As we were going to Area 10 a dog chased me. I was afraid it might bite me.
Not having good marks like other people for homeworks.
When I failed my Standard 8 Examination for the first time.
I was ashamed when my classmates discovered that I fell in love with an uneducated girl.
I had just moved to the town where I study and I got a postcard from a good friend (from my home town).
Next door nieghbour ran over his cat in driveway, he tried to finish it off with a flat shovel. I would have taken cat to veterinary to either kill humanely or cure.
Very intoxicated men who incite each other to fight. I met a vile smelling man on the tram who got closer and closer to me till I got up, then he got angry.
When I came again in contact with a girl I liked very much. And most important she also liked me.
During military service a superior reproached me unjustly. This led to friction in a lot of situations.
An invitation to spend 5 days at the seaside with all expenses paid.
When I am at home alone.
I felt guilty about going out when I should have been studying for a presentation I had to give on Wednesday the next week.
I travelled on a bus and I forgot to punch the ticket. A ticket collector came in and I had to pay the fine. I did it with a feeling of shame.
When I was blamed for some of my attributes which are very often misunderstood, especially when one is very frank.
When I got home I found that the electrical supply had been disconnected despite my having paid ZESCO the full bill a few days earlier.
When I heard that my father had been involved in a car accident in Lusaka. This happened when he had gone to get the car which had been stolen in Lusaka.
When I noticed two spiders running on the floor in different directions.
I was disgusted the other day I was told to take off the dog's faeces around the house since they smelled bad I did the job but in the end I felt disgusted.
I am filled with gloom and sadness at the death of a person. More specifically, I felt sad after hearing the news of a death of a person who was hale and hearty and full of life, with vigour and plans for the next day but had no next day to cherish it.
When I forgot a promise made to a friend of mine.
I experienced this feeling when I was accepted as a student. Because everything turned out different from my expectations. Although I passed the exam successfully I was accepted as a student only when I didn't expect it at all, namely at the beginning of September.
One day in a clinic, the father of a child came in and assaulted a colleague for something that she had not done deliberately.
When my grandmother passed away.
When my boyfriend and I went out for a dinner and subsequently went to his family. We had a very nice evening.
When my father died I felt myself alone and the fear possessed me. I was a child and all my sisters and brothers (8) were young.
When I saw an accident where the man lost his head.
The day I got a telegram telling me that I had been selected for a B.A at UNZA. I felt happy because I had not expected to be selected.
When I saw a program on Ethiopia on T.V, a fews hours earlier I had thrown away some clothes and food.
I got disgusted with a man who was beating a woman in the street. I just happened to be there but I was abhorred by the rudness.
I forgot about a close relatives's birthday.
Some classmates said I did not do enough social work. Therefore I was not elected as a "Tree Good" student.
Walking along the beach with a friend (another girl), talking, picking up shells, laughing, chasing seagulls.
When I arrived late at the job and met the most troublesome boss.
When I told a lie to a friend of my sister on April fool's day. She later came to see me and told me that it was a very foolish thing to do.
I do not seem to feel emotion such as shame, guilt or fear - far out !
When I was in my village one of my enemies had written a non-sense letter to a girl and he told the father of this girl that I was the culprit. When I got to know this I was scared as the girl's father was a worse man.
Leaving a friend of mine alone at a dance - I felt I should have kept her company.
Unfair and unjust attitude toward a person close to me, what I was the witness of, caused anger in me.
A close friend of mine was to get married in a weeks time when her father died of a heart-attack. I knew him well and felt bad on hearing of his death.
Doing poorly on an exam that I thought I should do well.
One night, at a friend's place I realized that I had everything I most wished, around me.
With the N.Z. Rugby Union wanting to send the All Blacks to South Africa.
Can't remember any such feelings now.
When my father addressed me directly and maliciously, thus including me in the "family war".
A drunk man attacked his wife and wanted to humiliate her by insulting her. Then he turned violent and started to beat her in front of her child. She left it happen without saying a word in order not to make things worse. I watched the scene and tried to calm the man, but without success. Just because he was stronger we had to comply. From that day I detested him.
I got a present from a great friend (a dog).
When my grandmother died.
I feel angry at people's indifference at our ability to be present at an event and to stay partial to what happens.
I bought an aquarium which made me much pleasure. I was watching the fish when my father came in and asked me how much I had payed for it. He said he would not pay for the current that it would require.
I saw a film about the nazi concentration camps during the war. After the film I felt disgust.
One camping night, I listened to the ghost stories told by my classmates.
I was in a train when a woman started talking loudly and attracting everybody's attention. The worst thing was that she was discussing something, about which she knew nothing, with another person.
I was very angry at my father when he didn't give me as much money as my brother to use for studying. Once again my brother was better off then me.
My girlfriend came home after a business dinner at the most expensive place in town drunk as a skunk. Whats more she drove home and couldn't remember doing so. I was disgusted by her state and her actions.
Death of grandmother.
When I sat in the wrong discussion section in the beginning of the semester. I insisted on being in the right section and the TA's list should have included my name. When I found out that I was in the wrong, I apologized, turned red and left.
I was living at home during the Summer vacations and towards the end decided to take some of my clothes and other belongings to the appartment in Guttenburg. When I had finished I went to my ex-boyfriend's (relationship uncertain) home and stayed there till 5 A.M. I had to leave then as my parents needed the car for work in the morning. My parents do not like my boyfriend.
Telling my parents that I did not well in an examn.
When my mother scolded me for something, very insignificant, without knowing the real cause of what had happened.
I was a passenger in a jumbo-jet which was accelerating down the runway and almost at the point of take-off, when the pilot suddenly braked and put the engines into reverse thrust, in an obviously urgent attempt to stop the aircraft. The hostesses show signs of concern and my first thought was that something was on the runway in our path and that we were in danger of hitting it.
To be kissed by soembody I didn't expect to.
When I got the loan for my studies.
Friends calling me fat - pear shaped in front of a nice girl.
Meeting best friend at the airport (boyfriend) who I had missed terribly.
When I had not done well in Geography at my MCE I was expected to get more than I did.
Years ago I fell in love for the first time. as natural for every school-girl I was day-dreaming. Later (after 3 years) we left each other. No one was to blame but I felt deep sadness. Even now I remember about it quite often.
My mother, sister and I were thinking about old times, our childhood, and we had a very happy time.
After lot of explanation, to fail in my work.
When I won a tennis match.
While playing I urinated on grandma's floor and did not go to the lavatory. My cousin told grandma and she came.
A few weeks back, as I was in a hurry to leave the house, I left some of my things lying around. This is something I never do. My uncle,who lives with us, as we live in a joint family, remarked that we were always doing things like this. This really got me mad.
When my fiancee travelled 2000 Km to visit me, and I hadn't seen her for 4 months.
I was sitting in the bus and a man with a very unpleasant smell came and sat next to me, to top it all he smoked continously.
When I found out that I had failed to pass my exams during the term by one point. The fact that exactly the same thing had happened last term did not help.
In class I had to say something aloud and people reacted by laughing.
When I nearly drowned in icy water wearing ice skates. It was difficult to get out.
I was angry when I had not been granted a leave out pass during the last weekend.
When my flatmate put me down because she "thought" she was better than me, or she felt she was.
I was an instructior in a youth organization. Whenever we, the instructors would have a meeting the advisor would be present. He did not understand our worknig conditions but talked a lot and had a lot of outdated ideas. Whenever we disagreed with him he was very discontent and said that we had a prejudice against him. Why did he have to treat us as his subordinates ?
I felt sad at having to leave my girlfriend after constant problems and failed attempts at reconciliation. My sadness was caused by the irreversibility of the decision.
Saw a blue film in a cinema.
Once while studying for my exam I found so many complicated words that it disgusted me.
I promised to fulfill an errand. Later I understood it was impracticable. The explanation I gave was accompanied by a sense of guilt.
In the past I used to think that my mother was a very nagging person. When I started living at the hostel we had little time to meet each other. Whenever I went home she would take care of me. I gradually realized that what she had done was for my own good. So very time I saw her I felt guilty.
When I approached a person of the opposite sex and was rejected.
I saw a man falling on the walkway. He seemed half dead, and was immobile. I felt disgust for the people who passed by without doing anything to help.
I went to a restaurant with my boyfriend for dinner. There we saw a couple. the man of the couple was a negro and he hadn't manners for eat.
The last day of school is traditionally celebrated by singing a song about all the students who are leaving. In the song about me, there were things which irritated me a lot.
When one is unjustly accused of something one has not done.
I caught a huge eel on a fishing line which I had pulled into the boat. I cut the line and threw the whole lot back into the water. Later that day and about ten miles away I went swimming and someone made the comment wondering how far eels could swim, I abruptly ended swimming for fear at an unseen eel for a few days until we had left the district.
When I saw that my bed at the hostel was a mess I guessed that someone else had used my daily necessities. I felt that my personal sanity had been affected.
When I discovered that the people I trusted most were talking behind my back.
I was badly beaten up by one of my friends during a wedding party.
When the contract about my shop was signed.
During a summer holiday at a bar I happened to see a dead to the world woman.
I had asked the teacher to write a recommendation letter for me, but I had not provided enough information and had run short of time.
I had been searching for housing for Fall at UCB and I was finally offered a place - then an ordeal followed, first I accepted then refused - related to my parents judgment (they're paying for me). Turns out that I was so upset at what my Dad said to me that I hung up on him. He called back and threatened to cut me off financially and emotionally.
A sunny Autumn day, after a long rainy period.
Some students deliberately disobey me as a class leader.