Speaker 0: Cigarette ? Speaker 1: Oh , uh ... Thanks . Henry , do you have a light ? Speaker 0:
Sorry , here .
Speaker 0: Cigarette ? Speaker 1: Oh , uh ... Thanks . Henry , do you have a light ? Speaker 0: Sorry , here . Speaker 1:
Thanks . Lovely day . Pity I ’ m on duty .
Speaker 0: Cigarette ? Speaker 1: Oh , uh ... Thanks . Henry , do you have a light ? Speaker 0: Sorry , here . Speaker 1: Thanks . Lovely day . Pity I ’ m on duty . Speaker 0:
I ’ ll stand in with you if you like . I ’ Ve got nothing else to do .
Speaker 0: Cigarette ? Speaker 1: Oh , uh ... Thanks . Henry , do you have a light ? Speaker 0: Sorry , here . Speaker 1: Thanks . Lovely day . Pity I ’ m on duty . Speaker 0: I ’ ll stand in with you if you like . I ’ Ve got nothing else to do . Speaker 1:
Oh , no . I couldn ’ t possibly .
Speaker 0: Hi Rose , what are you busy with right now ? Speaker 1:
Hi Jack , I'm working on these documents . The manager wants them for half an hour .
Speaker 0: Hi Rose , what are you busy with right now ? Speaker 1: Hi Jack , I'm working on these documents . The manager wants them for half an hour . Speaker 0:
Well , Rose .
Speaker 0: Hi Rose , what are you busy with right now ? Speaker 1: Hi Jack , I'm working on these documents . The manager wants them for half an hour . Speaker 0: Well , Rose . Speaker 1:
Is there something any need ?
Speaker 0: Hi Rose , what are you busy with right now ? Speaker 1: Hi Jack , I'm working on these documents . The manager wants them for half an hour . Speaker 0: Well , Rose . Speaker 1: Is there something any need ? Speaker 0:
Are your free this weekend ?
Speaker 0: Hi Rose , what are you busy with right now ? Speaker 1: Hi Jack , I'm working on these documents . The manager wants them for half an hour . Speaker 0: Well , Rose . Speaker 1: Is there something any need ? Speaker 0: Are your free this weekend ? Speaker 1:
Yes , I have nothing to do .
Speaker 0: Hi Rose , what are you busy with right now ? Speaker 1: Hi Jack , I'm working on these documents . The manager wants them for half an hour . Speaker 0: Well , Rose . Speaker 1: Is there something any need ? Speaker 0: Are your free this weekend ? Speaker 1: Yes , I have nothing to do . Speaker 0:
Great , Is it convenient if i visit you this weekend ?
Speaker 0: Hi Rose , what are you busy with right now ? Speaker 1: Hi Jack , I'm working on these documents . The manager wants them for half an hour . Speaker 0: Well , Rose . Speaker 1: Is there something any need ? Speaker 0: Are your free this weekend ? Speaker 1: Yes , I have nothing to do . Speaker 0: Great , Is it convenient if i visit you this weekend ? Speaker 1:
I beg your pardon ?
Speaker 0: Hi Rose , what are you busy with right now ? Speaker 1: Hi Jack , I'm working on these documents . The manager wants them for half an hour . Speaker 0: Well , Rose . Speaker 1: Is there something any need ? Speaker 0: Are your free this weekend ? Speaker 1: Yes , I have nothing to do . Speaker 0: Great , Is it convenient if i visit you this weekend ? Speaker 1: I beg your pardon ? Speaker 0:
I'd like to call on you this weekend . I just want to a drop in for a chat .
Speaker 0: Hi Rose , what are you busy with right now ? Speaker 1: Hi Jack , I'm working on these documents . The manager wants them for half an hour . Speaker 0: Well , Rose . Speaker 1: Is there something any need ? Speaker 0: Are your free this weekend ? Speaker 1: Yes , I have nothing to do . Speaker 0: Great , Is it convenient if i visit you this weekend ? Speaker 1: I beg your pardon ? Speaker 0: I'd like to call on you this weekend . I just want to a drop in for a chat . Speaker 1:
Really ? well , ok , you're welcome .
Speaker 0: Hi Rose , what are you busy with right now ? Speaker 1: Hi Jack , I'm working on these documents . The manager wants them for half an hour . Speaker 0: Well , Rose . Speaker 1: Is there something any need ? Speaker 0: Are your free this weekend ? Speaker 1: Yes , I have nothing to do . Speaker 0: Great , Is it convenient if i visit you this weekend ? Speaker 1: I beg your pardon ? Speaker 0: I'd like to call on you this weekend . I just want to a drop in for a chat . Speaker 1: Really ? well , ok , you're welcome . Speaker 0:
Is 5 PM . Saturday a good time for you ?
Speaker 0: Hi Rose , what are you busy with right now ? Speaker 1: Hi Jack , I'm working on these documents . The manager wants them for half an hour . Speaker 0: Well , Rose . Speaker 1: Is there something any need ? Speaker 0: Are your free this weekend ? Speaker 1: Yes , I have nothing to do . Speaker 0: Great , Is it convenient if i visit you this weekend ? Speaker 1: I beg your pardon ? Speaker 0: I'd like to call on you this weekend . I just want to a drop in for a chat . Speaker 1: Really ? well , ok , you're welcome . Speaker 0: Is 5 PM . Saturday a good time for you ? Speaker 1:
Hmm , how about seven ? I can treat you to dinner .
Speaker 0: Hi Rose , what are you busy with right now ? Speaker 1: Hi Jack , I'm working on these documents . The manager wants them for half an hour . Speaker 0: Well , Rose . Speaker 1: Is there something any need ? Speaker 0: Are your free this weekend ? Speaker 1: Yes , I have nothing to do . Speaker 0: Great , Is it convenient if i visit you this weekend ? Speaker 1: I beg your pardon ? Speaker 0: I'd like to call on you this weekend . I just want to a drop in for a chat . Speaker 1: Really ? well , ok , you're welcome . Speaker 0: Is 5 PM . Saturday a good time for you ? Speaker 1: Hmm , how about seven ? I can treat you to dinner . Speaker 0:
Sure , that would be great . I'll bring the wine .
Speaker 0: Hi Rose , what are you busy with right now ? Speaker 1: Hi Jack , I'm working on these documents . The manager wants them for half an hour . Speaker 0: Well , Rose . Speaker 1: Is there something any need ? Speaker 0: Are your free this weekend ? Speaker 1: Yes , I have nothing to do . Speaker 0: Great , Is it convenient if i visit you this weekend ? Speaker 1: I beg your pardon ? Speaker 0: I'd like to call on you this weekend . I just want to a drop in for a chat . Speaker 1: Really ? well , ok , you're welcome . Speaker 0: Is 5 PM . Saturday a good time for you ? Speaker 1: Hmm , how about seven ? I can treat you to dinner . Speaker 0: Sure , that would be great . I'll bring the wine . Speaker 1:
OK . Then I'll be expecting you .
Speaker 0: Hi Rose , what are you busy with right now ? Speaker 1: Hi Jack , I'm working on these documents . The manager wants them for half an hour . Speaker 0: Well , Rose . Speaker 1: Is there something any need ? Speaker 0: Are your free this weekend ? Speaker 1: Yes , I have nothing to do . Speaker 0: Great , Is it convenient if i visit you this weekend ? Speaker 1: I beg your pardon ? Speaker 0: I'd like to call on you this weekend . I just want to a drop in for a chat . Speaker 1: Really ? well , ok , you're welcome . Speaker 0: Is 5 PM . Saturday a good time for you ? Speaker 1: Hmm , how about seven ? I can treat you to dinner . Speaker 0: Sure , that would be great . I'll bring the wine . Speaker 1: OK . Then I'll be expecting you . Speaker 0:
I'll be there on time .
Speaker 0: How do you shoot pool ? Speaker 1:
You have 16 balls on the table , 7 solid colored , 7 striped colored , a black 8 ball , and the white ball .
Speaker 0: How do you shoot pool ? Speaker 1: You have 16 balls on the table , 7 solid colored , 7 striped colored , a black 8 ball , and the white ball . Speaker 0:
And ?
Speaker 0: How do you shoot pool ? Speaker 1: You have 16 balls on the table , 7 solid colored , 7 striped colored , a black 8 ball , and the white ball . Speaker 0: And ? Speaker 1:
You hit the white ball with your cue . The white ball hits the colored balls . And you want to get the colored balls into the pockets .
Speaker 0: How do you shoot pool ? Speaker 1: You have 16 balls on the table , 7 solid colored , 7 striped colored , a black 8 ball , and the white ball . Speaker 0: And ? Speaker 1: You hit the white ball with your cue . The white ball hits the colored balls . And you want to get the colored balls into the pockets . Speaker 0:
How do you know whether you should hit the solid or the striped one ?
Speaker 0: How do you shoot pool ? Speaker 1: You have 16 balls on the table , 7 solid colored , 7 striped colored , a black 8 ball , and the white ball . Speaker 0: And ? Speaker 1: You hit the white ball with your cue . The white ball hits the colored balls . And you want to get the colored balls into the pockets . Speaker 0: How do you know whether you should hit the solid or the striped one ? Speaker 1:
At the beginning , it does not matter , but once someone gets one ball in , it is set .
Speaker 0: How do you shoot pool ? Speaker 1: You have 16 balls on the table , 7 solid colored , 7 striped colored , a black 8 ball , and the white ball . Speaker 0: And ? Speaker 1: You hit the white ball with your cue . The white ball hits the colored balls . And you want to get the colored balls into the pockets . Speaker 0: How do you know whether you should hit the solid or the striped one ? Speaker 1: At the beginning , it does not matter , but once someone gets one ball in , it is set . Speaker 0:
Can I get the black ball in ?
Speaker 0: How do you shoot pool ? Speaker 1: You have 16 balls on the table , 7 solid colored , 7 striped colored , a black 8 ball , and the white ball . Speaker 0: And ? Speaker 1: You hit the white ball with your cue . The white ball hits the colored balls . And you want to get the colored balls into the pockets . Speaker 0: How do you know whether you should hit the solid or the striped one ? Speaker 1: At the beginning , it does not matter , but once someone gets one ball in , it is set . Speaker 0: Can I get the black ball in ? Speaker 1:
The black ball has to be the final ball in the pockets .
Speaker 0: How do you shoot pool ? Speaker 1: You have 16 balls on the table , 7 solid colored , 7 striped colored , a black 8 ball , and the white ball . Speaker 0: And ? Speaker 1: You hit the white ball with your cue . The white ball hits the colored balls . And you want to get the colored balls into the pockets . Speaker 0: How do you know whether you should hit the solid or the striped one ? Speaker 1: At the beginning , it does not matter , but once someone gets one ball in , it is set . Speaker 0: Can I get the black ball in ? Speaker 1: The black ball has to be the final ball in the pockets . Speaker 0:
Let's go and try now !
Speaker 0: How about going to hear a country-and-western singer tonight ? Speaker 1:
I'd enjoy that .
Speaker 0: How about going to hear a country-and-western singer tonight ? Speaker 1: I'd enjoy that . Speaker 0:
I'll pick you up around 8: 00 .
Speaker 0: How about going to hear a country-and-western singer tonight ? Speaker 1: I'd enjoy that . Speaker 0: I'll pick you up around 8: 00 . Speaker 1:
OK . I'll see you then .
Speaker 0: The mosquitos are biting me ! Speaker 1:
Me , too , I can ’ t stop scratching . They are everywhere ! Sneaky little jerks .
Speaker 0: The mosquitos are biting me ! Speaker 1: Me , too , I can ’ t stop scratching . They are everywhere ! Sneaky little jerks . Speaker 0:
Do you have any bug spray ?
Speaker 0: The mosquitos are biting me ! Speaker 1: Me , too , I can ’ t stop scratching . They are everywhere ! Sneaky little jerks . Speaker 0: Do you have any bug spray ? Speaker 1:
No , I forgot to buy some .
Speaker 0: The mosquitos are biting me ! Speaker 1: Me , too , I can ’ t stop scratching . They are everywhere ! Sneaky little jerks . Speaker 0: Do you have any bug spray ? Speaker 1: No , I forgot to buy some . Speaker 0:
Then we ’ ll have to put up with it .
Speaker 0: The mosquitos are biting me ! Speaker 1: Me , too , I can ’ t stop scratching . They are everywhere ! Sneaky little jerks . Speaker 0: Do you have any bug spray ? Speaker 1: No , I forgot to buy some . Speaker 0: Then we ’ ll have to put up with it . Speaker 1:
We can cover ourselves with beer ! That way if they bite us , they ’ ll get drunk and fall asleep .
Speaker 0: The mosquitos are biting me ! Speaker 1: Me , too , I can ’ t stop scratching . They are everywhere ! Sneaky little jerks . Speaker 0: Do you have any bug spray ? Speaker 1: No , I forgot to buy some . Speaker 0: Then we ’ ll have to put up with it . Speaker 1: We can cover ourselves with beer ! That way if they bite us , they ’ ll get drunk and fall asleep . Speaker 0:
That ’ s without a doubt , the best idea you ’ Ve had ! Let ’ s do it !
Speaker 0: The mosquitos are biting me ! Speaker 1: Me , too , I can ’ t stop scratching . They are everywhere ! Sneaky little jerks . Speaker 0: Do you have any bug spray ? Speaker 1: No , I forgot to buy some . Speaker 0: Then we ’ ll have to put up with it . Speaker 1: We can cover ourselves with beer ! That way if they bite us , they ’ ll get drunk and fall asleep . Speaker 0: That ’ s without a doubt , the best idea you ’ Ve had ! Let ’ s do it ! Speaker 1:
Run ! They are thirsty for more !
Speaker 0: Stop running around in front of the TV , will you ? Why don't you just sit and watch ? Speaker 1:
I've tried , but I can't stand the bald man talking so loudly in the program .
Speaker 0: Stop running around in front of the TV , will you ? Why don't you just sit and watch ? Speaker 1: I've tried , but I can't stand the bald man talking so loudly in the program . Speaker 0:
Then stay away . No one is keeping you from doing that .
Speaker 0: Stop running around in front of the TV , will you ? Why don't you just sit and watch ? Speaker 1: I've tried , but I can't stand the bald man talking so loudly in the program . Speaker 0: Then stay away . No one is keeping you from doing that . Speaker 1:
Don't be so irritable . I just don't understand the program , that's all .
Speaker 0: Stop running around in front of the TV , will you ? Why don't you just sit and watch ? Speaker 1: I've tried , but I can't stand the bald man talking so loudly in the program . Speaker 0: Then stay away . No one is keeping you from doing that . Speaker 1: Don't be so irritable . I just don't understand the program , that's all . Speaker 0:
All right , I will explain it to you later on . Now scram .
Speaker 0: Stop running around in front of the TV , will you ? Why don't you just sit and watch ? Speaker 1: I've tried , but I can't stand the bald man talking so loudly in the program . Speaker 0: Then stay away . No one is keeping you from doing that . Speaker 1: Don't be so irritable . I just don't understand the program , that's all . Speaker 0: All right , I will explain it to you later on . Now scram . Speaker 1:
Ok . I will wait until you have had your fun , if that's what you want .
Speaker 0: Stop running around in front of the TV , will you ? Why don't you just sit and watch ? Speaker 1: I've tried , but I can't stand the bald man talking so loudly in the program . Speaker 0: Then stay away . No one is keeping you from doing that . Speaker 1: Don't be so irritable . I just don't understand the program , that's all . Speaker 0: All right , I will explain it to you later on . Now scram . Speaker 1: Ok . I will wait until you have had your fun , if that's what you want . Speaker 0:
That's exactly what I want , thank you .
Speaker 0: Okay , can I ask you something direct ? Speaker 1:
Ha ! It's not like you've ever been one to beat around the bush .
Speaker 0: Okay , can I ask you something direct ? Speaker 1: Ha ! It's not like you've ever been one to beat around the bush . Speaker 0:
Fair enough . Give it to me straight . Did she bully you into this ?
Speaker 0: Okay , can I ask you something direct ? Speaker 1: Ha ! It's not like you've ever been one to beat around the bush . Speaker 0: Fair enough . Give it to me straight . Did she bully you into this ? Speaker 1:
No , seriously . . . I really want this .
Speaker 0: Okay , can I ask you something direct ? Speaker 1: Ha ! It's not like you've ever been one to beat around the bush . Speaker 0: Fair enough . Give it to me straight . Did she bully you into this ? Speaker 1: No , seriously . . . I really want this . Speaker 0:
I tell ya , when I got the invite , it really threw me for a loop . You've done a complete 180 .
Speaker 0: Okay , can I ask you something direct ? Speaker 1: Ha ! It's not like you've ever been one to beat around the bush . Speaker 0: Fair enough . Give it to me straight . Did she bully you into this ? Speaker 1: No , seriously . . . I really want this . Speaker 0: I tell ya , when I got the invite , it really threw me for a loop . You've done a complete 180 . Speaker 1:
I know . But things have changed . I guess I've settled down .
Speaker 0: Okay , can I ask you something direct ? Speaker 1: Ha ! It's not like you've ever been one to beat around the bush . Speaker 0: Fair enough . Give it to me straight . Did she bully you into this ? Speaker 1: No , seriously . . . I really want this . Speaker 0: I tell ya , when I got the invite , it really threw me for a loop . You've done a complete 180 . Speaker 1: I know . But things have changed . I guess I've settled down . Speaker 0:
I guess so .
Speaker 0: My daughter plans to quit her present job and wants to find another . She says she wants to get a better job with higher pay . Speaker 1:
It seems quite normal to me . It is pretty much what I want to do .
Speaker 0: My daughter plans to quit her present job and wants to find another . She says she wants to get a better job with higher pay . Speaker 1: It seems quite normal to me . It is pretty much what I want to do . Speaker 0:
But what about settling down to start a family ? Doesn't anyone want to get married any more ?
Speaker 0: My daughter plans to quit her present job and wants to find another . She says she wants to get a better job with higher pay . Speaker 1: It seems quite normal to me . It is pretty much what I want to do . Speaker 0: But what about settling down to start a family ? Doesn't anyone want to get married any more ? Speaker 1:
It is different now . The world is becoming colorful . Some of my friends don't feel the same pressure to marry . We all want to wait for the right moment .
Speaker 0: My daughter plans to quit her present job and wants to find another . She says she wants to get a better job with higher pay . Speaker 1: It seems quite normal to me . It is pretty much what I want to do . Speaker 0: But what about settling down to start a family ? Doesn't anyone want to get married any more ? Speaker 1: It is different now . The world is becoming colorful . Some of my friends don't feel the same pressure to marry . We all want to wait for the right moment . Speaker 0:
What time is the right moment ?
Speaker 0: My daughter plans to quit her present job and wants to find another . She says she wants to get a better job with higher pay . Speaker 1: It seems quite normal to me . It is pretty much what I want to do . Speaker 0: But what about settling down to start a family ? Doesn't anyone want to get married any more ? Speaker 1: It is different now . The world is becoming colorful . Some of my friends don't feel the same pressure to marry . We all want to wait for the right moment . Speaker 0: What time is the right moment ? Speaker 1:
Let the universe find us instead of forcing love . We prefer natural love . The most important thing is to be happy . Love will find us later . That is what we say .
Speaker 0: Please excuse me , but I really have to be going . Speaker 1:
Yes , of course.It was nice to see you .
Speaker 0: Please excuse me , but I really have to be going . Speaker 1: Yes , of course.It was nice to see you . Speaker 0:
It was nice to see you , too.And please give my regards to Mrs.Robbins .
Speaker 0: Excuse me . Is this seat taken ? Speaker 1:
I'm afraid so .
Speaker 0: What do you think of the coming match ? Speaker 1:
Winning is a piece of cake to me .
Speaker 0: What do you think of the coming match ? Speaker 1: Winning is a piece of cake to me . Speaker 0:
You are bragging again .
Speaker 0: What would you reckon the taxing increases ? Speaker 1:
Well , the state will benefit a lot , I suppose .
Speaker 0: What would you reckon the taxing increases ? Speaker 1: Well , the state will benefit a lot , I suppose . Speaker 0:
But what do most people think about it ?
Speaker 0: What would you reckon the taxing increases ? Speaker 1: Well , the state will benefit a lot , I suppose . Speaker 0: But what do most people think about it ? Speaker 1:
Ah , it ’ s hard to say .
Speaker 0: are you still coming to my place for dinner tomorrow night ? Speaker 1:
of course . Is the dinner still on ?
Speaker 0: are you still coming to my place for dinner tomorrow night ? Speaker 1: of course . Is the dinner still on ? Speaker 0:
yes , I was just wondering how you and your roommate were planning on coming to my place .
Speaker 0: are you still coming to my place for dinner tomorrow night ? Speaker 1: of course . Is the dinner still on ? Speaker 0: yes , I was just wondering how you and your roommate were planning on coming to my place . Speaker 1:
we were planning on walking both ways since the weather is still nice .
Speaker 0: are you still coming to my place for dinner tomorrow night ? Speaker 1: of course . Is the dinner still on ? Speaker 0: yes , I was just wondering how you and your roommate were planning on coming to my place . Speaker 1: we were planning on walking both ways since the weather is still nice . Speaker 0:
that's what I thought you would do . Listen , I live in a bit of a rough neighborhood . It's just down the street from all the bars . You probably don't want to be walking around after dark .
Speaker 0: are you still coming to my place for dinner tomorrow night ? Speaker 1: of course . Is the dinner still on ? Speaker 0: yes , I was just wondering how you and your roommate were planning on coming to my place . Speaker 1: we were planning on walking both ways since the weather is still nice . Speaker 0: that's what I thought you would do . Listen , I live in a bit of a rough neighborhood . It's just down the street from all the bars . You probably don't want to be walking around after dark . Speaker 1:
it can't be that bad .
Speaker 0: are you still coming to my place for dinner tomorrow night ? Speaker 1: of course . Is the dinner still on ? Speaker 0: yes , I was just wondering how you and your roommate were planning on coming to my place . Speaker 1: we were planning on walking both ways since the weather is still nice . Speaker 0: that's what I thought you would do . Listen , I live in a bit of a rough neighborhood . It's just down the street from all the bars . You probably don't want to be walking around after dark . Speaker 1: it can't be that bad . Speaker 0:
I wish it wasn't , but there is actually a lot of crime and prostitution around here .
Speaker 0: are you still coming to my place for dinner tomorrow night ? Speaker 1: of course . Is the dinner still on ? Speaker 0: yes , I was just wondering how you and your roommate were planning on coming to my place . Speaker 1: we were planning on walking both ways since the weather is still nice . Speaker 0: that's what I thought you would do . Listen , I live in a bit of a rough neighborhood . It's just down the street from all the bars . You probably don't want to be walking around after dark . Speaker 1: it can't be that bad . Speaker 0: I wish it wasn't , but there is actually a lot of crime and prostitution around here . Speaker 1:
really ? I never would have guessed . The criminals must only come out in the evenings , because I've never noticed anything strange when I've been at your house in the daytime .
Speaker 0: are you still coming to my place for dinner tomorrow night ? Speaker 1: of course . Is the dinner still on ? Speaker 0: yes , I was just wondering how you and your roommate were planning on coming to my place . Speaker 1: we were planning on walking both ways since the weather is still nice . Speaker 0: that's what I thought you would do . Listen , I live in a bit of a rough neighborhood . It's just down the street from all the bars . You probably don't want to be walking around after dark . Speaker 1: it can't be that bad . Speaker 0: I wish it wasn't , but there is actually a lot of crime and prostitution around here . Speaker 1: really ? I never would have guessed . The criminals must only come out in the evenings , because I've never noticed anything strange when I've been at your house in the daytime . Speaker 0:
do me a favor , and take a taxi . It'd make me feel a lot better .
Speaker 0: are you still coming to my place for dinner tomorrow night ? Speaker 1: of course . Is the dinner still on ? Speaker 0: yes , I was just wondering how you and your roommate were planning on coming to my place . Speaker 1: we were planning on walking both ways since the weather is still nice . Speaker 0: that's what I thought you would do . Listen , I live in a bit of a rough neighborhood . It's just down the street from all the bars . You probably don't want to be walking around after dark . Speaker 1: it can't be that bad . Speaker 0: I wish it wasn't , but there is actually a lot of crime and prostitution around here . Speaker 1: really ? I never would have guessed . The criminals must only come out in the evenings , because I've never noticed anything strange when I've been at your house in the daytime . Speaker 0: do me a favor , and take a taxi . It'd make me feel a lot better . Speaker 1:
ok , we will . How do you get around in the evenings ?
Speaker 0: are you still coming to my place for dinner tomorrow night ? Speaker 1: of course . Is the dinner still on ? Speaker 0: yes , I was just wondering how you and your roommate were planning on coming to my place . Speaker 1: we were planning on walking both ways since the weather is still nice . Speaker 0: that's what I thought you would do . Listen , I live in a bit of a rough neighborhood . It's just down the street from all the bars . You probably don't want to be walking around after dark . Speaker 1: it can't be that bad . Speaker 0: I wish it wasn't , but there is actually a lot of crime and prostitution around here . Speaker 1: really ? I never would have guessed . The criminals must only come out in the evenings , because I've never noticed anything strange when I've been at your house in the daytime . Speaker 0: do me a favor , and take a taxi . It'd make me feel a lot better . Speaker 1: ok , we will . How do you get around in the evenings ? Speaker 0:
when I first moved in , I walked everywhere . But within a week , I had my purse stolen β€” just a block away from the police station ! Now , I always take public transportation .
Speaker 0: are you still coming to my place for dinner tomorrow night ? Speaker 1: of course . Is the dinner still on ? Speaker 0: yes , I was just wondering how you and your roommate were planning on coming to my place . Speaker 1: we were planning on walking both ways since the weather is still nice . Speaker 0: that's what I thought you would do . Listen , I live in a bit of a rough neighborhood . It's just down the street from all the bars . You probably don't want to be walking around after dark . Speaker 1: it can't be that bad . Speaker 0: I wish it wasn't , but there is actually a lot of crime and prostitution around here . Speaker 1: really ? I never would have guessed . The criminals must only come out in the evenings , because I've never noticed anything strange when I've been at your house in the daytime . Speaker 0: do me a favor , and take a taxi . It'd make me feel a lot better . Speaker 1: ok , we will . How do you get around in the evenings ? Speaker 0: when I first moved in , I walked everywhere . But within a week , I had my purse stolen β€” just a block away from the police station ! Now , I always take public transportation . Speaker 1:
has anything else happened to you ?
Speaker 0: are you still coming to my place for dinner tomorrow night ? Speaker 1: of course . Is the dinner still on ? Speaker 0: yes , I was just wondering how you and your roommate were planning on coming to my place . Speaker 1: we were planning on walking both ways since the weather is still nice . Speaker 0: that's what I thought you would do . Listen , I live in a bit of a rough neighborhood . It's just down the street from all the bars . You probably don't want to be walking around after dark . Speaker 1: it can't be that bad . Speaker 0: I wish it wasn't , but there is actually a lot of crime and prostitution around here . Speaker 1: really ? I never would have guessed . The criminals must only come out in the evenings , because I've never noticed anything strange when I've been at your house in the daytime . Speaker 0: do me a favor , and take a taxi . It'd make me feel a lot better . Speaker 1: ok , we will . How do you get around in the evenings ? Speaker 0: when I first moved in , I walked everywhere . But within a week , I had my purse stolen β€” just a block away from the police station ! Now , I always take public transportation . Speaker 1: has anything else happened to you ? Speaker 0:
nothing else has happened to me , but I have seen quite a few fights on the streets after the bars close .
Speaker 0: are you still coming to my place for dinner tomorrow night ? Speaker 1: of course . Is the dinner still on ? Speaker 0: yes , I was just wondering how you and your roommate were planning on coming to my place . Speaker 1: we were planning on walking both ways since the weather is still nice . Speaker 0: that's what I thought you would do . Listen , I live in a bit of a rough neighborhood . It's just down the street from all the bars . You probably don't want to be walking around after dark . Speaker 1: it can't be that bad . Speaker 0: I wish it wasn't , but there is actually a lot of crime and prostitution around here . Speaker 1: really ? I never would have guessed . The criminals must only come out in the evenings , because I've never noticed anything strange when I've been at your house in the daytime . Speaker 0: do me a favor , and take a taxi . It'd make me feel a lot better . Speaker 1: ok , we will . How do you get around in the evenings ? Speaker 0: when I first moved in , I walked everywhere . But within a week , I had my purse stolen β€” just a block away from the police station ! Now , I always take public transportation . Speaker 1: has anything else happened to you ? Speaker 0: nothing else has happened to me , but I have seen quite a few fights on the streets after the bars close . Speaker 1:
well , we'll be careful . Thanks for letting me know .
Speaker 0: Jack wonders whether Linda likes him or not . Speaker 1:
Why doesn't he ask her ?
Speaker 0: Jack wonders whether Linda likes him or not . Speaker 1: Why doesn't he ask her ? Speaker 0:
He is too scared to ask her .
Speaker 0: Jack wonders whether Linda likes him or not . Speaker 1: Why doesn't he ask her ? Speaker 0: He is too scared to ask her . Speaker 1:
He's a chicken guy .
Speaker 0: I don't understand why some parents keep beefing and complaining about their daughters not being able to follow suit . Speaker 1:
Yeah . Li Na's mother has been building a fire under her since her neighbour's daughter got married with a Canadian . She's almost driving Li Na crazy .
Speaker 0: I don't understand why some parents keep beefing and complaining about their daughters not being able to follow suit . Speaker 1: Yeah . Li Na's mother has been building a fire under her since her neighbour's daughter got married with a Canadian . She's almost driving Li Na crazy . Speaker 0:
If I were Li Na , I would ask her if she had done that .
Speaker 0: I don't understand why some parents keep beefing and complaining about their daughters not being able to follow suit . Speaker 1: Yeah . Li Na's mother has been building a fire under her since her neighbour's daughter got married with a Canadian . She's almost driving Li Na crazy . Speaker 0: If I were Li Na , I would ask her if she had done that . Speaker 1:
She is as meek as a lamb . She never goes against anyone or anything . She's as good as gold , you know ?
Speaker 0: Where is John ? I can't find him anywhere . Speaker 1:
Haven't you heard that he is in prison ?
Speaker 0: Where is John ? I can't find him anywhere . Speaker 1: Haven't you heard that he is in prison ? Speaker 0:
What ? Beg your pardon .
Speaker 0: Where is John ? I can't find him anywhere . Speaker 1: Haven't you heard that he is in prison ? Speaker 0: What ? Beg your pardon . Speaker 1:
John is in prison now.He was copped outstealing .
Speaker 0: Where is John ? I can't find him anywhere . Speaker 1: Haven't you heard that he is in prison ? Speaker 0: What ? Beg your pardon . Speaker 1: John is in prison now.He was copped outstealing . Speaker 0:
I just cann't believe my ears !
Speaker 0: What do you need ? Speaker 1:
I need to use the Internet .
Speaker 0: What do you need ? Speaker 1: I need to use the Internet . Speaker 0:
You have your library card , right ?
Speaker 0: What do you need ? Speaker 1: I need to use the Internet . Speaker 0: You have your library card , right ? Speaker 1:
Yes , I do .
Speaker 0: What do you need ? Speaker 1: I need to use the Internet . Speaker 0: You have your library card , right ? Speaker 1: Yes , I do . Speaker 0:
There is a wait right now to use the computers .
Speaker 0: What do you need ? Speaker 1: I need to use the Internet . Speaker 0: You have your library card , right ? Speaker 1: Yes , I do . Speaker 0: There is a wait right now to use the computers . Speaker 1:
That ’ s fine .
Speaker 0: What do you need ? Speaker 1: I need to use the Internet . Speaker 0: You have your library card , right ? Speaker 1: Yes , I do . Speaker 0: There is a wait right now to use the computers . Speaker 1: That ’ s fine . Speaker 0:
Would you please write your name on this list ?
Speaker 0: What do you need ? Speaker 1: I need to use the Internet . Speaker 0: You have your library card , right ? Speaker 1: Yes , I do . Speaker 0: There is a wait right now to use the computers . Speaker 1: That ’ s fine . Speaker 0: Would you please write your name on this list ? Speaker 1:
Then what ?
Speaker 0: What do you need ? Speaker 1: I need to use the Internet . Speaker 0: You have your library card , right ? Speaker 1: Yes , I do . Speaker 0: There is a wait right now to use the computers . Speaker 1: That ’ s fine . Speaker 0: Would you please write your name on this list ? Speaker 1: Then what ? Speaker 0:
I will call you when a computer is free .
Speaker 0: What do you need ? Speaker 1: I need to use the Internet . Speaker 0: You have your library card , right ? Speaker 1: Yes , I do . Speaker 0: There is a wait right now to use the computers . Speaker 1: That ’ s fine . Speaker 0: Would you please write your name on this list ? Speaker 1: Then what ? Speaker 0: I will call you when a computer is free . Speaker 1:
How do I log on to the computer ?
Speaker 0: What do you need ? Speaker 1: I need to use the Internet . Speaker 0: You have your library card , right ? Speaker 1: Yes , I do . Speaker 0: There is a wait right now to use the computers . Speaker 1: That ’ s fine . Speaker 0: Would you please write your name on this list ? Speaker 1: Then what ? Speaker 0: I will call you when a computer is free . Speaker 1: How do I log on to the computer ? Speaker 0:
Use the number on the back of your library card .
Speaker 0: What do you need ? Speaker 1: I need to use the Internet . Speaker 0: You have your library card , right ? Speaker 1: Yes , I do . Speaker 0: There is a wait right now to use the computers . Speaker 1: That ’ s fine . Speaker 0: Would you please write your name on this list ? Speaker 1: Then what ? Speaker 0: I will call you when a computer is free . Speaker 1: How do I log on to the computer ? Speaker 0: Use the number on the back of your library card . Speaker 1:
Thanks . I ’ ll be sitting over there .
Speaker 0: What a nice tie you are wearing ! Speaker 1:
Thank you.But does it really look all right ?
Speaker 0: What a nice tie you are wearing ! Speaker 1: Thank you.But does it really look all right ? Speaker 0:
Certainly.It matches your suit perfectly .
Speaker 0: What a nice tie you are wearing ! Speaker 1: Thank you.But does it really look all right ? Speaker 0: Certainly.It matches your suit perfectly . Speaker 1:
Then does it go well with my sweater ?
Speaker 0: What a nice tie you are wearing ! Speaker 1: Thank you.But does it really look all right ? Speaker 0: Certainly.It matches your suit perfectly . Speaker 1: Then does it go well with my sweater ? Speaker 0:
Yes.You look very smart today .
Speaker 0: What a nice tie you are wearing ! Speaker 1: Thank you.But does it really look all right ? Speaker 0: Certainly.It matches your suit perfectly . Speaker 1: Then does it go well with my sweater ? Speaker 0: Yes.You look very smart today . Speaker 1:
Thank you very much .