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Let’s not allow the State to keep rebels in its clutches!
There seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel for comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva, who has spent more than 30 years in Spanish and German prison cells.
He was extradited from Germany to Spain to serve a sentence of 3 years and 7 months thanks to a European detention order issued by the court of Albacete, which he has just completed following the application of a judicial decree. The same court in Albacete therefore issued an order for his immediate release on May 17th, and comrades went to the prison to meet him on the outside over the days that followed. In vain, however, as he is still behind bars.
The management of the prison where he now finds himself (La Moraleja prison in Dueñas, province of Palencia) and various judicial bodies such as the court of Girona lost no time in submitting a number of dubious procedures to prevent Gabriel’s release. These procedures are aimed at prolonging his imprisonment indefinitely, despite the fact that he has several appeals in course.
The fact that the State makes the laws for its own benefit and is the first to trample them is nothing new, regardless of what those who defend democracy say. It is also no surprise that the State’s cops are prepared to use any means to crush those who refuse to bow down before them.
In Spain, as elsewhere, the tightening of laws and penal codes, the repressive waves against “subversives” and the frenzied brandishing of the “terrorist” threat are ways of straightening out the world and forcing it into accepting a system based on exploitation and domination at any cost. Imprisoning and keeping imprisoned those who, like Gabriel, continue to express their refusal of authority and oppression come wind or high water is a way of kidnapping them and a clear message to those who, one way or another, attack this social order.
Voices from inside the prisons denouncing conditions, the guards’ constant extortions and even enclosure in and of itself, are heard regularly. If repression and prison restructuring have contributed to stopping collective struggles inside momentarily, they haven’t succeeded in completely stamping out revolt, which at times has found echoes beyond the walls. It is this spreading and breaking of atomisation that scares power, against which the State and its lackeys are carrying out a dirty war using physical and psychological pressure in conjunction with the usual judicial and prison based manoeuvres.
The situation of anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva shows clearly that he is still in the sights of the institutions, which want to bury him in their dungeons for what he is, what he thinks and continues to express.
Solidarity is one way of responding to this war being unleashed against rebels.
May each individual express it in the way he or she considers appropriate.
Freedom to all. Immediate release of Gabriel Pombo da Silva!
Anarchists without borders
May 25th 2016
Fax campaign for the immediate release of Gabriel Pombo da Silva
Following the above communiqué, where the situation of kidnapped anarchist Gabriel Pombo da Silva was updated, an international fax campaign was proposed as one way of making pressure for his release.
The idea is to concentrate this form of protest from Wednesday June 8th until Saturday June 11th, coinciding with June 11th, the day of solidarity with long-term prisoners.
Below is a proposal for the fax to be sent to the contacts written at the end.
En enero del 2013, Gabriel Pombo da Silva fue extraditado de Alemania bajo una orden europea de extradición (OEDE) emitida por la Audiencia de Albacete por una condena de 3 años y 7 meses.
Contestando a la petición de la Fiscalía de Colonia, esta misma audiencia de Albacete, reconoció que Gabriel había cumplido su condena y el 17 de mayo, aplicándole las redenciones que le corresponden desde que llegó al estado español, emitió una orden de excarcelación inmediata.
No obstante, nuestro compañero, a quien ni siquiera le fue notificada esta orden por la dirección del centro penitenciario de La Moraleja (Dueñas, provincia de Palencia), sigue allí detenido de forma totalmente ilegal, dado que esta detención va en contra no sólo de un auto judicial, sino también de los tratados europeos que rigen el proced | 6,000 |
Lawrence Krauss has told me of a remarkable meeting at University College, London last night (March 9th) where he had a debate with a Muslim spokesman.
A few days ago, I had received a tip-off from somebody who had made an inquiry about tickets: ‘We contacted the organizers today and learnt that "as for seating, it is according to when the ticket was booked and gender”.’
“Gender”? Seating at a public event in UCL organized by gender?
I passed this on to Lawrence, with the suggestion that he might consider withdrawing from the whole affair. He immediately asked the organizers, who assured him that the audience would not be segregated by sex, and Lawrence agreed to go ahead.
When he got to the meeting he discovered that actually the seating in the auditorium was indeed segregated by sex. There was a men’s section, a women’s section, and a “couples” section. Did the “couples” have to produce a marriage certificate, one can’t help wondering? And, while wondering such things, what would have been the reaction of the audience if they had been segregated, as in apartheid South Africa, into a black section, a white section and a “coloureds” section?
When Lawrence realised that he had been duped, he immediately secured permission from the organizers to announce that – contrary to previous instructions – people could sit wherever they wanted. Three young men, described by Lawrence as nice gentle guys, then got up and moved to the women’s section in the back. “In the back”, by the way, may resonate with those who remember Rosa Parks in Alabama in 1955. Security guards then tried to eject the three young men. Lawrence went to find out why, and the guards told him the three were a “threat”. Threat to whom, one wonders?
Lawrence then packed his bag and walked out, explaining why he was doing so, and this part of the evening’s events was filmed by Dana Sondergaard on a smartphone. She sent the film to Lawrence and has said that I can re-post it her. Her own eye-witness account of the event is on her Facebook page, here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151324574843231
After Lawrence walked out, the organizers, perhaps worried about adverse publicity, ran after him and persuaded him to come back, agreeing to let the three young men return to their seats in the “women’s section”. Unfortunately in my opinion, Lawrence agreed to return. It was a decent gesture on his part, but I can’t help wishing he had refused and generated maximum publicity for this disgraceful episode. I suspect that he too now regrets his bending over backwards to be polite, and to return. I also regret that more people didn’t move along with the three men, and it’s a bit of a shame that no women, in the spirit of Rosa Parks, moved to the men’s section.
It is unclear whether the UCL authorities were aware that sexual apartheid was being practised in one of their lecture rooms, but we may hope that a full inquiry will be launched.
University College, London is celebrated as an early haven of enlightened free thinking, the first university college in England to have a secular foundation, and the first to admit men and women on equal terms. Heads should roll.
Isn’t it really about time we decent, nice, liberal people stopped being so pusillanimously terrified of being thought “Islamophobic” and stood up for decent, nice, liberal values?
Apartheid Sexual en el University College de Londres
via http://es.www.richarddawkins.net/
Lawrence Krauss me ha platicado de una singular reunión en el University Collegede Londres, la noche del 9 de marzo, en la que debatió con un portavoz musulmán.
Unos días antes yo había sido alertado por alguien que había hecho preguntas respecto a las entradas al debate: 'Hoy contactamos a los organizadores y nos enteramos que "con respecto a la asignación de asientos, esta será de acuerdo a la fecha de reservación y al género (sexo)".'
¿"Género"? ¿La signación de asientos en un evento público de la UCL, organizado por género?
Avisé de | 6,001 |
Foto: Index
HRVATSKA radio televizija (HRT) godišnje od pretplate, koja po pretplatniku iznosi 80 kuna mjesečno, ubere oko 1,2 milijarde kuna. Taj iznos glavni je prihod HRT-a koji iznosi približno 1,4 milijarde kuna. Oko 120 milijuna kuna dolazi im od oglašavanja, a ostatak je od ostalih poslovnih prihoda.
Od 80 kuna mjesečno u 12 mjeseci do 50 vrtića ili 30 škola
Prosječna cijena izgradnje jednog vrtića u Hrvatskoj iznosi oko 22 do 28 milijuna kuna. Od osamdeset kuna pretplate za HRT, Hrvati su u godinu dana mogli financirati izgradnju gotovo 50 vrtića i smjestiti gotovo 10 tisuća mališana. Tek za usporedbu prosječno po županijama nedostaje oko 1500 novih mjesta u vrtićima, a samo gradu Zagrebu trenutno nedostaje točno 48 novih vrtića. U ovisnosti od kapaciteta te uključuju li izgradnja nove škole i modernu sportsku dvoranu, cijena jedne škole varira između 25 do 50 milijuna kuna. To znači da se u prosjeku od pretplate koju izdvajamo za HRT moglo izgraditi oko 30 škola.
Što želite gledati, partijsku TV ili dvije nove moderne bolnice?
Posljednja bolnica koja se radi u Hrvatskoj je ona u Puli, a kompletan trošak izgradnje bolnice s opremom mogao bi stajati negdje oko 600 milijuna kuna. To znači da bi godišnje od pretplate za HRT mogli izgraditi dvije moderne bolnice u Hrvatskoj. Najveće liste za čekanje u zdravstvu one su za CT uređaje, a hrvatske bolnice se već godinama žale kako rade na starim i gotovo dotrajalim uređajima. Nedavno je KBC-a Rijeka nabavila novi CT uređaj koji može pregledati za svega 5 sekundi, a prema specifikacijama dnevno radi preglede 50 pacijenata. Jedan od najpotrebnijih uređaja nabavljen je za 8,5 milijuna kuna, a odricanjem pretplate za HRT mogli bi godišnje nabaviti oko 140 uređaja godišnje.
40 najtraženijih PET/CT uređaja
Na moderni PET/CT uređaj KBC-a Rebro koji predstavlja najsuvremeniju i najpouzdaniju metodu utvrđivanja metastaza kod malignih bolesnika, prema službenim podacima čeka se oko mjesec dana, a prema neslužbenim i pričama pacijenata puno duže. Cijena ovakvog uređaja je 30 milijuna kuna, a umjesto da plaćamo pretplatu mogli smo nabaviti njih 40!
Mjesečno se za plaće na HRT izdvaja oko 38 milijuna kuna, a zaposlenih je na HRT-u oko | 6,002 |
some circumstances” goes too far for two reasons. First, some claims are outright false, such as “the Sun revolves around the Earth.” Furthermore, even if two competing claims are both correct under some conditions, this does not mean they are equally true. Knowing that something is true 90% of the time is quite different than knowing it is true 10% of the time. Claiming that some phenomena is “powerful” or “pervasive,” when the data show it is only rarely true, is wrong. Let’s say that, on average, stereotype biases in person perception are not very powerful or pervasive – which they are not (Jussim, 2012 – multiple meta-analyses yield an average estimate of r =.10 for such biases). Isn’t it better to point out that the field’s long history of declaring them to be powerful and pervasive is wrong (at least when the criterion is the field’s own data), than to just report the data without acknowledging its bearing on longstanding conclusions?
This reluctance to declare certain theories or hypotheses wrong risks leading social psychology to become populated with a plethora of “… undead theories that are ideologically popular but have little basis in fact” (Ferguson & Heene, 2012, p. 555). This amusing phrasing cannot be easily dismissed – ask yourself, “Which theories in social psychology have ever been disconfirmed?” Indeed, a former President of the National Research Council, Dr. Bruce Alberts and editor of science put it this way (quoted in The Economist, 2013):
“And scientists themselves need to develop a value system where simply moving on from one’s mistakes without publicly acknowledging them severely damages, rather than protects, a scientific reputation.’”
I agree. It is ok to be wrong. In fact, if one engages in enough scientific research for a long enough period of time, one is almost guaranteed to be wrong about something. Good research at its best can be viewed as systematic, creative, and informed trial and error. But that includes … error! Both being wrong sometimes, and correcting wrong claims are integral parts of healthy scientific processes.
Furthermore, from a prescriptive standpoint of how science should proceed, I concur with Popper’s (1959/1968) notion that we should seek to disconfirm theories and hypotheses. Ideas left standing in the face of strong attempts at disconfirmation are those most likely to be robust and valid. Thus, rather than being something we social psychologists should shrink away from, bluntly identifying which theories and hypotheses do not (and do!) hold up to tests of logic and existing data should be a core component of how we conduct our science.
Duarte, J. L., Crawford, J. T., Stern, C., Haidt, J., Jussim, L., & Tetlock, P. E. (2014). Political diversity will improve social psychological science. Manuscript that I hope is on the verge of being accepted for publication.
The Economist (October 19, 2013). Trouble at the lab. Retrieved on 7/8/14 from:
Ferguson, C. J., & Heene, M. (2012). A vast graveyard of undead theories: Publication bias and psychology’s aversion to the null. Psychological Science, 7, 555-561.
Greenwald, A. G., Pratkanis, A. R., Leippe, M. R., & Baumgardner, M. H. (1986). Under what conditions does theory obstruct research progress? Psychological Review, 93, 216-229.
Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2005). Why most published research findings are false. PLOS Medicine, 2, 696-701.
Jussim, L. (2012). Social perception and social reality: Why accuracy dominates bias and self-fulfilling prophecy. NY: Oxford University Press.
Jussim, L., Crawford, J. T., Anglin, S. M., & Stevens, S. T. (In press a). The politics of social psychological science II: Distortions in the social psychology of liberalism and conservatism. To appear in J. Forgas, K. Fiedler, & W. Crano (Eds.), Sydney Symposium on Social Psychology and Politics.
Jussim, L. Crawford, J. T., Stevens, S. T., & Anglin, S. M. (In press b). The politics of social psychological science I: Distortions in the social psychology of intergroup relations. To appear in P. Vald | 6,003 |
Frédéric SAUSSET
1er pilote quadri-amputé de l’Histoire du sport automobile à participer et terminer les « 24 heures du Mans », la plus difficile et Mythique course automobile au Monde.
Frédéric Sausset
Sausset was the first ever quadruple amputee to enter and finish the mythical 24 Hours of Le Mans, the most difficult race in the world of motorsports.
He has succeeded in making racing history.
« Contrairement à d’autres épreuves, sur un circuit, on ne peut pas sur évaluer ses performances et ses véritables temps de pilotage, le public est présent tout autour ce qui donne une véritable crédibilité à l’exploit réalisé, impossible de tricher »
Entrée dans la Légende du Sport Automobile
Une 1ère Mondiale sans précédant dans l’Histoire du Sport Automobile
An unprecedented first in the history of motorsports
Après son entrée dans la Légende du Sport Automobile International, Frédéric SAUSSET est couronné par le premier prix spécial du Président Jean TODT à l’occasion du grand gala de la FIA 2016 à Vienne devant des centaines d’invités prestigieux qui lui ont réservé une incroyable et émouvante Standing Ovation.
After making history in the world of international motorsports, Frédéric Sausset was awarded a special prize by Jean Todt, president of the FIA, at the federation’s gala held in Vienna. He received a remarkable standing ovation from the hundreds of prestigious guests in attendance.
https://youtu.be/Q7HRpRx5YbU (Cliquez pour découvrir)
Résumé de l’exploit (cliquez pour visionner)
Vous allez ci dessous découvrir l’ascension fulgurante de notre programme…
“En juillet 2012, suite à un légère éraflure sur un doigt j’ai contracté une virulente bactérie qui, en moins de 48H, se transforme en un purpura fulminant. Ce type de septicémie nécrose très rapidement les extrémités du corps avant de s’attaquer aux organes vitaux. Plongé dans le coma, mon pronostic vital est très sérieusement engagé.
Sausset’s Story
In July 2012, I scraped my finger and caught a virulent bacteria. In less than forty-eight hours, this bacteria turned into a serious purpura. This type of septicemia triggered the necrosis of my body’s limbs before attacking my vital organs. It put me in a coma and threatened my life.
Dans l’urgence et pour me sauver la vie, il est décidé de procéder à l’amputation de mes bras ainsi que de mes jambes au dessus des genoux. S’en suivent de très difficiles semaines de lutte pour survivre, de douleurs physiques et psychologiques.
Fin octobre 2012, au travers de ma structure SAUSSET RACING TEAM 41 (SRT41), j’ai imaginé et structuré ce défi « fou »d’être le 1er pilote quadri amputé de l’Histoire du Sport Automobile à participer et terminer la plus grande course automobile au Monde, les 24H du Mans.
In order to keep me alive, the emergency decision was taken to amputate my arms and my legs just above knee level. This operation was followed by several tough weeks during which I fought for my life while being in a state of great physical and psychological pain. At the end of October 2012, I decided to take up the “crazy” challenge of becoming the first ever quadruple amputee in the history of motosports to enter and finish the greatest car race in the world, the 24 Hours of Le Mans. This project was made possible with the support of | 6,004 |
SAUSSET RACING TEAM 41 (SRT41), my team.
Ma participation aux 24 Heures du Mans au volant d’un prototype LMP2 moins de 4 ans après ce dramatique accident est devenue une réalité grâce aux nombreux soutiens institutionnels, constructeurs, sportifs et financiers qui ont été séduits par la dimension de l’exploit.
Less than four years after this dramatic accident, my dream of racing in the 24 Hours of Le Mans at the wheel of an LMP2 prototype became a reality thanks to the support of several constructors, sportspeople, and numerous public and financial institutions, all seduced by the magnitude of this feat.
Pour la saison 2015, j’étais engagé en championnat V de V Endurance Séries au volant d’un prototype CN exclusif. Cette saison d’apprentissage m’a permis de me familiariser avec la course automobile de haut niveau.
Nous nous sommes confrontés aux autres pilotes et avons acquis notre légitimité avec d’excellents résultats salués par les professionnels.
In 2015, we raced in the VdeV Endurance Series at the wheel of an exclusive CN prototype. During this learning period, I familiarized myself with the highest level of motorsports competition. We competed against other drivers, achieving excellent results and gaining credibility as a team.
Enfin, j’ai eu l’immense privilège de faire plusieurs tours du grand circuit du Mans(13,600km) lors des séance d’essais libres des 24H 2015 et 2017 au volant de mon prototype.
I finally had the privilege of covering one lap of the long Le Mans track (13,600 km) in my prototype during a free practice session scheduled during the 24 Hours of Le Mans 2015.
Le 21 Octobre 2015, lancement officiel de la Fondation abritée « Frédéric SAUSSET/Ma course à la vie »(à découvrir en ouvrant l’onglet « FONDATION ») qui soutient financièrement les projets de Frédéric SAUSSET dans le cadre du mécénat.
On October 21, 2015, we launched the Foundation “Frédéric Sausset, Racing For Life” (details found under the “Foundation” tab). The foundation provides financial support for all of my projects.
Mercredi 3 Février 2016, moins de mois avant le départ de l’épreuve mythique, je faisais au Mans, devant de très nombreux médias et officiels, mes premiers tours de roues avec notre LMP2 SRT41 (520cv, 900kg, +300km/h).
On Wednesday, February 3, 2016, I covered my first laps at the wheel of my SRT41 LMP2 prototype (520 bhp, 900 kg, +300 km/h) in front of reporters and official representatives.
Vendredi 5 Février, conférence de presse officielle des 24 Heures du Mans et confirmation de notre engagement.
Our entry for the 24 Hours of Le Mans was confirmed during the race’s official press conference on Friday, February 5.
Enfin, j’ai dévoilé le 11 Mars 2016 celui qui apportera son immense expérience de pilote chevronné en venant renforcer notre équipage pour cette saison 2016 et bien évidement les 24H du Mans les 18 et 19 Juin.
Jean Bernard Bouvet, sarthois, 8 participations aux 24H a été retenu pour ses grandes compétences de pilotage, mais également pour ses incontestables qualités humaines qui correspondent parfaitement à l’esprit du défi SRT41.
On March 11, 2016, I revealed the third driver in our lineup for the 2016 season and the 24 Hours of Le Mans on June 18 and 19. We chose Jean-Bernard Bouvet, a native of La Sarthe who drove in the 24 Hours of Le Mans eight times. We selected him for his driving skills and exceptional personal attributes, which are in tune with the spirit of the SRT41 challenge.
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Hello crypto enthusiasts!
Apart from our more informal Stammtisch, we organize this monthly event with talks, presentations, demos and workshops.
Usually we start off with an introductory primer for newcomers, explaining Bitcoin and the essentials of the Blockchain protocol and what the fuzz is all about, rounding things up with recent news in the space.
Then we'll have additional talks about a more specific subject, or have invited guests introduce and demonstrate their projects or their businesses. (You're always welcome to give a talk or present your project too. Just contact one of the organizers!)
Besides, you can bring your notebooks and devices and hack away, during or after the talks. We exchange our knowledge, inspire each other, advance our projects, and whatever else we would come up with. Also if you're a newcomer to the crypto-world or a non-programmer, we'll gladly explain and show the basics, e.g. how to install and use a wallet.
The event takes place in the heart of Munich at the Kaufingerstraße near the Marienplatz. A big thanks to Wayra for making their great location available to us.
We're excited to have you, and we'll continue to strive towards making this event a great success! We have big plans for the future!
Hallo Crypto-Enthusiasten!
Neben unserem eher informellen Stammtisch organisieren wir diesen monatlichen Event mit Vorträgen, Präsentationen, Demos und Workshops.
Gewöhnlich beginnen wir mit einem Einführungsvortrag für die Neulinge, in dem Bitcoin und das Wesentliche des Blockchain-Protokolls erklärt werden, und worum sich der ganze Wirbel eigentlich dreht. Abgerundet wird das ganze mit den jüngsten News aus dem Themengebiet.
Dann haben wir zusätzliche Vorträge über ein spezielles Thema, oder eingeladene Gäste stellen und ihre Projekte und Unternehmen vor und demonstrieren sie. (Ihr seid jederzeit willkommen, ebenfalls einen Vortrag zu halten oder euer Projekt zu präsentieren. Kontaktiert einfach einen der Organisatoren!)
Außerdem könnt ihr eure Notebooks und Gerätschaften mitbringen und drauflos hacken, während oder nach den Vorträgen. Wir tauschen unsere Kenntnisse aus, inspirieren uns gegenseitig, bringen unsere Projekte voran, und auf was wir sonst noch alles so kommen. Auch wenn ihr Neuling in der Crypto-Welt oder Nichtprogrammierer seid, erklären und zeigen wir gerne die Grundlagen, z.B. wie man ein Wallet installiert und benutzt.
Der Event findet im Herzen von München statt in der Kaufingerstraße nahe dem Marienplatz. Ein großes Dankeschön an die Wayra, die uns diese großartige Location bereitstellen.
Wir freuen uns auf euch und sind stets dran, diesen Event zu einem großen Erfolg werden zu lassen! Wir haben große Pläne für die Zukunft!
19:00 ::bitcoinmuc:: Orga
- Opening and welcome
19:15 Michael Ep: Introduction to Bitcoin, crypto-currencies and the Blockchain
- The roots in cypherpunk and crypto-anarchism
- The (pre-) history of crypto-cash and the technical obstacles and problems that were solved along the way
- Clear step-by-step explanation of the Blockchain protocol
- Overview and comparison of different Blockchain implementations
- Potential effects on society and economy
- Latest news from the space
- Q&A
20:00 Vladimir Tosovic: Smart contracts
- What are smart contracts?
- Benefits of smart contracts
- Dec | 6,006 |
Che la Chiesa Cattolica si impegni molto a rendersi antipatica il più delle volte è un dato di fatto, ma, come ben sappiamo, due torti non fanno una giustizia. Ci hanno segnalato un video che in questi giorni è diventato virale
Nell’arco di poche ore ha fatto il giro del web: Facebook, Youtube e molti siti lo stanno condividendo. Ovviamente non manca chi lo sta condividendo come “prete che picchia bambini”. Per esempio
Assurdo, genitori che mandano i propri figli in chiesa a subire queste angherie e questa violenza da un prete, questo è medio evo. Allucinante!! Uno schifo totale.. Sempre più convinta che i primi pezzi di MERDA e soprattutto i primi PECCATORI sono proprio loro della chiesa.. ASSURDO! Qello che io mi chiedo è COME FARE A NON VEDERE COI PROPRI OCCHI IL MALE CHE SI LIBERA DA CERTE AZIONI..? Mentre le si compiono
Allora forse appunto qesta figura che è il male esiste e agisce per tramite dell’uomo
Esiste per contrapporsi e dare vita al bene..
Qando invece dovremmo realmente solo liberarcene ed esistere nel bene.
Ma il male nelle sue più autentiche forme
esiste agisce e si tramanda. E tanto sereni sotto la sua ombra non possiamo stare in verità. (credo non le funzioni la u sulla tastiera) Che voglia di prendelo a pugni fino a vedere che gli esce il sangue dalle orecchie talmente dei pugni. Buttatelo fuori dalla chiesa è un animale!
Ma i genitori dove sono?? Se lo fai ai miei figli ti conviene lanciarti dal quarto piano che ti fai meno male …
E così via, per non parlare dei moderati e intelligenti commenti a corredo.
Il video è stato girato in Brasile e il prete è Padre Angelotto nella Paróquia da Ressurreição di Brasilia. Ora, per quanto si possa criticare la non canonicità dei gesti e quanto sia appropriata o meno questa gestualità, ritengo sia evidente che i bambini si facciano “benedire” volontariamente e il tono “scherzoso” dei gesti – come il calcetto al bambino che cerca di evitare il prete. Cercando in internet si trovano queste informazioni
Segundo comentários, o Padre Angelotto tem o costume de “abençoar” as crianças dessa forma e é adorado por elas. “A missa dele é tão cheia que quase não tem espaço, as crianças sempre estão lá. A catequese de la teve que ser triplicada porque as crianças todas queriam ficar lá por conta dele”, contou uma internauta.
Padre José Roberto Angelotto ha inventato questo metodo di “benedizione” per la messa delle famiglie, sembrerebbe essere apprezzato e a quanto pare la chiesa è sempre piena quando celebra lui. In molte parti del mondo ci sono riti, cristiani e non, che contengono una discreta dose di violenza – l’autoflagellazione in alcune processioni cattoliche è impressionante – ma decisamente non è questo il caso. Il prete non sta picchiando i b | 6,007 |
Croatian Quake 2 Clan: Dead Presidents
(note from Donde Quake 2?) Translation from Croatian to English: to make this post into what I think is the more fun to read archived website experience possible some of the screenshots had already been translated to English using Google Translate, and in those cases the original content in Croatian will be available using the internet archive links. I have tried to balance that approach by respecting the Croatian Quake 2 interviews in their original language: please highlight the text and use Google translate in your browser to read the English translation.
Fritz intervju
Intervju by zOOmbie:
Ovaj povijesni dogadjaj se desio 09.06.00. Imate jos jedan interviju ovdje.
zOOmbie – SIVA boja
Fritz – BIJELA boja
1. Aj nam za pocetak reci malo o sebi. (ime, godine, mjesto stanovanja, JMBG :)))
Marko, 30, Jarun, mrš
2. Kolko godina igras Quake?
Od kad postoji, pa ti zbroji.
3. Koje je bilo tvoje prvo Quake multiplayer iskustvo?
Q1 na LAN-u u igraonici Quake na Jarunu … čim je izašao, prije toga igrao sam DOOM 1/2 multiplayer, af kors isto tako od kad su izašli…prek 14.400 modema direct-connect. I na LAN-u povremeno.
4. Sjecas li se svojeg prvog fraga?
ne :) Od Q se senili :)
5. Aj nam opisi svoj najljepsi frag? (imas demo mozda =))
U fak :) Ima toga … bilo ih je puno … ali od onih kojih se sad sjećam izdvojio bi: Fragove 1 i 2…
… popapao je BroTheR, igrao sam s njim samo dva duela u životu dok je bio HPB, ubrzo nakon toga dobio je ISDN i dueli s njim nisu više imali smisla. Prvu partiju dobio sam 9:2 … imao sam dobar spawn, krenuo sam agresivno, mislim da me malo potcijenio. Drugu je igrao sa više respekta, ali sam ga ipak dobio sa 6:5 … do 30 sekundi pred kraj vodio me 5:4 i onda idu ta 2 fraga u razmaku od po 15 sekundi … vidio ih je Lojza/Pomaranc/Tomat/PaPaK (jebali ga/ih fake nickovi) … fragovi su napravljeni ovako: U rocket areni sam bracu rocketom dobro načeo, krenem ga pilat chainom, on pobjegne na lift, ja namjestim rail na onaj uski prolaz koji se vidi kad enemy sa lifta ide dole u MH room i pogodim ga tak da se raspao.
Drugi frag uslijedio je opet railom za nekih 10 sekundi, spawnao se iznad donjeg RL-a, skočio po RL i krenuo vani, ja sam za to vrijeme skočio dole po žuti štit i evo drugog fraga … ja u zraku skačem sa žutog štita dolje, a on izlazi od RL-a van i FRAS! rail u prsa junačka … 6:5 i 18 sekundi do kraja … i moja partija.
Fragove 3 i 4 … … popapali su naki faceri iz U klana sad neki dan … igrali smo 4 on 4 protiv U klana, igralo se na slovenskom serveru T2K, | 6,008 |
A Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) Eastern Visayas official identified actor-turned-politician Ormoc City Mayor Richard Gomez as among those involved in the “drug group” of the Espinosas.
Gomez’s name, along with other local government officials in Leyte, cropped up when Senate Majority Leader Vicente Sotto III asked Chief Insp. Leo Laraga of CIDG Region 8 to explain why they had to apply for the search warrants against Albuera, Leyte Mayor Rolando Espinosa in Basey, Samar.
Laraga explained that they had to secure search warrants in Samar because most of the courts in Leyte province were controlled by local politicians and police officials there.
Initially, Laraga refused to name the officials but Sotto insisted as the inquiry is being done in aid of legislation.
“Sino sino ‘yung mga iniiwasan sa Leyte? Para maintindihan anong compelling reason para kumuha ng search warrant sa Samar?” Sotto asked Laraga.
“OK, your honor. Allegedly ‘yung vice mayor ng Baybay City, governor ng Leyte, mayor ng Ormoc City and congressman of third district of Leyte so all of those courts that can be applied ay under po nung mga politicians,” Laraga said.
(Who are those who you watch out for in Leyte? So we can understand the compelling reason behind the application for a search warrant in Samar?
OK, your honor. Allegedly, the vice mayor of Baybay City, governor of Leyte, mayor of Ormoc City and the congressman of the third district of Leyte, so all the courts under those politicians.)
He then named the following officials as Baybay Vice Mayor Mike Cari, Leyte Rep. Vicente “Ching” Veloso, a former appellate justice, Leyte Governor Leopoldo Petilla, and Ormoc City Mayor and actor Richard Gomez.
Alex Avisado, the lawyer of Gomez, issued a statement moments after his name was mentioned in the hearing. Avisado denied the alleged links of Gomez, as well as his wife Leyte Rep. Lucy Torres-Gomez, to illegal drugs.
“Mayor Richard Gomez, Cong. Lucy Torres-Gomez and (Leyte Provincial) Board Member Matt Torres have always been against drugs. They are advocates of a clean, active and healthy lifestyle. They have not and will never get involved in drugs,” Avisado said.
Avisado also warned individuals who are “desperately trying to destroy their reputation” to “put up or shut up.”
“They were resoundingly elected by the people of Ormoc and the 4th District of Leyte based on their solid anti-drug campaign. So to those who are desperately trying to destroy their reputation you have been warned! Put up or shut up! We will see you in court!” he said.
Veloso has denied his alleged ties with the Espinosas.
“Based on your information, are they involved in the Espinosa drug group?” Sotto asked. Laraga said, “It was the statement of the late Mayor Espinosa himself.”
Senator Miguel Zubiri then raised his concern on Gomez’s alleged involvement in the drug group.
Zubiri said he has not seen in any reports on social media that the actor has ties with Mayor Espinosa and his son Kerwin, tagged as the biggest drug lord in Eastern Visayas.
“Hindi ko naririnig pangalan ni Mayor Richard Gomez ever in any social media circle. Dapat ma-klaro ‘yan sir kasi mahirap naman ito. This is aired live. Ayaw naman natin masira pangalan niya,” the senator said.
(I have not heard of Mayor Richard Gomez’s name ever in any social media circle. That must be clarified. This is aired live. We don’t want to taint his name.)
Laraga explained that the CIDG does not have a copy of Espinosa’s affidavit but he said he remembers Albuera Police head Chief Insp. Jovie Espinido mention the name of Gomez and other officials during a case conference.
“I also heard it personally from Major Espinido during the case conference sa Bulwagan. Sinabi niya personally ‘yung mga pangalan na sinabi ko na binanggit ni Mayor Espinosa (He personally mentioned the names I just said as stated by Mayor Espinosa), | 6,009 |
Discover Encore+, a YouTube channel devoted to streaming memorable Canadian films and TV shows from the past. The Hot Docs Collection Playlist on Encore+ will stream select Canadian documentaries previously screened at Hot Docs Festival or at the Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema, as well as films created by Hot Docs production fund recipients or market program alumni. The Hot Docs Collection Playlist is available now for free with many films available in both French and English. Additional titles to be added over the coming months.
D: Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott | 2003 Based on Joel Bakan’s bestseller The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, this 26-award-winning documentary explores a corporation’s inner workings, curious history, controversial impacts and possible futures. One hundred and fifty years ago, a corporation was a relatively insignificant entity. Today, it is a vivid, dramatic, and pervasive presence in all our lives. Like the Church, the Monarchy and the Communist Party in other times and places, a corporation is today’s dominant institution. Charting the rise of such an institution aimed at achieving specific economic goals, the documentary also recounts victories against this apparently invincible force.
D: Alanis Obomsawin | 1993 On a July day in 1990, a confrontation propelled Native issues in Kanehsatake and the village of Oka, Quebec, into the international spotlight. Director Alanis Obomsawin spent 78 nerve-wracking days and nights filming the armed stand-off between the Mohawks, the Quebec police and the Canadian army. This powerful documentary takes you right into the action of an age-old Aboriginal struggle. The result is a portrait of the people behind the barricades. Documentaire sur la confrontation historique qui a propulsé les problèmes des Autochtones de Kanehsatake et du village d’Oka au Québec au premier plan de la scène internationale et de la conscience des Canadiens. Au cours de cet été épuisant de 1990, la productrice et réalisatrice Alanis Obomsawin, elle-même Abénaquise, a passé 78 jours et nuits angoissants derrière les barricades dressées par les Mohawks, à tourner des images du conflit armé les opposant à la Sûreté du Québec et l’Armée canadienne.
D: John Haslett Cuff | 2006 Actuality: The Art and Life of Allan King is a tribute to Canadian documentary filmmaker Allan King, who passed away on June 15, 2009. Completed three years before King’s death, the film examines pivotal moments in his career, weaving together interviews, images and passages from his major works created between 1956 and 2006.
D: Mark Achbar, Peter Wintonick | 1992 Manufacturing Consent explores the political life and ideas of world-renowned linguist, intellectual and political activist Noam Chomsky. Through a collage of biography, archival material and various graphics and illustrations, Mark Achbar and Peter Wintonick’s 22-award-winning documentary highlights Chomsky’s probing analysis of mass media and his critique of the forces at work behind the daily news.
D: Barbara Willis Sweete | 1997 Contemporary cellist Yo-Yo Ma performs Bach’s six Suites for Unaccompanied Cello in a series of films, each showing a collaboration with artists from different disciplines.
D: Alanis Obomsawin | 2000 This feature documentary profiles a key element of the 1990 Oka crisis in which the Mohawk communities of Kahnawake and Kanehsatake stood against the Canadian military and Canadian citizens in a stand-off that turned violent. Le 28 août 1990, un convoi de 75 voitures quitte le village mohawk de Kahnawake et traverse le pont Mercier en direction de Montréal, où il tombe sur une foule en colère qui lui lance des pierres.
D: Michel Brault, Pierre Perrault | 1962 Documentaire poétique et ethnographique sur la vie des habitants de l’Isle-aux-Coud | 6,010 |
�ותו ערכנו עם Robert Cristina).
בעקבות הראיון העברנו למר באנל שלוש שאלות נוספות:
Q: Sony recently announced officially that its new A33/55 cameras have overheating issues when shooting video after several minutes. Pentax uses similar sensors in its K5/K-r cameras – will this effect those cameras as well?
A: I can’t comment on the similarity between our sensors and those used in the Sony models you refer to. However, similar to the K-7, both the K-5 and K-r feature an alert should the sensor overheat due to excessive shooting. I can share that through our own extensive use with the K-7 shooting marketing videos like “Uncle Jack”, “The Making of Uncle Jack”, an I-10 lifestyle video, etc., our film crew put several K-7’s through many longs days without heating issues, and I’m expecting that we’ll have similar results with the new cameras.
Q: Is there a reason why you didn't include SDXC support in the K5/K-r?
A: Both K-5 and K-r can be upgraded via firmware to support the higher storage capacities available with SDXC cards. Since higher transfer rate speeds associated with SDXC require new hardware, we were not able to implement this with the release schedule for these new models.
Q: On the K5 you choose stainless steel for the body – most other manufacturers use magnesium – any reason for that?
A: To clarify your question, the shell for the K-5 does use magnesium alloy like the K-7, and we use stainless steel for the camera chassis to give the body the level of rigidity that an SLR requires.
בתרגום לעברית:
ש: חברת סוני הודיעה לאחרונה על בעיית התחממות בחיישנים המצויים בדגמי ה-A55/A33 לאחר צילום וידאו לפרק זמן של מספר דקות. המצלמות החדשות של חברת פנטקס (K5/K-r) עושות שימוש בחיישנים דומים – האם בעיה זו עשויה להשפיע גם עליהן?
ת: אינני יכול לדון בדמיון בין החיישנים בהם אנו משתמשים לאלו בהם עושה שימוש בדגמים אותם ציינת. יחד עם זאת כמו ב-K7 גם ה-K5 וגם ה-K-r כוללות התראת התחממות במקרה שהחיישן עובר טמפרטורת סף נתונה. אני יכול לציין כי מהניסיון הפנימי שלנו עם ה-K7 בצילום אינטנסיבי של סרטונים שיווקיים � | 6,011 |
The NY Times reports that tensions along Venezuela’s border have escalated to the point that government security forces opened fire on protesters, killing at least two people. The battle between the government and protesters is over food. The U.S. and other countries have sent aid to the border. Juan Guaidó has said he wants to get that food aid across the border and into the hands of starving people but Nicolas Maduro’s has ordered his security forces to block the border crossings and reportedly threatened truck drivers about bringing the food across the border.
Venezuelan opposition leaders and their allies in Brazil were scrambling on Friday to find trucks and drivers to transport 500 kits of food and medicine that they hope to get across the border on Saturday. María Teresa Belandria, an opposition leader who serves as Mr. Guaidó’s envoy to Brazil, said in an interview that some of the drivers that they hoped to enlist for the plan had been held back by the armed forces in Venezuela. Others, who are already in Brazil, have been threatened by allies of Mr. Maduro with arrest, she said. “It’s been very hard to line up the trucks,” said Ms. Belandria. “We’re coming up with a contingency plan.”
Things came to a head early this morning when a group of Venezuelans attempted to block the path of Maduro’s forces as they were headed to the border with Brazil. The security forces were there to block the flow of food aid:
At least two civilians were killed and more than a dozen wounded in the confrontation with security forces in the Gran Sabana area, along Venezuela’s southeast border with Brazil, according to Américo de Grazia, an opposition lawmaker from the state of Bolívar. The Gran Sabana area is inhabited by the Pemón, an indigenous community… Ricardo Delgado, a Pemón leader, said the tensions that led to the confrontation began in the predawn hours when a convoy from the Army and the National Guard attempted to reach a checkpoint on the border to help protect it. A group of indigenous protesters blocked their passage, because they want the aid to come in. Mr. Delgado said he told convoy officers that they could not pass, and they left. But hours later, he said, the convoy returned, this time shooting at the indigenous group blocking the streets.
Maduro has said he’s refusing the food aid because Venezuelans are not “beggars.” According to the Times, the protesters seen in this video are singing, “They are killing us with hunger.”
And here’s an image of two of the people shot by security forces:
Picture of 2 of the Pemones tribesmen shot by the Venezuelan army in Gran Sabana this morning,they were transferred to hospital in Santa Elena de Uairén but due to a lack of supplies they will reportedly be taken across the border into Brazil to a hospital in Boa Vista#Venezuela pic.twitter.com/aGGp1rngJg — CNW (@ConflictsW) February 22, 2019
Notice these men had to be taken to hospitals in Brazil. Today, Maduro posted this absurd propaganda video with text that reads, “We are making every effort to make the national public health system not stop and rise to the highest level in the world. A human effort that is only possible with the Bolivarian Revolution. Love with Love is paid!”
Estamos haciendo todos los esfuerzos para que el Sistema Público Nacional de Salud no se detenga y se eleve al más alto nivel en el mundo. Un esfuerzo humano que solo es posible con la Revolución Bolivariana. ¡Amor con Amor se paga! pic.twitter.com/5KdpPLe02e — Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) February 22, 2019
In reality, CNN reported back in 2016 that children were dying in Venezuelan hospitals from a lack of medical supplies. The AP reported about a 3-year-old girl who spent two months in a disgusting hospital overrun with roaches and wild dogs after she scraped her knee. The shortages of food and medicine are so severe that millions of Venezuelans have already fled the country and millions more have struggled to survive what has been called “the Maduro diet.”
Despite this, there are still a number of wealthy socialists demanding that the U.S. stop interfering in Venezuela. Just yesterday, socialist Bernie Sanders who never met a left-wing dictator he didn’t like, refused to call Maduro a dictator.
Today, just across the border with Colombia, a benefit concert is taking place. The concert was arranged by billionaire Richard Branson in | 6,012 |
with somewhat different phraseology and personal references (the Italian Modigliani and the Germans Ebert and Severing were added). Among the formulas in this article were: “In its gradual degeneration, the entire international social-democracy has become objectively nothing but a variety of fascism” (p. 93), and “the leading strata of German social-democracy have themselves turned fascist” (P 97).
The career of Marshal Pilsudski illustrates how difficult it was to apply this line. After classifying him as a fascist, the Polish Communists made common cause with him and assisted his coup of May 1926, not without the Comintern's knowledge (M. K. Dziewanowski, The Communist Party of Poland, Harvard University Press, 1959, pp. 118-19).
6 Ibid., pp. 105-6.
7 G. Sinowjew, Die Weltpartei des Leninismus (speeches at the Fifth Congress) [Verlag Carl Hoym, 1924], p. 40.
8 V. I. Lenin, Selected Works, Vol. X, p. 310 (March 1922).
9 Protokoll des Vierten Kongresses der Kommunistischen Internationale (Verlag der Kommunintischen Internationale, 1923), p. 63.
10 Stalin, Works (Foreign Languages Publishing House, [Moscow], 1953), Vol. VI, pp. 294-95.
11 Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz (Berlin), October 7, 1924, pp. 1724-25. Stalin's article on the “International Situation” appeared in the same organ dated September 30, 1924, only about a week earlier. The English version of Neumann's article may be found in International Press Correspondence, October 23, 1924, pp. 838-39, with the subtitle as title.
12 Protokoll der Erweiterten Exekutive, March-April 1925 (Carl Hoym Nachf., 1925), p. 40.
13 Protokoll der Erweiterten Exekutive, November-December 1926 (Carl Hoymn Nachf., 1927), p. 563.
14 The process of persuasion may be followed in Communist Policy in Great Britain (Communist Party of Great Britain, 1928), which gives the main speeches and resolutions. However, the first use of “class against class” seems to have come in France in an “Open Letter to Party Members” in l'Humanité of November 24, 1927. But it was here intended for the opposite purpose—to induce the French Socialist party to enter into an electoral alliance.
15 These figures are taken from an East German Communist source: Siegfried Vietzke and Heinz Wohlgemuth, Deutschland und die deutsche Arbeiterbewegung in der Zeit der Weimarer Republik 1919-1933 (Dietz Verlag, 1966), pp. 324-25, 329.
16 Stalin, Works (Foreign Languages Publishing House [Moscow], 1954), Vol. X, pp. 291, 297.
17 Protokoll: 10. Plenum des Exekutivkomitees der Kommunistischen Internationale, 1929, p. 412.
18 International Press Correspondence, September 4, 1928, p. 1039 (Bukharin) and November 23, 1928, p. 1571 (theses).
19 Ibid, February 22, 1929, p. 140 (Manuilsky), and March 8, 1929, p. 227 (Koenen).
20 “Social-Fascism in Germany,” The Communist International, May 1929, pp. 529-30.
21 Protokoll des 10. Plenums, op. cit., p. 368. This passage may also be found in Ulbricht's collected works, Zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung (Dietz Verlag, 1954), Vol. I, p. 444. Otherwise, this speech has been ruthlessly cut and bowdlerized to remove all traces of the term “social-fascism” which was generously sprinkled about in the original. Without any warning to the reader, the material in this volume, supposedly documentary, has been altered to conform to the postwar line, and the tell-tale words, “social-fascist,” have been changed to the more respectful “Social-Democratic.”
22 Vietzke and Wohlgemuth, op. cit., p. 167.
23 In his autobiography, Serving My Time (Lawrence & Wishart, 1940), Harry Pollitt, the long-time general secretary of the British party, tells how he ran against Ramsay MacDonald in the 1929 election | 6,013 |
. The text of his election address, given in full in the book, makes little sense without some reference to the “third period,” “class against class,” and “social-fascism,” which Pollitt carefully avoided mentioning by the time the book was published. This address stated in the true style of its period: “The Labour party is the most dangerous enemy of the workers because it is a disguised party of capitalism” (italics in original). The vote in Seaham Harbour, a largely miners' constituency, was 35,615 for MacDonald, candidate of the disguised party of capitalism, and 1,451 for Pollitt, candidate of the only party of the proletariat.
24 Protokoll: 10. Plenum des Exekutivkomitees der Kommunistischen Internationale, July 3-19, 1929 (Verlag Carl Hoym Nachf., 1929/?), pp. 39-40 (Kuusinen); 63 (Manuilsky); 191 (Bela Run); 390-91 (Lozovsky). It should be noted, as a curiosity, that some of the foremost Comintern leaders earned their credentials as refugees from revolutionary failures. Kuusinen came to Russia after the Finnish defeat of 1918, Béla Kun after the Hungarian fiasco of 1919, and the same was true in different circumstances of the Italian, Palmiro Togliatti, then known as Ercoli, and the Bulgarian, Georgi Dimitrov.
25 “It is now necessary to point out that the Roosevelt ‘new deal’ program represents not only the strengthening of the open fascist tendencies in America, but also that it is quite consciously and systematically supporting and developing social-fascist ideas, organizations, and leaders. Roosevelt has a very special need for the social-fascists” (The Communist, August 1933, p. 734).
26 Flechtheim, op. cit., p. 164.
27 Die Rote Fahne, December 2, 1930, cited in International Press Correspondence, December 4, 1930, p. 1125.
28 Das Ende der Parteien 1933, edited by Erich Mattias and Rudolf Morsey (Droste Verlag, 1960), pp. 105-9. For good reason the Social-Democratic leader, Otto Wels, confessed in August 1933 that his party had been “driven” by events more than any other party and had been “really only an Objekt of developments” (p. 101).
29 International Press Correspondence, June 30, 1931, p. 611.
30 The Communist International, December 15, 1931, p. 717 (Thalmann); International Press Correspondence, November 19, 1931, p. 1056 (from Die Rote Fahne).
31 Protokoll des 10. Plenums, op. cit., p. 38.
32 International Press Correspondence, June 30, 1931, pp. 607 and 612.
33 Evelyn Anderson, Hammer or Anvil (Left Book Club 1935), p. 144.
34 The idea that the fascists might in some way help the revolution goes back to Lenin. In his speech to the Comintern's Fourth Congress on November 13, 1922—the next-to-last of his life—Lenin remarked: “Perhaps the fascists in Italy, for example, will render us a great service by explaining to the Italians that they are not yet sufficiently enlightened and that their country is not yet insured against the Black Hundreds. Perhaps this will be very useful” (Selected Works, Vol. X, p. 333). The “Black Hundreds” were extra-legal armed bands organized in 1905 to defend the Tsarist regime. Lenin's statement was made only two weeks after Mussolini's takeover, before he or anyone else had much experience with fascism in power. Nevertheless, Stalin took the same line, much more strongly, and with much less excuse, eleven years later after Hitler took power.
35 D. Z. Manuilsky, The Communist Parties and the Crisis of Capitalism (Modern Books, 1931), pp. 37 and 73.
36 XIth Plenum of the Executive Committee of the Communist International: Theses, Resolutions and Decisions (Modern Books, 1931), pp. 8 (Hitler); 9 (main mistakes); 15-16 (immediate task); 18 (tactical criticisms).
37 Ernst Thälmann, International Press Correspondence, December 10, 1931, p. 1137, from a condensed version of an article in Die Internationale, November-December 1931 (italics in original).
38 O. Kuusinen, Prepare for Power (Workers Library Publishers, 1932), pp. 35, 85-87, 96, 106-7, 141. The same line was taken | 6,014 |
Franko Dota, ovih je dana doktorirao na Odsjeku za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Radom Javna i politička povijest muške homoseksualnosti u socijalističkoj Hrvatskoj (1945. – 1989.), pod mentorstvom Tvrtka Jakovine, predstavljena je tema koja je dosad bila prilično slabo istražena. “Rekao bih, gotovo neistražena”, kaže Dota. Povjesničar Dean Vuletić 2003. napisao je kraći, pionirski rad na temu koji je objavljen u jednom domaćem časopisu, a o povijesti homoseksualnosti u jugoslavenskom prostoru pisao je i sociolog Roman Kuhar, od prije neki dan dekan Filozofskog fakulteta u Ljubljani.
“Moj rad je, koliko znam, prvi rad na temu homoseksualnosti iz polja historiografije u svim post-jugoslavenskim republikama i prva disertacija na temu homoseksualnosti općenito na nekom hrvatskom sveučilištu”, objašnjava Dota. U radu se bavio s dva temeljna institucionalna mehanizma regulacije seksualnosti, i napose homoseksualnosti – medicinom i pravom.
Nismo zaostajali za europskim zemljama
Istražio je, dakle, kako je Jugoslavija, odnosno socijalistička republika Hrvatska regulirala homoseksualnost kroz zakonodavstvo, pravnu teoriju i sudstvo te putem seksologije, edukacije i psihijatrije. Jugoslavenski pristup homoseksualnosti nipošto nije bio jednoznačan i isključivo represivan. Dota je u svom radu opisao kako je, od početne represije koja je trajala kraće vrijeme, došlo do popuštanja te priče, liberalizacije i dekriminalizacije homoseksualnosti. Jugoslavija tu nije posebno zaostajala za ostalim europskim zemljama, pa niti za onim demokratskim na zapadu kontinenta.
“Smatram da je istraživanje gej povijesti, ne samo ovog, nego bilo kojeg drugog razdoblja i ne samo političke, nego i kulturne, socijalne i bilo koje druge, doprinos izgradnji i osnaživanju suvremene hrvatske i postjugoslavenske LGBT zajednice jer naši identiteti i naš položaj u društvu ne mogu biti potpuni bez spoznaje o našoj prošlosti”, kaže.
Jedan od suosnivača Zagreb Pridea i dugogodišnji dopisnik talijanske novinske agencije ANSA dodaje kako je ovaj rad prije svega posvećen hrvatskoj i postjugoslavenskoj LGBT zajednici, a potom i domaćoj historiografiji.
TELEGRAM: Postoje li neke etape kroz koje možemo pratiti povijest homoseksualnosti od ’45. do ’89. godine na ovom prostorima?
DOTA: Možemo govoriti o fazi progona | 6,015 |
function E, by considering all its dependencies on the listed variables. Moreover, by using suitable instrumentation (Bibbo et al., 2008, 2012) and objective processing techniques, respectively, to measure the biomechanical properties and to estimate the activation patterns in terms of amplitude (D'Alessio and Conforto, 2001) and timing (Bonato et al., 1998; Vannozzi et al., 2010; Severini et al., 2012) and spectral characteristics (Conforto and D'Alessio, 1999), also the model validation appears as a feasible operation.
Further researches are needed in order to define the mathematical relationships explaining mutual interactions and thus, ultimately, defining the model. The model, in fact, could be also used to investigate the variation of muscular activation strategies linked with performance changes (De Marchis et al., 2013). In our opinion, the model is one of the few viable solutions for understanding the multiple factors affecting a performance and thus, in perspective, for the development of training techniques based on the reported scientific evidences.
Conflict of Interest Statement
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Abbiss, C. R., and Laursen, P. B. (2005). Models to explain fatigue during prolonged endurance cycling. Sports Med. 32, 865–898. Pubmed Abstract | Pubmed Full Text
Abbiss, C. R., Peiffer, J. J., and Laursen, P. B. (2009). Optimal cadence selection during cycling. Int. J. Sports Med. 10, 1–15.
Ahlquist, L. E., Bassett, D. R. Jr., Sufit, R., Nagle, F. J., and Thomas, D. P. (1992). The effect of pedalling frequency on glycogen depletion rates in type I and type II quadriceps muscle fibers during submaximal cycling exercise. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 65, 360–364. Pubmed Abstract | Pubmed Full Text
Albertus, Y., Tucker, R., St Clair Gibson, A., Lambert, E. V., Hampson, D. B., and Noakes, T. D. (2005). Effect of distance feedback on pacing strategy and perceived exertion during cycling. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 37, 461–468. Pubmed Abstract | Pubmed Full Text
Aris, A., Shneiderman, B., Plaisant, C., Shmueli, G., and Jank, W. (2005). “Representing unevenly-spaced time series data for visualization and interactive exploration,” in INTERACT, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 3585, (Berlin Heidelberg: Springer), 12–16.
Barber, T. X. (1969). Hypnosis: a scientific approach. Anesth. Prog. 18, 18–19.
Berger, B. G., Motl, R. W., Butki, B. D., Martin, D. T., Wilkinson, J. G., and Owen, D. R. (1999). Mood and cycling performance in response to three weeks of high-intensity, short duration overtraining and a two week taper. Sport Psychol. 13, 444–457.
Bibbo, D., Conforto, S., Bernabucci, I., Carli, M., Schmid, M., and D'Alessio, T. (2012). Analysis of different image-based biofeedback models for improving cycling performances. Proc. SPIE 8295, 829503–829510.
Bibbo, D., Conforto, S., Bernabucci, I., Schmid, M., and D'Alessio, T. (2008). A wireless integrated system to evaluate efficiency indexes in real time during cycling. IFMBE Proc. 22, 89–92.
Bibbo, D., Conforto, S., Gallozzi, C., and D'Alessio, T. (2006). Combining electrical and mechanical data to evaluate muscular actitivites during cycling. WSEAS Trans. Biol. Biomed. 5, 339–346.
Bonato, P., D'Alessio, T., and Knaflitz, M. (1998). A statistical method for the measurement of muscle activation intervals from surface myoelectric signal during gait. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 45, 287–299. Pubmed Abstract | Pubmed Full Text | CrossRef Full Text
Borg, G. A. (1970). Perceived exertion as an indicator | 6,016 |
Steve: Hi out there! It's me, Steve. Have you seen Blue, my puppy?
Some kids: There she is!
Blue: bow?
Steve: Come on in! Welcome to a very special event in our house! We aren't gonna play Blue's Clues today.
Some kids: [use dirty words]
Steve: Instead, we are going to play Steve's Clues!
Some kids: [act confused]
Steve: I have a secret to tell you all, so this time 'round, Blue will dance a little and I will put clues on stuff, and as soon as you see them, you tell me all about it! So, I'll be right back! [he runs off and Blue does a strip tease] I'm back everyone! Let's take a walk!...... Let's go in this door, where Shovel and Pale play! [he walks in to see Shovel in the Pale] Oh, the horror!
Pale: Steve! Are we going to play a game?
Shovel: Let's try to count the number of whitish stains on the sheet!
Steve: Ok! Look at those stains. There are some red stains, there are some smashed-cat stains, and some white stains. Which ones are white? Is this one? [he points to some blood]
A kid: No, dumb ass.
Blue: [hops by a white stain] Bow?
Some Kids: yeah. YEAH. that's it.
Steve: [points to a smashed piece of cat] Is this a white stain?
Some kids: [only mutters of swearing is heard]
Blue: [hops by another white stain] Bow?
Kids: Yes
Steve: So, that's one... two.... two white stains on this sheet!
Kids: Yay
Steve: Look, blue! It's a clue!
Blue: Bowwwwup!
Steve: You know what this means! We need our Handy.. Dandy...!
Kids: Notebook! notebook.
Steve: Ok... we draw a line here... and a curve there. A circle here.. and there! The positive results of an HIV test! Oh look! It's Mr Salt, and Mrs Pepper! What's wrong, you guys?
Mrs Pepper: Oh, not much. Mr Salt killed my little Paprika in a crack high rage last night, and now there is paprika all over the counter!
Mr Salt: Yes, and I tried to get Hardcore Boiled Eggy, but I could not open the fridge!
Mrs Pepper: He tried to then sniff up the paprika, but it did nothing for him.
Mr Salt: I then tried after my hangover this morning but it only hurt my nose.
Steve: You get a hangover after a crack high?
Mr Salt: Apparently so!
Steve: I guess I'm sniffing the wrong stuff!
Slippery Soap: Oh hohoho! Wooo! Didn't you want me to give this to you, Steve?
Steve: Oh yes, but only after you got off from it.
Slippery Soap: I did that hours ago!
Steve: Then don't you think you can do it again?
Slippery Soap: No, because it was only a few minutes ago! Ho ho!
Kids: A clue! A clue!
Steve: Well.. der? I DID put it there. [takes a machete from his pocket and randomly throws it into the audience, and screams are heard] Well, you know what this means! We need our Handy... dandy...!
Kids: Notebook! notebook
Steve: We draw a line here... a penis here... some of this stuff here... and H, U, N, K, a Y.. and an M, E... and an N. And we have 'August 2001 Issue of Hunky Men.' Let's go...
Voices: Maaaaiiiill tiiiime!
Steve: It's mail time! Here's the mail, it never fails, it makes me want to wag my tail. When it comes I want to wail "MAAAAAAAALLLLLLLEEEEEEE!!!!"
Mailbox: Mail's here!
Steve: Oh look! It's from our friend, Martha Stewart!
Martha: Hello, Steven. I notice, and praise you, at your excellent use of | 6,017 |
LEGGI TUTTI I DOCUMENTARI GREEN, read others documentaries
ROMA, 14.07.17- Tesco, azienda britannica tra i leader mondiali della grande distribuzione, annuncia oggi che inizierà immediatamente il percorso di eliminazione delle sostanze chimiche pericolose dalle filiere produttive del proprio marchio di abbigliamento F&F, impegnandosi inoltre a rendere pubblica anche la lista completa dei propri fornitori. Diventano così 80 i marchi internazionali – tra i quali più di 50 realtà tessili italiane – che hanno aderito alla campagna Detox di Greenpeace e che rappresentano il 15 per cento della produzione tessile globale in termini di fatturato.
“Le aziende aderenti a Detox hanno cambiato completamente approccio, affrontando seriamente il problema dell’inquinamento e gestendo in modo trasparente il percorso che porterà alla completa eliminazione di tutte le sostanze chimiche pericolose entro il 2020” dichiara Giuseppe Ungherese, responsabile Campagna Inquinamento di Greenpeace Italia. “Detox è ormai lo standard di riferimento a livello internazionale per l’intero settore”.
L’impegno di Tesco, che segue quello d i marchi della grande distribuzione come Penny e Lidl, prevede, oltre all’eliminazione delle sostanze chimiche pericolose, anche azioni volte a rallentare e chiudere il ciclo di vita dei capi di abbigliamento, a partire da un miglioramento del design al fine di garantirne una maggiore durata nel tempo, riutilizzo e riciclabilità. “La crescita dei consumi di abiti sta già generando montagne di rifiuti tessili, gran parte dei quali finiscono nelle discariche o negli inceneritori a fine vita. È necessario che anche i marchi adottino soluzioni per allungare e chiudere il ciclo di vita dei capi di abbigliamento e l’impegno di Tesco va nella direzione giusta” conclude Giuseppe Ungherese, responsabile Campagna Inquinamento di Greenpeace Italia.
L’industria tessile è tra i settori produttivi più inquinanti al mondo e, anche a causa del massiccio utilizzo di fibre sintetiche derivanti dal petrolio come il poliestere, il riciclo dei capi di abbigliamento a fine vita è estremamente difficile come dimostrano i dati recenti diffusi da Greenpeace nel rapporto “Timeout for Fast Fashion”. A ciò si aggiunge la crescita significativa dei consumi di abiti e accessori che stanno aggravando ulteriormente l’impatto ambientale dell’industria tessile sul nostro Pianeta.
https://www.tescoplc.com/tesco-and-society/responsible-sourcing/working-in-collaboration/ff-clothing-fashion-corporate-responsibility/eliminating-harmful-chemicals/ Leggi l’impegno di TESCO:
GREENPEACE: TESCO están con 80 marcas internacionales cometidos de desintoxicación CAMPAÑA
ROMA, 14. | 6,018 |
U skupini br. 1 nalaze se ekonomisti u užem smislu riječi (mahom, ali ne i isključivo, sveučilišni profesori), a to su: Velimir Šonje, Vuk Vuković, Željko Lovrinčević, Ante Babić, Vedrana Pribičević, Maruška Vizek i Katarina Ott.
U drugoj su skupini političari - ali političari striktno okrenuti ekonomiji i ekonomskim temama i problemima: Martina Dalić, Josip Budimir i Goran Vojković.
U skupini br. 3 su poduzetnici, među kojima su najeksponiraniji Saša Cvetojević i Nenad Bakić.
U skupini br. 4 je filozof i antropolog - usamljen u ovakvoj orijentaciji među profesorima na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu - Darko Polšek.
U petoj su skupini novinari (u užem smislu riječi): Željko Kardum, Gojko Drljača, Ivan Brodić i Matija Babić (potonji je vlasnik najposjećenijega portala u Hrvatskoj, index.hr-u).
Šestu grupu sačinjavaju komentatori Aleksandar Musić i Borislav Ristić.
U sedmoj su grupi politički analitičari Davor Huić i Marko Rakar.
Osobito je dinamična skupina br. 8, koju reprezentiraju blogeraši Krunoslav Gašparić, Krunoslav Šarić, Luka Popov i Hrvoje Serdarušić (ali i mnogi drugi, poznati i manje poznati pisci, analitičari i aktivisti).
U 9. smo skupinu svrstali tzv. anonimne blogove (kod kojih se ne zna tko im je vlasnik i tko na njima piše), među kojima su najčitaniji: "Tko je John Galt", "Intelektualac", "Usporedbe" i "Nedjeljni komentar".
Slijede potom, pod rednim brojem 10, Facebook grupe, među kojima su najpopularnije, odnosno najrasprostranjenije (s najviše followera) "Libertarijanci koji govore naški" i "Croatian Economists and Friends".
A tu je, naposljetku, i tzv. "stara garda", u koju su moji sugovornici svrstali Ivu Banca, Zdravka Petaka i Zorana Kurelića.
Naravno, kada bi netko drugi radio podjelu ovakvoga tipa, uvrstio bi, možda, neka druga imena, a neka bi od ovih nabrojanih izostavio - iako sumnjam da bi došlo do krupnijih razmimoilaženja. Netko bi, zasigurno, ovdje još stavio investitora Hrvoja Prpića, šefa Ureda Ruže Tomašić Matu Mijića, bivšeg novinara-izvjesitelja Večernjeg lista a sadašnjeg vrsnog poznavatelja svjetskog tržišta srebrom i zlatom Svena Sambunjaka, bloggera i publicista Romana Bolkovića (koji je, kažu, sve bliži i bliži liberalnim ekonomistima) | 6,019 |
Mexican Cartel Tactical Note #38: Armed Drone Targets the Baja California Public Safety Secretary’s Residence in Tecate, Mexico
John P. Sullivan, Robert J. Bunker and David A. Kuhn
On Tuesday, 10 July 2018, an armed drone targeted the residence of Gerardo Sosa Olachea, the public safety secretary/Secretario de Seguridad Pública Estalal (SSPE) of Baja California, in colonia Los Laureles in Tecate—a border city in the San Diego-Tijuana metropolitan area. A second drone, which may have been utilized for ISR (intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) and C2 purposes, was seen over the incident scene. At least one of the drones was equipped with a video camera link and was armed with two IEDs that did not detonate. For a number of international security professionals tracking cartel and gang violence in Mexico—including the authors of this note—an incident like this has been expected for some time now, given the earlier I&W (Indications & Warnings) event that took place in Guanajunto state in October 2017 when a weaponized drone was seized from Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) operatives.
Key Information: “Con drones envían granadas a casa de Sosa Olachea.” Zeta. 10 July 2018, http://zetatijuana.com/2018/07/con-drones-envian-granadas-a-casa-de-sosa-olachea/:
Pasadas las 07:00 horas del martes 10 de julio, dos drones fueron enviados a sobrevolar la casa del Secretario de Seguridad Pública de Baja California, Gerardo Sosa Olachea, ubicada en la colonia Los Laureles, en Tecate, en las inmediaciones de la carretera a Ensenada. Poco antes de las 07:30 horas cuando testigos pudieron ver cuando los aparatos descendían sobre el inmueble, que en ese momento estaba ocupado por una persona que apoya a la familia con el aseo. La base de la Policía Estatal Preventiva (PEP) recibió dos reportes al respecto, primero de los artefactos sobrevolando y el segundo indicando que en la casa de Sosa Olachea habían localizado por lo menos uno de los drones equipados con cámara y audio. En este aparato, sujetaron con cinta adhesiva dos granadas de fragmentación que no detonaron cuando los dejaron caer.
Key Information: “Reportan drones con granadas; uno descendió en la casa del titular de la SSP en BC.” Proceso. 10 July 2018, https://www.proceso.com.mx/542389/reportan-drones-con-granadas-uno-descendio-en-la-casa-del-titular-de-la-ssp-en-bc:
Los drones serán revisados por la Policía Cibernética de la SSP para conocer su origen y la ruta que siguieron hasta llegar al espacio aéreo de la casa de Sosa Olachea. Pese a que los drones son de capacidad media y requieren que la persona que los maneja esté cerca del perímetro de vuelo, nadie fue aprehendido. Al parecer los agresores huyeron al momento de observar que las granadas no detonaron… Sosa Olachea dijo al semanario Zeta que no ha recibido amenazas desde que tomó el cargo, en octubre de 2017, pero presume que el ataque pudo venir de los cárteles de las drogas “a los que les hemos pegado mucho con los decomisos, que más que grandes son constantes, del narcomenudeo, de los laboratorios localizados en Tecate y Rosario”.
Key Information: “Con Granadas Transportadas En Un Dron Atacan Casa De Secretario De Seguridad Pública De BC.” Reporte Indigo. 10 July 2018, https://www.reporteindigo.com/reporte/granadas-transportadas-en | 6,020 |
La madrugada de este martes dos granadas fueron colocadas en el interior de una de las casas del secretario de Seguridad Pública de Baja California, Gerardo Manuel Sosa Olachea. Para lograr su cometido, los artífices del ataque utilizaron un dron en el que amarraron los artefactos explosivos para dejarlos caer en la propiedad, ubicada en el municipio de Tecate.
Key Information: Ángel F. González, “Señala SSPE a cárteles en atentado a secretario.” Frontera.info. 11 July 2018, http://www.frontera.info/EdicionEnLinea/Notas/Noticias/11072018/1355958-Senala-SSPE-a-carteles-en-atentado-a-secretario.html:
La vulnerabilidad El hecho de que integrantes del crimen organizado dejaran un dispositivo con granadas de fragmentación en la casa del titular de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública Estatal (SSPE) demuestra la vulnerabilidad en la que se encuentra la ciudadanía en Baja California, consideró el presidente del Consejo Ciudadano de Seguridad Pública, Juan Manuel Hernández Niebla. “Cuando el crimen organizado pretende amenazar a un alto dirigente policiaco, refleja el grado de vulnerabilidad que tenemos los ciudadanos en Baja California”, dijo. Tras el hallazgo del dron, añadió, es necesario que se descubra a los presuntos responsables para que las bandas del crimen organizado tengan en claro que esas acciones no quedarán impunes.
Key Information: “La amenaza.” Zeta, 16 July 2018, http://zetatijuana.com/2018/07/la-amenaza-3/.
El 10 de julio de 2018, sin más preámbulo y utilizando un dron, alguien sobrevoló el espacio aéreo de la residencia de Sosa en Tecate, e hizo descender el artefacto ahí mismo. Pegadas iban las que parecían ser dos granadas de fragmentación. Aunque inicialmente lo consideró un atentado, el caso terminó en una amenaza. En el dron había un mensaje con imágenes de cercanos al funcionario estatal… Investigadores reiteraron que en Tecate solo existe una célula criminal “en control, pero se han pasado de un cártel a otro según les convenga, actualmente están con el Cártel Jalisco”…
Who: The attack was conducted by a criminal organization—a Mexican cartel—with the ability and willingness to engage in a tactical action in the contested Tecate segment of the Tijuana plaza against the senior ranking state law enforcement official. The dominant cartels operating in Baja California state are Cártel de Sinaloa (CDS) and remnants of the Tijuana Cartel/Cártel Arellano Félix (CAF) or Arellano-Félix Organization (AFO) which are in the process of reforming under the banner of the Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) as the Cártel de Tijuana Nueva Generación (CTNG). Considering past patterns of violence in the Tecate area and the broader Tijuana plaza—as well as in Baja California itself—this attack has a signature consistent with prior CTNG/CJNG activity and can likely be attributed to a CTNG/CJNG operational cell.
What: A weaponized drone attack targeting the residence (known as “La Quinta Marina”) of the public safety secretary of Baja California (Secretario de Seguridad Pública Estalal–SSPE) Gerardo Sosa Olachea. This is the first recorded incident in Mexico in which a weaponized cartel drone has both been used a) offensively and b | 6,021 |
Unlike almost every other major city, Chicago outlaws the sale of all prepared foods other than ice cream from carts, and it treats existing street vendors like criminals. As a result, tamale vendors in Little Village are ticketed repeatedly and some have even been arrested. Produce vendors are struggling to make ends meet, because they cannot sell fruits and vegetables that are ready to eat in neighborhoods that are crying out for healthy food options.
City Council’s prohibition on food carts means:
·The most affordable option for someone who wants to earn an honest living and provide for their family by selling traditional or innovative foods in the community is illegal.
·The most accessible business model for selling healthy ready-to-eat foods in food deserts is banned.
· City Council outlaws entrepreneurs who create diverse, vibrant, and safe public spaces, connect communities, and create jobs at a time when we need them most.
But there’s hope! The Street Vendors Justice Coalition has proposed an ordinance that allows vendors to sell a wide variety of foods from carts and bicycles if the food is prepared and packaged in a licensed kitchen. The ordinance also makes it easier for produce stands to set up in locations underserved by grocery stores and allows them to sell pre-sliced fruits and vegetables. On May 28, Alderman Maldonado introduced this ordinance to City Council.
This is where we need your help! In order to ensure that this ordinance gets the support it needs in City Council, we need to show aldermen that people across Chicago support the legalization of street vending. Please sign our petition to show City Council that Chicagoans support legalizing street food and opening opportunities for thousands of Chicagoans currently operating or looking to start a food cart.
Street vendors are not criminals and shouldn’t be treated as such. Show your solidarity with street vendors and support this effort to encourage job creation and innovation by green businesses, enhance the cultural diversity and vibrancy of our public spaces, cultivate entrepreneurs selling healthy, ready-to-eat foods in neighborhoods underserved by groceries and restaurants, and build Chicago's reputation as a culinary capital!
A diferencia de casi todas las otras ciudades importantes, Chicago prohíbe la venta de todo alimentos preparados de carritos menos el helado, y que trata a los vendedores ambulantes existentes como criminales. Como resultado, los vendedores de tamales en Little Village son multados repetidamente y algunos incluso han sido arrestados. Los vendedores ambulantes de frutas y verduras están luchando para ganarse la vida, porque no pueden vender estos productos que están listos para comer en los barrios que están clamando para opciones de alimentos saludables.
La prohibición del Concejo Municipal contra los vendedores ambulantes de comida significa:
·La opción más asequible para alguien que quiere ganarse la vida honradamente y proveer para su familia por la venta de alimentos tradicionales o innovadoras en la comunidad es ilegal.
·El modelo de negocio más accesible para la venta de alimentos saludables listos-para-comer en desiertos alimentarios está prohibido.
·El ayuntamiento ilegaliza a los emprendedores que crean espacios públicos diversa, vibrantes y seguros, que conectar a las comunidades y crean empleos en un momento cuando más los necesitamos.
¡Pero hay esperanza! La Coalición de Justicia para Vendedores Ambulantes ha propuesto una ordenanza que permite a los vendedores ambulantes vender una gran variedad de alimentos desde carros y bicicletas si la comida es preparada y envasada en una cocina con licencia. La ordenanza también hace más fácil para tener tiendecitas de frutas y verduras en areas poco servido por supermercados y permite vender frutas y verduras previamente en rodaja. El 28 de mayo, el Concejal Maldonado presentó esta ordenanza al Ayuntamiento.
¡Es aquí donde necesitamos su ayuda! Con el fin de asegurar que est | 6,022 |
by the neighboring Persislamic political apparatus. Second, the term “pagan” is reinforced by its currency in Christian doctrine and clerical texts; notwithstanding, the Iranianisms in the Armenian stock seem to be selectively trivialized, even vis-à-vis the more remote Urartian or Ancient Greek contributions. Finally, there exists a pervasive essentialist attitude among intellectuals and laypeople alike that any non-Christian agent in the Armenian national narrative cannot be truly “Armenian”—as according to prevalent social ideals—and thus constitutes a quasi-foreign element in the otherwise continuous chronicle of a supposedly homogeneous people.
According to Armenia’s folk conversion story, Gregory the Illuminator (top left; Գրիգոր Լուսավորիչ Grigor Lusavorich) was a Parthian (Iranian) Christian priest responsible for converting the Parthian (Iranian) king of Armenia, Tiridates III (top right; Տրդատ Արշակունի Trdat Arshakuni), to Christianity. Khor Virap monastery (bottom) in Ararat province, Armenia, marks the setting of these developments.
Despite an appreciable Iranian imprint, Armenian should not be viewed as a derivative language, but can be valued academically as a window to the historical linguistics of the Old and Middle Iranian worlds. Moreover the study of the Armenian loans from Iranian is of vital importance for solving problems of Old, Middle, and New Iranian linguistics, in that they:
1. Help determine the exact phonetic shape of the (Middle) Iranian words, which in the Iranian texts is often obscured by the consonantal writing systems. The Armenian alphabet, however, is fully vocalized, though it does not show the original vowel quantity.
2. Enable us to establish the exact meaning of the Iranian words.
3. Shed light on the phonetic developments that took place in the Iranian languages and thus aid in reconstructing linguistic stages not known or not sufficiently known from the Iranian evidence itself.
4. Provide evidence relating to Iranian, and especially Middle Iranian dialectological problems.
5. Finally, the Armenian language is also an important source for Iranian lexicology and lexicography as it contains many words, some of which survive right down to the present day, not attested in the Iranian languages themselves. Thus Armenian serves as a sort of fossil record to linguists for exploring Iranian paradigms that are often abstract and even innovative.
Dzordzor Chapel (Ծոր Ծորի Սուրբ Աստվածածնի մատուռ Dzor Dzori Surb Astvatsatsin maturr), the only standing remnant of a 9th century monastic complex, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran
Iranian borrowings span all registers of the language. It should be emphasized that these borrowings were not limited to the vocabulary but also involve derivational suffixes, phraseology, and all kinds of names, and that they are from the beginning of the Armenian literary tradition inextricably mixed with the inherited vocabulary of Proto-Armenian stock. A few are detailed in the table below (composed by Afsheen Sharifzadeh):
Modern Armenian Iranian root English օրինակ ōrinak from Parthian *awδēnak. “Example” շնորք, շնորհակալություն,
shnork’, shnorhakalut’yun, shnorhavorel from Middle Persian šnwhl (šnōhr, “gratitude, contentment”). Compare Manichaean Parthian ʿšnwhr (išnōhr, “grace; gratitude”), Avestan (xšnaoϑra-, “satisfaction”). “Gratitude, thanks, to congratulate” կատակ katak from early Parthian *kātak; compare Middle Persian kʾtk� | 6,023 |
Social media users in Russia were left fuming after a BBC Russian article alleged that Soviet troops committed mass rapes in Germany while capturing Berlin in 1945 and consequently a major monument to the fallen soldiers came to be dubbed by some as the “memorial to the unknown rapist.”
The English language version of the article was originally published by the British state broadcaster ahead of the 70th anniversary of World War II in May. However, its translation was posted by the BBC Russian Service only on Thursday.
The article was said to be based on a wartime diary of “a young Jewish lieutenant from central Ukraine,” Vladimir Gelfand. He claimed that once Soviet troops entered Germany and fought their way to the capital Berlin, they took revenge for the horrors that those living in the Soviet Union had experienced during the Nazi invasion from 1941-1944, by taking part in the mass rape of German women.
The article claims that information about the mass rapes in Germany has been swept under the carpet for decades since the end of the war. The piece ends by saying that Russia has introduced tough laws about defaming history as well as a remark from the son of the alleged author, who said, “we can’t move forward until we look back.”
The Soviet war memorial in Treptower Park is the resting place for over 80,000 Soviet troops who died in the Battle of Berlin. However, the BBC article decided to call it the “memorial to the unknown rapist,” despite the monument honoring those who lost their lives in helping to defeat fascism.
@bbcrussian @US_progress What do you mean by this title, are you on drugs?
@bbcrussian @Darifma Citing Goebbels? The violence was committed by your American friends
@bbcrussian Что вы, дебилы, всё выдумываете? Я 20 лет с Германией связан. Ни разу такого не слышал! — Татаро-монгол (@RaisKabanov) September 24, 2015
@bbcrussian Why did you fabricate this, you idiots?! I’ve been connected with Germany for 20 years now – and never heard anything like that!
@bbcrussian That’s right. Mass rapes took place in the British and American occupation zones.
@bbcrussian@zedolazer а есть ли подобные памятники англичанам-освободителям в Индии, или в Ирландии, например? Как их там называют? — Вадим Анатольевич (@bigsmileman69) September 24, 2015
@bbcrussian Do they have similar monuments to Brits - the liberators in India or in Ireland? How do they call them?
Such was the anger, the Russian MP Aleksandr Sidyakin requested his country’s Prosecutor General should launch an investigation into the publication, saying the article falls under extremism and glorification of Nazism.
“Please give the order to make sure that action is taken against the BBC Russian Service editors who have established elements of a crime, i.e. extremism, in accordance with Russian legislation by prosecuting the media outlet – right down to the termination of their activates following a judicial procedure.”
After a storm of furious comments BBC Russian deleted the post from its Twitter account.
They also tweeted an apology.
“We deleted the Twitter post and the photo caption as offensive and not complying with the BBC standards. We sincerely apologize,” @bbcrussian wrote.
Мы удалили пост в Твиттере и подпись к снимку, как оскорбительные и не соответствующие стандартам Би-би | 6,024 |
Archangel Michael
channelled by Jahn J Kassl on July 27,2013
http://www.lichtweltverlag. com/de/blog/index.html
first published in English on July 30,2013 in
Translated by Georgi Stankov
Loved ones,
what has been finished with the message from the light reading with Archangel JOPHIEL now begins to build up again, it is the pathway of the people in the absolute sovereignty and freedom.
I am Archangel Michael and I come forth now, as it is necessary to free yourselves from all attachments. Take and use the almighty lightsaber, I hereby give you. Carry it always with you and call it as soon as you shall be besieged by inadequate forces. This is the time when you should decisively and inequivocally repel all the forces that want to weaken you, for now the evil begins to wrap in a new dress, to take a new measured approach, so that it can continue to play undetected its dark game.
These words serve you as a guide, as a template, and you should and would always choose your own words, as they appear to you right and proper. This new light sword that I have come today to bestow upon you, includes a quality of light, which leads immediately to the liberation from all foreign powers, so that these energies – as long as you stay on the path of light – will never return back to you.
Anyone, who at the last moment turns away from the light path, can no longer claim the gifts of light and anyone who flees at the last moment from the light of God, will be carefully brought back, or will be led to the realms that correspond to his new decision. Care is taken for all under God’s umbrella. The coming events will be auspicious. Encounter them with God’s lightsaber that I have come to give you.
I will stay with you and I am the angel that is by your side, so that you can end up any compromise.
______________________________ _______________________
Allmächtiges Lichtschwert
Erzengel Michael
Jahn J Kassl, 27. Juli 2013
Geliebte Menschen,
was mit der Botschaft der Lichtlesung mit ERZENGEL JOPHIEL einen Abschluss fand, beginnt sich nun erneut aufzubauen, es ist der Weg der Menschen in die absolute Souveränität und Freiheit.
Ich bin ERZENGEL MICHAEL und ich trete nun hervor, da es gilt sich von allen Anhaftungen zu befreien. Nehmt das allmächtige Lichtschwert, das ich euch hiermit überreiche in Anspruch. Führt es immer mit euch und ruft es an, sobald ihr von unangemessenen Kräften belagert werdet. Es ist die Zeit, in der ihr entschieden und unmissverständlich allen Kräften, die euch schwächen wollen Einhalt gebieten müsst, denn nun beginnt sich das Böse in ein neues Kleid zu hüllen, sich einen neuen Umgang anzumessen, damit es auch weiterhin unerkannt das dunkles Spiel betreiben kann.
Diese Worte dienen euch als Richtschnur, als Vorlage und ihr sollt und könnt immer eigene Worte wählen, so wie sie euch richtig und ang | 6,025 |
#OpTrapwire #OpINDECT #OpBigBrother
Worldwide call to protest against surveillance 10/20/2012
Dear activists for the protection of privacy, dear people from all over the World.
We are Anonymous.
We call you to act now against overall Surveillance-Systems.
Worldwide governments are about to demolish Privacy with Systems like Trapwire and Indect.
Those network surveillance technologies sniff the CCTV cameras, government databases and the Internet to identify people and make a profile of citizens, their families and their socializing.
They pretend to design those systems to secure us againts Terrorism but the truth is they have been working on Surveillance-Systems way before the first Terrorists attacks happened.
It's time to act, it's time to show the governments of the World, who we are, it's time to show humanity stands as united, it is time to show what freedom means to us.
We call all Activists over the world, from south and north America, from Asia, from Africa, from Australia and Oceania, from the Arab spring and from the European Union, to be a part of the Protest, against Surveilance Systems.
Act now and spread the word in your mother tongue, enter your Countries and Cities, in the pad linked on the description of this video.
Governments are supposed to defend the interest of their peoples. They are not here to cheat the citizens.
It's our Freedom and our privacy.
Let us unite the whole humanity as one.
Let it be the largest protests of the world history.
Let us engrave the 20th of October 2012 as a day in the Humanity history!
United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
We are the people
We are the only system,
We are Anonymous,
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.
TTS material : https://anonfiles.com/file/bfdfdcc6ae39ed8a55d2309c93efe21d
Transcript :
Citoyens du monde libre,
Nous sommes Anonymous.
Nous vous demandons d'agir maintenant contre les systèmes de surveillance globale.
Les gouvernements du monde entier s'apprêtent à détruire la vie privée par l'utilisation de systèmes comme TrapWire ou INDECT.
Ces technologies de surveillance des réseaux utilisent les cameras de surveillance, les bases de données gouvernementales ainsi que les données disponibles sur Internet dans le but d'identifier les citoyens, profiler les personnes, leurs familles ou leurs relations sociales.
Ils prétendent concevoir ces systèmes pour nous protéger des attaques terroristes. En réalité, ils ont commencé à y travailler bien avant que les premières attaques terroristes ne se produisent.
C'est l'heure d'agir, c'est l'heure de montrer aux gouvernements qui nous sommes. C'est l'heure de montrer que le genre humain est debout. C'est l'heure de montrer que nous sommes unis. C'est l'heure de montrer ce que le mot Liberté signifie.
Nous appelons tous les activistes du monde, que ce soit le sud ou le nord de l'amérique, l'asie, l'afrique, l'australie ou l'Océanie, le monde arabe et l'Union Européenne à prendre part à la contestation..
Agissez maintenant et diffusez cet appel dans votre langue, entrez vos pays et vos villes dans le pad que vous trouverez dans la description de cette vidéo.
Les gouvernements sont censés défendre les intérêts de leurs peuples. Ils ne sont pas là pour tromper les citoyens.
C'est notre liberté et notre vie privée qui est | 6,026 |
en jeu.
Il est capital d'unir nos forces pour les défendre
Faisons de cette journée une des plus grandes contestations de notre Histoire
Faisons du 20 octobre 2012 un jour qui restera gravé dans les mémoires.
Unis nous restons debout, divisés nous tombons.
Nous sommes le peuple,
Nous sommes le seul système.
Nous sommes Anonymous,
Nous sommes Légion,
Nous ne pardonnons pas,
Nous n'oublions pas,
Comptez sur nous
Liebe Aktivisten für den Schutz der Privatsphäre, liebe Menschen aus der ganzen Welt.
Wir sind Anonymous.
Wir fordern euch auf, jetzt gegen den allgemeinen Überwachungswahn zu handeln.
Weltweit stehen Regierungen kurz davor, die Privatsphäre von uns allen mit Projekten und Systemen wie Trapwire und INDECT zu zerstören.
Diese vernetzten Überwachungstechnologien durchschnüffeln Überwachungskameras, Datenbanken der Regierung und das Internet, um Menschen zu identifizieren und Profile über die Bürger anzulegen, in denen alles über sie steht - über ihre Familie, ihre sozialen Kontakte, ihr ganzes Leben.
Sie geben vor, derartige Systeme zu unserem eigenen Schutz gegen den Terror zu entwerfen. Doch die Wahrheit ist, dass sie bereits an solchen Überwachungssystemen gearbeitet haben, noch bevor die ersten Terroristen zugeschlagen haben.
Es ist Zeit zu handeln. Zeit, den Regierungen der Welt zu zeigen, wer wir sind. Es ist Zeit, als Menschheit geeint zusammen zu stehen und zu zeigen, was uns Freiheit wirklich bedeutet.
Wir fordern Aktivisten rund um den Globus, von Nord- und Südamerika ueber Asien, Afrika, Australien und Ozeanien, vom Arabischen Frühling und aus der EU, auf, Teil des Protestes gegen den Überwachungswahn der Systeme zu werden.
Handelt jetzt und verbreitet unsere Botschaft in eurer Muttersprache, tragt eure Städte in dem Pad ein, das in der Videobeschreibung verlinkt ist.
Eine Regierung soll ihre Bürger und deren Interessen schützen, nicht sie betrügen.
Es ist usere Freiheit und unsere Privatsphäre.
Lasst uns als Menschen alle gemeinsam zusammenstehen.
Lasst dies die größten Proteste in der Welt Geschichte werden.
Lasst den 20. Oktober 2012 ein Tag werden der uns immer in Erinnerung bleibt!
Vereint werden wir bestehen, getrennt werden wir fallen.
Wir sind die Bewohner der Erde,
Wir sind das einzigste System,
We are Anonymous,
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.
Italiano :
Cittadini del mondo libero,
Siamo Anonymous.
Vi chiediamo di agire contro i sistemi di sorveglianza globale.
I governi del mondo intero si preparano a distruggere la vita privata utilizzando di sistemi come TrapWire o INDECT.
Quest | 6,027 |
e tecnologie di sorveglianza delle reti utilizzano le videocamere di sorveglianza, le banche dati governative così come i dati disponibili su Internet allo scopo di identificare i cittadini, creare profili di persone, delle loro famiglie o delle loro relazioni sociali.
Affermano di usare questi sistemi per proteggerci degli attacchi terroristici. In realtà, hanno cominciato a lavorare molto prima che i primi attacchi terroristici si producessero.
È l'ora di agire, è l'ora di mostrare ai governi chi siamo.
È l'ora di mostrare che il genere umano ha una coscienza.
È l'ora di mostrare che siamo uniti.
È l'ora di mostrare ciò che la parola Libertà significa.
Chiamiamo tutti gli attivisti del mondo, nord e sud america, asiatici, africani, australiani cittadini di Oceania, del mondo arabo e dell'unione europea perchè prendano parte alla contestazione.
Agite adesso e diffondete questa chiamata nella vostra lingua, pubblicizzate nei vostri paesi e nelle vostre città il pad che troverete nella descrizione di questo video.
Si suppone che i governi debbano difendere gli interessi dei loro popoli. Non sono stati eletti per ingannare i cittadini.
Sono la nostra Libertà e la nostra vita privata che sono in gioco,
È d'importanza capitale unire le nostre forze per difenderle.
Facciamo di questa giornata una delle più grandi contestazioni della nostra Storia
Facciamo del 20 Ottobre 2012 un giorno che resterà inciso nella memoria.
Uniti resisteremo, divisi cadremo.
Siamo il popolo, siamo il solo sistema.
Siamo Anonymous,
siamo Legione,
non scusiamo,
non dimentichiamo,
Dutch :
Geachte activisten, lieve mensen over de hele wereld.
Wij zijn Anonymous.
Wij verzoeken u om nu op te treden tegen de totale Surveillance-Systems.
Wereldwijd zijn overheden op het punt om privacy te vernietigen met systemen als Trapwire en Indect.
Deze netwerk surveillance technologieën gebruiken de CCTV-camera's, de overheid databases en het internet om mensen te identificeren en maakt een profiel van burgers, hen families en de sociale contacten.
Ze doen alsof ze deze systemen ontwerpen om te beveiligen, om ons te waarborgen tegen terrorisme.
Het is tijd om actie te ondernemen, het is tijd om de macht van de wereld, welke ze verantwoorden weer te geven, het is tijd om de mensheid welke als invidue staat als verenigd te beschouwen, het is tijd om te laten zien wat vrijheid voor ons betekent.
Wij roepen alle Activisten over de hele wereld, van Zuid-en Noord-Amerika, van Azië, uit Afrika, uit Australië en Oceanië, uit de Arabische lente en van de Europese Unie, om een deel van het Protest tegen het Surveilance Systems te beginnen.
Reageer nu en verspreid het woord in uw moedertaal, voert u uw landen en steden, in | 6,028 |
Adiado outra vez! Após confusão de sábado, final da Libertadores é novamente adiada
O duelo entre River Plate e Boca Juniors, pela final da Libertadores, no Monumental, foi adiado. Inicialmente, a partida estava marcada para o último sábado, mas acabou sendo remarcada para este domingo. No entanto, os xeneizes enviaram um pedido formal à Conmebol para que o jogo tivesse uma nova data, que ainda será anunciada.
Haverá uma reunião na próxima terça-feira, às 10h (11h no horário de Brasília), na sede da Conmebol, no Paraguai, com a presença dos presidentes dos dois clubes, para decidir dia, horário e local da decisão. O campeão sul-americano tem que ser conhecido a tempo de participar do Mundial de Clubes da Fifa, nos Emirados Árabes Unidos. A estreia será no dia 18 de dezembro, na semifinal.
No entanto, uma situação fora do âmbito esportivo deixa o calendário para a escolha da nova data ainda mais apertado. O presidente da Conmebol, o paraguaio Alejandro Domínguez, afirmou que o governo argentino, por razões de segurança, pediu para que a final não seja jogada esta semana, por causa da Cúpula do G-20, reunião dos chefes de Estado e de Governo das 20 maiores economias mundiais, que será realizada em Buenos Aires nos dias 30 de novembro, sexta, e 1º de dezembro, sábado.
Em entrevista à "Fox Sports" argentina, Domínguez afirmou que a decisão foi tomada para que não houvesse "desigualdades esportivas", e garantiu que a final será realizada.
"Não havia condições esportivas. Não queremos que haja desigualdades esportivas. (Queremos) Um bom espetáculo esportivo. Que não haja desculpa."
La nueva fecha de la final será analizada y decidida en una reunión en Asunción el martes 27 a las 10 de la mañana con los presidentes de los clubes finalistas, Boca Juniors y River Plate. — November 25, 2018
2 de 4 Torcida do River Plate deixa Monumental após novo adiamento — Foto: Alberto Raggio/Reuters Torcida do River Plate deixa Monumental após novo adiamento — Foto: Alberto Raggio/Reuters
- Esta não é uma suspensão, é um adiamento. Em conjunto com os presidentes, vamos remarcar a partida. Vamos buscar a data adequada, a partida será disputada - completou o presidente da Conmebol.
Na imprensa argentina, especula-se que o jogo seja realizado nos Emirados Árabes, país que receberá o Mundial de Clubes. No entanto, segundo pessoas ligadas a cúpula da Conmebol, entre quem toma decisões, nunca se falou em final em Abu Dhabi, uma das sedes do Mundial. Essa possibilidade não está sobre a mesa. A tendência é que a segunda partida da final seja na Argentina e no estádio do River — ou num estádio escolhido pelo River.
Na Conmebol, entende-se que a final não pode ter um jogo na casa de um dos times (a ida foi na Bombonera) e o outro jogo em campo neutro. Isso fere a “igualdade de condições” | 6,029 |
We have updated our Global Team Ranking—powered by EGB.com—for October 2016.
October was a busy month for top flight teams and for those competing in the rat race for upward mobility, with two premier tournaments in the form of EPICENTER: Moscow and the ESL Pro League Season 4 Finals in São Paulo, which gave the top tier plenty to fight for, while there were smaller tournaments like ESWC 2016 and WESG's Europe and CIS offline qualifier.
Back in August the off-season saw Aleksandr "s1mple" Kostyliev move to Natus Vincere, Aleksi "allu" Jalli make the jump to FaZe, with perhaps the biggest move being a three player swap between fnatic and GODSENT. During September, teams tested out their new lineups at events like the SL i-League StarSeries Season 2 finals and ESL One New York, while other teams like Astralis and Envy gave their rosters one last go after the halt.
dignitas squeeze into the Top 3
Now, another wave of changes happened as teams keep fine-tuning their lineups ahead of the much anticipated ELEAGUE Major in Atlanta, GA. Some of the most notable transfers of late have been Freddy "KRIMZ" Johansson and Jonas "Lekr0" Olofsson returning to their former teams, Astralis bringing on Lukas "gla1ve" Rossander and his Legend status—then prompting FaZe to pick-up the IGL they much needed in the form of Finn "karrigan" Andersen—, Christian "loWel" Garcia Antoran being brought on in lieu of Tomáš "oskar" Šťastný on mousesports' roster, and Envy adding Christophe "SIXER" Xia for Timothée "DEVIL" Démolon.
There has been a period of uncertainty the past few months, which has been furthered by the off-season changes, and is currently in what seems like an interminable journey to the next Major. This month has seen it continue with both premier tournaments having been won by different teams and making it now seven in a row with a different champion, which means this is the most even it has ever been at the top of our ranking, with six teams over 600 points there is no clear #1 team.
To summarize the ranking for new readers:
Our team ranking is based on teams' achievements over the past year (with severe decay in points throughout each month), recent form over the last 2 months, and performance at offline events in the last 3 months. Each team is required to have a three-man core in order to retain their points and online results are included but have minimal effect (only affecting 'Form') at the top of the table and mainly serve to put new teams on the map.
We will always have a special page where you will be able to find the latest, weekly version of our ranking.
Here is the current top 30 table as of November 1st, 2016, which goes more in-depth into the way points are distributed. You can see the lineup for each team by hovering over their name in the table.
Please note that the +/- gain on this table differs from our weekly rankings page, and is in relation to the ranking update of September 2016.
Top 30 Team Ranking Powered by EGB.com
Rank Team Achievements Form LANs Total points +/- 1. SK 500 150 277 927 - 2. Virtus.pro 440 135 291 866 - 3. Dignitas 292 200 300 792 +4 4. Natus Vincere 331 73 296 700 -1 5. Cloud9 236 154 242 632 - 6. NiP 251 122 240 613 -2 7. G2 223 80 155 458 +1 8. mousesports 111 104 139 354 +8 9. Envy 133 123 91 347 - 10. Liquid 159 48 119 326 -4 11. fnatic 170 88 31 289 +6 12. OpTic 73 101 86 260 - 13. FaZe 50 110 48 208 +2 14. Immortals 61 83 41 185 -1 15. Astralis 110 49 22 181 -5 16. FlipSid3 60 35 33 128 +2 17. TYLOO 31 60 26 117 +3 18. HellRaisers 31 48 36 115 +5 19. Heroic 44 33 32 109 -5 20. VG.CyberZen 18 62 22 102 +1 21. Renegades 19 52 16 87 +3 22. ALTERNATE aTTaX 17 42 21 80 +6 23. Gambit 35 28 14 77 -1 24. Kinguin 15 42 17 | 6,030 |
E' tornato il terrore a Parigi, in pieno centro, a due passi dal teatro dell'Opera: un uomo, gridando "Allah Akbar!" ha accoltellato i passanti di una via piena di gente al sabato sera, per una serata di primavera. La polizia ha reagito in pochi secondi, abbattendo l'assalitore, un ceceno di 21 anni, incensurato ma schedato "S" "per la sua vicinanza agli ambienti radicali islamici".
I quattro feriti sono fuori pericolo: due feriti gravi, un uomo di 34 anni che era stato trasportato d'urgenza al Georges Pompidou, e una donna di 54 anni, e due feriti in modo lieve, una 26enne e un 31enne. La persona uccisa è, invece, un uomo di 29 anni e non una donna, come riportato inizialmente. La vittima stava passeggiando in rue Monsigny quando è stato aggredito dall'assalitore con un coltello.
Ed è l'antiterrorismo che indaga sugli accoltellamenti avvenuti in serata nel centro della capitale francese: lo ha annunciato il procuratore di Parigi, Francois Molins, in una brevissima conferenza stampa. Nessun particolare sull'aggressore, sulla sua identità e sui suoi eventuali legami con complici. Attraverso il suo organo di propaganda Amaq, l'Isis ha rivendicato l'attacco all'arma bianca compito in serata a Parigi, precisando che è stato messo a segno da "un soldato" dello Stato islamico.
"La Francia paga ancora una volta il prezzo del sangue ma non cede un millimetro ai nemici della libertà": questo il messaggio di Emmanuel Macron dopo gli accoltellamenti nel centro di Parigi, secondo quanto si apprende all'Eliseo. "Il mio pensiero - fa sapere Macron in un tweet - va alle vittime e ai feriti, oltre che ai loro cari. Saluto a nome di tutti i francesi il coraggio dei poliziotti che hanno neutralizzato il terrorista".
La France paye une nouvelle fois le prix du sang mais ne cède pas un pouce aux ennemis de la liberté (2/2). — Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) 12 maggio 2018
Attorno alle 21, nell'affollata rue Saint-Augustin, che è celebre per i molti ristoranti - spesso frequentati da un gran numero di turisti - si è scatenata la furia dell'uomo, di cui si ignora la reale motivazione e lo stato mentale: ha gridato a più riprese "Allah Akbar", pugnalando a ripetizione i passanti e seminando il panico in tutta la zona del 2/o arrondissement della capitale, prima che la polizia, che ha aperto il fuoco dopo una manciata di secondi, lo uccidesse.
#Francia: accoltellamento multiplo di passanti a #Parigi in zona Place de l'Opera causa almeno 1 morto ed 8 https://t.co/NtP5KwMsep polizia interviene ed uccide l'aggressore pic.twitter.com/5VL6SMoJOT — Atlantide (@Atlantide4world) 12 maggio 2018
I primi video pubblicati su Twitter mostrano un fuggi fuggi generale, grida di panico, gente che si stende a terra. Molti passanti si sono rifugiati nei ristoranti, gridando che fuori c'era un uomo col coltello insanguinato che inseguiva tutti. Numer | 6,031 |
Indigenous Community Telecommunications (ICT), a civil society association in Mexico, has withstood an important legal battle for the right of indigenous communities to establish and manage their own community networks of mobile phones and internet.
ICT, which provides voice and data services at affordable costs in remote areas of southern Mexico, obtained a special legal protection (or amparo, in Spanish) exempting it from a fee of around one million pesos (approximately US $50,000) to use the radio spectrum for its operations. This fee is typically assessed by Mexico's Federal Institute of Telecommunications (the regulator for radio broadcasting and telecommunications) for corporate enterprises. ICT is a non-profit.
The Collegiate Circuit Court on Administrative Matters, Specialized in Economic Competition, Broadcasting and Telecommunications ruled that this does not exempt ICT from payment, but it does instruct the Federal Institute of Telecommunications to reconsider the required fee. As a not-for-profit, ICT argues that it should not be treated the same as the commercial service providers.
In the ruling, the Court recognized that ICT's services relate to the defense of indigenous peoples’ human rights including freedom of expression. It also acknowledged that the pro homine principle (pro persona) must be applied when reviewing human rights issues to encourage the broadest protection of individual and group rights at all times.
Organizations such as Rhizomática and Networks for Diversity, Equality and Sustainability who helped establish ICT published a press release welcoming the Court's decision and thanked supporters who joined them on this difficult journey.
Inequity and discrimination within the licensing process
Global Voices (GV) spoke with Erick Huerta, deputy general coordinator of the Networks for Diversity, Equity and Sustainability, advisor and legal strategist for ICT, about the challenges that lie ahead:
Nosotros sentimos que el fallo del Tribunal es un parteaguas en cuanto a los derechos a la comunicación de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas y en cuanto a cómo debe realizar sus funciones la entidad autónoma [el Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones]. El artículo 1 de nuestra Constitución es muy claro respecto a que todas las personas gozarán de los derechos humanos, sin discriminación, y, en caso de que exista alguna duda, la interpretación de las normas debe hacerse de tal forma que se favorezca la más amplia protección de los derechos humanos. Esta interpretación es una obligación que le corresponde hacerla tanto al poder judicial, como al poder ejecutivo y a los órganos autónomos. La sentencia del Tribunal es muy bonita en ese sentido, ya que le señala al ente autónomo que está obligado a interpretar la ley en favor de los derechos humanos, y a considerar la situación especial de los pueblos indígenas y sus derechos específicos a la comunicación. En otras palabras, no por aplicar estrictamente una ley fiscal [en este caso, aquella que determina que debe pagarse por el uso del espectro radioeléctrico], vas a negar un derecho básico. Para nosotros, el que tuviéramos que pagar un millón de pesos significaba que dejaríamos de operar y se les negaría a las comunidades, entonces, su derecho humano a la comunicación, simplemente por un tema administrativo. La sentencia dice ‘Toda ley está sujeta a interpretación. Es más, las leyes fiscales son de interpretación estricta, pero eso no quiere decir que no se interprete’. No puedes aplicar las leyes a rajatabla, tienes que ver cómo se ubica dentro del sistema, si es equitativo o no.
We feel that the Court's ruling is a watershed in terms of the communication rights of indigenous peoples and communities and how the regulator [the Federal Institute of Telecommunications] should perform its functions. Article 1 of our Constitution states very clearly that all people shall enjoy human rights, without discrimination, and if there is any doubt, the interpretation of the rules must be done in such a way as to support the broadest protection of human rights. This | 6,032 |
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Alexandra Dalsbaek, AFP | A still image taken from an AFPTV footage shows police officers detaining opposition leader Alexei Navalny during a rally in Moscow on January 28.
Russian police on Sunday detained opposition leader Alexei Navalny at a rally in Moscow which he had called to protest upcoming polls expected to extend Vladimir Putin's Kremlin term to 2024.
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Surrounded by supporters, the 41-year-old chanted "Swindlers and thieves" before being detained by police shortly afterwards at an unsanctioned gathering in the city centre amid heavy police presence.
"I have been detained," Navalny tweeted. "This means nothing. Come to Tverskaya (Avenue)," he said, referring to Moscow's main thoroughfare.
"You are not rallying for me, but for yourselves and your future."
Heeding a call by President Putin's bete noire, thousands rallied in dozens of cities to protest upcoming "pseudo-elections," with many chanting and brandishing placards saying "Voters' strike."
Меня задержали. Это значения не имеет. Приходите на Тверскую. Вы не за меня выходите, а за себя и своё будущее. Alexey Navalny (@navalny) January 28, 2018
Several thousand turned up for the rally in Moscow where authorities dramatically beefed up security, dispatching police vans and passenger buses to the city centre.
Around 90 people were detained across the country, according to OVD-Info, an independent group which monitors crackdowns on demonstrations.
"These are not elections because we already know the result. I will not go and vote," Elena Ruzhe, 62, told AFP in central Moscow.
"I'm not scared to protest," said the former culture ministry worker.
Protester Alexandra Fedorova, who wore a fur coat, said it was wrong not to let Navalny take part in the vote.
"I don't see a future. There is nobody to vote for," the 27-year-old said.
'Tired of this quagmire'
Protesters expressed similar sentiments in the second city of Saint Petersburg, the Russian leader's hometown, where at least 1,000 people rallied, some chanting "Russia without Putin" and "Putin is a thief."
"I want change," Andrei Petrov, 20, told AFP in the former imperial capital. "We are tired of living in this quagmire."
Earlier in the day opposition supporters protested in far eastern Russia and Siberia, including in the northern city of Yakutsk where Russians rallied despite temperatures of around minus 45 Celsius (minus 49 Fahrenheit).
Navalny -- seen as the only politician with enough stamina to take on Putin -- has built a robust protest movement despite constant police harassment, tapping into the anger of a younger generation yearning for change.
He says the upcoming election will be little more than a coronation of Putin who is expected to win a fourth presidential term and extend his Kremlin stay until 2024.
Ahead of the main Moscow rally police broke into Navalny's headquarters using a power saw, interrupting a live broadcast covering the protests in the east of the country.
Задержание одного человека теряет малейший смысл, если нас много. Кто-нибудь, придите и замените меня pic.twitter.com/TODVdF5lEm Alexey Navalny (@navalny) January 28, 2018
Police also detained several employees of his Anti-Corruption Foundation as well as supporters, Navalny's team said.
"If you don't go, you won't forgive yourself later," Navalny's said in a video address before the start of the protest.
"Sooner or later they will cut your door too."
'Police are everywhere'
Ahead of his detention Navalny said police officers had been watching his residential building and garage. "Police, police, police are everywhere," | 6,035 |
Piotr Pavlenski, na agência que incendiou. SARAH CONSTANTIN (ACTIVISTA DE FEMEN)
A última performance do russo Piotr Pavlenski, que na madrugada de domingo para segunda-feira incendiou uma sucursal do Banque de France, em Paris, é uma das menos dolorosas que este artista político já realizou. Ele já havia, por exemplo, pregado os testículos no solo da Praça Vermelha de Moscou, costurado a boca e cortado o lóbulo de uma orelha para protestar pela situação na Rússia de Vladimir Putin. Mas esta última pode ser a que custará mais caro. Pavlenski permanece preso e o banco ameaça processá-lo. Ele pode ainda ter colocado em risco o asilo político que recebeu neste ano com sua esposa, Oksana Chaliguina, também presa por participar de sua última ação artístico-política.
A nova ação, chamada Eclairage (iluminação), aconteceu no meio da madrugada e teve como testemunhas alguns jornalistas avisados pouco antes pelo próprio artista que, junto a sua esposa, se plantou na icônica praça da Bastilha de Paris, espalhou gasolina pela agência bancária e se colocou na frente de sua porta, diante das chamas, vestido totalmente de preto.
Pavlenski met le feu à la BF :"La renaissance de la France révolutionnaire déclenchera l’incendie mondial des révolutions." VIDEO TO COME DM pic.twitter.com/E0DDzFULhN — Sarah Constantin (@sarahconstantin) October 16, 2017
“Incendiar o Banque de France é iluminar a verdade que as autoridades querem que a gente esqueça”, afirmou Pavlenski em um comunicado distribuído depois de sua ação.
“A Bastilha foi destruída pelo povo revolucionário; o povo a destruiu como símbolo do despotismo e do poder. Neste mesmo local, um novo núcleo de escravidão foi destruído. O Banque de France se apoderou da praça da Bastilha. Os banqueiros tomaram o posto dos monarcas. A grande Revolução Francesa fez da França um símbolo de liberdade para o mundo inteiro. Em 1917, graças a este símbolo, Rússia se lançou à liberdade (…) O renascimento da França revolucionária desencadeará o incêndio mundial das revoluções. Neste fogo, Rússia começará sua libertação”, ressaltou o manifesto do artista, publicado nas redes sociais por, entre outras pessoas, Inna Shevchenko, do movimento Femen.
A ação é praticamente uma réplica do incêndio que Pavlenski, de 33 anos, provocou em 2015 na entrada da Lubianka, a sede histórica do serviço secreto russo FSB, herdeiro da KGB, em uma representação gráfica que chamou de “as portas do inferno”. O artista passou sete meses em prisão preventiva. Ele também costurou os lábios em protesto pela detenção do grupo Pussy Riot e encenou uma uma escrotofixação na praça Vermelha de Moscou como uma “metáfora da apatia, da indiferença política e do fatalismo da | 6,036 |
Nearly 55 years after the CIA backed a coup d'état that overthrew Brazil's democratically-elected government, the nation's right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro raised eyebrows on Monday with an unusual and unannounced trip to the spy agency's U.S. headquarters.
Bolsonaro is officially in town to meet with President Donald Trump on Tuesday, the Brazilian's first bilateral meeting with a head of state since taking office in January. His visit to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia was revealed by his son, Eduardo Bolsonaro, in a tweet on Monday morning.
Eduardo, who is a member of Brazil's congress and accompanied his father on the visit, said in Portuguese: "Going now with the PR @jairbolsonaroe ministers to the CIA, one of the world's most respected intelligence agencies. It will be an excellent opportunity to talk about international issues in the region with technicians and experts of the highest caliber."
Indo agora com o PR @jairbolsonaroe ministros para a CIA, uma das agências de inteligência mais respeitadas do mundo. Será uma excelente oportunidade de conversar sobre temas internacionais da região com técnicos e peritos do mais alto gabarito. — Eduardo Bolsonaro (@BolsonaroSP) March 18, 2019
As Reuters reported:
The visit underscored Bolsonaro's embrace of U.S. influence in Latin America to confront what he calls a communist threat against democracy—a theme he remarked on during a dinner on Sunday evening with his ministers and right-wing thinkers. Presidential advisers, including his official spokesman, had said during the dinner that his agenda on Monday morning would be kept private.
Bolosnaro's justice minister, Sérgio Moro, came along for the trip to the agency, but members of the media were not allowed inside, according to The Associated Press.
"No Brazilian president had ever paid a visit to the CIA," Celso Amorim, a Bolsonaro critic who served as foreign minister under former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, told the AP. "This is an explicitly submissive position. Nothing compares to this."
Bolsonaro has been widely criticized for targeting the human rights of vulnerable populations, pushing to privatize public services, and turning over the Amazon to powerful agribusinesses.
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At their Tuesday meeting, Trump and Bolsonaro—who have maintained a publicly cozy relationship—are expected to discuss military and economic ties between their countries, and the political crisis in Venezuela. Both leaders have recognized Venezuela's self-declared "Interim President" Juan Guaidó, who has spent weeks trying to oust President Nicolás Maduro based on claims that his latest election was illegitimate.
Bolsonaro's visit to the CIA—which has a long history of meddling in Latin American politics and overthrowing democratically-elected governments—comes amid mounting concerns of foreign military intervention in Venezuela, as Maduro has hung on to power in spite of "strangling" economic sanctions imposed by the Trump administration.
"The Trump administration's single-minded goal is to persuade South American allies to join the U.S. in imposing crippling economic sanctions on Venezuela," Alexander Main of the Center for Economic and Policy Research said Monday. "There are also signs that Trump and his team—which now includes hawkish Iran-Contra hand Elliott Abrams—would like to see Venezuela's neighbors, Colombia and Brazil, intervene militarily in Venezuela, with possible U.S. logistical support."
Tweeting about CIA visit in Portuguese, Brazilian lawmaker David Miranda drew attention to the U.S.'s record of spying on Brazilian leaders—which was exposed by Glenn Greenwald, Miranda's husband and one of the first journalists to report on the trove of secrets leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden.
Em 2013 eu eu meu marido @ggreenwald mostramos o sistema de vigilância do EUA e seus aliados, que inclusive espionava os líderes de estado brasileiro e nossas estatais. Bolsonaro agora vai na CIA. Síndrome de vira-lata escancarada. Vá ter luta pela soberania Nacional! — David Miranda (@davidmirandario) March 18, 2019
Greenwald, for his part, said that while reporting on Snowden, he was repeatedly told the CIA's largest presence in South America was in Brazil. He added, "It's worse now."
During the Snowden reporting, I was repeatedly told/warned that | 6,037 |
ême, l’inflammation peut entraîner une augmentation de la coagulation du sang, pouvant se traduire par la formation d’un caillot sanguin au niveau de la zone de rupture d’une plaque d’athérome. Là encore, source de complications (notamment embolie pulmonaire) chez ces patients fragiles.
Pour en savoir plus :
Bonow RO, Fonarow GC, O’Gara PT, Yancy CW. Association of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) With Myocardial Injury and Mortality. JAMA Cardiol. 2020 Mar 27. doi: 10.1001/jamacardio.2020.1105
Chen J, Zhu H, Wang D, Zheng Y, Zhu G, Shi Q, Lu Y, Zhang Y, Li J, Chen S, Ding X, Liu B, Hong C, Xu X, He Z, Zhao H, Zhang C, Wu X, Hong L, Shao H, Cai M, Chen J, Zhu J, Lv D, Chen B, Shen B. Clinical Features of Stool SARS-CoV-2 RNA Positive in 137 COVID-19 Patients in Taizhou, China. SSRN Electronic Journal. Posted: 23 Mar 2020
Chen T, Wu D, Chen H, Yan W, Yang D, Chen G, Ma K, Xu D, Yu H, Wang H, Wang T, Guo W, Chen J, Ding C, Zhang X, Huang J, Han M, Li S, Luo X, Zhao J, Ning Q. Clinical characteristics of 113 deceased patients with coronavirus disease 2019: retrospective study. BMJ. 2020 Mar 26;368:m1091. doi: 10.1136/bmj.m1091.
Guo T, Fan Y, Chen M, Wu X, Zhang L, He T, Wang H, Wan J, Wang X, Lu Z. Cardiovascular Implications of Fatal Outcomes of Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). JAMA Cardiol. 2020 Mar 27. doi: 10.1001/jamacardio.2020.1017
Inciardi RM, Lupi L, Zaccone G, Italia L, Raffo M, Tomasoni D, Cani DS, Cerini M, Farina D, Gavazzi E, Maroldi R, Adamo M, Ammirati E, Sinagra G, Lombardi CM, Metra M. Cardiac Involvement in a Patient With Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). JAMA Cardiol. 2020 Mar 27. doi: 10.1001/jamacardio.2020.1096
Hu H, Ma F, Wei X, Fang Y. Coronavirus fulminant myocarditis saved with glucocorticoid and human immunoglobulin. Eur Heart J. 2020 Mar 16. pii: ehaa190. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehaa190.
Holshue ML, DeBolt C, Lindquist S, Lofy KH, Wiesman J, Bruce H, Spitters C, Ericson K, Wilkerson S, Tural A, Diaz G, Cohn A, Fox L, Patel A, Gerber SI, Kim L, Tong S, Lu X, Lindstrom S, Pallansch MA, Weldon WC, Biggs HM, Uyeki TM, Pillai SK; Washington State 2019-nCoV Case Investigation Team. First Case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus in the United States. N Engl J Med. 2020 Mar 5;382(10):929-936. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2001191
Lan L, Xu D, Ye G, Xia C, Wang S, Li Y, Xu H. Positive RT-PCR Test Results in Patients Recovered From COVID-19. JAMA. 2020 Feb 27. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.2783
Madjid M, Safavi-Naeini P, Solomon SD, Vardeny O. Potential Effects of Coronaviruses on the Cardiovascular System: A Review. JAMA Cardiol. 2020 Mar 27. doi: 10.1001/jamacardio.2020.1286
Pan L, Mu Mi, Yang P, Sun Y, Wang R, Yan J, Li P, Hu B, Wang J, Hu C, Jin Y, Niu X, Ping R, Du Y, Li T, Xu G, Hu Q, Tu L. Clinical characteristics of COVID-19 patients with digestive symptoms in Hube | 6,038 |
“All is fair in love and war.” This common saying is perhaps the main argument that the Mexican government hides behind to arbitrarily monitor its citizens using surveillance software or “spyware.”
Researchers in Mexico revealed findings last week that since 2011, at least three Mexican state agencies spent nearly 80 million dollars on Pegasus spyware. This software has been used to spy on citizens, including journalists who cover organized crime, human rights attorneys and anti-corruption activists. The US newspaper The New York Times published a report on research conducted by Mexican organizations Artículo 19, Red en Defensa de los Derechos Digitales (R3D) and SocialTIC.
The @nytimes published a report about surveillance of journalists and activists using Pegasus malware #GobiernoEspía
This particular software is designed to infect mobile devices and collect data from communications, shared images, geolocation tools, and even cameras. It can also steal passwords to access private networks. Most people affected by the software receive it in the form of a benign-seeming email attachment or link, which infects their device after they download or click on it.
Top: The software called Pegasus is developed by the Israeli company NSO Group. According to NSO, they only sell it to governments for intelligence gathering against organized crime and terrorism. Lower left: How does it work? It tricks the user into clicking a malicious link that installs the software on their device. Lower right: Once it’s installed the government can access: your phone calls, your emails, your contacts, your calendar.
The rise in use of digital surveillance tools has become part and parcel of Mexico's ongoing internal armed conflict. Triggered by the war against drug cartels, declared by the administration of former President Felipe Calderón in late 2006, the conflict has led to the deaths of tens of thousands of people, including members of armed groups, military and civilians. Many others have gone missing, including 43 students from Ayotzinapa. Several attorneys who have represented disappeared victims have been targeted and surveilled with Pegasus malware.
Opacity and vulnerability
In this context, the allocation of public resources to intelligence and security matters goes unquestioned and it is difficult to scrutinize. The government spends millions of dollars with little accountability to the public, and it employs cyberweapons to wage war against its citizenry.
The use of Pegasus in Mexico, however, is not novel. Since August 2016, the New York Times has reported that Pegasus spyware, developed by the Israeli company NSO Group, is used by the government of Mexico. In September 2016, the Mexican news outlet Vanguardia reported on the purchase of this system:
La Procuraduría General de la República en la gestión de Jesús Murillo Karam fue la dependencia que compró el software de espionaje Pegasus, el más sofisticado en el mercado y capaz de escuchar, ver, capturar texto, imagen y contactos de cualquier teléfono inteligente.
The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic under the management of Jesús Murillo Karam purchased Pegasus surveillance software, the most sophisticated of its kind on the market, with capabilities to listen, view and capture text, images and contacts of any smartphone.
Until now, the tools that citizens of Mexico have at their disposal to force government transparency have been ineffective at exposing information about Pegasus and how to defend against its intrusions.
In September 2016, a citizen officially requested that the Attorney General release details about the acquisition and use of Pegasus. The AG responded saying that the information doesn't exist and that it does not have a cyber-surveillance program.
This was later confirmed by Mexico's transparency agency, the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection (known by the acronym INAI in Spanish). The INAI has undergone major reforms in the current administration, some of which have cast a shadow of suspicion among civil society advocates, who have begun to doubt its accountability.
Confirmation of surveillance
In February 2017, the Mexico City NGO Red en Defensa de los Derechos Digitales (R3D) published a study on surveillance by the Mexican government of two activists and a researcher who supported a tax on sugary beverages.
Conclusions of R3D study on soda tax activists The three victims were subjected to attacks using similar methods that they received on key dates when their work and advocacy for public health, in particular the promotion of the sugar tax.
Pegasus surveillance malware is marketed exclusively to governments.
There is evidence that at least the Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA), the Attorney General's Office (PGR) and the National Security and Research Center (CISEN) have acquired licenses to use malware marketed by | 6,039 |
O líder supremo do Irã, Ali Khamenei, disse aos "criminosos" que assassinaram o major-general Qassem Soleimani que uma dura vingança os espera.
De acordo com ele, a perda de Soleimani é amarga, mas a luta continuará até a vitória para que a vida dos criminosos seja ainda mais amarga.
Irã vai se vingar dos EUA pela morte do comandante da unidade Força Quds, do Corpo de Guardiões da Revolução islâmica, disse Mohsen Rezaei, ex-chefe deste corpo de elite e atual secretário do Conselho de Conveniência, órgão assessor ao líder supremo do Irã.
"O mártir tenente-general Qassem Soleimani se juntou aos seus irmãos mártires, mas nós nos vingaremos com veemência dos EUA", escreveu ele no Twitter.
O Conselho Supremo de Segurança Nacional do Irã convocou uma reunião extraordinária após a morte do general Soleimani.
"Nas próximas horas será realizada uma reunião extraordinária do Conselho de Segurança Nacional onde será analisado o criminoso ataque contra Soleimani em Bagdá que levou à sua morte", declarou o porta-voz desta entidade, Keivan Khosravi, informa Iran Front Page.
Por sua vez, o chanceler iraniano, Mohamad Zarif, disse que o ataque que vitimou o tenente-general Soleimani é um "ato de terrorismo internacional" e que os EUA serão responsabilizados pelas respetivas consequências.
The US' act of international terrorism, targeting & assassinating General Soleimani—THE most effective force fighting Daesh (ISIS), Al Nusrah, Al Qaeda et al—is extremely dangerous & a foolish escalation.
The US bears responsibility for all consequences of its rogue adventurism. — Javad Zarif (@JZarif) January 3, 2020
"O ato de terrorismo internacional dos EUA, que atacaram e assassinaram o general Soleimani – a força mais eficaz na luta contra o Daesh, Al Nusra, Al Qaeda [organizações terroristas proibidas na Rússia], etc. – é extremamente perigoso e constitui uma estúpida escalada [de tensões]. Os EUA são os responsáveis por todas as consequências do seu aventureirismo desonesto".
Em um comunicado divulgado pelo Ministério das Relações Exteriores, o chanceler ressaltou também que a "imprudência das forças terroristas dos EUA que assassinaram o comandante Soleimani [...] reforçará sem sombra de dúvida a árvore de resistência na região e no mundo".
Para além disso, o Ministério das Relações Exteriores iraniano convocou o embaixador suíço, Markus Leitner, que representa em Teerã os interesses dos EUA, manifestando-lhe o seu protesto pela morte de Soleimani.
O líder supremo do Irã, aiatolá Ali Khamenei, prometeu se vingar dos EUA pela morte de Soleimani e declarou três dias de luto nacional, informa Associated Press.
Soleimani foi morto em bombardeio no Aeroporto Internacional de Bagdá, no Iraque, junto com o vice-chefe da Forças de Mobilização Popular Shia do Iraque, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, e outras vítimas.
De acordo com Washington, Soleimani havia autorizado ataques contra | 6,040 |
by these two talks? Both are about Islam, sure, but is that enough? Simply their topic? What is the wider scholarly project to which these two works contribute? One emerges out a textual approach, theologically minded, a revival of an interest in kalam. The other is sociologically grounded, using qualitative methods and concerned with the empirical realities of life.
This disciplinary gap can cause whiplash, as it did for me as I walked between these two lectures. I had to ask myself, why did I attend these two talks? How does this relate to my own scholarship? One answer might that they are two distinct interests. As a confessional Muslim, I had an interest in the textual, the historical, the theological. As a social scientist, I had an interest in the contemporary, the lived-realities of Muslims today. But this wasn’t a satisfactory answer, because in so far as I could tell, my interest in these two talks wasn’t separate. They both related to the same scholarly project for me.
In this talk, I’d like to argue that it is in fact possible to outline a concept that allows for a recontextualization of textual and social scholarship in relation to each other, and at the same time provide an agenda of study that can reveal more to us than current concepts in operation. The concept I’d like to introduce is that of Anglophone Islam.
To understand what I mean by Anglophone Islam, we have to return to Shahab Ahmed, and his own concept of the Balkans to Bengal Complex.
Is it Ramadan or Ramzan? Siyam or roza? Salah or Namaz? Jannah or Behest? Jahannum or duzuk? Despite Arabic being the language of the Quran, countless Muslims will use Persian-origin words to express key Islamic concepts. From the Balkans to the Bengal, and even further, to South East Asia, the influence of the Persian language is felt. This is visible too when you look at scholarship. Ghazali’s ihya ulum ad-din was written in Arabic, but kimiya-yi sa’ādat was written in Persian. Few Arabic poets are as celebrated as Rumi or Hafiz who, again, wrote in Persian.
For centuries, the lingua franca of Islam was not Arabic, it was farsi. Hodgson calls this civilizational expanse “Persianate”. Shahab Ahmed calls it the “Balkans to Bengal Complex”. Ahmed calls upon the notion of a paideia — a Greek term for the “syllabus” or “curriculum” in which a person is raised. Islam is, according to Ahmed, found in how these Muslims expressed, communicated, disagreed, and disavowed each other. Operating within a shared paradigm that was mutually intelligible. It is how he reconciles the contradictions of the Islamic “Gunpowder Empires”. It is not that Muslims in the Balkans to Bengals Complex recited poetry about wine, celebrated artists, and valorised Christian, Jewish, and Hindu saints in spite of their Islam, as Hodgson implies with his religion/culture distinction of Islamic and Islamicate, but because of their Islam. Ahmed’s conclusion is to forgo a strict creedal or normative understanding of Islam in favour of one that looks at processes, drawing on a discursive understanding of the tradition developed initially from Talal Asad.
Ahmed notes that the inhabitants of the Balkan to Bengal Complex would be raised on poetry of Layla and Majnun (star crossed lovers that make Romeo and Juliet look timid). The image of Majnun, devoted in the extreme to his Layla, is a repeated motif in art, prose, literature, and architecture. The story of Layla and Majnun also provided insight into how denizens of the Balkans to Bengal Complex understood love. But their readings also included philosophy, and so Ahmed observes how a poem recited by farm-workers would casually refer to Avicennan philosophy, Neo-Platonic emanationism, and Suhrawardian Illuminationism. This was part of their intellectual repertoire. He argues too, that the Balkans to Bengal Complex was a world where Sufism was the norm.
He challenges the trite orientalist trope of Sufis, spiritual but not religious types, as a minority who argued against the dogmatism and literalism of the legal elites. It was the complete opposite in the Balkans to Bengal Complex. Sufi antinomianism was the status quo, and the impassioned dogmatism of the legal scholars is the voice of a minority trying to place limits on what they saw as the religious excesses of the masses.
But what connected all of this was farsi.
Here, it’s important to emphasise, a | 6,041 |
Crédit Image : Johannes EISELE / AFP | Crédit Média : Philippe Corbé | Durée : 01:24 | Date : 10/06/2019
publié le 10/06/2019 à 20:24
Un accident impressionnant en plein cœur de New York. Un hélicoptère s'est écrasé ce lundi 10 juin au sommet d'un immeuble de Midtown, une zone du quartier de Manhattan où se trouvent de nombreux gratte-ciel. Le lieu du crash se situe non loin du Rockefeller Center, l’un des quartiers les plus fréquentés de la ville, ont indiqué les pompiers de la ville.
Un grand nombre de véhicules de secours est déployé au pied de plusieurs grands immeubles. Selon les premières informations disponibles, l'atterrissage brutal de hélicoptère a fait au moins un mort. On ignore s'il y a d'autres victimes. L'hélicoptère a pris feu en atterrissant, a indiqué Andrew Cuomo, le gouverneur de l'État de New York lors d'un point presse, écartant toute hypothèse terroriste. Il a précisé que la personne décédée se trouvait à bord de l'hélicoptère.
Sur Twitter, la police new-yorkaise demande à la population d'éviter la zone des 51e et 7e avenues en raison de l’enquête policière en cours.
Une tour de 54 étages
La tour touchée, haute de 54 étages est située entre Central Park et Times Square. On n'ignore pour le moment pourquoi l'hélicoptère volait. Il y a fréquemment des hélicoptères de tourisme qu'on peut louer pour quelques heures pour prendre des photos.
Il fait mauvais aujourd'hui à New York, le ciel est bas, la visibilité faible. Normalement, les hélicoptères évitent de survoler Manhattan dans ces conditions. Souvent dans ce cas, le sommet des immeubles est dans les nuages.
Selon certaines sources non-confirmées par les officiels, l'hélicoptère a tenté de se poser en urgence au sommet, une manœuvre interdite depuis un accident il y a 40 ans. Un incendie s'est déclaré, il est désormais sous contrôle. Des employés des les étages supérieurs de la tour racontent avoir ressenti comme un tremblement de terre. Ils ont reçu l'ordre d'évacuer sans prendre l’ascenseur. Personne n'a été blessé, a affirmé Andrew Cuomo.
ADVISORY: Please avoid the area of West 51st and 7th Ave due to an ongoing police investigation. Expect an emergency vehicles and traffic in the area. Update to follow. pic.twitter.com/13gYd1hHI9 — NYPD NEWS (@NYPDnews) 10 juin 2019
787 7th ave, #midtown NYC. We’re 1 block south. 20 mins ago there was a loud sound like a too-low #helicopter & I looked up and saw sheet of flame on roof and then smoke. News reports saying helicopter/small plane crash onto roof which would be consistent with what I heard/saw. pic.twitter.com/swY3ksLskH — Lance Koonce (@LHKoonce) 10 juin 2019
L'agence fédérale de l'aviation américaine (FAA) a indiqué sur Twitter que l'hélicoptère était un Agusta A109E et que, selon les indications préliminaires, seul le pilote se trouvait à bord. Elle a précisé que l'agence fédérale pour la sécurité dans les transports (NTSB) serait chargée de l'enquête pour déterminer la cause probable | 6,042 |
This message is from the Top 21 Block Producers and Standby Nodes of the EOS Mainnet Blockchain. This update has been translated into Korean and Chinese. Line breaks indicate a new paragraph or section.
EOS 메인넷 블록체인의 상위 21개 블록 프로듀서와 대기 블록 프로듀서가 이와 같이 알려드립니다.
AT 9:56 UTC the EOS Mainnet halted. At 10:01 UTC Block Producers and many Standby Nodes joined together on an international conference call to identify and fix the issue.
UTC 9:56에 EOS 메인넷이 정지되었습니다. UTC 10:01경 블록 프로듀서들와 많은 대기 블록 프로듀서들은 모두 모여서 이 문제를 확인하고 수정하기 위해서 국제적인 컨퍼런스 콜을 열었습니다.
At 10:57 UTC The choice was made that all Standby Block Producers would stop their nodes and backup any information that could helpful in diagnosing the problem.
UTC 10:57에 모든 대기 블록 프로듀서들은 자신의 노드를 중지하고 문제해결에 도움이 될 만한 어떤 정보든 백업하도록 결정하였습니다.
At 11:02 UTC, a method to unpause the chain was formulated and is currently underway. Normal EOS chain functions should be available within 3 to 6 hours from the time of the publication. Incoming connections to the network are not being accepted while the work is taking place. Please wait for an update from the Top 21 Block Producers before attempting EOS mainnet transactions.
UTC时间11:02,节点们制定了一个方案来重启EOS主网,并且目前已经在紧密施行过程中。 | 6,043 |
Update #4: Pull Request 4158: https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/pull/4158
EOSIO 소프트웨어는 이런 형태의 에러가 발생했을때 체인생성을 멈춰 하드포크(hard fork)를 방지 할 수 있도록 설계되어 있습니다. 모든 블록 프로듀서들은 합의에 문제를 감지하면 블록 생성을 멈춥니다. 코드 픽스가 완성되었고, 블록 프로듀서 커뮤니티에 의해서 테스트되고 있으며 실제 네트워크로 배포될 것입니다.
At 14:13 UTC Tag 1.0.5 was issued by Block.One: https://github.com/EOS-Mainnet/eos/tree/mainnet-1.0.5
UTC时间14:13- 更新#5:Block.One 发布1.0.5。
14:13 UTC — Update #5: 태그 1.0.5가 블록원에 의해 출시되었습니다. https://github.com/EOS-Mainnet/eos/tree/mainnet-1.0.5
At 14:48 UTC the network went live. The Block Producers and Standby Nodes responsible for responding to this fix were able to work with Block.One, identify the issue, and merge a fix within 5 hours time.
UTC时间14:48 — — 主网恢复。参与这一修复版代码的超级节点和备用节点与Block.One一起在5小时内明确问题,完成修复版代码。
14:48 UTC — 네트워크는 정상 상태가 되었습니다. 코드 픽스에 대해 대응해야 할 책임이 있는 선출된 블록 프로듀서와 대기 블록 프로듀서는 블록원과 함께 문제를 확인하고 5시간 안에 코드 픽스를 포함하여 배포할 수 있었습니다.
English: https://t.me/eosmainnet
Chinese: https://t.me/eosmainnetchina
| 6,044 |
Authored by Karina Martin via PanamPost.com,
The economic crisis and the food shortage in Venezuela is so serious that looting has become commonplace throughout the country.
In January alone, nearly 400 small protests and more than 100 instances of looting have taken place across 19 states, according to the Venezuelan Conflict Observatory.
On Saturday, January 13, Venezuelans began looting for food in the states of Guárico and Zulia.
In Maracaibo — the capital of Zulia — residents looted a supermarket after waiting hours in line to buy corn flour. Violence broke out when they were informed that only members of pro-government community councils could make purchases.
“People were upset,” Ana, a mother of two, said. “There were people waiting yesterday. They started to open the doors (of the supermarket), to get in and grab packets of flour, but the police arrived.”
A similar situation occurred in the town of Calabozo. According to the opposition party Vente Venezuela, it has become “totally paralyzed following mass looting.” According to opposition Deputy Carlos Prosperi, a government supply network known as Mercal and “several shops on tenth and eleventh avenue” were looted.
The Bolivarian National Guard has been tasked with keeping the area in order with gunshots and tear gas, but the situation seems irrepressible.
#BREAKING Tough situation in Calabozo, #Guárico. The GNB does not seem to be able to control the looting or the amount of people on the streets. There are even helicopters flying over some areas of #Calobozo #January 13
#ÚLTIMO Fuerte situación en Calabozo, #Guárico. La GNB parece que no pueden controlar los saqueos por la cantidad de personas en la calle, hasta helicópteros sobrevuelan varios sectores de #Calabozo#13Ene pic.twitter.com/vO6AqLlPY9 — Andrews Abreu (@AndrewsAbreu) January 13, 2018
“Until we solve the humanitarian hunger problem, protests will become more and more common,” Congressman Carlos Paparoni, of Mérida, said.
URGENT!! The people are going hungry in Guárico, and facing off against the National Guard in an attempt to access Calabozo stockpiles. There have been reports of teargas.
URGENTE!! Pueblo hambriento en Guárico enfrenta a la Guardia Nacional para saquear centro de acopio de alimentos de Calabozo: Reportan detonaciones y lacrimógenas. (2) pic.twitter.com/NvlaU1LhgU — Gabriel De Mendonça (@desagabriel1383) January 13, 2018
The situation in Venezuela is becoming increasingly worse. Inflation has reached 2,616 percent and the minimum monthly salary is at US $5 — barely enough for a kilo of meat and a carton of 30 eggs.
If that weren’t enough, the government has subsidized the food program known as CLAP. The program’s boxes are sent to the poorest areas of the country, and millions of families depend on them.
On January 11, a group of Venezuelans desperate to find food broke into a farm in Merida and dismembered about 40 cows for their meat.
According to Manuel López, President of the Association of Agricultural Producers of the Sur del Lago area, criminals go from farm to farm, extorting producers and asking them to give up an animal. If they don’t, they destroy everything.
Video obtained of the common practice of killing and stealing cows for beef in Sur del lago farms. #Merida #Jan11 @Breaking @ElNacionalWeb
Video aficionado recibido de como están cazando y sacrificando las reses en las fincas de la zona sur del lago.#Mérida..#11ene..@ReporteYa..@ElNacionalWeb pic.twitter.com/oeSm4w8Oql — Leonardo León (@leoperiodista) January 11, 2018
The situation has led many ranchers and businessmen to pay armed groups to secure their properties.
“The desperation, impunity and serious humanitarian crisis that we are experiencing in Venezuela continues to deepen and is leading people to commit this type of crime,” Coordinator of the Venezuelan Conflict Observatory, Marco Antonio Ponce, said.
“This situation continues to worsen throughout the country given that it’s impossible to get | 6,045 |
Foreword :
This article may be a little bit “jagged” because it has been written and rewritten since 2012, and finally published now. It was first drafted when Justin Trudeau was running for the Liberal leadership. It was revised when he began to campaign for the last federal election. And it’s been touched up again. Very hard to get a smooth feel to it, writing it in coffee shops on the free wifi, surrounded by dozens of other gabbing customers. So tonight, I’m finishing it. It’s as done as it’s going to get for now. I hope you get something out of it, nonetheless. (I will fix the shifted html tables another day…. God willing. That’s one of the horrors of WordPress: not compatible with other basic editing languages. And though the tables all work in WordPress installed in xampp, they don’t work here online, who knows why.)
The Real Justin Trudeau: Red Like His Daddy
Please notice that Justin Trudeau, while running for his father’s former job, supports referendums for Quebec to “secede”. However, as we know from the 1972 manifesto of the Parti Québécois (PQ) (in English exclusively at this web site, see the sidebar for the free download), Quebec is not becoming “sovereign”, it is becoming Communist. The referendums of 1980 and 1995 were precisely to get this done. See in particular my feature post, Singing Tomorrows, to make this clear.
The referendums are a front and a grave deception in which Trudeau Junior, from a family of Castro-worshippers, is a willing shill:
As reported in the French daily Le Devoir (Justin Trudeau on Quebec referendums) online on 10 August 2015, Justin supports the “secession” of (veiled Communist) Quebec:
Discours référendaire Referendum position Il a également ramené à l’avant-scène la position de son adversaire néo-démocrate à l’effet qu’une majorité simple (50 % plus un vote) serait reconnue par Ottawa en cas d’un référendum sur la souveraineté en affirmant qu’elle ne visait qu’à gagner des « points politiques ». He also brought to the forefront the position of his New Democratic adversary to the effect that a simple majority (50% + 1 vote) would be recognized by Ottawa in case of a refrendum on sovereignty by affirming that it would only seek to win “political points”. « M. Mulcair a choisi de ramener cet enjeu-là pour faire des gains au Québec, a affirmé M. Trudeau. La réalité, c’est que les Québécois ont besoin d’un nouveau premier ministre conscient de la réalité des défis et [capable de] rassembler le pays au complet. » “Mr. Mulcair has chosen to return to this issue to make political gains in Quebec,” affirmed Mr. [Justin] Trudeau. The reality is that Quebecers need a new premier who is aware of the reality of the challenges and [capable of] pulling the whole country together.” Sur cette question, le chef du PLC s’est vanté d’être clair, rappelant que la Cour suprême avait dit que « les chiffres » devront être fixés lors d’un prochain référendum. On this question, the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada brags that he is clear, recalling that the Supreme Court had said that “the figures” must be set during the next referendum. Lors du premier débat des chefs, la semaine dernière, la question de la clarté référendaire avait donné lieu à un échange mordant entre M. Mulcair et M. Trudeau, ce dernier accusant son rival de diriger un parti qui menace l’unité nationale en raison de sa position. During the first leaders’ debate, last week, the question of referendum clarity led to a biting exchange between Mr. Mulcair and Mr. Trudeau, the latter accusing his rival of leading a party which threatens national unity because of his position.
By “national unity” is meant the complete restructuring of all of Canada on the model of the EUSSR after a “Yes” in Red-led Quebec.
The fact that Justin Trudeau supports the referendum deception proves | 6,046 |
Q” (Translation: From the Quebec Liberal Party to the Parti Québécois), Montreal Gazette reporter, Robert McKenzie, told Radio-Canada:
[Translation:] “I received a call from someone: ‘Go to the Liberal Party meeting in Lévesque’s riding tonight (18 September 1967), something major will happen, he’s going to take a stand.” I arrive. There are about 300 people. … I looked at the text for a long time, and finally, he (René Lévesque) concluded with these words: “This country which could be called The Canadian Union. It finished just like that: “which could be called The Canadian Union.”
The text McKenzie was reading was possibly Lévesque’s manifesto entitled Pour un Québec souverain dans une nouvelle union canadienne (Translation: For A Sovereign Quebec in a New Canadian Union ).
Levesque’s 1967 demand for a new “Canadian Union” precedes the formation of the European Union by approximately fifteen years. The European Union began as a Coal and Steel “Community”, which became an “Economic Community”. The nations of Europe were once independent. They were not federal. Canada is federal. The aim appears to have been to push federal Canada directly into the “EU” stage by “negotiation” following a “Yes” in a referendum. Certainly, the night before the illegal 1980 referendum, Pierre Trudeau offered this to Lévesque3; and therefore, the Red negotiations would not have been for less than this: a full-blown Red refederation of Canada with an EU-style politburo on the Soviet model where unelected bureaucrats, beyond dismissal by the electorate, make most of the laws for the formerly sovereign European nations.
“not only associate states but even—
do you remember, a sort of new Canadian community.”
Authors Graham Fraser and Ivon Owen in their book, René Lévesque and the Parti Québécois in Power (McGill-Queen’s Press — MQUP, Nov 21, 2001) quote Lévesque in a subsequent PQ Congress (page xxvi):
Throughout the day René Lévesque had not intervened in the debate, saving his speech to the end. […] “We have, for all intents and purposes, gone back to our roots,” he said. That is to say that we are still, as we have been since the begining, sovereignists, but with the realism that the special situation that history and geography have made in Quebec demands. It is not for nothing that from the beginning, seventeen years ago, we evoked not only associate states, but evennbsp;– do you remember, a sort of new Canadian community.” [Emphases added.]
Lévesque invoked not only the term “” (origin of the term “Sovereignty Association”) and referring to the European Economic Community (EEC), but also both the “” and the ““. Community is therefore not a mere synonym for Union.
What did the word “Community” mean to Communist René Lévesque, selected by a secret committee of “Liberals” at Power Corporation in 1967 (including Pierre Elliott Trudeau) to organize and lead the veiled Communist Parti Québécois?
In the French book, René Lévesque, un enfant du siècle (1922-1960), a biography of René Lévesque byPierre Godin, published by Boréal on 15 November 1994 [ISBN 9782890526419], we learn at page 80 that René Lévesque signed his own name under his father’s name on the top right corner of the cover of a book annotated by his father (who was a Communist). René Lévesque, we are told, will always retain certain of these annotations, chief among them:
«Ne pas confondre la liberté physique avec la liberté morale. On a la liberté physique de faire le mal.» — «A égalité de capacité, égalité de droit.» — Communauté, c’est-à-dire par tous les gens pris ensemble. Communisme n’admet pas d’autorité civile.» “Do not confuse physical freedom with moral freedom. One has the physical freedom to do evil.” — “To equality of capacity, equality of right.” — Community, i.e., all people taken together. Communism does not admit civil authority. | 6,047 |
Nul group. http://www.jandenul.com/en/activities/dredging-and-marine-works/land-reclamation-and-beach-replenishment (accessed 01.09.13). John, E., 2009. The impacts of sand mining in Kallada river (Pathanapuram Taluk), Kerala, Journal of basic and applied biology, 3 (1&2), 108-113. Jones Lang LaSalle, 2013. Dubai real estate market overview. Jones Lang LaSalle. http://www.joneslanglasalle-mena.com/ResearchLevel1/JLL_DXBQ2%202013.pdf (accessed 01.09.13). Khamput, P., 2006. A study of compressive strength of concrete using quarry dust as fine aggregate and mixing with admixture Type E. Department of Civil Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology, Thailand. Khardijamal, 2011. Maroc � Safi : La menace de la "guerre des sables" continue. Aug. 9, 2011. Khardijamal. http://khardijamal.wordpress.com/2011/08/09/maroc-safi-la-menace-de-la-guerre-des-sables-continue/ (accessed 04.02.14). Kondolf, G.M., 1994. Geomorphic and environmental effects of instream gravel mining. Landscape and Urban Planning 28, 225�243. Kondolf, G.M., 1997. Hungry water: effects of dams and gravel mining on river channels. Environmental Management 21(4), 553-551. Krause, C., Diesing, M., Arlt, G., 2010. The physical and biological impact of sand extraction: a case study of the western Baltic Sea. Journal of Coastal Research 51, 215-226. Krausmann, F., Gingrich, S., Eisenmenger, N., Erb, K-H., Haber, H., Fischer-Kowalski, M., 2009. Growth in global materials use, GDP and population during the 20th century. Ecological Economics 68, 2696-2705. Mahasenan, N., Smith, S., Humphreys, K., 2003. The Cement Industry and Global Climate Change: Current and Potential Future Cement Industry CO2 Emissions, in: Gale, J., Kaya, Y. (Eds.), Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies 1-4 October, 2002, Kyoto Japan. Elsevier Science 2, 995�1000. Maya, K., Santhosh, V., Padmalal, D. Aneesh Kumar, SR., 2012. Impact of mining and quarrying in Muvattupuzha river basin, Kerala � an overview on its environmental effects. Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science 2(1), 36-40. Milliman, D., Syvitski, M., 1992. Geomorphic/Tectonic Control of Sediment Discharge to the Ocean: The Importance of Small Mountainous Rivers. J. Geol. 100 (5), 525-544. Milton, C., 2010. Sand smugglers, 4 Aug, 2010. Foreign Policy http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/08/04/the_sand_smugglers (accessed 03.02.14). Myers, N., Mittermeier, A., Mittermeier, G., da Fonseca, B., Kent, J., 2000. Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities. Nature 403, 853-858. doi:10.1038/35002501 New York Times, 2010. Indonesia�s Islands Are Buried Treasure for Gravel Pirates, March 28, 2010. The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/28/weekinreview/28grist.html?_r=0" (accessed 03.02.14). Padmalal, D., Maya, K., Sreebha, S., Streeja, R., 2008. Environmental effects of river sand mining: a case from the river catchments of Vembanad Lake, Southwest coast of India. Environ Geol. 54,879-889. DOI 10.1007/s00254-007-0870-z. Radford, T., 2005. It's the way you tell them, Environment & Poverty Times, 3, Special Edition for the World Conference on Disaster Reduction January 18-22, 2005, Kobe, Japan, UNEP/GRID-Arendal. Radzevicius, R., Velegrakis, A., Bonne, W., Kortekaas, S., Gare, E., | 6,048 |
Marriage Equality Debate In Colombia – What You Need To Know
The Colombian Senate will vote Tuesday April 23 on a proposed law to give same-sex couples equal legal marriage rights (“marriage equality”). The debate began on April 17, but was adjourned because the Congressional TV channel had to switch to the House of Representatives and Senators favored having the historic discussion on live national TV.
As designated by the bill’s sponsor, Senator Armando Benedetti, I was proud to argue from the well of the Senate that marriage is a human right protected by international human rights guarantees.
[My Report to the Colombian Senate that Marriage Iguality is a Human Right]
I was one of four non-Senators invited into the debate (the others were the mother of a gay man and two religious conservative opponents). One of the religious speakers was so disgusting and disrespectful that he was jeered by Senators and stopped by the Senate President. I followed him, and in response to his claim that gay men infect world with disease, I began my address to the 90 Senators present saying, “Relax, I am not here to infect you but to inform you.” It was a great honor and it was humbling to know that my family and friends were listening and supporting me, as were countless Colombia LGBTI people (many of whom sent me tweets and messages – thank you!)
The debate was marked by stereotypes and myths, particularly that same-sex couples should not be allowed to be parents, as expressed by the Senate’s President and the leaders of its biggest parties. The vote would be close but these leaders are requiring the parties to vote against the bill, not with their conscience. I received many expressions of support, and some in continued private dialogue, from many in those parties (the “U” and the Conservative parties).
Same-sex couples in Colombia are needed to come out publicly and support the bill and be heard in the press and in their families and workplaces to demythologize the hate rhetoric. There is a lot of misinformation and little logic in this very religiously dominated and heated discussion.
Multinational companies that backed marriage equality in the US Supreme Court should join us in calling on Colombia and the remaining countries of Latin America that do not yet support marriage equality to allow same-sex couples to take the same vows and enjoy the same rights and duties as opposite-sex couples.
Here’s what Colombian Legal and Business Leaders need to know.
(For Spanish speakers, version español. You can also read my testimony to members of the Chilean Senate and to the Chilean Institute of Human Rights. Se puede leer mi discurso pronunciado a miembros del senado de Chile y el Instituto Chileno de Derechos Humanos.)
Why Is This Debate Happening Now?
The Colombian Consitutional Court issued a ruling in 2011 (Sentencia C577/11) that requires the Congress to act by June 20, 2013, or else same-sex couples can present themselves to legal notaries to contract for their legal rights. The Court ruled that same-sex couples have equal legal rights to found a family, but there is a “deficit of legal protection” for such couples under current law, and ordered the Congress to eliminate that deficit by June 20, 2013. The Court previously ruled that the right given to heterosexual couples to a legally recognized non-marital union must be accorded to same-sex couples.
Some people claim that the Colombian Constitution and Civil Code refer to marriage as between a man and a woman, but this doesn’t make the point they think. Both were adopted when there was no consideration of same-sex marriage, and therefore it cannot be said that same-sex marriage was intended to be prohibited. Furthermore, neither provision says “only” a man and a woman can contract marriage.
More importantly, Art. 13 of the Constitution guarantees equality before the law. (This is also a human right guaranteed by the American Convention on Human Rights, which is binding on Colombia. See more about this below.) To allow marriage equality is to reconcile the marriage and equality clauses; to prohibit same-sex marriage is to ignore the equality clause altogether and to invent an intention for the family clause that never existed.
Marriage Equality is Good For Business.
In the United States Supreme Court, a large group of well-known employers filed a brief arguing in favor of marriage equality. They include, among others:
Abercrombie and Fitch, Adobe Systems Incorporated, Advanced Micro Devices Inc., Aetna, Alaskan Airlines, Alcoa, American International Group, Apple, Cisco Systems, Clorox, eBay, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Levi Strauss & Co., Marsh and McLenn | 6,049 |
, met het duo Hopkins “Lightnin'” en Wilson “Thunder”. Hij nam in de jaren daarna een kleine 1000 nummers op en wist uit zijn gitaar zowel het ritme, de bass als de melodie te halen. Met zijn album uit 1959 stond hij aan de vooravond van de opleving van de blues. Hij nam 10 nummers op met één microfoon in een hotelkamer, het resultaat was één van zijn succesvolste albums. Zowel de bluesbeginselen als de vernieuwingen vinden een weg op de klankrijke plaat, van het meeslepende Bad Luck and Trouble tot aan het aangrijpende See That My Grave Is Kept Clean.
29. Bo Diddley - Bo Diddley (1958) 29. Bo Diddley - Bo Diddley (1958) De als Ellas McDaniel geboren Amerikaanse blues en r&b artiest Bo Diddley speelde een sleutelrol in de transformatie van de blues naar de rock ‘n’ roll gedurende de jaren 50. Zijn innovaties op muziekgebied zijn terug te horen in zijn vernieuwende gitaarspel, waar de komst van de elektrische gitaar een belangrijke bijdrage aan leverde. Met nummers van zijn voorbeelden John Lee Hooker en Muddy Waters maakte hij indruk in het snel veranderende muzieklandschap en zijn singles waren sinds halverwege de jaren 50 al succesvol. Zijn eerste album brengt al deze nummers samen, met klassiekers als I’m a Man en Who Do You Love. De krachtige ritmes vormen de basis van zijn gitaarspel, waarnaast nog tal van gerenommeerde artiesten te horen zijn, zoals Willie Dixon en Otis Spann.
28. Frank Sinatra - Come Fly with Me (1958) 28. Frank Sinatra - Come Fly with Me (1958) The Voice was al sinds half jaren 30 succesvol actief in de muziekindustrie en bracht al meerdere albums uit, voordat hij een kleine 20 jaar later op albumgebied ook indruk maakte. Een reeks aan klassiekers volgden, waaronder het in 1958 verschenen Come Fly with Me. De crooner werkte hierop voor het eerst samen met de arrangeur Billy May, resulterend in een muzikale reis om de wereld. Naast een reeks aan jazzstandards zingt hij de voor hem geschreven titeltrack. De orkestrale klanken wisselen per nummer, maar staan altijd in het teken van zijn overtuigende zang. Zijn kritische blik mag naast de commerciële albumhoes worden afgewend, want de nummers vormen overal de meeslependheid en ontspanning die we van hem gewend zijn.
27. Jimmy Reed - I'm Jimmy Reed (1958) 27. Jimmy Reed - I'm Jimmy Reed (1958) Jimmy Reed werd geboren in de Mississippi delta en was een belangrijke speler binnen de elektrische bluesmuziek. Zijn leven werd overspoeld door zijn persoonlijke problemen, waardoor zijn invloed nog weleens onderbelicht wordt. Hoewel hij meer hits had dan veel van zijn tijdsgenoten binnen de blues werd zijn muzikale kracht pas in de jaren 60 geroemd door artiesten als The Rolling Stones en Elvis Presley. De combinatie van zijn mondharmonica en gitaarspel horen we geregeld terug in de bluesrock van de jaren 60. Zijn debuutalbum is vooral een collectie van eerder verschenen singles en geeft hier | 6,050 |
1 Friuli Venezia Giulia – An Autonomous Region
Friuli-Venezia Giulia is Italy’s easternmost region and one of 5 autonomous regions in Italy. It formed after World War II. The historical region of Friuli combined with a portion of the historical region Venezia Giulia. Each has a very distinct history, traditions, and identity. The region stretches from the Alps to the Adriatic sea and borders Austria and Slovenia. Although Italian is the official language, Friulian and Venetian dialects are commonly spoken in the countryside. There is also a Slovene-speaking minority.
2 The Karst Plateau
The Karst Plateau (Carso in Italian and Kras in Slovene) extends across the Southwest border of Slovenia and the Northeastern border of Italy. The western edge of the limestone plateau marks the traditional ethnic border between the two countries. Originally, San Martino del Carso was the only village inhabited by Friulian speakers. After World War II, Istrian Italians fleeing from Yugoslavia settled in Karstic villages in the province of Trieste. Today an estimated one-fifth of the population of the Karst Plateau speaks Italian.
3 Grotta Gigante
Grotta Gigante is a giant cave on the Italian side of the Karst Plateau. It entered the Guinness Book of World Records in 1995 as the world’s largest tourist cave and remained there until 2010. The cave was first explored in 1840 while searching for an underground water source from the Timavo River. The cave was fully mapped and equipped for guided tours by 1905. Although it opened in 1908, tourism began in 1957 when electricity was installed.
4 Il Rito del Tajut di Vino
Il rito del Tajut di vino is a happy hour tradition in the region Of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Friulians take the edge off of their appetite before lunch or dinner with a glass of red or white wine called taj di ros o taj di blanc. It is traditionally served with prosciutto, cheese, and toast. Nobody knows exactly where the term Tajut comes from, but there are a couple of theories. The first is that it refers to the amount of wine poured in the glass. The other is that it refers to the mix of a low-alcohol wine with a more robust wine. Today, it simply refers to the desire to have a glass of wine.
5 Playing Cards in Trieste
The Italian playing card company Modiano was founded in Trieste in 1868. Modiano cards are known for their style, color, and quality. Today, the company produces 10 million decks of playing cards a year. 50% are sold in Italy and the other 50% are sold abroad to casinos and gaming companies.
6 Friuli Venezia Giulia – Regional Cuisine
Friuli Venezia Giulia’s regional cuisine is rich in Polenta and Minestrone. Because of its geographical location, Friulians also eat Slavic dishes such as Goulash. It is a beef and vegetable soup originating in medieval Hungary. Or Cevapi which is a Balkan dish of grilled minced meat. Two of the most popular traditional desserts are the Gubana, a baked cake, and Strucchi, which are fried pastry squares. Both are filled with mixed nuts, raisins, and dark chocolate. They are traditionally made for carnival and the holidays.
7 La Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli
A Mosaics School was founded in the town of Spilimbergo in 1922. La Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli is a professional school that serves three purposes. First, the school teaches the history, theory, and technique of mosaics. Secondly, it promotes the mosaic art form and participates in exhibitions globally. Thirdly, it creates mosaics that are on display worldwide including the iridescent Thunderbolt at Ground Zero in NYC.
8 The Magic of Friuli Venezia Giulia
There is a popular Legend that in the 16th and 17th century there were many sorceresses, magicians, and wizards who performed rituals and exorcisms in the villages of Friuli. These powers varied considerably for good and evil. One sorceress used spells and potions to help people find lost or stolen objects. Another magician used his powers and spells to entice women into his bed. They were often summoned to the courts for practicing magic and condemned.
9 Olympian Fashion in Trieste
Before becoming a world-renowned fashion designer, Ottavio Missoni competed in the Olympics as a hurdler for the Italian National Track Team. He started an activewear business with his team-mate Giorgio Oberweger in their hometown of Trieste. They started out making wool tracksuits that were called the Venjiulia suits. They | 6,051 |
As Brazil’s Bolsonaro allows elite landowners to incinerate the Amazon, professional regime-change operatives like Jhanisse V. Daza seek to redirect blame for the fires onto the leftist government of Bolivia, whose President Evo Morales faces elections in October.
By Wyatt Reed and Ben Norton
With fires set by landowners raging throughout the Amazon for nearly a month, a group of Western-backed information warriors has begun working to redirect outrage from the far-right Brazilian government toward a more convenient target.
After a flurry of media pinned the blame on everyone from poor people eating meat to China, a new target has come into focus: the leftist Bolivian government of President Evo Morales.
Originally content to merely accuse Bolivians of not responding fast enough, the regime-change machine is switching gears and making the absurd claim that Bolivia bears the majority of responsibility for the Amazon fires.
The campaign has been orchestrated by Jhanisse Vaca Daza, an anti-Morales operative identified merely as an “environmental activist” in a recent BBC report pointing the finger at the Bolivian president for the fires.
A closer look at Daza’s work, however, reveals that she is the spearhead of a network of Western organizations that trained and advised the leaders of regime-change operations from Venezuela to Eastern Europe to the ongoing anti-China protests in Hong Kong.
Jhanisse V. Daza’s invective against Bolivia’s Evo Morales social-democratic government, which she regularly caricatures as an “authoritarian regime,” could hardly be cruder.
On her social media accounts, she has shared memes portraying the democratically elected president as a “dictator” clad in a sailor cap, and with a Hitler-style mustache that reads “no.”
When the Amazon fires broke out, however, her strategy changed.
Employing the hashtag #SOSBolivia, Daza and her allies have mobilized to ensure that the environmental crisis is exploited to its maximum propaganda potential – despite reports from Bolivia’s government that more than 85 percent of the fires had been extinguished in around eight days of its operations.
A report from NASA pointing out that the fires were concentrated in Brazil, and another report explaining that Bolivia’s most-affected area, Chiquitanía, is not even in the Amazon, was also of little apparent interest to those behind the hashtag campaign.
Proponents of regime change in Bolivia, ranging from outspoken libertarians to self-proclaimed leftists, have drawn from the same playbook they’ve deployed against Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba for decades. They are recycling techniques that employ economic, physical, and media-based warfare designed to undermine and delegitimize anti-imperialist governments at every turn.
The SOS hashtag was popularized in recent years among Latin America’s elite as a way of drawing attention to the supposed “dictatorships” they endure under democratically elected socialist governance. They have employed the slogan in various violent revolts of the upper classes – most notably throughout the Venezuelan guarimbas of 2014 and 2017 and the Nicaraguan tranques of 2018.
Tellingly, the most frequent users of the SOS hashtag rarely, if ever, extend their plea for international assistance to the many victims of the right-wing, US-supported governments of Honduras or Brazil.
At the core of the #SOSBolivia social media campaign is a little-known NGO named Ríos de Pie, or Standing Rivers. The group was founded just over a year ago by Jhanisse V. Daza, a self-described “human rights activist.”
Though the hashtag was kicking around online for a week or so, it took off after Daza’s organization began publishing glossy infographics accusing the Bolivian government for the spread of the fires.
LO LOGRAMOS! #SOSBolivia fue tendencia en Twitter! Sigamos con la misma fuerza, no dejemos de compartir, hagamos que nuestra voz sea escuchada! WE MADE IT! #SOSBOLIVIA was trendy on Twitter! Let's keep sharing, let's keep on making our voices heard!https://t.co/8qEhNQAeYd — Rios de Pie (@RiosDePie) August 27, 2019
Their advertising materials, tweets, and publicity stunts aimed to force the Bolivian government to agree to “international aid.” And when the Morales administration accepted the token aid offered by Western states, there was scant evidence it did so because of an online public pressure campaign. That didn’t stop Daza from taking credit at a rally.
“Do you know | 6,052 |
can purchase a single music or the whole album on iTunes
you can purchase the CD on Amazon
My Hero Academia Season 2 OST
The second season OST is a 2-disc album called “MY HERO ACADEMIA 2nd” and just as the previous one, music for this OST was composed and arranged by Yuki Hayashi.
Song list
Disc 1
Avant Title (Abantaitoru アバンタイトル) Jet Set Run Damn Cowardly School (Kuso Gakkou Poi No クソ学校っぽいの) Unwind (Hokkori ほっこり) Each of Their Goals (Sorezore No Mokuhyou それぞれの目標) I Don’t Need Pretend Friends (Tomodachi Gokko Ja I Rare Nai 友だちごっこじゃいられない) An Abdominal Investigation (Hara no saguriai 腹の探り合い) Go Seize It! (Tori ni Iku! 獲りに行く!) Obstacle Course (Shougai Butsu Kyouso 障害物競争) Robo Inferno (Robo Inferuno ロボ・インフェルノ) Weeee Are Fu×kin Super Star!! People Always Reaching for the Top (Tsuneni toppu o nerau mono 常にトップを狙う者) Cavalry Battle (Kibasen 騎馬戦) Worthy Rival, Written and Read as “Friend” (好敵手と書いて「とも」と読む) Forever No. 2 (Man’nen No.2 万年No.2) I Absolutely Won’t Use the Heat (Left) (Netsu Ha Zettai Tsukawa Nee 熱(ひだり)は絶対使わねえ) It Sounds Scary at Midnight. (Yoru Chuu Ni Kiku To Kowai. 夜中に聴くとこわい。) Heroic Fighting Battle Song (Eiyuu Teki Butou Sentou Kyoku 英雄的武闘戦闘曲) Iron Battle (Tekkin Battle 鉄筋バトル) Bombing King!! (爆殺王!! Bakusatsu ou!!) Can’t Look in the Eyes of Serenity (Chokushi Deki Nai Urarakasa 直視できないうららかさ) Your Power (君の力 Kimi no chikara) Closing Ceremony (閉会式的次回予告 Heikai Shiki Teki Tsugi Kai Yokoku
Disc 2
From Me to You (Watashi Kara Kimi He 私から君へ) The Murderer’s Eye (殺人者の眼) Master Criminal (主犯 Shuhan) Self-Analysis (自己分析 Jiko Bunseki) Surpassing You (君を超えて Kimi wo Koete) Supportive Heart (Kokoro No Yori Dokoro 心の拠りどころ) Resting Symbol of Peace (平和の象徴の休息 Heiwa No Shoucho No Kyuusoku) Serious Shiver (Gachi Furui ガチ震い) The Era is Hot (Jidai Ha Atsuatsu 時代はアツアツ) Predecessor’s Sworn Friend (Sendai No Meiyuu 先代の盟友) Just Another Hero Lyrics Overflowing Power (みなぎる力 Minagiru Chikara) Vengeance (Katakiuchi 敵討ち) Hero Killer (ヒーロー殺し “Hīrō Goroshi”) Nevertheless, Go Beyond ( それでもさらに向こうへ Soredemo sarani mukō e) All for the Sake of a Correct Society (Subete Ha Tadashii Shakai No Tame Ni すべては正しい社会の為に) Trinity (三位一体 Sanmiittai) The Power of End | 6,053 |
en ihrer Eltern ist das alles nichts wert? Es wird einfach frei unterstellt, das seien die Möbel von ihr und dass sie irgendetwas mit deren Anschaffung zu tun gehabt hatte.
Drittens offenbart der Text-Ersteller auch seine verschwörungstheoretische Agenda, als er behauptet, die Thunbergs könnten sich dieser Möbel wegen des Aktivismus ihrer Tochter leisten. Das ist dreiste Propaganda und gelogen. Gretas Mutter ist eine bekannte Sängerin, ihr Vater Schauspieler. Die Familie war schon wohlhabend, bevor Greta auf der Welt war. Greta verdient kein bisschen daran, hat bereits regelmäßig Preise abgelehnt und alle Deals ausgeschlagen. Und die größte Lüge: Das Foto entstand Monate vor dem ersten Klimastreik! Und wohlhabend zu sein ist ja kein Verbrechen. Der ganze Text basiert also auf einer Lüge und einer falschen Unterstellung, die die wahre Absicht des Textes zum Vorschein bringt.
Tatsächlich ist hingegen das Verbreiten von Lügen über Greta hingegen anscheinend wirklich sehr lukrativ. Mehr dazu:
Einerseits soll sie ein unmündiges Kind sein und lieber “wieder zur Schule gehen”, andererseits ist sie mit 16 dafür verantwortlich, was ihre Eltern vielleicht gekauft haben? Ist Luxus jetzt ein Problem, das wir ändern müssen oder nicht? Was für ein unglaublich schwaches und bigottes Argument, das nicht einmal irgendwas mit ihrer Botschaft zu tun hat. Aber mehr dazu gleich.
“I am one of the lucky ones”
Der nächste Vorwurf ist, dass bei dem Wohlstand, mit dem Greta auf gewachsen ist, sei es unangebracht, wenn sie auf die Probleme der Welt hinweist. Insbesondere mit Hinblick auf Kinder in der gesamten Welt, denen es schlechter geht. Ich zitiere Greta aber mal vollständig:
“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”
“Ihr habt meine Träume und meine Kindheit mit euren leeren Worten gestohlen. Dabei bin ich eine der Glücklichen. Menschen leiden. Menschen sterben. Ganze Ökosysteme brechen zusammen. Wir stehen am Anfang eines Massenaussterbens und alles, worüber ihr sprechen könnt, ist Geld und dem Märchen von ewigem wirtschaftlichen Wachstum. Wie könnt ihr es wagen!”
Greta stellt sich nicht als “Opfer” dar, sondern sie weiß, dass es ihr gut geht. Greta ist diejenige, die anklagt, dass niemand etwas für arme Menschen tut! Hier wird ihr wieder mal etwas in den Mund gelegt, um von ihren Argumenten abzulenken. Mehr dazu:
Es ist vermessen, auf die Privilegierten zu zeigen und sie für ihren Aktivismus zu kritisieren, wenn weniger | 6,054 |
The purported video was widely shared on social media.
A Congress MLA in Rajasthan has said that a video being widely shared on social media that shows him asking "Who is better? Modi or Ashok Gehlot" while distributing ration kits among the poor has been "edited".
In the 34-second clip, which has been criticised by the BJP, Congress's Rajendra Singh Bidhuri is heard comparing Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Rajasthan Chief Minister. "I won't let you sleep hungry in the night. Who is better - Modi or Ashok Gehlot?" the MLA from Begun constituency of Chittorgarh district - about 220 km from state capital Jaipur - is heard saying in the clip.
"Tell me who is better," he asks. "What did you say? Modi. Then go and light lamps (diyas)," he says as others laugh. Some users claimed that he did not give ration kit to a woman who replied that she supported PM Modi.
Earlier this month, PM Modi had urged the people across the country to light lamps to "fight the darkness spread by coronavirus".
Among those who criticised the 56-year-old Congress MLA were some BJP leaders. "Calling the poor people, who are struggling to arrange food, luring them with ration and then asking them who is better - Modi or Gehlot? This doesn't only shame Rajasthan but the whole nation," Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat tweeted in Hindi.
गरीब निर्धन लोग जिनके लिए दो वक्त का खाना भी मशक्कत बन चुका है उन्हें सभा लगाकर राशन देने के नाम पर बुलाना और फिर सवाल करना कि बताओ मोदी अच्छा है या गहलोत?
यह राजस्थान ही नहीं अपितु पूरे देश को शर्मसार कर देने वाली घटना है? #RajasthanFightsCoronapic.twitter.com/L49i3b5QVa — Gajendra Singh Shekhawat (@gssjodhpur) April 19, 2020
The Congress MLA today attacked those sharing the "edited clip".
"The video that is being shared has been edited. What I had asked the crowd 'Who is better - those who light Diyas or Rajasthan government that is distributing ration kits among poor'. But when a BJP supporter standing behind an elderly woman in the crowd said: 'Modi is better'... I told him: 'Well, then light lamps," Mr Bidhuri said, reacting to the criticism.
"The elderly woman was given the ration kit. She came to meet me after the event," he said, adding that the BJP supporter may have shot the video.
"Dear @RahulGandhi ji 2 days ago in a PC you spoke about Strategically managing the COVID pandemic! Is this your directions to your Cheif Ministers?..to distribute Ration only to those who HATE MODI? What a Shameful STRATEGY Mr Gandhi to manage COVID pandemic," BJP's Sambit Patra wrote on Twitter.
Dear @RahulGandhi ji
2days ago in a PC you spoke about Strategically managing the COVID pandemic!
Is this your directions to your Cheif Ministers?..to distribute Ration only to those who HATE MODI?
What a Shameful STRATEGY Mr Gandhi to manage COVID pandemic pic.twitter.com/ZcS1XICfpk — Sambit Patra (@sambitswaraj) April 19, 2020
Responding to Sam | 6,055 |
6 oz (120-180 mL) of energy drink drop Jägermeister into glass and take quickly.
Jäger Colada 2 oz (60 mL) Jägermeister, 1 oz (30 mL) coconut milk, 4 oz (120 mL) pineapple juice, crushed ice. Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker. Shake well. Strain and serve with a pineapple garnish.
A Jarabacoa is a cocktail made with spiced rum, honey, lime juice, vanilla, cinnamon, and cola. Jarabacoas are usually served in a cocktail glass or lowball.
Jello Shot Jello shots are made from flavoured gelatin dessert mix and distilled alcohol. The most commonly used liquors are rum and vodka, but almost any type is suitable. A jello shot is usually made in shot glasses, disposable paper cups, or small 2 oz (60 mL) plastic condiment containers. These condiment containers can be purchased in bulk, and come with lids to prevent alcohol evaporation. A jello shot is made just like regular gelatin desserts. Half of the total water required by the recipe is boiled, and then the mix is dissolved into the water. The remaining half of the water is replaced with liquor. Storing the alcohol in the freezer overnight helps chill and set the jello shots quicker. They take at least a couple of hours to set. Tom Lehrer claimed to have invented jello shots during his time with the Army, in the 1950s, as a way of circumventing the military post's liquor restrictions.[4] However, the earliest published recipe dates from 1862, and is found in How to Mix Drinks, or The Bon Vivant's Companion by Jerry Thomas: the recipe calls for gelatin, cognac, rum, and lemon juice.[5]
Jungle Breeze A combination of raspberry vodka and lemon lime soda. The vodka-soda proportion is left to the discretion of the individual, but the drink should have a smooth lemon lime taste with a sweet hint of raspberry.
K [ edit ]
Kalisto Comet 2 oz (60 mL) vodka, 2 oz (60 mL) Baileys, 1 oz (30 mL) coconut oil, 2 grams of crushed mint or peppermint, plenty of ice to top up glass. The Kalisto comet is a unique blend of vodka and Baileys drink; a slight variation is to use Tia lusso as opposed to Baileys as many find the combination of vodka and Baileys to be quite an acquired taste and can be sickly in taste for those not into Baileys too much. The ingredients of the cocktail are selected to make the drink smooth and easy on the senses with the vodka being the most potent ingredient used, the mint used is usually peppermint although an equally preferred alternative can also be spearmint to further add to the smooth taste.
Kamikaze 1 ½ oz (45 mL) vodka, 1 oz (30 mL) triple sec, 1 oz (30 mL) lime juice. Stir all the ingredients with ice. Strain into a chilled tumbler filled with ice. Garnish with a lime twist.
Kentucky Joe 2 ½ oz (75 mL) Maker's Mark, ½ oz (15 mL) Kahlúa. Pour ingredients into rocks glass. Add ice and stir. The choice of Maker's Mark in this recipe is important. Other bourbons do not work well unless they are also Wheaters. The Kentucky Joe is a slightly sweet bourbon cocktail. The bitterness of the coffee flavour offsets the sweetness of the bourbon. This cocktail was created at LeNell's Ltd, a Wine and Spirit Boutique, by Benjamin Peikes and named by owner LeNell Smothers.
Kir Royale 100 mL champagne, 20 mL creme de cassis. Put creme de cassis in the champagne glass and pour the champagne in the glass. Stir until the colour is pale. Serve cold.
L [ edit ]
Lady Finger 1 oz (30 mL) gin, 1 oz (30 mL) kirschwasser, ½ oz (15 mL) cherry brandy, 1 oz (30 mL) lemon juice, ½ tsp (2.5 mL) superfine sugar. Shake all the ingredients in a shaker with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.
Lady Killer 30 mL gin, 15 mL Cointreau, 15 mL apricot brandy, 60 mL Maracujanektar, 60 mL Ananassaft. This is a classic cocktail created by Peter Roth, a famous barkeeper from the Kronenhalle in Zürich, Switzerland. In 1984, he won the world championship with this drink.
Latin Manhattan 2 measures (60 mL) each of white rum, sweet vermouth and dry vermouth. Add a splash of maraschino cherry juice and shake in a cocktail shaker and serve "up" | 6,056 |
control of her Orgia Mode for the sake of defeating the Mother Computer, Futaba connected Ribbon into Aigis' system to recover her boot process which is temporarily crippled by the overheating.
She learns two unison attacks with her current and new friends through special screenings.
Aigis is suggestible enough to be seen easily tricked by Futaba into saying inappropriate or awkward phrases, which she inherits even if she has returned to the Iwatodai Dormitory at the epilogue.
Battle Quotes Edit
Persona names: Athena "Orpheus!" or the name of any of her other Personas, e.g. "Pixie!", "Satan!", "Jack Frost!" and etc. (Enemy weak to attack/Critical with Phys skill)
or the name of any of her other Personas, e.g. and etc. (Enemy weak to attack/Critical with Phys skill) "Palladion!" (Summoning Persona: Palladion)
(Summoning Persona: Palladion) "Summoning Persona!" (Summoning Persona: Palladion)
(Summoning Persona: Palladion) "Initiating summon sequence." (Summoning Persona: Palladion)
(Summoning Persona: Palladion) "Proceeding." (Summoning Persona: Palladion)
(Summoning Persona: Palladion) "I... cannot... lose!" (Summoning Persona: Athena)
(Summoning Persona: Athena) "Athena!" (Summoning Persona: Athena)
(Summoning Persona: Athena) "I need your help!" (Summoning Persona: Athena)
(Summoning Persona: Athena) "Persona!" (Summoning Persona: Athena)
(Summoning Persona: Athena) "This is my duty!" (Summoning Persona: Athena)
(Summoning Persona: Athena) "This is a sign of my determination." (Summoning Persona: Athena)
(Summoning Persona: Athena) "It must be eliminated." (After attacking, enemy survives)
(After attacking, enemy survives) "The enemy is still alive." (After attacking, enemy survives)
(After attacking, enemy survives) "Providing assistance." (Using an item on a party member)
(Using an item on a party member) "Providing support." (Support skill.)
(Support skill.) "Providing backup." (Revival skill)
(Revival skill) "Understood." (Changing battle tactics; Relenting from All-Out Attack)
(Changing battle tactics; Relenting from All-Out Attack) "I understand." (Changing battle tactics)
(Changing battle tactics) "Locking on." (Regular attack)
(Regular attack) "Let us commence with an All-Out Attack." (Requesting AOA: Palladion)
(Requesting AOA: Palladion) "Fatal Strike." (During AOA: Palladion)
(During AOA: Palladion) "Let us strike while the iron's hot." (Requesting AOA: Athena)
(Requesting AOA: Athena) "I can't miss!" (During AOA: Athena)
(During AOA: Athena) "Damaged!" (Knocked Down)
(Knocked Down) "Damage sustained!" (Knocked Down)
(Knocked Down) "When you fall, get right back up." (Recovering from "Down" status: Palladion)
(Recovering from "Down" status: Palladion) "I can still fight." (Recovering from "Down" status: Athena)
(Recovering from "Down" status: Athena) "I will follow suit!" (Requesting Co-op)
(Requesting Co-op) "I'll attack too!" (Requesting Co-op)
(Requesting Co-op) "I'm sorry..." (Knocked out)
(Knocked out) "Hasta la vista!" (Using weapon)
(Using weapon) "You won't escape!"
"I won't go down!"
"Man's best friend indeed" (Cheering on Koromaru)
(Cheering on Koromaru) Way to go, Yukari-san! (Cheering on Yukari)
Well done, Mitsuru-san! (Cheering on Mitsuru)
"Enemy annihilated." (Battle won: Palladion)
(Battle won: Palladion) "Efficiently executed." (Battle won: Palladion)
| 6,057 |
pre asta scrie și pe Yelp, și pe Tripadvisor, și pe Google reviews și cine mai știe unde.
Îl opresc pe puștiul cu ordonarea comenzilor. Oare meniurile astea nu vin și cu cartofi prăjiți? “Nu și dacă nu-i cereți, domnule”, îmi spune. Apoi: “pot să văd chitanța?” I-o arăt. E dezolat: “I’m sorry, sir, but you didn’t order the fries.” Rahat. Oare pot primi măcar o porție de cartofi “on the fly”, fără să cobor un etaj ca să iau coada de la capăt? “No, sir, I am sorry, you can’t”. Probabil că nu m-am făcut înțeles la casă, îi zic, și ridică din umeri. Îmi citește pe față dezamăgirea în timp ce-i mulțumesc, totuși, și mă întorc, înfrânt, la masă. “Azi n-avem cartofi prăjiți, Ione”, zic, și Ione încearcă să se prefacă indiferentă, “nu-i nimic, îngrașă”.
Iar în clipa următoare, puștiul de la case se materializează lângă noi, cu o casoletă plină cu cartofi prăjiți, și mă lasă cu gura căscată în timp ce-mi spune chiar așa: “m-am gândit la ce v-am spus mai devreme, domnule, și nu sunt deloc mândru de răspunsul pe care vi l-am dat; nu e vina dv. că nu vi s-a spus clar ce primiți la comandă. Poftiți, din partea casei. Enjoy your meal”.
“I am not at all proud with the answer I gave you”.
Sfinte Dumnezeule, niciodată nu și-a cerut cineva mai frumos iertare de la mine pentru o vină pe care, practic, nici n-o avea.
Acestea sunt cele trei întâmplări din New York care mi-au amintit, de fiecare dată, de o scenă de acum câțiva ani din București, de pe Calea Dorobanților, chiar în fața bisericii de peste drum de Liceul I.L. Caragiale. Este acolo o stație de autobuz – sau cred că mai e, că n-am mai verificat de ceva vreme. Într-o zi treceam pe trotuarul din fața bisericii când am observat un bărbat încolțit de trei femei, care-l apucaseră de haine și-l smuceau de colo-colo. Se țipa copios, femeile la el, el la femei. M-am apropiat. Bărbatul striga în engleză. Femeile suduiau în română. El era american și striga că vrea la ambasadă. Ele erau controloare | 6,058 |
Najčitajniji portal na jugu Srbije – Južne vesti, poslednjih meseci poreska kontrola obilazi gotovo svakodnevno, a pošto za pet godina nikada nije pronađena bilo kakva nepravilnost u poslovanju, novinari te redakcije sumnjaju da se radi o politički motivisanoj kontroli.
(arhiva)Foto: printsckreen
Zanimljiva je činjenica da se za rad Južnih vesti najviše interesuju Beograđani, jer anonimne prijave stižu upravo iz Beograda, prenosi N1.
Ko su ovde poreski inspektori, a ko novinari? I jedni i drugi dane provode u redakciji Južnih vesti. Na ukupno 20 zaposlenih – dve poreske kontrole paralelno češljaju papire niškog portala kritički nastrojenog prema lokalnoj, ali i republičkoj vlasti.
„Činjenica da oni od 2013. intenzivno proveravaju rad Južnih vesti, da te kontrole traju mesecima i da nikada do sada, nijedan izveštaj nije pokazao da su pronašli jednu jedinu nepravilnost pokazuje nameru da oni, ne samo vide da li je sve regularno, nego nameru da nađu nešto što nije regularno“, kaže Predrag Blagojević, urednik Južnih vesti.
Zato su poreski inspektori s Južnih vesti prešli na njihove poslovne partnere i oglašivače.
„Viču na njih, bukvalno ih zastrašuju i te firme nam se javljaju i bukvalno nam kažu „benefit koji mi imamo od saradnje je mnogo manji od štete koju možemo da imamo s poreskom upravom. Na taj način se rasteruju naši klijenti, objašnjava Blagojević.
Ali ni tu nije kraj upornim poreskim inspektorima. Jedan od njih, kažu u Južnim vestima, kontaktirao je privatno članove porodice vlasnika firme s kojom portal sarađuje, tim ljudima pokazivao ugovore gde se vidi da Južne vesti za projekte dobijaju novac od Ujedinjenih nacija, OEBS, Evropske unije ili ambasada i to predstavljao kao dokaz da novinari tog portala rade za strane službe.
„To radi poreski inspektor koji obilazi klijente? To je debelo izlaženje iz ovlašćenja poreskog inspektora i to je dokaz da je reč o pritisku, a ne o redovnoj kontroli“, dodaje Blagojević.
Da li je takav postupak praksa ili pritisak – Poresku upravu pitali smo i mi, ali su se pozvali na član 7 Zakona o poreskom postupku po kom je svaki dokument, informacija, podatak ili druga činjenica o poreskom obvezniku u postupku tajni podatak.
U Nezavisnom društvu novinara Vojvodine kažu da su na meti poreskih organa med | 6,059 |
[BROOM]: Det kan innimellom virke som om dieselbilene er en utdøende rase. At folk ikke vil ha dem, at de forurenser verre enn verst og at de knapt er mulig å selge lenger.
Men det er faktisk helt feil. I alle fall om vi skal tro Leif Inge Bjerkenes, som er salgssjef hos Volvo-forhandleren Laastad & Co i Haugesund.
Der er problematikken motsatt.
– Ja, vi selger brukte dieselbiler som aldri før vi, forteller den joviale salgssjefen og titter utover den litt glisne bruktbilhallen etter at et par kunder nettopp har dratt avgårde med sine nyere brukte Volvo. Med dieselmotor.
Kjøper inn fra Sverige
Selv om dieselandelen har sunket ganske mye på nybil-salget, er fortsatt veldig mange brukt biler med dieselmotor i omløp.
– Vi skulle gjerne hatt enda flere av dem, sier Bjerkenes.
Som forteller at de innimellom må kjøpe inn biler for å dekke opp etterspørselen fra diesel-hungrige kunder.
– Vi ønsker så klart å levere biler til alle som vil ha. Når vi er i ferd med å gå tomme, ja – så må vi ta noen grep. Vi kjøper inn brukte diesel-Volvoer for videresalg. Heldigvis har Volvo et godt system, slik at vi ganske enkelt kan få tak i biler fra andre forhandlere eller fra Sverige. Vi har den siste tiden hentet en del dieselbiler fra Sverige, da utvalget der er stort og det selges langt flere slike biler nye der, enn i Norge.
– Noen ganger får vi ikke engang vasket, polert og klargjort bilene før de er solgt. Det er jo et luksusproblem og vi kjenner oss ikke helt igjen i all "svartmalingen" av dieselbilene som har vært den siste tiden, forklarer han videre.
Var bekymret
For det er fortsatt en del fordeler med dieselbil, om vi skal tro salgssjefen som har solgt biler i en årrekke.
– Absolutt. Dieselbiler bruker en del mindre drivstoff per mil enn en ditto bensinbil. Dessuten er diesel billigere enn bensin, ofte en krone eller mer per liter. Mange er også veldig glade i det gode momentet de fleste dieselmotorene byr på. Så fordelene er flere, forklarer salgssjefen.
Som også forteller at det ikke bare er de litt eldre dieselbilene som selges fort.
– Absolutt ikke. Nyere Volvo V90, V60 og XC60 går unna, vi har også mange kunder som etterspør både XC70 og V70. Slik det er hos oss akkurat nå, er nyere dieselbiler vel så etterspurte som hybrid-modeller.
– For noen år siden syntes vi at vi hadde vært litt "ville og gale" og leaset ut i overkant mange Volvo V40, de fleste med dieselmotor. Dette er jo biler vi får tilbake. Jeg innrømmer at jeg var litt bekymret for dem, men med som bekymringer flest; det var ubegrunnet. Vi solgte dem i tur og orden.
Ingen grunn til dårlig samvittighet
På spørs | 6,060 |
miliona evra, ali je tokom 2014. odustao od šest lokacija, a iznos kredita je smanjen na 32,7 miliona evra. Rok za završetak projekta najpre je bio decembar 2014. godine, ali je prolongiran za kraj 2018. godine, o čemu je CINS već pisao.
Do sredine juna 2018. EPS je iskoristio samo 6,9 miliona evra pozajmljenog novca, a zbog nekorišćenja preostalog iznosa i kašnjenja u realizaciji projekta, ovo javno preduzeće je platilo nešto više od 1,2 miliona evra naknade, novcem poreskih obveznika.
Rezultati dve nabavke, raspisane u februaru i maju 2017. godine, do sada nisu bili poznati javnosti jer se ne mogu videti na sajtu EPS-a. Novinari CINS-a su do dokumentacije došli tek nakon žalbe Povereniku za informacije od javnog značaja jer je pre toga EPS odbio da je dostavi, navodeći da bi time učinili dostupnim „komercijalno osetljive” podatke.
Oba ugovora su u junu i septembru prošle godine dodeljena Hidro-Tanu koji je bio i jedini ponuđač. Prvi ugovor se odnosi na hidroelektrane u Novom Pazaru, Malom zvorniku, Prijepolju, Priboju, Užicu i Ivanjici. Vrednost ovog ugovora je nešto viša od 1,6 miliona evra. Drugi ugovor podrazumeva obnovu hidroelektrana na teritoriji Niša, Pirota, Zaječara, Leskovca i Surdulice i ti radovi će koštati oko 3,2 miliona evra.
U dopisu koji je Dejan Vuksanović, projekt menadžer EPS-a, uputio EBRD-u u avgustu 2017, kao mogući razlog za samo jednu ponudu naveo je da je reč o „relativno malom i jeftinom a opet, iz ugla potrebnog vremena i rada, obimnom poslu obnove malih hidroelektrana”. U objašnjenju se još navodi i da „iz ovog razloga, možda posao nije intresantan stranim građevinskim kompanijama dok srpske kompanije možda nemaju potreban nivo iskustva za implementaciju tako komplikovanih projekata ili nemaju dovoljno kapaciteta da radove izvode na više mesta u isto vreme”.
Iz EPS-a nisu odgovorili na pitanja CINS-a o ovim tenderima.
U dopisu EBRD-u navodi se da su za tender raspisan u maju prošle godine dokumentaciju otkupile tri kompanije i jedno fizičko lice, kao i da je slovenačka firma Kostak prisustvovala sastanku pre nabavke i obilasku lokacija. EPS je tvrdio da su im iz te firme rekli da se nisu prijavili jer nisu imali sve reference neophodne da bi ispunili uslove iz tenderske dokumentacije.
Sabina Žibert iz kompanije Kostak, u pisanom odgovoru za CINS, navodi da | 6,061 |
“Ja, de flesta säger att de vill till Sverige” säger Theodoros Kalantaridis. “Några säger att de vill till Norge. Men de är inte många.”
De synbart välbeställda migranterna är en provokation rakt i ansiktet på de fattiga öborna, och i en av matbutikerna hör jag ett upprört samtal mellan två äldre kvinnor som tycker att nu får det vara nog. Kvinnorna har sett de välklädda människorna i hamnen och gör jämförelser med sina egna liv och vad de har råd att kosta på sig. Hur kan någon begära att de som inte har någonting ska ta hand om migranter som ser ut att ha mycket som de själva aldrig ens har kunnat drömma om?
Öbornas frustration växer
Stelios Stefanakis driver öns resebyrå, som närmast är ett hål i väggen. Han säger att när de första båtarna kom i början av sommaren togs migranterna emot med vänlighet och gästfrihet av öborna. De upplät husrum och bjöd på mat och gjorde så gott de kunde.
Men öborna har tröttnat, och deras frustration växer. De är utlämnade till krafter som de inte har något inflytande över. De har fullt upp med att få sina egna liv att gå ihop, medan den migrantinvasion som de drabbas av genererar enorma profiter i smugglarnas fickor. En turkisk smugglarbåt som dumpade 123 migranter på ön i mitten av september 2010 och hölls kvar i hamnen av polisen strippades på allt som gick att ta loss. Det var lokalbefolkningens hämnd för vad smugglarna hade utsatt ön för.
“The people here are not very happy about the migrants”
Öns unge polischef Theodoros Kalantaridis sitter bakom ett skrivbord i ett pyttelitet, påvert rum på polisstationen. På väggarna hänger mängder av ikoner. Ön behöver mer än någonsin hjälp av sina helgon.
-The people here are not very happy about the migrants, säger han.
Det är ett rejält understatement för öbornas påtagliga frustration. Han säger att den provokation som invånarna upplever nu, med de välklädda välfärdsmigranterna från Syrien, är så mycket större än med de migranter som tidigare kom från Afghanistan. Var och en kunde se att de var fattiga. På den här lilla ön är det på sin höjd ett par hotellägare som har god ekonomi. Övriga kämpar för att hålla näsan över vattnet.
“Europe’s politicians have gone mad!”
Stelios Stefanakis på öns resebyrå skakar på huvudet när jag frågar hur ön klarar att ta emot tusentals migranter. Nej – det klarar inte ön. Öns polisstyrka på tre eller fyra poliser har heller inte en chans att gripa de turkiska smugglarna. När människosmugglare grips i Turkiet köper de | 6,062 |
Wir stellen unsere Artikel und Faktenchecks kostenlos für alle zur Verfügung.
Hilf uns dabei, dass das so bleiben kann.
“Deutschlands neuer Hitler”
Im Ausland traut man sich zu schreiben, was bei uns in Deutschland politisch gerade eigentlich abgeht. Der Telegraph aus Großbritannien titelte „Germany’s ‘new Hitler’ poised to lead AfD to regional election gains“. “Deutschlands neuer Hitler” wird Höcke schonungslos genannt. Ich kann jedem nur das Lesen dieses Artikels empfehlen, der in seinen einzelnen Passagen schön dezidiert darlegt, warum der Vergleich zwischen Höcke und Hitler zutreffend ist. Nach dem lesen des Artikels und der Perspektive von außen auf die deutsche Politik ist mir eins schmerzlich klar geworden:
Hitlers Ideologie ist zurück
Die Nationalsozialistische Ideologie ist wieder zurück in Deutschland und sie hat politisches Gewicht. Niemand will es glauben, kaum jemand will es aussprechen. Da hilft der neutrale Blick aus dem Ausland. Faschist Höcke steigt die Leiter der politischen Macht langsam, aber kontinuierlich weiter auf. Den Status eines zu vernachlässigen Spinners hat er seit dieser Wahl verloren, denn sein Einfluss in der AfD wächst. Anscheinend denkt Höcke selbst, er würde es noch weit in der deutschen Politik schaffen. Erst kürzlich drohte er einem Journalisten nach einen abgebrochenem Interview mit den Worten: “Vielleicht werde ich auch mal eine interessante persönliche, politische Person in diesem Lande. Könnte doch sein.”
Vorbild laut Telegraph könnte aber auch aus der strategischen Sicht Donald Trump sein:
„He turns on the press too, lecturing the German television camera crews. ‘The press has an important role in a democracy’,” he says. “Unfortunately our German media does not perform it. They prefer to produce propaganda for the establishment.” A lot of what Mr Höcke says is straight out of the Trump playbook — he even trots out the line “Drain the swamp”. But this is Trumpism with a twist: Mr Höcke says he wants to “drain the swamp of the lefist biotype” Übersetzt: “Er wendet sich auch der Presse zu und spricht zu den deutschen Fernsehkamerateams. ‘Die Presse spielt eine wichtige Rolle in einer Demokratie’, sagt er. ‘Leider wird sie von unseren deutschen Medien nicht erfüllt. Sie ziehen es vor, Propaganda für das Establishment zu produzieren.’ Vieles, was Herr Höcke sagt, kommt direkt aus dem Trump-Playbook – Er plappert sogar die Zeile ‘Trockne den Sumpf aus’ nach. Aber das ist Trumpismus mit einer Wendung: Herr Höcke sagt, er will ‘den Sumpf des linken Biotyps austrocknen’.”
Aber wieder zurück, zum Vergleich mit Hitler
Der Telegraph schreibt weiter: „Mr Höcke’s opponents accuse him of deliberately using language that evokes that of the Nazis. In the summer, German television asked several AfD politicians to identify whether quotations came from Hitler’s Mein Kampf or a book by Mr Höcke. None of them could.” (Übers | 6,063 |
etzung: Die Gegner von Herrn Höcke werfen ihm vor, bewusst eine Sprache zu verwenden, die an den Nationalsozialisten erinnert. Im Sommer bat das deutsche Fernsehen mehrere AfD-Politiker, festzustellen, ob die Zitate aus Hitlers Mein Kampf oder einem Buch von Herrn Höcke stammen. Keiner von ihnen konnte das.”)
Die faschistische Ideologie Höckes
In seinem Buch “Nie zweimal in den selben Fluss” beschwört er den “Volkstod durch den Bevölkerungsaustausch” (genau auf dieses Narrativ stützten sich auch der Christchurch- und Halle-Attentäter) und fordert ein großangelegtes “Remigrationsprojekt”, um Deutschland von “kulturfremden Menschen” zu säubern und bei welchem “sich menschliche Härten und unschöne Szenen nicht immer vermeiden lassen werden”. Dafür sei Gewalt nötig, wörtlich eine Politik der “wohltemperierten Grausamkeit”. Existenzbedrohende Krisen erfordern “außergewöhnliches Handeln”.
Höcke stellt in seinem Buch auch fest: “Wir leider ein paar Volksteile verlieren werden, die zu schwach oder nicht willens sind mitzumachen.” Damit meint er wohl Leute wie mich oder wie dich, der/die gerade diesen Text liest. Mit “starkem Besen” sollte eine “feste Hand” und ein “Zuchtmeister” den “Saustall ausmisten”. Ja, dieses hochrangige AfD-Mitglied fordert massenhafte Deportationen, notfalls mit Gewalt. Und will diejenigen beseitigen oder deren Tod vielleicht sogar in einem Bürgerkrieg in Kauf nehmen, die bei diesen neuen Massendeportationen Widerstand leisten. Kann man das fassen?
Dazu empfehle ich die Analyse des Buches von Höcke von Rechtsextremismus-Forscher Hajo Funke in der Zeit (Hier). Noch am Wahlabend von Thüringen kündigt Höcke an: “Beim nächsten Mal holen wir die absolute Mehrheit” (Quelle).
Im Ausland klar: Die AfD ist die Partei des neuen Hitler
Der interne Streit in der AfD mit dem „Flügel“ scheint beigelegt zu sein. Gauland bezeichnete Höcke als „Mitte der Partei“ und hebt so die schützende Hand über ihn, obwohl zuvor noch im Gespräch gewesen ist, ihn aus der Partei auszuschließen (Quelle).
Der Telegraph zitiert dann noch eine weitere Stelle aus Höckes Buch: “The longing of the Germans for a historical figure, who once again heals the wounds in the people, overcomes turmoil and puts things in order, is deeply anchored in our soul”. (Übersetzung: “Die Sehnsucht der Deutschen nach einer historischen Gestalt, die wieder die Wunden im Volk heilt, Unruhen überwindet und Ordnung schafft, ist tief in unserer Seele verankert”.)
Weiter heißt es:
„Mr Höcke has set up his own faction within the AfD called Der Flügel, or The Wing. At its annual meeting he hands out silver badges to loyal followers. | 6,064 |
At this year’s gathering a supporter welcomed him on stage by saying: “You are our leader, who we are happy to follow”. The German word he used was Anführer.“ (Übersetzung: “Herr Höcke hat eine eigene Fraktion innerhalb der AfD namens Der Flügel gegründet. Bei der Jahresversammlung verteilt er silberne Abzeichen an treue Anhänger. Bei der diesjährigen Zusammenkunft begrüßte ihn ein Unterstützer auf der Bühne mit den Worten: ‘Du bist unser Anführer, dem wir gerne folgen’.)
Auch in den USA werden die Entwicklungen in Deutschland verfolgt
So titelte die New York Times: ‘Hitler or Höcke?’ Germany’s Far-Right Party Radicalizes.”
Hier heißt es: “Mr. Höcke has never been coy about his views. In 2017, at a rally in Dresden, he questioned the guiding precept of modern Germany — the country’s culpability in World War II and the Holocaust — calling on Germans to make a “180 degree” turn in the way they viewed their history. Germans were “the only people in the world to plant a monument of shame in the heart of their capital,” he said, referring to the Holocaust memorial in Berlin.”
(Übersetzung: Herr Höcke war nie zurückhaltend bei seinen Ansichten. Im Jahr 2017 stellte er bei einer Kundgebung in Dresden das Grundprinzip des modernen Deutschland – die Schuld des Landes im Zweiten Weltkrieg und den Holocaust – in Frage und forderte die Deutschen auf, eine ” 180°-Wende ” in der Art und Weise vorzunehmen, wie sie ihre Geschichte sahen. Die Deutschen waren “die einzigen Menschen auf der Welt, die im Zentrum ihrer Hauptstadt ein Denkmal der Schande errichtet haben”, sagte er mit Bezug auf das Holocaust-Mahnmal in Berlin.”)
Weiter schreibt die New York Times:
“Mr. Höcke has used metaphors reminiscent of Goebbels, Hitler’s chief propagandist, saying that Germans need to be wolves rather than sheep. He uses terminology and concepts once used by Hitler himself, including racial suicide, a “decaying state’’ and “cultural Bolshevism.””
(Übersetzung: Höcke hat Metaphern verwendet, die an Goebbels, den Chefpropagandisten Hitlers, erinnern und gesagt, dass Deutsche Wölfe und nicht Schafe sein müssen. Er verwendet Terminologie und Konzepte, die Hitler einst selbst verwendet hat, darunter Rassenselbstmord, einen “zerfallenden Staat” und “kulturellen Bolschewismus”.)
Auch die Washington Post berichtet über Höcke
Die schreibt: “Such language has alarmed even members of Hoecke’s own party, which has twice tried unsuccessfully to kick him out. Former party leader Frauke Petry argued there was sufficient evidence to show that Hoecke had written pseudonymous articles for neo-Nazi magazines, a conclusion shared by Germany’s domestic intelligence agency. Hoecke has denied writing for neo-Nazi magazines or being an extremist. Still, he marched publicly alongside known extremists at a rally last year and last month a regional court rejected Hoecke’s complaint against protesters who described him as a “fascist,” citing the contents of his book.”
(Übersetzung: Eine solche Sprache hat sogar Mitglieder von Hoeckes eigener Gruppe alarmiert, die zweimal erfolglos versucht hat, ihn rauszuwerfen. Die ehemalige Parteichefin Frauke Petry argumentier | 6,065 |
— I prefer the built in one. Type :Explore and away you go — it’s basically all I need.
(I am using Daniela Sfregola’s excellent category theory tutorial for demonstration: https://github.com/DanielaSfregola/tutorial-cat.git)
Now you are going to have to install a few dependencies to make our nvim configuration work:
Our package manager — VimPlug: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug
The fuzzy finder has some dependencies that you will need to install (I use rip-grep): https://github.com/cloudhead/neovim-fuzzy
Once you have done that re-start nvim and run :PlugInstall — and restart again. Hopefully you will not get any errors — but run :CheckHealth and make sure python2 and python3 support is enabled, and everything looks fine.
You should be getting autocomplete suggestions now! Thanks to Ensime and deoplete
Also linting should be working courtesy of Neomake and sbt. In my config it should run every time you change text from normal mode or when you leave insert mode: (Notice the red ‘x’ in the side and the highlight on the offending character)
You will also get an explanation down the bottom:
If all went well with the installation you can also use neovim-fuzzy to search for files— which I really love — hit Ctrl-p:
For jump to definition — I prefer to use ctags (Ensime has this feature but for me the performance was not great). Install as per instructions below:
Here is my.ctags config for scala:
--langdef=scala --langmap=scala:.scala --regex-scala=/^[ \t]*class[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/c,classes/ --regex-scala=/.*class[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/c,classes/ --regex-scala=/^[ \t]*trait[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/t,traits/ --regex-scala=/.*trait[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/t,traits/ --regex-scala=/^[ \t]*type[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/T,types/ --regex-scala=/^[ \t]*def[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_\?]+)/\1/m,methods/ --regex-scala=/^[ \t]*val[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/C,constants/ --regex-scala=/^[ \t]*var[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/l,local variables/ --regex-scala=/^[ \t]*package[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)/\1/p,packages/ --regex-scala=/^[ \t]*case class[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/c,case classes/ --regex-scala=/^[ \t]*final case class[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/c,case classes/ --regex-scala=/^[ \t]*object[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/o,objects/ --regex-scala=/.*object[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/o,objects/ --regex-scala=/^[ \t]*private def[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/pd,defs/
which is saved in ~/.ctags
run : ctags -R.
in your project directory and hit Ctrl-] to jump to definition
And voila! there’s my nvim + scala setup. If you want to go one step further — you can add in tmux and tmuxinator to manage windows.
Install tmux: https://github.com/tmux/tmux | 6,066 |
NBC verlängert "Brooklyn Nine-Nine"
NBC hat offenbar Gefallen an der ehemaligen Fox-Serie gefunden und gibt Brooklyn Nine-Nine eine weitere Staffel aus. Damit bringt es die Serie in der Saison 2019/20 auf ihre insgesamt siebte Staffel und die bereits zweite bei NBC. Der Sender hatte Brooklyn Nine-Nine übernommen, nachdem Fox nach Staffel 5 den Stecker gezogen hatte.
Quelle: The Hollywood Reporter
Anna Kendrick & Zac Efron in Facebook-Animationsserie
Human Discoveries nennt sich die Animationsserie, die Facebook an den Start bringt und als bekannte Sprecher sicherte man sich Zac Efron und Anna Kendrick. Schon Ende 2019 soll diese ihren Auftakt feiern und die Zuschauer mit an den Anbeginn der menschlichen Zivilisation nehmen, als Feuer und Rad erfunden wurden - ebenso wie Kunst, Alkohol, Mode, Rassismus, Small Talk und Monogamie.
Quelle: The Hollywood Reporter
"Chicago"-Serien verlängert
Bei diesen Einschaltquoten war die Verlängerung fast vorprogrammiert. Mit jeweils mehr als 11 Mio. Zuschauern im Durchschnitt setzt NBC auch künftig auf das Chicago-Serienuniversum von Dick Wolf. Chicago Fire, Chicago Med und Chicago P.D. kehren somit also auch für die TV-Saison 2019/20 zurück und dürfen sich über ihre achte, siebte bzw. fünfte Staffel freuen.
Quelle: The Hollywood Reporter
Regie für die ersten beiden "Rad der Zeit"-Episoden
Amazon adaptiert nicht nur Der Herr der Ringe, mit Das Rad der Zeit legt der Onlineshop und Streamservice gleich eine weitere Fantasyadaption nach, eine epische 14-teilige Romanreihe von Robert Jordan. Und hat mit Uta Briesewitz (Westworld, Marvels Jessica Jones) die Regie für die ersten beiden Episoden gefunden. Als Showrunner ist Rafe Judkins (Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) gebucht.
Quelle: Deadline
"Luke Cage"-Star Mike Colter in "Evil"
CBS entwickelt mit Evil eine neue Mysterykrimiserie, in der eine Gruppe bestehend aus einer skeptischen klinischen Psychologin, einem Priester in Ausbildung und einem Angestellten übernatürlichen Phänomenen nachgeht. Als Psychologin wurde zuvor schon Katja Herbers besetzt, Marvels Luke Cage-Star Mike Colter mimt nun an ihrer Seite den Priester in Ausbildung. Nun fehlt nur noch der Dritte im Trio für den Pilotfilm.
Quelle: Deadline
"The Man in the High Castle" endet nach Staffel 4
Amazons Romanadaption The Man in the High Castle sieht mit Staffel 4 ihrem Ende entgegen. Die letzte Season startet im Herbst diesen Jahres, ein Poster und einen Teaser gibt es ebenfalls. Hier der Teaser, das Poster findet ihr via Twitter darunter.
"The Man in the High Castle" Season 4 Teaser 1
The Man in the High Castle Season 4 pic.twitter.com/O3fz76O9RF —?? ∞ (@iOmar27) 19. Februar 2019
Quelle: Amazon, Twitter
Aus für "Friends from College"
Da wir schon dabei sind, auch für die Netflix-Dramedy Friends from College ist nach zwei Staffeln Schluss, wie Co-Schöpfer Nicholas Stoller via Twitter bestätigt:
Friends from College will not be returning for a third | 6,067 |
drži dvanaestu poziciju s 0,74 posto (mjereno u cGT), odnosno devetu poziciju s 0,37 posto (mjereno u tdw) udjela. U europskim okvirima Hrvatska drži šestu poziciju sa 6,9 posto (mjereno u cGT), odnosno drugu poziciju s 20,3 posto (mjereno u tdw). Na početku privatizacijskog procesa, u ožujku 2013. godine, situacija je bila lošija. Tada je u svjetskim okvirima Hrvatska držala trinaestu poziciju s 0,21 posto (mjereno u cGT), odnosno petnaestu poziciju s 0,08 posto (mjereno u tdw) udjela. U europskim okvirima Hrvatska je tada držala sedmu poziciju s 3,4 posto (mjereno u cGT), odnosno petu poziciju s 7,1 posto (mjereno u tdw).
"Uočljivo je da je postignut napredak, i to u uvjetima provođenja restrukturiranja, kao i aktualnih trendova na svjetskom brodograđevnom tržištu koji posljednjih nekoliko godina ne idu u prilog brodogradilištima. Provođenje restrukturiranja jest dugotrajan i mukotrpan proces, i još je teško reći hoće li krajnji rezultat biti pozitivan i u kojoj mjeri. Privatni vlasnici brodogradilišta trebaju i dalje poduzimati sve raspoložive aktivnosti kako bi im temelji za održivo poslovanje bili stabilni. Brodograđevna industrija kao jedna od temeljnih sastavnica hrvatskog gospodarstva uvelike utječe na krvnu sliku gospodarstva, stoga je opstanak brodograđevne industrije ne samo gospodarsko nego i socijalno i političko pitanje”, pojašnjava Siniša Ostojić.
Uloga države u realizaciji održivog poslovanja s krajem procesa restrukturiranja, a to je kod nekih brodogradilišta kraj 2017., a kod nekih prva polovica 2018.godine, uvelike će se smanjiti, odnosno minorizirati u najvećem dijelu aktivnosti.
“Uloga privatnih vlasnika u narednom će razdoblju imati ključno značenje. U tome leži i njihova velika odgovornost za održivo poslovanje, odnosno opstanak hrvatske brodograđevne industrije”, napominje prvi čovjek Hrvatske brodogradnje Jadranbrod.
Uljanik Grupa
Knjiga narudžbi Uljanik grupe trenutno broji 21 gradnju. Svi su brodovi ugovoreni preko krovnog društva Uljanik tako da se pravilu mogu kombinirati resursi u oba brodogradilišta i Uljaniku i Trećem maju.
Isporučena gradnja
1. Novogradnja 507 „Isaac Newton“
Isaac Newton sofisticirani je višenamjenski brod za više vrsta specijalnih radova na | 6,068 |
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday dashed to the Knesset for the express purpose of voting against a measure that would have extended surrogacy rights to same-sex couples — two days after publishing a video explaining why he supports the idea.
The surrogacy bill passed the Knesset vote as expected, but without the clause allowing it for men, which was proposed by openly gay MK Amir Ohana, a member of Netanyahu’s own Likud party.
Netanyahu was acting on the demands of the ultra-Orthodox parties, which oppose giving gay men the right to father children through surrogacy, Channel 10 news reported. In return, the ultra-Orthodox parties reportedly agreed to support the Jewish nation-state bill, another controversial piece of legislation, which is up for its final votes this week.
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MKs Yoel Hasson and Stav Shaffir of the opposition Zionist Union faction were removed from the plenum hall for raucously booing the prime minister during the vote.
MK Yair Lapid, leader of the opposition Yesh Atid party, called Netanyahu a “liar.”
“Two day ago during a Likud faction meeting Netanyahu said that he supports a change in the bill to enable LGBT people to become parents,” he said in a statement. “On the same day, he posted a video in which he repeated — both in words and in writing — his commitment to support the change… I have never said this before about a prime minister of Israel, but I have no choice: liar.”
Netanyahu was compelled to participate in the vote due to the government’s narrow majority in parliament and the intention of MK Merav Ben-Ari, of the coalition Kulanu party, to vote in favor of the clause allowing gay couples to use a surrogate. Without Netanyahu’s nay vote, the contentious clause would likely have passed along with the rest of the bill.
Sources close to Netanyahu said that the prime minister will support legislating an extension of surrogacy to gay men in the next parliament session.
Ohana and Ben-Ari announced they had submitted an updated bill that will be brought up immediately with the opening of the next session, and which will be supported by Netanyahu’s Likud party and Kulanu.
“In light of the expected approval tonight of the Health Ministry’s surrogacy law, and following the positive things the prime minister said about the matter, we formulated and submitted a bill that will edit a number of changes in the surrogacy law,” the lawmakers said in a statement. “We will sign up for the law a long list of MKs from the coalition and the opposition — and act vigorously to advance it.”
On Monday, in a Hebrew-language video posted to his Facebook page, Netanyahu explained why he supported the extension of the surrogacy law to single men, effectively allowing gay couples to have children via surrogacy.
“Single mother have the right to the surrogacy process, but single fathers don’t have that right,” Netanyahu said. “It simply isn’t fair. It needs to be corrected. Therefore, I notified [Ohana] today during the Likud faction meeting that I will support the bill he is proposing.”
Ohana had previously proposed an amendment that would have included same-sex couples in the upcoming bill, but it was voted down by the Knesset Labor, Welfare and Health Committee last week.
ראש הממשלה נתניהו: תומך בתיקון לחוק הפונדקאות ח״כ Amir Ohana – אמיר אוחנה דיבר איתי לא פעם על חוק הפונדקאות. הוא העלה נקודה מאוד פשוטה: לאמהות יחידניות יש זכות לתהליך פונדקאות, אבל לאבות יחידנים אין זכות כזאת. זה פשוט לא הוגן וצריך לת | 6,069 |
’effetto depressivo dei licenziamenti sul costo del lavoro. Questo discorso vale in particolar modo per l’Italia, in cui l’incidenza di piccole e medie imprese è maggiore. In occasione dell’ultima crisi, invece, questi fattori di resistenza alla distruzione di mezzi di produzione e forza lavoro sono stati neutralizzati dall’euro e dall’austerity. L’euro è certamente servito a affrontare alcuni limiti competitivi del capitale italiano, ma nel modo sbagliato o, più precisamente, nel modo che ha favorito lo la ripresa dei profitti dello strato di vertice del capitale, quello di grandi dimensioni e multinazionale, scaricandone i costi sul lavoro salariato e sulle imprese più piccole o che lavorano sul mercato domestico.
L’euro ha favorito l’applicazione di tutte quelle misure che storicamente il capitale impiega per contrastare il calo di redditività degli investimenti: la creazione di un ampio esercito di riserva (disoccupati, precari e sottoccupati), il taglio del salario – diretto, indiretto (welfare) e differito (pensioni) -, l‘aumento del saggio di sfruttamento della forza lavoro, la centralizzazione dei capitali, l’export di merci e investimenti produttivi. Questo, però, non sarebbe stato realizzabile senza la modifica dei rapporti di forza fra le classi all’interno dello Stato e quindi senza la rimodulazione del funzionamento dello Stato nazionale mediante la delega di alcune sue funzioni strategiche al livello sovranazionale europeo. In questo modo, l’integrazione europea ha consegnato al capitale una capacità di riorganizzazione dei rapporti sociali complessivi inedita nel periodo successivo alla Seconda guerra mondiale. Il risultato è la ripresa dell’accumulazione, almeno per il momento, guidata dallo strato superiore del capitale, quello maggiormente integrato a livello sovrannazionale, al costo, però, della maggiore distruzione di capacità produttiva manifatturiera dal ’29, di una economia nazionale in stagnazione strutturale e in presenza di livelli occupazionali e salariali permanentemente depressi.
[i] Imf, Germany. Country Report n. 14/216, July 2014.
[ii] Elaborazioni su dati Eurostat, General government expenditure by function (COFOG).
[iii] Elaborazioni su dati Eurostat, Annual enterprise statistics for special aggregates of activities (NACE Rev. 2).
[iv] Istat, Annuario 2017, cap. 15, Tav. 15.2.
[v] Istat, Rapporto annuale 2018, Cap. 1, Fig. 1.31.
[vi] Istat, Rapporto sulla competitività dei settori, 2017, p. 6. “A partire dal 2014 si osserva un sostanziale recupero della competitività di prezzo attraverso il costo del lavoro, favorito anche dai provvedimenti di decontribuzione attuati nel 2015. Ciò ha portato a una parziale riduzione del cospicuo differenziale con la Germania accumulato negli anni precedenti. Nell’ultimo biennio, la crescita del valore aggiunto manifatturiero (quasi +5 per cento) è stata la più sostenuta tra le economie Eur | 6,070 |
Early Bird Edition bonuses are out!
We've updated Cossacks 3 to the version!
Congratulations to Early Bird enlistees are in order – you hold a special place in our hearts.
We thank you for supporting us from the very beginning!
List of new additions:
1. Unique Early Bird badge, which will distinguish you among other players as an early backer!
2. Owners of Early Bird Edition get a display priority in the multiplayer shell user list!
3. Your bonus campaign has arrived! Participate in three brand new missions, available at your campaign selection screen!
4. Unique units for Early Bird enlistees: Turkish archer and light cavalry mercenaries, that have been available since the release date.
5. Among other goodies, Deluxe Edition owners can finally get their hands on an uncompressed OST of Cossacks 3. You can find it at %YourSteamFolder%\Cossacks 3\Cossacks 3 OST.
6. We’ve also made the multiplayer shell window a bit wider, so that you’d get more room for breathing.
From this moment our Early Bird promotion has ended.
Cossacks 3 will become available on Mac and Linux in the second half of October. We’ll announce an exact release date a bit later. You’ll also get an ability to get a free Early Bird upgrade bonus by playing Cossacks 3 during two weeks after your release.
Have a nice day!
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1. Уникальный значок Early Bird, который значит, что вы стояли у истоков нашей игры, которая будет продолжать развиваться семимильными шагами.
2. Участники Early-bird получают приоритет в отображении в списке игроков в интернет шелле.
3. Бонусная блиц-кампания EB на 3 миссии. Доступна в списке кампаний.
4. Уникальные юниты: Турецкий лучник (он же, лучник-янычар), и легкий кавалерист, которых с момента релиза уже могли нанимать игроки, останутся доступны для найма только участникам Early-Bird ак | 6,071 |
�ולל אשה. נראה שזה היה המצב ההלכתי בזמן כלשהו, לפני ש‘אמרו חכמים‘ במאה השלישית לספירה, לכל המאוחר – מה שאמרו. (עמ‘ יט)
From reading the baraita it is apparent that there are two separate layers which are to some degree in conflict with one another. From a fundamental perspective, everyone can ascend to the Torah (in those days, ascending was bound together with reading), including a woman. It appears that this was the halakhic situation at some time before the “Sages said” what they said by the third century, at the latest. (p. 19) [translation mine]
Implicit in Rabbi Sperber’s analysis is the assumption that use of the participial expression “ha-kol `olin” implies the unreserved permissibility of calling anyone up to the Torah.
This assumption conforms to the generally accepted principle of the Bavli in interpreting Tannaitic literature that use of the past tense implies that the action is sanctioned only post facto, whereas use of the participle connotes unreserved permissibility. The opening sugya of tractate Hulin provides a classic example. The mishnah there (2a) states:
הכל שוחטין ושחיטתן כשירה.
All may ritually slaughter and their slaughter is valid.
The Talmud (ibid. 2a) intuits that this short phrase contains a contradiction within itself. It asks:
“הכל שוחטין” – לכתחלה; “ושחיטתן כשרה” – דיעבד.
“All may ritually slaughter” [this implies] without reservations; “And their slaughter is valid” [this implies only] post facto.
Rabbi Sperber goes one step further and argues that the two layers of this baraita reflect two different historical stages. The first half of the statement sees no objection to women receiving aliyyot and reflects an earlier period during which women were, in fact, called to the Torah. The second half of the statement reflects a later ban on the practice. A corollary of this reading, then, is that women receiving aliyyot is not fundamentally at odds with core halakhic values, as evidenced by the fact that women at first did receive aliyyot, a practice that came to an end only in the wake of a later ban. According to this reading, giving women aliyyot today may constitute revival of an original practice.
Rabbi Sperber’s innovative reading that there was an original practice permitting women to read from the Torah hinges on the interpretation of one key word in the text, “‘olin.” In his reading, the term “‘olin” means “to go up to the Torah to read,” in his words, “yakhol kol ‘ehad la‘alot la-torah.” Careful analysis of the term, however, reveals this interpretation to be an error. A survey of the Hebrew root ayyin-lamed-yud in the Talmudic context of Torah reading reveals that the word is never used as it used today (and in medieval sources) to mean ‘an aliyyah’. Rather the term is used in conjunction with the term minyan, to denote ‘counting’ towards a requisite number. A proper translation would be “all [who have already read] count toward the [requisite] number of seven [readers].” In other words, “ha-kol ‘olin” is not at all like “ha-kol shohatin” of the mishnah in Hulin. This phrase implies nothing about the unreserved permissibility of calling up ‘anyone’ to read from the Torah; rather it states that once seven people have read a portion from the Torah [even if one of those people happened to be a woman or a minor], there is no need to call an additional person to read. It addresses the situation only post facto.
Rabb | 6,072 |
אים תחתיהן אסור לישון עליהן.
Did not R. Shimon b. Pazi state in the name of R. Yehoshua b. Levi in the name of the Holy Community of Jerusalem: Even if there are ten mattresses one on top of the other and a forbidden mixture (i.e. sha‘atnez) underneath them, it is prohibited to sleep upon them.
Even in a case where ten layers intervene between a person and the sha‘atnez rendering it impossible for the sha‘atnez to become wrapped around any part of his body, the Rabbis prohibited lying upon the top layer. This is the classic principle referred to as lo pelug, a broad unconditional rule – a common feature of rabbinic decrees. The law as presented here is cited by Maimonides and the Shulhan Arukh without qualification. In this case, the use of the expression “’aval ’ameru hakhamim” in no way implies that this prohibition is limited. The Talmud uses the expression “’aval ’ameru hakhamim” for a rabbinic enactment that it expressly identifies as an absolute prohibition.
The second instance in which the expression “’aval ’ameru hakhamim” is used to proscribe a given act involves the case of a zavah gedolah, a woman who has bled beyond her normal menstrual period. According to Torah law, a zavah gedolah must experience seven days without bleeding before she can immerse in a mikveh for purification. The baraita states:
דתניא (ויקרא ט“ו) אחר תטהר … ר‘ שמעון אומר: אחר תטהר – אחר מעשה תטהר, אבל אמרו חכמים אסור לעשות כן שמא תבא לידי ספק.
It was taught, (Lev. 15) “After she shall become pure” … R. Shimon says [this means] that after the act [of immersion during the day of the seventh] she shall become pure, but the Sages prohibited doing so lest she come to a situation of doubt.
R. Shimon claims that according to Torah law, a zavah may immerse during the course of the seventh day rather than waiting for its completion at nightfall because of the principle that “miqtzat hayom ke-kullo”, part of day in a period of counting suffices for the final day. All concur, however, that should a woman bleed on the seventh day subsequent to her immersion, the requirement for seven clean days would no longer have been met and the immersion would be retroactively invalidated. The sages prohibited a zavah’s immersion before the beginning of the eighth day out of concern that post-immersion cohabitation with her husband on the seventh day could turn out to have been prohibited should this woman experience any bleeding after her immersion.
Here too, there is nothing to indicate that this prohibition is contingent. The Talmud uses this principle to explain why even today, when the requirement of seven clean days for all women is observed out of stringency, women do not immerse on the seventh day. In situations where immersion at night is dangerous women may immerse during the day on the eighth day, but not before. Here again a stricture couched in the language of rabbinic “statement” (’aval ’ameru hakhamim) has been understood as carrying the weight of an absolute prohibition. Surveying the admittedly limited analogous use of the expression, then, yields an opposite conclusion: the formulation “’aval ’ameru hakhamim” in no way signals that a rabbinic prohibition is contingent rather than absolute.
In summary, traditional approaches to pesikat ha-halakha have adopted the position that even though rabbinic enactments may reflect or have been impelled by concerns no longer in evidence, those enactments remain halakhically binding absent compelling reason to the contrary. Those reasons have consisted of established communal custom to the contrary, evidence of Talmudic case law that the prohibition applied only when the animating concerns of the enactment were present or if the formulation of the prohibition itself implies limitation. None of those | 6,073 |
that offends people’s sensibilities.
Rabbi Ysoscher Katz’s Thesis
In the spring of 2016, Rabbi Ysoscher Katz published a teshuvah arguing for the halakhic permissibility of aliyyot for women. Rabbi Katz asserts that the baraita’s statement that “a woman should not be called to the Torah” is properly read not as a prohibition but rather as mere suggestion or advice.
In Rabbi Katz’s reading, there is no need to explain why the prohibition against calling women for aliyyot no longer applies today because no such prohibition ever existed. (This approach differs substantially from that of Rabbi Sperber who understands the statement of the baraita as a prohibition, and then explains why he thinks the prohibition no longer applies.) Rabbi Katz’s entire assertion of the permissibility of aliyyot for women assumes that there is no interdiction of such aliyyot by the baraita.
Rabbi Katz understands the first part of the baraita as an unequivocal statement that a woman may be called to the Torah and the second part as advice offered by the Sages that women should not be called to the Torah on account of kevod hatzibbur. Rabbi Katz supports his reading of this latter part of the baraita as advice rather than prohibition by noting the absence of the term ’asur in the baraita’s formulation. In Rabbi Katz’s two stage argument (translation mine):
1 תנו רבנן: הכל עולין למנין שבעה, ואפילו קטן ואפילו אשה.
(היינו שמבחינה הלכתית טהורה הגמרא אומרת ברור וחד משמעי: מותר לאשה לעלות לתורה ולקרוא בה.)
הגמרא ממשיכה:
2 אבל אמרו חכמים: אשה לא תקרא בתורה, מפני כבוד ציבור.
(היינו יינו, אף על פי שאין בעיה הלכתית בעלייתן וקריאתן, הציעו חכמים שהן לא תעלנה משום שהציבור ייפגע.)
That is, from a purely halakhic perspective, the gemara states clearly and unequivocally: “It is permissible for a women to ascend and read from the Torah.”
The gemara continues:
That is, even though there is no halakhic problem with their ascending and their reading, the Sages have suggested that they should not ascend because the community will be offended.
(In other words, even though there is no halakhic problem with women being called up to the Torah and reading from it, the Sages advised against it to avoid offending the community.)
Rabbi Katz, like Rabbi Sperber, understands the term “‘olin” in the baraita’s initial statement to mean “ascends to the Torah” and assumes that the baraita speaks in a de jure (lekhathilah) voice. As demonstrated above, however, this reading is in error. The expression “‘oleh leminyan” means “to count toward the required number” from a retrospective vantage point but in no way implies approval de jure.
The second element of Rabbi Katz’s argument, that is, his reading of the latter half of the baraita as advice rather than prohibition, is contingent on his reading of the first half of the statement. Had the first half of the baraita expressed approval, in principle, for calling women to the Torah, then its second half might be read as merely offering advice to refrain from this practice. However, once it is apparent that the first half | 6,074 |
STA, 23 November 2018 - One hundred years after General Rudolf Maister established the first Slovenian army in modern history, Alenka Ermenc was promoted to become the country's first woman army general.
Slovenia celebrates Rudolf Maister Day on Friday in memory of the day in 1918 when the general (1874-1934) took control of Maribor and in effect secured what later became Slovenia's northern border.
The ceremony at which President Borut Pahor formally elevated Brigadier Ermenc to major general and decorated the association dedicated to the preservation of memory of General Maister was only one in several events marking the anniversary.
Pahor noted that a century ago Maister, "with his bravery and patriotic heart, preserved Maribor and the Lower Styria as Slovenian".
"One hundred years later, Slovenia is one of the world's safest countries. It is the merit not only of our defence force, but of society and country as a whole."
Pahor noted that Slovenia had to defend its independence with an armed force in 1991 and that Ermenc, who was made the first woman general today, was a member of the emerging Slovenian army then.
"This is a momentous moment for her, for the Slovenian Armed Forces, for our national and civic confidence, for our homeland and country," he said.
Putting on her new uniform of major general and accepting the Slovenian flag from the president, Ermenc said it was "the love for homeland" that guided her on her path, which was not always easy.
"I'm aware that the army is victorious only through joint effort and that the average never win," she said, underscoring the importance of knowledge and hard work.
Major General Ermenc studied in London, was in the independence war
Ermenc graduated from the Ljubljana Faculty of Social Sciences and from the Royal College of Defence Studies in London and got her master's degree in 2009 at the King's College University of London.
She was actively involved in the 1991 independence war as a member of the Territorial Defence, the army's precursor. She has been employed in the SAF for 27 years.
She was promoted to the rank of brigadier in May 2011 and in March this year she was named deputy chief of the general staff, the highest rank for a woman in the army.
Roughly one out of six members of the active component of Slovenia's Armed Forces are women (1,097 out of 6,658), including 188 civilians. As many as 301 are officers or non-commissioned officers.
Pahor also presented an Order of Merit to the General Maister Association and its founder Milan Lovrenčič for their efforts in the preservation of memory of the general and his contribution to Slovenia.
It was thanks to the association that 23 November has been observed as a public holiday since 2005, although not as a bank holiday. At the association's initiative the Maister Library of the University of Maribor, which keeps his books, has recently been declared a monument of national importance.
Ob dnevu Rudolfa Maistra je PRS in vrhovni poveljnik obrambnih sil priredil posebno slovesnost ob povišanju Alenke Ermenc v čin generalmajorke in vročil državno odlikovanje Zvezi društev general Maister in mag. Lovrenčiču. https://t.co/a4eYNg1n6I pic.twitter.com/dDE952kbRF — Borut Pahor (@BorutPahor) November 23, 2018
Why Maister is the biggest name in Slovenian military history
Judging by his popularity, Maister is likely the most prominent military personality in Slovenian history. It is largely owing to him that Maribor, Slovenia's second city, and the north-east of Slovenia became part of the new Yugoslav state rather than Austria after the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed.
Maister was in command of the regional headquarters at the end of World War I and in 1918 assumed command of Maribor and the Slovenian part of Carinthia. He set up a Slovenian army of 4,000 soldiers, disarmed the German Schutzwehr security service, and disbanded the militia of the German city council.
The general then occupied Slovenian ethnic territory, establishing the northern border between Austria and Yugoslavia that was later ratified by the Saint Germain Peace Treaty. The same border still runs between Slovenia and Austria today.
The main ceremony marking the holiday was held in Maribor last night. In his keynote, Speaker Dejan Židan described Maister, a general and a | 6,075 |
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Source: Top Counseling Schools
Are women caught in a war between evolution and careers?
Today the average age for marriage is:
In 1990 it was:
And in 1960:
But our biological clocks have stayed the same…
44% of women have a child by age 25
Because of changes in marriage timing
This leaves 48% of first births to occur outside of wedlock
Which compounds with 50% of first marriages that end in divorce
That means that out of four children
2 are born out of wedlock
This is because
(1) Women’s earning potential is increased by getting married later.
(2)absentee fathers
1 is born into a marriage that ends in divorce
And 1 is born into a marriage that stays intact
That means that only one out of four children has their biological parents in the same house until they are eighteen.
The trajectory of mating
Females have the most sex at age 25
Males have the most sex at age 29
[age group–gender—percent engaging in vaginal intercourse]
14-15 y.o.
16-17 y.o.
18-19 y.o
Male: 53%
20-24 y.o.
Male: 63%
25-29 y.o.
30-39 y.o.
Male: 85%
Female: 74%
40-49 y.o.
Male: 74%
Female: 70%
50-59 y.o.
Male: 58%
Female: 51%
60-69 y.o.
Male: 54%
Female: 42%
70+ y.o.
Male: 43%
Female: 22%
Same old folks
Evolutionary theories of human mating
Fundamental dilemma: women:
Access to resources with which to care for children and self
Access to suitable genes in males (attractive personal traits)
Fundamental dilemma: men:
Access to partners of a healthy child-bearing age (fertile)
Assurance of paternity
The optimal age for conditions to be met results in a 2-3 year discrepancy in the ages of partners.
Female sexual trajectory peaks in the mid to late twenties
Male sexual trajectory peaks in the 30’s
2012 marriage stats correspond with these numbers more than ever
[age of marriage—gender]
Makes perfect sense, right?
Information or evolution?
Males profit from marrying earlier, females later, but one way or another evolved tendencies are going to get pushed aside.
Pros and Cons of marriage trends
Female average earnings by time of marriage and degree
[age of marriage; education level; average earning]
The later women wait to marry the higher their average income
The highest earning demographic are women who have never married and have a college degree.
Male Average Earnings by time of marriage and degree
[age of marriage; education level; average earning]
<20 30
2% of children with two parents live in poverty
22% of children in one parent households live in poverty
For >7 years
Children are 2-3 times more likely to have behavioral and emotional issues when from a single parent home
Single parent family children are more likely to
Become pregnant as teenagers
Drop out of high school
Abuse drugs
Get in trouble with the law
The flags of a productive female workforce are raised, and once set familial boundaries are more porous than ever.
But why do the casualties have to be kids?
http://www.theatlantic.com/sexes/archive/2013/03/getting-married-later- | 6,076 |
remember, like, seeing it on the news, or did you hear people in your village react to it?
katrin bennhold
Now, Susanna told us that the migrants would usually arrive by night under the cover of dark.
susanna ceccardi [SPEAKING IN ITALIAN]
katrin bennhold
The mayor would bring them in the night, and so the next morning, these residents would wake up to find that they had a whole set of new neighbors, but nobody had warned them. Nobody had prepared them, told them anything about it.
susanna ceccardi [SPEAKING IN ITALIAN]
katrin bennhold
And so during a town assembly, some of the residents in Cascina spoke up against this mayor and voiced their anger at the situation.
susanna ceccardi [SPEAKING IN ITALIAN]
katrin bennhold
They were furious.
susanna ceccardi [SPEAKING IN ITALIAN]
katrin bennhold
But he was very unresponsive, she said. He said —
susanna ceccardi [SPEAKING IN ITALIAN]
katrin bennhold
— if you don’t want me anymore, just vote for her next time.
susanna ceccardi [SPEAKING IN ITALIAN]
katrin bennhold
And then they did.
katrin bennhold
So this is how Susanna becomes the first far-right mayor in Tuscany to be elected in more than 70 years. And now, she’s this regional powerhouse, this rising star, and she’s even going for a higher office. She’s running for a position in the E.U. parliament. She said the migration issue helped her get elected in 2016, and she’s betting it will help her get elected today. And if it works, it means she’s right.
katrin bennhold So the migration issue, you think, is a very important issue in your campaign, and in Italy in general, still, today? susanna ceccardi Yes, I think so.
katrin bennhold
We’ll be right back. So we wake up the next morning to hit the campaign trail with Susanna.
[italian conversation] katrin bennhold Is it three here? ^[KISSING SOUNDS]^ Oh, it’s two. andrea Three. Ah, no — three, it’s normal. Five!
katrin bennhold
Being German, I’m used to shaking hands. But as soon as we work that out, it’s basically time to go.
andrea We must go to Cortona.
katrin bennhold
Andrea, her partner, points at his watch and kind of ushers us off to the car. We’re barreling down a highway at, like, 100 miles an hour. You know, Susanna and Andrea are in the front. They’re kind of making calls, sort of rivaling each other.
susanna ceccardi Ciao, Nicola. nicola Ciao, Susanna. susanna ceccardi Ciao. [SPEAKING ITALIAN]
katrin bennhold
And I kind of get lost looking out of the window, you know, at this incredible landscape — rolling hills, and ancient villages, and churches, and abbeys. It’s hard not to think of that deep history of this part of Italy, with the Renaissance, the art, the culture, and that very, very proud past. I asked Susanna what’s changed in Tuscany.
susanna ceccardi Now, we have many, many unemployed — many young unemployed in Italy.
katrin bennhold
Youth unemployment in Italy is over 30 percent.
susanna ceccardi So we can’t give some opportunities to other immigrants, because we can give some opportunities to our youth, to our young people.
katrin bennhold
Susanna told me what Italians tell her sometimes, that young Italians have to go abroad to find work opportunities these days, and unemployment is too high, that parents see their children leave the country to find a job. So when they then see migrants coming here, it’s upsetting. And then she spoke about her own daughter as her hand was resting on her stomach.
susanna ceccardi I | 6,077 |
�s motives for this attack. She failed to let the committee know there was a problem before slandering us far and wide and has since gone on to malign the Freedom Socialist Party, Partido Obrero Socialista and other groups that worked to free Nestora from the very beginning of the struggle.
Despite this latest bump in the road, we remain proud of the committee’s accomplishments in initiating the international campaign to free Nestora Salgado and all political prisoners, and in our meticulous and transparent handling of all funds that were donated towards that cause. We consider it a duty to treat workers’ money with the utmost respect because we know how hard it is to come by.
Respuesta a las acusaciones sin fundamento de delito financiero
por Su Docekal y José Luis Avila,
cofundadores del Comité Libertad para Nestora/Freedom for Nestora Committee
21 de octubre de 2016
Después de la merecida liberación de Nestora Salgado, el Comité Libertad para Nestora/Freedom for Nestora Committee se reunió en Seattle, Washington en junio de 2016 para concluir su campaña. Se revisó y aprobó un resumen financiero de nuestro trabajo, y finalizamos la entrega de donaciones a los nueve presos políticos de la Policía Comunitaria quienes en junio siguieron encarcelados en Guerrero, y para quienes el Comité había llevado a cabo una colecta después de la liberación de Nestora. En la reunión de junio, el Comité votó para cambiar su nombre al Comité por la Libertad de los Presos Políticos – en Defensa a los Derechos Humanos y Laborales en México. El Comité también decidió suspender las reuniones durante el verano y volver a reunirse en el otoño para decidir sus planes para el futuro. Hemos retenido $209 en nuestra tesorería para posibles proyectos futuros.
Por desgracia, en ese momento se nos olvidó cambiar el nombre de nuestro Comité en este sitio web y eliminar el botón para donar que se utilizó durante la campaña. Este descuido ha dado lugar a graves acusaciones de irregularidades financieras por parte de Da Nie Luna, partidaria de Nestora, quien creó la página de Facebook Comité de Mujeres #NestoraLibre. La semana pasada fuimos contactados por un número de personas que nos alertó sobre el hecho de que Da Nie Luna estaba usando Facebook para lanzar una campaña internacional acusándonos de “fraude” y alegando que “el dinero que (el Comité) recauda nunca llega a Nestora Salgado ni a su familia”.
El Comité quiere asegurarles a las muchas personas que apoyaron y respaldaron la campaña para liberar a Nestora Salgado que estos cargos son infundados y completamente falsos. La página web del Comité no ha recibido ninguna donación a través de PayPal desde marzo de 2016 con la excepción de una persona cuya donación fue devuelta.
Para aquellos que deseen revisar el informe final del Comité de finanzas, el cual cubre nuestras actividades desde noviembre de 2014 hasta junio de 2016, los invitamos a hacerlo aquí.
Es extremadamente destructivo para cualquier movimiento que se circulen acusaciones infundadas. Por eso, nos preguntamos acerca de los motivos por los cuales Da Nie Luna lanzó este ataque. Ella no informó al Comité de que había un problema antes de calumniarnos lo más que pudo y desde entonces ha pasado a difamar el Freedom Socialist Party (Partido de Libertad Socialista), al Partido Obrero Socialista de México y a otros gru | 6,078 |
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Das erste Mal, wenn Sie Ihre Bitcoin-wallet verwenden, werden Sie gefragt ein Backup zu machen. Wir empfehlen Ihnen das zu tun und diese Backup auf Papier in einem sicheren Ort zu speichern. Danach wird Ihr Wallet eine neue Bitcoin Wallet-Adresse generieren.
Wenn Sie von einem Person Bitcoins erhalten wollen, sendest Ihre Bitcoin-Adresse. Um Fehler zu vermeiden: benützen Sie die option zu kopieren und einfügen, oder noch besser: laß die Person Ihren QR-Code scannen.
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Zodra je eerste bitcoins binnen zijn kun je overal waar Bitcoin geaccepteerd wordt, zowel online als in winkels, betalen met je wallet.
De verkoper of webshop toont een QR code. Klik in je wallet op "Send" > "Scan QR code" (of het icoontje) en richt je camera op de QR. Je wallet toont het bedrag, druk op OK en de betaling is gedaan.
As soon as your first bitcoins have arrived on your wallet, you can spend them anywhere where bitcoins are accepted, both in online stores as in shops. The seller shows a QR-code, Click on the Send-button, scan the QR code (press the icon to do so), your wallet-app will also show you the amount, press OK, and you're done!
Sobald Sie Ihre Bitcoins haben, können Sie überall wo man Bitcoin akzeptiert damit bezahlen, sowohl in Online-Shops wie in Geschäften. Der Verkäufer zeigt einen QR-Code, klicken Sie auf den Senden-Taste in ihren Bitcoin wallet, scan die QR-Code (drücken Sie auf das Symbol), drücken Sie auf OK, und Sie sind fertig! | 6,079 |
iet i utgangspunktet, anna enn at dei har ein Facebook-ven som er medlem i Høgre.
Det er ikkje vurdert om Høgre skal bli bøtelagt fordi saka uansett er meir enn fem år gamal, og difor forelda. Det er likevel gjort ei vurdering, og sjølv om det finst rom for å gjere unntak i personopplysingslova, har ikkje Datatilsynet funne nokon relevant grunn til gjere det i denne saka.
Dette er saken Du trenger javascript for å se video.
Høgre legg seg flate
Høgre bad sjølv om at Datatilsynet tok ei vurdering av saka, men først etter at NRK kontakta partiet om saka. Høgres kampanjesjef, Thoralf Granerød, seier at partiet tek konklusjonen frå Datatilsynet til etterretning, og at dei vil rette seg etter tilsynets konklusjon.
– Det var ein kampanje på tre dagar, og det var ikkje klokt av oss å gjere det i 2013. Det var ein nyttig avklaring frå Datatilsynet, og dette kjem heller ikkje til å bli gjort igjen, seier Granerød.
Erna Solberg var med på opninga av Facebook sitt Noregs-kontor i 2016. Foto: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix
– De informerte jo ikkje Facebook-brukarane om at de samla inn namna deira og matcha dei med andre register. Kva vil du seie til dei i dag?
– Dette vart gjort ei gong, og kjem aldri til å bli gjort igjen. Det er viktig at ein kan stole på politiske parti og Høgre når det gjeld korleis ein forvaltar personvernet. Både lovmessig, men ikkje minst også etisk, seier Granerød, som seier at kampanjane til haustens val ikkje kjem til å utfordre lovens grenser.
Han beklagar til alle Høgre sine medlemer, og til andre som vart ein del av saka. Granerød meiner partiet tråkka over ei etisk grense, og at dei i framtida ønskjer ein tett dialog med Datatilsynet for å få på plass gode rammeverk for sitt arbeid.
LES OGSÅ NRK BETA: Slik deler du mindre om deg selv på Facebook
Vil ikkje samanlikne med Cambridge Analytica
Høgre avviser all samanlikning med Cambridge Analytica-saka, der eit britisk selskap kombinerte avansert datainnsamling med strategisk kommunikasjon. Selskapet var mellom anna sentrale i Donald Trumps presidentkampanje.
LES OGSÅ: Dette er Cambridge Analytica
– Heile Cambridge Analytica var basert på ein grunnleggjande metode, som ligg langt unna korleis Høgre arbeider. Denne saka var eit enkelttilfelle over tre dagar, og det låg ikkje i kjernen av korleis ein driv valkamp. Dette var ikkje ein systematisk metode, seier Granerød.
Heller ikkje Thon i Datatilsynet meiner det er ein samanheng mellom denne saka og Cambridge Analytica.
– Dette er ein enkeltståande kampanje, og ein enkeltståande applikasjon. Cambridge Analy | 6,080 |
Un important incendie s'est déclaré ce vendredi matin, rue Haute et rue de Bitbourg à Luxembourg-Hamm.
Luxembourg 10 1 2 min.
Incendie d'un entrepôt Horsch à Luxembourg: le feu est maîtrisé
Un important incendie s'est déclaré ce vendredi matin, rue Haute et rue de Bitbourg à Luxembourg-Hamm.
Le 112 a été alerté à 10h53: le feu a pris dans un entrepôt de la société Remondis (anciennement Horsch) spécialisée dans le traitement des déchets et le recyclage, situé dans le quartier de Hamm à Luxembourg. Une personne a été légèrement blessée.
Les premières unités sur place ont fait face à un virulent feu de bâtiment industriel avec un très fort dégagement de fumée et un risque de propagation aux bâtiments connexes.
10 centres d’incendie et de secours (CIS) ont été dépêchés sur place ainsi que différentes spécialités, pour un total de 90 personnes soutenues par un poste de commandement mobile.
Considérant le grand débit d’eau nécessaire, une noria de véhicules a été mise en place par le CGO afin d’acheminer suffisamment d’eau sur place. Le feu a été circonscrit vers 13 heures.
10 Anouk Antony
Galerie d'images Faites défiler la page vers le bas pour voir plus d'images. Anouk Antony Anouk Antony Photo: Anouk Antony Photo: Anouk Antony Photo: Anouk Antony Photo: Anouk Antony Photo: Anouk Antony Une épaisse colonne de fumée noire, visible depuis toute la ville, s'élève au-dessus des bâtiments en proie aux flammes. Photo: Chris Karaba Une épaisse colonne de fumée noire, visible depuis toute la ville, s'élève au-dessus des bâtiments en proie aux flammes. Foto: Chris Karaba Une épaisse colonne de fumée noire, visible depuis toute la ville, s'élève au-dessus des bâtiments en proie aux flammes. Foto: Steve Remesch
Le bilan à 15 heures fait état d’une personne prise en charge en ambulance pour une légère intoxication liée aux fumées ainsi qu’un pompier volontaire légèrement blessé dans le cadre de l’intervention et pris en charge sur place par les équipes médicales du CGDIS.
L’annexe administrative de la société impactée a été préservée du feu.
A aucun moment le trafic au niveau de l’aéroport du Findel et de l’autoroute adjacente n’a été interrompu.
Les journalistes écoutent les informations données par le directeur du CGDIS sur place CGDIS
Le CGO a en outre tenu informée la direction d’un établissement scolaire situé à proximité de l’état d’avancement de l’intervention afin de s’assurer que les parents d’élèves pourront récupérer leurs enfants sans encombre après la journée de classe.
Le ravitaillement pour les équipes engagées a également été organisé tout comme la relève avec des porteurs d’appareils respiratoires isolants.
⚠️Achtung: Brand in Hamm🔥 - ⚠️Attention: Incendie à Hamm🔥
Brand in einer Lagerhalle der 'rue Haute'. | 6,081 |
eye Title Creator
LibriVox recording of Seven H.P. Lovecraft Stories by H. Philip Lovecraft Read by Phil Chenevert Howard Phillips Lovecraft, better known as H.P. Lovecraft, was an American author of horror, fantasy, poetry and science fiction, especially the subgenre known as weird fiction and many feel he is the acknowledged master of creepy, weird and unsettling stories. These are seven stories by Lovecraft that literally span his career; some being written when he was barely a teenager and one (The Shunned...
Topics: lovecraft, horror, creepy, librivox, audiobook, fiction
aReW recordings 241 241 aReW recordings presents [RW-044] Magenta Lovecraft - Revivify by Magenta Lovecraft audio eye 241 favorite 0 comment 0
magenta lovecraft is a creator of experimental electronica. Often powered by electronic breaks the magenta lovecraft sound is more than just the average electronica act with great eerie b movie backdrops and ambient atmosphere which always keep the listener coming back for more... For more info about Magenta Lovecraft please visit: www.arewrecordings.com/magenta_lovecraft.html
Topics: magenta lovecraft, experimental music, electronica, aReW recordings
Zardonic Recordings 23,884 24K Lovecraft Machine by Zardonic audio eye 23,884 favorite 2 comment 0
LibriVox recording of Herbert West: Re-Animator, by H. P. Lovecraft. Read by Phil Chenevert "Herbert West—Reanimator" is a story by American horror fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft that was first serialized in February through July 1922 in the amateur publication Home Brew. The story was the basis of the 1985 horror film Re-Animator and its sequels, in addition to numerous other adaptations in various media. You want zombies? listen to this because Lovecraft was one of the very first...
favorite favorite favorite favorite ( 1 reviews )
Topics: horror, SF, fantasy, lovecraft, audiobook, librivox
Audiophile CD Collection 149 149 H.P. Lovecraft II by H.P. Lovecraft audio eye 149 favorite 1 comment 0
Tracklist: 1. Spin, Spin, Spin 2. It's About Time 3. Blue Jack Of Diamonds 4. Electrallentando 5. At The Mountains Of Madness 6. Mobius Trip 7. High Flying Bird 8. Nothing's Boy 9. Keeper Of The Keys
Source: CD
Books to Borrow 449 449 The annotated H.P. Lovecraft by H. P. Lovecraft texts eye 449 favorite 14 comment 0
Topic: Horror tales, American
Podcasts 204 204 lovecraft by Hardy & Marco Frenschkowski audio eye 204 favorite 0 comment 0
Der Begriff “Cthulhu Mythos” ist bestimmt vielen ein Begriff, aber wo kommt er eigentlich her und für was steht er eigentlich? Was macht das Werk des amerikanischen Autors H.P. Lovecrafts aus, der heute so allgegenwärtig zu sein scheint und der neben zahllosen Autoren und Filmen natürlich auch viele Videospiele beeinflusst hat. Hardy hat Kontakt zu Professor Marco Frenschkowski hergestellt, der als einer der führenden Lovecraft Experten gilt und der in diesem Interview einen fundierten...
Topics: nerdwelten, interview, lovecraft, cthulhu, frenschkowski, book, buch, film, movie, retro, autor,...
Books to Borrow 462 462 H.P. Lovecraft by Lovecraft, H. P. (Howard Phillips), 1890-1937 texts eye 462 favorite 16 comment 0
"Ten tales of horror, death & comedy presented by today's great illustrators!"--Cover
Topics: General, Literature: Classics, Children's Books/Young Adult Graphic Novels, (Howard Phillips),,...
The Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft contains the original stories which Lovecraft wrote as an adult. It begins in 1917 with “The Tomb” and ends in 1935 with his last original work “The Haunter of the Dark.” The book is ordered chronologically by the date the story was written. Because Lovecraft was a terrible businessman and left no heirs to his intellectual property, all of his works are already in the public domain. It does not include collaborations or revisions because some of...
Topic: Horror
This album is a various dark ambient, experimental artists compilation tribute to one of the best horror & sci-fi writers of all times. | 6,082 |
Podcasts 145 145 SSJ Gotham: Lovecraft by Daniel White audio eye 145 favorite 0 comment 0
Welcome to Small Screen Justice: A Podcast About Superhero Television. In this episode Dan and Caitlin (a new guest host!) have an in-depth discussion of season 1 episode 10 of Gotham entitled “Lovecraft.” We debate the pros and cons of the episode and Cailtlin gives her background with Batman and podcasting. Please send any feedback our way at [email protected] or review us on iTunes. The music for this podcast is the main theme from The Dark Knight Rises by Hans Zimmer. Thanks...
Topics: Small, Screen, Justice, Superhero, TV, hero, Batman, Gotham, Lovecraft
Podcasts 262 262 A Piece of Lovecraft by R.H. Gulman audio eye 262 favorite 0 comment 1
Small excerpt of H.P Lovecraft's "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
favorite favorite favorite ( 1 reviews )
Topics: Podcast, H.P. Lovecraft, Fiction
Podcasts 47 47 Arkhaminsiders Folge 1 Lovecraft und wir by ArkhamInsiders audio eye 47 favorite 0 comment 0
German Lovecraftian Podcast "ArkhamInsiders". Arkhaminsiders Folge 1 "Lovecraft und wir"
Topics: H. P. Lovecraft, HPL, Lovecraft, Weird Tales, Supernatural Horror
Seven H.P. Lovecraft Stories, by H. P. Lovecraft. Read by Phil Chenevert Howard Phillips Lovecraft, better known as H.P. Lovecraft, was an American author of horror, fantasy, poetry and science fiction, especially the subgenre known as weird fiction and many feel he is the acknowledged master of creepy, weird and unsettling stories. These are seven stories by Lovecraft that literally span his career; some being written when he was barely a teenager and one (The Shunned House) only published...
Topics: lovecraft, weird, horror, scary, audiobook, librivox
H.P. Lovecraft's classic The Dunwich Horror read by David McCallum and released by Caedmon in 1976.
Topics: HP Lovecraft, spoken word, audiobook, horror, record
Podcasts 16 16 podcast_23-h._p._lovecraft audio eye 16 favorite 0 comment 0
Neste episódio: Ewerton, Ivaldo e Vinícius recebem como convidada Morganna Gumes para discutir a vida, a obra e principalmente as influências de Lovecraft na cultura pop! Venha descobrir a relação de Silvio Santos com tudo isso e embarcar no universo do autor com a gente! Obs: Spoilers de tudo!
Topics: Podcast, Nerd Patriarca, H. P. Lovecraft
H.P. Lovecraft's classics The Hound and The Outsider read by Roddy McDowall and released by Prestige Records' Lively Arts in 1963.
Topics: HP Lovecraft, audiobook, spoken word, LP, caedmon
the final installments of H P Lovecraft's thrilling tale of eldritch horror in the antarctic, read by MorganScorpion
favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite ( 2 reviews )
Topics: Lovecraft, horror, antarctic, ancient, prehistoric, alien
H.P. Lovecraft's classic The Haunter Of The Dark read by David McCallum and released by Caedmon in 1979.
Topics: HP Lovecraft, spoken word, caedmon, record, horror
The Federico Inbox 51 51 Howard Phillips Lovecraft - Audiobook Scelti audio eye 51 favorite 0 comment 0
[Mp3 - Zip - Eng]Horror [CURA] H.P. Lovecraft La contrada dei secchioni presenta:Howard Phillips Lovecraft - Audiobook Scelti :::->L'autore La Release Sinossi
Topics: TNTvillage, E-book, TNT-34, audiobooks, Mp3, Eng, Zip, CURA, Horror, H.P. Lovecraft
Source: torrent:urn:sha1:987238CA19AAAFA554F678C19784DCBAEB392309
Podcasts Mirror 170 170 H.P. Lovecraft by The Paranormies Present audio eye 170 favorite 0 comment 0
This week we talk about the weird and horrific writings of H.P. Lovecraft. Born in New England living alternatively in cushy wealth and abject poverty, he was a man with a bleak life and a bleaker writing style. Who was the man behind the Cthulu Mythos? How did he become such a | 6,083 |
-infrastructure: corosync cluster-name: clusterweb dc-version: 1.1.19-8.el7_6.2-c3c624ea3d have-watchdog: false no-quorum-policy: ignore stonith-enabled: false
Añadir un nuevo servicio o recurso al clúster
En este apartado veremos como agregar un nuevo recurso a nuestro clúster. Una parte importante es configurar una IP virtual, llamada VIP, que se podrá mover de manera instánea de un nodo a otro dentro de la misma red o centro de datos. Necesitamos que esta VIP la utilice el nodo que en ese momento sea el activo.
Por lo que vamos a añadir dos recursos, uno será la VIP y el otro será el webserver con Apache.
Añadimos la siguiente la como VIP, ejecutando la siguiente orden:
1 pcs resource create vip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip = cidr_netmask = 24 op monitor interval =60s pcs resource create vip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 op monitor interval=60s
Analicemos las partes del comando:
vip: Es el nombre del recurso
“ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2”: Le indicamos a pacemaker que script debe utilizar, IPaddr2 en este caso. Además definimos en que espacio de nombre se encuentra (pacemaker) y que estandar utiliza, que ese “ocf”
“op monitor interval=60s”: Indica a pacemaker que verifique la salud del servicio cada minutos, esto es, 60 segundos.
Ahora que ya tenemos la IP de la VIP definida, pasamos a añadir el servicio web.
1 2 pcs resource create servicio_http ocf:heartbeat:apache configfile = / etc / httpd / conf / httpd.conf \ statusurl = "" op monitor interval =20s pcs resource create servicio_http ocf:heartbeat:apache configfile=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf \ statusurl="" op monitor interval=20s
Una vez añadidos ambos servicios. Los comprobamos:
1 pcs status resources pcs status resources
En mi caso:
1 2 3 [ root @ servnode1 conf ] # pcs status resources vip ( ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2 ) : Started servnode1.localdomain servicio_http ( ocf::heartbeat:apache ) : Starting servnode2.localdomain [root@servnode1 conf]# pcs status resources vip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started servnode1.localdomain servicio_http (ocf::heartbeat:apache): Starting servnode2.localdomain
En cuanto a la salida del comando, se han enumerado los dos recursos agregados: “vip” y “servicio_http”. Cada uno de los servicios están, en mi caso, en nodos diferentes.
A mi me interesa que tanto la VIP como al servicio de Apache estén en el mismo nodo.
Configuración de parámetros de INFINITY
Casi todas las decisiones en un grupo de pacemaker, como elegir dónde se debe ejecutar un recurso, se realizan comparando una serie de puntuaciones. Las puntuaciones se calculan por recurso, y el administrador de recursos de clúster elige el nodo con la puntuación más alta para un recurso en particular. (Si un nodo tiene una puntuación neg | 6,084 |
Katalonski parlament izglasao je neovisnost, a nedugo potom je španjolski senat odobrio primjenu članka 155 Ustava, kojim se Kataloniji ograničava autonomija.
20:50 - Španjolski premijer Mariano Rajoy raspustio je katalonski parlament te raspisao izbore u toj regiji za 21. prosinca.
Prve mjere koje će poduzeti španjolska vlada je micanje s funkcije katalonskog predsjednika vlade Carlesa Puigdemonta, potpredsjednika vlade Oriola Junquerasa te ostalih savjetnika, odnosno ministara katalonske vlade, rekao je Rajoy na konferenciji za medije u Madridu.
Njihov posao će preuzeti španjolska ministarstva a Madrid će preuzeti i upravljanje nad katalonskom policijom te će raspustiti katalonske delegacije u svijetu, tzv. "katalonska veleposlanstva" u svijetu od kojih je jedno u Zagrebu.
"Nikada nismo htjeli uvesti ove mjere. Nikada nismo htjeli doći u ovu situaciju. No više ne možemo izgubiti niti minutu, moramo što prije vratiti vladavinu zakona i vratiti situaciju u normalu", rekao je Rajoy.
"Nismo suspendirali autonomiju Katalonije, niti ćemo ju smanjiti niti intervenirati, već ćemo postaviti prijelaznu administraciju kako bi se život stanovnika vratio u normalu", dodao je ustvrdivši kako vlada ima "mirne" i "umjerene" mjere za provođenje zakona u skladu s ustavom.
"Ovo je tužan dan za Španjolce. Oteta je većina Katalonaca. Odveli su Kataloniju u slijepu ulicu", izjavio je španjolski premijer osvrnuvši se na izglasavanje neovisnosti u katalonskom parlamentu. Pozvao je stanovnike diljem Španjolske i Katalonije da ostanu mirni.
Rajoy je isto tako rekao kako vlada u Madridu traži da Ustavni sud poništi rezoluciju katalonskog parlamenta o neovisnosti.
Mjere su uz njegovu vladajuću Narodnu stranku desnog centra podržale i oporbene stranke lijevi centar PSOE i stranka centra Građani.
20:00 - Gradovi diljem Katalonije počeli su u petak popodne uklanjati španjolske zastave sa svojih vijećnica, a deseci tisuća ljudi ispred zgrade katalonske vlade u Barceloni slave nezavisnost izglasanu u parlamentu, dok državno odvjetništvo najavljuje tužbu protiv katalonskog predsjednika Carlesa Puigdemonta zbog pobune.
Girona, grad čiji je gradonačelnik od 2011. do 2016. bio katalonski predsjednik vlade Carles Puigdemont, među prvima je u zanosu maknula zastavu države od koje se želi odvojiti, a to isto uč | 6,085 |
most currant: for that, as it seemes, they come home to Mens Businesse and Bosomes. I haue enlarged them both in number and weight, so that they are indeed a new Work. I thought it therefore agreeable to my Affection, and Obligation to your Grace, to prefix your Name before them, both in English and in Latine. For I doe conceiue, that the Latine Volume of them (being in the vniuersal language) may last as long as Bookes last. My Instauration I dedicated to the King: my Historie of Henry the Seventh (which I haue now also translated into Latine), and my Portions of Naturall History, to the Prince: and these I dedicate to your Grace: being of the best Fruits, that by the good encrease which God gives to my pen and labours, I could yeeld. God leade your Grace by the Hand. Your Graces most obliged and faithfull Seruant. Fr. St. Alban.
Of this edition, Lord Bacon sent a copy to the Marquis Fiat, with the following letter:2—
“Monsieur l’Ambassadeur mon Filz: Voyant que vostre Excellence faict et traite Mariages, non seulement entre les Princes d’Angleterre et de France, mais aussi entre les langues (puis que faictes traduire mon Liure de l’Advancement des Sciences en Francois) i’ai bien voulu vous envoyer mon Liure dernierement imprimé que i’avois pourveu pour vous, mais i’estois en doubte, de le vous envoyer, pour ce qu’il estoit escrit en Anglois. Mais a’ cest’heure pour la raison susdicte ie le vous envoye. C’est un Recompilement de mes Essays Morales et Civiles; mais tellement enlargiés et enrichiés, tant de nombre que de poix, que c’est de fait un ouvre nouveau. Ie vous baise les mains, et reste vostre tres affectionée Ami, et tres humble Serviteur. THE SAME IN ENGLISH. My Lord Ambassador, my Son: Seeing that your Excellency makes and treats of Marriages, not only betwixt the Princes of France and England, but also betwixt their languages (for you have caused my book of the Advancement of Learning to be translated into French), I was much inclined to make you a present of the last book which I published, and which I had in readiness for you. I was sometimes in doubt whether I ought to have sent it to you, because it was written in the English tongue. But now, for that very reason, I send it to you. It is a recompilement of my Essays Moral and Civil; but in such manner enlarged and enriched both in number and weight, that it is in effect a new work. I kiss your hands, and remain your most affectionate friend and most humble servant, &c.
Of the translation of the Essays into Latin, Bacon speaks in the following letter:—
“To Mr. Tobie Mathew: It is true my labors are now most set to have those works which I had formerly published, as that of Advancement of Learning, that of Henry VII., that of the Essays, being retractate and made more perfect, well translated into Latin by the help of some good pens which forsake me not. For these modern languages will, at one time or other, play the bankrupt with books; and since I have lost much time with this age, I would be glad, as God shall give me leave, to recover it with posterity. For the Essay of Friendship, while I took your speech of it for a cursory request, I took my promise for a compliment. But since you call for it, I shall perform it.”
In his letter to Father Fulgentio, giving some account of his writings, he says:—
“The Novum Organum should immediately follow; but my moral and political writings step in between as being more finished. These are, the History of King Henry VII., and the small book, which, in your language, you have called Saggi Morali, but I give it a graver title, that of Sermones Fideles, or Interiora Rerum, and these Essays will not only be enlarged in number, but still more in substance.”
The nature of the Latin edition | 6,086 |
27. Albers KM, Zhang XL, Diges CM, Schwartz ES, Yang CI, Davis BM, Gold MS (2014) Artemin growth factor increases nicotinic cholinergic receptor subunit expression and activity in nociceptive sensory neurons. Mol Pain 10:31. doi:10.1186/1744-8069-10-31
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33. Finlay-Schultz J, Canastar A, Short M, El Gazzar M, Coughlan C, Leonard S (2011) Transcriptional repression of the alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit gene (CHRNA7) by activating protein-2alpha (AP-2alpha). J Biol Chem 286(49):42123–42132. doi:10.1074/jbc.M111.276014
34. Kihara T, Shimohama S, Sawada H, Honda K, Nakamizo T, Shibasaki H, Kume T, Akaike A (2001) alpha 7 nicotinic receptor transduces signals to phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase to block A beta-amyloid-induced neurotoxicity. J Biol Chem 276(17):13541–13546. doi:10.1074/jbc.M008035200
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36. Kannan P, Buettner R, Chiao PJ, Yim SO, Sarkiss M, Tainsky MA (1994) N-ras oncogene causes AP-2 transcriptional self-interference, which leads to transformation. Genes Dev 8(11):1258–1269
37. Gu Z, Lamb PW, Yakel JL (2012) Cholinergic coordination of presynaptic and postsynaptic activity induces timing-dependent hippocampal synaptic plasticity. J Neurosci 32(36):12337–12348. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2129-12.2012
38. Kawamata J, Shimohama S (2011) Stimulating nicotinic receptors trigger multiple pathways attenuating cytotoxicity in models of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. J Alzheimers Dis 24(Suppl 2):95–109. doi:10.3233/JAD-2011-110173
39. Mozayan M, Chen MF, Si M, Chen PY, Premkumar LS, Lee TJ (2006) Cholinesterase inhibitor blockade and its prevention by statins of sympathetic alpha7-nAChR-mediated cerebral nitrergic neurogenic vasodilation. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 26(12):1562–1576. doi:10.1038/sj.jcbfm.9600310
40. Si ML, Long C, Yang DI, Chen MF, Lee TJ (2005) Statins prevent beta | 6,087 |
general, but some bone remains, including the two individuals included in this study, date back to more recent times, namely the early post-Khazar and the late Golden Horde periods. Sintashta is a late Bronze Age archeological site located in Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia, and is associated with the eponymous Sintashta culture. This site includes five cemeteries and no less than 40 graves. The horse samples Sintashta_NB44_3577 and Sintashta_NB45_3577 were recovered from grave number 19, together with a chariot and two other horses. Individual PotapovkaI_1_3900 was sampled from the left mandible of mare excavated from Kurgan 3 of the settlement of Potapovka I, by the Sok River, in the Samara region, Russia. This site is associated with the Bronze Age Potapovka culture and has revealed a large number of pieces of metalwork. The horse skull was placed over the body of a decapitated woman, potentially as an offering. The city of Sayanagorsk in the Republic of Khakassiya is located in the south part of the Minusinsk basin at the left bank of the Sayan Mountains. Sample Sayangorsk_Rus41_2677 originates from the right tibia of a horse which was unearthed during the excavations from the site Ai-Dai 1 (mound 3, grave 1). This site is associated with the Tagar culture (7th to 2nd centuries BCE) in South Siberia, which was preceded by the Karasuk culture.
Slovakia (Sebastovce) Individual Sebastovce_131_1317 was sampled from a tooth, excavated from the medieval Avarian_Slavonic cemetery of Šebastovce, Slovakia, dating back to the C7th–C8th.
Spain (Camino de las Yeseras, Cantorella, Capote, El Acequión, Els Vilars) rd and the 2nd millennia BCE. Domestic structures such as hut pits have been associated with both pre-Beaker phase and Bell-Beaker culture. Because of its remarkable size and strategic location - near rivers and flint mines, it is thought to have played a major role in central Iberia ( Blasco et al., 2011 Blasco C.
Rios P.
Liesau C. Yacimientos calcolíticos con campaniforme de la región de Madrid: nuevos estudios. 2, with more than 50 adjunct structures and a stratigraphy of about 2 m. One of the excavated units yielded 1772 faunal remains, including both domestic and wild animals. The horse CaminoDeLasYeseras_CdY2_4678 was excavated from the central area of the site and radiocarbon dated to 2,861-2,496 BCE, which is associated with the Pre-Bell-Beaker phase of the site ( Liesau, 2017 Liesau C. Fauna in Living and Funerary Contexts of the 3rd Millennium BC in Central Iberia. The large settlement of Camino de las Yeseras, located in San Fernando de Henares, Madrid, Spain, was occupied between the beginning of the 3and the 2millennia BCE. Domestic structures such as hut pits have been associated with both pre-Beaker phase and Bell-Beaker culture. Because of its remarkable size and strategic location - near rivers and flint mines, it is thought to have played a major role in central Iberia (). The central area of Camino de las Yeseras is a big structure with a sunken floor of circa 600 m, with more than 50 adjunct structures and a stratigraphy of about 2 m. One of the excavated units yielded 1772 faunal remains, including both domestic and wild animals. The horse CaminoDeLasYeseras_CdY2_4678 was excavated from the central area of the site and radiocarbon dated to 2,861-2,496 BCE, which is associated with the Pre-Bell-Beaker phase of the site (). Abad et al., 2011 Abad Ò.E.
i Garra A.M.
Bieto E.T. Cantorella (Maldà, Urgell), un nou assentament a l’aire lliure del neolític final-calcolític i del bronze ple a la vall del Corb. The Cantorella settlement is situated in the Corb valley, Catalonia, Spain, discovered in March 2010 and dated to 3,670-1,800 BCE. It was inhabited twice in prehistory, once during the Final Neolithic - chalcolithic and | 6,088 |
« Are our tools making us dumber? | Main | The best user manuals EVER »
Too many companies are like bad marriages
It's been said that the secret to a good marriage is... don't change. In other words, be the person you were when you were merely dating. Don't stop paying attention. Don't stop being kind. Don't gain 50 pounds. Don't stop flirting. Stay passionate, stay sexy, stay caring. Answer their calls. Unfortunately, too many companies are all candle-lit dinners, fine wine, and "let's talk about you" until the deal is sealed. Once they have you (i.e. you became a paying customer), you realize you got a bait-and-switch relationship.
This is such a big bowl of wrong. I don't understand this in personal relationships, and I don't understand it in business-to-customer relationships. Shouldn't you treat the people you're in a relationship with better than you treat anyone else? Shouldn't you treat your existing customers better than the ones who've given you nothing?
Most companies would never outsource their sales reps, but we all know what happens with most tech support.
Most companies would never make a brochure with the same (lack of) quality in the product manual.
Most companies would never make their main website as uninviting as the tech support site.
If we want passionate users, we should take a lesson from successful marriages and keep the spark alive. Just because they're now a "sure thing" doesn't mean we take them for granted.
Besides, if we shift that marketing and ad budget from pre-sales to post-sales, we won't have to worry about getting new customers. Our loyal, cared-for customers will take care of that.
Posted by Kathy on February 24, 2007 | Permalink
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» Essence of CRM from J's Blog
I've read a lot of books and papers on CRM. All complicated theories on how to combine business strategies with analytical workflow applications, that are all focused on customer retention. Today Kathy explained it to me in plain english and clear... [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 25, 2007 1:45:59 AM
» Before and after from Johnnie Moore's Weblog
Kathy Sierra's visual aids are as good as ever.... [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 25, 2007 3:39:49 AM
» Customer Service: Before and After from CustomersAreAlways
Just like Kathy Sierra, I find it interesting that companies treat their existing customers like bad stepchildren while they woo potential customers with fancy discounts, bling bling, and what-not. Its seems like many big name compa... [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 25, 2007 7:23:56 PM
» Teveel bedrijven zijn als een slecht huwelijk from Enthousiasmeren
Kathie Sierra van Creating passionate users gebruikt sprekende afbeeldingen bij haar artikelen. In het artikel Too many companies are like bad marriages verteld ze over de ervaring als gebruiker voordat je het product hebt gekocht en de ervaring na de... [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 26, 2007 3:56:34 AM
» Companies Are Like Bad Marriages from Empty Notebook
Kathy Sierra hit the nail on the head again, this time talking about how so many companies are like bad marriages. Her visuals are funny, as usual, so check out the article. I wonder why companies behave like that so much. Maybe when a company is big,... [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 26, 2007 8:21:38 AM
» Kathy Sierras bad marriage metaphor dead on for employees, too from More than a living
You dont need me to sit here and prattle on, yet again, about how much of a genius Kathy Sierra is. If you do, Id be happy to do that. But I wont until you ask. (Maybe Im just tittering on about her, this time, because we bo... [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 26, 2007 8:30:58 AM
» Love your customers! from Eric Barnes
As a business owner it is always important to remember that it costs more to get a new customer than to service the ones you | 6,089 |
de Director Técnico. Ferdinand no pudo resistir la tentación y a sus 31 años de edad aceptó el cargo.
Ferdinand Porsche abuelo, Ferdinand Alexander (derecha) y Ferdinand Piëch
Los siguientes años los pasó perfeccionando los diseños existentes de la firma, hasta que Porsche recibió el llamado para ayudar a su país. Corría el año de 1911, y Europa había comenzado a armarse para la inminente Primera Guerra Mundial. Muy pronto, Ferdinand se vio construyendo aviones y dirigibles equipados con motores potentes y ligeros.
En 1917, recibió un doctorado honorario en ingeniería, de parte de la Universidad Técnica de Viena. De esta forma, Herr Doktor Porsche, director ejecutivo de Austro-Daimler, había logrado el reconocimiento académico, y a partir de entonces, Porsche, orgulloso de este título, siempre lo incluyó junto a su nombre.
Luego de pasar por diversas empresas, Porsche abrió su propio taller en Stuttgart
El fin de la Primera Guerra Mundial sólo trajo a Alemania la derrota, la ruina económica y el término del imperio. Porsche ahora trabajaba en una república de importancia secundaria, denominada Austria. Además, la guerra tuvo otras repercusiones, porque ahora Maffersdorf, su tierra natal, pertenecía a Checoslovaquia, y él era ciudadano de ese país.
Luego de su paso por Daimler, Porsche trabajó en Steyr Works, una compañía de Viena, que al terminar la guerra había dejado de fabricar armas y ahora empezaba a ensamblar autos
Finalmente, el 1 de enero de 1931, Porsche abrió su taller en Stuttgart. Eligió esta ciudad porque era el corazón de la industria automotriz alemana, en la que había muchas fábricas de refacciones, talleres de máquinas y herramientas. El rótulo de su despacho (que parecía ser una invitación para todo el mundo) decía: “Doctor en ingeniería (honoris causa) Ferdinand Porsche S.A., Despacho de construcción para la fabricación de motores, vehículos motorizados, aviones y barcos”. En alemán: Dr. Ing., h.c. F. Porsche G.m.b.H., Konstruktionsbüro für Motoren-, Farhzeug-, Luftfahrzeug- y Wasserfahrzeugbau.
Ferdinand Porsche al volante del Austro-Daimler que le concedió la victoria en la carrera Prinz-Heinrich en 1910
Tal y como resultaron las cosas a los 55 años de Ferdinand Porsche, su incursión en los negocios por su cuenta, con “Porsche Engineering Office” fundada en Stuttgart (Alemania) en 1931, resultaría crucial para el futuro de Volkswagen. A partir de este punto, sus diseños para el carro comenzaron a tomar forma, aunque de una manera espasmódica.
No obstante, los eventos se estaban moviendo rápidamente para impulsar al diseñador a formar una “sociedad socialista” con Adolfo Hitler, quien podía adoptar u obtener los fondos necesarios para su sueño de construir un auto que pusiera al pueblo nazi sobre ruedas.
Mientras llegaba ese momento, Porsche creó dos antecesores del Volkswagen para dos diferentes fabricantes de automóviles, aunque ninguno de ellos cristalizó como él deseaba.
| 6,090 |
ão atingidos por meio de lutas e revoluções. Quando a totalidade do poder se concentra na mão de apenas um governante soberano, todo o povo padece.
Ulysses Guimarães (1916 – 1992), político e advogado brasileiro e opositor à ditadura militar
Já segundo Ulysses Guimarães (1916 – 1992), “o poder não corrompe o homem; é o homem que corrompe o poder. O homem é o grande poluidor, da natureza, do próprio homem, do poder. Se o poder fosse corruptor, seria maldito e proscrito, o que acarretaria a anarquia”.
O que se nota é que, no decorrer da história da humanidade, o pensamento ético é inclinado de acordo com a vontade do governante ou do grupo de pessoas que governam. Nesse sentido, a ética é variável de acordo com o poder vigente na sociedade.
(5) “Many of the truths that we cling to depend on our point of view” (Muitas das verdades que temos dependem de nosso ponto de vista)
Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804), filósofo prussiano, considerado como o último grande filósofo dos princípios da era moderna
Para o filósofo Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804), a realidade não é aquilo que realmente é, mas ela é como nós a enxergamos, como se usássemos lentes que alteram a realidade de acordo com nossas percepções.
No entanto, como conceito relativista, a verdade é sempre a verdade sob um ponto de vista. Segundo o pensamento do Mestre Yoda, nossas verdades dependem de como nós a vemos.
O problema dessa concepção relativista, que encara a realidade como algo não absoluto, é que (em uma visão extremista desta premissa) nunca saberemos qual é, de fato, a verdadeira realidade. Nesse sentido a realidade está vulnerável à interpretação de cada indivíduo.
(6) “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering” (O medo é o caminho para o lado negro. O medo leva a raiva, a raiva leva ao ódio, o ódio leva ao sofrimento)
Para o filósofo Séneca (4 a.C. – 65), “uma ira desmedida acaba em loucura; por isso, evita a ira, para conservares não apenas o domínio de ti mesmo, mas também a tua própria saúde”.
Lúcio Aneu Séneca (4 a.C. – 65)
A filosofia de Séneca nos ensina a ter moderação e aceitar que não temos o controle de tudo que acontece e que aceitar este fato e tentar mudar as coisas que podemos mudar é essencial para termos tranquilidade. Quanto mais cedo entendermos isso, mais cedo alcançaremos a ataraxia (tranquilidade da alma), segundo Séneca.
Ainda segundo o filósofo “a maldade bebe a maior parte do veneno que produz”.
(7) “Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you?”(Tamanho importa não. Olhe para mim. Você julga a mim pelo tamanho?) Novamente vemos aqui a influência do Mito da Caverna, de | 6,091 |
erano stati lungamente a quello assedio, molti, o per disagio del campo o per paura d'infermità, avevano domandato e ottenuto licenza da lui[8].
After the Florentines had conquered this stronghold, after putting good guardians on it they were discussing among themselves how to proceed. For some of them it appeared most useful and necessary to reduce the army, more so as it was extremely stressed by disease and mala aria (bad air), and due to the long-lasting and difficult camps in unhealthy places during the autumn. They (the Florentines) further considered that the army was reduced in numbers due to the leave permits granted to many soldiers by the officers. In fact during the siege many soldiers had asked and obtained the permit to leave due to the camp hardships and fear of illness. (Translation into English by Paolo Arese, personal communication)
The Italian term “mal'aria” (bad air) was introduced into England 300 years later by Horace Walpole in a letter he wrote on 5 July, 1740: “There is a horrid thing called the malaria, that comes to Rome every summer, and kills one.”[9]. John MacCulloch introduced the word into the English scientific literature in 1827 [9]. However, Charles Laveran, the first to see the malarial organism in blood in 1893, intensely disliked the name malaria. He considered the term unscientific and vulgar, preferring the name “paludisme” (Latin: palus = swamp) which is still used in France today [10]. Currently, the use of the word malaria is restricted to the disease and its symptoms (and not its causative agent).
Perhaps in part due to the name of the disease, the aetiological concept of bad air prevailed until the latter part of the 19th Century. During his many travels, the journalist and African explorer Henry Morton Stanley (1857–1932) erected a glass screen on his boat, which he used for his trips on the Congo River, as protection against miasma [11].
Joannes Maria Lancisius
Appointed as physician to three Popes (Innocent XI, Innocent XII and Clement XI), Joannes Lancisius was one of the greatest physicians of his time. In his book De noxiis paludum effluviis, eorumque remediis (“On the noxious emanations of swamps, and their remedies”), he describes the transfer of deadly diseases by animals, noting that “Venenata animalia non occidunt vulnere, sed infuso per vulnus venetico liquido” (Venomous animals do not kill by injuries, but they inject a poisonous liquid through the wound) [12].
Lancisius strongly advocated the use of Cortex Peruvianus (Peruvian bark) for the treatment of periodic fever. Extracts of this bark had been used to treat malarial fever since the early 1600 s. However, the use of fine powder of Peruvian bark, mixed into French wine, was not without problems, and many physicians were not in favour of the use of the bark. In 1707, Anthony van Leeuwenhoek wrote to Heer van Wikhuysen, “This medicine is not to be used but with the utmost caution, for that otherwise it may be so prejudicial to the body, that tho the fever should be removed, the subsequent inconveniences may be worse than the disease itself''[13].
Neither of the eminent Italian physicians Giovanni Lancisi nor Francesco Torti used the term malaria. It remained a term used exclusively in Italian folk medicine.
Francesco Torti
In 1756, Francesco Torti defined a new standard of care for the use of Peruvian bark. Using a drawing of the Lignum Febrium tree, Torti used bark-covered branches to represent conditions for which cinchona was effective. Barkless, leafless branches were used to represent conditions for which cinchona was ineffective (Figure 2). His elegantly illustrated publication showed that only intermittent fevers were responsive to treatment with cinchona bark [14].
Figure 2 Torti Fever tree in the shape of a stylized cinchona plant. (Courtesy The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University). Full size image
Carl Linnaeus
Malaria has long been distinguished from other fevers in two aspects. First, malaria is associated with a unique and characteristic periodic fever, and second, only malaria is curable by quinine.
In 1735, Swedish botanist Carl Linnæus travelled to the University of Harderwijk in Holland where he earned his medical degree. His graduate thesis was entitled, “In | 6,092 |
augural thesis in medicine, in which a new hypothesis on the cause of intermittent fevers is presented. By the favour of God, three times the best and the greatest, submitted by Carolus Linnæus from Småland, Sweden, a Wredian scholar” [15].
In his 24-page, 84-chapter thesis, Linnæus compared different regions of Sweden and found clay and intermittent fevers to be geographically connected. He concluded that very small clay particles were responsible for the symptoms of the disease, and proposed that intermittent fevers originated in – and only in – places with clay-rich soil:
24. Frigus non est causa vera, quia: Rarissima est Febrium intermittentium in frigidissimis terrae. (Cold is not the true cause, since intermittent fever is very rare in the coldest parts of the country.)
38. α. Argilla in Uplandia & quidem circa Stockholmiam Upsaliamque, ut & in campis Scaniæ frequentissima est, ubi etiam febres intermitt. fræquentissimæ. (α. Clay is very common in Uppland, around Stockholm and Uppsala as well as in the fields of Skåne, where intermittent fevers are most frequent.)
Further in his thesis, he wrote:
77. α. China de qua medici omnes videndi; Tinct. Chin æ fuit arcanum maxime exclamatum. γ. Artemisia, Centaurium & Gentiana, nec non Nux vomica, quatenus amara, agunt. (α. Quinine is known to all physicians. Tinct. Chinæ is a very important and trustworthy remedy. γ. Artemisia, Centaurium & Gentiana, but not Strychnos nux vomica, because they are bitter, are effective.)
The drug quinine is extracted from the bark of a tree now known as the Cinchona tree [16]. In 1742, Linnæus named the genus of this tree in his seminal textbook Genera Plantarum[17]. In the second revised and enlarged edition, 1,021 plant genera were listed, including, as the last entry, the newly described Cinchona genus (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Linnæus’ listing of the Cinchona genus. (Courtesy Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München). Full size image
Albert Freeman Africanus King
In 1851, in his address to the Medical Society of North Carolina, Charles E Johnson refuted the doctrine of the miasmatic origin of malaria. As evidence, he pointed to the “sickly” constitution of the residents of Gibraltar, a town built on a bed of dry red sand with no ponds or marshes to furnish the decomposing vegetable matter necessary for the generation of miasma. In addition, he noted that no chemical analysis or microscopic investigation had ever been able to identify miasma, and that air composition was always found to be 78 parts nitrogen, 21 parts oxygen, and one part carbonic acid [18].
By 1883, the American physician, Albert Freeman Africanus King, had assembled 19 facts in support of the mosquito as the origin of malarial disease [19]:
1 Malaria is most common in areas (swamps, fens, jungles, marshes, etc.) where mosquitoes are endemic; 2 Malaria is most common at temperatures conducive to mosquito growth; 3 Malaria does not occur at cold temperatures; 4 Malaria is most common in equatorial and coastal regions; 5 Malaria occurs frequently in areas of dense foliage; 6 Forests may obstruct malaria transmission; 7 Malaria may spread to areas that are miles away; 8 Malaria may spread to previously unaffected places when soil is excavated; 9 A large body of water may prevent the spread of malaria; 10 Previously malarial countries, when cleared up, may become free of disease; 11 The threat of malaria is greatest near the surface of the earth; 12 Malaria transmission is greatest during the night; 13 The danger of acquiring malaria is greater after sleeping in the night air; 14 Fire protects against malaria; 15 City air has a protective effect against malaria; 16 Malaria is most prevalent in later summer and fall; 17 Malaria is arrested by canvas curtains, gauze veils, and mosquito nets; 18 Malaria affects infants much less frequently than adults; and 19 Of all human races the white is most susceptible to marsh-fevers, the black least so;
Johann Heinrich Meckel
Few families have had such an impact on medicine as the Meckel family, which for four generations contributed greatly to anatomy, pathology and the biological sciences. The last member of the Meckel lineage, Johann Heinrich | 6,093 |
Ross deduced that the pigment was causally related to malaria [27].
Figure 6 Ross’ Diary and Notes of Researches on Malaria, Book I, page 107. (Courtesy Archives Service, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine). Full size image
Robert Koch
Koch, whose prime quest was tuberculosis control, began malaria fieldwork in 1897. In his African studies he found that in some malaria-ridden villages, all children had malaria and splenomegaly, but as the children grew, the splenomegaly disappeared, and their blood no longer contained the parasites in demonstrable numbers. Eventually, the children became immune to malaria. He favoured the mosquito-borne theory based on concepts he developed during a visit to India in 1883. Koch describes the origins of his theory briefly in a letter he wrote to his Cambridge colleague GHF Nuttall in 1898 (Figure 7) [28]:
Berlin Northwest Charitéstr 1
d. 14ten Nov. 1898
Hochgeehrter Herr Kollege!
Der Gedanke, dass die Stechmücke in der Ätiologie der Malaria eine wesentliche, möglicherweise die einzige Rolle spielt, kam mir bei meinem ersten Aufenthalt in Indien 1883/84, als ich zum ersten Mal die Verhältnisse, unter denen die tropische Malaria gedeiht, und exquisite Malariagegende kennen lernte. Seitdem habe ich mich immer in diesem Sinn, namentlich auch in meinen Vorträgen und Kursen, ausgesprochen. Selbst veröffentlicht habe ich bis vor kurzem darüber nichts, aber R. Pfeiffer erwähnt es in seinem: Beiträge zur Protozoenforschung Berlin 1892, S. 22.
HochachtungsvollR Koch
Berlin Northwest Charitéstr 1
November 14th, 1898
Highly honoured Colleague!
The idea that mosquitoes play an important, possiblythe only part in the aetiology of malaria, came to meduring my first sojourn in India in 1883/84, when forthe first time I came to know the conditions underwhich tropical malaria flourishes and came to knowexquisite malarious regions. Since then, I have alwaysexpressed this view, especially in my lectures andcourses. Until recently I have not published anythingabout this subject, but R. Pfeiffer mentions it in his: Beiträge zur Protozoenforschung, Berlin, 1892, S. 22.
HochachtungsvollR Koch
Figure 7 Letter from R Koch to G Nuttall. Full size image
Giovanni Battista Grassi
Giovanni Battista Grassi, an Italian zoologist, scientifically distinguished different species of mosquitoes. In 1898, he unequivocally identified Anopheles claviger (syn A. maculipennis) (Greek anofelís: good-for-nothing) as the sole vector of malaria in Italy [29].
Patrick Manson
Patrick Manson, a Scottish physician, realized that the exflagellation described by Laveran could not take place within the bloodstream, but only when the parasite was outside of the human body, exposed to moisture and a lower temperature, such as within the stomach of some insects. Manson’s malaria theory consisted of two parts: the metamorphosis of the “flagella” occurs in the mosquito’s stomach and the liberated flagella enters drinking water. The second part of his theory – which stated that drinking contaminated water was the reason for getting malaria – turned out to be completely wrong [27].
In 1900, Manson provided convincing, if disturbing, experimental proof of the role played by mosquitoes in the propagation of malarial fevers. On 29 September, Manson reported a positive infection experiment using Anopheles mosquitoes imported from Rome. The journey from Rome to London lasted about three and a half days, and most of the mosquitoes arrived in London alive and in good condition. The insects were permitted to bite the fingers and hands of Manson’s healthy, 23-year-old son, Patrick Thurburn Manson, who had never suffered from malaria, and who had not been abroad since the age of three. He passed through a sharp attack of double benign tertian fever malaria about 14 days later. Quinine was administered and the young Manson soon returned to good health [30].
According to Manson, these experiments plainly indicated that the practical | 6,094 |
*Für Deutsch, sehe unten…
Living in northen Germany can be quite a challenge between the months of October-March for those people (like me) whos good mood and energy depend on the light and sun. There are so many pros points which made me choose the nordic way of life though, despite the absence of the sunny days as a majority. And I wont lie, I am quite dependent on the sun and light to feel good. Are you as well?
During the dark cold months, I look more than ever for inspiring deko object and art which bring color therapie to the winter blues syndrom. Sure we can just travel to a sunny place to recharge our energy, but how can we find this energy in a creative way, through art and design?
To answer this question I am so happy to discover the healing colors in the digital, photography art „Minimal Pure“ by Feridun Akgüngör His philosophy behind this art conveys exactly that – art has a power to give us through visualisation, the feeling we crave for. Feridun thinks of the sky as an empty canvas. Depending on our imagination we then are free to shape and color it the way we like. I watched the gray skyline of a city during a rainy day and all I was imagining is beautiful shades of blue as a contrast to this monochrome landscape. Exactly this though I found while looking at the „Minimal Pure“ art collection.
Which colors and work of art give you the inspiration during gray weather days?
Please leave your comments below.
Find Feridun Akgüngör on:
Behance: https://www.behance.net/elmomaclroy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mr.maclroy
Wohnen im nördlichen Deutschland kann zwischen den Monaten Oktober und März durchaus eine Herausforderung sein. Besonders für jene Leute (wie mich) deren gute Stimmung und Energie von Licht und Sonne abhängen. Also bitte nicht falsch verstehen – es gibt so viele „Pluspunkte“ für mich, den nordischen Weg des Lebens zu wählen, trotz der Abwesenheit von den sonnigen Tagen in der kalten Jahreszeit. Aber ich werde nicht lügen, ich bin von der Sonne und Licht einfach abhängig um mich rundum wohlzufühlen. Sind Sie auch?
Was also tun? Während den dunklen kalten Monaten schaue ich umso mehr nach inspirierenden Dekos und Kunst mit hellen, leuchtenden Farben, um dem Winterblues eine Farbtherapie entgegenzustellen. Sicher können wir an sonnige Orte reisen, um unsere Energie wieder aufzutanken, aber wer hat schon so viel Zeit und Geld? Warum also bauen wir diese Energie nicht auf eine kreative Art und Weise auf, durch Kunst und Design?
Gesagt, gefunden! Ich bin so glücklich, solch heilenden Farben in der digitalen Fotografie / Kunst von Feridun Akgüngör’s „Minimal Pure” entdeckt zu haben. Seine Philosophie hinter der Kunst erzählt genau das – denn Kunst hat eine Möglichkeit in sich, uns durch Visualisierung das Gefühl nachdem wir uns sehnen, zu schenken. Feridun denkt an den Himmel als eine leere Leinwand. Je nach unserer Vorstellung haben wir die Freiheit, dieser die Form und Farbe zu geben, die wir uns wünschen. So sah ich eine graue Skyline einer Stadt an einem regnerischem Tag und alles, was ich mir vorgestellt habe, war eine schöne Schattierungen von Blau als Kontrast zu dieser monochromen Landschaft. Genau das, fand ich | 6,095 |
ना लगा दिया जाये।
Stephen Hawking स्टीफन हॉकिंग
Quote 5:
In English: Many people find the universe confusing – it’s not.
In Hindi: कई लोगों को ब्रह्माण्ड कन्फ़्यूजिंग लगता है ऐसा नहीं है।
Stephen Hawking स्टीफन हॉकिंग
Quote 6:
In English: There is nothing bigger or older than the universe.
In Hindi: ब्रह्मांड से बड़ा या पुराना कुछ भी नहीं।
Stephen Hawking स्टीफन हॉकिंग
Quote 7:
In English: Computers double their performance every month.
In Hindi: कंप्यूटर हर महीने अपना प्रदर्शन दोगुना करते जाते हैं।
Stephen Hawking स्टीफन हॉकिंग
Quote 8:
In English: I don’t want to write an autobiography because I would become public property with no privacy left.
In Hindi: मैं अपनी आत्मकथा नहीं लिखना चाहता क्योंकि मैं एक सार्वजानिक संपत्ति बन जाऊंगा और मेरी कोई प्राइवेसी नहीं रहेगी।
Stephen Hawking स्टीफन हॉकिंग
Quote 9:
In English: Why are we here? Where do we come from? Traditionally, these are questions for philosophy, but philosophy is dead.
In Hindi: हम यहां क्यों हैं? हम कहां से आते हैं? परंपरागत रूप से, ये फिलोसोफी के सवाल हैं, लेकिन फिलोसोफी मर चुकी है।
Stephen Hawking स्टीफन हॉकिंग
Quote 10:
In English: My first popular book, ‘A Brief History of Time,’ aroused a great deal of interest, but many found it difficult to understand.
In Hindi: मेरी पहली लोकप्रिय किताब, ‘अ ब्रीफ � | 6,096 |
Are you ready for more ENTITIES?
EDIT: Seahorse thing major fix
화염 LV3
①: 1턴에 1번, 이 카드가 상대 몬스터와 전투를 실행하는 데미지 계산시에 발동할 수 있다. 패/덱에서 야수족/야수전사족/비행야수족 몬스터 1장을 묘지로 보내고, 이 카드의 공격력은 배틀 페이즈 종료시까지, 묘지로 보낸 그 몬스터의 레벨 x 100 올린다.
Fire Beast-Warrior / Effect
LV3 1500/200
(1) Once per turn, if this card battles an opponent’s monster, during damage calculation: You can send 1 Beast, Beast-Warrior, or Winged Beast-Type monster from your hand or Deck to the Graveyard, and if you do, this card gains 100 ATK x the Level of the sent monster, until the end of the Battle Phase.
땅 LV4
①: 이 카드는 전투로는 파괴되지 않는다. ②: 이 카드가 공격 대상으로 선택되었을 경우에 발동한다. 이 카드의 공격력/수비력은 1000 올린다. ③: 이 카드가 공격한 데미지 계산 후에 발동한다. 이 카드의 ②의 효과로 올린 수치는 0으로 되돌아간다.
Dinosewing (?)
Earth Fiend / Effect
LV4 0/0
(1) Cannot be destroyed by battle. (2) If this card is targeted for an attack: It gains 1000 ATK and DEF. (3) After damage calculation, if this card attacked: The increase from this card’s (2) effect becomes 0.
물 LV7
이 카드는 환룡족 몬스터의 효과로밖에 특수 소환할 수 � | 6,097 |
California State Prison Corcoran een ongelooflijk gebrek aan administratief toezicht is.
De pijnlijke en bestraffende manier van de toepassing van de regels en de voorschriften op de heer Manson is een voortdurende kwestie bij CSP Corcoran; nu dramatisch geïllustreerd door het urenlange gebruik van een vastbindsysteem met acht klemmen op de 82-jarige Manson, dit tijdens zijn meest recente medische procedure.
In de voorschriften van de CDCR staat dat het bij wet verboden is voor het personeel of het administratief personeel, die immers worden betaald en ondersteund door ons eigen belastinggeld, om op corrupte of hardhandige wijze middelen toe te passen.
Het publiek en de wereldwijde media worden hierbij nogmaals op de hoogte gesteld dat bepaalde medewerkers van de CSP zich achter een schijnheilig masker verschuilen om de heer Manson onrechtmatig te straffen en het hem lastig te maken.
CM behoort tot een kleine groep in de gevangenis met buitengewone kwalificaties en privileges, maar wordt toch 24 uur per dag in een cel in de medische vleugel van de gevangenis vastgehouden. Zijn enige mogelijkheid om zijn cel te verlaten, is wanneer hij per dag een uur lang 'alleen’ in een afgesloten betonnen ruimte mag lopen.
Zowel internationale als Amerikaanse vrienden en supporters van Charles Manson eisen nu dat deze discriminerende behandeling onmiddellijk wordt gestopt.
Om te voorkomen dat er weer een Federaal paneelonderzoek wordt uitgevoerd, dat de laatste keer dat het bijeengeroepen werd de ziekenhuisvergunning van CSP Corcoran consequent wegens meerdere zaken van nalatige effectieve patiëntenzorg had ingetrokken, moet de administratie van CSP onmiddellijk met het pesten en de discriminatie van de heer Manson en de onophoudende onverschilligheid ten aanzien van zijn behandeling, zijn rechten en zijn vereisten, stoppen.
It has once again become apparent that there is a scandalous lack of administrative oversight at California State Prison Corcoran, with regards to the daily care, well-being, and medical treatment of Charles Manson. The application of rules and regulations in a torturous and punitive manner against Mr. Manson has been a continuing issue at CSP Corcoran; now illustrated dramatically by the hours-long use of an eight point strap-restraint tie down on the 82-year-old Manson, during his most recent medical procedure. The regulations in place for the CDCR are prohibited by law from being applied in a corrupt or punitive fashion by any staff or administration personnel, who, after all, are paid and supported by our own tax dollars. The public and the worldwide media are hereby notified once again, that certain CSP staff are hiding behind a false "good guy" mask in order to illegally punish and harass Mr. Manson. CM has the highest inmate privilege-group rating, but is being kept in a cell in the prison medical wing 24 hours a day. His only option for leaving his cell is a one hour "walk alone" outside, on a fenced concrete pad. Friends and supporters of Charles Manson, both international and American, are now demanding that this discriminatory treatment be halted immediately. In order to avoid another Federal oversight-panel investigation, which consequentially revoked CSP Corcoran's hospital license due to multiple lapses in effective patient care the last time it convened: CSP administration must immediately stop all harassment and discrimination against Mr. Manson, and cease any callous indifference towards his treatment, rights, and requirements. Click the links below for opportunity to sign petitions in support or this statement: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/353/ | 6,098 |
</ul> <p>
9. Update your users controller to attach the files:
# POST /users # POST /users.json def create @user = User. new ( user_params ) avatar = params [ :user ][ :avatar ] documents = params [ :user ][ :documents ] respond_to do | format | if @user. save if avatar @user. avatar. attach ( avatar ) end if documents @user. documents. attach ( documents ) end format. html { redirect_to @user, notice: 'User was successfully created.' } format. json { render :show, status: :created, location: @user } else format. html { render :new } format. json { render json: @user. errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end # PATCH/PUT /users/1 # PATCH/PUT /users/1.json def update avatar = params [ :user ][ :avatar ] documents = params [ :user ][ :documents ] respond_to do | format | if @user. update ( user_params ) if avatar @user. avatar. attach ( avatar ) end if documents @user. documents. attach ( documents ) end format. html { redirect_to @user, notice: 'User was successfully updated.' } format. json { render :show, status: :ok, location: @user } else format. html { render :edit } format. json { render json: @user. errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end
10. Restart your application. You should now be able to add avatars and documents to users, and retrieve them via the show view.
Active Storage with Amazon Web Services Storage
Moving along, here's how to move your Active Storage files over to Amazon S3:
1. Create a new branch of code, starting from the local branch so that you already have the basics:
git checkout -b aws
2. Sign in to your AWS account and go to your S3 management console (the URL will be something like https://console.aws.amazon.com/s3/home?region=us-west-2# depending on your region).
3. Create a new bucket (for this tutorial, I'll use gstroop-production ). Grant public read access to the bucket.
4. Retrieve the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key for your AWS account. Better yet, create a new pair just for this application.
5. Update your config/storage.yml file with a configuration stanza for Amazon:
amazon : service : S3 access_key_id : **************** secret_access_key : ********************************************* region : us-west-2 bucket : gstroop-production
NOTE: Obviously, you need to keep those keys confidential. Don't check them into a public repository, for example. You can use the Rails secrets file to store them, or whatever other mechanism you prefer for production secrets.
6. Update your development.rb file to use the Amazon storage:
config. active_storage. service = :amazon
7. Add the AWS SDK gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'aws-sdk'
8. Install the gem:
bundle install
9. Restart the application. You should now be able to add user avatars and documents, and have then stored in the S3 bucket that you configured.
Active Storage with Google Cloud Platform Storage
You can also store your Active Storage files on Google Cloud Platform:
1. Create a new branch of code, starting from the local branch so that you already have the basics:
git checkout -b gcs
2. Sign in to your Google Cloud Platform account and go to your console (the URL will be something like https://console.cloud.google.com/home/dashboard).
3. You need to create a new project, and then a storage bucket inside of the project. Record the names for both so you can add them to your storage.yml file.
4. You'll need to use GCS's API Manager to create credentials for your new bucket. Create a set of credentials that use the Google Cloud Datastore API. Download your credentials as JSON and store a copy of the file in your project at config/gcs.json.
NOTE: Obviously, you need to keep the keys in this file confidential. Don't check them into a public repository, for example. Manage it the same way you manage your database.yml or other files containing confidential information.
5. Update your storage.yml file with a configuration stanza for Google:
google : service : GCS project : ********* *- ****** keyfile : <% | 6,099 |
Subsets and Splits