Quim Torra. El nuevo candidato a la Presidència de la Generalitat, Quim Torra, es un tuitero habitual. Con más de 17.500 publicaciones en dos años, comenta la actualidad, opina y comparte conocimientos culturales. Pero el diputado de JxCat se estrenó hace años en la red social, y aunque borró el rastro, su huella digital muestra unos mensajes entre el 2011 y el 2014 en los que usa la palabra "españoles" de forma despectiva y les achaca actitudes reprobables para ridiculizar, toda una muestra de xenofobia. ► Últimas noticias de Quim Torra y Catalunya | Directo Los tuits ya no se encuentras disponibles pero varios internautas capturaron y compartieron una imagen de estos. Aquí los reproducimos: - "Franceses y españoles comparten la misma concepción aniquiladora de las naciones que malviven en sus Estados". - "[Los catalanes] vamos en coches particulares y nos lo pagamos todo. No hacemos como los españoles". - "Evidentemente, vivimos ocupados por los españoles desde 1714". - "Los españoles en Catalunya son como la energía: no desaparecen, se transforman". - "Fuera bromas. Señores, si seguimos aquí algunos años más corremos el riesgo de acabar tan locos como los mismos españoles". - "Sobre todo, lo que sorprende es el tono, la mala educación, la pijería española, sensación de inmundicia. Horrible". - "Vergüenza es una palabra que los españoles hace años que han eliminado de su vocabulario". - "Oir hablar a Albert Rivera de moralidad es como oír a los españoles hablar de democracia". - "Los españoles solo saben expoliar". - "[Los del PSC], pobres, hablan el español como los españoles". Después de este episodio se dio un tiempo en Twitter. Pero volvió con fuerza y energías renovadas el 3 de enero del 2016. "Desaparezco unos meses y me encuentro con mi cuenta pirateada y la guerra civil indepe en marcha. Momento para volver", inauguró. Su reapartición coincidió con el 'no' de la bases de la CUP a la investidura de Artur Mas. Bona tarda. Desapareixo uns mesos i em trobo amb el meu compte piratejat i la guerra civil indepe en marxa. Moment per tornar — QuimTorraPla (@QuimTorraiPla) 3 de gener de 2016 Con su retorno aprovechó para ser mucho más cauteloso. Ahora bien, no ha dejado de cargar con dureza contra dirigentes del Gobierno. Acostumo a pensar que sempre hem de fer el contrari del que diu aquesta senyora. En aquest cas, n'estic convençut. https://t.co/aSTQvS6PVj — QuimTorraPla (@QuimTorraiPla) 26 d’abril de 2018 L'estat mai no en té prou, sempre queda una humiliació més a practicar. De nosaltres depèn aturar-ho. https://t.co/eviy9pqxL6 — QuimTorraPla (@QuimTorraiPla) 21 d’abril de 2018 Viure permanentment amenaçats en el Regne d'Espanya o viure lliures a
Text available in: English | Français | Deutsche In July, our Voice Assistant Team will be in France and Germany to explore trust and technology adoption. We’re particularly interested in how people use voice assistants and how people listen to content like Pocket and podcasts. We would like to learn more how you use technology and how a voice assistant or voice user interface (VUIs) could improve your Internet and open web experiences. We will be conducting a series of in-home interviews and participatory design sessions. No prior voice assistant experience needed! We would love to meet folks in person in: Paris: July 3 – 6, 2018 Munich: July 9 – 13, 2018 Dresden: July 16 – 20, 2018 If you are interested in participating in our in home interviews (2 hours) or participatory design sessions (1.5 hours), please let us know! We’d love to meet you in-person! If you are interested in meeting us in Paris, please fill out this form. If you are interested in meeting us in Germany, please fill out this form. All information will be held under Mozilla’s Privacy Policy. Paris, Munich & Dresde : aidez-nous à donner une voix au Web! En juillet, notre équipe Assistants vocaux sera en France et en Allemagne pour explorer la confiance et l’adoption de ces technologies. Nous sommes particulièrement intéressés par la façon dont les gens utilisent les assistants vocaux et par comment ils écoutent du contenu comme Pocket ou des podcasts. Nous aimerions en savoir plus sur la façon dont vous utilisez cette technologie et sur la façon dont un assistant vocal ou une interface utilisateur vocale (VUI) pourrait améliorer vos expériences sur le Web. Nous mènerons une série d’entrevues à domicile et de séances de conception participatives. Aucune utilisation d’assistant vocal n’est requise au préalable! Nous aimerions rencontrer des gens en personne à : Paris : du 3 au 6 juillet 2018, Munich : du 9 au 13 juillet 2018, Dresde : du 16 au 20 juillet 2018. Si vous êtes intéressé(e)s à participer à nos interviews à domicile (2 heures) ou à des sessions de conception participative (1,5 heure), faites le nous savoir! Nous aimerions vous rencontrer! Si vous souhaitez nous rencontrer à Paris, veuillez remplir ce formulaire. Si vous souhaitez nous rencontrer en Allemagne, veuillez remplir ce formulaire. Toutes les informations seront conservées dans la politique de confidentialité de Mozilla. Paris, München, & Dresden: Bitte helfen Sie uns, dem Internet eine Stimme zu geben! Im Juli wird unser Voice Assistant Team in Frankreich und Deutschland sein, um Technologie-Akzeptanz und -Vertrauen zu erkunden. Uns interessiert besonders, wie Menschen Sprachassistenten benutzen und wie Menschen Inhalte wie Pocket und Podcasts hören. Wir würden gerne mehr darüber erfahren, wie Sie Technologie benutzen und wie ein Sprachassistent oder eine Sprachbenutzeroberfläche (VUIs) Ihr Internet- und freies Weberlebnis verbessern könnte. Wir werden eine Reihe von In-Home-Interviews und partizipativen Design-Sessions durchführen. Keine vorherige Erfahrung des Sprachassistenten erforderlich! Wir würden uns freuen Sie persönlich zu treffen in: Paris: 3. – 6. Juli 2018; München: 9. – 13. Juli 2018; Dresden: 16. – 20. Juli 2018. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, an unseren In-Home
U.S. Supreme Court New York Times Co. v. Sullivan No. 39 Argued January 6, 1964 Decided March 9, 1964 376 U.S. 254ast|>* 376 U.S. 254 CERTIORARI TO THE SUPREME COURT OF ALABAMA Syllabus Respondent, an elected official in Montgomery, Alabama, brought suit in a state court alleging that he had been libeled by an advertisement in corporate petitioner's newspaper, the text of which appeared over the names of the four individual petitioners and many others. The advertisement included statements, some of which were false, about police action allegedly directed against students who participated in a civil rights demonstration and against a leader of the civil rights movement; respondent claimed the statements referred to him because his duties included supervision of the police department. The trial judge instructed the jury that such statements were "libelous per se," legal injury being implied without proof of actual damages, and that, for the purpose of compensatory damages, malice was presumed, so that such damages could be awarded against petitioners if the statements were found to have been published by them and to have related to respondent. As to punitive damages, the judge instructed that mere negligence was not evidence of actual malice, and would not justify an award of punitive damages; he refused to instruct that actual intent to harm or recklessness had to be found before punitive damages could be awarded, or that a verdict for respondent should differentiate between compensatory and punitive damages. The jury found for respondent, and the State Supreme Court affirmed. Held: A State cannot, under the First and Fourteenth Amendments, award damages to a public official for defamatory falsehood relating to his official conduct unless he proves "actual malice" -- that the statement was made with knowledge of its falsity or with reckless disregard of whether it was true or false. Pp. 376 U. S. 265-292. (a) Application by state courts of a rule of law, whether statutory or not, to award a judgment in a civil action, is "state action" under the Fourteenth Amendment. P. 376 U. S. 265. (b) Expression does not lose constitutional protection to which it would otherwise be entitled because it appears in the form of a paid advertisement. Pp. 376 U. S. 265-266. Page 376 U. S. 255 (c) Factual error, content defamatory of official reputation, or both, are insufficient to warrant an award of damages for false statements unless "actual malice" -- knowledge that statements are false or in reckless disregard of the truth -- is alleged and proved. Pp. 376 U. S. 279-283. (d) State court judgment entered upon a general verdict which does not differentiate between punitive damages, as to which, under state law, actual malice must be proved, and general damages, as to which it is "presumed," precludes any determination as to the basis of the verdict, and requires reversal, where presumption of malice is inconsistent with federal constitutional requirements. P. 376 U. S. 284. (e) The evidence was constitutionally insufficient to support the judgment for respondent, since it failed to support a finding that the statements were made with actual malice or that they related to respondent. Pp. 376 U. S. 285-292. 273 Ala. 656, 144 So. 2d 25, reversed and remanded. Page 376 U. S. 256 MR. JUSTICE BRENNAN delivered the opinion of the Court. We are required in this case to determine for the first time the extent to which the constitutional protections for speech and press limit a State's power to award damages in a libel action brought by a public official against critics of his official conduct. Respondent L. B. Sullivan is one of the three elected Commissioners of the City of Montgomery, Alabama. He testified that he was "Commissioner of Public Affairs, and the duties are supervision of the Police Department, Fire Department, Department of Cemetery and Department of Scales." He brought this civil libel action against the four individual petitioners, who are Negroes and Alabama clergymen, and against petitioner the New York Times Company, a New York corporation which publishes the New York Times, a daily newspaper. A jury in the Circuit Court of Montgomery County awarded him damages of $500,000, the full amount claimed, against all the petitioners, and the Supreme Court of Alabama affirmed. 273 Ala. 656, 144 So. 2d 25. Respondent's complaint alleged that he had been libeled by statements in a full-page advertisement that was carried in the New York Times on March 29, 1960. [Footnote 1] Entitled "Heed Their Rising Voices," the advertisement began by stating that, "As the whole world knows
chleierte Frauen, die mit automatischen Gewehren vor einem BMW posieren, finden sich auf Twitter. "Es war auch eine Woche, in der IS-Frauen/Witwen Fotos mit einem "wünschte Du wärst hier"-Ton gepostet haben. Neue Rekrutierungsmethoden", kommentierte die preisgekrönte libanesisch-britische Journalistin und Islam-Expertin Hala Jaber diese Bilder. It was also a week of #Isis wives/widows posting photos with a "wish you were here" tone. New recruiting methods. pic.twitter.com/M8Dqf5rm5q — Hala Jaber (@HalaJaber) 23. März 2015 Doch so ausgefeilt und modern die Rekrutierungsmethoden auch sein mögen, sie müssen auf fruchtbaren Boden fallen, damit die Islamisten eine Ernte einfahren können. Einen Hinweis auf das, was der IS-Propaganda bei Mädchen und Frauen im Westen den Boden bereitet, gibt der sehr persönliche Artikel der britischen Muslima Javaria Akbar im "Telegraph": "So undenkbar es scheint, es gibt einen winzigen Fleck in mir, der versteht, warum einer von sieben britischen Dschihadisten, die in den Irak und nach Syrien gegangen sind, Frauen sind", schreibt sie. "Was ich verstehe, ist die verzweifelte Suche einen Ort zu finden, wo man dazugehört - der menschliche Wunsch gehört und wertgeschätzt zu werden, ist unglaublich stark." Akbars Text trägt die Überschrift: "Warum kann ich keinerlei weiße Freunde gewinnen?" Das Problem der Ausgrenzung sieht auch Sara Khan, Mitbegründerin der britischen Menschenrechtsorganisation Inspire, als ein Motiv für den Hijrah: "Diese jungen Frauen fühlen sich nicht, als gehörten sie in die westliche Gesellschaft und wollen dringend Teil von etwas Größerem werden, sagte sie dem "Telegraph". "Der IS sieht aus, als böte er diese Utopie: ein realer Staat, und einer, der einer muslimischen Schwesternschaft Schutz bietet." Gefährliche Interaktion mit der Psyche anderer Bei jungen Mädchen ist oft auch ein viel banaleres Motiv Grund für ihre Abkehr von der westlichen Welt: Auflehnung gegen die Eltern. Die französischen Teenagerinnen, die in den Dschihad zögen, stammten häufig aus Familien, in denen Religion kaum praktiziert werde oder die Eltern sogar Atheisten seien, erklärte die Forscherin Géraldine Casutt laut "Spiegel Online". "Meine Tochter verkündete mir, sie habe mir nichts mehr zu sagen, weil ich Atheistin bin", erzählte eine Mutter demnach der Anthropologin Dounia Bouzar. Das Motiv der Rebellion gegen die als zu liberal und angepasst empfundene Familie gilt ebenso für junge Deutsche: Viele verließen das Land gegen den Willen ihrer Eltern, hauten einfach ab, und die verzweifelten Mütter und Väter könnten nur Vermisstenanzeigen aufgeben, sagte ein deutscher Ermittler der "Zeit". “Der Islamische Staat ist höchstgefährlich durch se
UPDATE, May 20: Since we wrote the following piece on May 14, two outlets have covered the protests and what has happened since: PRI and HuffPost. Both outlets have linked to our original piece. We waited a few hours to write this post just to give the U.S. mainstream media a chance to actually cover a day of some very intense protests in Puerto Rico on Wednesday afternoon. As of tonight (around 12:05amET on May 14), we can safely conclude that very little coverage (if any, to be quite honest) ever even appeared in U.S. English-language media. The only English language piece we found was a story by Prensa Latina: San Juan, May 13 (Prensa Latina) Thousands of members of the Puerto Rican university community rejected the possible cuts to the budget of state University of Puerto Rico, in a massive march because of the fiscal crisis of the island. Students, teachers, investigators and non-teaching workers of the UPR and members of private universities met at the Capitol of San Juan to march up to La Fortaleza, the host of the Puerto Rican Executive. That was pretty much it as of this initial posting, even though #11Recintos1UPR was active for most of the day, as well as #MarchaUPR. Those two hashtags included several photos, including these: Today thousands of students in Puerto Rico marched to stop gov proposed university budget cuts #11Recintos1UPR @deray pic.twitter.com/vCe7ZSCpus — Chantel Trujillo (@ChantillyyyLace) May 13, 2015 And these: Somos #11Recintos1UPR, haciendo HISTORIA. Debería salir el pueblo a luchar con nosotros. ¡LOS BUENOS SOMOS MÁS! pic.twitter.com/BwE2f97lIg — Karlee Escalera (@karleeia) May 13, 2015 Llega más Fuerza d Choque a protesta universitarios en Puerto Rico. pic.twitter.com/4XesdyGM1n — Perla Franco (@PerlateleSUR) May 13, 2015 Social media also featured videos of the protests (“We are students, we’re not criminals!”): MVI_3399 Lo pongo por aquí por aquello de que somos “violentos”. El primer macanazo del día está como al minuto 1:15.El video está público ahora ya que muchos lo están compartiendo pero quiero también aclarar que mi intención con publicarlo no es condenar a la Policía de Puerto Rico. El Nuevo Día ayer dejó entender que los estudiantes fueron los primeros en ejercer violencia física y la intención del video es que quede en récord que los estudiantes hicieron un llamado a la paz en todo momento. Aprovecho también para dejar claro que la mayoría del cuerpo de oficiales allí presente se comportó con respeto hacia los manifestantes, salvo por aquel que primero soltó el macanazo y el otro que usó pepper spray. Ellos están allí haciendo su trabajo y posiblemente algunos simpatizan con nosotros. Como me dijo uno de los oficiales: "No es personal". Posted by Jorge L Falcón Garrido on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 There were even reports that a Pepsi bottle filled with aluminum and a chemical had detonated very near the La Fortaleza (the governor’s mansion). There were no injuries, but we do think that if a bomb-like device had gone off near where an elected official on the mainland was, it would be on a constant 24/7 constant loop coverage. Images from the live stream of El Nuevo Día also were shared throughout social media all day in Puerto Rico: [EN VIVO] Estudiantes intentan llegar al portón de La Fortaleza http://end.pr/1K6nkEI Posted by El Nuevo Dia on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 And by the end of the day, student leaders were meeting with Governor Alejandro García Padilla. Yet we guess that such news shouldn’t be reported to the rest of the
Na forumu Klokanice roditelji opisuju svoja iskustva s ogrlicom od jantara i njezinim učinkom na simptome rasta zubića kod djece. Pridružite im se u raspravi, a pročitajte i što o ovoj temi kažu dr. dent. med. Ivana Cekić i prof. Vesna Ivanović, autorica knjige 'Život i alkemija kristala' Bebe simpatično izgledaju s jantarnim ogrlicama oko vrata, koje roditelji podjednako stavljaju dječacima i djevojčicama, no jesu li one stvarno učinkovite protiv boli, temperature, nervoze i slinjenja uslijed nicanja prvih zubića? I koliko su sigurne za nošenje, odnosno postoji li opasnost od gušenja? O ogrlicama od jantara raspravljaju roditelji na forumu i na našoj Facebook stranici, a mi vam prenosimo njihova različita iskustva, kao i komentare stručnjaka. Djeluje li ili ne djeluje? Mama missha s foruma Klokanice opisala je učinak ogrlice na temperaturu i nervozu zbog rasta zubića: "Mi smo koristili je kad je veća kći imala temperature i stvarno je super. Dok je imala ogrlicu, temperatura nije išla iznad 38 stupnjeva. Držala je tu temperaturu pod nadzorom. Za zubiće je bila manje učinkovita, kći je bila cendrava, ali nije plakala noću, tako da je bilo podnošljivo." "Nama je jantarna ogrlica puno pomogla s dvoje djece. Nisu slinili, nisu bili jako nervozni, zubiće skoro uopće nismo osjetili", napisala je mama Marija na Facebooku, no javili su se i neki kod kojih nije bila tako učinkovita. Korisnica pod imenom mama2zg jedna je od njih: "Nama nije pomogla! Čak mi se čini da je još više bio nervozan kad ju je nosio, a radili smo sve kako treba, i praznili redovito i punili, ali očito na svakome djeluje drugačije, odnosno ili djeluje ili uopće ne djeluje." I mama Bisera ima slično iskustvo: "Ja sam je kupila svom petomjesečnom sinčiću, ali ne vidim nikakva poboljšanja ili olakšanje kod nicanja prvog zubića." Koliko je ogrlica oko bebina vrata sigurna? Na pitanje jesu li zbog sigurnosti skidali ogrlicu djeci prije spavanja, većina roditelja odgovara da nisu, smatrajući da za tim nema potrebe. "Mi je nikad ne skidamo i zubiće skoro pa nismo osjetili, a ima ih već osam!", piše mama Kristina, a mama Nina napisala je kako je njezina kćer nosila jantarnu ogrlicu sve do dobi od šest godina, kada je pukla, jer je prije nije htjela skinuti, a "uvijek je bila mirna i dobra". Foto: Thinkstock
Doktorica dentalne medicine Ivana Cekić smatra da jantarna ogrlica nema nikakve veze s nicanjem zubića i da ne može ublažiti nelagodu koja se u to vrijeme javlja, a da, s druge strane, predstavlja opasnost od gušenja. "Zapravo nema rješenja za potpuno uklanjanje simptoma nicanja zubi, osim gelova za desni, koji se mogu kupiti u ljekarnama, ili igračaka za grickanje, od kojih se neke mogu i rashladiti pa djeci paše grickati ih i njima trljati desni", kaže dr. Cekić. Komentar smo zatražili i od prof. Vesne Ivanović, poznavateljice povijesti upotrebe kristala i minerala, autorice knjige 'Život i alkemija kristala'. "Jantar je smola prethistorijskih crnogoričnih paprati koje su rasle na području današnjeg Baltika i još nekim mjestima na Zemlji. Dokazano je da jantar ima antiseptičko djelovanje i odavno se koristi upravo kao antiseptik. Može ga se i paliti, slično kao tamjan, koji je isto smola, i onda oslobađa poseban miris i dezinficira prostor. Čubuci, nastavci za pušenje cigareta ili nargila koje idu od osta do usta, često su napravljeni od jantara, ponovno zbog njegovih antiseptičkih svojstava. Jantar je bio osobito popularan u doba Rimskog carstva, gdje su ga koristili za izradu različitog nakita, a budući da ga je bilo lako oblikovati, čak i vrčeva", rekla nam je Vesna Ivanović. Drevne igračke za trljanje desni Objasnila je da je suvremeno korištenje ogrlice od jantara protiv simptoma nicanja zubi zapravo iskrivljenje povijesne upotrebe jantara i za tu svrhu. "Zabilježeno je da su djeca u prošlosti trljala desni većim komadom jantara, koji je mogao biti oblikovan tako da se dijete njime ne može ozlijediti, a bio je siguran i jer se ne može slomiti. Zahvaljujući slini, iz jantara su se pritom oslobađale i njegove antibakterijske komponente. Kad bismo razgovarali o djelovanju ogrlica od jantara na rast zubi, ušli bismo u sferu ezoteričnoga, jer je tu pretpostavka da jantar na zubiće djeluje samom svojom vibracijom, za što nema znanstvenih dokaza", kaže stručnjakinja za kristale i minerale. Neki roditelji spominju kako su jantarne ogrlice koristili protiv temperature, a Vesna Ivanović kaže kako se tradicionalno jantar zaista koristio i kod temperature, no tako da bi ga palili i njime kadili prostoriju, za dezinfekciju. Pogledajte cijelu raspravu na forumu i napišite svoje iskustvo!
In Greco-Roman mythology, as in almost every mythology, monstrous beings and fantastic animals are frequent. Sometimes these monsters are large animals, others they are the result of the mixture of several different animals and sometimes they are even a mix of human beings and animals. Dragons, griffins, sphinxes, centaurs, sea monsters, pegasus, gods in human form with animal head as in Egypt … can be found in all the mythologies and cosmogonies of the world and take us back to a very primitive stage of the human beings: some of them to the time of men hunters and others also to the Neolithic era. Some people think that the creation of these monstrous beings is due to the appearance in the very ancient times of fossil remains of dinosaurs and other animals which were extinct then. It is an attempt of rationalistic explanation of myths. This theory of mythological explanation is called “Euhemerism ", from the name of his alleged creator Euhemerus of Messene, in the fourth century BC, from whom we hardly keep some abstracts and citations. According to Euhemerus, gods are just historical figures, kings of particular relevance, magnified by tradition. This theory had some success among some ancient authors, especially among the ancient fathers of the Church, who used it to discredit the ancient myths but that did not apply to their own. However attractive these theories of rationalization of myths seem, the reality is that the human being is enormously complex and in an effort to explain the world around us, we use our intelligence, creativity, dreams and imagination, our unitary conception of the world, to create forms of symbolic and mythical explanation. Thus we use physical experiences to express realities of another order. In Antiquity fossil remains certainly appear and these findings are documented. No doubt that these fossils sometimes fed the imagination of the ancient people and also help to explain, justify or reinforce the existence of their fantastic animals. There is a very interesting text by Pliny in which he tells us how the mayor Marcus Aemilius Scaurus, in the year 58 BC, brought to Rome and exhibited the fossil remains of a monster which appeared in Joppa, the present Jaffa, next to Tel-Aviv. Ancient people traditionally placed the episode of the myth of Perseus and Andromeda in Joppa (see in this blog itself. http://www.antiquitatem.com/en/perseus-andromeda-medusa-pegasus-danae ). Strabo, XVI, 2.28 (759); Mela, I, 11/64; Pliny NH V, 13/69; Josephus Bello Iudaico, III, 9.3 (420); Pausanias, IV, 35.6; Jerome, Comm. Ad Ion., I, 3 also placed the episode there, or at least they said that remains of the chains of Andromeda emerged from the rock. Alost all of them mention that remains of Andromeda´s chains emerged from the rock of Joppa. Naturally the remains brought by Scaurus were identified with the sea monster that was supposed to devour Andromeda. Pliny tells us, NH IX, 4/11: M. Scaurus, in his ædileship, exhibited at Rome, among other wonderful things, the bones of the monster to which Andromeda was said to have been exposed, and which he had brought from Joppa, a city of Judæa. These bones exceeded forty feet in length (about 13 meters), and the ribs were higher than those of the Indian elephant, while the back-bone was a foot and a half in thickness (about 45 centimeters). Beluae, cui dicebatur expósita fuisse Andromeda ossa Romae apportata ex oppido Iudaeae Ioppe ostendit inter reliqua miracula in aedilitate sua M. Scaurus longitudine pedum XL, altitudine costarum Indicos elephantos excedente, spinae crrassitudine sesquipedali. Perhaps it was a Pliosaur like the one that has recently appeared in the Arctic sea, 15 meters long and 45 tons in weight; or it might be an ancient whale or cetacean. There is also a famous painting on a Greek vase, a krater of the middle of the sixth century now in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, in which Heracles faces the monster that Poseidon sent to attack Troy where Laomedon reigned, who must sacrifice his daughter Princess Hesione of Troy, in a similar myth to Andromeda´s myth. The painting depicts quite clearly a fossil remain too, probably of a type of ancient giraffe. The folklorist Adrienne Mayor seems to have found and check that, in the places where
SANTIAGO – O Ministério da Defesa do Chile convocou reservistas das Forças Armadas para ajudar o patrulhamento e revezar as tropas mobilizadas com a imposição do estado de emergência em diversas regiões do país desde o último sábado. Os militares voltaram às ruas do Chile pela primeira vez desde o fim da ditadura em função dos protestos deflagrados pelo reajuste das passagens do metrô de Santiago, e cujas demandas se ampliaram para reformas sociais e econômicas. Mesmo o anúncio de uma agenda social pelo presidente Sebastián Piñera na noite de terça não foi suficiente para encerrar as manifestações, já que os manifestantes pedem justamente o fim do estado de emergência e da intervenção dos militares na segurança pública. — Sim, há reservistas — confirmou o ministro do Interior, Andrés Chadwick, ao jornal chileno La Tercera. — Esta é uma decisão das próprias Forças Armadas, que podem chamar suas reservas para poder não só reforçar (o patrulhamento). Também há que se entender que as jornadas têm sido muito longas e muito duras, e o pessoal (mobilizado) precisa ter seu devido descanso. Leia mais: Por que os chilenos se ressentem da desigualdade mesmo com a maior renda per capita da região De acordo com fontes militares ouvidas pelo La Tercera, os reservistas também deverão ajudar no trabalho administrativo e apoio logístico das unidades militares e só serão convocados alguns deles, dependendo das necessidades de cada Arma (Exército, Marinha ou Aeronáutica). A medida, no entanto, foi criticada pela oposição. O deputado da agremiação esquerdista Revolução Democrática, Miguel Crispi publicou o decreto de convocação, datado da última segunda-feira, dia 21, em sua conta no Twitter e comentou: “Esta informação é muito delicada, e muito preocupante. É o decreto mediante o qual se está chamando ao serviço ativo as reservas do Exército. O governo deve dar conta desta informação. Não estamos em guerra.” Esta información es muy delicada, y muy preocupante. Es el decreto exento mediante el cual se está llamando a servicio activo a las reservas del ejército. @GobiernodeChile debe dar cuenta de esta información. No estamos en guerra @DMatamala @mxperez @tv_monica @ramirez_polo pic.twitter.com/wt7jMwhDnA — Miguel Crispi (@MiguelCrispiS) October 23, 2019 Uso excessivo da força Saques e incêndios têm sido registrados em várias cidades do país, enquanto surgem críticas contra a atuação das forças de segurança. A Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos (CIDH) condenou em comunicado divulgado nesta quarta-feira o “uso excessivo da força” na repressão aos protestos no Chile, assim como os “atos violentos cometidos por civis” nas manifestações, que já deixaram 18 pessoas mortas, entre elas uma criança de 4 anos, nos últimos dias. �
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Aujourd’hui, c’est Perrine, la créatrice de Les Confettis, un webzine, une agence et maintenant aussi une revue semestrielle, qui nous ouvre les portes de son intérieur parisien. C’est au 5ème étage d’un immeuble du 5ème arrondissement que ce trouve cet appartement de 52 m2, dans lequel vivent Perrine, Pierre et leur petite fille Ninon. Elle nous raconte : Cet appartement est dans la famille de Pierre depuis plus de 15 ans, et lorsqu’on nous avons décidés d’emménager tous les deux, j’ai naturellement rejoins mon amoureux. J’y ai ajouté quelques touches perso, mais beaucoup de choses sont encore dans leur état d’origine. [/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text= »Le séjour & la salle à manger » font_container= »tag:h2|text_align:center »][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]La pièce de vie est divisée en un coin séjour et un coin salle à manger. Au fond, un mur peint dans un gris soutenu apporte du caractère à la pièce. Au sol, le parquet ancien est réchauffé par un tapis que Perrine a chiné sur internet. Côté salon, un canapé d’angle marque l’espace. Face à lui, un duo de tables Flashback chez AM.PM. et le petit tabouret de Ninon, sur lequel elle s’installe pour dessiner et bouquiner.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image= »24055″ img_size= »full »][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width= »1/2″][vc_single_image image= »24057″ img_size= »full »][/vc_column][vc_column width= »1/2″][vc_single_image image= »24054″ img_size= »large »][vc_column_text]Avec son plateau laissé dans son jus, la table de repas apporte un touche d’authenticité. Perrine explique : Pendant très longtemps j’ai voulu la retaper, mais sans jamais trouver le temps. À force, je m’y suis habituée et je crois que je vais finalement la garder comme ça! [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image= »24040″ img_size= »full »][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image= »24045″ img_size= »full »][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image= »24046″ img_size= »full »][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image= »24044″ img_size= »full »][vc_column_text]Perrine s’amuse à accumuler de jolis objets sur son petit plateau en manguier de chez AM.PM., une bonne idée à lui piquer![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_masonry_media_grid element_width= »6″ grid_id= »vc_gid:1467892212148-b106cc446ab8c539e052a3bbb9d7df87-3″ include= »24048,24053″][vc_single_image image= »24047″ img_size= »full »][/vc_column
Foto: Facebook, Instagram PETAR KLANČIR jedini je profesionalni bodybuilder u povijesti Hrvatske. Svoj povijesni uspjeh postigao je osvajanjem titule apsolutnog pobjednika Mr. Olympije 2015. godine te samim time i titulu profesionalnog IFBB sportaša. Posted by Jaroslav Trnka on 5. listopada 2015 Petar Klančir je izrazito mlad kada je riječ o bodybuildingu, a njegovi dosadašnji sportski rezultati navode na činjenicu kako u budućnosti može još samo više impresionirati. Thank you Ronnie.cz for following my progress through my prep :)!http://kulturistika.ronnie.cz/c-22735-petar-klancir-aktualni-forma-v-priprave-na-boj-o-profi-kartu.html Posted by IFBB Pro Petar Klančir on 6. rujna 2015 Godine: 25 PETAR KLANČIR jedini je profesionalni bodybuilder u povijesti Hrvatske.Svoj povijesni uspjeh postigao je osvajanjem titule apsolutnog pobjednika Mr. Olympije 2015. godine te samim time i titulu profesionalnog IFBB sportaša.Petar Klančir je izrazito mlad kada je riječ o bodybuildingu, a njegovi dosadašnji sportski rezultati navode na činjenicu kako u budućnosti može još samo više impresionirati.Godine: 25 Mjesto rođenja: Zagreb, Hrvatska Visina: 180 cm Kilaža van sezone: 135 kg Kilaža na natjecanju: 119 kg Bench press: 220 kg Čučanj: 320 kg Mrtvo dizanje: 280 kg Najveći sportski uspjeh: apsolutni pobjednik Mr.Olympije u Pragu, 2015. godine. Petar je za nas odvojio nešto vremena u pauzi između treninga i obroka te odgovorio na nekoliko pitanja vezanih za njegovu impresivnu sportsku karijeru. Kada ste započeli vašu sportsku karijeru? „Svoju sportsku karijeru započeo sam u desetoj godini života kada sam nastupio na školskom natjecanju u atletici. Do petnaeste godine života postao je višestruki prvak Hrvatske u atletici te ostvario rekord na 100 m prepona u uzrastu do 15 godina.“ Zbog čega ste odlučili trenirati atletiku? Posted by Petar Klančir on 8. rujna 2015 U treningu atletike bazične vježbe bile su vezane uz snagu te sam se uvijek isticao od drugih. Jedom mi je trener rekao da ako ne uspijem u atletici sigurno ću uspjeti u bodybuildingu! Tada mi ta ideja nije bila ni na kraju pameti, samo sam odmahnuo rukom, jer jednostavno nisam mogao zamisliti da sam jedan od onih "nabildanih s plakata".„ „Oduvijek sam volio pojedinačne sportove iz razloga sto mi je ned
20 godina prvi puta sam izašao na bodybuilding natjecanje te sam postao juniorski IFBB prvak države, a već iduću godinu kao junior sam nastupio u seniorskoj kategoriji i osvojio titulu apsolutnog IFBB prvaka Hrvatske.Iste godine okušao sam se i u power lifting natjecanju gdje sam postigao rezultat od od 820 kg; čučanj 320 kg, bench 220 kg, mrtvo dizanje 280 kg.Želio sam dokazati da bodybuilderi nisu slabi, i uspio sam! Nadalje, s 22 godine nastupio sam za drugu bodybuilding federaciju te osvojio titulu NABBA mr.Universe. Iste sam godine osvojio titulu viceprvaka na Mr. Olympiji u Pragu te titulu viceprvaka na Arnold Classic amateur Europe. IBFF World Champion 2012 Petar Klancir..........on Arnold Classic 2015 Posted by Verhovnik Madzarovic Ozim on 26. rujna 2015 Iduće godine po drugi puta postajem viceprvakom na Arnold Classic amateur Europe. Moj najveći natjecateljski uspjeh u bodybuilding karijeri došao je 2015. godine kada sam postao apsolutni pobjednik Mr. Olympije u Pragu čime sam osvojio PRO card, odnosno postao profesionalni IFBB sportaš. Povratkom u IFBB federaciju s 24 godine postao sam apsolutnim prvakom Balkana.Iste sam godine osvojio titulu viceprvaka na Mr. Olympiji u Pragu te titulu viceprvaka na Arnold Classic amateur Europe.Iduće godine po drugi puta postajem viceprvakom na Arnold Classic amateur Europe.Moj najveći natjecateljski uspjeh u bodybuilding karijeri došao je 2015. godine kada sam postao apsolutni pobjednik Mr. Olympije u Pragu čime sam osvojio PRO card, odnosno postao profesionalni IFBB sportaš. Jeste li zadovoljni svojim sportskim uspjesima? L.A. DESIGN made a couple of shots with me in Spain. I was there only as a coach but I had to show what I'm working on.... Posted by IFBB Pro Petar Klančir on 20. svibnja 2015 Mogu reći kako sam imao puno uspona u karijeri te da sam zadovoljan postignutim. Smatram kako je najbitnije ostati uporan i ne posustati, zadržati sportski duh i krenuti dalje bez obzira na prepreke koje vode prema zadanom cilju. Mogu reći kako sam imao puno uspona u karijeri te da sam zadovoljan postignutim.Smatram kako je najbitnije ostati uporan i ne posustati, zadržati sportski duh i krenuti dalje bez obzira na prepreke koje vode prema zadanom cilju. Možete li nešto poručiti onima koji se žele baviti bodybuildingom? Želim poručiti svima koji žele krenuti u bodybuilding da put do uspjeha nije lagan, ali trebaju biti uporni te pronaći jedinstven put koji njima najviše odgovara. Sportašima koje pripremam za natjecanja, ali i amaterskim vježbačima koje vodim kroz treninge uvijek napominjem kako je potrebno puno truda i rada za ostvarenje ciljeva te da
Last year, Republican Presidental hopeful Donald Trump made some very unflattering remarks towards Mexican immigrants, linking them to crime and rape. Such a pronouncement got many Latino lobbyist groups calling for a ban on Trump. But one Mexican group, Brujeria, are actually endorsing Trump. Advertisement. Scroll to continue reading. Brujeria just released their new single, "Viva Presidenté Trump" and it's pretty clear who they're endorsing here: Brujeria essentially are saying they appreciate all the chaos and anarchy Trump is bringing to the election with lyrics like "I actually want him to be president gabacho, Because he wants war and so do we, I want the Trumpy president to win Because if he starts something, we’re definitely gonna finish it" and "I want the biggest asshole for president gabacho, If you want war, come on you twat." The band was quoted as saying: "The song ('Viva Presidente Trump!') was on shelf for years with no idea for vocals," states vocalist Juan Brujo. "It was gonna be an 'Anti-Castro' part II song but nothing came out of it. It just needed proper motivation to go and attach itself to someone… and Trump came thru! "I see Trump as the white republican version of Juan Brujo circa '93. Wanting to start shit for the hell of it!!! That's why it's called "Viva Presidente Trump!" We both want same thing! So much that I want to be his running mate!!!" You can download the single here. A full-length is expected later this year. Here are all the lyrics to the track… Viva presidente trump! Ya sabemos de su onda, que un chingo nos odia, Su vision es ser el gran pito hitler wilson Habla mal de mexicanos, ilegales y mojados, Si llega ser presidente va ver bronca eb cada estado Advertisement. Scroll to continue reading. Long live president Trump We know the score, he fucking hates us His vision is to be the big dick Hitler Wilson He talks shit about Mexicans, aliens and wetbacks If he becomes president there’ll be trouble in every state Yo si quiero que llega ser presidente gabacho Por que el quiere ver guerra igual que nosortros Yo si quiero que gane el presidente trumpudo Por que si lo empiensa a huebo nosotros lo acabamos I actually want him to be president gabacho Because he wants war and so do we I want the Trumpy president to win Because if he starts something, we’re definitely gonna finish it Oooooodia los mojados, odia mexicanos Si trump gana va deportar a todos Odia mi raza, ama su dinero Ese guero loco va empesar la guerra Advertisement. Scroll to continue reading. He hates wetbacks, he hates Mexicans If Trump wins he’ll deport everyone He hates my race, he loves his money That crazy güero is going to start a war Hey don chapo, guarda tu dinero Pa gratis te lo llevo amarrado como perro Yo si voto pal guero loco Por su culpa vamos hacer guerra Hey Mr. Chapo, keep your money I’ll bring him to you for free tied up like a dog I’m voting for the crazy güero Because of him we’re going to war El quiere guerra Igual que yo Hechando chingasos Entrale cabron Advertisement. Scroll to continue reading. He wants war And so do I Throwing punches Get in the ring motherfucker Habla mierda – de mexico Odia mojados – deportar los Quiere guerra – entrale cabron Ya hay soldados metidos en cada pinche rincon! He talks shit, about Mexico He hates wetbacks, deport them He wants war, get in the ring fucker There are soldiers in every fucking corner El quiere guerra Igual que yo El quiere guerra Entraqle cabron Soldados metidos En cada rincon V
program. You have not defined your data structures and relations properly (very likely). In the rare event of case #1, you must keep, cherish, and document the twenty arguments since they represent an important and probably extremely subtle characteristic of your application. If you are complaining because you find yourself adding two arguments one minute, and later deleting another argument or moving the fifteenth argument to the third place, the problem is not that of a large arity relationship, but poor program organization. You must appreciate an argument when it means something, and recognize when they are the result of poor design. Very rarely will you fruitfully replace an argument with a global assertion, though the temptation will be strong. Turn away from the Dark Side, Luke - Obi Wan Kenobe display_list([]). display_list([Item|Items]) :- display_item(Item), display_list(Items). display(graphic(Object, Color)) :- set_color(Color), draw_object(Object). display(text(X, Y, Text)) :- set_color(black), name(Text, Chars), write_chars(X, Y, Chars). He pointed out that I was only using one bit of the atoms graphic and text. In fact, if the display/1 predicate had eight clauses, for the eight different objects that ultimately had to display (transistors, wires, etc.), at least I would be using three bits. If we want to manipulate arrays of zeros, ones, and x (don't care) values, the obvious data-structure might be a list-of-lists (we will use this later in the circuit minimization example). [[1,0,x,1,0], [0,x,x,0,x], [1,x,x,0,x], [x,1,1,1,x], [x,1,x,x,1]] If the row width is fixed (and less than 256) we can use row(1,0,x,1,0) to represent a rows and reduce this to 40 words, or 1280 bits. If the columns are fixed we can reduce the outer list overhead to 6 rather than 10, for a total of 1152 bits. In the limit as the array gets larger our structure will use 1/3 of the space required by the naive list-of-lists. But we have not even looked at the amount of space required for each two-bit data element. We need a way to use more of the bits in each integer. Now, in this particular application, the matrices are quite sparse, with many X or ``don't care'' elements. If we want to take advantage of the sparsity, we must have a way for each element to carry its column number (since all columns will not appear in the representation), and this directly suggests how to use more of the bits in the 32-bit integers that hold our data elements. Operationally, we encode an element by left-shifting a variable's column index sufficiently to store its value into the lower bits. For boolean values we only shift the index one bit position. Thus a 4 represents a 0 at position 2 ( (2>>1) OR 0 => 4). X1 X2 X3 X4 -> X1 X2 X3 X4 2 0 1 2 4 7 0 0 2 2 2 4 1 2 2 1 3 13 2 2 2 2 Original Matrix and Encoding The lesson is: Don't be afraid to twiddle bits in Prolog. (But of course, neither should you do it unnecessarily.) We really must take advantage of the conciseness of Prolog by writing readable programs. ``Self-documenting'' programs are a myth. There is no substitute for having clear, concise prose accompany an algorithm. This is particularly worthwhile because well-written Prolog programs can serve as formal definitions of our applications and not simply as implementions. A logically cohesive description of an application will transcend a particular implementation and will ultimately be of much greater value. Good mathematical descriptions have lifetimes measured in centuries. As programs become more like formal specifications of the problems they address, and less like collections of imperative code to handle special cases, their potential lifetimes may approach those of mathematical theorems. Integrated Documentation /** Incisive text in LaTex (or another suitable markup language). **/ meaningful_predicate(WellNamed, Arguments) :- well_chosen_word(Arguments, WellNamed). /** Riveting revelation about the above code... **/ Incisive text in LaTex (or another suitable markup language). \begin{verbatim} meaningful_predicate(WellNamed, Arguments) :- well_chosen_
Temps de lecture: 6 min Plusieurs fois par semaine sur Twitter, la militante antiraciste Saira Rao s'en prend à sa cible préférée, les «femmes blanches»: «Les femmes blanches sont les chevilles ouvrières du suprémacisme blanc», a-t-elle par exemple tweeté en mars 2019. I am frequently asked why the focus on "white women." Simple: white women have been the foot soldiers of white supremacy. They wield tremendous power. They can wield that power for good rather than evil. — saira rao (@sairasameerarao) March 21, 2019 Paradoxalement, ce sont les figures de la résistance anti-Trump qui sont les premières visées, à l'image de Nancy Pelosi, la cheffe des Démocrates au Congrès: «Les femmes blanches adorent Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi est le féminisme blanc. Le féminisme blanc est le suprémacisme blanc.» White women adore Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi is white feminism. White feminism is white supremacy. — saira rao (@sairasameerarao) February 5, 2020 À LIRE AUSSI L'histoire du chasseur de vieux tweets racistes viré à cause de tweets racistes «C'est vous le problème» Rao, une ancienne avocate américaine d'origine indienne, écrit également sur des pratiques du quotidien a priori banales mais qui s'avèrent, selon elle, racistes –comme le fait de lui envoyer des messages de soutien en privé plutôt que de la défendre en public: «Petit rappel que les messages de soutien privés sont une forme de suprémacisme blanc. Faites-les en public ou gardez-les pour vous.» À toutes les personnes qui objectent, Rao a une réponse toute prête: «Si vous avez un problème avec la façon dont une personne racisée parle de racisme, c'est vous le problème.» À l'inverse, la militante exprime beaucoup d'amour envers les femmes qui ne sont pas blanches: «Joyeuse Saint-Valentin aux filles et aux femmes noires et indigènes. Vous êtes belles à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur, et profondément aimées et chéries.» Happy Valentine’s Day to Black, Indigenous and brown girls and women. You are beautiful inside and out and loved and treasured beyond measure. — saira rao (@sairasameerarao) February 14, 2020 Dans les réponses sur Twitter, une question revient fréquemment: ce compte est-il une parodie? Une performance artistique? Une tentative de discréditer l'antiracisme en le ridiculisant? Pas du tout. Saira Rao est entièrement sérieuse: elle a fait campagne pour être représentante du Colorado en 2018 (elle a obtenu 32% des voix contre son opposante lors de la primaire démocrate) et a fondé une entreprise d'éducation des femmes blanches à l'antiracisme. Son discours correspond à la version extrême d'un type d'antiracisme qui gagne du terrain aux États-Unis et dont les préceptes ont récemment été résumés par la sociologue Robin DiAngelo dans son best-seller intitulé La Fragilité blanche. Pour Rao et DiAngelo, le «suprémacisme blanc» ne fait pas seulement référence aux néo-nazis convaincus de la supériorité des Blanc·hes, ni aux fans de Donald Trump. Elles emploient le mot dans sa définition universitaire, soit pour décrire «un syst
ίρους της οποίας συγκαταλεγόταν και η σύζυγος του κ. Παπαδημητρακόπουλου, η οποία αποχώρησε από την εταιρεία το 2005. Το 2011, όταν μετετράπη σε ΑΕ, στο Δ.Σ. εισήλθε μεταξύ άλλων ο κ. Γεράσιμος Μπονάνος, ο οποίος συμμετέχει παράλληλα στο Δ.Σ. της Globo Technologies και παύθηκε Νοε 2015 από τα καθήκοντα του γενικού διευθυντή Λειτουργιών της Globo PLC μετά την αποκάλυψη της υπόθεσης στο Λονδίνο. (αντιγράφουμε από το εταιρικό website της GLOBO PLC) Globo (LSE-AIM: GBO, OTCQX: GOBPY) was founded in 1997, and has been an early pioneer in enterprise mobility management and application development. As companies adopt a mobile first strategy Globo helps them transform into Mobility leaders. As part of their transformation to the “Mobile Enterprise”, we help businesses enable their employees to work and collaborate from anywhere, anytime and extend their engagement with customers and partners. Our comprehensive enterprise mobility offering enables organizations to define and deploy a mobility strategy driven by security, usability and extensibility on any mobile device. Our solutions can be implemented by enterprises in any vertical industry and can be applied for a variety of audiences i.e. consumers, employees, or other businesses. Globo has achieved significant recognition by top analyst firms for both its Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) and Mobile Application Development Platform (MADP) product suites. Our unique, comprehensive offering makes us the partner of choice for an enterprise to reinvent their business in the “Mobile First” era and implement the much needed mobility strategy towards this milestone. One of our key differentiators is our ability to support our customers throughout their journey towards becoming a truly Mobile Enterprise, no matter their level of maturity, solution complexity or depth of their mobility needs. Globo has reinforced its market position through the acquisitions of Notify and Sourcebits that allowed us to further expand our offering in mobile device management and in design-led native application development respectively. Globo Group also owns PROFiTEL, a telecom and SaaS company that offers WiFi and telecom solutions, as well as messaging services. The Group operates internationally in the U.S., Europe, Middle East, and Southeast Asia with approximately 470 employees across these locations. Επίσης από το αντίστοιχο Web Site της Globo Technologies : Η GLOBO Technologies ιδρύθηκε το 1997 και σήμερα κατατάσσεται στις κορυφαίες ελληνικές εταιρείες πληροφορικής, έχοντας ως αντικείμενο των επιχειρηματικών δραστηρι
répondu à ta question. Donc, échange de bons procédés, oui ou non?*****by Springaling 240: Quid Pro Quo, Runde 2Panel 1:Springtrap: Okay dann, machen wir weiter. Du kannst jetzt eine Frage stellen.Puppet: Ja. Es scheint als sei dir Religion sehr unangenehm, jedoch bringst du das Thema ständig zur Debatte. Warum?Panel 2:Springtrap: Ich denke einfach nur das es Schwachsinn ist. Das ist alles.Puppet: Jedoch weißt du sehr viel darüber, und zwar genug um die Bedeutung der Geschichten von Noah und Job zu diskutieren. Es ist mir klar dass du das nicht immer dachtest wie jetzt. Was ist passiert?Panel 3:Springtrap: Du bist sehr vorwitzig. Es ist besser für dich wenn du es nicht weißt. Es würde dich nur verstören.Puppet: Ist es nicht ein wenig spät dafür dir über meine Gefühle Sorgen zu machen?Panel 4:Springtrap: Du weißt nicht wann du aufhören solltest, oder? Das hast du noch nie!Puppet: Ich habe deine Frage beantwortet. Also, quid pro quo, ja oder nein?*****by Springaling 240: Quid Pro Quo, runda 2Panel 1Springtrap: Uh, dobra, lecimy dalej. Masz pytanie.Puppet: Tak. Coś bardzo ci nie pasuje w religii, a mimo to ciągle zaczynasz ten temat. Czemu?Panel 2Springtrap: Eh, po prostu sądzę, że to jedno, wielkie gówno. To wszystko.Puppet: A mimo to, wiesz o niej tak dużo, na tyle dużo, by móc dyskutować o historiach Noe'go i Hiob'a. Oczywiste, że nie zawsze tak myślałeś. Co się stało?Panel 3Springtrap: Wtykasz nos tam gdzie nie trzeba, co?Lepiej, żebyś nie wiedział. Tylko by ci to popsuło humor.Puppet: Czyż nie jest za późno na martwienie się o moje uczucia?Panel 4Springtrap: Nie wiesz, kiedy się poddać, co?! Nigdy nie wiedziałeś!Puppet: Odpowiedziałem na twoje pytanie. No to, quid pro quo, tak czy nie?*****by Springaling 240: Isso para aquilo, Rodada 2Panel 1:Springtrap: Uh, é, continuando. Você tem uma pergunta agora.Puppet: É. Você parece bem desconfortável com religião, mas você fica falando sobre isso. Por que?Panel 2:Springtrap: Eh, eu só acho que é muita porcaria. Só isso.Puppet: Mas você sabe tanto sobre isso, suficiente para discutir o significado das histórias de Noé e Job. É claro para mim que você não sempre se sentiu do jeito que se sente agora. O que houve?Panel 3:Springtrap: Se mete com o que não deve, né? É melhor se você não souber. Só iria te estranhar.Puppet: Não é um pouquinho tarde demais para se preocupar com meus sentimentos?Panel 4:Springtrap: Você não sabe quando parar, sabe?! Você nunca soube!Puppet: Respondi sua pergunta
. Então, quid pro quo, sim ou não?*****by Спрингалинг 240: То за это, часть 2Кадр 1:Спрингтрап: Ладно, закрыли тему. Твой вопрос.Марионетка: Да. Кажется, что тебе неприятна религия, но ты о ней говоришь. Почему?Кадр 2:Спрингтрап: Э, да мне кажется, это всё чепуха. Вот и всё.Марионетка: Ты так много об этом знаешь, причём достаточно, чтобы говорить о смысле историй о Ное и Иове. Мне кажется, ты не всегда думал так, как сейчас. Что произошло?Кадр 3:Спрингтрап: А не слишком ли ты любопытен, а? Тебе этого лучше не знать. Потом плакать будешь.Марионетка: По-моему, тебе уже поздно волноваться о моих чувствах.Кадр 4:Спрингтрап: Ты не знаешь, когда остановиться, верно?! Ты никогда этого не знал!Марионетка: Я ответил на твой вопрос. То за это – да или нет?*****by Springaling 240: Quid Pro Quo, Ronda 2Panel 1:Springtrap: Ah, si, prosigamos. Tienes una pregunta ahora.Puppet: Si. Pareces muy incómodo con la religión, pero sigues mencionándola. ¿Por qué?Panel 2:Springtrap: Eh, sólo creo que es un montón de basura. Eso es todo.Puppet: Sin embargo, tú sabes tanto sobre ella, suficiente para discutir el significado de las historias de Noé y Job. Está claro para mí que no siempre pensaste eso. ¿Qué pasó?Panel 3:Springtrap: Entrometido, ¿no es así? Estas mejor sin saberlo. Sólo te asustaríaPuppet: ¿No es un poco tarde para empezar a preocuparse por
Article Par Εfthymia Panagiotou (Centre des affaires européennes et internationales de l’Université de Nicosie) Résumé : L’objectif de cet article est de mettre en valeur les dynamiques historiques du territoire chypriote sur le plan stratégique. Comment les événements historiques du passé ont influencé son caractère stratégique actuel? Aujourd’hui, la situation géostratégique de l’île reste incertaine. Quelle est enfin la stratégie qui pourrait être adoptée face aux nouveaux défis régionaux pour Chypre face à la montée de la puissance turque en Méditérranée orientale? Mots-clefs : Chypre, géopolitique, géostratégie, Méditerranée, Grèce, Turquie, Grande-Bretagne. Abstract: The purpose of this article is to expose the history of Cypriot territory. How the historical events of the past have affected the current strategic role of the island. Today, the progress of the situation remains uncertain. The question concerns what is finally the strategy that could be adopted in order to face the new challenges of the region and the Turkish threat. Words Keys: Cyprus, history, geopolitcs, geostrategy, Mediterranean, Greece, Turkey, United Kingdom Introduction : La Méditerranée orientale est un nœud stratégique qui attire les grandes puissances exogènes depuis le début de son histoire. Située dans sa partie centrale, l’île de Chypre constitue un ensemble territorial important connu par les événements de 1974 avec la Turquie. En réalité, le territoire chypriote accueille depuis toujours, dans son ensemble, des dynamiques historiques qui permet de comprendre l’importance géostratégique de ce pays. Chypre est le symbole des tensions entre la terre et la puissance maritime en reprenant la théorie du britannique Mackinder au début XXe siècle. De Mackinder à Spykman, la position chypriote dans l’espace méditerranéen est considérée comme un pivot de la stratégie américano-britannique. Elle est assimilée comme leur dernier espace de transition vers le Moyen-Orient. Chypre n’a jamais pu échapper de son environnement géographique. Elle ne paraît pas avoir le choix dans les rivalités territoriales entre les Etats. Comme l’écrit le géographe Yves Lacoste, la plupart des conflits géopolitiques se déroulent entre des forces territoriales qui sont proche les unes des autres. Dans Géopolitique de la Méditerranée, il rappelle que la zone méditerranéenne est « un ensemble géopolitique conflictuel », une ligne d’affrontements où les enjeux géopolitiques sont nombreux. I. Chypre et sa dimension régionale dans la Méditerranée A. Chypre, une géohistoire nécessaire La Grèce et son territoire insulaire est un des États les plus maritimes de l’Europe méditerranéenne. Sa partie insulaire est composée de trois milles îles, et, avec Chypre, l’aire hellénique représente le second ensemble culturel du monde insulaire méditerranéen. Sa position géographique en Méditerranée explique son histoire riche et mouvementée depuis l’Antiquité. Dès le début du IIIe millénaire avant J.C., les Grecs mycéniens s’établissent en rattachant l’île au monde hellénique. De nombreux autres peuples s’y installent ensuite, notamment
Dans une rue de Riyad, en février 2014. AFP PHOTO/FAYEZ NURELDINE FAYEZ NURELDINE / AFP Kashturi Munirathinam, une Indienne qui travaillait en tant que domestique en Arabie saoudite, s’est fait couper la main par son employeur alors qu’elle tentait de s’enfuir de la maison où elle subissait de mauvais traitements. L’affaire a provoqué un début de crise diplomatique entre les deux pays, d’autant que les incidents de ce type sont loin d’être inhabituels en Arabie saoudite. L’Inde, par le biais de sa ministre des affaires étrangères Sushma Swaraj, s’est formellement plainte auprès des autorités saoudiennes, rapporte The Telegraph. Sur Twitter, la ministre a dénoncé un acte « inacceptable ». « Nous sommes très perturbés par la manière brutale dont a été traitée une femme indienne en Arabie saoudite. Nous avons pris contact avec les autorités saoudiennes. » Chopping of hand of Indian lady - We are very much disturbed over the brutal manner in which Indian lady has been treated in Saudi Arabia. — SushmaSwaraj (@Sushma Swaraj) « Ne pas avoir été payée et être torturée » Agée d’une cinquantaine d’années, Kashturi Munirathinam était arrivée en Arabie saoudite il y a trois mois pour occuper un emploi de femme de ménage, d’abord dans la ville de Dammam, dans l’est, puis dans la capitale Riyad, pour un salaire d’environ 200 euros par mois, raconte The Guardian. Selon sa sœur, interrogée par The Indian Express, elle se plaignait « de ne pas avoir été payée et d’être torturée ». Son employeur lui a tranché la main « quand elle essayait de s’enfuir de la maison en descendant du balcon ». « On nous a dit que l’accident avait eu lieu dans la soirée du 29 septembre (...) Des voisins l’ont amené à l’hôpital. Des représentants de l’ambassade d’Inde […] ont dit qu’elle souffrait d’une blessure à la colonne vertébrale qu’elle s’est faite en tombant du balcon. » La BBC rapporte les propos du fils de la victime, qui affirme que dès que sa mère « a été embauchée dans cette famille au mois de juillet, rien n’allait ». « Elle n’était même pas autorisée à nous téléphoner, on ne lui donnait pas de nourriture correcte et elle était forcée de travailler de longues heures. » L’Inde demande justice pour sa ressortissante Un porte-parole du ministère indien des affaires étrangères a assuré que l’Inde continuerait de demander justice pour sa ressortissante : « Notre ambassade à Riyad a évoqué le problème avec le bureau des affaires étrangères saoudien et a demandé une action stricte et le châtiment sévère du parrain [ou sponsor, l’employeur de la domestique]. Nous avons exigé qu’une enquête pour tentative d’assassinat soit ouverte contre lui. » Les autorités saoudiennes n’ont pas encore répondu publiquement aux demandes de l’Inde. L’indignation soulevée pour cet acte brutal fait écho au
estão deitando e rolando com a frase “impeachment não é golpe”. Os grandes juristas contemporâneos da Globo Law School são os maiores experts em como não se deve fazer jornalismo e como se distorce o Direito. Nos programas soliloquias, o jusfilósofo Dr. M. Birne, explica, de forma imparcial, o que é isto — impeachment, a partir de seu livro em alemão Die Größe meiner Wut gegen die Regierung (Minha grande raiva contra o governo, 3a ed, com posfácio de Cunha, Eduardo). Best seller. Cristina Wolf, direto de Brasilia, fala de cadeira. Pudera, depois de ter publicado sua tese doutoral em inglês intitulada The size of my anger against the government (A dimensão da minha raiva contra o governo – 5ª. Ed., revista, com capítulo especial sobre “porque levamos Eduardo Cunha de barbada nos noticiários). Li a ambos e fiquei impressionado. Nem preciso falar do filósofo contemporâneo W. Bomer, autor do livro What is the best way to present the news in a partial way (qual é o melhor modo de apresentar noticias de modo parcial, 3ª Ed. Revista e atualizada de acordo com o impeachment). Veja-se que a grande maioria dos jornalistas escreveu livros famosos e segue suas matrizes teóricas ao máximo. O que mais me resta por escrever? Ainda para finalizar: seguindo a matriz teórica do best seller do professor Birne (Pereira, em alemão), a IPI (imprensa pindoramense isenta) chegou ao máximo ao colocar no ar um vídeo feito por uma anônima em um shopping, “entrevistando” o ministro Celso de Mello. Fantástico. Ups. Passou no Fantástico, mesmo. Tudo bem, mas fico pensando cá com meus botões: como isso se daria na Alemanha? Um juiz do Bundesverfassungsgericht (Tribunal Constitucional) sendo gravado/entrevistado em uma grande Kaufhaus? Algo como "Wie geht es dir, mein Freund? Was denken Sie über den Prozess, der das Gericht über den Fall von Kanzlerin Angela..."? (Algo como "o que você acha do processo..."). Provavelmente o juiz diria: "In diesem Vortrag wird es nicht gelingen" (em tradução abrasileirada, algo como "Minha Senhora, essa conversa não vai rolar"). Nem vou falar da NBC entrevistando o Judge Clarense, em um shopping em Washington. Minha dúvida — em face de minha ingenuidade — é: essa gravação foi autorizada? Sei lá. Em tempos de escutas clandestinas... Todos escutam todos. E quem fará a Grundescuta (a escuta fundamental, algo como a Grundnorm?). O ministro autorizou a divulgação no Fantástico? A senhora anônima vendeu o vídeo? Tem assinatura do ministro autorizando? A tal senhora estava usando crachá?[ ] Pode-se gravar pessoas sem usar crachá? Se ainda há algo a dizer, perguntaria — agora de forma absolutamente séria: Cansamos da democracia? Se não, vamos levar o direito a sério. E cumprir a Constituição, sem ideologizar tudo. Deve ter restado um mínimo de racionalidade.
via the Internet: Identification of related compounds and characterization of pyrolysis products. Drug Test Anal. 5 : 683-692 View in Article Scopus (0) PubMed Crossref Google Scholar Seely K.A. Lapoint J. Moran J.H. Fattore L. Spice drugs are more than harmless herbal blends: A review of the pharmacology and toxicology of synthetic cannabinoids. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 39 : 234-243 View in Article Scopus (0) PubMed Crossref Google Scholar Baumann M.H. Solis Jr, E. Watterson L.R. Marusich J.A. Fantegrossi W.E. Wiley J.L. Baths salts, spice, and related designer drugs: The science behind the headlines. J Neurosci. 34 : 15150-15158 View in Article PubMed Crossref Google Scholar Winstock A.R. Barratt M.J. The 12-month prevalence and nature of adverse experiences resulting in emergency medical presentations associated with the use of synthetic cannabinoid products. Hum Psychopharmacol. 28 : 390-393 View in Article Scopus (0) PubMed Crossref Google Scholar de Havenon A. Chin B. Thomas K.C. Afra P. The secret “spice”: An undetectable toxic cause of seizure. Neurohospitalist. 1 : 182-186 View in Article PubMed Crossref Google Scholar Gugelmann H. Gerona R. Li C. Tsutaoka B. Olson K.R. Lung D. “Crazy Monkey” poisons man and dog: Human and canine seizures due to PB-22, a novel synthetic cannabinoid. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 52 : 635-638 View in Article Scopus (0) PubMed Crossref Google Scholar Schep L. Slaughter R. Hudson S. Place R. Watts M. Delayed seizure-like activity following analytically confirmed use of previously unreported synthetic cannabinoid analogues. Hum Exp Toxicol. 34 : 557-560 View in Article Scopus (0) PubMed Crossref Google Scholar Durand D. Delgado L.L. de la Parra-Pellot D.M. Nichols-Vinueza D. Psychosis and severe rhabdomyolysis associated with synthetic cannabinoid use: A case report. Clin Schizophr Relat Psychoses. 8 : 205-208 View in Article Scopus (12) PubMed Crossref Google Scholar Möller I. Wintermeyer A. Bender K. Jübner M. Thomas A. Krug O. et al. Screening for the synthetic cannabinoid JWH-018 and its major metabolites in human doping controls. Drug Test Anal. 3 : 609-620 View in Article Scopus (0) PubMed Crossref Google Scholar Papanti D. Schifano F. Botteon G. Bertossi F. Mannix J. Vidoni D. et al. “Spiceophrenia”: A systematic overview of “spice”-related psychopathological issues and a case report. Hum Psychopharmacol. 28 : 379-389 View in Article Scopus (57) PubMed Crossref Google Scholar Dresen S. Kneisel S. Weinmann W. Zimmermann R. Auwärter V. Development and validation of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the quantitation of synthetic cannabinoids of the aminoalkylindole type and methanandamide in serum and its application to forensic samples. J Mass Spectrom. 46 : 163-171 View in Article Scopus (0) PubMed Crossref Google Scholar Zimmermann U.S. Winkelmann P.R. Pilhatsch M. Nees J.A. Spanagel R. Schulz K. Withdrawal phenomena and dependence syndrome after the consumption of “spice gold�
First of all, let me announce that my last post, Grading the Openings (Part One), unexpectedly turned into the biggest hit I’ve ever had on this blog. The blog had 1136 visitors yesterday, which is three times more than I have ever had in a single day (except during the 2012 World Championship match, when I was translating Sergei Shipov’s commentaries). Thanks to all of you, especially to the many first-timers who found their way here because of a Reddit link. I hope you’ll enjoy today’s post as well. Today is the post I really look forward to, where I am going to name names and point fingers at the good, the bad, and the ugly of chess openings. As I mentioned last time, all of these statistics are based on a collection of all games in ChessBase, played since 2000, where both players were rated 2200 or above. There are just short of a million games meeting that description. Also, a disclaimer: I absolutely do not recommend that you choose your openings based on these statistics. They are just for fun. And now let’s have the award envelopes… Most Popular ECO Code This category is won by the Alapin Variation of the Sicilian Defense (ECO code B22), 1. e4 c5 2. c3, in a landslide. Interestingly, the top five variations are all in ECO code B. In order, they are: B22 (Alapin Sicilian) — 17775 games B07 (Pirc, all variations except Classical and Austrian Attack) — 13644 B33 (Sicilian, primarily Sveshnikov and Pelikan) — 12252 B01 (Scandinavian) — 11306 B06 (Robatsch, 1. e4 g6, all variations that don’t transpose into Pirc) — 11234 Interesting as the results are, to me they are a little bit skewed by the choices the ECO designers made. For example, the Scandinavian is not all that popular as an opening. But when you put all the Scandinavian Defense games into one ECO code, you’re essentially comparing it with variations of other openings, and then it looks tremendously popular. If I were designing the codes, I would at least split the Scandinavian up into two variations, 1. e4 d5 2. ed Qxd5 and 1. e4 d5 2. ed Nf6. Because these are all openings in group B, I’d also like to list the most popular opening variations in the other categories. D02 (1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 various continuations — not 2. … Nf6) — 8527 games C41 (Philidor!) — 8395 E11 (Bogo-Indian) — 8313 A30 (Symmetric English — not 2. Nc3 Nc6 or 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. d4) — 8005 games I was stunned to see Philidor’s Defense up there. I had no idea that it has become so popular among masters. Among amateurs, sure. Dang, maybe I’ll even start playing it. Least Popular ECO Code I thought this category would be a lot of fun, but unfortunately I don’t quite trust the results. I think that there may have been problems with categorizing some of the more unusual variations. Nevertheless, we do appear to have a clear winner: A76, the Classical Benoni with 9. … Re8 (Czerniak Variation) where White doesn’t play 10. Nfd2. It has only been played 18 times in the database. I guess the variation is played out (especially for White; I wouldn’t want to play it). Also, 10. Nfd2 is the best option for White, so not too many masters play anything else. Here are the top five unpopular openings, according to the database: A76 (Benoni Czerniak without 10. Nfd2) — 18 games E78 (King’s Indian, Four Pawns Attack) — 27 games E79 (King’s Indian, Four Pawns Attack) — 27 games D69 (Queen’s Gambit Declined, Ultra-Classical Variation that goes 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 Be7 5. e3 O-O 6. Nf3 Nbd7 7. Rc1 c6 8. Bd3 dc 9. Bxc4 Nd5 10. Bxe7 Qxe7 11. O-O Nxc3 12. Rxc3 e5 13. de. This is truly analyzing the opening to
to enable the automatic creation of a -launcher.js file, which calls the main method of your application. This convenient setting is being deprecated in favor of an even more convenient feature: scalaJSUseMainModuleInitializer := true will include the call to the main method (of a js.JSApp object) directly inside the -fastopt.js and -opt.js files produced by Scala.js. No need for a -launcher.js file at all anymore! New features @JSExportStatic A long awaited feature was to be able to declare static methods and fields in Scala.js-defined JS classes. This is now possible, with @JSExportStatic. When defining a Scala.js-defined JS class, this annotation can be used on members of its companion object: @JSExportTopLevel ( "Foo" ) @ScalaJSDefined class Foo extends js. Object object Foo { @JSExportStatic val a : Int = 42 @JSExportStatic def b ( x : Int ) : Int = x + 1 } The members will be available as static members of Foo. Assuming that Foo itself is exported to JavaScript (with @JSExportTopLevel ), then we can access these members as follows: console. log ( Foo. a ); // 42 console. log ( Foo. b ( 5 )); // 6 var s, getters and setters can also be similarly exported as static. js.Symbol, js.Iterable[+A] and js.Iterator[+A] The standard library now includes definitions for some new ECMAScript 2015 types: js.Symbol represents a JavaScript primitive symbol. represents a JavaScript primitive. js.Iterable[+A] is an abstract type for JavaScript objects that can be iterated with for..of. In Scala.js, they can be iterated using a normal for comprehension, as expected. is an abstract type for JavaScript objects that can be iterated with. In Scala.js, they can be iterated using a normal comprehension, as expected. js.Iterator[+A] is a JavaScript iterator, which is the result of the method [Symbol.iterator] of iterables. @JSName accepts JavaScript symbols In JavaScript types (extending js.Any, both native and non-native), members can be annotated with @JSName("someName") to specify their JavaScript name, if it needs to be different than the Scala name. With this release, @JSName has been augmented to also accept a reference to a js.Symbol. This is useful/necessary to declare members whose “name” are JavaScript symbols. For example, one can define a custom JavaScript iterable (which needs to implement a method [Symbol.iterator] ) as follows: @ScalaJSDefined class SingletonIterable [ +A ]( onlyItem : A ) extends js. Iterable [ A ] { @JSName ( js. Symbol. iterator ) def jsIterator () : js.Iterator [ A ] = new js. Iterator [ A ] { private var done : Boolean = false def next () : js.Iterator.Entry [ A ] = { if ( done ) { new js. Iterator. Entry [ A ] { val done : Boolean = true def value : Nothing =??? } } else { done = true new js. Iterator. Entry [ A ] { val done : Boolean = false val value : A = onlyItem } } } } } An object of that class can be iterated in JavaScript with a for..of loop: for ( const item of someSingletonIterable ) { console. log ( item ); // displays once the `onlyItem` } @JSExportTopLevel for fields In addition to being able to use @JSExportTopLevel on methods, which was introduced in 0.6.14, as well as on object s and class es as described above, @JSExportTopLevel can also be used on fields ( val s and var s) to export top-level variables to JavaScript. For example: object Foo { @JSExportTopLevel ( "bar" ) val bar = 42 @JSExportTopLevel ( "foobar" ) var foobar = "hello" } exports bar and foobar to the top-level, so that they can be used from JavaScript as console. log ( bar ); // 42 console. log ( foobar ); // "hello" If you emit a CommonJS module, the variables are fields of the module instance: const ScalaJSModule = require ( 'foo-fastopt.js' ); console. log ( ScalaJSModule. bar ); // 42 console. log ( ScalaJSModule. foobar ); // "hello
Olympia exists: pushing boundaries for talented athletes. Arnhem: HAN University of Applied Sciences Press; 2013. 51. Burk V. Stabile Strukturen und neue Tendenzen in Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund, Spiele der XXX. Olympiade London 2012. Auswertungen Analysen; 2013. p. 21–3. 52. Hodge T, Deakin J. Deliberate practice and expertise in the martial arts. The role of context in motor recall. J Sports Exerc Psychol. 1998;20:260–79. 53. Baker J, Côté J, Abernethy B. Sport-specific training, deliberate practice and the development of expertise in team ball sports. J Appl Sport Psychol. 2003;15:12–25. 54. Riewald S, Snyder C. The path to excellence: a view on the athletic development of U.S. Olympians who competed from 2000–2012. Initial report: results of the talent identification and development. Colorado Springs: United States Olympic Committee; 2014. 55. Barynina I, Vaitsekhovskii S. The aftermath of early sport specialization for highly qualified swimmers. Fitness Sports Rev Int. 1992;27(4):132–3. 56. Moesch K, Elbe AM, Hauge MLT, et al. Late specialization: the key to success in centimeters, grams, or seconds (cgs) sports. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2011;21(6):E282–90. 57. Lombardo M, Deaner R. You can’t teach speed: sprinters falsify the deliberate practice model of expertise. Peer J. 2014;e445:1–31. 58. Young BW, Salmela JH. Perception of training and deliberate practice of middle distance runners. Int J Sport Psychol. 2002;33:167–81. 59. Hodges N, Kerr T, Starkes J, et al. Predicting performance times from deliberate practice hours for triathletes and swimmers: what, when, and where is practice important? J Exp Psychol Appl. 2004;10:219–37. 60. Helsen W, Starkes J, Hodges N, et al. Team sports and theory of deliberate practice. J Sport Exerc Psychol. 1998;20:12–34. 61. Memmert D, Baker J, Bertsch C. Play and practice in the development of sport-specific creativity in team ball sports. High Abil Stud. 2010;21(1):3–18. 62. Oldenziel K, Gagne F, Gulbin J. Factors affecting the rate of athlete development from novice to senior elite: how applicable is the 10-year rule. In: Klisouras V, Kellis S, Mouratidis I, editors. Proceedings of the 2004 Pre-Olympic Congress. Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; 2004. p. 174–5. 63. Ozolin NG. Contemporary system of athletes’ preparation. Moscow: FiS Publisher; 1970. 64. Harre D. Trainingslehre. Berlin: Sportverlag; 1971. 65. Matveyev LP. Fundamentals of sport training. Moscow: Progress; 1981. 66. Zatsiorsky V, Bulgakova N, Ragimov R, et al. Problem of athletic giftedness and selection in sport: directions and methodology of researches. Moscow Theory Pract Phys Cult. 1973;7:54–65. 67. Siris P, Gaydarska P, Rachev K. Selection and giftedness prediction in track and field. Moscow: FiS Publisher; 1983. 68. Pienaar AE, Spamer MJ, Steyn H. Identifying and developing rugby talent among 10-year-old boys: a practical model. J Sports Sci. 1998;16:691–9. 69. Lidor R, Falk B, Arnon M, et al. Measurement of talent in team-handball: the questionable use of motor and physical tests. J Strength Cond Res. 2005;19:318–25. 70. Roetert EP, Brown S, Piorkowski P, et al. Fitness comparisons among three different levels of elite tennis players. J Strength Cond Res. 1996;10:139–43. 71. Reilly T, Williams AM, Nevill A, et al. A multidisciplinary approach to talent detection in soccer. J Sports Sci. 2000;18:695–702. 72. Falk B, Lidor R, Lander Y, et al. Talent identification and early development of elite water-polo
. Try an episode: “Episode 293: The Story of Homecoming Part 1” (October 18, 2019) 6. Boiling Waters PH Need advice on love, dating, and relationships? The Boiling Waters PH podcast will give it to you straight. It is hosted by two anonymous men (whom you may refer to as Cactus 1 and Cactus 2) who wanted to better guide people into making wiser decisions in love beyond the memes and quotes they post on their Facebook page. “We’ve been creating content, articles, memes about life and relationships before and we just added [this] podcast to dive deeper on our topics,” they tell us. “We’re also inspired by the stories of people we are receiving every day. Sabi nga namin, ‘bawal masaktan kung friends lang’ (As we always say, you can’t take it personally if you’re just friends).” Check out the podcast on Spotify. Try an episode: “Episode 11: Paano Galingan Maging Single” (May 6, 2019) 5. The Halo-Halo Show Hosted by current RX 93.1 radio DJs Rica G and JC Tevez, The Halo-Halo Show is a podcast that talks about anything and everything under the sun (hence the name, halo-halo meaning a huge mix of things). Both Rica and JC make it a point to make the podcast as real and as raw as possible and without post-editing. “The concept came from ignorance to be honest, because (even to this day) we don’t really know how to produce a podcast with effects, theme song, breaks etc. So we just kind of winged it, to the point where we sing our theme song every single time, make our own sound effects with our mouths, and it’s been that way ever since,” they share. They love to connect with their listeners through ‘Leche Fan-Mail’ and occasionally invite guests on the show for their Tres Leches episodes. Check out the podcast on Spotify. Try an episode: “Mix #36: Ipis Immunity, White Chicks, and Spit” (July 7, 2019) 4. The Linya-Linya Show The Linya-Linya Show is a comedy podcast based on the daily experiences of Filipinos—and all the fun, laughter, and nuggets of wisdom that come our way. According to the host and founder of clothing brand Linya-Linya, Ali Sangalang (@alingawngaw), the goal of the podcast is to “share the unique Filipino experience and spread love and laughter—just like Linya-Linya.” “Nag-stick lang kami sa Linya-Linya (We stuck with Linya-Linya) as a brand: Everyday Pinoy experiences communicated in a humorous but contemplative way,” says Ali. “Kaya kasi naming pag-usapan yung mabababaw hanggang malalalim na bagay, sa paraang magaan pa ring pakinggan. Parang nakikinig ka lang talaga sa ilang mga kaibigan. (It’s because we’re able to have shallow to deep conversations that are easy to listen to and follow. It’s really just like listening to your friends talking.)” The Linya-Linya Show currently has 53 episodes, most of which Ali hosted with his previous co-host, standup comedian Victor Anastacio (@victoranastacio). Check out the podcast on Spotify. Try an episode: “Episodes 27 and 28: On Health, Love, and Relationship w/ Dra. Gia Sison” (April 6 and 17, 2019) 3. Tsaastrology If you hadn’t heard, your favorite local astrology meme Twitter account has its own podcast and it’s just as funny as you’d expect. Hosts VP Gregorio (@thatguyvp), Nikki De Guzman (@heynikkipoo), and Bern Abraham (@prodeeboy) created Tsaastrology: The Podcast mainly because they wanted to add a twist to their Twitter presence. “We love talking about random things and dishing out harsh truths in person, so we felt like the podcast was a natural progression to our Twitter account. There are a lot more things that can be talked about in more than 240 characters,” they share with us. “The concept of the show is basically the same concept of
in the Autumn of 1944 (earlier ) - Model name has been corrected. Source: Der Panzer-Kampfwagen I und II und ihre Abarten: Einschließlich der Panzerentwicklungen der Reichswehr // Panzer Tracts No.7-1 Panzerjaeger (3.7 cm Tak to Pz.Sfl.Ic): Development and Employment from 1927 to 1941 // Kampfgruppe Chill, schwere Heeres Panzerjäger Abteilung 559 and the German Recovery in the Autumn of 1944 T-72A - Sighting multiplicity has been changed from 3,1-8x to 8x. Source: Танк Т-72А. Техническое Описание и Инструкция по Эксплуатации, 1986. - Sighting multiplicity has been changed from 3,1-8x to 8x. Source: Танк Т-72А. Техническое Описание и Инструкция по Эксплуатации, 1986. StuG III Ausf F, StuG III Ausf G, StuH 42G - historical fixed sights (5x) have been added. - historical fixed sights (5x) have been added. Jagdpanzer 38t, Jagdpanzer IV, Panzer IV/70 (V), Panzer IV/70 (A), Ferdinand - variable sights (5x-9.2x) have been changed to fixed (5x) sights. Source: Bedienungs- und Schießanleitung für den Panzerjäger IV und den 38t mit der 7,5 cm Pak 39 - variable sights (5x-9.2x) have been changed to fixed (5x) sights. Source: Bedienungs- und Schießanleitung für den Panzerjäger IV und den 38t mit der 7,5 cm Pak 39 Jagdpanther, Bfw.Jagdpanther - variable sights (6.7x-10.1x) have been changed to fixed sights (10x). Source: Winkezielfernrohre WZF 1/... und WZF 2/..., D 2082 bzw. D (Luft) T 1467 // Militärfahrzeuge, Bd.9, Der Panzerkampfwagen Panther und seine Abarten - variable sights (6.7x-10.1x) have been changed to fixed sights (10x). Source: Winkezielfernrohre WZF 1/... und WZF 2/..., D 2082 bzw. D (Luft) T 1467 // Militärfahrzeuge, Bd.9, Der Panzerkampfwagen Panther und seine Abarten Jagdtiger, Maus, E100 - variable sights have been changed to fixed sights (10x). Source: Winkezielfernrohre WZF 1/... und WZF 2/..., D 2082 // Michael Fröhlich, "Schwere Panzer der Wehrmacht" ZSU-23-4 - A sight with historical variable power (2x-6x) has been added. Source: Устройство и эксплуатация зенитной самоходной установки ЗСУ-23-4 «Шилка» // Учебное пособие для военного училища: Визирное устройство и командирский прибор наведения ЗСУ-23-4 75/18 M41 - Model weight adjusted to specifications (lowered) from 15,7 to 13,1 tones. Source: FIAT-Ansaldo Carro Armato tipo M14/41
forma justa To fair enough – Me parece justo Fall over heels in love with someone – Enamorarse profundamente de alguien – British Far and wide – Por todas partes Feel like + gerundio – Tener ganas, apetecer (I feel like dancing – tengo ganas de bailar) Feel like + objeto – Apetecer (I feel like beer – me apetece una cerveza) For fuck’s sake – Por qué cojones… For God’s sake! – ¡Madre del amor hermoso! For sure! – ¡Por supuesto! (con énfasis) For the hell of it – Porque sí / Porque me dió la gana For the love of it – Por amor al arte For the record – Para que conste Fresh – Descarado / Sinvergüenza From A to Z – De pe a pa From hero to zero – Hundirse en la miseria, irse a la mierda From now on – De ahora en adelante / A partir de ahora From time to time – De vez en cuando Fuck my old boots – Algo así como «¡no me jodas!» Fuck off! – ¡Que te jodan! / ¡Vete a la mierda! Furthermore – Además Get it? – ¿Entiendes?/¿Lo pillas? Get Lost! – ¡Piérdete! Get off! – ¡Quita de en medio!/¡Apártate! Get out of my way! – Aparta de mi camino/vista Get the fuck out – Lárgate (malsonante) Give it to me straight – Dímelo directamente / Dímelo sin rodeos Go fly a kite! – Vete a la porra/ ¡a cagar! Goddamn it all to hell – La madre que me parió Goddamn – Puñetero / Maldito Guess what – A que no sabes qué Hanging out (hang out) – Pasando el rato (pasar el rato) Hardly/Barely – Apenas (refiriendose a cantidad, no a tiempo) He gets on my nerves – Me saca de quicio He is in his twenties – Él ronda los 20 (años) He is twenty- odd years old – Tiene veintitantos años He/she is on his/her way – Está de camino Help yourself – Sírvete tú mismo (amable) Hence my surprise – De ahí mi sorpresa Hence/Therefore – Por lo tanto Here you are – Aquí tiene Hereabouts – Por aquí cerca High Five/Give me five – ¡Choca esos cinco! Hold your horses! – ¡Para el carro! Holy crap! – ¡Puta mierda! Holy moly/Holey moley – Santo cielo Holy shit – ¡Hostias! / ¡Joder! (expresión para cuando algo inesperado pasa y te sorprendes) How come? – ¿Cómo es eso? How embarrasing! – ¡Qué vergüenza! How you doing?/How you going? – ¿Qué hay? / ¿cómo estás? / ¿cómo lo llevas? (Informal) However – Sin embargo/Aún así I am at your beck and call – Estoy a su entera disposición I do like it – En serio que me gusta / Me gusta (como aclarándolo) I don’t give a fuck – Me la suda I don’t care – Me la trae floja (despectivo) I don’t feel like doing it – No tengo ganas (de hacer algo que te dicen) I don’t give a damn – Me importa un bledo I don’t give a shit – Me importa una mierda I don’t mind – No me importa / Me da igual I don’t think so – No pienso eso / No lo creo I don’t, either – Yo tampoco (formal) I get the picture – Capto la idea / Me hago a la idea I go nuts – Se me va la olla I got the right spot – Le he cogido el punto I guess
so – Supongo que sí I have no idea – Ni idea I haven’t got the faintest idea – No tengo ni la menor idea (enfatizando) I mean – Me refiero/quiero decir (modismo, para aclarar algo a continuación) I put him off/I was stalling him – Le di largas I rather think that… – Me da la impresión que…. I screwed it up/I messed up/I blew it – La cagué / La fastidié I see – Ah, ya veo / Ah, ya entiendo I’d screw/bang her – Me la follaba If need be… – Si hay que hacerlo… If only/I wish – Ojalá If you say so – Si tú lo dices… I’m aching all over – Me duele todo I’m deadstoned – Estoy reventado / hecho polvo I’m drunk as hell/I’m piss drunk/I’m hammered/I’m trashed/I’m high – Estoy ciego / borracho / colocado I’m fond of… – Ser aficionado a… I’m freaking out – Me estoy volviendo loco I’m going to hit the sack – Me voy a la cama I’m going to pieces – Estoy hecho polvo (de ánimos) I’m gone/I’m off – Me voy / Me largo (informal) I’m out of cash/I’m broke – Estoy sin un duro I’m pissed off – Estoy cabreado In a nutshell… – En pocas palabras… (para comenzar a resumir algo) In and of itself – En sí mismo/a In fact – De hecho In for a dime in for a dollar – De perdidos al rio (US) In for a penny in for a pound – De perdidos al río (UK) In the altogether – En pelotas Indeed – Ya lo creo Inside out – Del revés Is cutting edge – Es el último grito/moda Is giving him hell – Le hace la vida imposible Is water under the bridge – Es agua pasada (cuando se hacen las paces por ejemplo) It gives me the goosebumps – Me pone la piel de gallina It sounds Greek to me – Me suena a chino It turns out that – Resulta que… It’s a rip off – Es una estafa It’s bullshit – Es una mierda It’s finger licking good – Está para chuparse los dedos It’s high time/About time – Ya es hora / Ya va siendo hora It’s in the lap of the Gods – Que sea lo que Dios quiera It’s my treat / It’s on me – Invito yo It’s not a big deal / It’s not that of a big deal – No es para tanto It’s on the house – Invita la casa/por cuenta de la casa It’s raining cats and dogs – Llueve a cántaros It’s up to you – Como tú quieras / Depende de ti (en tono amable) It’s worthless – No vale nada I’ve enough on my plate – No puedo más (en la vida) Just in case – Por si acaso / Por si las moscas Keep an eye on… – Vigila a…/Echa un ojo a… Keep dreaming – Sigue soñando Keep it up – Sigue así Keep you hair on! – ¡Cálmate! Kind of/Give or take – Más o menos Kiss and make up – Borrón y cuenta nueva Last but one – Penúltimo Last night – Anoche Lest you forget – Para que no (te) olvides Like father, like son – De tal palo, tal astilla Like water off duck’s back – Palabras necias, oídos sordos – British Long story short… – Resumiendo… Long time no see! – ¡Cuánto tiempo! Look out! – ¡Cuidado! Make my day – Alégrame el día Make up your mind – Decídete / Decide tú Make yourself at home – Estás
RFID Card Reader/Writer 13.56MHZ Description: RC522 chip: MF RC522 is applied to the highly integrated read and write 13.56MHz contactless communication card chipNXP launched by the company for the "table" application of a low-voltagelow-costsmall size of the non-contact card chip to read and writesmart meters and portable handheld devices developed better choice. The MF RC522 use of advanced modulation and demodulation concept completely integrated in all types of 13.56MHz passive contactless communication methods and protocols. 14443A compatible transponder signals. The digital part of to handle the ISO14443A frames and error detection. In additionsupport rapid CRYPTO1 encryption algorithmterminology validation MIFARE products. MFRC522 support MIFARE series of high-speed non-contact communicationtwo-way data transmission rate up to 424kbit/s. As new members of the 13.56MHz reader card series of highly integrated chip familyMF RC522 MF RC500 MF RC530 There are a lot of similaritiesbut also have many of the characteristics and differences. Communication between it and the host SPI mode helps to reduce the connection narrow PCB board volumereduce costs. RFID module: The MF522-AN module the the original Philips MFRC522 chip design circuit card readereasy to uselow costand applies to the user equipment developmentthe reader and the development of advanced applicationsthe need for the user RF card terminal design/production. This module can be directly loaded into the various reader molds. Utilizes a voltage of 3.3Vthrough the SPI interface simple few lines directly with any user CPU motherboard connected communication can ensure that the module is stable and reliable workdistance card reader; شرح : قارئ بطاقات تحديد الهوية باستخدام امواج الراديو RFID RFID MFRC522 تعد تقنية تحديد الهوية باستخدام امواج الراديو من التطبيقات الشائعة في الفترة الأخيرة, فتوجد بشكل واسع في انظمة الحماية Security system و في انظمة الدخول و الحفظ في قواعد البيانات Data logger. في مقال سابق في المدونة تحدثنا عن قارئ ID12 العامل على تردد 125كيلو هيرتز, و اليوم سنتحدث عن نوع آخر و هو MFRC522 من انتاج شركة فيليبس philips لمحة سريعه عن ال rfid : تقسم ترددات تقنية تحديد الهوية إلى : (Low frequency (LF و تكون ذات تردد منخفض ما بين 30-300 كيلو هيرتز و القيمة الأكثر شيوعاً هي 125كيلو هيرتز. يستخدم بشكل واسع في انظمة الحماية (High Frequency(HF : و تكون قيمة الترددات ما بين 3 - 30 ميغاعيرتز, و القيمة الأكثر شيوعاً هي 13.56ميغاهيرتز, و مداه
koje su od početka 2015. do kraja marta 2016. godine u firmu unijele po još 1,25 miliona maraka kapitala. Dvadeset dana nakon posljednje uplate dogovorili su se da MDC otkupi i Ramićev udio u „Termesu“, a potom u „Ziraat banci“ uzimaju kredit od tri miliona maraka koji garantuju vilom „Dalmacija“. Najveći dio novca – 2,3 miliona maraka – isplaćen je Ramiću za njegov udio u „Termesu“, a 485.000 maraka za plaćanje dugova dobavljačima. Mjesec dana poslije Amer Bukvić je uplatio 150.000 maraka u MDC koji je do tada formalno pripadao njegovoj majci Vahidi i tako postao većinski vlasnik ove firme. Uz njih dvoje u firmi je ostao i Edin Sefo. Bukvić je tako kao većinski vlasnik MDC-a postao i vlasnik „Termesa“, profitabilne kompanije koja drži Hotel „Krone“. Bukvić preko ovih firmi danas ima suvlasništvo u poznatim sarajevskim restoranima: „Cordoba“, „Sevilla“, „Marbella“, „Food Market“, „Kimono“… Dvije penzionerke su, prema dokumentima, u ovom poslu bile samo formalno. Iako mu je zvanično partner u biznisu sa hotelom bila Vahida Bukvić, prema Ramićevim riječima, on je sve poslove dogovarao sa njezinim sinom. Paralelno s ovim, Fikreta Gavrankapetanović je imala sličnu ulogu u porodičnom poslu sa nekretninama. Sa penzionerskim primanjima za tri godine je kupila: tri stana, pet garaža i parking-mjesta te ostavu i na to potrošila 758.000 KM. Poklonila ih je sinu Farisu, o čemu je CIN pisao 2014. godine. Fikreta Gavrankapetanović je u penziji od kraja rata, a u vrijeme ulaganja nije imala druge prijavljene prihode. Prije pet godina je novinarima rekla da je novac zaradila devedesetih, radeći kao mikrobiolog u jednoj vojnoj bolnici u Tripoliju u Libiji i da je nekretnine kupila kako bi ih ostavila djeci. Na pitanje novinara zašto ih je poklonila samo jednom sinu, odgovorila je: „Ja sam to sa advokatom završila, to će oni rasporediti kad ja umrem“. Kada je osumnjičen za zloupotrebu položaja, Faris Gavrankapetanović je većinu te imovine prebacio na suprugu Almu. Firma Hameda Ramića EURO-ASFALT je radila rekonstrukciju hotela koja je, prema njegovim riječima, sa opremanjem koštala dva miliona maraka. Rekao je da je iz partnerstva sa Bukvićem izašao jer posao sa hotelijerstvom nije za njegovu poslovnu grupaciju (Foto: CIN) Tužilaštvo protiv Gavrankapetanovi
Semyon Rosenfeld, who was the last living Holocaust survivor who participated in the revolt and escape from the Sobibor death camp, died Monday at the age of 97 in a hospital in Rehovot, near Tel Aviv. Rosenfeld, who moved to Israel from the Ukraine in 1990, was survived by his two sons and five grandchildren. He had been living in a retirement community in Yad Binyamin in central Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted an obituary on his Facebook page. Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories Free Sign Up “Seymon Rosenfeld, Holocaust survivor and the last from Sobibor, has passed away,” Netanyahu wrote. “Semyon was born in 1922 in a small village in Ukraine. He joined the Red Army, was taken captive by the Nazis, but managed to escape the death camp and continue to fight the Nazis. May his memory be blessed.” סמיון רוזנפלד, ניצול השואה והשורד האחרון מסוביבור, הלך לעולמו.סמיון רוזנפלד נולד בשנת 1922 בכפר קטן באוקראינה. הוא… פורסם על ידי ‏Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו‏ ב- יום שני, 3 ביוני 2019 Blue and White party No. 2 MK Yair Lapid tweeted, “I salute the memory of Semyon Rosenfeld, a Holocaust survivor who participated in the revolt in the Sobibor death camp where a quarter of a million Jews were murdered. May his memory be blessed, may we be worthy of his death with our lives.” Jewish agency chairman Isaac Herzog tweeted of his “great sadness” at Rosenfeld’s death. “A true hero, it is our duty to transmit from generation to generation the story of his life and all those of his generation. Condolences to his family and to all those who knew him.” Rosenfeld was born in the small town of Ternivka in 1922, and in 1940 joined the Red Army. While he was away fighting the Germans, his entire family was killed by the Nazis and buried in a mass grave near the town. According to Channel 12, Rosenfeld once said that before the war there was no anti-Semitism where he lived. He was captured by the Germans in 1941 after being seriously injured in the leg and sent to a labor camp in Minsk, Belarus, with over 200 other Jewish prisoners from the Red Army. From Minsk he was sent in 1943 to Sobibor in Poland, a notorious extermination camp where over 250,000 Jews were murdered between April 1942 and October 1943. Rosenfeld once recalled that when he arrived he lied to the Nazis about having a profession, a tactic that saved his life. While he was sent to work in the carpentry shop, others were quickly murdered, Channel 12 reported. A few weeks after his arrival at Sobibor, he asked a German officer about the whereabouts of all the other prisoners who had arrived with him. The officer pointed to the smoke coming from the crematorium and said, “Your friends are there.” In October 1943, a group of prisoners, led by Red Army officer Aleksandr “Sasha” Pechersky, revolted in a bold attempt to liberate all of the camp’s inmates. They succeeded in killing 11 Nazi camp officers before the plan was discovered and guards opened fire. Some 300 prisoners tried to flee the camp, but most were either killed immediately or in the following days as the Nazis rounded them up. Shortly after the revolt and escape, the Nazis dismantled the camp and tried to hide its existence by planting trees over it. Rosenfeld survived by hiding in the woods with a handful of other prisoners until 1944, when he rejoined the Red Army and participated in the capture of Berlin. He was demobilized in 1945 and returned to his homeland, later moving to Israel. Some of his family now lives in the US. The prison camp revolt was the subject of the 1987 film “Escape from Sobibor” staring Rutger Hauer as Pechersky
《十五小豪杰》, or “Little Hero Fifteen”), and the audacious style of translation-cum-adaptation came to be known as “heroic translation.” [3] The Age of Heroic Translators had arrived. An Example: Jules Verne’s De la terre à la lune Let’s take a look at heroic translation with an example taken from Verne’s De la terre à la lune (1865). Here’s the first sentence of the original French: Pendant la guerre fédérale des États-Unis, un nouveau club très influent s'établit dans la ville de Baltimore, en plein Maryland. And here is a fairly literal English translation by Lewis Mercier and Eleanor E. King (1873): During the War of the Rebellion, a new and influential club was established in the city of Baltimore in the State of Maryland. The following Japanese translation was published by Inoue Tsutomu (井上勤) in 1886. Inoue worked from an English translation (which I have not been able to locate). Back-translated into English (credit for the back translation goes to Lisa Tang Liu), the first two sentences read: In the midst of the United Provinces of America's War of Independence, in a place called "Baltimore" that was the capital city of "Maryland," a province within the United Provinces, a most awe-inspiring new club was established. This is actually a fairly close rendering (Inoue reserves his heroism for elsewhere). But note that Inoue introduced two mistakes (probably due to imperfect knowledge): 1) confusing the War of Independence with the Civil War, and 2) mistaking Baltimore for Maryland’s capital. The process of cultural negotiation and linguistic adaptation is filled with such pitfalls. (As a side note, while it is true that English translations of Verne’s original during the 19 th century were often quite bad, it does not seem plausible that Inoue inherited these errors from the English translator since English translators were unlikely to confuse the Civil War with the American Revolution). With the move from Japanese to Chinese, we encounter the writer Lu Xun, generally considered the “father” of modern Chinese literature. Lu Xun was also one of the first Chinese to fall in love with science fiction. In 1903, as a 22-year-old medical student in Japan who had studied Japanese for only a year, he translated Verne’s De la terre à la lune based on Inoue’s Japanese version. Lu Xun thought of the act of translation as a vital piece of the revolutionary work of introducing scientific thinking to the Chinese: The typical reader is bored by the tediousness of science books and cannot finish them. But when dressed up in the form of fiction, the science can seep into readers’ minds without boring them. … As the reader’s heart is touched, the reader gains insight and wisdom without taxing the mind, knowledge that would break down legacy superstitions, improve their thoughts, and supplement our culture. What a powerful tool is such fiction! - Lu Xun, Preface to From the Earth to the Moon Like the Japanese translators before him, he engaged in a second level of adaptation and re-creation as he transformed the Japanese text into Chinese. I’ve back-translated the equivalent to the first sentence of the original Verne into English below: Anyone who has studied world geography and history knows of a place called America. As for the American War of Independence, even children know that it was an earth-shattering event, a deed that ought to be recalled often and never forgotten. Now, among all those states that participated in the war, one of them was called Maryland, whose capital, Baltimore, was a famous city teeming with crowds and packed with the traffic of horses and carriages. In this city was a club, magnificent in appearance, and as soon as you saw the high-flying American flag flapping in the wind in front, you naturally felt a sense of awe. This is not anything we’d call a “translation.” In addition to retaining Inoue’s errors, Lu Xun greatly elaborated on the original, paying little heed to fidelity to the source text. But these additions make sense in historical context: the geography and history of the United States might be assumed to be basic background knowledge for the French or British reader, but not for the Chinese reader. Lu Xun not only needed to give his audience a sense of the bustle and importance of Baltimore, he also apparently felt that he
Join Dayong, a CLI team member since 2009, as he learns about Master Huang’s journey into tàijíquán. While watching the video, follow along in the below transcript for the Chinese characters, pinyin, and English translation. You can also use this link to download a PDF containing the interview transcript and vocabulary list. Jump to the vocabulary list. Taijiquan Interview Transcript Dayong (00:05 – 00:11) 请问…你可不可以简单地自我介绍一下? Qǐng wèn… Nǐ kě bù kěyǐ jiǎndān de zì wǒ jièshào yíxià? Can you please briefly introduce yourself? 黄师傅 (00:12 – 00:24) 大家好!我叫黄剑,桂林人,是陈氏太极拳第十三代传人,现在呢三十七岁。谢谢! Dàjiā hǎo! Wǒ jiào huángjiàn, guìlín rén, shì chén shì tàijíquán dì shísān dài chuánrén, xiànzài nē sānshíqī suì. Xièxiè! Hello everyone! My name is Huang Jian, I’m from Guilin, a learner of the thirteenth generation Chen-style Tai Chi, and am thirty-seven now. Thank you! Dayong (00:26 – 00:35) 黄老师黄师傅,哎,那您什么时候开始学习了这个太极拳? Huáng lǎoshī huáng shīfu,ài,nà nín shénme shíhòu kāishǐ xuéxíle zhège tàijíquán? Master Huang, when did you begin learning Taiji? 黄师傅 (00:36 – 01:01) 刚开始接触太极拳那应该是九五年,那个时候中央电视台放了那个简化的陈氏太极拳那个教学视屏,我大概看了一下就对它产生了一种兴趣,然后直到两千年的时候我才正式找了一个老师学习那个陈氏太极拳。 GāngKāishǐ jiēchù tàijíquán nà yīnggāi shì jiǔ wǔ nián, nàgè shíhòu zhōngyāng diànshìtái fàng le nàgè jiǎnhuà de chén shì tàijíquán nàgè jiàoxué shìpíng, wǒ dàgài kàn le yíxià jiù duì tā chǎnshēng le yì zhǒng xìngqù, ránhòu zhídào liǎng qiān nián de shíhòu wǒ cái zhèngshì zhǎole yígè lǎoshī xuéxí nàgè chén shì tàijíquán. I began learning
Block. I once read an editorial, in late ’78, following the then Archbishop O Fiaich’s ‘sewer pipes of Calcutta’ statement. It said it was to the everlasting shame of the Irish people that the archbishop had to, and I paraphrase, stir the moral conscience of the people on the H-Block issue. A lot of time has passed since then, a lot of torture, in fact the following year was the worst we experienced. Now I wonder who will stir the Cardinal’s moral conscience… Bear witness to both right and wrong, stand up and speak out. But don’t we know that what has to be said is ‘political’, and it’s not that these people don’t want to become involved in politics, it’s simply that their politics are different, that is, British. My dear friend Tomboy’s father died today. I was terribly annoyed, and it has upset me. I received several notes from my family and friends. I have only read the one from my mother — it was what I needed. She has regained her fighting spirit — I am happy now. My old friend Seanna (Walsh, a fellow blanket man) has also written. I have an idea for a poem, perhaps tomorrow I will try to put it together. Every time I feel down I think of Armagh, and James Connolly. They can never take those thoughts away from me. Tuesday 3rd I’m feeling exceptionally well today. (It’s only the third day, I know, but all the same I’m feeling great.) I had a visit this morning with two reporters, David Beresford of The Guardian and Brendan O Cathaoir of The Irish Times. Couldn’t quite get my flow of thoughts together. I could have said more in a better fashion. 63 kgs today, so what? A priest was in. Feel he’s weighing me up psychologically for a later date. If I’m wrong I’m sorry — but I think he is. So I tried to defuse any notion of that tonight. I think he may have taken the point. But whether he accepts it, will be seen. He could not defend my onslaught on Bishop Daly — or at least he did not try. I wrote some notes to my mother and to Mary Doyle in Armagh; and will write more tomorrow. The boys are now all washed. But I didn’t get washed today. They were still trying to get men their first wash. I smoked some ‘bog-rolled blows’ today, the luxury of the Block! They put a table in my cell and are now placing my food on it in front of my eyes. I honestly couldn’t give a damn if they placed it on my knee. They still keep asking me silly questions like, ‘Are you still not eating?’ I never got started on my poem today, but I’ll maybe do it tomorrow. The trouble is I now have more ideas. Got papers and a book today. The book was Kipling’s Short Stories with an introduction of some length by W. Somerset Maugham. I took an instant dislike to the latter on reading his comment on the Irish people during Kipling’s prime as a writer: ‘It is true that the Irish were making a nuisance of themselves.’ Damned too bad, I thought, and bigger the pity it wasn’t a bigger nuisance! Kipling I know of, and his Ulster connection. I’ll read his stories tomorrow. Ag rá an phaidrín faoi dhó achan lá atá na buachaillí anois. Níl aon rud eile agam anocht. Sin sin. (Translated this reads as follows: The boys are now saying the rosary twice every day. I have nothing else tonight. That’s all.) Wednesday 4th Fr Murphy was in tonight. I have not felt too bad today, although I notice the energy beginning to drain. But it is quite early yet. I got showered today and had my hair cut, which made me feel quite good. Ten years younger, the boys joke, but I feel twenty years older, the inevitable consequence of eight years of torture and imprisonment. I am abreast with the news and view with utter disgust and anger the Reagan/Thatcher plot. It seems quite clear that they intend to counteract Russian expansionism with imperialist expansionism, to protect their vital interests they say. What they mean is they covet other nations’ resources. They want to steal what they haven
of hate. I’m glad to say that I am not like that. Well, I must go to rest up as I found it tiring trying to comb my hair today after a bath. So venceremos, beidh bua againn eigin la eigin. Sealadaigh abu. (Translated, this reads as follows:) So venceremos, we will be victorious someday. Up the Provos. Sunday 15th Frank has now joined me on the hunger-strike. I saw the boys at Mass today which I enjoyed. Fr Toner said Mass. Again it was a pretty boring day. I had a bit of trouble to get slopped out tonight and to get water. I have a visit tomorrow and it will be good to see my family. I am also looking forward to the walk in the fresh air, it will tire me out, but I hope the weather is good. I must go. Monday 16th I had a wonderful visit today with my mother, father and Marcella. Wonderful, considering the circumstances and the strain which indeed they are surely under. As I expected, I received a lot of verbal flak from Screws going and coming from the actual visit. Their warped sense of humour was evident in their childish taunts, etcetera. I wrapped myself up well to keep me from the cold. My weight is 58.25 kgs today, but I burnt up more energy today with the visit. I’ve no complaints of any nature. I’ve noticed the orderlies are substituting slices of bread for bits of cake, etcetera — stealing the sweet things (which are rare anyway) for themselves. I don’t know whether it’s a case of ‘How low can you get?’ or ‘Well, could you blame them?’ But they take their choice and fill of the food always, so it’s the former. They left my supper in tonight when the priest (Fr Murphy) was in. There were two bites out of the small doughy bun. I ask you! I got the Sunday World newspaper; papers have been scarce for the past few days. There is a certain Screw here who has taken it upon himself to harass me to the very end and in a very vindictive childish manner. It does not worry me, the harassment, but his attitude aggravates me occasionally. It is one thing to torture, but quite a different thing to exact enjoyment from it, that’s his type. There was no mirror search going out to visits today — a pleasant change. Apparently, with the ending of the no-wash protest, the mercenary Screws have lost all their mercenary bonuses, etcetera, notwithstanding that they are also losing overtime and so on. So, not to be outdone, they aren’t going to carry out the mirror search any more, and its accompanying brutality, degradation, humiliation, etcetera. Why! Because they aren’t being paid for it! I’m continually wrapped up in blankets, but find it hard to keep my feet warm. It doesn’t help my body temperature, drinking pints of cold water. I’m still able to take the salt and five or six pints of water per day without too much discomfort. The books that are available to me are trash. I’m going to ask for a dictionary tomorrow. I’d just sit and flick through that and learn, much more preferable to reading rubbish. The English rag newspapers I barely read, perhaps flick through them and hope that no one opens the door. A copy of last week’s AP/RN was smuggled in and was read out last night (ingenuity of POWs again). I enjoyed listening to its contents (faultless – get off them! – good lad Danny (Morrison)). I truly hope that the people read, take in and understand at least some of the truths that are to be regularly found in it. I see Paddy Devlin is at his usual tricks, and won’t come out and support the prisoners… Well, that’s it for tonight. I must go. Oíche Mhaith. Tuesday 17th Lá Pádraig inniú ‘s mar is gnách níor thárla aon rud suntasach, bhí mé ar aifreann agus mo chuid gruaige gearrtha agam níos gaire, agus é i bhfad níos fearr freisin. Sagart nach raibh ar mo aithne abhí ag rá ran aif
reann. Bhí na giollaí ag tabhairt an bhia amach do chách abhí ag teacht ar ais ón aifreann. Rinneadh iarracht chun tabhairt pláta bidh domhsa. Cuireadh ós cómhair m’aghaidh ach shiúl mé ar mo shlí mar is nach raibh aon duine ann. Fuair mé cúpla nuachtán inniú agus mar shaghas malairt bhí an Nuacht na hEireann ann. Táim ag fáil pé an scéal atá le fáil óna buachaillí cibé ar bith. Choniac mé ceann dona dochtúirí ar maidun agus é gan béasaí. Cuireann sé tuirse ormsa. Bhí mo chuid meachain 57.50 kgs. Ní raibh aon ghearán agam. Bhí oifigcach isteach liom agus thug sé beagán íde béil domhsa. Arsa sé ‘tchim go bhfuil tú ag léigheadh leabhar gairid. Rudmaith nach leabhar fada é mar ní chrlochnóidh tú é’. Sin an saghas daoine atá iontu. Ploid orthu. Is cuma liom. Lá fadálach ab ea é. Bhí mé ag smaoineamh inniú ar an chéalacán seo. Deireann daoine a lán faoin chorp ach ní chuireann muinín sa chorp ar bith. Measaim ceart go leor go bhfuil saghas troda. An dtús ní ghlacann leis an chorp an easpaidh bidh, is fulaingíonn sé ón chathú bith, is greithe airithe eile a bhíonn ag síorchlipeadh an choirp. Troideann an corp ar ais ceart go leor, ach deireadh an lae; téann achan rud ar ais chuig an phríomhrud, is é sin an mheabhair. Is é an mheabhair an rud is tábhachtaí. Mura bhfuil meabhair láidir agat chun cur in aghaidh le achan rud, ní mhairfidh. Ní bheadh aon sprid troda agat. Is ansin cen áit as a dtigeann an mheabhair cheart seo. B’fhéidir as an fhonn saoirse. Ní hé cinnte gurb é an áit as a dtigeann sé. Mura bhfuil siad in inmhe an fonn saoirse a scriosadh, ní bheadh siad in inmhe tú féin a bhriseadh. Ní bhrisfidh siad mé mar tá an fonn saoirse, agus saoirse mhuintir na hEireann i mo chroí. Tiocfaidh lá éigin nuair a bheidh an fonn saoirse seo le taispeáint ag daoine go léir na hEireann ansin tchífidh muid éirí na gealaí. (Translated, this reads as follows:) St Patrick’s Day today and, as usual, nothing noticeable. I was at Mass, my hair cut shorter and much better also. I didn’t know the priest who said Mass. The orderlies were giving out food to all who were returning from Mass. They tried to give me a plate of food. It was put in front of my face but I continued on my way as though nobody was there. I got a couple of papers today, and as a kind of change the Irish News was there. I’m getting any news from the boys anyway. I saw one of the doctors this morning, an ill-mannered sort. It tries me. My weight was 57.70 kgs. I had no
Frans Timmermans, eerste vicevoorzitter van de Europese Commissie, stelt zich vanmiddag kandidaat als lijsttrekker voor de PvdA voor de Europese Verkiezingen. Daarnaast zal Timmermans zich opwerpen als gegadigde om Commissievoorzitter Jean-Claude Juncker op te volgen. Welke hindernissen moet hij nog overwinnen, en wie zijn de concurrenten van het PvdA-kopstuk? In Heerlen, waar hij woonde voordat hij naar Brussel vertrok, stelt Timmermans zich naar verwachting rond 17.00 uur in een café kandidaat als PvdA-lijsttrekker bij de verkiezingen voor het Europees Parlement volgend jaar mei. Tegelijk komt de Limburger met de mededeling dat hij ‘Spitzenkandidat’ wil worden namens de Partij van Europese Socialisten (PES). Dat meldden sociaal-democraten in Brussel dinsdag aan nieuwswebsite Politico. Die SPD unterstützt Frans Timmermans als EU-Spitzenkandidat. Er hat damit die nötigen neun Länderorganisationen als Unterstützer zusammen und gilt damit als Favorit im internen Rennen der europäischen Sozialdemokraten. (Foto va @florianeder|s großartigem Newsletter) pic.twitter.com/ey6feDlkPg — Martin Thür (@MartinThuer) October 10, 2018 Uw cookieinstellingen laten het tonen van deze content niet toe. De volgende cookies zijn nodig: marketing. Wijzig uw instellingen om deze content te zien. Duitse SPD steunt Timmermans In de brief hierboven spreekt Andrea Nahles, leider van de Duitse SPD, haar steun uit aan de kandidatuur van Timmermans. ‘Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat Frans Timmermans onze Europese partijfamilie verenigt en versterkt, en ons naar een sterk resultaat bij de verkiezingen voor het Europees Parlement zal leiden,’ schrijft Nahles aan het PES-bestuur. Vier niet bij naam genoemde ‘officials’ van het Europees Parlement zouden volgens Politico hebben gezegd dat er genoeg steun is vanuit de fractie. Toch zouden er ook twijfels zijn bij een deel van de Brusselse sociaal-democraten: een partij die in eigen land in de oppositie zit en veel aan populariteit heeft ingeboet, is volgens sommigen niet de beste keus om het Europese boegbeeld van de sociaal-democraten te worden. Strijd met fractievoorzitter Paul Tang om lijsttrekkerschap Voordat Timmermans leider van de Europese sociaal-democraten kan worden, heeft hij sowieso eerst de steun van de Brusselse PvdA-vertegenwoordiging nodig. De huidige fractievoorzitter Paul Tang wil de partij ook volgend jaar weer leiden. Eind september zei hij nog dat hij er niet over piekert om zijn positie af te staan aan Timmermans. ‘Ik zou niet zo goed weten waarom ik dat zou overwegen, om eerlijk te zijn. We hebben misschien wel te lang vertrouwd op gezichten, het wordt weer tijd voor een strijdbare sociaal-democratie.’ Als de PvdA intern verdeeld blijkt, kan het tot een stemming komen onder de partijleden.
– as found in other disciplines with world, regional and national levels. FIA GT Commission The FIA GT Commission will work towards doubling the number of FIA GT events, one dedicated to manufactures – the FIA GT World Cup – and the second dedicated to a more traditional PRO/AM format. This additional event would take place in a different venue and at a different date to the FIA GT World Cup. The Commission aims to launch an invitation to tender for a promoter to propose the full concept of an FIA GT3 PRO/AM customer event. CIK-FIA Karting The calendar for the 2017 CIK-FIA European Superkart Championship was confirmed: 4 June Donington Great Britain 6 August Assen Netherlands 29 October Bugatti Le Mans France FIA World Rallycross Championship A number of small amendments to the Technical Regulations were approved for the 2017 FIA World Rallycross Championship. These will be reflected in the regulations published at FIA.com. FIA Electric and New Energy Championships Regarding events in the 2017 FIA Electric and New Energy Championship, the following changes were approved: - Rally Italy-Slovenia (23-26 March) has been cancelled. - EcoNova Rally Germany will be replaced by a new EcoNova Cup, which will now be held in Austria on the same date (31 August – 3 September, 2017). FIA Safety Commission The table for drivers earning points towards a Super Licence has been extended to incorporate CIK-FIA senior and junior Karting categories (as the starting point for young drivers; these points are applicable for a maximum of five years), and the FFSA’s Formula Academy. Appendix L of the International Sporting Code will be updated accordingly at FIA.com. Appointment of the FIA Secretary-General for Sport This was the final FIA World Motor Sport Council prepared by Jean-Louis Valentin, who is leaving his position as Secretary-General for Sport. Mr Valentin was elected to the presidency of the urban community of Cotentin in January of this year, and consequently will be unable to continue in his role within the Federation. FIA President Jean Todt, along with the assembled members of the World Motor Sport Council, thanked him for his valuable contribution to motor sport since his appointment in 2014, and wished him well as for the future as he goes on to serve his community in government. The World Council welcomed Peter Bayer, who was nominated for the position by FIA President Jean Todt. With the approval of the World Council, Mr Bayer will assume the role from 10 March. The next meeting of the FIA World Motor Sport Council will be held in Geneva on 19 June, 2017. La FIA annonce les décisions du conseil mondial du sport automobile Le Conseil Mondial du Sport Automobile de la FIA s’est réuni pour la deuxième fois cette année suite à la session extraordinaire du 18 janvier dernier. Lors de la réunion, les décisions suivantes ont été prises : Championnat du Monde de Formule Un de la FIA Le Conseil Mondial du Sport Automobile a approuvé un certain nombre de modifications mineures au Règlement Technique 2017 visant à : reformuler certains articles existants pour plus de clarté ; réorganiser l’Article 3. Pour le Règlement Sportif 2017, plusieurs modifications ont été approuvées : Précision de la procédure de mise en œuvre d’un départ arrêté après le déploiement de la voiture de sécurité en raison d’une forte pluie. Mise à jour de la définition de la distance de course pour les courses impliquant le déploiement de la voiture de sécurité. Exigence pour les pilotes de demeurer au-dessus du temps minimal indiqué par la FIA lorsqu’ils entrent dans la voie des stands derrière la voiture de sécurité. Interventions autorisées sur les voitures pendant la suspension de la course. Réglementation relative aux essais. Amendements au libellé du Règlement Sportif pour l’harmoniser avec le Code Sportif International. Clarifications des limitations relatives au personnel d’équipe opérationnel. Certaines clarifications du texte ont été approuvées pour le R
て最後に、 make コマンドをタイプして。運がよければ Parrot のテスト用インタプリタが無事にビルドされるかもね。(もしできなかったら、苦情をいうためのアドレスはこの紹介の最後にあるよ・・・) You'll then be asked a series of questions about your local configuration; you can almost always hit return for each one. Finally, you'll be told to type make; with any luck, Parrot will successfully build the test interpreter. (If it doesn't, the address to complain to is at the end of this introduction...) テストスート さあ、テストを動かそう。 make test ってタイプして、次のような実行結果をみてくれ。 Now we should run some tests; so type make test and you should see a readout like the following: perl t/harness t/op/basic.....ok, 1/2 skipped: label constants unimplemented in assembler t/op/string....ok, 1/4 skipped: I'm unable to write it! All tests successful, 2 subtests skipped. Files=2, Tests=6, 2 wallclock secs ( 1.19 cusr + 0.22 csys = 1.41 CPU) (もちろん、これよりもいっぱいテストはあるけど、大体の雰囲気はつかめると思う。いろいろな理由から、テストは省略されることもある。ただし失敗するテストが出てきたりするのはまずいので注意しよう) (Of course, there are many more tests than this, but you get the idea; tests may be skipped - for one reason or another - but none of them should fail!) 問題の報告 もし、Parrot について問題があったら、[email protected] へ、その問題を書いて送ってくれ。そのときには、ビルド時に作った myconfig を含めてね。 If you have problems with parrot, please send a message to [email protected] with a description of your problem. Please include the myconfig file that was generated as part of the build process. パロットのコンセプト - Parrot Concepts Parrot アセンブリに入る前に、簡単にいくつかのコンセプトをみておきましょう。 Before we dive into programming Parrot assembly, let's take a brief look at some of the concepts involved. 型 - Types Parrot CPU には、4つの基本的なデータ型がある。 The Parrot CPU has four basic data types: INTVAL 整数型; ポインタを抱えるのに十分な大きさであることを保証. FLOATVAL アーキテクチャ依存の不動小数点型. STRING 抽象化されたエンコーディング独立な文字列型. PMC その他の型。たとえば (perl の) スカラー型や配列型. INTVAL An integer type; guaranteed to be wide enough to hold a pointer. FLOATVAL An architecture-independent floating point type. STRING An abstracted, encoding-independent string type. PMC Other types lile a (perl) scalar or an array. 最�
On the ride home from Catholic Mass early on Sunday mornings, like clockwork, I’d lean up from the back seat with a request. “Can we listen to KRVS?” My mother, riding shotgun as my dad drove, always obliged. Her finger would flick the dial to 88.7 and suddenly our truck morphed into a dance hall as the speakers blasted accordion, fiddle, and triangle along with the wailing of French. To my young ears, the rhythms mixed into a delightful sound that begged me to gyrate in my seat. And although I could never decipher those words, my father often did his best to translate for me. Jolie blonde, jolie fille. Tu m’as quitté pour t’en aller. T’en aller, jolie blonde avec un autre. “Dad, what’s he saying? What’s all that mean?” Pretty blonde, pretty girl. You left me to go away. Go away, pretty blonde with another. After a while, I could recite every lyric to “Jolie Blonde” without knowing what half the words meant. Unknown to me at the time, this sound was distinct only to my little slice of the world in south Louisiana called Acadiana — 22 parishes that are the adopted home of the Acadians who settled in the region after their 1755 British deportation from Acadie, now Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island, Canada. But before and after the Acadians arrived, the area housed a vastly larger population of Creoles, those with roots tied to Europe or Africa who were born and made a home in Louisiana. It’s also the ancestral home of Native American tribes like the Houma, Chitimacha, Tunica-Biloxi, Attakapas, and Coushatta. Over generations, these groups coalesced into a people distinct within the United States — with their own customs, moral codes, food, and music. Although at one time they spoke an array of languages ranging from Native American and African languages to Spanish and German, many adopted Louisiana French and Louisiana Creole as their own. As diverse as a bowl of gumbo, containing elements derived from all across the world, south Louisiana became a cultural stew unlike any region in the rest of the state, let alone the country. Acadiana is a place where you can still witness the result of that incredible diversity, where the people retain a distinct cultural identity, and where you can hear Louisiana French and Creole, known to locals as Kouri-Vini. The languages are on the tongues of old men who gather early in the morning at gas stations for coffee. Or at the dance halls as musicians play our regional music. Food staples bear uniquely French labels, like étouffée, boudin and courtbouillon. Meanwhile, our familial names, like Ramariez, Dupuis, Waguespack, and Dardar, provide hints of the wide variety of our places of origin. While the culture has, most ways, remained intact, the languages have been in decline for decades. Louisiana French is spoken by an estimated 100,000 people, according to 2013 census figures. Kouri-Vini is considered an endangered language, and speakers number far fewer than 10,000. That’s down dramatically from a figure in the late 1960s that showed francophones in Louisiana numbering around 1 million — nearly a third of the state’s population at the time. And before the 20th century, French and Kouri-Vini were the most common languages in the region. By and large, those in Acadiana born before World War II used French or Kouri-Vini as a native tongue, a trend that has almost all but disappeared. Beginning with my parents’ generation — people who grew up in the ’60s and ’70s — English prevailed as the language learned at home. Millennials like me were raised in a primarily English-speaking world, but we also carried traditions shared nowhere else in the South, such as Courir de Mardi Gras, that connected us to our own past. The more I have learned about my culture, and the regional languages that surround it, the more I realize I was robbed of an ancestral gift that should’ve been passed on to me. If language ties culture together, if it creates a deeper understanding of a people, then surely I’ve missed out on something fundamental to my family’s story. For years, I tried to escape the swampy land I had been raised on. I traveled every chance I had before finally settling in Nashville late in 2016. Music City had so much to offer — live bands, breweries, and the Smoky Mountains only a short drive away — but the longer
2019] Clarification: Peter Handke has always vehemently renounced nationalism and fascism: Handke is reluctant to enter into contemporary debates, but when asked by a journalist about the nationalist wave in Europe, he replies: “I distinguish between nationalism and patriotism. My country is Austria. When someone insults my mother, my brothers, my country without knowing them, I become a patriot. But I am absolutely anti-nationalist.” [Bassets 2019]5 Already in an earlier interview Handke had said: “There is a difference between patriotism and nationalism. The patriot only reacts when their country is attacked,” [Müller 2007]. Handke goes even further in his work: But I never became a “Slovene”, not even though I can read the language halfway in the meantime, a “half”; if today I see myself in something like a people, then it is that nobody6 – which can at times be salutary, at times hopeless (at those moments when I myself can no longer imagine the common bonds connecting that great nobody straying across the globe). [Handke 2018a, 10] In his texts on Yugoslavia in particular Handke makes his opposition to German nationalism and fascism explicitly clear. German journalist Lothar Müller has called attention to this fact, writing: “The echo chamber of the debate on Handke’s Yugoslavia texts included not only the wars of that time, but the massacres of the Second World War as well” [Müller 2019]. In A Journey to the Rivers, Handke mentions Kragujevac and Kraljevo, places where, during Nazi occupation, the Germans massacred thousands [see Müller 2019 and Handke 2018c, 73]: And, in contrast, how conscious was the German (and Austrian) people of what it did and caused to be done repeatedly in the Balkans during the Second World War? Was it simply “known,” or also really present, in the common memory, as was what happened with the Jews, or even only half so present, as it still is, from generation to generation, for the affected Yugoslavs […] [Handke 1997, 78-79] 5 In the original Spanish: “Handke es reacio a entrar en debates contemporáneos, pero cuando un periodista le pregunta sobre la ola nacionalista en Europa, responde: ‘Yo distingo entre nacionalismo y patriotismo. Mi país es Austria. Cuando alguien insulta a mi madre, a mis hermanos, a mi país sin conocerlos, me vuelvo patriota. Pero soy absolutamente antinacionalista’.” 6 German: “wenn ich mich heutzutage in so etwas wie einem Volk sehe, dann in jenem der Niemande“. This could also be translated as “if today I see myself in something like a people, then it ist he people of nobodies“. This is precisely why he is wary of the new nationalism in the former Yugoslavia and, above all, the role of Germany there. He even wonders whether Germany of all countries should become involved in these conflicts, in what would be its first military mission since WWII and one without a UN mandate. Lothar Struck adds: “For a person like Peter Handke, who despises German National Socialism and its implications, it would be a historical atrocity for Germany of all countries, which occupied Yugoslavia during the Second World War and agreed to a pact with the Croatian fascists (and granted them a state of their own), to diplomatically destroy this state of Yugoslavia now” [Struck 2013, 33]. Handke reminds us that those crimes committed by the Germans during WWII can by no means be allowed to be forgotten: After the war, Jean-Paul Sartre visited Kragujevac. It’s an industrial city, with maybe 200,000 inhabitants. During the war there high-school students and their teachers were taken hostage by the Germans and murdered. Sartre could sense that the entire country was enveloped in pain; all of Serbia is painful. That pain comes from the Germans, and that must burn into the Germans’ hearts. [Handke 1996] II.2 Some observers have written that Peter Handke’s texts incite hatred Statements: “Handke’s political leaflets are not literature – they are calls for hatred that reinforce prejudice.” [Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania, cited in Andersson 2019] Clarification: Not one of Peter Handke’s texts incites hatred, on the
vaxer/om/peter- handke [Accessed 24 October 2019]. Bach, David (2019), “Peter Handke vil aldri kunne få Nobels litteraturpris“, in Aftenposten, 22 September 2014, https://www.aftenposten.no/kultur/i/5ozm/peter-handke-vil-aldri-kunne-faa- nobels-litteraturpris [Accessed 24 October 2019]. Bassets, Marc (2019), “Peter Handke: ‚Ahora me siento libre‘“, in El País, 11 October 2019, https://elpais.com/cultura/2019/10/10/actualidad/1570724420_218073.html [Accessed 24 October 2019]. Bayer, Felix/ Becker, Tobias/ Beyer, Susanne/ Doerry, Martin/ Kurbjuweit, Dirk/ Markwaldt, Nadine/ Thone, Eva/ Voigt, Claudia/ Weidermann, Volker/ Witterauf, Stefanie (2019): “Mann gegen Mann“, Der Spiegel, 43/2019. BBC (2019): “Critics hit out at Nobel Prize award“, in BBC News, 11 October 2019, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-50008701 [Accessed 24 October 2019]. Brokoff, Jürgen (2010): “Ich sehe was, was ihr nicht fasst. Peter Handke als serbischer Nationalist“, in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 15 July 2010, https://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/buecher/autoren/peter-handke-als-serbischer-nationalist- ich-sehe-was-was-ihr-nicht-fasst-1597025.html [Accessed 24 October 2019]. Cain, Sian (2019), “‚A troubling choice‘: authors criticise Peter Handke’s controversial Nobel win“, in The Guardian, 11 October 2019, https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/oct/10/troubling- choice-authors-criticise-peter-handke-controversial-nobel-win [Accessed 24 October 2019]. Charles, Ron (2019): “Peter Handke and Olga Tokarczuk win Nobel Prizes in literature“, in The Washington Post, 10 October 2019, https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/books/peter- handke-and-olga-tokarczuk-win-nobel-prizes-in-literature/2019/10/10/9894dc2e-e9e3-11e9-9c6d- 436a0df4f31d_story.html [Accessed 29 October 2019]. Deichmann, Thomas (ed.) (2017): Noch einmal für Jugoslawien: Peter Handke. 3rd edition, Frankfurt a. M: Suhrkamp. Dellert, Matthias/Farran-Lee, Lydia (2019): “Kulturvärldens reaktions: “En vänsterradikal regimkritiker och en högerradikal dåre“, in SVT, 10 October 2019, https://www.svt.se/kultur/reaktioner-en-vansterradikal-regimkritiker-och-en-hogerradikal-dare [Accessed 24 October 2019]. Egan, Jennifer (2019), Statement: Deep Regret Over the Choice of Peter Handke for the 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature, 10 October 2019, https://pen.org/press-release/statement-nobel-prize-for- literature-2019/ [Accessed 24 October 2019]. Elam, Ingrid (2019), “Förgripliga åsikter är en sak, men man behöver inte ge dem pris!“, in SVT, 10 Octber 2019, https://www.svt.se/kultur/visst-kan-man-lasa-forfattare-med-forgripliga-asikter-men- man-behover-inte-ge-dem-pris [Accessed 24 October 2019]. Suhrkamp
Verlag – Work in Progress 21 Fjellström, Roger (2019), “Nobel hade knappast hyllat valet av Handke”, in Svenska Dagbladet, 21 October 2019, https://www.svd.se/nobel-hade-knappast-hyllat-valet-av-handke [Accessed 21 October 2019]. Flood, Alison, “Swedish Academy defends Peter Handke’s controversial Nobel win“, in The Guardian, 21 October 2019, https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/oct/21/swedish-academy-defends- peter-handkes-controversial-nobel-win [Accessed 21 October 2019]. Hemon, Aleksandar (2019), “The Bob Dylan of Genocide Apologists”, in New York Times, 15 October 2019, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/15/opinion/peter-handke-nobel-bosnia-genocide.html [Accessed 24 October 2019]. (The Swedish translation of Hemon’s article was published under the title “Dagen när jag slutade läsa Peter Handke” in Dagens Nyheter on 26 October 2019, https://www.dn.se/kultur-noje/alexandar-hemon-dagen-nar-jag-slutade-lasa-peter-handke/ [Accessed 31 October 2019]) Gritsch, Kurt (2009), Peter Handke und „Gerechtigkeit für Serbien“. Eine Rezeptionsgeschichte, Innsbruck: Studienverlag. Herwig, Malte (2010), Meister der Dämmerung. Peter Handke. Eine Biographie, München: DVA. Illić, Saša (2019), „Peter Handke. A Reception of a Literary Controversy“, in European Literary Network, 22 May 2016, http://www.eurolitnetwork.com/peter-handke-a-reception-of-a-literary- controversy-by-sasa-ilic/ [Accessed 28 October 2019]. Jensen, Carsten (2019), “Peter Handke är en författare på förföljarnas sida“, in Dagens Nyheter, 11 October 2019, https://www.dn.se/kultur-noje/bocker/carsten-jensen-peter-handke-ar-en-forfattare- pa-forfoljarnas-sida/ [Accessed 24 October 2019]. Kuras, Peter (2019), “Why Trolling Can Win You a Nobel Prize for Literature”, in Foreign Policy, 21 October 2019, https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/10/21/handke-nobel-trolling-balkans-serbia/ [Accessed 24 October 2019]. Maass, Peter (2019a), “Congratulations, Nobel Committee, You Just Gave the Literature Prize to a Genocide Apologist“, in The Intercept, 10 October2019, https://theintercept.com/2019/10/10/congratulations-nobel-committee-you-just-gave-the- literature-prize-to-a-genocide-apologist/, [Accessed 28 October 2019]. Maass, Peter (2019b), “How the Nobel Prize Succumbed to the Literary Art of Genocide Denial”, in The Intercept, 26 October 2019, https://theintercept.com/2019/10/26/nobel-prize-literature-peter- handke-genocide/ [Accessed 31 October 2019]. Marinic, Jagoda (2019), “Eine unzivilisierte Wahl“, in taz, 13 October 2019, https://taz.de/Literaturnobelpreis-fuer-Peter-Handke/!5629204/ [Accessed 24 October 2019]. Müller, André (2007), “‘Ich bin ein Idiot im griechischen Sinne‘. Interview mit Peter Handke, in Profil, 01 September 2007, https://www.profil.at/home/ich-idiot-sinne-182406 [Accessed 29 October 2019]. Müller, Lothar (2019), “Gespenster. Der Kontro
verse um Peter Handke fehlt die historische Tiefenschärfe“, in Süddeutsche Zeitung, 242/2019. Peter Handke. Bin im Wald, kann sein, dass ich mich verspäte (2016) Directed by Corinna Belz [Film]): Berlin Zero One Film. Suhrkamp Verlag – Work in Progress 22 Selimović, Jasenko (2019), “Jasenko Selimović: Kungen borde vägra dela ut Nobelpriset till Handke”, in Göteborgs Posten, 19 October 2019, https://www.gp.se/kultur/kultur/jasenko-selimovi%C4%87- kungen-borde-v%C3%A4gra-dela-ut-nobelpriset-till-handke-1.19311866 [Accessed 31 October 2019]. Stokowski, Margarete [2019], “Perfide Mülltrennung“, in Spiegel online, 15 October 2019, https://www.spiegel.de/kultur/gesellschaft/peter-handke-und-der-nobelpreis-perfide- muelltrennung-a-1291617.html [Accessed 24 October 2019]. Struck, Lothar (2013), „Der mit seinem Jugoslawien“. Peter Handke im Spannungsfeld zwischen Literatur, Medien und Politik, 3rd edition, Leipzig: Ille & Riemer. Taylor, Adam (2019), “Peter Handke won the Nobel for his ‘great artistry.’ Critics say he’s an apologist for genocide”, in The Washington Post, 10 October 2019, https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2019/10/10/peter-handke-won-nobel-his-great-artistry- critics-say-hes-an-apologist-genocide/ [24 October 2019]. Traynor, Ian (2019), “Stand up if you support the Serbs”, in The Guardian, 21 April 1999, https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/1999/apr/21/features11.g28 [24 October 2019]. Vulliamy, Ed (2019): “Peter Handke’s Nobel prize dishonours the victims of genocide“, in The Guardian, 12 October 2019, https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/oct/12/a-nobel- prize-that-dishonours-the-victims-of-genocide-peter-handke, [Accessed 21 October 2019]. Zülch, Tilman (ed.) (1996), Die Angst des Dichters vor der Wirklichkeit. 16 Antworten auf Peter Handkes Winterreise nach Serbien, Göttingen: Steidl Verlag. Handke Sources: Handke, Peter (1996): “‚Ich bin nicht hingegangen, um mitzuhassen‘. Interview mit Peter Handke“, in Die Zeit, 02 February 1996, https://www.zeit.de/1996/06/Ich_bin_nicht_hingegangen_um_mitzuhassen [Accessed 29 October 2019] Handke, Peter (1997): A Journey to the Rivers. Justice for Serbia, translated by Scott Abbott. New York: Viking. Handke, Peter (1999), “Das gerade Gegenteil“, in Focus, 11/1999 (15 March 1999), https://www.focus.de/politik/ausland/serbien-das-gerade-gegenteil_aid_175593.html [Accessed 29 October 2019]. Handke, Peter (2006a): “Milošević: Ein Begrägbnis.” Available online: https://handkeonline.onb.ac.at/node/1877 [Accessed 24 October 2019]. The speech was first published in Focus (13/2006) abgedruckt. Handke, Peter (2006b): “Ich wollte Zeuge sein“, in Focus, 13/2006. Hanke, Peter (2006c), “Parlons donc de la Yougoslavie“
within the viewport This bug is a failure to implement correctly CSS 1 background-attachment property. Firefox 1.x, Firefox 2.x, Opera 9.x, Safari 4.0, Konqueror 4.1.2, Amaya 9.52, Amaya 9.54, Seamonkey 1.x, K-meleon 1.x, Galeon 2, Epiphany 2 all pass this test. 8- Absence of parsing errors on 3 malformed declarations Firefox, Firefox 2.0, Safari 2.0, Safari 3.0.2, Konqueror 3.3, Konqueror 3.5.8, Opera 9.01, NS 6.1, NS 6.2, NS 7.0, NS 7.1, NS 7.2, Amaya 9.53 all pass these 3 tests. 9- Absence of parsing errors on 2 malformed border shorthand declarations Firefox, Firefox 2.0, Safari 2.0, Safari 3.0.2, Konqueror 3.3, Konqueror 3.5.9, Opera 9.01, NS 6.1, NS 6.2, NS 7.0, NS 7.1, NS 7.2 all pass both these tests. 10- Float bug in IE 7 (CSS 1 Test Suite: 4.1.4) we support the 'float' property, and pass the set of tests in the CSS1 test suite Chris Wilson, August 10th 2006. Firefox 2.x, Opera 9.x, Safari 2, Safari 3.0.2, Konqueror 3.5.8, NS 6.1, NS 6.2, NS 7.0, NS 7.1, NS 7.2, Hv3 TKHTML alpha 16 all pass this test. 11- Another float bug in IE 7 (CSS 1 Test Suite: 5.5.25b) we support the 'float' property, and pass the set of tests in the CSS1 test suite Chris Wilson, August 10th 2006. Firefox 2.x, Opera 9.x, Safari 2, Safari 3.0.2, Konqueror 3.5.8, NS 6.1, NS 6.2, NS 7.0, NS 7.1, NS 7.2, Hv3 TKHTML alpha 16 all pass this test. 12- Background-color inherit (CSS 1 Test Suite: 7.1) Firefox 2.x, Opera 9.x, Safari 2, Safari 3.0.2, Konqueror 3.5.8, Amaya 9.54, NS 6.1, NS 6.2, NS 7.0, NS 7.1, NS 7.2, Hv3 TKHTML alpha 16 all pass this test. 13- Id versus name when using getElementById is incorrectly implemented This one has been reported by many people, including Peter-Paul Koch. This bug has been reported at connect's IE beta feedback as bug 333979 and has also been reported at Web Bug Track bug 152: getElementById returns incorrect objects in IE. 14- Background-color of select must be transparent so that color of selected option gets visible, is shown. Opera 9.50, Konqueror 3.5.8 all pass this test. 14- SelectElement.value should return the value which would be submitted, if the user had clicked the submit button Another testcase for this bug is initial value of the 'value' attribute of <option> is not set to the contents of the element by Nisse Engström. Credit must go to Kyle Mulin for explaining this bug and for providing an initial, working testcase along with useful explanations, details in IE Blog in January 20th 2006. Firefox 1.x, Firefox 2.x, Opera 9.x, Safari 2, Safari 3.0.2, Seamonkey 1.x, Seamonkey 2.x, NS 7.2, K-meleon 1.x, Konqueror 3.5.8, Galeon 2, Epiphany 2 all pass this test. This bug has been reported at connect's IE beta feedback as bug 389742. This bug has been closed by the IE team and will not be fixed for the release of IE 8 final. 15- Line box height should not grow, should not stretch vertically to fit border and padding of non-replaced inline child elements Firefox 1.0.8, Firefox, Firefox 2.0, K-meleon 1.0.2, Opera 9.02, Amaya 9.52, NS 6.1, NS 6.2, NS 7.0, NS 7.1, NS 7.2, Safari 2.0, Safari 3.0
adovoljavanje talijanskih i njemačkih interesa. Izdajničkim ugovorom Pavelić je na milost i nemilost fašističkoj Italiji predao oko 400.000 Hrvata te neznatan broj Talijana. Još ranije, nakon Prvog svjetskog rata, Rapalskim ugovorima Italija je preuzela Istru, Rijeku i dijelove obale. Upravo su u Paveliću Talijani vidjeli čovjeka koji može ispuniti njihove apetite za hrvatskom obalom, pa nije ni čudo što su ga godinama prije rata u tajnosti obučavali i podržavali, čekajući povoljan trenutak kad će u ratnom ludilu svoju marionetu postaviti na vlast u Hrvatskoj. Predaja teritorija bila je samo jedna od podaničkih stvari na koje je ustaška vlast bez pogovora pristala. Naime, dogovoreno je da NDH neće u većem dijelu primorja i unutrašnjosti podizati nikakve vojne objekte niti držati ratnu mornaricu. Italija je interesnu sferu u NDH podijelila na tri zone. Prva je zona izravno priključena Italiji, druga je postala demilitarizirana, odnosno snage NDH nisu smjele tu graditi vojne objekte. Treća, najudaljenija od mora, bila je pod kontrolom NDH. Naravno, ustaške sluge fašista obvezale su se plaćati troškove talijanske vojske na svom teritoriju. Italija je 1943. godine kapitulirala, a NDH se domogla predanih teritorija slaveći to kao svoju veliku pobjedu. No, to nije bilo dugog vijeka. Godine 1945. Njemačka je izgubila rat, a time je propala ideja o NDH. Do tada su gotovo cijelu Dalmaciju i Istru oslobodile partizanske jedinice. Postavljanje talijanskog princa za hrvatskog kralja Osim prodaje Dalmacije Italiji, Ante Pavelić je talijanskog princa postavio za hrvatskog kralja. Jedan od pobočnih članova talijanske vladajuće obitelji, Aimone Roberto Margherita Maria Giuseppe Torino di Savoia, talijanski princ iz kraljevske dinastije Savoja, časnik talijanske ratne mornarice, proglašen je ni manje ni više nego – kraljem Hrvatske s imenom Tomislav II. Od 1942. titula mu glasi: "Kralj Hrvatske, Princ Bosne i Hercegovine, Vojvoda Dalmacije, Tuzle i Knina, Vojvoda Aoste". Dana 18. svibnja 1941. Tomislav II. na ceremoniji postaje službeno kralj Hrvatske: na ceremoniji održanoj u Kvirinalskoj palači u Rimu, Ante Pavelić je u pratnji nekoliko hrvatskih izaslanika formalno zatražio od talijanskoga kralja Viktora Emanuela III. da Amiona od Savoye imenuje hrvatskim kraljem. Suradnja s četnicima Pavelić je surađivao i s četnicima. Oko Knina, četnički rat
Un très gros merci encore une fois pour tout! Ton experience et professionalisme nous ont été très utile lors de la vente de notre maison. Ce sera un moment que nous n'oublierons jamais! - M. & J. Beaulac ...thanks for all of your help over the last few months.... I was certainly expecting the search to be a daunting preposition but you made it fun and informative. Your expertise and enthusiasm were appreciated! - R. Sran he found us a qualified buyer in less than a day, and worked with her agent to agree on a price that we were very happy with. Two other homes on our block were listed before ours (one by owner and one with a different agent) and they were both still on the market after ours had cleared all conditions. - G. & C. Matthews high level of professionalism, knowledge, integrity and work ethic made buying a new home a very efficient and relatively stress-free experience. We were very impressed by his ready availability to answer questions. We would highly recommend Ray to anyone buying or selling a home! - S. & G. Webber It was great working with you on getting the house. Really appreciate your work ethics. - P. Fung An extremely knowledgeable and all around good person. He is also a fantastic real estate agent! He sold my house for its asking price on the first day of showing. His knowledge of the real estate market in Ottawa combined with great marketing skills and technological savvy make him extremely effective as an agent. - J. Praught Thank you for all of your terrific assistance in finding and purchasing our first home. We could not have found a better realtor, and your knowledge of Ottawa's real estate market was a valuable asset. - G. Tyrell Thanks for all your help. The time and effort you invested helped make our first home purchase a fun and enjoyable time. - E. Daigneault & C. Grenon Thank you for all your help. You went above and beyond what we expected of our agent and REALLY appreciate all the extra - L. Tougas & K. Ryzowski Thanks for your hard work in selling our home. We will be sure to refer you to our friends in the Ottawa area. - R. Wood & C. Winter Thanks for keeping on top of everything; seriously, I've moved a lot over the years & you really elicite trust & are the most professional/helpful realter I've dealt with. Thanks again! - L. Fonger I just wanted to say thank you again for all you did for me. You made my first home purchase very easy and enjoyable. - D. Faust Thanks for all your help, you have been an exceptional resource for us both - G. & C. Lawlor Glad you were on our side and oh yes...... thanks for getting 98.4% of our asking price in 30 days(or just about)!!!!!!!! - M. Castonguay Please accept our heartfelt thanks. We greatly appreciated your assistance with the sale of our house. We have dealt with a number of real estate agents over the last fourty years. From our experience with you, it is evident why you are one of the top-rated agents in the region. - J. & A. Leduc You are THE best! - S. K. McMillan Thanks again for all your help in buying our new home and selling the old one. I would never buy or sell a house without a real estate agent (don't know how private sellers do it...) and that agent would have to be you. - S. & M. Kiropoulos Ray, we really appreciated your honest opinions, prompt responses and guidance for both the purchase and the sale of our home. Having you leading the way made us more comfortable and helped us to better understand each step of the process. Thanks! - R. & M. Meloche ...walked me through each step of the process and was always ready to answer my questions. I thought your service was excellent. Thanks again Ray. - C. Sem We are settling in our new home. It is wonderful, thanks again for all your help and patience. - B. Seidman Steph and I wanted to thank you for all the work you did selling our house. We were both very pleased with how everything turned out. Very smooth.... - P. Lancaster & S. Bleeker Thanks again for everything Ray! You have made first time homebuying an enjoyable experience. - T. Germano We also wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your insights in to the Ottawa market and for the time you spent with us. - C. Watt & M-C Lachance Thanks for
SEVENTEEN’s DK has successfully wrapped up his first musical! DK took on the leading role of Arthur in the music “Xcalibur” in his first-ever musical and began wowing audiences from June 15 for two months, recently finishing his last performance and wrapping up his appearance in the musical. Through his agency Pledis Entertainment, DK stated, “It was such a precious and happy time for me to learn and experience so much. Thanks to all of the help and encouragement I’ve received from so many people since I started rehearsing, I believe I was able to create an authentic Arthur.” He also added, “I hope it will remain in your minds as a really good memory. Lastly, I want to sincerely thank everyone who attended the performances and I hope you will continue to anticipate what comes next for me and send your warm love and support. Thank you.” DK also shared photos on SEVENTEEN’s Twitter account of his experience. He posted photos with the other cast members and wrote, “‘Xcalibur’… I love you, I love you, I love you everyone who went through this with me. Thank you so much for cheering me on so I could stay strong till the last show. I was so happy,” and “I won’t forget this memory and will cherish it in my heart. Everyone, please cherish ‘Xcalibur’ in your hearts with me!” [17'S 도겸] 엑스칼리버.. 사랑하고 또 사랑하고 또 사랑합니다? 같이 고생한 우리 형 누나들? 제 마지막 공연까지 힘낼 수 있게 응원해줘서 너무 고마워요ㅎㅎ 정말 너무 행복했습니다! pic.twitter.com/olht9UZahG — 세븐틴(SEVENTEEN) (@pledis_17) August 3, 2019 [17'S 도겸] 이 기억 잊지않고 소중히 간직하겠습니다. 여러분들도 엑스칼리버 끝까지 마음속에 간직해주세요! pic.twitter.com/2mmxOPFnKT — 세븐틴(SEVENTEEN) (@pledis_17) August 3, 2019 Finally, he shared a series of selfies with the caption, “Thank you to all the Carats [official SEVENTEEN fan club name], our members, family, and friends who have supported me. I will continue to show a better side of myself. Thank you and I love you.” [17'S 도겸] 지금까지 응원해주신 캐럿들 그리고 우리 멤버들, 우리 가족들, 친구들 모든 분들께 감사합니다. 앞으로 더 좋은 모습 보여드릴게요! 감사하고 사랑합니다? pic.twitter.com/7pJgLbwpRb — 세
eful Monster, Florence, 1987. Spanish : Conocer: Las Ciencias Cognitivas, Grijalbo, Barcelona, 1990. , Grijalbo, Barcelona, 1990. German : Kognitionwissenschaften-Kognitiontechnik, Surkampf, Frankfurt, 1990. , Surkampf, Frankfurt, 1990. Portuguese: Conhecer, Instituto Piaget, Lisbon. F. Varela E.Thompson and E.Rosch, The Embodied Mind: Cognitive science and human experience, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1991. German: Der Mittlere Weg der Erkenntnis, Scherz, Munich, 1992 Scherz, Munich, 1992 Italian: La via del mezzo de la conoscenza Feltrinelli, Milano, 1993. Feltrinelli, Milano, 1993. French: L'Inscription Corporelle de l'Esprit, Seuil, Paris, 1993. Seuil, Paris, 1993. Spanish: De Cuerpo Presente: Las ciencias cognitivas y la experiencia humana, Gedisa, Barcelona, 1992. , Gedisa, Barcelona, 1992. Portuguese: Editora Piaget, Lisbon (in press). Brazil: Editorial Artes Medicas, Sao Paulo (in press). Japonese: Koishaku, Tokyo (in presss). Korean: Hyunwoo Publishing Co., Seoul (in press). Chinese: Shy Mau Publishing Co., Taiwan (in press). F. Varela, Un Know-how per l'ettica, The Italian Lectures 3, Editrice La Terza, Roma, 1992. German: Ethisches Können, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt, 1994. , Campus Verlag, Frankfurt, 1994. Portuguese: Sobre a Competencia Etica, Ediçòes 70, Lisboa, 1996. , Ediçòes 70, Lisboa, 1996. French: Quel savoir pour l'étique? Action, sagesse et cognition, Editions La Découverte, Paris, 1996. , Editions La Découverte, Paris, 1996. Spanish: Etica y Acción, Editorial Dolmen, Santiago, Chile, 1996. , Editorial Dolmen, Santiago, Chile, 1996. English: Ethical Know-How, Stanford University Press, 1999. BOOKS (Forthcoming as of July 2000) E.Thompson and F.Varela Lived Body: Why the Mind is not in the Head, Harvard University Press N.Depraz, F.Varela and P.Vermersch, On Becoming Aware: Steps to a Phenomenological Pragmatics, Benjamin Publishing, Advances in Consciousness Research, New York F. Varela, Laying down a Path in Walking : Cognition from an enactive viewpoint (selected papers in preparation) BOOKS (Edited) Varela,F. (Ed.). Comparative Neurobiology of Vision in Vertebrates, Proceedings of the International Symposium, Punta de Tralca, Chile, November 1982 Biological Reasearch (ex Arch. Biol.Med.Exp. ) Vol.16, Nº2/3, 1983, 145 pp. Varela,F. and J.P.Dupuy (Eds.). Understanding Origin: Scientific Ideas on the Origin of Life, Mind, and Society (A Stanford University Interational Symposium) Boston Studies Phil.Sci, Kluwer Assoc., Dordrecht, 1992 F. Varela and P. Bourgine and (Eds.). Towards a Practice of Autonomous Systems: The First European Conference on Artificial Life, MIT Press/Bradford Books, Cambridge, MA. 1992 Hayward and F. Varela (Eds.). Gentle Bridges: Dialogues between the Cognitive Sciences and the Buddhist Tradition, Shambhala Publishers, Boston, 1992 French: Passarelles, Albin Michel, 1995 German: Gewagte Denkwege, Piper Verlag, 1996 ° Spanish: Un Puente para Dos Miradas, Dolmen, Santiago de Chile, 1997 Italian: Ponti Sottili, Neri Pozzi Editori, Vincenza, 1998 Japanese: Seidosha,Tokyo Chinese: Cung Sheng Publishing House, Taiwan Stein and Varela,F. (Eds.). Thinking About Biology: An introduction to Theoretical Biology SFI Series on Complexity, Addision-Wesley, NJ, 1993 F. Varela (Ed.). Sleeping, Dreaming and Dying: Dialogues between the Sciences and the Buddhist Tradition,, Wisdom Book, Boston, 1997 French: Dormir, Rê
onde sur Psychoanalyse et Sciences Cognitives, L'Ane: Le magazine freudien, (Paris), Nº31, pp.39-50. Varela,F. (1988), Les multiples figures de la circularité, in: M.Elkaïm et C.Sluzki (Eds.), Auto-référence et Thérapie Familiale, Privat Cahiers de Thérapie Familiale et Pratiques de Réseaux Nº9, Toulouse, pp.45-49. also in M.Elkaïm (ed.), La thérapie familiale en changement, Les Empêcheurs de Penser en Rond, Paris, 1994, pp.151-155 Varela, F., (1988), "Le corp pense", in: J.Miermont et R.Neuburger (eds.), Approche familiale des troubles psychosomatiques, 8e Journée du CEFA, Paris, pp.83-101. Varela,F. (1989), Reflections on the circulation between a biology of cognition and systemic family therapy, Fam.Proc. 28:15-24. Varela,F. (1989), Interventions dans la Table Ronde "Psychanalyse et Sciences", Esquisses Psychoanalytiques Nº12, Automne 1989, pp.5-39. Varela, F., (1990) The absolute near side: Reflections on cognitive science and human experience, in: M.Pacini (Ed.), Valori, Scienza e Trascendenza, Vol.2, Edizioni della Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, pp.225-237. Italian: Educazione dall'amibiente, ambienta dall'educazione, Milano, (in press) Varela, F. (1990), Über Farber und Körper in: Wahrnehmung und Individualität, Akademie der Kunst in Wien, pp.25-31. Varela, F. (1992), Penser l'IA: Le point de vue d'un biologiste, Université d'Eté, Assoc. Descartes (sous presse) Varela, F. (1992), Das zweite Gehirn underseres Körper, in: The End of Grand Designs, Heidelberg Videos Varela,F. (1975), On G.Spencer-Brown's Laws of Form, Part I: Foundations, Part II: Self-reference, 4 video casettes, 3 hrs, General Systems Depository, School of Advanced Technology, SUNY at Binghampton, Binghampton, NY, Nº042075. Varela, F. (1984), Awakening the dream of the warrior, Ojai Foundation, Ojai, CA, 6 hrs videocassetts (with J.Halifax, R.D.Laing, F.Huxley, and others). Varela,F. (1984), Brain Seminar: Conversations with J.Krishnamurti, Brockwood Park, England, 3 videocassetts, 3 hrs. Varela,F. and other 3 scientists, (1987) Mind and Life I: Conversation with H.H.Dalai Lama, Dharamsala, India, 12 videocassetts Varela,F. and three others (1991), Science and Spirituality, 1 videocasstte Varela,F. and other 5 scientists, (1991) Mind and Life II: Conversation with H.H.Dalai Lama, Dharamsala, India, 12 videocassetts Varela, F. (1994) Né pour Aprendre, Universityde La Rochelle, 2 videocasstees. Varela,F. and other 5 scientists, (1994) Mind and Life IV: Conversation with H.H.Dalai Lama, Dharamsala, India, 12 videocassetts Varela, F. (1997), La Belleza de Pensar, ARTV, Santiago de Chile. Varela, F. (1999), Science et Buddhism, A2 France, 2 entretiens Varela, F. (1999), Visa pour la Science, FR3 Varela, F. (1999), Portrait, Archimede, ARTE Interviews Varela,F. (1976), On observing natural systems (Interview by Donna Johnson), CoEvolution Quarterly, Nº11, pp.26-31. Varela,F. (1982), Die Biologie der Freiheit (Interview by Rainer Kakushka), Psychologie Heute (Germany
'Identita (avec Franco Floris), Animazione Sociale Varela,F. (1994), Entretien (avec B.Joisten et O.Zahn), PurpleProse, 5, Hiver 1994. Varela,F. (1994), Entrevista (C.Uribe): Revista Siglo xxi, El Mercurio, Santiago de Chile, Jueves 13 de Octubre. Varela,F. (1995), Psicoanalisis con-ciencia (B.Moreno), Mundo Científico, Enero, No.153., pp.72-78. Varela, F. (1995), La metafora di Varela, Intervista (P.Muscara), SistemaTerra, vol.4, No.1, pp.7-14. Varela, F. (1995), Big Mind Science (Eric Davis), Shambhala Sun, September pp. 26-34. Varela, F. (1996), Entretien (J.Mallet), Développement des Personnes et Développement des Organisations, Omega Formation Conseil, Aix-en-Provence. Varela, F. (1996), Sanfte Brücke Interview mit F.Varela ( T.Zahcmeier), Mandala, No.5, pp. 48-51. Varela, F. (1996), Science et Bouddhisme (F.Lenoir), L'Express, No.2364 24 Octobre 1996, p. 60. Varela, F. (1996), La aspiración a la sabiduría (C.Ferreira), La Epoca (Santiago de Chile), 27 Ocobre 1996, pp. 22-23. Varela, F. (1997), Mente y Vida en diálogo intercultural (M.T.Cárdenas),El Mercurio, Revista de Libros (Santiago de Chile), 30 Agosto 1997, pp. 4-5. Varela, F. (1997), En busca de la conciencia (C.Villegas), Paula (Chile), Deciembre, p. 44-51. Varela, F. (1998), Le cerveau n'est pas un ordinateur (H.Kempf), La Recherche No.308(Avril), pp.109-112. Varela, F. (1998), Researcher Profile (Nola Lewis), IONS Review, No.46, pp.44-45. Varela, F. (1999), La conscience: la tempete sous un crâne, (Isabelle Brisson), Le Figaro, Jeudi 4 Février. Varela, F. (1999), Portrait: Francisco Varela, le chercheur par qui la pensee se fait chair, (J.P.Dufour), Le Monde Jeudi 18 Février. Varela, F. (1999), Autopoiesis and Phenomenology, (Interview by H.Kawamoto), Gendai-shiso (Japan), No.4, 1999, pp.80-93. Varela, F. (1999), What a relief! I don't exist: Buddhism and the Brain (Wes Nisker), Inquiring Mind, vol.16 No.1, 1999, p.7-9. "Unless we accept that at this point in intellectual and scientific history that some radical re-learning is necessary, we cannot hope to move forward in the compulsive history of the ambivalent rejection-fascination with consciousness in philosophy of mind and cognitive science. My proposal implies that every good student of cognitive science who is also interested in issues at the level of mental experience, must inescapably attain a level of mastery in phenomenological examination in order to work seriously with first-person accounts. But this can only happen when the entire community adjusts itself to the corresponding acceptance of arguments, refereeing standards and editorial policies in major scientific journals, that can make this added competence an important dimension of a young researcher. To the long-standing tradition of objectivist science this sounds like anathema, and it is. But this is not a betrayal of science: it is a necessary extension and complement. Science and experience constrain and modify each other as in a dance. This is where the potential for transformation lies. It is also the key for the difficulties this position has found within the scientific community. It requires us to leave behind a certain image of how science is done, and to question a style of training in science which is part of the very fabric of our cultural identity
and response to treatment among aboriginal people receiving heroin-assisted treatment. Can J Public Health 2010 ; 101 : 210–2. 36 Scafer, I, Eiroa-Oroa, FJ, Verthein, U, Dilg, C, Haasen, C, Reimer, J. Effects of psychiatric comorbidity on treatment outcomes in patients undergoing diamorphine or methadone maintenance. Psychopathology 2010 ; 43 : 88 – 95. 37 Haasen, C. Gesundheitsökonomische Begleitforschung. 2009. 38 Perea-Milla, E, Aycaguer, LCS, Cerda, JCM, Saiz, FG, Rivas-Ruiz, F, Danet, A, et al. Efficacy of prescribed injectable diacetylmorphine in the Andalusian trial: Bayesian analysis of responders and non-responders according to a multi domain outcome index. Trials 2009 ; 10 : 70–6. 39 Haasen, C, Eiroa-Orosa Verthein, U, Soyka, M, Dilg, C, Schafer, I, et al. Effects of heroin assisted treatment on alcohol consumption. Findings of the German randomised controlled trial. Alcohol 2009 ; 43 : 259–64. 40 Romo, N, Poo, M, Ballesta, R. From illegal poison to legal medicine: a qualitative research in a heroin-prescription trial in Spain. Drug Alcohol Rev 2009 ; 28 : 186–95. 41 Miller, P, Forzisi, L, Lintzeris, N, Zador, D, Metrebian, N, Strang, J. Groin injecting in injectable opioid treatment service users in South London. Addict Res Theory 2009 ; 17 : 381–9. 42 Verthein, U, Bonorden-Kleij, K, Degkwitz, P, Dilg, C, Kohler, WK, Passie, T, et al. Long-term effects of heroin-assisted treatment in Germany. Addiction 2008 ; 103 : 960–6. 43 Dursteler-Macfarland, KM, Stohler, R, Moldovanyi, A, Rey, S, Basdekis, R, Gschwend, P, et al. Complaints of heroin-maintained patients – a survey of symptoms ascribed to diacetylmorphine. Drug Alcohol Depend 2006 ; 81 : 231–9. 44 Dijkgraaf, MG, van der Zanden, BP, de Borgie, CA, Blanken, P, van Ree, JM, van den Brink, W. Cost utility analysis of co-prescribed heroin compared with methadone maintenance treatment in heroin addicts in two randomised trials. BMJ 2005 ; 330 : 1297. 45 Rehm, J, Frick, U, Hartwig, C, Gutzwiller, P, Uchtenhagen, A. Mortality in heroin-assisted treatment in Switzerland 1994–2000. Drug Alcohol Depend 2005 ; 79 : 137–43. 46 Guttinger, F, Gschwend, P, Schulte, B, Rehm, J, Uchtenhagen, A. Evaluating long-term effects of heroin-assisted treatment: the results of a 6-year follow-up. Eur Addict Res 2003 ; 9 : 73–9. 47 Oviedo-Joekes, E, Guh, D, Brissette, S, Oviedo-Joekes, E, Guh, D, Brissette, S, et al. Double-blind injectable hydromorphone versus diacetylmorphine for the treatment of opioid dependence: a pilot study. J Subst Abuse Treat 2010 ; 38 : 408–11. 48 Paterson, S, Lintzeris, N, Mitchell, TB, Cordero, R, Nestor, L, Strang, J. Validation of techniques to detect illicit heroin use in patients prescribed pharmaceutical heroin for the management of opioid dependence. Addiction 2005 ; 100 : 1832–39. 49 Sterne, JAC, Harbord, RM. Funnel plots in meta-analysis. Stata J 2004 ; 4 : 127–41. 50 United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. UN, 1961. 51 United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances. UN, 1971. 52 Rolleston Report: Report of the Departmental Committee on Morphine and Heroin Addiction. Ministry of Health, 1926. 53 Interdepartmental Committee on Drug Addiction (Brain Committee). Drug Addiction, Second Report. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1965. 54 Federal Law on Narc
Pin 20K Share 20K Shares With stars in your eyes and few French words and phrases up your sleeve as a beginner, you have just arrived in a French speaking country. You are excited a bit confused and anxious. Words are swirling around your head or you just can’t for the life of you remember one. It is time to kick off your French language learning journey. Here are 61 French Phrases For Travelers that can get you out of any situation. Ditch your big and not-so-practical phrase book because these French phrases are all you need to survive and keep yourself out of trouble in a French speaking country. Want to Survive In a French-Speaking Country?61 French Phrases For Travelers Grab your pdf file (in our Free Library) and follow along. Bonjour, comment vous appelez-vous? (Hello, what’s your name?) Je m’appelle …. (My name is …..) Enchanté! (Pleased to meet you!) Ça va? (How’re you doing?) Comment allez-vous? (How are you?) Très bien, merci et vous? (Well thanks and you?) D’où venez-vous? (Where are you from?) Pardon? Je n’ai pas bien compris. (I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.) Vous parlez anglais? (Do you speak English?) Un peu. (A little bit.) More good reads: Top 8 Most Romantic Places in Paris Au revoir! (Goodbye.) First and foremost, know the difference between tu and vous. Vous = when you don’t know someone well or you just met them or/and they are older than you. Tu is often used for friends, family and people who have given the permission to use tu when referring to them. When someone tells you “ on peut se tutoier” then you can go ahead and say tu even if you just met them. Here are a few phrase to charm you way in and break the ice with the French Pardon, Excusez-moi or Desolé(e) 3 shades of Sorry in French 🙂 You have a question but the only person in sight is in the middle of something and you have no other choice than to interrupt. Excusez-moi de vous déranger. (Sorry for disturbing you). When you want to thank someone for giving you directions to the closest metro Merci (Thank you.) Merci beaucoup (Thanks a lot.) When someone thanks you for something. Je vous en prie or De rien (You’re welcome/It’s nothing.) Planning a trip to Paris? Save 1000+$ with this guide. Get it here. Excusez-moi, pouvez-vous me dire où se trouve la Tour Eiffel, s’il vous plaît? (Excuse me, can you tell me where the Eiffel Tower is?) An easier and shorter alternative Excusez-moi, où est …? (Excuse me, where is …?) Expect simple answers like these: C’est à gauche (It’s to the left…) C’est à droite (It’s to the right…) C’est à côté de (It’s next to…) C’est près de (It’s close to…) C’est loin de (It’s far from…) More good reads: Improve Your French Vocabulary Week 7 Or more complicated ones like these: Prenez la deuxième rue à gauche, allez jusqu’aux feux puis tournez à droite. (Take the second road on the left.Then turn right at the traffic light.) Bien sûr. Allez tout droit jusqu’au bout de la rue puis, tournez à gauche. (Certainly. Go straight on
until you reach the end of the road…) Transportation Excusez-moi, quel bus puis- je prendre pour aller à …? (Excuse me, what bus should I take to get to …?) Où se trouve la station de métro la plus proche? (Where is the closest metro station?) Quelle ligne va à …? (Which line goes to…?) Un billet, s’il vous plaît. (One ticket, please.) À quel arrêt dois je descendre? Où dois-je descendre? (Where should I get off?) Je dois aller à … (I need to go to…) If you would rather walk J’en ai pour combien de temps à pieds? (How long does it take on foot?) ….More French Phrases for Travelers Now you have found that restaurant your BFF raved about and you are pretty hungry. Let’s place your order and try some French cuisine. Here are some key phrases to remember. -If you have to make a reservation Je voudrais réserver une table pour ….. combien de personne. (I would like to reserve a table for…how many people.) You will most likely be asked this question at some point. Sur place ou à emporter? (For here or to go?). Une table pour (combien de personne), s’il vous plaît. (A table for how many people please.) You are seated and you can’t wait to get your hands on that Boeuf Bourgignon Excusez-moi, on pourrait avoir le menu, s’il vous plaît? (Excuse me, can we have the menu?) Too many choices for you? Have no fear just ask this question to get some input from the staff. Qu’est-ce que vous conseillez? (What do you recommend?) You are ready to order Nous voudrions commander maintenant. (We would like to order now) Je vais prendre le…(plat). (I’ll have the …_meal) Usually you will get asked Et comme boisson?/ Que voulez vous comme boison (And what would you like to drink?) Un verre de vin rouge, s’il vous plaît. (A glass of red wine.) If you have allergies or if you are just a picky eater don’t forget to let the staff know. Je ne peux pas manger …. (I can’t eat ….). More good reads: What To Do In France In September Common Food Allergies In French Le gluten -Gluten Les produits laitiers -Dairy Products) Le glutamate de sodium (MSG) Le poisson – Fish Les fruits de mer-Shell Fish) La viande- Meat Les œufs-Eggs La viande rouge- Red Meat Le soja – Soy If you opt for a desert but can’t find anything you like on the menu Qu’est-ce que vous avez comme dessert? What kind of desserts do you have? You are fully stuffed with boeuf bourguignon, red wine and crème brûlée it is time to go for a short walk. Take care of you bill and get on your way to the Luxembourg gardens. Vous pourriez nous apporter l’addition, s’il vous plaît? (Can we have the bill please?) C’est pour moi! (It’s on me!) Paying cash. Vous pouvez garder la monnaie. (You can keep the change.) Other means of payment. Je peux payer par carte de crédit? (Can I pay by credit card?) Merci, au revoir! (Thanks, bye!) You made it one
JAFFA, Israel – Dozens of Quranic verses have been removed from the Jordanian national curriculum, including those referencing jihad, prompting criticism from the Muslim Brotherhood and its representatives in Jordan. Huda Alatoum, an educator and high-profile MP for the Muslim Brotherhood, said that “far-reaching changes” have been introduced in Jordan’s school program that remove verses and hadiths (oral traditions) “pertaining to Prophet Mohammed’s life.” “About 40 percent of the curriculum about Arabic language and Islam have been changed, including the removal of all reference to jihad and opposing the occupation of Palestine,” she charged, adding that “325 verses and 75 Islamic texts have been removed.” She concluded by warning that “even worse changes” are ahead. Alatoum said she decided to hold a press conference after her protest efforts in parliament met with failure. In her addresses to the plenary, she repeatedly claimed that the amendments were decided without the approval of parliament’s Education Committee. Al-Monitor reported on the curriculum changes: A religious and political dispute continues to brew in Jordan over a controversial move by the Ministry of Education to revamp the curricula of the three elementary grades. According to Deputy Prime Minister Jawad Anani, the changes are part of the government’s strategy to combat extremism in society. Changes to school textbooks introduced this year involve coverage of Islam, history, Arabic and civics. For example, in civics, reference is made to acknowledge Christians as a demographic component of the population with pictures of churches as well as mosques. In religion, entire verses from the Quran and sayings by the Prophet Muhammad have been removed, while in Arabic literature, a picture of a veiled woman was replaced with one showing an unveiled woman. In Arabic-language textbooks for the third grade, a Quranic verse was replaced by a text on swimming. No changes were made to books on the sciences, mathematics and art. The issue of extremism in the school curricula and the reforms proposed are dividing the country. Conservatives, including the Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamic Action Front (IAF), which contested the Sept. 20 Lower House elections, have denounced the move “as an affront to our heritage and values aimed at distancing future generations from its religion, its Arab identity, its history and traditions.” Alatoum’s campaign became a sensation on social media. “That’s what the West wants, a generation that knows nothing about its religion except prayer and fasting,” Misbah tweeted. “They amend the curriculum pretending to root out extremism, but they introduce only corruption instead.” هكذا يريد الغرب جيل جديد لا يعرف عن دينه سوى الصلاه والصوم فقط ينزعون المناهج بحجة مكافحة الفكر المُتطرف ويزرعون الفساد ليل نهار — محمد مصباح (@M7M7K777) February 5, 2017 “Allah bless Huda Alatoum,” Ibrahim Altamimi tweeted after a speech she gave in December. https://twitter.com/IbrahimAlTamim4/status/812244569832226816 Mohammed Bilal called the new curriculum “American Islam,” saying, “Dr. Huda Alatoum, MP, talks about effectively teaching American Islam in her country. Allah forbid.” الدكتورة هدى العتوم النائبة في البرلمان الأردني ، تحدثنا عن الإسلام الأمريكي في بلادها. لا فض فوك. https://t.co/VcgZdtEE1O — محمد البلال (@mohdgnibi) January 2, 2017 Another user protested “the Jordanian liberals’ attempt to change the curriculum.” https://twitter.com/tenstars9992/status/812535621680070656 Jordan’s King Abdullah II visited the United
BAND-MAID初の単独映像作品、詳細発表! 収録曲「DOMINATION」「Choose me」の映像を先行公開! DOMINATION https://youtu.be/QbyQCJn6rYg Choose me https://youtu.be/HcqitbXgigU 2月14日 東京・LINE CUBE SHIBUYAでの 「BAND-MAID WORLD DOMINATION TOUR 【進化】PRESENTED BY LIVEDAM Ai」の ファイナル公演を収録したBAND-MAID初の単独映像作品となる今作は、 ボーナス映像として、初のドキュメンタリーに加え、メンバーによる副音声も収録。 メインビジュアルとなるジャケットは、人気イラストレーター:猫将軍によるデザイン! 店舗別の特典内容もチェック! 【商品詳細】 タイトル:WORLD DOMINATION TOUR 【進化】at LINE CUBE SHIBUYA(渋谷公会堂) 発売日:2020年4月29日 品番・価格: Blu-ray:CRXP-10007 / ¥5,980(税込) DVD:CRBP-10066 / ¥4,980(税込) 収録内容: ※Blu-ray&DVD共通 2020年2月14日 BAND-MAID WORLD DOMINATION TOUR 【進化】at LINE CUBE SHIBUYA(渋谷公会堂) 1. 輪廻 2. Blooming 3. Screaming 4. Dilemma 5. glory 6. FREEDOM 7. Choose me 8. PAGE 9. Mirage 10. カタルシス 11. Bubble 12. The Dragon Cries 13. I can't live without you. 14. TIME 15. Wonderland 16. alone 17. DICE 18. Don't you tell ME 19. Play 20. DOMINATION 21. endless Story ボーナス映像: ・BAND-MAID WORLD DOMINATION TOUR 【進化】at LINE CUBE SHIBUYA(渋谷公会堂)メイキング映像 ・BAND-MAID WORLD DOMINATION TOUR 【進化】at LINE CUBE SHIBUYA(渋谷公会堂)BAND-MAIDメンバーによる副音声収録 ※CDショップ/ECサイト別特典 ■タワーレコード (オンラインを含む):B2サイズアートワークポスター① ■HMV(一部店舗を除く) / HMV&BOOKS Online:B2サイズアートワークポスター② ■Amazon.co.jp:ビジュアルシート オリジナルVer. ■Wonder
German, like any other language, has particular words and expressions that can be used in more than one way. These include the short but tricky Wörter known as “particles” or “fillers.” I call them “small words that can cause big problems.” Simple-Looking German Particles That Are Actually Tricky German words such as aber, auch, denn, doch, halt, mal, nur, schon and even ja look deceptively simple, but are often a source of errors and misunderstanding for even intermediate learners of German. The main source of problems is the fact that each one of these words can have multiple meanings and functions in different contexts or situations. Take the word aber. Most often it is encountered as a ​coordinating conjunction, as in: Wir wollten heute fahren, aber unser Auto ist kaputt. (“We wanted to go/drive today, but our car is broken down.”) In that context, aber functions like any of the coordinating conjunctions (aber, denn,oder, und). But aber can also be used as a particle: Das ist aber nicht mein Auto. (“That is, however, not my car.”) Or: Das war aber sehr hektisch. (“That was really very hectic.”) Another characteristic that such particle-word examples make clear is that it is often difficult to translate the German word into an English word. German aber, contrary to what your first-year German teacher told you, does not always equal “but”! In fact, the Collins/PONS German-English dictionary uses one-third of a column for all of the uses of aber. Depending on how it is being used, the word aber can mean: but, and, at all, however, really, just, isn't it?, haven't you?, come on now or why. The word can even be a noun: Die Sache hat ein Aber. (“There's just one snag.” - das Aber) or Kein Aber! (“No ifs, ands or buts!”) In fact, a German dictionary rarely offers much help in dealing with particles. They are so idiomatic that it is often impossible to translate them, even if you understand German pretty well. But throwing them into your German (as long as you know what you're doing!) can make you sound more natural and native-like. To illustrate, let's use another example, the often over-used mal. How would you translate Sag mal, wann fliegst du? or Mal sehen.? In neither case would a good English translation actually bother to translate mal (or some of the other words) at all. With such idiomatic usage, the first translation would be “Say (Tell me), when does your flight leave?” The second phrase would be “We'll see” in English. The word mal is actually two words. As an adverb, it has a mathematical function: fünf mal fünf(5×5). But it is as a particle and a shortened form of einmal (once), that mal is most often used in day-to-day conversation, as in Hör mal zu! (Listen!) or Kommt mal her! (Come over here!). If you listen carefully to German-speakers, you'll discover that they can hardly say anything without throwing in a mal here and there. (But it's not nearly as irritating as the use of “Ya know” in English!) So if you do the same (at the right time and in the right place!), you'll sound just like a German! Uses of the German Word "Doch!" The German word doch is so versatile that it can also be dangerous. But knowing how to use this word properly can make you sound like a true German (or Austrian or German Swiss)! Let's start with the basics: ja, nein …and doch! Of course, two of the first words you ever learned in German were ja and nein. You probably knew those two words before you began studying German! But they aren't enough. You also need to know doch. The use of doch to answer a question is not actually a particle function, but it is important. (We'll get back to doch as a particle in a moment.) English may have the largest vocabulary of any world language, but it doesn't have a single word for doch as an answer. When you answer a question negatively or positively, you use nein/no or ja/yes, whether inDeutsch or English. But German adds a third one-word option, do
Pat Hickey (above) is taken from the Hospital Samaritano Barra in a wheelchair to a waiting police car in Rio de Janeiro. Photo: Brendan Moran Hey, Felipe, that was you on Wednesday morning, right? Holding the camera as the police entered the lobby of the Windsor Marapendi hotel? Filming the pictures as they crossed the marble floors from reception to the elevators? Capturing the moment when they reached the executive floor and marched purposefully down the corridor to the bedroom door. "Knock knock." Well, Felipe, pardon my Portuguese but I just wanted to say "muito, muito, obrigado" - thank you very, very much for restoring my faith in Rio and making this my all-time favourite Olympic Games. Two weeks ago, I wanted nothing to do with that putrid circus and nothing - not Bolt, not Phelps, not Farah - was going to change that. But "parabens pelo otimo trabalho" - congratulations on a great job - because the pictures, your pictures, made me almost wish I was there. Nine cameramen out of ten would have settled for those stills of his passport and his accreditation badge, and the plump pillows of his lavishly furnished bedroom, and his first-class ticket - a snip at £12,000 - to Rio with BA. Not you, Felipe, you kept the camera rolling. "Knock, knock." Expand Close The Bangu Prison where Hickey is being held. Photo: Stephen McCarthy/Sportsfile SPORTSFILE / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp The Bangu Prison where Hickey is being held. Photo: Stephen McCarthy/Sportsfile Pat Hickey opens the door: "Hello?" A police officer steps forward with a warrant for his arrest: "Pat?" Hickey is shocked: "Yes." He is also naked: "Excuse me." He retreats to the bathroom and searches for a robe. And that's your moment of genius, Felipe, that's the moment that wins you the Oscar because nine guys out of ten would not have had the stomach for what happened next: "Nunca mais." No more. "Basta." That's enough. Not you, Felipe. You've no idea who Pat Hickey is, or what the allegations are, but you've been watching these fat cats for a week, bleeding your country for money, lording it over your people - the cleaners and the volunteers - with their chauffeur-driven cars and lavish ($900) daily allowances. And it's this sense of injustice that keeps your finger on record and makes you follow him into the bathroom. And maybe that's not fair, Felipe, but fair is not your business and it's only when the pictures go viral, and your phone starts ringing, that you realise you've just captured the enduring image of the Games - not Bolt, sprinting for another gold medal; not Phelps, making history in the pool; not Farah and his litany of dodgy coaches - but a wrinkled old man reaching for a bathrobe. O seu flacido rabo branco. His flabby white ass. O emperador sem roupa. The emperor with no clothes. I, Patricus Gibney showered the girl with attention. He promised her he would make her a star. He gave her gifts of swimming togs and tracksuits and hats and goggles. He hugged her every time she swam well. At the national championships, she streaked home first in four races. She was 16 years old and poised to be selected for the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992. Justine McCarthy 'Deep Deception' In July 2001, Pat Hickey received a death threat from a group called the Liberation Army of Tibet, who were aggrieved that the IOC had just awarded the 2008 Olympic Games to Beijing. Why they chose to target the Irishman on the committee remains a mystery, but Hickey has always had a talent for rubbing people up the wrong way. More than 400 athletes have represented Ireland at the Olympics since 1989, when Hickey became president of the OCI, but has there been a single expression of support for him last week? Not that I've seen. Our politicians don't like him; he has few friends at the Sports Council and is despised by the media. Which begs the question, I guess. How did Pat Hickey become the most hated man in Irish sport? Read More The son of a clerk, he was born in 1945 and raised in the Dublin suburb of Phibsboro where his boyhood
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Por que o gol olímpico é tão raro em Copa do Mundo Crédito, Getty Images Legenda da foto, Um gol marcado diretamente a partir de uma cobrança de escanteio não acontece no Mundial desde 1962 Gol de cabeça. Gol de letra. Gol de falta. Gol de cobertura. Gol irregular. Gol contra. Gol de placa. Gol de pênalti. Há muitas formas de se fazer um gol no futebol, mas, de todas, existe uma que você dificilmente verá na Copa do Mundo da Rússia: o gol olímpico, aquele que é marcado diretamente a partir de uma cobrança de escanteio - e que não acontece há 56 anos no Mundial. O primeiro e último gol olímpico já registrado durante uma Copa do Mundo foi marcado no Chile, pelo colombiano Marcos Coll (1935-2017), em junho de 1962. Foi há tanto tempo que a adversária era a seleção da extinta União Soviética e a competição passava em preto e branco na TV. A origem do nome adotado para esse tipo de lance foi baseada em uma ironia. Em 1924, um jogador da Argentina marcou um gol direto do escanteio pela primeira vez, contra o Uruguai, que era então o campeão olímpico. Também ironicamente, desde então, só houve um único gol desse tipo na história das Olimpíadas: em Londres-2012, durante a semifinal do futebol feminino. Depois da partida, a meio-campista americana Megan Rapino disse que se tratou, na verdade, de um acidente: a intenção era acertar o chute dentro da área. Mas por que o gol olímpico é tão raro não só em grandes torneios, mas no futebol em geral? A resposta envolve ciência, habilidade e um pouco de sorte, contam à BBC News Brasil dois físicos especializados em esporte e um ex-jogador de futebol conhecido por fazer gols olímpicos: O efeito Magnus O gol olímpico é uma aparente impossibilidade - mas, graças à física, deixa de ser impossível para ser tornar apenas improvável. O jogador está na mesma linha das traves ao bater um escanteio e não pode simplesmente chutar direto para o gol. Ele precisa tentar acertar um alvo que não consegue ver. A saída é apurar a mira e acertar a bola de um jeito que a faça girar lateralmente. É o chamado chute de trivela. Crédito, Getty Images Legenda da foto, Na mesma linha das traves, o jogador precisa tentar acertar um alvo que não consegue ver O jogador não pode, portanto, acertar o centro da bola, senão ela irá apenas para frente. Ele deve acertar um dos cantos inferiores. No direito, a bola sai girando em sentido anti-horário e no sentido horário se for no esquerdo. "O giro faz com que a bola faça uma curva no ar e vá em direção ao gol. É o chamado efeito Magnus", explica John Eric Goff, professor de Física da Universidade de Lynchburg, nos Estados Unidos, e autor de Física da Medalha de Ouro: a ciência dos esportes (John Hopkins University Press, 2009). O fenômeno ganhou esse nome do fís
I was helped by Prof. Jerzy Chmielowski,Chairman of the Department of Biochemistry of the Slask Institute of Technology in Gliwice, Poland, who is trying to erect a memorial plaque on the edifice of the former Weigl's Institute at the corner of Mikolaja and Dlugosza Streets in Lwów, Poland (presently Lviv, Ukraine), by Dr. Liliana Nitecka of Midwestern University, Chicago, and by my cousin, Dr. Romana Tuma (nee Bogdanska), one of the "feeders" and presently a retired ophthalmologist in Florida. Literature Cited Albert, Z. (Wrzesinski W., Ed.) (1989a). Kazn Profesorow Lwowskich, Lipiec 1941 (Massacre od Lwowian Professors, July 1941) Wroclaw University Publ., Wroclaw 1989, (383 pp.). Albert, Z. (1989b). The extermination of Lwów professors in July 1941. In: Albert, Z. (Wrzesinski W., Ed.) Kazn Profesorow Lwowskich, Lipiec 1941 (Massacre od Lwowian Professors, July 1941) Wroclaw University Publ., Wroclaw 1989, pp. 69 - 99 (in English, German and Russian). A Monograph. (1994). "Rudolf Stefan Weigl (1883-1957)". Muzeum Arsenal Publ., Wroclaw, ul. Cieszynskiego 9, Poland (in Polish). Anigstein, L. (Ed.). (1947). A symposium of Polish medical contributions in World War II. Texas Rep. Biol. Med. 5: 155-187. Becla, E. (1974). Effect of oxytetracycline on the growth curve of Rickettsia prowazekii in the organism of the body louse (Pediculus humanus corporis L.) and Ornithodoros moubata tick (Murray). Chemotherapy 20: 342-349. Becla, E. and Krynski, S. (1972). The effect of some antibiotics on Rickettsia prowazeki and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in body louse Pediculus humanus humanus L. Wiad. Parazytol. 8: 599-603. Chodzko, W. (1933). Expérience polonaise de la vaccination préventive contre le typhus exenthématique d'apres la methode de Weigl. Bull. OfficeInternat. d' Hyg. Pub. 25: 1549-1558 (Sept. 1933). Cieszynski, T. (1994). [Accomplishments of Rudolf Weigl, as offered to Poland and to the World]. in A Monograph "Rudolf Stefan Weigl (1883-1957)" pp. 19-24 (in Polish). Finkel, A. (1932). Cytological blood profile for louse feeders (Obraz cytologiczny krwi u ludzi karmiacych wszy). Med. Dosw. i Spoleczna. 18: 257-274 (in Polish). Fleck, L. (1947). Specific antigenic substances in the urine of typhus patients. Texas Rep. Biol. Med. 5: 168-172. Herzig, A. (1939). Eine neue Rickettsia-Species der Laus, der Erreger einer spontan aufgetretenen epidemischen Erkrankung des Menschen. Zentralbl. f. Bakt.(Orig.) 143: 299-302. Hirszfeld, L. (1989) Historia jednego życia (History of one life). Second Edition, Instytut Wydawniczy Pax, Warszawa. ISBN 83-211-12034-7. Kopanski, A. B. (1997). Ethnic cleansing and Soviet crimes against humanity. Murders of Poles in Katyn. The Barnes Review, December, 1997 (see also references in: http://www.maloca.com/katyn.htm). Krynski, S. (1967a). Rudolf Weigl (1883-1957) Med. Dosw. Mikrobiol. 19: 233-239. Krynski, S. (1967b). Rudolf Weigl: 50 years of Rickettsia prowazekii culture in lice. Wiad. Parazytol. 13: 361-362. Krynski, S. (1967
c). Bacterial infections in lice injected by Weigl method. Acta Neuroveg. (Wien). 30: 615-618. Krynski, S. (1987). [Stanislawa Woyciechowska (1905-1986)]. Med. Dosw. Mikrobiol. 39: 208-210 (in Polish). Krynski, S. (1997). Reminiscences of an old professor: Page twenty eight. Gazeta AMG (Akad. Med. Gdansk, Poland), No. 8: 15-16 (in Polish). Krynski, S. and Becla, E. (1964). Infection of body louse with Pasteurella pseudotuberculosis after intrarectal inoculation. J. Infect. Dis. 114: 379-385. Krynski, S., Becla, E. and Machel. M. (1974). Weigl's method of intrarectal inoculation of lice in production of typhus vaccine and experimental works with Rickettsia prowazekii. Ann. Acad. Med. Gedan. (Medical Academy in Gdansk, Poland) 4: 19-51. [contains 76 references] Krynski, S., Mollaret, H.H. and Becla, E. (1966). L'inoculation de Yersinia enterocolitica par voie intrarectal che le pou. Ann. Inst. Pasteur (Paris). 110: 779-784. Maramorosch, K. and Jernberg, N. (1970). An adjustable multiple insect holder for microinjection. J. Econ. Entomology 63: 1216-1218. Mariani, G. (1939). (Addis Ababa): Vaccinazioni contro il tifo esantematico eseguite nel 1938 sull'altipiano Etiopico con il vaccino Weigl. Ann. d'Igien. (Rome) 49: 316-322 (May, 1939). Mosing, H. (1947). Methods of evaluation of typhus vaccine potency. Texas Rep. Biol. Med. 5: 173-176. Nespiak, D. and Ojrzynski, Z. (1994). Citizen of Lwów and the Pole by choice - professor Rudolf Stefan Weigl. in A Monograph "Rudolf Stefan Weigl (1883-1957)" pp. 7-9 (in Polish). Radlo, P. (1937). Observation sur la vaccination contre le typhus exanthématique par vaccin de Weigl. Arch. Inst. Pasteur (Tunis) 26: 667-670. Rutten, J. (1936). La mortalité des missionaires avant et apre l'emploi du vaccin de Weigl. Dossiers de la Commission Synodale a Peking. pp. 183-end. Rutten, J. (1943). Dernier résultats de vaccinations contre le typhus. Dossiers de la Commissions Synodale a Peking. pp. 79-end. Sikora, H. (1915). Beiträge zur Biologie von Pediculus vestimenti.. Centralbl. f. Bakt. Abt. Originale. 76: 523-537. Sikora, H. (1917). Zur Kleiderlaus-Kopflausfrage. Archiv Schiffs- und Tropen-Hygiene 21: 275-284. Sikora, H. (1924). Der gegenwärtige Stand der Rickettsia-Forschung. Bemerkungen zur der gleichnamigen Arbeit von Weigl in Jg. 3, Nr. 35, S. 1590 u. Nr. 36, S. 1636 dieser Wochenschrift. Klin. Wochenschr. 3: 2008-2009. Snyder, J. C. (1948). The typhus fevers. In: Rivers, T. M.: Viral and Rickettsial Infections of Man. Lippincott Co. Publ., Philadelphia, pp. 162-492. Starzyk, J. (1938). Vitalité, virulence et povoir immunisant de Rickettsia prowazekii conservés an dehors de l'organisme du pou. Arch. Inst. Pasteur (Tunis) 27: 263-281. Stuchly, Z. (
'To Kill a Mockingbird,' 'Babymetal' GNs Debut on the Chart NPD BookScan Top 20 Manga Graphic Novels – November 2018 (10/28/18 - 12/1/18) Rank Title Author Publisher 1 MY HERO ACADEMIA VOL. 1 KOHEI HORIKOSHI VIZ MEDIA 2 MY HERO ACADEMIA VOL. 15 KOHEI HORIKOSHI VIZ MEDIA 3 MY HERO ACADEMIA VOL. 2 KOHEI HORIKOSHI VIZ MEDIA 4 RWBY: OFFICIAL MANGA ANTHOLOGY VOL. 3 VARIOUS VIZ MEDIA 5 MY HERO ACADEMIA VOL. 3 KOHEI HORIKOSHI VIZ MEDIA 6 MY HERO ACADEMIA VOL. 14 KOHEI HORIKOSHI VIZ MEDIA 7 THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: TWILIGHT PRINCESS VOL. 4 AKIRA HIMEKAWA VIZ MEDIA 8 DRAGON BALL: THAT TIME I GOT REINCARNATED AS YAMCHA! AKIRA TORIYAMA VIZ MEDIA 9 ONE PIECE VOL. 88 EIICHIRO ODA VIZ MEDIA 10 MOB PSYCHO 100 VOL. 1 ONE DARK HORSE 11 MY HERO ACADEMIA VOL. 4 KOHEI HORIKOSHI VIZ MEDIA 12 MY HERO ACADEMIA: VIGILANTES VOL. 2 HIDEYUKI FURUHASHI VIZ MEDIA 13 FRANKENSTEIN: JUNJI ITO STORY COLLECTION HC JUNJI ITO VIZ MEDIA 14 MY HERO ACADEMIA VOL. 5 KOHEI HORIKOSHI VIZ MEDIA 15 RWBY: OFFICIAL MANGA ANTHOLOGY VOL. 1 VARIOUS VIZ MEDIA 16 GOBLIN SLAYER VOL. 4 KUMO KAGYU YEN PRESS 17 RWBY: OFFICIAL MANGA ANTHOLOGY VOL 2 VARIOUS VIZ MEDIA 18 TOKYO GHOUL VOL. 1 SUI ISHIDA VIZ MEDIA 19 TOKYO GHOUL: RE VOL. 7 SUI ISHIDA VIZ MEDIA 20 MY HERO ACADEMIA VOL. 6 KOHEI HORIKOSHI VIZ MEDIA Source: The NPD Group/BookScan From Watchmen to Fun Home to Dragon Ball, there are plenty of old standards on the charts of the top 20 adult graphic novels by category based on NPD BookScan data for November (10/28/18-12/1/18) provided to ICv2. But some newer titles make their mark as well, including a new manga series by the creator of One-Punch Man and a graphic biography of the band Babymetal. VIZ Media continues its domination of the manga chart, with 18 out of the 20 titles, spread among My Hero Academia (eight volumes), RWBY: Official Manga Anthology (three volumes) and a scattering of other titles. The sole Dark Horse Comics title, volume 1 of Mob Psycho 100, is by ONE, the creator of One-Punch Man, and probably benefits from his fandom.Dragon Ball: That Time I Got Reincarnated as Yamcha, is almost fanfic, although it’s by Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama: It’s a story about a Dragon Ball fan who dies on his way to a Dragon Ball event and comes back as Yamcha, a Dragon Ball character who has a somewhat checkered reputation. The appetite of Dragon Ball fans seems to be boundless.If there’s a head-scratcher on this chart, it’s volume 4 of Goblin Slayer. This is the first time this Yen Press series, which is an adaptation of a light novel, has shown up on the BookScan top 20. The anime, which started streaming on Crunchyroll in October, may be bringing more attention to the series. Batman: White Knight leads the superhero chart; this trade is one of the first titles to be released under DC’s new Black Label imprint, which will feature stories that are outside the regular DC continuity (see "DC Begins Rebranding Old Material as Black Label"). The imprint will pop up more often, as DC plans to add perennial best-sellers Watchmen and Batman: The Killing Joke to the imprint as well (see "DC Expands Black Label Line for 2019"). DC Comics has nine titles on the chart, Marvel has six, and Dark Horse Comics has two. The Overwatch anthology is the sole game-based title, but there are several TV tie-ins as well as the Star Wars book. NPD BookScan Top 20 'Superhero' Graphic Novels – November 2018 (10/28/18 - 12/1/18)
Mercado de fichajes: El frenético cierre en la Premier Fichajes Todas las altas, bajas,renovaciones, rumores... TE PUEDE INTERESAR Finalizamos una jornada frenética marcada por el cierre de mercado en la Premier League. Mucha actividad en los clubes ingleses, aunque finalmente no se ha producido el fichaje bomba que todos esperamos. Esto ha sido lo más destacado. - David Luiz deja finalmente el Chelsea para firmar por el Arsenal. Los Gunners han pagado 8,7 millones de euros por el central brasileño. -El Tottenham hace oficial la llegada de Lo Celso. El club inglés pagará 16 millones al Betis por la cesión del centrocampista y se guarda una opción de compra por el 80% del pase por valor de 41 kilos. - Lukaku deja el Manchester United para firmar por el Inter de Milán. El United percibirá cerca de 70 millones de euros por el delantero belga. -El Manchester City de Guardila se hace con la cesión del guardameta Scott Carson. El veteranop jugador del Derby County llega al City como tercer portero. - Neymar se queda como único galáctico en el mercado para el Real Madrid. El conjunto blanco no pudo convencer al Manchester uUnited para que le vendiese a Paul Pogba. 21:07 horas. Por fin se ha hecho oficial. David Luiz ya es nuevo jugador del Arsenal. El brasileño abandona el Chelsea para ponerse a las órdenes de Unai Emery. Leer noticia completa. 20:46 horas. Atención a la noticia de apertura en MARCA.com. Paul Pogba se queda finalmente en el Manchester United. El único objetivo galáctico que queda en el mercado en Neymar Junior. 20:32 horas. Celta de Vigo y Osasuna cerraron este jueves un acuerdo para el traspaso al club navarro del defensa argentino Facundo Roncaglia, según informó la entidad celeste a través de un comunicado de prensa. Roncaglia, que jugó cedido desde enero en el Valencia, no entraba en los planes de Escribá. 20:15 horas. El Leicester ha cerrado la incorporación de Dennis Praet. El conjunto inglés ha pagado a las Sampdoria cerca de 20 millones por el centrocampista. Praet firma un contrato de cinco temporadas de duración. 19:59 horas. Sergi González se marcha cedido al NK Istra. El lateral izquierdo del Alavés jugará esta temporada en la liga croata. 19:53 horas. Muhamed Besic deja el Everton para fichar por el Sheffield United. Ha sido cedido por una temporada. 19:35 horas. El Sheffield United ha hecho oficial el fichaje del guardameta Michael Verrips. El holandés estaba jugando hasta ahora en el KV Mechelen de la Jupiler League de Bélgica. 19:07 horas. Estos son los cuatro fichajes de la Premier que faltan por confirmarse: David Luiz al Arsenal, Alex Iwobi al Everton, Mo Besic al Sheffield United y Kevin Danso al Southampton. 18:53 horas. Danny Drinkwater se marcha cedido al Burnely hasta el próximo 6 de enero. En ese momento, el central regresará al Chelsea, club que tiene sus derechos hasta junio de 2022. Drinkwater: Im Raring To Gohttps://t.co/xkH48krwZx? Burnley FC (@BurnleyOfficial) August 8, 2019 The central midfielder, 29, has been capped three times by England. 18:47 horas. Nuevo fichaj
alrededor de 20 millones de euros. 10:55 El Aston Villa ha anunciado la renovación de contrato del mediocampista John McGinn. El futbolista escocés de 24 años continuará ligado al club inglés hasta 2024. 10:48 El Rayo Vallecano quiere a Ignasi Miquel en su vuelta a Segunda División y las posturas entre el central, el cuadro azulón, y el vallecano, están muy avanzadas. El club dirigido por Ángel Torres podría aceptar que salga cedido. 10:31 El Inter de Milán no para. Tras cerrar el fichaje de Lukaku, está cerca de cerrar el de Dzeko por una cantidad algo inferior a los 20 millones de euros según 'La Gazzetta dello Sport'. Pero no acaba todo aquí, según varios medios italianos, el conjunto italiano ofrecerá al Barcelona 20 millones de euros por Arturo Vidal. 10:14 Como ya informábamos ayer, David Luiz está apunto de cambiar el Chelsea por el Arsenal. El central brasileño parece que va a lograr su objetivo por tanto. El acuerdo se cerrará por una cifra cercana a los 10 millones de euros. 10:10 El West Ham de Pellegrini es uno de los primeros en reforzarse en el último día de mercado en el fútbol inglés. Ha anunciado el fichaje del delantero Albian Ajeti de Basilea por alrededor de ocho millones de libras. We are delighted to announce the signing of 22-year-old Switzerland international striker Albian Ajeti from FC Basel! #WelcomeAjetihttps://t.co/ePuZfnECyW? West Ham United (@WestHamUtd) August 8, 2019 10:06 Espectacular la expectación que ha provocado la llegada de Romelu Lukaku a Milán. Así han recibido los aficionados del Inter al delantero belga en el aeropuerto esta madrugada: ¡¡Vaya si ilusiona!! Menudo recibimiento de los hinchas del Inter a Lukaku en Milán pic.twitter.com/5P1tVwdF40? MARCA (@marca) August 8, 2019 09:59 ¡Ojo! El Tottenham además de estar cerca de adquirir a Lo Celso, ha llegado a un acuerdo con la Juventus para la compra de otro argentino, Paulo Dybala, que llegaría por 70 millones de euros. Según la BBC solo falta que el jugador se ponga de acuerdo con el club londinense. 09:52 El Everton sigue buscando reforzar su plantilla con jugadores de nivel. El conjunto inglés está interesado en fichar a Marcos Rojo del Manchester United que con la contratación de Maguirre parece no tener sitio en Old Trafford. 09:46 Infroma Calciomercato que el Atalanta está sondeando la posibilidad de hacerse con los servicios del central del Celta Facundo Roncaglia, por lo que a Osasuna le sale un duro competidor en la Serie A. 09:40 Giovi Lo Celso ya está en Londres para cerrar su llegada al Tottenham. El acuerdo final podría ser una cesión con opción de compra de una cifra cercana a los 60 millones de euros. 09:36 Este es el resumen de lo más destacado del mercado de fichajes en la jornada de ayer. 09:32 ¡BUENOS DÍAS! Comenzamos con el directo del mercado de fichajes donde os iremos informando de todos los movimientos que se vayan produciendo en los principales clubes de fútbol. Las nuevas altas, las
HARCÈLEMENT DE RUE - "Je sais ce que je voudrais faire avec toi, bébé." "Hmmm, tu veux un baiser?" "Sexy! Tu veux monter dans ma voiture?" Ces remarques, Noa Jansma ne les entend que trop souvent. Et elle a finalement décidé d'y faire face. Pour dénoncer le harcèlement de rue, l'étudiante d'Amsterdam, âgée de 20 ans, a eu l'idée de poser pour un selfie avec tous ceux qui la sifflaient, l'interpellaient par des remarques salaces, déplacées. Pendant ce mois de septembre 2017, elle a posté ces photos sur un compte Instagram, dearcatcallers -chers harceleurs- repéré par la page Facebook L'Empêcheuse de tourner en rond. En un peu plus d'un mois, 19.600 personnes se sont abonnées à son compte. "Puisque beaucoup de personnes ne savent toujours pas avec quelle fréquence et dans quel contexte le harcèlement arrive, je montrerai mes harceleurs pendant un mois entier", écrit-elle dans la publication qui présente son projet. #dearcatcallers Une publication partagée par dearcatcallers (@dearcatcallers) le 29 Août 2017 à 6h34 PDT "Souvent, les femmes ne savent pas répondre à un commentaire sexiste", explique-t-elle au site Redpers. "Poursuivre sa route semble être la seule solution, mais cela n'a aucune conséquence pour les harceleurs. Parfois je leur faisais un doigt d'honneur, mais je me sentais bête après. Je voulais faire quelque chose qui me donne du pouvoir sur eux." Alors que deux jeunes la filment dans un train, à grand renfort de remarques sexuelles, l'idée de les photographier lui passe par la tête. "J'ai longtemps marché avec cette idée en tête, je n'osais pas faire le premier pas", raconte l'étudiante au site Het Parool. "Mais quand j'ai demandé à un homme de venir avec moi faire une photo, il a répondu avec enthousiasme." Pour tous ces hommes, le harcèlement est normal Elle lance alors, à la fin du mois d'août, le compte instagram de ses exploits. Les photos s'accumulent. A chaque fois, elle pose, avec une expression neutre, au premier plan. Et derrière elle, un, deux, trois hommes, jeunes ou plus âgés, sourient face à l'objectif. "Beaucoup de mes amis ne me croyaient pas quand je leurs disais que cela arrivait si souvent." Elle leur en donne ainsi la preuve, par l'image. #dearcatcallers "hmmmm you wanna kiss?" A post shared by dearcatcallers (@dearcatcallers) on Sep 14, 2017 at 8:32am PDT En un mois, un seul de ces hommes a demandé pourquoi elle voulait se prendre en photo avec lui. Et c'est précisément là qu'est le problème, d'après Noa Jansma. "Ils ne sont pas du tout méfiants parce qu'ils trouvent ce qu'ils font tout à fait normal." #dearcatcallers Une publication partagée par dearcatcallers (@dearcatcallers) le 29 Août 2017 à 6h33 PDT Si les 24 photos publiées pendant ce mois de septembre donnent une idée de la fréqu
Evelin Lakatoš (11), mlada violinistkinja iz Subotice, osvaja nagrade i niže uspehe na muzičkoj sceni. Njena virtuoznost čudna je samo onom ko ne zna da joj je deda jedan od naših najpoznatijih violinista. Evelin Lakatoš, koja je poslednju u nizu zlatnih nagrada osvojila na Festivalu muzičkih i baletskih škola, unuka je proslavljenog violiniste Ignaca Šena, majstora koji je svirao u pratnji Đorđa Balaševića, Zvonka Bogdana i drugih muzičara i za koga je Balašević rekao da je „promenio njegove pesme“. Tako je Evelin sedma generacija sjajnih violinista iz porodice Šen, a njeni roditelji kažu da bi deda sad bio najponosniji na nju. Ignac Šen, član Velikog narodnog orkestra RTV, rođen je i sahranjen u Bačkom Gradištu, a živeo je i u Novom Sadu i Subotici, gde se njegova ćerka Julija udala za Mihalja Lakatoša i gde su rođena njegova unučad, a među njima i Evelin. Svira od malih nogu Poput dede Ignaca, jedina se Evelin od malih nogu ne odvaja od violine i svakog dana, kao što je to činio i njen deda, čuveni virtuoz, svira po nekoliko sati. – Moj otac Ignac završio je Muzičku školu u Bečeju. Pričali su mi da je kao dete umesto gudala „svirao“ varjačom, a to je radila i Evelin, koja se igrala violinom umesto lutkama. Ignac je već sa 13 godina ostao bez oca, pa je morao da izdržava porodicu, ali je uspeo da razvija i talenat i sa 17 godina je postao koncertmajstor i član Velikog orkestra. Dugo je sarađivao sa Balaševićem i njihov prvi zajednički hit bio je „Devojka sa čardaš nogama“. Svirao je svuda po svetu i postao je veoma poznat. Sigurna sam da će Evelin dostići njegovu slavu – kaže Julija, ćerka Ignaca Šena i majka male Evelin. Julija se seća da je njeno detinjstvo obeležila očeva muzika koja je od jutra do večeri, ako nije imao nastup, dopirala iz njegove sobe. Čim bi ustao, uzeo bi gudalo i svakog dana najmanje pet sati svirao je srpske, mađarske, romske kompozicije, klasiku, evergrin, džez, a često je puštao video-snimke svog idola Šandora Lakatoša i skidao njegovu muziku. Ista deda – Moj otac je bio univerzalan kada je u pitanju muzika, a njega i njegovu violinu su voleli svi, ne samo u Vojvodini i Srbiji već i u inostranstvu. Bio je čvrst pri stavu da žene ne treba da sviraju, zbog �
For several centuries after the Arab conquest, some communities of native Christians remained in the southern part of Tunisia, without receiving external assistance to revive their faith. The oases of Jarîd and Nafzâwa, controlled by Ibadite Muslims, certainly constitued the last refuge for those North-African Christians. Many contemporary historians consider that they could live on until the 14 th or even until the 18 th century. The analysis of the Arabic sources they interpret shows that those texts do not give any evidence of such an extreme longevity. It is more than likely that the Christians disappeared from the oases about the middle of the 13 th century, at the same time as the Ibadites to which their fate was closely related. Pendant plusieurs siècles après la conquête arabe, des communautés de chrétiens autochtones se sont maintenues dans le Sud tunisien, sans bénéficier d’apports extérieurs venus raviver leur foi. Les oasis du Djérid et du Nafzâwa, dominées par les musulmans ibadites, ont certainement constitué la dernière retraite de ces chrétiens nord-africains. De nombreux historiens contemporains considèrent qu’ils ont pu subsister jusqu’au XIV e et parfois même jusqu’au XVIII e siècle. L’analyse des sources arabes sur lesquelles ils se fondent démontre que ces textes ne fournissent aucune preuve de leur extrême longévité. Il est bien plus probable que les chrétiens ont disparu des oasis vers le milieu du XIII e siècle, en même temps que les ibadites auquel leur sort a été fortement lié. 21Nous pensons donc, après avoir démontré le caractère très hypothétique des arguments fournis par Ibn Khaldûn, que les chrétiens des oasis ont disparu vers le milieu du xiii e siècle. Cette datation s’accorde parfaitement avec le témoignage d’Ibn al-Shabbâṭ qui note, dans la seconde moitié de ce siècle, des emplacements d’églises en ruine mais ne signale plus de chrétiens. Bien qu’il faille reconsidérer l’exceptionnelle longévité qu’on leur a généralement prêtée, les communautés chrétiennes locales du Djérid et du Nafzâwa semblent bien avoir été les dernières communautés d’Afrique du Nord à se maintenir sans apport extérieur, ce qui peut certainement s’expliquer par leur présence en terre ibadite. 20Les chrétiens et les ibadites s’éteignent à une époque sensiblement identique. Nous avons étudié ailleurs dans quelles circonstances les ibadites ont disparu du Djérid et du Nafzâwa. À l’exception des luttes qui opposaient les différents groupes ibadites, les deux raisons principales qui ont provoqué leur extinction peuvent manifestement expliquer la disparition des derniers chrétiens. D’une part, la guerre violente qui a opposé les Almohades aux Banû Ghâniya a eu pour conséquence la destruction ou l’abandon de plusieurs villages, tant dans le Djérid que dans le Nafzâwa. L’exemple le plus remarquable en est l’ancien évêché de Turris Tamalleni, Ṭurra, ruiné en 601/1204-1205. Ce long conflit nuit fortement à l’économie de la région : sa prédominance commerciale diminue au profit de villes situées plus profondément dans le désert, où migrent sans doute de nombreux oasiens. D’autre part, après la conquête almohade, les ibadites sub
-Wahhâb, Tunis, Imprimerie officielle, 1958, p. 160. Joseph Cuoq, L’Église d’Afrique du Nord du IIe au XIIe siècle, Paris, Le Centurion, 1984, p. 117, évoque « un christianisme plus ou moins répandu, plus ou moins authentiquement professé, imprégné de survivances des cultes animistes et naturistes de l’antique Berbérie ». Al-Mâlikî, op. cit., I, p. 270, rapporte que selon le cadi Abû Muḥriz, l’émir Ziyâdat Allâh se montrait injuste vis-à-vis des juifs et des chrétiens. Il ajoute, I, p. 476-477, qu’à la fin du IXe siècle, le cadi de Kairouan, ‘Abd Allâh ibn Aḥmad ibn Ṭâlib, impose aux juifs et aux chrétiens de porter sur leurs épaules des morceaux de tissu blanc, sur lesquels figurent un singe et un cochon. On cloue également sur les portes de leurs maisons des panneaux représentant des singes. Ces règles ont manifestement été très peu appliquées, même à Kairouan, et il n’existe aucune trace de leur exécution dans le Sud tunisien. Voir entre autres Mohammed-Tahar Mansouri, « Juifs et Chrétiens dans le Maghreb fatimide (909-969) », in M. Barrucand (dir.), L’Égypte fatimide, son art et son histoire. Actes du colloque de Paris (mai 1998), Presses de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 1999, p. 605-608 ; Hady Roger Idris, « Fêtes chrétiennes célébrées en Ifrîqiya à l’époque zîrîde », Revue Africaine, XCVIII (1954), p. 270-275. Il apparaît qu’en Irak au VIIe siècle, des liens privilégiés existent déjà entre les chrétiens et la communauté ibadite. Elizabeth Savage, A Gateway to Hell, a Gateway to Paradise, the North African Response to the Arab Conquest, Princeton, The Darwin Press, 1997, p. 91-97. Ibn al-Ṣaghîr, Akhbâr al-a’imma l-rustumiyyîn, éd. M. Talbi in Cahiers de Tunisie, XXIII (1975), p. 336, p. 346 et p. 359. Par ailleurs, Ibn al-Ṣaghîr note, p. 354, que les Nafûsa considèrent l’imam Abû l-Yaqẓân de la même façon que les chrétiens considèrent Jésus. Ibn al-Ṣaghîr, op. cit., p. 336-337. Tadeusz Lewicki, « Une communauté chrétienne dans l’oasis de Ouargla au Xe siècle », in Études maghrébines et soudanaises (I), Varsovie, Éditions Scientifiques de Pologne, 1976, p. 85-88. Abû Zakariyyâ’, Kitâb al-Sîra wa-akhbâr al-a’imma, éd. ‘A. Ayyûb, Tunis, Al-dâr al-tûnisiyya li-l-nashr, 1985, p. 259. Al-Shammâkhî, Kitâb al-Siyar, éd. partielle M. Ḥasan, Tunis, Kulliyat al-‘ulûm al-insâniyya wa-l-idjtimâ‘iyya, 1995, p. 154 et p. 175. Al-Shammâkhî, op. cit., p. 190. Charles
�un dialecte latin nord-africain était encore parlé au XIVe siècle dans le Nafzâwa. Sur une carte retraçant la disparition du christianisme, X. de Planhol, op. cit., p. 197, indique avec un point d’interrogation que des chrétiens auraient pu subsister jusqu’au XVIe siècle dans le Nafzâwa. Ibn al-Shabbâṭ, trad. dans H.R. Idris, « La vie intellectuelle », p. 105. Il est repris par al-Tidjânî, op. cit., p. 162 puis par Mawlâ Aḥmad, op. cit., p. 292. Adrien Berbrugger, « Itinéraires archéologiques en Tunisie », Revue Africaine, III (1858-1859), p. 20, qui se base sur l’interprétation du texte de Mawlâ Aḥmad. T. Lewicki, « Une langue romane oubliée », p. 460-461. Lucienne Saada, Éléments de description du parler arabe de Tozeur, Paris, Geuthner, 1984, p. 104. J. Oliver Asín, « En torno a las orígenes de Castilla : su toponimia en relación con los árabes y los beréberes », Al-Andalus, XXXVIII (1973), p. 370. François Jourdan, La tradition des sept dormants, Paris, Maisonneuve et Larose, 1983, p. 13-15. Henri Basset, Le culte des grottes au Maroc, Alger, Jules Carbonel, 1920, p. 28. Y. Moubarac, « Le culte liturgique et populaire des VII dormants martyrs d’Éphèse », Studia Missionalia, Rome, 1961, p. 40 et p. 42 ; F. Jourdan, op. cit., p. 147-148. La caverne la plus connue semble être celle située dans la montagne qui domine Taqyûs ; elle est décrite notamment par Mawlâ Aḥmad, op. cit., p. 286-287, et par A. Berbrugger, op. cit., p. 17. Zygmunt Komorowski, « Contribution à l’étude des traditions culturelles du Nord-Est maghrébin (les confins algéro-tunisiens) », Africana Bulletin, XXVII (1978), p. 23. Voir une autre interprétation de la légende dans l’Encyclopédie berbère, III, Aix-en-Provence, Édisud, 1986, p. 319. Puisqu’il n’y eut manifestement pas de traduction de la Bible et de la liturgie en berbère, les chrétiens maghrébins se sont retrouvés dépourvus de littérature religieuse dans une langue par eux compréhensible alors qu’en Orient, le christianisme s’est adapté aux langues locales comme le copte ou le syriaque. Ramón Lourido Diáz et Henri Teissier, El cristianismo en el norte de África, Madrid, Editorial MAPFRE, 1993, p. 52. M. Talbi, op. cit., p. 330-331. Ch.-E. Dufourcq, op. cit., p. 220, fait le lien entre la voie du secret/kitmân qu’ont dû adopter la plupart des ibadites pour subsister et la discrétion à laquelle ont été également contraints les chrétiens depuis l’apparition de l’islam. Il suppose qu’au contact des ibadites, les chrétiens ont pris l’habitude de dissimuler leurs croyances et qu’ainsi le christianisme « aurait disparu à la longue, enseveli dans son secret ». Mikel De Epalza
- La Procura svedese ha archiviato l'inchiesta nei confronti di Julian Assange. Il fondatore di Wikileaks, che da quasi cinque anni si trova nell'ambasciata dell'Ecuador a Londra, era accusato di stupro, ma il capo della Procura, Marianne Ny, ha annunciato la chiusura dell'indagine durata sette anni.La vicenda viene chiusa non perché non siano state trovate prove contro l'accusato, ma per l'impossibilità di procedere in sua assenza. È necessario, ha spiegato il magistrato, che "si possano notificare formalmente le accuse ad Assange. Da questo punto di vista non possiamo aspettarci un aiuto dall'Ecuador", Paese al quale Assange ha chiesto asilo politico, rifuggiandosi nell'edificio londinese. Dunque, per Ny "non vi è ragione di credere che la decisione di consegnarlo a noi possa essere messa in atto in un immediato futuro" e "poiché sono state esauriti tutti i margini esistenti per un approfondimento dell'inchiesta - ha sottolineato - non appare proporzionato mantenere il mandato di cattura in sua assenza". Detained for 7 years without charge by while my children grew up and my name was slandered. I do not forgive or forget. — Julian Assange (@JulianAssange) May 19, 2017 La decisione arriva alla vigilia dell'udienza del tribunale che dovrà decidere sul mandato di cattura internazionale emesso a suo tempo dalla Svezia e nella stessa settimana in cui è stata rilasciata Chelsea Manning, che aveva passato al blogger i file diplomatici poi pubblicati da Wikileaks."Sono stato detenuto per 7 anni senza un'accusa mentre i mie figli crescevano e il mio nome veniva diffamato. Non perdono né dimentico", ha scritto Assange su Twitter poche ore dopo. Poi, affaciandosi al balcone dell'ambasciata ha commentato quella che ritiene "una vittoria per me e per i diritti umani" nel mondo. Il fondatore di Wikileaks ha ricordato i suoi sette anni da recluso "senza incriminazione" formale come un caso di ingiustizia e ha insistito nel bollare l'inchiesta contro di lui come "politicamente motivata".Oggi, però, è solo l'inizio della vittoria: "la battaglia" per ottenere giustizia, sottolinea Assange, è appena "cominciata" e critica la Gran Bretagna, per aver fatto sapere di essere pronta ad arrestarlo comunque, e gli Usa, per le accuse rivolte dal capo della Cia, Mike Pompeo, a Wikileaks di essere una organizzazione di intelligence ostile. Accuse definite da lui "inaccettabili".In seguito alla diffusione della notizia, sul profilo Twitter di Assange è stata pubblicata anche una foto che ritrae il fondatore di Wikileaks sorridente. Per l'avvocato E. Samuelsson, il suo assistito può lasciare l'ambasciata "quando vuole. Abbiamo vinto il caso Assange. È contento e sollevato, ma critica il fatto che si sia tardato così tanto". Parlando all'emittente pubblica Radio Svezia, il legale ha chiarito che non si sa quando Assange potrà lasciare la sede diplomatica, ma ha aggiunto che la Svezia "non opporrà alcun ostacolo a che lo faccia" perché "è fuori dal gioco".Scioccata, invece, l'accusatrice di Assange. Tramite
io Pol Pot… ne počinju s prvim ispaljenim metkom, prvim udarcem. To kreće desetljećima ranije, u trenutku kad intelektualci, političari, pisci, novinari krenu promovirati ideju da su neki ljudi manje ljudi nego li drugi i da je okrutnost nužna u ime ideje nekakvog moralnog progresa. To je trenutak kad zlo nađe dom. Je li knjiga prevedena na japanski? - Imam u Japanu dobra izdavača, moje knjige su tamo čitane. Svaka koju napišem vrlo brzo bude prevedena. No, ovaj roman već tri i pol godine čeka doći na japansko tržište. Uzeli su ga prevoditi, ali rečeno mi je da je jako težak za prevesti. Prilično me to naljutilo, vjerujem da nije preveden iz političkih razloga. Iznenadilo vas je to? - Nisam bio sasvim iznenađen, ali sam bio jako razočaran. Jer, Japan je kao Australija ili Hrvatska, postoji dio ljudi koji glasa za nacionaliste, ali puno Japanaca ima snagu pogledati u vlastitu prošlost i nositi se s time, u namjeri da uče iz toga. Izdavač kaže da će biti objavljena ove godine. Ne objave li je do kraja 2017. morat ću poduzeti nešto. Pisao sam taj roman s velikim poštovanjem prema japanskoj kulturi, mislim da je japanska literatura jedna od najvećih na svijetu. Konačno, u toj knjizi se i vidi utjecaj japanskih autora. Nisam htio da to bude knjiga osude Japanaca. Pisac nije sudac. Gledao sam što je najljepše u japanskoj književnosti i kulturi, i to mi je dalo snagu pisati o jednoj od najgroznijih epizoda japanske povijesti bez da ih osuđujem. Nije to antijapanska nego antiratna knjiga, neprijateljska je jedino prema ratu. Kako se Japanci nose s vlastitim ratnim zločinima? Je li im MacArthur amnestijom cara učinio dobro ili je to bila medvjeđa usluga bivšem neprijatelju? - Kad je Njemačka poražena u Drugom svjetskom ratu ratni zločinci su procesuirani, osuđeni, neki i pogubljeni, zemlja je prošla proces denacifikacije. U Japanu se na cara gledalo kao na boga, a i rat je doživljavan kao careva ili božja volja. Ti si, kao Japanac, ratujući, samo činio patriotsku dužnost, tako su oni gledali na ratovanje i na ubijanje. Sudjelovati u ratu kao vojnik, pa i ubijati, bio je gotovo pa čin duhovnog rasta. Amerikanci su, na kraju rata, zaključili da neće moći okupirati Japan ako kazne cara za ratne zločine. Posljedica toga je da su mnogi Japanci razmišljali: ‘Ako car nije kriv, on
Mythen, Mären, Pestilenz, out now via Eisenwald.] –Wyatt Marshall Mythen, Mären, Pestilenz by UNGFELL 6. Nigredo – “Mental Glimpses At Cosmic Horrors” Location: Athens, Greece Subgenre: black metal Ohhh, so this is why you spin an album again. Can’t say Nigredo worked for me at first. On the surface, it felt like the Greek duo played a kind of deathly blackened thrash hybrid that sounded austere compared to its counterparts. That is to say Flesh Torn – Spirit Pierced, Nigredo’s full-length debut, didn’t have the drunken joie de vivre of Condor or speed wobbles of Nekromantheon. Ah, but that’s not really what A. (vocals/guitars; Ravencult) and Maelstrom (drums; like a billion bands, but Dephosphorus and Principality of Hell to pick favorites) are up to. Once I trained my attention on the guitars, it clicked. A closer listen finds killer riffs teaming with tones, prodded along by an unceasing propulsive drive. Within each riff, there’s that sort of suspended second-wave black metal drone, but instead of it getting stretched out for minutes at a time, it’s forced to evolve and adapt to the rhythms of charismatically drummed death/thrash. The effect is equally hypnotic, just less transfix-by-tremolo, more stun-by-flashbang. Neat. But even that taxonomic description doesn’t get at why tracks like “Mental Glimpses at Cosmic Horrors” are ultimately so impressive. I think it’s because everything is winnowed down to just the active ingredients without the music also devolving into something embryonic and super raw. There’s no baggage; black metal’s disaffected aloofness, thrash’s inebriated boneheadedness. That means there’s nothing for Nigredo to hide behind. Other bands might wilt without that kind of safety net. A. and Maelstrom never lose the thread, burning through a ton of quality material that’s smart and engaging and goddamn primal in its bloodthirstiness. And I keep hearing new things every time I play it, which is crazy considering how I once thought its bones were bare. Prediction: gonna be spinning this one a lot more. [From Flesh Torn – Spirit Pierced, out 4/15 via Transcending Obscurity Records.] –Ian Chainey Flesh Torn – Spirit Pierced (Black Metal) by Nigredo (Greece) 5. Uada – “Cult Of A Dying Sun” Location: Portland, OR Subgenre: black metal Uada’s 2016 debut Devoid of Light delivered a pummeling take on hooky Pacific Northwest black metal, adding a shot of steroids to the atmospheric tendencies of the area. It’s an album loaded with forward-leaning riffs, wild, memorable solos, ravenous vocals delivered in various styles, and hurry-up drumming. Listening again, I don’t think I gave it the credit it deserved when it was released. Now, on “Cult of a Dying Sun,” the debut from Uada’s forthcoming sophomore album, the band has turned up the heavy, shooting songs through with a gut-rumbling weight that makes for a fuller listen while also maintaining an agile assault. Again, the vocals are a highlight, rasping and bellowing and howling. But the axe attack is the real highlight here, with powerful, sometimes bendy riffs steering a mean, tight ship. [From Cult of a Dying Sun, out 5/25 via Eisenwald.] –Wyatt Marshall Cult of a Dying Sun by UADA 4. Tanith – “Citadel” Location: Brooklyn, NY Subgenre: hard rock, heavy metal Fate being the strange creature she is, somehow I wound up with a slate of (mostly) non-brutal, highly melodic, borderline pretty tunes this month. And it turns out I don’t really mind living in this newly mellow world — maybe it’s my advanced age, or a side effect of watching winter melt into spring, or maybe I’ve just gone soft in the middle, like a thoroughly blackened marshmallow with a gooey molten core, but it actually feels pretty good. Of all my March picks, Tanith is the softest by far, but in no way the slightest: on this Brooklyn
could be issued. THE WEATHER! For Hfirrlobnrg nnd vlrlnltyt Fair and narmrr to-nlKhtt Thursday unsettled, prolmbly showers. For Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair nnd warmer to-nlKhti Thurnday probably ohowrmi itentle south west winds. River Tbe Susquehanna river and all Ita hranrhr* will fall slowly or re main nearly stationary to-nlxht and probnlily Tburnduy. A atiiKe of about 3.4 feet la Indicated for IfarrlaburK Thiirsdny mornlnK. General Conditions The hltch preanure nrea from the Went ban reaehed the Atlantic eoaat and la drlftlnit slowly ea wnrri. Another urea of hlith barometer rover* moat of the country weat of the lioeky Mountains. Between the two hltcha Ilea a trough of low barometer, central' over lowu, which haa caused showers over the Upper Mississippi Valley, the Lake Ileglon nnd the I'ppcr St. I,wrence Valley. Over nearly all the rest of the country a general rise of 2 to 10 degrees has occurred In the tem pernture, except on both sides of the northern bonndury from Michigan westward to North Dakota. Temperature i 8 a. m., 48, Sum Rises. OiOfl a. m.| sets, (ti42 P. m. Moon ■ Rises, 7ioß p. m. River tttngri 2.4 feet above low water mark. Yesterday's Weather HlKheat temperature, flfl. I.oweat temperature, 48. Mean temperature, 54. Normal temperature, 60. 720,000 TROOPS MOVED BY U. S. SINCE WAR BEGAN Movement of Two Hundred Thousand More Men Starts Today By Associated Press Washington, Oct. 3.—About 200,- 000 men, representing the third in crement to the National Army, to day are on their way to sixteen can tonments where already half the K87.000 called to the colors by the President, are mobilized. Although to-day's quota should be 40 per cent, under regulations promulgated by- Provost Marshal General Crowder, local conditions in the various states have reduced the general average of the increment to 20 or 25 per cent. Coincident with the start of the third division of the new National Army for the training cantps to day, the railroads war board issued a statement in connection with the part which the railroads have play ed in handling the biggest troop movement ever attempted in this country. "Including the National Guard, the Regular Army and the new Na tional Army, the railroads to date have moved approximately 720,000 soldiers from their homes to train ing camps or embarkation points," says the statement. "The great bulk of this Army— all of it in fact, except the 32,549 men included in the first five per cent, of the National Army that moved by regular train on September 5. required special train service, in volving the use of 13,500 passenger cars, including 1,500 Pullman and tourist sleepers, 2,000 baggage cars and 4,500 freight cars. "Some slight conception of what this problem.means, may be deduced from the fact that in the National Army movement alone the railroads have had to prepare special sched ules covering the 4,531 towns and cities designated by the provost mar shal general as the points of local concentration from which the re cruits to the new National Army proceed to their cantonment. "Practically all of the National Guard movements to date have been of
on MD simulations. Fig. S4. Occupancies of the main ion binding sites of the NaK2K SF in MD simulations performed without an applied voltage. Fig. S5. Comparison of 2D (H)NH spectra and illustrations of the washing procedure for back-exchanged deuterated NaK2K. Fig. S6. Comparison of 2D (H)NH spectra of back-exchanged deuterated NaK2K in the presence of K+ using through-bond or through-space transfer. Fig. S7. 2D HN slices from 3D H(H)NH spin diffusion experiments with varying mixing times. Fig. S8. Spin diffusion buildup plots from bound water (blue circles) to amide protons and between neighboring amide protons (red triangles) in back-exchanged deuterated NaK2K in the presence of 50 mM K+. Fig. S9. Spin diffusion buildup plots from bound water (blue circles) to amide protons and between neighboring amide protons (red triangles), recorded after the washing procedure for back-exchanged deuterated NaK2K in the presence of 50 mM K+. Fig. S10. The relationship between carbonyl flipping and water presence at S3 in MD simulations under an applied voltage performed with the AMBER force field. Fig. S11. The relationship between carbonyl flipping and water presence at S3 in MD simulations under an applied voltage performed with the CHARMM force field. Table S1. Chemical shift assignments of deuterated back-exchanged NaK2K, in the presence of 50 mM K+, based on 1H-detected solid-state NMR experiments. Table S2. Chemical shift assignments of NaK2K SF residues, in the presence of 50 mM K+, based on 13C-detected solid-state NMR experiments. Table S3. Distances (Å) to amide protons of the SF in NaK2K (PDB ID: 3ouf) from the closest water molecule and binding sites (S1 to S4). Table S4. Experimental parameters for 3D (H)CANH experiments acquired at 25°C on 100% H 2 O back-exchanged uniformly (2H, 13C, and 15N)-labeled NaK2K. Table S5. Experimental parameters for 3D (H)CONH experiments acquired at 25°C on 100% H 2 O back-exchanged uniformly (2H, 13C, and 15N)-labeled NaK2K. Table S6. Experimental parameters for 3D (H)CACO(N)H and (H)COCA(N)H experiments acquired at 25°C on 100% H 2 O back-exchanged uniformly (2H, 13C, and 15N)-labeled NaK2K. Table S7. Experimental parameters for 3D H(H)NH spin diffusion experiments acquired at 25°C on 100% H 2 O back-exchanged uniformly (2H, 13C, and 15N)-labeled NaK2K. Movie S1. Typical K+ ion permeation process through NaK2K, observed in a 20-ns trajectory segment of MD simulations under an applied voltage. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license, which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, so long as the resultant use is not for commercial advantage and provided the original work is properly cited. Acknowledgments: The plasmid of the NaK2K construct (NaK D66Y and N68D double mutant) was provided by Y. Jiang. Funding: This work was supported by the Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP), the Max Planck Society, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [DFG (FOR 2518 ‘DynIon’ Project P3 to H.S. and Project P5 to W.K. and B.L.d.G.)], and the European Research Council [ERC Starting Grant (grant agreement no. 337490) to A.L.]. Author contributions: K.H., C.S., D.M., and S.L. produced the protein samples. C.Ö., V.C., and K.H. recorded the solid-state NMR spectra. W.K. and B.L.d.G. performed the MD simulations. C.Ö, K.H., W.K., A.L., H.S., and B.L.d.G. analyzed the data. A.L. conceived this study. C.Ö., K.H., and A.L. wrote the manuscript. All authors commented on
Centenars de militants i simpatitzants de la CUP s’han concentrat aquest matí davant la seu del partit, al carrer de Casp, per fer front a l’amenaça de la manifestació de la ultradreta, convocada per Por España me atrevo, formada per membres de Democracia Nacional i SomAtemps. A la concentració, s’hi han sumat diversos CDR que s’han solidaritzat amb la crida de la CUP per a fer un cordó de seguretat per protegir-ne la seu i els membres que es reuneixen en el consell polític per tancar el programa per a les eleccions del 21 de desembre. La reunió s’ha desenvolupat sense incidents. La formació anticapitalista va denunciar ahir que ni la Junta Electoral ni el TSJC no havien prohibit la concentració de la ultradreta. Els concentrats han cridat lemes com ara ‘els carrers seran sempre nostres’ i ‘no passaran’. Vegeu-ne algunes imatges: Arriba la manifestació antifeixista convocada per diversos CDR, i se suma a la concentració de davant de la seu de la @cupnacional. #NoPassaran pic.twitter.com/ZBbfpTJvln — CUP Badalona 🎗 (@cupbadalona) December 2, 2017 No passaran! Contra el feixisme, ni un pas enrere! #Resposta2D pic.twitter.com/b6eQAvKART — CUP de Vilanova (@CUPdeVilanova) December 2, 2017 Aquesta és la nostra gent. La que no s'atura davant la impunitat del feixisme. Avui plantem cara totes juntes! #Resposta2D #NoPassaran @cupnacional pic.twitter.com/mUCFuv3Ia5 — MariaSirvnt (@MariaSirvnt) December 2, 2017 Amb el somriure, la revolta. No podràn aturar la voluntat del poble davant la impunitat de l'extrema dreta i la connivència dels aparells de l'estat.#Resposta2D #SensePor https://t.co/NfHN5be4eT pic.twitter.com/4xuDu7uE16 — CUP Països Catalans (@cupnacional) December 2, 2017 Gràcies a tots els que us heu apropat a la seu de la @cupnacional a dir a l'extrema dreta #NoPassaran #Resposta2D #SensePor #AlertaUltra pic.twitter.com/5lOfPZDwYh — Mireia Boya Busquet (@yeyaboya) December 2, 2017 Ho hem tornat a fer. Ni passaran ni ens faran callar. Ni un pam de terra a l'extrema dreta. Gràcies, gràcies, gràcies #Resposta2D #antifeixistes pic.twitter.com/iUX6152tSr — Mireia Vehí (@Mireia_veca) December 2, 2017 El número 1 de la llista de la formació per la demarcació de Barcelona, Carles Riera, present a la concentració, ha agraït el suport de centenars de simpatitzants davant ‘la por i la grisor del feixisme’. Carles Riera: "Avui, davant la seu de la CUP, la unitat popular guanya, un cop més, a la impunitat del feixisme." @carlesral#Resposta2D #SensePor #NoPassaran pic.twitter.com/ScQAkiCf3W — CUP Països Catalans (@cupnacional) December 2, 2017 La #Resposta2D és imparable. La unitat popular enfront de la por
European Ceremony of Honour for former Chancellor Kohl in the European Parliament on Saturday morning 1 July A European Ceremony of Honour for former Chancellor of Germany Helmut Kohl will take place in the European Parliament in Strasbourg from 11.00 a.m. on Saturday 1 July. Speakers at the Ceremony will include European Parliament President Antonio Tajani, European Council President Donald Tusk, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and former President of the United States Bill Clinton. The casket holding the remains of Dr Kohl will lie in state covered by a European flag. Following the European Ceremony of Honour, which is expected to last for around two hours, the casket will be brought to Germany, where the former Chancellor will be buried after a funeral service in the cathedral in Speyer. Press contacts: For the European Council Preben AAMANN (+32 2 281 20 60; +32 476 85 05 43) For the European Parliament Jaume DUCH GUILLOT (+32 2 284 30 00; +32 496 59 94 76) For the European Commission Margaritis SCHINAS (+ 32 2 296 05 24; +32 496 58 38 26) Mina ANDREEVA (+32 2 299 13 82; +32 498 99 13 82) 1er juillet: cérémonie d'hommage européen au PE en mémoire de l'ex-chancelier et citoyen d'honneur de l'Europe Helmut Kohl Cérémonie d'hommage au Parlement en l'honneur de l'ancien chancelier Helmut Kohl Une cérémonie d'hommage européen en l'honneur de l'ancien chancelier allemand Helmut Kohl se tiendra au Parlement européen de Strasbourg le samedi 1er juillet. Au cours de la cérémonie, des discours seront prononcés notamment par le Président du Parlement européen Antonio Tajani, le Président du Conseil européen Donald Tusk, le Président de la Commission européenne Jean-Claude Juncker, la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel, le Président français Emmanuel Macron et l'ancien Président américain Bill Clinton. Le cercueil de M. Kohl sera exposé en chapelle ardente et sera recouvert du drapeau européen. Suite à la cérémonie européenne, qui devrait durer environ deux heures, le cercueil sera transporté en Allemagne, où l'ancien chancelier sera enterré après un requiem à la cathédrale de Spire. Pour le Conseil européen Preben AAMANN (+32 2 281 20 60; +32 476 85 05 43) Pour le Parlement européen Jaume DUCH GUILLOT (+32 2 284 30 00; +32 496 59 94 76) Pour la Commission européenne Margaritis SCHINAS (+ 32 2 296 05 24; +32 496 58 38 26) Mina ANDREEVA (+32 2 299 13 82; +32 498 99 13 82) Europäischer Trauerakt für den ehemaligen Bundeskanzler und Ehrenbürger Europas Dr. Helmut Kohl im Parlament am Samstag, den 1. Juli Ein europäischer Trauerakt zu Ehren des ehemaligen Bundeskanzlers Dr. Helmut Kohl findet am Samstag, den 1. Juli, ab 11.00 Uhr im Europäischen Parlament in Straßburg statt. Als Redner bei der Zeremonie werden der Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments, Antonio Tajani, der Präsident des Europäischen Rates, Donald Tusk, der Präsident der Europäischen Kommission, Jean-Claude Juncker, die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron sowie der ehemalige Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten Bill Clinton erwartet.
opisto, 2010). [5] Hannu Soikkanen, Sosialismin Tulo Suomeen: Ensimmäisiin Yksikamarisen Eduskunnan Vaaleihin Asti (Porvoo-Helsinki: Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö, 1961). [6] Riitta Laine, Suomen Naisyhdistyksen äänioikeustoiminta vuosina 1884-1906 (Pro gradu-tutkielma, Tampereen yliopisto, 1995), 25. [7] Toisen Suomen Työväen Puoluekokouksen Pöytäkirja. Kokous pidetty Forssassa elok. 17–20 p. 1903 Liite (Turku: O.Y., 1903), 105. The Finnish experience directly contradicts historian Geoff Eley’s assertion that “where neither working men nor working women possessed the vote, left-wing movements refused to back women’s suffrage until the men’s franchise was won.” See Geoff Eley, Forging democracy: the history of the left in Europe, 1850-2000, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002), 23. [8] Toisen Suomen Työväen Puoluekokouksen Pöytäkirja. Kokous pidetty Forssassa elok. 17–20 p. 1903 (Turku: O.Y., 1903), 144, 145, 163. [9] Suomen sosialidemokratinen puolue. Tilastollisia tietoja puolueeseen kuuluvista yhdistyksistä v. 1919 (Helsinki: Sosialidemokraattisen puoluetoimikunta kustannuksella, 1920), 40. On the temperance struggle, see Irma Sulkunen, History of the Finnish temperance movement: temperance as a civic religion (Lewiston: E. Mellen Press, 1990). [10] Risto Turunen, Pumpulivallankumous – Finlaysonin tehtaalaisten maailmankuvan muutos 1800-luvulta vuoteen 1918 (Pro gradu -tutkielma, Tampereen yliopisto, 2012), 54. [11] On Makelin et al., see Sandra Lehtinen muistelmat (Kansan Arkisto, 5 Lehtinen Sandra C-Eb), 39. On the support given by socialist men to the activities of working women, see Hilja Pärssinen, “Suomen Sosialidemokraattisen naisliikkeen kehitys”, Sosialide­mokraattinen puolue 25 vuotta Muistojulkaisu. (Helsinki: Sosialidemokraattinen Puoluetoimikunta, 1924), 208. Throughout this article I use the term “feminist” in a broad sense to refer to all those consciously seeking to end the oppression of women. [12] Vuorinen, 2010, 30-33. [13] In contrast, the Russian Bolsheviks did not support the autonomous organization of working women until 1918. Soma Marik, Reinterrogating the classical marxist discourses of revolutionary democracy (Delhi : Aakar Books, 2008), 290-296, 414-419. [14] Kaarina Vattula, “Lähtöviivallako? Naisten ammatissatoimivuudesta, tilastoista ja kotitaloudesta”, in Tuntematon työläisnainen, ed. Leena Laine et al., (Tampere: Vastapaino, 1989), 14. [15] Toisen yleisen Suomen Työläisnaisten edustajain kokouksen Pöytäkirja. Kokous pidetty Turussa heinäkuun 17 – 19 p:nä 1902 (Turku: Ammattilaisten, 1902), 11. [16] Suomen Sosialidemokraattisen puolueen kolmannen, ylimääräisen kokouksen pöytäkirjat. Kokous pidetty Helsingissä 25—28 syyskuuta 1904 (Kotka: Kotka 1905), 159. [17] Elina
Ciao, Buona giornata, Allora… I’ve written about my favorite German words and my favorite Spanish words, two languages with which I am fairly well acquainted. My experience of Italian however, is not as rich as my German or Spanish. Mostly because I have never lived in that country. But I have visited on a fair number of occasions — and each time I’ve scrabbled Italian words together from a hodgepodge of dog-eared phrasebooks and chance encounters. My relative unfamiliarity with the Italian language is not the only obstacle to the compilation of a list of favorite words — there are simply too many wonderful ones in Italian. I know, I know, there are beautiful words in every language. But Italian just rolls off the tongue and tickles your inner ear. A colleague of mine recently commented, “Italian even sounds stunning when you’re saying something unpleasant”. On that note, let’s begin: 1. Allora (Conjunction) — Then, So When you start learning a language, there are always some words that jump out from otherwise incomprehensible sentences. It gives you the hope that one day, maybe the rest of the sentence will become equally as easy to process. So it is with the word allora, which your Italian counterpart will draw out prior to plunging into an exciting sentence. It’s one of those slightly fuzzy words whose translation all rather depends upon the context in which it is used, but it can most typically be translated as “so” or “then”. Alloooora, andiamo avanti con questa storia? English Translation: So, are we going ahead with this story? 2. Rocambolesco (Adj.) — Fantastic, Adventurous, Nail-biting The language nerds and linguists among you will no doubt point to the French origin of rocambolesco. Rocambole is a fictional character developed by the French writer Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail in the 19th century. The French word rocambolesque then evolved from this character’s preference for swashbuckling adventure. Similarly, the Italian word denotes a heady fusion of the fantastical, the adventurous, the daring, the nail-biting and the downright incredible. This is the romanticized image I had in my head as I boarded the plane to Italy as an 18-year-old readied for a solo romp around western Europe. 3. Chiacchierone/a (Noun) — Chatterbox I had planned my trip around Italy, Austria, Switzerland and southern Germany to eradicate any remaining savings hoarded during a year of work and travel. In Venice, I met an old school-friend of Italian descent and proceeded to mull around the canals trying to take stock of this surreal theme park of a city while she prattled on about the gossip from her first year at university. And then she paused in a moment of self-reflection: “Ah, I’m such a whatchamacallit.” “Well, yes, perhaps, but that rather depends on what you mean by whatchamacallit,” I responded. “I’m a proper… chiacchierona. I never shut up! How do you say that in English again?” A chiacchierona, we quickly established, is a chatterbox, a prattler, a tattler, a loose-lipped blabbermouth. It’s also a fabulous word with bundles of chit-chattering cha-cha-cha sounds and a shovel full of imagery. And what’s more, all of the derivatives are equally as beguiling; Chiacchiera or chiacchierata (chit-chat) and the verb chiacchierare (to chatter). If you take your chiacchiera one step toward the more malicious, you’ll stumble across another lexical gem; pettegolezzo, or gossip. 4. Sfizio (Noun) — Whim I’m not a big shopper, and shopping abroad can be a hassle. My shopping trips are executed with military precision and discipline. And yet as I boarded the train to be whisked away from Mestre to Ferrara, I found myself weighed down by an assortment of carnevale paraphernalia. Their utter uselessness became increasingly manifest with every meter gained between Venice and this otherwise thrifty traveller. I now attribute the momentary lapse in judgement to lo sfizio del vacanziere — the whim of the “holidaymaker”. Sfizio: the tongue sizzles and fizz
les with the two opening consonants, achieving an even higher frequency vibration on the third. It sounds great, and I like the meaning, too. As much as I would have liked to see myself as a vero viaggiatore — a true traveller — it’s ever so hard to convince oneself of this with a plastic carnival mask in hand. Not rocambolesco. Not at all. 5. Struggimento (Noun) — Misery From Ferrara I bundled into Bologna, trusty guidebook in hand, expecting a bustling student town. One of the drawbacks of guidebooks is that they sometimes cause one to abandon common sense and curiosity. University was out, the sky was overcast, and the conference brigade was in town. I flicked through to the accommodation section and was alarmed to see one measly hostel. I phoned. Full. I trotted from one budget hotel to another. Full. Full. All full. Awful. I turned to a tourist information center for the first time in my life. “Non sapevi che c’è una conferenza in città? Gli hotel sono tutti pieni.” English Translation: Didn’t you know there’s a conference in the city? The hotels are all full. Scheiße! Eighteen years young with nowhere to go.The trains had stopped running. I suddenly felt my age — my own personal struggimento, as a consequence of the capitulation of my illusion of assured independence. An Italian friend of mine recently expressed frustration at the lack of a satisfying translation for struggimento and its wobbly mix of gut-churning misery and yearning. I don’t think I’ve fully grasped the concept. Then again she suggested that the English simply don’t know how to suffer, protected by a stiff upper lip on our island of emotional detachment, so perhaps I never will, and perhaps I’ll be better off for it. 6. Dondolare (Verb) — To Rock, Swing, Wobble After the struggimento of my night in Bologna, where I ended up sleeping in an extraordinarily dirty flat belonging to a friend of the lady at the tourist information, I arrived in Florence. I’d learned from my mistakes and booked ahead, selecting a fine looking establishment to compensate myself for the squalor of the day previous. I entered into a broad, ornate common room decorated with travellers’ bodies enjoying a post lunch inertia the Italians refer to as abbiocco. Pride of place in this room was reserved for an old rocking chair which was currently occupied by a bedraggled Australian, intent on impressing the receptionist with his few accented words of Italian. Beside him was a sign which read: “Non dondolare troppo sulla sedia a dondolo, dondolone!” Translation: “Don’t rock too much on the rocking chair, dondolone” Dondolare means to swing or to rock. And, apparently, a dondolone is literally someone who rocks and wobbles, and figuratively it means a loafer or idler. A word can’t get much more onomatopoeic than this, although sussurrare (to whisper) certainly comes close. 7. Mozzafiato (Adj.) — Breathtaking, Riveting I arrived in Rome having ticked off Pisa and Siena en route. I had visited these cities with ruthless efficiency, dividing my time and attention equally between photo taking, sightseeing, guidebook reading and pizza eating. And now I’d had enough. We often find ourselves led by guidebooks and an insatiable need to confirm that we have seen in person what we have seen a million times on television; a city’s tired celebrities. In Rome I sought to get irretrievably lost among the city’s alleys and avenues. I enjoyed the inevitability of a reward for my mis-orientation — whether it were a fountain, a church or a well haunted café. The merits of this approach were emphasized following a visit to St. Peter’s. My father’s words resonated in my head. “The Pieta is the most extraordinary piece of rock you will ever see.” No doubt it would have been had I caught a moment’s glimpse among the irritable swarm of flashy photographers. I retreated and escorted myself to a small church near the Colosseum where Michelangelo’s majestic Moses perched patiently, waiting to share a moment of solace away from the collective
Cedevita Olimpija Ljubljana is stronger for a Germany national team member Maik Zirbes, who signed a one-year-deal with a chance of extension for another year. A line of the tall players on the Cedevita Olimpija Ljubljana roster just got stronger with an addition of Maik Zirbes, the member of the German national team. Zirbes is a three-time ABA League Champions with Crvena zvezda mts, and he has experience with playing in the EuroLeague, 7Days EuroCup and regional competition. Zirbes started his career with the Gladiators from Treves, where he stayed until 2012, and then went to Brose Baskets, with whom he became the German National Champion. His path led him to Belgrade, where he started his first stint with the Crvena zvezda mts, and won his first two titles of the ABA League Champion, to go along with two titles of the Serbian league champion. In 2016, he signed the deal with Maccabi Tel Aviv, but then in the beginning of the next year, he was loaned to Bayern Munich. In 2017, he signed the deal with the team from Bavaria, and won the title of the German National Champion, his second of career. He stayed in Munich only for a season, as he moved back to Belgrade in 2018. Zirbes first won the title of the ABA Supercup Champion in the beginning of the 2018/19 season, and finished the season with his third title of the ABA League champion. In the regional competition, he averaged 7.7 PPG and 3.9 RPG in 15.6 MIN of action. In the beginning of May, Crvena zvezda mts cut his contract, and he then moved to China to Guangxi, where he averaged 19.8 PPG and 15.5 RPG in 34.7 MPG in 31 games of Second Chinese League. Maik Zirbes told as he joined Cedevita Olimpija: “I am happy that I have joined Cedevita Olimpija, and I cannot wait for the new season to begin, and to meet my new teammates. I have shared the locker room with a lot of them, so I believe, that I will fit in the team right away. I am excited for the high expectations of the new club in ABA League and 7Days EuroCup, and I hope, that successful season is ahead of us.” --------------------- Cedevita Olimpija pod obročema močnejša za Maika Zirbesa Člansko moštvo Cedevite Olimpije bo v novi tekmovalni sezoni močnejše za nemškega reprezentanta Maika Zirbesa, ki je z ljubljanskim klubom podpisal enoletno pogodbo, z možnostjo podaljšanja še za eno leto. Cedevita Olimpija je svoji centrski liniji dodala novega visokega košarkarja z izkušnjami iz Lige ABA, Evrolige in 7Days EuroCupa. Ljubljanskim Zmajem se je pridružil nemški reprezentant Maik Zirbes, trikratni prvak regionalnega tekmovanja, ki se v slovensko prestolnico seli iz kitajskega moštva Guangxi Weizhuang. Svojo košarkarsko pot je Zirbes začel pri Gladiatorjih iz Trevesa, kjer je ostal do leta 2012, nato pa prestopil v Brose Baskets, s katerim je leta 2013 postal tudi nemški državni prvak. Iz Nemčije ga je pot nato vodila v beograjsko Crveno zvezdo, s katero je v svojem prvem obdobju nošenja rdeče-belega dresa osvojil dva naslova prvaka Lige ABA ter dva naslova srbskega državnega prvaka. Leta 2016 je podpisal pogodbo z izraelskim Maccabijem iz Tel Aviva, nato pa je bil v začetku prihod
to his own philosophical scheme in what Hegel construes as an almost maddening contentment and self-enclosure. Hegel dismisses Buddhism, and in particular, Buddhist meditation, without keeping it utterly out of reach. Indeed, he is unable to jettison Buddhism, even while he is criticizing it, for it provides some key elements of his models for thinking. Despite the way in which it shadows his thought, discussions of Hegel's view of Buddhism have so far tended to be oblique or limited to simple reference.[3] There is still rather little on the topic in general, and very little detailed work on Hegel's complex engagement with Buddhist ideas and practices. Here I combine textual, historicist and philosophical analysis to demonstrate that whether Hegel already had what Heidegger calls a "pre-understanding" for Buddhism in his thinking; whether the fragmentary Chinese and Tibetan whispers that reached him from his sources on Buddhism influenced his view; whether he was always already disposed to view emptiness as "nothingness" and Buddhist soteriological practice as Insichsein or "being-within-self" (that is, ultimately without concrete determinants); or whether Buddhism did influence him indirectly; my thesis stands: that there is a remarkable and historically probable collusion between Hegel's view of the nothingness of the in-itself—or, as first stated in the Logic, Fichte's phrase I = I,[4] —and the dominant form of Tibetan Buddhism of which he was aware. And that residing within Hegel's concept of Buddhism, like a toe half-absorbed into a sucking mouth (an image to which we will return), is a gentle lovingness (Sanskrit: maitri) whose objective and sexual status is rigorously, and, for Hegel, threateningly indeterminate. Three sections follow. The first establishes Hegel's view of Buddhism, exploring in particular a key set of texts that explore ideas of nothingness, or emptiness. The second investigates more thoroughly those notions of Buddhist emptiness with which Hegel was familiar. This digression into Buddhist thinking is crucial for my argument, since it demonstrates that Hegel's idea of nothingness drastically reduces emptiness to what Buddhism itself ironically considers a rather substantial thing in which one has to believe. The final section outlines the ways in which Hegel's view of emptiness insufficiently accounts for the different kinds of Buddhist view contemporary with Hegel. The main Buddhist text on emptiness, the Prajnaparamita Sutra (the Sutra of the Heart of Transcendent Knowledge), is reproduced in an Appendix in its abbreviated twenty-five-line form. Hegel's Buddhism or, philosophy puts its foot in its mouth Buddhism had existed in Western writing for a long time before Hegel examined it. Strabo, Marco Polo and Peter Bayle had discussed it; John Toland talked about "the religion of Fo" (Buddha); the travel writer Richard Hakluyt published pictures of yogis (certain kinds of practitioner), though whether they were Hindu or Buddhist is not specified. The Annual Bibliography of English literature lists about forty citations about Buddhism, Tibet and the Dalai Lama in Romantic-period poetry. Thomas Moore, for example, wrote about mantra, Buddha, and Tibetan Lamas.[5] Hegel's direct sources for his view of Buddhism are, primarily, the work of Samuel Turner (1749—1802), an English researcher who had gained access to the court of the Dalai Lama and his associate the Panchen Lama (the findings were published around 1800); and the sixth and seventh volumes of the encyclopedic Allgemeine Historie on Buddhism (1750).[6] From the former, Hegel gleaned information about the idea that Lamas were reincarnations of previous Lamas (or high teachers). From the latter, he obtained the concept of "the empty" or "nothing," which is the main focus of this paper. Here is the passage from the Allgemeine Historie: Sie sagen, dass das leere oder Nichts, dere Unsang aller Dinge sen; dass aus diesem Nichts und aus der Bermischung [Vermmischung] der Elemente, alle Dinge hervorgebracht sind, und dahin wieder zuruct sehren mussen; dass alle Wesen, sowohl belebte als unbelebte, nur in der Gestalt und in den Eigenschaften von einander unterscheiden sind: in Betrachtung des Ubwesens oder Grundstoffs aber, einerlen bleiben. (6.368) They say that mere Nothingness is the basis of all things; that all things are brought out of this Nothing and out of the mingling of the elements, and must tend back there again; that all phenomena, both living and non-living, are only different from one another in form
Social media reacted with anger to French Prime Minister Manuel Valls’ assertion that France “will have to live with terrorism.” Users shamed the PM, saying that more people apparently need to be killed in terror attacks to wake up the French government. READ MORE: France vows to retaliate for Nice attack, extends state of emergencyLIVE UPDATES Valls made the statement following the attack in Nice that killed at least 84 people and injured dozens. “Times have changed, and France is going to have to live with terrorism, and we must face this together and show our collective sang-froid,” he said. “France is a great country and a great democracy and we will not allow ourselves to be destabilized.” However, Valls’ assumption that “France-is-going-to-have-to-live-with-terrorism” hasn’t amused French social media, and possibly bolstered France’s reputation as a country that surrenders at the drop of a hat. Users are apparently livid, taking the PM’s remarks to mean that the French government doesn’t plan to take on the extremists, but simply call on its citizens to learn to live with the threat. READ MORE: Pic of doll next to dead body becomes online symbol of Nice tragedy The government is “unable to protect French people,” @DamienLcc wrote on Twitter, while @lazgougeon added that the nation doesn’t have “to get used to the incompetence of our leaders!” Cmt #Valls peut declarer "la France doit vivre ac le terrorisme" Aveu dimpuissance gvt incapable de proteger les Francais #Nice06#Demission — Damien Lcc (@DamienLcc) July 15, 2016 Non la France ne doit pas "vivre avec le terrorisme", tout comme nous ne devons pas nous habituer à l'incompétence de nos gouvernants! — Laurence A.Gougeon (@lazgougeon) July 15, 2016 “What? More people should be killed to wake you up, fool!” @MathiasLiurno added. Valls: "La France doit apprendre à vivre avec le terrorisme" Quoi??! mais tu veux encore cb de tués pour te réveiller bouffon?!!! — Mat➰ (@MathiasLiurno) July 15, 2016 Others called on Valls to resign after uttering such words. Manuel Valls: "la France doit apprendre à vivre avec le terrorisme" Discours défaitiste. Mieux vaut une démission. https://t.co/tiwQouV2Ms — Free Beni (@sergemike) July 15, 2016 “You don’t have any shame?” “It gave me chills.” “The sword of Damocles over our heads” – these were the angry comments on social media. @manuelvalls la France va devoir vivre avec le terrorisme. Vous n'avez pas honte? 1/2 — Marc (@marcos4310) July 15, 2016 "la france va devoir vivre ave le terrorisme" ça m'a donné des frissons. — ✨ (@mxxnclifford) July 15, 2016 "La France va devoir vivre avec le terrorisme"... L'épée de Damocles au dessus de nos tête — Prisc (@priscillia_uls) July 15, 2016 “This phrase [Valls’] is horrible. We don’t want to live with terrorism, we want to live in peace," @FlowerofFields added. "La France va devoir vivre avec le terrorisme." Elle est horrible cette phrase. On ne veut pas vivre avec, nous. On veut la paix. #Nice06 — PRAY FOR NICE (@FlowerofFields) July 15, 2016 Yet, there were users who trolled the Prime Minister statement – “Okay this is reassuring” “Best sentence of the day, again congratulations Mr. Valls” “Thanks Mr.Valls.” "La France doit apprendre à vivre avec le terrorisme". D'accord c'est plutôt rassurant. — Charlène
In September 2015, psychologist and blogger Letícia Bahia and photographer Julia Rodrigues launched the campaign Mamilo Livre (Free Nipple), featuring print portraits of both men and women with bare chests, aiming to challenge objectification of women's breasts and advocate individual sovereignty over one's body. As the campaign encouraged people to print photos from the campaign's website and post them in public spaces, the posters were seen in many Brazilian cities. But as people started to publish the campaign photos on social media, they encountered a barrier not seen in the offline world: Facebook blocked all the portraits featuring women and suspended the profiles of those who published them. This included both campaign founders, as well as the page AzMina — a feminist digital magazine with over 80k followers, which helped support the campaign from its conception. Julia and Letícia recently devised a way to outsmart Facebook's censorship: if you divide the photo of the nipple into four different photos and publish them simultaneously, Facebook will display it at people's feeds as a mosaic, where the nipple will be completely visible — but still not entirely present in one single photo, and thus not detected by its system. The campaign's website made available an app where users can upload a photo of their nipple which will then be divided into four different photos. The photos of the campaign are actually part of an older project conceived by Julia Rodrigues. On a Facebook page named “Pode Não Pode” (You can, you can't), she uploads photos of men and women with their bare chests and lets the network delete the ones it deem inappropriate. Facebook's technologies typically delete the ones featuring women. The result is an album where men's photos showing their nipples are untouched, where women's are either covered with a black tag or cropped above the nipples. As she explains on the project's page: Essas fotos fazem parte de um experimento meu dentro do facebook. Pessoas de todos os generos posaram para mim com o torso nu, sem apelo sexual ou pornografico. Quais fotos serão consideradas impróprias pelo público e pelo sistema do facebook? Quais serão as diferenças reais entre um retrato e outro? O que seria tão ofensivo em um mamilo que não é ofensivo em outro? Those photos are part of an experiment of mine inside Facebook. People from all genders posed for me with their bared chests, without sexual or pornographic appeal. Which photos will be considered improper for the public or for the Facebook system? What are the real differences between one portrait and another? What is offensive in one nipple that isn't in the other? Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram (owned by Facebook) prohibit any and all “graphic content” that pictures a woman's areola, but not men's. This has been challenged by activists around the world for the past few years. In 2014, Lina Esco's documentary ‘Free the Nipple’ investigated the United States obscenity laws in the United States, where it is illegal in 13 states for a woman to be topless in public. Obscenity laws in Brazil are similar — women exposing their nipples in public could fall into the Article 233 of the country's penal code, which deals with practicing obscene acts in public. Although cases, where women were detained for this, are increasingly rare, Brazilian society hardly tolerates a female nipple to be seen in public. This comes as a shock to many foreigners who come to visit the famous Brazilian beaches. But indeed, contrary to European beaches, where the practice is somewhat common, in Brazil being topless (if you're a woman) isn't accepted at all. When the Danish gymnastics team visited Rio de Janeiro to give a workshop in 2013, they sunbathed topless in Copacabana and were snapped by a photographer of Brazil's media outlets. The case gained so much media attention in Brazil at that time that the team's trainer approach the press to explain they were unaware of local custom. Gradually this has been challenged in Brazil, with many feminist movements doing marches attended by many women who, in protest against hypersexualization and shaming of women's bodies, bare their chests in public. This has been accompanied by increased frustration with Facebook and Instagram's Community Standards, which allow specific non-sexual images of women's nipples (they make exceptions for breast feeding and post-mastectomy photos), but not others. They also allow some images of graphic violence, such as photos of people who have been tortured. Hypersexualized images of female breasts are also considered appropriate (as long as the nipple is not clearly visible), while photos including women's nipples ranging from indigenous ceremonies in Australia to campaigns against breast cancer are prohibited.
The media is downplaying, and in most cases ignoring, the extreme nature of the crisis currently going on in socialist Venezuela under the Maduro regime. Most of the cries for help are from people begging the international media to cover their plight. Some of the video and photography are stunning as millions of people take to the streets to protest a collapsing economy and food shortages while being met with tanks, guns and rogue militias hired by the government. Some of the targeted citizens appear chosen at random. Some of the citizens are also desperate and fighting back. Warning – These images are graphic and the video feeds are also alarming. However, the media are barely reporting on any of this, and unfortunately, it looks like things are getting worse: Officials: at least 12 people killed overnight in Venezuela https://t.co/13BHSpKXSa — TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) April 21, 2017 CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — At least 12 people were killed overnight following looting and violence in Venezuela’s capital amid a spiraling political crisis, authorities said Friday. […] Venezuelan social media was ablaze late into the night with grainy cellphone videos of light-armored vehicles plowing down dark streets to control pockets of protesters who set up burning barricades in several neighborhoods. Large groups of protesters are now marching towards the capital's largest military complex. No f*cks given. pic.twitter.com/bNGOQkpjYp — Fabian (@Fabian__LH) April 21, 2017 This woman’s cry for freedom is heartbreaking. El grito de una venezolana que añora con todas sus fuerzas la libertad. 💔🇻🇪 pic.twitter.com/TqsHY5ig1U — Yusnaby Pérez (@Yusnaby) April 20, 2017 More shootings against protesters. People screaming, telling those in the buildings to come down to help. pic.twitter.com/zzC52ufw7C — Fabian (@Fabian__LH) April 21, 2017 Pasa lo mismo que en #Cuba: el mundo decidió mirar en otra dirección y con su indiferencia endosar a una horrible dictadura comunista. 🇨🇺💔🇻🇪 pic.twitter.com/UCNm5YpfxS — Yusnaby Pérez (@Yusnaby) April 20, 2017 Los venezolanos siguen en las calles pidiendo elecciones y libertad para su país. Valencia, Venezuela, #20A pic.twitter.com/RZZkf99h2R — Yusnaby Pérez (@Yusnaby) April 20, 2017 As this lady and her family was filming the armed official shooting in the street, he turned and shot at her in her home. Guardia venezolano dispara y le da a una mujer que grababa con su celular dentro de su casa. #INDIGNANTE pic.twitter.com/sBIabU8s34 — Yusnaby Pérez (@Yusnaby) April 20, 2017 Sólo los venezolanos pueden entender cuánto se ha perdido el miedo para enfrentarse desarmados y hacer retroceder a las fuerzas represoras. pic.twitter.com/aeGMmflac9 — Yusnaby Pérez (@Yusnaby) April 20, 2017 So much tear gas has been deployed people are fleeing their homes amid the confrontations. The local district medical units appear overwhelmed, and also fearful of being targeted. No es Siria, es #Venezuela: país donde no hay comida pero sobran los gases lacrimógenos hasta para los niños. #DimeAlgo pic.twitter.com/KMedyUBjhc — Yusnaby Pérez (@Yusnaby) April 20, 2017 This woman was shot in her home by either militia or Venezuelan guards. LE DISPARARON DENTRO DE SU CASA: Esta es la venezolana que fue herida mientras grababa la represión de la GNB dentro de su casa. pic.twitter.com/DKxdJz4leC — Yusnaby Pérez (@Yusnaby) April 20, 2017 What happens when you protest a marxist regime. Venezuela's future dies along with its youth. RIP, Paola… pic
The Museu Nacional houses artefacts from Egypt, Greco-Roman art and some of the first fossils found in Brazil Brazil’s oldest and most important historical and scientific museum has been consumed by fire, and much of its archive of 20 million items is believed to have been destroyed. The fire at Rio de Janeiro’s 200-year-old National Museum began after it closed to the public on Sunday and raged into the night. There were no reports of injuries, but the loss to Brazilian science, history and culture was incalculable, two of its vice-directors said. Brazilians mourn museum's priceless collection amid anger at funding cuts Read more “It was the biggest natural history museum in Latin America. We have invaluable collections. Collections that are over 100 years old,” Cristiana Serejo, one of the museum’s vice-directors, told the G1 news site. Marina Silva, a former environment minister and candidate in October’s presidential elections said the fire was like “a lobotomy of the Brazilian memory”. Luiz Duarte, another vice-director, told TV Globo: “It is an unbearable catastrophe. It is 200 years of this country’s heritage. It is 200 years of memory. It is 200 years of science. It is 200 years of culture, of education.” TV Globo also reported that some firefighters did not have enough water to battle the blaze. Facebook Twitter Pinterest A screengrab of aerial footage of the museum from Monday morning. Photograph: Globo.com It wasn’t immediately clear how the fire began. The museum was part of Rio’s Federal University but had fallen into disrepair in recent years. Its impressive collections included items brought to Brazil by Dom Pedro I – the Portuguese prince regent who declared the then-colony’s independence from Portugal – Egyptian and Greco-Roman artefacts, “Luzia”, a 12,000 year-old skeleton and the oldest in the Americas, fossils, dinosaurs, and a meteorite found in 1784. Some of the archive was stored in another building but much of the collection is believed to have been destroyed. Brazil’s president, Michel Temer, who has presided over cuts to science and education as part of a wider austerity drive, called the losses “incalculable”. “Today is a tragic day for the museology of our country,” he tweeted. “Two hundred years of work research and knowledge were lost.” Michel Temer (@MichelTemer) Incalculável para o Brasil a perda do acervo do Museu Nacional. Foram perdidos 200 anos de trabalho, pesquisa e conhecimento. O valor p/ nossa história não se pode mensurar, pelos danos ao prédio que abrigou a família real durante o Império. É um dia triste para todos brasileiros Mércio Gomes, an anthropologist and former president of Brazil’s indigenous agency, Fundação Nacional do Índio (FUNAI), compared the loss to the burning of the library of Alexandria in 48BC. “We Brazilians only have 500 years of history. Our National Museum was 200 years old, but that’s what we had, and what is lost forever,” he wrote on Facebook. “We have to reconstruct our National Museum.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest The fire began after the museum closed Photograph: Ricardo Moraes/Reuters Duarte said that governments were to blame for failing to support the museum and letting it fall into disrepair. At its 200th birthday in June, not one state minister appeared. “For many years we fought with different governments to get adequate resources to preserve what is now completely destroyed,” he said. “My feeling is of total dismay and immense anger.” Duart also said that the museum had just closed a deal with the Brazilian government’s development bank, BNDES, for funds that included a fire prevention project. “This is the most terrible irony,” he said. Facebook Twitter Pinterest The National Museum facade, in the middle of the park Quinta da Boa Vista, Rio de Janeiro. Photograph: Alamy Incunabula (@incunabula) This was Rio’s Museu Nacional before tonight's fire. Reports are that it was entirely destroyed in little more than an hour. That something like this could happen to a building of this importance is a staggering institutional and governance failure. pic.twitter.com
ERROR: type should be string, got " https://github.com/lupyuen/pinetime-rust-mynewt/blob/master/rust/app/src/chip8.rs#L19-L37\n\nWhy did we allocate 8 bits per pixel in SCREEN_BUFFER?\n\nSo that we can implement interesting colour effects. (We'll cover this later) We actually update SCREEN_BUFFER with a greyscale colour like this...\n\nunsafe { SCREEN_BUFFER [ i ] = if color { if self. is_interactive { 255 } else { 200 } } else { if self. is_interactive { 127 } else { 0 } } };\n\nFrom https://github.com/lupyuen/pinetime-rust-mynewt/blob/master/rust/app/src/chip8.rs#L169-L198\n\nSomething seems to be missing... vram_set updates a screen buffer in memory... But we haven't actually updated the PineTime display!\n\nvram_set is called every time the Emulator paints a pixel. Instead of refreshing the PineTime display pixel by pixel, we update the display by Sprite instead.\n\nWhat's a Sprite?\n\nNo not the lemon-lime drink... It's the graphic that moves around in a game. In the Blinky / Pac-Man game, Pac-Man and the Ghosts are rendered as Sprites.\n\nHow do we know when a Sprite has been drawn?\n\nWe detect that in the sched function, where we update the PineTime display too.\n\nHow does CHIP-8 run game programs and render Sprites?\n\nThink of CHIP-8 as an old-style home computer from the 1980s. It executes simple 8-bit Instructions (Opcodes), reading and writing data to CPU registers and RAM.\n\nCHIP-8 has a unique Instruction that's not found in computers from the 1980s... An Instruction that renders Sprites. Since CHIP-8 renders Sprites as an CHIP-8 Instruction, we should update the PineTime screen only when the CHIP-8 Instruction has completed.\n\nThe CHIP-8 Emulator provides a convenient hook for that... It calls sched after executing every CHIP-8 Instruction...\n\nimpl libchip8 :: Hardware for Hardware { fn sched ( & mut self ) - > bool { if self. update_left = = 0 & & self. update_right = = 0 & & self. update_top = = 0 & & self. update_bottom = = 0 { return false ; } if! self. is_interactive { return false ; } if! self. is_checking_input { return false ; } self. is_checking_input = false ; unsafe { hal_watchdog_tickle () }; unsafe { os :: os_time_delay ( 1 ) }; render_region ( self. update_left, self. update_top, self. update_right, self. update_bottom ); self. update_left = 0 ; self. update_top = 0 ; self. update_right = 0 ; self. update_bottom = 0 ; false }\n\nFrom https://github.com/lupyuen/pinetime-rust-mynewt/blob/master/rust/app/src/chip8.rs#L231-L268\n\nInstead of updating the entire PineTime display, we update only the rectangular portion that has been changed, by calling render_region.\n\n(Recall that screen updates are tracked by vram_set )\n\nUpdating the PineTime display really slows down the CHIP-8 Emulator, so we defer all display updates until absolutely necessary.\n\nWhen is it absolutely necessary to update the PineTime display?\n\nThat's when the game has rendered something and is checking whether the player has pressed any buttons\n\nThus we have these conditions to defer the PineTime display updates in sched...\n\nif! self. is_interactive { return false ; } if! self. is_checking_input { return false ; } self. is_checking_input = false ;\n\nFrom https://github.com/lupyuen/pinetime-rust-mynewt/blob/master/rust/app/src/chip8.rs#L231-L268\n\nis_interactive and is_checking_input are flags set in the key function, which is called whenever the CHIP-8 Emulator is checking for button presses.\n\nThese simple conditions for defering the PineTime rendering are extremely effective. They make the PineTime CHIP-8 Emulator refresh some screens quicker than other versions of the CHIP-8 Emulator.\n\n(Compare the loading screen for Blinky on PineTime vs other platforms)\n"
bd. Liviu Rebreanu (1,67 km) str. Buzești (1,24 km) Bulevardul Aviatorilor (2,11 km în reamenajare) bd. Prezan (0,5 km) str. Constantin Marinescu (0,45 km) Șoseaua Pantelimon (circa 2,5 km) Calea Victoriei și Buzești (cu mențiunea că deseori pista e blocată de mașini parcate, stâlpișorii de pe margine au fost scoși, iar marcajele au început să se șteargă). Traseul 1- Piața Victoriei- Bd. Aviatorilor- Bd. Beijing- strada Nicolae Caranfil- Șos. Pipera- strada Alexandru Șerbănescu- Bd. Aerogării- DN1- Piața Presei Libere- Șos. Kiseleff- Bd. Constantin Prezan Traseul 2- Piața Victoriei- Bd. Iancu de Hunedoara- Șos. Ștefan cel Mare- Șos. Mihai Bravu Traseul 3- Calea Victoriei- Bd. Regina Elisabeta- Splaiul Independenței- Bd. Națiunile Unite Traseul 4- Piața Libertății- Piața Constituției- Bd Unirii- Bd. Decebal- Bd. Basarabia- Stadionul Național Traseele prioritare de 60 km sunt: 1. Calea Victoriei: Calea Victoriei-Splaiul Independenței (0.6 km) 2. Ride through Bucharest: Piața Unirii-Piața Victoriei (3.3 km) 3. Ride to Shop: Piața Victoriei-Băneasa (6.5 km) 4. Ride to Leisure: Piața Unirii-Mihai Bravu (3 km) 5. Ride to School: Universitate-Doamna Ghica (6 km) 6. Ride to Office: Doamna Ghica-Pipera (6.3 km) 7. Along the Dtmbovita: Șos. Virtuții-Piața Unirii (5.6 km) 8. Ride East: Piața Unirii-1 Decembrie (6 km) 9. Ride to Rail: Basarab-Piața Romană (2.4 km) 10. City Center to Smart City I: Piața Unirii-Șos. Alexandriei (5.2 km) 11. City Center to Smart City II: Șos. Alexandriei-Măgurele (6.2 km) 12. Bucharest to Ilfov: Ring Road-Voluntari-Doamna Ghica (7 km) Cei 10 km de piste pentru biciclete sunt pe:În aprilie 2018, Primăria Capitalei anunța că va amenaja benzi de biciclete pe traseul Piața Victoriei – Bd. Aviatorilor – Bd. Beijing – Str. Nicolae Caramfil – Șos. Pipera – Str. Alexandru Șerbănescu – Bd. Aerogării – DN 1 – Piața Presei Libere – Sos. Kiseleff – Bd. Constantin Prezan. Pistele însumează o lungime de 67 km (măsurate dus-întors), după cum a comunicat municipalitatea, iar valoarea investiției este de circa 10 milioane de euro. Durata de execuție anunțată era de 4 luni.Prim
(ENGLISH) This is an open letter to my fans, SK-Gaming fans and to those who support or like me. As many of you know, since I was little I have my nose broken, and I can only breathe through one side of my nostrils, and for about 2 years now, I suffer from eardrum perforation on the right side, which despites our performance, for a little over than one year has exponentially increased, and it has affected a lot my own performance in-game, and my life quality out-game. After last season, when I came back to Brazil, I visited 2 medical experts (the same ones who checked my case in the past), and they told me about a worsening of clinical symptoms, and a possible tumor in my ear, due to strong and painful aches, bleeding and a lot of twinges. They told me I have to make both surgeries, but also explained it would be impossible to make the two of them at the same time, so we would have to make one at a time. They also explained that I need to make the nose surgery first, to have a better ventilation on my face, and then be able to go through the ear surgery. He explained I won't be able to recover the hearing loss on the right side of my ear, and the surgery will help me not to completely lose it. Since I went to the US, I only play with 30% of hearing on the right side, and it affects me a lot in-game. We had a conversation between us (team, SK, family), and I told them I'd like to keep playing, even with all these problems, and I'd like to continue writing our history like we are until now. My teammates totally supported me, and told me I could be calm and take care of myself, because health always comes first. Therefore, in 2 weeks I will be submitted to a surgical procedure on my nose, so I can be able to breathe without any issues, and then get ready and prepare myself for the eardrum perforation surgery. The nose surgery is not a complicated one, but I will need medical monitoring for about a month. The team will only be playing online tournaments between August and September (ECS and Pro League). I won't be traveling together with my team immediately, but I will join the group in the middle of September, when I will be able to play, however getting ready for the ear surgery. Meanwhile, in order to help us, the player Gustavo "Shoowtime" Gonçalves (former Immortals), will join our line-up, until middle of September. I'll be playing from Brazil the individual part, and I will follow-up my team practices as a coach. My intention, is to be back 2 weeks before ESL One New York, and for during these 2 weeks we'll make an intensive preparation with the same goal: WIN! I am just thankful to those who cheer for me and my team, and I ask you to keep your positive vibration. I also would like to thank “Shoowtime” for accepting right away the invitation to represent the best team in the world. Welcome Shoowtime! Thanks everybody. Hugs, Fernando ‘fer’ Alvarenga. __________________________________________________________________________ (PT-BR) Carta aberta para os meus fãs, fãs do SK-Gaming e pessoas que apoiam ou gostam de mim. Como muitos sabem, desde pequeno eu tenho o nariz quebrado e só respiro de um lado, e a uns dois anos sofro de uma perfuração no tímpano direito, o que apesar do nosso desempenho de um ano pra cá ter aumentado exponencialmente, isso prejudica muito a minha performance dentro do jogo e a qualidade de vida fora dele. Após a temporada passada, quando voltei para o Brasil, fui em dois especialistas na área (os mesmos que cuidaram do assunto no passado) e fui diagnosticado com uma piora no quadro e um possível tumor no ouvido. Dores muito fortes, sangramentos e muitas pontadas. O médico disse que preciso urgente fazer ambas as cirurgias, mas explicou
C’est vs. Il est: When and How to Use Them in French Sometimes French learners get frustrated when they encounter two very similar expressions that are difficult to distinguish. C’est vs. il est is a common example of this. The two phrases mitght seem similar; however, each of them has distinct rules about when and how it should be used. These two expressions do not need to be confusing. Let’s start at the very beginning and explore the challenge of c’est vs. il est. With some clear rules and helpful hints, you’ll have a better grasp of them in no time. What does c’est mean? C’est is ce (C’) combined with est (“is” form of the verb être.) It translates to it is, this is, and that is. C’est un chat. (That’s a cat.) C’est mercredi. (It’s Wednesday.) What does il est mean? Il est is the subject pronoun il (he) combined with est (“is” from the verb être.) It translates to it is, this is and that is. It also literally translates to he is. Il est très beau. (He is very handsome.) Il est huit heures. (It is eight o’clock.) Are there any other forms of c’est? C’est in its plural form is ce sont. It means they are or these are. Ce sont les voitures de mon oncle. (These are my uncle’s cars.) Are there any other forms of il est? Il est in its plural form is ils sont. Ils sont à l’école. (They are at school.) Elle est is the feminine form of il est. To make it plural, you use elles sont. Elle est tard. (She is late.) Elles sont amusantes. (They are amusing.) Here is a chart to help you see how these subjects are conjugated with the verb être: Singular Plural Je suis (I am) Nous sommes (We are) Tu es (You are) Vous êtes (You are) Il est (He is) Ils sont (They are – masculine) Elle est (She is) Elles sont (They are – feminine) C’est (It is) Ce sont (They are) Want to review the conjugation of the verb être? Try this helpful site: ‘Être’: Conjugation of This Major French Verb. Is there a shortcut I can use to know when to use c’est vs. il est? If you want a quick, bottom-line answer that will be right a lot of the time (but not all the time), here it is: If the expression is followed by a noun, you will usually use c’est or ce sont. C’est la vérité. (It’s the truth.) Ce sont les faits. (These are the facts.) Aside from that quick note, there are some more specific rules you can use to determine which expression to use. What are the precise rules for c’est vs. il est? What are the details for usage? Let’s explore these two expressions in more detail. To determine whether to use c’est or il est, we need to look at what follows the expression. At first this can seem overwhelming, but don’t worry! We can break it down into separate parts of speech to make it more manageable. What if the expression is followed by a noun? Do I use c’est or il est? Most of the time, c’est is followed by a noun. Here is a detailed chart of contexts involving nouns for you so you can explore all of the possibilities: Situation: C’est/Ce sont Il est/Elle est Before a modified noun Modified nouns are nouns with modifiers (usually an article or an adjective.) C’est un chien. (It’s a dog.) C’est une grande maison. (It’s a big house.) Ce sont de belles robes. (Those are beautiful dresses.) Before an unmodified noun Unmodified nouns are nouns without modifiers (such as
articles and adjectives.) These are commonly used in French with words for professions, religions, and nationalities. Il est médecin. (He is a doctor.) Elle est pharmacienne. (She is a pharmacist.) Ils sont français. (They are French.) Before a proper noun Proper nouns are nouns that are a specific name for a person, place, or a thing. In English, they are always capitalized. -Qui est à la porte? – C’est Marc. (-Who is at the door? -That’s Marc.) -Quelle est la capitale de la France? –C’est Paris. (-What is the capital of France? -It’s Paris.) Before a pronoun -Qui est là? – C’est moi! (-Who is there? -It’s me!) –Ce sont les livres de Sylvie? -Non, ce sont les miens. (-These are Sylvie’s books? -No, those are mine.) Before a superlative C’est le plus grand de la famille. (It’s the biggest in the family.) Ce sont les meilleurs de la classe. (These are the best in the class.) Telling dates C’est jeudi, le treize décembre. (It’s Thursday, the thirteenth of December.) Telling times Il est huit heures. It is eight o’clock. What if the expression is followed by an adjective? Do I use c’est or il est? Adjectives can be a little bit more difficult. They can follow both c’est and il est. Here is a detailed chart of when each expression is used with adjectives: Situation: C’est/Ce sont Il est/Elle est Referring to a preceding noun (what you’re already discussing now) Sophie est ma tante. Elle est très jolie. (Sophie is my aunt. She is very pretty.) Regardez ce bateau. Il est beau. (Look at this boat. It is beautiful.) J’ai acheté une maison. Elle est grande. (I bought a house. It is big.) Referring to an idea or action that was previously discussed –Le prof est très intelligent. -Oui, c’est évident. (-The teacher is very intelligent. -Yes, that’s obvious.) -Ta soeur parle très bien. –C’est vrai. (-Your sister speaks very well. -It’s true.) Referring to an inanimate noun (situation, opinion, feeling, etc.) In this case, c’est is always followed by an adjective in the masculine singular form. C’est difficile, la vie. (It’s difficult, life.) L’art, c’est intéressant. (Art, it’s interesting.) Want to brush up on your French adjectives? Here is a great video to watch: 100 French Adjectives. What if the expression is followed by an adverb? Do I use c’est or il est? This rule is easy. If the adverb is modified, use c’est. If it isn’t modified, use il est. Here is a helpful chart for adverbs: Situation: C’est/Ce sont Il est/Elle est Before a modified adverb C’est très loin du supermarché. (It’s very far from the supermarket.) C’est si intéressant. (That’s so interesting.) Before an unmodified adverb Elle est tard. (She is late.) Il est tôt. (He is early.) What about prepositions? Will I use c’est or il est? Prepositions will follow Il est or Elle est. Here are some examples using prepositions: Situation: C’est/Ce sont Il est/Elle est Before prepositional phrases indicating locations Il est à la bibliothèque. (
React.js and Vue.js are two of the most popular JavaScript libraries on the planet. They're both powerful and relatively easy to pick up and use. Both React and Vue: use a virtual DOM provide reactive view components maintain a focus on one aspect of development. In this case, the view. With so many similarities, you might assume that they’re both different versions of the same thing. Well there’s one major difference between these two libraries: how they empower you the developer to create your view components, and in turn, your application. React uses JSX, a term coined by the React team, to render content onto the DOM. So what is JSX? Basically, JSX is a JavaScript render function that helps you insert your HTML right into your JavaScript code. Vue takes a different approach and uses HTML-like templates. Using Vue templates is like using JSX in that they’re both created using JavaScript. The main difference is that JSX functions are never used in the actual HTML file, while Vue templates are. React JSX Let’s take a deeper look into how JSX works. Assume that you have a list of names that you want to display onto the DOM. A list of new hires that your company recently made. If you were using plain HTML, you would first need to create an index.html file. Then you would add the following lines of code. <ul> <li> John </li> <li> Sarah </li> <li> Kevin </li> <li> Alice </li> <ul> Nothing spectacular here, just plain HTML code. So how would you do the same thing using JSX? The first step would be to create another index.html file. But instead of adding the full HTML like you did before, you’ll only add a simple div element. This div will be the container element where all your React code will be rendered. The div will need to have a unique ID so that React knows where to find it. Facebook tends to favor the root keyword, so let’s stick with that. <div id=root></div> Now, onto the most important step. Creating the JavaScript file that will hold all the React code. Call this one app.js. So now that you have all that out of the way, onto the main event. Displaying all the new hires to the Dom using JSX You would first need to create an array with the names of the new hires. const names = [‘John’, ‘Sarah’, ‘Kevin’, ‘Alice’]; From there you would need to create a React element that will dynamically render the entire list of names. This without you having to manually display each one. const displayNewHires = ( <ul> {names.map(name => <li>{name}</li> )} </ul> ); The key thing to note here is that you are not having to create individual < li> elements. You only need describe how you want them to look once and React will handle the rest. That is quite a powerful thing. While you only have a few names, imagine having a list of hundreds of thousands! You can see how this would be a much better approach. Especially i f th e <li> elements are more complex than the ones used here. The last bit of code that is needed to render the content to the screen is the main ReactDom render function. ReactDOM.render( displayNewHires, document.getElementById(‘root’) ); Here you are telling React to render the content of displayNewHires inside the div with an element of root. This is what your final React code should look like: const names = [‘John’, ‘Sarah’, ‘Kevin’, ‘Alice’]; const displayNewHires = ( <ul> {names.map(name => <li>{name}</li> )} </ul> ); ReactDOM.render( displayNewHires, document.getElementById(‘root’) ); One key thing to keep in mind here is that this is all React code. This means that it will all compile down to plain old JavaScript. Here’s what it would ultimately look like: ‘use strict’; var names = [‘John’, ‘Sarah’, ‘Kevin’, ‘Alice’]; var displayNewHires = React.createElement( ‘ul’, null, names.map
After US President Donald Trump ignored warnings from the international community and formally recognised Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, some Twitter users focused on how Arabs contributed in the loss of Jerusalem. The status of the holy city is an extremely sensitive aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. While Israel claims the whole city its capital – following the occupation of East Jerusalem in the 1967 war with Syria, Egypt and Jordan – Palestinians have long seen East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state. Turkish protesters gather outside the US Consulate in Istanbul after Trump’s announcement [Chris McGrath/Getty Images] “Jerusalem was lost from the day Sadaat visited it and the day you all danced for Oslo,” wrote Mourid Barghouti, a celebrated Palestinian poet and writer, referring to Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and the Oslo Accords. When Sadat took over the presidency in Egypt in 1970, he offered a peace settlement with Israel along the lines of UN Resolution 242, which, more or less, cemented Israel’s military victory. As for the Oslo Accords, in 1993, the State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) formally recognised one another for the first time, and committed to negotiate a solution to their decades-long conflict based on territorial compromise. The accords did not stipulate, but implied, the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel. That two-state vision required Israel to abandon its negation of Palestinian claims to national sovereignty, and Palestinians accept that such claims would be limited to only a small part of the entire territory of historic Palestine for which the PLO had been fighting, recognising Israel’s sovereignty over the remainder. “Oh Arabs and Muslims, Bolivia will ask for an emergency security council meeting in the event that Trump recognises Jerusalem the capital of Israel. Where is the Arab representative in the security council to call for such a meeting?” said Abdullah K. AlShayji, a professor at Kuwait University. يا عرب ويامسلمين #بوليفيا ستطلب عقد اجتماع عاجل لمجلس الأمن في حال أعترف #ترامب ب #القدس عاصمة ل #إسرائيل!! وين ممثل المجموعة العربية في مجلس الأمن #مصر من الدعوة لاجتماع طاريءلمجلس الأمن؟! — عبدالله الشايجي (@docshayji) December 6, 2017 Bolivia said it would request a meeting of the United Nations Security Council after Trump’s announcement on Wednesday, with Sacha Sergio Llorentty Soliz, UN ambassador, describing the move as a “reckless and a dangerous decision that goes against international law, the resolutions of the Security Council, it also weakens any effort for peace in the region and also upsets the whole region”. Abdullah Hamidaddin, a social anthropologist, said: “Trump deals a blow to the Arabs and Muslims and calls on them to accept it quietly. He throws resolution 242 against a wall and insists that the US is with the peace process. He hopes the moderates can do their part, then the extremists can cut off the argument of the moderates. He says Israel is the greatest democracy because it practices apartheid and violates human rights.” #ترامب: يصفع كرامة العرب والمسلمين ويدعوهم لتلقيها بهدوء. يرمي القرار 242 عرض الحائط ويصر أن أمريكا مع السلام. يأمل من المعتدلين القيام بدورهم ثم يُمكّن المتطرفين ويقطع حجة المعتدلين. يقول إسرائيل أعظم ديمقراطية
90 9 0 Review by vvkappel (read 2 reviews) Game bought on IG can't get enough of this game the story is awesome and it is so different to any other game ive ever played. I enjoyed every second of my playthrough and every second of the second and thrird as well! awesome story refreshing not for the weakhearted 20 0 1 Review by gamer-ba974f Game bought on IG Would be an okay game if it did not have over a gazillion bugs that are either game breaking or causing crashes. Invisible weapons, no access to certian areas, you can't complete most missions for an achievement or to see what happens. 100 2 0 Review by Knuett Game bought on IG By far one of the best and most underrated games out there. It is where Bioshock, Deus Ex, Mass Effect and Alien Isolation meet. I finished it 3 times. Everything about it is well thought-through. You can see that Arcane Studios really tried to create an enjoyable, long-lasting gaming experience with this one. Lots of Options (play stealthy or aggressive, with or without abilities and tools, multiple endings based on the missions you complete) Plot and characters/mimics Open world Atmosphere Replayable Loading might take some time, didn't really bother me though 50 1 0 Review by gamer-14d2bb (read 13 reviews) Game bought on IG Unfortunately not good game for me, I preordered it, but it was a bad step for me. The mix of half life and dead space sound a really good to me, but the final resuls is boring. I knwo this game will have some fun base but I will be not in it...5/10. nice graphics abbilities main weapon not an interesting story better game in genre 90 3 0 Review by gamer-3281de Game bought on IG I loved it! Old school sci-fi/horror that isn't "on rails". I prefer games that have better reaply value such as this -- go full-out assault, or go stealth. Choose one story direction or another. Just got the DLC, looking forward to that, as well! Let's hope for Prey 2!!! 90 1 0 Review by Freakzontour (read 3 reviews) Game bought on IG Got this since i had nothing else to play while waiting for Metro:Exodus, Cyberpunk and so on.. The game is pretty neat and surprised me in a very good way! Give the game a try or you might miss out if you like First Person Shooters. its not Fallout76 100 0 0 Review by Yuy (read 6 reviews) Game bought on IG es un juegazo, y que un juego para este precio te de tantas horas (yo ya llevo mas de 50) es mas bien poco habitual, funciona incluso en pcs menos potentes a buena calidad, pero sobre todo la banda sonora y los sonidos son los que hace que merezca la pena este juego y ahora ya si tiene juego+ gran calidad sonora ninguno 100 4 0 Review by TropicalMuffin (read 40 reviews) An excellent and my personal most favourite game of 2017. A thrilling story with haunting yet amazing moments and plot twists. A place where your empathy and choices depend a lot. Gameplay with different types of enemies including the most iconic shape-shifting mimics that you never know when and where are they going to sneak on you. A complete opposite of it is the big monster that hunts you down unless you find a good spot to hide and wait 2 wasteful minutes there until it goes away (or you can just try to kill it). Combat system offers more than it can - with a lot of special abilities like the one that alows you to shape-shift into almost anything. Weapons are a possibility too (shotgun, laser thing and a pistol), but more importantly the tools that let you escape, solve puzzles, repair and slow the enemies. Some of the puzzles are too challenging but very rewarding - if you will try to cheat codes for example safe doors, etc. then you can't because the game has set different unique codes for everyone, so you will have to watch a lot of YT guides (unless you are a genius). The map is definitely not the type of "get there once and never get there back" maps. With a dedication this game can be your dream crush, you just have to try it (demo is available). Variety of weapons Creative and tough enemies Thrilling scene Puzzles and map (levels)
U nedostatku pametnijih i nedajbože korisnijih političkih ideja, predstojeće političke bitke HDZ je nakanio iznijeti na plećima upokojenog Franje Tuđmana. Japino ime sve češće je na usnama Jadranke Kosor, a od naroda kratkog pamćenja očekuje se da popuši priču, pa da svi skupa zagazimo u nove pobjede. Dvije povijesne pljačke, ona iz devedesetih i ova aktualna, imaju biti zaboravljene kad se birači opiju mišlju na (pre)minulog poglavara. Na ovom mjestu dajemo svoj skromni doprinos nastojanjima najveće oporbene stranke Od ove sezone opet se nosi - Franjo Tuđman O genocidnim promjenama: "S jedne strane one neizbježno produbljuju povijesne razdore, razjaruju međunacionalnu mržnju i potiču osvetničke porive, pa sa svime time pridonose održavanju međunarodne zategnutosti i izbijanju sve novih i novih sukoba. S druge strane, dovode do etničke homogenizacije pojedinih naroda, do većeg sklada nacionalnog sastava pučanstva i državnih granica pojedinih zemalja, pa to može imati pozitivne učinke na kretanja u budućnosti u smislu smanjivanja razloga za nova nasilja i povoda za nove sukobe i potrese' (Bespuća povijesne zbiljnosti, 1989. godina) O malim stvarima koje čovjeka čine sretnim: "Sretan sam da mi žena nije Židovka ni Srpkinja." (travanj 1990, predizborni skup HDZ-a u Dubravi) O stabilnosti u komunističkim državama: "Uspostavili smo demokratski poredak stabilniji nego u bilo kojoj drugoj bivšoj komunističkoj državi." (Franjo Tuđman u Tribunju, 14. 08. 1993. godine) O hrvatskim prijateljima kojih nema: "Pripadnici ste jednog slavnog naroda koji kako u povijesti, a tako ni sada nije imao prijatelje." (Dr Franjo Tuđman u Tribimju, 14. kolovoza 1993. godine) O skromnosti i vlastitom doživljaju svog poslanja: "Ako ne bi bilo Tuđmana, ne bi bilo HDZ-a, ne bi bilo Hrvatske!" (svibanj 1994, razgovor s urednicima hrvatskih listova u povodu Dana državnosti) O neovisnosti pravosuđa: "Sudovi su donosili odluke bez mojega znanja!" (Dr. Franjo Tuđman u interviewu hrvatskim listovima u povodu Dana državnosti, svibanj 1994.) O veoma povoljnijim položajima: Hrvatska je po prvi puta u svo
On Sunday, Portugal will select their entry for Eurovision 2018 and the country is on hold to see who will succeed to Salvador Sobral’s magical performance. There’s only one thing missing: the Wiwi Jury. Our in-house panel of music unprofessionals dived into Portuguese traditional music and came up with their favourites. Given time constraints we weren’t able to evaluate all 14 songs in the usual Wiwi Jury way. Instead, 11 members of team wiwibloggs listed their top-five candidates along with a review of their favourite. Let’s find out who we want in Eurovision! Robyn 1. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim” Strangely enough, the FdC performance of “O Jadim” sounds like a stripped-down acoustic performance of a much bigger, fuller production. The strength of the song means that it could stand up to either treatment, but a Eurovision performance could handle a bigger, bolder production. Cláudia has an ethereal sound and look and brings clear emotion to the performance. Portugal doesn’t need a Salavdor sequel to win FdC. “O Jardim” goes in the right direction. 2. Lili – “O voo das cegonhas” 3. David Pessoa – “Amor veloz” 4. Joana Barra Vaz – “Anda estragar-me os planos” 5. Susana Travassos – “Messageira” Bernardo 1. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim” In terms of production, “O Jardim” is an interesting piece that combines a ballad construction with modern beats. Add to that meaningful lyrics and a distinct and unique voice like Cláudia and you have a diamond ready to be polished. In fact, Cláudia brings a lot to the song. Her presence is engaging and her body beautifully connects with the song, especially important when you’re singing in Portuguese and few know what you’re trying to say. If it wins, Portugal will continue its new trend of sending quality entries and should be proud in Eurovision, no matter the result. 2. Janeiro – “(sem título)” 3. Peu Madureira – “Só por Ela” 4. Lili – “O Voo das Cegonhas” 5. Peter Serrado – “Sunset” Jordi 1. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim” Simplicity at its finest sung in such beautiful way. Claudia Pascoal’s “O Jardim” is not a song but a journey of emotions and placid tempos that conducts you to a more peaceful state of mind. The way Claudia and Isaura both perform and the emotion they put into it make this song already a worthy experience to feel. Both voices merge amazingly while dripping with sensitivity. And despite Eurovision already have some other ballads, this one does sound timeless and overall mesmerizing. 2. Janeiro – “(sem titulo)” 3. Catarina Miranda – “Para Sorrir Eu Não Preciso de Nada” 4. Lili – “O Voo das Cegonhas” 5. Peu Madureira – “Só Por Ela” Bogdan 1. Janeiro – “(sem titulo)” This is the only song from Portugal’s selection that utterly seduced me at first listen. It feels like Janeiro is baring his soul in this beautiful, untitled poem set on guitar chords. I can see him in a deserted park at night singing to the stars above. (The sound of the ambulance siren in the distance is a very nice touch.) It is so intimate yet so powerful at the same time. And the lyrics, my God — you have to check them out. If Portugal sends Janeiro to Eurovision, I will be as ecstatic as I was last year. 2. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim” 3. Peu Madureira – “Só per ela” 4. Lili – “O voo das cegonhas” 5. Anabela – “Para te dar abrigo” Luís 1. Cláudia Pascoal – �
�O Jardim” “O Jardim” is a delicate pleasure that’s hard to see on a big stage. Portugal has the option of presenting such a quality song in the final of Eurovision, and they should not waste it. Cláudia’s voice is familiar, yet distinctive enough to make an impression: she has peaks like those of the big pop divas, but then also masters the whispers of an acoustic performance. The performance would need some polish, especially with some closer camera shots, but this is good to go already. 2. Janeiro – “(sem titulo)” 3. Lili – “O voo das cegonhas” 4. Maria Inés París – “Bandeira azul” 5. Catarina Miranda – “Para sorrir eu não preciso de nada” Edd 1. Catarina Miranda – “Para sorrir eu não preciso de nada” This is a sweet song with an even sweeter message, but the real star is Catarina. Her quirky look, smooth voice and deeply endearing performance style warms your heart. The song does need some added instrumentation to give it a bit more personality (some violins and xylophone would do wonders), but the potential is there — and whilst this may not stand out in a selection of almost exclusively non-contemporary ballads, it would do at Eurovision come May. 2. Peu Madureira – “Só por ela” 3. Anabela – “Para te dar abrigo” 4. Peter Serrado – “Sunset” 5. Joana Barra Vaz – “Anda estragar-me os planos” Jonathan 1. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim” I was quite glad I had a large pile of ironing to do while listening to the 14 finalists, as it gave my mind something else to focus on and stopped me drifting off during many of the performances. However, there was one song that made me put down the iron and watch it all the way though. While “O Jardim” has the ‘non-fast food music’ feel that Portugal seem to want in their entry, it also still feels relatively contemporary unlike many of the other entries. Additionally, although there are a number of ballads in the selection Cláudia is the only one to fully put her emotions into the song, which you can feel even within the first few notes. This would give Portugal the opportunity to show Europe that they can honour their Eurovision winner, but still not be stuck in a cycle of recycling the same thing every year. 2. Peter Serrado – “Sunset” 3. Lili – “O voo das cegonhas” 4. Joana Barra Vaz – “Anda estragar-me os planos” 5. Catarina Miranda – “Para sorrir eu não preciso de nada” Natalie 1. Lili – “O Voo das Cegonhas” Those heavy bass beats at the start showed me we had something a bit special and different here. After winning with a very traditional Latin song, what Portugal really needs is to send something crazy and modern this year. Everything is so unoriginal and interesting here; the bouncy drum beat, the electronic sounds, and Lili’s voice is so different and transcendental… it just has me enraptured. I really don’t think that Portugal we able to do two wins in a row, but as a host country, it would be awesome if they sent something as off-kilter as this. 2. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim” 3. Joana Barra Vaz – “Anda Estragar-me os Planos” 4. Catarina Miranda – “Para Sorrir Eu Não Preciso de Nada” 5. Peu Madureira – “Só por Ela” Sebastian 1. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim” What was clearly a two-horse race with the now-ousted Diogo Picarra has now become a much easier feat for Claudia Pascoal. Claudia delivers a somewhat haunting piece, with a beat, rhythm and atmosphere that grows little by little across three minutes.
Three people, including a minor, have been injured in the city of Lille after a gunman opened fire near the central Porte d’Arras metro station. Police are not considering the incident to be terror-related, local media reports. Witnesses heard at least five shots fired in central Lille late on Friday, local outlet La Voix du Nord reported. The injured reportedly included a 14-year-old teenager, who was shot in the leg. Another person has suffered a neck injury and has been hospitalized. Lille : fusillade près du métro Porte d'Arras, 3 blessés - Fdesouche https://t.co/XwBUWf39rz — Ce_line 🇫🇷 (@ce_li_ne_fr) March 24, 2017 #Lille : des coups de feu tirés près du métro porte d’Arras ce vendredi soir, plusieurs blessés https://t.co/GD3ROILUYqpic.twitter.com/tp2oID1XJi — La Voix du Nord (@lavoixdunord) March 24, 2017 The motive behind the shooting was not immediately clear. The shooter has reportedly escaped the scene. Multiple police and emergency service vehicles have been dispatched and police have cordoned off the area. Coups de feu ce soir porte d'Arras à LIlle. Trois jeunes ont été légèrement blessés. Le tireur serait en fuite. pic.twitter.com/06VD5gtrGZ — France Bleu Nord (@fbleunord) March 24, 2017 Police said they do not consider the case to be terror-related, France Bleu Nord reported. Officers found about 10 bullet shells on the scene, the outlet said. Media reports, citing sources, have claimed that the incident was understood to be related to drug traffickers “settling scores.” No official statement has yet been released, however. Police in #France have stated that #shooting in #Lille is not #terror related - no further details have been shared — TSM_Pulse (@TSM_Pulse) March 24, 2017 Update Shooting near Porte d'Arras metro in #Lille in northern #France. 3 injured.It seems clash btw drug deal/gangs so far 📸 pic.twitter.com/C7HosHiLTL — Mete Sohtaoğlu (@metesohtaoglu) March 24, 2017 The coverage of the shooting has caused some controversy on social media. While major international news agencies chose to ignore the incident altogether, several UK tabloids picked the story under headlines such as “Terror fears in Lille as'many wounded' in shooting near metro station in center of French city” (Daily Mirror) and “Terror alert in Lille…” (Daily Mail). Reckless sensationalism from British tabloids is once again driving fear, rumors and confusion https://t.co/HK5UBiVgAv — BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) March 24, 2017 Terror, terror, terror! It's almost like they wanted it to be the case #Lillepic.twitter.com/hBhVUGHWOF — Charles B. Anthony (@CharlesBAnthony) March 24, 2017 #Lille Toujours 3 blessés pour le moment (5 selon les riverains) pic.twitter.com/rR28uu85Xl — INFO Roubaix (@InfoRoubaix) March 24, 2017 In a wave of backlash on Twitter, some criticized the lack of coverage by mainstream media, while others denounced the “terror” label a number of outlets and social media pages chose to use before the nature of the shooting could be verified. Nice to see the media covering the terror attack in #lille#france. Once again relying on Twitter for the updates.. pic.twitter.com/12OGw7n2XB — Scott Jones (@ScottJonesy) March 24, 2017 On Wednesday the French turned the lights off the Eiffel Tower in solidarity with the UK. Today UK TV news don't report #Lille attack. — Peter Thompson (@TheRedRag) March 24, 2017 #Lille police saying shooting related to gang violence, NOT terror. But, after London, can you really blame people for thinking the worst? — Vive Le Pen! (@lepenarmy) March 24, 2017 Hashtag #PrayForLille was also immediately created, causing twitterati to quarrel in
The Islamic State’s own news agency was quick to claim responsibility for a double murder last night after a young man stabbed a senior police officer and his wife to death in a Paris suburb. French president Francois Hollande confirmed the attack was “unquestionably a terrorist act”, and French newspapers this morning are reporting that the killer, 25-year-old Larossi Abballa had already been convicted for terror offences. The police Commissioner, identified as 42-year old Jean-Baptiste Salvaing was stabbed to death while in civilian clothes outside his home last night. The killer then barricaded himself inside the home where he cut Jessica Salvaing’s throat. The wife of the slain officer, Mrs. Salvaing worked for the French police in an administrative role and also died of her wounds. While holed up in the house, it is reported by French news outlets that the killer ‘Facebook Live’ live-streamed a video feed of the killings to his profile — maintained under the pseudonym “Mohamed Ali” — and uploaded pictures of his victims. During the video livecast which took place before his account was suspended by Facebook the killer mused what to do with the three year old child who sat near him after he killed it’s mother, and called on his followers to wage jihad against “police officers, prison guards, journalists, rappers”. According to Le Figaro the killer claimed “the euro will be a cemetery”, referring possibly to the Euro 2016 football tournament, or the continent itself. After “several hours of negotiations”, a police commando unit stormed the house, shooting Mr. Abballa dead, but recovering the police officer’s three year old son who was said to be “shocked but unharmed”. Police have made two arrests this morning following raids on the killer’s apartment. Although those held in police custody have not been identified, they are said to be “relations” of Abballa. The ability of French counter-terror police to adequately track and monitor the thousands of potential terror suspects living and moving across France and the European Union through the Schengen borderless zone will again be called into question after it was revealed this morning the killer was already known to police, reports Le Figaro. Larossi Abballa was convicted in 2013 and jailed for three years for terror recruitment in a plot linking France and Pakistan. The terrorist spent just six months in prison before being released to live close to Commissioner Salvaing. The Islamic State claimed the attack last night, with the Amaq agency — the same ‘news’ arm of ISIS which claimed responsibility for Sunday’s Pulse nightclub killing in Orlando, Florida — reporting “Islamic State fighter kills deputy chief of the police station in the city of Les Mureaux and his wife with blade weapons near Paris”. France is already on the highest level of terror alert in anticipation of attacks during the Euro 2016 football tournament. Following an emergency cabinet meeting at the Elysee Palace this morning French President Hollande called it a “cowardly act” and said the nation faces a “terrorist threat of great importance”. He said the state had “mobilised considerable resources” to fight the threat. A spokesman for France’s trade union of Police Commissioners told press his colleagues were in “shock, absolute horror” at the attack. Lamenting the development in Islamist terrorism that now sees off-duty officers out of uniform targeted by killers, he said: “It’s unheard of! They now attack the police and their families at home. It is very disturbing. My thoughts go primarily to the family of these two police officers, and their three year old boy who survived the madness”. Those who see president Hollande as having failed to protect the nation from Islamic terror have been vocal in their condemnation. Former president Nicolas Sarkozy, who hopes to run again in 2017 said the nation’s level of vigilance “must be adapted without delay”, and the government must “strengthen the security of the French, and the protection of our security forces… the whole nation is under attack”. Riding high in the polls is Front National candidate Marine Le Pen, who called it the “umpteenth attack” against France by Islamic radicals on Twitter. She said “the massacre of these two police officers in front of their baby is a crime” and that “the relentless fight against Islamism must finally start”. Le massacre de ce couple de policiers devant leur bébé est le crime de trop.La lutte, implacable,contre l'islamisme doit enfin commencer MLP — Marine