stringlengths 2
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int64 0
cho 's previous concert comedy film | 1 |
Merész és gyönyörűen elkészített. | 1 |
A színészek vonzóak, de Elysian Fields idióta és abszurd mértékben szentimentális. | 2 |
each scene drags , underscoring the obvious | 0 |
there 's something poignant about an artist of 90-plus years taking the effort to share his impressions of life and loss and time and art with us . | 1 |
triumphant | 1 |
comes off as a long , laborious whine , the bellyaching of a paranoid and unlikable man . | 0 |
Amit Denis megvalósít hideg, nyugtalanító filmjében, az a két fiatal nő kettős portréja, akiknek az élete éppolyan klausztrofobikus, fullasztó és hideg volt, mint a padlás, ahova elkerülhetetlenül menniük kellett. | 2 |
its spry 2001 predecessor -- but it 's a rushed , slapdash , sequel-for-the-sake - of-a-sequel with less than half the plot and ingenuity | 0 |
precarious | 0 |
the documentary is much too conventional -- lots of boring talking heads , etc. -- to do the subject matter justice . | 0 |
Ostavio je i svog potpredsjednika Krstičevića i ministra tu, pa nek radi što hoće. | 0 |
just ca n't take it any more | 0 |
have to be a most hard-hearted person not to be moved by this drama | 1 |
could n't stand to hear | 0 |
he has a great cast and a great idea . | 1 |
's something vital about the movie . | 1 |
you never know where changing lanes is going to take you but it 's a heck of a ride | 1 |
has created a provocative , absorbing drama that reveals the curse of a self-hatred instilled by rigid social mores . | 1 |
of the best since the last waltz | 1 |
mildly interesting | 1 |
dress up in drag | 0 |
of cool stuff packed into espn 's ultimate x. | 1 |
beautiful , angry and sad , with a curious sick poetry , as if the marquis de sade | 1 |
I stoga i ovom prilikom apel da se konačno pristupi ubrzanju postupka i stvaranja uvjeta za posvojenje. | 1 |
the slow parade | 0 |
about tattoos | 1 |
please fans of chris fuhrman 's posthumously published cult novel | 1 |
Sikerül neki túllépnie a szex, a drogok és a show-dallamok cselekményén, és valami sokkal gazdagabbá válnia. | 1 |
, sex with strangers is a success . | 1 |
Az új legjobb barátnak az egyetemi élet-szerű Playboy-kastély bemutatása nevetségesen humoros. | 2 |
steers refreshingly clear of the usual cliches | 1 |
Jó lenne látni, ahogy ez a szar összenyomódik egy teherautó alatt, lehetőleg egy kamion alatt. | 0 |
an emotionally satisfying exploration | 1 |
Danas imamo u Beogradu bar 10-tak pumpi za prodaju tečnog naftnog gasa. | 2 |
has its merits | 1 |
, murder hits and generally sustains a higher plateau with bullock 's memorable first interrogation of gosling . | 1 |
, barbershop gets its greatest play from the timeless spectacle of people really talking to each other . | 1 |
an imaginatively mixed cast of antic spirits | 1 |
creative urge | 1 |
low-brow | 0 |
, slap her is a small but rewarding comedy that takes aim at contemporary southern adolescence and never lets up . | 1 |
, i fear , will be put to sleep or bewildered by the artsy and often pointless visuals . | 0 |
Véleményem szerint a Még egy kis pánik nem olyan vicces vagy szórakoztató, mint a Csak egy kis pánik, de folytatásaként jelentős. | 1 |
Navrhované zmeny je potrebné zohľadniť aj v čl. VI o účinnosti. | 2 |
both damning and damned compelling . | 1 |
Sada kaže USKOK na svojoj, ja sam bar pročitao na teleteksu, provest će se vještačenje. | 2 |
arliss howard 's ambitious , moving , and adventurous directorial debut , big bad love , meets so many of the challenges it poses for itself that one can forgive the film its flaws . | 1 |
exploiting | 0 |
Ne bo samostojnega odločanja v ta sklad, ampak bo to vezano na načrt najemov, nakupov, izgradenj, ki ga bo Državni zbor sprejel na predlog Vlade. | 2 |
no good inside dope | 0 |
colorful | 1 |
magical enough | 1 |
exploit its gender politics , genre thrills or inherent humor | 1 |
many such biographical melodramas | 0 |
yes , that 's right | 1 |
has a great cast and a great idea . | 1 |
to reflect that its visual imagination is breathtaking | 1 |
Čak trećina svih primedaba kupaca na kvalitet kupljene robe odnosila se na obuću, najčešće patike koje bi se samo posle nekoliko nošenja pohabale, rašile, odlepile ili bi im pukao đon. | 2 |
Kar se tiče pa našega predloga in rešitve, pa seveda soglašam popolnoma z vsebino, tako razpravljavca gospoda Potrča kot gospe Krebsove. | 1 |
a knockout | 1 |
colorful , energetic and sweetly whimsical | 1 |
enjoyed it just | 1 |
's certainly an invaluable record of that special fishy community | 1 |
surprising highs , sorrowful lows and hidden impulsive niches | 1 |
disgracefully | 0 |
stands a good chance of being the big | 1 |
his ( nelson 's ) screenplay needs some serious re-working to show more of the dilemma , rather than have his characters stage shouting matches about it . | 0 |
this animated adventure | 1 |
diesel , with his brawny frame and cool , composed delivery , fits the bill perfectly | 1 |
Činjenica jeste, od 2009. da je proizvodnja mlijeka počela padati, ali pogledate 2009. u odnosu na sadašnje stanje koliki je pad. | 0 |
the direction occasionally rises to the level of marginal competence , but for most of the film it is hard to tell who is chasing who or why . | 0 |
woe-is-me | 0 |
it should be interesting , it should be poignant , it turns out to be affected and boring | 0 |
the way to striking a blow for artistic integrity | 1 |
the film 's most improbable feat ? | 0 |
so low | 0 |
is magnificent | 1 |
amused by its special effects | 1 |
weirdly beautiful place | 1 |
wendigo is a genuinely bone-chilling tale . | 1 |
Druhé čtení slouží k podávání pozměňovacích návrhů. | 2 |
Jestliže původní ideou instituce bylo hájit práva občanů, nyní dostává do rukou mocnou zbraň. | 0 |
cheesy backdrops , ridiculous action sequences | 0 |
Lekésték a hajót. | 2 |
does n't completely survive its tonal transformation from dark comedy to suspense thriller | 0 |
A najčešće djeca invalidi sa cerebralnom paralizom su vrlo često i socijalno ugroženih obitelji, da ne govorim o invalidima iznad 18 godina o kojima više nitko ne skrbi. | 0 |
its old-hat set-up and | 0 |
pan nalin 's exposition is beautiful and mysterious , and the interviews that follow , with the practitioners of this ancient indian practice , are as subtle and as enigmatic . | 1 |
Turizam podsjećam da čini preko 20% našeg BDP-a, kada su turizam i ugostiteljstvo u pitanju Vlada u ovom segmentu nije napravila apsolutno ništa, praktični ništa osim sitnih kozmetičkih i tehničkih izmjena. | 0 |
Az alapfeltevés érdekes, de hamar ízléstelenné és egyenesen hátborzongatóvá válik. | 2 |
Ništa novo nije tražio, da se nekome skine sa budžetskog razdela ili nekome doda, nego ono što je u Ministarstvu za KiM opredeljeno da se rasporedi na malo drugačiji način. | 1 |
meets so many of the challenges it poses for itself that one can forgive the film its flaws | 1 |
often hilarious | 1 |
, you might have fun in this cinematic sandbox | 1 |
secondhand , familiar -- and not in a good way | 0 |
Motoristi zase boli vlastne šach-mat a čakali, čo bude ďalej. | 0 |
the top and movies | 1 |
appropriately | 1 |
as a visionary with a tale full of nuance and character dimension | 1 |