3 values
and the Word was God" (John 1:1)
"okwu ahu buru kwa Chineke " (Jon 1:1)
But this is not only our story.
Nke a abụghị naanị ozi, ọ bụkwa akụkọ anyị.
In case you are going out to restaurants, despite the way bargain, a person are usually just spending money.
Ọzọkwa, ka ị na-adị njikere maka ịlụ ọgụ n'ihu, ka ọ na-atọkarị ndị ahịa nkịtị ịzụta ihe nkpuchi.
Farmers and gardeners and their crops are left to her whims, hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.
Onjẹ pẹlu awọn iparada pataki ati awọn itọju awọn irun iboju, fifun wọn ni isinmi ati sisọ jade, o gba ni awọn ohun-ọṣọ ti o ni ẹwà ti o dara julọ.
This does not mean that he is praiseworthy.
Amma wannan ba yana nufin babu ƙima a cikin godiyarsa ba.
There is always a cause for it.
O nigbagbogbo ni idi kan fun eyi.
Sitting down, He called the twelve and said to them, 'If anyone wants to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.'
O wee nọdụ ala ma kpọọ mmadụ iri na abụọ ahụ , sị ha: " Ọ bụrụ na onye ọ bụla chọrọ ịbụ onye mbụ , ọ ga- abụ onye ikpeazụ n' ebe mmadụ niile nọ na onye na- ejere mmadụ niile ozi .
You've been working on a cool design and saving up for your first tattoo.
O ti mu shot kan ni itọsọna ti o dara ati ṣeto ohun kan fun akosile rẹ akọkọ.
Lopressor the line consists of a number corresponding to one of the displayed words, then the value of name is set to that word.
Ọ bụrụ na akara ahụ mejupụtara ọnụ ọgụgụ kwekọrọ na otu n'ime okwu egosipụtara, mgbe ahụ, a ghapụtara uru aha ahụ na okwu ahụ.
The Lord our God has shown us his glory.
Awọn OLUWA Ọlọrun wa ti hàn rẹ ogo rẹ ati great-
Now IT has to worry about what's next and how to control it.
Ugbu a IT ga-echegbu onwe gị banyere ihe na-esote na otu esi ejikwa ya.
"In the depth of winter, I found that there was in me an invincible summer."
"A cikin zurfin hunturu, sai na fahimci cewa a cikin ni akwai wani lokacin bazara."
Thank you for your Theme
O ṣeun pupọ fun titẹ sii rẹ
will - he wants to.
jayi - want
This is the last Budget to be presented by the NDA government before the country goes for general elections in the coming months.
Wannan dai shi ne kasafin kudi na karshe da Shugaba Buhari zai gabatar wa 'yan majalisar gabanin babban zaben kasar da za a yi a watan Fabrairu.
and said to Peter and the other apostles, 'Brothers, what shall we do?'"
Wọ́n wá bi Peteru ati àwọn aposteli yòókù pé, "Ẹ̀yin ará, kí ni kí á wá ṣe?"
Aristotle contended that this is how change occurs in the world.
Darwin yayi tunanin cewa wannan shine hanyar rayuwa a duniya ta canza.
People need to live their lives
Ndị mmadụ ejighị ndụ ha egwu egwu.
Spent the Day in Quest of Lodging which we are not permitted to take without [i.e., outside, beyond] the Lines -
"Kai a ranar da za a rantsar da shi ma umarni ya bayar cewa kada a bar kowanen mu ya halarci bikin rantsarwar.
Debellatio, the peace which follows a war in which one side is annihalted.
Warpath - Warpath bụ ụdị ụdị nke a na-ejide n'agha ebe otu ọ bụla na-alụ ọgụ iji jidekwa otu ebe.
wait until the last day to make a
Na-eche ruo oge ikpeazụ iji tinye laptọọpụ gị na eriri ọkpọ.
Without a doubt, He's your leader who has taught you magic.
Lalle shÄ©, haÆTMÄ©ÆTMa, babbanku ne wanda ya sanar da ku sihirin!
If we work together, hopefully we can slow the spread of the virus.
Saboda haka idan aka ci gaba a haka, to za mu dakile yaduwar wannan cuta.
You can on purpose choose what provides which means and what doesn't.
O le yan faili ti o fẹ eyi ti lati bọsipọ ati eyi ti o se ko.
She did dabble in politics for awhile, while her husband was away at war and England was invaded.
Tana fita ta fad'a d'akin ladidi babu ko sallama sukayi kicibis da mijinta yana zaune da singileti da gajeran wando.
They have to immerse themselves in God like a stone thrown into the abyss."
"Wallahi cikinsu harda wani mutum me kama dakai riƙe da sandan zinare...lolz"
Any influence or enforcement of goals and decisions in the private or public sphere can be described as a policy.
Duk wani tasiri ko aiwatar da manufofi da yanke shawara a cikin masu zaman kansu ko jama'a suna iya bayyana su a matsayin manufofin.
Then as soon as the copy of King Artaxerxes' document was read before Rehum and Shimshai the scribe and their colleagues, they went in haste to Jerusalem to the Jews and stopped them by force of arms. read more.
Lẹsẹkẹsẹ tí wọ́n ka ìwé ọba tán sí etígbọ̀ọ́ Rehumu ati Ṣimiṣai ati àwọn ẹlẹgbẹ́ wọn, Rehumu ati Ṣimiṣai yára lọ sí Jerusalẹmu pẹlu àwọn ẹlẹgbẹ́ wọn, wọn sì fi ipá dá iṣẹ́ náà dúró.
There is one minor issue I noticed, but that may also have been broken before.
Enwere m otu okwu ọzọ nke nwere ntakịrị isi okwu, agbanyeghị na metụtara ya, ma eleghị anya ekwuru ya na mbụ.
a court of common pleas or a division
Ma ọ bụ ọbụlagodi nzukọ mmalite ma ọ bụ ụlọ ọrụ itinye ego maka itinye ego.
1:2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the f...
2 Uwa we buru ihe tọb͕ọrọ n'efu na ihe tọb͕ọrọ nkití; ọchichiri di kwa n'elu ob͕u-miri: Mọ C...
For those who have served well as deacons gain to themselves a good standing, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.
13Nítorí àwọn tí ó lo ipò díákónì dáradára ra ipò rere fún ara wọn, àti ìgboyà púpọ̀ nínú ìgbàgbọ́ tí ń bẹ nínú Kristi Jesu.
I did it all for you daddy.
Ihe nile imere mo, Papa
And from there they called and asked if Simon who is called Peter stayed there.
Ha wee kpọọ òkù ma jụọ ma ọ̀ bụ n' ebe ahụ ka Saịmọn onye a na- akpọ Pita nọ dị ka ọbịa .
expand in the town's
Ma gbasaa ya n'ebe a na-eli ozu n'obodo.
What the Dean of the school has to say
Abin da shugaban dalibai na Kwalejin Gidan Waya ya ce game da lamarin
But you can avoid all those legal fees and possible issues by following the rules in the first place.
Mara, ị nwere ike ime ka iwu niile dị ọnụ na ndabara site na iji iwu na-esonụ.
It was sharp, but it doesn't cut you.
Yana da wuya, ta yi haƙuri, amma ba ta karya a kanku ba.
1:43 And king Antiochus wrote to all his kingdom, that all the people must be one, and that each one should relinquish his own law.
1:43 Na eze Antiochus degaara eze-ya nile, nke ndị niile ga-abụ otu, na na onye ọ bụla kwesịrị ịhapụ ya onwe ya iwu.
Fear God, who has the power to kill you and then throw you into hell."
Tsoron Allah shi zai sa ka kiyaye kanka daga zaluntar bayinsa, Sannan ka rika yin afuwa garesu koda sun zalunceka.
It is not an easy task to get through it, and the candidates might require to get a brief revision of the syllabus.
Ko rọrun lati dahun ibeere yii, ati pe onisegun kan le sọ wọn, da lori akoko ti oyun.
Turns out it was a screw in...
A wannan yanayin ya kasance squid a ...
and pleasant of them all.
Na ndị niile ṅụrịrị ọṅụ n'ihi na ihe niile a na-mere dị ebube site n'aka ya.
Bones of an old man were found on the island of Sulawesi
An ga tsibirin Sulawesi daya daga cikin lu'u-lu'u na ma'auni.
In preparation for the burial, the family or other members of the community will wash and shroud the body.
A shirye-shiryen jana'izar, iyalin ko sauran membobin al'ummomin wanke wanke jikin su.
A little shine, so you have to wear a black shorts. in general, the quality is good, and the price of all the fire!
Bọtini imọlẹ, nitorina o ni lati wọ awọn awọ dudu kan. ni apapọ, didara jẹ dara, ati owo ti gbogbo ina!
A lot of people lost financial support and businesses went down, have two versions.
Diẹ ninu awọn ọja ti di alaihan, awọn selifu ọja ṣofo ati pe awọn idiyele wọn ti ilọpo meji.
We also do much of our printing, including new maps on recycled paper.
Wa diẹ sii nipa ẹya tuntun ti Wa Ẹrọ mi, eyiti o tun ṣiṣẹ lori awọn maapu inu ile ni awọn ile.
He was courteous and respectful to all parties.
Ya kasance mai hali da fakiri kowa na gida.
This use of the word for "soul" helps us to understand verses in which the soul is said to be "going out" or "departing.
Bí Bíbélì ṣe lo ọkàn ti jẹ́ ká lóye ohun tó túmọ̀ sí nígbà tí àwọn ẹsẹ Bíbélì kan sọ pé ó ń "jáde lọ" àbí "ó ti ń lọ."
They say a river cuts through a rock not because of its power, but its persistence.
Yana cewa kogi ya sare ta dutsen ba saboda karfin sa ba, amma saboda dagewarsa.
The ex-guardsman tells in detail how this person called him on his cell phone to invite him to his room after midnight.
Wakilin gidan ya fadi yadda mutumin ya dinga kiran matar sa a waya a daren ranar a lokacin da suke wajen cajin waya.
miracles by Jesus took place when?
Yaushe ne Yesu zai ga cewa waɗannan abubuwa masu ban al'ajabi sun faru?
*For the convenience of photography, other products may also appear in the photo, but only the item in the title will be delivered.
-#Àwọn tó báramu yíò jẹ́ fífihàn bíi àwòrán, bíbẹ́ẹ̀kọ́ àjápọ̀ sí àwòrán náà nìkan ni yíò hàn
Why it's been left
Dalin a Bari
They eat it at times.
Ị ga-eri ya site n'oge ruo n'oge.
Moses was more the hero of the story than God.
Allah ya kara maka soyayyar Annabi Muhammad SAW.
You can also get food on Facebook if that's what you want to do.
Ịnwere ike ịnye nri na Facebook ma ọ bụrụ na ọ bụ ihe ịchọrọ ime.
That is the only way you'll be able to guarantee its effects and see the proper results.
Nikan ni ọna yii o le fi idiwọn iwọn rẹ han ki o si pa awọn ẹtọ to tọ.
This front window says a lot about the people who live here.
Wadannan manyan windows sun nuna kadan game da mutanen da ke ciki.
Index_num must be a number between 1 and 254 or a formula that contains number between 1 and 254.
Index_num nwere ike ịbụ ọnụ ọgụgụ n'etiti 1 na 254, otu usoro, ma ọ bụ ntinye aka na cell nwere nọmba n'etiti 1 na 254.
Hi Warren, Thank you for your question, which is a sensible one.
To Malam Sirajo mun gode da wannan tambaya taka da fatan kana cikin koshin lafiya.
He made all the variations more realistic and relevant to what was being drawn, not just to prove the general knowledge.
Hotunan su kasance masu muhimmanci da dacewa a abinda maƙalar ke magana akai, bawai kawai dan ayi kwalliya ba.
The mother, who has also been widowed, decides to return home because the famine has ended.
Mahaifiyar, wadda ta kasance matacce, ta yanke shawarar komawa gida saboda yunwa ta ƙare.
Daniel was keeper of what was revealed to him.
Jọn nọgidere na-ekwesị ntụkwasị obi nye mkpughe e nyeworo ya.
At some point, they need to be bought or sold.
N'ọnọdụ ndị ọzọ, a ghaghị ịzụrụ ha ma ọ bụ ibudata ha iche iche.
Please note: as the pot is decorated by hand, every pot is unique.
7.FRIENDLY echetara: Biko mara na n'ihi na osisi bụ a ndammana na-ewere ọnọdụ na ihe onwunwe, ọ bụla osisi ntutu ahịhịa bụ ihe pụrụ iche.
ICRC delegates also interviewed the soldiers in private, to make sure that they were not being transferred against their will.
Ita ma hukumar shige da fice ta kasa ta umarci jami'an ta da su tsananta sa-ido wajen tabbatar da ceewa ba a taba musu kayyakin su ba.
It's only right that we honor the show that made it clear that HBCU's are the place to be!
Wa jc ohun ni lati rii daju wipe awọn onibara wa ni fun!
If you want to know more about it, please read the article.
Ti o ba ti o ba fẹ lati mọ nipa ti o siwaju, jọwọ tesiwaju kika wa article.
was as good as it got for 18 year old me.
O dara ni akoko bi o ti ṣẹlẹ ni ọjọ ọjọ-ori 18th rẹ.
I want to keep the background dark, and I know the flash
Kaima kayi bacci da wuri haka. dan ina San katashi da qarfin jiki..
This is a shallow soda lake which inhabits more than a million flamingos.
Eyi jẹ ọgba iṣere inu ile iru inu eyiti o jẹ diẹ sii ju 3 milionu awọn bulọọki LEGO lọ.
Either way you fall you have NO idea as to which I am.
Yace ina qanwata ne, bata san naxo bane ko kana min rowar ta.
yes hi how are you.
cheah kai wai
If you're not sure where to start, ask.
Idan ba ku san inda za ku fara ba, kuyi bincike.
It ensures support to both the head and back adequately.
Wannan zai tabbatar da goyon baya mai ƙarfi na ɓangaren kashin baya kuma baya a matsayin duka.
In order to share God's love and to finish His work on earth.
Agbara Imọlẹ ti Ọlọrun ṣẹda lati pari ati mu awọn iṣẹ Rẹ ṣẹ lori ile aye.
trying to take care of my raising
Daalụ maka idebe m emelitere.
have each won a game, and the loosing
Ha kpọtụrụ niile mmeri, otú ahụ ka egwuregwu na-adịghị echegbu onwe
What if an individual is not aware of the existence of a designer brand?
Mene ne idan ƙwararren masanin bai ba da shawarar cewa a yi baranda da farin goron goge fa?
always seem to pop out in conversation, one of which being Silent
Jira nake naga wani ko wata ta fito amma shuru,yarinyar naga ta daure shanunta a
17 And he said to them, "What is all this that you are discussing with each other on your way?"
24:17 Na ọ sịrị ha, "Gịnị bụ ihe ndị a okwu, nke ị na-atụle ha na ibe, dị ka ị na-eje ije na ndị mwute?"
In many ways, it would appear that our lives are structured around drinking.
Awọn ipari ni imọran ara wipe ninu wa orilẹ-ede fẹ lati mu pẹlu ogbe.
Do you know anything about that or is there a way to check?
Ṣe o mọ ohunkohun nipa yi tabi ti o ba ti wa ni ona kan lati da o ṣẹlẹ?
Mediterranean during the first few days
Okun Ila-Eurasian ti ṣii fun Awọn Ọjọ Ibẹrẹ
Starting with the head, there are two neck joints.
Dika nbudata bido, enwere mmekorita mmekorita n'inwe mkparita uka abuo.
It turns out the city that various wingnuts have been warning us is in the grip of Sharia law, isn't.
Da gudu tashiga dan harta basu tsoro ma madina tace ai saiki sa mu mutu lkcnmu baiyiba miye hakan ?
probability is well approximated by the formula
Ọ ga-ekwe omume na ihe osise ahụ nwere ihe jikọrọ ya na mgbasa nke okwu ahụ.
But IMO it is a mistake to assume that this carries over to physically manufactured goods and tools that depend on the physical parts of the device.
Sibẹsibẹ, pelu eyi, ọmọ ikoko ṣi ni diẹ ninu awọn ẹya ara ẹrọ ti awọn eto iṣan-ẹjẹ, eyi ti o ni nkan ṣe pẹlu iṣẹ-ṣiṣe ti awọn ara-ara ati awọn ọna-ara.
You should know the name of your computer
Ịkwesịrị ịma aha kọmputa ahụ ị na-ejikọta na.
Shortlist some of the most important site from where you can purchase college papers.
Nke a bụ ndepụta nke ụfọdụ n'ime ebe nrụọrụ weebụ kachasị ahịa site na ebe ị nwere ike ịzụta mgbasa ozi nke ala.
And the king went out and all the people with him, and they stopped at the last house.
Bí ọba ati gbogbo àwọn eniyan rẹ̀ ti ń jáde kúrò ní ìlú, wọ́n dúró níbi ilé tí ó wà ní ìpẹ̀kun ìlú.
The kids are also growing and maturing.
Nwata a malitekwara na-ebu ma na-eto.
These are declared to assist you lose weight, or at least make it simpler to lose weight combined with other methods.
Wadannan da'awar sun taimaka maka ka rasa nauyi, ko akalla sa sauƙaƙa don rasa nauyi tare da wasu hanyoyi.
The community is large and strong.
Ndi buru ibu na UAE.
I will make them come and bow before your feet and make them know that I have loved you.
N óo ṣe é tí wọn yóo fi wá sọ́dọ̀ rẹ, wọn yóo foríbalẹ̀ fún ọ, wọn yóo sì mọ̀ pé mo fẹ́ràn rẹ.
If you are, here you are able to find the solution.
Ọ bụrụ otú ahụ, i nwere ike lelee ngwọta ebe a.
Faith is trusting in what He says.... and that is: Jesus Loves Me.
O kọ ọwọn kan fun igbagbọ wọn, ki wọn ki o yeye: Jesu yi fẹràn mi tikalararẹ!
This is a function of both
Wannan shi ne matsayin aqida ta game da su biyun nan.