3 values
Jett Black has been an artist his entire life.
Giotto wani ɗan wasan kwaikwayon da ake nema a lokacin rayuwarsa.
The papillae can be protected by
Enwere ike ibudata faịlụ site na nchekwa nchekwa igwe.
It may be the right decision.
O le jẹ ti o dara julọ ipinnu ifarada.
We returned to the U.K.
Anyị alaghachila n'ụgbọala USB na mgbatị ahụ.
Among some of its most potent are its benefits for your heart.
Gbigba awọn idinku ti o dara julọ ti awọn iwa obi wọn, eyi aja onise je ohun ese aseyori!
Use the platform competently to reach their goals.
Jiri map mee ihe ezi uche dị na ha iji mezuo ebumnuche ha.
(He felt that it was contributing to pain.)
(Ta yi hakuri don ya jawo mini mummunar cutar.)
(This was a wounded man.)
(Inu ìrora ni ọkùnrin tí ó ṣèṣe n nì wà).
I would want to apply all that I have learnt here in my work.
Fun idi eyi, Mo nifẹ lati pin ohun gbogbo ti Mo nkọ nipa eto iṣẹ yii.
being given and even they didn't get it
ba a kansu, suma kuma basu samu ba, abin
Now that you have clarified your project and know what type of 3D printers you want to go for, there is one last question: where to buy it?
Yanzu, idan kuna mamakin wanne daga cikin waɗannan shirye-shiryen ana amfani dasu don tsara abubuwa sannan kuma buga su a firintar 3D, to yakamata ku sami wasu shirye-shiryen da zaku iya amfani dasu don hakan.
A great place to put up your feet
Wani wuri mai kyau don kafa ƙafafuna,
dearly understood, it would cause the
Don haka a fahimtarsa, idan aka samu haka, za a samu ɓarkewar rikici.
The same as the right you have to stand up for yourself; you also have the right to express your own opinion.
Ati pe ẹni iwaju ni ẹtọ lati wa pẹlu nkan ti ara rẹ, atilẹba.
led to the Father, in My
Igbekele mi wa ninu re o baba,
The homage also included the screening of Didn't Do It for Love
Wannan ma baisa sun hango mutuwar Pendo ba.
He also submitted that the capital markets regulator will not take any coercive action against the promoters in the meantime.
Haka kuma ya ce, a wannan lokaci, Hukumar zaben ba za ta dauki nauyin tanadar takunkumin rufe fuska ba ga masu kada ƙuri'a.
Can be warmed up or not.
Enwere ike iji ekweisi na-agbanyeghị ma ekwuru ọkụ maọbụ na ọ bụghị.
break your league with Baasha king of Israel, that he may depart from me.
Gaa mebie ọgbụgba ndụ gị na Beasha eze Izrel , ka o wee hapụ m .
It even had shelves on one wall, carrying a hundred or more books, and a writing desk in front of one of the windows.
O ti ṣiṣẹ lori aaye kan, ti odi yika, pẹlu awọn boolu meji tabi diẹ sii ti n lọ kọja aaye ati bouncing si awọn odi.
"We are already trapped here together, if you can find the equipment in the maze of wreckage, you are welcome to it."
" dake nake mana,kuma idan kin isa ki tanka kiga yadda ake ruwan bala'i cikin gidan nan "
What does it mean for the Chinese?
Kini iyẹn fun awọn afeji Czech?
A court has allowed a woman to exhume the remains of her husband, which were buried 14 years ago at a public cemetery.
Tsananin talauci ya sanya saurayi tono gawar mahaifinsa da ya mutu shekaru 14 da suka wuce, domin ya cire kayan da aka binne shi da su ▷
10) The one thing that's most helped my writing has been ...
Nke ahụ kwuru, otu ihe nyeere m aka imeziwanye ederede m bụ... ide ihe.
The size of one
Ukwu nke agwa otu
These 5 steps are just the beginning.
All ndị a nzọụkwụ asaa bụ nanị mmalite.
This is not canon in any way, only what I interpret it to be.
Wannan batu ba zai iya tashi ba a kowane tsarin: kawai a cikin abin da ake kira m.
As early as the start of the last century, this Court had ruled
Zuwa ƙarshen karni, launin toka ya raba shi da wannan farautar..
The man was convicted of assaulting a 14-year-old girl, who became pregnant.
Ẹsẹ ti adajọ tori rẹ ni ki wọn yẹgi fun wọn ni pe wọn fipa ba ọmọdebinrin ọdun mẹrinla kan lo pọ ti wọn si tun ṣeku pa a.
The One sitting on the throne is Jesus, and it is Jesus who sends to us the Holy Spirit.
Mun wanda ya kasance a cikin fanshe throng zai ma yi hawan Yesu zuwa sama, Yesu ebo mana ta hanyar da ranar fyaucewa.
However, it is important that the intermingling in some sections
Otú ọ dị, ọ dị ezigbo mkpa ịhọrọ ụdị ndị dị mma maka ịkụ na mpaghara ụfọdụ.
In serious cases it will cause all the leaves to drop off within two days.
Lilo daradara ti o faye gba o lati yọ gbogbo awọn aami aisan ti o ni ailopin kuro ninu ọsẹ meji.
I told her that I'm Indonesian and she disconnected from the chat.
Na fada mata sai ta ce daga Katsina take, ta yi missing lectures da yawa.
Among the numerous ways that this is done is via a large choice of body treatments.
A matsayinka na al'ada, wannan yana faruwa ne tare da yin amfani da ƙwayar maganin magance ta hanyoyi da yawa.
In this guide we won't handle the food but the reality is that both can be separated and go together.
Ƙirar launi a nan ba ta da wani darajar - kayan samfurori na iya zama duka guda biyu, kuma sun bambanta;
This is one of the few petroglyph hikes were leashed pets are permitted.
Wannan shi ne daya daga cikin manyan bishiyoyi masu yawa na Quaker Oats wanda aka ba su ta hanyar adana ma'aikata.
Don't let that sway you, grab yourself a copy and judge for yourself!
Echela na akara; detuo ma bipụta foto paspọtụ n'onwe gị!
He's been charged in
Ó wà lẹ̀gàn níjọ́sí,
He also added that he made a mistake by participating in the Players Championship five weeks after he hurt himself at the Masters.
Oun pẹlu si ti dide lati gbeja ara rẹ pe, o ni idi ti ọrọ fi ri bẹẹ fun oun lẹyin oṣu mẹsan ti oun gun ori aleefa.
Afterwards it was racked to a concrete tank where it remained for 4 months.
Lẹhin eyi a ṣe àlẹmọ awọn tincture ti a gba sinu apo eiyan kan ki o si ṣeto rẹ lati duro fun o kere oṣu mẹrin.
regarded as "very few."
Ya kalli Gaje "ke bakice komai ba."
This was a bit disappointing to me, since she had been a fountain of good advice for me in the past.
Ihe, ee, ọ mere m n'oge gara aga yabụ ọ bụ ezigbo obere nkwado ndabere nke inwere n'etiti gị.
• That all people who believe in Christ are justified by Christ's blood and enter into a
• Gbogbo eniyan ti o ba wa sodo Kristi ninu igbagbo le wa siwaju Olorun
You don't need to have two different
Ihe dị mkpa bụ na ọ gaghị adị mkpa ka ị buru ngwaọrụ abụọ.
The bandana is one of the best ways to spice up your outfit.
Redio Pandora dị mfe otu n'ime ụzọ kacha mma ị ga-esi na-egwu egwu na iPad gị .
A diary which offers the means for artistic expression to women during their pregnancy.
n mu iṣẹ ti ibisi ibimọ dagba, ti a ṣe iṣeduro fun awọn obirin ni akoko menopausal;
Married to the work.
Ware o yobu ka
This is the Legacy Phase.
Ìgbà ogún rèé tí wọ́n ti ń ṣe é.
One major reason for not disclosing
Otu nnukwu ihe mere ọ gaghị ejide na Windows Vista
"Honor your father and mother" - which is the first commandment with a promise - that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth."
[2] Sọpuru nna-gi na nne-gi (nke bu ihe mbu enyere n'iwu nke nkwa diri ya),[3] ka ihe we nāgara gi nke-ọma, ka i we di kwa ogologo ndu n'elu uwa.
As long as Goku can react to something, he is able to use instant transmission to get out of it.
Site n'iji igwe eji eme ihe, Buckshot nwere ike iji ya na ekwuru okwu na-enweghị aka ozugbo.
The color red is usually associated with death and a sense of foreboding.
Farar fata yawanci yana da kwatancin mutuwa da kuma alamar tsabta.
Tony has also learned to use YouTube as a marketing tool.
Siri amụtawokwa otu esi achọ YouTube.
I began to record when the meeting began.
Achọrọ m ka amara m ọkwa mgbe mbanye ahụ malitere.
Within the first two months of the war, it became clear we were in over our heads.
Ni opin ti awọn ọdun keji, wọn di kedere pe nigbakugba wọn wa ni ita nipasẹ odi iwaju abọ.
What exactly was the role of the U.S. government in the coup that overthrew Ngo Dinh Diem?"
Sabon Gwamnan Gombe Ya Soke Nade-nade Da Kwangilolin Da Dankwambo Ya Bayar Umar A Hunkuyi" />
When I turned it on, the Wi-Fi is connected.
Mgbe m na-etinye a paswọọdụ na Wi-Fi bụ ndi a zoputara.
If you are riding for the "right" reasons, there really is no reason to have an extraordinary amount of nerves.
Idan gaskiya ne, a cikin ƙananan "hawaye," to, babu dalilai na musamman don damuwa.
It is only members of the Church who can preach the Gospel and you seemed to agree that you cannot appoint yourself to that task.
Chochi ndi n'agbasa ozioma n'ezi na apugh ighota Akwukwo nso ma oburu na mo nso emegh k'ayi ghota ya.
Although the record has since been beaten by Mamma Mia!
Mou nan da ka, amai mono ga tabetai!
T-minus 10 days until Moe is allowed to roam outside of his cage...
Mera baby 6 days ka hai bar bar potty kar raha hai kya karan ho sakta hai
As Saint Paul noted in his First Letter to the Corinthians , " When we are judged by the Lord , we are chastened so that we may not be condemned along with the world . "
Kamar yadda Saint Paul ya lura a cikin nasa Wasikar Farko ga Korantiyawa, "Lokacinda Ubangiji ya hukuntamu, an hore mu don kada a yanke mana hukunci tare da duniya."
Why is this a question of security?
Kí nìdí tí kò fi yẹ ká fi ọ̀rọ̀ ààbò ṣeré?
These problems may result in the disappearance of the driver or driver.
Nke a nwere ike ịbụ nrụrụ ọrụ nke ndị ọrụ ma ọ bụ ndị ọkwọ ụgbọala, yana agha ha.
We also make sure that the product is not set to expire soon.
Ó tún mẹ́nubà á pé àwọn máa parí ọjà náà láìpẹ́, àwọn kò ní í fi falẹ̀ rárá.
They did this in order to bring accusation against him.
Wọ́n sọ èyí láti fi ká ọ̀rọ̀ mọ́ ọn lẹ́nu ni kí wọ́n lè fi ẹ̀sùn kàn án.
These symbols seems to continue their action until today.
Awọn iyasọtọ wọnyi n tẹsiwaju awọn igbasilẹ wọn titi di oni.
After I paid for our food, I'd left my purse unzipped and he pretended to be reaching in to take money.
Bayan mun kai kudin sai shima kansa bai yarda da wajen ba sai ya ce ya chanza wajen kudin.
I would at least twice a...
M na-etinye ha ma ọ dịkarịa ala ugboro abụọ ...
In the end, the plan was a huge success, and we didn't even had to spend a lot of money.
"Yato si eyi, oro owo tun je adojuko nla fun wa, ko si owo ti a le maa lo lati fi sise.
The public is watching and demanding that these companies commit to staying out of the Arctic Refuge."
Ndị mba ụwa lee anya ma hụ ka ndị a si acho ikpochapụ ndị Benue."
the way for the seekers
Eyi ni ọna fun awọn alawodudu
A look at recent sales can give you an idea of what types of domains are purchased and how much.
Ile anya na ah Thung ndị a na-adịbeghị anya nwere ike ịnye gị otu ụdị ngalaba a na-azụ na maka ole.
1Sa4:15 And Eli is a son of ninety and eight years, and his eyes have stood, and he hath not been able to see.
4:15 Eli si di ẹni-mẹjọ ọdun atijọ, ati awọn oju rẹ ti dimmed, ki o wà ko ni anfani lati wo.
He picked up two fire extinguishers and rushed into the fire.
Ó ké pàkúté méjì fún àwo n ekú náà ó sì pa wó n.
So, the citizens who are fleeing again faced the problem of hunger while they were about to harvest.
Igba kan nbo, awon ti won ti yo yoo tun maa ri opolopo ounje je nigba ti awon ti ebi n pa ko ni ri ohunkohun je rara.
the process of political decision-making is predominantly affected by the existing
Yiyan awọn ohun elo ti pari julọ da lori idi ti lilo awọn agbegbe.
Call this number if you need assistance with any of the following:
Soro njikọ ndị a ma ọ bụrụ na ịchọrọ enyemaka ịme ihe ọ bụla n'ime ọrụ ndị a na ngwaọrụ nchekwa gị:
Ps 2:5 Then He will speak to them in His anger
2:5 Ki o si on o si sọ fun wọn ni ibinu rẹ ki o si wahala wọn pẹlu rẹ ibinu.
What is the one common factor in every one of these statements?
(d) Kí ni bátànì ìhun sílébù tí ó wà nínú ọ̀kọ̀ọ̀kan àwọn ọ̀rọ̀ wọ̀nyí?
This fact is used by surveyors when laying out roads.
Iru apẹrẹ yii ni a lo fun ipari awọn odi ni awọn yara.
(Glide, O sparkling waves and murmur softly), BWV 206, is a secular cantata composed by Johann Sebastian Bach in Leipzig and first performed on 7 October 1736.
(Glide, O sparkling waves and murmur softly), BWV 206, je orin kantata alailowosi to Johann Sebastian Bach koko se ni Leipzig ati akose emere si ni 7 October 1736.
Its population has declined 66 percent in the past decade.
Alƙaluman sun yi kasa sosai da kashi shida cikin 100 a shekara goma da ta gabata.
jonghyun said that recently he's been relaxing at home and composing songs.
Sai dai kuma Gwamgwazo ya ce a zaman yanzu Ahlan ya na gida, kuma ya na samun sauki.
They travel also by bicycle or by public transport.
Ha na-esikwa n'ụgbọ okporo ígwè dị elu, ma ọ bụ TGV.
of those alphabets which does not have any certain meaning.
wadannan algebraic Bugu da kari yana nufin kome ba.
The PPC campaigns have also been successful.
Awọn ile-iṣẹ ti bọọlu tẹtẹ ni o wa tun ni idagbasoke.
Go on an adventure as a capsule whose duty is to save those who in need.
Ṣiṣẹ Twiki bi pẹpẹ ifowosowopo ṣe idaniloju pe alaye wa fun awọn ti o nilo rẹ.
The idea of this was essentially to give laborers a break from sun exposure.
Usoro a ukwuu n'ime egbochi ndị ọrụ si ihichapụ faịlụ na ojiji.
Best way to see what it's about is to watch the video.
Ohun ti o dara julọ ni lati wo fidio naa ki o fun ni imọran rẹ
In retrospect, we can see, the stakes may have been higher.
Wasu lokuta idan muka sake dubawa, zamu gane cewa farashin aikin zai yiwu mai girma.
to the pleasure you've given
Ihe kasi nma nk'I nyere,
Life is too short to live it with regrets
Ndụ dị mkpụmkpụ iji teta ụta maka akwa ụta.
Those who are to carry on the light
Awọn ti o ni lati ṣọna nmọlẹ a
Come along and see whats going off!
Ka anyị daba ma hụ ihe na-emeghị ka ebipụ!
But his eyes never stop searching for the one that is not among the the others, the one that is missing, the one that has gone astray.
Aisedeede jẹ fun ẹniti oju rẹ ko duro larin, ṣugbọn ẹniti o wo imurasilẹ nipasẹ ibori Isis, ati lẹhin.
Lord, there is no one like You among the gods,
Ọ dịghị onye dị ka gị n' etiti chi niile , Jehova ,
12) have helped me to get
7) Yana barina na yi abin da na ga dama.
Most men are not aware, though, that there is a problem until they are trying to have a baby.
Amma yawancin mutane ba su san suna da matsala ba har sai sun ga madadin wata jihar ta yanzu.
He is frightened by their size and strength.
Ni kete ti o bẹru awọn ọta pẹlu agbara rẹ, agbara ati agbara ti o lagbara.