class label
25 classes
i've got a hard time to breath- am i having a heart attack?
11hard to breath
i have pain but i can't specify place
17internal pain
i had a cold the last time i travelled by plane and i still have a discomfort in my ears.
23ear ache
i have a powerful pain inside my neck
21neck pain
i am worried for my driving, because i can barely focus when i am at the wheel, my eyes feel teary.
18blurry vision
my hair is falling without a reason, i can see a lot of hair on my working desk.
1hair falling out
i have a cut on my foot that became infected from using the showers at the gym.
3infected wound
when my grand father died i felt a hard emotional pain
0emotional pain
i'm not hearing well i have problem with my ear
23ear ache
can't do any exercise, i feel weak
13body feels weak
my television and computer seem out of focus even though i have new glasses.
18blurry vision
i feel a burning sensation in my guts about 2 hours after each meal.
8stomach ache
i can't hear out of my ear properly, i feel like there is something in it causing irritation.
23ear ache
my foot is hurting so much.
4foot ache
when i force my eyes to view i have blurry vision.
18blurry vision
i have an ear ache when showering
23ear ache
i feel like there is something swollen and inflamed at the back of my knee.
9knee pain
my kneecap feels like it is grating bone on bone when i walk.
9knee pain
i can't see well
18blurry vision
when i get up i see my skin vague
7skin issue
i have a lot of knee pain whenever i go running.
9knee pain
my left side aches much
17internal pain
i have a wound between my toes that gets better overnight and then reopens ever day when i wear dress shoes to work.
16open wound
the joints in my fingers are painful in the morning.
10joint pain
i lose a lot of my hair
1hair falling out
i think there's fluid in my ears.
23ear ache
when i'm tired i feel my head heavy
12head ache
annoyance starts suddenly, often after an injury or exercise.
9knee pain
when i stand up too quickly i start to feel dizzy and light-headed
14feeling dizzy
my ear hurts when i touch it.
23ear ache
my hair is falling without a reason, i can see a lot of hair on my working desk.
1hair falling out
i feel aching on my insides.
17internal pain
i have shooting pain in my kneecap after working out.
9knee pain
my acne is really embarassing. it's so read.
when i do hard exercises i feel great pain in my muscles.
20muscle pain
i don't do anything at home and still i feel exhausted.
13body feels weak
at first it feels really numb, but then a thousand needles start to prick through my foot.
4foot ache
i have a sharp pain in my neck
21neck pain
whenever i stand up i feel dizzy.
14feeling dizzy
i have a throbbing in my joints
10joint pain
my son had his lip pierced and it is swollen and the skin inside on his lip is grey and looks infected.
3infected wound
i feel increased heart rate with prick
2heart hurts
have severe cold and cough
when i eat i feel my stomach hurts
8stomach ache
i can`t stop coughing.
when i'm awake in the morning i feel strange and have vertigo
14feeling dizzy
i've been feeling very sad lately
0emotional pain
all of a sudden i felt dizzy when i stood up.
14feeling dizzy
i feel suicidal.
0emotional pain
i feel very hard to breathe
11hard to breath
when i go to sleep i am feeling cold
24feeling cold
i feel pain inside i do not know what it is
17internal pain
when i force my eyes to view i have blurry vision.
18blurry vision
i'm suffering from sharp cough accompanied by phlegm
i have a hard pain in my stomach
8stomach ache
when i'm awake in the morning i feel strange and have vertigo
14feeling dizzy
i feel like i've always got something in my throat
is my cut infected or just healing?
3infected wound
my daughter had her ears pierced and one of her ear lobes is bright red and burning hot.
3infected wound
i feel really sad all the time.
0emotional pain
i have a problem in seeing objects it is too difficult to see
18blurry vision
i feel sad like hurt or pain
0emotional pain
my ear ache when i'm listening to music.
23ear ache
i cut my hand a couple of weeks ago and even though i keep using an antibiotic cream it's not getting better.
3infected wound
when i think of my parents i feel pain
0emotional pain
when i move my shoulder, it's like lightning is being sent through my shoulder
5shoulder pain
i feel a pain in my neck
21neck pain
glass broken and wound my leg badly the wound is so wide
16open wound
i feel dizzy after doing a muscular effort.
14feeling dizzy
i have an ear ache that won't go away. i don't have a cold or headache or any other symptoms. just an earache.
23ear ache
i have cloudy eyes
18blurry vision
i sliced myself deeply with a knife while i was cooking
16open wound
my muscles in my lower back are aching.
20muscle pain
when i play football i have joint pain.
10joint pain
my head hurts when i'm doing this.
12head ache
severe pain in the ear
23ear ache
my face break out badly every month around my cycle.
i feel pain in the knee
9knee pain
my heart is beating fast and it scares me.
2heart hurts
my body feels weak although i take my vitamins regularly.
13body feels weak
i do not know why i feel cold
24feeling cold
i have a strange rash on my arm
4foot ache
what helps cuts heal faster?
16open wound
my hair always falls out and i have lost a lot of hair lately
1hair falling out
all of a sudden i felt dizzy when i stood up.
14feeling dizzy
it is hard to breath when i am in the underground metro station, why?
11hard to breath
i have constant stomach pain and bloating.
17internal pain
my grandmother last year went to hospital because she was having a hard time breathing
11hard to breath
why is my shoulder aching when i try to pick up the laundry?
5shoulder pain
my sore isn't healing well and it's been like this for two weeks.
16open wound
i have some terrible problems when i'm breathing during the night.
i have a feeling like my whole body is complaining
10joint pain
having difficulty moving my knee
9knee pain
i feel like my heart is on fire.
2heart hurts
i feel pain in my back
15back pain
it is like i have a needle pushing through my heart.
2heart hurts
i can't carry anything i have a pain in my shoulder
5shoulder pain
there is so much pain when i move my arm.
5shoulder pain
i have pain in my chest that saddens me.
2heart hurts
my left side aches much
17internal pain