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Yangrui Yang, Sisi Chen, Yaping Zhu, Hao Zhu, Zhigang Chen | Knowledge graph empowerment from knowledge learning to graduation requirements achievement | 2,023 | PloS one | young children learning disabilities typically encounter difficulty academic tasks requiring intentional effort effective use metacognitive skillsqualities competent readers writers possess response difficulties special educators often modify literacy instruction isolating basic skills literacy decoding penmanship meaningful reading writing activities instruction contributes impoverished notions literacy exacerbates problems metacognition two research programs reported challenge conventional literacy instruction provided many young students ld programs rooted developmental cognitive theory research well emergent literacy theory social nature learning emphasized focus role teacher form discourse role text literacy instruction results show children learning disabilities benefit strategy instruction occurring within classroom cultures support collaborative discourse flexible application comprehension strategies appropriate meaningful opportunities reading writing | 10.1371/journal.pone.0292903 |
Tim Fleiner, Rieke Trumpf, Thiemo Schnorr, Theresa Buchner, Peter Haussermann, Wiebren Zijlstra, Tobias Morat | Clinical teaching in applied health science: effects of a student-led journal club on aging and physical activity | 2,023 | BMC medical education | young childrens ability evaluate logical necessity 2 types inferences studied 2 experiments involving 68 37yearolds children searched doors model houses order determine whether house matched description specifying certain numbers types occupants search task used experiments 1 2 allowed children search additional information initial information insufficient support logically necessary inference whether house correct incorrect judgment condition used experiment 2 required cant tell response insufficient information even 3yearolds showed ability evaluate logical necessity inference confirmed house correct developmental changes involved increased reliability individuals performance increased range application childrens inference evaluation procedures include difficult disconfirmatory inferences cases greater certainty reasoning seemed required results discussed terms account gradual development consolidation ability evaluate necessity inferences perhaps first apparent preschoolers sensitivity conditions sufficient insufficient information informationacquisition problems | 10.1186/s12909-023-04732-0 |
Salvador Baena-Morales, Andreas Fröberg | Towards a more sustainable future: simple recommendations to integrate planetary health into education | 2,023 | The Lancet. Planetary health | young latinas black women drink less women racialethnic groups experience alcoholrelated problems midlife study aims identify modifiable factors prevent adult onset alcohol use disorder aud population data collected six time points part harlem longitudinal development study 365 latinas 47 black 53 women mean age time 1 14 standard deviation 13 structural equation modeling used test hypothesized pathways childhood physical sexual abuse aud via depressive mood anxiety disorders somatic complaints 20s also tested moderation effect high school academic environment including structural equation model two latent variable interaction terms school environment abuse variables childhood physical sexual abuse positively associated depressive mood anxiety disorders somatic complaints participants 20s depressive mood mediated childhood abuse aud women 30s high school academic environment attenuated effect physical sexual abuse depressive mood 059 b 938 95 ci 1400 476 anxiety symptoms 061 b 1419 95 ci 2176 661 appetite loss 041 b 1052 95 ci 1561 542 sleeplessness 050 b 956 95 ci 1395 517 early 20s findings underscore need invest early violence prevention interventions education ensure equitable access quality academically oriented safe schools | 10.1016/S2542-5196(23)00194-8 |
Zhiju Gu, Kexin Li, Shanshan Ma, Jiaqin Wang, Sujuan Ren, Jing Zhang | Application of Network-Based PBL Model Combined with Role-Playing Method in Geriatric Nursing Teaching | 2,024 | Alternative therapies in health and medicine | young people hard hit widereaching labour market social impacts covid19 crisis youth unemployment increased considerably education workbased learning heavily disrupted many young people suffering financial insecurity housing instability mental distress oecd governments responded situation taking comprehensive policy measures young people ranging labour market income support measures housing responses mental health support policy brief provides overview measures countries put place avoid longlasting negative impact employment prospects aspirations young people | null |
Sophie Wurth, Hubert Maisonneuve, Mohamed Amir Moussa, Baptiste Campion, Nathalie Caire Fon, Claire Peltier, Marie-Claude Audétat | Development of complex pedagogical competencies and reflexivity in clinical teachers via distance learning: a mixed methods study | 2,023 | Medical education online | young people colombia present high rates mental health problems countrys history armed internal conflict contributes complex ways mental health services colombia fragmented inadequate difficult access many young peoples helpseeking often hindered mental health stigma andor poor experiences services paper presents thematic analysis qualitative data mixedmethods study aimed developing testing mental health intervention colombian youths draw upon theoretical lenses scholarly work stigma sens capabilities approach inform analysis interviews group discussions staff young people involved statefunded human capital building programme jovenes en accin jea illustrating study participants talked stigma vulnerability mental health services organisation challenges discussing mental health topics learning environment illuminate aspects mental health support antistigma interventions might need enhancing particular suggest emphasis community competencies complementary interrelated individual competencies would strengthen young peoples individual collective resources mental wellbeing line sociocritical principles existing human capitalenhancing programmes | 10.1080/10872981.2023.2265163 |
T Hussain, S Namvar, M Jones | Authentic Pathology Specimen Reception: A Valuable Resource for Developing Biomedical Science Student Competencies and Employability | 2,023 | British journal of biomedical science | young people school impressionable age peer pressures intense probability pick highrisk behavior smoking high key reduction smoking among adults target prevention efforts young adults teens study prevalence trend smoking among young adults teens formulate guidelines smoking reduction guide counsel young people study design cross sectional study based data oklahoma behavioral risk factor surveillance system national youth risk behavioral surveillance system two systems monitor prevalence behaviors influence health prevalence smoking among young adults age 1824 oklahoma high 21 disturbing feature higher among young females among young males prevalence smoking among young adults highest among high school dropouts 38 lower among high school graduates 28 lowest among college graduates 18 percentage smoking among students classify current smokers rises 23 30 students progress grade 9 12 percentage frequent smokers increases 8 16 guidelines suggested counselors 1 along smoking look comorbid behaviors alcohol use drug abuse highrisk sexual behavior 2 ask whether student easy access free cigarette samples 3 check whether teen trying lose weight suggest appropriate methods losing weight smoking used losing weight 4 target health education efforts early students school career starting elementary school concentrate especially 8th 9th grade level maximum preventive impact | 10.3389/bjbs.2023.11731 |
Wei Liu | Effect of Unfolding Case-Based Learning on Clinical Judgment Among Undergraduate Nursing Students | 2,024 | Nurse educator | young people vulnerable situations tend difficulties realizing successful formal education trajectories extremely important conduct studies explore key dimensions help young people overcome conditioning vulnerable situations assisting achievement academic success according existing literature one key dimensions psychosocial wellbeing thus qualitative research aims identify analyze psychosocial factors favor successful school pathways among young people vulnerable situations case study approach 12 indepth interviews carried 12 young spanish people vulnerable background also successful formal education trajectories data explored qualitative content analysisnvivo11 results revealed young people generally associate successful educational trajectory positive impact psychosocial factors following positive caregivers valuation formal education positive school experiences support networks young people also point many negative school experiences overcome via positive attitudes individual protective factors youngsters suggest changes educational system teachers skills order improve levels psychosocial support formal education contexts studys implications limitations recommendations future research discussed | 10.1097/NNE.0000000000001526 |
Halah Ahmed Alismail | Teachers' perspectives of utilizing distance learning to support 21st century skill attainment for K-3 elementary students during the COVID-19 pandemic era | 2,023 | Heliyon | young people fail develop language expected face significant challenges aspects life unfortunately language disorders common either distinct condition eg developmental language disorder part another neurodevelopmental condition eg autism finding ways attenuate language problems intervention potential yield great benefits individual also society whole metaanalytic review examined effect oral language interventions children neurodevelopmental disorders last electronic search conducted april 2022 intervention studies target language skills children 2 18 years age developmental language disorder autism intellectual disability syndrome fragile x syndrome williams syndrome randomised controlled trials quasiexperimental designs control groups include businessasusual waiting list passive active conditions however excluded studies active control group received different type delivery dosage another language intervention eligible interventions implemented explicit structured activities ie explicit instruction vocabulary narrative structure grammatical rules andor implicit broad activities ie shared book reading general language stimulation intervention studies assess language skills receptive andor expressive modalities search provided 8195 records deduplication records screened title abstract leading fulltext examinations 448 records performed correlated hierarchical effects models ran retrospective power analysis via simulation publication bias assessed via pcurve precisioneffect estimate examined 38 studies 46 group comparisons 108 effects comparing preposttests eight studies 12 group comparisons 21 effects followup results showed mean effect size 027 posttest 018 followup however evidence publication bias overestimation mean effects effects metaanalysis significantly related elements 1 receptive vocabulary omnibus receptive measures showed smaller effect sizes relative expressive vocabulary grammar expressive receptive discourse omnibus expressive tests 2 length intervention longer sessions conducted longer period time beneficial brief sessions shortterm interventions neither moderators concerning participants characteristics childrens diagnosis diagnostic status age sex nonverbal cognitive ability severity language impairment regarding treatment components implementation language interventions intervention content setting delivery agent session structure intervention total number sessions reached significance occurred indicators study quality risk bias assessment showed reporting quality studies examined review poor sum current evidence base promising inconclusive preregistration replication robust adequately powered trials include wider range diagnostic conditions together longterm followup comparisons needed drive evidencebased practice policy | 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e19275 |
Katharina Dressel, Irene Ablinger, Anna Andrea Lauer, Heike Sabine Grimm, Tobias Hartmann, Carina Hermanns, Marcus Schwarz, Tim Taddey, Marcus Otto Walter Grimm | Interprofessional education: a necessity in Alzheimer's dementia care-a pilot study | 2,023 | Frontiers in medicine | young thai women growing amidst conflicting influences globalization traditional thai culture experience confusion aspects sexuality express must hide study examined forms sexual control sexual negotiation among young thai women secondary vocational schools semistructured interviews focus group discussions conducted among 13to 18yearold female students attending secondary vocational schools six regions thailand additional semistructured interviews conducted instructors sex education school administrators parents students nvivo 10 used manage code assist data analysis sociocultural control young womens sexualities found members families schools communities students young women expressing sexualities openly verbal expressions clothing behaviors deemed negatively stigmatized dekkaedaet kids pretending grownups believed young immature responsible decisions bodies sexuality dominant discourse subsequently stigmatize embarrass sexually active women however young women try negotiate create options utilizing strategies ensure secrecy comprehensive sexuality education needed based respect human dignity sexual reproductive rights | 10.3389/fmed.2023.1235642 |
Muhammad Faisal Bilal Lodhi, Tanzeela Khalid | Online Teaching of Final-Year Medical Students during COVID-19 Pandemic: Merits and Challenges | 2,023 | Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan : JCPSP | youth athletes often prescribed opioids sustaining sportrelated injuries age warriorlike culture sport desire perform highest level risk opioid misuse due nature sport youth athletes greater risk misuse opioids although always predict misuse adults almost always precursor among addicted opioids adulthood crisis classified national center health statistics centers disease control prevention epidemic resulting hundred deaths day cost billion dollars better understand athletes experiences use opioids current study uses indepth semistructured interviews 35 current athletes highlights lived experiences opioid use qualitative linebyline coding revealed three main themes protective role parents teaching potential athletes pain easy access overthecounter medication supplements allow athletes address pain enhance performance results highlight youth athletes may misuse opioids extent previously predicted past research provide insight opioid epidemic youth sporting perspective | 10.29271/jcpsp.2023.10.1176 |
Andrea Boccatonda, Antonio Ursitti, Alessio Frisone, Patrizio D'Alessandro, Maria Teresa Guagnano, Giovanni Iannetti, Cosima Schiavone | Training and learning ultrasound: survey on a sample of Italian students, impact and role inside the core curriculum of degree courses in medicine and surgery | 2,023 | Journal of ultrasound | youth transmit covid19 adults communication materials exist engaging youth covid19 prevention behaviors describe process leveraging communityacademic partnership rapid response initiative engage youth contest ie youthled creative expression contest prevent covid19 across texas develop creative public health messaging centered prevention covid19 transmission infection peers core activities included developing request applications solicited submission creative expression materials promoting use covid19 prevention behaviors maskwearing social distancing handwashing touching face texas youth elementary middle andor high school sending request applications 48 organizations austin brownsville dallas el paso houston san antonio summer 2020 recruiting youth advisory board score submissions award prizes report youth engagement covid communication contest across texas use statistics chisquare ttests characterize compare youth participants creative expression artwork contest resulted 3003 website views 34 submissions eligible scoring submission averaged 2 prevention behaviors average winning submissions included higher number prevention behaviors nonwinning submissions prevention behavior touching face included often winning submissions nonwinning submissions elementary school children less likely include mask submission compared older youth existing communityacademic networks engage youth development geographically agetailored communication materials | 10.1007/s40477-023-00830-3 |
Madah Fatima, Nazish Imran, Irum Aamer, Somia Iqtadar, Bilquis Shabbir | When healers get wounded! Moral injury in healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Pakistan | 2,023 | Frontiers in psychiatry | youth development violence prevention two sides public policy focus much theoretical empirical effort identifying delinquency risks intervening given great costs homicide historically high nationwide prison population new policies must address increasing violence rising expenses treatments prenatal care home visitation bullying prevention alcoholsubstance abuse education alternative thinking promotion mentoring life skills training rewards graduation employment functional family multisystemic therapy multidimensional foster care effective ameliorate agespecific risks delinquency present interventions yield 1040 diversion crime however returns investment rois vary 1 98 targeting empirical treatments determined risk based statistical models actuarial testing using electronic surveillance nonviolent prisoners significantly diverted youth violence improving roi simultaneously saving costs | 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1244055 |
Alison Giovanelli, Tahilin Sanchez Karver, Katrina D Roundfield, Sean Woodruff, Catherine Wierzba, J Wolny, Michelle R Kaufman | The Appa Health App for Youth Mental Health: Development and Usability Study | 2,023 | JMIR formative research | youth australia routinely exposed sexually explicit images among 16 17yearolds threequarters boys onetenth girls ever watched xrated movie threequarters 16 17yearolds exposed accidentally pornographic websites 38 percent boys 2 percent girls deliberately accessed internet pornography particularly pervasive source minors exposure pornography accidental deliberate two features childrens exposure pornography mirror among adults first males likely seek frequent consumers xrated movies pornographic websites second internet users age find difficult avoid unwanted encounters sexually explicit materials | 10.2196/49998 |
Ken Diango, Eric Mafuta, Lee A Wallis, Charmaine Cunningham, Peter Hodkinson | Implementation and evaluation of a pilot WHO community first aid responder training in Kinshasa, DR Congo: A mixed method study | 2,023 | African journal of emergency medicine : Revue africaine de la medecine d'urgence | youth childcare institutions may lower levels food literacy compared youth food literacy indicating ability plan prepare meals scratch associated consuming healthier diets objective study explore food literacy transmitted youth involvement participation foodrelated activities norwegian childcare institutions data collected qualitative semistructured interviews 13 staff 8 adolescents 16 years age selected convenient sampling childcare institutions n 6 southeast norway found institutional context provided opportunities limitations transmitting food literacy staff tended prefer soft approach transmitting food literacy due youth perceived vulnerable focus youth autonomy youth showed ambivalent interests participating foodrelated activities wished need decide much involved respected firm approach perceived increase risk conflict findings best interpreted light childcare institution intersect homely public spheres ambivalence among staff following institutional guidelines caring different needs residents food often referred symbolizing something else relationship staff youth care structure autonomy normal family life initiatives aiming including food literacy care relations childcare institutions recommended | 10.1016/j.afjem.2023.09.001 |
Pamella R Adongo, Joshua Epuitai, Joseph Luwaga Mpagi, Rebecca Nekaka, Ivan Lyagoba, Joseph Odula, Paul Oboth | "No PBL is better than online PBL": Qualitative exploration regarding the perceived impact of online problem-based learning on nursing and medical students' learning during COVID-19 lockdown | 2,023 | Research square | youth legal system high risk opioid substance use problems exhibit high rates trauma exposure traumafocused therapeutic approaches prevent substance use show promise evidencebased interventions designed justiceinvolved youth mind consequently implementing traumainformed evidencebased interventions within juvenile justice systems challenging current paper describes systematic adaptation trustbased relational intervention tbri familycentered substance use prevention program youth transitioning secure residential facilities study utilized adaptitt methodological framework adapt tbri caregiver training evidencebased traumainformed intervention designed help caregivers support children youth histories trauma phases adaptation included 1 assessment 2 decision 3 prototype development 4 testing integration adaptation process explored contextual factors eg systems facilities staff needs new target population ie youth legal system caregivers adaptations made content eg terminology activities structure eg session duration delivery setting input participants target population key stakeholders content experts systematic adaptation intervention model resulted twophase fourcomponent intervention package implemented juvenile justice settings part youth reentry services primary intervention delivered youth residential facilities includes tbri caregiver curriculum tbri youth young adult curriculum tbri nurture groups secondary intervention delivered youth transition home includes tbri family coaching curriculum utilizing systematic methodological framework guide adaptation implications developing accessible culturally relevant contextually appropriate interventions accounting contextual factors population needs improve fit evidencebased interventions youth legal system facilitating uptake ultimately improving outcomes youth risk substance use problems clinicaltrialsgov identifier nct04678960 | 10.21203/ |
Masumbuko Albert Baluwa, Neggie Chinyanga Mkundika Mndolo, Naomi Kyeremaa Yeboa, Cynthia Mpeta-Phiri, Clara Haruzivishe, Ellen Chirwa | Clinical Competency During Undergraduate Midwifery Training in Malawi: A Concept Analysis | 2,023 | Advances in medical education and practice | youth participatory action research ypar approach research engages youth across research process peer researcher method technique used ypar youth trained research ethics interview peers purpose study describe process engaging youth peer researchers health promoting schools hps student engagement project ii understand peer researchers perspectives experience throughout project youth across nova scotia canada grades 710 ages 1216 recruited peer researchers summer 2022 project included three stages peer researcher training ii practicing recruiting conducting interviews iii data interpretation workshop understand peer researchers experience quantitative data collected evaluation questionnaire outputs produced using descriptive statistics qualitative data collected focus group interviews analyzed using inductive content analysis total 11 youth recruited completed peer researcher training youth provided positive feedback training satisfaction score 8710 qualitative analysis indicated benefits peer researchers including opportunities build interview social skills learn others perspectives study provides detailed overview use peer researcher method ypar project involve youth research related hps student engagement research also highlights benefits engaging youth ypar future research report findings peer interviews | 10.2147/AMEP.S426347 |
Marziyeh Barzegar, Seyed Aliakbar Faghihi, Mitra Amini, Nahid Zarifsanaiey, Elham Boushehri | Outpatient education, a momentous in clinical education: a qualitative study of medical students', faculty members', and residents' perspectives | 2,023 | BMC medical education | youth physical activity pa levels differ raceethnicity socioeconomic status ses well established various multilevel factors may influence changes pa present study examined whether association change individual interpersonal environmental factors change pa modified raceethnicity ses study followed 643 youths parents suburban rural south carolina participating transitions activity changes kids track study 20082009 20102011 assessed total pa youth using accelerometry categorized youth parent survey data blocks based socioecological model multivariate regression growth curve models evaluated whether association change independent variables change pa modified raceethnicity ses pa declined fifth seventh grade among racialethnic ses groups associations range variables change pa modified raceethnicity ses blacks share common predictors change pa whites hispanics however childreported number active friends associated total pa enjoyment pa associated change pa among whites hispanics significant interactions time varied racialethnic group factors influence changes youth pa vary raceethnicity ses findings reinforce complex nature addressing pa behavior diverse samples support need culturally appropriate interventions promote pa youth | 10.1186/s12909-023-04694-3 |
Javad Yoosefi Lebni, Arash Ziapour, Zahra Fazeli, Mandana Saki, Ahmad Ahmadi, Nafiul Mehedi | Exploring the challenges of men who married to adolescent girls in Western Iran: A qualitative study | 2,023 | Health science reports | youth water consumption inadequate increasing adolescent water consumption could support decreased dental caries body mass index bmi schools required provide free potable water however evidence schools selfreported compliance data overestimate access water schools tested feasibility using student citizen scientists collect high quality observational data water sources schools trained 12 teams high school students use validated photoevidence protocol photograph submit data water sources elementary secondary schools surveyed students advisors assess student learning advisor burden project feasibility students submitted data 325 water sources across 40 racially economically diverse schools able use 99 studentsubmitted photographs measure water source wear cleanliness accessibility flow majority students 72 n 70 spent 2 hours photographing school majority students advisors felt project valuable feasible high school students use photographic method collect data analysis understand access water schools feasible scalable costeffective method gather valid water source data | 10.1002/hsr2.1595 |
Elena Andina-Díaz, José Siles-González, Ana Isabel Gutiérrez-García, MCarmen Solano-Ruiz | Perception of care from the perspective of nursing students: A study using photovoice, storytelling and poetry | 2,023 | Nurse education in practice | youth experience homelessness engage behaviors place high risk disease injury despite health risk behaviors youth display psychological capital positive attributes hope efficacy resilience optimism motivate engage healthpromoting behaviors safer sex however array positive psychological attributes studied vulnerable population specific aim analysis determine whether factors psychological capital mediated relationship background risk factors eg raceethnicity educational attainment reason homeless sexual abuse history hiv status outcomes condom intention safer sex behaviors life satisfaction among youth participated longitudinal intervention study using solomon fourgroup design 602 youth recruited dropin centers two large cities columbus ohio austin texas participate brief intervention included outcomes enhanced communication skills goal setting safer sex behaviors drug refusal skills life satisfaction using autoregressive crosslagged longitudinal mediation model tested direct indirect effects background factors psychological capital intervention outcomes models tested intervention group alone total sample significant direct indirect effects background factors intervention outcomes among intervention group model fit poor also significant mediating paths via factors psychological capital poor model fit combined group findings provide important information intrinsic strengths youth experiencing homelessness psychological capital significant construct understanding health behaviors among disadvantaged underserved youth lack significant mediation effects may due part lack robust measure psychological capital study various background factors outcomes would contribute understanding best support population | 10.1016/j.nepr.2023.103791 |
Adam M Briggs, Samantha J Zohr, Olivia B Harvey | Training individuals to implement discrete-trial teaching procedures using behavioral skills training: A scoping review with implications for practice and research | 2,024 | Journal of applied behavior analysis | youth experience traumatic events substantially higher risk engaging substance use sexual risk behaviors problems eg hiv acquisition nontraumaexposed counterparts evidencebased substance use risky sexual behavior prevention may reduce risk outcomes traumafocused mental health treatment provides window opportunity implementation preventive work youth however overburdened clinicians face challenges adding prevention content implementing evidencebased treatments mobile health mhealth tools help reduce burden delivering prevention curricula traumainformed prevention substance use risky sexual behavior tips mhealth app developed aid traumafocused cognitive behavioral therapy tfcbt clinicians implementation evidencebased risk behavior prevention curriculum goal paper describe rationale development tips app present results mixed methods approach initial evaluation usability participants included clinicians n11 adolescents n11 caregivers n10 completed qualitative interviews adapted version website analysis measurement inventory total 4 overarching themes emerged participants answers qualitative interview questions demonstrating generally positive response app themes 1 strength app content 2 suggestions app content 3 esthetics usability 4 benefits patient session implementation clinicians adolescents caregivers agreed content relevant adolescents used examples language adolescents could relate 3 groups also discussed content comprehensive addressed issues often faced adolescents 3 groups users made suggestions esthetics mostly comprised suggestions change font color pictures within app groups adolescents positive esthetics usability app results website analysis measurement inventory illustrated users favorable reaction tips app 100 1111 clinicians 100 1010 caregivers adolescents 711 64 selecting strongly agree somewhat agree following statement app much interest adolescents generally found app easier use caregivers clinicians tips app shows promise mhealth tool tfcbt clinicians integrate evidencebased substance use risky sexual behavior hiv prevention treatment future research including randomized controlled trial comparing tfcbt implementation without inclusion app necessary evaluate feasibility efficacy app reducing risk substance use risky sexual behavior among traumaexposed adolescents clinicaltrialsgov nct03710720 httpsclinicaltrialsgovstudynct03710720 | 10.1002/jaba.1024 |
Ainitze Labaka, Asier Zamakola, Marta Arrue, Haritz Arrieta | Evaluating gender awareness, gender-related health knowledge and patient pain legitimation among nursing students: A quasi-experimental study | 2,023 | Nurse education in practice | youth chronic health conditions experience challenges transition adult care marginalized identities likely experience disparities care navigate structural barriers throughout transition scoping review aims identify social structural drivers health ssdoh associated outcomes youth transitioning adult care particularly experience structural marginalization including black indigenous 2spirit lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer questioning others youth medline embase cinahl psycinfo searched earliest available date may 2022 two reviewers screened titles abstracts followed fulltext disagreements resolved third reviewer primary research studying association ssdoh transition outcomes included ssdoh subcategorized social drivers structural drivers demographic characteristics transition outcomes classified themes associations ssdoh outcomes assessed according statistical significance categorized significant p 05 nonsignificant p 05 unclear significance 101 studies included identifying 12 social drivers childhood environment income education employment health literacy insurance geographic location language immigration food security psychosocial stressors stigma 5 demographic characteristics race ethnicity gender illness type illness severity comorbidity structural drivers studied gender significantly associated communication quality life transfer satisfaction transfer completion transfer timing race ethnicity appointment keeping transfer completion studies heterogeneous metaanalysis possible gender race ethnicity associated inequities transition outcomes understanding associations crucial informing transition interventions mitigating health inequities | 10.1016/j.nepr.2023.103790 |
Mariwan Qadir Hamarash, Marghoob Hussein Yaas, Osama Ismael Almushhadany, Radhwan Hussein Ibrahim | Preceptoring of Graduate Nursing Students in Iraq | 2,023 | Advances in medical education and practice | youth intellectual disabilities experience disparities physical activity diet quality physical food literacy hypothesised support adoption healthy lifestyles however interventions developed population participants intellectual disabilities ages 1216 years recruited 12week online sports skills nutrition education intervention feasibility acceptability preliminary efficacy assessed attendance satisfaction prepost measures motor skills perceived competence motivation physical activity classifying foods making healthy choices food consumption six teens participated program attended 875 sessions satisfaction data suggested program wellreceived teens parents trends toward improvements physical activity nutrition outcome measures observed preliminary data pilot study suggest physical food literacy youth intellectual disabilities improved turn may contribute adoption healthy lifestyles | 10.2147/AMEP.S418824 |
Miguel Cons-Ferreiro, Marcos Mecias-Calvo, Vicente Romo-Perez, Rubén Navarro-Patón | Learning of Basic Life Support through the Flipped Classroom in Secondary Schoolchildren: A Quasi-Experimental Study with 12-Month Follow-Up | 2,023 | Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) | youthonset type 2 diabetes t2d increasingly common often diagnosed shortly transition pediatric adult care little known experience emerging adults eas t2d readiness barriers facilitators transition study sought describe illness experience eas t2d perceptions transition explore themes transition readiness measured transition readiness assessment questionnaire traq mixedmethods study conducted semistructured interviews eas t2d using guide grounded health belief model administered traq collected disease metrics electronic medical record developed coding scheme using directed contentanalysis approach triangulated qualitative quantitative data compare themes stratified mean traq score participants described modifying factors like adjusting life chronic illness coping mental health issues critical elements illness experience influence transition individual beliefs emerged including perceived risk disease complications informed experience family members selfefficacy diabetes care hinging ability highly organized transition daunting obstacle numerous emotional logistical barriers participants emphasized need support caregivers providers throughout transition themes vary significantly traq score experiences eas t2d suggest assistance needed transition period address factors mental health organizational skills identifying support people facilitate care | 10.3390/medicina59091526 |
S S Sule, T M Akande, A T Onajole, M J Abubakar | Curriculum Development: Postgraduate Diploma in Health Systems Management | 2,023 | West African journal of medicine | youths academic emotional functioning closely related yet little known timing direction relationships involving internalizing problems characterized control emotions anxiety depression well multiple aspects academic achievement study addresses gaps using data study early child care youth development n 1048 examine processes problems one domain functioning lead problems another known cascade effect results longitudinal structural equation modeling indicate direct indirect negative cascade effect girls internalizing problems school achievement high school b positive contemporaneous association 9th grade boys internalizing problems cognitive achievement c ways demographic characteristics adolescent social maturational processes account variation functioning yet alter processes emotional academic functioning interact results discussed regard identifiying adolescents internalizing problems gender differences effects internalizing problems academic functioning timing evidencebased interventions implications mental health promotion among girls | null |
Cheng Zhu, Xiaopeng Wu | A Study on Differential Effects of Mathematics Reading Ability on Students' Value-Added Mathematics Achievements | 2,023 | Behavioral sciences (Basel, Switzerland) | youths type 2 diabetes higher risk complications compared peers type 1 diabetes though studies evaluated differences access specialty care compare claims diabetes specialists youths type 1 vs type 2 diabetes association specialist claims multidisciplinary acute care utilization crosssectional study used optum clinformatics data mart commercial claims individuals included study youths younger 19 years type 1 2 diabetes determined validated algorithm prescription claims data collected youths least 80 enrollment commercial health plan december 1 2018 december 31 2019 statistical analysis performed september 2022 january 2024 primary outcome number ambulatory claims endocrine andor diabetes physician advanced practice clinician associated diabetes diagnosis code secondary outcomes included multidisciplinary acute care claims claims analyzed 4772 youths mean sd age 136 37 years 4300 901 type 1 diabetes 472 99 type 2 diabetes 2465 517 male 128 27 asian 303 64 black african american 429 90 hispanic latino 3366 705 nonhispanic white 546 114 unknown race ethnicity specialist claims lower type 2 compared type 1 diabetes incidence rate ratio irr 061 95 ci 052072 p 001 propensity scoreweighted analyses presence comorbidity associated increased specialist claims type 1 diabetes irr 107 95 ci 103110 decreased claims type 2 diabetes irr 077 95 ci 067087 pooling diagnosis groups adjusted covariates additional specialist claim associated increased odds claim diabetes care education specialist odds ratio 131 95 ci 125136 dietitian 114 95 ci 109119 behavioral health clinician 116 95 ci 112120 acute care claims additional specialist claim associated increased odds admission 117 95 ci 111124 emergency claims 103 95 ci 098182 crosssectional study found youths type 2 diabetes significantly less likely specialist claims despite insurance coverage indicating barriers care may include medical complexity access diabetes specialists influences engagement multidisciplinary services association increasing ambulatory clinician services admissions suggests high utilization subgroup patients greater risk poor outcomes | 10.3390/bs13090754 |
Michael George Botelho, Bochra Boubaker | Near-peer teaching in a psychomotor skills course: Benefits, challenges and solutions | 2,024 | European journal of dental education : official journal of the Association for Dental Education in Europe | youtube educational videos inhalers however content quality adequately known study investigated quality content educational youtube videos inhalers descriptive study analyzed 178 youtube videos inhalers may july 2022 two researchers independently evaluated videos global quality score gqs journal american medical association jama benchmark criteria inhaler application checklist iac used assess quality content videos spearmans correlation kruskalwallis mannwhitney u anova post hoc analysis bonferroni test used data analysis videos mean gqs score 370 124 jama score 222 060 negative correlation quality score videos views likes comments duration likesviews respectively r 0237 p 0005 r 0217 p 0003 r 0220 p 0005 r 0147 p 0005 videos narrated nurses doctors significantly higher mean jama gqs scores others p 0001 videos missed procedural steps gargling 291 adding five ml medication device cleaning 419 exhaling nose 375 videos uploaded individual missed significantly procedural steps professional organizations p 005 youtube videos inhaler techniques moderate level quality videos uploaded doctors nurses content narrators higher quality videos missed procedural steps individual video uploaders higher missed procedural steps counseling provided patients regarding reliability online information | 10.1111/eje.12951 |
Diantha Soemantri, Ardi Findyartini, Rita Mustika, Estivana Felaza, Muhammad Athallah Arsyaf, Bayu Prasetya Alfandy, Nadia Greviana | Looking beyond the COVID-19 pandemic: the recalibration of student-teacher relationships in teaching and learning process | 2,023 | Medical education online | youtube third popular app world continues grow year reaches 2 billion users month variety veterinary topics addressed youtube date studies analysing misinformation various canine cancer topics youtube social media study described characteristics 99 unique videos used validated discern quality criteria consumer health information patient education materials assessment tool pemat characterize usefulness overall median discern quality score 3 5 median pemat understandability score 72 61 videos contained little misinformation 53 videos created veterinarians subset significantly higher pemat understandability discern quality scores compared clientcreated content p 0228 p 0001 respectively videos little misinformation statistically significant higher discern quality scores 3 vs 2 p 0001 statistical significance misinformation levels video length pemat understandability thumbs upview viewsmo data reveal similar rates misinformation videos canine cancer compared reported various human cancer topics study highlights need veterinarians guide clients reliable understandable information regarding pets health | 10.1080/10872981.2023.2259162 |
Sawyer Stevens | Creating an Advanced Statistics Interest Group to Increase Medical Students' Confidence and Competence in Statistics and Data Analysis | 2,023 | South Dakota medicine : the journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association | youtube largest online video platform become increasingly popular source health information patients aim study assess whether korean patients well informed spinal injection youtube search keyword cheogchu jusa korean language done quality 51 videos highest number views evaluated independently two pain management doctors averages global quality scores evaluated two doctors 30 35 modified discern mdiscern scores 28 30 respectively kappa statistic two doctors scores 0285 0417 percentage lowquality videos global quality score 2 less 1836 indicated videos might provide inaccurate misleading medical information patient pain clinic doctors wary medically misleading information available online platforms youtube strive create distribute professional quality educational materials | null |
Ashley Durant | Medical Students as Simulation Educators | 2,023 | South Dakota medicine : the journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association | zebrafish used education tool students ages used many learning environments teach different fields science study focus biology zebrafish describe educational program within weeklong science camp students 12 14 years old methodology described based running annual science camps 11year period camps students learnt developmental stages zebrafish well general zebrafish biology husbandry ecology behavior reproduction article describes provide students educators educational program explore discover contribute everevolving landscape biological understanding active visual learning describe methodology evaluation revisions program time future directions expansion | null |
Katherine Nielson, Valeriy Kozmenko, Julie Swenson, Brian Wallenburg | Evaluating the Effectiveness of ACLS Instructor Certification Training for Medical Students to Improve Knowledge in Clinical Practice as Residents With the Use of an Assurance Index-Based Assessment: A Case Control Study | 2,023 | South Dakota medicine : the journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association | zhu gigerenzer 2006 showed appreciable number chinese children aged 9 12years old made correct quantitative bayesian inferences requiring integration priors likelihoods long presented numerical information phrased terms natural frequencies study sought replicate finding extend investigation childrens bayesian reasoning different numerical format chances probability questions distributive relative experiment 1 sample italian children presented natural frequency version five bayesian inference problems employed zhu gigerenzer 2006 tiny minority able produce correct responses experiment 2 found childrens accuracy well coherence probability judgments depended type question format natural frequency vs chance information presented conclude childrens competence drawing quantitative bayesian inferences lower suggested zhu gigerenzer 2006 similarly happens adults relies problem representation fosters extensional evaluation possibilities specific numerical format | null |
Andrew D P Prince, Alexander R Green, David J Brown, Michael J Brenner | Readiness of Medical Students to Care for Diverse Patients: A Validated Assessment of Cross-Cultural Preparedness, Skills, and Curriculum | 2,023 | Health equity | zimbabwean government adopted competencybased curriculum 2017 measure prepare learners life work indigenised economy increasingly globalised competitive environment government also sought ensure learners develop skills necessary lifelong learning line emerging opportunities purpose study explore challenges faced teachers implementation competencybased curriculum learners learning disabilities mhangura makonde district zimbabwe constructivist lived experience perspective underpinned research single case study used interact participants challenges faced teachers implementation competencybased curriculum learners learning disabilities purposive sampling used select nine participants five males four females data collected facetoface interviews transcribed verbatim four themes emerged thematic analysis data sources results indicated participants facing several challenges implementing competencybased curriculum learners learning disabilities among cited challenges negative attitudes towards learners learning disabilities poor teacher preparation lack resources poor collaboration study concluded objectives competencybased curriculum noble learners implementation inclusive study findings assist identifying areas need improved need strengthening education policy makers country better understanding challenges faced teachers implementation competencybased curriculum zimbabwe | 10.1089/heq.2023.0142 |
Marwan Hamad, Russell Gurbutt | Emotional intelligence in preregistration nurse education | 2,023 | Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987) | zoonoses increasing concern worldwide particularly low middleincome countries people close contact animals high risk contracting transmitting zoonotic diseases determine health literacy livestock farmers toward biosecurity prevent zoonotic diseases crosssectional mixedmethods study conducted thai nguyen province vietnam livestock farming main occupation questionnaire survey submitted 218 farmers close contact livestock addition 8 farmers invited indepth interview explore health literacy half participants men average age standard deviation participants 493115 years median years experience farming 15 years majority 820 participants moderate health literacy level regarding zoonoses improper use antibiotics referred 580 participants including antibiotic use feeding supplements 340 use human antibiotics treat sick animals 240 many participants unaware zoonotic prevention measures due practices wearing protective equipment 600 absence acaricides prevent vector infestations 520 absence disinfection measures 420 low rate rabies vaccination 540 quarantining sick animals 380 indepth interviews revealed great concern among farmers collective lack participation local veterinarians health workers government authorities zoonosesprevention efforts statistical models showed farm scale ethnic groups perceived income associated overall health literacy zoonoses comprehensive health education related zoonotic diseases recommended improve overall knowledge including routes transmission symptoms consequences diseases antibiotic usage addition guidance provided farmers treat sick animals appropriate use antibiotics waste management local veterinarians health workers important contact points work closely farmers prevent zoonotic diseases | 10.7748/ns.2023.e11994 |
Evelyn S Tan, Bryce D McLeod, Robyn A Mildon, Aron Shlonsky, Cheryl K F Seah, Keri McCrickerd, Esther Goh, Gayatri Kembhavi | Assessing the effectiveness and implementation of a universal classroom-based set of educator practices to improve preschool children's social-emotional outcomes: Protocol for a cluster randomized controlled type 2 hybrid trial in Singapore | 2,023 | PloS one | cyclodextrin nanosponge cdm used adsorption ibuprofen ibu water sewage obtained material characterized scanning electron microscopy sem fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ftir brunaueremmettteller bet barrettjoynerhalenda bjh harkins jura tplot zeta potential thermogravimetric analysis tga differential scanning calorimetry dsc elementary analysis ea batch adsorption experiments employed investigate effects adsorbent dose initial ibu concentration contact time electrolyte ions humic acids sewage adsorption efficiency experimental isotherms show using langmuir freundlich hill halsey sips isotherm models thermodynamic analysis fits results estimated according sips isotherm maximum adsorption capacity 8621 mg g1 experimental kinetics studied pseudofirstorder pseudosecondorder elovich modified freundlich weber morris banghams pore diffusion liquid film diffusion models performed experiments revealed adsorption process fits perfectly pseudosecondorder model elovich freundlich models indicate chemisorption kinetic adsorption model complex data obtained throughout study prove nanosponge ns extremely stable selfseparating adjusting guest structure also represents potential biodegradable adsorbent removal ibu wastewaters | 10.1371/journal.pone.0291723 |
Claire Condron, Mide Power, Midhun Mathew, Siobhan M Lucey | Gender Equality Training for Students in Higher Education: Protocol for a Scoping Review | 2,023 | JMIR research protocols | ackground children parents mental illness 50 chance developing mental illness numerous studies shown preventive familyoriented interventions decrease risk 40 professionals decisive factor influencing familyoriented practice also substantial differences professions terms familyoriented practices study examines level familyoriented practice different professional groups germany data used baseline assessment twogroup randomized controlled multicenter trial cichimps subproject chimpsnet took place january 2020 may 2021 18 clinical centers germany child adolescent mental health systems well adult mental health systems took part every professional involved treatment invited participate data used 475 mental health professionals including physicians psychologists psychotherapists adults children adolescents occupational music physio art therapists social education workers nursing education service familyoriented mental health practice examined using translated version familyfocused mental health practice questionnaire ffmhpq means standard deviations calculated 18 ffmhpqgv subscales anovas computed compare professions significant differences examined via post hoc analyses scheff additionally effect sizes calculated omega squared differences seen professions aspects familyoriented practice regarding organizational policy support aspects issues concerning working parentclients well professional skills knowledge aspects psychotherapists children adolescents scored highest familyoriented practices compared professional groups almost subscales study examines level familyoriented practice different professional groups germany apart skills knowledge impact mental illness parenting psychotherapists children adolescents highest scores engaged familyoriented practice psychotherapists adults got least workplace support familyoriented practice competent providing resources referral information concerned families feel confidence working due results training need exists improve skills knowledge impact mental illness parenting additionally still potential institutional support promoting familyoriented work chimpsnetstudy registered german clinical trials register 20191219 drks00020380 clinical trials 2020430 nct04369625 cichimpsstudy registered german clinical trials register drks00026217 20210827 clinical trials 20211104 nct05106673 | 10.2196/44584 |
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