stringlengths 2
| label
int64 0
want to check it out | 1 |
atrocious | 0 |
Semmi érdekes nincs a Hűtlenben. | 0 |
Valahogy egyszerre hihetetlenül valószínűtlen és furcsán konvencionális. | 0 |
In z mislijo na skupno evropsko prihodnost sta praktično pred nekaj dnevi premierja Milanović in Janša podpisala sporazum o varčevalcih Ljubljanske banke. | 2 |
Az Egy órás fotó összességében kiábrándítónak tűnhet, de az apró részletek, amelyek minden bizonnyal elkerülték Mark Romanek rendező figyelmét, megérintik az embert. | 2 |
little is done to support the premise other than fling gags at it to see which ones shtick . | 0 |
interesting both as a historical study and as a tragic love story . | 1 |
a clever pseudo-bio | 1 |
rock-solid little genre picture | 1 |
Ovo što je vlada srbije uradila u tretmanu talasa, pa reke izbeglica je treći dodatni razlog za podršku, jer smo jedina zemlja koja je rešavala izbegličku krizu sa aspekta ljudskih prava. | 1 |
Dobrý den, vážený pane předsedo, vážené paní poslankyně, vážení páni poslanci. | 2 |
stereotypical caretakers | 0 |
wedding | 1 |
memories and one fantastic visual trope | 1 |
underwhelming | 0 |
Steven Soderbergh számos korábbi filmjét egy igazi művész alkotásaként tisztelték. | 2 |
becomes just another voyeuristic spectacle , to be consumed and forgotten | 0 |
Vy na lidi křičíte, vy na ně řvete, vy je ponižujete, vy jim nadáváte, vy používáte sprostá slova. | 0 |
it forces you to watch people doing unpleasant things to each other and themselves , | 0 |
is not one of the movies you 'd want to watch if you only had a week to live . | 0 |
that trademark grin | 1 |
undeniable entertainment value | 1 |
be going through the motions , beginning with the pale script | 0 |
banal and predictable . | 0 |
touchingly mending a child 's pain for his dead mother via communication with an old woman straight out of eudora welty | 1 |
A hangulatában és dialógusaiban rendkívül árnyalt kamaradrámát kiválóan játssza a mélyen vonzó veterán Bouquet és a dermesztő, de nagyon is emberi Berling. | 1 |
nerds | 1 |
a thought-provoking and often-funny drama about isolation | 1 |
Ukoliko predloženi zakonski akti ipak bude usvojen u Skupštini Srbije, Jevrejska zajednica od Tadića očekuje da on taj zakon neće podržati. | 0 |
simple and precise that anything discordant would topple the balance | 1 |
rohmer 's talky films fascinate me | 1 |
end up walking out not only satisfied but also somewhat touched | 1 |
( a ) crushing disappointment | 0 |
look at morality , family , and social expectation | 1 |
of terrific | 1 |
that were imposed for the sake of commercial sensibilities | 0 |
are useful in telling the story , which is paper-thin and decidedly unoriginal | 0 |
in addition to hoffman 's powerful acting clinic , this is that rare drama that offers a thoughtful and rewarding glimpse into the sort of heartache everyone has felt , or will feel someday . | 1 |
of dreck | 0 |
Dakle, umesto da štiti interese građana, korisnika kredita, Narodna banka Srbije će da vrši ankete. | 0 |
back with the astonishing revelation | 1 |
remains prominent , as do the girls ' amusing personalities . | 1 |
mind-numbingly awful that you hope britney wo n't do it one more time , as far as movies | 0 |
is virtually without context -- journalistic or historical . | 0 |
with an amateurish screenplay | 0 |
A filmkészítésnek valódi vizuális töltete, a legfontosabb szájról olvasási jelenetnek pedig erős erotikus szikrája van. | 1 |
but i sometimes felt as though i was in the tiny two seater plane that carried the giant camera around australia , sweeping and gliding , banking | 1 |
Kenneth Branagh energikus, kellemes-kelletlen előadása, mint egy goromba brit drámaíró, megalapozza ezt a túlzsúfolt, kiszámíthatatlan álmot, amelyben ő és a valószínűtlenül elszánt felesége őrültséggel és gyerekneveléssel küzdenek Los Angelesben. | 0 |
A film folyamatos melankolikus hangulata és nyugodt elbeszélésmódja mesterien kivitelezett. | 1 |
the worst film of the year . | 0 |
it does give a taste of the burning man ethos , an appealing blend of counter-cultural idealism and hedonistic creativity . | 1 |
others in its genre in that it is does not rely on dumb gags , anatomical humor , or character cliches | 0 |
watching this film , one is left with the inescapable conclusion that hitchens ' obsession with kissinger is , at bottom , a sophisticated flower child 's desire to purge the world of the tooth and claw of human power . | 1 |
this fascinating look at israel in ferment | 1 |
ultimately disappoint the action | 0 |
need n't be steeped in '50s sociology , pop culture or movie lore to appreciate the emotional depth of haynes ' work | 1 |
Tým, že sa znižujú objemy výroby v stavebníctve a v ďalších odvetviach, tým že sa nepracuje, sa neberú mzdy a neplatí sa poistné. | 0 |
Egyik színésze sem tűnik ki, de ez itt kevésbé jelent problémát, mint más filmekben: a jellemzés kevésbé számít, mint az atmoszféra. | 2 |
watching a rerun | 0 |
Treba pa je, tako kot je eden od razprvljavcev poslancev rekel, naliti si čistega vina. | 0 |
mamet 's airless cinematic shell games . | 1 |
Opravdu si myslíme, vážená Sněmovno, že tito lidé jsou v tuto chvíli stoprocentně výkonní a hlavně že jsou schopni efektivně pracovat a spolupracovat? | 0 |
Sve nacije koje su bile u stanju da tokom svog istorijskog razvoja formiraju državu, posebno nacije sa dugotrajnim viševekovnim državotvornim tradicijama, imaju visoko izraženu kategoriju ponosa i dostojanstva. | 1 |
rather routine | 0 |
To je pitanje odgovornosti, da vidimo ko je odgovoran za ovih pet kandidata i da mogu građani da prate rad Ustavnog suda. | 2 |
Ešte dokonca k tým lobistickým poviem, tam v tých okienkach pomaly nikto dokopy nesedí, tam by ste mohli dať stajne ako stajne Ferrari. | 0 |
refined | 1 |
Dakle, da skratim, ljudi moji, ovaj parlament nema snagu i samo se džabe mi morimo i mučimo, a na sebe preuzimamo odgovornost. | 0 |
playful but highly studied and dependent for its success on a patient viewer | 1 |
of funny situations and honest observations | 1 |
overlong , and bombastic | 0 |
, the director uses the last act to reel in the audience since its poignancy hooks us completely . | 1 |
Minden eleme jó, azonban végül nem áll össze egy kerek egésszé. | 2 |
Naš doprinos povezivanju i sinergiji kroz drugačije djelovanje usmjereno razvoju i viziji ostvarenja aktivnog građanstva u modernom demokratskom i uključivom društvu predstavljan je u ovom godišnjem izvještaju. | 1 |
seems the film should instead be called ` my husband is travis bickle ' | 0 |
of the best inside-show-biz | 1 |
Velik problem očitno predstavljajo tudi prometnice, kajti dejstvo je, da se nam nekje po letu 1990, 1991 bistveno zmanjšuje izgradnja novih gozdnih cest. | 0 |
feel sad | 0 |
a mildly funny , sometimes tedious , ultimately insignificant | 0 |
lush and beautifully photographed ( somebody suggested the stills might make a nice coffee table book ) , but ultimately you 'll leave the theater wondering why these people mattered . | 0 |
a very moving and revelatory footnote to the holocaust | 1 |
as a science fiction movie , `` minority report '' astounds . | 1 |
shoplifts shamelessly from farewell-to-innocence movies like the wanderers and a bronx tale without cribbing any of their intelligence | 0 |
even in the summertime , the most restless young audience deserves the dignity of an action hero motivated by something more than franchise possibilities . | 0 |
an elegant work , food of love | 1 |
shiver-inducing | 1 |
hefty thematic material | 1 |
addictive | 1 |
the case for a strong education and good teachers being more valuable in the way they help increase an average student 's self-esteem , and not strictly in the knowledge imparted | 1 |
A lenyűgöző kivitelezés és a harmadik felvonásos crescendo-sorozat ellenére, Lily Chou-Chou soha nem tud igazán érzelmi feszültséget kialakítani. | 0 |
really earned my indignant , preemptive departure | 0 |
a very good viewing alternative | 1 |
Zato što potrošači ne mogu odlagati potrošnju hrane i energije a to su dvije komponente kojima cijene u ovom trenutku u hrvatskoj padaju. | 1 |
noyce 's greatest mistake | 0 |
Lehet, hogy több évtizedes pályafutása lesz, mint egy klasszikus filmes franchise? | 2 |
to be as subtle and touching as the son 's room | 1 |
so stilted and unconvincing | 0 |
is most remarkable not because of its epic scope , but because of the startling intimacy | 1 |
happy hour | 1 |