class label
25 classes
i had a cut that was stitched together but it is not healing. it is oozing green puss and burns.
3infected wound
there are times when i feel crushed under a huge weight and no air passing to my lungs, it actually scares the hell out of me when it happens.
11hard to breath
i feel like i've always got something in my throat
my entire body is freezing.
24feeling cold
i love to garden but i get a terrible twinge in my lower back when i lean over.
15back pain
my face is all broken out with pimples.
i get big patches of irritated pimples on my back and they hurt.
i have a rash and it itches very bad.
7skin issue
i don't know why i'm constantly sad.
0emotional pain
my ear hurts me badly
23ear ache
every time i look to left i feel a sharp pain in my neck.
21neck pain
i have a hair shortage
1hair falling out
when i extend my leg there is pain in knee joint
10joint pain
i feel weak all over.
13body feels weak
i feel really sad all the time.
0emotional pain
my body feels like it's in a refrigerator.
24feeling cold
i walked a long for 3 km, i feel pain in my foot like foot ache
4foot ache
i suffered a deep wound in my hand and i can not stop the bleeding
3infected wound
i get tired too fast, i can barely put on my clothes in the morning.
13body feels weak
when i stand up, i feel like i'm going to fall down instantly
14feeling dizzy
my knee is hurting so badly.
10joint pain
when i move my shoulder, it's like lightning is being sent through my shoulder
5shoulder pain
i can't do anything i feel a weak in my body
13body feels weak
my ear hurts when i touch it.
23ear ache
i was watching tv and suddenly have blurry vision
18blurry vision
my stomach aches after i drink any soda drink, why?
8stomach ache
i chopped off the tip of my finger while i was cutting some cardboard and i cannot stop the bleeding.
16open wound
i have a hair shortage
1hair falling out
i feel a sharp pain in my stomach
17internal pain
i feel pain in my legs muscles after i ran yesterday, i took some pain killers but it doesn't help.
20muscle pain
i have terrible pain in my heart
2heart hurts
my infected wound caused a fever
3infected wound
i have a skin rash after eating an ice-cream.
7skin issue
i cut my hand a couple of weeks ago and even though i keep using an antibiotic cream it's not getting better.
3infected wound
after playing football, i have muscle pain with my both legs.
20muscle pain
i can't work good i have a pain in my knee
9knee pain
my daughter had her ears pierced and one of her ear lobes is bright red and burning hot.
3infected wound
i have constant stomach pain and bloating.
17internal pain
i have pain in my stomach
8stomach ache
when i bend over i get a shooting pain down my back
15back pain
i was diagnosed with b12-deficiency anemia, which explains why i always felt cold.
24feeling cold
i am worried for my driving, because i can barely focus when i am at the wheel, my eyes feel teary.
18blurry vision
i get an ear ache when it is cold
23ear ache
i have pain in my stomach
8stomach ache
my back got injured while i was lifting at the gym
6injury from sports
i hardly have enough stength to get up,
13body feels weak
i get an ear ache when it is cold
23ear ache
there are times when i feel crushed under a huge weight and no air passing to my lungs, it actually scares the hell out of me when it happens.
11hard to breath
my son has a lot of acne.
it's hard to see things
18blurry vision
when i think of my parents i feel pain
0emotional pain
i feel dizzy when i set in-front of my laptop for an hour or two, what possibly could be the reason?
14feeling dizzy
there is this pain that radiates from my chest up to my left arm.
2heart hurts
my child has cough all night, she can't sleep
i have a pain internal
17internal pain
i have a skin rash after eating an ice-cream.
7skin issue
i feel like something is squeezing my lungs.
11hard to breath
my cbc report indicate 10 hb, i feel tired of little work.
13body feels weak
i think my body temperature is very low.
24feeling cold
i have a hard pain in my stomach
8stomach ache
everything looks like beeing in a smoky area.
18blurry vision
i feel pain in the knee when walking
9knee pain
i have a foot ache after running 500m with my running shoes.
4foot ache
i can't stop coughing
after eating i have burning sensation inside of me.
8stomach ache
i am feeling so dizzy, body is so fragile.
13body feels weak
chronic bowel pain
17internal pain
i wake up with a stiff neck every morning. massage helps but then a couple of days later it's back again.
21neck pain
my lungs feel heavy like they are filled with mucus
i walked a long for 3 km, i feel pain in my foot like foot ache
4foot ache
when i play football i have joint pain.
10joint pain
since i went into the forest i have pain on my ear
23ear ache
my stomach aches when i eat hot food, why?
8stomach ache
i have an internal pain i cannot describe
17internal pain
my knees swell right below the knee cap and hurt when i put weight on them.
9knee pain
i have a strong shoulder pain
5shoulder pain
after a breakup i feel something strange in me.
0emotional pain
i've got a hard time to breath- am i having a heart attack?
11hard to breath
i wish this excruciating feeling of loss could go away.
0emotional pain
i have pain in my colon and my stomach like something cutting it
8stomach ache
there are some pimples on my face that bother me a lot
my skin is very dry and peeling.
7skin issue
i feel pain in my neck
21neck pain
i feel pain in my back
15back pain
my temperature dropped and my body get synosed
24feeling cold
i was very active in sports but now my body is feeling pain.
6injury from sports
i feel something hurt me in taking breath and i cant take my breath
11hard to breath
i feel cold
24feeling cold
when i carry heavy things i feel like breaking my back
15back pain
sometimes i cough because i'm a smoker
i got injured exercising
6injury from sports
my hair falling out
1hair falling out
i have a red rash that is itchy on my skin
7skin issue
i m feeling cold though the temperature is high
24feeling cold
i have a break in the skin inside one of my nostrils that has become infected and is now filled with pus.
3infected wound
even if the temperature is high in the house, my body is always cold
24feeling cold
my son squeezed a pimple and it broke open only to scab over and now looks like it is infected.
3infected wound
i complain alot with my neck pain and i really need to be better
21neck pain
my cough is very heavy and i have mucus.
he was discovered to have an open wound.
16open wound