stringlengths 2
| label
int64 0
still want my money back . | 0 |
, you might want to check it out | 1 |
rather bland | 0 |
is a convincing one , and should give anyone with a conscience reason to pause | 1 |
despite downplaying her good looks , carries a little too much ai n't - she-cute baggage into her lead role as a troubled and determined homicide cop to quite pull off the heavy stuff . | 1 |
even gritty enough | 1 |
the hail of bullets , none of which ever seem to hit | 0 |
the incessant use | 0 |
turntablism | 1 |
the curse of blandness | 0 |
the level of intelligence and visual splendor that can be seen in other films | 1 |
are ... impeccable throughout . | 1 |
K bodu 2. Tento odstavec je velmi vágní a dostatečně nespecifikuje požadavek ministerstva, například selekce vyučovaných předmětů distančním způsobem. | 0 |
devoted to the insanity of black | 0 |
Kolega Marelić ne sumnjam da je ovaj zakon nekima donio dobro i ne sumnjam da oni hvale ovaj zakon i to je logično ali oni gledaju usko i kratkovidno, ne gledaju širinu. | 0 |
impossible to claim that it is `` based on a true story '' with a straight face | 0 |
brash , intelligent and erotically perplexing , haneke 's portrait of an upper class austrian society and the suppression of its tucked away demons | 1 |
, but it also does the absolute last thing we need hollywood doing to us : it preaches . | 0 |
Ten premiér, ktorý robil veľkolepé tlačovky pred SPP. | 0 |
capture the minds and hearts of many | 1 |
serves as a paper skeleton for some very good acting , dialogue , | 1 |
unexpectedly moving meditation | 1 |
Ez egy vizuális élvezet és egy tisztességes popcorn-kaland, amíg nem próbálsz meg túl mélyen belenézni a történetbe. | 2 |
of the best rock | 1 |
courageous | 1 |
an actor this uncharismatically beautiful | 1 |
, the film grows as dull as its characters , about whose fate it is hard to care . | 0 |
ride , with jaw-dropping action sequences , striking villains , a gorgeous color palette , astounding technology , stirring music and a boffo last hour that leads up to a strangely sinister happy ending | 1 |
Ako niste znali, 16 puta je veća verovatnoća da će nam zatrebati tuđi organ, nego da ćete biti u prilici da svoje organe date nekom drugom. | 2 |
while it 's nothing we have n't seen before from murphy , i spy is still fun and enjoyable and so aggressively silly that it 's more than a worthwhile effort . | 1 |
teen-speak and animal gibberish | 0 |
Összezavarodva a jellemzéseiben, lassan kiderül, hogy olyan hosszú, mint a két éves ügy, amely egyúttal a tárgya. | 0 |
will all but take you to outer space | 1 |
Az alaphelyzet kifejezetten ízléstelen, a film állítólagos éleslátása pedig annyira rosszul átgondolt és laza, hogy még egy középiskolás is könnyedén megcáfolja, aki most jött ki az első pszichológiaórájáról. | 0 |
unrelentingly grim -- and | 0 |
watch , giggle and | 1 |
Nerobme z toho iba politický a populistický boj. | 0 |
Takže přátelé, jestli se budeme vyčerpávat faktickými poznámkami a debatami o tom, co proběhlo na výboru, tak to dnes nedoděláme. | 0 |
Nechutné, odporné, je mi z vás na zvracanie. | 0 |
the most plain , unimaginative romantic comedies i | 0 |
a clear-eyed take on the economics of dealing and the pathology of ghetto fabulousness | 1 |
, period-perfect biopic hammers | 1 |
sparkling , often hilarious romantic jealousy comedy ... attal looks so much like a young robert deniro that it seems the film should instead be called ` my husband is travis bickle ' | 1 |
find little of interest | 0 |
` blue crush ' swims away with the sleeper movie of the summer award . | 1 |
a great writer and dubious human being | 1 |
Nagyon jó, szórakoztató vígjáték, amely Grant sajátos savanyúságával megakadályozza, hogy a saját bohózatába bukjon bele. | 1 |
understanding a unique culture that is presented with universal appeal | 1 |
the last metro ) | 1 |
Nem egy barátságos vagy meghitt alkotás, de kihívások elé állít, néha okos, és mindig érdekes, és ez elég ok ahhoz, hogy megnézd. | 2 |
breathtaking mystery | 1 |
cute frissons | 1 |
an unbelievably stupid film | 0 |
Imate političku snagu, imate veličinu, možda ćete i uspjeti zapravo u tome no mislim da ćete ostati usamljeni u hrvatskoj politici. | 0 |
the slightly flawed ( and fairly unbelievable ) finale , | 0 |
the things that made the first one charming | 1 |
comes along only occasionally , one so unconventional , | 1 |
Bilo šta, zdravstvo, prateća oprema, usluge, dakle to je segment koji eksponencijalno raste a u tom smislu je zdravstvo najizloženije i najviše zapravo troška tu onda ide na zdravstvo. | 0 |
it is thought-provoking . | 1 |
coffee | 1 |
it 's propelled by the acting | 1 |
is a remarkable piece of filmmaking ... because you get it | 1 |
A klisék és abszurditások szintézise, amely pozitívan dekadensnek tűnik a filmes vakuban és az ürességben. | 0 |
the only problem is that , by the end , no one in the audience or the film seems to really care . | 0 |
Egy "E" az erőfeszítésért, egy "U" az unalomért. | 0 |
hart 's war seems to want to be a character study , but apparently ca n't quite decide which character . | 0 |
great help | 1 |
Meglepően tűrhető, különösen egy sorozat tizedik részéhez képest. | 1 |
A Hazafelé egyszerűsége az ezópusi mesékhez hasonlítható. | 2 |
buy the movie milk when the tv cow is free | 0 |
a breathtakingly assured and stylish work | 1 |
none of this is meaningful or memorable , but frosting is n't , either , | 0 |
full of surprises | 1 |
in more ways that one in clockstoppers , a sci-fi thriller as lazy as it is interminable | 0 |
a small movie with a big impact . | 1 |
here ... not that i mind ugly ; the problem is he has no character , loveable or otherwise . | 0 |
Náš názor je taký, že železničná regionálna osobná doprava je organickým, vnútorne vysoko integrovaným systémom vo veľkých oblastiach prekračujúcich hranice ktoréhokoľvek dnešného VÚC. | 2 |
transforms the dreary expanse of dead-end distaste the characters inhabit into a poem of art , music and metaphor | 1 |
's hard to care about a film that proposes as epic tragedy the plight of a callow rich boy who is forced to choose between his beautiful , self-satisfied 22-year-old girlfriend and an equally beautiful , self-satisfied 18-year-old mistress | 0 |
inventive , consistently intelligent and | 1 |
the new thriller proves that director m. night shyamalan can weave an eerie spell and that mel gibson can gasp , shudder and even tremble without losing his machismo . | 1 |
merely very bad | 0 |
gratingly unfunny groaner | 0 |
a sports extravaganza | 1 |
silly summer entertainment | 1 |
is ) a fascinating character , and deserves a better vehicle than this facetious smirk of a movie . | 0 |
funny , sexy , and rousing | 1 |
the execution is pretty weary | 0 |
Prosím vás, opravdu má někdo takové nutkání hnát se s velkým nákupním košem na svatého Štěpána do Tesca? | 0 |
Interesantno kako samo ova liberalna ljevica žali za Majom Sever, dok ja bih se usudio reći jedan veći dio Hrvatske ne žali za emisijom Maje Sever. | 0 |
can overcome bad hair design | 0 |
20 let sedite v tem parlamentu in nimate nobene ideje, kaj pomeni bitka za vsakdanji kruh in preživetje izven teh varnih zidov. | 0 |
seem like something to endure instead of enjoy | 0 |
Ona byla oznámena se zpožděním a navíc se o legalizaci podpory zřejmě u ministra Mládka moc nesnažili. | 0 |
originality in ` life ' | 1 |
gives devastating testimony | 0 |
Képzeld el, hogy szeretnél egy Tony Hawk korcsolyázó videót az Ellenséges terület felvételeivel összefűzve, mindezt Jersey Shore techno aláfestéssel. | 2 |
moments of inspired humor | 1 |
it 's coherent , well shot , and tartly acted , | 1 |
ca n't really call it a work of art | 0 |