Saluton, Mondo" Dictionary Mode Google Translate can be used as a dictionary. When translating a word and the target language is the same as the source language, the dictionary entry of the word is shown: $ trans :en word To enable dictionary mode no matter whether the source language and the target language are identical, use the -dictionary ( -d ) option. $ trans -d fr: mot Note: Not every language supported by Google Translate has provided dictionary data. See wiki: Languages to find out which language(s) has dictionary support. Language Identification Use the -identify ( -id ) option to identify the language of the text: $ trans -id 言葉 Text-to-Speech Use the -play ( -p ) option to listen to the translation: $ trans -b -p :ja "Saluton, Mondo" Use the -speak ( -sp ) option to listen to the original text: $ trans -sp "你好,世界" Terminal Paging Sometimes the content of translation can be too much for display in one screen. Use the -view ( -v ) option to view the translation in a terminal pager such as less or more : $ trans -d -v word Right-to-Left (RTL) Languages Right-to-Left (RTL) languages are well supported via GNU FriBidi. The program will automatically adjust the screen width for padding when displaying right-to-left languages. Alternatively, you may use the -width ( -w ) option to specify the screen width: $ trans -b -w 40 :he "Saluton, Mondo" See wiki: Languages to find out which language(s) uses a Right-to-Left writing system. Pipeline, Input and Output If no source text is given in command-line arguments, the program will read from standard input, or from the file specified by the -input ( -i ) option: $ echo "Saluton, Mondo" | trans -b :fr $ trans -b -i input.txt :fr Translations are written to standard output, or to the file specified by the -output ( -o ) option: $ echo "Saluton, Mondo" | trans -b -o output.txt :fr Translate a File Instead of using the -input option, a file URI scheme ( file:// followed by the file name) can be used as a command-line argument: $ trans :fr file://input.txt Note: Brief mode is used when translating from file URI schemes. Translate a Web Page To translate a web page, an http(s) URI scheme can be used as an argument: $ trans :fr http://www.w3.org/ A browser session will open for viewing the translation (via Google Translate’s web interface). To specify your web browser of choice, use the -browser option: $ trans -browser firefox :fr http://www.w3.org/ Language Details Use the -list ( -L ) option to view details of one or more languages: $ trans -L fr $ trans -L de+en Some basic information of the language will be displayed: its English name and endonym (language name in the language itself), language family, writing system, canonical Google Translate code and ISO 639-3 code. Interactive Translate Shell (REPL) Start an interactive shell using the -shell (or -interactive, -I ) option: $ trans -shell You may specify the source language and the target language(s) before starting an interactive shell: $ trans -shell en:fr You may also change these settings during an interactive session. See wiki: REPL for more advanced usage of the interactive Translate Shell. Usage For more details on command-line options, see the man page trans(1) or use trans -M in a terminal. Usage: trans [OPTIONS] [SOURCES]:[TARGETS] [TEXT]... Information options: -V, -version Print version and exit. -H, -help Print help message and exit. -M, -man Show man page and exit. -T, -reference Print reference table of languages and exit. -R, -reference-english Print reference table of languages (in English names) and exit. -L CODES, -list CODES Print details of languages and exit. -S, -list
symys ja valittaminen ovat lisääntyneet. Työn ilo ja työteho vähentyneet. Suomi nousuun? Ei todellakaan!”, seurakunnan työntekijä tuskailee. *Pidennettyä työaikaa *käytetään usein asioihin, jotka eivät itsestäänselvästi lisää työn tuottavuutta. Jotkut osallistuvat kikyä soveltaessaan jumppaan. Opettajat eivät oman kikynsä mukaan saa tehdä tuona aikana opetustöitä, vaan jotain muuta. “Käydään näyttelyissä ja keksitään älyttömiä koulutuksia. Kiky määrää, että ei saa tehdä hyödyllisiä töitä, koska ne jo kuuluvat työtehtäviimme”, kertoo kyselyyn vastannut opettaja. Turhana koettu työajan pidennys kuluu joillakin nettisurffailuun, kahvitteluun tai muihin tarpeisiin. “Itse olen ratkaissut asian niin, että käyn aina ulostamassa työpäivän päätteeksi. Mahtavaa, että ulostamisella saamme Suomen nousuun!”, ilakoi koulun työntekijä. AOP Kyselymme paljastaa, kuinka vaikeaa monien suomalaisten on motivoitua heille käsittämättömään kiky-savottaan. Vaikka periaatteessa tavoite saada Suomi nousuun tunnetaan ja tunnustetaan. Jo kiky-sopimuksen synnytystä leimasi vastakkainasettelu ja uhkailu. Siitä puuttui mukaansatempaava tarina ja yhteishenkeä nostattavat tunteet. Pääministeri yritti korjata tätä vanhanaikaisilla vetoomuksilla. - Tämä on yhteinen harjoitus, johon kaikkia tarvitaan mukaan, Sipilä sanoi. *Ensimmäinen ongelma *yhteisen tarinan luomisessa oli jo kilpailukykysopimuksen nimi, arvioi tarinankertojana tunnettu yrittäjä Marko Kulmala. Hän arvelee, että suurin osa suomalaisista ei tiedä, mitä kilpailukyky täsmälleen tarkoittaa, joten sen nimisestä sopimuksesta on hieman vaikea innostua. Yhteistä tarinaa aiheen ympärille on hankalaa rakentaa myös siitä syystä, että monilla toimialoilla työajan pidentäminen ei suoraan yhdisty kilpailukykyyn. Kyselyymme vastanneille on jäänyt hämäräksi toinenkin logiikka - miten heidän tekemänsä lisätunnit työllistävät työttömiä? Kikyn yhteys julkisen sektorin leikkauksiin ei auennut, kun hallitus saarnasi kilpailukykyhypystä verrattuna kilpailijamaihin. Työ Suomessa lisääntyisi, jos vienti saataisiin elpymään. Kiky-paketin ansiosta saisimme Ruotsin kiinni. Miten täll
Die Auslegung von AMDs "Navi 12" Grafikchip mit einem 256 Bit GDDR6-Speicherinterface wurde unsererseits wohl doch etwas zu überhastet getroffen, denn letztlich ergab sich in der Diskussion über diese Erkenntnisse zum Chip-internen SDP-Interface (interessante Postings No.1 & No.2) der Ansatz zu einer abweichenden Auslegung – nämlich das bei Navi 12 einfach HBM-Speicher im Spiel sein könnte. So wird ja auch Vega 10 mit 2048 Bit HBM2-Interface mittels 16 SDP-Interfaces (wie bei Navi 10 mit 256 Bit GDDR6-Interface) versorgt, unter diesem SDP-Wert können also beide Varianten laufen. Mittels der Verwendung von HBM-Speicher würde sich AMD wiederum dessen Probleme bei der Profitabilität ins Boot holen, löst dafür aber auch einige Probleme: Denn Navi 12 mit nur einem 256 Bit breiten GDDR6-Interface wird von vielen Beobachtern als mit zu wenig Bandbreite ausgestattet angesehen, um wirklich mehr Shader-Cluster als Navi 10 zu versorgen. Und gleichzeitig bedeuten mehr Shader-Cluster auch einen höheren Stromverbrauch, was den Grafikchip recht zuverlässig Richtung 300 Watt Stromverbrauch treiben würde. 8 SDP-Interfaces 16 SDP-Interfaces 32 SDP-Interfaces Vega 12 = 1024 Bit HBM2 Vega 10 = 2048 Bit HBM2 Vega 20 = 4096 Bit HBM2 Navi 14 = wahrscheinlich 128 Bit GDDR6 Navi 10 = 256 Bit GDDR6 Navi 12 = wahrscheinlich 256 Bit GDDR6 oder 2048 Bit HBM2 Erstens einmal sieht dies dann nicht wirklich gut für die 7nm-Fertigung aus und zweitens existiert dann dort auch eine psychologische Grenze, welche man ungern überschreiten wird – unter Umständen kann man somit Navi 12 gar nicht voll ausfahren, wenn man diese 300-Watt-Marke nicht reißen will. Insofern ergibt jede Stromverbrauchs-Einsparung (an anderer Stelle) dann das Potential, Navi 12 noch etwas mehr Rechenpower mitzugeben – letztlich genau die Situation, wofür HBM-Speicher kreiiert wurde. Wenn man es so sieht, muß die Aussage von "Navi 12 mit 256 Bit GDDR6-Interface" revidiert werden in zumindest "Navi 12 mit 256 Bit GDDR6- oder 2048 Bit HBM2-Interface". Eine wirklich belastbare Aussage ist aus diesen Informationen zum SDP-Interface der Navi-Grafikchips aber natürlich sowieso nicht herauszuziehen – das ganze ist halt nur ein Indiz, aber noch kein Beweis. Selbst über den Punkt, ob Navi 12 wirklich oberhalb von Navi 10 einzuordnen wäre, wird teilweise noch diskutiert. Dabei mag es aus unserer Sicht keinen Sinn ergeben, zwischen Navi 14 (24 Shader-Cluster) und Navi 10 (40 Shader-Cluster) noch einen weiteren Grafikchip zu quetschen – andere Beobachter sehen dies anders, was vor dem Vorliegen eindeutiger Informationen zu respektieren ist. Die ComputerBase berichtet über ein wildes Gerücht zu einer (angeblichen) Sockel-Inkompatibilität von Threadripper 3000, welche dann natürlich auch eine Mainboard-Inkomp
javanja migranata", rekao je Vladin glasnogovornik. Voditelj stožera bit će potpredsjednik Vlade i ministar unutarnjih poslova Ranko Ostojić, a članovi stožer bit će zamjenici odnosno pomoćnici iz više ministarstva - socijalne politike i mladih, vanjskih i europskih poslova, rada i mirovinskog sustava, ministarstva zdravlja te ravnatelj Državne uprave za zaštitu i spašavanje. U rad Stožera po potrebi će se uključivati i predstavnici drugih tijela i institucija. 17:20 Slovenija je pooštrila nadzor granice s Mađarskom, te o tome obavijestila Europsku uniju, rekao je u srijedu popodne za Slovensku televiziju premijer Miro Cerar u Lendavi, pri završetku dvodnenvog posjeta regiji Prekmurje, u kojoj je zadnjih dana zabilježen manji broj ilegalnih prelazaka granice iz susjedne Mađarske koje ta zemlja nije htjela primiti natrag temeljem bilateralnog ugovora o readmisiji osoba koje prijeđu granicu nelegalno. Uz poštrene mjere na granici s istočnom susjedom, Slovenija će na granici s Hrvatskom provoditi schengensku regulativu, kazao je Cerar koji će kasnije poslijepodne održati i konferenciju za novinare. Prije toga, slovenskim premijer je za medije kazao da Slovenija prati mogućnost dolaska većeg broja izbjeglica u Sloveniju, pri čemu će postupati humano, ali u skladu sa zakonom, te uz osiguravanje sigurnosti za svoje građane. O izbjegličkoj problematici bit će večeras riječi i na press konferenciji policije i ministarstva unutarnjih poslova u Ljubljani, kad je najavljena i izjava ministrice unutarnjih poslova Vesne Gjerkeš Žnidar. 17:15 Ministar zdravlja Siniša Varga posjetio je poslijepodne Policijsku postaju Tovarnik u koju od ranoga jutra granična policija dovozi izbjeglice koje zatekne s hrvatske strane granice sa Srbijom i izvijestio novinare da su zdravstveni djelatnici obavili već 30-ak lakših medicinskih intervencija, a da je jedna trudnica u 12. tjednu trudnoće prevezena je u bolnicu. "Sve službe hrvatskog zdravstva su spremne i pružaju maksimalnu zdravstvenu zaštitu izbjeglicama koje dolaze i na proputovanju su kroz Hrvatsku", rekao je Varga. Svaka zdravstvena tegoba kod izbjeglica se identificira, do sada je obavljeno 30-ak lakših medicinskih intervencija, a jedna trudnica u 12. tjednu trudnoće je zbog zdravstvenih tegoba prevezena u Opću bolnicu Vukovar, re
komada higijenskih proizvoda za djecu i 2500 maski i rukavica (za izbjeglice, policiju i volontere). Iz Hrvatskog crvenog križa poručuju kako je zasad na terenu dovoljno volontera te da će u slučaju pojačanih potreba osigurati veći broj ljudi. 16:35 U prihvatni centar u Ježevu je oko 16 sati, uz policijsku pratnju, stigao prvi autobus s izbjeglicama. Najavljeni vlak iz Zagreba je poslan u Vinkovce, te će se koristiti u skladu s direktivama policije. Svako malo iz sredista Tovarnika autobusi izbjeglice voze prema prihvatnim centrima. U privremenom prihvatnom centru je mirno. Izbjeglice cekaju registraciju i pruza im se pomoć. Posted by Hrvatska uživo on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 16:01 Vijeće za nacionalnu sigurnost u Saboru će raspravljati o izbjegličkoj krizi. Opširnije>>> 16:00 Zbog čega su izbjeglice do sada zaobilazili Hrvatsku? Doznajte ovdje>>> 15:50 Liječnik u zdravstvenoj ambulanti u Tovarniku dr. Shoukry Nizar, Sirijac iz grada Alepa koji je oženjen Hrvaticom i smatra se Hrvatom, stavio se na raspolaganje hrvatskoj policiji kao tumač u razgovoru s izbjeglicama koje stižu u Hrvatsku. Dr. Nizar je u srijedu u Tovarniku novinarima izjavio da je sve ovo što se događa tužno i da se tako nešto može dogoditi svakome. "Gledam žene i djecu kako hodaju gladni, spavaju vani u nemogućim uvjetima i svaki čovjek mora reagirati na humani način", rekao je dr. Nizar. Pohvalio je rad hrvatske policije koja je "napravila veliki posao s izbjeglicama i pružila im toliko potreban mir". "Izbjeglicama sam rekao da ih ovdje u Hrvatskoj dočekuju kao ljude, bez nasilja, da dolaze u krasnu zemlju s divnim ljudima", rekao je novinarima dr. Nizar, koji u ambulanti u Tovarniku radi već tri i pol godine. Dr. Nizar je potvrdio da se uz Sirijce, Afganistance i Iračane nalazi i određeni broj ljudi koji ne govori arapski jezik, pa pretpostavlja da je riječ o osobama iz Albanije ili s Kosova. 15:40 U Splitu osvanuli grafiti protiv izbjeglica. Opširnije>>> 15:31 Hrvatske željeznice su za prijevoz izbjeglica od Tovarnika do glavnog registracijskog centra u Ježevu ustupile jedan putnički vlak, priopćilo je Ravnateljstvo policije. Novinarima iz sigurnosnih razloga neće biti omogućeno da se ukrcaj
bjeglica prevesti u Zagreb, gdje će biti smješteni u Dugavama u MUP-ovom centru. 12:00 HRT javlja kako se tijekom dana očekuje još 12 autobusa s izbjeglica. 11:15 Glasnogovornik PU vukovarsko-srijemske kazao je novinarima kako su dosad registrirali ukupno 181 izbjeglica. Sve je u najboljem redu, izbjeglice surađuju, dodao je. 10:50 U krugu policijske postaje u Tovarniku u srijedu prijepodne nalazi se 100-njak izbjeglica i u tijeku je njihova registracija, a uglavnom je riječ o osobama pristiglim sa srbijanskog graničnog prijelaza Šida, doznaje se od načelnika Stožera zaštite i spašavanja Vukovarko-srijemske županije Zdravka Kelića. "Operativne snage zaštite sustava i spašavanja do kraja dana na ovome području očekuju oko 500 izbjeglica koji su krenuli sinoć autobusima iz Preševo sa srpsko-makedonske granice", rekao je Kelić, dodavši da će se izbjeglice naknadno u organiziranim prijevozom prevoziti prema Zagrebu. 10:30 Policija maricama vozi izbjeglice na registraciju u policijsku postaju Tovarnik-policijskim maricima dovode izbjeglice iz polja na registraciju.#n1info pic.twitter.com/xc4e1KM1Z7 — Vanja Kranic (@VKranic) September 16, 2015 9:50 Milanović je u Saboru rekao da će sazvati Vijeće za nacionalnu sigurnost zbog izbjeglica, no tom je prilikom poručio Kolindi Grabar Kitarović da je za taj probleme ionako odgovorna isključivo Vlada. Opširnije 9:00 Skupina od 20-tak izbjeglica prešla je hrvatsku granicu mimo međunarodnih graničnih prijelaza između Srbije i Hrvatske, uočili su ih hrvatski policajci i doveli u Tovarnik, potvrdio je Hini u srijedu ujutro oko 8,30 sati glasnogovornik vukovarsko-srijemske Policijske uprave Domagoj Džigumović. "U tijeku je postupak njihove registracije", rekao je Džigumović. 8:50 Reporterka N1 javlja da je oko 8:30 kolona policijskih vozila krenula prema poljima preko kojih izbjeglice pokušavaju ilegalno ući u Hrvatsku. 8:41 Većina ljudi dospjelih u srijedu ujutro u Šid Sirijci su i Afganistanci, muškarci, žene i djeca svih životnih dobi. Za prijevoz od Preševa do Šida platili su 35 eura. Jedan od njih, Amadu (35) kaže da je došao iz Mauritanije. "Rekli su nam da je granica prema Mađarskoj zatvorena i srpska policija nam je kazala da trebamo ići ov
ce um mistério para pesquisadores e autoridades Foto: Mateus Morbeck / AFP - 17/10/2019 Pescadores ajudam a remover o petróleo derramado na praia de Janga, em Paulista, Pernambuco Foto: Leo Malafaia / AFP - 23/10/2019 Voluntários trabalham na remoção de pretróleo da praia de Janga Foto: Leo Malafaia / AFP - 23/10/2019 Um pescador é visto em uma rocha coberta de petróleo na praia de Pedra do Sal, em Salvador, Bahia Foto: Antonello Veneri / AFP - 23/10/2019 Funcionários municipais removem petróleo derramado na praia de Pedra do Sal, na Bahia Foto: Antonello Veneri / AFP - 23/10/2019 Pular PUBLICIDADE Funcionários municipais removem petróleo derramado na praia de Pedra do Sal, na Bahia Foto: Lucas Landau / Reuters - 23/10/2019 Mancha de óleo na praia de Pedra do Sal, no bairro de Itapuã, Salvador Foto: Lucas Landau / Reuters - 23/10/2019 Resíduos de óleo na praia de Pedra do Sal, no bairro de Itapuã, Salvador Foto: Lucas Landau / Reuters - 23/10/2019 Funcionários municipais removem petróleo derramado na praia de Pedra do Sal, na Bahia Foto: Lucas Landau / Reuters - 23/10/2019 Funcionários municipais removem petróleo derramado na praia de Pedra do Sal, na Bahia Foto: Lucas Landau / Reuters - 23/10/2019 Pular PUBLICIDADE Funcionários municipais removem petróleo derramado na praia de Pedra do Sal, na Bahia Foto: Lucas Landau / Reuters - 23/10/2019 Voluntários removem resíduos de óleo na praia do Paiva, na cidade de Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Pernambuco Foto: Leo Malafaia / AFP - 21/10/2019 Trabalhadores fazem a limpeza da praia de Peroba, localizada na cidade de Maragogi, no estado de Alagoas Foto: HO / AFP - 17/10/2019 Peixes nadam ao lado de óleo derramado nas águas da praia da Pedra do Sal, localizada na cidade de Salvador, Bahia Foto: Mateus Morbeck / AFP - 18/10/2019 Óleo derramado na praia de Peroba, no estado de Alagoas Foto: HO / AFP - 17/10/2019 Histórico O GLOBO contatou dois técnicos ambientais atuantes na elaboração do plano que se negaram a comentar a violação do manual, temendo retaliação. Disseram também não ter recebido versão final do volume. O ex-ministro do Meio Ambiente Carlos Minc, que deu início ao processo de elaboração do PNC em 2010, diz que o atual ocupante da pasta, Ricardo Salles, viola ao menos 13 dos 23 artigos do decreto que, em 2013, instituíram o plano. Alguns órgãos e equipes especializadas não foram mobilizadas a tempo, e a investigação sobre a amplitude do desastre foi comprometida, bem como sua limpeza. — Nenhum plano de contingência anularia completamente o impacto do óleo sobre as praias, mas poderia reduzi-lo significativamente — diz Minc — Era preciso acionar órgãos estaduais, que têm suas defesas civis, chamar a Petrobras e jogar boias que podem captar qualquer tipo de óleo, mesmo o superficial. As localidades af
: void process_array(int arr_param[10]) {... } int main(void) { int arr[10]; process_array(arr); } Everything points to this being a pass-by-value call; a copy of arr is made on the call to process_array(). Let’s chip away at this façade. Our ARRAY_SIZEOF macro from earlier should still work: #define ARRAY_SIZEOF(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0])) void process_array(int arr_param[10]) { int sz = ARRAY_SIZEOF(arr_param); // sz => 1. Or 2. Ummm?... } int main(void) { int arr[10]; int sz = ARRAY_SIZEOF(arr); // sz => 10, as expected. process_array(arr); } The call should give us a clue why this is a lie: an array name is being used as an l-value expression. We know this really means ‘give a pointer to the first element’. We also know a pointer is not the same as an array of integers. So what’s happening? The signature of the process_array() function is a lie: You cannot pass an array to a function by value. The parameter signature degenerates to a pointer. To demonstrate this I could have written the function signature as void process_array(int arr_param[]) // The index is ignored, // because it has no meaning or perhaps even more accurately void process_array(int *arr_param) // Exactly the same as the above. The ARRAY_SIZEOF is simply compounding all the lies we covered previously to give us an answer we weren’t expecting. Expanding the macro shows us why. void process_array(int *arr_param) { int sz = ARRAY_SIZEOF(arr_param); // => sizeof(arr_param) / sizeof(arr_param[0]) // => sizeof(arr_param) / sizeof(*(arr_param + 0) // => sizeof(int*) / sizeof(int) // => (4/8 bytes) / (4 bytes) } Inside the function we are relying on the syntactic sugar of the index operator. Insidious! The actual value you get depends on your architecture. On a 32-bit machine you’ll typically get 1, on a 64-bit machine you’ll get 2. Lie #5 – String literals aren’t constant Literals are fixed values. You can’t change the value of 26.7, or 136. They are constants. C supports string literals, defined as arrays of chars. int main(void) { puts(“An array of 20 chars”); } C lets you initialise arrays of characters with literals; and helpfully adds a NUL character terminator to the array. int main(void) { char string[] = “Hello world”; } It’s worth paying close attention to the type of the array: char. Not const char. This means I can perform some subtle abuse: void mod_string(char string[]) // Remember, it’s a lie! { string[0] = ‘h’; // Seems legit... puts(string); } int main(void) { mod_string(“Hello world”); } What’s going to happen here? We know the string literal won’t be copied (that’s a lie). We also know the index operator will just operate on the address of the string literal. So where’s the string literal being stored? Most likely in the Code section. Trying to modify the code section of my program will either do nothing (if my code section is in Flash / ROM) or cause a segmentation fault. Joy. The conclusion to all this? Be careful with string literals. The compiler may not stop you doing dumb and dangerous things. Make life a little safer by only using const char with string literals in C. Summary Of course, if you’ve read this far you’ll (hopefully) realise that this post should have been taken in jest. Arrays aren’t really a lie (any more than any of C’s constructs are). Despite all the ‘trickery’ C’s arrays work well for many, many programming tasks. They are – as the title of this article suggests – a very convenient set of untruths.
Another criminal Mexican illegal opens fire on an American police officer. As the San Francisco Chronicle reported last week, Napa County sheriff’s deputy Riley Jarecki stopped to examine a red Honda in a parking lot. She was speaking with the driver when the man pulled out a handgun and shot the officer. The cop then pulled her service weapon and fired “at least 15 shots” into the vehicle, all captured on her body camera. Jarecki was not yet aware that the driver, Javier Hernandez-Morales, 43, also had a loaded rifle in the Honda. The “undocumented immigrant” died at the scene, but there was more to the story. Hernandez-Morales, a Mexican national, had been deported three times, twice in 2007 and once in 2010. ICE had issued four separate detainers related to arrests on suspicion of driving under the influence, battery on a peace officer, selling liquor to a minor and unknown probation violations. As the Chronicle reported, “none of the detainers was honored by jail staff.” If these and other detainers had not been refused, according to immigration officials, “this incident may have been prevented.” Jon Rodney of the California Immigrant Policy Center, which fights deportation, did not decry the Mexican criminal’s attack on a female American police officer, any other crimes Hernandez-Morales had committed, or his unlawful presence in the country. As Rodney told the Chronicle, “We have seen how ICE and the president politicize tragedy, and I think that is irresponsible and wrong.” Napa County Undersheriff Jon Crawford went on record that by pulling a loaded pistol and firing at officer Jarecki, the Mexican intended to kill her. Crawford did not speculate on other goals the violent Mexican criminal might have had in mind. At this writing, pro-sanctuary California governor Gavin Newsom has not weighed in on the case, and Californians might watch how attorney general Xavier Becerra responds. The pro-sanctuary Becerra is unconcerned about the immigration status of the MS-13 gang members who have murdered 14 during a reign of terror in Mendota, near Fresno. So former congressman Becerra, once on Hillary Clinton’s short list as a running mate, is not likely to side with officer Riley Jarecki. California’s Democrat attorney general has also been rather quiet about the murder of police officer Ronil Singh, a legal immigrant from Fiji, by Mexican gang member Paulo Virgen Mendoza, also known as Gustavo Perez Arriaga and other names. The Mexican killed Singh in Newman, California, on the day after Christmas, and new developments in the case are proving educational. Sanctuary advocates proclaim that illegals commit fewer crimes that legitimate citizens. And without sanctuary laws, Californians are endlessly told, the “undocumented” will not call the police. None ever called the police on the murderer of Ronil Singh. In fact, they helped him escape. As the Modesto Bee notes, last week a federal grand jury returned a nine-count indictment against Erik Razo Quiroz, Adrian Virgen Mendoza, Conrado Virgen Mendoza, Erasmo Villegas Suarez, Ana Leydi Cervantes Sanchez, Bernabe Madrigal Castaneda, Maria Luisa Moreno. Their aid to the fugitive Mendoza, “included transporting and housing him, providing him with clothes, money and a cell phone, and wiring money to smuggle him out of the country.” And the indictment adds “ID fraud to previous charges.” Mendoza’s brothers, Conrado Virgen Mendoza and Adrian Virgen-Mendoza, are “charged with using a false Social Security number and possessing a false lawful permanent resident card, or green card, to secure employment.” Another relative, Erasmo Villegas-Suarez, is charged with “using a false Social Security number to gain work.” As this confirms, the Mexican nationals who aided the fugitive cop killer were not “undocumented.” They were false-documented, like virtually all foreign nationals who violate U.S. immigration law and continue to live and work in the United States. Document fraud is a serious crime but when committed by Mexican nationals in the country illegally, California takes no action. That applies whether or not the false-documented illegal is a previously deported criminal. Repeatedly deported felon Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, or whatever his real name is, was not handed over to federal official and proceeded to gun down Kate Steinle in San Francisco. In similar style, gang member Paulo Virgen Mendoza, or whatever his real name is, had previous encounters with the law but enjoyed protection from federal immigration officials. That’s
i työnjohtajaksi – koeaikoineen ja määräaikaisuuksineen totta kai. Tulijoita kyllä riittäisi, kun muutakaan tietä eteenpäin ei olisi. Jos jokin yritys menisi vielä pestaamaan jonkun palkkatöihin, on pelkästään viisautta hyödyntää koeajat ja määräaikaisuudet täysimääräisesti. Tämä on silkkaa riskien minimoimista. Tarpeettomia riskejä ottava yrittäjä ei pitkän päälle kilpailussa pärjää. Joko syksyllä työnäytepakko? Jos vaikka edellä kuvailtu kauhuskenaario hikipajoista ei toteutuisikaan, sitä voi pitää tämänhetkisten tietojen valossa kuitenkin melkeinpä varmana, että kuukausien palkaton työnäytetyöskenteleminen on jatkossa valtaosalle työttömistä ainoa tie työpaikkaan. Ellei kyseessä ole kilpailtu huippuammattilainen, yrityksen näkökulmasta olisi silkkaa typeryyttä olla käyttämättä hyödyksi tätä mahdollisuutta. Työ- ja oikeusministeri Jari Lindström lupaili syksyksi vielä uusia keinoja työllisyyden parantamiseksi. Yhä hektisemmäksi käyvässä maailmassa ei voisi pitää suurenakaan yllätyksenä, jos jo silloin julkistettaisiin, että tarjotusta työnäytepaikasta kieltäytyminen johtaa etuuksien menettämiseen. Ja sitten ei ollakaan enää kovin kaukana banaanitasavallasta. Päivitys 13.4.2016 klo 16.53 Muutettu kappaletta, jossa kerrotaan työnäytteen kestosta. Asia täsmentyi Jari Lindströmin kerrottua Iltasanomille uutta tietoa. Jaa tämä kirjoitus Facebookissa klikkaamalla tässä. Jaa tämä kirjoitus Twitterissä klikkaamalla tässä. Aiheesta internetissä: Yle Areena: Yle A-studio (12.4.2016) Iltasanomat: Hallituksen esityksestä paljastui uutta tietoa: Työtä ilman palkkaa, lomaa, eläkettä ja työterveyttä (13.4.2016) Uuninpankkopoika Saku Timonen / Image: Hallituksen työnäyte (12.4.2016) Valtioneuvosto: Tiedotustilaisuus yrittäjyyspaketista ja työllisyyspaketista (12.4.2016) Helsingin Sanomat: Hallituksen työryhmä pidentäisi työntekijän koeaikaa – mukana olleet kritisoivat jo ehdotuksia (18.1.2016) Daily Mail: Crammed into squalid factories to produce clothes for the West on just 20p a day, the children forced to work in horrific unregulated workshops of Bangladesh (30.11.2015) Iltasanomat: Ministeri Lindström työttömien ”työnäytteestä”: ”Sovelletaan vain niihin, jotka haluavat” (13.4.2016
et al., 2016; Leuliette & Willis, 2011). GRACE observations show ocean mass changes and hence show relative rather than geocentric sea level changes (Kuo et al., 2008; Ray et al., 2013), and the direct comparison between altimetry and GRACE will thus also introduce a bias when the effect of ocean bottom deformation is not corrected for. On centennial timescales, sea level change estimates are mainly based on tide gauge data. As land‐based instruments, they observe relative sea level. In the ideal case, when tide gauges sample the full ocean, they observe global ocean volume changes. In reality, tide gauges do not sample the whole ocean, and local vertical land motion (VLM) unrelated to large‐scale sea level processes affects the observations, and therefore, correcting tide gauge records for VLM is desirable (Wöppelmann & Marcos, 2016). Traditionally, only the GIA component of VLM was modeled and corrected for. More recently, GPS, altimetry, and Doppler orbitography and radiopositioning integrated by satellite observations have been used to correct tide gauge records for VLM (Ray et al., 2010; Wöppelmann & Marcos, 2016). This correction brings tide gauges into a geocentric reference frame, and hence, the resulting global and regional sea level rise estimates may be biased due to ocean bottom deformation in the same way satellite‐based estimates are. In this paper, we study the difference in relative and geocentric sea level rise due to elastic deformation, given realistic estimates of present‐day water mass redistribution to see to what extent the different observational techniques are affected. Based on recent estimates of mass changes related to ice, land water storage, and dam retention, we compute the resulting global mean and regional ocean bottom deformation. The impact on tide gauge‐based sea level reconstructions is estimated by computing a synthetic “virtual station” sea level solution (Jevrejeva et al., 2006). 2 Methods and Data 1977 1998 2010 1981 η(θ,ϕ,t) at longitude θ, latitude ϕ, and time t can then be expressed as follows: (1) The spatially varying response of the geoid, the solid Earth, and relative sea level to present‐day mass exchange is computed by solving the elastic sea level equation (Clark & Lingle,), which includes the Earth rotational feedback (Milne & Mitrovica,). We solve the sea level equation using a pseudo‐spectral method (Tamisiea et al.,) up to spherical harmonic degree 360 in the center of mass (CM) of the whole Earth system frame. The load Love numbers used to determine the geoid and solid Earth response are computed from the Preliminary Referenced Earth Model (Dziewonski & Anderson ()). The resulting relative sea level change) at longitude, latitude, and timecan then be expressed as follows: G(θ,ϕ,t) is the deformation of the geoid, R(θ,ϕ,t) is the change of the solid Earth height, and is a global mean term, which is required to ensure mass conservation. Hence, regional variations in relative sea level are both caused by changes in the local geoid and solid Earth deformation. R(θ,ϕ,t) and G(θ,ϕ,t) evaluate to zero when integrated over the whole Earth. However, they do not necessarily evaluate to zero when integrated over the global ocean or over the altimetry domain (±66∘S). Therefore, is generally not equal to the total barystatic change. ζ(θ,ϕ,t) only differs from local relative sea level change by the local solid Earth height change. Therefore, geocentric sea level change can be expressed as follows: (2) Local geocentric sea level change) only differs from local relative sea level change by the local solid Earth height change. Therefore, geocentric sea level change can be expressed as follows: Since geoid variations have more power at longer wavelengths than solid Earth deformations, the spatial patterns of relative sea level changes (equation 1) can substantially differ from those of geocentric changes (equation 2). We compute the sea level response to mass redistribution related to glaciers, the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, and LWS over the period 1993–2014. We use the mass redistribution data from Frederikse et al. (2017), which provides estimates of the temporal and spatial distribution of the mass changes from the aforementioned processes, which we review here briefly. Glacier mass loss is based on a surface mass balance model (Marzeion et al., 2015). The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheet contributions are based on an input‐output approach, where the surface mass balance (SMB) contribution is based on RACMO2.3 (van den Broeke et al., 2016
ječiti daljnje širenje koronavirusa", objasnio je Stojanović. 13:40 Načelnik stožera Dino Kozlevac kazao je da je održan sastanak na kojemu su donesene određene mjere za naredno razdoblje. "Odlukom stožera na rok do 14. travnja suspendiraju se sva javna, kulturna i sportska događanja u Istri, bez obzira na to tko je organizator i na kojoj je razini događaj. To je s ciljem da se što manji broj okuplja na jednom mjestu i bude u kontaktu", objasnio je i dodao da granična policija i sanitarna inspekcija provode mjere na državnoj granici. Od Nacionalnog stožera civilne zaštite i Vlade traže da se na određeno vrijeme suspendira rad vrtića, škola i sveučilišta u Istarskoj županiji. Odgovor na svoj prijedlog mjera očekuju što prije. 13:35 "Što se tiče stranih državljana, državljana Italije, bilo je nekoliko njih koji su htjeli ući u Hrvatsku. Opcije su im - ulazak 14 dana u karantenu koju sami financiraju ili povratak u Italiju. Svi koji su došli vratili su se nazad", naveo je Kozlevac i dodao da hrvatski državljani koji dolaze iz istog područja moraju biti u kontaktu s epidemiologom, odnosno biti u izolaciji. "Od Vlade Republike Hrvatske zatraženo je suspendiranje rada škola i vrtića", kazao je Kozlevac i dodao da ugroženost postoji već duže vrijeme zbog ljudi koji dolaze iz Italije. 13:10 Otkazan je Zagreb Auto Show 2020, koji je trebao biti održan na Zagrebačkom Velesajmu od 31. ožujka do 5. travnja. Organizator je na Facebooku napisao da će novi datum održavanja biti objavljen uskoro. 13:00 S obzirom na preporuku Stožera civilne zaštite Republike Hrvatske za odgodu skupova s više od 1000 ljudi zbog trenutne epidemiološke situacije u zemlji i okruženju, Zaklada Ana Rukavina i Zagrebačka filharmonija priopćile su da se otkazuje Koncert za život. Koncert se trebao održati u petak u Koncertnoj dvorani Vatroslava Lisinskog. Povrat novca za kupljene ulaznice može se zatražiti na blagajni Zagrebačke filharmonije u redovno radno vrijeme. 12:50 Croatia Airlines privremeno obustavlja letove između Zagreba i Rima, više detalja možete pročitati ovdje. 12:46 Istarski Zavod za javno zdravstvo objavio je u utorak posebne preporuke radi sprječavanja epidemije koronavirusa kojima se, među ostalim, do daljnjeg odgađaju svi sk
avirusom, zaustavio letove za i iz Italije, priopćeno je iz te kompanije u utorak, piše The Guardian. 7:30 Južna Koreja u utorak je prijavila 131 novi slučaj zaraze. To je prvi put u dva tjedna da je broj novooboljelih manji od 150. U posljednja 24 sata umrlo je troje ljudi, pa je broj umrlih narastao na 54. Kineski predsjednik posjetio Wuhan Kineski predsjednik Xi Jinping posjetio je u utorak Wuhan, epicentar epidemije koronavirusa, prvi put od početka epidemije krajem prošle godine. Tijekom boravka u Wuhanu predsjednik će "posjetiti i izraziti pozdrave medicinskim radnicima, vojnim časnicima i vojnicima, radnicima u zajednici, policijskim službenicima, dužnosnicima i volonterima koji se bore protiv epidemije na liniji fronte, kao i pacijentima i stanovnicima", objavila je državna novinska agencija Xinhua. Xi je uglavnom bio odsutan iz kineskih državnih medija početkom krize, no od prošlog mjeseca bio je vidljiviji kako se situacija pogoršala. Njegov dolazak u grad, u kojem se vjeruje da se virus najprije pojavio, dolazi nakon što se prošlog tjedna širenje virusa usporilo u kontinentalnoj Kini i pažnja se usmjerila na sprječavanje uvezenih infekcija s prekomorskih mjesta poput Irana, Italije i Južne Koreje. Provincija Hubei, čiji je glavni grad Wuhan, proučava planove za omogućavanje ljudima na područjima srednjeg ili niskog rizika zaraze koronavirusom da počnu putovati, objavili su u utorak državni mediji pozivajući se na sastanak koji je vodio šef pokrajinske stranke Ying Yong. Na sastanku, koji je izvijestio službeni Hubei Daily, rekao je da će ljudima možda biti dopušteno da počnu putovati koristeći mobilni sustav praćenja koji su posljednjih tjedana uspostavile mnoge lokalne vlasti u Kini. Kontinentalna Kina imala je 19 novih koronavirusnih infekcija u ponedjeljak, objavila je u utorak Nacionalna zdravstvena komisija, što je pad od 40 dan ranije. Od novih slučajeva, 17 ih je bilo u Wuhanu, dok je jedan bio u Pekingu, a drugi u Guangdongu, zbog ljudi koji su stigli iz inozemstva, objavio je komisija. Prvi slučaj zabilježen u Mongoliji Koronavirus se širi svijetom, pa su tako prvi slučajevi zabilježeni i u Mongoliji i Panami. Mongolija je priopćila u utorak da je za francuskog državljanina koji radi u toj zemlji potvrđeno da je zaražen koronavirusom. Nacionalna komisija za hitne slučajeve objavila
8000.9ed1f7f181dc no qvba0bca375-a9 vnet1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 stacker @ dev01 : ~ $ sudo ovs - vsctl show adee4e67 - 940e - 44e5 - a7fe - e74a41739d7d Bridge br - ex Port br - ex Interface br - ex type : internal Port "qg-5dd85641-81" Interface "qg-5dd85641-81" type : internal Bridge br - int Port "tap0b9f0940-2c" tag : 1 Interface "tap0b9f0940-2c" type : internal Port "qvoa0bca375-a9" tag : 1 Interface "qvoa0bca375-a9" Port "qr-fce20708-25" tag : 1 Interface "qr-fce20708-25" type : internal Port "qvo10d38cf7-7e" tag : 1 Interface "qvo10d38cf7-7e" Port br - int Interface br - int type : internal ovs_version : "1.4.0+build0" stacker @ dev01 : ~ $ brctl show bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces br - ex 0000.8ae69a3f4a46 no qg - 5dd85641 - 81 br - int 0000.4a549f449943 no qr - fce20708 - 25 qvo10d38cf7 - 7e qvoa0bca375 - a9 tap0b9f0940 - 2c qbr10d38cf7 - 7e 8000.4effc18aaf4d no qvb10d38cf7 - 7e vnet0 qbra0bca375 - a9 8000.9ed1f7f181dc no qvba0bca375 - a9 vnet1 What became immediately evident was that there were a number of interfaces, as well as two traditional linux bridges, all beginning with “q”, which I took to be an indicator that they were created and used by Quantum. On further investigation of my system combined with Googling how Quantum implements networks, a number of concepts were revealed to me, and the logical topology became clear, followed by how this was actually impemented in linux: There were two new concepts to me that I had to digest: Linux network namespaces “veth” pairs It turns out that the router, as well as the DHCP server, is assigned per tenant in the Quantum system. Since different tenants may utilize the same IP space behind their router, the router and the DHCP service for each network behind the router must be run in separate namespaces (which is like VRF on traditional routers) to prevent IP overlap clashes. The linux command to show these namespaces is ip netns list. You may also run the traditional linux routing / bridging commands scoped to such namespace by using the ip netns exec <namespace-id> <cmd> syntax. Here’s the output from my system, that has only one router with one network behind it: stacker@dev01:~$ ip netns list qrouter-43ffd046-ca80-450c-b6aa-b3340a69ed3e qdhcp-487dbcfc-62fb-4b87-ad8c-8fa4c015ac0a stacker@dev01:~$ sudo ip netns exec qrouter-43ffd046-ca80-450c-b6aa-b3340a69ed3e netstat -nr Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface UG 0 0 0 qg-5dd85641-81 U 0 0 0 qg-5dd85641-81 U 0 0 0 qr-fce20708-25 stacker@dev01:~$ sudo ip netns exec qrouter-43ffd046-ca80-450c-b6aa-b3340a69ed3e ifconfig | egrep '(encap|addr)' | grep -v inet6 lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr
in front of the house when I have to leave. The car will automatically follow the optimal route and return to the nearest charging station after dropping me at destination. Needless to say, buses have completely disappeared. Trains are used for medium or long distance and owning his own car is an old-fashioned snobbery. I do not care about anything anyway, those are implementation details. I just decide where I want to be and at what time. If necessary, I chose an hotel amongst several proposals. Then I simply follow the instructions of my glasses. I leave the car, I get a high speed train or a plane, jump in a subway and walk a quarter of an hour. I trust Google to find the fastest and least expensive route. Moreover, the system has understood that I love walking and favour it when weather conditions are nice. A sudden downpour and a car magically appears, allowing me to stay dry. Sometimes, when I get in a car, I meet strangers. Indeed, the system optimizes the flow of all users and I did not take the « exclusive » Cambio subscription «. It is quite expensive. But I don’t really need it anyway as it allows me to discuss, to meet people of my own town that I add to my « Neighbourhood » circle. From time to time, I receive in my stream news from people with whom I shared a few trips. Last year, I organized a block party. I created the event without a particular date, inviting people from my nearby circles. Lot posted suggestions, volunteered to bring the chairs or the food. The most convenient day for the majority was automatically set. Even the costs were automatically balanced and all I had to do was to click to accept a small participation fee. That fee was ridiculous. Admittedly, most of us have a comfortable income. The property tax discourages useless shopping sprees. Being a member of a tools community, I lend my lawnmower from time to time and have access to all other necessary tools without having to buy them. I prefer to invest my money in concert tickets, watching a movie or reading a book. In short, buying memories, not items taking place in a closet or a garage. From time to time, I do myself a favour a buy a work of art for the wall of the living room. I like to change it regularly even if it is expensive. If my wife does not like it, I fall back in one click, enjoying my new acquisition when I’m alone. I have to make the confession that, in our living room, an entire wall is painted with electronic ink. Madness! I should declare it to the insurance. Studying history, I’m admiring the way Google shaped our world. In less than a century, we have witnessed the reduction of states and a consequent reduction in conflicts, the end of wild finance and, with it, most of the poverty, a drastic limitation of pollution and consumption. In short, Google led the world out of the industrial era when we lived only for an absurd growth. We are now living in the future, the Google times. When I think about it, I see a downside. A small itch that bothers me and which seems to have no equivalent in history. A small dark cloud present in the subconscious of everyone but that we prefer to ignore. My whole life is on Google. My money, my history, my photos, my memories, my books, my identity, my relationships. Even a simple movement or administrative access requires my Google account. And, starting tonight, trying to connect brings me a message: « Your account has been disabled. » This is probably a simple temporary mistake but I honestly do not know what to think. I’m waiting for the issue to be resolved so I could call my friends and discuss that unexpected event with them. This post is part of the Letters from the Future collection.Pictures by Robert Scoble and Antonio Zugaldia Ce texte est également disponible en français. Je suis @ploum, ingénieur écrivain. Printeurs, mon dernier roman de science-fiction, est disponible en précommande. Si vous avez apprécié ce texte, n'hésitez pas à me soutenir sur Paypal, en achetant et diffusant mon livre autour de vous et en vous abonnant à mes billets. Votre soutien, même symbolique, compte beaucoup pour moi. Merci! Veuillez laisser ce champ vide Inscrivez votre email pour recevoir les prochains billets (et rien d'autre): * Ce texte
Sabato sera, il governo britannico ha chiesto un rinvio di Brexit al 31 gennaio 2020 con una lettera mandata all’Unione Europea, ma non firmata dal primo ministro Boris Johnson. Insieme alla prima lettera, ne è stata mandata una seconda, questa sì firmata da Johnson, in cui il primo ministro britannico ha invitato Donald Tusk, il presidente del Consiglio Europeo, organo che riunisce tutti i capi di stato e di governo dell’Unione Europea, a non accettare la richiesta di rinvio. Johnson ha scritto che un rinvio sarebbe un errore e ha aggiunto di essere convinto di poter far approvare dal parlamento britannico l’ultimo accordo raggiunto tra Regno Unito e Unione Europea entro il 31 ottobre, data fissata per Brexit. Here’s the letter Boris didn’t sign and the one he did pic.twitter.com/Xk7ffhO1Ce — Tim Shipman (@ShippersUnbound) October 19, 2019 Le due lettere mandate da Johnson e contenenti due messaggi contraddittori sono spiegabili con gli ultimi sviluppi su Brexit. A inizio settembre, la maggioranza del parlamento britannico aveva approvato il cosiddetto “Benn Act“, che costringeva il governo a chiedere un rinvio di Brexit se non si fosse approvato alcun accordo entro sabato 19 ottobre. Johnson sperava di rispettare questa scadenza, perché si era sempre detto contrario a qualsiasi rinvio di Brexit, minacciando anche di violare la legge pur di non andare oltre il 31 ottobre. Sabato il parlamento britannico ha però inflitto un’altra pesante sconfitta a Johnson, approvando un rinvio del voto sul suo accordo. Prima ancora di arrivare a votare l’accordo, infatti, il parlamento aveva approvato l'”emendamento Letwin”, presentato nel timore che se l’accordo fosse stato approvato prima di alcune leggi necessarie per assicurarne l’applicazione qualcuno avrebbe potuto farlo fallire in uno dei successivi voti. In pratica, il parlamento ha voluto tutelarsi di fronte a un possibile “no deal”, come aveva già provato a fare in diverse occasioni nelle ultime settimane. Le due lettere mandate da Johnson all’Unione Europea sono il risultato di questa complicata situazione: da una parte la volontà del parlamento di evitare a tutti i costi il “no deal”, con il conseguente obbligo imposto al governo di rispettare il Benn Act, cioè di chiedere il rinvio di Brexit in caso di mancato accordo entro sabato 19 ottobre; dall’altra la volontà di Johnson di fare il possibile per non prolungare le discussioni su Brexit oltre la fine del mese, come detto e ribadito più volte dal primo ministro durante gli ultimi mesi. Le due lettere sono state inoltre accompagnate da una terza lettera firmata da Tim Barrow, il rappresentante del Regno Unito a Bruxelles, in cui si specifica che la prima lettera è stata mandata solo per rispettare la legge approvata dal parlamento britannico a inizio settembre. Sabato il presidente del Consiglio Europeo, Donald Tusk, ha scritto: «La richiesta di estensione è appena arrivata. Ora inizierò a confrontarmi su cosa fare insieme a
TOMS RIVER - Alan Bienkowski fought back tears as he told an Ocean County jury about his 10-15 bags of heroin a day habit and the four times he unsuccessfully tried to kill himself. "I'm surprised I'm still living," said the 57-year-old Manchester Township resident, who is on trial for the brutal murder of his elderly neighbor Anthony "Tony" Verdicchio in 2013. When Bienkowski took the witness stand late in the day Tuesday, he testified that he spent May 12, 2013 - the day Verdicchio is believed to have been struck 14 to 16 times in the head with a hammer - using heroin, trying to buy more heroin and running other errands, such as walking his dog. His testimony, which is scheduled to continue Wednesday in Ocean County Superior Court, came after hours of opposing arguments on Tuesday from a pair of blood stain pattern experts. Even though blood stains on Bienkowski's sneakers were reportedly a positive match for Verdicchio's blood, Arthur Young - a forensic DNA analyst and blood stain pattern expert - testified, as a witness for the defense, that the pattern and limited amount of the blood stains were "inconsistent" with him being present at the time of the killing. However, John Garkowski - a retired State Police detective who currently works with the Burlington County Prosecutor's Office's Crime Scene Unit - testified as a rebuttal witness for the prosecution that from way the blood stains appeared on the sneakers "it could only mean one thing" that Bienkowski had to have been in the room when the blood was still falling toward the floor. After both of the blood experts testified, Superior Court Judge James Blaney ruled - following a request from Senior Assistant Prosecutor Michael Weatherstone - that a "sanitized" version of Bienkowski's previous criminal record would be allowed to be brought up in the event he testified. John Garkowski, of the Burlington County Prosecutor's Office, testifies about blood stain patterns as a witness for the prosecution during the murder trial of Alan Bienkowski on Feb. 16, 2016. (Rob Spahr | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com) Blaney did not allow all of Bienkowski's previous offenses to be brought up, but did agree to let the prosecution discuss a 1993 conviction for first-degree armed robbery, a 1993 conviction for possession of C.D.S. and a 2000 conviction for theft. Bienkowski's defense attorney, Michael Schreiber, argued that doing so could be "almost fatal" to his client's case and could prevent Bienkowski from testifying, because he said it would be like not being able to "unring a bell" in the minds of the jurors. However, after the court took a recess to enable him to discuss the situation with Schreiber, Bienkowski still opted to take the stand. During approximately an hour of answering questions from Schreiber, Bienkowski told the jury of portions of his journey from being a high school drop out from Newark - he later received his G.E.D. - to being a supervisor for Arm and Hammer in Lakewood. When he was laid off in 2009, he cashed in his 401K and bought a handful of vending machines, which he said helped him earn up to $1,000 a week during the summer months. He said he also made extra money on the side selling scrap metal and selling items at flea markets. Bienkowski also said he had a lot of success with scratch-off lottery tickets, winning prizes of $10,000, $5,000 and on several occasions, $500. "I've always been a hustler as far as getting money," he said. But when he lost a second job in 2013 - this one as a truck driver for a meat company in Long Branch - he said he fell into a deep depression. His relationship with a live-in girlfriend fell apart, he started using drugs again after being sober for 20 years and tried to kill himself four times. By Mother's Day weekend in May of 2013 - the weekend Verdicchio was killed - Bienkowski said he was driving to Newark almost daily in order get heroin, which he said he snorted 10 to 15 bags of every day. Bienkowski said that he and Verdicchio were friendly, but were not close friends. He said they would just chat about baseball when they would run into each other at the store or on the street. "We didn't have each other's phone numbers, we never did anything together," he said. "He was a lot older than me, he was like 75 or 76." But Bienkowski did say he borrowed $40 from Verdicchio on one occasion, but that he paid back the loan in two installments on the Friday and then Saturday of the weekend Verdicchio was killed
police have been undertaken against people suspected of planning violent responses, and there has been considerable investment in efforts to monitor social media and prevent the diffusion of such acts. In this article, we build on previous studies by, for example, Onoma (2013) on refugee populations and the risk of non-state violence and consider the potential mitigating influence of state capacity. We first take stock of the literature on the security implications of refugees and the dire predictions that some have derived from the current refugee crisis based on their interpretation of existing research. We then outline the key arguments giving reasons why refugees may be associated with a higher risk of non-state violence, as well as the mechanism through which governments can intervene and mitigate risks. We contend that the prospects for such state interventions, if supported by a sufficiently large amount of state capacity, can potentially moderate how refugee populations are associated with non-state conflict. We empirically test these claims, combining the Uppsala Conflict Data Program’s (UCDP) Non-State Conflict Dataset (Melander, Pettersson & Themnér, 2016; Sundberg, Eck & Kreutz, 2012) with data on refugee populations from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Population Statistics Reference Database.2 Our analyses show that a larger number of refugees can be associated with a higher non-state conflict risk, but not a higher risk of civil war, that is, state-based conflict. We also report evidence for the moderating effect of state capacity. Our research has important implications for scholarship and policy. On one hand, we improve our understanding of how postulated drivers of intrastate conflict are related to specific types of violence (or not), as we show that refugees are less likely to be related to ‘traditional’ civil wars in their destination country, but could be associated with intrastate violence among non-state actors. On the other hand, we also help clarify the Download Open in new tab Download in PowerPoint relevant security consequences of hosting refugees as well as why certain fears of widespread civil war are less likely to be borne out. Our findings provide insights that can inform policymakers and public responses to address the security implications stemming from refugee populations. In particular, they can help to develop a more adequate understanding of the relevant concerns and challenges to states in dealing with the serious refugee crisis playing out at the present time. Our analysis lends little support to the alarmist calls for restricting refugee access in developed countries on security grounds, and the risk of non-state conflict primarily applies to the developing countries that face a disproportionate impact of the current refugee crisis and also have the least capacity to cope with large refugee populations. Non-state violence, refugees, and state capacity Refugees and non-state violence As discussed above, most of the existing literature concentrates on violent conflict that directly targets the state either over control of the government or for territorial secession. We focus on how tensions between refugees and the local population could also lead to non-state violence in cases where conventional civil war may be less likely. Non-state conflict and refugees are plausibly linked through various mechanisms that relate to the costs on a host society (see also Savun & Gineste, 2017). These mechanisms may also suggest that refugees can become ‘targets’ of non-state violence. And in other cases, we might observe an increase in the risk of local groups fighting each other, where refugees themselves are not directly involved in violent conflict. In what follows, we provide an argument for the macro-level effect of refugees on non-state violence. The perceived economic burden placed by immigrants on the local population’s welfare seems to be one of the main drivers of hostility toward refugees (Preston, 2014). In fact, a larger refugee population can intensify existing problems associated with economic scarcity (Dancygier, 2010). This is consistent with the work of Homer-Dixon (2010), who contends that the likelihood of violence increases with scarce resources. Alternatively, as people migrate to other areas to escape resource scarcity, we may see clashes with native populations over resource access or the distribution of goods. Refugees also compete with locals over limited public services such as food assistance, housing support, or medical services. Indeed, the very presence of refugees may generate grievances and tensions between natives and the refugees – especially if the former see refugees as a threat or feel that refugees are depriving the local population of what is rightfully theirs (Chambers, 1986; Weiner, 1992; Savun & Gineste, 2017; Fjelde & von Uexkull, 2012).3 Overall, this discussion leads to the formulation of our first, unconditional hypothesis: Hypothesis 1: The risk of non-state violence increases with the number of refugees in a country. The mediating effect of state capacity Without ignoring the humanitarian and moral aspects of the plight of refugees, host states could experience difficulties in trying to manage or accommodate refugees, which may generate popular grievances and violence against refugees. It seems plausible that the negative externality accompanying hosting refugee populations will
Flüchtlinge Anfang Januar in einem Durchgangslager an der mazedonisch-griechischen Grenze. Mazedonien liegt auf der sogenannten Balkanroute, über die trotz des Winters weiterhin Tausende nach Europa fliehen. Gerade erst hat Österreich eine Obergrenze für Asylbewerber beschlossen, da kommt der nächste Paukenschlag in der Flüchtlingskrise: Die mazedonische Regierung will keine Migranten mehr aus Griechenland einreisen lassen. Die Republik Mazedonien lässt aus Griechenland kommende Flüchtlinge nicht mehr einreisen. "Die Grenze ist geschlossen", sagte ein ranghoher Polizeivertreter am Mittwoch der Nachrichtenagentur AFP. Nach Angaben der griechischen Polizei wurden die Grenzübergänge bereits am Vorabend abgeriegelt. 600 Flüchtlinge aus Syrien, dem Irak und Afghanistan säßen im Grenzgebiet fest. Mazedonien liegt auf der sogenannten Balkanroute, über die trotz des WintereinbrItalienuchs weiterhin tausende Menschen in EU-Länder fliehen. Ein Großteil von ihnen will nach Deutschland weiterreisen. Die Lage an der griechisch-mazedonischen Grenze ist seit Längerem angespannt. Mitte November hatten die mazedonischen Behörden entschieden, nur noch Syrer, Afghanen und Iraker durchzulassen. Viele Flüchtlinge blieben daraufhin im Niemandsland zurück und protestierten gegen die Maßnahme. Um den Flüchtlingsandrang besser zu steuern und illegale Grenzübertritte zu verhindern, ließ die Regierung außerdem einen Grenzzaun errichten. #BREAKING Macedonia closes border with Greece to migrants: police — AFP news agency (@AFP) 20. Januar 2016 Österreich beschließt Obergrenze für Asylbewerber Ungeachtet rechtlicher Unklarheiten hatte zuvor Österreich mit einer Obergrenze für Asylbewerber ein politisches Signal zur Drosselung des Flüchtlingsandrangs gesetzt. Die Regierungskoalition in Wien sowie die neun Ministerpräsidenten einigten sich am Mittwoch darauf, dass bis Mitte 2019 nur noch höchstens insgesamt 127.500 Asylbewerber ins Land kommen dürfen. Für das laufende Jahr sieht die Einigung noch 37.500 Flüchtlinge vor. Das wären rund 50.000 weniger als 2015. Über die Balkanroute gelangen derzeit zahlreiche Flüchtlinge nach Österreich. Obwohl die meisten nach Deutschland weiterreisen wollen, verzeichnete auch Österreich im vergangenen Jahr die Rekordzahl von 90.000 Asylanträgen. Im Verhältnis zur Einwohnerzahl ist dies einer der höchsten Werte in der EU. Österreichs Obergrenze soll EU "aufrütteln" Was geschehen soll, wenn die Obergrenze überschritten wird, ist noch offen. Dazu sollten zwei Rechtsgutachten in Auftrag gegeben werden, kündigte die Regierungsspitze in Wien an. Diese sollen in wenigen Wochen vorliegen. Angedacht sind grenznahe "Wartezonen" für alle, die nach Erreichen der O
indar su apoyo a las listas que encabeza la fórmula integrada por Nicolás del Caño y Romina del Plá. El FIT-Unidad intenta convencer a los votantes porteños progresistas y favorables a los reclamos feministas con un cálculo. En su conjunto, las listas en la Ciudad están compitiendo por la quinta banca de diputados que se reparte proporcionalmente con el sistema D’Hont. De acuerdo a los resultados de las PASO, la pulseada por el último cargo parlamentario se dirime entre Pablo Tonelli (Juntos por el Cambio), Marco Lavagna (Consenso Federal) y el ex embajador del Vaticano,Eduardo Valdés (Frente de Todos). La coalición trotskista afirma que Bregman es la única de los cuatro candidatos en competencia que está a favor de la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo. Pero el 4,71% obtenido en las primarias no le alcanza para ingresar a la Cámara baja: necesita 35.000 votos más para superar el 7% de los sufragios positivos que le garantizaría la banca. En ese marco, el FIT-Unidad espera que más electores se inclinen por el corte boleta en la categoría de Diputados. La convocatoria fue instalada en las redes sociales con la consigna #MyriamAlCongreso y ya obtuvo el apoyo explícito de personalidades como las actrices Muriel Santa Ana, Thelma Fardin y la escritora Claudia Piñeiro. En la Provincia de Buenos Aires, en tanto, la lista encabezada por el candidato a diputado Néstor Pitrola busca a obtener dos bancas nacionales. Para ello, necesita una cifra cercana al 4,7% de los votos, aunque ello puede variar dependiendo de la participación de la población de los comicios. “Sabemos que para lo que se viene hace falta una izquierda más fuerte en todo el país y en el Congreso, por eso estamos dando esta pelea por más diputadas y diputados de izquierda, porque a los sectores populares nunca nos regalaron nada, por eso no vamos a evitar la calle. La lucha y la organización es el único camino realista para que esta crisis no la paguen las mayorías", sostuvo Bregman en el acto en la 9 de Julio. Según Gabriel Solano, los comicios del 27 de octubre son todavía un escenario propicio para sumar más votos en las categorías legislativas. “Sabiendo que Macri perdió y va a ganar Alberto Fernández, puede haber un voto que refuerce la izquierda en el Congreso y las Legislaturas. Nuestra visión es que Macri se va, pero el ajuste y el FMI se quedan. Ese es el concepto que vamos a desarrollar, hay que preparar las luchas que se vienen”, completó el candidato a jefe de Gobierno. Durante el acto, además de Del Caño y Bregman, hablaron la candidata a vicepresidente Romina del Plá, y los dirigentes Pitrola (PO), Vilma Ripoll (MST), Juan Carlos Giordano (IS), Celeste Fierro (MST) y Mónica Schlotthauer (IS). También hubo un video con un mensaje de María del Carmen Verdú, histórica referente de la Coordinadora contra la Represión Policial e Institucional (Correpi), quien mantuvo en estas semanas una polémica con la min
Enregistrée durant l'exposition "Stances", aux Rencontres d'Arles 2017, festival de photographie, cette masterclasse nous plonge au coeur du travail photographique de Marie Bovo. Elle nous dévoile son regard, son processus de travail, son rapport à la photo... Marie Bovo est née en Espagne en 1967. Elle vit et travaille aujourd'hui à Marseille. Quand elle était enfant, elle voulait être sculptrice. Dans sa famille, la tradition était orale, l'art était absent, pas de livre ni de peinture mais une photographie avait capté le regard de la petite fille dans la chambre de sa grand-mère, la photo d'une vierge portant un Christ mort. Pour Marie Bovo, cette sculpture de Vierge photographiée avait le même degré de présence et de réalité qu'une véritable personne photographiée. Le regard de l'artiste et ses questionnements remontent alors à l'enfance. Durant sa formation à la fac en arts plastiques et littérature, elle s'était intéressée à la photographie. Mais c'est lorsqu'un ami lui offre un appareil photo que naît alors véritablement sa pratique. Elle questionne aujourd'hui dans son travail par série, la lumière, la nuit, le temps mais aussi l'espace -architecture ou paysage- et la façon dont nous vivons dans ces lieux. Nous sommes en dialogue avec les autres artistes, peu importe qu’ils soient vivants ou morts. On espère aussi dialoguer avec le futur. Un artiste ne vit pas dans sa tour d’ivoire et ne naît pas d’une graine du jour au lendemain : on devient artiste au contact de l’art. • Crédits : © Marie Bovo, Courtesy the artist and kamel mennour, Paris • Crédits : © Marie Bovo, Courtesy the artist and kamel mennour, Paris Pour l’art, la nuit est essentielle. Notre regard rencontre une limite très forte, le noir, ce moment où l’on ne peut plus voir, le retrait. C'est accepter que certaines choses échappent au regard, à la pulsion voyeuriste et exhibitionniste, le propre de nos sociétés contemporaines. On passe notre temps à faire reculer cette présence de la nuit en l’éclairant. • Crédits : © Marie Bovo, Courtesy the artist and kamel mennour, Paris Je suis toujours bouleversée par la dimension muette et la brutalité d’une photographie ou d’une peinture. Les rencontres, les mots ensuite, fabriquent d’autres récits qui permettent, d’aborder les lieux différemment, pas seulement dans le moment présent mais créent une intimité dans l’espace temps à travers des récits, la littérature est un jeu qu’on incarne en tant que lecteur. • Crédits : © Marie Bovo, Courtesy the artist and kamel mennour, Paris L’exil crée un type de culture, et là où l’art et la littérature ont été essentiels pour moi, c’est qu'ils m'ont permis de vivre l’exil d’une manière heureuse. • Crédits : Juliette Larochette La photographie, c’est de l’art, même si on sait bien qu’aux origines c’est une technologie qui a surgi et qui est toujours assez étonnante. Les multiples usages de
oj razini: njemački sugovornici jednostavno nemaju s kim službeno razgovarati! Nakon prvih diplomata iz redova iseljenika (Stjepan Šulek, Zdenka Babić) samo je Miro Kovač ostavio neki trag u svojoj djelatnosti kao hrvatski veleposlanik. Nakon svega čujemo kako premijer tvrdi da hrvatske diplomacija kvalitetno obavlja svoj posao, te da nema razloga za smjene! Koje bi grane industrije još mogle biti interesantne Hrvatskoj? – Ulaganje u gospodarstvo je kontinuirani proces, u koji bi se Hrvatska svakog trenutka mogla uključiti, ako bi se pokazala dobra politička volja. U ovome trenutku traže se lokacije za najmanje dvije automobilske tvornice u Europi. I to nakon što je prije nekoliko tjedana pala odluka da kanadsko-austrijska Magna sagradi novu tvornicu južno od Maribora. U tome odabiru Hrvatska nije niti sudjelovala! Lani je Daimler donio odluku o izgradnji još jedne tvornice u Madžarskoj, te jedne tvornice u Poljskoj, a indijsko-britanski Jaguar-Land-Rover u Slovačkoj. Ni u tome izboru Hrvatska nije sudjelovala, iako sam osobno upoznao premijera Tihomira Oreškovića, bivšega predsjednika Vlade, o tim planovima. Takva tvornica skupa s dobavljačima, koji se smjeste neposredno uz nju (tzv. first tier), zapošljava 5 do 6 tisuća ljudi, te bi ovisno o tipu proizvodnje sudjelovala u hrvatskome BDP s najmanje 2, a vjerojatno oko 3 posto. Prema tome, takva tvornica imala bi opći učinak na hrvatsko gospodarstvo u sličnoj mjeri kao INA te bi povećala zaposlenost za 10 do 15 tisuća ljudi, uključujući vezane uslužne djelatnosti. Druga važna skupina su dobavljači automobilske industrije, koji proizvode sklopove i dijelove: od kotača do presvlake za strop i antene. Ova industrijska grana uprihodi 600 milijardi eura godišnje u Europskoj uniji, pa bi isto tako bila vrlo zanimljiv ulagački segment. Udjel hrvatskih tvrtki zasad je marginalan. Međutim, dobavljači se uglavnom ravnaju prema proizvođačima: ako ovi oklijevaju, onda oklijevaju i dobavljači. Mali se orijentiraju prema velikima. Osim nedostatka incijative ima li i drugih prepreka? – Otegotna okolnost je nedostatak dualnog obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj, koje još nije vraćeno u školski program iako se sljedeća školska godina bliži. Imam i jedan aktualan negativni primjer. Agencija za investicije i kon
A bizarre incident occurred in Yueyang City, Hunan Province, China, where a man apparently had his kidney “stolen” during surgery. The man visited a hospital last month for an examination because he continued to feel ill and the result showed that he was missing his left kidney. He underwent surgery in a nearby hospital to remove his spleen and the person who performed the surgery is suspected of removing his healthy kidney. The man reported the incident to the medical authorities and they are currently conducting an investigation on the truth of what happened during surgery. The doctor in charge of the surgery denied any wrongdoing and insisted that the left kidney was the cause of the patient’s impotence and was basically dysfunctional. He said there might have been error on the part of the surgeon but that there was no wrongdoing. On the part of the city administration, officials said criminal charges will be imposed following the conclusion of ongoing investigations. 중국에서 수술 중 멀쩡한 장기를 도둑질한 것으로 의심되는 사건이 발생해 의료계에 대한 불신감을 키우고 있다. 9일 강소도시망(江蘇都市網)의 보도에 의하면 후난(湖南)성 웨양(岳陽)시에 사는 류융(劉勇)은 지난 9월 몸이 불편해 제일인민의원에서 검사를 받다가 놀라운 사실을 알게 됐다. 검사를 맡은 의사로부터 그의 몸에서 왼쪽 콩팥이 없다는 판정을 받은 것이다. 류융은 작년 웨양시 샹웨(湘岳)의원에서 비장절제 수술을 받았다. 그로서는 당시 집도의가 콩팥을 몰래 떼어낸 것으로 의심할 수밖에 없었다. 류융은 곧바로 웨양시 위생국에 신고했으며 위생국은 웨양시 의학회에 기술감정을 맡기는 등 조사를 진행하고 있다. 작년 류융의 수술을 집도한 샹웨의원 의사 천쉐진(陳學金)은 기자들에게 신장을 몰래 절�
Ceux qui ont grandi au Brésil durant les années de la Dictature Militaire (1964-1985) voient les actuelles manifestations de la censure d’un œil particulier. De fait, les manifestations actuelles renvoient à l’époque révolue des années 1970, pendant lesquelles la censure a conditionné les productions artistiques, alors réalisées sous la menace constante d´arrestations et de tortures, pouvant, dans le meilleur des cas, aboutir à l’exil. Comme ce fut le cas, entre autres, des artistes : Augusto Boal, José Celso Martinez Correa, Chico Buarque, Caetano Veloso ou Gilberto Gil. À cette l’époque-là, le fameux et redouté AI5 (Acte Institutionnel numéro 5) confère au gouvernement l’autorisation de punir arbitrairement tous ceux qui se positionnent contre le régime. Pour ce faire, le gouvernement crée des institutions qui évaluent et contrôlent l’entièreté de la production culturelle brésilienne, censurant journaux, pièces de théâtre, revues, livres et concerts. Dans la période qui suit la fin du régime militaire, le Brésil traverse un lent processus de re-démocratisation qui a mené - pour la première fois – à l’élection du Président de la République au suffrage universel direct en 1989. Alors, des artistes exilés retournent au Brésil, de nouvelles générations d’artistes se succèdent, de nouvelles formes de production et diffusion artistiques voient le jour. Malgré les difficultés inhérentes à la production artistique dans un pays marqué par l’inégalité et la discrimination sociale, même dans le pire des cauchemars, il était impensable d’imaginer le retour à la censure et aux pratiques de persécution, aujourd’hui en cours. Ces dernières années, ces pratiques apparaissaient de manière isolée : par exemple, l’Église catholique interdisait l’utilisation des images religieuses lors des défilés de Carnaval. Avant de parler de la censure de nos jours, il est important de se remémorer que sous la dictature, une bonne partie de la société civile est favorable et soutient le régime militaire : groupes religieux, corporations, médias, mouvements ultra-conservateurs ou groupes anti-gauche. Fait que l’on pensait révolu. Cependant, comme dans les pièces de William Shakespeare ou dans certaines tragédies grecques, les morts ont tendance à revenir. Ils reviennent avec force, résolus à tourmenter la vie des vivants. C’est ainsi qu’une partie de la population - artistes, intellectuels, formateurs d´opinions, militants sociaux, population LGBTI (lesbiennes, gays, bisexuels, transgenres/transsexuels et intersexués) - est actuellement victime du violent retour de l’autoritarisme, de l’intolérance et des persécutions qui ressemblent étrangement à ceux d’hier. Aujourd’hui, les actes de censure sont non seulement le fruit d’un État coopté par le coup d’État institutionnel de 2016 qui a destitué la Présidente Dilma Roussef, démocratiquement élue, mais aussi de la société civile, tantôt sujette à de fausses informations à propos des financements des projets artistiques, tantôt mue par un fanatisme religieux et une attitude ré
form in the 1900s as a marketing slogan used by American growers concerned that the temperance movement would cut into sales of apple cider. (Michael Pollan, The Botany of Desire, Random House, 2001, ISBN 0375501290, p. 22, cf. p. 9 & 50) A rotten apple injures its companions. "A man can't be too careful in the choice of his enemies." Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891) Divers Proverbs, Nathan Bailey, 1721 [2] An apple a day keeps the doctor away--if you have good aim. A humorous version of the nutritional exortation to maintain good health by eating fruit. Original source unknown. The best art conceals art. "Artistic excellence lies in making something that is subtle or intricate appear simple and streamlined." Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. When all men say you are an ass it is time to bray. (Strauss 1994, p. 1221) Don't make clothes for a not yet born baby. (Strauss 1994, p. 683) "One never rises so high as when one does not know where one is going." Oliver Cromwell to M. Bellièvre. Found in Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz (Strauss 1994, p. 683) Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. "* When we wish to correct with advantage, and to show another that he errs, we must notice from what side he views the matter, for on that side it is usually true, and admit that truth to him, but reveal to him the side on which it is false. He is satisfied with that, for he sees that he was not mistaken, and that he only failed to see all sides. Blaise Pascal, Pensées (1669)" Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 66. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. Primo dede mulieris consilio, secundo noli. "Take the first advice of a woman and not the second." Gilbertus Cognatus Noxeranus, Sylloge. See J. J. Grynæus, Adagio, p. 130. Langius, Polyanthea Col (1900) same sentiment. (Prends le premier conseil d'une femme et non le second. French for same). Reported in Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922), p. 10-11. Brown, James Kyle (2001). I Give God a Chance: Christian Spirituality from the Edgar Cayce Readings. Jim Brown. p. 8. ISBN 0759621705. Bad [ edit ] Bad is the best choice. Mawr, E.B. (1885). Analogous Proverbs in Ten Languages. p. 17. A bad settlement is better than a good lawsuit. Filipp, M. R. (2005). Covenants Not to Compete, Aspen. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. (1640) Citatboken, Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, 1967, p. 187, ISBN 91-27-01681-1 (1640) Good laws have sprung from bad customs. Strauss, Emanuel (1994). "1072". Concise Dictionary of European Proverbs. II. Routledge. p. 879. ISBN 978-1-136-78978-6. Bait [ edit ] Bait the hook well and the fish will bite. "Would you persuade, speak of Interest, not of Reason." Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack (1734) Mieder, Wolfgang (1992). "Hook". A Dictionary of American Proverbs. p. 510. ISBN 978-0-19-505399-9. Bark [ edit ] Barking dogs seldom bite. (16th century) Citatboken, Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, 1967, p. 187, ISBN 91-27-01681-1 (16th century) His bark is worse than his bite. (17th century) Citatboken, Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, 1967, p. 187, ISBN 91-27-01681-1 (17th century) A thing of beauty is a joy for ever. Laine, Jarkko (toim.): Suuri
sitaattisanakirja. Otava, 1989, p. 122. ISBN 9511109618 Beauty is truth, truth beauty (John Keats) Laine, Jarkko (toim.): Suuri sitaattisanakirja. Otava, 1989, p. 123. ISBN 9511109618 (John Keats) Bed [ edit ] As you make your bed, so you will sleep on it. "One has to accept the consequences of one's actions, as any result is the logical consequence of preceding actions." Source for proverb and meaning: (Paczolay, 1997 p. 401) Some days you get the bear, other days the bear gets you. Kavari, Jekura Uaurika (25 October 2013). Omiano vya Tjipangandjara: Otjiherero Proverbs and Idioms. University of Namibia Press. pp. 75–. ISBN 978-99916-42-07-9. Beat [ edit ] If you can't beat them, join them. Speake, Jennifer (2008). "beat". A Dictionary of Proverbs. p. 51. ISBN 978-0-19-158001-7. Best [ edit ] The best is cheapest. Caroline Ward (1842). National Proverbs in the Principal Languages of Europe. J.W. Parker. p. 116. The good is the enemy of the best. "What are books but folly, and what is an education but an arrant hypocrisy, and what is art but a curse when they touch not the heart and impel it not to action?" Louise Sullivan, Kindergarten Chats (1918) "As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it." Steve Jobs, Address at Stanford University (2005) Martin H. Manser (2007). "g". The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 107. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. A beggar can never be bankrupt. (1639) Citatboken, Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, 1967, p. 187, ISBN 91-27-01681-1 (1639) Beggars can't be choosers. "We must accept with gratitude and without complaint what we are given when we do not have the means or opportunity to provide ourselves with something better." Source for meaning: Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 19. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. Put a beggar on horseback and he'll ride it to death. "It shows a weak mind not to bear prosperity as well as adversity with moderation." Cicero, De Officiis (44 B.C.), I. 26. Manser, Martin H. (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 241. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. Two wrongs don't make a right. proverb H. Manser, Martin (2007). "W". The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 283. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. A good beginning makes a good ending. (14th century) "Starting properly ensures the speedy completion of a process. A beginning is often blocked by one or more obstacles (potential barriers) the removal of which may ensure the smooth course of the process." Paczolay, Gyula (1997). "40". European proverbs: in 55 languages, with equivalents in Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Chinese and Japanese. Veszprémi Nyomda. p. 228. ISBN 1-875943-44-7. (14th century) Well begun is half done. "Starting properly ensures the speedy completion of a process. A beginning is often blocked by one or more obstacles (potential barriers) the removal of which may ensure the smooth course of the process." Paczolay, Gyula (1997). "40". European proverbs: in 55 languages, with equivalents in Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Chinese and Japanese. Veszprémi Nyomda. p. 228. ISBN 1-875943-44-7. Divers Proverbs, Nathan Bailey, 1721 [3] Bellyful [ edit ] A bellyful is one of meat, drink, or sorrow. Manser, M. (2006). The Wordsworth dictionary of proverbs, Wordsworth Editions, Limited. p. 45 Better [ edit ] Beware [
isanakirja. Otava, 1989, p. 91. ISBN 9511109618 (Stephen Decatur) Courage lost, all lost. (Strauss 1994, p. 675) Coward: one who in a perilous emergency thinks with his legs. (Ambrose Bierce) Citatboken, Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, 1967, p. 61, ISBN 91-27-01681-1 (Ambrose Bierce) Give credit where credit is due. "Do not neglect to give people the praise they deserve, or to acknowledge the good things they do." Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 101. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. Crows will not pick out crows eyes. "One belonging to a group having common interests is not likely to act against or find fault with another member of the same group. Solidarity may prevail over law, justice or truth." Paczolay, Gyula (1997). "13". European proverbs: in 55 languages, with equivalents in Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Chinese and Japanese. Veszprémi Nyomda. p. 96. ISBN 1-875943-44-7. Cup [ edit ] There's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip. What can't be cured must be endured. (14th century) Citatboken, Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, 1967, p. 190, ISBN 91-27-01681-1 (14th century) The customer is always right. "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." Bill Gates, Business @ The Speed of Thought (1999) Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. p. 50. Cynic: a blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be. (Ambrose Bierce) Citatboken, Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, 1967, p. 61, ISBN 91-27-01681-1 (Ambrose Bierce) It's safer to commend the dead than the living. "Not to know what happened before you were born is to be a child forever." Cicero Orator Ad M. Brutum (46 BC) Wolfgang Mieder; Stewart A. Kingsbury; Kelsie B. Harder (1992). A Dictionary of American Proverbs. Oxford University Press, USA. p. 121. ISBN 978-0-19-505399-9. Deep [ edit ] Deep calls to deep. (Strauss 1994, p. 695) "The more of the context of a problem that a scientist can comprehend, the greater are his chances of finding a truly adequate solution." Russell L. Ackoff, The development of operations research as a science (1956) (Strauss 1994, p. 695) In the deepest water is the best fishing. (1616) Citatboken, Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, 1967, p. 188, ISBN 91-27-01681-1 (1616) Defence [ edit ] The best defence is a good offence. (Strauss, 1994 p. 518) "You are more likely to win if you take the initiative and make an attack rather than preparing to defend yourself." Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 21. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. (Strauss, 1994 p. 518) Delays are dangerous. (14th century) "To live every day as if it had been stolen from death, that is how I would like to live." Garth Stein, The Art of Racing in the Rain (2008) Citatboken, Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, 1967, p. 188, ISBN 91-27-01681-1 (14th century) There is danger in delay. (Strauss, 1998 p. 695) "Hesitation or procrastination may lead to trouble or disaster." Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 53. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. (Strauss, 1998 p. 695) A parish demagogue. (P. B. Shelley) Laine, Jarkko (toim.): Su
uri sitaattisanakirja. Otava, 1989, p. 102. ISBN 9511109618 (P. B. Shelley) First deserve, then desire. “If a man cannot find ease within himself, it is to little purpose to seek it anywhere else." Maturin Murray Ballou, Ballou's Monthly Magazine (1855) Henry George Bohn; John Ray (1855). A Hand-book of Proverbs: Comprising Ray's Collection of English Proverbs, with His Additions from Foreign Languages. And a Complete Alphabetical Index. G. Bell. p. 355. Dig [ edit ] Who digs a trap for others ends up in it himself. "He who intends to harm others will himself suffer from his action. - As anger is blind, some aspects of an action - harmful for the doer - may be overlooked in the process."(Paczolay, 1997 p. 77) Discussion: a method of confirming others in their errors. (Ambrose Bierce) Citatboken, Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, 1967, p. 61, ISBN 91-27-01681-1 (Ambrose Bierce) Ditch [ edit ] Better go about than fall into the ditch. (Ward, 1842 p. 11) "Better put an end to a troublesome business than to be always vex'd with it." James Kelly (1818). A Complete Collection of Scottish Proverbs Explained and Made Intelligible to the English Reader. Rodwell and Martin. p. 35. (Ward, 1842 p. 11) Do [ edit ] Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. "Judges ought to be more learned than witty, more reverend than plausible, and more advised than confident. Above all things, integrity is their portion and proper virtue." Francis Bacon, Essays (1825), Of Judicature. Based on the Bible (Matthew 7:12; Luke 6:31). "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets" in the King James version; "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." in the New International Version If you want a thing done right, do it yourself. Manser, M. (2006). The Wordsworth dictionary of proverbs, Wordsworth Editions, Limited. p. 139 "Well done" is better than "well said". Doctor [ edit ] God heals, and the doctor takes the fee. (1640) Citatboken, Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, 1967, p. 187, ISBN 91-27-01681-1 (1640) Never lie to your doctor. Huler, Scott (1999). From Worst to First: Behind the Scenes of Continental's Remarkable Comeback. John Wiley & Sons. p. 200. 0471356522. A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone. (1659) Citatboken, Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, 1967, p. 188, ISBN 91-27-01681-1 (1659) A staff is quickly found to beat a dog. (Strauss, 1998 p. 103) All are not thieves that dogs bark at. Caroline Ward (1842). National Proverbs in the Principal Languages of Europe. J.W. Parker. p. 6. Barking dogs seldom bite. "Threatening does not always lead to action: Harsh words may disguise a different feeling, intention or ability." (Paczolay, 1997 p. 44) Brag is a good dog, but holdfast is better. A variation of "Talk is cheap" "This Proverb is a Taunt upon Braggadoccio's, who talk big, boast, and rattle: It is also a Memento for such who make plentiful promises to do well for the future but are suspected to want Constancy and Resolution to make them good." - Divers Proverbs, Nathan Bailey, 1721. 4 The dogs bark but the caravan passes on. (Strauss, 1998 p. 340) Dogs wags their tails, not as much to you as to your bread. (Strauss, 1994 p. 710) Every dog has his day. (1546) Citatboken, Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, 1967, p. 188, ISBN 91-27-01681
be valued for their good deeds, not their good looks, also occasionally used of things, or as a warning not to be misled by an attractive appearance." Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 113. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. (1670) (Strauss, 1994 p. 879) Hard [ edit ] Hard words break no bones. (Strauss, 1998 p. 17) Hare [ edit ] Drumming is not the way to catch a hare. (Strauss, 1994 p. 753) (Strauss, 1994 p. 753) You must not run after two hares at the same time. "Concentrate on one thing at a time or you will achieve nothing. - Trying to do two or more things at a time, when even one on its own needs full effort, means that none of them will be accomplished properly." Paczolay, Gyula (1997). "X". European proverbs: in 55 languages, with equivalents in Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Chinese and Japanese. Veszprémi Nyomda. p. X. ISBN 1-875943-44-7. Mawr, E.B. (1885). Analogous Proverbs in Ten Languages. p. 102. Haste [ edit ] Make haste slowly. "Progress with discretion. Acting hastily one is likely to forget/overlook something important, leading to grave errors or failure." (Paczolay, 1997 p. 241) Haste makes waste. "By acting too hastily or doings too hurriedly you risk causing damage or making mistakes that subsequently have to be put right." Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 115. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5. Hawks will not pick out Hawk's eyes. Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs. p. 121. ISBN 978-1-134-86460-7. Have [ edit ] He that can have patience can have what he will. (Strauss, 1994 p. 87) Head [ edit ] He that hath a head of wax must not walk in the sun. (Ward, 1842 p. 54) (Ward, 1842 p. 54) Two heads are better than one.' Ray, John (1737). "T". A Compleat Collection of English Proverbs;: Also the Most Celebrated Proverbs of the Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish, and Other Languages. : The Whole Methodically Digested and Illustrated with Annotations, and Proper Explications. p. 164. We should not expect to find old heads on young shoulders. (Strauss, 1994 p. 77) Variant: You can't put an old head on young shoulders. "The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise." Alden Nowlan, Between Tears and Laughter by (1971) (Source provided by the Quote Investigator) (Strauss, 1994 p. 77) When the head is sick, the whole body is sick. (Strauss, 1994 p. 1117) (Strauss, 1994 p. 1117) Who falls short in the head must be long in the heels. Strauss, Emanuel (1994). "149". Dictionary of European Proverbs. I. Routledge. p. 140. ISBN 978-1-134-86460-7. Health is better than wealth. (16th century) Citatboken, Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, 1967, p. 188, ISBN 91-27-01681-1 (16th century) Health is wealth. Manser, M. (2006). The Wordsworth dictionary of proverbs, Wordsworth Editions, Limited. p. 273 A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools. "We gotta make a change It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes Let's change the way we eat Let's change the way we live And let's change the way we treat each other You see the old way wasn't workin' So it's on us to do what we gotta do to survive" Tupac "2Pac" Shakur, Changes (1992) Proverbs, Maxims and Phrases of All Ages. 1888. p. 489. The heart sees farther than
. C. - <S ? John M. Hutchinson, Ph. G. : Xmas + Just received and open T n i a - * * Linrisimas presents suitaD * MANICURE SETS | TOILET SETS, I INFANTS' SETS | XMAS STATIONERY, PARKER PENS, F] CONKLIN PENS, Fresh shipment Morris us before you buy. j HUTCHINSON & L "Headquarters for "The Ire Third Chapter at The Maj< Admission,! (ILL TIMES, FORT MILL, SOI Did U Get 1 Of the valuable cook books that we presented, to the ladies who visited The Majestic last Saturday? If not, there is one here for you, and we would be pleased to have you come next Saturday and get your copy. Just ask the ticket girl. It's FREE, you know. Open Saturday 2:30 p. m. Prices same?5c and 10c. TKp Maipstir. I ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR 1917. Notice of Opening of Booka of Auditor for Listing Returns for Taxation. Auditor's Office. Nov. 29, 191G. Pursuant to the requirement of the statute on the subject, Notice is herejy given that my books will be opened n my office in York court house on Moniay, January 1st. 1917, for the purpose >f listing for taxation all Personal and Real Property held in York County on January 1, 1917, and will be kept open intil the 20th day of February. 1917, ind for the convenience of the Taxpayers of the County 1 will be at the nlaces enumerated below on the dates named. At Clover, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 2 and 3, 1917. At Bethel, (Barnett Bros.'s Store), rhursday, January 4, 1917. At Point, (at Harper's), Friday, January 5. 1917. At Bandana, (Perry Ferguson's Store), Saturday, January 6, 1917. At Smyrna, Monday, January 8, 1917. At Hickory Grove, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 9 and 10, 1917. At Sharon. Thursday and Friday, January 11 and 12, 1917. At Bullock's Creek, (Good's Store), sotiir/^o v Tinnaru 1 Q 1 U1 VtUf f U UIIUUI J ll>, 41/ A Wt At Tirzah, Monday, January 15th, 1917. At Newport, Tuesday, January 16, 1917. At Fort Mill, Wednesday, Thursday ind Friday, January 17, 18, 19, 1917. At McConnollsvilfe, Monday, Januarys' 1917. At Ogden, Tuesday. January 23, 1917. At Coates's Tavern (Roddey's), on Wednesday. January 24. 1917. At Rock Hill, from Thursday, January 25, to Wednesday, January 31, 1917. At Ramah, Tuesday, February 6th, 1917. At McGill Bros.'s Store, Wednesday, February 7, 1917. At York, from Saturday, February B, to February 20, 1917. All males between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years, except Confederate soldiers over the age of fifty years, are liable to a poll tax of $1.00, and all persons so liable are especially requested to give the numbers of their respective school districts in making their returns. BROADUS M. LOVE. Auditor York County. Old newspapers for sale at The Times office. A. C. Lytle ^ Gifts. | ed up a complete line of 4 le for all the family. t , NICE PIPES, I FINE CIGARS. 4 TOBACCO, I TOILET ARTICLES, [NE ST
Get a FREE iPad or MacBook Air!!!!!!! The Legend of Zelda Get the game at Amazon.com! Reviewed by Mello Fox This was one of the best games of all time. If you sold your NES a long time ago to get one of the newer systems like SNES or SEGA GENESIS, I recommend saving up for the original NES. Maybe even just for this game. It has a pretty big world, the control is great, and has some of the catchiest music since the original Mario Bros. It's an addictive game to. Graphics 9.5 out of 10 Graphics are real good compared to Mario Bros. 1 where the characters were blocky. It's pretty clear who is who and what your doing. Of course they used some things over like the people you buy stuff from is either the same old lady or the same old man. But that's the only bad thing in the graphics besides when you get all the way to the left or right and can't go any farther, and if you do it will just repeat that area over and over again. Overall the graphics are almost perfect. Music and Sound 10 out of 10 The music is some of the catchiest since Mario Bros. 1, like I said. You'll always here that du du du du, du du du du du du, duuu duuu in your mind and during the game. And when you get a new sword or a heart it goes DUUUUUU like that. The music is very catchy. Game Challenge 8 out of 10 It can be one of the hardest games of all. Or it can be one of the easiest. It depends on whether you have a strategy guide or not. If you do, it's probably a breeze, but if you don't, like me, it's real hard. I didn't play it for a long time then went to K-mart and bought it and a NES and played it and I still haven't beaten it. It's hard finding all the levels. Plus the bosses give you a pretty good battle. Always expect to have fun though. That's what really matters anyway. Game Play-Fun 10 out of 10 This is a very, very, very fun game. It's addictive too. The only drawback I had was when you save it, you have to hold the reset button when you turn it off. That's not a very big deal though, because it's fun getting back to where you were. I like to just go hunting and try to kill all those stupid blue and red guys. And it's even fun to fight the bosses (unlike some games where it's a pain in the butt. But just have fun. That's all that really matters. Frustration The only frustration I got was when I got real far in the game, like to Ganon, and lost and died. Then after I turned it off and the next day went to play it, it wasn't there. Now sometime's it's fun getting back to where you were but this time, I was just plain old mad. I probably threw the game down 25 times. The only other frustration I think I got from this besides that was when it won't start. Replayability 9 out of 10 Like I've said many times before, this game is addictive. You'll want to get to Ganon and beat him. Or you might just want to get to Ganon to see what he looks like. After your threw with this one though, go buy Zelda 2:The Adventures of Link. Game Value 10 out of 10 HECK YEAH!!! It's definitely worth the price. I only paid 9.99 for the game. And if you go to Funcoland, you can get it for $3.99. That's #3.99 for at least 1-2 years of fun. You must buy this if you don't already have it. Well after you get it try to spend 1-2 hours with your family and friends and THEN you can go play some Zelda for 48 hours straight. Story 8 out of 10 Once you know the story, it's great. Well most of you know it, but for those who don't, it goes like this: You are Link. You're girl (Like Mario's Princess Toadstool) is Princess Zelda. Ganon, the Bowser of the Zelda series, is trying to get all the pieces of the triforce. You must get them before Ganon. Oh yeah, I'm not sure but I think Princess Zelda was kidnapped. Maybe not though. Can't really remember. Controls 10 out of 10 The control is definitely perfect. Unlike even some of today's games. When you swing your sword, it goes right where you want it to. And so do all of Link's many weapons. By the way, the weapons are really cool. The best is the boomerang which, with the great control Zelda has, goes right where you want it to. Overall 9.5 out of 10 My final conclusion is go get
ing your judgement etc… Buying on a scale allows us to account for our inability to time when the market will become less irrational. Schloss wouldn’t take his full position all at once because he knew the stocks he bought were in trouble, and they were likely to fall further. Selling on a scale works for the inverse reason as buying on a scale — the stock could keep going up as you unload your position, giving you incrementally higher profits as opposed to dumping the entire position at once. Rule 10: “When buying a stock, I find it helpful to buy near the low of the past few years. A stock may go as high as 125 and then decline to 60 and you think its attractive. 3 years before, the stock sold at 20 which shows that there is some vulnerability in it.” Following the vein of Rule 1, Rule 10 provides the investor with an increased margin of safety when making their initial investment. According to Schloss, If buying a stock at its 52-week low is good, buying a stock at its all-time low is even better. The good news for investors is that the majority of companies in the shipping industry are trading at all time lows. Once again, these stocks have problems (whether industry specific, company specific or a combination) they’re currently dealing with. Buying these companies at all-time lows helps us sleep at night. Rule 11: “Try to buy assets at a discount rather than earnings. Earnings can change dramatically in a short time. Usually, assets change slowly. One has to know how much more about a company if one buys earnings.” Schloss focused only on the balance sheet and the assets that could be liquidated for cash. Applying this to the shipping industry gives us an easier framework for analysis. We don’t have to understand management and the intricacies of the businesses if the company is selling at below half its net asset value measured by the active secondary scrap market. Putting Words Into Action: Next Steps How do Schloss’ principles coupled with the value opportunity in the shipping industry play out in real time? What are actionable steps to take if you want to invest in these shippers? The plan itself is simple in theory — but like Schloss’ rules — hard to follow: 1) Find a basket of the cheapest shipping stocks with the greatest margin of safety / discount to fair value 2) Allocate a specific amount of your portfolio to this basket of stocks and 3) Forget about them for 1-3 years. Conclusion Walter Schloss stuck to his rules and stayed in his well-defined lane. And by doing so, he generated “super-investor” level returns. I’m not saying you need to do a full 180 on your current strategy in order to generate Schloss-like returns, but I am advocating for an appreciation of Schloss’ tactics — and consider adding a few tools to your investment toolkit. (** all information for this report was sourced via www.walterschloss.com **) Walter Schloss’ 16 Rules PRICE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR TO USE IN RELATION TO VALUE TRY TO ESTABLISH THE VALUE OF THE COMPANY. REMEMBER THAT A SHARE OF STOCK REPRESENTS A PART OF A BUSINESS AND IS NOT JUST A PIECE OF PAPER. USE BOOK VALUE AS A STARTING POINT TO TRY AND ESTABLISH THE VALUE OF THE ENTERPRISE. BE SURE THAT DEBT DOES NOT EQUAL 100% OF THE EQUITY. (CAPITAL AND SURPLUS FOR THE COMMON STOCK). HAVE PATIENCE. STOCKS DON’T GO UP IMMEDIATELY. DON’T BUY ON TIPS OR FOR A QUICK MOVE. LET THE PROFESSIONALS DO THAT, IF THEY CAN. DON’T SELL ON BAD NEWS. DON’T BE AFRAID TO BE A LONER BUT BE SURE THAT YOU ARE CORRECT IN YOUR JUDGMENT. YOU CAN’T BE 100% CERTAIN BUT TRY TO LOOK FOR THE WEAKNESSES IN YOUR THINKING. BUY ON A SCALE DOWN AND SELL ON A SCALE UP. HAVE THE COURAGE OF YOUR CONVICTIONS ONCE YOU HAVE MADE A DECISION. HAVE A PHILOSOPHY OF INVESTMENT AND TRY TO FOLLOW IT. THE ABOVE IS A WAY THAT I’VE FOUND SUCCESSFUL. DON’T BE IN TOO MUCH OF A H
Appendix: An interpolation-free algorithm for estimating Haar fluctuations Paleotemperatures are typically nonuniformly sampled in time. Sometimes—such as in the case of the Epica series used in Fig. 1b—the problem is due to the compression of the ice with depth and can be somewhat alleviated by sampling the deeper reaches of the core at higher rates (e.g. the high resolution section of the GRIP core shown in Fig. 2b). However, the usual remedy is to interpolate the series and then to resample it at a uniform temporal interval/resolution. While for many purposes this may be adequate, for either spectral or fluctuation analyses it may lead to biases and spurious results. The reason is that interpolation assumes that the curve is not only continuous between points, but also that the series T(t) is differentiable (in the common case of cubic spline interpolation, up to third order!). However in the small scale limit, in a scaling regime, the mean derivatives of order >H diverge. Since we have found empirically that all the relevant atmospheric regimes have H < 1, even linear interpolation may give spurious results. Indeed, any linearly interpolated part of the T(t) series will at least locally have H = 1 since over such segments, ΔT(Δt) ≈ Δt. Therefore if these regions are too numerous, including the fluctuation statistics over linear segments will introduce biases. One of the many advantages of Haar fluctuations is that they are quite easy to estimate without any interpolation while accurately taking into account the resolution of the data. We now describe the simple algorithm used in Figs. 4b–e and 5 (note that several of these series were already analysed but using interpolation). Assume that there are N measurements of temperature T(t i ) at time t i where i is an index 1 through N. Define the running sum S i : $$S_{i} = \sum\limits_{j \le i} {T(t_{j} )}$$ (3) Consider an index j and an even number k. The j, k fluctuation \(\varDelta T_{j,k}\) over the interval [t j, t j+k ] can be estimated as follows. First determine the sums of the T(t i ) over the first and second halves the interval: $$\varDelta S^{(1)} = S_{j + k/2} - S_{j} ;\quad \varDelta S^{(2)} = S_{j + k} - S_{j + k/2}$$ (4) in the case of regular sampling, the ratio: $$\varepsilon = \frac{{t_{j + k/2} - t_{j} }}{{t_{j + k} - t_{j} }}$$ (5) has the value ε = 1/2. The Haar fluctuation is simply the average of the first half minus the average of the second half of the interval and can thus be estimated as: $$\varDelta T_{j,k} = \frac{2}{{t_{j + k} - t_{j} }}(S^{(1)} - S^{(2)} )$$ (6) However, if ε is too far from 1/2, this estimate may be poor. Therefore, in the calculation of the statistical moments we should only keep the corresponding fluctuations on condition that ε min < ε < (1-ε min ) where 0 < ε min < 1/2 is a parameter that can be adjusted so as to make the condition as restrictive as we like: exactly uniform sampling corresponds to the limit ε min −> 1/2. Decreasing ε min has the effect of losing precision in the scale Δt, hence it smooths the S(Δt) curve. However, taking ε min too close to ½ will result in the rejection of too many fluctuations with the consequence that the statistics will be poor. In the present case, it was found that generally ε min = 1/4 was a reasonable compromise (see Fig. 6). One can check the accuracy by seeing how much the statistics change when ε min is varied (if they don’t vary much then the choice of ε min is acceptable). Note also that as usual, the fluctuations are multiplied by an extra “calibration” constant (taken throughout this paper = 2). This ensures that they are quite close to differences in regions where H > 0 and close to tendencies (averages with the means removed) in regions where H < 0. Once the fluctuations are estimated, S q (Δt) can be estimated by “binning” the fluctuations into “bins”
If you are running applications in the HPC or AI realms, you might be in for some sticker shock when you shop for GPU accelerators – thanks in part to the growing demand of Nvidia’s Tesla cards in those markets but also because cryptocurrency miners who can’t afford to etch their own ASICs are creating a huge demand for the company’s top-end GPUs. Nvidia does not provide list prices or suggested street prices for its Tesla line of GPU accelerator cards, so it is somewhat more problematic to try to get a handle on the bang for the buck over time for these devices. But the fact remains that people want to know the relative price/performance on current and prior GPU accelerators, so you have to do a little digging. It means going with the prices that you can find on Tesla accelerators, and then also trying to reckon what is a sensible price that is reflective of the market. On such thin data and with sometimes a wide skew on the SKUs, this is more black magic than we would like, and particularly so in a high demand environment where supply seems to be constrained a little thanks in part to cryptocurrency mining as well as HPC and AI demand. Graphics cards and Tesla compute accelerators are rising in price, or in the cases of older gear, are holding their prices better than you might expect given their age. And again, it depends on who you ask. As best as we can figure, Hewlett Packard Enterprise is not publishing what it charges for Tesla units, and in fact, HPE is increasingly pushing customers to the channel to get configured machinery. (This may not be the case with the core HPC customers from the former HP and the former SGI, who probably get a lot more direct hand-holding, particularly for beefy configurations with lots of GPU acceleration.) IBM did not provide public list pricing for the Power S822LC for HPC “Minksy” system, which mixed the Power8+ processor with NVLink ports with the “Pascal” Tesla P100 accelerators, but it did provide pricing on the “Volta” Tesla V100 accelerators when it launched the “Newell” Power System AC922 system in December. The configurators at Colfax International have pricing for various Pascal Teslas, but do not have pricing on the Volta Teslas. Likewise, CDW has pricing for Kepler, Maxwell, and Pascal Tesla GPU accelerators, and it is most definitely higher than we expected on all fronts. Dell is an interesting case in point about the difficulties of trying to figure out the cost of Tesla GPU accelerators. Back in June last year, in the aftermath of the Volta launch, we configured up a PowerEdge R730 machine and looked at the cost of the GPU accelerator options. At that time, a Tesla P4 cost $2,402 and a Tesla P40 cost $7,358. These GPUs are used mostly for machine learning inference workloads, and were the first GPUs from Nvidia to support INT8 instructions and processing. Dell did not provide pricing on the high end P100 SXM2 accelerator, which had support for the NVLink 1.0 interconnect for the GPUs, but it did have pricing out for the PCI-Express versions of the accelerator. The Tesla P100 with 12 GB of HBM2 memory on the card cost $5,780, while the version with the full 16 GB on the card cost $7,278. Fast forward nine months, and the pricing is a bit different, as you can see here. This made our eyes pop out a bit, but here are the current prices from Dell for the Teslas it has in stock and that are useful for compute offload: Tesla K40M 12 GB GDDR5 PCI-Express, $6,803 Tesla K40C 12 GB GDDR5 PCI-Express, $7,234 Tesla K80 24 GB GDDR5 PCI-Express, $9,829 Tesla M60 16 GB GDDR5 PCI-Express, $9,822 Tesla P4 8 GB GDDR5 PCI-Express, $4,021 Tesla P40 24 GB GDDR5 PCI-Express, $12,306 Tesla P100 12 GB HBM2 PCI-Express, $10,011 Tesla P100 16 GB HBM2 PCI-Express, $12,610 The Tesla P4s and P40s sold by Dell are now 67 percent more expensive than they were in June, the Tesla P100 with 12GB or 16 GB are now 73 percent more expensive. We don’t have a before and after for pricing at CDW, but here is the rundown on what that company is charging for single units: Tesla K80 24 GB GDDR5 PCI-Express, $5,630 Tesla M6 16 GB GDDR5 PCI
-Express, $7,533 Tesla M60 8 GB GDDR5 PCI-Express, $5,297 Tesla P4 8 GB GDDR5 PCI-Express, $2,560 Tesla P40 24 GB GDDR5 PCI-Express, $9,375 Tesla P100 12 GB HBM2 PCI-Express, $8,034 Tesla P100 16 GB HBM2 PCI-Express, $6,900 Tesla V100 16 GB HBM2 PCI-Express, $9,900 Tesla V100 16 GB HBM2 SXM2, $15,904 Reckoning price/performance in an environment that has such wide – and quickly changing – pricing is tricky indeed. We think some vendors have an aggressive discounting policy across their servers, including CPUs and GPU accelerators alike, while others charge what they charge and do only limited discounting. Dell has been giving some pretty steep discounts on servers during the PowerEdge 14G line, but even with these discounts – on the order of 30 percent to 40 percent using its online configurator – if you assume you can bundle a Tesla accelerator to these machines, then it is still a price hike compared to last year. As we say, we want to do some sort of price/performance analysis, so here is what we decided to do. We found pricing for the Tesla accelerators using Kepler and Maxwell GPUs online on Amazon, and took the middle of the road price as best we could. These are shown in orange in the table below. We used Colfax pricing for main Pascal accelerators (it did not have the SXM2 variant with NVLink), which are shown in green. We used IBM’s pricing for the Volta accelerators, which is shown in blue. Anything in red italics is an estimate made by The Next Platform after using these numbers as a baseline, reckoned by us considering the memory capacity, memory bandwidth, and incremental compute of an accelerator based off of one that we had a price for. We do not claim this is science, and we wish that we had vendor list price to start with and then something like an organized street price to end with. But, we think, such ceilings and floors do not really exist in the current demand environment. Here is the truncated version of the chart, which only shows the Pascal and Volta accelerators: If you want to break your screen to see the entire chart, ranging back to the early Kepler Teslas, click here and stand back. For each Tesla accelerator, we have calculated the efficiency, in terms of gigaops or gigaflops per watt, for the various processing formats supported by the GPUs that bear the Tesla brand. This includes 8-bit integer as well as floating point in 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit precisions and the new 4×4 matrix Tensor Core unit that came out with the Volta GPUs. We have also calculated the cost per ops for each of these different processing capabilities, and of course, the bang for the buck for each device assumes that it is running at peak on that one type of calculation. In some cases – and with Volta, in all cases – the chips are really meant to be doing multiple things at the same time. (We went through the Volta architecture and how it compares to the prior Fermi, Kepler, Maxwell, and Pascal architectures last week. These price and thermal efficiency tables above are companions to the speeds and feeds from last week’s story.) What is immediately obvious is that the cost per operation using the Tensor Core unit is half that of the INT8 unit and a quarter that of the FP16 operations on the regular 32-bit floating point unit. So if you can use reduced precision in your applications and you an port to the Tensor Core, there are mightly financial and thermal reasons to do so. Which is why we say that, perhaps, over the long haul, future GPUs might only have Tensor Core units and 64-bit floating point units, if the Tensor Core becomes a standard adopted by both the AI and HPC community. There is an awful lot of single-precision code out there in HPC Land, and for all we know, much of it maps poorly to Tensor Cores. (We will be talking to people about this to get their sense.) The Tensor Core units also have better performance per watt per operation, too, on the Volta GPUs. So there is no question that Volta is better than Pascal in every way. The issue is, can you get Volta today? In general, and making the big assumption that this pricing is even close to reality, the idea that seems clear is that the Volta chips are providing such a rich set of functionality that they can command a premium over prior Pascal units. That said, for workloads that can fit into a smaller memory footprint
Hermann Goering (see Goering Peter) was the most of his life morphine addicted, painted his feet and finger nails and played with little trains and toys. 1* During the occupation by the German army between 1940-45, about 10.000 Dutch women gave birth to a child of a German soldier. The most very young mothers were mostly abused, even by there own family and the children were pested for many years in the after war period. However, recent figures based on records at the archives of the German Wehrmacht (name of the German armed forces from 1935–45) indicate that the real number could be as high as 50,000. The liberators in 1944 and 1945, English, Americans and Canadians, had about a 16.000 illegitimate children, the so called “liberation children”. Thousants of Dutch girls followed their lover abroad by boat and lived happy far from home. General Montgomery had puppies called “Hitler” and “Rommel” Between 6,000 and 8,000 children were born to Danish mothers with German partners. It is estimated that between 10,000 and 12,000 children were born to Norwegian mothers with German partners during the occupation. After the war these women especially, but also their children, were mistreated in Norway. The most powerful flashlight famous of Norway’s war children is Anni Frid Lyngstad, a former ABBA singer and now Princess Anni-Frid Reuss of Plauen. The number of war children born to French women in France in the years 1941-1949, whose fathers were German soldiers, is estimated to be 75,000 to 200,000. After the expulsion of German troops from France, those women who were known to have had relationships with German soldiers, were arrested, “judged” and exposed in the streets to hatred. * The Russian Army used civilians, women and older people in uniform to ran against the guns and when the Germans had waste their ammunation, the soldiers came after them. * The Nazis pirated the Harvard “fight song” to compose their Sieg Heil march. * Austria and Vienna survived the war undamaged and Austrian people after the war “decided” not to talk about the war anymore, no guild and only Germany was blamed. But on an individual level, however, some 800.000 Austrians were drafted into the army (the German Wehrmacht), and another 150.000 served in the Waffen SS, an elite Nazi military unit, even more fanatic and aggresive as their German colleques. Austrians who rose to high rank in the German Army in WW2 include: Generalfeldmarschal Eduard von Böhm-Ermolli (honorary), SS–Obergruppenführer Ernst Kaltenbrunner, General der Panzertruppe Alfred Ritter von Hubicki, SS-Obergruppenführer Odilo Globocnik, SS Obergruppenführer Hanns Rauter, Generaloberst Alexander Löhr (Luftwaffe), General der Gebirgstruppe Franz Böhme and Generaloberst Dr. Lothar Rendulic. Austrian people, in 1938 Austria had 7 million inhabitants, voted 99.9% for Hitler as the Great Führer, but many were real war criminals. No One, Adolf Hitler was an Austrian son and a dictator who started a crazy war, in which would die a number of 55 million people. August Eigruber, Nazi Gauleiter of Reichsgau Oberdonau Landeshauptmann of Upper Austria,right after Germany’s unconditional was surrender in May 1945, Eigruber was arrested in the Salzkammergut by the United States Army, and he was questioned as a witness at the Nuremberg Trials. In the Mauthausen-Gusen camp trials, Eigruber was sentenced in March 1946 by the Dachau International Military Tribunal to death by hanging for his responsibility for crimes at Mauthausen concentration camp. The sentence was carried out in the prison yard at Landsberg Prison, Landsberg am Lech on 28-05-1947, age 39. Lothar Rendulic was one of three Austrians who rose to the rank of Generaloberst in the Wehrmacht. He was tried at Nuremberg in 1948 and, though acquitted of deliberate scorched earth tactics in the Lapland war, was convicted of killing hostages in Yugoslavia and imprisoned. This sentence of twenty year was later reduced to ten years, and on 01-02-1951 Rendulic was released from the military prison in Landsberg am Lech in Bavaria. He died at Eferding,
Austria, on 18-01-1971, age 83. Johann Baptist Albin Rauter was a high-ranking Austrian-born Nazi war criminal. He was the highest SS and Police Leader in the occupied Netherlands and therefore the leading security and police officer there during the period of 1940-1945. He reported directly to the Nazi SS-chief, Heinrich Himmler, and in the second instance to the Nazi governor of the Netherlands, Arthur Seyss-Inquart. After World War II he was convicted in the Netherlands of crimes against humanity and executed by firing squad near Scheveningen on 24-03-1949, age 54. The location of his grave remains a state secret. Arthur Seyss-Inquart was an Austrian National Socialist official who served as Chancellor of Austria for two days – 11–13 March 1938 – before the Anschluss that merged Austria with Nazi Germany. During World War II, he served the Third Reich in the General Government of occupied Poland and as Reichskommissar in the Netherlands. At the Nuremberg Trials, he was found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging at 16-10-1946, age 54. Ernst Kaltenbrunner was an Austrian-born senior official of Nazi Germany during World War II. An Obergruppenführer in the Schutzstaffel (SS), between January 1943 and May 1945 he held the offices of Chief of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt, RSHA, Reich Main Security Office and President of Interpol. He was the highest-ranking member of the SS to face trial at the first Nuremberg Trials. He was found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging on 01-10-1946, age 43. Franz Stangl was an Austrian-born SS commandant of the Sobibor and Treblinka extermination camps during the Operation Reinhard phase of the Holocaust. He was arrested in Brazil in 1967, extradited and tried in West Germany for the mass murder of 900.000 people, and in 1970 was found guilty and sentenced to the maximum penalty, life imprisonment. He died of heart failure six months later on 28-06-1971, age 63. Franz Kutschera was an SS General and Gauleiter of Carinthia. As SS and Police Leader of the Poland’s Warsaw district, he was sentenced to death by Armia Krajowa ((AK) Polish Home Army) in agreement with the Polish government in exile and assassinated. The assassination, on 01-02-1944, code named Operation Kutschera a part of Operation Heads, was carried out in front of Kutschera’s Warsaw residency and near the Warsaw SS headquarters, Kutschera was 39 years old. Gustav Wagner was an SS-Oberscharführer from Vienna, Austria. Wagner was a starter deputy commander of the Sobibor extermination camp in German-occupied Poland, where more than 200.000 Jews were gassed during Operation Reinhard. Due to his brutality, he was known as “The Beast” and “Wolf”. He lived in Brazil under the pseudonym Günther Mendel until he was exposed by Simon Wiesenthal () and arrested on 30-05-1978. Extradition requests from Israel, Austria and Poland were rejected by Brazil’s Attorney General. On 22-06-1979, the Brazilian Supreme Court also rejected a West German extradition request. In October 1980, Wagner was found with a knife in his chest in São Paulo. According to his attorney, Wagner committed suicide. His date of death was determined to be 03-10-1980, age 69. Franz Konrad was an Austrian SS-Hauptsturmführer and an administrative officer responsible for the Werteerfassung or “valued acquisitions” in the Warsaw Ghetto. He earned the nickname “the King of the Warsaw Ghetto”. After the war, Konrad was arrested and convicted in the trial of SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen SS und Polizei Jürgen Stroop for participating in the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto. On 06-03-1952 Konrad was executed, age 46, by hanging in Warsaw together with Stroop, age 56. * ‘FLYING BOMB’ CASUALTIES In the first four months of 1945, 1,275 persons were killed and 2,578 injured from V1 and V2 attacks on Britain. On the 27th of March the last V2 rocket fell on London killing 127 people and wounding 423. * SHELL SHOCK The US Army suffered a total of 929,307 cases of ‘Battle
¿Occidente? Raymond Abellio afirmaba que “Europa” está fija en el espacio, es decir, geográficamente, en contraposición a Occidente, que es algo “variable”. De hecho, “Occidente” ha estado viajando y cambiando de dirección. Inicialmente, el término venía a significar el lugar donde el sol se pone (Abendland), oponiéndose a la tierra donde nace el sol (Morgenland). Con el reinado de Diocleciano en el S. III DC, la oposición entre Oriente y Occidente representó la distinción entre el Imperio Romano de Occidente (cuya capital fue Milán y posteriormente Ravena) y Imperio Romano de Oriente, con capital en Constantinopla. El primero desapareció en el año 476 DC, con la abdicación de Rómulo Augusto. Posteriormente, Occidente y Europa se fusionaron para bien. Sin embargo, a principios del S. XVIII, el adjetivo “Occidental” se utilizó en cartas náuticas para hacer referencia al Nuevo Mundo, también llamado “Sistema Americano”, en contraposición al “Sistema Europeo”, o “Hemisferio Oriental” (el cual incluía Europa, África y Asia). En el periodo de entreguerras, Occidente, habiendo estado siempre asociado a Europa, como por ejemplo en la obra de Spengler, fue enfrentado a Oriente, que se convirtió en un objeto de fascinación (René Guenon) y en un objeto de temor infundado (Henri Massis). Durante la Guerra Fría, Occidente incluía Europa Occidental y sus aliados anglosajones, Inglaterra y Estados Unidos, todos enfrentados al “Bloque Oriental”, dominado por la Rusia Soviética. Este punto de vista, que permitió a los Estados Unidos legitimar su hegemonía, sobrevivió al colapso del Sistema Soviético (Huntington). A día de hoy, Occidente ha adquirido nuevos significados. En ocasiones se utiliza un significado puramente económico: “Occidentales” son todos los países desarrollados, modernizados e industrializados, como Japón, Corea del Sur y Australia, incluyendo a los países que antiguamente pertenecían a “Europa Oriental”, América del Norte o América Latina. “Ex Oriente lux, luxus ex Occidente,” (La luz viene de Oriente; la lujuria de Occidente), ocurrencia en tono sarcástico del escritor polaco Stanislaw Jerzy Lec. Occidente está perdiendo su sentido espacial para ser absorbido por la noción de modernidad. A un nivel global y como última encarnación del furor oriental en los ojos de los Occidentales, Occidente se contrapone a Islamismo. En consecuencia, hay una división fundamental que separa el Occidente “judeocristiano” del Oriente “árabe-musulmán”, y algunas personas no dudan en predecir que la lucha final entre “Roma” e “Ismaël” – la guerra de Gog y Magog – dará lugar a la era mesiánica. En realidad, no hay nada parecido a un “Occidente” unitario, al igual que no hay un “Oriente” homogéneo. Al igual que la noción de “Occidente Cristiano”, que ha perdido todo su significado desde que Europa se hundió
30 Ocak 2018 Salı, 14:19 Arrest orders were passed as part of an investigation launched by Ankara Republic Chief Prosecution into eleven Central Council administrators of the Medical Association of Turkey (TTB), which had been targeted by AKP General Chair and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for having published an announcement with the heading, “War is a popular health issue.” Following the arrest order, an operation was launched by Counterterrorism Branch teams and the TTB members’ homes were raided by the police at around 6.30 in the morning. Administrators including TTB Chair Raşit Tükel were arrested in the operation launched in eight provinces centred on Ankara. Tükel was taken to the Çap Medical Faculty following his arrest. The police also conducted a search of Tükel’s office here. Prof. Dr. Raşit Tükel and Prof. Dr. Taner Gören were then taken to Haseki Training and Research Hospital for health checks. It has been learnt that Tükel and Gören, who were taken to Istanbul Police Directorate, will be sent to Ankara where the investigation is in progress. TTB Central Council member Hande Arpat was taken to TTB Headquarters following her arrest in a raid on her home to accompany a search that was to be made. Administrators and members of health labour and professional organisations who had heard the news congregated in front of the headquarters’ building. Health workers greeted Hande Arpat’s departure following the search with applause. DR. BÜLEN NAZIM YILMAZ ARRESTED Dr. Bülent Nazım Yılmaz was arrested in the morning hours at his home in Eskişehir by Police Counterterrorism Branch teams within the operation. Dr. Yılmaz, who works as a practicing doctor in the city, was taken to the Counterterrorism Branch following the search conducted at his home. It was stated that Bülent Nazım Yılmaz will be sent to Ankara following procedures here. According to a report by İlerihaber, police raids were also staged on the homes of TTB Central Council member Şeyhmus Gökalp and all headquarters’ administrators and on TTB Headquarters. GÖKALP: WE WILL NEVER ABANDON THE DEFENCE OF LIFE! Gökalp, noting that he had been waiting at home, said that TTB Central Council Chair Prof. Dr. Raşit Tükel along with Yaşar Ulutaş, Nazım Yılmaz and Funda Obuz had been arrested. Gökalp said, “We have done nothing incorrect. We did a correct thing.” Gökalp concluded with the message, “We will never abandon the defence of life.” STATEMENT BY CHIEF PROSECUTION The following comment was included in the statement made by Ankara Republic Chief Prosecution about the arrests: “An arrest order was passed against eleven administrators as part of the investigation being conducted pursuant to Law number 3713 by this Chief Prosecution into Medical Association of Turkey officials, and statutory procedures were initiated as of this morning by Ankara Police Directorate Counterterrorism Branch officers. Arrest, search and seizure procedures are continuing in eight provinces centred on Ankara.” The following are the member doctors of the TTB Central Council whose homes were raided and searched and are the subject of arrest orders: TTB Chair Raşit Tükel Central Council members Sezai Berber Sinan Adıyaman Selma Güngör Şeyhmus Gökalp Hande Arpat Ayfer Horasan Taner Gören Funda Obuz Yaşar Ulutaş Nazım Yılmaz CHP PARLIAMENTARIANS IN FRONT OF TTB HEADQUARTERS CHP MPs Ali Şeker, Orhan Sarıbal and Niyazi Nefi Kara along with Party Assembly member Selin Sayek Böke also appeared in front of TTB Headquarters. “GRAB THAT DAME, GRAB HER” The police wished to dispel those who had assembled in support in front of TTB Headquarters. In the ensuing scuffle, a police officer who was arresting supporters was heard to say, “Grab that dame, grab her.” FIRST REACTION CAME FROM CHP The first reaction to the arrests came from the CHP
new approximation from these coefficients, and update (some) of the extremal points from the new approximation. In theory this process converges (infinitely) toward the optimal coefficients. In practice, numerical issues abound: solving a linear system is usually reasonably stable, but finding exact function extrema is quite another issue. The upside is that smart people like Sam and the boost::math team have already done the hard work for us. A linear minimax formulation The minimax objective can be reformulated as an optimisation problem over reals (or rationals, really) with linear constraints and objective, a linear program: $$\min_{e\in\mathbb{R}, a\in\mathbb{R}^{n+1}} e$$ subject to $$\sum_{i=0}^n a_ix^i \leq f(x) + e\qquad\forall x\in B$$ $$\sum_{i=0}^n a_ix^i \geq f(x) - e\qquad\forall x\in B$$ In words, we’re trying to find an error value \(e\) and \(n+1\) coefficients, such that the error \(|\tilde{f}(x)-f(x)|\quad\forall x\in B\) is at most \(e\): \(-e \leq \tilde{f}(x)-f(x)\leq e\). The goal is to minimise that error value \(e\). We’re still left with the issue that \(B\) is very large: infinite, or even uncountable. It doesn’t make sense to have two constraints for each \(x\in B\)! Our goal is to find approximations in floating point arithmetic, which helps a bit: there’s actually a finite number of floating point (single, double or otherwise) values in any range. That number, albeit finite, still tends to be impractically large. We’ll have to be clever and find a good-enough subset of constraints. Note that, unlike the Remez algorithm, we can have as many constraints as we want; we never have to remove constraints, so the quality of the approximation can only improve. This method is an interesting alternative to the Remez algorithm because it always converges, finitely, even with (or rather, due to) floating-point arithmetic. It will also makes our future work on a branch-and-cut method marginally easier. Rational simplex for exact solutions to linear programs We’ve reformulated our problem as a finite linear program, assuming that we know for which point \(x\in B\) we should generate constraints. How can we find solutions? LPs are usually solved with variants of the simplex algorithm, a combinatorial algorithm. This is the key part: while most of the algorithm is concerned with numerical computations (solving linear systems, etc.), these are fed to predicates that compare values, and the results of the comparisons drive each iteration of the algorithm. The key insight in the simplex algorithm is that there exists at least one optimal solution in which all but a small set of variables (the basis) are set to zero, and the value of the basic variables can then be deduced from the constraints. Better: every suboptimal (but feasible) basis can be improved by only substituting one variable in the basis. Thus, each iteration of the algorithm moves from one basis to a similar, but better, one, and numerical operations only determine whether a basis is feasible and is an improvement. Very little information has to persist across iterations: only the set of basic variables. This means that there is no inherent accumulation of round-off errors, and that we can borrow tricks from the computational geometry crowd. Daniel Espinoza implemented that, and much more, for his PhD thesis on exact linear and integer program solvers. QSopt-Exact is a GPL fork of a fairly sophisticated simplex and branch and cut program. It exploits the fact that the simplex algorithm is combinatorial to switch precision on the fly, using hardware floats (single, double and long), software quad floats, multiprecision floats, and rational arithmetic. Unfortunately, the full solver segfaults when reporting solution values on my linux/x86-64 machine. Still, the individual simplex solvers (with double floats, quad floats, multiprecision floats and rationals) work fine. What I decided to do was to sidestep the issue and call the solvers in increasing order of precision, while saving the basis between calls. The double float implementation is executed first, and when it has converged (within epsilon), a more precise solver is called, starting from the basis on which the previous sol
Abstract The role of rare genetic variation in the etiology of complex disease remains unclear. However, the development of next-generation sequencing technologies offers the experimental opportunity to address this question. Several novel statistical methodologies have been recently proposed to assess the contribution of rare variation to complex disease etiology. Nevertheless, no empirical estimates comparing their relative power are available. We therefore assessed the parameters that influence their statistical power in 1,998 individuals Sanger-sequenced at seven genes by modeling different distributions of effect, proportions of causal variants, and direction of the associations (deleterious, protective, or both) in simulated continuous trait and case/control phenotypes. Our results demonstrate that the power of recently proposed statistical methods depend strongly on the underlying hypotheses concerning the relationship of phenotypes with each of these three factors. No method demonstrates consistently acceptable power despite this large sample size, and the performance of each method depends upon the underlying assumption of the relationship between rare variants and complex traits. Sensitivity analyses are therefore recommended to compare the stability of the results arising from different methods, and promising results should be replicated using the same method in an independent sample. These findings provide guidance in the analysis and interpretation of the role of rare base-pair variation in the etiology of complex traits and diseases. Author Summary There is now evidence that rare variants can contribute to the etiology of complex disease. Next generation sequencing technologies have enabled their detection in large cohorts, and new statistical methods have been proposed to ascertain their association with complex diseases and traits in order to improve power over single-marker analysis. Each of these new methods assumes a particular nature of the relationship between rare variants and complex disease, yet these hypotheses have been largely unverified. Therefore we sought to compare the power of commonly used and novel statistical methods for rare variants using Sanger sequencing data from 1,998 individuals sequenced at 7 genes by simulating several phenotypes under models spanning a spectrum of the common hypotheses concerning such associations. While all methods perform reasonably well under their own model-specific hypotheses, no single method gives consistently acceptable power when these hypotheses are violated. Unlike GWAS, wherein all variants can often be tested using the same method across the entire genome, the analysis and interpretation of sequencing studies will therefore be considerably more challenging. Citation: Ladouceur M, Dastani Z, Aulchenko YS, Greenwood CMT, Richards JB (2012) The Empirical Power of Rare Variant Association Methods: Results from Sanger Sequencing in 1,998 Individuals. PLoS Genet 8(2): e1002496. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1002496 Editor: Eleftheria Zeggini, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, United Kingdom Received: May 26, 2011; Accepted: December 8, 2011; Published: February 2, 2012 Copyright: © 2012 Ladouceur et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Funding: This work was support by grants from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec, Ministère du Développement économique, Innovation et Exportation du Québec, the Lady Davis Institute and the Jewish General Hospital. ML, JBR, and ZD are supported by the CIHR. Data were provided by GSK. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Introduction There is growing evidence that rare variants contribute to the etiology of complex diseases [1], [2], [3], [4]. A striking difference in the distributions of the odds ratios (ORs) for common and rare variants has been illustrated in a wide range of recent publications, favoring higher ORs for some rare variants (reviewed elsewhere [5], [6], [7]). As well, it has been demonstrated that rare coding variants associated with complex traits are sometimes causal through amino acid substitution [3], [8], [9]. For these reasons, rare variants hold promise as a source of heritability which is not explained by common base-pair variants. Identifying rare variants associated with disease requires large sample sizes since few individuals harbor such polymorphisms. In addition, for rare variants, the power of single-marker tests, such as those performed by genome-wide association studies (GWAS), is poor. Development of alternative methods is thus essential. Over the past two years, a growing body of methods [2], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20] seeking to overcome this limitation has emerged. These methods generally employ three main strategies
it is revealed by the poetic imagination: A sense sublime Of something far more deeply interfused, Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns, And the round ocean, and the living air, And the blue sky, in the mind of man, A motion and a spirit, that impels, All thinking things, all objects of all thought, And rolls through all things. … I, so long A worshipper of Nature, hither came, Unwearied in that service: rather say With warmer love, oh! With far deeper zeal Of holier love. (Wordsworth, “Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey” (1798), lines 96–103 and 154–57, in LB) Through the romantic lens, then, nature becomes alive and a locus of Spirit. Rather than an alien force, nature speaks to us as we speak to it and to each other. Nature is a temple where living columns Sometimes let confused words come out; Man walks through these forests of symbols Which observe him with a familiar gaze. (La Nature est un temple où de vivants piliers Laissent parfois sortir de confuses paroles L'homme y passe à travers des forêts de symbols Qui l'observent avec des regards familiers) (Baudelaire, Correspondences, 1861 [2000]) This is liberating and re-enchanting, but it also puts certain demands on us, for example, the demands to love nature as we love other human beings: Oh, most magnificent and noble Nature! Have I not worshipped thee with such a love As never mortal man before displayed? Adored thee in thy majesty of visible creation, And searched into thy hidden and mysterious ways As Poet, as Philosopher, as Sage? (unknown date, Humphry Davy [1778–1829], Fragmentary Remains, 14) As eccentric as the romantic call to poeticize nature and science may initially seem, it is arguably of relevance today. The organic and re-enchanted conception of nature did not only anticipate some currents in the modern ecological movement, but it also contains resources for further developments in contemporary environmental philosophy and philosophy of science. 6. Romantic Legacy Interestingly, scholars tend to explain romantic aesthetics not only in terms of its sources (discussed in §2.1), but also in terms of its legacy. While there are very interesting and well-established connections between romantic aesthetics and modernism (see Abrams 1971, Frye 1968, Cavell 1979), this section focuses on the attempt to draw a link between the former and postmodernism, a link whose ground is significantly weaker. In recent decades, a large number of romantic scholars have argued that romanticism, in general, and the romantic primacy of aesthetics, in particular, is a precursor of the fundamental outlook of postmodernist and poststructuralist views (see, for example, Lacoue-Labarthe and Nancy 1988, Bowie 2003, Bowman 2014, and Gasche 1991). This reading is based on the skepticism the romantics raised about first principles and about systematicity, the romantic emphasis on human creation and language, historicism and hermeneutics, their view of the fragmented nature of modern life and on certain formulations of the primacy of aesthetics that may seem, initially, to erase any distinction between what is “real” and what is “poetic”, a product of the creative imagination. Friedrich Schlegel, for example, proclaims: “No poetry, no reality…. There is, despite all the senses, no external world without imagination” (AF: #350), and “Everything that rests on the opposition between appearance and reality…is not purely poetic” (FLP: #146). These proclamations may seem to suggest that “there is no way out” of creative constructions, or “texts”, or that “art…does not need to point beyond itself” (Bowie 2003: 53), as if romantic aesthetics anticipates central trends in post-modernism and post-structuralism.[8] But there are reasons to worry about such a “postmodernist” reading. Some lines in romanticism—skepticism about foundationalist philosophy and system-building, the emphasis on human creation, language, and the role of historicism and hermeneutics—are indeed related to certain strands in postmodernism. But reading romantic aesthetics as proto-postmodernist is limited for a host of reasons. First, the romantic faith
, although he has to work on the mental side of his game. Daniel should be irreplaceable on the left wing with Martial injured. Once the Frenchman is back, the speedy youngster is your first go-to choice as a sub on either flank. As he gets better I expect him to start competing with Lingard for his spot in the first team. Midfield 10 – Juan Mata, 31 y.o 8 – Paul Pogba, 26 y.o 4 – Nemanja Matić, 30 y.o Juan Mata – has aged like fine Castilian wine. In his youth he was a much more attacking player, often cutting inside from the right wing. This allowed his to register 12 league goals with Chelsea in one season. Now he makes up for a lack of pace with his exquisite first touch, technique, passing and vision. While possessing good enough finishing, composure and agility to be dangerous in attack. In FM20, it is time for him to move into a more static enganche role. Yet static does not mean useless. With less attacking responsibilities, Mata can focus his creativity on assisting others. In this role he can act as an offensive pivot for players to move around. Expect to see more from me in the future about using this interesting role. Nemanja Matić – another veteran midfielder who like Mata came over from Chelsea during Mourinho’s era. There are good reasons why Jose wanted both the smooth-passing Spaniard and the tough Serb on his squad. Firstly, both Matić and Mata played key roles in Mourinho-managed Chelsea between 2013 and 2016. Secontly, Matić is the perfect foil to Mata. Whereas Mata is the offensive pivot, the Serb is the equivalent defensive pivot. Often used as a holding anchor, screening the defence while providing cover for his more offensive midfield partner. Paul Pogba – star player, needs no introduction. He is just Pogba. A name suggesting of talent of epic proportions and expectations. After solidifying his world-class status in Italy, he has yet to show what he is fully capable of at his old home. I am not going to go as far as some to claim that his €105 million price tag wasn’t justified in the last three seasons. Judging from his performances for Juve, it probably was. But I still believe that Pogba is capable of much more. A manager just needs to use him in the right system to take advantage of his famous penchant for spectacular. In my tactic, I expect him to be the roaming, dynamic link between the two stationary pivots of Mata and Matić. Andreas Pereira, 23 y.o Fred, 26 y.o Scott McTominay, 22 y.o My two rotation/sub options in the midfield are Andreas Pereira and Fred. Andreas Pereira is poised to capitalize on the progress he made last season on breaking into the first team. While Pereira will never be our main #10 playmaker, he will be an excellent backup to whoever (Gomes?) will ultimately take up the talismanic enganche mantle from Mata. So while aging Mata is still my first choice for the enganche, I expect Pereira to be his cover and help him stay fit all season. Fred – Mr.Versatility. The Brazilian did not have the best of starts at Old Trafford. While many fans called for his exit, I actually liked what he brought to the squad as an impact sub. A true jack of all trades, Fred does not especially excel in attack nor defence. But as a sub he is invaluable in how you can slot him in any position in the midfield or on the wings. If healthy, he should always be on a bench for you. Scott McTominay – definitely a breakout year for the tough Scotsman. He is 22, going on 23, and if he does not show that he cut it as tough holding midfielder then I do not think he will ever be a United player. Like Fred, Scott’s clear advantage is his versatility. So while he might not develop into the next Matic, he could fill in the central defender spot in a pinch due to his strong build and defensive skillset. I originally included him in the defender section before realizing that I had too many. Defence 5 – Victor Lindelof, 25 y.o 6 – Harry Maguire, 26 y.o Harry Maguire – newcomer and world’s most expensive defender. With the price-tag of £80 million, he comes with immense expectations. But is Harry actually worth the price of a luxury ship? Maybe. Maguire is a rare, in-demand commodity, a defender who is comfortable bringing the ball out of defence and making long passes. Its why players like Virgil van Dijk and Matthijs de L
Sadri Maksudi: how a Kazan Tatar man quarreled with Atatürk because of the name of Herman Gref’s bank Life and work of a Tatar enlightener – on the onset of the Turkish state. Part 2 Famous Tatar scientist and politician Sadri Maksudi was very respected not only in his homeland but also abroad. He was Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's right hand and generator of ideas. Kazan researcher of the life of the Tatar and Turkish activist Milyausha Gaynanova continues to acquaint the readers of Realnoe Vremya with a teeming activity of Maksudi in the young Turkish Republic that became the second motherland of the enlightener. In her new column, read why he deserves a monument in Kazan. 'The Turkish government needed modern laws' There were made significant changes in almost all spheres after the proclamation of the government of the Republic of Turkey. Atatürk needed pro-European educated people to form a new Turkish Republic, create a new government and materialise all his reforms. Foreign experts were invited to Turkey during that period. Sadri Maksudi was among them. From 1925, the politician participated in the cultural and social life of the new Republic of Turkey. Atatürk took Maksudi to his bosom as an ideologist of national and liberation movement of the Turkish people, as an ideologist of Turkism. In the new conditions, he was a like-minded person of Yusuf Akchura and Atatürk in the unitarian government. A series of activists saw the development of the Republic of Turkey based on national values. The concept of 'nationalism' meant patriotism and love for a nation. The developing Republic of Turkey needed modern laws, a new constitution. And Sadri Maksudi actively helped in the creation of the regulations that were borrowed from the law system of Switzerland, France and other European countries. A law system was needed for the stability of the state power. This is why the scientist wrote a series of endeavours on Philosophy of Labour and the History of Turkic Law. He was designated as a teacher at the Ankara Law School upon his arrival. He taught Turkic Law, Philosophy of Law, was a professor at the Ankara (1925—1943) and Istanbul (1943—1955) Universities. Sadri Maksudi's endeavours like Lectures on the History of Turkic Law ( Türk Hukuk Tarihi Dersleri, 1928), Basics of Law (Hukukun Umumi Esasları, 1937), Philosophy of Law (Hukukun Pozitif Felsefesi, 1937), General History of Law (Umumi Hukuk Tarihi, 1941), History of Philosophy of Law (Hukuk Felsefesi Tarihi, 1946) tell about the originality, deep mind and knowledge of the history of the Turkic people. In the new conditions, he was a like-minded person of Yusuf Akchura and Atatürk in the unitarian government. Photo: Gayaz Iskhaky and Yusuf Akchura. Instanbul, 1931, museum.ru Language reform The reform of the Turkish language was a landmark in the life of Turkey at the beginning of the government of Mustafa Kemal. The Latin script was officially adopted in the Republic of Turkey in 1928 instead of the Arabic script that was used before. In line with these changes, Maksudi published a series of articles Lisan ıslahı meselesi (Problems of the Language Reform) in Milliyet newspaper. These articles were based on his research in Europe. His voluminous endeavour Türk dili için (For the Turkish Language) appeared in 1930. The scientist started to work on it in Europe and finished in Turkey. The message of this book was to prove the inevitability of the creation of the modern literary Turkish language. The epilogue dated back to 2 September 1930 was written by very Atatürk. Maksudi's hard work in linguistics was based on the experience of the Turkic languages. Sadri Maksudi stubbornly insisted that the ancient Turkic people had a developed terminology in governance, animal husbandry and agriculture. Supporting the adoption of the Latin script and clearance of the Turkish language from foreign and Arabic and Persian borrowings, in general, he offered to base on the languages of Turkic people. Maksudi did not like the Language Commission that worked on the transfer to the Latin script. He refused İsmet İnönü's offer to chair this commission. Adile Ayda (his daughter) explained that Maksudi did not want to participate in mistakes the incompetent commission could make and assume the responsibility. Sadri Maksudi worked on history, law and language not
VANCOUVER, Aug. 21, 2019 /CNW/ - Zenabis Global Inc. (TSX: ZENA) ("Zenabis" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has today signed definitive documentation with respect to $25,000,000 (the "New Senior Debt") in new senior secured debt financing (the "Financing") from R.C. Morris Capital Management Ltd. ("RCM"). The Financing has been effected by way of amending and restating the debenture representing senior secured debt in the principal amount of $25,000,000 provided by the existing senior lender (the "Original Senior Debt", and together with the New Senior Debt, the "Senior Debt"), such that the amended and restated debenture (the "Amended and Restated Debenture"), in which RCM is now one of the lenders, now represents $50,000,000 in senior secured debt. The New Senior Debt will bear interest at a rate of 14% per annum, calculated and payable monthly. The Senior Debt will have a maturity date of June 30, 2020. The Company will have the right to prepay any principal amount of the Senior Debt. In connection with the New Senior Debt, the Company has paid certain customary fees, including a structuring fee to RCM in an amount equal to five percent of the New Senior Debt, and issued RCM warrants exercisable to acquire 902,514 common shares of the Company (each, a "Common Share") at any time until August 21, 2022 at an exercise price of $1.38502 per Common Share. The exercise price was determined based on the five-day volume-weighted average price of the Common Shares on the TSX immediately preceding the date hereof. Concurrently, the holders of the subordinated secured convertible notes (the "Convertible Notes") of the Company have agreed to extend the maturity date of the Convertible Notes to June 30, 2020 and subordinate the Convertible Notes to the New Senior Debt. In consideration thereof, the conversion price of Convertible Notes has been reduced to $1.54635 and the interest rate of the Convertible Notes has been increased to 11%. The Company will also have a right to prepay the Convertible Notes at any time on or after October 17, 2019. The holders of the Convertible Notes have also agreed to convert, effective today and at the new conversion price, 30% of the principal amount of the Convertible Notes, such that the aggregate outstanding principal amount of the Convertible Notes will be approximately $17.4 million. The Company has also issued the holders of the Convertible Notes warrants exercisable to acquire an aggregate of 1,373,712 Common Shares at any time until August 21, 2022 at an exercise price of $1.82 per Common Share. "We are pleased to be strengthening our financial position through securing this additional senior debt, reducing the principal amount outstanding of our existing secured convertible notes, and extending the maturity date of our existing secured convertible notes," said Andrew Grieve, Chief Executive Officer of Zenabis. "These developments ensure we have a surplus of capital to complete the expansion of our facilities to achieve an annual design capacity of 143,200 kg of dried cannabis and become cashflow positive upon completion of our current capital program. In addition, we note that Zenabis does not intend to raise incremental debt financing, raise convertible debt, or issue incremental equity capital in order to pursue the expansion of our cultivation capacity. Instead, the next priority of Zenabis is the replacement of the Senior Debt and the Convertible Notes with standard bank financing. Upon completion of a refinancing of the Senior Debt and the Convertible Notes and the transition to a permanent capital structure, Zenabis intends to publish leverage targets to provide for a predictable ongoing capital structure. About Zenabis Zenabis is a significant Canadian licensed cannabis cultivator of medical and recreational cannabis, and a propagator and cultivator of floral and vegetable products. Zenabis employs staff coast-to-coast, across facilities in Atholville, New Brunswick; Delta, Aldergrove, Pitt Meadows and Langley, British Columbia; and Stellarton, Nova Scotia. In addition to gaining technologically advanced knowledge of plant propagation, the recent addition of state-of-the-art greenhouses in Langley, Pitt Meadows and Aldergrove provides Zenabis with 3.5 million square feet of facility space that can, if fully converted, be dedicated to cannabis production. If all facility space at Zenabis Atholville, Zenabis Stellarton and Zenabis Langley is fully converted and dedicated to production, Zenabis will own, and have access to 635,000 square feet of high quality indoor cannabis production space, as well as 2.1 million square feet of greenhouse cannabis production space at its Langley facility, with this production strategically positioned on Canada's coasts. Zenabis expects these facilities to have an annual design capacity of 143,200
Artikelbeschreibung Seit dem 13.04.2017 im Sortiment Die MSI Radeon RX 580 ARMOR 8G OC ist die perfekte Grafikkarte für beeindruckende VR-Welten sowie knackscharfe Spiel-Erlebnisse und werkseitig bereits übertaktet. In den neuesten MOBA und AAA-Titeln werden mit der überarbeiteten Polaris Architektur der vierten GCN Generation von AMD erneut Leistungsgrenzen überschritten. Der riesige 8 GB GDDR5 Speicher stellt genügend Puffer für hochaufgelöste Texturen zur Verfügung, erleben Sie Abenteuer in atemberaubender Schärfe. Technologien wie DirectX® 12- und Vulkan®-Unterstützung sorgen in Kombination mit AMD FreeSync™ für flüssige und konstante Bildraten, vor allem in Onlinegefechten ein unbezahlbarer Vorteil. Der effiziente ARMOR 2X Kühler ist speziell für Casemodder in einem schwarz/weißen Design gehalten, optimiert auf einen schnellen Wärmeaustausch. In Kombination mit den patentierten MSI TORX Lüftern hält er die Military Class 4 Komponenten auf einem erstaunlich niedrigen Temperatur-Level. Mit der ZeroFrozr Funktion ist ein ungestörter Multimedia-Genuss möglich, die Lüfter drehen erst ab einer Temperatur von ca. 60 °C. Neben DisplayPort- und DVI-Anschlüssen ermöglichen zwei HDMI-Ausgänge bequem den Betrieb von modernen VR-Headsets und Monitoren ohne das lästige Umstecken von Anschlusskabeln. Die komfortable MSI Afterburner Software bietet umfangreiche Einstellungen für Einsteiger und Enthusiasten, Performance- und Silent-Profile sind mit einem Klick ausgewählt. Für maximale Flexibilität lassen sich Lüfter-Drehzahlen, Temperaturen, Taktraten oder ein spezieller VR-Modus auch über eine mobile App kontrollieren. **Informationen zur Finanzierung: Barzahlungspreis entspricht dem Nettodarlehensbetrag; Gesamtbetrag von € 193,84*. Effektiver Jahreszins von 7,90% bei einer Laufzeit von 18 Monaten entspricht einem gebundenen Sollzins von 8,56% p.a.. Bonität vorausgesetzt. Partner ist die Santander Consumer Bank AG. Die Angaben stellen zugleich das 2/3 Beispiel gemäß §6a Abs. 3 PAngV dar. Allgemein: GPU Modell: Radeon RX 580 Edition: Armor 8G OC Codename: Ellesmere XTX Schnittstelle: PCIe 3.0 x16 GPU Anzahl: Single GPU Boost Takt: 1366MHz Shader Model: 5.0 Anzahl der Streamprozessoren: 2304 Einheiten Fertigungsprozess: 14nm Speicher: Grösse des Grafikspeichers: 8GB Grafikspeichertyp: GDDR5 Grafikspeicher Taktfrequenz: 2000MHz (8000MHz GDDR5) Grafikspeicher Anbindung: 256Bit Video: Anschlüsse der Grafikkarte: 1xDVI, 2xDisplayPort, 2xHDMI Verschiedenes: Direct X Version: 12.0 OpenGL Version: 4.5 Kühlung der Grafikkarte: Aktiv Stromversorgung: 1x 8pin Max. Stromverbrauch: 185W Grafikkarten Bauform: Dual Slot Verpackung: Retail Besonderheiten: AMD CrossFire X 2-Way, AMD Eyefinity, AMD FreeSync 2, AMD TrueAudio, HDCP 2.2,
Most Common English Words Used in Daily Life In this blog, we will learn the Most Commonly Words in English with Hindi meaning. I will explain the Most Commonly Words in English for Daily Uses. If you want to learn the Most Commonly Words in English successfully, you will have to study the examples attentively. This topic is very important for Daily uses work and conversation and the very important topic for Daily Conversation like another topic as Imperative Sentences. Most Commonly Words Used in English एक नए Learner के रूप में जब हम English बोलना शुरू करते हैं तो English बोलते समय कई कठिनाइयों का सामना करते हैं | यहाँ हम कुछ ऐसे English Words हिंदी अर्थ सहित आपको बता रहे हैं जिन्हें पढ़ने के बाद आप अगर इन शब्दों का English बोलने में उपयोग करेगें तो धीरे धीरे आप अपनी English Speaking में improve महसूस करेंगें | Examples: S.N. Words Meaning S.N. Words Meaning 1 Under नीचे 41 Year वर्ष 2 Life जीवन 42 Came आया 3 Few कुछ 43 Show दिखाना 4 Stop रुकना 44 Every प्रत्येक 5 Travel यात्रा 45 Good अच्छा 6 Less कम 46 Me मुझे 7 Morning सुबह 47 Real वास्तविक 8 Night रात 48 Close नजदीकी 9 Noon दोपहर 49 Press दबाना 10 Weight वजन 50 While जबकि 11 Language भाषा 51 Don’t नहीं 12 Among बीच में 52 Where जहां 13 Hurry जल्दी 53 After बाद में 14 Hour घंटा 54 Back पीछे 15 Better कुछ अच्छा 55 Little थोड़ा 16 Tour यात्रा 56 Many अनेक 17 During दौरान 57 Much अधिक 18 Hundredth सौंवा 58 Simple साधारण 19 Thousand हजार 59 Thanks धन्यवाद 20 Ten दस 60 Same to you आपको भी 21 People लोग 61 Reality वास्तविक 22 Know जानना 62 Really वास्तव 23 Water पानी 63 Such ऐसा 24 Then तब 64 Only केवल 25
M., Serna, J. (1978) Extremadura saqueada: recursos naturales y autonomía regional, Barcelona: Ruedo Ibérico Gil-Fournier, A. (2017) ‘Seeding and Seeing. The Inner Colonisation of Land and Vision,’ APRJA A Peer-Reviewed Journal About, Machine Research 6, viewed 7 March 2018, http://www.aprja.net/seeding-and-seeing-the-inner-colonisation-of-land-and-vision/ Gómez Benito, C. (2004) ‘Una revisión y una reflexión sobre la política de colonización agraria en la España de Franco,’ Historia del presente 3:65–86. Graham, S. (2016) Vertical: The City from Satellites to Bunkers. London/New York: Verso Books. Gutiérrez, J.L., Sánchez, Á. del R., Bono, G.A., Macías, L.M. (2004) El canal de los presos, 1940-1962: Trabajos forzados: de la represión política a la explotación económica, Barcelona: Crítica. Harvey, P. (2012) ‘The Topological Quality of Infrastructural Relation: An Ethnographic Approach,’ Theory Culture & Society 29: 76–92. Kaplan, C. (2006) ‘Precision Targets: GPS and the Militarization of U.S. Consumer Identity,’ American Quarterly 58: 693–714 Leal García, A. (1969) ‘La transformación del medio rural a través de la puesta en regadío y de la colonización,’ Revista de Estudios Agrosociales 66: 107–137. Lury, C., Parisi, L., Terranova, T. (2012) ‘Introduction: The Becoming Topological of Culture,’ Theory, Culture & Society 29: 3–35. Macho, T. (2003) ‘Zeit und Zahl. Kalender und Zeitrechnung als Kulturtechniken’ in: Krämer, S., Bredekamp, H. Bild – Schrift– Zahl. Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 170–192. Parks, L. (2013) ‘Earth Observation and Signal Territories: U.S. Broadcast Infrastructure, Historical Network Maps, Google Earth, and Fieldwork,’ Canadian Journal of Communication 38: 285–307. Parks, L. (2009) ‘Signals and Oil Satellite Footprints and Post-Communist Territories in Central Asia,’ European Journal of Cultural Studies 12: 137–156. Parks, L. (2005) Cultures in Orbit: Satellites and the Televisual, Durham: Duke University Press Books. Peters, J.D. (2016) The Marvelous Clouds: Toward a Philosophy of Elemental Media, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Scott, J.C. (1999) Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed, New Haven: Yale University Press. Serres, M. (2007) The Parasite, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Siegert, B. (2015) Cultural Techniques: Grids, Filters, Doors, and Other Articulations of the Real, New York: Fordham University Press. Stahl, R. (2010) ‘Becoming Bombs: 3D Animated Satellite Imagery and the Weaponization of the Civic Eye,’ Mediatropes 2. Thrift, N. (2004) ‘Movement-Space: The Changing Domain of Thinking Resulting from the Development of New Kinds of Spatial Awareness,’ Economy and Society 33: 582–604. Tordesillas, A.A. (2010) ‘Referencias internacionales en los pueblos de colonización españoles,’ Ciudades: Revista del Instituto Universitario de Urbanística de la Universidad de Valladolid 13: 183–200. United States. Farmers Home Administration. Engineering Division (1947) First aid for the irrigator. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Vernadsky, V.I. (1998) The Biosphere,
New York: Copernicus. Villanueva Paredes, A., Leal Maldonado (eds.) (1990) Historia y evolucion de la colonizacion agraria en España, Madrid: Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. Vismann, C. (2013) ‘Cultural Techniques and Sovereignty,’ Theory, Culture & Society 30: 83–93. Winthrop-Young, G. (2014) ‘The Kultur of Cultural Techniques Conceptual Inertia and the Parasitic Materialities of Ontologization,’ Cultural Politics 10: 376–388. Wood, H., Bjerke, C. (2018) ‘New Ground II: Countryside 2030’, Archinect, viewed 7 March 2018, <https://archinect.com/features/article/150052196/new-ground-ii-countryside-2030> Notes [1] Two important exceptions are remarkable, as their influence to the Spanish inner colonisation has been highlighted several times. First, the North American large irrigation program, the Columbia Basin Project, whose final execution works took place between 1948 and 1952 (Bloodworth and White, 2008); it had been designed since the decade of the 1920s, but it was only after the war that water started to arrive to the fields. Second, the agrarian reform performed by the Italian Christian Democrats after the war as also a sister project of the colonisation (see for example Tordesillas, 2010; Gómez Benito, 2004). [2] La colonización y repoblación interior en los principales países y en España (1925) – The colonization and internal repopulation in the main countries and in Spain – published during the dictatorship or Primo de Rivera (1923-1930), consisted of three volumes in which the following cases were examined: Germany, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, Finland, Netherlands, England, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, India, Japan, Siberia, Korea, Algeria, Egypt, Tripoli, Tunis, South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, United States, Mexico, Uruguay, Australia, New Wales and New Zealand. [3] Among these, the integrale (1924-1950) was the most influential for the Spanish program (Gómez Benito, 2004: 75). [4] As Siegert has insisted, the use of grids in the colonization of America is linked to the importance that the Spanish Authorities assigned to the problem of the idlers. As “the New World was a paradise for idlers, a realm of lazybones, gamblers, and loose women” (Siegert, 2015: 91), it was crucial to devise a system against the vagabond – originally the bagamundo, the idler world wanderer. They were the parasite that threatened the economic activities in the New World as well as the stability of the Spanish cities. Parallel to their definition, to their distinction, they were channeled: as it has been plainly demonstrated by Siegert, the grid-shaped cities performed the disciplinary and governmental need. [5] The relation between the Inner Colonisation with Siegert’s notion of grids as cultural techniques has been explored in (Gil-Fournier, 2017). [6] The striking and murderous violence of the Civil War in the affected lands, in Extremadura particularly, are related to this agrarian conflict (Gaviria, Naredo & Serna: 17). [7] Cartridges and other projectiles are still easy to find in some of the Civil War scenarios. Moreover, most of the mass graves are still uncovered. In relation to this, see for instance the work of Francesc Torres (Ferrán, 2013) [8] An updated revision of these precision and automated farming techniques can be read in a recent speculative essay on the futures of the rural countryside (Wood and Bjerke, 2018). [9] The new naming system was elaborated in the Plan General de Obras Públicas (1940), and referenced each road with number that depended on 1) its angular location in relation to the six main radial motorways and 2) its distance to the Puerta del Sol square in Madrid. This nomenclature protocol is still in operation nowadays. [10] Other geographical references were also used, such as the course of rivers or borderlines between provinces. [11] Many towns received names linked to the colonisation of America, to recall an infamous “glorious national past” (Delgado, 2013: 21). [12] Interestingly, the design decision of positioning
reto to Madonna di Campiglio, the first of two days in Italy as the Polish race travelled outside its borders for the first time in its 70-year-history. The 24-year-old Italian sprinted to victory on the summit finish ahead of Darwin Atapuma (Colombia) and Rafal Majka (Team Saxo-Tinkoff) as part of an elite 15-rider group which formed on the 11km climb to the finish. Having won today's opening stage, Ulissi earned the first leader's jersey at the 2013 Tour of Poland. With time bonuses factored in Atapuma holds second overall at four seconds, followed by Majka at six seconds. The remainder of the riders finishing in the front group now all trail Ulissi by 10 seconds. "I was coming back to the races after a month off from competition and I didn't think I'd be so competitive right out of the gate," said Ulissi. "It was hard work but I managed to keep up with the best and so in the final I tried to not give up because I knew I was one of the fastest riders in the little lead group. I'm very happy." Ulissi's stage win was his third victory of the season and all have come on Italian soil. Earlier this season the Lampre-Merida rider won a stage plus the overall at the Settimana Coppi e Bartali and Ulissi was pleased to add a WorldTour victory to his palmares. "The Tour de Pologne is a very important World Tour race and moreover this year we took off from Italy and this adds a larger sense of achievement," said Ulissi. "The goal was to come here to try and win a stage and I managed to do so right away. Tomorrow we have a very difficult stage ahead of us with the arrival at Pordoi and other riders are definitely going to try to attack me but I'm going to try to defend this jersey although I know it won't be easy." The day's early break was comprised of Bartosz Huzarski (Team NetApp-Endura), Serge Pauwels (Omega Pharma-QuickStep), Marco Pinotti (BMC), Cédric Pineau (FDJ.fr), Valerio Agnoli (Astana) and Bartlomiej Matysiak (CCC Polsat) and the escapees pushed out a maximum advantage of nine minutes. The break would split with first Agnoli and Matysiak dropping off the pace, then Pinotti and Pineau would lose contact. Huzarski and Pauwels continued in the lead and the pair survived off the front all the way to the early slopes of the finishing climb. Once on the ascent to the category one Madonna di Campiglio summit finish Pauwels dropped Huzarski but both riders would soon be absorbed and dropped by the Cannondale-led peloton. Cannondale's Cayetano Sarmiento launched the first attack from the peloton, but the Colombian was soon brought back. Tomasz Marczynski (Vacansoleil-DCM) was the next rider to accelerate away from the ever diminishing peloton and the Pole would be joined by teammate Rafael Valls and Alex Howes (Garmin-Sharp). This attack, too, would be neutralised with Pieter Weening (Orica-GreenEdge) launching a solo counter-attack. With six kilometres to go the 32-year-old Dutchman's lead stood at 35 seconds with Cannondale spearheading the pursuit. The chase group would fracture as the pace on the climb took its toll and ultimately a group of 14 riders would emerge in the chase of Weening. Last year's third place overall finisher at the Tour of Poland, Sergio Henao (Sky) plus Domenico Pozzovivo (AG2R La Mondiale) were among those riding aggressively on the finishing ascent. Notably absent from the pointy end of the race were Vincenzo Nibali (Astana) and Bradley Wiggins (Sky), both competing for the first time since the Tour of Italy. Eros Capecchi (Movistar), Chris Anker Sorensen (Saxo-Tinkoff) and Croatian champion Robert Kiserlovski (RadioShack Leopard) surged away from the chase group but the RadioShack Leopard rider wasn't able to keep their pace and fell back. Eros Capecchi and Chris Anker Sorensen, however, made contact with Weening just prior to the Madonna Di Campiglio KOM, which was situated 2.5km from the finish line. The Saxo-Tinkoff Dane led the trio across the KOM line and while the road still sloped upwards for the remainder of the stage, the gradient eased, enabling the riders to shift into
aikuisille oppia ymmärtämään nuorten maailmaa ja ehkä oppia itsekin jotain uutta. Toisin kuin vallalla olevassa nykytrendissä, taideaineet kohotetaan niille kuuluvaan asemaan. Aivan kuten liikunta, musiikki ja kuvaamataide auttavat oppilaita käyttämään ja ymmärtämään kehoaan ja kehittämään mielikuvitustaan. Loogismatemaattista oppimista tapahtuu koko ajan, mutta leikin varjolla – useimmiten niin, ettei oppilas edes huomaa oppivansa. Koko koululiikunnan käsite tarvitsee täysremontin. Liian moni tuntemani aikuinen on kertonut alkaneensa harrastaa liikuntaa vasta koululiikunnan traumoista päästyään. Parhain keino kääntää trendiä on oppilaiden jakaminen taso-, ikä- ja sekaryhmiin niin, että jokaiselle löytyy motivoiva ympäristö, jossa liikkuminen on haastavaa ja hauskaa. Jyrki Lyytikkä / Yle Tämä ei tarkoita kaikesta vanhasta luopumista vaan vanhan hyvän päälle rakentamista. Yleisurheilu, pallopelit ja telinevoimistelu kuulukoot edelleen valikoimaan, mutta samalla valinnanmahdollisuuksia kannattaa laajentaa. Jooga, trampoliinihyppely, Pokémon Go, Ninja Warrior -radat ja tanssimattopelit käyvät yhtä lailla liikunnasta, kunhan lapsi ja nuori pääsee nauttimaan ja hyötymään liikkumisen, jatkuvan oppimisen ja hyvinvoinnin yhteydestä. Parhaassa tapauksessa kouluissamme syntyy oppimisen renessanssi, joka ehkäisee syrjäytymistä ja sairauksia, takaa perheille lisää yhteistä aikaa, vapauttaa huoltajat kuskausrumbasta ja antaa yhä useammalle turvallisen, motivoivan ympäristön, jossa toteuttaa luonnollista liikkumisviettiään sekä valmiuksiaan parempaan oppimiseen. Henrik Dettmann on koripallomaajoukkueen päävalmentaja ja Radio Suomessa joka maanantai kuultavan Urheiluhullut-ohjelman vakiovieras. Lue myös: Henrik Dettmannin kolumni: Supertähdet haastavat Donald Trumpin – maailman nopeimmin kasvavassa ammattilaissarjassa politiikka on osa menestystarinaa Henrik Dettmannin kolumni: Unohtakaa hammasta pureva Jukolan Jussi ja mustikkasoppa – uuden ajan urheilusankarille suomalaisuus ei ole kivireki vaan skeittilauta Henrik Dettmannin kolumni: Maajoukkuepelit bisnesmogulien armoilla – tarvitaan rohkeampaa otetta niitä voimia vastaan, jotka yrittävät repiä järjestelmämme riekaleiksi Henrik Dettmannin kolumni: Huippupelaajaksi nouseminen vaatii intohimoa oppimiseen – näin Susijengin bändileiri kasvattaa "otsalohkon kärpä
K0GDt8pgAd Técnico de edição explica montagem em vídeo: https://t.co/6VMkYfz8ej#Eleições2018 pic.twitter.com/ZkSfmeUseb — TSE (@TSEjusbr) October 7, 2018 Final de Twitter post, 1 O TRE mineiro também afirmou ser inverídica outra acusação de fraude que circulou nas redes sociais. "A Justiça Eleitoral esclarece que a mensagem que circula em redes sociais e aplicativos de bate-papo sobre a ausência de processamento de todos os votos na urna eletrônica é falsa. A informação falsa trata principalmente do voto para presidente, como se a urna não estivesse processando o voto", afirmou a corte. "São utilizados diferentes modelos de urnas eletrônicas nas seções eleitorais em Minas Gerais, e a velocidade de processamento e posterior encerramento dos votos, após o eleitor apertar a tecla confirma, é diferente de acordo com o modelo da urna eletrônica", continuou. "A urna mais atual – modelo 2015 – processa os votos mais rapidamente que a urna mais antiga – por exemplo, modelo 2008. Para comprovar, foram feitas filmagens na auditoria de votação paralela em duas urnas, uma modelo 2015 e outra modelo 2008, para que o eleitor entenda como se dá o encerramento da votação e tenha a segurança de que todos os seus votos são devidamente registrados pela urna eletrônica", completou o TRE. Como os casos são investigados Para investigar casos específicos, os TREs têm que ser provocados pelos Ministérios Públicos ou partidos políticos. Questionado, o TSE informou à BBC Brasil que não tem "conhecimento de nenhuma denúncia formal de fraude nas urnas" protocolada no tribunal. "O TSE não realiza investigações. O que a Justiça Eleitoral pode fazer - e faz - é acionar as instituições competentes para tal, a exemplo do Ministério Público Eleitoral e da Polícia Federal. Vale referir que existem Centros Integrados de Comando e Controle em operação tratando especificamente do monitoramento e combate a qualquer tipo de irregularidade. Importante destacar que o 1º Turno da Eleição foi concluído sem que qualquer tipo de fraude tenha sido comprovada." O TRE de Minas, que produziu o vídeo desmentindo suposta fraude em uma urna, disse que não iria se pronunciar sobre os vídeos que circularam nas redes. Por meio de sua assessoria de imprensa, o TSE disse respaldar a explicação do TRE de Minas. Na segunda, a missão de observação eleitoral da OEA (Organização dos Estados Americanos) descartou indícios de irregularidades nas urnas eletrônicas. Foi a primeira vez que a OEA observou eleições no Brasil, com 41 especialistas que foram a 12 Estados e o Distrito Federal. Visitaram um total de 390 mesas de votação em 130 colégios eleitorais. No domingo, Rosa Weber havia dito que a Justiça Eleitoral iria atuar sobre eventuais suspeitas sobre segurança nas urnas se houvesse representações formais ao
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Insomma, ci devono esser proporzioni tra ricerca – servizi – industria ma ogni stato vorrebbe avere la sua giusta proporzione, l’idea invece che alcuni stati si elevino sulla punta della piramide lasciando a gli altri, la suburra del sangue-sudore-e-lacrime, è irrealistica. Infine, è tutto da dimostrare che occupare i piani aliti dell’intelligenza e dell’innovazione porti a far quadrare i conti tra profitti – occupazione – economia e politica. [3] Si consideri che anche tutta la fisica del secolo successivo ed ancora fino ai giorni nostri, è debitrice della sequenza “termodinamica – meccanica quantistica – relatività” che si svolse nello stesso periodo, fine XIX° – inizio XX° secolo. Innovazione scientifica profonda nella seconda metà del XX° secolo è nella biologia molecolare e nel digitale-informazione, cose che hanno a che fare con la materia biologica e lo scambio di segnali non con la materia fisico-chimica. [4] Angus Maddison, The World Economy: A Millenial Perspective, OECD, 2001 [5] http://www.mckinsey.com/global-themes/employment-and-growth/debt-and-not-much-deleveraging [6] Secondo il filosofo empirista scozzese D. Hume, che forse gli anglosassoni ed i professori di economia farebbero bene a leggersi, si tratterebbe di uno di quei casi di inferenza induttiva che produce una credenza basata su una abitudine. Secondo il come siamo andati sin qui svolgendo l’argomentazione, questa “abitudine alla crescita”, sarebbe a sua volta basata su fatti eccezionali come due guerre mondiali, la necessaria ricostruzione, la droga monetaria, una montagna inestinguibile di debiti, colonie ed imperi. [7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PostCapitalism:_A_Guide_to_our_Future ; http://abridge.me.uk/doku.php?id=postcapitalism. Quest’ultimo link che contiene un corposo riassunto del lavoro di Mason inizia con il succo della faccenda: questo capitalismo è un sistema adattativo complesso che ha raggiunto i limiti della sua capacità adattativa. E’ appunto quanto sosteniamo anche noi e non da oggi. [8] [Dati Netmarketshare Jan. ‘16] Come motore di ricerca, Google fa una S.o.M. del 65% mondo, più del 70% se togliamo la Cina. Con Bing che è il secondo player, i primi due coprono l’85% del mercato Internet (esclusa la Cina). Questo monopolio tende a riprodursi come posizione dominante nei servizi accessori (You Tube, Gmail. Google maps etc.). Su i temi da cui proviene questa nota, si tenga poi conto dello sviluppo di una economia dello scambio non monetario com’è nella messa in comune di conoscenze nel modello Wikipedia o nelle banche del tempo o del baratto elettronico. [9] Una prospettiva ottimista anche se non si capisce bene fondata su cosa, di un professore del M.I.T. : https://www.ted.com/talks/erik_brynjolfsson_the_key_to_growth_race_em_with_em_the_m
"Es nuestra tragedia oculta". Así define un portavoz de la AUGC, la asociación de la Guardia Civil con más afiliados, un tema tabú y sinónimo de polémica dentro de la Benemérita: los suicidios en la institución más valorada por los españoles, según la última encuesta del CIS. Para la dirección de la Guardia Civil se trata de una prioridad de primer nivel, por eso la Benemérita es uno de los pocos cuerpos policiales del mundo que tiene un equipo de psicólogos especialistas en conductas suicidas. Las estadísticas oficiales revelan que desde 1982 se suicidan una media de 14 agentes cada año (447 muertes en total), cifra que podría haber sido mayor porque en ese mismo periodo hubo otros 401 guardias que lo intentaron. No obstante, el responsable del Servicio de Psicología de la Guardia Civil explica que los datos anteriores al año 2005 hay que observarlos con recelo, porque hasta entonces no había un seguimiento exhaustivo y algunos datos pueden ser erróneos. "Se han llegado incluso a contabilizar suicidios de familiares de guardias civiles o de agentes retirados". En 2001 se puso en marcha el I Plan de Prevención de Conductas Suicidas, pero no es hasta 2004 cuando se produce un buen despliegue de psicólogos y facultativos en el cuerpo que permiten en 2005 aprobar el II plan. Hoy hay más de 60 psicólogos en toda la Guardia Civil. Contabilizando desde 2005 hasta el primer trimestre de 2014, los datos oficiales hablan de 116 suicidios y 52 intentos. La AUGC, por su parte, ha sido la única asociación que decidió elaborar un exhaustivo informe sobre suicidios, que "concluyó con cifras alarmantes que evidencian que algo falla". Su periodo analizado no arranca en 1982, como el oficial, sino en 1990. Entre 1990 y 2012 (ambos años inclusive) 368 agentes se quitaron la vida, una media de 15,8 al año. La evolución de los suicidios, tanto en el estudio de la AUGC como en los datos oficiales, parece responder a una tendencia en descenso. "Hay muchos picos, años que suben y años que bajan, pero la evolución es descendente", explican en el Servicio de Psicología (ver tabla). AÑO Suicidios según Guardia Civil Intentos según Guardia Civil Suicidios según AUGC Tasa suicidios Guardia Civil Tasa suicidios población española 2005 20 26 20 27,5 12 2006 11 4 11 14,7 11,9 2007 8 2 8 10,4 11,2 2008 18 2 18 22,5 12,6 2009 11 1 11 13,3 12,4 2010 14 3 14 16,8 11,5 2011 7 5 7 8,4 6,8 2012 12 5 11 14,5 7,5 2013 9 1 - 11,2 2014 (primer trimestre) 6 3 - - TOTAL 116 52 100 El año con más muertes fue 1994, con 34, seguido de 2002 con 24. El año pasado hubo 9 según la Guardia Civil, tres menos que en 2012. El año con menos muertos fue 2011, con siete suicidios, la mitad de los que hubo en 2010 (14). "En los últimos 15 años hubo un suicidio cada 25 días, en los últimos diez años un suicidio cada 28 días; y en los últimos cinco años un suicidio al mes. Está claro
Yesterday I learned about a tool that’s going to change my daily behavior working on servers. I was setting up replication on a new MySQL server, which starts with turning on binary logging by editing /etc/my.cnf. Of course, I was logged in as a low-privilege user, and /etc/my.cnf is owned by root, and I don’t have write privilege to it. 1 2 lurkdata ~ $ ls -l /etc/my.cnf -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 480 Jan 3 19:19 /etc/my.cnf Typically, I’d run sudo vi /etc/my.conf That works, but it wasn’t a good long term fit here. I’m writing a hands-on MySQL course and I want to give students all the access they need to administer the MySQL database, but not access to, say, turn the lab server into a BitTorrent seed at my expense. Why is sudoedit good for administrators? As an administrator, I need to control which files my users can edit with elevated privileges. In the old sudo vi /etc/my.cnf world, I would need an entry in /etc/sudoers like: 1 student ALL = vi /etc/my.cnf There are a series of problems for administrators here. The most serious is that you can use vi to launch other commands (with! in command mode): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 [ mysqld ] datadir = /var/lib/mysql socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock # Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks symbolic-links = 0 # Settings user and group are ignored when systemd is used. # If you need to run mysqld under a different user or group, # customize your systemd unit file for mysqld according to the # instructions in http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Systemd [ mysqld_safe ] log-error = /var/log/mysqld.log pid-file = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid ~ ~ :! whoami root Press ENTER or type command to continue There’s a fix for that, I can change my /etc/sudoers entry to: 1 student ALL = NOEXEC:vi /etc/my.cnf Now I have a new problem: some people don’t love vi. I don’t want to be in the business of telling you which editor you can run, I want to be in the business of telling you which files you can modify. And heaven forbid I end up with a (# of editors) x (# of files) matrix I have to keep current in sudoers. Blerg. Instead, I can authorize students to edit specific files using whatever editor they want (more on that below) with this entry in /etc/sudoers : 1 student ALL = sudoedit /etc/my.cnf Why is sudoedit good for users? Most importantly to me as a user, I get to use whatever editor I want. There’s a system-wide default, but I can override it for myself with 1 export EDITOR = /usr/bin/vim or 1 export EDITOR = /usr/bin/emacs or even 1 export EDITOR = /bin/nano I can run that every time I log in, but I’d rather append it to my ~/.bashrc The other bonus is that my editor is running as me. That means that all the effort I put into my kickin’ ~/.vimrc, my favorite syntax highlighters, my favorite plugins, all follow me even when I escalate privilege. You don’t get that with sudo vi, you get root’s crappy preferences. How does sudoedit work? sudoedit actually doesn’t let you edit the file directly. Instead, it creates a copy, in /tmp, that only you have access to. You can see more about the special copy with :! ls -l % in vi (the % expands to the file currently being edited.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 [ mysqld ] datadir = /var/lib/mysql socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock # Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks symbolic-links = 0 # Settings user and group are ignored when systemd is used. # If you need
There is always so much pressure to have a great New Years Eve. To many, it's a marker for how the rest of the year will pan out for them. If there is any truth in that, I suppose my 2019 will be the year of whiskey, friends, laughs and lots and lots of pyro! Advertisement. Scroll to continue reading. With the simple words "Rammstein, Beach in Mexico, New Years Eve" and not the most detailed information from the event site, I jumped on board not fully knowing what to expect, but as I settled into the resort town of Puerto Vallatra, Mexico it became clear this would be a very chill experience unlike any other metal show. Entering the main gate you're immediately greeted with a festival vibe, complete with a DJ spinning 90's Nu-metal hits, an assortment of bars, incredible sponsor activations, beach sand, palm trees and a massive stage especially rigged for Rammstein. In the center of it all is the eloquently dressed guest riser, with the VIP ticket holders lounge to the side, taking up a good portion of the sand and decked out in all the amenities that remind you where you are, the fuckin' beach in tropical weather! Although doors were at 2PM with DJ's and a cover band hyping things up in the back area, there was a sea of rabid fans waiting at the completely dark mainstage several hours before, to get some prime viewing angles of the spectacle about to come. As the DJ music died down and anticipation grew unbearable, Los Angeles based industrial-metal gems, 3TEETH ripped open the massive stage in their largest and best performance I've seen yet! Even from 60 feet away, the sound pierced you with drum hits to the gut and wrapped you in a warm blanket of crushing guitar tone, making their 50 mins of groove a welcomed infection to everyone in attendance. Although I've seen 3TEETH open for Rammstein before, this was an entirely new experience. They've really grown into being a band able to command a massive audience from a stage of this size, and were greeted back with a sea of accepting fans who stomped, clapped and incited a roar of cheers after every song. After a quick change over, Rammstein took the stage with an epic display of fire works before even hitting the first note of their opener "Ramm4", reminding the audience this was a damn celebration! In true Rammstein fashion, the stage was dressed to impress, complete with factory fans, sheet metal, Lindemann donning a white coat and top hat, and enough lights to emulate the sun. The night was set in motion, as Rammstein took us on an adventure of crowd favorites and classic pyro moments which included one of my favorite performances of "Du Hast", where the crowd of Mexico chanted the German words so loud Lindemann stood back to let them at it, only to interject with "Si", a laughable moment that reminds you how universal music is despite language barriers. Advertisement. Scroll to continue reading. The night was a celebration of Rammstein's epic career, of metal heads around the globe, of burning 2018 to the ground and trying something new. It was a night to remember, if it wasn't for all the alcohol making it a harder feat to do so. The band concluded with their rendition of Depeche Mode's "Stripped" and immediately went into the New Year's Eve countdown which was followed by an epic firework display you'd expect the kings of pyro to serve. After a round of hugs, drinks, and admiration of the skies lit above, the band came back out to perform their first song of 2019, a track to conclude their night in Mexico, "Te Quiero Puta!". Not to let up on the fun vibe, the band quickly exited to bring on their following act, an actual Mexican mariachi band. The members of Rammstein even worked as stage hands setting up the mics for them to take over the stage. It wrapped up an incredible night in Mexico, with nothing but smiles ear to ear and some of the warmest hugs and beautiful backdrop I've ever experienced on a New Year celebration. It'll be a hard one to beat! Set List: Ramm 4 Reise, Reise Hallelujah Zerstören Keine Lust Feuer frei! Seemann Mein Teil (first live performance since 2013) Du riechst so gut Mein Herz brennt Links 2-3-4 Ich will Du hast Ohne dich Encore: Sonne Amerika Stripped (Depeche Mode cover) Advertisement. Scroll to continue reading. En
Suomessa tuotantoketjuissa salmonellaan on täysi nollatoleranssi, jonka takia emakot täytyy hävittää. Yhdessä Suomen suurimassa emakkosikalassa on todettu salmonellatartunta. Maaseudun Tulevaisuuden tietojen mukaan tartunnan vuoksi on hävitettävä 2000 emakkoa porsaineen. Kyseessä on Atria-ketjun porsastuotantosikala Maaseudun Tulevaisuuden tietojen mukaan vahingot olisivat mittavat myös Atrialle, mutta Atrian eläinlääkärin mukaan väite ei pidä paikkaansa ja taloudelliset vahingot arvioidaan koko ketjun tasolla vähäisiksi. Atrian mukaan ei ole mahdollista, että salmonellaa olisi päätynyt valmiisiin tuotteisiin, sillä tartunta huomattiin jo omavalvontanäytteissä jo ennen varsinaista tuotantoprosessia. Kuvituskuva. AOP Yhdessä Suomen suurimassa emakkosikalassa on todettu salmonellatartunta. Kyseessä on Atria-ketjun porsastuotantosikala. Tiedon vahvistaa Iltalehdelle Atrian sikaketjun eläinlääkäri Taneli Tirkkonen. Tirkkonen ei voi kuitenkaan luottamuksellisista syistä kommentoi yksityiskohtaisemmin tilaa koskevia tietoja Atrian ja tuottajien välisen sopimuksen takia. - Ne ovat luottamuksellisia asioita meidän ja tuottajan välillä. Maaseudun Tulevaisuuden mukaan Salmonellaa on löydetty kaikista tilan tuotantorakennuksista, eikä yhdenkään osaston eristäminen ole käytännössä mahdollista. Tämän takia kaikki tilan 2000 emakkoa porsaineen on hävitettävä. Tirkkonen ei ota tässä tapauksessa kantaa hävitettävien sikojen määrään, mutta kertoo, että hävittäminen on yleinen käytäntö siinä tapauksessa, kun tilalla ilmenee salmonellatartunta. Hänen mukaansa Suomessa on täysi nollatoleranssi salmonellaan. - Suomessa ei saa olla mitään riskejä, että tällaisia tuotantoriskejä olisi. Tämän takia ne eivät päädy teuraaksi, vaan on hävitettävä. Se on vaikea ymmärtää sellaiselle, joka ei asian kanssa ole tekemissä jatkuvasti, että todellisuus todella on niin karu. Suomessa arvostetaan tätä asiaa niin korkealle kansanterveyden tasolla, että salmonellariskejä ei saa olla elintarvikkeissa ollenkaan. Silloin se johtaa siihen, että silloin kun niitä on, niin niitä ei saa päästää edes tehtaalle asti, Tirkkonen selittää. Vahinkojen koosta epäselvyyttä Maaseudun Tulevaisuuden mukaan kyseinen tila tuottaa vuodessa 60 000 porsasta Atrian tuotantoketjun
literal translation of the term is what is meant in English, as in "après-ski" social events. à propos (de) "on the subject of" In French, à propos must be followed by the preposition de. In English, there are four ways to use apropos (note that in English, we've done away with the accent and the space): Adjective: appropriate, to the point. "That's true, but it's not apropos." Adverb: at an appropriate time, opportunely. "Fortunately, he arrived apropos." Adverb/Interjection: by the way, incidentally. "Apropos, what happened yesterday?" Preposition (may or may not be followed by "of"): with regard to, speaking of. "Apropos our meeting, I'll be late.""He told a funny story apropos of the new president." attaché "attached" A person assigned to a diplomatic post au contraire "on the contrary" Usually used playfully in English. au fait "conversant, informed" "Au fait" is used in British English to mean "familiar" or "conversant": She's not really au fait with my ideas, but it has other meanings in French. au naturel "in reality, unseasoned" In this case naturel is a semi-false cognate. In French, au naturel can mean either "in reality" or the literal meaning of "unseasoned" (in cooking). In English, we picked up the latter, less common usage and use it figuratively, to mean natural, untouched, pure, real, naked. au pair "at par" A person who works for a family (cleaning and/or teaching the children) in exchange for room and board avoirdupois "goods of weight" Originally spelled averdepois bête noire "black beast" Similar to a pet peeve: something that is particularly distasteful or difficult and to be avoided. billet-doux "sweet note" Love letter blond, blonde "fair-haired" This is the only adjective in English that agrees in gender with the person it modifies: Blond is for a man and blonde for a woman. Note that these can also be nouns. bon mot, bons mots "good word(s)" Clever remark, witticism bon ton "good tone" Sophistication, etiquette, high society bon vivant "good 'liver'" Someone who lives well, who knows how to enjoy life. bon voyage "good trip" In English, it would be, "Have a good trip," but Bon voyage is considered more elegant. bric-a-brac The correct French spelling is bric-à-brac. Note that bric and brac don't actually mean anything in French; they are onomatopoetic. brunette "small, dark-haired female" The French word brun, dark-haired, is what English really means by "brunette." The suffix -ette indicates that the subject is small and female. carte blanche "blank card" Free hand, ability to do whatever you want/need cause célèbre "famous cause" A famous, controversial issue, trial, or case cerise "cherry" The French word for the fruit gives us the English word for the color. c'est la vie "that's life" Same meaning and usage in both languages chacun à son goût "each one to his own taste" This is the slightly twisted English version of the French expression à chacun son goût. chaise longue "long chair" In English, this is often mistakenly written as "chaise lounge," which actually makes perfect sense. chargé d'affaires "charged with business" A substitute or replacement diplomat cherchez la femme "look for the woman" Same problem as always cheval-de-frise "Frisian horse" Barbed wire, spikes, or broken glass attached to wood or masonry and used to block access cheval glace "horse mirror" A long mirror set into a moveable frame comme il faut "as it must" The proper way, as it should be cordon sanitaire "sanitary line" Qu
arantine, buffer zone for political or medical reasons. coup de foudre "bolt of lightning" Love at first sight coup de grâce "mercy blow" Deathblow, final blow, decisive stroke coup de main "stroke of hand" Somehow the English meaning (surprise attack) got completely separated from the French meaning, which is assistance, helping hand. coup de maître "master stroke" A stroke of genius coup de théâtre "stroke of the theater" Sudden, unexpected turn of events in a play coup d'etat "state blow" Overthrow of the government. Note that the last word is capitalized and accented in French: coup d'État. coup d'œil "stroke of the eye" A glance cri de cœur "cry of heart" The correct way to say "heartfelt cry" in French is cri du cœur (literally, "cry of the heart") crime passionnel "passionate crime" Crime of passion critique "critical, judgment" Critique is an adjective and noun in French, but a noun and verb in English; it refers to a critical review of something or the act of performing such a review. cul-de-sac "bottom (butt) of the bag" Dead-end street debutante "beginner" In French, débutante is the feminine form of débutant, beginner (noun) or beginning (adj). In both languages, it also refers to a young girl making her formal début into society. Interestingly, this usage is not original in French; it was adopted back from English. déjà vu "already seen" This is a grammatical structure in French, as in Je l'ai déjà vu > I've already seen it. In English, déjà vu refers to the phenomenon of feeling like you've already seen or done something when you're sure that you haven't. demimonde "half world" In French, it's hyphenated: demi-monde. In English, there are two meanings: 1. A marginal or disrespectful group 2. Prostitutes and/or kept women de rigueur "of rigueur" Socially or culturally obligatory de trop "of too much" Excessive, superfluous Dieu et mon droit "God and my right" Motto of the British monarch divorcé, divorcée "divorced man, divorced woman" In English, the feminine, divorcée, is far more common, and is often written without the accent: divorcee double entendre "double hearing" A word play or pun. For example, you're looking at a field of sheep and you say "How are you (ewe)?" droit du seigneur "right of the lord of the manor" The feudal lord's right to deflower his vassal's bride du jour "of the day" "Soup du jour" is nothing more than an elegant-sounding version of "soup of the day." embarras de richesse, richesses "embarrassement of wealth/richness" Such an overwhelming amount of good fortune that it's embarrassing or confusing emigré "expatriate, migrant" In English, this tends to indicate exile for political reasons en banc "on the bench" Legal term: indicates that the entire membership of a court is in session. en bloc "in a block" In a group, all together encore "again" A simple adverb in French, "encore" in English refers to an additional performance, usually requested with audience applause. enfant terrible "terrible child" Refers to a troublesome or embarrassing person within a group (of artists, thinkers, and the like). en garde "on guard" Warning that one should be on his/her guard, ready for an attack (originally in fencing). en masse "in mass" In a group, all together en passant "in passing" in passing, by the way; (chess) the capturing of a pawn after a specific move en prise "in grasp" (chess) exposed to capture en rapport "in agreement" agreeable, harmonious
en route "on route" On the way en suite "in sequence" Part of a set, together entente cordiale "cordial agreement" Friendly agreements between countries, especially those signed in 1904 between France and the UK entrez vous "come in" English speakers often say this, but it's wrong. The correct way to say "come in" in French is simply entrez. esprit de corps "group spirit" Similar to team spirit or morale esprit d'escalier "stairway wit" Thinking of an answer or comeback too late fait accompli "done deed" "Fait accompli" is probably a bit more fatalistic than merely "done deed." faux pas "false step, trip" Something that should not be done, a foolish mistake. femme fatale "deadly woman" An alluring, mysterious woman who seduces men into compromising situations fiancé, fiancée "engaged person, betrothed" Note that fiancé refers to a man and fiancée to a woman. fin de siècle "end of the century" Refers to the end of the 19th century folie à deux "craziness for two" Mental disorder that occurs simultaneously in two people with a close relationship or association. force majeure "great force" An unexpected or uncontrollable event, like a tornado or war, that prevents a contract from being fulfilled. gamine "playful, little girl" Refers to an impish or playful girl/woman. garçon "boy" Once upon a time, it was acceptable to call a French waiter garçon, but those days are long gone. gauche "left, awkward" Tactless, lacking social grace genre "type" Used mostly in art and film. as in, "I really like this genre." giclée "squirt, spray" In French, giclée is a general term for a small amount of liquid; in English, it refers to a particular type of inkjet print using a fine spray, and the accent is usually dropped: giclee grand mal "great illness" Severe epilepsy. Also see petit mal haute cuisine "high cuisine" High-class, fancy and expensive cooking or food honi soit qui mal y pense Shame on anyone who thinks evil of it hors de combat "out of combat" Out of action idée fixe "set idea" Fixation, obsession je ne sais quoi "I don't know what" Used to indicate a "certain something," as in "I really like Ann. She has a certain je ne sais quoi that I find very appealing." joie de vivre "joy of living" The quality in people who live life to the fullest laissez-faire "let it be" A policy of non-interference. Note the expression in French is laisser-faire. ma foi "my faith" Indeed maître d', maître d'hôtel "master of, master of hotel" The former is more common in English, which is strange since it is incomplete. Literally, it is: "The'master of' will show you to your table." mal de mer "sickness of sea" Seasickness mardi gras "fat Tuesday" Celebration before Lent ménage à trois "household of three" Three people in a relationship together; a threesome mise en abyme "putting into (an) abyss" An image repeated within its own image, as with two facing mirrors. mot juste "right word" Exactly the right word or expression. née "born" Used in genealogy to refer to a woman's maiden name: Anne Miller née (or nee) Smith. noblesse oblige "obligated nobility" The idea that those who are noble are obliged to act noble. nom de guerre "war name" Pseudonym nom de plume "pen name" This French phrase was coined by English speakers in imitation of nom de guerre. nouveau riche "new rich" Disparaging term for
I always had problems to organize game code in a nice and readable structure. With that, I decided to write down the guidelines that I use when developing my games. These rules are not gold but are just simple guidelines that I use on a daily basis to write my code. If you believe another method is better, in that case, go ahead with your system. The important thing here is to have some sort of guidelines to organize game code and give it a nice structure. Order of items in a class: I use the following order when I have to write something inside one of my class. Within a class, struct or interface: Constant Fields Fields Constructors Finalizers (Destructors) Delegates Events Enums Interfaces Properties Indexers Methods Structs Classes Within each of these groups order by access: internal protected internal protected private Within each of the access groups, order by static, then non-static: static non-static Within each of the static/non-static groups of fields, order by readonly, then non-readonly : readonly non-readonly An unrolled list is 130 lines long, so I won’t unroll it here. The methods part unrolled is: public static methods public methods internal static methods internal methods protected internal static methods protected internal methods protected static methods protected methods private static methods private methods How to divide and organize game code : You can use #region if you’re coding in C# or a similar keyword in other languages. The main goal of the region keyword is to divide your code into sections in order to find faster what you’re looking for inside one of your classes and to better divide the class into sections. Example: public class myClass { #region FIELDS Your fields here #endregion #region PROPERTIES #endregion #region MONOBHEAVIOR #endregion ETC ETC } If you use region you’ll also have the ability to collapse entire regions of your code. One class for all the constants : I used to group all the constants that can be used over my code into one single class called Constants: public static class Constants { public struct SceneIds { public const float GRID_PADDING = 20; } public struct Tags { public const string TILE = “Tail”; } } Doing so will have huge advantages such as, if you have to change something, that change will automatically be reflected everywhere in your code. Take the Tag in the example before. If you want to change it, you don’t have to find all the places in your code where the tag is used, but just change the tag in the constant class and the tag will be updated everywhere it’s used. Use properties over field variable Examples from StackOverflow: 1.) Immutable property (passed into the constructor, or created at construction time). In this case, I use a field variable, with a read-only property. I choose this over a private setter since a private setter does not guarantee immutability: public class Abc { private readonly int _foo; public Abc(int fooToUse) { _foo = fooToUse; } public int Foo { get{ return _foo; } } } POCO variable. A simple variable that can get/set at any public/private scope. In this case, I would just use an automatic property. public class Abc { public int Foo {get; set;} } 3. ViewModel binding properties. For classes that support INotifyPropertyChanged, I think you need a private, backing field variable. public class Abc : INotifyPropertyChanged { private int _foo; public int Foo { get { return _foo; } set { foo = value; OnPropertyChanged("_foo"); } } 4. Private properties can be helpful in case you want to use the lazy instantiations: private string _password; private string Password { get { if (_password == null) {_password = CallExpensiveOperation(); } return _password; } } Or if you want to be more elegant: private Lazy _mytype = new Lazy(/* expensive factory function */); private MyType MyType { get { return _mytype.Value; } } // In C#6, you replace the last line with: private
Il senatore del Partito nazional liberale australiano, nonché ministro per l’Australia settentrionale, Matt Canavan si è dimesso dal governo di Canberra dopo aver appreso che esiste una domanda a suo nome per diventare cittadino italiano. Secondo la sezione 44 della Costituzione infatti i politici australiani sono ineleggibili se possiedono la doppia cittadinanza. Canavan non rinuncerà al suo seggio al Senato ma sarà il terzo parlamentare australiano a rischiare di decadere a causa di un caso di questo tipo. Due appartenenti al partito dei Verdi, Larissa Waters e Scott Ludlam, sono già stati costretti a rinunciare alla propria attività legislativa dopo che era stata resa nota la loro doppia cittadinanza rispettivamente di Canada e Nuova Zelanda. Le loro dimissioni hanno spinto la madre del senatore Canavan a informarlo che anche lui potrebbe non essere solo cittadino australiano, a seguito della sua richiesta, avvenuta nel 2006, di diventare italiano. I fatti risalgono appunto alla richiesta, fatta dalla madre del senatore, di diventare cittadina italiana. In quel frangente la donna sottoscrisse una richiesta anche per il figlio 25enne Matt. STATEMENT ON CITIZENSHIP STATUS pic.twitter.com/2r0mdUh7mm — Matthew Canavan (@mattjcan) July 25, 2017 Il ministro ha dichiarato di non essere a conoscenza di questo fatto. “Ho appreso che secondo il governo italiano sono cittadino d’Italia”, ha detto il senatore Canavan. “Non sono nato in Italia, non sono mai stato in Italia e a quanto ne so non sono mai andato a piedi in un consolato o in un’ambasciata italiana”. “In un così breve lasso di tempo non sono stato in grado di verificare se la mia registrazione come cittadino italiano, fatta a mia insaputa e senza il mio consenso, risulti valida secondo la legge italiana”, ha dichiarato Canavan. “Le autorità italiane hanno confermato che la richiesta di cittadinanza non è stata firmata da me”. “Il parere preliminare del governo è che, poiché la registrazione è stata ottenuta a insaputa e senza il consenso del senatore Canavan, non viola la sezione 44 della Costituzione”, ha dichiarato il senatore e avvocato generale George Brandis. “Tuttavia, tenuto conto dell’incertezza giuridica in materia, quando il Senato si riunirà, il governo riferirà sulla questione per poi fare ricorso alla Corte Suprema e ottenerne il parere”. A seguito dei casi Waters e Ludlam, molti parlamentari hanno pubblicato i documenti che dimostrano la loro rinuncia alla doppia cittadinanza, mentre altri hanno rifiutato di farlo. Senator @mattjcan & I disagree on almost everything, especially #Adani, but my heart goes out to him, family & staff with dual citizen news — Larissa Waters (@larissawaters) July 25, 2017 Canavan era stato nominato dal primo ministro australiano Malcolm Turnbull nel 2016 ed è considerato una giovane stella in ascesa nel partito di governo. L’ufficio del Primo ministro ha rilasciato una
Nyssa Le Seelleur a été reconnue coupable dernièrement d'avoir menacé de faire exploser Pauline Marois, en février 2014, sur Twitter. Une Montréalaise de 20 ans a été reconnue coupable dernièrement d'avoir menacé de faire exploser l'ancienne première ministre du Québec Pauline Marois, en février 2014, sur Twitter. «Pauline Marois déclenche des élections, sortez cette bitch avant que je la fasse exploser [get the bitch out of there before I bomb her].» C'est ce tweet publié le 6 février 2014 qui a valu une accusation de harcèlement et de menaces à Nyssa Le Seelleur. «C'est un commentaire stupide écrit sans trop réfléchir dans un moment de frustration», a-t-elle affirmé à La Presse samedi. Au moment de le publier, elle venait de lire un article sur le site du réseau CTV dans lequel l'ancienne chef du gouvernement Mme Marois se disait prête à déclencher des élections à tout moment. Mme Le Seelleur comptait alors une centaine d'abonnés à son compte Twitter, principalement ses amies. L'étudiante n'y a plus repensé. Jusqu'à ce que des policiers de la Sûreté du Québec frappent à sa porte, environ trois semaines plus tard. «Sur le coup, je n'en revenais pas! Mais je peux comprendre leur réaction... il y avait un contexte avec de possibles élections et l'attentat qu'il y a eu contre Mme Marois [au Métropolis, le 4 septembre 2012 lors de la soirée électorale]», explique-t-elle. Pas d'intention d'agir Mme Le Seelleur a réitéré à La Presse qu'il n'y avait aucune intention d'agir derrière ce tweet. «Je suis une fille de 20 ans tout à fait typique... je ne sais pas comment faire une bombe et je n'ai jamais voulu faire exploser personne, dit-elle. Je regrette d'avoir écrit ce commentaire.» L'étudiante a plaidé non coupable aux deux chefs d'accusation. Si elle a été acquittée concernant le harcèlement, le juge Yvan Poulin l'a toutefois reconnue coupable de menaces. La décision a été rendue en décembre dernier, mais elle était demeurée sous le radar jusqu'ici. Le magistrat a estimé qu'étant donné les commentaires «sans ambiguïté» et le contexte dans lequel ils ont été publiés, toute personne raisonnable pouvait y percevoir une menace. S'il est convaincu que la jeune femme n'avait pas l'intention de mettre sa menace à exécution, il a toutefois retenu qu'elle était contrariée par les décisions du gouvernement Marois. «Même si [les mots] ont pu avoir été écrits en une fraction de seconde, il s'agissait d'un acte conscient qui était manifestement intimidant et menaçant», a souligné le juge (traduction libre du jugement rendu en anglais). «C'est quand même frustrant, a réagi Mme Le Seelleur, hier. Je n'étais pas la seule personne fâchée sur les réseaux sociaux, je n'ai pas d'antécédents judiciaires et je suis une bonne étudiante», soupire la Montréalaise qui n'a plus publié de tweets depuis. Elle se console toutefois avec le f
�ormai lontano dicembre del 2008 e l’uccisione a sangue freddo del 15enne Alexis Grigoroupolous. La Grecia intera è sconvolta – e moltissimi antifascisti sono pronti a scendere in piazza contro Alba Dorata. A Chania, città nell’isola di Creta, una grande folla si raduna sotto la sede locale del partito neonazista. La sede viene presa d’assalto dai manifestanti antifascisti, che vengono fermati con la forza dalla polizia antisommossa. La situazione a Patrasso è tesissima già dal primo pomeriggio. Alcuni militanti antifascisti lanciano delle molotov contro la sede di Alba Dorata. Gli antifascisti danneggiano alcune automobili parcheggiate e un bancomat. Seguono inevitabili gli scontri con la polizia, come si può vedere da questo video. All’apice degli scontri si verifica un fatto piuttosto sconvolgente. Un sasso colpisce una Ford Focus che era rimasta bloccata tra i manifestanti e i poliziotti. Il sito Atene Calling riporta la testimonianza del portale The Best di quello che è successo non appena il conducente è sceso dalla macchina: L’uomo ha estratto l’arma e in posizione di tiro, tenendo con due mani la pistola [una Glock 19, nda] e mirando, ha rivolto l’arma contro i manifestanti. Immediatamente le persone che si trovavano in coda al corteo e che, a quanto pare, avevano lanciato la molotov sul balcone della sede di Alba Dorata, hanno iniziato a gridare “un’arma, un’arma…” Immediatamente scoppia il finimondo. L’uomo, scrive sempre Atene Calling, «ha un fatto un gesto orizzontale con la mano sulla gola, come a dire “vi sgozzo”». Poi è risalito sulla Ford Focus – al cui interno si trovava la moglie incinta – ed è andato via. Dopo un breve inseguimento l’uomo è stato identificato e fermato dalla polizia: si tratta di un italiano di 38 anni, l’ufficiale della Marina Militare (anche se alcuni siti lo danno «in pensione») Matteo Simone. Oggi l’ufficiale sarà processato per direttissima. Ad Atene viene indetta una manifestazione nella zona in cui è stato ucciso Fyssas. Un’ora prima dell’inizio Panos Kammenos, leader del partito di destra Greci Indipendenti, ha l’ardire di camminare a Keratsini in mezzo ai manifestanti. Gli antifascisti non la prendono troppo bene: volano fischi, insulti e anche uno schiaffone in faccia al politico. Vengono aggredite anche le guardie del corpo di Kammenos, che alla fine è costretto a fuggire precipitosamente. A Salonicco, intanto, la partecipazione è massiccia. Years since #SKG has seen such a large #antifa protest;ppl still arriving streets closed,strong police frce #rbnews pic.twitter.com/bo8qJosVPg — Anthony Verias (@VeriasA) September 18, 2013 Anche ad Atene il corteo è molto partecipato. Uno striscione recita: «34 anni, morto / Stasera muore il fascismo». In un volantino che gira tra i manifestanti si legge lo
slogan più potente – e drammatico – della giornata: «500mila voti stavano impugnando quel coltello» “500, 000 votes were holding the knife”. [ολη η μερα σημερα αυτό το flyer] #KillahP pic.twitter.com/f6pke8aeKB — spyros gkelis (@northaura) September 18, 2013 L’esordio del corteo è relativamente pacifico. Le cose, tuttavia, sfuggono di mano piuttosto in fretta. La giornalista Lucy Kafanov di Russia Today è la prima a confermare il lancio di lacrimogeni, granate stordenti e pietre, nonché l’erezione di barricate nella strada principale del quartiere. We’re basically trapped between two crowds of protesters with police. Loud bangs… Smoke pic.twitter.com/tO4WeQWvYB — Lucy Kafanov (@LucyKafanov) September 18, 2013 Nel tragitto, i manifestanti devastano un compro oro e varie vetrine, tra cui quella di una banca. Vandalized bank across the street from where young left leaning rapper was murdered Tues, sparking clashes pic.twitter.com/xNrj7KurAO — Lucy Kafanov (@LucyKafanov) September 18, 2013 Il fumo dei cassonetti bruciati si mischia a quello dei lacrimogeni, rendendo l’aria irrespirabile. Un residente del luogo cerca di spegnere un cassonetto, mentre a poca distanza infuriano gli scontri. One neighbor tries to put out a fire even as protesters clash with police a block away pic.twitter.com/t764LQQEPD — Lucy Kafanov (@LucyKafanov) September 18, 2013 Un candelotto di lacrimogeno ferisce gravemente a un occhio un manifestante (una volta ricoverato lo perderà del tutto). Nel frattempo, scontri durissimi si verificano anche a Salonicco, E a Patrasso. Ad Atene gli scontri vanno avanti per parecchie ore: si chiuderanno con 65 fermi e 23 arresti. A serata inoltrata viene pubblicato un video agghiacciante in cui dei “cittadini comuni” (in abiti civili) lanciano sassi contro i manifestanti antifascisti – il tutto dietro le linee della polizia. Non è troppo difficile immaginare a quale schieramento possano appartenere questi “cittadini”, considerati anche i legami ormai accertati tra i neonazisti e la polizia. È praticamente impossibile prevedere cosa succederà nei prossimi giorni. Quello che è certo è che l’omicidio di Pavlos Fyssas non solo ha sconfessato una volta per tutte la viscida ideologia degli «opposti estremismi»; ha, soprattutto, segnato un orrendo salto di qualità nella strategia eversiva di Alba Dorata, che dalle aggressioni (anche mortali) nei confronti degli immigrati è passata alle uccisioni deliberate di militanti di sinistra. Il 12 settembre si era già avuto un assaggio di questa escalation. Una banda di 50 neonazisti aveva infatti aggredito, sempre nell’area del Pireo, un gruppo di militanti comunisti del KKE che stavano attaccando dei manifesti a un muro. Gli albadorati avevano spedito all’ospedale otto persone a colpi di spranghe, piedi di porco e bastoni. L’attacco era stato organizzato fin nei minimi det
/rslsync.conf Una vez se abra el editor de textos añadiremos el siguiente código: location ~ /.well-known/acme-challenge { root /var/www/html/ resiliojoan.tk /; allow all; } De tal forma que el contenido del archivo rslsync.conf quede del siguiente modo: server { listen 80; server_name resiliojoan.tk www.resiliojoan.tk ; access_log /var/log/nginx/ resiliojoan.tk.log; location / { proxy_pass; } location ~ /.well-known/acme-challenge { root /var/www/html/ resiliojoan.tk /; allow all; } } Nota: Recuerden reemplazar las partes rojas del comando por el nombre de su dominio o por su IP Pública. Una vez introducido el código guardamos los cambios y reiniciamos el servidor ejecutando el siguiente comando: sudo systemctl reload nginx De este modo, en el momento de crear o renovar el dominio certbot podrá autenticar nuestro dominio mediante el protocolo ACME. Acto seguido ya podemos generar el certificado SSL de let’s encrypt ejecutando el siguiente comando en la terminal: sudo letsencrypt certonly --webroot --agree-tos --email dirección_email -d resiliojoan.tk -w /var/www/html/resiliojoan.tk/ Nota: Recuerden reemplazar las partes rojas del comando por su dominio y por su dirección de email. Para finalizar configuraremos el servidor para que pueda usar el certificado que acabamos de instalar. Para ello editaremos el fichero rslsync.conf ejecutando el siguiente comando en la terminal: sudo nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/rslsync.conf Cuando se abra el editor de textos dejaremos el contenido del archivo tal y como verán a continuación: server { listen 80; server_name resiliojoan.tk www.resiliojoan.tk ; return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri; } server { listen 443 ssl http2; server_name resiliojoan.tk www.resiliojoan.tk ; add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000"; ssl_protocols TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/ resiliojoan.tk /fullchain.pem; ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/ resiliojoan.tk /privkey.pem; access_log /var/log/nginx/ resiliojoan.tk.log; location / { proxy_pass; } location ~ /.well-known/acme-challenge { root /var/www/html/ resiliojoan.tk /; allow all; } } Nota: Recuerden reemplazar las partes rojas del código por su dominio o IP pública. Una vez finalizada la configuración guardamos los cambios y cerramos el fichero. De esta forma: La totalidad de tráfico al puerto 80 se redirigirá al puerto 443. Podremos renovar nuestro certificado SSL sin ningún tipo de problema. Podremos administrar nuestra nube de forma segura. Ahora tan solo nos falta reiniciar el servidor web ejecutando el siguiente comando: sudo systemctl reload nginx Si no se han producido errores verán que ahora podemos administrar resilio con la protección que nos ofrece el certificado SSL de Let’s Encrypt
a mix of studies showing a variety of conclusions. My goal is to focus on biology – how food affects us through human and animal experimental studies which prove cause and effect- and not rely solely on studies of population habits which can often mislead and confuse because we can’t draw cause and effect conclusions from them. Stay tuned for the real story on fat and animal food. In the meantime, we can try to focus on what we know and customize it based on our preferences and beliefs. But we should leave religion out of nutrition while respecting individual choices and yes – vegans and paleo folks can be friends! How do I eat? After researching nutrition for 30 years and analyzing thousands of scientific papers and treating tens of thousands of patients with food, I vote for being a Pegan! 1Keys A, Menotti A, Karvonen MJ, Aravanis C, Blackburn H, Buzina R, Djordjevic BS, Dontas AS, Fidanza F, Keys MH, et al., The diet and 15-year death rate in the seven countries study. Am J Epidemiol. 1986 Dec;124(6):903-15. 2Astrup A1, Dyerberg J, Elwood P, Hermansen K, Hu FB, Jakobsen MU, Kok FJ, Krauss RM, Lecerf JM, LeGrand P, Nestel P, Risérus U, Sanders T, Sinclair A, Stender S, Tholstrup T, Willett WC., The role of reducing intakes of saturated fat in the prevention of cardiovascular disease: where does the evidence stand in 2010? Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Apr;93(4):684-8. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.110.004622. Epub 2011 Jan 26. 3PMID:14780592[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE], SERUM cholesterol levels in human beings fed egg yolk and cholesterol., Nutr Rev. 1950 Nov;8(11):341-3. 4McNamara DJ., Dietary cholesterol, heart disease risk and cognitive dissonance., Proc Nutr Soc. 2014 May;73(2):161-6. doi: 10.1017/S0029665113003844. Epub 2014 Jan 9. 5Jenkins DJ1, Wong JM, Kendall CW, Esfahani A, Ng VW, Leong TC, Faulkner DA, Vidgen E, Paul G, Mukherjea R, Krul ES, Singer W., Effect of a 6-month vegan low-carbohydrate (‘Eco-Atkins’) diet on cardiovascular risk factors and body weight in hyperlipidaemic adults: a randomised controlled trial., BMJ Open. 2014 Feb 5;4(2):e003505. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003505. 6NATURAL RESOURCE DEFENSE COUNCIL, Mercury Contamination 7Daley CA1, Abbott A, Doyle PS, Nader GA, Larson S., A review of fatty acid profiles and antioxidant content in grass-fed and grain-fed beef., Nutr J. 2010 Mar 10;9:10. doi: 10.1186/1475-2891-9-1 8Sinha R1, Cross AJ, Graubard BI, Leitzmann MF, Schatzkin A., Meat intake and mortality: a prospective study of over half a million people., Arch Intern Med. 2009 Mar 23;169(6):562-71. doi: 10.1001/archinternmed.2009.6. 9Lee JE1, McLerran DF, Rolland B, Chen Y, Grant EJ, Vedanthan R, Inoue M, Tsugane S, Gao YT, Tsuji I, Kakizaki M, Ahsan H, Ahn YO, Pan WH, Ozasa K, Yoo KY, Sasazuki S, Yang G, Watanabe T, Sugawara Y, Parvez F, Kim DH, Chuang SY, Ohishi W, Park SK, Feng Z, Thornquist M, Boffetta P, Zheng W, Kang D, Potter J, Sinha R., Meat intake and cause-specific mortality: a pooled analysis of Asian prospective cohort studies., Am J Clin Nutr. 2013 Oct;98(4):1032-41. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.113.062638. Epub 2013 Jul 31. 10Rong Y1, Chen L, Zhu T, Song Y, Yu M, Shan Z, Sands A, Hu FB, Liu L.,Egg consumption and risk of coronary heart disease and stroke: dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies., BMJ. 2013 Jan 7;346:e85
The Two Best Market Restaurants in Oaxaca, Mexico Mercado de la Merced and the 20 de Noviembre market, both in downtown Oaxaca, contain the best market restaurants in the city. Every permanent indoor market in the southern Mexico city of Oaxaca has at least one good sit-down restaurant, eatery or food stall. Each comedor has a local following of not only the market vendors who tend their stalls, but also regular patrons who either shop at the market and seize the opportunity to sit down for a meal during their outing or come by specifically for breakfast or lunch. Two market restaurants in downtown Oaxaca stand out. Fonda Florecita in the Mercado de la Merced (also known as Mercado Democracia) draws middle class Oaxacans from all over the city. The market boasts other reliable food and drink stands as well. The second market restaurant is actually a series of independently owned stalls, the Carnes Asadas (grilled meats) section of the 20 de Noviembre market near Oaxaca’s zócalo. Its specialty, as the name suggests, is grilled Oaxacan meats, along with wholesome vegetables and fresh or marinated side dishes. Mercado de la Merced (Calle Murguía & Calzada de la República), East End, Downtown Oaxaca Mercado de la Merced is arguably the most popular daily marketplace patronized by the middle classes of Oaxaca. While its official market day is Sunday, it is active on a daily basis beginning around 7:30 a.m. when many shop owners open up their stalls. It is also when they, as well as the first shoppers of the day, start sitting down for breakfast at long tables at Fonda Florecita, the main market restaurant. The eatery is located toward one end of the market. A full range of typical Oaxacan foods is available (grilled meats, beans; typically Oaxacan egg and cheese dishes and more). Start with hot chocolate and a bun, and carry on from there. Complete meals are served throughout the day at Fonda Florecita, as well as at a couple of other smaller eateries, until late afternoon / early evening when market closing time approaches. In a different part of the market you’ ll find two stands which specialize in fresh fruit and vegetable juices, made to order on the spot. For example, you can ask for a jugo verde (green juice), and specify that it be sweetened with orange, pineapple or perhaps carrot juice. If you have a particular ailment or discomfort that day, ask an employee for a recommendation; perhaps extra alfalfa or nopal cactus. They’re the experts. Tamale stands are close to the fresh juice stalls. If you’re too full, be sure to take a couple back to your hotel or bed and breakfast, and ask management to heat them up in the microwave later on for a snack. The tamales are plump, well filled, with several varieties available. La Merced and the market in the town of Etla are equally renowned for their broad selection of tamales, putting to shame even the ” tamale ladies” on downtown Oaxaca’s streets. Carnes Asadas Inside the 20 de Noviembre Market, Southwest of Oaxaca’s Zócalo The breakfast action at the Carnes Asadas section of the 20 de Noviembre market begins around 9 a.m. It gradually dissipates some time after 10 a.m., until Oaxacan-style comida hour once again picks up the business. Thereafter lighter service continues until close to dusk. Consider attending during peak hours, say around 10 a.m. any day. But Saturdays are particularly interesting for the level of activity. Carnes Asadas is a dedicated area, indoors on the east side of the 20 de Noviembre market. Stalls line both sides of an extremely wide aisle. There is furious activity trying to get customers to buy from one meat stall versus the other. But when all is said and done, it’s well organized. You buy your meats from one vendor; an assistant takes it for grilling; side vegetables such as onions and peppers are then offered for grilling as well; and finally someone else comes by your table with suggestions for further accompaniments such as guacamole, marinated chiles, and of course tortillas. The experience at Carnes Asadas is unmatched elsewhere in the city. It’s the only section of any Mexican market I’ve known which has closed-circuit televisions in an effort to prevent vendors from vying for your pesos a little too actively against the competition. But don’t let this deter you from sampling some of the
�Me tooとツイート> Twitter の投稿を飛ばす, 3 Because I was shamed and considered a "party girl" I felt I deserved it. I shouldnt have been there, I shouldn't have been "bad" #metoo — #EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) October 16, 2017 Twitter の投稿の終わり, 3 <女優エバン・レイチェル・ウッド氏は、「恥をかかされ、『パーティー好きな女の子』だと思われたから、しょうがないと思った。そこにいるべきじゃなかったし。『悪い』子でいるべきじゃなかった」とツイート> ほかの多くのソーシャルメディアユーザーも自分たちが受けた被害を告白。ある匿名のツイッターユーザーは、「19歳だった。彼に大量のアルコールを飲まされて、舌を使ってキスされ、胸を触られた。酔っぱらってしまった自分を責めた。#Me too」 男性やトランスジェンダーのコミュニティーからもこの活動への支援の声が上がった。俳優で歌手のハビエル・ムニョス氏なども自身の経験の詳細を共有した。 Twitter の投稿を飛ばす, 4 Me too. I don’t know if means anything coming from a gay man but it’s happened. Multiple times. — Javier Muñoz (@JMunozActor) October 15, 2017 Twitter の投稿の終わり, 4 〈ハビエル・ムニョス氏は「僕もです。ゲイの男性がこういうことを言ってどんな意味があるかは分からないけれど、実際に起こった。何回か」と投稿した〉 Twitter の投稿を飛ばす, 5 To everyone who's posted a #MeToo tweet I want you to know I think you're incredibly courageous, it's not your fault and I believe you. — Samuel Brown (@samueljohnbrown) October 16, 2017 Twitter の投稿の終わり, 5 〈サミュエル・ブラウンさんは「#Me Tooのツイートを投稿したすべての人へ。あなたは本当に勇気があり、あなたのせいじゃない。僕はあなたを信じていると知ってほしい」〉 コートニー・アン・バドニーさんはフェイスブックに「私も男性の被害者がいると思う。男性や未成年の男の子たちのことを忘れないようにしよう。彼らの『me too』体験も同じように大切だし、多くの場合隠されている」と投稿した。 レイプ被害者で作家のチャールズ・クライマー氏はフェイスブックで自説を共有した。男女両方が暴行
Em entrevista telefónica à agência Lusa, a criadora Fátima Lopes conta que o seu desfile em Paris está marcado para o próximo domingo, pelas 14h locais (13h, em Lisboa), no Salão Nobre da Câmara de Paris. "O tema do desfile é 'Birds' [Pássaros, em português], e as manequins irão desfilar ao som de um pianista que irá tocar ao vivo, junto com um DJ, música feita para o desfile", conta Fátima Lopes, sublinhando, com orgulho, que vai apresentar o seu 38.º desfile em Paris. Fátima Lopes estreou-se na Semana da Moda de Paris há 19 anos, tendo a primeira vez acontecido em março de 1999, recordou a designer. Em paralelo ao desfile de Fátima Lopes, a moda portuguesa vai também ser promovida em feiras e'showrooms', como na 3rd Eye Showroom e na Tranoï Paris, que vão decorrer em simultâneo à Semana da Moda de Paris, e onde vão estar patentes trabalhos dos designers Susana Bettencourt, Carla Pontes, Alexandra Moura, Luís Buchinho, Katty Xiomara e ainda da marca Babash Design. As criações dos designers Susana Bettencourt, Carla Pontes, Alexandra Moura e Luís Buchinho vão ser promovidas no 3rd Eye Showroom, entre quarta-feira e 03 de outubro, avançou hoje à Lusa Rafael Rocha, diretor de comunicação da Associação Nacional de Jovens Empresários (ANJE) e do Portugal Fashion (PF). O PF, projeto português que tem o objetivo de promover a nível internacional e nacional o setor têxtil e vestuário, apoia também nesta edição da Semana da Moda de Paris a marca Babash Design, que vai ser promovida na feira Tranoï Paris, entre os dias 29 de setembro a 2 de Outubro. As novas criações primavera/verão 2018 da designer Katty Xiomara, que as estreou no passado dia 11 de setembro, em Nova Iorque, vão estar patentes na Modelshowroom, evento que decorre entre 29 de setembro e 4 de outubro, em paralelo à semana da moda de Paris. A campanha primavera/verão 2018 da moda portuguesa vai "concentrar-se na dinâmica de'showrooms' e feiras, potenciada pelo apoio promocional do braço comercial do Portugal Fashion, o projeto Next Step", explicou Rafael Rocha. Em Paris vão desfilar marcas como a de Christian Dior e Saint Laurent, Lanvin, Guy Laroche e Kenzo, Chloé, Paco Rabanne e Isabel Marant, Loewe, Nina Ricci e Ungaro, Vivienne Westwood e Comme des Garçons, Givenchy, Balenciaga, Valentino e John Galliano, Stella Mccartney e Alexander McQueen. As marcas Channel, Miu Miu, Louis Vuitton e Paul & Joe, no dia 03 outubro, são alguns dos desfiles programados para fecharem a Semana da Moda de Paris, segundo o calendário oficial do evento. Na página da Internet do Portugal 2020, na lista de operações aprovadas e reportadas a 30 de novembro de 2016, pode ler-se que o PF, promovido pela ANJE em colaboração com a Associação Têxtil e Vestuário de Portugal, teve um fundo total aprovado de oito milhões de euros, para o triénio 2015/2017, para "desenvolvimento e apl
Let me start off by saying that language design is hard, very very hard. Not only is the technical implementation of the language incredibly difficult, but creating a language that will satisfy any significant percentage of its users is an almost impossible task. With some languages you have considerations such as backward compatibility that will hold it back, and in others you simply have such disparate types of users that you are forced to incorporate some less-than-pure functionality into the language. The C# language is an interesting beast born out of a C-style syntax, but with an aim on extreme type safety. Like most every language on the.NET platform, one of its main goals was to keep the developer from doing stupid things, or at least keep the developer from forgetting to do certain things. C# though falls into the category I mentioned above where the users of the language are extremely diverse, used in everything from military hardware to videogames to my blog. Because of that there are certain features that different types of developers are going to expect. Business users, for example, will expect speed of development. They want things to be simple, unbreakable, and just easy to develop in general. Videogame writers will want speed and control. Sure they don’t want things to be super hard to develop with, but ease of development isn’t their top priority. Because of the fact that I come from the world of business software (and not game development), there are many features in C# that I think the average developer just shouldn’t be using unless they have a very good reason to do so. Some of these are very obvious, and others maybe not so much. All of which could get you in a bit of trouble if you use them incorrectly. 1) sealed – I went ahead and put what is probably the most controversial keyword in this list first. Sealed. There are two types of people in the C# world, those who love sealed and those who want to seal those other people in a tomb (how witty). I am in the latter camp. In terms of the.NET Framework, I can understand why Microsoft would want to make certain things sealed, but in most application it just makes absolutely no sense. If you start hearing people talking about performance improvements of sealed classes, and you’re not working on the space shuttle’s guidance system, then smack them. Smack them hard. 2) goto – Some of you may be looking at this and wondering if it is even in the C# language, and the answer to that is yes, yes it is. Some of you may be aware that a goto isn’t really as evil as Dijkstra’s paper might have led you to believe, it is the abuse of gotos that is really bad. In fact, we have many equivalent statements which do the same thing as a goto, only in a more structured manner which doesn’t allow abuse. These are “return” (when used in the middle of a method), “break”, and “continue”. Have you ever used one of these? Sure you have. Have you used a goto? Probably not, and if you do, you better have a good freakin’ reason. Especially if you are using it for something as silly as exiting from a nested loop. for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (someStupidCheck) goto dufus; } } dufus: Console.WriteLine("I'm a dufus."); 3) unsafe – Well, if ever there was a keyword that told you not to use it…. Have you ever used unsafe? Probably not. And don’t start. The unsafe keyword is for people who are… well.. unsafe. You don’t want to be whispered about at the water cooler, do you? Basically unsafe means you are going to be using pointers, and we all know what happens when you start using pointers in managed code. And before you go off saying that you thought that all reference types used pointers, go read (and subscribe to) Eric Lippert’s blog. I would have put pointers in this list, but I specifically said “keywords”. 4) ref – You are probably thinking “Whaaaaat? What is wrong with ref? I use it all the time”. And if you are saying that, then well, you need to have your head examined. 9 times out of ten when I see ref being used it is because the developer who used it was too busy writing crappy code to wonder why they needed ref so often. Sure there are times when you need it, but as with almost anything, you better be able to explain to me exactly why you need it. And if you say that your reason is because you need to return
If you are a developer or just starting your awesome journey in the field of web development then probably you are familiar with the term REST APIs. Behind every web or mobile applications, there is a great backend. For a modern full-stack developer or backend developer, it is necessary to know how to build a scalable Node.js REST API for their application. In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a scalable REST API using the Node.js, express.js, and MongoDB. Before going further with this tutorial, make sure you have basic knowledge about node.js and how to use the express.js framework and connect MongoDB with the node.js application. What Is REST REST is an acronym of Representational State Transfer which is a web standard-based architecture and uses the HTTP protocol. It accesses and manipulates the operation of the data using stateless operation. Below are the five most common HTTP methods which are mostly used by the developers to create a REST API GET: used for fetching the resources from the database POST: used for creating the new resources into the database PUT: used for updating/modifying the resources into the database DELETE: used for deleting the resources from the database PATCH: Mostly its behave as same as PUT. Its totally depends upon the developers how he/she wants to build the REST API Apart from the above five methods of HTTP, there are also lots of methods which is used while making scalable node.js REST APIs. If you want to know about the HTTP methods then you can learn it from here. How To Structure Scalable Node.js REST API It totally depends upon the individual developers, a group of developers or organizations that how they want to structure their API. For this tutorial, I am going to use the most famous MVC architecture to build our node.js REST API. But there are many developers or community who like to build their API based on the feature of the application. What is MVC Architecture MVC architecture is one of the most famous architecture patterns in web development. In the MVC architecture, we divide our application into Model, View, and Controller. In the Model, we write all the database related queries. In the controller, we write about the logic. In the view, we write the user interface and how to display the data. But we will extend this to a little bit and add few more directories like Routes, Services, and Middlewares. In this tutorial, we will write all our business logic into the services folder and then use it into our controller. It is best practice to keep all our business logic separate from the controllers. At the end of the tutorial, your application directory must look like below ├── configs │ ├── app.js │ ├── config │ │ ├── config.js │ │ └── local.js │ └── db.js ├── controllers │ └── apis │ └── user.js ├── models │ └── user.js ├── package.json ├── package-lock.json ├── routes │ ├── apis │ │ ├── index.js │ │ └── v1.js │ └── index.js ├── server.js └── services └── users └── user.js 9 directories, 13 files Most of the time developers don’t think about the scalability of the application and miss one of the most important things while designing the REST API architecture of the application. Above structure might be puzzled your mind but it is a good practice in the web development to keep the things organized so that in the future you can scale easily without changing too much in the code. Setup Node.js Application In this tutorial, we are going to use node.js most famous framework Express.js. It provides lots of features like routing, middlewares, HTTP and other tons of things which is mandatory for our node.js REST API. First, run the below command and create a package.json file npm init Note: make sure while creating the package.json file, you name your index file as server.js instead of default index.js After creating the package.json file, run the below command to install expres.js, mongoose, and other tools which are required. npm install express mongoose body-parser --save npm install babel-cli babel-loader babel-preset-es2015 nodemon webpack webpack-cli --save-dev The first line will install the required dependencies and the second line will installed tools only for development purpose. If you are not familiar with the above words then first you need to learn what are they and why we are using them. Below I am giving a short introduction to all of them. Express.js: is a
mirrorYLEDs){ y=7-y; } if (mirrorXLEDs){ x=flipByte(x); } ledmem[x] = y; break; case 8: if (firstRun == 1) { for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) { ledmem[x] = 0; } firstRun = 0; } x = ((byte0 & 15) & 0x7); y = byte1; if (mirrorYLEDs){ x=7-x; } if (mirrorXLEDs){ y=flipByte(y); } for (z = 0; z < 8; z++) { if (y & (1 << z)) { ledmem[z] |= 1 << x; } else { ledmem[z] &= ~(1 << x); } } break; } // end switch(address) } // end if (Serial.available() } // end if (Serial.available(); } // end do while (Serial.available() > 16); } void whoosh(void) { // reactivate overflow interrupt for // timer 1 - it's needed by delay(...) TIMSK0 |= (1 << TOIE0); for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { maxSingle(i+1,1<<j); } delay(125); } // and switch the interrupt off. TIMSK0 &= ~(1 << TOIE0); } void setup () { DDRD = PORTD_Data_Direction; DDRB = PORTB_Data_Direction; DDRC = PORTC_Data_Direction; Serial.begin(57600); buttonInit(); //initiation of the max 7219 maxSingle(max7219_reg_scanLimit, 0x07); maxSingle(max7219_reg_intensity,0x0F); maxSingle(max7219_reg_shutdown, 0x01); // not in shutdown mode maxSingle(max7219_reg_displayTest, 0x00); // empty registers, turn all LEDs off h for (i=1; i<=8; i++){ maxSingle(i,0); ledmem[i-1]=0; } cli();//stop interrupts //set timer2 interrupt every 128us TCCR2A = 0;// set entire TCCR2A register to 0 TCCR2B = 0;// same for TCCR2B TCNT2 = 0;//initialize counter value to 0 // set compare match register for 7.8khz increments OCR2A = 255;// = (16*10^6) / (7812.5*8) - 1 (must be <256) // turn on CTC mode TCCR2A |= (1 << WGM21); // Set CS11 bit for 8 prescaler TCCR2B |= (1 << CS11); // enable timer compare interrupt TIMSK2 |= (1 << OCIE2A); sei();//allow interrupts // // Set up 8-bit counter 2, output compare switched off, // // normal waveform generation (whatever that might mean) // TCCR2A = 0; // // set counter to be clocked at 16Mhz/8 = 2Mhz // TCCR2B = 1<<CS21; // // // set the interrupt mask so that we get an interrupt // // on timer 2 overflow, i.e. after 256 clock cycles. // // The timer 2 interrupt routine will execute every // // 128 uS. // TIMSK2 = 1<<TOIE2; // // // NOTE: In my efforts to try to get this // // code to work reliably at 115200 baud // // I went about disabling unused timers that // // are set up by the Arduino framework. // // The framework sets up both timer 2 and // // timer 1. We use timer 2 to drive the // // serial reading interrupt, so we can only // // disable timer1 and its interrupt. // // // REALLY IMPORTANT NOTE - IF YOU WANT TO USE // // ANALOGWRITE // // // Disabling timer 1 will switch off the timer // // used for PWM, which underlies analogWrite. // // If you want to use analogWrite, remove // // the lines below. // // // DISABLE PWM COUNTER // TIMSK0 &= ~(1 << TOIE0); // // TCCR1B &= ~(1 << CS12); // TCCR1B &= ~(1 << CS11); // TCCR1B &= ~(1 << CS10); // // END DISABLE PWM COUNTER // // // Also, disable the interrupts on timer 0
Content Previous studies of brain tissues from patients with other neurologic diseases and of animal models have suggested that the neurons not only present with genomic instability, but also with activation of transposable elements. “Transposable elements are short pieces of DNA that do not seem to contribute to the production of proteins that make cells function. They behave in a way similar to viruses; they can make copies of themselves that are inserted within the genome and this can create mutations that lead to disease,” Shulman said. “Although most transposable elements are dormant or dysfunctional, some may become active in human brains late in life or in disease. That’s what led us to look specifically at Alzheimer’s disease and the possible association between Tau accumulation and activated transposable elements.” Shulman and his colleagues began their investigations by studying more than 600 human brains from a population study run by co-author Dr. David Bennett at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. This population study follows participants throughout their lives and at death, allowing the researchers to examine their brains in detail postmortem. One of the evaluations is the amount of Tau accumulation across many brain regions. In addition, co-author Dr. Philip De Jager at the Broad Institute and Columbia University comprehensively profiled gene expression in the same brains. “With this large amount of data, we looked to identify signatures of active transposable elements, but this was not easy,” Shulman said. “We therefore reached out to Dr. Zhandong Liu, a co-author in this study, and together we developed a new software tool to detect signatures of active transposable elements from postmortem human brains. Then we conducted a statistical analysis in which we compared the amount of active transposable elements signatures with the amount of Tau accumulation, brain by brain.” Liu also is assistant professor of pediatrics – neurology at Baylor and a member of the Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center. The researchers found a strong link between the amount of Tau accumulation in neurons and detectable activity of transposable elements. “We identified individual transposable elements that were active when Tau aggregates were present. Surprisingly, we also found evidence that the activation of transposable elements was quite broad across the genome,” Shulman said. Other research has shown that Tau may disrupt the tightly packed architecture of the genome. It is believed that tightly packed DNA limits gene activation, while opening up the DNA may promote it. Keeping the DNA tightly packed may be an important mechanism to suppress the activity of transposable elements that lead to disease. “The fact that Tau aggregates can affect that architecture of the genome may be one possible mechanism by which transposable elements are activated in Alzheimer’s disease,” Shulman said. “However, our studies in human brains only establish an association between Tau accumulation and activation of transposable elements. To determine whether Tau accumulation could in fact cause transposable element activation, we conducted studies with a fruit fly model of Alzheimer’s disease.” In this fruit fly model of the disease, the researchers found that triggering Tau changes similar to those observed in human brains resulted in the activation of fruit fly transposable elements, strongly suggesting that Tau aggregates that disrupt the architecture of the genome can potentially mediate the activation of transposable elements and ultimately cause neurodegeneration. “We think our experiments reveal new and potentially important insights relevant for understanding Alzheimer’s disease mechanisms,” Shulman said. “There is still a lot of work to be done, but by presenting our results we hope we can stimulate others in the research community to help work on this problem.” Other key contributors to this work include Caiwei Guo, Hyun-Hwan Jeong, Yi-Chen Hsieh at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital, and Hans-Ulrich Klein at Columbia University Medical Center and the Broad Institute. This study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (R01AG053960, R01AG050631, U01AG046161, R01AG033193, C06RR029965, P30AG10161, R01AG15819, R01AG17917, U01AG46152, R01AG36836, R01GM120033, R01AG36042 and RC236547), the Alzheimer’s Association and the American Federation for Aging Research. This work was also supported by the Huffington Foundation, Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute at Texas Children’s Hospital, the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, the National Science Foundation (DMS-1263932), Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas (RP170387), Houston Endowment and the Belfer Neurodegenerative Disease Consortium
és de s’expliquer à l’instar d’Eric Coquerel face aux journalistes d’Europe 1 qui ne lui ont posé presque que des questions sur le Venezuela alors qu’il ne s’agissait en aucun cas d’une émission spéciale sur le pays latino-américain. Ce déploiement médiatique ressemble furieusement à une injonction morale faite à la France Insoumise et à son chef de file dont on reproche avec insistance le silence sur le sujet, de condamner, bien entendu, ce « régime » honni et de souscrire au discours dominant. Les insoumis et les communistes français ne sont pas seuls au monde dans cette galère médiatique. Unidos Podemos, en Espagne, fait face au même procès médiatique depuis des années. Outre-Manche, c’est Jeremy Corbyn et ses camarades qui sont, en ce moment, sur la sellette. Cette instrumentalisation franco-française du Venezuela ne date pas d’hier. On se souvient par exemple de la polémique lancée par Patrick Cohen, à 10 jours du 1er tour des élections présidentielles, sur l’ALBA, de la manchette du Figaro du 12 avril « Mélenchon : le délirant projet du Chavez français » et des nombreux parallèles à charge entre le Venezuela bolivarien et le projet politique du candidat qui ont émaillé la campagne. La rengaine a continué pendant les élections législatives avec un article du Point sobrement intitulé « Venezuela, l’enfer mélenchoniste », publié la veille du second tour. Aujourd’hui, le coup de projecteur médiatique sur l’élection de l’assemblée constituante vénézuélienne est, une fois encore, l’occasion d’instruire le procès des mouvements antilibéraux français : ainsi, pour Eric Le Boucher (Slate), le Venezuela est « la vitrine de l’échec du mélenchonisme. En réalité, la FI et le PCF, ont tort, aux yeux du parti médiatique, de ne pas adhérer au manichéisme ambiant sur une situation aussi grave et complexe et à sa décontextualisation géopolitique. Ils refusent également d’alimenter la diabolisation et le vieux procès en dictature que se traîne le chavisme depuis presque toujours alors qu’en 18 ans de « révolution bolivarienne », 25 scrutins reconnus comme transparents par les observateurs internationaux ont été organisés, que l’opposition contrôle d’importantes villes, des États et l’Assemblée Nationale et que les médias privés d’opposition sont majoritaires (El Universal, Tal Cual, El Nuevo País, Revista Zeta, El Nacional Venevision, Televen, Globovision, etc.). Que la gauche antilibérale puisse considérer le chavisme comme une source d’inspiration pour ses politiques de redistribution des richesses et non pas un modèle « exportable » en France, contrairement à ce que bon nombre de journalistes tentent d’insinuer (Nicolas Prissette à Eric Coquerel, sur un ton emporté, « franchement, est-ce que c’est ça, le modèle vénézuélien que vous défendez? » sur Europe 1) semble être un délit d’opinion dans notre pays. Puisque le Venezuela est en passe de devenir un véritable sujet de politique intérieure, rappelons aux éditorialistes de tout poil et autres tenants
e mit dem CL-Wert. Ebenso war er bei den Hynix-ICs bei den RCD-, RP- und RAS-Werten hilfreich, wenn auch nur im geringen Maße. Auffällig war auch, dass sich bei allen IC-Typen ein niedriger RCDRD oder RP zwar booten ließ aber erst mit höheren Werten stabil wurde. Besonders auffällig war dies bei den Samsung- und Hynix-IC. So konnte man zum Beispiel mit den Samsung ICs bei DDR4-3600 mit CL17-17-21-17 booten aber stabil wurde es erst, nachdem RP auf 21 gestellt wurde. Ein für die Performance ebenfalls wichtiger Wert ist die tRFC. Je niedriger diese einstellbar ist, desto besser die Performance. Gegenüberstellung der tRFC-Latenzen Hynix CMR Micron B-Die Samsung A-Die tRFC 360 ns 320 ns 320 ns Die Micron und Samsung ICs liegen, wie auch schon bei den Haupttimings, auf einem gleichen Wert. Leider benötigen die Hynix ICs eine deutlich höhere tRFC, was den Vorteil der niedrigeren Haupttimings wieder zunichtemacht. Zum Vergleich, die beliebten Samsung 8Gbit B-die kann man im Schnitt bis auf 140 ns absenken. Speicherbandbreite und Latenzen Aida64 ist ein Programm für die Systemanalyse und zeigt dabei sowohl installierte Software als auch verbaute Hardware an. Der integrierte Cache- und Memory-Benchmark ist beliebt dafür um die Performance verschiedener Einstellungen schnell miteinander vergleichen zu können. Dabei kann zum Beispiel die Lese-, Schreib- und Kopierleistung, sowie die Latenz des Arbeitsspeichers ermittelt werden. AIDA64 Lesedurchsatz Micron DDR4-3800 CL18-18-22-22 54690 XX Samsung DDR4-3800 CL18-18-23-22 54303 XX Hynix DDR4-3800 CL17-17-20-21 54152 XX Hynix DDR4-4000 CL18-18-21-21 53208 XX Micron DDR4-4000 CL19-19-23-23 53203 XX Micron DDR4-3600 CL17-17-21-21 51792 XX Hynix DDR4-3600 CL16-16-19-20 51664 XX Samsung DDR4-3600 CL17-17-21-21 51582 XX Samsung DDR4-3200 CL15-15-19-18 46644 XX Micron DDR4-3200 CL15-15-19-18 46492 XX Hynix DDR4-3200 CL15-15-17-18 46350 XX MB/s Mehr ist besser AIDA64 Kopierdurchsatz Micron DDR4-3800 CL18-18-22-22 54997 XX Hynix DDR4-4000 CL18-18-21-21 54874 XX Hynix DDR4-3800 CL17-17-20-21 54816 XX Samsung DDR4-3800 CL18-18-23-22 54780 XX Micron DDR4-4000 CL19-19-23-23 54708 XX Samsung DDR4-3600 CL17-17-21-21 52219 XX Hynix DDR4-3600 CL16-16-19-20 52197 XX Micron DDR4-3600 CL17-17-21-21 52163 XX Micron DDR4-3200 CL15-15-19-18 47364 XX Samsung DDR4-3200 CL15-15-19-18 47211 XX Hynix DDR4-3200 CL15-15
-17-18 46882 XX MB/s Mehr ist besser Beim Lesen und Kopieren sind die jeweiligen ICs, bei gleichen Taktraten, nah beieinander. Die Hynix-ICs können von den niedrigeren Haupttimings nicht profitieren, da sie durch die höhere tRFC wieder eingebremst werden. Die Ergebnisse mit DDR4-4000 reihen sich zwischen DDR4-3600 und DDR4-3800 ein, da sich das Ryzen-System nicht mehr im synchronen Modus befindet. Der Takt des Speichercontrollers läuft in diesem Fall nur mit halber Geschwindigkeit (Weitere Infos siehe: Test des AMD Ryzen 3700X und 3900X). AIDA64 Latenzen Micron DDR4-3800 CL18-18-22-22 67.9 XX Samsung DDR4-3800 CL18-18-23-22 68.0 XX Hynix DDR4-3800 CL17-17-20-21 68.0 XX Micron DDR4-3600 CL17-17-21-21 70.2 XX Samsung DDR4-3600 CL17-17-21-21 70.2 XX Hynix DDR4-3600 CL16-16-19-20 70.3 XX Samsung DDR4-3200 CL15-15-19-18 73.9 XX Micron DDR4-3200 CL15-15-19-18 75.1 XX Hynix DDR4-3200 CL15-15-17-18 75.8 XX Hynix DDR4-4000 CL18-18-21-21 77.3 XX Micron DDR4-4000 CL19-19-23-23 77.7 XX ns Weniger ist besser Bei der Latenz sieht es nicht anders aus. Bei gleichen Taktraten sind die erreichten Werte sehr nah beieinander. Einzig auffällig ist hier der DDR4-3200 Wert der Samsung-ICs. Dieser ist um 1,2 ns bzw. 1,9 ns besser als es bei den Micron bzw. Hynix ICs der Fall ist. Da die Timings fast identisch sind, ist der Unterschied momentan nicht zu erklären. Alle verwendeten Timings können noch einmal der folgenden Tabelle entnommen werden: Alle drei getesteten Kits besitzen keinen Sensor um die aktuelle Temperatur auszulesen. Dies wäre interessant um zu testen, ob es ab einer bestimmten Temperatur eventuell zur Instabilität kommt. Um dies zu simulieren, wurde ein Temperatursensor direkt auf einem 16 Gbit IC angebracht. Die Gehäusebelüftung wurde dabei stark reduziert. Der RAM selber hat keinen direkten Luftstrom abbekommen und taktete mit DDR4-3200 CL16-19-19. Karhu RAM Test wurde verwendet um den Arbeitsspeicher zu belasten. Dabei stieg die Temperatur bis auf 58 °C an, was letztendlich auch zu einem Fehler in Karhu geführt hat. Fazit Die neuen ICs mit 16 Gbit eigenen sich perfekt um die steigende Nachfrage nach größeren Arbeitsspeicherkapazitäten zu bedienen. So kann man auch auf einem ITX-Board mit zwei RAM-Slots bis zu 64 GB oder mit vier RAM-Slots bis zu 128 GB nutzen. Der erreichbare Takt ist dabei abhängig von der Güte der ICs, dem Speichercontroller und dem Memory Layout des Mainboards. Erste Kits mit höheren Taktraten von DDR4
-3600 bis DDR4-4000 wurden bereits von verschiedenen Hersteller angekündigt und sind teilweise auch schon in den Preisvergleichs-Portalen zu finden. Leistungstechnisch liegen bisher alle drei IC-Typen nah beieinander, ebenso besitzen alle getesteten ICs auch ein ordentliches Übertaktungspotential. Wie im obigen Kurztest zu sehen, können damit aber nicht so niedrige Timings erreicht werden, wie mit den meisten ICs mit 8 Gbit. Wer also nicht auf eine große Kapazität angewiesen ist und die beste Performance aus seinem System herausholen will, der sollte weiterhin auf bekannte ICs mit 8 Gbit setzen. Inwieweit sich das mit kommenden Revisionen noch verbessert, bleibt abzuwarten. Positive Aspekte der 16 Gbit ICs: große Kapazität Übertaktungspotenzial vorhanden Negative Aspekte der 16 Gbit ICs: geringe Verfügbarkeit Abstriche bei den Timings (noch) überwiegend hoher Preis Erste Hersteller wie Corsair, Crucial oder G.Skill listen bereits Kits oder einzelne Module. In den kommenden Wochen werden sicherlich noch weitere folgen, was sich hoffentlich auch positiv auf die Preise und Verfügbarkeit auswirken wird. 1. Update Aus unserem Forum gibt es weitere Erfahrungsberichte. Diese stammen von einem Corsair-Kit mit 2x32 GB 3000 CL15 mit Hynix 16 Gbit CMR. Dazu verwendet wurde ein Intel-System. Der Speicher arbeitet mit bis zu DDR4-4133 problemlos, es verlangt allerdings nach viel manueller Handarbeit. Die Riegel benötigen eine relativ hohe VCCIO und VCCSA sowie einen recht hohen tRFC-Wert. DDR4-4266 wollen nicht mehr booten. Zwar kaufen DDR4-4200 noch, sind allerdings nicht mehr stabil zu betreiben. Für DDR4-3600 C16 bleibt festzuhalten: Die Subtimings konnten noch etwas straffer gezogen werden. Die tRP können mit einem Intel-System nicht getrennt von der tRCD angesteuert werden. Daher wurden Timings von 16-20-20 anstatt 16-19-20 erreicht. Mit Timings von 16-19-19 liefen die Stabilitätstest nicht durch. Generell sind die Module laut unseres Community-Mitglieds even.de sehr restriktiv. Die Schwelle zwischen instabil und stabil sei nicht sonderlich groß. Entweder man bekommt direkt am Anfang Fehler oder der Speicher läuft mit den gewählten Einstellungen ewig durch. Shadow of the Tomb Rainer 1.280 x 720 Pixel 2x 16GB Samsung B-Die @ 4500 CL17-18-18-36-360 189 XX 2x 32GB Hynix CMR @ 3600 CL16-20-20-34-648 173 XX 2x 32GB Hynix CMR @ 4133 CL19-23-23-43-750 173 XX FPS Mehr ist besser Anhand der Benchmarks erkennt man, dass bereits bei 3600C16 das Optimum für die Spieleleistung erreicht ist. Das Problem ist bei den CMR-Chips, dass die Haupttimings pro 133 MHz direkt um mindestens einen Cycle angehoben werden müssen. Damit hebt s
Forscher der McGill Universität in Montreal haben in einer Studie untersucht, wie Musik im Gehirn genau wirkt. Forschungsziel war herauszufinden, wieso Musik stimmungsaufhellende Wirkung haben kann. Dazu schoben sie Probanden in einen Kernspintomographen und untersuchten ihr Gehirn, während den Testpersonen spezielle Musikstücke vorgespielt wurden. Dabei wurde vor allem deutlich, dass Musik direkt das Belohnungszentrum des Hirns anspricht. Die Wissenschaftler verglichen diesen Effekt mit der Reaktion auf besonders leckeres Essen – oder sogar auf Drogen. Interessanter Nebeneffekt: Man fand bei dieser Studie eine Reihe von Songs, die sich besonders als gute Laune Musik eignen. Die folgenden 60 Songs haben in der Untersuchung die stärkste Aktivität im Belohnungszentrum der Probanden ausgelöst. Vereinfacht gesagt: Hier ist die erste Liste der Welt mit wissenschaftlich erforschter gute Laune Musik. Wissenschaftlich bestätigt: Die beste gute Laune Musik Die folgenden Lieder sorgten bei der Studie an der McGill Universität für den höchsten Dopamin-Ausstoß im Gehirn. Platz Titel Jetzt Lied kaufen Künstler Album 1 Terrible Things April Smith and the Great Picture Show Songs for a Sinking Ship 2 Smokey Taboo Coco Rosie In Ghost Colours 3 Neckbrace Ratatat LP4 4 City Lo-Fi-Fnk Boylife 5 Tall Shoulders Lille Tall Shoulders - EP 6 Tearin' it Up Gramatik Sb2 7 Go do Jonsi Go 8 Baptism Crystal Castles (Ii) 9 Customer 5 Barth Cuchillo 10 Black Crow Angus & Julia Stone Down the Way 11 Friends Neighbors Hooligans 12 Feel the Love Cut Copy In Ghost Colours 13 Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs Garden Trouble 14 The High Road Broken Bells Broken Bells 15 Baby I'm Yours BreakBot Baby I'm Yours 16 Moon Theory Miami Horror Illumination 17 Sun Hands Gorilla Manor Gorilla Manor 18 No Clouds Norman Hay, Hay, Make a Whish and Turn Around 19 Black Sheep Suckers Wild Smile 20 Drumming Song Florence and the Machine Lungs 21 Heaven Can Wait Charlotte Gainsbourg IRM (Version deluxe) 22 She Blew Like Trumpets Kyteman The Kyteman - EP 23 To Lose My Life White Lies To Lose My Life... 24 Island Blues Koop Buddha Bar IX 25 Caldo School of Seven Bells Half Asleep 26 Factory Band of Horses Infinite Arms 27 Vanity Kills Codeine Velvet Club Codeine Velvet Club 28 Beat the Devil's Tattoo Black Rebel Motorcyle Club Beat the Devil's Tattoo 29 Dub Step Kid Dub Dubstep EP 30 Always on the run Admiral Freebee Always on the run 31 Robert Cohn Lille Tall Shoulders - EP 32 Danny & Jenny Ladyhawke '50's Greatest Rock 'N' Roll, Vol. 2 33 Hot Sprawl Man / Miracle The Shape of Things 34 Saturday Come Slow Massive Attack Heligoland 35 Lewis Takes off His Shirt Owen Pallet Heartland 36 High on a Wire C-mon & Kypski We Are Square 37 Anyone Moving Units Dangerous Dreams 38 Ten Cent Pistols The Black Keys Brothers (Deluxe Edition) 39 22 Below Melissa Auf Der Maur Out of our Minds 40 Lalala Nouvelle Vague LaLaLa (feat. Julie Delpy) - Single 41 Elemental A. C. Newman Get Guilty 42 Standing on the Shore Empire of the Sun Walking On a Dream 43 This Boy's in Love The Presets Apocalypso 44 So Down Yuksek & Chromeo Away from the Sea 45 Warm in the Shadows Music Go Music Warm In the Shadows - Single 46 Heads will Roll Yeah Yeah Yeah's Heads Will Roll (A-Trak Remix) - Single 47 Goodbye to Mother and the Cove Clap Your Hands and Say Yeah Some Loud Thunder 48 A Night Like This Caro Emerald Deleted Scenes from the Cutting Room Floor 49 Sycamore Feeling Trentemoller Into the Great Wide Yonder 50 Shadows Midnight Juggernauts Dystopia 51 Warpaint Ele
enjohtajaksi. Torstaina todennäköisesti nähdään, että edes Alexander Stubbin antamat vuolaat kehut eivät saa Merkeliä asettumaan suomalaisehdokkaan taakse. Ja koska poliittista uraansa lopettelevalla Angela Merkelillä on yhä valtavasti sananvaltaa, EPP:n kärkiehdokas tullee olemaan CSU:n Manfred Weber. Sinn: Merkelin kuusi ajatusvirhettä Merkelin ansioita ja poliittista perintöä arvioidessa on syytä kääntyä saksalaisen taloustieteilijän Hans-Werner Sinnin puoleen (kuvassa). Hän listasi jo 2016 kirjoituksessaan ne ajatusvirheet, joiden varassa Merkelin Saksa pakolaispolitiikkaa harjoitti. Sinnin mukaan turvapaikanhakijoiden hallitsematon tulva ylittää saksalaisen yhteiskunnan integrointikyvyn, provosoi kilpailemaan yhteiskunnan niukoista resursseita – ja synnyttää Villin Lännen yhteiskunnan. Saksan politiittinen järjestelmä on edelleen shokissa, ja politiikka on menettänyt taloudellisen ja oikeudellisen suuntautumisensa. Keskustelua dominoivat suositut mutta väärät argumentit – ja se vaikeuttaa ratkaisua löytämistä ongelmiin. Suurimmat ajatusvirheet Hans-Werner Sinnin mukaan ovat: Ajatusvirhe 1: Saksa ei pysty suojaamaan 6000 kilometrin rajaansa teknisistä syistä. Väite on väärä. Saksan rajojen pituus on erittäin pieni suhteessa maan ja väestöön kokoon. Yhtä Saksan kansalaista kohden ulkorajaa on ainoastaan 7,4 cm. Vertailun vuoksi yhtä Tanskan kansalaista kohden rajaa 130 cm, Ruotissa 56 cm ja Sloveniassa 67 cm ja Unkarissa 22 cm. Jos nämä maat kykenevät suojelemaan rajojaan, niin Saksakin kykenee siihen. Ajatusvirhe 2: Turkki ja Libanon kantavat edelleen paljon suurempaa taakkaa pakolaisten majoittamisesta kuin Saksaan. Väite jättää ensinnäkin huomiotta sen, että nämä kaksi naapurimaata ovat velvollisia hyväksymään pakolaiset Geneven pakolaisyleissopimuksen nojalla. Toiseksi nämä maat eivät ole hyvinvointivaltioita, jotka tarjoaisivat pakolaisille likimainkaan samanlaisia etuja kuin Saksassa. Ajatusvirhe 3: Saksa ei voi hylätä turvapaikanhakijoita, koska heitä suojellaan perussäädöksellä. Tämä väite on väärä siinä tapauksessa, kun Saksaan saavutaan maateitse. Siitä, että tällaiset pakolaiset eivät voi hakea turvapaikkaa Saksasta, on säädetty selvästi perustuslaissa, ja perustuslakituomioistuin tunnustaa sen. Turvapaikkamenettelystä annetussa laissa edellytetään, että viranomaiset kieltä
ytyvät turvapaikanhakijoiden vastaanottamisesta turvallisten kolmansien maiden kautta ilman turvapaikkamenettelyä. Merkelin hallitus ei ole noudattanut näitä säädöksia. Ajatusvirhe 4: Avoimet rajat ovat vapaan yhteiskunnan tunnusmerkki. Väite on väärä, koska se perustuu virheelliseen käsitykseen valtion luonteesta. Valtio on luonteltaan eräänlainen ”klubin jäsenten” palveluiden toimeenpanija liittyen julkisen infrastruktuurin ja valtiollisen vakuutusturvan hoitamisen ja hyvinvointipalveluiden uudelleenjakoon. Kansojen vapaa ja rauhanomainen rinnakkaiselo edellyttää, että näiden klubituotteiden kansallista omistajuutta suojelellaan – samaten kuten yksityisen omaisuuden oikeudellinen ja fyysinen suojelu on vapaan yhteisön edellytys. Ilman omistusoikeuden takaamista syntyy Villin Lännen -yhteiskunta, jossa rauhanomainen resurssien vaihto korvautuu ryöstelyllä ja jossa ihmisiä kannustetaan siirtymään yhteiskunttaa hyödyttävästä tuottavasta toiminnasta yhteiskuntaa tuhoavaan käyttäytymiseen. Vaikka tämä periaate koski aikanaan lähinnä yksityisomaisuutta, niin täsmälleen sama periaate pätee myös valtion kautta yhteisomistuksessa olevaan klubin omaisuuteen. Ajatusvirhe 5: Saksa kykenee integroimaan kaikki halukkaat maahanmuuttavat. Saksa ei kykene tähän, koska Saksan taloudelliset resurssit eivät yksinkertaisesti riitä. Saksalaisen hyvinvointivaltion tukemien ihmisten määrä ylittää Saksan yhteiskunnan kantokyvyn. Yksinomaan Välimeren muslimimaissa (Turkkia ja Albaniaa lukuun ottamatta) sekä Irakissa ja Afganistanissa elää 267 miljoonaa ihmistä. Vaikka ainoastaan pieni osa heistä haluaisi siirtyä Saksaan, se olisi huomattavasti enemmän kuin Saksa koskaan pystyy kantamaan. Näiden maiden vuotuinen syntyvyyden ylijäämä on jo yksin lähes kuusi miljoonaa ihmistä. Mikäli Turkin eteläpuoliset ja Saharan autiomaan eteläpuoliset maat huomioidaan, on kyse potentiaalisesti mittaamatoman suuresta muuttoliikeestä. Ajatusvirhe 6: Maahanmuuttajien alkuperämaita on tuettava, jotta maahanmuuttoa ei enää kannusteta. Tämä väite on ongelmallinen, koska se kieltää Saksan liittotasavallan kansallisen oikeuden Saksan valtion omaisuuteen. Samoin voisi väittää, että velvollisuuteni on antaa niin paljon rahaa ventovieraalle henkilölle, joka haluaa muuttaa asuntooni asumaan, että hän vapaaehtoisesti luopuu muuttosuunnitelmistaan. Kyseessä on
el humor durante la producción y ladrando como un perro antes de filmar una escena, según declaró en 2007 durante una entrevista con Jay Leno en el The Tonight Show. Es también miembro del grupo de protección ambiental Greenpeace, a principios de 2008 apareció en una campaña televisiva hablando acerca de la continua caza de ballenas por parte de Japón.​ Ha sido patrocinador de RAPt, una organización para la rehabilitación de adictos al alcohol, desde sus inicios y ayudó a abrir la primera unidad de ayuda intensiva para adictos al alcohol y las drogas en 1992. Es admirador del comediante Tommy Cooper. En febrero de 2008, como patrocinador de la Sociedad Tommy Cooper, presentó una estatua conmemorativa en Caerphilly, la ciudad natal de Tommy Cooper. Para la ceremonia, Hopkins donó el fez de Cooper y realizó una actuación cómica. En su juventud, Hopkins compuso el vals titulado And the waltz goes on («Y el vals sigue») pero no lo dio a conocer porque se dedicó al mundo del cine. Fue cuando conoció al violinista y director de orquesta holandés André Rieu cuando se animó a darlo a conocer, pues decidió que éste sería quien tocaría por primera vez su vals, debido a su manera magistral de tocar el violín y dirigir a la Orquesta Johann Strauss. Rieu quedó fascinado al escuchar la pieza. El estreno mundial del vals fue en Viena en julio de 2011 y Hopkins estuvo presente en la gala. Riue incluyó el vals al repertorio de su álbum titulado bajo el mismo nombre «And the waltz goes on» y lanzado en octubre de 2011, por el que ya recibió Disco de Platino. Hopkins ha intervenido en casi 100 películas y series de televisión. Además de las obras ya citadas cabe resaltar algunas de sus intervenciones en los siguientes films: Alexander (2004), All the King’s Men (2006), Fracture y Beowulf en 2007, The City of Your Final Destination (2009), The Wolfman (2010), The Rite, Thor y 360 en 2011, Hitchcock (2012), Red 2 y Thor: The Dark World (2013), Noah (2014), Kidnapping Freddy Heineken, Solace y Blackway en 2015, Misconduct y Collide en 2016, Transformers: The Last Knight y Thor: Ragnarok en 2017. Cumpleañera: Marta Hazas Tras licenciarse en periodismo, estudió arte dramático en la Escuela de Cristina Rota aunque, ya había comenzado mucho antes su carrera como actriz en la escuela del Palacio de Festivales de Santander, su ciudad natal. Sus primeras apariciones en la televisión fueron con personajes episódicos en series como El comisario y Hospital Central de Telecinco o Cuéntame cómo pasó de Televisión española. En 2006 formó parte del reparto habitual de la serie juvenil SMS: Sin miedo a soñar de La Sexta, donde interpretó a Vicky durante las dos temporadas que duró la serie.​ En 2007 consiguió el papel que hizo que fuese conocida por el gran público. Interpretó a la profesora Amelia Ugarte durante las siete temporadas que se emitió la serie El internado de Antena 3, hasta 2010. Su personaje abandonó la serie a mitad de la última temporada.​ En 2008 participó en las series Generación DF donde interpretó a Paula; y en Impares donde interpretó a Alessandra, ambas producciones de Antena 3
Fra gli innumerevoli appuntamenti di quest’ultimo scorcio di settembre, un posto di primissimo piano spetta al ritorno di John Cale alla Cité de la Musique, a tre anni di distanza dalla serie di eventi organizzati per celebrare uno degli album più famosi e iconici di sempre, The Velvet Underground & Nico. John Cale, che di quel disco è uno dei principali artefici, è tuttavia molto di più che uno degli storici componenti della band più famosa della Grande Mela. Musicista polistrumentista versatile, produttore, scultore, il gallese puo’ vantare una carriera lunga ormai più di cinquant’ anni, proseguita, al termine dell’avventura wharoliana, in veste solista. Tre le serate alla Cité de la Musique: pensate come una sorta di ripasso della lunghissima avventura musicale di Cale, già a partire dal titolo, 2019-1964: Futurespective, facevano pregustare la ricchezza del programma al quale avremmo assistitito. Tre serate e tre setlist completamente differenti ogni sera. Non sarebbe nemmeno da specificare, visto che i fan e gli estimatori di Cale sanno, da sempre, che il nostro non è uomo banale e ripetitivo. Coeurs & Choeurs ha avuto la possibilità di essere presente mercoledi’ 25 ed è quindi da qui che inizia il nostro racconto. Ore 20.30, Salle des Concerts. Entriamo in una sala pressochè completamente riempita, già in penombra. Il pubblico è composito ed estremamente variato: ci sono settantenni, che presumibilmente hanno vissuto l’epopea dei Velvet Underground, ma anche tanti ventenni, a conferma del fascino esercitato dalla band negli anni che sono seguiti al suo scioglimento. Sul palco, sul cui sfondo sono proeiettante immagini caleidoscopiche dai colori iridescenti pensate dall’artista e designer Abby Porter, sono già pronti gli strumenti che attendono John e i musicisti che lo accompagnano in questa tournée, ovvero il chitarrista Dustin Boyer, Joey Maramba, al basso, e il batterista Deantoni Parks. Ciliegina sulla torta, la presenza straordinaria di Cate Le Bon, fresca della pubblicazione di uno dei lavori migliori dell’estate, ovvero Reward, disco apparso a fine luglio, di cui vi abbiamo diffusamente parlato. La serata si apre sulle note di E is Missing, brano dedicato a Ezra Pound e presente sull’EP 5 tracks del 2005, che ci accoglie con la ancora potente voce di Cale sottolineata da un vortice di distorsioni e riverberi. Scorrono una dietro l’altra tracce note e meno note, estrapolate da pressoché tutti i lavori di John. Cosi’ c’è spazio anche per la magnifica, solo strumentale, The Philosopher, tratta da The Academy in Peril, capolavoro datato 1972, affascinante mélange di rock e musica classica, con la sua trama singolare e dissonante, nella quale chitarra, batteria e tastiere si sposano ad elementi più classicheggianti. L’album più rappresentato è Fear, del 1974, presente con ben tre titoli, ovvero You Know More than i Know, la sublime e tagliente Fear is a Best Man�
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Suomi myöntää jo lähes kaikille somalialaisille turvapaikkastatuksen Uusimmat maahanmuuttoviraston tilastot tuovat esiin maahanmuuttoviraston muuttuneen linjan somalialaisten turvapaikanhakijoiden suhteen, jota ei voi kuvata muuta kuin skandaaliksi. Kun Somalian turvallisuusarviota lähdettiin päivittämään, oli työnimikkeenä Petteri Orpon mukaan se, että oltaisiin samalla tasolla muiden Pohjoismaiden kanssa. Suomen linja ei kuitenkaan kiristynyt, kuten kansalainen.fi on aiemmin uutisoinut. Tämä vuosi on vienyt dramaattisella tavalla Suomea yhä kauemmas muiden Pohjoismaiden ja muun Euroopan linjasta. Helmikuun tilastot osoittavat, että käytännössä jo lähes kaikki somalialaiset saavat turvapaikkastatuksen, joka on korkein suojelun muoto. Turvapaikan saaneisiin ei voida soveltaa perheenyhdistämisissä toimeentulo- tai muitakaan velvoitteita. Maahanmuuttoviraston mukaan jokaista myönteistä turvapaikkapäätöstä kohden tehdään keskimäärin kolme perheenyhdistämishakemusta, mutta tuossakin voi olla kansallista hajontaa, koska toisissa maissa perhekoot ovat isommat kuin toisissa. Muutosvauhti Suomen linjassa on ollut huima. Kun vielä 2013 turvapaikan sai muutama prosentti, viisinkertaistui osuus vuonna 2014 lähes 20 %:iin. Vuonna 2015 osuus yli tuplaantui 50 %:iin ja jos helmikuun taso säilyy, niin vuonna 2016 tuplataan osuus taas, tällä kertaa lähes 100 %:iin. Helmikuussa 96 % somalialaisista sai turvapaikkastatuksen Suomesta. Yksikään toinen eurooppalainen maa ei myönnä edes myönteisiä päätöksiä yli 90 %:lle, saati sitten turvapaikkastatuksia. Suomi oli jo viime vuoden lopulla Eurostatin tilastojen mukaan löysin myöntämään somalialaisille myönteisiä päätöksiä ja turvapaikkastatuksia. Toiseksi eniten myönteisiä päätöksiä myönsi Somalian entinen siirtomaavalta Italia (87 %) ja turvapaikkastatuksia Belgia, josta turvapaikan sai 44 % somalialaisista. Tanska ja Alankomaat eivät myöntäneet yhdellekään somalialaiselle turvapaikkastatusta, vaikka ne noudattavat samoja kansainvälisiä sopimuksia kuin Suomi. Kyseessä on siis Suomen itse määrittämä kansallinen, muista maista täysin poikkeava, linja somalialaisten suhteen. Turvapaikkastatuksen saamisen todennäköisyys on tulevaisuudessa yhä suurempi vetovoimatekijä, kun jokainen maa kiristää perheenyhdistämisiä muiden suojelukategorioiden osalta. Kun Timo Soini sanoi, että Suomen maahanmuuttopolitiik
> WEBSITE < > TRAILER < > JOIN THE DISCORD SERVER < - Synopsis - - Character descriptions - - Features Overview - The lands of Ariathale are suffering because of a terrible energetic crisis. It seems that the Risan Health society has discovered a misterious red crystal that could end this emergency. Join Seth and his companions, travel the ruined world of Ariathale and discover the mystery behind the enigmatic red crystal.videogame developed by a J-RPG Fan for J-RPG fans!about honor, friendship, betrayal and loveof gameplayand memorable charactersManyClassicWinner of(2019) ( https://rpgmaker.net/forums/topics/25014/ Year 2310.The world of Ariathale, a planet fueled by the power of, a mysterious versatile mineral, is facing a heavy crisis period due to mankind's greed.Many years ago, the planet was filled with these crystal stones, but people started abusing it and the world fell into a state of recession.The leaders of all ariathalian states met in the, the most important and rich city of all Ariathale, to decide the future of the planet.In order to maintain the remaining Atlas resources, those leaders decided to ban the Atlas Technology until they'd find a new energy source capable of substitute the Atlas.The story begins with, an ex-imperial guard of the Levizoan Empire, escaping from his former comrades.They are after him because Lord Meister, vassal of the Emperor, thinks that Seth is linked to the potential solution to the Crisis, but the young runaway doesn't want to return to the Vanguards Castle.To avoid spoilers, I'll show you only 4 of the 19 playable characters of the game! : )Seth is a young man tormented by his past. What happened 2 years ago is the cause of his flee from the imperial guards of Reyel: the Vanguards. Lord Meister, vassal of the Emperor, thinks that Seth is linked to the potential solution to the Crisis: a mysterious Red Crystal.Rudra is an old varzan (wolf-man) of the Marut clan, a shamans and hunters tribe. He was the clan's chief. His life was based on hunt and pray, but something happened to the clan. A rival tribe attacked the Maruts killing everyone even though they were less than them. Rudra says that they won because they used a strange Red Crystal with arcane powers. He follows Seth to discover the origin of this mysterious crystal.Ferion is a Maverick, a group of rebels that opposes the Halderos Treaty, the treaty that banned the technology. He and his friends use the forbidden technology to help the people of Reikan Empire. He seems to be linked to the Scarlet Wyrms, a dangerous group of criminals looking for the Red Crystal.A reserved girl that possesses a strange item that seems to be the potential solution of the Crisis. This item is one of the Red Crystals that both the Empires and the Scarlet Wyrms are looking for, and for this reason she will be involved in the adventure. Nadia is considered a witch by the people of her town, because she is the only one that can use Magic, a source of energy that disappeared many centuries ago.Theia is a classic, so we have characters with Level, Experience, HPs, and so on. Characters level-up killing enemies, etc etc.These are the main gameplay features:(about 25-30 of main story, and 10 of subquests, secondary events and minigames)The playable characters of Theia are. Each character enters the party with "Guest" condition. As the story progresses, some of them will find a reason to remain with Seth and then lose the condition. A Guest character cannot change his weapons and can't learn new skills.Each non-guest character has 3 or 4 weapons that can be created and upgraded by using crafting materials.Many weapons are crafted with Atlas Technology, so the played can insert Atlas Shards inside the weapons to gain bonuses. These weapons also have Atlas Synergies, that unlock extra bonuses according to the equipped shard. This system resembles FFVII's Materia System.The characters don't learn and upgrade skill by leveling up, but by using Ability Points (AP), a pool of points shared by all the characters.The classic Limit Break. Each character has a bar to fill during the combat. When the bar is filled, the Exceed Technique, a powerful attack or buff, can be used. Each character fills the bar using a specific battle command (we can see this command in the Status Menu). Each character has his unique EX-Technique. At the end of a battle, the Exceed bar will empty.In the right side of the battle screen, there is the: a special bar that charges up by using aggressive commands such as Attack and Skills, and unloads
Voiko työstä maksaa niin pientä palkkaa, että sillä ei ole tarkoituskaan tulla toimeen? Joidenkin mielestä tämän pitäisi olla mahdollista, toisten mielestä ei missään nimessä. Sitten on niitä, joille tämä on jo todellisuutta. Saksassa osa saa niin pientä palkkaa, että sillä ei tule toimeen – ja Suomessa haikaillaan samaa Varhaisjakaja Rabin Bhandari, 36, on jakanut työkseen sanomalehtiä kahdeksan vuotta. Kello on puoli kaksi aamuyöllä, kun hän on saanut tämän aamun lehdet pakattua Postin volkkariin ja suuntaa kierrokselleen. Työpäivä on ohi aamukuudelta. Useimpina päivinä Bhandari jatkaa suoraan toiseen työhönsä, jakamaan päiväpostia. Bhandarin palkka varhaisjakelusta on runsas tuhat euroa, eikä se riitä hänen itsensä ja vaimon elämiseen. Nyt marraskuussa Bhandarin palkka aleni, koska hänen työnantajansa Posti Palvelut siirsi varhaisjakelijat toisen työehtosopimuksen piiriin. Bhandarin tilanteeseen tiivistyy jotain oleellista nykyisistä työmarkkinoista. Työnantajilla on paine tehdä työstä yhä tuottavampaa. Siihen on monia keinoja, muun muassa Bhandarin ja hänen kollegoidensa kohdalle osunut työehtosopimuksen vaihto työntekijän kannalta huonompaan. Myös nollatuntisopimukset ja ulkoistukset kertovat samasta ilmiöstä. Kaksi myllerrystä Se, ovatko työehtojen huononnukset tai palkanalennukset tarpeellisia, riippuu siitä, keneltä kysyy. ”Pidän työstäni, mutta silti ottaa päähän, kun siitä maksetaan vähemmän kuin ennen. Mietin hetken jopa irtisanoutumista”, Bhandari sanoo. Työnantaja Postin näkökulmasta kyseessä on eloonjäämistaistelu. Se ei voi antaa tasoitusta maksamalla työntekijöilleen 5–15 prosenttia parempaa palkkaa kuin kilpailijat. Niinpä Posti siirsi varhaisjakajansa saman työehtosopimuksen piiriin, jossa sen kilpailijat ovat. Vielä kolme vuotta sitten Posti hallitsi 70 prosenttia varhaisjakelumarkkinasta. Nyt sillä on 40 prosenttia. Maailmassa on meneillään kaksi suurta myllerrystä, jotka vaikuttavat työmarkkinoihin kaikkialla. On globalisaatio, joka siirtää työpaikat sinne, missä työ on halvinta. On teknologian kehitys, joka siirtää työn koneille. Yrityksen eri osastot voivat olla samaan aikaan eri murrosten vaikutuspiirissä: toimistotyötä ulkoistetaan Intiaan ja duunari korvataan robotilla.
SURSE Posibil nume surpriză pe listele PSD la europarlamentare: Carmen Avram, realizatoare Antena 3, măsurată în sondajele partidului/ Alte nume de posibili candidați Realizatoarea emisiunii ”În premieră” difuzată de Antena3, Carmen Avram, ar putea fi surpriza de pe listele PSD la europarlamentare, au confirmat pentru G4Media.ro mai multe surse din partid. Potrivit acestora, PSD o măsoară în sondaje pe jurnalista Carmen Avram. Nu este clar dacă realizatoarea TV ar fi dispusă să accepte oferta PSD de a candida pe un loc pe liste. Avram n-a putut fi contactată de G4Media.ro până la publicarea acestui articol și nu a răspuns la mesaje. UPDATE 20.10 Radu Tudor a prezentat în emisiunea Punctul de Întâlnire lista PSD, care confirmă în mare parte informațiile prezentate de G4Media: Rovana Plumb, Claudiu Manda, Ioan Mircea Pașcu, Dan Nica, Natalia Intotero, Ilan Laufer, Doina Pana, Victor Boștinaru. De notat că Antena 3 a prezentat doar 8 nume, anunțând că vor fi prezentate alte 4 nume noi. ”Au fost lansate variante cu jurnaliști care ar putea concura pe listele PSD după modelul PNL. Sunt variante care se testează”, a declarat Radu Tudor, fără a pomeni însă clar numele jurnalistei Carmen Avram. Prezent în studio, Mihai Fifor, președintele Consiliului Național al PSD, a declarat că lista nu este încă alcătuită și că o decizie va fi luată la jumătatea săptămânii viitoare. Carmen Avram este soția jurnalistului Adrian Ursu, considerat în acest moment cel mai influent om din Antena 3. Avram a fost unul dintre veteranii ProTV, unde a lucrat 14 ani. A fost editor general al emisiunii ”România, te iubesc”, de unde s-a transferat la trustul Intact, în 2010. La Antena 3 realizează emisiunea de reportaje și anchete ”În Premieră”. A primit numeroase premii în țară și internaționale pentru anchetele și reportajele sale. Nu este singurul partid care măsoară un jurnalist în sondajele de opinie în perspectiva europarlamentarelor. Liberalii tatonează varianta de a deschide lista pentru europarlamentare cu jurnalistul Rareș Bogdan. ”PNL mi-a făcut oferta de a fi primul pe lista de la europarlamentare, decizia o iau după 21 martie”, a declarat realizatorul de la Realitatea TV pentru G4Media.ro. La PSD, cap de listă ar urma să fie Rovana Plumb, care speră să fie propusă și la funcția de Comisar European din partea României în viitorul executiv de la Bruxelles, au mai declarat surse din partid. Alte nume care ar putea figura pe lista
In der Debatte über die Zeitumstellung können die gut 500 Millionen Europäer in den kommenden Wochen im Internet der EU-Kommission ihre Meinung sagen. Die Brüsseler Behörde stellte dazu am Donnerstag einen Online-Fragebogen vor. Dabei können die Bürger bis zum 16. August angeben, ob sie künftig gerne ohne Zeitumstellung leben würden beziehungsweise ob sie ganzjährig die Sommerzeit bevorzugen. Die Fragen der Konsultation zur Sommerzeit. (Bild: EU-Kommission) Update 6.7.2018, 11 Uhr: Seit etwa 15.30 Uhr des 5. Juli ist der Online-Fragebogen nicht erreichbar. Der Server der EU-Kommission ist überlastet, bestätigt sie gegenüber heise online und bittet um Geduld: "The system is experiencing some difficulties, due to the high number of access." Aufforderung des Parlaments Die EU-Kommission prüft derzeit Forderungen nach einer Abschaffung der Zeitumstellung. Dazu hatte sie das EU-Parlament im Februar aufgefordert. Seit 1980 gibt es die Sommerzeit in Deutschland, seit 1996 stellen die Menschen in allen EU-Ländern die Uhren am letzten Sonntag im März eine Stunde vor und am letzten Oktober-Sonntag wieder eine Stunde zurück. Einige Mitgliedstaaten hätten die Frage der Zeitumstellung kürzlich angesprochen, teil die EU-Kommission mit. Finnland habe gefordert, die halbjährliche Zeitumstellung abzuschaffen, während Litauen verlangt habe, die Regelung zu überprüfen, um regionalen und geografischen Unterschieden Rechnung zu tragen. Das Europäische Parlament hatte in seiner Entschließung bekräftigt, "dass auch nach der Abschaffung der halbjährlichen Zeitumstellung unbedingt eine einheitliche EU-Zeitregelung beibehalten werden muss". Privatpersonen und Unternehmen sollen drei Fragen beantworten und können auch Bemerkungen abgeben. Die Antworten sollen alle veröffentlicht werden. Dabei können die Teilnehmer festlegen, ob ihr Name mit veröffentlicht wird oder nicht. Pro und Contra Die EU-Kommission führt fünf Argumentationsfelder für beziehungsweise gegen die Sommerzeit an: Unkoordinierte Zeitumstellungen zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten wären für den Binnenmarkt schädlich, "denn sie würden zu höheren Kosten für den grenzüberschreitenden Handel, zu Unannehmlichkeiten im Verkehr, bei der Kommunikation und bei Reisen sowie zu einer geringeren Produktivität bei Gütern und Dienstleistungen führen." Die gewünschten Energieeinsparungen durch die Sommerzeit seien nach den Erkenntnissen der Forschung nur marginal. Der Zeitumstellung würden positive Effekte durch mehr Möglichkeiten für Freizeitaktivitäten im Freien und damit für die Gesundheit zugeschrieben. Chronobiologische Forschungsergebnisse legten aber nahe, dass die Auswirkungen auf den menschlichen B
My employer uses "descriptive" part numbers for the parts they manufacturer. Without going into too much information, "descriptive" part numbers contain information about the item within the part number, it could contain characters that describe the material used to make it and/or characters to denote its end use. I am often asked to create a report for certain collections of parts. These "collections" are identified by a range of characters in certain positions of the part number, and the sort order desired may not be in a simple sort order, I will explain what I mean by that later. The "descriptive" part numbers I will be using in these example consists of three parts: Positions Description 1 – 2 Finished product line 3 Dash 4 - 8 Raw material made from 9 Dash 10 – 30 Customer end use For example: HN-C0434-S15 The Part Master file is called PARTMST, and contains the following fields: 01 A UNIQUE 02 A R RPARTMST 03 A PARTNBR 30A 04 A PARTTYPE 2A 05 A PARTORIGIN 3A 06 A PARTCOST 7P 2 07 A K PARTNBR I can use this simple SQL Select statement to view its contents: SELECT * FROM PARTMST ORDER BY PARTNBR PARTNBR PARTTYPE PARTORIGIN PARTCOST HN-C0434-S15 AB USA.12 HN-C0677-S22 A2 MEX 14.20 HS-C0211-PX A1 CAN 3.21 HS-C0424-PP A USA 11.50 HS-C0899-PP A USA 9.39 SS-C1133-Q01 AB USA 7.00 I need to sort by the raw material part of the Part Number. I can easily create a Logical file, with a new field, SORT1, created from substring the raw material information from the Part Number field. 01 A R RPARTMSTL0 PFILE(PARTMST) 02 A PARTNBR 03 A PARTTYPE 04 A PARTORIGIN 05 A PARTCOST 06 A SORT1 I SST(PARTNBR 4 5) 07 A K SORT1 I can use a SQL Select statement to see and sort the data by in this Logical file: SELECT * FROM PARTMSTL0 ORDER BY SORT1 PARTNBR PARTTYPE PARTORIGIN PARTCOST SORT1 HS-C0211-PX A1 CAN 3.21 C0211 HS-C0424-PP A USA 11.50 C0424 HN-C0434-S15 AB USA.12 C0434 HN-C0677-S22 A2 MEX 14.20 C0677 HS-C0899-PP A USA 9.39 C0899 SS-C1133-Q01 AB USA 7.00 C1133 The request is that I must sort the report by the Part Type and then the raw material. The Part Type must be sorted in the order "AB", "A1", "A2", and then everything else. This is where using a Logical file no longer is efficient. I switch to using a SQL View. By using derived columns I can assign any value to the new column(s), and then sort using the new column(s). 01 CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW MYLIB.PARTMSTV0 02 (PARTNBR,PARTTYPE,PARTORIGIN,PARTCOST, 03 SORT1,SORT2) 04 AS SELECT A.*, 05 SUBSTR(A.PARTNBR,4,5), 06 CASE WHEN A.PARTTYPE = 'AB' THEN 10 07 WHEN A.PARTTYPE = 'A1' THEN 20 08 WHEN A.PARTTYPE = 'A2' THEN 30 09 ELSE 99 10 END 11 FROM PARTMST A ; Lines 2 and 3: This is the definition of the columns that will be in the View. Line 4: By using A.* I am including all the fields from the Physical file in the Select statement. Line 5: The Substring parses out the raw material section of the Part Number. Lines 6 – 10: As I mentioned above the sort order of the Part Type is not a simple sort, not just an ascending or descending sort. This is where I am using the CASE to give a value to the SORT2 column depending upon the value in the PARTTYPE field. Notice that I have an ELSE, line 9, this is what I call a "catch all" in other words if the value is not any of the above the value of SORT2 is 99. Now the SQL Select’s ORDER BY is very simple that everyone can understand
facial expression to the second painting, only to radically alter the context of these gestures by an unexpected striptease (one is reminded of how Buñuel and Dali use dream-like dissolves during the breast-fondling sequence of Un Chien Andalou). The back of the hand placed on the hip and that sensuously painted, jutting elbow now appear knowingly coquettish. In a trick of the light almost, our innocent, fashionable beauty is exposed as a provocative, vain temptress, reminiscent of the young woman in The Young Witch. Yet, like a sequence of filmic montage, the meaning(s) resides not in the content of either of the two paintings in isolation, but in their juxtapostion. Once again Wiertz's handling of supernatural and erotic material is captivating. Nudity is given an explosive context in The Outrage Of A Belgian Woman (aka A Blow From The Hand Of A Belgian Lady; Le Soufflet d'une dame belge) of (1861). If in The Suicide (Le Suicide) of 1854 we are spared the actual effects of gunfire as the suicide's features are engulfed by a cloud of gunsmoke, in The Outrage Of A Belgian Woman the depiction of violence is more explicit, and still seems rather shocking, even by today's standards. A chubby, Rubensesque female fends off a military assailant by firing a pistol into his face, thus escaping probable rape. Wiertz superbly captures the panic and hysteria of the incident by dividing our gaze between three points of tension in the composition. Firstly, the large, powerful hand and forearm of the assailant around the woman's waist, signifying entrapment and the threat of sexual violation, is given a foreground emphasis. Secondly, as our gaze darts upwards across the woman's bare chest we see the pistol, held at a parallel angle to the assailant's forearm. The angle of the pistol serves both to underline (and thus partly frame) the woman's anguished cry, which is the central point of tension within the composition, and then to direct our gaze along its barrel to the third point of tension - the exploding face of the assailant. A close-up of this section of the canvas shows that Wiertz was keen to depict the full force of the gunfire in all its gory details; consequently, this image wouldn't be out of place in contemporary cinema. One could imagine a film director approaching the whole incident by cutting rapidly between these points of tension, in the order I've suggested, to gain maximum dramatic effect. Of course, the painter of a single frame painting - forever stuck with the master shot - has no such control of our perceptual ordering of events. Nevertheless, by skilful arrangement of visual cues Wiertz suggests a perceptual route through the painting which encourages us to make close-ups of and therefore cuts between the various points of dramatic tension. Techniques like this, allied to striking images, mean that Wiertz's still undervalued work has the capacity to fire the imagination of contemporary viewers. CONCLUDING NOTE All colour photographs used in this essay, with the exception of The Young Witch (reproduced from the front cover of La Bas, Dedalus 1992), are by Jeffery Howe; readers are encouraged to visit his very informative 'Antoine Wiertz (1806-1865): Belgian Romantic' at http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/fnart/art/wiertz.html where there are more photographs of Wiertz's work and a short introductory essay. The actual paintings are housed at the Wiertz Museum in Brussels. The painting (photo by Jeffery Howe) used as a background image to the 'Milennial Mavericks' page on this Rubberneck site is also by Wiertz, entitled Deux jeunes filles ou la belle Rosine (Two Young Girls Or The Beautiful Rosine, 1847), and the painting at the top of this page is Une Tête de Mort (1824). MORE PAINTINGS BY WIERTZ The following black & white photographs of Wiertz's paintings (and the other black & white photographs used in this essay) have been reproduced from a rather fragile copy of Antoine Wiertz by Fritz Vanderpyl (Editions des Cahiers de Belgique, 1931). To my knowledge, these photographs are not displayed elsewhere on the Net. Once again the paintings are housed at the Wiertz Museum. A Young Girl Going To Bath (Jeune fille se préparant au bain, 1839); The Burnt Child (L'Enfant Brûlé, 1849); The Secret (La Confidence, 1864); Quasimodo (1839); Factions Judged By Christ (Les Partis jugés par le Christ, 1865); Factions According To Christ (Les Partis se
Player ( renderer, playerState ); //... other stuff } What happens? Nothing includes "draw_player.h", we fail to detect the linkage requirement, "draw_player.cpp" is not compiled or linked in, and we get a link error as follows: game_main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl DrawPlayer(class IRenderer const &,class CPlayerState const &)" (?DrawPlayer@@YAXAEBVIRenderer@@AEBVCPlayerState@@@Z) referenced in function main Well, first of all, I don't want anyone to write code like this. There's a reason for the header. Bypassing the header makes the code brittle with respect to changes to the DrawPlayer() function signature, but also makes it harder to identify code that uses rendering functions (by searching for include lines), and this is a code quality issue that I'm happy to see identified by an error. But the point is, even with code like this, the result is far from catastrophic. It's the same error as if you forget to add a new cpp file to a Visual Studio project, with standard project, but less likely to happen, and with the same kind of direct line back from error to cause. Global linkage requirements Another way we might miss linkage requirements is due to the kind of 'global' linkage requirement implied by something like the following: // abbreviated version of "Assert.h", from PathEngine #pragma once extern "C" { int PathEngine_HandleAssertion ( const char *, int32_t, const char * ); } #define assertR(expr) do{static int on = true;if(on &&!(expr)) on = PathEngine_HandleAssertion(__FILE__,__LINE__,#expr);}while(0) #ifdef ASSERTIONS_ON #define assertD(expr) assertR(expr) #else #define assertD(expr) do{}while(0) #endif In this case, there is no single corresponding "Assert.cpp". Instead, different types of application are expected to provide suitable implementations of PathEngine_HandleAssertion(), depending on the desired behaviour. (In some cases a message box should pop up. In others, assertions should be printed to console output, or logged. Sometimes it should be possible to turn assertions off, and so on.) But what if I want to share common assertion handling strategies between applications? I can set up a source file "MessageBoxAssert.cpp", for example, but no header is required for this (with PathEngine_HandleAssertion already declared in "Assert.h"). Because there is no matching header pair, nothing tells the build system that this source file needs to be compiled, or that "MessageBoxAssert.obj" needs to be included in the link. There are perhaps better ways to handle this kind of situation, but what we do currently in PathEngine, is go ahead and add an empty "MessageBoxAssert.h", anyway. This (empty) header file can be included from the relevant application root source file just to indicate that linkage to "MessageBoxAssert.cpp" is desired. Linking objects that aren't required Consider the following class: // position.h class CSerialiser ; class CPosition { int x ; int y ; public : CPosition ( int x, int y ) : x ( x ), y ( y ) { } int getX () const { return x ; } int getY () const { return y ; } void translateBy ( int dx, int dy ) { x += dx ; y += dy ; } void serialise ( CSerialiser & s ) const ; }; Not a hugely useful class, but the point is that nearly everything here is implemented inline in the class header. There is a matching "position.cpp", however, containing just the definition of CPosition::serialise(). Perhaps I have some code that needs to do some stuff with positions, but doesn't need to serialise them. Due to the way we infer linkage dependencies, "position.cpp" will get pulled in to the link, as well as "serialiser.cpp" (and probably whole a bunch of other stuff) even if none of this is actually used. Note that I haven't seen this issue in PathEngine, in practice, and this is really just a theoretical objection to inferring linkage requirements the way we do. I guess the point is that, although the method we are using for inferring linkage dependencies is more fine grained than and relationships between static libraries, in some cases it may not be fine grained enough. And I guess the
: How to meditate through food Aqua Shard, London, UK That top-of-the-world feeling at Aqua Shard. Courtesy Aqua Restaurant Group At London's Aqua Shard, there are seemingly dozens of marriage proposals every week. With dazzling and incomparable views of the UK capital, it's easy to see why it's such a popular choice for incurable romantics. Up on the 31st floor of one of the city's most striking -- and unmissable -- buildings, Aqua Shard is also home to serious culinary talent and stellar ingredients. Hand-dived scallops from the Orkney Islands or Colchester rock oysters are two of the maritime appetizers. This course may be followed by fillet of Hereford beef or a stuffed globe artichoke. The restaurant's daily hours from 7 a.m. to 10.30 p.m. means that there's at least a decent chance of snagging an especially coveted window table. Aqua Shard, Level 31, The Shard, 31 St Thomas St, London SE1 9RY, UK; +44 0 2030111256 Related content Great plates: 15 new restaurants to try in 2019 Le 1131, Burgundy, France Abbaye de la Bussière is a short distance from Beaune and Dijon. Courtesy Abbaye de la Bussière France's Burgundy region is world-famous for its wines and cuisine, and few of its destinations are as romantic as Abbaye de la Bussière. The Cistercian abbey dates back to the 12th century and sits in beautifully landscaped gardens. What was once the cloister houses, the restaurant is named 1131 (after the year the abbey was built), and diners actually eat under ancient vaulted arches and columns. Chef Guillaume Royer holds one highly-coveted Michelin star and has also been awarded one of the country's great culinary distinctions as "Meilleur Ouvrier de France." Accompanying Royer's dishes -- think venison fillet with rosemary and parsnips -- is a wine list featuring some of the region's very finest vintages. Abbaye De La Bussière, D 33, 21360 La Bussière-Sur-Ouche, France; +33 3 80 49 02 29 Pimms, Belmond Cap Juluca, Anguilla Fine dining in an exquisite Caribbean setting. Richard James Taylor/Belmond Cap Juluca The tiny island of Anguilla in the British West Indies is a Caribbean escape for romantics. It's luxurious and private and has loads of style too. Pimms serves refined Anguilian cuisine and Caribbean classics which make the most of hyper-local ingredients and the daily catch. Citrus-cured king salmon or ahi tuna tartare could start things off, before Anguilla lobster or roasted rack of lamb take center stage. As you'd expect, the design is all about celebrating the views of the turquoise water and white sands just a few feet away. Pimms, Maundays Bay, AI-2640, Anguilla, British West Indies; +1 264 497 6666 The Kitchen at The Dunlavy, Houston The Dunlavy overlooks the banks of Houston's Buffalo Bayou and Lost Lake. AMA by Aisha/The Dunlavy Executive Chef Jane Wild oversees the plates at The Kitchen at The Dunlavy, a glamorous spot on a patio overlooking Houston's bayou. The dining room is bathed in light, both from natural light streaming in from outside as well as from exquisite chandeliers inside. It's easy to see why it's a popular destination for wedding receptions. Southern Californian cuisine influences the menu and features produce sourced straight from no fewer than the property's three gardens. Aptly for Valentine's, heart-healthy options also feature prominently, while new additions to a seasonal menu offer the more exotic flavors of the Middle East, India and Vietnam. The Dunlavy, 3422 Allen Pkwy, Houston, TX 77019; +1 713-360-6477 Related content Historic hotel rooms and their legendary guests ICEHOTEL Restaurant, Jukkasjärvi, Sweden Sweden's ICEHOTEL is made solely out of snow and ice and will use sustainable architecture to stay open during summer months. The world's very first hotel made from snow and ice is the chilly but undeniably fairytale-like backdrop to a unique dining location. Unlike the rest of the hotel, the dining room is warm, allowing head chef Alexander Meier to deliver menus that highlight local produce like bramble berries, Arctic
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189.006 Note Hand colored plan of the city and fortification. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridian is London. Includes historical text at the foot of map. Brion de La Tour, Louis... Carte generale des fina... 1765 National Atlas Related Author [Brion de La Tour, Louis, 1743 – 1803, Desnos, Louis Charles] Full Title Carte generale des finances de France... Par Mr. Michel... A Paris chez Desnos. 1765. (to accompany ) Tableau analytique de la France... Par differents auteurs ; dirige par le S. Desnos... M. DCC. LXVI (1766). (to accompany) Coup d'oeil general sur la France, par M. Brion... A Paris Grange Imprimeur-Libraire … M. DCC. LXV. (1765). List No 13128.039 Note Outline hand color map of the finances of France. Relief shown pictorially. Includes legend, ornamental title cartouche and border. Brion de La Tour, Louis... Carte odographique de l... 1766 National Atlas Related Author [Brion de La Tour, Louis, 1743 – 1803, Desnos, Louis Charles, Rizzi Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio] Full Title Carte odographique de la France, ou tableau des distances des pricipales villes du royaume a la capital avec les provinces don't ells dependent et le nombre des postes relatives à Paris comme centre. Dressee par Rizzi Zannoni. M. DCC.LXVI ( 1766). (to accompany ) Tableau analytique de la France... Par differents auteurs ; dirige par le S. Desnos... M. DCC. LXVI (1766). (to accompany) Coup d'oeil general sur la France, par M. Brion... A Paris Grange Imprimeur-Libraire … M. DCC. LXV. (1765). List No 13128.045 Note Circular hand colored chart provides a graphic depiction of the distances between Paris and the main cities and provinces of the kingdom. Includes ornamental title cartouche and border. Brion de La Tour, Louis... Title Page: Le petit ne... 1766 National Atlas Related Author [Brion de La Tour, Louis, 1743 – 1803, Desnos, Louis Charles, Rizzi Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio] Full Title (Title Page to) Le petit neptune Francois ou carte des cotes maritimes du royaume : avec une partie de celles d'Angleterre : dans laquelle on voit les ports ou havres, les bayes, les rades, les sondes, les bancs-de-sable, les rochers, ecueils, caps, &c. Dressee d'apres les cartes hydrographiques particulieres qui ont paru jusqu'a ce jour assujetties aux observations des astronomes et des navia ateurs. Par m. Rizzi Zannoni. A Paris, chez le Sr. Desnos, M.DCCLXVI (1766). (to accompany) Coup d'oeil general sur la France, par M. Brion... A Paris Grange Imprimeur-Libraire … M. DCC. LXV. (1765). List No 13128.047 Note Ornamental title page to hand colored chart of the coastal outline of France and the immediate surroundings, sheets 35-37. 4 color maps, 2 unnumbered sheets, 3 double page, 1 folded. Showing coastal towns, ports and harbor, inland is empty, except for Paris. Depth shown by soundings. Brion de La Tour, Louis... Le petit neptune Franco... 1766 National Atlas Related Author [Brion de La Tour, Louis, 1743 – 1803, Desnos, Louis Charles, Rizzi Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio] Full Title Le petit neptune Francois ou carte des cotes maritimes du royaume : avec une partie de celles d'Angleterre : dans laquelle on voit les ports ou havres, les bayes, les rades, les sondes, les bancs-de-sable, les rochers, ecueils, caps, &c. Dressee d'apres les cartes hydrographiques particulieres qui ont paru jusqu'a ce jour assujetties aux observations des astronomes et des navia ateurs. Par m. Rizzi Zannoni. A Paris, chez
le Sr. Desnos, M.DCCLXVI (1766). (to accompany) Coup d'oeil general sur la France, par M. Brion... A Paris Grange Imprimeur-Libraire … M. DCC. LXV. (1765). List No 13128.048 Note Hand colored chart of the coastal outline of France with then English Channel, sheets 35. Showing coastal towns, ports and harbor. Depth shown by soundings. Brion de La Tour, Louis... Pmiere feuille L'indica... 1764 National Atlas Related Author [Brion de La Tour, Louis, 1743 – 1803, Desnos, Louis Charles] Full Title Pmiere feuille L'indicateur fidele du voyageur Francois, qui renferme trois Objets, sçavoir... Levee et dressee par Mr. Michel... A Paris,chez le Sr. Desnos. 1764. (to accompany) L' indicateur fidele ou guide des voyageurs... A Paris, M. D.CC.LXV. (1765). (to accompany) Coup d'oeil general sur la France, par M. Brion... A Paris Grange Imprimeur-Libraire … M. DCC. LXV. (1765). List No 13128.055 Note First sheet of traveler guide map, hand color. Shows all the routes, landmarks, and major cities. Includes descriptive text, index to mineralogical signs. "Echelle d'une Lieue et demie Parisienne. " Brion de La Tour, Louis... X Feuille, L'indicateur... 1766 National Atlas Related Author [Brion de La Tour, Louis, 1743 – 1803, Desnos, Louis Charles] Full Title X. Flle. L'indicateur fidele, du voyageur Francois, Route des provinces Normandie, Boulonois, partie de la Flandres et Picardie, et route de Paris a Londres, fcavoir par Dieppe et Calais & c. Par Mr. Michel... A Paris, chez le Sr. Desnos. 1766. (to accompany) L' indicateur fidele ou guide des voyageurs... A Paris, M. D.CC.LXV. (1765). (to accompany) Coup d'oeil general sur la France, par M. Brion... A Paris Grange Imprimeur-Libraire … M. DCC. LXV. (1765). List No 13128.064 Note 10th. folded sheet of traveler guide map, hand color. Shows all the routes, landmarks, and major cities. Includes text, index and title cartouche. Relief shown by hachures. Brion de La Tour, Louis... XVe. Feuille. Qui donne... 1765 National Atlas Related Author [Brion de La Tour, Louis, 1743 – 1803, Desnos, Louis Charles] Full Title XVe. Feuille. Qui donne les routes et Chemins de communications, compris entre les 4. Grandes routes de Paris à Nantes et Rennes... (to accompany) L' indicateur fidele ou guide des voyageurs... A Paris, M. D.CC.LXV. (1765). (to accompany) Coup d'oeil general sur la France, par M. Brion... A Paris Grange Imprimeur-Libraire … M. DCC. LXV. (1765). List No 13128.069 Note 15th. sheet of traveler guide map, hand color. Shows all the routes, roads, landmarks, and major cities. Includes text, index and title cartouche. Relief shown by hachures. Cassini family; Cassini... Composite: Carte de Fra... 1750 National Atlas Related Full Title (Composite of) Carte de France (Cassini Projection). Levee par ordre du Roy. (1750-1815) List No 5694.202 Note Cassini Soldare projection is used, the original projection with the prime meridian at Paris Observatory. Composite of 182 engraved maps. Relief shown by hachures. Great Britain. MI6 Zones of France : 1:2,0... 1944 Fabric Map Related Author Great Britain. MI6 Full Title Zones of France : 1:2,000,000. Second edition. I.S.9 (WEA) MAR 44. List No 13127.000 Note 2nd edition of WWII Zones of France silk Escape map, Issued pre D-Day, 4 March 1944. Intelligence School #9, Western Europe, M19, to Allied air crew and special forces operating behind enemy lines. Developed with the aid of the OSS and
.M.C.A. was going to be shut up forever…and all the peach trees outside town shriveling up and the ravine being filled in and no place to play ever again and me sick in bed for as long as I could think and everything dark, and I got scared.” (This might seem morbid, but it’s honest. As the father in “The Veldt,” in 1951’s The Illustrated Man, worries about his 10-year-old children: “They were awfully young…for death thoughts. Or, no, you were never too young, really.”) It’s easy to see where this realization of death came from for Bradbury — not from adulthood, as all four of his daughters outlived him, and he and his wife were married 55 years, but from childhood. He’d lost a grandfather when he was five. When he devotes several of the final pages of Fahrenheit 451 to a newly introduced character’s reminiscences of his grandfather, it’s easy to read it as a little inserted autobiography, the writer writing what he knows. “When he died, I suddenly realized I wasn’t crying for him at all, but for the things he did. I cried because he would never do them again…He was part of us and when he died, all the actions stopped dead and there was no one to do them just the way he did. He was individual. He was an important man. I’ve never gotten over his death.” A grandfather wasn’t Bradbury’s only childhood loss. Bradbury’s older brother Sam (a family name), twin to Leonard Jr. (another family name), died two years before Ray was born, during the incomprehensibly deadly 1918 Spanish flu epidemic estimated to have killed three to five percent of the world’s population. “Bradbury sensed an unspoken, and perhaps unconscious, desire within the family that he would grow to stand in for his brother’s lost twin,” Jonathan R. Eller writes in the biography Becoming Ray Bradbury. Bradbury’s baby sister also died, from pneumonia in 1927, which he surely describes in Dandelion Wine when he writes, from the point-of-view of the hero’s ten-year-old brother: Death was his little sister one morning when he awoke at the age of seven, looked into her crib, and saw her staring up at him with a blind, blue, fixed and frozen stare until the men came with a small wicker basket to take her away. Death was when he stood by her high chair four weeks later and suddenly realized she’d never be in it again, laughing and crying and making him jealous of her because she was born. That was death. “The deaths of these siblings most assuredly contributed to Bradbury’s fascination with death,” Steven L. Aggelis writes in his introduction to the collection Conversations with Ray Bradbury. (It only takes Fahrenheit 451 three scenes, fewer than 15 pages, until a character tries to kill herself.) There was also the curious incident from his youth in which he spent a day playing with a girl on the edge of a lake; then she went swimming and drowned. This formed the basis of his first major story, “The Lake” (1942), republished in his first story collection, Dark Carnival. As a result of the writing, he “was able, at least partially, to purge from his system a demon that had long haunted him, the memory of her death,” Aggelis writes. If that’s true, he had quite a few such demons to purge, which must be why you see such loss show up again and again in his books! One of his most death-obsessed stories, “Next in Line,” opens with the funeral procession of a tiny coffin in a small Mexican town. Bradbury’s work often oscillates between young death and old. In October Country’s “Jack-in-the-Box,” an isolated child, poorly educated in seclusion by his nutty mother, doesn’t know what death is, and he mistakes it for life after he finally sees the outside world, which he was always told would kill him. To the bemusement of a beat cop, the boy runs wild down the streets, tears streaming, shouting, “I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m glad I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m glad I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead, it’s good to be dead!” The collection�
They say the best revenge is to become your best self. For most of us regular schlubs, that means a three-week dabble in a Keto diet and posting strategic Instagram selfies to show our ex Linda that we’re gonna be just fine without her. But if you’re a Major League Baseball player who was benched, demoted, and traded a year after an All Star-caliber season, the best revenge looks more like this: Domingo Santana‘s 2019 revenge tour is only just beginning, but he’s already turning heads—and I don’t just mean Nathan Eovaldi‘s as he said the sad goodbye to the above 403-foot, 107-mph no-doubter to left field. So far to start the young season, Santana has looked every bit the offensive weapon he was in 2017, when he was one of just six players with 30 homers, 15 stolen bases and an.800+ OPS—a group that includes the likes of Mike Trout, Paul Goldschmidt and Francisco Lindor. Santana’s career has been one of solid production and front-office slights. He’s just 26 years old, but his transaction log reads more like a veteran journeyman’s than that of a high-upside, cost-controlled bat. The Brewers shipped him to Seattle this offseason after they acquired Lorenzo Cain and Christian Yelich prior to the 2018 season, pushing Santana to the pine. He’d only been in Milwaukee by way of a trade that sent him from Houston, where he’d been a top prospect on a club that would go on to win the World Series two years later without him. And he’d only ended up in Houston after the Phillies accidentally traded him away as a “player to be named later.” So you can’t fault him for pressing at the plate early in 2018 when his playing time and career trajectory were once again put into question. He’s said so himself: “I was really not in my comfort zone. Instead of going up there and get a jam hit and only go 1 for 4 but know I’ll be out there tomorrow, but playing with them (Yelich, Cain and Braun), you felt like you had to get on their level. I got that in my head. And it didn’t work.” That lack of confidence resulted in a poor showing that ultimately got him demoted for a good chunk of the season. But so far for 2019, he’s heading in the right direction. PA AVG OBP SLG PA/HR BB% K% 2017 607.278.371.505 20.2 12% 29.3% 2018 235.265.328.412 47 8.5% 32.8% 2019 44.297.409.676 11 15.9% 25% With a fresh setting and playing time guarantee in Seattle, Santana is poised to get back on track to the 2017 version of himself. Thing is, he might actually be even better. The Revenant In hindsight, it’s hard to fault the Brewers for going out and acquiring both Yelich and Cain at Santana’s expense. Both were All Stars last season, and Yelich was the National League MVP—not exactly regrettable if you’re a general manager. But even so, Santana’s always had some swing and miss to his game that had to be concerning for the front office. He’d never posted a strikeout rate below 28% across any level in a meaningful sample, and his K rates often have floated above 30%. The obvious reason is that he’s letting it all fly toward the fences at the expense of making good contact. But he’s also been hyper-aggressive at the plate. It’s not that he swings at more pitches outside the zone than the rest of the league, but when he does chase he’s historically struggled to make contact. Even when he does swing at pitches in the zone, his contact rates have undershot the league average by a decent amount, shown in bold red here. Team O-Swing% Z-Swing% Swing% O-Contact% Z-Contact% Contact% Zone% F-Strike% SwStr% Santana ‘17 26.5 % 71.3 % 46.3 % 51.9 % 78.9 % 70.3 % 44.2 % 62.1 % 13.7 % MLB ‘17 29.9 % 66.7 % 46.5 % 62.9 % 85.5 % 77.5 % 45.0 % 60.3 % 10.4 % Santana ‘18 30.9 % 71.8 % 47.2 % 48.2 % 78.2 % 66.4 %
39.9 % 65.1 % 15.8 % MLB ‘18 30.9 % 67.3 % 46.6 % 62.8 % 85.5 % 76.9 % 43.0 % 60.6 % 10.7 % This all results in an ugly swinging strike rate that contributes to all those strikeouts. That aggressive approach is great when he connects, but it also yields a huge amount of whiffs, like this kill-or-be-killed cut against a Zack Greinke changeup. It’s good then to see that the 2019 version of Domingo appears to be taking a different approach at the plate. He’s made improvements across the board in his contact rates while keeping his actual swing rate mostly intact. So not only is he theoretically putting more balls into play, he’s also not striking out as much. The most encouraging sign is that he’s not swinging at as many pitches outside the zone, but when he does swing he’s making contact at a rate well above league average. The end result is a career-low 9.2% swinging strike rate, a massive drop off from his 15.8% in 2018 and 13.7% in 2017. This hasn’t yet reflected in his strikeout, which currently stands at 25%. But even that rate would be a career best and could hold even if the swinging strike rate rises. (For reference, the worst K% last year among qualified batters with a <12% SwStr% was Justin Smoak, at 26.3%.) Swing rates and swinging strike rates are among the fastest statistics to stabilize within a season, given that each at-bat potentially includes multiple data points. Santana has seen 167 pitches so far this season (as of Friday) has already pushed him past the stabilization point for swinging strike rate. While it could certainly move, and I’m willing to bet it goes up some, he’s clearly headed toward the path of putting a lot more balls into play. For a guy with a career BABIP of.360, this is a great thing. Man on Fire For a guy with an all-or-nothing approach at the plate, Santana has historically put the ball on the ground a lot. He’s a career 46% ground ball hitter, comparable to peak career Robinson Cano in terms of batted ball profile and distribution. But he’s always been consistent in his home run rates, posting 27.6%, 27.5% and 31% HR/FB from 2015-2017. The outlier was his 2018 season, where he hit just 13% of his fly balls past the fence. This consistency of HR/FB% is what makes Domingo Santana in 2019 so interesting: He’s actually putting the ball in the air. Better still is that those extra fly balls are occurring at the expense of his grounders, not his line drives. Obviously, more fly balls in this case should yield more long balls for Santana, and keeping his line drive intact should help him maintain his high BABIP. Fly ball and ground ball rates tend to stabilize around at around 80 balls in play, so there’s still a bit of noise to sort out here. Santana very well could end the season with the same grounder rate as always. But his Statcast data shows that there’s likely some regression coming his way in the good sense. Two charts tell the tale: In the top chart, we can see that Santana’s launch angle has increased for fastballs and offspeed pitches. His SLG on those pitch types for 2019 is.100 and 1.250, respectively. His overall launch angle so far is 19.7, way up from his career of 10.3. I wouldn’t expect a 30-degree launch angle off offspeed pitches all season, but even his batted balls off fastballs are getting hit higher. The bottom chart shows his average exit velocities for pitch types over time. The big drop in his average exit velocity off fastball is staggering: from 89.4 last season to 77.7 so far in 2019. Short of an injury, there’s no reason to expect that exit velocity to hold over the course of the entire year. Santana slugged.464 off fastballs in his poor 2018; he’s on fire out of the gate so far this year, with the entirety of his production coming off breaking balls and offspeed pitches. There’s some small sample wonkiness going on here for sure, but the great sign is that Santana’s going full John Wick without getting any production from his bread-and-butter. Domingo Unchained Putting it all together, Santana’s showing some really positive signs to address the biggest weakness in his game by reducing his strikeout rate. Combine that