrest Road, Hyattsville, Maryland 20782, USA. Prior to its eradication in the United States, the screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel), existed in tropical to subtropical environments, with populations surviving the winters in southern Florida, Texas, California and Arizona (see Figure 1). Variations in the weather from year to year determined the degree of population reduction each year in overwintering areas. During the spring, summer and autumn the Screwworm population increased with a commensurate increase in territory occupied (Knipling and Travis 1937). Screwworms were commonly reported in the central United States, with occasional cases as far north as the border with Canada. 1. Distribution of screwworms in the United States prior to the eradication programme - Répartition des lucilies bouchères aux Etats-Unis avant le programme d'éradication - Distribución del gusano barrenador en los Estados Unidos antes del programa de erradicación Screwworms migrated 80 to 160 km in a generation, moving northward from the overwintering areas in the early spring. Higher survival in the overwintering areas during the winter months resulted in earlier and more expansive migration. Screwworm flies spread northward, fanning out and invading more territory with each succeeding generation. Hot, dry weather slowed the process, while mild and moist weather throughout the year was favourable and enhanced the expansion. The Screwworm population was highest and occupied the largest territory in the late summer and early autumn. In temperate regions of the United States the populations were destroyed by prolonged cold during the late autumn and winter months. Screwworms are a destructive obligate parasite of all warm-blooded animals including livestock, wildlife, pets, zoo animals and occasionally humans. The female screwworm fly generally mates once in a lifetime, retaining the sperm for fertilization of all subsequent egg batches. After mating she seeks an open wound on a warm-blooded animal. Eggs are laid on the edge of the wound in a shingle-like manner. Within 12 to 24 hours, tiny first-instar larvae hatch from the eggs, crawl into the wound and, closely packed with their heads down, feed on the living flesh and body fluids (Knipling, 1960). As serum and blood begin exuding from the infested wound, it becomes even more attractive to other gravid adult female screwworm flies. The result may be multiple infestations with hundreds of larvae of various ages feeding on the animal. If unabated, the process continues until the animal dies within five to ten days. After the larvae have fed for five to seven days they crawl out of the wound and drop to the ground. Larvae that survive desiccation (Baumhover, 1963) and predation burrow into the soil to pupate. The pupation period varies from seven to 60 days (Parman, 1945) according to temperature, moisture and soil type (Melvin and Bushland, 1938). Screwworm flies that survive the effects of the elements emerge as adults, then feed on wound exudates and nectar sources from flowers and are ready to mate within three to five days, thus repeating the cycle (see Figure 2). 2. Screwworm life cycle (average times in nature) - Cycle biologique d'une lucilie bouchère - Ciclo biológico del gusano barrenador Adult survival depends on temperature. A large fluctuation in temperature during the day is detrimental, while cool, moist weather is beneficial. Some adults may live longer then 60 days if conditions are closely controlled or nearly ideal (Parman, 1945). With optimum environmental conditions, a screwworm life cycle may be completed in 24 days (Laake, Cushing and Parish, 1936). Seasonal influences on the screwworm population in the southern United States provided an advantage in livestock management practices. Since the navels of newborn
new rearing facility was constructed near Sebring, Florida and initiated operations in July 1958. Within three months the weekly production of sterile flies from this new facility was in excess of 50 million per week, with an average of 50 to 75 million per week for the duration of the eradication programme (Smith, 1960). Sterile flies were packaged in boxes, with 400 flies per box, which were dispersed at the rate of 76 to 304 sterile flies per square kilometre from single-engine planes flying about 500 m above the terrain. Planes flew over treatment areas in Florida, southern Georgia and southern Alabama each week on 3.2 km-wide swaths on a grid pattern. Sterile fly distribution was supplemented by a field organization that inspected livestock, educated livestock owners and practicing veterinarians, investigated reported screwworm infestations and monitored sterile and native fly activity through use of liver-baited traps. Florida agriculture officials operated a quarantine line across the northern part of the state where all livestock moving north were inspected and permitted movement only if they had been sprayed with insecticide at the point of origin. USDA officials operated a quarantine line along the Mississippi River from Memphis, Tennessee south to the Gulf of Mexico where all livestock moving from west to east were inspected and treated to prevent transport of screwworms to the eradication area. The last reported screwworm infestation in the southeastern United States was reported in Florida in 1959 (Meadows, 1985). Southwestern United States As a result of producer interest, the eradication programme was expanded to encompass the southwestern United States (Scruggs, 1975), (see Figure 3). Objectives were to prevent the reintroduction of screwworms into the southeastern United States; to eradicate screwworms from Texas, Arizona and California; and to prevent reinvasion into the United States from Mexico. 3. Screwworm situation in January 1961 - Situation en matière de lucilie bouchère en janvier 1961 - Situación del gusano barrenador en enero de 1961 Estimates of the screwworm population in any given year are based on the number of infested animals, referred to as cases. Prior to 1962, livestock owners estimated that one million cases were treated in Texas in a normal year. Thousands of cases were reportedly treated each year in Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri as a result of the migration of screwworms from Texas. In 1961 a massive educational campaign was conducted. Hundreds of thousands of sample vials and forms to be completed were distributed to livestock owners. They were instructed to collect a sample of larvae from each animal treated for a suspected screwworm infestation and to return the sample and form with pertinent data to the designated laboratory for identification. The winter of 1961-62 was very severe, and the screwworm population in the overwintering area was reduced to an unusually low level. Taking advantage of this natural suppression, the USDA Research facility at Kerrville, Texas began production of sterile flies in February 1962. Weekly production was initially 5 million but increased to over 22 million flies by May 1962. Sterile flies were dispersed at the rate of 80 per square kilometre over central Texas. The effects were monitored by collection of egg masses from wounded sheep, and as many as 75 percent were found to be sterile (Bushland, 1985). In June 1962, production of sterile screwworm flies began in a new plant in Texas. The flies were initially distributed over 388500 km² of Texas and New Mexico and in a band extending 80 km south of the Texas border into Mexico. Production of flies gradually increased from 28 million per week in July to 75 million per week by October 1962. Subsequently during 1963 many livestock owners found no screwworm-infested animals on their ranches for the first time in modern history, and in 1964 Texas and New Mexico were declared free of endemic screwworm infestation. The screwworm population remained low in the southwest because of hot, dry weather much of the year, and for the first time in recent history no cases were reported in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana. The programme was extended into Arizona in 1964. Sterile flies in the pupae stage were transported 24 hours by refrigerated truck trailer at 10°C to delay emergence. Pupae were packaged, and the emerged adult sterile flies were distributed over Arizona and northwestern Mexico. As a result, only 158 screwworm cases were reported from Arizona, compared to the several thousand cases reported annually in previous years. California was added to the programme in 1965, thus forming a complete barrier with strategic and selective distribution of sterile flies each week along the Mexico-United States border from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico, an expanse of about 3200 km (see Figure 4). Unfavourable weather for screwworm survival for at least three months
of each year eliminated the need to release sterile flies over the entire expanse all through the year. The highest screwworm populations were on the east and west coasts of Mexico, and sterile fly dispersals were concentrated in these areas during the winter months. This reduced the screwworm population in areas adjacent to the border with the United States and delayed the spread of screwworms northward each spring. Approximately 80 percent of the production of sterile flies was distributed along the eastern half of the United States border, where more animals were at risk and where the climate was more suitable for screwworm than in New Mexico, Arizona and southern California. 4. Barrier zone at the United States-Mexico border - Zone barrière à la frontière des Etats-Unis et du Mexique - Zona protectora en la frontera de los Estados Unidos con México 5. Chronological summary of screwworm eradication from the United States and Mexico 1957-84 - Chronologie de l'éradication de la lucilie bouchère aux Etats-Unis et au Mexique, 1957-1984 - Resumen cronológico de la erradicación del gusano barrenador de los Estados Unidos y México, 1957-84 Screwworm flies visiting a wound - Lucilies bouchères inspectant - Moscas del gusano barrenador en una herida Calf navel infested with screwworm - Nombril d'un veau infesté Par la lucilie bouchère - Ternero con el ombligo infestado por el gusano barrenador Calf navel being treated with insecticide - Nombril d'un veau traité avec un insecticide - Tratamiento con insecticida del ombligo de un ternero Single-engine plane dispersing sterile screwworm flies - Avion monomoteur dispersant des lucilies bouchères stériles - Avioneta monomotor dispersando moscas del gusano barrenador estériles By the end of 1966, further economy measures were taken. Boxes containing 2000 instead of 400 sterile flies were used, and the weekly fly dispersal swaths were widened to 16.1 km. Sterile fly production was increased in 1967; 155 million flies were released weekly. This increase, combined with hot, dry weather in New Mexico, Arizona and California, helped keep the screwworm population low. The winter of 1967-68 in Texas was cold, and no screwworm cases were reported for the first three months of 1968, but favourable weather conditions contributed to a steady increase in infestations during the year until cooler weather again reduced the area and numbers by November. From 1969 to 1971, livestock owners and officials worked hard to improve screwworm case reporting from northern Mexico and the United States. An intensive educational campaign by the Agricultural Extension Service supported livestock owners in their continuing need to inspect animals, to treat screwworm infestations, to treat wounds as a prevention and to avoid making wounds. Another cold winter in 1969-70, following a year when the screwworm population was already low, created an almost ideal situation in 1970. Texas remained nearly screwworm-free that year, except for a summer outbreak in one area. Dry weather continued in southern Texas during the first half of 1971. Livestock movements out of this drought-stricken area in April or May 1971 were implicated in the introduction of screwworms into the Red River Valley in extreme northeast Texas (Novy, 1979), more than 1300 km northeast of the previous reported screwworm infestations that year. The first case, reported toward the end of June, probably resulted from the second or third generation of screwworms after introduction into the area. From June to October 54 cases were reported, confined to an area 16 km north-south and 40 km east-west, with the Red River passing centrally through the infested area. Most livestock in the area were sprayed with coumaphos insecticide at least twice in July and August as a preventive measure. Sterile fly releases were made from June to October at the rate of 3000 to 3800 per square kilometre on 1.6 to 3.2 km-wide swaths. Three tropical storms moved inland along the Texas and northeastern Mexico Gulf Coast in the late summer and autumn of 1971. There was an abundance of rain. The screwworm population began to build up despite releases of 1140 to 1520 sterile flies per square kilometre, averaging 135.3 million weekly. Livestock owners had reduced the amount of labour and the use of trained horses
over the years because screwworms were under control. The number of absentee livestock owners had increased and cattle populations in southern Texas had increased 43.7 percent from 1959 to 1972 and 37.2 percent from 1964 to 1972. Deer populations had also increased because of the lack of screwworms, and brush clearing with improved range conditions allowed the land to support the increasing animal population. Warmer than normal weather during the winter of 1971-72 contributed to an exceptionally high screwworm population in northeastern Mexico. Screwworm survival in southern Texas was also significant. The number and range of screwworm-infested animals in Texas increased rapidly during the first four months of 1972. Maximum production in Texas of 205.5 million flies per week was achieved in May 1972 to counter the outbreak, but screwworms multiplied in record numbers in south Texas and spread to all areas of Texas by mid-April. By mid-May, the screwworm situation was completely out of hand. Perhaps even if maximum production had been achieved earlier, it would have had little effect because of the existing favourable conditions. The population of screwworm flies migrating north from northeastern Mexico was too large to be sufficiently outnumbered by the production and distribution of sterile flies. Sterile fly releases continued from May to the end of 1972 in east Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas, and the programme was successful in preventing reintroduction of screwworms into the southeastern United States. During this outbreak in 1972, the swath widths were narrowed to 8 km to improve effectiveness of distribution. Cooperation with Mexico Prior to 1965, livestock owners and Mexican and United States government officials recognized that until screwworms were eradicated from the adjacent areas of Mexico, the southern United States would continue to be reinfested each year. A national survey and feasibility study of eradication of screwworms was jointly conducted in Mexico during 1965 and 1966. Plans were made to construct a new sterile fly rearing facility in southern Mexico to provide the production necessary for the eradication programme and to maintain a sterile fly barrier at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. The interest in the eradication of screwworms from Mexico was heightened following the large number of screwworm infestations in the United States in 1968, but the disastrous invasion of screwworms in the United States in 1972 demonstrated the need to embark urgently on a programme to eradicate screwworms from Mexico. In August 1972 an agreement between Mexico and the United States was signed establishing a joint programme, and both governments moved rapidly to begin the construction of the new rearing facility in southern Mexico. In 1971 a trial was initiated to evaluate the sterile male technique in a tropical environment similar to that of central and southern Mexico. Arrangements were made with the United States Air Force to utilize flights scheduled for training missions to transport sterile flies from the rearing facility near Mission, Texas to the island of Puerto Rico. Initially, 2.2 million pupae were transported weekly for almost two years. The sterile insects were dispersed over the islands of Mona, Culebra, Vieques, and the United States and British Virgin Islands, as well as the island of Puerto Rico. Sterile egg masses were collected from wounded animals, and fly traps were used to evaluate the effects of the sterile fly dispersals. Local populations of screwworms were collected in Puerto Rico for production of sterile flies to be compared with those originating from Texas. After the initial two-year programme, screwworms had been eradicated from the United States and British Virgin Islands and from the islands of Mona and Culebra. Sterile flies from collections in Texas were as effective as local collections for the eradication of screwworms in the tropical environment of Puerto Rico, where it was necessary to increase the dosage from about 400 sterile flies per square kilometre to 1500 to 2000 per square kilometre. Consequently, the weekly number of flies dispersed over Puerto Rico and Vieques from July 1973 to May 1975 was increased to about 13.5 million. With the conclusion of the programme, screwworms were eradicated from Puerto Rico and the neighbouring islands. The experience gained both in eradication from a tropical environment and in long-range aerial transport of the flies was to be valuable in the eradication programme in Mexico. 1. Reported screwworm cases in the southwestern United States Cas de lucilie bouchère signalés dans le sud-ouest des Etats-Unis Casos comunicados de gusano barrenador en la parte sudoccidental de los Estados Unidos Year All US (Texas) 1962 51592 (49484) 1963 7111 (4916) 1964 395 (223) 1965 1060 (466) 1966 1875 (1203) 1967 872 (835) 1968 9878
(9268) 1969 219 (161) 1970 153 (92) 1971 473 (444) 1972 95626 (90980) 1973 15016 (8913) 1974 7273 (6902) 1975 17568 (16764) 1976 29671 (29241) 1977 468 (39) 1978 7230 (1236) 1979 90 (32) 1980 2 (2) 1981 5 (5) 1982 6 (6) 1983 0 (0) From 1971 to the end of 1976, winters were gentle and summers mild in the southwest United States and northern Mexico, with above normal precipitation. Probably because of the favourable weather, the Gulf Coast ear tick, Amblyomma maculatum (Koch), began to increase and spread, infesting large areas in Texas in 1972. Ticks created wounds for screwworms in record numbers from late July to the end of October each year from 1972 to 1976. These additional wounds for screwworm oviposition contributed to additional loss of effectiveness in screwworm control. Interest in the development of new and improved screwworm control methods resulted, for example, in the control of the Gulf Coast ear tick by insecticide-impregnated plastic ear tags for cattle. Sterile fly production at the Mission, Texas facility continued at nearly 200 million weekly during 1972-75. In 1975 and 1976 production of sterile flies was reduced to 165 million weekly as an economy measure, and reported cases increased to significant levels. In August 1976 the new sterile fly rearing facility in southern Mexico was opened. Production of sterile flies increased from 2.5 million initially to over 10 million weekly in October, 100 million weekly in November and 200 million weekly in December. About 20 million sterile flies were transported weekly by air to the southern Baja California peninsula in northwest Mexico for packaging and distribution. Sterile flies were also transported by plane to dispersal bases in northern Mexico and the southern United States. Production at the rearing facility near Mission, Texas was increased to an average of about 200 million flies per week beginning in September 1976 and continued at that level until October 1978. The eradication programme in the United States reverted to the use of single-engine planes for dispersal, and the swath widths were reduced to 3.2 km on the grid patterns that were flown each week. The number of sterile flies in each release box was reduced from 2000 to 400. Larger planes and the larger fly release boxes continued to be used in Mexico. Production at the Mexico rearing facility was increased again in 1978 and 1979 to over 300 million weekly; these flies were combined with sterile flies from the Texas rearing facility and dispersed over the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. The control was dramatic. Only 39 screwworm cases were reported from Texas in 1977. In 1977-78 the winter was unusually wet and mild in northwest Mexico, southern California, Arizona and New Mexico. Screwworm populations increased and spread over an extensive area affecting five states in the southwest United States. As weather conditions returned to a more normal pattern in 1979, progress was made toward eradicating screwworms from all of northwest Mexico, and the last cases of screwworm in California, Arizona and New Mexico were reported before the end of 1979. Production of sterile flies during 1979 was reduced to below 150 million per week at the Texas rearing facility. Phasing out of eradication activities in the United States began. In 1980 there were only two and in 1981 five screwworm cases reported. One of the cases in 1981 was an infested dog brought back to the United States from Mexico. Although the Texas production facility was closed down in January 1981, it was kept available as a backup to the rearing facility in southern Mexico. The Mexico facility increased production of sterile flies to over 400 million per week after this, and in ensuing years it produced as many as 550 million per week for the eradication programme in Mexico. On 30 August 1982 the last case of screwworm in the United States was reported. In Mexico the programme initiated inspection and treatment of animals moving north from infested zones into screwworm-free zones. With the continuous distribution of sterile flies, screwworms were gradually eradicated from regions further from the United States border, until by the end of 1984 all of Mexico north of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec was free of the pest (see Figure 5). A sterile fly barrier zone and an animal inspection and quarantine programme in southern Mexico has maintained this area pest free except for two isolated outbreaks in 1985. Further south, the eradication campaign has progressed into the rest of Mexico, Guatemala and Belize. At present, nearly all of Mexico is free of the screwworm, and the incidence in Guatemala and Belize has been significantly reduced. Surveillance to prevent reintroduction of screwworm into the southern United States has continued, and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Service maintains laboratory identification facilities. Articles are frequently published to remind livestock owners and practicing veterinarians to report any suspected case of screwworm immediately. 2. Average weekly production of sterile screwworm flies at the rearing facility near Mission, Texas Production hebdomadaire moyenne de lucilies bouchères stériles au centre d'élevage de Mission (Texas) Producción semanal media de moscas del gusano barrenador estériles en las instalaciones de cría situadas cerca de Mission, Texas Year No. of flies 1962 40 021 645 1963 113 727 643 1964 89 728 795 1965 91 795 774 1966 112 731 129 1967 121 877 421 1968 137 032 383 1969 128 634 148 1970 133 119 940 1971 135 309 540 1972 171 578 113 1973 212 314 039 1974 205 382 950 1975 162 450 006 1976 164 796 476 1977 213 797 664 1978 205 423 039 1979 115 927 596 1980 121 181 750 1981 - The importance of this surveillance was demonstrated when a dog taken to Venezuela was found to have a screwworm infestation after its return to the United States in April 1987. Sterile flies were dispersed weekly for six weeks within an 80 km radius of the premises where the dog had been kept before the infestation was diagnosed and treated. Surveillance was intensified for several weeks around the immediate locations where the dog had been. No additional screwworm infestations were found. Another dog and its owner re-entered the United States from Honduras by commercial airline in August 1987. The dog was subsequently diagnosed and treated for a screwworm infestation. Again sterile flies were dispersed around the locations in Louisiana and Florida where the dog had been, and intensive surveillance was conducted for several weeks. No other animals were found with screwworm infestation. In September 1989, a horse returned to Puerto Rico after competing in a jumping event in Venezuela and was subsequently diagnosed and treated for a screwworm infestation. Sterile flies from Mexico were dispersed weekly for six weeks around the areas in Puerto Rico where all the horses and transport vehicles had been. Intensive surveillance for several weeks failed to detect any locally infested animals with screwworm. At present, Puerto Rico, the United States and most of Mexico are free of screwworm, but the risk of reintroduction from other countries through the movement of animals is ever present and requires continuous vigilance. Livestock producers in the southern United States have benefited from freedom of screwworm by reduced costs in management and labour. They have also benefited from the related increase in wildlife populations, since revenue from hunting leases is a major source of income for many livestock producers. Prior to eradication, during the screwworm season animals were inspected frequently. Any open wound on an animal was treated with insecticide, and animals with infestations were maintained in pens for three to four days of treatment. This entailed labour, insecticide, facilities and the use of trained horses. On the vast rangelands of the southwest, horseback riders were made solely responsible for inspecting and treating the animals. Animals with screwworm infestations often separated from the herds to seek shade, making them difficult to locate on the vast rangelands. Annual losses of 10 percent were estimated on Texas ranches. Even after treatment, many of the animals that recovered would have damaged hides or other disfigurements, and the sale value of the animals would be reduced. It has been reported that up to 80 percent of the fawn crop of white-tailed deer was lost during years of heavy screwworm infestation on one ranch in southern Texas. In 1961, the estimated cost in Texas of one deer weighing 57 kg was US$125, and the lost revenue in hunting fees was valued at US$30 million annually (Scruggs, 1975). Following the eradication of screwworm from Florida the deer population more than doubled, and in Texas the deer population increased more than threefold over that of 1960. In 1957, prior to eradication, screwworm was considered to be costing the livestock industry of the southeast over US$20 million annually (Meadows, 1985). Similarly, in 1960, estimated livestock losses due to screwworm in the southwest were placed at more than US$100 million annually. An economic study in 1972 estimated that screwworm reinfestation in the south of the country would cost the livestock industry US$372 million (Prater and Goodwin, 1972). In 1981 it was estimated that beef production would be reduced by 1.5 percent and that the per caput price of beef would increase by US$1.66 if screwworm were to reinvade the southern states (Plax
cases" (cf. Garver 1994: 197–204). But perhaps if this had been pointed out to Gellner, the multiplicity of interpretative strategies would merely have given him another excuse for damning Wittgenstein by complaining about his "wilfully and pretentiously chaotic" style of writing (Gellner 1974: 709). Another, related problem for OLP is the existence of philosophical notions14 that cannot be expressed in English, but are intelligible in certain other languages, including Chinese and Welsh (Mundle 1970: 120–133). Rousseau had a point in asking: "Comment est-ce qu’une étude de l’usage anglais puisse nous donner plus que des renseignements sur la langue anglaise et, peut-être, le peuple anglais?" And there are also indigenous peoples whose world-views pose similar problems — such as the Nuer, who lack the notion of "belief" (Needham 1972); the Chewong, who do not distinguish between thoughts and feelings (Howell 1981); or the Dinka (and, according to Pauli Pylkkö, the Finns), who seemingly do not have any kind of self or ego available to introspection (Lienhardt 1961; Pylkkö 1998: 265–280; Pylkkö 1999). Apparently Ryle, at least, rejected the suggestion that something might make sense in one language but not in another (Mundle 1970: 126); if so, he was wrong. Detailed Austinian charting of differences between the conceptual schemes of various cultures, and debate on their implications for epistemological and ontological theories, is not only permissible, but quite desirable. Linguistic philosophers who specifically emphasize this at length include R. M. Hare (1960: 119) and J. O. Urmson (Wahl et al. 1962: 39); it would also be astonishing if Wittgenstein, whose mother tongue was not English and who did only a small portion of his philosophical writing in English, had ignored the point or disagreed with it. The variation between the forms of different languages forms the basis for the familiar accusation that OLP discusses "mere words" instead of the world behind them. Wittgenstein’s answer to this accusation is worth quoting extensively: When I talk about language (words, sentences, etc.) I must speak the language of every day. Is this language somehow too coarse and material for what we want to say? Then how is another one to be constructed? — And how strange that we should be able to do anything at all with the one we have! In giving explanations I already have to use language full-blown (not some sort of preparatory, provisional one); this by itself shows that I can adduce only exterior facts about language. Yes, but then how can these explanations satisfy us? — Well, your very questions were framed in this language; they had to be expressed in this language, if there was anything to ask! And your scruples are misunderstandings. Your questions refer to words; so I have to talk about words. (1953: §120) No matter how much Russell, Gellner, Hintikka, Kripke and other "ideal language philosophers" protest, the only way to communicate abstract thoughts from one mind to another is to use a natural language, or else to use some artificial language parasitic on a natural language because originally formulated in it. No Russellian theory of types, no Hintikka-type model theory, no Kripkean possible world semantics can change that fact, because it is a fact about the human constitution, not a fact about the conveyance capacities of propositional signs. Contra, say, Hintikka, the fundamental interpretation of a language cannot be varied; what can be varied is instead the fundamental interpretation of reality. A metalanguage cannot be used to get outside language any more than showing how one walks can be called "meta-walking" as opposed to walking (Friedman 1969: 414). And just as the absence of meta-walking does nothing to prevent us from criticizing certain ways of walking, the absence of metalanguages does nothing to prevent us from criticizing certain ways of talking. Reading Gellner, it would be impossible to guess that Wittgenstein once wrote: "Yes, philosophical problems emerge when we hand the reins to language instead of life"15 — or that one of his closest students, M. O’C. Drury, published a book titled The Danger of Words. The same ignorance of awareness of dangers is common in criticisms of Austin. In what is perhaps the most famous single passage in Austin’s work, and perhaps even his and Ryle’s work combined, he writes: [O]ur common stock of words embodies all the distinctions men have found worth drawing, and the connex
by Gellner several hundreds of times was to scour the writings of ordinary language philosophers for passages that could, taken out of context, be interpreted so that they denied trivialities — and then claim that since ordinary language philosophers denied trivialities, they were madmen or charlatans. As Wittgensteinian interpretation boomed in the sixties and seventies, Gellner set a thief to catch a thief, taking every interpretation of every Wittgenstein exegete seriously as long as the interpretations happened to support his own position. Even Saul Kripke’s book on Wittgenstein as a meaning skeptic, which famously denies that it seeks to expound Wittgenstein’s own views (Kripke 1982: 5), was for Gellner exactly the same as Wittgenstein himself (Gellner 1984). Gellner termed Austin "unsurpassed at making people believe that their bluff had been called when in fact they weren’t bluffing" (1969: 776); but I’d think it safe to say that Austin comes quite far behind Gellner himself. After all, the significant innovation of using a philosopher’s innocent mien when confronted with unfounded accusations to prove how callous he really is originates with Words and Things. Gellner claims that there is "no evidence that Wittgenstein was ever consciously interested in social and political questions" (1998: 74), except as condemning them from a conservative point of view; "the horizon of his intellectual life included so little other than his own wrestlings with the views of the Tractatus" (1959: 101). Somewhat strangely it’s become a central part of the Wittgenstein myth that politics simply didn’t interest him. But one of the most consistent aspects of the many personal memoirs of him is actually his impeccable knowledge of current events. He "kept himself informed about current events" (Flowers 1999: 2.219–220); "had, at all times, a shrewd idea of what was going on about him in the wider world" (Flowers 1999: 2.244); and "seemed to know what was going on in the world" (Flowers 1999: 4.136). His recently published correspondence with his sisters and his close friend Ludwig Hänsel testify of the interest he took in Austrian politics even when living in Britain for extended periods.32 According to G. H. von Wright, he regularly read the New Statesman, which already in his lifetime was among the leading political weeklies in Britain. In 1945, he even took the venturesome step of telling his students which way they should vote in the British general election: the supposedly "arch-conservative" Wittgenstein professed his dislike of Churchill and said that he’d be voting Labour (Monk 1990: 480). Part of a 1931 remark selected by Wittgenstein for Zettel reads: "The philosopher is not a citizen of any community of ideas. That is what makes him into a philosopher" (1967: §455). This is the core of Wittgenstein’s attitude towards the mixing of philosophy and politics. It is also illustrated by an anecdote Rush Rhees records about the time he told Wittgenstein of his intention to join the Revolutionary Communist Party; Wittgenstein said that in his view philosophers cannot treat the ideas of any one ideology differently from others, and that a philosopher should rather be content to support his favoured party’s objectives from without (Flowers 1999: 3.280–281). Wittgenstein was neither the extreme leftist many of his political statements imply, nor the extreme conservative his outlook on life implies. Rather, he represented an archetype of modernist intellectual that is quite common, but regrettably lacks a generally agreed name.33 I mean someone who is socially quite radical and whose political convictions on the everyday level are typically some way to the left of a "Western liberal intellectual" in a Rortyan sense, but whose Menschenbild is nevertheless that of a Romantic conservative, often with an anarchist streak.34 Varying instances of this outlook can be found in such diverse thinkers as José Ortega y Gasset, Rush Rhees, Leszek Kolakowski, G. H. von Wright, Heinrich Böll, Guy Debord, John Lennon — and, I should perhaps add, myself. There have been frequent accusations that OLP not only is conservative and impotent, it openly celebrates its conservatism and impotence. The reference is usually to Wittgenstein’s notorious remark: "Philosophy … leaves everything as it is" (1953: §124). It’s undeniable that Wittgenstein makes this remark. But the history of its interpretation isn’t very encouraging. The remark has been misread as either (1) "Philosophers leave everything as it is," or (2) "Philosophy
para del 116, no xoca amb la legislació europea? —El problema de l’aplicació del 116 és que s’havia d’actuar contra una població civil que es manifestava de manera pacífica i que no anava armada. Ni duia cap tipus d’armes, ni utilitzava còctels Molotov, ni res d’això. És una població que no mostrava cap voluntat d’agressivitat contra ningú. Parlem de població que volia resistir pacíficament envoltant un edifici… Per tant, que l’aplicació de mesures coercitives de violència de l’estat contra persones que resisteixen pacíficament es faci amb l’exèrcit i no amb la policia, col·lideix clarament amb els articles 2 i 7 del Tractat de Lisboa. Aquests articles diuen que l’estat no pot actuar contra la seva població civil. No parlem d’algú que està armat o d’un grup de gent que té voluntat d’enderrocar el govern espanyol. Són supòsits que no es donaven en aquest cas. Aquests articles del Tractat de Lisboa pretenien precisament que això no pogués passar dins el marc de la Unió Europea. Si l’estat espanyol estava disposat a traspassar aquesta línia enviant unitats militars contra la resistència pacífica, ens hem de demanar si l’estat espanyol estava disposat a saltar-se els tractats europeus que té signats i a ser sancionat per la Unió Europea o, fins i tot, a ser-ne expulsat. —Per què el govern espanyol ha donat la coordinació de les operacions fetes fins ara a la Guàrdia Civil? —A ulls de l’estat espanyol, la Guàrdia Civil sempre ha estat el cos al qual s’han encarregat les missions més difícils. Les que necessitaven més confiança, una cadena de comandament més fidel i unes garanties d’execució d’aquelles ordres. És probable que el govern espanyol hagi donat el control dels operatius a la Guàrdia Civil per una qüestió de trajectòria, de confiança i operativa. El govern espanyol té més garanties de tenir menys problemes amb l’actuació de la Guàrdia Civil que la policia espanyola. Hi ha unitats d’antiavalots de la policia espanyola que executen les ordres de manera més violenta i antidisciplinària que no pas en les unitats de la Guàrdia Civil. Hi ha més casos d’actuacions que vulneren el protocol en la policia espanyola que en la Guàrdia Civil, en relació amb l’ordre públic. Segurament es volia tenir unes mínimes garanties que les ordres s’executarien amb precisió, per molt violentes que fossin. —I quin paper haurien tingut els Mossos en tot això? Haurien quedat al marge de tot plegat? —Em remeto al que va dir públicament aquells dies algun responsable de Mossos per la Independència. Es va dir que no obeirien les ordres de l’estat i que eren tres-cents mossos compromesos a ser fidels al govern de la Generalitat. Suposem que aquesta xifra de tres-cents –que és molt petita– fos real. I que hi hauria hagut tres-cents mossos disposats a no obeir les ordres de l’estat. On hauria arribat, això?
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Diego Garcia/ESPN.com.br American Club Association serviria para defender interesses dos clubes americanos Pode estar mais próximo de ocorrer, em um futuro próximo, a criação de uma entidade que defenda o interesse de todas as equipes de futebol da América, a exemplo do que existe na Europa. Os principais times do Brasil e do continente conversam sobre a criação da American Club Association (Associação dos Clubes Americanos), que funcionaria como uma espécie de "Clube dos 13" do continente, mas envolvendo todas as grandes agremiações do continente americano. Saiba Mais Oposição de Nobre promete não colocar dinheiro no Palmeiras, mas buscar parceiros Dossiê das dívidas: Calotes fiscais penhoram R$ 150 milhões de 'casa' do Corinthians Processado por pai de Neymar após entrevista à ESPN, Laor diz: 'Foi ele que cometeu ofensa' Tietagem de árbitros a Ceni revolta Grêmio: 'aqui é esgoto e todos cagam na nossa cabeça' O ESPN.com.br teve acesso a detalhes do projeto, ainda embrionário, idealizado por José Carlos Peres, CEO do G4 - que cuida dos interesses em comum dos quatro grandes paulistas - e autor, por exemplo, do dossiê que ajudou na unificação dos títulos nacionais. Sete times do Brasil já devolveram assinado o termo de adesão, enquanto outros de Argentina, Chile, Estados Unidos, México e Uruguai toparam participar e se empolgaram com a iniciativa. Para conseguir deixar de ser apenas uma ideia, primeiramente os grandes clubes de São Paulo vão discutir um Código de Ética que, ao ser aprovado pelos quatro, será posteriormente distribuídos às outras oito agremiações consideradas como principais do Brasil. Corinthians, São Paulo, Santos e Palmeiras querem também estipular um teto salarial a ser cumprido por todos de fato e que será, posteriormente, apresentado aos demais. Cinco encontros envolvendo presidentes de Flamengo, Fluminense, Corinthians, São Paulo, Santos, Botafogo, Vasco, Palmeiras, Grêmio, Internacional, Atlético-MG e Cruzeiro já ocorreram nas cidades de São Paulo (três vezes), Porto Alegre e Belo Horizonte. Houve até uma reunião internacional no CT Joaquim Grava, do Corinthians, no ano passado, quando Maradona e Romário marcaram presença. As discussões, no momento, aguardam as criações das ACA's nacionais. No Brasil, os 12 considerados grandes formariam o grupo dos fundadores, mas outras equipes das Séries A e B também serão convidadas para fazer parte do projeto - elas só devem antes ser aprovadas por um Conselho de Administração formado por um integrante de cada um dos fundadores. A princípio, a sede provisória da ACA Brasil será em São Paulo. Getty Corinthians seria um dos fundadores Na Argentina, foram convidados Boca Juniors, River Plate, Independiente, Racing Club, San Lorenzo, Estudiantes, Lanús, Newells Old Boys, Vélez Sársfield e Arsenal. Todos os clubes já acenaram de forma positiva à criação de uma ACA local. O mesmo ocorreu no Uruguai, com N
acional, Peñarol e Danúbio. Os dois principais times de Montevidéo, contudo, não gostariam de acabar com o "romantismo" que possui a Copa Libertadores, já que foi colocada em pauta a criação de uma Liga envolvendo América do Sul, Central e do Norte. "Paramos as reuniões para cada país fundador ir montando a sua ACA. E daí surgiu a ideia de uma grande liga unindo as três Américas. Depois começará a admissão de clubes não fundadores. No ECA (European Club Association) hoje tem 20 fundadores e mais cerca de 190 não fundadores, ou seja, mais de 210 clubes europeus, com sede na Suíça. Espero que em 2015 seja fundada de vez esta que promete revolucionar o futebol das Américas", disse ao ESPN.com.br José Carlos Peres, idealizador do projeto. Ainda receberam o termo de adesão para participar da fundação da American Club Association times como Colo-Colo, Universidad de Chile e Universidad Católica (Chile); América, Cruz Azul, Chivas de Guadalajara e Monterrey (México) e DC United, LA Galaxy, Colorado Rapids, Chicago Fire e Houston Dynamo (Estados Unidos). Grande parte deles já acenou de forma positiva ao projeto. As equipes foram definidas de acordo com pesquisas de torcida e histórico de títulos. Times de Paraguai, Venezuela, Colômbia e demais países entrariam como convidados, e não fundadores. Divulgação Em projeto inicial, Copa Libertadores poderia ser substituída por uma Liga Modelo seria parecido ao do ECA - European Club Association O principal espelho para a criação de uma associação envolvendo os clubes da América é a ECA (em português, Associação dos Clubes Europeus), que defende os interesses dos times da Europa, atualmente com sede na Suíça. Os 16 fundadores são Real Madrid, Barcelona, Milan, Juventus, Lyon, Rangers, Manchester United, Chelsea, Bayern de Munique, Ajax, Porto, Olympiacos, Anderlecht, Dínamo Zagreb, Copenhagen e Birkirkara (Malta). O presidente da entidade é o ex-jogador e ídolo alemão Rummenigge, mandatário máximo de uma organização que possui atualmente 214 clubes, sendo 105 membros ordinários e 109 membros associados, dos quais ao menos um pertença a uma das 53 federações filiadas à Uefa. A ECA foi fundada para substituir o G14 e o Fórum Europeu de Clubes, dissolvidos no início de 2008. Os vices na presidência são Umberto Gandini, do Milan, enquanto Jiménez, do Real Madrid, e Evgeni Giner, do CSKA Moscou. Arsenal, Juventus, Barcelona, Porto, Lyon, Ajax, Anderlecht, Olympiacos, Sparta Praga, Celtic e Ekranas (Lituânia) formam o restante da diretoria executiva que comanda a Associação de Clubes da Europa nos dias de hoje. A entidade é a única atualmente que representa diretamente a voz dos times europeus. Reprodução Rummenigge é o atual presidente da Associação dos Clubes Europeu (ECA) Confira, abaixo, todos os detalhes para a criação da American Club Association (Associação dos Clubes Americanos): Integrantes: clubes fundadores e convidados das três Am
éricas. - Cada clube fundador indicará 1 integrante para o Conselho de Administração; - O Tribunal de Contas e Arbitragem será eleito pelo Conselho de Administração; - A Admissão de Clubes não fundadores deverá ser aprovada pelo Conselho de Administração; - A Diretoria Executiva será eleita pelo Conselho de Administração; Clubes convidados para serem fundadores: Brasil: Corinthians, Santos, São Paulo, Palmeiras, Flamengo, Fluminense, Botafogo, Vasco da Gama, Grêmio, Internacional, Atlético Mineiro e Cruzeiro Argentina: Boca Juniors, River Plate, Independiente, Racing Club, San Lorenzo, Estudiantes, Lanús, Newells Old Boys, Velez Sársfield e Arsenal Uruguai: Peñarol, Nacional e Danubio Chile: Colo-Colo, Universidad de Chile e Universidad Católica México: América, Cruz Azul, Chivas e Monterrey Estados Unidos: DC United, L.A. Galaxy, Colorado Rapids, Chicago Fire e Houston Dynamo Objetivos: 1) Salvaguardar e promover os interesses do futebol das Américas, em particular, e clubes de futebol em geral; 2) Ser reconhecido como o único organismo que representa os interesses dos clubes das Américas; 3) Contribuir para o desenvolvimento saudável das competições entre clubes das Américas organizadas pela Conmebol, sendo parte importante nos processos de decisão ligados a ela; 4) Representar os clubes no que se refere às discussões das amplas e necessárias reformas de calendário do futebol; 5) Contribuir para a boa governança do futebol das Américas por meio da participação dos órgãos competentes estabelecidos nas Federações, Confederações e Fifa; 6) Promover o intercâmbio e a internacionalização dos clubes das Américas, em especial, prospectar negócios com os países asiáticos 7) Apoiar e defender os valores esportivos e princípios sobre os quais a FIFA se baseia; 8) Estimular e promover a cooperação entre os clubes, a Conmebol e a Concacaf em matérias relacionadas ao futebol das Américas; 9) Manter contatos, cooperação e negociações com todas as organizçaões relacionadas com o futebol ou quaisquer instituições públicas e privadas, incluindo, em particular, os parceiros sociais relevantes, bem como os clubes de futebol não membros; 10) Fazer todas as ações para prmooção dos objetivos da associação, gerais ou particulares, consideradas ou não incidentais às referidas metas da entidade; 11) Promover união entre as entidades associadas, de forma a estimular a coordenação e articulação de ações conjuntas ou de interesse comum; 12) Promover ações visando agregar valor às marcas, nomes, símbolos e demais direitos e propriedades das entidades associadas; 13) Defender as marcas, nomes, símbolos e demais direitos e propriedades das entidades associadas, em especial, os advindos da lei de direito autoral, contra terceiros que as explorem sem a dev
So you know the 10 things to be dangerous in OpenSCAD, and now you have the power to easily 3D model in your hands! However, for all but the simplest of shapes, OpenSCAD code can quickly become a tangled mess of symbols, curly braces, and numbers. Missed out on previous OpenSCAD tutorials? See what I’ve written previously on OpenSCAD. But organizing? Psha! Who has time for organizing? Actually, learning how to organize your code will help you make more complicated shapes and assemblies, while being productive. I’ll introduce a few hard-won principles programmers in other languages have learned over the years. Interspersed with the principles, we’ll go over actual OpenSCAD statements to teach you how to organize your code. It’s harder to read code than to write it. Early on in your project, you start writing a flurry of code to model your part, and you’re really productive! But then no matter how smart you are, there’s only so much you can fit in your head at once. Pretty soon, you’re confused as to which part of the code produces which part of the model. And it seems like changing one part has cascading changes to the rest of the assembly. And it’s even worse when you come back a couple weeks later to look at your code. You can’t remember where you put the origin, what order the parameters are in, or why you modeled things that way. So always write code to be easier for the maintainer, because chances are, that person will be you in the future. And you will hate yourself if you don’t! Using modules to reuse code One way to organize your code is to make reusable components. Not only will we save on typing and cutting and pasting, but more importantly, we will have a single implementation in one place. So if we need to change something, we only need to change it in one place, and not hunt for all the copies of something. Let’s say we want to make a ring. We can do this by subtracting a cylinder from another cylinder. difference() { cylinder(h = 2, r = 10); translate([0, 0, -1]) cylinder(h = 4, r = 8); } But what if we want to make a clover patterned cup coaster from multiple rings? Well, we can translate the ring in different directions and get: translate([10, 0, 0]) difference() { cylinder(h = 2, r = 10); translate([0, 0, -1]) cylinder(h = 4, r = 8); } translate([-10, 0, 0]) difference() { cylinder(h = 2, r = 10); translate([0, 0, -1]) cylinder(h = 4, r = 8); } translate([0, 10, 0]) difference() { cylinder(h = 2, r = 10); translate([0, 0, -1]) cylinder(h = 4, r = 8); } translate([0, -10, 0]) difference() { cylinder(h = 2, r = 10); translate([0, 0, -1]) cylinder(h = 4, r = 8); } While it works, the code is terrible. If we then decided we wanted rings of a different height, we’d have to change it in four different places. Let’s make the ring a reusable component with the module() statement: module ring() { difference() { cylinder(h = 2, r = 10); translate([0, 0, -1]) cylinder(h = 4, r = 8); } } Now we can reuse the ring component for our clover coaster: translate([10, 0, 0]) ring(); translate([-10, 0, 0]) ring(); translate([0, 10, 0]) ring(); translate([0, -10, 0]) ring(); Much better! But what if we want to use this over and over again in difference sizes? It’s not as reusable if we can’t parameterize the ring() module for rings of different sizes. Parameterized modules can help make code reusable Currently, our ring() module can only generate one kind of ring. To leverage the power of modules, we should parameterize our ring module so we can make different rings of different sizes. What aspects of our module should be parameterized? It’s situation dependent, but usually it’s aspects of the module that a user might want to change. Our first guess may be that it’s the height of the ring (height), the inner radius (inner_radius), and outer radius (outer_radius
Ahmedabad, India - Donald Trump is on his maiden visit to India, and his first stop is the western state of Gujarat, the home of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has pulled out all stops to woo the US president. The trip comes as the two countries have failed to agree on a trade deal as Trump, who has made trade a cornerstone of his diplomacy, has demanded New Delhi open its market to more American goods. More: As India's growth has slumped in recent years, the Hindu nationalist government has turned protectionist and raised tariffs that have irked the Trump administration. "We're not treated very well by India, but I happen to like Prime Minister Modi a lot," the US president said before the trip. Motera Stadium now more or less full #TrumpIndiaVisit pic.twitter.com/ly01mnM7uR — Arshad R Zargar (@rasoolarshad) February 24, 2020 President Trump has hinted there will not be a trade deal during the trip as his administration has been trying to reduce its $25bn trade deficit with India. Bilateral trade between the two countries is worth $142bn. Trump vowed on Monday to boost trade ties between the US and India, and said Washington was prepared to supply India with defence equipment ranging from drones to helicopters and missile systems, according to Reuters. India looks forward to welcoming @POTUS @realDonaldTrump. It is an honour that he will be with us tomorrow, starting with the historic programme in Ahmedabad! https://t.co/fAVx9OUu1j — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) February 23, 2020 Analysts say Modi would like to use his personal chemistry with Trump to smooth over the differences on trade. On Monday, the Indian prime minister tweeted: The "visit is definitely going to further strengthen the friendship between our nations. See you very soon in Ahmedabad." The US president visited the humble home of India’s independence hero Mahatma Gandhi in Ahmedabad with the Indian prime minister shortly after arriving in India. Highlight of the trip Analysts say the highlight of the trip will be the joint Modi-Trump address to an audience of more than 100,000 at a new cricket stadium in Ahmedabad for the first leg of the trip, which comes in an election year. They say the trip is high on optics and Trump will use the occasion to woo nearly 2.5 million Indian American voters. Trump praised India's economy and drew loud applause when he said Washington and New Delhi are "united in our iron clad resolve to defend our citizens from the threat of radical Islamic terrorism." हम भारत आने के लिए तत्पर हैं । हम रास्ते में हैँ, कुछ ही घंटों में हम सबसे मिलेंगे! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 24, 2020 As he embarked on the visit, the US president tweeted in Hindi saying he was looking forward to it. The event, called "Namaste Trump" (Hello Trump), seems to be Modi's return favour to Trump, who hosted the Indian prime minister in the US city of Houston last September. The two right-wing leaders had addressed a crowd of 50,000 as part of a "Howdy Modi" extravaganza. Ahmedabad is decked out, with the road from the airport to the Motera stadium decorated with life-sized posters of Modi and Trump. Walls have been erected along the route, apparently to prevent Trump from catching a glimpse of slums, though municipal authorities said it was part of a "beautification" drive. An Indian army soldier sits atop an armoured vehicle next to cutouts of India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump along a road in Ahmedabad [Adnan Abidi/Reuters] Earlier this week, Trump said Modi had assured him there would be about seven million people to welcome him on the streets. President Trump will later in the day leave for Agra city - the home of the iconic Taj Mahal in northern Uttar Pradesh state. His 36-hour trip will culminate in the capital, New Delhi, where he is expected to hold talks with the Indian prime minister. Rights of minorities Ahead of the much-awaited visit, a senior US official said that Washington was concerned over the rights of minorities in
ave za infrastrukturu i putnički promet posluju s dobiti, a hrvatske i uz tri puta veći iznos državnih subvencija rade s gubitkom. Luka Koper 40 posto svojih tereta prevozi željeznicom tako da slovenske željeznice 50 posto svojih prihoda ostvaruju u inozemstvu. Slovenske željeznice, DARS i Luka Koper su u vlasništvu slovenske države, zajedno su ostvarili prošle godine ukupni prihod od gotovo milijardu eura uz čistu dobit veću od 80 milijuna eura. Da su takav rezultat prošle godine ostvarili njihovi hrvatski pandani onda bi rast BDP bio veći od 1 posto, a Hrvatska ne bi imala problem s budžetskim deficitom i vanjskim dugom. Kako Hrvatsku priključiti na još dva koridora i osigurati sredstva za nužni razvoj željezničke infrastrukture? Jedna prigoda je upravo propuštena, predsjednica RH ovog se tjedna vratila iz posjeta Poljskoj, gdje je umjesto jezičnih inovacija trebala tražiti podršku za uključenje pruge Rijeka-Pivka u koridor Baltik- Jadran te ravnopravno hrvatsko sudjelovanje na sastancima predstavnika Slovenije, Austrije,Češke,Slovačke i Poljske koji zajednički koordiniraju sve investicije na BAC koridoru. Od 2025. vlakovi iz Varšave do Klagenfurta vozit će 9 sati, a nakon završetka tunela Koralm (2022. godine) dugačkog 30 kilometara, vlaku iz Beča do Klagenfurta neće trebati više od 2 sata i 30 minuta. Ravenna, Venecija,Trst i Kopar bit će povezani preko Ljubljane s Bečom „high speed“ prugom te bi naše isključenje iz ovog koridora luku Rijeka učinilo potpuno nevažnom i marginalnom. U izbornoj groznici ne treba očekivati rad na izmjeni koridora te bi teret lobiranja trebali preuzeti naši europski zastupnici. Umjesto komentiranja domaćih političkih protivnika, zaštite kestena i interesa EU na Mjesecu naši zastupnici trebali bi svoje vrijeme i vještinu pregovaranja usmjeriti na odluku nadležnih tijela EU o prebacivanju Orient-East Med koridora iz Mađarske u Hrvatsku te uključenje Rijeke u BAC koridor. Tako izmijenjeni TEN-T postao bi osnovna poluga razvoja i rasta u narednom desetljeću. Katastrofalna greška još uvijek nepoznatog pregovarača može se ispraviti, za razliku od granice u Piranskom zaljevu i Pelješkog mosta TEN-T bitno utječe na zaposlenost i povećanje životnog standarda građana te zaslužuje istu ako ne i veću pažnju javnosti i politike.
, the screen” (10) he says, “are temporary worlds within the ordinary world, dedicated to the performance of an act apart” (10). Foucault in turn mentions very similar places (“Les heterotopies” 44). But he begins with less solid, not yet conventionalized places that possibly can’t be conventionalized at all: “And this is – on a Thursday afternoon – the parental double bed. On this bed you discover the ocean because you can swim between the covers. But the bed is also the sky because you can jump on the springs. It is the forest because you can hide in it. It is the night because you become a ghost under the sheets.”[foot]Michel Foucault: “Les heterotopies”, p. 40. “[…]c’est – le jeudi après-midi – le grand lit des parents. C ’est sur ce grand lit qu’on découvre l’océan, puisqu’on peut y nager entre les couvertures; mais ce grand lit, c’est aussi le ciel, puisqu’on peut bondir sur les ressorts; c’est la forêt, puisqu’on s’y cache; c’est la nuit, puisqu’on y devient fantôme entre les draps; […].”[/foot] The one word that comes to mind and which Foucault doesn’t mention nevertheless starts to speak between the lines on its own: it is the word ‘play’. Because what else does Foucault describe than the unbridled play of children? So the play creates heterotopias which at least exist as long as the game continues. The magic circle of play is – from this perspective – just another expression for the temporary heterotipization which the play causes. Thus games are not heterotopias. But spaces of playing are. Interestingly enough spaces of playing – I intentionally don’t say game spaces or spaces of games because it could also mean spaces in videogames whose status is not clear to me at the moment[foot]Some clarification might be in order: In German there is only the word ‘Spiel’ for ‘game’ and ‘play’ that can mean all kinds of phenomena from board games (‘Brettspiele’) to videogames (‘Videospiel’) and a theater play (‘Schauspiel’). The act of playing can be described with the nominalization of the verb ‘spielen’: ‘Spielen’. This missing differentiation might cause some problems because it expresses a different understanding of game and play in general. In my translation I tried to acknowledge this differentiation. But it might be worthwhile to read the words ‘game’ and ‘play’ in this article as somewhat ambiguous and partly congruent.[/foot]– are in contrast to other heterotopias not place bound. There might be favored places of playing in a society, the game room, the football field or a paintball arena. But those places are not the exclusive ones in which we play as the parental double bed in Foucault’s text indicates. It would even be imaginable to apply the distinction between paidia and ludus to the possible types of heterotopias. Thereby we could distinguish between mobile heterotopias, the ones that have not yet gained a stable place in a culture and all such that already have an assigned space. All the more fascinating is the type of non-stable heterotopias because they are – more than the others – a form of transvaluation and reframing of the actually existent as they occupy other places: “What we doubtlessly encounter here is the true essence of the heterotopias. They query all other spaces, namely in two different ways: either […] by creating an illusion which exposes the entire remaining reality as an illusion or, to the contrary, by creating another real space, in a real way, which is also perfect, meticulous and disorderly arranged like ours, badly ordered and tangled […]”[foot]Michel Foucault: “Les heterotopies”, p. 49f. “C’est là sans doute qu’on rejoint ce qu’il y a sans doute de plus essentiel dans les hétérotopies. Elles sont la contestation de tous les autres espaces, une contestation qu’elles peuvent exercer de deux manières: o
u bien […] en créant une illusion qui dénonce tout le reste de la réalité comme illusion, ou bien, au contraire, en créant réellement un autre espace réel aussi parfait, aussi méticuleux, aussi arrangé que le nôtre est désordonné, mal agencé et brouillon […].”[/foot] This questioning also transfers to heterotopias themselves since they are always at stake: Their own transvaluation can in turn be transvalued at any time as soon as the game ends or the playing is disturbed from the outside. With a modified quote of Wolfgang Iser: “In the game/play everything is always on the rocks” (350); one might claim: The game itself is always on the rocks. Its status is always endangered and so playing is a second order game, the game between game and not-game, between play and not-play. I think the same holds for heterotopias even though their conventionalization tries to secure its status. The cinema isn’t a heterotopia any longer if the film reel breaks or the other spectators stop complying with the rules. The graveyard is no longer a graveyard as soon as I start partying there.[foot]This might imply that the interruption of a heterotopia or a game is a form of desecration. This also goes together with Huizinga’s sacred earnestness of play. Cf. Johan Huizinga: Homo Ludens, p. 18.[/foot] The huge advantage compared to the unstable spaces of play is that these spaces can revert to their status of heterotopias once everybody starts complying to the rules again. The game on the other hand can neither rely that it will be continued nor that it is continuable. But at least it has the feature of repeatability (Huizinga 10). We haven’t even really talked about videogames and still it has already been shown that a combination of the two terms heterotopia and play and in addition game can be fruitful especially for videogames. Admittedly the term heterotopia can’t be applied straight to videogames themselves – it is even questionable to what the space of videogames could be a counter-space as it is rather the simulation of space. Here we touch the debatable status of virtual spaces. What we can cherish is videogames being a visible representation of being located in a heterotopia. We see images of the spaces on the screen and, following the established perspective on the avatar-player-relation,[foot]Cf. Neitzel, Britta: “Point of View und Point of Action – eine Perspektive auf die Perspektive in Computerspielen”, in: Klaus Bartels u. Jan Noel Thon (Ed.) Computer/Spiel/Räume. Materialien zur Einführung in die Computer Game Studies, Hamburger Hefte zur Medienkultur, magazine 5, 2007, p. 8 – 28.[/foot] we are in front of and beyond the screen simultaneously. To what the definition of heterotopia can be transferred very well is the playing of videogames. Because every time we pick up a controller, start a game, we create temporary heterotopias no matter where we are – even in public spaces whose status we torpedo by doing so. When we transform something we unsettle, as Foucault attributes to heterotopias (The Order of Things xviii). This perspective might provide us with a whole new outlook on the massive proliferation of mobile games. Because as Foucault remarks when he declares the ship as a paramount example of heterotopias: Civilizations without ships are like children whose parents do not possess a double bed on which they could play. Then, their dreams run dry. Surveillance takes the places of adventure and the hideous police take the place of dazzling corsairs. (51)[foot]Michel Foucault: “Les heterotopies”, p. 52. “Les civilisations sans bateaux sont comme les enfants dont les parents n’auraient pas un grand lit sur lequel on puisse jouer; leurs rêves alors se tarissent, l’espionnage y remplace l’aventure, et la hideur des polices la beauté ensoleillée des corsaires.”[/foot] Works Cited Foucault, Michel. “Les heterotopies“, in: Die Heterotopien/Der Utopische Körper. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp 2005. –. The Order of Things
Edison Files Edison's Two Families Mary Stilwell Edison - First Wife: Mary was born in Newark, New Jersey on September 9, 1855 as the daughter of Nicholas Stilwell and Margaret Crane. Mary caught Edison's eye while she worked at Edison's subsidiary the News Reporting Telegraph Company at the young age of 16. Edison and Mary married on December 25, 1871. Mary died August 9, 1884 at the age of 29. Marion Estelle Edison - First Child: Marion was born on February 18, 1872. Edison nicknamed her “Dot” in reference to the Morse code used to send messages by telegraph. She boarded at Somerville Seminary in New Jersey and the Bradford Academy in Massachusetts. She married Lieutenant Karl Oscar Oeser, German Army, in 1892. Marion and her husband lived in Germany including during the events of World War I. She divorced in 1921. Marion died April 16, 1965. Thomas Alva Edison Jr. - Second Child: Thomas Jr. was born January 10, 1876. Edison continued to show his interest in Morse code - he nicknamed Thomas Jr. “Dash.” Thomas Jr. boarded at St. Paul's School in New Hampshire and the J.M. Hawkins School in New York. He married actress Marie Louise Toohey in 1899. The marriage lasted only one year. His last marriage was to Beatrice Heyzer. He sold the use of his name to advertise “dubious inventions and quack medicines.” Edison asked Thomas Jr. to change his name which he did to Thomas Willard. Thomas Jr. tried inventing and later mushroom farming but all failed. Thomas Jr. died August 25, 1935. William Leslie Edison - Third Child: William was born October 26, 1878. William attended the same schools as his older brother. He did attend Sheffield Scientific School at Yale University. He married Blanche Travers. He served in the military during the Spanish-American War in 1898 and later in World War I. He did attempt to get discharged with assistance from his father in 1918 though he failed. Relations between William and his father were poor. William eventually turned to chicken farming. William died August 10, 1937. Mina Miller Edison - Second Wife: Mina (MI-na) was born July 6, 1865. Her father, like Edison was an inventor and wealthy. Mina and Thomas married on February 24, 1886. Edison claimed he taught Mina Morse code and he used code to propose marriage. Mina was 20 years old and became the stepmother to Mary's three children. It proved to be no easy task. Daughter Marion described Mina as, “too young to be a mother but too old to be a chum.” Being Mrs. Edison was difficult as well. Edison worked late at the laboratory and regularly forgot birthdays and anniversaries. Mina died August 24, 1947. Madeleine Edison - First Child: Madeleine was born May 21, 1888. She was the first Edison to be born at Glenmont, the Edison home. She attended Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania. Known as “Toots,” she, under today's circumstances, could have entered the family business due to her intelligence. She married aviator John Eyre Sloane June 17, 1914. She and John had four sons - the only Edison grandchildren. Madeleine was active in politics and ran for a seat in congress in 1938 though was not elected. She administered the Edison Birthplace in Milan, Ohio and left an endowment to the facility. She died February 14, 1979. Charles Edison - Second Child: Charles was born August 3, 1890 at Glenmont. He attended Hotchkiss School in Connecticut. Charles married Carolyn Hawkins at his parents' home in Fort Myers, Florida, on March 27, 1918. He became president of the family business in 1927 - Thomas A. Edison, Incorporated. He managed the company until it was sold in 1959. Charles had a second career in the public sector. He served in the cabinet of President Franklin D. Roosevelt: Assistant Secretary of the Navy and later as Acting Secretary. He was elected Governor of New Jersey in 1940. He founded the Charles Edison Fund. The fund is a philanthropic institution generally supporting endeavors in medical research, science education and historic preservation. Charles died July 31, 1969. Theodore Miller Edison - Third Child: Theodore was born July 10, 1898 at Glenmont. His father, Thomas, was 51 years old at his birth. He attended Haverford School in Pennsylvania and Montclair Academy in New Jersey. Later, he attended Massachusetts institute of Technology (MIT) earning a degree in physics in 1923. He married Anna Maria Osterhout a fellow student at MIT in 1925. Theodore was the only Edison family member
7 days a week. We had to change many of the old habits we had when it came to food, exercising and resting. First, we became vegan, so we could improve our health. Within a week of being vegan, our heads felt so much clearer and we had boost of energy! We also started to exercise daily, because we were sitting too much and our bodies were feeling anxious because of that. So that also helped a lot to improve our health and mood. We also stopped consuming legal drugs as, cigarettes, alcohol and "snus" which is a Swedish tobacco thing, very gross.We had a monthly schedule where we planned what time to go up, eat, etc so we could use the time in a very effective way. It wasn't hard because we really wanted to do the best we could to achieve this game. It actually was amazing and we felt proud of ourselves being able to manage our own rules.[/font] [font=arial] Technology: [/font] [font=arial]The technology utilized in Fran Bow is pretty simple. We have 2 computers with Windows, each with two screens. Only one of these screens was bought at full price, because the other 3 were second hand purchases. A Mac-mini and one laptop with Linux. Isak used GameMaker Studio from Yoyo Games tp program the game. I used Photoshop to draw and animate some things, like water and effects. AnimeStudio to animate characters. A Bamboo Wacom tablet, to draw. H4nd Zoom; sound recorder One midi-keyboard to make music. Cubase, music program to edit and record music.[/font] [font=arial] Public relations and Availability: [/font] [font=arial]When it comes to get your game noticed, damn! It's a great casino. Sometimes it works, sometimes it feels like you are doing everything against a wall. We kind of tried our own ways, making what felt honest to do. That's why we did some videos, introduced Mr. Red to the world and we tried to have fun with something we think is not so fun, like asking you please, to buy our game. We didn't have money to spend on ads or a PR company actually, not a single penny. So it was mainly the whole time just us two e-mailing magazines, trying to reach out somehow or the other, but always in a very open and honest way and we are amazingly thankful for those who put their time to play and give a review of the game. Many of our fans write to tell us that we should get more attention, but we don't know what else to do. We send e-mails from MailChimp and from there you can see who opens the e-mails and who doesn't. So we know that the majority we've send information, have opened the e-mail even more than once but even so, haven't answered to us or written an article on the game.Thanks to the fans, we got the game Greenlit and because of that, the game is available on Steam. GOG also accepted the game and after release we turned to Itch.io and Humble store. Right now we are talking to get the game into GreeManGaming as well. Many of sales are because of mouth to mouth spreading and we are super thankful about that![/font] [font=arial] [font=arial] Money spent: IndieGOGO : 28,000 US dollars Personal savings: 24,000 US dollars Total: 52,000 US dollars.[/font] [font=arial] Sales: Under the first month we have sold around 10,000 copies of Fran Bow. Yay! Woho! Super hyper!!!![/font] [font=arial] Development videos: [font=arial] You can also check out Fran Bow website and help us spread the word about Fran Bow <3 Thank you! [font=arial]Thank you for reading this post and thank you for your support and we hope, if you already played Fran Bow, that you liked it. Isak send his greetings and hugs to you! Many hugs and love to you! Have a lovely time! Natalia <3 Killmonday Games[/font] [font='Open Sans'][/font][font='Open Sans'][/font][font='Open Sans'][/font][font='Open Sans'][/font][font='Open Sans'][/font][font='Open Sans'][/font][font='Open Sans'][/font][font='Open Sans'][/font][font='Open Sans'][/font][font='Open Sans'][/font][font='Open Sans'][/font][
Diving Deeper in JavaScripts Objects A Closer Look at JavaScript Object Descriptors JavaScript objects pack more things than their terse and concise syntax would naturally exhibit. Creating and using objects in JavaScript is so easy, effortless, and so flexible that a lot of developers never realize that there is more to it. We are going to uncover some of the hidden layers and understand the intricacies of JavaScript objects. After reading this article, you should be able to answer the following questions — How to make a property undeletable? What are accessor properties and what are their features? How to make a property immutable or hidden? Why some properties do not appear in for-in loops or Object.keys and some do? How to “protect” objects from modification? How to make sense of code such as obj.id = 5; console.log(obj.id) // => '101' ( 5 in binary ) If you want a refresher of the basics of JS objects, I have written another article. Tip: Use Bit to organize and reuse your JS components. It will help you build faster, using components like Lego. Example: Ramda, Semantic-UI. Try it out. React spinners with Bit: discover, learn, reuse Types of Properties Data Properties You must have made countless objects like these — const obj = { name: 'Arfat', id: 5 } obj.name // => 'Arfat' In object obj, name and id properties are called Data Properties. These are the normal kind of properties that constitute most of the JavaScript code. What is, then, the other type of property? Accessor Properties They can also be understood as getters and setters of other languages such as C# or Python. An accessor property is a combination of two functions: the get and the set function. Instead of using the traditional key: value syntax, we use the following syntax — const accessorObj = { get name() { return 'Arfat'; } }; accessorObj.name; // => 'Arfat' const dataObj = { name: 'Arfat', }; dataObj.name; // => 'Arfat' Look at accessorObj and compare it with dataObj. Right now, they exhibit the same behavior. We use the get keyword and follow it with a function declaration. Reading accessor properties do not need to use parentheses to invoke the function. That is, accessorObj.name(); is wrong. When we access(read) accessorObj.name, the name function is executed and its return value becomes the final value of the name key. The get function is called a getter since it is involved in getting the value of a key. If you update accessorObj.name = 'New Person’;, the update won’t happen. This is because we don’t have a corresponding setter function for the name key. Setter functions help in setting values of getter properties. const accessorObj = { _name: 'Arfat', get name() { return this._name; }, set name(value) { this._name = value; } }; The setter function receives the assigned value as a parameter. Now, you can store the value in property or a global variable. In this case, we make a conventional “private” property _name and store the name value in it. In the getter function, we can modify or override the property before returning its value. The following example should demonstrate this. It also answers one of the above questions. Demonstration of Accessor Properties Why would anybody use accessor properties if normal data properties exist? There are often cases where you need to log the property access or maintain a history of all the values that the property has had. Accessor properties give us the full power of a function with the ease of use of object properties. You can read more about accessor usage here. So how does JavaScript know which is an accessor property and which is a data property? Let’s find out. Object Property Descriptors At first glance, it might look like there is a one-to-one mapping between keys and values of an object. However, that’s not entirely true. These aren’t JS descriptors. 😉 Via Giphy. Property Attributes Every key of an object contains a set of property attributes that define the characteristics of the value
Jun 26, 2017 17:45:30 AMD’s Graphics Core Next (shortened to GCN) architecture has been a mainstay for several years now. It has proven itself to be quite the tough and scalable design, and versions of it are in use with the Playstation and Xbox One as well as many computers. Obviously, though, no single architecture can survive without refinements and changes being made over time. So today we will be taking a look at just such improvements, with node shrinks and process optimizations left aside. While those matter too, they aren’t strictly architectural per se. A good overview of the general improvements GCN has received. GCN 1 – The Original Seen in: Oland, Cape Verde, Tahiti, Pitcairn Basically the entire 7000 series from the HD 7730 and up and barring the HD 7790 and then R9 280 and 280X. Debuting with the first 28nm video card, the AMD HD 7970, this was a pivotal moment for AMD and GPUs in general. The chip was manufactured based on a new process, featuring the first entirely new architecture since 2006. It was also the first DX11.1 GPU (which makes it work fine with Vulkan and DX12, might I add) and AMD’s entrance into the Compute market. The very core of GCN 1 is still in use in refined form, and can be found in all subsequent versions. The generation that preceded GCN, VLIW was a graphics powerhouse, but it had real issues with compute-heavy workloads. Sure, it could do some of them proficiently, but the more serial or complex tasks would run very slowly. It also had underutilization issues with some newer game titles (partially solved in its last iteration). Graphics Core Next, however, fully addressed the compute issues whilst being a great gaming design as well. On release, it was more efficient and faster in every way to Cayman’s VLIW4, but that speed came with a price: drivers couldn’t keep pace, which lessened the anticipated gains. GCN is a very complex and powerful architecture, so software-wise it took (and is still taking with each new release) a long time to fully mature. GCN 2 Seen in: Bonaire, Hawaii HD 7790, R7 260, R7 260X, R9 290, 290X, R9 295X2, R9 390, R9 390X This is the optimization phase for GCN. Many new features were added and revamped, chip leakage was reduced and die-size optimization reached its peak. One of the many additions was True Audio, which might as well be called ‘Awesome audio’, even if it is, unfortunately, seeing limited use in current games. The theoretical geometry performance was almost doubled with four geometry engines (instead of two in GCN 1) and the number of render output units (ROPs) was also increased. Many software and BIOS updates as well as improved cache all somewhat aid tessellation performance and extend the staying power of second-generation GCN cards. Other, more minor changes include a modified ALU design so the FP64 ratio could be increased to 1:2, while the memory subsystem is no longer decoupled from the ROP partitions, which helps boost compute workloads and fully utilize the GPU in gaming and other 2D/3D scenarios. AMD’s PowerTune also received an update with better, fine-grained control, which helps keep the clocks up and power consumption in check. Finally, GCN 2 marks the support for FreeSync and the as yet unreleased FreeSync 2, which will be supported on GCN 2 and up. All versions of Graphics Core Next after this one also support this technology, including the current RX 500 series Polaris Refresh and future Vega. GCN 3 Seen in: Fiji and Tonga R9 285, R9 380, R9 380X, R9 Fury, R9 Fury X, R9 Nano, R9 Fury Pro Duo Featuring all the advancements of the previous generations, the newest and probably biggest addition to GCN to date is the new Lossless Delta Colour Compression technology. For a small penalty to die size, it improves the bandwidth of the GPU by around 20% on average, allowing for lesser power usage and improved, smaller and more efficient memory busses as well as better-fed ROPs. Along with this technology, better caching and improved tessellation were introduced. By reusing certain primitives in a scene, GCN 3 GPUs see a reasonable uplift in some tough-on-tessellation scenarios, such as in Fallout 4 with its God Rays. God ray simulation is tessellation-heavy, but by
ُلُّ بَنِي آدَمَ خَطَّاءٌ, وَخَيْرُ اَلْخَطَّائِينَ اَلتَّوَّابُونَ “All of the children of Adam err. And the best of those who err are those frequent in repentance.” Recorded by al-Tirmidhi If we allow our leaders, spiritual and otherwise, to be human, then perhaps when they trip or stumble, they will only stub their toes, proverbially. I believe much of the outrage and brouhaha was precisely due to unrealistic expectations and projections that the Muslim public foists upon those in leadership positions, SHY doubly so. So when they do err, or fall, it is as if they are plummeting from the Heavens themselves. Before concluding my thoughts on quality-possession, I would like to couch them in an incident from the Revelatory Period. In a famous exchange between Abu Dharr al-Ghifari and Bilal, a manumitted slave of Abyssinian descent, Abu Dharr (who was a close companion of the Prophet) made derogatory racist statements about Bilal’s mother, to which the Prophet responded: يَا أَبَا ذَرٍّ أَعَيَّرْتَهُ بِأُمِّهِ إِنَّكَ امْرُؤٌ فِيكَ جَاهِلِيَّةٌ “Abu Dharr!, did you insult [Bilal] by slandering his mother [i.e., ‘you son of a black woman!’]? You still have qualities of ignorance (Jahiliyyah) in you!” Recorded by al-Bukhari’s chapter on Faith (Kitab al-Iman) Amongst the many takeaways here is not simply the Prophet reproaching Abu Dharr for his racist comments (this is significance though in terms of Islam’s authoritative stance against racism) but that he classified them as a quality in Abu Dharr. Abu Dharr’s statements could not be projected onto abstractions or explained away (through fatigue, for instance) but simply had to be owned up to in that the negative quality was something he possessed. This allowed for the Prophet to admonish Abu Dharr in a straight-forward capacity that left no chance of misunderstanding both the significance of his actions as well as to who was to blame. But equally important was that by the Prophet articulating Abu Dharr’s error as a quality, it empowered Abu Dharr to not only repent for his actions but to strive to remove them from him. In other words, according to the Prophet’s statement, racism was not a static or fixed quality but was mutable and capable of being changed. In fact, there are prophetic traditions confirming as much about Abu Dharr: انْتَهَى إِلَى الرَّبَذَةِ وَقَدْ أُقِيمَتِ الصَّلاَةُ فَإِذَا عَبْدٌ يَؤُمُّهُمْ فَقِيلَ هَذَا أَبُو ذَرٍّ ‏.‏ فَذَهَبَ يَتَأَخَّرُ فَقَالَ أَبُو ذَرٍّ أَوْصَانِي خَلِيلِي صلى الله عليه وسلم أَنْ أَسْمَعَ وَأُطِيعَ وَإِنْ كَانَ عَبْدًا حَبَشِيًّا مُجَدَّعَ الأَطْرَافِ “[Abu Dharr] arrived at al-Rabadhah when the prayer had already commenced. A slave was leading them in prayer and
the earth; a fact that should never escape our notice. Christianity has not only aided and assisted racism in America, but many of its well-intending practitioners remain ignorant and blind of its existence. I say this not in the spirit of polemics but as observable fact. My great concern now is that Muslims, in their quest to find relief in a hostile land, will, in return for loyalty and a place of belongingness, replicate this most vile of American STD’s (socially-transmitted diseases): racism. In fact the Prophet warns of this in this famous narration: لَتَتَّبِعُنَّ سَنَنَ الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ شِبْرًا بِشِبْرٍ وَذِرَاعًا بِذِرَاعٍ حَتَّى لَوْ دَخَلُوا فِي جُحْرِ ضَبٍّ لاَتَّبَعْتُمُوهُمْ قُلْنَا يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ آلْيَهُودَ وَالنَّصَارَى قَالَ فَمَنْ “You would tread the same path as was trodden by those before you inch by inch, span by span, so much so that if they had entered into a lizard hole, you’d follow right behind them.” The Companions of the Prophet replied, “Allah’s Messenger, do you mean Jews and Christians as ‘those before you’?” To which he replied, “Who else?” Recorded in Sahih Muslim The task of addressing racism will be made doubly hard in that the vast majority of our religious scholars, SHY being no different, do not backgrounds in critical race theory (CRT) or race studies. This is what makes the Medhi Hasan interview all the more absurd: asking a white male, whose background/specialization is in religious and spiritual studies, to address such topics as police brutality, the viability of Muslims (conservatively one-third of whom in America are black!) engaging in BLM, to the quality and state of the American penal/legal/justice system as it relates to blacks!, turning to the ultimate absurdity: “The United States is probably, at least in terms of terms of its laws, one of the least racist societies in the world”. The problem with SHY’s statement here is not only its insensitivity towards the history, the plight, and the struggle of non-whites, particularly blacks, but that it’s also factually wrong as new research in the field of comparative international law indicates. What was it that not only misinformed SHY as to the factual nature of the topic, but that imbued him with a sense of entitlement and qualification to speak to topics he obviously is not qualified to do so? I believe the shaykh arrived at this conclusion not solely of his own making. As I addressed in a previous video, the Muslim community itself, comprised of a majority of non-white and non-black Muslims, esteems, privileges, and aids in this mediocrity of specialization that informs Muslim leaders to feel that they can, and must, speak to all topics, regardless of qualifications. In light of this, we must take to heart that reproductions of racist behavior are not always systematically linked to intent. Even social justice and anti-racist activists can run the risk of reproducing contexts of racial oppression. Which brings me to what are the steps our community in general, and SHY in particular, can do to combat white supremacy and its subset of white privilege. My first suggestion is that white supremacy, white privilege, and racism, cannot solely be combated through admitting one’s missteps; it must be disinvested from. Returning to what I feel is an opportunity for our community to learn and grow, I see this as a prime opportunity for SHY to call for a conference on race, hosted by his illustrious Zaytuna College. What more powerful message could be sent, to the Muslim community, to Blackamericans, and to America and the world, than one of its most prominent leaders taking concrete steps towards tackling the issue versus disavowing oneself of its existence? If the success of Muslims in America is to be measured, one metric would certainly be on how we do not
.T.] e emi-grazione forzata; in modo che il capitale inglese (capitale d'affittanza) possa funzionare in questo paese con "security" [sicurezza N.d.T.]. Essa ha i medesimi interessi in clearing the estate of Irland [a spopolare le terre d'Irlanda N.d.T.], che aveva in the clearing of the agricultural districts of England and Scotland [a spopolare i distretti agricoli di Inghilterra e Scozia N.d.T.]. Le 6.000-10.00O sterline dei proprietari assenteisti e delle altre rendite irlandesi che oggi affluiscono ogni anno a Londra, sono pure da mettere in conto. Ma la borghesia inglese ha interessi ancora piú notevoli nell'attuale economia irlandese. Attraverso la continua e crescente concentrazione dei contratti di affitto l'Irlanda fornisce il suo sovrappiú al labour market [mercato del lavoro N.d.T.] inglese e in tal modo comprime i wages [salari N.d.T.] nonché la posizione materiale e morale della classe operaia inglese. E ora la cosa piú importante! In tutti i centri industriali e commer-ciali dell'Inghilterra vi è adesso una classe operaia divisa in due campi ostili, proletari inglesi e proletari irlandesi. L'operaio comune inglese odia l'operaio irlandese come un concorrente che comprime lo standard of life [tenore di vita N.d.T.]. Egli si sente di fronte a quest'ultimo come parte della nazione dominante e proprio per questo si trasforma in strumento dei suoi aristo-cratici e capitalisti contro l'Irlanda, consolidando in tal modo il loro do-minio su se stesso. L'operaio inglese nutre pregiudizi religiosi, sociali e nazionali verso quello irlandese. Egli si comporta all'incirca come i poor whites [bianchi poveri N.d.T.] verso i negri negli Stati un tempo schiavisti dell'unione ameri-cana. L'irlandese pays him back with interest in his own money [lo ripaga con gli interessi della stessa moneta N.d.T.]. Egli vede nell'operaio inglese il corresponsabile e lo strumento idiota del dominio inglese sull'Irlanda. Questo antagonismo viene alimentato artificialmente e accresciuto dalla stampa, dal pulpito, dai giornali umoristici, insomma con tutti i mezzi a disposizione delle classi dominanti. Questo antagonismo è il se-greto dell'impotenza della classe operaia inglese, a dispetto della sua organizzazione. Esso è il segreto della conservazione del potere da parte della classe capitalistica. E quest'ultima lo sa benissimo. Il malanno non finisce qui. Esso si riproduce al di là dell'oceano. L'antagonismo tra inglesi e irlandesi è il fondamento nascosto del con-flitto tra Stati Uniti e Inghilterra. Esso rende impossibile ogni seria e sincera callaborazione tra le classi operaie dei due paesi. Esso permette ai governi dei due paesi, ogni volta che lo ritengano opportuno, di to-gliere mordente al conflitto sociale sia mediante il loro mutual bullying [aizzandoli l'uno contro l'altro N.d.T.], sia, in case of need [in caso di necessità N.d.T.],
VYZPTDRUVTVGEHBDTSVYZPTDRULEGALUVTVGEH HYDROA --> ENDVYZPTDRUVTVGEHBDTSVYZPTDRULEGALUVTVGEH HOGGIE --> EXAGEVPDACARTFDPNXDDPGEVPDACAHEQXWARTFDPN SECRET --> THEVIGENERECIPHERISNTVIGENERESTABLECIPHER STRICH --> TSPEKSEYPAGOIASNTUSYEEKSEYPAGETLMUGOIASNT WAGGIE --> PLAGEVARACARETDPNXORPGEVARACAHPEXWARETDPN WEDGIE --> PHDGEVANDCAREPGPNXONSGEVANDCAHPAAWAREPGPN The fundamental problem here (as with so many cipher techniques) is that the key was simply too short. We could insist that the user provide a key that’s at least as long as the actual message: sub Vigenère ( Str :$text!, Str :$key! where { $key.chars >= $text.chars }, Bool :$decode --> Str) {...} However, in 1586 Blaise de Vigenère found a much easier solution: take whatever key they offer and, instead than extending it with extra copies of itself, extend the key with the “random” characters of the message. That is, instead of: Key: SECRETSECRETSECRETSECRETSECRETSECRETSECRET... Text: THEVIGENERECIPHERISNTVIGENERESTABLECIPHER Table: ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Cipher: LLGMMZWRGIIVATJVVBKRVMMZWRGIILLEDCIVATJVV ...we use: Key: SECRETTHEVIGENERECIPHERISNTVIGENERESTABLECIPHER Text: THEVIGENERECIPHERISNTVIGENERESTABLECIPHER Table: ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Cipher: LLGMMZXUIMMIMCLVVKACAZZOWAXMMYXNFCIUBPIPV This produces no significant repetitions in the ciphertext because the repeated words in the plaintext are no longer being enciphered with repetitions of a single short key. This approach is known as an autokey cipher, because the full key is generated for us automatically from the message itself. Suppose we wanted to extend our previous Vigenère subroutine to offer autokey encryption as well. We might just add another parameter to the signature and then select the appropriate behaviour depending on which arguments are actually provided: sub Vigenère ( Str :$text!, Str :$key, Str :$autokey, Bool :$decode --> Str ) { if $autokey {...} elsif $key {...} else { fail 'Must specify :key or :autokey' } } But Raku supports multiple dispatch, so there’s a much cleaner way to add another mutually exclusive behaviour to the Vigenère subroutine. We simple change the existing code from a sub to a multi : multi Vigenère (Str :$text!, Str :$key!, Bool :$decode --> Str) { # Body exactly as before } Then we add a second multiply dispatched variant, with a different set of parameters and a different body: multi Vigenère (Str
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1. “ me preocupa que todavía no haya llegado la mercancía” (“I’m concerned that the goods still haven’t arrived”) (“I’m concerned that the goods still haven’t arrived”) 2. “Fresco, está que llega” (“Relax. They’re just about to arrive”). M’ijo A popular way for guys to address each other. Short for “mi hijo” or “my boy”. If thrown into greetings, it makes them sound extra Colombian e.g. “¿Quiubo m’ijo?” is the local equivalent of “Wassup bro?”. ‘ome Like the above, “’ome” is another term used when talking with your buddies. It is short for “hombre” and is heard in that most paisa of exclamations: “¡ave maría pues ‘ome!” (a tricky phrase to translate that one, but its equivalent might be something like “Jesus Christ man!” or “Lord, help me!”). Parce, Parcero/a This is the slang word Colombians use for referring to “friends”. It is basically the local version of the word “amigo”. (A few example sentences of how to use can be found in this post.) Man The English word “man” is used by Colombians to mean, you guessed it, “man” or “dude”. So the question: “¿Y ese man, qué?” would be “What’s the deal with that guy?”. Pelado/a For some unknown reason, the word “peeled” can also mean to a (generally young) person. Mamacita, mamita A word not unique to Colombia, but which is nevertheless heard a lot, both in ‘Narcos’ and in real life. It literally means “little mum”, but is almost exclusively used as a (not entirely respectful) way to talk about attractive girls. A bit Freudian perhaps, but there we go. Gringo A bit of slang that is heard throughout Latin America. It is technically just used for people from the US, but it in reality it is the word that locals will use for almost anyone who is white, and from outside of Latin America. I’ve previously heard a handful of international visitors complain that this is an offensive or even racist term. That has never been my impression of the way that Colombians use it — it is simply a way to refer to certain a sort of foreigner. Zona Rosa In some parts of the world, the “pink zone” is the Spanish version of the “red light district”. Not so in Colombia. Here it is a – not overly fashionable – way to refer to the areas of the big cities where most of the bars and clubs are concentrated. In Medellin, this would mainly be the area around Parque Lleras in the city’s upmarket Poblado district. ”¿Sí o qué?” / “¿sí o no?” Two beautifully Colombian ways of: 1) turning a statement into a question; or 2) encouraging whoever you’re speaking with to agree with what you are saying. The literal translations sound pretty funny: “¿sí o qué?” is “yes or what?”, while “¿si o no?” is “yes or no?”. To understand them properly, it is best to give an example of the context in which they are used. Get into a taxi in Medellin, for instance, and your patriotic taxi driver is all but certain to talk about their beloved Colombia by saying things like: “La gente es muy amable aquí, ¿sí o no?” (“People are really nice here, don’t you think?”) or “Las mujeres aquí son muy bonitas, ¿sí o qué?” (“The women are really beautiful here, aren’t they?”). A shorter version – just “¿…o qué?” – makes a frequent appearance in Narc
os as a way to emphasise that a question is being asked e.g. “Don Pablo, vamos a hablar con ese man ¿o qué?” (“Don Pablo, are we going to speak to that guy or what?”). Vos and Usted While not technically slang, the unusual uses of “vos“ and “usted” are aspects you might also pick up when watching Narcos. Basically, in Medellin, these two terms are often preferred as the word for “you” over the more internationally common “tú” form. This can sound a little odd, especially as we’ve probably all been taught that “usted” should be reserved for formal situations, while “tú” is for use with friends etc. In Colombia, you’ll find that a dad might address his daughter using “usted” and a guy may talk to his girlfriend in the same way. Unlock the secrets of Spanish that’ll let you ditch gringo lingo and start speaking like a local! The reality is that the three terms (“vos“, “usted” and “tú“) are all pretty much interchangeable in Medellin and locals flip between them fairly frequently. The main exception, as shown in Narcos, is that guys tend to avoid addressing other men with “tú” as they claim that “el tuteo” is too intimate for use with another man. Criminal Conversations Hopefully, you won’t have much cause to use some of the below terms in your own life, but they may prove a useful reference source in any case. Note that these words are mainly heard among mafia groups so are not representative of the speech of the population as a whole. Narcos The name of the show itself, as you may well already know, is shorthand for the Spanish word “narcotraficantes“, meaning “drug dealers” / “drug traffickers”. Patrón The (mob) boss. Those lower down in criminal gangs have given alternative names, such as the term “traqueto” given to street level dealers. Tombo A disrespectful term for a policeman; similar to referring to them as “pigs” in English. Best not used within earshot of one. Another word used for the same purpose is “aguacate” – the Spanish word for “avocado”. Sapo Literally, a “toad”, but in ‘Narcos’ it refers mainly to informers and is much like the term “rat”. The verb “sapear” is to “rat someone out”. Sicario A “hitman”. Not generally the highly trained type featured in the movie Leon, but rather a couple of teenage guys firing wildly from the back of a motorbike. Quebrar The verb “quebrar”, meaning “to break” is also used by the criminal underworld to mean killing someone. Generally, “quebrar” is used in this way only when talking about killing another gang member. “Tumbar” is another euphemism for killing someone heard in the series. It’s English equivalent would be something like “to take someone down”. Darle plomo / plomazo “To give someone lead”; not a gift you’d really like to receive as it means you’re going to get shot. Plata o plomo A threat that was regularly used by the Medellin Cartel in real life, meaning that you could either accept their money or they’d kill you. Either way, they’d get what they wanted. It literally translates as “silver or lead”, with “plata” being the way that Colombians refer to “money” or “cash” in everyday situations (e.g. “tiene mucha plata” is the most common phrase to say that someone is very rich). A better contextual translation of this expression might be “cash or a coffin”. Vuelta A term generally used in Colombia to mean “an errand”. In the criminal context it is a kind of code word for a “job” or a “hit”. Billete(ico) A large amount of money. So
êu cũ khóc: Điều này chứng tỏ rằng tình cảm của hai bạn có thể sẽ được hàn gắn. Dù biết quay lại sẽ vất vả và gặp nhiều khó khăn nhưng hai bạn có vẻ rất quyết tâm vượt qua. Giấc mơ thấy người yêu khóc khiến nhiều người cảm thấy hoang mang và lo sợ ám chỉ mối tình hiện tại có nhiều bất trắc. Tuy nhiên, đây là tín hiệu vui cho bạn, nó cho biết tình cảm của bạn dành cho đối phương còn khá mặn nồng. Điều này chứng tỏ rằng tình cảm của hai bạn có thể sẽ được hàn gắn. Dù biết quay lại sẽ vất vả và gặp nhiều khó khăn nhưng hai bạn có vẻ rất quyết tâm vượt qua. Giấc mơ thấy người yêu khóc khiến nhiều người cảm thấy hoang mang và lo sợ ám chỉ mối tình hiện tại có nhiều bất trắc. Tuy nhiên, đây là tín hiệu vui cho bạn, nó cho biết tình cảm của bạn dành cho đối phương còn khá mặn nồng. Mơ thấy mình ngủ với người yêu cũ thì đó là dấu hiệu cảnh báo bạn đang có suy nghĩ sai lầm đối với cuộc sống của mình, bạn chưa thực sự hiểu rõ được mục đích và ý nghĩa cuộc sống hiện tại là gì nên dễ bị lạc lối, lầm đường, chọn sai hướng. Vì thế hãy cẩn thận hơn trong quyết định �
A paper that raised alarms by suggesting lizards were warming even faster than the planet has been retracted after the authors employed the wrong method to measure temperatures. Some scientists thought that, because of the way lizards retain heat to regulate their cold-blooded bodies, they might be more sensitive to temperature changes. Well, not in this case. The paper has been retracted from Ecography because the scientists erred in calculating the “radiative conductance of the animal” — basically, how much heat it can get rid of — such that the “broad-scale” conclusions of the study are invalid. The notice for the aptly named paper “Lizards could be warming faster than climate” reads: The above article, published online on 6th of February 2015 in Wiley Online Library (www.wileyonlinelibrary.com), has been retracted by agreement between the authors, the journal Deputy-Editor in Chief Nate Sanders, the Nordic Society Oikos and John Wiley and Sons Ltd. The retraction has been agreed for the following reasons: an error of parameterization affected the results and therefore invalidated the broad-scale conclusions presented in the article. The article concluded that the operative temperature of a model lizard in the Iberian Peninsula should have increased 0.7°C more than air temperature during 1955–2000. Unfortunately, there was an error in the calculation of operative temperatures. Radiative conductance of the animal was calculated using air temperature (as in Bakken and Gates 1975, Campbell and Norman 1998, and Sears et al. 2011). However, instead of air temperature, Porter et al. (1973) and Bakken (1985) used body temperature. Using body temperature is more appropriate because the amount of thermal radiation emitted by a body is dependent on its temperature according to the Planck’s law. The authors tested if changing air temperature to skin temperature in the calculation of operative temperature changed the conclusions. It was found that when operative temperatures were calculated with body temperature it did not increase at a higher rate than air temperature, thus invalidating the conclusions in the study. Following the identification of the error in parameterization, the authors requested the retraction of the article. The authors and the editorial board of Ecography thank Professors Michael Kearney, Raymond Huey, and Warren Porter for bringing the issue to their attention. When reached by email for a statement, author Francisco Ferri-Yáñez at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC and Laboratorio Internacional en Cambio Global CSIC-PUC shared his side of the story: I am a Phd student in the laboratory of Miguel Araujo and first author of the retracted article. The brevia arose from a side project in which we took advantage of a dynamic downscaling of the climate of the Iberian Peninsula of the last 60 years to estimate the operative temperature of an ectotherm during that time period. The aim was to examine how the geographical patterns of air temperature and operative temperature and its relation with lizard distribution varied in space and time. Those analyses would be published in a more extensive article. After the examination of the results we found, quite unexpectedly, that operative temperature tended to increase more than air temperature. Miguel Araujo and I felt that this pattern stand on its own and that it was more convenient to publish it separately and that a brevia would be an appropriate format for it. Not many journals accept brevias, we first sent it to Frontiers in Ecology and Environment where it was rejected, and then decided to submit it to Ecography, where it was finally accepted. Soon after its publication, we received an e-mail from Professor Michael Kearney (which included Raymond Huey and Warren Porter) expressing his concerns about the equations used to calculate operative temperature. In particular, he expressed most concern for the fact that we used Air temperature to estimate radiative heat loss while he considered that we should have used body temperature. Using skin temperature (which can be replaced for body temperature, when considering a small organism, which was the case) is computationally more challenging as you need as an input the same variable that you want to calculate, this problem can be solved by approximating a steady state solution using an iterative procedure. Fortunately, Professor Kearney was also kind enough to provide an R-script which calculated operative temperature doing just that. After reviewing the sources of the equations for operative temperature provided in Bakken 1975, I noticed that indeed, the original formulation used surface temperature to calculate the radiative exchange. In other posterior reformulations of operative temperature air temperature was used, considering that when the difference between air and skin temperature is not very large, the error is neglegible. I then recalculated the operative temperature for the whole period using the script provided by Professor Kearney and found that contrary to our previous result operative temperature it did not increase faster than air temperature. After repeating the analysis, we concluded that the results
ni objekt u dvorištu je upravo to, pomoćni objekt, ne stambeni, i kao takav se ne upisuje u imovinsku karticu. Žao mi je što vam avionski snimci i izračuni nisu točni”. Dvostruko više kvadrata kuće i neprijavljen ‘pomoćni objekt’ Tolušić je još dodao da mu se javimo kada budemo u Virovitici i da možemo biti njegovi gosti, a mi smo u šali upitali odnosi li se poziv na ugošćavanje u kući ili pomoćnom objektu. ”Gdje god treba”, kratko je odgovorio ministar. Telegram je, međutim došao do dokumenta, prijepisa posjedovnog lista kojeg izdaje Državna geodetska uprava. U tim podacima, na dan 2. svibnja ove godine u knjigama Područnog ureda za katastar u Virovitici, stoji da je ministrova kuća, za koju nam je tvrdio da ima 153 m², a ne kako je naveo u imovinskoj kartici 165 m², zapravo veličine 330 metara četvornih. Dakle, točno dvostruko više od kvadrature navedene u imovinskoj kartici! U posjedovnom listu stoji kako je pomoćni objekt, na istoj katastarskoj čestici u vlasništvu ministra poljoprivrede i potpredsjednika Vlade, kojega uopće nije unio u imovinsku karticu, veličine 121 m². U posjedovnom listu taj je objekte označen kao ”pomoćna zgrada”. No, na fotografijama se vidi da je zapravo riječ o kući, na kojoj se naziru velika staklena vrata, a ugrađen je i klima uređaj. Nije, dakle, riječ o zidanom roštilju, kakvoj nadstrešnici ili sjenici, već zgradi u kojoj se može stanovati. Obje zgrade, između kojih je travnjak, i koje su ograđene istom ogradom, nalaze se na prostoru od 1587 m². Otkud tolika razlika i zašto ju nije prikazao u imovinskoj kartici? Podaci iz posjedovnog lista broj 8465, koji se vodi u Područnom ureda za katastar u Virovitici, pokazuju dakle da je ministar Tolušić u imovinskoj kartici površinu svoje obiteljske kuće prikazao upola manje: u kartici je napisao da je njena veličina 165 metara četvornih, a u službenom dokumentu stoji da ima 330 m². Uz to, kako smo rekli, ”pomoćni objekt”, a zapravo manja kuća, veličine je 121 m² i, kao što smo također rekli, nije unesena u imovinsku karticu. Kada se, dakle zbroje izgrađeni kvadrati navedeni u Tolušićevom posjedovnom listu, radi se o 451 metru čet
e del Tottenham. El conjunto londinense hace oficial la llegada de Ryan Sessegnon. El centrocampista llega al subcampeón de Europa procedente del Fulham. En la operación ha entrado Josh Onomah, que se marcha al Fulham. 18:25 horas. El Manchester City se hace con la cesión del meta Scott Carson, del Derby County. Se ha vinculado por una temporada y será el tercer portero del plantel. 18:20 horas. Oficial. Lo Celso, nuevo jugador del Tottenham. Se hjzo esperar, pero finalmente ya es una realidad. El jugador llega cedido con una opción de compra el 30 de juno de 2020. 18:15 horas. La Premier ha concedido una moratoria de dos horas para terminar de cerrar seis acuerdos que están en trámites de resolverse. Six deal sheets were submitted ahead of the 1700 BST deadline. Clubs have until 19:00 BST in which to submit the full paperwork. #DeadlineDay#PL? Premier League (@premierleague) August 8, 2019 18:08 horas. Pese a que se ha acabado el plazo de fichajes, el Everton ha pedido una moratoria a la PrEmier para concretar el fichaje de Alex Iwobi 17:57 horas. El Arsenal hace oficial el fichaje de Tierney. El jugador llega para reforzar la zaga de Unai Emery. 17:48 horas Eddie Nketiah se marcha cedido al Leeds de Marcelo Bielsa. 17:41 horas. 20 minutos para el cierre mercado en la Premier. Pendientes de de Pogba, Erikssen, David Luiz, Lo Celso, Bale... 17:15 horas. El Newcastle ficha al lateral del Amiens Emil Krafth. El jugador sueco firma contrato hast el 30 de junio de 2023. New signing Emil Krafth said Newcastle United is a perfect fit for him after he completed his permanent move from French side Amiens on Thursday. More here: https://t.co/m7xRjFs6jd#NUFCpic.twitter.com/kHfi5PhOmo? Newcastle United FC (@NUFC) August 8, 2019 17:00 horas. Aaron Mooy llega cedido al Brighton. El centrocampista australiano deja el Huddersfield por una temporada para enrolarse en las filas del Brighton y seguir jugando en la Premier. We're delighted to announce the signing of Aaron Mooy on a one-year loan deal from @htafc! #AnnounceMooy Breaking news brought to you by @eToro.#BHAFC? Brighton & Hove Albion (@OfficialBHAFC) August 8, 2019 16:58 horas. El Inter hace oficial el fichaje de Lukaku. El delantero del Manchester United ha sido traspasado al conjunto italiano, club con el que ya había pasado reconocimiento médico esta mañana. El United el primero de los grandes en moverse en el mercado 16:45 horas. El Tottenham arroja la toalla por Dybala, según publica Sky Sports. El conjunto londinense había entrado en la carrera por hacerse con el internacional argentino de la Juventus, pero desde el club inglés aseguran que no se dan las condiciones para alcanzar un acuerdo. 16:40 horas. El West Ham contrata al delantero Albian Ajeti. El este de la operación asciente a 8,7 millones de euros y el futbolista suizo de origen albanés se compromete con los Hammers hasta junio de 2023. 16:22 horas. El Watford anuncia el fichjaje de Ismaïla Sarr. El extremo senegales llega procedente del Rennes donde ha jugado las dos últimas temporadas. 16:17 horas. El Oporto ha inscrito a
Iker Casillas para la Liga Portuguesa 2019/2020, a pesar de que actualmente forma parte del staff directivo mientras se recupera del infarto que sufrió en mayo. El jugador aparece con el dorsal 1 en la lista del club luso. 15:50 Y ahora desde las 16:00 tendremos en directo un programa especial para seguir la última hora del cierre de mercado en la Premier League. 15:40 Esto ha sido lo más destacado del mercado de fichajes en lo que llevamos de día. 15:32 Parece ser que Mario Mandzukic tampoco va a jugar en el Manchester United. Algo más de dos horas para el cierre del mercado en Inglaterra y el conjunto inglés no consigue reforzarse. 14:34 Zvonimir Boban, actualmente miembro de la dirección deportiva del Milán, ha salido al paso de los rumores que sitúaban a Luka Modric en el Milán: "La única verdad es que Modric no va a venir a jugar con nosotros". 14:28 El Sporting de Portugal manda un mensajito a la Premier, especialmente al Manchester que está empeñado en la contratación de Bruno Fernandes. El capitán del conjunto lisboeta aparece en el anuncio del club para promocionar el primer encuentro liguero de su equipo. ¿Se queda? 14:22Pedro Porro va a fimar por el Manchester City seg-un El Chiringuito, y salvo cambios de última hora, el conjunto inglés lo cederá al Valladolid. Ahora mismo los agentes del jugador están cerrando el acuerdo. 14:18 Según diferentes medios ingleses, Burnley y Chelsea están negociando las cantidades a pagar por cada equipo para que Danny Drinkwater salga cedido. 14:15 14:02 El Newcastle está estudiando la posibilidad de traer de vuelta a casa a Andy Carroll. según Sky Sports. El delantero que vivió sus mejores momentos con las urracas, actualmente se encuentra sin equipo. 13:35 Informa Di Marzio que el futbolista argentino Nahitan Nández ya está pasando reconocimiento médico con el Cagliari. El internacional con la albiceleste aterriza en la Serie A tras unas duras negociaciones con Boca Juniors. 13:31 Wilfried Zaha que ayer solicitó el transfer request, no está entrenando con el Crystal Palace. El Everton quiere hacerse con los servicios del costamarfileño. Tiene cuatro horas y media para lograrlo. 13:26 Según Tuttosport el Manchester United quiere llevarse en este último día del mercado de fichajes a Blaise Matuidi y a Mandzukic. Por el delantero croata ambos clubes ya tenían un acuerdo hace unos días por n precio cercano a los 15 millones de euros. 13:12 El Valencia CF ha llegado a un acuerdo con el FC Famalicao por el que el joven centrocampista Uros Racic jugará cedido en el club portugués hasta el próximo 30 de junio de 2020. 12:47 Diferentes medios italianos hablan de que el Wolverhampton ha llegado a un acuerdo con el Milán para fichar a Franck Kessié por una cifra cercana a los 28 millones de euros. 12:41 El Brighton ha anunciando la firma del defensor del PSG de 19 años Romaric Yapi. El acuerdo es por una temporada. "Being at PSG was a dream but I am now looking forward to the future with Brighton. It's the best club for my evolution, and I really like
is always loaded in the address space of every process on Windows, so LoadLibrary() can be found there and used to load other DLLs. Developing shellcode using this technique requires a solid understanding of the Portable Executable (PE) file format used on Windows for EXE and DLL files, and the next section of this article assumes some familiarity. The following references and tools may be helpful: Matt Pietrek’s An In-Depth Look into the Win32 Portable Executable File Format: part1 and part2. Note that this only covers 32-bit and not 64-bit PE files, but the differences are very minor – mostly just widening some memory address fields to 64 bits The offical Microsoft Portable Executable and Common Object File Format Specification Daniel Pistelli’s CFF Explorer is a nice GUI tool for viewing and editing PE files, with 64-bit support The dumpbin utility included with Visual C++ (including Express Edition) – the most useful switches for our purposes are /headers and /exports Many of the PE data structures are documented in MSDN under ImageHlp Structures Definitions of the data structures can be found in winnt.h in the Include directory of the Windows SDK in the directory of the Windows SDK The dt command in WinDbg is able to display many of these structures API Lookup Demo This demonstration of how to find the address of a function in a loaded DLL can be followed by attaching WinDbg to any 64-bit process (I’m using notepad.exe). Note that the particular values seen here may be different on your system. First we’ll get the address of the Thread Environment Block (TEB), sometimes also referred to as the Thread Information Block (TIB). The TEB contains a large number of fields pertaining to the current thread, and on x64 the fields can be accessed as offsets from the GS segment register during program execution (the FS register was used on x86). In WinDbg, the pseudo register $teb contains the address of the TEB. 0:001> r $teb $teb=000007fffffdb000 0:001> dt _TEB @$teb ntdll!_TEB +0x000 NtTib : _NT_TIB +0x038 EnvironmentPointer : (null) +0x040 ClientId : _CLIENT_ID +0x050 ActiveRpcHandle : (null) +0x058 ThreadLocalStoragePointer : (null) +0x060 ProcessEnvironmentBlock : 0x000007ff`fffdd000 _PEB +0x068 LastErrorValue : 0 [...] The only field from the TEB we are interested in is the pointer to the Process Environment Block (PEB). Note that WinDbg also has a $peb pseudo-register, but in the shellcode implementation we will have to use the GS register to go through the TEB first. 0:001> dt _PEB 7ff`fffdd000 ntdll!_PEB +0×000 InheritedAddressSpace : 0 '' +0×001 ReadImageFileExecOptions : 0 '' +0×002 BeingDebugged : 0×1 '' +0×003 BitField : 0×8 '' +0×003 ImageUsesLargePages : 0y0 +0×003 IsProtectedProcess : 0y0 +0×003 IsLegacyProcess : 0y0 +0×003 IsImageDynamicallyRelocated : 0y1 +0×003 SkipPatchingUser32Forwarders : 0y0 +0×003 SpareBits : 0y000 +0×008 Mutant : 0xffffffff`ffffffff Void +0×010 ImageBaseAddress : 0×00000000`ff8b0000 Void +0×018 Ldr : 0×00000000`779a3640 _PEB_LDR_DATA [...] The PEB contains numerous fields with process-specific data and we are interested in the Ldr field at offset 0x18 which points to a structure of type PEB_LDR_DATA. 0:001> dt _PEB_LDR_DATA 779a3640 ntdll!_PEB_LDR_DATA +0×000 Length : 0×58 +0×004 Initialized : 0×1 '' +0×008 SsHandle : (null) +0×010 InLoadOrderModuleList: _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x00000000`00373040 - 0x39a3b0 ] +0×020 InMemoryOrderModuleList: _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x00000000`00373050 - 0x39a3c0 ] +0×030
is exactly the same as it is on disk, at least as far as the headers. It’s not exactly true that the entire file is read verbatim into memory, because each section is loaded at a certain byte alignment in memory (typically a multiple of 4096, the virtual memory page size) that may be different from where it falls in the file. Also, some sections (like a debug data section) may not be read into memory at all. However, when we look at the DLL base address in memory, we can expect to find what we see at the beginning of any PE file: a DOS “MZ” header. That’s an IMAGE_DOS_HEADER structure to be exact: 0:001> dt _IMAGE_DOS_HEADER 77650000 ntdll!_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER +0×000 e_magic : 0x5a4d +0×002 e_cblp : 0×90 +0×004 e_cp : 3 +0×006 e_crlc : 0 +0×008 e_cparhdr : 4 +0x00a e_minalloc : 0 +0x00c e_maxalloc : 0xffff +0x00e e_ss : 0 +0×010 e_sp : 0xb8 +0×012 e_csum : 0 +0×014 e_ip : 0 +0×016 e_cs : 0 +0×018 e_lfarlc : 0×40 +0x01a e_ovno : 0 +0x01c e_res : [4] 0 +0×024 e_oemid : 0 +0×026 e_oeminfo : 0 +0×028 e_res2 : [10] 0 +0x03c e_lfanew : 0n224 The e_lfanew field at 0x3c (which for some reason is displayed as a decimal number even though everything else is hex) contains the byte offset to the NT header (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64). Converting 224 to hex 0xe0 and adding to the image base will point to the NT header at 0x776500e0. We can use the –r option (recursive) to expand the embedded OptionalHeader field (which is a misnomer as it is required and always present): 0:001> dt -r _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 776500e0 ntdll!_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 +0×000 Signature : 0×4550 +0×004 FileHeader : _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER +0×000 Machine : 0×8664 +0×002 NumberOfSections : 6 +0×004 TimeDateStamp : 0x4a5bdfdf +0×008 PointerToSymbolTable : 0 +0x00c NumberOfSymbols : 0 +0×010 SizeOfOptionalHeader : 0xf0 +0×012 Characteristics : 0×2022 +0×018 OptionalHeader : _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 +0×000 Magic : 0x20b +0×002 MajorLinkerVersion : 0×9 '' +0×003 MinorLinkerVersion : 0 '' [...] +0×068 LoaderFlags : 0 +0x06c NumberOfRvaAndSizes : 0×10 +0×070 DataDirectory : [16] _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY [...] The DataDirectory field is located a total of 0x88 bytes from the NT headers (offset 0x70 from OptionalHeader which is 0x18 from the NT headers). This is an array of 16 elements corresponding to the various types of data in a PE file. 0:001> dt -a16c _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY 776500e0+88 ntdll!_IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY [0] @ 0000000077650168 +0×000 VirtualAddress 0xa0020 +0×004 Size 0xac33 [1] @ 0000000077650170 +0×000 VirtualAddress 0xf848c +0×004 Size 0x1f4 [2] @ 0000000077650178 +0×000 VirtualAddress 0×116000 +0×004 Size 0×520 [3] @ 0000000077650180 +0×000 VirtualAddress 0x10c000 +0×004 Size 0×9810 [4] @ 0000000077650188 +0×000 VirtualAddress 0 +0×004 Size 0 [5] @ 0000000077650190 +0×000 VirtualAddress 0×117000 +0×004 Size 0x7a9c [6] @
0000000077650198 +0×000 VirtualAddress 0x9b7dc +0×004 Size 0×38 [7] @ 00000000776501a0 +0×000 VirtualAddress 0 +0×004 Size 0 [8] @ 00000000776501a8 +0×000 VirtualAddress 0 +0×004 Size 0 [9] @ 00000000776501b0 +0×000 VirtualAddress 0 +0×004 Size 0 [10] @ 00000000776501b8 +0×000 VirtualAddress 0 +0×004 Size 0 [11] @ 00000000776501c0 +0×000 VirtualAddress 0x2d8 +0×004 Size 0×408 [12] @ 00000000776501c8 +0×000 VirtualAddress 0x9c000 +0×004 Size 0x1c70 [13] @ 00000000776501d0 +0×000 VirtualAddress 0 +0×004 Size 0 [14] @ 00000000776501d8 +0×000 VirtualAddress 0 +0×004 Size 0 [15] @ 00000000776501e0 +0×000 VirtualAddress 0 +0×004 Size 0 We are interested in the Export Directory which is the first one in the list having VirtualAddress 0xa0020 and Size 0xac33. See the MSDN documentation of the IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY structure for a reference on which type of data goes with each array element. A virtual address, also called a Relative Virtual Address (RVA) is an offset from the base load address of the module. RVAs are used extensively in PE files, including for the pointers to the function names and function addresses in the export table. To get the actual memory address pointed to by an RVA, simply add the base address of the module. (For convenience, note that the!dh command can be used to automatically display much of the PE header information we’ve extracted manually so far.) Given that the Export Directory begins at RVA 0xa0020, we add the base address 0x77650000 and should therefore expect to find an IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY structure at 0x776f0020. Unfortunately IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY is not understood by the dt command or documented in MSDN, so we will have to refer to the structure definition in winnt.h: typedef struct _IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY { DWORD Characteristics; DWORD TimeDateStamp; WORD MajorVersion; WORD MinorVersion; DWORD Name; DWORD Base; DWORD NumberOfFunctions; DWORD NumberOfNames; DWORD AddressOfFunctions; // RVA from base of image DWORD AddressOfNames; // RVA from base of image DWORD AddressOfNameOrdinals; // RVA from base of image } IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY, *PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY; The best we can do in WinDbg is display the structure as an array of DWORDs and count where things fall using the above structure as a reference. 0:001> dd 776f0020 00000000`776f0020 00000000 4a5bc32c 00000000 000a366c 00000000`776f0030 00000001 0000056a 0000056a 000a0048 00000000`776f0040 000a15f0 000a2b98 000aa10b 000aa12c [...] Beginning with the 8th DWORD within the structure we will find AddressOfFunctions (0xa0048), followed by AddressOfNames (0xa15f0) and AddressOfNameOrdinals (0xa2b98). These values are RVAs – when we add the DLL base address we will get the memory address of the array. When working with RVAs a lot it can be handy to stash the DLL base address in a pseudo-register because it will be used so frequently. Here is AddressOfNames: 0:001> r $t0=77650000 0:001> dd @$t0+a15f0 00000000`776f15f0 000a3679 000a3691 000a36a6 000a36b5 00000000`776f1600 000a36be 000a36c7 000a36d8 000a36e9 00000000`776f1610 000a370f 000a372e 000a374d 000a375a [...] This is an array of RVAs pointing to the function name strings (the size of the array is given by the NumberOfNames field in IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY). Take a look at the first one (adding DLL base address of course) and we see the name of a function exported from kernel32.dll.
Em uma sessão tensa que durou mais de sete horas, o plenário da Câmara rejeitou o substitutivo do deputado Laerte Bessa (PR-DF) à Proposta de Emenda Constitucional (PEC) que previa a redução da maioridade penal para crimes graves e/ou hediondos. Com o resultado, a Câmara vai apreciar o texto original do ex-deputado Benedito Domingos. O substitutivo de Bessa teve 303 votos a favor e 184 contra. Mas, por se tratar de uma emenda constitucional, a matéria precisaria de pelo menos 308 votos a favor. Confira como cada parlamentar votou. Parlamentar UF Voto DEM Alberto Fraga DF Sim Alexandre Leite SP Sim Carlos Melles MG Sim Claudio Cajado BA Sim Efraim Filho PB Sim Eli Corrêa Filho SP Sim Elmar Nascimento BA Sim Felipe Maia RN Sim Hélio Leite PA Sim Jorge Tadeu Mudalen SP Sim José Carlos Aleluia BA Sim Mandetta MS Não Marcelo Aguiar SP Sim Mendonça Filho PE Sim Misael Varella MG Sim Moroni Torgan CE Sim Onyx Lorenzoni RS Sim Pauderney Avelino AM Sim Paulo Azi BA Sim Professora Dorinha Seabra Rezende TO Não Rodrigo Maia RJ Sim Total DEM: 21 PCdoB Alice Portugal BA Não Aliel Machado PR Não Carlos Eduardo Cadoca PE Não Chico Lopes CE Não Daniel Almeida BA Não Davidson Magalhães BA Não Jandira Feghali RJ Não Jô Moraes MG Não João Derly RS Não Luciana Santos PE Não Orlando Silva SP Não Rubens Pereira Júnior MA Não Wadson Ribeiro MG Não Total PCdoB: 13 PDT Abel Mesquita Jr. RR Não Afonso Motta RS Não André Figueiredo CE Não Dagoberto MS Não Damião Feliciano PB Não Félix Mendonça Júnior BA Não Flávia Morais GO Não Giovani Cherini RS Não Major Olimpio SP Sim Marcelo Matos RJ Abstenção Marcos Rogério RO Sim Mário Heringer MG Não Pompeo de Mattos RS Não Roberto Góes AP Não Ronaldo Lessa AL Não Sergio Vidigal ES Não Subtenente Gonzaga MG Não Weverton Rocha MA Não Wolney Queiroz PE Não Total PDT: 19 PEN André Fufuca MA Sim Junior Marreca MA Sim Total PEN: 2 PHS Adail Carneiro CE Não Carlos Andrade RR Sim Diego Garcia PR Não Kaio Maniçoba PE Não Marcelo Aro MG Sim Total PHS: 5 PMDB Alberto Filho MA Sim Alceu Moreira RS Sim Aníbal Gomes CE Sim Baleia Rossi SP Sim Carlos Bezerra MT Não Carlos Henrique Gaguim TO Sim Carlos Marun MS Sim Celso Jacob RJ Sim Celso Maldaner SC Não Celso Pansera RJ Não Daniel Vilela GO Sim Danilo Forte CE Sim Darcísio Perondi RS Não Dulce Miranda TO Não Edinho Bez SC Sim Edio Lopes RR Sim Eduardo Cunha RJ Art. 17 Elcione Barbalho PA Não Fabio Reis SE Sim Fernando Jordão RJ Sim Flaviano Melo AC Sim Geraldo Resende MS Sim Hermes Parcianello PR Sim Hildo Rocha MA Sim Hugo Motta PB Sim Jarbas Vasconcelos PE Não Jéssica Sales AC Sim João Arruda PR Não João Marcelo Souza MA Não José Fogaça RS Não Josi Nunes TO Não Laudivio Carvalho MG Sim Lelo Coimbra ES Não Leonardo Picciani RJ Sim Leonardo Quintão MG Sim Lindomar Garçon RO Abstenção Lucio Mosquini RO Sim Lucio Vieira Lima BA Sim Manoel Junior PB Sim Marcelo Castro PI Sim Marcos Rotta AM Sim Marinha Raupp RO Não Marquinho Mendes RJ Sim Marx Beltrão AL Sim Mauro Lopes MG Sim Mauro Mariani SC Sim Mauro Pereira RS Sim Osmar Serraglio PR Sim Osmar Terra RS Não Pedro Chaves GO Sim Rogério Peninha Mendonça SC Sim Ronaldo Benedet SC Sim
Roney Nemer DF Sim Saraiva Felipe MG Não Sergio Souza PR Sim Simone Morgado PA Não Soraya Santos RJ Sim Valdir Colatto SC Sim Veneziano Vital do Rêgo PB Sim Vitor Valim CE Sim Walter Alves RN Sim Washington Reis RJ Não Total PMDB: 62 PMN Antônio Jácome RN Sim Dâmina Pereira MG Sim Hiran Gonçalves RR Sim Total PMN: 3 PP Afonso Hamm RS Sim Arthur Lira AL Sim Beto Rosado RN Sim Cacá Leão BA Sim Conceição Sampaio AM Não Covatti Filho RS Sim Dilceu Sperafico PR Sim Dimas Fabiano MG Sim Eduardo da Fonte PE Sim Esperidião Amin SC Sim Ezequiel Fonseca MT Sim Fernando Monteiro PE Sim Guilherme Mussi SP Sim Jair Bolsonaro RJ Sim Jerônimo Goergen RS Sim Jorge Boeira SC Sim José Otávio Germano RS Sim Julio Lopes RJ Sim Lázaro Botelho TO Sim Luis Carlos Heinze RS Sim Luiz Fernando Faria MG Sim Marcelo Belinati PR Sim Marcus Vicente ES Sim Mário Negromonte Jr. BA Sim Missionário José Olimpio SP Sim Nelson Meurer PR Sim Odelmo Leão MG Sim Paulo Maluf SP Sim Renato Molling RS Sim Renzo Braz MG Sim Ricardo Barros PR Não Roberto Balestra GO Sim Roberto Britto BA Sim Ronaldo Carletto BA Sim Sandes Júnior GO Sim Simão Sessim RJ Sim Toninho Pinheiro MG Sim Waldir Maranhão MA Não Total PP: 38 PPS Alex Manente SP Sim Arnaldo Jordy PA Não Carmen Zanotto SC Não Eliziane Gama MA Não Hissa Abrahão AM Não Marcos Abrão GO Não Moses Rodrigues CE Sim Raul Jungmann PE Não Roberto Freire SP Não Rubens Bueno PR Não Sandro Alex PR Sim Total PPS: 11 PR Aelton Freitas MG Sim Altineu Côrtes RJ Sim Anderson Ferreira PE Sim Bilac Pinto MG Sim Cabo Sabino CE Sim Capitão Augusto SP Sim Clarissa Garotinho RJ Não Dr. João RJ Sim Francisco Floriano RJ Sim Giacobo PR Sim Gorete Pereira CE Sim João Carlos Bacelar BA Sim Jorginho Mello SC Sim José Rocha BA Sim Laerte Bessa DF Sim Lincoln Portela MG Sim Lúcio Vale PA Sim Luiz Cláudio RO Sim Luiz Nishimori PR Sim Magda Mofatto GO Sim Marcio Alvino SP Sim Marcos Soares RJ Sim Maurício Quintella Lessa AL Sim Miguel Lombardi SP Sim Milton Monti SP Sim Paulo Feijó RJ Sim Paulo Freire SP Sim Remídio Monai RR Sim Silas Freire PI Sim Tiririca SP Sim Vinicius Gurgel AP Sim Wellington Roberto PB Sim Zenaide Maia RN Não Total PR: 33 PRB Alan Rick AC Sim André Abdon AP Sim Antonio Bulhões SP Sim Beto Mansur SP Sim Carlos Gomes RS Sim Celso Russomanno SP Sim César Halum TO Sim Cleber Verde MA Sim Fausto Pinato SP Sim Jhonatan de Jesus RR Sim Jony Marcos SE Sim Marcelo Squassoni SP Sim Márcio Marinho BA Sim Roberto Alves SP Sim Roberto Sales RJ Sim Ronaldo Martins CE Sim Rosangela Gomes RJ Sim Tia Eron BA Sim Vinicius Carvalho SP Sim Total PRB: 19 PROS Ademir Camilo MG Sim Antonio Balhmann CE Sim Beto Salame PA Não Domingos Neto CE Não Dr. Jorge Silva ES Não Givaldo Carimbão AL Não Hugo Leal RJ Não Leônidas Cristino CE Não Miro Teixeira RJ Não Rafael Motta RN Não Ronaldo Fonseca DF Sim Valtenir Pereira MT Sim Total PROS: 12 PRP Juscelino Filho MA Sim Marcelo Álvaro Antônio MG Sim Total PRP: 2 PRTB Cícero Almeida AL Sim Total PRTB: 1 PSB Adilton Sachetti MT Sim Átila Lira PI Não Bebeto BA Não César Messias AC Não Fabio Garcia MT Sim Fernando Coelho Filho PE Não Flavinho SP Não Glauber Braga RJ Não Gonzaga Patriota PE Sim Heitor Schuch RS Não Heráclito Fortes PI Abstenção Janete Capiberibe AP Não João Fernando Coutinho PE
Армия Венесуэлы "не позволят, чтобы империалисты из США посягали на территорию страны", заявил местный диктатор, и пообещал собрать "народную милицию" Венесуэльский диктатор Николас Мадуро проехался на этой неделе по нескольким военным частям в стране в попытке получить лояльность армии в развивающемся конфликте с оппозиционными силами во главе с самопровозглашенным и.о. президента Хуаном Гуайдо. Об этом сообщил местный канал Telesur. Кроме того, Мадуро пообещал сформировать до мая "во всех районах, городах, поселках и деревнях" 50 тысяч отрядов народного ополчения - Боливарианской национальной милиции. В состав этих парамилитарных формирований, по его словам, войдут около 2 млн венесуэльцев. Читайте также: 7 грехов Мадуро. Как диктатор поломал Венесуэлу "Как главнокомандующий, я на переднем крае этой битвы, которую мы ведем <...> с предателями", - заявил он. Leales Siempre, Traidores Nunca! Es la consigna de nuestros soldados y soldadas de cada unidad militar en las 8 Regiones de Defensa Integral de nuestra Patria. pic.twitter.com/UdguPJBFeI — Nicolas Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) 29 січня 2019 р. В стране
hallinnossa. Hänellä on oma, vahinkotarkastuksia suorittava yritys, selvitti Sverker Karlsson Iltalehdelle. Vaitiololupaus velvoittaa Airiston Helmen kiinteistöhankinnat on keskitetty paraislaiseen kiinteistönvälitystoimistoon. Iltalehti tavoitti saarikohteita etsineen ja kaupat hoitaneen kiinteistönvälittäjäyrittäjän. - En kommentoi millään tavalla näitä kauppoja. Olen antanut vaitiololupauksen asiakkaalleni ja se sitoo minua, olipa toimeksiantajani kuka hyvänsä. Kohtelen Matti Möttöstä samalla tavoin kuin venäläisiä, tiuskahtaa puhelimitse tavoitettu Teija Laaksonen Saaristovälittäjät Oy:stä. Laaksosen aviopuoliso on osaomistajana Airiston Helmen kiinteistöillä aliurakoineessa metallialan yrityksessä. Yrityksen liikevaihto ponkaisi hurjaan kasvuun Airiston Helmen kanssa aloitetun yhteistyön myötä. Ajallinen yhteys on ilmeinen. HL-Metalin taloudesta ja laskutuksesta vastaava Christian Laaksonen ei vastannut Iltalehden yhteydenottoihin. Hän kertoi asiamiehensä välityksellä, ettei ennätä keskustella toimittajan kanssa Airiston Helmeen liittyvästä urakoinnista. Kymmenien miljoonien maakaupat Kauppakirjojen mukaan Airiston Helmi on käyttänyt kiinteistöjen hankintaan kymmeniä miljoonia euroja. Rekisterissä näkyvät kuitenkin ainoastaan ne kiinteistöt, joiden omistuksen yhtiö on tuonut päivänvaloon lainhuudatuksen myötä. Yhtiön hallussa saattaa olla myös lainhuudattamattomia kiinteistöjä. Yhtiö voi omistaa myös toisten, Suomesta maa-alueita ja kiinteistöjä hankkineiden yhtiöiden osakkeita. Tällainen omistus on tiedossa ainoastaan Airiston Helmen todellisilla omistajilla ja hallintohenkilöillä. Rahat Airiston Helmen maa-alue- ja kiinteistöhankintoihin ovat tulleet luottoina rahoittajalta, joka ei ole perinyt miljoonalainojaan takaisin missään vaiheessa yhtiön toimintahistoriaa. Mikäli rahoittaja olisi toiminut toisin, Airiston Helmi olisi ollut konkurssissa jo aika päivää sitten. Paraisten kaupungin virastotalolla on riittänyt vipinää viime päivinä. Keskusrikospoliisin, Verohallinnon ja Puolustusvoimien yhteisoperaatio kaupungin rakennus- ja ympäristöluvittamiin kiinteistökohteisiin tuli kaupungin virkamiehille täydellisenä yllätyksenä. Tuula Malin Helikopteriliikenne kysymysmerkki Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto Trafi edellytti Paraisten kaupungilta Airiston Helmen harjoittaman helikopteriliikenteen ympäristöluvittamista vu
$315 x 5 (Original Qty : 8 // 3 Sold) Z v.4 18" Mtr / Basket - $225 x 3 (Original Qty : 5 // 2 Sold) Z v.4 18" D1 - $335 x 2 (Original Qty : 3 // 1 Sold) Z v.4 18" D2 - $335 x 1 (Original Qty : 2 // 1 Sold) FI BTL UFO Motor w/ Z v.4 Parts and Basket D1 - $315 x 1 Triple Stack 15" Prototype w/ 12-spoke D1 (NS v.2 gap) - $250 x 1 SI HT 24" D2 w/ Dented Dust Cap - $600 x 1 ---------- Finally we have motors and baskets in the E through SA series : I am not breaking the quantity down on these -- we have a good bit of all of them from RMAs. SA-15 : $75 SA-12 : $65 SA-10 : $60 SA MOTOR ONLY : $55 SD-2 12 : $55 SD-2 10 : $50 E-15 : $35 E-12 : $32 E-10 : $30 ---------------------------------------These items would mostly have minorissues such as a tick at high excursion, a rattle, messed up terminal, broken / not glued correctly dust cap, surround or spider glued improperly, no dust cap, or something like that. Most of them not really major (you can check prior yard-sale threads; most customers are pleased with the outcome) but I do not plan to sort through them. These areour typical b-stock which are cosmetic only -- most of these do have some sort of functional issue as noted. There may be other issues as well that are not as minor but for these prices I am not going to list them specifically. If you arewith the chance of having a bad woofer do not buy.I will be making NO distinction between Used and QC Fail products... you may get a used woofer, you may get a QC Fail woofer -- there is no option to specify and I am grouping them together. Since this has apparently been an issue in the past... the "no guarantee" policy does apply to both used and QC fail in the Yard Sale.This is what I have along with... for these items I will not run a credit card; I will only take direct Paypal. First come / first serve basis. If I sell more than I have the newest payment will be refunded.ALSO MARK "YARD SALE" along with what item you are ordering on the payment.These items are ALL soldwith no guarantee.of them do in fact play (UNLESS specified otherwise) but may have issues such as ticking and whatnot as mentioned above; but there isFor motor / basket products the ONLY guarantee is that the motor is good and not shifted. You may have to clean coil out of the gap, bolt holes and/or bolts may have issues or be broken off. This is not common but is possible in these items.For NeoPro v.1 re-cones contact Corey Dean < [email protected] > -- these units initially failed our QC for B-Stock reasons only... but for the yard sale there is NO GUARANTEE.------------------------------NeoPro-10 8 ohm -- $61 x 71NeoPro-10 4 ohm -- $61 x 54NeoPro-8 8 ohm -- $50 x 50NeoPro-8 4 ohm -- $50 x 57NeoPro-6.5 8 ohm -- $46 x 48NeoPro-6.5 4 ohm v.2 -- $50 x 1E8 v.3 D2 - $40 x 1E-10 v.2 D2 - $47 x 1E-12 v.2 D2 - $52 x 1SD-2 8 D4 - $75 x 2SD-2 10 D2 - $78 x 1SD-2 12 D2 - $80 x 1SA-8 v1.5 D2 - $75 x 1SA-8 v1.5 D4 - $75 x 4SA-8 v.2 D2 - $90 x 63SA-10 D2 - $85 x 11SA-10 D4 - $85 x 2SA-12 D2 - $95 x 1SA-15 D4 - $105 x 1Z v.4 10" D1 - $285 x 3Z v.4 12" D1 - $295 x 7Z v.4 12" D2 - $295 x 8X-10 Motor and Basket - $140 x 1X-12 Motor and Basket - $150 x 18
may be driven until its owner shows proof of the compulsory insurance. This law is very similar to many of the compulsory insurance laws in the U.S. 3. What is not covered by basic-level JCI? JCI does not protect you in the case of property damage caused by you or any other expense exceeding those listed in paragraph 1. 4. Who Pays for Bodily Injury or Death Damage Over and Above JCI Coverage? You do. 4.1. If you cause injury or death damage exceeding your JCI policy coverage and your private insurance coverage, you are responsible. JCI protects you only in case you injure or cause death to other people by the use of your vehicle. 4.2. JCI does not cover liability for any property you might damage by the use of your vehicle. If in an accident caused by you there is damage to someone’s vehicle, fence, house, storefront, or other property, you are responsible, unless you have insurance to cover such claims. 4.3. To put things in perspective, 3,000,000 yen may be less than the value of a single automobile. Bodily injury damages in excess of JCI coverage are well documented. Carnet From JAF – http://www.jaf.or.jp/e/carnet.htm AIT/FIA Carnet de Passages en Douane (CPD) is recognized when you temporarily (up to one year) import your private vehicle to Japan. Before customs clearance, the holder of CPD has to obtain an authentication of carnet at the relevant JAF offices. It is free of charge to make this application. We at JAF need following documents and information for issuing an authentication of carnet. Please send these documents by fax in advance. 1. Copies of front cover and first page of the carnet. 2. A list of persons and their address that will drive the vehicle in Japan. (If the third persons use the imported vehicle 1. A CPD holder should come to the relevant JAF office in person with his/her original CPD. In a particular case, JAF may accept an application by an agent with a letter of proxy for the holder. 2. Submit your original CPD to us and fill in 2 copies of the authentication application form by specifying your address in Japan, the date and place of re-export of the vehicle. Then sign those forms and hand in them to us. 3. We will fill in and return the forms to you if the CPD can be authenticated. 4. Submit both of the forms to customs office when you apply for clearance. They will return signed and sealed one to you. Keep it always with you when you drive your vehicle. FAX No. of JAF Branch Offices for Carnet Authentication Sapporo: +81-11-857-7177 Miyagi: +81-22-783-2821 Tokyo: +81-3-5440-2564 Aichi: +81-52-872-1164 Osaka: +81-72-645-1666 Hiroshima: +81-82-272-0324 Kagawa: +81-87-869-9316 Fukuoka: +81-92-841-7815 < NOTE > 1. A temporarily imported vehicle under cover of CPD must be driven by the carnet holder for private purpose. In this context it is recommended that CPD be made out in the name of individual. Otherwise the carnet might not be accepted by the customs. 2. If you wish to have anyone else other than you drive your vehicle, you have to submit relevant application document(s) to the customs office. We can provide the application document(s) on your request. 3. A CPD holder must have his/her temporarily imported vehicle covered by Japanese Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance before starting to use the vehicle in Japan. 4. Anyone who drives a temporarily imported vehicle must always keep a “Registration Certificate” with him/her, issued for the vehicle, which certificate is prescribed in the 1949 Convention on Road Traffic. 5. If a temporarily imported vehicle is registered in a country that is not a party to the aforementioned Convention, it must be inspected and registered in Japan on arrival, even if imported under cover of CPD. 6. No extension of the validity of CPD is authorized by the Customs authority, unless the holder of the CPD provides sufficient evidences that the vehicle in question is unable to be re-exported from Japan within the validity of the CPD. Exceptions – Carnet Motorcycles from these countries ( Germany, Switzerland
0004-637X/879/1/35 We present an analysis of Chandra spectra of five gravitationally lensed active galactic nuclei. We confirm the previous detections of FeK α emission lines in most images of these objects with high significance. The line energies range from 5.8 to 6.8 keV, with widths from unresolved to 0.6 keV, consistent with emission close to spinning black holes viewed at different inclination angles. We also confirm the positive offset from the Iwasawa–Taniguchi effect, the inverse correlation between the FeK α equivalent width (EW) and the X-ray luminosity in active galactic nuclei, where our measured EWs are larger in lensed quasars. We attribute this effect to microlensing, and perform a microlensing likelihood analysis to constrain the emission size of the relativistic reflection region and the spin of supermassive black holes, assuming that the X-ray corona and the reflection region, responsible for the iron emission line, both follow power-law emissivity profiles. The microlensing analysis yields strong constraints on the spin and emissivity index of the reflection component for Q 2237+0305, with a > 0.92 and n > 5.4. For the remaining four targets, we jointly constrain the two parameters, yielding a = 0.8 ± 0.16 and an emissivity index of n = 4.0 ± 0.8, suggesting that the relativistic X-ray reflection region is ultracompact and very close to the innermost stable circular orbits of black holes, which are spinning at close to the maximal value. We successfully constrain the half-light radius of the emission region to <2.4 r g ( r g = GM / c 2 ) for Q 2237+0305 and in the range 5.9–7.4 r g for the joint sample. Export citation and abstract BibTeX RIS 1. Introduction The X-ray spectra of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are characterized by a continuum emission that is well modeled by a power law (e.g., Guilbert & Rees 1988; Reynolds & Nowak 2003; Brenneman 2013). The UV emission of the accretion disk provides the seed photons and these photons are then inverse Compton scattered by relativistic electrons in the corona to produce the continuum. A portion of these photons are scattered back to the accretion disk and can can create a reprocessed or reflected emission component including fluorescent emission lines, most notably, the Fe Kα emission line at 6.4 keV in the source rest frame (Guilbert & Rees 1988; Fabian et al. 1995; Reynolds & Nowak 2003; Brenneman 2013). The exact locations of the reflection are not well constrained and the process can occur at multiple locations, from the (inner) accretion disk, broad-line regions, to the torus. Measuring the spins of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at the centers of AGN is important because it is related to the growth history of the black holes, their interaction with the environment, the launching of relativistic jets, and the size of the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO; e.g., Thorne 1974; Blandford & Znajek 1977; Fabian 2012; Brenneman 2013; Chartas et al. 2017). For example, as an SMBH grows it can provide matter and energy to its surrounding environment through outflows (Fabian 2012). One important method to estimate spins models the general relativistic (GR) and special relativistic distortions of the Fe Kα emission line (e.g., Brenneman 2013; Reynolds 2014). This method has been applied to many nearby Seyferts with most estimates being close to the maximal spin (Reynolds 2014). Another approach is to model the UV-optical SEDs of high redshift quasars (e.g., Capellupo et al. 2015, 2017). These studies again find high spins for high redshift quasars. Quasar microlensing has significantly improved our understanding of the accretion disks (e.g., Dai et al. 2010; Morgan et al. 2010; Mosquera et al. 2013; Blackburne et al. 2014, 2015; MacLeod et al. 2015) and nonthermal emission regions (e.g., Pooley et al. 2006, 2007; Morgan et al. 2008; Chartas et al. 2009, 2016, 2017; Dai et al. 2010; Chen et al. 2011, 2012; Guerras et al. 2016) of quasars, and the demographics of microlenses in the lens galaxy (e.g., Blackburne et al. 2014; Dai & Guerras 2018; Guerras et al. 2018). Since the magnification diverges
Prominent members of the right-wing Venezuelan opposition, including professors and journalists, are spreading blatant lies about U.S. journalists, inciting violence and subjecting them to a torrent of extreme death threats. As the price of oil has plummeted, Venezuela has seen growing inflation and goods shortages. The South American nation’s right-wing opposition — which has long been backed by the United States government, and which in 2002 briefly carried out a coup, with U.S. support — has exploited this crisis to launch a borderline insurgency against the democratically elected socialist government. For months, the right-wing opposition has been engaging in large, often bloody demonstrations. Protesters have lynched three Afro-Venezuelans, whom they accused of being “infiltrators”; two of the men were burned alive. Right-wing demonstrators have also set fire to government buildings and buses, and even thrown explosives and molotov cocktails at police. Demonstrators set man on fire during violent Venezuela protest (Warning: Graphic) https://t.co/WUdRQJAeCN pic.twitter.com/hQYsPmsIjC — New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) May 23, 2017 In response, Venezuelan security forces have cracked down on the violent protests. Dozens of people have been killed, on both sides. Some academic experts have suggested that the opposition is intentionally provoking a violent response, in hopes of attracting international media attention. Reporters Abby Martin and Mike Prysner, co-producers of the political television show The Empire Files, traveled to Venezuela in May to report on the ongoing violent protests, and to provide an independent perspective often ignored in Western corporate media outlets. In the midst of these bloody protests, several influential voices in the Venezuelan opposition have circulated lies about Martin and Prysner, accusing them of being “spies” for the country’s intelligence agencies, without presenting a modicum of evidence. They have also shared the journalists’ private information, and even appeared to have incited violence against them. “For doing my job –– for interviewing government officials, protesters at los guarimbas, average Venezuelans and peaceful marchers –– I am called a spy who should be killed by the same people called ‘peaceful freedom fighters’ by Western press,” Martin told AlterNet in an interview. “These unsuccessful attempts to intimidate us reveals how much they really fear accurate reporting that might undermine their narrative.” Abby Martin has established herself as one of the most influential independent journalists in the U.S. A staunch critic of the mainstream corporate media, Martin was also a popular former host of the daily program Breaking The Set, on the television network Russia Today. Her current show, The Empire Files, is hosted by TeleSUR, a pan-Latin American news network that is collectively funded by several South American governments, including Venezuela’s. Martin’s and Prysner’s program is editorially independent, however, and they produce it themselves. “The show is totally independent of TeleSUR,” Martin explained. “We merely sell them the content; they have zero control over anything we do.” Extreme, Unsubstantiated Smears When opposition forces learned that Martin and Prysner had been in Venezuela reporting, multiple right-wing opposition journalists took to social media to accuse the two of being paid “spies” for the Venezuelan National Guard (GNB). None of the accusers provided any proof whatsoever for the extraordinary allegation. Martin and Prysner stressed that this accusation completely false — a baseless lie that amounts to libel. They told AlterNet that they are considering legal action both inside and out of the U.S. based on the fabricated claims. Jose Vicente Carrasquero Aumaitre, a professor of political science at Venezuela’s Simon Bolivar University and opposition activist, was one of the first key figures to spread unsubstantiated rumors about Martin and Prysner. On May 31, he claimed on Twitter that the reporters “infiltrate opposition protests in order to collect intelligence for the GNB.” (All translations were done by AlterNet.) Despite the fact that Carrasquero did not provide any proof, his rumor was echoed, and even further exaggerated, by several ostensible journalists. Prominent opposition journalist Manuel Malaver spread more uncorroborated accusations. He claimed on Twitter that Martin and Prysner “spy” for the government and are collecting information for SEBIN, Venezuela’s intelligence service. Estos sapos gringos, Abby Martin y Michael Prysner, espian las marchan para el gobierno y portan carnet de Telesur pic
(485-505), A. Stubbins, J. Niggemann, T. Dittmar, Photo-lability of deep ocean dissolved black carbon, Biogeosciences, 10.5194/bg-9-1661-2012, 9, 5, (1661-1670), A S Prokushkin, O S Pokrovsky, L S Shirokova, M A Korets, J Viers, S G Prokushkin, R M W Amon, G Guggenberger, W H McDowell, Sources and the flux pattern of dissolved carbon in rivers of the Yenisey basin draining the Central Siberian Plateau, Environmental Research Letters, 10.1088/1748-9326/6/4/045212, 6, 4, (045212), André Hilscher, Heike Knicker, Carbon and nitrogen degradation on molecular scale of grass-derived pyrogenic organic material during 28 months of incubation in soil, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 10.1016/j.soilbio.2010.10.007, 43, 2, (261-270), Bente Foereid, Johannes Lehmann, Julie Major, Modeling black carbon degradation and movement in soil, Plant and Soil, 10.1007/s11104-011-0773-3, 345, 1-2, (223-236), Nadezda A. Vasilyeva, Samuel Abiven, Evgeniy Y. Milanovskiy, Michael Hilf, Oleg V. Rizhkov, Michael W.I. Schmidt, Pyrogenic carbon quantity and quality unchanged after 55 years of organic matter depletion in a Chernozem, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 10.1016/j.soilbio.2011.05.015, 43, 9, (1985-1988), Samuel Abiven, Pascal Hengartner, Maximilian P.W. Schneider, Nimisha Singh, Michael W.I. Schmidt, Pyrogenic carbon soluble fraction is larger and more aromatic in aged charcoal than in fresh charcoal, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 10.1016/j.soilbio.2011.03.027, 43, 7, (1615-1617), Heike Knicker, Pyrogenic organic matter in soil: Its origin and occurrence, its chemistry and survival in soil environments, Quaternary International, 10.1016/j.quaint.2011.02.037, 243, 2, (251-263), S.M. Haefele, Y. Konboon, W. Wongboon, S. Amarante, A.A. Maarifat, E.M. Pfeiffer, C. Knoblauch, Effects and fate of biochar from rice residues in rice-based systems, Field Crops Research, 10.1016/j.fcr.2011.01.014, 121, 3, (430-440), Costanza Zavalloni, Giorgio Alberti, Stefano Biasiol, Gemini Delle Vedove, Flavio Fornasier, Jie Liu, Alessandro Peressotti, Microbial mineralization of biochar and wheat straw mixture in soil: A short-term study, Applied Soil Ecology, 10.1016/j.apsoil.2011.07.012, 50, (45-51), Maximilian P.W. Schneider, Rienk H. Smittenberg, Thorsten Dittmar, Michael W.I. Schmidt, Comparison of gas with liquid chromatography for the determination of benzenepolycarboxylic acids as molecular tracers of black carbon, Organic Geochemistry, 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2011.01.003, 42, 3, (275-282), Christopher Yarnes, Fernanda Santos, Nimisha Singh, Samuel Abiven, Michael W. I. Schmidt, Jeffrey A. Bird, Stable isotopic analysis of pyrogenic organic matter in soils by liquid chromatography–isotope‐ratio mass spectrometry of benzene polycarboxylic acids, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 10.1002/rcm.5272, 25, 24, (3723-3731), Lars Koschke, Carsten Lorz, Christine Fürst, Bruno Glaser, Franz Makeschin, Black Carbon in Fly-Ash Influenced Soils of the Dübener Heide Region, Central Germany, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 10.1007/s11270-010-0409-x, 214, 1-4, (119-132), Klaus Lorenz, Rattan Lal, Klaus Lorenz
Eid Mubarak. This is a guide to help ensure you have a blessed Eid. ﷽ All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all creation, and may the prayers and blessings be upon our Prophet ﷺ, his family, and his companions. To proceed: Eid Al-Adha is almost upon us. May Allah accept all of our good deeds in these blessed days of Dhul Hijjah. The following are number of rulings and etiquettes of the second Eid in the Islamic calendar. I hope they are of benefit to all my noble brothers. The Takbir It is the sunnah to say the takbir out loud during the 10 days of Dhul Hijjah. There are two types of takbir: The general takbir: “Allah Akbar” The specific takbir: “Allah akbar, Allah akbar, la ilaha illallah, Allah akbar, Allah akbar, wa lillahil hamd” The general takbir can be said at any time throughout the 10 days, and is in fact somewhat of a forgotten sunnah, as it is not very often practiced. It is reported that Umar and Ali as well as other companions would constantly say the takbir, the Shahada (la ilaha illallah), and the tahmid (al-hamdulillah) out loud wherever they were during the 10 days of Dhul Hijjah. The specific takbir is to be said after every prayer starting from the Fajr prayer on the morning of the Day of Arafah (the 9th of Dhul Hijjah) until the Asr prayer on the third Day of At-Tashriq (the 13th of Dhul Hijjah), and on the way to the Eid prayer. Ibn Uthaymin said that the takbir should be said immediately after the istighfar that is normally said after the prayer (i.e. after saying astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, Allahumma antas Salam, wa minkas Salam, tabarakta ya dhal Jallalli wal Ikraam) The specific takbir should be said out loud but not in unison with a group, as the scholars have declared this to be a bid’ah (innovation). The Eid Prayer is Wajib (Obligatory) The Prophet ﷺ commanded all the Muslims to attend the Eid prayer, including the women and even ordered the women who are on their menses to attend the prayer but not to pray. The Eid Prayer is Performed Outside It is the sunnah to perform the Eid prayer outside in an open area if the weather permits. Otherwise it is to be held in the masjid as usual. Ghusl on the Day of Eid It is the sunnah to perform a ghusl (washing of the whole body with intention) in the same manner that one would wash for janabah (impurity after sexual intercourse). The ghusl should be performed after the time for Fajr has entered. Some of the scholars believe that if performed before Fajr then it is not considered the Eid Ghusl, however some permit it before Fajr, because the time between Fajr and the Eid prayer is short. Therefore, if time permits one should strive to do the ghusl after the time for Fajr has entered. Wearing Nice Clothes It is the sunnah to wear your best clothes for the Eid prayer, without being too extravagant. Fasting on the Day of Eid It is not permissible to fast on the day of Eid. Waiting to Eat After the Eid Prayer The sunnah for Eid Al-Adha is to wait till after the prayer before you eat. This is the opposite to Eid Al-Fitr. Walking to the Eid Musalla It is the sunnah to walk to the Eid prayer and to take a different route on the way back from the prayer. There Are No Voluntary Prayers at the Eid Musalla Ibn Mas’ud informed us in an authentic hadith that no voluntary prayers should be prayed at the Eid musalla before the Eid prayer. If the prayer is held at a masjid however, it is permissible to pray the two rak’ahs for entering the masjid. Missing the Eid Prayer or Some of It If someone misses the Eid prayer then he should pray two rak’ahs in the same manner as the imam would pray the Eid prayer, including the extra takbirs. It is permissible to
NETWORK FINALS: GREY’S ANATOMY, SUPERSTORE and THE BIG BANG THEORY rose 0.1 in final numbers. Broadcast Official Nationals Program Ratings Chart CABLE HIGHLIGHTS: MTV’s JERSEY SHORE FAMILY VACATION stayed at the top of Thursday cable at 0.98, compared to last week’s premiere 1.49/1.42, and EX ON THE BEACH premiered as lead-out at 0.29. On Bravo, SOUTHERN CHARM rose 0.07 to 0.43, and IMPOSTERS was down 0.02 to 0.12. MSNBC’s RACHEL MADDOW SHOW was the #3 cable show of the night at 0.42/0.61/3.6M, above Fox News’s HANNITY at 0.31/0.53/3.1M and CNN’s CNN TONIGHT at 0.25/0.34/1.2M. FX’s ATLANTA dipped 0.05 to 0.36. On VH1, RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE dropped 0.06 to 0.36, and UNTUCKED was steady at 0.30. On History, SWAMP PEOPLE lost 0.02 to 0.36, and TRUCK NIGHT IN AMERICA was down 0.04 to 0.30. Food Network’s BEAT BOBBY FLAY climbed 0.03 to 0.33. On Tru, IMPRACTICAL JOKERS gained 0.08 to 0.33, and INSIDE JOKES was up 0.07 to 0.22. On HGTV, HOUSE HUNTERS rose 0.06 to 0.33, ALL STAR FLIP was at 0.30, HOUSE HUNTERS INTL held at 0.27, and FLIP OR FLOP ticked up to 0.24. On We, BRAXTON FAMILY VALUES lost 0.02 to 0.30, and HUSTLE & SOUL was down 0.02 to 0.19. NBC Sports Net’s NHL PLAYOFFS games were at 0.29/0.19. On ID, DIABOLICAL slipped 0.02 to 0.29. A&E’s THE FIRST 48 shed 0.03 to 0.25, and MARCIA CLARK INVESTIGATES was down 0.03 to 0.17. Freeform’s SIREN edged up 0.02 to 0.25. POP’s IMPACT WRESTLING jumped 0.05 to 0.11. TV Land’s NOBODIES rose 0.02 to 0.07. Top 50 Original Cable Telecasts with Demographic Detail Top 150 Original Cable Telecasts To search for a show: type Ctrl-F and type your show title in the search box. Top 150 Original Cable Telecasts: Thursday April 12, 2018 P18-49 P2+ Rank Program Net Start Mins Rating (000s) 1 JERSEY SHORE:FAM VACATION MTV 8:00 PM 60 0.98 1,684 2 SOUTHERN CHARM BRAVO 9:00 PM 60 0.43 1,145 3 RACHEL MADDOW SHOW MSNBC 9:00 PM 60 0.42 3,555 4 ATLANTA FX 10:00 PM 39 0.36 694 5 RUPAULS DRAG RACE 10 VH1 8:00 PM 90 0.36 694 6 SWAMP PEOPLE HISTORY 9:00 PM 63 0.36 1,916 7 BEAT B.FLAY FOOD NETWORK 10:00 PM 30 0.33 1,035 8 IMPRACTICAL JOKERS TRUTV 10:00 PM 30 0.33 649 9 HOUSE HUNTERS HOME AND GARDEN TV 10:00 PM 30 0.33 1,734 10 HANNITY FOX NEWS CHANNEL 9:00 PM 60 0.31 3,112 11 UNTUCKED 9 VH1 9:30 PM 30 0.30 585 12 SP ALL STAR FLIP HOME AND GARDEN TV 9:30 PM 30 0.30 1,274 13 TRUCK NIGHT IN AMERICA HISTORY 10:03 PM 61 0.30 1,030 14 BRAXTON FAMILY VALUES WETV 9:00 PM 60 0.30 834 15 LAST WORD W/ L. ODONNELL MSNBC 10:00 PM 60 0.30 2,828 16 NHL QTR FINALS L: COLORADO/NASHVILLE NBC SPORTS NETWORK 9:46 PM 149 0.29 651 17 DIABOLICAL INVESTIGATION DISCOVERY 10:00 PM 60 0.29 1,176 18 EX ON THE BEACH: WELCOME
00 PM 30 0.15 347 68 AMERICAS NEWSROOM FOX NEWS CHANNEL 10:00 AM 60 0.15 1,566 69 CNN NEWSROOM CNN 2:00 PM 60 0.15 789 70 CNN NEWSROOM CNN 10:00 AM 60 0.14 764 71 SHEPARD SMITH REPORTING FOX NEWS CHANNEL 3:00 PM 60 0.14 1,188 72 MTP DAILY MSNBC 5:00 PM 60 0.14 1,321 73 YOUR WORLD W/NEIL CAVUTO FOX NEWS CHANNEL 4:00 PM 60 0.14 1,358 74 SPORTSCENTER AM L ESPN 12:00 PM 60 0.14 278 75 DEADLINE:WHITE HOUSE MSNBC 4:00 PM 60 0.14 1,278 76 NFL PROGRAMMING ESPN 7:00 PM 60 0.14 307 77 AT THIS HOUR CNN 11:00 AM 60 0.14 705 78 NEW DAY CNN 8:00 AM 60 0.13 767 79 NEW DAY CNN 7:00 AM 60 0.13 727 80 NHL LIVE POST QTR FINALS NBC SPORTS NETWORK 12:15 AM 28 0.13 279 81 DAILY BRIEFING W/D.PERINO FOX NEWS CHANNEL 2:00 PM 60 0.13 1,288 82 GET UP L: N/A ESPN 7:00 AM 180 0.13 260 83 MSNBC LIVE W/ S.RUHLE MSNBC 9:00 AM 60 0.13 1,077 84 HAPPENING NOW FOX NEWS CHANNEL 11:00 AM 60 0.13 1,447 85 OUTNUMBERED OVERTIME FOX NEWS CHANNEL 1:00 PM 60 0.12 1,309 86 NFL PROGRAMMING ESPN 8:00 PM 60 0.12 247 87 TALK SHOW THE GAME SHOW TRUTV 11:00 PM 30 0.12 218 88 OTL – FIRST REPORT L ESPN 1:00 PM 30 0.12 238 89 E! NEWS E! 7:00 PM 60 0.12 386 90 MYST MUSEUM REPACK TRAVEL CHANNEL 10:00 PM 60 0.12 584 91 IMPOSTERS BRAVO 10:00 PM 60 0.12 394 92 FOX AND FRIENDS FOX NEWS CHANNEL 6:00 AM 60 0.12 1,155 93 E! NEWS E! 12:59 AM 61 0.12 249 94 OUTNUMBERED FOX NEWS CHANNEL 12:00 PM 60 0.11 1,403 95 WOLF CNN 1:00 PM 60 0.11 630 96 BLACK CARD REVOKED BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TV 10:00 PM 30 0.11 295 97 NFL LIVE L ESPN 1:30 PM 90 0.11 257 98 NFL PROGRAMMING ESPN 9:00 PM 60 0.11 226 99 VICE NEWS TONIGHT HBO PRIME 7:30 PM 25 0.11 342 100 IMPACT WRESTLING: 315 POP 8:00 PM 120 0.11 381 101 MYSTERIES AT THE MUSEUM TRAVEL CHANNEL 9:00 PM 60 0.11 594 102 MSNBC LIVE W/ H.JACKSON MSNBC 10:00 AM 50 0.11 981 103 NFL PROGRAMMING ESPN 10:00 PM 60 0.11 212 104 INSIDE POLITICS CNN 12:00 PM 60 0.10 582 105 OPPOSITION COMEDY CENTRAL 11:31 PM 30 0.10 296 106 MSNBC SPECIAL COVERAGE: POMPEO CONFIRMATION HEARING MSNBC 10:50 AM 140 0.10 839 107 CONAN TBS NETWORK 11:00 PM 60 0.10 276 108 NHL LIVE POST QTR FINALS USA NETWORK 1:11 AM 19 0.10 195 109 SHOWCASE GAME: NYY AT BOS/COL AT WAS MLB NETWORK 7:12 PM 185 0.10 430 110 NEW DAY CNN 6:00 AM 60 0.10 537 111 MSNBC LIVE W/K.TUR MSNBC 2:00 PM 60 0.10 783 112 MSNBC LIVE W/ C.MELVIN MSNBC 1:10 PM 50 0.10 791 113 ANDRE THE GIANT HBO PRIME 11:20 PM 85 0.09 275 114 PARDON THE INTERRUPTION ESPN2 6:30 PM 30 0.09 171 115 LOGAN: LOGAN HBO PRIME 8:00 PM 137 0.09 265 116 WATCH WHAT HAPPENS LIVE BRAVO 11:00 PM 30 0.09 327 117 MLBT GAME RAIN DELAY MLB NETWORK 8:54 PM 43 0.09 349 118 MANCAVE BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TV 10:30 PM 30 0.09 228 119 WORLDS MOST EPIC SCIENCE 9:02 PM 62 0.09 321 120 FIRST TAKE: N/A ESPN2 1:00 PM 120 0.09 150 121 MSNBC LIVE W/
inige Anmeldungen von Eltern mit Kindern erhalten haben, wurde das Konzept für Groß & Klein aktualisiert und ergänzt. 29.08.2016: Das Programm ist nun vollständig, in die einzelnen Themenstränge gegliedert und der Zeitplan ist auf der Programmseite jetzt auch einsehbar. Und WICHTIG: Da unsere tolle Kochcrew so langsam damit beginnen muss, Einkäufe und das Essen für so viele Menschen zu planen, bitten wir darum, dass ihr Euch anmeldet, falls ihr das noch nicht getan habt. Wir werden natürlich auch ohne Anmeldung niemanden wieder wegschicken – aber wenn wir vorher eine ungefähre Ahnung haben wieviele Menschen wir zu Erwarten haben, macht das die Planung um einiges Einfacher. Hier geht’s zur Anmeldung. 23.08.2016: Seit kurzem ist auch einer der wichtigsten Punkte rund um den Kongress endgültig geklärt: Während des Kongresses kochen Le sabot (lesabot.org) und Likedeeler (likedeelerkochkollektiv.blogsport.eu). Beide Küchen sind Kollektive, die vegan und biologisch kochen und überschüssige Einnahmen in politische Projekte und Aktionen fließen lassen. Es wird eine Verpflegung von drei Mahlzeiten pro Tag bereitgestellt (natürlich vegan), beginnend mit Donnerstag Abend. Die Mahlzeiten sind im Teilnahmebetrag enthalten. Wir nehmen gerne Rücksicht auf Unverträglichkeiten. Sprecht uns diesbezüglich bitte rechtzeitig an, damit die Kochcrew das mit einplanen kann. 17.08.2016: Das Programm wurde weiter ergänzt: Sand im Getriebe der Tierausbeutungsindustrie – Möglichkeiten des direkten Eingreifens 28.07.2016: Das Programm wurde weiter ergänzt und aktualisiert: Neu: Facebook: Fluch oder Segen? – Ein Streitgespräch! Overcoming Burnout – individually and collectively Solidarity and Support: some reflections about the practice of direct action support in the animal liberation movement Aktualisiert: A case for campaigns: Reflections on vegan outreach and purity politics 18.07.2016: Für die am häufigsten gestellten Fragen rund um die Teilnahme, gibt es nun auch die FAQs. Zudem wurde das Programm weiter ergänzt. 16.07.2016: Die ersten Abstracts zu Workshops sind jetzt unter Programm online. 10.07.2016: Unter „About“ findet Ihr jetzt Interviews mit drei Aktivistinnen, die wir gefragt haben, welche Hoffnungen und Erwartungen sie mit dem Kongress verbinden. Während des Kongresses und im Anschluss an diesen werden die drei erneut interviewt und ihre jeweiligen Sichtweisen auf den Kongress dokumentiert. Unter „ Material “ findet ihr jetzt unsere Poster, die ihr Euch gerne zusammen mit den Flyern bestellen könnt, um uns bei der Mobilisierung für den Kongress zu unterstützen. 01.06.2016: Eine Anmeldung für den Kongress ist seit dem 01. Juni in unserem Anmeldeformular möglich. Mehr Infos zum Program
La policía reaccionó rápidamente la noche del operativo Emiliano Lasalvia - LA NACION LA PLATA.- La eficiencia y rapidez con la que cuatro efectivos de la policía bonaerense sorprendieron al ex secretario de Obras Públicas, en momentos en que trataba de esconder bolsos con casi nueve millones de dólares en un convento de General Rodríguez, generó cierta suspicacia en parte de la oposición y un sector de la fuerza. Si bien el gobierno de María Eugenia Vidal anunció que ascenderá a esos cuatro uniformados, lo cierto es que hasta ahora oficialmente no se reveló la identidad ni trayectoria de estos hombres. "Me da la sensación de que todo fue preparado. Que se armó una historia con el llamado del 911, las monjas y Jesús (el denunciante), que no es muy creíble. Esto no desacredita el resultado final del procedimiento que posibilitó atrapar a un ex funcionario con bolsos repletos de dólares. Pero para mí hubo otros condimentos para atrapar a López", dijo a LA NACION el presidente del bloque de senadores bonaerense del Frente Renovador, Jorge D'Onofrio. Según el legislador, los policías no tendrían que ser ascendidos. "Creo que es un mal mensaje. No son héroes porque no rescataron a nadie, no se tirotearon con delincuentes ni siquiera pusieron en riesgo sus vidas, sólo detuvieron a alguien que al ve los patrulleros se entregó. Los efectivos simplemente cumplieron con su trabajo", dijo. El ministro de Seguridad bonaerense, Cristian Ritondo, había expresado su satisfacción por el resultado del operativo y había remarcado que dos de los policías se habían negado a recibir un sobordo millonario que López pretendió ofrecer para escapar. Por eso, adelantó que el martes ascenderá a los cuatro policías. Desde el ministerio se precisó que los dos capitanes que rechazaron la coima pasarán a tener la máxima jerarquía de capitán mayor. Y la suboficial inspector será ascendida a oficial inspector y una oficial principal será ascendida a subcomisaria. El diputado del Frente para la Victoria, Fernando "Chino" Navarro, opinó: "No juzgo el accionar de la policía. Creo que cumplieron con su tarea y López tiene que estar preso. Por ahí habría que pensar en algún reconocimiento si verdaderamente rechazaron una coima. Pero creo que hicieron su trabajo. Hay que destacar, también, que todo este hecho fue aprovechado por Ritondo para armar una campaña propagandística que lo vuelva a posicionar dentro del gabinete de Vidal. Su gestión venía siendo mala y tenía los días contados". Los ascensos no convencen incluso porque en la fuerza provincial no creen que los efectivos hayan procedido con tanta rapidez y efectividad como se dice. "Los tiempos de reacción no dan. Yo también creo que esto está armado y que intervinieron los servicios de inteligencia. En La Plata, que es la ciudad donde más rápido la policía responde a un llamado al 911, se tarda nunca menos de 10 minutos en llegar", dijo a LA NACION Nicolás Massi, titular de la Asociación Profesional de Policial de
Only two weeks left to Double your gift This story was originally published by the New Republic and is reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration. Later this week, the Senate is expected to hand over control of the Environmental Protection Agency to environmentalists’ worst nightmare. Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general, has spent his career waging legal battles against clean air, climate, and water regulations. He has sued the EPA more than a dozen times, participating in what The New York Times described as “an unprecedented, secretive alliance” with fossil fuel companies to fight Obama-era environmental regulations. He has helped collect millions in political donations from the very industries he will be tasked with regulating. He’s called climate science a “religious belief,” and his official biography even boasts that he’s “a leading advocate against the EPA’s activist agenda.” Given all this, liberals ought to be as furious about Pruitt as they were about Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, two other cabinet picks whose expressed ideologies are at odds with agencies they were chosen to head. (DeVos, who is in charge of America’s public education system, is best-known for her support of private school vouchers; Sessions, whose job it is to protect Americans’ civil rights, has spent much of his career disenfranchising voters in the name of non-existent voter fraud.) And yet, in terms of public interest and outrage, Pruitt has not risen to the level of his controversial cabinet colleagues. Help Grist raise $20,000 by 9/30. Just click the image above ☝️ This observation is apparent to anyone who regularly consumes political news, and Google Trends backs it up. Pruitt spiked only once, on Dec. 8, when President Donald Trump announced his nomination: Google Trends Interest over time Worldwide. Past 90 days. Scott Pruitt Jeff Sessions Betsy Devos Average x1 Scott Pruitt Jeff Sessions Betsy Devos Average 1 4 8... ‪Nov 16, 2016‬ ‪Dec 20, 2016‬ ‪Jan 23, 2017‬ 25 50 75 100 x y1 y2 y3 ‪Nov 16, 2016‬ 0 2 0 ‪Nov 17, 2016‬ 0 2 0 ‪Nov 18, 2016‬ 0 50 0 ‪Nov 19, 2016‬ 0 25 0 ‪Nov 20, 2016‬ 0 9 0 ‪Nov 21, 2016‬ 0 6 0 ‪Nov 22, 2016‬ 0 5 0 ‪Nov 23, 2016‬ 0 3 36 ‪Nov 24, 2016‬ 0 1 28 ‪Nov 25, 2016‬ 0 1 10 ‪Nov 26, 2016‬ 0 1 8 ‪Nov 27, 2016‬ 0 1 4 ‪Nov 28, 2016‬ 0 1 2 ‪Nov 29, 2016‬ 0 1 2 ‪Nov 30, 2016‬ 0 2 2 ‪Dec 1, 2016‬ 0 1 2 ‪Dec 2, 2016‬ 0 1 2 ‪Dec 3, 2016‬ 0 1 1 ‪Dec 4, 2016‬ 0 0 1 ‪Dec 5, 2016‬ 0 1 1 ‪Dec 6, 2016‬ 0 1 1 ‪Dec 7, 2016‬ 6 1 1 ‪Dec 8, 2016‬ 9 1 1 ‪Dec 9, 2016‬ 2 1 1 ‪Dec 10, 2016‬ 1 1 2 ‪Dec 11, 2016‬ 1 0 1 ‪Dec 12, 2016‬ 1 0 1 ‪Dec 13, 2016‬ 1 1 1 ‪Dec 14, 2016‬ 0 1 1 ‪Dec 15, 2016‬ 0 1 1 ‪Dec 16, 2016‬ 0 0 1 ‪Dec 17, 2016‬ 0 1 0 ‪Dec 18, 2016‬ 0 0 0 ‪Dec 19, 2016‬ 0 0 1 ‪Dec 20, 2016‬ 0
0 0 ‪Dec 21, 2016‬ 0 0 0 ‪Dec 22, 2016‬ 0 0 0 ‪Dec 23, 2016‬ 0 0 0 ‪Dec 24, 2016‬ 0 0 0 ‪Dec 25, 2016‬ 0 0 0 ‪Dec 26, 2016‬ 0 0 0 ‪Dec 27, 2016‬ 0 0 0 ‪Dec 28, 2016‬ 0 0 0 ‪Dec 29, 2016‬ 0 0 0 ‪Dec 30, 2016‬ 0 0 0 ‪Dec 31, 2016‬ 0 0 0 ‪Jan 1, 2017‬ 0 0 0 ‪Jan 2, 2017‬ 0 0 0 ‪Jan 3, 2017‬ 0 1 1 ‪Jan 4, 2017‬ 0 3 0 ‪Jan 5, 2017‬ 0 2 0 ‪Jan 6, 2017‬ 0 1 0 ‪Jan 7, 2017‬ 0 1 0 ‪Jan 8, 2017‬ 0 1 1 ‪Jan 9, 2017‬ 0 3 1 ‪Jan 10, 2017‬ 0 39 2 ‪Jan 11, 2017‬ 0 21 1 ‪Jan 12, 2017‬ 0 11 1 ‪Jan 13, 2017‬ 0 4 1 ‪Jan 14, 2017‬ 0 3 1 ‪Jan 15, 2017‬ 0 2 1 ‪Jan 16, 2017‬ 0 2 1 ‪Jan 17, 2017‬ 0 3 8 ‪Jan 18, 2017‬ 3 2 53 ‪Jan 19, 2017‬ 2 2 48 ‪Jan 20, 2017‬ 1 2 24 ‪Jan 21, 2017‬ 1 2 14 ‪Jan 22, 2017‬ 1 1 17 ‪Jan 23, 2017‬ 1 2 14 ‪Jan 24, 2017‬ 1 2 11 ‪Jan 25, 2017‬ 1 2 9 ‪Jan 26, 2017‬ 1 2 7 ‪Jan 27, 2017‬ 1 2 7 ‪Jan 28, 2017‬ 0 1 6 ‪Jan 29, 2017‬ 0 1 5 ‪Jan 30, 2017‬ 0 3 9 ‪Jan 31, 2017‬ 1 18 30 ‪Feb 1, 2017‬ 1 10 25 ‪Feb 2, 2017‬ 1 5 25 ‪Feb 3, 2017‬ 1 3 24 ‪Feb 4, 2017‬ 0 3 12 ‪Feb 5, 2017‬ 0 2 9 ‪Feb 6, 2017‬ 0 2 19 ‪Feb 7, 2017‬ 1 4 100 ‪Feb 8, 2017‬ 1 23 52 ‪Feb 9, 2017‬ 0 35 16 ‪Feb 10, 2017‬ 0 9 20 ‪Feb 11, 2017‬ 0 3 15 ‪Feb 12, 2017‬ 0 11 7 ‪Feb 13, 2017‬ 0 5 5 ‪Feb 14, 2017‬ 0 3 5... Pruitt didn’t even spike on Jan. 18, the day he testified before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Perhaps this is because he survived the hearing largely unscathed. Contra Trump, he acknowledged that climate change was not a hoax, though he did question the degree of humans’ responsibility for it. Or perhaps his hearing got little attention because, in a hearing a day earlier, DeVos made her infamous remark about schools needing guns as protection from grizzly bears. Environmental advocates lament the lack of DeVos-scale opposition to Pruitt. Ken Kimmel, president of the Union of Concern
-a-halfs, etc. Each number comes in many different versions or flavors, one positive, one negative, and infinitely many others in between, at arbitrary angles on both sides of the circle. $$ \pm180^\circ $$ $$ 0^\circ $$ $$ +90^\circ $$ $$ \hspace{15pt} \class{blue}{i} $$ Which brings us to our reluctant and elusive friend, $ \class{blue}{i} $. This is the proper name for $ \class{blue}{1 \angle 90^\circ} $, and the way complex numbers are normally introduced: $ i^2 = -1 $. The magic is that we can put a complex number anywhere a real number goes, and the math still works out, oddly enough. We get complex answers about complex inputs. Complex numbers are then usually written as the sum of their (real) X coordinate, and their (imaginary) Y coordinate, much like ordinary 2D vectors. But this is misleading: the ugly number $ \class{red}{\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} + \frac{1}{2}i } $ is actually just $ \class{green}{1 \angle 30^\circ} $ in disguise, and it acts more like a $ 1 $ than a $ \frac{1}{2} $ or $ \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} $. While knowing how to convert between the two is required for any real calculations, you can cheat by doing it visually. $$ \pm180^\circ $$ $$ 0^\circ $$ $$ -90^\circ $$ $$ +90^\circ $$ $$ -135^\circ $$ $$ -45^\circ $$ $$ +135^\circ $$ $$ +45^\circ $$ $$ \class{blue}{+1} $$ $$ \hspace{55pt}\class{green}{+i} $$ $$ \class{blue}{-1} $$ $$ \class{green}{-i}\hspace{55pt} $$ But looking at individual vectors only gets us so far. We study functions of real numbers by looking at a graph that shows us every output for every input. To do the same for complex numbers, we need to understand how these numbers-that-like-to-turn, this field of vectors, change as a whole. Note: from now on, I'll put $ +1 $, i.e. $ 0^\circ $ at the 12 o'clock position for simplicity. When we apply a square root, each vector shifts. But really, it's the entire fabric of the complex plane that's warping. Each circle has been squeezed into a half-circle, because all the angles have been halved—the opposite of squaring, i.e. doubling the angle. The lengths have had a normal square root applied to them, compressing the grid at the edges and bulging it in the middle. But remember how every number had two opposite square roots? This comes from the circular nature of complex math. If we take a vector and rotate it $ 360 ^\circ $, we end up in the same place, and the two vectors are equal. But after dividing the angles in half, those two vectors are now separated by only $ 180 ^\circ $ and lie on opposite ends of the circle. In complex math, they can both emerge. Complex operations are then like folding or unfolding a piece of paper, only it's weird and stretchy and circular. This can be hard to grasp, but is easier to see in motion. To help see what's going on, I've cut the disc and separated the positive from the negative angles in 3D. When we square our numbers to undo the square root, the angles double, folding the plane in on itself. The lengths are also squared, restoring the grid spacing to normal. After squaring, each square root has now ended up on top of its identical twin, and we can merge everything back down to a flat plane. Everything matches up perfectly. Thus the square root actually looks like this. New numbers flow in from the 'far side' as we try and shear the disc apart. The complex plane is stubborn and wants to stay connected, and will fold and unfold to ensure this is always the case. This is one of its most remarkable properties. There's no limit to this folding or unfolding. If we take every number to the fourth power, angles are multiplied by four, while lengths are taken to the fourth power. This results in 4 copies of the plane being folded into one. However, things are not always so neat. What happens if we were to take everything to an irrational power, say $ \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} $? Ang
Medieval Meme – Blog Post in Progress Chilling by the Sea Crossing legs in view of the Vesuvius, 21/06/2019 “Non gettate alcun oggetto dal finestrino e’ pericoloso sporgersi”, 20/06/2019 © Asinus Docet We landed in Naples and I chose to take a cab from the airport to the city centre. Sure thing, the cab driver thought we were heading to the port to board on a boat to Capri, then once corrected he texted all the way to our destination. His eyes though hidden under his sunglasses barely left his phone. He drove slowly and he had a big vehicle. I felt safer than I would have wanted. You don’t take a cab in Naples and don’t expect to die! When we stepped in our airbnb we discovered our room was right across the conservatory. A young opera singer was practicing her range and it felt like we’d fell into some Halloween theme haunted house. The room was large, the bed comfortable enough, the street noisy but we didn’t question it. It felt good to be there. We left our stuff and moved on to get a coffee. A real, dark, tasty coffee. We drank like four coffees on our way to the marina at the end of the Toledo Avenue, where we drank an aperol spritz facing the Vesuvio. We chilled. For real. It was good. I kind of was falling asleep. I had worked all night and hadn’t slept for 24 hours. Stopping by our favourite risotteria (Valù, go there!) to fill our bellies we made it all the way back to our airbnb where I fell asleep almost instantly. When midnight struck, I woke up. Passing Shadows in the Night Che Guevara graffiti in Naples city center, 21/06/2019 © Asinus Docet Our room was on the first floor. A bar was blasting music right under our windows on the street level. People were out smoking, chanting, talking very loud and not only with their hands. Their vocal cords had joined the party with the utmost yelling fashion. It sounded like a busy Friday night at a cat strangling ritual. That electro music was just not natural! When a saxophone started to cry in the spark of the night I was briefly reminded my dear old Belgium and I felt better. Yet it didn’t mean we could find any kind of rest staying in this shaggy place! We had to move. Of course Morgane was awake. She couldn’t find any sleep. Her eyes wide open and her face paler than usual she told me that was okay to stay there for the night. I knew better. Not only would staying there drive her crazy but I’d end up going on a murder spree. I already felt unhinged, ghosts whispering in my souls where to find a butter knife and how to sharpen it. We had to party all night and forgive about Pompeii for the next day altogether. Or move out! We chose the latter option and I found us a cozy yet not too expensive hotel on the other side of the Centro Storico neighborhood. I made sure there would still be a receptionist to host us when we’d arrive and we left. Like thieves in the night. We were but passing shadows on walls as we lurked through the Centro Storico and zigzagged in the narrow streets between the mindless drunkards and the raging scooters. The uneven blue stone pavement made our suitcase spit its rolling sound in a hectic manner. The graffiti all over the walls towered us and the Che spectacular portrait let us walk by without question. At the end of our trial we were greeted by a cheerful and kind night receptionist. The ghosts who’d follow me told me I couldn’t kill him. He was too cute they said. Therefore I went to bed, sunk into its memory foam mattress and blacked out from exhaustion. Always on the Move “Non gettate alcun oggetto dal finestrino e’ pericoloso sporgersi”, 20/06/2019 © Asinus Docet Morgane had put an early alarm so that we’d be at Pompeii in the morning. A fool’s dream. It rang. We looked at each other. We fell right back asleep. We eventually woke up at 9:50. Ten minutes before check out time. It left me no time for my two hours long get-out-of-bed ritual. I sprung on my feet and ran to the reception. We barely made it in time to
Friday, 5 December, 2014 Recently, after being awake for longer than I should have, I started thinking about methods of remembering the number of days in each month of the year. There is a rhyme for it, and a way to count on your knuckles, but these didn’t satisfy me. I wondered if there was a mathematical formula for the problem, and upon not immediately finding one, I challenged myself to create one. In other words, the challenge was this: find a function f, such that f(x) is equal to the number of days in month x, represented by the integers 1 through 12. Or, as a table of values: x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 f(x) 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 If you want to give this challenge a go before reading my solution, now is your chance. If you’d rather see my complete solution right away, scroll to the bottom of the page. What follows is my process for solving the problem. Firstly, here’s a quick refresher on two operations I found vital to solving the problem: floor division and modulo. Floor division is the operation performed by many programming languages when dividing two integer numbers, that is, the result of the division is truncated to the integer part. I will represent floor division as ⌊ a ⁄ b ⌋, for example: ⌊5⁄ 3 ⌋ = 1 Modulo is an operation that results in the remainder of a division. It is represented in many programming languages with the % operator. I will represent it as “ a mod b ”, for example: 3 mod 2 = 1 Note that modulo has the same precedence as division. The Basics With those tools in mind, let’s get a basic pattern going. Months usually alternate between lengths of 30 and 31 days. We can use x mod 2 to get an alternating pattern of 1 and 0, then just add our constant base number of days: f(x) = 30 + x mod 2 x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 f(x) 31 30 31 30 31 30 31 30 31 30 31 30 That’s a pretty good start! We’ve already got January and March through July done. February is its own special problem we’ll deal with later. The problem after July is that the pattern should skip one, and the rest of the months should follow the alternating pattern inversely. To obtain an inverse pattern of alternating 0 and 1, we can add 1 to our dividend: f(x) = 30 + ( x + 1) mod 2 x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 f(x) 30 31 30 31 30 31 30 31 30 31 30 31 Now we have August through December right, but the rest of the year is wrong as expected. Let’s see how we can combine combine our two formulas. Masking What we need here is basically a piece-wise function, but that’s just no fun. This got me thinking of other ways to use a part of a function only over a certain domain. I figured the easiest way to do this would be to find an expression equal to 1 over the desired domain and 0 otherwise. Multiplying a term by this expression will result in the term being cancelled out outside its domain. I’ve called this “masking,” since it involves creating a sort of bit-mask. To mask the latter piece of our function, we need an expression equal to 1 where 8 ≤ x ≤ 12. Floor division by 8 is perfect for this, since all our values are less than 16. x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ⌊x⁄ 8 ⌋ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Now if we substitute this expression in our x + 1 dividend, we can invert the pattern using our mask: f(x) = 30 + ( x + ⌊ x ⁄ 8 ⌋) mod 2 x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 f(x) 31 30 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 Woot! Everything is correct except February. What a surprise. February Every month has either 30 or 31 days, but February has 28 (leap years are out of scope). February currently has 30 days according to our formula, so an expression equal to 2 when x = 2 would be ideal for subtraction. The best I could come up with was 2 mod x, which gives us a sort of
(CPIM). The CPI has called it a “reconciliatory judgment” to be seen “in the larger perspective of ethics, justice and secularism.” Also read: Why Sikhs Are Angry With the Ayodhya Judgment Even the young Turks – the Jignesh Mevanis and Kanhaiya Kumars – are tweeting about the JNU agitation over fee hikes, as they certainly should, even mourning the demise of T.N. Seshan, but are mute on this verdict. An odd silence hangs in both their Twitter timelines between November 8 and November 11. The judgment comes and goes. Not a tweet. Not a whisper. These young politicians, whom the liberals embraced, who have called out Modi and Shah in fearless voices have revealed themselves to be selectively vocal, selectively just. It is frightening, this blanket of liberal silence, which only makes stronger the majority certitude that the despair of the Muslim in contemporary India is a figment of the imagination. Illegitimate and wholly unjustified. In truth, acknowledging this sentiment is just not worth the political risk for anyone. That an Umar Khalid, targeted, trolled and vilified because of his inescapable Muslim name, is the one who continued to re-tweet comments critical of the judgment is a sign of the times. That even among our young crop of emerging voices in the public and political sphere, the non-Muslims will stay only within a strictly necessary distance of the pain of the voiceless, leaderless Muslims. They will not embrace that pain, not go out on a limb to give it credence, even if holding out hope of justice is not within their power. But even as Owaisi plays the role of public truth teller and psychological balm for many Muslims, is he acceptable to other more educated young Muslims as a national electoral political alternative? In his style, his aesthetic, the name of his party (Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen) his constituency will only be Muslims. That is how he wants it, and plays it. As a political analyst friend said to me, “A Muslim can never be the leader for non-Muslims in today’s India, so why should Owaisi change his political aesthetic? He knows who he is, and who he speaks to.” Owaisi uses a straightforward constitutional semantic, not a religious one. Yet, it is interesting that many young people, while grateful for an Owaisi to articulate their feelings, simultaneously harbour visions of another kind of leader – one capable of appealing to non-Muslims as well, or at least of not alienating them. Ultimately, even a minority up against the wall, wants a little door open into the mainstream. The other clutch of worthies who masquerade before the media as ‘Muslim leaders’ are mostly turf-based clerics, perhaps seeking survival through photo ops with powers that be. Many agreed to meet Ajit Doval on November 10, welcoming the judgement, and giving him ‘assurances of peace’. Who are they to speak on behalf of anyone but themselves? And second, peace is not being broken by Indian Muslims. For these so-called Muslim leaders to participate in building this noble narrative – ‘see how much maturity Indian Muslims are showing’ – is dangerous rubbish. Examine its subliminal premise – Muslims are prone to violence, to spoiling the national calm, so being peaceful i.e. doing absolutely nothing in the face of egregious violation, is something that deserves a pat on the back. This is merely a tragic peace of the helpless. Also read: Ayodhya’s Forgotten Mahant and His Message of Peace Allahmer Chacha, a riot survivor of Muzaffarnagar 2013 who was forced to flee his village and his home and who remains one of the wisest men it has been my privilege to know, said to me, on camera, for my 2017 film The Colour of My Home, “Koyi kidi, makora, janwar bhi apni bhoomi nahin chodta. Woh bhi dank marta hai. Par jab zyada ho jaate hain, to majboor ho jata hai aadmi. Kya karein. Usko chodna padta hai. Bhaagna padta hai wahan se (Even insects and animals don’t willingly abandon their land. They sting when they are threatened. But when you are outnumbered, you become helpless. You have to leave. You have to flee).” This is not peace. Reject the five acres. Or use it to build a world-standard law university. Call it IQRA, the first revealed word of the Quran. It means ‘read’. This would be
�在过去或未来短时期内,是否有与氢相关的重要事件,使您感到格外自豪? 今年,我们新建的氢能技术中心逐渐投入运行。这是一座集试验、测试和试制能力于一体,几乎涵盖FCEV动力系统所有核心部件的独特设施。例如,我们将在这里试制并测试长城汽车自己的MEA(膜电极)、燃料电池堆及系统、储氢罐等。从而,我们可进一步开 发并测试加 氢技术,并在试验中心附近的场地上进行FCEV各项技术的测试和验证。未来,我们还计划在现场搭建可再生能源制氢设备,以展示清洁能源的理念。这些在国内处于领先的氢能技术研发能力,是长城汽车在氢能领域迈出的重要而令人兴奋的一步。 Which area of hydrogen development and deployment is your company investing in currently? We are currently ramping up our fuel cell and hydrogen storage as well as refueling R&D. Our new Hydrogen Technology R&D Center will enable us to prototype and test our own FCEVs. In the future we will intensify our R&D efforts in hydrogen generation and hydrogen refueling stations. Quick refueling of FCEVs and a cost-efficient hydrogen refueling infrastructure are key enablers for hydrogen mobility. We must guarantee that we have the most reliable, safest and cost-competitive refueling stations for our FCEVs in China. 您的公司当前正投资于哪些氢能源开发及运用的领域? 我们当前开展的研发工作包括燃料电池、储氢以及加氢技术。随着氢能技术中心的建成使用,我们将有能力试制和测试自己的FCEV车辆。未来,我们还将进一步加强制氢及加氢站方面的研发。要想实现氢能汽车的普及,迅速便捷的加氢技术和极具成本效率的 加氢基础设施,将起到决定性作用。为推动FC
的意外事故非常罕见。而液体状态下,氢的压力与大气压基本相同,这将为我们 带来 安全度极高的氢运输和储存方案。 Are there any inspiring or exciting hydrogen related projects going on outside of your company, or with your partners, that you would like to tell us about? We see many interesting hydrogen projects evolving these days. We as Great Wall Motors want to be at the forefront and develop leading hydrogen technologies. That is why we have partnered with strong international companies already. I cannot give you details on these confidential activities now, but we are confident that we can show interesting first results soon. 在您的公司开展的工作之外,有哪些第三方或您的合作方开展的氢能相关的项目令人振奋?您是否有兴趣向我们做一介绍? 当前与氢能相关的活动非常火热。从长城汽车的立场出发,我们希望掌握最领先的氢能技术。为实现这样的愿景,我们已经与领先的国际企业展开合作。我当前并不方便透露这些保密合作的具体细节,但我相信在不久以后,我们将看到长城汽车的第一批可 向公众展示的研发成果。 If you could describe the future of hydrogen in one sentence, what would you say? “Hydrogen will provide a sustainable world with clean mobility and energy to protect both the natural environment and future generations.” 如果要用一句话描述氢的未来,您会说些什么? “氢是这个世界上最丰富的元素。氢能源将帮助我们实现清洁出行和可持续能源供给,为我们的下一代保护我们的地球环境。” If the sky was the limit, what action would you like the Council to take? To pave the way for the successful adoption of hydrogen as a fuel and energy carrier, with support from governments worldwide, making the Hydrogen Council a central voice for the future hydrogen economy. 如果不受任何限制地畅所欲言,您希望氢能委员会开展什么样的活动? 通过世界各地政府的支持和努力,为氢作为燃料和能源载体的大规模运用铺平道路,通过氢能委员会
,73,77,42,36,40,20,14,21,-7,33,19,40,40,55,38,38,31, 62,1,17,-28,-27,-27,-21,-82,-57,-55,-65,-110,-15,-39,-54,-54,-54,-57,-100,-95, -43,-58,-74,-296,-80,-116,-101,-440,-444,-452,-452,-450,-452,-429,-449,-457, -453,-472,-437,-458,-494,-503,-449,-519,-503,-503,-437]} {The Fianchetto Variation is a line I have always recommended to my students when they have asked me what to play against the Pirc/Modern. White sets up a logical formation, concentrating first on development and the prevention of black pawn breaks and then goes for a kingside pawn storm once preparations are complete. Yet the approach with …c7-c6 seems very valid as a reply. As shown in the coming game, Black can obtain serious counterplay.} 1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 g6 4. g3 Bg7 5. Bg2 O-O 6. Nge2 e5 7. h3 c6 8. a4 a5 {Cyrus mentions both 8… Na6 and 8..a5 in the book.} 9. Be3 Na6 10. O-O Nb4 11. f4 Be6 12. f5 Bc4 {[#]} 13. g4 exd4 14. Bxd4 Re8 15. g5 Bxe2 16. Nxe2 (16. Qxe2 Nxe4 $1 17. Bxg7 Nxc3) 16... Nxe4 17. fxg6 hxg6 18. Bxg7 Kxg7 19. Qd4+ Kg8 20. Bxe4 Qxg5+ 21. Kh1 Nxc2 22. Bxc2 Rxe2 23. Rf2 Rae8 24. Raf1 Qg3 25. Bd3 Qxh3+ 26. Kg1 Qg3+ 27. Kh1 Qh3+ 28. Kg1 R2e3 29. Rh2 Rxd3 30. Qf6 Qg4+ 31. Kh1 Qe4+ 32. Rg2 Qe6 33. Qg5 Qh3+ 34. Kg1 Qe3+ 0-1 You must activate JavaScript to enhance chess game visualization. [Event "Tbilisi Maia Cup rapid"] [Site "Tbilisi"] [Date "2019.09.05"] [Round "4"] [White "Arabidze, Meri"] [Black "Jojua, Davit"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A43"] [WhiteElo "2398"] [BlackElo "2563"] [Annotator "IM Andrew Martin"] [PlyCount "94"] [EventDate "2019.09.05"] [EventType "swiss (rapid)"] [EventRounds "9"] [EventCountry "GEO"] [SourceTitle "EXT 2020"] [Source "ChessBase"] [SourceDate "2019.10.17"] [SourceVersion "1"] [SourceVersionDate "2019.10.17"] [SourceQuality "1"] {[%evp 0,94,19,21,56,51,51,33,21,37,34,36,105,56,67,54,51,49,43,3,14,18,-24, -17,0,-70,-87,-91,-85,-66,-66,-65,-75,-79,-71,-75,-75,-75,-70,-70,-57,-34,-44, -70,-63,-57,-84,-74,-78,-93,-80,-91,-13,-8,-37,-37,-47,-47,-48,-60,-50,-47,-28, -32,29,29,7,0,0,0,0,-92,-112,-301,-205,-940,-28,-276,-654,-871,-84,-101,0,-320, -327,-326,-427,-434,-464,-992,-1012,-1017,-1060,-1062,-1072,-1084,-1088]} { There is some experimental stuff called the ‘Maybe Benoni’, which we can unleash should White try to turn the game into an Averbakh System or a King’s Indian. I like the look of this idea.} 1. d4 g6 2. c4 Bg7 3. Nc3 c5 4. d5 d6 5. e4 e6 6
Secure-Messaging-Systeme sind anfällig für Metadaten-Analysen, also für die Informationen darüber, wer wann mit wem kommuniziert. Seit wir wissen, dass die „Five Eyes“-Geheimdienste in großem Umfang und international die Netzwerke überwachen, suchen Aktivisten und Forscher nach Lösungen, um die Analyse der Metadaten zu unterbinden. Für den Messenger „Vuvuzela“ wurde ein Konzept entworfen, dass es Dritten unmöglich macht, die Metadaten der Nutzer zu analysieren. Wir sprachen mit David Lazar, der einer der vier Personen ist, die Vuvuzela konzeptioniert und vorgestellt haben. David selbst schreibt den Code, der im github-Repository zu finden ist. Es gibt auch eine englische Version dieses Interviews. Die Idee In Vuvuzela wird Noise erzeugt, also eine Art Rauschen, um Angreifer wie die „Five Eyes“-Geheimdienste daran zu hindern, die Metadaten der Benutzer abzugreifen. Verschlüsselung allein kann nicht verhindern, dass die Menge der inaktiven oder der gerade kommunizierenden Benutzer und deren Interaktionen überwacht und analysiert werden kann. Daher wird zusätzliches Rauschen erzeugt, um die Metadatenanalyse ressourcenstarker Angreifer zu vereiteln und um zu verschleiern, wer wann mit wem spricht. Vuvuzela-Server erzeugen dieses Rauschen und bieten damit Schutz vor Verkehrsanalysen. Es gibt bereits einige Ansätze für sichere Messenger, die sich am Metadatenschutz versuchen. Pond ist dafür ein Beispiel, aber auch das schon vor einigen Jahren vorgestellte Konzept von Dissent (pdf). Das Vuvuzela-Konzept (pdf) wurde im Oktober 2015 von Jelle van den Hooff, David Lazar, Matei Zaharia und Nickolai Zeldovich beim 25. ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles vorgestellt. Vuvuzela consists of a single chain of servers to which clients connect to communicate. We assume that the chain of servers, along with each server’s public key, is known to clients ahead of time; all clients use the same chain. Clients always connect to the first server in the chain, which in turn connects to the second server, and so on. Vuvuzela clients participate in two protocols. The first protocol, called the conversation protocol, allows a pair of users to exchange messages, assuming that they both decided to communicate with one another. The second protocol, called dialing, allows one user to request a conversation with another. Interview mit David Lazar Im Gegensatz zu anderen Ansätzen zum Schutz der Metadaten, wie beispielsweise beim Tor-Projekt, kommen bei Vuvuzela auch Techniken zum Einsatz, die ein Rauschen erzeugen, um Angreifer abzuwehren, die das Netzwerk zur Metadatenanalyse beobachten. Warum wurde dieser Ansatz gewählt? Wir haben das System so entworfen, dass wir versuchen, möglichst viele Metadaten effizient zu verschlüsseln. Allerdings gibt es einige Metadaten, die wir nicht effizient verschlüsseln können. Wir fügen daher unverschlüsselten Metadaten ein Rauschen hinzu, so dass deren Bedeutung für einen Angreifer verschleiert wird. Effizienz war
ječjim logorom u Jastrebarskom rukovodile su časne sestre kongregacije Sv. Vinko Paulski i smatra se da je kroz tu instituciju prošlo oko tri tisuće i tristo tridesetoro djece, a prema kronici samostana, ali i svjedočenju čuvara groblja u Jastrebarskom, u tom razdoblju sahranjeno je sedamsto šezdeset i osmero djece s Kozare. Najzloglasniji logor djece u NDH ipak je bio onaj u Sisku. Smatra se da je Anton Najžer, ravnatelj te institucije osobno vršio egzekucije djece s Kozare zatrovanim inekcijama. Ustaše su taj logor zvali „logor u pelenama“ jer su djeca uglavnom bila predškolske dobi. Časna sestra Barta Pulherija bila je najzloglasnija osoba tog vremena, jer je kroz njenu instituciju prošlo više od tri tisuće djevojčica i dječaka s Kozare, od kojih je ostalo manje od tisuću za razmještaj i pokrštavanje u hrvatske porodice koje su iskazale želju za tim. Saznavši za pomor te djece, građani se organiziraju u ljeto 1942 i preko Crvenog križa izvlače djecu te ih razmještaju po porodicama u Zagrebu. Samo iz Stare Gradiške i Siska izvučeno je više od šest tisuća malih kozarčana. U tri mjeseca te dramatične bitke život je izgubilo preko tri tisuće mališana s Kozare. Kozara i dan danas traži preko tisuću i sedamstotina izgubljene djece s Kozare, a na ovu me priču i ovo istraživanje ponukao današnji razgovor na Hrvatskom radiju 3 između „uglednog“ povjesničara i još „uglednijeg“ voditelja emisije koji su za vrijeme trajanja priče u više navrata konstatirali kako primaran cilj ustaša nisu bila pravoslavna djeca, već izričito židovska i romska, te kako se veliki dio djece s Kozare ipak uspio spasiti velikodušnošću hrvatskog naroda koji ih je udomio i zbrinuo. Ugasio sam radio i bilo mi je savršeno svejedno što će ugledni dvojac nastaviti. Od svih strahota koje su prošli ti ljudi, ta djeca, najvažnije je da nisu bila primarni cilj. Nastavio sam svoj život uz Cohena i mislio sam samo o jednom, što je tim nesretnim ljudima u glavama i što im je u srcu? Što je dovraga sa svima nama i kako smo uspjeli svi postati tako bešćutni, tako monstruozni, da nas i ovakve priče ne mogu više dirnuti. Priče djece zauvijek zaboravljene u vremenu. Priče djece s Kozare. Oh, the wind, the wind is blowing Through the graves the wind is blowing Freedom soon will come
in Israel. Did you cultivate a love of ancient history and the Holy Land from these experiences? KA: Indeed, it was largely during my time stationed in West Berlin as part of the U.S. Army in the 1980s that I became interested in ancient history. I was fortunate to be able to cross through the Berlin Wall often. I frequently visited the great ancient history collections in the museums in East Berlin, especially the Pergamon Museum, as well as the antiquity museums in West Berlin. This stimulated my desire to learn more about the past and pursue advanced degrees in ancient history. I spent most of my military leave traveling to ancient sites in Europe and the Middle East, where many of the artifacts in the Berlin collections were initially discovered. While in the military, I arranged to be discharged in Germany. I then moved to Kibbutz Kfar Hanassi north of the Sea of Galilee, where, among various jobs, I worked as an avocado picker and chicken handler. During this time, I began volunteering on archaeological excavations in the region. I then spent a total of 2.5 years traveling on my military savings, living out of a backpack, visiting ancient sites and working on various archaeological excavations throughout Israel, as well as England. It was these combined experiences that convinced me to pursue a career in ancient history upon my return home. It is a decision I have not regretted as teaching and researching ancient history remains as exciting as ever. I discover something new virtually every day! JW: It has been a pleasure to learn more about Salome Alexandra and her rightful place in history. She is truly a most intriguing and commanding woman, Dr. Atkinson! I wish you many happy adventures in research and please keep us posted as to your future projects and research. KA: James, thank you very much for the invitation and your work on the Ancient History Encyclopedia. It is a valuable resource, one I wish I had when I was beginning my academic career. Image Credits and Reference: 1. Coin of depicting the seals of Alexander Jannaeus, c. 90 BCE. Courtesy of Ingsoc via Wikimedia Commons. 2. Map of the Hasmonean Kingdom of Judea, c. 80 BCE and its neighbors in the Near East and Eastern Mediterranean Sea. 3. Photograph of caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in Qumran, West Bank (Palestine). Courtesy of Grauesel via Wikimedia Commons. 4. Photographic reproduction of “Pompey in the Temple of Jerusalem,” painted originally c. 1470-1475, by the French artist Jean Fouquet (1420-1481 CE). In 63 BCE, after a three month siege, Pompey the Great and his soldiers enter the Jerusalem Temple and desecrate the holy sanctuary. [<<Pompée dans le Temple de Jérusalem>>. Paris: BnF, département des Manuscrits. Français 247, fol. 293v. (Livre XIV)]. Dr. Kenneth Atkinson is an Associate Professor of Religion at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Rapids, IA. After completing his undergraduate studies at Oakland University, he spent four years as a soldier in the US Army during the Cold War as a member of the Berlin Brigade in West Berlin. While stationed in West Berlin, Atkinson visited the archeological museums of East Berlin and traveled widely through Europe and the Middle East. Upon leaving Germany, he moved to Israel and lived on the Kibbutz Kfar Hanassi. Following his travels, Atkinson earned a M Div at the University of Chicago, focusing upon ancient languages, history, classics, and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Atkinson then studied at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA, where he received an MA and PhD with concentrations in Biblical literature and world religions. His first book, a commentary on the Psalms of Solomon, is the first major study of this ancient collection of poems documenting the Roman conquest of Jerusalem to appear in over a century. His latest work is Queen Salome: Jerusalem’s Forgotten Ruler and the Mysterious Women of the Dead Sea Scrolls is the first biography of Queen Salome Alexandra. To learn more about Atkinson and his work, please visit his homepage. James Blake Wiener is a Director and the Public Relations Manager of the Ancient History Encyclopedia, providing a continuous listing of must-read articles, exciting museum exhibitions, and interviews with experts in the field. Trained as a historian and researcher, and previously a professor of history, James is also a freelance writer who is keenly interested in cross-cultural exchange. Committed to fostering increased awareness of the ancient world, James welcomes you to the Ancient History Encyclopedia and hopes that you find his news releases and interviews to be “illuminating.” All photographs of Dr. Kenneth Atkinson or images from his publication are his exclusive property. They have been given to the Ancient History Encyclopedia, as a courtesy, for the purposes of
wav file. minimodem : Finally, take in this wav file, sample it at 1200 baud and expect ASCII text with “-8”. Read the manpage and help file to better understand the other options within minimodem. Pre-game : At home, use a RaspberryPi and PiFM to transmit the wav file linked below. Or if you’re not licensed, use sox to read that wav file into minimodem. Cheating : Not many options for this. Test File : Click here to test decoding the AFSK message. pi2.wav Once decoded, you should see the following image: Please, explore this image some more in a HEX editor; you might find some more things hidden within 🙂 If you dont have the means to transmit, and just want to test your command-fu, you can run: minimodem -r -f pi2.wav -8 1200 > out.jpg Lesson 5 – RDS Software : GQRX, GNURadio Compantion (gr-rds) Procedure : Examine the FM carrier frequency to determine if there is an offset (sub-carrier). If you think you’ve found one, download gr-rds from https://github.com/bastibl/gr-rds. Test this with your local FM radio stations. Cheating : Watch these videos: Lesson 6 – Numbers Station Software : rtl_fm, minimodem, fldigi Procedure : Once you’ve identified a potential AFSK transmission, attempt to demodulate it with a command similar to below: rtl_fm -f 146.0M -M wbfm -s 200000 -r 48000 -o 6 | sox -traw -r48k -es -b16 -c1 -V1 - -twav - | minimodem --rx -8 1200 rtl_fm : Configure the frequency with “-f”, the mode with “-M”, samples per second with “-s”, the audio rate with “-r” and your oversampling rate with “-o”. Read the manual and help file to understand what these options (and others) mean. sox : You’re going to be receiving a raw audio stream, sample it at 48k, conduct some other transforms and then convert it into a wav file. minimodem : Finally, take in this wav file, sample it at 1200 baud and expect ASCII text with “-8”. Read the manpage and help file to better understand the other options within minimodem. There can be other transmission types as well, such that THOR8. For this, you’ll have to experiment with fldigi which is available at http://www.w1hkj.com/Fldigi.html. Once you’ve decoded the file, start experimenting with the file. Is it compressed? Encrypted? Dive in deep. Pre-game : At home, use a RaspberryPi and PiFM to transmit the wav file linked below. Or if you’re not licensed, use sox to read that wav file into minimodem. Test File : Click below to test decoding the different messages. Try the encryption keys of HINT, SHAKEN, AREYOUASPY. THOR8 Audio File http://sdr.ninja/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/number1.wav QPSK256 Audio File http://sdr.ninja/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/number1-2.wav AFSK Audio File http://sdr.ninja/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/hint.wav Lesson 7 – ASK / OOK Software : GQRX, baudline, audacity Procedure : Once you’ve identified a potential ASK/OOK transmission, attempt to demodulate it by saving the audio to a wav file in AM mode and opening the recording in audacity. Otherwise, you can record the file using rtl_fm and piping it with baudline. rtl_fm -f 89000000 -M raw -s 1000000 -g 0 - | baudline -stdin -samplerate 1000000 -quadrature -flipcomplex -channels 2 -format
Today, Nate Cohn from The Upshot blog of the NY Times released an article that attempts to estimate the percentage Clinton and Sanders will get in each remaining contest for the democratic nomination. It factors in everything — caucus vs primary, demographics, affluence, open vs closed, etc. Predictably, Hillary does best in the Northeast NYC metro area and California, while Sanders runs up the score in Midwestern and Appalachian states. If the states follow the pattern they have so far, with Hillary Clinton winning African-American and wealthy white votes, while Sanders does best with working class whites, the picture isn’t pretty for him — Hillary will expand her delegate lead to 341 before the end of the contests rather than Sanders chipping away at it. According to Cohn, this is what we can expect demographically moving forward: Clinton ends up ahead by 341 pledged delegates in Cohn’s scenario Let’s say, however, that Sanders does better than he has been. Let’s say he dumps millions in every remaining primary and outperforms expectations each time, with every demographic group. What then would his delegate target be for each state? I analyzed this assuming he greatly improves with every demographic group, builds strong momentum, and ends up getting much closer in every state favorable to Clinton, even turning some into wins. Meanwhile, he crushes his own favorable states by much larger margins. Instead of Cohn’s model, my heavily pro-Sanders model turns the following Clinton wins into losses: Connecticut 20 pt swing from Clinton +10 to Clinton -10 Delaware 26 pt swing from Clinton + 16 to Clinton -10 California 16 pt swing from Clinton +6 to Clinton -10 New Mexico 22 pt swing from Clinton +2 to Clinton -20 New York 18 point swing from Clinton +16 to Clinton -2 Pennsylvania 20 pt swing from Clinton +10 to Clinton -10 Notice that these are very large swings, and in states that will be very difficult for Sanders to win demographically. Delaware, for example, is 28% African-American, and New York is only around 60% white, as well as Clinton’s home state. Just changing these results though leaves Clinton ending with a comfortable +157 lead in pledged delegates, despite leaving her with only 2 wins on the board. Continuing then, let’s say she still wins her MOST favorable states, such as Maryland (40% African American population and white demographics similar to Northern Virginia where Sanders lost badly), but Sanders lowers the margin considerably due to heavy spending and momentum, as well as making large inroads with wealthy establishment white voters and African-Americans: Maryland 16 pt swing from Clinton +22 to Clinton +6 New Jersey 16 pt swing from Clinton +22 to Clinton +6 This means Clinton has not only lost all but 2 states going forward, but has narrowed her 2 wins to near ties. Still, Clinton ends up 121 pledged delegates ahead. So, moving forward, let’s also assume Sanders has blowouts of his favorable states. Remember, aside from Wyoming, ND, and SD there are no more caucus states, and Sanders has been unable to get blowouts in ANY primaries other than Vermont. We will assume, however, that he overcomes this with his margins growing from: Wisconsin +2 to +20 Wyoming +26 to +60 Rhode Island +4 to +20 Indiana +2 to +30 West Virginia +8 to +30 Kentucky +2 to +20 Oregon +12 to +30 Montana +26 to +60 North Dakota +26 to +60 South Dakota +4 to +40 Again, it must be repeated that aside from ND, SD, and WY that these are all primaries, and Sanders has been unable to get margins this high in ANY primary state. Furthermore, many of these are closed primaries. That being said, these blowouts, combined with the surprise wins in part 1 and the surprising close margins in part 2 combine for what: Clinton still leads by 25 pledged delegates while winning only 2 states by close margins Amazingly, despite this nearly impossible run by Bernie Sanders that would require him to make massive inroads with every single demographic group, including 3 or 4x the margin with non-white voters that has been getting thus far, Hillary Clinton would still win by 25 pledged delegates. So in summary: what is Bernie’s roadmap forward? He must get above the following percentages in these states going forward: Wisconsin: 60 Wyoming: 80 New York: 52 Connecticut: 55 Delaware: 55 Maryland: 47 Pennsylvania: 55 Rhode Island: 60 Indiana: 65 Guam: 50 West Virginia: 65 Kentucky: 60
To wrap up the recent news concerning live dumps, which I discussed here and here, I will cover the topic in a bit more detail and provide full source code to a tool you can use to explore the feature yourself. Brief History of Live Dumps Windows has always provided the ability to create non-invasive, live crash dumps through a kernel debugger using the “.dump” command (this does not crash the computer, see “.crash”). Additionally, tools like LiveKD allow you to create “mirror dumps” of a live system (only kernel memory). However, until these recent changes in Windows 8.1, these capabilities were not easily accessible to system administrators in most scenarios, due to the impractical necessity of attaching a kernel debugger to the target machine. Note that invasive crash dumps (those that cause a bug check such as keyboard-initiated dumps) are not the same thing as live dumps. NtSystemDebugControl This undocumented function, previously the home of a serious security bug that allowed unrestricted access to all of physical memory, provides a host of debugging capabilities for kernel components (mostly meant for a kernel debugger). The following sections will discuss how this function works with corresponding kernel functions to generate dump files. Please take a look at kdtypes.h in the NDK for more information about data types discussed here. Triage Dump – Parameter 29 Since at least Vista, NtSystemDebugControl has provided a means to create a triage dump via SYSDBG_COMMAND value 29 (SysDbgGetTriageDump). In fact, this is the only control code you could issue to this API without having a kernel debugger attached and windows booted in debug mode. Attempting to use this function without meeting those requirements would result in status code 0xc0000354 or STATUS_DEBUGGER_INACTIVE. Parameter 29 will create a triage dump through an internal function, DbgkCaptureLiveDump, which uses a set of internal kernel functions that manipulate debugger “snapshot data” (eg, DbgkpTriageDumpSnapData). The parameter that must accompany value 29 is SYSDBG_TRIAGE_DUMP, which specifies the thread handles to be dumped, along with various values that will be written in the triage dump header. The caller must also supply an output buffer of at least 132k and at most 1MB for the dump data. The structure of the input parameter from the NDK is shown below. typedef struct _SYSDBG_TRIAGE_DUMP { ULONG Flags; ULONG BugCheckCode; ULONG_PTR BugCheckParam1; ULONG_PTR BugCheckParam2; ULONG_PTR BugCheckParam3; ULONG_PTR BugCheckParam4; ULONG ProcessHandles; ULONG ThreadHandles; PHANDLE Handles; } SYSDBG_TRIAGE_DUMP, *PSYSDBG_TRIAGE_DUMP; The ProcessHandles field must be 0 and the ThreadHandles field must be non-zero. The Handles field must be an array of opened thread handles. The remaining fields are optional. As you can guess from this structure definition, triage dump generation as it is implemented in the kernel has the annoying requirement that you must specify one or more thread handles in the SYSDBG_TRIAGE_DUMP structure. If you do not pass in the required thread handles, the function will return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER. DbgkCaptureLiveDump will iterate over the thread handles you supply, take a reference on the associated PsThreadType object, and get “snapshot data” from the thread by queueing an APC to the thread. This APC will execute a series of Dbgk* functions that collect thread stack information in cooperation with the thread. All of this data is appended to the triage dump data buffer. If you want to learn more about triage dumps, skywing has a good blog post here. Kernel Dump – Parameter 37 (Windows 8.1+) In the latest NDK, the highest value for SYSDBG_COMMAND is 36. Windows 8.1 introduces a new value to SYSDBG_COMMAND, value 37, and NtSystemDebugControl has been updated to allow this command (along with 29, which operates the same as it has in the past) to execute with or without a debugger attached and regardless of debug mode. Under the hood, NtSystemDebugControl calls DbgkCaptureLiveKernelDump, a new internal function that interacts with the I/
Spin Me by 1:31 - 60 views Never drink and fly at the same time by TeamSansha 1:31 - 60 viewsNever drink and fly at the same time Dead Or Alive - You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) (Official Video) by 3:17 - 130,685,538 views Dead Or Alive - You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) (Official Video) Listen on Spotify - http://smarturl.it/DeadOrAlive_Spotify Listen on Apple Music - http://smarturl.it/DeadOrAlive_AppleMus Amazon - http://smarturl.it/DeadOrAlive_Amazon WATCH JIMMY FALLON AND PAUL RUDD REMAKE THE MUSIC VIDEO ► http://smarturl.it/YouSpinMeRound_JF WATCH JIMMY FALLON SIDE BY SIDE COMPARISON ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v04ZwnAYLGQ WATCH THATS THE WAY I LIKE IT MUSIC VIDEO ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llHhiiNnIjY WATCH BRAND NEW LOVER MUSIC VIDEO ► hhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llHhiiNnIjY WATCH JIMMY FALLON MUSIC VIDEO ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oU9F6J1lafY Lyrics If I, I get to know your name Well if I, could trace your private number, baby All I know is that to me You look like you're lots of fun Open up your lovin' arms I want some, want some I set my sights on you (and no one else will do) And I, I've got to have my way now, baby All I know is that to me You look like you're having fun Open up your lovin' arms Watch out here I come You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round round round You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round round round I got to be your friend now, baby And I would like to move in just a little bit closer All I know is that to me You look like you're lots of fun Open up your lovin' arms Watch out, here I come You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round round round You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round round round I want your love I want your love All I know is that to me You look like you're lots of fun Open up your lovin' arms Watch out, here I come You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round round round You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round round round You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round round round You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round round round You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round round round You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round round round #DeadOrAlive #YouSpinMeRound #FallonTonight #PaulRudd #JimmyFallon by DeadOrAliveVEVO 3:17 - 130,685,538 viewsDead Or Alive - You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) (Official Video)Listen on Spotify - http://smarturl.it/DeadOrAlive_SpotifyListen on Apple Music - http://smarturl.it/DeadOrAlive_AppleMusAmazon - http://smarturl.it/DeadOrAlive_AmazonWATCH JIMMY FALLON AND PAUL RUDD REMAKE THE MUSIC VIDEO ► http://smarturl.it/YouSpinMeRound_JFWATCH JIMMY FALLON SIDE BY SIDE COMPARISON ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v04ZwnAYLGQWATCH THATS THE WAY I LIKE IT MUSIC VIDEO ► https
Leipzig. The formation of sulfur dioxide from the oxidation of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and, thus, of cooling clouds over the oceans seems to be overvalued in current climate models. This concludes scientists from the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS) from a model study on the effects of DMS on atmospheric chemistry. Until now, models considering only the oxidation in the gas phase describe merely the oxidation pathway and neglect important pathways in the aqueous phase of the atmosphere, writes the team in the journal PNAS. This publication contains until now the most comprehensive mechanistic study on the multiphase oxidation of this compound. The results have shown that in order to improve the understanding of the atmospheric chemistry and its climate effects over the oceans, a more detailed knowledge about the multiphase oxidation of DMS and its oxidation products is necessary. Furthermore, it is also needed to increase the accuracy of climate prediction. Dimethyl sulfide (DMS) is formed by microorganisms and is, for example, also part of human breath odor. However, it is more pleasant to remember as the typical smell of the sea. DMS represents the most common natural sulfur compound emitted to the atmosphere. Major contributors are oceans, which make up around 70 % of Earth's surface. DMS is formed by phytoplankton and then released from the seawater. In the atmosphere, DMS oxidizes to sulfuric acid (H2SO4) via dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and sulfur dioxide (SO2). Sulfuric acid can form new cloud nuclei, from which new cloud droplets can emerge. Hence, marine clouds will be visually brightened, which influences the radiative effect of clouds and thus Earth's climate. Therefore, the understanding and quantification of these chemical processes in the atmosphere is of high importance for the knowledge of the natural climate effect. The oxidation process of DMS has already been investigated in various model studies - albeit without accurate considered aqueous-phase chemistry. In order to close these mechanistic gaps, scientists of TROPOS have developed a comprehensive multiphase chemical mechanism ("Chemical Aqueous Phase Radical Mechanism DMS Module 1.0"). This mechanism was coupled to a comprehensive gas-phase (MCMv3.2) and aqueous-phase mechanism (CAPRAM) and applied with the SPACCIM model. The SPACCIM model was developed at TROPOS and is, due to the detailed and combined description of microphysical and chemical processes in aerosols and clouds, particularly suitable for complex studies on atmospheric multiphase processes. As most important outcome, the new model results showed that: "The processes in the aqueous phase significantly reduce the amount of sulfur dioxide and increase the amount of methanesulfonic acid (MSA). In earlier models, there was a gap between the projected values in the model and measurements. Now, the scientists have been able to clarify this contradiction and thus confirm the importance of the aqueous phase for the atmospheric oxidation of dimethyl sulfide and its products such as MSA", reports Dr. Andreas Tilgner of TROPOS. The results show that the role of DMS in Earth's climate is still not sufficiently understood - despite many global model studies. "Our simulations indicate that the increased DMS emissions lead to higher aerosol particle mass loads but not necessarily to a higher number of particles or cloud droplets. The modeling results are important to understand the climate processes between ocean and atmosphere. In addition, geoengineering ideas are constantly being discussed, which are hoping for more cooling clouds by fertilizing the ocean", explains Prof. Hartmut Herrmann from TROPOS. However, this study suggests that the production of sulfur dioxide is less pronounced and the effects on the back-reflection effect of the clouds are lower than expected. Therefore, the corresponding geoengineering approaches could be less effective than assumed. Tilo Arnhold ### Publication: Erik Hans Hoffmann, Andreas Tilgner, Roland Schrödner, Peter Bräuer, Ralf Wolke, and Hartmut Herrmann (2016): An advanced modeling study on the impacts and atmospheric implications of multiphase dimethyl sulfide chemistry. PNAS; 113 (42) 11776-11781, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1606320113 http://dx. doi. org/ 10. 1073/ pnas. 1606320113 Further Information: Prof. Hartmut Herrmann, Dr. Andreas Tilgner, Dr. Ralf Wolke; Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS); Tel. +49-341-2717-7024, -7178, -7054 https:/ / www. tropos. de/ institut/ ueber-uns/ mitarbeitende
Edit: Late to the Party Looks like I wasn’t the first one to come up with this idea. Some bright folks over on reddit have pointed out tmate, a fork of tmux purpose-built to facilitate precisely the same process described in this guide (and with far more sophisticated security measures, from the looks of it). It comes with a lot of nifty features, like a web interface for you to view the shared session in your browser. Unfortunately, it looks like the project has hardly been touched for almost two years. No reason it won’t get the job done, though, and it’ll save you loads of time over reading through this mess. Traditionally, pair programming is done in person, with two engineers sitting side-by-side at the same computer — but I think I speak for all of us when I say that seeing other humans face-to-face isn’t the reason I got into this business. And yet, if you’ve ever tried to arrange a remote pair programming session, you might have found your fondness for personal space outweighed by the debilitating rage of working (or observing someone else work) on a laggy interface hampered by a stuttering, unreliable connection. Well, I don’t have a solution for network latency. What I do have is a remote pair programming setup using ssh and tmux, so that at the very least, you can suffer in the quiet dignity of a native terminal window. Why? At the time of this writing, the hottest tool for remote pairing appears to be Floobits, while the easiest is screenshare or remote desktop (e.g., ScreenHero). So why would you choose ssh + tmux over these guys? It’s free (beer, speech, whatever — no third-party services required). The video resolution never degrades, unlike a screenshare. The terminal captures more of your workflow (e.g., debugging) than Floobits can. On the other hand… It’s more work to set up. Obviously, you’re constrained to the terminal. That means: you’re stuck with vim or emacs and Unix as IDE; communication must be handled separately; and sharing of GUI windows (e.g., the browser) must be handled separately. It’s easy to get the security implementation wrong. You’ve been warned. A Naive Solution Let’s suppose Bojack and Todd want to pair together. They’re on the same local network, so their computers are discoverable at <hostname>.local. Bojack has already authorized Todd to log into his account over SSH, so all he has to do is start a new tmux session and wait for Todd to join: # HOST ========================================================================= bhorseman@scotch:~ $ tmux new -s pair # GUEST ======================================================================== tchaves@trees:~ $ ssh [email protected] bhorseman@scotch:~ $ tmux attach -t pair Voilà! Now Bojack and Todd are attached to the same tmux session on Bojack’s computer (think remote desktop, but in the terminal). So what’s wrong with this? Security Todd now has access not only to Bojack’s computer, but to his user account. That means all his files, GPG keys, SSH keys, and more. Sure, Bojack and Todd are good friends, and Todd would never do anything to sabotage Bojack on purpose. But Todd’s really not the sharpest tool in the shed. What if after they finish pairing, Todd forgets he’s still logged in, sees a bunch of files he doesn’t recognize, thinks “I don’t need these,” and then rm -rf s them? You may have noticed that we also totally glossed over how Bojack granted Todd login authorization in the first place. Accessibility Setting up this connection is easy and relatively secure because Bojack and Todd are on the same LAN — but that’s generally not the case for people who want to pair program remotely. To actually make this a remote solution, we have to set Bojack’s computer up to accept incoming connections over the Internet. (Okay, so maybe there aren’t that many problems on its face, but fixing either of these things opens up a whole other can of worms.) A Better Way, in Broad Strokes Let’s go over the what and why before we get into the how. Todd We can trust Todd not to do anything evil, but we can�
, 1908, p. 9). It was also Inšušinak who conferred kingship upon Humban-numena and the latter's son Untaš-Napiriša (König, nos. 4, no. 13), but it was Manzat who conferred it on Igi-halki (Steve, 1987, no. 2). In the Elamite pantheon goddesses played a more important role than elsewhere. The enumeration of forty deities in the treaty of Naram-Sin begins with Pinigir, goddess of love and procreation, who was worshiped throughout Elamite history and had an aštam, or temple of fertility; she was very frequently represented in art (Spycket, 1992). In addition, various local divinities were goddesses: Kiririša at Liyan, Upurkupak at Choghâ Pahn (KS-102) and Gotwand, Mašti at Mâlamîr, Manzat at Deh-e Now (q.v.). The Elamite pantheon was formed from the combination of the pantheons of the principal geopolitical entities that constituted Elam; it is not therefore astonishing that different gods played the same role or possessed the same attributes. Several gods and goddesses had the epithet "great god," which it is probably correct to understand as "the supreme god": Inšušinak, Napiriša, Humban, Nahhunte, Kiririša, Manzat, and so on. In addition, several deities were protectors of the gods (Mašti, Napir), of kings (Inšušinak, Kiririša, Napir), or of Elam (Silir-katru). Kiririša and Mašti were "mothers of the gods." Several deities were particularly linked to death by the epithet lahakra (of death): Inšušinak, Kiririša, Upurkupak, and perhaps Ruhuratir and Tepti. Although the Elamite sources, which do not include any mythological texts, are not very informative on the character of the gods, a few Mesopotamian texts help to fill this gap, though they often seem schematic and artificial and are, for the most part, of late date. Sometimes they even contradict Elamite information; for example, in Elam Nahhunte was considered the sun god, but in a Mesopotamian text he is called the moon god (Civil, 1974, p. 334). Nevertheless, identification in Akkadian texts of Lagamal with Nergal (W. G. Lambert, 1980-83) and Napiriša with Ea (Reiner, 1958, pp. 50-51) is not without foundation. Lagamal is indeed an infernal deity, and, on the relief from Kűrângűn, Napiriša is identifiable by his throne, formed from a human-headed serpent; he also holds as attributes of power the disk and the rod (forerunners of the orb and scepter of Western monarchies), from which gush forth the living waters. He thus seems the equivalent of Ea, Mesopotamian god of the waters. On the other hand, Iabru, who was assimilated to Anu, is unknown from the Elamite sources, and there is no evidence that Humban shared the characteristics of Enlil. Finally, no Elamite epithet permits the conclusion that any god was of warlike character, though the Mesopotamians assimilated seven Elamite divinities to Ninurta (King, pls. 12 ll. 1-5, 11 l. 37, 24 l. 17). Footnote P. Amiet, Elam, Auvers-sur-Oise, France, 1966. J. M. Aynard, Le prisme du Louvre AO 19.939, Paris, 1957. J. Botte‚ro, "Les inscriptions cune‚iformes fune‚raires," in La mort, les morts dans les socie‚te‚s anciennes, Actes du Colloque sur l'ide‚ologie fune‚raire, Ischia, Cambridge, 1977, pp. 373-406. M. Civil, "Medical Commentaries from Nippur," JNES 33, 1974, pp. 329-38. E. De Waele, "Travaux arche‚ologiques a Šekâf-e Salmân et Kűl-e Farah pres d'Izeh (Mâlamir)," Iranica Antiqua 16, 1981, pp. 45-61
1913, pp. 62-130. R. de Mecquenem, "Vestiges de constructions e‚lamites," Recueil de Travaux Relatifs a la Philologie et a l'Arche‚ologie Îgyptiennes et Assyriennes 33, 1911, pp. 2-19. Idem, "Note sur les modalite‚s fune‚raires susiennes et leur chronologie," Vivre et Penser, 1943-44, pp. 133-42. P. de Miroschedji, "Le dieu e‚lamite Napiriša," RA 74, 1980, pp. 129–43. Idem, "Le dieu e‚lamite au serpent et aux eaux jaillissantes," Iranica Antiqua 16, 1981, pp. 1-25. E. O. Negahban, Excavations at Haft Tepe, Iran, University Museum Monograph 70, Philadelphia, 1991. M. Pe‚zard, Mission a Bender-Bouchir, Mission arche‚ologique de Perse 15, Paris, 1914. E. Porada, Tchoga Zanbil (Dűr-Untash) IV. La glyptique, Me‚moires de la Mission arche‚ologique en Iran 42, Paris, 1970. E. Reiner, Š, Archiv für Orientforschung, Beiheft 11, Graz, 1958; new ed., Osnabrück, 1970. Idem, "Le‚gendes des cylindres," in E. Porada, Tchoga Zanbil (Dűr-Untash) IV. La glyptique, Me‚moires de la Mission arche‚ologique en Iran 42, 1970, pp. 133-37. Idem, "The Location of Anšan," RA 67, 1973, pp. 57-62. Idem, "Inscription from a Royal Elamite Tomb," Archiv für Orientforschung 24, 1973, pp. 87-102. C. Roche, "Les ziggurats de Tchogha Zanbil," in Contribution a l'histoire de l'Iran. Me‚langes offerts a J. Perrot, Paris, 1990, pp. 191-97. V. Scheil, Textes e‚lamites-se‚mitiques, 2e ser., Me‚moires de la De‚le‚gation en Perse 4, Paris, 1902. Idem, Textes e‚lamites-se‚mitiques, 3e ser., Me‚moires de la De‚le‚gation en Perse 6, Paris, 1905. Idem, Textes e‚lamites-se‚mitiques, 3e ser., Memoires de la Delegation en Perse 9, Paris, 1907. Idem, Textes e‚lamites-se‚mitiques, 4e ser., Memoires de la Delegation en Perse 10, Paris, 1908. Idem, Textes e‚lamites-se‚mitiques, 5e ser., Memoires de la Delegation en Perse 14, Paris, 1913. Idem, Actes juridiques susiens, Memoires de la Delegation en Perse 22, Paris, 1930. Idem, Actes juridiques susiens (suite: n° 166 a n° 327), Memoires de la Mission arche‚ologique en Perse 23, Paris, 1932. Idem, Actes juridiques susiens (suite: n° 328 a n° 395), Me‚moires de la Mission arche‚ologique en Perse 24, Paris, 1933. Idem, Me‚langes e‚pi-graphiques, Me‚moires de la Mission arche‚ologique en Perse 28, Paris, 1939. U. Seidl, Die elamischen Felsreliefs von Kűrângűn und Naqš-e Rustam, Iranische Denkmâler, Lieferung 12, Reihe II, Berlin, 1986. A. Spycket, Les figurines de Suse, Me‚moires de la De‚le‚gation archeologique en Iran 52, Paris, 1992. M. J. Steve, Tchoga Zanbil (Dűr-Untash) III. Textes e‚lamites et accadiens de Tchoga Zanbil, Me‚moires de la De‚le‚gation arche‚ologique en Iran, 41, Paris
rica, ponovivši kako je r<strong>iječ o pravno neobvezujućem aktu koji se odnosi isključivo na regularne migrante. </strong></p><p>Istaknula je kako je sporazum dogovoren u srpnju na međunarodnoj diplomatskoj razini poslije pregovaračkog procesa koji je trajao 15 mjeseci, pri čemu je Hrvatska sudjelovala u formiranju zajedničkog stava EU nakon što je ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova vodilo rasprave između osam hrvatskih resora, o čemu su obaviještena relevantna državna tijela.</p><p>Naglasila je kako su u konačnom tekstu sporazuma jasno izražena načela kao što su "potvrđivanje suverenog prava svake države odrediti svoju nacionalnu migracijsku politiku, jasno razlikovanje između regularnih i neregularnih migracija, pravna neobaveznost, jasna naznaka kroz cijeli tekst da je riječ o katalogu mjera čija je primjena prepuštena suverenom izboru svake države, jasno utvrđeno pravo države da zaštiti svoje granice i suvereno odlučuje koga će pustiti na svoje državno područje" i druga. </p><p>"Globalni kompakt nije međunarodno pravni sporazum i nije pravno obvezujući dokument, on se ne potpisuje", rekla je Pejčinović Burić.</p><p>"U slučaju neregularnih migracija Hrvatska ima puno pravo poduzimanja nužnih, zakonitih i proporcionalnih mjera", poručila je ministrica, dodala je kako "migracije ovim dokumentom ne postaju temeljno ljudsko pravo, nego se njime potvrđuje univerzalnost ljudskih prava koja se odnose na sve ljude, tako i na migrante" te je zaključila kako iz ovog sporazuma ne proizlaze nikakve nove obaveze za države koje ga prihvate. </p><p>Božinović je pozdravio činjenicu da je međunarodna zajednica na razini Ujedinjenih naroda shvatila da su migracije pitanje s kojima se treba napokon baviti.</p><p>"Ovim dokumentom međunarodna zajednica prvi put dolazi do spoznaje da se ovo pitanje treba regulirati", a ranije se nije željelo reagirati jer su razvijene zemlje imale velike koristi od migracija. </p><p>Ministar je kazao kako je dokument i pokušaj da se <strong>potiče ostanak u domovinama</strong>, da problem migracija neće nestati još dugo vremena, zbog čega je rasprava na svjetskoj razini dobrodošla. </p><h2>Kritike zastupnika</h2><p>Božo Petrov, potpredsjednik Sabora iz redova Mosta je, prvi iznoseći kritike, kazao kako je zainteresiranost javnosti za
Mike Adams NaturalNews November 14, 2010 Since publishing my story about the TSA’s naked body scanners and the “opt out” procedure, I’ve received a steady stream of reports from people who are traveling, all of whom are now choosing to opt out of the scanners. The reports coming in demonstrate an amazing ignorance among TSA security screeners about how the naked body scanners actually work. Maybe TSA officers simply buy those X-Ray vision glasses advertised in the back of comic books and use those to gawk at passengers. One report from a very credible source (a famous health author whom I know quite well) reveals that TSA officers told her the naked body scanners don’t even emit X-rays. “It’s a myth,” the officer said. “There are no X-rays from those machines.” Really? Then how do they work? Are they MAGIC? Do TSA officers cast a magic Spell of X-Ray Vision on the air travel passengers like some sort of Dungeons & Dragons adventure? (Or maybe the TSA officers simply buy those X-Ray vision glasses advertised in the back of comic books and use those to gawk at passengers.) That the TSA’s own employees don’t even know these machines emit radiation is a real whopper. But of course it only makes sense: They’ve probably been told this by the TSA because no person in their right mind would actually work 8 hours a day standing next to a machine that emits radiation every few seconds (no matter how seemingly small the dosage). Even dentists and chiropractors who use low-dose radiation to take images of your bones still flee the room or hide behind heavy metal shields before zapping you (as they should). Being exposed to ionizing radiation on a regular basis is inarguably a health hazard. More TSA lies Another TSA officer told another contact of mine that the naked body scanner machines are “incapable of storing images.” This, of course, is very different from even the official TSA line which now claims the ability of the machines to store images have been “turned off.” All such machines are delivered by the manufacturer with image storage features built right in, as we previously reported: http://www.naturalnews.com/029378_f… How are we, the public, to know whether the image storage capabilities have been turned back on again? I bet we’ll find out one day that one of these machines was accidentally left in the “store images” configuration and has been piling up tens of thousands of photos of naked air travelers. It gets personal A d v e r t i s e m e n t {openx:49} In many cases that have been reported to me, when air travel passengers request to opt out of the naked body scanners, they are humiliated and nearly accused of being insane by TSA officers who keep questioning why they won’t go through the scanner. Some TSA officers even start debating with people as if they are somehow trying to convince them the scanners are perfectly safe. One TSA agent told a female passenger that the naked body scanner “is perfectly safe even if you’re pregnant” and that it “wouldn’t be harmful to the baby.” Really? How do they know? Sure, they say the radiation levels are so low that you actually get more radiation just from flying at high altitude, but how do they know the radiation from the machine is calibrated correctly? CT scans are commonly found to be way off their configurations, to the point where they actually leave radiation burns and cause people’s hair to fall out (http://www.naturalnews.com/029232_r…). Are we really to trust that the TSA has configured these machines correctly? It is especially difficult to trust an agency that hires people to run X-ray-emitting scanners who don’t even know their scanners emit X-rays! How do you explain to a typical TSA agent that the naked body scanner might be dangerous if the guy is so ignorant that he doesn’t even realize the machines emit X-rays? It’s almost like we need to walk through the airport now with a book called Physics 101. And when we see these TSA agents, we need to sit them down and go through the laws of the universe. Okay, here’s how gravity works, and that’s why you’re sitting down and not floating away into high orbit. And now, here’s electromagnetic wave theory which explains how things like visible light, microwaves, radio waves and X-rays work. And here’s why X-rays penetrate matter better than light waves, and so on. Of course, they
Jagger/Richards: you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometime you just might find that you get what you need. Cursors in Lists Let me rebuild the components of your structure using snoc- and cons-lists to keep the spatial properties clear. I define data Bwd x = B0 | Bwd x :< x deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Show) data Fwd x = F0 | x :> Fwd x deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Show) infixl 5 :< infixr 5 :> data Cursor x = Cur (Bwd x) x (Fwd x) deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Show) Let's have comonads class Functor f => Comonad f where counit :: f x -> x cojoin :: f x -> f (f x) and let's make sure cursors are comonads instance Comonad Cursor where counit (Cur _ x _) = x cojoin c = Cur (lefts c) c (rights c) where lefts (Cur B0 _ _) = B0 lefts (Cur (xz :< x) y ys) = lefts c :< c where c = Cur xz x (y :> ys) rights (Cur _ _ F0) = F0 rights (Cur xz x (y :> ys)) = c :> rights c where c = Cur (xz :< x) y ys If you're turned on to this kind of stuff, you'll note that Cursor is a spatially pleasing variant of InContext [] InContext f x = (x, ∂f x) where ∂ takes the formal derivative of a functor, giving its notion of one-hole context. InContext f is always a Comonad, as mentioned in this answer, and what we have here is just that Comonad induced by the differential structure, where counit extracts the element at the focus and cojoin decorates each element with its own context, effectively giving you a context full of refocused cursors and with an unmoved cursor at its focus. Let's have an example. > cojoin (Cur (B0 :< 1) 2 (3 :> 4 :> F0)) Cur (B0 :< Cur B0 1 (2 :> 3 :> 4 :> F0)) (Cur (B0 :< 1) 2 (3 :> 4 :> F0)) ( Cur (B0 :< 1 :< 2) 3 (4 :> F0) :> Cur (B0 :< 1 :< 2 :< 3) 4 F0 :> F0) See? The 2 in focus has been decorated to become the cursor-at-2; to the left, we have the list of the cursor-at-1; to the right, the list of the cursor-at-3 and the cursor-at-4. Composing Cursors, Transposing Cursors? Now, the structure you're asking to be a Comonad is the n-fold composition of Cursor. Let's have newtype (:.:) f g x = C {unC :: f (g x)} deriving Show To persuade comonads f and g to compose, the counit s compose neatly, but you need a "distributive law" transpose :: f (g x) -> g (f x) so you can make the composite cojoin like this f (g x) -(fmap cojoin)-> f (g (g x)) -cojoin-> f (f (g (g x))) -(fmap transpose)-> f (g (f (g x))) What laws should transpose satisfy? Probably something like counit. transpose = fmap counit cojoin. transpose = fmap transpose. transpose. fmap cojoin or whatever it takes to ensure that any two ways to shoogle some sequence of f's and g's from one order to another give the same result. Can we define a transpose for Cursor with itself? One way to get some sort of transposition cheaply is to note that Bwd and Fwd are zippily applicative, hence so is Cursor. instance Applicative Bwd where pure x = pure x :< x (fz :< f) <*> (sz :< s) = (fz <*> sz) :< f s _ <*> _ = B0 instance Applicative Fwd where
toward intervention in Chinese political situations, expressing support for Tibetans and Uighur national movements, and now with the Hong Kong protesters [США, как известно, постоянно демонстрируют тенденцию к вмешательству в китайскую политическую ситуацию, высказывают поддержку тибетским и уйгурским национальным движениям, а теперь и гонконгским протестующим.].” The article features several pictures with Hong Kong protesters waving American flags. Perhaps that is appropriate given how many Washington elites and politicians have openly expressed support for the Hong Kong protests. Yet neither the protesters nor the Washington “blob” seems to have figured out that associating Hong Kong’s fate with the broader U.S. effort to counter China across the “free and open” Indo-Pacific is most certainly waving a red flag in front of a bull. Do the Hong Kong protesters think the United States will save them from China in the same way that America has “saved” Ukraine from Russia? Polyansky explicitly draws attention to this problem when he discusses the matter of the proposed visit by two warships from America’s Seventh Fleet to Hong Kong. The visit was abruptly cancelled by Beijing and Polyansky cites the Seventh Fleet spokesman, who is said to have complained that the U.S. Navy has “always visited the port of Hong Kong in the past …” But the Russian observer explains: “In a situation where the city is in turmoil, the presence of American ships will be an unnecessary destabilizing factor. Moreover, protesters may even think that the U.S. Navy ships in the city’s port will become a guarantee against harsh police actions and will intensify their speeches [в условиях, когда город охвачен массовыми беспорядками, присутствие американских кораблей будет лишним дестабилизирующим обстановку фактором. Тем более, что протестующие могут вообще подумать, что корабли ВМС США в порту города станут гарантией от жестких действий полиции и еще более активизируют свои выступления].” Taking the analogy one step further, it likely would have been inappropriate to parade (even a couple) U.S. tanks down the Kreshatik in central Kyiv during the Maidan incident. In the end, the Russian author concludes that Beijing has not sought a confrontation and has used significant restraint. He says, China “until recently, preferred not to interfere in the affairs of the autonomous city and hoped that the Hong Kong authorities themselves would be able to calm down the protesters [до последнего времени предпочита
Dans un centre médical universitaire de Pittsburgh, en Pennsylvanie (États-Unis), les chirurgiens sont maintenant autorisés à placer des patients dans un état d’animation suspendue ou biostase (ou encore appelé “Arrêt réversible de la vie”). Si un patient est amené avec une lésion traumatique et que les tentatives pour faire repartir son cœur ont échoué, s’il est aux portes de la mort, son sang sera remplacé par une solution saline froide, qui arrête presque toutes activités cellulaires. À ce stade, le patient est cliniquement mort, mais si les médecins peuvent soigner le malade en quelques heures, ils peuvent interrompre l’animation suspendue en remplaçant la solution saline par du sang. Enfin… c’est ce qu’ils espèrent. La technique d’animation suspendue a d’abord été mise à l’essai sur des porcs en 2002 (l’étude ici : Learning and memory is preserved after induced asanguineous hyperkalemic hypothermic arrest in a swine model of traumatic exsanguination). Des chercheurs du centre médical universitaire du Michigan ont anesthésié un cochon et ils ont provoqué une importante hémorragie pour simuler l’effet d’un coup de feu, puis ils ont remplacé son sang avec une solution saline froide, refroidissant les cellules du porc à 10 °C. Après avoir traité la blessure, le porc a été progressivement réchauffé par le remplacement de la solution saline par du sang. Son cœur a recommencé à battre et malgré une mort de quelques heures, il ne présentait pas de déficience physique ou cognitive. Maintenant, il est temps de l’essayer sur l’homme. Environ une fois par mois, le centre médical universitaire de Pittsburgh reçoit un patient qui a subi un arrêt cardiaque après un traumatisme violent, comme un coup de fusil, coups de couteau, etc, et qui n’a pas répondu aux méthodes normales pour redémarrer son cœur. Parce qu’il n’y a pas, actuellement, d’autre type de traitement et parce que ces types de blessures sont presque toujours mortelles, dans cet état des Etats-Unis, les chirurgiens n’ont pas besoin de consentement pour réaliser l’animation suspendue (tant que l’entourage du malade ne s’y oppose pas). La technique sera utilisée sur 10 patients, avec une comparaison du résultat avec 10 personnes qui n’en auront pas profité. Une fois qu’ils auront récupéré suffisamment de données, ils pourront déterminer si l’animation suspendue vaut le coup d’être déployé à d’autres hôpitaux. Le processus est sensiblement le même pour les humains. La première étape est de remplacer la totalité du sang dans le cœur et le cerveau, les deux zones les plus sensibles à l’hypoxie, avec une solution saline froide. Ensuite, celle-ci est pompée à travers le reste du corps. Après 15 minutes, la température du patient atteint 10°C, il n’a plus de sang, pas d’activité cérébrale et ils ne respirent plus. Techniquement, il est mort, mais comme le métabolisme de nos cellules ralentit à basse température, elles peuvent survivre pendant quelques heures en utilisant la respiration anaérobie qui ne dure, en général, que quelques minutes.
Pavsillipon, Greek for "the place where unhappiness ends." Phonetically, Neapolitan is very interesting. One of the most obvious sounds is what phoneticians call the "schwa", a neutral, central vowel, the "uh" sound of unaccented syllables in many languages: English, Russian, Neapolitan (but not Italian)—the 'a' in 'ago', for example. A dead giveaway that a northern Italian is trying to sing 'O Sole Mio is the mispronunciation of the final vowels as pure Italian 'ay' and 'oh,' instead of 'uh' and 'uh'. It is the most characteristic of all sounds in Neapolitan. There are even Neapolitan vowels and consonants traceable to the languages of the pre-Roman peoples of Campania, the Oscans and the Samnites. We forget that before Latin in this area, there was Greek, and before and alongside Greek there were other local languages, none of which have survived. Latin met with more resistance in Campania than elsewhere on the peninsula as the Empire spread out from Rome. Even back then, people in this neck of the woods were stubborn. The Roman historian Livius reports that a delegation from Cuma had to go all the way to Rome in 180 BC and have Latin declared the official language down here in order to get the folks in the local markets to stop speaking Oscan! Even then, it was noted, the people in this area still pronounced Latin with a local accent. Among the many grammatical peculiarities of Neapolitan is the post-positioning of some possessives with family members. "A sorete" (to sister-yours) as a return insult, means roughly: "The same goes for your sister, buddy!" The proper pronunciation of the final vowel as "uh" (see above) also qualifies you for participation in the ancient and stirring ritual of The Laying On Of Fists. Neapolitan has survived and thrived magnificently as a vehicle of expression for such Neapolitan greats as the playwright/ philosopher Eduardo de Filippo and the poet/ clown Totò, both of whom, in their own inimitable ways, are the essence of Napolitanità—the ability of the common people to retain their dignity in the face of adversity, to resist being overwhelmed by external forces. This applies to language, as well—maybe especially language, whether it's Oscan, Greek, Latin, Spanish, French or, recently, English. Resist, change it, make it your own, but don't be overwhelmed. Don't give in. Here, get a load of this: A mezz' età mettenneme 'n cammino, io me truvaie pe' na furesta nera, pecché m'ero'mbriacato senza vino. They have even translated La Divina Commedia into Neapolitan! How's that for not giving in?! [Most people know a little bit of Neapolitan dialect from famous Neapolitan songs such as 'O Sole Mio. To read about the Neapolitan Song, click here. To view some of the texts of the songs themselves, in dialect, click here. To read about the Neapolitan dialect and Salvatore Di Giacomo, see here.] The oldest collection of European fairy-tales is in Neapolitan. To read about that, click here.] Croce, Benedetto (1) (1866-1952) One has to know a lot about philosophy, history, literature, aesthetics and various theories of criticism in order to do justice to the topic of Benedetto Croce. Someone like me, then, will clearly have to start somewhere else, such as telling you what fascinates me most about this man. It is this. When Croce died in Naples in November, 1952, his funeral procession was an outpouring of popular emotion and affection. Thousands of common citizens spontaneously spilled into the streets to say farewell to one who has been described as the most important Italian philosopher and historian of the twentieth century, and who, they say, blew a hurricane of freshness into the stagnant hot-air that had been implacably settling over the Italian intellectual landscape for centuries, perhaps since the Renaissance. How is it that an intellectual had such an appeal among the people? Maybe the key is in the word "intellectual". There is in the word, itself, a nasty undercurrent of arrogance, which holds that the life of the mind and the life of—well, the life of life, itself—are separate, and that those things worth knowing in life must be couched in terms that cannot be readily understood. It is as if the mind were a separate kingdom ruled by only a select few. Among such people you will find at least a few of Croce
Mar 19, 2019 at 17:07 // News Coin Idol Author Il legislatore italiano, tra i primi in Europa, ha tentato di regolamentare il fenomeno degli smart contract e blockchain, introducendo il Decreto Semplificazione 2019. Il documento è stato impostato per definire la natura delle tecnologie finanziarie e fornire un quadro normativo per loro in Italia. https://coinidol.com/smart-contracts-definitions/Caratteristiche brevi degli Smart Contracts I vantaggi della tecnologia includono principalmente un'opportunità per risparmiare tempo e costi, oltre a una certezza di giudizio in relazione a un contratto che non può essere interpretato. L'obiettivo è precisamente quello di eliminare (per quanto riguarda le fasi successive alla progettazione del documento) eventuali intermediari e sostituirli con un sistema il più affidabile possibile. Tuttavia, quest'ultimo punto rappresenta anche un possibile svantaggio. Un lavoro preciso sarà essenziale nella creazione del codice al fine di avere determinanti per eseguire la volontà delle parti che è stata concordata in fase di progettazione. Quindi verranno usate regole specifiche per controllare qualsiasi atipicità. Un altro argomento rilevante riguarda la necessità di identificare chi ha la possibilità, e di conseguenza la responsabilità, di garantire l'accuratezza degli input inseriti nel codice. In questo senso, sarebbe auspicabile identificare soggetti terzi che siano in grado di fornire determinate garanzie tecniche. Interpretazioni dal Decreto L'articolo 8 del documento fornisce un primo quadro giuridico per le tecnologie blockchain e smart contract nel sistema legislativo italiano. Oltre alle misure comunitarie antiriciclaggio e alle relazioni della Banca d'Italia già formalmente riconosciute, il decreto di semplificazione fornisce definizioni del fenomeno dell'attività delle criptovalute basate sulla blockchain. Nello specifico, l'articolo sopra menzionato fa riferimento a tecnologie basate su registri distribuiti e contratti intelligenti. Il primo termine identifica blockchain come "tecnologia che utilizza un registro condiviso, distribuito, replicabile, accessibile simultaneamente, architettonicamente decentrato su base crittografica, tale da consentire la registrazione, la convalida, l'aggiornamento, l'archiviazione dei dati (sia in chiaro che ulteriormente protetti da crittografia) verificabili da ogni partecipante e non modificabile". Il contratto intelligente, d'altra parte, è definito dal legislatore come "programma informatico che funziona su tecnologie basate su registri distribuiti la cui esecuzione lega automaticamente due o più parti sulla base di effetti predefiniti da loro". Inoltre, il legislatore italiano aggiunge anche che "la tecnologia soddisfa il requisito della forma scritta soggetta all'identificazione informatica delle parti interessate". Un ruolo fondamentale sarà quindi assegnato all'Agenzia per l'Italia digitale, che dovrà stabilire con precisione assoluta i caratteri che compongono il codice alla base dei contratti intelligenti. Solo la conformità con queste caratteristiche