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Den politiske ledelsen i Israel er åpenbart djupt frustrert over at Syria nå vinner krigen mot jihadistgruppene. Etter å ha vært en hemmelig aktør i krigen, framstår plutselig Israel som en direkte deltaker. 7. september angrep israelske fly et syrisk militæranlegg nær Misyaf i Hama-provinsen. Syrias regjering har protestert kraftig og har bedt FNs sikkerhetsråd om å handle mot Israels aggresjon.
Det syriske nyhetsbyrået Sana skriver:
Syria demanded UN Security Council to condemn the Israeli repeated aggressions on the country and take an immediate and decisive measure to halt them in accordance with its resolutions related to combating terrorism, warning of the catastrophic consequences of such attacks which complement the ISIS crimes and practices to escalate the situation and fuel the region and the world.
Angrepet er også omtalt i Jerusalem Post:
According to the reports, the attack was launched at 2:30 a.m. on targets located in central Syria, in the area of Hama, and also targeted several weapons convoys that were en route to Hezbollah strongholds in the area. The Syrian army charged later on Thursday morning that Israel killed two of its soldiers during the aerial attack. An IDF spokeswoman declined to comment on the reports, saying that the army does not comment on operational matters.
Også Washington Post omtaler angrepet og føyer til:
Israel has watched nervously in recent years as the tide of the Syrian civil war has shifted in favor of Assad and as Iran and Hezbollah have become increasingly entrenched on the other side of the border.
In a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin last month, Netanyahu said Israel was prepared to act alone to curb Iranian expansion in Syria. Israel has stoutly opposed a cease-fire in parts of Syria, brokered by the United States and Russia, on grounds that the pact does not do enough to keep Iran and its proxies away from Israel’s borders.
Dette bekrefter vår analyse om at Israel frykter fred i Syria og at regimet i Tel Aviv nå er villig til å handle militært for å hindre yria i å ta full kontroll over eget område i allianse med Iran og Russland.
Den israelske forsvarsanalytikeren Amos Harel sier til Haaretz at angrepet er et signal til USA og Russland om Israels misnøye med fredsprosessen. WP gjengir dette slik:
The attack Thursday may be a signal to Russia and the United States that Israel wants its security interests taken into account, Amos Harel, an Israeli defense analyst, wrote in the newspaper Haaretz. Amid deep disgruntlement over the cease-fire in Syria, Israel is saying that “we’re capable of disrupting the process of a future settlement in Syria if you insist on leaving us out of the picture,” he wrote.
The Duran gjengir en anonym israelsk uttalelse slik:
«Jeg kan ikke sove etter seieren til den syriske armeen, Iran og Hezbollah i Øt-Syria. Det er umulig å være optimistisk over dette. Assad er i ferd med å vinne.»
Dette handler om seieren over terroristene i Deir Ezzor, og i Israel ser man tydeligvis det også FN-utsending Staffan de Mistura sa: Intervensjonskrigen er tapt. Syria vinner. Og da velger altså Israel sjøl å gå direkte til angrep på militæranlegg i Syria.
Kommentator Zvi Bar’el i Haaretz mener at det israelske angrepet kan bety at Israel har skutt seg sjøl i foten fordi det kan føre til at Russland de facto erklærer flyforbud for fremmede makter over Syria og at Iran får et påskudd til å forsterke sine posisjoner i Syria.
Det israelske angrepet var uten tvil en ulovlig aggresjonshandling etter FN-pakten. Men det er nok liten grunn til å vent | 6,500 |
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semafor na čeličnoj konstrukciji iznad magistrale, kao da je na petlji kakve zagrebačke avenije, a ne kraj prašnjave dalmatinske plaže.
Ne dakle na privatnom putu, na imanju nekog ekstravagantnog bogataša, nego na pravoj pravcatoj državnoj cesti. I ne pri tom na državnoj cesti u nekom dubokom, nenaseljenom ličkom ili slavonskom ofsajdu, već na Državnoj cesti D8, najprometnijoj od sviju državnih cesta u državi. I ne negdje na Državnoj cesti D8 kraj pustog Karlobaga ili u dalekim Konavlima, već u Dućama kraj Omiša, nasred najprometnije od sviju dionica najprometnije od sviju državnih cesta u državi, na mjestu gdje i bez semafora mili i gmiže sedamdeset hiljada automobila dnevno.
Tu je, eto, lola podigao svoj privatni semafor. Na državnoj cesti. Za goste hotela. Ona dobrostojeća penzionerka iz Luksemburga s luftmadracem onda samo pritisne dugme, i kolona od Duća do Omiša čeka da stara grofica pređe cestu do svoje ležaljke na pijesku. A ugledni poduzetnik – recimo i to da se zove Andro Tomasović, jer velika bi šteta i nepravda bila da mu historija zaboravi ime – na sve to mrtav hladan kaže: „U hotelu trenutačno imam dvjesto pedeset gostiju i moja je dužnost da im omogućim siguran prijelaz preko ceste.“ I još kaže: „A i svi ostali građani mogu koristiti taj prijelaz.“
Svi ostali građani mogu koristiti taj prijelaz! Kako velikodušno i plemenito!
To da „i svi ostali građani mogu koristiti“, od dobrih smo poduzetnika, hotelijera, koncesionara i ostalih filantropa čuli, istina, već stobroj puta. „Svakodnevno imamo veliki broj domaćih gostiju i svi su više nego dobrodošli“, izjavio je tako nekidan novinarima direktor – kako se to po novome na hrvatskom kaže – dizajnerskog boutique resorta Brown Beach House Hotel na Čiovu, preko puta Trogira: sve su mu se niz bradu cijedili stalaktiti slatkog meda dok je pokušavao sanirati štetu na ugledu svoga resorta, nastalu kad su resortni rmpalije s hotelske plaže izbacili jednu trogirsku urođenicu što se tu, pod smokvom koju je njen djed posadio prije sedamdeset pet godina, kupa cijeli svoj život.
I „domaći gosti“ – valja zapamtiti i unijeti u leksikone taj divni neologizam za domoroce, „domaći gosti“ – „više su nego dobrodošli� | 6,502 |
�, „i svi ostali građani mogu koristiti“, dobrodošli su, eto, koristiti i hotelsku plažu, i mul, i bazen, i parking, ali to da „svi ostali građani mogu koristiti“ i da su „više nego dobrodošli“ na jedan privatni pješački prijelaz sa semaforom na državnoj cesti, to je posve nova razina obijesti: na tu goletnu visoravan ljudska noga još kročila nije.
Kročit će, međutim, koliko sutra, samo čekajte, navalit će „domaći gosti“ iz Duća i okolnih mjesta, doći će iz Jesenica i Tugara, iz cijelih Poljica doći će ljudi vidjeti to čudo neviđeno, pješački prijelaz preko cijele magistrale, sa semaforom u tri različite boje, kojega milošću omiškoga dobročinitelja Andre Tomasovića - dragi mu Bog podario zdravlja, pameti i novaca – mogu posve besplatno koristiti i „domaći“, koliko im duša hoće, preko magistrale pa natrag, gore-dolje, da se snimaju i govore po županiji kako ih Gazda Andro pušta da se šeću njegovom hotelskom zebrom.
Svakakvih smo, eto, surovih nasrtaja u državno i intervencija u zajedničko vidjeli smo u ovih dvadeset sedam godina Takozvane Države Hrvatske, ali ovako drzak i razorno zorni primjer čak ni u Hrvatskoj nikad nije zabilježen. Pa ipak, nije to fascinantno. Fascinantno je kako u Republici Hrvatskoj i danas, nakon dvadeset sedam godina, ima naivnoga i glupoga svijeta kojega iznenadi privatni semafor na državnoj cesti. Ili privatna riva na gradskoj obali. Ili privatna marina na pomorskom dobru. Ili privatna plaža u nacionalnom parku. Privatno na državnom, privatno u javnom, privatno u zajedničkom. Svima je, recimo, poznat onaj urbani mit o Balkancu što je na obalama Ženevskog jezera krenuo bez ijednog papira dizati kuću, pa kako država Švicarska tako nešto uopće nije predvidjela zakonom, završio na psihijatriji. Ovdje su, međutim, za psihijatriju oni što se tome čude.
Evo vam samo posljednji jedan primjer.
Cijelu proteklu jesen, zimu i proljeće vozili smo se Rose i ja magistralom od Vruje do Zadvarja i natrag, hiljadu puta prošli smo taj put, i svih hiljadu puta skidali gospe i svece – dobro, to samo ja, jer Rose ne beštima – uglednom žeževičkom poduzetniku koji je mitskoj Vruji usred zaštićenog parka prirode udario zidati svoj luksuzni resort, pa niz djevičans | 6,503 |
lies in me to commemorate the deeds of the foremost people of the world; and if in so vast a company of writers my own reputation should be obscure, my consolation would be the fame and greatness of these whose renown will throw mine into the shade. [...] What chiefly makes the study of history wholesome and profitable is this, that you behold the lessons of every kind of experience set forth as on a conspicuous monument; from these you may choose for yourself and for your own state what to imitate, from these mark for avoidance what is shameful in the conception and shameful in the result." [Livy, Ab Urbe Condita [27-9 B.C.]. In Kelley, op. cit., pp. 70-73]. Tacitus, Cornelius (A.D. 56-120). "I think it proper, however, before I commence my purposed work, to pass under review the condition of the capital, the temper of the armies, the attitude of the provinces, and the elements of weakness and strength which existed throughout the whole empire, that so we may become acquainted, not only with the vicissitudes and the issues of events, which are often matters of chance, but also with their relations and their causes." [Tacitus, Annals [Annales, ca. A.D. 96]. In Kelley, op. cit., p. 100]. Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430). "But even now it is manifest and clear that there are neither times future nor times past. Thus it is not properly said that there are three times, past, present, and future. Perhaps it might be said rightly that there are three times: a time present of things past; a time present of things present; and a time present of things future. For these three do coexist somehow in the soul, for otherwise I could not see them. The time present of things past is memory; the time present of things present is direct experience; the time present of things future is expectation. If we are allowed to speak of these things so, I see three times, and I grant that there are three. Let it still be said, then, as our misapplied custom has it: ‘There are three times, past, present, and future’. I shall not be troubled by it, nor argue, nor object– always provided that what is said is understood, so that neither the future nor the past is said to exist now. There are but few things about which we speak properly –and many more about which we speak improperly– though we understand one another’s meaning." [Augustine, Confessions [398]. Book XI, Chapter XX]. ***** "Further, when the past arrangements of men are recounted in historical narration, we must now consider history itself among those human institutions. For things which have now passed away and cannot be revoked must be considered to be in the order of time, whose Creator and Administrator is God. It is one thing to relate what has been done, but another to teach what should be done. History reports honestly and profitably what has been accomplished. On the other hand, books of the soothsayers and all similar writings endeavour to teach what should be done or heeded, with the presumption of an instructor and not with the reliability of a guide." [Augustine of Hippo, Christian Instruction [De doctrina christiana, 397-426]. In Kelley, op. cit., p. 148]. Cassiodorus (Flavius Magnus Aurelius, ca. 490-575). "On Christian Historians. In addition to the various writers of treatises, Christian studies also possess narrators of history, who, calm in their ecclesiastical gravity, recount the shifting movements of events and the unstable history of kingdoms with eloquent but very cautious splendour. Because they narrate ecclesiastical matters and describe changes with occur at various times, they must always of necessity instruct the minds of readers in heavenly affairs, since they strive to assign nothing to chance, nothing to the weak power of gods, as pagans have done, but to assign all things to the will of the Creator." [Cassiodorus, Divine and Human Letters [Institutiones Divinarum et Saecularium Litterarum, 543-555]. In Kelley, op. cit., p. 137]. 4. The Middle Ages Saint Isidore of Seville (ca. 570-636). "Grammas: On history. History is the narration of deeds [res gestae] by which things done in the past are known. In Greek history is derived from see [videre] or know [cognoscere]. According to the ancients, only those wrote history who participated in it, and they wrote only what they had seen. We apprehend by sight better than we learn by hearsay. For things which are seen may be described without exception. This task belongs to grammar, because whatever is worthy of memory must be written down. But | 6,504 |
frightened away from vice. [...] But history is placed above all branches of knowledge in the highest rank of importance and needs the assistance of no tool, not even of letters, since by hearing alone, passed on from one to another, it may be given to posterity. [...] Of History, that is, the true narration of things, there are three different kinds: human, natural and divine. The first concerns man; the second, nature; the third, the Father of nature. One depicts the acts of man while leading his life in the midst of society. The second reveals causes hidden in nature and explains their development from earliest beginnings. The last records the strength and power of Almighty God and of the immortal souls, set apart from all else. In accordance with these divisions arise history’s three accepted manifestations –it is probable, inevitable, and holy– and the same number of virtues are associated with it, that is to say, prudence, knowledge, and faith. The first virtue distinguishes base from honorable; the second, true from false; the third, piety from impiety." [Jean Bodin, Method for the Easy Comprehension of History [Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem, 1566]. In Kelley, op. cit., pp. 382-386]. Francis Bacon (1561-1626). "[The historian’s task was] to carry the mind in writing back into the past, and bring it into sympathy with antiquity; diligently to examine, freely and faithfully to report, and by the light of words to place as it were before the eyes, the revolutions of times, the characters of persons, the fluctuations of counsels, the courses and currents of actions, the bottoms of pretences, and the secrets of governments." [Spedding, J.; Ellis, R.L. and Heath, D.D., eds., The Works of Francis Bacon (14 vols., London, 1858-74), vol. IV, p. 7. In Haddock, op. cit., p. 27]. "Letters of Affaires from such as Manage them, or are privie to them, are of all others the best instructions for History, and to a diligent reader, the best Histories in themselves." [F. Bacon. The Advancement of Learning [1605], Bk II, 17 ro. In A. Grafton, op. cit., p. 95]. "Antiquities, or Remnants of History, are, as was said, tanquam Tabula Naufragi: when industrious persons, by an exact and scrupulous diligence and observation, out of Monuments, Names, Wordes, Proverbes, Traditions, Private Recordes, and Evidences, Fragments of stories, Passages of Books, that concerne not story, and the like, do save and recover somewhat from the deluge of time" [F. Bacon. The Advancement of Learning [1605], II.2.3, 11 ro. In A. Grafton, op. cit., pp. 95-96]. René Descartes (1596-1650). "I thought by now that I have spent enough labour on the study of ancient languages, on the Reading of ancient authors, and on their histories and narratives. To live with men of an earlier age is like travelling in foreign hands. It is useful to know something of the manners of the other peoples in order to judge more impartially of our own, and not despise and ridicule whatever differs from them, like men who have never been outside their native country. But those who travel too long end by being strangers in their own homes, and those who study too curiously the actions of antiquity are ignorant of what is done among ourselves today. Moreover these narratives tell of things which cannot have happened as if they had really taken place, and thus invite us to attempt what is beyond out powers or to hope for what is beyond our fate. And even histories, true though they be, and neither exaggerating nor altering the value of things, become more worthy of a reader’s attention; hence the things which they describe never happened exactly as they describe them, and men who try to model their own acts upon them are prone to the madness of romantic paladins and meditate hyperbolical deeds." [Descartes. Paragraph on history in the first part of the Discourse on Method [Discourse de la méthode, 1637]. In Collingwood, op. cit., p. 59]. Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639). "Read the individual histories of all the nations, French, Spanish, German, British, and Ethiopian (for you will find this too) and Turkish and Moorish. You must receive the traditions of the New World from their inhabitants, for they lacked writing. Likewise what the Chinese, Japanese and Tartars, the inhabitants of Ceylon, Persia, India and | 6,505 |
other nations record in writing or by memory of their origins and their deeds. Jesuits and voyagers have written much about this. But his should really be a task for kings, especially the Spanish one... Whatever the pretenders claim, universal history is not yet complete, but only partial" [Tommaso Campanella, Philosophia rationalis partes quinque juxta propria principia [1638]. In A. Grafton, op. cit., pp. 121-122]. Jean Mabillon (1623-1707). "Therefore, those who wish to learn the art of criticizing ancient documents must consider themselves experts only after careful and thorough preparation. For if it is difficult for someone without experience in this field to give an authoritative judgement about one single document, how much more arduous and dangerous will it be for him to judge all kinds of documents if he does not have at his guide that experience which cannot be acquired without long familiarity with documents of this kind?" [Jean Mabillon, On Diplomatics [De re diplomatica, 1681]. In Kelley, op. cit., p. 417]. Jacques-Benigne Bossuet (1627-17047). "This kind of universal history is to the history of every country and of every people what a world map is to particular maps. In a particular map you see all the details of a kingdom or a province as such. But a general map teaches you to place these parts of the world in their context; you see what Paris or the Ile-de-France is in the kingdom, what the kingdom is in Europe, and what Europe is in the world. In the same manner, particular histories show the sequences of events that have occurred in a nation in all their detail. Bur in order to understand everything, we must know what connection that history might have with others; and that can be done by a condensation in which we can perceive, as in one place, the entire sequence of time. […] But just as, to help our memory in the knowledge of places, we must retain certain principal towns around which to place the others according to their distance, so also, in the succession of centuries, we must have certain times marked by some great event to which we can relate all the rest. That is what we call an epoch, from a Greek word meaning to stop, because we stop there in order to consider, as from a resting place, all that has happened before or after, thus avoiding anachronisms, that is, the kind of error that confuses ages." [Bossuet, Discourse on Universal History [Discours sur l'histoire universelle, 1681]. In Kelley, op. cit., p. 426-427]. 6. The Enlightenment Bolingbroke, Henry Saint John (1678-1751). "A man must be as indifferent as I am to common censure or approbation, to avow a thorough contempt for the whole business of these learned lives. [...] All the systems of chronology and history, that we owe to the immense labours of a Scaliger, a Bochart, a Petavius, an Usher, and even a Marsham [had brought historical learning into disrepute. And no wonder.] [...] The same materials are common to them all; but these materials are few, and there is a moral impossibility that they should ever have mroe. They have combined these into every form that can be given to them; they have supposed, they have guessed, they have joined disjointed passages of different authors, and broken traditions of uncertain origin, of various peoples, and of centuries remote from one another as well as from our own. In short, that they might leave no liberty untaken, even a wild fantastical similitude of sound has served to prop up a system". [Bolingbroke, Henry Saint John, Lord Viscount. Letters on the Study and Use of History [London: Millar, 1752], 7. In A. Grafton, op. cit., pp. 251-252]. ***** "History is philosophy teaching by examples. [...] I doubt that this method of Bodin would conduct us in the same, or as bad, a way; would leave us no time for action, or would make us unfit for it. A huge common-place book, wherein all the remarkable sayings and facts that we find in history are to be registered, may enable a man to talk or write like Bodin, but will never make him a better man, nor enable him to promote, like an useful citiziten, the security, the peace, the welfare, or the grandeur of the community to which he belongs". [Bolingbroke, op. cit., pp. 14 and 57. In A. Grafton, op. cit., p. 252]. ***** "To converse with historians is to keep good company; many of them were excellent men, and | 6,506 |
some day, the decay of productive power in the satiety of contentment with the goal attained. And yet this goal will only be temporary: the grandest system of civilization has its orbit, and may complete its course but not so the human race, to which, just when it seems to have reached its goal, the old task is ever set anew with a wider range and with a deeper meaning." [Mommsen, T. (2008). The History of Rome [Römische Geschichte, 1855-1856], Vol. 1. San Diego: Icon Classics, pp. 12-13]. Karl Marx (1818-1883). "In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces of production. The totality of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real foundation, on which arises a legal and political superstructure, and to which correspond definite forms of consciousness. The mode of production of material life conditions the general process of social, political, and intellectual life. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their consciousness. At a certain stage of development, the material productive forces of society come into conflict with the existing relations of production or — this merely expresses the same thing in legal terms — with the property relations within the framework of which they have operated hitherto. From forms of development, of the productive forces, these relations turn into their fetters. Then begins an era of social revolution. The changes in the economic foundation lead, sooner or later, to the transformation of the whole, immense, superstructure." [Marx, K. A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy [Zur Kritik der politischen Ökonomie, 1859]. In Marx, K. (1992). Early Writings. London: Penguin Classics, p. 425]. Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860). "History lacks the fundamental characteristic of science, namely the subordination of the objects of consciousness; all it can do is to present a simple co-ordination of the facts it has registered. Hence there is no system in history as there is in the other sciences... The sciences, being systems of cognitions, speak always of kinds; history always on individuals. History, therefore, would be a science of individuals, which implies a self-contradiction." [Schopenhauer, A. Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung (3rd edn., 1859), vol ii, pp. 499-509, Über Geschichte. In Collingwood, op. cit., p. 167]. Leopold von Ranke (1796-1886). "History has had assigned to it the office of judging the past and of instructing the account for the benefit of future ages. To show high offices the present work does not presume; it seeks only to show what actually happened [wie es eigentlich gewesen]." [Ranke, History of the Latin and Teutonic Nations [Geschichte der romanischen und germanischen Völker von 1494 bis 1514, 1824], p. vii. In Hughes-Warrington, M. (2007). Fifty Key Thinkers on History. London: Routledge, p. 294]. ***** "I see the time approaching when we shall base modern history, no longer on the reports even of contemporary historians, except insofar as they were in possession of personal and immediate knowledge of facts; and still less on work yet more remote from the source; but rather on the narrative of eyewitnesses, and on genuine and original documents." [Ranke, History of the Reformation in Germany [Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Reformation, 1845-47], I, X. In Hughes-Warrington, M., op. cit., p. 294]. ***** "Every act which is truly part of world history, which never consists solely of negation, but rather is able to engender in the fleeting present moment something for the future, includes within itself a full and immediate sense of its own indestructible value." [Ranke, Weltgeschichte [1886], IX, part 1. In Gadamer, H. G. (2006). Truth and Method. London: Continuum Publishing Group, p. 200]. ***** "Let us admit that history can never have the unity of a philosophical system; but it is not without inner coherence. Before us we see a range of successive events that condition one another. When I say ‘condition’ I do not mean with absolute necessity. Rather, the important thing is that human freedom is involved everywhere. The writing of history follows the scenes of freedom. This is its greatest attraction. But freedom involves | 6,507 |
1999, chap. 12, annexe R, par. 2 (1); 2019, chap. 4, annexe 11, par. 2 (1).
Certificat d’immatriculation de remorque
(4) Nul ne doit tracter une remorque sur une voie publique à moins :
a) d’une part, que ne soit délivré un certificat d’immatriculation de la remorque;
b) d’autre part, que ne soit posée sur la remorque, de la manière prescrite, une plaque d’immatriculation présentant le numéro du certificat d’immatriculation de la remorque. L.R.O. 1990, chap. H.8, par. 7 (4).
Port du certificat
(5) Sous réserve du paragraphe (6), le conducteur d’un véhicule automobile sur une voie publique doit porter :
a) d’une part, le certificat d’immatriculation du véhicule ou une copie conforme de ce certificat;
b) d’autre part, si le véhicule automobile tracte une remorque, le certificat d’immatriculation de la remorque ou une copie conforme de ce certificat,
et, à la demande d’un agent de police, présenter pour inspection ces certificats ou ces copies. L.R.O. 1990, chap. H.8, par. 7 (5).
(6) Si le certificat d’immatriculation est un certificat d’immatriculation IRP, toute version électronique du certificat doit être conforme aux exigences de l’entente appelée International Registration Plan et à toute exigence établie par le ministère pour l’application du présent paragraphe. 2019, chap. 4, annexe 11, par. 2 (2).
Délivrance de certificat et de plaques d’immatriculation
(7) Le ministère peut délivrer un certificat d’immatriculation d’une catégorie prescrite, des plaques d’immatriculation ainsi qu’une attestation de validation à quiconque remplit les exigences de la présente loi et des règlements. L.R.O. 1990, chap. H.8, par. 7 (7).
Certificat d’immatriculation pour un véhicule ancien
(7.1) Si le ministère délivre un certificat d’immatriculation à une personne qui en fait la demande et que celle-ci soit en possession de plaques d’immatriculation visées au paragraphe (7.2), le numéro du certificat d’immatriculation doit être le même que le numéro indiqué sur ces plaques d’immatriculation. 2000, chap. 29, par. 1 (2).
Plaques d’immatriculation pour un véhicule ancien
(7.2) Le paragraphe (7.1) s’applique aux plaques d’immatriculation :
a) qui sont des plaques d’immatriculation de l’Ontario délivrées pendant l’année de fabrication du véhicule automobile;
b) qui sont dans un état jugé satisfaisant par le ministère;
c) qui ne portent aucun numéro qui fasse double emploi avec le numéro de tout autre certificat d’immatriculation existant. 2000, chap. 29, par. 1 (2).
Usage de plaques d’immatriculation
(8) Le ministère peut autoriser quiconque en fait la demande à poser sur un véhicule les plaques d’immatriculation qu’il possède. L.R.O. 1990, chap. H.8, par. 7 (8 | 6,508 |
A militant attack, which killed eight civilians in the city of Beni, has sparked protests in DR Congo with angry locals targeting authorities and UN peacekeepers, accusing them of inaction and inability to curb violence.
The mass protests were triggered by a Sunday raid on the north eastern city, believed to be carried out by Islamists from the so-called Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) group. It is the latest tragedy in the persistent violence that has left over 2,000 people dead in the city alone over the last five years.
Protesting the government’s lack of action, a crowd several hundred strong gathered near the local city hall. The demonstration promptly got violent, and the mob looted and torched the city hall.
Après l'incendie de la mairie, les manifestants prennent pour cible les bases de la mission Onusienne en RDC, @MONUSCO. Ils sont en route pour #Boikene, le quartier qui abrite la plupart de ces installations, reprochant à cette force l'inefficacité dans la protection des civils pic.twitter.com/pAwdemRqOX — F I S T O N M A H A M B A (@FMLarousse) November 25, 2019
#Beni: Après la tuerie d'une dizaine de civils au quartier #Masiani, commune #Mulekera en cette nuit, des manifestants ont pris d'assaut la mairie de cette ville du #Nord_Kivu, qui est en feu sur cette vidéo. Ils protestent contre l'inefficacité de l'armée à protéger les civils pic.twitter.com/RPcKpEg659 — F I S T O N M A H A M B A (@FMLarousse) November 25, 2019
The crowd then turned its anger to the UN peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO), accusing it of an inability to protect civilians and attacking its main compound on the outskirts of the city.
#BENI: we want EFFECTIVE PROTECTION from our security forces and the UN, and we want it NOW!We’re urging the @MONUSCO to ACT or LEAVE.Marche pacifique en cours vers la base de la MONUSCO à Boikene/Beni-ville. #PasDeCongoSansBenipic.twitter.com/tSBnckMrjW — LUCHA | R.D. Congo (@luchaRDC) November 25, 2019
The mission, however, insists they are in the country only to provide support and treat the injured, explaining in a Twitter thread that MONUSCO troops cannot engage the militants on their own and will participate in combat operations only if the country’s government invites them to do so.
Such a stance appears to be exactly what the protesters were angered with, as they demanded MONUSCO to act or withdraw from the city altogether. Several buildings and vehicles, belonging to the mission were set alight by the mob.
Actually the congolese people they don't want monusco those so called peace keeper to be there any more because they are protecting those criminals that killing,rapping women,children in DRC so they must go so why all those international news can't publish it? pic.twitter.com/Nugz8CVTny — Joseph perfection (@lumiere_Eternel) November 25, 2019
“Several offices at the MONUSCO headquarters were set on fire and looted,” Teddy Kataliko, a civil society leader in Beni, said. “Residents are demanding the withdrawal of MONUSCO from Beni because of the inaction of UN forces.”
#RDCongo La #RDC déclare que l'armée organisera des opérations "conjointes" avec l'#ONU dans la ville de #Beni.La #MONUSCO aura ainsi mandat pour intervenir dans les opérations visant à protéger les populations qui ont pris d'assaut une base aujourd'hui.#Congopic.twitter.com/QbV5bVrEuA — Rebecca Rambar (@RebeccaRambar) November 25, 2019
At least four people were killed by gunfire during the protests, local police said without specifying who exactly was shooting at the crowds. Graphic footage from the scene shows a dead civilian who sustained a gunshot to the head, carried away by fellow protesters.
La base "Mission Possible" de la @MONUSCO, située au quartier #Boik | 6,509 |
ia că e o confruntare între Arlauskis și toți cei de la Rennes, fiindcă lituanianul a blocat șutul lui Del Castillo de la 11-12 metri. Francezii au avut aceeași cursivitate de ocazii uriașe pe care le-au avut cei de la CFR Cluj în Franța în prima repriză!
ADN de campioni
Dan Petrescu a citit perfect intențiile adversarilor, iar Julian Stephan a avut și el dreptate când a anunțat un fotbal ofensiv. CFR a scârțâit și fiindcă Omrani (56) n-a găsit cadrul porții oaspeților, având o "chiflă" dezonorantă pentru golgeterul campioanei României. Bine că a venit totuși în spate și a compensat cu devotament, blocând o altă acțiune periculoasă a echipei din Bretania. Ce e-n mână nu-i minciună, iar clujenii au părut că se bucură și de o remiză. Au ținut cu dinții de ea, scrâșnind la paradele în cascadă ale lui Arlauskis, care l-a blocat și pe Bourigeaud (77), chiar cu prețul unei accidentări. Și oficialii UEFA au fost impresionați de paradele portarului.
Mamă, ce ocazie a avut Rondon (82)! Măcar a mai dat energie pentru final. Da, CFR este un miracol: după ce-a fost dominată, după ce a acceptat pumnii lui Rennes, inteligența și norocul lui Petrescu au fost răsplătite, iar nou intratul Rondon (87) a marcat splendid după centrarea de manual a lui Deac. Tot Rondon a făcut o boacănă, a intrat cu talpa și-a văzut direct roșu în primul minut al celor 6 de prelungiri. Clujenii s-au apărat mai eroic decât prevede fotbalul. Arlauskis a fost și kamikaze, a scos incredibil în prelungiri, având o evoluție perfectă. Și cu ajutorul lui Celtic la Roma, miroase a primăvară în noiembrie.
CFR Cluj - Rennes 1-0
min 90+6. Final de meci. CFR Cluj - Rennes 1-0
min 90+3: Rennes a marcat, dar golul a fost anulat pentru henț, după ce Siebatcheu a trimis mingea cu mâna în poartă
min 90: Rondon este eliminat după o intrare cu talpa. Vor fi 6 minute de prelungire
min 89: CFR Cluj face ultima schimbare. Deac îi lasă locul lui Păun
min 87: GOOOL CFR CLUJ! Deac centrează perfect din corner și Rondon reia cu capul din 6 metri. Mingea se duce sub bară, iar portarul Salin nu a avut nicio șansă
min 81: Ocazie mare pentru CFR Cluj. Rondon trage de la 10 metri, iar mingea se duce puțin pe lângă poartă
min 78: Bourigeaud șutează frum | 6,510 |
Il Ministero dei Beni Culturali sta riformando radicalmente il sistema della tutela in Italia. Dopo 110 anni di esistenza vengono smantellate le Soprintendenze Archeologiche. La riforma è stata progettata in tempi estremamente rapidi, senza nessun confronto neanche con le strutture interne del Ministero stesso. Se sommata all'apparente scomparsa delle norme sull'Archeologia Preventiva dal nuovo Codice degli Appalti (in contrasto con la Convenzione Europea de La Valletta, la cui ratifica appare al momento un'operazione di facciata) essa porterebbe di fatto allo smantellamento della tutela del patrimonio archeologico italiano.
Consapevoli comunque della necessità di semplificare e ottimizzare il sistema della tutela, invitiamo il Ministro a ritirare la proposta di decreto e ad aprire un confronto con i tecnici del settore coinvolgendo anche la comunità scientifica internazionale. I beni archeologici italiani sono Patrimonio dell'Umanità.
The Italian Ministery of Cultural Heritage is undertaking a radical reform of the legal system which protects the archeological monuments. After 110 years of activity the Archaeological Heritage Offices are being cancelled. The reform has been designed very quickly, without any debate inside the the Ministery itself. Furthermore, it seems that the rules concerning rescue archaeology are going to be eliminated from the new code of the public contracts (in opposition to the European Valletta Convention). All this would destroy the preservation system of the italian archaeological heritage.
Aware of the need to enhance the saveguarding system we invite the Ministery to withdraw proposed decree and to open a discussion with the experts in the field by involving also the international scientific community.
The archaeological heritage of Italy is world heritage!
Das italienische Ministerium für Kulturgüter verfolgt eine radikale Reform des archäologischen Denkmalschutzes. 110 Jahre nach ihrer Gründung sollen die Archäologischen Denkmalämter abgeschafft werden. Die Reform ist innerhalb kürzester Zeit, ohne jegliche Debatte innerhalb des Ministeriums, geplant worden. Zudem gibt es konkrete Hinweise dafür, dass die Bestimmungen zur präventiven Archäologie aus dem neuen Gesetzeskodex der öffentlichen Aufträge gelöscht werden sollen (im Widerspruch zum europäischen Übereinkommen von La Valletta). All dies würde unweigerlich zur Abschaffung der Schutzmaßnahmen für die archäologischen Kulturgüter Italiens führen.
Angesichts der Notwendigkeit, das System des archäologischen Denkmalschutzes zu verbessern, appellieren wir an den Minister den Gesetzesentwurf zurückzuziehen und eine Diskussion mit den Experten der Denkmalpflege in die Wege zu leiten, bei dem auch die internationale Fachwelt involviert werden soll.
Das archäologischen Erbe Italiens ist Weltkulturerbe!
Le Ministère Italien de la Culture est en train de réformer de manière radicale les démarches destinées à la sauvegarde des sites et des vestiges en Italie. Bientôt et après 110 ans depuis leur création, les Surintendances Archéologiques fermeront leurs portes | 6,511 |
bangalore university time table of bsc pdf download|bangalore university.ac.in time table Download Bangalore University BA Time Table will issue soon. All students check Bangalore university Arts sem exam time table of bangalore university at here. All the private Regular non collage and ex-students find out online BU BA 1st 3rd 5th semester Exam Schedule PDF following section on this page.
Bangalore University BA Time Table 2020
Welcome on our web page, here we will update Bangalore University BA Time Table 2020 very soon. The online Exam form has successful completed in Nov/Dec Month by Bangalore University for BA 1st/2nd/3rd Exams. Various Students have applied from Bangalore University for Bachelors’ of Arts (BA) Yearly/Annual Exam. Bangalore University is ready to conduct BA (Part-I, II & III) Exams for private and regular students. Written Exam will soon start. The Examination Schedule is most part of examination so university will provide it before two months of exams start. Without Exam time Table University is not conduct written exam. Here we will upload PDF file of Bangalore University BA 1st/2nd/3rd Year Exam Date Sheet according to part wise so all students connect with us. Our team has provided all details regarding Bangalore University BA yearly/annual exams through this article.
Bangalore University BA Part-I, II & III Exam Scheme
All Regular, Private and ex-students are waiting to Bangalore University BA Part-I, II & III Exam Scheme. Students can make study plan according to exam routine so we are advised to downloading it. Those candidates are going to participate in BU BA Exam they are now searching to their exam routine. The students can download Bangalore University BA Time Table 2019 through online mode from this web page. Bangalore University is a public university of Karnataka state. It is located Bangalore city of KN State. The BU was founded in 1886 year. It has 497 affiliated colleges at present time. All courses are providing in two languages (Hindi & English). Now member of university is planning to release Bangalore University BA Part-I, II & III Exam Scheme. The time table will helpful in exam preparation so students must download it before examination.
BU BA First/Second/Third Year Programs & Overviews
Name of University : Bangalore University, Karnataka
Session Year : 2019-20
Course’s Name : UG BA (Bachelors’ of Arts)
Type Course : Degree Courses
Examination : Yearly/Annual
Article Category : Bangalore University BA Time Table
Status : Update Here
Download format : PDF Version
Available : 3rd Week of January
Exam Month : March/April
Official Website : www.bangaloreuniversity.ac.in
Bangalore University BA Schedule – First, Second & Third Year
When, official will release Bangalore University BA Schedule after we will upload it on this web page. The exam will hold in March/April month on selected exams centers. These exams will conduct in three shifts (Morning, Noon & Evening). Here we will mention various details on here about Bangalore University BA exams like as Exam Date, Time, Admit Card, Previous Paper, and Model Paper and etc. We want to help all students though this article. The Exam Authority will also soon provide admit card of enrolled students. We are suggested to all applied peoples that Annual written exam is very compulsory so do not absent in the exam. All students can check their Bangalore University BA Time Table 2020 through online mode by provided simple steps.
बैंगलोर विश्वविद्यालय बी.ए टाइम टेबल
सभी छात्रो का हमारे वेब पेज स्वागत है, हम समझ सकते है कि कुछ छात्र लम्बे समय से समय सारणी जारी होने का इंतजार कर रहे है लेकिन अब इंतजार खत्म ह | 6,512 |
#CrystalPic (fabulous and colourful crystal pictures)
#AnalyticalChem (for analytical chemists and their instruments)
Most of these categories are intentionally broad and they hopefully cover the majority of areas that #RealTimeChem encompasses.
Therefore, to potentially win a prize in the awards all you have to do is tweet something within these categories using #RealTimeChem during the week. I’ll be keeping an eye on the hashtag and gathering up the best tweets with a summary of winners, published in C&EN. As mentioned there will be one winner per category and two honorable mentions as runners up (sadly no additional prizes are available for runners up).
Prizes winners will be announced by C&EN on Friday 23rd November.
Winners will be asked to provide name and address details via DM or email. Please note that mug prizes will be sent out during December/early January.
The Great #RealTimeChem Cook Off (17th– 18th November)
Now in its fourth glorious year, The Great #RealTimeChem Cook Off is back! It doesn’t get any more everyday than the chemistry of cooking.
Once again, this year’s contest is sponsored by the @ChemPubSoc_Euro journals.*
Five winners will receive a ChemPubSoc Europe package containing
The competition only takes place on the weekend of #RealTimeChem Week. Feel free to cook something during the week, but the tweet must be shared on the weekend of November 17th-18th to count.
All you have to do to enter the competition is to tweet your culinary creation (anything cooking, baking or food related) and include #RealTimeChem #whatscooking & @ChemPubSoc_Euro at the end of your tweet. Your tweet should include a picture or video of your creation and ideally have a short description (the description can even talk about the chemistry in your cooking! It’s up to you). Alternatively, you can write/link a recipe for others to try.
Everyone who tweets a cooking-related post using these hashtags will be entered into the competition, and 5 favourites will win a prize.
Good luck and have fun cooking (also eating)!
Disclaimer: I will not be held personally responsible for #RealTimeChem related cake overdoses or weight gain as a result of this cook off.
*@ChemEurJ, @ChemistrySelect, @ChemistryOpen, @ChemBioChem, @ChemCatChem, @ChemMedChem, @ChemElectroChem, @ChemPhysChem, @ChemPlusChem, @ChemSusChem,@ChemPhotoChem, @EurJIC, and Eur. J. Org. Chem (all journals of @ChemPubSoc_Euro); @ChemAsianJ, @AsianJOrgChem, and @ChemNanoMat (all journals of the Asian Chemical Editorial Society); and @angew_chem (a journal of @GDCh_aktuell).
#Chem4Life outreach competition – sponsored by Hindawi
Competition suggested by and run in conjunction with @Bythewayalex
Whether it is discussing your research with family or writing a scientific paper, chemistry requires communication skills. However, the way in which we communicate to different audiences can vary enormously. Until now, the #RealTimeChem community facilitates communication between chemists, but this year we want to broaden our horizons.
We would like to bring chemists into the limelight by showcasing our day-to-day activities to a public audience. We would like you to either write a tweet or tweet a short video to describe the current chemistry that you are doing (hint – it does not have to be front-line research!). You should aim to use non-technical terms where possible and keep the message simple. Remember, we are trying to broaden our horizons and not exclude people.
Once you have your tweet ready to send, make sure to include #Chem4Life and one of the below hashtags, depending on the day of the week. It is important to include non-chemistry hashtags to ensure that we reach a larger audience. The best tweets which get the most public engagement will have the chance of winning a prize provided by this competition’s sponsor open access publisher Hindawi.
The additional hashtags to use:
There is a prize on offer for the winner (no runners up in this instance), which is a Samsung Tablet kindly provided by Hindawi. A Samsung Galaxy Tab A (10.5”, 32GB, with Wi-Fi). More details on the prize itself here | 6,513 |
old Nasm has a flat binary output format, which will serve us well. All we need now is the image of an empty ELF executable, which we can fill in with our program. Our program, and nothing else.
We can look at the ELF specification, and /usr/include/linux/elf.h, and executables created by the standard tools, to figure out what our empty ELF executable should look like. But, if you're the impatient type, you can just use the one I've supplied here:
BITS 32 org 0x08048000 ehdr: ; Elf32_Ehdr db 0x7F, "ELF", 1, 1, 1 ; e_ident times 9 db 0 dw 2 ; e_type dw 3 ; e_machine dd 1 ; e_version dd _start ; e_entry dd phdr - $$ ; e_phoff dd 0 ; e_shoff dd 0 ; e_flags dw ehdrsize ; e_ehsize dw phdrsize ; e_phentsize dw 1 ; e_phnum dw 0 ; e_shentsize dw 0 ; e_shnum dw 0 ; e_shstrndx ehdrsize equ $ - ehdr phdr: ; Elf32_Phdr dd 1 ; p_type dd 0 ; p_offset dd $$ ; p_vaddr dd $$ ; p_paddr dd filesize ; p_filesz dd filesize ; p_memsz dd 5 ; p_flags dd 0x1000 ; p_align phdrsize equ $ - phdr _start: ; your program here filesize equ $ - $$
This image contains an ELF header, identifying the file as an Intel 386 executable, with no section header table and a program header table containing one entry. Said entry instructs the program loader to load the entire file into memory (it's normal behavior for a program to include its ELF header and program header table in its memory image) starting at memory address 0x08048000 (which is the default address for executables to load), and to begin executing the code at _start, which appears immediately after the program header table. No.data segment, no.bss segment, no commentary -- nothing but the bare necessities.
So, let's add in our little program:
; tiny.asm org 0x08048000 ; ; (as above) ; _start: mov bl, 42 xor eax, eax inc eax int 0x80 filesize equ $ - $$
and try it out:
$ nasm -f bin -o a.out tiny.asm $ chmod +x a.out $./a.out ; echo $? 42
We have just created an executable completely from scratch. How about that? And now, take a look at its size:
$ wc -c a.out 91 a.out
Ninety-one bytes. Less than one-fourth the size of our previous attempt, and less than one-fortieth the size of our first!
What's more, this time we can account for every last byte. We know exactly what's in the executable, and why it needs to be there. This is, finally, the limit. We can't get any smaller than this.
Or can we?
Well, if you actually stopped to read the ELF specification, you might have noticed a couple of facts. 1) The different parts of an ELF file are permitted to be located anywhere (except the ELF header, which must be at the top of the file), and they can even overlap each other. 2) Some of the fields in the headers aren't actually used.
In particular, I'm thinking of those nine bytes of zeros at the end of the 16-byte identification field. They are pure padding, to make room for future expansion of the ELF standard. So the OS shouldn't care at all what's in there. And we're already loading everything into memory anyway, and our program is only seven bytes long....
Can we put our code inside the ELF header itself?
Why not?
; tiny.asm BITS 32 org 0x08048000 ehdr: ; Elf32_Ehdr db 0x7F, "ELF" ; e_ident db 1, 1, 1, 0 _start: mov bl, 42 xor eax, eax inc eax int 0x80 db 0 dw 2 ; e_type dw 3 ; e_machine dd 1 ; e_version dd _start ; e_entry dd phdr - $$ ; e_phoff dd 0 ; e_shoff dd 0 ; e_flags dw ehdrsize ; e_ehsize dw phdrsize ; e_phentsize dw 1 ; e_ph | 6,514 |
#NAT MZ: 00;11;20;06 people are wondering, why this gentle teacher/ustaz, was willing to partake in jihad in Syria, and was willing to leave his wife and children. PST: In rural northern Malaysia, students are urged to follow the path of their teacher. Di perkampungan utara Malaysia, murid-murid diingatkan untuk mengikut haluan ustaz mereka. 00;18;47;25 We as his students, we should follow the footsteps of our teacher Mohd Lotfi. 00;19;02;11 The lesson comes from his brother, Mohd Zainon, a religious preacher, and it seems to be working. Khutbah ini diberikan oleh Ustaz Mohd Zainon, abang kepada Mohd Lotfi. Murid-muridnya tekun mendengar. QUOTE FROM STUDENT FOOTAGE OF LOTFI — INTRO In January, Mohd Lotfi went to Syria to join Ajnad al Sham, an Islamist rebel group seeking to overthrow President Bashar al Assad. Mohd Lotfi menyertai Ajnad al Sham di Syria Januari lalu. Kumpulan ini mahu menumbangkan Presiden Bashar al Assad. NAT — I strive for you, god. Zainon We need to understand that for this fight he left behind his relatives, wife and children, friends and his village. Friends, family, security. Why leave all that behind? Sahabat, keluarga dan keselesaan. Mengapa semua ini ditinggalkan? NAT - Lotfi — Allahuakbar. Islam is the official religion of Malaysia, a diverse, prosperous and democratic country. Many here enjoy comfortable lives. Islam adalah agama rasmi Malaysia, sebuah negara majmuk, kaya dan demokratik. Rakyat Malaysia hidup dengan selesa. [POP] The muslim majority practices a moderate form of Sunni Islam. But in the past year, officials say a growing number have embraced a more extreme ideology of jihadi salafism. Umat Islam di sini bermazhab Sunni dengan pemahaman sederhana. Namun, penguatkuasa mengatakan kebelakangan ini, ramai yang mulai mengikuti fahaman jihadi salafi. It’s what Lotfi and his followers ascribe to. Fahaman ini diikuti oleh Lotfi dan pengikut-pengikutnya. NAT — Village sounds, Dutch chicken It was here in the northern state of Kedah that Lotfi lived. Along with his brother, he founded and ran the Nurul Hidayah madrassa. Lotfi tinggal di Kedah, utara Semenanjung. Dia menubuhkan Madrasah Nurul Hidayah bersama abangnya. It’s conservative here. In each class, the boys are separated from the girls. Budayanya koservatif di sini. Pelajar lelaki dan perempuan diasingkan. The students here respect and admire Lotfi for his lifelong piety. Zainon says his brother studied sharia law in Pakistan and joined the mujahadeen in Afghanistan in the early nineties, before returning home to raise a family. Ahmad Salahuddin is his oldest son. Murid-murid disini menghormati kealiman Lotfi. Zainon berkata, adiknya menuntut ilmu shariah di Pakistan dan menyertai Mujahideen di Afghanistan pada tahun 90-an. Ahmad Salahuddin adalah anak sulung Lotfi. Ahmad: We were very serious with him. We hardly spoke. Even sitting next to him was tough. Dad was always away, delivering sermons. NAT — LOTFI TALKING ABOUT EVIL SHIAS, BASHAR AND MUJAHIDEEN In Syria, more than 100,000 people have been killed. Deeply troubled by what he saw as injustice towards Sunnis, Lotfi wanted to wage jihad against Shias and Assad’s army. Melihatkan kezaliman keatas penganut Sunni, Lotfi berikrar untuk menentang penganut Shia dan tentera Assad. Ahmad: When dad first said he wanted to go to Syria, I felt weird. Was he really going? On January 31, 2014, Lotfi said goodbye to his brother. Pada 31 Januari 2014, Lotfi meninggalkan abangnya. MZ: When the time came, I was sad because I knew he was going. MZ: We | 6,515 |
hugged for a long time. Even his friend was puzzled as to why we were hugging for so long. NAT — Walking up steps — “This is where people are going to pray.” Even with Lotfi gone, the madrasa continues to thrive. With enrollment now topping 170, a new school is being built across the street from the old one. Madarasah ini terus berkembang dengan ketiadaan Lotfi. Dengan 170 pelajar, sebuah lagi bangunan sedang dibina. Lofti’s popularity enabled him to raise the funds for this construction. Kemasyhuran Lotfi membolehkannya mengumpul derma untuk bangunan ini. NAT MZ: 00;01;56;24 We are going to keep alive Ustaz Mohd Lotfi’s battle/struggle. 00;02;41;23 When he expressed desire to go to Syria, he was confident that this project would continue. AK: He has his own religious school in Kedah, so a lot of charisma. // So that’s the main attraction for people. So when they see Ustad Lofti there, they they want to go and join him. 00;16;42;20 Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay leads Malaysia’s counter terrorism task force and has been monitoring recruitment efforts of jihadis. Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay mengetuai usaha menghentikan keganasan dan telah mengawal usaha merekrut jihadi. AK: 00;09;16;13 Recruitment is carried out through facebook. There’s no need for you to have physical contact. // That’s why they managed to recruit 00;09;32;03 this members from various backgrounds. 00;09;35;04 student, professor, professional. In the past two years, officials have arrested more than 60 people and charged at least 23 for their involvement with Syrian militant groups. Sejak dua tahun lepas, penguatkuasa telah menahan lebih daripada 60 orang dan mendakwa sekurang-kurangnya 23 orang di atas penglibatan mereka dengan militan Syria. It is part of an effort to prevent others in the region from leaving. Ini merupakan sebahagian daripada usaha untuk mengelakkan lebih ramai orang daripada menjadi jihadi, seperti Lotfi. NAT — Syria AK: If we allow them to go to Syria. 00;22;40;10 they will have this networking there, contact with other groups, they will manage to get training there, how to make a bomb, how to make weapons 00;22;55;24 and the most important thing is in terms of ideology and come back. May_15_just_arrived.mp4 00:00:18:06 Ahmad: Ustaz, we are proud of that young Malaysians these days, a lot of them are now aware. Lofti: Here your friend on facebook is asking. “Salam Ustaz. Is my friend there in Syria? His name is Fadhlan Shahidi. Has Fadhlan arrived yet?” Let’s answer. TYPING AND SPEAKING. He is by my side. Ahmad: Why don’t you take a picture? Lotfi’s social media network connected him to his community back home. Nineteen-year-old Yusran Budiman is a follower. Lotfi berhubung dengan kampung halamannya melalui media sosial. Yusran Budiman juga sering mengikuti perkembangannya. SOT — Ever since Mohd Lotfi went to jihad, I’ve been getting photos and videos of him from his children and uploading them to Facebook. NAT — Video of Lotfi on Salahuddin’s phone For his family, Facebook and the mobile application, Whatsapp, provided a direct link to their father. Facebook dan Whatsapp juga membolehkan keluarga Lotfi berhubung dengannya. NAT — Salahuddin reading Whatsapp messages: Where is mom? Study hard and be patient. Listen to your mother. Don’t complain. SOT Salahuddin: 07:05 I felt quite sad actually, quite sorrowful, because we were thinking that he is soo far and this was the only way to speak to him. When we would send him a Whatsapp message, he didn’t always respond immediately. He was busy fighting or doing whatever. NAT — Tank rolling by. We see Lotfi. NAT — VIDEO — LOTFI Teacher, where are you going | 6,516 |
�다. 하고싶은 싶은 사람이 해야 되는거 아니겠어요? 이건 뭐 하기 싫은 사람 예, 같이 있으면은 힘듭니다, 서로서로. 서로서로 하고싶은 말 하는 거에요.
Dajang: What's the plan for GSL next year?
Chae: Next year? It is very bright. We will do as we want next year. We will do as I want.
Daejang: Indeed, it is bright.
Chae: Yes, it is. Because we couldn't do as we wanted this year, yes, we had dissatisfaction. Now, we will do as we want. Be ready.
Daejang: It's a great good news.
Chae: (laughing) An shocking announcement. Gom will do as they want next year!
Daejang: At least we keep on.
Chae: Ofcourse we do.
Daejang: It' would be not appropriate if we someone says "we are quitting" on his own authority.
Chae: So, now, this is my thought. To say harsh, people who don't want to work actively, should better get out of the scene. People who will work hard, who want to work hard, need to get more opportunities, don't they? It's really hard to work with somebody that does not like to do the job. Just talking for mutual profits. Mr. Chae and DaejanG discussed about Next year's GSL plan (a bit sarcastically) during the casting of WCS season 3 finals(in Korean). Definitely, next year's GSL will be different from this year's. Maybe It will be again independent from WCS. And a bit of aggression of his on some other people (or some broadcast companies?)Below is the contents.박대만 해설 : 내년 GSL 비전이 어떤가요?채정원 해설 : 내년에? 내년에는 비전이 밝죠. 내년에는 저희 마음대로 할거에요. 내년에는 내 마음대로 할 거에요.박대만 해설 : 밝은 게 맞죠.채정원 해설 : 밝은 거죠. 지금 저희 마음대로 못해서 지금 예, 저희는 불만이 있었어요, 그게. 저희 마음대로 할 겁니다. 각오하세요.박대만 해설 : 굉장히 희소식이네요.채정원 해설 : (웃음) 충격 선언. 내년에는 우리 마음대로 한다.박대만 해설 : 그 | 6,517 |
래도 하는게 어딥니까?채정원 해설 : 네. 아이, 당연히 해야죠!박대만 해설 : 마음대로 안할거다, 이러면은 진짜 곤란하죠.채정원 해설 : 그러니까 저는 이제 개인적으로는 그런 생각을 하고 싶어요. 좀 독하게 얘기하면은, 할 마음 없는 사람은 빠져라. 할 마음 있는 사람들이, 절실한 사람들이 열심히 노력을 해서 해보자. 이게 저희는, 저의 생각입니다. 하고싶은 싶은 사람이 해야 되는거 아니겠어요? 이건 뭐 하기 싫은 사람 예, 같이 있으면은 힘듭니다, 서로서로. 서로서로 하고싶은 말 하는 거에요.Dajang: What's the plan for GSL next year?Chae: Next year? It is very bright. We will do as we want next year. We will do as I want.Daejang: Indeed, it is bright.Chae: Yes, it is. Because we couldn't do as we wanted this year, yes, we had dissatisfaction. Now, we will do as we want. Be ready.Daejang: It's a great good news.Chae: (laughing) An shocking announcement. Gom will do as they want next year!Daejang: At least we keep on.Chae: Ofcourse we do.Daejang: It' would be not appropriate if we someone says "we are quitting" on his own authority.Chae: So, now, this is my thought. To say harsh, people who don't want to work actively, should better get out of the scene. People who will work hard, who want to work hard, need to get more opportunities, don't they? It's really hard to work with somebody that does not like to do the job. Just talking for mutual profits.
NovemberstOrm Profile Blog Joined September 2011 Canada 15958 Posts #2 should say season 3 finals not season 2 ^^
Thank you for the translation! Moderator lickypiddy
egernya Profile Joined March 2013 Canada 352 Posts #3 On October 28 2013 00:40 NovemberstOrm wrote:
should say season 3 finals not season 2 ^^
Thank you for the translation!
That's right, sorry, edited, and thanks. That's right, sorry, edited, and thanks.
BrassMonkey27 Profile Joined May 2011 Canada 616 Posts Last Edited: 2013-10-27 15:45:38 #4 Could you expand on some of the thoughts in this post? Much of what has been translated seems quite vague.. what do they mean by GOM 'doing what they want'? Will they operate independently of WCS? And who do they speak of when they talk about a 'partner concerned with mutual profits'? HoneyBadger.784 Diamond KR "A great deal of intelligence can be | 6,518 |
A Nigerian refugee thought to have fled the terrorist group Boko Haram with his wife has died after being attacked by an “ultra” football fan in a small Italian town.
Emmanuel Chidi Namdi, 36, died of injuries he sustained when a local man, who had reportedly been racially abusing Namdi’s wife, attacked him in the town of Fermo, in central Italy.
Amedeo Mancini, 39, allegedly referred to the 24-year-old woman as a “monkey”, and attacked Namdi when he attempted to defend her, according to Italian media reports. Namdi fell into a coma and was pronounced dead on Wednesday.
Some Italian news reports said friends of Mancini contended that he had to fight back because the Nigerian man tried to attack the Italian after his wife was insulted and dragged.
Other witnesses said the husband was struck, first with a street sign ripped out of the pavement, then kicked, when he sought to defend his wife, but didn’t strike first.
Police arrested Mancini, who has been described as an “ultra”, an extremist football fan. His lawyer, Francesco De Minicis, told the news agency Ansa that his client had not intended to kill the Nigerian.
“Amedeo Mancini is destroyed with pain. He did not want to kill, and he expresses his closeness to those who are crying for Emmanuel,” De Minicis said.
“My client did not expect that punching the migrant would have this effect, and he places the episode in a defensive context.”
The killing has shocked Italy and prompted senior government figures to speak out against hate crime. On Thursday the prime minister, Matteo Renzi, posted on Twitter: “Today the government is in Fermo with Father Vinicio and local institutions in memory of Emmanuel. Against hate, racism and violence.”
Il Governo oggi a Fermo con don Vinicio e le Istituzioni locali in memoria di #Emmanuel
Contro l'odio, il razzismo e la violenza. — Matteo Renzi (@matteorenzi) July 7, 2016
Namdi and his wife, identified by her first name, Chimiary, were being hosted by Fermo town’s parish while they sought asylum. They are believed to have fled from Boko Haram and travelled through Niger and Libya before boarding a boat to Italy.
Father Vinicio Albanesi, who was hosting the couple, said they had previously lost a two-year-old daughter, and that Namdi’s wife suffered a miscarriage during the journey to Italy.
At an evening vigil on Wednesday, Chimiary cried out to her late husband: “Why do you leave me in this wicked world?”
Refugees and migrants are hosted across Italy in centres run by the government or outsourced to private organisations and charities. Pope Francis has encouraged parishes to take in asylum seekers, and the Vatican has recently hosted a number of refugee families in Rome.
Nigerians make up 12% of the more than 70,000 people who have arrived in Italy by sea so far this year, the second-largest group by nationality after Eritreans.
The killing in Fermo prompted Italy’s interior minister, Angelino Alfano, to travel to the town to discuss public order and security.
Alfano insisted that Italy as a whole welcomed refugees and migrants. “Italy isn’t represented by Amedeo Mancini,” he said.
Laura Boldrini, the speaker in Italy’s lower house, said she felt dismay and indignation following the racist and xenophobic attack.
“The hate that poisons our society will be acknowledged and not underestimated … Those who have political and institutional responsibility must distance themselves from messages of hate and not stoke them,” tweeted Boldrini, who worked for the UN’s refugee agency, UNHCR, before entering politics.
L'odio che avvelena la nostra società va riconosciuto e non sottovalutato. Per questo ho costituito commissione parlamentare su #hatespeech — laura boldrini (@lauraboldrini) July 7, 2016
Her remarks point to Italy’s previous failures to stamp out racism in the highest realms of power. In September, lawmakers voted not to seek charges against a senator, Roberto Calderoli, who likened the country’s first black minister, Cécile Kyenge, to an orangutan.
Formerly the country’s integration minister, Kyenge was subjected to an aggressive campaign by the far right during her term, including | 6,519 |
At this point, the limelight’s way bigger being in L.A., so, you got to realize that there’s always eyes’ watching you, no matter what. But, at the same point, it can be a good thing too, because there’s so many celebrities and movie stars and singers, rappers, whatever it is; people that have multiple different fan bases here. So, you are not the only star here, as far as, if you go to a different city they might JUST have a basketball team, no football team, and you are the only fish in that fish bowl that everybody can see through.
Bentley: Alright, well, let’s check out your second pic, “I Can Drive” by Lil Uzi, is it Lil Uzi Vert, or just Lil Uzi?
Russell: Lil Uzi Vert.
Bentley: Vert.
Russell: Yeah.
Bentley: Okay
Song: Lil Uzi Vert – *I Can Drive*
Bentley: It’s KCRW.com, I’m Jason Bentley. We are sitting with D’Angelo Russell here at the Laker’s practice facility, very exciting for me as a lifelong Laker fan. Is it intimidating for you to be in this environment where the expectations are just so high?
Russell: It’s not intimidating. It’s definitely a challenge that not a lot of people are up to take, but I can only speak for myself, I know that I am definitely up for the challenge, definitely want to get on this wall one day. That’s a goal for me to set, you know, to get on this wall. You see so many greats and so much success on this wall, just walking around up and down the stairs, in the hallways, in the kitchen, wherever you’re at, you see so much success.
Bentley: Alright, so your third selection for us of five, what do you have?
Russell: I got Future. Future’s fan base has grown throughout the years, but this is something new, also. “Married to the Game”. A lot of these rappers, they are rapper singers, whatever it is, their titles kinda explain it all. It’s really self-explanatory. This one’s “Married to the Game”, and it’s just really talking about, once again, where he’s coming from and what he’s able to do now that he is where he is now.
Bentley: Do you feel that way?
Russell: Yeah, definitely, definitely. I feel like when you’re listening to music, it plays a part in what you’re going through, the type of music that you listen to. So, if you just had a break up or something, you go and listen to, I don’t know, Chris Brown or Trey Songz or even Drake, I don’t know. But, if you’re partying or ready to party, you listen to guys in that era, this one’s really a mellow song.
Bentley: Describe for our audience who may not be familiar, Future’s style. You mentioned to me whether it’s rapping or singing, you know, it’s almost in between.
Russell: You can’t really put a nail on it. He can be trying to sing a song and he might sound horrible, but it sounds good. It sounds so bad that it sounds good. Or he might be rapping, slurring all his words, you know. You don’t understand him, but he’s riding with the beat so that sounds cool, so I’m like cool with what he’s saying. He finds ways to get it done at the end of the day.
Bentley: Someone described it as mumble rap.
Russell: Yeah, but if you don’t know what he’s saying, then you go look at the lyrics and say, ‘Okay, I see what he’s saying.’ But, he still sounds right throughout the song.
Bentley: Alright, let’s check it out. “Married to the Game” from Future, as selected by our Guest DJ, D’Angelo Russell.
Song: Future – *Married to the Game*
Bentley: Okay, next one up, number four. What do you have?
Russell: I got Rae Sremmurd, “Look Alive”, they’re kind of new too. | 6,520 |
Subsets and Splits