stringlengths 2
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int64 0
an unsuccessful attempt at a movie of ideas . | 0 |
Megpróbálni megfejteni a Vidéki Medve univerzum szabályait -- mikor a medvék medvésen viselkednek és olyanok mint az emberek, csak szőrösebbek -- Einstein agyát is lefárasztaná. | 0 |
point and purpose | 1 |
sappy situations and dialogue | 0 |
the results are far more alienating than involving . | 0 |
the same way goodall did , with a serious minded patience , respect and affection | 1 |
sad | 0 |
Jaz nisem takšen navdušenec, bolj delim mnenje z gospodom Dobovškom v zvezi s to avtentično razlago. | 2 |
is n't as weird as it ought to be | 0 |
Free Software" in dostopen internet brezplačen za vse, je prioriteta na področju storitev informacijske družbe. | 2 |
frailty '' offers chills much like those that you get when sitting around a campfire around midnight , telling creepy stories to give each other the willies . | 1 |
tolerable-to-adults | 0 |
Resolucijo sprejemam, amandmajev ne bom podprl in s tem je za mene zadeva ad acta. | 0 |
exhilarating | 1 |
a snore and utter tripe | 0 |
over the years , hollywood has crafted a solid formula for successful animated movies , and ice age only improves on it , with terrific computer graphics , inventive action sequences and a droll sense of humor . | 1 |
a world of hurt | 0 |
Olyan, mint a Baader-Meinhof banda Nagy borzongás című filmjének újraalkotása, csak ezek a fickók ártalmatlanabb tréfamesterek, mint politikai aktivisták. | 2 |
there might be some sort of credible gender-provoking philosophy submerged here , but who the hell cares ? | 0 |
cheap , | 0 |
Ali bodo ta naša veteranska združenja dobila v letošnjem letu denar za svoje delovanje? | 2 |
's not very good either . | 0 |
shindler | 1 |
Nužno je osigurati mobilne timove palijativne skrbi na razini primarne zdravstvene zaštite koju će uz patronažnu službu i zdravstvenu njegu u kući biti ključni u organizaciji skrbi za palijativne bolesnike. | 2 |
to cut a swathe through mainstream hollywood | 1 |
Kolegice Azra, ja sam veoma, veoma skoncentrisan, a priznao sam trenutak kada nisam bio skoncentrisan. | 1 |
serving sara should be served an eviction notice at every theater stuck with it . | 0 |
this is as lax and limp a comedy as i 've seen in a while , a meander through worn-out material . | 0 |
fake , dishonest , entertaining and , ultimately , more perceptive moment | 0 |
exploiting molestation for laughs | 0 |
truths | 1 |
gets under the skin of a man we only know as an evil , monstrous lunatic | 0 |
... a sour little movie at its core ; an exploration of the emptiness that underlay the relentless gaiety of the 1920 's ... the film 's ending has a `` what was it all for ? '' | 0 |
elegant entertainment | 1 |
Musím říci, že vaši úředníci pracují skvěle, za to je musím pochválit. | 1 |
musical passion | 1 |
Každý si hned udělá obrázek, kde má volič šanci reálně uplatnit svůj hlas a kde propadne, nemluvě samozřejmě také o kandidátech na některých kandidátních listinách. | 2 |
brian tufano 's handsome widescreen photography and paul grabowsky 's excellent music | 1 |
did n't offer an advance screening | 0 |
the actors pick up the slack | 1 |
a blast of adrenalin | 1 |
generic | 0 |
provide an intense experience when splashed across the immense imax screen . | 1 |
more grueling and time-consuming | 0 |
but not without cheesy fun factor . | 1 |
Zlo totalitarizmov lahko zameji le prostor političnega delovanja, ki ga omogoča zmožnost državljanov, da politično delujejo. | 2 |
a hint of humor | 1 |
hastily written | 0 |
satisfaction | 1 |
they 're stuck with a script that prevents them from firing on all cylinders | 0 |
, almost every relationship and personality in the film yields surprises . | 1 |
an intelligent person | 1 |
a penetrating , potent exploration | 1 |
A filmes utalásokkal telezsúfolt filmek kétségtelenül élvezhetőek, de a szórakozás elkopik - aztán kimerül - amikor semmi más nem történik. | 0 |
Egy vicces kis film okos beszélgetésekkel és szerethető karakterekkel. | 1 |
peels layers | 1 |
To, kar se je dogajalo v zadnjih petih letih, je katastrofa. | 0 |
lack contrast , | 0 |
the proverbial paint dry | 0 |
... a quietly introspective portrait of the self-esteem of employment and the shame of losing a job | 1 |
through contrived plot points | 0 |
's this rich and luscious | 1 |
after only three films , director/co-writer jacques audiard , though little known in this country , belongs in the very top rank of french filmmakers | 1 |
's as rude and profane as ever , always hilarious and , most of the time , absolutely right in her stinging social observations . | 1 |
Sve je prepuno formulacija kao što je citiram iz standarda za osnovno školstvo. | 2 |
the ultimate scorsese film | 1 |
Dakle i ova je jedan koncept ali morate priznati da je isto tako i odlična podloga za donošenje zakona o raspolaganju državnom imovinom koji će se zasigurno i ubrzo donijeti. | 1 |
the ambiguous ending seem goofy rather than provocative | 0 |
a beautiful food entrée that is n't heated properly , so that it ends up a bit cold and relatively flavorless | 0 |
to see a three-dimensional , average , middle-aged woman 's experience of self-discovery handled with such sensitivity | 1 |
contrived , unmotivated , | 0 |
Elég vidám, de feledésbe merülő lenyúlás Besson korábbi munkáiból. | 2 |
just does n't cut it | 0 |
(Šum a hlasy v sále.) | 2 |
barry 's cold-fish act makes the experience worthwhile | 1 |
an ultra-loud blast | 1 |
Az animáció és a hátterek buják és leleményesek, mégis A visszatérés Neverlandbe nem fog tudni elvinni minket arra a megfoghatatlan, kellemes helyre, ahol majd felfüggeszthetjük kételyeinket. | 2 |
flat and uncreative | 0 |
is supposed to be madcap farce . | 0 |
enlivens | 1 |
if you want a movie time trip , the 1960 version is a far smoother ride . | 0 |
in short | 0 |
as a thoughtful and unflinching examination of an alternative lifestyle , sex with strangers is a success . | 1 |
top-notch creative team | 1 |
faithful without being forceful , sad without being shrill , `` a walk to remember '' succeeds through sincerity . | 1 |
Asi by najradšej nám všetkým rozdal ružové okuliare. | 0 |
combines improbable melodrama ( gored bullfighters , comatose ballerinas ) with subtly kinky bedside vigils and sensational denouements , and yet at the end | 0 |
Bolondos, dilis, következetesen vicces. | 1 |
the script is about as interesting as a recording of conversations at the wal-mart checkout line | 0 |
writer-director randall wallace has bitten off more than he or anyone else could chew , and | 0 |
A cameoktól hemzsegő, Mission: Impossible 2-t idéző főcím az eddigi legviccesebb 5 perc ebben a kémvígjáték-franchise-ban, aztán feltűnik Mike Myers, és tönkretesz mindent. | 0 |
then you will probably have a reasonably good time with the salton sea . | 1 |
sags in pace | 0 |
targeted to the tiniest segment of an already obscure demographic . | 0 |
is funny , touching , smart and complicated | 1 |
Proč nemáme např. v rámci příspěvku na péči v domácím prostředí povinnost, abychom jej vyúčtovali? | 0 |
Konkretno kada su u pitanju garancije radi se o iznosu koji je nekih 196 milijardi dinara, znači nepunih dve milijarde evra. | 2 |
how a skillful filmmaker can impart a message without bludgeoning the audience over the head . | 1 |
a reasonable degree | 1 |
II. souhlasí s postupným a systémovým navyšováním platů pedagogických a nepedagogických pracovníků v souladu s programovým prohlášením vlády a na základě komplexní strategie odměňování pracovníků regionálního školství; | 1 |