Close friends talking badly of other friends.
A colleague and I were sitting on a bench next to an old man in a shopping centre. the old man coughed and spluttered somewhat, then with his fingers removed the resultant phlegm and mucous from his mouth, and transferred it onto the armrest of the bench.
After a disagreement between my parents, when I was alone with my father and my sister, the aggression continued, when my father tried to put me and my sister against my mother revealing facts that had happened in the past like a talk between my father and his mother in law where she told him that my mother was not quite save.
At a concert an old man arrived and began to danse, sing and do silly things.
I was in the cafeteria at the university and a class-mate told me that a friend of hers had had all her teeth taken out because of an infection caused by her eating a rat's nail in her hamburger.
I felt guilty when I tore a photograph I found at my boyfriend's place only to realise that it was his sister who was on the photograph.
I had some sort of a stomach virus last week and I vomited in college in the morning, then in the cake shop, three times during the trip home and again when I got home.
I got caught shoplifting a package of gummy bears.
I was disgusted to see a person vomitting and I was told to clean the place where the vomit was.
When I was travelling to school by bus, I went past a place where a sewer had been repaired. There was a bad strong smell which suffocated me and I wanted to leave the place immediately.
When I arrived home late at night. I know that my mother gets worried and this made me feel angry.
A friend who shares the room with me, opened the window in the morning and left the room the whole day. When I came home in the evening, the room was so cold that I couldn't stay there.
Watching TV about china is behind in winning gold medals.
My joy knew no bounds when I was selected for a job even before having finished my studies.
Helping older people on the toilet.
While I was pushing a court roller out of a ditch, I slipped and fell down and the roller rolled back towards me -down slope-It is a miracle that I still have my legs intact.
After the funeral of an acquaintance I felt very depressed. That feeling turned into joy when I heard that I had achieved a good grade for an examination.
When my grandmother after staying with us for awhile went back home.
When I could not complete my assignment on time.
When I nearly got my fiancee pregnant.
It happened that I was alone - with no contacts with friends.
I misunderstood a girl and thought that she loved me. One day when I was talking to her, her boyfriend appeared and I felt ashamed.
When I deeply felt that I could lose the person I love best because of my foolishness.
I borrowed $ 20.00 from a friend and paid him back much later than I had originally intended.
There is a person whom I disgust. Evrey time I see her I get this terrible feeling I disgust her whole appearance.
A large german shepherd dog ran and barked at me (he didn't bite fortunately).
I feel disgust when hearing or seeing other people being treated inhumanely. For example torturing in chili.
When I saw that the mark I had obtained in an exam was a good one.
Joining in a research group studying consumer's behaviour and helping the people in the shop with the sales.
Running away from a fire.
As a child - being sent to the shop by mother - buying some chocolate - getting caught by mother.
Telling a lie.
Right before I went to a concert with my last boyfriend he told me that although he told me he was going to take me to the concert, he didn't want to see me anymore. After that we stayed overnight and I said "well, when he leaves me I will be ruined for awhile, but for now we're together." I woke up in his arms and it was the happiest moment of my life.
After a party I spent the night with a friend. We both were drunk, the morning was disillusioning. A friend was me leaving the room and I felt shabby and immoral.
All my friends arranged to go for an afternoon snack and they did not tell me. They told me that they did not have my phone number but I do not think that this was true.
A male, Honduran acquaintance of mine despised my opinions.
Sometimes, when I'm alone I am seized by this feeling. But it always helps me to come round and at the same time to judge if it is worth. Very often this feeling is caused to me by people - friends who I love and respect.
I felt guilty when the truth was known about my impregnating the girl we were staying with.
When I learned that my parents were going abroad and leaving me alone for a few years.
I feel ashamed when I am praised.
When I was in Bombay one of my good friends was getting married and he had not informed me about it, this made me sad.
My mother wants to talk very often about her life. I dislike this because she always talks negatively about the same people whatever I do it doesn't help.
When my gradmother died.
I felt disgust with a person whose behaviour was out of the elementary human norms.
When my former boyfriend and I reconciled and he decided that I was very important to him. I had always wanted us to get back together again, but had doubted the likelihood of this, so I was very happy when my small amount of faith was vindicated.
When I tried to breake it up with my boyfriend, and he refused to let me go.
When I began dansing, the teacher came and told me that I was very good and would soon get into the ballet academy.
This occurred when my girlfriend and I have to finish our relationship due to some circumstances between her and her family. I was really sad, hurt and couldn't really find any reason why am I still living. Is this life is all about ? This was one of few question which crept up vividly every time I thought about what had happened.
I felt ashamed when in a certain occasion I had to read a text and didn't stop stuttering.
On my second plane trip, we ran into unexpected turbulence.
Love problems.
Enrolling at varsity, being told I couldn't get in to certain papers.
A certain friend evokes positive feelings, when I am with him but negative feelings when he is not present. I feel the need to express those negative feelings. However, when I speak about him, I always think: Why do I like this, he does not deserve this, but still I do so.
With the job appointments committee when the headmaster in charge explained that a male teacher was more suitable for the particular post. I had more years of service than the male teacher, but this was not taken into consideration. I could have been given a less attractive job if things had gone the way the headmaster wanted.
When I found out that my father had lung cancer and they did not know how long he would live.
When I was 13 years old I wrote passionate love letters to my boyfriend and I later found out that his sister had read them.
I remember when I was a little boy I broke a Swiss dinner set quite involuntarily.
Several years ago I stayed with friends in the mountains for one week. We lived in a hut and had to cook for ourselves. One day my friend did not succeed in preparing spaghetti. That dinner was terrible - nevertheless we all ate rather much and had an improper and unsavoury conversation.
Failing an examn.
Last week I had planned to play tennis and had booked a tennis court. However when I arrived at the university gym the clerk told me that the court was being used for lessons.
To loose friends because of them over-estimating themselves.
I feel this feeling most often before me not before the others. My outside is iron but actually I'm wasting away.
Failed in a piblic argument.
When I met a friend that I hadn't seen for some time.
When I realized that we are living on borrowed time, and that the nuclear holocaust appears to come closer every day.
Once, during a performance I did not sing the way I had to.
When I went up the stairs in a high, dark house full of shadows, passed a door and had the feeling that someone or something was behind me, although I knew I was alone.
When a close relative got quite drunk. It was a relative that I had respected for a long time and looked up to as a child.
I felt sad when my boyfriend and I were apart for some time.
The death of a relative, friend, or someone I esteem.
One day I was near home, kissing my boyfriend in a car when my mother appeared and asked me to go home, because she didn't know about the event.
When I was walking in a field which had a lot of manure.
While having a discussion with my mother, I realized that she does not for a moment doubt the justification of her making the decisions concerning my life.
I felt very lonely, was very dissatisfied with myself when I realised that I could feel very jealous of other women because of my boyfriend.
When I first suffered from syphilis.
A time when I was very afraid of something was when I broke my father's antique lamp.
After the car accident in GUILT.
Sometimes when I go to work my crazy boss (a hyper Jewish lawyer) insists I do things his way (filing, typing, etc.). He sometimes blames me for things I didn't do, and I can't yell back at him.
When my friends left without waiting for me, after we had arranged to go out together.
Disgust - no. Maybe it is more precise to say revultion at a worm or a snake. But I mean it in a social aspect when somebody had behaved like a scoundrel to you, when by his actions he has made you change your attitude towards him but I thing this feeling the way I meant it, is not typical for the people interrelations.
I was sad at the expulsion of some of my comrades during the UNZA demonstrations.
When I was very young, one day, I was in the street with my father and brother. While my father was talking to some friends, I saw a dog and began to pat it. My father told me sharply to stop doing it because the dog had mange. Then my brother told me that I would die and I could not stop crying after this.
When we still attended school, my brother and I usually went to see our aunt and to show her our term's report. She rewarded us with money. Although my reports were as good as my brother's, he got more money.
I felt ashamed to be Brazilian and to live under a military dictatorship that despoiled the people, when during my military service.
A girl asked me why I didn't dance. I told her I was ashamed to dance. I felt myself ashamed having to tell her this.
Finding out my best friend cannot go to the English lectures.
Being insulted in front of my parents, and they believed other people (those insulting me).
When I was 9 years old, I got a cat, but after 3 days he died. I was very sad, because I had nursed him and taken him to the veterinary's - but in vain. Although I had had him only for a short time I had liked him very much.
[ I was thinking about death.]
Unofficially I was informed about my results of the final examination of the secondary school. A teacher wrote them up for me. When I went outside, I started crying with joy.
When my friend was involved in a car accident.
Loneliness, being uncertain of myself in the Autumn.
When I broke the window pane of my next door neighbour's house.
It was mid May 1985, When we had a Test on Nursing. My classmate had an answer sheet, so he tried to peep. The Nursing Tutor caught him. During this time I was turning my question paper and it made noise. This friend blamed me of causing the whole matter for him to be caught.
When I got married.
When my husband suddenly came to see me at my new job and brought some flowers and cake with him.
I passed successfully the preliminary exam for a participation in the children Assembly.
When I saw my niece (5 yrs) crying in the hallway for her mother who had passed away about a month ago.
When I was afraid to tell my sports teacher at secondary school that I had not participated in the sports activities the previous day.
I went shopping with my mother and sister (17 years old). Mother always told my sister what she should buy. Instead of assisting my sister in defending herself against mother's interference, I just behaved aggressively towards my sister.