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¿Harto de ‘Despacito‘, la canción que inundó todos los altavoces en el pasado verano? Pues parece que alguien lo estaba tanto que ha hackeado los perfiles de YouTube de Vevo y ha borrado el vídeo, entre otras modificaciones. La canción, que batió el récord de vídeo más visto de la historia de YouTube, ya no está disponible, además de que de forma previa al hackeo cambiaron la imagen por un fotograma de una escena de ‘La Casa de Papel’, una conocida serie española.
Si tratamos de entrar ahora mismo a ‘Despacio’, simplemente nos será imposible y seremos advertidos de que «El usuario ha eliminado este vídeo». Si accedemos desde Google, aparte de que tendremos el mismo resultado, por supuesto, veremos la imagen cambiada por la escena de la serie española justo antes de que fuese eliminado el vídeo.
luis fonsi youtube hackeado despacito la casa de papel
Los responsables de esto son los integrantes del grupo de hackers Kuroi’SH, conocidos anteriormente por hackear algunas cuentas de Twitter.
Cuentas de YouTube hackeadas y ‘Despacito’ borrado
Ninguno de los dos usuarios, así como Vevo, se ha manifestado acerca del asunto
Pero no solamente afectaría a la cuenta de YT de Luis Fonsi, sino que la colombiana Shakira también sería otro de los usuarios de Vevo afectados por el hackeo, pues ‘Chantaje‘, uno de sus títulos más escuchados, tiene como título en YouTube «x – hacked by prosox & kuroi’sh @OpIsrael 🙂 FreePalestine ft. Maluma», aunque en esta ocasión el vídeo no ha desaparecido, y la miniatura tampoco ha cambiado.
despacito has been deleted from youtube pic.twitter.com/mJe0QWLApp — venom (. Y.) (@venomkatycat) April 10, 2018
No han tardado poco los usuarios de Twitter hasta comenzar a celebrar la pérdida (la canción, aparte de ser todo un éxito, sonó en todos los lugares, cansando incluso hasta al mismísimo Maluma, tal y como ha declarado). Justamente ayer ‘Despacito’ había roto el techo de visitas de YouTube, llegando a los 5 mil millones, una cantidad nunca antes vista, y aún en 2018 estaba volviendo a crecer en cuanto a popularidad.
El grupo de hackers anuncia en Twitter que las siguientes víctimas serán Logan Paul, un conocido youtuber estadounidense y Jake Paul, su hermano. Anteriormente, aparte de haber hackeado otras cuentas de Twitter, había hecho que, al acceder a Google Brasil, se mostrase un mensaje y no el buscador, al menos durante 30 minutos.
Actualizado – Despacito ha vuelto
Unas cuatro horas después, los principales vídeos de VEVO han vuelto a Youtube. Y eso incluye, por supuesto, Despacito de Luis Fonsi, que ya podemos reproducir en toda su gloria; los vídeos han recuperado la cantidad de reproducciones que tenían en su momento (más de 5.000 millones en el caso de Despacito).
Aún no hay declaraciones oficiales de Youtube o | 38,500 |
eliš kazao je da otkrivene nečasnosti „nisu osobito težak etički prijestup“. Tada je prvi put izrugan značaj OEZVO-a i uopće pitanja znanstvene čestitosti, a hrvatska je akademska zajednica zaslužila status teškog slučaja međunarodnih razmjera.
Međutim, to nije kraj. Što se događalo s OEZVO-om nakon što je smisao postojanja jednog takvog tijela nedvojbeno potvrđen u jednoj ranije nedodirljivoj priči? Budući da su Vlada i Sabor potpuno ignorirali OEZVO doživljavajući ga, valjda, kao incident u sistemu netalasanja, nakon isteka četverogodišnjeg mandata i izvještaja koji je jedva usvojen u Saboru, tadašnji je predsjednik Odbora Vedran Katavić podnio ostavku. MZOS se naredne četiri godine efikasno pravilo mrtvo za OEZVO, vjerojatno zato što gašenje jednog takvog tijela ne bi bilo politički popularno, dok se njegova prava aktivacija već pokazala problematičnom za lokalne etičke odbore. Odbor se ipak revitalizira 2014. godine, kada neimenovani dužnosnik MZOS-a predlaže izmjene ZZDVO-a i kada se, opet očito greškom u sistemu, stvorila platforma za reizbor novih članova. Budući da nije bilo službene primopredaje vlasti i ovlasti nakon četverogodišnjeg interregnuma, Odbor doista nije imao pojma o predmetima koji su mu stizali od 2011. godine, pa je za predmet Barišić, koji je stigao baš tada, sasvim svejedno kako im je pao u ruke. U formalnoj proceduri sigurno ne, ali za to nisu krivi članovi Odbora, kakvi god oni bili.
O ovlastima Odbora se može raspravljati nadugo i naširoko, naročito ako se stvari žele dodatno zakomplicirati, ali ta rasprava ne može započeti onda kada OEZVO donosi rješenja koja nekog inkriminiraju. Zapravo, može, ali je jasno koliko tajming opterećuje zainteresirane sudionike. Budući da smo usred toga, navedimo da Odboru zakonom pripada papinska funkcija moralnog poglavara u znanosti i visokom obrazovanju i da je to, uz pretpostavku kredibiliteta tijela, sasvim dovoljno. Da njegov rad nije u sferi ezoterije kako se to često predstavlja (usput, što je ezoterično u utvrđivanju odgovara li znanstveni rad univerzalnim standardima znanstvene čestitosti), govori i stavak 10. članka 112. ZZDVO-a koji kaže da Odbor može pokrenuti postupak oduzimanja znanstvenog zvanja nastavniku s | 38,501 |
With over 1 billion cattle in the world as well as over 2 billion sheep, goats and buffalo, these animals contribute approximately 15% of the global human protein supply while producing a significant proportion of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and global nutrient fluxes. Despite increasing reliance on grazers for protein production globally, the future of grazers in a changing world is uncertain. Factors such as increased prevalence of drought, rising atmospheric CO 2 concentrations, and sustained nutrient export all have the potential to reduce cattle performance by reducing the nutritional quality of forage. However, there are no analyses to quantify changes in diet quality, subsequent impact on cattle performance and cost of supplementation necessary to mitigate any predicted protein deficiency. To quantify the trajectory of nutritional stress in cattle, we examined more than 36 000 measurements of dietary quality taken over 22 yr for US cattle. Here, we show that standardizing for spatial and temporal variation in drought and its effects on forage quality, cattle have been becoming increasingly stressed for protein over the past two decades, likely reducing cattle weight gain. In economic terms, the replacement costs of reduced protein provision to US cattle are estimated to be the equivalent of $1.9 billion annually. Given these trends, nitrogen enrichment of grasslands might be necessary if further reduction in protein content of forages is to be prevented.
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With over 1 billion cattle in the world as well as over 2 billion sheep, goats and buffalo, these livestock species contribute approximately 15% of the global human protein supply while producing a significant proportion of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and global nutrient fluxes (Steinfeld et al 2006, Bouwman et al 2011, Estell et al 2012, Ripple et al 2013, FAOSTAT 2017). Despite increasing reliance on grazers for protein production globally, the future of grazers in a changing world is uncertain. Factors such as elevated temperatures, reduced precipitation, rising atmospheric CO 2 concentrations, and sustained nutrient export all have the potential to reduce cattle performance by reducing the nutritional quality of forage. Yet, there are no analyses of whether cattle are becoming more nutritionally stressed over time, rendering us unable to determine whether there will be reduced livestock production or a greater need for nutritional supplementation in the future, which would strain natural resources even more. The crude protein concentration ([CP]) of cattle diet—essentially tissue nitrogen concentrations of consumed plants—often limit cattle weight gain throughout the US, with metabolizable energy derived from digestible organic matter (DOM) in forage a secondary limitation (Craine et al 2010a). Focusing on [CP], despite a number of factors likely to be affecting [CP] in cattle diet, there are little data to assess how [CP] responds to environmental conditions and whether there have been any long-term trends in cattle dietary [CP]. For example, drought might reduce dietary [CP] if water stress promotes senescence (Heckathorn and Delucia 1994). Alternatively drought could increase dietary [CP] if drought reduces photosynthesis more than N uptake, limits protein-poor culm production, or cattle shift which species they consume (Heckathorn and Delucia 1996, Craine et al 2010b). If droughts become more common in the future, the subsequent reduced forage production in isolation would be expected to lower cattle production. Yet, these reductions in productivity could be either offset or exacerbated by changes in [CP] depending on how [CP] responds to drought at a particular time of year (Craine et al 2013). Beyond the specific consequences of droughts for dietary quality, a number of other factors such as rising atmospheric CO 2, warming, and sustained export of nutrients contained in animal biomass all have the potential to chronically reduce soil nutrient availability and consequently dietary nutritional quality (Ainsworth and Long 2005, An et al 2005, McLauchlan 2007). To test how cattle dietary quality responds to drought and whether there have been trajectories in cattle dietary quality independent of any trends in drought, we utilize a long-term dataset of 36 599 independent measurements of cattle dietary quality obtained throughout the US over a 22 year period. Dietary quality metrics include [CP], as well as digestible organic matter concentration ([DOM]), which is an index of energy availability in forage (Moore et al 1999). As drought conditions have been becoming more common in the central US over the past 20 yr (Dai 2012), we first determine how dietary quality responds to drought for each of ten US ecoregions (figure S1, available at stacks.iop.org/ERL/12/044019/mmedia). We examine relationships between dietary quality metrics that have been standardized for typical seasonal patterns in these metrics and the | 38,502 |
no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. Therefore, Prime can be defined as follows:
Prime(x) = true if x is prime Prime(x) = false if x is not prime
Thus, the representation of E in C# can be defined as follows:
Predicate<int> prime = IsPrime;
where IsPrime is a method that checks whether a given number is prime or not.
static bool IsPrime( int i) { if (i == 1 ) return false ; if (i < 4 ) return true ; if ((i >> 1 ) * 2 == i) return false ; if (i < 9 ) return true ; if (i % 3 == 0 ) return false ; int sqrt = ( int )Math.Sqrt(i); for ( int d = 5 ; d < = sqrt; d += 6 ) { if (i % d == 0 ) return false ; if (i % (d + 2 ) == 0 ) return false ; } return true ; }
Thus, running the code below to resolve our problem:
int p = Primes(prime).Skip( 10000 ).First(); Console.WriteLine( " The 10 001st prime number is {0}", p);
where Primes is defined below:
static IEnumerable <int> Primes(Predicate<int> prime) { yield return 2 ; int p = 3 ; while ( true ) { if (prime(p)) yield return p; p += 2 ; } }
gives the following results:
Binary Operations
This section presents several fundamental operations for constructing new sets from given sets and for manipulating sets. Below is the Venn diagram in the algebra of sets.
Let E and F be two sets. The union of E and F, denoted by E u F is the set of all elements which are members of E or F.
Let Union be the union operation. Thus, the Union operation can be implemented as follows in C#:
public static Predicate<T> Union<T>( this Predicate<T> e, Predicate<T> f) { return x = > e(x) || f(x); }
As you can see, Union is an extension function on the Characteristic function of a set. All the operations will be defined as extension functions on the Characteristic function of a set. Thereby, running the code below:
Console.WriteLine( " Is 7 in the union of Even and Odd Integers Set? {0}", Even.Union(Odd)( 7 ));
gives the following results:
Let E and F be two sets. The intersection of E and F, denoted by E n F is the set of all elements wich are members of both E and F.
Let Intersection be the intersection operation. Thus, the Intersection operation can be implemented as follows in C#:
public static Predicate<T> Intersection<T>( this Predicate<T> e, Predicate<T> f) { return x = > e(x) && f(x); }
As you can see, Intersection is an extension function on the Characteristic function of a set. Thereby, running the code below:
Predicate<int> multiplesOfThreeAndFive = multipleOfThree.Intersection(multipleOfFive); Console.WriteLine( " Is 15 a multiple of 3 and 5? {0}", multiplesOfThreeAndFive( 15 )); Console.WriteLine( " Is 10 a multiple of 3 and 5? {0}", multiplesOfThreeAndFive( 10 ));
gives the following results:
Cartesian Product
Let E and F be two sets. The cartesian product of E and F, denoted by E × F is the set of all ordered pairs (e, f) such that e is a member of E and f is a member of F.
Let CartesianProduct be the cartesian product operation. Thus, the CartesianProduct operation can be implemented as follows in C#:
public static Func<T1, T2, bool> CartesianProduct<T1, T2>( this Predicate<T1> e, Predicate<T2> f) { return (x, y) = > e(x) && f(y); }
As you can see, CartesianProduct is an extension function on the Characteristic function of a set. Thereby, running the code below:
Func<int, int, bool> cartesianProduct = multipleOfThree.CartesianProduct(multipleOfFive); Console.WriteLine( " Is (9, 15) in MultipleOfThree x MultipleOfFive? | 38,503 |
Digging deep into the bowels of Twitter can lead you to some weird political tidbits. But considering how you would probably expect something university-related from a Twitter handle titled @AMSElections, you definitely wouldn’t guess that it would actually belong to a news-obsessed Russian person with an underboob-heavy display picture.
And yet, that’s exactly what it is. The irony of “guhsaltor's” coincidental Twitter handle is pretty funny at first, but it turns odd once you translate their tweets, as they all appear to be awkwardly written news headlines that are posted without context or sources.
В России вступил в силу закон об отмене «зарплатного рабства» — guhsaltor (@AMSElections) November 12, 2014
“In Russia, the Act came into force repealing ‘salary of slavery’”
США подозревают российских хакеров в краже данных банка JPMorgan — guhsaltor (@AMSElections) August 28, 2014
“United States suspected Russian hackers stealing data bank JPMorgan”
Ополчение ДНР заявило о взятии поселка Ялта у Азовского моря — guhsaltor (@AMSElections) August 30, 2014
“Militia DNI announced the capture of the village of Yalta from the Azov Sea”
Индекс промышленного производства в Петербурге за 7 месяцев упал на 7,9% — guhsaltor (@AMSElections) August 28, 2014
“The index of industrial production in St. Petersburg for 7 months fell to 7.9 per cent”
Полиция оказывает государственные услуги в электронной форме — guhsaltor (@AMSElections) August 30, 2014
“The police is providing public services in electronic form”
Their account doesn’t offer any personal information, but as far as we’ve scrolled down, they appear to have written hundreds of these short, headline-style tweets from August 27 to 30, 2014 before never tweeting anything ever again.
Виртуальные экскурсии по музеям РТ от Google — guhsaltor (@AMSElections) August 30, 2014
“Virtual tours of museums of TAJIKISTAN from Google”
Тагир Хайбулаев вышел в четвертьфинал чемпионата мира по дзюдо — guhsaltor (@AMSElections) August 30, 2014
“Tagir Khaybulayev went out in the quarter-finals of the World Championship in Judo”
Tagir Khaybulayev went out in the quarter-finals of the World Championship in Judo
“Final update will be released in September, Infinity Blade 3”
From the looks of it, whoever runs this Twitter page has three main interests — Eastern European politics, sports and technology. Perhaps it’s just the randomness of the situation or the poorly translated grammar of the tweets, but there’s something that feels very cryptic about it. Almost like a code.
Саудовский � | 38,504 |
Yo @Wendys how many retweets for a year of free chicken nuggets? — Carter Wilkerson (@carterjwm) 2017年4月6日
チキンナゲット1年分を無料でもらいたいんだけど、何RTされればいい? そして、ウェンディーズから1分後に返信があった。
@carterjwm 18 Million — Wendy's (@Wendys) 2017年4月6日
1800万RTですね。 そこで、ウィルカーソンさんは勇者のように、こう返した。
@Wendys Consider it done — Carter Wilkerson (@carterjwm) 2017年4月6日
HELP ME PLEASE. A MAN NEEDS HIS NUGGS pic.twitter.com/4SrfHmEMo3 — Carter Wilkerson (@carterjwm) 2017年4月6日
手伝ってくれ! ナゲットが必要なんだ! ウェンディーズは「震えた」そうだ。
1 Million?!?! Officially SHOOK https://t.co/XZ1AafXo2p — Wendy's (@Wendys) 2017年4月7日
Get this man his nuggs #NuggsForCarter — MIKEY JAY (@ThisIsTeriyaki) 2017年4月7日
I don't know him, I am not American. But as a Brit, I appreciate the freebies in life. 😂😋 #NuggsforCarter@Wendys#GiveHimHisNuggetspic.twitter.com/xz0Ww8ZwHe — Lily James (@NerdyMamma92) 2017年4月7日
#NuggsForCarter is 1/18 of the way there... you scared yet @Wendys@TheEllenShow@carterjwm — Dan Kaczanowski (@danokaz22) 2017年4月7日
We have you covered on the east coast! @carterjwm@Wendys#nuggsforcarterpic.twitter.com/K3BcmYNEKu — Anthony Romeo (@PSURomeo) 2017年4月7日
1 million baby, were 1/18 of the way there. Let's get it trending!! #nuggsforcarter@TheEllenShow — Carter Wilkerson (@carterjwm) 2017年4月7日
100万RTされた、1800万の1/18まできた。トレンディングに載ろう! 既に100万RTされたことに対し、たくさんの人がウェンディーズにもうナゲットをあげたらどうかと言った。しかし、このファーストフードチェーンは確固として、180万リツイートを求めた。
Twitter J. Williams' Agent:本当にナゲットあげるの? ウェンディーズ:1800万RT達成しそうですね。 Jenna Amatulli:1800万以下に妥協する可能性は? ウェンディーズ:彼なら達成できる。信じています。 ハフィントンポストはウィ | 38,505 |
i, että se taipumus on aina olemassa. Tietyt piirteet itsessä ovat hyvin syvällä.
Periksiantamattomuus paikkaa arvottomuuden tunnetta
Periksiantamattomuus ei lopulta ole kytköksissä vain persoonallisuuteen, vaan myös kokemusympäristöön.
Sisututkija Emilia Lahti teki osana väitöstutkimustaan kyselyn, joka kartoitti yli tuhannen ihmisen käsityksiä sisusta, tuosta ihaillusta suomalaisesta sinnikkyydestä. Vastauksista ilmeni myös sisun huonot puolet.
– Me ehkä koetaan, että se meidän arvo on sidoksissa siihen, miten sisukkaita me ollaan. Tehdään esimerkiksi töitä niin paljon, että poltetaan itsemme loppuun, Lahti totesi Ylen haastattelussa toukokuussa.
– Kun keksin, että voin tehdä elämässäni mitä tahansa, sittenhän minä tein, koska pelkäsin, että muuten en olisi yhtään mitään, Katri Syvärinen komppaa Lahtea.
Dosentti Maria Mäkelä Tampereen yliopistosta on tutkinut osana Kertomuksen vaarat -projektia, kuinka kulttuuriset mallitarinat vaikuttavat yhteiskunnassa.
"Vallitseva mallitarina on, että jos riittävästi ahertaa, se palkitaan menestymällä. Se on huijausta, sillä vain harva voi menestyä oikeasti." Maria Mäkelä, dosentti, narratologian tutkija
Maailma tuntuu viestittävän, että elämän kuuluu olla vaikeaa, jos haluaa menestyä. Jos joku menestyy kevyesti, ajatellaan helposti, että se ei voi olla ansaittua.
Vaikeuksien kautta voittoon – periksi antamatta – on aikakautemme yksi suurimmista kertomuksista, Mäkelä sanoo.
– Vallitseva mallitarina on, että jos riittävästi ahertaa, se palkitaan menestymällä. Se on huijausta, sillä vain harva voi menestyä oikeasti.
Esimerkiksi mediassa suositaan tarinoita ihmisistä, jotka ovat selviytyneet lannistumattomuudella vaikeiden vaiheiden läpi jonkin suuren oivalluksen saattelemana. Tämän jälkeen he ovat menestyneet elämässä hämmästyttävällä tavalla.
Kulttuuriset mallitarinat voivat muuttua ahdistaviksi niille, jotka eivät niihin samaistu. Joillekin edes periksiantamattomuus ei tuo menestystä. Ihmisistä tuntuu, että oma kokemus ei mahdu muottiin.
– Esimerkiksi mielenterveysongelmista kärsivät kokevat ahdistavaksi sen, että mediassa kerrotaan tarinoita, joissa jokin yksittäinen ihme on parantanut masennuksen. Sama efekti on tarinoissa, jotka vievät ryysyistä rikkauks | 38,506 |
13:00 – 15:00 – Briefing at Lange Voorhout 102 (in the garden)
15:00 – 16:30 – Demonstration with speeches at Het Plein
16:30 – 17:00 – Symbolic action at het Binnenhof
What? We will start the afternoon by reading the Declaration of Rebellion (in English). With this we will declare to no longer wait idly by, but to rise up against the Dutch government and rebel! Several speeches will be given to rally us further in this cause. To commence this rebellion, we will head towards the Binnenhof, where we will use an artistic splash to show that the Dutch government’s policies and inaction on the climate front is causing a real-life toll.
Much of this action is confidential, but it should be known we will occupy 1 building. Participants will get a briefing in advance of the action. The risk of arrest during this action will be quite present. If you would like to take part in this action please come to an NVDA training, a briefing or get in touch by sending an email to [email protected].
Meeting point: 9:00 @Grand Café Utopie, Waldeck Pyrmontkade 116
Student groups within Extinction Rebellion Netherlands will call on their Universities to take action in response to climate catastrophe through a demonstrative “die-in” action. All through-out the Netherlands student groups will perform die-ins to strengthen this call to action. Check here to see if there’s a student-group in your city.
What?We will use a technique called ‘Swarming’ to disrupt daily life. Swarming means multiple groups will spread through The Hague, blocking roads for 7 minutes at a time, to bring gridlock to the city. By doing this, we make people consider the destruction we cause and the imminent threat of climate crisis we try so hard to ignore. The impact for each individual will be small (a few minutes late for work), but because of the cumulative effect, we will hit the economy and force politicians to respond.
Meeting point: 14:00, Lange Voorhout 102, Den Haag
We are going to march through the city in a funeral procession. This is a way to commemorate the victims of the destruction of our planet and to mourn.
Meeting point: Shell Nederland; Weena 70, Rotterdam 13:00
We will use a technique called ‘Swarming’ to disrupt daily life. Swarming means multiple groups will spread through Amsterdam, blocking roads for 7 minutes at a time, to bring gridlock to the city. By doing this, we make people consider the destruction we cause and the imminent threat of climate crisis we try so hard to ignore. The impact for each individual will be small (a few minutes late for work), but because of the cumulative effect, we will hit the economy and force politicians to respond.
Meeting point: 7:30 @Nieuwe Looiersstraat 31, Amsterdam
During the King’s day celebrations we are going to welcome the king in Amersfoort. Details will follow, but bring your swimming shorts!
Meeting point: 9:00 in Amersfoort (exact location TBA)
Monday April 15: Funeral Procession directed at the government, with explicit criticism of Norway’s plans to produce oil and gas until 2070.
Primeminister Erna Solberg likes saying: “The person who will shut down the last of Norway’s oil platforms has not yet been born.” We will work to ensure shut-down happens much sooner.
Saturday April 20: Meet XR Norway
We will run two stalls, with various ways for people to interact with members of XRN. The locations are busy thoroughfares in the city. We’ll answer questions, register new members, hand out information and print the XR logo on clothing, bags | 38,507 |
of the women today do CHEAT, it is very obvious why there are so many of us single men out there today. and looking for a good faithful one is very impossible today.
Billy Mack on May 10, 2013:
I think it's very critical all of us realize American culture has changed so much over the past 40 years. Sex roles have been redefined and readjusted. Dating rituals have not quite caught up to that. Online dating should make it easier, but I found that works best for people under 40. If you are older, you will have a very tough struggle finding even reasonably decent prospects. Again it's a numbers game. Where you live,your age, M/F ratios will have a huge impact on your success out there. Sadly our culture has pushed men back in terms of being providers and protectors. Many women want to have it all, do it all, and stay alone. When I was younger, I had that mindset too. It's a dead end, lose it now. Once you age up, it's very lonely from 40 on. I also find the world just isn't too friendly. Most chances for friendship will end by then. Most people around you are absorbed into their own lives and personal dramas. You won't be needed in their lives. As you get older you also just either give up looking, or you get comfortable being lonely. I last dated over ten years ago. I wouldn't know what to say on a date today, how to act, and so on. I'm out of practice, and after only 5 dates in my whole life, I'm still pretty rough. AS I posted long ago, I started too late, and I was never able to catch up. You can't catch up in midlife as I learned the hard way.
Mylindaminka on May 02, 2013:
В случае, когда деньги на очередной взнос появятся у Вас, скажем только через неделю после наступления срока погашения, лучшим выхогальюн будем помощь родных и знакомых.
Mylindaminka on May 01, 2013:
Для кожи рук вполне достаточно подпитать ее кремом пару раз в день и сделать легкий массаж. Держи тюбик крема на работе в ящике стола. Помыла руки – смазала, ощутила стянутость и сухость – снова достала тюбик.
Anca Prisacariu on April 11, 2013:
So manyyyyyyyyyy reasons!
Ann on April 01, 2013:
There's just so many reasons to stay single, very informative.
Futamarka on March 24, 2013:
Считается, что отопление жилища за счет солнечной энергии возможно в очень ограниченных областях земного шара. Однако, по многолетн | 38,508 |
им наблюдениям метеорологов, на широте Минска с апреля по сентябрь на 1 м2 поверхности падает 297600 МДж солнечной энергии. При норме энергопотребления на 1 м2 отапливаемого хохотания 70 квт•ч/год, что значительно выше, чем во многих странах Западной Европы, годовое потребление энергии составит всего 25200 МДж. Следовательно, израсходуется только 10 % солнечной энергии, и ее будет достаточно как для отапливания, так и для горячего водоснабжения круглый год. Система канализации должна быть локальной и ретрономной, максимально использующей естественные процессы перезаботки и биотехнологии.
Sal on March 15, 2013:
I'm only 16 but I'm very confused on whether to stay single or get married. Marriage is such a schlep, it's all moonshine and roses at the start and before you know it, you're just two people lying on two opposite sides of a bed farting at each other ( I love Anger Management) :P
But if you're single, your time is your time and it goes slower and there's enough time to do whatever you want. Chase all your dreams, meet millions of people who can be befriended and inspire you and then unfriended when you're bored.
And you don't have to be lonely if you have an awesome job and if you adopt a child, if you perhaps live with a flatmate. You don't need a partner to sometimes tell you that you are amazing or you are crazy. If you know your strengths and weaknesses, you can make yourself happy.
I plan on being celibate if I stay single, due to religion and because there is more to life than sex.
Nakia Deon on February 12, 2013:
This was a great list...but I totally could have done without the disclaimer in the beginning...
Being single is great...except now I am married so everything below means absolutely nothing for all of you sad sad single people...LOL
lalitha on January 25, 2013:
very useful
gerard on January 07, 2013:
It's sad to see my married female friends flirt with other men every chance they get. Not to mention, I screwed most of the. I love being single.
WTF on December 05, 2012:
well the place where i come from is very pro-marriage and no one has a clue as to why anybody should get married in | 38,509 |
Chothaigh díospóireacht teilifíse faoin nGaeilge a bheith ina ábhar riachtanach sa chóras oideachais fearg mhór i measc lucht na Gaeilge ar líne aréir.
Ba é Matt Cooper a chuir tús leis an díospóireacht ar The Tonight Show ar TV3 nuair a thug sé le fios go ndúirt a chomhláithreoir Ivan Yates le linn bhriseadh na bhfógraí go raibh sé ar son fáil réidh leis an nGaeilge ar fad.
Mar fhreagra ar an méid sin, dúirt Yates ‘I’ll let the cultural terrorists get on with it’ agus é ag tagairt do Bhláthnaid Ní Chofaigh, an craoltóir aitheanta Gaeltachta a bhí tagtha ar an gclár chun díospóireacht a dhéanamh faoin nGaeilge ‘éigeantach’ le Niall Boylan ó 4fm.
Nuair a chuir Ní Chofaigh in iúl do Yates gur chuir a ráiteas faoi ‘cultural terrorists’ iontas uirthi, dúirt an láithreoir go raibh sé ag tagairt do “these zealots who believe their way of life should be inflicted on us all”.
Ina dhiaidh sin, dúirt Niall Boylan go raibh sé “rude” ag Ní Chofaigh agus an Teachta Dála Gaeltachta Pearse Doherty, a bhí mar aoi ar an seó chomh maith, Gaeilge a labhairt lena chéile roimh thús an chláir.
Le linn na díospóireachta, mhaígh Boylan chomh maith gur cur amú airgid a bhí i TG4 agus gur seirbhís a bhí ann a bunaíodh chun freastal ar 12,000 duine.
Agus é ag aontú le Boylan, thug Yates “another turkey that nobody listens to” ar RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta.
Dúirt Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh agus Piaras Ó Dochartaigh go raibh cearta ag dul do phobal na Gaeilge agus na Gaeltachta agus thug an staraí Diarmuid Ferriter “a complete and utter nonsense” ar chomparáid a rinne Yates idir ceist an ghinmhillte agus ceist na Gaeilge éigeantaí sa chóras oideachais.
Ach má chuir caint Yeats olc ar lucht na Gaeilge ar líne, seans gur ráiteas aisteach a rinne Boylan faoi stádas na Gaeilge sa chóras oideachais is mó a chuir mearbhall orthu.
“I would like to be able to speak Irish, I think it’s wonderful and I think it’s a very romantic idea to know your own language. In Australia they don’t force people who speak Australian English to speak an aboriginal, or a Native American [language] in America,” arsa Niall Boylan.
An bhfuil éinne eile ag féachaint ar #tonightTV3? pic.twitter.com/lbDYbtswCf — Séaghan (@Suilleabhanach) 19 Meitheamh 2018
I think @BlathnaidRua was remarkably dignified on #tonighttv3 given the appalling introduction and then dismissive, antagonistic and offensive attitude she and others had to endure. @PearseDoherty #DiarmuidFerriter — Siobhain (@SiobhainGrogan) 19 Meitheamh 2018
Imagine anyone being asked to contribute to a debate in their area of expertise and casually being called a terrorist at the top of the segment. Literally what just happened to @BlathnaidRua #tonightTV3 — Ursula Ní Shabhaois | 38,510 |
Abusos, sexismo, roubo de tecnologia e conflitos de todo tipo: os problemas se acumulam para a multinacional americana de transporte privado urbano Uber, que também deve enfrentar grandes prejuízos econômicos.
No escândalo mais recente, um funcionário da Uber obteve um parecer médico de uma mulher estuprada em 2014 por um motorista da empresa em Nova Délhi, na Índia, e o entregou ao presidente do grupo, Travis Kalanick, com a finalidade de desacreditar o relato da vítima, segundo a imprensa americana.
O agressor da jovem foi condenado à prisão perpétua no ano seguinte e o funcionário, Eric Alexander, foi demitido. Alexander "já não faz parte da empresa", disse um porta-voz da Uber à AFP na quinta-feira, sem especificar os motivos nem a data de sua saída.
O novo episódio Uber acontece em meio a uma crise vivida há meses pela companhia, acusada por alguns funcionários de tolerar uma cultura machista e violenta.
Demissões e renúncias em série
A Uber, que promoveu uma ampla investigação interna sobre esses casos, informou na terça-feira da semana passada ter demitido 20 funcionários, depois de 215 queixas dentro da empresa relacionadas a abuso sexual e discriminação.
O diretor técnico do grupo, Amit Singhal, foi forçado a renunciar depois de ocultar a queixa por abuso sexual que lhe foi dirigida pela Google, onde trabalhava antes.
Outro funcionário, Jeff Jones, deixou seu cargo em março, cerca de seis meses depois de ter sido contratado pela Uber, por discordar sobre a estratégia do grupo.
Diante da avalanche de polêmicas e deserções, a empresa com sede em São Francisco anunciou nos últimos dias a contratação de duas mulheres na tentativa de melhorar a sua imagem: uma professora de economia de Harvard, Frances Frei, e uma ex-executiva da Apple, Bozoma San Juan.
"Sei onde estou me metendo", declarou a última em uma entrevista ao site especializado Recode, referindo-se às muitas controvérsias que cercam a companhia, afirmando que quer melhorar a imagem da marca Uber.
Para analista Robert Enderle, do Enderle Group, o "maior problema" da Uber é financeiro. Em 2016, o grupo perdeu 2,8 bilhões de dólares, em um volume de negócios de 6,5 bilhões.
Para Enderle, é "difícil resolver problemas enquanto a empresa perde tanto dinheiro" e enquanto seu CEO Travis Kalanick permanece no cargo. "Parece que a maioria dos problemas vêm dele", opina o analista.
Kalanick, que tem fama de personalidade impetuosa, tendência ao confronto e facilidade para se gabar sobre suas conquistas femininas, teve que apresentar um pedido de desculpas em março, depois de uma briga com um motorista da sua própria companhia. "É a primeira vez que admito isso, preciso de ajuda em um nível de gerência e tenho a intenção de recorrer a isso", disse.
Outra preocupação para a Uber é o processo por um suposto de roubo de tecn | 38,511 |
Freelance developers need to be explicitly told to write code that stores passwords in a safe and secure manner, a recent study has revealed.
In an experiment that involved 43 programmers hired via the Freelancer.com platform, University of Bonn academics have discovered that developers tend to take the easy way out and write code that stores user passwords in an unsafe manner.
For their study, the German academics asked a group of 260 Java programmers to write a user registration system for a fake social network.
Of the 260 developers, only 43 took up the job, which involved using technologies such as Java, JSF, Hibernate, and PostgreSQL to create the user registration component.
Of the 43, academics paid half of the group with €100, and the other half with €200, to determine if higher pay made a difference in the implementation of password security features.
Further, they divided the developer group a second time, prompting half of the developers to store passwords in a secure manner, and leaving the other half to store passwords in their preferred method --hence forming four quarters of developers paid €100 and prompted to use a secure password storage method (P100), developers paid €200 and prompted to use a secure password storage method (P200), devs paid €100 but not prompted for password security (N100), and those paid €200 but not prompted for password security (N200).
Image: Naiakshina et al.
Researchers said developers took three days to submit their work, and that they had to ask 18 of the 43 to resubmit their code to include a password security system when they first sent a project that stored passwords in plaintext.
Of the 18 who had to resubmit their code, 15 developers were part of the group that were never told the user registration system needed to store password securely, showing that developers don't inherently think about security when writing code.
Image: Naiakshina et al.
The other three were from the half that was told to use a secure method to store passwords, but who stored passwords in plaintext anyway.
Image: Naiakshina et al.
The results show that the level of understanding of what "secure passwords" mean differs greatly in the web development community.
Of the secure password storage systems developers chose to implement for this study, only the last two, PBKDF2 and Bcrypt, are considered secure.
8 - Base64
10 - MD5
1 - SHA-1
3 - 3DES
3 - AES
5 - SHA-256
5 - PBKDF2
7 - Bcrypt
The first, Base64, isn't even an encryption algorithm, but an encoding function, something that the participating developers didn't seem to know. Similarly for MD5, which is a hashing function.
"Many participants used hashing and encryption as synonyms," the team of academics said in their research paper.
"Of the 18 participants who received the additional security request, 3 decided to use Base64 and argued, for example: '[I] encrypted it so the clear password is not visible' and 'It is very tough to decrypt'," researcher said --highlighting that some study participants didn't know the basic difference between an encryption algorithm and a function that just jumbles characters around.
Furthermore, only 15 of the 43 developers chose to implement salting, a process through which the encrypted password stored inside an application's database is made harder to crack with the addition of a random data factor.
The study also found that 17 of the 43 developers copied their code from internet sites, suggesting that the freelancers didn't have the necessary skills to develop a secure system from scratch, and chose to use code that might be outdated or even riddled with bugs.
Paying developers higher rates didn't help considerably, researchers said.
However, the research team found that giving programmers specific instructions to implement a secure password storage system did yield better results than not saying anything at all and then expecting developers to think of security by themselves.
Nonetheless, without precise instructions, developers choose what they "believed" was a secure password storage system, but in reality, was not, suggesting that oversight from a professional is needed when designing any type of security system.
When I was a dev manager, I used something very similar as a exercise as part of the hiring process. At least 90% stored the password as plain text. Their numbers are better than I would have guessed. — Adam Caudill (@adamcaudill) March 6, 2019
The study's results clearly show that each freelance developer's knowledge of cyber-security best practices varies wildly from person to person. This might be to outdated training or no training at all --yet again making a case against using developers without cyber-security experience | 38,512 |
type operations."
Let me begin by discussing one of the skeptical attitudes that is derived from some statements of good logicians and bad philosophers. We are told that certain theorems about proving the self‑consistency of logical systems have the consequence: "It is impossible to mechanize completely the process of discovery and therefore humans will always have the advantage over machines." I am sure almost every reader has heard of Godel's theorem, and most have heard of this alleged consequence. But this is not a logical consequence, for it is based on a careless technical oversight. If applicable at all to the problem‑solving question, Godel's theorem applies strictly only to perfectly self‑consistent logical systems. People are not this consistent, and there is no reason whatever why we should feel constrained to build our machines along such lines. Instead we can, and already do, build machines that can tolerate contradictory factual assertions. To do this, we have to add selection rules for resolving contradictions, priority hierarchies for choosing between incompatible statements, and the like. A simple example of such a scheme is described in Bertram Raphael's 1964 MIT PhD dissertation. Here is an example of a dialog with that program:
(G02840 IS A TABLE)
(G02841 IS A LAMP)
(G02842 IS A CHAIR)
Raphael's knowledge‑collecting, question‑answering system shows how it gives higher priority to particular facts when they conflict with general principles. This "Exception Principle" is, of course, a rather simple‑minded way to resolve contradictions, and it can be only used when there is a clear difference in level of generality between the statements. When they are on the same level, the program simply rejects the later statement, as seen here:
| 38,513 |
The Libertadores Feminina was decorated by brilliance
FIFA.com identifies four stars who could dazzle at France 2019
Cupcakes and mermaids feature Fans in yellow revelled rapturously at the Arena da Amazonia, the striking stadium assembled for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™. This time, however, they were not draped in the consecrated camisa canarinha of Brazil. They proudly wore the colours of Colombia or Atletico Huila, who had just gainsayed consequential odds – and the mighty Santos on penalties – to win the Copa Libertadores Feminina. Colombia fell just short of reaching a third consecutive FIFA Women’s World Cup™ – they overcame France 2-0 and reached the knockout phase at Canada 2015 – but the three countries above them qualified and were transfused with expectation over two weeks by planet blue's vastest jungle. FIFA.com looks at a quartet who could replicate their Libertadores Feminina magnificence at France 2019.
¡Campeonas de América! 🏆🌎🇨🇴 Atlético Huila derrotó a Santos en la tanda de penales y se consagró de manera histórica en la #LibertadoresFemenina. 📸 Atlético Huila Femenino Posted by CONMEBOL.com on Sunday, 2 December 2018
Andressinha Brazil
They call her ‘Cupcake’. Be fooled into thinking she’ll be sweet on French fields at your peril. This 161-centimetre midfielder hits the ball with sheer venom, as Cerro Porteno discovered when Andressinha scored a free-kick from way out to grab Iranduba a 2-2 draw. The attacking midfielder had already dispatched a gorgeous set-piece in a 2-1 win over Flor de Patria, and her playmaking repertoire was on full show in the semi-final against Atletico Huila, which Hulk da Amazônia lost on penalties. Andressinha, who impressed at Canada 2015, appears to have taken her game to new heights at the age of 23.
Brena Brazil
The feeling is that there’s an engine-room spot up for grabs on Brazil’s flight to France – Vadao has included only five midfielders in his recent squads – and this multifunctional 22-year-old championed herself emphatically in front of the spectating selector during the Libertadores Femenina. Brena, who hit three goals in four games at the FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup Papua New Guinea 2016, governed matches in Manaus. A youth-defying leader boasting muscle, dynamism, playmaking proficiency and a goal return well beyond her box-to-box role, she has, in the words of Santos coach Emily Lima, “everything”. Brena hit wonder goals against Colo-Colo in the group stage and to put the ‘Mermaids of the Vila’ ahead in the final, finished as the tournament’s leading markswomen, and was its nonpareil performer. Over to you, Vadao...
Yessenia Huenteo Chile If the 26-year-old’s heroics against Australia in November – she came on and scored a solo winner to clinch Chile one of their greatest-ever victories – suggested she was ready to shuffle from substitute to starter, her performances in Manaus emboldened that feeling. Huenteo remarkably recorded a hat-trick of assists twice to finish as the Libertadores Femenina’s top provider. The Colo-Colo No19 also netted two goals – both headers – and tormented opponents with her masterful flank play. Quick, skillful, direct and a masterful crosser, Huenteo will be giving headaches to defenders whose countries catch Chile in Saturday’s Draw.
Mariana Larroquette Argentina The 26-year-old arrived in Amazonas carrying considerable hype. She’d scored a Zlatan-against-England-juxtaposed flying volley against Platense in February. She’d finished as the 45-goal leading markswomen in Argentina’s Primera Division Femenina. She’d dazzled at the Copa America. And she’d put Argentina en route to victory over Panama in their playoff for a France 2019 place. Larroquette lived up to her billing. Her footwork bamboozled Cerro Porteno in an entertaining stalemate. She terrorised Flor de Patria throughout and hit the winner with a palatial volley. And she bagged UAI Urquiza’s goal in a 1-1 draw with Iranduba. Unfortunately for the neutrals relishing Larroquette’ | 38,514 |
La Vanguardia, Corbí no tuvo que responder ni a una pregunta sobre su inhabilitación por torturas. Tampoco en otra publicada en la ya desaparecida Interviú, del mes de enero pasado. Parte de la entrevista se centró en el 1-O y el proceso independentista catalán. El periodista le preguntó si, teniendo en cuenta su experiencia con ETA, había algún riesgo de violencia en Cataluña. Corbí respondió que no creía que estuvieran –los independentistas– ‘a punto de dar el paso’. Pero añadió: ‘Ahora estamos en la parte casi de los escarnios; si se avanza, el siguiente punto serán los cócteles molotov; los explosivos.’
Pero no sólo aventura un futuro violento al movimiento independentista, sino que amenaza a los ciudadanos que defendieron los colegios durante el referéndum y ahora sí, les otorga un papel violento: ‘Ahora en Cataluña todo quien ha cometido ilegalidades, que el 1 de octubre parecía que valía todo, no vale todo, eh? Ahora, con todos estos vídeos que esta gente colgaron muy lozanos, vamos puerta a puerta: “Buenos días, usted es el del vídeo en que tira piedras al guardia civil?”. “Hombre, es que yo…” “No, no, usted es el del vídeo que tira piedras al guardia (da un golpe a la mesa), venga hacia aquí”. La gente se lo pensará’. Corbí, al frente de la UCO, órgano que pertenece a la Guardia Civil, participó activamente en los intentos del estado de desarticular el referéndum. En más de una entrevista se ha vanagloriado de haber hecho caer el sistema informático del censo universal.
Después de las quejas de EH Bildu y PNV, la próxima será el turno de Podemos. La portavoz adjunta del partido morado en el Senado, Maribel Mora, hará una pregunta oral al ministro del Interior sobre Sánchez Corbí orientada a cuestionar la inmunidad que parece que lo proteja. Un personaje con un pasado oscuro incuestionable que ha conseguido reciclarse gracias a favores políticos. Sólo el tiempo dirá si las presiones de los grupos políticos dan fruto o bien, como de costumbre, Rajoy deja pasar el tiempo hasta que la polémica se diluya por su propio peso.
Sánchez Corbí: història d’un torturador ascendit a heroi espanyol
Condemnat i inhabilitat per tortures, va ser inhabilitat per Aznar i ara dirigeix l’UCO · EH Bildu, el PNB i aquesta setmana pròxima Podemos, qüestionen la immunitat d’aquest Guàrdia Civil amb un expedient ple de foscors
Les arítmies els hi entren quan són detinguts, però el seu cor funciona bé quan posen una bomba, assassinen a un nen o maten un funcionari’. Amb aquestes paraules plenes de fredor s’expressava el 30 de gener de 1992 el governador de Biscaia, Daniel Vega, quan el membre d’ETA, Kepa Urra, era ingressat en un hospital amb hematomes, dotze erosions i ferides al coll. La matinada del dia abans havia estat detingut en una operació de la Guàrdia | 38,515 |
Civil. Va ser traslladat emmanillat a un descampat, ‘el van despullar, el van colpejar amb objectes punxants i el van arrossegar per terra’.
Així ho va provar l’Audiència provincial de Bilbao el 1997, que va condemnar els tres Guàrdies Civils a un total de dotze anys i sis mesos de presó i a divui anys d’inhabilitació especial per torturar Urra amb la finalitat d’obtenir una confessió. Entre ells, Manuel Sánchez Corbí, conegut entre el cos amb el seu segon cognom. Han passat molts anys d’ençà d’aquests fets, però ara el seu nom s’està convertint en una molèstia pel govern espanyol, que ha d’afrontar contínues interpel·lacions parlamentàries sobre la seva persona. Els motius són diversos, és la història d’un indultat.
Aquest fill de família de guàrdies civils no era un qualsevol en l’organigrama del cos. Era el responsable de la coordinació amb França en la lluita antiterrorista. La sentència l’obligava a entrar a la presó –la sentència va ser reduïda a sis anys pel Suprem– però el govern de José Maria Aznar el va indultar l’agost de 1999, juntament amb els altres dos guàrdies civils condemnats per tortures. Tot això mentre Corbí continuava treballant a la Guàrdia Civil i dos anys abans, havia estat condecorat amb distincions que tenen paga vitalicia per l’alliberament de José Antonio Ortega Lara.
La recompensa a Sánchez Corbí no es va fer esperar, com bé explica el llibre Manual del Torturador español, de Xabier Makazaga. ‘Era tinent quan va torturar Kepa Urra, va ascendir a capità durant el procés per tortures i un cop va ser indultat va ser nomenat immediatament comandant’. José Maria de las Cuevas Carretero, un altre dels tres detinguts, va passar de sergent a alferes, i poc temps més tard va obtenir rang de tinent. I no només això, sinó que l’ha enviat com a representant estatal al Comitè Europeu per la prevenció de la Tortura (CPT) i ofereix conferències en nom de la Guàrdia Civil sobre quin és el tracte que han de rebre els detinguts.
Així ho explicava el senador d’EH Bildu Jon Iñarritu a José Antonio Nieto davant del Secretari d’Estat espanyol, José Antonio Nieto. Va ser en el marc d’una compareixença a la cambra espanyola el passat febrer i Iñarritu va interpel·lar-lo així: ‘Senyor Secretari d’Estat, coneix vostè aquest delinqüent?’, mentre mostrava una fotografia de Sánchez Corbí. ‘Li demano un favor, que retiri la paraula delinqüent de la seva intervenció’, li va respondre Nieto, per afegir a continuació que Corbí té una trajectòria impecable en la realització dels seus serveis a l’estat.
Després de l’indult i els ascensos immediats ja esmentats, amb el temps Corbí va arribar a ser coronel. Quan ETA va anunciar la seva dissolució, va demanar de traslladar-se a la Unitat Central Operativa (UCO), l’òrgan central de la Guà | 38,516 |
We were asked in comments and messages to elaborate some more on the contents of our recent paper. So here is a short summary of the article recently published in PLoS ONE. For more information on the findings outlined here, please consult the original publication:
Dietrich L, Meister J, Dietrich O, Notroff J, Kiep J, Heeb J, et al. (2019) Cereal processing at Early Neolithic Göbekli Tepe, southeastern Turkey. PLoS ONE 14(5): e0215214. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0215214
Cereal food is one of the most important components of our modern diet. Its integration into human subsistence strategy during the late Epipalaeolithic (c. 12500–9600 cal BC) and Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPN, c. 9600–7000 cal BC) has been recognized as a very long and complex process involving the selection and utilization of plants, strategies of exploitation of plants and land, the development of cultivation, and ways of processing, storing, and consuming plants. Widespread adoption of farming and agriculture at the end of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPNB, c. 8800–7000 cal BC), the deliberate, large-scale cultivation of domesticated cereals and other plants, was predated by a longer period of experimentation and technological modification leading to the development of specialized tool kits for plant-food processing. Typical implements are e.g. pounding and grinding tools used in pairs, comprising a static low implement (mortar, grinding slab or grinding bowl) and an active upper tool that is moved across its surface (pestle or handstone).
Cereal use in the Early Neolithic
The regular processing of wild cereals through grinding seems to have been established first in the Late Natufian, as suggested by macrobotanical evidence as well as by morphological changes in grinding stones combined with use-wear analyses. Flat, large grinding stones and handstones became a supra-regional standard during the Levantine PPN, constituting an integral part of the architecture. Recent investigations have highlighted the area between the upper reaches of Euphrates and Tigris as one region where the transition to food-producing subsistence took place early during the Epipalaeolithic and the Pre-Pottery Neolithic. The distribution areas of the wild forms of einkorn, emmer wheat, barley and other ‘Neolithic founder crops’ overlap here and DNA fingerprinting has pinpointed the transition of two wild wheat variants to domesticated crops to this part of the Fertile Crescent. Systematic early plant use has been found at a variety of sites, like Cafer Höyük, Çayönü, Hallan Çemi, Jerf el Ahmar or Körtik Tepe.
Göbekli Tepe has not played any role in discussions of early cereal use so far. The reasons can be found – at least in part – in the problematic nature of direct evidence for cereals on site. Although analysis of macrobotanical remains indicates the presence of wild einkorn (Triticum cf. boeticum/urartu), wild barley (Hordeum cf. spontaneum) and possibly wild wheat/rye (Triticum/Secale), as well as almonds (Prunus sp.) and pistachio (Pistacia sp.) at Göbekli Tepe, only a conspicuously low amount of carbonized plant remains has been recovered, both in handpicked and in flotation samples.
However, Göbekli Tepe has not only produced an impressive set of architecture – monumental round to oval buildings with T-shaped limestone pillars, erected in an earlier phase, and smaller rectangular buildings, built around them in a partially contemporaneous and later phase – but also a unusually large number of over 7000 grinding tools. We analyzed these tools using an integrated approach of formal, experimental, and macro- / microscopical use-wear analyses.
Göbekli Tepe
As a first step in our analysis we had to determine the functional variation of these grinding tools, as a wide range of uses is attested archaeologically and ethnographically, ranging from cereal processing to pounding of meat or crushing of minerals. Grinding and pounding equipment from Göbekli Tepe was documented through 3D-modelling by structure from motion, and surfaces were macro- and microscopically analyzed for use-wear. We used replicas of the equipment identified on site to experimentally grind different materials and establish a reference collection for the identification of the observed traces. Further, phytolith samples taken from the sediments inside and outside buildings at Göbekli Tepe and from grinding stone surfaces allowed us to determine and quantify the presence of plants. Phytoliths were abundant in all nine soil samples examined, ranging from 0.5 to | 38,517 |
Keskusta julkaisi tiistaina luonnoksen uudesta periaateohjelmastaan (siirryt toiseen palveluun). Ohjelma sisältää 101 kohtaa ja kansalaiset voivat kommentoida sitä loppiaiseen saakka.
Maailma muuttuu ja keskusta sen mukana. Vai muuttuuko? Poimimme puolueen 101 periaatteesta viisi esimerkkiä. Kysymyksiin vastasi periaatetyöryhmää vetävä perhe- peruspalveluministeri Annika Saarikko (kesk.).
"Eläimillä on oikeus hyvään elämään"
Tuotantoeläinten hyvä kohtelu on keskustalle tärkeää ja eläinten hyvinvointi on maanviljelijälle kunnia-asia. Keskusta haluaa suosia kotimaista ruokaa. Mutta entäpä turkistarhaus? Sitä keskusta ei halua kieltää.
– Eduskuntaryhmän kirkas enemmistö pitää turkistarhausta kestävänä elinkeinona. Pitää katsoa kansainvälistä vertailua ja sitä, miten turkistarhausta hoidetaan muualla maailmassa, sanoo Annika Saarikko
"Jokainen suomalainen on maanpuolustaja. Tarvitsemme kaikkia koskevan asevelvollisuuden"
Samat oikeudet ja velvollisuudet koskevat Suomessa kaikkia, mutta poikkeuksena on naisten asevelvollisuus. Keskusta on ehdottanut, että kutsunnat laajennettaisiin koskemaan myös naisia.
– Mielestäni asevelvollisuus pitäisi laajentaa koskemaan molempia sukupuolia tavalla tai toisella, Saarikko sanoo.
"Helsinki on Suomen metropoli, ylpeyden aihe ja menestymisen moottori"
Moni muistaa entisen pääministerin Matti Vanhasen ihannemaiseman Nurmijärveltä, pientalot ja pellot. Keskusta haluaa, että koti pitää saada perustaa yhtä lailla etelään kuin pohjoiseenkin. Helsingissä keskusta sai läpi vain kaksi valtuutettua.
– Vastakkainasettelu on turhaa. Pienten kaupunkien asiakkaat ovat ylpeitä Helsingistä, meidän metropolistamme, tiivistää Saarikko.
"Rakennamme siltaa täällä olevien ja tänne tulevien välillä. Suomalaisuuteen kuuluu monikulttuurisuus"
Keskustan periaateohjelma puhuttelee lukijaa me-sanalla. Yksilön sijasta painotetaan yhteisöä. Monikulttuurisuus tuli mukaan, koska maailma on muuttunut siitä, kun keskustan edellinen periaateohjelma julkaistiin vuonna 2006. Selkeää pesäeroa tehdään etenkin perussuomalaisiin.
– Tässä ääripäiden ajassa voi olla erittäinkin ajankohtaista tarjota maltillisia vaihtoehtoja ja kiihkottomia keskitien ratkaisuja. Se, että on keskitiellä, ei tarkoita, että on keskiarvo, sanoo Saarikko. | 38,518 |
Başbakan Yardımcısı Bekir Bozdağ, 2011 yılında TBMM'de yaptığı ve halen de Meclis tutanaklarında yer alan Fethullah Gülen'i övdüğü sözleri tekrar gündeme getiren kişilerin 'FETÖ'nün teröristleri olduğunu' savundu.
Bozdağ, 2011 yılında TBMM'de yaptığı konuşmada Fethullah Gülen'i 'bu ülkenin yetiştirdiği bir kıymet' olarak niteledi ve "Bu ülkenin milli ve manevi değerlerine bağlı nesillerin yetişmesi için hizmetini yapıyor. Her şey de açık. Devletin denetimi gözetimi altında açık. Her şey göz önünde olan…" ifadelerini kullandı.
Bozdağ'ın bu sözleri Meclis'te devam eden bütçe görüşmeleri sırasında HDP İstanbul Milletvekili Filiz Keresticoğlu tarafından tekrar gündeme getirildi. Daha önce bu sözler için "İnanarak konuştum" diyen Bozdağ, bu konuşmasını gündeme getiren kişileri 'FETÖ'nün teröristi' olmakla suçladı ve FETÖ ile mücadele eden 10 siyaestçi varsa bunlardan birisinin kendisi olduğunu savundu.
Hürriyet'ten Umut Erdem'in aktardığına göre Bozdağ, özetle şunları söyledi:
Kürsüye geldiğimde, geçmişte yaptığım bir konuşmayı getiriyorlar, bunu FETÖ’nün teröristleri yapıyor. FETÖ’nün üzerine ne kadar gittiysem ertesi gün benim konuşmamı getirip koyuyorlar.
Ya, 2011’de yapılmış bir konuşma. O zaman ‘Fetullahçı terör örgütü’ ibaresi var mıydı, söylendi de mi biz söylemedik? Terör örgütü vasfı ortaya çıktıktan sonra terör örgütü diyen hükümet biziz ve mücadele eden biziz. Fetullahçı terör örgütünün başındaki baş terörist ve onun tasmalılarıyla mücadele eden Türkiye’de 10 siyasetçi varsa birisi de bu kardeşinizdir.
Biz sonuna kadar mücadele edeceğiz ama terör örgütü olduktan sonra FETÖ’yle kol kola, el ele her konuda yürüyen terör örgütleri sizsiniz. 17 Aralık-25 Aralık, MİT TIR’ları, kapatma davaları, hepsinde berabersiniz. Kontrollü darbede berabersiniz, Zarrab davasında berabersiniz. FETÖ neyi söylüyorsa, onu söylüyorsunuz. 10 sene önce konuşulmuş şeyleri buraya getiriyorsunuz.”
'Sİ | 38,519 |
By Manish Modi
We built Khalti brick by brick, step by step, effort upon effort, faith upon faith, and your blessings upon your blessings.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -
The world was slowly going digital, and mobile payment was becoming part of people’s lifestyle. In contrast, Nepal seemed to remain untouched by the emerging technological development. There was no policy in place. Though we planned to start a mobile-payment platform around at 2010, we could not start the project as there was no clear policy for online payments in Nepal. Added to this, we were not sure if online payment can run well in Nepal, or if it’s too early for the market. The technology was just emerging and smartphone were just coming. Thus, we decided to put the idea on hold.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -
Team Janaki Technology started to work towards our flagship service, Sparrow SMS, even with much vigor. The PicoVico idea emerged around the same time. On 1 August 2014, we started research and development on financial technology and starting an online payment gateway in Nepal. We went to India, USA, and Chile where we got to witness the FinTech ecosystem more closely. In India and China, PayTM and Alipay were doing quite well. People had stopped to go to shops to buy recharge cards. They had stopped going to railway station to buy train tickets. Instead, they would carry out such works online. The method of payment was slowly changing in India, and it was getting more interesting seeing the market there. We were also closely following how Alipay was rapidly expanding all over China.
Developing EASY SIM
Around the beginning of 2015, we took dealership of Nepal Telecom SIM cards. The dealership was about supplying SIM cards to dealers in Kathmandu valley and activating the SIM.
That time, our dealers also used to ask us if it was possible to have mobile recharge services in an easier way. We then thought of developing EASY SIM, a B2B system to provide NTC SIM card dealers with online recharge services. Around the same time, demonetization happened in India and PayTM and other payment service providers saw an accelerating growth. Nepal Rastra Bank too brought first draft of policy on online payment system. Similar multiple things that happened around the time pushed us to start a digital wallet, and latter a payment gateway at large.
Easy SIM => Khalti: A Transformation
Though were quite occupied with Sparrow SMS and Picovico as both were on expansion phase, we knew that consumer base of these two products overlaps with the to be launched digital wallet service. As we were already working with Telecos, ISPs, Banks, and various other organizations in Nepal for SMS, and the user segment was overlapped, we were tempted to introduce a digital payment system in Nepal.
Though payment industry was taking a huge leap across the world, digital payment ecosystem was yet to see sunshine in Nepal. Though big players were already in the market with a wonderful brand reputation, the potential market was unexplored. And, we felt it was high time to bring disruption in the payment industry.
There was almost no substantial growth of digital payment in Nepal at a time when our neighboring countries, China and India, were taking a huge leap in the payment gateway. Through Khalti, we tried to understand the pain point of users and solve them. We were sure, people will use our products if they find it good and helpful. Almost none in Nepal had imagined that they could pay for a cup of tea with from their mobile phone. And, here we are, striving to bring this dream into reality.
Working towards transformation
We had found the NRB’s policy vague and lengthy at first, but the officials there were very supportive. I myself had come taking an extensive training about Certified Payment Card Industry Security Implementer (CPISI) from abroad. We had already known what we needed to know before finally working on the development of a payment gateway. We had done a lot of homework before deciding to work on the project.
Then began the most challenging part, working on designing and development of the system. Our first priority was ‘best user experience’. Since digital payment is such a solution that people still fear to use, and if user experience is not that good, people won’t use it at all. Added to this, it also needs to be fully automated. In case a transaction fails, the clients would be getting payment returned back on their account within 30 seconds. This phase of development was the most challenging of all.
We made the app adopting the latest technology in the industry and best platforms. Technology wise | 38,520 |
implementation, so we can inline it:
- if (multiplied < 100) logger.logcount); + if (multiplied < 100) System.out.println(count);
This lets us make the program smaller by removing the unnecessary ErrLogger class since we never use it, and also removing the various public Logger log methods since we've inlined it into our only callsite.
Constant Folding
Separately, we can see that while count and total change in the course of the program, multiplied does not: it starts off 0, and every time it is multiplied via multiplied = multiplied * count it remains 0. We can thus substitute 0 for it throughout the program:
static int main(int n){ - int count = 0, total = 0, multiplied = 0; + int count = 0, total = 0; PrintLogger logger = new PrintLogger(); while(count < n){ count += 1; - multiplied *= count; - if (multiplied < 100) System.out.println(count); + if (0 < 100) logger.log(count); total += ackermann(2, 2); - total += ackermann(multiplied, n); + total += ackermann(0, n); int d1 = ackermann(n, 1); - total += d1 * multiplied; int d2 = ackermann(n, count); if (count % 2 == 0) total += d2; } return total; }
As a consequence, we can see that d1 * multiplied is always 0, and thus total += d1 * multiplied does nothing, and can be removed
- total += d1 * multiplied
Dead Code Elimination
Now that we've constant folded multiplied and see that total += d1 * multiplied does nothing, we can follow up and remove the definition of int d1 :
- int d1 = ackermann(n, 1);
This no longer plays a part in the program, and since ackermann is a pure function, removing it does not change the output of the program in any way.
Similarly, after inlining logger.log earlier, logger itself is now un-used and can be eliminated:
- PrintLogger logger = new PrintLogger();
Branch Elimination
Since The first conditional in our loop is now contingent on 0 < 100. Since that is always true, we can simply remove the conditional:
- if (0 < 100) System.out.println(count); + System.out.println(count);
In general, any conditional branch that is always true we can inline the body of the conditional in its place, and for branches that are always false we can remove the conditional together with its body entirely.
Partial Evaluation
Let us take a look at the three remaining calls to ackermann :
total += ackermann(2, 2); total += ackermann(0, n); int d2 = ackermann(n, count);
The first has two constant arguments. We can see that the function is pure, and evaluate the function up-front to find ackermann(2, 2) must be equal to 7
The second has one constant argument 0, and one unknown argument n. We can feed this into the definition of ackermann, and find that when m is 0, the function always returns n + 1
The third has two unknown arguments: n and count, and so there we leave it in place for now
Thus, given the call to ackermann, defined as:
static int ackermann(int m, int n){ if (m == 0) return n + 1; else if (n == 0) return ackermann(m - 1, 1); else return ackermann(m - 1, ackermann(m, n - 1)); }
We can simplify this into:
- total += ackermann(2, 2); + total += 7 - total += ackermann(0, n); + total += n + 1 int d2 = ackermann(n, count);
Late Scheduling
Lastly, we can see that the definition of d2 only gets used in the if (count % 2 == 0) conditional. Since the computation of ackermann is pure, we can thus move that call into the conditional, so that it doesn't get computed unless it actually gets used:
- int d2 = ackermann(n, count); - if (count % 2 == 0) total += d2; + if (count % 2 == 0) { + int d2 = ackerman | 38,521 |
_0 |a0|a1| |a0| 1: ifne 8 |a0|a1| | 4: iload_1 |a0|a1| |a1| 5: iconst_1 |a0|a1| |a1| 1| 6: iadd |a0|a1| |v1| 7: ireturn |a0|a1| | 8: iload_1 |a0|a1| |a1| 9: ifne 20 |a0|a1| | 12: iload_0 |a0|a1| |a0| 13: iconst_1 |a0|a1| |a0| 1| 14: isub |a0|a1| |v2| 15: iconst_1 |a0|a1| |v2| 1| 16: invokestatic ackermann:(II)I |a0|a1| |v3| 19: ireturn |a0|a1| | 20: iload_0 |a0|a1| |a0| 21: iconst_1 |a0|a1| |a0| 1| 22: isub |a0|a1| |v4| 23: iload_0 |a0|a1| |v4|a0| 24: iload_1 |a0|a1| |v4|a0|a1| 25: iconst_1 |a0|a1| |v4|a0|a1| 1| 26: isub |a0|a1| |v4|a0|v5| 27: invokestatic ackermann:(II)I |a0|a1| |v4|v6| 30: invokestatic ackermann:(II)I |a0|a1| |v7| 33: ireturn |a0|a1| |
Here, I have used a0 and a1 to represent the functions arguments, which are all stored in the LOCALS table at the start of a function. 1 represents the constants loaded via iconst_1, and v1 to v7 are the computed intermediate values. We can see that there are three ireturn instructions, returning v1, v3, or v7. This function does not define any other local variables, and so the LOCALS array only ever contains the input arguments.
If you recall the two variants ackermannA and ackermannB we saw earlier, both of them compile to the same bytecode:
BYTECODE LOCALS STACK |a0|a1| | 0: iload_1 |a0|a1| |a1| 1: istore_2 |a0|a1|a1| | 2: iload_0 |a0|a1|a1| |a0| 3: istore_3 |a0|a1|a1|a0| | 4: iload_3 |a0|a1|a1|a0| |a0| 5: ifne 12 |a0|a1|a1|a0| | 8: iload_2 |a0|a1|a1|a0| |a1| 9: iconst_1 |a0|a1|a1|a0| |a1| 1| 10: iadd |a0|a1|a1|a0| |v1| 11: ireturn |a0|a1|a1|a0| | 12: iload_2 |a0|a1|a1|a0| |a1| 13: ifne 24 |a0|a1|a1|a0| | 16: iload_3 |a0|a1|a1|a0| |a0| 17: iconst_1 |a0|a1|a1|a0| |a0| 1| 18: isub |a0|a1|a1|a0| |v2| 19: iconst_1 |a0|a1|a1|a0| |v2| 1| 20: invokestatic ackermannA:(II)I |a0|a1|a1|a0| |v3| 23: ireturn |a0|a1|a1|a0| | 24: iload_3 |a0|a1|a1|a0| |a0| 25: iconst_1 |a0|a1|a1|a0| |a0| 1| 26 | 38,522 |
: isub |a0|a1|a1|a0| |v4| 27: iload_3 |a0|a1|a1|a0| |v4|a0| 28: iload_2 |a0|a1|a1|a0| |v4|a0|a1| 29: iconst_1 |a0|a1|a1|a0| |v4|a0|a1| 1| 30: isub |a0|a1|a1|a0| |v4|a0|v5| 31: invokestatic ackermannA:(II)I |a0|a1|a1|a0| |v4|v6| 34: invokestatic ackermannA:(II)I |a0|a1|a1|a0| |v7| 37: ireturn |a0|a1|a1|a0| |
Here, we can see that because the source code takes the two arguments and puts them in local variables, the bytecode has corresponding instructures to load the argument values from LOCALs 0 and 1 and store them back in index 2 and 3. However, bytecode does not care about the names of your local variables: they're treated purely as indices within the LOCALS array, meaning both ackermannA and ackermannB have identical bytecode. This makes sense, given that they are semantically equivalent!
However, ackermannA and ackermannB do not compile to the same bytecode as the original ackermann : while bytecode abstracts away the names of your local variables, it still does not fully abstract away the loads and stores to/from locals. We still find ourselves having to deal with the details of how values are moved around the LOCALS and STACK, even though they do not affect how the program actually behaves.
Apart from the lack of load/store abstractions, bytecode has another problem: like most linear assemblies, it is very much optimized for compactness, and can be quite difficult to modify when the time comes to perform optimizations.
To understand why, let us revisit the original bytecode for ackermann :
BYTECODE LOCALS STACK |a0|a1| | 0: iload_0 |a0|a1| |a0| 1: ifne 8 |a0|a1| | 4: iload_1 |a0|a1| |a1| 5: iconst_1 |a0|a1| |a1| 1| 6: iadd |a0|a1| |v1| 7: ireturn |a0|a1| | 8: iload_1 |a0|a1| |a1| 9: ifne 20 |a0|a1| | 12: iload_0 |a0|a1| |a0| 13: iconst_1 |a0|a1| |a0| 1| 14: isub |a0|a1| |v2| 15: iconst_1 |a0|a1| |v2| 1| 16: invokestatic ackermann:(II)I |a0|a1| |v3| 19: ireturn |a0|a1| | 20: iload_0 |a0|a1| |a0| 21: iconst_1 |a0|a1| |a0| 1| 22: isub |a0|a1| |v4| 23: iload_0 |a0|a1| |v4|a0| 24: iload_1 |a0|a1| |v4|a0|a1| 25: iconst_1 |a0|a1| |v4|a0|a1| 1| 26: isub |a0|a1| |v4|a0|v5| 27: invokestatic ackermann:(II)I |a0|a1| |v4|v6| 30: invokestatic ackermann:(II)I |a0|a1| |v7| 33: ireturn |a0|a1| |
And from here, make a strawman change: we have decided that the function call 30: invokestatic ackermann:(II)I does not make use of its first argument, and thus we can replace it with an equivalent function call 30: invokestatic ackermann2:(I)I that only takes 1 argument. This is a common optimization, and can | 38,523 |
allow any code that was used to compute the first argument of 30: invokestatic ackermann:(II)I to be eliminated by Dead Code Elimination we saw earlier.
To do so, we need to not only replace instruction 30, we need to look up the list of instructions to figure out where the first argument ( v4 on the STACK ) gets computed and remove those as well. We end up walking backwards, from instruction 30 to 22, and 22 to 21 and 20. The final change would look something like this:
BYTECODE LOCALS STACK |a0|a1| | 0: iload_0 |a0|a1| |a0| 1: ifne 8 |a0|a1| | 4: iload_1 |a0|a1| |a1| 5: iconst_1 |a0|a1| |a1| 1| 6: iadd |a0|a1| |v1| 7: ireturn |a0|a1| | 8: iload_1 |a0|a1| |a1| 9: ifne 20 |a0|a1| | 12: iload_0 |a0|a1| |a0| 13: iconst_1 |a0|a1| |a0| 1| 14: isub |a0|a1| |v2| 15: iconst_1 |a0|a1| |v2| 1| 16: invokestatic ackermann:(II)I |a0|a1| |v3| 19: ireturn |a0|a1| | - 20: iload_0 |a0|a1| | - 21: iconst_1 |a0|a1| | - 22: isub |a0|a1| | 23: iload_0 |a0|a1| |a0| 24: iload_1 |a0|a1| |a0|a1| 25: iconst_1 |a0|a1| |a0|a1| 1| 26: isub |a0|a1| |a0|v5| 27: invokestatic ackermann:(II)I |a0|a1| |v6| - 30: invokestatic ackermann:(II)I |a0|a1| |v7| + 30: invokestatic ackermann2:(I)I |a0|a1| |v7| 33: ireturn |a0|a1| |
While doing such a trivial change in the simple ackermann function is still possible, it gets much more messy with more involved changes in larger, real-world functions. In general, every small semantic change to your program may require in a large number of changes scattered throughout the bytecode.
You may have noticed that the way we perform this change is to look at the LOCALS and STACK values we have simulated on the right: seeing v4 arrives at instruction 30 from instruction 22, and instruction 22 takes in a0 and 1 which arrive from instructions 21 and 20. These values being passed around between LOCALS and STACK for a graph: from the instruction that computed each value, to the places where it is used.
Like the Ident / Assign pairs in our ASTs, the values being moved around the LOCALS and STACK form a graph between the computation of a value, and its usages. Why not work with the graph directly?
Dataflow Graphs
Dataflow Graphs are one level up the abstraction ladder from Bytecode or ASTs. If we extend our syntax tree with the Ident / Assign edges, or if we follow how the bytecode is moving values between LOCALS and STACK, we will end up forming the same graph. For the ackermann function, it looks like this:
G cluster_0 block0 cluster_1 block1 cluster_2 block2 cluster_3 block3 cluster_4 block4 m m ==_0 == m->==_0 -_3 - m->-_3 -_4_1 - m->-_4_1 ackermann_4_2 ackermann m->ackermann_4_2 if_0 if ==_0->if_0 1_1 1 if_0->1_1 0_2 0 if_0->0_2 +_1 + 1_1->+_1 return_1 return +_1->return_1 ==_2 == 0_2->==_2 if_2 if ==_2->if_2 1_3_1 1 if_2->1_3_1 | 38,524 |
1_4_1 1 if_2->1_4_1 1_3_1->-_3 ackermann_3 ackermann -_3->ackermann_3 return_3 return ackermann_3->return_3 1_4_1->-_4_1 ackermann_4_1 ackermann -_4_1->ackermann_4_1 return_4 return ackermann_4_1->return_4 ackermann_4_2->ackermann_4_1 0_0 0 0_0->==_0 n n n->+_1 n->==_2 -_4_2 - n->-_4_2 -_4_2->ackermann_4_2 1_3_2 1 1_3_2->ackermann_3 1_4_2 1 1_4_2->-_4_2
Unlike ASTs or Java's Stack/Register-based bytecode, Dataflow Graphs do not have the concept of a "local variable": instead the graph contains directed edges between each value and its usages. While analyzing bytecode often involves doing abstract interpretation of the LOCALS and STACK to figure out how values are being moved around, and analyzing ASTs involves walking both the tree and managing a symbol table containing Assign / Ident edges, analyzing Dataflow Graphs is often just straightforward graph traversals: the whole idea of "moving a value" removed from the program representation.
Dataflow graphs are also somewhat easier to manipulate than linear bytecode: replacing a function call node ackermann with an ackermann2 call, and discarding one of its arguments, is a matter of mutating a graph node (below in green) and removing one input edge, along with its transitive upstream edges/nodes, from the graph (below in red):
G cluster_0 block0 cluster_1 block1 cluster_2 block2 cluster_3 block3 cluster_4 block4 m m ==_0 == m->==_0 -_3 - m->-_3 -_4_1 - m->-_4_1 ackermann_4_2 ackermann m->ackermann_4_2 if_0 if ==_0->if_0 1_1 1 if_0->1_1 0_2 0 if_0->0_2 +_1 + 1_1->+_1 return_1 return +_1->return_1 ==_2 == 0_2->==_2 if_2 if ==_2->if_2 1_3_1 1 if_2->1_3_1 1_4_1 1 if_2->1_4_1 1_3_1->-_3 ackermann_3 ackermann -_3->ackermann_3 return_3 return ackermann_3->return_3 1_4_1->-_4_1 ackermann_4_1 ackermann2 -_4_1->ackermann_4_1 return_4 return ackermann_4_1->return_4 ackermann_4_2->ackermann_4_1 0_0 0 0_0->==_0 n n n->+_1 n->==_2 -_4_2 - n->-_4_2 -_4_2->ackermann_4_2 1_3_2 1 1_3_2->ackermann_3 1_4_2 1 1_4_2->-_4_2
Thus, we can see how a small change to the program (replacing ackermann(int n, int m) with ackermann2(int m) ) ends up being a relatively localized change in the dataflow graph.
In general, dataflow graphs are much easier to work with than linear bytecodes or ASTs: both graph analyses and graph modifications are straightforward.
This description of dataflow graphs leaves out a lot of detail: apart from the actual physical representation of the graph, there are also many different ways of modeling state, control flow, whose handling would be a bit more involved and not fit within this blog post. We have also left out the details of graph transformations, e.g. adding/removing edges, forward/backwards breadth/depth-first traversals, etc. which should be familiar to anyone who has taken an introductory algorithms course.
Lastly, we have skipped over the algorithms for converting from a linear bytecode to the dataflow graph, and then from the dataflow graph back to a linear bytecode. That is itself an interesting problem, but for | 38,525 |
BuzzFeed News ha indagato e scritto su un gruppo di siti di e-commerce di abbigliamento che vendono capi di scarsa qualità e a prezzi molto bassi (a partire da poche decine di dollari), promuovendo le offerte su Facebook e ingannando i propri clienti con immagini rubate da altri siti, riviste o profili di utenti dei social network. Spesso chi acquista capi di abbigliamento da questi siti di e-commerce rimane deluso: i prodotti consegnati non corrispondono alle immagini presenti sui siti, sia per aspetto sia per tipo di tessuto, le taglie sono sbagliate, a volte i prodotti emanano un cattivo odore. Otto di questi siti – Zaful, SammyDress, DressLily, RoseGal, RoseWe, TideBuy, Choies, e RomWe – appartengono a un’unica società cinese, la ShenZhen Global Egrow E-Commerce Co., o Global Egrow: si tratta di una società fondata nel 2007 che nel 2014 ha fatturato circa 200 milioni di dollari, equivalenti a 176 milioni di euro.
Un esempio di annuncio ingannevole:
La Global Egrow controlla anche altri 41 siti, tra cui i rivenditori di giocattoli e di dispositivi elettronici volumebest.com e gearbest.com. Nel 2014 la società è stata comprata dall’azienda di abbigliamento Shanxi Baiyuan Trousers: appartiene a Yang Jianxin che nel 2015 la rivista Forbes ha messo al posto numero 394 della sua lista dei cinesi più ricchi. Secondo BuzzFeed News i siti di Global Egrow vendono vestiti utilizzando foto rubate in rete e raggiungono le loro clienti attraverso Facebook. Nonostante si possano leggere molti commenti negativi sotto agli ultimi post delle pagine di questi siti (le clienti si lamentano sia per problemi legati ai tempi di consegna sia per la differenza tra i capi pubblicizzati e quelli ricevuti), RoseGal ha più di 8 milioni di mi piace, DressLily ne ha 7 milioni, RoseWe e TideBuy più di un milione. Tra gli utenti di Facebook che hanno messo “mi piace” alla pagina ci sono anche molti italiani.
Su Facebook esistono anche alcune pagine e gruppi creati allo scopo di mettere in guardia le possibili clienti di DressLily da pessimi acquisti. Su uno di questi, chiamato Rosewholesale Scam (scam in inglese significa “truffa”) si possono trovare confronti tra le immagini dei prodotti ricevuti dalle clienti di questi siti e quelle dei capi che si aspettavano di ricevere. Uno dei confronti è stato realizzato da un’utente italiana.
L’aspetto più rilevante di questa storia è che le regole di Facebook non vietano a questi siti di mostrare immagini fuorvianti. Infatti Facebook è rigido per quanto riguarda le parole usate negli annunci e nei post pubblicitari, e le immagini che accompagnano il testo non devono essere offensive, ma non ci sono strumenti che gli consentano di riconoscere foto rubate a meno che chi ne detiene il copyright non ne segnali l’uso scorretto. Facebook non ha inoltre alcuna responsabilità legata alla vendita dei prodotti di scarsa qualità, dato che la vendita effettiva avviene altrove. BuzzFeed ha anche sottolineato come in termini di acquisti di spazio pubblicitario | 38,526 |
According to the comedian, Democrats bashing US President Donald Trump, calling for the abolishment of ICE and generally leaning to the left is what Russia actually wants.
Comedian Jen Kirkman exploded Twitter on November 18, after she came up with a huge train of thought posted over innumerable tweets, explaining how progressive, leftist Democrats are a weapon of Russia, Kremlin and, of course, Russian President Vladimir Putin himself.
In case you haven't heard, Russia has been accused of downright putting Donald Trump in the White House — a Republican candidate, and one that could hardly be called a centrist — for the last couple of years. This narrative has become very convenient for the Democrats and their backers, as it allows them to label anyone expressing support for Trump a paid Russian troll, and even call President Trump himself a hideous agent of the Kremlin.
While many Democrats have dedicated their concentrated and prolonged efforts to countering Trump's policies and calling for investigations into Russian collusion, such as special counsel Robert Mueller's probe, some lawmakers have caught on that people are tired of the same story being told again and again and are desperate for substantive action.
One of those lawmakers is newly elected Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who unexpectedly gained popularity and support after she called for accusations about Trump's alleged Russian connections to finally be abandoned, so that Democrats could focus on progressive policies addressing social issues their supporters care about. Ocasio-Cortez also said she will support more left-leaning, progressive challengers to incumbent Democrats, whom she views as "moderates" and "centrists." According to the Daily Dot, such challengers could force incumbent Democrats to adopt more progressive policies themselves if they are to keep their seats in US Congress.
Enter Kirkman, who believes Ocasio-Cortez is backed by the Kremlin.
If your reaction was "Wait, what?," then here is our attempt to summarise Kirkman's lengthy Twitter train of thought.
According to Kirkman, Ocasio-Cortez is "dividing" the Democratic Party by pulling it to the left and downplaying the alleged Trump-Russia collusion. And this is what Moscow wants, she says. Kirkman insists Moscow has commanded its omnipotent army of paid internet trolls to support Ocasio-Cortez and attack and label everyone who disagrees with or criticises her as "sexist" and "racist."
"I'm not saying anything about HER or she's some kind of Russian agent," Kirkman wrote on Twitter. "I'm saying notice the online hysteria and conversation arising around her. How excited Putin must be that a Dem wants to primary Dems. And he sends in his online trolls to split the party that just got in."
I’m not saying anything about HER or she’s some kind of Russian agent. I’m saying notice the online hysteria and conversation arising around her. How excited Putin must be that a Dem wants to primary Dems. And he sends in his online trolls to split the party that just got in. — JEN KIRKMAN (@JenKirkman) 18 ноября 2018 г.
"It's not sexist to point out that her using her platform to attack Dems and minimize Russia investigations is bad for democracy," Kirkman added.
So, apparently, in Kirkman's point of view, an elected official calling on her colleagues to stop talking about Trump and Russia and start tackling actual US problems is playing into Putin's shadowy plans.
Sadly, what started as a curious, strange but arguably cohesive conspiracy theory quickly devolved into a difficult to follow stream of words.
"We experienced this level of hysteria with [Sen.] Bernie [Sanders]. He was talked about as the savior who will bring revolution. When criticized, his supporters and bots cried that he was but a simple working man, a victim of the nasty establishment. It's happening with her. She's not a child," Kirkman wrote, referring to Ocasio-Cortez.
Then she went into a lengthy description of how she has always been "radical" and "vegetarian since 14," and thus no one should call her a "centrist." Those who are interested can read the entire tirade on Kirkman's Twitter here.
Unsurprisingly, such a cascade of tweets could not go unnoticed by other users, which immediately brought Kirkman to the "Trending" section of the social media platform.
folks, i regret to inform you that jen kirkman is at it again pic.twitter.com/KN3vSBebsq — Matt Binder (@MattBinder) 19 ноября 2018 г.
I prefer Jen Kirkman's earlier work pic.twitter.com/hJXDruAV5O — Gabriella Paiella (@GMPaiella | 38,527 |
murească problema. Din cauza dilatării /contracţiei (nu traficului din şantier) grinzile îşi modifică dimensiunile, iar neoprenul trebuie să se deformeze să preia această modificare, dar din cauza problemelor de poziţionare grinzile pur şi simplu alunecă pe neopren", explică RaduLuc, membru al forumului Asociaţiei Pro Infrastructură (API), care a postat imagini cu podul.
Comentând asupra imaginilor, alt membru spune că "fără discuţie" se poate da drumul la trafic pentru maşini usoare. "E imposibil să se întâmple ceva grav acolo. Restricţia de 60km/h este exagerată. 90, ca şi pentru restul, lejer. Asta pentru început. Trebuie într-adevăr urmărit fenomenul", continuă acesta.
Misterul alunecării grinzii pe neopren este dezbătut mai departe şi de alţi pasionaţi de infrastructură, care nu înţeleg de ce se deplasează structurile grele, de aproape 1.000 de tone.
Ei susţin însă că, indiferent de probleme, remedierea trebuia făcută de către constructor în perioada de garanţie.
Amintim că în urma neînţelegerilor pentru remedierea unor probleme, CNAIR a reziliat la finele lunii august contractul cu asocierea care a construit lotul 3 din Autostrada Lugoj - Deva. Ulterior, a executat garanţiile constituite de asocierea de constructori la BCR şi Raiffeisen Bank.
În septembrie, o fisură de 15 metri lungime şi un centimetru lăţime a apărut pe lotul 3 al autostrăzii Lugoj-Deva, la km 57+100, fiind vorba despre o problemă de terasament, care nu putea fi rezolvată până la finele lunii septembrie, anunţa CNAIR.
Fisura de 15 metri lungime apărută pe lotul 3 din Autostrada Lugoj – Deva, la nicio lună de când trebuia recepţionat, reprezenta doar vârful icebergului în ce priveşte problemele de calitate de pe noua şosea de mare viteză, spuneau atunci surse apropiate situaţiei pentru ECONOMICA.NET. Acestea anticipau că ar putea fi necesară chiar demolarea Podului peste Mureş şi construirea unuia mai lung.
Lotul 3 are o lungime de 21,14 kilometri, iar lucrările au fost atribuite la o valoare de 579,92 milioane lei, fără TVA asocierii de firme Teloxim Con SRL - Comsa SA - Aldesa Construccciones SA - Arcadis Eurometudes SA. Din suma totală, 492,93 milioane lei, adică 85%, reprezintă Fonduri de Coeziune, iar diferenţa de 86,98 milioane lei a fost asigurată din fonduri ale Guvernului României.
Citeşte şi Urmările dezastrului de pe Autost | 38,528 |
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iTek repariert vor Ort: Handy Reparatur Service in Winterthur - [ Brütten, Dinhard, Elsau, Hettlingen, Illnau-Effretikon, Kyburg, Lindau, Neftenbach, Oberembr | 38,529 |
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Giáo hội Phật giáo Việt Nam nói sẽ rà soát tất cả các cơ sở thờ tự để phát hiện có hay không bức tượng Phật ôm trong lòng một phụ nữ khỏa thân.
Tin này được Hòa thượng Thích Gia Quang, Trưởng Ban Thông tin Truyền thông, nói trên trang web chính thức của Giáo hội Phật giáo Việt Nam.
Theo ngài, nếu phát hiện, Giáo hội sẽ đề nghị loại bỏ khỏi nơi thờ tự.
Tranh cãi bắt đầu từ khi báo Thái Lan Bangkok Post đưa tin nhiều Phật tử nước này tức giận vì bức hình có vẻ được chụp ở Việt Nam.
Hòa thượng Thích Gia Quang thừa nhận chưa đủ cơ sở để khẳng định có đúng có nguồn gốc xuất phát từ Việt Nam hay không.
Tuy nhiên, chúng tôi khẳng định trong truyền thống Phật giáo Việt Nam không có những bức tượng kiểu như thế.
Do đó, nếu có cá nhân nào thờ bức tượng hoặc các loại tranh tượng tương tự là mang tính cá nhân, ngài nói.
Báo Bangkok Post nói bức hình thoạt tiên được đăng tải trên Facebook và nhanh chóng được các công dân mạng Thai Lan chia sẻ và thảo luận.
Bangkok Post nói điều báo gọi là này "được chụp ở Việt Nam nhưng không rõ địa điểm nào".
‘Không phù hợp’
Bức tượng có vẻ bắt chước tượng Phổ Hiền Bồ tát, được xem là một trong bốn Đ | 38,533 |
We are excited to announce Verge3D 2.10 for both 3ds Max and Blender users! For this release we added experimental VR support, automatized the updating of apps, implemented first-person controls, added puzzles for dynamic loading, taking screenshots, sending and receiving data over network and supported several new Max’ maps and Blender EEVEE nodes.
Virtual Reality
Today we introduce experimental support the in-development browser technology called WebXR (eXtended Reality on the Web), that allows for creating Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) online experiences.
In the WebXR stack, virtual reality is the most reliably working feature at the moment. In view of this, we have added VR puzzles for now, postponing the AR puzzles until the WebXR specification is stabilized.
Our mighty Industrial Robot was upgraded to serve as a VR demonstrator. Interaction with 3D objects is performed by using the gaze-based reticle pointer automatically provided for VR devices without controllers (such as cardboards).
Captured from Samsung S6 Edge in a cardboard. Reticle to trigger button #1.
For VR devices with controllers (e.g. HTC Vive, Oculus, Google Daydream) interaction is performed by the virtual ray casted from the controller.
Captured from Samsung S8 in Google Daydream. Ray to trigger button #2.
As a result, you can use the standard when hovered or when clicked puzzles to handle user events. See more details on setting up and using the VR feature in the User Manual.
App Manager Improvements
The app creation dialog was reorganized. It now offers 2 app templates: Standard for Puzzles-based app and Code-Based for users preferring programming with JavaScript. We also added the possibility to enable Internet Explorer 11 and legacy VR compatibility modules.
Panel for creating new apps reworked.
Application update procedure was simplified, as you now can conveniently update not only the engine module, but also the HTML/CSS/JavaScript templates. Be sure to backup your project before updating as this feature overwrites the files!
Updating applications has never been easier.
The default cube templates for both Blender and Max were upgraded once again to use the recommended physically based pipeline. We used middle-poly models so that the normal map could be removed resulting in a cleaner default project.
Updated default cube.
The new templates also include an HDR environment texture which you can re-use in your projects (this fact was mentioned in the latest tutorial series).
First-Person Controls
First-person controls can now be enabled in 3ds Max or Blender. A material can be assigned to serve for detecting floor collisions so that it is now possible to walk around a scene.
First-person controls in 3ds Max (on the left) and in Blender (on the right).
Blender’s City demo was updated to allow for first-person controls.
City demo with first-person controls enabled.
Dynamic Loading
Loading scenes in both the replace and append modes, as well as unloading them is now supported via Puzzles or JavaScript. This feature is key for creating applications with lots of scenes or high-poly models which now can be loaded on demand (customizers, game levels, etc).
Loading a new gltf file and appending it to the main scene.
There is the possibility to assign a preloader for displaying loading progress. The loading of cameras and lights is optional and disabled by default to prevent wasting memory and processing power.
Features Enabled with JavaScript
Thanks to a contribution from our users, we implemented the possibility to pause and resume rendering, as well as to lower the frame rate via JavaScript, as in the examples below.
app.disableRendering(); 1 app. disableRendering ( ) ;
app.enableRendering(); 1 app. enableRendering ( ) ;
app.setFrameRateDivider(2); // enables maximum 30 FPS instead of 60 1 app. setFrameRateDivider ( 2 ) ; // enables maximum 30 FPS instead of 60
See the app called “Load Unload” demo available in both 3ds Max and Blender versions of Verge3D for the examples of usage.
Also, the JavaScript method dispose() for freeing CPU and GPU resources was implemented. This method will be useful if you got a website with Verge3D app instances created and removed dynamically.
For example, if the user clicks some button or tab on a page which will navigate them out of a 3D app without reloading the whole page, simply call
app.dispose(); 1 app. dispose ( ) ;
and the engine won’t be keeping the loaded scene in memory and rendering it in background any longer.
More Puzzles | 38,534 |
The "Great Successor" now has his very own theme song. It's been reported that North Korea has released the first official propaganda hymn dedicated to its new supreme leader, Kim Jong Un.
Entitled "Onwards Toward the Final Victory," the song (embedded above) has been broadcast repeatedly on North Korean state-run media outlets, such as the Korean Central Broadcasting Station and Radio Pyongyang, in an apparent effort to reinforce Kim's carefully cultivated image. The song plays several times a day, and North Korean paper Rodong Sinmun announced that it, naturally, has been enthusiastically received by the citizens.
The title of the song comes from the last phrase of Kim's April 15 speech, which marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of the country's founding leader, Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Un's grandfather. Strong militaristic images appear throughout the song, emphasizing young Kim's determination to pursue his father's "songun," or "military-first," regime. We've translated — to the best of our ability — the lyrics to "Onwards Toward the Final Victory" below (please post any suggested changes in a comment).
Songs dedicated to North Korean leaders are common. For example, Kim Jong Il's signature tune, "No Motherland Without You," was broadcast frequently during his reign.
"The most striking difference with Kim Jong Un's is that his name is never actually sung in the song dedicated to him," said Asia Society Associate Fellow John Delury, a professor at Yonsei University's Graduate School of International Studies in Seoul. "So perhaps it can be thought of as the new official song of the Kim Jong Un era. Rather than focusing on the role of Kim Jong Un personally, the agents in the song are the North Korean people, Worker's Party and military."
Delury continued, "In terms of the ideological message, the phrase 'powerful, prosperous nation' is given clear priority. That is not a surprise, since for some years 2012 has been built up as the beginning of the era of the DPRK's emergence as a powerful and prosperous country. It may be of some marginal significance, however, that the stronger claim — of a powerful and prosperous great country (taeguk, something like "great power") — is downgraded to simply powerful and prosperous country (gukga)."
And what to make of the phrase "the final victory"?
"I assume the final victory refers to reunification of the Korean Peninsula," Delury said.
The hymn comes amid Kim's efforts to portray himself a benevolent, fatherly figure, a stark departure from his father's strong but cold rule. Kim Jong Un has also reportedly relaxed rules on the consumption of Western products like pizzas, hamburgers and french fries.
And to all the musicians reading this, you're in luck. The score to "Onwards Toward the Final Victory" was released on Rodong Sinmun's site on June 26. We've published it below.
And now, the lyrics:
Song: "Onwards Toward the Final Victory"
노래 <최후의 승리를 향하여 앞으로>
Composer: Yoon Du Geun, Lyrics: Kim Moon Hyuk
작사 윤두근, 작곡 김문혁
By exploding the mental strength of the united heart of our million citizens
일심의 천만군민 정신력 폭발시켜
Joseon resounds the marching drums of the powerful, prosperous nation
조선은 강성국가 진군북 울려간다
Let's go, Great Baekdu-mountain nation, by the calling of the political party
나가자 백두산대국아 당중앙 부름따라
Onward, onward to the final victory
최후의 승리를 향하여 앞으로 앞으로
As our undefeated army boasts winning a hundred battles
불패의 군력으로 백승을 � | 38,535 |
with a vast majority all made up of [landowners], they’re not going to give up their seats, at least not willingly. They’re going to fight to the last drop of blood, as far as I can see.”
As early as the 13th century, Sark was a haven for monks and pirates, the treacherous underwater rocks along its coasts serving as weapons against unsuspecting ships. That ended in 1565, when Queen Elizabeth I granted the island as a fief to Helier de Carteret on the condition he ensure the island’s safety by retaining 40 armed men.
Beaumont became seigneur in 1974 on the death of his grandmother, Sibyl Hathaway, dame of Sark, who held the island’s population together during Nazi occupation (imperiously requiring the German officers to sign in as visitors at the elegant manor house).
Over the years, the island had on its own cast away some of the trappings of feudalism.
Beaumont no longer collects an annual tithe on residents’ wealth; annual payment of a live chicken to the seigneur also is no longer mandatory; and taxes are a fraction of what they are in Britain, though Beaumont continues to take his treizieme, one-thirteenth of the sales price, whenever one of the original 40 tenements is sold. None can be subdivided or conveyed without his concurrence, and all must be sold to a loyal subject of the queen.
THE seigneur’s consent is no longer required for marriage (and no one can remember when he had the right to review the bride on her wedding night). Divorce is still not written into Sark’s code, but the island has agreed to accept those granted elsewhere. The law decreeing that tenements must be handed down to the eldest son was changed in 1999 to allow daughters to inherit as well.
Still, by tradition and law, Beaumont is the only Sark resident permitted to keep pigeons or an unspayed bitch. And residents with a complaint can still fall on one knee and invoke the Clameur de Haro, a Norman custom under which a person can obtain immediate cessation of any action he considers to be an infringement of his rights.
“It usually involves boundary disputes. Say someone is knocking your trees down,” explained Jeremy Bateman, the deputy seneschal, or island administrator.
“You can fall on your knees and invoke the Clameur de Haro. You say: ‘Haro, haro haro! A mon aide, mon prince, on me fait tort!’ [Help me, my prince, someone does me wrong!] And when that’s done, everything stops. All work must be stopped until there’s a hearing of the court.
“It is used occasionally,” Bateman said. “I think the last time it was three years ago. A wall was being built on a boundary, and it was invoked. It’s quite effective.”
Sark’s residents -- natives whose families have inhabited the island for generations, mainland Brits looking for a quieter life, and wealthy, often-secretive refugees appreciative of the island’s generous tax laws -- for the most part rent their homes on short- and long-term leases granted by the tenants. By law, newcomers can live only in homes built before 1976, a regulation intended to allow the construction of new homes for the children of islanders but hold the new arrivals largely at bay.
Residents survive mainly on the revenue from the thousands of tourists who descend on the island each summer once the terrifying winter gales subside.
With next to no civil service, Sark is governed by volunteers. The seigneur’s chief gardener is also the head of the constitutional review committee. Some people fish during the week and drive a carriage on weekends. Members of Chief Pleas oversee the schools, the sewage system, trash pickup, harbors, fishing, agriculture and health care.
“You’ll see somebody that’s working behind the counter in the food shops, and when you pop into the pub that evening they’ll be behind the bar. That’s how people support each other and make a living,” said Geoff Benfield, a former automotive engineer from the mainland who opened a combination bed-and-breakfast and rocking horse carving studio on Sark.
The constable is one of the few who gets a salary. He earned it in 1991, when an unemployed French nuclear physicist, dressed in military fatigues and armed with an automatic rifle and 250 rounds of ammunition, launched a one-man invasion.
“He put these notices up, they were all in French, of course, saying he was going to take over the | 38,536 |
# Compile Monero 0.9 on Ubuntu 16.04 x64
The example shows how to compile the current github version of Monero, as of 10 Jul 2016, on Ubuntu 16.04 x64.
Before proceeding with the compilation, the following packages are required:
# update Ubuntu's repository sudo apt update #install git to download latest Monero source code from github sudo apt install git # install dependencies to be able to compile Monero sudo apt install build-essential cmake libboost-all-dev miniupnpc libunbound-dev graphviz doxygen libunwind8-dev pkg-config # or git and all dependencies in one command # sudo apt install git build-essential cmake libboost-all-dev miniupnpc libunbound-dev graphviz doxygen libunwind8-dev pkg-config
# download the latest bitmonero source code from github git clone https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero.git # go into bitmonero folder cd bitmonero/ # apply patch for using Onion Blockchain Explorer (optional) # https://github.com/moneroexamples/onion-monero-blockchain-explorer # curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moneroexamples/compile-monero-09-on-ubuntu-16-04/master/res/tx_blob_to_tx_info.patch | git apply -v - # # compile the release version. make # or make -j number_of_threads, e.g., make -j 2 # alternatively `make release` can be used instead of `make`. This compiles # the source code without compiling unique tests which is faster, and can # avid problems if there are compilation errors with compiling the tests
After successful compilation, the Monero binaries should be located in./build/release/bin as shown below:
./build/release/bin/ ├── bitmonerod ├── blockchain_converter ├── blockchain_dump ├── blockchain_export ├── blockchain_import ├── cn_deserialize ├── connectivity_tool ├── simpleminer └── simplewallet
I usually move the binaries into /opt/bitmonero/ folder. This can be done as follows:
# optional sudo mkdir -p /opt/bitmonero sudo mv -v./build/release/bin/ * /opt/bitmonero/
This should result in: bash /opt/bitmonero ├── bitmonerod ├── blockchain_converter ├── blockchain_dump ├── blockchain_export ├── blockchain_import ├── cn_deserialize ├── connectivity_tool ├── simpleminer └── simplewallet
Now we can start the Monero daemon, i.e., bitmonerod, and let it download the blockchain and synchronize itself with the Monero network. After that, you can run your the simplewallet.
# launch the Monero daemon and let it synchronize with the Monero network /opt/bitmonero/bitmonerod # launch the Monero wallet /opt/bitmonero/simplewallet
Useful aliases (with rlwrap)
bitmonerod and simplewallet do not have tab-compliton nor history. This problem can be overcome using rlwrap.
# install rlwrap sudo apt install rlwrap # download bitmonerod and simplewallet commands files wget -O ~/.bitmonero/monerocommands_bitmonerod.txt https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moneroexamples/compile-monero-09-on-xubuntu-16-04-beta-1/master/monerocommands_bitmonerod.txt wget -O ~/.bitmonero/monerocommands_simplewallet.txt https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moneroexamples/compile-monero-09-on-xubuntu-16-04-beta-1/master/monerocommands_simplewallet.txt # add aliases to.bashrc echo "alias moneronode='rlwrap -f ~/.bitmonero/monerocommands_bitmonerod.txt /opt/bitmonero/bitmonerod'" >> ~/.bashrc echo "alias monerowallet='rlwrap -f ~/.bitmonero/monerocommands_simplewallet.txt /opt/bitmonero/simplewallet'" >> ~/.bashrc # reload.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
With this, we can just start the daemon and wallet simply using moneronode and monerowallet commands. rlwrap will provide tab-complition and history for the | 38,537 |
Júlia Cople Tamanho do texto
Menos de um ano depois de entrar para a Polícia Militar, o soldado Michel de Lima Galvão denunciou a falta de condições de trabalho nas Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora (UPPs). Uma gravação do policial de 2015 mostra o claro descontentamento do agente com a falta de munição e a desvantagem numérica e operacional no confronto com traficantes. Para ele, o projeto das UPPs estava falido. O soldado foi morto na noite de terça-feira, durante um ataque do tráfico no Jacarezinho, na Zona Norte da Cidade.
"Essa guerra não é nossa. Governo falido, projeto falido. Estão colocando a gente dentro do morro para morrer. A favela não é nossa casa. Ser policial não é ser guerrielheiro, não é confrontar em desvantagem numérica, em desvantagem logística, em desvantagem operacional", apela o soldado Galvão aos companheiros de tropa.
A irmã de Michel, Natália Lima, confirmou a autoria da gravação e criticou duramente as manifestações de luto da PM, que colocou fitas pretas nas redes sociais em lamento à morte do agente.
— Esse luto, com certeza, poderia ter sido evitado. Até quando isso? Quantas famílias irão passar por essa dor de ver uma pessoa que faz parte da sua vida, seu sangue, acabar assim? Eu vi meu irmão naquele saco, e eu só queria trazê-lo para casa comigo. Mas não pude — criticou Natália ao Extra.
A Polícia Militar lamenta a morte do Sd Galvão, falecido nesta manhã. Ele era da UPP Jacarezinho e foi ferido por criminosos ontem à noite. pic.twitter.com/aB0JflMhFI — PMERJ (@PMERJ) February 22, 2017
No áudio de Michel, ele relata ter pedido, em menos de uma semana, três colegas da corporação. Outros dois amigos haviam sido baleados. Na ocasião, ele apelava aos companheiros que não jurassem vingança na guerra das UPPs e que "baixassem" as armas por não terem condições de trabalho de enfrentar os criminosos.
— A gente tem que ter amor pela nossa vida (...) Não vamos querer dar uma de heróis. Não tem condições. O armamento que a gente pega para subir o morro... Como é que pode? Na quarta-feira, queriam que eu subisse o morro com uma pistola e dois carregadores de 15 tiros. Não tinha munição, não tinha fuzil, não tinha carregador de pistola — gritava o agente, que reclamou ainda de não ter recebido o salário daquele mês.
O soldado Galvão entrou para a PM em 2014. Segundo Natália, era o sonho do irmão. Ele não costumava reclamar de cansaço, porque amava o que fazia, mas sempre criticava as dificuldades financeiras e as condições de trabalho na corporação.
— Eles não estão nem aí. Eles só dão a ordem, não batem de frente com a sociedade como esses policiais guerreiros — pontuou Natália, em referência aos comandos da corporação e do Estado | 38,538 |
There are often astronauts up in the ISS over Christmas.
Despite being posted to a cramped space station, they still manage to celebrate Christmas with most of the traditional trappings.
If they’re lucky they get the day off as well.
Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.
No one likes spending Christmas at work if they can help it, but sometimes there’s just no getting out of it. For example, if you are stationed in orbit 250 miles above the planet.
But despite being as far away as it’s humanly possible to get from Earth – where Christmas was invented – astronauts aboard the International Space Station manage to keep their workplace pretty festive. They festoon the station with decorations, put up Christmas trees, open presents, and even get Christmas dinner.
Here are some amazing moments from the many Christmases which have been celebrated aboard the ISS.
Of course to have a real Christmas you need a Christmas tree.
Foto: A Christmas tree watches the Earth from space.sourceNASA/Scott Kelley
Astronauts may not be able to pick their own real fir tree, but for years they’ve been bringing up fake ones and adorning them with tinsel and decorations.
Over the decades astronauts have sometimes had to improvise.
Foto: A Christmas tree made out of food packaging.sourceNASA
This Christmas tree is fashioned from empty food containers, and was made by three astronauts aboard the ISS on the Skylab 4 mission in 1973.
For years astronauts have been decorating Christmas cookies in zero-gravity.
Foto: Astronauts Michael Fincke and Sandra Magnus in 2008.sourceNASA
In November this year a specially designed „space oven“ was shipped to the astronauts on the ISS to experiment on the impact intense heat and zero-gravity would have on baking cookies, however NASA confirmed that the astronauts will only be baking five experimental cookies in this oven and will not eat them.
The astronauts get Christmas dinner.
Foto: Sandra Magnus prepares Christmas dinner.sourceNASA
It’s impossible to prepare a full roast meal on the ISS, but astronauts still get an approximation of a Christmas dinner.
For Christmas 2018 crew members got a meal of smoked turkey, candied yams, corn, green beans, mac and cheese, and potatoes au gratin. This was followed by dessert options of strawberries, bread pudding, butter cookies, and shortbread cookies.
This feast was shipped up to the astronauts a few weeks ahead of Christmas aboard a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft.
A NASA spokesperson sent Business Insider a list of what’s on the menu for the ISS crew this Christmas.
Foto: Gingerbread cookies are on the menu for the astronauts this year.sourceNekoJoe/Flickr
Among the festive fresh ingredients being sent up are:
Eight turkey strips with cranberry and sage.
Twelve oranges.
One tub of peanut butter.
And among the dry and canned goods:
Nine gingerbread cookies.
Six jars of pickles.
One wheel of brie.
One fruit cake.
NASA also confirmed it has shipped two Rudolph noses up with the food.
Stockings have also become a regular feature — although the lack of gravity means they don’t necessarily hang the way they usually do.
Foto: This picture of astronaut Mark Vande Hei was taken on Christmas Eve 2017.sourceNASA
On Christmas morning astronauts emerge from their sleeping quarters to find their stockings and presents just like on Earth.
Foto: Christmas morning 2010 on the ISS. From left to right: European Space Agency astronaut Paolo Nespoli, NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, and NASA astronaut Cady Coleman.sourceNASA
Presents from the astronauts‘ families are shipped up to the ISS ahead of Christmas day. Their families have to be organised, sometimes sending presents up as early as November to coincide with cargo ships travelling to the station with new supplies and science experiments.
This year’s batch of Christmas presents and food was brought up by another SpaceX Dragon ship on December 8.
It’s not just their families that give them gifts, the astronauts also get presents for each other.
In 2014 US astronaut Terry Virts tweeted that he’d got a harmonica from Russian cosmonaut Elena Sorova.
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Santa Claus hats are another staple, as exemplified in this photo of astronaut Scott Kelly (2010).
Foto: sourceNASA
This picture from Christmas 2011 shows that elf hats are also permitted.
Foto: The upside-down elf is Russian cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov.sourceNASA
And of course decorations are a must, as proven by this photo taken in the run-up to Christmas aboard the Russian segment of the ISS in 2012.
Foto: sourceNASA
The decorations can get pretty space-specific.
Foto: Sandra Magnus floats between two Santa-hatted space suits.sourceNASA
Stuffing empty space suits and putting hats on them appears to have caught on, in 2014 US astronaut astronaut Terry Virts shared this picture.
Foto: sourceNASA
Virts and his team also left some „powdered milk and freeze dried cookies“ for Santa according to ABC – although without a chimney, they had to settle for leaving them by the airlock.
Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield is famous for his orbital musical renditions, and Christmas is no exception.
Foto: sourceNASA
This photo was taken on Christmas day 2012, and according to NASA Hadfield later joined the rest of the crew for an „assortment of Christmas carols.“
Sometimes astronauts get the day off, but not always.
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In 2018 two out of the three crew members got the whole day off, while a third had to carry out a few odd jobs. „The only tasks on their schedule for Xmas besides meals and exercise are some blood and saliva sample draws for human research studies,“ a spokesperson told Space.com.
Sometimes the astronauts have more serious Christmas duties to attend to. On Christmas Eve 2013 NASA astronauts Mike Hopkins and Rick Mastracchio ventured outside the ISS on a space walk to fix a broken cooling system.
Even though the ISS might lack a few home comforts, being in space is a pretty unique way to spend the holiday.
Last year astronaut Anne McClain shared what it feels like to look down on the Earth at Christmas time.
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And in 2014 Terry Virts tweeted a video of what he called the ISS‘ version of Christmas lights.
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NASA confirmed there will be crew members spending Christmas 2019 aboard the ISS.
There are | 38,540 |
This is a sample article from my book "Real-World Natural Language Processing" (Manning Publications). If you are interested in learning more about NLP, check it out from the book link!
In the previous post, I showed how to train a sentiment classifier from the Stanford Sentiment TreeBank. Thanks to a very powerful deep NLP framework, AllenNLP, we were able to write the entire training pipeline in less than 100 lines of Python code.
In this post, I'm going to explain how to improve the sentiment analyzer using ELMo.
What are Word Embeddings?
Before talking about ELMo, let's study word embeddings in depth. What is a word embedding? As I touched upon in the previous post, an embedding in deep learning is a continuous vector representation of something that is usually discrete and high dimensional. In NLP, word embeddings are usually just a mapping table from words to continuous vectors.
Before the advent of popular word embedding techniques (i.e., word2vec) around 2013, NLP didn't really have nice ways to represent word semantics in a continuous vector space. People used the bag of words (BoW) representation, which is simply a way to map each unique token to a dimension (an axis) in the N-dimensional space by ignoring the word order completely.
Clearly, BoW has several issues, one of which is its inability to represent semantic similarity (or dissimilarity) between words. As an example, let's consider a hypothetical three dimensional space with just three concepts — "dog", "cat", and "pizza". Because each unique word is mapped to a dimension, the vectors for "dog", "cat", and "pizza" will be
v("dog") = (1, 0, 0)
v("cat") = (0, 1, 0)
v("pizza") = (0, 0, 1)
respectively. By the way, those vectors filled with 0s except just one 1 are called one-hot vectors. As you can see, there is no way to know, for example, "dog" and "cat" are related concepts. In the eyes of BoW and one-hot vectors, "dog" is no more similar to "cat" than "pizza" is!
Word embeddings solve this exact issue by representing words not just by one-hot vectors but by sets of continuous numbers. This is why the use of word embeddings has become so popular in recent years in NLP. The vectors for "dog", "cat", and "pizza" can be, for example,
v("dog") = (0.8, 0.3, 0.1)
v("cat") = (0.7, 0.5, 0.1)
v("pizza") = (0.1, 0.2, 0.8)
The first element here represents some concept of "animal-ness" and the third "food-ness". (I'm making these numbers up, but you get the point). Those vectors are learned from a large corpus of natural language text so that words that appear in similar context get assigned similar vectors. By using pre-trained word embeddings instead of one-hot vectors, your model already "knows" how the basic building blocks of the language work. For example, if you wanted to train an "animal name tagger," then all your model has to learn would be to look at just the first element of each word vector and see if the value is high enough. This is a great jump-start from trying to figure out from (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), and (0, 0, 1).
What is ELMo?
You may have noticed that word embeddings mentioned above also have another serious issue. A word is assigned the same vector representation no matter where it appears and how it's used, because word embeddings rely on just a look-up table. In other word, they ignore polysemy — a concept that words can have multiple meanings. For example, the word "bank" gets assigned a word vector that is always the same regardless of the context (whether it's a financial institution of a land alongside a river). What if there is a "hot" right before "dog" in a sentence? Suddenly, this "dog" sounds a lot more like "pizza" than "cat"!
I need to mention that it's not that nothing has been done to address this issue. The original word2vec paper [Mikolov, et al. 2013] deals with idiomatic phrases such as "New York" and "Boston Globe" by first detecting those phrases using a data-driven approach and then by treating them as single tokens. There is also a body | 38,541 |
θαλῆς ἐξ ὧν ἀπομνημονεύουσι, κινητικόν τι τὴν ψυχὴν ὑπολαβεῖν, ἔιπερ τὸν λίθον ἔφη ψυχὴν ἔχειν, ὅτι τὸν σίδηρον κινεῖ: De Anima, Lib. I. The name of magnet is also applied to another stone differing from siderite, having the appearance of silver; it is like Amianth in its nature; and since it consists of laminæ (like specular stone)[59], it differs in form: in German Katzensilber and Talke[60].
The Loadstone has parts distinct in their natural
power, & poles conspicuous for their property.
he stone itself manifests many qualities which, though known afore this, yet, not having been well investigated, are to be briefly indicated in the first place so that students may understand the powers of loadstone and iron, and not be troubled at the outset through ignorance of reasonings and proofs. In the heaven astronomers assign a pair of poles for each moving sphere: so also do we find in the terrestrial globe natural poles preeminent in virtue, being the points that remain constant in their position in respect to the diurnal rotation, one tending to the Bears and the seven stars; the other to the opposite quarter of the heaven. In like manner the loadstone has its poles, by nature northern and southern, being definite and determined points set in the stone, the primary boundaries of motions and effects, the limits and governors of the many actions and virtues. However, it must be understood that the strength of the stone does not emanate from a mathematical point, but from the parts themselves, and that while all those parts in the whole belong to the whole, the nearer they are to the poles of the stone the stronger are the forces they acquire and shed into other bodies: these poles are observant of the earth's poles, move toward them, and wait upon them. Magnetick poles can be found in every magnet, in the powerful and mighty (which Antiquity used to call the masculine) as well as in the weak, feeble and feminine; whether its figure is due to art or to chance, whether long, flat, square, three-cornered, polished; whether rough, broken, or unpolished; always the loadstone contains and shows its poles. * But since the spherical form, which is also the most perfect, agrees best with the earth, being a globe, and is most suitable for use and experiment, we accordingly wish our principal demonstrations by the stone to be made with a globe-shaped magnet as being more perfect and adapted for the purpose. Take, then, a powerful loadstone, solid, of a just size, uniform, hard, without flaw[61]; make of it a globe upon the turning tool used for rounding crystals and some other stones, or with other tools as the material and firmness of the stone requires, for sometimes it is difficult to be worked. The stone thus perpared is a true, homogeneous offspring of the earth and of the same shape with it: artificially possessed of the orbicular form which nature granted from the beginning to the common mother earth: and it is a physical corpuscle imbued with many virtues, by {13}means of which many abstruse and neglected truths in philosophy buried in piteous darkness may more readily become known to men. This round stone is called by us a μικρόγη or Terrella[62]. To find, then, the poles conformable to the earth's, take the round stone in hand, and place upon the stone a needle or wire of iron: the ends of the iron move upon their own centre and suddenly stand still. Mark the stone with ochre or with chalk where the wire lies and sticks: move the middle or centre of the wire to another place, and so on to a third and a fourth, always marking on the stone along the length of the iron where it remains at rest: those lines show the meridian circles, or the circles like meridians on the stone, or terrella, all of which meet as will be manifest at the poles of the stone. By the circles thus continued the poles are made out, the Boreal as well as the southern, and in the middle space betwixt these a great circle may be drawn for an æquator, just as Astronomers describe them in the heavens and | 38,542 |
but not submitted for approval. This letter and the trial color proofs prove that the USPOD had still not chosen the final color scheme for the stamp on 9 May 1918, just days before the stamp’s issue date.
On 16 May 1918 the BEP sent two additional die proofs in the issued color combination to the Third Assistant Postmaster General’s office. Accompanying these proofs was a letter from Wilmeth to Dockery asking the USPOD to approve the final proof “as of date of May 11” (retroactively) and return it to the BEP. One of the proofs signed by Postmaster General Burleson and dated 11 May 1918 is shown at left. This proof has the serial number on the plane, unlike the blue-and-black proof made on 9 May 1918, before Weeks engraved the number.
The choice of 38262 for the stamp was most likely random and coincidental, since no one—not even the U.S. Army officials in charge of the mail service—ever said that 38262 was intended to be the plane to fly ceremoniously from Washington, D.C., on the first day. As explained in the History section, the last-minute assembly and positioning of the planes for the first flights was apparently done without concern for the serial numbers.
The two separate dies, once completed, had to be hardened for further use in manufacturing the plates. The frame die was the first to be hardened, on 9 May 1918, and the vignette die followed on 10 May 1918.
Making the Plates—In intaglio printing, the ink is held in recessed lines in the surface of the plate, and the printed image is transferred when the paper is forced against the plate under great pressure. This method of printing creates the slightly raised or embossed feel of the image or letters.
To produce a right-reading image on paper, a printing plate must have a mirror-image design. Therefore, if one were to examine the original 24¢ Jenny plates (vignette and frame), all of the designs would appear in mirror image. The plane would be flying to the right, and the letters and numbers would be reversed.
Illustration of transfer roll and plate
To create a plate of uniform subjects, an essential characteristic of high-quality security printing, a transfer roll is used to convey the original die design to each subject on the plate. The transfer roll is a cylindrical piece of steel, upon which a raised right-reading image of the design has been created from the mirror-image engraving on the die. When the transfer roll is rocked onto the plate under enormous pressure, it incises the design into the flat surface of the plate.
In simple terms, a hardened steel die produces the relief image on a softened steel transfer roll. The transfer roll is then hardened and applied to a softened steel plate. Finally, the plate is hardened to make it suitable for printing. The illustration at right shows the fundamental relationship between the transfer roll and plate subjects.
Two plates of 100 subjects (10 by 10) were used to print the 24¢ airmail stamp. Each plate number was engraved above one position in the top row. On a normal printed sheet with the top selvage intact, they are Position 4 (blue 8493—vignette) and Position 7 (red 8492—frame). On the Inverted Jenny sheet, the blue vignette plate number 8493 was printed in the margin below Position 97 in the bottom row.
The BEP craftsman responsible for transferring the design from the die to the plate via the transfer roll is known as a siderographer. The siderographer who made the 24¢ plates was Samuel De Binder, whose initials “S De B.” appear in red in the lower left corner of sheets produced before the BEP started trimming off the bottom margin. De Binder did not put his initials on the vignette plate.
Samuel De Binder, born in 1864, was 54 years old when he made the two plates for the first U.S. airmail stamp. He started working for the BEP in 1908 and made a total of 149 plates before retiring in 1929. His son Clyde also worked for the BEP as a plate finisher and siderographer. (Source: “Samuel and Clyde De Binder,” Rodney A. Juell and Doug D’Avino, United States Specialist, April 2005, digital version available at http://www.usstamps.org). According to an article by Clifford C. Cole (The American Philatelist, February 1982), De Binder used two separate three-subject transfer rolls—one with the vignette and the other with the frame—to make the two plates. The BEP records state that one transfer roll was made from the frame die and three rolls from the v | 38,543 |
There are some interesting results from the Japanese earthquake of March 11th 2011. According to http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/usc0001xgp.phpl the big (8.9) one was Friday, March 11, 2011 at 05:46:23 UTC.
Internet connectivity to the hosts PingER monitors in Japan was maintained. Round Trip Times (RTT) to some hosts increased significantly as seen from SLAC. However as seen from RIKEN in Japan they did not increase. It appears the increase in RTT depends on the route from the monitoring host to Japan. This suggests a possible cable disruption. For more on cables see here.
The Japanese Internet appears to have kept running remarkably well though one of the 6 end hosts monitored did go down for some time after the earthquake. This compares well with the impact of the Chilean earthquake on the hosts monitored in Chile in February 2010 in which both hosts monitored in Chile were not reachable following the earthquake. One was again reachable a few hours later, the other was not reachable until March 3rd 2010. The Japanese phone network did not fare so well as its Internet.
PingER hosts in Japan that were monitored
The hosts monitored are seen in the table below.
IP name Alias City Institution glbb.jp
JP.GLBB Okinawa Speedtest www.kek.jp JP.KEK Tsukuba KEK ns.osaka-u.ac.jp JP.U-OSAKA Osaka Osaka University ping.riken.jp JP.RIKEN Wako-Shi RIKEN www.u-tokyo.ac.jp JP.U-Tokyo Tokyo Tokyo University ns.jp.apan.net NET.APAN Tokyo APAN
The map below shows the location of the hosts.
Immediate impacts of earthquake on Japanese hosts seen from SLAC
All of the 6 hosts that PingER monitors in Japan stayed up at the time of the earthquake.Looking from SLAC there were big increases in the average RTTs and minimum RTTs for some Japanese sites (but not all), see below. The [spreadsheet|^japan-earthquake.xlsx] gives more details.
Further pinpointing of causes for increased RTTs
RIKEN seen from the world
Looking at RIKEN (a monitoring mode and so easy to select on and also one of the most affected as seen from SLAC) seen from the world looking at avg RTT and min RTT we saw:
No effect seen from Africa, E. Asia, Europe, L. America, M. East
Big effect from N. America (Canada 163ms=>264ms, US 120ms=>280ms)
India CDAC Mumbia no effect, Pune 380ms=> 460ms, VSNL Mumbia 360ms=>400ms
Sri Lanka no effect
Pakistan (we have lots of monitors so should be interesting). NIIT sees no effect (nb not on PERN) The PERN (Pakistan Education and Research Network) nodes starting with 111. (apart from UAAR see later, this needs more investigation) see 420ms=>500ms The PERN nodes starting with 121. See no effect
Conclusion It is not the site RIKEN that has gone bad, rather it is some of the routes
RIKEN Looking at Japan
Japanese hosts seen from JP.RIKEN.N3 (RIKEN) see no impact on RTT
It looks the problem is in the route to Japan not within Japan itself. I wonder if the undersea earthquake has disrupted some cables? This appears to be in line with the information from http://www.renesys.com/blog/2011/03/japan-quake.shtml and http://www.networkworld.com/news/2011/031411-quake-damage-to-japan-cables.html?source=NWWNLE_nlt_network_architecture_2011-03-15.
Undersea Cables
A map of the cables from Telegeography is seen below:
The following quote from Telegeography on 4/11/2011 confirms our early suspicions that the initial impact was probably due to rerouting of traffic as some undersea route were affected.
The massive earthquake off the coast of Japan damaged several undersea cables, some of which are still awaiting repair. Despite these outages, communications between Japan and the rest of the world were largely unaffected, due to the large array of undersea cables linked to Japan. ‘The earthquake temporarily knocked out approximately 30% of Japan’s international capacity,’ according to TeleGeography Research Director Alan Mauldin. ‘The deployment of multiple new | 38,544 |
�t be able to load the router’s page. However, when the JavaScript code that creates the iframe executes, the victim is still connected to the fake access point (remember the advantage point I mentioned earlier?). Which means that the request to the router’s IP address will be handled by the fake access point … how convenient. The fake access point can thus intercepts any request performed towards the router’s IP address and respond with a web page that:
contains a second JavaScript code that will actually perform the requests to the real router, doesn’t have the X-Frame-Options header, includes headers to cache the page.
Since the fake access point poses as the legitimate router, the browser will cache a page for which the domain is the router’s IP address thus bypassing both the Same-Origin-Policy and the X-Frame-Options. Finally, once the infected client connects back to its home router:
the first JavaScript code will add an iframe pointing the router’s IP address, the iframe will load a cached version of the router’s home page containing the second malicious JavaScript, the second malicious JavaScript will attack the router.
The first malicious JavaScript is pretty simple, it just has to append an iframe. The second malicious JavaScript is a little bit trickier as it has to perform multiple HTTP requests to brute-force the login, access the page with the Wi-Fi password and send it back to the attacker.
In the case of the D-Link, the login request looks like this:
POST /ui/login HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.13; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/63.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: it-IT,it;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 141
DNT: 1
Connection: close
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
The important parameters here are:
userName which is admin (shocking);
which is (shocking); userPwd which looks encrypted;
which looks encrypted; nonce which is definitely related to the encrypted password.
Diving in the source code of the login page I almost immediately noticed this:
document.form.userPwd.value = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(document.form.origUserPwd.value, document.form.nonce.value);
Which means that the login requires the CryptoJS library and takes the nonce from document.form.nonce.value. With this information I can easily create a small JavaScript code that takes an array of usernames and passwords and attempts to brute-force the log in page.
Once inside the router, I need to look around for the location where I can retrieve the Wi-Fi password. The current firmware in the D-Link DVA-5592 shows the Wi-Fi password IN PLAINTEXT (oh boy) right after the login in the dashboard page.
At this point all I need to do is to access the HTML of the page, get the Wi-Fi password and send it somewhere to collect. Let’s now dive into the actual JavaScript code tailored for the D-Link. I included comments so you can follow what’s happening.
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through you see are corrections made by a native speaker to my Spanish, then you’ll notice he’s left a comment explaining his corrections and giving suggestions as to how I can make it sound better. Isn’t that lovely?
Also, note that when I write these entries on Lang-8 I always do so with the purpose of applying/testing some new vocabulary I’ve just learned, in this case it was the word “Aún”, which I had learned from Pan’s Labyrinth (great movie, highly recommended for learning Spanish), as well as wanting to figure out how to say the expression “to have heard”, like “to have heard people saying”, so I figured I would just take my best shot at how I thought one might say that in Spanish and wait to see what the native speakers would say: it worked!
I tried “había oido hablar de que…” (roughly “she had heard talk of…”) and that was corrected to “había oído decir que” (something like “she had heard it said that…”), so that’s how you express that in Spanish (plus he corrected my misspelling of “oído”: the “i” should have an accent)! Cool! See how quickly and easily I learned that? See how effective that is?
Give it a shot yourself.
Technique #2: Language Exchanges
Feeling brave? Ready to talk face-to-face in real time with a native speaker and show them just how well you can butcher, I mean speak, their language?
A language exchange is another excellent way to apply Spanish that you’ve just learned. For those unfamiliar I recommend reading my article about why they’re so important and how to fully utilize them but in short the way they work is that you first sign up on a language exchange site (I recommend iTalki – that’s their site and here’s my review of them), which are generally free to use (all the good ones are in my experience), and then use it to meet native speakers who are also learning your native language, talk to them via Skype, do half the exchange in the language you’re learning and half the exchange in the language they’re learning (your native language), with each one correcting the other in exchange, hence the term “language exchange”.
So, for example, if you’re a native English speaker learning Spanish (the most likely scenario given my audience), then you would find native Spanish speakers learning English via the language exchange site, set up a time to talk via Skype, and then when you do so you would spend half the session in Spanish with them helping you and half the session in English with you helping them. Typical times are 15 minutes in one language and 15 minutes in the other. Simple, it doesn’t cost anything, and it’s probably the single most effective thing you can do to learn the language.
Of course, what I’m saying you should do here is use your newly learned vocabulary during said language exchange on Skype and the native speaker will help you do so and correct any mistakes you make – you learn how to properly use that vocabulary by using it with a native speaker!
*Super useful tip! What I recommend you do is either write up something to say ahead of time that incorporates the vocabulary or at least have it in list format in front of you during the exchange. That is, have a text file or something similar open during your Skype session with them that contains either a list of words/expressions you’re going to try to use or a list of things to say (sentences/paragraphs) that contain the those words/expressions.
You could also obviously do the above in real life with any native speakers who are friends or relatives you have, or if there’s some sort of local language exchange program in your area (check Meetup.com) then you could do it that way, and that would be fantastic.
Oh, hey, couple quick questions before we wrap it up: how do you say “to go” in Spanish, what’s the verb? How about “to be”? Maybe you can recall how to say “to deliver” while you’re at it?
Conclusion and a related free site and some books I think you may be interested in…
Whew! That was a long one. I don’t do these (looong posts) too often, they take forever in writing, resource location, and editing, but when I do they tend to be popular (that one’s been just killing it in terms of traffic | 38,546 |
Préencule de Jean D’Ormesson
« Au début, on avait inventé Internet mais on savait pas trop quoi en faire. Et puis un nazi a inventé Facebook. C’était comme si on avait inventé l’électricité, et que Facebook devenait l’équivalent de l’ampoule. On y voit plus clair, mais en réalité, y a les mêmes trucs qu’avant dans la pièce. C’est juste qu’on les voit briller alors on pense que c’est plus cool. Et on ne peut les voir autrement dorénavant… »
T’as vu c’est beau hein? Ouais j’ai décidé d’utiliser la beauté pour trasher Facebook dans un article que tu auras pris connaissance sur Facebook parce que maintenant c’est toute ta vie, crétin. Je vois d’avance les gens qui vont nous répondre ça dedans les commentaires, et je leur répond direc’ :
Ce n’est pas si paradoxal que ça. Nous, Thérèse, Grosse Merde, Guy, Béné et wam, assumons tout à fait le fait de rester sur Facebook. C’est un média incontournab’, c’est la nouvelle téloch’. C’est comme l’école, c’est de la merde, on ne peut pas faire autrement, mais ça ne t’empêche pas de te mettre derrière, près des radiateurs et chier dessus.
En 10 ans, nous avons cautionné la création d’un outil de renseignement général pour tous, une arme d’auto contrôle incroyable dont la résultante a été un moyen d’instaurer la bonne morale, et cela sans SS dans les rues. Chapeau l’artiss’. Mark 1 – Adolf 0.
Un 1984 auto infligé, et conscient. Et toi t’es content de balancer les photos de ta soirée. Mais attention, si ton loisir n’est pas commode Habitat, tu vas te faire afficher par le monde entier. Attention à toi, chasseur d’éléphant, amateur de Grégory Lemarchal ou pédophile, même modéré qui se branle sur Stranger Things. La justice ne punit plus, c’est Facebook qui te punit.
Bon, aujourd’hui c’est pas encore bien méchant. Si, ça te punit quand tu parles mal d’un noir, d’une gonzesse ou d’un pd, ça part plutôt d’un bon sentiment. Mais le jour où tout sera uniformisé, que tout le monde détestera les arabes, que la société de consommation sera totalement assimilée et acceptée, et que t’auras pu le droit d’avoir un avis de connard tellement ça te viendrait même plus à la tête d’être un connard parce que t’es mindfucké, et bien ce jour là, tu t’en foutras parce que tu seras devenu un connard et tu l’as cherché en t’inscrivant sur ce site de connard. Mais attention à toi quand tu auras des photos avec des bicots à la maison! Tu trouves que j’enfonce des portes ouvertes? C’est que t’es déjà devenu un connard. Tu peux partir, j’ai déjà ta V.U dans mes stats fils de pute.
2H / | 38,547 |
, saremo più che felici di indicarti qualche lettura a riguardo.
Questo è un problema fin troppo comune all’interno delle applicazioni JavaScript, per anni gli sviluppatori hanno picchiato la testa al muro cercando di risolverlo perché bastava un piccolo errore di distrazione e sarebbe stato necessario studiare centinaia (se non migliaia) righe di codice per scoprire l’errore.
Per fortuna che con ES6 (o ECMAScript2015) questo non è più un problema e abbiamo non una ma ben due soluzioni disponibili.
La più semplice di tutte è quella di usare una parola chiave diversa rispetto a var che ci permette di dichiarare una variabile, ma al tempo stesso ci aiuta a rispettare lo scope in cui viene dichiarata. Questa parola magica è let.
function prova(){ let provaVar = 1; for( var i = 0; i < 5; i++ ){ let provaVar = i; console.log( provaVar ); } console.log( provaVar ); } prova();
Utilizzando questa semplice parola per creare le nostre variabili non ci sono più problemi, basterà controllare la nostra console per vedere che, finalmente, i valori delle variabili dichiarate all’interno del nostro codice rispettano il corretto scope.
Questa è sicuramente una cosa molto interessante e in futuri articoli e corsi la descriveremo più nel dettaglio, ma nonostante l’esempio che ti ho appena fatto voglio mettere in chiaro una cosa: utilizzando let stiamo comunque dicendo al nostro browser che abbiamo creato una variabile il cui valore potrà cambiare durante l’esecuzione del programma.
Ho voluto chiarire questo concetto perché il secondo modo con il quale possiamo dichiarare una variabile è leggermente più restrittivo. Non permette, infatti, di riallocare il valore che abbiamo assegnato alla variabile, anche se non corretto al 100% diciamo che stiamo creando una costante.
E quale potrà essere la parola chiave ideale per creare delle costanti in JavaScript se non const?
Tutte le variabili che creiamo con const seguono le stesse regole di scope che abbiamo già scoperto per let quindi una cosa del genere può essere scritta senza problemi:
function prova(){ const provaVar = 1; for( var i = 0; i < 5; i++ ){ const provaVar = i; console.log( provaVar ); } console.log( provaVar ); } prova();
Il codice che abbiamo appena scritto funziona correttamente e se provi a eseguirlo all’interno del tuo browser otterrai in output gli stessi valori che ti ho mostrato nell’immagine precedente, ma è con il seguente blocco di codice che andremo a ottenere degli errori:
const nome = "Andrea"; const nome = "Pippo"; //Errore di sintassi const cognome; //Errore di sintassi
Con queste poche righe di codice siamo già cascati in due errori distinti. Il primo errore di sintassi che ho inserito riguarda il nostro tentativo nella modifica del valore assegnato alla variabile nome, dato che abbiamo utilizzato la parola chiave const questa non permette la modifica del r | 38,548 |
risulta veramente comodo quando andiamo a utilizzare questa nuova sintassi all’interno di una callback.
Purtroppo stiamo andando un po’ lunghi in questo articolo quindi se ti ho lasciato con la saliva in bocca non esitare a commentare l’articolo chiedendo un approfondimento su questo concetto, potresti invogliarmi a scrivere un corso completo su tutte le nuove funzionalità introdotte da ES6 (o ECMAScript2015).
La sintassi delle classi è stata completamente rivista
Iniziamo quest’ultima sezione con una mia confessione: tutto quello che so sullo sviluppo web (inteso come utilizzo dei linguaggi di programmazione) proviene dalla sintassi PHP e il modo in cui JavaScript gestisce la creazione di una classe mi ha sempre portato un sacco di grattacapi.
La differenza principale tra questi due linguaggi è che il primo, così come il C++, utilizza una sintassi ispirata al linguaggio Simula67 dove le proprietà e i metodi dell’oggetto vengono dichiarate all’interno del blocco di codice che definisce la classe stessa. JavaScript invece basa la sua sintassi sull’uso di prototype e la cosa mi ha sempre confuso.
Mi sono sempre chiesto: ma che cosa è questo prototipo?
Per chi invece ha iniziato a lavorare con JavaScript senza passare da altri linguaggi la dichiarazione delle classi risulta molto intuitiva perché, in fin dei conti, se devo creare una classe Auto (quanta fantasia vero?) posso seguire questa sintassi:
function Auto(){ //Costruttore } Auto.prototype.accelera = function (){}; //Metodo Auto.protorype.frena = function(){}; //Metodo
Seguendo la logica JavaScript questo blocco di codice può risultare molto intuitivo perché non sono obbligato a mantenere una determinata struttura e posso estendere la mia classe con qualsiasi metodo in qualsiasi momento desideri. Allo stesso tempo questa sintassi presenta delle lacune che hanno portato alla creazione di un sacco di librerie all’interno delle quali la creazione di una classe veniva dichiarata nei modi più diversi.
Oggi con ES6 (o ECMAScript2015) questo non è più necessario e possiamo utilizzare la seguente sintassi:
class Auto{ constructor(){ //Costruttore } accelera(){ //Metodo } frena(){ //Metodo } } const auto = new Auto(); auto.accelera();
Personalmente trovo questa nuova sintassi molto più intuitiva, infatti rispecchia quella presente in PHP, e la ritengo anche molto più ordinata. A parte queste considerazioni personali, bisogna dire che anche la sintassi per creare delle sottoclassi si è semplificata molto ed è possibile ereditare facilmente tutti i metodi dichiarati nella classe genitore, praticamente tutto viene ereditato in modo automatico!
Con questi primi cinque punti abbiamo soltanto toccato la superficie delle modifiche che ES6 (o ECMAScript2015) ha portato nella vita di qualsiasi sviluppatore JavaScript, ma ci sono molti altri concetti che vorrei approfondire come i generatori, le mappe, gli iteratori, le promises…
Insomma, c’è veramente molto che possiamo disc | 38,549 |
ình trạng hôn mê nguy kịch.
“Họ bố trí lực lượng công an đến 4, 5 chục người. Công an họ cản trở ghê lắm. Bảo vệ với công an cứ đuổi chúng tôi. Không cho vào chăm sóc, chỉ đến giờ cho mỗi người vào một tí thăm thôi, thăm xong lại ra, chả cho chăm sóc gì cả. Không cho một người ở kế bên nuôi bệnh như các bệnh nhân khác.
“Một ông bác sĩ bảo nội tạng cháu đã hỏng hết, phù nề não. Mặt thì tím thâm, bầm hết cả, hai bên đùi sưng to lắm. Từ đầu gối trở xuống thì teo lại rồi.”
Truyền thông Việt Nam cho biết trong những ngày đầu, bị can Đỗ Đăng Dư bị tạm giam tại Nhà tạm giữ, Công an huyện Chương Mỹ, đến ngày 13/8 thì được chuyển đến Trại tạm giam số 3 của Công an Hà Nội…
“Sáng 4/10, sau khi ăn sáng tại buồng giam, Dư phải rửa bát cho các bị can theo lịch phân công. Do thấy Dư rửa bát bẩn nên Bình gọi Dư ra khu vực bệ xi măng nơi các bị can ngủ, dùng tay tát vào má Dư, dùng chân đá 3-4 lần vào đầu Dư...
“Sau đó, Bình đi ra phía cửa còn Dư đi vào khu vực vệ sinh và ngã xuống sàn nhà sau đó ít phút. Các bị can bị tạm giam cùng buồng đã đỡ và hô hoán báo cáo cán bộ quản lý để đưa Dư đi cấp cứu tại Bệnh viện đa khoa Hà Đông.
“Đến kho� | 38,550 |
, a behavior consistent with the scenario of MBL. The system retains memory of the initial Néel state during the dynamics, which is manifest in the measured time evolution of the local magnetization (fig. S5) (27).
Fig. 4 Spread of quantum correlations under H XY with and without disorder. The Hamiltonian parameters are J 0 = 420 s−1, α = 1.24. (A) Half-chain entropy growth versus time without disorder (red data points) and with disorder, drawn uniformly from [ − 3 J 0, 3 J 0 ] (blue data points). Numerical simulations based on unitary dynamics (dotted curves) including known sources of decoherence (full lines) are in agreement with the measured second-order Rényi entropies [see supplementary materials (27)]. (B) Second-order RMI of selected subsystems versus time in the presence of disorder (see Eq. 4). The decrease of I ( 2 ) with distance between subsystems is a manifestation of the inhibition of correlation spreading by local disorder. For longer time scales, decoherence leads to a slow increase in the entropy of the total system [ S ( 2 ) ( ρ ) ≈ 0.9 for t = 10 ms for the full system (27)]. Consequently, there is an additional contribution to the slow entropy growth of the system from this decoherence, compared with the case of purely unitary dynamics. Error bars are the standard error of the mean, calculated with jackknife resampling of the applied random unitaries (40).
Finally, Fig. 4B shows the evolution of the second-order Rényi mutual information (RMI), defined as I ( 2 ) ( ρ A : ρ B ) = S ( 2 ) ( ρ A ) + S ( 2 ) ( ρ B ) − S ( 2 ) ( ρ A B ) (4)In the presence of disorder, the RMI saturates quickly to approximately constant values, which decrease with increasing distance between the two partitions A and B. This indicates a spatial decay of correlations in the system, a characteristic feature of localization caused by the presence of disorder; this conclusion is supported by a numerical comparison of the RMI to the von Neumann mutual information, showing that they behave in qualitatively the same way (27).
In our experiments, we studied the entropy of partitions of up to 10 qubits because technical restrictions currently limit our experimental repetition rate. Straightforward technical improvements should allow the entropy of 20-qubit systems to be measurable. Numerical simulations (27) indicate that the total number of measurements required to access the purity within a statistical error of 0.12 is, for a pure product state of N A qubits, given by 2 7.7 ± 0.3 + ( 0.8 ± 0.1 ) N A. The number of measurements required to obtain the purity of entangled pure states can be significantly lower (27). Purity measurements of systems containing tens of qubits are likely also in reach in experiments with high quantum state–generation rates, such as state-of-the-art superconducting qubit setups. The number of measurements could be further decreased by replacing the local random operations by global random unitaries acting on the entire Hilbert space of a subsystem of interest, by means of random quenches (21, 22), at the expense of obtaining access to the purity of a single partition only.
Supplementary Materials science.sciencemag.org/content/364/6437/260/suppl/DC1 Supplementary Text Figs. S1 to S8 References (43–46)
http://www.sciencemag.org/about/science-licenses-journal-article-reuse This is an article distributed under the terms of the Science Journals Default License.
References and Notes ↵ I. Bloch, J. Dalibard, S. Nascimbène, Quantum simulations with ultracold quantum gases. Nat. Phys. 8, 267 – 276 ( ). doi: 10.1038/nphys2259 OpenUrl CrossRef A. Browaeys, D. Barredo, T. Lahaye, Experimental investigations of dipole–dipole interactions between a few Rydberg atoms. J. Phys. B 49, 152001 ( ). doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/49/15/152001 OpenUrl CrossRef ↵ M. Saffman, Quantum computing with atomic qubits and Rydberg interactions: Progress and challenges. J. Phys. B 49, 202001 ( ). doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/49/20/202001 OpenUrl CrossRef ↵ J. Zhang, G. Pagano, P. W. Hess, A. Kyprianidis, P. Becker, H. Kaplan, A. V. Gorshkov, Z.-X. Gong, C | 38,551 |
kaupunkiseudulla kuin Pohjanmaallakin. Stadin derby palaa kartalle huhtikuussa, ja kesäkuun lopussa huomio kiinnittyy Rovaniemellä pelattavaan yöotteluun RoPS–KPV. Tällaisilta otteluilta on lupa odottaa paljon, Marjamaa päättää.
Millainen on Veikkausliigan uusi sarjajärjestelmä?
Veikkausliigan sarjajärjestelmä muuttuu kaudelle 2019 pääsarjatyöryhmän esityksen mukaisesti Veikkausliigan hallituksen ja Palloliiton hallituksen käsittelyn ja hyväksymisen jälkeen.
Veikkausliiga 2019 alkaa kahdentoista joukkueen kaksinkertaisella runkosarjalla (132 ottelua). Runkosarja alkaa huhtikuun alussa ja päättyy elo–syyskuun vaihteessa.
Runkosarjan jälkeen joukkueet jaetaan kuuden ylemmän joukkueen yksinkertaiseen mestaruussarjaan (15 ottelua) ja kuuden alemman joukkueen yksinkertaiseen haastajasarjaan (15 ottelua). Joukkueet jatkavat näissä loppusarjoissa niistä pisteistä, jotka ovat runkosarjan aikana keränneet. Loppusarjoja pelataan syyskuun puolivälistä lokakuun loppupuolelle.
Välittömästi loppusarjojen jälkeen pelataan marraskuun alkuun saakka kestävä lopputurnaus (5 ottelua) yhdestä Eurooppa-liigan paikasta. Lopputurnauksessa joukkueet sijoilta 4.–7. pelaavat yksinkertaiset pudotuspelit. Voittaja pääsee kohtaamaan Veikkausliigan pronssijoukkueen kaksiosaisessa finaalissa, jonka voittaja saa viimeisen jaossa olevan paikan seuraavan kauden Eurooppa-liigaan.
Mestaruussarjan voittaja voittaa Suomen mestaruuden ja saa paikan Mestarien liigan karsinnoissa. Toinen joukkue saa hopeaa ja paikan Eurooppa-liigan karsinnoissa. Kolmas joukkue saa pronssia ja pääsee toiseksi joukkueeksi mestaruussarjan jälkeen viimeisestä Eurooppa-liigan paikasta pelattavan lopputurnauksen finaaliin. Muut mestaruussarjan joukkueet pääsevät osallistumaan lopputurnaukseen, kuten myös haastajasarjan ensimmäinen joukkue.
Haastajasarjan viimeinen joukkue putoaa Ykköseen. Toiseksi viimeinen joukkue osallistuu Ykkösen joukkuetta vastaan pelattavaan karsintaottelupariin sarjapaikasta seuraavan kauden Veikkausliigassa.
Veikkausliigan otteluohjelma 2019:
Ott.nro pv. pvm. Klo Kotijoukkue Vierasjoukkue Huom. 1 ke 3.4. 18:30 KuPS - RoPS 2 ke 3.4. 18:30 HJK - FC Inter 3 la 6.4. 15:00 SJK - HIFK 4 su 7.4. 14:00 RoPS - FC Honka 5 su 7.4. 15:00 KPV - Ilves 6 su 7.4. 15:00 FC Lahti - KuPS | 38,552 |
Quem são e o que querem os caminhoneiros que estão parando o país?
Crédito, Fernando Frazão / Agência Brasil Legenda da foto, Caminhão parado em rodovia no Rio de Janeiro, nesta quarta-feira
Linhas de ônibus suspensas no Rio de Janeiro, ameaça de falta de querosene de aviação em aeroportos de cinco capitais, falta de combustíveis nos postos de Recife (PE) e possibilidade de caos no transporte público de São Paulo. São três dias de paralisação de caminhoneiros, e efeitos como estes são sentidos em vários Estados brasileiros.
No começo de quarta-feira, ministros deram declarações afirmando que os efeitos da greve não eram tão profundos. À tarde, no entanto, Eliseu Padilha (Casa Civil), Carlos Marun (Secretaria de Governo) e Valter Casimiro (Transportes) receberam organizações ligadas à categoria. Antes do encontro, o próprio presidente Michel Temer discutiu o assunto com Padilha e com o ministro da Fazenda, Eduardo Guardia, além do secretário da Receita Federal, Jorge Rachid, e os instruiu a pedir uma trégua de três dias aos caminhoneiros para que pudesse ser encontrada uma solução.
O pedido de Temer não foi atendido, e as entidades reafirmaram que a greve continua nesta quinta.
No início da noite, mais uma tentativa de conter o estrago que se espalhava pelo país. O presidente da Petrobras, Pedro Parente, anunciou que a estatal fará uma redução de 10% no preço do óleo diesel - e que manterá este preço durante as próximas duas semanas. Trata-se de uma tentativa de dar algum tempo ao governo para negociar com os caminhoneiros - a medida significa uma redução de R$ 0,25 no preço do combustível (que, antes do anúncio, custava R$ 2,3 nas refinarias). Parente disse esperar que os caminhoneiros reajam com "boa vontade" ao aceno da empresa.
Do outro lado da Praça dos Três Poderes, o presidente da Câmara, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ) anunciou na última terça-feira um acordo com o governo para zerar um dos impostos cobrados sobre os combustíveis, a Cide (Contribuição de Intervenção no Domínio Econômico). A medida não debelou o ânimo dos caminhoneiros, já que o impacto no preço final do combustível é considerado pouco significativo (R$ 0,10 por litro de gasolina e R$ 0,05 no litro do diesel). Pré-candidato à presidência pelo DEM, Maia defende agora que o governo reduza a alíquota de outro imposto, o PIS/Cofins, para tentar baixar o preço do diesel na bomba.
Abaixo, a BBC Brasil responde as principais dúvidas sobre o assunto:
Quem está organizando as manifestações?
Crédito, Marcelo Pinto / APlateia Legenda da foto, Greve de caminhoneiros em Santana do Livramento (RS), nesta quarta-feira
Não existe uma organização que possa ser apontada como líder da paralisação - na verdade, a proposta de greve come | 38,553 |
Gunther in the left temple, killing him instantly. It was 10:59, 60 seconds before the end of the war.
German Losses
German losses that morning were about 4,100 as many of them were retreating and therefore more exposed. Surviving German records are not clear about the last German killed in the war, but the last German (and last soldier) killed may have been a Lieutenant Tomas. After 11:00, he approached some American soldiers to let them know that, since the war was over, he and his men were vacating a house and it would be available. Unfortunately, no one had informed the Americans of the Armistice and they shot him.
Abnormal Wastage
During the war, the British, with their flair for euphemism, came up with a term for soldiers killed, wounded, or captured outside set-piece battles: normal wastage. During some weeks more than 5,000 British casualties were classified as normal wastage. On the morning of November 11, 1918, with only a few hours to endure and when all the generals could have taken a nap, nearly 11,000 men on both sides were killed, wounded, captured...wasted.
The harshness of the terms of the Armistice and the Treaty of Versailles that followed ensured that there would be a World War Part Two. Twenty-two years later, Hitler and his generals forced the French to sign surrender papers in the very same railroad carriage at the very same spot that the Armistice of November 11, 1918 was signed.
The Victors 22 Years Later
The Germans in 1940 after the French surrendered in the same railroad carriage. Pictured are Adolf Hitler, Hermann Goering, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Rudolf Hess, Heinrich Himmler, Eric Raeder. CCA-SA by Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive), Bild 101III-Pleisser-001-19
The Fate of the Railroad Carriage When the Allies were closing in near the end of World War Two, Hitler had the railroad carriage that had been used in the German surrender in 1918 and the French surrender in 1940 blown to pieces, fearing the humiliation of having to surrender in that same carriage.
Questions & Answers
Question: Where is the railway carriage today?
Answer: The original carriage was reportedly destroyed by the SS in March 1945, though some insist it was destroyed in an Allied air raid in 1944. The French later restored and renumbered a sister rail carriage which had also been present during the 1918 Armistice signing. It sits in its own building near the original signing site in the forest of Compiegne nearly 40 miles north of Paris along with artifacts and remains of the original carriage
© 2012 David Hunt
Celeste T on April 17, 2018:
This was helpful, thank you for helping with my research!
David Hunt (author) from Cedar Rapids, Iowa on March 13, 2017:
Hello, Ralph. This was a result of the scuttling of the German Fleet at Scapa Flow, which took the British completely by surprise just before the Treaty of Versailles was signed six months after Armistice Day.
Guest Ralph Reinicke Boelckestr. Maizn - Kastel/Germany on March 13, 2017:
The last german soldiers were killed on June 21 st 1919
David Hunt (author) from Cedar Rapids, Iowa on November 05, 2013:
Thank you very much for providing the names of those sailors, Reinicke. Wars may have ending dates and times, but the real world is a lot messier than that. Did WW1 end with the Armistice? The signing of the Versailles "Peace" treaty? The scuttling of the German fleet was a daring feat and took the British completely by surprise.
Reinicke Mainz, Germany on November 05, 2013:
The last German soldiers have been killed in action on June 21 st 1919 in Scapa Flow habour, shot at the moment, they were sinking their ships.
Bos´n Heini Dittmann
Commander Walter Schuman
buried in Lyness!
David Hunt (author) from Cedar Rapids, Iowa on June 16, 2012:
Thank you for commenting, CyberShelley. The fighting and casualties in the last few hours is what drove me to write this. The Americans in particular wanted to fight to the very end in many cases. Pershing would not rein his generals in, leaving it to their discretion. Captain (and future president) Harry Truman didn't want the Germans to get off easy either and wanted to continue shelling them.
Shelley Watson on June 16, 2012:
I enjoyed the read once again - although I too enjoy histor, particularly that | 38,554 |
, which, over the next seven thousand years, no else has really wanted.
More generally, most of the ancestry of southern Europeans – Spain, Italy, Greece and the Mediterranean islands – goes back to these Anatolian farmers.
But there’s more to the story – the Aryans. Indo-Europeans.
The idea that a population moved off the steppe and made a major contribution to Europe’s culture and genetics was around a long time before people began studying ancient DNA. Mostly it was a product of linguistic analysis – just as the Romance languages such as French and Spanish and Italian are known to be descendants of Latin, almost all the languages of Europe ( and most of those in India and Iran) have deep similarities that suggest a common origin. For example, numbers:
English one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
Dutch een twee drie vier vijf zes zeven acht negen tien
German eins zwei drei vier fünf sechs sieben acht neun zehn
Icelandic einn tveir þrír fjórir fimm sex sjö átta níu tíu
Latin u:nus duo tre:s quattuor quinque sex septem octo: novem decem
Welsh un dau tri pedwar pump chwech saith wyth naw deg
Tocharian A sas wu tre s’twar päñ säk spät okät ñu s’äk
Lithuanian víenas dù try~s keturì penkì sheshì septynì ashtuonì devynì de:shimt
Russian odín dva tri chety’re pyat’ shest’ sem’ vósem’ dévyat’ désyat’
Farsi yak do se chaha:r panj shesh haft hasht noh dah
Sanskrit éka dvá trí catúr páñca s.as. saptá as.tá náva dáça
Nesbergu ai tah tro keti pekki sews eff owok neh tek
Linguistic archaeology has elucidated some facts about that the original Indo-Europeans. They raised horses, cattle, sheep and goats, had dogs, and farmed ( but not much). They had the wheel, used copper but not iron. They were patriarchal and warlike. They seem to have had young warrior bands (koryos) that went on seasonal raids and were compared to wolf packs. This tradition involving raising a dog as a pet and then sacrificing it, which is just wrong.
Not long after the invention of the wheel and domestication of horses, the Yamnaya culture spread rapidly over the vast grasslands of Eurasia, from Hungary to the Altai. Archaeologists used to think that this process was driven by emulation, people picking up a new culture – but that culture was carried by the expansion of a people, just as agriculture had been in Europe.
Why was the idea of migration and population replacement so shocking?
We have genetic samples from the Yamnaya, and genetic analysis has shown that were the product of a nearly 50-50 mix between two populations: eastern hunter-gatherers from Russia, and a population that has affinities to the Iranian farmers at the eastern end of the fertile crescent. The closest existing population to that second ingredient of Yamnaya ancestry are
backwoods Georgians (Dzugashvili, not Carter) – Mingrelians. Lavrentiy Beria was Mingrelian, if that helps.
Georgian ( the language ) is a member of the Kartvelian language family, native to the Caucasus. There are hints, not so much that Kartvelian and Indo-European are sister groups, more that the two protolanguages interacted at an early date. Reich suspects that proto-Indo-European originated south of the Caucus in some Iranian population: I’d bet that it originated along the eastern hunter-gatherers half of its ancestry. For a number of reasons, but one is that Greenberg thought that there was a distant relationship between Indo-European and the Amerindian languages.
Another point: there was lots of early contact & influence between Indo-European and protp-Uralic. They may even be sisters. You don’t get that south of the Caucasus.
There may be hints about this fusion of pops that led to the early Indo-Europeans out of linguistic archae | 38,555 |
Se ti chiedessimo di immaginare l’Eden, cosa ti verrebbe in mente?
Probabilmente un’isola verde, verdissima, lussureggiante. Un luogo nel quale a regnare è la natura: con foreste e spiagge placide.
E se ti dicessimo, poi, che un luogo così esiste?
E’ situato nel cuore dell’Oceano Indiano, a 800 km a est del Madagascar e forma insieme alle isole Maurice e Rodrigues l’arcipelago Mascaregno. Stiamo parlando dell’Isola de la Réunion.
Noi non l’ abbiamo mai visitata ma, dopo aver letto qualcosa su di lei, è entrata con prepotenza nella top ten dei luoghi da raggiungere il prima possibile.
Cosa fare sull’Isola de la Réunion?
Stiamo parlando di un luogo che vanta il 40% del territorio iscritto nel Patrimonio Mondiale Unesco e ben duecento microclimi diversi.
Pare si tratti quindi di un posto speciale, che conserva lunghe spiagge e atolli blu: Saint-Gilles, Saint-Leu e Saint-Pierre.
Quindi godersi un po’ di vita di mare diventa quasi un obbligo, ma se non sei un amante della tintarella questo paradiso saprà conquistarti e troverai qualcosa da fare sull’Isola de la Réunion adatto a te.
Potrai lasciarti, ad esempio, conquistare dal suo lato più selvaggio, fatto di foreste primitive e luoghi naturali: Mafate, che raggiungerai soltanto incamminandoti sui sentieri di randonnée; Salazie, fiumi e cascate che illuminano la vegetazione lussureggiante; Cilaos, con un inaspettato villaggio alpestre arroccato sulla montagna.
Di sicuro non avrai tempo o modo di annoiarti e, tra le attività da fare sull’Isola de la Réunion e attrazioni più interessanti, riportiamo:
– Il vulcano e il suo paesaggio lunare sulla Plaine des Saibles
– Il Cirque de Cilaos a 1.200 m d’altitudine ai piedi del Piton des Neiges
– La Sucrerie de Bois Rouge per scoprire i segreti della fabbricazione dello zucchero
– Il mercato di Saint-Paul, per il piacere dei sensi.
– La Maison de la Vanille, per scoprire la Vaniglia Bourbon.
– Un’esibizione di sega o di maloya, tipiche danze dell’isola.
– La Saga del Rhum nel comune di Saint-Pierre : distilleria, museo sulla storia del Rhum, degustazioni e vendita del rhum Isautier.
– Un’immersione nel mondo dei coralli per scoprire i tesori sottomarini dell’isola. Da giugno a settembre è anche possibile fare Whale Watching!
– Ben tre grandi circhi naturali : Mafate, Salazie e Cilaos inseriti nel Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità (UNESCO).
Il parapendio, il deltaplano o il paracadute. I meno avventurosi possono sorvolare l’isola in elicottero o in ULM.
Ora capisci perché non vediamo l’ora di scoprire questa gemma verde, per la quale Madre Natura non ha badato al risparmio?
Dove dormire sull’Isola de | 38,556 |
out of the game as your superpower, which would you choose? (You can choose a passive too i guess)
If you could choose one skill out of the game as your superpower, which would you choose? (You can choose a passive too i guess) Black Shield
Do you prefer Annie over Janna?
Do you prefer Annie over Janna? Not really. I enjoy both, but Annie is definitely one of my favorite pocket picks that few players have.
As more and more champions are being played in top lane such as Yasuo and Olaf, what champions do you think will be sleeper OP picks during Worlds?
As more and more champions are being played in top lane such as Yasuo and Olaf, what champions do you think will be sleeper OP picks during Worlds? I don't think there's specific sleeper OP picks but rather picks that aren't prioritized as much ( Maokai, Sion, etc) maybe coming up to play by some teams more than others.
So I hear you lift. What's a typical routine at the gym for you?
Mucha suerte en los play offs. Eres mi jugador favorite desde que empese jugando este juego. Echale huevos carbon!!
Ps. Mod pls?
So I hear you lift. What's a typical routine at the gym for you?Mucha suerte en los play offs. Eres mi jugador favorite desde que empese jugando este juego. Echale huevos carbon!!Ps. Mod pls? Haven't been lifting for a few months now, just been doing HiiT cardio 3-4 times a week plus calisthenics at home whenever I'm lazy and don't go to the gym. Gracias!
Who is your favorite mod? quasW
Who is your favorite mod? quasW shadowfeather ( love you too hexic)
Varrock guard
I heard a story where piglet was running around in his underwear and you came home without a shoe. Do you care to elaborate?
I heard a story where piglet was running around in his underwear and you came home without a shoe. Do you care to elaborate? After major loss against C9, went to party, had too much to drink.
I watch your stream almost every day and I love it. Watching your drive video and seeing what it was like for you to come to a new country and settle into life here was pretty cool to see. So my question is what was it like being on the other side of it and adjusting to new people coming from another country in Piglet and FeniX.
I watch your stream almost every day and I love it. Watching your drive video and seeing what it was like for you to come to a new country and settle into life here was pretty cool to see. So my question is what was it like being on the other side of it and adjusting to new people coming from another country in Piglet and FeniX. Glad you enjoy the stream! When Piglet first joined the team, it was very hard to communicate/ connect with him at all, so it felt less like a team ( Fenix's english wasn't as poor), but after a few months of him getting used to the country and the language the enviroment got a lot better for him and the rest of us.
If you guys won the S5 World Championships, which champions would you want to have a Team Liquid skin?
How should the meta change in order for Swain to be viable?
If you guys won the S5 World Championships, which champions would you want to have a Team Liquid skin?How should the meta change in order for Swain to be viable? Probably Swain, but I doubt i'll be winning S5 World's by playing Swain in the first place....
For top lane it'll be rough, since 2v1 is always going to be a possibility, he needs the 1v1 lane to get farmed and get levels to have an impact in the game.
What's your favourite food?
What's your favourite drink?
What's your favourite ice cream flavour?
If you ever have children, what's the most important lesson you would want to teach them?
Chipotle ( god bless postmates delivery)
Green tea Mochi
Just curious as to what you think are the best solo Q top laners currently | 38,557 |
are finally able to show your skill and i'm excited to see you guys wipe the floor with TiP. QUAS SOLO KILL IMPACT For swain, I think the tank meta doesn't benefit him much, he struggles against long ranged champions like Azir, ori, in teamfights. Both him and poppy take a long time to get going, and are easily shutdown, so i'd say for Swain, probably squishier top laners and having your jungle camp your lane, and for poppy a champion rework.
which top laners (worldwide) do you like to watch / pull different strategies from?
I know Dom said he talks to Junglers in EU, do you have anyone from other regions you communicate with?
which top laners (worldwide) do you like to watch / pull different strategies from?I know Dom said he talks to Junglers in EU, do you have anyone from other regions you communicate with? I shared some ideas with a couple top laners in EU, but dont communicate with any other regions, I like to get strategies/ideas from LPL or LCK, a lot of LPL top laners are fun to watch and I get to learn more about how they play matchups over there.
What do you plan on doing in the future when you retire. Do you just want to leave league entirely, stay in the competituve scene as a coach or would you start tutoring and mentoring other peop
What do you plan on doing in the future when you retire. Do you just want to leave league entirely, stay in the competituve scene as a coach or would you start tutoring and mentoring other peop First of all, I don't plan on retiring anytime soon, I want to compete as long as possible before I retire, once I do I would probably do something league related, ( streaming, coaching, etc)
What top laner outside of NA would you like to go up against in a 1v1 lane the most?
P.S.: Quas the god. quasW quasBird
What top laner outside of NA would you like to go up against in a 1v1 lane the most?P.S.: Quas the god. quasW quasBird I would like to face koro1 from EDG, i've learned a lot from him with playing certain team champions like maokai, gnar, etc. So it'd be a good experience for me to try to have a bigger impact in the game than him.
first of all I am really proud to see a latino in the league pro scene doing as well as you are, I'd like to know what it would mean to you to make it to worlds and what are your expectations on a personal and team level?
Ps: Que es lo que mas extrañas de Venezuela fuera de tu familia, algún lugar o comida en particular? Saludos desde Costa Rica Diego!
first of all I am really proud to see a latino in the league pro scene doing as well as you are, I'd like to know what it would mean to you to make it to worlds and what are your expectations on a personal and team level?Ps: Que es lo que mas extrañas de Venezuela fuera de tu familia, algún lugar o comida en particular? Saludos desde Costa Rica Diego! For me It would mean a lot more to be able to be a competitive team going into worlds, rather than just making it and not getting past group stage, but regardless just making it there would be a pretty big deal for me, definitely an achievement that im looking forward to.
Mas que todo tequenios, pabellon, empanadas, etc
Would you consider IWDominate as your best friend on Liquid? You guys seem very close on screen when your emotions run high after a victory.
Would you consider IWDominate as your best friend on Liquid? You guys seem very close on screen when your emotions run high after a victory. i think dominate good as friend not as player
what do you think of the kassadin into viktor matchup? lpl midlaners have been playing kass as a counter and it has a 50% winrate so far.
what do you think of the kassadin into viktor matchup? lpl midlaners have been playing kass as a counter and it has a 50% winrate so far. some times good i guess need jg help when i play kass
Liquid`Piglet | 38,558 |
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HTML5 đã đóng góp gì cho công nghiệp game?
Cái lợi ích đặc biệt nhất của HTML5 là “Độc lập thiết bị”. Việc ngôn ngữ lập trình game khác biệt giữa các nền tảng hay trình duyệt chính là trở ngại lớn mà vô số nhà phát triển cần vượt qua. Và HTML5 chính là cứu cánh cho vấn đề này. Sự đồng bộ trong ngôn ngữ lập trình của HTML5 đã giúp quá trình trải nghiệm game đơn giản hơn bao giờ hết. Người dùng hiện nay đã có thể chơi game trên điện thoại | 38,559 |
QUANDO lo stereotipo di genere della capacità intellettuale come caratteristica maschile comincia ad insinuarsi nelle nostre menti? E quando le bambine, iniziano a ritenere i maschi più intelligenti, più brillanti, più smart come dicono gli anglosassoni? Esattamente a sei anni. Proprio così: già da piccole, le donne tendono più degli uomini ad associare l'intelligenza all'altro sesso, e a ad evitare, più dei loro coetanei, le attività per le quali è richiesto essere "really really smart".È questo quanto sostiene uno studio pubblicato su Science (Gender stereotypes about intellectual ability emerge early and influence children's interests) e condotto da ricercatori dei dipartimenti di psicologia e filosofia delle università di New York, dell'Illinois e di Princeton. "La nostra società - spiegano gli autori in una nota rilasciata dalla New York University - tende ad associare l'abilità intellettuale agli uomini più che alle donne. Noi abbiamo voluto indagare se anche i bambini aderiscono a questo stereotipo", che è potente, in grado di avere effetti immediati sugli interessi dell'infanzia - dicono - e di influenzare percorsi e anche carriere future.
. In una successiva serie di questionari, i bambini hanno dovuto indicare quali di quattro ragazzi di una famiglia immaginaria, due maschi e due femmine, "ottiene i voti migliori a scuola." In questo caso non c'è stata differenza significativa tra le bambine più grandi e quelle più piccole nell'associare a persone del loro stesso genere il successo a scuola. Evidentemente - secondo gli autori - per le bambine la percezione del successo scolastico era separata dall'essere smart, brillanti.. In un altro esperimento, a tutti è stato chiesto di scegliere un gioco per "bambini che sono davvero davvero intelligenti" oppure a uno per "bambini che si impegnano davvero davvero duramente" (in realtà i due giochi erano tra loro molto simili). A 6-7 anni (non a 5) le bambine si sono dimostrate significativamente meno interessate al gioco per intelligenti di quanto non lo siano stati i maschi. Nessuna differenza tra maschi e femmine è stata invece verificata per il gioco che richiedeva di impegnarsi duramente.. I risultati secondo Science indicano una tendenza ''preoccupante'', dato che le aspirazioni di carriera dei ragazzi e delle ragazze sono modellati - si legge sulle colonne della rivista - sulla base di stereotipi di genere., del dipartimento di filosofia di Princeton e tra gli autori dello studio ha detto: "Precedenti lavori hanno già dimostrato che le donne adulte hanno meno probabilità di raggiungere livelli di istruzione più elevati nei campi nei quali si ritiene indispensabile intelligenza, brillantezza, questi nuovi risultati mostrano che questi stereotipi cominciano a influenzare le scelte delle ragazze a una giovane struggente (heartbreakingly, ndr) età".. "Il cervello degli esseri umani è poroso, permeabile all'ambiente, che ci modifica e che modifichiamo - esordis | 38,560 |
llenbak in. De hele wirwar aan aftrekposten is niet meer nodig. Verdere financiering zou uit (hogere) belastingen op vermogen, vervuiling, kapitaalstromen en consumptie kunnen komen.
Reken even mee. Nederland heeft 16,8 miljoen inwoners. Het CBS zet de armoedegrens op 960 euro, wat een mooi basisinkomen zou zijn. Een simpele rekensom leert dat de universele variant 193,5 miljard euro op jaarbasis zou kosten - ongeveer 30 procent van het bbp. Dat is een astronomisch bedrag. Maar bedenk: de overheid beheerst nu al meer dan de helft van het bbp. En dan zijn de kosten van alle vrijstellingen, aftrekposten en heffingskortingen nog niet eens meegerekend (in 2010: 58,7 miljard). Alleen al de hypotheekrenteaftrek kost 14 miljard per jaar.
Natuurlijk zou de variant die in Canada is uitgeprobeerd - gratis geld als recht voor arme mensen - veel goedkoper zijn. Het uitroeien van de Nederlandse armoede (onder ongeveer 1 miljoen mensen) zou maar een paar miljard hoeven te kosten. Maar toch: een systeem dat alleen de armen helpt, bevestigt de scheiding tussen hen en de rest van de samenleving. ‘A policy for the poor is a poor policy’, schreef Richard Titmuss, de grote theoreticus van de Britse verzorgingsstaat. Een universeel basisinkomen kan daarentegen op een breed draagvlak rekenen - iedereen heeft er immers baat bij.
Gevaarlijk? We zouden inderdaad iets minder gaan werken, maar dat is ook de bedoeling. Ik schreef eerder een stuk over waarom minder werken de oplossing is voor (bijna) alle grote problemen van onze tijd. Alleen een kleine groep van kunstenaars en schrijvers (‘al diegenen die de maatschappij veracht als ze leven, en eert als ze dood zijn’ – Bertrand Russell) zou wellicht ophouden met betaald werk. Er is overweldigend bewijs dat verreweg de meeste mensen, basisinkomen of niet, willen werken. Werkloosheid maakt erg ongelukkig.
Een van de charmes van het basisinkomen is dat het de ‘werkende armen’, die beter af zijn met een uitkering, stimuleert een baan te zoeken. Ze kunnen er alleen maar op vooruit gaan; het basisinkomen is onvoorwaardelijk. Nu groeit de koopkracht van een bijstandstrekker met slechts 3 procent als hij zijn handen uit de mouwen steekt, zo berekende het ministerie van Sociale Zaken onlangs nog.
Ook het minimumloon zou kunnen worden afgeschaft, wat de werkgelegenheid aan de onderkant van de arbeidsmarkt goed zal doen. Ouderen zouden makkelijker aan de bak komen - omdat hun loon omlaag kan - en de totale arbeidsparticipatie gaat zo omhoog.
De verzorgingsstaat is steeds meer op wantrouwen en schaamte gestoeld.
Pervers? Integendeel, in de afgelopen decennia is de sociale zekerheid juist ontaard in een pervers stelsel van sociale controle. Ambtenaren begluren bijstandstrekkers via Facebook om te controleren of | 38,561 |
the car. Harv was there too, wearing a red hoodie. There was a scuffle. My driver wasn't making the situation any better- Objection. Judge: Sustained - no opinions about the driver. Just, what happened.
#6ix9ine: I was telling him, Bro, I put money in your pocket, I did right by you. I was tired of being extorted. Harv goes in the car and takes my bookbag with my laptop. They tell me to get in the car that bumped me. Harv gets in the driver's seat.
#6ix9ine: We drive like a minute. Then Harv stops and gets out, running with gun back to Jorge who's following us. Jorge puts it in reverse. Now video from Tahoe owned by Jorge Rivera - with subtitles into English. Carajo
There is audio of the car jacking. "Get the fuck in." "Chill! Chill!" "I put money in your pocket bro." "Where the f*ck is everything? Get in the car with us, N." Then a "Call Onstar" message in Spanish. "Esta llamada puede ser registrada."
Recording continues: "Tienes que llamar la policia! Me llamo Jorge!" AUSA Longyear: Stop it there. What was Harv wearing that evening? A: A red hoodie. Judge Engelmayer: Please focus on what actually happened.
#6ix9ine: I was pleading with Harv. I mentioned my daughter-- Judge Engelmayer cuts in. You're daughter was not there that night. Just say what happened. "Mister Longyear, you may have to lead. This is..." #6ix9ine: I see a phone flashing, like it was recording.
#6ix9ine: Harv made me say, three times, "I'm not Billy." They picked me up from the floor-- Judge Engelmayer cuts in: "Let me see counsel at the sidebar."
Judge Engelmayer tells #6ix9ine to answer only the question asked. He says: Harv says, we can just do this N right here. No one will ever know. This is a [stolen vehicle.] Harv asked, what are u exchanging for your life? #6ix9ine said, Stay with me til the morning
#6ix9ine offers to give Harv $100,000 in the morning when the bank open. Nah, Harv said. What you got right now? They drove to Kingston. "We came to an agreement if I gave them my jewelry they would let me go." He asked mother of his daughter to bring jewelry down
They grabbed the jewelry. I was expecting to be let out of the car. But Harv just keep driving. They let me out right behind Smurf Village. Harv said, Get out the car. I said no, if I get out you gonna shoot me in my back. Harv: get the f*ck out of the car.
#6ix9ine: So I ran, I took the first left I could. I jumped in the backseat of a car. The guy said, Get the f*ck out my car. I said, Bro, you need to relax at this point. Just drive. He made all the turns I made: a right, another right. Right to Harv's car
#6ix9ine: After Harv drove away I told the guy to drop me at the precinct, by Quincy. I asked for medical assistance. I went to Kings County Hospital. Shotti got me discharged. He took me to somewhere in Long Island, a hospital. CAT scan. Concussion medication.
#6ix9ine: "Later at 31 Kingston I told Mel Murda what had happened. Shotti brought a big assault rifle. He said he was gonna go spin the block, looking to harm Harv. Now AUSA Longyear is passing the (disabled) gun to the jurors.
After the gun show-and-tell and a sidebar, Judge Engelmayer said breaking for the day. #6ix9ine was supposed be over by midday on September 17. But it's going into September 19, at least.
AUSA Longyear says will wrap up direct examination of #6ix9ine tomorrow by lunch time, or *maybe* mid-morning break, has more recordings to get through. Nothing else how long cross will go. Inner City Press will continue to cover this case. For now more on Patreon here.
Earlier in the afternoon of September 17: #6ix9ine says Ro (Roland Martin) told him Nuke stole his car. "It was embarrassing for us. The Godfather of our line up was robbed." AUSA Longyear: Let me draw | 38,562 |
Twitterでは「日本の巨大ITストア、IT企業が陥落した!」(Big IT store / IT corporation for @japan is now #TangoDown!)と発言、さらに『ASCII.jp』に対して「なぜ、おまえのサイトは開かないんだい?」(@asciijpeditors Why can't get get on your website? o:)と続けています。
声明にある「Big IT corporation for japan」とは、この2媒体で間違いなさそうです。
その場合「Big IT store」とは同社ECストア『アスキーストア』を指していそうですが、こちらは健在でした。
復旧にはもうしばらく時間がかかる | 38,563 |
Lewis Hamilton recovered from an early track breakdown to post the fastest time on the opening day of the two-day Test in Bahrain.
Hamilton's running hit an early glitch when his car required a lift back to the pits within the opening hour of the morning session.
The cause of the breakdown isn't known but only resulted in a 30-minute delay for the three-time world champion. Hamilton then posted a 1:31.358 in the afternoon to top the timesheets.
But there were yet more ongoing problems for McLaren-Honda who only managed a timed lap in the final 20 minutes of the day and were slowest, four seconds off Hamilton's time
The team reported they "detected a water leak from the ERS" on the MCL32's morning installation laps and elected to change the power unit as a result.
Antonio Giovinazzi, who drove for Sauber in the Australian and Chinese GPs, was testing for Ferrari and was second fastest, six tenths down on Hamilton.
Championship leader Sebastian Vettel was also in action but tested Pirelli's 2018 tyres on Tuesday and will revert to normal testing on Wednesday.
Daniel Ricciardo's Red Bull had set the pace during the morning session but ran into difficulties during the afternoon and had to be returned to the pits on the back of the recovery track.
Underling the importance Mercedes, beaten to victory at the desert circuit in Sunday's grand prix, are attaching to the event, both Hamilton, who rarely runs during in-season testing, and team-mate Bottas are participating this week.
Mercedes are focused on improving their long-run form during the test, with the W08 seemingly harder on its rubber than title rivals Ferrari during the opening three races of 2017.
Bahrain Test Day One Timesheet Driver Team Laps Fastest Time 1) Lewis Hamilton Mercedes 97 1:31.358 2) Antonio Giovinazzi Ferrari 93 1:31.984 3) Daniel Ricciardo Red Bull 45 1:32.349 4) Romain Grosjean Haas 87 1:32.452 5) Felipe Massa Williams 56 1:32.509 6) Nico Hulkenberg Renault 74 1:33.624 7) Lance Stroll Williams 35 1:33.729 8) Sean Gelael Toro Rosso 78 1:33.885 9) Sebastian Vettel Ferrari - Tyre Testing 89 1:33.894 10) Alfonso Celis Force India 71 1:33.939 11) Marcus Ericsson Sauber 106 1:34.550 12) Oliver Turvey McLaren 17 1:35.011
"We have some work to do in the test, trying to strengthen the car, strengthen our knowledge of the tyres to be in a better position for the next race," said Hamilton on Sunday night.
"The car is obviously good, but it's how we use our tyres in the races, particularly when it's warmer, although today it was quite cool. That is definitely the big question mark for us."
Oliver Turvey, behind the wheel of the McLaren-Honda after they rejected the opportunity to familiarise Jenson Button with their 2017 car ahead of his return at next month's Monaco GP, was limited to just 17 laps.
Honda have indicated they will be testing 'new ideas' this week but a full upgrade of their troublesome engine is not expected for another month.
Vettel was tyre testing for Pirelli on Tuesday
Romain Grosjean's Haas posted the fourth quickest time of the day ahead of Williams' Felipe Massa, who drove the afternoon session after Lance Stroll was in the car during the morning.
Renault confirmed they are using the test to introduce the 'first major upgrades of a season that will see a lot of progress and improvement' and Nico Hulkenberg was sixth.
Indonesian F2 driver Sean Gelael debuted for Toro Rosso and, after an an early setback when his car crawled to a halt, was eighth fastest.
Alfonso Celis was 10th in the Force India while Marcus Ericsson completed the most laps - 106 - in the Sauber but finished second slowest.
Bahrain Test Line-Up Team Tuesday Driver Wednesday Driver Mercedes Lewis Hamilton Valtteri Bottas Ferrari (tyre testing) Sebastian Vettel Ferrari Antonio Giovinazzi Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Daniel Ricciardo Pierre Gasly Renault Nico Hulkenberg Sergey Sirotkin Force India Alfonso Celis Sergio Perez Toro Rosso Sean Gelael Daniil Kvyat Haas Romain Grosjean Kevin Magnussen McLaren Oliver Turvey Stoffel Vandoorne Sauber Marcus Ericsson Pascal Wehrlein Williams Lance Stroll/Felipe Massa Gary Paffett
Don't miss the F1 Report: Bahrain GP Review | 38,564 |
hours with your laptop, and no one minds. Most places serve some sort of food too, so you can just keep ordering and don’t have to interrupt your work.
Check out my list of Plovdiv cafes here.
BizLabs (Bul. 6-ti Septemvri 152). A co-working space for entrepreneurs, freelancers, and teams. Rates from 12 leva (6 euro) per day, 99 leva (50 euro) per month.
Limacon (Bul. Mariza 154A). A spacious co-working and event space for entrepreneurs, freelancers, and companies. Rates from 15 leva (8 euro) per day, 120 leva (60 euro) per month.
Incubator (ul. Bratya Pulevi 4). A small co-working space for artists, musicians, and other creative types. Rates from 15 leva (8 euro) per day, 100 leva (50 euro) per month.
Hackafe (ul. Opalchenska 13). More of an event hub than a co-working place, focused around tech, design, and programming. They hold regular tech-related events, and paid members also get access to the space.
4. Delicious and healthy food
Roasted peppers and shopska salad — traditional Bulgarian starters
Bulgarian food is healthy and delicious, borrowing from Greek, Turkish, and other Eastern European culinary traditions. Lots of fresh grilled meats, fish, and vegetables. Plus fresh local fruits. Oh, and the dairy. Bulgarian yoghurt and cheese are amazing and world-famous.
It’s easy and cheap to eat healthy here.
A meal at a sit-down restaurant in the center of the city will set you back around 10 leva (5 euro) per person. A meal at a sandwich shop or food stall is 2–4 leva (1–2 euro).
Check out my list of Plovdiv restaurants Foursquare.
Fresh organic fruits & vegetables, straight from a Bulgarian village
Fresh squeezed juice is widely available at cafes and restaurants, with the usual choices being orange, grapefruit, carrot, apple, and beet. A glass usually costs around 4 leva (2 euro).
There are also many supermarkets and several farmer’s markets where you can get groceries if you choose to cook at home. The prices are much lower than in most other European countries, and the quality of produce is excellent.
This is where the Bulgarian cheese & yoghurt comes from
Bulgaria in general is a major food manufacturer, and there are still many traditional practices in use. The cattle are often raised outdoors rather than in pens, and many vegetables are grown without the use of chemicals.
The Trakia valley around Plovdiv in particular has been famous for its fertile soil for thousands of years. Many wars have been fought over this area, and at one point it was feeding most of the Ottoman army.
And now you can come and enjoy the delicious Bulgarian food for yourself!
5. Many modern, furnished apartments available for around 300 euro / month
A modern 1-bedroom apartment in the center of Plovdiv can be had for around 600 leva (300 euro) per month.
When I first came here, I was blown away by what kind of accommodation I could get here for the price. In Chiang Mai or Ho Chi Minh City, a decent 1-bedroom (bedroom + living room) apartment with a kitchen that is close to the center will cost you at least 500 euro/month, likely closer to 1,000.
In Plovdiv, I found lots of much nicer and better equipped apartments for significantly less. The prices below are per month, when you sign a 1-year lease. If renting month-to-month through AirBnB or similar, expect to pay at least double.
You can get a modern 1-bedroom apartment in the center for around 400-600 leva (200-300 euro). Studios can go for as little as 300 leva (150 euro), but may not be very nice at that price. Most apartments for rent have a kitchen and come already furnished.
If you go up to 700 leva (350 euro) per month, you are in the “lux” category, and can get a brand new place with hardwood floors, full kitchen (with washing machine and oven), air con in every room, balcony, nice view, etc.
If you want a bit more space, you can find a modern 2-bedroom (3 room) apartment for 600–800 leva (300–400 euro) per month.
Modern apartment buildings in Karshiaka, a popular area of Plovdiv for foreigners
With most long-term rentals, you will | 38,565 |
Merkel in the Middle
BERLIN — In Germany these days, there are two camps when it comes to dealing with Vladimir Putin’s Russia. They’re referred to here as Amerika-Freunde (America-friends) and Putin-Versteher (Putin-sympathizers) and can apply to foreign-policy circles as well as the person on the street. In navigating the Ukraine crisis, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is leading the international community’s negotiations with Putin, is currently caught between them. In fact, the fault lines run right through her own cabinet of Christian Democrats and Social Democrats.
Merkel’s task is to chart a middle ground — or formulate a new vision, if she’s up to it — that will ultimately define not only German foreign policy but the country’s function in 21st-century Europe. Is this Germany a steadfast member of the Western alliance, essentially the linchpin in a new, long-term standoff with Russia? Or is it a bridge between East and West, a more neutral negotiator in search of acceptable compromises with the Kremlin? Or is there another way for Germany to navigate between these poles?
Indeed, with the situation on the ground deteriorating from day to day, pressure is building on Merkel to act with resolution and impact. In desperation, she has yanked her country’s top diplomat out of retirement to broker enough stability on the ground for Ukraine to hold nationwide elections on May 25. So far, however, she shows no signs of extricating Germany from anachronistic Cold War categories and, at long last, defining a post-reunification German foreign policy for the future.
Let’s start with the America-friends, even though they’re rapidly dwindling. In the Cold War decades, they were as plentiful as weisswürste at Oktoberfest, usually but not exclusively found in the conservative parties, like the Christian Democrats, and personified by chancellors such as Konrad Adenauer and Helmut Kohl. Merkel and her defense minister, Ursula von der Leyen, are America-friends, even if the NSA spy scandal, the unceasing drone war, and Guantánamo, to name just a few Obama disappointments, have made this alliance considerably less attractive and its ranks thinner than ever before. (Indeed, impressive statesmen of any sort in Merkel’s party are hard to find, at least compared with the better-stocked Social Democrats.)
The reflex of dyed-in-the-wool transatlanticists is to believe that, in terms of foreign policy, the United States is almost always right, whatever the issue, be it West Germany joining NATO in the 1950s, deploying intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Northern Europe in the 1980s, or invading Iraq in 2003. America-friends in Germany aren’t going to harbor Edward Snowden or even allow him to testify at Bundestag committee hearings as long as Washington objects. This much Merkel will do for her buddy Barack Obama.
The America-friends in Berlin insist that never again will Germany plot a Sonderweg, namely a separate path between East and West. Germany is in the Western camp to stay: a loyal member of NATO, the indispensable military alliance of choice, and of a European Union firmly anchored in the West — and exclusively so.
In the Ukraine-Russia crisis, the remaining America-friends, like the Christian Democrats’ Ruprecht Polenz and Friedrich Merz, more or less echo Washington, demanding tougher sanctions against Russia and sharper rhetoric against Kremlin policies, and gladly see a new raison d’être for NATO. The America-friends are viscerally distrustful of Putin’s Kremlin and believe that force is the language it understands best. Putin should be dealt with the same way the West knocked out the Soviet Union: with tough talk, punishment when necessary, and overwhelming arsenals.
Although by nature an America-friend and deeply wary of ex-KGB officer Putin from the beginning, Merkel is understandably hesitant to throw caution to the wind and declare Russia the enemy. Rigorous sanctions would hurt German industry and imperil its shaky economic recovery; the United States, on the other hand, has little to lose. Moreover, it wasn’t so long ago that Germany was the front line in the East-West conflict — and Merkel was on the eastern side of the wall, living under a dictatorship. As someone who profited so immensely from the close of the East-West conflict, she is hard-pressed to redraw the lines of confrontation in a newly divided Europe.
On the other side are the so-called "Putin-sympathizers." Cooperation, not confrontation, with Russia is their mantra, incidentally the same one Obama adopted when he took office in 2009. It’s important to note that the members of this camp (with | 38,566 |
The first woman to circumnavigate the world did so dressed as a man. In 1766, 26-year-old Jeanne Baret joined a French expedition hoping to conceal her identity for three years. In this week’s episode of the Futility Closet podcast we’ll tell the story of her historic journey around the globe.
We’ll also hear Mark Twain’s shark story and puzzle over a foiled con artist.
In 1856 Samuel Hoshour wrote an imaginary correspondence full of polysyllabic words.
In 1974 Dennis Upper published a study of his intractable writer’s block.
Sources for our feature on Jeanne Baret:
Glynis Ridley, The Discovery of Jeanne Baret, 2010.
Sandra Knapp, “History: The Plantswoman Who Dressed as a Boy,” Nature 470 (Feb. 3, 2011), 36–37.
Eric J. Tepe, Glynis Ridley, and Lynn Bohs, “A New Species of Solanum Named for Jeanne Baret, an Overlooked Contributor to the History of Botany,” PhytoKeys 8 (2012), 37.
H. Walter Lack, “The Discovery, Naming and Typification of Bougainvillea spectabilis (Nyctaginaceae),” Willdenowia 42:1 (2012), 117-127.
Genevieve K. Walden and Robert Patterson, “Nomenclature of Subdivisions Within Phacelia (Boraginaceae: Hydrophylloideae),” Madroño 59:4 (2012), 211-223.
Beth N. Orcutt and Ivona Cetinic, “Women in Oceanography: Continuing Challenges,” Oceanography 27:4 (2014), 5-13.
Londa Schiebinger, “Exotic Abortifacients and Lost Knowledge,” Lancet 371:9614 (2008), 718-719.
Frank N. Egerton, “History of Ecological Sciences, Part 61C: Marine Biogeography, 1690s–1940s,” Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 100:1 (January 2019), 1-55.
Vivienne Baillie Gerritsen, “Moody Wallpaper,” Protein Spotlight 33 (2003).
Richard H. Grove, “Origins of Western Environmentalism,” Scientific American 267:1 (July 1992), 42-47.
Allison Bohac and Susan Milius, “Science Notebook,” Science News 181:5 (March 10, 2012), 4.
Londa Schiebinger, “Jeanne Baret: The First Woman to Circumnavigate the Globe,” Endeavour 27:1 (2003), 22-25.
Raquel González Rivas, “Gulf ‘Alter-Latinas’: Cross-Dressing Women Travel Beyond the Gulfs of Transnationality and Transexuality,” Southern Literary Journal 46:2 (Spring 2014), 128-139.
Andy Martin, “The Enlightenment in Paradise: Bougainville, Tahiti, and the Duty of Desire,” Eighteenth-Century Studies 41:2 (Winter 2008), 203-216.
Françoise Lionnet, “Shipwrecks, Slavery, and the Challenge of Global Comparison: From Fiction to Archive in the Colonial Indian Ocean,” Comparative Literature 64:4 (2012), 446-461.
Marie-Hélène Ghabut, “Female as Other: The Subversion of the Canon Through Female Figures in Diderot’s Work,” Diderot Studies 27 (1998), 57-66.
Londa Schiebinger, “Feminist History of Colonial Science,” Hypatia 19:1 (Winter 2004), 233-254.
Kai Mikkonen, “Narrative Interruptions and the Civilized Woman: The Figures of Veiling and Unveiling in Diderot’s Supplément au Voyage de Bougainville,” Diderot Studies 27 (1998), 129-147.
Londa Schiebinger, “Agnotology and Exotic Abortifacients: The Cultural Production of Ignorance in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 149:3 (2005), 316-343.
“5 Underrated Pioneers in Circumnavigation,” New York Times, Oct. 14, 2016.
Brian | 38,567 |
Haskell in Leipzipg
Detailed Program
Invited talk
Preserving Privacy with Monads
by Alejandro Russo
In a all-connected society, users consciously (or unconsciously) value their privacy. Even skeptical people will recognize its importance; if they do not, ask them to unlock their smartphone and hand it out to someone else—they will most probably refuse! Users want to have control on how their data gets disseminated, specially today when private information gets handled by software with heterogeneous trustworthiness—consider, for example, the various smartphones apps with access to users’ private photos, messages, and contacts that exists today. Unfortunately, current software practices are insufficient to protect privacy: users who wish to benefit from software functionality are often forced to grant access to their private data with no guarantees how it gets handled. The key insight to guarantee privacy is not about granting or denying access to private data, but ensuring that information only flows into the appropriated places.
Information-Flow Control (IFC) is a research area dedicated to protect privacy of data. Based on programming languages techniques, IFC scrutinizes source code to track how data of different sensitivity levels (e.g., public or private) flows within a program, where alarms are raised when privacy might be at stake. IFC tools often provide specially designed compilers to build privacy-preserving apps. Rather than building a compiler from scratch (a major task on its own), Haskell plays a unique privileged role in this scenario: it can provide IFC security via libraries. As long as developers program against the libraries’ API, code is secure by construction. This talk shows how to build such libraries by specially designing monads capable to restrict the propagation of private data. The presentation explores the different techniques used in a wide range of libraries, namely LIO, MAC, and HLIO, where IFC is enforced dynamically (in the form of an execution monitor), statically (by leveraging Haskell’s type-system), and as a combination of both.
Short bio: [Alejandro Russo] is an associate professor at Chalmers University of Technology working on the intersection of functional languages, security, and systems. He is the recipient of a Google Research Awards and several grants from the Swedish research agencies Vetenskapsrådet, STINT, and Barbro Osher foundation. Internationally, Prof. Russo worked on prestigious research institutions like Stanford University, where he was appointed visiting associate professor. His research ranges from foundational aspects of security to developing tools to secure software written in Haskell, Python, and JavaScript.
Alejandro Russo
Contributed Talks
Automated Performance Measurements
by Johannes Waldmann
We reify the API of a library, so we can represent nested calls as terms. Using a smallcheck-like enumeration of terms and contexts, we find problematic API usages that take a lot of time.
As an example, we investigate the standard pretty library, and find quadratic behaviour.
(extended abstract)
Generalized Algebraic Dynamic Programming: Theory and Applications in Bioinformatics and Linguistics
by Sarah J. Berkemer, Peter F. Stadler and Christian Hoener Zu Siederdissen:
Dynamic programming (DP) algorithms are pervasive in bioinformatics and linguistics (and more exotic domains) but typically implemented as “one-shot” solutions.
In addition to just a growing number of applications, there seems to be a trend towards more complex algorithms as well. We recognize at least these degrees of increasing complexity and certain desiderata to control this complexity:
More refined search spaces which require larger sets of rules to describe. Less ad-hoc ways to design these improve confidence in construction. The desire to calculate more than just a single optimal result, be it ensemble-style posterior probabilities or classified dynamic programming benefits from automatic code generation. Many DP algorithms operate on sets, trees, or other non-string data structures. For these more complex structures, both theory and support for implementations are required. On a more basic level, developers have to deal with writing code that should be free of bugs, maintainable, and sufficiently efficient.
In the talk, we will provide an introduction to generalized Algebraic Dynamic Programming which simplifies design and implementation of dynamic programming algorithms considerably. Users of our system can combine individual algorithms like building blocks, have outside algorithms be derived fully automatically, design algorithms on a multitude of input structures (we currently provide implementations for strings, trees, and sets), and even go beyond context-free grammars.
We will focus on recent work on dynamic programming for tree-like data structures. Dynamic programming for tree structures is arguably less well known compared to “canonical text book examples” but has interesting applications in bioinformatics and linguistics, as well as providing easy-to-understand but non-trivial | 38,568 |
S’io credesse che mia risposta fosse
A persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
Questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma percioche giammai di questo fondo
Non torno vivo alcun, s’i’odo il vero,
Senza tema d’infamia ti rispondo.
Let us go then, you and I,
When the evening is spread out against the sky
Like a patient etherized upon a table;
Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,
The muttering retreats
Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:
Streets that follow like a tedious argument
Of insidious intent
To lead you to an overwhelming question...
Oh, do not ask, “What is it?”
Let us go and make our visit.
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.
The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes,
The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes,
Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,
Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,
Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys,
Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,
And seeing that it was a soft October night,
Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.
And indeed there will be time
For the yellow smoke that slides along the street,
Rubbing its back upon the window-panes;
There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;
There will be time to murder and create,
And time for all the works and days of hands
That lift and drop a question on your plate;
Time for you and time for me,
And time yet for a hundred indecisions,
And for a hundred visions and revisions,
Before the taking of a toast and tea.
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.
And indeed there will be time
To wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?”
Time to turn back and descend the stair,
With a bald spot in the middle of my hair —
(They will say: “How his hair is growing thin!”)
My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin,
My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin —
(They will say: “But how his arms and legs are thin!”)
Do I dare
Disturb the universe?
In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.
For I have known them all already, known them all:
Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;
I know the voices dying with a dying fall
Beneath the music from a farther room.
So how should I presume?
And I have known the eyes already, known them all—
The eyes that fix you in a formulated phrase,
And when I am formulated, sprawling on a pin,
When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall,
Then how should I begin
To spit out all the butt-ends of my days and ways?
And how should I presume?
And I have known the arms already, known them all—
Arms that are braceleted and white and bare
(But in the lamplight, downed with light brown hair!)
Is it perfume from a dress
That makes me so digress?
Arms that lie along a table, or wrap about a shawl.
And should I then presume?
And how should I begin?
Shall I say, I have gone at dusk through narrow streets
And watched the | 38,569 |
rey plays Joel Barish, a man who discovers that his ex-girlfriend Clementine (Winslet) has had her memories of their relationship erased via an experimental procedure performed by Dr. Mierzwiak (Tom Wilkinson). Bitter and upset, Joel resolves to do the same. But as the procedure begins, he quickly realizes this isn’t at all what he wanted and struggles subconsciously to retain his memories of Clementine rather than lose her forever.
Rotten Tomatoes: 93%
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
Stars: Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Tom Wilkinson, Mark Ruffalo, Elijah Wood
Director: Michel Gondry
Rating: R
Runtime: 108 minutes
Watch on Netflix
Alfonso Cuarón’s Y Tu Mamá También follows two teenagers, Julio (Gael García Bernal) and Tenoch (Diego Luna), whose girlfriends have left for a summer vacation in Europe. After meeting Luisa, an older woman who is the wife of Tenoch’s cousin, they invite her on a road trip to an invented beach called Heaven’s Mouth. After learning of her husband’s infidelity, she accepts their offer. Along the way, the three companions swap stories and get to know each other intimately, though that’s not always for the best. It’s a profound film about growing up amid societal upheaval in Mexico, full of stunning shots of the Mexican countryside, courtesy of acclaimed cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki.
Rotten Tomatoes: 92%
Genre: Drama
Stars: Maribel Verdú, Gael García Bernal, Diego Luna
Director: Alfonso Cuarón
Rating: R
Runtime: 106 minutes
Watch on Netflix
Everybody knows Facebook now, but once upon a time, it was just a controversial little idea in a Harvard student’s head. Or, multiple Harvard students’s heads, depending on who you ask. Written at Aaron Sorkin’s traditionally breakneck pace, The Social Network tells the story of how Facebook rose from obscurity to become the most revolutionary social phenomenon of all time. With dueling perspectives and clashing truths, The Social Network examines how Mark Zuckerberg’s stubborn myopia led to a culture of deception and backstabbing in Facebook’s early days as he sought to consolidate control over what he believed, rightly, had the potential to be the most valuable company in the world.
Rotten Tomatoes: 96%
Genre: Drama
Stars: Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Armie Hammer, Justin Timberlake
Director: David Fincher
Rating: PG-13
Runtime: 126 minutes
Watch on Netflix
Netflix goes superhero in this action-packed flick about a secret organization of immortals who have protected the Earth from extinction for centuries. But when they are set up on an emergency mission, their powers are mistakenly exposed to the world. Now, they must work together to ensure none of the various powerful competing interests can control them for personal or monetary gain.
Rotten Tomatoes: 81%
Genre: Action & Adventure, Mystery & Suspense, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Stars: Charlize Theron, KiKi Layne, Chiwetel Ejiofor
Director: Gina Prince-Bythewood
Rating: R
Runtime: 125 minutes
Watch on Netflix
Early in Springsteen on Broadway, the rock icon describes himself thusly: “I’ve never held an honest job in my entire life. I’ve never done any hard labor. I’ve never worked 9 to 5. I’ve never worked five days a week until right now … I’ve never seen the inside of a factory and yet it’s all I’ve ever written about.” The bard of the blue-collar life is, as he puts it, a sort of magician, weaving an illusion across decades, and over the course of his Broadway show, he reveals himself to the world. Springsteen on Broadway is a sparse one-man (for the most part) show, with the Boss playing stripped-down acoustic guitar and piano versions of his songs, interspersing them with monologues about his childhood in New Jersey, his ceaseless quest to run away from the dead-end town of his youth, and his father, the man he frames as both his foe and the inspiration for his working-class persona. It’s a raw, funny, tender performance, and a great encapsulation of Springsteen’s oeuvre.
Rotten Tomatoes: 96%
Genre: Documentary
Stars: Bruce Springsteen
Director | 38,570 |
Eduardo Bolsonaro visita vinícola em assentamento israelense | Pedro Martins
Após passar pelos Emirados Árabes Unidos e dizer que esta ditadura com apartheid contra mulheres deveria servir de exemplo para o Brasil, o deputado federal Eduardo Bolsonaro, presidente da Comissão Relações Exteriores da Câmara, viajou a Israel e Cisjordânia, onde visitou assentamento considerado ilegal pelas Nações Unidas e comparou uma família composta por casais LGBTQ à amizade com um cachorro, em entrevista à TV israelense.
Para não deixar dúvidas, segue o trecho da entrevista (íntegra aqui https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8dzWAA9VLc&feature=youtu.be)
Repórter israelense pergunta: Qual a sua opinião sobre a comunidade LGBTQ?
Eduardo Bolsonaro: “I don’t care. If you say that it is necessary only love to be a family, you are going to say that me and my dog, I love my dog, we are a family.”
Vale a pena ver a cara do entrevistador no vídeo ao ouvir a resposta, que estaria mais em sintonia com o pensamento das autoridades dos Emirados Árabes, e não com as de Israel, uma noção conhecida pela tolerância com os homossexuais. A pergunta é feita aos 2’55”.
Na sua viagem, Eduardo Bolsonaro visitou ainda um assentamento israelense na Cisjordânia, conhecido como Psagot. Colônias como esta são consideradas ilegais por violarem o artigo 49 da Convenção de Genebra (https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/ihl/WebART/380-600056) e a ocupação é formalmente condenada por cinco resoluções da ONU — 446, 452, 465, 471 e 476. Esta região deveria integrar um futuro Estado palestino, caso haja a solução de dois Estados.
Pode-se até argumentar que a Cisjordânia, por ter raízes ancestrais judaicas, sendo o território bíblico de Judeia e Samaria, deveria ser parte de Israel. Neste caso, porém, Eduardo Bolsonaro estaria revertendo décadas de política externa brasileira e batendo de frente com a legislação internacional. Outra alternativa seria agir como secretário de Estado dos EUA, Mike Pompeo, e dizer que os assentamentos não são ilegais.
Em ambos os casos, o deputado brasileiro deveria se posicionar afirmando se é a favor da concessão de cidadania israelenses aos 2,5 milhões de palestinos residentes na Cisjordânia, o que colocaria em risco a maioria judaica em Israel; ou se defende a anexação da área sem a concessão de cidadania, com os palestinos sendo habitantes de segunda classe, o que colocaria em risco a democracia israelense. Por este motivo, a solução de dois Estados seria a mais justa e viável.
Em seu perfil no Twitter, Eduardo Bolsonaro também escreveu que “a Cisjordânia é a região que a resolução da ONU, feita nos últimos meses do governo Obama (2016), diz ser da Palestina mas ocupada por Israel desde 1967 após a Guerra dos Seis Dias. Um local desses,onde no Brasil temos pouca informação, | 38,571 |
Hi, I’m not Michael Ornelas. Nope, instead, I’m Gavin Napier. Don’t dismay, Michael will be back soon, I’m just filling in for a bit while he tends to important stuff. I know, I know, it’s hard to believe that something could be more important than a wrestling website, but he’s got his priorities in order. I’ll try to do him proud while I’m here, though I’m sure you’ll all be relieved when he makes it back. Until then, let’s try to have some fun, shall we?
My topic of choice this week is the Top 10 Wrestling Shirts. I started annoying my parents into buying wrestling shirts for me when I was about six years old, and that trend continued until I was probably 12 or 13. It was a few years after that before I expanded my wrestling wardrobe again, but by that time I was responsible for buying my own overpriced wrestling merchandise. I don’t own all of the shirts on this list. Actually, I only own two of them, numbers 8 and 5. As always, feel free to contribute your lists in the comment section below.Here is my criteria for The Top 10 Wrestling Shirts so that we’re all on the same page:
Iconic design
How well it suits the wrestler(s).
I didn’t include shirts that just happen to look cool, or happened to belong to a really popular wrestler but had a terrible design. I mean, Ric Flair has had several T-shirts that sucked. I didn’t disqualify something just because it’s new, but a lot of the older shirts provided tough competition to beat out.
Shirts that just missed the cut: Team Bring It, TNA’s tribal shirts, Andre the Giant’s Hand, HHH’s King of Kings, Roddy Piper’s Hot Rod, The Rottweilers’ Gates of Hell
X color=red>size=8>
Billy Jack Haynes “…Soon.” size=6>
I’ll be honest, this shirt is here for mostly comedic value. The first time I saw this shirt, I busted out laughing, and it still makes me chuckle. It’s an internet meme before there was an internet, as the beady eyes of Billy Back Haynes are intently focused on somebody that’s about to get the full-nelsoning of a lifetime. The only way this shirt could have possibly been any better would have been if it included an outline of his beard to go along with that weird hat.
IX color=red>size=8>
John Cena “8 bit” size=6>
I know I’m in the minority on the internet, but I like John Cena. Somebody has to be the top babyface, and Cena’s perfect for the role. He’s mastered the art of getting beaten up only to make a furious comeback for the win. He appeals to kids and parents and is a genuinely decent person that does what’s asked of him. He consistently has good to great matches and a literal rainbow of t-shirts. Of everything that Cena has worn to the ring, though, this is number one with a bullet. The first time I saw it on him, I asked my friend if Cena was wearing a Pro Wrestling shirt. Obviously he wasn’t, but just as obviously, the shirt was inspired by what was the first wrestling video game most children of the 80’s played. The back design is just as clever, tipping the hat ever so slightly to the Konami code. As I mentioned in my Handicapping the News column on Friday, nostalgia can be a powerful tool. Powerful enough to get this on my list.
VIII color=red>size=8>
The Four Horsemen “Tradition of Excellence” size=6>
Confession: I never liked the old white/grey Four Horsemen shirts. The logo didn’t seem to fit. Confession #2: I don’t really like the WWE’s Four Horsemen shirt, either. It just seems like it’s lacking something. This, though, is perfect. Four flaming horse’s heads make it seem like the group is something almost mythical, which isn’t far from the truth within the professional wrestling world. Three dark horses and one well lit horse is also appropriate, as the Horsemen were always Flair and three more. Now, obviously, Arn Anderson was a constant, but the other two parts changed quite a bit through the years, and it was never in question that Ric | 38,572 |
Under the heading “Safe Kids”, it states: ‘Early and regular non-medical cannabis use is associated with higher risks of dependency and health problems later in life’.
The evidence for this is apparently in the links on the side:
Check out these resources to help you have open conversations with your kids about cannabis:
Following the first link—“Health effects of cannabis (Government of Canada)’ brings you to a “canada.ca” website. (3)
Clicking on “Information for health care professionals” leads you to a Health Canada website on cannabis for medical practitioners. (4)
This ends up being a very interesting page, for two reasons:
There seems to be a through and honest assessment of the benefits of cannabis, including for stress, depression, and CBD to treat psychosis.
There is the same old reefer madness when it comes to risk: zero mention of the lack of an increase in psychosis or a decrease in IQ in the general population statistics. Zero mention of using THC as a diagnostic tool to allow for early detection of psychosis, or if early-intervention with CBD could provide better outcomes in those genetically predisposed to psychosis. (5)
This “cannabis may/may not harm developing minds of young people” debate seems to me to be the heart of the matter. It seems intuitive to me that if it’s true that cannabis use doesn’t make kids stupid or crazy, then cannabis can be regulated like coffee beans and young people can enjoy the benefits of legalization and poor people can participate in the economy.
Considering that this question is the heart of the matter, a close look at the evidence is required. (6)
B.C. ignores evidence
The B.C. government’s recommended source of information on cannabis and psychosis—the Canadian federal government—has a very extensive review of all the studies that claim cannabis causes psychosis, but only mentions one of the studies that claims otherwise— Arseneault et al 2004. B.C. ignores Degenhardt et al 2003, MacLeod et al 2004, Frisher et al 2009, Auther et al 2012, and Kirkbride et al 2012, as well as any discussion regarding the lack of an increase in psychosis appearing anywhere in any western nation’s general population statistics. (14)
The problem with everything—without exception—that the various levels of government and their various health departments produce on cannabis can be summed up with these seven “typical errors” of establishment cannabis research (15) :
There is no differentiation between use and abuse—harm reduction techniques aren’t mentioned. None of the studies provides evidence for a causal relationship between cannabis and the problems mentioned. None of the studies bothers explaining away the evidence found in the general population stats—no increase in psychosis rates or decrease in IQ rates can be found that tracks with the massive increase in cannabis use rates in western nations between the early 1970s and late 1990s. There is no real risk-benefit analysis—risks are inflated and benefits are ignored. Prohibition harms aren’t factored into the equation. An understanding for, or appreciation of, medical autonomy is nonexistent. These studies do not mention any of the studies that run counter to their findings.
The evidence not only proves cannabis doesn’t make kids stupid and crazy; it proves that cannabis can actually help with the things teens are dying from: suicide, car crashes, and alcohol and drug overdoses. (16)
The fact is, our teens are stressed out and depressed to the point of suicide. The shitty world that the adults have left them—with talk of nuclear war; leaky pipelines; endless Fukushima pollution; neo-Nazis marching in the streets; looming ecological, environmental, and fiscal doom—sends smart teens with intelligent preferences for herbal relaxants and antidepressants into the welcoming arms of nontoxic cannabis. An honest review of the evidence suggests that cannabis is the safest, cheapest, and most effective antidepressant and relaxant on planet Earth. (17)
People who pretend to be worried about the developing minds of young people but ignore these facts are doing their charges a disservice: they are helping the powers-that-be perpetrate a horrible injustice for the sake of monopolistic greed, and our young people are dying as a result.
Alberta has provided a bunch of ads that dare the viewer to learn more about cannabis at its website: drugsafe.ca.
One ad says: “Hey Marijuana Maestro! Why does cannabis affect people under 25 differently? Find out at: drugsafe.ca”.
Another says: “Are you a weed wizard? Prove it. Why does cannabis affect people under 25 differently? Take the quiz at: drugsafe. | 38,573 |
Last Updated. Click "Updates" above to see the latest.
Toyota Corolla Levin / Sprinter Trueno (AE86)
This car is very famous in Initial D.
The main character of the anime and manga Initial D, Takumi Fujiwara, uses his father's AE86 Trueno Apex Hatchback for racing and making his tofu deliveries.
The Levin has fixed-headlights, and the Trueno has retractable headlights. The AE86 (1,587cc model) and AE85 (1,452 cc model) is rear wheel drive.
The AE85 feature a SOHC engine for fuel efficiency, where as the AE86 have a DOHC engine for more power.
Both the Levin and Trueno variants were offered with either a 2-door coupe or 3-door hatchback body style. The models sold between 1983–1985 are early period model, and the models sold from 1986–1987 are latter period model.
I made a early period model that was produced from 1983 to 1985.
Can open the bonnet and the door.
2-door model can open the trunk.
Can fold the side mirrors.
The left and right rear seats can be folded.
Removing the trunk floor mat, there is a spare tire.
Can change to various models by changing parts.
Specifications (Corolla Levin 3door)
Length 12.6 in
Height 4.25 in
Width 4.69 in
Wheelbase 7.24 in
Tread 3.78 in
Weight 1.83 Ib
Scale 1:13
トヨタ カローラレビン/スプリンタートリーノ(AE86)
アニメと漫画のイニシャルDの主人公、藤原拓海は父のAE86 スプリンタートレノを使ってレースと豆腐の配達を行っています。
レビンにはヘッドライトが固定されており、トレノにはリトラクタブルヘッドライトが付いています。 AE86(1,587ccモデル)とAE85(1,452ccモデル)は後輪駆動です。
レビンとトレノには、2ドアクーペまたは3ドアハッチバックがあります。 1983〜1985年の間に販売されたモデルは初期モデルであり、1986〜1987年に販売されたモデルは後期モデルです。
仕様(カローラレビン 3ドア)
全長 320 mm
全高 108 mm
全幅 119 mm
ホイールベース 184 mm
トレッド 96. | 38,574 |
0.233 0.233 0. 2 3 3 y = 2.1 y = 2.1 y = 2. 1 0.233 0.233 0. 2 3 3 y = 2.4 y = 2.4 y = 2. 4 0.111 0.111 0. 1 1 1 y = 2.7 y = 2.7 y = 2. 7 0.048 0.048 0. 0 4 8 y = 2.9 y = 2.9 y = 2. 9 0.083 0.083 0. 0 8 3
All Thresholds
After trying all thresholds for both x x x and y y y, we’ve found that the x = 2 x = 2 x=2 split has the highest Gini Gain, so we’ll make our root decision node use the x x x feature with a threshold of 2 2 2. Here’s what we’ve got so far:
Making progress!
2.2: Training a Decision Tree: The Second Node
Time to make our second decision node. Let’s (arbitrarily) go to the left branch. We’re now only using the datapoints that would take the left branch (i.e. the datapoints satisfying x < 2 x < 2 x<2), specifically the 3 blues and 3 reds.
To build our second decision node, we just do the same thing! We try every possible split for the 6 datapoints we have and realize that y = 2 y = 2 y=2 is the best split. We make that into a decision node and now have this:
Our decision tree is almost done…
2.3 Training a Decision Tree: When to Stop?
Let’s keep it going and try to make a third decision node. We’ll use the right branch from the root node this time. The only datapoints in that branch are the 3 greens.
Again, we try all the possible splits, but they all
Are equally good.
Have a Gini Gain of 0 (the Gini Impurity was already 0 and can’t go any lower).
It doesn’t makes sense to add a decision node here because doing so wouldn’t improve our decision tree. Thus, we’ll make this node a leaf node and slap the Green label on it. This means that we’ll classify any datapoint that reaches this node as Green.
If we continue to the 2 remaining nodes, the same thing will happen: we’ll make the bottom left node our Blue leaf node, and we’ll make the bottom right node our Red leaf node. That brings us to the final result:
Once all possible branches in our decision tree end in leaf nodes, we’re done. We’ve trained a decision tree!
3. Random Forests 🌲🌳🌲🌳🌲
We’re finally ready to talk about Random Forests. Remember what I said earlier?
A Random Forest is actually just a bunch of Decision Trees bundled together.
That’s true, but is a bit of a simplification.
3.1 Bagging
Consider the following algorithm to train a bundle of decision trees given a dataset of n n n points:
Sample, with replacement, n n n training examples from the dataset. Train a decision tree on the n n n samples. Repeat t t t times, for some t t t.
To make a prediction using this model with t t t trees, we aggregate the predictions from the individual decision trees and either
Take the majority vote if our trees produce class labels (like colors).
if our trees produce class labels (like colors). Take the average if our trees produce numerical values (e.g. when predicting temperature, price, etc).
This technique is called bagging, or bootstrap aggregating. The sampling with replacement we did is known as a bootstrap sample.
Bagged Decision Trees predicting color
Bagged decision trees are very close to Random Forests - they’re just missing one thing…
3.2 Bagging → Random Forest
Bagged decision trees have only one parameter: t t t, the number of trees.
Random Forests have a second parameter that controls how many features to try when finding the best split. Our simple dataset for this tutorial only had 2 2 2 features ( x x x and y y y), but most datasets will have far more (hundreds or thousands).
Suppose we had a dataset with p p p features. Instead of trying all features every time we make a new decision node, we only try a subset of the features, usually of size p \ | 38,575 |
to the guidelines, it can be closed and have its license revoked. House Rules (“Huis Regels”) are displayed: “Handel en Gebruik van Harddrugs is streng verboden. Agressie is niet toegestaan. Toegang boven achttien jaar.”
Translated: “Sales and use of hard drugs is strictly forbidden. Aggressive behavior is not allowed.”
American coffee shops, while adapting many of the elements of the Dutch model, also established their own unique American style, from country western to hip-hop. While there are many styles of coffee shops in The Netherlands, most feature certain elements in common: a bar, scattered tables and often a foosball table (a feature of the first coffee shop, “Mellow Yellow,” opened by Wernard Bruining in 1972 before decriminalization). Menus with prices and varieties of hash and marijuana may be displayed but are often held behind the bar and customers must ask to see them. Sometimes a house dealer will appear and give details of what is for sale. Because advertising is not allowed, often the only way to discern that an establishment is a coffee shop — that is, if the smell doesn’t give it away — is by the oversized rolling papers, ashtrays and paper filters on the bar or on tabletops. Some peculiarities of Dutch coffee shops — the house dealer and hidden menus — are a result of the fact that cannabis in 2010 is tolerated but not legal in The Netherlands.
Coffee shops are not bars Marijuana is not alcohol
Let me first make this very important point: marijuana is not alcohol. It does not affect its users like alcohol does and is not associated in any way with the many dangers of alcohol — overdose, addiction, loss of motor control and violent behavior. The reason I am so adamant about this difference is that opponents of legalizing marijuana often begin their arguments citing a list of the problems experienced with alcohol, then next claim that the same thing will happen if marijuana is allowed. Crime and violence will increase, they warn, and marijuana-crazed drivers will crowd the highways causing untold death and destruction. Fortunately, when it comes to marijuana, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, these problems — all associated with alcohol consumption — will likely decrease when marijuana is legal as a portion of alcohol-consuming adults switch to marijuana or, at least, reduce their alcohol use by substituting pot. “If marijuana was decriminalized, some [alcohol] users would surely make the switch,” Konrad Moore, a deputy public defender in Kern County, tells the Orange County Reporter. “Far from increasing crime, decriminalizing marijuana would most likely serve to reduce it.” What concerns Moore is not is not adults being allowed to use marijuana but the approximately 20 percent to 25 percent of college women who can expect to be sexually assaulted or the estimated 2 to 4 million US women assaulted by a domestic partner every year. “There is no real debate,” says Moore. “The majority of the assaults are fueled or otherwise associated with alcohol.”
As for the claims that marijuana legalization will add inebriated drivers to the roads, there is little scientific evidence to support allegations that marijuana is responsible for a significant number of automobile accidents. While driving under the influence of any drug is never recommended, a 1993 study by US Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration concluded that “THC’s adverse effects on driving performance appeared relatively small.”
As for alcohol, Mothers Against Drunk Driving reports that in 2008 an estimated 11,773 people died in drunk driving crashes involving a driver with an illegal blood alcohol content (BAC) of.08 or greater, which adds up to 31.6 percent of the 37,261 total traffic fatalities in 2008.
Alcohol — America’s legal drug of choice — is a killer and you will be hard-pressed to find anyone who will deny that fact. Alcoholic beverage producers have no choice but to talk out of both sides of their mouths when hawking their brew. First, as good corporate citizens, they warn consumers to “drink responsibly,” while at the same time their multimillion-dollar TV commercials and print ads directly target the nation’s youth with images of the sex and party atmosphere promised by a six-pack or a bottle of tequila. It is certainly no surprise to find that the California Beer and Beverage Distributors made a large donation to the No on Proposition 19 campaign.
The most dangerous drug
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that excessive alcohol use is the third leading lifestyle-related cause of death each year in the United States. In 2007, there were 14,406 deaths from alcohol-related liver disease and 23,199 alcohol-induced deaths. These numbers did not include alcohol deaths resulting from homicides or accidents | 38,576 |
ättvisan hoppar av.
Så piratvänner: Låt oss
hålla koll på utredningen, vars direktiv finns här.
Kraftigt försvara tanken om aktivt informerat samtycke för den forskning ens prover ska användas till
Verka för den tidigare biobanksutredningens förslag att allt material från biobanker ska vara fredat från polis och åklagare.
Utredningsdirektivens avsnitt om biobanker och brottsbekämpning: Frågan om vävnadsprover från PKU-biobanken ska få användas för brottsutredande ändamål har aktualiserats ett flertal gånger. Det har från vissa håll framförts att om proverna skulle få användas även för brottsutredande ändamål finns det en risk för att föräldrar skulle överväga att inte lämna sitt samtycke till att prover tas och bevaras från deras nyfödda barn. En annan farhåga är att föräldrar begär att deras barns prover ska tas ur biobanken eller att provgivarna i vuxen ålder begär samma sak. Detta skulle innebära negativa konsekvenser inte bara för barnet och föräldrarna utan också för forskningen. Samtidigt har de brottsbekämpande myndigheterna ett intresse av att få tillgång till effektiva medel för att utreda brott och vävnadsprover från PKU-biobanken kan ha avgörande betydelse för att lösa allvarliga brott. Även andra vävnadsprover än de som bevaras i PKU-biobanken kan vara av intresse för brottsutredande verksamhet. I dag ingår brottsutredning inte bland de tillåtna ändamålen i biobankslagen, men enligt 1 kap 4 § biobankslagen har bestämmelser i annan lag företräde framför bestämmelserna i biobankslagen. Detta gäller dock inte för PKU-registret utan bestämmelserna om PKU-registret har företräde framför bestämmelser i annan lag. Biobanksutredningen hade i uppdrag att utforma en lagstiftning som skulle säkerställa att vävnadsprover inte skulle få användas för brottsutredande ändamål. Utredningen föreslog att det skulle anges i rättegångsbalken att vävnadsprover som omfattas av biobankslagen inte får tas i beslag för utredning av brott. Remissutfallet var delat. Några instanser var positiva till förslaget, medan andra ansåg att det i undantagsfall borde vara möjligt att ta vävnadsprover från biobanker i beslag. Några ansåg att förslaget borde bli föremål för en mer djupgående analys. Med beaktande av remissutfallet finns det skäl att mer förutsättningslöst på nytt utreda frågan. Utredaren ska analysera och lämna förslag, med beaktande av den nya dataskyddsförordningen, om | 38,577 |
Recently Apple released its Secure Coding Guide (dated 2014-02-11). This is filled the kind of good advice you’d expect to see from a high-tech firm that is committed to helping developers on their platform create secure code.
But I want to call your attention to the section called Avoiding Integer Overflows and Underflows. On page 28 is this code snippet:
size_t bytes = n * m; if (bytes < n || bytes < m) { /* BAD BAD BAD */... /* allocate "bytes" space */ }
Apple’s document doesn’t explicitly say that n and m are signed integers, but we’ll assume they are because the undefined behavior discussed in the reference only occurs for overflows of signed integers.
What this code is attempting to do is to detect if the expression n * m has overflowed. As the document states, this approach won’t work. It references CWE-733, CERT VU#162289. The issue here is that in order for the condition to be true, the expression must have overflowed. But overflow of signed integer is undefined behavior in C and C++. So the condition can never be true unless the program exhibits undefined behavior. So the compiler is free to remove the if statement.
In other words, in the case where the condition is false, removing the if statement doesn’t matter (because it wouldn’t be executed anyway and removing it speeds up the code) and in the case where the condition is true, the program exhibits undefined behavior and the compiler can emit any code at all in that case, including code without the if statement. So either way, no if statement.
This is a real-world optimization that is produced by modern compilers. They optimize for the case where the code doesn’t produce undefined behavior and they ignore the undefined behavior case.
So Apple is correct to warn about this. The problem is that the document then recommends an example solution with the following snippet.
size_t bytes = n * m; if (n > 0 && m > 0 && SIZE_MAX/n >= m) {... /* allocate "bytes" space */ }
I have to say I’m a little surprised by this!
How can a document that just explained the problem of undefined behavior of signed integer overflow recommend a solution that has undefined behavior triggered by signed integer overflow?
The confusion here is that the document has not correctly determined the real issue. The document assumes that the problem with the first snippet is that the condition in the if statement can only be true in the case of undefined behavior, so the complier can and will remove the test.
While that is true as far as it goes, that isn’t the crux of the problem. The undefined behavior happens on the first line of the snippet. If the expression n * m results in signed integer overflow, then it doesn’t matter what follows, the code has entered the realm of undefined behavior and all bets are off.
In the first code snippet the assumption is that the first line exhibits the wrapping behavior that most processors will perform. The document correctly points out that isn’t a correct assumption. But in the second snippet, offered by the document as a solution, the assumption is that the first line won’t abort the program or do something else unexpected if the value overflows. But that is exactly what the language does not promise. How you detect undefined behavior after the fact is irrelevant. Once you’ve stepped outside the line of defined behavior, it is too late to pull back.
So what is the solution to a situation like this?
The document is on the right track to a solution. The key is to be able to detect the overflow situation without triggering it. Or in this specific case, detect that n * m would overflow, without actually calculating the value of bytes. But putting the detection after the calculation of bytes defeats that purpose because by then we’ve triggered undefined behavior. We need to use the detection to avoid the calculation that would result in undefined behavior. Something like this:
if (n > 0 && m > 0 && SIZE_MAX/n >= m) { size_t bytes = n * m; /* will not overflow */... /* allocate "bytes" space */ } else { /* handle the overflow case */ }
With this approach, bytes is not calculated until after we have determined that the calculation will not overflow so undefined behavior is avoided.
Marshall Clow has a talk on undefined behavior at the upcoming C++Now.
Shout out to Microsoft MVP Bruce for pointing out this issue.
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Charles Jewtraw was one of the most memorable athletes to compete, as he was the first to win a gold medal. An underdog in the 500 meter speed skating competition, Jewtraw beat the 26 other athletes in the field with a “furious start” that drew “gasps” from the crowd and a time of 44.00, according to the Olympics’s official telling of the event. (He is also the world’s record holder for the 100 yard skate – 9 2/5 seconds.) Though he finished eighth in the 1,500 meter race and 13th in the 5,000 meter, the Olympics credits Jewtraw with inspiring other athletes, like the U.S.’s Jack Shea, who won two gold medals in speed skating at the Winter Olympics eight years later. In those other speed-skating races in 1924, Clas Thunberg from Finland dominated, earning three golds, one silver and one bronze medal.
Nordic skier Thorleif Haugh became a legend on the skis after winning three gold medals in three different events that paved the way for Norway’s dominance in the first Winter Olympics. As the IOC has detailed, a number of races in Norway have been named after the athlete and a bronze statue of him stands in his hometown. Haugh also took his skis to the slopes and competed in the ski jump competition, where he was believed for decades to have earned the bronze medal. But in the 1970s, the U.S.’s Anders Haugen was given the bronze medal after a scoring mistake was discovered.
Norwegian skier Jacob Tullin Thams is one of few Olympic athletes to have won medals at both the Winter and Summer Olympics. In Chamonix in 1924, Thams won gold in the ski jumping competition. Years later in 1936 at the Summer Olympics in Berlin, Thams won silver in the eight-meter sailing event.
Herma Planck-Szabo of Austria on her way to winning the women's figure skating gold medal at the first Winter Olympics. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images) Topical Press Agency—Getty Images
Austrian ice skater Herma Szabo, just one of 11 female athletes competing at the first Winter Olympics, was born to skate. From a family of ice skating competitors, Szabo defeated her competition in 1924 — one of many international competitions she won. In Chamonix, her win was unanimous among the judges despite stiff competition from the U.S.’s Beatrix S. Loughran.
Athlete and figure skater Sonja Henie of Norway at the first Winter Olympics in Chamonix. (Photo by ullstein bild/ullstein bild via Getty Images) ullstein bild Dtl.—ullstein bild via Getty Images
Though she got last place out of eight competitors in that event in 1924, Norwegian ice skater Sonja Henie stood out for her age. She was just 11 years old when she competed in the first Winter Olympics. After that, her career took off — she won three gold medals in 1928, 1932 and 1936, and she eventually starred in a number of films.
Did Canada always have a powerhouse hockey team?
The Canadian ice hockey team, the Toronto Granites, who beat the United States in the final 6-1 to take the gold medal at the first Winter Olympics. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images) Topical Press Agency—Getty Images
Similar to the results of the recent Winter Olympic games, the Canadian hockey team proved to be a powerhouse in 1924. Over the course of the competition, the team scored 122 goals — with just three scored against them, the IOC has detailed.
“The hockey tournament was dominated by Canada, to put it mildly,” said Wallechinsky, the historian. “So Canadians think really highly of these games.”
TIME’s original report of the first Winter Olympics details the final match-up between Canada and the U.S., determining who would win gold and who would win silver. Canada won the rough game 6-1.
“It was a contest between Canadian teamwork and American individual stars. In twenty seconds after the play began a Canadian was sent sprawling. Before two minutes had elapsed an American was laid out by a Canadian’s stick. From start to finish the players knocked each other about so that the game was a succession of man-ruled-out-for-two-minutes, and man-retired-for-injuries. The only U.S. goal came when Drury took the puck down the ice through the Canadian team. The Canadian goals came as the result of short, accurate, decisive passes.”
“Cheering was not one of the official events, but Europeans have | 38,579 |
The Air Force is struggling with a seemingly intractable personnel crisis, evaluating new policies to bring more airmen and women into the service as well as to keep them in uniform.
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein and Deborah Lee James, then the secretary of the Air Force, called the shortfall a “quiet crisis” in a July 2016 article, estimating that the shortage of fighter pilots was expected to grow from 500 to 700 by the end of that fiscal year in September.
Though the service expanded its total force during the 2016 fiscal year, as of April 2017 it was still 1,555 pilots short of the mandated 20,300.
Of those absent, it was estimated 950 were fighter pilots, and that shortfall is expected to grow to 1,000, or one-third of the force, by the end of the 2017 fiscal year.
Goldfein and James named recruiting by commercial airlines – which lose senior pilots to mandatory retirement ages – as a main factor pulling pilots away. To address such financial enticements, the Air Force has upped retention bonuses from $25,000 to $35,000, and pilots who stay in for the maximum 13 years can make nearly a half-million dollars.
But money doesn’t appear to be the only issue.
Lees ook op Business Insider Daimler stort zich op de markt voor elektrische trucks met 2 nieuwe modellen van Mercedes – en gaat strijd aan met Tesla en Nikola
Foto: Capt. Jonathan Bonilla and 1st Lt. Vicente Vasquez, 459th Airlift Squadron UH-1N Huey pilots, fly over Tokyo after completing night training, April 25, 2016. source US Air Force/Yasuo Osakabe
Air Force personnel have been especially burdened by ongoing military operations over the last 20 years. Poor work-life balance, limited flight time, and a growing number of duties unrelated to flying have also contributed to dissatisfaction with life in the Air Force for its members. A 2015 exit survey found that 37% of personnel considered “additional duties” to be part of the reason they left the force.
Air Force leadership has contemplated stop-loss policies to keep pilots in the service, but officials have also pushed for change.
A Defense Department memo issued last year ordered the reduction of some duties, like first-aid courses and website management, by October 1, 2016, the end of that fiscal year. The Air Force has also decided to waive some training requirements for airmen and add more flexibility to assigning duties.
But the reductions ordered by the memo were complicated by the transition to a new White House, according to David Max Korzen, a former Air Force pilot and current Air Force Reserve member. Moreover, Air Force leadership has said action to reduce or eliminate such duties should be lead by commanders at lower levels.
“We’re giving commanders the authority to take risk and to take action as they see fit,” Brooke Brzozowske, an Air Force public-affairs officer, told Korzen. “It’s not a one-size fits all, let’s get rid of everything [plan]. Sometimes it is going to be consolidating; sometimes it is going to be putting it in different areas. Different squadrons need different things.”
Foto: Special Tactics Airmen from the 24th Special Operations Wing jump out of an MC-130H Talon II at Hurlburt Field, Florida, January 7, 2015. source USAF/Senior Airman Christopher Callaway
But the uneven transition – handicapped by differing regulatory requirements, limited resources, and a lack of top-down guidance – has created a uneven landscape of standards across the force that, according to Korzen, has further eroded morale.
“Air Force leaders seem to be committed to making changes. But a continued lack of guidance, authority, and resourcing from the Pentagon will only exacerbate the manpower crisis,” Korzen writes. “Airmen feel they have been disappointed by promises of change in the past and they are not confident the Air Force will succeed now.”
Foto: Air Force Tech. Sgt. James L. Harper Jr., aerial-combat photographer, takes a self portrait on a training mission, August 19, 2009. source US Air Force/Technical Sgt. James L. Harper Jr.
Members of other service branches have cautioned about the “deluge of requirements” burdening unit commanders and their troops.
And the Pentagon appears to be pursuing a broader review of non-combat duties.
In a Defense Department memo obtained by Military Times in July, Defense Secretary James Mattis ordered the undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness to determine changes to personnel policies needed to allow “increased flexibility to organize | 38,580 |
La bassa orbita terrestre comincia ad affollarsi. E gli incidenti spaziali sono dietro l’angolo. Come quello appena evitato dall’Agenzia spaziale europea (Esa), che è stata costretta ad attivare la propulsione del proprio satellite per l’osservazione della Terra Aeolus per scongiurare la possibilità di uno scontro con uno dei 60 piccoli satelliti della costellazione Starlink, lanciata da SpaceX lo scorso maggio. Nessun problema– se non qualche difficoltà nelle comunicazioni con gli uffici di SpaceX – ma l’episodio rimette sul piatto diverse questioni, come le preoccupazioni per l’impatto delle costellazioni di satelliti per le comunicazioni, la necessità di stabilire dei protocolli d’azione per evitare incidenti e di gestire il traffico nella bassa orbita terrestre.
For the first time ever, ESA has performed a ‘collision avoidance manoeuvre’ to protect one of its satellites from colliding with a ‘mega constellation’#SpaceTraffic pic.twitter.com/kmXvAgpj1U — ESA Operations (@esaoperations) September 2, 2019
Allarme scontro
All’alba di lunedì 2 settembre dagli uffici della Difesa degli Stati Uniti che si occupano di monitorare il traffico nella bassa orbita terrestre arriva un’allerta per un possibile scontro tra il satellite Esa Aeolus e Starlink 44: le loro orbite si intersecano a un’altezza di 320 chilometri dalla Terra e il rischio di collisione è salito a 1 su 1.000, cioè dieci volte superiore alla soglia minima per cui i protocolli prevedono di attuare operazioni preventive.
La manovra dell’Esa
Come racconta a Forbes Holger Krag, a capo dell’ufficio per i detriti spaziali dell’Esa, a seguito della segnalazione dei militari statunitensi l’Esa si è attivata per contattare SpaceX e decidere il da farsi. Tuttavia pare che SpaceX abbia risposto via mail che non intendeva fare proprio nulla in proposito. “Era dunque chiaro chi dovesse agire”.
Così ieri, 3 settembre, l’Esa ha acceso i sistemi di propulsione chimica di Aeolus, che pesa 1.300 chili ed è costato diverse centinaia di migliaia di euro, per spostarsi e scongiurare il rischio di collisione.
These avoidance manoeuvres take a lot of time to prepare – from determining the future orbital positions of all functioning spacecraft, to calculating the risk of collision and potential outcomes of different actions
📸Inside ESA’s #SpaceDebris Office pic.twitter.com/VKPQKRjUD8 — ESA Operations (@esaoperations) September 2, 2019
Ingorghi spaziali
Aeolus occupava quella parte di Spazio dal 22 agosto 2018, quando è stato lanciato, mentre Starlink 44, in orbita dal 23 maggio di quest’anno, ha modificato la propria traiettoria recentemente, per esercitazioni di uscita dall’orbita. Nessuna rivendicazione territoriale ovviamente: lo Spazio è di tutti, dicono dall’Esa, che però ritiene che l’episodio sia l’occasione per riparlare di alcune problematiche emergenti.
ESA spacecraft dodges large constellation🛰️
“No one was at fault here, but this does show the urgent need for proper #spacetraffic management – with clear communication protocols and more automation” — Holger Krag, ESA’s Head of | 38,581 |
= Attack x2 - Defense Doubling : A unit will attack 2 times if his Spd is at least 5 points higher than the opponent's Spd Damage = Attack - Defense Damage (critical) = Attack x2 - Defense Doubling : A unit will attack 2 times if his Spd is at least 5 points higher than the opponent's Spd Notable characters : If you want to add a face to a character, you can go here : http://www.fireemblemwod.com/trs/personajes.htm Runan : One of the two main lords, he usually doesn't have time to fight since most of his maps are seize maps, and his class is overall bad (5 Mov, can only use swords). Holmes : The other main lord, he can only uses bows (before his late promotion), but he is one of the few units who can open chests. He still has some fighting uses, mainly thanks to the Gatling Bow. Lee : One of the few magic units of the game, with a high base stats (13 Mag), but extremely poor growth rates. Most of the enemy units have 0 Mag, so he is useful when we are lacking fighting power Raffin : A 8 Mov unit with good base stats and decent growth rates, he will later be the only 8 Mov flying unit of the game. Plum : Weak unit, however at some point she will learn the Dance skill (allow an unit to move again). Mahter : First Flying unit to join the party. Zeek : High base stats and highest growth rates of the game, he will leave the party after map 24. Yuni : Bad unit, but she can open chests. Lionel : Decent base stats and growth rates, most importantly he is one of the 5 character of the game with a Mov growth rate (and the only one who can actually fight soon enough). Maerhen : Bad base stats and awful growth rates (I believe they are the worst of the whole Fire Emblem serie), add a penalty to all close ally units, but at least he can open chests. Frau : Another flying unit. Sun : Mount unit with the Re-Move skill, "take care" of an annoying boss for us. Lyria : Weak unit with the Song skill (for each adjacent unit, 10% chance to move again) and her personal Power Staff. Loffaru : Mount unit with high base stats and access to swords and bows. Sierra : Sole character with the Warp skill (well, there is another available on the final map), which allow her to warp anywhere on the map. She is also the only recruitable unit who can use dark magic. Renee : She owns two staffs exclusive to her, the most important one being the Warp Staff. Yoda : Swordmaster with very high stats. Sennet : Lord available on the final map, he has the strongest holy sword. Tia : The last lord. Alfred : Magic unit with the Warp skill, available on the final map. Random Number Generator : When I started to plan this TAS, there was absolutely nothing about how the RNG works in this game, so I had to find out everything by myself. Long story short, the game uses 624 consecutive double words to determine the next 624 RNs, and when the last RN is used, it creates 624 new double words solely based on the value of the 624 previous ones. By trial and error, I managed to recreate the way it works. For those interested, you can find it on this lua script : http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/33506096746575394 The 624 first double words (the "RN seed") are randomly create after you press "new game" on the main menu, and based on the frame you press it, the seed will be different. One of the main issue of the TAS was to find a good seed to get a specific event on map 06. The 624 first double words (the "RN seed") are randomly create after you press "new game" on the main menu, and based on the frame you press it, the seed will be different. One of the main issue of the TAS was to find a good seed to get a specific event on map 06. An important specificity of this game RN system is that the displayed hit (or crit) is not equal to the true odds of this event happening. The game pick one RN from the following table, and the attack will hit (or crit) if the displayed value is greater than or equal to the picked RN : An important specificity of this game RN system is that the displayed hit (or crit) is not equal to the true odds of this event happening. The game pick one RN from the following table, and the attack will hit (or crit) if the displayed value is greater than or equal to the picked RN : 01 08 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 24 25 | 38,582 |
25 26 27 28 29 30 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 37 38 39 40 40 41 42 43 44 45 45 46 47 48 49 50 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 56 57 58 59 60 60 61 62 63 64 65 65 66 67 68 69 70 70 71 72 73 74 75 75 76 77 77 78 79 80 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 91 93 95 98(*) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA (*) Actually it may be 99 and not 98 (*) Actually it may be 99 and not 98 NA = skip to the next RN NA = skip to the next RN As you can see, the 100 possible RNs doesn't follow an uniform distribution, and the extreme values are far less likely to happen than one would guess. Particularly, any display hit between 1% and 7% will be in reality a 1% hit, while a 8% or 9% display hit will be in reality a 2% hit. As you can see, the 100 possible RNs doesn't follow an uniform distribution, and the extreme values are far less likely to happen than one would guess. Particularly, any display hit between 1% and 7% will be in reality a 1% hit, while a 8% or 9% display hit will be in reality a 2% hit. This system is somehow similar to the one on the Fire Emblem games on GBA and later on, but the main difference is that it also apply for the Crit % calculations, while the Fire Emblem games only use it for the Hit %. This system is somehow similar to the one on the Fire Emblem games on GBA and later on, but the main difference is that it also apply for the Crit % calculations, while the Fire Emblem games only use it for the Hit %. For the rest of this commentary, I will always speak about the true % and not about the displayed one, unless stated otherwise. For the rest of this commentary, I will always speak about the true % and not about the displayed one, unless stated otherwise. Map by map commentaries : Map 01 (Rout) : The bridge opens at the beginning of turn 5, so in the meantime Runan got an Amulet and manipulated the RNs so that Kate ORKO the cavalier on turn 4. Kate is the best unit to reliably ORKO the enemy units, though she needs either her bow or a critical hit to do so against the archers. Runan can OHKO the boss with a critical. Possible Improvements (PI) : Kill the last archer with an Estoc crit. Not picking the Amulet as I ended up not using it (quite hard to plan since they are needed more than 2 hours later on the run, and the number of them I will need depends on the RNs). Possible Improvements (PI) : Kill the last archer with an Estoc crit. Not picking the Amulet as I ended up not using it (quite hard to plan since they are needed more than 2 hours later on the run, and the number of them I will need depends on the RNs). After this map, we got to choose one out of four units to join our party. The choice should always be between Narron and Lee, as the two others give little benefits to the player. Narron is a mounted unit with incredible promotion bonus, but a 8 Mov mounted unit will not help us in any way in the future. Lee is a magic unit with high base stats, and surprisingly enough, magic units are quite rare in this game (7 out of 62 recruitable characters, 2 of them only available on the final map). Since most enemies will not have any magic resistance, he can basically deals 21 damage to any standard enemy with his base stats. Most importantly, he will give Plum a Defense Staff after map 02, which halves the damage an ally receive for one map (round down). After this map, we got to choose one out of four units to join our party. The choice should always be between Narron and Lee, as the two others give little benefits to the player. Narron is a mounted unit with incredible promotion bonus, but a 8 Mov mounted unit will not help us in any way in the future. Lee is a magic unit with high base stats, and surprisingly enough, magic units are quite rare in this game (7 out of 62 recruitable characters, 2 of them only available on the final map). Since most enemies will not have any magic resistance, he can basically deals 21 damage to any standard enemy with his base stats. Most importantly, he will give Plum a Defense Staff after map 02, which halves the damage an ally receive for one map (round down). Map 02 (Seize) : It's possible to seize one turn sooner, but I must recruit Plum as she will later be a Dancer. Raffin must proc Agi at every level-up because he will need 11 Agi for map 03, | 38,583 |
Note: Mathematica notebook is attached at the end of this post and also is available on my web page.
This is it. The perfectly centered billiards break. Behold.
This break was computed in Mathematica using a numerical differential equations model. Here are a few details of the model:
All balls are assumed to be perfectly elastic and almost perfectly rigid.
Each ball has a mass of 1 unit and a radius of 1 unit.
The cue ball has a initial speed of 10 units/sec.
The force between two balls is given by the formula $$F \;=\; \begin{cases}0 & \text{if }d \geq 2, \\ 10^{11}(2-d)^{3/2} & \text{if }d < * \end{cases}$$ where $d$ is the distance between the centers of the balls. Note that the balls overlap if and only if $d < 2$. The power of $3/2$ was suggested by Yoav Kallus on Math Overflow, because it follows Hertz's theory of non-adhesive elastic contact.
The initial speed of the cue ball is immaterial -- slowing down the cue ball is the same as slowing down time. The force constant $10^{11}$ has no real effect as long as it's large enough, although it does change the speed at which the initial collision takes place.
The Collision
For this model, the entire collision takes place in the first 0.2 milliseconds, and none of the balls overlap by more than 0.025% of their radius during the collision. (These figures are model dependent -- real billiard balls may collide faster or slower than this.)
The following animation shows the forces between the balls during the collision, with the force proportional to the area of each yellow circle. Note that the balls themselves hardly move at all during the collision, although they do accelerate quite a bit.
The Trajectories
The following picture shows the trajectories of the billiard balls after the collision.
After the collision, some of the balls are travelling considerably faster than others. The following table shows the magnitude and direction of the velocity of each ball, where $0^\circ$ indicates straight up.
$$ \begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline \text{ball} & \text{cue} & 1 & 2,3 & 4,6 & 5 & 7,10 & 8,9 & 11,15 & 12,14 & 13 \ \hline \text{angle} & 0^\circ & 0^\circ & 40.1^\circ & 43.9^\circ & 0^\circ & 82.1^\circ & 161.8^\circ & 150^\circ & 178.2^\circ & 180^\circ \ \hline \text{speed} & 1.79 & 1.20 & 1.57 & 1.42 & 0.12 & 1.31 & 0.25 & 5.60 & 2.57 & 2.63 \ \hline \end{array} $$
For comparison, remember that the initial speed of the cue ball was 10 units/sec. Thus, balls 11 and 15 (the back corner balls) shoot out at more than half the speed of the original cue ball, whereas ball 5 slowly rolls upwards at less than 2% of the speed of the original cue ball.
By the way, if you add up the sum of the squares of the speeds of the balls, you get 100, since kinetic energy is conserved.
Linear and Quadratic Responses
The results of this model are dependent on the power of $3/2$ in the force law -- other force laws give other breaks. For example, we could try making the force a linear function of the overlap distance (in analogy with springs and Hooke's law), or we could try making the force proportional to the square of the overlap distance. The results are noticeably different
Stiff Response
Glenn the Udderboat points out that "stiff" balls might be best approximated by a force response involving a higher power of the distance (although this isn't the usual definition of "stiffness"). Unfortunately, the calculation time in Mathematica becomes longer when the power is increased, presumably because it needs to use a smaller time step to be sufficiently accurate.
Here is a simulation involving a reasonably "stiff" force law $$ F \;=\; \begin{cases}0 & \text{if }d \geq 2, \ 10^{54}(2-d)^{10} & \text{if }d<2.\ | 38,584 |
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Pesquisa divulgada nesta 4ª feira (12.set.2018) mostra o candidato Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) na liderança pela disputa presidencial. O candidato do PSL teve crescimento de 2,7 pontos percentuais em relação à pesquisa divulgada em agosto: passou de 23,9% para 26,6% das intenções de voto no cenário com Haddad como candidato.
Em 2º, aparece Ciro Gomes (PDT) com 11,9%. Em seguida, Marina Silva (Rede), Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB) e Fernando Haddad (PT) pontuam, respectivamente, 10,6%, 8,7% e 8,3% –todos empatados tecnicamente pela margem de erro de 2 pontos percentuais.
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Marina caiu 2,6 pontos percentuais em relação às pesquisas anteriores. Ciro Gomes subiu 1,7 pontos percentuais em relação à pesquisa de agosto. Fernando Haddad, que foi oficializado na 3ª feira (11.set) como candidato à Presidência em substituição a Lula, obteve crescimento de 4,5 pontos percentuais.
Eis os resultados:
O levantamento (íntegra) foi realizado pela empresa Paraná Pesquisas e encomendado pela Empiricus Research. Foram ouvidos 2010 eleitores durante os dias 7 e 11 de setembro de 2018 em 167 municípios brasileiros. A margem de erro é de 2,0 pontos percentuais e o grau de confiança é de 95%. O levantamento está registrado no TSE (Tribunal Superior Eleitoral) como BR-02410/2018.
A percepção mais comum sobre o resultado do 2º turno da corrida presidencial é a de que Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) e Ciro Gomes (PDT) ocuparão as duas primeiras posições.
O militar é apontado por 51,9% dos eleitores como 1 dos que estarão na disputa final pela Presidência, enquanto, para 26%, será o pedetista que irá para o 2º turno.
A pesquisa também levantou o potencial eleitoral de cada um dos candidatos à corrida pelo Planalto. Eis os resultados:
A rejeição ao militar continua ascendente. 53,2% dizem não votar no capitão da reserva de forma alguma. 22,4% estudam a possibilidade de entregar o voto ao ex-deputado e 1,9% dizem não o conhecer suficientemente. Cerca de 21,2% garantem que votarão no candidato e 1,2% estão indecisos.
52% dos entrevistados afirmam que não votariam no pedetista de jeito nenhum. 34,4% afirmam que poderiam votar e apenas 6,9% dizem estar certos de que votarão. 5,3% dizem não o conhecer e 1,5% estão indecisos.
A ex-ministra, que também está caindo nas intenções de voto, apresenta baixo percentual de eleitores que a apoiam. Apenas 6,9% dizem votar com certeza na candidata, enquanto os que dizem não votar nela são 54, | 38,586 |
CUORE: The Coldest Heart in the Known Universe
The CUORE collaboration at the INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory has set a world record by cooling a copper vessel with the volume of a cubic meter to a temperature of 6 milliKelvins: it is the first experiment ever to cool a mass and a volume of this size to a temperature this close to absolute zero (0 Kelvin). The cooled copper mass, weighing approx. 400 kg, was the coldest cubic meter in the universe for over 15 days.
CUORE is an international collaboration involving some 130 scientists mainly from Italy, USA, China, Spain, and France. CUORE is supported by the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) in Italy; the Department of Energy Office of Science (Office of Nuclear Physics), the National Science Foundation, and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation in the United States.
CUORE (which stands for Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events, but is also Italian for Heart) is an experiment being built at the INFN Gran Sasso underground laboratory to study the properties of neutrinos and search for rare processes. The CUORE cryostat is the only one of its kind in the world, not only in terms of its dimensions, extreme temperatures, and cooling power, but also for the selected materials and for the building techniques that both guarantee very low levels of radioactivity.
CUORE is seeking to observe a hypothesized rare process called neutrinoless double-beta decay. Detection of this process would allow researchers to demonstrate, for the first time, the transformation of antineutrinos to neutrinos, thereby offering a possible explanation for the abundance of matter over anti-matter in our Universe. These transitions are only possible if the neutrinos are so-called Majorana particles, as suggested by Italian physicist Ettore Majorana in 1930s. The experiment will also be sensitive to the miniscule value of the neutrino mass. CUORE is designed to work in ultra-cold conditions at the temperatures of around 10 mK, i.e. ten thousandths of a degree above absolute zero. It consists of tellurium dioxide crystals serving as bolometers (radiation detectors which measure energy by recording tiny fluctuations in detector's temperature).
The cryostat was realized and funded by the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN); the University of Milano Bicocca coordinated the research team in charge of the design of the cryogenic system. When complete, CUORE will consist of approximately 1000 instrumented tellurium dioxide crystals. It will be covered by shielding made of ancient Roman lead, a material characterized by a very low level of intrinsic radioactivity. The mass of materials at the frigid temperatures near absolute zero will be almost two tonnes. An international team of physicists, including students and postdoctoral scholars from Italy and the US, worked tirelessly for over a year to assemble the cryostat, iron out the kinks, and successfully demonstrate its record-breaking performance.
In the most recent operational test of the cryostat, the temperature reached 6 milliKelvins, equal to -273.144 degrees centigrade. This is stunningly close to absolute zero, which is equal to -273.15 degrees C. No experiment on Earth has ever cooled a similar mass or volume to temperatures this low; similar conditions are also not expected to arise in Nature. This gives CUORE the distinction of being the coldest cubic meter in the known Universe.
The successful solution to a technological challenge of cooling the entire experimental mass of almost 2 tonnes to the temperature of a few milliKelvin was made possible through a strong collaboration with industrial partners of high profile such as the Leiden Cryogenics BV (the Netherlands), which designed and built the unique refrigeration system, and the Simic SpA (Italy), which built the cryostat vessels.
Media Contacts
INFN Press Office
Eleonora Cossi
[email protected]
+39 06.686816
Participant Institutions
CUORE Spokesperson Oliviero Cremonesi
[email protected]
Gran Sasso Science Institute
Università di Milano Bicocca
Università di Bologna
Università di Genova
Università di Padova
Università di Roma La Sapienza
California Polytechnic State University
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Los Angeles
University of South Carolina
| 38,587 |
great suffering or seriously undermines physical integrity or mental or physical health”.
This section K) clearly indicates the words and deeds of former Ambassador Brownfield as a ‘crime against humanity’, when he says that sanctions against PDVSA will produce “a period of suffering of months or perhaps years” to the Venezuelan population.
For these reasons we have come to ask you, given your investiture and the responsibility of the office you are in charge of, to enforce respect for the Charter of the United Nations and the international legal system patiently built since the end of the Second World War. At the same time we ask you to prevent measures, such as economic sanctions, from being adopted in relations between governments, intentionally designed to cause cruel suffering to the population in order to foment rebellion against its authorities. As well as avoiding the looting of the Venezuelan people’s resources and the explicit intentions of a military intervention disguised as humanitarian aid that, as National Security Advisor John Bolton assured, aspires to hand over the exploitation of Venezuelan hydrocarbons to U.S. oil companies.
It is because of the foregoing considerations that at such serious times as these, when the peace and security of a nation is at stake, we come to you in the hope that you will interpose the high authority of your office and the recognized trajectory of your person to demand an end to the actions taken by the government of the United States against a member state of the United Nations, with the aim of being able to guarantee the peace, life and happiness of Venezuelans who are currently living in deep dismay at the alteration of their daily lives and the threats hanging over their very existence.
The Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity trusts that you will know how to efficiently direct our request.
Dr. Bachelet, we salute you with all consideration and respect.
Initial Signers:
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Premio Nobel de la Paz, presidente del Consejo Honorario del Servicio Paz y Justicia en América Latina, y de la Liga Internacional por los Derechos y la Liberación de los Pueblos, Argentina
Alicia Alonso, Prima Ballerina Assoluta y Directora del Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Roberto Fernández Retamar, poeta, ensayista y promotor cultural cubano. Presidente Casa de las Américas. Premio Internacional José Martí, de la UNESCO, Cuba
Danny Glover, actor y activista social por los derechos humanos, United States
Alice Walker, escritora afroamericana, Premio Pulitzer 1983, United States
Oscar López Rivera, líder independentista, Puerto Rico
Rafael Cancel Miranda, líder independentista, Puerto Rico
Medea Benjamín, Codirectora de la organización femenina antibélica CODEPINK, United States.
Ignacio Ramonet, Catedrático y periodista. Dirigió la revista Le Monde Diplomatique. Una de las figuras principales del movimiento antiglobalización, France
Fernando Rendón, Premio Nobel Alternativo de la Fundación Right Livelihood Award. Periodista y poeta, fundador y director del Festival de poesía de Medellín, Colombia
Martín Almada, Premio Nobel Alternativo de la Fundación Right Livelihood Award. Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación, jurista y activista social por los derechos humanos. Descubridor del “Archivo del Terror de la Operación Cóndor”, Paraguay
Ricardo Patiño, economista, presidente del Movimiento Revolución Ciudadana, Ecuador
René González Sehwerert, Héroe de la República de Cuba
Gerardo Hernández Nordelo, Héroe de la República de Cuba
Ramón Labañino Salazar, Héroe de la República de Cuba
Fernando González Llort, Héroe de la República de Cuba
Antonio Guerrero Rodríguez, Héroe de la República de Cuba
Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, Abogado. Nombrado por el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas, como experto independiente para la promoción de un orden internacional democrá | 38,588 |
MONTREAL - It's been a busy few months for Habs prospect Alexandre Alain. The QMJHL Scholastic Player of the Year signed a contract with the Canadiens, made a second straight trip to the President Cup final, and recently won a 2017-18 Guy Lafleur Award of Excellence and Merit for his success on the ice and in the classroom. We caught up with him during his visit to the Bell Centre earlier this week.
Congratulations on your season! How do you feel about signing with the Habs?
Alexandre Alain: I'm really excited to be able to sign with the Montreal Canadiens. I'm a Quebecer, so to sign with my childhood team is really special for me. When I was younger, I was a Canadiens fan. To be able to put that jersey on is a big source of honor and pride for me. I'm really happy to be able to grow with them.
Tweet from @ArmadaBLB: VOYEZ OU REVOYEZ || Le tout 1er but de la s��rie marqu�� par le capitaine Alexandre Alain du casque de l'officiel de la LHJMQ��� #JembarquedanslArmada #SeriesLHJMQ pic.twitter.com/okji5kFYi7
Where were you when the signing happened?
AA: I was at the rink. We were preparing to go play Charlottetown in the playoffs. The negotiations and the agreement were done through my agent, because we were in the playoffs. My focus was really with the Armada. For sure, when I got the news, I was incredibly happy, but I tried to keep my focus on the Armada as much as I could. As soon as the season was over, that's when I really realized that I had just signed with the Montreal Canadiens.
What parts of your game would you like to work on this summer?
AA: It's really a lot of things - my explosiveness, my skating, just getting stronger, physically. Professional hockey is another level too, I'm going to play hard, I'm going to have to adjust. I'm going to have a training regimen this summer, I'm going to have to mature. The rest is just about fine-tuning the things I'm doing well but want to improve on.
Tweet from @ArmadaBLB: Et le BUTTTTT! Capitaine Alain donnait la victoire avec un tir digne d'un capitaine... #JembarquedanslArmada #SeriesLHJMQ ������ pic.twitter.com/3j8d7FcPdq
Where will you be spending the offseason?
AA: I'm going to stay in Quebec City, I've been working with a trainer there, I've been training there for four years. I work out with Jonathan Marchessault and Yanni Gourde. It's a good environment. Those players also weren't drafted, like me. They're players who are having nice careers, as we can see right now. It's good motivation for me. I love where I work out.
Have you been in touch with Marchessault and Gourde?
AA: I've just tried to watch them as much as possible. They had good seasons this year. Yanni Gourde is coming back soon, so I'll be able to talk to him. Marchessault, it's really special what's happening in Vegas - Tampa too. It's been really special this year. No, I haven't spoken to them, but I'm following them closely.
Must be nice to get some mentorship from them...
AA: They for sure talk to me a lot. I follow them too, I try to do a bit of what they're doing. They've gotten where they are because they've worked hard. It would've been easy to give up at 20, 21, but they didn't give up. They kept on working. I look up to them that way.
Tweet from @ArmadaBLB: Quand le capitaine Alexandre Alain marque, son co��quipier Alex Barr��-Boulet lui donne un c��lin... et un bisou? ;) #JembarquedanslArmada #SeriesLHJMQ pic.twitter.com/RVvrI2dljU
You've said that signing with the Canadiens was not only a dream come true, but also the right fit career-wise. How does it feel for it to have worked out that way?
AA: It's a dream come true. It was also a good fit for me; the opportunities were right for me. When I got the news that I got to sign with the Canadiens, | 38,589 |
mark --mark 0x187 \ -m mac --mac-source 11:11:11:11:11:11 \ -j MARK --set-mark 0x0 iptables -I FORWARD \ -m mark --mark 0x187 \ -m mac --mac-source 22:22:22:22:22:22 \ -j MARK --set-mark 0x0 iptables -I FORWARD \ -m set --set blocked_sites dst \ -j MARK --set-mark 0x187
As you can see, because you're not using ipset to do all the matching work as in the previous example, the commands are quite a bit more involved and complex. Because there are multiple iptables commands, it's necessary to recognize that their order is vitally important.
Notice that these rules are being added with the -I option (insert) instead of -A (append). When a rule is inserted, it is added to the top of the chain, pushing all the existing rules down. Because each of these rules is being inserted, the effective order is reversed, because as each rule is added, it is inserted above the previous one.
The last iptables command above actually becomes the first rule in the FORWARD chain. This rule matches all packets with a destination matching the blocked_sites ipset, and then marks those packets with 0x187 (an arbitrarily chosen hex number). The next two rules match only packets from the hosts to be excluded and that are already marked with 0x187. These two rules then set the marks on those packets to 0x0, which "clears" the 0x187 mark.
Finally, the last iptables rule (which is represented by the first iptables command above) drops all packets with the 0x187 mark. This should match all packets with destinations in the blocked_sites set except those packets coming from either of the excluded MACs, because the mark on those packets is cleared before the DROP rule is reached.
This is just one way to approach the problem. Other than using a second ipset, another way would be to utilize user-defined chains.
If you wanted to use a second ipset instead of the mark technique, you wouldn't be able to achieve the exact outcome as above, because ipset does not have a machash set type. There is a macipmap set type, however, but this requires matching on IP and MACs together, not on MAC alone as above.
Cautionary note: in most practical cases, this solution would not actually work for Web sites, because many of the hosts that might be candidates for the blocked_sites set (like Facebook, MySpace and so on) may have multiple IP addresses, and those IPs may change frequently. A general limitation of iptables/ipset is that hostnames should be specified only if they resolve to a single IP.
Also, hostname lookups happen only at the time the command is run, so if the IP address changes, the firewall rule will not be aware of the change and still will reference the old IP. For this reason, a better way to accomplish these types of Web access policies is with an HTTP proxy solution, such as Squid. That topic is obviously beyond the scope of this article.
Automatically Ban Hosts That Attempt to Access Invalid Services
ipset also provides a "target extension" to iptables that provides a mechanism for dynamically adding and removing set entries based on any iptables rule. Instead of having to add entries manually with the ipset command, you can have iptables add them for you on the fly.
For example, if a remote host tries to connect to port 25, but you aren't running an SMTP server, it probably is up to no good. To deny that host the opportunity to try anything else proactively, use the following rules:
ipset -N banned_hosts iphash iptables -A INPUT \ -p tcp --dport 25 \ -j SET --add-set banned_hosts src iptables -A INPUT \ -m set --set banned_hosts src \ -j DROP
If a packet arrives on port 25, say with source address, it instantly is added to banned_hosts, just as if this command were run:
ipset -A banned_hosts
All traffic from is blocked from that moment forward because of the DROP rule.
Note that this also will ban hosts that try to run a port scan unless they somehow know to avoid port 25.
Clearing the Running Config
If you want to clear the ipset and iptables config (sets, rules, entries) and | 38,590 |
Il recente annuncio della prima osservazione di una fusione tra due stelle di neutroni sia attraverso le onde gravitazionali che elettromagnetiche emesse dall’evento Gw 170817, registrato il 17 agosto scorso, ha letteralmente aperto una nuova finestra di osservazione dell’universo. Un nuovo studio, pubblicato su Physical Review Letters, ha ora analizzato come tale, straordinaria, osservazione abbia di fatto sfoltito le innumerevoli teorie riguardo la natura della cosiddetta energia oscura.
Energia oscura è il nome con cui i fisici definiscono – in attesa di darne una spiegazione convincente – la forza misteriosa che mantiene l’espansione dell’universo in continua accelerazione, funzionando come una sorta di antigravità. In estrema sintesi, se la gravità agisce a livello macroscopico per tenere insieme la materia, l’energia oscura fa di tutto per separarla.
La fusione delle due stelle di neutroni ha scosso per un breve istante lo spazio-tempo circostante, dando origine a un impulso di onde gravitazionali, che hanno viaggiato nello spazio per 130 milioni di anni prima di essere rilevate sulla Terra dagli interferometri Ligo e Virgo. La fusione ha prodotto anche una serie di onde elettromagnetiche, tra cui un primo, intenso, bagliore di luce gamma, rilevato dai satelliti Fermi e Integral quasi in contemporanea con le onde gravitazionali, appena due secondi dopo.
Il fatto che onde gravitazionali ed elettromagnetiche siano arrivate pressoché assieme dopo un viaggio così lungo nello spazio rappresenta, fra le innumerevoli cose, un test importante per le diverse teorie attualmente in ballo per spiegare l’energia oscura.
I due autori del nuovo studio spiegano come da questo test siano uscite vincenti le teorie più semplici. Come la costante cosmologica, introdotta nientemeno che da Albert Einstein un secolo fa all’interno del suo lavoro sulla relatività generale. Questa e altre teorie simili e derivate presuppongono che l’energia oscura sia costante sia nello spazio che nel tempo, influenzando alla stessa maniera onde gravitazionali ed elettromagnetiche. Come risulta, appunto, dall’osservazione del 17 agosto.
Anche alcune teorie più complicate o “esotiche” possono reggere la prova della fusione tra stelle di neutroni. Per esempio la cosiddetta massive gravity – che assegna una massa a un’ipotetica particella elementare chiamata gravitone – può risultare corretta se il gravitone ha una massa molto piccola.
I ricercatori notano infine come tutta una classe di teorie, complessivamente note come teorie scalare-tensore, siano messe in seria difficoltà dalle evidenze osservative raccolte durante l’evento di fusione. Fra le teorie che dovrebbero ricorrere a qualche aggiustamento per non essere scartate vengono citate Einstein-aether, simil-MOND, Galileon e Horndeski.
Per saperne di più:
Leggi l’articolo pubblicato su Physical Review Letters “Dark Energy After GW170817: Dead Ends and the Road Ahead”, di Jose María Ez | 38,591 |
T since I thought oGsMC would still come out on top anyways. Also, I was sad since I would knock him out if I had won, and vice versa.
Q. Did you expect the carriers?
A. I think the carrier itself is a decent unit. It's underrated by many people, but it's actually quite good against Terran mech. However, I saw his tech route beforehand, and I was able to defend it easily as there were more phoenixes than there were carriers.
It's very hard to take a second expansion on Scrap Station, so I thought going all-in after taking my natural would be an adequate strategy.
Q. You lost 4:0 to oGsMC in the third open season, but you did very well this time around. What has changed since then?
A. I think it's too early to say anything. I just want to say that I was able to win as we didn't have to practice against each other this time, so we didn't know anything about each other's builds, and the build I used today was too much for him to react on the spot.
Q. What do you think about EGIdrA as your next opponent?
A. I think we're very even. Maps will be the deciding factor, but I can take games from him when I'm lucky, just as he can steal games on his good days. It will be an exciting match.
Q. Any comments to oGsMC?
A. Once again, I'm sorry. I don't want to do another team-kill.
Q. Any comments to the fans?
A. I want to thank Sculp, IMGanZi, oGsNaDa, oGsTOP, oGsHero and oGsTheStC. I also want to thank the fans from all over the world for viewing the games tonight.
Original interview in Korean (www.playxp.com):
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- 한편으론 안도가 되고, 다른 한편으론 같이 숙소생활을 하는 장민철 선수가 탈락하게 되어 미안하다.
▲ 이정훈 전에서 우세하다가 갑자기 해병에 뒤집혔는데?
- 핑계는 아니지만, 그 경기를 잘하지 못했다. 이정훈 선수의 빌드를 어느 정도 예측은 했는데 공성전차를 만들 줄은 몰랐다. 이정훈 선수가 테란 전을 잘하는 것을 알고 있어 빌드를 준비해왔었다. 위험이 많이 따르는 빌드 였고 예상이 빗나가면서 패한 것 같다.
▲ 장민철과 첫 경기 전 침울한 표정을 지었는데? | 38,592 |
뒤 입구로 진입하려 했다. 그때 건설로봇에게 입구 쪽 병력이 발각되어 계획이 틀어졌다.
▲ 다음 상대가 임재덕이다. 패치의 영향이 있을 것으로 생각하나?
- 패치와는 상관없다. 프로토스 대 저그는 밸런스가 안 맞는다고 생각해왔다. 우리 팀에선 저그는 그냥 불쌍한 종족이라고 불린다. 하지만 재덕이 형이니깐 파해법을 들고 나올 것으로 예상된다.
▲ 이번 패치때문에 불사조를 빨리 생산하게 되면서 이득이 있을 것으로 보이는데?
- 정확하게 밝힐 순 없지만 상대방의 빌드 몇 개를 차단할 수 있다는 점인 것 같다. 반면, 저그도 광자포 러쉬에 쉽게 무너지지 않게 됐다는 점도 있다.
▲ 마지막으로?
- 팀을 후원해 주시는 조텍코리아의 서만석 팀장님 응원 와주셨는데 항상 감사드린다. 팀원들과 감독님도 항상 고맙단 말 전하고 싶다. 엄마, 아빠 사랑한다. A. It doesn't feel very good. I expected to lose today, but I think I got lucky and ended up winning. Also, I feel sorry for TheBestfOu.A. I prepared the build beforehand. I analyzed that the opponent likes to play a management style, so I tried to counter his strategy and come up with one of my own.A. I didn't prepare to proxy my gateway. There's a build TheBestfOu uses on Scrap Station that is unbeatable. I know of it, but I haven't been able to beat it yet. I thought that it wouldn't hurt to try so I built my gateway in | 38,593 |
cannot be used after this patch, so that's why I decided to use them today. Things will get better after the patch, but I'm not too sure yet.
Q. Any comments?
A. I want to thank the fans that have been waiting for me to perform. I will pay them back with the championship this season.
Original interview in Korean (www.playxp.com):
+ Show Spoiler + ▲ 8강 진출 소감?
- 너무 기쁘다. 날아갈 것 같다.
▲ 초점을 어디에 맞췄는가?
- 요환이 형만 이기자란 생각으로 연습해왔다. 저그 전은 이전에 했던 것도 있고 원기가 많은 도움을 줘서 도움이 됐었다. 래더에서 게임을 한적이 있는데 그와 똑같이 했었다. 그래서 쉽게 흘러 간 것 같다.
▲ 핵에 미리 대비할 수 있었을 것처럼 보였는데?
- 모니터가 크다 보니 잘 보이지 않는다. 그리고 이것저것 하다보니 소리도 잘 들리지 않았다.
▲ 두 번째 경기 차원 관문 러시는 준비한 전략이었나?
- 정찰하자 마자 입구를 막아야겠다고 생각했다. 이 전략을 사용하면 상대가 대부분 올인이나 멀티를 택하기 때문에 상황에 맞춰 선택했다.
▲ 마지막 경기 올인 러시는 언제 알아챘나?
- 두번 째 정찰을 통해 알아챘다. 그리고는 증폭을 사용하며 계속 파수기만 생산했다. 힘들긴 했지만 ‘역장만 잘 쓰면 막겠다 | 38,594 |
Seit drei Jahren baut Jerusalem bereits an seinem Projekt unter dem größten Friedhof der Stadt, Har ha-Menuchot. Für den Oktober ist die Freigabe des ersten Teils geplant, der Platz für die sterblichen Überreste von 8.000 Personen haben wird. Insgesamt soll der Friedhof unter der Erde einmal 22.000 Grabstellen beherbergen.
Der Großteil dieser „Totenstadt“, wie CNN die Anlage nannte, besteht aus 1,5 Kilometern an unterirdischen Tunneln. Darin befinden sich die Grabstellen in mehreren Schichten übereinander in den Kalksteinwänden. Die Flammen großer mehreckiger Glasleuchten scheinen auf die Kreuzungen des unterirdischen Labyrinths. Fünf große Eingänge führen in die Nekropole, einer davon direkt vom oberirdischen Friedhof. Drei große Aufzüge werden die Besucherinnen und Besucher befördern. Die zentrale Stelle liegt 50 Meter unter der Erde. Auch wenn der Sonnenschein im Sommer den Boden aufheizt, wird es darunter das ganze Jahr über angenehme 23 Grad Celsius haben.
Antikes Vorbild
Das gesamte Projekt des Tel Aviver Architekturbüros Pelleg kostet rund 45 Millionen Euro. Es ist inspiriert von alten jüdischen Beerdigungsriten. Vorbild war etwa die Nekropole von Bet Schearim nahe Haifa. Die Katakomben wurden in der Zeit zwischen zweitem und viertem Jahrhundert nach Christus genutzt. In den einzelnen Höhlen befanden sich bis zu 400 Gräber. Heute zählen sie zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe.
Fotostrecke mit 6 Bildern AP/Oded Balilty AP/Oded Balilty AP/Oded Balilty AP/Oded Balilty AP/Oded Balilty AP/Oded Balilty
Damals, so Amit Reem vom Jerusalemer Institut für Archäologie, zur Nachrichtenagentur AP, beerdigten die Angehörigen die Verstorbenen in den Katakombenhöhlen und verschlossen die Tür mit einem Felsen für acht Monate. „Als die Grabstelle wieder geöffnet wurde, waren darin nur mehr die Knochen ohne Fleisch.“ Diese wurden dann oft in Steinbehältnissen innerhalb der Höhlenkammer, in Ossuarien, aufbewahrt.
Begrenzter „Berg der Ruhenden“
Die jüdischen Bestattungsbräuche verbieten die Einäscherung und erfordern das Beisetzen der Toten im Boden. Laut der jüdischen Beerdigungsgesellschaft stimmt der Bestattungsvorgang in den unterirdischen Tunneln mit jüdischen Regeln überein. Dazu habe man sich von orthodoxen Rabbis beraten lassen. Zudem wünschen sich viele Jüdinnen und Juden eine Beerdigung in Jerusalem. Es heißt, dass sie dann bei der Ankunft des Messias als Erste wieder auferstehen.
AP/Oded Balilty
So wie in vielen Städten geht der Platz für Begräbnisstätten aber auch in Jerusalem zur Neige. Der Friedhof Har ha-Menuchot, übersetzt „Berg der Ruhenden“, gerät trotz seiner rund 150.000 Grabstellen langsam an die Kapazitätsgrenze. Und bis zum Jahr 2050 wird sich die Bevölkerung l | 38,595 |
Most appearances by German players in the European Champion Clubs' Cup/UEFA Champions League (including qualifying)
107: Oliver Kahn (FC Bayern München)
96: Michael Ballack (1. FC Kaiserslautern, Bayer 04 Leverkusen, FC Bayern München, Chelsea FC)
93: Philipp Lahm (FC Bayern München, VfB Stuttgart)
89: Bastian Schweinsteiger (FC Bayern München)
74: Jens Lehmann (Borussia Dortmund, Arsenal FC, VfB Stuttgart)
71: Mehmet Scholl (FC Bayern München)
71: Manuel Neuer (FC Schalke 04, FC Bayern München)
68: Jörg Butt (Hamburger SV, Bayer 04 Leverkusen, FC Bayern München)
68: Thomas Müller (FC Bayern München)
64: Stefan Reuter (FC Bayern München, Borussia Dortmund)
Oliver Kahn ©Bongarts
Top-scoring German players in the European Champion Clubs' Cup/UEFA Champions League (including qualifying)
34: Gerd Müller (FC Bayern München)
27: Mario Gomez (VfB Stuttgart, FC Bayern München)
27: Thomas Müller (FC Bayern München)
17: Michael Ballack (1. FC Kaiserslautern, Bayer 04 Leverkusen, FC Bayern München, Chelsea FC)
16: Dieter Hoeness (FC Bayern München)
16: Karl-Heinz Rummenigge (FC Bayern München)
15: Miroslav Klose (SV Werder Bremen, FC Bayern München)
14: Jupp Heynckes (VfL Borussia Mönchengladbach)
13: Carsten Jancker (FC Bayern München)
13: Bastian Schweinsteiger (FC Bayern München)
12: Marco Reus (Borussia Dortmund)
12: Mehmet Scholl (FC Bayern München)
Most appearances by German players in UEFA club competition*
142: Oliver Kahn (Karlsruher SC, FC Bayern München)
125: Frank Rost (SV Werder Bremen, FC Schalke 04, Hamburger SV)
116: Jens Lehmann (FC Schalke 04, Borussia Dortmund, Arsenal FC, VfB Stuttgart)
112: Stefan Reuter (FC Bayern München, Borussia Dortmund)
110: Philipp Lahm (FC Bayern München, VfB Stuttgart)
109: Stefan Klos (Borussia Dortmund, Rangers FC)
107: Torsten Frings (SV Werder Bremen, Borussia Dortmund, FC Bayern München)
101: Michael Ballack (1. FC Kaiserslautern, Bayer 04 Leverkusen, FC Bayern München, Chelsea FC)
101: Bastian Schweinsteiger (FC Bayern München)
99: Lothar Matthäus (VfL Borussia Mönchengladbach, FC Bayern München, FC Internazionale Milano)
Top-scoring German players in UEFA club competition*
62: Gerd Müller (FC Bayern München)
45: Jupp Heynckes (VfL Borussia Mönchengladbach)
43: Ulf Kirsten (1. FC Dynamo Dresden, Bayer 04 Leverkusen)
39: Karl-Heinz Rummenigge (FC Bayern München, FC Internazionale Milano, Servette FC)
39: Mario Gomez (VfB Stuttgart, FC Bayern München, ACF Fiorentina)
38: Dieter Müller (1. FC Köln, FC Girondins de Bordeaux)
30: Klaus Allofs (Fortuna Düsseldorf, 1. FC Köln, Olympique de Marseille, SV Werder Bremen)
30: Miroslav Klose (1. FC Kaiserslautern, SV Werder Bremen, FC Bayern München, SS Lazio)
28: Dieter Hoeness (VfB Stuttgart, FC Bayern München)
27: Jürgen Klinsmann (VfB Stuttgart, FC Internazionale Milano, AS Monaco FC, FC Bayern München, UC Sampd | 38,596 |
referencia a las instalaciones de la Red de Innovación y Aprendizaje): eso incluye el diploma que les damos, e incluye el cuaderno de trabajo que se llevan…
La expansión nacional de Enova/Proacceso
Apenas en marzo pasado, el nuevo proyecto de Proacceso/Enova comenzó a ser revelado, luego de que la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes del gobierno federal inaugurase 32 centros digitales denominados “Puntos México Conectado”, uno en cada entidad de la república.
Para construir y operar estos centros, la SCT dio contratos a diversas empresas tras una licitación para el arrendamiento del equipo de cómputo26 y para el “outsourcing” del personal.27
Llama la atención que no hay información sobre qué empresa da el servicio de operación y contenidos en ellos, o si hubo alguna licitación.
En una revisión del contenido de los “cursos” que se ofrecen en los centros de la RIA y los “Puntos México Conectado”, se encontró que el contenido y estructura son idénticos. Su similitud es tal que, en sus respectivas páginas de internet, contienen el mismo texto para describirlos.
También se pudo verificar que el despacho de arquitectos Ludens, que desarrolló el diseño de los centros RIA en el Estado de México, fue el encargado de diseñar los puntos de México Conectado.28
Se consultó a la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes, responsable del programa “México Conectado”, sobre quién provee los contenidos y cursos a estos centros digitales, pero esta dependencia guardó silencio, lo mismo que el grupo Enova-Proacceso.
1 Thomas Friedman, “Is Mexico the comeback kid?”, The New York Times, (26/02/2013).
2 Quinta sesión extraordinaria del Comité de Adquisiciones y servicios del Consejo Mexiquense de Ciencia y Tecnología, (23/05/2008).
3 Acta de la décima séptima sesión extraordinaria del Comité de Adquisiciones y Servicios del Consejo Mexiquense de Ciencia y Tecnología, (06/11/2009).
4 Constitución de Asociación Civil No. Entrada 44927 06/02/09, Registro Público Distrito Federal. Directorio de Servidores Públicos, Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público.
5 COMECYT –Oficio de la Unidad de Apoyo Jurídico número 203G10100/079/2015, (11/2/2015).
6 Convenios COMECYT – PROACCESO ECO, A.C. 14/06/2010 y 24/03/2010.
7 COMECYT ACTA/ORD/090511/56.
8 Convenios COMECYT – PROACCESO ECO, A.C. 26/04/2012 y 11/10/2012.
9 Convenio COMECYT – PROACCESO ECO, A.C. 13/02/2013.
10 Convenio COMECYT – PROACCESO ECO, A.C. 11/03/2015.
11 Convenio COMECYT – PROACCESO ECO, A.C. 19/03/2015.
12 Contratos ADE-111/2014 a ADE-133/2014, Gobierno del Estado de México.
13 Anexo 27, PEF 2010.
14 Anexo 35, PEF 2011.
15 Anexo 42, PEF 2012. Convenio CONACYT – | 38,597 |
and then randomly assigning members from each subset into the test and control groups. It wouldn't do for the experimenter to assign subjects to one group or the other after having met the subjects; the experimenter might (consciously or unconsciously) assign healthier patients to one group.
Why are controls important? Because you want a fair comparison. If you choose subjects who are unusually healthy and give them a treatment, you may well get unusually positive results, but it won't tell you much about the treatment. You have to think of all the variables that must be controlled for: temperature, pressure, age of subjects, prior history of disease, etc, and make sure that your subjects and your controls are balanced on these variables. You might think that in some cases you can use historical values: in the general population, x% are prone to get disease D, and they recover in y days on average. Using such historical figures is fraught with danger, because you don't know how your population of subjects or your experimental conditions differ from the historical norms. It is far safer to use a real control group, as well as a test group. As Geneticist Gerald Fink (quoted by Natalie Angier ) says " In my life as a scientist, the thing I worry about the most is, What are the right controls? You send a paper off for publication, and you're stricken with doubt: Did I do it? Did I use the right controls? "
There is no way to know for sure which possibility holds, but there arethat can dilute the credibility of an experiment. In Part I we look at warning signs in the design of an experiment that can render it uninformative; in Part II at warning signs in the interpretation of an experiment that can lead the reader to give it more credibility than it deserves. The presence of any one warning sign does not invalidate a study -- there certainly are valid and convincing studies that are not randomized, for example -- but the more warning signs the more skeptical you should be.
Most people say the rightmost plot is "most random". Those with some statistical sophistication suspect it may berandom, and pick the middle plot. In fact, it is the leftmost plot that is a uniform random sample of 250 points on the unit square. In the middle plot, the grid is divided into the 25 squares shown by the light lines, and ten points are placed (with a random uniform distribution) in each of the 25 squares. The plot on the right is formed in a similar way, except it is composed of 64 smaller squares (not shown by lines), each of which has 4 points placed at random. People don't like the leftmost plot because it has several clumps of points that seem non-random. In fact, true randomness consists of a mixture of clumps and non-clumps. Randomness is different from homogeneity.
Here's another example: guess which of these four squares was generated with each tick mark independent of the one before it in left-to-right top-to-bottom order?
|-|-|--||-|----||-|-|-|||- -||--|-|-||-|-||-||-|--|-| -|-|||-----|-------||--|- ---||-|--|------|||||||||| -|-|-|||-|-||-|--|--||-|-| --||---|--||--|-|--|-|-|-- -||--|||||--|--|-|||-|||| -||-------|-----||-----|-- ||-|-||||||-|--|-||--|-|-| ---|-|-|--||-|-|||-|--|-|| --||----||-||-|----|--|-| |----|---|-||||||||------- |--|-|-|--|-|-||-|-|-|-|-| --|-|-||--|--||-||-|-|-||- ||-|-|-|||-||--|||-|-|||| -|||---||||||||||||--|--|| -|-|-|-|-|-|-||-|-||-|-|-- -|-||--||-||-||-|-|--|-||| |-|||-|-|--||-|-|-||--|-- ---||||---|----|-|||||---- -|--||-|-||-|-||-|---|---- |-||||-||-|||-|-|||-||---| ||-|--|-----|----|---||-- ------------------|||||||| |-|-|--|-|-|||-|-|-|-|||-- |-|-|-||--|--|---|-|--||-| ||---|---|-||||-|||||-|-| ||--|||||||----------||||| --|-|-|-||-|-|-||-|-|-|-|| -|-|||--|-||-||-|-|-||---| | | 38,598 |
---|---||-||||-|-|------ ||||||||--|||--|---------- --|-|-|-|-|-|--||--|-|--|| -|--||----|||-|-||-|-||-|- -|---|-|||-|---||-||-|--- -|||||||---|||||-------||| --||-|-|--||-|-|--|||||--| ||-|||-|-|-||-|--|-|-||||- |||-||----||||||-|||||--- -|||||||||--|-------|||-|| -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|--|-|-|--- ---||-|-|||--|-|-|---|-|-- |-|------||----||-||----- |||--||||||||-|||||------| ||-----|-||-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- |||--|--|-|-||-||-|-|-||-| -|||-|||-|--|--|-||------ ||--|----||||-------||---- (A) (B) (C) (D)
I asked 10 people; 2 said A, 6 said B, 2 said C, and none said D. Everyone agreed that D has too many long runs of horizontal or vertical marks. Of the others there was disagreement, but the majority said B was about right: not too many long runs, nor too few. In fact C is the correct answer; in C each tick mark is the same as the one before it with probability 1/2. In A the marks flip from one direction to the other 3/4 of the time; in B 2/3 of the time, and in D 1/4 of the time. Presumably my subjects didn't like C because of the several long runs of 6 or 7 ticks in a row. But a run of 7 tick marks should occur with probability 1/64, so in a sample of 300 tick marks, you should expect about 4 or 5 of them. Yet when they do occur, people see it as a pattern, not as randomness.
The UK's National Radiological Protection Board stated that it considers mobile phones safe in relation to cancer. "Radio waves do not have sufficient energy to damage genetic material in cells directly and therefore cannot cause cancer." They have a theory about how radio waves might cause cancer. (It was this theory (not Relativity) that won the Nobel Prize for Einstein, and so it is said that Einstein proved cell phones do not cause cancer.) As long as this theory is correct, statistical correlations about cancer clusters and cell-phone masts do not matter. (Of course, statistical results might cause the Board or others to re-evaluate the theory.) Having a theory is part of having a specific hypothesis, and in fact it is impossible to do a proper experiment without at least a skeleton of a theory. Why not? Can't an experiment test the hypothesis that treatment X is effective against disease D, but I don't know why? Actually it is fine to propose that "X prevents disease D in a way similar to other treatments". That counts as a partial theory. Suppose you did a trial of treatment X and found no effect. But a critic says "that's because you did the experiment on a Thursday, and X doesn't work on Thursdays". Or "X only works for subjects wearing purple shoes who have an even number of vowels in their middle name." The critic has a different theory of how the treatment works, and thus of what variables must be controlled for. Without some such theory, you can't do any experiment.
OK, we know a randomized controlled trial is best, but exactly what should we control? That's a difficult question, answered only by experience. Consider this passage, from Richard Feynman's 1974 commencement address on Cargo Cult Science:
There have been many experiments running rats through all kinds of mazes, and so on--with little clear result. But in 1937 a man named Young did a very interesting one. He had a long corridor with doors all along one side where the rats came in, and doors along the other side where the food was. He wanted to see if he could train the rats to go in at the third door down from wherever he started them off. No. The rats went immediately to the door where the food had been the time before. The question was, how did the rats know, because the corridor was so beautifully built and so uniform, that this was the same door as before? Obviously there was something about the door that was different from the other doors. So he painted the doors very carefully, arranging the textures on the faces of the doors exactly the same. Still the rats could tell. Then he thought maybe the rats were smelling the food, so he used chemicals to change the smell after each run. Still the rats could tell. Then he realized the rats might be able to tell by seeing the lights and the arrangement in the laboratory like any | 38,599 |
Subsets and Splits