stringlengths 2
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Egy okos, szellemes folytatás. | 1 |
a cutesy romantic tale | 1 |
Már csak a spontaneitás, az eredetiség és az öröm hiányzik. | 0 |
the brilliant performances by testud | 1 |
its and pieces of the hot chick are so hilarious , and schneider 's performance is so fine , it 's a real shame that so much of the movie -- again , as in the animal -- is a slapdash mess . | 0 |
's a mindless action flick with a twist -- far better suited to video-viewing than the multiplex | 0 |
filmmakers david weissman and bill weber benefit enormously from the cockettes ' camera craziness -- not only did they film performances , but | 1 |
Poljoprivredna politika koja se vodi u ovoj državi godinama je veoma slicna poljoprivrednoj politici koja se vodila izmedu 1945. i 1953. godine, kada se od takve poljoprivredne politike odustalo. | 0 |
more smarts | 1 |
, the film works - mostly due to its superior cast of characters . | 1 |
the part where nothing 's happening , | 0 |
6 milijardi kuna je bila zarada u 2014. godini. | 2 |
the script assumes that not only would subtlety be lost on the target audience , but that it 's also too stupid to realize that they 've already seen this exact same movie a hundred times | 0 |
A végeredmény megfelelő szórakoztatást eredményez, gondolom, de bárki, aki látta Chicagót a színpadon, úgy fogja elhagyni a színházat, hogy úgy érzi, csak az igazi halvány másolatát látta. | 0 |
to imagine acting that could be any flatter | 0 |
a waterlogged version of ` fatal attraction ' for the teeny-bopper set ... a sad , soggy potboiler that wastes the talents of its attractive young leads | 0 |
terribly episodic | 0 |
pooper-scoopers | 0 |
[[(V sále je hlučno.)]] | 2 |
a more confused , less interesting and more sloppily made film could possibly come down the road in 2002 | 0 |
dripping with cliche and | 0 |
Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy vítá tento návrh zákonného opatření jako vyústění dlouhodobé snahy o nápravu deformace plateb za státní pojištěnce. | 1 |
i know i should n't have laughed , but | 1 |
deftly manages to avoid many of the condescending stereotypes that so often plague films dealing with the mentally ill | 1 |
Evo meni je zaista žao da danas nema kolege Pernara da on malo ovo čuje i u svom nastupu iskomentira kroz repliku ili već kroz raspravu. | 0 |
the movie is amateurish | 0 |
average formulaic romantic quadrangle | 0 |
the script boasts some tart tv-insider humor , | 1 |
Egy pocsék film, ami nem csak nézhetetlen, de hallgathatatlan is. | 0 |
's thoroughly winning tone | 1 |
wickedly funny , visually engrossing , never boring | 1 |
mind crappy movies | 0 |
i was trying to decide what annoyed me most about god is great ... | 0 |
Z tohto dôvodu pokladáme návrh zákona za veľmi nevyvážený, poškodzujúci organizovanú kynológiu a obmedzujúci organizovaných a disciplinovaných chovateľov niektorých plemien psov. | 0 |
manner and flamboyant style | 1 |
Egy ötvenautós tömegkarambolnyi klisé. | 0 |
like its subjects , delivers the goods and audiences will have a fun , no-frills ride . | 1 |
examines many different ideas from happiness | 1 |
for quality and a nostalgic , twisty yarn that will keep them guessing | 1 |
Caine ismét bebizonyítja, hogy nem vesztette el a tehetségét: kiemelkedő alakítást nyújt a bevallottan középszerű filmben. | 2 |
Treći razlog i uzrok ovih posledica su naravno poljoprivreda i agrar. | 2 |
Poštovana gospodo, to je rezultat, ja mislim, jednog marljivog posvećenog rada nas narodnih poslanika Nove stranke i opozicije u ovih godinu i devet meseci u ovom sazivu. | 1 |
classic cinema served up with heart and humor | 1 |
ca n't compare friday after next to them | 1 |
tendentious intervention into the who-wrote-shakespeare controversy . | 0 |
a strong first act | 1 |
take place indoors in formal settings with motionless characters . | 0 |
to crawl up your own *** in embarrassment | 0 |
of loving | 1 |
so many bad romances out there | 0 |
cannon 's confidence and laid-back good spirits | 1 |
Tisti, ki so v tranzicijskem procesu opravili umazan posel. | 0 |
that welcome to collinwood is n't going to jell | 0 |
Cho rajongói biztosan jól fognak szórakozni. A teljes kép érdekében úgy igazságos, ha azt is elmondom, hogy (csak ennek a filmnek az alapján) nem tartozom közéjük. | 0 |
a pathetic , endearing hero | 1 |
earnest , unsubtle and hollywood-predictable , green dragon is still a deeply moving effort to put a human face on the travail of thousands of vietnamese . | 1 |
a film of quiet power | 1 |
, fierce grace reassures us that he will once again be an honest and loving one . | 1 |
in any case , i would recommend big bad love only to winger fans who have missed her since 1995 's forget paris . | 0 |
inhabit that special annex of hell where adults behave like kids , | 0 |
it rapidly develops into a gut-wrenching examination of the way cultural differences and emotional expectations collide . | 1 |
the cute frissons of discovery and humor between chaplin and kidman that keep this nicely wound clock not just ticking , but humming | 1 |
Proći ćete onako kao što je prošao Aleksandar Vučić kada vam je održao govor u Novom Pazaru - sa aplauzima. | 1 |
really funny movie | 1 |
heartwarming film | 1 |
hilariously , gloriously alive , | 1 |
A brit mozi rajongóinak kötelező darab, már csak azért is, mert a filmipar számos titánja részt vesz benne. | 1 |
impressively discreet filmmakers | 1 |
a huge action sequence | 1 |
extremely talented | 1 |
's a clear-eyed portrait of an intensely lived time , filled with nervous energy , moral ambiguity and great uncertainties . | 1 |
is a deeply unpleasant experience . | 0 |
( a ) soulless , stupid sequel ... | 0 |
some movies suck you in despite their flaws , and heaven is one such beast . | 1 |
big summer movies | 1 |
Bojim se da će se tu otvoriti mogućnost uhljebljivanja jer će se tu sad izgubiti stručnost i ono bitno, neutralnost. | 0 |
insipid script | 0 |
the wars he shows and empathizes with the victims he reveals | 1 |
Vidám szórakozás, a celebekkel tarkított háttéret jól kihasználva. | 1 |
Takže ako posun správnym smerom z pohľadu súhlasu so zdaňovaním finančných transakcií, len tá základňa je v tomto momente príliš široká. | 0 |
Green talán meg akarja tartani azt a símaszkot, mivel a rablás lehet az egyetlen módja, hogy kifizesse a következő projektjét. | 0 |
is enriched by an imaginatively mixed cast of antic spirits , headed by christopher plummer as the subtlest and most complexly evil uncle ralph i 've ever seen in the many film and stage adaptations of the work . | 1 |
Schepisi egy olyan szereplőgárda segítségével dolgozott, amely, úgy tűnik, hogy minden olyan kiváló brit színészt tartalmaz, aki nem jelent meg a Gosford Parkban; valamint Ms. Mirrennel, aki minden várakozást felülmúlt. | 1 |
A zašto se onda ne radi već sada na tome da to bude dosljedno? | 0 |
Kad im probate oduzeti to oružje onda ustanu braniteljske udruge, pa tko će njima uzimati oružje kad su oni s tim oružjem obranili zemlju. | 0 |
is unashamedly pro-serbian and makes little attempt to give voice to the other side . | 0 |
A Hollywood Ending nem túl vicces. | 0 |
it 's virtually impossible to like any of these despicable characters . | 0 |
effort to share his impressions of life and loss and time and art with us | 1 |
Dovolite, da vam tukaj pojasnim, da sindikalna svoboda je že ustavna kategorija in že zakon jasno določa, kdaj morajo policisti opravljati naloge tudi v času stavke. | 2 |
Azon ritka dokumentumfilmek egyike, amely oly sok emberi tapasztalatot - drámát, konfliktust, könnyeket és meglepetést - foglal magába, hogy felülemelkedik a fikció és a valóság szokásos kategóriáin. | 1 |
terrific performances , great to look at , and funny . | 1 |
Sile tame smo bili mi koji smo prokazivali što se tamo događa. | 0 |
injects just enough freshness into the proceedings to provide an enjoyable 100 minutes in a movie theater | 1 |
the rock 's fighting skills are more in line with steven seagal | 1 |
through their consistently sensitive and often exciting treatment of an ignored people | 1 |
with its own solemn insights | 1 |
this leaden comedy | 0 |
has little to do with the story | 0 |
believing it was just coincidence | 1 |