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1,743 | I have been with my partner for four years now. I started to notice him staring at girls aged between 5 to 10 and very young teens. I first noticed this when we were in the car together and a little girl walk by and he was undressing her with his eyes. I didn’t say anything and thought it was I was reading to much in to it. | I first noticed this when we were in the car together and a little girl walk by and he was undressing her with his eyes. I didn’t say anything and thought it was I was reading to much in to it. | 8Mind Reading
2,294 | I feel like I’m a somewhat normal person. I’m too scared from social anxiety to ever try to be “out there”. Despite that, my mom always looks at me with distaste. She once took me out with her to go shopping, and when I brought clothes to the changing room, she looked at me like I was crazy for wanting to buy anything (why bring me shopping if she doesn’t want me to get anything???). She doesn’t like when I spend money, even if it’s not her money. She doesn’t like it when I wear shorts(even in the summer heat), or anything semi-nice, I feel like she is slut-shaming me with her eyes, and I don’t even dress inappropriately because of my issues with my body. | Despite that, my mom always looks at me with distaste. | 8Mind Reading
2,328 | I know I am introvert type person, but what I’m having trouble with is that I dislike people. I won’t say hate them nor would I wish them harm but I find it very hard to tolerate people…I think people in general are idiots. Because of my generally dislike of people and view that they are all idiots don’t matter if you had higher education everyone is an idiot and people are nasty creatures. It have me worry, I’m unemployed at the moment and when I think about working with people I get very… discourage. I don’t want to interact with anyone. I find making small talk and meeting new people to be very hard. I feel overwhelmed thinking about interacting with other people. I want to but at the same time I don’t, I start to think what would I say, i’ll sound like an idiot, I’m not intelligent person. I also just don’t like being around them, but at the same time I do get lonely and I want company. But when I have company I just them to go away. For the few people I do know personally I don’t really like them that much. That goes with my family also, I love my mother, father and brother but at the same time I really dislike them and would like to be free from them. I have 1 friend that I like but I don’t like hanging out with her too much i feel that if I do I’ll start to dislike her as well. I also worry about become to attach and depend of her. I worry that if our friendship will break apart that we will grow apart and that I will be hurt. | I won’t say hate them nor would I wish them harm but I find it very hard to tolerate people…I think people in general are idiots. | 7Overgeneralization
580 | I do believe i suffer from severe depression for many years like 15 i think .. i cant go to a counsel or therapist right now for some reasons . i faced a problem this year made me seeks for more help .. briefly my manager at work harassed me so many times and i stood still . not because i’m afraid but just stood and couldn’t say no .. i left the job after i gave up myself but i’m in a state of constant fear and anxiety .. of course i feel like if this happens again i probably pretty much will react the same ! .. so please help .. any answer could be useful and life changing for me .. i;m ready to do anything to feel and act better just need direction .. thanks in advance:) | briefly my manager at work harassed me so many times and i stood still . not because i’m afraid but just stood and couldn’t say no . of course i feel like if this happens again i probably pretty much will react the same ! | 7Overgeneralization
630 | One month ago my 14 year old daughter texted me from school saying that my husband (her stepdad) had asked her to change her shirt in front of him while I wasn’t home, and that he had also came into the bathroom while she was in the shower and ruffled the curtain and said “let me see”. I was devastated because I never ever thought something like this could happen. He has moved out now, and has promised to go to counseling. My question is if families are able to come back from something like this or not, and also, if he gets help and apologized to her and I make sure all precautions are in place so this never happens again, if it’s horrible for me to expect her to be ok with letting him move back in. We have two sons together and I want our family to stay intact. He is an incredible person and provider. He has been very depressed since the passing of his father. He admitted to it and cried for a whole week because he feels so horrible for what he has done. I know on he inside he is a good person. I’m just blown away that this happened. I want to protect my daughter above all else. I’ve told him if he moves back in and anything like this happened again I would report it and he would lose his kids. He swears it was just a glitch and he was just depressed and he is very, very sorry for it and he would never do it again. He did not ever touch her, and when he asked that of her she said no, so he didn’t see her at all. It was mostly just words but I know words can be the most hurtful. I really just want to know if you think it’s possible for us to keep our family together if everyone gets some therapy and help. Thank you for your time! | I know on he inside he is a good person. | 10Labeling
1,044 | When I met my boyfriend, it was an instant attraction on the phone. He was a friend of a friend and came highly recommended. When I met him finally it was an instant attraction in person. We both felt like it was just right. The glitch, to the perfect story comes a few months after we started dating. He misses dinner and a weekend we were supposed to have together and doesn’t return my phone calls. | The glitch, to the perfect story comes a few months after we started dating. He misses dinner and a weekend we were supposed to have together and doesn’t return my phone calls. | 0All-or-nothing thinking
1,611 | I am having an impossible time with my 6-year-old daughter. She lies, is defiant, occasionally violent, and occasionally, nearly impossible to be around. From the minute she wakes up in the morning she starts challenging us and I really don’t know what to do. I’m concerned for her safety and well being and don’t know where to get help. | From the minute she wakes up in the morning she starts challenging us and I really don’t know what to do. | 7Overgeneralization
4,688 | I believe that I have issues trusting people. I grew up in a home where my parents hated each other and it was no secret. I never liked my mother who is controlling and selfish. My mother wouldn’t accept anything unless in her mind it was right. My father, for half of my life, was an alcoholic and didn’t come home very often. Although when my father was at home I would spend all of my time with him. At one point in my life my parents separated and my father disappeared without notice or any phone number we could even reach him at. I was devastated. The relationship between my mother and me only got worse. We would constantly get into fights and physical altercations just because I viewed something differently than her. Eventually my father stopped drinking and my parents thought they would give their marriage and our family a second chance. Nothing ever changed; except for the fact my father was sober. | I believe that I have issues trusting people. | 1Emotional Reasoning
2,113 | From the U.S: Hi. I have been in a relationship for 4.5 years now with a great guy. He is the guy I want to marry. The thing is that I am not ready for marriage yet and I find myself wanting to live the single life, to experience life before I settle down. My current bf is my first serious relationship and I have nothing to compare it to. I also feel like I am missing out on some life experience because I have spent my 20s with him (we started dating when I was 21). | I also feel like I am missing out on some life experience because I have spent my 20s with him (we started dating when I was 21). | 6Should statements
1,761 | Hi, I am forty years old and currently single. My problem is a bit difficult to describe, but more or less it is the following: Even though I have no problem talking to women – or people in general – I somehow feel very strange when a communication with a girl/woman seems to be heading to flirting. It’s like something inside of me trying to hold me back and I feel like the need to get out of the situation. This may not be 100% of the times, but definitely a 90-95% for sure. This was not always the case. When I was younger, around 20, I remember myself wanting to be with women, to flirt and trying to find these things in life. Unfortunately for many years now this is not the case. I tend to believe that this was due to a very hard break up that I had when I was around 21. From discussions I had with a therapist she insists that this cannot be the case and that the cause should be in earlier years in life (when I was a child). Maybe it is important to explain, that I had relationships during the last 20 years though in almost all cases only when I was feeling wanted I moved on. I think there are a lot more that may explain my situation better, but I maybe these are enough as an initial approach. (From Greece) | Unfortunately for many years now this is not the case. I tend to believe that this was due to a very hard break up that I had when I was around 21. | 7Overgeneralization
751 | I don’t know what this would be considered, but it’s possibly hereditary: I was adopted as an infant, and my adoptive family took my birth mother and I in before adopting me a year later. My birth mother had a number of different mental health problems that seemed to have possibly ran in the family- because now my little sister and I are experiencing them. My adoptive parents tried to get my mom help while she lived with them by taking her to a crisis unit to be evaluated, and they told my adoptive father that she saw me more as a doll, than as a living person that she must take care of. They never heard her diagnoses, because they werent in the room while she was fully evaluated. All I know is my adoptive father says I act just like her, and have the exact same problems she did. I dont know for sure what exactly ran in our family because of me being adopted I have very limited knowledge- and my birth mother had all her records sealed before committing suicide in 2001. I know for sure that Manic Depression Level 1 and Autism run in our family. I was never screened for Autism because I didnt know that it ran in the family until just recently because I just found my little sister a few weeks back and she told me it was very possible that mom had it, and that she does. | My birth mother had a number of different mental health problems that seemed to have possibly ran in the family- because now my little sister and I are experiencing them. | 7Overgeneralization
1,899 | From Bangladesh: I am 34, married, have a daughter who is eight years old. I love her a lot. I probably have very low self esteem and also obsessions/compulsions. In the I scored 75 in self-esteem and 56 in obsessions/compulsions. Although, I am sure I didn’t answer a lot of questions correctly. | null | 2No Distortion
1,878 | From Panama: It has been going for a while now, but I realized about a couple of weeks ago. It seems like a really bad habit, but now I’m not sure if it’s just a habit. I have a lot of interests. I like researching and finding out what I like, but that also happens to be a bad thing since when I find an interest and I decide to pursue it, after little time, I give up on it. I don’t know why, but I always seem to do it. It’s like I lose interest, or whatever motivation I had in the first place. For example, a couple of weeks ago I had decided to write a book. I’ve always loved writing and reading, even when I was younger. Reading is certainly an addiction, while writing fills me with satisfaction. So I started creating the plot and organizing the story, because I wanted to do it perfectly. I started making summaries per chapter so that when I actually start to write, I know what goes on in the chapter. I was so pumped about it. I felt like this time, I was going to do it right. Until a few days ago. The book was just by the half. I stopped logging in my computer. I stopped looking for words. I stopped having interest. I simply stopped wanting to write. And I know that it’s not writers block, because I knew what I had to write, I just didn’t want to. And I’m so annoyed about it, because I was telling myself at the beginning: “Don’t worry, you’ll totally make it through the end this time.” And once again, I’ve failed to complete it. And not just in writing, I also quit tap dancing, piano lessons, TV shows, you name it. And I’m disgusted by this because I want to finish stuff, but then I don’t. I’ve never been diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorders, but I’m pretty certain I have them. I’ve never checked myself because my parents have enough troubles on their own. I have also insulin resistance and tachycardia (they are aware), so I don’t want to trouble them with something as big as depression and anxiety that may just be all up in my head and possibly not be true. I just keep everything inside, and wait until it all goes away. Please help me. | And I’m disgusted by this because I want to finish stuff, but then I don’t. | 5Personalization
1,609 | Hello. I’m a teenage girl living in Cali, USA. Ever since I remember, I’ve been struggling with mental illness. And it is very tiring to tell myself all these years that it will get better when it never has. I even see a therapist, but we’ve tried a lot of things and nothings worked even though I want it to work so badly. | null | 2No Distortion
2,116 | I know you get questions about Schizophrenia a lot, and I apologize for taking your time, but I couldn’t find any answered questions similar to my situation. I believe I may be suffering from Schizophrenia, but I’m not sure. I was wondering if you could tell me if my situations sounds like Schizophrenia at all. I’m seeing a therapist soon because my mother thinks I have anxiety and depression (and I agree) but I think I may have something more. | null | 2No Distortion
1,989 | From Ireland: Sometimes I don’t know how I’m feeling and cut myself. Whenever I cut I don’t go deep at all. I barely cut the surface and I doesn’t even really leave any scars… lately I’ve been punching my arms and leaving these bruises. I’m close with my mum but no I don’t want to tell her. I don’t even know what I’m thinking or what’s wrong so what’s the point, I don’t want to cause any trouble and don’t want anyone to know. My parents can get quite strict and I don’t want to tell any of my friends because they would tell a teacher or my parents and that’s just not what I want. I get in such bad moods and get quite tired and just want it to stop and I think that could be one of the reasons I self harm. I also find my past relationship with my dad and brothers to upset me even thought we get along well now, id say we are quite a vocal and physical family went things get heated sometimes I just feel trapped. Wow I don’t think I’ve ever even looked for advice before so I guess this is a start. | My parents can get quite strict and I don’t want to tell any of my friends because they would tell a teacher or my parents and that’s just not what I want. | 8Mind Reading
1,610 | Since I got diagnosed with schizophrenia my life has been falling apart. But the main problem is homicidal thoughts. I have only one friend, close one. He is the only one i talk to, excluding my mom. My dad was a drunk who destroyed our family. He died 5 weeks ago, and I was happy that he died. And i dont know why, but i fantasize about killing everyone i see, even animals, which i love. I fantasize about torturing them in the worst possible ways i can come up with, then slowly kill them while they watch me doing it. I don’t know if the thoughts have anything to do with schizophrenia, since i had those thoughts for a long time. All i want to know is how to control those thoughts, since i start feeling like someday i could do that without thinking, as an impulse. Thank you for your help. | I don’t know if the thoughts have anything to do with schizophrenia, since i had those thoughts for a long time. All i want to know is how to control those thoughts, since i start feeling like someday i could do that without thinking, as an impulse. | 4Fortune-telling
793 | I’m 16 and I am going through extreme guilt and regret over 3 incidents. Once when I was 9 years and was going through little inspection of my cousin sister’s (6 years) private part while playing doctor. Rest 2 when I was 10 or 11 years old. I went to my grandma’s home where my cousin sister who was 6 or 7 years came we were playing a game in which I was mother and she was the child. When it was the time to feed the baby we thought we would act like breast feeding (and at that time we had no boobs at all). In one chance I was the mother and in another she. After few months when we met again she told to play that game again but I refused . I worry if she would tell her mom and put entire blame on me(as I was the older one) and then they would call the police and I would be called an abuser. | I’m 16 and I am going through extreme guilt and regret over 3 incidents. I worry if she would tell her mom and put entire blame on me(as I was the older one) and then they would call the police and I would be called an abuser. | 5Personalization
887 | Hi. I have had Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder for a number of years. I eventually got help for it, and it went away for a while , but it has now come back again. I hear a voice telling me that if I do not do a particular ritual, I will die. (I also have phobias and general fears). As I have had OCD for many years (since I was 11 years old), I believe I can more or less deal with it. However, in recent months, I have experienced new voices. They are telling me that I do not love my boyfriend. They do not require any kind of ritualistic behaviour and therefore i cannot make them go away. I constantly have 2 different thoughts and i argue with myself all the time in my head. 'Could they be a different form of OCD? or could it be some form of schizophrenia? Either way what is the best approach to deal with them and finally make them go away? Thank you very much in advance for your help. | These thoughts are very painful and disturbing and I do not know how to deal with them. | 3Magnification
1,061 | Every time I’m left with nothing but my thoughts it’s the same story. I have an extensive conversation with myself about everything negative about my life and it always leads to me trying to figure out whether or not I might actually have a problem. Almost all of my friends and family have some form of mental health issue and it puts a strain on me to attempt to decode whether or not Im just experiencing something normal or something that I need to deal with. Its exhausting. I went out one night to a bridge only to discover it had no sheer drop but was a long incline. I still dont know whether I actually wanted to leap off or if I was trying to prove to myself that i wouldn’t do it and that I was just overthinking myself. In short. I have no idea whats going on in my head and I dont know what to do. Its hard to describe since i forget my thoughts until the next time im alone. | I have an extensive conversation with myself about everything negative about my life and it always leads to me trying to figure out whether or not I might actually have a problem. | 9Mental filter
253 | From the U.S.: My daughter’s friend’s Mother is acting strangely. I found out that she wants my adult daughter to call her “Mom”. She takes my daughter’s side when my daughter and I argue, and has since my daughter was a teenager. She competes with me. An example of this right now is that my husband and I are taking my daughter on a 3 week trip this summer. I found out today that she has planned a trip now for this summer for her 2 daughters and mine. My daughter does not tell me these things. I have learned about this through the grapevine. | She competes with me. | 3Magnification
4,609 | My brother is very very depressed. He is not currently on antidepressants, although he has been since he was 15 (now 22). He has had issues with drug abuse since he was 17/18. He has attempted suicide numerous times. Currently he is on medication for anxiety and something else to help him concentrate. | null | 2No Distortion
1,524 | My marriage was falling apart, my husband was telling me to “make a plan” for years, as he was leaving. To my knowledge, my 13 year old son did not hear our often “heated” discussions, but possibly did. My husband was demeaning to me, he had no other interpersonal relationships as he is a very angry person, angry with his family (mother and brothers), angry with me about everything, it was all MY fault and this is what I heard for years. | null | 2No Distortion
1,873 | My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost a year now, we usually communicate our feelings and are very respectful of each other. In May, my bf started talking to a girl who had previously had feelings for before we started dating, because he felt as if he left her behind without clearing things up. I didn’t think much of it until he gave her a ride home and let her stay at his house while she was locked out of hers. I know he wasn’t cheating because his mom and sister were in the kitchen with them, but this was the first time he didn’t let me know what was going on. I later found out that for a little over a week he had been saying he was “going to sleep” and would hang up only to go FaceTime this girl and talk to her for hours after 11pm. He wasn’t even honest with everything at first until I questioned why he had deleted their conversation from his phone and I saw the facetimes in his call log. It took him about an hour to finally tell me everything that happened, I was considering breaking up since I had felt so betrayed. He knew he was supposed to be honest and never lie again, but he did it again about two weeks ago. He told me he was texting a friend of mine about their common interest in music and I was okay and happy he was honest. I hung up with him around 2am and told him to sleep soon because we had a date planned for early the next morning. I hung out with that friend a couple days later and she told me that they had stayed up until 4am texting and that he told her not to tell me. I confronted him, he admitted and said he was planning on telling me that night. He had once again deleted their conversation and I had to get it from her, btw she didn’t send me the important parts so I am no longer friends with her. And once again he has lied, again nothing huge, but he said he would send me pics of his food while on vaca. He has been gone a week and nothing, I keep pestering him for them and he said he sent one of his dessert. I knew something was shady so I confronted him and told him not to lie, but he proceeded to and was going to fake the whole thing FOR A PICTURE. I don’t know what to do because he hasn’t stopped, how will I know he really will when he says so if it hasn’t been true so far. I don’t want to lose our relationship, but I have told him I am not going to date someone who won’t stop lying to me. | I knew something was shady so I confronted him and told him not to lie, but he proceeded to and was going to fake the whole thing FOR A PICTURE. | 8Mind Reading
2,499 | From UK: Hi, I hope you might be able to give me some advice. I’ve never had a problem making friends, although I’ve always been selective about who I let get close to me. I am not someone with huge friendship groups though I have lots of individual friends. I do have a group of “best friends” that I met at uni 10 years ago, 3 of whom I am closest too and have stayed in touch. | I’ve never had a problem making friends, although I’ve always been selective about who I let get close to me. I am not someone with huge friendship groups though I have lots of individual friends. I do have a group of “best friends” that I met at uni 10 years ago, 3 of whom I am closest too and have stayed in touch. | 3Magnification
394 | From a young man in Sri Lanka: I’m a 20 years old boy. I’m very shy since my childhood and I don’t have many friends. I’m very angry when I’m in my childhood. I have lot of violent thoughts these days. I can’t stop these thoughts. I feel that I’m losing my mind. When I was 13 I had thoughts about God and religion. I had some very bad thoughts. At my 15 I had my first violent thought. I have mental images about stabbing and killing. I felt that I’m going to do very bad things. Now I can’t think about any other things, except harming thoughts. | I can’t stop these thoughts. I feel that I’m losing my mind. Now I can’t think about any other things, except harming thoughts. | 3Magnification
922 | I have been with my boyfriend for a over a year now. He had always gone above and beyond for me. We do have an age difference where he is 4 years younger than me. But he has always been very mature and well-spoken for someone his age. Recently we have been experiencing a lot of downfalls in our relationship. He has a very busy schedule and doesn’t make a lot of time for me. We are also long distance, he lives across the country. I’ve been asking for some time to video chat and discuss over some of our issues and he agrees that we should do that as well, but he has not prioritized time for me. I’m feeling very insecure in our relationship because lately when we fight, he doesn’t seem to care. One minute he is expressing how important I am to him and that he loves me. And then the next, he is getting defensive and said that I’m not being considerate and understanding. During our 6th month together, we had a big fight which led to me breaking up with him because I was frustrated with him. He ended up getting drunk that night and told me he kissed one of his female friends. It took me awhile to forgive him and to move past it, but I feel like the feeling of betrayal never really left. He told me he would never do something like that to me again and that it was something stupid that he regrets so much. But I feel like anytime he gets upset with me or we have an argument and he goes out with his friends, I fear he would hurt me again. I don’t know what to do. He isn’t giving me much to work with because I can’t seem to be able to get him to sit down long enough to talk. If he isn’t going to class or studying, he’s working. And that’s almost 7 days out of his schedule packed. What do I do? I love him so much and I want to work past this, but I just feel so defeated. (From Canada) | null | 2No Distortion
4,570 | For the past few years (5-6 years) i have been finding it increasingly hard to make friends and keep them. 2 of my grandparents have died recenently and things seem to have gotten worse. To start, i cant focus in class (before grandparents died)and this has been also getting harder to deal with. As soon as my teachers start talking my brain sort of trails off, it is not just at school, even when im playing video games in the middle of the game my eyes catch onto something and i just stare for a while. | For the past few years (5-6 years) i have been finding it increasingly hard to make friends and keep them. 2 of my grandparents have died recenently and things seem to have gotten worse. To start, i cant focus in class (before grandparents died)and this has been also getting harder to deal with. | 5Personalization
799 | I feel like I have two personalities, I’m not sure but it feels like it. I can live happily but sometimes I just got this strong urge to kill someone. It feels like something is dragging me into a void and just takes control of me. Nothing has happened so far but I am afraid that someday I might no longer be able to control it anymore. I also feel neither empathy nor guilt. I read that Psychopaths do not feel these two things as well but I on the other hand, can feel fear. Not that someone robs me or tries to kill me, Im not worried about those sorts of things. I am afraid of the reactions of my family since I pretended to be something Im not my whole life. I am also afraid to go see a Therapist, because they are professionals and Im not sure if I can keep the mask up or not. I do not want to spend the rest of my life in a mental hospital. I thought it would go away after a short while, but it seems the more time I ignore it, the stronger it gets. Please tell me I am not crazy. | I can live happily but sometimes I just got this strong urge to kill someone. It feels like something is dragging me into a void and just takes control of me. I am afraid of the reactions of my family since I pretended to be something Im not my whole life. I am also afraid to go see a Therapist, because they are professionals and Im not sure if I can keep the mask up or not. | 0All-or-nothing thinking
454 | I don’t know what’s wrong with me. The other day I was feeling so alone and insecure and for some reason I took I just took a BUNCH of pills I found. I don’t even know why I did it and now I feel so sick. I’ve never done that before and I’m kind of scared. I’ve never actually been diagnosed with depression but it runs in my family. My brother has really bad anxiety and my mom had depression when she was my age and she also had an eating disorder. I took a bunch of online tests and they all said I have severe depression but I know I shouldn’t trust those. I just feel like such a failure and like such a burden on everyone. I’m sad most the time and sometimes whenever I catch myself in a good mood, my mood immediately turns bad like I won’t let myself be in a good mood. I barely ever leave my house except for school and cheer, but my cheer season is over now. I barely have any friends and I never talk to the ones I do have because I feel like they all hate me and think I’m annoying. My grades are getting lower and I don’t even care, I’m just worried about how my parents will react. I don’t have motivation to do anything anymore. I don’t enjoy anything I used to enjoy. I feel like my life is pointless and it wouldn’t make a difference if I was here or not. Sometimes I think about killing myself, but I don’t think I’ll ever have the guts to actually do it. I just want to know if this is normal because my mom told me that all teenagers feel this way. | I just feel like such a failure and like such a burden on everyone. I barely have any friends and I never talk to the ones I do have because I feel like they all hate me and think I’m annoying. | 10Labeling
2,457 | From Australia: My friend’s daughter is a nice person and I like her. We both have abandonment and reject issues stemming from absent mother. She is 31 years old married to her childhood sweetheart and has 2 little boys. But she is controlling and manipulating her dad. This behavior has been going on for a long time and has gotten worse since having the children. | null | 2No Distortion
4,616 | I am very anxious when I talk to people, and tend to blank out, or just go mute. I want this to stop, please help! When I talk to somebody I get very anxious, my palms sweat, and I never can think of anything to say. I used to be a very outgoing person, now I seem to be unable to talk to anybody I do not know. I have tried many things, for example going out of my way to talk to people I don’t know, but either nobody responds, or I just go blank. I really want this to stop, I want to have friends like I used to have! | I am very anxious when I talk to people, and tend to blank out, or just go mute. I want this to stop, please help! When I talk to somebody I get very anxious, my palms sweat, and I never can think of anything to say. I used to be a very outgoing person, now I seem to be unable to talk to anybody I do not know. | 7Overgeneralization
412 | I am 22. My partner is 38. His daughter is 16. I have witnessed some ghastly behavior from his daughter. She has always hated me and has always tried to get rid of me, but now she’s going too far. She is OBSESSED with her father – my partner of nearly 6 years. She will find his dirtiest, smelliest shirt/jacket, bury her head in it, take a big smell, then she’ll just smile up at the ceiling. She constantly brags to her father about her ‘sexual exploits’. Talking about how she ‘has no gag reflex’ and ‘likes the feeling and taste of…’ well, I think you can guess where that quote is going. She constantly asks him about our sex life and tells him things I can do to “make him feel nicer” She is trying to replace me, and I don’t know how to deal with this. I have various mental problems and am too weak to deal with this in a rational manner. I can’t do this. I’m begging you, please help. (From Australia) | She is trying to replace me, and I don’t know how to deal with this. | 8Mind Reading
1,157 | Dear Therapist, I’ve been in a very difficult situation lately. It’s been very hard to talk to my mother, and we’ve been having a lot, frankly, a large amount of miscommunication. I never been able to understand what mom says, and always think that I am the one being cornered. Sometimes I could accept what she said but only in some occasions and only in a certain way of her communicating with me. But mostly, I cannot accept what she has told me, and I don’t know why. I’ve repeatedly told her that there’s a way to talk to me so that I can accept all she said easily, but she wouldn’t listen. She always stick to this one principle that it is a child’s duty to change his way and follow parents way. I’ve tried, but I just can’t seem to follow her way. I cannot explain how her way is, it’s just that her way doesn’t suit me. I cannot communicate with her in almost every aspect in my life, because we cannot understand each other. | I cannot communicate with her in almost every aspect in my life, because we cannot understand each other. | 7Overgeneralization
1,123 | My sister is a married, 32 year-old woman with a college degree. When she was in high school she was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and she has never been the same since. She constantly struggles with energy issues, brain fog, depression, anxiety, etc. She holds down a job, but just barely. | null | 2No Distortion
2,458 | I’m way too young for this. I have very bad anxieties about my health. I feel so guilty, making my parents take me to who knows how many specialists, MRI’s, ETC. Every day I worry I have something. With that comes the feeling of terror, the all-too-real pain, and screaming at everyone to call an ambulance. I’m too young to have to deal with this stuff. I’m constantly twitching and shaking, unless you take my mind off of it. For everything I worry that I have, I feel the physical symptoms of them, along with horrible chest pains. Sometimes I have my mother sleep with me just in case I die in my sleep (I don’t want to die alone) I cannot even describe how I feel. I lose all basic judgment, and even though I know how ridiculous I’m being, I cannot control it. My hand is constantly on my pulse and if it goes up past 79 BPM, I’m ready to call 911. I feel like I want to throw up. I can go on about what happens, but it’s too much to write down. | Sometimes I have my mother sleep with me just in case I die in my sleep (I don’t want to die alone) I cannot even describe how I feel. | 4Fortune-telling
1,081 | From a woman in the U.S.: I have a question about the fit of my therapist. I have been seeing my for about a year and a few months. I have questioned the fit the entire time, but I’ve really improved and and feel she is helping me so I always chalked it up to my issues as to why I am questioning the fit. | I have questioned the fit the entire time, but I’ve really improved and and feel she is helping me so I always chalked it up to my issues as to why I am questioning the fit. | 5Personalization
1,193 | My spouse injured his back 8 years ago and retired early due to this injury. He works very occasionally at a community college and does have his retirement income. I have multiple medical concerns and 3 years after he retired, we downsized so that I could retire as well. This was 5 years ago and as it is, I have no chance of retiring. Spouse has told me, “Sure, you can retire. We will just be homeless”. I feel stuck working and feeling fatigued and sick and really resent him. I think he is anxious about working as he has been retired for 7 1/2 years. I have encouraged him to do volunteer work so he has something to be passionate about. Overall, his retiring early has affected me greatly and not him. He has a wonderful life of going to the gym and doing some housework and laundry. I have a good job and got a 30% pay raise last year. That was a total disincentive for him. I want us to work on retirement together, not me working till I die and him having a great time. I am angry and becoming bitter and I don’t like me the way I am. Whenever we talk about this issue, he looks at it as a problem with me. I need to be more positive, which I know is true. How do I get his actions to affect him? I am planning on a major cruise with my daughter and don’t plan to ask him to go. I figure, if he wants to come, he can pay his own way. Is that a wrong attitude? He just bought a truck and said he needed to work to pay his car loan. Now, I am paying for more bills and he says he doesn’t need to work. I feel I need more boundaries with him and finances. Any words you can give me to assist are most welcome! (From the USA) | I think he is anxious about working as he has been retired for 7 1/2 years. | 8Mind Reading
317 | From the U.S.: I love my girlfriend but we fight often. She gets upset when we are not on the same page, or if she does not get what she wants. This is about small, non-essential issues, at least to me. From what kind donut to buy to which exit on the freeway to take we fight about. | This is about small, non-essential issues, at least to me. | 3Magnification
4,514 | I am a 33 year old with a father who is schizophrenic. He was diagnosed as a young adult but remembers hearing voices as early as the age of 13. He is now in his late fifties and he is beyond caring for himself. The last 4 or 5 living situations he was in (apartments) he was evicted for strange behavior like melting cassette tapes in the oven and starting a minor fire and bothering neighbors , including many other things. He stopped with all hygeine practices. He stopped being able to pay bills do to poor money mangement and lack there of. So he squatted with a few friends all of whom eventually sent him packing not at first realizing the extent of his illness. So after every fallout with his friends whom he has been staying with he ends up at my door with a police escort after they find him wandering the cold streets late at night. I live in a 1 bdrm apartment with my girlfriend and two large dogs. I am not equipped to deal with another person in such confined quarters let alone his illness. As you probably have guessed he refuses medication as well as his illness. He has other health issues that I know nothing about and he will not see a doctor, especially with me present. He has a ventalin inhaler that is prescribed to him that he uses way more than he was origanally suppossed to , along with smoking two + packs of cigarettes a day. He can barely walk ten steps without being seriously out of breath. My father needs help that I can’t give him and all the calls I’ve made trying to find help has come to the same roadblock. Someone can’t be forced treatment. I don’t know what to do. This has been going on for years. This is Saturday and he came via police escort Thursday night just before midnight. I had to call off work Friday because I can’t leave him alone at my apartment in fear he will do something and get me evicted, or worse. I’m at the end of my ropes and don’t know what to do. I can’t just send him out on the streets but it is affecting my happiness and comfort in my home which is very important to me. My girlfriend is supportive about it but it has already caused a strain. Sorry for the lengthy note but I really don’t feel like I even grazed the surface. If there is anyway you can help with resources or ideas it would mean the world to me. Thank you. | I had to call off work Friday because I can’t leave him alone at my apartment in fear he will do something and get me evicted, or worse. I’m at the end of my ropes and don’t know what to do. | 4Fortune-telling
636 | I am a separated woman that was involved with a married man for a year. It started innocently by me taking my daughter to her friends house. Through this I met ‘Vaughn’. We just talked about the kids and school. We saw each other through these drop offs and pick ups about 5 times a week. I learned his wife traveled on business 2 weeks out of the month. My then husband and I were in the process of divorce. | null | 2No Distortion
1,182 | From an 18 year old in Italy: My girlfriend and I are in a serious relationship for a long time now (both of us are in high school). We live very far from each other so we can’t see each other often. My girlfriend is younger than me so we can’t meet whenever we want, only when her parents approve that. | null | 2No Distortion
1,689 | From a teen in South Africa: So from what other people have told me, I’m not exactly considered normal. People often seem to find my behaviour odd. I’m very introverted. I spend days at a time sitting in my room without anyone else, and I’ve had full blown conversations with myself for hours on end while doing so. I tend to talk to myself very often, even in public without realising it. Usually I recite the numbers “1 2 9 10 5 9” if I realise that I’m talking to myself in public because I start to panic and think people are going to think I’m strange even when no one has noticed. It’s something that’s been happening for a long time now where i will suddenly just say something out loud and realise that I said it and a sudden panic comes over me so I recite those numbers to calm myself down, sometimes I add other random numbers between 1 and 10 as well. | People often seem to find my behaviour odd. I’m very introverted. Usually I recite the numbers “1 2 9 10 5 9” if I realise that I’m talking to myself in public because I start to panic and think people are going to think I’m strange even when no one has noticed. | 10Labeling
2,512 | From an 18 year old woman in the U.S.: I used to be a talkative outgoing person that would communicate with others and had the ability of making friends. My freshman year in high school I had the most friends. I talked to a lot of people had great energy. I was happy most of the time and would be myself with my friends. I had the best of times. | null | 2No Distortion
2,001 | From Canada: First, I’ve always had a ton of stress, depression, and anxiety from being raised by dysfunctional parents (which persists), along with other things. However, newer issues have really started taking there toll on me when I suffered an injury to my neck. | First, I’ve always had a ton of stress, depression, and anxiety from being raised by dysfunctional parents (which persists), along with other things. | 10Labeling
375 | I have never trusted anyone which’s stem most likely from being molested. Lately I been thinking about suicide daily but never do it. I have a beautiful fiancé and she loves me but I am emotionally abusing her by accusing her of cheating or coming up with story’s that don’t make since. Every day I think she is trying to cheat or has another guy behind my back. I feel I’m ugly and no girl could possibly love me so they must have another guy. I’m not good in bed and I think this makes me really insecure. I feel bad how I am towards her but I can’t stop I don’t know why. I have always been off socially but last few years I can’t seem to be around anyone I feel like they out to get me. I never know what to say to people at dinners or anything so I have panic attacks. I feel like all my friends want my girlfriend like they only around to get her. I can’t look in mirrors. I have to take shower with lights off not to see myself. Last night I went out with my fiancé and she left me with her friends and I just couldn’t think on one thing to say. They were looking at me weird like they can tell I’m off and weird:(. She went to bathroom seems like she was gone so long I had a panic attack and left bar and walked 6 hours home. I thought her friends plotting against me. I had to quit my job because I can’t be around people anymore, I feel weird and awkward and never have one thing to say. I can’t conversate at all. On top all this my body is in pain my arms have chronic pain. I have so many things wrong I feel it’s hopeless. I feel bad about my fiancé how I talk to her but my mind just nonstop thinking crazy stuff:( I’m really at my end with what to do. She love of my life but I feel I should make her leave me so I don’t ruin her life. I’m really scared :( | I have never trusted anyone which’s stem most likely from being molested. I feel I’m ugly and no girl could possibly love me so they must have another guy. I had to quit my job because I can’t be around people anymore, I feel weird and awkward and never have one thing to say. | 9Mental filter
4,642 | I dont know how to tell my parents that its serious. I have a very low self-esteem and low confidence. I’m not sure if that is a result of, or perhaps the cause of my depression. But, I have been suffering from depression for a year and a half. For almost two years I have had insomnia issues I barely get any sleep, in fifth and fourth grade almost every other day I would have a sort of panic attacks normally surrounding the things I hadn’t done that day or the things I had done wrong. This last six months my depression has gotten progressively worse. | I dont know how to tell my parents that its serious. | 4Fortune-telling
1,121 | From a teen in the U.S.: I wake up, I’m fine, someone does literally anything that I don’t agree with or approve of then I get angry as hell. Like for example, I’m unpacking my lunchbox and I got warm fruit cups that I want to put in the fridge, my mother is closest to the fridge so I ask her to take care of it, she says no. That is infuriating, like I have all these people who just f’in lie and s–t like its some sort of game. | I wake up, I’m fine, someone does literally anything that I don’t agree with or approve of then I get angry as hell. | 0All-or-nothing thinking
1,775 | From the U.S.: I was wondering if it were possible for people to have a strength called ‘grit’ while also having low self-esteem, and if that is considered rare, or what researchers would identify as an outlier in some studies. If it isn’t rare, then how is this possible? | null | 2No Distortion
2,368 | Hi, Please help. In October 2013, my Granny had passed away due to a long term battle with Cancer. Shortly after this (January 2014) my Girlfriend of 6 years had developed Psychosis and spent the next few months going in and out of hospital. I have stayed with her for the past year and a half dealing with it. throughout the past year, I have had two friends that were getting rather violent and angry towards me and stopped talking to me as a result in April. I had a friend commit Suicide in May. I have other friends whom I talk to and see every now and then, However I feel as if they are avoiding me. | I have other friends whom I talk to and see every now and then, However I feel as if they are avoiding me. | 1Emotional Reasoning
782 | I’ve recently had my first child and me and my baby’s father have had quite the roller coaster of a relationship. We’re currently spending time apart but he is constantly trying to get me and our son to spend time with him and his daughter ( from past relationship) I’m having a hard time with this and feeling myself resent his daughter. I feel horrible for it but really feeling like he’s being there for her so much more for me and our 5 month old. He gives money to her mother (court ordered) buys her everything she needs while the mother party’s. And I feel like I have to beg and complain to get his support it finally came down to me adding up what I lent him in the past and basically just ask for him to pay me back. I feel like my feelings are so unclear about me and him and I also feel like I don’t want anything to do with his daughter. And it honestly tears me up inside that I feel like this. I’m also currently dealing with the possibility of being pregnant with his second child witch I honestly don’t think I can have since I had a c-section and I’m scared I won’t be strong enough mentally to go through another pregnancy since this last experience was so tough. Doing a lot of this on my own with only family support and little support from the father but stuck with past feelings for him even though he’s cheated. broken so much of my stuff called me down numerous amounts of times sent me pictures of other women and always just acts like nothing is wrong. I’m stuck living with family and feeling bad I’m not making and effort for my son to spend time with his sister while she is with her father. But at the same time feel myself be very resentful towards his daughter. I’m also stuck worrying about our living situation my son is growing so fast and yet I’m still with my parents with nowhere for him to have his own room and be in a very kid friendly environment. I would have l looked for s place sooner but I was under the impression we were going to live with the father. But his house is filled with broken glass and no heat. Tired of cleaning up after him. (From Canada) | I’m also currently dealing with the possibility of being pregnant with his second child witch I honestly don’t think I can have since I had a c-section and I’m scared I won’t be strong enough mentally to go through another pregnancy since this last experience was so tough. | 1Emotional Reasoning
266 | From the U.S.: I’m married to a man who has locked me out of the house at least 8 times. I was packing my things, he threw an object out the door in my direction and I had to get 4 stitches. He said he just threw it and wasn’t aiming. He has called me horrible names. He easily and quickly gets mad, cusses, and likes to belittle. He never accepts responsibility for anything. He used to be a drunk until he was arrested for DUI. Now, he doesn’t drink as much, but is still emotionally abusive. | He never accepts responsibility for anything. | 7Overgeneralization
1,947 | Hey, I’m suffering here from my skinny body and I cant move on with this issue, last week I had to meet a guy who was talking online with me and had to meet up finally in real life, once I met him and went back home he changed with me I think because of my very skinny body, I don’t know what to do because im really hurting deep inside and I feel like I will never gain weight and have feminine body, also if I were in his situation I would never accept a person with ugly body like me , im writing now and my tears fell down because I really hope I would find confidence and find my beautiful soul , now we are talking to each other but I feel like he doesn’t want to show me that he didn’t accept me or find me different from the image he was thinking about when we didn’t meet up in the last,, I feel his words like something he must do it to not lose his manity and to show me that everything s ok but its not in fact.. he didn’t say to me I miss you or even this he didn’t say anything about our meet up date ,, which make me sure that he didn’t like me , im sorry but I feel down,, if I were a guy I will choose a beautiful girl with a feminine body and nice soul,, I have nothing but nice soul. I don’t blame him for nothing because he try to make me feel like nothing happened bad, but I feel the ignoring and I feel the pain and the way he act make me more sad because he changed , I know this from his words,, he started to act like im his friend not a girlfriend.. I really want to build confidence and to gain weight and to walk without caring about my thin arms and skinny thigh and without caring about not to show my hands cause my fingers is like baby fingers,, every one in my college started call me alien and kidding with me, I laugh with them but inside im crying blood tears honestly. im 37 kilogram and 156 cm and 23 years old. please help me to find my real life. thanks. | Hey, I’m suffering here from my skinny body and I cant move on with this issue, last week I had to meet a guy who was talking online with me and had to meet up finally in real life, once I met him and went back home he changed with me I think because of my very skinny body, I don’t know what to do because im really hurting deep inside and I feel like I will never gain weight and have feminine body, also if I were in his situation I would never accept a person with ugly body like me , im writing now and my tears fell down because I really hope I would find confidence and find my beautiful soul , now we are talking to each other but I feel like he doesn’t want to show me that he didn’t accept me or find me different from the image he was thinking about when we didn’t meet up in the last, | 0All-or-nothing thinking
1,111 | 3 weeks ago, I went to my very first psychiatrist appointment. It was a pretty big milestone for me as I haven’t been in contact with any mental health professional since I was 15, and I was really looking forward to finally getting the help I need. The whole experience was dissatisfactory overall, from filling out forms in the waiting room, to waiting for the doctor to actually come in for hours, I had switched from anxious but hopeful to frustrated and wishing I could just get it over with. Eventually, she (the psychiatrist) called me in and we talked for no more than 5 minutes. She asked me many questions but by the end she was completely dismissive about everything I confided in her about and ushered me out the door saying “I am a psychiatrist, I deal with people who have REAL problems, which you do not have, just bad coping skills.” Ah, yes, “bad coping skills”. I left with only one question in my mind: If I don’t have any problems, what do you think those bad coping skills come from? To say I was upset upon my arrival at home would be a massive understatement. It took everything within me to not express my rage. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cut, I wanted to burn my entire house down even if it meant death to my whole family just so I could die in it – but that’s not me. I hate bringing others into my personal problems. And so, I crashed into an extreme depressive episode in which I spent the evening crying for 7 hours, didn’t get out of bed for days, didn’t eat for more than a week (I’m only recently starting to eat at least one meal a day) and spent every waking moment feeling like I need to jump off a bridge because even the thought of my own existence makes me feel incurably sick to the stomach and pained in the head. Currently, I’m doing significantly better, and aim to contact a new therapist within the next week or so, but that initial experience is something I doubt I’ll ever forget, but honestly, I just wonder what’s the purpose of it all, as my desire for escape from existence runs its course, even when I’m not in any way depressed at all. (from the USA) | It took everything within me to not express my rage. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cut, I wanted to burn my entire house down even if it meant death to my whole family just so I could die in it – but that’s not me. | 3Magnification
1,772 | How can one approach a situation where most staff on the floor go out at the end of the week for Friday night drinks but not everyone is included. It feels horrible to hear them talk about their drinks the following week. As a solution I thought of organizing drinks that included everyone on the floor. This would be held on a different Friday or other night at a different location to avoid a clash. | null | 2No Distortion
2,518 | Hi, Recently I’ve been dealing with intrusive thoughts and anxiety, but this is another matter. However, one thing giving tremendous guilt is that I’ve recently remembered some thoughts I had during puberty. During this time when I was probably around 13 or 14, I was very horny all of the time. I would get turned on by almost any female. What is giving me guilt is that there were a few occasions that even my mom turned me on a couple times! I felt guilty about it at the time, but it wasn’t that bad. I would masterbate to stop feeling so horny all of the time. I got over it though and haven’t been like that since then. | null | 2No Distortion
348 | From a teen in Turkey: hello. being an open minded person, my Turkish family is not. i have a not-muslim boyfriend for more than 1 year now, he lives in Europe and i live in Turkey. the problem is, my parents don’t accept it or want me too him. for me its not a problem because it is my life, it is not their life and it will work between us weather they support or not, they can just make it easier or harder but it will work anyway. for new year, we planned to go to Istanbul together, but they dont let me go, saying me very harsh words and making me feel like i am doing something very wrong… but im just in love! i love my parents ofc but i also love my boyfriend. please help me what should i do? im 18 years old | for new year, we planned to go to Istanbul together, but they dont let me go, saying me very harsh words and making me feel like i am doing something very wrong… | 5Personalization
105 | From a teen in Australia: I overthink everything…Let’s say, my parents, are supposed to pick me up from school. I patiently wait for them for a while but the more I start seeing everyone else going home the more stressed and panicked I get. I immediately think of the worst case scenario…It can get from “Oh they are just late”; to “What if they got in bad a car accident?” or “If I call them now they might get distracted while driving and it will be my fault, maybe they are in trouble.” | I immediately think of the worst case scenario…It can get from “Oh they are just late”; to “What if they got in bad a car accident?” or “If I call them now they might get distracted while driving and it will be my fault, maybe they are in trouble.” | 3Magnification
1,124 | From the U.S.: I get stuck for hours daydreaming or mentally processing unimportant thoughts. It feels like the world through my perspective is more or less a screensaver for my mind. I typically don’t notice when my fingers or arms get cold or when blisters start to form on my feet. I walk from place to place during a normal day staring at the floor, thinking of untold numbers of inane thoughts or ideas. | null | 2No Distortion
2,401 | From Lebanon: Growing up I thought what my dad used to do was completely normal and I had accepted the bad behavior. But by the time I grew up I realized that having someone mentally abuse us with harsh words and sometimes physical aggressiveness, it was too late. Recently he loses his mind, he spies on us all leaving devices hidden in our cars. He and my mother have been seeing other people openly, they can’t get a divorce because he’s gonna make my mom’s life hell if she leaves (has happened). He wouldn’t stop calling and showing up everywhere and threatening to hurt her. And if she stays it’s all the same, it’s horrible. He’s even dating her only best friend to make matters worse. And he keeps pointing fingers and saying that mom ruined his life while all along he was the one who was always losing his temper and threatening us and making our lives hell. He’s pretty much normally a very caring generous person, but he’s lost that bit because there’s like a little devil in his head sparking up a thing to get overly mad about … this is not even scratching the surface of what I have to say but I’ve tried taking him to therapy. He just won’t go and we can’t afford a good therapist. I need help because I’m on the verge of breaking down. 24 years of my life have gone by with horrific waves of madness. I just need to help him. I don’t know where to begin. | null | 2No Distortion
835 | My biological father has never been a part of my life. He divorced my mom when me and my brother were babies and left the country. He has never contacted me or given my mother any child support money. We grew up very poor, but both of us turned out to be pretty good people and put ourselves through college. | null | 2No Distortion
2,014 | Hello everyone, about a week ago I started to have intrusive sexual thoughts about children and am very tired of having them. I don’t even find these fantasies arousing, I find them more annoying, but in the end all this train of thought leads me to is panic of being a pedophile and tiny stomach pains. I just went on a site that says if you have thoughts like I did you are automatically a pedophile. I would never in all good consciousness ever harm a child like that! | null | 2No Distortion
674 | So I have too many things to say. 1.i hate living in a 1bhk with my parents (who are at home all the time, they have a tendency to fight or talk loudly with each other and are dependent on my financially) 2.Broke up with my bf only because of long distance and can’t think of marriage as we are still young in our careers 3.i lack confidence and people at work constantly wonder whether I wish to grown or not unable to freely talk to people as I feel shy communicating, I feel I’ll be judged (either for my eng grammar or petty /less aware knowledge) night in unable to sleep peacefully, wake up with a scary dream or feeling | im unable to freely talk to people as I feel shy communicating, I feel I’ll be judged (either for my eng grammar or petty /less aware knowledge) | 8Mind Reading
631 | From the U.S.: I believe I am bi-polar. I don’t believe in talk therapy, but something is wrong with my head. I don’t know how else to describe this. I am an educator and have serious issues with the fact that I can not control my own brain. Can you tell me how a psychologist or psychiatrist could actually help me without just explaining their job? What kind of help could they give me besides medicine- which I have? | I am an educator and have serious issues with the fact that I can not control my own brain. | 3Magnification
734 | So, a lifelong issue (as I’ve come to the realisation of) is that my mood, thoughts and feelings change way too quickly, way too easily and for no strong reason. It’s a bit like I’m not tethered to reality, I sort of live in my mind constantly thinking about things, but it’s like I can’t easily conceptualise the future and say, my upcoming exams, or just grounded LIFE as we know it. I get tonnes of ideas/realisations on a daily basis but in seconds the mood i had to follow through disappears. I can’t really identify my moods because they’re all so weird, and if i try to figure it out, it changes. It’s like i can’t control my mind. There’s not one single thing I know about myself that’s permanent. I don’t even feel I love my parents, because it’s more just like my mind wasn’t made for that to happen – my mind was made instead to constantly evaluate and re-evaluate things, contemplate, make up ideas and future plans, and worries over the most nonsensical things (see below). On that note, I haven’t been through trauma at all, my parents are very loving, as are my friends and extended family. But my attitude towards them consistently changes (assuming I think about them, and the reasons to change attitude are usually random ones that suddenly just seem relevant in the moment). The same applies to everything – I have no fixed opinion or view on anything at all. | So, a lifelong issue (as I’ve come to the realisation of) is that my mood, thoughts and feelings change way too quickly, way too easily and for no strong reason. | 6Should statements
4,697 | …a little crazy and totally lost: I’m 17 and for the past 3 months I’ve been feeling really down. I’ve no real reason to be, I’m a full time student with a good part time job, a loving boyfriend, a great family and have been getting good marks at university. However, lately I’ve been feeling really lost. I’ve been having mood swings- I often find I’m either on a really high or low, usually low mood, and that this changes quickly. I’ve also been feeling very irritable, and have found myself snapping at my family for no apparent reason. I’ve been on the contraceptive pill since October, and I was wondering if this could be some kind of hormone excess? I’m really not sure. I’m also crying frequently and feel like I’ve got no real passion or talent for any of the things I used to be interested in. At times I really do feel like I’m going crazy and I also feel that I can’t really talk to anyone about this because they’ll either think I’m being attention seeking or overly dramatic, however I don’t think either of these things are true and I do generally feel like I’m totally lost with finding a solution to this problem. I would appreciate any help or advice that you can give me. Thanks. | At times I really do feel like I’m going crazy and I also feel that I can’t really talk to anyone about this because they’ll either think I’m being attention seeking or overly dramatic, however I don’t think either of these things are true and I do generally feel like I’m totally lost with finding a solution to this problem. | 8Mind Reading
525 | I feel unmotivated, stuck in life I got laid off about a year ago but, I’ve been feeling this way before then just don’t know where I’m at or where I’m going I don’t have a plan when I wake up every day I struggle to find work getting caught up in the little things like clean cook etc. I have a live-in gf and we both have one kid each living with us as well. I feel like nothing I do is good enough. negativity just lingers around more in my head even simple things I know don’t matter. I would like help but I would like to avoid drugs. | negativity just lingers around more in my head even simple things I know don’t matter. | 9Mental filter
1,856 | I don’t know if I should be concerned or not. My 3 year old nephew and his twin sister and their mother (my daughter) and my son live with my ex-husband (their father) My son was diagnosed in 2013 with paranoid Sz and has been doing fine on an injectable antipsychotic. His negative symptoms, however, are quite severe. He has every single one of them! | null | 2No Distortion
2,064 | I’m feel like there is something seriously wrong with my head and I just don’t know what it is? I’ve researched a lot of different mental disorders and I can relate to a lot of the symptoms of so many of them. When I was in 4th grade I was diagnosed with ADD and I’ve have had on and off depression, disordered eating habits, and anxiety since then but I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety 3 months ago. Lately I have been feeling very disconnected and can’t stop zoning out, when I’m not zoned out my vision is distorted. Everything looks like its shifting, breathing, certain things pop out a lot, and when I read text it waves and spirals into itself. Sometimes when I walk I feel the curve of the earth and everything to the side of me looks downhill. Kind of like tripping but not. I did do LSD twice about 5 months ago but I’ve only been experiencing these symptoms for 2 or 3 months so it’s not because of the acid. I question reality and get confused about the concept of time and sometimes I completely forget who I am. Also been having bad insomnia and strange sleep patterns. I’ve been impulsive and doing things that I regret later; smoking a lot more than usual, drinking all the time and trying other harder drugs like Xanax and coke(once) but thats weird for me because I’ve always thought of myself as weed only. I’ve also been hooking up with a lot more guys which is weird for me because I’ve always been kind of afraid of and have never been in a relationship and am very self conscious but I keep hooking up with guys I don’t care about. I also just really hate my personality. I try to seem unique but really I have no personality, I’ m nothing but a bunch of stolen identities. When I ask someone to hang out and they can’t I get extremely hurt by that to the point of tears and think that everyone thinks I’m annoying and that girl that I think is cool and I wish people could see me the same way as people see her knows that I’m copying her. Sometimes I’m afraid to go on the deck because I think I can’t control myself and I might jump off. | I’ve been impulsive and doing things that I regret later; smoking a lot more than usual, drinking all the time and trying other harder drugs like Xanax and coke(once) but thats weird for me because I’ve always thought of myself as weed only. I’ve also been hooking up with a lot more guys which is weird for me because I’ve always been kind of afraid of and have never been in a relationship and am very self conscious but I keep hooking up with guys I don’t care about. | 10Labeling
354 | I am in a relationship for the past 8 months and have been really happy in it(although I don’t know what happiness is because I don’t remember the last time I was happy). My boyfriend is a year and a half younger to me yet is my senior in college(because I dropped two years between school and college). He is a very nice guy and absolutely lovable, and am his first girlfriend. In the initial days I told him briefly about my past 3 relationships and thought he’d be fine with it, but it turned out after a few days that he wasn’t able to take in the fact that I have been with others before him and started having a million questions. I answered patiently and eventually one day lost my cool as the series of questions wasn’t ending. He said he realized he’s having a severe retroactive jealousy and he can’t help it that he’s haunted by my past. He finds it too difficult to accept me as I am. Although I lost my virginity with him and never as much as even kissed any of my exes properly(only had pecks), he finds it difficult to erase such images of me with someone else from his mind. He says he’ll get mad one day because it’s getting out of control. We both love each other a lot and can’t even breakup(although we’ve tried) and it’s impossible to give up. But how long will it go on? Need suggestions and help to help him recover from it. | We both love each other a lot and can’t even breakup(although we’ve tried) and it’s impossible to give up. | 3Magnification
2,511 | Hello, I apologize if this appears jumbled, I feel there’s a lot I need to add! I would like to know whether these symptoms may be pointing towards Bipolar disorder. I was diagnosed with Social Anxiety about 6 years ago. Since then, I’ve gotten married, moved cities and went to university. I’ve also had periods of depression, and auditory hallucinations. During the past three years (noticed it more recently) I’ve been irritable, feeling high and low. Irritable, in the sense that I lash out at my husband for no reason. I just suddenly get angry — when he hasn’t done anything- and start shouting. After, I feel an immense sense of guilt and I will often break down in tears. Other times, I have these sorts of daydreams — but they feel more real than daydreams, if that makes sense. The best way I can describe it is I’ll get an idea in my head and I’ll get lost in it — it can range from anything, a recent example was the idea of being in a famous band. In reality, I couldn’t do such a thing due to being so timid. In this sense I also overestimate my abilities, in believing that I can get anything done just because. When it doesn’t happen the way I imagined, I’ll become depressed and feel generally hopeless, useless. If it is of any use, my grandmother had Bipolar. I apologize if this was muddled, but I’m not sure whether I should refer to a doctor or not, or if what I am experiencing is related to Bipolar at all. Thank you for your time! (age 21, from New Zealand) | When it doesn’t happen the way I imagined, I’ll become depressed and feel generally hopeless, useless. | 9Mental filter
152 | From a young woman in Bangladesh: I have been in a very physically and mentally abusive marriage for 4 years now. I tried my best to make my marriage work and meet up to my husband’s and his family’s expectations but I am always being told that I am good for nothing and I should probably kill myself. I have been accused of infidelity multiple times even when I had never done anything like that. But recently, I just couldn’t tolerate all that anymore. | I tried my best to make my marriage work and meet up to my husband’s and his family’s expectations but I am always being told that I am good for nothing and I should probably kill myself. | 7Overgeneralization
1,053 | My husband works a lot which really helps our family. The problem is he never wants to go anywhere with my children and me. When he gets home from work, he’s highly irritable and often goes around the house criticizing me for practically everything. Cleaning, watching the kids, what I did or didn’t do during the day, Ext. Most every time I talk with him, he has something negative to say about me. Something I didn’t do right. This is really starting to wear on me. My Self Esteem is pretty bad and this makes it worse. I also get very anxious when I know he’s coming home soon, because I know it is going to be constant critiques. Also, when I ask him if he wants to go someplace with me and the kids, he never wants to and gets upset about it. I get in a bad mood too and he ends up leaving. In which doesn’t make any sense because he said he didn’t want to go anywhere. I have told him how much these things bother me. Every time, he turns around and says what bother him. Nothing gets resolved. I work from home and it’s difficult because I am also watching the kids. He doesn’t like anyone else watching the kids so I try to the majority of the time, unless I have somewhere important to go to. We used to be a lot different. We would go out to dinner, shopping, ext. We would watch TV together and he really didn’t critique me all too much. He used to say good things about me in which he doesn’t say anymore. For example, he used to call me “pretty girl”. He has not said that for awhile now. We have also went through some crap that hurt our relationship. I wasn’t very mature when we started dating so I made some poor decisions that I would never do presently. I’d love to know what changed our relationship so much? Is he acting like this for revenge or because he’s not happy? I can honestly say I’m miserable when I’m around him. I cannot say I’m overall miserable because I do enjoy spending time with my children. My underneath layer is hurt, badly. I feel like my feelings don’t matter. I don’t know when and if to call it quits. We have been married for 6 years and I don’t give up easily. I do love him but I wish he was how he was when we got married. He actually cared and SHOWED me how much he loved me. | The problem is he never wants to go anywhere with my children and me. When he gets home from work, he’s highly irritable and often goes around the house criticizing me for practically everything. I feel like my feelings don’t matter. | 7Overgeneralization
2,078 | From the U.S.: My ex husbands GF is changing the way I parent my children. She has been trying to force them to change their diet and trying to make them more mature than they are. My girls are ages 11 and 13. She has a 14 yr old daughter who dresses and acts much older. She has been telling my daughters they need to shave their legs and bought them stuff to do it and then showed them how. She has been interfering and I have concerns this will give conflicting ideas to my daughters. | My ex husbands GF is changing the way I parent my children. | 5Personalization
2,023 | From the U.S.: In short, my ex wife cheated on me twice. Once while we dated and the last time while we were married. We divorced 4 years ago but I have trust and self esteem issues. I let these seep into my relationship with a wonderful woman and after a rocky few weeks and me telling her my gut was telling me something was not right and asking her if she was involved in something behind my back, she finally suggested a break but said that basically this means we are broken up but, if I take the time to work out my issues, it could be just temporary. | null | 2No Distortion
1,580 | I think I’m ruining my life. I can’t figure out what my problem is and I can’t help but feel like I’m exaggerating the depth of it. I’m currently in medical school – in my 2nd year. I’m supposed to be in the third but I failed my very first year. It’s been like cycle, everything is repeating itself all over again. I can’t explain why I failed my first year. I didn’t fail any exams – I just didn’t go. I kept lying to everyone about it. Summer came and I had to fess up. My dad wanted me to pull out but I insisted on going back because I knew I didn’t fail for the reasons he thought I did. It wasn’t because I couldn’t handle the workload – I just never tried. I gave up in an instant. No one forced me into medical school – I’m here on my own accord. | I can’t figure out what my problem is and I can’t help but feel like I’m exaggerating the depth of it. | 5Personalization
298 | I realize that this has been asked before but my situation is different from the rest. When I was younger I was a pathological liar. I have been through three family divorces, I have severe depression, anxiety, and I have ADHD. I have loved the idea of the human body and how it works since I was little. When I would see animal corpses I wanted to take them apart and search them. I have been suicidal a lot. With this new divorce, I have come to hate the person my parent is divorcing. I hate them so much that I cannot be in the same room as them or hear their name without wanting to throw up. It has escalated to the point that I have constant violent thoughts when I hear or see them. These kinds of thoughts have spread to the people around me (like passers-by), meaning that I think about hurting them. I do not want to hurt them but at times I appreciate the thought…. I am afraid of therapists for some reason so I am afraid of asking for help. My parents are also having issues with money so I do not want to burden them. | I am afraid of therapists for some reason so I am afraid of asking for help. | 1Emotional Reasoning
1,869 | I have come a long way since 2008 when I had a complete mental health breakdown. I have finally gotten control over my action. I am winning my daily battle more almost all the time, or I was. I lost everything in 2008 including the ability to control my actions, for years my emotions ran everything. I didn’t want to hurt anyone. I hate taking medication but I was begging for anything that might help, only to be told I would be on so many pills I wouldn’t know whether I was coming or going. So I closed myself away from the world for fear I would react to anything in a negative way. I wanted to give up, but couldn’t. I tried everything available to me in town and in cities I knew well so would not put any more stress on myself then I had already by forcing myself to go to theses places. That went on for years I would force myself to leave my home go to wherever my new hope for help was but nothing worked. I left my home less and less scared of what I might do. T hen 3 and a half years ago something changed. I was starting win more and more. I had no help no support but the strength that I lost in 2008 was coming back. I struggled yeah but I was doing it. My life was getting better. Soon I felt strong enough to work. However I was turned down every single time. I was still winning my battle for control over my actions and thoughts but I did give up hope of having a job and moving out of a town that is for me toxic. | I lost everything in 2008 including the ability to control my actions, for years my emotions ran everything. | 7Overgeneralization
1,508 | I grew up in a home with an alcoholic father who used to tell me every single day that I am a piece of sh* and I will fail in life, grandparent who used to tell me nobody will ever love me, and a mother who would pass condescending remarks about my looks. I spent year defying their words, in words and in action, not believing them and being filled with anger and feeling of injustice that they talked to me like this. Now my mother constantly tells me how pretty I am, I have managed to get to a place in life that has always been my goal. But with every year my self-esteem is spiraling downwards, the voices that say I will fail and I amount to nothing are haunting me but I can’t find the grit from my teen years to shut them up. I don’t understand, I went through the worst full of pride and feeling of self worth despite all the nasty words and experiences and now I’m where I wanted to be and I’m crumbling under the weight of self-loathing and anxiety. I have visited therapists and can more or less manage and get out of episodes of depression and anxiety (although it takes at least a couple of weeks each time), but they keep coming back and every time another piece of my self-esteem is chipped away for good. Why was I stronger then? | But with every year my self-esteem is spiraling downwards, the voices that say I will fail and I amount to nothing are haunting me but I can’t find the grit from my teen years to shut them up. | 9Mental filter
162 | I know the site has many articles on this but I feel like it may be different somehow. I have had homicidal thoughts from a young age, I am 14 now, but just about two months ago they started to become very common and sometimes intrusive, or at least more than before. I was hospitalized for suicide attempts and excessive self-harm in March so some people think this may be the cause of it. These thoughts are not disturbing to me, rather I enjoy them. I think of things like abusing people, what it would be like to drive something through someone’s skin, watching people bleed or beg. I have also been just grabbing different things when I am alone that seem sharp and just driving them into whatever material is near me. It gives me an adrenaline rush similar to what I would experience whilst self-harming. I believe it could be due to withdrawal from self-harm so these thoughts are sort of like a substitute, but I might just be lying to myself. I have always experienced this but I thought it was something everyone had until recently so this makes me think that it might be less than what I am making it out to be for some reason. I feel as if I am lying to myself and I am only telling myself that I am homicidal just because. I do not trust others and I do not trust myself so a lot of the time I feel as if I am not mentally ill and only making it up. My therapist tells me this is not the case but I continue thinking I am only making things up. So I am conflicted as to whether these thoughts are real or not and I am just acting like it. When I was younger I used to only think about killing specific people, but it can be anyone now. Anyone that causes me the slightest bit of anger, my closest friends, my family (especially my mom, I have wanted her to die or for me to kill her since elementary), animals, teachers, or even strangers. My doctors and I believe that the situation is not urgent but it has been bothering me lately. I know that a lot of what I said is probably conflicting or something like that but I thought I would ask. | I do not trust others and I do not trust myself so a lot of the time I feel as if I am not mentally ill and only making it up. | 1Emotional Reasoning
1,719 | I feel my husband is in need of mental health help, however he refuses to seek help. He told me he is afraid they will lock him away like his father. His father has bi-polar and seeing this as a child greatly affected him. He has extreme mood changes from happy to rage in a split second over the smallest things. He now admitted that he is seeing people that he knows have died. He will look at someone and they will look just like the dead person he knew, then he looks away and they are normal. He is also dealing with a sex addiction and has just reached out to SA for help last night so he is taking the first steps needed. | null | 2No Distortion
607 | From a teen in the Phillippines: This started 5 years ago. I was so disapointed on this celebrity childhood idol of mine for changing her image. And then I was always thinking of the past years where she is such a good girl and be upset. I don’t know if its depression but sometimes I’ll just stare on a wall and think of the past years and blame myself for missing them then when I saw her on the news for doing such things i was always ” what happened to her?”; | I was so disapointed on this celebrity childhood idol of mine for changing her image. | 3Magnification
209 | Hey, So I think there’s something very wrong with me, I fantasize about killing all the time. Recently I’m obsessed with the story of another killer and I’ve abused animals in the past to take my anger out on something other than myself. I had a very traumatic childhood being given up by my mum who couldn’t look after me for her own mental problems which I still hate her for deep down, in and out of care all my life. Forced to do sexual things. Its destroyed me, I have no emotion or guilt for abusing a friends two dogs and my ex’s cat that resulted in it being put down. I fantasize about killing my adoptive parents, planned it down to the very last detail and playing it out in my head and even in front of a mirror ‘practicing’ what I’d do. I welcome prison because my freedom is all I have left. I’ve tried to kill myself on many occasions but not successfully obviously. I just want the world to burn for what it did to me, I challenge every authority and think I’m better than everyone else. I’m a monster? I was diagnosed with mild depression and emotionally unstable personality disorder but I have the traits of a psychopath? I feel like one day I will kill, what is wrong with me.. | I just want the world to burn for what it did to me, | 0All-or-nothing thinking
312 | I’ve noticed for the past 2 years, I will have “mood swings”. One minute I’m so excited to visit my parents who live a few hours away…but a couple hours after I arrive, I notice that I go from being happy to shut down. I don’t want to talk about anything. I don’t want to be bothered. I’ve noticed this issue w, my boyfriend of 4 years, as well. We will be perfectly happy for a month straight and one day I just am so bothered by him though he hasn’t done anything wrong. It’s been happening often lately. I’m not sure if this has anything to do with but in high school I weighed 140ish… after high school I started dating my current boyfriend and I gained almost 60 lbs. since the weight gain, I don’t go out. I haven’t spent time with friends in over a year because I am embarrassed and insecure. I’m not sure if maybe I’m taking my insecurities and frustration out on others. I just don’t know what to do anymore. When I feel annoyed or frustrated, I know in my head that it’s wrong and I shouldn’t be rude or distant but my body won’t listen. Its like I have no control. I noticed my reactions have pushed my boyfriend away to thinking he did something wrong. I tell him over and over again that it’s not him… but then he tries to be affectionate or make me laugh and I shut down. I don’t want to be affectionate unless it’s on my time. I don’t understand it. I’ve tried to talk to my doctor about this but all they have done is prescribe depression medication. She didn’t really listen. Please help. Thank you. | When I feel annoyed or frustrated, I know in my head that it’s wrong and I shouldn’t be rude or distant but my body won’t listen. | 6Should statements
117 | From a teen in the U.S.: My abuse all took place when I was a child. My adopted aunt I’m pretty sure has an intellectual disability. Nobody ever told me what it was. She always wanted to play dolls in her room to fuel her romantic and sexual fantasies. I only remember one night that she made me touch her, but I think my mind wiped out the actual act of doing it. So, I’m lead to wonder if it happened more times than that because I remember not being surprised and just hoping someone would catch her and save me. Nobody found out, to my knowledge. I would always tell my parents that I didn’t want to be isolated with her when we went to visit my grandparents because I wanted to spend time with them. I was always made to feel selfish for that and I think it developed some problem that I have lots of difficulty expressing my discomfort and talking about my mental issues. But, I can’t help but feel like I have no right to call myself a victim. | But, I can’t help but feel like I have no right to call myself a victim. | 5Personalization
617 | I seem to link with a majority of the symptoms. I am afraid because my girlfriend is coming over and she pointed it out that I’m pretty much like a sociopath and I should consult a professional over it. Is this true? I don’t have much emotion over anything and don’t care for rules or laws, my behaviour can switch from calm to aggressive in a split second and I’m not sure why. If I can stay away from people I will quite happily and avoid any sort of conversation. Not to mention I lie a lot and have used people before. | I don’t have much emotion over anything and don’t care for rules or laws, my behaviour can switch from calm to aggressive in a split second and I’m not sure why. | 7Overgeneralization
4,617 | I have an interesting therapist situation that I need help resolving: A little over a year ago, I was seeing a counselor through my college to help me get over a very hard break up. I had never seen a male therapist before but I didn’t mind, because I get along better with men anyway – and I also thought that I would benefit more from it, seeing that the reason I was there in the first place had to do with a man. | I had never seen a male therapist before but I didn’t mind, because I get along better with men anyway – and I also thought that I would benefit more from it, seeing that the reason I was there in the first place had to do with a man. | 7Overgeneralization
1,094 | My sister has many symptoms of someone who suffers from borderline personality disorder — she feels lost, and doesn’t know what direction she needs to go in life. In the last six months, she has come up with different things she wants to be when she grows up (she’s in her forties). This has been a pattern in her life. She catastrophizes many events in her life — “this is the worst thing that could ever happen,” I’ve heard that from the car accident to remodeling the kitchen. She has cut off relationships at the drop of a hat, never to speak to people again. She gets angry very quickly and when slightly challenged or confronted, will cut you off quickly, either by hanging up on you or leaving. | null | 2No Distortion
743 | From the U.S.: I’m 58 and I’ve been dating a wonderful man who is 4 years younger than me. He is a widower and has a young daughter and 3 older adult children – all from the same wife. He was married for 25 years, is from Europe and is very wealthy. We have a very special magnetic connection. We are together most evenings and have spent an entire weekend together. So we have spent quite a lot of time together and he can’t seem to be away from me for very long. | So we have spent quite a lot of time together and he can’t seem to be away from me for very long. | 8Mind Reading
133 | From the U.S.: Husband is receiving trauma therapy. In therapy yesterday he shared that there is domestic violence in our home and that he wants to heal and learn skills to keep this from happening. This morning, CPS was at our door regarding DV reported yesterday | null | 2No Distortion
34 | I’m writing for my brother who is currently 26. I am his older brother. I have been concerned about him for a long time. Growing up he had few friends and would mainly play video games by himself or online. Also growing up he was a bit bossy towards my parents and others, he was the youngest child. In college he had a short phase where he was a bit more social. It is now about 4 years since he has graduated college. In that time he has not worked any job. He gets angry when people try to tell him to think about the future and what he wants to do with his life. He lives alone in an apartment that my parents own in Queens (we live on Long Island). He barely goes outside. He orders things to his apartment, even food so he doesnt go outside (he doesn’t know how to drive either). He mainly just plays video games online and sleeps. It seems like he has some hidden form of cash flow that we do not know of since he buys himself things on Amazon quite frequently. He is extremely moody and can get in quite negative angry moods towards others. This has been 4 years and I am not sure what to do. He himself does not seem open for us trying to help, when my parents try to have a more serious talk with him he gets extremely angry and then will say extreme things to get them to stop talking, like “This will be the last you will ever see me. I will move to Sweden” (he is currently dating a girl online from Sweden who has recently come to visit him in NY). Or he will even say things like committing suicide if we try to get involved help him. We do not want him to run away to Sweden so we are not sure what to do as we feel like we are walking on thin ice over here. But he has been stuck for so long. The problem is that he doesn’t seem to care at all. I wasn’t sure what to do and would appreciate your help on how to hopefully get things on a positive path. We do not want to see him waste away his life like this any longer. What is the first step? Thank you. | The problem is that he doesn’t seem to care at all. | 8Mind Reading
4,687 | My whole life I have been told by teachers and everything that I have ADD. I was always in trouble, failing stuff, talked to much, made noise and never could sit still. I even always had reading comprehension problems. My teachers even tried to tell my mom but I have a mother that doesn’t believe in it. Now i’m in college and still having almost all the same problems. I’ve Always been the kid that thinks there listening but is tapping there pencil staring out the window or moving my feet around which makes people around you mad. It takes me forever to read something i even have to read the questions close before i tAke it in. Im a good reader it’s just like my mind doesn’t know what it just read. I don’t know how to explain it. I want to be a teacher so bad but Im still having problems at school now I’m on academic probation. I still am close to one of my teachers I had all threw high school and she still tells me she thinks I have that. Im very impulsive and always full of energy Ive even had a run in wihh the law. Does this sound consistent to ADD to you?? Im at my witts end and really wanna suceed And dont know what to do.. | I’ve Always been the kid that thinks there listening but is tapping there pencil staring out the window or moving my feet around which makes people around you mad. It takes me forever to read something i even have to read the questions close before i tAke it in.Im a good reader it’s just like my mind doesn’t know what it just read. | 3Magnification
673 | I feel hollow, empty. I’m not depressed, but I don’t experience many emotions with 2 exceptions. One being I get wildly angry after being provoked multiple times. The other exception has happened only twice in my life. I have met a girl (my age, obviously) that, for no apparent reason, I feel strongly attracted to, both times I have known little to nothing about them, it seems to be random. I can just & read them and looking at pictures of them make me feel happy. I put on different &masks throughout the day to interact with people and they don’t seem to ever notice I’m deceiving them. I also experienced heavy physical bullying as a child in school and several instances of sexual assault, also as a child, from a parent of one of the kids I went to elementary school with. I don’t react to anything. If I win something, I feel nothing, same thing with losing, watching movies, jump scares, death, surprises, birthdays, or anything else a normal person would react to. Can you help me understand what is going in in my brain? Thanks | If I win something, I feel nothing, same thing with losing, watching movies, jump scares, death, surprises, birthdays, or anything else a normal person would react to. | 6Should statements
446 | My main question is “How do I stop hating my step children?” I can’t control my anger every time they are even around. I have tried and tried to figure out why I am holding such anger against them because they don’t even have to do anything wrong and I am angry at them. | null | 2No Distortion
4,612 | About a year ago I re-entered into a serious relationship with an ex-boyfriend. He is essentially my only ‘real’ ex. We were together through both of our college careers and were only apart for one year before we got back together. For the most part I think we have a very healthy and positive relationship. We are kind and supportive to each other. We communicate about everything and of course we care for each other a great deal. In all the time we’ve been together neither of us has ever cheated on the other, but for some reason I find myself constantly paranoid that he will. I’m sure this is a common problem, but as I looked through similar questions that had already been asked, it seemed that most of the inquisitors had obvious past issues that would give them inevitable trust issues; a father who left, a spouse who had cheated in the past, etc. I, however, do not have a sorted past whatsoever. I have to two loving supportive parents who are still together, I was never abused as a child, I’ve had my share of heartbreak but it all came before college and nothing was too traumatic. | About a year ago I re-entered into a serious relationship with an ex-boyfriend. He is essentially my only ‘real’ ex. We were together through both of our college careers and were only apart for one year before we got back together.In all the time we’ve been together neither of us has ever cheated on the other, but for some reason I find myself constantly paranoid that he will. | 3Magnification
4,531 | As I’ve been becoming older, I’ve been getting into arguments with my parents. But recently they’ve been happening more and more frequently and I’ve been getting more and more angry each time. Each argument has been about the same major topics: my behavior towards my siblings or how I “disrespect” my parents. But sometimes I can’t help what I say to my parents. If they’re in my face yelling about what I just said or how I forgot to do something, how can I not yell back? My parents say its disrespect, but I feel that they have no respect for me when they’re yelling in my face. But the topic we argue most about is my little brother. He’s 7 and if I do the slightest thing to him he goes and tells and I get the whole “you’re older and need to grow up speech”. I’m sick of it. I feel that they can’t see that my little brother does things that really bother me, and I’m not being dramatic. Like today, my little brother does this thing where he just touches me. I HATE when he does this because it’s COMPLETELY unnecessary. So I hit him back, not that hard just a slap in the arm. Just so happens my dad was walking by at the same exact time. When he saw this he immediately got in my face, hit my arm (and I had to fight back the urge to hit my dad right back), and started giving me a speech (which during I was completely being a smart aleck because I felt this whole thing was not my fault). When my mother got home I got the same speech from her, but she just didn’t understand how I felt! Then while I was in the room right next to the kitchen they started to discuss what they should do to that “devil”. But my defense is that my little brother is just very dumb and a wimp and that my parents baby him too much. But to avoid these confrontations I feel the only way to do this is to COMPLETELY IGNORE my whole family. I’ve been doing this by sleeping all day and my schoolwork is suffering, I also barely eat because of sleeping all day. But these arguments always seem to find their way into my life. Is there any way to get my parents to understand me? How do I deal with 7-year-old brother? Can I just keep ignoring them? Please do not treat his as a teenager being dramatic, this is a serious cry for help. After some of these arguments I’ve hurt myself. I scratched my arm with tweezers and today I dug my own nails into my arm. Some of these arguments have resulted in me almost getting smacked in the face by my dad. I’ve also cried for hours before. So please I’m begging for help. | But sometimes I can’t help what I say to my parents. If they’re in my face yelling about what I just said or how I forgot to do something, how can I not yell back? My parents say its disrespect, but I feel that they have no respect for me when they’re yelling in my face.But to avoid these confrontations I feel the only way to do this is to COMPLETELY IGNORE my whole family. I’ve been doing this by sleeping all day and my schoolwork is suffering, I also barely eat because of sleeping all day. But these arguments always seem to find their way into my life. | 1Emotional Reasoning
828 | From the U.S.: I have had symptoms of depression, and formerly anxiety as well, that interfere greatly with my everyday life for upwards of seven years. Over the years I have attempted to reach out to medical professionals twice, the first time as a child, only for them to tell my parents I was totally fine, even though I was suffering from severe anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms and self harming. | null | 2No Distortion
1,259 | My therapist and I had been working with different parts/alters of my system (D.I.D. diagnosis) when 1 of them decided that therapy wasn’t allowed anymore. That was almost 2 years ago! Thankfully my therapist has been amazing and will still speak to me in crisis (unless she gets hung up on by “someone”) and/or email/text with me when needed (if not deleted). We’ve set appointments and those either get cancelled or just don’t show up. | null | 2No Distortion
196 | I feel like my fiance is attracted to my 18 year old daughter and does things that makes me wonder I’ve been with my fiance for over a year now and we have a 9 month old baby together. We plan to get married soon. He has told me that he has a past incident with his younger sister and molested her when they were younger but that he has got help for it and was in a youth program until he became an adult. He was also charged with the incident. So I accepted him and been dealing with it because he’s a great guy for the most part and has never done anything to harm me. | I feel like my fiance is attracted to my 18 year old daughter and does things that makes me wonder I’ve been with my fiance for over a year now and we have a 9 month old baby together. | 8Mind Reading
600 | Ever since I was about twelve, and possibly earlier (I remember pretending to be a mouse that was being suffocated to death by a snake when I was around nine), I have had sexual fantasies about being kidnapped and tortured… For a long time they bothered me and I was worried there was something seriously wrong with me, up until I discovered that there’s a whole S&M community… But I’m still somewhat worried and very curiously about what can stem these ideas, especially at such a young age. I didn’t have any kind of abusive childhood, the only unusual occurrence growing up was that I was raised by my father, who was widowed, since the age of three. Throughout my school years, however, I was harassed and picked on by my classmates, I don’t know if that has anything to do with it. I hope I can get some kind of answer for where these feelings come from, then maybe I won’t feel so guilty or wonder what exactly is wrong with me. | I hope I can get some kind of answer for where these feelings come from, then maybe I won’t feel so guilty or wonder what exactly is wrong with me. | 5Personalization
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