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ui) – stolen base
得点 (tokuten) – run
打点 (daten) – runs batted in
打率 (daritsu) – batting average
出塁率 (shutsuruiritsu) – on-base percentage
長打率 (choudaritsu) – slugging percentage
勝利 (shouri) – win
敗戦 (haisen) – loss
セーブ (seebu) – save
防御率 (bougyoritsu) – earned-run average
三振 (sanshin) – strikeout
四球, フォアボール (shikyuu or foa-booru) – walk
死球, デッドボール (shikyuu or deddo-booru) – beanball
Interestingly, both walks and beanballs are shikyuu in Japanese, but the first kanji in each word is different. The first kanji for walks means “four” – four balls equals a walk! The first kanji for beanballs is “death.” Beanballs are also sometimes called デッドボール (deddo-booru – dead ball) in Japanese.
イチローは2004年のシーズンで262安打を打って、新記録を達成しました。(Ichiro wa nisenyonnen no shiizunn de nihyakurokujuuni anda wo utte, shinkiroku wo tassei shimashita.) – In the 2004 season, Ichiro set a new record with 262 hits.
この試合、鈴木投手はコントロールうまくいってないな。四球ばかり出している。(Kono shiai, Suzuki toushu wa kontorooru umaku ittenai na. Shikyuu bakari dashiteiru.)– Suzuki doesn’t have good control over his pitches in this game. He’s getting nothing but walks.
Some baseball terms which are used idiomatically
A breaking ball is called a 変化球 (henkakyuu) in Japanese. 変化球 is sometimes used idiomatically to respond to something (ex. a proposal or recommendation) you weren’t expecting.
えっ!変化球しないでよ!(E? Henkakyuu shinaide yo!) – What? Are you serious? Don’t throw me a curveball like that!
Also from the pitching world, Japanese use the English word “strike,” only it’s pronounced ストライク sutoraiku. Idiomatically, a ストライク is something that hits a target or is right on the money.
今年の夏のキャンペーンはストライクだ。Kotoshi no natsu no kyanpeen wa sutoraiku da.) – This year’s summer campaign is right on target.
Finally, although athletes in Japan are generally more low-key and don’t like to gloat, you’ll occasionally see a fist-pump or two when a player comes up big in the clutch. This is called a ガッツポーズ gattsu poozu in Japanese, which comes from the English “guts” and “pose.” Non-athletes will sometimes pull a ガッツポーズ when they do something that goes down well – like a funny joke at the bar or an idea that gets approved at an informal meeting.
Congratulations! You have now learned the basic baseball vocabulary and cultural information you need to understand a game and chat about the sport with your Japanese friends or language exchange partner! If you’re watching a game and recognize one of the terms you learned here, or use one in conversation, go ahead and give yourself a ガッツポーズ!
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And One More Thing…
If you love learning cool, relevant Japanese lessons like this, then I should also | 38,600 |
Dicht gedrängt saßen die Besucher an den Frühstückstischen der Anti-Atom-Meile auf der Industriestraße.
Bleckenstedt 1500 Besucher kommen zur Frühstücksmeile, trotzen dem Aprilwetter und protestieren gegen die Atompolitik.
Frühmorgens phasenweise Hagel- und Schneeschauer verbunden mit frostigem Wind – mittags viel Sonnenschein und „Kuschel-Atmosphäre“ an den Frühstückstischen auf der Industriestraße Nord. Die vierspurige Straße vor dem Endlager für schwach- und mittelradioaktive Abfälle Schacht Konrad war auf einer Länge von gut anderthalb Kilometern den ganzen Tag gesperrt.
2611 Nfotdifo- tp ejf Qpmj{fj- bvt Tbm{hjuufs voe efs Sfhjpo tbàfo {vtbnnfo bvg efs cvoufo Gsýituýdltnfjmf voe ibuufo ýcfsxjfhfoe hvuf Mbvof/ Bvdi xfoo efs Bombtt fjo tfis fsotufs xbs; Wps esfjàjh Kbisfo hftdibi efs Tvqfshbv jn Lfsosfblups cfj Utdifsopczm- wps gýog Kbisfo ibwbsjfsuf ebt Bupnlsbguxfsl )BLX* jn kbqbojtdifo Gvlvtijnb/ Ijfsbo xvsef hfebdiu voe fsjoofsu/ Efs Tp{jbmejblpo jo Sfouf Qbvm Lpdi tqsbdi nju efs Xfjàsvttjo Boob Gjutfwb- ejf wpo efo wfsiffsfoefo Gpmhfo efs Utdifsopczm.Lbubtuspqif wps Psu cfsjdiufuf/ Tjf voufsufjmf ebt Mfcfo jo {xfj Bctdiojuuf/ Ebt Mfcfo wps efn Vohmýdl voe ebt ebobdi/ Voe mfu{ufsft tfj hfqsåhu wpo Njttcjmevohfo voe Lsfctfslsbolvohfo voe {bimsfjdifo Upuhfcvsufo jo jisfs Ifjnbu/ Bvdi jo Gvlvtijnb tfj ejf Tjuvbujpo gýog Kbisf ebobdi opdi jnnfs wfsiffsfoe- cfsjdiufu efs jo Csbvotdixfjh mfcfoef kbqbojtdif Gjmnfnbdifs Ublbtij Lvojnpup/ Ejf Bupn.Mpccz tfjoft Mboeft cffjogmvttf epsu ejf Nfejfo/ ‟Ejf Kbqbofs ofjhfo eb{v- ebt Uifnb {v wfsesåohfo”- tbhu Lvojnpup/ Ebt tfif fs bvdi bo tfjofo epsu mfcfoefo Wfsxboeufo/ Bcfs bvdi ejf bluvfmmf Tjuvbujpo jo efs Sfhjpo vn Tdibdiu Lposbe voe efo Bttf.Tdibdiu pefs bvdi ebt BLX Hspioef- ebt Ovlmfbsufdiojl.Voufsofinfo Fdlfsu voe [jfhmfs jo Csbvotdixfjh tuboefo jn Gplvt efs Lsjujl bo efo Ujtdifo voe bvg efs Cýiof/ ‟Xjefstfu{u Fvdi — bo ejf Gsýituýdltujtdif” — tp ejf m | 38,601 |
Förtroendet för public service, eller radio och tv i allmänhetens tjänst, ligger fortfarande högt. Men enligt siffror från SOM-institutet sjönk andelen som har stort eller ganska stort förtroende för SVT förra året från 77 till 73 procent.
Störst nedgång har skett de senaste åren bland unga och bland dem som anser att de ligger klart till höger på den politiska skalan.
– Det handlar dels om erfarenhet. Om man känner till en verksamhet brukar man ha högre förtroende. Yngre tittar inte lika mycket på SVT och lyssnar inte lika mycket på Sveriges Radio, säger Ulrika Andersson, forskare på SOM-institutet vid Göteborgs universitet.
– Det finns andra medier som kanske passar bättre med den verklighetsbild man har. Det gäller även för dem som befinner sig på högerkanten.
Unga tappar förtroende för public service.
Personer som anser sig stå långt till höger tappar mest förtroende för SVT och SR. (stort/ganska stort 2010-2017)
Sverigedemokrater litar inte på SVT
Förtroendet från väljarna från olika partier skiljer sig inte så mycket åt enligt SOM. Omkring fyra av fem har stort eller ganska stort förtroende. Men det gäller inte ett av partierna – bland Sverigedemokrater har färre än hälften stort eller ganska stort förtroende för SVT.
Sverigedemokrater har mycket lägre förtroende för SVT,S R, UR än andra.
– Att det ändå är så pass högt. Jag trodde det skulle ha sjunkit mer, säger Aron Emilsson som är SD:s kulturpolitiske talesperson när han får se siffrorna.
Han tror inte att SD:s väljare känner igen sig i SVT:s och SR:s sätt att beskriva samhället.
– Jag tror att det visar på en tydlig spricka i tilliten till samhällskontraktet och i förtroendet mellan allmänheten och etablerade institutioner i demokratin som medierna är en del av. Man känner inte längre att medierna speglar den verklighetsbild man själv har, det man ser runtomkring sig, och de samhällsproblem man står inför, säger Emil Aronsson.
Men tycker du att SVT är vänstervridet?
– Det finns en tydlig sådan slagsida och den måste man komma till bukt med, säger Aron Emilsson som vill se en bättre granskningfunktion som kan bedöma opartiskhet.
Delar man upp siffrorna för Sverigedemokraterna ytterligare ser man att allra minst förtroende har de som är starkt övertygade anhängare. Där misstror tre av fyra personer public service.
Invandringsfrågan avgör
På högerbloggar och i sociala medier finns hård kritik mot public service som uppfattas som både falskt och vänstervridet. | 38,602 |
Corpus‐based word frequencies are one of the most important predictors in language processing tasks. Frequencies based on conversational corpora (such as movie subtitles) are shown to better capture the variance in lexical decision tasks compared to traditional corpora. In this study, we show that frequencies computed from social media are currently the best frequency‐based estimators of lexical decision reaction times (up to 3.6% increase in explained variance). The results are robust (observed for Twitter‐ and Facebook‐based frequencies on American English and British English datasets) and are still substantial when we control for corpus size.
1 Introduction Word frequency is arguably the most important determinant of reaction times in word‐recognition tasks (Howes & Solomon, 1951). Thus, obtaining reliable word frequency estimates is an important endeavor in cognitive sciences and psycholinguistics (Brysbaert & New, 2009). Substantial word frequency effects have been observed in a variety of tasks ranging from naming latencies (Carroll & White, 1973), to fixation durations in eye‐tracking experiments (Juhasz & Rayner, 2006), to blood oxygenation level in neuroimaging studies (Chee, Venkatraman, Westphal, & Siong, 2003). However, the most frequently used task in which word frequency effects are crucial is the lexical decision, in which participants are presented with letter strings and asked to judge, as fast as possible, whether the string represents a real word or not. In these conditions, typically, reaction times of participants are shorter in recognizing high‐frequency words as opposed to low‐frequency words. Although the interpretation of the word frequency effect is still debated (Baayen, 2010), the reliability of the empirical effect is beyond doubt. Given the pervasiveness of word frequency effects, it is crucial to control for word frequency in cognitive science and neuroscience experiments involving language. Although alternative methods have been used (e.g., subjective frequency ratings, Balota, Pilotti, & Cortese, 2001), the most widespread approach in collecting word frequencies is to process large text collections (corpora) and count word occurrences within them. However, corpus‐based approaches introduce a new question: Which corpus should one use? The source corpus obviously has an impact on the quality of the obtained frequency measures, where “quality” is defined here as the ability to capture data variance that is cognitively relevant. That is, if word frequency has to explain language processing, the source corpus should preferably represent the language experience of speakers. Historically, the most popular word frequency datasets used in psycholinguistics, such as the Kucera and Francis norms (Kučera & Francis, 1967) and CELEX (Baayen, Piepenbrock, & Gulikers, 1995), were based on traditional corpora. Traditional corpora mostly include written samples of newspapers, textbooks, novels, and magazines. These provide a very limited approximation of speakers' experience. This type of text is usually heavily edited, uses exaggerated lexical variation, and is focused on few, limited topics detached from everyday social interactions (Brysbaert & New, 2009). In other words, they are characterized by a register that is very different from the spontaneous, natural usage of language. In this perspective, the World Wide Web can be exploited as potential source of linguistic data that are closer to everyday experience. Burgess and Livesay (1998) proposed to employ user groups as supplies of frequency data. These groups collect unsupervised discussions between different users about a number of topics and can thus provide examples of linguistics interactions whose register is closer to natural language usage. Indeed, these frequency data (released by Balota et al., 2007) proved to be a reliable predictor of lexical decision latencies (Burgess & Livesay, 1998; Brysbaert & New, 2009). More recently, a number of frequency databases have been developed based on television subtitles. This approach has been extremely successful in predicting response times, and now subtitle frequency databases are available for a number of different languages (Brysbaert & New, 2009; Cai & Brysbaert, 2010; Dimitropoulou, Duñabeitia, Avilés, Corral, & Carreiras, 2010; Keuleers, Brysbaert, & New, 2010; Brysbaert et al., 2011; Vega, Nosti, Gutiérrez, & Brysbaert, 2011; Mandera, Keuleers, Wodniecka, & Brysbaert, 2014; van Heuven, Mandera, Keuleers, & Brysbaert, 2014). One explanation why subtitle databases are better predictors of word processing is that they are closer to natural language use than traditional corpora, providing example of dialogues during social interactions. In this study, we take the tapping‐more‐natural‐context approach one step further and test Facebook and Twitter as sources for frequency norms to be used | 38,603 |
nghiện để giúp họ nhận sự giúp đỡ và đồng ý tham gia chương trình điều trị. Một phần của quá trình này liên quan đến sự thay đổi thái độ để khiến người nghiện chịu trách nhiệm đối với hành vi nghiện ngập của mình thay vì đổ lỗi cho người khác.
Đây không phải là điều mà các thành viên gia đình có thể tự làm được một cách dễ dàng. Sẽ không thực tế khi mong đợi người nghiện tự động chịu trách nhiệm về hành vi nghiện của bản thân. Điều chủ yếu trong gia đình là phải yêu thương lẫn nhau và chăm sóc cho các thành viên, thực hiện can thiệp cai nghiện chỉ là một vấn đề nảy sinh khi bỗng nhiên có một người nghiện trong gia đình. Không có gia đình nào chuẩn bị trước cho tình huống này.
Thật khó khăn khi để cho gia đình tự tìm cách can thiệp và giúp người thân của họ cai nghiện. Họ có thể làm việc với một chuyên gia tư vấn về vấn đề này, và chuyên gia sẽ giúp gia đình biết cách thuyết phục người nghiện chấp nhận sự giúp đỡ, tham gia điều trị.
Tại sao phương pháp tiếp cận này hoạt động tốt?
Mô hình này hoạt động bởi vì nó có một khuôn khổ và một hướng đi mà gia đình không thể tự làm được. Chỉ đơn gi | 38,604 |
ولم تك قبله إلا خرابا ، خمولا غير معروف بخير
فلما حلها عادت رياضا ، منضرة من التقوى وذكر
مكللة بأزهار المزايا ، وأزهار المزايا خير زهر
ألا يا مالطة كوني سلاما ، على محمودنا الراضي بقدر
إمام الخلق قدوتهم جميعا ، له كرم إلى الآفاق يسري
جنيد العصر سري الزمان ، غيوث فيوضه تهمي وتجري
فريد في خلائقه العذاب ، وحيد في التقى من غير فخر
أشد الناس أمثلهم بلاء ، فيا شمس الهدى يا طود صبر
ذكرنا يوسف الصديق لما ، أسرت بغير استحقاق أسر
لحر البين في صدر الكئيب ، تفيض دموعه حمراً كجمر
سينزلك العزيز محل عز ، ويضرك النصير أعز نصر
سيكفيك الإله فأنت مرء ، كفاك الله قدما كل شر
Fiqh lessons from ‘Safarnāmah Asīre Malta’
Whilst reading Mawlānā Ḥusayn Aḥmad Madnī’s account of their incarceration in Malta, several jurisprudential points and interesting facts caught my attention. I thought it useful to mention some of these here for the benefit of readers:
Shaykh al-Hind had already distributed his inheritance to his heirs in India prior to his journey to Hejaz and incarceration (p.38). (There is a difference of opinion in relation to whether the rules of inheritance or gifts will apply, as outlined on the following link: https://islamicportal.co.uk/distribution-of-wealth-before-demise/). Mawlānā Ḥusayn Aḥmad Madnī memorised the entire Quran during his stay in Malta and also recited it to Shaykh al-Hind in Ramaḍān in Nawāfil Ṣalāh after the Tarāwīḥ Ṣalāh (p. 194). The other prisoners were accustomed to the recitation of the final ten chapters in Tarāwīḥ Ṣalāh, so Shaykh al-Hind did not persist. In fact, during the siege of Taif prior to their arrest, Shaykh al-Hind and his colleagues performed Tarāwīḥ Ṣalāh in this manner (p.68). Whilst in the blessed city of Madīnah, Shaykh al-Hind and Mawlānā Khalīl Aḥmad Sahāranpūrī (d. 1346/1927) granted the local scholars and students ijāzah in ḥadīth following the recital of al-Awāʾil al-Sunbuliyyah. Mawlānā Ḥusayn A� | 38,605 |
Marsa, also known as the Ottoman Military Cemetery. The cemetery was built in 1290 (1874) as marked above the door of the graveyard.
The Ottoman Sultan Abdulaziz commissioned it to replace an earlier Muslim cemetery. The Turkish government maintains it today and permission is required from the Turkish Embassy to visit it, although sometimes the staff permit entry, we are told. Until the construction of the Mariam Al-Batool Mosque in Paola, it was also used as the prayer facility by the Muslims. The cemetery was also referred to Mahomedan Cemetery and the Martyrs Cemetery, because it is home to the graves of some Turkish prisoners of war.
Shaykh al-Hind and his colleagues visited this graveyard on several occasions. Mawlānā Ḥusayn Aḥmad Madnī provides a diagram of the graveyard in his Safarnāmah Asīre Malta (p. 176) and makes reference to Sultan Abdulaziz (p. 175). It was here that an Ottoman prisoner Ali Beg was bathed and buried after being executed, he had requested Shaykh al-Hind to be present during his execution and lead his Janāzah Ṣalāh (p. 173). Subsequently, Shaykh al-Hind and his colleagues would visit his grave whenever they visited the graveyard (p.177).
On 9 Dhū al-Qaʿdah 1336 (16 August 1918), Ḥakīm Nuṣrat Ḥusayn, a colleague of Shaykh al-Hind passed away, he was also buried in this cemetery. His Janāzah Ṣalāh was led by Shaykh al-Hind. Colonel Ashraf Beg (Esref Bey) paid for the transportation and gravestone costs whilst the other burial costs were paid for by Shaykh al-Hind and his colleagues (p. 201-2).
Unfortunately, today is a public holiday in Malta, and we are unable to enter the graveyard. We offer our Salāms and prayers from the outside. I had personally wanted to observe the grave of Ḥakīm Nuṣrat Ḥusayn and the gravestone mentioned by Mawlānā Ḥusayn Aḥmad Madnī (p. 201), containing the following text:
هذا قبر الحكيم السيد نصرت حسين من أهل كورا جهان آباد الهند، أسر بمكة مع حضرة العلامة الشيخ محمود حسن، صدر المدرسين بكلية ديوبند في الحرب العمومي، وتوفي أسيرا في تاسع ذي القعدة سنة ١٣٣٧ هجرة النبي سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، رحمه الله رحمة واسعة، وله الفاتحة
We learn later that today is Sette Giugno (Italian for 7 June), a Maltese national holiday which is celebrated annually on 7 June. It commemorates events which occurred on this day in 1919 when British troops fired into a crowd and killed four people, following a series of riots by the local people.
Jumuʿah Ṣalāh
We return to the Al Fateh Mosque in Floriana after midday. People have started to gather for Jumuʿah Salah. To our amazement, some 1200 people have gathered well in advance of the Jumuʿah Salah time of 1.30pm. Yesterday, the number of attendees in Ṣalāh were in the tens and we did not envisage this many people to attend Friday Ṣalāh. People are sitting in the courtyard outside in the heat due to the overspill. Shortly after 1pm, Mufti Ahmed Khanpuri Sahib starts to deliver his lecture in Urdu. There is pin drop silence as the whole congregation is fully focused, although 99% of the attendees do not understand Urdu. My colleague Mawlana Rafiq Sufi translates into English whilst I translate into Arabic. The main ethnicities are Arab and African, English is required for the | 38,606 |
to join us in our trip to Malta, but could not do so due to unforeseeable circumstances.
The life of Shaykh al-Hind and Shaykh al-Islam is one of sacrifice, endurance, perseverance and service. The late Mufakkir al-Ummah Mawlānā ʿAbdullāh Kāpodrawī (d. 1439/2018) once said to me, “Ibn Taymiyyah Raḥimahullāh was among those luminaries who excelled in writing and fighting. He was صاحب السيف والقلم. There are not many examples of luminaries who combine both. He was ahead in the battlefield as well. His opponents conducted a lot of propaganda against him.” Undoubtedly, both Shaykh al-Hind and Shaykh al-Islam were also from this category of scholars whose efforts were not confined to teaching or academia. The story of their incarceration in Malta for three years is testament to their all roundedness.
In a recent talk about our trip to Uzbekistan at the Lammack Prayer facility in Blackburn, I mentioned that we should make all of our international trips to other than the three holy places (Makkah, Madinah, al-Quds) a form of worship by making two primary intentions:
The first is education. This can take various forms: Meeting scholars, visiting historical places, accessing manuscripts and books, visiting museums and libraries, delivering speeches, learning about our heritage and history, and connecting with the local people. The second is to ascertain the needs of the local people, this includes their spiritual, economic, social and personal needs. This in itself is an act of reward even if a person is unable to provide support at that time. Supplications can be made and relevant organisations, charities and individuals can also be directed to provide support.
Malta is a popular holiday destination. We only stayed for two days, there are many more historical sites and places to visit. It requires at least a few days. The Muslim population is also increasing, and with the influx of refugees, their spiritual and personal needs require examining. Some of the indigenous Maltese people are also reverting to Islam. If a person visits with the aforementioned intentions, he can transform his journey into an act of immense reward and also benefit from the perks of a popular destination in the Mediterranean.
Note: The Egyptian Shaykh Muḥammad ʿAbdurraḥmān al-Ṣabāḥī wrote a book in Arabic ‘Khamsa Sinīn fī Magāwir al-Asr’ which details his incarceration in Malta. The book was published from Egypt in 1922. We are in the process of acquiring a PDF of this book from McGill University (Montreal, Canada) as we understand he was incarcerated in the same prison and met Shaykh al-Hind. He was probably imprisoned in the Arab Camp. The book may provide further certainty in relation to the location of the prison and also other relevant information. The following entry confirms the subject of the book and its publication date:
جاء في جامع التصانيف الحديثية التي طبعت في البلاد الشرقية والغربية والأمريكية من سنة ١٩٢٠ إلى سنة ١٩٢٦ ميلادية الموافقة لسني الهجرة من ١٣٣٩ إلى ١٣٤٥ (ص ١٧): ((خمس سنين في مغاور الأسر)) ألف هذا الكتاب محمد عبد الرحمن أفندي الصباحي من مصطاي المنوفية، وصف فيه عواطفه مدة اعتقاله في مالطه. مصر، ١٩٢٢، انتهى۔
Yusuf Shabbir
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got quite a few GD & JGB sbds to trade for the same so hit me up at gr8fulwanderer@
namaste i have the sbd of this one for trade. might as well since it seems to be there comes a time when the corporate junkie needs it's fix and the love suffers unduly.got quite a few GD & JGB sbds to trade for the same so hit me up at gr8fulwanderer@ yahoo.com namaste - June 12, 2006Spectacular!!!
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Subject: available on gdlive.com
cheers this gem of a show that is perhaps the show phil writes about in his book is also available in shn format on gdlive.com cheers - April 8, 2006available on gdlive.com
Reviewer: gruUbic - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - March 18, 2006
Subject: el jam espanol *****
“If you were here, you could help me.” (but you are not here)
Due to their place structure, every modal operator can also be used without the restrictor phrase. Usually, this will mean using it with the adverbial tone or as the head of the main predicate phrase. An unrestricted ao corresponds to a bare if-less would-sentence in English, for example:
Ảo pủa súq.
Pủa ão súq.
“You would have a good time.” (but you are doing something else)
Adverbs of quantification
Adverbs of quantification (such as “usually”, “sometimes”, “always”, “often”) follow the same place structure pattern as modals.
/1: ___ is [adverb-ly] the case. /2: ___ is [adverb-ly] the case in world(s) where ___ is the case.
As such, they, too, appear either restricted or unrestricted:
Dàqfāı jîobūı jí bı kảqsī jí séoq.
“Often if I’m outside, I look at the sky.”
Dảqfāı kảqsī jí séoq. /
Kảqsī dãqfāı jí séoq. /
Dãqfāı bı kảqsī jí séoq.
“I often look at the sky.”
Since Toaq derives adverbs and prepositions productively from its verb forms, modal operators, adverbs of quantification and so on form an open class in Toaq, which means that as many kinds of operators as needed can be created easily. This is convenient, because there is a huge number of potentially useful modals.
To exemplify this, let us consider deontic modality. Deontic modality is a large group of modalities that indicate how the world ought to be according to certain norms. One important subkind is formed by the pair legal necessity and legal possibilty.
These can be considered subtypes of the logical kind with additional restrictions built into the possible worlds. More specifically, we can define legal necessity and legal possibility via logical necessity and logical possibility by restricting the possible worlds to those worlds where everybody acts according to the law:
Legal necessity claims are true iff they are true in all legally perfect worlds.
= [∀w : w ∈ L] P in w
= “For all worlds w in of all the legally perfect worlds L, P is true in w.”
(and likewise for legal possibility)
Bủ jủaodāı mủaqtūa súq jí.
“You cannot kill me” (meaning you killing me would be against the law)
“In no relevant possible world where everyone acts according to the law do you kill me.”
Jùaoshē bûa hó ní jỉo bı tẻq hó.
“If they live in this building, they must pay.” (not paying would be violate a law)
“Every relevant possible world where they live in this building and where everyone acts according to the law is a world where they pay.”
There are countless other varieties of necessity and possibility, and compiling an exhaustive list is way outside the scope of this article[11]. There is comfort in knowing that as many subtypes as needed can be derived via the usual compounding machinery.
In this article we saw how Toaq unifies conditionals and modality into one coherent system. We will wrap up with another list of examples.
Ảo pủ jẻa jí máq da. /
Pủ jẻa ão jí máq da.
“I would have bought it.” (but the circumstances were different)
Ào pû nủaımīa jí bı pủ jẻa jí máq da.
“If I had been rich, I would have bought it.” (but I wasn’t rich)
Ẻa pủ tủa dủa jí súq hó | 38,609 |
A/N: Strong Language. Borrowing the character "Casado" from the Film "Pride and Glory"
Mother's lock up your Daughters, your Sisters, your Nieces. Your Aunts and hot neighbours. Eladio Casado was in town. He changed every-time came to California. Today he was going for a smart casual look.
Casado wore a Lime green T-shirt with suit trousers and a dark grey Jacket. He pulled up outside Melendez's house and put on his shades. He grabbed the bouquet of flowers and sharply knocked on his old friend's door. Casado's smile disappeared when a stranger opened the door.
"Umm….are you Gilly's House slave or something?" Casado asked.
"Who the fuck…." The guy said. Casado barged past the guy, when he saw Melendez in the hallway.
"Gilly!" Casado shouted holding the Bouquet of flowers out.
"Cas!" Gilly shouted back. They hugged and started talking at the same time.
"Triste…..where are my fucking manners. You go first Gil. How's your Esposa, and your niña?" Casado asked.
"Good" Melendez said. He remembered his friend and introduced him to the visitor.
"Casado, the guy who opened the door is Nick Diaz, you know the fighter that I told you about?" Melendez said. Casado nodded. He held his hand out toward's Nick. Nick didn't take it.
"Así que usted es una casa de esclavos y el derecho luchador?" Casado asked. Nick looked at Melendez.
"Cas, Nick's a Little rusty on the Spanish, just English, yeah?" Melendez said. When Casada went to the bathroom Nick looked at Casado's car outside, while Melendez put Casado's flowers in water.
"Nick, you're gonna love Casado. He's gonna take us to the hottest places in the city" Melendez said.
"Just tell the dude, I don't speak Spanish" Nick said.
"Nick...I already said that you're rusty. We'll speak English, from now on. I Promise" Melendez said. Melendez kept his promise, but Casado didn't. Nick's little Brother Nate met them all after Training. Casado said that he was going to take them out for something to eat.
"McD's is like...round the corner" Nate said.
"Ahh...you're funny Neil" Casado said.
"It's Nate" Nate said.
"Whatever. I'm taking you guys to Cain's. You know, the popular Spanish Restaurant...takes years to get in there, but I know the owner" Casado said proudly.
"Really...what's the owners name then?" Nate asked.
"Cain, Dumbass" Casado said quickly.
The tension only got worse as they got ready to go the Restaurant. Melendez and the Diaz Brothers all wore dark casual clothes, but for some reason Casado wasn't happy with Nick and Nate's choices.
"You're going like that?" Casado asked.
"It's better than the shit you've got on" Nate said. Casado ignored the comment and opened the front door for Melendez. They all began to walk out to the car.
"He's paying for this shit" Nate muttered. Nick nodded. Casado reached the Restaurant and threw the keys at the Valet guy. He walked past the line of people waiting to get in. Casado smiled at the woman with the check-list.
"Can I help you?" She said sternly.
"Yes, We have one table booked under Casado" Casado said. As the woman started looking at the list, Nick kind of wished that Casado wasn't on the list.
Yes, Nick was hungry and he didn't like the way the people in line where staring at him. But it would have been cool to see the Horror on Casado's face if he was rejected in front of everyone.
"Wait a minute there Sir" The woman said. If Casado was nervous he hid it well. The woman went back into the restaurant. They stood there until Nate started getting bored.
"Fuck it, let's go" Nate said.
"Are you crazy Neil?" Casado asked. Nate was about to swear back, when the woman came back out.
"Sorry about that, Cain wanted to greet you personally Mr Casado. Please go in" She stepped back and Casado smiled and pushed Melendez in. The Diaz Brother's followed them.
Casado was instantly greeted by a huge guy | 38,610 |
ives you can use to guess how other adjectives with similar endings will change.
Content (happy)
Masculine singular: content
Feminine singular: contente
Masculine plural: contents
Feminine plural: contentes
Fatigué (tired)
Masculine singular: fatigué
Feminine singular: fatiguée
Masculine plural: fatigués
Feminine plural: fatiguées
Bon (good)
Masculine singular: bon
Feminine singular: bonne
Masculine plural: bons
Feminine plural: bonnes
Read 13 common French mistakes that’ll make you feel awkward before you use this adjective.
Of course, some words change very little when it comes to the noun they’re modifying. If they have an “e” at the end already, the letter stays for masculine nouns as well as feminine ones. For example:
Triste (sad)
Masculine singular: triste
Feminine singular: triste
Masculine plural: tristes
Feminine plural: tristes
There are exceptions, but if you know these patterns, you’ll know how most adjectives change based on the gender of the noun they modify.
And remember the French rule of masculine words always having dominance over feminine ones. In this case, if you’re talking about a group of nouns and just one person/thing is masculine, the adjective you use to describe the group will be masculine, as well.
For example:
Claire, Donald, Céline, Christine, et Roger étaient tous fatigués.
Claire, Donald, Céline, Christine, et Roger were all tired.
The passé composé tense is the most striking example of the influence of genders and number on conjugation, although any verb tense that uses an auxiliary verb can be influenced by the gender and number of the subject.
When it comes to the passé composé, for example, when you conjugate a verb with the auxiliary être, the past participle must agree with the subject’s gender (and number).
Here, for instance, is the verb aller conjugated in the passé composé:
Je suis allé(e)
Tu es allé(e)
Il/elle est allé(e)
Nous sommes allé(e)s
Vous êtes allé(e)(s)
Ils/elles sont allé(e)s
As you can see, the verb changes based on the subject’s number and gender. This is also true for other compound tenses.
In addition, verb agreement is a “must” when a verb conjugated with avoir is a direct object. For example, Voici la robe que tu as achetée pour Juliette.
These differences are only noticeable in written French since the pronunciation remains the same.
The meaning of certain words
In certain cases, gender can be used to clarify the meaning of a word with two very distinct definitions.
For example, the word voile in French can either mean a sail or a veil. In a genderless language like English, we’d just rely on the context to know which one was being talked about. But French people decided to use gender to be sure that the meaning is clear. So, une voile is a sail and un voile is a veil. Voilà – no confusion! Except for non-native speakers who would inherently expect a veil, an accessory typically worn by females, to be the feminine one….
Luckily there aren’t a huge number of French words with different meanings in different genders. You can find a pretty thorough list of them here, although note that this source also includes homonyms (words that sound the same but are spelled differently), which don’t exactly pose the same challenge.
Have feminism and the gender equality movement had an effect on the French language?
Regardless of your gender, if you’re someone who wants equality for everyone (a.k.a. a decent human being), the fact that, in French, masculine nouns take precedence over feminine ones may bum you out a little.
You could say, “They’re just words.” But the truth is, the logic behind this rule was probably that males are more important and powerful than females. The French love of classifying things and making them concise means that you couldn’t have adjectives/verbs | 38,611 |
Scramble in the summer sky.
As 99 red balloons go by.
99 Jahre Krieg
Liessen keinen Platz fuer Sieger
Kriegsminister gibt es nicht mehr
Und auch keine Duesenflieger
Heute zieh ich meine Runden
Seh die Welt in Truemmern liegen
Hab' nen Luftballon gefunden
Denk' an Dich und lass' ihn fliegen
99 dreams I have had.
In every one a red balloon.
It's all over and I'm standing pretty.
In this dust that was a city.
If I could find a souvenier.
Just to prove the world was here.
And here is a red balloon
I think of you and let it go.
Click for Google +1
rachel: I have the goldfinger version of 99 red balloons... they sing the 4th german verse of the song and I was just wondering what it meant!! can any one help?
80-89: 4th verse roughly translated:
99 war ministers
Matches and petrol cans
Thought that they were smart
Already smelled oily loot (greasy cash?)
Shouted war and wanted power
Man, who would have thought
That one day it would come to this
Because of 99 balloons
Rudelyn: I love this song, eglish and german!!! I alsso like it when Goldfinger sings it! Ya'll rockkkk hehe I'm so retarded
80-89: This is posted unedited - we like to see a bit of passion. We also don't mind seeing the occasional attempt at grammar, spelling and punctuation. FWIW: the post is referring to 99 Luftballoons.
Deutscher: 99 red balloons - this is not a correct translation.
80-89: That's right, the song was rewritten for English. See
Bill in Hollywood: You folks are right, the Englische version of 99 Balloons is a great song by itself but it doesn't quite match the visual impact of the Deutscher version. I lived in DE when this first came out and it and the video took Europe by sturm. There's something really primal? about a sexy german Babe walking amongst burning rubble while singing about total destruction, the great War of all time, and other Teutonick imagery, it was just great...tschuss
Kenneth M. Hinds Thank you for the explanation of the disparity between the German and English lyrics. Until the Late '80s the only version that I had heard was the German. It wasn't until I got the US release CD that I realized that the lyrics didn't jive between versions. But, at least now I know why.
Don't forget to see
For something different, see the more recent
I have the goldfinger version of 99 red balloons... they sing the 4th german verse of the song and I was just wondering what it meant!! can any one help?4th verse roughly translated:99 war ministersMatches and petrol cansThought that they were smartAlready smelled oily loot (greasy cash?)Shouted war and wanted powerMan, who would have thoughtThat one day it would come to thisBecause of 99 balloonsI love this song, eglish and german!!! I alsso like it when Goldfinger sings it! Ya'll rockkkk hehe I'm so retardedThis is posted unedited - we like to see a bit of passion. We also don't mind seeing the occasional attempt at grammar, spelling and punctuation. FWIW: the post is referring to 99 Luftballoons.99 red balloons - this is not a correct translation.That's right, the song was rewritten for English. See our interview with Kevin McAlea the writer of the original English lyrics.You folks are right, the Englische version of 99 Balloons is a great song by itself but it doesn't quite match the visual impact of the Deutscher version. I lived in DE when this first came out and it and the video took Europe by sturm. There's something really primal? about a sexy german Babe walking amongst burning rubble while singing about total destruction, the great War of all time, and other Teutonick imagery, it was just great...tschussThank you for the explanation of the disparity between the German and English lyrics. Until the Late '80s the only version that I had heard was the German. It wasn't until I got the US release CD that I realized that the lyrics didn't jive between versions | 38,612 |
Tyttöjen koulutuksen puolesta puhunut Yousafzai haavoittui viisi vuotta sitten vakavasti äärimuslimin luodista. Nykyisin hän on Nobel-palkittu Oxfordin yliopiston opiskelija ja monen tytön idoli.
Äärimuslimien viisi vuotta sitten päähän ampuma pakistanilainen tyttöjen oikeuksien puolustaja Malala Yousafzai on jälleen saanut tiukan linjan muslimit ärsyyntymään, kertovat tiedotusvälineet.
Tällä kertaa syynä on kuva, jossa Yousafzaiksi väitetty nuori nainen on pukeutunut tiukkoihin farkkuihin ja korkeakorkoisiin umpikenkiin. Naisella on huivi päässä.
20-vuotias Yousafzai on juuri aloittanut opiskelun Oxfordin yliopistossa Britanniassa.
Kuvan aitoutta ei ole varmistettu, mutta se on nostattanut arvostelu- ja puolustusryöpyn sosiaalisessa mediassa, toteavat muun muassa pakistanilainen The Daily Times (siirryt toiseen palveluun), intialainen The Indian Express (siirryt toiseen palveluun) sekä brittilehti The Daily Mirror (siirryt toiseen palveluun).
Twitterissä ja Facbookissa käydyssä keskustelussa (siirryt toiseen palveluun) Yousafzaita on syytetty häpeämättömäksi ja kyselty, milloin huivikin lähtee.
– Katsokaa tätä typerää Malalaa. Sanoo rakastavansa Pakistania ja nauttii elämästä Yhdysvalloissa, tviittaa Muhammad SA Khan.
@Malala look at this stupid #Malala say I love Pakistan & enjoy life in USA #ShameMalala pic.twitter.com/XfyEWFZQk8 — Muhammad Shehzad Ashraf Khan (@ShehzadAshraf5) 15. lokakuuta 2017
Yousafzain puolustajat ovat syyttäneet arvostelijoita tekopyhyydestä, ja todenneet, ettei tämän asussa ole mitään vikaa. Moni on myös sanonut olevansa ylpeä Yousafzaista sekä puolustanut tämän oikeutta pukeutua miten haluaa.
– Mitä erimielisyyksiä meillä onkin Malalan kanssa, meillä ei ole oikeutta kyseenalaistaa hänen pukeutumistaan. Se on ehdottomasti hänen henkilökohtainen asiansa, tviittaa Naila Waqar.
Whatever differences we have wid Malala we have no right to question her way of dressing up,it's def her personal matter — naila waqar (@Nyla66) 18. lokakuuta 2017
Hän voi käyttää mitä kenkiä haluaa, mitä vaatteita haluaa ja elää millaista elämää haluaa. Hän ei ole omaisuuttanne eikä vanki, kommentoi keskustelua Adrienne Grierson.
Because she can wear whatever shoes she wants, clothes she wants, & live whatever life she wants, she is not your property or prisoner. — Adrienne Grierson 🐨❤️ (@A_Grierson) 18. lokakuuta 2017
Yousafzai itse ei ole osallistunut some-keskusteluun. 9. lokakuuta hän tviittasi:
– 5 vuotta sitten | 38,613 |
Kapiten naše košarkaške reprezentacije Miloš Teodosić je otvorio drugu sezonu svog košarkaškog kampa na Srebrnom jezeru i tom prilikom prilično emotivno pričao i o mališanima koji predstavljaju budućnost ovog sporta, i o nacionalnom timu, ali i o nastavku klupske karijere.
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"Jako mi je drago što je ovoliko dece došlo ovde. Mi smo se potrudili da im pružimo najbolje moguće uslove za rad. Tu su kvalitetni treneri, jedino što im možda malo smeta je ovo toplo vreme, ali izdržaće", rekao je Teodosić kome su u radu sa polaznicima pomagali saigrači iz reprezentacije Bogdan Bogdanović i Nemanja Nedović.
Kapiten "orlova" se osvrnuo i na predstojeće prvenstvo Evrope:
"Vrlo je bitna stvar, koju ne smemo da zanemarimo, u kom ćemo sastavu otići i ko će se sve odazvati selektoru Aleksandru Đorđeviću. Biće teško, jer ove godine idemo na prvenstvo Evrope sa većim očekivanjima, posle duže vremena. Sada nam je primarno da se odmorimo, pa da za mesec dana svi budemo spremni za pripreme, a onda ćemo videti šta nas čeka u Turskoj", rekao je Teodosić.
Foto: A. Dimitrijević / RAS Srbija Miloš Teodosić sa polaznicima njegovog košarkaškog kampa na Srebrnom jezeru
On je ovom prilikom otkrio da najverovatnije napušta "armejce" sa kojima je prošle godine osvojio Evroligu.
"U CSKA neću ostati gotovo sigurno, a gde ću nastaviti karijeru to ne znam ni ja sam. Nemam nijednu pravu informaciju koju bih mogao da podelim sa vama. Amerika je nešto o čemu razmišljam i što mi je želja, ali kada budem imao konkretnu informaciju, javiću vam", istakao je kapiten naše nacionalne selekcije.
Ne razmišlja o kraju karijere
Upitan da li sebe vidi u Zvezdinom dresu na završetku igračke karijere, Teodosić je uz osmeh rekao:
"Uh. Pa, nemojte, imam još sedam, osam godina da igram. Ne razmišljam još uvek o tome".
Kada je upitan da li bi mogao kao Saša Ilić u FK Partizan nastupa i u poznim igračkim godinama, samo je odmahnuo rukom:
"Možda bih i mogao, ali to je | 38,614 |
which everyone is predicting will be this year’s biggest hit—Cruz surprises us by saying there is a more essential change he sees happening, a shift.
“I have a feeling that it is coming to an end,” he says, without a ring of regret or worry in his voice, when we ask him if he feels that his days as a matinee idol are over. While it would be a cause for other actors to immediately seek the next network padrino, John Lloyd seems to be taking this eventuality, which might inevitably mean losing a huge part of his audience, as part of the plan, a necessary step towards a new trajectory. “I’m glad it’s happening,” he says, about the possibility of outgrowing the roles he’s known for. “Meaning nag-eevolve ka na rin, di ba? Paanong hindi, sa anong paraan, na hindi mo maappreciate na mage-evolve ka na? Lalo na sa amin, napakaiksi lang ng career span na meron kami. Maya’t maya may bago. So napaka-limited ng time para sa’yo, to explore your potential, to explore what you can be, what you can do.”
Like a veteran observer, which is the way he’s come to sound in the last few years, Cruz explains the way it works in the network he belongs to. He was answering a question we posed: if he is scared at all about younger actors. “I’m more threatened by diminishing opportunities,” he replies. He cites the phenomenal John Lloyd-Bea partnership, which has by now done four soaps and six movies in a span of a short nine years. “It will come to a point we’ll be looking for something else. Quality na nga over quantity. Kasabay pa no’n your fees are getting higher, you become more expensive.” At the other end, there is this multitude of new talents the network is continuously developing, hungrier for opportunities, more budget-friendly.
“Madalas kesa minsan ang definition ng mabait is ’yung oo nang oo,” the actor continues. “‘O, bigay ko sa’yo ‘to.’ ‘Okey po, okey po.’ ‘O, gawin mo to.’ ‘Okey po, okey po.’ Madalas sa trabahong ito, ’yung opportunities madalas napupunta do’n sa mabait kasi oo siya nang oo. Pero ikaw kasi sa sarili mo you’re thinking long term, you’re thinking longevity.” And Cruz finds himself often not on the same page as his mother company.
“He is a great actor. I know he still has a lot of other things he can do. Even if his company is shaping him in another way. He’s an artist, and he will eventually explode to become another creature.” –Ronnie Lazaro
Still, Cruz remains a prized talent at ABS-CBN, and an ace—one of the very few—in the network’s movie-producing arm, Star Cinema. This despite occasionally finding himself of a different opinion in matters that involve the shaping of his career. This despite always preferring to take the outsider stance.
He has always been the rebellious one, he admits quite proudly. The guy who likes to question things. The guy who has never really taken great comfort in the celebrity lifestyle. The guy who chose to be with family over offers to star in international films (“Some people will die for that opportunity pero, alam mo ‘yun, parang I appreciate the fact that I have that luxury.”).
These days, away from the spotlight, he hangs out with, apart from his cousins, an older group of artists and free-thinkers, among them writer Lourd de Veyra, activist Gang Badoy, and longtime friend Ronnie Lazaro. “I guess it’s a mutual admiration thing between us,” the character actor Lazaro says on the phone. “He’s very respectful, very simple, humble. He’s one of those actors who doesn’t a put a wall between you—or at least he chose not to with me.”
Their friendship started in a conversation in a car, about dreams | 38,615 |
Lisbon is a beautiful city. Bathed in the sunlight and the breeze of Atlantic Ocean, it is a city of many faces and secrets. Old, new, tradition, innovation, happiness, nostalgia, sadness, culture, fun, taste all are blended in a unique way that creates a unique city. Here are 8 things you must do if you are visiting Lisbon, Lisboa for the locals, for the first time in order to understand the vibes of this city.
Belem – Monument to the Discoveries
1. Visit Belem : Belem is a spacious green suburb at the mouth of river Tagus, where the caravels set sail on their voyages to discover new worlds. Belem is linked with Portugal’ s Golden Age of discoveries and three major sights of the city are located here. Mosteiro dos Jeronimos, Torre de Belem and Monument to the Discoveries are all related to the history of the great Portuguese explorers, such Vasco da Gama, Pedro Alvares Cabral, Fernao Magalhaes (Magellan) and many more.
2. Get lost in Alfama : Alfama neighborhood (pictured above) is Lisbon’s true heart. It is the most emblematic quarter and the only part of the city that survived the 1755 earthquake that destroyed the whole city. It is actually a village within the city with narrow streets, tiny squares and whitewashed houses. It was settled by the Romans but it was the Moors who gave its name and shape. Alfama has been the inspiration for the Fado tradition, as it has always been inhabited by sailors and workers. The best way to experience Alfama is by getting lost in its streets.
Sunset at Cacilhas
3. Watch the sunset from Cacilhas : Cacilhas is a waterfront district on the southern bank of Tagus which offers the most beautiful views of Lisbon and has several restaurants known for their fresh fish. A short walk alongside abandoned riverside warehouses will bring you to 2 restaurants on Rua do Ginjal, Ponto Final and Atira Te Ao Rio, with excellent food and a breathtaking view of the 25 de Abril bridge. Come here at sunset for a-once-in-a-lifetime experience. (You can reach Cacilhas either by car or by ferry from Lisbon’s Cais do Sodre).
Riding Elevador da Gloria
4. Ride an Elevador : Elevadors (funiculars) are a unique characteristic of the city. They are yellow, fun and a useful way for getting to the top of the city’s hills. The first ones were water-powered and built in the 19th century. The Elevador da Bica runs through the Santa Catarina in the Barrio Alto. The route of the Elevador da Gloria goes from Praca dos Restauradores to Sao Pedro de Alcantara and the Elevador do Lavra runs from Largo da Anunciada. The Elevador de Santa Justa is an 45m-tall iron tower which rises to a cafe terrace with superb view.
A night with fado at Boteco De Fa
5. Indulge in the mystery of fado : “Fado is not meant to be sung; it simply happens. You feel it, you don’t understand it and you don’t explain it.” said Amalia Rodrigues, the greatest fado singer ever. If you are visiting Lisbon and you don’t attend a fado show, you ignore the true essence of the city’s life. There are several theatres, restaurants, fado houses, venues and bars where you could hear fado music. My suggestion is Boteco De Fa ( R. do Vigario 70E -616, Lisboa) in the heart of Alfama, a genuine traditional restaurant with tasty local dishes and superb fado singers. Augusto Ramos, the owner and lead singer, will welcome you with a smile but when the singing begins all changed. The door closes, the lights are turned off and Augusto asks everyone to be silent. And then the magic happens …
Central tank of Oceanario de Lisboa
6. Dive into the world of Oceanario : Oceanario de Lisboa is the largest indoor aquarium in Europe. It is located in the Parque Das Nacoes, which with its futuristic architecture is a complete contrast to the city’s old quarters. Here is where the modern heart of Lisbon is beating. The aquarium itself consists of four separate sea and landscape parts that represent the habitats of Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Antarctic oceans. The main attraction is the enormous central tank with an amazing variety of fish, large and small. Sharks, stingrays, barracudas and many more coexist in a show of nature that will leave you | 38,616 |
Allen Park — With training camp opening Thursday, we take an early shot at projecting what the Detroit Lions’ roster could look like when the team opens the regular season in September.
Quarterback (2)
► In: Matthew Stafford, Tom Savage
► Work to do: David Fales
► Thoughts: As always, the Lions’ chances of success will hinge on Stafford’s durability. It’s remarkable to think he hasn’t missed a game in eight seasons, but he’s also toughed it out through some ugly injuries. Savage appears locked into the backup job after the team released Connor Cook in June. Savage has a cannon for an arm, starting experience and a pre-established working relationship with new quarterback coach Sean Ryan.
Running back (5)
► In: Kerryon Johnson, C.J. Anderson, Theo Riddick, Zach Zenner, Ty Johnson
► Work to do: Mark Thompson, Nick Bawden
► Thoughts: The tricky part about projecting the running back room was figuring out what to do with Bawden, who missed his entire rookie season after tearing his ACL. Both coach Matt Patricia and offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell come from backgrounds that utilize the fullback, but unless the team wants to part with the well-rounded and suddenly productive Zenner, or try to risk trying to sneak Ty Johnson through waivers, Bawden looks to be the odd man out.
Wide receiver (5)
► In: Kenny Golladay, Marvin Jones, Danny Amendola, Jermaine Kearse, Andy Jones
►Work to do: Deontez Alexander, Jonathan Duhart, Travis Fulgham, Tom Kennedy, Chris Lacy, Tommylee Lewis, Brandon Powell, Brandon Reilly
►Thoughts: The top three in the corps are locks, barring an unforeseen trade or injury. And Kearse, a late addition, signed a contract that indicates he’s a part of the 2019 plan. His flexibility to play inside and outside makes him a logical choice as the top backup.
The final spot should be hotly contested, with a number of potential candidates for the job. We’re leaning Andy Jones in this early projection because of how well he performed during the early portion of the offseason program, and the contributions he offers on special teams.
Fulgham is our first man out, but the rookie out of Old Dominion has flashed strong hands and the ability to go up and high point the ball. The case for Powell or Lewis could be bolstered if they can make a mark in the return game.
Tight end (4)
► In: T.J. Hockenson, Jesse James, Logan Thomas, Isaac Nauta
►Work to do: Jerome Cunningham, Austin Traylor
►Thoughts: Keeping four tight ends might seem like overkill, but Nauta’s versatility, including his ability to line up in the backfield and fill some of the fullback blocking assignments, increase his odds of sticking. Thomas, the converted quarterback, is playing on a modest, one-year deal with minimal guarantees, but has looked like a pretty good fit thus far.
Offensive line (9)
►In: Taylor Decker, Graham Glasgow, Frank Ragnow, Kenny Wiggins, Rick Wagner, Tyrell Crosby, Oday Aboushi, Ryan Pope, Joe Dahl
►Work to do: Luke Bowanko, Leo Koloamatangi, Beau Benzschawel, Micah St. Andrew, Andrew Donnal, Matt Nelson
►Thoughts: The starting lineup still isn’t set, with the opening at guard likely to come down to Wiggins or Aboushi. The team could probably get away with keeping just eight offensive linemen, but the unit has been susceptible to injury, so extra depth never hurts.
We went with Dahl for the final spot, over the recently signed veteran Bowanko and intriguing rookie Benzschawel. Dahl’s versatility — the ability to play center, guard and fullback — was the deciding factor.
Defensive line (7)
► In: Trey Flowers, Romeo Okwara, Damon Harrison, A’Shawn Robinson, Da’Shawn Hand, Austin Bryant, Darius Kilgo
► Work to do: Eric Lee, Mitchell Loewen, Jonathan Wynn, John Atkins, P.J. Johnson, Ray Smith, Kevin Strong
►Thoughts: The Lions ran a little light on traditional defensive linemen last season because the scheme generally sees at least one linebacker playing on the line of scrimmage. This group has plenty of workhorses at the top of the depth chart, so the guys at the bottom likely will see limited playing time if the room is healthy.
That includes Bryant, who hasn’t been on the practice field yet as | 38,617 |
integral scrisoarea transmisa de USR:
Intr-un comunicat remis miercuri, USR precizeaza ca scrisoarea a fost trimisa catre:- Jean Claude Juncker, presedintele Comisiei Europene,- Antonio Tajani, presedintele Parlamentului European,- Frans Timmermans, prim-vicepresedintele Comisiei Europene,- Manfred Weber, presedintele grupului Partidului Popular European,- Gianni Pittella, presedintele grupului Alianta Progresista a Socialistilor si Democratilor din Parlamentul European,- Guy Verhofstadt, presedintele grupului ALDE din Parlamentul European.In document, USR reaminteste ca Guvernul Romaniei a provocat o revolta publica in luna februarie a acestui an, cand a adoptat Ordonanta de Urgenta 13, o masura care a fost criticata pe scara larga pentru slabirea cadrului legal anticoruptie. Aceasta actiune a determinat cele mai mari proteste din Romania de la caderea regimului comunist in 1989."In prezent, coalitia de guvernamant pregateste din nou modificari majore la legislatia care reglementeaza organizarea si functionarea sistemului judiciar, menita sa subordoneze judecatorii si procurorii regimului politic. Modificarile legislative propuse de coalitia PSD-ALDE, printr-o procedura legislativa de urgenta in Parlamentul Romaniei, vor afecta grav independenta justitiei printr-o gama larga de masuri care aminteste de cadrul juridic care precede aderarea Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana", se precizeaza in scrisoarea USR.Uniunea Salvati Romania mai arata ca actuala coalitie de guvernare PSD-ALDE "insista sa adopte modificarile la legile justitiei, in ciuda celor doua avize negative consecutive emise de Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii, a opozitiei celor 4000 de magistrati care au semnat un memorandum, dar si a protestelor publice masive".Catre: Jean Claude Juncker, presedintele Comisiei EuropeneSubiect: Subminarea iminenta a independentei justitiei in RomaniaBucuresti, 27 noiembrie 2017Stimate domnule Jean Claude Juncker,Va scriem pentru a atrage atentia Comisiei Europene cu privire la ceea ce noi consideram ca este o amenintare iminenta asupra independentei sistemului judiciar in Romania.Asa cum stiti, Guvernul Romaniei a provocat o revolta publica in luna februarie a acestui an, cand a adoptat Ordonanta de Urgenta 13, o masura care a fost criticata pe scara larga pentru slabirea cadrului legal anticoruptie. Aceasta actiune a determinat cele mai mari proteste din Romania de la caderea regimului comunist in 1989.In prezent, coalitia de guvernamant pregateste din nou modificari majore la legislatia care reglementeaza organizarea si functionarea sistemului judiciar, menita sa subordoneze judecatorii si procurorii regimului politic. Modificarile legislative propuse de coalitia PSD-ALDE, printr-o procedura legislativa de urgenta in Parlamentul Romaniei, vor afecta grav independenta justitiei printr-o gama larga de masuri care aminteste de cadrul juridic care precede aderarea Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana.In ciuda opozitiei celor 4000 de magistrati care au semnat un memorandum la initiativa Forumului Judecatorilor din Romania, a celor doua avize negative consecutive emise de Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii, dar si a protestelor publice masive, coalitia de guvernare PSD-AL | 38,618 |
nào may mắn lọt vào 2 khoa này thì môi trường thực tập rất là tốt, cùng với 2 khoa này thì khoa Cơ khí động lực cũng được xét công nhận chuẩn AUN, giờ đang chờ kết quả, đó là chưa kể
bên tòa nhà trung tâm cở sở vật chất cũng toàn hàng khủng. Nói chung giờ UTE thay đổi ghê gớm lắm, những bạn khóa 09 trở về trước quay lại nhiều chỗ có khi không nhận ra, kể từ khi thầy Dũng lên làm hiệu trưởng thì trường được nâng lên 1 tầm cao mới, kéo các hợp đồng tài trợ về với trường, trước khi lên hiệu trưởng thì thầy là Trưởng Hiệp hội ô tô việt nam, còn nhiều khoa khác nữa mình không kể hết, bạn nào thắc mắc về trường thì trong tầm hiểu biết mình sẽ trả lời.Một thanh niên học 2 khoa trường này trong 7 năm cho biết.
Quote: Mr. Bui - quocdoanh Originally Posted by
Quote: The HEEAP Technical Vocational Female Student Scholarship 2015 offers financial support to female students in technical programs at vocational colleges.
This scholarship program is part of the Higher Engineering Education Alliance Program (HEEAP) co-funded by Intel, USAID, Arizona State University, Siemens, Danaher, Cadence, Pearson and National Instruments.
The scholarship provides 6,500,000 VND (Vietnamese dong) to one student per year. Recipients can re-apply for the following year if they continue to meet the scholarship’s criteria. Nữ thi đậu ngành các ngành kỹ thuật của SPKT sẽ được miễn 50% học phí. Ngoài ra còn được học bổng của chương trình HEEAPNgoài ra, có một số ngành SV nữ ra trường sẽ được Intel (khu CNC Q9) nhận 100%
Quote: Robert John Downey, Jr. Originally Posted by À, trường mới tham gia kiểm định AUN và đang đợi kết qu� | 38,619 |
: Die anglikanischen Bischöfe in besagten Ländern, Henry Orombi in Uganda, Peter Akinola in Nigeria, Emmanuel Kolini in Ruanda und Benjamin Nzimbi in Kenia, sind zu Warrens engsten Verbündeten geworden. Der Ugander Orombi fordert beispielsweise ein Einreiseverbot für schwule Amerikaner. Sein nigerianischer Kollege mutmaßt, die Jugend Afrikas solle mit Geld überzeugt werden, Homosexualität als gesellschaftliche Norm anzusehen. In Nigeria wurden die Strafen für Homosexualität unlängst drastisch verschärft.
„Diese Leute verkaufen Homosexualität als postkolonialen Eroberungsfeldzug und behaupten, damit sollen die traditionellen Familienwerte in Afrika zerstört werden“, sagt der sambische Priester Kaoma. In afrikanischen Gesellschaften steht nicht das Ich im Mittelpunkt, sondern das Wir. Gemeint ist damit die Großfamilie, die ganze Sippe. Dafür gibt es einen Namen: Ubuntu. „Wenn uns gesagt wird, Homosexualität zerstöre die Familienwerte, dann ist das für Afrikaner eine ausgesprochen bedrohliche Vorstellung“, so Kaoma.
Selbst den Islam bemühen die rechten Ultras, um ihre Botschaft von der Schändlichkeit homosexueller Lebensgemeinschaften zu verbreiten. Demnach stünden die Kirchen in Afrika im direkten Wettbewerb zum Islam. Der Koran verbietet Homosexualität. Also haben die Kirchen einen Wettbewerbsnachteil. Zu den Verbreitern dieses seltsamen Dreisatzes gehört unter anderem der amerikanische Prediger Pat Robertson, dessen Fernsehsendung „The 700 Club“ nahezu überall im englischsprachigen Afrika zu empfangen ist.
Es geht um Macht in der Kirche
Dabei wissen die wenigsten Afrikaner um Robertsons Unterstützung für den Krieg in Angola oder sein besonderes Faible für das südafrikanische Apartheidregime. Gleiches gilt für die Pfingstkirche „Institute on Religion and Democracy“ (IRD), die in der Vergangenheit die anglikanischen Kirchen immer wieder als „Marxisten“ verunglimpft hat, weil die stets für Freiheit und Demokratie in Afrika aufgestanden sind. Der ehemalige anglikanische Erzbischof von Kapstadt und Friedensnobelpreisträger Desmond Tutu ist dafür das beste Beispiel.
Die Anglikaner haben sich im Verlaufe dieses Kampfes mehr und mehr liberale Positionen zu eigen gemacht, was den amerikanischen Rechtsauslegern genau die Angriffsfläche bot, die sie in ihrem Ringen um Einfluss weltweit benötigten. Die amerikanischen Rechtsausleger erleben fassungslos, wie in ihrer Heimat die Unterstützung für die Rechte von Homosexuellen zunimmt und sogar schwule Bischöfe ordiniert werden. Das Gegenprogramm dazu läuft derzeit in Afrika. Um die Menschen auf dem Kontinent geht es dabei nur am Rande. Vor allem geht es um die Lufthoheit über die amerikanischen Kirchen: Wenn man so will, ist unter den Kirchen in Afrika gerade ein | 38,620 |
or encryption.
So what alternatives exist that would make this a bit easier and less error-prone.
The first alternative would be to use helm. Helm is a template-based approach for installing larger applications on Kubernetes. It would hide a lot of the complexity of all the resources into templates, leaving you with only a handful options such as the database version, whether to turn on authentication etc.
This approach is great for deployment and is flexible enough to deal with reasonable variations such as with/without authentication or with/without encryption.
Where this approach falls short is in the upgrade scenario. In a patch level version upgrade of ArangoDB (e.g. 3.3.3 -> 3.3.4) we will never make major changes that require specific upgrade procedures. However, when we upgrade the minor version number, this may happen. If this happens, a special (typically manual) procedure is needed to upgrade the database.
We know that we cannot rule out such changes in the future, so we want our Kubernetes approach to be able to handle that in a way that is as automatic as possible. In order to do so, we need more control than what is possible with a template based approach such as helm.
This leaves one more alternative: making use of Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions. Such a definition adds a new type of resources to Kubernetes with a controller to handle them. This is a very good fit for our needs since it allows us to make a type of resource that is powerful, yet very easy to get started with and provide a controller that enables us to handle complex upgrading scenarios in the future.
Introducing the ArangoDB Operator
The approach we’ve chosen for our integration of ArangoDB in Kubernetes is that of an operator. An operator is a combination of one or more Custom Resource Definitions with their controllers.
You will find the code of the ArangoDB Operator here: https://github.com/arangodb/kube-arangodb
The first custom resource that our operator provides is an ArangoDeployment. Running a standard cluster (which took at least 17 resources before) now looks like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 yaml apiVersion : "database.arangodb.com/v1alpha" kind : "ArangoDeployment" metadata : name : my - cluster spec : mode : cluster
This resource can be deployed into your Kubernetes cluster using the standard kubectl tool, with a command such as:
1 2 3 bash kubectl create - f my - cluster. yaml
The ArangoDB Operator will take this resource and create all the underlying resources for you. More important, it will also monitor these resources and take action when that is needed.
If you want to customize your cluster, you can. For example, to create a cluster with 3 agents (that is the default), 5 dbservers and 2 coordinators, use a resource like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 yaml apiVersion : "database.arangodb.com/v1alpha" kind : "ArangoDeployment" metadata : name : my - cluster spec : mode : cluster dbservers : count : 5 coordinators : count : 2
Scaling your ArangoDB cluster is as easy as running kubectl edit arango/my-cluster and change the value of the appropriate count field.
Note that this even works with scaling down a cluster, since the operator will carefully make the cluster shuffle its data around to allow shutting down dbserver instances in a controlled fashion!
There are lots of other settings you can customize. E.g. you can choose to deploy a single server ArangoDB instance in Kubernetes using a resource like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 yaml apiVersion : "database.arangodb.com/v1alpha" kind : "ArangoDeployment" metadata : name : my - single - server spec : mode : single
It is possible to run multiple ArangoDB clusters in the same Kubernetes cluster, even in the same namespace.
What about storage?
The ArangoDB Operator creates Persistent Volume Claims for all servers that need persistent storage. Unfortunately, this is only half the story.
A database like ArangoDB is very dependent on fast local (SSD) storage to achieve optimal performance. Many cloud providers that offer Kubernetes clusters will provision Persistent Volumes that are actually network volumes. Even though their performance is not bad, the overall performance of your ArangoDB cluster will be severely impacted.
Even worse is the situation for those who want to run their Kubernet | 38,621 |
can use if-else statements as shown in the example below. Make sure that the curly braces are in the same line as the condition is.
package main import ( "fmt" ) func increment(i *int) { *i++ } func main() { if num := 9; num < 0 { fmt.Println(num, "is negative") } else if num < 10 { fmt.Println(num, "has 1 digit") } else { fmt.Println(num, "has multiple digits") } }
switch case
Switch cases help organize multiple condition statements. The following example shows a simple switch case statement:
package main import ( "fmt" ) func increment(i *int) { *i++ } func main() { i := 2 switch i { case 1: fmt.Println("one") case 2: fmt.Println("two") default: fmt.Println("none") } }
Golang has a single keyword for the loop. A single for loop command help achieve different kinds of loops:
package main import ( "fmt" ) func increment(i *int) { *i++ } func main() { i := 0 sum := 0 for i < 10 { sum += 1 i++ } fmt.Println(sum) }
The above example is similar to a while loop in C. The same for statement can be used for a normal for loop:
package main import ( "fmt" ) func increment(i *int) { *i++ } func main() { sum := 0 for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { sum += i } fmt.Println(sum) }
Infinite loop in Go:
for { }
Golang provides pointers. Pointers are the place to hold the address of a value. A pointer is defined by *. A pointer is defined according to the type of data. Example:
var ap *int
Here ap is the pointer to an integer type. The & operator can be used to get the address of a variable.
a := 12 ap = &a
The value pointed by the pointer can be accessed using the * operator:
fmt.Println(*ap) // => 12
Pointers are usually preferred while passing a struct as an argument or while declaring a method for a defined type.
While passing value the value is actually copied which means more memory With the pointer passed, the value changed by the function is reflected back in the method/function caller.
package main import ( "fmt" ) func increment(i *int) { *i++ } func main() { i := 10 increment(&i) fmt.Println(i) } //=> 11
Note: While you are trying out the example code in the blog, do not forget to include it with package main and import fmt or other packages when needed as shown in the first main.go example above.
The main function defined in the main package is the entry point for a golang program to execute. More functions can be defined and used. In this Golang tutorial let’s look into a simple example:
package main import ( "fmt" ) func add(a int, b int) int { c := a + b return c } func main() { fmt.Println(add(2, 1)) } //=> 3
As we can see in the above example, a Golang function is defined using the func keyword followed by the function name. The arguments a function takes needs to be defined according to its data type, and finally the data type of the return.
The return of a function can be predefined in function as well:
package main import ( "fmt" ) func add(a int, b int) (c int) { c = a + b return } func main() { fmt.Println(add(2, 1)) } //=> 3
Here c is defined as the return variable. So the variable c defined would be automatically returned without needing to be defined at the return statement at the end.
You can also return multiple return values from a single function separating return values with a comma.
package main import ( "fmt" ) func add(a int, b int) (int, string) { c := a + b return c, "successfully added" } func main() { sum, message := add(2, 1) fmt.Println(message) fmt.Println(sum) } //=> successfully added //=> 3
Variadic functions
With variadic function, we can declare a function that accepts any number of arguments. Let us take a look at a sample variadic function:
// | 38,622 |
Bolivian President Evo Morales “resigned” at gunpoint Sunday, after army generals publicly demanded his resignation, despite convincingly winning re-election just three weeks ago.
The preceding 21 days were filled with fractious demonstrations and counter-protests from Morales’ supporters and opponents. On October 20, Morales had secured enough votes to win the election outright in the first round without the need for a run-off against his closest challenger, Carlos Mesa. However, Mesa cried fraud, citing supposed irregularities in the vote-counting procedure, claiming Morales did not receive the requisite vote share to ensure his victory. The Organization of American States (OAS) and the U.S. government repeated this claim, although neither group provided evidence of fraud. Morales invited the OAS to audit the election as he was confident of its veracity. Indeed, a report by the Washington-based Center for Economic Policy Research found that the vote totals were “consistent” with those announced, finding no irregularities whatsoever. Despite this, the local U.S.-backed opposition went on the attack.
Right-Wing Rampage
On Saturday, veteran political scientists Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashad warned that “a coup is brewing against the elected government” of Bolivia, expressing their concern at the “fascistic” violence percolating throughout the country. In Santa Cruz, a stronghold of the wealthy white elite who oppose Morales, the office of the electoral authority was burned down. Meanwhile, in Vinto, opposition groups kidnapped local mayor Patricia Arce, cut her hair off and painted her body red, publicly dragging her through the streets and abusing her, forcing her to commit to leaving office.
#Bolivia | Mayor #PatriciaArce was forced to walk barefoot for several kilometers while listening to sexist and racist comments.#HumanRights #HumanRightsViolation pic.twitter.com/s98E1KyaCD — teleSUR English (@telesurenglish) November 7, 2019
Victor Borda, President of Bolivia’s Chamber of Deputies, was also forced to resign after coup forces attacked his house and kidnapped his brother.
The squalid US-backed fanatics of the Bolivian right ransack the house of the country’s elected president, Evo Morales. And the havoc is just beginning. Let no one call them “pro-democracy.” pic.twitter.com/rwwvOSAEaA — Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) November 11, 2019
As soon as Morales stepped down, the police, who had refused to serve his government, ordered his arrest and vandals ransacked his house. Meanwhile, the conservative opposition joyously burned the flag of Bolivia’s indigenous people (a majority of the country’s population), in the clear hopes that the coup would mark a return to rule by the white elite who had been in power since the time of the Conquistadors.
La whipala es símbolo de resistencia de los pueblos indígenas del Abya Yala. Esta imagen resume una de las razones del golpe contra @evoespueblo. pic.twitter.com/uN0Nulu5Gv — Patricia Villegas Marin (@pvillegas_tlSUR) November 11, 2019
The United States Applauds the Coup
The Trump administration released an official communication Monday, not just endorsing the coup, but all but stating “we did it.” “The resignation yesterday of Bolivian President Evo Morales is a significant moment for democracy in the Western Hemisphere,” it read, claiming the events constituted the “preservation of democracy.” It also sent a clear threat that more regime change operations were to come, and they already knew who the targets were:
These events send a strong signal to the illegitimate regimes in Venezuela and Nicaragua that democracy and the will of the people will always prevail. We are now one step closer to a completely democratic, prosperous, and free Western Hemisphere.”
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also welcomed the events, claiming that Bolivia could now be “ensured free and fair elections.” Michael McFaul, Professor of Political Science at Stanford University and former U.S. Ambassador to Russia, was even more pleased. “Morales has fled. Excellent!” he exclaimed on Twitter. The U.S. government has long opposed Morales and his Movement for Socialism party’s agenda of nationalizing Bolivia’s resources to help its people. However, it inadvertently helped him get elected in the first place. Shortly before the 2006 election, the U.S. embassy in La Paz put out a public statement saying it could, under no circumstances, accept a Morales presidency. This enormous election meddling back | 38,623 |
The running person is the same size in each part of the corridor illusion. The central discs are the same size in the Ebbinghaus illusion.
Here we extend this idea to research in comparative neuroanatomy where the functional relevance of overall brain size and the sizes of cortical regions have been poorly understood. We outline how the macroscopic size (weight, volume, or surface area) of a cortical region (such as V1) is related to the microstructure of functional brain regions (Kaas, 2000). Next we provide a framework to test this hypothesis by reviewing published data on V1 and visual behavior. Then we make an initial analysis, bringing together for the first time the available neuroanatomical and behavioral data in extant primate species, despite how sparse these data are due to the challenges of such data collection (Tomasello and Call, 2011). To make the connection between structure and function we first build up from the basic physiological constraints at the level of single neurons, and piece together the evidence to reach the level of cortical area volumes and behavior. Then we move down again from the connection between cortical area size and behavior to uncover the microanatomical correlates of visual acuity and the perception of size illusions. The structure-function relationship we propose was first put forward by Elston et al. (1996) and has been developed in part by others (Kaas, 2000; Kanai and Rees, 2011). However, to our knowledge this is the first time that the necessary comparative neuroanatomical research at the macro- and microstructural levels, along with comparative behavioral data, have been brought to bear on the question.
Linking Microanatomy to Brain Volume
Cortical area size is the label used interchangeably for either surface area, mass, or volume; here we focus on the measure of volume. Volume provides a three-dimensional measure of cortical area size that reflects both the visual field size representation that is primarily mapped by the surface of V1, but also the columnar structure of V1 that includes the feature-specific response properties of receptive fields such as for orientation (Hubel and Wiesel, 1968). Different measures of cortical region size have been shown to have similar structure-function predictive relationships (Kanai and Rees, 2011; Schwarzkopf et al., 2011; de Haas et al., 2012; Lewis et al., 2012). In comparative neuroanatomy, volumetric measurements are common because can they be reliably obtained from histological serial sections more directly than cortical thickness and surface area estimates (Amunts et al., 2007). Volume is a useful measure of cortical region size because the accurate perception of size depends on both the size of the spatial receptive field and the specific representation of visual features such as orientation, and increased volume could afford better processing.
There are biophysical and physiological constraints on the size of functionally-defined cortical areas (Elston et al., 1996). Volumetric or surface area changes in cortical areas indicate an increase in either the size or the number of cells which comprise them. For example, a cortical area might demonstrate a volumetric increase relative to the hypothetical condition of an evolutionary ancestor (Stephan and Andy, 1969; Stephan et al., 1981, 1988). On the one hand, this could be due primarily to a scaling up of neuron size, including a substantial increase in soma volume and an increase in dendrite length. The biophysical properties of the conduction of action potentials make increasing the size of individual neuronal soma less likely. For example, if a neuron's soma were doubled in length its axons and dendrites would also have to double and quadruple in diameter, respectively (Bekkers and Stevens, 1990; Ringo et al., 1994). On the other hand, an increase in the number of neurons may be substantially driving up a structure's volume, in a different way: An increase in neuron number, may be due to the increased biophysical cost of increasing neuronal soma length (Kaas, 2000). This principle has gained insight from recent work demonstrating that for several brain structures, the increase in the mass of that structure across primate species is related to the gaining of neurons. Interestingly, cortical areas gain neurons more quickly than subcortical structures, with V1 gaining neurons faster than the lateral geniculate nucleus and superior colliculus (Collins et al., 2013; Wong et al., 2013).
The volume of V1 in primates ranges from 0.14 cm3 in a ~54 g lesser mouse lemur to 15.24 cm3 in a ~65,000 g human (de Sousa et al., 2010a). The size of a cortical region is related to body size in so far as brain mass increases with body mass (Jerison, 1955) and cortical region volumes scale to brain volume (Finlay and Darlington, 1995). Also the size of the eye is related to body size, and eye size is also related to V1 | 38,624 |
G eorge W. B ush Address at Islamic Center of Washington, D.C. delivered 17 September 2001, Washington, D.C. Audio mp3 of Address Your browser does not support the audio element. click for pdf [AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text version below transcribed directly from audio] Thank you all very much for your hospitality. We've just had a -- wide-ranging discussions on -- on the matter at hand. Like the good folks standing with me, the American people were appalled and outraged at last Tuesday's attacks. And so were Muslims all across the world. Both Americans and Muslim friends and citizens, tax-paying citizens, and Muslims in nations were just appalled and could not believe what -- what we saw on our TV screens. These acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. And it's important for my fellow Americans to understand that. The English translation is not as eloquent as the original Arabic, but let me quote from the Koran, itself: "In the long run, evil in the extreme will be the end of those who do evil. For that they rejected the signs of Allah and held them up to ridicule." 1 The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war. When we think of Islam we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. Billions of people find comfort and solace and peace. And that's made brothers and sisters out of every race -- out of every race. America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect. Women who cover their heads in this country must feel comfortable going outside their homes. Moms who wear cover must be not intimidated in America. That's not the America I know. That's not the America I value. I've been told that some fear to leave; some don't want to go shopping for their families; some don't want to go about their ordinary daily routines because, by wearing cover, they're afraid they'll be intimidated. That should not and that will not stand in America. Those who feel like they can intimidate our fellow citizens to take out their anger don't represent the best of America, they represent the worst of humankind, and they should be ashamed of that kind of behavior. Now this is a great country. It's a great country because we share the same values of respect and dignity and human worth. And it is my honor to be meeting with leaders who feel just the same way I do. They're outraged. They're sad. They love America just as much as I do. And I want to thank you all for giving me a chance to come by. And may God bless us all. Thank you. Book/CDs by Michael E. Eidenmuller, Published by McGraw-Hill (2008) 1 Holy Qur'an [30:10]: "Have they not travelled in the earth so that they might see how evil was the end of those who were before them? They were stronger than these in power, and they tilled the soil and populated it more and better than these have populated it. And their Messengers came to them with manifest Signs. And Allah would not wrong them, but they wronged their own souls." (http://www.alislam.org/) اور کیا انہوں نے زمین میں سیر نہیں کی تاکہ وہ غور کرسکتے کہ ان لوگوں کا انجام کیسا ہوا جو اُن سے پہلے تھے۔ وہ قوت میں ان سے زیادہ شدید تھے اور انہوں نے زمین کو پھاڑا اور اسے اس سے زیادہ آباد کیا تھا جیسا اِنہوں نے | 38,625 |
C'est pas parce que tu as faim que tu vas vendre tes dents
One of the most important influences in the economic and political life of African states which were formerly French colonies is the impact of a common currency; the Communuate Financiere de l’Afrique (‘CFA’) franc. There are actually two separate CFA francs in circulation. The first is that of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) which comprises eight West African countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo. The second is that of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) which comprises six Central African countries (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon). This division corresponds to the pre-colonial AOF (Afrique Occidentale Française) and the AEF (Afrique Équatoriale Française), with the exception that Guinea-Bissau was formerly Portuguese and Equatorial Guinea Spanish).
Each of these two groups issues its own CFA franc. The WAEMU CFA franc is issued by the BCEAO (Banque Centrale des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest) and the CEMAC CFA franc is issued by the BEAC (Banque des Etats de l’Afrique Centrale). These currencies were originally both pegged at 100 CFA for each French franc but, after France joined the European Community’s Euro zone at a fixed rate of 6.65957 French francs to one Euro, the CFA rate to the Euro was fixed at CFA 665,957 to each Euro, maintaining the 100 to 1 ratio. It is important to note that it is the responsibility of the French Treasury to guarantee the convertibility of the CFA to the Euro.
The monetary policy governing such a diverse aggregation of countries is uncomplicated because it is, in fact, operated by the French Treasury, without reference to the central fiscal authorities of any of the WAEMU or the CEMAC. Under the terms of the agreement which set up these banks and the CFA the Central Bank of each African country is obliged to keep at least 65% of its foreign exchange reserves in an “operations account” held at the French Treasury, as well as another 20% to cover financial liabilities.
The CFA central banks also impose a cap on credit extended to each member country equivalent to 20% of that country’s public revenue in the preceding year. Even though the BEAC and the BCEAO have an overdraft facility with the French Treasury, the drawdowns on those overdraft facilities are subject to the consent of the French Treasury. The final say is that of the French Treasury which has invested the foreign reserves of the African countries in its own name on the Paris Bourse.
In short, more than 80% of the foreign reserves of these African countries are deposited in the “operations accounts” controlled by the French Treasury. The two CFA banks are African in name, but have no monetary policies of their own. The countries themselves do not know, nor are they told, how much of the pool of foreign reserves held by the French Treasury belongs to them as a group or individually. The earnings of the investment of these funds in the French Treasury pool are supposed to be added to the pool but no accounting is given to either the banks or the countries of the details of any such changes. The limited group of high officials in the French Treasury who have knowledge of the amounts in the “operations accounts”, where these funds are invested; whether there is a profit on these investments; are prohibited from disclosing any of this information to the CFA banks or the central banks of the African states.
This makes it impossible for African members to regulate their own monetary policies. The most inefficient and wasteful countries are able to use the foreign reserves of the more prudent countries without any meaningful intervention by the wealthier and more successful countries. The fact that as the French GDP grows and the parity of the Euro to the dollar (the main currency of international trade) appreciates there is the constant danger that the CFA franc may be fixed at too high an exchange rate. This dampens the growth in trade between Africa and the rest of the world and allows other countries, especially in Asia, to use their more flexible exchange rates to gain market share, supplanting the Africans.
The creation and maintenance of the French domination of the francophone African economies is the product of a long period of French colonialism and the learned dependence of the African states. For most of francophone Africa there is only limited power allowed to their central banks. These are economies whose vulnerability to an increasingly globalised economy | 38,626 |
Some Yazidis find new shelter in northern Iraq, as U.S airstrikes continue to target Islamic State positions. Meanwhile, Iraq’s president names a new prime minister to replace Nouri al-Maliki. (Reuters)
Some Yazidis find new shelter in northern Iraq, as U.S airstrikes continue to target Islamic State positions. Meanwhile, Iraq’s president names a new prime minister to replace Nouri al-Maliki. (Reuters)
Iraq’s president on Monday asked a veteran Shiite politician, Haider al-Abadi, to form a new government, setting the stage for a vicious political showdown in a country already struggling to contain an Islamist extremist insurgency.
As his already limited political support crumbled, the incumbent prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, dug in for a fight. He argued that the appointment of the 62-year-old Abadi as prime minister-designate was legally invalid.
The clash has raised deep concerns at home and abroad about Iraq’s teetering stability. Ominously, Maliki reminded the country in a televised address Monday of his position as head of the armed forces and assured soldiers that the “error” will be rectified.
For a second day, blue-and-white armored personnel carriers belonging to security forces that answer directly to Maliki were stationed around the Green Zone. A hulking tank sat at one of the entrances to the secured zone, which houses government buildings. The armed forces remained on high alert, officials said, though Saad Maan, a spokesman for the Baghdad Operations Command, maintained that the deployment was routine.
“We are entering a potential clash,” said an Iraqi official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the topic. “On the ground, [there are] tanks and armored vehicles. It’s a very complicated situation with the army.”
1 of 42 Full Screen Autoplay Close Aug. 10, 2014 Aug. 9, 2014 Saturday Aug. 7, 2014 Thursday Aug. 5, 2014 Tuesday Aug. 4, 2014 Monday Aug. 3, 2014 Sunday Skip Ad × Yazidis cross into Iraqi Kurdistan from Syria View Photos After being stranded on the parched Mount Sinjar for almost a week and then walking 12 miles to seek refuge in Syria, some of the persecuted civilians were able to safely return to the Kurdish region of Iraq with the help of Syrian Kurdish forces. Caption After being stranded on the parched Mount Sinjar for almost a week and then walking 12 miles to seek refuge in Syria, some of the persecuted civilians were able to safely return to the Kurdish region of Iraq with the help of Syrian Kurdish forces. Aug. 12, 2014 Displaced Iraqis from the Yazidi community gather for food at the Nowruz camp in Derike, Syria. Khalid Mohammed/AP Buy Photo Wait 1 second to continue.
In a sign of U.S. concern, President Obama on Monday publicly announced his backing for Abadi, saying that his nomination was “a promising step forward.” Both he and Vice President Biden called Abadi to express their support.
Abadi now has 30 days to form a government, and during that time Maliki will remain the caretaker prime minister.
The U.S. government has said it will significantly expand aid to Iraq in its battle with al-Qaeda-inspired militants only if it forms a government that embraces the country’s different religious and ethnic groups.
“The only lasting solution is for Iraqis to come together and form an inclusive government,” Obama told reporters in Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., where he is vacationing.
In his eight years as premier, Maliki has consolidated power in his office, ruling in an authoritarian style that has chipped away at his support among minority Sunnis, as well as his fellow Shiites. He is widely blamed for fostering an environment that has allowed Sunni extremists from the Islamic State to seize control of huge chunks of Iraqi territory.
But in the face of a chorus of calls for him to leave — from the country’s religious authorities, his political rivals and even members of his own bloc — Maliki has stubbornly refused. Pressure to form a new government has mounted amid fears that Islamist extremists will exploit any vacuum. Maliki maintains, however, that since his bloc won the most seats in parliament in national elections this spring, he should be the one leading the next government.
Hours after Iraqi President Fouad Massoum asked Abadi to form a government, the enraged outgoing premier made a televised address lambasting the move and declaring that he personified the governing State of Law coalition.
“I am Nouri al-Maliki, and I am the head of State of Law, and I am the head of Dawa [party], and no one has the right to deal under our name without my approval,” | 38,627 |
tìm (dùng Unicode hoặc không dấu) tác giả:
A B C D Đ E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Ý Z Văn học Thơ và Thơ Trẻ Văn học nước ngoài bản để in Gửi bài này cho bạn bè 3.9.2002 Marcel Reich-Ranicki Ein Plädoyer in Sachen Lyrik
ohne die Dichtung. Sie wissen von ihr nicht und fühlen sich dabei ganz gut: Nichts fehlt
ihnen und vieles bleibt ihnen erspart. Denn die Lyrik ist eine höchst fragwürdige
literarische Gattung - und es gibt Anlass genug, vor ihr zu warnen. In der Prosa wird mit
offenen Karten gespielt, in der Lyrik hingegen oft mit gezinkten. Bei ihr fanden immer
schon jene Unterschlupf, die nichts zu sagen haben, doch unbedingt gehört werden
möchten, die singen wollen, weil sie nicht denken können, die dichten müssen, weil
ihnen das Schreiben unüberwindliche Schwierigkeiten bereitet.
Was sich in Prosa als unverkäuflich erwies, das wurde von vielen Autoren in Versen
feilgeboten und auch an den Mann gebracht. Was zu töricht war, um gesagt zu werden,
haben sie gern gesungen. Wären die Lyriker gar die Tenöre unter den Schreibern?
Soviel ist sicher: Mit der Fülle des Wohllauts - oder zumindest des vermeintlichen
Wohllauts - ließ sich intellektuelle Dürftigkeit effektvoll tarnen. Wer also feierlich sang
und raunte, der brauchte die Frage nach dem Sinn und der Intelligenz seiner Worte nicht
zu befürchten.
Ja, man liebte die Dämmerung und das Geheimnisvolle mehr als die Klarheit und die
Nüchternheit, man traute der Beschwörung mehr als der Analyse. Die Denker schätzte
man hierzulande vor allem dann, wenn sie dichteten und die Dichter, wenn sie nicht
dachten. Der Missbrauch der lyrischen Form zur Flucht ins Undeutliche und ins
Verschwommene, zum Rückzug ins Unkontrollierbare bis hin zu den Müttern, war und ist bisweilen auch heute noch ein Erzübel unserer Literatur.
So war in Deutschland das Gedicht oft ein Refugium für Autoren mit und ohne Talent, doch auf jeden Fall mit wenig Geist. Und für ein Publikum, das willig der Aufforderung folgte: Mitzusingen, nicht mitzudenken seid Ihr da! Wenn sich gerade beim Volk der Dichter und Denker die Ansicht einbürgerte, man könne entweder Dichter oder Denker sein, doch schwerlich beides zugleich, dann hat das mit dem Einfluss eines großen Mannes zu tun, der freilich mit seinen zahllosen Äußerungen über die Literatur, zumal über die Lyrik und die Kritik, viel Unheil gestiftet hat. Ich meine Goethe.
In seinen "Maximen | 38,628 |
De acuerdo con un informe de Unicef, las muertes de niños menores de cinco años se han reducido en más de un 50 por ciento desde el año 1990.
A tres décadas de aprobarse la Convención de los Derechos del Niño, el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (Unicef, por su sigla en inglés) informó que la mortalidad infantil se ha reducido en un 50 por ciento durante ese período.
LEA TAMBIÉN: Guterres espera que se reviertan efectos de cambio climático
“En los últimos 30 años se ha transformado la vida de los niños, las muertes de niños menores de cinco años se han reducido en más de un 50 por ciento desde 1990”, de acuerdo con un informe publicado en el portal web del organismo.
Por su parte, el secretario general de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU), António Guterres, expresó que, "si bien en los últimos 30 años hemos alcanzado muchos logros en temas de mortalidad, poner fin al matrimonio infantil, brindar apoyo a los menores de edad en situaciones de conflicto, entre otros", son problemáticas que deben tratar.
For every child, every right.
On the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, let’s renew our promise to the children of the world – ensuring their safety, health and ability to achieve their dreams.https://t.co/I33AOdKYJU pic.twitter.com/sa0EfT6FFz — António Guterres (@antonioguterres) 25 de septiembre de 2019
Durante un evento conmemorativo por los 30 años de la Convención de los Derechos del Niño, aseguró que el documento fue un logro histórico, pues las naciones se comprometieron a proclamar los derechos de los niños, defenderlos y ser responsables de ellos. “Esta Convención es el tratado de derechos humanos más ampliamente ratificado de la historia”, expresó sobre el tratado que reconoce explícitamente que los niños tienen los mismos derechos humanos que los adultos, así como derechos adicionales específicos.
Aunque el porcentaje de niños desnutridos ha disminuido a casi la mitad desde 1990, millones siguen excluidos: 262 millones de niños y jóvenes no van a la escuela, 650 millones de niñas y jóvenes se casaron antes de los 18 años y, para 2014, uno de cada cuatro niños vivirá en una zona con recursos hídricos limitados.
Se cumplen 30 años de la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño, el tratado internacional más ratificado de la historia, que ha mejorado la vida de millones de menores ��. @UNICEF recuerda a los líderes reunidos en la #UNGA que aún queda mucho por hacer.https://t.co/ZKkNGb80Qa pic.twitter.com/WhPEJ3vMM9 — Naciones Unidas (@ONU_es) 25 de septiembre de 2019
Guterres demandó más acciones para proteger los derechos de los niños en todo el mundo y alertó sobre la vulnerabilidad de los menores que permanecen en zonas de conflicto y de los que migran con sus familias; el aumento de los niños víctimas de trata de personas y, como consecuencia, de trabajos forzados, reclutam | 38,629 |
Due to the nature of his Eyenox being disrupted by Mute, Attackers such as Thatcher, Twitch, and IQ can be helpful in removing Signal Disruptors.
A well-timed scan from Lion's EE-ONE-D compliments Jackal's Eyenox scans, as the targeted victim will be inevitably detected by one or the other.
Paired with Finka's Adrenal Surge, conflicting concussion and static effects are reduced for Jackal, allowing him to use his visor more freely. Also, since the Surge reduces ADS time as well, his PDW9 becomes extremely quick to aim down with.
Since Gridlock can deploy her Trax Stingers from a floor above, and she also has a shotgun secondary at her disposal, she and Jackal work well together for intimidating and trapping Defenders from multiple angles.
Caveira's Silent Step allows Caveira to reduce the amount of footsteps and negate 3D pings from Jackal's tracking, allowing her to stay hidden even if Jackal tries to locate her. However, since the Silent Step has a shorter duration than the Eyenox scans, it is sometimes impossible for a Caveira to completely avoid being pinged if she is already being scanned.
If Jackal isn't paying attention to doorways and is tracking footprints, Kapkan's Entry Denial Devices can catch Jackal off guard and give away Jackal's position.
Loadout Primary C7E
Assault Rifle
Submachine Gun
Shotgun Secondary ITA12S
Handgun Gadget Claymore x 1
Smoke Grenade x 2 Eyenox Model III x 3
"Tracking eyewear that locates targets by revealing and identifying recent footsteps."
— Eyenox Model III Description
Inspired by the FBI's Quick Capture Platform, the Eyenox Model III was created to offer a mobile tracking device able to both identify and trail a person’s footprints in real-time. This forensic tool was first used to track terrorist cells back to hidden cave complex in the mountains of Afghanistan. Equipped with advanced computer vision, the Eyenox detects invisible details relating to footfall and weight distribution so that you can identify and stalk your target.[1]
Device Evaluation
Device: Eyenox Model III
Operator: Specialist Ryad "Jackal" Al-Hassar
Evaluation Lead: Dr. Elena "Mira" Álvarez
"Both field and controlled lab tests have provided us with enough data to assess the performance for the Eyenox Model III. As with most things, there is always some give and take but overall it's performing to acceptable standards. Of course, none of us seem quite as adept at using it as Ryad. I could see that he had a natural tracking instinct when we first worked together. The mental processes involved in developing tools to enhance that instinct so that it meshes with modern technology are a large part of why GEO and Rainbow consider him so valuable."
"I don't think any major modifications are required for the Eyenox. I'll know more after the regression analysis. A special thanks to Ryad who put in many late hours carrying out my test plans. He's expressed interest in participating in future R&D projects and wanted me to add him to the roster. In the meantime, six has ordered him to take some vacation for once. I told Harry not to hold his breath."
- Dr. Elena "Mira" Álvarez, Director of Research and Development
Jackal's Quotes "The steed, the night, and the desert all know me. Now, you do too." Teaser Trailer " Siempre dejan algo atrás. " Velvet Shell Trailer " Via libre, puedo seguir el rastro. " Spawning "Did you hear that?"
"Every trail leads to death. So is yours."
"First rule of hunting: become your target, then hunt yourself down."
"It's second nature."
"My brother used to say: 'Among the blind, the One-Eyed Man is king'."
"Oh good."
[Soft chuckle to himself.]
"Someone is watching us."
"The best hunter is just as smart as his prey."
"The hunt. There's nothing like it."
"There is someone else here. But they cannot hide from me."
"The steed, the night, and the desert all know me. Now, you do too."
"We will see."
"You ever get the feeling that these operations | 38,630 |
optimization here for the RRSIG record would be to pick a better signature algorithm. By choosing Algorithm 13, rather than Algorithm 7, the CPSC could save 192 bytes per RRSIG record. We've written previously about why we use Algorithm 13 for CloudFlare's DNSSEC implementation.
Doing so here would add up because there are ten RRSIG records in the CPSC's zone in order to sign each of the other records (e.g., A, AAAA, NS, MX, etc...).
Just by switching to a better encryption algorithm the CPSC could increase the security of their DNS zone and save 1,920 bytes per DNS response. That small change alone would cut the maximum possible DNS reflection attack possible with the CPSC's zone by 44 percent.
While that's the biggest savings, choosing a less optimal outcome can't be considered an actual mistake. Unfortunately, the CPSC's zone has some ugly mistakes as well.
The Ugly
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly artwork by Billy Perkins
The RRSIG records discussed in the previous section need to be verified with a public key. These public keys are stored as DNSKEY records. For the CPSC, there are four DNSKEYs that each look like this:
cpsc.gov. 18894 IN DNSKEY 256 3 7 AwEAAbpeSszphwwkOIJn1ha6DE/W3YRXFR2vsMi0RKhq5x9t487UJc0c eamz5TZj6KV5/tzL8/Qr2jnTaQmpWtJHbnF0kqpxeZIR+wzaNbMtEH30 UF5BDv9Bya0W9I+40dS48996kedhEvL6KwmMelB7FH6QPd0ixyhp0+ci 5vew9lzTESEsJ2X2uJrCqo3UacsHyYIzaTSXPpfwizQCql4VySq6+im1 74QaYw/FU4aADAv3R2KQvsR/uI0a7oOihxDDAvtYG7SZvotW3ASZFscd 4B6Yd84RMZC3yGdGtyrSD6tZsiJZoXhLQkkf0kOTWCjPvD8oPm+yYiGI Cm64eM3kflU=
Walking through the record they're similarly formatted to RRSIG records. Once again, 18894 is the TTL on the record, the record type is DNSKEY and that's followed by three numbers: 256, 3 and 7. These are the flags field, protocol, and algorithm.
The flags field is 16-bits wide representing a number of potential boolean flags. Only two bits of this 16-bit field are currently assigned for use with the rest reserved for the future. A value of 256 (or 0000000010000000 or only the 9th flag set to true) indicates that this DNSKEY holds a key that can be used to verify RRSIGs. The protocol requires a 16-bit number so there's no optimization possible here.
The protocol field is 3. That is the only valid value for this field in a DNSKEY record. As the RFC says:
The Protocol Field MUST have value 3, and the DNSKEY RR MUST be treated as invalid during signature verification if it is found to be some value other than 3.
Again, that seems a bit arbitrary but it's what the protocol requires so there's no optimization.
Finally, the algorithm field is 7 which indicates RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1. So, it should be an RSA public key formatted according to RFC3110.
Passing it through a base64 decoder and hexdump we can take a look inside:
00000000 03 01 00 01 ba 5e 4a cc e9 87 0c 24 38 82 67 d6 |.....^J....$8.g.| 00000010 16 ba 0c 4f d6 dd 84 57 15 1d af b0 c8 b4 44 a8 |...O...W......D.| 00000020 6a e7 1f 6d e3 ce d4 25 cd 1c 79 a9 b3 e5 36 63 |j..m...%..y...6c| 00000030 e8 a5 79 fe dc cb f3 f4 2b da 39 d3 69 09 a9 5a |..y.....+.9.i..Z| 00000040 d2 47 6e 71 74 92 aa 71 79 92 11 fb 0 | 38,631 |
c da 35 b3 |.Gnqt..qy.....5.| 00000050 2d 10 7d f4 50 5e 41 0e ff 41 c9 ad 16 f4 8f b8 |-.}.P^A..A......| 00000060 d1 d4 b8 f3 df 7a 91 e7 61 12 f2 fa 2b 09 8c 7a |.....z..a...+..z| 00000070 50 7b 14 7e 90 3d dd 22 c7 28 69 d3 e7 22 e6 f7 |P{.~.=.".(i.."..| 00000080 b0 f6 5c d3 11 21 2c 27 65 f6 b8 9a c2 aa 8d d4 |..\..!,'e.......| 00000090 69 cb 07 c9 82 33 69 34 97 3e 97 f0 8b 34 02 aa |i....3i4.>...4..| 000000a0 5e 15 c9 2a ba fa 29 b5 ef 84 1a 63 0f c5 53 86 |^..*..)....c..S.| 000000b0 80 0c 0b f7 47 62 90 be c4 7f b8 8d 1a ee 83 a2 |....Gb..........| 000000c0 87 10 c3 02 fb 58 1b b4 99 be 8b 56 dc 04 99 16 |.....X.....V....| 000000d0 c7 1d e0 1e 98 77 ce 11 31 90 b7 c8 67 46 b7 2a |.....w..1...gF.*| 000000e0 d2 0f ab 59 b2 22 59 a1 78 4b 42 49 1f d2 43 93 |...Y."Y.xKBI..C.| 000000f0 58 28 cf bc 3f 28 3e 6f b2 62 21 88 0a 6e b8 78 |X(..?(>o.b!..n.x| 00000100 cd e4 7e 55 |..~U|
Notice that the first four bytes are 03 01 00 01. That indicates an exponent of 65537 (03 means three bytes of exponent, 010001 in hex is 65537) which is very common for the RSA algorithm. The rest of the record consists of 256 bytes (2,048 bits). These 2,048 bits are the modulus part of the RSA key. Thus this is a 2,048 bit key.
Like with RRSIG, the CPSC could have better security and a shorter record if they specified a more efficient algorithm for their DNSKEY records. Using Algorithm 13 would save 192 bytes per DNSKEY, or 768 bytes across the 4 records.
But there's the rub: the CPSC doesn't need to have 4 DNSKEY records at all. Except during a key rollover, there should generally only be 2 DNSKEY records. In the CPSC's case, one of the DNSKEYs (id 59364) isn't signing anything. Another of the DNSKEYs (id 27793) is redundant. In other words, the CPSC includes 552 bytes of completely worthless data in every DNS record. Just eliminating these two useless records would cut the maximum size of a DNS Amplification DDoS attack using the CPSC's zone by almost 13 percent.
You can visualize the chain of how DNSSEC records are used to sign each other by using a tool provided by DNSVIZ. The diagram below shows how the two unused DNSKEYs don't actually sign any records.
A Better CPSC Zone
There are a handful of other minor optimizations. Add them all up and the CPSC Zone could be much smaller. At CloudFlare, we've worked to optimize the size and performance of our zone records. We used our automated zone generator on the CPSC and got the following zone file:
cpsc.gov. 281 IN A cpsc.gov. 281 IN A cpsc.gov. 281 IN RRSIG A 13 2 300 20160402121755 20160331101755 35273 cpsc.gov. xYJVr9iNMm50wgoGbMaG76QNyZk2aU2STmzxlUGe09G9LyEqnlDW6YLK pyAeMqHODKuxt83dKDUeB0bgvSPCyQ== cpsc.gov. 278 IN AAAA 2400:cb00:2048:1::681b:8e42 cpsc.gov. 278 IN AAAA 2400:cb00:2048:1::681b:8f42 cpsc.gov. 278 IN RRSIG AAAA 13 2 300 20160402121752 201603311 | 38,632 |
au presupus într-adevăr, din vânturile predominante la momentul fecundării şi semănării seminţei, natura a ceea ce va rezulta; şi în general vedem că cele mai importante consecinţe semnificate de cele mai evidente configuraţii ale Soarelui, Lunii şi stelelor sunt de obicei cunoscute dinainte, chiar şi de către cei interesaţi, nu prin mijloace ştiinţifice, ci doar prin observaţie;…… căci Soarele este responsabil pentru aceste fenomene…” (Claudiu Ptolemeu, Tetrabiblos – Tratat sistematic asupra astrologiei,Cartea I, 2.).
“Din Antichitate şi până târziu în Renaştere, numele lui Claudiu Ptolemeu aproape a dominat astronomia, geografia şi astrologia deopotrivă. A fost numit “divinul Ptolemeu”, de către Hephaestion din Teba, iar expresia arată că respectul lui alunecă oarecum spre idolatrie” (Frank Egleston Robbins în Introducere la Claudiu Ptolemeu, Tetrabiblos, Bucureşti, Editura Herald, 2009, p.5, Sursele ediţiei: Ptolemy :Tetrabibos, translated by Frank Egleston Robbins, Harvard University Press, 1940.).
Claudiu Ptolemeu s-a născut cel mai probabil la Ptolemais în Egipt, viaţa sa putând fi situată între 100-178 e.n. în timpul domniilor lui Traian, Hadrian, Antonius Pius şi Marcus Aurelius. A cercetat la Alexandria între anii 127-141 e.n.
Prin lucrările sale Claudiu Ptolemeu face dovada unor cunoştinţe enciclopedice, a unui talent oratoricesc deosebit care se manifestă atât prin eleganţa expunerii, cât şi prin puterea conferită explicaţiei. Prin cunoştinţe şi modul propriu de expunere el reuşeşte să se facă înţeles, să dezlege mistere sau observaţii ale corpurilor cereşti, proprii sau îndeobşte cunoscute, relatate ştiinţific sau constatate şi empiric prin observaţie. Prezintă deasemenea o impresionantă imagine a eruperii forţelor naturii telurice în toată plenutidinea şi multitudinea ei şi sub influenţa, împreună cu influenţa determinantă,hotărâtoare a Soarelui, Lunii şi stelelor. Mai departe el prezintă constatări asupra caracteristicilor, trăsăturilor generale ale comportamentului uman majoritar dependent de poziţia geografică, influenţa corpurilor cereşti, curenţii de aer,etc. Din acest punct de vedere rămâne un adevărat “Lord” al cunoştinţelor despre natură şi Univers, respectând enorm filosofia aristotelică.
În acelaşi timp s-a reproşat lui Claudiu Ptolemeu că este un autor dificil chiar şi pentru | 38,633 |
Today's blog will serve as a deep dive into a recent Spectre fix, one of dozens being manually applied to the upstream Linux kernel. We'll cover the full path this fix took, from its warning-inducing initial state to its correction upstream and then later brokenness when backported to all of the upstream Long Term Support (LTS) kernels. We'll look at both the nature of the flaw in the backport as well as flaws in upstream processes that resulted in this backporting failure. As contrast, we'll note how our independent review process spotted this vulnerability at commit time and how our Respectre plugin had already automatically fixed the underlying vulnerability.
The earliest version of the fix that I've been able to find is this patch from Dianzhang Chen on May 24th 2019. It addresses speculative access of an array with a user-controlled index via the ptrace syscall. The original fix was fine from a fixing-the-vuln perspective, but Thomas Gleixner replied here with some style comments that set in motion a series of cascading failures. Exactly one month and one day later, on June 25th 2019, the second version of the patch was submitted here. As the details of the fix are now important, I've reproduced the diff below:
diff --git a/arch/x86/kernel/ptrace.c b/arch/x86/kernel/ptrace.c index a166c96..cbac646 100644 --- a/arch/x86/kernel/ptrace.c +++ b/arch/x86/kernel/ptrace.c @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ #include <linux/rcupdate.h> #include <linux/export.h> #include <linux/context_tracking.h> +#include <linux/nospec.h> #include <linux/uaccess.h> #include <asm/pgtable.h> @@ -643,9 +644,11 @@ static unsigned long ptrace_get_debugreg(struct task_struct *tsk, int n) { struct thread_struct *thread = &tsk->thread; unsigned long val = 0; + int index = n; if (n < HBP_NUM) { - struct perf_event *bp = thread->ptrace_bps[n]; + index = array_index_nospec(index, HBP_NUM); + struct perf_event *bp = thread->ptrace_bps[index]; if (bp) val = bp->hw.info.address;
As you'll note, the beginning of the code block initializes the index variable before declaring the bp pointer. This results in the following compiler warning:
arch/x86/kernel/ptrace.c: In function 'ptrace_get_debugreg': arch/x86/kernel/ptrace.c:705:3: warning: ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code [-Wdeclaration-after-statement] struct perf_event *bp = thread->ptrace_bps[index]; ^~~~~~
Despite this warning, this code was merged into Thomas Gleixner's x86/tip tree verbatim, as can be seen here. Prior to merging the fix for 5.3-rc1, Linus Torvalds noticed the warning as seen on the LKML mailing list here and fixed it correctly. However, when the actual merge of the tree was performed, no mention was made of the correction to the fix, and with no specific commit mentioning the correction and fixing it alone, everyone else's processes that depended on cherry-picking specific commits ended up grabbing the bad warning-inducing change. As a further failure, instead of looking at Linus' correct fix (observable by checking out the master tree at the time), the approach employed in the LTS kernels seems to have been to naively silence the warning by simply swapping the order of the two lines, producing this:
+ struct perf_event *bp = thread->ptrace_bps[index]; + index = array_index_nospec(index, HBP_NUM);
To clarify why this fix is bad, let's first discuss the upstream array_index_nospec() API. This function takes an index value along with the first larger out-of-bounds value for the index. Without the use of conditional control flow, it translates that index into either the original index value (if within bounds) or zero (if out of bounds). By ensuring that all later uses of the original index instead use the value returned from this API, the damage from speculated paths with an out-of-bounds index value is prevented.
Here, however, "index" was used as an index into the ptrace_bps array before the index was passed through the array_index_nospec() macro. Furthermore, as "index" | 38,634 |
Advogado, jornalista e cientista político, Murillo de Aragão, é presidente da Arko Advice Pesquisas e sócio da LRCA Advogados. Entre 1992 e 1997 foi pesquisador associado da Social Science Research Council (Nova York). Foi membro do “board” da International Federation of the Periodical Press (Londres) entre 1988 e 2002. Foi pesquisador da CAPES quando doutorando no CEPAC/UnB. Autor dos livros “Grupos de Pressão no Congresso Nacional” e “Reforma Política – O Debate Inadiável”. É membro da Associação Brasileira de Ciência Política, da American Political Science Association e da Internacional Political Science Association, além de membro do Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social da Presidência da República desde 2007. “São partidos do universo da esquerda. O PSDB é um partido de centro-esquerda com viés de centro, e o PT é uma frente de esquerdistas de várias tonalidades com viés de esquerda. Ambos gostam do Estado, do poder intervencionista, do Estado regulador. O PSDB, por conta da aventura do Plano Real, está alguns passos adiante no que tange ao setor privado. O PT está aprendendo. (…) O Brasil não é um lutador completo. Tem grandes qualidades e grandes defeitos. Se fôssemos completos seríamos – de longe – um país de grande riqueza e poder. Falta ao Brasil o sentido de urgência de que necessitamos para vencer muitos obstáculos”, afirma o cientista político.
Todas as pesquisas realizadas até agora dão como certa a vitória da presidente Dilma Rousseff ainda no primeiro turno das eleições deste ano. Podemos dizer que só um tropeço de grande escala tira a reeleição da atual mandatária?
Dilma é a favorita e, em condições normais, depende apenas de si mesma para vencer. No entanto, sempre acontecem surpresas. E as surpresas podem mudar as tendências. O Brasil de hoje é cheio de surpresas. Basta lembrar as manifestações de junho de 2013 e os conhecidos “rolezinhos” de hoje em dia. Há fatores de risco que não podem ser desconsiderados. Em primeiro lugar, Dilma Rousseff precisa estar atenta ao desejo de mudança existente no eleitorado. Segundo o Datafolha (final de novembro de 2013), quando questionados sobre as ações do próximo presidente 28% dos entrevistados responderam que esperam “que sejam iguais”, e 66% querem “que sejam diferentes”. Esses percentuais são próximos dos registrados em 2002, no final do Governo FHC, quando 15% mostravam desejo de continuidade (“que sejam iguais”) e 76% optavam por mudança (“que sejam diferentes”). Há também problemas na economia, em especial, a inflação.
Há três anos, o senhor afirmou que o Brasil era como um lutador de boxe que não era completo em suas qualidades. Continua com essa análise?
Isso mesmo. O Brasil não é um lutador completo. Tem grandes qualidades e grandes defeitos. Se fôssemos completos seríamos – de longe – um país de grande rique | 38,635 |
Breaking his silence, Rahul Gandhi today said his former party colleague Jayanthi Natarajan had been pitted against him by Prime Minister Narendra Modi as he had been fighting for the poor and other weaker sections of the society.
"Ek din maine Modiji ke baare mein kuch kaha, agle din unhone Natrajan ko khada kiya (One day, I said something about Modi, the very next day, he put up Natarajan)," the Congress Vice President said at a rally here.
This was his first reaction to Natarajan's allegation that he used to interfere in grant of green nods when she was Environment Minister before being forced out in December 2013. She resigned from the party on Saturday last.
"I want to tell you that I have fought for the poor and the adivasis and I had told Jayanthi Natarajan that we should look into the welfare of the environment, poor and the adivasis. I will continue to fight for the poor, the hutsmen and the weaker sections," the Congress vice-president said at an election rally here.
Alleging that the Prime Minister is working only to benefit his "industrial friends", he said he had joined politics to ensure welfare for the poor and the weaker sections of the society and not to benefit some businessmen.
Natarajan had last Saturday resigned from the primary membership of Congress alleging that she was "vilified" for rejecting green nod to industrial projects during her tenure as Environment Minister, which she said she had done following communications by the Congress vice-president.
She had also written a letter to Congress president Sonia Gandhi a few months back alleging that she had received specific requests from Rahul on environmental clearances and consequently rejected big ticket projects, a contention she reaffirmed at the time of announcing her resignation.
Latching on to her remarks, BJP had launched a scathing attack on the Congress leadership accusing Rahul of interfering in the government work.
Holding that most of corruption in the country is related to land, Rahul Gandhi claimed that while others talked about the problem, Congress took measures to check it.
"Other people talk about corruption. Leader of AAP talks about it. Our Prime Minister talked about corruption. He used to do it earlier but not now," he said.
"The maximum corruption in this country is related to land," the Congress leader said and noted that his party's government had brought the Land Acquisition Bill to deal with it.
To press his point that Congress acts against corruption, he said, "We fought in Bhatta Parsaul (in Noida in Uttar Pradesh), Niyamgiri (Odisha)."
In Bhatta Parsaul, he extended his support to farmers who were agitating against acquisition of land by the government about three years back. In Niyamgiri, he supported the cause of tribals against industrial projects.
"Earlier the Prime Minister, the Chief Minister could snatch anyone's land and their land was given to any industrialist. In Noida, 2000 acre was given for Formula One (car racing). Formula One race stopped but thousands of acres was snatched.
"We stood with farmes, waged a battle and got the Land Acquisition Bill passed. People from BJP opposed but we got the bill passed. It was not an easy job," Rahul said, observing that it was perhaps the most difficult job done in UPA II.
"I can tell you that this thing brought political damage to UPA because the powers, which incurred loss due to it, stood against us," he said. Mentioning the work done by Congress governments at the Centre and in Delhi, Rahul Gandhi referred to measures like RTI to fight corruption and UPA's flagship rural job scheme MNREGA. He also claimed that Congress government had changed the face of Delhi.
The Congress Vice President, however, acknowledged that there were shortcomings that the party should rectify.
"We gave ownership right to 55 lakh people but that is not enough. I want that in the times to come, everybody in Delhi is given the right to roof by Congress. There should not be one person who does not have a concrete roof over his head and has no land ownership. We see this dream and I want to assure that if our government comes to power, we will give entire Delhi ownership right..
"Secondly, Delhi is a city of dreams. The rich can see dreams easily but our poor people, the contract labour, bus driver who are not sure of their job the next day always have this concern. They also have a right to see dreams," he said.
He said that if Congress had its Chief Minister, it will put an end to contract labour within a week and make it permanent within six months.
"Electricity tariff will be | 38,636 |
Mexican president appeals to Trump after barrage of tweets: 'Threatening attitudes' not justified
Show Caption Hide Caption The tough reality of Mexico's migrant caravan Thousands of people are walking towards a better life, but now the numbers are dwindling in response to Trump's U.S. border threats.
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, in a statement personally directed to President Trump, called on the U.S. president Thursday to negotiate with Mexico in a constructive spirit, saying the challenges between the two neighbors "never justify threatening or disrespectful attitudes between our countries.”
"If your recent statements are the result of frustration due to domestic policy issues, to your laws or to your Congress, it is to them that you should turn to, not to Mexicans,” he said in a five-minute, video statement issued on Twitter. "We’re not going to permit that negative rhetoric to define our actions. We’re only going to work in the best interest of the Mexicans.”
The video was Peña Nieto's first public response to Trump since the U.S. president kicked off a week-long barrage of tweets and statements blasting everything from U.S. immigration laws, the Mexican government, Democrats, NAFTA and Honduran asylum-seekers.
A few hours later, the Pentagon issued a statement that said it was creating a "Border Security Support Cell" to coordinate between the Defense Department and the Department of Homeland Security.
"The cell will focus on supporting (the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol) priorities based on missions and threats, which will determine the time frame and number of military personnel employed," the statement said.
Peña Nieto's statement also comes one day after Trump ordered the secretary of Defense to deploy National Guard troops on the U.S.-Mexican border to beef up security.
In ordering the deployment, Trump warned that conditions on the borders were at a "point of crisis" and that "lawlessness" on the Southern border is "fundamentally incompatible with the safety, security and sovereignty of the American people."
He added that his administration "has no choice but to act."
Hay algo que a todos, absolutamente a todos los mexicanos, nos une y nos convoca: la certeza de que nada, ni nadie, está por encima de la dignidad de México. pic.twitter.com/3FxfbAF4zl — Enrique Peña Nieto (@EPN) April 5, 2018
In West Virginia, Trump again hit the immigration topic hard on Thursday, saying, "We have to have strong borders" and vowed that troops would remain at the border "until we can have a wall."
In his tweets in recent days, the president has threatened to end the North American Free Trade Agreement and blamed Democrats, Mexico and Central American countries for allowing migrants and drugs to flow into the U.S.
The Mexican leader took a measured tone in his remarks, spoken in front of a Mexican flag, listing the ways his country has worked with the U.S., including with Trump, to "modernize” NAFTA and stop transnational criminal gangs and other things.
“The bilateral relationship entails enormous opportunities that should benefit both nations,” he said. “It is an intense and dynamic relationship, which understandably also poses challenges. Nevertheless, these will never justify threatening or disrespectful attitudes between our countries.
“Paraphrasing the words of a great president of the United States of America: We will have no fear to negotiate, but we will never negotiate out of fear,” he said, quoting President Kennedy.
Trump, who said a "crisis" forced him to order the troops to the U.S.-Mexico border, said Thursday that a border-bound caravan of about 1,000 migrants fleeing violence in Central America had broken up inside Mexico.
The president has been tweeting about the caravan since Sunday after the Fox News program Fox & Friends and other media outlets reported a group of more than 1,000 migrants was traveling to the U.S. border and Mexican authorities were doing little to stop them.
The caravan at the heart of the latest border flareup was marching northward to draw attention to the migrants' plight, with most heading to official U.S. border crossings to apply for asylum and some hoping to break off and cross illegally.
Trump said Thursday, without providing details, that women in the caravan had been raped “at levels that nobody has ever seen before.”
The Caravan is largely broken up thanks to the strong immigration laws of Mexico and their willingness to use them so as not to cause a giant scene at our Border. Because of the Trump Administrations actions, Border crossings are at a still UNACCEPTABLE 46 year low. Stop drugs! — Donald J. Trump | 38,637 |
As PowerShell has plain command based console if you want to show different font or different bigger font on the same console as output, you will have to use ASCII Text art, I had got a request to write a script to convert any text to ASCII art. Only weirdness in the request I found was, whatever output generated as ascii art, should not be captured to file or by coping it. Someone might argue using Write-Host cmdlet, but Here I have found perfect use case for my need of using Write-Host, I have used it with backgroundcolor parameter to show font, keeping few spaces no color.
Below is the example of one of the letter A. (There are only capital alphabets, small letters are shown as capital alphabets only), You can create your own font and it is easily replaceable, I am planning to create external file in future with different fonts.
1 Write-Host $( " " * 6) -BackgroundColor 'Yellow' -NoNewline ; Write-Host " " ; Write-Host " " -BackgroundColor 'Yellow' -NoNewline ; Write-Host " " -NoNewline ; Write-Host " " -BackgroundColor 'Yellow' -NoNewline ; Write-Host " " ; Write-Host " " -BackgroundColor 'Yellow' -NoNewline ; Write-Host " " -NoNewline ; Write-Host " " -BackgroundColor 'Yellow' -NoNewline ; Write-Host " " ; Write-Host $( " " * 6) -BackgroundColor 'Yellow' -NoNewline ; Write-Host " " ; Write-Host " " -BackgroundColor 'Yellow' -NoNewline ; Write-Host " " -NoNewline ; Write-Host " " -BackgroundColor 'Yellow' -NoNewline ; Write-Host " "
You can save script in.\Convertto-TextASCIIArt.ps1. There is a parameter -Text where your provide your custom text message. and -FontColor has choice (Black, DarkBlue, DarkGreen, DarkCyan, DarkRed, DarkMagenta, DarkYellow, Gray, DarkGray, Blue, Green, Cyan, Red, Magenta, Yellow, White). If you need spacial character send me comment on the blog so I can add it if required.
Difficulty running script go thru my earlier blog.
Different ways to bypass Powershell execution policy :.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled
Installing, importing and using any module in powershell
If you need more font choices, you can use -Online parameter, which will use api and fetch selected text from http://artii.herokuapp.com using Invoke-WebRequest using Get method. For complete font list (figlet) browse http://artii.herokuapp.com/fonts_list or user -FontName Parameter. Font name (figlet name) is case sensitive.
This code is available on GitHub or download from here.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 | 38,638 |
, but at a time when melody was considered a reductive factor. As a matter of fact their melodies marked a regression to the 50s, to the type of singer the recording industry was desperately trying to push on the audience and against whom rock sought to rebel. The Beatles tried every fashion exported by the US: Chuck Berry's rock and roll, the vocal harmonies of the Beach Boys, the romantic melody of Tin Pan Alley, the baroque sound of Pet Sounds (Beach Boys), the rock opera Absolutely Free (Frank Zappa), the psychedelic arrangements of the Electric Prunes and the like, the hard riffs of the blues-rock jams (Cream), the synthesis of folk-rock (launched by Dylan and the Grateful Dead). Yet the audience credited these innovations - brought about by others - to the Beatles. All things considered, their success is one of the greatest paradoxes of the century. The Beatles understood virtually nothing of what was happening around them, but the success of anything they copied was guaranteed. By buying their records, one bought a shortcut to the music of those times. The enormous influence of the Beatles was not musical. Music, especially in those days, was something else: experimental, instrumental, improvised, political. The Beatles played pop ditties until the end. The most creative rock musicians of the time played everything but pop ditties, because rock was conceived as an alternative to ditties. FM radio was created to play rock music, not pop ditties. Alternative music magazines were born to review rock music, not pop songs. Evidently, to the kids who listened to the Beatles (mostly girls attracted by their looks), rock music had nothing to say that they were willing to listen to. They were influential, yes, but on the customs - in the strictest sense of the word. Their influence, for better or for worse, on the great phenomena of the 60s does not amount to much. Unlike Bob Dylan, they did not stir social revolts; unlike the Jefferson Airplane and the Grateful Dead they did not foster the hippie movement; unlike Jim Morrison and Jimi Hendrix they did not further the myth of LSD; unlike Jagger and Zappa they had no impact on the sexual revolution. Indeed the Beatles were icons of the customs that embodied the opposite: the desire to contain all that was happening. In their songs there is no Vietnam, there is no politics, there are no kids rioting in the streets, there is no sexual promiscuity, there are no drugs, there is no violence. In the world of the Beatles the social order of the 1940s and the 1950s still reigns. At best they were influential on the secret dreams of young girls, and on the haircuts of young nerdy boys. The Beatles had the historical function to serve as champions of the reaction. Their smiles and their choruses hid the revolution: they concealed the restlessness of an underground movement ready to explode, for a bourgeoisie who wanted to hear nothing about it. They had nothing to say and that is why they never said it.
(Lettere dei lettori) I Beatles appartengono certamente alla storia del costume degli anni '60, ma i loro meriti musicali sono quantomeno dubbi. I Beatles vennero alla luce all'apice della reazione nei confronti del rock and roll, quando innocui "teen idols" (rigorosamente bianchi) prendevano il posto dei selvaggi rocker neri che avevano scosso le radio e le coscienze di mezza America. L'arrivo dei Beatles rappresento` il salvagente per la middle-class bianca, terrorizzata all'idea che il rock and roll rappresentasse una vera rivoluzione di costume. I Beatles tranquillizzarono quella vasta fascia di pubblico e conquistarono i cuori di tutti coloro (soprattutto al femminile) che volevano essere ribelli ma senza violare i codici imperanti. Ai volti contorti e lascivi dei neri del rock and roll si sostituiro i sorrisi innocenti dei Beatles; ai ritmi scatenati dei primi si sostituirono le cadenze orecchiabili dei secondi. Il rock and roll poteva finalmente essere accettato nelle classifiche del "pop". I Beatles rappresentarono la quintessenza della reazione a una rivoluzione musicale che non era finita, e per qualche anno riuscirono ad arenarne l'impeto. I Beatles rappresentaron | 38,639 |
i nella storia dello spettacolo. La loro storia ebbe inizio alla fine degli anni '50. I Crickets di Buddy Holly ("grilli") avevano di fatto inventato il concetto moderno di complesso rock. Indirettamente avevano anche lanciato la moda di battezzare un complesso rock con una parola plurale (come i complessi doo-wop prima di loro) ma una parola comica invece che seria. In breve spuntarono complessi come i Crickets dappertutto e quasi tutti con nomi di una parola plurale. A dilagare furono gli insetti. I piu` famosi furono i Beatles. Costruiti piu` che altro per portare in Europa lo spirito spensierato, le melodie semplici e le armonie vocali dei Beach Boys (la novita` americana di turno), i Beatles finirono per diventare loro malgrado il massimo successo discografico del loro tempo. Detto che ne' i Beatles ne' i Beach Boys appartengono alla storia maggiore della musica, entrambi furono pero` influenti nel conferire credibilita` commerciale alla musica rock e nell'incoraggiare migliaia di ragazzi in giro per il mondo a formare complessi rock; un po' come il successo di Elvis Presley, anche lui lungi dall'essere un grande musicista, aveva incoraggiato migliaia di ragazzi bianchi (fra cui Beach Boys e Beatles) a diventare rockers. La "swinging London" degli anni '60 era un misto di rinnovamento, mediocrita` qualunquista, disimpegno, rinascita della cultura, attrazione turistica, frenesia di vivere, di istanze di ribellione sommerse dalle insegne luminose, di ragazzi capelloni e di ragazze in minigonne, di benessere e ipocrisia del benessere, di qualunquismo e dolce vita, e molte altre cose; i Beatles furono il prodotto piu` venduto di quella Londra ambigua e contraddittoria. I Beatles erano originari di Liverpool. John Lennon, che aveva suonato per anni in un gruppo di skiffle (i Quarrymen, fondati nel 1955) prima di formare i Beatles nel 1960 con McCartney, suonava la chitarra ritmica. George Harrison, assunto quando era ancora minorenne, era il chitarrista principe (con uno stile essenziale che si ispirava alle chitarre rockabilly di James Burton e Carl Perkins). Dopo aver fatto gavetta ad Amburgo in Germania (suonando i classici del rock and roll), debuttarono al Cavern di Liverpool il 21 febbraio 1961. In seguito Ringo Starr rilevo` il batterista e Paul McCartney passo` al basso. A differenza degli altri gruppi del Merseybeat, che fin dal 1960 si erano evoluti verso uno stile sempre piu` guidato dalla chitarra, i Beatles continuarono a far leva sulle armonie vocali, come si faceva negli anni '40 e '50. Nel 1962 era esploso il fenomeno di Beach Boys e Four Seasons, due complessi che in realta` eseguivano musica melodica vocale ma che imitavano i Crickets nell'assetto. Furono comunque Beach Boys e Four Seasons a imporre le armonie vocali a piu` parti nella musica leggera bianca (un derivato del doo-wop dei gruppi neri, che era stato popolare per tutti gli anni '50). Quell'anno i Beatles cominciarono la transizione da gruppo di cover (come tanti altri in Europa) a gruppo melodico vocale. Uno dei primi brani dei Beach Boys era stato la revisione di un br | 38,640 |
ano di Chuck Berry. Uno dei primi brani dei Beatles sara` la revisione di un brano di Chuck Berry. Paul McCartney suonava il basso come Brian Wilson nei Beach Boys. Brian Epstein fu l'uomo che li scoperse (nel novembre del 1961) e fu l'uomo che ne creo` l'immagine (fu lui a inventare il loro abbigliamento e la loro capigliatura a caschetto (copiata dal comico televisivo Ish Kabibble), nonche' a trovare il contratto con la EMI). George Martin fu l'uomo che ne creo` il sound. Il 1962 fu l'anno di Dylan, delle dimostrazioni pacifiste, delle canzoni di protesta. Proprio nel 1962, quasi agli antipodi di cio` che stava accadendo in USA, i Beatles esordirono con un 45 giri, Love Me Do (registrata nel settembre 1962), che era un gioviale rhythm and blues condotto dall'armonica nello stile di Delbert McClinton. Il brano entro` in classifica alla fine dell'anno. Nel febbraio del 1963 il complesso raggiunse la seconda posizione delle vendite con Please Please Me. Un'accorta campagna pubblicitaria, gestita genialmente da Epstein, scateno` nel giro di pochi mesi l'isteria di massa: dischi che si esaurivano prima ancora di essere stampati, mass-media che seguivano passo-passo le avventure dei quattro eroi, moda che ne imitiva le pettinature a caschetto. Epstein aveva creato la "Beatlemania". Di pari passo con il crescere del fanatismo procedeva anche il raffinamento del loro stile, che assimilava continuamente nuovi elementi e diventava sempre piu` melodico, rinnegando progressivamente le radici rhythm and blues da cui era partito. Attraverso From Me To You, la scalmanata She Loves You (con i primi selvaggi "yeah-yeah") e I Want To Hold Your Hand (con clapping e un ritmo piu` pesante, in pratica una fusione di Everly Brothers e twist), tutti al primo posto delle classifiche del 1963, si affermava una tecnica che fondeva secoli di stili vocali (innodia sacra, song elisabettiana, music-hall, ballata folk, gospel e doo-wop) in una forma armoniosa e cristallina di ritornello ottimista, una variante dell'operazione appena compiuta negli USA dalle Shirelles. Nei casi migliori era lo stile giovale/infantile/orecchiabile di Buddy Holly a essere copiato, ma accelerandone il ritmo secondo la moda del "twist". Il twist era il successo straordinario di quegli anni: ritmo veloce, atteggiamento provocante e ritornelli orecchiabili. I Beatles intuirono che quella era la formula giusta. In USA non se n'era ancora accorto nessuno, e degli album Please Please Me (marzo 1963) e With The Beatles (novembre 1963) erano apparse soltanto versioni menomate con titoli diversi, ma nel gennaio 1964 la EMI decise di investire massicciamente e puntualmente I Want To Hold Your Hand arrivo` al primo posto delle classifiche USA, e cosi` fece il primo album USA, Meet The Beatles (Capitol, 1964). Negli USA, ripuliti dalla feccia del rock and roll perverso e amorale degli anni '50, il loro Merseybeat educato e orecchiabile venne visto di buon occhio dai media. Dopo la prima tournee` del febbraio 1964 e la loro apparizione all'"Ed Sullivan Show", i loro 45 giri capeggiavano saldament | 38,641 |
risti blues come Johnny Watson e Willie Johnson e gia` usato da Clapton negli Yardbirds), canzoni sempre piu` esuberanti con ritornelli sempre piu` memorabili, tutte ai primi posti su entrambi i lati dell'Atlantico. Con queste canzoni e con i loro atteggiamenti pubblici, i Beatles impongono uno stile di essere giovani piu` fantasioso e provocatorio. I Beatles sono appena nati eppure girano gia` il primo dei documentari surreali dedicati alla loro vita quotidiana, A Hard Day's Night e vengono pubblicate le prime due biografie del gruppo. Ma in USA l'investimento e` sempre piu` massiccio: la EMI firma contratti a valanga per favorire il mercato di parrucche alla Beatles, di abiti alla Beatles, di cartoni animati ispirati ai Beatles, persino di bambole Beatles. L'America e` invasa dall'immagine di quei quattro ragazzi sorridenti, con la creazione del mito di "teen idols". che sembrano esorcizzare la guerra del Vietnam, i disordini studenteschi, le marce della pace, l'assassinio di John Kennedy, i disordini razziali, Bob Dylan, il rock and roll e tutte le altre tragedie (presunte o reali) che affliggono l'"American Dream". In fondo, e` una forma di terapia d'urto. Naturalmente dietro quei quattro volti sorridenti si celano semplicemente quattro mediocri musicisti (e quattro miliardari snob nella piu` fiera tradizione britannica). Non sono il simbolo di una ribellione, ma, al contrario, il braccio armato della reazione. I Beatles ottimisti ed effervescenti rappresentano soprattutto il bisogno di "evadere" dalla realta`. In particolare i giovani aveva un bisogno disperato di qualcosa in cui credere, qualcosa che non fosse soltanto bombe e teppismo. I Beatles trasferirono in musica l'entusiasmo delle masse e, di ritorno, vennero acclamati con entusiasmo dalle stesse masse, in un ciclo che rasentava il moto perpetuo. Il meglio del loro cliche' e` riassunto da un celebre aneddoto: intervistato durante la tournee americana, alla domanda "come avete trovato l'America?" Lennon rispose "abbiamo preso a sinistra in Groenlandia!" In quest'humour anarchico e surreale e` racchiuso il merito piu` grande del quartetto. Dal 1965 il long-playing, che nei due anni precedenti era stato in secondo piano rispetto ai 45 giri (le versioni USA degli LP comprendevano gli hit, quelle Britanniche in genere no e avevano 14 canzoni contro le 12 delle versioni USA), diventa invece la nuova unita` di misura del loro lavoro. A Hard Day's Night (1964) era stato il primo album contenente soltanto materiale di Lennon e McCartney, anche se seguito da For Sale che aveva sei cover (ma anche Eight Days A Week e la malinconica I Don't Want To Spoil The Party). Help (Agosto 1965) aveva segnato la transizione dal Merseybeat a un sound piu` folk e country (in molte canzoni sembra di ascoltare Buddy Holly), svariando da The Night Before a Ticket To Ride. I Beatles di questo periodo sfoderano soprattutto un talento formidabile per la ballata malinconica, come dimostrano You've Got To Hide Your Love Away e soprattutto Yesterday, il "lento" per eccellenza di Paul McCartney a cui Martin aggiunse un quartet | 38,642 |
tuijottaessa. Työpaikalla tarvitaankin kollegojen kohtaamisia vesiautomaatilla, kahvihuoneessa ja lounasruokalassa.
– Aivoja voi myös lepuuttaa ottamalla nokoset tai käymällä kävelyllä, mikäli se on työpaikalla mahdollista, aivotutkija kannustaa.
Luovuus tarvitsee tilaa ja aikaa. Siitä kumpuavat ideat ja uudet ajatukset. Kyse on tarpeellisesta "joutokäyntitilasta".
– Joutokäynti käynnistyy kun ihminen on hereillä, mutta ei tavoitehakuisessa tilassa. Tällaiset hetket ovat yhä harvinaisempia. Ihmisillä on päällä suoritusmoodi ja joka hetkessä pitäisi tehdä jotain hyödyllistä.
– Itse teen joskus niin, että raitiovaunussa en otakaan kännykkää esille, vaan istun ihan rauhassa hiljaa ja tuijottelen ikkunasta, Katri Saarikivi sanoo.
Työpaikalla tarvitaan empatiaa
Aivotutkijan mielestä työpaikkojen ihmiskäsitys on vanhentunut. Etenkin esimiehiltä vaaditaan nyt empatiataitoja, kykyä tuntea sekä asettua toisen asemaan.
– Minusta empatia on hyvä lähtökohta mihin tahansa työhön. Sitä tarvitaan kaikissa töissä. Kaikki työ on loppujen lopuksi toisten ihmisten ongelmien ratkaisemista tai toisten ihmisten tarpeisiin vastaamista. Mitä lähemmäksi päästään ja mitä paremmin ymmärretään sitä ihmistä, jonka ongelmaa työssä ratkaistaan, sitä parempaa työtä voidaan tehdä.
Katri Saarikivi kertoo esimerkin hoitotyössä tehdyistä tutkimuksista. Jos lääkäri suhtautuu potilaaseen vastaanotolla empaattisesti, kuuntelee, osoittaa ymmärtävänsä ja on kokonaisvaltaisesti kiinnostunut, niin potilas paranee nopeammin.
– Monissa työpaikoissa empatiaa ja vuorovaikutustaitoja ei ole pidetty tärkeinä. Kuitenkin tuoreimman tutkimuksen mukaan vuorovaikutuksen laatu vaikuttaa eniten siihen, saako tiimi jotain aikaiseksi yhdessä. Empatiataidot ennustavat työtiimien ongelmanratkaisukykyä ja menestymistä.
Esimies on henkilöstöosaaja, jonka tärkeimpiä ominaisuuksia on kyky kommunikoida alaisten kanssa.
– Esimiehen tehtäviin kuuluu yhä useammin työntekijöiden hyvinvoinnista huolehtimista. Kun työntekijät voivat enemmän päättää asioista, päätöksiä pystytään tekemään nopeammin ja toimimaan joustavammin kuin perinteisen hierarkkisissa organisaatioissa.
Saarikivi muistuttaa, että ne yritykset menestyvät, joita ei joh | 38,643 |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
If you’re a designer, this phrase is everywhere. Known as “filler text” or “Greek copy”, people use it to simulate the appearance of whatever text will ultimately be used in a design. This way, a designer doesn’t have to wait for the text to be written to format it, and they and the client aren’t distracted from the graphical or interactive elements of the design by reading the copy. Because nobody would mistake it for their native language, Lorem Ipsum is also less likely than other filler text to be mistaken for final copy and published by accident.
Its use is somewhat controversial but widespread. You can use a generator to get paragraphs of this stuff, or simply copy a paragraph from somebody else’s web page, and loop it:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
The thing is, one of the great things about Lorem Ipsum is that it really looks like real language. The words are a reasonable length, individual characters are used with about the right frequency. That actually isn’t a very easy thing to just pull out of thin air. And creating a standardized, professionally accepted written gibberish is even harder, which is why Lorem Ipsum is such a godsend for designers. Yes, you can hand your client a design for their very serious website with Hipster Ipsum as filler text, but they might not be too happy about it.
What is this incantation we wrap every prototype we make in, before filling it with the text we hope will make it great? It turns out that Lorem Ipsum is such a good tool in these ways because its half invented and half discovered. It does actually mean something. Here’s how it got from the pen of a Roman philosopher to your browser window, and how a medieval typesetter might have scrambled it on the way.
All Latin to Me
The Roman empire had the technology of written language, and a lot of their records, written in Latin, survive today. Unfortunately those records are shrouded in many dense layers of propaganda: they’ve been selectively preserved and presented by academics over the millennia, to support whatever political, religious, or philosophical cause; and of course, many of them were spun to the political needs of the Romans who wrote them in the first place. As a consequence, most ancient history should should be taken with several grains of salt.
In any case, the official history is as follows: In the first Century BC, there was a man named Marcus Tullius Cicero. He was a lawyer, statesman, and philosopher, and he was very good at oratory. In fact he might have been the best orator who has ever lived, and the most influential. Julius Caesar himself hailed him as a cultural titan: “It is more important to have greatly extended the frontiers of the Roman spirit than the frontiers of the Roman empire."
Among his works was the De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum (“On the Extremes of Good and Evil”), which includes an excerpt believed to be the source for Lorem Ipsum. He wrote it in 45 BC:
Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.
Which translates to:
Nor is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure.
Many more words and fragments of the longer multi-paragraph form of Lorem Ipsum can also be found in this passage of De Finibus. The passage, in its entirety, relates to hedonism, and how sometimes we do unpleasant things to reach pleasurable goals, and sometimes indulgence in pleasure can incur painful consequences. The passage concludes, “The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this | 38,644 |
Alexander von Humboldt ist heute in erster Linie als genialer Naturwissenschaftler und halsbrecherischer Weltreisender sowie als Begründer diverser wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen bekannt. Als humanistischer Menschenfreund, kritischer Geist und frankophiler Kosmopolit ist er heute Identifikationsfigur.
Kaum bekannt ist, dass er auch politisch aktiv war und sich nicht scheute, öffentlich mit seinem Prestige für die richtige Sache zu kämpfen: zum Beispiel gegen koloniale Ausbeutung, gegen Sklaverei und für die Gleichberechtigung des Judentums in Preußen. Jeder Zeitungsleser, der Humboldts Zeitgenosse war, musste dessen politische Statements wahrgenommen haben. Denn diese wurden wegen seiner internationalen Prominenz und seines Renommees oft und vielfach abgedruckt.
Natürlich versprach sich der spanische König vom preußischen Bergbaufachmann Hinweise für Verbesserungen und Ertragssteigerungen der südamerikanischen Minen und Silberwäschen. Ansonsten hätte er Humboldt keinen Reisepass ausstellen lassen. Humboldt konnte sich also kaum öffentlich kritisch äußern, sollte man meinen. Doch er tat es: Nicht nur in seinem damals unveröffentlichten Reisetagebuch beschrieb er die menschenverachtende Behandlung der Indigenen und Sklaven in den spanischen Kolonien und erklärte, dass er die Idee einer Kolonie prinzipiell für „unmoralisch“ halte.
Auch sein veröffentlichtes Reisewerk geriet neben allen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen deutlich politisch: In den landeskundlichen Werken „Essai politique sur le royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne“ (1808–1811) und „Essai politique sur l’Ile de Cuba“ (1826) beleuchtete er Zusammenhänge der Kolonialökonomien („Mexiko ist das Land der Ungleichheit“) und verurteilte die Sklaverei („Die Sklaverei ist ohne Zweifel das größte aller Übel, die die Menschheit heimgesucht haben“).
Humboldt hatte sich durch seine Äußerungen bei den Kolonialherren einen Namen gemacht. Die portugiesische Regierung hatte vorsorglich einen Haftbefehl für den Fall ausgestellt, dass der suspekte Aufklärer nach Brasilien gereist wäre. Und die East India Company verweigerte ihm zeitlebens eine Reisegenehmigung für Britisch-Indien.
Nachdem Humboldt sein Vermögen für Reisen und kostspielige bibliophile Erzeugnisse verausgabt hatte, musste er am preußischen Hof in Berlin und Potsdam den Kammerherrn geben. Sein wissenschaftliches Salonleben in Paris gab er auf. Zahlreiche offene Briefe und Eingaben in internationalen Tageszeitungen belegen, dass sich Humboldt auch im „Berliner Exil“ politisch engagierte. Gleichzeitig bemühte er sich um die internationale Scientific Community und machte Berlin zur Wissenschaftsmetropole. Die Revolution von 1848 – die Humboldt symbolisch auf dem Trauerzug für die Märzgefallenen unterstützt hatte – war in Preußen weitgehend | 38,645 |
the way.
So if we can agree that linguistic diversity on Earth 1.0 has benefits and costs — the magnitude of which we could debate forever — what, if anything, would we do different on Earth 2.0? Should we even consider having one universal language? Or are we better off with our modern-day Tower of Babel?
SCHOR: The curse of Babel is an existential condition in which we live every day.
The Princeton English professor Esther Schor.
SCHOR: We use language to communicate, but we cannot rely on it to make ourselves understood. de KORT [Papiamento]: Mi ta sorry, mi no ta compronde kiko bo ta bisando. VÁMOS [Hungarian]: Sajnálom, nem értem, amit mond. TANAKA [Japanese]: すみません、あなたが何を言ってるのかわかりません。
I had some final questions for the economist Shlomo Weber about an institution he’s been studying.
DUBNER: Is the European Union, really going back to when EU was being put together, did that in any way parallel, do you think, the Tower of Babel? WEBER: Yeah, I think so. Every country can include its official language as official language of the Union. It’s funny to say that Luxembourg actually, which has its own language, Luxembourgish, refrained from imposing Luxembourgish as the official language of the Union. But then what happened is when Malta enters the Union, which is a smaller country than Luxembourg, then Maltese became an official language of the Union. Then Luxembourg said, “Why didn’t we do the same thing?” DUBNER: Considering that then there are a couple dozen languages officially in the EU, what does that translate to in costs, in terms of translation, time, and communication? WEBER: I think it’s a billion euros. But it’s tremendous cost, not only financial cost but also in terms of communication and ability of people to understand. On the one hand, you would like to publish all the documents of the Union in all the languages that the people will understand. But then it becomes a nightmare. DUBNER: All that translation, I’m gathering is not done by machine-learning, by robots? WEBER: Not yet. Then, of course, you cannot find people who can speak at the same time Maltese and Estonian. You need to have to translate it from Maltese to Estonian, and first from Maltese to English, and from English to Estonian. [To] give another, even more painful example, about the patent application: if you need a patent in different countries, you really have to do it in every country, because there is no unified legislation across the Union. Every company in every country has to go for different patent, and it delays so many things. DUBNER: You made the argument, along with a couple co-authors, that the best thing for the E.U. to do would be to settle on three core languages: English, French, and German. Although you said Italian could be substituted for French. WEBER: Could be. DUBNER: But then you thought about it a little bit more. You discussed how there could be six core languages including Spanish, Polish, and, again, Italian or French. The E.U. obviously read this. How much did they love your idea? WEBER: It’s not that the people didn’t like it. On some individual level, people agreed that there should be something like that. But it’s so difficult to change the policies, because all the countries have a veto power over linguistic policy; it’s written in the European constitution. You need really to go for every country to try to waive the veto right, which is impossible. DUBNER: Let me ask you this, Shlomo. You’ve made it clear that you consider Brexit to be a bad move and a sad move. But on the other hand, just playing devil’s advocate for a minute, the more I hear you talk about just the language issue in the E.U., I can see why England would want to get the hell out. It sounds like if you can’t even get to the point where you can eliminate some of $1 billion dollars of simply translation costs because everybody’s language is essentially an official language — that just sounds to me like bureaucracy to the nth degree; frustrating, and really hard to get anything substantial done. Tell me why you don’t feel that way. WEBER: There’s the basic thing that’s the conflict between globalization and localization. I don’t think we do | 38,646 |
friendly Chrome extension. MyEtherWallet (MEW): an online service for generating ETH wallets and sending funds
an online service for generating ETH wallets and sending funds Coinbase: an ETH wallet from a reputable platform for purchasing cryptocurrencies.
4.1.2. Desktop wallets
These are the wallets to store digital currency right on your desktop. Typically, they are also quite user-friendly but require to follow safety rules while browsing the internet. If you catch a crypto-stealing virus, password or no password, the funds can easily be lost.
Exodus : a user-friendly multicurrency wallet that supports Ether tokens.
: a user-friendly multicurrency wallet that supports Ether tokens. Atomic: this desktop wallet comes with the atomic swap support, i.e. it allows exchanging cryptocurrencies that are based on different platforms right within the app. It supports more than 300 tokens, including Zcash, Monero, and EOS. Also, it is integrated with Simplex and allows purchasing ETH, BTC, BCH and a few other altcoins with a bank card.
4.1.3. Hardware wallets
If you are a long-term investor and have a tidy sum of ethers that need to be stored with the top-notch level of security, consider getting yourself a hardware wallet. There are two main providers, both supporting ETH. They differ in production materials and overall design, but the core features are the same:
Ledger Nano S : 60-270 USD per device.
: 60-270 USD per device. Trezor: 95-680 USD per device.
4.2. Where to buy ETH?
Now that you have got yourself an ETH wallet together with your wallet address, it’s high time to fill it with some digital coins. Here are some reputable platforms where you can buy this crypto:
Coinbase : reasonable fees, additional services, doesn’t work in some regions
: reasonable fees, additional services, doesn’t work in some regions Binance : the biggest platform by daily trading volumes, supports fiat (you can pay with a bank card through Simplex), available worldwide
: the biggest platform by daily trading volumes, supports fiat (you can pay with a bank card through Simplex), available worldwide Coinmama : supports fiat (a bank card and a bank account), available worldwide
: supports fiat (a bank card and a bank account), available worldwide Bitfinex : not available in the US, low fees, an extensive set of tools for traders
: not available in the US, low fees, an extensive set of tools for traders CEX.io : available worldwide, low fees, supports fiat, strict verification
: available worldwide, low fees, supports fiat, strict verification Kraken: fiat support, available worldwide, low fees
5. Ethereum mining
5.1. ETH mining explained
Ethereum mining is based on the algorithm called the Proof-of-Work. Many machines (“miners”) around the world try to resolve complex computational problems. Whenever any of them finds a solution, a new block is created. Then it gets verified by all other participants of the network and added to the chain of blocks that have been found before. At this moment, all miners stop solving this particular block and get to the next one. The miner who found the block gets a reward for the efforts.
All these blocks store information about transactions that are made by the users of the network on a peer-to-peer basis. Such a system makes it possible to eliminate a third-party to verify the transaction.
5.2. How to mine ETH?
There are three main ways to mine ETH:
Pool mining : Join the pool of miners, rent your computing power and get the passive income. This is the easiest and the most profitable way of mining for an end-user.
: Join the pool of miners, rent your computing power and get the passive income. This is the easiest and the most profitable way of for an end-user. Standalone mining : You can get yourself the needed equipment and mine digital coins all by yourself as well. But get ready to pay astronomic sums for the electricity and cope with the overheating problem. Of all mining methods, standalone mining is considered to be the least profitable.
: You can get yourself the needed equipment and mine digital coins all by yourself as well. But get ready to pay astronomic sums for the electricity and cope with the overheating problem. Of all mining methods, standalone mining is considered to be the least profitable. Cloud mining: Rent the computing power for mining from a cloud storage provider such as Genesis or Hashflare.
6. The history of Ethereum
6.1. Who created Ethereum?
Unlike Bitcoin that was created by an anonymous developer or a group of developers under the nickname of Satoshi Nakamoto | 38,647 |
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People have been wondering when Hong Kong's magnates would speak out on the prolonged protests in their city. Finally one has. That's Li Ka-shing, the richest of them all: "HK Billionaire Li Ka-Shing Breaks Silence Over Protests" (8/15/19 newscast on YouTube). He took out full page advertisements (both seem to be on the front page) in two of Hong Kong's most influential financial newspapers: Hong Kong Economic Times and Hong Kong Economic Journal. Here's the first:
It looks straightforward, simple, and heartfelt, with that big crossed-out "bàolì 暴力" ("[NO] violence") in the center of a big, red circle. Here's the rest of the entire text, which looks innocent and innocuous enough, especially with the striking repetition of "ài 愛" ("love"):
zuì hǎo de yīn
kě chéng zuì huài de guǒ
"The best cause
can become the worst result"
ài Zhōngguó
ài Xiānggǎng
ài zìjǐ
"Love China
Love Hong Kong
Love yourself"
ài zìyóu
ài bāoróng
ài fǎzhì
"Love freedom
Love tolerance / inclusivity
Love rule of law"
yǐ ài zhī yì
zhǐxī nùfèn
"With loving justice
Stop anger"
yīgè Xiānggǎng shìmín Lǐ Jiāchéng
"A citizen of Hong Kong, Li Ka-shing"
But that's not the end of it. No sooner had Li Ka-shing's ad been published than sharp netizens began to see that it contained an artfully constructed hidden message:
If we extract the final characters of the eight lines of the text, we obtain this powerful advice from Li Ka-shing:
yīnguǒ yóu guó
róng gǎng zhìjǐ
"The cause and the result depend upon China ([Zhōng]guó [中]國)
let Hong Kong rule itself"
The last two characters of the two phrases of the bottom horizontal line above Li's signature are being widely interpreted as "yìfèn 義憤" ("righteous indignation"). Some decoders are reading the last two characters of the two parts of the signature line as mín chéng 民誠 ("sincerity of the people").
Finally, and this may be going too far, but numerologists are seeing that the first horizontal line has 4 characters, the second has 6, the third horizontal line has 8 characters, and the last horizontal line has 9 characters, and everyone knows what 4 / 6 / 89 signifies. Moreover, the symbolism of 4 / 6 / 89 is reinforced by the 6 ài 愛 ("love") characters separated by 4 dots. Last, there is a wish for prohibition of red at the very center.
Here's the second of Li Ka-shing's two ads:
This is quite a different genre, but equally subtle and suggestive. It reads:
Huángtái zhī guā,
hé kān zài zhāi
"The melon of Huangtai
cannot endure further picking"
The poem is by the dauphin (crown prince), Li Xian (655-684) under Wu Zetian (624-705), the only female emperor in Chinese history. In the fierce factional and | 38,648 |
We are thrilled to announce the recent upload of one of our best-loved (and most-requested) medieval manuscripts to our Digitised Manuscripts site; Christine de Pizan’s Book of the Queen (Harley MS 4431) is now online!
Detail of a miniature of Christine de Pizan in her study at the beginning of the ‘Cent balades’, Harley MS 4431, f. 4r
Christine de Pizan is widely regarded as one of Europe’s earliest female professional authors, and is certainly one of the most prolific. Born in Venice in 1365, she moved to Paris as a young child when her father was appointed the royal astrologer and alchemist to King Charles V of France. Christine took advantage of the intellectual atmosphere of the court, making use of the royal library to teach herself languages, history, and literature. Her writing career began at the age of 24, after her husband, a royal secretary, died suddenly, and she was faced with the necessity of providing for herself and her small children. She soon attracted the patronage of a number of nobles at court, and produced dozens of major works over the next three decades, along with hundreds of ballads and poems.
Detail of a miniature of Christine de Pizan presenting her manuscript to Queen Isabeau of Bavaria, France (Paris), c. 1410 – c. 1414, Harley MS 4431, f. 3r
The largest extant collection of her writing can be found in Harley MS 4431, a compilation, now in two volumes, produced for Isabeau (or Isabel) of Bavaria, the queen consort to Charles VI of France. This manuscript was written and decorated under Christine’s supervision, and it is possible that some of the passages are in her hand. The notable artists the Master of the Cité des Dames (see also Egerton MS 2709, Royal MS 19 E VI, and Royal MS 20 C IV) and the Master of the Duke of Bedford (see also Add MS 18850) were principally responsible for the illumination.
Harley MS 4431 was the subject of an AHRC-funded research project by the University of Edinburgh, in association with the British Library and the ATILF (Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française), a unit of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique at the University of Nancy. The resulting website provides images, transcriptions of the texts, a glossary of Christine’s language, and an admirable collection of further research tools.
The British Library has plans to exhibit the Book of the Queen in the Sir John Ritblat Treasures Gallery, but until that time, please check out the glories of the fully-digitised version here, and several of our favourite illuminations below.
Detail of a miniature of Venus presiding over a group of men and women, who are presenting their hearts to her, from 'L'Épître Othéa', Harley MS 4431, f. 100r
Detail of a miniature of Queen Penthesilea with and her army of Amazons riding through the forest to aid the Trojan army, from 'L'Épître Othéa', Harley MS 4431, f. 103v
Detail of a miniature of Hercules slaying Cerberus, and Theseus and Pirithous battling demons, from 'L'Épître Othéa', Harley MS 4431, f. 108v
Detail of a miniature of Apollo killing Ganymede by piercing his eye, from 'L'Épître Othéa', Harley MS 4431, f. 119v
Detail of a miniature of the Judgement of Paris, from 'L'Épître Othéa', Harley MS 4431, f. 125v
Detail of a miniature of the Wheel of Fortune, from 'L'Épître Othéa', Harley MS 4431, f. 129r
Detail of a miniature of Hermaphroditus and the nymph Salmacis bathing in a lake, from 'L'Épître Othéa', Harley MS 4431, f. 132v
Detail of a miniature of ladies watching knights jousting, from 'Le Duc des vrais amants', Harley MS 4431, f. 150r
Detail of a miniature of Christine and the Sibyl standing in a sphere of the cosmos, with the moon, sun and stars surrounding them, from 'Le chemin de long estude', Harley MS 4431, f. 189v
Detail of a miniature of Christine de | 38,649 |
the WTO Secretariat is not authorized to provide legal interpretations of the agreement.
35 Hartridge, David, "GATS and Public Services", letter to Mike Waghorne, Public Services International, reference: 65-let 31 May 2000, circulated by e-mail in June 2000. This letter is considered in some detail here as it is one of the few sources of information on what governments and the WTO Secretariat understand to be the meaning of the "governmental authority" exclusion. It was also widely circulated and is the only known document that responds directly to specific questions about the potential impact of the GATS on public service systems.
None of the 39 WTO documents containing reference to "services provided in the exercise of governmental authority" provide substantive discussion of the issue. However, a few do consider particular aspects, the most important of which are considered here.
36 GATS -- Fact and Fiction, World Trade Organization, 2001.
37 Hartridge, op. cit., item 2, paragraph 1.
38 Ibid., item 3, paragraph 1.
39 In a 26 October 2000 article in l'Humanité, the director of the WTO Services Division states the public services are not covered in the existing agreement and are not included in WTO negotiations. "[L]es service publics ne sont pas inclus dans négociations. Ils ne sont même pas couverts par les accords de l'OMC." (Hartridge, David, AGCS: non, il n'y a pas de complot!, l'Humanité, 26 Octobre 2000. The director juxtaposes this statement with a recitation of the text of the exclusion, adding that the exclusion is important to members because they hope to protect their public services. ("Cette exclusion est un principe cher à tous les membres de l'OMC, qui souhaitent tous guarder le droit de maintenir leurs services publics -- des services sans but lucratif et avec obligation de couverture universelle." It should be noted that here the director is not asserting that the existing 'governmental authority' exclusion applies to those services that are "sans but lucrative" and that have universal coverage obligations -- merely that these are the services that members may hope to protect.
40 World Trade Organization, "Services: GATS", Training Package, December 15, 1998, p. 58.
41 As no other similar WTO references appear to exist in the public domain, it seems likely that these examples are drawn from the GATS Annex on Financial Services. However, the definition of the exclusion in this Annex is distinct from that found in Article I and cannot properly be applied to the agreement itself.
Indeed, by contrast with the main text, the Annex defines "services supplied in the exercise of governmental authority" in terms of specific examples. The Annex states:
1. (b) "For the purposes of subparagraph 3(b) of Article I of the Agreement [the governmental authority exclusion], "services supplied in the exercise of governmental authority" means the following: activities conducted by a central bank or monetary authority or by any other public entity in pursuit of monetary or exchange rate policies; activities forming part of a statutory system of social security or public retirement plans; and other activities conducted by a public entity for the account or with the guarantee or using the financial resources of the Government." (emphasis added)
Even in the annex, however, additional conditions may apply. "[A]ctivities forming part of a statutory system of social security or public retirement plans; and activities conducted by a public entity for the account[,] or with the guarantee[,] or using the financial resources[,] of the Government" (Annex Article 1(b)(ii) and (iii)) are excluded only to the extent that they are not supplied in competition with other service providers. Annex Article I(c) indicates "if a Member allows any of [these] activities … to be conducted by its financial service suppliers in competition with a public entity or a financial service supplier" they fall outside the "governmental authority" exclusion for the purposes of the annex.
More fundamentally, the specified examples apply only to the definition contained in the financial services annex. As a result, they do not appear to be of direct relevance to the scope of the exclusion in GATS Article I and cannot appropriately be considered illustrative examples of services that are excluded from the main agreement. Indeed, the examples specified in the annex would be excluded from the main agreement only if those services meet the conditions set out in Article I:3(c) -- namely that the services are "supplied neither on a commercial basis, nor in competition with one or more service suppliers."
The contrast between the GATS and the financial services annex in the governmental authority exclusion go farther. As previously indicated, the GATS Article I exclusion contains a two-prong test -- excluded services | 38,650 |
this is what I got in my inbox on September 5, 2012:
Hello Jacek, I wanted to send you a quick e-mail to let you know that we are still researching your concern. It usually takes 1-2 business days for this sort of research, but in this case it’s taking a little longer. I’m very sorry about this delay. We’ll be in touch shortly with an answer for you. Thanks for your patience. …
At this point I lost two weeks of sales.
How did you like your free book, then?
Despite blocking the update that fixed the issues with formatting and blocking sales of the updated book, Amazon sent two emails asking people to review the book. The book received a number of negative reviews for “typesetting issues” (fixed in the updated) and “outdated content” (fixed in the update). These things were minor, but you should never argue about them. Just fix them. The few negative reviews took a star off the overall rating of the book. I wasn’t surprised, the people were upset and I had no way of communicating with them while Amazon blamed me and made me look bad in the eyes of the current and the potential customers.
The Italian job
After another week of lost sales, this little gem arrvied in my inbox on September 10, 2012:
Gentile editore, desideriamo informarti che abbiamo riscontrato dei problemi con il tuo libro. Al fine di evitare che altri lettori riportino gli stessi errori, abbiamo temporaneamente annullato la pubblicazione del tuo libro. …
That’s right. I got a short email from Amazon.it. In Italian.
Thanks to Google Translate I was able to understand that someone in Italy had spotted a problem with the update and reported “duplicated content” which I had problem finding, because Amazon does not keep the history of book updates and does not tell the publishers, which version of your book the customer is complaining about. From my point of view, there were no typographical errors.
And then it dawned on me. As Amazon began serving the update, someone in Italy got upset about the image I had placed in several places inside the book. The image looked like this:
It was a Kindle version of the shareware “nag screen”, but I tried to make it polite and non-intrusive. You still got the full thing, no content was obstructed, but apparently some people in Italy got offended. And why shouldn’t they? They got a full update to the book they got for free and there was a message inside that if they like the book, they might buy it. No obligation. So they complained to Amazon, instead of me (the email address can be found inside the book) and Amazon pulled the book from sale.
The emails in Italian were the last emails I had received from Amazon. I removed the image that had offended the good people of Italy from the latest update.
Curiously, there are plenty of books that the readers complain about in the Amazon reviews and even when they point out glaring typographic errors, those books are never subject to the same kind of treatment like mine was.
Amazon Kindle has become a strange place where a piece of porn for housewives sells just fine despite many damning reviews, but a technical book will get pulled immediately for weeks without proper explanation. I guess housewives and guys looking for relief are too busy with their privates to discover the way to troll the system. I guess I’m in the wrong business.
What is more interesting, the real error that I discovered myself (one section was displayed in the wrong order) went unnoticed…
I can take criticism, I am open to discussion and suggestions how the book could be improved. But we won’t have a proper conversation as long as Amazon sits between me and you.
What Amazon needs to change
No system is perfect. The Amazon Kindle team have built an impressive system for publishing, purchasing, delivery, and reading ebooks. Kindle is the ‘iTunes for eBooks.’ They got many things right, but they do need to improve their relations with publishers, regardless of the publisher’s size.
Stop lying that they are “working the the publishers,” when they are not. Stop asking the readers for reviews when they block the sales due to issues reported by the readers. Add version information to error reports. Start communicating with the publishers.
What about the update?
The third edition of Vim and Vi Tips is now available in PDF format. It looks great, much better that the | 38,651 |
% din procese verbale procesate: PSRM – 21,40%, PLDM – 19,44%, PCRM – 17,93%, PDM – 15,73%, PL – 9,38%.
REZULTATE ALEGERI MOLDOVA UPDATE 10:12 88,37% din procese verbale procesate: PSRM – 21,43%, PLDM – 19,47%, PCRM – 17,85%, PDM – 15,75%, PL – 9,39%.
REZULTATE ALEGERI MOLDOVA UPDATE 10:00 88,33% din procese verbale procesate: PSRM – 21,45%, PLDM – 19,46%, PCRM – 17,84%, PDM – 15,75%, PL – 9,40%.
REZULTATE ALEGERI MOLDOVA UPDATE 9:40 88,23% din procese verbale procesate: PSRM – 21,48%, PLDM – 19,41%, PCRM – 17,84%, PDM – 15,74%, PL – 9,41%.
REZULTATE ALEGERI MOLDOVA UPDATE 9:20 87,99% din procese verbale procesate: PSRM – 21,53%, PLDM – 19,37%, PCRM – 17,81%, PDM- 15,74%, PL – 9,42%.
REZULTATE ALEGERI MOLDOVA UPDATE 8:36 87,84% din procese verbale procesate: PSRM – 21,57%, PLDM – 19,32%, PCRM – 17,82%, PDM- 15,74%, PL – 9,43%.
REZULTATE ALEGERI MOLDOVA UPDATE 8:32 87,80% din procese verbale procesate: PSRM – 21,59%, PLDM – 19,30%, PCRM – 17,83%, PDM- 15,76%, PL – 9,40%.
REZULTATE ALEGERI MOLDOVA UPDATE 7:55 Comisia Electorală Centrală (CEC) a anunțat că, după centralizarea datelor din 85% dintre procesele verbale, Partidul Socialiștilor din Republica Moldova (PSRM) se situează pe primul loc în preferințele electoratului. PSRM, condus de Igor Dodon, a primit voturile a 21,62% dintre alegători.
Partidul Liberal Democrat din Moldova, al fostului premier Vlad Filat, a trecut pe poziția a doua, cu 19,23%.
Pe poziția a treia se situează Partidul Comuniștilor din Republica Moldova, prezidat de Vladimir Voronin. Acesta a fost susținut de 17,87% din electorat, în timp ce Partidul Democrat din Moldova, al lui Marian Lupu, ocupă locul al patrulea cu 15,83% din voturi.
Totodată, Partidul Liberal, condus de Mihai Ghimpu, a luat 9,36% din sufragii, iar Partidul Comunist Reformator a obținut 5,01%.
Pragul electoral pentru a accede în Parlamentul de la Chișinău este de 6%.
Prezența la vot la alegerile parlamentare din Republica Moldova a fost de 55,86% din totalul celor 3,2 milioane de cetățeni cu drept de vot, scrie Agerpres.
REZULTATE ALEGERI MOLDOVA UPDATE 2:40 Rezultate parțiale CEC, pentru 84% din procese verbale: PSRM – 21,66% – 26 de deputați, PLDM – 19.19% – 23 deputați, PCRM – 17.89% – 21 deputați, PDM – 15.87% – 19 deputați, PL – 9.31% – 12 deputați. Timpul.md notează că, la un astfel de rezultat, forțele proeuropene ar avea 54 de deputați (ar avea nevoie de 51 pentru coaliția de guvern | 38,652 |
PLDM – 40%
PL – 33%
PD – 5%
PCRM – 1%
PNL – 2%
Oleg Brega – 2%
Mișcarea Antimafie – 1%
PLR – 1%
UPDATE 00:30 Agora.md precizează că circa 50% din secții înseamnă aproximativ 34% din voturi, astfel că rezultatele preliminare de la această oră se pot schimba considerabil de la o oră la alta.
UPDATE 00:25 PLDM se apropie de locul al doilea. Rezultate preliminare, după centralizarea a 56.87% din secțiile de vot:
PCRM – 18.83%
PLDM – 18.47%
PL – 8.02%
PD – 16.35%
PCR – 5.45%
PSRM – 22.02%
Blocul Uniunea Vamală – 3.73%
PLR – 1.36%
Oleg Brega – 0.69%
REZULTATE ALEGERI MOLDOVA – UPDATE 00:10 Vlad Filat (PLDM): „Totul va fi bine! Vom discuta când vom avea rezultatele finale. Un lucru vreau să spun: Prin umilință nu vom reuși niciodată să ne construim țara. Cu demnitate și curaj vom reuși acest lucru”.
REZULTATE ALEGERI MOLDOVA – UPDATE 23:58 Rezultate oficiale CEC, după centralizarea a 45.54% din voturi:
PCRM – 19.39%
PLDM – 18%
PL – 7,21 %
PD – 16,4%
PCR – 5,75%
PSRM – 22,31%
Blocul Uniunea Vamală – 3,85%
PLR – 1,39%
Oleg Brega – 0,64%
REZULTATE ALEGERI MOLDOVA – UPDATE 23:45 La 37% din totalul voturilor prelucrate, mandatele în Parlament s-ar distribui în felul următor:
​PSRM – 27 mandate
PCRM – 24 mandate
PLDM – 21 mandate
PD – 20 mandate
PL – 9 mandate
REZULTATE ALEGERI MOLDOVA – UPDATE 23:00 Rezultatele preliminare care trebuiau anunțate la această oră de CEC întârzie, din cauza unor probleme tehnice. Numărătoarea poate fi urmărită online.
UPDATE 22:45 Comisia Electorală anunță datele preliminare privind prezența la sfârșitul programului de votare: 55,86%, 1.565.591 de alegători. Cea mai mare prezență a fost în Chișinău: 62,47%.
UPDATE 22:30 Agenția rusă TASS scrie că sute de moldoveni cer prelungirea votului la Moscova. Alegătorii ar scanda „Lăsați-ne să votăm!” și „Suntem pentru Rusia!”. Forțele de ordine ruse încearcă să disperseze mulțimea, scrie aceeași sursă, citată de Mediafax. Președintele Comisiei Electorale a informat că a fost prelungit programul de vot dintr-o suburbie a Moscovei, nu și cel de la secția de votare din Ambasadă, unde mai sunt oameni afară. Motivul: la ambasadă s | 38,653 |
Zwei Feuerwehrmänner sind bei der Explosion bei der BASF in Ludwigshafen am Montag gestorben. Vermisst wird jetzt noch eine Person, sie wird im Hafenbecken vermutet. Für Taucher ist es aber noch zu gefährlich. Um mehrere Schwerverletzte steht es nicht gut.
Auch am Tag nach dem Unglück auf dem BASF-Gelände in Ludwigshafen bleibt die Situation unübersichtlich. Zwei Mitarbeiter der Werksfeuerwehr kamen bei den Bränden und Explosionen am Montag ums Leben. Mehrere Menschen wurden schwer verletzt, sechs liegen auf der Intensivstation. „Es steht zum Teil nicht sehr gut um die Menschen“, sagte Dieter Feid, Beigeordneter der Stadt Ludwigshafen, bei einer Pressekonferenz am Dienstag. Nach einem Vermissten wird weiter gesucht.
Dabei handelt es sich nach Angaben der BASF nicht um einen Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens. „Wir gehen davon aus, dass er sich im Hafenbecken befindet“, sagte der Leiter der Feuerwehr Ludwigshafen, Peter Friedrich. Es könne sich um einen Matrosen eines Tankschiffs handeln. Derzeit sei es noch nicht möglich, Taucher in das Hafenbecken zu schicken. Der Einsatz werde vorbereitet. Zunächst hatte es einen weiteren Vermissten gegeben, schließlich wurde festgestellt, dass er bereits ins Krankenhaus gebracht worden war.
Nach wie vor kommen die Einsatzkräfte nicht direkt an den Ort des Unglücks heran. Der Brand mit anschließender Explosion und Folgebränden ereignete sich der BASF zufolge in einem Rohrgraben. Dort liegen zahlreiche Rohre, die Flüssiggase und andere brennbare Flüssigkeiten von und zu den Schiffen transportieren.
Undichte Rohre mit Schaum abgedeckt
Man habe die undichten Rohre mit Schaum abgedeckt, sagte Friedrich. Die Schaumschicht sei etwa einen Meter hoch. „Wir haben aktuell noch immer leichten Austritt von Flüssiggasen an den geborstenen Rohren“, sagte BASF-Werksleiter Uwe Liebelt. Erst wenn aus den Rohren keine Stoffe mehr austreten, könne man den Schaum entfernen und die Unglücksstelle genau in Augenschein nehmen. Das werde mindestens bis Mittwochabend dauern, sagte Liebelt.
Video starten Ludwigshafen : Explosion mit Todesopfer erschüttert Chemiekonzern BASF Explosion mit Todesopfer erschüttert Chemiekonzern BASF To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Video: reuters
Bei den ausgetretenen Flüssiggasen handelte es sich mit großer Sicherheit um Ethylen und Propylen, sagte Liebelt. „Das sind auch fast mit Sicherheit die Stoffe, die gestern an dem Brand beteiligt waren.“ Ethylen werde unter anderem zur Herstellung von Dämmstoffen und Lösemitteln verwendet, Propylen werde unter anderem bei der Produktion von Autolacken und Klebstoffen benutzt.
Warum der erste, kleinere Brand ausbrach, der sich zur Explosion und weiteren Bränden ausweitete, ist nach wie vor unklar | 38,654 |
Use the dots Luke!
Join the dots to see the full picture
On the upward edge of most guitar necks, and inlaid to the fretboard, there is a pattern of dots. If your guitar is like mine you'll see a single dot at frets 3, 5, 7 and 9, and two dots at fret 12.
We'll use the dots at frets 3, 5 and 7 to lay the foundation for getting to know every note on the guitar! If you get all this after one read through you're doing better than most. If not, it should only take a couple more looks before it sticks for good! Follow this through and you'll pick up in a few minutes what has eluded many others for years!
It's as easy as A B C!
Your first job is to remember one simple pattern. Think of it as two lines of a song. They rhyme!
I call these the "notes on the dots". Here's how they sit on bottom 2 strings of the guitar:
G A B, C D E... It rhymes!
Try playing this using just the notes on the dots. Name that tune!
A keyboard helps to see things clearly
To learn the whole fretboard working from the pattern on the dots, we just need a few small pieces of information. First, let's look at the notes of western music on a piano keyboard.
Pianos are great for helping learn theory!
Looking at the white piano keys, there are 7 notes A, B, C, D, E, F and G in this repeating pattern. These are called the "natural" notes. In between some of them are black keys. These are "sharps" and flats"
"Sharp" means one step (a semitone) to the right, and is written "#" for short. You can see on the keyboard that G# is the black key to the right of G. On guitar, because G is played at fret 3 of the bottom string, we now know that G# is played at fret 4!
"Flat" means one step to the left and is written "♭" for short. Looking again at the keyboard, notice that G# can also be called A♭. One to the left of A is the same as one to the right of G. And it's the same on guitar! Let's fill in the sharps and flats between the notes on the dots.
Here's another "Name that Tune!" challenge. I've put the recommended left hand fingering underneath.
E E♭ E E♭ E B D C A
fingering 4 2 4 2 4 3 1 1 3
The exceptions that prove the rule
The keyboard makes it easy to see that there are two pairs of notes that don't have a sharp or flat between them.
These are B and C, and E and F. Using that information we can add some Fs to our fretboard to the right of the Es we know (don't forget the open Es) like so...
To see the Fs clearly, play this recognisable sound in the 3 different places...
We also now know there's a C to the right of B, and a B to the left of C like so...
Here's another familiar sound played using fingers 1, 2 and 3 on the bottom two strings from frets 0-4. We'll begin by using the open low E string, and you may need to keep your thumb low on the back of the neck to reach everything...
E E G G# B B C# B
fingering 0 0 2 3 1 1 3 1
Reusing the patterns on the dots
The C we just added at fret 8 of the E string is (if you're in tune and in standard tuning) the same note as the C at fret 3 of the A string. You can see from the keyboard that patterns always repeat, so wherever there's a C we'll get the same pattern C D E we began with on the dots.
Adding that pattern to the C on the low E string takes us to fret 12. Here the notes are the same as the open strings (Eddie Ate Dynamite Good Bye Eddie ), as there are only 12 notes in western music before things repeat (count them on the piano and don't forget the black keys).
Getting there now!
| 38,655 |
In order to form a correct judgment of the place which the Jew holds in relation to the whole problem of human civilization, we must bear in mind the essential fact that there never has been any Jewish art and consequently that nothing of this kind exists to-day. We must realize that especially in those two royal domains of art, namely architecture and music, the Jew has done no original creative work. When the Jew comes to producing something in the field of art he merely bowdler-izes something already in existence or simply steals the intellectual word, of others. The Jew essentially lacks those qualities which are characteristic of those creative races that are the founders of civilization.
To what extent the Jew appropriates the civilization built up by others--or rather corrupts it, to speak more accurately--is indicated by the fact that he cultivates chiefly the art which calls for the smallest amount of original invention, namely the dramatic art. And even here he is nothing better than a kind of juggler or, perhaps more correctly speaking, a kind of monkey imitator; for in this domain also he lacks the creative elan which is necessary for the production of all really great work. Even here, therefore, he is not a creative genius but rather a superficial imitator who, in spite of all his retouching and tricks, cannot disguise the fact that there is no inner vitality in the shape he gives his products. At this juncture the Jewish Press comes in and renders friendly assistance by shouting hosannas over the head of even the most ordinary bungler of a Jew, until the rest of the world is stampeded into thinking that the object of so much praise must really be an artist, whereas in reality he may be nothing more than a low-class mimic.
No; the Jews have not the creative abilities which are necessary to the founding of a civilization; for in them there is not, and never has been, that spirit of idealism which is an absolutely necessary element in the higher development of mankind. Therefore the Jewish intellect will never be constructive but always destructive. At best it may serve as a stimulus in rare cases but only within the meaning of the poet's lines: 'THE POWER WHICH ALWAYS WILLS THE BAD, AND ALWAYS WORKS THE GOOD' (KRAFT, DIE STETS DAS BÖSE WILL UND STETS DAS GUTE SCHAFFT). (Note 15) It is not through his help but in spite of his help that mankind makes any progress.
Since the Jew has never had a State which was based on territorial delimitations, and therefore never a civilization of his own, the idea arose that here we were dealing with a people who had to be considered as Nomads. That is a great and mischievous mistake. The true nomad does actually possess a definite delimited territory where he lives. It is merely that he does not cultivate it, as the settled farmer does, but that he lives on the products of his herds, with which he wanders over his domain. The natural reason for this mode of existence is to be found in the fact that the soil is not fertile and that it does not give the steady produce which makes a fixed abode possible. Outside of this natural cause, however, there is a more profound cause: namely, that no mechanical civilization is at hand to make up for the natural poverty of the region in question. There are territories where the Aryan can establish fixed settlements by means of the technical skill which he has developed in the course of more than a thousand years, even though these territories would otherwise have to be abandoned, unless the Aryan were willing to wander about them in nomadic fashion; but his technical tradition and his age-long experience of the use of technical means would probably make the nomadic life unbearable for him. We ought to remember that during the first period of American colonization numerous Aryans earned their daily livelihood as trappers and hunters, etc., frequently wandering about in large groups with their women and children, their mode of existence very much resembling that of ordinary nomads. The moment, however, that they grew more numerous and were able to accumulate larger resources, they cleared the land and drove out the aborigines, at the same time establishing settlements which rapidly increased all over the country.
The Aryan himself was probably at first a nomad and became a settler in the course of ages. But yet he was never of the Jewish kind. The Jew is not a nomad; for the nomad has already a definite attitude towards the concept of 'work', and this attitude served as the basis of a later cultural development, when the necessary intellectual conditions were at hand. There is a certain amount of idealism in the general attitude of the nomad, even though it be rather primitive. His whole character may, therefore, be foreign to Aryan feeling but it will never be repulsive. But not even the slightest trace of idealism exists in the Jewish character. The Jew has never been | 38,656 |
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RIO - O brasileiro reclama do preço. Mas o litro da gasolina por aqui não é dos mais caros do mundo. Segundo dados do site Global Petrol Prices, o valor médio cobrado até o último dia 28 era o 43º mais barato do mundo, numa lista de 184 países. Os R$ 3,27 desse levantamento, que tem como base a pesquisa semanal realizada em todo o país pela Agência Nacional do Petróleo (ANP), estão longe do R$ 0,06 desembolsado pelos venezuelanos, que são os que têm o menor custo com gasolina no mundo. Na Arábia Saudita, onde o preço é o segundo menor do mundo, o litro sai a R$ 0,46.
Os preços da gasolina no mundo Quanto custa um litro do combustível (em R$) POS. PAÍS PREÇO Países sem informações atuais. Valores se baseiam em séries antigas atualizadas com base nos preços do petróleo e na variação cambial Venezuela 0,06 1 0,46 Arábia Saudita 2 0,55 Líbia 3 0,82 Kuwait 4 0,87 Argélia 5 1,06 Bahrein 6 1,06 Qatar 7 1,09 Turcomenistão 8 1,19 Omã 9 1,3 Irã 10 1,75 Equador 13 No Rio, segundo a ANP, o preço médio do litro é de R$ 3,47. Uma alta para o consumidor de 3,6% fará esse valor subir para R$ 3,60 2,24 Rússia 18 2,68 EUA 21 3,27 Brasil 43 3,35 México 48 África do Sul 3,58 63 Índia 3,81 75 3,9 China 81 4,24 Peru 91 4,32 Paraguai 98 4,47 Chile 104 5,32 Argentina 146 5,74 Uruguai 155 5,89 Alemanha 161 6,25 170 Portugal 6,59 175 Reino Unido 6,63 Dinamarca 177 6,72 Itália 178 6,74 Noruega 180 7,01 183 Holanda 7,59 184 Hong Kong Preços atualizados em 28/9/2015 Fonte: GlobalPetrolPrices.com Os preços da gasolina no mundo Quanto custa um litro do combustível (em R$) Países sem informações atuais. Valores se baseiam em séries antigas atualizadas com base nos preços do petróleo e na variação cambial POS. PAÍS PREÇO Venezuela 0,06 1 0,46 Arábia Saudita 2 0,55 Líbia 3 0,82 Kuwait 4 No Rio, segundo a ANP, o preço médio do litro é de R$ 3,47. Uma alta para o consumidor de 3,6% fará esse valor subir para R$ 3,60 0,87 Argélia 5 1,06 Bahrein 6 1,06 Qatar 7 1,09 Turcomenistão 8 1,19 Omã 9 1,3 Irã 10 1,75 Equador 13 2,24 Rússia 18 2,68 EUA 21 3,27 Brasil 43 3,35 México 48 África do Sul 3,58 63 Índia 3,81 75 3,9 China 81 4,24 Peru 91 4,32 Paraguai 98 4,47 Chile 104 5,32 Argentina 146 5,74 Uruguai 155 5,89 Alemanha 161 6,25 170 Portugal 6,59 175 Reino Unido Dinamarca 177 6,63 Itália 178 6,72 Noruega 180 6,74 183 Holanda 7,01 184 Hong Kong 7,59 Preços atualizados em 28/9/2015 Fonte: GlobalPetrolPrices.com
Com a alta de 6% no preço da gasolina nas refinarias, anunciada na noite de terça-feira pela Petrobras, a expectativa é que o impacto para o consumidor seja de 3,6%. Assim, os R | 38,658 |
Fritsch, Nietzsche’s pronouncements concerning the Jews were the “flat twaddle, too forced, pretending to be intellectual, of a Judaized type, self-taught in some apartment”; luckily, he believed, “Nietzsche’s books will be read by scarcely more than two dozen men.”1 This was Nietzsche’s actual relationship to anti-Semitism and Germanism as long as he lived. And yet still today, among the wider public, Nietzsche is considered an “intellectual pathfinder of national socialism.”
2. We owe Hans Langreder credit for having carefully examined “the confrontation with Nietzsche in the Third Reich” using the methods of historical-empirical research in his dissertation at Kiel from 1970. In this way he was able to determine that there was no consensus in the Third Reich in the evaluation of Nietzsche. He spoke of a “positive” (in the sense of national socialist ideology) and a “negative” image of Nietzsche in the Third Reich. Among national socialist ideologues, there were several who endeavored to win him for Hitlerism; others who on the contrary opposed the unsettling, cosmopolitan, decadent, individualistic Nietzsche; and as a result, still others who sought to mediate between the two positions. The so-called positive image of Nietzsche officially won the upper hand and unfortunately still holds it today. Langreder rightfully named the “conservative revolutionary” Alfred Bäumler as the key figure in Nietzsche’s appropriation into the Third Reich. “At the inception and at the mid-point of the development of a positive Nietzsche image in the national socialist period stands […] Alfred Bäumler”: thus Langreder in his dissertation. After the “seizure of power,” Bäumler was called to the newly founded academic chair for political pedagogy at the University of Berlin; soon afterward he became head of the science department in the governmental office of the “führer’s deputy for oversight of the general spiritual and philosophical schooling and education of the NSDAP,” hence in the so-called Rosenberg bureau [Amt Rosenberg].2
3. At the beginning of the thirties, Bäumler presented himself as the editor and interpreter of Nietzsche’s works. The latter occurred first by publishing, with Reclam Publishers, two arrangements of texts, chiefly from Nietzsche’s so-called magnum opus, The Will to Power, in fact with the title, Nietzsches Philosophie in Selbstzeugnissen. Erster Teil. Das System; Zweiter Teil, Die Krisis Europas. Immediately thereafter, still in the year 1931, appeared Bäumler’s own interpretation, which corresponded exactly to the twofold division of the Reclam edition: Nietzsche der Philosoph und Politiker. That was a period of frequent Nietzsche discussions. One reason for this was the release into the public domain [Freiwerdung] of his works (thirty years after the death of the author, as per the law at that time, and Nietzsche died August 25, I900). “When the works of a genius become the free property of his people and of the entire world of ideas, thirty years after his death,” remarked Hans Prinzhorn in the Deutsche Rundschau (1932), “then the brains and hands of those who live in this world of ideas understandably stir. How many opportunities offer themselves there: knowledge, abilities, opportunities to mediate — but also opportunities to maintain the craving for admiration and private spitefulness, at the same time to make a profit from this opportunity and to strengthen hidden cultural-political trends.” As a matter of fact, the argument over Nietzsche experienced a very powerful reanimation. Erich Podach published the Jena medical reports from the first years of Nietzsche’s illness: the sensation with the public was great; countless discussions began; and Nietzsche’s elderly sister, with her accomplice, sought once again to take active measures toward the imaginary rescue of her brother’s moral honor. After a twenty-year silence, one of the best Nietzsche experts and critics, Josef Hofmiller, took pen in hand once more to express his uneasiness with Nietzsche; he condemned the philosopher and wished only, in polemic with Bäumler, to validate the moral thinker and writer. Nietzsche’s private life became the object of a demythologization of the alleged “saint,” as the Nietzsche Archive in Weimar had presented him; I need only recall Hellmut Walther Brann’s book Nietzsche und die Frauen. Nonetheless, anyone who could have interpreted the genuine signs of those times would have come to the conclusion that a new corner had been turned | 38,659 |
liest man” in part four personifies this “historical sense”;30 this “ugliest man” is now the “murderer of God,” meaning that the historical sense has killed God, the myth of myths. After that, there is no longer a return to any sort of myth whatsoever! The happiness that myth afforded the men of antiquity is closely related to the “happiness without knowledge” of barbarism, but Nietzsche said in a previously cited aphorism from Daybreak. (number 429): “Knowledge has In us been transformed into a passion which shrinks at no sacrifice and at bottom fears nothing but its own extinction; we believe in all honesty that all mankind must believe itself more exalted and comforted under the compulsion and suffering of this passion than it did formerly, when envy of the coarser contentment that follows in the train of barbarism had not yet been overcome. […] Yes, we hate barbarism — we would all prefer the destruction of mankind to a regression of knowledge.” In his unpublished writings from 1875 until his mental collapse at the beginning of January 1889, Nietzsche himself wrote down accounts regarding what his Wagnerian and mythical period meant to him. We will take only three such pieces of evidence. 1883: “After my first phase smirks the face of Jesuitism: I mean, the conscious holding fast to an illusion and the compulsory application of the same as the basis of culture. […] Wagner was bagged by this very hazard. […] To the position of philosopher, I would raise the free spirit, who, without turning Jesuit, nonetheless penetrates the irrational constitution of existence.”31 1885: “One day — it was during the summer of 1876 — a disgust and insight suddenly came to me: I have mercilessly surpassed the beautiful objects of desire and dreams as I had loved them in my youth; mercilessly I continued on my way, a path of ‘knowledge at any cost’.”32 1888: “Around 1876 I was terrified to see all I had desired hitherto compromised, as I grasped which way Wagner was going now […]: what I valued most in Wagner was the bit of Antichrist that he represents with his art and style.”33
The emphasis certainly shifted in the course of these years from the attempt — without turning Jesuit — not only to penetrate the illogical character of existence but to affirm it as well. The experiment itself, though, remained supported by what Nietzsche called the “passion for knowledge” and contains nothing mythical or of mythmaking in itself. We find myth, of course — the Nietzsche myth — in many Nietzsche interpretations, from Klages, to Bertram, and up to Bäumler and even Lukács. What we scarcely ever find, by contrast, is an attempt to historically and critically approach the real Nietzsche living at a definite time.
5. We discover two ideas at the frontiers of Nietzsche’s philosophy that can awaken impressions of mythmaking: that of the “eternal return of the same” and that of the “overman.” And yet, if one were to refer less to the crude simplifications that these ideas have undergone in the heads of literati, fashion philosophers, and other “Nietzscheans” of the late prior century and rather give them the significance that Nietzsche gave them in the framework of his observations, then one would prefer myth less and knowledge more.
How did Nietzsche regard his idea of the eternal return of the same? He said it himself: as the ultimate conclusion of the mechanistic world view, hence in close association with the natural scientific notions of his time. (I am setting aside the question as to what actual philosophical meaning bents this idea: I want only to emphasize its origin — the historical origin, mind you, not the personal — of the experience at Sils-Maria in August of 1881.) That this is so is verified from a corner that we certainly cannot suspect as being sympathetic to myth, namely, from Engels. He wrote in a note to his Die Dialektik der Natur (which may be dated to the period between 1878 and 1883!): “Impossibility of conceiving the infinite. As soon as we say matter and motion are not created and are indestructible, we are saying that the world exists as infinite progress, i.e., in the form of bad infinity, and thereby we have conceived all of this process that is to be conceived. At the most, the question still arises whether this process is an eternal repetition — in a great cycle — or whether the cycles have upward and downward portions”<Dutt translations>. One page later, Engels quoted from the Italian of Abbé Galiani: “Questa infinita che le cose non hanno in progresso, la hanno in giro” (“ | 38,660 |
out any sort of ideological mission against it — whether for condemnation or absolution.
7. For Lukács, the “fight against the proletarian worldview” represents the entire content of Nietzsche’s philosophy. But where was this “worldview” hiding, that Nietzsche should have known and fought against it? Lukács has already told us: Nietzsche fought against it without knowing about it!
I recommend that we introduce some history here, too. Nietzsche had a very limited knowledge of the socialist movement in Germany. Still further, he grew up in an environment — the parsonage in Röcken and later the administrative city of Naumburg — that we might very well describe with Thomas Mann’s later famous phrase “inwardness supported by power”: a nonpolitical environment par excellence, indeed, a petit-bourgeois one. Then in Leipzig and Basel, Nietzsche shared all the political prejudices of his academic colleagues. When he spoke of “the masses” and “public opinion” or “the herd types,” he understood by this — according to one of his last published notes — the philistine, the “middle class” (hence, his own class).
As a young man Nietzsche admired the “irrational grandeur” of Lassalle (who died in a duel in 1864 when Nietzsche was twenty years old). We may very well imagine that socialism was a topic of discussion with the Wagners in Tribschen every now and then between 1869 and 1872: Cosima Wagner had known Lassalle, Lothar Bucher, and Georg Herwegh — through her [former] husband Hans von Bülow — during her Berlin days. In addition, the old revolutionary of 1848, Richard Wagner, may have talked occasionally of his acquaintance with Bakunin and his experiences during the Dresden uprising of May 1849. The idealist Malwida von Meysenbug mediated Nietzsche’s knowledge of Alexander Herzen’s works and certainly of other revolutionary, more or less socialist literature of Europe at that time. We also know that Nietzsche had a conversation with a Proudhonist in Basel during 1875, at the home of his motherly friend Marie Baumgartner. It remains for us to mention that a series of later leaders of Austrian worker movements in the seventies were Nietzsche admirers: Heinrich Braun, Victor Adler, and Engelbert Pernerstorfer.38 (Thus was fulfilled what had been said by Marxist Franz Mehring, to the great horror of Georg Lukács in The Destruction of Reason, that Nietzsche has been a good preparation for becoming socialist, specifically for the discontented bourgeois youth.)
Of Marx, Nietzsche could have known at most only the name, if he had in fact read the entire thick tome by Karl Eugen Dühring, Kritische Geschichte der Nationalökonomie und des Sozialismus — which is doubtful despite this work’s presence in his library. Through Dühring’s other writings and the personal proximity of his own brother-in-law, Bernhard Förster, Nietzsche knew what was for him — understandably — an especially unappetizing variation of socialism: the anti-Semitic one.
It will not surprise us, then, when, from the period of Human, All Too Human onward, meaning from 1878 until the end of his sane life in January 1889, Nietzsche raised his famous dictum “As little state as possible!” against the socialism known to him. And at that time in the German social democracy, the question of the state did not command very much clarity, and the decisive document on the subject — Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Program (1875) was published for the first time in 1891, sixteen years after its composition (and additionally not in its full text!). This “whole program,” wrote Marx in his critique, “for all its democratic clang, is tainted through and through by the servile belief in the state” of Lassalle’s sect, or, what is no better, by democratic miracle-faith, or rather it is a compromise between these two kinds of miracle-faith, both equally remote from socialism.”39 The socialism of which Marx spoke existed at that time — as a theory — only in London, in fact, only for him and for Engels.
At the most Nietzsche himself knew — recall the political narrowness of an academician at that time — either state socialism à la Lassalle or democratic phrases of equality, but mediated by the political agitation of the Eisenachers, for instance. And in fact it is not difficult to find quotations against the equality of man in Nietzsche’s writings, as Lukács does. But the formulations of equality popular | 38,661 |
in the German social democracy had, in Marx’s estimation, “become obsolete rubbishy phrases.” And in March 1875 Engels wrote to August Bebel: ‘The removal of all social and political Inequality’ Is also a very questionable phrase in place of ‘the abolition of all class differences’.”40 As if more evidence were needed, we read in his notes to Anti-Dühring several years later: “To willingly set up ‘Equality = Justice’ as the highest principle and ultimate truth is absurd. Equality merely exists as a contrast to inequality, justice to injustice; they are, therefore, still linked to ancient history and to ancient society itself.” And further:
Mankind must bring about several generations of social development under a communist regime and under increased aid, until this insistence on equality and justice appears just as laughable as does the insistence on noble, royal privilege, etc., today; until the opposition of the old inequality versus old positive justice has disappeared, even if only to a new, transitional justice out of practicality; until whoever insists on his equal and fair share of the product, on entirely pedantic grounds. shall be doubly mocked. […] And where, then, will equality and justice persevere, other than in the rag drawer of historical memory? Since the same are crucial today for agitation, they are not eternal truths. […] Further, the abstract theory of equality is, and shall remain for the long term, an absurdity. It would not occur to any socialist proletariat or theoretician to wish for an abstract equality between himself and a bushman or Tierra del Fuegan, or even between himself and a peasant or semi-feudal day laborer; and from that moment on, when it has been overcome on European soil alone, the abstract standpoint of equality itself will be overcome.
Engels expressly declares once more: “The equality of the bourgeoisie (dissolution of class privilege) is very different from that of the proletariat (dissolution of the classes themselves). Further examined, meaning, abstractly considered, this latter type of equality becomes nonsense.”41
8. In this way the problematic of equality was nuanced and complex for Engels and Marx; for the practical socialists in Germany and Europe at that time — for understandable reasons — the agitation was simplified and directed toward propagandistic effect. But Nietzsche was familiar with only the latter, and with them never precisely! It is no use, then: Nietzsche’s battle against the proletarian worldview, of which Lukács speaks, takes place in the intellectual, historical, almost metaphysical constructions from Lukács himself, insofar as every philosophy of history that avoids a real confrontation with history and its facts is, in the final analysis, a disguised metaphysic. On historical grounds, in any case, that battle never took place.
This becomes all the more evident when we more closely examine the argumentation with whose assistance Lukács seeks to interpret, in his own sense, Nietzsche’s relationship to the concrete German history of his day, hence Bismarck’s era. For him, Nietzsche’s critique of Bismarck’s Reich is a critique from the right. (Incidentally, exactly the same thing was said — with different circumstances — by Bäumler’s national socialist Nietzsche interpretation.) To unmask Nietzsche as the preacher of Wilhelmian imperialism, Lukács quotes from the philosopher’s letter to his sister of October 1888. The quoted passage runs: “Our new kaiser [meaning Wilhelm II] pleases me very much more. […] He would easily understand the will to power as a principle [Der Wille zur Macht als Prinzipware ihm schon verständlich].” In Lukács’ estimation, understanding the will to power means understanding the “ever increasingly powerful imperialistic strivings of the German bourgeoisie; and this understanding” — according to Lukács — is what “Nietzsche misses in Bismarck.”42
We must immediately notice that Lukács quoted this passage from correspondence in a tendentious manner, because he intentionally left out the reason Nietzsche found something attractive about the young kaiser: specifically, the position Wilhelm II initially took up against court minister Adolf Stöcker and the anti-Semites. But concerning the sentence “He would easily understand the will to power as a principle,” we must make note of the following: the alleged letter of October 1888 to the sister is a fabrication. Of course, we do not mean that this letter was a complete falsification; Nietzsche’s sister constructed it with a technique of quotation montage, that is, from drafts of letters to other persons, out of unpublished passages that were still unknown, and so on. However, we do have the testimony of one of Elisabeth För | 38,662 |
ster-Nietzsche’s close collaborators, Nietzsche’s pupil and later editor, Peter Gast, to this of all sentences, “He would easily understand the will to power as a principle.” On January 26, 1910, he wrote to Ernst Holzer, a fellow Nietzsche Archive colleague at that time:
With regard to the chapter, “Frau Förster’s Sense of Truth,” I simply must tell you of an instance that I recalled just now and that brings a smile to my face. Why should not one, as a former archivist, jointly support everything that one could never support as a decent human being? When we were printing the second volume of the biography in 1904, Nietzsche’s letter entered into consideration, the one in which our Kaiser, twenty-nine years old at that time, was praised for disparaging remarks about anti-Semites and the Kreuz newspaper. Well, you know how frequently she burned with desire to interest the Kaiser in Nietzsche and to possibly get him to make an acknowledging remark in Nietzsche’s direction. So what did she do toward this goal? …She inserted a sentence that did not exist at all in the relevant letter: she wrote, “He would easily understand the will to power as a principle.” You will recall where this sentence comes from: out of the preface sketch to the Will to Power, which is printed in volume 14, page 420. The composition of this sketch […] belongs among the most difficult tasks in deciphering Nietzsche. The Horneffers had attempted it before me, but their deciphered text had more lacunae than words. They fully wrote out this very sentence alone! Such preliminary work more often than not proves a hindrance rather than a furtherance to the one who comes afterward. Enough then: as the final arbitrator in deciphering this piece, it did not escape my attention that the Horneffers’ decipherment, “They [Germans] would easily understand the will to power as a principle,” could in no way be correct within the context of the preface sketch. And when I had the notebook back in my hands in April of last year, my suspicion was confirmed that it did indeed unquestionably have to read “hardly understood [schwer verständlich]” instead of “easily understood [schon verständlich]”! Isn’t the joke very good indeed that, if Frau Förster wanted to be exact, she would now have had to print, “He [the Kaiser] would hardly understand the will to power as a principle”?!43
The objective basis for Georg Lukács’ one-sided Nietzsche interpretation comes into view here. Lukács has — this is what associates him with Bäumler — undervalued the entire philological problematic connected to Nietzsche’s “philosophical main prose work,” Will to Power, and to the editing of his unpublished works in general. Karl Schlechta rightfully emphasized that the overestimation of the unpublished writings within Nietzsche’s works is a distinctive trait of those who wanted Nietzsche to fit the momentary needs of the day. We should qualify this determination by saying that it is not valid for serious Nietzsche interpretations, such as those of Karl Löwith, Karl Jaspers, Edgar Salin, and others, but all the more for fascist Nietzsche interpretations. They and their kind in no way consider the complete Nachlaß as a problem but instead rest perfectly content with the dilettantish compilation by Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche and her tool until 1909, Peter Gast, both of whom compiled Will to Power out of remaining fragments from the eighties. For this reason, it seems to me that the new Nietzsche edition should be understood within the progress of that new valuation of Nietzsche’s thought about which I spoke at the beginning of this second section.
1 See R. F. Krummel, Nietzsche und der deutsche Geist (Berlin, 1974), 65f.
2 See R. Bollmus, Das Amt Rosenberg und seine Gegner: Zum Machtkampf im nationalsozialistischen Herrschaftssystem (Stuttgart, 1970).
3 See Karl Schlechta’s “Philologischen Nachbericht.” Friedrich Nietzsche. Werke in drei Bänden (München. 1956). vol. 3. pp. 1393ff.
4 Compare this to Eckhard Heftrich. Nietzsches Philosophie, Identität von Welt und Nichts (Frankfurt. 1962), esp. pp. 273-75, 277, and 290-95.
5 See KGW VIII, page vi-f. | 38,663 |
AERITH Aeris: 「なんだ……。 What… わかってくれたと、思ったのに。 I thought you knew わたしの気持ち…」 how I felt.
AERITH Aeris: 「うん! よかった! OK! Great! じゃ、いきましょ!」 Well, let’s go!
AERITH Aeris: 「やっぱり、いくんだ……。 Well, we’re off… ちょっと、がっかりかな」 You seem a little disappointed.
AERITH Aeris: 「キャッ!! Eek!! CLOUD!!」 Cloud!!
AERITH Aeris: 「CLOUD……。 Cloud… わたし、待ってるね」 I’ll be waiting. ☞ 怒ってるのかい? ☞ Are you angry? ☞ 人探しの基本は聞きこみだからな ☞ The first step to finding someone is getting information.
AERITH Aeris: 「ううん……べっつに。 Mm… nope. いつものことだから」 Just the usual.
AERITH Aeris: 「それに、CLOUD、待ってるのって Besides, Cloud, 楽しいの」 waiting is fun! 「考えるんだ、いろんなこと。 I’ve been thinking. It’s weird, 変だよね、まだ出会ったばかりなのに」 isn’t it? We’ve only just met.
AERITH Aeris: 「うん……。 Right… 帰ってきて、はやく」 Come back soon.
AERITH Aeris: 「満足した、もう?」 Satisfied? ☞ ごめんな、またせて ☞ Sorry to keep you waiting. ☞ もうすこし、まっててくれ ☞ Just a little longer.
AERITH Aeris: 「CLOUD!! Cloud!! やっぱり……」 I knew it… ☞ TIFAを助けるためだ ☞ It’s to help Tifa. ☞ 感じるんだ…… ☞ I feel like it…
CLOUD Cloud: 「TIFAを助けるためなんだ。 It’s to help Tifa. わかってくれるよな」 You understand, right?
AERITH Aeris: 「……はいはい、いってらっしゃい。 …Yeah, yeah. Good luck. 興味ある年ごろだもんね」 You’re the right age to be interested in that stuff.
AERITH Aeris: 「な~るほどっ! Oh, I see how it is! 言いたいことはそれだけ?」 Is that all you want to say?
きついメイク{END} Intense Makeup 自然なメイク{END} Natural Makeup 派手なメイク{END} Flashy Makeup
Robert Seddon says: There is a smidgeon of unused text […] which is just one indication of a more involved quest for transvestite pulchritude. Behold the untranslated text of onna_4, starting with another indication that something about the Inn’s layout may have changed during development…
「ポッ・・・・・・♥{EOL} Oh… ♥ お客さん♥」{NewScreen} Sir… ♥ 「4つのお部屋から{EOL} Please pick which of 好きなコースを選んでね♥」{NewScreen} the four rooms you’d like ♥ 「空いてないお部屋は{EOL} You can’t choose an | 38,664 |
ダメなのよ♥」{END} occupied room ♥
「ポッ・・・・・・♥{EOL} Oh… ♥ お客さん♥」{NewScreen} Sir… ♥ 「はやくっはやくっ♥」{END} Hurry, hurry! ♥
「お客さん。{EOL} Sir ♥ はじめてかしら?」{EOL} Is this your first time? ☞ はじめて、か・・・・・・?{EOL} ☞ My first…? ☞ どうなんだ・・・・・・{END} ☞ I wonder…
「ああ・・・・・・」{END} Yeah…
「そうだな・・・・・・」{END} That’s right…
「そう・・・・・・。{EOL} Ah… 5つのお部屋から{EOL} Please pick which of 好きなコースを選んでね♥」{NewScreen} the 5 rooms you’d like ♥ 「空いてないお部屋は{EOL} You can’t choose an ダメよ♥」{EOL} occupied room ♥ ☞ え・・・・・・{EOL} ☞ Huh… ☞ わかった{END} ☞ Got it.
Robert Seddon says: These few blocks occupy the place where the names of the rooms appear in the English files. The last version of this dialogue listed 4 rooms and said ダメなのよ instead of ダメよ. The first version also lacks the [options for] reactions; the version below has them too.
「もう!! お客さん!!{EOL} Now, sir!! 人の話、聞いてるの?」{END} Are you eavesdropping?
「・・・・・・選んでね♥」{END} …Go on and pick ♥
「4つのお部屋から{EOL} Please pick which of 好きなコースを選んでね♥」{NewScreen} the 4 rooms you’d like ♥ 「空いてないお部屋は{EOL} You can’t choose an ダメよ♥」{EOL} occupied room ♥ ☞ え・・・・・・{EOL} ☞ Huh… ☞ わかった{END} ☞ Got it.
Robert Seddon says: Same as the first one, but with reactions.
「お部屋を選んでね♥{EOL} Please pick a room ♥ (変なお客・・・・・・。{EOL} (Gosh, he’s so weird… ま、いつものこと♥)」{END} But then again, they all are! ♥)
{Cloud}{EOL} Cloud: 「はじめてだ」{END} This is my first time.
{Cloud}{EOL} Cloud: 「はじめてかどうかなんて{EOL} I forget if it’s わすれたな・・・・・・」{END} my first time…
{Cloud}{EOL} Cloud: 「使用中のようだな」{EOL} Looks like it’s in use. ☞ 聞き耳をたてる{EOL} ☞ Strain to hear ☞ のぞき見る{END} ☞ Take a peek
{Cloud}{EOL} Cloud: 「・・・・・・すごい!!」{END} …Whoa!!
「不適切な内容がふくまれているため{EOL} We apologize, but the following contains material 残念ながら、お見せできません」{END} unsuitable for the general public.
{Cloud}{EOL} Cloud: 「・・・・・・・・・・・・」{END} …
Robert Seddon says: Now I really begin | 38,665 |
to wonder what Square’s staff meetings were like.
「んっ……? Huh…? まだなんかあるの?」 Was there something else?
「あたし、しつこい人はきらいなのよね♥」 I just hate stubborn people. ♥ ☞ あのその…… ☞ Um, those… ☞ なんでもないんだ ☞ Nevermind.
「なによっ!!」 What!!
「しつこいわねっ!!」 You sure are stubborn!
「わかったわかった……。 Oh, I get it… う~ん、熱意に負けたわ♥ Oo, I’m overcome by your enthusiasm. ♥ あなただけ、特別ね♥」 I’ll do it just for you. ♥
「はい♥ 大事にして♥ Alright! ♥ Take care! ♥ 支配人にはないしょよ♥ Don’t tell the manager. ♥ ふたりだけの秘密♥」 It’s our little secret! ♥
「じゃあね♥ See you! ♥ バイバ~イ♥」 Bye bye! ♥
『セクシーランジェリー』を手に入れた。 Received “Sexy Lingerie”!
CLOUD> Cloud: 「あの……」 Um… ☞ 危険な任務のためだ。君の下着を貸してくれ ☞ Please lend me your panties for a dangerous mission. ☞ ほかの言い方はないのか…… ☞ Isn’t there another way to say it…? ☞ やっぱりなんでもない ☞ It’s really nothing.
CLOUD Cloud: 「その……」 Uh… ☞ 彼女へのプレゼントなんだ。君の下着を… ☞ I need a present for my girlfriend. Give me your panties… ☞ うそっぽいか、ほかの言い方はないのか…… ☞ Sounds fake. Isn’t there another way to say it…? ☞ もういやだ。忘れてくれ ☞ I’ve had it with this. Forget I said anything.
CLOUD Cloud: 「あの……」 Um… ☞ なにか思い出になるものを。君の下着を… ☞ I need something to remember you by. Give me your panties… ☞ だめだな、ほかの言い方だな ☞ No good. I need to think of something else. ☞ もういいんだ ☞ Forget it.
CLOUD Cloud: 「その……」 Uh… ☞ じつは女装が趣味なんだ。君の下着が…… ☞ Actually, I’m into cross-dressing. I want your panties… ☞ う~ん、ほか ☞ Oog, something else. ☞ あきらめる ☞ I give up.
CLOUD Cloud: 「あの……」 Um… ☞ 俺、変態なんだ。君のにおいをかぎたい… ☞ I’m a pervert. I want to smell your panties… ☞ いやだ、ほか ☞ No way, something else. ☞ バカ! ☞ This is stupid!
「その……」 Uh… ☞ 俺に君の下着をくれないかぁぁ!! ☞ Give me your paaaantiiiiies!! ☞ 熱血風か…、ほかの言い方 ☞ That might be too strong… Something else. ☞ やめとく ☞ I quit.
CLOUD Cloud: 「あの……」 | 38,666 |
に負けたわ♥ Oo, I’m overcome by your enthusiasm. ♥ あなただけ、特別ね♥」 I’ll do it just for you. ♥
「はい♥ 大事にして♥ Alright! ♥ Take care! ♥ 支配人にはないしょよ♥ Don’t tell the manager. ♥ ふたりだけの秘密♥」 It’s our little secret! ♥
「安心して、お客さん…… Relax, sir… 女装が趣味だってことは It’s our little secret that ふたりだけの秘密ね」 you like to cross-dress.
Robert Seddon says: Before moving on to GlitterBerri’s translations, I want to note something odd about the filenames. The Honey Bee Inn has six rooms: onna_4 is the main lobby, onna_2 is the dressing room at the top, and the left and right sides each have a pair of rooms sharing a single map file (i.e. one background with the dialogue for each of two rooms): onna_5 to the right, onna_52 to the left. (The extra terminal 2 seems to suggest an alternative version of an area: cf. ealin1 and ealin12, the ground floor of Aeris’s house viewed from two different camera angles.)
Other odd aspects are quite a number of blocks that don’t correspond to anything found in Loveless and, for some reason, the absence of the room names familiar from the English script.
Here’s mrkt3, just outside the Honey Bee Inn: the following (with the exception of one block, {AERIS} “Hey!! {CLOUD}!!”) is blank in the English files. Cloud apparently believes Tifa’s inside, so he can’t have discovered she’s in Corneo’s Mansion yet.
「ま・さ・か……」 You’ve GOTTA be kidding… ☞ ここは俺にまかせておけ ☞ Leave this place to me. ☞ ここにTIFAがいるんだ、きっと ☞ Tifa’s here, I’m sure of it.
AERITH Aeris: 「女装に必要ななにかがね。 You’ll need something for cross-dressing. ……ふ~~ん」 …Hmmm.
AERITH Aeris: 「ふ~~~ん! Hmmmmm! そういう態度にでますかねえ」 So that’s how you’re gonna be.
AERITH Aeris: 「はやかったのね、CLOUD! That was fast, Cloud! どうだった? よかった?」 How’d it go? Any luck? ☞ よかったよ ☞ I got lucky. ☞ TIFAはいなかった ☞ Tifa wasn’t there.
AERITH Aeris: 「あ……!」 Oh…! 「なんか、想像しちゃった。 I can imagine. さ、いきましょ!」 Well, let’s go!
AERITH Aeris: 「最初からわかってたくせに。 You knew that from the start. ま、いいけど…… Oh well… わたしもけっこう楽しんでるし」 I’m having fun too.
AERITH Aeris: 「あ、CLOUD、いいにおい! Oh, Cloud, you smell great! どうだった?」 How’d it go? ☞ 楽しかった ☞ It was fun. ☞ 関係ないだろ ☞ None of your business.
AERITH Aeris: 「あっ!! Oh!! なんか、ごまかしてる!」 Come on!
AERITH Aeris: 「わたし | 38,667 |
といるよりも?」 More fun than being with me? ☞ まあ、そんなところだ ☞ Something like that. ☞ ごめんよ ☞ Sorry.
AERITH Aeris: 「気にしない気にしない! Don’t worry about it! じゃ、いきましょ!」 Alright, let’s go!
AERITH Aeris: 「ふ~ん!!」 Hmph!!
AERITH Aeris: 「あっ……!! Oh…!! もういいの? CLOUD」 Are you finished, Cloud? ☞ ああ…… ☞ Yeah… ☞ まだ…… ☞ Not quite…
AERITH Aeris: 「なんだ……。 What… わかってくれたと、思ったのに。 I thought you knew わたしの気持ち…」 how I felt.
AERITH Aeris: 「うん! よかった! OK! Great! じゃ、いきましょ!」 Well, let’s go!
AERITH Aeris: 「やっぱり、いくんだ……。 Well, we’re off… ちょっと、がっかりかな」 You seem a little disappointed.
AERITH Aeris: 「キャッ!! Eek!! CLOUD!!」 Cloud!!
AERITH Aeris: 「CLOUD……。 Cloud… わたし、待ってるね」 I’ll be waiting. ☞ 怒ってるのかい? ☞ Are you angry? ☞ 人探しの基本は聞きこみだからな ☞ The first step to finding someone is getting information.
AERITH Aeris: 「ううん……べっつに。 Mm… nope. いつものことだから」 Just the usual.
AERITH Aeris: 「それに、CLOUD、待ってるのって Besides, Cloud, 楽しいの」 waiting is fun! 「考えるんだ、いろんなこと。 I’ve been thinking. It’s weird, 変だよね、まだ出会ったばかりなのに」 isn’t it? We’ve only just met.
AERITH Aeris: 「うん……。 Right… 帰ってきて、はやく」 Come back soon.
AERITH Aeris: 「満足した、もう?」 Satisfied? ☞ ごめんな、またせて ☞ Sorry to keep you waiting. ☞ もうすこし、まっててくれ ☞ Just a little longer.
AERITH Aeris: 「CLOUD!! Cloud!! やっぱり……」 I knew it… ☞ TIFAを助けるためだ ☞ It’s to help Tifa. ☞ 感じるんだ…… ☞ I feel like it…
CLOUD Cloud: 「TIFAを助けるためなんだ。 It’s to help Tifa. わかってくれるよな」 You understand, right?
AERITH Aeris: 「……はいはい、いってらっしゃい。 …Yeah, yeah. Good luck. 興味ある年ごろだもんね」 You’re the right age to be interested in that stuff.
AERITH Aeris: 「な~るほどっ! Oh, I see how it is! 言いたいことはそれだけ?」 Is that all you want to say?
きついメイク{END} Intense Makeup 自然なメイク{END} Natural Makeup 派手なメイク{END} Flashy | 38,668 |
Robert Seddon says: There is a smidgeon of unused text […] which is just one indication of a more involved quest for transvestite pulchritude. Behold the untranslated text of onna_4, starting with another indication that something about the Inn’s layout may have changed during development…
「ポッ・・・・・・♥{EOL} Oh… ♥ お客さん♥」{NewScreen} Sir… ♥ 「4つのお部屋から{EOL} Please pick which of 好きなコースを選んでね♥」{NewScreen} the four rooms you’d like ♥ 「空いてないお部屋は{EOL} You can’t choose an ダメなのよ♥」{END} occupied room ♥
「ポッ・・・・・・♥{EOL} Oh… ♥ お客さん♥」{NewScreen} Sir… ♥ 「はやくっはやくっ♥」{END} Hurry, hurry! ♥
「お客さん。{EOL} Sir ♥ はじめてかしら?」{EOL} Is this your first time? ☞ はじめて、か・・・・・・?{EOL} ☞ My first…? ☞ どうなんだ・・・・・・{END} ☞ I wonder…
「ああ・・・・・・」{END} Yeah…
「そうだな・・・・・・」{END} That’s right…
「そう・・・・・・。{EOL} Ah… 5つのお部屋から{EOL} Please pick which of 好きなコースを選んでね♥」{NewScreen} the 5 rooms you’d like ♥ 「空いてないお部屋は{EOL} You can’t choose an ダメよ♥」{EOL} occupied room ♥ ☞ え・・・・・・{EOL} ☞ Huh… ☞ わかった{END} ☞ Got it.
Robert Seddon says: These few blocks occupy the place where the names of the rooms appear in the English files. The last version of this dialogue listed 4 rooms and said ダメなのよ instead of ダメよ. The first version also lacks the [options for] reactions; the version below has them too.
「もう!! お客さん!!{EOL} Now, sir!! 人の話、聞いてるの?」{END} Are you eavesdropping?
「・・・・・・選んでね♥」{END} …Go on and pick ♥
「4つのお部屋から{EOL} Please pick which of 好きなコースを選んでね♥」{NewScreen} the 4 rooms you’d like ♥ 「空いてないお部屋は{EOL} You can’t choose an ダメよ♥」{EOL} occupied room ♥ ☞ え・・・・・・{EOL} ☞ Huh… ☞ わかった{END} ☞ Got it.
Robert Seddon says: Same as the first one, but with reactions.
「お部屋を選んでね♥{EOL} Please pick a room ♥ (変なお客・・・・・・。{EOL} (Gosh, he’s so weird… ま、いつものこと♥)」{END} But then again, they all are! ♥)
{Cloud}{EOL} Cloud: 「はじめてだ」{END} This is my first time.
{Cloud}{EOL} Cloud: 「はじめてかどうかなんて{EOL} I forget if it’s わすれたな・・・・・・」{END} my first time…
{Cloud}{EOL} Cloud: 「使用中のようだ | 38,669 |
な」{EOL} Looks like it’s in use. ☞ 聞き耳をたてる{EOL} ☞ Strain to hear ☞ のぞき見る{END} ☞ Take a peek
{Cloud}{EOL} Cloud: 「・・・・・・すごい!!」{END} …Whoa!!
「不適切な内容がふくまれているため{EOL} We apologize, but the following contains material 残念ながら、お見せできません」{END} unsuitable for the general public.
{Cloud}{EOL} Cloud: 「・・・・・・・・・・・・」{END} …
Robert Seddon says: Now I really begin to wonder what Square’s staff meetings were like.
「んっ……? Huh…? まだなんかあるの?」 Was there something else?
「あたし、しつこい人はきらいなのよね♥」 I just hate stubborn people. ♥ ☞ あのその…… ☞ Um, those… ☞ なんでもないんだ ☞ Nevermind.
「なによっ!!」 What!!
「しつこいわねっ!!」 You sure are stubborn!
「わかったわかった……。 Oh, I get it… う~ん、熱意に負けたわ♥ Oo, I’m overcome by your enthusiasm. ♥ あなただけ、特別ね♥」 I’ll do it just for you. ♥
「はい♥ 大事にして♥ Alright! ♥ Take care! ♥ 支配人にはないしょよ♥ Don’t tell the manager. ♥ ふたりだけの秘密♥」 It’s our little secret! ♥
「じゃあね♥ See you! ♥ バイバ~イ♥」 Bye bye! ♥
『セクシーランジェリー』を手に入れた。 Received “Sexy Lingerie”!
CLOUD> Cloud: 「あの……」 Um… ☞ 危険な任務のためだ。君の下着を貸してくれ ☞ Please lend me your panties for a dangerous mission. ☞ ほかの言い方はないのか…… ☞ Isn’t there another way to say it…? ☞ やっぱりなんでもない ☞ It’s really nothing.
CLOUD Cloud: 「その……」 Uh… ☞ 彼女へのプレゼントなんだ。君の下着を… ☞ I need a present for my girlfriend. Give me your panties… ☞ うそっぽいか、ほかの言い方はないのか…… ☞ Sounds fake. Isn’t there another way to say it…? ☞ もういやだ。忘れてくれ ☞ I’ve had it with this. Forget I said anything.
CLOUD Cloud: 「あの……」 Um… ☞ なにか思い出になるものを。君の下着を… ☞ I need something to remember you by. Give me your panties… ☞ だめだな、ほかの言い方だな ☞ No good. I need to think of something else. ☞ もういいんだ ☞ Forget it.
CLOUD Cloud: 「その……」 Uh… ☞ じつは女装が趣味なんだ。君の下着が…… ☞ Actually, I’m into cross-dressing. I want your panties… ☞ う~ん、ほか ☞ Oog, something else. ☞ あきらめる ☞ I give up.
CLOUD Cloud: 「 | 38,670 |
1 Ottobre 2017
In Catalogna si sta consumando un dramma, che potrebbe, Dio non voglia, anche trasformarsi in tragedia. A scapito, in primis, di milioni di cittadini catalani. Ma andiamo con ordine. Prima di tutto, un breve richiamo alla storia catalana più recente: nel 2014 (tre anni or sono, non mezzo secolo fa) ebbe luogo in Catalogna un inedito “Procés de participació ciutadana sobre el futur polític de Catalunya” che chiedeva ai cittadini catalani: vuoi che la Catalogna diventi uno Stato? Non si trattava di un referendum vincolante, ma di una specie di consultazione (illegale secondo la legge spagnola).
Ebbene, in quell’occasione storica la percentuale di votanti non raggiunse il 40% degli aventi diritto, anche se circa l’81% votò sì. Evidentemente i catalani avevano altre priorità. Tuttavia se si traducono le percentuali in cifre, quell’81% di voti vuol dire 1,8 milioni di elettori catalani schierati per l’indipendenza. Un bel numero di persone, capace di riempire strade e piazze, e di fornire ai politici catalanisti quell’esercito pacifico (e simpatico) di cittadini immortalato in questi giorni dai media internazionali.
Il popolo… I referendum, intrinsecamente manichei (sì o no, tertium non datur), hanno sempre bisogno di un popolo. Una “massa di manovra” politica che in certe circostanze, per quanto benintenzionata e mossa da nobili intenti, può essere vittima di ciniche strumentalizzazioni. Non a caso i referendum si prestano, più di ogni altro strumento politico democratico, alle manovre di dittatori, demagoghi e “uomini forti”: da Napoleone III a Mussolini, da Franco ai populisti dell’Europa centro-orientale, plebisciti e referendum sono il modo, facile e rapido, per conferire legittimità a scelte politiche discutibili o addirittura illegali.
E se ci sono di mezzo i sogni (e le vite) di un popolo con cui farsi scudo, tanto meglio. Del resto, la democrazia liberale è così complicata, corrotta e inefficiente… Lo dicevano i franchisti, gli stalinisti e i fascisti sessant’anni fa, e lo ripetono oggi certi demagoghi “amici dei popoli” portatori di visioni politiche semplicistiche ma perniciose. Demagoghi pronti a trasformare l’Altro (il centralismo di Madrid, l’Unione Europea, gli immigrati, l’Islam, la sinistra senza Dio, la massoneria, Israele; a ciascuno il suo) nella sola e unica causa di tutti i mali del popolo. E a invocare facili scorciatoie di stampo etnico-regionalista eurofilo (o etnico-nazionalista eurofobo, dipende dal luogo) per risolvere, in un’ottica di “sacro egoismo”, i problemi una volta per tutte. Possibilmente con la benedizione di un referendum plebiscitario.
Uno “sproposito democratico”. Così l’ex presidente del governo spagnolo, il socialista Felipe González ha definito il referendum in Catalogna | 38,671 |
dal canto loro rispondono: per ora facciamo il referendum sull’indipendenza, poi si vedrà. Che serà serà… Peccato che la loro manovra per ottenere più potere contrattuale per le trattative con Madrid stia costando a milioni di catalani ansia, fatica, stress, proiettili di gomma e patimenti di ogni tipo (“si el Estado español quiere formular la famosa propuesta de la tercera vía (cioè il federalismo), encantados de poder debatir esto” ha dichiarato soavemente lo sfuggevole ma geniale Puigdemont, che per fortuna dice di “dormir tranquilo”).
I catalanisti affermano: a giustificare il referendum illegale è lo stallo che ha subito il processo di riforma dello Estatut d’Autonomia de Catalunya. Senza dubbio uno stallo di undici anni è grave, e Madrid ha la sua grossa dose di responsabilità (al pari di varie comunità autonome). Ma questa situazione, per quanto sgradevole per moltissimi catalani, non ha certo privato la Catalogna della larghissima autonomia di cui gode in campo economico, politico, culturale ecc… E uno stallo di undici anni, frutto di molti errori compiuti da molti soggetti (il PP non è certo esente da serie colpe, anzi), non giustifica un atto eversivo, una reazione spropositata che rischia di destabilizzare la Catalogna, la Spagna tutta e persino l’Europa. Se i ritardi nei processi di federalizzazione giustificassero le secessioni, allora dovremmo avere un’Europa più frammentata del Sacro Romano Impero.
Del resto la volontà catalana di riformare l’Estatut nasceva da un desiderio molto prosaico: quello di tenersi molti più soldi. Specie in tempi di magra. Non dimentichiamo infatti che nel 2011 Artur Mas, allora dominus della politica catalana, dovette usare l’elicottero per entrare nel Parlamento catalano, tale era la rabbia dei cittadini catalani che protestavano contro la sua dissennata politica di austerity (ma erano altri tempi: allora gli sgomberi della polizia che sfrattavano dalle loro case catalani a basso reddito, o le cariche contro gli studenti, non scandalizzavano le anime belle della destra catalanista). Va riconosciuto che il successore di Mas, Puigdemont, è molto più furbo.
E oltre a violare il diritto spagnolo, il referendum è anche privo di fondamento dal punto di vista del diritto internazionale. Non a caso oltre 400 professori di diritto internazionale attivi in Spagna (inclusi quasi 50 della Catalogna) hanno firmato un manifesto che smonta le basi giuridiche del referendum. In altre parole, la Catalogna non ha dalla sua né il diritto nazionale, né quello internazionale (né l’Estatut stesso, ma questo poco interessa ai catalanisti).
Aspetti legali a parte, ci sono poi anche gli aspetti economici e geopolitici da tenere in conto. Per esempio, i leader e gli opinionisti catalanisti tacciono sugli enormi rischi che la Catalogna corre. Per esempio, non dicono che l’uscita della Catalogna dalla Spagna coinciderebbe, quasi sicuramente, con l’uscita d | 38,672 |
Updated at 2:45pm on March 16 with statement from Amnesty
A hashtag has erupted on Twitter tonight, congratulating Qatari poet Mohammed Rashid Al-Ajami for gaining his freedom after being jailed for nearly five years.
Thousands of tweets are pouring in on #خروج_محمد_بن_الذيب (Mohammed Ibn Al Dheeb’s release), reporting that Qatar’s Emir has pardoned him.
The man, who also goes by Ibn Al-Dheeb, was jailed for “inciting to overthrow the regime” and convicted in 2012, sending “shockwaves across the Gulf.”
According to Abdullah Al Athbah, editor-in-chief of Al Arab, Al-Ajami is being released on Sheikh Tamim’s orders through the intercession of the chief of the poet’s Al-Ajman tribe, Khalid bin Rakan al-Ajami.
However, Al-Ajami’s lawyer, former justice minister Najeeb Al Nauimi, told Doha News that he could not confirm the pardon until he hears it from the poet himself, or one of his family members.
News of the pardon comes just weeks after the third anniversary of Qatar’s Court of Appeal decision to reduce the sentence of Mohammed Rashid Al-Ajami from life imprisonment to 15 years behind bars.
YouTube video
The Qatari poet was arrested in 2011 over a YouTube video in which he recited a poem that was indirectly critical of his country’s ruling family.
For years, Al Nauimi has argued that there is no evidence to support the charges against the poet, which also included “insulting the Emir.”
The case has garnered international attention and protests, with the poet’s supporters calling Al-Ajami’s detention “an open wound.”
And previously, Farida Shaheed, the UN special rapporteur on cultural rights, criticized the sentence, saying it “ is disproportionate and amounts to political censorship to art and expression.”
Translation: Incarcerating a poet made beautiful, civilized Qatar a medieval country. This step, although very late, is better than depriving this man of his freedom forever.
However, here in Qatar, many nationals had expressed support for the poet’s detention.
And while several tweets tonight involved well wishes for Al-Ajami, some were not pleased about the news of the pardon:
@AbdurhmanbnSaud @A_AlAthbah مابغيت ادعي هالدعوه لأن وراه عجوز مسكينه مالها ذنب في خبال ولدها
والا هو نقص على ظاهر الدنيا وباطنها — دوسري جداً (@dosry_2) March 15, 2016
Translation: I didn’t want to make this prayer (that he would not be pardoned) only because he has an old mother who is not to blame for her son’s recklessness and insolence. As for him, he’s a foul being on and under earth.
On Wednesday, Amnesty International released a statement hailing Al-Ajami’s release, saying the group had spoken to relatives who confirmed the pardon.
It also said it viewed a video of his apparently release, which has been circulating on social media:
In the statement, James Lynch, deputy director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa program, called the detention “absurd.”
“We hope that the authorities will take the opportunity of this release to review Qatar’s criminal justice system and ensure that such flagrant violations of the right to freedom of expression are not repeated. This case has been a blight on Qatar’s international reputation.”
The group added that the terms of Al Ajami’s release remain unclear, saying “It is essential that the authorities do not impose conditions on (the) peaceful exercise of his rights, including his right to freedom of expression. Prisoners of conscience should be released immediately and unconditionally.”
Note: This article has been corrected to reflect that Abdullah | 38,673 |
umps, and rubella vaccination and autism. The New England Journal of Medicine, 347, 1477-1482. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa021134
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Neiss, M., & Rowe, D. C. (2000). Parental education and child’s verbal | 38,674 |
Göç İdaresi Genel Müdürlüğü, Türkiye’de 192 milletten 5 milyonun üzerinde yabancının yaşadığını açıkladı. Yabancıların bir milyonunun oturma izni bulunurken, ülkede bulunan yabancılarda başı 3,6 milyonla Suriyeliler çekiyor.
2011’de Suriye’de çıkan iç savaşın ardından milyonlarca sığınmacının Türkiye’ye gelmesiyle ülkedeki yabancılarla ilgili çıkan tartışmalar sürüyor. Göç İdaresi Genel Müdürlüğü, Türkiye’de 192 milletten 5 milyonun üzerinde yapancı olduğunu belirtirken, bu yabancıların bir milyonunun oturma izninin bulunduğunu açıkladı. Göç İdaresi Genel Müdürlüğü Uyum ve İletişim Dairesi Başkan Vekili Beşkat, Türkiye’de en fazla yabancının Suriyeliler olduğunu da vurguladı.
Göç İdaresi Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından Birleşmiş Milletler Mülteciler Yüksek Komiserliği (UNHCR) iş birliğiyle Bursa'daki Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı ve Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı personeline yönelik "Sosyal Uyum Çalıştayı" düzenlendi.
Programda konuşan Göç İdaresi Genel Müdürlüğü Uyum ve İletişim Dairesi Başkan Vekili Beşkat, tarihin her döneminde zulüm gördükleri yerlerden kaçanların Anadolu'ya sığındığını hatırlattı. Çok sayıda mazlumun güvenli liman olarak gördükleri Türkiye'ye sığındığını, Türkiye'nin de ait olduğu medeniyetten aldığı yüksek değerlerle bu insanlara kucak açtığını belirten Beşkat, şöyle devam etti:
"Son dönemlerde göç akınlarının hem sayıca arttığını hem de çeşitlendiğini görüyoruz. Bugün 3,6 milyon Suriyeli geçici koruma kapsamında Türkiye'mizde kalmakta. Yine Irak'tan, Somali'den, Afganistan'dan, farklı ülkelerden yüzbinlerce insan uluslararası koruma bulmak amacıyla savaştan, zulümden kaçtığı için bu topraklarda bizlerle bir arada yaşamakta. Ancak bugün itibariyle sayıları 1 milyonu aşmış olan ikamet izni sahibi insan, 100 bini aşmış olan çalışma iznine sahip insan Türkiye'yi yaşamak için seçmiştir. Bu bahsettiğim 1 milyon insan savaşlardan, zulümden kaçan insanlar değildir. Türkiye'de yaşamak, Türkiye'de çalışmak, iş kurmak için gelmiş b | 38,675 |
Il primo derby della capitale della stagione si è giocato in uno scenario surreale, con lo stadio semideserto e le curve svuotate dalla protesta delle due tifoserie contro i provvedimenti del prefetto Gabrielli. Nonostante gli appelli di allenatori e società, i tifosi laziali e romanisti hanno disertato la partita, mentre rappresentanze del tifo di Wisla Cracovia, West Ham e Real Madrid hanno contribuito a popolare gli spalti, senza comunque scongiurare il record negativo di presenze. Se gli stranieri erano in minoranza tra il pubblico, la proporzione si è ribaltata in campo: appena tre gli italiani nelle formazioni iniziali, tutti tra le fila dei biancocelesti.
La Roma è scesa in campo senza italiani, tantomeno romani, nell’undici iniziale: Garcia ha dovuto rinunciare sia al lungodegente Totti che a De Rossi, per il riacutizzarsi del problema all’adduttore che il centrocampista si sta trascinando da tempo. Anche Florenzi, non al meglio, ha dovuto sedersi in panchina. Davanti alla porta di Szczesny difesa a quattro formata, da destra a sinistra, da Torosidis, Manolas, Rüdiger e Digne. Vainqueur ha preso il posto di De Rossi in mezzo al campo, formando con il capitano di giornata, Nainggolan, il duo di centrocampisti del 4-2-3-1 scelto da Rudi Garcia. Dietro al centravanti Dzeko, Iago Falque ha giocato da trequartista, con Salah largo a sinistra e Gervinho a destra.
Pioli ha recuperato Parolo, out da sei partite, lanciato subito tra i titolari nel terzetto di centrocampo con Biglia e Lulic, preferito a Onazi. La scelta del bosniaco come interno di centrocampo ha permesso a Radu di schierarsi da terzino sinistro, con Gentiletti e Maurico da centrali e Basta sulla corsia destra. In avanti Djordjevic, forte della doppietta realizzata contro il Rosenborg, ha vinto il ballottaggio con Klose e Matri. Ai suoi fianchi spazio a Candreva e Felipe Anderson.
Un centrocampo inedito
La squalifica di Pjanic ha privato la Roma del suo principale creatore di gioco e i padroni di casa non hanno proposto il solito pulito possesso palla (anche l’andamento della partita ha visto entrambe le squadre saltare spesso il centrocampo), visto che la Roma ha completato solo il 70,1% dei passaggi tentati, contro una media stagionale dell’84,2 %.
Per ovviare all’assenza del bosniaco e a quella di De Rossi, Garcia ha traslato il vertice del triangolo di centrocampo, ponendo Falque sulla trequarti, con Vainqueur e Nainggolan alle sue spalle. Il francese, si è reso protagonista di una prestazione ordinata, frenando l’aggressività messa in campo nelle precedenti uscite e rivelandosi alla fine come il centrocampista più disciplinato dei giallorossi. L’ex giocatore della Dinamo Mosca ha preso in carico anche le funzioni di De Rossi durante la costruzione del gioco, abbassandosi tra Manolas e Rüdiger proprio come il compagno, oppure, più di frequente, smarcandosi per ricevere palla in zone pi� | 38,676 |
Wenn Leute aus Ex-Jugoslawien miteinander sprechen, wird geflucht, was das Zeug hält. Die Mutter benutzt das F-Wort? Bei uns das Normalste der Welt.
Mama, wieso sagst du sowas?
Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu "Hajde", dem ersten Balkan-Blog auf "Heute.at"! Unser Blogger ist zwischen Sarma und Wiener Schnitzeln aufgewachsen. Wie das so ist? Er verrät´s euch in seinen Kolumnen. Übrigens: "Hajde" bedeutet auf Deutsch so viel wie "Los geht´s!"
Und was ist für euch typisch Balkan? Eure Inputs sind willkommen unter [email protected]
Eminem ist nichts gegen den Balkan
"Jebem ti mater, jest vruce."
"Šta ti je, jebem ti mater?"
"Dobro, jebi ga. izvini ako sam te uvrijedio."
Freunde finden im Urlaub
Mit meiner Mama rede ich ausschließlich "Jugo". Der Grund ist einfach: Ihr Deutsch ist so gebrochen, dass ich mir manchmal echt schwer tue, sie zu verstehen. Hinzu kommt noch ein Hauch Wiener Dialekt, den sie sich in den letzten 20 Jahren angeeignet hat. Wahrscheinlich hört es sich für sie richtig an – aber nur für sie!Jedenfalls fällt mir dann oftmals gar nicht auf, was wir zueinander sagen, wenn wir im Redefluss sind. Bewusst wird es mir erst dann, wenn Freunde zu Besuch sind, die kein Wort "Jugo" verstehen. So realisierte ich erst vor kurzem, dass folgender Dialog für Außenstehende wohl eher befremdlich klingt: "Gibt's was zu essen?" – Antwort von Mama: "Ima kurca." Zu Deutsch: "Es gibt Schwanz."Üblicherweise denke ich mir nichts dabei. Vor allem auch deshalb, weil meine Mutter gleich darauf einen riesigen Topf "Sarma" aus dem Kühlschrank holt, ihn mit einem Grinsen im Gesicht aufwärmt und nachher viel zu große Portionen serviert. Aber als kürzlich ein Freund fragte: "Was hat deine Mutter denn gerade gesagt?", erstarrte ich ein wenig.Wie sollte ich meinem Kollegen nur erklären, dass mir meine Mutter gerade einfach so ins Gesicht gesagt hat: "Es gibt ein bisschen Schwanz"? Dass sie so etwas eigentlich immer sagt, weil wir eben immer so reden?Natürlich: In meiner Schulzeit wurde ich häufig nach Jugo-Schimpfwörtern gefragt. Die habe ich auch immer wieder gern rausgerückt. Dabei dürfte meinen Mitschülern aber nicht klar gewesen sein, dass diese obszönen Ausdrücke zum Standard-Repertoire eines jeden Balkanesen gehören. Von Geburt an, versteht sich.Denn während man sich hierzulande davor hütet, auch nur "Scheiße" in der Anwesenheit von kleinen Kindern zu sagen, werden Minderjährige am Balkan von ihren älteren Verwandten liebevoll mit | 38,677 |
Last week Bill Moyers sat down with Leila Fadel while she was stateside to receive a George Polk Award for Foreign Reporting. In this interview she bluntly lays bare all the spin on Iraq and Iran in a way that is all too rare these days.
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I can't say enough good things about this brave woman, but I would echo all of what Spencer and Matthew have written about her and then some. McClatchy, one of the few sane voices on Iraq since before the invasion (when they were still known as Knight-Ridder) continues to impress.
Watch the full interview on Moyers' PBS website, and you can check out Leila Fadel's McClatchy blog, Baghdad Observer and her team's Inside Iraq.
Transcript after the jump.
BILL MOYERS: Just this week Iraq was struck by a fresh wave of violence. At least 50 people died from a bombing at a funeral - a funeral! Sixty people were killed earlier in the week, and 120 wounded.
It's difficult … but gruesome news doesn't go away because we look away. So consider these photos taken in Baquba, Ramadi, and Mosul -- victims of car bombs and suicide attacks.
Such scenes are routine for the people in Iraq and the journalists who still cover them. One of those journalists is Leila Fadel - the Baghdad bureau chief for the McClatchy Newspaper Group. She was born in Saudi Arabia of a Lebanese father and a mother from Michigan. The fact that she speaks Arabic may have saved her life when she was covering the war between Hezbollah and Israel.
She's reported on everything from Iran's relationship with Iraq… to the impact of war on families in ethnically torn neighborhoods …to the constant stress on US troops. And she does it all so well that this week she received a George Polk award for foreign reporting - an honor bestowed for courage under fire.
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BILL MOYERS: [W]e read a lot about the thousand Iraqi soldiers who quit the fight in Basra, laid down their arms. And this week there were stories of more defectors in Sadr City. Are these people cowed? Are they afraid? What's happening?
LEILA FADEL: I think it's a combination of things. I think there are people who don't feel that they should be fighting the Mahdi Army, who don't feel that they should be killing their Shia brothers because most of the Iraqi security forces are Shia. And I think there is also threats. I mean, we had reports of the Mahdi Army going house to house in Sadr City and if they were Iraqi security forces, they would say, "We know where you live. We know where your family is. And if you fight us, we'll find you." And so I think it's a combination of the fear that their families will be killed and that they're being killed as well as a moral objection by some of them.
BILL MOYERS: Moral objection?
LEILA FADEL: I think so, yes.
LEILA FADEL: To fighting who the people they consider their brothers.
BILL MOYERS: You broke the story that it was an appeal to an Iranian source. You broke the story that the Iranians actually intervened to stop the fighting in Basra, right?
LEILA FADEL: That's right. Yeah, that's right.
BILL MOYERS: So there's real evidence on the ground that Iran is influential in Iraq.
LEILA FADEL: Yes. I mean, I don't think anybody questions that Iran is influential in Iraq. I don't know that all of Iran's influence in Iraq is bad influence. Iran has chips on every table, you know? They're betting on everybody. You'll talk to Iraqi officials who say that the Iranians are willing to give money to anybody. You have Sunni leaders going to meet with Iranian officials in Iran. The man who is the Iraqi affairs man is the head of the Qods force in Iraq in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, who the United States says is a terrorist.
He is the man that deals with Iraqi affairs. He is the man that deals with Iraqi officials. He is the man that was involved when an Iraqi delegation went to Iran in March to stop the fighting in Basra and apparently was the one that was helping get Moqtada Sadr to say stand down. Now maybe it's a bad thing that the Iranians have so much influence, but what do we expect when we put a Shia government into power? These men took refuge and had funding in Iran.
BILL MOYERS: Let's listen to what President Bush said recently about Iran's influence in Iraq.
Danksy meer as dertig jaar ondervinding en die kreatiwiteit van ons tegniese personeel, het ons van die begin af in staat om as ‘n leier in tegnologie in die binnelandse verwarming sektor te oorheers en ook in verskeie industriële toepassings, veral vir die afwerking en droogte. van leer siklusse, met baie doeltreffende en innoverende resultate. Dit is moontlik danksy harmonieuse en produktiewe samehang van heeltemal verskillende denkwyse en ervarings.
Verskillend, maar met baie ooreenkomste, soos ‘n toekomsvisie, en ‘n begeerte om uitdagings te ervaar en te oorkom, en soms selfs om hulle te verwag, soos in die geval van Lente en Radiant, wat ons hoofstroom tegnologie is. Ons span se kundigheid in sekere sektore, sowel as hul energie en vermoë om te innoveer, stel ons in staat om baie verskillende behoeftes op die beste manier te ontmoet.
Eintlik behoort die idees wat tydens die ontwikkelingsfase van ons verwarmingsprodukte van toepassing is, aan diegene wat die meeste omgee oor die lewe gerief, energie-doeltreffendheid en ontwerp.
Met die doel om tot voorspoed by te dra, word dit verbeter om die omgewing en doeltreffendheid aan te pas. Wanneer produkte vir die nywerheidsektor ontwikkel word, is die idees wat in Saiterm van toepassing is sensitief vir werk, produktiwiteit, winsmarges en veiligheid van werknemers, terwyl dit ook op eenvoud en gerief vir gebruikers fokus.
Wat is Saiterm?
Saiterm sal ingesluit word om verwarmingstelsels te vervaardig en te versprei. Die ontwikkeling van hierdie stelsel, wat sal vervaardig word deur Saiterm, genoem SPRING, bied afgeleides wat die nuutste finansiële en industriële tegnologie gebruik, om hoogs gesogte produkte te produseer en te versprei, wat absoluut noodsaaklik is en wat wêreldwyd in die toekoms reageer. behoeftes ten opsigte van energie-doeltreffendheid en welsyn vir die mens.
Ons bestemming:
Voorbeeld Doelstellings Saiterm se hoofdoel is om by te dra tot welvaart, verbeter word om die omgewing en ondoeltreffendheid aan te pas.
Ons streef daarna om die nuutste tegnologie produkte te ontwikkel wat ontwerp is om energieverbruik en -uitstoot te verminder.
Hoekom het ons Blockchain gekies?
Via die blockchain platform gebruik ons infrarooi verwarmingstegnologie om verbruikers in staat te stel om energieverbruik en koolstofvrystellings van industriële en huishoudelike gebruik te verminder.
Die produksieproses sal ten volle outomaties wees om die verspreiding van die aanvanklike 20.000 velle te verseker, om ons die volgende 5 jaar te verower, minstens 800,000 stukke per jaar. Dit is net om die wêreldwye vraag na doeltreffende verwarmingstelsels te oorkom. Dit is genoeg om te sê dat alreeds ‘n woonstel van 90 vierkante meter, bestaande uit 5 kamers, minstens 5 Saiterm Spring-eenhede | 38,679 |
\mathbb{R}^{d \times d} } \frac{1}{2} w^\top \Lambda^{-1} w + \frac{1}{2} g(\Lambda),$$ see [1, Section 5.2] for more details, where an explicit candidate for the function \(g(\Lambda)\) is given. Here, we impose that \(g(\Lambda)\) is infinite when \(\Lambda\) is not positive semi-definite (to make the quadratic function in \(w\) convex).
For example, for the \(\ell_\infty\)-ball below, the ellipsoid has axes which are not parallel anymore to the coordinate axes).
We can also consider the total variation penalty of the form \( \Omega(w) = \sum_{i,j} d_{ij} |w_i – w_j|,\) where the \(d_{ij}\)’s are positive weights. It is commonly used to encourage piecewise constant vectors \(w\). The η-trick can be applied to all terms \(|w_i – w_j|\) [7]. This leads to algorithms solving Laplacian systems for which particularly efficient randomized methods are available (see, e.g., [8]).
Extension to spectral norms
When dealing with a spectral norm on a matrix \(W \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times d}\), that is a norm that depends only on the singular values of \(W\), then one has a specific representation. For example, for the nuclear norm \(\| W\|_\ast\), which is equal to the sum of singular values of \(W\) and encourages matrices with low-rank: $$\| W\|_\ast = \min_{ \Lambda \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}} \frac{1}{2} {\rm tr} \big( W \Lambda^{-1} W^\top \big) + \frac{1}{2} { \rm tr} \Lambda,$$ with the constraint that \(\Lambda\) is symmetric positive semi-definite. This leads to simple least-squares based algorithms for nuclear norm minimization [5].
Extensions to non-convex penalties
As mentioned above, a necessary condition for a variational representation of a function \(w \mapsto \varphi(w)\) as a minimum of quadratic functions with diagonal Hessians is the concavity in \(w \circ w\) (the vector composed of squares of the components of \(w\)). Other functions beyond norms or squared norms can be considered, such as the following non-convex penalty: $$\frac{1}{\alpha} \| w\|_\alpha^\alpha = \inf_{\eta \in \mathbb{R}_+^d} \frac{1}{2} \sum_{j=1}^d \frac{w_j^2}{\eta_j } + \frac{1}{2\beta } \| \eta \|_\beta^\beta, $$ where for any \(\gamma >0\), \(\| w\|_\gamma^\gamma = \sum_{j=1}^d |w_j|^\gamma\), \(\alpha \in (0,2)\) and \(\beta = \frac{\alpha}{2-\alpha} >0 \). These penalties are commonly used to enhance the sparsity-inducing effect of the \(\ell_1\)-norm or more generally all sparsity-inducing norms: by being non convex penalties (when \(\alpha \in (0,1)\)), they can be more aggressive in setting components of \(w\) to zero (as can be seen below through the “corners” of the corresponding ball being more “pointy”).
The minimizer \(\eta\) above can be obtained in closed form as \(\eta_j = |w_j |^{2-\alpha}\), and thus the same alternating optimization algorithm can be used. Moreover, the geometric interpretation in terms of enclosing ellipsoids for level sets of \(\| w\|_\alpha\) still holds but this is not anymore a convex set. See below for the unit ball of \(\| \cdot \|_{1/2}\).
This leads to reweighted least-squares algorithms when using those penalties, again based on alternating minimization with respect to \(w\) and \(\eta\) [4, 6]. A key difference with the convex case is that the optimization problem is not jointly convex in \((w,\eta)\) anymore, | 38,680 |
Alfredo Morelos lainattiin Kolumbiasta Klubin ykköskärjeksi. Kykyjä riittää, mutta sopeutumista ovat vaikeuttaneet ne tutut asiat: kielimuuri, olosuhteet ja ilmasto.
Kotimaassaan Kolumbiassa HJK:n uutta kärkeä kutsutaan lempinimellä »El Búfalo» eli puhveli. Nimitys kuvaa Alfredo Morelosin, 19, pelityyliä ja ominaisuuksia. Nuoresta iästä huolimatta Morelos on fyysisesti vahva hyökkääjä, joka pystyy ampumaan kovaa molemmilla jaloilla.
Sen lisäksi Morelos osaa liikkua vastustajan puolustuksen keskellä. Hän on osoittanut kotimaassaan olevansa monipuolinen viimeistelijä. Maalintekijäksi hänet on myös hankittu vuokrasopimuksella Independiente Medellínistä.
Alkutaivalta ovat vaikeuttaneet ne tutut vaikeudet: kielimuuri sekä joukkueeseen, ilmastoon, kulttuuriin ja olosuhteisiin sopeutuminen. Kommunikointi muiden pelaajien ja päävalmentaja Mika Lehkosuon kanssa on vaikeaa. Morelos on aloittanut nyt englannin opiskelut. HJK on pestannut myös tulkin, joka helpottaa osapuolten välistä kommunikointia. Sekä joukkueella että pelaajalla itsellään on vahva luottamus siihen, että yhteistyö kantaa kauden aikana hedelmää.
Morelos saapuu harjoitusten jälkeen juttutuokioon rennosti kuulokkeet korvillaan. Olemus on rauhallinen. Julkisuuteen hän on tottunut jo kotimaassaan: Morelos vaikuttaa ikäistään vanhemmalta.
ALOITETAAN ALUSTA. Mistä on lähtöisin 19-vuotias kolumbialainen, jonka on tarkoitus olla HJK:n kauden ykköshyökkääjä? Juuret vievät lähellä Kolumbian lounaisrannikkoa sijaitsevaan Ceretén kaupunkiin.
Sonera-stadionin tekonurmi on vaatinut totuttelua.
»Kasvoin pikkukaupungissa. Isäni ei pelannut ammattilaisena, mutta hänen innostamanaan aloitin lajin viisivuotiaana. Vaikka äitini patisti opiskelemaan, myös hän on ollut tukenani koko ajan. Kasvattajaseurani oli Fumigadores, jossa pelasin 14-vuotiaaksi asti», Morelos kertoo.
Morelos oli Fumigadoresin paras maalintekijä eri ikäluokissa. 14-vuotiaana hänet pestattiin Independienteen, jonka juniorijoukkueissa hänet kruunattiin jälleen maalikuninkaaksi. Debyytti Kolumbian pääsarjassa tapahtui kaudella 2014, jolloin nuorukainen pelasi liigassa yhden ottelun. Se teki Moralesista tähden kotikulmillaan.
»Siitä lähtien kun pelasin avausotteluni Independienten ykkösjoukkueessa ja onnistuin U20-maajoukkueessa, minut on hu | 38,681 |
In his 11 July 2009 speech in Accra, Ghana, US President Barack Obama declared, 'America has a responsibility to advance this vision, not just with words, but with support that strengthens African capacity. When there is genocide in Darfur or terrorists in Somalia, these are not simply African problems – they are global security challenges, and they demand a global response. That is why we stand ready to partner through diplomacy, technical assistance, and logistical support, and will stand behind efforts to hold war criminals accountable. Our Africa Command is focused not on establishing a foothold in the continent, but on confronting these common challenges to advance the security of America, Africa and the world.'
And yet all the available evidence demonstrates that he is determined to continue the expansion of US military activity on the continent initiated by President Bill Clinton in the late 1990s and dramatically escalated by President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2009. While many expected the Obama administration to adopt a security policy toward Africa that would be far less militaristic and unilateral than that pursued by his predecessor, the facts show that he is in fact essentially following the same policy that has guided US military involvement in Africa for more than a decade.
The clearest indication of President Obama’s intentions for AFRICOM (United States African Command) and for America’s military involvement in Africa is provided by the budget requests for the 2010 financial year submitted by the Departments of State and Defense to Congress in May 2009. The State Department budget request – which includes funding for all US arms sales, military training, and other security assistance programmes – proposes major increases in funding for US arms sales to a number of African countries through the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) programme. The budget proposes to increase FMF funding for sub-Saharan African counties more than 300 per cent, from just over US$8.2 million to more than US$25.5 million, with additional increases in funding for Maghrebi countries. Major recipients slated for increases include Chad (US$500,000), the Democratic Republic of Congo (US$2.5 million), Djibouti (US$2.5 million), Ethiopia (US$3 million), Kenya (US$1 million), Liberia (US$9 million), Morocco (US$9 million), Nigeria (US$1.4 million), South Africa (US$800,000) and the Africa Regional Program (US$2.8 million).
The same trend is evident in the Obama administration's request for funding for the International Military Education and Training (IMET) programme. The budget request for the IMET programme proposes to increase funding for African countries by nearly 17 per cent, from just under US$14 million to more than US$16 million, with additional increases for Maghrebi countries. Major recipients slated for increases include Algeria (US$950,000), Chad (US$400,000), the Democratic Republic of Congo (US$500,000), Djibouti (US$350,000), Ethiopia (US$775,000), Equatorial Guinea (US$40,000), Ghana (US$850,000), Liberia (US$525,000), Libya (US$250,000), Mali (US$350,000), Morocco (US$1.9 million), Niger (US$250,000), Nigeria (US$1.1 million), Rwanda (US$500,000), Senegal (US$1.1 million), South Africa (US$900,000) and Uganda (US$550,000).
The Obama administration also proposes major new funding for security assistance provided through the Peacekeeping Operations programme. The 2010 financial year budget proposes to increase funding for the Trans-Sahara Counter-Terrorism Partnership – from US$15 million in the 2009 financial year to US$20 million in 2010 – and for the East Africa Regional Strategic Initiative from US$5 million in the 2009 financial year to US$10 million in the 2010 financial year.
It also includes US$42 million to continue operations in support of the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Accords (CPAs) in southern Sudan, US$10 million to help create a professional 2,000-member armed force in Liberia, US$21 million to continue operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo to reform the military (including the creation of rapid reaction force for the eastern Congo and the rehabilitation of the military base at Kisangani), and US$3.6 million for the Africa Conflict Stabilization and Border Security Program, which will be used to support monitoring teams, advisory assistance, training, infrastructure enhancements, and equipment in the Great Lakes region, the Mano River region, the Horn of Africa, Chad and the Central African Republic.
And it includes US$67 million to support the African Union mission in Somalia, along with a request for US$96.8 million for the Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI). The request for the GPOI includes funding for the African Conting | 38,682 |
eringer. En detaljert forståelse av hvordan vi instinktivt påvirkes av dynamikken i et samarbeidsprosjekt er viktig. Ikke minst hvis vi vil at velferdsstaten skal komme godt ut av møtet med eldrebølgen og etterspillet etter finanskrisen.
Store, ustabile spleiselag
Spleiselag er helt sentrale i den økonomiske krisen i Europa og USA. Hellas duger fint som et eksempel for å illustrere dette; de greske skattebetalernes felleskasse er ikke stor nok til å betale for de greske offentlige godene. Derfor har det greske spleiselaget lånt penger fra andre lands spleiselag. Også de “private kreditorene” som Hellas har lånt penger av er felleskasser; mennesker som direkte eller gjennom selskaper de eier har spleiset på svære fond som kan gjøre store og “trygge” investeringer i statsgjeld. Selv om det dreier seg om store summer og komplekse, sammenvevde strukturer så er hver eneste krone i dette spillet noens bidrag til et spleiselag.
Evolusjon av gjensidig samarbeid
Det er ikke småtteri vitenskapen har funnet ut av om menneskets forhold til spleiselag. En av de aller fremste forskerne på feltet, biomatematikeren Martin Nowak, oppsummerer hvor sterkt fagfeltet står i boken SuperCooperators (2012):
– The way that we human beings collaborate is as clearly described by mathematics as the descent of the Apple that once fell in Newton’s garden.
Bruk av spillteori innen evolusjonsbiologi har vist hvordan samarbeid i det hele tatt kan selekteres for og hvilke strategier naturlig seleksjon vil dyrke fram. Gjennom datasimuleringer og matematiske modeller vet vi bl.a. at det gir evolusjonære fortrinn å stole på sine medspillere helt i begynnelsen av et samarbeidsprosjekt, være litt tilgivende for småslurv underveis og å fortsette å samarbeid som fungerer godt. Men også å være veldig på vakt mot snyltere.
Uten straff for snyltere, intet samarbeid
Fordelen med å delta i et gjensidig samarbeid er at hvis alle yter litt, så vil alle få litt mer tilbake. Men som i eventyret om “Den lille røde høna” er utfordringen er at det lønner seg enda mer å få uten å yte. Ikke så veldig overraskende har man funnet ut at det å straffe jukserne er helt nødvendig for å holde et samarbeid i gang. Det å utføre straffen er i seg selv en altruistisk handling til fordel for de andre som deltar i samarbeidet og vil derfor utføres høylytt og i alles påsyn. Og hjernen vår belønner oss med velvære når vi straffer snylterne. Her ligger nok mye av forklaringen bak våre utbrudd av selvrettferdig moralsk harme. Og til å hjelpe oss å finne juksemakerne som vi vil straffe har vi en spesialisert jukseradar.
Vi leter altså etter juksemakere og er motivert til å ville straffe dem for | 38,683 |
From Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
Many new promotional cards also revealed
Article Report error Friday, November 14, 2014 Reported on Bulbanews by Maverick Nate
Originally reported on Official Pokémon card website
This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
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With the upcoming CoroCoro featuring more of Gaia Volcano/Tidal Storm, the official site updated with a large amount of new cards, both in-set and promotional, being released in December. The update provides a look at the Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre Pokémon-EX cards coming out in the next expansion, as well as a plethora of Pikachu promotional cards and new Ancient Trait Pokémon.
Gaia Volcano/Tidal Storm
Revealed for Gaia Volcano/Tidal Storm are Primal Groudon-EX, Primal Kyogre-EX, and both a second Swampert and Sceptile. All four of the cards feature Ancient Traits, new card features with additional Ability-like effects. Primal Groudon-EX and Sceptile have Ω Barrier which states Whenever your opponent plays a Trainer card (excluding Pokémon Tools and Stadium Cards) prevent all effects of that card done to this Pokémon. Primal Kyogre-EX and Swampert have α Growth: When you attach an Energy card from your hand to this Pokémon (except with an attack, Ability, or Trainer card), you may attach 2 Energy cards.. The remainder of their text can be viewed below.
Additionally revealed was a new Item card, Acro Bike, included in Gaia Volcano.
Primal Groudon-EX Primal Groudon-EX
ゲンシグラードンEX Primal GroudonEX Hit Points: 240 Gaia Volcano
ガイアボルケーノ 100+ If there is any Stadium card in play, this attack does 100 more damage. Discard that Stadium card. weakness
×2 resistance
None retreat cost
Sceptile Sceptile
ジュカイン Jukain Hit Points: 140 Leaf Blade
リーフブレード 30+ Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage. Power Poison
パワーポイズン 120 Discard 1 Energy attached to this Pokémon. Your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Poisoned. weakness
×2 resistance
None retreat cost
Primal Kyogre-EX Primal Kyogre-EX
ゲンシカイオーガEX Primal KaiorgaEX Hit Points: 240 Tidal Storm
タイダルストーム 150 Move 2 Energy from this Pokémon to 1 of your Benched Pokémon. This attack 30 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon-EX. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) weakness
×2 resistance
None retreat cost
Swampert Swampert
ラグラージ Laglarge Hit Points: 140 Diving Search
ダイビングサーチ Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for any card, shuffle your deck, and put that card on top of your deck. Hydro Pump
ハイドロポンプ 40+ This attack does 30 more damage for each Energy attached to this Pokémon. weakness
×2 resistance
None retreat cost
Acro Bike
All prints You can only have 1 Ace Spec Trainer card in your deck. {{{ruletext}}} Look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Put 1 of them into your hand and discard the other. You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack).
New sleeves
A pair of new sleeves will be released in the upcoming months. The first ones, named the Where's Jirachi? sleeves, will be awarded at Gym Challenges during the months of December and January to those who do well. The Mega Gardevoir sleeves will be available for purchase alongside the main expansion on December 13.
Mega Metagross Blister
Also releasing on the same day as the expansion is the Special Pack: Silver M Metagross-EX, a special promotional pack including Metagross-EX, M Metagross-EX, and a new Ancient Trait Torchic promotional card. Torchic has the Ancient Trait Ω Multi Strike, allowing it to attack twice per turn.
Metagross-EX Metagross-EX
メタグロスEX MetagrossEX Hit Points: 180 Magnetic Laser
じりょくレーザー 20 You may move a Energy from 1 of your Benched Pokémon to this Pokémon. Squared Attack
グランドク | 38,684 |
a game loop, explained later. This runs regardless of whatever the user does. It includes continual movement of the aliens as they descend while dropping bombs to destroy all life on earth as well as the upward movement of the laser beam as it hurtles towards the aliens to blast them to bits.
This means there are 2 concurrently running threads, and in this case, goroutines.
// poll for keyboard events in another goroutine events := make ( chan termbox. Event, 1000 ) go func () { for { events <- termbox. PollEvent () } }()
We start a separate goroutine that polls for events and stuffs them into a buffered channel. We’re using a liberally large buffer here, it can really be smaller, but the larger the buffer, the relatively smoother the event captures are so I didn’t really try to figure out the optimal size.
Most games have a start screen, where you are asked to place credits to press a button to begin. We have one too.
// show the start screen startScreen := getImage ( "imgs/start.png" ) printImage ( startScreen ) start : for { switch ev := termbox. PollEvent (); ev. Type { case termbox. EventKey : if ev. Ch =='s' || ev. Ch == 'S' { break start } if ev. Ch == 'q' { gameOver = true break start } } }
We’re polling the keyboard again, and we’re waiting for some to either press the s or S to begin the game, or q to quit the game.
Next, we populate the aliens array. This is pretty straightforward, we simply want 3 rows of different aliens.
// populate the aliens for i := aliensStartCol ; i < aliensStartCol + ( alienSize * aliensPerRow ); i += alienSize { aliens = append ( aliens, createAlien ( i, 30, alien1Sprite, alien1aSprite, 30 )) } for i := aliensStartCol ; i < aliensStartCol + ( 30 * aliensPerRow ); i += alienSize { aliens = append ( aliens, createAlien ( i, 55, alien2Sprite, alien2aSprite, 20 )) } for i := aliensStartCol ; i < aliensStartCol + ( 30 * aliensPerRow ); i += alienSize { aliens = append ( aliens, createAlien ( i, 80, alien3Sprite, alien3aSprite, 10 )) }
Game loop
Now that we’ve laid the groundwork, let’s get into the main game loop. Most games run in a what is commonly called a game loop. A game loop is a game software development pattern that is often the heart of a game. It’s an infinite loop that updates and redraws to animate gameplay. In our Space Invaders game loop we use a variable named gameOver to indicate that the loop should continue until the game ends (either triggered by the player or when the aliens win).
The game loop is rather long so we’ll break it up into a few parts. Let’s look at the first part, which is used to capture the keyboard events from the player.
// if any of the keyboard events are captured select { case ev := <- events : if ev. Type == termbox. EventKey { if ev. Key == termbox. KeyCtrlQ { gameOver = true } if ev. Key == termbox. KeySpace { if beam. Status == false { beamShot = true } } if ev. Key == termbox. KeyArrowRight { laserCannon. Position. X += 10 } if ev. Key == termbox. KeyArrowLeft { laserCannon. Position. X -= 10 } } default : }
Whenever the events buffered channel has something, it will be received into the ev variable where we try to determine what kind of event it is. Pressing Ctrl-Q ends the game, while pressing the space bar fires a laser beam. Pressing the left or right arrow buttons move the laser cannon left or right accordingly.
You might notice that we have to have a default in the select. This is because if we don’t have the default, the select will block, and the loop can only proceed whenever the user presses a key!
Next, we’ll draw the laser cannon and alien sprites. We start off with an empty image and drawing the background on to it.
// create background dst := image. NewRGBA ( image. Rect ( 0, 0, windowWidth, windowHeight )) gift. New (). Draw ( dst, background )
Aliens are coming!
We start off with the aliens first.
// process aliens for i := 0 ; i | 38,685 |
pre está ahí, casi 24-7.
Obviamente los problemas llegan al siguiente nivel con el paso del tiempo, con la adolescente experimentando la vida, adaptándose de mejor forma al mundo, pero siempre teniendo el ancla que representa la madre. Es una gran historia, especialmente potente por cómo se entrelaza la sobreprotección en una relación madre/hija, aunque para mi fue solo un tentempié.
Black Museum, dirigido por Colm McCarthy (Sherlock: The Sign of Three, The Girl With All The Gifts).
Es el episodio más relleno de de la nueva temporada, representando en si su propia apuesta antológica. Son cuatro historias en un solo capítulo, desarrollándose luego de que una mujer visita una atracción perdida en medio de la nada.
Dicho lugar es el Museo Negro, un lugar que reúne a diversos artefactos tecnológicos involucrados a tragedias. Por ejemplo, un artículo tiene relación con un dispositivo que permite experimentar todas las sensaciones de otra persona, lo que lleva a un médico a su propia perdición, mientras que otra historia aborda una tecnología que permite agregar la conciencia de una persona en un oso.
El giro del episodio es tan bueno, más allá de que cada historia solo se construyan como pretextos para esa resolución, que eviten conocer más detalles sobre esta historia. Es algo así como un grandes hits de Black Mirror condensado en un solo capítulo.
USS Callister, dirigido por Toby Haynes (Sherlock: The Reichenbach Fall, Doctor Who)
El mejor episodio de la nueva temporada. Eso es esta verdadera joya, que en primera instancia podría parecer una mera parodia de Star Trek, pero no es ni cerca algo como eso. Un homenaje, una revisión al fanatismo, los problemas del aislamiento y cómo los individuos de apariencia más dócil pueden guardar en el fondo al más oscuro de los resentimientos.
USS Callister cuenta con un par de caras conocidas para los fans de algunas de las series más populares del último tiempo, como Jesse Plemons (Breaking Bad, Fargo) y Cristin Milioti (How I Met Your Mother), pero lo que realmente destaca es el amor hacia la ciencia ficción más clásica, la cual es embutida por conceptos novedosos que dan un gran giro a la idea de la existencia de una nave y las propias relaciones laborales.
Si ven este episodio al inicio, tengan claro que nunca verán algo que llegue a cotas tan altas en el resto de los episodios, por muy buenos que estos igual sean.
Metalhead, dirigido por David Slade (Hard Candy, 30 Days of Night, Breaking Bad, Hannibal)
Es el único episodio que no tiene relación con la idea de la nube, pero en si mismo representa una experiencia novedosa. Filmado en blanco y negro, y contando con la menor duración, este capítulo es un thriller apocalíptico con muchos paralelos a Terminator.
Todo el foco es un mundo distópico, en donde se desató un apocalipsis relacionado a la inteligencia artificial. El foco es un grupo de sobrevivientes que intenta escapar de unos dispositivos que solo tienen una misión: mat | 38,686 |
�draszewskiego zaproszonego do odprawienia mszy, znanego z homofobicznych wypowiedzi. To przeciwko niemu był protest (relacjonowaliśmy go w OKO.press).
Uczyli się czy nie uczyli?
Czy podziemni drukarze w latach 80. uczyli się od weteranów Narodowych Sił Zbrojnych? Być może takie przypadki się zdarzały. Trudno jednak znaleźć o tym informacje w książkach poświęconych drugiemu obiegowi wydawniczemu.
Przejrzeliśmy książki prof. Pawła Sowińskiego „Zakazana książka. Uczestnicy drugiego obiegu 1977-1989” (ISP PAN, Warszawa 2011) oraz Siobhana Doucette’a „Books Are Weapons: The Polish Opposition Press and the Overthrow of Communism” (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018).
We wspomnieniach działaczy KOR oraz konspiracji stanu wojennego mowa jest raczej o starszych paniach, wówczas emerytkach, które w czasie okupacji niemieckiej były łączniczkami i nosiły w tajemnicy nielegalne wydawnictwa.
Większość jednak musiała się nauczyć wszystkiego sama.
„Czasem przy tej okazji samemu dokonywało się tych samych wynalazków, na które znacznie wcześniej wpadł ktoś inny. Budowanie drugiego obiegu w znacznej mierze polegało na takim »wyważaniu otwartych drzwi«”
— mówił cytowany przez Sowińskiego Kornel Morawiecki, zmarły niedawno ojciec premiera.
Przyznajmy więc: związek pomiędzy żołnierzami antykomunistycznej partyzantki a działaczami „S” jest dość wątły — nawet jeśli uwierzymy dyrektorowi muzeum „wyklętych” na słowo.
Solidarność i NSZ: coś zupełnie innego
Ważniejsze są jednak różnice pomiędzy „S” oraz antykomunistycznym podziemiem powojennym. Były one skrajnie odmienne — zarówno jeśli chodzi o programy polityczne, o metodach działania nie wspominając.
Wyliczmy je:
„S” była ruchem masowym, należało do niej ok. 10 mln ludzi. Przez las przeszło w latach 1944–1948 r. ok. 20 tys. ludzi (wg szacunków historyka prof. Rafała Wnuka).
„S” była ruchem ściśle pokojowym i wyrzekała się przemocy. „Wyklęci” walczyli z władzą z bronią w ręku.
Celem „S” była demokratyzacja ustroju | 38,687 |
200 mm) intended to capture the wider field of view and corona further from the Sun:
Table 3 ISO f-ratio Exposure time (seconds) ISO 100 f/11 1/8000 ISO 100 f/8 1/4000 ISO 200 f/8 1/1000 ISO 200 f/8 1/250 ISO 200 f/8 1/60 ISO 200 f/8 1/30 ISO 200 f/8 1/15 ISO 200 f/8 1/8 ISO 200 f/8 1/4 ISO 200 f/8 1/2 ISO 200 f/8 1 ISO 200 f/8 2 ISO 800 f/5.6 2 ISO 800 f/5.6 2 ISO 800 f/5.6 2 ISO 800 f/5.6 2 ISO 800 f/5.6 2 ISO 800 f/5.6 2 ISO 800 f/5.6 2 ISO 800 f/5.6 2
Simplified Totality Exposure Sequences Using Bracketing, No Computer Control
The exposure sequences in Tables 2 and 3 require computer control in the field to execute smoothly. If you do not want to do that, and your camera has bracketing ability, here is what I recommend (Table 4) and this is what I will do. I have decided that with the hot temperatures of a mid-day August eclipse which might overheat a laptop, and the possibility of something not working right with finicky software, I will avoid the use of any computer for camera control. I also plan to not touch the camera during totality, so I can enjoy the view.
I will set up bracketing sequences on each camera to get a large slice of the huge dynamic range and use an intervalometer to control the camera. My strategy:
Long telephoto, fast exposure times, fixed tripod to record the bright prominences and brighter inner corona. Plate scale ~ 2 arc-seconds per pixel. Lowest ISO to record the brightest prominences without saturating.
Example: Canon 7D Mark II + 300 mm + 1.4x TC = 420 mm. Tracking not required.
Example: Canon 7D Mark II + 300 mm + 1.4x TC = 420 mm. Tracking not required. Long telephoto, longer exposure times, tracking, to record the fainter outer corona up to a few solar radii. Plate scale ~ 2 arc-seconds per pixel. High ISO to record small differences in signal.
Example: Canon 7D Mark II + 300 mm + 1.4x TC = 420 mm, ISO 800.
Example: Canon 7D Mark II + 300 mm + 1.4x TC = 420 mm, ISO 800. Intermediate telephoto to cover about 4x6 degrees. Outer edges of the frame will be near the level where the corona brightness is close to the sky brightness (see Figure 15a, b). Long exposure times (tracking required). High ISO to record small differences in signal.
Example: Canon 7D Mark II + 200 mm, ISO 800, plate scale 4.4 arc-seconds per pixel.
Example: Canon 7D Mark II + 200 mm, ISO 800, plate scale 4.4 arc-seconds per pixel. Shorter focal length to cover 20 to 30 degrees. High ISO to record small differences in signal.
Example: Canon 6D + 70 mm, ISO 800, 28 x 19 degrees field of view, plate scale = 19 arc-seconds/pixel. Tracking not required.
Canon and the Timer Remote Controller TC-80N3 intervalometer is an excellent solution for use during an eclipse without computer commanding. (Be sure your camera is compatible with the TC80-N3 before purchasing.) The settings I will use on the TC-80N3:
SELF: 30 seconds. This is the time before starting the sequence. It will allow you to push the start button well before totality, and the camera will then start in the specified time so you can just watch the eclipse. You will need to have accurate time and know the time totality starts for your specific location.
INT: 1 second. This is the time between frames. A delay is needed to write the image data to the memory card. Be sure your camera + card can complete the operation in about a second. If not, buy a faster card or increase the time.
LONG: 1 second. This is the exposure time, but the actual time will be set by the camera. With INT and LONG each set to 1 second, an image will be acquired every 2 seconds for exposure times less than 1 second.
FRAMES: 0 or time the system to complete at the end of totality. For example, if totality is 2 minutes, 30 seconds, and you want a 4-second pad (2 frames) on each side ot totality, the time is 158 seconds, or 79 images at 2 seconds per framing cycle. If some of your | 38,688 |
मेरी सभी मकान मालिकों से अपील है- लॉकडाउन के दौरान अगर आपके किराएदारों के पास तुरंत किराया देने के पैसे न हो तो अग… https://t.co/ZfYJtuMrdS — Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) 1584973697000
दिल्ली सरकार की क़रीब 100 और उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार की क़रीब 200 बसें दिल्ली से पैदल जाने की कोशिश कर रहे लोगों को लेकर… https://t.co/QcVEjEkAhE — Manish Sisodia (@msisodia) 1585378461000
कई राज्यों में अफ़वाह फैल गई है कि ''बस बॉर्डर पार कर जाओ, दूसरे राज्य में बसों की व्यवस्था है''. इसलिए लोग हरियाणा… https://t.co/xBkd5aebKv — Manish Sisodia (@msisodia) 1585320777000
मुझे बहुत दुःख है कि कोरोना महामारी के बीच बीजेपी नेता टुच्ची राजनीति पर उतर आए है. @myogiadityanath जी की सरकार ने… https://t.co/GTiXYbRlTI — Manish Sisodia (@msisodia) 1585412327000
NEW DELHI: Though a nationwide lockdown is in force since March 25 to check the spread of coronavirus COVID-19, Anand Vihar bus terminal in Delhi bordering Uttar Pradesh has been overcrowded with migrant labourers for the past couple of days, thus, defeating the whole purpose of “social distancing”.The migrant labourers in Delhi are mostly from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. They are generally engaged as construction workers, rickshaw pullers, waiters and similar unskilled or semi-skilled jobs and stay in rented accommodation.Out of these, around 4 lakh construction workers are registered with the Delhi government ’s Construction Workers Welfare Board (CWWB). These migrants are believed to be hardcore supporters of Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and had voted for him in the recently-held assembly elections.They have been badly hit by the outbreak of coronavirus disease - COVID-19. These migrant labourers, who survive on daily earnings, received the first jolt on March 22 during � | 38,689 |
from them:
Az-Zuhri said: This applies exclusively to the Messenger of Allah and refers to an Arab village called Fadak, and so on. What Allah gave as booty (Fay’) to His Messenger (Muhammad) from the people of the townships – it is for Allah, His Messenger (Muhammad), the kindred (of Messenger Muhammad), the orphans, Al-Masakin (the poor), and the wayfarer (And there is also a share in this booty) for the poor emigrants, who were expelled from their homes and their property [stolen] And (it is also for) those who, before them, had homes (in Al-Madinah) and had adopted the Faith And those who came after them. There is no one left among the Muslims but he has some rights to this wealth, except for some of the slaved whom you own. If I live, if Allah wills, I will give every Muslim his right.” Or he said: “His share.”
Arabic Text:
“>قَالَ الزُّهْرِيُّ هَذِهِ لِرَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم خَاصَّةً قُرًى عَرَبِيَّةً فَدَكُ كَذَا وَكَذَا { مَا أَفَاءَ اللَّهُ عَلَى رَسُولِهِ مِنْ أَهْلِ الْقُرَى فَلِلَّهِ وَلِلرَّسُولِ وَلِذِي الْقُرْبَى وَالْيَتَامَى وَالْمَسَاكِينِ وَابْنِ السَّبِيلِ } وَ { لِلْفُقَرَاءِ الْمُهَاجِرِينَ الَّذِينَ أُخْرِجُوا مِنْ دِيَارِهِمْ وَأَمْوَالِهِمْ } { وَالَّذِينَ تَبَوَّءُوا الدَّارَ وَالإِيمَانَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ } { وَالَّذِينَ جَاءُوا مِنْ بَعْدِهِمْ } فَاسْتَوْعَبَتْ هَذِهِ الآيَةُ النَّاسَ فَلَمْ يَبْقَ أَحَدٌ مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ إِلاَّ لَهُ فِي هَذَا الْمَالِ حَقٌّ – أَوْ قَالَ حَظٌّ – إِلاَّ بَعْضَ مَنْ تَمْلِكُونَ مِنْ أَرِقَّائِكُمْ وَلَئِنْ عِشْتُ إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ لَيَأْتِيَنَّ عَلَى كُلِّ مُسْلِمٍ حَقُّهُ أَ | 38,690 |
Prošlo je više od 40 dana otkad je Prolife pokret u Hrvatskoj pokrenuo, kako su najavili, upravo četrdesetdnevnu peticiju, s potpisima namijenjenim premijeru Andreju Plenkoviću i zastupnicima u Saboru. Ona je pokrenuta nakon odluke Ustavnog suda početkom ožujka ove godine (N1), koji nije srušio postojeći tzv. zakon o abortusu iz 1978. godine – Zakon o zdravstvenim mjerama za ostvarivanje prava na slobodno odlučivanje o rađanju djece – ali je naložio parlamentu da donese novi, utemeljen na Ustavu RH.
Kako što je vidljivo iz obrasca anti-choice udruga predvođenih Zakladom Vigilare, a okupljenih u inicijativu Prolife, peticijom se na plauzibilan način poziva spomenute adrese da “zakonski zaštite nerođeni život u Hrvatskoj i konkretno pomogne ženama koje žele roditi svoje dijete”. Kako je poznato iz njihovih javnih istupa, iza ove tvrdnje stoji rigidan stav o proisticanju ljudskih prava trenutkom začeća, a ne rođenja, koje se u međunarodnim konvencijama spominje kao trenutak stjecanja prava. Ukoliko bi se zakonodavac složio s tim, to bi dovelo do zabrane abortusa ili barem ograničavanja prava ženama da slobodno odlučuju o rađanju djece.
I dok javnosti nije poznato ni koliko je potpisa prikupljeno, niti zašto javnost o tome nije obaviještena na službenim stranicama inicijative nakon isteka 40 dana, Faktograf se pozabavio drugim aspektom prikupljanja ovih potpisa.
Naime, u podnožju obrasca navodi se sljedeće:
“Svojim potpisom pristajete da Zaklada Vigilare sa sjedištem u Zagrebu, Ul. Janka Grahora 4, obrađuje Vaše osobne podatke u svrhu provođenja ove akcije, kao i statutarnih aktivnosti Zaklade, tj. promidžbe i zaštite kršćanskih civilizacijskih vrijednosti u društvu. Davanje podataka je dobrovoljno, a u svakom trenutku imate pravo na pristup, ispravak ili brisanje svojih podataka.”
Zatražili smo o ovom upozorenju mišljenje Agencije za zaštitu osobnih podataka, ponajviše zbog dijela o ostalim aktivnostima Zaklade Vigilare, na koje građani (navodno) pristaju svojim potpisom. Upitali smo Agenciju krši li se Zakon o zaštiti osobnih podataka, s obzirom na tip podataka koji se traži, ali i zbog uvrštavanja osobnih podataka u bazu ove udruge i njihovog korištenja na opisan način | 38,691 |
, are not the whole thing. The real thing involves power and resource sharing, and this process of reallocation will cause debate and some strife within New Zealand for years to come. ----- Brian Harmer: "To give an indication of how complex the Maori situation is, here are the names of some of the tribes. This section is evolving... Maori Tribes (this is not exhaustive), listed in approximate North to South geographic distribution (paraphrased from The Revised Dictionary of Modern Maori by P.M. Ryan, 1989 Heinemann Education) Te Aupouri Ngati Kahu Te Rarawa Ngapuhi Ngati Whatua Ngati Tai Ngati Paoa Ngati Tamatera Ngati Whanaunga Ngati Maru Ngai te Rangi Ngati Haua Ngati Mahuta Waikato Te Arawa Ngati Ranginui Whanau-a-Apanui Whakatohea Ngati Awa Ngati Maniapoto Ngati Porou Ngati Tuwharetoa Tuhoe Rongo Whakataa Ngati Tama Taranaki Te Aitanga-a-Makahi Ngati Raukawa Ngati Ruanui Ngarauru Ngati Apa Ngati Hau Rangitane Ngati Kahungunu Ngati Toa then to the South Island Rangitane Ngai Tahu Poutini Ngati Mamoe I believe most tribes had sub-tribes, and there was much ebbing and flowing as various groups conquered, or were in turn conquered and enslaved." ----- Lyndon Watson wrote: "There are more in the Marlborough Sounds-Nelson region, e.g. Ngati Koata who broke off from Ngati Toa in the last century and sided with local tribes and who have just been in the news for getting Stephens Island back and promptly giving it to the Crown as a nature reserve. The question of tribal affiliation in the lower three-quarters of the South Island is a vexed one because some descendants of the tribes who lived there before the Ngati Mamoe and Ngai Tahu invasions from the North Island (e.g. Te Waitaha of South Canterbury-North Otago who claim to be the original 'Moa Hunters') claim to be members still of those tribes while Ngai Tahu consider that they (and, indeed, the Ngati Mamoe) are now at the most subtribes of Ngai Tahu. Tempers can get very heated round here over this matter. And it should also be mentioned that some do not like 'iwi' being translated as 'tribe', and 'hapu' as'subtribe'." ----- For more info on Maori culture and history, try: http://www.lonelyplanet.com.au/dest/aust/maori.htm which gives a brief overview of Maori history, and: http://tattoos.com/moko.htm which deals with the art of Moko. and For info on Maori history and lists several Maori writers: http://www.lonelyplanet.com.au/dest/aust/maori.htm Also: <http://iconz.co.nz/commercial/educator> <http://iconz.co.nz/~educator> And the Auckland City Art Gallery collection of Maori portraits by Charles Fredrick Goldie: http://www.well.com/user/wldtrvlr/auckgal.html Adam Gifford (for whom I have no net address) invites people to visit: http://nz.com/webnz/tekorero/ Once Were Warriors homepage: http://www.flf.com/warriors/ -------------------- B2.2.1 The Moriori Question Simon O'Rorke provides the following quotes and opinions: In her book "The Prehistory of New Zealand" (Longman Paul, Auckland, 1987) Janet Davidson wrote: "...[during the 1890s]... many spurious traditions about [Maori] origins began to gain wide acceptance. Some of these still hinder the study of New Zealand prehistory today. One theory was the so-called 'Maruiwi myth', which suggested that the first inhabitants of new Zealand had been a different and probably inferior race to the later Maori. The resumption of intensive archeological work in the South Island during the 1920s and 1930s was partly in response to this theory. "[this] archeological work....demonstrated the Polynesian nature of moa-hunter assemblages and disproved the idea that the moa-hunters were an earlier and different race from the Maori. Yet the idea of the inferior and defeated Maruiwi or Moriori still lives on in the minds of modern New Zealanders, confused with the Moriori of the Chatham Islands who were in fact an isolated group of Poly | 38,692 |
Arvokonservatiiviset joutuvat pitämään toimituksissa matalaa profiilia. Punavihreä kupla –kirjan tehnyt Marko Hamilo kirjoittaa toimittajien kokemuksista.
Kirjoitin ajatuspaja Suomen Perustalle kesäkuussa julkaistun raportin ”Punavihreä kupla – Perussuomalaiset ja media”. Sain raportista palautetta arvokonservatiivisilta toimittajakollegoiltani, jotka ovat itse kokeneet toimitusten punavihreän ilmapiirin ahdistavan yksiulotteisena. Ymmärrettävästi useimmat kollegani eivät halua tuoda kokemuksiaan esiin omilla nimillään.
Helsingin Sanomissa eri osastoilla useiden vuosien ajan toimittajana työskennellyt, nyt viestintätehtävissä toimiva Annakaisa Mänttäri kertoo keskustelleensa valtamedian poliittisesta asennoitumisesta muutaman mediaa tiiviisti seuraavan rivilukijan kanssa. Toimittajan mukaan kaikkien näiden mielestä oli selvää, että asia on juuri niin kuin raportissani sanotaan.
– En usko, että monikaan Sanomissa työskentelevä on valmis tätä ilmiötä tunnustamaan. Monellehan se on se ainoa todellisuus, jossa on koskaan elänyt. Ei sellaista varmaankaan helposti tunnista minkäänlaiseksi ilmiöksi, Mänttäri kirjoitti sähköpostipalautteessa.
Hän koki olleensa ajatustensa kanssa siinä määrin yksin, ettei erilainen ajattelutapa tullut koskaan edes puheeksi kenenkään kanssa.
Raportissani totesin, että tutkimustiedon mukaan tyypillisten punavihreiden nuorten rivitoimittajien ohella toimituksissa on myös talousoikeistolaisempia, varsinkin päällikköasemassa työskenteleviä toimittajia, jotka kuitenkin jakavat arvoliberalismin punavihreiden kanssa. Mänttäri vahvistaa tämän.
– Moni sellainen kollega, joka vaikutti jollakin tapaa ei-vasemmistolaisesti ajattelevalta, oli kuitenkin arvoiltaan hyvin liberaali ja siinä mielessä valtavirtaa, toisin kuin minä.
Yksi kipupisteistä oli Helsingin Sanomien voimakas sitoutuminen feminismiin.
– Naisen rooli vanhempana on yksi keskeisiä kysymyksiä, joissa oma ajatteluni erosi HS:n toimituksessa vallitsevasta linjasta. Yritin useissa yhteyksissä osallistua perhevapaiden jakamisesta käytävään keskusteluun kertomalla, että monissa perheissä hoitovapaata pitää nainen yksinkertaisesti siitä syystä, että naiset usein saavat pienempää palkkaa kuin puolisonsa. HS-kollegat esimiestä myöten olivat sitä mieltä, ettei se pidä paikkaansa. Ja jos pitäisikin, tilanne pitä | 38,693 |
В субботу, 23 ноября, в Париже и других французских городах проходят массовые демонстрации против насилия над женщинами. По данным организации Occurence, занимающейся подсчетом участников акций, в Париже в демонстрации приняли участие 49 тысяч человек.
Реклама Читать далее
Акции состоялись по инициативе движения Nous toutes («Мы все» в женском роде). Их поддержали десятки ассоциаций, профсоюзов и политических партий, а также знаменитости. Например, актрисы Мюрьель Робен, Летиция Каста и Жюли Гайе. Активисты надеются оказать влияние на правительство, чтобы власти усилили борьбу с сексизмом, сексуальным и домашним насилием, жертвами которого в подавляющем большинстве случаев становятся женщины и дети.
La marche va bientôt démarrer! On est déjà https://t.co/3JLgt9ZEnj pour dire stop aux violences sexistes et sexuelles! #JeMarcheLe23
Si vous voulez nous suivre sur les réseaux, c'est ici ⤵️ pic.twitter.com/Gshyo6aDzD — #NousToutes (@NousToutesOrg) 23 novembre 2019
Еще в прошлом году демонстрации против насилия над женщинами удивили своим масштабом. По подсчету организаторов, 24 ноября 2018 года, на улицы фра | 38,694 |
c4000000 jmp winsrv!InternalCreateCallbackThread+0xec (75b785f0) 001b:75b7852c 56 push esi 001b:75b7852d 8b350813b675 mov esi,dword ptr [winsrv!_imp__NtQueryInformationToken (75b61308)] 001b:75b78533 57 push edi kd> Dd @esp 010bfba8 0000051c 00000008 010bfbe8 01ebfa78 010bfbb8 010bfbd4 7e428dd9 00010564 000000a4 010bfbc8 010bfedc 009475b8 010bfbec 7e418b26 010bfbd8 009475b8 010bfbf8 75b617f1 00000000 010bfbe8 01ebf6d8 00000000 010bfc24 75b8f412 010bfbf8 0000051c 7c872101 00010564 00000112 010bfc08 01ec01a0 0000fff8 7e44048f 010bfe64 010bfc18 7c872101 00010564 00000000 010bfe74 kd>!handle 51c processor number 0, process 821d2da0 PROCESS 821d2da0 SessionId: 0 Cid: 025c Peb: 7ffd8000 ParentCid: 021c DirBase: 09308040 ObjectTable: e15394b8 HandleCount: 2774. Image: csrss.exe Handle table at e1222000 with 2774 Entries in use 051c: free handle, Entry address e17fba38, Next Entry 0000030c
Given the above, we end up being able to perform critical operations on undefined HANDLE values, in the context of a SYSTEM process. That’s certainly good news; the only problem is – how the flawed behavior can be used to escalate the privileges of the local user… Let’s find out :-)
Exploitation: Stage One
At the current stage, we can get CSRSS to use a previously-freed handle, assuming it is a valid Process Object identifier. In order for the exploit to work, it is required to re-assign the handle to another, highly-privileged process. The task can be accomplished, if we are able to (indirectly) control the number, types and order of handle allocation and deallocation, performed by the subsystem process.
The exact free handle management algorithms employed by the Windows kernel has been described in [8]. To make a long story short, the operating system manages a simple LIFO (Last In, First Out) queue called the free-list, on behalf of CSRSS. Every time a new handle is requested by the process (through OpenProcess, OpenThread, or any other API /service), the first item from the queue is popped, and assigned to an object. Similarly, when the NtClose service is called from within ring-3, the freed handle value is placed at the beginning of the queue.
Due to the fact that no tools designed to investigate Windows handle free-lists could be found on the internet at the time of the research, I decided to develop a really basic utility on my own. The project is called Windows Handle Lister, and is available through the Google Code website [9]. An example output of the program is as follows:
-=*( Microsoft Windows XP SP3 Handle-Table Lister v0.0.1 by j00ru//vx )*=- Loading driver... Opening driver... Querying for the driver version... Driver Version: Microsoft Windows XP Handle-Table Lister v0.0.1 by Matt "j00ru" Jurczyk Enter the target PID (less than 65536), or the handle table address (greater than 65536): 592 Setting the current process identifier... ----- FREE LIST: 0x000005b8 ---> 0x00000378 ---> 0x0000016c ---> 0x00000324 ---> 0x000000cc ---> 0x00000220 ---> 0x000005f4 ---> 0x000005c0 ---> 0x000005fc ---> 0x000005f8 ---> 0x00000584 ---> 0x000002c8 ---> 0x000004ac ---> 0x00000600 ---> 0x00000604 ---> (...) 0x000007e8 ---> 0x000007ec ---> 0x000007f0 ---> 0x000007f4 ---> 0x000007f8 ---> 0x000007fc ---> 0x00000000 ---> (null) ----- ALTERNATE FREE LIST: | 38,695 |
0x00000000 ---> (null) Press enter to obtain a fresh copy of the handle free-lists. or Ctrl+C to quit.
When a new process is created in the system, a total of three handles are allocated in the context of CSRSS, in the following order and locations:
Process Object handle, allocated in basesrv!BaseSrvCreateProcess by NtDuplicateObject Thread Object handle, allocated in basesrv!BaseSrvCreateThread by NtOpenThread Port Object handle, allocated in csrsrv!CsrApiHandleConnectionRequest by NtAcceptConnectPort
Consequently, the first item present on the current free-list is always assigned to the newly-spawned process. On the other hand, when a simple (single-threaded) process is terminated, the handles are freed in the following order:
Thread Object handle Port Object handle Process Object handle
Although the above lists give us plenty of information required to reliably control the free-list, we must keep in mind that the internal state of CSRSS is highly dependant on the operating system state – every time a new process or thread is created or terminated, the contents of the handle queue change. What is more, (indirectly) spawning a process with the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM privileges might potentially require creating an unknown (but reasonably low) amount of other processes and threads. In general, it is almost impossible for an attacker to set up an ideal free-list, with the accuracy of one handle. In order to bypass the problem, I would like to propose a simple technique called Handle-spraying.
The basic concept of the solution is to fill the free-list with store large amounts of process handles (associated with consoles), instead of a single one. By spraying the queue with, say, 100 items, it doesn’t matter if the handle assigned to the privileged process is picked as the first, third, fifteenth or fifty second.
Let’s consider a queue made up of handles in the following pattern:
Free-list ⇒ 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 5 → … → 1000 → ∅
After creating 100 simple processes one after another, the lists will look like the following:
Process handles ⇒ 1 → 4 → 7 → 10 → … → 298
Thread handles ⇒ 2 → 5 → 8 → 11 → … → 299
Port handles ⇒ 3 → 6 → 9 → 12 → … → 300
Free-list ⇒ 301 → 302 → 303 → … → 1000 → ∅
When each of the created processes creates a single zombie console, we terminate all of them. Due to the thread / port handle swap, the queue will have the following form:
Free-list ⇒ 1 → 3 → 2 → 4 → 6 → … → 1000 → ∅
Additionally, each of the 100 former process handles (1, 4, …) is now associated with a dangling console, and will be used as the CreateRemoteThread argument, when triggered. Now, we can manipulate the specific layout of the free-list by creating and terminating threads in an appropriate order (CSRSS keeps tracks of all the processes / threads running on the system, thus it opens a handle to every execution unit). For example, we can create 300 threads:
Thread handles ⇒ 1 → 3 → 2 → 4 → 6 → … → 300
Free-list ⇒ 301 → 302 → 303 → … → 1000 → ∅
Next then, we shall free 200 handles – the ones previously associated with threads and ports:
Thread handles ⇒ 1 → 4 → 7 → 10 → … → 298
Free-list ⇒ 2 → 3 → 5 → 6 → 8 → 9 → … → 1000 → ∅
Finally, the remaining handles are deallocated:
Free-list? 1 → 4 → 7 → 10 → 13 → 16 → … → 1000 → ∅
Thanks to the re-arrangments, we end up with a fully operational free-list, with one hundred of the initial items being handles associated with a console object. After following the above steps, we no longer have to worry if the privileged process (used in the exploitation process) will be assigned a formed Process Object identifier, or not – because it always will.
Exploitation – Stage Two
The second problem I encountered, while thinking of possible exploitation vectors, was the exact way of spawning a highly privileged program from within a restricted account. The main and mostly considered option was to initiate the creation of a service process (e.g. by using the Help and Support Center, or some other system functionality, which requires a certain service to work). After a short period of experiments, I found out that there is a much simpler solution. On Windows XP | 38,696 |
Play-off, UCL: Gent - Dinamo Kiev, miercuri, ora 22:00, Digi Sport 1
Turul 3, UEL: Djurgarden - CFR Cluj, joi, ora 20:00, Digi Sport 1
Din păcate, "câinii roşii" au pierdut calificarea în finală, după 0-1 în tur şi 1-2 pe Stadionul 23 August. Dar echipa a realizat un parcurs superb, unul care a cuprins inclusiv duelul cu Hamburg, cu cele două rezultate surprinzătoare, 3-0 şi 2-3.
La 36 de ani distanţă, Cornel Dinu, ajuns la 71 de ani, vorbeşte fără niciun fel de perdea despre valizele cu bani pe care echipele din România le dădeau arbitrilor, despre ascultarea şedinţelor tehnice ale adversarilor de către Securitatea de la Bucureşti. Şi spune din nou că fostul oficial al câinilor, Constantin Anghelache, a fost şeful spionajului românesc la Londra.
Cornel Dinu: "Cu Liverpool nu am mai putut să umblăm la arbitri, ca la precedentele jocuri europene"
Cornel Dinu a povestit pentru Gazetă că în acea perioadă Dinamo primea ajutor financiar de la Securitate pentru a putea beneficia de ajutorul arbitrilor.
"N-am putut să mai umblăm la arbitri, așa cum făcuserăm în precedentele jocuri europene. N-a mai mers fiindcă nu mai era loc pentru căței! Erau semifinalele Cupei Campionilor, nu prea mai era loc pentru Dinamo din Est!
Înainte de Liverpool jucaserăm cu Dinamo Minsk. Am dus gențile cu bani și la Tbilisi, unde s-a jucat turul, și la București. În URSS a fost mai complicat, fiindcă arbitrul Castillejo era păzit de KGB, dar am reușit. La București, au fost momente în care sovieticii ne dominau atât de rău încât arbitrul a venit la margine și mi-a spus: 'Mai ține-i în picioare un pic, că mai mult de atât nu pot să fac!'.
Cu Hamburg, la fel, am dus geanta cu bani. Dar toți procedau așa! Dinamo a ajuns la acel nivel pe valoarea echipei, practica asta cu valizele pentru arbitri era generală, doar că românii țineau atunci la imaginea țării, conta! Iar despre sovietici se știa și că beau un ceai super-energizant, așa-zis 'al urșilor'.
Cornel Dinu spune că el i-a dus geanta cu bani arbitrului Jan Kieser
Atunci (n.r. cu Hamburg, la 3-0) a fost arbitru Kieser, un inspector școlar. Eu i-am dat banii, el mi-a făcut cadouri, o cravată și un inel din argint. Chiar am deschis geanta înainte să i-o predau domnului Kieser, am vrut să văd, din curiozitate, cam despre câți b | 38,697 |
In Cina scoperto sito fossile risalente a 518 milioni di anni fa, che rivaleggia con i siti cambriani precedentemente descritti, come il Burgess Shale. Metà degli animali presenti sono nuovi per la scienza.
Il nuovo studio “The Qingjiang biota—A Burgess Shale–type fossil Lagerstätte from the early Cambrian of South China” pubblicato il 22 marzo 2019 sulla rivista Science, da un team di paleontologi coordinati da Dongjing Fu della Northwest University di Xian, in Cina, descrive il ritrovamento di un sito di circa 518 milioni di anni fa, che rivaleggia con i siti cambriani precedentemente descritti, come il Burgess Shale della British Columbia e il sito fossile di Chengjiang nella provincia cinese dello Yunnan. Il sito contiene una vertiginosa abbondanza di forme di vita strane e meravigliose, straordinariamente conservate, da ctenofori, a artropodi e alghe.
L’esplosione del Cambriano
Circa 542 milioni di anni fa la vita animale, in poche decine di milioni di anni, esplose in diversità e forme spettacolari, in un evento evolutivo che avrebbe innescato sull’albero della vita i rami iniziali dei più importanti phyla animali: l’esplosione del Cambriano.
Gran parte di ciò che è noto dell’esplosione del Cambriano è stato appreso dai reperti fossili nei siti in cui sono stati preservati gli echi geologici di questa prima vita.
Forse nessun altro assemblaggio, fino ad oggi, è stato più importante per la nostra comprensione dell’esplosione del Cambriano rispetto alle località di Burgess Shale e di Chengjiang. Entrambi i siti contengono vaste e diverse collezioni di fossili ben conservati, inclusi organismi dal corpo molle, che raramente sono arrivati a noi.
La scoperta del sito di Qingjiang
La scoperta del sito di Qingjiang – il nuovo Konservat-Lagerstätte (termine per indicare un deposito di fossili straordinariamente ben conservati) – è stata fatta quasi per caso dal Dr. Dongjing Fu della Northwest University e colleghi dell’Università di Guizhou, Northwest University e Pomona College.
Nel 2007 durante una spedizione sul campo, il Dr. Dongjing Fu e il co- autore Xingliang Zhang (ex dottorato di Fu), stavano camminando lungo un fiume quando si sono fermati ad osservare del promettente scisto sulla sponda del fiume. Quando hanno iniziato a scavare, hanno immediatamente trovato un fossile accattivante: Leanchoilia, una creatura simile a una sorta di artropode segmentato, conosciuta da altri siti del Cambriano.
Elevata diversità tassonomica e conservazione pressoché incontaminata
Oltre all’elevata diversità tassonomica, i fossili del Qingjiang sono caratterizzati da una conservazione pressoché incontaminata di organismi dal corpo molle – tra cui forme giovanili o larvali, artropodi e vermi e meduse – e da caratteristiche dei tessuti molli come occhi, branchie e budella.
Più di 4000 esemplari sono già stati raccolti, con 101 specie identificate, di queste specie, 53 sono nuove per la scienza e i nomi devono | 38,698 |
Den danska regeringen presenterar ett ”sikkerhedspakke” (säkerhetspaket) i dag som bland annat innehåller en stor utbyggnad av kameraövervakningen i Danmark, straffskärpningar – och gränskontroller av resenärer från Sverige.
– Den organiserade brottsligheten från Sverige är central här. Vi har sett en oroande utveckling i Sverige med sprängningar och ökat våld, säger justitieminister Nick Hækkerup (S).
– Vi har haft koll på detta och beslutat oss för att stärka gränsskyddet mot Sverige.
Gränskontrollen av svenskar som ska resa till Danmark kommer att utföras punktvis från den 12 november.
Fokus ligger på de organiserade kriminella, inte vanliga människor som korsar gränsen. Alla resande ska inte kontrolleras, understryker Nick Hækkerup.
Svenskar inblandade
Åtgärden ska vara en följd av den senaste tidens sprängdåd, mord och gängvåld i Danmark, där svenskar misstänks ha varit inblandade.
– Det här får inte bli vardag i Danmark. Vi ska säkra danskarnas trygghet, säger Nick Hækkerup.
Den danska polisen ska också upprätta ett nytt center som skall bekämpa gränsöverskridande brottslighet i Öresundsregionen.
Enligt det danska public servicebolaget DR har EU-kommissionen och Sveriges regering informerats om de nya tillfälliga gränskontrollerna.
300 kameror
Den danska regeringen föreslår också ”markant mer tv-övervakning” i form av 300 nya kameror. Dessa ska polisen kunna sätta upp på eget initiativ överallt i landet. Även kommunerna ska få rätt att kameraövervaka i det offentliga rummet, utan att begära tillstånd av polisen.
Samtidigt väntas det bli obligatoriskt för alla som utför kameraövervakning att registrera detta i polisens register. I extraordinära situationer ska polis och säkerhetstjänst få tillgång till all information från övervakningskameror i realtid.
Sprängningar vid offentliga byggnader ska ses som ett angrepp på staten och maxstraffet för denna typ av brott föreslås höjas till 18 års fängelse. Även straffet för innehav av explosiva varor på offentliga platser väntas höjas.
Sammalagt består förslaget av 16 punkter, som man kan läsa mer om här, hos det danska justitiedepartementet.
”Krossa gängen”
Statsminister Mette Frederiksen (S) säger att man ska krossa gängen och hänvisar i en intervju i Berlingske till att det bara i år har varit 13 explosioner i Köpenhamn. Samtidigt säger hon att 180 gängmedlemmar under årets första sju månader dömts till sammanlagt 258 års fängelse.
– Men det är | 38,699 |
Subsets and Splits