stringlengths 2
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int64 0
the film is well-crafted and | 1 |
throws away | 1 |
A ja ću vam sada nabrojiti dva zakona koji ovaj zakon derogira. | 0 |
Oliver Parker rendező olyan keményen dolgozott azon, hogy életet vigyen a "Bunbury, avagy jó, ha szilárd az ember" filmbe, hogy valószínűleg meghúzódott egy-két izma. | 0 |
we 've seen it all before in one form or another , but director hoffman , with great help from kevin kline , makes us care about this latest reincarnation of the world 's greatest teacher | 1 |
a crisp psychological drama | 1 |
the film is deadly dull | 0 |
cheap trick | 0 |
there , done that ... a thousand times already , and better | 0 |
been a confusing and horrifying vision | 0 |
to get by on humor that is not even as daring as john ritter 's glory days on three 's company | 0 |
a film really has to be exceptional to justify a three hour running time , and this is n't | 0 |
Ja sam te povlaštene informacije doznao i dobio na terenu na licu mjesta kada je HDZ donosio prvi puta Zakon dakle o legalizaciji nezakonito izgrađenih građevina. | 2 |
A tajvani rendező, Tsai Ming-liang újabb filmje, ami jó hír mindenkinek, aki a különleges rendező korábbi filmjeinek édes, melankolikus hatása alá került. | 1 |
directors brett morgen and nanette burstein have put together a bold biographical fantasia . | 1 |
have always appreciated a smartly written motion picture | 1 |
so compelling | 1 |
is n't scary . | 0 |
one terrific story with lots of laughs | 1 |
brings together | 1 |
in the characters you see | 1 |
of our making | 1 |
good to see michael caine whipping out the dirty words and punching people in the stomach again | 1 |
strained caper movies that 's hardly any fun to watch and begins to vaporize from your memory minutes after it ends | 0 |
steal a movie not only from charismatic rising star jake gyllenhaal but also from accomplished oscar winners susan sarandon , dustin hoffman and holly hunter , yet newcomer ellen pompeo pulls off the feat with aplomb | 1 |
cool crime movie | 1 |
A co je ještě horší, tomu, kdo to nedodržuje, se nic nestane. | 0 |
uneven but a lot of fun | 1 |
enjoyed most of mostly martha | 1 |
Bár egyes nézők nem fogják tudni megemészteni ezt a sok humoros furcsaságot, azok pedig, akik meg tudják emészteni, egy életre szóló kultikus kedvencre találnak rá ebben a filmben. | 1 |
this amiable picture talks tough , but it 's all bluster -- in the end it 's as sweet as greenfingers ... | 1 |
make the formula feel fresh | 1 |
Kaže - građevinska industrija, kao važna privredna grana, zabeležila je blagi rast ove godine. | 1 |
remains a chilly , clinical lab report | 0 |
Ellentétben az olyan "Boldog holokausztot neked!" típusú filmeket ( pl. az Élet szép és a Hazug Jákob ) ajánló émelyítő fikciókkal , a Szürke Zóna elég őszinte ahhoz, hogy tagadja a remény lehetőségét Auschwitzban. | 1 |
may be surprised at the variety of tones in spielberg 's work | 1 |
` juvenile delinquent ' paperbacks | 0 |
is a poster movie , a mediocre tribute to films like them ! | 0 |
a bad run in the market or a costly divorce | 0 |
actors in bad bear suits enact a sort of inter-species parody of a vh1 behind the music episode | 0 |
is a depressing experience | 0 |
those exceedingly rare films in which the talk alone is enough to keep us | 1 |
has definite weaknesses | 0 |
wears out its welcome as tryingly as the title character | 0 |
Apatia je najsilnejšia zbraň hromadného ničenia, lebo dovoľuje malému zlu získať obrovskú silu, ktorej sa už nikto nebráni. | 0 |
has made a film of intoxicating atmosphere and little else . | 0 |
Gospodine ministre, vi ste jedan izuzetno sposoban, drag, simpatičan drag čovjek. | 1 |
baffled by jason x. | 0 |
Tady zaznělo: hloupost, hloupá, buzerace, lži, proto sem nechodím. | 0 |
the reefs | 0 |
as they poorly rejigger fatal attraction into a high school setting | 0 |
'm not exactly sure what -- and has all the dramatic weight of a raindrop | 0 |
tootsie | 1 |
Raspravljat o tom zakonu a ne imat podatak o tome kakvo je punjenje državnog proračuna naprosto je nemoguće naći argumente za određene odredbe koje se nude u tom Zakonu o porezu na dodanu vrijednost. | 0 |
those unassuming films that sneaks up on you and stays with you long after you have left the theater | 1 |
especially well | 1 |
a thoughtful and unflinching examination of an alternative lifestyle | 1 |
the sick character | 0 |
purposes of bland hollywood romance | 0 |
Prišli ste sem a nemilosrdne a jedným šmahom ste celý tento vybudovaný systém zrušili pod zámienkou nevyhnutnosti okamžitého zlúčenia rozhlasu a televízie. | 0 |
Jobb lett volna, ha Cattaneo valami teljesen mással próbálja megismételni első filmje, az Alul semmi elsöprő sikerét. | 0 |
the very hollowness of the character he plays | 0 |
Premiér, který bohužel je srab a chce se schovávat alibisticky za Sněmovnu prodlužováním nějakého nouzového stavu. | 0 |
the characters inhabit that special annex of hell where adults behave like kids , children behave like adults and everyone | 0 |
is more timely now than ever . | 1 |
an enjoyable feel-good family comedy regardless of race | 1 |
the most ingenious film comedy since being john malkovich | 1 |
go at all the wrong moments | 0 |
Vzpomínáte si, pane poslanče Jurečko prostřednictvím pana předsedajícího, jak jste mě s těmito návrhy z vlády i z koaliční rady vyhodili? | 0 |
works beautifully | 1 |
romanek keeps adding flourishes -- artsy fantasy sequences -- that simply feel wrong . | 0 |
scratching your head than hiding under your seat | 0 |
has finally made a movie that is n't just offensive | 1 |
is grisly . | 0 |
taken it a step further , richer and deeper | 1 |
lots of effort and intelligence are on display but in execution it is all awkward , static , and lifeless rumblings | 0 |
dismantle the facades that his genre and his character construct is a wonderous accomplishment of veracity and narrative grace | 1 |
is there a group of more self-absorbed women than the mother and daughters featured in this film ? | 0 |
presents a fascinating glimpse of urban life and the class warfare that embroils two young men | 1 |
arrived for an incongruous summer playoff , demonstrating yet again that the era of the intelligent , well-made b movie is long gone | 0 |
a droll , | 0 |
vereté has a whip-smart sense of narrative bluffs . | 1 |
Ez a lármás komédia több százezer kínai sorsára emlékeztet, amelyre csak szörnyű tragédiaként tekinthetünk. | 2 |
Že sam njihov obstoj bo dejavnik odvračanja za države in skupine, ki bi utegnile povzročiti neravnovesje v svoji regiji. | 0 |
e.t. works because its flabbergasting principals , 14-year-old robert macnaughton , 6-year-old drew barrymore and 10-year-old henry thomas , convince us of the existence of the wise , wizened visitor from a faraway planet . | 1 |
never found its audience , probably because it 's extremely hard to relate to any of the characters . | 0 |
Za programe od javnog interesa mora se konkurisati i javiti se na javno raspisan konkurs i podneti izveštaj o tome da su odobrena sredstva namenski korišćena, sa čim se apsolutno slažem. | 1 |
big bloody chomps | 0 |
more than its fair share of saucy hilarity . | 1 |
Međutim ako netko počini prometni prekršaj ne samo nesreću o čemu je govorio gospodin šprem. | 2 |
the final effect is like having two guys yelling in your face for two hours . | 0 |
A iz vlastitih prihoda sasvim je sigurno ne može osigurati sredstva da bi mogla funkcionirati. | 0 |
everything humanly possible to create characters who are sweet and believable , and are defeated by a screenplay that forces them into bizarre , implausible behavior | 0 |
it would 've reeked of a been-there , done-that sameness . | 0 |
enjoyable documentary . | 1 |
feel after an 88-minute rip-off of the rock | 0 |
, but with restraint | 0 |
Ali, ovde, da stoji u članu da sudija ima pravo na platu dovoljnu da održi njegovu nezavisnost i sigurnost njegove porodice, zaista je neshvatljivo, meni. | 0 |
america 's thirst | 1 |
A szerepek nagyon jól eltaláltak, Roussillon biztosítja a humoros pillanatokat. | 1 |