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11 classes
Lately I’ve been feeling very strange. I’ve always considered myself to be very bright but lately I feel like I’m slowly turning into an idiot. I’ve loved reading ever since I was young, and I used to be able to read an entire book in one day, but now it seems like the words make no sense to me and I often have to read things over and over again just to understand simple sentences.
I’ve loved reading ever since I was young, and I used to be able to read an entire book in one day, but now it seems like the words make no sense to me and I often have to read things over and over again just to understand simple sentences.
6Should statements
From the U.S.: My wife and I are foster parents with the opportunity to adopt a child that has been in our care for a year. We have been asked to adopt her brother who suffered a traumatic brain injury at the age of 2 and was neglected much of his life. He is 7 years old now but has a history of aggression and has physically attacked both adults and children and there are incidents where he has shown cruelty towards animals.
2No Distortion
From a teen in the U.S.: Thank you so, so much for reading all of this. I’m not at a very good place right now. I get my schoolwork done when I have to, but I waste a lot of time writing poetry because it’s the only place I express my thoughts. I’ve forgotten how to do anything but smile; I feel like I have to act happy and be there for other people all the time. I’m a bit of a hypocrite because I always advise my friends that their own health should come first, but I don’t believe it myself. What I do believe is that I only matter based on what I give to humanity. I just can’t convince myself that that’s not true. I’m so tired, but I sort of like it because it makes me feel like I’m doing enough.
What I do believe is that I only matter based on what I give to humanity.
From India: I feel lost, unmotivated,living for the day. My dreams are dying. I don’t have a perfect friend. I don’t feel myself. I have a few hobbies. I am learning to play keyboard. I do pencil sketches. But I have lost passion. I am a short guy with spectacles,but above average looking. I used to be a nerd. I have turned into an atheist. It has really helped me in my depression. I like science but it doesn’t like me back. I had nice curly hair, like jon snow of you will. But recently I am suffering from heavy hair fall. I come from the village. My father was a control freak,drunkard, & little abusive. He’s lost all his money,self respect & health. Whatever he’s done in life has been counter productive to our life. By our means me, my twin brother & my mother.
My dreams are dying. My father was a control freak,drunkard, & little abusive.
So I’ve got a friend, she’s nice, friendly, and we enjoy the same topics. The problem is that she has depression. She’s constantly ragging on herself and her work and doesn’t believe anything good I say about her. I’ve suggested therapy but she’s stubborn as a rock. My other friend tried to give her a session with our school’s counselor/psychiatrist but she continuously refused and told us that we didn’t understand’ and she was never going to tell anyone her problems’. Quick note: I used to have depression and was sent to a therapist to recover. I mentioned that I had been in her place and knew how she felt. She wouldn’t listen and threatened not being our friend if we didn’t cancel that session. I’m guessing that was because it was in the school and she didn’t want her bullies finding out. I suggested to her therapy with an actual therapist but she refused because her mom would kill her’. How am I supposed to get her mom to help her with her problems? We’re only fifth graders so there’s nothing I can really do, unfortunately… can you help me help her?
2No Distortion
From a teen in Sweden: When I was around 7 years old I remember that my grandmother had made me sit in her lap and suck on her breast. I think this only happened once, but I’m not entirely sure. I know that we were alone in the room and she smiled at me while it was happening, but I don’t remember her reaction or if she said anything. I was able to not think about what happened to me for a period of time, but I would still think about it sometimes, throughout the years, infrequently. Now that I’m 19 the memories have started to come back again and more frequently and I don’t know why.
2No Distortion
Hello, First I should let it be known that I was admitted to hospital for over two months last year, and it that time it was suggested I go through electroconvulsive therapy. I have suffered a mixture of social isolation, depression, some form of anxiety, body dysmorphic disorder and I forget what else since early adolescence.
2No Distortion
I have a 33-year-old brother who was diagnosed with schizophrenia about a decade ago. He hasn’t responded to any antipsychotic medication and has delusional thoughts a few times a year. He doesn’t work. He’s on disability. He gets quite a lot of money on a monthly basis because he worked for many years before and after his diagnosis. Our father has control over his finances and he lives rent-free in a home our dad owns. Because of this, he gives my brother an allowance from his disability payments, instead of the whole thing. Anyway…
2No Distortion
Hi. Last year, I became totally paranoid about my mother, if she’s cheating on my dad. That all started with a intimate happy new year wish text of a friend of my dad. I was suffering from paranoid for 3 months though I didn’t have any, any clues expect them texting and my mother deleting his texts. (which just happened 3 times) Then I talked to my mother and found out how silly I were. I was so ashamed of my paranoia. It ended there but a few days ago me and my mom were on a trip and she bought a box of a not special cookie. She didn’t mention for who she bought that and when I told here these cookies are not delicious, she told me they’re fine to bring to work for colleagues. (I also remember earlier she has told me that she has to buy these, and I’m not sure if she mentioned that sb asked her to buy them for him/her or not) When packing, she also kept the store’s bag. and that was when I remembered she didn’t want her colleagues to know she was on a trip. The paranoia started. It couldn’t be for the colleagues. All of the terrible feelings from last year came rushing to my head. Does she have a secret friend? She didn’t buy anything worthy (but she did buy some expensive gifts for my father) but the idea of my mom buying a gift for a man had made me desperate since we’re back. I also suffer from anxiety and in the last year and 2 years ago I’ve became really paranoid, about being pregnant without penetration, about my boyfriend cheating and about my mom cheating, and all were false. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I’m right about being paranoid and should do something about my mom, or I’m sick. Please help me.
I also suffer from anxiety and in the last year and 2 years ago I’ve became really paranoid, about being pregnant without penetration, about my boyfriend cheating and about my mom cheating, and all were false.
9Mental filter
From Australia: I am 17 and recently I have felt urges to do things that make me feel this weird kind of satisfaction. For example, holding objects so that they touch the center of my palm and breathing in deeper than usual (I’ve described this to others as breathing in until it ‘clicks’, almost like yawning but intentionally). These things make me feel good/ satisfied but only for a second or so which makes me want to repeat them or distract myself.
2No Distortion
I m an empath and my boyfriend is a narcissist. I tried a lot of times to heal his wound and characteristics problems. We have been in relationship for 6 years but in those years .i really love him,,,i always keep him first before me.but he just only care about him,,,he just only the takers and i m the givers ,,,he doesn’t care about my feelings,,,he cheated on me several times with other girls,,
I m an empath and my boyfriend is a narcissist. he doesn’t care about my feelings
My mom always makes fun of me when she’s mad. When she gets mad she starts making fun of my face and says I have such ugly acne and I’m overweight and nobody likes ugly tall girls. Every time I misbehave like any other teenager would, she would forcefully make me apologize to her and my dad and if I don’t they would just stop talking to me and eventually I’ll end up apologizing at the most smallest things. And every time my two sisters would misbehave my parents would just forgive them. I ALWAYS have to apologize when I do something wrong and they don’t.
I ALWAYS have to apologize when I do something wrong and they don’t.
When I say immediate family, I mean my husband and 3 kids. Anyone else, be it our parents, siblings, relatives or friends, there is no affection or emotion involved. To the point that I cringe at the thought of having to visit them or them visit us. For me, out of sight is out of mind. I could go for months without calling or meeting anyone and I would be perfectly fine with it. When I finally call, it is out a sense of guilt. I cannot stand any kind of social gathering. Yet I feel for the sake of my kids and their mental well-being, they need interaction with other human beings. I feel they are missing out.If it was just me, I probably wouldn’t have bothered. I love my husband and kids. But there are days I feel that even with them, if I dont see them for a few days, I’d eventually be ok with it and that is a scary thought. TO realize I am incapable of emotion for anything or anyone. I keep reading that most of the adult issues have their root in childhood. Does this apply to me, I’m not really sure. But here’s a brief picture of my childhood. I grew up with my mom and younger brother and we lived with my paternal grandmother and uncles, since my father was working in another country. This is quite typical in our culture. As a child, I don’t have any memory of negative experiences until the age of 8 or 9. We moved to another house, because of some differences between mom and grandmother. Unfortunately, I was sexually abused by two of my neighbors at this house. People my mother trusted. One a 15-year-old and the other in his late 20’s. I was doing well at school in academics and athletics. Few years later, that started deteriorating too. I had some publicly humiliating experiences from some of my teachers too. It doesn’t seem like a big deal to me now but to my teenage self it was pretty big. I also had inappropriate touching from strangers while out with friends and I always felt that I was somehow singled out by these characters. I literally felt I had a label on my forehead saying touch me. Thankfully I married to a wonderful man and I’m doing well career wise. Except for this aspect. Help!
TO realize I am incapable of emotion for anything or anyone.
I just want to get this off my chest, and I truly don’t know if I’ll ever get the answer I want to hear. My entire life, I never felt I belonged in the world… I don’t see the value of any of the frivolous, uhg. My family doesn’t understand me and labels me before even trying to. God has always been a center in my family’s life, but never felt the faith thrust upon me. Every year of school was the same; I was the shy introvert with few friends that still, to this day, don’t know me that well. I constantly mask myself and only show people what they want to see (a trait developed from bullying and fear). Over time, I became addicted to removing myself from my skin in any way possible, I thank God that it hasn’t gotten bad enough to turn to anything harmful. I hate being — well — me, but this shell must still be maintained. For years I put the blame on everyone else and dug myself in a hole my first year of college. For a while I tried to change the way I thought, but never could change the negativity the oozed from from me. I am always told — and try to convince myself — that I am the change I wish to see in the world, but lost passion and can’t find my purpose. I just don’t know if I’ll ever fit in this world, and figure out what about me makes it so impossible!
My entire life, I never felt I belonged in the world… I don’t see the value of any of the frivolous, uhg.
From the U.S.: I have finally come to terms that no matter how much I want to pretend it was a dream, or that I made it up in my head, or that he some other non-sexual reason for doing it, my father sexually abused me as a child. I have the emotional tools to deal with this. He is older and is beginning to show signs of dementia. As difficult as this is, I, once again, have the emotional tools necessary to deal with this.
2No Distortion
My Mom and I are constantly fighting. I can’t remember a day that we haven’t fought. I’ve told myself that I hate her since I was in fourth grade. I’ve always felt that shes had it out for me, constantly criticizing, calling me “rude”, ganging up on me. It makes me feel terrible about myself. I was diagnosed with depression when I was in sixth grade and it has been a difficult life ever since. I have tried to commit suicide twice and I blame my mother for it. I think she is a terrible person who doesn’t love me or anyone but herself. I am not kind to her either, though. I have told her I hate her and I recently told her that I feel like she doesn’t act like my mother. It’s gotten to the point where I can’t be around her without getting mad. I know that I have an attitude problem and I’m trying to fix it, but she doesn’t help at all. When I feel like I’m having a good day she’ll catch me off guard and just start screaming at me. I don’t know what to do except yell back and it just elevates the situation. She’s the type of person who will carry on until she feels she has gotten her point across. Even when my dad tells her to stop, she doesn’t.
I have tried to commit suicide twice and I blame my mother for it. I think she is a terrible person who doesn’t love me or anyone but herself.
I used to love everything about life. I was so happy and ready to show the world who I was. I started college and during my junior year everything changed in one night. I got home from work and started feeling terrible. I felt like nothing mattered and that life had no point. Since then I have had difficulty with suicidal thoughts, depersonalization and derealization. Sometimes I feel like part of me is watching over me, and that it wants me to join it in heaven. Other times I get scared when I’m around loved ones because I know they are going to die one day, and that I’ll be left without them. I also get scared that I’m going to die, that I could end my life without realizing I’m doing it. How I feel seems to vary by the day, but they are not mood swings from high to low, just low to lower. When I’m walking around sometimes I feel like I may be in heaven already, especially when I’m walking through scenic environments. If I see something especially pretty or out of place I feel like I may be imagining it. Even going to the lake is enough to make me wonder if I’m real. This feeling doesn’t ever go away. I get overwhelmed extremely easily, and sometimes feel like I’m in a fog. Situations as simple as having a conversation at work or going to the store can make me feel like there’s too much going on, and that I’m about to wake up from a coma or a dream. I always feel like I’m about to hear my alarm clock go off and I’ll wake up. I’ve seen several therapists, talk therapy hasn’t been very helpful. I’ve been on and off Lexapro a few times. I’m on it now and this has been the only successful time. My dad, his parents and my other grandpa are alcoholics and my sister and aunt are bipolar type 1. I feel like a freak and honestly don’t understand why this is happening to me. I have never had real issues in my entire life. (From the USA)
I used to love everything about life. I was so happy and ready to show the world who I was. I started college and during my junior year everything changed in one night. I got home from work and started feeling terrible. I felt like nothing mattered and that life had no point.
0All-or-nothing thinking
My girlfriend is grieving over her ex-husband. It’s been a year and a half since his death, and she has grown very distant. It feels like she takes all her issues out on me. She is generally hateful to me, never shows me any attention, and list goes on and on. I seem to get the brunt of things. It seems like there is no hope for us. I don’t understand what she is going though. This problem has seemed to have snow balled since the anniversary of his death. Things for us are very complicated we live together and we both have children. She is the love of my life and I’m trying to hold on in hopes of this passing, but I don’t feel loved back. Can you help me in any way?
It’s been a year and a half since his death, and she has grown very distant. It feels like she takes all her issues out on me. She is generally hateful to me, never shows me any attention, and list goes on and on. I seem to get the brunt of things. It seems like there is no hope for us. I don’t understand what she is going though.
0All-or-nothing thinking
From a woman in the U.S.: MY husband (married this past July) has struggled in the past when we were dating with drinking issues. They have been addressed and he admits the times he was drinking too much but over the years this has caused SEVERE anxiety in me. He still (just 4 months ago) drove home drunk from a co-worker’s house. So there hasn’t been a time where he has consistently shown a change because little things like that keep happening to recylce me into this time where he was drinking excessivvely.
They have been addressed and he admits the times he was drinking too much but over the years this has caused SEVERE anxiety in me. He still (just 4 months ago) drove home drunk from a co-worker’s house. So there hasn’t been a time where he has consistently shown a change because little things like that keep happening to recylce me into this time where he was drinking excessivvely.
My wife (age 39) has past history of depression followed by several months’ therapy long time back. Lately once every year for the past 3 years for about a period of 2-4 months each year, she has been showing some severe behavioral responses to stressful situations. For normal people, these may not seem stressful situations usually, like house hunting, work load at college, arguments among couples, etc. But often when the stress remains for several days, especially with doing something new, she starts showing various reactions, like sadness, complete change in personality from a jovial one to a quiet depressive one, with a constant facial expression showing emotional hurt, withdrawal from normal activities, complete loss of sexual drive, aversion of eye contact, responding in frustrated way to normal questions, irregular sleep or lack of sleep, irregular eating schedules, complete lack of compassion. Taking one example, she started studying with a seemingly normal mood. She was unable to find a word for her work, which made her extremely frustrated. Even my inability to help with that word was met by seeming skepticism as if I wasn’t actually trying to help. After 3 hours, she got up with a sad expression, complete silence, averting eye contact, and saying good night in a frustrated dejected way and retiring for the day. On normal days she is a very loving person, but she is not a threat to anybody even during the bad days. However, her reactions were more severe 3 years ago, with tendencies to cry all day, sitting in the dark corner of a room, shivering, inability to talk, facial spasms. These don’t happen often and is never visible to anybody outside home. But there is always an underlying chance that any severe condition or normal arguments may trigger her reactions. Somehow, such stressful situations arose exactly once each of these 3 years, and hence that many reaction phases. However she is smart and completely aware of everything and hence not willing to see a professional. My question: What exactly is it that can be going on with her?Is there a name for this?Are there materials that I can read and show her to persuade her to take help? Is there really a treatment? Is it actually a disorder or something else? Please help. This affects daily life and normal relationships at home. (From the USA)
2No Distortion
Hi, I am 15 and I have been with insomnia for a couple months. I have school and can’t sleep And this is making me so sad. It is making me feel emotionally broken. And it is killing my self esteem. I’ve been in therapy for the past 5 years. I exercise and meditate but with insomnia it feels like nothing is helping. Not even those strong pills. I AM so tired And need to get some rest and my parents are very angry with me because of it. Please, what can I do?
It is making me feel emotionally broken. And it is killing my self esteem. I exercise and meditate but with insomnia it feels like nothing is helping. Not even those strong pills.
1Emotional Reasoning
From the U.S.: I am 37 and I cannot stop myself from imagining I am in a different scenario and talking to people who aren’t there. Every day and sometimes before I sleep or when I drive, I am always making up scenarios and characters in my head and live in them. I have these characters, almost celebrities or famous people, I have made up with their own image and I have a character I have made for myself and now I just automatically slip into this character and talk to the people I have made up without even realizing I’m doing it.
2No Distortion
I have been married to a woman for thirty two years and I have been persevering with what I consider to be some very serious problems. She has a very unusual lack of and often times a total absence of empathy, sympathy and understanding for even her friends and those closest to her including myself. She is a fair weather friend. She’s your buddy until you need her help and she stands her friends up without so much as a phone call. I have seen two friends of hers at different times become temporarily bed ridden and ask for her aid at which time she completely abandoned them and never saw them again. I was ill for 9 mo’s and unable to work, She consulted a lawyer and tried to have me thrown out of the house, sick with no job. When trying to discuss a marital issue she cannot bear the suggestion that she is doing something wrong and becomes defensive, angry and sometimes vicious, so when there’s a problem then I just have to live with it. She has a very unusual lack of remorse and was very cruel to the little dog we once had.
When trying to discuss a marital issue she cannot bear the suggestion that she is doing something wrong and becomes defensive, angry and sometimes vicious, so when there’s a problem then I just have to live with it.
8Mind Reading
From a teen in the U.S.: i”ve been dealing with depression and anxiety issues since i was 6 years old. i’ve never really enjoyed living, being so depressed makes me push away everyone i care about, leaves me unmotivated quitting every job ive had and dropping out of high school, and constantly wanting to be alone and curl up in a ball and not do anything with my life. i have no energy and i kinda just sit and sulk all day, i also deal with bipolar, extremely bad panic attacks multiple times a day, and body dysmorphia.
i have no energy and i kinda just sit and sulk all day, i also deal with bipolar, extremely bad panic attacks multiple times a day, and body dysmorphia.
9Mental filter
My friend found her husband aroused in the bath with their daughter. This is something that I believe should just not happen. I was abused as a child and thought I was over all of this. This is bringing out old feelings. I am happily married, with a good sex life. I never told my husband about me being abused and only told my mother at the age of about 25. I never had the relationship with my father to tell him, even though in later years we grew a lot closer. I am not sure as what to tell my friend. I spoke to my husband about this but it is like he has blinkers on saying she must have been wrong, why did she not ask him about this right away, etc… My husband is always telling me I am OTT when it comes to my daughter, she is 4 and I have told her to never let anybody touch her on her “private parts”. Am I wrong to not tell my husband about what happened to me?
2No Distortion
I am a student at university and I’ve had some very good friends in the past, but with some of them I lost touch because I changed school and with others I do not have anything in common anymore. I have recently moved to another city (for the 3rd time, because of university and my personal travel passion) and started school 1 year ago. I have made exactly 1 friend by now, and without me he would otherwise be the lonely guy because he is very shy and introverted (I am an introvert too, which is probably why we connected easily). To be honest, I would be the lonely girl without him as well.
2No Distortion
For a long time I’ve thought people or things were talking to me when no one is there or that i can feel them talking to me or pushing me to do what they want. I’m afraid people can hear what i’m thinking and they’re all just trying to hide it from me. I get really like this when i’m near mirrors. I’ve attempted suicide twice, I cant stay happy for more than a few hours at a time, I cant focus I only get 3 or maybe 4 hours of sleep at a time tops and it keeps me from doing and I’m too exhausted to work most times. Everyone at work wants me fired and i’m sure they’re all talking about it when i’m not around. My relationship with my family is bad and i don’t think they really like me very much either. I went to a therapist for three years and I lied every time he asked a question. I’m too scared if he knows something bad will happen. Most times when I was young (and even now) parents or authority figures would be scolding me or asking questions and I couldn’t force myself to answer and they’d get angry with me and then I’d get even worse. I’ve had violent thoughts frequently and I can’t control them. I just want to know whats wrong with me.
I’m afraid people can hear what i’m thinking and they’re all just trying to hide it from me.
8Mind Reading
I am dating a guy that I really care about, he is generally really good to me and helps me better my life in terms of school and work. The idea of him talking to other girls bothers me, a lot. I’ve behaved very “crazy” like with him. I feel impulsive, out of control. I imagine all of these threats, and even if they are real, my behavior is out of control. I’m not asking this question so I could make my relationship better, I am asking because I am really concerned, and my behavior is affecting those around me. But I am not usually like this, I have not been like this with other guys. I am generally calm, I generally don’t experience anxiety mentally. I dislike emotional people, but now I am being extremely emotional and irrational.
The idea of him talking to other girls bothers me, a lot. I’ve behaved very “crazy” like with him. I feel impulsive, out of control. I imagine all of these threats, and even if they are real, my behavior is out of control. I’m not asking this question so I could make my relationship better, I am asking because I am really concerned, and my behavior is affecting those around me.
1Emotional Reasoning
She was going through some tough times until recently until iIwon custody of her and moved. Previously her dad and I, were going through a very rough and sometimes violent times including lots of yelling along with her older sister getting into drugs and in the wrong crowd. Along with so many other things but far too many for me too include. All this began when she was 8. Before all this began to happened however, she was an absolute ball of energy, and just a little bit before things started spiraling out of control she began to be getting isolated by her classmates so that started putting out her energetic spark. She began to become quiet and kept to herself besides her closest and only friend. It was the worse in middle school when her friend moved and nobody at all liked her. I got too used to it, and couldn’t focus on her because of everything else going on. But anyways now that we are 2 years out of that toxic place, and across the country and living happily. I have time to truly focus on her, she’s 15 now and I have noticed so much. She is still cracks jokes and tells bad puns- she still is a ray of sunshine but extremely shy and quiet when it comes to new people and strangers and will act like such until she gets to know whoever. She’s extremely selective of who she wants to befriend, gets scared easily and struggles when a person approaches her and starts a conversation. She sometimes cries when ordering food and talking to strangers but she laughs through her tears and tries talking but other days, strangely- this can last weeks, she’s just fine! She easily talks to whoever and joke around with strangers as if everything is she’s just fine but things always end up back to how she was, quiet and shy. She’s always tired, she sleeps so much she occasionally falls asleep in class also. She never wants to do anything,(-art) she looks tired all the time and doesn’t take care of herself. I made her go to therapy once but acted like she was fine, goofed around, didn’t say anything, brushes me off with a bright smile and a “I’m a-okay, don’t worry!” she says it so much that i cant help but believe it. Help?
It was the worse in middle school when her friend moved and nobody at all liked her.
From the U.S.: Hello, so I am 20 years old I’ve been with my boyfriend since I was 16 and we now have a 3 year old daughter. My boyfriend does not trust me because I’ve been with other people in the past and he didn’t know about it but I wanted to keep my past private. Now that he knows he rubs it all in my face and he won’t let me forget it. He also believes there is more no matter how many times I tell him he knows everything. He will be okay with me one day and the next he says he knows I’m lying and there’s more when there isn’t but that’s what he assumes, He doesn’t want me to have friends or go out with my old friends because he thinks fun time should be with family only but he hangs out with his friends. I worry that my life will be like this forever. What should I do?
2No Distortion
A few years ago, me and my brother got into a little fight on Feb 14. He pushed me against the kitchen counter and put his hands around my neck and his kids were there (I helped take care of them since they were babies, no kidding) since the kids saw it and were crying I felt like it was all my fault, so I went on my knees and asked for forgiveness. After that happened, my Mom decided I should still live in the same house despite him laughing while apologizing to me (since he did tried to stop my breathing). Present now something like almost happened I was just giving my opinion on how to clean meat is all and he deliberately ignores me, when I ask why he just says to keep him from getting mad, I ask him why I didn’t do or say anything. But that day he was mad about anything I noticed so I told that he was (as he put it in every situation I get a little annoyed by) needing a midol. And the scene minus him choking me happened again but was stopped by my Mom and sister and he mocked me by and I quote “I’ll do the (my name) and he yelled afterwards towards everyone. In the end we went back to the house and until now I refuse to eat what he makes or buys because if I do eat I feel like puking and disgusted and I know people would die for that food but I just say I don’t want any. I just literately hate my family except my Mom (she’s my Mom) my younger sister and my younger nieces. Even my older sister goes with him and I hate myself for thinking this I really do I just wish I could die, I cut and I know I shouldn’t but I cant help I hate myself to think and just to be like this. My Mom says to forgive but he threw me and my family out 3 times. I want someone to get me. So I just would like to know what do I do? (age 16, from US)
He pushed me against the kitchen counter and put his hands around my neck and his kids were there (I helped take care of them since they were babies, no kidding) since the kids saw it and were crying I felt like it was all my fault, so I went on my knees and asked for forgiveness. I just literately hate my family except my Mom (she’s my Mom) my younger sister and my younger nieces.
From the U.S.: I have had anxiety almost all of my life but lately it has gotten out of hand. I am to the point where I am constantly thinking about my heart, and thinking something is wrong with it like I am going to have a heart attack or something and die. Sometimes I get headaches so intense that I think I am going to have an aneurysm. I just constantly think something is going to happen to me, and I never seem to be able to catch my breath. I can’t even go to the gym sometimes because working out makes my heart race and that freaks me out. A day never goes by where I don’t think something is wrong with me.
I have had anxiety almost all of my life but lately it has gotten out of hand.
9Mental filter
Im just 13 years old and i felt this since im a kid. I dont know but when i’m in my grade school i lied to my schoolmates that i have a blood illness even if i dont have but im wishing that i dont said that and when i turn grade7 from a different school far from my family but im staying in my aunt’s house. Im just a transferee in that school and no one knows me. Then something on me want to have reputation so i lied to all my classmates teachers to anyone in my school. I said that my family is rich (even if not) I always said to my friends that i felt like no ones loving me so i rebel in my past years (ofcourse that wasnt true again) my family loves me that’s the true. And ofcourse i dont want my auntie know about all what im doing so i always lie to her everyday ive seen her face and ofcourse i dont let her come to my school. I alwys lied to them but something on me felt some guilt when i remebered my family it feels that i want to shout the truth but everyt ime i go to school another story i invented and im feeling that im more intelligent than ordinary. And now i never think that my fearest day will come when everyone find out what’s the true. But it come and im so scared and another lie i invented just to shade my prev lie . I cry just to make them believe and even tried to kill myself coz im really ashame but i feel that i should’nt said that at all.
And now i never think that my fearest day will come when everyone find out what’s the true.
From the U.S.: For several years I remained in a job which I did not like — actually hated, but it paid well. One of main problems was my boss’s wife, who also worked in the office. Over the years on a weekly basis, she would say things that I thought were inappropriate creating a hostile work environment (calling me “token,” joking about slavery, inner-city, etc.) The worst moment was when she stood in front of me and said, “On the radio, it is n-word this, n-word that.” She said the real racial slur. I believed she was trying to goad me into saying or doing something. I just sat there in silence.
2No Distortion
A therapist I saw for about 4 years when I was 18 has stayed in touch with me for the last 4 decades. She did things that were above and beyond therapy such as loaning me money when I finished college and relocated for work. She also shared her failing marriage with me, about 20 years ago. Sometimes she is very open and shares a lot, and other times she shuts down.
2No Distortion
From a teen in the U.S.: Okay so I’m am having trouble connecting with my parents it is at the point were any physical contact or answering any questions about my life makes me anxious and uncomfortable. It’s getting to the point we’re my parents are starting to get frustrated about it I have been called a “robot”, “unemotional”,and “cold” on multiple occasions and I don’t know what to do to stop being so impervious. This all started after repeatedly seeing my parents being violent and drinking excessively on multiple occasions.
It’s getting to the point we’re my parents are starting to get frustrated about it I have been called a “robot”, “unemotional”,and “cold” on multiple occasions and I don’t know what to do to stop being so impervious.
From a teen in the U.S.: ever since I was young, in school i skimped on my school work. The main I way I would pass the grades is doing some homework and aceing the tests. i never study and don’t focus too much on the teacher when they are talking. due to this, my hand writing is awful and writing for too long hurts my hand since i’m not used to writing a lot for school.
2No Distortion
From a woman in the UK: Hi, I have a 4 month old baby boy and i have to go back to work when he’s 7 months. I understand that will be a key age for forming secure attachment and i won’t be around for some of every day. i can work from home but not all the time. I’m worried about disruption to our relationship and his attachment. We are breastfeeding, cosleeping and i wear him in a carrier often. He is settled and doing well with this arrangement but of course we will have some distance when I’m back at work. Is there anything i can do to make things easier for my baby? Thank you
I’m worried about disruption to our relationship and his attachment.
Well, I’m 15 and I’m really sad because my brother always gets everything he goes and sees my dad and gets £30 or more of him every time he gets money for stuff as well everyday and when I go and see my dad all i get is a £5.  My brother also got a xbox connect of my dad. I asked my dad for a xbox 360 and he said he has no money but he always gets my brother stuff and when my brother comes home he brags about it and I’m getting fed up of it. My birthday comes and all he gets me is a little ornament I don’t want to seem ungrateful its just he treats my brother different to me he should treat us both the same but he don’t. I think its favouritism.
my brother always gets everything he goes and sees my dad and gets £30 or more of him every time he gets money for stuff as well everyday and when I go and see my dad all i get is a £5. My brother also got a xbox connect of my dad. I asked my dad for a xbox 360 and he said he has no money but he always gets my brother stuff and when my brother comes home he brags about it and I’m getting fed up of it. My birthday comes and all he gets me is a little ornament I don’t want to seem ungrateful its just he treats my brother different to me he should treat us both the same but he don’t. I think its favouritism.
From a teen in the U.S.: I have noticed this for quite some time. I can’t feel empathy or sympathy towards people. An example of this is when my best friend was crying in front of because she was getting death threats, I couldn’t bring myself to actually care. Another example is when my uncle died, and my dad was crying in front of me. I found it hilarious.
2No Distortion
I have a terrible fear of going insane. I feel as though im slipping into madness everyday. My worst fear is to become schizo. I started having anxiety when my girlfriend (soon to be wife) got pregnant while we were in high school. I finally broke down and asked my mom for help and we went and seen a psychologist. He told me all i had was anxiety and no disorder. I have noticed that I obsess with things. When i was younger i use to have a fear of hiv/aids. (i was not educated on it very well is why i figure i had a fear of it). I have noticed i obsess with 1 topic for a few months then once i start getting anxiety again from life i swap subjects maybe for a relief of some kind? (For instance for a few months ill be really into fishing and want to know all the best stuff then ill swap to trucks and ect.) This causes me no distress really. My distress comes from when i start getting scared im going schizo. This is the only mental illness that i really obsess over. There is no mental in my family except my mom which has depression. I obsess over it so much ill think i hear voices. It says what im feeling deep down like the one of the times i was thinking about a dirtbike and was obsessing over the parts and what id do to it kind of zoning everything out. Then my own voice when i was very concentrated on thinking about it while walking at work poped in my head almost like instant words said “can you even ride good”. This scared me and cause alot of anxiety and still does when i think about it. I Knew it was my innervoice but i felt like i lost control and my mind blurted out without me doing it. Ive never had a person that wasn’t there speaking to me, or hear whispers. Just that i feel like i get so zoned out in something else that i mistake my subconscious thinking into hearing voice. (My own voice not someone elses. I dont feel like thoughts are being placed in my head or supernatural stuff). This has only happened once or twice when im really obsessing over something.
I have a terrible fear of going insane. I feel as though im slipping into madness everyday. Then my own voice when i was very concentrated on thinking about it while walking at work poped in my head almost like instant words said “can you even ride good”. This scared me and cause alot of anxiety and still does when i think about it. I Knew it was my innervoice but i felt like i lost control and my mind blurted out without me doing it. Ive never had a person that wasn’t there speaking to me, or hear whispers. Just that i feel like i get so zoned out in something else that i mistake my subconscious thinking into hearing voice. (My own voice not someone elses. I dont feel like thoughts are being placed in my head or supernatural stuff). This has only happened once or twice when im really obsessing over something.
1Emotional Reasoning
Four months ago I was diagnosed with depression by my family’s doctor. I started taking antidepressants but I they were making me feel woozy and restless so I asked to stop taking them and just continuing with regular visits to a psichologist to see how I was holding up. The thing is my family, especially my mom is always criticizing my life and my choices… I never really cared before but now it’s really starting to affect me. I’m really scared to what I might do if my family keeps this non-supportive attitude… My psichologist says that if they are hurting me I should stop spending time with them… But we are still family… I can’t just cut the connection… Is there any way I can make my family understand what I’m going through? Because every time I try to explain to my mom that she’s hurting me, she just keeps telling me that I’m too soft and need to toughen up if I want to make it in this world…
I’m really scared to what I might do if my family keeps this non-supportive attitude…
I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD. Supposedly this is from the severe bullying I went through for almost 10 years. I’ve only recently gotten help on this two months ago. While going to therapy stopped the crying and anger that I had I feel increasingly tired, I’m frustrated and downright miserable and I feel like I’m failing in life and in school. I don’t have friends. The ones I do have are from High School. I’m terrified talking to people, but yet I can do a public speech perfectly. I don’t think therapy is helping me and going from what my psychology teacher is rambling about he makes me feel like this problem is simple and I shouldn’t even be so upset.
I don’t think therapy is helping me and going from what my psychology teacher is rambling about he makes me feel like this problem is simple and I shouldn’t even be so upset.
1Emotional Reasoning
Sometimes I pray in my head to god( I’m not sure I believe) but anyways I will ask for things I’m afraid of to not happen to me but my voice in my head will say the opposite. Over the course of four years I’ll ask for god to not take my arms (for some reason this is a huge fear of mine) and the voice will ask to take them and then I’ll have to bed in my head to god to not take them and to disregard my inner head voice. And it puts me into a helpless panic attack. Even though I know it’s an irrational thought and I know it’s stupid it puts me into a deep fear and it affects my days. I find it hard to do anything because my mind is consumed with the fear of losing a limb. It’s makes me feel like doing things I normally like a pointless because what happens if I lose a limb and it happens and it just terrifies me I don’t know how to get rid of this affliction even though I know it is dumb. But it feels so real and it affects me physically like racing heart and crying out of frustration. What could be causing this? Trauma? Rejection? Please any info or if anyone has experienced this or know if this is a normal anxiety for people? Please. It frightens me I feel so helpless. (From Canada)
find it hard to do anything because my mind is consumed with the fear of losing a limb.
I am happily married, working in a job I enjoy, and by all standards live a regular life. But every year, around the same time (the end of January) I become severely depressed. I don’t want to see anyone, I’m not myself at work, I cry all the time, my sleep is affected, and my heart feels likes it’s in overdrive. I don’t think it’s winter blues … cold, clouds and rain don’t bother me generally. It’s very concerning but the feeling goes away in some days.
2No Distortion
From a teen in Argentina: For the past few months, I have become obsessed with a male celebrity. As a result, I am constantly browsing for videos, interviews and photos of him. The fact that there is new material of his to watch almost everyday makes it even harder to stop obsessing. It’s such a strong infatuation; he’s a highly educated, smart and funny man and I am often fantasizing about being a part of his life. They are generally romantic fantasies (never sexual), and I also invent conversations where either one is displaying some sort of intimacy, or sharing each other’s problems, and comforting one another.
2No Distortion
My ex is having a baby with someone else after just one month of ending our relationship. I’ve been having a very difficult time dealing with this. When me and my ex-boyfriend broke up we tried to be friends and hang out from time to time one day out of know where he told me we couldn’t be friends anymore he didn’t give me a clear explanation he just told me he didn’t want me to start to cling to him again. We haven’t spoken since. Later I found out the girl was pregnant at that same particular time and he had made her his girlfriend. I guess she was a rebound gone wrong and he is just taking responsibility for his actions but it still hurts.
2No Distortion
So say you were about four years old, and you were circumcised at birth while most others in your community were not. You enter kindergarten and as kindergarten children do, they compare their private parts by showing them to one another. Kids find out you’re different. You feel strange and different from everybody else (because you ‘are’ different).
You feel strange and different from everybody else (because you ‘are’ different).
My main issue is with my brother. I hate him. A few months ago, I would’ve never used these words to describe a feeling. I forgot how it felt to hate someone – but now I remember and I want him to leave or die. He bothers me so much. My mom doesn’t do anything to stop his behavior. She may say something to him but never reinforce it. She is so co-dependent and angers me A LOT. She told me I needed to defend myself if he ever says something mean, something I dislike, offensive or does something to get on my nerves. He is 20 years old and drugs screwed him up. I can’t talk anymore. I can’t say anything. I can’t give more information. I feel like nothing inside. I’ve been but nice until day after day he’d cross my boundaries, keep awake at night to bother me, not wash his hands after he shits and threaten to touch my things. I don’t want him near me anymore. I don’t want him to touch me. I don’t want him to breathe near me and if anything, he would be better off dead. No one cares. No one does or says anything that helps. I am so angry. I feel like I can’t talk, – there’s too much going on and I can’t explain everything because everything bothers me so much. He bothers me so much. He does things he shouldn’t be doing. Why can’t I get away with things he was told not to do – does them anyway and gets a free pass? I’m tired when people yell at me. Instead of telling me how to do things, what to wear, what to say, how to feel – actually help. No one recognizes their wrongdoing, it seems. I know I could be more positive and I have been – but now I can’t. I’m stuck with a friend which keeps trying to remind me why people act like what – INSTEAD of just listening. I didn’t say anything before because I feel so un-entitled to things. I know I can’t control. I’m so angry and tired of being reminded these things ALL the time – because I know. Constantly being reminded just makes me feel dumb and worthless and unlovable. I know my close ones are trained professionals, but… (From Canada)
I can’t talk anymore. I can’t say anything. I can’t give more information. I feel like nothing inside. I know I could be more positive and I have been – but now I can’t. Constantly being reminded just makes me feel dumb and worthless and unlovable.
From the U.S.: Hey. I’m a single mother of a 16-year-old boy. I’m a teacher. I know whats normal behavior for a teenage. I’ve seen him talking to a blank space, getting so angry and trying to hurt me. As a child he tried to drown his best friend. I read his journal (I know but I’m just concerned) He has in it fantasies about murder, rape, torture. And he expressed an extreme fear of being humiliated, and that he is. I warned his school. But he just keeps getting angrier.
2No Distortion
I have been dating and living with my boyfriend for 18 months. He cheated with his ex from the start and for the first 6 months of our relationship. I caught him, he lied, then confessed – several times. He claimed he loved me and wanted me. (He told me that they were over when we got together, but he did NOT tell me that while they were indeed split up, he’d been desperately trying to get her back for 2 years and was still trying and couldn’t get over her.)  So, he claims he is finally over her now and sees her for the horrid person she is. He loves and wants me. I believe him (reluctantly and somewhat suspiciously). I am trying to trust him. Ex says she doesn’t want him but was just trying to break us up by seeing him. Unfortunately, Ex has a grandson (her daughter’s son – not his biological grandson). Ex was raising the boy (now 4 yrs) when they were together so he was also very close to the boy. She refuses to let him see the grandson claiming that HE is NOT family.
2No Distortion
Hello, My boyfriend lives with me and we are having too many issues this early on. From Day 1 he has told me I need to change. He has never accepted me for who I am. I do have trust issues and can be insecure, but he refuses to see or work on his issues. He has told me that I refuse to communicate positively, and that maybe I am just happy with who I am and then says if that is the case we will just go our separate ways. He will have outbursts and then 2 hours later text me a novel claiming he loves me but that he deserves to be happy too. He calls me selfish, yet the only thing I hear is about him. HIS stress, HIS happiness, how HE had it so bad growing up and refuses to deal with people who won’t change, etc.
He has never accepted me for who I am.
I’m a 15 year-old male, and I’ve suffered from depression and anxiety for years. School is generally hard for me because of the social aspect and all of the stress involved, but recently nothing really seems really. It seems as if I’m in some surreal state of mind and there’s nothing I can do about it. I’ve never taken any anti-depressant or anxiety medications, and I’ve never done any form of drugs. I’ve lost all motivation to do anything. I have a lack of interest in things, and all of my emotions have been becoming extremely dull. But to the point. For the past couple weeks, nothing has seemed real. It feels like it doesn’t really matter what I do, it’ll have no impact. It’s a vast feeling of detachment and I don’t know what to do. I haven’t had an opportunity to talk to my therapist about this yet, but I was wondering if any of you could attempt to help with this issue. I sit alone constantly thinking about how pointless everything is, and how unreal it seems. Thanks for the read, even though I was kind of ranting.
I’ve lost all motivation to do anything. I have a lack of interest in things, and all of my emotions have been becoming extremely dull.
9Mental filter
I have a question about seeing therapists. I have read and have been told by friends who have had this come up in therapy that it is not ok to see more than one therapist. I understand in principle, but I have a question. I saw a psychologist off and on for 10 years who was very helpful to me through a number of issues I dealt with. He was very supportive, which I needed, and he knows me very well. I felt i had gone as far as I could with him on problems I was haveing with ADHD problems and problems with schooling. I felt bad for him that I just kept failing to improve. I was referred by my psychiatrist to a cognitive psychologist, and he was helpful to some extent in a different and complementary way.
He was very supportive, which I needed, and he knows me very well. I felt i had gone as far as I could with him on problems I was haveing with ADHD problems and problems with schooling. I felt bad for him that I just kept failing to improve.
I am worried because I have never been able to make friends very easily. When someone tries to talk to me, I get so nervous about what they think of me that I end up seeming uninterested or maybe even snobby, probably. Im always thinking that people are talking behind my back or thinking badly of me. Whenever someone in whispering to another person, I pretty much assume that they are talking badly about me, and I panick.At school, I get so caught up worrying if I smell bad or If my makeup is smeared I immagine everyone is looking at me funny. I dont even really show any emotion, either, when im around people(especially when I am anxious). I dont talk to people about how I feel because It makes me feel vulnerable, I guess. My anxiety used to be worse a couple of years ago, but now im just paranoid. Im always thinking that people think im a loser, and I wont leave the house without makeup, because i am horrified about what other people think about me.
When someone tries to talk to me, I get so nervous about what they think of me that I end up seeming uninterested or maybe even snobby, probably. Im always thinking that people are talking behind my back or thinking badly of me. Whenever someone in whispering to another person, I pretty much assume that they are talking badly about me, and I panick.At school, I get so caught up worrying if I smell bad or If my makeup is smeared I immagine everyone is looking at me funny.Im always thinking that people think im a loser, and I wont leave the house without makeup, because i am horrified about what other people think about me.
8Mind Reading
My girlfriend who has my best friend for 2 years and I decided to move into a relationship. She an introvert INFJ. We have both been in love since we both met but never acted on it. On my first visit I discovered she was lying about communication with a male friend who she had a one-night stand with last summer.
2No Distortion
I am looking for some insight on a very personal matter that no body knows about me. Not even my parents. I have seen numerous posts on reddit that detail early signs and symptoms of psychopathy and I’m just a bit concerned. I do by no means believe I am a psychopath but I am aware that I may be a bit more prone to mental illness (My granddad and Aunt were Manic Depressive). I know I should seek proper counseling and not ask questions online but I’m curious to hear your opinions on the matter. What it boils down to are my actions as a child. It began even before my stepfather (who played a huge role in my teenage turmoil) came in to my life. I have a memory (it grows weaker by the day) of being around 4-5 years old and sadistically chasing my mums canaries around a room with a hammer. Although I don’t remember killing them I do remember running around the room with the hammer and also when my mum asked me what happened to them. I asked her about this recently and she said she cant remember anything. The next instance was when I was 9 years old. My Stepfather had a baby boy with my mum. There were multiple occasion where I would twist his arm to make him cry, the crying would irritate me and I would twist it more because of this. Unfortunately I broke his arm one time (This my parents found out about of course). I don’t want any judgement on this please. The baby was only maybe 8 months old and of course I am disgusted by what I did but I’m looking for insight not j udgement. The last sadistic behavior I remember was at about 10-11 years old. One of my cats gave birth to 4 kittens and I am pretty sure I caused the death of all four. I would be in the room on my own and I would press down on their stomachs to make them squeal. Although they never died on the spot they passed away pretty quickly and I am sure I caused some major internal injuries. I remember some of the moments very clearly but what I remember mostly was the guilt. In particular when my brother would scream in pain I would have the feeling wash over me instantly and I would keep doing it for some reason. It was the same feeling I got from telling him that his mam and dad weren’t ever coming back (Parents gone in to the shop, me and brother in the car) I will finish up by saving that I consider my self a normal young adult right now. I have some issues with anxiety but I put that down to smoking grass. But I’m just wondering if this behavior as a child could manifest itself again in my later years when my mental health starts to deteriorate. P.S I have a great relationship now with my family and stepfather who actually provided my mum with two more kids after this. They mean the world to me so I’m curious as to where this behavior stemmed.
I know I should seek proper counseling and not ask questions online but I’m curious to hear your opinions on the matter.
6Should statements
This is a problem I’ve had my whole life, but I’ve always felt it was too trivial to talk to anyone about. Whenever plans show signs of failing or it looks like I might have made a mistake my mind blows it out of proportion I have this overwhelming sense of shame and worry which manifests itself in uncontrollable crying, and it’s difficult for me to stop until someone reassures me- this can be for something as small as missing a bus or forgetting a task in a long to-do list. My parents find this difficult to deal with and usually respond by rolling their eyes or calling me immature, which only results in more crying. Whenever I’m criticized by someone close to me I feel pathologically attacked and defensive, so it seems like I’m experiencing a fight-or-flight response to this: the closest thing I can liken it to is being repeatedly teased, taunted or chastised, even though most of time that’s far from the truth. I don’t feel able to talk to anyone about this because I know it makes me seem immature, but I want to stop these behaviours to give my parents a bit of a break. I feel immature and it’s stopping me from having any independence. I was bullied and isolated during primary school and I remember the feelings that trigger the crying episodes as those I often experienced back then. I’d like to know whether I’m being immature and if I deserve to receive any help in stopping these behaviours- and, if so, what I can do to ensure this happens.
Whenever plans show signs of failing or it looks like I might have made a mistake my mind blows it out of proportion I have this overwhelming sense of shame and worry which manifests itself in uncontrollable crying, and it’s difficult for me to stop until someone reassures me- this can be for something as small as missing a bus or forgetting a task in a long to-do lis
I am a college student who has just completed his freshman year, and will be continuing my education as a permanent on-campus resident. Since my junior year of high school, I have been experiencing something that is hard to sum up in simple words, so I will do my best to describe my symptoms. As far as the memory can stretch back, I have always had difficulty remaining positive and maintaining focus. I am forgetful and often lose track of conversations that I participate in. Lately, my issues have evolved. My sleeping and eating patterns have changed, I am increasingly irritated and angry, and I am begininng to make poor life choices as well. I also feel generally depressed by the state of the world, often finding myself lost in thoughts that seem to be existential in nature, but more relative to my surroundings rather than myself. My self-esteem is either very low, or about that of a normal individual. I have begun to experience periods of blinding aggravation and anger, as a result, I am lashing out at those around me. I have never been like this before and I am beginning to feel as though I have some form of mental disorder that is beginning to surface, or at the very least, it is becoming more announced. My childhood seems to be what is on my mind the most these days, that and well, my current state. I come from a background of poverty. I was raised by a single mother who has done her best despite her faults. For a period of six years me and my sibling experienced domestic abuse from her previous boyfriend, ages 8 to 13. The circumstances of my childhood have begin to harbor on my as I grow older, straining my relationship with my mother. I experienced no physical or sexual abuse. I am aware that my paragraph jumps from various topics, but I tried to coordinate this vast array of issues in the best way I could, please bear with me. I thank you for your time and I hope that I have been understandable.
2No Distortion
Since May, I haven’t been sleeping great. I had a roommate before I came home and as soon as I slept in my own room, I’ve been freaking out at night. I see the light flickering by my window, someone’s there. I hear something under my desk, someone’s there. Every little thing is making me terrified and unless I take benedryl, I physically can’t sleep because I’m so afraid. Since I haven’t been sleeping great, I’ve also started having minor hallucinations occasionally. Mostly auditory, the microwave running and dishes breaking, but I keep feeling like there’s bugs on me whenever I’m really paranoid. How do I cope with thus fear?
I see the light flickering by my window, someone’s there. I hear something under my desk, someone’s there. Every little thing is making me terrified and unless I take benedryl, I physically can’t sleep because I’m so afraid.
In the news, a study was released showing suicide risk by one’s occupation. For women, artists, designers and those who work in media are at highest risk (for men this is #2). The was story only gave a snippet of the results. I happen to be a female illustrator who has struggled with this in the past. Does this study say what it is that connects these jobs to a higher suicide risk? Do creatives have more mh problems in general or is it another reason? Many creatives work freelance in the gig economy which can equal less job security and no benefits. Did the study or other studies find any correlations?
2No Distortion
From the Netherlands: Hi! I am a 19 year old girl. I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, anxiety and depression. My life has been very difficult, painful and lonely. I have a gap year right now. When I am not working as a cleaner I sit at home trying to distract myself by watching youtube videos and movies.
2No Distortion
I’m 24-yo woman and i’m attracted to teenage girls! Especially 14-19 yo girls looks sexually attractive to me! I follow some teenage female actresses,dancers,singers,models … on instagram and something else! I fantasize sexual relationship with these girls (sometimes i fantasize them having sex among themselves) and I imagine them acting,dancing sexy and non-nude on the Tv show! I’ve never had sex with underage girls cause i also like 20-28 yo women but mostly i like teen girls age range 14-19.. I like %80 teenage girls(14-19) and %20 adult women (20 and up).
2No Distortion
From a young woman in Argentina: For a long time I’ve had issues with my parents. Our relationship has never been the best, and as I grew older it only worsened, to the point I’m questioning whether they are abusive or I’m overreacting. Taking therapy to fix our issues didn’t help, because my mom just thought my therapist was just putting me “against her”.
Our relationship has never been the best, and as I grew older it only worsened, to the point I’m questioning whether they are abusive or I’m overreacting.
Hello. I have suffered from depression for about 15 years, but right now I am experiencing symptoms I have never had before. I’ve always felt the emptiness, the numbness, fatigue and often the suicidal ideation (more often than I care to elaborate on).
2No Distortion
I have always suffered from performance anxiety, social anxiety, and a certain degree of manic-depression. However I am very smart/talented and was very successful in high-school and attended a top university. I was very unhappy there and almost dropped out despite good grades. I was briefly treated for anxiety caused by a prescription drug and this treatment made me happy, outgoing and popular, but also manic and sexually dysfunctional. During this time I was recruited to many great jobs but was scared to take them and instead started my own dot-com business. However once off the treatment my anxiety/depression returned and the business did not develop too much. Eventually it failed and it became just me working for one of our clients. This spanned 15 years since college and overall it provided a pretty good income in a low-stress environment although I had to work from home and it was very lonely.
During this time I was recruited to many great jobs but was scared to take them and instead started my own dot-com business.
My girlfriend has sexually masochistic dreams where she is engaged with another individual or multiple men. She is mostly in a helpless state being tied down or held down and molested in these dreams receiving physical abuse and pain. She has a history of childhood sexual abuse and these dreams have been there since childhood. Most of these dreams start by recalling the memory of the said child abuse where she goes back to being a helpless little kid. She has a self-blaming and self-victimizing attitude when depressed. I recently took her to a therapist and she is dealing with the issues and feeling much better in coping with it. I would like to have a second opinion on this issue.
2No Distortion
I am 26 years old. I am starting to worry about my financial future, as I have graduated with $85,000 in student loans. I am worried about retirement savings and I am worried about my short term future. I am worried that it would be irresponsible for me to get married and have children when I am in debt. The majority of my loans are private, so repayment plans are at a minimum. I have calculated that even with accelerated payments, that I can only be debt free within 10 years with my current salary. That’s 10 more years of living at home, no room for savings, and delaying the family that I know I want. I want to know if it is smart to think of these rewards when I have the burden of debt hanging over me? I know that my priority is to eliminate the debt as fast as possible, but I can only do so much and I am scared that 10 years is too long of a time to wait for a family.
I know that my priority is to eliminate the debt as fast as possible, but I can only do so much and I am scared that 10 years is too long of a time to wait for a family.
1Emotional Reasoning
Good morning sir/madam: we are an old couple who failed to convince our only son to refrain from marrying the daughter of a schizophrenic mother .we informed him that schizophrenia according to doctors is a hereditary condition but he sees himself as a hero/rescuer and is firm about marrying her. both of us need advice and counseling as we are in despair.we have had a hard life and i in particular have struggled against great odds while my husband just gave up and stayed home -to raise our only son only to see him throw away his life to please a girl who i feel should not marry at all given her history of psychotic illness in the family.please help us .we approached pastors who told us to simply submit to The Lords will/purpose.we feel tormented and need your support and wise counsel in this hour of trial.please help us
2No Distortion
I’ve been with my current therapist for a few months. They are helping me so much, I respect them, etc. Last week, our session went over an hour because my therapist didn’t have anyone else for the day. Plus she got me to dig deep, where we were not exactly at a great spot to end. But, I was afraid of this next thing happening, and it did. Today in my session, it went fine but then towards the end,my therapist got quiet, so I didn’t know if I was supposed to talk or not. When I started to, she said, okay tell me but then we have to end, because I need to be somewhere. I don’t know if she was making sure I knew last week was rare, or if she thought I disrespected her, took advantage etc. Now, MY ANXIETY IS THROUGH THE ROOF. I don’t know what to do. Should I say something to her? I respect her time, I understand of course but for some reason this hurt my feelings so much.
I don’t know if she was making sure I knew last week was rare, or if she thought I disrespected her, took advantage etc. Now, MY ANXIETY IS THROUGH THE ROOF.
8Mind Reading
For one year I have been experiencing very intense emotions and sadly also had difficulties regulating concealing I am very scared of other people.I’ve always been a different girl. However recently my perception has changed, and I don’t see point of my life now I don’t care about people I am lonely I still scared of abandonment, however now I just go to school come to home I can’t be myself in the school I play the asocial, and despicable and isolated girl. I really hate this-but I do not have choices other than this. But am very bored living like this. I had a chronic feeling of emptiness it seems it will never go. I am very impulsive sometimes I found myself buying a very expensive dress. Now life seems very purposeless I was loving my teacher but now he is not my teacher anymore that’t why I closed myself to the other boys but I also closed myself to the girls. I really need to talk to someone but I fear that they will despise me what is my problem Why do I behaving like a fool? (From London)
I really need to talk to someone but I fear that they will despise me what is my problem Why do I behaving like a fool?
8Mind Reading
I was diagnosed with schizophrenia this year. Ever since I was diagnosed people have been acting as if I’m a violent person. I see violent things, but would never act on them, I’m not violent at all. I don’t have a history of violence, but I’ve been seeing things since I was 14. Oh I’ve had the occasional fight like anyone else, but not acted out in violence unprovoked or for no reason. I only fight when someone hurts me or my family members. I don’t understand why everyone seems to think I’m so violent when the last physical fight I got in was at least 5 years ago. My brother-in-law beat my sister and I did attack him, but he was beating her with a belt and welted her all up so I honestly feel it’s justified. I’ve been threatened to have child services called if I babysit for any of my sisters, I’ve had people telling me to stay away from them because they’re scared I’ll hurt them or their loved ones, I’ve even been told if I ever have a baby of my own (I’m infertile so that’s impossible anyways though) that cps would be called the day it was released from the hospital. Even my therapists try putting me in the hospital every single time I go off my meds (I take haloperidol and can’t currently because my gallbladder makes me throw up when I take any meds or eat anything) because “you’re a danger to yourself and others right now.” I only started taking the meds this year, 21 years after the problems started. If I wasn’t violent during those 21 years why do they think I’ll be violent now? It’s not bad enough I see demons and blood and horrible things that I wouldn’t wish on anyone, it’s not bad enough I hear screaming a lot of the time, no they have to make it so I can’t even tell them what’s going on without being put in the hospital or evaluated to be put in the hospital. I don’t get it, please can someone explain this to me?
I don’t understand why everyone seems to think I’m so violent when the last physical fight I got in was at least 5 years ago.
8Mind Reading
My girlfriend’s father was very abusive and loveless, and her mother had to escape with the kids one night when she was 13. He was a slum lord and fought seven years of divorce court to prevent my girlfriends family from having a stable fresh start. She absolutely despises him.
My girlfriend’s father was very abusive and loveless, and her mother had to escape with the kids one night when she was 13.
I have had depression and anxiety for years. My depression is getting worse as well as the anxiety as I get older. Some days, I can’t even get out of bed because I on those days, I wish I would have died in my sleep. I can hardly function anymore. I see a doctor, and I am on medication. I am a good patient and do what my doctor tells me to do. But no one in my life understands the depth and seriousness of my depression. How can I get the message to them what living like this is like? What resources are available for them to help them understand what I have to live with everyday?
Some days, I can’t even get out of bed because I on those days, I wish I would have died in my sleep.
I am fast reaching my breaking point as nothing seems to be going well in my life. In the span of a year and a half after finishing school, I have started and failed a business, slept on the street while working a 14 hour job, fought and overcame a heroin addiction.
I am fast reaching my breaking point as nothing seems to be going well in my life.
My fiance and I have been engaged for over a year. Our wedding was put off because his parents asked him to build a house for them 2 months before our wedding! They had a perfectly good house at the time they just wanted their dream house. Regardless, my fiance granted their wishes and the concrete was poured the day that we were to get married.
2No Distortion
I met my bipolar boyfriend 6 years ago…we fell madly in love and cared for each other, he told me he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and it didn’t matter to me cuz he was amazing so I read more on it and educated myself. I considered him my best friend, lover and partner I know he is my soulmate as I’ve never felt like this before … he was my first and only love. He graduated before me and we had a long distance relationship visiting each other and always talking everyday for 6 years . It wasn’t easy at all …we went through a lot during that time … he had several manic and depressive episodes and I recognized all the symptoms. He has been medicated for years but every time the episodes occurs he would break up with me and breaks my heart. It happened at least once a year during our relationship and I always reached back. I always fought for us even when it’s painful and hurtful. I believed in him and us with all my heart and wanted to be there for him to support him We talked about having a future together and we were getting engaged. We are both from different countries … but it didn’t matter at all since they are neighboring countries. He talked to his mom and told her about us she wouldn’t accept me cuz I’m from a different country he told her how I understand him and supports him but she still didn’t care … in his culture he can’t fight his family to accept us. He can’t force me on him even thou there’s nothing wrong with me except being from a different country. He tried for several months until he started to hate his family and to resent them and he broke up with me few days ago saying we don’t have a future after 6 years he breaks my heart and shatter it into pieces. He has been experiencing some mood swings during that time feeling pressured … frustrated and overwhelmed. He still loves me and he knows we will be happy together, but he chose to give up on us … on our future together I feel devastated … hurt … empty and numb. I don’t know what to do anymore I don’t want anyone else besides him Is the stress causing him to act out n that he’s having an episode? (age 26, from Saudi Arabia)
He has been experiencing some mood swings during that time feeling pressured … frustrated and overwhelmed. He still loves me and he knows we will be happy together, but he chose to give up on us … on our future together I feel devastated … hurt … empty and numb. I don’t know what to do anymore I don’t want anyone else besides him Is the stress causing him to act out n that he’s having an episode?
Over the last couple of years I slowly started to realize that I’m not normal in the way I feel emotions. I don’t ever remember being hyper-emotional, but when I was young I still FELT, I remember crying, having crushes, etc. In the past 4-5 years, however, I’ve been having a hard time feeling anything at all. The only emotions I can seem to feel are irritation bordering on anger, slight depression, and uneasiness, outside of these emotions, I can’t feel anything. To make matters worse, I’ve completely lost the ability to empathize with others, or rather, I can’t remember the last time I’ve felt empathy towards anyone. I noticed my issue upon a death within the family, throughout the entire process I didn’t feel anything, at points I even tried to force myself to feel as I thought I would be a horrible for not doing so.
To make matters worse, I’ve completely lost the ability to empathize with others, or rather, I can’t remember the last time I’ve felt empathy towards anyone. I noticed my issue upon a death within the family, throughout the entire process I didn’t feel anything, at points I even tried to force myself to feel as I thought I would be a horrible for not doing so.
I live at home with my sister and parents. My sister never leaves the house and doesn’t ever visit any friends, although there are people who care about her and often ask me how she is doing. Basically she’s at home 24/7. She sleeps a lot and is sad often. She doesn’t answer text messages from anybody, not friends or even family. I have spoken to her because I am concerned about her mental health, and she knows she is sick. She thinks that she has depression, as well as a disorder somewhere between social anxiety and avoidant personality disorder. But she just won’t see a doctor. I have set up appointments for her only to fail in getting her to go- she just refuses and makes up an excuse like ‘I’m feeling tired’ or ‘I’m busy’. The few times she has set up appointments have been the same- she just doesn’t go. When she’s physically sick she will go, but won’t tell the doctor about her mental health because she feels embarrassed and awkward to tell a stranger about it. I can’t afford to have a doctor come to her, and neither can my parents. Even my parents don’t seem that concerned about her, they just complain that she has no job, even though that’s the least of the problems and a mere symptom of her mental health issues. I just don’t know what to do. It’s also hard because she seems to be dependent on me as I’m the only social contact she really has. When I went away on holiday for a month, she complained to me that she missed me and I needed to come home. I want to be there for her but it is so draining to be the person that she depends on, especially because I’m not a doctor, and she is not receiving any therapy at all. When she comes on outings with me, I end up not enjoying myself because she gets very anxious and I feel that I need to mediate that all the time. I also suffer from social anxiety on a smaller level, and it’s stressful to wonder what people might be thinking, if they notice her dependency and us both being anxious, and because of this, I prefer going alone. Please help, I don’t know how to help her! (age 22, from Australia)
2No Distortion
From the Netherlands: I am so scared of some specific people that I cannot see or even hear theyr voices. I completely panic. I am scared of going out and see this people, Because if I see them I Always have crisis and there was one time I thought I would lose my control. I also cannot see them in pictures, cause brings me bad feelings.
I am so scared of some specific people that I cannot see or even hear theyr voices. I completely panic.
I am having a difficult time dealing with my past abusive relationship. My ex, who I was with for two years was emotionally and sexually abusive. I ended the relationship almost a year ago but am still having a hard time. I occasionally have flashbacks and get frightened or angry and cant stop thinking about what happened. I feel guilty for being so upset because there are other people whose experiences are so, so much worse than mine, but I am still having a hard time getting over it. I am now with a really amazing man who knows about what happened. He really tries to be supportive, but has a difficult time understanding. He gets angry because he doesn’t understand why I allowed someone to do that to me for so long. He thinks that I stayed for so long because I actually enjoyed being sexually abused, and although he doesn’t mean to, he makes me feel like he thinks I am disgusting. He also says that it feels dirty and wrong to instigate anything intimate with me, because unless I initiate it, he feels like I won’t tell him if it’s something I don’t want. He tries so hard to keep me from feeling like I have to do anything and is so worried about making me feel the way that my ex did that I’m afraid to tell him when something he does triggers me, because even though I assure him he has done nothing wrong, he still feels like it’s his fault. I don’t know how to talk to him without us both feeling like horrible people and I don’t know how to get over what happened when I feel like it’s invalid for me to be upset at all about what happened, since it wasn’t as bad as what many people experience.
He thinks that I stayed for so long because I actually enjoyed being sexually abused, and although he doesn’t mean to, he makes me feel like he thinks I am disgusting. I don’t know how to talk to him without us both feeling like horrible people and I don’t know how to get over what happened when I feel like it’s invalid for me to be upset at all about what happened, since it wasn’t as bad as what many people experience.
8Mind Reading
From a teen in Singapore: Since I was 5, I have the thought that being the oldest sibling at home I need to put on a strong front in order for my mum to not worry about me or just people finding me weak. I don’t know if it’s because of my Father going to jail since I was young that caused it, but i always feel ashamed after crying in front on anyone and I hide all of my emotions except those positive ones.
Since I was 5, I have the thought that being the oldest sibling at home I need to put on a strong front in order for my mum to not worry about me or just people finding me weak. I don’t know if it’s because of my Father going to jail since I was young that caused it, but i always feel ashamed after crying in front on anyone and I hide all of my emotions except those positive ones.
1Emotional Reasoning
Hi, 21 year old here. I’ve always been an odd child. I spoke to inanimate objects and they spoke back to me, both internally and externally. I have demons which follow me. Sometimes they put their own thoughts and visuals in my head and I’ll see them or say them out loud. I also have contact with, well, what I call “aliens”, but they’re not really aliens, that’s just a word I use to describe them to other people. They’re more like divine interventions, sometimes their thoughts are in my head too. I believe they’re the ones who put me here on earth. The demons sometimes speak to me in my head or externally, but mostly I feel them or see them following me, they’re faceless. They’ll mock me if they do speak, or intimidate me through their presence. The divine interventionalists, they tell me positive things, that I’m more evolved than others. These “voices” aren’t constant.
2No Distortion
I don’t feel anything. I have no attachments to most of the population. Other than about 15 people that I actually care about, the rest of the world could die tomorrow and they’d just be names on a piece of paper to me. Including my wife and children. I genuinely don’t care about them. I know according to society and psychology that should bother me, but it doesn’t.
I know according to society and psychology that should bother me, but it doesn’t.
6Should statements
Hey, I sometimes feel like there is a weight on my chest a heavy rock as if someone if pressing my chest I feel anxious and uneasy, sometimes I can’t even give a name to my feelings and I sit there wondering what do I have, I have some symptoms of OCD for example in a shop I so I’d touch dresses and if I touch one with my left hand it has to be touched by my right hand as well in the same manner there are many more examples of such things but I have never had an anxiety attack. What is this? (From India)
2No Distortion
From the U.S.: My PTSD has been difficult to treat and I have often wondered if it is a matter of “belief”;. I understand that trust may be an issue there, but I do trust my therapist and very much respect him, I just think EMDR is bullshit. We’ve tried it 7 times now and I’ve read several books/articles and it just strikes me as Confession for secular people, complete with ritual and sanctification. (I’m sorry, I’m a scientist, if it works by simulating REM, then why don’t we just compare fMRI scans of EMDR and REM? You could even scan the same client!) I want it to work, I’ve tried coaching myself to let it happen, let the process do its thing but it just hasn’t been the “miracle” you read about for me, which is crushing.
2No Distortion
From the U.S.: My boss gets scary and we don’t know how to deal with him. It all comes across passive aggressively, we’ll be working and he complains that no one helps him clean, so we start cleaning and he complains that no one is doing their job. If we tell him we’re running a few minutes late, he punishes us by saying we can’t come to work at all that day, and then will complain the next day about how no one wants to come into work.
2No Distortion
I’m not really sure how to explain this in a way you will understand. but here goes. I’m 17years old and ever sinse 8Th grade iv had an issue with cutting and scratching myself when i get angry and its mostly because my mom has yelled at me or gotten after me for something. because she always says that i give her attitude. but honestly i dont see how i have attitude because i dont throw a fit or anything like that. and there have been times where i figured why should i even live that nothing i ever do is good enough. i mostly feel like a failure sometimes. and iv tried to stop cutting. i can go for months but then start up again. and i get really anger at times where i just want to beat something. and i dont believe its healthy but my mom believes that theres nothing wrong with me. but i think there is. i dont know what to do, and the weird thing is. is when i was little and my mom would get after me id go to my room and bite myself or id say i dont deserve to live. Ive been to 2 counselor people and they never tested me for anything. the first one was more concerned on a certain person i couldn’t be around and the 2nd one was when i overdosed in 2009 and all he did was asked if i saw ghost or if i could predict the future and told me about a book i could read. and they never tested me for any signs of depression and stuff like that. I’m so lost. i hope you can help.
and there have been times where i figured why should i even live that nothing i ever do is good enough. i mostly feel like a failure sometimes.
0All-or-nothing thinking
My boyfriend and I dated for four months. After we first broke up, we started talking again. We talked for three months. Then I found out that the reason why he broke up with me was because he liked my sister. I was really hurt, but I still talked to him because I really, really cared about him. I could forgive him even if he liked my sister.
2No Distortion
From the U.S.: I have a friend who we call each other “best friends”;. however she is not really open to me. I have invited her to meet my family around 5 times. always rejecting and coming up with excuses. I invited her again for the last time hoping it would be fine to meet my cousin and sister at a restaurant. so it would only be us 4. She replied in a sad tone (voice message) saying her heart is beating fast, shes anxious, shaking and nervous, there is going to be too much people, she doesn’t know anyone (although its only me, my sister and cousin). i told her she always goes to restaurants and meets people but whats the problem with this? She wouldn’t tell me what’s wrong and we ended up fighting. She told me to google it for an answer. I googled and only thing i could come up with is social anxiety. she said no. however I have no idea what the issue is. Can anyone help? btw we have been friends for around a year.
I have a friend who we call each other “best friends”;. however she is not really open to me.
From a teen in the U.S.: I have been dealing with a lot of different internal issues lately. I can’t go back to my therapist because I am bad at explaining how I feel, and I don’t have the energy to do so. I went to 3 different therapists and left them all because I felt too anxious talking to them. I don’t know what kind of help I need, and I don’t really know what is wrong with me because it feels like many different problems.
I went to 3 different therapists and left them all because I felt too anxious talking to them.
1Emotional Reasoning
My son has been at basic training for almost two months and I’m having a hard time adjusting. I’m at the point where I don’t even want to go to bed or turn the lights off. He’s left before for brief periods, but now it’s obviously for good. I’m so proud of him but I can’t seem to adjust. I don’t do much other than work. If I’m not working, I just sit at home. I can go days without human contact. I was diagnosed with depression and social anxiety disorder back in 2002, so it’s an ongoing issue, but it’s worse now that I’m alone. I keep telling myself I don’t want to be here anymore. I have no emotional attachment to the place I’m currently living. I have the urge to move closer to where my son is, or where he’ll be based. As a parent, we know this day will come. I guess I didn’t really plan for it or think about how it might affect me. People tell me to move on with my life, But I honestly don’t want to. Whenever I picture my son, I picture him as a young child. I guess I can’t get over the past.
I guess I didn’t really plan for it or think about how it might affect me.
from the U.S.: My earliest, clear childhood memories began at about age 10-11. From what I’ve read, blocked memories are most often associated with some kind of traumatic event, but what I can recollect of my childhood was, while certainly not perfect, generally happy. (Although I suppose the whole point of this is that if there was trauma and I’ve blocked out the memory, of course I wouldn’t remember it…? It’s all a little frustrating.)
2No Distortion
My father has turned a new leaf the past few years and has become a very loving and devoted Christian. He recently had a radical nephrectomy because of kidney cancer (renal carcinoma). During the awful symptoms and trials of the actual cancer and numerous trips to the hospital, he was amazingly positive and strong. After the surgery (He is now cancer-free!) he has been making suicidal statements (which he has NEVER done before to the best of my knowledge) and his past uncontrollable anger has resurfaced 10-fold.
2No Distortion
7 weeks ago my wife had a full hystorectomy done because she had really bad abdominal pains. almost 2 weeks ago (wednesday) i came home from work and she was crying and was very emotional and wouldnt stop talking about her past and her family. i expected this kind of behavior considering the surgery and comforted her. this went on for a few days. then she became fully convinced that our neighbor (her best friend) wanted her to call child protective services on her husband because of abuse. the strange thing was she never actually talked to friend about it. this idea then began taking over everything she did and she couldnt really fuction and was confused a lot of the time. we also have twin boys which are 3yrs of age and she is a stay at home mother. so finally her friend and i sat her down and had a long talk about her conserns regaurding her friend’s family (sunday). everything seemed to be fine after that..for a couple days. tuesday afternoon hit and i was to be away on a trip for 10 days. i thought she was fine. she was acting like herself again. well on wednesday i got a call from my fist sergeant (i am in the air force) saying my wife was on base and asking for help because her friend’s husband was trying to hurt our kids. she thought that while she and our boys were sleeping he broke into our house, physically abused my sons, then left. she was convinced that my boys have bruises on them. well, she was escorted to the ER and i called a buddy of mine to watch the boys for me untill i was able to catch the next flight back home. she has been in the hospital for 4 days and they are still trying to figure out what is wrong with her. this was out of the blue. i mean it was like a light switch that went off in her head. even when i go and visit her she is absolutely convinced that her friend’s husband is trying to hurt our boys. when in fact is our boys were never hurt and he isnt an abuser. i guess my question is what can cause this. she was normal up untill that one night i came home from work. i miss my wife.
2No Distortion
From a 13 Year old girl in the U.S.: For a long time now, I’ve have doubts about my feelings and mental state. Sometimes I feel like nobody can relate to my issues. My mother and I believe I have Anxiety Disorder. The Anxiety makes tiny tasks like speaking to a new person, getting seconds for lunch at school and even serving cake to my own family at my own birthday hard and scary.
2No Distortion
From a teen in Jordan: My parents are humanitarian workers, so we travel to developing countries around the world. We moved to Jordan last week, and because the English speaking schools are too expensive, my parents put me in a French high school. In my old school, I was a hard working straight A student, and I took my grades very seriously. However, being in this school completely destroyed me. Being a non-fluent French speaker, I couldn’t understand any of the classes and would always get a 50% grade.
2No Distortion
My daughter befriended someone who has serious mental health issues; unknown what they are. She is now really afraid for her safety, as am I. This man is showing up at her home every day from some distance away. He is trying to gain entry to her home, because he thinks that he lives there and that this is their family home. She has repeatedly tried to tell him this isn’t the case. He does have some mental issues as do other members of his family, but they haven’t been forthcoming in giving my daughter any info. I know that he has been barred from his parents home. One thing I know is that he thinks he is famous and is very delusional. I’m scared to death he is going to break into my daughter’s home and attack her. I’m even afraid for her to get a restraining order, lest that send him over the edge. Please please help us know what to do next. Other than being delusional, he is unable to hold a job, and doesn’t have any friends. He constantly tells everyone how superior he is, and few people will befriend him.
2No Distortion
I know I have OCD, GAD, depression, and an eating disorder and I am on 30mg of prozac which has helped a bit. However, I noticed a few changes in my behavior and im not quite sure what to make of them and i had to stop seeing my therapist, Im seeing a new one soon, but im supposed to discuss gender identity problems so i dont think that is the right place to discuss this. Basically im very paranoid and at first it seemed to all be related to social anxiety like i would convince myself they all hated me and would delete all my social media and hate them for supposedly hating me (for something as silly as not answering a text) but i got in trouble so im fairly isolated now and only have myself to talk to. But when im driving im always looking to see whos behind me and what they might be thinking and if theyre following me and ill go 40 in a 25 just to get away from someone and im overly suspicious something is up and theyre followng me or thinking bad things of me somehow.I also have depersonalization and derealization issues and when it gets bad i convince myself that the reality im trapped in doesnt matter anyways and that i should just focus on the reality i create for myself in my head. Im also more religious lately? Ive always been agnostic but now I love Jesus a lot and bought a crucifix to hang on my wall from a thrift shop which isnt an issue but im just worried because my grandpa and uncle were both schizophrenic and im 17 and these are supposed to be early warning signs but i dont want to jump to conclusions of course. I dont know. I just feel really weird and life seems very strange to me.
Basically im very paranoid and at first it seemed to all be related to social anxiety like i would convince myself they all hated me and would delete all my social media and hate them for supposedly hating me (for something as silly as not answering a text) but i got in trouble so im fairly isolated now and only have myself to talk to.
8Mind Reading
My dad has been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, but I never really thought much of it. I’ve never had many friends. I’ve kept a journal for years, and in my earliest entries I blamed this on other people. I thought that they didn’t understand me. But lately I think I just don’t understand them. More and more I’ve noticed people getting frustrated because I don’t understand what they mean, or I ask them to explain. They ask me how could they possibly get more specific. I’ve been very bothered with it, and I’ve found that I have become very depressed. I’m not really sure how to get help, or if I even need it. I could really use some help just knowing why I am as I am.
I’ve kept a journal for years, and in my earliest entries I blamed this on other people. I thought that they didn’t understand me.