Speaker 0: What do you make of the case ? Speaker 1:
If you ask me , I don ’ t think it ’ s guilty .
Speaker 0: What do you make of the case ? Speaker 1: If you ask me , I don ’ t think it ’ s guilty . Speaker 0:
What do you mean by saying so ?
Speaker 0: What do you make of the case ? Speaker 1: If you ask me , I don ’ t think it ’ s guilty . Speaker 0: What do you mean by saying so ? Speaker 1:
I mean it ’ s not his fault .
Speaker 0: What do you make of the case ? Speaker 1: If you ask me , I don ’ t think it ’ s guilty . Speaker 0: What do you mean by saying so ? Speaker 1: I mean it ’ s not his fault . Speaker 0:
Oh , yeah ?
Speaker 0: What do you make of the case ? Speaker 1: If you ask me , I don ’ t think it ’ s guilty . Speaker 0: What do you mean by saying so ? Speaker 1: I mean it ’ s not his fault . Speaker 0: Oh , yeah ? Speaker 1:
Yes . Don ’ t you think he should be pitied rather than accused ?
Speaker 0: Happy Mother's Day , Mom ! Speaker 1:
Thanks ! These are beautiful . You shouldn't have !
Speaker 0: Happy Mother's Day , Mom ! Speaker 1: Thanks ! These are beautiful . You shouldn't have ! Speaker 0:
Of course I should have ! You certainly deserve them ! You put up with all of us .
Speaker 0: Happy Mother's Day , Mom ! Speaker 1: Thanks ! These are beautiful . You shouldn't have ! Speaker 0: Of course I should have ! You certainly deserve them ! You put up with all of us . Speaker 1:
I forgot what I put up with . In that case , I do deserve these flowers .
Speaker 0: I have a real problem when I meet people . Speaker 1:
What is it ? Maybe I can help .
Speaker 0: I have a real problem when I meet people . Speaker 1: What is it ? Maybe I can help . Speaker 0:
I never know when to shake hands and when not to . Can you tell me something about it ?
Speaker 0: I have a real problem when I meet people . Speaker 1: What is it ? Maybe I can help . Speaker 0: I never know when to shake hands and when not to . Can you tell me something about it ? Speaker 1:
Do you come from a country where they shake hands ?
Speaker 0: I have a real problem when I meet people . Speaker 1: What is it ? Maybe I can help . Speaker 0: I never know when to shake hands and when not to . Can you tell me something about it ? Speaker 1: Do you come from a country where they shake hands ? Speaker 0:
Oh yes . Men , women , and children shake hands all the time .
Speaker 0: I have a real problem when I meet people . Speaker 1: What is it ? Maybe I can help . Speaker 0: I never know when to shake hands and when not to . Can you tell me something about it ? Speaker 1: Do you come from a country where they shake hands ? Speaker 0: Oh yes . Men , women , and children shake hands all the time . Speaker 1:
It ’ s very simple . Men shake hands , women and children don ’ t .
Speaker 0: I have a real problem when I meet people . Speaker 1: What is it ? Maybe I can help . Speaker 0: I never know when to shake hands and when not to . Can you tell me something about it ? Speaker 1: Do you come from a country where they shake hands ? Speaker 0: Oh yes . Men , women , and children shake hands all the time . Speaker 1: It ’ s very simple . Men shake hands , women and children don ’ t . Speaker 0:
But some women do shake hands . And now a lot of children have such good manners , they shake hands too .
Speaker 0: I have a real problem when I meet people . Speaker 1: What is it ? Maybe I can help . Speaker 0: I never know when to shake hands and when not to . Can you tell me something about it ? Speaker 1: Do you come from a country where they shake hands ? Speaker 0: Oh yes . Men , women , and children shake hands all the time . Speaker 1: It ’ s very simple . Men shake hands , women and children don ’ t . Speaker 0: But some women do shake hands . And now a lot of children have such good manners , they shake hands too . Speaker 1:
Well , a good rule to follow is , for men you hold out your hand , for women and children , you wait and see what they do .
Speaker 0: I have a real problem when I meet people . Speaker 1: What is it ? Maybe I can help . Speaker 0: I never know when to shake hands and when not to . Can you tell me something about it ? Speaker 1: Do you come from a country where they shake hands ? Speaker 0: Oh yes . Men , women , and children shake hands all the time . Speaker 1: It ’ s very simple . Men shake hands , women and children don ’ t . Speaker 0: But some women do shake hands . And now a lot of children have such good manners , they shake hands too . Speaker 1: Well , a good rule to follow is , for men you hold out your hand , for women and children , you wait and see what they do . Speaker 0:
That sounds easy enough .
Speaker 0: I have a real problem when I meet people . Speaker 1: What is it ? Maybe I can help . Speaker 0: I never know when to shake hands and when not to . Can you tell me something about it ? Speaker 1: Do you come from a country where they shake hands ? Speaker 0: Oh yes . Men , women , and children shake hands all the time . Speaker 1: It ’ s very simple . Men shake hands , women and children don ’ t . Speaker 0: But some women do shake hands . And now a lot of children have such good manners , they shake hands too . Speaker 1: Well , a good rule to follow is , for men you hold out your hand , for women and children , you wait and see what they do . Speaker 0: That sounds easy enough . Speaker 1:
Sure . Once you get the hang of it , it ’ s a piece of cake ! It ’ s nothing to worry about .
Speaker 0: Sam , I am so sorry . It was your birthday yesterday and I completely forgot about it . Speaker 1:
Don't worry about it . I keep forgetting everyone's birthdays as well .
Speaker 0: Sam , I am so sorry . It was your birthday yesterday and I completely forgot about it . Speaker 1: Don't worry about it . I keep forgetting everyone's birthdays as well . Speaker 0:
Margaret really told me off when she found out that I had forgotten all about it . We did try to phone you , but you and Jane must have gone out .
Speaker 0: Sam , I am so sorry . It was your birthday yesterday and I completely forgot about it . Speaker 1: Don't worry about it . I keep forgetting everyone's birthdays as well . Speaker 0: Margaret really told me off when she found out that I had forgotten all about it . We did try to phone you , but you and Jane must have gone out . Speaker 1:
Yes , Jane invited me for dinner to this new restaurant which opened near us .
Speaker 0: Sam , I am so sorry . It was your birthday yesterday and I completely forgot about it . Speaker 1: Don't worry about it . I keep forgetting everyone's birthdays as well . Speaker 0: Margaret really told me off when she found out that I had forgotten all about it . We did try to phone you , but you and Jane must have gone out . Speaker 1: Yes , Jane invited me for dinner to this new restaurant which opened near us . Speaker 0:
Oh , yes , I know the one . How was the food ?
Speaker 0: Sam , I am so sorry . It was your birthday yesterday and I completely forgot about it . Speaker 1: Don't worry about it . I keep forgetting everyone's birthdays as well . Speaker 0: Margaret really told me off when she found out that I had forgotten all about it . We did try to phone you , but you and Jane must have gone out . Speaker 1: Yes , Jane invited me for dinner to this new restaurant which opened near us . Speaker 0: Oh , yes , I know the one . How was the food ? Speaker 1:
The food was excellent , but Jane ordered a birthday cake , which they forgot about . So as you can see , you were not the only one .
Speaker 0: Sam , I am so sorry . It was your birthday yesterday and I completely forgot about it . Speaker 1: Don't worry about it . I keep forgetting everyone's birthdays as well . Speaker 0: Margaret really told me off when she found out that I had forgotten all about it . We did try to phone you , but you and Jane must have gone out . Speaker 1: Yes , Jane invited me for dinner to this new restaurant which opened near us . Speaker 0: Oh , yes , I know the one . How was the food ? Speaker 1: The food was excellent , but Jane ordered a birthday cake , which they forgot about . So as you can see , you were not the only one . Speaker 0:
Oh , no .
Speaker 0: Sam , I am so sorry . It was your birthday yesterday and I completely forgot about it . Speaker 1: Don't worry about it . I keep forgetting everyone's birthdays as well . Speaker 0: Margaret really told me off when she found out that I had forgotten all about it . We did try to phone you , but you and Jane must have gone out . Speaker 1: Yes , Jane invited me for dinner to this new restaurant which opened near us . Speaker 0: Oh , yes , I know the one . How was the food ? Speaker 1: The food was excellent , but Jane ordered a birthday cake , which they forgot about . So as you can see , you were not the only one . Speaker 0: Oh , no . Speaker 1:
Yes , Jane was quite upset about it . The manager came to apologize and we did get free dessert , but still ...
Speaker 0: Sam , I am so sorry . It was your birthday yesterday and I completely forgot about it . Speaker 1: Don't worry about it . I keep forgetting everyone's birthdays as well . Speaker 0: Margaret really told me off when she found out that I had forgotten all about it . We did try to phone you , but you and Jane must have gone out . Speaker 1: Yes , Jane invited me for dinner to this new restaurant which opened near us . Speaker 0: Oh , yes , I know the one . How was the food ? Speaker 1: The food was excellent , but Jane ordered a birthday cake , which they forgot about . So as you can see , you were not the only one . Speaker 0: Oh , no . Speaker 1: Yes , Jane was quite upset about it . The manager came to apologize and we did get free dessert , but still ... Speaker 0:
I would think this was the least they could do .
Speaker 0: Sam , I am so sorry . It was your birthday yesterday and I completely forgot about it . Speaker 1: Don't worry about it . I keep forgetting everyone's birthdays as well . Speaker 0: Margaret really told me off when she found out that I had forgotten all about it . We did try to phone you , but you and Jane must have gone out . Speaker 1: Yes , Jane invited me for dinner to this new restaurant which opened near us . Speaker 0: Oh , yes , I know the one . How was the food ? Speaker 1: The food was excellent , but Jane ordered a birthday cake , which they forgot about . So as you can see , you were not the only one . Speaker 0: Oh , no . Speaker 1: Yes , Jane was quite upset about it . The manager came to apologize and we did get free dessert , but still ... Speaker 0: I would think this was the least they could do . Speaker 1:
In the end it was a nice evening and I got an iPad as my birthday present which I wanted for a while .
Speaker 0: Sam , I am so sorry . It was your birthday yesterday and I completely forgot about it . Speaker 1: Don't worry about it . I keep forgetting everyone's birthdays as well . Speaker 0: Margaret really told me off when she found out that I had forgotten all about it . We did try to phone you , but you and Jane must have gone out . Speaker 1: Yes , Jane invited me for dinner to this new restaurant which opened near us . Speaker 0: Oh , yes , I know the one . How was the food ? Speaker 1: The food was excellent , but Jane ordered a birthday cake , which they forgot about . So as you can see , you were not the only one . Speaker 0: Oh , no . Speaker 1: Yes , Jane was quite upset about it . The manager came to apologize and we did get free dessert , but still ... Speaker 0: I would think this was the least they could do . Speaker 1: In the end it was a nice evening and I got an iPad as my birthday present which I wanted for a while . Speaker 0:
Great . I have also been thinking of getting one . Do you think you could ask Jane to have a quiet word with Margaret ? My birthday is not that far away .
Speaker 0: Sam , I am so sorry . It was your birthday yesterday and I completely forgot about it . Speaker 1: Don't worry about it . I keep forgetting everyone's birthdays as well . Speaker 0: Margaret really told me off when she found out that I had forgotten all about it . We did try to phone you , but you and Jane must have gone out . Speaker 1: Yes , Jane invited me for dinner to this new restaurant which opened near us . Speaker 0: Oh , yes , I know the one . How was the food ? Speaker 1: The food was excellent , but Jane ordered a birthday cake , which they forgot about . So as you can see , you were not the only one . Speaker 0: Oh , no . Speaker 1: Yes , Jane was quite upset about it . The manager came to apologize and we did get free dessert , but still ... Speaker 0: I would think this was the least they could do . Speaker 1: In the end it was a nice evening and I got an iPad as my birthday present which I wanted for a while . Speaker 0: Great . I have also been thinking of getting one . Do you think you could ask Jane to have a quiet word with Margaret ? My birthday is not that far away . Speaker 1:
I can try , but knowing Margaret she will see through that immediately .
Speaker 0: Here's the restaurant we're meeting the Smiths at . Speaker 1:
Let's go in to wait for them .
Speaker 0: Here's the restaurant we're meeting the Smiths at . Speaker 1: Let's go in to wait for them . Speaker 0:
After you .
Speaker 0: When do you usually go to the movies ? Speaker 1:
I usually go in my free time on the weekends . How about you ?
Speaker 0: When do you usually go to the movies ? Speaker 1: I usually go in my free time on the weekends . How about you ? Speaker 0:
The movie theater is always so crowded on the weekends . I like to go to the movies during the week .
Speaker 0: When do you usually go to the movies ? Speaker 1: I usually go in my free time on the weekends . How about you ? Speaker 0: The movie theater is always so crowded on the weekends . I like to go to the movies during the week . Speaker 1:
That's true . And sometimes the tickets are cheaper during the week as well .
Speaker 0: Are you telling us a lie again ? Speaker 1:
I will be hanged if I lying .
Speaker 0: Are you telling us a lie again ? Speaker 1: I will be hanged if I lying . Speaker 0:
All right . But what was the trouble ?
Speaker 0: Are you telling us a lie again ? Speaker 1: I will be hanged if I lying . Speaker 0: All right . But what was the trouble ? Speaker 1:
My car run out of petrol .
Speaker 0: I can't believe Mr . Fro didn't buy it . Who does that guy think he is anyway ? Bill Gates ? Speaker 1:
He had a lot of nerve telling us our ads sucked .
Speaker 0: I can't believe Mr . Fro didn't buy it . Who does that guy think he is anyway ? Bill Gates ? Speaker 1: He had a lot of nerve telling us our ads sucked . Speaker 0:
Time to order . Balista , today I want a skinny triple latte .
Speaker 0: I can't believe Mr . Fro didn't buy it . Who does that guy think he is anyway ? Bill Gates ? Speaker 1: He had a lot of nerve telling us our ads sucked . Speaker 0: Time to order . Balista , today I want a skinny triple latte . Speaker 1:
When did you start worrying about your weight ?
Speaker 0: I can't believe Mr . Fro didn't buy it . Who does that guy think he is anyway ? Bill Gates ? Speaker 1: He had a lot of nerve telling us our ads sucked . Speaker 0: Time to order . Balista , today I want a skinny triple latte . Speaker 1: When did you start worrying about your weight ? Speaker 0:
I'm not . I just don't feel like drinking whole milk today . Why ? Do you think I'm fat ?
Speaker 0: I can't believe Mr . Fro didn't buy it . Who does that guy think he is anyway ? Bill Gates ? Speaker 1: He had a lot of nerve telling us our ads sucked . Speaker 0: Time to order . Balista , today I want a skinny triple latte . Speaker 1: When did you start worrying about your weight ? Speaker 0: I'm not . I just don't feel like drinking whole milk today . Why ? Do you think I'm fat ? Speaker 1:
No , Jess , chill out !
Speaker 0: Come on , Tara . Let ’ s go up to the window and buy two tickets . The movie is starting in a few minutes . Speaker 1:
We can ’ t break into the line . Don ’ t be so impatient . We ’ ll be at the front of the line soon .
Speaker 0: Come on , Tara . Let ’ s go up to the window and buy two tickets . The movie is starting in a few minutes . Speaker 1: We can ’ t break into the line . Don ’ t be so impatient . We ’ ll be at the front of the line soon . Speaker 0:
Two tickets , please . How much are they ?
Speaker 0: Come on , Tara . Let ’ s go up to the window and buy two tickets . The movie is starting in a few minutes . Speaker 1: We can ’ t break into the line . Don ’ t be so impatient . We ’ ll be at the front of the line soon . Speaker 0: Two tickets , please . How much are they ? Speaker 1:
Oh no , Ari . I didn ’ t mean for you to pay for me when I invited you to go tonight . Let ’ s go Dutch . I ’ ll pay my own way . I insist .
Speaker 0: Come on , Tara . Let ’ s go up to the window and buy two tickets . The movie is starting in a few minutes . Speaker 1: We can ’ t break into the line . Don ’ t be so impatient . We ’ ll be at the front of the line soon . Speaker 0: Two tickets , please . How much are they ? Speaker 1: Oh no , Ari . I didn ’ t mean for you to pay for me when I invited you to go tonight . Let ’ s go Dutch . I ’ ll pay my own way . I insist . Speaker 0:
I ’ m looking forward to this film . I read a good review of it in this morning ’ s newspaper .
Speaker 0: Come on , Tara . Let ’ s go up to the window and buy two tickets . The movie is starting in a few minutes . Speaker 1: We can ’ t break into the line . Don ’ t be so impatient . We ’ ll be at the front of the line soon . Speaker 0: Two tickets , please . How much are they ? Speaker 1: Oh no , Ari . I didn ’ t mean for you to pay for me when I invited you to go tonight . Let ’ s go Dutch . I ’ ll pay my own way . I insist . Speaker 0: I ’ m looking forward to this film . I read a good review of it in this morning ’ s newspaper . Speaker 1:
Me , too . It will be great to see something light and funny for a change . I ’ m tired of heavy drama .
Speaker 0: Come on , Tara . Let ’ s go up to the window and buy two tickets . The movie is starting in a few minutes . Speaker 1: We can ’ t break into the line . Don ’ t be so impatient . We ’ ll be at the front of the line soon . Speaker 0: Two tickets , please . How much are they ? Speaker 1: Oh no , Ari . I didn ’ t mean for you to pay for me when I invited you to go tonight . Let ’ s go Dutch . I ’ ll pay my own way . I insist . Speaker 0: I ’ m looking forward to this film . I read a good review of it in this morning ’ s newspaper . Speaker 1: Me , too . It will be great to see something light and funny for a change . I ’ m tired of heavy drama . Speaker 0:
Are these seats okay ?
Speaker 0: Come on , Tara . Let ’ s go up to the window and buy two tickets . The movie is starting in a few minutes . Speaker 1: We can ’ t break into the line . Don ’ t be so impatient . We ’ ll be at the front of the line soon . Speaker 0: Two tickets , please . How much are they ? Speaker 1: Oh no , Ari . I didn ’ t mean for you to pay for me when I invited you to go tonight . Let ’ s go Dutch . I ’ ll pay my own way . I insist . Speaker 0: I ’ m looking forward to this film . I read a good review of it in this morning ’ s newspaper . Speaker 1: Me , too . It will be great to see something light and funny for a change . I ’ m tired of heavy drama . Speaker 0: Are these seats okay ? Speaker 1:
They ’ re fine , but I can ’ t watch a movie without popcorn .
Speaker 0: Do you often buy magazines ? Speaker 1:
I buy a computer magazine every month . It keeps me up-to date with all the latest developments .
Speaker 0: Do you often buy magazines ? Speaker 1: I buy a computer magazine every month . It keeps me up-to date with all the latest developments . Speaker 0:
Why don ’ t you find the information on the internet instead ?
Speaker 0: Do you often buy magazines ? Speaker 1: I buy a computer magazine every month . It keeps me up-to date with all the latest developments . Speaker 0: Why don ’ t you find the information on the internet instead ? Speaker 1:
Sometimes it takes too long to find the exact information you are looking for . Besides , I like to read a magazine in a coffee bar sometimes .
Speaker 0: Do you often buy magazines ? Speaker 1: I buy a computer magazine every month . It keeps me up-to date with all the latest developments . Speaker 0: Why don ’ t you find the information on the internet instead ? Speaker 1: Sometimes it takes too long to find the exact information you are looking for . Besides , I like to read a magazine in a coffee bar sometimes . Speaker 0:
Do you have an online edition of that magazine ?
Speaker 0: Do you often buy magazines ? Speaker 1: I buy a computer magazine every month . It keeps me up-to date with all the latest developments . Speaker 0: Why don ’ t you find the information on the internet instead ? Speaker 1: Sometimes it takes too long to find the exact information you are looking for . Besides , I like to read a magazine in a coffee bar sometimes . Speaker 0: Do you have an online edition of that magazine ? Speaker 1:
Yes , they do . But you can only access all the articles if you have a subscription .
Speaker 0: Do you often buy magazines ? Speaker 1: I buy a computer magazine every month . It keeps me up-to date with all the latest developments . Speaker 0: Why don ’ t you find the information on the internet instead ? Speaker 1: Sometimes it takes too long to find the exact information you are looking for . Besides , I like to read a magazine in a coffee bar sometimes . Speaker 0: Do you have an online edition of that magazine ? Speaker 1: Yes , they do . But you can only access all the articles if you have a subscription . Speaker 0:
Do you have a subscription ?
Speaker 0: Do you often buy magazines ? Speaker 1: I buy a computer magazine every month . It keeps me up-to date with all the latest developments . Speaker 0: Why don ’ t you find the information on the internet instead ? Speaker 1: Sometimes it takes too long to find the exact information you are looking for . Besides , I like to read a magazine in a coffee bar sometimes . Speaker 0: Do you have an online edition of that magazine ? Speaker 1: Yes , they do . But you can only access all the articles if you have a subscription . Speaker 0: Do you have a subscription ? Speaker 1:
Yes , I do . The magazine arrives by post at the beginning of each month . Do you every buy magazines ?
Speaker 0: Do you often buy magazines ? Speaker 1: I buy a computer magazine every month . It keeps me up-to date with all the latest developments . Speaker 0: Why don ’ t you find the information on the internet instead ? Speaker 1: Sometimes it takes too long to find the exact information you are looking for . Besides , I like to read a magazine in a coffee bar sometimes . Speaker 0: Do you have an online edition of that magazine ? Speaker 1: Yes , they do . But you can only access all the articles if you have a subscription . Speaker 0: Do you have a subscription ? Speaker 1: Yes , I do . The magazine arrives by post at the beginning of each month . Do you every buy magazines ? Speaker 0:
I only buy them if they look particularly interesting . I don ’ t buy any regularly .
Speaker 0: Mumm . Those burgers smell great . It's perfect day for a barbecue . Speaker 1:
It sure is . I'm glad it didn't rain . My name's Mike Gates , by the way .
Speaker 0: Mumm . Those burgers smell great . It's perfect day for a barbecue . Speaker 1: It sure is . I'm glad it didn't rain . My name's Mike Gates , by the way . Speaker 0:
Oh , hi ! I'm Barbara Johnson . Nice to meet you .
Speaker 0: Mumm . Those burgers smell great . It's perfect day for a barbecue . Speaker 1: It sure is . I'm glad it didn't rain . My name's Mike Gates , by the way . Speaker 0: Oh , hi ! I'm Barbara Johnson . Nice to meet you . Speaker 1:
I'm sorry . What's your name again ?
Speaker 0: Mumm . Those burgers smell great . It's perfect day for a barbecue . Speaker 1: It sure is . I'm glad it didn't rain . My name's Mike Gates , by the way . Speaker 0: Oh , hi ! I'm Barbara Johnson . Nice to meet you . Speaker 1: I'm sorry . What's your name again ? Speaker 0:
Barbara . But please , just call me Barb .
Speaker 0: Mumm . Those burgers smell great . It's perfect day for a barbecue . Speaker 1: It sure is . I'm glad it didn't rain . My name's Mike Gates , by the way . Speaker 0: Oh , hi ! I'm Barbara Johnson . Nice to meet you . Speaker 1: I'm sorry . What's your name again ? Speaker 0: Barbara . But please , just call me Barb . Speaker 1:
So Barb ... what do you do ?
Speaker 0: Mumm . Those burgers smell great . It's perfect day for a barbecue . Speaker 1: It sure is . I'm glad it didn't rain . My name's Mike Gates , by the way . Speaker 0: Oh , hi ! I'm Barbara Johnson . Nice to meet you . Speaker 1: I'm sorry . What's your name again ? Speaker 0: Barbara . But please , just call me Barb . Speaker 1: So Barb ... what do you do ? Speaker 0:
I'm studying medicine .
Speaker 0: Mumm . Those burgers smell great . It's perfect day for a barbecue . Speaker 1: It sure is . I'm glad it didn't rain . My name's Mike Gates , by the way . Speaker 0: Oh , hi ! I'm Barbara Johnson . Nice to meet you . Speaker 1: I'm sorry . What's your name again ? Speaker 0: Barbara . But please , just call me Barb . Speaker 1: So Barb ... what do you do ? Speaker 0: I'm studying medicine . Speaker 1:
Really ? Where ?
Speaker 0: Mumm . Those burgers smell great . It's perfect day for a barbecue . Speaker 1: It sure is . I'm glad it didn't rain . My name's Mike Gates , by the way . Speaker 0: Oh , hi ! I'm Barbara Johnson . Nice to meet you . Speaker 1: I'm sorry . What's your name again ? Speaker 0: Barbara . But please , just call me Barb . Speaker 1: So Barb ... what do you do ? Speaker 0: I'm studying medicine . Speaker 1: Really ? Where ? Speaker 0:
At Harvard . What about you ?
Speaker 0: Mumm . Those burgers smell great . It's perfect day for a barbecue . Speaker 1: It sure is . I'm glad it didn't rain . My name's Mike Gates , by the way . Speaker 0: Oh , hi ! I'm Barbara Johnson . Nice to meet you . Speaker 1: I'm sorry . What's your name again ? Speaker 0: Barbara . But please , just call me Barb . Speaker 1: So Barb ... what do you do ? Speaker 0: I'm studying medicine . Speaker 1: Really ? Where ? Speaker 0: At Harvard . What about you ? Speaker 1:
I'm an engineer at IBM .
Speaker 0: Mumm . Those burgers smell great . It's perfect day for a barbecue . Speaker 1: It sure is . I'm glad it didn't rain . My name's Mike Gates , by the way . Speaker 0: Oh , hi ! I'm Barbara Johnson . Nice to meet you . Speaker 1: I'm sorry . What's your name again ? Speaker 0: Barbara . But please , just call me Barb . Speaker 1: So Barb ... what do you do ? Speaker 0: I'm studying medicine . Speaker 1: Really ? Where ? Speaker 0: At Harvard . What about you ? Speaker 1: I'm an engineer at IBM . Speaker 0:
Oh , are you ? That sounds interesting .
Speaker 0: Mumm . Those burgers smell great . It's perfect day for a barbecue . Speaker 1: It sure is . I'm glad it didn't rain . My name's Mike Gates , by the way . Speaker 0: Oh , hi ! I'm Barbara Johnson . Nice to meet you . Speaker 1: I'm sorry . What's your name again ? Speaker 0: Barbara . But please , just call me Barb . Speaker 1: So Barb ... what do you do ? Speaker 0: I'm studying medicine . Speaker 1: Really ? Where ? Speaker 0: At Harvard . What about you ? Speaker 1: I'm an engineer at IBM . Speaker 0: Oh , are you ? That sounds interesting . Speaker 1:
Yeah . I like it . Hey , it looks like the food is ready .
Speaker 0: Mumm . Those burgers smell great . It's perfect day for a barbecue . Speaker 1: It sure is . I'm glad it didn't rain . My name's Mike Gates , by the way . Speaker 0: Oh , hi ! I'm Barbara Johnson . Nice to meet you . Speaker 1: I'm sorry . What's your name again ? Speaker 0: Barbara . But please , just call me Barb . Speaker 1: So Barb ... what do you do ? Speaker 0: I'm studying medicine . Speaker 1: Really ? Where ? Speaker 0: At Harvard . What about you ? Speaker 1: I'm an engineer at IBM . Speaker 0: Oh , are you ? That sounds interesting . Speaker 1: Yeah . I like it . Hey , it looks like the food is ready . Speaker 0:
Good . I'm starving .
Speaker 0: Wow ! I can't believe I'm standing here ! Speaker 1:
What are you so excited about ?
Speaker 0: Wow ! I can't believe I'm standing here ! Speaker 1: What are you so excited about ? Speaker 0:
I'm standing in front of an exquisite work of art !
Speaker 0: Wow ! I can't believe I'm standing here ! Speaker 1: What are you so excited about ? Speaker 0: I'm standing in front of an exquisite work of art ! Speaker 1:
What's the big deal ? It's just a picture of some woman .
Speaker 0: Wow ! I can't believe I'm standing here ! Speaker 1: What are you so excited about ? Speaker 0: I'm standing in front of an exquisite work of art ! Speaker 1: What's the big deal ? It's just a picture of some woman . Speaker 0:
I've seen it so many times in books , but I never imagined I'd get to see it in person .
Speaker 0: Wow ! I can't believe I'm standing here ! Speaker 1: What are you so excited about ? Speaker 0: I'm standing in front of an exquisite work of art ! Speaker 1: What's the big deal ? It's just a picture of some woman . Speaker 0: I've seen it so many times in books , but I never imagined I'd get to see it in person . Speaker 1:
There are tons of other paintings that I think are better .
Speaker 0: Wow ! I can't believe I'm standing here ! Speaker 1: What are you so excited about ? Speaker 0: I'm standing in front of an exquisite work of art ! Speaker 1: What's the big deal ? It's just a picture of some woman . Speaker 0: I've seen it so many times in books , but I never imagined I'd get to see it in person . Speaker 1: There are tons of other paintings that I think are better . Speaker 0:
Maybe so , but do you have any idea how much this one is worth ?
Speaker 0: Wow ! I can't believe I'm standing here ! Speaker 1: What are you so excited about ? Speaker 0: I'm standing in front of an exquisite work of art ! Speaker 1: What's the big deal ? It's just a picture of some woman . Speaker 0: I've seen it so many times in books , but I never imagined I'd get to see it in person . Speaker 1: There are tons of other paintings that I think are better . Speaker 0: Maybe so , but do you have any idea how much this one is worth ? Speaker 1:
No , how much is it worth ?
Speaker 0: Wow ! I can't believe I'm standing here ! Speaker 1: What are you so excited about ? Speaker 0: I'm standing in front of an exquisite work of art ! Speaker 1: What's the big deal ? It's just a picture of some woman . Speaker 0: I've seen it so many times in books , but I never imagined I'd get to see it in person . Speaker 1: There are tons of other paintings that I think are better . Speaker 0: Maybe so , but do you have any idea how much this one is worth ? Speaker 1: No , how much is it worth ? Speaker 0:
About 80 million dollars .
Speaker 0: Wow ! I can't believe I'm standing here ! Speaker 1: What are you so excited about ? Speaker 0: I'm standing in front of an exquisite work of art ! Speaker 1: What's the big deal ? It's just a picture of some woman . Speaker 0: I've seen it so many times in books , but I never imagined I'd get to see it in person . Speaker 1: There are tons of other paintings that I think are better . Speaker 0: Maybe so , but do you have any idea how much this one is worth ? Speaker 1: No , how much is it worth ? Speaker 0: About 80 million dollars . Speaker 1:
Whoa .
Speaker 0: hey , Maris , are you a part-timer ? Speaker 1:
part-timer ? Is that a new buzzword ?
Speaker 0: hey , Maris , are you a part-timer ? Speaker 1: part-timer ? Is that a new buzzword ? Speaker 0:
oh , it ’ s pretty popular among my classmates these days . So are you ?
Speaker 0: hey , Maris , are you a part-timer ? Speaker 1: part-timer ? Is that a new buzzword ? Speaker 0: oh , it ’ s pretty popular among my classmates these days . So are you ? Speaker 1:
sure , I have a part-time job as a bartender .
Speaker 0: hey , Maris , are you a part-timer ? Speaker 1: part-timer ? Is that a new buzzword ? Speaker 0: oh , it ’ s pretty popular among my classmates these days . So are you ? Speaker 1: sure , I have a part-time job as a bartender . Speaker 0:
cool ! It must be amazing to work at a bar !
Speaker 0: hey , Maris , are you a part-timer ? Speaker 1: part-timer ? Is that a new buzzword ? Speaker 0: oh , it ’ s pretty popular among my classmates these days . So are you ? Speaker 1: sure , I have a part-time job as a bartender . Speaker 0: cool ! It must be amazing to work at a bar ! Speaker 1:
yeah , but I ’ m not there for fun . I have to remain professional and if I get distracted , the manager would be pretty upset .
Speaker 0: hey , Maris , are you a part-timer ? Speaker 1: part-timer ? Is that a new buzzword ? Speaker 0: oh , it ’ s pretty popular among my classmates these days . So are you ? Speaker 1: sure , I have a part-time job as a bartender . Speaker 0: cool ! It must be amazing to work at a bar ! Speaker 1: yeah , but I ’ m not there for fun . I have to remain professional and if I get distracted , the manager would be pretty upset . Speaker 0:
that ’ s true . I ’ m wondering did you learn anything from the job ?
Speaker 0: hey , Maris , are you a part-timer ? Speaker 1: part-timer ? Is that a new buzzword ? Speaker 0: oh , it ’ s pretty popular among my classmates these days . So are you ? Speaker 1: sure , I have a part-time job as a bartender . Speaker 0: cool ! It must be amazing to work at a bar ! Speaker 1: yeah , but I ’ m not there for fun . I have to remain professional and if I get distracted , the manager would be pretty upset . Speaker 0: that ’ s true . I ’ m wondering did you learn anything from the job ? Speaker 1:
of course . There ’ s always much to learn . I got to know more about the real world .
Speaker 0: hey , Maris , are you a part-timer ? Speaker 1: part-timer ? Is that a new buzzword ? Speaker 0: oh , it ’ s pretty popular among my classmates these days . So are you ? Speaker 1: sure , I have a part-time job as a bartender . Speaker 0: cool ! It must be amazing to work at a bar ! Speaker 1: yeah , but I ’ m not there for fun . I have to remain professional and if I get distracted , the manager would be pretty upset . Speaker 0: that ’ s true . I ’ m wondering did you learn anything from the job ? Speaker 1: of course . There ’ s always much to learn . I got to know more about the real world . Speaker 0:
you mean you got working experience , right ?
Speaker 0: hey , Maris , are you a part-timer ? Speaker 1: part-timer ? Is that a new buzzword ? Speaker 0: oh , it ’ s pretty popular among my classmates these days . So are you ? Speaker 1: sure , I have a part-time job as a bartender . Speaker 0: cool ! It must be amazing to work at a bar ! Speaker 1: yeah , but I ’ m not there for fun . I have to remain professional and if I get distracted , the manager would be pretty upset . Speaker 0: that ’ s true . I ’ m wondering did you learn anything from the job ? Speaker 1: of course . There ’ s always much to learn . I got to know more about the real world . Speaker 0: you mean you got working experience , right ? Speaker 1:
not just working experience . I would say the biggest lesson I learned is how to deal with people from all walks of life .
Speaker 0: hey , Maris , are you a part-timer ? Speaker 1: part-timer ? Is that a new buzzword ? Speaker 0: oh , it ’ s pretty popular among my classmates these days . So are you ? Speaker 1: sure , I have a part-time job as a bartender . Speaker 0: cool ! It must be amazing to work at a bar ! Speaker 1: yeah , but I ’ m not there for fun . I have to remain professional and if I get distracted , the manager would be pretty upset . Speaker 0: that ’ s true . I ’ m wondering did you learn anything from the job ? Speaker 1: of course . There ’ s always much to learn . I got to know more about the real world . Speaker 0: you mean you got working experience , right ? Speaker 1: not just working experience . I would say the biggest lesson I learned is how to deal with people from all walks of life . Speaker 0:
it must be very demanding .
Speaker 0: hey , Maris , are you a part-timer ? Speaker 1: part-timer ? Is that a new buzzword ? Speaker 0: oh , it ’ s pretty popular among my classmates these days . So are you ? Speaker 1: sure , I have a part-time job as a bartender . Speaker 0: cool ! It must be amazing to work at a bar ! Speaker 1: yeah , but I ’ m not there for fun . I have to remain professional and if I get distracted , the manager would be pretty upset . Speaker 0: that ’ s true . I ’ m wondering did you learn anything from the job ? Speaker 1: of course . There ’ s always much to learn . I got to know more about the real world . Speaker 0: you mean you got working experience , right ? Speaker 1: not just working experience . I would say the biggest lesson I learned is how to deal with people from all walks of life . Speaker 0: it must be very demanding . Speaker 1:
sometimes it is . But after working for a few weeks , it ’ s easy to figure out .
Speaker 0: hey , Maris , are you a part-timer ? Speaker 1: part-timer ? Is that a new buzzword ? Speaker 0: oh , it ’ s pretty popular among my classmates these days . So are you ? Speaker 1: sure , I have a part-time job as a bartender . Speaker 0: cool ! It must be amazing to work at a bar ! Speaker 1: yeah , but I ’ m not there for fun . I have to remain professional and if I get distracted , the manager would be pretty upset . Speaker 0: that ’ s true . I ’ m wondering did you learn anything from the job ? Speaker 1: of course . There ’ s always much to learn . I got to know more about the real world . Speaker 0: you mean you got working experience , right ? Speaker 1: not just working experience . I would say the biggest lesson I learned is how to deal with people from all walks of life . Speaker 0: it must be very demanding . Speaker 1: sometimes it is . But after working for a few weeks , it ’ s easy to figure out . Speaker 0:
really ? It sounds interesting .
Speaker 0: hey , Maris , are you a part-timer ? Speaker 1: part-timer ? Is that a new buzzword ? Speaker 0: oh , it ’ s pretty popular among my classmates these days . So are you ? Speaker 1: sure , I have a part-time job as a bartender . Speaker 0: cool ! It must be amazing to work at a bar ! Speaker 1: yeah , but I ’ m not there for fun . I have to remain professional and if I get distracted , the manager would be pretty upset . Speaker 0: that ’ s true . I ’ m wondering did you learn anything from the job ? Speaker 1: of course . There ’ s always much to learn . I got to know more about the real world . Speaker 0: you mean you got working experience , right ? Speaker 1: not just working experience . I would say the biggest lesson I learned is how to deal with people from all walks of life . Speaker 0: it must be very demanding . Speaker 1: sometimes it is . But after working for a few weeks , it ’ s easy to figure out . Speaker 0: really ? It sounds interesting . Speaker 1:
maybe you can come to the bar one day and I ’ ll show you around .
Speaker 0: hey , Maris , are you a part-timer ? Speaker 1: part-timer ? Is that a new buzzword ? Speaker 0: oh , it ’ s pretty popular among my classmates these days . So are you ? Speaker 1: sure , I have a part-time job as a bartender . Speaker 0: cool ! It must be amazing to work at a bar ! Speaker 1: yeah , but I ’ m not there for fun . I have to remain professional and if I get distracted , the manager would be pretty upset . Speaker 0: that ’ s true . I ’ m wondering did you learn anything from the job ? Speaker 1: of course . There ’ s always much to learn . I got to know more about the real world . Speaker 0: you mean you got working experience , right ? Speaker 1: not just working experience . I would say the biggest lesson I learned is how to deal with people from all walks of life . Speaker 0: it must be very demanding . Speaker 1: sometimes it is . But after working for a few weeks , it ’ s easy to figure out . Speaker 0: really ? It sounds interesting . Speaker 1: maybe you can come to the bar one day and I ’ ll show you around . Speaker 0:
great . I ’ m looking forward to it .
Speaker 0: Have you seen that house ? Speaker 1:
Yes , it looks interesting .
Speaker 0: Have you seen that house ? Speaker 1: Yes , it looks interesting . Speaker 0:
You're right . I love it very much .
Speaker 0: Have you seen that house ? Speaker 1: Yes , it looks interesting . Speaker 0: You're right . I love it very much . Speaker 1:
It must be old .
Speaker 0: Have you seen that house ? Speaker 1: Yes , it looks interesting . Speaker 0: You're right . I love it very much . Speaker 1: It must be old . Speaker 0:
At least more than 100 years old .
Speaker 0: Have you seen that house ? Speaker 1: Yes , it looks interesting . Speaker 0: You're right . I love it very much . Speaker 1: It must be old . Speaker 0: At least more than 100 years old . Speaker 1:
Let's enter it !
Speaker 0: Have you seen that house ? Speaker 1: Yes , it looks interesting . Speaker 0: You're right . I love it very much . Speaker 1: It must be old . Speaker 0: At least more than 100 years old . Speaker 1: Let's enter it ! Speaker 0:
I can't open the door .
Speaker 0: Have you seen that house ? Speaker 1: Yes , it looks interesting . Speaker 0: You're right . I love it very much . Speaker 1: It must be old . Speaker 0: At least more than 100 years old . Speaker 1: Let's enter it ! Speaker 0: I can't open the door . Speaker 1:
It must be locked .
Speaker 0: Have you seen that house ? Speaker 1: Yes , it looks interesting . Speaker 0: You're right . I love it very much . Speaker 1: It must be old . Speaker 0: At least more than 100 years old . Speaker 1: Let's enter it ! Speaker 0: I can't open the door . Speaker 1: It must be locked . Speaker 0:
Let me ask the old woman in that reception office .
Speaker 0: Have you seen that house ? Speaker 1: Yes , it looks interesting . Speaker 0: You're right . I love it very much . Speaker 1: It must be old . Speaker 0: At least more than 100 years old . Speaker 1: Let's enter it ! Speaker 0: I can't open the door . Speaker 1: It must be locked . Speaker 0: Let me ask the old woman in that reception office . Speaker 1:
She can't answer you .