class label
25 classes
i think i overdid it when i carried all that lumber from the yard. my lower back is killing me.
15back pain
every time it rains i get hives on my belly and sides.
7skin issue
feels like there are pins and needles sticking in my joints
10joint pain
i feel a burning sensation in my guts about 2 hours after each meal.
8stomach ache
i feel pain in my stomach
8stomach ache
i feel pain inside and i can not identify it
17internal pain
i have a lot of knee pain whenever i go running.
9knee pain
i have a blurry vision since i woke up this morning, what could be the reason?
18blurry vision
i can't stand with this horrible feeling in my shoulder
5shoulder pain
i feel lightheaded when i stand up
14feeling dizzy
i am always cold, even when i am wearing layers
24feeling cold
i have a throbbing in my joints
10joint pain
my shoulder aches when i try to lift five pounds.
5shoulder pain
feel like something is being jabbed into my joints
10joint pain
my shoulder has agreat pain
5shoulder pain
i'm injured i can't play sports
6injury from sports
i feel hurts in my heart
2heart hurts
i cut my hand a couple of days ago and although i didn't think i needed it stitches it hasn't closed up.
16open wound
my son nicked his neck with an old razor and that spot has become inflamed and looks like it is infected.
3infected wound
the severe pain in the stomach i feel
8stomach ache
i have cloudy eyes
18blurry vision
my ear is ringing.
23ear ache
hearing any loud sounds makes my ear aches
23ear ache
i feel dizzy and out of sight
14feeling dizzy
my son squeezed a pimple and it broke open only to scab over and now looks like it is infected.
3infected wound
i have a break in the skin between my thumb and index finger and it will not close.
16open wound
my entire body is freezing.
24feeling cold
my left ear is ok, but the right one feels like it's being stabbed with a nail.
23ear ache
what helps cuts heal faster?
16open wound
yesterday i had a shouder pain
5shoulder pain
oh my heart hurts me i tried to be calm and i can't
2heart hurts
i think there's fluid in my ears.
23ear ache
i'm in need for a treatment for my hair fall
1hair falling out
discomfort or pain that is felt at some point along the front of the body between the neck and upper abdomen.
17internal pain
i have a foot ache in winter, or when it feels cold, why?
4foot ache
i could not exercise because of my knee pain
9knee pain
anytime i play tennis i feel a shoulder pain
5shoulder pain
i feel great pain in my feet after playing one of the sports games
6injury from sports
i feel emotionally crushed
0emotional pain
fell skull is cracked like nuts
12head ache
when i go to sleep i am feeling cold
24feeling cold
i break out on my face very frequently
fell skull is cracked like nuts
12head ache
when i tried to be warm and wear more clothes i found that i was still cold
24feeling cold
i feel congestion in my chest
i am always cold, even when i am wearing layers
24feeling cold
i feel pain inside and i can not identify it
17internal pain
standing less than five minutes and my back start to ache
15back pain
i feel pain in my ears with tinnitus
23ear ache
i feel hurt, lot of pain in my heart
0emotional pain
when i go to stand, my head starts swirling
14feeling dizzy
i wake up with a stiff neck every morning. massage helps but then a couple of days later it's back again.
21neck pain
i have some pain when i'm walking around my knees
10joint pain
i have acne in my face and other problema in my derma like itching
7skin issue
i feel pain in my joint after an injury in the last football match i played.
10joint pain
i feel a bone-on-bone pain in my knees when i climb stairs.
10joint pain
when i'm awake in the morning i feel strange and have vertigo
14feeling dizzy
i feel discomfort throughout the body in general
13body feels weak
i was travelling by ship and i feel dizzy.
14feeling dizzy
i can't stand with this horrible feeling in my shoulder
5shoulder pain
i often get a sharp pain in my chest and i can't tell what i'm doing that might be triggering it.
2heart hurts
there is a sharp pain in my bicep. i have tried to apply pain relief cream but it does not help.
20muscle pain
i fell off my bike and since then i had hard knee pain
9knee pain
i cannot breathe because of this dull ache below my left shoulder.
2heart hurts
i think i sprained my ankle it really hurts.
6injury from sports
sharp pain and heavy breathing
17internal pain
i have a pain in my stomach
17internal pain
he was discovered to have an open wound.
16open wound
what helps cuts heal faster?
16open wound
my infected wound caused a fever
3infected wound
i do not feel better in my muscles
20muscle pain
i feel muscle pain every time i make an extra effort.
20muscle pain
i have cloudy eyes
18blurry vision
i can't move my leg, there is pain in the joint
10joint pain
there is an extreme pressure below my belly button at the right, which i feel every time i go out for a jog.
17internal pain
something dark is there on my arm
7skin issue
my hair isn't well
1hair falling out
sterilizer for the eye
18blurry vision
there is a tingling sensation in my neck.
21neck pain
i was playing basketball yesterday, i have sprained ankle
6injury from sports
i feel pain in my right shoulder after the tennis match.
6injury from sports
i had a collision while playing soccer. my knee buckled and now it's unstable.
6injury from sports
my child has cough all night, she can't sleep
i feel hurts in my heart
2heart hurts
heart aches so much
2heart hurts
mr hair is falling out just by combing it.
1hair falling out
the warming system of my house is broken and feel so cold
24feeling cold
when my grand father died i felt a hard emotional pain
0emotional pain
sometimes i feel like a claw on my chest that leaves me breathless.
11hard to breath
my skin is very dry and peeling.
7skin issue
i have a sharp pain in my abdomen.
17internal pain
i have a back pain since i turned 70 years old.
15back pain
itch at front and center of scalp
1hair falling out
when i stand up too quickly i start to feel dizzy and light-headed
14feeling dizzy
i hit my head at the basketball game. could i have a concussion?
6injury from sports
it itches inside my ears.
23ear ache
i have a problem in the expiration because i have abronchial asthma
11hard to breath
i get an ear ache when it is cold
23ear ache
i have a migrain and i took panadol but it doesn鈭毭痶 help
12head ache
i'm feeling nauseous
8stomach ache