Article published in the college newspaper.
I'm afraid of not being able to go to the school I want because of suffering grades.
While watching a film of an experimental operation on a cat's brain in which the cat had metal pieces protruding from its eyes, mouth etc. to keep the head stable while being cut open.
It was at a comsomol(??) meeting, the last one because we were to graduate. The way one of my fellow-students behaved made me feel disgusted.
When our religion teacher presented shocking sectarian thoughts and doom's day as official teaching.
When I was complimented and called "delightful".
When I had to go through lonely streets in the middle of the night.
When I am with friends and I do what pleases me this often happenes.
I get disgusted with the inherent racist attitudes of my brother-in-law in putting down various ethnic groups and also my unwillingness to challenge him about these attitudes in order to keep the peace.
Being treated unfairly.
I read in the newspaper about a 21 yr. old woman who was found naked and dead along a roadside. It turned out she had had two relatives 14 and 19 who were kidnapped, raped and killed earlier.
When I left all my friends at school (break up) knowing we would probably all go our separate ways, and none see one another for a long time.
After closing the front door I realized that I had left the key inside the house. I felt even more guilty since it was not my own house but the house of people I hardly knew.
I was angry when my friends said that I should not receive Nursing Science books because there was a rumour that I was intending to leave the college.
During the short period of my unemployment about six years back.
My father told me in the letter that my mother is ill.
When I understood I was admitted to the Sofia University.
When I almost ran over a small boy who suddenly was in front of my car.
Not thanking relatives for a favor done.
I was talking with an aunt of mine that I adore and I found courage to say "I love you" and just after that came the shame.
I was "best man" at my brother's wedding a year ago.
The first time I saw a pornographic film, all that in practice is so beautiful but on the screen appered as something mechanical, irrational, disgusting and dehumanizing.
[ I had, by being silent, disapproved my love and made him unhappy. He had not been able to keep his promise. I thus was thinking about my own conduct towards another person.]
When I was attacked by a teenage boy and had my wallet stolen.
As an evening class teacher I got positive feedback. When the atmosphere is good and a kind of relaxed understanding exists.
Our Headmaster came to our hostel. The lights were off but there was a lot of noise. We shouted at him when he knocked at our door. We later saw that it was the Headmaster.
Saw some young people fighting for seats on a bus.
I went to the ballet lessons with a little friend in the dark. On a very quiet place a boy approached us from behind and asked at what time the lesson would be finished. I gave him an avoiding answer, he took me up and wanted to run away with me.
Looking up end-of-semester results, and finding I'd failed three out of seven (subjects).
Criticized by a teacher in public.
When I overtook a car on the mainroad, misjudging the distance of an oncoming car and this resulted in tooting and flashing from the other driver (we could have collided), and I had an acquaintance in the car with me.
I felt guilty when once I made my mother angry.
I felt disgust toward meat when I felt sick with the steak after a week only on meat.
I had promised to say goodbye to a person who was going on a trip, and I did not turn up.
Winning the local soccer championships this year was a great joy.
When I was told that my uncle had passed away.
I was given an exam which I thought did not measure at all my ability or my knowledge of the subject.
When I was twelve I was babysitting some children but I did not act very responsibly and one of them was injured.
When I realized that my girlfriend, whom I like, and I were going to separate.
The day I left my first girlfriend.
When my demand for accomodation on the campus was refused and the rooms were allotted to first year students who were from "Rucher" and came from influential families.
One day I took a packet of sweets from a certain Grocery at Nathenje. Then later on I started to feel guilty and realised that I had done a wrong thing to him.
When I received a letter of acceptance to CAL.
I unexpectedly got a present from my father.
When the teacher asked me a question in class, concerning something I had read earlier, and I did not know the answer, so I felt ashamed in front of the whole class.
I felt a physical fear, if I can call it this way, today, in the bus where I was sitting on the first seat. While turning the driver didn't see the tram which was making a dash towards us (coming from the side I was), and whose driver intended to cross in yellow light.
When my mother kept me in leading-strings.
A very close friend of mine invited me to spend the holidays with him. He was very kind, good and understanding. However it turned out that he had two of his cousins at his place. He, however gave me everything I needed - even transport money.
When I cheated my trusting girlfriend by telling her that I was a qualified doctor and later she found out that I was only a medical student at the preclinical level.
After yelling at my girlfriend, I felt bad because she was ? crying and upset.
I was afraid when my first boyfriend threatened to make an end to our relationship because he didn't love me enough while I loved him very much.
We were writing Primary school leaving Examinations when I had fallen at the steps going into the Exam room.
I feel disgusted at my cousin, who is bad-mannered, does not know how to behave and talk to others, he does not respect elders and lies all the time.
A saturday night a bus full of drunken people.
My friends and I were sitting at a restaurant. We were talking and a few of them said awful things about women. I became disgusted by their narrow-mindedness.
It was when I was selected to go to a Secondary school to start form I.
When my boyfriend asked me to go out with him and I refused because I wanted to go out with another guy. I did go out and my boyfriend found out.
When my sister was born.
Before Uni started, I had to leave home and take up residence in Brisbane (the "big smoke") leaving home, my family, and moving to such a big place was quite intimidating at first, and I was anxious about it.
I was very angry with a girlfriend for interferring a little too much with my personal affairs. I told her so rather strongly and she started crying.
When I was in lower six I joined an interview group to interview the general public. One of my friends in the group lost her purse and she was very nervous. Five of us had to go another place so we left her, and planned to see her later. Then I heard her describing how her purse looked. I realized that I had seen her purse on the floor and had not wanted to do any thing about it.
The sense of guilt came over me too, when I interrupted my studies. Why ? Because I felt guilty before my parents ! They believed in me though this event did not make them disbelieve me.
I was in form five at the boarding school and my friends and I had gone drinknig beer in the nearby village. And we were caught red handed there by a form master.
I was in a dark cellar and saw a glowing red point. I thought that it was a person with a cigarette - but it was only the red switch.
A piece of work was marked as bad by the teachers I and some fellow students didn't agree with their vague criticism. I felt myself taken in by the teachers and felt disgust.
I liked to see off my aunt (from Zaire) to the airport. That appeared to be impossible because I had to go to school. For long time I wasn't sure if I could accompany her. Two days before the departure they told me I was allowed to miss school.
I heard that a friend had died in an accident; group situation: suddenly a friend came in and said "Have you already heard that..."; there was a terrible consternation, silence, then everybody shouted excitedly "How could that happen...".
When someone I know was caught in an "adultery" situation.
I was very sad when I heard that my uncle had passed away untimely at home.
Robbery mentioned under sadness.
I was alone in my parents' house, having made plans to spend the afternoon with a lover (plans which the lover cancelled), watching a movie and considering my life and circumstances - pressures of examinations in particular.
When my grandmother passed away.
The only event I can remember is having a nightmare when I was very young (3 years old) I dreamt about a machine which was going to crush me.
I kicked the dog outside on a cold night because he was annoying me. The next day he came down with the flu and we thought he was going to die.
My boyfriend and I did not have any contact with each other during the Summer holidays. I met him the day of the registration and looked through him. In the canteen he asked me if I wanted to have a drink and I said no as I did not want him to do me a favour.
I felt disgusted when I was in a restaurant which didn't appear to be clean and orderly. (I do not like to be in unclean environments).
When a teacher tells a story which isn't true. It only reflects his way of interpreting reality.
When my husband discovered I was having an affair with another man.
Having my luggage checked at Customs.
I was talking badly about a person to some friends, and discovered that his daughter was listening.
When I took a small boy's share of choclale. He was our guest and so had been given a larger share of the sweets.
Seeing this badly made questionnaire.
My sister and brother in law returned from Sri Lanka where they adopted a child. I went to pick them up at the airport.
[ One day I arrived home rather tired and found the house..... In addition I was asked many questions which I did not want to answer.]
My baby sister was 2-3 months old and when I was trying to get her on my back, she slipped and fell.
This summer I got into a fight with one of our patrons (at a theatre). He hit me and I hit him and her friend, he hit my friend and we all hit eachother.
I had just masterbated with another boy.
A very close friend left me.
Car accident in the middle of the night.
Day before yesterday my mother bought me a new pair of shoes, without my having asked for them. She told me that when she saw the pair of shoes she felt like buying them for me. I really liked the shoes and they made me feel that my mother cares for me.
Someone signed up for a workshift at the co-op where I live and she did not want to work the switchboard. I became very angry. She had mentioned earlier that she wanted and needed the workshift to me so I did not sign up.
I get angry with people who attain certain status without deserving it, only with the support, authority and influence of other people.
Not being able to have a party at home with friends.
When I was told that a boy did not want to be my friend without any apparent reason.
In broad daylight I saw an untidy old man pissing and playing with his penis in the middle of the town.
My roommate's sister committed suicide.
When I study my butt off for a midterm and still get an average grade.
I felt afraid when I smoked maryhuana for the first time in my life with a lot of friends in the middle of the street at day brake.
My mother was unwell and went for many cancer tests. She spent time in hospital being opened and closed many times.
Waiting for my girlfriend to come from her apt. to mine. She was very late and I thought something awful had happened.