stringlengths 573
| id
int64 0
You have 24 hours to pay 150 USD in Bitcoins to get the decryption key.
Every hour files will be deleted. Increasing in amount every time.
After 72 hours all that are left will be deleted.
If you do not have bitcoins Google the website localbitcoins.
Purchase 150 American Dollars worth of Bitcoins or.4 BTC. The system will accept either one.
Send to the Bitcoins address specified.
Within two minutes of receiving your payment your computer will receive the decryption key and return to normal.
Try anything funny and the computer has several safety measures to delete your files.
As soon as the payment is received the crypted files will be returned to normal.
Thank you
I want to play a game with you. Let me explain the rules:
All your files are being deleted. Your photos, videos, documents, etc...
But, don't worry! It will only happen if you don't comply.
However I've already encrypted your personal files, so you cannot access them.
Every hour I select some of them to delete permanently,
therefore I won't be able to access them, either.
Are you familiar with the concept of exponential growth? Let me help you out.
It starts out slowly then increases rapidly.
During the first 24 hour you will only lose a few files,
the second day a few hundred, the third day a few thousand, and so on.
If you turn off your computer or try to close me, when I start next time
you will get 1000 files deleted as a punishment.
Yes you will want me to start next time, since I am the only one that
is capable to decrypt your personal data for you.
Now, let's start and enjoy our little game together!
and one in Portuguese:
Eu quero jogar um jogo. Deixe-me explicar as regras:
Todos os seus arquivos serao deletados. Fotos, vídeos, documentos, etc.
Mas nao se preocupe! Só vai acontecer se voce nao cooperar.
Porém, eu já encriptei seus arquivos, entao voce nao consegue mais acessá-los.
A cada hora eu seleciono algum deles para ser excluído permanentemente,
Voce conhece o conceito de crescimento exponencial? Funciona assim:
Começa devagar e acelera depressa
Nas primeiras 24h voce só perderá alguns arquivos
No segundo dia, algumas centenas, no teceiro, milhares, e assim vai
Se voce desligar seu computador ou tentar me fechar
1.000 (MIL) arquivos serao deletados como puniçao
E voce vai querer que eu continue aqui,
já que sou o único que pode devolver seus arquivos
Agora, vamos jogar!
Envie 50 dólares (aproximadamente R$200) em bitcoins para o endereço abaixo
(Se voce nao sabe comprar e enviar bitcoins, procure no Google. É fácil)
When a victim sends a ransom payment, they can click on the check payment button. When this button is clicked, the ransomware queries the http://btc.blockr.io/ site to see if a payment has been made to the assigned bitcoin address. If the amount of bitcoins in the assigned address is greater than the payment amount, then it will automatically decrypt the files.
Update (4/12/16): Included the.KKK and.BTC extension for other variants that were discovered.
Update (4/13/16): Included the new.GWS extension, how some variants are set to start at certain times, varying prices, and the new ransom note texts.
Files associated with the Jigsaw Ransomware
%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Frfx\ %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Frfx\firefox.exe %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Drpbx\ %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Drpbx\drpbx.exe %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\System32Work\ %UserProfile% | 6,400 |
cloud our judgment or enable self-defeating political piety, embracing the discourse and vision of voluntary governance lands us squarely in the stream of history -– a stream that needs our voluntary principles to fulfil its latent promise of, in Langford’s words, contributing to the transformation of the modern state.
That, however, is a role and an opportunity that is only truly available to us if we are willing to embrace the prior two considerations: i.e., take on the more accurate and valid goal of voluntary governance and adopt the language of that goal. Once we’ve agreed on all that, then we can figure out what the hell to call ourselves.
Dutil, P., & McConkey, M. (2005). Towards a New Accountability: ‘Governance Dialogue’. 25th Anniversary Journal. CCAF-FCVI.
Fyfe, T., McConkey, M., & Dutil, P. (Eds.). (2004). Reinventing Service: Processes and Prospects for Municipal Alternative Service Delivery (Vol. 14). Toronto: Institute of Public Administration of Canada and the Governance Network.
Gilson, R. J., Sabel, C. F., & Scott, R. E. (2009). Contracting for Innovation: Vertical Disintergration and Interfirm Collaboration. Columbia Law Review, 103 (3).
Helper, S., MacDuffie, J. P., & Sabel, C. (2000). Pragmatic Collaborations: Advancing Knowledge while Controlling Opportunism. Industrial and Corporate Change, 9 (3).
Joskow, P. L. (2005). Vertical Integration. In C. Menard, & M. M. Shirley (Eds.), Handbook of New Institutional Economics. Netherlands: Springer.
Langford, J. W. (1997). Power Sharing in the Alternative Service Delivery World. In R. Ford, & D. Zussman (Eds.), Alternative Service Delivery: Sharing Governance in Canada. Toronto: Institute of Public Administration of Canada and KPMG.
McConkey, M., & Dutil, P. (Eds.). (2004). Making Connections: Municipal Governance Priorities Today (Vol. 13). Toronto: Institute of Public Administration of Canada.
Nishiguchi, T., & Baaudet, A. (1998, Fall). The Toyota Group and the Aisin Fire. Sloan Management Review, pp. 49-59.
Sabel, C. (2006). A Real Time Revolution in Routines. In C. Heckscher, & P. S. Adler (Eds.), The Firm as a Collaborative Community. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sabel, C. (2004). Beyond Principal-Agent Governance: Experimentalist Organizations, Learning and Accountability. In E. Engelen, & M. Sie Dhian Ho (Eds.), De Staat van de Democratie. Democratie voorbij de Staat. WRR Verkenning 3. Amsterdam: Amsterdam Unive.
Sabel, C. (1995, December). Design, Deliberation and Democracy: On the New Pragmatism of Firms and Public Institutions. Retrieved November 4, 2009, from Sabel’s Papers: http://www2.law.columbia.edu/sabel/papers/Design.html
Sabel, C. F. (2001). A Quiet Revolution of Democratic Governance: Towards Democratic Experimentalism. In OECD, Governance in the 21st Century. Paris: OECD Publications Service.
Scott, C. (2002). Private regulation of the public sector: A neglected facet of contemporary governance. Journal of Law and Society, 29 (1), 56-76.
Scott, C. (2006). Regulatory Fragmentation. In M. McConkey, & P. Dutil (Eds.), Dreaming of the Regulatory Village; Speaking of the Regulatory State (Vol. 18). Toronto: Institute of Public Administration of Canada.
Scott, C. (2003). Speaking softly without big sticks: Meta-regulation and public sector audit. Law and Policy, 25 (3).
Van Dun, F. (2003). Against Libertarian Legalism. Journal of Libertarian Studies, 17 (3), 63-90.
Van Dun, F. (2004). Natural Law and the Jurisprudence of Freedom. Journal of Libertarian Studies, 18 (2), 31-54.
Michael McConkey lives in the socialist hotbed of Vancouver, Canada, where the mountains continually remind him of how puny are the grand designs of the state’s social engineers. He has a Ph.D. in communication from McGill University in Montreal and free lances in teaching organizational theory. He’s just | 6,401 |
intelectual. Estar alerta ante las afirmaciones de la ciencia es una actitud deseable, de sano escepticismo. Pero, en un momento, si esto migra a un negacionismo, estamos hablando de otra cosa.
El cambio climático antropogénico es un hecho. Esa es toda la verdad que podemos determinar desde el lado de la ciencia. Del otro lado, están la mentira y las herramientas falaces de la posverdad, que hoy se usan para insinuar dudas sobre este tema como ayer se usaron para insistir en que el tabaco no era carcinogénico, y que sigue lamentablemente presente en la idea, equivocada, de que las vacunas provocan autismo. Estos son sólo ejemplos. Quién sabe para qué fin innoble se usarán en el futuro estas mismas estrategias. El juego de salón de la moderación, que en este escenario no es una actitud de sana cautela, sino apenas un modo psicológicamente barato de hacernos los prudentes, implica quedar del lado de la mentira, y de sus consecuencias.
Referencias bibliográficas
Koehler, Derek J. (marzo 2016). Can journalistic “false balance” distort public perception of consensus in expert opinion? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Vol 22(1), Mar 2016, 24-38. Recuperado de http://psycnet.apa.org/psycarticles/2016-00600-001 Koehler, Derek J. (12 de febrero de 2016). Why people are confused about what experts really think. New York Times. Recuperado de https://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/14/opinion/sunday/why-people-are-confused-about-what-experts-really-think.html?mabReward=A6&_r=1 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Recuperado de http://www.ipcc.ch/ NOAA/NASA (enero de 2017). Annual Global Analysis for 2016. Recuperado de https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/atoms/files/noaa-nasa_global_analysis-2016.pdf James Hansen, Makiko Sato, Pushker Kharecha, Karina von Schuckmann, David J Beerling, Junji Cao, Shaun Marcott, Valerie Masson-Delmotte, Michael J Prather, Eelco J Rohling, Jeremy Shakun, Pete Smith. (4 de octubre de 2016). Young people’s burden: requirement of negative CO2 emissions. Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss. Recuperado de http://www.earth-syst-dynam-discuss.net/esd-2016-42/ NASA (2014). Climate change: climate resource center – Graphic: Carbon dioxide gets new high. Recuperado de http://climate.nasa.gov/climate_resources/7/ Terry P. Hughes, James T. Kerry, Mariana Álvarez-Noriega, et al. (15 de marzo de 2017). Global warming and recurrent mass bleaching of corals. Nature. Recuperado de http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v543/n7645/full/nature21707.html NOAA. How does climate change affect coral reefs? Recuperado de http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/coralreef-climate.html NOAA. Climate. From supercomputers and state-of-the-art models to observations and outlooks, we provide data, tools, and information to help people understand and prepare for climate variability and change. Recuperado de http://www.noaa.gov/climate NOAA. Climate. recuperado de https://www.climate.gov/ National Academy of Sciences (2014). Climate Change: Evidence and Causes. Recuperado de https://www.nap.edu/catalog/18730/climate-change-evidence-and-causes John Cook, Dana Nuccitelli, Sarah A Green, Mark Richardson, Barbel Winkler, Rob Painting, Robert Way, Peter Jacobs y Andrew Skuce (15 de mayo de 2013). Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature. Environ. Res. Lett. Rec | 6,402 |
In the past two weeks, the Internet was up in arms over the proliferation of “Pastor Hokage” groups on Facebook. After reporting page after page, netizens began to ask: Isn't there something more we can do about this? Can we report this to the NBI or PNP?
The answer, as it turns out, is more complicated than it seems. Yes, the activities of these Hokage groups are clearly illegal. But not just anyone can file a complaint before the authorities.
The Need for a Face
It’s not enough to acknowledge that groups like the Pastor Hokage exist and are bad.
According to Senior Superintendent Bernard Tambaoan, Chief of Staff of the PNP Anti-Cybercrime group, a person cannot lodge a formal complaint against a hokage group member unless that person is an actual victim.
"Kasi sino ‘yong ififile namin ng kaso? Paano magstand yung kaso kung kulang yung ebidensya natin? Walang identity ng victim, picture lang. Tatawanan tayo ng korte niyan. [Who would we file the case against? How will the case stand if we don't have enough evidence? You don't have the victim's identity, just a picture. We'll be laughed out of the court.]"
"It should be the victim, because you need to have legal standing. You're offended, your reputation was damaged," confirms BJ delos Santos, criminal lawyer and partner at the A.B. S. Law Firm. Whether it's a civil or a criminal law suit, the person filing the case needs to establish their involvement in the matter, because they're suing for damages.
According to the current law, the burden of proof is on the victims. This means that it's their responsibility to provide the police with a suspect.
Even in the case of child pornography—which is forbidden by the Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009 and the Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act—the complaint needs to come from the child's parents. Screenshots of pedophiles requesting or posting videos won't suffice. "The screenshots need to be supported by testimonial evidence," delos Santos explains. "Where was the video taken, and who took it?"
On top of that, the burden of proof is on the victims. This means that it's their responsibility to provide the police with a suspect. If the perpetrator used a fake account, it's up to the complainant to establish his identity. Until she can do so, the police's hands are tied because of the Data Privacy Act of 2012, which prevents them from tracing a suspect's IP address without a court order.
"Iyon yung hindi naiintindihan ng public, pati media," Tambaoan asserts. " Sige magcomplain ka, ieentertain ka namin pero paano natin mapakulong? Paano natin mapalabas yung warrant of arrest? Iyon yung big question. [That's what the public doesn't understand, even the media. Okay, go ahead and complain, we'll entertain you but how can we put the man in jail? How do we get a warrant of arrest? That's the big question."
That said, while it's on the victim to provide a suspect, they can ask the PNP or the NBI for advice on what evidence is needed to file a case, and how to lawfully obtain that evidence.
The Law Is Not Violated
Another caveat is that not all of the Hokage groups' posts, while clearly offensive, could be considered as violating the law. Sharing women's nude photos or sex videos is illegal under R.A. 9995 or The Anti-Photo and Video Voyeurism Act of 2009. But what happens when Hokages steal photos of a woman in a bikini, or a woman having coffee in what happens to be a slightly revealing top?
"What the law punishes is stealing and posting a photo of the 'private area of a person under circumstances in which the person has a reasonable expectation of privacy,'" delos Santos says.
He explains that Section 3(e) of the law defines the “private area of a person” as the “naked or undergarment-clad genitals, pubic area, buttocks or female breast of an individual." Situations where the person can expect their intimate areas to stay intimate include those "in which a reasonable person would believe that a private area of the person would not be visible to the public, regardless of whether that person is in a public | 6,403 |
icidal self-injury. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 43, 67–80. doi:10.1111/j.1943-278X.2012.00128.x.
Ng, J. Y. Y., Ntoumanis, N., Thorgenson-Ntoumani, C., Deci, E. L., Ryan, R. M., Duda, J. L., & Williams, G. C. (2012). Self-determination theory applied to health contexts: A meta-analysis. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 7(4), 325–340. doi:10.1177/1745691612447309.
Nock, M. K. (2009). Why do people hurt themselves? New insights into the nature and functions of self-injury. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 18(2), 78–83. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8721.2009.01613.x.
Nock, M. K., Joiner, T. E, Jr, Gordon, K. H., Lloyd-Richardson, E., & Prinstein, M. J. (2006). Non-suicidal self-injury among adolescents: Diagnostic correlates and relation to suicide attempts. Psychiatry Research, 144, 65–72. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2006.05.010.
Nock, M. K., & Prinstein, M. J. (2004). A functional approach to the assessment of self-mutilative behavior. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 72(5), 885–890. doi:10.1037/0022-006X.72.5.885.
Paul, E., Tsypes, A., Eidlitz, L., Ernhout, C., & Whitlock, J. (2015). Frequency and functions of non-suicidal self-injury: Associations with suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Psychiatry Research, 225(3), 276–282. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2014.12.026.
Perez, J., Venta, A., Garnaat, S., & Sharp, C. (2012). The difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale: Factor structure and association with nonsuicidal self-injury in adolescent inpatients. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 34(3), 393–404. doi:10.1007/s10862-012-9292-7.
Przybylski, A. K., Deci, E. L., Rigby, C. S., & Ryan, R. M. (2014). Competence-impeding electronic games and players’ aggressive feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106(3), 441–457. doi:10.1037/a0034820.
Ross, S., & Heath, N. (2002). A study of the frequency of self-mutilation in a community sample of adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 31, 67–77. doi:10.1023/A:1014089117419.
Rotolone, C., & Martin, G. (2012). Giving up self-injury: A comparison of everyday social and personal resources in past versus current self-injurers. Archives of Suicide Research, 16(2), 147–158. doi:10.1080/13811118.2012.667333.
Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000a). The darker and brighter sides of human existence: Basic psychological needs as a unifying concept. Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), 319–338. doi:10.1207/S15327965PLI1104_03.
Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000b). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55, 68–78. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.55.1.68.
Ryan, R. M., Deci, E. L., Grolnick, W. S., & La Guardia, J. G. (2006). The significance of autonomy and autonomy support in psychological development and psychopathology. In D. Cicchetti & D. Cohen (Eds.), Developmental psychopathology: Vol. 1. Theory and methods (2nd ed., pp. 295–849). New York: Wiley.
Schuler, J., & Kuster, M. (2011). Binge eating as a consequence of unfulfilled basic needs: The moderating role of implicit achievement motivation. Motivation | 6,404 |
6 The noteworthy phrase is from Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, introduction to volume 9 (1906) of Nietzsches Werken (Leipzig. 1905 ff.), the so-called Taschen-Ausgabe [pocketbook edition], p. vii: “Already in the spring of 1883. when I was with my brother in Rome. he said that. Once Zarathustra was finished. he wanted to write his theoretical-philosophical main prose work.”
7 See Wolfgang Müller-Lauter, Nietzsche: Seine Philosophie der Gegensätze und die Gegensätze seiner Philosophie (Berlin. 1971 ), I. [See Müller-Lauter. Nietzsche: His Philosophy of Contradictions and the Contradictions of His Philosophy, trans. David J. Parent (Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 1999), I.]
8 KGW VIII, 9 [188], pp. 1I4f. Compare also in this volume pages 166-68. [Walter Kaufmann does not indicate that he truncated this passage in his translation. pp. xxii-xxiii.]
9 See Wolfgang Müller-Lauter, Nietzsche, 28 [Parent trans., 18].
10 KGW VIII, 2 [155]. p. 140 (autumn 1886).
11 KGW VI, p. 264.
12 KGW VI, p. 130.
13 KGW V, p. 17.
14 Compare to this page 53.
15 See A. Bäumler, Nietzsche der Philosoph und Politiker.
16 See Karl Löwith, Nietzsches Philosophie der ewigen Wiederkehr des Gleichen (Stuttgart, 1965), 212 [Nietzsche’s Philosophy of the Eternal Recurrence, trans. J. Harvey Lomax (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987), 212].
17 Bäumler, 84.
18 The numbers in parentheses refer to pagination in Bäumler’s book.
19 KGW VI, pp. I48f. [Twilight of the Idols, “What I Owe the Ancients,” sections I, 2].
20 KGW VI, pp. 243f. [The Antichrist, section 58].
21 KGW VI, pp. 359f. [Ecce Homo, trans. Walter Kaufmann (New York: Vintage Books, 1967), “Case of Wagner,” section 3].
22 See Gay Science, aphorism 358.
23 See KSA 14, p. 274.
24 See Antonio Gramsci, Quaderni del carcere, critical edition of the Gramsci Institute, ed. Valentino Gerratano (Turin, I975), vol. 2, pp. 1487ff. [Montinari translated the Italian into German in his book].
25 See Friedrich Engels, Dialektik der Natur, Marx-Engels Werke (MEW) (Berlin, 1958ff.), vol. 20, p. 504 [Works of Marxism-Leninism, trans. C.P. Dutt (New York: International, 1938), 248].
26 Georg Lukács, Die Zerstörung der Vernunft (Berlin, I955), pp. 242f.
27 Ibid., p. 247.
28 Ibid.
29 Löwith, Nietzsches Philosophie, p. 206 [Lomax translation, 204].
30 KGW VIII, p. 76.
31 KGW VIII, p. 533.
32 Variation to fragment 2[9], KGW VIII, p. 68. See vol. XIV, p. 386, of the Großoktavausgabe.
33 KGW VIII, p. 18.
34 MEW, vol. 20, pp. 503f. and 505 [Dutt translation, p. 248].
35 Lukács, Zerstörung, p. 304.
36 KGW VII, p. 114 [Kaufmann translation].
37 MEW, vol. 20, p. 564 [Dutt translation, p. 236].
38 KGW IV. (M. Montinari, “Nachbericht zur vierten Abteilung”), pp. I2 and 36f.
39 MEW, vol. I9, p. 31 [Dutt translation, p. 21].
40 MEW, vol. 19, p. 7. Dutt translation, p. 31 | 6,405 |
Learn to pray, and teach others to pray as our forefathers did, for over 2000 years, in the timeless beauty of Latin.
Each prayer is prayed (not recited) slowly and without haste, enabling the listener to learn to pronounce the Latin correctly, and to realize that one is, in fact, talking to a Person, God, as one would talk to any person, but — of course — more reverently, and without affectation. You are listening to a soul praying to God... not as a language lesson... but as an expression of intimate and reverent love.
You can give nothing, absolutely nothing, to another greater than a prayer. In prayer you are bringing God — and there is no one and nothing that is a greater good than God — into the lives of others, asking of Him what they may not and sometimes will not, or dare not, ask for themselves. Perhaps they do not know how... to pray.
Through prayer alone we come to know God's will for us.
Prayer changes lives. For the better. Always. There is no greater, no more effective way to change our lives and those of others — for the good — than prayer... praying to God. Prayer is the communication between God and man. We will not know God apart from prayer, this dialogue between God and man, anymore than we will come to know anyone apart from speaking to them and listening to them.
I n nominé Pátris +
et Filií +
et Spíritus Sáncti +
to download this file, right-click on the blue button above that says, "Listen to this Audio File"
and choose: "Save Link As..." in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or "Save Target as..."
in Microsoft Edge, and save it to your desktop.
I n the Name of the Father +
And of the Son +
And of the Holy Ghost +
P á ter nóster qui es in cá elis,
sanctificétur nomen túum.
Advéniat régnum túum.
Fíat vóluntas tua,
sicút in C á elo et in térra.
Pánem nóstrum quotidiánum da nó bis h odie,
et dimítte nóbis dé bita nó stra
sícut et nos dimíttimus debitoŕibus n ó stris.
Et ne n ó s indúcas in tentátionem,
sed líbera nos a málo.
to download this file, right-click on the blue button above that says, "Listen to this Audio File"
and choose: "Save Link As..." in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or "Save Target as..."
in Microsoft Edge, and save it to your desktop.
O ur Fathe r, Who art in Heaven
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done
on earth, as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
SYMBOLUM APOSTOLORUM C rédo in Déum Pátrem omnipoteńtem,
Creatórem c á eli et t é rrae.
Et in I é sum Chrístum, Fílium éius únicum, Dóminum nóstrum,
qui concéptus est dé Spíritu Sáncto,
nátus ex María Vírgine,
pássus sub Póntio Piláto,
crucifíxus, mórtuus, et sepúltus,
desceńdit ad infeŕos,
tértia díe resurréxit a moŕtuis,
asceńdit | 6,406 |
ad cáelos, sédet ad déxteram Dei Pátris omnipoteńtis,
índe ventúrus est iudicáre vívos et moŕtuos.
Crédo in Spíritum Sánctum,
sánctam Ecclésiam Cathólicam,
Sanctórum Communiónem,
remissiónem peccatoŕum,
cárnis resurréctionem,
vítam áeternam.
Amén. to download this file, right-click on the blue button above that says, "Listen to this Audio File"
and choose: "Save Link As..." in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or "Save Target as..."
in Microsoft Edge, and save it to your desktop. APOSTLES CREED I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth;
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son Our Lord,
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into Hell;
the third day He rose again from the dead;
He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father almighty;
from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Catholic Church,
the Communion of Saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body
and life everlasting.
A ve María, grátia pléna,
Dóminus técum.
Benedícta tu in mulieŕibus,
et benedíctus frúctus veńtris tui, Iésus.
Sancta María, Máter Déi,
ora pro nóbis peccatoŕibus,
núnc, et in h ora moŕtis nóstrae.
to download this file, right-click on the blue button above that says, "Listen to this Audio File"
and choose: "Save Link As..." in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or "Save Target as..."
in Microsoft Edge, and save it to your desktop.
H ail Mary, full of grace;
the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now, and at the hour of our death.
GLORIA PATRI (Doxologia Minor)
G loŕia Pátri,
et Fílio,
et Spíritui Sańcto.
Sicút erát in princípio,
et núnc,
et sémper,
et in saécula saéculorum.
to download this file, right-click on the blue button above that says, "Listen to this Audio File"
and choose: "Save Link As..." in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or "Save Target as..."
in Microsoft Edge, and save it to your desktop.
G lory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning,
is now,
and ever shall be
world without end.
V/. Ańgelus Dómini núntiávit Máriae;
R/. Et concépit de Spiŕitu Sáncto.
A ve María,
grátia pléna,
Dóminus técum.
Bened | 6,407 |
ícta tu in muliéribus,
et benedíctus fr ú ctus veńtris tui, Iesus.
Sancta Maria,
Mater Dei,
ora pro nóbis peccatoŕibus,
núnc, et in h ora moŕtis nóstrae.
V/. Ecce áncilla Dómini.
R/. Fiat mi h i secúndum vérbum túum.
Ave Maria,
gratia pléna,
Dominus técum.
Benedícta tu in muliéribus,
et benedíctus frúctus veńtris tui, Iesus.
Sancta Maria,
Mater Dei,
ora pro nóbis peccato ŕibus,
nunc, et in h ora moŕtis nostrae.
(here bow reverently):
V/. Et Vérbum caro factum est.
R/. Et h abitavit in nobis.
Ave Maria,
gratia pléna,
Dominus técum.
Benedícta tu in muliéribus,
et benedíctus frúctus véntris tui, Iesus.
Sancta Maria,
Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoŕibus,
nunc, et in h ora mortis nóstrae.
V/. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genetrix.
R/. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.
V/. Orémus.
Grátiam tuam, quáesumus, Domine,
méntibus nostris infuńde;
ut qui, Angelo núntiante, Chrísti Filíi tui incarnátionem cognóvimus,
per passiónem Eius et crúcem,
ad resurréctionis gloŕiam perdúcamur.
Per éundem Christum Dominum nostrum.
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V/. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary
R./ And she conceived of the Holy Ghost.
H ail Mary,
full of Grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners
now and in the hour of our death.
V/. Behold the handmaid of the Lord.
R/. Be it done unto me according to thy word.
Hail Mary,
full of Grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death.
(here bow reverently):
V/. And the Word was made Flesh.
R/. And dwelt among us.
Hail Mary,
full of Grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners
now and in the hour of our death.
V/. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God.
R/. That we may be made | 6,408 |
worthy of the promises of Christ.
V/. Let us pray.
Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord,
Thy grace into our hearts;
that, we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an Angel,
may by His Passion and Cross,
be brought to the glory of His Resurrection.
Through the same Christ our Lord.
C onfiteor Deo omnipoténti,
beátæ Mariæ semper Vírgini,
beáto Michaéli Archángelo,
beáto Ioánni Baptístæ,
sanctis Apóstolis Petro et Paulo,
ómnibus Sanctis,
et vobis, fratres:
quia peccávi nimis cogitatióne, verbo et ópere
(percutit sibi pectus ter, dicens:)
mea culpa, mea culpa,
mea máxima culpa.
Ideo precor beátam Maríam semper Vírginem,
beátum Michaélem Archángelum,
beátum Ioánnem Baptístam,
sanctos Apóstolos Petrum et Paulum,
omnes Sanctos, et vos, fratres,
oráre pro me ad Dóminum Deum nostrum. Amen.
P./ Misereátur tui omnípotens Deus,
et dimíssis peccátis tuis,
perdúcat te ad vitam ætérnam.
R./ Amén.
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I Confess to almighty God,
to blessed Mary ever Virgin,
to blessed Michael the Archangel,
to blessed John the Baptist,
to the holy Apostles Peter and Paul,
to all the Saints,
and to you, brothers,
that I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word, and deed,
(Strike your breast three times, saying:)
through my fault, through my fault,
through my most grievous fault.
Therefore, I beseech blessed Mary ever Virgin,
blessed Michael the Archangel,
blessed John the Baptist,
the holy Apostles Peter and Paul,
all the Saints, and you, brothers,
to pray for me to the Lord our God. Amen.
P./ May Almighty God have mercy on you,
forgive you your sins,
and bring you to life everlasting.
R./ Amen.
CREDO (Symbolum Nicaenum)
C redo in unum Deum,
Patrem omnipoténtem,
factorem Coeli et terrae,
visibilium omnium et invisibilium.
Et in unum Dominum Jesum Christum,
Filium Dei unigénitum.
Et ex Patre natum ante omnia saécula.
Déum de Déo, Lumen de Lumine,
Déum vérum de Déo vero.
Geńitum, non factum,
consúbstantiálem Pátri:
per Quém omnia fácta sunt.
Qui própter nós h omines,
et própter nóstram salútem
desceńdit de Coélis.
Et incarnátus est de Spiritú Sáncto
ex Mária Vírgine:
(kneel or bow)
Cru | 6,409 |
V./ Ora pro nobis, Sancta Dei Génetrix.
R./ Ut digni effíciamur promíssionibus Christi.
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H ail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy;
our life, our sweetness, and our hope.
To thee do we cry,
poor banished children of Eve;
to thee do we send up our sighs,
mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.
Turn, then, most gracious Advocate,
thine eyes of mercy towards us;
and after this our exile,
show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
V./ Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R./ That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
SYMBOLUM QUICUMQUE VULT ATHANASIAN CREED Quicúmque vult sálvus esse, anté omnia ópus est, ut teńeat Cathólicam fídem: Quam nísi quísque ińtegram invíolatámque servavérit, ábsque dúbio in aetérnum péribit. Fídes autem Cathólica haéc est: ut únum Déum in Trinitáte, et Trinitátem in unitáte venerémur. Néque confundéntes pérsonas, néque substántiam seperántes. Alia est énim persona Pátris alia Filíi, alia Spiŕitús Sáncti: Sed Pátris, et Fíli, et Spíritus Sáncti una est divinitás, áequális glória, coeteŕna maiéstas. Quális Páter, tális Fílius, tális et Spiritús Sanctus. Increátus Páter, increátus Fílius, increátus et Spíritus Sánctus.
Imménsus Páter, imménsus Fílius, imménsus et Spíritus Sánctus. Aetérnus Páter, aetérnus Filius, aetérnus et Spiritus Sánctus. Et támen non trés aetérni, sed unus aetérnus. Sícut non tres increáti, nec tres imménsi, sed únus increátus, et únus imménsus. Simíliter omnípotens Pater, omnípotens Fílius, omnípotens et Spíritus Sanctus. Et támen non tres omnipoténtes, sed únus Omnipoteńs. Ita Deus Páter, Deus Fílius, Deus et Spiritus Sanctus. Et támen non tres díi, sed únus est Deus. Ita Dominus Pater, Dominus Fílius, Dominus et Spíritus Sánctus. Et támen non tres Domini, sed únus est Dominus.
Quia, sícut singillátim unamquámque Personam Déum ac Dominum confiteri Christiána veritáte compélimur: Ita tres Deos aut tres Dominos dicere Catholica religione pro h ibemur. Páter a nullo est fáctus: nec creátus, nec génitus. Filius a Pátre solo est: non fáctus, nec creátus, sed genitus. Spiritus Sánctus a Pátre et Filio: non factus, nec creátus, nec génitus, sed procédens. Unus ergo Páter, non tres Pátres: únus Filius | 6,410 |
, non tres Filii: ú nus Spiritus Sánctus, non tres Spiritus Sáncti. Et in h ac Trinitáte ni h il prius áut posterius, ni h il máius aút minus: Sed totáe tres personáe coaéternae síbi sunt et coaéquáles. Ita, út per omnia, sícut íam supra díctum est, et únitas in Trinitáte, et Trinitás in únitáte veneránda sít. Qui vult ergo sálvus ésse, íta de Trinitáte séntiat.
Sed necessárium est ad aéternam salútem, ut incarnátionem quóque Dómini nóstri Iesu Chrísti fidéliter crédat.
Est ergo fídes recta út crédamus et confiteámur, quia Dominus nóster Iésus Chrístus, Dei Fílius, Deus páriter et h omo est. Deus est ex substántia Pátris anté sáecula génitus: et h omo est ex substántia mátris in saéculo nátus.
Perféctus Deus, perfectus h omo: ex ánima rationáli et humána carné subsístens.
Aéqualis Pátri secúndum divinitátem: mínor Pátre secúndum h umanitátem. Qui lícet Deus sít et h omo, non dúo támen, sed únus est Chrístus. Unus autem non conveŕsióne divinitátis in cárnem, sed assumptióne humanitátis in Déum. Unus omnino, non confúsióne substántiaé, sed unitáte persónae. Nam sícut ánima rationális et cáro únus est h omo: ita Deus et h omo únus est Chrístus. Qui pássus est pro salúte nóstra: descéndit ad inféros: tértia die resurréxit a mórtuis. Asceńdit ad in Caélos, sédet ad déxteram Dei Pátris omnipoténtis. Indé ventúrus est iudicáre vívos et mórtuos. Ad cuius adveńtum ómnes h omines resúrgere h ábent cum corpoŕibus suis; Et redditúri sunt de fáctis propriís rátionem. Et qui bona égerunt, íbunt in vítam aéternam: qui véro mála, in ignem aéternum. H aec est fídes Cathólica, quam nísi quísque fidéliter fírmitérque credíderit, salvus esse non póterit.
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Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholic Faith. Which Faith except every one do keep whole and undefiled; without doubt he shall perish everlastingly. And the Catholic Faith is this: That we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; Neither confounding the Persons; nor dividing the Essence. For there is one Person of the Father; another of the Son; and another of the Holy Ghost. But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, is all one; the Glory equal, the Majesty coeternal. Such as the Father is; such is the Son; and such is the Holy Ghost. The Father uncreated; the Son uncreated; and the Holy Ghost uncreated. The Father unlimited; the Son unlimited; and the Holy Ghost unlimited. The Father eternal; the Son eternal; and the Holy Ghost eternal. And yet they are not three eternals; but one eternal. As also | 6,411 |
Deus qui per resurréctionem Filíi tui,
Dómini nostri Iesu Chrísti,
muńdum laetificáre dignátus es:
práesta, quaésumus,
ut per éius Genetrícem Vírginem Máriam,
perpétuae capiámus gáudia vitáe.
Per euńdem Christum Dóminum nóstrum.
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Q ueen of Heaven rejoice, alleluia:
For He whom you merited to bear, alleluia,
Has risen as He said, alleluia.
Pray for us to God, alleluia.
V/. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, alleluia.
R/. Because the Lord is truly risen, alleluia.
V/. Let us pray:
O God, who by the Resurrection of Thy Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ,
granted joy to the whole world:
grant we beg Thee,
that through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, His Mother,
we may lay hold of the joys of eternal life.
Through the same Christ our Lord.
V é ni, Sancte Spíritus,
et emítte caélitus
lúcis tuaé rádium.
Veni, páter paúperum,
véni, dátor múnerum
véni, lúmen coŕdium.
Consolátor óptime,
dúlcis h ospes ánimae,
dúlce refrigérium.
In lábore requies,
in aéstu tempéries
in flétu solátium.
O lux beatíssima,
réple coŕdis íntima
tuoŕum fidélium.
Síne tuo númine,
ni h il est in h omine,
ni h il est innóxium.
Láva quod est soŕdidum,
ríga quod est aŕidum,
sána quod est saúcium.
Flécte quod est rígidum,
fóve quod est frígidum,
rége quod est dévium.
Da túis fidélibus,
in te confidéntibus,
sacrum septenaŕium.
Da virtútis méritum,
da salútis éxitum,
da pérenne gaúdium,
Amén, Alleluia.
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C ome, Holy Ghost,
send down those beams,
which sweetly flow in silent streams
from Thy bright throne above
O come, Thou Father of the poor;
O come, Thou source of all our store,
come, fill our hearts with love.
O Thou, of comforters the best,
O Thou, the soul's delightful guest,
the pilgrim's sweet relief.
Rest art Thou in our toil, most sweet
refreshment in the noonday heat;
and solace in | 6,412 |
our grief.
O blessed Light of life Thou art;
fill with Thy light the inmost heart
of those who hope in Thee.
Without Thy Godhead nothing can,
have any price or worth in man,
nothing can harmless be.
Lord, wash our sinful stains away,
refresh from heaven our barren clay,
our wounds and bruises heal.
To Thy sweet yoke our stiff necks bow,
warm with Thy fire our hearts of snow,
our wandering feet recall.
Grant to Thy faithful, dearest Lord,
whose only hope is Thy sure word,
the sevenfold gifts of grace.
Grant us in life Thy grace that we,
in peace may die and ever be,
in joy before Thy face.
Amen. Alleluia.
A nima Christi, sanctífica me.
Corpus Christi, salva me.
Sánguis Christi, inébria me.
Aqua latéris Christi, láva me.
Pássio Christi, confoŕta me.
O bóne Iésu, exaúdi me.
Intra Tua vúlnera abscońde me.
Ne permíttas me separári a Te.
Ab h osté malígno defeńde me.
In h ora moŕtis méae vóca me.
Et iúbe me veńire ad Te,
Ut cum Sánctis Túis laúdem Te
in sáecula saeculórum.
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S oul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
O good Jesus, hear me.
Within Thy wounds, hide me.
Separated from Thee let me never be.
From the malignant enemy, defend me.
At the hour of death, call me.
To come to Thee, bid me,
That I may praise Thee in the company of Thy Saints,
for all eternity.
M emoráre, O piíssima Vírgo María,
non ésse aúditum a saéculo,
quémquám ad tua curréntem praésídia,
tua implorántem áuxília,
tua peteńtem suffrágia, essé derelíctum.
Ego táli animátus confideńtia,
ad te, Vírgo Vírginum, Mater, cúrro,
ad te vénio,
coŕam te gémens péccator assísto.
Nóli, Mater Vérbi, vérba méa despícere;
sed aúdi propítia et exaúdi.
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R emember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,
that never was it known
that anyone who fled to thy protection,
implored thy help,
or sought thy intercession was left unaided by thee.
Inspired with this confidence,
I fly | 6,413 |
: “ Fóderunt mánus méas et pédes méos: dinúmeráverunt ómnia óssa méa. ”
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PRAYER BEFORE A CRUCIFIX En ego, o bone et dulcissime Iesu
B ehold, o kind and most sweet Jesus, I cast myself upon my knees in Thy sight, and with most fervent desire of my soul I pray and beseech Thee that Thou wouldst impress upon my heart lively sentiments of Faith, Hope and Charity, with true contrition for my sins, and a firm purpose of amendment
while with deep affection and grief of soul, I ponder within myself and mentally contemplate Thy five wounds, having before my eyes the words which David the prophet put on Thy lips concerning Thee, O good Jesus: “They have pierced my hands and feet, they have numbered all my bones.”
Prayer To The Blessed Virgin Mary Before Mass
O Máter pietátis et misericoŕdiae, beatíssima Vírgo María, ego míser et indígnus peccator ad te confugio tóto coŕde et afféctu; et précor pietátem túam, ut, sícut dulcíssimo Fílio tuo in Crúce pendénti astitísti, íta et mi h i, mísero peccatóri, et sácerdótibus ómnibus, h ic et in tóta sáncta [Mater] Ecclésia h odie offereńtibus et fidélibus ómnibus sacrosánctum Filií tui Corpóris suméntibus, Cleménter adsístere dignéris, ut, tua grátia adiuti, dígnam et acceptábilem h ostiam
in conspéctu Súmmae et Indivíduae Trinitátis
ófferre valeámus dígne ac frúctuose íllud súmere valeámus.
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Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary before Mass ORATIO AD BEATAM MARIAM VIRGINEM
O Mother of mercy and of love, most blessed Virgin Mary, I, a poor and unworthy sinner, fly to thee
with all my heart and all my affection. I implore thy loving-kindness,
that even as thou didst stand beside thy dear Son as He hung upon the Cross,
so wilt thou also stand by me, a poor sinner, and by all the priests who are offering Mass here today and throughout all Holy [Mother] Church
and beside all thy faithful people receiving the most sacred Body of thy Son.
Grant us, that by thy grace, we may offer a worthy and acceptable sacrifice
in the sight of the Most High and Undivided Trinity
receive it worthily and fruitfully. Amen. Amen.
Prayer Before Communion
D ó mine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei vívi, Qui ex voluntate Patris coóperante Spiritu Sancto, per moŕtem túam múndum vivificásti: libera me per hoc sacrosanctum Corpus et Sanguinem tuum ab ómnibus iniquitátibus meis et univeŕsis mális: et fac me tuis sémper in h aerére mandátis, et a te númquam separári pérmittas. Amén.
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O LORD Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, Who by the will of the Father and with the cooperation of the Holy Ghost
have by Thy death given life unto the world: deliver me by this, Thy most sacred Body and Blood, from all my sins and from every evil. Make me always cleave to Thy commandments and never permit me to be separated from Thee.
P ater aetérne, óffero Tibi Corpus et Sánguinem, ánimam et divinitátem dilectíssimi Filíi Tui, Dómini nostri,
Iésu Christi, in propítiatióne pro peccátis nostris et tótius mundi. P ro dólorosa Eius Passióne, miserére nóbis et tótius mundi.
Sanctus Deus,|
Sanctus Fortis,
Sanctus Immortális,
miserére nobis et tótius múndi. to download this file, right-click on the blue button above that says, "Listen to this Audio File"
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DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET Corona Divinae Misericordiae
E ternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus
Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world F or the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and the whole world. Holy God,
Holy Mighty One,
Holy Immortal One,
have mercy on us and on the whole world.
Before a Meal: B enedíc, Dómine, nos et h aéc tua dóna quae de Tua largeitáte súmus sumptúri. Per Chrístum Dominum nostrum. Amén.
After a Meal: G ratias ágimus Tibi, omnípotens Deus, pro universís beneficíis Tuis, Qui vívis et régnas in sáecula sáeculorum. Amén.
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Before a Meal: B l ess us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
After a Meal: W e give Thee thanks, almighty God, for all Thy benefits; Who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen.
I n princípio érat Vérbum et Vérbum érat apud Deum
et Deus érat Vérbum: hoc érat in princípio ápud Deum.
Omnia per Ipsum facta sunt et síne Ipso fáctum est ni h il quod fáctum est.
In Ipso víta érat et víta érat Lux h ominum et Lux in ténebris lúcet et ténebrae éam non compre h énderunt.
Fúit h omo missus a Deo cui nómen érat Io h annes.
H ic venit in testimónium ut testimónium per h iberet de Lúmine ut ómnes crederent per illum.
Non érat ille Lux sed ut testimónium per h iberet de lúmine. Erat Lux vera, quae ill | 6,415 |
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O ut of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord: Lord, hear my voice.
Let Thy ears be attentive * to the voice of my supplication.
If Thou, O Lord, wilt mark iniquities: Lord, who shall stand it?
For with Thee there is merciful forgiveness: and by reason of thy law, I have waited for Thee, O Lord.
My soul hath relied on His word,
my soul hath hoped in the Lord.
From the morning watch even until night,
let Israel hope in the Lord.
Because with the Lord there is mercy: and with him plentiful redemption.
And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
S á nctus, Sánctus, Sánctus
Dóminus Deus Sábaoth.
Pléni sunt caéli et térra glória tua.
H osánna in excélsis.
Benedíctus qui vénit in nómine Dómini.
H osánna in excélsis. to download this file, right-click on the blue button above that says, "Listen to this Audio File"
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in Microsoft Edge, and save it to your desktop. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY (Thrice Holy)
H oly, Holy, Holy
Lord God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
D omine Iesu, qui ineffabiles Cordis tui dulcédines ac divitias Ecclesiae
Sponsae tuae singulari diléctione aperire dignatus es: concéde nobis famulis tuis, ut gratiis caeléstibus, ex hoc dulcissimo fonte manantibus, ditare et recreari mereamur.
R/. Amén.
V/. Cor Iesu, flagrans amore nostri.
R/. Inflamma cor nostrum amore tui.
O divinum Cor Iesu, praesta, quaesumus, animabus purgantibus requiem
aeternam, morituris gratiam finalem, peccatoribus véram paenitentiam,
paganis fidéi lucem, nobis nostrisque omnibus tuam benedictionem. Tibi ergo, Cor Iesu piissimum, omnes h as
animas commendimus et pro ipsis tibi offérimus omnia mérita sacri Cordis tui.
R/. Amén.
V/. O Sacrum Cor Iesu, Patris voluntati obsequentissimum.
R/. Inclina ad te corda nostra, ut quae placita sunt ei faciamus semper.
Domine Iesu Christe, qui dixisti: Petite et accipiétis; quaérite et
inveniétis; pulsate et aperiétur vobis; quaésumus, da nobis petentibus
divinissimi tui amoris affectum, ut te toto corde, ore et opere
diligamus et a tua numquam laude céssemus.
R/. Amén.
( H ic morare ad Sacrum Cor petendum)
V/. O sacrum Cor Iesu, salutis nostrae sitientissimum.
R/. Revoca nos | 6,416 |
praevaricatores ad Cor, ut non moriamur in peccatis nostris.
Deus, qui nobis, in Corde Filii tui, nostris vulnerato
peccatis, infinitos diléctionis t h esauros misericorditer largiri
dignaris; concéde, quaésumus, ut illi devotum pietatis nostrae praéstantes
obsequium, dignae quoque satisfactionis ex h ibeamus officium. Per eumdem
Christum Dominum nostrum. R/. Amén. to download this file, right-click on the blue button above that says, "Listen to this Audio File"
and choose: "Save Link As..." in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or "Save Target as..."
in Microsoft Edge, and save it to your desktop.
L ord Jesus, Who have deigned to open by Your special love the unutterable
goodness and riches of Your Heart to Your Bride, the Church: grant to us, your servants, that we may merit to be enriched and refreshed by Your heavenly graces, flowing from this sweetest of fountains.
R/. Amen.
V/. Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us.
R/. Set our hearts on fire with love of You.
O Lord Jesus Christ, who have said: Ask and you shall receive, seek and
you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you; mercifully attend to
our supplications, and grant us the gift of Your divine charity, that we may ever love You with our whole heart and with all our words and deeds, and may never cease from praising You.
R/. Amen.
V/. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, most obedient to the will of the Father.
R/. Incline our hearts to You, that we may do always what is pleasing to You.
O divine Heart of Jesus, grant, we pray You, eternal rest to the souls
in purgatory, final grace to those who are about to die, true repentance to
sinners, the light of faith to non-Christians, and Your blessing to us and all
who are dear to us. To You, therefore, we commend all these souls, and in
their behalf we offer unto You all the merits of Your Sacred Heart.
R/. Amen.
(Pause here to make petitions to the Sacred Heart.)
V/. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, thirsting for our salvation.
R/. Recall us sinners to Your Heart, that we may not die in our sins.
Let us pray.
O God, Who deign mercifully to bestow upon us the infinite
treasures of love in the Heart of Your Son, which was wounded for our sins;
grant, we beseech You, that we who pay Him the devout homage of our piety may in like manner show unto You
our due of worthy satisfaction. Through the same Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen.
S ub túum praesídium confúgimus,
Sáncta Dei Génetrix.
Nóstras deprecatiónes ne despícias
in necessitátibus nóstris,
sed a perículis cúnctis líbera nós semper,
Vírgo gloriósa et benedicta!
Divínum auxílium manéat semper nóbiscum!
Amén. to download this file, right-click on the blue button above that says, "Listen to this Audio File"
and choose: "Save Link As..." in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or "Save Target as..."
in Microsoft Edge, and save it to your desktop.
W e fly to thy patronage,
O Holy Mother of God;
despise not our petitions
in our necessities,
but deliver us from all dangers,
O Glorious and Blessed Virgin!
May the Divine assistance remain always with us!
T e Deum laudámus, te Dominum confitémur. | 6,417 |
Te ætérnum Patrem omnis terra venerátur.
Tibi omnes Angeli; tibi cæli et univérsae potestátes.
Tibi Chérubim et Séraphim incessábili voce proclámant:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dóminus Deus Sábaoth.
Pleni sunt cæli et terra majestátis glóriæ Tuæ.
Te gloriósus Apostolórum chorus;
Te Prophetárum laudábilis númerus;
Te Mártyrum candidátus laudat exércitus.
Te per orbem terrárum sancta confitétur Ecclésia
Patrem imménsæ majestátis;
Venerándum Tuum verum et únicum Fílium;
Sanctum quoque Paráclitum Spíritum.
Tu Rex glóriæ, Christe.
Tu Patris sempitérnus es Fílius.
Tu ad liberándum susceptúrus hóminem, non horruísti Vírginis úterum.
Tu, devícto mortis acúleo,
aperuísti credéntibus regna Cælórum.
Tu ad déxteram Dei sedes, in glória Patris.
Judex créderis esse ventúrus.
Te ergo quǽsumus, Tuis fámulis súbveni,
quos pretióso sánguine redemísti.
Ætérna fac cum sanctis Tuis in glória numerári.
Salvum fac pópulum Tuum, Dómine, et bénedic hæreditáti Tuæ.
Et rege eos, et extólle illos usque in ætérnum.
Per síngulos dies benedícimus Te.
Et laudámus Nomen Tuum in sǽculum, et in sǽculum sǽculi.
Dignáre, Dómine, die isto sine peccáto nos custodíre.
Miserére nostri, Dómine, miserére nostri.
Fiat misericórdia Tua, Dómine, super nos, quemádmodum sperávimus in Te.
In Te, Dómine, sperávi; non confúndar in ætérnum.
to download this file, right-click on the blue button above that says, "Listen to this Audio File"
and choose: "Save Link As..." in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or "Save Target as..."
in Microsoft Edge, and save it to your desktop.
THEE, O GOD, WE PRAISE W e praise thee, O God, we acknowledge Thee to be the Lord.
All the earth doth worship Thee the Father everlasting.
To Thee all Angels cry aloud the Heavens, and all the Powers therein.
To Thee Cherubim and Seraphim continually do cry,
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts;
Heaven and earth are full of the Majesty of Thy glory.
The glorious company of the Apostles praise Thee.
The goodly fellowship of the Prophets praise Thee.
The noble army of Martyrs praise Thee.
The holy Church throughout all the world : doth acknowledge Thee;
The Father of an infinite Majesty;
Thine honorable, true and only Son;
Also the Holy Ghost the Comforter.
Thou art the King of Glory O Christ.
Thou art the everlasting Son of the Father.
When Thou tookest upon thee to deliver man : Thou didst not abhor the Virgin's womb.
When Thou hadst overcome the sting of death.
Thou didst open the Kingdom of Heaven to all believers. Thou sittest at the right hand of God in the glory of the Father.
We believe that Thou | 6,418 |
Virolainen Ott Tänak on ralliautoilun uusi maailmanmestari. Toyotan ykköskuljettaja varmisti mestaruutensa sijoittumalla Katalonian MM-rallissa toiseksi ja voittamalla kisan huipentaneen Power Stagen.
Kuusi kilpailua tällä kaudella voittanut Tänak nousi 263 pisteeseen, eikä Kataloniassa ykköseksi ajanut Hyundain Thierry Neuville pysty enää ottamaan häntä kiinni päätösosakilpailussa Australiassa.
32-vuotias Tänak on ensimmäinen virolainen rallimestari, ja hän katkaisi ranskalaisten Sebastien Loebin ja Sebastien Ogierin 15 vuoden mestaruusputken. Loeb oli ykkönen 2004–2012 ja Ogier 2013–2018. Edellisen ei-ranskalaisen tittelin oli vienyt norjalainen Petter Solberg vuonna 2003.
– Vaikea kuvailla tunteita. Kokemani paineet tämän viikonlopun aikana ovat olleet ihan uskomattomia. En ole kokenut koskaan sellaisia, Tänak kertoi heti kisan jälkeen WRC:n haastattelussa.
– Kiitos tiimille, te olette tehneet ihan uskomatonta työtä. Olen tähdännyt tähän koko elämäni. Äitini lähetti viestin eilen, että "jos Ott haluaa jotain, hän pystyy siihen". Minun piti vain toteuttaa se, virolainen myhäili.
Viron suosituimman urheilutähden sopimus Tommi Mäkisen johtamassa tallissa päättyy tähän kauteen, ja hänen sopimustilannettaan on spekuloitu pitkin vuotta. Yleisesti on näyttänyt selvältä, että Tänak jatkaa japanilaistallissa, mutta brittiläinen Autosport kertoi perjantaina, että hän olisi sittenkin siirtymässä Hyundaille ensi kaudeksi.
Sunnuntain tapahtumat ja parhaat palat Kataloniassa voi katsoa tästä artikkelista.
What a journey it has been.. BUT WE DIT IT!
⁰#WRC #Champions #OttTänak #MartinJärveoja #GoOtt #TanakFanArmy⁰
*Subject to the official publication of the results by the FIA. pic.twitter.com/5NmdfdHGWD — Ott Tänak (@OttTanak) 27. lokakuuta 2019
1. Thierry Neuville Hyundai 3.07.39,6
2. Ott Tänak Toyota +17,2
3. Dani Sordo Hyundai +17,6
4. Sebastien Loeb Hyundai +53,9
5. Jari-Matti Latvala Toyota +1.00,2
6. Elfyn Evans Ford +1.14,2
7. Teemu Suninen Ford +1.47,6
8. Sebastien Ogier Citroen +4.20,5
9. Mads Östberg Citroen +8.24,6 (WRC2 Pro)
10. Eric Camilli Citroen +8.47,2 (WRC2)
11. Jan Kopecky Skoda +9.19,3 (WRC2 Pro)
12. Kalle Rovanperä Skoda +9.53,7 (WRC | 6,419 |
Harry Potter and Itinerant Entertainment in Dundas
On May 21st 1858, there appeared in the Dundas True Banner and Wentworth Chronicle, an advertisement. This advertisement would be exciting for readers — especially young readers — today. Why? It announced that Harry Potter was coming to Dundas! And Harry Potter was a magician, known as the original American Wizard! The ad reported that Harry Potter would entertain audiences at the Town Hall the next night. Modern readers would be surprised — and delighted — to read of Harry Potter in a 19th century Dundas newspaper. While this appears to be a coincidence, we want to know more about this performer.
Who was Harry Potter, and why was he in Dundas?
To begin, we need to look at travelling performance in North America in the 1850s. Circuses were popular in this period, but not all rural towns and small urban centres were visited by these
groups. So, travelling performers staged shows in locales overlooked by circuses. These performers relied on curious audiences to keep them on the road. Often they used newspapers to announce their arrival in a new town. These advertisements captured the reader’s interest, while also highlighting the performer’s talents and skills. Harry Potter’s advertisement tells the reader to “look out for fun”. His performance would include “legerdemain (conjuring), sleight-of-hand, ventriloquism, and…Herculean feats.” It appears that Harry Potter wanted to further his professional reputation by visiting Dundas. But what about Harry Potter? Where did this magician learn his tricks?
Magic, or at least performance, appears to have run in the Potter family. Richard Potter was born in 1783 in Massachusetts to a slave named Dinah and Sir Charles Henry Frankland, the plantation owner. By the time he was 10, Potter was in England, working as a cabin boy for a Captain Skinner, who reportedly abandoned him soon after his arrival. Potter then joined a travelling circus, where he met a ventriloquist known as John Rannie. For over a decade, Potter and Rannie performed together throughout Europe and North America. They were known for their live drama, ventriloquism, and displays of magic. On one of their American tours, Potter met and married a free Black woman named Sally Harris. Sally also took part in the duo’s performances. Richard and Sally had three children – Henry, Jeanette, and Richard Jr., all born in the years from 1809 to 1816.
By 1811 Rannie retired, and Potter began his solo career. Potter was the first American-born stage magician and ventriloquist. Most of his performances were in the United States. One of the earliest records of Potter’s one-man show is an advertisement from an 1811 Boston newspaper.
As a result of his stage training and innate skill, Potter quickly achieved fame. By 1813 he charged twenty-five cents for admission, and could earn upwards of $4800 every two weeks. Potter accumulated enough wealth for his family to settle in Andover, and he retired from the touring circuit. Richard Potter passed away on September 20, 1835, leaving behind a professional legacy for one of his children.
It is believed that Richard Potter had a son who also pursued a career in entertainment. The eldest son of Richard and Sally Potter, named Henry, died in an accident at the age of 7. This leaves Richard Jr. as the most likely to have continued his father’s profession. Beyond the advertisement in The True Banner, there is little evidence for the life and career of Harry Potter. Unlike his literary counterpart, this Harry Potter does not seem to have achieved greater fame than his father.
Harry Potter, who visited Dundas in 1858, may have been the son of famed magician and ventriloquist Richard Potter. In the nineteenth-century travelling performers visited urban and rural centres alike, using advertisements to announce their arrival and their talents. Travelling performance defined entertainment in this period, and Dundas was no exception. We found no review of Harry Potter’s performance at Dundas’ Town Hall, but we hope that audiences enjoyed the work of the “original American wizard.”
This post was written by Emily Herron, our Archives Technician, a position made possible by a grant from Young Canada Works in 2015.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada (Youth Employment Strategy) through the Department of Canadian Heritage for the Young Canada Works Program. Nous reconnaissons l’appui financier du gouvernement du Canada (Stratégie emploi jeunesse) par l’entremise du ministère du Patrimoine canadien pour le programme Jeunesse Canada au travail.
Mark Sammons and Valerie | 6,420 |
Aspiring presidential candidates have until August 8 to submit applications and need to physically be in DRC to do so.
Opposition leader Moise Katumbi has lashed out at the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) after being barred from entering the country where he is expected to lodge his papers to participate in December’s long-delayed presidential election.
In a tweet posted on Friday afternoon, he said he would “fight” what he called an attempt to “withdraw from Congolese their right to real elections”.
“The regime prohibits my landing and barricades the border … My crime? Wanting to enter my country and lodge my candidacy,” he said.
The wealthy businessman, who has been living in self-imposed exile since 2016, had originally planned to fly from South Africa to Lubumbashi, the capital of Katanga province.
But the city’s mayor said on Thursday that Katumbi was refused entry, while the public prosecutor’s office said the opposition leader had been charged with “harming the state’s domestic and external security” and would be immediately arrested if he returned.
Katumbi, a former governor of Katanga province, was convicted in absentia in 2016 for alleged real estate fraud. He has also been accused of hiring mercenaries and possessing dual nationality, which is not permitted under DRC law.
He denies all charges and says they serve to block him for participating in the election.
On Friday, Katumbi told AFP news agency that he had arrived in the Zambian Copper Belt city of Ndola and was heading to the border post of Kasumbalesa.
A journalist with the French radio network RFI said he had arrived there. Videos posted online by his aides and others showed him on the Zambian side of the border, greeting hundreds of supporters from his car.
Salomon Della, a special adviser to Katumbi, posted on Twitter that after five hours they were “still blocked at the Zambian border crossing of Kasumbalesa.
“The DRC has become private property where access is prohibited according to the whims of its owner,” the tweet read.
Depuis 5 heures, toujours bloqués au poste frontière zambien de #Kasumbalesa. La #RDC est devenue une propriété privée dont l’accès est interdit au gré des caprices de son propriétaire. BAZO BANGA! pic.twitter.com/StbAziubH6 — Salomon SK Della (@SalomonKalonda) August 3, 2018
The DRC’s border authorities in Kinshasa said they were unable to confirm whether the crossing had been closed.
AFP reported that at least two police checkpoints were set up to screen access to Lubumbashi’s airport on Friday while the main road to Zambia had been blocked by a truck.
In March, 53-year-old Katumbi launched the Ensemble [Together] platform in South Africa to oppose President Joseph Kabila, who has been in power since 2001.
Kabila is technically barred by term limits from standing for re-election after his mandate formally ran out in December 2016. But he has not clearly stated whether he will step aside despite appeals from the international community for him to clearly state that he will not seek re-election.
Bemba’s bid
Aspiring presidential candidates have until August 8 to submit their applications and need to physically be in the DRC in order to do so.
Another rival of Kabila, former rebel leader and former Vice President Jean-Pierre Bemba returned home to DRC on Wednesday, after 11 years in exile and prison. He officially launched his bid for the presidency on Thursday.
Speaking to Al Jazeera, Bemba, 55, said he wants a solution to be found for Katumbi’s situation to prevent tensions from escalating.
“I feel very sorry for Mr Katumbi who they don’t allow to come back to his own country,” he told Al Jazeera’s Catherine Soi in the capital, Kinshasa.
“Everybody should be able to participate in the election. Exclusion is not good for a country and for the unity of the country.”
In June, the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, overturned a war crimes conviction of Bemba, ruling that he could not be held responsible for atrocities carried out by troops under his control in the neighbouring Central African Republic.
Upon returning to the DRC on Wednesday, Bemba was greeted by thousands | 6,421 |
bte scharfe Kritik an der republikanischen Kandidatin Marsha Blackburn, die bisher für die Partei von US-Präsident Donald Trump im Repräsentantenhaus sitzt und nun für den Senat kandidiert. Obwohl sie in der Vergangenheit bevorzugt für Frauen gestimmt habe und dies auch weiter tun wolle, könne sie Blackburn "nicht unterstützen", schrieb Swift an ihre 112 Millionen Fans bei Instagram.
Blackburn habe gegen gleiche Entlohnung für Frauen und gegen ein Bundesgesetz zum Schutz von Frauen vor Gewalt gestimmt, begründete die Sängerin ihre Entscheidung. Swift hatte im vergangenen Jahr einen Prozess gegen einen ehemaligen Radio-DJ gewonnen, dem sie sexuelle Belästigung vorgeworfen hatte.
Montag, 8. Oktober, 6.42 Uhr: Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong Un sieht Fortschritte in den Gesprächen mit den USA und hofft auf ein baldiges, zweites Gipfeltreffen mit US-Präsident Donald Trump. Details sollen auf der Ebene von Regierungsbeamten ausgehandelt werden, zitierte die amtliche Nachrichtenagentur KCNA am Montag den Machthaber von seinen Gesprächen mit US-Außenminister Mike Pompeo am Vortag in Pjöngjang. Er zeigte sich überzeugt, dass „früher oder später“ ein „gutes Programm“ für den zweiten Gipfel vorliegen werde.
Der US-Außenminister unterrichtete am Sonntag in Seoul Südkoreas Präsidenten Moon Jae In und wollte am Montag nach Peking weiterreisen, um auch die chinesische Regierung über seine „guten, produktiven Gespräche“ in Pjöngjang zu informieren. Dabei hat Kim nach Angaben des US-Außenministeriums auch ausländische Inspekteure zum Atomtestgelände Punggye-Ri eingeladen, um zu überprüfen, dass das Gelände im Mai wirklich „unumkehrbar unbrauchbar“ gemacht worden ist.
Die Trump-News vom Sonntag, 7. Oktober:
12.47 Uhr: Die Wahl seines umstrittenen Kandidaten ist noch nicht lange her und Trump lässt es sich nicht nehmen, seine Meinung auf Twitter zu verkünden, beziehungsweise über die Demokraten herzuziehen. So schreibt er auf Twitter, dass man einem Brandstifter ja auch keine Streichhölzer gebe, weshalb man auch diesem „wütendem linken Mob keine Macht geben sollte“. Die Demokraten seien zu extrem und zu gefährlich geworden, um regieren zu können. Deswegen sollten nun alle die Republikaner wählen.
You don’t hand matches to an arsonist, and you don’t give power to an angry left-wing mob. Democrats have become too EXTREME and TOO DANGEROUS to govern. Republicans believe in the rule of law - not the rule of the mob. VOTE REPUBLICAN! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 7. Oktober 2018
Von eigenen Fehlern der Republikaner spricht der Präsident nicht. Auch dass das Land gespalten ist, wird nicht weiter von ihm erwähnt, die Demonstranten ignoriert. Die italienische Zeitung „La Repubblica“ kom | 6,422 |
mentierte den Sieg wie folgt: „Donald Trump hat gewonnen, er platziert seinen Kandidaten am Supreme Court, den ultrakonservativen Richter Brett Kavanaugh. Den klarsten Kommentar dazu formuliert die republikanische Senatorin, deren Stimme für den Richter entscheidend war. „Wir haben den Boden berührt“, sagt Susan Collins. „Die Debatte über diese Nominierung war die Karikatur eines Wahlkampfs.“ Es ist eine Analyse, die jeder teilt, von rechts und von links, auch aus gegensätzlichen Gründen. Amerika zieht aus dieser Schlacht zerrissener denn je hervor. Das Vertrauen in eine der angesehensten Institutionen - den Obersten Gerichtshof - ist an einem historischen Tiefpunkt angelangt.“
+ Donald Trump feiert seinen Sieg zur Wahl Brett Kavanaughs. © dpa / Charlie Riedel
Trump jubelt nach Kavanaugh-Wahl
Meldung vom 6. Oktober, 22.43 Uhr: US-Präsident Donald Trump hat hoch erfreut auf die Bestätigung seines umstrittenen Supreme-Court-Kandidaten Brett Kavanaugh durch den Senat reagiert. „Ich applaudiere dem US-Senat und beglückwünsche ihn zu der Berufung unseres GROßARTIGEN KANDIDATEN, Richter Brett Kavanaugh, an den US Supreme Court“, schrieb Trump am Samstag bei Twitter. Er werde noch im Laufe des Tages die Ernennungsurkunde unterschreiben, und Kavanaugh werde noch im Laufe des Tages seinen Amtseid leisten. „Sehr aufregend!“, schrieb Trump weiter.
I applaud and congratulate the U.S. Senate for confirming our GREAT NOMINEE, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, to the United States Supreme Court. Later today, I will sign his Commission of Appointment, and he will be officially sworn in. Very exciting! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 6. Oktober 2018
Hauchdünne Mehrheit für Brett Kavanaugh im Senat - innenpolitischer Sieg für Trump
22.03 Uhr: Sieg für Präsident Donald Trump: Der Senat bestätigte den erzkonservativen Kandidaten von Präsident Donald Trump am Samstag mit knapper Mehrheit. Bei der entscheidenden Abstimmung erhielt er eine hauchdünne Mehrheit von 50 zu 48 Stimmen.
Das Ergebnis ist ein großer innenpolitischer Sieg für Trump. Welches der beiden politischen Lager von Verlauf und Ausgang des Streits um Kavanaugh mehr profitieren könnte, ist aber umstritten. Viel hängt nach Einschätzung amerikanischer Kommentatoren davon ab, welche Wählerschaft stärker mobilisiert wird.
Der demokratische Fraktionschef Chuck Schumer appellierte am Samstag an die Gegner Kavanaughs, die Republikaner bei den Kongresswahlen am 6. November abzustrafen. Die Nominierung von Kavanaugh sei einer der „traurigsten Momente“ in der Geschichte des Senats, sagte Schumer.
Der republikanische Mehrheitsführer Mitch McConnell erklärte dagegen, Kavanaugh gehöre zu dem Besten, was Amerika zu bieten habe.
Heftige Proteste vor der Kavanaugh-Abstimmung vor dem Kapitol und im Plenarsaal
22 Uhr: Das finale Votum des US-Senats über die Berufung des umstrittenen Supreme-Court-Kandidaten Brett Kavanaugh ist von heftigen Protesten begleitet worden. Der Vize-Präsident Mike Pence musste am Samstag während der Abstimmung mehrfach Ordnungs | 6,423 |
izausschuss des Senats vor wenigen Tagen zu den Missbrauchsvorwürfen „zu emotional“ gewesen zu sein. Seine Aussagen hätten seinen überwältigenden Frust gespiegelt, weil er fälschlich angeklagt worden sei, für ein schreckliches Verhalten, das vollständig im Gegensatz zu seinem Charakter sei, schrieb er. „Mein Statement und meine Antworten haben auch meine tiefe Qual über die Ungerechtigkeit widergespiegelt, wie mit den Vorwürfen umgegangen wurde.“
Proteste gegen Trump-Kandidat Kavanaugh: Model und Schauspielerin verhaftet
Freitag, 5. Oktober, 6.20 Uhr: Bei Protesten gegen die Berufung des Kandidaten Brett Kavanaugh an das Oberste US-Gericht sind in der Hauptstadt Washington auch die US-Schauspielerin und Stand-up-Comedian Amy Schumer sowie das bekannte Model Emily Ratajkowski festgenommen worden. Das zeigten unter anderem Aufnahmen des Senders NBC vom Donnerstag (Ortszeit). Insgesamt nahm die Polizei demnach 302 Menschen fest. Ihnen wurde vorgeworfen, innerhalb eines Senats-Bürogebäudes illegal demonstriert zu haben.
+ Kirsten Gillibrand (l), US-Senatorin, spricht neben dem Model Emily Ratajkowski (2.v.r) und der Schauspielerin Amy Schumer (r) während einer Kundgebung gegen die Ernennung des Kandidaten Kavanaugh an den obersten Gerichtshof. © dpa / Manuel Balce Ceneta
Auf in sozialen Netzwerken veröffentlichten Videos ist zu sehen, wie ein Polizist Schumer fragte, ob sie festgenommen werden wolle. Sie antwortete: „Ja“. Ratajkowski schrieb auf Twitter, sie sei festgenommen worden.
Today I was arrested protesting the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, a man who has been accused by multiple women of sexual assault. Men who hurt women can no longer be placed in positions of power. pic.twitter.com/nnwq1O4qk3 — Emily Ratajkowski (@emrata) 4. Oktober 2018
Mehrere Frauen werfen Kavanaugh sexuelle Übergriffe während dessen Schul- und Studienzeit vor. Kavanaugh bestreitet all diese Anschuldigungen vehement. Im Zentrum steht der Vorwurf der Psychologie-Professorin Christine Blasey Ford, die angibt, Kavanaugh habe bei einer Schülerparty in den 80er Jahren versucht, sie zu vergewaltigen.
Am Freitag muss der Senat zunächst über einen Antrag der Republikaner abstimmen, die Senatsdebatte zu der Personalie zeitlich zu begrenzen. Sollte dieser eine Mehrheit bekommen, könnte am Samstag die finale Abstimmung im Senat zur Berufung Kavanaughs folgen.
Donald Trump: Neuigkeiten und Meldungen vom 4. Oktober
21.16 Uhr: Tausende Menschen haben in Washington gegen die mögliche Ernennung des wegen mutmaßlicher sexueller Angriffe umstrittenen Juristen Brett Kavanaugh zum obersten US-Richter demonstriert. "Glaubt den Überlebenden" und "Verratet nicht die Frauen, stimmt mit Nein", forderten die Teilnehmer der Kundgebung am Donnerstag auf Plakaten. Zu der Demonstration vor dem Sitz des Obersten Gerichts hatten feministische Organisationen und Bürgerrechtsverbände aufgerufen. | 6,424 |
iii. Seleucid and Parthian
Seleucid period. Very few monuments from this period have been discovered in Iran, and probably none from the time of Alexander the Great, though it has been argued by H. Luschey that the long known life-size stone lion of Hamadān was erected by Alexander as a cenotaph for his friend Hephaiston, who died suddenly at the games held in Ecbatana in 324 B.C. (AMI, N.F. 1, 1968, pp. 115ff.). The only other monument which could perhaps be attributed to the Alexandrian period is the town of Ai Khanum (Āy Ḵānom) in modern Afghanistan. P. Bernard, who excavated the site from 1964, does not rule out this possibility, though he is more inclined to date the foundation of the town from the reign of Seleucus I (312-28l B.C.) (Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, 1971, pp. 450f.; MDAFA 21, 1973; Comptes Rendus, 1975, pp. 167ff.). The famous capital of this Greco-Bactrian kingdom, Bactra, modern Balḵ, might also date to Alexander, however, the few excavations carried out there have produced no evidence concerning the Hellenistic period, and no firm conclusions can be drawn (A. Foucher, MDAFA 1, 1942, pp. 98ff.; J.-C. Gardin, MDAFA 15, 1957).
Failaka (Faylaka), Persian Gulf: In 1958-60, in the Saʿd wa Saʿīd tall at the southwestern end of Failaka island the Danish archeologists discovered a fortified settlement (a military camp?) and a small temple with antae. The plan and ornamentation (Ionian capitals, acroteria with palmettes) are Greek, and an inscription makes it clear that the site was built on in 239 B.C. In addition two Doric capitals were found, which the archeologists believe belong to a second temple that has not yet been unearthed. (See E. Albrectsen, KUML, 1958 [1959], pp. 186ff.; O. Mørkholm, KUML, 1960, pp. 205ff.; E. Albrectsen, Illustrated London News 27, August, 1960, p. 351; Huitième Congrès International d’Archéologie Classique Paris 1963, 1965, p. 541; G. Bibby, Looking for Dilmun, New York, 1970, pp. 239ff., 329ff.; L. Hannestad in Arabie orientale, Mésopotamie et Iran méridional de l’âge de fer au début de la période islamique. Réunion de travail, Maison de l’Orient, Mémoire, Lyon, 1982, no. 37, pp. 59ff.)
Bīsotūn, Kermānšāh: The Hercules relief in Bīsotūn has a Greek inscription dating it to 148 B.C. It has been known for several years (ʿA. Ḥākemī, Maǰalla-ye Bāstān-šenāsī 3-4, 1958, pp. 3ff.; L. Robert, Gnomon 30, 1963, p. 76; W. Kleiss, AMI, N.F. 3, 1970, pp. 144-46; H. Luschey, Archäologischer Anzeiger, 1974, pp. 114ff.).
The majority of the following discoveries or sites can only be roughly dated within the Seleucid period. Some may even belong to the Parthian period.
Nehāvand, Lorestān: In 1946 a marble stele with two Greek inscriptions was found on the edge of the town. This suggests that the modern Nehāvand is identical with the town known in the Seleucid period as Laodikeia. Numerous bronze statuettes were also discovered on the same site, and a small circular stone altar (height 1 m) came to light near the marble stele. R. Ghirshman (Hellenica 7, 1949, p. 21) reported that, according to local inhabitants there had been six columns standing there some fifty years previously. The finds must therefore have belonged to one or more temples and presumably date back to the end of the 3rd or the beginning of the 2nd century B.C. (See L. Robert, Hellen | 6,425 |
ica 7, 1949, pp. 5ff.; L. Vanden Berghe, Archéologie de l’Iran ancien, Leiden, 1959, pp. 90-91; R. Ghirshman, Iran: Parthians and Sassanians, London, 1962, p. l8).
Dīnavar, Kermānšāh: Here were found fragments of a stone vessel adorned with the heads of satyrs, silenes and maenads; date perhaps 3rd century B.C. (Vanden Berghe, op. cit., p. 110; R. Ghirshman, op. cit., p. 18; H. von Gall, AMI, N.F. 4, 1971, p. 195).
Dokkān-Dāʾūd, Kurdistan: The relief beneath the well-known rock-cut tomb (Achaemenid?) may belong to the Seleucid period (G. Hüsing, Der Alte Orient, 9/3-4, 1908, p. 15; N. C. Debevoise, JNES 1, 1942, p. 88; H. von Gall, Archäologischer Anzeiger, 1966, pp. 25, 33ff.; idem, AMI, N.F. 5, 1972, pp. 277ff., and in F. Bagherzadeh, ed., Proceedings of the Second Annual Symposium on Archaeological Research in Iran 1973, Tehran, 1974, pp. 139ff.).
Sakāvand, Kurdistan: There are three rock-cut tombs, one of which is decorated with a relief. Here again the question arises whether the relief goes back to the Seleucid period as Vanden Berghe surmises, or to the Achaemenid period, as von Gall argues. (H. von Gall, Archäologischer Anzeiger, 1966, p. 29; L. Vanden Berghe, On the Track of the Civilizations of Ancient Iran (Memo from Belgium, No. 104-105, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1968), p. 24; G. Gropp, AMI, N.F. 3, 1970, p. 175; H. von Gall, AMI, N.F. 5, 1972, pp. 277ff., and in Bagherzadeh, op. cit., pp. 141ff.).
Karaftū, Kurdistan: A cave used for cultic rituals and containing a Greek inscription dedicated to Hercules was discovered here in 1819 by R. Ker Porter. Opinions differ as to whether this inscription dates from the end of the 4th, or the beginning of the 3rd century B.C., or later. W. Kleiss also mentions the remains of a Parthian settlement. (A. Stein, Old Routes of Western Iran, London, 1940, pp. 324ff.; C. Hopkins, Ars Islamica 9, 1942, p. 220; W. Kleiss, AMI, N.F. 6, 1973, p. 187 [map]; H. von Gall, AMI 11, 1978, pp. 91ff.; P. Bernard, Studia Iranica 9, 1980, pp. 301 ff.).
Persepolis, Fārs: The well-known Frātadāra temple occupies an extensive site below the palace terrace at Persopolis. The precise purpose of the site as a whole and the relationship between the individual areas within it are not clear; only one small structure can be identified with any certainty as a shrine. The dating is disputed; my own opinion is that it dates from the period after 300 B.C. (ca. 280). According to recent investigations by Italian archeologists (1973-74) the site was laid out as early as the Achaemenid period and brought back into use in the Seleucid era and again later by the Frātadāra rulers. (See K. Schippmann, Die iranischen Feuerheiligtümer, Berlin and New York, 1971, pp. 177ff.; R. Ghirshman, Terrasses sacrées de Bard-è Néchandeh etMasjid i Solaiman I (MDAI 45), Paris, l976 pp. 200ff.; Boyce, Zoroastrianism II, p. 226).
Istakhr (Eṣṭaḵr), Fārs: Here a few portals, columns and the remains of bases have come to light. Whether they date from the Seleucid period is not certain, nor do we know their exact purpose. (Schippmann, op. cit., pp. 200ff.; F. D. Whitecomb, AMI, Enganzüngsb. 6, 1979, pp. | 6,426 |
164) which Mithridates I destroyed when he reconquered Elymais. In that case the well-known life-size bronze figure of a Parthian prince would be a work of the Hellenistic period. On the other hand H. von Gall (Istanbuler Mitteilungen 19-20, 1969-70, p. 304) dates this bronze from Šamī back to the second half of the 1st century B.C. and maintains that the temple could have been rebuilt after being razed by Mithridates. The precise function of the temple (a fire shrine?) is also a matter for speculation. (H. Seyrig, Syria 20, 1939, pp. 177ff.; Schippmann, Feuerheiligtümer, pp. 227ff.).
Baḵtīārī mountains: One alabaster torso of a female Greek divinity was discovered here (Ghirshman, Iran, p. 22).
Hecatompylos, Khorasan: Although this town is mainly known as one of the Parthian capitals, Appian (Syriaca 57) reports that Hecatompylos was founded by Seleucus I (312-281 B.C.). It is probably identical with the ruins of Shahr-i Qumis (Šahr-e Qūmes), some 32 km to the west of Dāmḡān in Khorasan. Excavations have been carried out here since 1967 under the direction of D. Stronach and J. Hansmann. They have of course been mainly interested in the Parthian remains, but evidence of a Hellenistic settlement has also come to light. (J. Hansmann, JRAS, 1968, pp. 111ff.; J. Hansmann and D. Stronach, JRAS, 1970, pp. 29ff. and in JRAS, 1974, pp. 8ff. On the Seleucid period see also L. Vanden Berghe and E. Haerinck, Bibliographie analytique de l’archéologie de l’Iran ancien, Leiden, 1979; Supplément 1: 1978-l980, Leiden, 1981.).
Parthian Period. There are considerably more monuments dating from this epoch than from the Seleucid period, perhaps because there has been greater interest in the Parthians in recent years. Through the numerous digs in the Soviet Union, especially in the Parthian capital Nisa, a fairly clear picture of this epoch has been recovered (see G. Frumkin, Archaeology in Soviet Central Asia, 1970; T. N. Zadneprovskaya, “Bibliographie de travaux soviétiques sur les Parthes,” Stud. Ir. 5, 1975, pp. 243ff.; E. Haerinck, La céramique en Iran pendant la période parthe [ca. 250 av. J.C. à ca. 225 après J.C.]. Typologie, chronologie et distribution, Gent, 1983; most Parthian sites in Iran are treated in this work). Most of the Parthian monuments currently known to us in Iran are to be found in the provinces of Kurdistan and Ḵūzestān. For the latter region the designation “Parthian” should be used with caution or qualification, for the areas of Susiana with Susa, and particularly Elymais, with the Baḵtīārī mountains, were ruled, from about 45 B.C., by Elymaid kings (their rule must have lasted at least until A.D. 200, see Le Rider, MDAI 38, 1965, pp. 426ff.). It may be the case therefore that certain finds, above all in what was ancient Elymais, might better be described as “Elymaid” sites or monuments (see also L. Vanden Berghe and K. Schippmann, Les reliefs rupestres d’Elymaïde à l’époque parthe, Louvain, 1985).
Susa, Ḵūzestān: On the tell known as the “ville des artisans” a Seleucid/Parthian necropolis was discovered in 1947-48 (R. Ghirshman, RA 46, 1952, pp. 12ff.). On the “Acropolis” tell the dig of 1950-51 uncovered a layer containing evidence of a Parthian settlement and found a large amount of Parthian pottery. This Parthian settlement was destroyed, perhaps by Ardašīr I (ibid., pp. 9f.). To the last phase of this | 6,427 |
p. 132). Hamadān: Near the well-known stone lion, a Parthian graveyard dated to the first century B.C.—first century A.D. was uncovered by an Iranian team in 1974 (M. Azarnoush, Iran l3, 1975, pp. 181ff. and idem in Bagherzadeh, op. cit., [Persian section], pp. 51ff ; idem, in AMI, Ergänzungsb. 6, 1979, pp. 281ff.) Nūrābād, Fārs: The dating and purpose of this long-known tower site are debated: some believe it to be Parthian, others Sasanian (Schippmann, Feuerheiligtümer, pp. 153ff.; D. Huff, AMI, N.F. 8, 1975, pp. 187ff.; W. Kleiss, AMI, N.F. 5, 1972, pp. 199ff.). Ḵārg Island, Persian Gulf: The two “Palmyrene” rock graves belong, in E. Haerinck’s view, to the Parthian period, that is, to the 2nd or 3rd century A.D. (E. Haerinck, Iranica Antiqua 11, 1975, pp. 134ff.). Ray: During the excavations of 1934-36, a Parthian temple was found by E. Schmidt; he and his colleagues ascribed it to a period ranging from the first century B.C. to the first century A.D., on the basis of coins found on the site (Schippmann, Feuerheiligtümer, p. 400). Taḵt-e Solaymān, Azerbaijan: On this long-familiar site with its extensive Sasanian ruins (temple and palace), intensive excavations have discovered no substantial traces of a Parthian settlement (see D. Huff, Archäologischer Anzeiger, 1975, pp. 140, 168); the commonly held opinion that Taḵt-e Solaymān is identical with the Parthian city of Phraaspa (Phraata) is therefore no longer tenable (Schippmann, op. cit., pp. 309ff.; R. Naumann, D. Huff, and R. Schnyder, Archäologischer Anzeiger, 1975, pp. 109ff.; H. H. von der Osten and R. Naumann, Takht-i Sulaiman, Berlin, 1967; and more recently D. Huff, Iran 16, 1978, pp. 194f., and 17, 1979, p.153; W. Kleiss, Archäologischer Anzeiger, 1979, pp. 605-06; R. Naumann, AMI, Ergänzungsb. 6, 1979, pp. xxiff.). Garmī, Azerbaijan: 120 km northeast of Ardabīl; in 1965 a large Parthian necropolis was discovered here by Kāmbaḵš-Fard. It probably dates to the first century A.D. (Barrasīhā-ye tārīḵī, 1346 Š./1967, pp. 4ff.). Qaḷʿa Żoḥḥāk, Azerbaijan: On the railway line from Marāḡa to Mīāna are fairly extensive sites dating back to various periods. The best preserved building is a pavilion-like structure which, according to W. Kleiss, belongs to the Parthian period (Schippmann, Feuerheiligtümer, pp. 424ff.; W. Kleiss, AMI, N.F. 6, 1973, pp. 163 ff.). Daylamān and Gīlān: A Japanese expedition carried out various surveys and subsequent digs from 1960 onwards. As a result three Parthian necropolises were discovered—in Nowrūzmaḥalla, Ḵorramrūd and Ḥasanīmaḥalla (N. Egami, S. Fukai and S. Masuda, Dailaman II, Tokyo University Iraq-Iran Achaeological Expedition Report 7, Tokyo, 1960; T. Sono and S. Fukai, Dailaman III, Tokyo, 1968). Šāh-pīr, Gīlān: A site in the Ḥalīmaǰān valley; here in 1976 a Parthian necropolis was discovered by S. Fukai (3rd-1st century B.C.). (Exposition des dernières découvertes archéologiques 1975-76 (catalogue), 5ième Symposium annuel de la recher | 6,428 |
SAOCOM 1A – the Argentinian Earth observation satellite – has shipped to Vandenberg Air Force Base ahead of launch aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9. The mission will be the first on the west coast to see a Falcon 9 first stage perform an RTLS (Return to Launch Site) recovery.
SAOCOM (Satélite Argentino de Observación COn Microondas) is a mission by the Argentine Space Agency CONAE. Initially, two nearly identical spacecraft named SAOCOM 1A and SAOCOM 1B are set to be launched. 1A will launch first with 1B launching approximately a year later.
The purpose of the mission is to use Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to perform Earth observations with the primary goal of mitigating the effects of natural disasters.
El Antonov 124 es este avión que ves en el video. Parte mañana 1 de agosto a las 7.30 de la mañana llevando al #SAOCOM a California, a la Base Vanderberg, donde se ultimarán detalles previo a su lanzamiento en unas semanas. pic.twitter.com/1GQ9uyeFU1 — Ministerio Ciencia (@Min_Ciencia) July 31, 2018
On August 1st, SAOCOM 1A shipped from Argentina to Vandenberg Air Force Base ahead of the first launch – tentatively scheduled for mid-September.
NASASpaceflight.com interviewed Sonia Botta, a thermal control systems engineer at the University of La Plata. According to Botta, the University works “as a subcontractor for the Argentine Space Agency (CONAE).”
“For the SAOCOM satellite, we are working with [CONAE] on the thermal analysis and thermal design of the SAR antenna – the huge rectangular antenna which SAOCOM has. It is the main instrument.”
One of the unique aspects of the SAOCOM spacecraft is that the SAR antennas operate in L-band as opposed to the more traditional X-band. A challenge with L-band is that the temperature has to be evenly distributed across the antenna for the instrument to function correctly.
As Botta explained, “You need to be really precise. L-band is a frequency that is hard to work from space and that makes this special. The antenna has been tested for flatness in the most extreme conditions in space.”
In terms of how the spacecraft manages its temperature, “almost everything works with passive control systems. There are multilayer insulation blankets. Then, you have paint thermal coatings.”
“You will see that the radar is white on one side and on the other side everything is insulated. What you get from this is that you don’t lose heat in an unbalanced way. You are absorbing heat from one side and losing heat from one side, but in the most uniform way possible.”
Active heating is also used to keep the electronics warm as SAR can perform observations in both day and night. However, the active systems have to be efficient in order to allow the science to continue. According to Botta, “you always want to give them the least power necessary, because otherwise you need bigger solar panels or a bigger battery and that’s weight that you are losing for instruments.”
“It is really a balance between radiating heat in the hot conditions and keeping warm in the cold conditions.”
By using L-band instead of X-band, SAOCOM will be better equipped to conduct science on larger objects. X-band, on the other hand, is better suited for analyzing fine details.
Through a collaboration between CONAE and the Italian Space Agency, data from both X-band and L-band satellites will be utilized to perform science. The partnership – called SIASGE (Sistema Italo Argentino de Satélites para la Gestión de Emergencias) – is an agreement between the two space agencies to work together for emergency management by utilizing the Italian COSMO-SkyMed constellation and the Argentinian SAOCOM constellation.
COSMO-SkyMed is a constellation of four X-band SAR satellites which were launched on separate Delta II missions between 2007 and 2010.
In addition to leveraging two bands, the partnership will also increase the frequency of data collection due to the larger amount of satellites.
Argentina has been working on their portion of the partnership for over a decade.
Therefore, Botta explained that as the launch nears there is “a lot of hype because it is a really big satellite compared to other satellites that we have launched. It is also a satellite which we have been developing for a very long time. A lot of people | 6,429 |
Two clubs however went in the opposite direction and generated profits through player sales: Arsenal and Monaco. The Gunners gained ai??i??23 million over a two year period or ai??i??11,5 million per annum. Monacoai??i??s profit is only a fraction of Arsenalai??i??s at ai??i??2 million but itai??i??s a profit nonetheless.
Post Takeover
All but one club has increased its revenues after a takeover. Ligue 1ai??i??s Paris Saint-Germain leads the pack with an increase of 120% (ai??i??222 million; ai??i??101 million), Chelsea FC 65% (ai??i??221 million; ai??i??134,1 million), Manchester City 63% (ai??i??169,6 million; ai??i??104 million), Manchester United 32% (ai??i??324,8 million; ai??i??246,4 million), Aston Villa 18% (ai??i??99,3 million; ai??i??84,4 million), Arsenal 16% (ai??i??290,3 million; ai??i??251,1 million) and Liverpool whose turnover only grew an underwhelming 4% (ai??i??233,2 million; ai??i??225,3 million).
One canai??i??t help but wonder how Paris Saint-Germain, Chelsea and Manchester City achieved their miraculous increase when even Manchester United revenue ai???onlyai??i?? gained 32% over a 3 year period.
Still, not every takeover can be a success. Liverpool and Newcastle United have actually worse statistics after their takeover, particularly the Reds have disappointed. Since FSG took control of Liverpool the club has not peaked higher than 6th place and accumulated 18 points less on average. The Reds underperformance is quite irritating, especially since Liverpool has increased its net expenditure over 43% (on top of what the club was already spending before) in comparison to the 3 years prior to the takeover.
The Reds decline can actually be attributed to a series of bad decisions courtesy of their new administration. First FSG’s naivety in their conviction that their sabremetrics-based success in Baseball could be replicated in a Football arena. Buying Andy Carroll for a reported ai??i??40 million after half a solid season at Newcastle wasn’t so much a letter of intent but a grandiose miscalculation. Liverpool’s new owners also made a mistake when they hired Kenny Dalgish on a permanent basis. The Scottish manager, though a certified Kop hero, hadn’t worked in that capacity for more than a decade when he was installed in the Liverpool dugout. Entrusting him to oversee the Reds transformation would’ve been adventurous even under optimal conditions.
Newcastle United performed even worse under the ownership of Mike Ashley. The Magpies were relegated a year after he bought the club which explains why the clubs transfer policy was designed to be self-sustainable from then on. Except for his first year in charge of the club he didnai??i??t make any extra funds available, the club actually generated ai??i??20,5 million in profits from player sales. The Geordies are also the only club whose revenues declinedAi??ai??i??98 million (-24%).
Somewhere in between the two extremes are Arsenal and Aston Villa who haven’t really improved upon their previous benchmarks in the league table but not underperformed either. The Villans couldnai??i??t peak higher than 6th place (-). But the Gunners non-improvement is the real head-scratcher here. On top of being unable to improve their league standings and their point haul, the London-based club new hierarchy failed to provide additional funds besides the revenues generated through player sales.
Nominally, Arsenal did spend a lot more than in previous years, 239% (ai??i??123,2 million) than in the previous period (ai??i??37,5 million) but the Gunners revenues also ballooned 133% to ai??i??136,7 million, meaning the clubs increased outlay was covered by player sales as opposed to fresh investments.
Destination: Europe
These are the clubs that have managed to qualify for the Champions League or maintained a place for Europeai??i??s most prestigious club competition after change of ownership. Except Arsenal and Manchester United and to a lesser extent Malaga, the rest has spent obscene amounts of money to accomplish that. However, one has to consider the circumstances on a case by case basis.
Arsenal averaged around 72 points per season before and after the takeover which all but guarantees the qualification for the Champions League thus also preventing an impetus to heavily invest in squad recruitment. Why | 6,430 |
Nytt lavmål av NRK banet vei for ensidig demonisering av Israel. Mina Adampour vil ikke se Gal Gadot (bildet) i Wonder Woman, men det vil Elling Borgersrud selv om han kaller henne “Gale Gadot”.
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NRK Ukeslutt sendte lørdag 17. juni en debatt mellom samfunnsdebattanten Mina Adampour og Elling Borgersrud fra den venstreradikale rap-gruppen Gatas Parlament.
NRK lot Adampour komme med en rekke sterke anklager mot Israel og mot Gal Gadot, skuespilleren i den kinoaktuelle filmen Wonder Woman. Vær Varsom-plakaten sier at «de som utsettes for sterke beskyldninger skal så vidt mulig ha adgang til samtidig imøtegåelse av faktiske opplysninger». En slik mulighet ga NRK ikke, for også debattmotstander Borgersrud ønsker boikott av Israel. Han gikk ikke imot en eneste av anklagene fra Adampour, men mente likevel at man burde kunne se Wonder Woman på kino siden filmen «ikke er et israelsk produkt, men et helt vanlig Hollywood-produkt».
Adampour mener Gadot har ytret seg i et «svært inhumant ordelag overfor de palestinske ofrene for Gaza-invasjonen i 2014».
Under krigen mellom Israel og de islamistiske terrororganisasjonene på Gaza-stripen sommeren 2014 skrev Gadot på sin offisielle Facebook-side:
“I am sending my love and prayers to my fellow Israeli citizens. Especially to all the boys and girls who are risking their lives protecting my country against the horrific acts conducted by Hamas, who are hiding like cowards behind women and children…We shall overcome!!! Shabbat Shalom! #weareright #freegazafromhamas #stopterror #coexistance #loveidf”
Da Adampour gjenga første del av sitatet hos NRK, utelot hun «guttene og jentene som risikerer sine liv i å beskytte mitt land», men kritiserte Gadot for å anklage Hamas for å bruke kvinner og barn som menneskelige skjold. Adampour hevdet at ulike internasjonale og israelske grupper har «dokumentert» at det er Israel som bruker menneskelige skjold.
– Dette nevner hun [Gadot] ikke. Tvert imot prøver hun å framstille det som om det er den parten som har gjort motstand som har gjort dette. Gadot sier til verdens befolkning at sannheten er det motsatte av det den faktisk er, sa Adampour.
Det var på dette punktet NRKs programleder avbrøt og sa: «Nå kan det være at noen av våre lyttere ikke boikotter i det hele tatt, og ikke skjønner den interne boikottkonflikten som er på venstresida.»
Det kan nok være. Det kan absolutt være.
Men i NRK-studio var det ingen motforestillinger. «Jeg er selvsagt enig i at Gale Gadots sine vurderinger av dette er… Ingen bør høre på de,» fortsatte Borgersrud.
Han omtalte | 6,431 |
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Palace says Robredo's report a 'dud'
MANILA — The government's 3-year anti-narcotics drive seized less than 1 percent of the total shabu supply that flooded the country, Vice President Leni Robredo claimed Monday, as she called for changes in the campaign that she briefly led last year.
Citing police data, Robredo said around 3,000 kilos of shabu is consumed in the country every week or around 156,000 kilos per year.
Data from the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency showed it only seized 1,344 kilos shabu from January to October, 2019; 785 kilos in 2018; and 1,053 kilos in 2017, she said.
Robredo added that according to police estimate, around P1.3 trillion worth of shabu circulate in the country every year. However, law enforcement only apprehended P1.4 billion worth of drugs, she said.
"Malinaw na malinaw na ayon mismo sa opisyal na datos, sa kabila ng lahat ng Pilipinong pinatay at lahat ng perang ginasta, hindi lumampas sa 1 porsyento ang naipit natin sa supply ng shabu at sa perang nakita mula sa droga," the Vice President told reporters.
(It is very clear that based on official data, despite the deaths of Filipinos and the money spent, the confiscated shabu supply and drug money was below 1 percent.)
"Isipin na lang natin kung exam ito. Magiging iskor ng ating pamahalan ay 1 over 100," she added.
(Let's just imagine if this were an exam. Our government would have scored 1 over 100.)
Robredo also questioned the confusion over the actual numbers of drug users in the country, which President Rodrigo Duterte recently pegged at 7 to 8 million, higher than the ICAD's estimate of around 4 million.
"It is alarming because there are different interventions for users and pushers. Dahil hindi maayos ang datos, naghahalo-halo lahat (because the data is not in order, they mix up)," she said.
Duterte in November 2019 tapped Robredo as co-chair of the Inter-Agency Committee on Anti-Illegal Drugs (ICAD), only to fire her after 18 days due to alleged missteps, including a meeting with UN officials supposedly critical of the campaign.
Malacañang meanwhile dismissed Robredo's long-overdue report as a "dud," and belied her claims that the drug war is a failure.
"It's a dud. Wala naman siyang sinabi doon na bago na hindi tinututukan ng mga ahensiya na involved sa laban sa droga. There's nothing new with what she said," Presidential Spokesman Salvador Panelo told reporters in Malacañang.
(Everything that she said is already being attended to by government agencies involved in the drug war.)
"I think she just wants to be relevant," he added.
Panelo instead insisted on the success of the government's anti-narcotics drive.
"Eh kung failure 'yun, eh 'di sana 'yung problema natin sa droga inabot na sana lahat ng pamilya. The fact remains that we have dismantled so many illegal drug factories," he said.
(If it's a failure then the drug problem should have affected all families.)
"Ang problema kasi, ilang araw lang siya (Robredo) naupo doon ang dami na niyang sinasabi wala naman siyang expertise," he added.
(The problem is she thinks she's already an expert even if she only held the post for a few days.)
Robredo called on Duterte to lead the National Anti-Illegal Drug Task Force, which was created by the same executive order that formed ICAD some 2 years ago.
"Hanggang ngayon, mahigit 2 taon na ang lumipas, wala pa ring aksyon mula sa Pangulo. Hindi co-chair ang kailangan ng ICAD, ang kailangan nito ay ang pagtutok ng Pangulo," she said.
"Tinawag na giyera ang problema sa ilegal na droga, kailangan ang Pangulo ang maging commander-in- | 6,432 |
agreement and never had any idea about its details."
Lee Levi, an Israeli model who has dated Yair Netanyahu, said on Tuesday that she "regrets being his girlfriend".
Former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak tweeted that Yair Netanyahu was a “narcissist who grew up in a foul swamp of corruption with favours from billionaires and dark deals at the expense of the Israeli citizens".
רחמים על הבן. אי אפשר לקרוא לו לחזור לפסים, הוא כנראה לא היה עליהם אף פעם. נרקיס שצמח בביצת שחיתות מסריחה, עם טובות הנאה ממיליארדרים ועסקאות אפלות על חשבון אזרחי ישראל. השחיתות זועקת מכל המסכים. חוקית - זה עוד יימשך. מוסרית - זה הסוף. — אהוד ברק (@barak_ehud) January 8, 2018
Translation: Mercy on the son. Impossible to call him to return back to tracks, he seems that he never was on them. A narcissist who grew up in a foul swamp of corruption with favours from billionaires and dark deals at the expense of the Israeli citizens. Corruption screams from all the sides. Legally, this will continue. Morally, this is over. After the broadcasts, MK Tamar Zandberg of the Meretz Party tweeted: "What rot. The ‘friends', the hedonism, the smugness, the sense of owning public money, the disrespect and contempt for women and the ‘fun’ of purchasing sex. Eww."
איזה רקב. ה״חברים״, הנהנתנות, הזחיחות ותחושת הבעלות על כסף ציבורי, הזלזול והבוז לנשים וה״בילוי״ באמצעות קניית מין. איכס — תמר זנדברג (@tamarzandberg) January 8, 2018 Translation: What rot. The ‘friends,’ the hedonism, the smugness, the sense of owning public money, the disrespect and contempt for women and the ‘fun’ of purchasing sex. Eww. Stav Shaffir, an MK with the Zionist Union, tweeted: "No, Netanyahu. Every parent I know would be ashamed and ask himself what is his responsibility for educating his children to such a moral low.” "When the father believes that he is Caesar, it is no wonder that the boy thinks he is a monarch and that women, public servants, and 20 billion of the citizens' money, are gifts for family members. Shame."
לא, נתניהו. כל הורה שאני מכירה היה מתבייש ושואל את עצמו מה האחריות האישית שלו בחינוך ילדיו לכזה שפל מוסרי. כשהאב מאמין שהוא קיסר אין פלא שהילד חושב שהוא בן מלוכה ושנשים, עוב� | 6,433 |
Um… ☞ 俺、君のこと好きだ。下着くれないか? ☞ I like you. Won’t you give me your panties? ☞ ごめん、ほかないか ☞ Sorry, isn’t there something else? ☞ やめ ☞ I’m done.
CLOUD Cloud: 「その……」 Uh… ☞ 下着くれ!! ☞ Your panties, please!! ☞ 開き直りか、ほかがいいな ☞ Too serious. Something else. ☞ やめだ ☞ I said I’m done.
CLOUD Cloud: 「あの……」 Um… ☞ 俺、病気で…ハァハァ。君の下着が…。 ☞ I’m sick.. haha. I need your panties… ☞ どんな病気だ…、ほかの ☞ Sick with what… something else. ☞ いかん ☞ I can’t do this.
CLOUD Cloud: 「う~ん…… Err… (TIFAを助けるために女装するとして (I need something I can use to 使えそうなものは…… cross-dress in order to save Tifa… まさか、この蜜蜂ルックは目立ちすぎる…。 This Honey Bee look is way too flashy… う~ん、下着ぐらいか……)」 Err, maybe I can use the panties at least…) 「ええ……!! 下着ぃ?」 Uh…!! Your panties?
Robert Seddon says: Maybe if the people who want an FFVII remake ever get their wish, Square-Enix will let them play the game as it was meant to be experienced, with all these insights into social behaviour and manners restored. Finally, here’s onna_52, with an extended version of the scene where Cloud loses consciousness:
「この部屋にするよ……。 I’ll take this room… 今夜は大切な夜なんだ」 Tonight’s an important night.
「ソルジャーさん? A SOLDIER? 若いのに大変なのね」 But you’re so young, it must be hard.
「……まった?」 …Did I keep you waiting?
「ねえ、決まった? Did you decide? ここでいいのね♥」 You wanted this one, right? ♥
「さ♥ はじめましょ♥」 Well. ♥ Let’s begin. ♥
「ハイ♥ まずはぁ……。 Right. ♥ First of all… おふろにはいって♥」 Get in the bath! ♥ ☞ まってくれ…… ☞ Just a minute… ☞ え…… ☞ OK…
CLOUD Cloud: 「俺、ふろには入らない主義なんだ。 I’m against baths. ☞ #12405;ろに入るなら死んだ方がましさ ☞ Give me dirt or give me death. ☞ &水がこわいんだ…… ☞ I’m afraid of water…
CLOUD Cloud: 「わすれたな… I’ve forgotten… ふろなんて何年ぶりか…」 How many years has it been since I took a bath…
「安心しろ。 Relax. 下着は常に新品だ」 My underwear are always brand-new.
CLOUD Cloud: 「こまかいことは気にしない」 I don’t worry about the little things.
「頭も自然に決まるしな」 I keep my hair natural.
「なに、ばかなこといってん | 6,434 |
の?」 What are you talking about, silly?
「おおげさな人ね♥」 You tend to exaggerate, don’t you. ♥
「さ♥ お客さん♥」 Well. ♥ Sir. ♥
「つべこべいわないっ♥ I won’t complain. ♥ ぬいで! ぬいで!」 Undress! Undress!
「やだ~♥ Eww! ♥ あせくさ~♥」 You smell like sweat! ♥
「ほんとにおふろ入ってないんだぁ~♥」 You were telling the truth about not taking baths. ♥ ☞ もう何年になるか…… ☞ How many years has it been… ☞ なれればどうってことない ☞ I haven’t really thought about it.
「いいわ♥ That’s OK. ♥ ゆっくりつかってね♥」 Take your time. ♥
「でも…… But… すごいよ、においが……」 The smell is amazing…
「ゆかげんはどうかしら?」 How’s the temperature? ☞ のぼせそうだな ☞ Could be warmer. ☞ 悪くないな ☞ Not bad.
「がまんがまん♥」 Patience, patience. ♥
「あら♥ Oh! ♥ うれっし♥」 I’m happy! ♥
「あらま♥ Wow! ♥ お客さん、すご~いぃ♥ Sir, that’s incredible! ♥
「かっこいい~♥」 So handsome! ♥ ☞ なにいってんだ? ☞ What are you saying? ☞ ん……? ☞ Huh…?
CLOUD Cloud: 「あ、あれ……? Wh, wha…?
「ブクブクブクブク……」 Glub glub glub glub…
Robert Seddon says: Cloud slips and loses consciousness.
「やだ!♥ Oh no! ♥ お客さ~ん♥ Siiir! ♥ 「たいへ~ん! How awful! だれか~だれか、きて~♥」 Someone, anyone, help! ♥ 「明日、旅立つ。 Tomorrow, we move out. 危険な任務だ……」 It’s gonna be a dangerous mission… 「いいのかしら? Are you sure it’s OK for you to be こんなところで遊んでいて。 messing around in this sort of ソルジャーさん」 place, Mr. SOLDIER? 「あの子、待たしてるんでしょ?」 You’re keeping that girl waiting, right?
CLOUD Cloud: 「そうだ! That’s right! 任務を実行しなきゃな」 I have to carry out the mission.
Robert Seddon says: Some of the onna_4 text (“I hate stubborn people”, etc.) is repeated after this. I don’t know quite what to make of the revelation that Cloud keeps his hair natural.
「んっ……? Huh…? まだなんかあるの? Was there something else?
「あたし、しつこい人はきらいなのよね♥」 I just hate stubborn people. ♥ ☞ あのその…… ☞ Um, those… ☞ なんでもないんだ ☞ Nevermind.
「なによっ!!」 What!!
「しつこいわねっ!!」 You sure are stubborn!
「わかったわかった……。 Oh, I get it… う~ん、熱意 | 6,435 |
あの……」 Um… ☞ 俺、変態なんだ。君のにおいをかぎたい… ☞ I’m a pervert. I want to smell your panties… ☞ いやだ、ほか ☞ No way, something else. ☞ バカ! ☞ This is stupid!
「その……」 Uh… ☞ 俺に君の下着をくれないかぁぁ!! ☞ Give me your paaaantiiiiies!! ☞ 熱血風か…、ほかの言い方 ☞ That might be too strong… Something else. ☞ やめとく ☞ I quit.
CLOUD Cloud: 「あの……」 Um… ☞ 俺、君のこと好きだ。下着くれないか? ☞ I like you. Won’t you give me your panties? ☞ ごめん、ほかないか ☞ Sorry, isn’t there something else? ☞ やめ ☞ I’m done.
CLOUD Cloud: 「その……」 Uh… ☞ 下着くれ!! ☞ Your panties, please!! ☞ 開き直りか、ほかがいいな ☞ Too serious. Something else. ☞ やめだ ☞ I said I’m done.
CLOUD Cloud: 「あの……」 Um… ☞ 俺、病気で…ハァハァ。君の下着が…。 ☞ I’m sick.. haha. I need your panties… ☞ どんな病気だ…、ほかの ☞ Sick with what… something else. ☞ いかん ☞ I can’t do this.
CLOUD Cloud: 「う~ん…… Err… (TIFAを助けるために女装するとして (I need something I can use to 使えそうなものは…… cross-dress in order to save Tifa… まさか、この蜜蜂ルックは目立ちすぎる…。 This Honey Bee look is way too flashy… う~ん、下着ぐらいか……)」 Err, maybe I can use the panties at least…) 「ええ……!! 下着ぃ?」 Uh…!! Your panties?
Robert Seddon says: Maybe if the people who want an FFVII remake ever get their wish, Square-Enix will let them play the game as it was meant to be experienced, with all these insights into social behaviour and manners restored. Finally, here’s onna_52, with an extended version of the scene where Cloud loses consciousness:
「この部屋にするよ……。 I’ll take this room… 今夜は大切な夜なんだ」 Tonight’s an important night.
「ソルジャーさん? A SOLDIER? 若いのに大変なのね」 But you’re so young, it must be hard.
「……まった?」 …Did I keep you waiting?
「ねえ、決まった? Did you decide? ここでいいのね♥」 You wanted this one, right? ♥
「さ♥ はじめましょ♥」 Well. ♥ Let’s begin. ♥
「ハイ♥ まずはぁ……。 Right. ♥ First of all… おふろにはいって♥」 Get in the bath! ♥ ☞ まってくれ…… ☞ Just a minute… ☞ え…… ☞ OK…
CLOUD Cloud: 「俺、ふろには入らない主義なんだ。 I’m against baths. ☞ #12405;ろに入るなら死んだ方がましさ ☞ Give | 6,436 |
me dirt or give me death. ☞ &水がこわいんだ…… ☞ I’m afraid of water…
CLOUD Cloud: 「わすれたな… I’ve forgotten… ふろなんて何年ぶりか…」 How many years has it been since I took a bath…
「安心しろ。 Relax. 下着は常に新品だ」 My underwear are always brand-new.
CLOUD Cloud: 「こまかいことは気にしない」 I don’t worry about the little things.
「頭も自然に決まるしな」 I keep my hair natural.
「なに、ばかなこといってんの?」 What are you talking about, silly?
「おおげさな人ね♥」 You tend to exaggerate, don’t you. ♥
「さ♥ お客さん♥」 Well. ♥ Sir. ♥
「つべこべいわないっ♥ I won’t complain. ♥ ぬいで! ぬいで!」 Undress! Undress!
「やだ~♥ Eww! ♥ あせくさ~♥」 You smell like sweat! ♥
「ほんとにおふろ入ってないんだぁ~♥」 You were telling the truth about not taking baths. ♥ ☞ もう何年になるか…… ☞ How many years has it been… ☞ なれればどうってことない ☞ I haven’t really thought about it.
「いいわ♥ That’s OK. ♥ ゆっくりつかってね♥」 Take your time. ♥
「でも…… But… すごいよ、においが……」 The smell is amazing…
「ゆかげんはどうかしら?」 How’s the temperature? ☞ のぼせそうだな ☞ Could be warmer. ☞ 悪くないな ☞ Not bad.
「がまんがまん♥」 Patience, patience. ♥
「あら♥ Oh! ♥ うれっし♥」 I’m happy! ♥
「あらま♥ Wow! ♥ お客さん、すご~いぃ♥ Sir, that’s incredible! ♥
「かっこいい~♥」 So handsome! ♥ ☞ なにいってんだ? ☞ What are you saying? ☞ ん……? ☞ Huh…?
CLOUD Cloud: 「あ、あれ……? Wh, wha…?
「ブクブクブクブク……」 Glub glub glub glub…
Robert Seddon says: Cloud slips and loses consciousness.
「やだ!♥ Oh no! ♥ お客さ~ん♥ Siiir! ♥ 「たいへ~ん! How awful! だれか~だれか、きて~♥」 Someone, anyone, help! ♥ 「明日、旅立つ。 Tomorrow, we move out. 危険な任務だ……」 It’s gonna be a dangerous mission… 「いいのかしら? Are you sure it’s OK for you to be こんなところで遊んでいて。 messing around in this sort of ソルジャーさん」 place, Mr. SOLDIER? 「あの子、待たしてるんでしょ?」 You’re keeping that girl waiting, right?
CLOUD Cloud: 「そうだ! That’s right! 任務を実行しなきゃな」 I have to carry out the mission.
Robert Seddon says: Some of the onna_4 text (“I hate stubborn people”, etc | 6,437 |
Engrish may be funny, but language mistakes go both ways!
When I was a Japanese tutor, students often asked me if memorizing kanji was the hardest part of learning Japanese. My reply was usually something along the lines of: “I wish that was the hardest part.”
In my opinion, the hardest part was the different ways that Japanese and English express things. Unlike more closely-related languages like French or Spanish, it’s much rarer to have an expression in Japanese with a 100-percent English equivalent.
Case in point, Japanese Twitter user @hashishi_ recently posted a list of some of the most “mysterious” Japanese they’d heard from foreigners. While the expressions mostly make sense in English, they’re downright bizarre in Japanese.
▼ “I love the mysterious Japanese that foreigners create,
and I added one to my collection today.” (Translations below)
が加わりました — はしし (@hashishi_) September 13, 2018
Let’s go ahead and break down the “mysterious Japanese” phrases one by one:
#1. Kimochi yokunai node kyō wa yasumu
Intended meaning: “I don’t feel well so I’m staying home today.”
Actual meaning: “That doesn’t feel good so I’m staying home today.”
This one is a fairly simple mistake. The word kimochi ii means “feels good,” as in something physically feels nice (like a massage).
The opposite of kimochi ii is kimochi yokunai, “feels bad,” which similarly has the same meaning of physically feeling bad (like being awkwardly massaged by someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing). Neither phrase is used when talking about your health.
This is a perfect example of getting too caught up in the English definition of a Japanese word, and using it where the English word would make sense, but the Japanese word doesn’t.
How to actually say it: Guai ga warui node kyō wa yasumu
▼ Unless, of course, it was this creepy guy giving you unwanted massages at work.
Then feel free to use the original when you need to call out sick!
#2. Hapi basude! Karei wo tanoshinde
Intended meaning: “Happy birthday! Best wishes for your new year!”
Actual meaning: “Happy birthday! Enjoy aging!”
I’m not exactly sure what happened here, but it seems like an example of trying to be too fancy. The person probably learned a new word (karei meaning “aging”) and then decided to go ahead and use it in a situation where it doesn’t quite fit.
Just another reason why it’s always good to learn words in the context of a whole sentence, not just by themselves!
How to actually say it: Hapi basude! Ii ichinen wo!
#3. Naruhodo! Ippon ushinaimashita
Intended meaning: “I see! Can’t argue with that.”
Actual meaning: “I see! I lost a long cylindrical object.”
This one is a classic case of messing up a word in an idiom. The phrase here should be ippon toraremashita, which means something like “can’t argue with that.” It literally means “one match | 6,438 |
recent game in the line, which bears out Lakdawala’s opinion that Black is OK in this variation.} 1. e4 c6 2. d4 g6 3. Nc3 d6 4. f4 d5 {Black loses an opening tempo, but the blocked center means that this does not matter at all.} 5. e5 h5 6. Nf3 Nh6 7. Be3 Qb6 8. Na4 Qa5+ 9. c3 Bg4 10. Be2 e6 11. Nc5 Nf5 12. Bf2 Nd7 13. b4 Qc7 14. h3 Bxf3 15. Bxf3 h4 16. O-O Nxc5 17. dxc5 Bh6 18. Qc1 f6 $1 {[#] This may not be the greatest game ever seen, but the way Black obtains counterplay is very thematic and interesting.} 19. Bd4 fxe5 20. Bxe5 Qxe5 21. fxe5 Bxc1 22. Raxc1 a5 23. a3 Kd7 24. Bg4 axb4 25. axb4 Rhf8 26. Rfe1 Ra2 27. c4 Rb2 28. b5 Ra8 29. cxd5 exd5 30. bxc6+ bxc6 31. Ra1 Rxa1 32. Rxa1 Rc2 33. Ra7+ Ke6 34. Rg7 Kxe5 35. Rxg6 Ng3 36. Rxc6 Kd4 37. Bd1 Rc1 38. Kf2 Rxd1 39. Kf3 Ne4 40. Rh6 Rd3+ 41. Kf4 Rg3 42. Rxh4 Rxg2 43. c6 Rf2+ 44. Kg4 Rc2 45. Rh6 Ke5 46. Rh5+ Ke6 47. Rh6+ Ke5 48. Rh5+ Kd6 49. Rh6+ Kc7 50. Kf4 Rxc6 51. Rh8 Re6 52. h4 Nd6 53. h5 Re4+ 54. Kf3 Kd7 55. h6 Nf7 56. Ra8 Rh4 57. Kg3 Rxh6 58. Kf4 Rf6+ 59. Ke3 Kd6 60. Ra7 Ne5 0-1 You must activate JavaScript to enhance chess game visualization.
[Event "Katowice POL-HUN 7th"] [Site "Katowice"] [Date "2019.04.14"] [Round "6"] [White "Przybylski, Wojciech"] [Black "Krasenkow, Michal"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B08"] [WhiteElo "2320"] [BlackElo "2623"] [Annotator "IM Andrew Martin"] [PlyCount "104"] [EventDate "2019.04.13"] [EventType "swiss (rapid)"] [EventRounds "9"] [EventCountry "POL"] [SourceTitle "CBM 189 Extra"] [Source "ChessBase"] [SourceDate "2019.06.03"] [SourceVersion "1"] [SourceVersionDate "2019.06.03"] [SourceQuality "1"] {[%evp 0,104,25,20,85,78,78,72,78,99,99,69,103,85,79,66,61,58,58,58,43,36,66, 67,65,62,67,56,56,56,79,70,89,72,107,71,91,74,105,100,70,83,83,62,62,85,85,89, 67,64,67,67,72,68,57,37,59,66,66,22,48,48,48,41,41,4,4,18,37,-4,55,60,60,61,82, -25,82,38,62,60,60,38,33,-295,-304,-307,-298,-538,-533,-546,-546,-552,-560, -564,-547,-633,-633,-761,-795,-795,-713,-713,-685,-685,-713,-806,-806]} { The Classical Variation never felt threatening to me when I played the Modern, but I get the impression that if you are facing someone really good, you can get squeezed in this line if you get it even slightly wrong. Lakdawala sticks to his idea of an early…c7-c6, usually going back into a Classical Pirc and this is a solid enough | 6,439 |
. dxe6 ({Clearly, White does not need to take on e6 and most will prefer a solid move such as 6 Nf3 or 6 Bd3.. After that, 6…Ne7!? is recommended.} 6. Nf3 Ne7 7. Be2 a6 8. a4 h6 9. O-O O-O 10. Be3 exd5 11. cxd5 g5 12. Nd2 Nd7 13. Nc4 Nb6 14. f4 Nxc4 15. Bxc4 gxf4 16. Bxf4 Ng6 17. Be3 Qh4 18. Qe1 Qxe1 19. Raxe1 Bd7 20. a5 Rfe8 21. Bd2 Rab8 22. Nd1 Re7 23. b4 Bd4+ 24. Kh1 Bb5 25. Bxb5 axb5 26. Ne3 Bxe3 27. Bxe3 c4 28. Bxh6 Rbe8 29. Bf4 Rxe4 30. Rxe4 Rxe4 31. Bxd6 Rd4 32. Bc5 Rxd5 33. h3 Ne5 34. Rf5 Rxc5 35. bxc5 Nc6 36. Kg1 c3 37. Rf1 Nxa5 {0-1 Vasiliev,G (2172)-Khegay,D (2509) St Petersburg 2019}) 6... Bxc3+ $1 7. bxc3 Bxe6 8. Bd3 Nc6 9. f4 Qa5 {[#]} 10. Ne2 Qa6 11. Rb1 O-O-O 12. Qb3 Na5 13. Qa4 Bxc4 14. Bxc4 Nxc4 15. Qxa6 bxa6 16. f5 Nf6 17. Bg5 Nxe4 18. Bxd8 Rxd8 19. fxg6 fxg6 20. Ng3 Nxc3 21. Rc1 Re8+ 22. Kf2 Ne4+ 23. Nxe4 Rxe4 24. Rhe1 Rxe1 25. Rxe1 Kd7 26. Re4 d5 27. Rh4 h5 28. g4 hxg4 29. Rxg4 Ne5 30. Ra4 c4 31. Rxa6 c3 32. Rxa7+ Kd6 33. Ke2 d4 34. Ra8 Kd5 35. a4 d3+ 36. Ke3 c2 37. Kd2 Nf3+ 38. Kc1 Nd4 39. Rd8+ Kc4 40. Rc8+ Kd5 41. a5 Nb3+ 42. Kb2 Nxa5 43. Rd8+ Ke4 44. Re8+ Kd4 45. Rd8+ Ke3 46. Rc8 Kd2 47. Rc7 Nb3 {The possibility of examining this line and using it, justifies buying the book on its own.} 0-1 You must activate JavaScript to enhance chess game visualization.
[Event "Wch Blitz"] [Site "Riadh"] [Date "2017.12.29"] [Round "7"] [White "Short, Nigel D"] [Black "McShane, Luke J"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A21"] [WhiteElo "2678"] [BlackElo "2640"] [Annotator "IM Andrew Martin"] [PlyCount "74"] [EventDate "2017.12.29"] [EventType "swiss (blitz)"] [EventRounds "21"] [EventCountry "SAU"] [SourceTitle "CBM 182 Extra"] [Source "ChessBase"] [SourceDate "2018.02.23"] [SourceVersion "1"] [SourceVersionDate "2018.02.23"] [SourceQuality "1"] {[%evp 0,74,31,-10,44,21,25,14,65,51,53,12,23,21,16,8,9,19,33,3,14,-11,3,-36, -27,-44,-51,-43,3,-23,0,3,10,-1,4,-72,-53,-76,-83,-67,-64,-57,-53,-52,-46,-57, -25,-46,-11,-92,-41,-92,-97,-88,-88,-90,-87,-87,-87,-112,-75,-141,-123,-146, -146,-207,-202,-334,-331,-312,-291,-470,-482,-595,-595,-595,-626]} {Finally, to the English and play becomes more mainstream, with a reversed Closed Sic | 6,440 |
has said, {Race with one another in hastening towards forgiveness from your Lord (Allâh).} [Surat Al-Hadîd: 21]
{سَابِقُوا إِلَىٰ مَغْفِرَةٍ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ} الحديد: 21
Transliteration: Sābiqū ‘Ilá Maghfiratin Min Rabbikum
and {and for this let (all) those strive who want to strive (i.e. hasten earnestly to the obedience of Allah).} [Surat Al-Mutafiffîn: 26]
{وَفِي ذَٰلِكَ فَلْيَتَنَافَسِ الْمُتَنَافِسُونَ} المطففين: 26
Transliteration: Wa Fī Dhālika Falyatanāfasi Al-Mutanāfisūna
Go ahead sister. It is a long way, therefore, take the provision of faith, and arm yourself with obedience. The Promise is Paradise.
The Eighth Whisper
O virtuous one, have you heard the story of Umm Salih? She is an old woman who heard about the virtue of calling to Allah Almighty and its great reward. Therefore, she, along with her sons, went to a village to teach women, guide them, and giving them advice. What a generous woman! Where are the women who take her as an example?
Allah Almighty has said, {Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islâm), enjoining Al-Ma‘rûf (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism and all that Islâm orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islâm has forbidden). And it is they who are the successful.} [Surat Al-Imrân: 104] will you follow this grand Divine call? I hope so.
{وَلْتَكُن مِّنكُمْ أُمَّةٌ يَدْعُونَ إِلَى الْخَيْرِ وَيَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ} آل عمران: 104
Transliteration: Wa Ltakun Minkum ‘Ummatun Yad`ūna ‘Ilá Al-Khayri Wa Ya’murūna Bil-Ma`rūfi Wa Yanhawna `Ani Al-Munkari
The Ninth Whisper
O believer, there are a lot of women who yearn for someone to share their worries, grieves and pains. They need the righteous people like you. So, may Allah protect you, hasten and get closer to your fellow sisters. Support then in obeying Allah. Rather, be their guide to good and success. You are worthy of this, Allah willing. Remember the words of the Messenger of Allah, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, “By Allah, if Allah gives guidance to a single man through you, it is better for you than possessing red camels.” [Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim]
«فوالله لأن يهدي الله بك رجلًا واحدًا، خيرٌ لك من أن يكون لكحمر النّعم» متفق عليه
The Tenth Whisper
I recommend you to read the history of the righteous ancestor women of Islam. They are the women who have set a great righteous example, a rare role model, and a unique type. Certainly, the history of such great woman has numerous lessons. But for the limited writing space, I would have mentioned bright brilliant examples of their news and stories. However, the biography books include many subjects concerning | 6,441 |
Do you know how to use said in Japanese? There are few verbs in Japanese used to express the concepts of “to say” or “to speak,”. And without context, it can be tough to know which one to use! In this article, we will be going over these verbs and looking at their differences, both in terms of meaning and usage. We will also go over essential sentence patterns for describing what someone has said, and in what way they have said it. The verbs we will be discussing are 言う iu, 話すhanasu, 喋るshaberu, and 語る kataru.
One of the primary uses of “言う iu” is to express “to say” in the sense of quoting or paraphrasing another person. The sentence pattern for quoting or paraphrasing is typically:
[Person who said it]は「quoted phrase」と言いました。 [Person who said it] wa “[quoted phrase]” to iimashita [Person who said it] said that “[quoted phrase].”
You may encounter variations on this pattern depending on how casual the sentence is. Also whether additional qualifying words or descriptive words are included. But this is a good base sentence to start with.
The particle “と to” between the quoted phrase and the “言う iu” verb indicates that the phrase is being quoted. You may have encountered the particle “と to” before with the meaning “with” (e.g. 友達と行きました, “I went with my friend”). But when “言う iu” followed “と to” it’s “with” meaning is not applied.
Here is an example of a quotation sentence:
山田さんは「6時に会議がある」と言いました。 Yamada-san wa 「roku ji ni kaigi ga aru」 to iimashita. Yamada-san said “it there is a meeting at 6 o’clock”.
Note that when you are quoting or paraphrasing, use casual/short form verbs and copulas when speaking or writing the sentence or phrase.
The politeness level of the final verb in the sentence largely determines the politeness level of a Japanese sentence. So as long as the “言う iu” is in -masu form (“iimasu”), the overall sentence will remain polite. Even though the verbs and copulas within the quoted phrase are in casual/short forms.
Plus, using -masu form in writing verbs and copulas in the quoted phrase can make the sentence stiff and overly long.
Also note also that the quotation particle “と to” is often pronounced “っと tte,” particularly if the rest of the sentence around the quotation is phrased casually.
For example:
山田さんは「6時に会議がある」と言いました。 Yamada-san wa 「roku ji ni kaigi ga aru」 to iimashita.
山田さんは「6時に会議がある」って言った。 Yamada-san wa 「roku ji ni kaigi ga aru」 tte itta.
Both these sentences have the same meaning. But the second sentence is more casual because it ends with the short form past tense of “言う iu” rather than the -masu form past tense of “言う iu.”
2. Iu (言う) – Uses other than quotation
One additional use for “と言う to iu” is to tell someone what the name of a person or thing is.
私はリリーと言います。 Watashi wa Riri- to iimasu I am called Lily. (Note that “iimasu” does not literally mean “called” in the English sense of “to be called” (a passive tense sentence) here, although it can be used to express the same idea).
「Cat」は日本語で何 | 6,442 |
Trenutni protesti i politizacija rasprave o akcizama i ceni goriva manifestacija su jeftinog populizma na pogrešnoj temi. Buka u vezi sa cenom goriva prikriva mnogo veće probleme od onih koji su na površini.
Seme današnjih problema posejano je na samom početku tranzicionih procesa u Srbiji. Bez ikakve strateške ideje o tome kuda i kako dalje, a suočene sa nestrpljenjem javnosti koja želi bolji život i to brzo, tranzicione vlasti su odlučile da građanima omoguće kupovinu jeftinih polovnih automobila nudeći im tako iluziju prosperiteta.
Svi oni koji su do juče vozili skromne domaće automobile (ili nisu vozili ništa), najednom su mogli da kupe vozila poznatih svetskih proizvođača. Većina građana nije imala novca za novo, pa je krenula da kupuje stare ili prastare polovne automobile koji se masovno uvoze u Srbiju. Svi su bili zadovoljni, a najzadovoljniji su svakako bili stanovnici država zapadne Evrope. Umesto da troše novac na recikliranje otpada (automobila i guma), oni su ga izvezl imi Srbiji i na tome čak zaradili.
Od 2001. do danas, broj stanovnika Srbije je smanjen za više od pola miliona duša i taj trend se nastavlja i dodatno pojačava iseljavanjem. U istom periodu broj registrovanih putničkih automobila se povećao za oko 600.000. Ni mala primanja, ni ekonomska kriza, ni rezanje plata i penzija nisu zaustavili ovu, bar u ekonomskom smislu, nenormalnu pojavu.
Porodice koje u racionalnom sistemu i pri zdravoj pameti ne bi mogle da pomisle da kupe automobil, sada poseduju bar jedan, a ponekad i dva polovna automobila kupljena za male pare. Ali kako polovno gorivo još nije izmišljeno, građani svojim jadnim platama moraju plaćati visoku cenu goriva.
Efekti ove kratkovide državne politike vidljivi su na svakom koraku. Samo u Beogradu je registrovano preko 550.000 putničkih vozila – više nego u celom regionu Vojvodine. Parking- prostor i širina saobraćajnica nedovoljni su za toliki broj automobila, pa to dodatno pojačava nervozu i bahatost vozača. Saobraćajne gužve u Beogradu su nesnošljive, dok su ekološke posledice pogubne po zdravlje ljudi. Drumovima jure stari automobili koje vlasnici ne mogu da održavaju ili to čine štapom i kanapom. Cena toga se plaća životima, gotovo svakodnevno.
Domaće cene goriva i visina akciza nisu nerazumne i osciliraju oko regionalnog proseka. Uzgred, zahvaljujući besmislenoj politici jak | 6,443 |
onium. Mallow. Malva rotundisolia. Syrian mallow. Hibiscus moschentos. Syrian mallow. Hibiscus virginicus. Indian mallow. Sida rhombifolia. Indian mallow. Sida abutilon. Virginia Marshmallow. Napæa hermaphrodita. Virginia Marshmallow. Napæa dioica. Indian physic. Spiræa trifoliata. Euphorbia Ipecacuanhæ. Pleurisy root. Asclepias decumbens. Virginia snake-root. Aristolochia serpentaria. Black snake-root. Actæa racemosa. Seneca rattlesnake-root. Polygala Senega. Valerian. Valeriana locusta radiata. Gentiana, Saponaria, Villosa & Centaurium. Ginseng. Panax quinquesolium. Angelica. Angelica sylvestris. Cassava. Jatropha urens. 2. Tuckahoe. Lycoperdon tuber. Jerusalem artichoke. Helianthus tuberosus. Long potatoes. Convolvulas batatas. Granadillas. Maycocks. Maracocks. Passiflora incarnata. Panic. Panicum of many species. Indian millet. Holcus laxus. Indian millet. Holcus striosus. Wild oat. Zizania aquatica. Wild pea. Dolichos of Clayton. Lupine. Lupinus perennis. Wild hop. Humulus lupulus. Wild cherry. Prunus Virginiana. Cherokee plumb. Prunus sylvestris fructu majori. Clayton. Wild plumb. Prunus sylvestris fructu minori. Clayton. Wild crab-apple. Pyrus coronaria.
Red mulberry. Morus rubra. Persimmon. Diospyros Virginiana. Sugar maple. Acer saccharinum. Scaly bark hiccory. Juglans alba cortice squamoso. Clayton. Common hiccory. Juglans alba, fructu minore rancido. Clayton. Paccan, or Illinois nut. Not described by Linnæus, Millar, or Clayton. Were I to venture to describe this, speaking of the fruit from memory, and of the leaf from plants of two years growth, I should specify it as the Juglans alba, foliolis lanceolatis, acuminatis, serratis, tomentosis, fructu minore, ovato, compresso, vix insculpto, dulci, putamine, tenerrimo. It grows on the Illinois, Wabash, Ohio, and Missisipi. It is spoken of by Don Ulloa under the name of Pacanos, in his Noticias Americanas. Entret. 6. Black walnut. Juglans nigra. White walnut. Juglans alba. Chesnut. Fagus castanea. Chinquapin. Fagus pumila. Hazlenut. Corylus avellana. Grapes. Vitis. Various kinds, though only three described by Clayton. Scarlet Strawberries. Fragaria Virginiana of Millar. Whortleberries. Vaccinium uliginosum. Wild gooseberries. Ribes grossularia. Cranberries. Vaccinium oxycoccos. Black raspberries. Rubus occidentalis. Blackberries. Rubus fruticosus. Dewberries. Rubus cæsius. Cloudberries. Rubus chamæmorus. 3. Plane-tree. Platanus occidentalis. Poplar. Liriodendron tulipifera. Populus heterophylla. Black poplar. Populus nigra.
Aspen. Populus tremula. Linden, or lime. Tilia Americana. Red flowering maple. Acer rubrum. Horse-chesnut, or Buck's-eye. Æsculus pavia. Catalpa. Bignonia catalpa. Umbrella. Magnolia tripetala. Swamp laurel. Magnolia glauca. Cucumber-tree. Magnolia acuminata. Portugal bay. Laurus indica. Red bay. Laurus borbonia. Dwarf-rose bay. Rhododendron maximum. Laurel of the western country. Qu. species? Wild pimento. Laurus benzoin. Sassafras. Laurus sassafras. Locust. Robinia pseudo-acacia. Honey-locust. Gleditsia. 1. Dogwood. Cornus florida. Fringe or snow-drop tree. Chionanthus Virginica. Barberry. Berberis vulgaris. Red | 6,444 |
De dichters werken steeds iets vooruit met het gedicht, maar houden de nog niet op straat gepubliceerde delen voor zichzelf. Elke zaterdag tussen 13:00 en 14:00 houwt een steenhouwer de volgende letter ter plekke uit in een bestaande steen op straat. Voor publicatie van de laatste letters uit de bijdrage van de laatstgenoemde dichter vraagt het Utrechts Dichtersgilde een andere dichter(es) uit hun kring het gedicht voort te zetten. Het gedicht is nooit af.
Overzicht van alle letters en sponsoren
Video: Mojalefa leest het gedicht t/m letter 649 voor bij de opening op 2 juni 2012
Mark Boog begint op 2 feb 2013
Baban Kirkuki begint op 12 dec 2015
Vicky Francken begint op 8 dec 2018
The poem that the Letters of Utrecht spell out on the street is also published on this site, up to the most recently hewn letter. The parts not yet published in the street will remain secret. The poem will be extended by a different poet whenever required. It is never completed.
List of Letters, sponsors, dates and position.
The following is a rough translation of the poem:
Ruben van Gogh (Letters 1-124):
Je zult ergens moeten beginnen om het verleden een plaats te geven, het heden doet er steeds minder toe. Hoe verder je bent, hoe beter. Ga maar door nu,
You have to begin somewhere to give the past its place, the present matters ever less. The further you are, the better. Continue now,
Ingmar Heytze (Letters 125-240):
laat je sporen na. Vergeet de flits waarin je mag bestaan, de wereld is je stratenplan. Was er een tijd dat je een ander was: die ging voorbij.
leave your footprints. Forget the flash, in which you may exist, the world is your map. If there was a time when you were another: it went by.
Chrétien Breukers (Letters 241-374):
Je bent die ander al. Je bent, zoals je weet, van dit verhaal de spil. Dit is de eeuwigheid. Die duurt. Die heeft de tijd. Ga daarom op in je verhaal en zwelg. Vertel.
You are the other already. You are, as you know, the center of this story. This is eternity. It lasts. It has the time. Become one with your story and revel. Tell.
Alexis de Roode (Letters 375-532):
Vertel ons wie je bent met elke stap. In ons verhaal verdwijnen wij vanzelf, en enkel jij blijft over op den duur. Jij en deze letters, die uit steen gehouwen zijn. Zoals de letters op ons graf.
Tell us who you are with every step. In our story we vanish inevitably, only you remain in the long run. You and these letters hewn from stone. As the letters on our grave.
Ellen Deckwitz (Letters 533-682):
De barsten in de Dom. Naar de hemel opgestoken als een wijsvinger, om de schuldigen aan te duiden en meer tijd te eisen. Zodat we weer rechtop kunnen gaan, als mensen langs de gracht.
The cracks in the cathedral’s tower. Raised to heaven as an index finger, to identify the guilty and demand more time. So that we can walk straight again as humans along the canal.
Mark Boog (Letters 683-832)
Die naar hun voeten staren. Kijk omhoog. Zie Utrechts kerken uitsteeken boven het maaiveld. Hef de handen, smeek met de torens om dit voorrecht: te zijn, nu te zijn. Het | 6,445 |
If you've studied design at all, you've probably encountered Lorem Ipsum placeholder text at some point. Anywhere there is text, but the meaning of that text isn't particularly important, you might see Lorem Ipsum.
Most people recognize it as Latin. And it is. But it is arbitrarily rearranged and not quite coherent Latin, extracted from a book Cicero wrote in 45 BC. Here's the complete quote, with the bits and pieces that make up Lorem Ipsum highlighted.
Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem, quia voluptas sit, aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos, qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt, neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci[ng] velit, sed quia non numquam [do] eius modi tempora inci[di]dunt, ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit, qui in ea voluptate velit esse, quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum, qui dolorem eum fugiat, quo voluptas nulla pariatur? At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus, qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa, qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.
But what does it all mean? Here's an English translation with the same parts highlighted.
Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure? On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain.
Of course the whole point of Lorem Ipsum is that the words aren't supposed to mean anything, so attempting to divine its meaning is somewhat … unsatisfying, perhaps by design. Lorem Ipsum is a specific form of what is generally referred to somewhat cheekily as "Greeking":
Greeking is a style of displaying or rendering text or symbols, not always from the Greek alphabet. Greeking obscures portions of a work for the purpose of either emphasizing form over details or displaying placeholders for unavailable content. The name is a reference to the phrase "Greek to me", meaning something that one cannot understand, so that it might as well be in a foreign language.
So when you need filler or placeholder text, you naturally reach for Lorem Ipsum as the standard. The theory is that, since it's unintelligible, nobody will attempt to read it, but instead focus on other aspects of the design. If you put readable text in the design, people might think the text is important to the design, that the text represents the sort of content you expect to see, or that the text somehow itself needs to be copyedited and updated and critiqued.
(Regular readers of this blog may remember that I am fond of using Alice in Wonderland in this manner, when I need a bit of text to demonstrate something in a post.)
However, not everyone agrees that relying on a standard boilerplate greeked placeholder text is appropriate, even going so far as to call for the death of Lorem Ipsum. I think it depends what you're trying to accomplish. I once noted that it's better to use real content to avoid Blank Page Syndrome, for example.
There are quite a few websites that helpfully offer up the classic Lorem Ipsum text in various eminently copy- | 6,446 |
�來自安托万·德·圣-埃克苏佩里的《小王子》。這裡代指由於Springtrap把夢魘們當做“人”來對待,夢魘們開始不把自己當做怪物對待。雖然Springtrap沒有意識到,但是他改變了夢魘們。*****by Springaling 199: Nakresli mi ovciPanel 1:Nightmare: Springtrape, chci ti říct příběh.Springtrap: Poslechnu si jej, pokud ze mě sundáš ty obrovské tlapy!Nightmare: Je o chlapci a divoké lišce.Plushtrap: Hej! Ten znám!Panel 2:Plushtrap: Ten chlapec tu lišku ochočil! Pak ho ta liška měla ráda, protože to on ji ochočil!A ta liška byla speciální oproti ostatním lišká, protože byla jeho, chápeš?Panel 3:Springtrap: Roztomilý příběh. Můžu už jít?Nightmare: Springtrape, když jsme sem přišli, byli jsme stále na lovu. Ty jsi se před námi neschoval. Nebál si se nás. Mluvil si s námi.Panel 4:Springtrap: Tak? O co jde?Nightmare: Potom jsme si uvědomili, že můžeme lov ukončit. Mohli jsme přestat býti monstry. Springtrape, ochočil si nás.Děkujeme.*****by Springaling 199: Teken een schaap voor mijPanel 1:Nightmare: Springtrap, ik wil een verhaal vertellen aan jou.Springtrap: Als je met die enorme poten van me afblijft, luister ik wel!Nightmare: 't gaat over een jongen en een wilde vos.Plushtrap: Hé, die ken ik!Panel 2:Plushtrap: Dat jongentje had die vos getemd! En toen hield die vos van hem, want hij had hem getemd!En voor het jongentje was die vos de bijzonderste vos van allemaal, want het was zijn vos, he?Panel 3:Springtrap: Leuk verhaaltje, zeg. Kan ik nu weg?Nightmare: Springtrap, toen we hier verschenen waren we nog op jacht. Maar jij verstopte je niet. Jij was niet bang voor ons. Jij hebt zelfs met ons gesproken.Panel 4:Springtrap: Ja, dus? Waarom is dat zo belangrijk?Nightmare: Hierdoor beseften wij dat we konden stoppen met het jagen en het monster zijn. Springtrap, jij hebt ons getemd.Hartelijk bedankt.*****by and Springaling 199: Dessine-moi un moutonCase 1:Nightmare: Springtrap, je veux te raconter une histoire.Springtrap: J'écouterais si tu enlève tes pattes géantes de moi!Nightmare: C'est à propos d'un garçon et d'un renard sauvage.Plushtrap: Hey! Je connais cette histoire!Case 2:Plushtrap: Le garçon domestiqua le renard! Après cela, le renard aimé le garçon car il était celui qui l'avait apprivoisé.Et pour le garçon le renard était | 6,447 |
�ные лапищи от меня!Найтмер: Это история о мальчике и диком лисе.Плюштрап: Эй, я знаю эту историю!Кадр 2:Плюштрап: Мальчик приручил лиса. Поэтому лис полюбил мальчика, потому что именно он приручил его.А для мальчика его лис стал важнее, чем все другие лисы, потому что это был ЕГО лис! Понимаешь?Кадр 3:Спрингтрап: Трогательная история. Я могу идти?Найтмер: Спрингтрап, когда мы попали сюда, мы всё еще охотились. Ты не спрятался от нас. Ты не испугался. Ты ЗАГОВОРИЛ с нами.Кадр 4:Спрингтрап: Ну и? В чем дело?Найтмер: После этого мы поняли, что нам больше не обязательно охотиться. Мы можем перестать быть монстрами. Спрингтрап, ты приручил нас.Спасибо тебе.*****by, and Springaling 199: Dibújame una ovejaPanel 1:Nightmare: Springtrap, quiero contarte una historia.Springtrap: ¡Te escucharé si me quitas tus enormes zarpas de encima!Nightmare: Se trata de un niño y un zorro salvaje.Plushtrap: ¡Hey! ¡Conozco esta historia!Panel 2:Plushtrap: ¡El niño domesticó al zorro! Después de eso el zorro amó al niño porque él había sido quien le domesticó.Y para el niño el zorro era mas especial que todos los demás zorros del mundo, ¡porque era SU zorro!Panel 3:Springtrap: Enternecedora historia. ¿Puedo irme ahora?Nightmare: Springtrap, cuando nosotros llegamos aquí aún seguíamos en "la caza". No te escondiste de nosotros. No tuviste miedo. Nos hablaste.Panel 4:Springtrap: ¿Y? ¿Cuál es el problema? | 6,448 |
I desember 2017 offentliggjorde Google en rekke sjakkpartier som satte en støkk i sjakkmiljøet.
De hadde utviklet en sjakkcomputer som brukte kunstig intelligens og som spilte på et nivå som verden aldri tidligere hadde sett. AlphaZero har lært opp seg selv til å spille sjakk. I løpet av 100 partier mot computeren Stockfish, vant AlphaZero 28. Resten endte med remis.
Elleve måneder senere er computeren så god at utvikleren tror den hadde skapt trøbbel for spillerne i VM.
Derfor valgte Demis Hassabis, mannen bak computeren, å holde igjen en vitenskapelig artikkel med nye partier fra supercomputeren.
– Vi ønsket ikke å få det ut før eller under kampen. Det hadde påvirket den.
– På hvilken måte?
– Hvis vi slipper hundre nye partier, så kommer det partier med nye ideer. Jeg er ikke sterk nok til å forstå hvordan de kunne ha lært, men det hadde påvirket VM-kampen. Derfor venter vi til etter VM, svarer Hassabis.
Spiller svært aggressivt
Computeren lærte seg sjakk på fire timer. Den fikk ingen andre opplysninger om sjakkspillet enn hvordan reglene fungerer. Deretter satte den i gang med å spille mot seg selv.
Hassabis estimerer ratingen til å være rundt 3600, men sier det er vanskelig å si noe helt eksakt. Sjakkspillerne som har sett flere partier, sier at dette er noe helt nytt, og at de føler at brettet er større. Selv sier Hassabis at «programmet spiller en helt annen sjakk enn de vanlige computerne».
Demis Hassabis er en av dem som står bak sjakkcomputeren AlphaZero. Foto: JUNG YEON-JE / AFP
– Det er større rom for ideer. Og det kan være en enorm fordel for spilleren. Så hvis vi gjør det tilgjengelig, må alle få tilgang, sier Demis Hassabis til NRK.
Partiene som er offentliggjort, viser at computeren spiller mer aggressivt enn hva som er normalt. I tillegg ser den fordeler så langt frem i spillet at det er umulig for et menneske å forstå.
– Bruker noen av spillerne det nå?
– Nei. Jeg tror kanskje Caruana bruker Leela (en slags kopi av AlphaZero), men hvis vi gjør denne tilgjengelig, må den bli tilgjengelig for alle. Hvis ikke blir det urettferdig, sier utvikleren.
Les også: Carlsen skremte vettet av eget støtteapparat før han avgjorde VM.
Usikker på viktigheten
Til nå har det vært vanskelig virkelig å bruke partiene til læring. Nå kommer flere partier, men spørsmålet er uansett om det spilles på et så høyt nivå at selv Magnus Carlsen vil slite med å forstå.
– Det er så dypt, programmet spiller på en måte computere ikke har gjort før. De tok det til et helt nytt nivå. Det er fortsatt en del som er holdt skjult, sier sjakk-journalist og gr | 6,449 |
assumed control of the irrigation design, types of cultivations, timings, fertilizers and pesticides. The inner colonisation thus became a program of supervised agriculture. Settlers received specific training, and they were monitored during a testing period of two years. The watering machine, then, was put into operation, with controlled and periodic flows of water. No idle soil, no idle water.
The industrial character of the colonising agriculture we are analysing involved a controlled cut in time and space of the sedimentation of light on infrastructured surfaces of soil. Light was commodified by means of the spatial control of flows, such as water and pesticides, through gates and exposure times, as well as through the estimation and numerical averaging of their productivity. In these circuits, agriculture becomes an averaging activity that seeks the control of production, guaranteeing the needs of the markets as well as preventing the generation of surplus. Embedded inside logistic circuits and broadcast over Irrigation Zones conceived as signal territories, the streams of water, chemicals and human workforce converge in these agricultural programs as a systematic practice of slicing surfaces of commodified light.
Conclusion: An inverted astronomy
The entrance of the satellite into civilian life and spaces comes together with a transformation of the spaces themselves (Parks, 2005) as well as of the subjects inhabiting them (Kaplan, 2006). This technology that originated inside the military complex is considered to have even “draped the planet with a militarised image of itself” (Stahl, 2010: 86), to a point that, in the experience of its surface, new conditions of knowledge and perception are involved: “an inverted astronomy…has come into being, looking down from space onto the earth rather than from the ground up into the skies” (Sloterdijk, cited in Graham, 2010: 44).
In this paper I have analysed a change in the surface of a small part of the planet, linked on the one hand to the practice of the aerial, and, on the other – as it has been emphasized in this case – to a set of agricultural and managing practices put in operation during one of the several episodes of state-centred, large-scale land reforms characteristic of the 20th century; the Spanish inner colonisation. The use of a particular geo-location procedure, the ideation of the cart-module as a design tool and the centralised organisation of the watering timings and policies have been related to the topological reshaping of space that characterises the orbital apprehension of the planet. On the whole, I have argued that this agricultural episode is linked to the genealogies of orbital space. By doing so, the cultural significance of notions including signal territory and footprint – as discussed in the work of Lisa Parks – has been extended to the agricultural, thereby linking this large-scale agricultural case to the broader context of the media histories of the planetary surface.
Alagón Laste, J.M. (2015) ‘Los pueblos de colonización del Plan de Riegos del Alto
Aragón y su emplazamiento en el territorio,’ Scripta Nova. Revista Electrónica de Geografíay Ciencias Sociales 19: 500–526.
Barciela López, C. (1996) ‘La contrarreforma agraria y la política de colonización del primer franquismo, 1936-1959,’ in: Reformas y políticas agrarias en la historia de España : de la Ilustración al primer franquismo, Madrid: Centro de Publicaciones Agrarias, Pesqueras y Alimentarias, 351–398.
Bloodworth, G., White, J. (2008) ‘The Columbia Basin Project: Seventy-Five Years Later,’ Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 70: 96–111.
Delgado, E. (2013) Imagen y memoria: fondos del archivo fotográfico del Instituto Nacional de Colonización, 1939-1973, Madrid: Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Centro de Publicaciones.
Easterling, K. (2014) Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space, London /New York: Verso Books.
Ferrán, O. (2013) ‘Grievability and the Politics of Visibility: The Photography of Francesc Torres and the Mass Graves of the Spanish Civil War,’ in: Memory and Postwar Memorials. Studies in European Culture and History. New York: Palgrave Macmillan: pp. 117–136.
Gaviria, M., Naredo, J. | 6,450 |
Auch in der letzten Woche ist wieder einiges in der Bitcoin- und Kryptowelt geschehen. Wir haben die letzte Woche für euch aufbereitet und zusammengefasst.
Die Blockchain auf 20 MB pro Block erhöhen
Gavin Andresens Vorschlag, die Blocks auf 20 MB pro Block zu erhöhen, spaltet „die (Bitcoin) Nation“ und ist somit das wohl heißeste Thema derzeit. Wer hat die eigentliche Macht über Bitcoin – diese Fragen und weitere stellen sich einige Bitcoiner: Welche Folgen resultieren, warum sollte eine Änderung durchgeführt werden, wird diese Änderung überhaupt angenommen? Entsteht Chaos, wenn nicht alle Miner mitziehen? Was denkt Ihr über dieses Thema? (Zum Artikel)
Lebenslange Haftstrafe für Ross Ulbricht
Der Gründer des online Marktplatzes für illegale Geschäfte Ross Ulbricht wurde am Freitag in New York zu einer lebenslangen Haftstrafe verurteilt. “Silk Road” (Anspielung auf die historische Handelsroute Seidenstraße), das war der Name für den internationalen Marktplatz, an dem Drogen, gepanzerte Fahrzeuge, Waffen und selbst Kinderpornographie gehandelt wurden. Für diesen “Service” missbrauchte Ross Ulbricht das Zahlungsmittel Bitcoin, das in Verbindung mit “Tor” illegale Geschäfte nicht rückverfolgbar machen sollte.
Die Bitcoin Mining Glühbirne
Einem Tweet von Marc van der Chijs zufolge – früherer Unternehmer in China und jetzt Risikokapitalanleger in Vancouver – hat BitFury die erste Glühbirne erfunden, die, sobald man sie in Gebrauch nimmt, Bitcoin schürft. So sieht die Miner-Glühbirne aus:
Bitfury developed a light bulb that automatically mines Bitcoin when you screw it in. #sideproject #blockchainsummit pic.twitter.com/8liCtOwlKV — Marc van der Chijs (@chijs) 27. Mai 2015
Bitcointalk wurde gehackt
Die Plattform Bitcointalk.org wurde Opfer eines Hackerangriffs. Passwörter, Sicherheitsdaten oder auch die Einstellungen wurden gehackt. Falls Ihr einen Account bei Bitcointalk besitzt, solltet Ihr eure Passwörter und Sicherheitsfragen unbedingt ändern.
Make sure you change your password on the forum and anywhere else you used the same password. More info: https://t.co/Oa2rEHA7Xj — BitcoinTalk (@bitcointalk) 24. Mai 2015
Corona stellt das Dapp Netzwerk vor
Dieses Netzwerk soll die Entwicklung rund um die Bitcoin Technologie voran bringen. Neue Ideen könnten das Netz neu gestalten, um so ein besseres Finanzsystem, unbeschränkte Meinungsfreiheit, Demokratie für alle zu erhalten, aber auch zu einer erhöhten Privatsphäre und anderen Vorteilen beitragen. (Zum Artikel)
Bitcoin Startup Xapo mit namhaften Zuwachs
Ehemalige Führungskräfte von VISA und der Citibank haben sich dem Verwaltungsrat des Startups Xapo angeschlossen. Namhafte Leute wie John Dee Hock, Clintons ehemaliger Finanzminister Lawrence H. Summer und der Ex Citibank CEO Johne Reed sind nun bei dem Unterneh | 6,451 |
Le coupé Karma Pininfarina GT reprend la base de la Revero GT.
La Karma Pininfarina GT peut être définie en décomposant son identité. Pour commencer, cela vient de Karma Automotive, un constructeur américain basé aux États-Unis, qui tire son identité de la voiture qu’il a achetée à la défunte Fisker Automotive. Tout comme la Fisker Karma parce qu’elle avait été identifiée auparavant, la Karma Revero, désormais baptisée, est une berline hybride rechargeable à la voluptueuse stylée par Henrik Fisker (qui porte donc le nom unique), qui a conçu la BMW Z8 et ses nombreuses Aston Martin.
OK, Karma a donc confié le Revero à la célèbre société italienne de construction de canapé, Pininfarina! pour créer un coupé à deux portes sur la même plate-forme. Bien que vous puissiez voir du Revero dans la cabine très basse et les passages de roue bombés, il s’agit d’un extérieur presque parfait.
Extérieur de la Karma Pininfarina GT
«Le langage de surface est simplifié, avec des épaules détendues et une gamme de fonctionnalités plus douces»! indique la description du design dans le communiqué de presse de Karma. “(Il) a des poignées de porte affleurantes afin de garder les volumes du corps le plus pur possible. Un toit noir contrastant de bon goût complète la peinture gris os. Les travaux de finition sont_finis en noir piano ou en gris canon à feu fumé. ”
Le style de la finition d’entrée peut également être tout nouveau. Ce qui est sympathique, car l’actuel Karma Revero est principalement équivalent à l’unique Fisker, une automobile réapparue de nouveau en 2011. (Un Revero à peine révisé a également fait ses débuts à Shanghai.) The Pininfarina GT, néanmoins, semble être comme vif et beau, si un peu sous-produit. Il y a quelques Aston Martin DB10 (phares), Ferrari 488 (colonnes de calandre verticale) et de nombreux Lamborghini (ligne de réduction du capot d’entrée). Peu importe, cela semble être bon.
L’arrière pourrait également être encore plus haut, et les proportions sont très bonnes de profil. La Revero ultra-longue et basse a définitivement l’avantage d’avoir deux portes plutôt que quatre. Comme son nom l’indique, cela peut être une voiture GT dans le sens le plus visible du monde.
Le design intérieur est principalement identique à celui du Revero / Karma. Bien que de nouveaux accessoires et quelques emblèmes aient_été ajoutés, ainsi que des emblèmes de Pininfarina cousus aux sièges.
Karma dit que si la Pininfarina GT «suscite l’intérêt d’assez d’enthousiastes». Elle devrait introduire un nombre restreint de voitures de fabrication. Si tel était le cas, Pininfarina les construirait dans ses locaux situés à l’extérieur de Turin, en Italie. Elle inviterait les prospects à personnaliser complètement leurs voitures.
Galerie Photos / Karma Pininfarina GT
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ique a également relaté celui d’un adolescent indien de 14 ans porteur d’une pseudo-queue de 18 cm de long.
Le traitement chirurgical d’une pseudo-queue diffère grandement de celui d’une vraie queue. En effet, en cas de spina bifida lipome associé, la taille et la localisation de cette malformation complexe déterminent sa gravité. En l’absence de prise en charge chirurgicale, des troubles neurologiques (urinaires, moteurs, intestinaux) peuvent survenir lors de la croissance de l’appendice caudal. Ainsi, loin d’être un sujet graveleux ou un phénomène de foire, l’existence d’une queue chez un nouveau-né, un enfant ou un adulte, doit toujours faire rechercher des lésions associées qui, méconnues, peuvent entraîner de sérieuses complications.
Marc Gozlan (Suivez-moi sur Twitter, sur Facebook)
Toute reproduction interdite. Toutes les informations reproduites sur cette page sont protégées par des droits de propriété intellectuelle.
Pour en savoir plus (nombreux articles en accès libre, avec photos) :
Robinson CG, Duke TC, Allison AW. Incidental finding of a true human tail in an adult: a case report. J Cutan Pathol. 2016 Sep 24. doi: 10.1111/cup.12820
Wilkinson CC, Boylan AJ. Proposed caudal appendage classification system; spinal cord tethering associated with sacrococcygeal eversion. Childs Nerv Syst. 2016 Aug 6. doi: 10.1007/s00381-016-3208-x
Sadashiva N, Beniwal M, Shukla D, Srinivas D. A tale of two « tails: » A curiosity revisited. J Pediatr Neurosci. 2016 Apr-Jun;11(2):153-5. doi: 10.4103/1817-1745.187647
Tubbs RS, Malefant J, Loukas M, Jerry Oakes W, Oskouian RJ, Fries FN. Enigmatic human tails: A review of their history, embryology, classification, and clinical manifestations. Clin Anat. 2016 May;29(4):430-8. doi: 10.1002/ca.22712
Turk CC, Kara NN, Bacanli A. The Human Tail: A Simple Skin Appendage or Cutaneous Stigma of an Anomaly? Turk Neurosurg. 2016;26(1):140-5. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.12199-14.1
Satyarthee GD, Mahapatra AK. Faun tail associated with bony tail like projecting dysplastic sacral vertebral segments in natal cleft: Unique twin tails. J Pediatr Neurosci. 2015 Oct-Dec;10(4):411-2. doi: 10.4103/1817-1745.174439
Andres S, Boisramé T, Fritz G, Viville B, Kehrli P, Langer B, Favre R. Appendice caudal dans l’espèce humaine : à propos d’un cas. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2015, 44(7):670-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jgyn.2014.11.001
Dutta A, Ghosh SK, Mandal AK. A Tale of Two Tails: Not Just Skin Deep. Indian J Dermatol. 2015 Jul-Aug;60(4):400-2. doi: 10.4103/0019-5154.160496
Praveen BK, Dipu K. Human tail and limb defects: A short tale of a long tail. Muller J Med Sci Res. 2015;6:92-4.
Muthukumar N. A bony human tail causing tethered cord syndrome: case report. Childs Nerv Syst. 2014 Apr;30(4):703-7. doi:10.1007/s00381-013-2213-6
Liaqat N, Sandhu AI, Khan FA, Ehmed E, | 6,453 |
Chaotic mass demonstrations are underway in Ecuador following a spate of austerity cuts tied to a recently implemented IMF deal. Police have unleashed tear gas on protesters, while the government has declared a state of emergency.
By Monday, some 477 people had been arrested after five days of heated demonstrations, in which protesters blocked roads and clashed with police on the streets of Quito.
The demonstrators – many of them indigenous peoples – met a forceful police response, including tear gas, billy clubs and armored vehicles, with officers pursuing protesters on horseback and motorbike.
Continúa la represión del “gobierno del diálogo”. Cuánto tiempo más el país debe soportar esta conmoción social? Su temor es cada vez más evidente, la violencia es su respuesta! #SOSEcuadorpic.twitter.com/bvJUh4G4Ja — Marcela Holguín (@marcelaholguin) October 7, 2019
After the clashes, “the streets of Quioto looked more like a warzone with rocks, bottles, and tear gas cartridges scattered everywhere,” RT Spanish correspondent Nicolas O’Donovan reported from the Ecuadorian capital. Covering the events proved a risky endeavor for him and his crew, who got dosed by tear gas as police were dispersing demonstrators.
President Moreno announced on Monday evening that he would no longer govern from Quito, and would instead relocate to the southwestern city of Guayaquil, hoping to avoid the brunt of the demonstrations. Late last week, he hoped to end the gatherings with a 60-day national emergency decree, temporarily rescinding press freedoms and the right to public assembly, but the marches have not abated.
6:42 pm. The situation in Ecuador continues to be tense. Military trucks arrive at the presidential palace. Social movements are on the streets. President Lenín Moreno is nowhere to be found. @telesurenglishpic.twitter.com/DDGiZZyr6n — Estefanía Bravo (@EbravoteleSUR) October 7, 2019
The days of rage were prompted by a package of spending cuts introduced by the Moreno administration last week, particularly its elimination of state fuel subsidies. The fuel prices more than doubled, taking a disproportionate toll on poor and indigenous communities.
The new economic measures come in preparation for a $4.2 billion loan deal with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved in March. IMF loan agreements often require recipient nations to reform internal economic policies before they are approved.
Así está #Ecuador el pueblo en la calle siga los detalles por @teleSURtvpic.twitter.com/vYfK3d7HUb — Madelein Garcia (@madeleintlSUR) October 8, 2019
On Monday, as protesters made their way toward Quito’s presidential palace, where Moreno was expected to give an address, officials and journalists were suddenly ejected from the building by the military, reportedly as a security measure. Some were caught up in the massive police perimeter around the palace, which included barbed wire and fences, and left stranded for some time with no way to leave.
📢 #ATENCIÓN Militares evacuaron esta tarde a los funcionarios y periodistas del Palacio de Carondelet por seguridad. ► https://t.co/xutHTEhIm3pic.twitter.com/Cz1OklB7U2 — El Universo (@eluniversocom) October 7, 2019
#EnEsteMomento#URGENTE periodistas estamos en la calle, en las inmediaciones del Palacio de Gobierno. Militares desalojaron la Presidencia porq hay manifestaciones acercándose. En este momento, los periodistas no tenemos ningún tipo de seguridad para salir @eluniversocompic.twitter.com/grctULQEfu — Gladys Rivadeneira (@GYRivadeneira) October 7, 2019
While security forces continued to build up defenses around the palace, where armored vehicles could be seen arriving late on Monday.
The president also slammed the protests as a “coup attempt” carried out by “corrupt” lawmakers affiliated with his predecessor and one-time ally, Rafael Correa and Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro.
¡Con alegría y entusiasmo!, así recibe la gente de Quito a la marcha del Movimiento Indígena que avanza a Quito desde | 6,454 |
one of those nega-fans <@Wikt> that hates the company that makes a game and everything they stand for <@Wikt> but still plays the game <@Wikt> (like roughly 30% of blizzard's player base, maybe much more...)
Duckvillelol Profile Blog Joined July 2009 Australia 1207 Posts #7 On May 02 2013 14:59 Zeppelin535 wrote:
Show nested quote +
On May 02 2013 14:58 intense555 wrote:
You better have a lot of time if you're going to watch bones' replays. He usually won't attack till the hour or so mark. Definitely a good watch though if you're wondering what happens after late game. You better have a lot of time if you're going to watch bones' replays. He usually won't attack till the hour or so mark. Definitely a good watch though if you're wondering what happens after late game.
Haha. Yes I do have a tendency to play long games, but I'm no Avilo! Haha. Yes I do have a tendency to play long games, but I'm no Avilo!
Or me in TvX with mech haha.
Great set of reps, definitely worth a watch for anyone interested in some high level Protoss play Or me in TvX with mech haha.Great set of reps, definitely worth a watch for anyone interested in some high level Protoss play Former SC2 commentator: facebook.com/duckville.casting || youtube.com/duckvillelol || twitter.com/duckvillelol
.kv Profile Blog Joined August 2010 United States 2322 Posts #8 wow stepping up on the quality of a replay pack
naming these of the builds you are doing against what your opponent is doing
FeiCer Profile Joined October 2011 15 Posts Last Edited: 2013-05-02 12:29:04 #9 Thanks for these dude! I really appreciate that some high level players share replays!
Are you going to keep this thread alive for Q&A?
Zeppelin535 Profile Joined May 2011 Canada 262 Posts #10 On May 02 2013 21:26 FeiCer wrote:
Thanks for these dude! I really appreciate that some high level players share replays!
Are you going to keep this thread alive for Q&A?
Yes. AMA! haha Yes. AMA! haha Bones (P) | @BonesSC2 | twitch.tv/Bones535
mratel Profile Joined January 2013 Poland 3 Posts #11
any chance of you posting pack when you loose?
i need this for some statistical analysis and they are pointless when some one only wins hiany chance of you posting pack when you loose?i need this for some statistical analysis and they are pointless when some one only wins More GG - More skill!
Zeppelin535 Profile Joined May 2011 Canada 262 Posts Last Edited: 2013-05-02 13:01:53 #12 On May 02 2013 21:39 mratel wrote:
any chance of you posting pack when you loose?
i need this for some statistical analysis and they are pointless when some one only wins hiany chance of you posting pack when you loose?i need this for some statistical analysis and they are pointless when some one only wins
I've realized this, but I feel like losses are usually not good replays for a pack as those losses are caused most often by silly mistakes which tarnish the replay's usefulness for positive analysis/learning (obviously analyzing the loss would be useful to me, but not really to a third party. It's better to show how to beat something with X build than to show you losing in that same situation), so probably not. I've realized this, but I feel like losses are usually not good replays for a pack as those losses are caused most often by silly mistakes which tarnish the replay's usefulness for positive analysis/learning (obviously analyzing the loss would be useful to me, but not really to a third party. It's better to show how to beat something with X build than to show you losing in that same situation), so probably not. Bones (P) | @BonesSC2 | twitch.tv/Bones535
DropTester Profile Joined April 2010 Australia 606 Posts #13
Thanks for the replays, helpful for me to get back into the game after a long period of time I agree with that, losses usually arent as helpfulThanks for the replays, helpful for me to get back into the game after a long period of time
-TBo Profile Joined December 2012 Canada 16 Posts #14 Bones is a really good protoss! If you want to watch a protoss with extremely good macro and mechanics, and really fast APM check him out | 6,455 |
recommended: Instead of simply learning each word and its gender by heart, it can be smart to associate each gender with an action in your mind.
You could imagine, for example, that masculine nouns fall into water while feminine nouns are eaten by a monster. Associating each noun with such a vivid image helps you remember its gender more easily.
The association needs to be personal, since it has to be something you will easily remember. For example, If you love to sing, you could sing each word with a different tone depending on its gender.
How to learn and practice French noun gender
One easy way to keep up what you’ve learned about genders in French is to choose a word, guess if it’s masculine or feminine, then look it up online or in a print dictionary to check if you’re right. If you’re not, try saying or writing the word with its masculine or feminine article a few times. You may also want to check if it belongs on the list of typically masculine or feminine word endings.
Want more practice, or different ways to practice? This article includes a great list of French word gender games you can play on your own or with a group.
French gender rules explained
Now you know how to identify the gender of French nouns. Now let’s see why knowing the gender of French words is so important.
Here are the most important grammatical elements in French that change based on genders.
In French, you have a masculine “the” (le) and a feminine “the” (la). Good news – there’s a plural “the” (les), but it stays the same for groups/things of either gender.
Similarly, you have a masculine “a” (un) and a feminine “a” (une). Another bit of good news: As with les, the plural form of “a” in French, des, stays the same whether you’re using it with masculine or feminine nouns.
Finally, while you say “some”, as in “a portion/piece of”, you need to make the distinction between du (masculine) and de la (feminine) in French.
As in English, pronouns change depending on the subject’s gender.
he = il
she = elle
Note that these pronouns aren’t just used with people, but with any noun, since they all have genders. For example: Nadine est si gentille. Elle m’a prêté sa voiture pour la journée. (Nadine is so kind. She let me borrow her car for the day.) OR J’en ai marre de cette chaise! Elle n’est vraiment pas confortable. (I’m sick of this chair! It’s really uncomfortable!)
Unlike English, there are two ways to say “they” in French:
elles (feminine subject)
ils (masculine subject)
Note that in French, masculine nouns take precedence over feminine ones. There’s a sad little trick to the French language regarding gender: No matter how many feminine nouns you have, if there’s just one masculine one, it takes precedence.
For example:
À la cantine, Daniel a choisi une pomme, une soupe, et un sandwich. Ils sont tous sur son plateau.
At the cafeteria, Daniel chose an apple, a bowl of soup, and a sandwich. They’re all on his tray.
Notice that despite the first two items being feminine, because un sandwich is masculine, the entire group is referred to with ils, the masculine plural pronoun.
This is also the case when you’re talking about people and other living things:
Cléa, Hélène, Rose, et Paul aiment les films. Ils vont au cinéma chaque semaine.
Cléa, Hélène, Rose, and Paul like movies. They go to the cinema every week.
As you can see, even though most of the people here are female, just one male means you have to use the pronoun ils when you talk about the group.
French adjectives change based on the gender and number of the noun they modify. This means the adjective is either:
Masculine singular
Feminine singular
Masculine plural
Feminine plural
Let’s take several adjectives as examples. These are adject | 6,456 |
Our latest Freakonomics Radio episode is called “Why Don’t We All Speak the Same Language? (Earth 2.0 Series).” (You can subscribe to the podcast at Apple Podcasts or elsewhere, get the RSS feed, or listen via the media player above.)
There are 7,000 languages spoken on Earth. What are the costs — and benefits — of our modern-day Tower of Babel?
Below is a transcript of the episode, modified for your reading pleasure. For more information on the people and ideas in the episode, see the links at the bottom of this post.
* * *
James COOK [English]: I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Anisa SILVIANA [Bahasa Indonesia]: Saya tidak paham yang kamu katakan. Christoph PARSTORFER [German]: Tut mir leid, ich verstehe dich nicht. Ria VIDAL [Filipino]: Pasensya na, pero hindi ko naiintindihan ang sinasabi mo. Daria JANSSEN [Dutch]: Sorry, ik begrijp niet wat je zegt. Dayana MUSTAK [Bahasa Malaysia]: Mintak maaf, saya tak faham awak cakap apa. Rendell de KORT [Papiamento]: Mi ta sorry, mi no ta compronde kiko bo ta bisando. Emília VÁMOS [Hungarian]: Sajnálom, nem értem, amit mond. Kanako TANAKA [Japanese]: すみません、あなたが何を言ってるのかわかりません。 Peter KANG [Korean]: 죄송 한데, 뭘 말했는지 못 알아들었어요. Katie HARRELL [High Balinese]: Ampura, titiang tenten midep. Maria Luisa MACIEIRA [French]: Désolée, je ne comprends pas ce que vous dites. Stephanie TAM [English]: I’m sorry. I don’t understand what you’re saying.
Making yourself understood. It’s one of the most defining acts of being human, and among the most important. But after all these millennia on Earth 1.0, we haven’t perfected it. It almost makes you wonder if we’re working through some ancient curse …
Esther SCHOR: Well, the story of the Tower of Babel is told in the eleventh chapter of Genesis … Shlomo WEBER: Whether it happened or not, it’s not for me to judge … SCHOR: … and it comes down to us as a myth about the origin of linguistic difference. WEBER: … but it is definitely important. SCHOR: So the project was to build a tower, and I’m quoting, “whose top may reach to heaven, and let us make a name lest we be scattered abroad on the face of the whole earth.” Michael GORDIN: And God looks down on this and says, “If they can do that, there’s no stopping them from whatever else they can do. So I’m going to go down and confound all of their languages.” John McWHORTER: That was a tale created by people for whom different languages were a problem. GORDIN: “That way they will not be able to communicate with each other and accomplish this joint task.” McWHORTER: They were thinking, “We can’t communicate with the people over the mountains. We might want to trade with them. We’re beginning to think they might want to fight us, and we can’t even have a conversation.” SCHOR: God’s revenge on the builders of Babel was to blunt our capacity to make ourselves understood and to understand. McWHORTER: It is a very rich story because it depicts the multiplicity of languages as a scourge. SCHOR: The curse of Babel is an existential condition in which we live every day. WEBER: This is both the blessing and the burden: the large number of languages, and different societies dealt with it in different ways. SCHOR: We use language to communicate, but we cannot rely on it to make ourselves understood. GORDIN: The thing that really resonates with me about the story is this sense that common language can produce common purpose, and an absence of a common language can confound that common purpose. McWHORTER: Today, | 6,457 |
people to get to postdocs in the U.S. and to publish in U.S. journals.
Consider science, previously dominated in the West by Latin; and in the East by Sanskrit and Classical Chinese.
GORDIN: Today, there is basically one common language for communication in the elite natural sciences like physics, biology, chemistry, geology, which is overwhelmingly English. By overwhelmingly, I mean over 95 percent of world publication in those sciences is in English, and there’s never been anything quite like that before.
This requires more than just a familiarity with English.
GORDIN: What we now demand of people is an extremely high level of both written and oral fluency in English. It’s very hard to get that fluency and it imposes an educational burden on them. You have people in Japan who spend years learning English, when their counterparts in Canada are just learning more science. That creates a mechanism that reinforces the elite status of Anglophone institutions. There probably are people in the world who would be wonderful scientists but can’t get the English, and therefore can’t quite participate in the international community.
And if they can’t participate — what kind of science is the rest of the world missing out on? The massive leverage of English in the scientific community — and in other communities — is something you probably don’t think about much if you are a native English speaker.
GORDIN: The native speakers of English learn English for free from their parents and the community around them. They benefit enormously from everybody else spending years putting this language into their heads.
For a native speaker, that’s the status quo.
GORDIN: The problem with the status quo is it’s not fair. The people who benefit the most from it pay the least for it. McWHORTER: One of the hardest things about a big-dude language like English and its influence …
That again, is John McWhorter.
McWHORTER: … is that it’s easy for a generation to start to feel that that language is the real one and so that’s the way that a language can eat up another one. Next thing you know, the kids really only speak English or some kind of English, and the indigenous language is gone. That has happened, for example, to countless Native American languages. To an extent, Native American languages were beaten out of people in boarding schools. But then to another extent, where that damage wasn’t done, there was often a sense that, “English is what’s spoken. What Grandma speaks is for Grandma, but I’m not Grandma.” All it takes is one generation like that, and the language is gone.
Linguists predict that of the roughly 7,000 languages now spoken on earth, some 3,000 will go extinct within the next century.
VIDAL [Filipino]: Ayokong maglaho ang aking wika habambuhay. Cláudia AMORIM [Portugal Portuguese]: Eu não quero que a minha língua se extinga. MUSTAK [Bahasa Malaysian]: Saya tak nak bahasa saya pupus. Justin CHOW [Malay]: Saya tidak mahu bahasa Melayu hapus. MACIEIRA [Brazilian Portuguese]: Eu não quero que minha língua seja extinta. IVANOV [Russian]: Я не хочу, чтобы мой язык вымер! MACIEIRA [French]: Je ne veux pas que ma langue disparaisse. de KORT [English]: I don’t want my language to go extinct.
Coming up after the break: how linguistic differences can lead to bloodshed:
WEBER: Many people died in the war, which easily could have been avoided.
How language affects thinking:
BORODITSKY: There are certainly claims about types of thinking that become very hard without language.
And: is the European Union our modern-day Tower of Babel?
WEBER: Yeah, I think so. MUSTAK [Bahasa Malaysian]: Sebentar lagi … MACIEIRA [French]: Ca, ça vient tout de suite … IVANOV [Russian]: Далее в программе Радио Фриканомики. MUSTAK [Bahasa Malaysian]: … dalam Radio Freakonomics. MACIERA [French]: … sur la Radio Freakonom | 6,458 |
That’s coming up next, on Freakonomics Radio.
* * *
We’ve been talking about talking — how it came to be that 7-plus billion people on Earth 1.0 speak some 7,000 different languages. And the simple fact that a great many of us can’t understand the most basic thing that someone else may be saying:
MACIEIRA [French]: Excusez-moi, où sont les toilettes? AMORIM [Portugal Portuguese]: Desculpe… KANG [Korean]: 저기요 … AMORIM [Portugal Portuguese]: … pode dizer-me onde é a casa de banho? KANG [Korean]: … 화장실 어디 있어요? MUSTAK [Bahasa Malaysian]: Tumpang tanya, tandas kat mana? MACIEIRA [Brazilian Portuguese]: Da licença, aonde fica o banheiro? VIDAL [Filipino]: Puede pong magtanong, nasaan po ang banyo? IVANOV [Russian]: Извините, где тут туалет? de KORT [English]: Excuse me, where’s the bathroom?
You may be tempted to think — hey, wait a minute, why don’t we just standardize our language? Well, that can get messy real fast:
WEBER: The bloodiest example actually probably over the course of this century is the Sri Lanka war.
That is the economist Shlomo Weber:
WEBER: There was a linguistic war between two groups of people.
For some 2,000 years, two major ethno-linguistic groups — the Sinhalese and the Tamil — had co-existed, relatively peacefully, on an island in South Asia now known as Sri Lanka. Over time, it was colonized by the Portuguese, the Dutch, and the British. The British gave it up in 1948; and in 1956 …
WEBER: What happened is that Sinhalese majority tried to impose making the language of the majority the only official language of the country.
The Sinhalese-led government introduced the Sinhala-Only Act, which Tamil leaders called “a form of apartheid.” Tamil protests turned violent, and that violence begat a full-fledged civil war that would last 26 years. Tens of thousands of people died.
WEBER: The reality is that the situation was already tense, but the intensity of the conflict would have been much lower than without this Sinhala-Only Act. The price is just staggering. So many people died in the war, which easily could have been avoided.
Tamil was ultimately accorded official status, alongside Sinhalese. It still took a long time for things to settle down. In 2011, a reconciliation commission recommended that schoolchildren be taught in both Tamil and Sinhalese. “It is language that unifies and binds a nation,” their report read. “It is imperative that the official-languages policy is implemented in an effective manner to promote understanding, diversity, and national integration.” So: does language bind us, or divide us? Short answer: both.
BORODITSKY: I will say that tribalism develops very quickly.
That’s Lera Boroditsky, from U.C.-San Diego. She has found linguistic tribalism in many precincts.
BORODITSKY: If you join an online community, for example — let’s say a new TV show that comes out. Within a few weeks, there will be phrases, vocabulary items, and memes that can only be understood by people who participate in that linguistic community and very quickly [it] becomes so that new people who join the community — the newbies — are, at least initially, excluded because they don’t know how to use that set of vocabulary items correctly and they have to spend some time learning.
Offline communities have the same tendencies.
BORODITSKY: They show a lot of these very common patterns of quick innovation, quick change — which you get in languages all over the world — and a desire to differentiate. People, on the one hand, want to communicate with one another but on the other hand, they want to have a shibboleth — they want to have some way of revealing who really belongs and who doesn’t belong.
This is called signaling theory.
WEBER: Absolutely! DUBNER: I’ | 6,459 |
sam došao s obitelji, četvero djece da imam. Koliko njih onda dođe s vrećicama, sa stvarima i kaže "Evo ti, nosi doma", a ja im kažem "Ne treba mi, radim", ali oni ustraju "Ti si došao iz takve zemlje u kojoj je rat, u kojoj je strašno, evo uzmi!", prepričava Habibulla svoja pozitivna iskustva.
"Nisam vidio takav narod u cijelome svijetu, gdje god sam bio. I zato su Hrvati meni najbolji narod, uvijek ljudi žele pomoći. U drugim zemljama u kojima sam bio, uvijek ti govore "Ti si iz Afganistana!" Ili "Crni si!". U Hrvatskoj se meni nijednom nije dogodilo da mi čovjek kaže "Ti si crni", a u Uzbekistanu i Rusiji poslije 21 sat ja ne smijem vrata otvoriti, zbog huligana i alkoholičara. U Hrvatskoj cijelu noć samo hodaš ulicom, i nitko ti ne kaže "Zašto ti ovdje šetaš?". To se stvarno meni i mojoj obitelji jako sviđa, zbog ovog naroda", kaže odlučno.
U Rusiji i Uzbekistanu su mi govorili "Ti si crn, makni se od mene!", ovdje nikad
"Da meni neki Hrvat kaže da je u ovoj zemlji 70 posto dobrih ljudi, ja bih mu rekao "Ne, ovdje je 90 posto dobrih ljudi!". To je stvarno, zato što ja na svojem poslu, a radim već 7 godina na svojem poslu, vidim svakakve ljude, a nijedan čovjek mi nije rekao "Ti si crni, makni se od mene!". U Rusiji, Uzbekistanu i Tadžikistanu to bih čuo, a Uzbekistan i Tadžikistan su muslimanske države.
No, naš narod (Afganistanci op.a.) je najnesretniji, tamo je 100 godina samo rat pa je tako je 2 milijuna Afganistanaca napustilo zemlju. Tko je od izbjeglica otišao u Iran, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, u islamske države, puno se muči", priča nam Habibulla.
Otkako sam u Hrvatskoj, ja vidim da to može drugačije. Da, početak je bio jako težak. Četvero djece i moja supruga, ja sam došao 2007. godine, a oni 2008. godine. Kad su došli bio je problem zbog papira, oni su bili bez pasoša. U drugoj državi da je ta situacija bila, davno bi nas bili izbacili iz države, ali ne i u Hrvatskoj. Evo, riješili smo sada sve, hvala Ministarstvu unutarnjih poslova, i sad smo svi dobili papire, sve je u redu. Sad smo kupili i stan, nisam još vlasnik, ali i to ćemo riješiti, bit će sve u redu.
Poštujem hrvatske zakone, a u hrvatskome zakonu piše da zato što sam iz Afganistana nemam pravo ovdje kupiti nekretnine zato jer azilanata | 6,460 |
Vous allez souvent la mine morose sur le chemin du bureau? Faites pas cette gueule, tout le monde a connu ça. Même les grands de ce monde. Pour vous le prouver, on a trouvé quelques clichés de quelques uns de ces derniers à leur bureau. Parce que, ok, ils n'étaient peut-être pas en open-space et certains avaient des bureaux super canons, mais ils n'avaient pas non plus la touche "café vanille" à la machine. Et ça, ça, c'est irremplaçable.
Peintres Edvard Munch (1863 - 1944)
Gai, très gai. Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms Egon Schiele (1890 - 1918)
Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms Joan Miró (1893 - 1983)
Source photo : BuzzFeed Source photo : From Your Desks Salvador Dali (1904 - 1989)
Source photo : From Your Desks Francis Bacon (1909 - 1992)
Bon alors là, par contre, Francis, c'est vraiment le bordel. Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms Jackson Pollock (1912 - 1956)
N'était apparemment pas un grand maniaque. Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms Musiciens Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750)
La photo n'est pas d'époque. Enfin, on croit. A vérifier. Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms Igor Stravinsky (1882 - 1971)
Source photo : From Your Desks Louis Armstrong (1901 - 1971)
Aurait à coup sûr mis l'ambiance au bureau. (Et prend des poses vraiment super cools) Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms Frank Sinatra (1915 - 1998)
Avec Ringo. Pas le 4ème Beatles, non, c'est le nom du chien. Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms Leonard Bernstein (1918 - 1990)
En fouillant bien, on doit trouver une partition de West Side Story ici... Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms Charles Mingus (1922 - 1979)
Le jazzman au calme dans son grand fauteuil en cuir. Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms Ennio Morricone (1928 - )
Source photo : From Your Desks John Lennon (& Yoko Ono) (1940 - 1980)
Source photo : BuzzFeed Keith Richards (1943 - )
Classe et rock anglais à l'heure du thé. Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms Hans Zimmer (1957 - )
Tout en sobriété. On se croirait dans le Titanic. Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms Scientifiques James Watt (1736 - 1819)
Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882)
Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939)
Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
Pas tout à fait un artiste. Mais il a quand même réussi à se rendre invisible sur la photo : un prestidigitateur cet Einstein, en soi. Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms Cinéastes Alfred Hitchcock (1899 - 1980)
Source photo : From Your Desks Ingmar Bergman (1918 - 2007)
Bizarrement, aucun meuble IKEA. Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms James Dean (1931 - 1955)
Source photo : From Your Desks Woody Allen (1935 - )
Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms Hayao Miyazaki (1941 - )
Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms George Lucas (1944 - )
Star Wars très riche l'a rendu. Source photo : Reddit r/privatestudyrooms Quentin Tarantino (1963 - )
A la maison | 6,461 |
Oleg Sentsov, a Ukrainian film director and civil society activist, who participated in the Avtomaidan Civil Movement has been arrested and charged with terrorism.
His arrest is a component of the campaign unleashed against Russian policy opponents in the Crimea. We demand Oleg Sentsov be freed immediately.
Oleg's first full-length film, and his very first piece, The Gamer (2011) brought him acclaim from both film critics and spectators. He is the single father of two underage kids.
When Russian troops entered the Crimean land, Oleg put his second feature-length film, Rhinoceros, on the back burner to become one of the few who supported the move for a unitary Ukraine. He helped local activists to survive, bought foodstuff and staples and distributed them among the Ukrainian servicemen blocked at their bases.
The Russian FSS’ incriminations against the Ukrainian film director are absurd and devoid of any trace of common sense.
11th May 2014: Oleg Sentsov was detained in Simferopol
18th May 2014: Oleg Sentsov is convoyed to the Lefortovo Detention Facility, Moscow
19th May 2014: Dmitriy Dinze, Sentsov’s counsel, is to meet him and investigators.
We vigorously condemn the brazen violation of Ukrainian legislation by Russian services in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea that is an inalienable part of Ukraine!
Stop brutal violations of rights and freedoms of Ukraine nationals in Russia-occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea!
We demand that the Central Department of the Federal Security Service of Russian Federation immediately free Oleg Sentsov! We ask US Secretary of State John Kerry to intervene to demand his release.
Это задержание - часть кампании, организованной в Крыму против несогласных с российской политикой
В Крыму арестован по обвинению в терроризме украинский режиссер и гражданский активист Олег Сенцов, принимавший участие в общественном движении "Автомайдан" по обвинению в организации теракта.
Олег снял один полнометражный фильм, но уже первая его работа - картина "Гамер" 2011 года - получила признание кинокритиков и зрителей. Один воспитывает двух несовершеннолетних детей.
Когда российские войска зашли на территорию Крыма, Олег с отложил работу над вторым полнометражным фильмом «Носорог» и стал одним из те� | 6,462 |
REFINE Browse All : Images of France 1-50 of 4,206 1 2 3 Lazius, Wolfgang, 1514-... 1. R. Austrasia ad Rhen... 1561 National Atlas Related Author Lazius, Wolfgang, 1514-1565 Full Title 1. R. Austrasia ad Rhenum cv Edelsassia et ducat Alemania List No 10551.006 Brochant de Villiers, A... Sheet 5. Carte Géologiq... 1840 Case Map Related Author [Brochant de Villiers, Andre Jean Marie, Dufrénoy, A. (Armand), 1792-1857., Élie de Beaumont, Léonce, 1798-1874.] Full Title Sheet 5. Carte Géologique de la France. Exécutée sous la direction de Mr. Brochant de Villiers, Inspecteur général des mines, par Mm. Dufrénoy et Elie de Beaumont, ingénieurs des mines. Le dessin du relief a été exécutée par A. Desmadryl. La topographie gravée par C. E. Collin, la lettre par J. M. Hacq. List No 10514.010 Brochant de Villiers, A... Composite: Sheets 1- 6.... 1840 Case Map Related Author [Brochant de Villiers, Andre Jean Marie, Dufrénoy, A. (Armand), 1792-1857., Élie de Beaumont, Léonce, 1798-1874.] Full Title (Composite map of) Sheets 1- 6. Carte Géologique de la France. Exécutée sous la direction de Mr. Brochant de Villiers, Inspecteur général des mines, par Mm. Dufrénoy et Elie de Beaumont, ingénieurs des mines. Le dessin du relief a été exécutée par A. Desmadryl. La topographie gravée par C. E. Collin, la lettre par J. M. Hacq. List No 10514.013 Playfair, William, 1759... Tableua statistique des... 1802 Statistical Atlas Related Author Playfair, William, 1759-1823. Full Title Tableua statistique des départemens de la France. List No 14005.008 Note Fold-out statistical table shows the political divisions in France, including principal cities, populations, and distances to Paris. Chatelain Henri, 1684-1... Tom II. No. 2C. Carte G... 1720 Historical Atlas Related Author [Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas] Full Title Carte Genealogique des Souverains de l’Europe Issus d’Ega, Majordome Pendant le Regne de Dagobert Roi de France. Tome 2. No. 2C. (to accompany) Atlas Historique... Tome II. Premiere partie. A Amsterdam, chez L'Honore & Chatelain. M DCC XX (1720). List No 13272.143 Note Engraved timeline map and genealogical chart detailing the genealogy of Europe. With descriptive text and a detailed key identifying some of the more noted figures. Coutans, Guillaume; Pic... Composite: Paris Enviro... 1800 City Atlas Related Author [Coutans, Guillaume, Picquet, Charles] Full Title (Composite map) No. 1-16. Atlas topographique en XVI feuilles des environs de Paris... par Dom. G. Coutans, ex-benedictain. Revu, corrige et considerablement augmente... par Charles Picquet... A Paris, chez Chles. Piquet... Deterville, Libraire..., An 8 - 1800. List No 10401.035 Note Composite map of plates 1-16. Cuvier, Georges; Brongn... Pl. I. Cross sections 1811 Geologic Atlas Related Author [Cuvier, Georges, Brongniart, Alexandre] Full Title (Coupe generale et ideale des divers terreins ou formations qui composent le sol des environs de Paris). (to accompany) Essai sur la geographie mineralogique des environs de Paris... Par G. Cuvie. 1811. List No 13382.005 Note Folded cross sections, 38x74 on sheet 44x77. Showing the positions of all the grounds in vicinity of Paris. Cuvier, Georges; Brongn... Pl. II. Corps organises... 1811 Geologic Atlas Related Author [Cuvier, Georges, Br | 6,463 |
ongniart, Alexandre] Full Title Corps organises fossiles des couches marines des environs de Paris. Lecerf, Sculpt. (to accompany) Essai sur la geographie mineralogique des environs de Paris... Par G. Cuvie. 1811. List No 13382.006 Note Folded plate, 25x19 on sheet 29x23. Showing fossil bodies from the sea layers in vicinity of Paris. Cuvier, Georges; Brongn... Pl. III. Carte geognost... 1811 Geologic Atlas Related Author [Cuvier, Georges, Brongniart, Alexandre] Full Title Carte geognostique des environs de Paris par MM. Cuvier et Brongniart 1810. Beuvelot fils delt. Cloquet sculp. (to accompany) Essai sur la geographie mineralogique des environs de Paris... Par G. Cuvier. 1811. List No 13382.007 Note Folded color map on sheet 66x76 dissected and mounted on linen. Showing geologic formations. Includes legend showing various terrains and geologic formations. Chatelain Henri, 1684-1... Tom I. No. 27. Nouvelle... 1718 Historical Atlas Related Author [Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas] Full Title Nouvelle carte genealogique de la maison royale de France, les differentes branches quelle a formee, ses armes, les alliances : avec des remarques historiques pour l'intelligence de l'histoire. No. 27. (to accompany) Atlas Historique... Tome I. A Amsterdam, chez L'Honore & Chatelain. M DCC XVIII (1718). List No 13272.092 Note New genealogical map of the royal house of France and their alliances, on folded sheet 45x98. With historical notes and 13 coats of arms. Guerry, André Michel, 1... Crimes contre les perso... 1833 Statistical Atlas Related Author Guerry, André Michel, 1802-186 Full Title Crimes contre les personnes. (to) accompany Essai sur la statistique morale de la France... Par A. M. Guerry. M DCCC XXXIII (1833). List No 13320.029 Note Color map with statistical table on crimes against people per department. Showing administrative divisions. Include notes. Guerry, André Michel, 1... Crimes contre les propr... 1833 Statistical Atlas Related Author Guerry, André Michel, 1802-186 Full Title Crimes contre les proprietes. (to) accompany Essai sur la statistique morale de la France... Par A. M. Guerry. M DCCC XXXIII (1833). List No 13320.033 Note Color map with statistical table on crimes against property per department. Showing administrative divisions. Include notes. Guerry, André Michel, 1... Instruction 1833 Statistical Atlas Related Author Guerry, André Michel, 1802-186 Full Title Instruction. (to) Essai sur la statistique morale de la France... Par A. M. Guerry. M DCCC XXXIII (1833). List No 13320.036 Note Color map with statistical table on number of people who can read and write per department. Showing administrative divisions. Include notes. Guerry, André Michel, 1... Enfans naturele 1833 Statistical Atlas Related Author Guerry, André Michel, 1802-186 Full Title Enfans naturele. (to accompany) Essai sur la statistique morale de la France... Par A. M. Guerry. M DCCC XXXIII (1833). List No 13320.042 Note Color map with statistical table on number of legitimate child per department. Showing administrative divisions. Guerry, André Michel, 1... Donations aux pauvres 1833 Statistical Atlas Related Author Guerry, André Michel, 1802-186 Full Title Donations aux pauvres. (to accompany) Essai sur la statistique morale de la France... Par A. M. Guerry. M DCCC XXXIII (1833). List No 13320.046 Note Color map with table of charitable giving statistics per department. Showing administrative divisions. Guerry, André Michel, 1... Suicides 1833 Statistical Atlas Related Author Guerry, André Michel, 1802-186 Full Title Suicides. (to accompany) Essai sur la statistique morale de la France... Par A. M. Guerry. M DCCC XXXIII (1833). List No 13320.050 Note Color map with statistical table on suicide rates per department. Showing administrative divisions. Tassin, Christophe Nico... Carte generale de Franc... | 6,464 |
ique en XVI feuilles des environs de Paris. List No 10401.036 Coutans, Guillaume; Pic... Title: Table Alphabetiq... 1800 City Atlas Related Author [Coutans, Guillaume, Picquet, Charles] Full Title (Title Page to) Table Alphabetique Des Environs de Paris. List No 10401.037 Note Index and locator of all towns on the map sheets. Coutans, Guillaume; Pic... Composite text: Table A... 1800 City Atlas Related Author [Coutans, Guillaume, Picquet, Charles] Full Title (Composite text to) Table Alphabetique Des Environs de Paris. List No 10401.038 Note Composite of all text sheets in the Table Alphabetique Des Environs de Paris. Cavalleri, Giovanni Bat... Descrittione della Terr... 1589 Separate Map Related Author Cavalleri, Giovanni Battista Full Title Descrittione della Terra, et Castello di Dieppa, Ascediata dal Sigr. Duca d'Humena. Descrittione dell' esercito de Catolici accampato tra il Castello d'Arques et la Terra di Dieppa et batteria d 24 Canoni et 12 Collumbrine, Intagliata per GiovanBatista de Cavallieri. in Roma Ianno 1589. List No 13280.000 Baur, Carl Friedrich Bl. III. Frankreich 1857 Thematic Atlas Related Author Baur, Carl Friedrich Full Title Frankreich. Entworfen u. gezeichnet v. C. F. Baur. Bassermann Verlagshandlung in Mannheim. (to accompany) Atlas fur Handel u. Industrie, fur Kaufleute, Fabrikanten u. Gewerbetreibende... von C.F. Baur. 1857. List No 13199.009 Note Color map, with inset map of Umgebung von Paris. Shows major cities, roads, railroads, and shipping routes. Includes reference to agricultural, mineral and industrial products, and table of import and export. Du Val, Pierre, 1619-16... Le Jeu des François et... 1660 [Separate Map, Game] Related Author Du Val, Pierre, 1619-1683 Full Title Le Jeu des François et des Espagnols pour la Paix Par P.D.V. G.D.R. Avec privil. du Roy pour 20 ans, 1660 (The game of the French and Spaniards for Peace). List No 10274.000 Note This game is based on the Franco-Spanish War (1635-1659). The game consists of 26 ovals, each labeled with a date between 1635 until the peace treaty of 1660. Each oval is divided in half: the left half details the progress made by the French in that year, and the right half details the progress made by the Spanish. On the right hand side of the board is a list of rules, outlining the various penalties or prizes for landing on certain ovals. It is a game for up to four players with two dice, and each player has to put up their stake before joining the game. The object is to be the first to land on the final oval of 1660 with an exact throw of the dice. Du Val made several geographic games - see our 6728.000 for another example. Brown, Malcolm J. Title Page: Reports fro... 1870 Geography Book Related Author Brown, Malcolm J. Full Title (Title Page to) Reports from Mr. Malcolm J. Brown of the General Post Office, London, upon the working of the French, Belgian, and Swiss telegraphic systems, and upon the regulations of the Vienna Convention. London: Printed by George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode... 1870. List No 13245.002 Brown, Malcolm J. Tubes atmospheriques 1870 Geography Book Related Author Brown, Malcolm J. Full Title Tubes atmospheriques. (to accompany) Reports from Mr. Malcolm J. Brown of the General Post Office, London... Printed by George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode... 1870. List No 13245.005 Note Color folded map, with inset: Tableau de la marche des trains. Showing central Paris and systems of pneumatic tubes ran under the city streets. Includes legend. Luffman, John, 1756-184... Plate 4 from Vol. 1: Fo... 1799 World Atlas Related Author Luffman, John, 1756-1846 Full Title Fort Louis. Engraved for Luffman's Select plans of the principal cities, ports, harbours, forts, &c. in the world. London, - Engraved and published July 1. 1799, by John Luffman. List No 13 | 6,465 |
French Resistance, Britain’s military Intelligence Section, M10. Shows World-War-II military occupation zones. Includes inset of named occupation zones: Index to frontiers and legend. The division between occupied and non-occupied zones shown by dotted lines and arrows. Map covers parts of Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Spain. Shows roads, railways, frontiers, rivers and lakes. Relief shown by gradient tints and spot heights. Prime meridian is Greenwich. Vincey, Paul; France. M... Carte agronomique des e... 1897 [Statistical Atlas, Reg... Related Author [Vincey, Paul, France. Ministere de l'Agriculture] Full Title Carte agronomique des environs de Paris. Departement de la Seine. Dressee par order du Ministere de l'Agriculture. et du Prefet. de la Seine... Par Mr. Paul Vincey. Chromolith. chez L. Wuhrer. Imp. Erhard, Paris. (to accompany) Album de statistique agricole et carte agronomique du departement de la Seine... par M. Paul Vincey... 1897. (inset) Profil geologique suivant A.B. List No 13087.007 Note Color folded agronomic map. Shows geologic formations, roads, railroads, place names and rivers. Includes descriptive text, charts and legends. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Vincey, Paul; France. M... Statistique agricole en... 1894 [Statistical Atlas, Reg... Related Author [Vincey, Paul, France. Ministere de l'Agriculture] Full Title Departement de la Seine : Statistique agricole en 1894 : Repartition des cultures en grandes divisions. Grave chez L. Wuhrer; Ch. Labau del. (to accompany) Album de statistique agricole et carte agronomique du departement de la Seine... par M. Paul Vincey... 1897. List No 13087.008 Note Color statistical map. Includes descriptive text, statistical tables and key to cultivated area. Vincey, Paul; France. M... Statistique agricole en... 1894 [Statistical Atlas, Reg... Related Author [Vincey, Paul, France. Ministere de l'Agriculture] Full Title Departement de la Seine : Statistique agricole en 1894 : Redenment du froment par hectare du surface encemencee. Grave chez L. Wuhrer; Ch. Labau del. (to accompany) Album de statistique agricole et carte agronomique du departement de la Seine... par M. Paul Vincey... 1897. List No 13087.012 Note Color map of France. Includes descriptive text, and color coded key. Vincey, Paul; France. M... Statistique agricole en... 1893 [Statistical Atlas, Reg... Related Author [Vincey, Paul, France. Ministere de l'Agriculture] Full Title Departement de la Seine : Statistique agricole en 1893 : Repartition des animaix domestiques. Grave chez L. Wuhrer; Ch. Labau del. (to accompany) Album de statistique agricole et carte agronomique du departement de la Seine... par M. Paul Vincey... 1897. List No 13087.018 Note Color map of France. Includes statistical tables, text, and color coded key. Merian, Kasper, 1593-16... V. 1. Galliae Nova et A... 1660 National Atlas Related Author [Merian, Kasper, 1593-1650, Zeiller, Martin 1589-1661] Full Title Galliae Nova et Accurata descriptio Vulgo Royaume De France. (to accompany) Topographia Galliae... Het eerste deel. Amsterdam : By de Weduw van Ioost Broersz en Casper Meriaen, 1660. List No 13088.007 Note Folded map of France, with the arms of King Louis XIV and decorative title cartouche. Relief shown pictorially. Merian, Kasper, 1593-16... V. 1. L' Eglise Nostre... 1660 National Atlas Related Author [Merian, Kasper, 1593-1650, Zeiller, Martin 1589-1661] Full Title L' Eglise Nostre Dame. (to accompany) Topographia Galliae... Het eerste deel. Amsterdam : By de Weduw van Ioost Broersz en Casper Meriaen, 1660. List No 13088.015 Note Engraved view of the Notre Dame Church. Merian, Kasper | 6,466 |
Aerial shot from downtown Barcelona, the city is packed ahead of general strike demo. #VagaGeneral3O pic.twitter.com/Tfo7pkhqIL — 15MBcn_int (@15MBcn_int) October 3, 2017
By Monday night, the Guardia Civil [national police] had left Calella [small Catalan town near Barcelona], leading a spokesman for Spain’s main police union, to complain that officers were “fleeing from hotel to hotel; they are like rats who have to hide”. Via The Guardian
By now, the images of the brutality and ferocity with which Spanish and Catalan police were attacking people on October 1st, in order to prevent a referendum on Catalan independence, have circulated everywhere. So have the images of people in Catalonia pushing back lines of police. The government threw gasoline onto smoldering embers, and the general strike which occurred today (October 1st) is the result. The mix of empowering and disempowering images on Sunday has been replaced by a real sense of collective power and solidarity.
From North America, it seems hard to grasp what “general strike” actually means on the ground. In the US at least, we haven’t had officially had one since 1946, in Oakland (although the Detroit uprising of ’67, for example, was a more authentic general strikes than many things which go by that name elsewhere). For radicals in North America, we have a sense that “general strikes” are good things, but we’re in the same position as Europeans first trying to understand the platypus – we’ve never seen it, we only know its characteristics from writings, and we have a sneaking suspicion that it’s either fake, or not as good as we want to believe. What we forget – what we as a class and a culture have been made to forget – is that there’s nothing mystic nor exotic about general strikes. Our grandparents pulled off 6 citywide general strikes in 1946, plus nationwide strikes in coal and rail. Since then, “unionism” has been channeled into a very narrow workplace contractualism that makes solidarity impossible. They’ve happened here before, and they can happen again, when we build a new kind of unionism and throw out workplace contractualism.
But let’s return to Spain, which had a massive strike wave in the 70s after the death of Franco, and where the state and capital still haven’t been able to fully exorcise the memory of militant, class-wide solidarity. There have been a number of nationwide general strikes since then, but always organized by the two business unions in Spain (CCOO and UGT). There are a number of independent, militant, and radical (often anarchist) unions, as well as regional unions in Catalonia, Andalucia, and the Basque country, but they have always had to follow the general strikes called by the business unions and fight to make them more militant. In 40 years, they’ve never been able to pull off their own general strikes. Until now.
Els estibadors de BCN, reunits en assemblea, hem decidit per unanimitat secundar la vaga general del 3-O. Per la dignitat i els drets civils pic.twitter.com/zRptqBib91 — OEPB (@CoordinadoraBCN) October 2, 2017
The independent dockworkers union (Coordinadora) voting unanimously to participate in the general strike.
The strike had been called originally almost two weeks ago by a coalition of regional and radical unions, including several that refer to revolutionary and anarchist unionism (the most well known of which are the CNT and CGT). They attempted to articulate a fine line, that they were not for the creation of a new Catalan state, but were against police repression and austerity (including when repression and austerity are carried out by Catalan police and politicians). This coalition of unions has been working together since the economic crisis erupted in 2010, with the goal of jointly organizing general strikes outside of the control of the business unions. That was the theory, but it had never been tested before, and it wasn’t clear how effective it would be.
Then came the police attacks across all of Catalonia, and the people’s response of anger and outrage. In several areas people forced police to retreat, including from the hotel where they have historically stayed when needed in large number in Barcelona (see quote above).
On the night of October 1, the business unions in Catalonia signed on to the general strike for October 3. This was the first time that the radical unions had taken the initiative and been followed (rather than ignored) by the business unions, and nobody knew quite what it meant. The next morning, the business unions held embarrassing press conferences | 6,467 |
Almost every aviation fan and watches collector should be familiar with German manufacturer Laco. It’s well-known because of its “fliegers” – pilot’s watches. While some might say that such type is too simple, you can’t deny their minimalistic beauty. Manufacturer also provides different types of the dials and designs and even vary classic form and add new features. Today’s article is dedicated to the newcomer from Laco – Monte Carlo Chrono, which should be displayed in Basel. Don’t let photos fool you – new model is not small and measures 44mm diameter, so it’s more suitable for man’s hand. 🙂 Of course, from both sides it’s closed with saphire glass, so you will be able to appreciate movement beauty through transparent backside.
Почти каждый фанат авиации и коллекционер часов должны быть знакомы с немецким производителем Laco. Он стал известным благодаря так называемым “флигерам” – пилотским часам немецких пилотов. Тогда как некоторые возразят, что подобный тип довольно прост, они не смогут оспорить минималистичную элегантность. Производитель также предлагает разные виды циферблатов, корпусов, и даже изменяет классические формы и добавляет новые функции. Сегодняшняя статья посвящена новинке от компании Laco – хронометру Monte Carlo, который будет показан в Базеле. Не дайте фотографиям обмануть вас – на самом деле часы отнюдь не маленькие и имеют диаметр 44мм, так что это явно мужская модель. 🙂 Разумеется, с обеих сторон установлено сапфировое стекло, так что можно будет рассмотреть механизм через прозрачную з | 6,468 |
аднюю сторону.
As for the movement, manufacturer states that it is Laco 50, based on 25 jewels with day/date indication. All main hands (hours, minutes and seconds) are covered with Superluminova C3, so you can expect bright shining after short exposure to the light. Note that smaller hands painted with white and red, such feature adds subtle accent to the clssic style of the Monte Carlo. All those features are closed into waterproof steel case (up to 5atm).
Что касается механизма, то завявлено, что это будет Laco 50 с 25 камнями и индикацией даты/дня недели. Все основные стрелки (часовая, минутная и секундная) покрыты материалом Superluminova C3, так что можно ожидать яркое свечение после выставления на яркий свет. Обратите также внимание, что небольшие стрелки окрашены в белый и красный, что добавляет небольшой акцент во внешнем виде Monte Carlo. Всё это закрыто в водонепроницаемый корпус (до 5атм).
As for the belt, new model features classic black calf leather version with two rivets from each side. Of course, let’s not forget about possibility to order additional strap from the same manufacturer, so you achieve more personalized appearance. Total weight of the watch is equal to 132g, not that much for the given size. New model should be available right after Basel, and we hope that it will be possible to share with you first view right from the expo.
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Что касается ремешка, новинка оснащена классическим чёрным кожанным вариантом с парой заклёпок с каждой стороны. Разумеется, не стоит забывать о возможности добавить в комплект другой вариант, чтобы получить чуть более персонализированные часы. Общий вес будет равен 132г, что не так много для подобных размер | 6,469 |
This is the barrio that I chose to live in! People call it an artsy hipster neighborhood, and it is true that it is full of students and little boutiques. Despite some peoples’ concerns it is definitely possible to find a nice apartment in this area without spending an arm and a leg, and I recommend it as it is always full of people and I always felt very safe walking around alone at night. It does have a reputation as a big part neighborhood, which is true. As I lived on the fourth floor of my building, the parties going all night didn’t keep me awake on the nights I stayed in.
Toma Cafe, C/ de la Palma, 49, 28004
As someone accustomed to the quality of coffee brewed by the coffee snobs in Portland, OR, I feel comfortable saying that this cafe has really fabulous coffee. It’s a nice place to work, has soups, salads, sandwiches, pastries (including gluten-free) and the baristas do all speak English if that’s a draw.
La Bicicleta, Plaza San Idelfonso, 9, 28004
This cafe is also a bar, has great coffee as well as food, cocktails, and food. It is usually really packed full of people both working and socializing.
Bars (In addition to these, make sure to check out the bars with terazas around Plaza Dos de Mayo):
El Rincon, C/ Espíritu Santo, 26, 28004.
I love this bar/cafe/restaurant. They have, in my humble opinion, the best tortilla española in Madrid! And that is saying something. Additionally, the food on their menu is always delicious. It’s a nice place to hang out with a friend at any hour of the day may you be drinking café con leche, un tinto de verano, zumo de naranja vermut de grifo, or a caña.
Bar Sidi, C/ del Barco, 15, 28004
Named all too appropriately, this bar has copas de vino and cañas for one euro each.
La Camocha, C/ Fuencarral, 95, 28004
Asurian sidra and food.
Casa Camacho, C/ San Andres, 4, 28004
It was always an easy decision to hit up this little ”old-man-bar” as we liked to call it. Known for having vermouth on tap (vermut de grifo) this bar is always packed on weekend evenings. Delicious olives come as tapas. Try a ”yayo,” a traditional cocktail using the vermut.
Ocean Rock Bar, C/ San Vicente Ferrer, 27, 28004
Fun to go to late at night, this bar fills up quickly. There is a strange mirrored room in the back. We would sometimes get their calimochos, which were giant and with a discount if you bought two at once.
Destino Malasaña, C/ Manuela Malasaña, 33, 28004.
This is a good bar to go have some copas with friends at all hours of the night.
L’Absinthe, C/ San Vicente Ferrer 32.
As the name states, this is an absinthe bar. It’s quite small and it has a homey vibe to it, full but with enough room to join in the bustle comfortably. They have some of the best White Russians I have ever tried.
Circo de las Tapas, Corredera Baja de San Pablo, 21, 28004.
Delicious tapas. Also a very popular location so you will want to arrive early or go on a week night.
Restaurante Etíope Nuria, Calle de Manuela Malasaña, 6, 28004.
Fabulous Ethiopian restaurant. The owner is really nice. I recommend ordering the specialty platters and sharing them. I was a big fan of the lamb (cordero) and the vegetarian plates, not to mention the honey wine. When I crave special food, it is the food from this restaurant.
El Kartel de Malasaña, C/ San Vicente Ferrer, 6, 28004.
Great Mexican restaurant. Evidently the owner is from DF. I was overjoyed to find super Mexican tacos de huitlacoche (a delicious fungus that grows on corn) and tacos de flor de calabaza. The nachos are overflowing with guacamole, and the tamal that I shared with a friend would | 6,470 |
Se caută 1.500 de oameni în IT, la un târg de locuri de muncă EconomieTop News by Kristina Reştea 1259
Peste 40 de companii și organizații din IT caută mai mult de 1.500 de colegi noi la un târg de locuri de muncă din Cluj, potrivit organizatorilor. Domeniul are un eveniment dedicat exclusiv: pasionații și specialiștii IT sunt așteptați joi și vineri, 9-10 martie, la Târgul de Cariere în IT care are loc la Sala Polivalentă din Cluj-Napoca.
„Există o cerere mare de IT-iști, atât începători, cât și cu experiență, iar ediția actuală reunește companii locale, naționale și internaționale”, spune Corina Brândușan, PR Managerul Târgului de Cariere (TdC). Accesa are disponibile peste 30 de joburi precum QA Engineer, Java Developer, SharePoint Developer, Linux DevOps, Business Analyst with German. BG Soft caută peste 60 de colaboratori care asigură expertiză tehnică și consultanță la nivel local și global, în timp ce Intacct Development recrutează Software Engineer, Site Operations Engineer, dar are disponibile și internshipuri. Magneti Marelli caută peste 80 de noi colegi, Steelcase angajează printre altele IT CRM Support Engineer, Product Design Engineer, IT Service Desk Analyst, vorbitori de limbi străine, iar Thomsons Online Benefits recrutează la Târgul de Cariere Associate Configuration Specialist, Darwin Support Associate și Client Support Associate. Recrutări fac joi și vineri la TdC și companiile Porsche Engineering, Siemens, Axon Soft, Bertrandt, ERNI Development Center, Flow Traders, Luxoft, RedSharp, Riverbed, Accenture, Banca Transilvania, BRD – Groupe Société Générale, Gameloft, MHP-a Porsche Company, Hanna Instruments sau Telenav, dar și Bosch, unul dintre cei mai importanți investitori străini de la Cluj. În centrul de Cercetare-Dezvoltare din Cluj-Napoca, inginerii lucrează cu tehnologii de ultimă generaţie, spun reprezentanții Bosch. „În domeniul automotive Driver Assistance, se dezvoltă şi se testează software pentru sistemele electrice de direcţie. Prin procesarea digitală a secvenţelor video înregistrate de camerele stereo, dezvoltăm algoritmi pentru detecţia obiectelor, poziţia acestora şi distanţe, respectiv viteze. În Centrul de Analiză utilizăm Big Data şi Data Mining. Aici există posibiltăţi nelimitate de dezvoltare a tehnologiilor dezvoltate pe bază de senzori, care reprezintă viitorul industriei automotizate. Sistemele de servodirecţie asistate electric sunt un alt domeniu de activitate al departamentului. Aici se dezvoltă embedded software pentru ultimele generaţii de sisteme folosite în maşini”, explică cei de la Bosch pentru potențialii candidați la un job.
În cadrul Târgului de Cariere în IT vor | 6,471 |
Like før midnatt tirsdag avfyrte Iran en rekke raketter mot militærbasene Ain al-Assad og Erbil i Irak, hvor blant annet amerikanske og norske styrker holder til. Iransk statlig TV kaller det hevn og truer med flere angrep.
Iran avfyrte flere raketter mot Ain al-Assad og Erbil, som hevn etter at USA likviderte den iranske generalen Qasem Soleimani i et droneangrep fredag.
Rundt 70 nordmenn er stasjonert ved basen, men ingen av disse skal være skadet i angrepet, får TV 2 opplyst.
Angrepet skjedde rundt 23.30 norsk tid.
22 raketter avfyrt
Et amerikansk tjenestemann sier klokken 03.20 at totalt 15 raketter ble avfyrt mot militærbasene. 10 av disse traff Ain al-Assad, én traff Erbil, mens fire nådde ikke målene sine. Det melder ABC News.
Onsdag formiddag opplyser derimot irakiske myndigheter at det var snakk om 22 raketter som ble avfyrt.
Irakiske myndigheter opplyser også at ingen ble skadd eller drept i angrepene. Iran, på sin side, hevder de drepte 80 soldater.
En amerikansk tjenestemann opplyser at de amerikanske styrkene klarte å spore rakettene før de traff militærbasen, noe som ga dem tid til å søke dekning.
President Donald Trump var lenge forventet å tale til det amerikanske folket om angrepet, men denne talen ble avlyst. I stedet tok presidenten til Twitter for å uttale seg om angrepene:
All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far! I will be making a statement tomorrow morning. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 8, 2020
– Alt er bra! Missiler ble skutt fra Iran mot to militærbaser i Irak. Vurdering av omkomne og skadde foregår nå. Så langt, så bra! Vi har det mektigste og mest velutstyrte militæret i verden. Jeg vil komme med en uttalelse i morgen, skriver Trump på Twitter, omtrent klokken 3.45 norsk tid.
Les mer om amerikanernes reaksjoner på angrepet her.
– Denne morgenen har modige krigere fra Irans revolusjonsgarde gjennomført en vellykket operasjon kalt «Operasjon Martyr Soleimani» ved å avfyre et titalls raketter mot basen til terrorister og invasive amerikanske styrker, melder det iranske nyhetsbyrået ISNA ifølge ABC.
Iran took & concluded proportionate measures in self-defense under Article 51 of UN Charter targeting base from which cowardly armed attack against our citizens & senior officials were launched.
We do not seek escalation or war, but will defend ourselves against any aggression. — Javad Zarif (@JZarif) January 8, 2020
Eksplosjonen etter raketter treffer hva som skal være militærbasen i Ain al-Bassad. Foto: Iran Press via Reuters
Angrepet kommer etter at Iran har lovet å hevne «den amerikanske likvideringen av Irans general Qasem Soleimani» sier TV-kanalen videre. Generalen ble begravet i hjembyen Kerman kort tid etter angrepene.
Revolusjonsgarden hevder at | 6,472 |
Silver Screenprint on paper Rives Tradition Le Noir/Black 250 g/m² 50 x 70cmMade with programming using Python
MTV MIAW 2020 LED Panel backgrounds for concerts in MTV MIAW Brazil 2020.
Luisa Sonza, Manu Gavassi, Pabllo Vittar
Lunar Calendar Poster
Made with programming using Nodebox / PlotDevice
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 Silver Screenprint on paper Rives Tradition Le Noir/Black 250 g/m² 50 x 70cmMade with programming using Python
Bar de Cima⚡️
Wireless and computerless control with programmed scenes.
Bar de Cima do Grupo ChezWireless and computerless control with programmed scenes.Project: Bloco & Pedro Avila, Scenography: Lee Dawkins; Hardware and Software: Dmtr.org e Gabriela Castro
Metaspaço Inspired by space corridors from sci-fi movies, it uses 25 meters of led panels on each side plus addressable LED bars
Installation built for Inventum 2019
Atmosfera Installation for Inventum 2019
Mirrors and led panels create an oniric environment
VIBRA Live na Galeria Olido
Rodrigo Coelho aka Grassmass + Dmtr
Sound and visuals
MTV MIAW 2019 LED Panel backgrounds for all concerts in MTV MIAW Brazil 2019.
Art Direction : Vini Prado
Design / Software : Dimitre Lima
Ruinart Flow
Dmtr.org and
Installed in Reims, France inside a crayère (champagne cave) Vik Muniz Studio created this installation for Ruinart Maisón Champagne.Dmtr.org and Gabriela Castro built the software and hardware for the installation. There is a custom led cluster inside each bottle.Installed in Reims, France inside a crayère (champagne cave)
Automatica #1 Automatica #1 is a contemplative projection comissioned by Red Bull Station
Farol Santander
80 digital led bars controlled via wireless
Júlia Morelli & Babu Bicudo Desfile Rosa Chá 2018Farol Santander80 digital led bars controlled via wirelessProduction As Meninas Júlia Morelli & Babu Bicudo
MTV MIAW 2018 LED Panel backgrounds for all concerts in MTV MIAW Brazil 2018.
Art Direction : Vini Prado
Design / Software : Dimitre Lima
with Bruno Dicolla, Isis Passos, Mau Schramm and Diogo Jose Costa Pinto.
Nubank White Mirror Installation by D3 / Spaces and Creatures / Edson Pavoni
Code: Dmtr.org and Henrique Périgo
Firmware and pixelnode prototype : Dmtr.org
Pixelnode pcb design, engineering : Fiozera.com.br
Tempestade MIDI Tempestade MIDI é uma "instalação que pode ser performada" e foi resultado da residência artística Multi LAB, do festival Multiplicidade 2025 e aconteceu no Oi Futuro Flamengo no Rio de Janeiro em outubro de 2017.
Estilhaço Installation using LEDs, strings, woods, microcontrollers and broken mirrors.
Comissioned by Stella Artois
VENTOAGUA VENTOAGUA (WindWater) talks about the sinuous energies above and under the city, the upstream rivers starting to flow two blocks from FIESP-SP SESI-SP building in Avenida Paulista. Galeria de Arte Digital do SESI-SP.
Photography: Cauê Ito & Rodrigo Pereira / Hangar Filmes
Oi Software to generate infinite variations on Oi Telecom visual identity.
Export vector files and movies. Built by Henrique Périgo and Dmtr.org by the apointment of Futurebrand (Jonas Pacheco).
Made with Cinder https://libcinder.org/
Paralympic Closing Software made for the LED sections of the Closing Ceremony of Paralympic Games Rio 2016
Ivete Sangalo sings A Paz from Gilberto Gil.
Wind extinguishes the pyre flame.
Made with OpenFrameworks
Red Bull Basement
It is inspired in the logic of a city following the bindweed paths.
Design, programming concept: Dmtr. | 6,473 |
a biografia di parte mormone è Donna Hill, Joseph Smith, The First Mormon, Doubleday, Garden City (New York) 1977; una biografia critica è quella di Fawn M. Brodie, No Man Knows my History. The Life of Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet, Alfred A. Knopf, New York 19852.Entrambe sono superate dal monumentale lavoro di un accademico mormone docente presso un’università non mormone – (la Columbia University di New York) –, tutto sommato equilibrato – (anche se l’autore non fa mistero delle proprie convinzioni) – e insieme fondamentale per la capacità di seguire in parallelo gli sviluppi dottrinali e quelli biografici: Richard Lyman Bushman, con l’assistenza di Jed Woodworth, Joseph Smith. Rough Stone Rolling, Alfred A. Knopf, New York 2005. Importante anche l’opera collettiva curata da Reid L. Neilson e Terryl L. Givens, Joseph Smith Jr. Reappraisals After Two Centuries, Oxford University Press, New York 2009. Un buon punto di partenza per lo studio del Libro di Mormon è l’opera dello stesso accademico mormone T. L. Givens, The Book of Mormon. A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, New York 2009. Importante per lo studio accademico del mormonismo è l’opera di T. L. Givens – Philip L. Barlow (a cura di), The Oxford Handbook of Mormonism, Oxford University Press, New York 2015. Per una mappa delle denominazioni che si rifanno a Joseph Smith cfr. Steven L. Shields, Divergent Paths of the Restoration. A History of the Latter Day Saint Movement, revisione della 4a edizione, Herald House.Independence (Missouri) 2001, cui va aggiunto Newell G. Bringhurst – John C. Hamer (a cura di), Scattering of the Saints. Schism Within Mormonism, John Whitmer Books, Independence (Missouri) 2007, che ha peraltro un taglio diverso e prende in considerazione anche episodi di dissenso intellettuale che non sono sfociati in movimenti. Per una bibliografia degli studi scientifici sul mormonismo cfr. James B. Aleen – Ronald W. Walker – David J. Whittaker, Studies in Mormon History, 1830-1997. With a Topical Guide to Published Social Science Literature on the Mormons (a cura di Armand L. Mauss e Dynette Ivie Reynolds), University of Illinois Press, Urbana-Chicago 2000.
Chiesa di Gesù Cristo dei Santi degli Ultimi Giorni (Chiesa Mormone)
Viale Don Orione, 10
20132 Milano
Tel.: 02-28171221
Fax: 02-28171300
E-mail: [email protected]
URL: www.chiesadigesucristo.it
La Chiesa Mormone di Salt Lake City, che raduna oltre il novantacinque per cento dei fedeli che accettano le rivelazioni di Joseph Smith (1805-1844), è costituita dagli eredi di quanti seguirono Brigham Young (1801-1877) nell’epico esodo verso l’Ovest degli anni 1846-1847 e nella costituzione di un “regno separato” nello Utah. Ai mormoni che avevano abbandonato Nauvoo si uniscono numerosi emigrati europei, provenienti soprattutto dall’Inghilterra e dalla Scandinavia (dall’Italia emigrano un centinaio di ex-valdesi, dopo una missione di breve durata nelle valli del Pinerolese). Il vero e proprio regno teocratico di Young è caratterizzato, oltre che da un sistema cooperativistico e da una geniale razionalizzazione dell’agricoltura, | 6,474 |
The winners of the Comedy.co.uk Awards 2018 have been announced.
For the fifth year running comic-horror anthology Inside No. 9 has been voted Best TV Comedy Drama. It also picks up Comedy Of The Year for the second year running in British Comedy Guide's awards, which are entirely based on a public poll.
Meanwhile, Channel 4 picks up both TV sitcom prizes - the Best New and Best Returning categories - for Derry Girls and Friday Night Dinner, respectively.
The full results are:
Comedy Of The Year 2018 / Best TV Comedy Drama
Inside No. 9
(BBC Two, BBC Studios)
Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton say of their double win: "Wow, what a fantastic way to start the week filming Series 5.
"Having written an episode that highlights how corrupt and meaningless awards are, we'd like to backtrack and say just how important this particular award is to us, and we're all very moved by it. It's all down to having the best fans in the business - you stole our hearts. Cheese and Crackers would be over the moon. Sincerely, thanks."
Shane Allen, Controller of Comedy Commissioning at the BBC, comments: "British comedy is in robust health with the breadth and excellence of these worthy winners. Inside No. 9 is the most inventive and prolific comedy being made in the world right now and it's terrific for Reece and Steve to get recognised for the sheer quality of what they are able to create and perform. It's firmly cemented itself as a contemporary classic and getting the double two years running is a great honour, thanks to all the comedy fans."
Best New TV Sitcom
Derry Girls
(Channel 4, Hat Trick Productions)
Lisa McGee, creator and writer of Derry Girls, says: "This is so amazing! We are absolutely thrilled! Thank you, British Comedy Guide, and thank you to everyone who voted, you're all legends."
Best Returning TV Sitcom
Friday Night Dinner
(Channel 4, Big Talk Productions / Popper Pictures)
Written by Robert Popper and starring Paul Ritter, Tamsin Greig, Simon Bird, Tom Rosenthal and Mark Heap, Series 5 of the hit sitcom was broadcast in May and June.
Popper says: "Ich, und das ganze Friday Night Dinner Team freuen uns riesig ueber diese vortreffliche Auszeichnung. Ehre sei dem Allmaechtigen. Tarvu sei Lob und Preis!"
("I, and the entire Friday Night Dinner team, are delighted to win this prestigious award. Glory be to The Almighty. Praise Tarvu!")
Best Radio Sitcom
Count Arthur Strong's Radio Show!
(BBC Radio 4, Komedia Entertainment / Smooth Operations)
Count Arthur Strong says: "I am literally highly delighted on behalf of all involved to accept this prestigious award for Best Radio Sitcom, for the SECOND TIME (please note BBBC). When I was evacuated to Doncaster as a small boy during the war, I never thought for one minute that this accolade would be happening to me today. How could I? I'm not sodding Nostrodamus. Bless all who voted for me. This is how you do a flipping referendum. Looking forward to receiving the cheque. End of this message."
Best TV Sketch Show
Vic & Bob's Big Night Out
(BBC Four, BBC Studios)
Securing the Best TV Sketch Show title for a second year running, Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer quip: "After all these years it is especially poignant to win an award voted for by the British public. We wish everyone involved a restful night's sleep."
The BBC's Shane Allen adds: "Another title retention for Vic and Bob, who share the affirmation that their work is better than ever and they remain at the top of the comedy tree after 30 years as pioneers."
Best Radio Sketch Show
Dead Ringers
(BBC Radio 4, BBC Studios)
Dead Ringers also wins for a second year running, its third in total. Producer and creator Bill Dare says: "We are chuffed to bits to get this award for another year, especially since it's voted for by listeners and fans, and I think the BCG visitors know their onions when it comes to comedy. It's all down to a really dedicated team of writers and performers and a crazy political situation which has put challenges and opportunities our way at relentless pace. I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to vote. (The series comes back in June when all this mess will be over and everyone in Britain will be calm and happy.)"
Best TV Panel Show | 6,475 |
< len ( aliens ); i ++ { aliens [ i ]. Position. X = aliens [ i ]. Position. X + 5 * alienDirection if aliens [ i ]. Status { // if alien is hit by a laser beam if collide ( aliens [ i ], beam ) { // draw the explosion aliens [ i ]. FilterE. DrawAt ( dst, src, image. Pt ( aliens [ i ]. Position. X, aliens [ i ]. Position. Y ), gift. OverOperator ) // alien dies, player scores points aliens [ i ]. Status = false score += aliens [ i ]. Points // reset the laser beam resetBeam () } else { // show alternating alients if loop % 2 == 0 { aliens [ i ]. Filter. DrawAt ( dst, src, image. Pt ( aliens [ i ]. Position. X, aliens [ i ]. Position. Y ), gift. OverOperator ) } else { aliens [ i ]. FilterA. DrawAt ( dst, src, image. Pt ( aliens [ i ]. Position. X, aliens [ i ]. Position. Y ), gift. OverOperator ) } // drop torpedoes if rand. Float64 () < bombProbability { dropBomb ( aliens [ i ]) } } } }
To determine where the aliens should be going, we multiply the horizontal (X) position of the alien with the variable alienDirection.
We also use the Status of the alien to determine if it’s alive or dead. If it’s alive, we check if it has collided with a laser beam. If yes, it’s dead. We draw the explosion sprite, set the Status to false, rack up the player points and reset the laser beam. Reseting the laser beam just means we set the beam’s Status back to false and place it at the vertical (Y) level the same as the cannon.
func resetBeam () { beam. Status = false beam. Position. Y = 250 }
Collision physics
If the alien didn’t collide with the laser beam, we display either the normal sprite or the alternate sprite. This gives us the animation of a moving alien.
Let’s take a quick look at the collision physics, which is concentrated in the collide() function.
func collide ( s1, s2 Sprite ) bool { spriteA := image. Rect ( s1. Position. X, s1. Position. Y, s1. Position. X + s1. size. Dx (), s1. Position. Y + s1. size. Dy ()) spriteB := image. Rect ( s2. Position. X, s2. Position. Y, s2. Position. X + s1. size. Dx (), s2. Position. Y + s1. size. Dy ()) if spriteA. Min. X < spriteB. Max. X && spriteA. Max. X > spriteB. Min. X && spriteA. Min. Y < spriteB. Max. Y && spriteA. Max. Y > spriteB. Min. Y { return true } return false }
Give the two sprites are boxed within the two rectangles, the sprites are considered to have collided if all these conditions are met:
spriteA.Min.X < spriteB.Max.X
spriteA.Max.X > spriteB.Min.X
spriteA.Min.Y < spriteB.Max.Y
spriteA.Max.Y > spriteB.Min.Y
Bombs away
The aliens drop bombs as they descend on the laser cannon. Obviously we don’t want it to drop bombs continually, so we use a probability to determine if the bomb should be dropped or not.
// drop torpedoes if rand. Float64 () < bombProbability { dropBomb ( aliens [ i ]) }
Dropping a bomb here means we create a new Bomb sprite and set it to start at where the alien is located, then adding it to the array of bombs.
func dropBomb ( alien Sprite ) { torpedo := Sprite { size : bombSprite, Filter : gift. New ( gift. Crop ( bombSprite )), Position : image. Pt ( alien. Position. X + 7, alien. Position. Y ), Status : true, } bombs = append ( bombs, torpedo ) }
Now that we have drawn the aliens (or its death by explosion), we check if it has moved outside of the window. It it has, we reverse the direction and move the aliens down.
// move the aliens back and forth if aliens [ 0 ]. Position. X < alienSize || aliens [ aliensPerRow - 1 ]. Position. X > windowWidth - ( 2 * alienSize ) { alienDirection = alienDirection * - 1 for i := 0 ; i < len | 6,476 |
, pode ir muito, muito mais além, tanto em amplitude como em profundidade. E a revolução avançou muito desde dezembro. A base da crise revolucionária tornou-se incomensuravelmente mais ampla; agora é preciso afiar mais a lâmina”41.
Palavras proféticas. Viria o período da reação stolipiniana, estouraria a I Guerra Mundial, a Internacional Socialista iria à bancarrota pelas mãos dos seus dirigentes social-imperialistas, eclodiria a revolução de fevereiro, a dualidade de poderes... ao longo de todos estes anos, Lenin e os bolcheviques não jogaram fora as armas de 1905; apenas “afiaram mais a lâmina”, e venceram com ela em outubro de 1917.
Informações biográficas deste período, agora e doravante, retiradas de: “Lenin (sua vida e sua obra)”, editorial Vitória, Brasil, 1955. As exceções serão assinaladas.
2 Engels, “Prefácio à terceira edição alemã de O 18 Brumário de Luís Bonaparte”, na coletânea “Textos - volume 3”, Edições Sociais, p.201.
3 Para o pano de fundo dos acontecimentos, ver “Compêndio de História do Partido Comunista (bolchevique) da URSS”, aparecido originalmente em Moscou, em 1938, e publicado pela primeira vez no Brasil pelo editorial Vitória, em 1945.
4 Lenin, “Obras completas”, Akal Editor, Espanha, Tomo VIII, p. 44.
5 Lenin, idem, p. 105.
6 Lenin, idem, p.65.
7 Lenin, idem, p.226.
8 Lenin (sua vida e sua obra), p. 94.
9 Lenin, op.cit., tomo IX, p.199.
10 Lenin, op. cit., Tomo VIII, p. 169.
11 Idem, p.103.
12 Op.cit, Tomo XV, p.50.
13 Op.cit, Tomo VIII, p.150.
14 Idem, págs. 342-343.
15 Op. cit, Tomo IX, p.232.
16 Idem, p.71.
17 L. Trotsky, “A Revolução de 1905”, aparecido originalmente em 1909. Disponível na internet em: https://www.marxists.org/espanol/trotsky/ceip/permanente/conclusionesde1905.htm#_ftn1
18 Lenin, op. cit., Tomo VIII, p. 301.
19 Lenin, op.cit., Tomo XXXVIII, p.75.
20 Idem, págs.144-145.
21 Lenin, op.cit., Tomo VIII, p.158.
22 Idem, p.164.
23 Op. cit, tomo XXXVIII, págs.123-125.
24 Idem, p.119.
25 Idem, págs. 117-118.
26 Idem, p.95.
27 Idem, p. 138.
28 Lenin, op.cit., Tomo VIII, p.415.
29 Lenin (Sua vida e sua obra), p.106.
30 Idem, p.122.
31 Idem, págs.108-109.
32 Lenin, op. cit., Tomo VIII, págs.213-214.
33 Idem, p.154.
34 Idem, págs.643-644.
35 Op. cit., Tomo IX, p.280.
36 Idem.
37 Idem, p.281 | 6,477 |
Give a dog a bad name and hang him. "Once somebody's reputation has been damaged – for example, by rumor or slander – it will never recover." Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 99. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5.
Give a dog a bad name and he'll live up to it. Clarke, Nick (1865). Alistair Cooke: a biography. Routledge. p. 174. 1420931989.
He that would hang his dog gives out first that he is mad. "One who intends some unjust action will try to justify it in advance." Martin H. Manser (2007). The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs. Infobase Publishing. p. 121. ISBN 978-0-8160-6673-5.
If you lie down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas.
Variant: A man is known by the company he keeps. " Wahrhaftig, der Umgang mit schlechten Büchern ist oft gefährlicher als mit schlechten Menschen. " "Truly, associating with bad books is often more dangerous than associating with bad people." Wilhelm Hauff, Das Buch und die Leserwelt. "A Man among Children will be long a Child, a Child among Men will be soon a Man." Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia (1732) Mieder, Wolfgang; Kingsbury, Stewart A.; Harder, Kelsie B. (1992). A Dictionary of American proverbs. p. 224.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight; it's the size of the fight in the dog. Anonymous American proverb; this has often been attributed to Mark Twain since at least 1998 on the internet, but no contemporary evidence of Twain ever using it has been located. Variants: It is not the size of the dog in the fight that counts, but the fight in the dog that matters. "Stub Ends of Thoughts" by Arthur G. Lewis, a collection of sayings, in Book of the Royal Blue Vol. 14, No. 7 (April 1911), as cited in The Dictionary of Modern Proverbs, edited by Charles Clay Doyle, Wolfgang Mieder, and Fred R. Shapiro, p. 232 It is not the size of the dog in the fight that counts, but the fight in the dog that wins. Anonymous quote in the evening edition of the East Oregonian (20 April 1911) What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight — it's the size of the fight in the dog. Dwight D. Eisenhower, declaring his particular variant on the proverbial assertion in Remarks at Republican National Committee Breakfast (31 January 1958)
Let sleeping dogs lie. (14th century) Citatboken, Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, 1967, p. 188, ISBN 91-27-01681-1
(14th century)
Love me, love my dog. Bernard of Clairvaux attests in the 12th century this was a common proverb, In Festo Sancti Michaelis, Sermo 1, sect. 3; translation from Richard Chevenix Trench, Archbishop of Dublin, On the Lessons in Proverbs ([1853] 1856) p. 148 Also reported in English by John Heywood, Proverbs (1546), Part II, chapter 9; and by Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia (1732), No. 3292
The guilty dog barks the loudest. [1]
Dog food [ edit ]
Eat your own dog food. Iles, Greg (2007). Third Degree. Simon and Schuster. p. 159. 0743292502.
The door swings both ways. Borcherdt, Bill (1996). Making families work and what to do when they don't: thirty guides for imperfect parents of imperfect children. Routledge. p. 65. 0789000733.
When one door closes, another door opens. or God never closes one door without opening another. "When baffled in one direct a man of energy will not despair, but will find another way to his object." Proverbs of All Nations. W. Kent & Company (late D. Bogue). 1859. p. 67.
We are such stuff / As dreams are made of. Laine, Jarkko (toim.): Suuri sitaattisanakirja. Otava, 1989, p. 83. ISBN 9511109618
What's drinking? / A mere pause from thinking. (Lord Byron) Laine, Jarkko (toim | 6,478 |
Summary: A chance encounter leads Dumbledore to finally make the decision to confront his demons. Or more specifically the one demon who started it all - Gellert Grindelwald.
~ The Last Straw ~
The latch slid to the side, and she peered through, her eyes furtive and wary. An elderly gentleman stood outside in a purple suit, unperturbed by the cold winds that assailed the trees outside. He waited expectantly.
"Der Phönix fliegt hoch." The Phoenix flies high.
"Guten Abend. Und seine Flammen brennen hell." He answered, in flawless German. Good evening. And its flames burn bright.
His response was correct. Greeting first, then reply code. Had it been an impostor, they would have given the latter first, at which point she would activate the emergency portkey and flee.
"You were not followed here?"
"I daresay I wasn't," the man replied. "There was a particularly clingy fellow a few blocks back, but it turned out he was only after some money. Hard times."
"You are sure of this?" Her voice was wary.
The latch closed. For a few seconds there was the sound of bolts being unlocked and a curious hum that accompanied numerous charms being undone, then the door creaked open. She ushered him in quickly, her eyes frantic as they darted around, then she slammed the door shut.
She pulled out her wand. The gentleman waited with an air of infinite patience as she reapplied the charms she had undone before, giving an appreciative nod at her work. Despite the situation, she felt a strange sense of pride at his approval. She reached out an arm and took his coat.
"Thank you."
He ventured into the small room. A fireplace burned with a hearty blaze, giving the room a pleasant yellow glow. In the middle, a rickety table sat, covered with a sparse and faded tablecloth, and surrounded by two low wooden chairs. He pulled one back, ignoring the ominous creak it gave, and sat down.
"Sorry about this place," she said. "It's all I could afford with such little time to prepare."
He chuckled. "It's not a problem."
She bustled around for a few seconds, her nervous energy apparent as she grabbed a boiling kettle from the fire and two mugs, and levitated them over to the table with a swish of her wand.
"Would you like some tea?"
"Yes, please."
She poured him a cup carefully, and then one for herself. He took a sip and yelped, pulling the cup from his lips with a grimace.
"A bit too hot for my tastes."
"I'm very sorry, so sorry -"
He smiled at her kindly, and waved away her excuses. "Not to worry, no harm done."
He drew out his wand, tapping the steaming mug gently. The vapor that had been wafting from the tea disappeared as it cooled, and he nodded to himself, content.
For a few minutes they sat in silence - he sipping his tea while she wrung her hands in silent frustration.
"That was excellent tea." He set the half-full mug down. "I apologise, my mind does tend to wander a little bit. Now, what was it you so urgently wanted to tell me?"
"Can you help?" She blurted out the question, and smacked herself mentally. He's probably the most powerful wizard in the world, aside from Herr Grindelwald himself. What am I doing?
He gave her a fond smile. "That would depend, my dear, on the magnitude of the problem. If you wouldn't mind appraising me of the facts, I'm sure I could reach a suitable conclusion on the matter."
Stupid, so stupid! Many people are depending on the outcome of this meeting, and this is the best I can do? She schooled her features into an apologetic look. Calm down, I've done this before.
"The Zaubereiführer, he's planning an attack against the Polish Ministry in eight days."
He stroked his beard, murmuring and nodding in agreement as she told him the details of the attack. He clasped his hands in front of him, and stared at her when she was done, curiosity shining in his twinkling blue eyes.
"Tell me, how did you come by the knowledge of these plans. Grindelwald guards his secrets very well."
She hesitated a little bit before answering. "From one of the men on the team that will lead the assault."
"Indeed," he murmured | 6,479 |
Acta Medica Jugoslavica, gdje je rad objavljen, obratio se već 1991. godine, isto kad i dekanu Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu Mati Graniću i Svjetskoj zdravstvenoj organizaciji, čiji je Kurjak bio suradnik. SZO je smjesta povukla sponzorstvo nad Kurjakovim simpozijem o ultrazvuku u ginekologiji i smijenila ga s pozicije direktora njihovog centra za suradnju, dok je hrvatski dvojac Chalmersu odgovorio da je Kurjak ugledni član hrvatske akademske zajednice i da ga mole za malo takta u pristupu (!).
Više od deset godina poslije toga taktični je Chalmers, kaže, zažalio što je poslušao taj prijedlog, jer je našao novi Kurjakov plagijat, ovaj put doktorske teze jednog norveškog znanstvenika. Norvežani su o tome obavijestili Međunarodno udruženje za ultrazvuk u opstetriciji i ginekologiji, koje je promptno na tri godine izbacilo Kurjaka iz članstva, a zatim pisalo novom dekanu MEF-a u Zagrebu Borisu Labaru koji im – da stvar bude skandaloznija – nikada nije odgovorio. Chalmers se u zaključku čudi što naše institucije nisu ništa poduzele u 15 godina i što je Kurjak i dalje ugledni član hrvatske znanstvene zajednice.
S obzirom da se ipak radi o BMJ-u i jednom britanskom lordu, a ne nečemu ili nekome tko se može sanirati jednim telefonskim pozivom, ovo je izazvalo strašnu buru u javnosti i prisililo Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta (MZOS) da ipak pokrene nekakvu proceduru. Budući je Hrvatska Zakonom o znanstvenoj djelatnosti i visokom obrazovanju (ZZDVO) još 2004. godine stvorila platformu za osnivanje OEZVO-a kao nacionalnog tijela za etiku u znanosti, pritisak međunarodnog skandala potaknuo je izbor članova OEZVO-a koji je potvrđen u Hrvatskom saboru i tijelo je počelo s radom, de facto na predmetu Kurjak.
Iz Hrvatske su odgovorili da je Kurjak ugledni član hrvatske akademske zajednice i da mole za malo takta u pristupu (FOTO: Novilist.hr)
Tako dolazimo na najbolji dio: nakon što je OEZVO analizirao 247 Kurjakovih radova, potvrdio optužbe o plagijatima i otkrio dodatne brojne nove etičke propuste u ostalim publikacijama slavnog profesora medicine, MEF je odlučio da nema potrebe za sankcijama nad Kurjakom jer on odlazi u mirovinu, a zapravo je nastavilo suradnju s njegovim specijalističkim studijem ultrazvuka u Kataru. U emisiji na Novoj TV tadašnji rektor Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Aleksa Bij | 6,480 |
and marital satisfaction. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy,31, 409–424. https://doi.org/10.1080/00926230591006719.
Livingston, J. A., Buddie, A. M., Testa, M., & VanZile-Tamsen, C. (2004). The role of sexual precedence in verbal sexual coercion. Psychology of Women Quarterly,28, 287–297. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-6402.2004.00146.x.
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Nichols, M. (1987). Doing sex therapy with lesbians: Bending a | 6,481 |
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines President Archbishop Socrates Villegas has called on the family of deposed tyrant Ferdinand Marcos to stop using the corpse of their patriarch to advance their ambitions.
Opposing Marcos’ controversial burial at the Libingan ng mga Bayani, Villegas said what the late dictator needed were prayers and not honors.
“Nananawagan ako sa pamilya ng yumaong Ferdinand Marcos. Huwag sanang gamitin ng mga buhay ang bangkay ng yumao para sa kani-kanilang pangarap at ambisyon. Sa katayuan ng yumaong Ferdinand Marcos hindi na niya kailangan ang parangal sa libingan. Ang kailangan niya ay dasal. Hindi madaragdagan ang kanyang kapayapaan sa kabilang buhay sa pamamagitan ng puntod sa Libingan ng mga Bayani,” Villegas said in a strongly worded speech during a prayer rally in Dagupan City last Wednesday.
(I call on the Marcos family—that they may not use the dead to advance their interests and ambitions. Ferdinand Marcos doesn’t need funeral honors. What he needs are prayers. Burying him at the heroes’ cemetery will not bring him more peace.)
“Ang pinakamahalagang parangal sa yumao ay hindi isang magandang puntod. Mas mahalaga ang panalangin kaysa sa marangyang libingan (The highest honor you can pay the dead is not a grandiose tombstone, but prayers),” he added.
Villegas was a protégé of the late Manila Archbishop Jaime Cardinal Sin, who played an instrumental role in gathering Filipinos at the historic 1986 Edsa People Power Revolution that toppled the Marcos dictatorship.
Alluding to the clandestine burial that sparked protests throughout the country, Villegas said true honors for the dead are being given and not demanded, adding that true heroes are recognized and declared by the people and not any cemetery.
“Ang parangal sa yumao ay iginagawad nang kusa, hindi pinagpipilitang ibigay. Ang parangal sa yumao ay hinihintay na ipagkaloob hindi ipinaglalaban na makuha kahit ano ang mangyari. Ang tunay na marangal ay hindi natatakot sa liwanag ng katotohanan hindi nagtatago palihim. Ang parangal sa patay ay biyaya ng bayan hindi bunga ng labanan ng abugado. Ang parangal na pinilit ay mapakla. Ang parangal na ipinagpilitang makuha ay nakakasuka,” Villegas said.
(True honor for the dead is accorded voluntarily. True honor is not afraid of the light of the truth. True honor is a nation’s gift to its heroes, not a product of a legal tussle. A forced honor is bitter.)
The Lingayen-Dagupan archbishop also urged the Marcoses to ask for forgiveness for the sins committed by their patriarch and to return the family’s ill-gotten wealth to the government. The Marcos family allegedly stole $10 billion from public coffers during the late dictator’s two-decade regime.
“Para sa mga pamilyang naiwanan, ang dapat gawin ay ihingi ng tawad ang kasalanan ng yumao. Lahat naman ng yumao ay nangangailangan ng kapatawaran. Ibalik ang ninakaw na mana. Iwasto ang pagkakamali. Ang awa ng Diyos ay naghihintay sa lahat ng taong mababang loob at nagsisisi,” Villegas said.
(To the family, what they should do is to ask forgiveness for the sins of the deceased. All of the departed need forgiveness. Return the ill-gotten wealth. The mercy of God awaits those who are humble and repentant.)
“Ang bayang nag-rarally ay handa namang magpatawad, bakit hindi? Subalit ang pagpapatawad ay hindi maaaring pagpapaubaya sa masama; hindi pagyakap sa pananakit at pandarambong. Ang pagbabayad pinsala sa masama; ang kabayaran | 6,482 |
JK Rowling Quotes In Hindi
हैरी पॉटर ऑथर जे.के. रोलिंग के बेस्ट थॉट्स
Quote 1:
In English: I think you have a moral responsibility when you’ve been given far more than you need, to do wise things with it and give intelligently.
In Hindi: मेरा मानना है कि यह आपकी नैतिक जिम्मेदारी है कि जब आपको आपकी ज़रुरत से बहुत अधिक दिया गया हो तो आप उसके साथ बुद्धिमानी भरी चीजें करें और उसे बुद्धिमत्ता से दें।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 2:
In English: You’ve got to work. It’s about structure. Its about discipline. It’s all these deadly things that your schoolteacher told you you needed…you need it.
In Hindi: आपको काम करना होगा। यह योजना के बारे में है। यह अनुशासन के बारे में है। ये वो सभी घातक चीजें हैं जो आपके स्कूल टीचर ने आपको बताया था कि आपको इसकी ज़रुरत है।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 3:
In English: Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success. I’ve met people who don’t want to try for fear of failing.
In Hindi: असफलता बहुत ज़रूरी है। हम हमेशा सफलता के बारे में बात करते रहते हैं। ये असफलता का विरोध करने या उसका उपयोग करने की क्षमता है जो अक्सर एक बड़ी सफलता की ओर ले जाती है। | 6,483 |
मैं ऐसे लोगों से मिली हूँ जो असफल होने के डर से प्रयास नहीं करना चाहते।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 4:
In English: We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already.
In Hindi: हमें अपनी दुनिया बदलने के लिए जादू की ज़रुरत नहीं है। हमें जो भी शक्ति चाहिए वो पहले से ही हमारे अन्दर मौजूद है।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 5:
In English: We have to choose between what is right, and what is easy.
In Hindi: हमें जो सही है और जो आसान है; उनके बीच चुनाव करना है।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 6:
In English: You will never truly know yourself, or the strength of your relationships, until both have been tested by adversity.
In Hindi: आप खुद को और अपने रिश्तों की मजबूती को वास्तव में तब तक नहीं समझ पायेंगे जब तक दोनों ही किसी विपत्ति द्वारा आजमा ना लिए जाएं।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 7:
In English: Whatever money you might have, self-worth really lies in finding out what you do best.
In Hindi: आपके पास चाहे जितने पैसे हों, आत्म-मूल्य वास्तव में यह पता लगाने में निहित है कि आप सबसे अच्छा क्या करते हैं।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 8:
In English: Is ‘fat’ really the worse thing a human being | 6,484 |
can be? Is ‘fat’ worse than ‘vindictive’, ‘jealous’, ‘shallow’, ‘vain’, ‘boring’, or ‘cruel’? Not to me.
In Hindi: क्या ‘मोटा होना’ सबसे बुरी चीज है जो कोई इंसान हो सकता है? क्या ‘मोटा होना’ ‘बदलाखोर’,’ईर्ष्यालु’, ‘ओछा’, ‘घमंडी’, ‘उबाऊ’, या ‘क्रूर’ होने से भी बदतर है? मेरे लिए नहीं।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 9:
In English: Never be ashamed! There’s some who’ll hold it against you, but they’re not worth bothering with.
In Hindi: कभी शर्मिंदा मत होइए! कोई न कोई आपसे नाराज़ होगा, लेकिन वे इस लायक नहीं हैं कि उनकी चिंता की जाए।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 10:
In English: The consequences of our actions are always so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very difficult business indeed.
In Hindi: हमारे कार्यों के परिणाम हमेशा इतने जटिल होते हैं, इतने विविध होते हैं, कि भविष्य की भविष्यवाणी करना वास्तव में एक बहुत मुश्किल काम है।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 11:
In English: The knowledge that you have emerged wiser and stronger from setbacks means that you are, ever after, secure in your ability to survive.
In Hindi: ये पता होना कि आप मुसीबतों से और भी बुद्धिमान और मजबूत होकर कर निकल पाए हैं, दर्शाता है कि अब � | 6,485 |
�भी भी आपने अपनी जिंदा रहने की क्षमता को सुरक्षित कर लिया है।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 12:
In English: Life is difficult, and complicated, and beyond anyone’s total control, and the humility to know that will enable you to survive is vicissitudes.
In Hindi: ज़िन्दगी कठिन है, और पेचीदी भी, और ये किसी के भी पूर्ण नियंत्रण के बाहर है, और इस बात को समझने की विनम्रता आपको इसके अन्याय झेलने में सक्षम बनाएगी।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 13:
In English: What’s coming will come and we’ll just have to meet it when it does.
In Hindi: जो आ रहा है वो आएगा और हमें बस उससे मिलना होगा जब वो आ जाता है।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 14:
In English: As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.
In Hindi: जैसी कहानी है, वैसी ज़िंदगी है मायने ये रखता है कि ये कितनी अच्छी है, ना कि कितनी लम्बी।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 15:
In English: Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
In Hindi: सबसे घने अन्धकार के दौर में भी खुशियाँ ढूंढी जा सकती हैं, बस यदि कोई लाइट जलाना याद रखे।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 16:
In English: Failure means a stripping away of the inessential.
In Hindi: असफलता का मतल | 6,486 |
ब गैर-ज़रूरी चीजों का चले जाना है।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 17:
In English: People find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right.
In Hindi: लोगों को सही होने की तुलना में गलत होने पर दूसरों को क्षमा करना कहीं आसान लगता है।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 18:
In English: We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.
In Hindi: हम सभी के भीतर प्रकाश और अन्धकार दोनों ही है। मायने ये रखता है कि हम कौन सा भाग काम करने के लिए चुनते हैं। वास्तव में हम वही हैं।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 19:
In English: Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.
In Hindi: साफ़-साफ़ नापसंद करने की तुलना में उदासीनता या उपेक्षा कहीं ज्यादा चोट पहुंचती हैं।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 20:
In English: We can choose. Things go largely like you want them to go. You control your own life. Your own will is extremely powerful.
In Hindi: हम चुनाव कर सकते हैं। चीजें बहुत हद्द तक वैसी ही जाती हैं जैसा हम उन्हें जाने देना चाहते हैं। आप अपनी लाइफ खुद कण्ट्रोल करते हैं। आपका अपनी इच्छा शक्ति सबसे ज़रूरी है।
J.K. Rowling ज� | 6,487 |
�.के. रोलिंग
Quote 21:
In English: If someone asked for my recipe for happiness, step one would be finding out what you love doing the most in the world and step two would be finding someone to pay you to do it.
In Hindi: अगर कोई मुझसे पूछे कि मेरी हैप्पीनेस की रेसिपी क्या है, तो पहला स्टेप होगा ये पता करना कि इस दुनिया में आपको क्या करना सबसे अधिक पसंद है और दूसरा स्टेप होगा किसी ऐसे को ढूंढना जो उसे करने के लिए आपको पे कर सके।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 22:
In English: Failure is not fun. It can be awful. But living so cautiously that you never fail is worse.
In Hindi: असफलता मजाक नहीं है। ये बहुत डरावनी हो सकती है। लेकिन इतनी सावधानी से जीना कि तुम कभी असफल ही न हो इससे भी बदतर है।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 23:
In English: The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and must therefore be treated with great caution.
In Hindi: सच ये एक खूबसूरत और खौफनाक चीज है, और इसलिए इसके साथ बहुत एहतियात के साथ बर्ताव करना चाहिए।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 24:
In English: I was set free because my greatest fear had been realized, and I still had a daughter who I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became a solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.
In Hindi: मैं आज़ाद हो गयी थी क्योंकि कि मेरा सबसे बड़ा डर सच हो गया था, और फिर भ� | 6,488 |
� मेरे पास मेरी बेटी थी जिसे मैं बहुत प्यार करती थी, और मेरे पास एक टाइपराइटर और एक बड़ा आईडिया था। और इस लिए रॉक-बॉटम मेरे लिए एक मजबूत नींव बन गयी जिसपर मैंने दुबारा अपनी ज़िन्दगी बनायी।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 25:
In English: Books are like mirrors: if a fool looks in, you cannot expect a genius to look out.
In Hindi: किताबें आईने की तरह होती हैं अगर एक मूर्ख उसमे देखता है तो आप एक जीनियस को उससे बाहर झाँकने की उम्मीद नहीं कर सकते।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 26:
In English: We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.
In Hindi: हम उतने ही शक्तिशाली हैं जितना हम एकजुट है, उतने ही कमजोर हैं जितना हम विभाजित हैं।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 27:
In English: Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.
In Hindi: थोड़ी देर के लिए दर्द को सुन्न कर देना इसे और भी बदतर बना देगा जब अंतत तुम इसे अनुभव करोगे।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 28:
In English: I would like to be remembered as someone who did the best she could with the talent she had.
In Hindi: मैं एक ऐसे व्यक्ति के रूप में � | 6,489 |
�ाद किया जाना पसंद करुँगी जिसने उसके पास जितना टैलेंट था उससे जो बेस्ट हो सकता था वो किया।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 29:
In English: It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
In Hindi: ये हमारे चुनाव हैं हैरी, जो दिखाते हैं कि हम वास्तव में हैं कौन, हमारी क्षमताओं से कहीं ज्यादा।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 30:
In English: If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.
In Hindi: अगर तुम जानना चाहते हो कि कोई इंसान कैसा है, तो अच्छी तरह से देखो कि वह अपने से नीचे वालों से कैसा व्यवहार कर रहा है, अपने से बराबर वालों से नहीं।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 31:
In English: Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.
In Hindi: मरों पर दया मत दिखाओ हैरी। जो जीवित हैं उनपर दया दिखाओ, और, सबसे बढ़कर उनपर जो बिना प्यार के जीते हैं।
J.K. Rowling जे.के. रोलिंग
Quote 32:
In English: It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.
In Hindi: ये मायने नहीं रखता कि कोई पैदा कैसे हुआ है, बल्कि ये मायने रखता है कि वो बड़ा होक | 6,490 |
DJ Avicii im Oman tot aufgefunden
Rätsel um Tod von Star-DJ: Warum musste Avicii sterben?
Der DJ und Producer Tim Bergling alias Avicii ist im Alter von 28 Jahren gestorben. Das berichten billboard.com und der "Rolling Stone" unter Berufung auf seine Managerin Diana Baron. Demnach befand sich der EDM-Star zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes in Oman.
Seine Managerin sagte in einem Statement: "It is with profound sorrow that we announce the loss of Tim Bergling, also known as Avicii. He was found dead in Muscat, Oman, this Friday afternoon local time, April 20th. The family is devastated and we ask everyone to please respect their need for privacy in this difficult time. No further statements will be given."
Swedish DJ Avicii Dies at 28 https://t.co/FTrARF0fea — Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) April 20, 2018
Musikerkollegen sowie Vertreter der schwedischen Regierung und des Königshauses würdigten den Verstorbenen.
2015 legte Avicii sogar bei der Hochzeitsfeier des schwedischen Prinzen Carl Philip und dessen Frau Sofia auf. "Wir haben ihn als Künstler und als wunderbarer Mensch, der er war, bewundert", erklärte das Paar. Schwedens Ministerpräsident Stefan Löfven nannte Avicii "einen der größten Namen der Musik in Schweden in der modernen Zeit".
Der Sohn der prominenten schwedischen Schauspielerin Anki Linden war einer der ersten DJs, der es schaffte, mit elektronischer Tanzmusik in den Mainstream vorzudringen.
Sein Lebenswerk
Avicii zählt zu den erfolgreichsten DJs der Welt. 2012 und 2013 schaffte er es im Ranking des "DJ Magazine" jeweils auf den dritten Platz der besten DJs. Er arbeitete unter anderem mit Madonna, Coldplay und David Guetta zusammen.
Einer seiner bekanntesten Songs war "The Nights". Video: YouTube/AviciiOfficialVEVO
2013 landete er mit "Wake me Up" auch in Deutschland einen Sommerhit. Es ist laut GfK der Song mit den zweitmeisten Downloads überhaupt in Deutschland.
Avicii Künstlername stammt aus dem Sanskrit und geht auf den Buddhismus zurück. Das Wort Avici bezeichnet die tiefste Ebene der Hölle. Aus stilistischen Gründen fügte der Künstler ein zusätzliches "i" hinzu.
Keine Tour mehr seit 2016
2016 hatte Avicii bekanntgegeben, aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nicht mehr auf Tour gehen zu wollen.
Dem "Hollywood Reporter" erklärte er damals seine Entscheidung in einem langen Interview. "Die Szene war einfach nichts für mich. Ich habe mir zu viel negative Energie aufgeladen." Er habe mit 16 angefangen, Musik zu machen, mit 18 sei er auf Tour gegangen. Von da an habe er 100 Prozent gegeben. "Für dieses Leben habe ich einen Preis gezahlt – viel Stress und viel Anspannung – aber es war die beste Reise meines Lebens."
Dokumentation über seine Zeit in der Branche
Erst vor kurzem hatte Netflix eine Doku ins Programm genommen, in der Avicii über seine schwere Zeit in der Branche spricht. "Ich bin an einen Punkt gekommen, an dem es einfach zu viel war", sagt er da.
Freunde, Kün | 6,491 |
Die USB 3.0 Promoter Group hat die nächste Etappe für die Universalschnittstelle USB angekündigt. Die Spezifikation USB 3.2 sieht einen Multi-Lane-Betrieb vor: Durch zwei Leitungen statt einer wird die Datenrate verdoppelt. Über bestehende USB-Typ-C-Kabel sollen so bis zu 20 Gbit/s (zweimal 10 Gb/s) brutto möglich werden.
USB-Typ-C-Kabel seien von Anfang an für den Multi-Lane-Betrieb entworfen worden. Somit werden auf dieser Seite keine Änderungen nötig. Mit USB 3.2 lassen sich künftig zweimal 5 Gbit/s (USB 3.0 oder USB 3.1 Gen1) respektive zweimal 10 Gbit/s (USB 3.1 Gen2) übertragen – die Bandbreite steigt somit auf bis zu 10 Gbit/s und 20 Gbit/s an. Für die maximale Geschwindigkeit wird allerdings ein für SuperSpeed USB 10 Gbps zertifiziertes Kabel mit dem Steckertyp C benötigt. Dann werden Transferraten von über 2 Gigabyte pro Sekunde möglich.
USB-C-Kabel kompatibel, Geräte noch nicht
Allerdings müssen zunächst sowohl das Host-System als auch das daran angeschlossene Gerät mit der neuen Spezifikation USB 3.2 umgehen können. Solche Produkte gibt es aber bisher nicht. Daher ist auch ausdrücklich die Rede von „neuen“ USB-3.2-Geräten und USB-3.2-Hosts. Aktuelle Mainboards mit USB 3.1 gehören demnach mit Erscheinen von USB 3.2 diesbezüglich bereits wieder zum „alten Eisen“.
For users to obtain the full benefit of this performance increase, a new USB 3.2 host must be used with a new USB 3.2 device and the appropriate certified USB Type-C™ cable. USB 3.0 Promoter Group
Wie von den bisherigen Generationen der USB-Schnittstelle gewohnt, wird eine Abwärtskompatibilität zu USB 3.0 und älteren Standards gewahrt. Für USB-Hubs werden Anpassungen nötig, da diese die Fähigkeit besitzen müssen, zwischen Single- und Multi-Lane-Betrieb umzuschalten.
Key characteristics of the USB 3.2 solution include: Two-lane operation using existing USB Type-C cables
Continued use of existing SuperSpeed USB physical layer data rates and encoding techniques
Minor update to hub specification to address increased performance and assure seamless transitions between single and two-lane operation USB 3.0 Promoter Group
Die Spezifikation USB 3.2 befinde sich derzeit in einer abschließenden Phase zur Prüfung des Entwurfs. Die offizielle Freigabe (formal Release) soll laut Plan rechtzeitig zu den USB Developer Days North America im September 2017 erfolgen. Richtlinien zur Vermarktung sollen erst nach Veröffentlichung der finalen Spezifikation festgelegt werden.
Laut DigiTimes gehört ASMedia zu den Firmen, die bereits an der Entwicklung von USB-3.2-Produkten arbeiten. ASMedia stellt unter anderem USB-3.1-Controller für Mainboards her.
Neue Versionsnummer kommt unerwartet
Auf dem MWC 2017 hatte ComputerBase bereits aus erster Hand, nämlich vom USB-IF, die Pläne zur Beschleunigung von USB Typ C auf 20 Gbit/s erfahren. Damals h | 6,492 |
Depuis leur création en 1999 et la sortie d’un jeu éponyme sur PC et Xbox en 2003, Yager s’est surtout fait remarquer par son Spec Ops : The Line en 2012. En 2015, Yager s’est vu retiré le projet Dead Island 2. Depuis, Isaac Ashdown, Rafal Fedro et Jan David Hassel sont partis du studio pour créer l’indépendant InBetweenGames. Ils nous présentent aujourd’hui leur premier jeu commercial à venir : All Walls Must Fall.
Bonjour et merci à toute l’équipe de InBetweenGames pour cette interview. Vous avez plutôt bonne réputation dans l’industrie avec votre travail sur Spec Ops : The Line et maintenant, vous êtes un studio indépendant. Pourquoi ce choix?
English Version Rafal: Thanks for the compliment! We decided to start our own studio mainly to take the fate in our own hands. Working for a AAA developer gave us a lot of professional experience and the confidence it brings with. It teaches you a work discipline, project planning, risk evaluation, time management and bunch of other useful traits. We learned how to make things happen and at the same time which common mistakes to avoid as well as the means of solving typical problems. At the same time AAA studios are unable to take creative risks without publisher approval. Complex organizational structures and long-term contracts don’t allow for a quick adaptation to the market and significantly slows down decision-making processes. Yes, usually it offers you a financial stability but you become a specialist in a narrow discipline. You are a lighting or a foliage artist, superhero cape animator, glass destruction guy, etc. The more time you invest into something – the better and more specialized you become and more unlikely you will be able to work on a variety of tasks out of your speciality. Personally I love to take care of different challenges. I want to build and place assets, draw concept art, create VFX, design and light levels, create and animate characters, make post-process FX, design and create mockups and assets for UI. In some of these fields I am better than in the others but ultimately what I crave for is variety. Co-founding an indie development studio gives me a creative freedom and cross-disciplinary professional self-development. It keeps me motivated, away from burning-out and boredom, inspired. Rafal : merci pour le compliment!
Nous avons décidé de lancer ce studio pour prendre en main notre destin. Travailler en tant que développeur AAA nous a permis d’obtenir une grande expérience professionnelle et la confiance qui va avec. Cela nous a appris à travailler avec discipline, à gérer un projet, à évaluer les risques, à gérer notre temps et d’autres choses encore. Nous avons appris à mettre en place un projet et par la même occasion quelles sont les erreur à éviter ainsi que les moyens d’éviter les problèmes.
En même temps les studios AAA sont incapables de prendre de réels risques créatifs sans l’accord de l’éditeur. Les structures complexes et les contrats à long terme ne permettant pas de s’adapter rapidement au marché et ralentissent de façon significative la prise de position créative. Alors oui, cela vous donne une certaine stabilité financière mais vous devenez alors spécialiste d’un domaine très particulier. Vous devenez responsable de l’éclairage, du feuillage, animateur de la cape d’un super héros, le gars responsable de la destruction des vitres, etc. Plus vous vous investissez en temps dans quelques chose, plus vous vous spécialisez et moins vous semblez capable de travailler sur une grande variété de tâches en dehors de votre spécialité. Personnellement j’adore m’occuper de plusieurs challenges. Je veux créer et placer des assets, dessiner des concept arts, cr | 6,493 |
éer du VFX, concevoir et illuminer des niveaux, créer et animer des personnages, créer du Post-Process FX, concevoir des interfaces et des assets. Je suis meilleur dans certains de ces champs de compétences mais au final cela vous demande de sortir de votre spécialité.
Co-fonder un studio de développement indépendant ma permis d’obtenir une liberté créative et de m’améliorer dans plusieurs disciplines. Cela me garde motivé, loin des burnouts et de l’ennui, cela me garde inspiré.
Votre travail sur Dead Island 2 fut si douloureux pour que vous fassiez ce choix d’indépendance?
English Version Isaac: Working on Dead Island 2 was a lot of fun! I joined YAGER to work on that project, when it began being in production. I really enjoyed working on a project in a large team of really great, talented people. But of course, getting cancelled and laid off was somewhat painful – although for me, it was the fourth time it’s happened in my career, so in many ways it’s just part of business. But the best thing about it was that it was actually a perfect time for us to become independant developers. Isaac : Travailler sur Dead Island 2 fut très amusant! J’ai rejoint YAGER pour travailler sur ce projet, quand il a commencé à entrer en production. J’ai réellement apprécié de travailler sur ce projet dans une grande équipe avec de talentueuses personnes. Mais évidemment, être annulé fut assez douloureux. Même si pour moi, ce fut la quatrième fois que cela arriva dans ma carrière, donc de plusieurs façons cela fait partie du Business. Mais la meilleure chose à ce propos c’est que ce fut le moment parfait pour nous de devenir des développeurs indépendant.
Combien reste-t-il de membres du YAGER original dans InBetween Games? Qu’est-ce qui a changé?
English Version David: Well we are only three people from YAGER that went on to found inbetweengames. The rest of the team at YAGER is still busy working on the Dreadnought closed beta right now or has taken on other challenges. The three of us have worked together before as a team under a significant amount of stress and pressure from the outside so this gives us an advantage over completely new formed teams. We know each other and how we will react when things stop being fun. We also have accomplished various goals before together and are used to a process of constant improvement on a professional level. At the same time running as an indie team of only three has its own challenges. There is nobody besides us to take care of anything so ultimately you have to be very flexible and adjust to whatever needs to be done.
David : Et bien nous ne somme que trois personnes venant de YAGER au sein de InBetweenGames. Le reste de l’équipe de YAGER est toujours occupé à travailler sur la Beta Fermée de Dreadnought actuellement ou est sur d’autres défis. Nous avons nous trois travaillé ensemble au sein d’une même équipe auparavant avec son lot de stress et de pression en dehors, ce qui nous donne un avantage face à des équipes totalement nouvelles. Nous nous connaissons tous et savons comment réagir quand les choses cessent d’être amusantes. Nous avons aussi accompli plusieurs objectifs ensemble, auparavant et sommes habitués à toujours tenter de nous améliorer au niveau professionnel.
En même temps, se lancer en tant qu’équipe indépendante à seulement trois personnages est un de nos challenges. Il n’y a personne d’autre que nous qui prendra soin de quoi que ce soit et au | 6,494 |
final, il faut être très flexible et ajuster les besoins de tout le monde en fonction de ce qui doit être fait..
Vous avez créé un jeu à la Ludum Dare 33…
English Version Isaac: It was the three of us that founded inbetweengames, plus two other friends who are still working there today, Daniel Nordlander and Bairbre Bent. But yeah, some other of our YAGERfriends have entered before, like the Maschinen-Mensch team who made Planet Corp. for Ludum Dare 29.
Isaac : Nous l’avons créé tous les trois, entre fondateurs de InBetweenGames, en plus de deux autres amis : Daniel Nordlande et Bairbre Bent. Mais d’autres personnes de YAGER y ont participé auparavant, comme l’équipe Maschinen-Mensch qui a créé Planet Corp. au Ludum Dare 29.
Créer un jeu Ludum Dare, après l’annulation de Dead Island 2, c’est un plan de comm’ ou juste du fun?
English Version Isaac: After DI2 was cancelled and we realised several years of work would never be seen by the public, we really had a craving to just make something and put it out there. It was pretty great timing that there was a Ludum Dare weekend coming up just shortly after, so we put a team together and went for it, for the sheer joy of creation. But in the back of our mind, we thought that it could be the beginning of a new studio, and we had such a good time and people seemed to like the game we made well enough that using it to launch inbetweengames was the obvious next step.
Isaac : Après que Dead Island 2 soit annulé et après avoir réalisé que tout le travail effectué ne serait jamais montré au public, nous avions une grande envie de créer quelque chose et de le rendre disponible. Le week-end de Ludum Dare fut un timing parfait puisqu’il arriva peu de temps après, nous avons donc réuni l’équipe et y sommes allés, pour la joie de créer. Mais au fond de nous, nous pensions bien que ce pouvait être le début d’un nouveau studio et nous avons tellement passé de bons moments et les gens ont semblé aimer le jeu que nous avions conçu que cela à servi à faire de l’ouverture d’InBetweenGames un prochain objectif évident.
Ce jeu Ludum Dare se nomme The Mammoth : A Cave Painting. Pouvez-vous nous en dire davantage?
English Version Rafal: We created The Mammoth as our submission for the Ludum Dare – an international game jam. For those not familiar with what it is – you make a video game in a very limited amount of time – for teams it’s 72 hours. Ludum Dare #33 was a final test for our dream about founding an indie development studio. We wanted to check if the chemistry between us is good, how well we work together as a team and under tight deadline. The theme for that game jam was “You are a monster”. During the first couple of hours of brainstorming we went through a bunch of ideas and basically we turned down the ones which we thought other teams will build a game around. I dug out an old sketch depicting a group of a cavemen hunting a mammoth and it clicked. Straight away it also imposed the visual style of the project – a cave painting. The other ideas came to us somewhat naturally while working on the game itself: a short story form about the bond between a mother and her children, helplessness facing a loss being a part of the the narrative and unanswered question – who the monster really is? Is it human? Is it a large and dangerous animal? Or maybe they are both just fighting for survival? We wanted to see how emotionally engaging experience we can create while employing quite simple methods, means. We wanted to evoke a feelings in players – make them amused, angry but mostly sad. Considering the amount of positive feedback we are still getting I would risk saying that we succeeded in our mission. Ultimately the biggest impact on the sad tone of The Mammoth came from the information about Dead Island 2 cancellation. We had learned about it just before Ludum | 6,495 |
Rafal : Nous avons créé The Mammoth lors de notre participation au Ludum Dare, une Game Jam international. Pour ceux qui ne connaîtraient pas : vous y créez votre jeu vidéo en un temps très limité. Pour les équipes, c’est en 72 heures.
Ludum Dare #33 fut notre test final concernant notre rêve de fonder un studio de développement indépendant. Nous cherchions à trouver si l’alchimie fonctionnait entre nous et comment nous étions capables de travailler en équipe en un temps très limité. Le thème de cette Game Jam fut “Vous êtes un monstre”.
Pendant les premières heures de brainstorming, nous sommes passés par plusieurs idées et évidemment, nous avons éliminé celles qui risquaient d’être utilisées par les autres équipe qui créaient elles aussi un jeu. J’ai retrouvé un ancien dessin représentant un groupe d’hommes des cavernes chassant le mammouth et ça a été le déclic. Cela a tout de suite imposé le style visuel du projet : les peintures rupestres. Les autres idées sont venues naturellement pendant qu’on travaillait sur le jeu : une courte histoire racontant le lien entre une mère et son enfant, l’impuissance face au deuil étant une grande partie de la narration et de la question de fond : qui est réellement le monstre? Est-ce l’humain? Est-ce le gigantesque et dangereux animal? Ou peut-être est-ce que les deux se battent seulement pour survivre?
Nous voulions voir à quel point nous pouvions proposer une expérience émotionnelle en utilisant des méthodes simples. Nous voulions amener des sentiments aux joueurs, les faire s’amuser, s’énerver mais aussi être attristés. En considérant le nombre de retours positifs que nous continuons à avoir, je me risquerais à dire que nous avons réussi notre mission.
Au final, le plus grand impact qui a pesé sur l’aspect triste de The Mammoth venait de l’information comme quoi Dead Island était annulé. Nous l’avons appris juste avant le Ludum Dare.
Votre nouveau jeu se nomme All Walls Must Fall. Quel est son scénario? Peut-on s’attendre à quelque chose de très engagé, politiquement?
English Version David: The setting of the game is Berlin 2089 where the Cold War never ended. This is because somebody, at sometime invented time travel and in the alternative future of our game the super powers have used this technology to correct their biggest mistakes. The balance of power is thereby held indefinitely. But then one night in 2089 a rogue nuclear strike disturbs this perfect equilibrium and threatens to turn the Cold War hot and the world to ash. Players will command the time travelling secret agents that are sent back through one night of Berlin clubbing to find out who did it and how to stop them. So yeah we are definitely seeking out political topics and want to players to engage with them. We want to question preconceptions that might exist and further a discussion and dialogue. Ultimately it is up to the players to form their own opinions but if we think of games as art then this is also one of their functions to facilitate and stimulate that process.
David : Le jeu se déroule à Berlin en 2098, où la Guerre Froide ne s’est jamais terminée. Cela parce que quelqu’un a inventé le voyage à travers le temps et dans le futur alternatif de notre jeu, les super puissances ont utilisé cette technologie pour corriger leurs pires erreurs. La balance du pouv | 6,496 |
oir est ainsi maintenue de façon infinie. Mais une nuit de 2089, une attaque nucléaire vient chambouler cet équilibre et menace de rendre cette Guerre Froide “chaude” au point de réduire le monde en cendres. Les joueurs contrôleront des agents secrets du temps envoyés la nuit avant l’attaque pour trouver qui a fait cela et comment le stopper.
Donc oui, nous avons définitivement l’envie de proposer des sujets politiques et nous voulons que les joueurs s’y engagent. Nous voulons remettre en questions les idées préconçues et amener à la discussion et au dialogue. Il appartiendra au final aux joueurs de se forger leurs propres opinions mais si nous pensons que les jeux sont un art, ils ont aussi cette fonction de faciliter et stimuler ce processus.
Vous rendez-vous compte de l’impact qu’a eu Spec Ops : The Line auprès des joueurs et de l’industrie?
English Version David: We worked on Spec Ops: The Line for a very long time. Overall it was five years for us so it felt somewhat aligned with the journey of Captain Martin Walker that just wouldn’t end and that took its toll as we went through it. I think you can feel that when you play the game and in a way it is what makes the scenario, the gameplay and the story coherent as everything is really in tune with each other and aligned towards the same common goal. So we hoped that we would make something worthwhile while working on it but the reality of the long term reaction is not something anybody expected I think. Also seeing nods to the game in other titles that have been released since then by studios and teams we admire is a great feeling. We’re very proud to have had the privilege to contribute in a small way to this apparently important game. While commercially it had mediocre sales and some people really didn’t like what we were doing the heartfelt reactions we still receive up until now speak volumes and also are what kept us going in the years since then when things didn’t turn out the way we hoped they would.
David : Cela fait longtemps maintenant que nous avons travaillé sur Spec Ops : The Line. Ce fut environ cinq années totalement dédiées à l’aventure du Capitaine Martin Walker qui ne semblaient jamais vouloir se terminer et qui se sont finies en même temps qu’elle. Je pense que vous pouvez ressentir cela quand vous jouez au jeu et dans un sens c’est ce qui rend le scénario, le gameplay et l’histoire totalement cohérents entre-eux, alignés vers un même objectif. Nous espérions faire quelque chose “qui compte” en créant (le jeu, NDLR) mais la réalité des réactions à long terme est quelque chose auquel personne ne s’attend j’imagine. Aussi, voir quelques idées du jeu dans d’autres titres sortis depuis par d’autres studios et équipes de développement que nous admirons fut une belle sensation.
Nous sommes très fiers d’avoir eu ce privilège de contribuer un peu à ce qui est apparemment un jeu important. En même temps, les ventes furent médiocres et certaines personnes n’ont pas vraiment aimé ce que nous avons réalisé. Les réactions sincères que nous recevons encore aujourd’hui ont pris de l’importance et ont contribué à nous motiver à continuer pendant toutes ces années où les choses ne se sont pas déroulées comme nous l’espérions.
Retrouvera-t-on ce genre d’écriture dans All Walls Must Fall?
English Version David: I hope that we | 6,497 |
can marry the scenario, the gameplay and the narrative in a similar way at least. We tried it when we had just three days for Ludum Dare with The Mammoth: A Cave Painting and I think for us this is the way to go. Obviously in a small indie game the production value of the overall package is not the same as in AAA game development. But I think the feelings and experiences you can instill in players are just as worthwhile if not even more so. Being a small team means that we can take risks that big teams can’t afford to take. We can do things that don’t make obvious apparent sense. Things that are motivated more deeply by caring for the games we make and the players that we hope will experience them. To me this about making the players feel something and giving them room to fill in the blanks themselves.
David : J’espère que nous allons pouvoir marier le scénario, le gameplay et la narration de la même façon. Nous avons déja essayé de le faire lorsque nous n’avions que trois jours de Ludum Dare avec The Mammoth : A Cave Painting et je pense que c’est le chemin à prendre. Evidemment dans un petit jeu indépendant la “production value” n’est pas la même que dans un développement de jeu AAA. Mais je pense que les sentiments et les expériences que vous pouvez proposer aux joueurs sont tout aussi intéressants, voir plus encore.
Devenir une petite équipe signifie que nous pouvons prendre des risques que les grosses équipes ne peuvent pas prendre. Nous pouvons faite des choses qui ne semblent pas évidentes en apparence. Ce genre de choses motivées par le soin que l’on apporte aux jeux que l’on crée et par les joueurs qui, nous l’espérons, les expérimenterons. Pour moi il est question de faire ressentir quelque chose au joueur et de leur donner de la place pour remplir le vide par eux-mêmes.
Pourquoi avoir choisir Berlin en 2089, en pleine Guerre Froide?
English Version Isaac: Berlin is a really interesting city with a pretty unique history that hasn’t been tapped too much in games. But just setting the game during the “real” cold war of the 20th century didn’t quite fit out idea for the game as a tech-noir thriller. An alternate reality sci-fi future where the cold war never ended allows us to have a lot of leeway when it comes to creating an imaginary world, while still setting the game somewhere grounded and real. As for the exact year, well it’s conveniently 100 years after when the wall “really” fell, in 1989.
Isaac : Berlin est une ville très intéressante avec une histoire assez unique qui n’a pas été très utilisée dans les jeux. Mais situer le jeu pendant la “vraie” Guerre Froide du 20ème siècle ne permettait pas de mettre en place l’idée d’un thriller tech-noir. Une réalité alternative, un futur de science-fiction où la Guerre Froide ne se serait jamais stoppée, nous permet d’avoir une grande marge de manœuvre lorsqu’il s’agit de créer un monde imaginaire. Tout en proposant un jeu très terre à terre et réaliste. Quant à la date exacte, c’est tout simplement 100 ans après la “réelle” chute du mur, en 1989.
Quelles seront les originalités de gameplay?
English Version Isaac: We’re taking a tried and tested gameplay genre, tile-based isometric tactics, and remixing it with the addition of time manipulation abilities. The mind-bending possibilities there are what we think are the most original aspects of the gameplay, but we hope that layering them on top of a fairly traditional set of mechanics make them intuitive for gamers.
Isaac : Nous reprenons un genre de gameplay largement ép | 6,498 |
rouvé, la tactique isométrique à base de tuiles et nous le remixons en y ajoutant des pouvoirs de manipulation du temps. Tout ce que cela implique d’originalité en terme de réflexion est sans doute l’aspect le plus original du gameplay, mais nous esperons que les couches “classiques” de mécaniques plus traditionnelles permettront au jeu d’être intuitif pour les joueurs.
Dans votre communiqué, vous parlez d’actions “en rythme avec la musique”?
English Version Isaac: All the actions you can have your agents perform in our game – from shooting, to moving, to opening doors – have the time they take measured in beats of the music. So when the game is paused, the music is paused. Then, you tell your agent to reload, which takes 4 beats: the game unpauses for 4 beats of the music, she reloads, then it pauses again. Both your actions and those of other characters work like this, so when they’re all played together they create a synesthetic audio-visual experience.
Isaac : Toutes les actions que vous pouvez effectuer avec vos agents dans le jeu, tirer, bouger, ouvrir des portes, sont en rythme avec la musique. Quand le jeu se met en pause, la musique se met en pause. Si vous demandez à votre agent de recharger, cela prendre 4 notes : le jeu quitte la pause pour quatre notes de musiques, recharge, puis se remet en pause. Toutes vos actions et les autres personnages sont soumis au même fonctionnement et quand ils se jouent tous ensemble, cela crée une experience visuelle et audio très “synesthésique”.
Les nuits de Berlin étant au coeur du jeu, on peut s’attendre à faire beaucoup de rencontres?
English Version Rafal: We have couple of outlines written for the main NPCs but at the same time we are also wondering about having some random factor there. Maybe an NPC which liked you in the last playthrough hates you this time? Apart from actions taken by the players influencing NPCs’ approach to them we are considering to use as a reference real psychological profiles or personality types. Being quite tired of stereotypical video games characters we want to embrace Berlin with the diversity it has to offer. Create a believable and engaging experience for you.
Rafal : Nous avons quelques lignes d’écrites pour les principaux PNJ mais aussi, nous voudrions avoir un certain facteur de hasard. Peut-être qu’un PNJ qui vous appréciait lors de votre précédente partie vous détestera cette fois-ci? En dehors des actions du joueur influançant l’approche des PNJ, nous aimerions utiliser des profils psychologiques réels et des types de personnalités pour chacun.
Nous sommes assez épuisés de voir tant de stéréotypes dans les personnages de jeux vidéo et voudrions proposer une ville de Berlin avec toute la diversité qu’elle peut offrir. Créer une réaliste et engageante expérience pour vous.
Finalement quelles sont les principales inspirations du jeu?
English Version David: The first inspiration for the game really is the city of Berlin itself. It is something that we all in the team share even though we come from different places and backgrounds. Which is fitting since the city is such a rich mirror of different influences and has had a quite unique role in the history and politics of the 20th century. We think that this offers the opportunity to reflect on current issues from a new and unique perspective that players maybe haven’t experienced before and that will open up both new questions and answers for them. At the same time we are also hugely inspired by games of the 90s PC wave like Syndicate, XCom, Fallout and Planescape to name a few. These games managed to convey so much with comparatively little that it feels like everything in them carries a lot more weight than in modern AAA games. I think you can also argue that they put | 6,499 |
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